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• April 2,1984 Des M oines, Iowa Vol. 12 No. 50 A t IB A A Convention in New Orleans availability gap because they do not quite meet either the credit stan dards of private lenders, nor are they in a serious enough financial debut of an improved lenders pro difficulty to be eligible for considera gram under which private lenders tion by the FmHA, a lender of last will join in our efforts to speed up resort.” service to the nation’s farmers by A t a press conference following processing farm loans guaranteed his speech, Mr. Block paid high com by the Farmers Home Administra pliments to Tom Olson, president of tion. Under this program, qualified the Lisco State Bank, Lisco, Nebr., private lenders will be approved in and to the other trade association advance to process FmHA operat bankers on his advisory Task Force. ing, farm ownership and economic Mr. Olson was the IB A A represen em e rg e n cy g u a ra n te e d loa n s. tative on that Task Force. Another FmHA can guarantee up to 90% of midwesterner represented the A B A these loans. on that group—Alan Tubbs, presi “ The Approved Lender Program dent of First Central State Bank, would speed up the processing time DeWitt, la. for guaranteed farm loans. This Speaking about the Task Force, becomes particularly important as Secretary Block said at the press we enter the planting season in most conference, “ They helped make this areas of the country. Participation program workable. It will relieve the by private sector lenders will help work load of FmHA county offices the FmHA assure that available because the paper work will be done guaranteed loan funds reach eligible by the community banker and this farmers as quickly as possible. will get people back in the banks. “ The Approved Lenders must be Under this new program, the finan familiar with FmHA requirements. cial expertise of ag lenders in com They will collect the necessary m unity banks will be better credit information and they will pre utilized.” During the convention, A .J. pare the application package. The FmHA will continue to make final “ Jack” King, president of Valley decisions on farmers’ eligibility, Bank of Kalispell, Mont., became their use of loan funds and their president of the IB A A , succeeding James D. Herrington, chairman and credit worthiness. “ The guaranteed loan program president of Coldwater National can be of special benefit to those Bank in Coldwater, Kan. Other of farmers who are caught in a credit ficers elected are: 1st V.P.—B.F. Block Unveils Farm Loan Program By STEVE BURCH Associate Publisher URING his appearance as a principal speaker at the 54th an nual convention o f the Indepen den t B a n k ers A ssocia tion o f America at the Marriott Hotel in New Orleans, U.S. Secretary o f A griculture John R. Block revealed b rief J.R. BLOCK details of a new FmHA lender program. It is similar to the SBA lender program, with commercial bankers becoming the lender under the program, and farm loans guaranteed to 90% by FmHA. (Secretary Block’s statement fol lowed by a few days a special plea made in Washington, D.C., by A B A President C. Robert Brenton and Rep. Tom Coleman (R., Mo.). Joint ly, they issued a call to bankers in seven states to work with county FmHA officers to clear out a back log of pending disaster loan applica tions. Details are in a separate story on page 4 o f this issue.) This was Secretary Block’s an nouncement of his program: “ I am announcing today the D ASK DOUG KEIPER to make MNB work for you. Toll free: 1-800-332-5991 Merchants National Bank Member F.D.I.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis is i A BANKS OF.IOWA’ BANK Norwest Bank Des Moines, N.A. Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 NORW ESr BANKS Member FDIC ets Eire $17.50. For more information contact Pamela Miller, Security Na tional Bank. Nebraska News ASHLAND: David Wesely has been named president of Ashland State Bank. He has served the past three ye£u*s as president o f the Bank of Peru. Pat Adams has been named vice president. T ea m w o rk: one o f the reasons w e’re firs t in Iowa. Mark Conway “ Chip” Backlund, president, Bartonville Bank, Bartonville, 111.; 2nd V.P.—Charles T. Doyle, president, First State Bank, Hitchcock, Tex.; Treas.—Charles L. VanArsdale, president, Bank of Castile, Castile, N.Y. A more complete report, with photos, will be published in the DONIPHAN: The Bank of Doni phan has named George W. Howard execu tive vice president. Mr. Howard has 13 years of banking and lending experience at banks in Lin coln, Topeka, Kansas, and Grand Is land. The Iowa Bankers Insurance & Services, Inc. is sponsoring an ID EA Annuity Workshop on Wednesday, April 11 at the Holiday Inn—Capital Plaza, 1050 6th Avenue in Des Moines. Any bank employee who will be ELWOOD: Gary Essman, former dealing with the new ID E A Annuity vice president of the ag loan depsirtprograms, and has not attended a ment of the American Security Bank N orthwestern B anker . □ prior workshop, is urged to attend. at North Platte, has been named Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. president and chief executive officer with adjournment at 4:00 p.m. Reg of the Home Bank at Elwood. He Iowa News istration fee is $30 and can be sent succeeds Byron Owens, bank presi By a vote of 56-40, the Iowa with your registration form to dent the past ten years, who will House said no to a bill that would Jean ette M. E llin g ton , Iow a continue with Home Agency, the wipe out interest rate ceilings on Bankers Insurance & Services, Inc., bank’s insurance division. bank credit cards (currently 18% to 400 Financial Services Bldg., 508 GRANT: The Farmers National first $500, 15% on balance). Rep. Tenth Street, Des Moines, IA 50308. Bank of Grant received approval Ned Chiodo (D., Des Moines) filed a from the Comptroller of the Curren ESTHERVILLE: Joseph R. Simmotion to reconsider. The Senate cy to open a branch at 401 Main earlier voted to eliminate the inter mens has been appointed executive Street in Venango. vice president of United Central est rate ceiling on credit cards, but Bank & Trust Company. He has JANSEN: State Bank of Jansen refused to allow the charging o f an been employed at the bank since President Allen Tinstman announced annual fee for the cards. 1982 as vice president. Prior to that that he has sold his controlling inter The House also OKd the banking time he was executive vice president est in the bank to a group of inves bill, 92-2, which now allows S&Ls tors headed by Tim Brennan of Neof Farmers State Bank, Jesup. and credit unions to compete for de ligh. He also announced that Robert posit o f public funds; raises the SIOUX CITY: Security National Zeuhlsdorf, president at the First amount of deposits an individual Bank will present its Seventh An State Bank in Oakdale, has been holding company may own in the nual Financial Seminar, “ For All named president of the Jansen bank. state from 8 % to 10% o f total depos You’re W orth” on Thursday even The sale is pending the approvEil of its; eliminates the old sinking fund ing, April 5, at the Marina Inn in the FDIC and State Banking De to cover public funds in a failed in South Sioux City. The program will partment. stitution by requiring pledging of begin at 7:00 p.m. and feature Dr. V. 110% of public deposits in the form Hale Starr, president of Starr and PALM ER: Edward L. Dubas has of securities, and requires financial Associates in Des Moines; Andrew been named executive vice president institutions which accept public de Tobias, noted financial author and at the Palmer State Bank. He re posits to prove they are serving local speaker, and Marlys Harris, feature places Randy Helgren who has ac community needs. writer for Money Magazine. A recep cepted a position with the National * * * tion will conclude the evening. Tick Bank of Commerce in Lincoln. Mr. Dubas has been serving as vice pres ident at Feirmers National Bank at Central City. Professional ... Responsive... Minnesota News HENDERSON: William E. Schultz has been appointed president of the Call Mark Christen for any correspondent service. Call toll free (800) 622-7262 BANK SALES AND PURCHASES Valley National Bank m DES MOINES, IOWA 50304 A BANKS OF IOWA BANK Member FDIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis EDDIE A. WOLF Eddie Wolf Bank Sales 7202 Maple Drive, Des Moines, la. 50322 Phone: 515/278-2271 Send Your New s Today to the NORTHWESTERN BANKER TELL US ABOUT. . . 306 Fifteenth Street DES MOINES, IOWA 50309 Staff Changes Business Campaigns Mergers, Consolidations New Departments at the Bank Remodeling or New Building BANK ................................................... ................................. OFFICER .............................................................................TITLE CITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis STATE Open Houses Anniversary Parties Deaths or Retirements Speeches Made by Bank Officers Special Announcements to the Public 4 FARM FINANCIAL SERVICE We are consultants for clients who want assis tance in farm financial management—we’re here to help them w ith “ Risk Management” and “ Maximiz ing Farm Income” by providing: • • • • • • • ,• oP res\^ ^ -0 6 A 8 15® C ö ü fn « * * ® VO>N^ • * ** Enterprise Analysis Land and Improvement Analysis Labor Analysis Capital Analysis Debt Analysis Recommendations for Changes Cash Flow Projections “ Recommendations” are made in consultation with the client and his lender to reach goals established by the client. Call (515) 225-0401 Meallff Corporation 4101 Ashworth Rd. West Des Moines,IA Experienced in banking, management & real estate. Bankers Asked to Help Fm H A Clear Up Logjam of Disaster Applications ITH spring planting looming W ahead, A B A President C. Robert Brenton and Rep. Tom Cole man (R-Mo.) have issued a call to bankers in seven states to work with county Farmers Home Administra tion officers to clear out a backlog of pending disaster loan applications. In a statement released in Wash ington, D.C., Brenton and Coleman asked bankers in Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Mis souri and Tennessee to work in a “ volunteer effort” with FmHA offi cials to process a backlog of some 12,000 disaster loan applications. Brenton, who also is president of Brenton Banks, Inc., Des Moines, Iowa, noted that as a result of last summer’s drought and heat wave, more farmers than ever before have been forced to turn to FmHA for di saster loans. “ Despite their best efforts, FmHA loan officers in the hardest-hit states have been unable to work down the massive case load quickly enough to allow farmers to plan for spring planting,” Brenton and Coleman said. “ Simply put, if these farmers can’t plant this spring, a vast major ity will go under.” To receive an FmHA disaster loan, farmers must show a 30 per cent crop loss, an inability to get credit from any commercial sources and a reasonable expectation of being able to repay the loan based on their cash flow projections. It is on that latter point — cash flow projec tions — that FmHA is encountering its biggest difficulties, Brenton and Coleman said. “ S p ecifica lly, A B A m em ber banks will be asked to help farmers prepare their cash-flow projections. The final decision on loan approval will, of course, be made by FmHA personnel. This will help FmHA loan officers move through the back log quickly, and assure that eligible farmers get their loans in time to stay in business.” “ We have reached the crisis point,” Coleman said. “ We have to move these loans through now, or we might as well forget about them.” Brenton noted that this concerted effort to speed up disaster loan pro cessing was the result o f strong sup port from Coleman and from the offi cers and senior staff of the state bankers associations in hard-hit ag ricultural states. The congresman said his call for bankers action “ goes out with full Administration blessing. I have talked personally with the secretary of agriculture about this and he has An important new profit center for your bank: a computerized local billing/credit service Contact: National Bank of Waterloo 315 East 5th St. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Waterloo, IA 50704 FDIC, FHLBB Vote Tight Curb on Money Brokers Directors of the FDIC and FHLBB last week voted at separate meet ings to limit coverage afforded to brokered deposits to $ 100,000 per institution per money broker. The regulation would be effective Octo ber 1, 1984. Both boards had dis cussed publicly the need for such a regulation for some months. Directors of FHLBB voted unani mously for the new directive. A s ex pected, the vote at the FDIC board meeting was 2-1, with Comptroller of the Currency C.T. Conover oppos ed. Mr. Conover has spoken out sharply against such curbs, saying they are unnecessary because the problem is limited to a small number of institutions, and other steps are in place to remedy the abuse. Both FDIC and FHLBB officials, however, cited continued abuses that have jeopardized a number of banks and thrifts, and some of these have failed with as much as 24% of deposits—all insured—placed know ingly in the institution by money brokers, and straining insurance reserves. Six weeks spread throughout each year in your own luxurious townhome near Keystone, in the heart of Ski Country. Leroy Bell or Milt Hennick 319-291-5412 m w m w m given it his full support.” FmHA figures show that in the seven-state region targeted by Bren ton and Coleman 12,419 out of 23,897 disaster loan applications had not been processed as of Febru ary. Member Federal Reserve System FDIC 1/8 FEE SIMPLE OWNERSHIP Two bedroom, two and a half bath, fireplace, garage, hot tub in enclosed atrium area. Fully furnished, including washer and dryer. Purchase price $33,900. Dwayne S. Smith PARADISE PROPERTIES Box S Dillon, Colorado 80435 Phone today, 1-800/922-2590 5 CALL ON THE “PERFORMANCE TEAM” where comm on transactions are handled uncommonly well. FIRST NATIONAL LINCOLN 13th & M Street • Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 • Member, F.D.I.C. ® Sibley County Bank. He has been with the Sibley County Bank since 1968, most recently as vice presi dent and cashier. He succeeds Fred B. Johnson who has retired. * MINNEAPOLIS: First Bank Sys tem announced plans on March 21 for a two-for-one stock split and to list FBS shares on the New York Stock Exchange. It is presently overthe-counter. Company stock is being increased from 27 million to 75 mil lion. Common shares outstanding would move from 15,100,000 to 30,200,000. FBS stock closed at 51% on March 27. 0 # SPRING VALLEY: Evan B. Jones has been elected president of First Bank Spring Valley. He succeeds Thomas B. Johnson who has been appointed vice president of regional credit for First Bank System's southeast Minnesota region, head quartered in Rochester. Mr. Jones has held his current position as vice president of agricultural lending and operations at First Bank Mankato since 1976. Wisconsin News COLFAX: John O. Barton has been named president and chief executive officer of First American Bank of Colfax. He most recently was senior vice president and second officer of First American Bank and Trust of Willmar, where he had been since 1974. ELLSWORTH: Kenneth J. Palmer sheim has been elected president of the Pierce County Bank and Trust Company, according to Gerald L. Bryan, chairman. Prior to joining the staff of Pierce County Bank as senior vice president in 1982, Mr. Palmersheim was associated with the Com Belt Bank, Bloomington, 111., for six years. North Dakota News M AN D AN: Bernard A. Meier has been promoted to vice president of the commercial loan department of Norwest Bank Mandan. Mr. Méier has been with the bank since 1982. Montana News This year’s conference will also in clude a golf tourney, trap shoot and special ladies’ session. Registration fee is $75 for members and $150 for non-members. RED LODGE: A group consisting of R.L. Smith, Jack H. Foster, Dr. James Kane, John T. Prather and James H. Burnett have formed Sil ver Run Bancorporation, Inc. and have purchased 81% of the United States National Bank o f Red Lodge. Mr. Smith has been elected presi dent of the Bancorporation and is president and chairman of the bank. Mr. Foster, vice president of the bank, has been appointed to the board to fill the unexpired term of Ralph Heare. The other individuals are also members of the bank’s board. BURROUGHS SERIES L USERS The Montana Bankers Associa tion will be holding its 1984 Retail Banking Conference May 2-4 at Fairmont Hot Springs. Headlining the list of conference speakers is Phillip D. White associ ate professor of marketing from the University of Colorado, who will in struct retail lenders on how to mar ket themselves and their banks to their customers. • Loans With Accrual • Bonds With Accrual • CDs With Accrual • Savings With Accrual • NOW/SUPER NOW, M M DA With Accrual Installed — User Proven 1-800-228-3628 General Bank Equipment Si Equipment and Service Systems, Inc. RR45, Box 115 Hiway 7 3 ,3 1/2 Miles North of Int. 680 Omaha, Nebraska 68152 (402)453-3000 L e a s e * Rent • Buy Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P.O. Box 37550 Omaha, Nebraska 68137 WANT ADS— Rates are $5.00 per line per insertion. Add $3.00 for file letters per insertion. Identity of file letter advertisers cannot be revealed. NORTHWESTERN BANKER, 306 15th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone 515/244-8163 BANKING OPPORTUNITIES POSITIONS AVAILABLE LOAN REVIEW OFFICER - Nebraska bank holding com pany. 5-years experience in commercial/ag lending and workout. To35K Commercial Lender for $95 m iiiion eastern Iowa Bank, Knowledge of ag loans a p lu s ...................................$35,000 PERSONAL TRUST OFFICER - Iowa. J.D. & 3-5 years per sonal & estate planning required. To$33K Commercial Lender with 2 years experience - for Lakes Area bank. Training and background im portant............. to $25,000 AVP - Manager of $40 mill, branch, Iowa. Commercial/consumer lending, degree and strong management experience a must. To$33K Commercial Lender for $50 million bank in college to w n . . . . $40,000 AVP - Installm ent Lender -Nebraska bank. Four years in direct and indirect consumer lending in commercial bank ing required. To$25K VP - Ag Dept Head - $65 m ill. Iowa bank. Experience in large lines of credit - management potential to enable you to readily become EVP. To $35K All positions are fee paid and have excellent relocation packages. Reply in confidence: EXPERIENCED TRUST OFFICER to form and head a trust department in a $200 m illion financial institution. Position requires law degree with approximately 5 years experi ence in all phases o f trust services. Applicants should be aggressive and personable in order to be considered. Ex cellent benefits and salary commensurate with experi ence. Send resume, salary history and requirements to file WAH, c/o Northwestern Banker. All inquiries confidential. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. (PA) AG LOAN OFFICER— progressive bank group looking for ag lender in $65 m illion bank in Boone, IA. Prefer 5-10 years banking experience. Salary commensurate w ith ex perience. Send resume to Jack Ayres, P.O. Box 486, Belle vue, NE 68005. (PA) Phyllis S. Lynch GUMBERT EXECUTIVE EXCHANGE, INC. 11246 Davenport Street Omaha, NE 68154 Phone 402/330-3260 (PA) a n d cd^i±ociatL± Bank Consultants Specializing in Bank Acquisitions P.O. Box 450 515-232-0814 405 Main Ames, Iowa 50010 Let us help you. Call the ag lending personnel specialists without cost or obligation. Confi dential. Employers pay us to hire the best. EXPERIENCED TRUST OFFICER to head small but grow ing department in progressive $65 m illion Iowa bank. Law degree a plus, but experience may substitute. Estate plan ning, employee benefits, and marketing knowledge re quired. Salary to $34,000 plus benefits. Send resume and salary history to file WAP, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) NWA-1 AG LENDER—Reference says, “ TOP FLIGHT... excellent PR person for bank...a PEOPLE PERSON... Wears a smile on his face all the tim e.” Strong farm knowledge...knows land and machinery values. Offers 31/2 yrs. w ith FHA. B.A. degree. Married. Age: 33. Lives MN. $18,000. Call Linda. MORTGAGE LENDER— Central Iowa bank seeks a suc cessful motivated residential lender w ith 3-5 years experi ence in marketing and closing of residential loans. Com petitive salary and benefit package available. For confi dential consideration, please send resume and salary his tory to file WAQ, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) NWA-2 AG LOAN OFFICER—Young banker offers close to two years experience for a $40MM bank and responsible for $3M M + in ag loans. Ag degree. Mar ried. Age: 24. Lives Wl. $18,000. Call Linda. SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT OF LOANS. #2 position at University Bank & Trust Co., Ames, Iowa. Immediate opening. Contact Bob Grathwohl, President. University Bank & Trust Co. P.O. Box 1066 Welch Ave. Station Ames, Iowa 50010. Phone 515/292-7475. (PA) INVESTMENT ANALYST— New position, opportunity in re gional banking group for brokerage - licensed and experi enced analyst, w ith 5 years experience as investment analyst w ith emphasis in equity analysis. Send resume to Mike Walts, Sr.V.P., A ffiliated Midwest Bancs, Inc., 100 American Plaza, Bellevue, NE 68005. (PA) FOR SALE IBM SYSTEM 34 MODEL E35 COMPUTER— 128K-128MB disk, magazine drive. 300 LPM printer. On IBM mainte nance. Phone 701/968-3314, Baker Electric Cooperative, Box 608, Cando ND 58324. (FS) 20 NCR 279-301’S w ith controllers and passbook printers. Eligible for maintenance. All or part. Call Susie Whitten, 1-800-531-5036 (in Texas 800-252-3402). SIX (6) 279-301 ON LINE/OFF LINE TELLER MACHINES. Continually under maintenance. Call Mr. Norman, (512) 250-0794. NCR 8251, 128K, 19.6MB, CASSETTE, CRT, ETC. Call Teresa George (512) 250-0794. IBM, NCR, DIEBOLD, DOCUTEL NEW & USED ATMs, TELLER, PROOF & COMPUTER HARDWARE. Buy and S e ll. Phone O m aha C o m p u te r E xch a n g e In c ., 402/333-3203. (FS) 50 BANK MICRO COMPUTER PROGRAMS— Franklln/Apple/IBM PC and others. Overview, Sample Reports, Demo Disk. Send $19.95 to: Bankers Elec. Equip. Inc., 380 N. Wal nut, Grand Island, NE 68801. Phone 308/384-5995. (FS) Sr. Ag Lender for $40 million bank in Central Iowa. Prefer col lege graduate with rather extensive bank record.. to $35,000 Sr. Ag Lender for member of multi-bank holding company in Illinois. Must have proven record and degree........ to $38,000 Jr. Ag Lender for member of multi-bank holding company in Illinois. Prefer minimum two years bank experience............ ....................................................................................... $28,000 Number Two person for northern Iowa community bank. Should be ag-oriented and know ag lending/operations.. . . $35,000 Ag Lender for eastern South Dakota bank, located near ma jor population area................................................................. to $30,000 Number Two person for community bank near Des Moines. Must be experienced inlending/operations.......... to $33,000 Commercial Lender with general bankexperience for $50 million bank in northwest Iowa..........................Salary Open. Write or call in confidence to Malcolm Freeland, c/o Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 1032 Carriers Bldg., Des Moines, la. 50309. Phone (515) 282-6462. Employers pay fee. D o n a l d E . H o l d e r , Principal REAL ESTATE LOAN OFFICER — The Hills Bank and Trust Company has an excellent opportunity for the right person to head our real estate loan department. Minimum three or four years experience required - to process FHA, VA loans and to handle loans on secondary market. We are a $142 m illion bank with tw o locations serving the Iowa City area. Interested candidates should send resume in confidence to: Gordon Hinz, H ills Bank and Trust Company, 131 Main Street, Hills, Iowa 52235. (PA) LOAN REVIEW POSITION— Must be experienced in com mercial and ag loans. Light travel. O ffice in Twin Cities metro area. Salary opén. Excellent opportunities for ad vancement in growing organization. Send confidential resume to file WAR, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) Operations Person for $16 million bank in northern Iowa. Nice situation for $30,000 CORRESPONDENT BANKER We are looking for someone with 3-5 years of com mercial lending experience to work in our corre spondent bank area. Additional requirements are correspondent banking experience (or extensive AG lending experience) and a college degree with at least 1 year of accounting. For more inform a tion phone Mary Nerhaugen 612/341-6579. Ag Banking Personnel NWA-3 AG LOAN OFFICER—A very sharp candidate! Has six years current ag lending exp. AND a great sales personality. Reference says his strengths are loan judgment, credit analysis, documentation, orga nization and the ability to stim ulate new loans. B.S. degree. Married. Age: 30. $25,000. Call Jean. NWA-4 AG LENDER—Serving as branch mgr./AVP of $15MM branch bank since 1976. Handles all loans (75% are ag. prod./ag bus. loans) and supervises 4. Ac com plishm ents include a very clean loan portf. and good growth record. Married. Age: 37. Lives IN $27,000. Call Jean. NWA-5 AG LENDER—Responsible for $6MM ag loan portf., cash flows, farm calls and inspections and computer operation for bank. Two year Associate’s Degree in ag banking. Married. Age: 27. Lives ND. $25,000. Call Linda. NWA-6 INSTALLMENT LENDER— Reference says, “ EXCELLENT INSTALLMENT LENDER...had the lowest delinquency rate for collections in bank...very outgoing.” A problem solver. Offers eight years exp. in installm ent lending, collections and appraising. Cur rently employed as a Fee RE Appraiser. Married. Age: 34. Lives Wl. Low $20,000’s. Call Linda. NWA-7 CEO’s—Several very good presidents of banks ranging in size from $15 to $36 Million. Extreme confidentiality required. Call Linda or Jean. ép r. Linda: 515/394-5827 New Hampton, la. 50659 ■ I F & M MARQUETTE NATIONAL BANK 6th & Marquette Minneapolis, MN 55480 Affirmative Action Employer POSITION WANTED BANKER 44 years old w ith twenty-four years experience in commercial, real estate and installm ent loans. Knowledge of financial analysis, documentation, loan review and com pliance officer. Excellent work-out experience. Familiar w ith operations, business development. Com munity oriented. College degree. Looking for challenge and opportunities. Phone 312/554-8666 for resume. (PW) WILL GRADUATE May, 1984, from University of Wyom ing w ith B.S. in Farm and Ranch Management. Through management-oriented studies I offer special skills in Futures Market, and working knowledge of computer lan guages: Basic, Fortran, Cobol. Reared and worked on Iowa farm. John R. Lighty, 1415 Gibbon St. #34, Laramie, Wyo. 82070, 307/742-4664 until May 15. Permanent address: R.R. 2, Box 40, Delhi, la. 52223,319/926-2775. (PW) POSITIONS AVAILABLE REAL ESTATE LOAN - manage $6MM real estate dept, for com m unity bank. Majority of portfolio is single fam ily residential. $25,000 CEO - $50MM com m unity bank with heavy emphasis on agricredits. Ideal candidate w ill have proven ad m inistrative record and superior agrilending skills. $ Open COMMERCIAL/INSTAL. LOAN - $25MM com m unity bank. Position requires 2-4 yrs. lending in bank environment. $25,000 REAL ESTATE/BIZ. DEVELOPMENT • $65MM suburban bank desires real estate lender with strong construction and commercial real estate background. Biz. development skills a must. $35,000 wM ISBBF J h (PA) CORRESPONDENT OFFICER - position requires ex perience in the analyses and documentation of participa tion and bank loans. Limited travel. $40,000 Jean 515/263-9598 if no answer, 712/779-3567 Massena, Iowa 50853 aqnc4RSRs,iNC. THE ORIGINAL AGRICULTURAL RECRUITER Resume and salary history requested. All inquiries con fidential. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES P.O. Box 12346 - 2024 Swift North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 12 No. 50 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fif teenth Street, Des Moines, Towa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $15.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis