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• Vol. 14 No. 2 Des Moines, Iowa Iowa News • • • • f The Iowa Bankers Association is sponsoring a Loan Documentation Workshop to be held May 1 at the Airport Hilton in Des Moines and May 2 at Stouffer’s Five Seasons Hotel in Cedar Rapids. John Moye, partner in the Denver, Colo., law firm of Head, Moye, Giles & O ’Keefe, will present the workshop. Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m. the day of the workshop with the morning session getting under way at 9:00, lunch at noon and the afternoon session resuming at 1:00 p.m. Registration can be made through the IB A office in Des Moines. DUMONT: State Bank o f Dumont has announced the recent promotion of Ruth Long to vice president and cashier; Sheril Brodbeck to assis tant vice president and computer of ficer, and T.L. Harrison to vice president and ag officer. FORT M ADISON: James C. Sodey has been elected president and a director of Iowa State Bank here. He succeeds Ken Baker, who resigned last February to accept a position in Colfax. Mr. Sodey has been associ ated with several Hawkeye Bancorporation Banks, most recently as ex ecutive vice president of the Hawkeye Bank, Spencer. GUTTENBERG: Daniel C. Willenbring has joined the Security State Bank as vice president, effective April 15. He had been with Farley State Bank for the past 12 years. M A R S H A L L T O W N : B r e n to n Banks, Inc. has announced that Loras Neuroth has been named pres ident o f Brenton Insurance Services, Inc., a subsidiary of Brenton Banks Inc. He will also continue as presi dent of Brenton Independent Insur ance Services in Marshalltown, where he has been for two years. April 29,1985 1981. He will continue those respon sibilities. SPENCER: Three officers recently joined the staff of Farmers Trust & Savings Bank: Thomas J. Malmgren, executive vice president; David W. Woodcock, senior vice president and cashier, and Bryan Harken, assistant vice president. Mr. Malmgren is owner of Team Sport in Spencer and has ten years banking experience. Mr. W oodcock previously held a similar position with Hawkeye Bank & Trust in Spencer. Mr. Harken had been an ex aminer with the Iowa Department of Banking. M ARSHALLTOW N: Fidelity Bren ton Bank and Trust Company has changed its name to Brenton Bank and Trust Company, according to Tom Smith, president. The name change reflects the continuing effort TOLEDO: William R. Skow, Jr. has to closely identify all Brenton banks been promoted to vice president of and affiliated subsidiaries. The State Bank of Toledo. He joined the bank in June, 1982, as an assis OTTUMWA: Norwest Corporation tant vice president. has announced the election of G. Patrick McGarraugh as president of W ILLIAM S: Claude F. Havick joins Norwest Bank Ottumwa, N.A., ef the Williams Savings Bank May 1 fective May 13. Mr. McGarraugh as executive vice president, replac will join the bank after spending ing Justin Collier. Mr. Havick has more than 20 years in varioius posi been serving as president of the Citi tions at Norwest Bank Great Falls, zens State Bank in Decatur, Neb N.A. in Montana, where he currently raska. serves as executive vice president of loan administration. SIOUX CITY: Thomas W. Van Dyke has been promoted to senior vice president. Mr. Van Dyke has been with the bank in various capa cities since 1971 and was appointed head of the real estate department in Nebraska News C L E A R W A T E R : Citizens State Bank of Clearwater has announced that Marlyn Kuper has been ap pointed vice president; Jeff Hee has been promoted to assistant vice ASK LYNN WHITEMAN to make MNB work for you. Toll free: 1-800-332-5991 Merchants National Bank ibi Member F.D.I.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A 'BANKS OF IOWA' BANK and. c^ri.±ociatE6. Norwest Bank Des Moines, N.A. Bank Consultants Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 NORWEST BANKS Specializing in Bank Acquisitions Member FDIC P.O. Box 450 515-232-0814 405 Main Ames, Iowa 50010 D o n a l d E . H o l d e r , Principal Teamwork: one of the reasons we’re first in Iowa. Lowell Barkley Larry Welch president, and Rhonda Heithoff to K. Smith and Todd F. Kruse to the bank’s correspondent banking de assistant cashier. partment. Mr. Smith has been with HUMBOLDT: David Parman has the bank two years, most recently as joined the staff o f Home State Bank commercial credit analyst. Mr. & Trust Company as assistant vice Kruse previously was employed president. He will serve as branch with the Federal Land Bank Asso manager of Louisville State Savings ciation of Sioux City, Iowa, for four Company o f Louisville, a branch of years. Home State Bank & Trust. Mr. Parman previously was employed at OM AH A: Packers National Bank has acquired control of the Bank of American Bank of Edgerton, Mo. Taylor through the reversion of a OM AH A: First National Bank has bank stock loan held by the bank’s announced the addition of Timothy previous owners. C o m e to the quality investment specialists in Nebraska and Iowa. e re your best authorities for bond portfolio management recommendations. Our quality is your key to success. W Minnesota News May 14 - Holiday Inn International, Bloomington; May 15 - Holiday Inn, Alexandria; May 16 - Holiday Inn, Bemidji. The workshop is sponsored by the M B A Investments and Funds Man agement Committee, chaired by Wil liam P. Langford, American Na tional Bank & Trust Company, St. Paul. DULUTH: First Bank Duluth has announced the election of Dennis Mickle as vice president and comp troller and Lawrence Stovern as as sistant vice president in commercial loans. Mr. Mickle joined the bank in 1969 and was named comptroller in 1979. Mr. Stovern joined in 1978. M INNEAPOLIS: The Minneapolis Chapter of the American Institute of Banking will be conducting sev eral seminars in upcoming weeks. All seminars will be held at the A IB Education Center in Minneapolis. The dates and seminars follow: May 7—A IB Effective Interactions Seminar; May 8—A IB Customer Relations/ Telephone Transaction Seminar; May 16—A IB Supervising the Tel ler Line Seminar; May 22—A IB Investigations in Banking Seminar. The Minnesota Bankers Associa tion will conduct an Asset-Liability Management Workshop at four loca tions May 13-16. The program will cover basic concepts of asset-liabili ty management. The program will be conducted by Mark Bennett, vice president of fi nancial education and development, Madison, Wis. Topics to be covered include definitions of asset-liability m a n a g e m e n t, m ic r o c o m p u te r M IN NEAPOLIS: The board of spread sheet packages, asset-liabili First Bank System, Inc. has elected ty concepts, and computerized as John M. Eggemeyer III as execu tive vice president. He will be re set-liability management. The workshop, designed for opera sponsible for First Trust Saint Paul tions personnel, middle and upper and the trust and fiduciary activi management, will be held at the fol ties of First Bank Minneapolis. Mr. Eggemeyer most recently was presi lowing locations: May 13 - Holiday Inn, North Man dent and chief operating officer of First Interstate Bank of Denver. kato; Peter DeRosier... Jeff Goble Ik Our newest correspondent banking professional Steve Panknin Investment Banking Division U N I T E D M IS S O U R I B A N K MemberFD,c o f K a n sa s C it y , n .a . 10th and Grand o P.O. Box 226 Kansas City, Missouri 64141 (816) 556-7 200 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H. PETER DEROSIER Vice President Valley National Bank iti DES MOINES, IOWA 50304 Member FDIC A BANKS OF IOWA BANK C a ll to ll fre e (800) 622-7262 Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 4-29-85 SPRING SPECIAL (M ay & June) w RENT THE $25.00 V ° PER MONTH m (Including Service) BE-2510L Electronic Banking Machine Four categories of transaction daily totals, i.e., DEPOSIT, CASH CHECK, CASH-IN, CASH-OUT, can be expanded with four department keys. OEPO SIT DEPT 1 CASH OUT ¡CASH I OUT DEPT 2 CASH IN ¡CASH ! ,N DEPT 3 CASH CHECK CASH CHECK DEPT 4 We Feature: Fully trained service technicians • Factory manufactured parts • Experienced personnel (over 170 years worth) (Both systems and service) • Lower operating costs • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis “SINCE 1967” • • • • • • • Speeds up window transactions Cuts teller balancing time Neat machine printed receipts Built-in adding machine Complete teller audit trail $ Very low cost $ 30-day total retention (In case of power failure) DATA BUSINESS EQUIPMENT, INC. 1220-2nd Ave. Des Moines, Iowa 50314 (515) 288-3000 Offices 627-1 st Ave. S.W. 310 South Floyd Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52405 Sioux City, Iowa 511Ò1 (319)366-6000 (712)258-6328 “THE NEWEST” A FLEXIBLE USER FRIENDLY TELLER SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR OFF-LINE OR ON-LINE USE IN FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. • SHARP BE-6500 | Teller M achine B E -6 5 0 0 System expandability SAVE MONEY The standard BE-6500 may be significantly enhanced through the addition of various options. These include a magnetic card reader (MCR), a MICR reader and a MICR encoder. The MICR encoder is capable of being shared by two BE-6500’s. The encoding of a check amount, for example, should reduce the number of steps in handling this document, thus contributing to more efficient and cost effective banking operations. by buying your Equipment — Service — Supplies FROM DATA BUSINESS EQUIPMENT, INC. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H Call on the “Experienced Professionals” 41 First National Lincoln Ready to meet your correspondent needs. # • ^ ^ * m Illinois News North Dakota News BUFFALO GROVE: Continental Bank o f Buffalo Grove has an nounced the election of George L. Barr as chairman and chief execu tive officer. He succeeds Francis W. Morley as chairman and Michael A. Speziale as CEO. Mr. Morley will continue as a director. Mr. Speziale remains as president. Since 1978, Mr. Barr served as president and CEO at each of three affiliated Chi cago banks, Lawndale Trust and Savings Bank, the Garfield Ridge Trust and Savings Bank and the Bank o f Chicago. FARGO: Kenneth H. Recker, Jr., CCL, has been named executive vice president of Dakota Bank & Trust Co. In 1984, Mr. Recker was named president o f Ada National Bank and will continue to serve in that posi tion. Prior to that he was executive vice president of First Mitchell Na tional Bank in Mitchell, S.D. DE KALB: Charles S. Combs, presi dent of The DeKalb Bank since 1982, has been elected to the addi tional post of chairman. He succeeds the retiring James E. Forster. Mr. Combs has been with the bank 17 years. streets, Lincoln, ne SSm ™ will be held May 21 at the commu nity room o f United Bank o f Denver at 1700 Lincoln Street in Denver. The workshop will begin with a con tinental breakfast at 8:00 a.m. and run from 8:30-4:30, followed by a re ception at 4:30 p.m. Wyoming News KEM M ERER: Alan Walker, chair man of Norwest Bank Kemmerer, formerly Wyoming National Bank, has announced the election of Char les W. Derby as president and chief executive officer effective April 1. Mr. Derby started his banking ca reer in Scottsbluff, Neb., and most recently was vice president for A ffi liated Bank Corporation, holding company for the bank. Colorado News South Dakota News # # # # ABERDEEN : M. Jay Beasley has been elected vice president, First Bank Aberdeen. Mr. Beasley joins the bank from Norwest Bank in Grand Rapids, Minn., where he memaged the bank’s consumer division. He has also served as president of the State Bank o f Little Fork and Park State Bank in Duluth, both in Minnesota. R APID CITY: James J. Gartner has been named senior vice president at First Bank Rapid City. He joins the bank from his present position as di rector o f the Minneapolis Field Office for the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. DENVER: On May 7 at the Fair mont Hotel in Denver, Central Bank will present Senator Howard H. Baker, Jr.: “ The Outlook from Washington.” Mr. Baker is the se nior partner in Washington for the Houston-based law firm of Vinson and Elkins. He also served two terms as Senate Minority Leader and two teams as Senate Majority Leader. DENVER: The correspondent bank ing division o f United Bank o f Den ver and Yale & Seffinger, P.C., certi fied public accountants, are present ing “ Getting Behind the Numbers in Financial Statements,” an educa tional workshop on the evaluation of financial statements. The workshop SPRENGER, ROWLAND AND Getting MESSINA it done for you. Bill Sprenger HÉ Frampton Rowland John Messina CommerceBankofKansasatv ^ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER FDIC 234-2625 234-2485 T elephone (816) 234-2000 234-2486 * POSITION AVAILABLE Ag Banking Specialists Western Iowa bank has immediate opening for AQ-LOAN OFFICER. Prefer ag degree and 3 or more years experi ence. Significant career w ith bank or as part of a growing holding company. Send resume and salary requirements to Mike Keim; 707 North 90th Street, Suite 304; Omaha, NE. 60114. (PA) Let us help w ith your career advancement or staffing needs. Call in confidence, without obligation. Employ ers pay our reasonable fee to hire the best. AG LOAN OFFICER—An 18MM Community bank 100 miles west o f Sioux Falls, SD seeks an Ag Loan Officer w ith experience. Send resume and salary requirements to Farmers State Bank, PO Box 97, Stickney SD 57375. (PA) AG LOAN OFFICER for training for $16 million bank in southeastern South Dakota. Salary negotiable. Send re sume to file WDC, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER for $90MM bank in Northern Illinois. Candidate should have 2 + years experience in Commercial and Real Estate lending, and knowledgeable in loan documentation and compliance. Opportunity for advancement and excellent salary and fringe benefits. Contact: John M. Euard, E.V.P.-Cashier, The State Bank of Woodstock P.O. Box 729, Woodstock, IL. 60098. (PA) COMMERCIAL/AG LENDER for $65 m illion midwest bank ............................................................................Salary $45,000 CEO needed by purchasers of $35 m illion bank in town of 2,000. Incentive and future opportunity . . . . Salary $35,000 CASHIER for Nebraska com munity bank. Excellent town and living conditions ..................................... Salary $30,000 CONSUMER LOAN OFFICER $40mm NW Iowa bank seeks candidate w ith proven consumer lending skills. Contact Larry Geisinger, VP, Hawkeye Bank & Trust, Spencer, Iowa. Phone: 712/262-1940. (PA) ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT-LOAN DEPARTMENT $40mm NW Iowa bank seeks candidate w ith 2-3 years lending experience. Good advancement opportunities. Contact John Bowen, SVP, Hawkeye Bank & Trust, Spen cer, Iowa. Phone: 712/262-1940. (PA) Financial Careers COMMERCIAL LENDER for $100 m illion bank in midwest. Prefer college grad w ith loan review e x p e rie n c e ................ ............................................................................Salary $40,000 AG LENDER fo r $70 million bank in m id w e s t.......... ............ ............................................................................Salary $35,000 COMMERCIAL LENDER with two years experience for bank in city of 35,000 ..................................... Salary $30,000 Linda 515/394-5827 New Hampton, la. 50659 ■ Jean 515/263-9598 (W/F) 712/779-3567 (M/T/TH) Massena, Iowa 50853 30/7 CAREERS, INC. — / A 3 EANKING PERSONNEL SPECIALISTS FOR SALE DIEBOLD TABS 910 ATM w ith or w ithout building. Current ly on maintenance contract, low usage, excellent condi tion. Contact First National Bank, Minden, NE 68959. Phone 308/832-2030. (FS) NEW BANK EQUIPMENT leases for sale. Investment tax credit, residual, depreciation belong to the buyer. Phone: 319/362-9579. (FS) COMMERCIAL LENDER for Metro market area for mid west bank. Must have experience of five or more years . . . ............................................................................Salary $45,000 INSTALLMENT person for Mountain States bank, located in scenic area .................................................Salary $28,000 AG/COMMERCIAL loan officer for central Illinois bank. Re quires two to five years experience ............ Salary $30,000 Write or call Malcolm Freeland or Cy Kirk in care of Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 1010 Equitable Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone 515/282-6462. Employer pays fee. POSITIONS AVAILABLE AG LENDER-West. Iowa. 2-3 years experience. To $25K. SENIOR LOAN OFFICER for northwestern Minnesota bank, w ith assets o f $13MM. Salary open. 6 to 8 years ex perience required in agricultural and commercial lending. Resume required. Contact Philip E. Stewart, P.O. Box 101, Badger, MN 56714. (PA) BANK FOR SALE—Central Iowa bank. $20-25MM total assets. Write Eddie Wolf, 7202 Maple Drive, Des Moines, IA 50322, or phone 515/278-2271. (FS) THINK TRUST OFFICER You found the best deal on NCR Proof Machines. Call for prices on 7750-6000 7750-2500, etc. for department in $200 MM bank. Continued growth presents real opportunity. Responsibili ties include trust and estate adm inistration and taxation, employee benefit plan adm inistration, extensive custom er contact and business devel opment. Trust experience and knowledge of in vestments helpful. Send resume to: MARKETING DIRECTOR - Need new product de velopment. Omaha. $40-60K. J.R. Gordon - Trust Department H ills Bank and Trust Company H ills, Iowa 52235 Member National Personnel Associates We’re Nationwide NOT Until you talk to Bill. Bankers Electronic Equip. Phone 308/384-5995. (FS) AG LENDER - E. Nebraska. 3-4 yrs experience. To $30K. CEO - Northern Mid-Iowa - $70 mill. bank. Needs diversified loan experience. To $70K. MORTGAGE LENDER - Major financial institution. Degree - management. Omaha. To $35K. Richard L. Beam, CPC GUMBERT EXECUTIVE EXCHANGE, INC. 11246 Davenport Street Omaha, NE 68154 Phone: 402/330-3260 (PA) BANKERS AVAILABLE SR LOAN OFFICER • Spent the last 7 years as #1 man in a community bank of $10mm handling all lending duties. Good operations and analysis experience. Has initiated and operated a successful call program. Excellent bank ing image. $40K. TRUST OFFICER/JD - Knowledgeable, rural institution trust head ($35mm + ). Shaped and directed trust dept while managing 2 0 + farms. Responsible for estate plan ning and personal trust work. Ready to move into large dept that w ill fully challenge abundant skills. $38K. PRESIDENT/CEO - Self-motivated, no nonsense executive who revamped entire sta ff of $50mm + bank and cleaned up a poor portfolio. Offers a mix of 20 years lending know how and management skills. $45K. INSTALLMENT LOAN OFFICER - An energetic lender with in-depth consumer credit skills. Has proven background in commercial, ag and real estate loans for a $100mm + bank. $23K. CASHIER/CPA - A decision maker w ith internal audit, oper ations and supervisory expertise. Cost conscious indivi dual w ith strong team concept. Several years experience w ith a large holding company supervising over 30 employ ees. $37 K. AG LOAN OFFICER - Ag degree, experienced lender with 2 + years in small town facility. Mastered cash flow analy sis, spread setting and on farm inspections. Collections and workout experience while exposed to all other small bank lending areas. $20K. PARTIAL LIST OF AVAILABLE BANKERS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION FOR THESE AND OTHER CANDIDATES RESPOND IN CONFIDENCE TO: M. KURT ROSENCRANTS AT (515) 244-4414 <M H > <M H > <M > ® ROBERT HMJF 317 6th Ave, Ste. 650 Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID MORTGAGE BANKING (Loan Officer) Serving bankers quietly and efficiently. CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE 714 U.C.B. Building, 515-283-2545 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Our client, a prominent Iowa banking organization needs a Loan Officer with banking administrativemanagement abilities for their mortgage banking subsidiary. Candidates must be experienced in commercial transactions. Marketing and opera tions talent required. Excellent compensation and benefit package. For confidential consideration send resume w ith salary history to: J.T. Textor PERSONNEL INCORPORATED 2626 Ruan Center Des Moines, Iowa 50309 (PA) No fees, we are retained by management POSITIONS AVAILABLE COMMERCIAL LOAN • Division Head position in large sub urban bank. Oversee all lending functions and lend sup port to affiliate staffs. $40K COM MERCI AL/REAL ESTATE •Medium size suburban bank. Handle all Real Estate lending and assist w ith com mercial. $35K CEO ■Suburban bank w ith poor performance record. Has potential for strong adm inistrator with good commercial loan background. $50K AGRI-LOAN - Handle all Agri credits for $30MM southern Missouri bank. Could lend to second man position. $30K COMMERCIAL LOAN - Addition to s ta ff of $200MM subur ban bank. Handle portfolio of approximately $10MM. Re quire degree and experience In $100MM + bank. $40K TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES 2024 Sw ift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970 Vol. 14 No. 2 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis