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lì Vol. 12 No. 52 Des Moines, Iowa Non-bank Banks, Deficits Key Issues to deal with nu merous applications for “ nonbank” banks must be dealt with very soon by the Congress or the Comptroller of the Currency will have little choice other than ap proving such applications. A mora torium earlier authorized by Con gress has expired. Bankers from midwestern states such as North Dakota, South Dako ta and Iowa, who visited the ABA and their Washington Congressional delegation in recent days, learned that a whole string of banks and other corporations have applied for such “ non-bank” charters. Dimen sion Corporation, of course, heads the list with its application that is about six months old, seeking 31 such charters. Now in recent days, the Comptroller has applications from U.S. Trust Company of New York, Mellon Bank, Pittsburgh, and Chase Manhattan Bank and Irving Trust Company of New York. Seve ral of these have applications for as many as 15 of these bank charters. There was no indication from Con gress as to which direction it would take, if any. Among its options would be imposition of another mor atorium, which is felt in many quar ters not to be a viable alternative. Additionally, Congress could pass some type of legislation which could include a divestiture clause affecting L e g is l a t io n such bank charters for whatever period of time designated — such as either the past year or the past decade. A dditionally, Congress could do anything. If it adopts the latter alternative, the Comptroller would in all proba bility, by law, have to approve such application. This would continue to create a further imbalance in the products and services offered by competitors of bank and thrift insti tutions while their hands are still tied by present regulations. Bankers visiting the capital city have found that apart from the non bank issue, the biggest, single, pressing issue is without question the federal budget deficit of nearly $200 billion. Bankers from back home are continuing to impress upon their Congressmen the fact that continuing high interest rates have a direct relationship with those budget deficits and the tremendous power that their financing wields in the public finance markets. They point out that there is so little money left available in the public markets that the market forces seeking those dollars are driving up interest rates. The Congressmen seem well aware of the mammoth size of the budget and it appears at this time that the widely-heralded down payment on the deficit of $183 billion will be agreed to by all parties. It is pointed April 16,1984 out that this reduction will have lit tle effect until the 1985 and 1986 fis cal years. In addition to the usual visits with various bank regulators and other federal agencies, the Iowa Bankers Association was accorded the rare privilege of a personal briefing by Vice President George Bush. The Vice President spoke on a very per sonal basis with the 60-member dele gation for about 20 minutes and then left it to his able assistant, Richard Breedon, to discuss at a later time with Iowa bankers the features of the Bush Task Force Report. Mr. Breedon is Deputy Counsel in Vice President Bush’s of fice and is the staff officer heading the Task Force. When the bankers visited indivi dually with their Congressmen and with U.S.D.A. officials, they stressed the over-riding impact on midwestern states of the double wham my of the recession and depressed farm economy. Various solutions are being pursued. Among these, as announced, is the FmHA program to quickly pro cess emergency loan applications for qualifying farm operators. The bankers of Iowa are lending every possible assistance to county agents in the processing of these applica tions to help farmers receive disas ter funds for operating money before the planting season begins. One suggestion made by the ASK DICK RETZ to make MNB work for you. Toll free: 1-800-332-5991 Merchants National Bank Member F.D.I.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A BANKS OF IOWA' BANK , Norwest Bank Des Moines N.A. NOfíWEST BANKS Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 Member FDIC T e a m w o rk: one o f the reasons we're firs t in Iowa. Bob Buenneke Gary M cClim en Iowa bankers was to ask retired The Central Iowa Chapter of Bank bank lending officers to volunteer Administration Institute will hold their assistance during this critical its April 19 meeting at the Newton time period by aiding their local Country Club. bank or FmHA office in completing Randy Steig, executive director of and processing these applications the Iowa Bankers Association, will from farmers to speed up the pro present a Legislative Update at the cess. □ meeting. Social hour will begin at 5:30 p.m., dinner at 6:30 and the meeting at Iowa News 7:30. Cost per person is $12. For Iowa Bankers Insurance and Ser more information contact Marie vices, Inc. will be conducting Insur Vranich, East Des Moines National ance Continuing Edcuation Seminars Bank, Des Moines. at five locations throughout Iowa in ANITA: Howard L. Poitevin has April and May. They are: April 23—Howard Johnson’s, Des been elected president of Anita State Bank. He succeeds Jim ChelMoines; April 25—Hilton,' Inn, Sioux City; esvig, who has resigned to accept a April 27—Holiday Inn, Red Oak; position in Belmond. Mr. Poitevin most recently was president of May 1—Pzazz, Burlington, and Peoples Savings Bank in Elma, a May 3—Red Fox Inn, Waverly. Each seminar will begin with reg position he has held since 1979. istration at 7:15 a.m. and run from AUDUBON: John Johnson, formerly 7:50 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. For more infor vice president at United Central mation contact Jeanette M. Elling Bank in Cresco, has joined the Aud ton, IBIS, at 1-800-532-1423 or (515) ubon State Bank as senior vice pres 286-4371. ident. He fills the vacancy created by James B. Ingeman, who recently Portable Modular Bank Building accepted a position as president of Karlstad State Bank, Minnesota. DES MOINES: United Central Bancshares, Inc. last week announced that it has received and is reviewing a preliminary proposal regarding a possible future merger with another company. Kenneth M. Myers, chair man of United Central, emphasized that such merger proposal was preli minary in nature and was condi tional, and that there can be no as surance that it will be favorably con sidered by the company’s board of directors, or that it will result in a merger or other transaction. He also stated that the company was mak ing its announcement in response to the recent sharp rise in the price and in the level of trading volume of United Central common stock. DES MOINES: Gary L. Harstick has been appointed vice president, marketing and strategic planning, for Banks of Iowa, Inc. Mr. Harstick began his banking career with Valley National Bank, Des Moines, in 1972, and most recently was vice presi dent in product management at First Interstate Bank of Denver, Colo. DES MOINES: Bankers Trust Co. has announced the promotion of Robert V. Brennan, vice president, to manager of the metropolitan Des Moines region, and the addition of Donald E. Kearney as vice president in commercial loan administration. Mr. Brennan has been with Bankers Trust since 1979. Mr. Kearney has been in banking 27 years and has served as president at banks in Ames and Adair. HARLAN: A t the March meeting of the Southwest Iowa Group of the National A ssociation o f Bank Women, Shirley Carmine, second vice president at Shelby County State Bank, Harlan, was elected Professional ... Responsive... Call Mark Christen for any correspondent service. Call toll free (800) 622-7262 General Bank Equipment Si Systems, Inc. RR 45, Box 115 Hiway 73,3 Vz Miles North of Int. 680 Omaha, Nebraska 68152 (402)453-3000 Lease* Rent* Buy Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Valley National Bank ¡§1 DES MOINES, IOWA 50304 A BANKS OF IOWA' BANK Member FDIC From Iowa Public Records Search Iowa Search is a privately owned company offering you public records information faster than you can get it from the Iowa Secretary of State . . . and for less money We’re offering you a complimentary UCC Lien search to introduce you to our exclusive telephone service, and to say “thanks” if you’re already a client. With this free search, you’ll • Guaranteed accurate receive: information (up to $1 million • Complete, up-to-date per transaction by Aetna computerized information as it is recorded with the Iowa Secretary of State. • An immediate answer in under two minutes while you’re on the line. • Automatic computer scan for phonetic variations of names requested to be sure you get complete information. Insurance). Rely on Iowa Search for many types of public records information. See our complete list of services, with pricesi!on the back of this page. Then give us a call and we’ll show you how we continually strive to serve you better. IO W A P U B L IC R E C O R D S S E A R C H . IN C West Des Moines, IA 50265 # 2 Corporate Place FREE Search Coupon Call us the next time you need UCC Lien information. You’ll receive one UCC telephone search free . . . or $4.00 off any of our other services. Return this coupon for credit when billed. One free telephone search per customer, please. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■ rm * IOWA PUBLIC RECORDS SEARCH. INC. #2 Corporate Place • 1501 42nd Street • West Des Moines, Iowa 50265 • Telephone (515) 223-1153 STATE SEARCHES(Domestic): UCC SEARCHES INCLUDE SHERIFF’S LEVY Telephone Requests................................... ..........$4.00 Telephone Requests with written confirmation.................. 7.00 Written Requests................ 3.00 Certified Search (includes statutory fee)...................... 15.00 Federal Tax Liens (On Corporations)............................ 7.00 STATE UCC SEARCHES (Foreign): All requests for Foreign UCC information are with written confirmation.................................................... 15.00 COUNTY SEARCHES (Domestic and Foreign): UCC Searches Telephone Requests.......................... Telephone Requests with Written Confirmation..... .........10.00 Written Requests............... ...........................5.00 Judgment Search.............. .................................. 10.00 Polk County Judgment Search....................... State Tax Liens................................................. 10.00 Federal Tax Liens (On Individuals)..................... ;.......10.00 Pending Suits (Polk County)................................. 45.00 CORPORATE: Corporate Search, Name Availability, Name Reservation, Articles of Incorporation, Annual Reports, Good Standing, Corporate Agents, Officers, Etc...................................... FEDERAL SEARCHES: Judgment Searches........................... Bankruptcy Searches.......................................... 30.00 FILING SERVICES: UCC Financing Statements......................... 1.50 Corporate Documents................................ No extra filing fee (in addition to statutory fee) is charged when a search request accompanies a financing statement. COPY REQUESTS........ .............. ......................$1.00 per page The above rates are Iowa Public Records Search, Inc. charges only. Long distance telephone charges and statutory fees charged by states and counties are separate charges. UCC LOAN ACTIVITY REPORTS BULLETIN Polk County.......................................... (Monthly) Black Hawk, Linn, Scott, and Woodbury.... ......... Cerro Gordo, Clinton, Des Moines, Dubuque, Johnson, Lee, Pottawattamie, Story, Wapello, Wright, Webster......... ALL OTHER COUNTIES.................. .................... .... CROP LIEN REPORT Contains listings of all filings showing CROPS as collateral By county of debtor..... ......... ............. (Monthly) MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT By county of debtor...................................... Charges on a l l s p e c ia l Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis re p o rts are p er month, per county Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 4-16-84 (Monthly) 32.00 31-00 15.00 12.50 8.50 12.50 7.00 30.00 7.00 3 5.00 CALL ON THE “PERFORM ANCE TEAM ” where com m on transactions are handled uncom m only well. FIRST NATIONAL LINCOLN 13th & M Street • Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 • Member, F.D.I.C. BANKS FOR SALE BANK OWNERSHIP CHANGES —Our Specialty— SELLERS • if you already have a buyer for your stock and there is a question of whether or not it is a fair price - we can make an independent ap praisal. BUYERS • if you are about to purchase controll ing interest in a bank and there is a question of whether or not it is a fair price -we can make an in dependent appraisal. Those wishing to buy or sell - we can do the job for you if you are serious. CROWN BANKING SERVICES 325 W. Prospect Avenue Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056 (312) 392-5151 State Education and Training Com mittee Chairman. RED OAK: Margaret Linquist, vice president and investment officer at the Montgomery County National Bank, Red Oak, was elected State Council Chairman at the March meeting of the Southwest Iowa Group of the National Association of Bank Women. SWEA CITY: L.W. Davidson and family have sold controlling interest in the Swea City State Bank to Swea City Bancorporation, Inc., a one bank holding company formed by a local group consisting of Charles E. Phelps, William R. Phelps, Daniel L. Phelps and W. James Rock. Mr. Davidson stated no changes in bank personnel would result from the sale. Minnesota News The Minnesota Bankers Associa tion Group Insurance Committee will present a Group Insurance Workshop on April 24 at the Shera ton Inn Northwest, Brooklyn Park. The workshop will be conducted by Donald Welander, chairman of the M BA group insurance commit tee and president of First State Bank in Wykoff; George Celusta, MBA insurance consultant; Marga ret Goff, MBA insurance manager, and the MBA insurance staff. The workshop will rim from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and is free of charge but pre-registration is required. SAINT PAUL: Kenneth S. Bezdicek has joined First Bank Saint Paul as vice president responsible for the in ternational banking division. He transferred from First Bank Min neapolis where he was vice president in international financial services. will address the group at a joint NABW /BAI seminar scheduled for April 26 in the afternoon and even ing. Sandra Cook, education services director for NABW National, will speak on “ Regulation, Who Are the Players?” and “ Making Mergers Work — the Human Dimension.” In addition a panel moderated by San dra Cook will discuss “ Surviving Mergers, Acquisitions and Reorga nizations.” Illinois News NORTH AURORA: David L. Brew er has been named president of Bank of North Aurora. He succeeds Her man A. Tatz, who recently retired. Mr. Tatz will continue as a member of the board and as chairman, a posi tion he has held since 1970. Mr. Brewer most recently was executive vice president of First Security Bank of Aurora, where he has been since 1979. Wisconsin News RHINELANDER: William H. Rodd has been elected president of the Northern Security National Bank. Mr. Rodd, who succeeds Gene Krouze, is also president of Eagle River State Bank and will continue in that position. North Dakota News The North Dakota State Confer ence of the National Association of Bank Women will be held April 25-27 at the Ramada Inn in Grand Forks. Theme for this year’s confer ence is “ The Professional Edge.” Keynote speaker for the confer ence is Michael Vopatek, president of Vopatek and Associates, Inc., a performance consulting firm. He Wyoming News LANDER: Charles H. Krebs has been appointed executive vice presi dent of First Wyoming Bank, N.A. -Lander. He most recently served as president and CEO of First National Bank of Yuma, Colo. C o m eto the quality investm ent specialists in Nebraska and Iow a. e re your best authorities for bond portfolio management recommendations. Our quality is your key to success. W An important new profit center for your bank: Contact: - pigV ® ■ a com puterized local billing/credit service kf 319 291-5412 UNITED MISSOURI BANK “ “ of Kansas City, n.a. National Bank of Waterloo Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Dave Dickens Milt Hennick - 315 East 5th St. • W aterloo, IA 50704 Jeff Goble Leroy Bell or Member Federal Reserve System FDIC Investment Banking Division 10th and Grand o P.O. Box 226 Kansas City, Missouri 64141 (816) 556-7200 4 POSITION AVAILABLE FOR SALE EXPERIENCED TRUST OFFICER to form and head a trust department in a $200 m illion financial institution. Position requires law degree w ith approximately 5 years experi ence in all phases o f tru st services. Applicants should be aggressive and personable in order to be considered. Ex cellent benefits and salary commensurate w ith experi ence. Send resume, salary history and requirements to file WAH, c/o Northwestern Banker. All inquiries confidential. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER.__________ (PA) NCR 8251, 12BK, 19.6MB, CASSETTE, CRT, ETC. Call Teresa George (512) 250-0794. (FS) EXPERIENCED LOAN OFFICER—$30 m illion northeast Iowa bank needs an experienced ag loan officer for an ex ecutive position. Excellent opportunity for advancement. Salary open. W rite file WAT, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) IBM, NCR, DIEBOLD, DOCUTEL NEW & USED ATMs, TELLER, PROOF & COMPUTER HARDWARE. Buy and S e ll. P hone O m a h a C o m p u te r E x c h a n g e In c ., 402/333-3203. (FS) SENIOR LENDING OFFICER—to manage $60 m illion loan portfolio o f commercial, agriculture, real estate and in stallm ent loans. Would prefer college degree and bank lending school background. Ten to fifteen years experi ence. Bank located in excellent recreation area; hunting and fishing abundant. Send resume to file WAS, c/o North western Banker. (PA) 50 BANK MICRO COMPUTER PROGRAMS— Franklin/Apple/IBM PC and others. Overview, Sample Reports, Demo Disk. Send $19.95 to: Bankers Elec. Equip. Inc., 380 N. Wal nut, Grand Island, NE 68801. Phone 308/384-5995. (FS) ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT, AG LOANS—college degree plus “ hands on” farm operations experience. Credit experience necessary, but banking experience not essen tial. Excellent career opportunity. Contact James C. Sodey, EVP, Hawkeye Bank and Trust, Spencer, IA. Phone 712/262-1940._______________________________ (PA) LOAN REVIEW POSITION: Must be experienced in all phases of lending. Excellent opportunity for advancement in progressive, growing organization. Office in Omaha, NE, traveling required. Send resume to Jack Ayres, P.O. Box 486, Bellevue, NE 68005. (PA) AGRICULTURAL LOAN OFFICER— Immediate opening for a loan officer w ith 2-3 years of ag loan experience. Send resume to Norwest Bank Mason City N.A., Box 411, Mason City, IA 50401. (PA) BANKING PLACEMENTS “ Successful Banking is Quality Personnel” Eighteen years banking experience serving as president of rural and metropolitan banks enables me to find the “ right” banking position for you as a banker or the “ right” officer for your bank. DON ^C H O O LE R Ir AND V ASSOCIATES 2508 East Meadow • Springfield, Missouri 65804 417/882-2265 COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL ____________“ Employment Service" 20 NCR 279-301’S w ith controllers and passbook printers. Eligible for maintenance. All or part. Call Susie Whitten, 1-800-531-5036 (in Texas 800-252-3402). (FS) SIX (6) 279-301 ON LINE/OFF LINE TELLER MACHINES. C ontinually under maintenance. Call Mr. Norman, (512) 250-0794. (FS) 1981 DIEBOLD 910 FREE STANDING ATM— Floor model auxiliary printer name display. Under service contract. $20,400. Contact Fred or Dick, Phone 319/353-7111. (FS) POSITION WANTED WILL GRADUATE May, 1984, from University o f Wyom ing w ith B.S. in Farm and Ranch Management. Through management-oriented studies I offer special skills in Futures Market, and working knowledge of com puter lan guages: Basic, Fortran, Cobol. Reared and worked on Iowa farm. John R. Lighty, 1415 Gibbon St. #34, Laramie, Wyo. 82070,307/742-4664 until May 15. Permanent address: R.R. 2, Box 40, Delhi, la. 52223,319/926-2775. (PW) CORRESPONDENT BANKER F & M MARQUETTE NATIONAL BANK 6th & Marquette Minneapolis, MN 55480 (PA) BANKING OPPORTUNITIES TO $40,000 INSTALLMENT LENDERS, 2 yrs. experience, Cen tral IL, E. NE. To 25K. CASHIER/INSTALLMENT LENDING, CO: 1% hrs. from ski resorts. To 25K. Commercial Lender for $50 million bank in college to w n .. . . .................................................................................... to $40,000 Correspondent Officer for midwest bank. Requires commer cial lending experience................................................... Salaryopen. Operations Person for $16 m illion bank in northern Iowa. Nice situation for long-term................................................... to $30,000 Sr. Ag Lender for $40 m illion bank in Central Iowa. Prefer col lege graduate with rather extensive bank record.. to $35,000 Sr. Ag Lender for member of multi-bank holding company in Illinois. Must have proven record and degree........ to $38,000 Jr. Ag Lender for member of multi-bank holding company in Illinois. Prefer minimum two years bank experience............ .................................................................................... to $28,000 Number Two person for northern Iowa community bank. Should be ag-oriented and know ag'lending/operations.. . . ................................................................................. $35,000 Ag Lender for eastern South Dakota bank, located near ma jor population area................................................................. to $30,000 Data Processing Manager for $90 million bank in Illin o is___ .......................................... to $35,000 Number Two person for community bank near Des Moines. Must be experienced in lending/operations____ .to $33,000 Commercial Lender with generalbankexperience for $50 million bank in northwest Iowa.......................... Salary Open. Write or call in confidence to Malcolm Freeland or Cy Kirk, c/o Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 1032 Carriers Bldg., Des Moines, la. 50309. Phone (515) 282-6462. Employers pay fee. Ag Banking Positions NW-1 PRESIDENT—$50MM bank. Responsible for $15MM loans (20% ag, 80% commercial, etc.), opera tions, Fed funds, liquid investments, and oversee another sm all bank. Clean banks in good sized loca tion in ND. Salary open; could earn $100,000 w ith pro fits. NW-2 AG DEPT. HEAD—$150MM bank, in charge of $13MM ag loans, supervise 1 ag loan officer, work on loan problems. Excellent bennies and advancement potential, metro location. 5-10 yrs. ag & commercial loan expr. in $30-$75MM bank, finance or acct. degree. IL. Up to $40,000. NW-4 SR. LDG. OFF.— In chg. of $35MM loan portfolio (ag, commer., inst. R.E.) in $50MM bank, and 7 loan o f ficers. MN. $35-$40,000. NW-5 AG LENDER— Performance oriented ag lender in $30MM bank. 3 + yrs. ag Indg. exper. IA. $20-$30,000. NW-6 C.E.O.—$12MM ag bank, clean loans. Requires strong exper., college degree, bank schools. IA. $35,000 + buy-in opportunity. NW-7 HEAD FARM MGMT. DEPT—Supervise 5 profes sional farm mgrs. & 40-60,000 acres. Set policies, sell farm mgmt. concepts, oversee 3 offices. Limited travel. Requires 8-20 yrs. exp. with professional farm mgmt. firm, strong supervisory and motivational skills, 4 yr. ag degree. IA. $32-$37,000 + stock & in vestment opportunities. NW-8 2ND IN CHARGE—$20MM bank. Resp. for ag loans, asset lia b ility mgmt., profit & budget planning, etc. 10 yrs. bank lending exp. (strong in ag) prefer from corp. bank. SD, $35,000 + . STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Call for further inform a tion w ithout obligation. Fees paid by employer. AG LENDER, 3 yrs. bank or CPA lending, E.NE. To 25K. SR. V.P., COMMERCIAL & AG LENDING, head of $30 + mm loan dept., Central IA. To 40K. PROFESSIONAL RECRUITERS, INC CASHIER - $30MM rural bank close to large city. Supervise operations and handle all regulatory reporting. $28,000 Q PRESIDENT • for medium size a ffilia te in major Missouri holding company. Must have strong agri loan experience and proven adm inistrative skills. $ Open _ w INSTL/COMMERCIAL LOAN - lending experience in small com m unity bank environment desired. Good opportunity for advancement. $25,000 PERSONNEL DIRECTOR, metro area, 5 yrs. ex perience. To 24K. All Inquiries are held confidential, Barbara Rltta POSITIONS AVAILABLE COMMERCIAL/AGRI LOAN ■ $50MM com m unity bank seeks experienced commercial lender w ith some ag background to manage loan portfolio. $35,000 OPERATIONS OFFICER • $20MM com m unity bank close to resort area. Knowledge of regulatory reports and personal function a plus. $22,000 EX. V.P., SR. AG LENDER, CEO in 2-5 yrs. W.NE. Upper $30s. 6818 Grover Street Omaha, NE 68106 Phone 402/397-2885 Commercial Lender with 2 years experience - for Lakes Area bank. Training and background im portant............. to $25,000 NW-3 AG LOAN OFF.—$150+ MM bank, gen. ag loan duties, chance to work in correspondent dept. 2 yrs. exper. & ag degree, outgoing personality. tA. $24,000. We are looking for someone w ith 3-5 years o f com mercial lending experience to work in our corre spondent bank area. Additional requirements are correspondent banking experience (or extensive AG lending experience) and a college degree with at least 1 year of accounting. For more informa tion phone Mary Nerhaugen 612/341-6579. Affirmative Action Employer POSITIONS AVAILABLE Commercial Lender for $95 m illion eastern Iowa Bank, Knowledge of ag loans a p lu s ............................ ... .$35,000 Linda: 515/394-5827 New Hampton, la. 50659 • Jean 515/263-9598 if no answer, 712/779-3567 Massena, Iowa 50853 aq/iG4Rras,iNC. AG BANKING PERSONNEL SPECIALISTS All inquiries confidential. A resume and salary history re quested. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES # P.O. Box 12346 - 2024 Swift North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 12 No. 52 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fif teenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $15.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ®