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Vol. 11 No. 52 Des Moines, Iowa M ABSCO Votes Loan Loss Reserve ABSCO Agricultural Services, Inc. (M ASI) held its annual meeting in St. Louis, M o., on A pril 6 and authorized a substantial change in its operation to the benefit o f par ticipating banks. Four members were added to the board which now totals 15. Reelected as president was Ed ward L. Tubbs, chairman o f Maquoketa State Bank, M aquoketa, la. The secretary/treasurer position is held by Leslie W . Peterson, presi dent o f Farmers State Bank in Trimont, Minn. Jim C. Potter, Des Moines, la., remains executive vice president and chief operating of ficer. The board approved a restructur ing o f the M A SI program with Ra bobank Nederland in order to bring the corporation into full com pliance with all o f the applicable state and federal regulators, including the Of fice o f the Comptroller o f Currency. A working agreement reached with Rabobank last August provid ed for Rabobank Nederland to pur chase agricultural loan participa tions o f up to 80% from M A SI af filiated banks in the 13 state M ABSCO region. This program helps banks meet their com petition, better serve their ag custom ers, and will increase their profits. Changes in the operations, as outlined at the annual meeting, will result in the M elimination o f LIFO (Last-in/firstout) after a loan is in default. The revised program calls for pro-rata sharing o f losses after default which will bring the program into confor m ity with the OCC’s interpretive ruling. M A SI has agreed to indemnify Rabobank for any increase in its losses due to the change. This in dem nification will be accom plished through a loan loss reserve fund con sisting o f a surcharge o f one-fourth of one percent on all participations purchased. M A SI is currently purchasing loans in six states: Iowa, North Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, M ich igan and W isconsin. The program is ready to be implemented in all o f the remaining M ABSCO states except for Kansas where enabling legisla tion is pending. Approxim ately one hundred banks have expressed in terest in the M A SI program and have been sent preliminary sign-up packages and information. Mr. Potter said “ Bankers who have used the M A SI program report a high degree o f satisfaction with the handling o f loans that have been sold. M A SI is optim istic that with the negotiated changes now being implemented, the program will be readily acceptable to all interested banks.” April 18,1983 M ASI is a subsidiary of MABSCO Bankers Service, Inc., which is owned by 13 state bankers associations re presenting 6700 banks. □ CSBS Meets May 8 Paul A. Volcker, chairman o f the Federal Reserve System , will give the keynote address at the 82nd an nual convention o f the Conference o f State Bank Supervisors, which con venes M ay 8 at The Broadm oor in Colorado Springs. Addressing the first general ses sion on M onday will be Congress men Bill McCollum (R., Fla.) and Jerry M. Patterson (D., Cal.), along with John E. Malarkey, state bank com m issioner in Delaware, who is CSBS federal legislative chairman. The second session on Tuesday will feature FDIC Chairman Wm. Isaac, A B A President Wm. H. Ken nedy, Jr., and CSBS President Sidney A . Bailey, Virginia com m is sioner. A lso featured will be Joel J. Crabtree, senior vice president o f Continental Bank, Chicago; A lex W . “ Pete” Hart, executive vice presi dent, First Interstate Bancorp., Los Angeles, and Richard M. Domin quez, former California superinten dent. Illinois Commissioner W illiam C. Harris will moderate their panel. A panel o f state and federal reg ulators Tuesday afternoon consists of: CSBS President Bailey as chair- ASK JOHN MANGOLD to make MNB work for you. Toll free: 1-800-332-5991 Merchants National Bank isi M e m b e r F .D .I.C . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A B A N K S O F IO W A BANK Bob Buenneke Team w ork: One of the reasons we’re first in Iowa. SERVING PROFESSIONALLY Banking, Financial & Business Personnel Iowa and Nationwide CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE 714 U.C.B. Building, 515-283-2545 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Sue Van Dyke W ire Transfer An Affiliate of Northwest Bancorporation Mem ber F D ic man; Thomas H. Huston, Iowa superintendent; John E. Ryan, who heads banking supervision o f the Fed; H. Joe Selby, senior deputy Comptroller o f the Currency, and James L. Sexton, director o f the division o f bank supervision at the FDIC. A bout 500 persons are expected to attend the meeting. Iowa News COUNCIL BLUFFS: First National Bank has elected Robert C. Edwards commercial loan officer and assis tant vice president. Mr. Edwards has approxim ately 11 years exper ience in banking and other financial institutions. Prior to joining First National Bank he served as presi dent o f American Securities and Loan for four years. DAVENPORT: Brenton First Na tional Bank o f Davenport has an nounced that Christopher Pieper has joined the bank as assistant vice president and commercial loan of ficer. Mr. Pieper has several years experience with Bettendorf Bank & Trust. DUBUQUE: Daniel W . Ernst, 80, former president, CEO and chair man o f the American Trust and Sav ings Bank, died recently. Mr. Ernst had been with the bank many years and was secretary to the executive com m ittee at the time o f his death. G R E E N F IE LD : U nited Central Bank & Trust Company recently an nounced the election o f Larry A. Bergemann as president and chief executive officer. He succeeds Ken F. Leuthauser, who was named vice chairman and plans to retire this fall. Mr. Bergemann joined the Greenfield bank in June, 1982, as ex ecutive vice president. He previous ly served as vice president in the cor respondent bank division o f United Central Bank o f Des Moines, N.A. LAK E PARK : Donald Trehame has joined the staff o f Security State Bank as vice president and cashier. He previously served at Davis Coun ty Savings Bank, Bloom field, as senior vice president and trust of ficer. SCHLESW IG: A .J. Sinn, director o f the Farmers State Bank, passed away last month after a short ill ness. Mr. Sinn began his banking career in 1952, became a member of the board in 1964 and retired as vice president o f the bank in 1976, con tinuing as a member o f the board un til his death. W ATERLOO: M ax W . Cory recent ly resigned as vice president o f Na tional Bank o f W aterloo to purchase a golf course in Oelwein. W A VERLY: The board o f directors o f the First National Bank recently announced the prom otion o f the fol lowing six employees: Rodney Drenkow to vice president and trust of ficer; David Huser to vice president Professional ... Responsive... Call Mark Christen for any correspondent service. Call toll free (800) 622-7262 Valley National Bank D E S M O IN E S , IO W A 5 0 3 0 4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banco Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 A B A N K S O F IO W A B AN K Member FDIC and agricultural representative; Janice Johnson to vice president and cashier; Pauline Koch to vice president o f marketing and public relations; Sandra Soash to assistant vice president and head bookkeeper, and Beverly Leisinger to admini strative officer. Nebraska News BEA TR ICE: First National Bank of Omaha on April 11 acquired title to two holding companies and their subsidiaries as a result o f negotia tions that resulted from default on the loan for stock in the companies. First National now owns Beatrice State Co., which owns First Security Bank & Trust Co., and Olym pic In vestm ent Co., which owns First Security Savings, and the insurance agency at each institution. First Security Savings is one o f 36 in dustrial loan and investment com panies chartered in N ebraska. James L. Gillette, president and cashier o f both institutions, and his wife, Nancy, vice president, have resigned from the corporations. Den nis O'Neal, executive vice president at First National Bank o f Omaha, said John M. Urquhart has been ad vanced to president from senior vice president at the bank and will be its managing officer. A ll other staff continue the same. First Security Bank & Trust had year-end deposits o f $17,299,000. CROFTON: Crofton State Bank has recently been purchased by Tim Brennan, president o f Center State Bank, Center, and a group o f in vestors. Mr. Brennan, who also owns the Climbing Hill Savings Bank, Climbing Hill, Iowa, holds controlling interest in the newly pur chased bank and will serve as chair man. George Haase, form erly senior vice president o f Citizens National Bank in Wisner, will serve as presi dent. Tim Riewer, form erly instal ment loan officer with Northwestern National Bank o f N orfolk, is the new vice president. Donna Guenther serves as cashier. N EBRA SK A CITY: Paul H. A l brecht, president o f Otoe County National Bank and Trust Co., has announced the form ation o f a farm management department within the iHutton One Carriers Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Telephone: (515) 243-1203 NEW ISSUE Moody’s: A We own and offer subject to prior sale and change in price and subject to our attorney’s approving opinion: $725,000 DENISON, IOWA General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds DATED: May 1,1983 DENOMINATION: $5,000 Both principal and semiannual interest (June 1 and December 1; first coupon due December 1,1983) payable at the office of the City Treasurer, Denison, Iowa. IN THE OPINION OF COUNSEL INTEREST ON THESE BONDS IS EXEMPT FROM ALL PRESENT FEDERAL INCOME TAXES. MATURITIES $50,000 50,000 55,000 65,000 $70,000 $75,000 8% June 1,1984 June 1, 1985 June 1, 1986 June 1,1987 6 3/4% June 1,1988 7% June 1, 1989 5.40 5.80 6.20 6.50 $ 80,000 7 1/4% June 1, 1990 7.25 $ 85,000 7 1/2% June 1, 1991 7.50 6.75 $ 95,000 7.00 $100,000 7.70% June 1, 1992 7.90% June 1, 1993 7.70 7.90 LEGALITY TO BE APPROVED BY BELIN, HARRIS, HELMICK & HEARTNEY, ATTORNEYS, DES MOINES, IOWA The City of Denison, the county seat of Crawford County, is located in the west central portion of the State approximately 70 miles south east of Sioux City. The City serves as a trading center for the prosperous surrounding agricultural area. During the past few years, the City has become a major meat processing center having three plants: Farmland Foods, Inc. (hog slaughter and processing); Dubuque Packing Co. (cutters and distributors of beef) and Iowa Beef Processors Co. (beef slaughter and processing). Transportation facilities are provided by U.S. Highways 30 and 59, State Highways 39 and 141 and the Chicago and Northwestern and the Illinois Central Railroad and an excellent network of paved county roads. There are two commercial banks serving the City with deposits exceeding $71,484,000 and two savings and loan associations with assets over $291,773,435. These bonds are being issued to defray a portion of the cost to construct a new fire station and street improvements and purchase equipment for the Street Department. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Actual Valuation, 1982 Assessed Valuation, 1982 Net Direct Debt, including this issue Net Direct and Overlapping Debt Population, 1980 estimate: Net Direct Debt: Combined Net Debt: $138,942,296.00 108,017,983.00 915,000.00 2,025,081.00 6,675 $137.08 per capita $303.38 per capita The information contained herein is not guaranteed, but is derived from sources which we deem reliable and is that on which our purchase of these bonds is based. Bonds of a particular maturity may or may not still be available or may now be available at a price or yield different from the indicated above. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 4-18-83 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A n Advertising Close-Up Take a close look at your advertising budget. Are you using it to your best advantage? Are you reaching the right target audiences as economically as possible? Would you welcome an inexpensive way to advertise individual services in the print media? The BankVertising Company announces the first of a continuing series of quality, pre-produced advertisements ready for your immediate use! A distinctive look . . . quality graphics . . . professional copy . . . a unified, sales-oriented theme . . . all yours at a fraction of the cost of employing an outside agency. Created for BankVertising by a marketing firm specializing in financial advertising, these ads can be personalized with your name and logo to give your bank a distinctive look in print. Each advertisement focuses on a service chosen for its significant impact on recent bank sales. IRAs . . . Money Market Accounts . . . Agri-Business . . . Trust Services . . . Home Improvement Loans. “ Close-Up” ads with your name and logo can sell these special services to your customers effectively and inexpensively. BankVertising has been providing advertising services to banks for 20 years, so we’re confident that you will benefit from this series. W e’ll even offer you a 10-day money-back guarantee. If you aren’t totally pleased with your “ Close-Up” ads, just send them back within 10 days and we’ll give you a full refund. For more information, fill out the coupon below and drop it in the mail today. I---------------------------------------------------------------- “] Please send me more information on how I can save money on my advertising. Name ____________________________________ Title _______________________________________ B ank_______________________________________ Address_______________________ _____________ | City _______________________________________ | State _____________________ Zip _____________ Telephone ________________________________ Market A rea ________________________________ ____ I would also like information on radio tapes, lobby posters, statement stuffers and other materials in the “ Close-Up” series. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Return to: The BankVertising Company 3102 Research Road, Box 1568 Champaign, IL 61820 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 CALL ON THE “PERFORMANCE TEAM” where com m on transactions are handled uncommonly well. FIRST NATIONAL LINCOLN 13th & M Street • Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 • Member, F.D.I.C. £ 0 bank and the appointment o f Ronald W . Jay, Sr., as the new depart m ent’s farm manager. Mr. Jay was graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a BS degree in agriculture education. He has been farming full-time since 1978. ^ a • ® _ ^ • • ^ a computerized local billing/credit service m w m w m Minnesota News BRANDON: Citizens State Bank of Brandon has voted to change the name o f the bank to First American Bank o f Brandon, effective April 5. ® An important new profit center for your bank: Contact: Leroy Bell or Milt Hennick 319-291-5412 National Bank of Waterloo 315 East 5th St. • Waterloo, IA 50704 Member Federal Reserve System FDIC Ninth Annual Convention at the Montana News Holiday Inn East, Springfield, May H AVRE: Richard G. Rubie has been 10-12. This year’s convention fea elected vice president in the com tures “ The M icrocom puter” —the mercial lending department o f Citi mini-seminar that’s a must for to zens Bank o f Montana. Mr. Rubie day’s independent banker. Thomas has served with banks in Oregon A . Farin, president o f Aurora and m ost recently Missoula, where Systems, Inc., o f M adison, W is., and he was assistant vice president of Daniel J. Stein, vice president, will the First National Montana Bank. conduct the seminar. Tuesday, M ay 10 will begin with Colorado News the annual golf tournament at 10:00 a.m. followed by a Hawaiian Luau DEN VER: Van A. H orsley has been dinner dance at 6:30 p.m. featuring prom oted to senior vice president of Dave M ajor and the Minors. Denver National Bank. Mr. H orsley On M ay 11 the morning session joined the bank in 1974 and m ost M IN N EAPOLIS: Lee S. Erhard was recently advanced to vice presi will begin at 8:45 with a Overview o f recently was vice president in the dent at The Independent State Bank M icrocom puters in Banking. A t commercial loan department. o f Minnesota. A lso elected as assis- 10:45 the annual ICBI business tant vice presidents were John A. meeting will be held follow ed by G R E E L E Y : C olorado N ational Henke and Gary L. Malmquist. Mr. lunch. A fter the luncheon Aurora Bank has elected Dick Feldhus pres Erhard, who now has full respon Systems, Inc. will present a slide ident. Mr. Feldhus, who also as sibility for marketing the services o f presentation on Bank M icrocom sumes the responsibility o f chief ex this, a “ bankers’ bank” , has been puter Applications followed by How ecutive officer, brings 30 years of em ployed in a contact position for to Implement a Successful Bank M i banking experience to his position. the past year with four years o f prior crocom puter Program. The grand re He has served as vice president and ception will be held at 5:30 followed commercial loan officer at Greeley banking experience. National Bank; executive vice presi by dinner. ORTONVILLE: Terrence D. Gere Thursday, M ay 12, at 9:00 a.m. dent at Cache National Bank, and has been elected president and a will be a trip to the State Capitol for has served as president for both the director o f N orthw estern State an informal visit with lawmakers. Bank o f Manitou and W est Greeley Bank, effective April 30. Currently This is optional. National Bank. senior vice president and senior loan officer o f First Northwestern State Bank o f Thief River Falls, Mr. Gere succeeds Ronald A . Arndt, now For the best in ag overline, data process president o f First National Bank of ing and cash management services, Jamestown, N.D. Mr. Gere has been along with expert advice and guidance, with the Northwest Bancorporation call Security Correspondent organization since 1966 and has Banker Steve Hatz at been with the Thief River Falls bank 7 1 2 /2 7 7 -6 5 5 4 . since 1979. DULUTH: Dennis W . Dunne, presi dent o f First National Bank of Duluth, has announced the election o f Robert Fischer as executive vice president, commercial division. Mr. Fischer, who fills the post recently held by Henry Royer who resigned to becom e president o f Merchants National Bank o f Cedar Rapids, Iowa, began his career with First National Bank o f Duluth in 1958 in the trust department. Since Janu ary, 1979, he has served as senior vice president. Count on Steve Hatz. Illinois News 0 The Independent Com m unity Banks in Illinois will be holding its Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SECURITY NATIONAL RANK Sioux City, Iowa 51101 Member ED.I.C. W A N T ADS BANKERS AVAILABLE Rates are $5.00 per line per insertion. A dd $3.00 for file letters per insertion. Identity of file letter advertisers cannot be revealed. Ag Banking People Specialists Employers have been paying us to help them hire better, faster, easier since 1968. Call without cost or obligation for more information. Confidential. Linda: 515/394-5827 New Hampton, .Iowa 50659 Jeannie: 515/263-9598 (If no answer 712/779-3567) Massena, Iowa 50853 I NATIONWIDt BOH CAREERS, INC. ■J THE ORIGINAL AGRICULTURAL RECRUITER Estate Appraisals CEO of high performance bank seeks new challenge with Upper Midwest community bank in or near a city of 10,000 population............................................................... Salary Neg. Purchase o f Collections Commercial Lender, age 36, over 10 years of experience with multi-bank holding company - proven track record -solid references............................................................$38,000 Sale o f Rare Coins Senior Ag Lender, age 40, Iowa State Grad., handles $20 million portfolio with minimal charge-offs. Could be strong second man.................................................................... $40,000 Reliable and respected service for over 20 years Used by bankers throughout the midwest Commercial Lender, 40, over 10 years experience in $80 million bank. Works heavily in inventory and accounts re ceivable financing............................................................ Salary$35,000 Ben E . Marlenee Coins Marketing Executive with commercial lending experience with major midwest bank................................................ Salary$40,000 Walt Heyne, Dunhill of Fayetteville Box 1570, Rogers, Arkansas 72756 Phone: 501/636-8578 Auditor with multi-bank holding company. Over 15 years experience......................................................................... Salary$26,000 Installment Lender with multi-bank holding company. Seven years experience and college degree. Prefer north ern or central Iowa............................................................Salary$23,500 POSITION AVAILABLE COMM ERCIAL LENDER needed for aggressive $50 million bank in eastern South Dakota. Experience required. Salary open. Write fi le TBN, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) IN STALLM ENT LENDING POSITION in $40 million westcentral Iowa bank. Previous installment lending ex perience required. Salary open. Send resume to Roger Fleury, Financial Service Company, P.O. Box 3128, Omaha, NE 68103. (PA) POSITIONS AVAILABLE CEO for smaller community bank located in eastern Iowa. Must be ag-oriented and know lending and operations. . . . ....................................................................... Salary to $30,000 Ag Lender for northwest Iowa community bank. Prefer Iowa State grad with three years or more experience........... .............................................................................. Salary $26,000 Affiliated Midwest Bancs Inc., a progressive group of six banks is looking for a COM M ERCIAL LOAN O FFICER for a $33 million bank in S.E. Nebraska; and an AGRICULTURAL LOAN O FFICER for a $60 million bank in central Iowa. Prefer 3-5 years experience for both positions. Salaries commensurate with experience. Send resumes to Jack Ayres, P.O. Box 486, Bellevue, NE 68005. (PA) Correspondent Officer for $150 million midwest bank. Must have commercial and/or ag lending experience and be willing to travel........................................ Salary to $30,000 $32 million community bank in central Illinois has opening for LOAN O FFICER with consumer and agricultural lend ing experience - operations background and/or computer experience a plus. Must be aggressive, self-starter and Commercial Loan Officer for bank in 8th Fed District of Illi able to accept responsibility. Send resume and salary nois. Position can lead to e.v.p. position within six months. history in strict confidence to file TBR, c/o Northwestern Assets over $50 million....................................................Salary$40,000 Banker. (PA) Operations position in Illinois bank in west central Illinois. COM M ERCIAL LOAN O FFICER for a $75 million west cen Some experience in lending helpful..............................Salary$26,000 tral Minnesota bank. Send resume to file TBS, c/o North Write or call Malcolm Freeland, Freeland Financial Ser western Banker. (PA) vices, Inc., 1032 Carriers Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone 515/282-6462. Employer pays fee. cd io id s x u n d cz^f’ns.ocLatEi. Bank Consultants SKI TH E SUMMIT! Specializing in Bank Acquisitions Call me Toll Free to discuss our 1983 Building Plans. P .O . B ox 450 V.PJCashier with heavyoperations experience. Prefer eastern Iowa or Illinois location.....................................Salary$25,000 Ag Lander with Iowa State Degree and one year’s ex perience with major bank.................................Salary $17,000 Ag Lender with Iowa State Degree and seven years ex perience.............................................................. Salary $30,000 If you need qualified officer material, call or write Malcolm Freeland, Freeland Financial Services, Inc., 1032 Carriers Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone 515/282-6462. Employer pays modest fee. EXECUTIVE BANK RECRUITING Why Not a Higher Paying Position? Call us and lets talk about your banking career. R.E.B. & Associates Executive Search Consultants 13625 C. St., Omaha, Nebraska 68144 Phone: 402/333-8248 or 333-6604 FOR SALE Tw o Concord Point of Sale Terminals and Deposit Vaults. Contact Dave Laferla, First National Bank & Trust Company in Aurora, Aurora, Nebraska 68818. Phone: 402/694-3136. ____________________________________________________ (FS) BURROUGHS S 100 SINGLE PO CKET PROOF MACHINE. In excellent working condition. $100. Call John Outhier, Okey-Vernon First National Bank, Corning, la. Phone: (515) 322-3101. (FS) IBM 1255-6 PO CKET READER SORTER. 4 months old. Phone Dick Martin: 605/996-7755. (FS) A TTE N TIO N NCR USERS: 775 proof w/16 pockets, tape drive, disk packs, 775 computer w/printer and more. Phone Wi 11at (308) 432-5553. (FS) CH IEF INVESTM ENT OFFICER SR COMMERCIAL BANKING OFFICER Omaha National Bank is seeking a senior level Commercial Banking Officer. Successful candi date will possess a degree in business, finance or related area and will have either 5 years commer cial lending experience or 8 years bank operations experience with at least 3 years in a commercial lending capacity. Position requires knowledge of secured and unsecured loans, bank products and services, statistical and financial math, account ing principles, financial statements, collateral analysis, and industries and companies repre sented in customer base. Must have proven mar keting ability and effective customer contact skills. If qualified, submit resume and salary history to: Personnel Department Omaha National Bank 17th and Fam am Streets Omaha, Nebraska 68102 402/348-7911 Equal Opportunity Employer 515-232-0814 405 Main Am es, Iowa 50010 Donald E. Holder, Principal DW AYNE SMITH Phone 1-800/922-2590 Paradise Properties, Box S Dillon, CO 80435 Attorney experience in trusts and estates plus high perfor mance investment record................................................Salary$45,000 Ag Lender with over 20 years of experience and excellent record. Prefers central or southern Iowa___ Salary $28,000 913 Locust Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-243-8064 BANKING If you would like to evaluate your career, my clients across the country have a wide range of needs in operations, lending, and trust. Salaries are in the $20-80,000 range. Clients pay our service charge. Call or write: CEO heading community bank for major multi-bank holding company seeks position in Minnesota/Wisconsin area. Excellent references....................................Salary Neg. Highly respected and successful Bests A + pro perty, casualty, and life insurance organization seeks Chief Investment Officer to manage $300 mil lion portfolio. Supervises broker/dealer operation affiliated with personal financial planning ser vices. Additional opportunity exists to form and manage an investment advisory operation to pro vide investment services to other organizations. The individual we seek will be a seasoned invest ment professional who has successfully managed a large portfolio in banking, insurance, invest ment houses, pension funds, or a mutual fund. In addition, skill in developing and selling financial services would be a strong plus. Attractive com pensation and desirable life style in a city with ex cellent life quality. Contact in confidence: Charles H. McDonald Vice President AID Insurance Co. (Mutual) Box 974, 701 Fifth Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 50304 Call collect A C 515/280-4267 An Equal Opportunity Employer (PA) POSITIONS AVAILABLE JUNIOR OPERATIONS— college degree and 1-2 yrs. bank operations experience required. $17,000 SECOND OFFICER— small rural bank in western Iowa. Pre fer ag lending background and insurance licenses. $22,000 PRESIDENT— for $40MM community bank in north central state. Requires solid commercial lending background and business development skills. $50,000 SENIOR COM M ERCIAL LENDER— growing $75MM bank affiliated with holding company. Manage portfolio. Re quires some knowledge of agribusiness financing. $40,000 PRESIDENT— rural $20MM bank with majority of portfolio in ag credits. Administrative experience required. $35,000 MARKETING O FFICER — progressive $65MM community bank. Manage retail banking and develop new products. Must like rural environment. $35,000 Additional opportunities available. Resume' requested. TOM H AGAN & ASSOCIATES of Kansas City (PA) 2024 Swift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 11 No. 52 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis