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V o l. 13 N o. 2 D es M o in e s , Io w a A pril 3 0 ,1 9 8 4 Non-Bank Applications Pile Up for non-tradi- H. Dixon called the action, “ consis tent with our strategic direction for expanding our substantial presence troller of the Currency. Whether to in consumer banking. We intend to avoid the decision-making being establish these banks in states that thrust upon him, or by coincidence, are natural extensions of our trade the Comptroller took a two-week va territory and customer franchise.” cation the last half of April. When He said FBS also will seek expanded he returns, he will have applications powers for its trust operations in from at least 16 banking companies Phoenix, Ariz., and Sarasota, Fla., for 84 consumer type banks across to accept consumer deposits and state lines. make consumer loans. The flood opened when the Feder Congress is wrestling with vari al Reserve Bank in late March al ous legislative proposals aimed at lowed U.S. Trust of New York to either legalizing the loophole in bank change its nondepository trust sub holding company law that is allow sidiary in Florida to a “ non-bank” ing this breakdown of interstate charter which will accept deposits banking, or passing legislation to and make consumer loans, but not forbid it, or authorize it with some commercial loans. type of limitations. If it does noth By mid-April, eight banking orga ing, the Comptroller’s hands ap nizations filed for 49 similar offices parently are tied, according to in cities away from home base and Washington observers who say he across state lines. The following has little choice by the letter of the week an additional eight holding law but to approve the applications. companies filed for 35 offices. The Easter recess further delayed Among them was First Bank Sys Congressional action on the matter. tem of Minneapolis, which filed its James Boland, Deputy Comptrol application for 12 consumer banks ler for industry and public affairs, in 12 cities in other states. was in Des Moines last week to ad FBS is seeking the charters for dress the Iowa Bankers Associa Mason City, la., Madison Wis., Om tion’s Annual CEO Conference, aha, Neb., Kansas City, Kan., and which was attended by about 90 St. Louis, Mo., in the midwest. Also Iowa bank executives. He said con in Denver, Salt Lake City and Boise siderable talk had been going in Rocky Mountain states, and Port around regulators offices and Con land and Seattle in the Pacific gressional offices about the use of di Northwest. FBS Chairman George vestiture in connection with any is p p l ic a t io n s A tional bank charters continue to pile up at the office of the Comp suance of such national charters, and also in connection with any pas sage of expanded banking powers which other lines of industry protest (discount brokerage, real estate, in surance). The point made by Mr. Boland was that if the banking industry seeks divestiture from these char ters, assuming Congress acts after such charters are issued, that dives titure is truly a two-edged sword. He said, for example, Congress and/or other industries could argue that di vestiture should go clear back to 1935, “ and banks should be cau tious” about pursuing this course because they could lose powers granted in recent years. Noting the inroads made by other financially-oriented companies into what is considered banking busi ness, Mr. Boland said Dean Witter offices in Sears retail outlets are now getting new customers at two times the rate of a Dean Witter stand alone office. “ The retail outlets,” he said, are not getting customers who have never been in the securities market.” He said further that insur ance agents have been facing direct writer competition for a number of years, continually cutting into their customer base, and that 40% of local real estate agencies now are allied with national chains. “ In recent years,” he also stated, “ the number of mortgages made outside the fi nancial institution stream has dou bled from 15% to 30%. You can get CALL ON THE “PERFORMANCE TEAM ” where common transactions are handled uncommonly well. ¡■ ■ ■ Ill ! FIRST NATIONAL LINCOLN 13th & M Street • Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 • Member, F.D.I.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Jay’s Restaurant in Sanborn, with Donna Carlson, assistant cashier of Sanborn Savings Bank, as hostess. An NABW module entitled, “ De veloping Employees - Mentoring and Role Modeling” will precede the dinner and regular business meet ing. This will be the final meeting for the 1983-84 year. Professional ... Responsive... C all M ark C hriste n fo r any co rre sp o n d e n t service. Call toll free (800) 622-7262 AMES: University Bank & Trust Company has announced that Ron A BANKS OF IOWA BANK ald P. Searcy has joined its staff as FDIC senior vice president. He previously was vice president at Council Bluffs does in Minneapolis, Citicorp has other loan production offices in Savings Bank. Mr. Searcy will serve Omaha now. □ as senior loan officer for University Bank. Valley National Bank i§i DES MOINES, IOWA 50304 Member anything you want from Sears,” he said, with all the financial subsidi aries it offers on or through retail premises. Meanwhile, Citicorp of New York had called another midwest press conference, this one for Omaha late last week. Although a public rela tions firm spokesman in Omaha was embargoed from discussing in ad vance any content of what the press meeting would reveal, it was as sumed that the announcement would be a repeat of the one held in Minneapolis two weeks ago when Citibank of Sioux Falls, S.D., N.A., said it was expanding into Minne sota by making all its banking ser vices available to Minnesota resi dents merely by use of its WATS line to the Sioux Falls bank. As it ASK T E R R Y M AR TIN to make MNB work for you. Toll free 1- 800- 332-5991 Iowa News The Iowa Young Bankers Asso ciation Annual Conference is set to be held May 16-17 at the Hotel Savery, Des Moines. The two-day “ Management Training Workshop” is directed to people new in the banking field or new in management positions. David Antonioni of Fi nancial Education and Development Systems, Middleton, Wis., will pro vide bankers an intensive session fo cused on listening skills, team build ing, participative management, mo tivation and leadership. Luncheon speaker for the first day is Charles Schrupp, III vice president of American Trust & Sav ings Bank, Dubuque, and IYBA president, who will present an over view of the Young Consumer Educa tion Project adopted by the organi zation. Marva McCarty, IBA education manager, will follow Mr. Schrupp and discuss the Personal Economic Program and how it relates to the Young Consumer Education Pro ject. Luncheon entertainment for the second day is Dan Hunter, a Des Moines entertainer and songwriter. * * * The Northwest Iowa Group of the National Association of Bank Wo men will meet May 9 at 4:00 p.m. at Member F.D.I.C. A BANKS OF IOWA' BANK CHARITON: Craig Downs has joined National Bank & Trust Com pany as vice president, effective May 1. Since graduation from Iowa State University in 1978, Mr. Downs has been employed with Brenton Bank & Trust Company of Vinton as vice president and com mercial loan officer. CLINTON: At First National Bank here, Tim Flemming has been ap pointed executive vice president and marketing/sales manager. Prior to joining First National, he was vice president in the commercial loan di vision at First National Bank of De catur, 111. DES MOINES: United Central Bancshares, Inc. announced April 20 that the previously announced preliminary proposal regarding the possible future merger of United Central with another company would not be accepted, and that all negotiations resulting from the pro posal have been terminated. IOWA N E W S ___ (Turn to page 4, please) An important new profit center for your bank: Contact: Leroy Bell or ■ Merchants ^ National Bank 151 CEDAR RAPIDS: Earl J. Caywood, senior vice president of Peoples Bank and Trust Company has re tired after 29 years with the bank. He joined the bank in 1955 and has held his most recent position since 1979. a computerized w local billing/credit service 319- 291-5412 National Bank of Waterloo 315 East 5th St. • Waterloo, IA 50704 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Milt Hennick Member Federal Reserve System FDIC Send Your News Today to the NORTHWESTERN BANKER TELL US ABOUT. . . 306 Fifteenth Street DES MOINES, IOWA 50309 b a n k Staff Changes Business Campaigns Mergers, Consolidations New Departments at the Bank Remodeling or New Building ............................. ......................................... ......... ....... OFFICER ........................... ............. ............................... CITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TITLE STATE Open Houses Anniversary Parties Deaths or Retirements Speeches Made by Bank O fficers Special Announcements to the Public 4 6:30 Just A Reminder To Be Sure To Attend The Group V Annual Meeting —May 14 Lakeshore Country Club Lake Manawa — Council Bluffs Tee tim es begin at 8:00 a.m. and reservations are requested. • Business Meeting Includes: Current Econom ic C on ditio n s by W illia m Hosek. Chairman and Professor o f Econom ics, Univ. o f Nebraska at Omaha. • Social Hour and Banquet • Door Prizes • Entertainment Iowa State School for Deaf Bell Ringers Banquet—Drawing of door prizes and entertainment by Iowa School for Deaf Bell Ringers will follow banquet. For advance registration in formation contact: Tom Whitson, president, Council Bluffs Savings Bank. IOWA N E W S . . . (Continued from page 2) OELWEIN: Richard R. Park has been promoted to president and chief executive officer of The First National Bank of Oelwein. He joined the bank in November of last year. Prior to his joining First National he served 17 years at Hawkeye Bank and Trust in Centerville. In addi tion, Louis H. Mulder was elected chairman and Harry E. Young, chairman emeritus. Other promo tions include Tom W. Masey to vice president and senior lending officer and Joe Fugarino to assistant, vice president in charge of the instal ment loan department. C o u n cil B lu ffs H osts: • Council Bluffs Savings Bank» First National Bank» State Bank & Trust» Cocktails served during registration courtesy United States Check Book Co. Group 5 Annual Meeting Current Economic Conditions will be the focus of William Hosek’s pre sentation when he addresses the Group V bankers during their an nual meeting on May 14 at the Lakeshore Coun try Club. Mr. Hosek is profes sor of economics at the Universi D. CURRY ty of Nebraska in Omaha. The entertainment follow ing the evening banquet will be pro vided by the Iowa School for Deaf Bell Ringers. A.M. 8:00 Golf—Reservations are re- quested. $12 per person plus cart and tax. P.M. 2:00 3:00 5:30 R e g i s t r a t i o n —C o u n c i l Bluffs Host Banks. Cock tails will be provided during registration courtesy of United States Check Book Company. Business Meeting—Call to order by Chairman Don Cur ry, president, Farmers Sav ings Bank, Massena. Re ports will be given by: IBA President A1 Maser; Howard Hagen, Assistant Attorney General; Superintendent of Banking Tom Huston, and IBA Executive Vice Presi dent Neil Milner. Social Hour—Cash bar. Norwest Bank Des Moines, N.A. NORWEST BANKS Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 Member FDIC Teamwork: one of the reasons we're first in Iowa . Bernie Kersey Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ag Bankers Available NMJ-1 AG LOAN OFFICER—3Vi yrs. current exper. w ith Farm Credit System. Very professional manner & appearance. References say; “ thorough, organized, excellent documentation, hard working, knows farm ing and what loans w ill or won’t work...EFFECTIVE... whoever hires him w ill get their money’s worth...the kind of ag lender needed today.” Iowa St. grad. Mar ried. Age 26. Lives IA. $23,000. Call Jean. NMJ-2 AG LENDER— Has 4 yrs. bank exper. Started in installm ents, is now ag rep handling $3 mil. of $5 mil. in ag loans in $22 mil. bank. Reference says; “ strong on cash flows, excells in ag lending...understands farming, analytical, good judgement, an outgoing and popular individual.” Degree in Ag Banking plus MN bank courses and ag lending school. Apple computer exper. also. Married. Age 25. MN. $25,000. Call Jean. NMJ-3 AG BANKER— Has 19 yrs. lending and collec tions exper. Now VP & Sr. L.O. In $50 mil. bank with $30 mil. in loans. Responsible for ag and commercial loans, SBA, R.E. and consumer loans also. Exper. with Apple computer, supervisory skills, and strong In col lections and workouts. Sharp appearance and perso nality, very good references. Married. Age 38. IA. $30-$40,000. Call Jean. NML-4 CEO/EVP— Fifteen plus years o f overall ag banking experience which includes ag lending (has good loan judgement), trust management, and fam ili ar w ith setting up and implementing new bank poli cies using computers. Reference says this ag banker has a strong farm clientele...a TOUGH com petitor in the banking field. Community involved. Degreed. Mar ried. Age: 45. $35,000 + . Call Linda. NML-5 AG LOAN OFFICER—SHARP Iowa farm lad who offers close to one year’s ag credit experience with FLB. Good com m unication skills and com m unity involved. ISU Grad. Single. Age: 23. Lives IA. $17-20,000. Call Linda. The applicants we represent have been thoroughly screened, have excellent work records and quality ag finance experience. Our modest fee is paid by the employer, and we offer a 120-day guarantee. Refer ences from our many satisfied bank clients can be provided. Call without obligation. Confidential. Jean 515/263-9598 if no answer, 712/779-3567 Massena, Iowa 50853 Linda 515/394-5827 New Hampton, la. 50659 aqncareers, in c . Jan Townsend AG BANKING SPECIALISTS • _ ® czH oLcI ex a n d czdf’iL iociats.i Bank Consultants Specializing in Bank Acquisitions P.O. Box 450 515-232-0814 405 Main Ames, Iowa 50010 D o n a l d E . H o l d e r , Principal • Nebraska News ALLEN: Richard E. Adkins, Jr. has been named president and chairman of Security State Bank of Allen, which was recently acquired by • First Laurel Security Co. of Laurel. Mr. Adkins, who also serves as president of The Security National. Bank of Laurel, will continue to serve in that position. Also at Secur® ity State, William L. Snyder, vice president, has been advanced to ex ecutive vice president. • • • • • ^ ^ BLAIR: Blair Bank has been acquired by Omaha National Bank of Omaha, which began operating April 24 as a full-service branch of Omaha National. Omaha National acquired certain assets and the deposits of Blair Bank under an agreement with Yanney, Hughes & Associates of Omaha and an order of the Nebraska department of bank ing and finance. The latter action was under provisions of the Nebras ka Banking Act, which was made possible through passage of LB1026 earlier this year by the state legisla ture, as a result of the Commonwealth Savings failure in Lincoln. John D. Woods, Omaha National chairman and CEO said all Blair Bank customers “ can rest assured their deposits are safe and continue to carry insurance coverage provided by the FDIC.” GRAND ISLAND: Norwest Corpo ration of Minneapolis has received final approval from the Federal Reserve Board to merge Bankshares o f Nebraska into Norwest. Bankshares’ principal holding is First National Bank, which at last year-end was Nebraska’s 11th larg est bank with $116,764,000 in de posits. Bankshares assets were listed at $146 million. Norwest is a $20 billion corporation. HOLDREDGE: John B. Boehler B A N K IN G PLA CE M EN TS “ Successful Banking is Quality Personnel” Eighteen years banking experience serving as president of rural and metropolitan banks enables me to find the “ right” banking position for you as a banker or the “ right” officer for your bank. DON • S C H O O L E R In AND3 m ASSOCIATES 2508 East Meadow • Springfield, Missouri 65804 417/882-2265 COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL ______ “ Employment Service” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has been promoted from assistant vice president to vice president of First Security Bank. He joined the bank in March of 1983 and previous ly was with First State Bank of Loomis, where he had been since 1978. LINCOLN: James C. Van Horn has been elected vice president in the municipal and government bond di vision of First National Lincoln. OMAHA: Omaha National Bank will open an agricultural lending of fice in Garden City, Kansas, in midMay, according to John D. Woods, chairman and CEO of Omaha Na tional. Gene R. Noell has been named vice president and manager of the Garden City Office, which will offer a complete range of lending services to farmers and livestock operators in the High Plains region. Mr. Noell joined the bank in 1974 and current ly is a vice president and senior agri cultural loan officer. Minnesota News MINNEAPOLIS: Marquette Na tional Bank at University has ap pointed Margaret H. Driscoll as vice president, retail division. Mrs. Dris coll has over 16 years of service in banking. MINNEAPOLIS: Richard A. Bish op has been elected president of Norwest Bank Calhoun-Isles, effective May 1. He will succeed Wesley J. Hein, who recently was elected pres ident of Norwest Bank St. Cloud. Mr. Bishop is also president of Nor west Bank East St. Paul, a position he has held since 1982. 5 Meet the problem solvers. Dick Muir Larry Russell Dave Dickens Melissa Smith 1A/ e’ll meet your needs for bankcard services, oan participations and quality investment portfolio recommendations. UNITED MISSOURI BANK of Kansas C ity i u . United we growTogethec 10th and Grand ° P.O. Box 226 Kansas City, Missouri 64141 (816) 556-7000 P o rta b le M o d u la r B ank B u ild in g Wyoming News RIVERTON: Former Dubois banker Dan Lewis has been named execu tive vice president of American Na tional Bank in Riverton. Mr. Lewis was president of the Dubois Na tional Bank for four years and served as president of the Jeffrey City State Bank, which later moved to Evansville. Six weeks spread throughout each year in your own luxurious townhom e near Keystone, in the heart of Ski Country. 1/8 General Bank Equipment Si FEE SIMPLE OWNERSHIP Systems, Inc. Two bedroom, two and a half bath, fireplace, garage, hot tub in enclosed atrium area. Fully furnished, including washer and dryer. Purchase price $33,900. Dwayne S. Smith PARADISE PROPERTIES Box S Dillon, Colorado 80435 Phone today, 1-800/922-2590 RR 45, Box 115 Hiway 7 3 ,3 1/2 Miles North of Int. 680 Omaha, Nebraska 68152 (402)453-3000 L ease • R ent • Buy WISCONSIN BANKS FOR SALE We have a number of excellent opportunities now available. Priced right! Contact: Richard C. Newlin, President NEWLIN BANK SALES, INC. 8230 Hickman Road, Suite 300 Des Moines, Iowa 50322 Phone 515/278-2891 POSITION AVAILABLE ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT, AG LOANS—college degree plus “ hands on” farm operations experience. Credit experience necessary, but banking experience not essen tial. Excellent career opportunity. Contact James C. Sodey, EVP, Hawkeye Bank and Trust, Spencer, IA. Phone 712/262-1940.___________________________________ (PA) LOAN REVIEW POSITION: Must be experienced in all phases of lending. Excellent opportunity for advancement in progressive, growing organization. Office in Omaha, NE, traveling required. Send resume to Jack Ayres, P.O. Box 486, Bellevue, NE 68005. (PA) SENIOR COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER—$100 m illion asset eastern Nebraska bank desires seasoned commercial loan o fficer to manage portfolio. Salary commensurate w ith experience. Contact 402/727-1100. (PA) INSTALLMENT LOAN OFFICER—Job opening for an aggressive person w ith at least tw o years of bank lending ex perience. This job will consist of direct and indirect install ment lending, wholesaie flooring, and collections. Send resume to: First Security Bank of Bozeman, P.O. Box 910, Bozeman, MT 59715. (PA) BANK OPERATIONS OFFICER—Job opening for a selfmotivated person w ith a minimum of 2 years of bank oper ations experience. Applicant must have proven super visory skills, good accounting background, experience w ith governmental reporting, and knowledge of govern ment regulations. Send resume to First Security Bank, P.O. Box 910, Bozeman, MT 59715. (PA) INSTALLMENT LOAN OFFICER/MANAQER—$5 million department in $60 m illion bank in north central Iowa. Must be well qualified w ith over five years experience, plus col lege degree. Salary open. Send resume to file WAZ, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) AGRICULTURAL LOAN OFFICER— Immediate opening for a loan officer w ith five years or more of ag loan experi ence. A $60 million north central Iowa bank. Excellent po sition in excellent area. Salary open. Send resume to file WBA, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) CASHIER—$26 m illion southwestern Minnesota commu nity bank seeks experienced operations officer. Salary open. Send resume to file WBB, c/o Northwestern Banker. ________________ __________________ 5____________ (PA) CEO— For midwestern bank. Agricultural lending experi ence required. Salary open. Send resume to file WBC, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) INSURANCE AGENT— Licensed agent needed immediate ly for bank insurance agency in north central Iowa. Send resume to file WBD, c/o Northwestern Banker, or phone Norm at 515/832-2520. (PA) PO SITION S A V A IL A B L E SR. COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER: Should have solid loan background and experience for $100MM Oklahoma Bank. Salary $50M plus good benefits. Senior Commercial Lender for central Iowa bank. to $40,000. Credit Analyst and Credit Analyst Supervisor, large progressive commercial bank. Solid credit training essential. Definite career path to com mercial lender. Salary 25-30K. PROBATE ADMINISTRATOR Handle all estates in Trust Division. Uniform Pro bate Code and Estate Taxation background re quired. JD not essential. $33K. METRO IOWA Bank Marketing Officer EXPERIENCED TRUST OFFICER to form and head a trust department in a $200 m illion financial institution. Position requires law degree w ith approximately 5 years experi ence in all phases o f tru st services. Applicants should be aggressive and personable in order to be considered. Ex cellent benefits and salary commensurate w ith experi ence. Send resume, salary history and requirements to file WAH, c/o Northwestern Banker. All inquiries confidential. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. (PA) Financial Careers METRO IDAHO COMMERCIAL BANKING GROUP Senior Commercial Lender for southern Minnesota M ulti bank holding company bank. Experience w ith ag loans a p lu s ......................................................................... to $39,000. Mortgage Lender for Arkansas Resort Area. Prefer seasoned banker who can deal with people with substantial m eans. . . .................................................................................. to $35,000. CPA/Auditor for multi-bank holding company in m idw est. . . .................................................................................. to $28,000. Correspondent Banker for large midwest bank. Salary open. $25K. Contact Barbara Ritta PROFESSIONAL RECRUITERS 6818 Grover, Omaha, NE 68106 Phone 402/397-2885. Ag Person for community bank located in scenic northeast Iowa........................................................................... Low $20s. Commercial Lender for major bank in Iowa Great Lakes area ........................................................... ..............Salary $30,000. Number Two man with ag lending experience for northern Iowa bank.........................................................................SalaryOpen. CEO for smaller southeast Iowa bank. Must be ag-oriented. ................................. .........................................Salary Open. POSITION WANTED VICE PRESIDENT of $30 m illion bank seeking new challenge and opportunities. Presently managing 3.5 m il lion installm ent loan department, as well as other con sumer services within the bank. Send inquiries to file WAX, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PW) BANKER 44 years old w ith twenty-four years experience in commercial, real estate and installm ent loans. Knowledge of financial analysis, documentation, loan review and com pliance o ffice r. Excellent work-out experience. Familiar w ith operations, business development. Com munity oriented. College degree. Looking for challenge and opportunities. Phone 312/554-8666 for resume. (PW) CORRESPONDENT BANKER We are looking fo r someone w ith 3-5 years of com mercial lending experience to work in our corre spondent bank area. Additional requirements are correspondent banking experience (or extensive AG lending experience) and a college degree with at least 1 year of accounting. For more informa tion phone Mary Nerhaugen 612/341-6579. F & M MARQUETTE NATIONAL BANK 6th & Marquette Minneapolis, MN 55480 Affirmative Action Employer Branch Manager for eastern Iowa bank located in larger city ................................................................................... Low $20s. Data Processing Manager for $95 million northern Illinois bank................................................ Operations person w ith lim ted loan experience for eastern Colorado bank, located near resort areas.......... Low $20s. Ag Lenders fo major Illinois multi-bank holding company. Opportunities located throughout the state for qualified people................................................................... To $38,000. Strong Number Two Person for $60 m illion in Iowa bank. Must have ag and commercial lending experience............ .............................................................................. Salary Open. Ag Loan Officer for northern Iowa bank, located, in topnotch farming area. Required ag degree and proven experi ence ....................................................... -to $28,000. Mortgage Lender with some operations experience needed by growth-oriented savings and loan association.............. .................................................................................... ............. to $32,000. Write or call In confidence to Cy Kirk or Malcolm Freeland in care of Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 1010 Equitable Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone (515) 282-6462. Employer pays fee. (PA) FOR SALE 50 BANK MICRO COMPUTER PROGRAMS— Franklin/Apple/IBM PC and others. Overview, Sample Reports, Demo Disk. Send $19.95 to: Bankers Elec. Equip. Inc., 380 N. Wal nut, Grand Island, NE 68801. Phone 308/384-5995. (FS) 1981 DIEBOLD 910 FREE STANDING ATM— Floor model auxiliary printer name display. Under service contract. $20,400. Contact Fred or Dick, Phone 319/353-7111. (FS) BRANDT COIN SORTER AND COUNTER. Contact Dennis Cox. Phone: 515/848-5666._________ (FS) BELL & HOWELL SPACEMASTER READER-PRINTER—4 Brandt Cashiers; 3 Model 568,1 Model 150; 1 NCR Posting Machine; 2 Bank Lobby Check Tables. Best Offer. Contact Iris Alitz, Phone: 515/421-1046._____________________ (FS) 1983 APPLE III COMPUTER—128K double disk drive, no printer. Being sold due to incom patibility w ith new “ on line” system. Phone: 515/526-8231. (FS) POSITIONS A V A IL A B L E COMMERCIAL/AGRI LOAN - $50MM com m unity bank seeks experienced commercial lender w ith some ag background to manage loan portfolio. $35,000 CASHIER - $30MM rural bank close to large city. Supervise operations and handle all regulatory reporting. $28,000 COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER: Should have 2-5 years ex perience, know SBA loans, analyze financial statements and project cash flow. Salary $32-35M plus good benefits. PRESIDENT - for medium size a ffilia te in major Missouri holding company. Must have strong agri loan experience and proven adm inistrative skills. $ Open AG LOAN OFFICER: Northern Kansas bank of $20MM. 3-5 years experience in ag loan field. Salary $24-30M. OPERATIONS OFFICER - $20MM com m unity bank close to resort area. Knowledge of regulatory reports and per sonal function a plus. $22,000 AG LOAN OFFICER: Nebraska bank. Good community and benefits. Salary $28-35M. DATA PROCESSING MANAGER: Capable of setting up IBM computer operation involving several banks. Salary $30-40M. Degree. Above are some recent listings. We are a fee-paid-by-em ployer employment service. We specialize in banking and related industries, If interested, mail your resume In strict confidence to FINANCIAL PLACEMENTS, P.O. Box 13786, Kansas City, Mo. 64199, or 912 Baltimore, Kansas City, Mo. 64105. 816-421-7941. Mike Wall, Manager. Tom Can non, Consultant. to $35,000. Potential President for Chicago suburban bank of $20 million. Must have commercial lending experienceTo $45,000. INSTL/COMMERCIAL LOAN • lending experience in small com m unity bank environment desired. Good opportunity for advancement. $25,000 All irqu irie s confidential. A resume and salary history re quested. TOM H A G A N & A S SO C IA T E S P.O. Box 12346 - 2024 Sw ift North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 13 No. 2 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $15.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis