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S. HRG. 111–32



JANUARY 15, 2009
Printed for the use of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

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CHRISTOPHER J. DODD, Connecticut, Chairman
TIM JOHNSON, South Dakota
JACK REED, Rhode Island
EVAN BAYH, Indiana
BOB CORKER, Tennessee
JIM DEMINT, South Carolina
HERB KOHL, Wisconsin
MARK R. WARNER, Virginia
COLIN MCGINNIS, Acting Staff Director
WILLIAM D. DUHNKE, Republican Staff Director
AARON KLEIN, Legislative Assistant
DEAN V. SHAHINIAN, Legislative Assistant
JOE HEPP, Legislative Assistant
DREW COLBERT, Legislative Assistant
LISA FRUMIN, Legislative Assistant
KATE SZOSTAK, Legislative Assistant
DIDEM NISANCI, Legislative Assistant
DAN SCHNEIDERMAN, Legislative Assistant
DAVID STOOPLER, Legislative Assistant
EMMA PALMER, Legislative Assistant
MATTHEW PIPPIN, Legislative Assistant
JASON ROSENBERG, Legislative Assistant
JONATHAN DAVIDSON, Legislative Assistant
ROB LEE, Legislative Fellow
MARK F. OESTERLE, Republican Counsel
PEGGY R. KUHN, Republican Legislative Assistant
MARK A. CALABRIA, Republican Legislative Assistant
JONATHAN GRAFFEO, Legislative Assistant
BRANDON BARFORD, Republican Legislative Assistant
MIKE NIELSEN, Republican Legislative Assistant
COURTNEY GEDULDIG, Republican Legislative Assistant
JOHN HALLMARK, Republican Legislative Assistant
DEVIN HARTLEY, Hearing Clerk

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C O N T E N T S

Opening statement of Chairman Dodd ..................................................................
Opening statements, comments, or prepared statements of:
Senator Shelby ..................................................................................................
Senator Johnson
Prepared statement ...................................................................................
Senator Reed .....................................................................................................
Senator Schumer ..............................................................................................
Senator Menendez ............................................................................................
Introduction of Nominee Cecilia E. Rouse ..............................................
Senator Tester ..................................................................................................
Prepared statement ...................................................................................
Senator Enzi .....................................................................................................
Prepared statement ...................................................................................
Senator Warner ................................................................................................
Senator Bennett ................................................................................................
Senator Akaka ..................................................................................................


Richard Durbin, a U.S. Senator from the State of Illinois ...................................
Barbara Boxer, a U.S. Senator from the State of California ...............................


Mary Schapiro, of New York, Chairman-Designate, Securities and Exchange
Commission ...........................................................................................................
Prepared statement ..........................................................................................
Response to written questions of:
Senator Dodd .............................................................................................
Senator Shelby ...........................................................................................
Senator Johnson ........................................................................................
Senator Bennett ........................................................................................
Senator Crapo ............................................................................................
Senator Levin ............................................................................................
Christina D. Romer, of California, Chairman-Designate, Council of Economic
Advisors ................................................................................................................
Prepared statement ..........................................................................................
Response to written questions of:
Senator Johnson ........................................................................................
Austan D. Goolsbee, of Illinois, Member-Designate, Council of Economic
Advisors ................................................................................................................
Prepared statement ..........................................................................................
Response to written questions of:
Senator Johnson ........................................................................................
Cecilia E. Rouse, of New Jersey, Member-Designate, Council of Economic
Advisors ................................................................................................................
Prepared statement ..........................................................................................
Response to written questions of:
Senator Johnson ........................................................................................

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Daniel K. Tarullo, of Maryland, Member-Designate, Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System ................................................................................
Prepared statement ..........................................................................................
Response to written questions of:
Senator Dodd .............................................................................................
Senator Johnson ........................................................................................


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Dianne Feinstein, a U.S. Senator from the State of California ...........................

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Washington, DC.
The Committee met at 10 a.m., in room SD–538, Dirksen Senate
Office Building, Senator Christopher J. Dodd (Chairman of the
Committee) presiding.





Chairman DODD. The Committee will come to order, if we may.
We have got a very busy morning this morning.
Let me first of all welcome all of my colleagues who are here. I
want to make a particular warm welcome to Mark Warner, our
new colleague who is here this morning, our new Senator from the
State of Virginia. Connecticut claims him a little bit, as well, having grown up a bit there, so I have known Mark many, many years
and he is going to be a wonderful addition to the U.S. Senate and
we are thrilled that you are a Member of this Committee. I gather
that Senator Kohl is going to be joining us, and I think Senator
Bennet, the new Senator from Colorado, will be joining us, as well,
on this Committee.

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We appreciate the tremendous work of Bob Casey and Tom Carper, who are going to other committee assignments, but they were
wonderful Members of this Committee and I want to publicly thank
them for their service over the last 2 years that I have had the
privilege of chairing the Committee.
I want to thank Richard Shelby again. We have known each
other a long time, have served together for many, many years. It
has been a good relationship over these last years. We got a lot
done on this Committee and I am looking forward to this Congress.
We are obviously going to be a very busy Committee, to put it mildly, with all the issues in front of us. I enjoyed immensely the cooperation that I had from Senator Shelby and the members of the
minority side, as well, Bob Corker here on numerous occasions. I
drew him into situations he probably had some second thoughts
about, but he was a great member and a real complement to the
efforts we are making here.
Today, we have a busy agenda——
Senator SHELBY. Mr. Chairman, you weren’t going to tell them
how many years together we have been here——
Chairman DODD. I wasn’t going to tell them that.
Senator SHELBY. No, not together.
Chairman DODD. Many years.
The way I am going to proceed is I am going to make an opening
statement regarding our nominees, turn to Senator Shelby for any
opening statements he would care to make, and then I am going
to turn to my colleagues who are here to introduce our witnesses
this morning, and, of course, several of our colleagues are also
Members of this Committee. So we will try and move along as
quickly as we can here with these nominations.
So this morning, we meet to consider five very distinguished individuals President-elect Obama has designated for nomination to
the Securities and Exchange Commission, to the Federal Reserve,
and to the President’s Council of Economic Advisors, positions critical to restoring confidence in our financial system and stabilizing
our underlying economy. I want to thank each of the nominees who
are here today for appearing before this Committee and for their
willingness to accept the job that you are going to undertake.
Almost every day, we hear more troubling economic news, including the loss of more than a half-a-million jobs in our country in December, that some 9,000 to 10,000 homes are entering foreclosure
each and every day in our Nation, or the prospect of another small
business facing bankruptcy because of a combination of falling
sales and lack of access to adequate credit. And so you arrive as
nominees before this Committee at a very, very critical moment in
our Nation’s history.
On the first panel, we will hear from the Chairman-designate for
the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The securities markets consist of trillions of dollars worth of stocks, options, municipal bonds, corporation bonds, mortgage-backed and asset-backed
securities, and other securities. Half of American families—half of
our families in this country are invested directly or indirectly in
the securities markets. They invest for retirement, for college education and tuition. Many small businesses rely on securities markets to raise capital to expand their businesses and to make pay-

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roll. And the role these markets play in the world’s capital markets
obviously is critical, as we all understand.
Given the correlation of the health of securities markets to our
Nation’s economic stability, the Securities and Exchange Commission is an extremely important institution, to put it mildly. It oversees sales of securities, markets, mutual funds, investment advisors, credit rating agencies, and accounting principles. It coordinates with securities regulators throughout the 50 States, as well.
But perhaps most importantly, it is designed to protect investors.
As former Chairman William Douglas said, ‘‘The SEC is supposed
to be the investor’s advocate,’’ to quote him, ‘‘responsible for ensuring that a family or a small business investing its hard-earned
money can trust that the cops are on the beat and doing their job
But as we all know, the securities markets are in turmoil. Mortgage-backed securities markets have cratered and literally billions
of dollars have been lost. Major investment banks who contributed
mightily to our financial problems have now been forced to either
become bank holding companies or fail altogether. The charities
and investors who entrusted their money in Bernard Madoff Investment, LLC, lost billions of dollars in a massive Ponzi scheme
that went undetected by the examiners of the SEC and FINRA, not
for years, but for decades. How did that happen, and who was responsible for that?
In the last 8 months, stocks have plummeted. Since last May, the
Dow Jones and NASDAQ averages are down by about 40 percent,
damaging the retirement savings and pension funds of millions of
Americans, pounding endowments for universities and nonprofits,
and endangering critical financing for small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Quite simply, these failures have undermined our economy, and
understandably, there has been an erosion of confidence in the regulators. People have questioned the SEC’s ability to spot problems
or prevent them from occurring in the first place. After years of
misleading sales pitches and credit ratings that proved to be wildly
optimistic, many have completely lost faith in mortgage-backed securities.
As Columbia University’s John Coffee has said, and I quote him,
‘‘It is time to find a tough cop for the Wall Street beat, someone
who will restore confidence not only in the integrity of the market,
but also in its regulators.’’
There are a host of specific issues the Commission must examine
in the coming weeks and months, from accounting and
securitization, to credit default swaps, credit rating agencies, short
selling, to the Madoff fraud, on which this Committee, by the way,
will be scheduling a hearing on January 27. And it is absolutely
critical that the Chairman and Commissioners make an extraordinary effort to pursue these issues fairly and independently, free
from political considerations and from the industries which formerly employed them. That has always been true, but it is particularly true in these days.
The Committee also considers, or will consider the nomination of
one of the Federal Reserve Board Governors, which is among the
most important positions that we consider in this Committee. In es-

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tablishing the Federal Reserve, the Congress created a system in
which the Fed Governor’s seat has a fixed 14-year term. Governors
at the Fed enjoy the third-longest term given to any appointee in
the Federal Government, behind only the lifetime appointments
awarded to judges and a 15-year term given to the Comptroller
General. As such, a nominee to the Federal Reserve Board Governors requires careful deliberation and thoughtful consideration.
The seven Fed Governors are the only individuals appointed by
the President of the United States and confirmed by the U.S. Senate who have a voice in our Nation’s monetary policy, entrusted to
fulfill the Fed’s dual mandate of promoting maximum employment
and achieving price stability. They play a very critical role, as we
all know, in creating the conditions necessary for our economy to
grow and for every American to have the opportunity to share in
that prosperity.
While the role of the Fed is critical to setting monetary policy,
I would also add it serves as a regulator of the safety and soundness of our largest lending institutions, and very significantly as a
regulator and enforcer of the laws passed by the U.S. Congress to
protect consumers. These aspects are no less important than the
Fed’s monetary policy responsibilities.
Chairman Bernanke has, in my opinion, been very forthright and
active in identifying that the problems in the housing market are
at the root of our economic crisis, and I thank him, quite candidly,
for his continued calls for concrete action, such as he did last week
in a national given speech.
However, not all of the Federal Reserve Governors have been as
helpful. Indeed, when I asked Governor Duke at a hearing in October what the Fed was doing to comply with the law to prevent foreclosures on mortgages that the Fed effectively owns through the
Bear Stearns bailout, it took Governor Duke 3 months to respond,
and then only half-heartedly. That is unacceptable.
It is my hope that Dan Tarullo will both be more responsive, but
also if confirmed, help steer the Fed on a better course so critical
during these tough economic times.
On the second panel, we will also have the nominees who will,
if confirmed, comprise the President’s Council of Economic Advisors. These men and women will be responsible for providing the
President and the administration with the facts, economic projections, and recommendations that will guide the administration policy and thinking in the coming days. That job has never been more
critical than it is today, given the severe recession that we are battling and the unprecedented crisis that has gripped our Nation’s
credit and financial markets.
The good news is that help is truly, in my view, on the way. The
President-elect has laid out a bold plan to revive our economy by
cutting taxes for middle-class Americans and investing in our Nation’s infrastructure, which is something that I, along with many
of my colleagues on this Committee, have long advocated.
The President-elect has also stated that he will make fundamental changes to the administration of the TARP program and
take it in a sharply different direction. That is why I am supporting the release of the second tranche of TARP funds, although
I have been extremely disappointed, as most of my colleagues have

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been, in the way that the present administration has implemented
the TARP program. Given the fragile state of our financial system,
halting this program would, in my view, be the height of irresponsibility.
I am sure that we will have an opportunity to discuss these and
other issues with the distinguished CEA nominees on our second
panel. I and others will introduce them individually at that time,
and again, I thank my colleagues who are here to do so.
But this is a critical moment, as we all know, in our Nation’s history, and if we are to reestablish confidence in our financial system, then we must do so by looking out for the interests of the
American people, their families, small businesses, and others who
have been caught by this credit crunch. I know that each of the
nominees share these priorities, and if confirmed, I know all of us
look forward to working very closely with you to see to it that we
achieve the results we all desire.
And now, I would like to turn to my colleague from Alabama, the
former Chairman of the Committee, Senator Shelby, for any comments he would care to make.

Senator SHELBY. Thank you, Chairman Dodd.
Ms. Schapiro, as a veteran of the SEC, CFTC, and a self-regulatory organization, you would bring solid experience to the table
during a time of economic and regulatory uncertainty, perhaps turmoil. Unfortunately, as the SEC celebrates its 75th year, it finds
itself, as Senator Dodd alluded to, under fire for a number of regulatory failures. These failures are not isolated. They cut across the
agency’s many functions and have had serious consequences, ranging from judicial invalidation of SEC rules to the complete collapse
of an entire class of regulated entities.
The Consolidated Supervised Entity Program, which you are familiar with, a program that I had called into question in this Committee, was unceremoniously terminated, as all of the participating
firms failed, were merged out of existence, or switched to bank
holding company status outside of the SEC’s regulatory purview.
Likewise, the SEC’s handling of credit rating agencies contributed to the subprime frenzy that is at the root of the current economic crisis. Careless rating practices, which were a byproduct of
the SEC’s ill-considered approach, have wrought havoc on our financial system. I attempted to address this situation in 2006 here
in this Committee with the Credit Rating Agency Reform Act, but
the SEC’s resulting rule changes came too late.
Most recently, as Senator Dodd mentioned, the Madoff fraud has
once again highlighted weaknesses in the SEC’s inspections and
enforcement functions. Improvements in both programs will be necessary, if not imperative, to ensure that the SEC fulfills its investor
protection mandate.
While it is not realistic to think that every fraud will be detected,
investors have a right to ask, and I think this Committee has a responsibility to determine, whether the SEC has had its inspection
and enforcement priorities wrong. This is an effort that you, as
chairperson of the Commission, will have to undertake, as well,
should you be confirmed.

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The next chairman of the SEC faces a difficult task, as you know,
of undertaking considerable reform of the agency at a time of great
instability, but this challenge must be met head-on and undertaken
immediately. If the SEC does not increase its effectiveness in protecting investors, maintaining fair, orderly, and efficient markets,
and facilitating capital formation, the whole economy will continue
to suffer.
At the same time, Congress will have to tackle the critical and
far more significant issue of how to reform the entire financial regulatory structure. The SEC’s place in that reformation is not yet
clear. Will the SEC remain in its current form with its current responsibilities? Will it be merged with the CFTC? Alternatively, will
the SEC be eliminated and its functions parceled out to other existing or new agencies, as others have suggested? I believe the severity of this current financial crisis demands the consideration of all
I hope you agree that the integrity of our financial system is
paramount and trumps the interest of any individual, agency, or
group. If that is the case, I believe we will have the basis for a productive working relationship as we begin what could be the most
significant financial reform effort since 1932.
Our second panel, as Senator Dodd has already mentioned, includes four individuals, one nominee to serve on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and three nominees slated to
serve on the President’s Council of Economic Advisors.
Professor Tarullo and his work on banking regulation are well
known to this Committee. He has testified here many times, and
he has testified before the Committee on the Basel II process that
you will all recall. Chairman Dodd and I have long expressed great
skepticism regarding Basel II, as did his predecessor, Senator Sarbanes. The events of the past year have confirmed the need for
greater scrutiny over bank capital requirements. It is clear that existing capital requirements do not adequately guard against a systemic crisis. It is also clear that Basel II-like standards, which depend on internal models using incomplete assumptions, also fail us.
I will be very interested in hearing, Professor Tarullo, your views
regarding the future of capital requirements and other regulatory
I will also welcome the other three nominees who will appear on
the second panel. They have been nominated, as I mentioned, to
serve on the President’s Council of Economic Advisors, Dr. Rouse,
Dr. Goolsbee, and Dr. Romer, who if confirmed will serve as chairman. The Council provides, as you well know, the President with
economic analysis and advice on the entire range of domestic and
international policy issues. Because each nominee here brings specific expertise in the insights to the Council, I will be very interested in the second panel to hear what they recommend and how
their views comport with their economic philosophies and writings.
Dr. Romer, as a scholar of the Great Depression, your views will
be of particular interest at this time.
I thank all the nominees for their willingness to serve and to appear before this Committee this morning and I look forward to a
broad range of discussion.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

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Chairman DODD. Thank you very much, Senator.
Let me welcome our two Members of this Committee, Senator
Reed and Senator Schumer, for purposes of introduction of our
nominee. Jack.

Senator REED. Well, thank you very much, Mr. Chairman and
Senator Shelby. You both have laid out daunting challenges that
face the Securities and Exchange Commission and I feel extraordinarily confident that Mary Schapiro will meet those challenges
based on her experience, based on her intelligence, based on her integrity.
As you both indicated, she has an extraordinary range of experience, having served on the Securities and Exchange Commission
and the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, and recently as
the head of FINRA. She brings this experience to the SEC at a
time of great challenge, a time in which morale is low, budgets are
inadequate, and there has been, I think, a handcuffing of their enforcement activities over the last several years.
I know that Mary Schapiro is committed to restoring investor
protection as the hallmark of the SEC. I know she is going to vigorously enforce the laws to protect consumers and investors. And she
will bring to this great task, as I said before, insight, integrity, and
intelligence. I am just delighted to be able to be here today to commend her to you and ask for her swift confirmation so that she can
get on with the task not only of restoring the ability of the SEC,
but also this great task of transformation of the regulatory structure, not just domestically, but internationally.
Once again, I can’t think of anyone more prepared to do this
than Mary Schapiro and I commend her to you with enthusiasm.
Chairman DODD. Thank you very much, Senator.
Senator Schumer.

Senator SCHUMER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member
Shelby, all the Members of the Committee.
I, too, congratulate Ms. Schapiro on her nomination to serve this
country as Chairman of the SEC. When we met last week, I was
very impressed by not only your broad and deep knowledge of the
securities industry, which I expected, but your clear recognition of
the problems that the financial markets in the entire country are
presently facing.
We need a much stronger regulator than we have had in the recent past, and I believe by temperament, inclination, and experience, you can become that much-needed stronger regulator. You
come here with a long background in securities regulation, with experience leading many of the major institutions that make up our
capital market’s regulatory system. The trick is for you to turn that
experience into a regulatory tool box that you can use to rein in
the perilous excesses of the industry while still preserving the entrepreneurial vigor that is the hallmark of a free market.
In other words, you know the world of securities regulation as
well as anyone out there, and unfortunately, you will need every
drop of this knowledge to succeed in your new position, because we

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now face a financial crisis as enormous as we have ever seen in our
lifetimes, and the sad truth is that this crisis was caused in good
part by the failures of your predecessors at the SEC.
Under the radical laissez-faire ideology of recent regulators, we
saw explosive growth in precisely those areas which were unregulated or under-regulated by the SEC. Investment banks were allowed to accumulate enormous amounts of risk. Credit derivatives
mushroomed to over $60 trillion in value. The hedge fund industry
saw tremendous growth without any transparency. And the credit
rating agencies grew, as well, as firms issued thousands of
undeserved AAA ratings that made everyone all too comfortable
that these unregulated investments were safe and sound.
Despite all these problems, I believe the SEC has retained a
strong fundamental ability to be a sound regulator with the right
leadership. Does it need major reforms? Absolutely, and I think in
your testimony you show that your priorities are in the right place.
First, the SEC needs a stronger emphasis on finding and preventing fraud by bolstering its inspection and examination process.
The only way the SEC is going to find crooks is if it is actively
looking for them. The SEC should also follow through on former
Chairman Donaldson’s initiative to have an Office of Risk Assessment. We need to update the SEC’s tools to catch fraud as it is
happening by ensuring that it has the resources and expertise it
needs. This office would help the SEC triage its cases and focus on
those it determines pose the greatest risk.
Second, I would say, in all due parochialism, these preventative
efforts should be based out of New York City, as we have talked
about. It makes no sense to have inspectors, examiners, and risk
assessors headquartered in
Washington, DC, when all the activity they need to be monitoring occurs on Wall Street. At the same time, moving these functions to New York will improve the SEC’s ability to hire top professionals with the skills and experience to unearth fraud.
Third, we must have regulatory reform to ensure that there are
no more unregulated pockets that might pose systemic risk to our
system. In times of crisis, our financial regulators should not be
playing whack-a-mole, facing unexpected threats from unregulated
areas that pop up every time they have dealt with one crisis. Instead, they must function more like doctors. They must be strong,
always watchful, always independent regulators that can snuff out
problems before they grow dangerous to the system as a whole.
We must start by bringing unregulated derivatives into the fold.
The Fed, SEC, and CFTC have to collaborate further on regulatory
oversight of clearinghouses. That is something I applaud, but we
have to be vigilant in ensuring strong regulation of these entities
and make sure clearinghouses have a presence in the United
States, where they will be subject to the full oversight of our agencies. As we speak, the European Commission is debating a policy
that would mandate exclusive European clearing of certain derivatives. This kind of protectionist policy has no place in the modern
world and I am strongly urging you at all levels to vigorously resist
this power grab by the EC.
Finally, we need to improve our regulatory scheme for rating
agencies. The main problem with these actors was that they were

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inherently conflicted. You can’t expect to provide unbiased ratings
if people paying the salaries are the ones you are rating. We would
never consider allowing students to pay for their grades. Why have
we let our banks do essentially the same thing? We need to find
a way to promote or even require alternative funding schemes,
such as an investor-funded model, which I have been trying to figure out the best way to do that and I hope you will work with the
Committee on that issue.
In short, Ms. Schapiro, you face a daunting task ahead of you.
Major changes in so many areas are necessary, and you will be the
one leading the charge. I believe you have the right experience, the
right approach to successfully reform the SEC and restore the reputation of our capital markets as the best and safest in the world.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman DODD. Thank you, Senator Schumer, very much for a
very good, comprehensive introduction, and we thank you for that.
I am going to now ask my colleagues if they have any opening
comments they would like to make. I will ask you, if you have prepared statements, maybe to include them in the record and keep
it relatively brief, given the amount of work we have this morning.
Senator Menendez.

Senator MENENDEZ. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I think this nomination hearing is one of the most important this Committee will
hold. We cannot solve the Nation’s economic challenges if we do not
have the ability to have investor confidence, transparency, and integrity in the marketplace, and that is why this nomination is so
The Securities and Exchange Commission has broken down and
it is unclear if it simply needs gas or a whole new engine. Either
way, something is seriously wrong. The engine light is flashing and
we can’t afford to put it off one more day.
So I am looking forward to Ms. Schapiro’s testimony. The SEC
is in dire need of a strong leader who is not afraid to make drastic
changes and tough decisions. Simply moving the paperwork from
the in-box to the out-box like we have seen for the last few years
is not going to cut it. We need a strong regulator who is willing
to go in there and do what is necessary to get this agency back on
The SEC should be, and it used to be, about providing protections for our investors and our markets. The mission statement
couldn’t be more clear, to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly,
efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation. But the plaque
bearing this motto must have been put in storage because none of
these objectives are currently being met.
Madoff may have gotten the most attention recently, but this
really is just the tip of the iceberg. Our current economic crisis is
in no small part due to the failure of the SEC. A fundamental lack
of scrutiny, oversight, and enforcement, fueled by blind ideology,
contributed greatly to the conditions under which homeowners,
consumers, and investors have been hit hard.
Mr. Chairman, the SEC is supposed to be the cop on the beat,
but it seems to have been off duty for the past few years. Without

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a tough hand, without real oversight and accountability, this agency, like the TARP funding, cannot meet its objectives.
So, Ms. Schapiro, I want to hear from you that you are willing
to take no prisoners and question everything about the way the industry does business and the way the government regulates it. I
think that is going to be critical to get us out of the economic challenges we face and I look forward, Mr. Chairman, to hearing Ms.
Schapiro’s remarks and I ask that the rest of my statement be included in the record.
Chairman DODD. Thank you, Senator. It will be. All members’
statements will be included.
Senator Corker.
Senator CORKER. Yes, sir. I am looking forward to the testimony
and thank you for having the hearing.
Chairman DODD. Thank you very much.
Senator Tester.

Senator TESTER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you, Senator
Shelby, for having this.
Mary Schapiro, as has been said already here today, you come
into a time where conditions are bleak and a situation where we
have had limited regulation at best, a time where it seems like
every week there was another titan that was going down and we
had a lot of questions and very, very, very few answers to what has
All I can tell you is what you already know, and that is that we
need to reinsert confidence back into the system, into the marketplace. You are going to play a critical role in doing that. I think
you have the skills to get that done, but it is going to take a lot
of work and it is going to take a lot of good people working with
you. I wish you the best and I hope for a quick confirmation.
I would ask that the rest of my statement be put in the record.
Chairman DODD. It will be included.
Senator Enzi.

Senator ENZI. Mr. Chairman, I would ask that my complete
statement be put in the record.
I am extremely interested in what happened in the Bernie
Madoff case. I know that some mention has already been made of
how that is an SEC problem, so I will be interested in how similar
situations like that can be prevented in the future, but I would also
like to hear how with Ms. Schapiro’s experience as a regulator with
both NASD and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, how
they missed that scam when so many on Wall Street seemed to
know about it. I am also interested in hearing your opinions about
the credit rating agency registration system, because we have been
working on a bill to take care of that. I will have some questions
with the second panel, as well, but I will reserve it for questions.
Chairman DODD. Thank you. It will be in the record.
Senator Warner, welcome.

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Senator WARNER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I just want to very
briefly say I am really looking forward to working with you and
Ranking Member Shelby and all the Members of the Committee.
This is my first hearing, so I will keep it brief, other than the fact
that in a prior life, I did spend many years from the financial side
interacting with the SEC, so I have got a lot of questions and ideas
that I will reserve for question time.
But thank you and I am looking forward to working with you.
Chairman DODD. Thank you very much.
Senator Bennett.

Senator BENNETT. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
I don’t have any pearls of wisdom other than to reflect on some
of the comments that have been made that sounds like the entire
solution to all of our economic problems are now lying on the doorstep of Mary Schapiro. I don’t think that is true. I don’t think the
SEC is solely responsible for our difficulties, nor do I expect her to
individually solve them all.
But I enjoyed my visit with her when she came by. I think she
is very well qualified for this position and appreciate the prompt
calling of a confirmation hearing. I intend to support her nomination.
Chairman DODD. Well, thank you very much, Senator.
Let me just say that if other colleagues arrive to introduce some
of the nominees we have forthcoming, I will probably interrupt the
hearing in order to accommodate them, but that is not being the
case right now, so Ms. Schapiro, what I would like to do is have
you stand and I would like you to swear or affirm your presence
here this morning. Raise your right hand.
Do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you are about to
give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so
help you, God?
Chairman DODD. And do you agree to appear and testify before
any duly constituted Committee of the U.S. Senate?
Chairman DODD. Welcome. It is nice to have you with us. Before
we hear your statement, I think I noticed some people behind you
who might be members of your family, or some geniuses in the securities area here, maybe both. Do you want to introduce them?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I would be happy to. Thank you, Senator. My
daughter, Molly Cadwell, my daughter, Anna Cadwell, and my husband, Chas Cadwell.
Chairman DODD. Welcome. We are delighted to have you with us
here today. Are you missing school today, are you, for this?
Senator SHELBY. Oh, yes. They are smiling.
Chairman DODD. So the longer the hearing goes, the less time
you have to go to school? Is that how it works?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. There is a certain math test that is being avoided

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Chairman DODD. All right.
Senator SHELBY. Postponed, maybe.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Postponed.
Chairman DODD. Well, we are delighted to have you here, and
as we have all said here, I don’t think any of us expect you to answer all of the issues that face our country, but it is a critical position. I think you know that and our conversations reflect that, so
I am anxious to hear your statement and then engage in some conversation about where we are.

Ms. SCHAPIRO. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Senator
Shelby, Chairman Dodd, and Members of the Committee, it is an
honor to appear before you today as President-elect Obama’s nominee to serve as Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. I also want to thank Senators Schumer and Reed for their
very kind introductions, and all the Members of the Committee and
your staff, who have been so generous with their time and advice
during this confirmation process.
As Senator Schumer mentioned, I grew up in New York, a short
train ride from Manhattan but miles away from Wall Street. My
father was a printer, my mother a librarian. Like millions of families, my parents worked hard to save enough to buy a home, send
their children to college, and have a secure retirement. They taught
my siblings and me right from wrong and that we could get ahead
by working hard and playing by the rules. And perhaps that why
I have spent my career at the SEC, the CFTC, and most recently
FINRA committed to building a financial regulatory system that
protects investors and supports and strengthens free and fair markets.
We cannot underestimate the situation we are now in. The credit
markets have collapsed. Trillions of dollars of wealth have been
lost. Our economy is in recession and investor confidence has been
badly shaken. Middle-class families who were relying on that nest
egg to send a son or a daughter to college or for a secure retirement
don’t know where to turn. There are many reasons for this crisis
and one of them is that our regulatory system has not kept pace
with the markets and the needs of investors.
It is precisely during times like these that we need an SEC that
is the investors’ advocate, that has the staff, the will, and the resources necessary to move with great urgency to bring transparency and accountability to all corners of the marketplace, to vigorously prosecute those who have broken the law and cheated investors, and to modernize our country’s regulatory system to match
the realities of today’s global, interdependent markets.
These urgent responsibilities would fill any agenda, Mr. Chairman, but allow me to highlight a few of my top priorities. First and
foremost, if confirmed as Chairman, I will move aggressively to reinvigorate enforcement at the SEC. With investor confidence so
shaken, it is imperative that the SEC be given the resources and
the support it needs to investigate and go after those who cut corners, cheat investors, and break the law.

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As the first SEC Chairman, Joseph Kennedy, told the Nation 75
years ago in explaining this new agency’s role, quote, ‘‘The Commission will make war without quarter on any who sell securities
by fraud or misrepresentation.’’ I look forward to working closely
with you and Members of the Committee to ensure the SEC has
the capability to fulfill this critical mission as well as to perform
all of its other important duties.
Second, I want to reengage the SEC with the people we serve,
namely investors. The investor community, from the largest pension fund to the family who has scrimped and saved in their 401(k)
or 529 plan, needs to feel they have someone on their side, that
they can go to the SEC for advice, to seek redress, or to have their
opinions heard.
Third, as I work to deepen the SEC’s commitment to investor
protection, transparency, accountability, and disclosure, I also want
to ensure these commitments are preserved in any regulatory overhaul that may be undertaken. Indeed, as a member of the President’s Working Group on the Financial Markets, I hope I can offer
its members, the administration, and Congress both the benefits of
my years as a regulator as well as the decades of experience the
professionals at the SEC have in these areas.
The American people want and expect us to update the regulatory system that has failed them and to prevent the kinds of
abuses that have contributed to the economic crisis we now face.
I assure you that I will always keep their concerns front and center.
Seventy-five years after the SEC was founded, the Commission
finds itself in a situation where, once again, it must play a critical
role in reviving our markets, bolstering investor confidence, and rejuvenating our economy. I am under no illusion that this will be
an easy job. There is a lot of work to be done quickly and diligently
in the months ahead.
But I look forward to this challenge, to helping the millions of
investors who rely on strong markets and a strong economy, and
to working with the professionals at the SEC and the members of
this Congress. To be entrusted with leading the SEC at this moment would be a great honor and I am grateful for your consideration.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Senator Shelby, Members of the Committee, and I am very happy to answer your questions.
Chairman DODD. Well, thank you very much, Ms. Schapiro. We
appreciate again your willingness to serve.
Let me begin. What I will try and do is I will make it, say,
around 10 minutes a round, and I won’t be rigid about that since
there is not a full complement of the Committee here, but we will
try and move along and get as many people involved as possible.
Let me begin with—you and I talked about this in the office the
other day, with the Madoff situation, which has been the subject
of some discussion. Let me just, as background, and you can correct
me if I misstate this, but this is as I understand it. The Madoff
firm was a registered broker dealer in 2006. It also registered as
an investment advisor. During this period, NASD and later FINRA
performed periodic exams, but never found, or apparently according
to FINRA’s staff, looked at the potential individual investments

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that people made with Madoff. They looked at brokerage operations
and not the advisory activities—and again, that is the role of
FINRA, I understand that—as if they were two separate entities.
However, SIPC has said there was only one firm, the brokerage
firm, not a separate investment advisor, and defrauded investors
made checks payable to Madoff Firm. All of the advisory staff were
brokerage employees, and the SIPC is playing claims based on
their finding that the defrauded investors were clients of the SIPCinsured broker.
And I went back and looked, and again, reading the role, FINRA
has broad examination authority—and obviously you know all of
this but let me just repeat it here—has broad examination authority over its broker dealer members. Under the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 and FINRA’s own rules, Section 8210, which gives
FINRA the right ‘‘for the purpose of investigation or examination
to require a member, a person associated with a member, to provide information orally, in writing, or electronically, or to testify
and to inspect and copy the books, records, and accounts of such
member or person with respect to any matter involved in the investigation, complaint, examination,’’ end of quote.
Madoff Investments was the member and Bernie Madoff was an
associated person. How do we respond to that?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I think, Mr. Chairman, one of the real lessons of
this tragedy, is that we have this stovepiped approach to regulation
that allows misconduct to take place out of the sight of at least
some of the regulators. As you point out, FINRA had jurisdiction
over Madoff’s broker dealer activities, but not over its investment
advisory activities. The investment advisory activity did not run
through the books of the broker dealer, which is what FINRA was
examining. And in fact, the SEC required Madoff’s investment advisory activities to be separately registered in an investment advisor in 2006. I would also add that FINRA didn’t have access to any
tips, directly—and no tips were shared by the SEC with FINRA.
I think the bigger issue here and one that I have repeatedly expressed concern about, including, frankly, as recently as August
with the Chairman of the SEC, is that there is an increasing migration of financial activity out of regulated broker dealers, where
there is an SEC, FINRA, other SROs, and State involvement in the
regulation, to investment advisors, where there are far fewer resources available for inspection and oversight. The SEC has not
shared our view that this is something to be concerned about, this
migration of activity out of the more closely overseen broker dealer
side of the industry.
Chairman DODD. Well, let me ask you this. If confirmed, and in
light of the Madoff experience, are there actions you would pursue,
and let me identify several and ask you to comment on them. One,
to increase the effectiveness of broker dealer examinations by
FINRA and the SEC? I think you suggested the answer to that in
your response to my question.
Number two, to improve the use of tips by the SEC staff.
Three, to increase the quality of audit opinions rendered for nonpublic broker dealers?

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And fourth, to ensure for the impartial administration of the
Federal securities laws that prominent individuals are subject to
the same standards as all other market participants.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I can answer unequivocally that I would explore
and hope to move very aggressively with respect to all of those. I
think the effectiveness of the examination programs for broker
dealers and investment advisors, and rating agencies, frankly,
needs to be carefully examined and significantly bolstered going
With respect to tips and whistleblower complaints, if I am confirmed, within the first couple of weeks, I would like to create an
entirely new process within the Commission so that these matters
are centralized, they don’t reside out in multiple offices but rather
come to a central, fairly senior point of contact within the agency
where they then can be staffed, examined, pursued, tracked, and
reported to the Commission so that we have an understanding of
exactly what kind of intelligence is coming into the agency and how
it is being followed up on by the staff of the agency.
The quality of audit opinions with respect to non-publicly held
broker dealers, particularly those who have custody of customer assets, whether securities or cash, I think needs to be addressed very
quickly. We may need a legislative fix to the PCAOB’s authority in
order to do that. I would absolutely support that.
And finally, with respect to impartiality, my belief is there can
be no sacred cows. We have to go with full force and fervor against
anyone who violates investors’ trust, large or small, regardless of
their standing in the investment community.
Chairman DODD. Well, thank you for that. And let me just say,
by the way, and we have talked about this, as well, and Senator
Shelby and I have discussed this, as I see it, the role of this Committee, we have a lot of work to do. Obviously, we are going to be
watching very carefully the TARP program, assuming that we go
forward with that, but obviously we want to know how that is
working. That will be a major function of the Committee, an ongoing one.
But also the very important track for us is the modernization of
the regulatory structures in this country, and this is a huge set of
issues with a lot of work to do, but it is a major obligation, I think,
of this Committee and this Congress and this administration to do
so in light of the events that have occurred. So we are going to be
looking to working with you very closely on these issues, because
the role of the SEC is critically important in all of that. So I will
be very anxious to follow up and would ask you to keep our Committee and staff well informed as to the progress on these matters,
if confirmed, that you just mentioned.
The last point I will touch on and then turn to Senator Shelby,
because we have a lot of issues to talk about, the credit rating
agencies which Senator Enzi has raised and others have, as well,
has been a constant issue of concern for us as we look back as to
what happened. Senator Schumer’s analogy of having students pay
for their grades was a pretty good one in trying to describe what
was going on. And I have thought a lot about this, as others have,
as well, and I am still stymied a bit as to what is the best answer.

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I know many say, well, let the purchasers of the information pay
for it, but I can identify conflicts where that can occur, as well, just
as there would be with those who are selling the information have
an obvious conflict.
Just as a throw-out, let me ask you, what is your reaction to
something like a FASB approach, or is there a need, even, for credit rating agencies? Have we reached a point where maybe there is
a different system we ought to be thinking about to actually rate
these securities?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I think there probably will always be a desire to
have some sort of truly independent third-party evaluation about
the credit quality or other aspects of particular financial assets, so
I guess I wouldn’t go so far as to say we don’t need credit rating
agencies at all. We don’t need broken ones. We don’t need ones that
give us bad information. That is very clear.
I think there are a lot of interesting ideas out there about how
to deal with the really serious conflicts of interest that manifest
themselves so clearly in the compensation models that currently
exist. One I have heard about is the idea of having exchanges as
part of their listing fees, collect a small transaction fee for every
trade that could then form a pot of money that could be used to
pay for the ratings so that they are paid for by an exchange. A
similar concept, I think, would be to have a FASB or a PCAOB sort
of oversight body that then assessed a fee, compensated the rating
agency so that the issuer wasn’t directly compensating them, the
idea that you suggest.
I think there are a lot of very creative ideas out there. I think
they are all worth exploring, because fundamentally, until we deal
with the compensation model, we are not going to deal with the
conflict of interest and people are not going to have confidence that
the ratings are worth relying on, worth the paper they are printed
I also think we have to deal with the SEC’s oversight of rating
agencies. And again, a PCAOB model may be very helpful there.
You could almost have resident examiners inside rating agencies
really understanding what is happening, following up when ratings
fail, pushing out disclosure about the reasons for the failures.
So I think there is fertile ground there for us to explore and I
would be very anxious to do that with the Committee.
Chairman DODD. We need to do it soon, in my view.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I understand.
Chairman DODD. Senator Shelby.
Senator SHELBY. Thank you, Chairman Dodd.
I am going to pick up on the rating agencies because I think, Ms.
Schapiro, that they are central to any regaining of trust in our securities industry. The problem as I see it today, among other
things, but the central problem is lack of trust, not just consumers’
lack of trust in the banking system and securities, banks to banks.
They don’t trust. They don’t know what is in those other banks’
portfolios. They don’t want to borrow any money from each other
as they traditionally have done.
We see this morning’s headlines where one of our largest banks
has got to have a big injection if they are going to go through with
a deal they made. So there is something deeply, deeply wrong, as

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you know, in our securities and banking system. Trust is central
to it.
The rating agencies used to mean something. They used to. Gosh,
I have small banks that used to buy securities. Well, they are not
buying right now. They are scared. They are solvent, but small.
As long, I believe, as long as we have got the conflicts of interest
and rating agencies—and they have told me and they have testified
before this Committee that basically their opinion, they are just
giving their opinion. I said, really? You are just giving your opinion, but you are paying for it and it has meaning of whether those
securities are rated investment grade or whatever they are rated,
and they have meaning in the marketplace. Well, we are just giving our opinion. I said, well, what if I gave my opinion? It wouldn’t
mean anything. And today, their ratings are meaning less and less.
So I think you are going to have a great opportunity and we are
going to have a great opportunity to do some right things. I hope
that we do the right things. I hope that we are not going to be
timid, because if we don’t do it, where are we going to be? We have
lost our opportunity.
I want to pick up on the regulatory forum. You know, I know
that we have got to face reality here. I never thought that I would
say this, but I think we have got to visit insurance. Look at AIG.
Who regulated AIG? Primarily, the New York Insurance Commission. My gosh, does anybody in this room believe that the New
York Insurance Commission knew anything to speak of of the risk
they were taking, they had on their books? Why, the answer is obviously no, and so forth.
But you will be playing in those recommendations. We will be in
the arena here trying to implement a new, different, and effective
regulatory structure. We have to do it right. What, in your opinion,
should be the role of the SEC? I mentioned earlier some people say
we ought to merge the SEC into what, into this and that. I personally don’t have a lot of confidence in the Federal Reserve. I don’t
have a lot of confidence in a lot of our regulatory agencies today,
and I think for good reason. And if you poll the American people,
gosh, I don’t know where it would be, but it would be low, low, low.
So what is the role you think the SEC should play in the future?
And you come out of the CFTC, too. Most of the things, not all, as
you know, that are traded on CFTC have to do with financial instruments, securities and so forth, which traditionally have come
under the SEC or come under the jurisdiction of this Committee
and so forth. Do we have too many regulatory bodies? Are they too
stovepiped, as you alluded to earlier? What is the role you think
the SEC should play, and where should we go?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. That is a great question. I think I have a couple
of principles that guide me in thinking about regulatory reform and
there will be lots and lots of suggestions, lots of, I expect, fascinating debate about exactly where do we move the different boxes
that currently exist and how do we align them.
But in terms of the principles that I think should guide our discussion, the first is that all systemically important products—credit
default swaps, as an example—and all systemically important financial institutions, need to come under the regulatory umbrella so
that we eliminate the gaps that exist with large players and prod-

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ucts not being part of the regulatory regime. That has clearly been
one of the issues that we have seen over the last year in particular.
But I also think we have to think about the roles of the existing
agencies, whether or not they continue to exist, and how we preserve those important roles. We have to have and continue to have
the kind of focus on systemic risk that the Fed has brought to the
debate over the last year, and an institution like the Fed being responsible for protection of the system from a systemic perspective.
From my perspective, though, we don’t need to just monitor risk
and understand the safety and soundness of our financial system.
We must continue to protect investors. So the functions of the SEC
must continue to be fulfilled. The protection of investors, the inspection of investment companies, mutual funds, investment advisors, the full and fair disclosure by corporate issuers of relevant information, the exchange regulation and oversight, all of those functions need to continue to exist in, whether it is the SEC as we
know it today or the SEC as a larger agency, potentially combined
with other agencies, or an entirely new structure that we haven’t
devised yet. Those functions all matter enormously to the integrity
of our capital markets and to the confidence that investors can
have when they are allocating their capital. So we have to preserve
the functions. We have got to get them better aligned and we have
to fill the gaps.
Senator SHELBY. What do you believe should be the role of the
SEC in the future in regulating credit default swaps?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Well, I absolutely believe that credit default
swaps need to come under the umbrella of Federal regulation, and
we need a centralized clearinghouse for these transactions so that
we can have transparency, we can eliminate or minimize
counterparty risk, we can assure there is sufficient collateral, margining positions. I think the SEC needs to work very closely with
the CFTC and with the Fed and the Treasury to ensure that we
don’t create another regulatory gap or we have a lack of understanding about which agencies will play which roles with respect
to overseeing these clearinghouses.
Senator SHELBY. What do you think the role should be in the future on insurance companies that play in the field, such as AIG
and others, but AIG is the big one, that put our whole system at
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Well, I believe, and this is a little bit outside my
purview, that we should have Federal oversight of insurance companies and particularly those that create systemic implications,
like an AIG, should be under the Federal regulatory umbrella. This
is not to suggest there might not also be a role for State insurance
Senator SHELBY. Sure.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. ——but that we have to, at the systemic level,
have a better understanding of what is going on in those institutions.
Senator SHELBY. Do you believe that any of the Federal regulatory people had any real inkling of what was going on in the insurance field that helped bring about where we are today?

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Ms. SCHAPIRO. I really can’t speak to that, having not been in the
Federal Government for a long time. I just don’t know the answer
to that.
Senator SHELBY. You hadn’t seen any evidence of that, have you?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. No, I can’t say that I have.
Senator, if I could actually go back to your credit rating agency
Senator SHELBY. Yes. That is what I was going to do.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. ——I think you made a very important point. For
the credit rating agencies to suggest that it is just their opinion is
a little bit unnerving, to say the least. The requirement for credit
ratings is written into a number of Federal rules and requirements,
so I think it is more than just one man’s opinion, so to speak, when
they issue a rating.
I think one of the things we have to explore is ways in which to
make the capital regime for financial institutions not so dependent
upon changes in credit ratings because they are very vulnerable
and it has enormous implications when there is a credit rating
change for the capital of the institution. So I think that is something that, working with the other regulators, we really need to explore.
Senator SHELBY. Picking up on something Senator Dodd raised
earlier and Senator Schumer, the conflicts of interest and the basic
ethics of the credit rating agencies, how are we going to eliminate,
or what would you recommend or think about recommending or
consider dealing with the conflicts? We have got to deal with the
conflicts. If I hire S&P or Moody’s to be my consultant and show
me how I can do this and that to get an investment-grade rating
or even a higher rating, they obviously have a conflict of interest.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. That is right. I think the compensation model, the
traditional model that they utilize where the issuer pays for the
rating is really at the heart of the conflict problem, and that is why
I would be very interested to explore whether there are some quite
dramatic things that could be done differently, a FASB or PCAOB
type of model for compensation.
Senator SHELBY. It looks like things are for sale in the marketplace.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Exactly right.
Senator SHELBY. And that undermines the whole integrity of the
marketplace, as I understand it.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. That is right, and if you want someone to buy
your rating, again, you understand that when you issue your rating
in the first instance.
Senator SHELBY. And it is more than a perception.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I believe that is right.
Chairman SHELBY. Thank you, Senator Dodd.
Chairman DODD. Thank you very much, Senator.
Senator Reed.
Senator REED. Well, thank you very much, Mr. Chairman, and
Senator Shelby has covered so many important questions that I
feel I will sort of be duplicative, but if you would allow me.
With respect to hedge funds, there was an initiative by the Securities and Exchange Commission to have these funds of a certain
size register, in particular the ones that have significant influence

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in the marketplace. What is your view toward the greater transparency in the hedge funds?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Well, I would absolutely support proceeding again
with registration of hedge funds so that we could have a much better handle on who is out there and what they are doing. We should
have better and stronger checks and balances and appropriate disclosure, at an absolute minimum.
Senator REED. And you and your staff will be working on the appropriate items of disclosure so that you could get an adequate picture of their operations?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Absolutely.
Senator REED. And if this required legislation, you would quickly
contact us?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. We will. I guess I would like to express generally
my view that the laws are made here, and when the SEC needs
help with the laws, I expect that we will be here often seeking that
Senator REED. Thank you. Senator Shelby has asked some very
insightful questions about credit rating agencies and I will just
simply note that this is a concern of everyone here. Your efforts to
look a the agencies would be very useful. I know there are several
at least preliminary proposals legislatively that are here and so we
will be collaborating with you on that effort, also.
In addition, as you indicated to Senator Shelby, the credit default
swap issue, I know under the leadership of the New York Fed, the
clearinghouse notion was moving. Are there any further comments
you would like to make about, other than the need for them, any
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I have long been an advocate, frankly, since 1994,
for a mechanism to bring swaps—credit default swaps didn’t actually exist at that time, but other swap transactions into a clearinghouse mechanism so that there would be assurances about the collateral that was supporting the positions and the minimization of
counterparty risk. So I am strongly in favor of the efforts that have
been undertaken to develop the clearinghouses. I think it is very
important that there be strong oversight of those clearinghouses so
that we have a level of confidence that they will be there and able
to withstand the potential for any defaults that take place.
Senator REED. The Enforcement Division of the SEC has been an
area of great concern. Senator Dodd and I contacted GAO. They are
finalizing a report. But the general impression, I think, and an accurate one, is that they have been hobbled over the last several
years. One aspect of this was a procedure where a penalty would
have to be approved essentially by the Commission. I would hope
that that procedure could be quickly abandoned and that the Enforcement Division could be given the direction to fairly but aggressively enforce the law.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I would hope, if I am confirmed, Senator Reed,
that one of the first things I will do will be to try to take the handcuffs off the Enforcement Division. The Penalty Pilot Program is an
issue, but there are a lot of other procedural hurdles that have
really been placed in the way of the Enforcement Division moving
aggressively to issue subpoenas and get investigations initiated and
I would plan to look at those immediately.

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Senator REED. Another area that has been mentioned by Senator
Schumer in his opening comments was the Office of Risk Assessment which Chairman Donaldson created, I think very perceptively. In fact, it perhaps could have been very helpful in the runup to this crisis. What is your view about the Office of Risk Assessment?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I think it is absolutely essential to reconstitute
the Office of Risk Assessment. It has never really been fully staffed
and fully equipped with the tools that it needs. When you have
hundreds and hundreds of examiners, as the SEC does, that are
unconnected to a really robust risk assessment process so you know
where to send the examiners in order to have them focusing on the
issues of greatest importance, that is a real problem, in my mind.
So I would like to build an Office of Risk Assessment and I would
like to have Risk Assessment permeate really everything the SEC
does. There will never be enough resources to do everything, so we
have to be able to focus on those areas of risk where we have investors at most danger.
Senator REED. Much of what you are going to do will have complications and consequences overseas as well as here in the United
States, and one of the areas is the IFRS road map. We have repeatedly written to Chairman Cox to try to determine and develop a
very deliberate road map. I think there was a rush to judgment on
this issue. In fact, I met with the CEO of Honeywell Corporation
who says similar concerns about disparate accounting treatment on
the international rules that can be used to change income, can be
used to treat R&D expenses differently. There is a host of potential, I hesitate to say—I won’t. There is a potential arbitrage of the
two systems which I think we have to avoid.
Can you give us a notion of how you would like to proceed with
this international accounting movement, with the recognition I
think we all have that in the global economy, eventually, standards
hopefully will converge to high levels.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Well, I would proceed with great caution so that
we don’t have a race to the bottom. I think we all can agree that
a single set of accounting standards used around the world would
be a very beneficial thing, allowing investors to compare companies
around the world. That said, I have some concerns about the road
map that has been published by the SEC and is out for comment
now and I have some concerns about the IFRS standards generally.
They are not as detailed as the U.S. standards. There is a lot left
to interpretation. Even if adopted, there would still be a lack of
consistency, I believe, around the world in how they are implemented and how they are enforced.
The cost to switch from U.S. GAAP to IFRS is going to be extraordinary, and I have seen some estimates that range as high as
$30 million for each U.S. company in order to do that. This is a
time when I think we have to think carefully about whether imposing those sorts of costs on U.S. industry really makes sense.
Perhaps, though, my greatest concern is the independence of the
International Accounting Standards Board and the ability to have
oversight of their process for setting accounting standards and the
amount of rigor that exists in that process today.

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I will tell you that I will take a big deep breath and look at this
entire area again carefully and will not necessarily feel bound by
the existing road map that is out for comment.
Senator REED. One area of mutual concern that you have and I
have is the independence of the International Accounting Standards Board. Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, we thought we created
a very clear rule that American public companies couldn’t operate
under standards promulgated by a non-independent entity. That
interpretation was not shared by the previous Commission. I would
like very much for you to review that and indicate to us whether
your view is—whether we need sufficient additional legislation to
clarify that there must be an independent board.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I will be happy to do that.
Senator REED. I believe that you have been very concerned about
proxy access. Can you give us a notion of your priorities with respect to proxy access?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I would be happy to. You know, the SEC has
taken a couple different tacks with respect to proxy access over the
last year and I think it is an area that is really calling out for some
clarification and some clear direction. Forty of the largest markets
outside of the United States allow investors or shareholders of
some size and some duration access to the proxy. I think it is time
for the United States to step into that club, and again, the devil
will be in the details. But I think it is time for us to have a wellcrafted, rational approach to the proxy for long-term large shareholders in the U.S. and I am prepared to sit down with my fellow
Commissioners quickly and begin that discussion.
Senator REED. I think one of the contributing factors in the current economic crisis, and there are many, is the compensation
schemes developed by companies. I know this is something not directly related to the responsibility of the SEC, but I think creatively and collectively, we might want to think about how we monitor those and how we ensure that they don’t provide the kind of
incentives for risk taking rather than compensation for wise judgments. That is just a general point that I would hope you would
consider because I think it is hard to pick out a precise statute or
precise even agency that would be charged with that. It is typically
up to management, but management ought to be much more sensitive, I think, to these compensation schemes.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I agree with that.
Senator REED. Just for the record, mutual recognition of Australia, fast, slow, medium?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Well, I have shared with you and then shared
with the SEC over the past year some concerns with the speed with
which mutual recognition and amendments to rule 15(a)(6) have
proceeded that allows foreign broker dealers access to U.S. investors at virtually a retail level without the protections that exist in
the U.S. regulatory regime. So it is another area where I think we
need to take a big step back and look at whether we are headed
in the right direction. Again, I want to ensure that U.S. investors’
protections are maximized going forward, not that they are compromised.
Senator REED. Thank you very much. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

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Chairman DODD. Thank you, Senator. I thank the Senator for
raising the issue of the proxy access issue, as well. I have a strong
interest in that, as well, and will be looking forward to further developing your thoughts on that. It has been a subject of some debate and discussion over the last number of months and it is one
we are going to come back to on the Committee.
Senator Enzi.
Senator ENZI. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and I appreciate your
questions and, Ms. Schapiro, your answers on the proper role of the
SEC in the future, also Senator Shelby’s questions about credit default swaps and the derivatives market and everybody’s questions
about credit rating reform. We have all been involved in that and
I will have some additional questions on that, but I will submit
them in writing. They are more detailed and I have found that that
and accounting questions put people to sleep around here. I appreciate Senator Reed’s questions about the converging of the accounting standards, and again, I will have some more detailed questions
on those.
As I mentioned in my brief opening remarks, I think one of your
strongest assets is your career in the financial regulatory experience. Securities regulation is a complicated subject and the Chairman of the SEC should be well-versed in the language of finance.
But I am very concerned about the growing scandal of Madoff and
his investment fraud. As the chief executive of the financial industry regulatory authority, how did that expansive fraud scheme slip
past the radar and when did your agency first receive notice about
that possible fraud and what did you do with the information?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Senator, I can’t really speak to the SEC’s handling of this matter. I have not had direct conversations with them.
I am anxiously hoping to do that, as well as to receive their Inspector General’s report on what went wrong there.
With respect to FINRA’s responsibility, as we talked about a little bit earlier, one of the real lessons, I think, from this tragedy is
the fact that we have this stovepipe regulatory regime where some
misconduct can be hidden from at least some of the regulators
some of the time. FINRA focused on the broker dealers’ books and
records. The investment advisory activity, the Ponzi scheme, didn’t
run through the books of the broker dealer. They were kept in separate books for the money management business. As a result,
FINRA was not aware of the investment advisory fraud. FINRA
also had not received any tips, either directly from anybody, nor
did the SEC share those tips with FINRA.
I think one of the lessons, in addition to the stovepipe problem
of regulation, is that financial regulators, frankly, need to cooperate a whole lot more closely than we have historically. There has
sometimes been a little bit of competition. There has sometimes
been a little bit of jealousy about who gets to bring a case or who
is the first mover. We need to think of the financial markets, policing as a community and our efforts as community policing and cooperate a lot more effectively in sharing whatever intelligence we
have between State and Federal and self-regulatory organizations
in order to make sure we have the maximum number of eyes looking at an institution or a problem at any given moment.

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Senator ENZI. So you are saying that you found out about it
about the same time that the rest of us did?
Senator ENZI. OK. I do have to ask an accounting question. In
the fall, the Senate Banking Committee heard testimony about
mark-to-market accounting and its ineffectiveness in pricing assets
in a frozen market. In response, FASB and the SEC issued guidance clarifying how firms should price liquid assets. Do you believe
this guidance is sufficient, or should the SEC revisit the mark-tomarket accounting method for 2009 and beyond?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Well, as you know perhaps better than anybody
in this room, the integrity of our accounting standards and the
quality of our corporate disclosure is absolutely essential. It is the
foundation of our marketplace.
I think investors, as I have read what people have said, generally
believe that fair value accounting, mark-to-market accounting, has
provided transparency to the marketplace and enables better decisionmaking by investors. That said, I think there are circumstances
in which hard-to-value assets are written down and have real implications for business as a result.
The SEC has just published its fair value accounting report, just
about 2 weeks ago, I think. They make a number of recommendations in that report which I am anxious to study. I have read it.
I am anxious to study in detail and see if there are further issues
that should be addressed by the SEC with respect to fair value accounting. I know there is a recommendation for further guidance
for some alternative approaches, perhaps, with respect to assets
where there is no ready market or no readily ascertainable value,
whether there can be additional disclosure that would be helpful to
people in understanding what the true value of those assets might
be. So it is an issue I will get immersed in quickly.
Senator ENZI. Excellent. I will have some more detailed questions on all of those things——
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Thank you.
Senator ENZI. ——but I will go ahead and yield the balance of
my time.
Chairman DODD. Thank you very much, Senator.
Senator Warner.
Senator WARNER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Ms. Schapiro, I have got two broad-based questions and if you
could respond to both, I would appreciate. I share Senator Shelby
and Senator Reed’s concerns that you have voiced, as well, that
some of these new tools that have developed, the credit default
swaps, hedge funds, failure to have any regulatory oversight on
those new tools. You made mention in your opening comments
some of the migration taking place from some folks from the broker
dealer coverage to the financial advisor coverage.
How do we get—and with your comments, as well, about the
stovepipe regulations. How do we get that broad-based regulatory
oversight? And even if we take care of some of these new tools, do
you have any thoughts on as the capital market—never underestimate the capital market’s ability to create new tools, is there any
kind of proactive effort, not that would stymie the flow of capital
by any means, but proactive effort to make sure that whatever the

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next decade’s credit default swaps, we are not then coming back
and revisiting years later.
So, first, how do we get everybody underneath that regulatory
umbrella, and second, and as we discussed a little bit earlier, even
if we get everyone under the regulatory umbrella, it seems that a
lot of the crisis that we are currently confronting comes about as
the market has tried to price the credit risks of debt and we have
seen the market continue to move forward in terms of becoming
more and more efficient on pricing that last tranche of two, five or
10 percent of a debt instrument. The question I know we discussed
privately was, at some point, is the social utility of pricing that last
two to 5 percent worth all of the side bet risks that now the system
has taken on, and should you be confirmed, even if we have got
these entities within some types of regulatory oversight, is regulation and transparency enough, or in some cases do we actually
have to look at bright-line prohibitions on some of these tools?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. A very good question. I think the way we bring
all of these products and institutions under the regulatory umbrella is by having an approach that has us look at what is systemically important that needs to be under the purview of a regulator
that has the authority and the capability to assess the risks in the
system and deal with those through capital, leverage limitations
and other sorts of requirements.
And then I think the other way we do it is, at the same time,
we look at the business conduct. We look from the perspective of
the investor, what is being sold, what is being offered, and how is
the investor being protected in that process, so that we stop worrying about who has responsibility for mortgages versus securities
versus derivatives versus some other instrument, insurance, for example, and we start to think from the perspective of the investor
across a broad panoply of products that may be offered to them
that has an investment component or a financial component. How
do we protect the investor?
And I think by approaching it from both of those directions, a
systemic protection direction and an investor or business conduct
protection direction, we can probably cover the universe.
Senator WARNER. Does that mean proactively looking at new
products? Would that be your screen in terms of as the market creates new products that we can’t envision today, you would look at
it from that kind of——
Ms. SCHAPIRO. It has to have that. That has to be a component
of it, because we will always fight the last war if we don’t look
proactively at products as they are being developed, before they are
introduced. Do they have systemic implications? What happens in
a downturn? What happens if interest rates go through the roof?
What does that product have the potential to do to our financial institutions? And at the same time, what do those products have the
potential to do, good or ill, for investors who are being sold them?
I think innovation has been a tremendous hallmark of our markets and I think it is important that we preserve that. I think we
have seen some products that are innovative mostly in their fee
Senator WARNER. Right.

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Ms. SCHAPIRO. ——and their ability to generate new fees, rather
than being innovative in their ability to help people achieve their
goals in investing. And so I think that is, again, something a financial regulator, a business conduct regulator like the SEC in particular can have a focus on.
Senator WARNER. So as you get them within that regulatory umbrella, and I think you have now touched on my second point, regulation and transparency enough or actually looking, as you said, at,
in effect, the social utility of some of these products in terms of prohibition or not? I mean, that gets into a touchy area, I know.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. It is a touchy area. We have generally had a system in this country where we go with disclosure and not so much
the approval by regulators of particular products, although it is not
unheard of. There are certain products that cannot be sold to retail
investors. There are certain instruments that have, in fact, been
deemed to not be suitable for anyone and therefore not for sale. To
expand that approach would be different. I think it is worth exploring.
Senator WARNER. Thank you.
Chairman DODD. Thank you very much, Senator.
Senator Corker.
Senator CORKER. Mr. Chairman, thanks for having this hearing,
Ranking Member. I want to welcome Senator Warner. I think there
is nobody that has come to the Senate with greater credentials and
I certainly look forward to working with him and welcome him to
this Committee.
Ms. Schapiro, I also want to thank you for your tremendous
years of public service and commitment to making things better
here in our country and I look forward to working with you in the
future and just have a few short questions.
We watched—we had hearings here earlier in the year with the
SEC and, of course, the Fed and Treasury and others and we
watched our investment banking system just kind of dissipate. It
evaporated. It is gone. And it appeared that the SEC didn’t have
the tools, if you will, to really deal with those particular organizations. Of course, they are no more.
But I wondered if, just based on where you sit, if you see is there
a need, if you will, for tools right now that the SEC does not have
that it should have in the environment that we now live in?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I expect I could give you a better answer if I am
confirmed and get there and spend a little bit of time. But one almost has to conclude that the tools were inadequate to the task.
The CSE program was a voluntary program. That was probably
one of the flaws in it. But also the capability of the staff to really
apply the kind of analytics and the kind of risk assessment approach that one would hope to see, I think those are two areas that
probably need significant bolstering.
I think as we move forward, we have to take a completely fresh
look at how the SEC conducts examinations of all the entities it
regulates, investment banks—there are some smaller ones left, investment advisors, mutual funds, and so forth, to see if we really
are understanding the business and how the business is changing.
My sense is that one of the hardest things for regulators is to
really understand when the world is changing underneath them

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unless it is quite dramatic, because markets evolve, institutions
evolve, products evolve. And I think it is going to be very critical
to keep the SEC staff much more in tuned with the current events
in the marketplace and the evolution of the institutions in order to
be effectively finding the risks and helping to control them.
Senator CORKER. Yes. I think a lot of times, our regulators end
up sort of figuring out the problem after it occurs and then——
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Catching up.
Senator CORKER. ——by virtue of actions that are taken, almost
create a self-fulfilling prophesy because their reaction to the issue
is at the wrong time. Instead of on the front end, it is on the tail
end and actually can make it worse, and I thank you for that
In 2007, I guess the SEC did away with something called the uptick rule. A lot of people have said that if that had not occurred,
then there wouldn’t have been this—I am just repeating, by the
way, and asking for your input—a lot of people have said that had
that not occurred, then short sellers would not have been able to
manipulate the market the way that they did. I wonder if you
might give us your thoughts on that.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Well, I am very happy to do that. And as you
know, in addition, this past year, the SEC issued a series of orders
related to naked short selling and restrictions on short selling
through exemptions, temporary orders, emergency orders, and
what that suggests to me is that we actually need to take a step
back and reexamine the entire area of short selling, what restrictions may or may not be appropriate, and I think we do need to
look at whether the uptick rule ought to be reinstituted, and that
is one of the things that I would be committed to doing very quickly.
Senator CORKER. Well, thank you. I think even at the CFTC,
there was a lot of concern about what speculators were doing at the
time, and, of course, now with the world where it is, we are wondering where all these speculators were.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Right.
Senator CORKER. But in any event, I do hope you will do that
and I do hope we will come up with something that market players
who really determine the exact pricing because of being on both
sides of the equation, I hope you will be able to come up with something that is consistent and people know is going to be there into
the future.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I agree with that. I think markets deal with uncertainty. I mean, that is really what markets are about in some
ways, and they deal with volatility. They don’t deal so well with
not knowing what the rules of the road are, and so we need to provide some certainty about how these issues will be handled on a
going forward basis.
Senator CORKER. There has been a lot of comment, I guess, that
the SEC is a revolving door. People come in and they learn a few
things and then they leave and make a lot of money, and then they
come in and vice-versa, not unlike the Senate, I might add. But
what comments might you make about restrictions that you think
ought to be in place for people who work at the SEC and relation-

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ships that they may have in the past or in the future as it relates
to companies?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I think this is an important area, and I understand the banking agencies have done some post-employment restrictions for bank examiners and I am anxious to talk to them
about what their experience has been with that.
I would think we have to balance—I worry about the revolving
door very much. I hope that we can keep the best people at the
SEC for the longest possible time. I worry, on the other hand,
about restrictions that will make it impossible for people to come
to the Commission in the first place. If I can’t leave and go to the
industry after 5 years or 10 years, if I am doomed to stay at the
SEC for life, maybe I will never go in the first place, and I don’t
think that would be a good result, either.
I am very anxious to explore some of the possibilities here that
allow us to continue to attract people with current understanding
of the markets and current experience, keep them as long as we
possibly can, but then not create a conflict by their walking out the
door and going to a firm and leaving everybody to wonder whether
they showed some favor to that firm during their time at the SEC.
So it is a very important issue for the integrity of the agency and
its credibility. I am not sure yet how to tackle it.
Senator CORKER. Well, I have to tell you, I very much appreciate
your balance on that issue. At the end of the day, you want to have
the very best and brightest people in your organization that have
the ability just due to their experiences to really assess what is
happening with companies, and you do want to be able to attract
those folks and you do want to be able to bring people in for 2 or
3 years and do a great job for you and leave. At the same time,
obviously, you want to make sure that that is beyond reproach. It
sounds like you very much have that balance in thought and I
thank you for that.
With that, Mr. Chairman, I will stop my questioning and again
thank the designee for coming in. I look forward to working with
her and you and Mr. Shelby in this upcoming session.
Chairman DODD. Thank you, Senator. On that last point, I am
very interested in that subject matter, as well. I think we have all
encountered people, particularly in their most productive years of
employment that you might very well like to attract to come in and
provide some valued service, who are reluctant to do so because of
the prohibitions we place on the other side, not without merit, the
prohibitions, but striking that balance, we lose a lot of talent, in
my view. I don’t have a quick answer for that one, either, but I
think we really do need to think about it. We talk about it every
4 years in these cycles we go through in terms of who can come
into government and it is an issue that does deserve attention, so
I appreciate your raising it. I appreciate you bringing the question
up, as well.
We have been joined by some additional members. I just will remind my colleagues, we have got some votes at about 12:15, I
think. We have got a panel of a nominee for the Federal Reserve
Board and three nominees for the Council of Economic Advisors. I
don’t know how we are quite going to get through all of this, but
I want to turn to my colleagues. We are on a 10-minute cycle, but

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if there is some way to not use all of that 10 minutes and open it
up to questions in written form, we would appreciate the indulgence of my colleagues.
Senator Menendez.
Senator MENENDEZ. Mr. Chairman, since you paid for dinner last
night, I will try to accommodate you.
Senator MENENDEZ. A lot of my questions have been answered
and I have been jumping between different hearings at the same
time, but let me get to something that is more overarching. I spoke
about it in my opening statement. And let me just say, I think you
have tremendous experience. I think you have ability to do this job,
Now, the question is some have said that you are a safe and predictable pick. Some have said that when we look at your record as
a regulator, that it shows that infrequently, you have pursued
tough action against big Wall Street firms. Some have said, like
The Wall Street Journal in today’s article, that even in a time of
very significant market convulsions and Wall Street scandals,
FINRA often filed tiny cases against small players and that employment fines against firms have plunged.
So I don’t believe all of the—someone categorized my statements
before saying that all of the Nation’s economic woes lie at this position. That is clearly not the case. But you cannot have investor confidence, you cannot have the opportunity for the markets to regain
their integrity, you cannot have all of those things that is one of
the major barometers we look at in terms of the necessity to move
this economy forward unless we have the Securities and Exchange
Commission be the robust cop on the beat, willing to ensure that
the industry does business in a fair, honest, transparent way, willing to, as I said earlier, take no prisoners and question every aspect of it. I think to some degree, the marketplace and these industries have gotten ahead of the SEC in terms of the financial instruments that are being used.
So are you really ready and willing—able is not the question—
ready and willing to take on what is necessary to restore the incredibly tattered facing confidence that exists in the marketplaces,
and how do you respond to the criticisms that have been levied
against you that, in fact, while you are a predictable and safe
nominee, you will not be the robust nominee that we need?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Well, Senator, I am absolutely ready to take this
on. I am absolutely committed to building a Securities and Exchange Commission that is of the quality, the integrity, and the aggressiveness that the American people deserve for it to be and are
entitled for it to be. I think the agency has to have a laser-like
focus on fraud and investor protection. I think we have to move aggressively and with a sense of urgency with respect to all of these
I guess I would say to you that I started my career as an enforcement attorney. I absolutely understand what it takes. I understand
that you can ignite real passion in enforcement lawyers by giving
them the tools and the ability to pursue fraud and do what needs
to be done to protect the interests of the public. There is nothing

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that is more exciting or more invigorating for people who have chosen to become enforcement lawyers.
I will say that I think The Wall Street Journal article today presented a completely unfair picture of my record, in particular with
respect to enforcement and enforcement cases. In my 13 years at
FINRA, I have presided over nearly 15,000 enforcement cases, including dozens of major cases against very large financial institutions—Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers, Ameriprise, CSFB, with multi-million-dollars fines. I have
never been afraid to go after people I thought have violated the
public trust. That will be not an issue for me at the SEC, as I said
I think there are absolutely no sacred cows and I think there are
areas where at FINRA we have been particularly leading the regulatory community with respect to the improper sales of variable annuity products to senior investors, improper sales to our military
on bases who have been cheated by investment scams, late trading,
market timing, IPO abuse, early retirement scams, insider trading,
and a wide range of other issues where we have been very, very
So I hope that The Wall Street Journal piece doesn’t color your
impression of me because I think that I can be as aggressive an
enforcer as anybody has ever been at the head of the SEC. I served
under three SEC Chairman—David Ruder, Richard Breeden, and
Arthur Levitt—when I was a Commissioner. I have seen the agency aggressively in court seeking TROs, seeking preliminary injunctions, stopping fraud in its tracks, and that is exactly the kind of
enforcement program I want to have.
Senator MENENDEZ. Mr. Chairman, I will submit some questions
for the record.
I am going to support your nomination. I am going to hold you
to what I expect to see in robust enforcement——
Ms. SCHAPIRO. As you should.
Senator MENENDEZ. ——and I will not hesitate when you return
to the Committee as the Chairlady to engage in this dialog. I hope
it will all be complimentary——
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I hope so, too. Thank you.
Senator MENENDEZ. ——and I look forward to that being the
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Thank you.
Chairman DODD. Thank you, Senator.
Where did Senator Bennett go? We lost Senator Bennett here.
Senator Akaka.

Senator AKAKA. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I am delighted to be here and thank you for this hearing and I am delighted to be here to say aloha to Mary Schapiro and, of course, to
your lovely family——
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Thank you.
Senator AKAKA. ——Molly and Anna, as well——
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Thank you.
Senator AKAKA. ——and to thank you for what you have done already for the people of Hawaii. We share a commitment to empow-

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ering our citizens through financial literacy in order to build
stronger families, businesses, and communities. Without a sufficient understanding of economics and personal finance, individuals
will not be able to manage their finances appropriately, evaluate
credit opportunities successfully, invest for long-term financial
goals in an increasingly complex marketplace, or be able to cope
with difficult financial situations.
Again, I have greatly appreciated your outstanding efforts in Hawaii with FINRA and I must tell you that I have heard back from
many people who have been there with you that have appreciated
this and have gained from your efforts there. I am looking forward
to continuing to work with you to help improve the ability of investors to make better informed financial decisions.
Mr. Chairman, I will just have two questions. Ms. Schapiro, one
of my question is what must the SEC do to ensure that investors
can make informed investment decisions?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Well, thank you, Senator. You and I do share a
very deep commitment to investor literacy. While it is not within
the purview of the SEC, I really believe that it should be a national
priority, and perhaps we can talk about that some time.
I think the SEC has an important role here and it reflects on
several different levels. The first is, of course, the corporate disclosure, the information that investors receive about the companies
that they may choose to invest in or the mutual funds they may
choose to buy has got to be accessible to investors. It has got to be
complete, honest, accurate, and accessible, understandable, and usable.
I also think that the SEC could work closely with the other Federal financial regulatory agencies on some broad investor literacy
initiatives. There is tremendous ability at the SEC to produce plain
English content, explanations about how mutual funds work, how
does the bond market work, what is a 529 plan, and the SEC ought
to be able to develop that information and material and broadly
distribute it through its website in conjunction with other agencies,
through financial institutions, as well as through the local offices
of the SEC. The SEC has offices around the country. Those are people on the ground who could be working with local groups to try
to increase investor awareness and investor literacy.
So I think there are many opportunities for the SEC to improve
its profile in the investor education space.
Senator AKAKA. Well, I thank you very much. I know the Chairman is looking for time and I will just submit the rest of my questions and say thank you very much, Mary.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Thank you.
Senator AKAKA. Without question, you have my support. But I
thank you so much for what you have done already——
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Thank you.
Senator AKAKA. ——not only for Hawaii, but for our country. You
have really increased my confidence in SEC and in our country’s
financial community.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Thank you.
Senator AKAKA. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.

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Chairman DODD. Thank you very much, Senator. We have these
other witnesses to bring up, so we are going to leave the record
open for some questions.
One that I intended to ask you, but as I said, I have to move
along, were these reports, Ms. Schapiro, of the two lawsuits filed
by FINRA members that you are aware of. Do you want to make
a quick response? I will submit it as a question, again, but I want
to give you an opportunity to respond to that.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Well, I guess I am happy to respond. I believe
that the lawsuits are frivolous. They arise out of the transaction to
merge the NASD and the New York Stock Exchange regulatory
group. The first lawsuit was dismissed by a Federal judge. The second lawsuit was filed very close in time to my nomination for this
position and I believe that there is no merit to the lawsuits.
Chairman DODD. I may follow up with a couple other questions
on that.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. That is fine.
Chairman DODD. And also, Elizabeth Warren has recommended
something akin to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, a Financial Product Safety Commission idea. It goes to the question
that Senator Warner was raising about the anticipation of new
products being developed that can circumvent a rule-based system
as opposed to a principle-based system, which has some appeal, but
probably not a widely held view that that can actually be a more
intimidating process than sometimes a rule-based system.
But I sort of like the idea, that idea that Senator Warner raised
to be anticipatory about these matters, and again, in another setting here, I would like to pursue that idea with you on how we can
do that, because I think that is one of the concerns we have here.
We are always fighting, as you say, the last war, the last set of battles, and as we are doing so, there is some very bright 22-year-old
who is sitting out there and figured out six ways to get around the
rule you just designed with all the best intentions. And so we need
to have some better system in place, it seems to me, that more
broadly deals with principles, ideas, but gives some sense of confidence to investors that while we are taking care of the problem
that occurred yesterday, we are not very well effectively dealing
with these—and again, I think the point that Senator Warner
made. I think the last thing you want to do is to be stifling the creativity and imagination that has been the hallmark of wealth creation. So it is a difficult balance to strike here, but one that I think
deserves our attention.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I agree.
Chairman DODD. With that, I thank you very much for appearing
before us. As has been said by all of my colleagues here, you are
extremely well qualified for this job, but I think all of us are anticipating some very aggressive and strong action here to get moving
on these matters.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I appreciate that.
Chairman DODD. We thank you, and I apologize——
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Thank you very much.
Chairman DODD. I apologize to your two children that I didn’t filibuster longer——

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Chairman DODD. ——but I want you to know that I am going
to—you can go to your teacher and tell them that the Chairman
of the Senate Banking Committee said you ought to have the rest
of the day off, as well.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Thank you very much.
Chairman DODD. Thank you very much.
Senator SHELBY. And they ought to get extra credit.
Chairman DODD. And extra credit for being here, too, by the way.
Chairman DODD. I don’t know if my colleagues have arrived. We
want to move to our next panel.
Chairman DODD. I want to ask our—if we can, I appreciate people moving as expeditiously as they can so we can get to our second
Chairman DODD. I want to welcome all of our second panel, Dr.
Rouse, Dr. Romer, Dr. Goolsbee, you are here, as well, and Dan
Tarullo, I see coming in. Who are we missing here? We have got
everybody. The microphones are live, I would inform my colleagues.
These are the kind of moments that get recorded for history.
Chairman DODD. Senator Durbin is on his way, but our colleague, Bob Menendez, is here. I am not sure Senator Boxer is
going to be able to be here, but I know she wanted to be here.
Again, the schedules, with so many of these confirmation hearings
going on simultaneously, it is understandable why people would
very much like to be a part of it. I am going to make sure the
record is open for our colleagues who would normally be doing introductions, that it will be available for them to include their introductions in our comments.
I think I see families arriving here. Again, I am using all the
powers of my chair today to provide free passes out of school. That
is clearly exceeding the powers of a Chairman, but nonetheless. We
give extra credit, too, for appearing. And if you could actually stay
the full time, you really get extra credit. That is really the test.
We have others coming in, so let us get people settled.
Chairman DODD. I know Senator Feinstein wanted to be here, as
well, and I am getting messages that maybe one or the other may
actually be here, Dr. Romer.
All right, are we getting settled? That is very good.
Senator Menendez, would you like to introduce Dr. Rouse?

Senator MENENDEZ. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, to you and to all
my distinguished colleagues on the Banking Committee. It is my
sincere honor to introduce Cecilia Rouse as President-elect Obama’s
nominee for the Presidential Council of Economic Advisors. I am
confident that the Committee will see that she is eminently qualified for this position and will confirm her for this important post.

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Dr. Rouse is currently the Theodore A. Wells Professor of Economics and Public Affairs at Princeton University. Her primary research and teaching interests are in labor economics with a particular focus on the economics of education, something I know that
my two colleagues who are sitting on the dais at this point, both
distinguished members and the Ranking Member of the HELP
Committee, are passionate about and leaders in. She has studied
the economic benefit of community college attendance, studied the
effect of financial aid on college matriculation, and the impact of
student loans on post-college occupational choices, all incredibly important issues with a potentially profound impact on our economic
choices moving forward.
Dr. Rouse is currently a senior editor of the Future of Children,
of which she has a few examples here behind us, and an editor of
the Journal of Labor Economics. Additionally, she is the founding
Director of the Princeton University Education Research Section
and she is currently the Director of the Industrial Relations Section, as well.
She is not walking into this job without experience in the public
sector. In 1998, she served in the White House at the National Economic Council.
I believe Dr. Rouse will bring a unique and important insight to
the Council of Economic Advisors that is especially important during these troubling economic times. And while the students of
Princeton University will sorely miss their professor, they can take
solace in the fact that she will be a 3-hour Amtrak trip away from
the great Garden State.
So, Mr. Chairman and distinguished Members of the Committee,
I strongly support the confirmation of Cecilia Rouse to be a member of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors. I think you
will find her to be an exceptional addition to that important body
and we look forward to working with her and the other nominees
to get our economy back on track and bring much-needed change
to this country.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman DODD. Senator, thank you very, very much for those
introductory remarks. I had a chance yesterday to talk with Dr.
Rouse, as well, and was very impressed with her knowledge, as
We have been joined by my colleague from Illinois, Senator Durbin. Dick, we appreciate you making it in to present Dr. Goolsbee
to the Committee, who I had a chance, as well, to talk to the other
day. But thank you for getting over.

Senator DURBIN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and Senator Enzi,
Senator Warner, Members of the Committee.
President-elect Obama has asked Dr. Austan Goolsbee to become
a member of the Council of Economic Advisors. Austan will also direct the new Economic Recovery Advisory Board under Paul
Austan graduated from Yale University. He earned a Ph.D. in economics from MIT and was later a Sloan Fellow and Fulbright

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Scholar. He is now primarily an economist from the University of
Chicago Graduate School of Business. He and the President-elect’s
other economic advisors will be asked to help the new President
make critically important decisions on how to best address perhaps
the most challenging economic crisis in 75 years in America. In
fact, I know that Austan and many of his colleagues are already
working very hard on that.
Austan may teach and conduct research at the University of Chicago, but he is no orthodox Chicago School ivory tower economist.
He understands that economics is about more than just abstract
definitions and calculations. It is fundamentally about human behavior, why people make the decisions they do, what policies can
help people make choices that are in their best interests and the
best interests of our economy and our Nation.
He understands many of the modern aspects of our economy, the
transformative power of the Internet. He served as a special consultant for Internet policy for the Department of Justice Antitrust
Austan is an admirer, incidentally, of a man that we both admire, Mr. Chairman, my first mentor in politics, Senator Paul
Douglas. He happened to bring today Douglas’s autobiography
which the Chairman of this Committee has told me is one of the
best books he has ever read about a Senator’s public career. Paul
Douglas, of course, may not be remembered by many, but those of
us who do reflect on the fact that he was an excellent Senator and
an outstanding economist on top of everything else.
Of course, I have to add, when it comes to former Senators from
Illinois, Austan’s current and future boss is a pretty good fellow,
too, who will leave a great legacy himself.
Austan understands the importance of learning from history. I
understand he hosted a program on the History Channel at one
point. I understand he is also a triathlete, which I am not. Being
really good at performing multiple tasks will be helpful to him with
the challenges he will face with this economy.
At this moment in history, now more than ever, we need the best
and the brightest tackling the economic problems that face our Nation and our world. In the very short term, in a matter of days,
Barack Obama will try to create an economic recovery that invests
in our country’s future, gets the economy growing again, and puts
people back to work. Among the investments we must make,
Austan has written in particular on the positive economic impact
of education, which I think is fundamentally important at all times
and even more so at this moment in our history, when the cost of
education continues to rise for the middle class across America and
their incomes are reduced and jobs are lost.
Perhaps most importantly right now, we need advisors like
Austan who understand the economy and can help us aggressively
address the root cause of the recession, the foreclosure crisis that
continues to devastate neighborhoods in Chicago and across America. Over the long term, the President has to deal with
unsustainable deficits, which is a fact of life. Unlike most of the
Chicago School economists, Austan believes deficits really do count,
and I trust that he will help incoming OMB Director Peter Orszag

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and others plot a future course for the Nation’s budget that is more
sustainable than the current path.
He has been an informal but tremendously valuable advisor to
President-elect Barack Obama for many years and I know he will
continue in that capacity if given this spot. As a member of the
Council of Economic Advisors and as the day-to-day Director of the
Economic Recovery Advisory Board, Austan Goolsbee will be filling
two key roles at once.
It is an honor to stand here and recommend and introduce a
great economist and a proud resident from the great State of Illinois, Dr. Austan Goolsbee.
Chairman DODD. Well, Senator, thank you very, very much. I am
impressed that you brought Paul Douglas’s autobiography, because
Senator Durbin and I have talked about this many times. My father thought he was the brightest man he ever served with in public life, Paul Douglas, and that autobiography ought to be required
reading. It is the most wonderful autobiography. It is wonderfully
self-deprecating. It has a wonderful view of his life, and a remarkable life he had. When you consider his origins, where he grew up,
how he grew up, and the accomplishments he made, volunteering
at age, I think, 42 for the Marine Corps as a private in World War
II, rising to the rank, I think a field promotion to a colonel, just
a remarkable individual. So I am impressed that you are impressed
by him, as well.
We have been joined by my colleague from California. Barbara,
we thank you very much for being here to introduce Dr. Romer and
the floor is yours.

Senator BOXER. Well, thank you so much, Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Shelby, Senator Enzi, and Senator Warner. I am very
happy to be here.
This is a tribute to Dr. Romer. It is one of those days that we
often have here where you want to be 17 different people. I just left
Dr. Rice, questioned her, went down to hear Senator Biden, and I
am here for you, Christina Romer, because I am so excited about
this opportunity to elect President-elect Obama’s nominee for the
Chairmanship of the Council of Economic Advisors.
Californians are so proud to have one of the world’s great university systems, and today I am proud to introduce one of the finest
scholars in that system.
The job of Economic Advisor to the President has never been
more important than it is today. I don’t have to tell this Committee. You have been in the forefront of trying to work our way
out of this, and I want to compliment all of you for the great work
you are doing. I know a lot of the times there is not unanimity, but
the problems are so hard, it is not that surprising, and I value all
of your comments, all of your opinions, both sides of the aisle.
And I want to say particularly to the Chairman, heavy is the
head that wears this chairmanship. I just want you to know, aside
from everything else, how much I appreciate what you do and Senator Shelby, trying to light a candle in this darkness.

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In 2008, we experienced more job losses than any year since
World War II, and the past 3 months have seen the biggest jump
in the unemployment rate since 1975. Yesterday’s retail sales report showed the largest year over year drop ever recorded, and
there is overwhelming evidence of serious deflationary pressures on
the economy.
We are in the midst of the greatest economic challenge we have
seen in a generation and we need to look for leaders who understand this, who understand history, and who understand the way
markets work, how markets should work, and I am sitting next to
one of those, Dr. Romer, who is uniquely qualified to advise the
President in these difficult times.
A former Vice President of the American Economic Association,
she is known in the economics community as one of the finest macroeconomic historians in the profession. She brings a combination,
as I said, of a broad historical perspective and a deep knowledge
of the way the economy works. Her research has examined the entire range of 20th century American economic history, and she has
made particularly important contributions to our understanding of
the Great Depression, a period that unfortunately seems more relevant today than it has for decades.
Mr. Chairman and Ranking Member Shelby, I am going to tell
you a little personal story, tell it to Dr. Romer and everyone who
is listening. My dad was a child of the Depression. He and my mom
got married just right when the Depression hit. And his attitude
about life was so scarred by that experience that he was so frightened to ever buy a home. He was so frightened to move in ways
that would have been the right ways to move. So it is all about confidence. And he knew in his heart that his children shouldn’t have
that attitude, and he always said to both of us, ‘‘Go out, save your
pennies, buy a home. It is America. You will be fine.’’
But the experience scarred him, and I think it is important, so
important that we don’t have a whole generation of young people
scarred by this deep recession. And that is why people like Dr.
Romer are so important. She is an expert in what happened during
the Depression and she understands what we need to do to avoid
another depression.
So I look forward to working with this Committee in any way I
can. I am an old economics major. That was my passion in college.
I worked for a period of time on Wall Street, so economics is very
interesting to me. I wish that I was better at giving solutions. But
I do know that right now, we need to surround ourselves with people like this who will do everything in their power to lead us in the
right direction and I hope you will confirm her speedily. We need
Thank you very much.
Chairman DODD. Senator, thank you very, very much. It is very
poignant. My father was trying to pay a way through law school
and graduated in 1932, and all of us of our generation grew up listening to our parents night after night talk about those days and
what it was like, people all across the country. So we thank you
immensely for being here. And you are right, we all are 17 different places today with these various things going on.
Senator BOXER. Eighteen for me.

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Chairman DODD. Well, thank you very much.
Senator Kennedy very much wanted to be here to introduce Dan
Tarullo. Dan worked for Senator Kennedy going back a few years
ago. Senator Kennedy isn’t here today, but I am going to take a
minute or so and just present Dan Tarullo to the Committee, as
I have known Dan for some time. He is a professor of law at
Georgetown University Law Center. He is no stranger to this Committee, by the way, as Senator Shelby has already pointed out in
reference to Dan in his opening comments about how many times
I think you have appeared before this Committee and various
places. He has testified on important issues in the past.
He previously served as the Assistant to the President for International Economic Policy and as the President’s personal representative to the G-7/G-8 group of industrialized nations and a
principal on both the National Economic Council and the National
Security Council during the Clinton administration.
Professor Tarullo graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Michigan Law School and, of course, worked in the Senate as the Chief Employment Counsel on what was then the Labor
and Human Resources Committee for Senator Ted Kennedy in the
So we welcome you to the Committee and congratulate you on
your willingness to accept this position to be a Governor on the
Fed. It is very, very important and we thank you for doing that.
We thank all of you, in fact, for your willingness to serve, and
I am going to ask all of you to stand, if you will, and to swear or
affirm. Raise your right hands.
Do you swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give
is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help
you, God?
Ms. ROMER. I do.
Ms. ROUSE. I do.
Mr. TARULLO. I do.
Chairman DODD. And do you agree to appear and testify before
any duly constituted Committee of the U.S. Senate?
Ms. ROMER. I do.
Ms. ROUSE. I do.
Mr. TARULLO. I do.
Chairman DODD. I see some folks here, some children who I presume are not economics majors yet, but why don’t we begin with
you, Dr. Romer. Any family you would like to introduce? I will ask
each of you if you care to present them to the Committee.
Ms. ROMER. Absolutely. I have with me today my father, Clifford
Duckworth, a World War II veteran who is here from Massachusetts, my son, Matthew, the youngest of my three children, and my
husband, David, also an economist.
Chairman DODD. Good. Well, welcome. Interesting conversations
at your house, then.
Dr. Goolsbee.

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Mr. GOOLSBEE. With me, I have—I will start with the love of my
life, the prettiest girl in Chicago, Robin, my wife. She is holding
our 2-year-old, Emmett. I cannot promise that he will still be sitting in that seat through all of this hearing. Next to them is our
5-year-old, Addison——
Chairman DODD. Hi.
Mr. GOOLSBEE. Linda, my mom, and my dad, Arthur, who is a
deacon at the Church of the Heavenly Rest and came from Abilene,
Texas, to be at the hearing.
Chairman DODD. Good. We could use you. You might want to
stay in town. We can use you here.
Mr. GOOLSBEE. Our 8-year-old, Aden——
Chairman DODD. Hi, Aden.
Mr. GOOLSBEE. ——who is being held by our family friend,
Chairman DODD. Very good. A good crowd there. Thanks for
bringing them along.
Dr. Rouse.
Ms. ROUSE. Well, my family is here today in force. I am very
happy to introduce them. I will start with my mother, Lorraine
Rouse, and my father, Carl Rouse, my sister, Carolyn, and then we
have my husband, Ford Morrison, and our children, Nidal and Safa
Morrison, and they are all from New Jersey, and then we have my
Uncle George, my Aunt Doris, George Haley, and Phyllis and Bill
Chairman DODD. Is there anyone in the room who is not a Rouse
or a Morrison?
Ms. ROUSE. And also Terrie Rouse, who is actually the CEO of
the Capitol Visitors Center.
Chairman DODD. Ah, well, terrific. Great job, by the way, with
that. Well, that is terrific. I am glad you have got them here.
Dan, anyone you would like to introduce?
Mr. TARULLO. Yes. Thank you, Senator. I traveled a bit more
nimbly here with my mother and my wife, Louisa.
Chairman DODD. Terrific. We are delighted to have both of you
here, as well. It is an important day.
And I apologize we are crowded on this schedule. We have already had opening statements, and so we are going to begin in the
order, going right down the row, we will begin with you, Dr.
Romer, any opening comments you would like to make, and then
we will get to some questions.

Ms. ROMER. Great. Well, Chairman Dodd, Ranking Member
Shelby, and Members of the Committee, it is an honor to come before you as President-elect Obama’s nominee to Chair the Council
of Economic Advisors. Obviously, I would like to thank Senator
Boxer for those warm words and Senator Dianne Feinstein, who
has submitted a written statement.

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Let me tell you just a little about myself. I received my Ph.D. in
economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I have
taught economics at Princeton University, and for the last 20
years, as Senator Boxer pointed out, at the University of California
at Berkeley. I am a specialist in macroeconomics and economic history. I have studied topics such as the effects of tax changes and
monetary policy on the economy, also what caused the Great Depression, and probably much more important, what caused the
Great Depression to end.
I have to say, I never dreamed that a knowledge of the 1930s
would prove useful in formulating current economic policy, and yet
the stresses facing our financial system and the shocks hitting
every corner of our economy are the worst since the Great Depression.
My goal, if confirmed, would be to use all that we have learned
in the last 75 years to ensure that the tragedy of the 1930s is not
repeated. Perhaps even more important, I would hope to create
policies that not only allow us to turn the corner on the current
downturn, but to put us on a road to a better and more productive
Let me just say one word about the organization that I have been
nominated to lead and that Austan and Ceci are also nominated to
join. The Council of Economic Advisors was created to provide the
President and through its reports the Congress the best advice professional economists have to offer. It is an institution with a proud
history of providing honest, first-rate economic analysis. If confirmed, I will do my utmost to protect the integrity of the CEA and
to make it the center for unbiased scientific analysis of the crucial
economic issues facing our country in the years ahead.
Thank you, and I would obviously be delighted to answer your
Chairman DODD. Doctor, thank you very, very much and we appreciate your willingness to serve our country, as well.
Ms. ROMER. Thank you.
Chairman DODD. Dr. Goolsbee.

Mr. GOOLSBEE. Let me just start by saying what a thrill it was
to have the senior Senator introduce me. He got his start in politics
working for Senator Douglas, who was a great Senator, but was a
great economist out of the University of Chicago, and for all the
economists in the room, he was the namesake of the Cobb-Douglas
production function. So that was a real thrill.
By way of background, I have been at the University of Chicago
for 14 years as a researcher. I am an empirical economist, what we
call the old style data dogs. We just try to get out and get the data
to figure out how the world works or what would be the impact of
various policies. I have studied a lot of industries in the United
States and how they compare to the rest of the world, innovation
and technology, taxes and public policy.
Many years ago, when I was just a freshman in college, I worked
for the late great economist James Tobin, who was a Nobel Laureate, and he had served on the Council of Economic Advisors

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under John F. Kennedy in 1961. He used to recount that that was
the hardest he had ever worked, but that he was very proud that
he had been able to serve the country at that time and he believed
in his heart—he, himself a child of the Depression—that economics
was not just an academic field of study, that it could really affect
people’s lives, that you could help prevent or ease events like the
Great Depression.
It is my hope that at the CEA, under Christy’s leadership and
working with Cecilia Rouse, that we can try to equal the standards
that they set back in 1961 in what most people consider the golden
age of the CEA by giving hard-nosed, objective analysis of any economic policies that we are asked to. I can’t guarantee that we will
meet that gold standard, but I do know we will come to work every
day. We will bring the best economic analysis we have. And we are
motivated by this great legacy we inherit at the CEA.
I thank Senator Shelby and Chairman Dodd for the opportunity
to be here and I also am happy to answer any questions you might
Chairman DODD. Well, I thank you for that, as well. Jim Tobin
was a good friend of mine. He taught at Yale, of course——
Chairman DODD. ——and when he won the Nobel Prize in Economics, just a wonderful human being, very quiet individual. You
have got a good pedigree with Paul Douglas and Jim Tobin, so that
is not bad lineage.
Dr. Rouse.

Ms. ROUSE. Mr. Chairman and distinguished Members of the
Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, I am very
pleased and quite honored to appear before you today as a nominee
to be a member of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors.
I am currently a professor of economics and public affairs at
Princeton, where I have been on the faculty for the past 16 years.
I don’t really like to use that number, but I will.
Ms. ROUSE. As a labor economist, I am most committed to understanding the problems, choices, and tradeoffs that individuals face,
particularly those that concern the labor market. I am particularly
interested in understanding the ways to increase worker productivity, primarily through the acquisition of valuable skills or what
we call human capital. As such, I have devoted much of my research to the economics of education at all levels.
As a faculty member of a policy school, I have always been deeply committed to studying real world problems and real world implications rather than abstract theory. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to apply these skills to actual policymaking once before,
in 1998, when I spent a year at the National Economic Council,
and I would be most honored, should I be confirmed, to have the
opportunity to do so again as a member of the Council of Economic
I should note that for the past several years, I have taught one
of the main introductory micro-economics courses to first-year stu-

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dents at the Woodrow Wilson School in the master’s program, and
I should add that this year’s class is particularly inquisitive and
challenging. I emphasize to my students the power of economics,
both theoretical and applied, in guiding analysis of policy issues.
Should I be confirmed, I would bring this dedication and enthusiasm to the President’s Council of Economic Advisors.
Thank you very much, and I look forward to answering any questions you may have.
Chairman DODD. Thank you very much, Doctor. I appreciate
Dan, good to have you with us. We are more than happy to receive your opening statement.

Mr. TARULLO. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Senator Shelby, and
other Members of the Committee. As honored as I am by the President-elect’s designation of me as his intended nominee to the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, I am also mindful of
the enormous responsibility that would come with this position.
As if we needed any reminder, today’s headlines underscore the
magnitude of the financial and economic problems faced by our Nation. The Federal Reserve has a critical role to play in responding
to these challenges. As the Nation’s central bank, it must pursue
its dual mandate of promoting maximum employment and stable
prices in an unusually trying environment. It has in the past year
taken a number of unusual and innovative actions intended to ensure liquidity in important credit markets whose functioning has
been significantly impaired in the course of this crisis. And very
importantly, as a bank regulator, the Board must use its existing
authority to provide both effective supervision and robust enforcement. Going forward, it must join with other parts of our government to help revamp the financial regulatory system so as to diminish the likelihood and severity of future financial crisis.
If confirmed by the Senate, I will draw upon both my government and academic backgrounds in addressing each of these responsibilities of the Board. I have the highest respect for the tradition of independence associated with our country’s central bank. At
the same time, I understand that although so much of the Fed’s
work is necessarily grounded in technical analysis, the ultimate
purpose of this work is to create the conditions under which Americans can make a good life for themselves.
Thank you very much, and I would be pleased to respond to any
Chairman DODD. Well, I thank you, Dan, very, very much for
We have a vote that is literally just about to start in 2 minutes,
two votes on the floor of the U.S. Senate, and so what I am going
to do at this point is declare a recess for about 30 minutes. I think
it will take us that long to cast both those votes and get back. I
apologize to all of you for this delay, but we had a lot of questions
obviously with the nominee for the Securities and Exchange Commission. So we will get back shortly to you and we will complete

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the process, hopefully in an hour or two. So thank you very much
for waiting.
The Committee will stand in recess.
Chairman DODD. The Committee will come back to order. I hope
you used this time to get to know each other better.
It took a little longer than we anticipated and I apologize to you,
in advance, for that.
I am going to ask, and I have notified my friend from Alabama,
that we will begin a question period. And obviously, a lot going on.
In fact, the debate on the so-called TARP program is going to begin
shortly and I will go through some questions for you myself and
then Senator Reed has agreed to step in for me as I then go to the
floor and try to manage that debate.
I would rather stay here, quite candidly, but the job of the Chair
of this Committee with jurisdiction over the matter is to be out on
the floor. So I will be doing that.
Let me raise with all of you the TARP issue, in fact. This is the
debate and subject of the hour. President Bush has made the request. President-elect Obama has endorsed the request, and said
that this is a tool that he needs as the President-elect coming in.
Obviously, I do not need to tell anyone in this room or elsewhere
how unpopular all of this is, primarily because people one, believe
that this was not a natural disaster, it was an avoidable one. That,
in my view, had actions been taken—and I appreciate Senator
Shelby has shared his thoughts with me, as well—that we tried 2
years ago to raise the issue, the closure issue, on numerous occasions in this very room, and had very little response to it. And certainly we will take some time in the coming weeks to go back and
find some space to go back and review. We already have a couple
of hearings on this matter about how we got to this position.
I think both of us agree that while that is important because you
are not going to know where to go unless you know where you have
been, that we also want to take our time to start talking about
what needs to be done to avoid problems like this from occurring
again. So I consider that actually a more important function, not
to minimize the importance of a review.
But I would like to ask all of you, and I will begin with you, Dr.
Romer. I see Ben Bernanke has bluntly warned a few days ago that
the Government would probably have to infuse more money into
the financial institutions in the months ahead. The issues involved
in this, I wonder if you agree with Dr. Bernanke, Chairman
Bernanke, about the additional funds needed? And can you help explain to the American public, and I would ask all four of you to do
this in different capacities. Obviously Dan, down at the Fed, has
a different role than the Council of Economic Advisors.
But I think one of the glaring problems has been here is the failure to explain clearly to the American public what is going on here.
Why are we needed? Why is it needed to put capital into these
lending institutions? We hear now Bank of America may be requesting new resources. The news this morning is not good, 17,000
people a day losing their jobs, 9,000 homes a day falling into foreclosure.

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So the concerns and the evidence out there about an economy in
deep trouble, but the public has a hard time understanding why we
are where we are and why this approach is needed as part of the
solution to get us back on our feet again.
I am not even articulating the question very well. But Dr.
Romer, would you begin and I would ask each of you to go down
and share your thoughts.
Ms. ROMER. Of course, and I think you are expressing the frustration that certainly I feel and that we know the American people
feel about what has happened so far.
I think I feel quite strongly that Chairman Bernanke is correct,
that no one has as good a window on the banking system and the
financial system as he does. And by all accounts, they are still
under incredible stress, and are going to need our help, our resources, to get them through this.
Maybe where I could be the most helpful is trying to explain why
the financial system is so important. I think part of the frustration
is in helping them there is the sense of we are just helping the
Wall Street bankers. And drawing the link between what happens
in the financial system and what happens in the rest of the economy, I think, is crucial. It is exactly when lending dries up, people
cannot get mortgages, they do not buy houses. They cannot get car
loans, they do not buy cars. Firms cannot get loans to meet payroll,
they shut down and people are unemployed.
And so it is—any resources that we are putting there are fundamentally really resources we are putting into American businesses, to American consumers. And I think that is the crucial
The fact that if we let the financial system go under, suffer a catastrophic failure, it will not just be catastrophic for Wall Street. It
will be catastrophic for everyone of us. So I think that is the key
Chairman DODD. Dr. Goolsbee, what are your thoughts on this?
Mr. GOOLSBEE. Mr. Chairman, in broad terms, I agree with what
Dr. Romer has just said.
As a guy that focused a lot on American industry in my own research, I will say the prospects of an unprecedented credit crunch
and the damage that would do to American industry, and the spillover on millions more people doing their jobs, at this exact moment
I think we have got to be very careful with doing things that
threaten to make this problem worse.
Now that said, I completely agree with Dr. Romer, and with
many members of this Committee who have been, for a long time,
been expressing well founded frustration in the lack of transparency in the way this specific TARP has been conducted, that we
ought to have, in my view, and we ought to bring our analytical
resources to bear. We ought to have some understanding of what
it is they are doing, why do we think it will work? What will the
money be used for? That it will not be wasted. And that this not
just be some grand allowance program that we are handing out
money with no upside to the Government, no chance for it coming
back. That is not where we want to be.
But on the fundamental matter of is it needed, if you look out
at the credit markets, the financial markets, and the job markets,

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I think it is needed. I mean, it is a very fragile time in the economy.
Chairman DODD. Dr. Rouse.
Ms. ROUSE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I think this is a wonderful question. As someone who just arrived in Washington on Sunday, I have not been part of the inside discussions about the TARP,
but I have had the opportunity to look on the outside.
And I myself, as I am teaching my students about microeconomics about insurance, we are saying why do we want to reward failure? As a taxpayer, I am wondering is this really necessary?
But I have to say that the other thing that I teach my students
is that well-functioning credit markets are fundamental to a wellfunctioning economy. Without well-functioning credit markets, consumers cannot make long-term investments in their cars and their
houses. Students have difficulty getting student loans to make investments in their human capital going forward.
And so I think a well-functioning credit market is essential. I
think this is part of a well-balanced program to try to get the economy up and running. But I do endorse Mr. Bernanke’s suggestion
that this TARP money is essential.
Chairman DODD. Dan.
Mr. TARULLO. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
We have all been commenting on the gravity of the economic situation facing the country. I think in these circumstances we need,
as a Government and as a country, all of the tools that are potentially at our disposal. We need, obviously, the tools of macroeconomic policy, monetary policy, and the various liquidity facilities
that the Fed has created. We need the guarantee authority in the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. We need the fiscal measures which the U.S. Congress will be taking up.
But we also need this reserve of resources, which can be deployed
to strengthen the capital positions of the American financial system
right now, which are under enormous stress. I might add, though,
that from the potential perspective of the Federal Reserve, the
TARP can serve a complementary purpose as well.
As you probably know, in one of the recent facilities which the
Fed created in an effort to inject liquidity into various consumer
loans and into small business loans, there is some credit risk. And
given the Fed’s policies on not assuming credit risk, the Treasury
was willing to provide some portion of the TARP as a kind of credit
backup, which allows that liquidity facility to be created. And that
is obviously critical to getting those markets affecting consumers
and small businesses moving again.
Chairman DODD. A lot of our colleagues, in talking about this—
and obviously, they are going to start a debate here in a matter of
minutes—and asking their views on this, they have been disappointed in how the program has been run over the last number
of weeks since it was adopted in the end of September, early October, and are asking questions about a greater specificity on how the
program could be run and operated differently.
One of the concern is—well, there are number of them: accountability standards, transparency. Warrants I think are not really a
debate. We understand that will be in place. The issue of fore-

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closure mitigation, utilizing these resources to try and minimize
the cascading problem of home values and people losing their
There are concerns being raised as well about whether or not
these funds ought to be used in any way other than within the financial system. We had a debate recently on the automobile issue.
And while I think a case could have been made, obviously it was
made, and the administration—the outgoing administration—endorsed putting some loans out there for the three major automobile
I wonder if you might comment on these various points: on executive compensation, on accountability standards, transparency, as
well as foreclosure mitigation. And again, Dr. Romer, let me begin
with you if I can.
Ms. ROMER. I could not agree more that we absolutely, in thinking about going forward, want to have a much clearer sense of
what we are trying to accomplish, articulate what the program is
going to do, and put a lot more restrictions and teeth on it.
So the things you mentioned about accountability, the American
people, the Congress. We ought to know who is getting funds,
where it is going.
I think your point about using it certainly for foreclosure mitigation, I know the President-elect is absolutely committed to that and
that will be a fundamental part of this program going forward.
On the issue of conditionality, I think one of the ways that I have
heard the President-elect describe it is as sensible conditionality.
For example, of course it should not just go into executive compensation. Of course, you should put some limitations on what you
can do with dividends and mergers and acquisitions. Certainly,
they want to have much stronger references on or certainly reporting on what is happening to lending.
And I think all of that—because it is a trust. It is the American
people’s money that is being—these resources are being invested in
financial institutions, as we have all suggested, for a very important purpose, to keep our financial system helping the rest of the
economy. But it needs to be done in a responsible way. And I think
that is the key going forward.
Chairman DODD. Adam Posen, who is the Deputy Director of the
Peterson Institute for International Economics, described the problem with TARP in the following words, and I quote him. He said
‘‘The problem is not that we have wasted the money. The problem
is that we have put too few conditions on the banks.’’
Dr. Goolsbee, how do you react to that?
Mr. GOOLSBEE. I agree that we had problems and that we did not
put enough conditions. I guess I do not agree that that is the only
problem. It sounded like he was saying that is the only problem.
I think in an area of this that I have been somewhat involved in
on housing, I think it was a big mistake, and I think most experts
now looking at the operation of TARP think it was a mistake not
to directly confront the foreclosure crisis directly. Because if you
are just trying to deal with the financial system and you are not
thinking about the real economy influences, the number one most
important of which is the housing market, I am not sure that you
can get out of that box.

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Now the President-elect was, as you know, very early on saying
that. So before the first TARP was voted on, he was saying look,
we may have to do things because there is this terrible moment of
crisis. But let’s not forget, our problems are rooted in the problems
of the real economy, on the squeeze on ordinary middle class Americans whose incomes have been stagnant, and the dramatic developments in the housing market that have left a whole bunch of
people unable to make the payments on their houses.
That is what the root of this problem—that is where it is to be
found. And we are going to have to confront those issues directly.
Chairman DODD. I apologize.
Dr. Rouse, any comments on that at all? Do you want to pick up
on that line?
Ms. ROUSE. I guess what I would add to that is the first half of
the TARP is relatively new. And I think to really understand and
analyze where things went wrong and what the different pieces are
that have contributed to its success or to the performance it has
to date is something that I would look forward to, should I be confirmed, to really understand as part of the Council of Economic Advisors.
Because I think you are right, it is hard to understand how to
go forward without really understanding where we have been.
Chairman DODD. Dan.
Mr. TARULLO. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
A couple of things here. First, I think with respect to conditions
or the structure of the program, everyone needs to keep in mind—
and I believe that at this point, because of what you and others
have done, people will keep in mind the aim of this very unusual
action by the Congress last fall in making these resources available.
The aim is the stabilization of the financial system in this country. The aim is to return our financial system to the circumstances
in which growth is again going to be promoted. And keeping that
aim in mind, I think, should help shape the program as a whole
and the conditions that are deployed along the way.
The second point I would add is that the importance of transparency is, I think, obvious as a matter of democratic accountability and one that I wholeheartedly endorse. But there is another
important role that transparency can play, and that is in the signal
it provides to the markets as to what the Government policy is and
how the Government intends to lead the economy out of its present
When that is made clear through statements by the President
and the President’s senior officials, then markets get a better sense
of where the effort is being made and they are in a position to
judge how the results of those efforts are yielding or not yielding
the kinds of changes they would like to see.
So I think if it is done well, you get a double benefit—the actual
stabilization of the institutions or markets in question and, second,
more confidence to economic actors as a whole that there is a plan
for moving us forward.
Chairman DODD. I had a constituent of mine, I met with a group
of people and talked about this issue, they were knowledgeable
about the subject matter. All of them were in the financial services

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sector. A lot of things were said that made sense to me a couple
of weeks ago.
But one thing that one of them said, there needs to be a framework for this. There seems to have been an absence of a framework
that people can understand. And I think that is the point you are
Let me just ask you this last point, and then turn to my colleagues. As all of you here have watched all of this from one vantage point or another, in your view would the situation be substantially worse today had we not acted in September?
Mr. TARULLO. Yes, I think it would, Mr. Chairman. With all of
the reservations that you and your colleagues on both sides of the
Hill have expressed, and the American people have expressed,
many of which are very well founded, I do not think we can deny
that the situation in the fall was a very grave one indeed.
It is always hard, of course, to prove the counterfactual, what
would have happened if. But I, at least, and I think many observers, are convinced that the situation was sufficiently dire at that
point that action was called for.
Chairman DODD. Do you want to quickly comment on that, Dr.
Ms. ROUSE. I guess I would agree. Ultimately I do not have a
crystal ball and I do not know what would have happened had we
not had the first—had the TARP not been exercised. But from everything that I have read, everything that I have seen, the downside risk was very high. And that is what worries me going forward, as well.
Mr. GOOLSBEE. I guess I would say almost everybody can agree
that there was at least a significant chance of a really fundamental
collapse of the credit system at that time. And just the prospect
that there was a chance of that, we had to do something to prevent
Chairman DODD. Dr. Romer.
Ms. ROMER. I would like to agree very much, and actually, to
again put this in the context of going forward. Because I think,
coming back to your initial question about Chairman Bernanke, I
think it is very important to realize the U.S. financial system is
still very weak. And that is precisely why we are having this debate about the second tranche, is exactly—and here, I will use a
little bit of my economic history.
When you look at the Great Depression, we had one shock to the
financial system. But then what happened is as the economy went
down, that further weakened the financial system and we had a sequence of—there were four waves of banking panics.
And that is—certainly, when I arrived shortly after Thanksgiving
and started looking at the forecasts and thinking, very much what
was so much in my mind was we have been through a huge shock
to our financial system. Now, as those effects are feeding into the
real economy and we are starting to see the unemployment rate go
up, housing prices go down more, that just puts additional stress
on the financial system.
So that is why going forward those resources, knowing we have
behind us the ability to help our financial institutions is just absolutely crucial.

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Chairman DODD. I appreciate you all very much. I have mentioned this to Senator Shelby and Senator Reed. We are going to
try, in the midst of everything else, given the time we are in—and
I say this particularly to the Council of Economic Advisors, but we
do not exclude Fed members—to get together even informally and
spend some time talking about some historical consequences and
historical examples and how we can better understand what steps
we need to be taking.
So I know your primary responsibility is obviously to the President, but you are confirmed by the Congress. And so we feel as
though we can have an opportunity to take advantage of your expertise and knowledge as well. And we would like to do that. I do
not know how frequently we can, but it is something I would very
much like to institute during this very difficult time we are in so
that we are well aware of the ideas and thoughts that you bring
as a result of your expertise and background.
So I thank you very much. And I apologize for now going up and
trying to see what we can do to get this TARP money adopted.
I would like you to keep Senator Shelby here as long as you.
Senator SHELBY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman DODD. My dear friend, Senator Shelby.
Senator SHELBY. Thank you.
I want to direct this question primarily to you, Dr. Goolsbee. This
question is probably one we need to be thinking about in the future.
It has been reported that credit derivatives peg the probability
of a U.S. debt default over the next 10 years compared to 1 percent
a year ago. Analysts point to a combination of factors, including the
economic downturn, financial sector fragility, concerns over the increase in the size of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet, and the
projected size of the budget deficit.
The chances of these risks resulting in a downgrade of U.S. credit rating probably, some would say, is remote. There is, however,
some precedent as Japanese debt was downgraded in the 1990s, as
you all know, as economists.
Dr. Goolsbee, do you have any concern about these market data,
and this is your field, and their implications for our fiscal policy
going forward?
Mr. GOOLSBEE. Well, Senator, I did not——
Senator SHELBY. And if not, why not?
Mr. GOOLSBEE. Sorry to cut you off there.
Senator SHELBY. No, you did not cut me off.
Mr. GOOLSBEE. I did not have those statistics, and that is very
striking to hear that sixfold increase. It may be a small percentage.
But as I indicated before, even a small percentage of something as
terrible as that——
Senator SHELBY. Well, we have got unprecedented debt out there,
have we not?
Mr. GOOLSBEE. We do have unprecedented debt.
Let me answer your question directly in two ways. The first is
at this exact moment, facing the fragility that Dr. Romer has spoken of and that you are familiar with, I do not believe that over
the next 2 years we can make major deficit reduction or balancing

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the budget a goal. I think that would run the risk of repeating one
of the mistakes of Herbert Hoover, that led us into the Depression.
Once we get out of that——
Senator SHELBY. Did he want to raise taxes during——
Mr. GOOLSBEE. His goal was let’s try to balance the budget, and
as the thing gets worse let’s raise taxes and cut spending to balance the budget, in the face——
Senator SHELBY. That certainly did not work.
Mr. GOOLSBEE. And that was a bad idea. That is the motivation
behind the recovery package.
The answer to two is once we are out of that, I believe absolutely,
we need to pay close attention to fiscal responsibility in the medium and the long run of thinking about health care costs and the
things facing the country.
Senator SHELBY. What was basically, within figures—and probably all three of you know this, or should know it—what was our
national debt say in 1932 overall? It was not much.
Ms. ROMER. It was very small.
Senator SHELBY. As a matter of fact, I believe that we had paid
down a lot of the first World War debt during the 1920, had we
Ms. ROMER. We had, absolutely.
Senator SHELBY. So we, as far as a Nation, we were not a Nation
of debt then, were we not?
Ms. ROMER. Oh, you are absolutely correct.
Senator SHELBY. As compared to today. Is that fair?
Ms. ROMER. That is fair.
Mr. GOOLSBEE. Yes, that is fair.
Senator SHELBY. So we had more options this way.
Professor Romer, I want to direct this to you because you have
worked in this area and you have published in this area. You note
that tax increases can have, quoting your words, ‘‘Have a large,
rapid, and highly statistically significant negative effect on output.’’
Those are your words.
You wrote that quote, and these are your words too, ‘‘Tax increases have a large negative effect on investment.’’
I hope you continue to voice these opinions when giving economic
advice to the President. And I agree with you on that basic philosophy. Have you changed any? Do you still believe that? Or have
you compromised those principles?
Ms. ROMER. That was the result of an empirical study and I am,
at heart, an empirical economist. And I absolutely——
Senator SHELBY. You stand by that?
Ms. ROMER. I absolutely stand by them.
I think there are a couple of things to say. One is I also think
that Government spending——
Senator SHELBY. Absolutely.
Ms. ROMER. Changes in Government spending have big effects.
Another way to state those same findings is that tax cuts have
positive effects on the economy, and that is part of why they are
a piece of the recovery package, as we have been discussing.
Senator SHELBY. Dr. Tarullo, the Federal Reserve’s balance
sheet—and you will be joining the Federal Reserve as a member
of the Board of Governors—has grown to over $2 trillion. As a cen-

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tral bank, the Federal Reserve has been providing direct support
to various aspects of the credit market. You are very familiar with
While these actions, some argue, may be necessary to restore the
normal functioning of markets, they also lead a lot of people to believe and be concerned about how the Federal Reserve will be able
to smoothly withdraw from all of the markets in which it has intervened. This is real intervention in the market.
Others refer to the Fed, as you have heard, as printing money—
and they are obviously printing money—to deal with the crisis and
that we will deal with inflationary concerns later.
How difficult do you believe it will be for the Federal Reserve,
which you will be part of, to remove itself from these various credit
markets? And how will the Federal Reserve know when such action
can take place? And do you have any concerns regarding the scope
of the Fed’s involvement?
Mr. TARULLO. Senator, let me begin by saying that the exit strategy is going to be an exercise in innovation, just as the entry strategy was an exercise in innovation. I think that inevitably means
that there are going to be difficult questions of judgment and timing along the way.
With respect to the balance sheet itself, there are, of course, a
lot of assets now on the balance sheet of the Fed. The purpose of
the Fed, as I understand it, in creating these liquidity facilities has
not been directly to increase reserves. But reserves have nonetheless been increased along the way. And as I think the gravamen
of your question suggests, that leads at least to the potential for
monetary consequences later on.
Under the current circumstances, of course, inflation is not an
imminent concern. In fact, I think most economists would suggest
that deflation is more of a concern at the moment than inflation.
Senator SHELBY. At the moment.
Mr. TARULLO. At the moment. But as you rightly suggest, there
will come a point at which the unwinding, the exit, is critical. And
I think that precisely because of the novelty of the situation, there
is not going to be an obvious point based on a pre-existing data series which suggests now is the time.
But I think two things will happen. First, because a number of
these facilities are themselves dependent upon demand from private markets, as those markets normalize you will probably see a
decreased utilization of some of those Fed facilities. And so that
will both begin to draw down the size of the balance sheet and to
help provide some signal as to when credit markets are normalized.
Second, I believe that the Fed, as a matter of ongoing policy, will
need to be vigilant in absorbing all data sources in observing the
economy and putting together risks of inflation with getting the
economy moving again.
And although I cannot sit here today, as I say, and tell you here
is the point at which one has to more actively begin to reverse
course, I think it is critical to bear that in mind. And I can assure
you that, if confirmed by the Senate, I will be in that mindset.
Senator SHELBY. Professor Romer, you have written that—and
these are your words—I quote, ‘‘Fiscal policy was a little con-

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sequence’’ in ending the Depression, that almost all of the recovery
was due to monetary expansion. Is that correct?
Ms. ROMER. That is.
Senator SHELBY. What is different in today’s economy that would
indicate that a massive fiscal stimulus will work now, when it did
not work in the 1930s?
Ms. ROMER. Actually, I think that is a wonderful question and
I am glad to have a chance to answer it because one of the most
famous statements about the Great Depression is not that fiscal
policy did not work, but that it was not really tried. And that, I
think, is the crucial point. It is not that it would not have worked
but sort of as——
Senator SHELBY. We do not know if it would have worked, do we?
Ms. ROMER. ——as an empirical question, the size of the fiscal
stimulus, we think of Roosevelt as coming in with a big Government spending. In fact, compared to what we are considering today,
it was relatively small.
The other thing, just as we have today, we are talking about how
States are tending to start to run—they are running up against
balanced budget requirements. In the 1930s, as soon as Roosevelt
came in, the very interesting thing is that the States said oh thank
heavens, the cavalry is here, we can get our budgets back in order.
And so actually, on net, very little fiscal stimulus.
So the reason I think there would be a big difference today is we
would be doing a lot more. I think the evidence is very strong that
it will do good. And so I expect it to be very helpful.
Senator SHELBY. You have a background in monetary policy here.
Ms. ROMER. I do.
Senator SHELBY. What role do you believe that expanding the
monetary policy played in creating the housing bubble? Does it not
always create problems? And you do not know when to quite? Is
that a role of the Fed?
Ms. ROMER. I actually think this is an empirical question for
which we do not really have the answer yet. I think that that certainly is a relationship you hear, that low interest rates fed the
I think, as an empirical matter, it is not at all clear. It is something again, I am sure, the Fed is going to be thinking about this
for going forward. It is something I would, in my previous life,
think would have been one of—as a university professor—one of
the key issues to be thinking about because in thinking about going
forward, obviously, we do not want to go through this again.
Senator SHELBY. I want to direct this, I am not going to get Dr.
Rouse get by yet, and I have already questioned Dr. Goolsbee. But
I want to direct this question to Dr. Goolsbee and Dr. Rouse, if I
Many analysts have written that a cut to payroll taxes will result
in a more immediate and widespread stimulus by putting more
money in people’s pockets, especially if the tax cuts are concentrated in lower to moderate-income brackets. In other words,
our working people in the country.
This approach would also, according to them, have the added
benefit of avoiding having the Government pick winners in losers

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in terms of where any stimulus funds would be spent. It would be
up to the people, the market.
Dr. Goolsbee and Dr. Rouse, have you discussed this approach
with President-elect Obama? And if not, will you? And has it been
included in the stimulus plans that your team has circulated?
You three are going to be advisors to the President on economics.
Mr. GOOLSBEE. Senator, thank you for that question. I believe
that the issue you are raising about cutting payroll taxes and giving tax relief to ordinary working Americans can be more than just
a benefit to a group that has been squeezed. It can serve as a stimulus.
Not to get too much into what our specific discussions were
Senator SHELBY. Even if it is for a couple of years or so it would
help? And how much money are we talking about?
Mr. GOOLSBEE. It is potentially a very substantial amount of
money. I would point out that the President-elect’s making work
pay tax credit is premised on exactly this idea. It is to give up to
$500 per worker of tax relief based on the payroll taxes paid. It is
serving very much that function.
Senator SHELBY. Yes, but that has to come later when he claims
that credit on his tax return, does it not?
Mr. GOOLSBEE. Well, much of the discussion now is to try to utilize that credit, perhaps change the withholding tables, so that it
would serve very much that function.
Senator SHELBY. Doing the same thing in a different way.
Mr. GOOLSBEE. It would be doing the same thing in a different
way. And the only reason one is wary about directly changing the
payroll tax is obviously that the payroll tax is going into the Social
Security Trust Fund. So then one has got to have a different discussion about what is happening to the money that would be going
into the Social Security Trust Fund.
Senator SHELBY. Maybe you ought to discuss that with the young
people of America. They, I think, consensus-wise they believe that
they are not ever going to get any of it. And they are probably
Mr. GOOLSBEE. I do not know the answer to that one, but look,
I do take your point, Senator. It is an important point that we
ought to keep in mind.
Senator SHELBY. Dr. Rouse, do you disagree with Dr. Goolsbee,
agree with him?
Ms. ROMER. Have I ever disagreed with Dr. Goolsbee?
Senator SHELBY. Absolutely, I am sure you have.
Ms. ROMER. I have to say, I have not yet had the privilege of directly advising President-elect Obama. But going forward, should I
be confirmed, I certainly look forward to doing so. And I certainly
believe that, especially in this time where we are trying to
jumpstart the economy, a balanced portfolio would include tax cuts,
especially for the middle class and for the working class, as well.
And I would encourage him to look at that, as well.
Senator SHELBY. Professor Tarullo, bank regulation. As a member of the Board of Governors of the Fed, you will likely consider
financial regulatory reform with all of us this Congress. I believe
before we examine what changes should be made, that it is important that we first understand—not just the Fed, but the White

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House and this Committee—what regulatory mistakes helped
produce the current financial crisis. There are probably many.
In your view, what have been the biggest regulatory failures that
have played the biggest role in creating the current financial crisis?
I do not think we can exclude any of the regulators.
Mr. TARULLO. I would endorse that last statement of yours, Senator. I think that there have been enough shortcomings to go
It struck me a few days ago that you and I were sitting in this
same room more than 3 years ago talking about financial regulation. And I regret to say that the concerns that I had at the time
have been more than justified by subsequent events.
I think that we have got to begin with a recognition that when
you have depository or other financial institutions with potential
access to liquidity facilities of the Fed, or with Federal deposit insurance, that the capital buffer to be required for those institutions
needs to be an adequate buffer. And that premise, which has been
central to much financial regulation, I think has not been implemented in such a way as to provide the necessary safety and
soundness for our financial system. And I think going forward the
first thing we are going to need to do is to determine how we are
going to ensure adequate capital, because capital provides a buffer
against losses no matter what their source. That is a good reason
for it to be a key part of financial regulation.
Second, I think that we have learned that too much financial regulation has focused only on a particular institution, in a kind of
silo-like fashion. But as we now know, and as I think some observers were suggesting some years ago, much risk is developed in
markets because of the actual or potential interactions among market actors. I think we saw recently, for example, that firms have
strategies which entail reliance upon being able to sell assets in a
particular moment. And it works just fine up until the moment
where everybody wants to sell those same assets.
So we also are going to need devices like central counterparties
and more transparency and a greater sense of the interactions
among market actors to supplement what I will just say I believe
to be the need for more rigorous institution-specific regulation.
Senator SHELBY. You have testified before the Committee before
on Basel II and your concerns, and we have had those concerns,
too. What is your view on the adequacy of capital levels of U.S.
banks? We know it is inadequate. That is what our problem is
Mr. TARULLO. Correct.
Senator SHELBY. And for a number of years, the trend was going
the other way, as you know. The trend has got to come back to
strong banks, strong capitalized banks. And what will be your role
as a member of the Board of Governors of the Fed and also as a
Central Bank member, and also a bank regulator there?
Mr. TARULLO. Well Senator, first I would hope to contribute to
the role of navigating through the current crisis. And obviously
that requires a substantial amount of oversight on the financial institutions in question. As you say, at present my strong suspicion
is that the capital levels in many institutions are not where we
would want them to be. And under present circumstances, they are

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going to have substantial difficulty raising capital from the normal
sources from which they would otherwise seek to obtain it.
Going forward though—I think you were alluding to this a moment ago—I think collectively, by which I mean the administration,
the independent regulators, this Committee, and the rest of the
Congress are going to need to reshape a financial regulatory system in a way that is adequate to not just the risks we have seen
in the last 18 months. Because as you know, Senator, so often we
respond to a crisis by making sure that that crisis does not happen
again. Well, that particular crisis not going to happen again.
The key is to put in place systems that both monitor and identify
potential new sources of stress, and that have the wherewithal to
contain it. And that, I think, is our collective task for—my own personal hope——
Senator SHELBY. Our challenge?
Mr. TARULLO. ——2009.
Senator SHELBY. You cannot let the market run ahead of you,
can they?
Mr. TARULLO. The market is going to be——
Senator SHELBY. As a regulator that would put risk and stress
in it?
Mr. TARULLO. That is right, Senator. The market is always going
to be innovating.
Senator SHELBY. Oh yes, and we want it to be innovating.
Mr. TARULLO. And we want it to be innovating, but we need to
have at least three things in place. One, the capital buffer to which
I alluded.
Senator SHELBY. Absolutely.
Mr. TARULLO. Two, an assurance that the risk management systems of these institutions are sound. And I think another thing we
have learned is that risk management within financial institutions
fell well short.
And third, as I said a moment ago, the capacity to respond to
and contain risks as we see them bubbling up.
Senator SHELBY. Dr. Goolsbee I have one last question, Mr.
Chairman, and then a short statement.
Dr. Goolsbee, you have cautioned in the past that any efforts to
reregulate the mortgage market should not limit innovation. You
just alluded to that and I agree with you.
For instance, you have argued—and these are your words—‘‘The
historical evidence suggests that cracking down on new mortgages
may hit exactly the wrong people.’’
You have also stated, and I quote again your words, ‘‘Almost
every new form of mortgage lending, from adjustable rate mortgages to home equity lines of credit to no money down mortgages,
has tended to expand the pool of people who qualify’’ in this country.
Dr. Goolsbee, moving forward, what restrictions, if any, do you
believe this Committee should place on the types of mortgage products offered? Or should it be our role to place that? It should be
on the regulator or what? I know we will do harm. Every time you
are doing good you can do some harm, too. What do you believe in
this area?

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Mr. GOOLSBEE. Senator, thank you for bringing that up. Let me
observe one thing about the quotes that you mentioned.
That was from an article. I wrote a column, an economics column, for The New York Times, which was not an opinion column.
It was my writing about other people’s research.
Senator SHELBY. But it was your words though, was it not?
Mr. GOOLSBEE. They were my words, writing about the research
of a Republican economist——
Senator SHELBY. You are not repudiating that, are you?
Mr. GOOLSBEE. ——Harvey Rosen. I am not repudiating that I
wrote it, but it was about the implications of the work of economists that had done research on this 1970 to 2001 period.
Senator SHELBY. I just want to put it in the proper context.
Mr. GOOLSBEE. So that is the proper context, that I was not trying in that to give my own opinion.
Senator SHELBY. OK.
Mr. GOOLSBEE. The thing that changed, and I have talked with
Professor Rosen about his study and what the lessons were going
forward past that, in the mid-2000s, which are outside the data in
the Willen-Rosen paper, they threw all pretense of prudence to the
wind. In many cases, there were mortgage brokers, there were people outside the regulatory apparatus that were committing even illegal activities.
Senator SHELBY. What about the——
Mr. GOOLSBEE. I think for this Committee——
Senator SHELBY. What about the investment bankers?
Mr. GOOLSBEE. And the investment bankers are not excluded for
that, absolutely right.
Senator SHELBY. And what about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?
Mr. GOOLSBEE. Look, they are, as Professor Tarullo and as you
indicated, Senator, there is a lot of blame to go around.
What I would say for this Committee, one principle that is worth
bearing in mind is that through the 2000s, our disjointed regulatory oversight apparatus allowed for regulatory arbitrage. So if
you look at subprime lending, two-thirds of the subprime lending
was done by non-banks. So even if the Fed, for example, had put
in completely reasonable rules on what our sensible—what would
sensible lending origination standards be, that would not have applied in most cases to most of the subprime lending.
I think one thing this Committee might consider, respectfully,
would be thinking about this issue of regulatory arbitrage and trying to bring some rationalization of that across sectors.
Senator SHELBY. We have got to make the system work.
One last observation, I thank you for your ability and willingness
to serve, all four of you, and your patience here today. We wish you
well. I plan to support your nominations.
Mr. GOOLSBEE. I appreciate that.
Senator SHELBY. Do markets work, people say. Yes, I believe
they do work. They nearly always work. But you have to have—
and you alluded to this. But you have to have trust, integrity, and
transparency in the market. And I believe that trust is absent
today. And that is our challenge, how do we bring it back together,
is it not?
Mr. GOOLSBEE. It is.

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Senator SHELBY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Senator REED [presiding]. Thank you very much, Senator Shelby.
And thank you all, not only for your very thoughtful responses, but
also for your willingness to serve the Nation at a very difficult
Dr. Romer, I was listening very carefully to a very interesting
discussion about deficits and taxes that you had with Senator
Shelby. I recall 8 years ago at this time, when we had a significant
surplus in the Federal Government after the Clinton Administration, some of which was the result of difficult tax votes to increase
And then we had a proposal by the Bush Administration to dramatically lower taxes. The two justifications I heard most frequently were, first of all, they pay for themselves. You just cut
taxes and economic activity grows so much. Apparently, over the
longer run, that does not seem to work.
Or they, as you have done some studies, they starve the beast.
It forces us, the legislature and the administration, frankly, to be
much more restrained in spending.
But you did a study with your husband, and I will quote from
the abstract, ‘‘The results provide no support for the hypothesis
that tax cuts restrain Government spending. Indeed, they suggest
that cuts may actually increase spending. The results also indicate
that the main effect of tax cuts on the budget is to induce subsequent legislative tax increases.’’
I presume that is accurate, because those are your words?
Ms. ROMER. That is the correct summary of the paper.
Senator REED. And I think one point that could be made, which
I think was the thrust of Senator Shelby’s comments, that we are
in a much weaker position now because of the policies of the last
8 years which have seen deficits pile up upon deficits, some of
which is a direct result of tax cuts and spending on the war, failing
to pay for that spending. And I can go on and on.
Is that accurate?
Ms. ROMER. Absolutely, and I think a crucial—if you say what
is prudent fiscal policy? You run surpluses in good times. That is
what gives you the buffer that when you hit a period like this you
can run the large deficits that are the appropriate policy when the
economy is this sick. So no, I——
Senator REED. Well, certainly before 9/11, which was an event of
monumental consequence, the apparent policy of the Bush Administration was to at least cut taxes at a time where it was not quite
clear you could maintain the surplus. And that is exactly what happened.
Ms. ROMER. That is correct.
Another thing, since Senator Shelby mentioned my other paper,
I think it is important to get on the record that while we find that
tax increases taken for sort of exogenous philosophical reasons tend
to have negative consequences, we also find if you look at the subset of tax changes explicitly for deficit reduction, kind of getting
your fiscal house in order, those actually—the standard errors are
big, we are not very sure. But the point estimates certainly say
those kind of tax increases can actually be beneficial.

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So thinking about the Clinton Administration experience, that
sometimes getting your fiscal house in order can improve confidence, can lower long-term interest rates, and can be beneficial.
Senator REED. You seem to be implying that sometimes shortrun pain has long-run gain, and short-term gain or tax cuts has
long, long-run pain.
Ms. ROMER. That certainly is a——
Senator REED. The other aspect of the tax issue, I think, is it is
not so much cutting taxes because that has a certain—in terms of
the economy—an overall number. It is who gets the benefits. One
of the things, again, I think the discussion that Senator Shelby had
was very interesting about well, why don’t we cut payroll taxes? It
will benefit working Americans. In fact, you could have a cutoff.
I thought a year ago, when the President proposed his tax rebate
across the board, that would have been an appropriate way to respond. That was apparently rejected by the Administration.
But the point is, I think, and I think Senator Obama is trying
to make this point, that if we can target tax benefits to low and
middle-income Americans, those benefits will not only, I think, sort
of even the playing field in the struggle, the race of life as Lincoln
said, but also provide more stimulus to the economy. Is that accurate?
Ms. ROMER. Yes, and certainly the President-elect has made it
very clear that he wants to cut taxes on 95 percent of Americans.
That is certainly in the stimulus package. It is a credit for working
And so yes, we certainly expect that people that are struggling
to make month-to-month payments, you give them a tax cut, you
lower their withholding, they do go out and spend it. And that
would be incredibly beneficial to the economy at this point.
Senator REED. Let me raise a general question I would like to
address to all three of the nominees to the Council of Economic Advisors. Let me start with Dr. Goolsbee and then Dr. Rouse, and
then come back to you. Give you a breather, Dr. Romer.
One of the issues that we have to respond to is the fact that for
the vast majority of Americans over the last decade or more, they
have virtually no increase in their income. Now we have seen tremendous increases in income at the upper levels, historically unprecedented increases. But we have seen no growth in the middle
class and working Americans, broader than that.
I think the challenge is that we have got to restore that type of
growth. I mean, it was there in the late 1990s, for a combination
of reasons: Federal Reserve policy, our fiscal policy, the benefits of
the huge technological revolution in computerization, and all of
these things, and not one cause. But we saw that.
We have to get back there. And the general question is how do
we get back there, where we can confidently tell the American people that if you work hard you can expect a growth in your wages
and your income—not if you are at the very top but in every income level we hope, but at least lower and middle-income Americans.
And one other comment. The flip side of that, and this is the reality we all understand, is if your income is not going up but your
level of life has to be maintained, you go to the credit cards. And

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we have become a huge debtor Nation. So the flip side of this, not
just in terms of our international obligations, but in terms of
households, household debt has accelerated dramatically.
So this is two sides of one coin. How do you increase income so
people can consumer from income rather than credit cards? How do
you increase income to give them the confidence that this country
is going to provide opportunities, as it has in the past? Dr.
Mr. GOOLSBEE. Senator, I do not think there is a more important
question to put to the economy than that for our long run. We obviously have to deal with the immediate crisis.
Senator REED. I agree.
Mr. GOOLSBEE. But once we are through that, I believe that the
issues you raise are the No. 1 thing, that it is a fundamentally different America where the median family’s income is falling by almost $2,000 over the course of a boom, as it did in the boom that
just ended. That was the first time in recorded American history
where that ever happened. And that is fundamentally not the
America that any of us grew up in and it is not what we believe
the country should be.
In the short run, I think tax relief to working Americans and the
middle class is a direct form of help. In the medium and long run—
and I am sure Professor Rouse is going to have more input on
that—investing in the skills of our own workforce, investing in the
industries of the future, and investing in our own Nation’s capabilities, be they the infrastructure and the things that lay the groundwork for future growth, there has to be an element of all of those
things to restore his rising tide that lifts all boats.
Senator REED. Dr. Rouse.
Ms. ROUSE. Thank you very much. I do agree that one of the
ways that we want to really try to shore up the middle class is to—
one, we really need to understand what are the forces that have
been at work that have led to the stagnation in income. But one
of them that we can see immediately is the increased globalization
and the fact that our workers are competing against workers all
over the world.
And I think that really points to the very importance of our education system, our training system. We need to really look hard at
it to understand the ways in which it can be adapted and made
more nimble so that it also can train our workers to be competing
in this new economy.
I would also say that I think another big component is dealing
with health care, which is a big budget item for many families and
puts many of them at risk for bankruptcy and makes them economically fragile.
Senator REED. Dr. Romer.
Ms. ROMER. I mainly want to say—I think my two colleagues
have spoken very eloquently.
The one thing I would add as a little bit of a statement of what
is so fabulous about the American recovery and reinvestment plan
that is out there is that it is very much aimed at being something
that gets us through the hard times now, but is doing exactly these
investments. It has a lot of money for infrastructure that will make
our industries more profitable and should make wages go up. It has

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money for education and 21st century classrooms, which is just
going to be crucial for going forward.
So I think one of the things that is so important is if we have
to spend all of this money to get the economy going again, let’s
make sure we get the crucial long-run dividends like rising incomes
for those people who have stagnated for the last 8 years.
Senator REED. I have one question, and I am not ignoring you.
I have got some Federal Reserve questions. Just take a rest in
place, I guess.
I have one more question. We have talked about targeting tax
benefits to those who need it. We have talked about getting the resources, the direct spending, to places that need it. This has geographic consequences. My State of Rhode Island has the second
highest unemployment rate in the Nation, just behind Michigan. It
is suffering grievously.
I would hope that in the advice you are giving to the President
about not just this round of assistance but going forward, that
there would be a special attention to those parts of the country
that are really under extreme duress and have limited resources to
be able to cope with this problem. And I just——
Ms. ROMER. No, I mean, absolutely. One of the roles that I took
on when I started trying to help the transition was exactly to monitor situations and notice which States are suffering more than others, what industries are suffering more than others. And that has
played a big role in kind of thinking about what we want in parts
of this package.
And so as you know, for a State that is important in manufacturing, one of the things that is good about the stimulus package
is that it is going to create a lot of jobs in manufacturing. It is
going to create a lot of jobs in construction.
And then I think the other thing to point out is things like State
fiscal relief. That is going to be, I think, something very important
for helping so many of the States that are genuinely suffering.
Senator REED. Dr. Goolsbee, any comments?
Mr. GOOLSBEE. Look, I agree with that. And Senator, your admonishment, let’s pay attention to where people are really hurting,
we have got to remember that. I mean, there are wide swaths of
the country where they are already in the thing that we are warning everybody about. We do not need to warn them. They have already been living it for several months or, in some cases, even up
to a year.
Rhode Island is similar to Illinois in that way. My own home
State has been really hard hit by this downturn. And I hope we
keep that foremost in our mind when we are designing these policies.
Senator REED. Thank you.
Dr. Rouse, any comments?
Ms. ROUSE. Not really. I think that is absolutely—I think we not
only have to pay attention to the average, but we have to look at
the distributional consequences and the distributional suffering,
geographically, by demographic characteristics, et cetera. But I
think that is all very important.
Senator REED. Thank you very much.

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Now, Mr. Tarullo, I thought Senator Shelby made some excellent
comments about the need for introspection by every Federal regulator, every State regulator also, and not just as an intellectual exercise but to have going forward a clear sense of what went wrong
and how we are going to fix it.
As I mentioned to you in my discussions, at a hearing months
ago I raised this issue with Governor Kohn of the Federal Reserve.
I would hope that when you go to the Federal Reserve, that you
would quickly ensure that this appropriate self-analysis is going
And then at some point it is going to have to be public. I think
the best way to do that is to have the Federal Reserve come up
here with their version of lessons learned and corrective action.
Your thoughts on that?
Mr. TARULLO. Senator, as you know, from my earlier response to
Senator Shelby and from our conversation, I absolutely agree with
the need to begin with an understanding of what went wrong. Not,
as I say, because we think that an additional or a new crisis is
going to unfold in the same way. It never does. But because I have
been concerned that the regulatory shortcomings that allowed the
circumstances that have existed over the last few years to develop
might similarly allow future risky circumstances to develop.
So I could not agree more. My only concern—and this is not directed toward you. My only concern is to make sure that this is
done not just at the Fed but throughout the Government, not in
the spirit of trying to assign or avoid blame, but in an effort to figure out what it is that needs to be done going forward. Because,
as I know you agree, that is the shared task which is critical.
Senator REED. I absolutely concur. That is why my sense is that
it would be better for the Federal Reserve to come to make this
presentation on their term rather than try to coax it out of them
or somebody else. I think that would be very helpful.
And it is not about assigning blame. It is about avoiding problems in the future and ensuring that we have taken the right steps
going forward. That is, at least, my view.
You are an expert on Federal regulation, banking regulation, and
to a degree the Federal Reserve from your academic position. Recently, there has been a change in a policy toward ownership of
bank holding—participation in the ownership of bank holding companies by private equity companies. GMAC has been given bank
holding company status. Their private equity owner had to adopt
a minority position, but still a significant position.
Do you have any concerns given the kind of wide ranging and
generally undisclosed nature of the activity of the private equity
companies? They may not own more than 25 percent, but with a
10 or 15 or significant percentage interest, could have influence on
the company. Do you think the Federal Reserve, from your perspective now as an academic expert, has the ability to monitor those
activities? Is this something that introduces another degree of perhaps problems?
Mr. TARULLO. Senator, my—the inference I have drawn here is
that with sources of capital for financial institutions obviously not
what they used to be, that there has been renewed interest on the
types of issues that have been talked about for some years now—

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the conditions under which minority investments could be made in
financial institutions without triggering all of the regulatory consequences that have normally attended such an acquisition. That
is obviously an important consideration not just today but going
Having said that, I think the monitoring and regulatory question
you raised is the salient one. That is, if there is an expectation that
a certain kind of investment will be made in what in investment
terms we refer to as a passive fashion, then the terms of that regulation need to be carefully monitored and enforced. And I do think
that if and when people get to the point of proposing things which
would fundamentally alter the separation between banking and
commerce, that that is a judgment for the Congress to make ultimately. That was a judgment the Congress chose to—they chose to
maintain that separation in 1999. And if there are to be changes
which significantly affect the current statutory regime, those appropriately go through the Congress.
So while there is obviously room to modify and to allow capital
infusions from a variety of sources, the monitoring issue to ensure
that the investments are conducted only in the terms that have
been suggested needs to be carried through. And all regulators
need to be attendant to Congressional intent as embodied in our
existing statutes.
Senator REED. Thank you.
One just final thought, and again you have described the situation, I think, the present situation which is there was, for the longest time, a reluctance to get into this issue of sovereign wealth
fund investments, private equity investments and bank holding
companies because the standards were pretty strict. Once you went
over—it was a 25 percent ownership or—I mean, I think——
Mr. TARULLO. That would be definite control, but well under that
could be control.
Senator REED. Control. There was pretty tough standards about
who was controlling the company. I think the presumption was, for
these entities in particular, that anything more than a modest investment and a very passive investment was controlling and they
stayed out of it.
Now we are desperate for capital and desperate people do desperate things. I think this is something that when you go on to the
Board, you have to ensure—and your colleagues—that there is a
kind of policing of these arrangements, as you suggested. And also,
it is not so much just the commerce and banking combination. It
is information which a significant shareholder might have which
could be very relevant to the marketplace. I think that has to be—
the Fed has to be interested also. And influences that can be
brought to bear not to make decisions—and this is in the context
of sovereign wealth funds—to make decisions that otherwise might
not have been made.
And some of that it is so complicated, some of it might be the
management anticipating a bad reaction from their shareholder so
avoiding action because of that.
I do not envy your task, but I think this is something serious.
And long before it raises to such a bright level issue that Congress

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is going to have to step in, you and your colleagues will have to
face it, is my sense.
Mr. TARULLO. Understood.
Senator REED. I think that on behalf of Senator Dodd I can
thank you all profusely for your responses and, as I said initially,
for your commitment to public service.
Thank you very much and the hearing is adjourned.
[Whereupon, at 2:20 p.m., the hearing was adjourned.]
[Prepared statements and response to written questions supplied
for the record follow:]

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Thank you, Chairman Dodd for holding the hearing for today’s nominees. All of
us here today are very concerned about the current state of the economy, especially
as our Nation continues to confront a crisis in the capital markets. This crisis has
had negative consequences for American families, workers, businesses and investors. Today’s nominees will all play an important role in our Nation’s economic recovery, and I congratulate you all on your nominations.
While this Committee has a lot on its plate this year, I do believe that the confirmations of a new Chairman of the SEC, a new member of the Federal Reserve
Board of Governors and three members of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors may among some of the most important actions we take.
The next Chairman of the SEC faces the daunting task of restoring confidence,
integrity and fairness to our securities markets, as well as enforcing securities laws
and protecting investors. Achieving these goals may mean serious reform at the
SEC. I look forward to hearing Ms. Shapiro’s vision for this critical position.
The effects of the current crisis have been felt far beyond Wall Street and the
SEC, and we will be looking to all of you for advice.
Chairman Dodd, Ranking Member Shelby, thank you for convening today’s hearing. And I want to thank the witnesses for appearing here today and for their agreement to serve their country.
Ms. Schapiro, you are seeking one of the most important positions in the Federal
Government at a time of economic uncertainty. Very simply—you have a tremendously difficult but important job to do as it is my opinion that the most recent financial regulators have not been steadfast in their duties.
Over the course of the past few months, it seemed that a different titan in the
financial sector was facing imminent collapse each week. This Committee was being
asked to support a bailout and the regulators were left with questions and few answers. That has to change and this Committee is going to need your help.
We need to work with the SEC and the other financial regulators to put in place
common sense regulations—regulations that protect the consumer first. As we start
tackling legislative initiatives to revamp the patchwork of regulations, your guidance will be critical.
At the same time, you will need to increase the level performance of the enforcement division at the Commission.
Last October, former Chairman of the SEC, Arthur Leavitt told the Senate Banking Committee in written testimony,
Enforcement is so important not because the SEC can catch every cheat
and prevent every abuse. It’s important because it holds people accountable
and serves as a powerful deterrent to bad behavior—and is the most powerful tool a regulator has to keep a market functioning. Indeed, the signals
the SEC can send to investors are critical. By bringing a tough enforcement
action, making a well-timed public statement, or taking action on a critical
need, the SEC builds the investors’ confidence that someone is looking out
for them which, in turn, builds market trust. Yet at critical moments and
on critical issues, the SEC has been reactive at best or has shown no real
willingness to stand up for investors.
Thousands of Montanans have told me over these past few months that we need
to find the criminals who brought us into this situation and send them to their 8x10
cells. They demand accountability to make sure no crime goes unpunished when
American taxpayers are picking up the tabs for their crimes. I agree with them, and
I want the SEC to make sure those investigations are a priority.
I look forward to your testimony. Thank you.
In the past several months, Americans have seen unprecedented developments in
the financial and housing markets. Beginning with the rise in home foreclosures
and delinquencies that caused a panic in our mortgage industry, by September
2008, the Federal Government had seized Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. The five
largest investment banks, previously the primary entities regulated by the SEC,
were either being sold, restructured, or going bankrupt. Our economy started falling
faster, and the credit markets became completely frozen.

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Our Federal response so far has been to throw money at the problem and hope
it goes away. However, some of my colleagues and I realize that it takes more than
blind spending to get our economy back on track. We need to take an honest assessment of our current financial regulatory system and address the fundamental problems that have caused this meltdown. Efficient and responsive market regulation
is the best answer to a crisis of confidence. Common-sense reforms combined with
pro-growth economic policies will get our economy humming again. However, it is
going to take a lot of work to get there.
Before we talk about a sweeping financial modernization, I must note that, for
many Americans, this global financial crisis has exacted a very real and very personal price. Many workers have seen a lifetime of retirement earnings shrink down
to nothing. Others have lost their home, their most stable financial asset in past
years, due to rising unemployment and a frozen credit market. For those Americans
without a job, they face dismal employment prospects as companies cut their
workforces to stay in the black.
These Americans expected a market that was transparent, accountable, and fair
to the average retail investor. They have been failed by investment fraudsters, deceptive credit ratings, misleading lenders, and, most importantly, by the regulators
who are tasked with preventing such behavior. The SEC is not solely responsible
for policing the entire financial market, but as the agency charged with investor
protection, we must be able to look to the SEC to prevent outright fraud and manipulation of American investors. The SEC has been front and center in the debate
about our financial crisis, and that is why this nomination hearing is so important.
We stand on the brink of a financial sea-change. Our organic system of financial
regulation has been built-up over a century, responding to individual crises with
targeted changes to regulation. However, the institutionalization of this patchwork
quilt of regulation has made our system slow to respond and confusing to navigate.
We must create a system that is proactive, not reactive. Regulators should have the
surety to act swiftly and prevent fraud and manipulation in our markets. Participants should not have to operate in a regulatory ‘‘grey areas’’ or worry that market
innovation will be stifled by cumbersome regulation.
The SEC is on the front lines of this movement, and Ms. Schapiro, if confirmed,
will be charged with implementing these reforms. This is no easy challenge. There
are several issues the SEC must confront in order to be the regulator our markets
need in the 21st century.
First, a primary role of the SEC is investor protection. Last month, the confidence
of American investors was badly shaken with the revelation that Bernie Madoff,
former Chairman of the NASDAQ stock exchange, was running a $50 billion investment fraud scheme. According to a statement from Chairman Cox last month, this
scam is at least a decade old, owing its success to ‘‘multiple failures’’ at the SEC
and elsewhere to catch this crook. More amazingly, news reports are stating that
many investors on Wall Street knew about this scheme and may have invested with
him because he was cheating the system to gain illicit returns. This is outrageous.
As President-elect Obama’s designee for chairman of the SEC, I am curious to
hear your reaction to this scandal and how, as chairman, you plan to ensure it will
never happen again. I am also curious to hear about your experience as a regulator
both with the NASD and with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. Why
did FINRA, under your management, miss this investment scam when so many on
Wall Street seemed to know about it?
I am also interested in hearing your opinions about the credit rating agency registration system at the SEC, and if you believe the conflicts of interest inherent in
credit rating agencies can be properly managed.
Ms. Schapiro, I would like to hear your opinions about several initiatives already
underway at the SEC. These include mark-to-market accounting, credit derivative
swaps, and the convergence of U.S. and international account standards. I look forward to your testimony and the question and answer period.
I also look forward to the testimony of our second panel of witnesses, especially
Mr. Tarullo. There is no doubt that the role of the Federal Reserve as a financial
regulator will be addressed in the coming months, and I am interested in understanding Mr. Tarullo’s perspective on the future of the FED as the agency in charge
of U.S. monetary policy and interest rates, as well as a regulator of banks and other
financial institutions.
Chairman Dodd and Ranking Member Shelby have made clear that regulatory
modernization will be a priority in the 111th Congress and I look forward to joining
them in this important debate. Thank you.

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JANUARY 15, 2009
Mr. Chairman, Senator Shelby, and Members of the Committee—it is an honor
to appear before you today as President-elect Obama’s nominee to serve as Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
I also want to thank Senator Reed for his very kind introduction, and all the
members of the Committee and your staff who have been so generous with their
time and advice during this confirmation process.
As Senator Reed mentioned, I grew up in New York a short train ride from Manhattan, but miles away from Wall Street. My father was a printer; my mother a
Like millions of families, my parents worked hard to save enough to buy a home,
send their children to college, and have a secure retirement. They taught my siblings and me right from wrong—and that we could get ahead by working hard and
playing by the rules.
Perhaps that’s why I’ve spent my career—at the SEC, CFTC, and most recently
at FINRA—committed to building a financial regulatory system that protects investors and supports and strengthens free and fair markets.
We cannot underestimate the situation we are now in: the capital markets have
collapsed; trillions of dollars of wealth have been lost; our economy is in recession;
and investor confidence has been badly shaken. Middle-class families who were relying on that nest egg to pay to send a son or daughter to college or for a secure retirement now, don’t know where to turn.
There are many reasons for this crisis—and one of them is that our regulatory
system has not kept pace with the markets and the needs of investors.
It is precisely during times like these that we need an SEC that is the investor’s
advocate—that has the staff, the will and the resources necessary to move with
great urgency to bring transparency and accountability to all corners of the marketplace, to vigorously prosecute those who have broken the law and cheated investors,
and to modernize our country’s regulatory system to match the realities of today’s
global, interdependent markets.
These urgent responsibilities would fill any agenda, but, Mr. Chairman, allow me
to highlight a few of my top priorities.
First and foremost, if confirmed as Chairman, I will move aggressively to reinvigorate enforcement at the SEC. With investor confidence shaken, it is imperative
that the SEC be given the resources and the support it needs to investigate and
go after those who cut corners, cheat investors, and break the law. As the first SEC
Chairman, Joseph Kennedy, told the Nation 75 years ago in explaining the agency’s
role, ‘‘The Commission will make war without quarter on any who sell securities by
fraud or misrepresentation.’’1
I look forward to working closely with you, Mr. Chairman, and the members of
the Committee to ensure the SEC has the capability, to fulfill this critical mission—
as well as to perform all of its other important duties.
Second, I want to re-engage the SEC with the people we serve, namely, investors.
The investor community—from the largest pension fund to the family who has
scrimped and saved in their 401(k) or 529 plan—needs to feel that they have someone on their side, that they can go to the SEC for advice, to seek redress, or to have
their opinions heard.
Third, as I work to deepen the SEC’s commitment to investor protection, transparency, accountability, and disclosure, I also want to ensure these commitments
are preserved in any regulatory overhaul that may be undertaken.
Indeed, as a member of the President’s Working Group on the Financial Markets,
I hope I can offer its members, the Administration, and Congress both the benefits
of my years as a regulator as well as the decades of experience the professionals
at the SEC have in these areas.
The American people want and expect us to update the regulatory system that
has failed them—and to prevent the kinds of abuses that have contributed to the
economic crisis we now face. I assure you that I will always keep their concerns
front and center.
Seventy-five years after the SEC was founded, the Commission finds itself in a
situation where, once again, it must play a critical role in reviving our markets, bolstering investor confidence, and rejuvenating our economy.
1 Remarks

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I am under no illusion that this will be an easy job. There is a lot of work to be
done—quickly and diligently—in the months ahead. But I look forward to this challenge, to helping the millions of investors who rely on strong markets and a strong
economy, and to working with the professionals at the SEC and the Members of this
To be entrusted with leading the SEC at this moment, would be a great honor,
and I am grateful for your consideration.
Mr. Chairman, before closing I want to thank my husband, Chas, and our daughters Molly and Anna, for their support and understanding. They are here with me
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and I am happy to answer any questions.
JANUARY 15, 2009
Chairman Dodd, Ranking Member Shelby, and members of the Committee, it is
an honor to come before you as President-elect Obama’s nominee for Chair of the
Council of Economic Advisers.
I want to thank Senators Feinstein and Boxer of California for their warm introductions. I am truly honored to have both of my home state Senators with us today
and appreciate their kind words.
Before I begin, I would like to introduce three people who are with me today: my
husband of 25 years, David Romer, who is also an economist, my father, Clifford
Duckworth, from Massachusetts, and my 12-year-old son, Matthew. My two other
children, Katie and Paul, are away at school and are not able to join us today.
Let me take a moment to tell you a little about myself. I was born in Illinois and
lived in Connecticut, Ohio, Alabama, and New Jersey as I was growing up. I attended the College of William and Mary in Virginia and received my Ph.D. in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I was an assistant professor
at Princeton University for 3 years before moving to the University of California,
Berkeley. I have been a professor at Berkeley for almost exactly twenty years, and
have had the honor of teaching introductory economics to thousands of Berkeley
As we are all far too aware, economic conditions in the United States, and indeed
in much of the world, are weak and deteriorating rapidly. The unemployment rate
announced last Friday was 7.2 percent, more than 2 percentage points above its
level at the start of this recession. Job loss has now topped two and a half million
and shows no evidence of stopping. And, our financial institutions remain in a precarious position and crucial credit flows have not been restored, despite unprecedented actions by the Congress, the Treasury, and the Federal Reserve.
As you may know, my area of expertise is the history and effects of monetary and
fiscal policy. I have also done extensive work on the causes of the Great Depression
of the 1930s and the sources of recovery from that national crisis. I never expected
my knowledge of the 1930s to be useful in a modern policy setting. And, certainly,
as bad as current conditions are, they remain far better than what our parents and
grandparents experienced 75 years ago. But, the U.S. economy over the past year
has suffered the worst macroeconomic shock since the 1930s, and the risks to the
economy are by far the greatest they have ever been in my lifetime. The possibility
that continued economic decline will further weaken the financial sector and lead
to a devastating rise in joblessness is a risk that demands immediate and unprecedented action.
It is for this reason that, if confirmed, I am dedicated to working with Presidentelect Obama and Congress to forge an economic recovery plan to help stabilize the
U.S. economy. Making crucial investments in infrastructure, education, healthcare,
and energy, will not only help us through the current crisis, but also put us on a
path to a much better future—a future in which we deal with our long-run energy
needs, equip our children to compete in the world economy, and ensure that middleclass families once again realize the full promise of the American dream.
The vision of hope that the President-elect has given the American people is one
that I share. The resilience of the American people and the fundamental strength
of the market system are the most important reasons for optimism. But I also believe that well designed, aggressive government policies will make a crucial difference. Indeed, much of my academic research has shown exactly this: government
policies to increase aggregate demand do indeed increase output and reduce unem-

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ployment in the short and medium run. And, while I have not personally done research on the effects of government spending, I firmly believe that the evidence
shows that timely government investment will be very beneficial.
Of course, getting through the current crisis and putting us on the road to better
long-run growth will not be the end of the economic agenda. Much more work will
need to be done in a wide range of areas, from health care to energy to financial
market reform. And, all of this work will have to take place in the context of
medium- and long-run budget projections in which government revenues and expenditures are painfully out of balance. Dealing with all of these issues will be difficult and will require extensive analysis and hard choices. But, I can think of no
greater honor than to be a part of such an important endeavor, and I can think of
no President whose leadership and judgment I would trust more than the Presidentelect.
In closing, let me say just a word about the organization I have been nominated
to lead. The Council of Economic Advisers was created to provide the President, and
through its reports, the Congress, with the best advice professional economists have
to offer. It is an institution with a proud history of providing honest, first-rate economic analysis. This is a tradition I would intend to continue and strengthen. As
someone who has spent my entire professional life as a scholar and teacher, I am
a firm believer in the power of knowledge and research. I would do my utmost to
protect the integrity of the CEA, and make it a center for unbiased, scientific analysis of the crucial economic issues facing our country in the years ahead.
Thank you. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have.
JANUARY 15, 2009
Let me start by thanking my senior Senator for his kind introduction. And what
a thrill and how appropriate that Senator Durbin himself got his start in politics
working for the late Senator Paul Douglas—a legendary figure in Illinois politics but
also originally a famous economics professor from the University of Chicago (for
those economists here today, none other than the namesake of the Cobb-Douglas
production function).
Chairman Dodd, Senator Shelby, Members of the Committee, thank you for your
time and the chance to be here today.
Before I begin, I would like to introduce you to my family. My wife Robin—the
love of my life and, as you can see for yourself, prettiest girl in Chicago—is here
with our three kids. Our daughter Aden is 8, our son Addison is 5, and our son Emmett is 2. Emmett is a lot more interested in trucks than he is in economics so he
may not sit still in that seat for too much longer. Next to them there is my mom,
Linda, and my dad, Arthur, who came up for this hearing all the way from Abilene,
Texas. My Dad recently got ordained as a Deacon at the Church of the Heavenly
Rest in Abilene and I especially appreciate his being able to take time out from his
new duties to be here.
By way of background, I was born in Waco, Texas, and spent most of my childhood in Whittier, California. I went to school at Yale and then M.I.T. before becoming a professor in 1995 at the Business School at the University of Chicago (recently
named the Booth School of Business). I am currently the Robert P. Gwinn Professor
of Economics and the co-director of the Initiative on Global Markets.
As a researcher, I am an empirical economist—one of the old-style data dogs. My
research has covered public policy and taxation, the Internet, telecom and innovation, capital investment, and the study of industries in America and the world like
manufacturing, airlines, media, computers, and others.
Now given the expertise of the Members of this Committee and the situation Professor Romer just described, I don’t think that anyone here needs further convincing
that we arrive at a time of great moment in the Nation’s history and one as intimidating as any since the Depression.
But at a moment like this I cannot help but remember my old friend and mentor,
the late Nobel laureate and former CEA member James Tobin. When I was a freshman I took the last class of Jim Tobin’s career and he took me under his wing as
a research assistant. He had grown up in the Great Depression and always believed
that economics was more than just an interesting field of study, that it could make
the world a better place. In 1961, President Kennedy asked him to join the Council
of Economic Advisers. He used to say that he never worked harder in his life than

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those years at the CEA. He was proud to have served the country and given sound
economic advice.
I think it’s appropriate to remember Tobin these days because he spent his life
teaching his students that economics could be used to fight catastrophes just like
this. And as I sit before you now—almost a half-century later—as the nominee for
Tobin’s old seat at the CEA, it is my sincere hope that we will live up to the standard the CEA set back then in what most view as its Golden Age. If we are confirmed, Mr. Chairman, I can assure you that we will come to the job every day
ready to work hard, to bring the best economic thinking we have, and to be motivated by the great CEA legacy that has come before us.
I thank you for the opportunity to be here and will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

JANUARY 15, 2009
Mr. Chairman and distinguished Members of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: I am pleased and honored to appear before you today as
a nominee to be a Member of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers.
Before I begin, I’d like to introduce my family who is here today in force. First
is my husband and partner in life, Ford Morrison, along with our two girls Nidal
(who is 7) and Safa (who is 5). There is also our contingent from the great State
of New Jersey, my parents, Carl and Lorraine Rouse, and my sister and niece, Carolyn Rouse and Skylar Schiltz-Rouse. Next to them are my cousin, Terrie Rouse who
is also the CEO for Visitor Services for the Capitol Visitor Center, and my Aunts
and Uncles Doris and George Haley, and Phyllis and Bill Taylor. And while she
really wanted to be here, my mother-in-law, Toni Morrison, is unable to attend.
I am currently a Professor of Economics and Public Affairs at Princeton University where I have been on the faculty for the past 16 years. As a labor economist
I am most committed to understanding the problems, choices, and tradeoffs that individuals face, particularly those that concern the labor market. I am particularly
interested in understanding ways to increase worker productivity, primarily through
the acquisition of valuable skills or human capital. As such, I have devoted much
of my research to the economics of education at all levels.
As a faculty member of a public policy school, I have always been deeply committed to studying real-world problems with real-world implications, rather than abstract theory. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to apply my skills to actual
policymaking once before in 1998 when I spent at year at the National Economic
Council and I would be most honored to have the opportunity to do so again should
I be confirmed as a member of the Council of Economic Advisers.
Indeed, these are extraordinary times. As Professor Romer has already described,
the macroeconomic shock is the worst that it has been in a generation and by all
expectations the unprecedented job loss will continue in the short term. Importantly,
we are seeing that some sectors are suffering more than others forcing many unemployed workers to search for jobs that require a different set of skills than those
they currently possess. As such, I believe that investments in education and training are critical to any strategy to help jumpstart our economy and should I be confirmed I look forward to working with the other members of the Administration and
this Committee to provide the economic insights and analysis you need to craft wise
and effective policy.
As a concluding note, I would like to add that for the past several years I have
taught one of the main introductory micro-economics courses to first-year students
in the Woodrow Wilson School’s master’s program. (This year’s class was particularly inquisitive and challenging!) I emphasize to the students the power of economics—both theoretical and applied—in guiding analysis of policy issues. Should I be
confirmed, I would bring this dedication and enthusiasm to the President’s Council
of Economic Advisers.
Thank you. I would be happy to answer any questions you or other Members of
the Committee might have.

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JANUARY 15, 2009
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Senator Shelby, and other Members of the Committee.
I am honored by President-elect Obama’s designation of me as his intended nominee
for the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. I am also mindful of the
enormous responsibility that would come with this position.
We are all aware that our country faces greater financial and economic challenges
than at any time since the Depression. The Federal Reserve has a critical role to
play in responding to these challenges. As the Nation’s central bank, it must pursue
its dual mandate of promoting maximum employment and stable prices in an unusually trying macroeconomic environment.
As a bank regulator, the Board must use its existing authority to provide both
effective supervision and robust enforcement. Going forward, it must join with other
parts of our government to help revamp the financial regulatory system. In particular, we need sensible changes that will contain potential sources of systemic risk
in 21st century financial markets, and thus diminish the likelihood and severity of
future financial crises.
Over the last decade, I have devoted considerable time to thinking and writing
about banking regulation and international financial regulation, including the management of international financial crises. In the last few years, I have focused on
capital regulation. This work has reinforced my views on the importance of adequate
capital buffers for ensuring the safety and soundness of financial institutions. This
study of capital has, I believe, provided a good foundation for participation in the
Board’s regulatory functions and, more generally, in the process for reforming financial regulation.
Prior to returning to an academic position, I was directly involved, as Assistant
to the President for International Economic Policy, in responding to the international financial crisis of the late 1990s. Each financial dislocation has its own
unique features, of course, and the severity of current problems far outstrips the impact on the United States of that earlier episode. Thus experience with one crisis
cannot provide the answers for dealing with the present situation. Still, such experience does help prepare one to consider options and make decisions in times of great
uncertainty and stress.
If confirmed by the Senate, I will draw upon both my government and academic
backgrounds in serving on the Board of Governors. I have the highest respect for
the tradition of independence associated with our country’s central bank. At the
same time, I understand that, although so much of the Fed’s work is necessarily
grounded in complex economic analyses and highly technical rules, the ultimate purpose of this work is to create the conditions under which Americans can make good
lives for themselves.
Let me close by thanking the Committee for expeditiously scheduling this hearing.
I hope to work with each of you in the months and years ahead. I would be pleased
to answer any questions you may have for me.

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Q.1. Investment Advisers: Investment advisers serve an important
role in the helping Americans improve the management their finances. I have been contacted by investment advisers from Connecticut who have expressed concerns that you would join the Commission with the intent to require investment advisers to register
with a self-regulatory organization, based on statements made during your tenure at FINRA. One of their letters to me stated:
[W]e have very serious concerns with her stated support for extending FINRA’s
reach to become the self-regulatory organization for investment advisers. Investment advisers are already subject to strict oversight and examination by the
SEC and any additional layer of bureaucracy would be redundant, inefficient
and confusing to the investing public. FINRA would be an especially poor fit
to regulate investment advisers because it is geared to police the brokerage industry which, as you know, is not held to the same fiduciary duty under law
as are investment advisers.

If confirmed, would you approach this issue and other issues affecting investment advisers with an open mind, independent of
past employment affiliations? Prior to taking any action in this
area, would you invite and consider the views of interested parties?
A.1. I will approach this and all issues with an open mind and consult broadly on actions that the Commission might take.
Q.2. Financial Professionals: Investor advocates have expressed
concerns that some registered representatives are marketing themselves as advisers without being subject to the same standards as
investment advisers, who have a fiduciary duty to place the customer’s interests first.
Do you feel that there should be increased regulatory attention
to requiring registered representatives to more accurately inform
their clients of the nature of the duties owed to the clients and distinguish themselves from those professionals who owe their clients
a fiduciary duty?
A.2. Whether or not a registered representative owes a client a fiduciary duty depends upon the activities that the representative
has undertaken to perform on the client’s behalf. SEC rules and
regulation should ensure that all investment professionals, whether
broker-dealers or investment advisers, accurately inform their clients of all relevant matters, including the scope of their responsibilities, fees, and conflicts of interest.
In addition, I believe that we need to have more uniform regulation across product lines and industries to help ensure that consumers receive the same basic regulatory safeguards and protections no matter which investment product or service they purchase.
Regulation of the U.S. financial industry is fragmented and inefficient. If a firm offers a security, an insurance product and a futures
contract, it will be subject to disparate regulatory standards for
each product imposed by different agencies. If the firm underwrites
mortgages, it may be subject to little substantive regulation.
Both the SEC and Treasury have noted the rapid and continued
convergence of the services provided by broker-dealers and investment advisers and the resulting regulatory confusion due to an outdated statutory regime. Most securities professionals are either
‘‘broker-dealers’’ or ‘‘investment advisers’’ under the federal securi-

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ties laws. Both offer financial advice for compensation and serve as
intermediaries between investors and the securities markets. However, broker-dealers are regulated under the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 and FINRA rules. Investment advisers are regulated
under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (Advisers Act), and are
not governed by any SRO.
Q.3. Transparency of SEC Decision-Making: I am pleased to hear
your intent to reconsider the proxy access issue. I want to raise an
issue about the Commission’s decision-making process that arose in
1990 when its interpretation that the shareholder proposal rules
allowed proxy access proposals was changed. From 1976 to 1990,
the Commission had a policy of, essentially, allowing shareholder
proxy access proposals. Then, staff in the Division of Corporation
Finance reversed this significant policy and denied proxy access in
a no-action letter decided for reasons that, as the Second Circuit
Court of Appeals said in the AFSCME v. AIG case, ‘‘the SEC has
not provided, nor has the Division ever provided.’’ This led to new
rulemaking (through which the Commission received many thousands of public comments).
If confirmed, would you have the Commission use transparent
decision-making processes on issues of such significance?
A.3. Yes.
Q.4. Shareholder Proposal Rule: If confirmed, would you preserve
and protect shareholders’ rights to raise important issues through
the shareholder proposal process consistent with the letter and
spirit of Rule 14a-8?
A.4. Yes.
Q.5. NRSRO Data Disclosure: If confirmed, would you consider the
potential benefits to investors and to the integrity of the markets
if Nationally Recognized Statistical Ratings Organizations were required to make available to the public more of the data they have
obtained from issuers in the course of formulating a credit rating
on securitizations, such as bond structure, types of assets (e.g., size
of and geographic locations of loans), debt service coverage, loan to
value statistics and services?
A.5. As we look at the entire area of NRSRO regulation, we will
consider this option.
Q.6. Cooperation with State Securities Regulators: State securities
regulators perform important work in protecting investors and
have made key contributions to national enforcement and education efforts over the years. If confirmed, would you fully cooperate with and support the work of State securities regulators?
A.6. Yes.
Q.7. Broker Voting: The Commission has before it a rule proposal
submitted by the New York Stock Exchange that would prevent
brokers from voting in elections for corporate directors without receiving instructions from the beneficial owner of the shares.
New York Stock Exchange Rule 452 allows brokers to vote on
certain ‘‘routine’’ proxy proposals if the beneficial owner has not
provided voting instructions at least 10 days before a scheduled
meeting. The uncontested election of directors is among the pro-

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posals the NYSE has considered to be routine. Some investors have
long argued that director elections are not routine. The Council of
Institutional Investors has noted that some observers have said
that broker votes are virtually always cast for management, and
believes that the rule taints the integrity of proxy voting by effectively stuffing the ballot box for management.
In April 2005, the NYSE created a Proxy Working Group to review the exchange’s regulation of proxy voting. In October 2006,
the NYSE submitted for SEC approval a plan to redefine director
elections as ‘‘non-routine,’’ in effect eliminating uninstructed broker
votes from director elections. The SEC staff responded to the proposal with comments. Subsequently, the NYSE board resubmitted
the original proposal with an amendment to exclude board elections
at investment companies (mutual funds).
If confirmed, would you seek for the Commission act on the issue
of broker voting within a reasonable period of time?
A.7. Yes.
Q.8. Review of Disclosures by Public Companies involved with
Securitizations: If confirmed, would you ask the Commission staff
to carefully review disclosures in periodic filings of public companies that were extensively involved with securitizations, such as investment banks, during the past few years for compliance with
Federal securities laws and to take any appropriate enforcement
A.8. Yes.
Q.9. Public Company Disclosures: In light of the recent credit crisis
and its damage to the values of investments, are there any additional public disclosures that you would recommend the Commission require public companies in the securities or banking industries, particularly those involved with securitizations, to make for
the protection of investors?
A.9. This is an issue that we review carefully. It is essential that
investors have a full assessment of the risks of the companies they
own or seek to own.
Q.10. Accounting Restatements: The SEC has received the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Improvements to Financial Reporting (CIFiR). A tremendous amount of work went into
this analysis and some recommendations have been uniformly
praised. However, others have drawn criticism for excessively limiting the circumstances under which errors in financial reports
have to be restated—by making it easier to deem quantitatively
large errors to be immaterial and by encouraging greater deference
toward judgments by public companies and their auditors. Some retail and institutional investors are concerned that these would undermine reliability and comparability of financial disclosures, and
undo improvements to accounting made in the wake of the Enron
and WorldCom scandals. They argue that continued efforts should
be made to reduce the number of errors, rather than reducing the
number of errors that have to be restated.
If confirmed, would you seek to protect investors and preserve
and enhance the integrity of the financial reports of public companies by advocating improvements in the quality of accounting, so

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that the number of errors would be reduced, and by requiring appropriate accounting restatements?
A.10. Yes.
Q.11. GAAP and IFRS Accounting: Will you proceed cautiously and
carefully on any proposal to allow U.S. firms to file financial reports using International Financial Reporting Standards instead of
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, particularly while significant differences exist between the two standards and in the governance, independence and funding of the standard setters?
A.11. Yes.
Q.12. Mutual Recognition: Will you proceed cautiously and carefully on proposals relating to mutual recognition, and perform extensive analysis of the comparability of regulations, resources devoted to regulation, agency independence, rule of law, commitment
to investor protection and other key factors to assure the adequate
protection of U.S. investors, prior to taking any action?
A.12. Yes.
Q.13. Credit Default Swaps: Broadly speaking, how would you propose that the Commission address recent problems which have occurred in the over-the-counter derivatives markets? Do you support
the Commission’s recently adopted rule ‘‘Temporary Exemptions for
Eligible Credit Default Swaps To Facilitate Operation of Central
Counterparties To Clear and Settle Credit Default Swaps’’?
A.13. I think it makes sense to answer these questions in reverse
order. I do support the temporary exemptions for credit default
swaps. First, there is an overriding compelling need to reduce the
counter party risk that attaches to any bilateral contract and is not
transferred to a clearing agency for settlement. The temporary exemption does not exempt application of the federal anti-fraud rules,
applies only to credit default swaps not otherwise exempt from
SEC purview, applies to contracts entered into by sophisticated
customers as defined in the rule and allows clearing platforms to
be established without registration at this time with the Commission. Given the compelling risk of further possible systemic damage
without reducing these contracts to the guarantee of performance
that a clearing platform offers, I believe the temporary order is
warranted. The temporary rule itself asks a series of questions that
will allow the Commission to determine the future of the temporary rule and how it may better perfect its purposes.
I would direct that the Commission address recent problems in
the over-the-counter derivative markets from transparency and
market structure viewpoints. With estimates of $70 billion or more
in notional credit default swap contracts we have to understand
who is holding these positions. Clearly many of these contracts represent a leverage risk position rather than insurance for many participants. In the listed options markets we have position and exercise limits because of the perverse market effects that transpire in
their absence. We can’t determine the extent of such concerns in
the over-the-counter derivatives market if we don’t know the holdings of various participants.
Q.14. NASD Merger With NYSER: The New York Times in an article entitled ‘‘SEC Choice is Sued Over a Merger of Regulators,’’

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published on January 12, 2009, reported that two lawsuits by
FINRA members claim that, as Chairman and CEO of the NASD,
you made misleading statements to NASD members in order to obtain support to complete a merger of the New York Stock Exchange
Regulation and the NASD. The alleged misstatements reportedly
were to the effect that the I.R.S. in a ruling limited the NASD from
paying each member more than $35,000.
Were the representations that you made accurate and consistent
with applicable law?
A.14. The NASD, as is FINRA, was a Delaware non-stock corporation exempt from federal taxation under Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code. As such, (and under its own corporate charter) the corporation’s assets cannot inure to the benefit of its members. The faulty premise of the lawsuits is the belief that the assets
were the property of the members. We were working to obtain a
ruling from the IRS that would allow the proposed distribution but
there was not any guaranty that such a payment would be allowed.
The statements made were accurate representations in the judgment of the Board and management as to the payment that could
be made under applicable law.
Q.15. FINRA Regulatory Authority: FINRA and its predecessor,
the NASD, have had broad authority to examine and investigate
members and their associated persons, and perform periodic exams,
pursuant to their corporate rules and bylaws as well as the Federal
securities laws. Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC was
founded in 1960 and the firm was registered as a broker-dealer
with FINRA and its predecessor, the NASD. In 2006, this firm additionally registered as an investment advisor (there was not a separate corporation). The press reports that Madoff operated a fraudulent ‘‘Ponzi scheme’’ for decades from the premises of the brokerage firm, using discretionary accounts which were charged trading
commissions but not advisory fees.
You indicated that ‘‘FINRA had jurisdiction over Madoff’s brokerdealer activities but not over its investment advisory activities.’’
Please identify the FINRA and NASD rules and bylaws or securities laws that, as has been indicated to the Committee, have prevented FINRA and NASD from examining for fraudulent activity
such as Madoff’s during the extensive period this fraud reportedly
was taking place.
Also, please describe how FINRA and NASD distinguished between ‘‘broker-dealer activities’’ and ‘‘advisory activities’’ when determining what they could look at in an examination of Bernard L.
Madoff Securities LLC or associated persons.
A.15. Section 15A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 establishes the statutory jurisdiction of FINRA. That section authorizes
FINRA to ‘‘enforce compliance by its members and persons associated with its members, with the provisions of [the Securities Exchange Act], the rules and regulations thereunder, the rules of the
Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’’ and FINRA rules. Under
our fractured system, broker-dealers are regulated under the Securities Exchange Act and investment advisers are regulated under
the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Section 15A does not authorize FINRA to enforce compliance with the Investment Advisers

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Act—even when a broker-dealer also conducts investment adviser
activities. Authority to enforce the Investment Advisers Act is
granted solely to the SEC and to the states.
Madoff Securities represented, and the books and records it provided to examiners showed that, but for a de minimis number of
employees, it had no customer accounts. In its regulatory filings
and examinations, the Madoff BD has consistently represented
itself as a wholesale market-making firm that also conducted proprietary trading and that had counterparty relationships with
other BDs, which sent order flow to the Madoff BD for execution.
The Madoff BD has consistently reported that 90 percent of its revenue comes from proprietary trading and 10 percent comes from
market making. There was no evidence in the Madoff firm’s BD
books of the BD executing trades for the IA business or of any customer account statements being issued by the BD.
Q.16. FINRA Enforcement Statistics: The Wall Street Journal published a front-page article on January 15, 2009, that describes
FINRA enforcement metrics over recent years. It stated, for example, that: ‘‘Finra levied fines against financial firms totaling $40
million in 2008, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis. That
was the third straight annual decline in fines levied by Finra or
one of its predecessor agencies, the NASD. The total was 73 percent below the $148.5 million in fines collected in 2005, the year
before Ms. Schapiro took the helm of the NASD.’’ [‘‘Obama’s Pick
to Head SEC Has Record of Being a Regulator with a Light Touch,’’
The Wall Street Journal, January 15, 2009.]
Please describe the major reasons for changes in the amount of
fines levied by FINRA in the years since 2005.
A.16. Fine levels for 2007–08 are in fact lower than the 2004–06
time frame, but are higher than the prior time period. The 2004–
06 numbers were driven by a small number of high fine settlements involving the mutual fund and research analyst scandals. It
is important to note that I have been responsible for the Enforcement program at NASD/FINRA since 1996, including the 2004–06
time frame that saw record high fines.
Q.17. Cooperation with NTEU: If confirmed, would you work cooperatively with the National Treasury Employees Union?
A.17. Yes.

Q.1. In connection with the Madoff matter, FINRA has maintained
that it was unable to look into the activities in question. Two May
2001 news articles discussed concerns about Madoff’s money management activities and the links between those activities and its
broker-dealer activities. See, Erin E. Arvedlund, ‘‘Don’t Ask, Don’t
Tell: Bernie Madoff Is So Secretive, He Even Asks His Investors To
Keep Mum,’’ Barron’s (May 7, 2001) and Michael Ocrant, ‘‘Madoff
Tops Charts; Skeptics Ask How,’’ MAR/Hedge (May 2001). Further,
Madoff’s 2006 Form ADV noted that the Madoff was compensated
for investment advisory services through commissions. What is the
specific legal constraint that would have prevented FINRA exam-

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iners from looking into whether those commissions were reflected
in the books of the broker-dealer or otherwise asking questions
about investment advisory activities’ connection with the firm’s
brokerage activities? Would the normal course have been for
FINRA examiners to ask questions about these allegations about
Madoff’s firm and then refer them to the SEC if they appeared
credible, but related solely to advisory activities? To your knowledge, did FINRA make any referrals to the SEC related to the
Madoff firm?
A.1. Section 15A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 establishes
the statutory jurisdiction of FINRA. That section authorizes FINRA
to ‘‘enforce compliance by its members and persons associated with
its members, with the provisions of [the Securities Exchange Act],
the rules and regulations thereunder, the rules of the Municipal
Securities Rulemaking Board’’ and FINRA rules. Under our fractured system, broker-dealers are regulated under the Securities Exchange Act and investment advisers are regulated under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Section 15A does not authorize
FINRA to enforce compliance with the Investment Advisers Act—
even when a broker-dealer also conducts investment adviser activities. Authority to enforce the Investment Advisers Act is granted
solely to the SEC and to the States.
Typically an investment adviser is compensated in the form of a
flat fee or an asset based fee, while a broker-dealer is compensated
through commissions. However, an investment adviser also could
be compensated in the form of commissions. As a matter of fact, in
2005 the SEC adopted, and in 2007 reproposed, a rule that requires that any broker-dealer that exercises investment discretion
over customer accounts register as an investment adviser, even if
its compensation for that business comes in the form of commissions.
The fact that Madoff’s advisory business was apparently compensated through commissions did not compel it to be run through
a broker-dealer. In fact, in 2006 the SEC required him to register
as an investment adviser even after he apparently asserted to the
SEC that he was being compensated in the form of commissions.
The SEC did not require Madoff to run his investment adviser
business through the broker-dealer; in fact, he did not execute any
of his trades for that business through the broker-dealer. The
broker-dealer was a wholesale market maker and there was no reason to suspect that it was offering an advisory business as well.
We have found no records of referrals from NASD or FINRA to
the SEC regarding Mr. Madoff.
Q.2. Given FINRA’s position that the Madoff Ponzi scheme took
place outside the broker-dealer, do you think that it is appropriate
for SIPC to be involved in the liquidation of the firm and the processing of the claims of Madoff’s victims?
A.2. I am not privy to SIPC’s legal or investigative analysis at this
time. Historically, however, I believe that SIPC has compensated
victims of securities fraud when those customers have been led to
believe that they were customers of a broker-dealer, irrespective of
the fact that there was no record of them being customers of a registered broker-dealer.

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Q.3. As president of NASD starting in 1996, you were responsible
for the examination and enforcement programs. Knowing what you
now know about the Madoff fraud, are there any steps that you
could have taken to make it more likely that your staff would have
detected the fraud? After learning of the fraud, what steps did you
direct your staff at FINRA to take to determine whether other
firms are engaging in fraudulent activity?
A.3. The ease with which market participants can move an advisory business outside the broker-dealer makes it extraordinarily
difficult for FINRA to detect such a Ponzi scheme. Historically,
Ponzi schemes are among the most difficult to detect, because the
essence of the fraud is the absence of customer complaints until the
fraud collapses. In order to discover a Ponzi scheme, an examiner
needs the ability to verify information provided by the perpetrator,
such as by making inquiries to the custodian of the securities (if
there is one), the auditor, or the customers.
FINRA does examine for fraud within a broker-dealer. We also
have an active automated fraud detection program, although admittedly it focuses on trading activity in the secondary market. At
my direction, FINRA staff is in the process of launching two broad
reviews, one involving custody issues in joint broker-dealer/investment advisers, and the other involving the role of broker-dealers as
feeders or finders to money managers such as Madoff. On the latter
issue, many finders and feeders are registered as investment advisers, not as broker-dealers.
Q.4. As chairman of the SEC, you will be responsible for making
changes to the SEC’s enforcement and inspections programs to,
among other things, increase the likelihood that frauds of the magnitude of the Madoff Ponzi scheme get detected before billions of
dollars are lost. What kinds of changes to the inspections and enforcement programs do you have in mind and what characteristics
will you look for in selecting heads of your enforcement and inspection programs?
A.4. I look forward to the Inspector General’s review of the Madoff
matter. Pending that, it goes without saying that the investing
public demands nothing less than the most aggressive, creative,
and collaborative enforcement and examination program possible. I
will remove the procedural limitations that have been put in place
over the past few years, and ensure that these programs have all
the tools, technologies and resources available to them. I also plan
to centralize the responsibility for receiving and tracking tips received by the agency. But as important, I will ensure that our programs view themselves as part of a community of regulators, and
I will stress cooperation and the free flow of information between
federal, state, and SRO enforcement groups. It’s difficult to say
whether that flow might have detected the Madoff fraud earlier,
but it is clear that segmentation of information can permit frauds
to avoid detection for longer periods of time.
Q.5. In your testimony you have stated that, ‘‘First and foremost,
if confirmed as Chairman, I will move aggressively to reinvigorate
enforcement at the SEC. With investor confidence shaken, it is imperative that the SEC be given the resources and the support it
needs to investigate and go after those who cut corners, cheat in-

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vestors, and break the law.’’ Is it your view that the reason for the
SEC’s recent failure to discover the Madoff fraud was a lack of resources and if so, on what do you base that determination? Do you
believe that before we can discuss the need for more resources,
there needs to be an in-depth consideration of how the SEC has
been utilizing the resources it presently has at its disposal?
A.5. It is not clear to me yet what the cause or causes were that
led to the SEC’s failure to stop the Madoff fraud. I agree that an
in-depth analysis is required to ensure the right tools are put in
the right places, and such an analysis will be one of my first priorities.
Q.6. Last year, the SEC reproposed long-awaited amendments to
investment advisor disclosure in an effort to give investors easy access to critical information about the people who manage their
money. What are your plans with respect to revamping investment
advisor disclosure and making it more accessible to investors?
A.6. As you note, in March 2008 the SEC reproposed for comment
changes to Part 2 of the Form ADV, which is the disclosure document given to clients of investment advisers. The changes are intended to replace the current ‘‘check-the-box’’ model with narrative
disclosures written in plain English. As a general matter, I support
providing investors with disclosures that are clear, complete and
written in a manner that the average person can understand. I intend to closely review this proposal, as well as public comments, to
ensure that we will be providing critical information to investors in
the most user-friendly manner possible.
Q.7. Do you plan to revisit the question of whether there needs to
be greater uniformity in the regulation of broker-dealers and investment advisors that provide similar services to investors?
A.7. It is clear from the RAND study that was commissioned by the
SEC, that investors are confused by the differences between investment advisers and broker-dealers, the services they each provide,
how they are compensated and how they are regulated. I will revisit the question of whether investors would be better served by
greater uniformity.
Q.8. You have been widely commended for your role in overseeing
the merger of the NASD and NYSE Regulation into the newly created entity, FINRA. There are, however, some critics, who argue
that certain firms, particularly small ones, were disadvantaged by
the merger and cite NASD misrepresentations about constraints on
the amount of cost-savings it could pass on to member firms. How
do you respond to these critics? What steps will you take as chairman of the SEC to ensure that the voices of small broker-dealers
and investment advisors are heard?
A.8. Contrary to the views of these critics I believe that the merger
actually served to lock in significant representation of regulated
firms, large and small, at a time when the trend was in the direction of taking Board representation away from the industry. I believe that the balance struck between representation of large firms
that account for a very large proportion of the securities business
in the United States and the small firms that are large in number
but which do a very small proportion of the business, was fair and

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equitable to both sectors. The smaller firms represent an important
form of access to the markets for many individual investors. It is
therefore important that the rules applicable to the industry take
into account the risks inherent in the variety of business models
of firms, for example whether they hold customer funds and securities, and not impose burdens not necessary for the protection of investors. As I have at FINRA, I will consult broadly, through the notice and comment process, and other means, to gather the views of
interested parties.
Q.9. What are your ideas for improving the communication and coordination among different parts of the SEC?
A.9. I will set a tone from the very beginning that I expect complete communication and coordination among divisions and nothing
less will be acceptable. I plan to have senior staff meet regularly
to discuss all ongoing and planned initiatives. I will explore the
possibility of staff rotations to encourage greater understanding of
the work of all divisions. In some areas, like the handling of tips,
where miscommunication seems to have caused serious breakdowns, I intend to centralize the function and track the results
which will be shared with the Commission and senior staff.
Q.10. What role do you see for economists at the SEC and how has
FINRA used economic analysis?
A.10. FINRA has a small economics analysis group that assists the
policy makers in understanding economic trends, keeping current
with economic literature and dissecting how particular products
will function in different economic cycles. This group is an excellent
resource for the entire organization. I believe the SEC would benefit from a similar group that provides support and expertise to the
Commission and staff.
Q.11. What changes, if any, are you thinking about to streamline
the approval process for self-regulatory organizations’ rules while
still affording interested parties an opportunity to weigh in on
those rules?
A.11. I am committed to ensuring that the SEC’s resources are
used as effectively as possible. I would be interested in streamlining the rule approval process for SRO rules where those rules
do not implicate investor protection or other issues that should be
subjected to the notice and comment process.
Q.12. Over the past several years, a number of the SEC’s rules
have been invalidated in court. In addition, we saw the rapid demise of the consolidated supervised entity program, a program that
was not authorized by statute. What steps will you take to ensure
that the SEC is acting within its statutory authority?
A.12. First of all, I would note that all State and Federal agency
rulemaking is generally subject to legal challenge and subsequently
set aside because the agency believed it had legal authority with
which courts subsequently disagreed.
I would require that we first have a clear and rationalized legal
basis for our actions before engaging in rulemaking. That would
not guarantee against legal challenge, but it does mean that the
matter would have been fully considered in advance and that statutory authority is a matter of first concern. If we lack the authority

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to engage in rulemaking that we believe is necessary, we will engage Congress in that discussion.
Q.13. The SEC has been accused of short circuiting the notice and
comment rulemaking required by the Administrative Procedure
Act. What steps do you plan to take to ensure that the SEC adheres to the notice and comment requirements for rulemaking?
A.13. Again there can be reasonably different interpretations as to
the notice provisions required under the Administrative Procedure
Act. Building on my prior answer that our statutory authority and
obligations will be the first order of determination in any decision
or rule making, I would add that, absent systemic, market or investor emergency where we believe the Commission has the authority
to act under the law, I would err on the side of Notice and Comment. My track record at FINRA demonstrates that well over 90
percent of our proposed rule making went out for Notice and Comment before it was sent to the SEC (and there is nothing in federal
law or the SEC rules that required such Notice and Comment).
Consequently, I bring a notice and comment bias based on prior experience because it is an extremely valuable discipline.
Q.14. During your first stint at the SEC, you recognized that there
were problems with the SEC’s treatment of credit rating agencies.
Since then, Congress passed the Credit Rating Agency Reform Act
of 2006 and the SEC adopted rules under that statute. Unfortunately, these rules came too late to prevent the great failings of
credit rating agencies in connection with subprime securitizations.
Subsequently, the SEC has adopted additional rules. Will you support the proposals to eliminate credit ratings from the SEC’s rules?
A.14. The current business model under which credit rating agencies operate is flawed because the issuers themselves pay for the
ratings that they receive. I believe that the SEC should consider
other compensation models that do not present these fundamental
conflicts of interest. For example, fees collected by securities exchanges or regulatory authorities might be a more appropriate
source of credit rating agency compensation. Reform of the system
under which credit agencies operate should be undertaken hand in
hand with an analysis of the appropriate role and use of these ratings under SEC rules.
Q.15. What role should the SEC have in regulating credit default
A.15. I believe that the Commission needs to move together with
its fellow regulators to rules that allow for the functioning of clearing agencies for credit default swaps. This is necessary in order to
reduce counter-party risk for these over-the-counter traded derivatives and to bring increased transparency to these markets. It is
critical that we have efficient and effective oversight of the clearing
agencies at the Federal level.
Q.16. Do you think that the SEC’s decision to impose a short sale
ban on financial stocks last fall, a decision that Chairman Cox recently called into question, was appropriate?
A.16. The SEC’s series of orders last fall, led to some confusion and
uncertainty in the markets. Whether or not these orders were a
mistake, I think it is critical for the agency to take a fresh look at

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short-selling and determine an approach that will not require continuously acting on an emergency basis.
Q.17. The SEC is facing a number of important accounting issues,
including issues related to International Financial Reporting
Standards and fair value accounting. What will your priorities be
in this area and what plans do you have for working with other entities such as the SEC’s international counterparts and the FASB,
A.17. The SEC’s roadmap for IFRS implementation is currently out
for comment. I am anxious to review the comment letters and determine whether the roadmap as currently proposed is sufficient to
ensure that the accounting standards used by US issuers will continue to be of the highest quality. The SEC has also recently published its findings with respect to Fair Value Accounting. I will
move quickly to examine the recommendations suggested in that
report to determine what changes may be appropriate.
Cooperation with PCAOB, FASB, and IASB will be essential in
addressing both of these issues. I hope to build a more positive and
cooperative relationship among all of the entities.
Q.18. Do you have any specific plans with respect to business development companies, which are a source of capital for small and
mid-sized companies?
A.18. I recognize the importance of a healthy small business sector
to our economy. I have no specific plans at this time with respect
to business development companies, but will be very interested to
explore these issues.
Q.19. You have spent almost all of your career as a regulator. This
background has provided you with an excellent understanding of
how regulatory agencies work and deep insight into ways that the
regulatory process can be improved. How will you compensate for
the fact that you have not spent a significant amount of time in
the private sector and therefore have not had to implement new
regulations in a business context with the attendant concerns for
regulatory costs and legal liability?
A.19. At FINRA, I made it a practice to solicit broadly the views
of those who are ultimately responsible for implementing regulations. Through the notice and comment process, advisory committees and roundtables, we will give interested parties the opportunity to provide business and operational context to our rulemaking. Equally, we will solicit the views the investors and others
who are affected by our rules.
Q.20. There has been talk of FINRA—and before that, the NASD—
adding investment advisors to the portfolio of firms that it regulates. This idea is controversial. If you are asked to weigh in on
this debate in your new role as chairman of the SEC, what steps
will you take to consider all sides of the issue of whether an SRO
is appropriate for investment advisors and, if so, whether FINRA
should be that SRO?
A.20. I believe that investor protection requires us to look beyond
the title of the person providing financial services. Whether the
provider is an investment adviser or a broker dealer, the investor
desires high quality service and comparable regulatory protections.

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I will be open to all possibilities for achieving this result, including
the possibility of an SRO for advisers, but I have not concluded by
any means, that that is the only possible approach.
Q.21. What role do you believe the SEC should play in a reformed
regulatory structure?
A.21. The mission of the SEC is to protect investors; maintain fair,
orderly, and efficient markets; and to facilitate capital formation.
I believe that it is essential that the SEC continue to pursue this
mission in a reformed regulatory structure. This can best be
achieved through preserving and strengthening the many critical
functions that the SEC performs today.
Preservation and strengthening of the many critical functions of
the SEC are essential in a reformed regulatory structure.

Q.1. Beginning to restructure the financial services’ regulatory
structure is a complicated undertaking, and one that this Committee will spend much time addressing. What do you believe is the
starting point for restructuring at the SEC? What is the number
one structural regulatory deficiency at the SEC that needs to be
corrected by Congress?
A.1. I believe the starting point for regulatory reform must rest on
two principles. The first is that systemically important financial institutions and products must be brought under the regulatory umbrella. The second is that our focus must be equally upon the management and limitation of systemic risk on one hand, and the protection of investors through rigorous business conduct regulation,
on the other.
Q.2. As you know, Native American issues are important in my
state of South Dakota. The Regulation D definition for ‘‘governments’’ inadvertently did not explicitly include Tribal governments
when it was created. As a result, Tribes are the only governments
required to register with the SEC and are currently excluded as
‘‘accredited investors.’’ This makes raising money costly in Indian
Country and has had the perverse effect of preventing successful
Tribes from investing in emerging Tribes. Would you support a
simple regulatory fix to recognize Tribal governments as government, and equalize access to the capital markets?
A.2. This is an important issue. I will study the implications of recognizing Tribal governments and will look forward to discussing
the issue with you.
Q.3. What you will do to stop the illegal practice of naked short
selling? Do you believe Regulation SHO (pronounced ‘‘show’’)
should be amended? In 2007, the SEC rescinded the ‘‘uptick rule.’’
Do you believe this rule should have been rescinded?
A.3. I intend, as quickly as possible, to engage in a full review of
the SEC’s actions with respect to short selling, including an evaluation of whether the uptick rule should be reinstated.
Q.4. Do you feel that the executive compensation disclosure rules
are adequate and would you propose any changes?

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A.4. Executive compensation disclosure is of enormous interest to
the SEC, Congress, and the public. The SEC recently strengthened
the disclosure requirements and has been engaged in a dialogue
with public companies about the quality of their disclosure. I am
committed to requiring public companies to present clear, cogent,
and full disclosure of executive compensation and how compensation decisions are made.
Q.5. There have been many concerns about how accounting issues
contributed to our current economic crisis. What do you believe
should be the relationship between the SEC and FASB? What do
you believe should be relationship between the SEC and PCAOB
(Public Company Accounting Oversight Board)? Would you propose
any changes to either of these two relationships?
A.5. The SEC has statutory authority to establish financial accounting and reporting standards for public companies. The agency
has relied on the private sector—FASB—to fulfill this function,
under the Commission’s oversight. I believe in the U.S. model of
independent standard setters, so long as the standard setters operate in the public interest. I also believe that the creation of the
PCAOB to protect investors by promoting informative, fair and
independent audit reports, under the oversight of the SEC was an
important development. It is critical that the SEC have a strong relationship with both of these entities. I am not certain at this
point, whether changes are necessary.
Q.6. What are your thoughts on the adequacy of current funding
for the SEC?
A.6. While I have not yet had an opportunity to engage in a careful
review of the SEC’s budget and allocation of resources, it is clear
that the agency’s funding has been severely constrained over the
past several years. I am looking forward to working with Congress
to secure the resources necessary to fund the SEC at a level commensurate with its responsibilities.

Q.1. When will the SEC finalize the updating of the Financial Responsibility Rules for broker-dealers under Rule 15c3-3 to permit
government-only money market funds to be used in meeting reserve deposit requirements, and by allowing money market funds
to be used as collateral where broker-dealers borrow securities from
customers and others?
A.1. On March 9, 2007, the SEC proposed amendments to several
of the broker-dealer financial responsibility rules, including Rule
15c3-3. On May 17, 2007, the Commission extended the comment
period. The amendments remain pending before the Commission. I
look forward to considering them after I arrive at the agency.

Q.1. Would a merger or rationalization of the roles of the SEC and
CFTC be a valuable reform?

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A.1. How best to structure the regulatory oversight of our financial
markets is a subject that deserves careful consideration by the
Congress, the Administration and the independent regulatory bodies. As I said in my testimony, the SEC performs essential functions and it is vital that all of the current functions of the SEC be
preserved. I think we need to carefully examine what is the best
way to preserve and strengthen these functions while filling in the
regulatory gaps that currently exist, including those between the
SEC and the CFTC.
Q.2. Recent events in the credit markets have highlighted the need
for greater attention to risk management practices and the
counterparty risk in particular. The SEC recently promised to issue
a key exemption that would allow various initiatives to offer clearing services for credit default swaps. Do you agree that interim
temporary final rules need to be issued as soon as possible to allow
these important initiatives to proceed? Additionally, do you believe
that these vital markets need to remain open and functioning?
A.2. Clearly the Commission needs to move with its fellow regulators to rules that allow for the functioning of clearing agencies for
credit default swaps. This is necessary in order to reduce counterparty risk for these over-the-counter traded derivatives and to
bring increased transparency to these markets. One of the contributing factors to the current crisis has been an inability to more precisely size the volumes of these contracts and the notional underlying value. Further, despite past practices that created risk that
was both excessive and difficult to quantify, when properly managed these products are important risk management tools, and the
SEC should take the necessary steps to ensure they remain functioning.
Q.3. The SEC recently implemented changes to regulation SHO. It
is my understanding that a number of commenter’s suggested that
because of a technical issue these changes have resulted in less liquidity in the securities lending market and this has forced securities firms to try to borrow funds from financial institutions rather
than allowing them to borrow from each other. This could be addressed by simply altering the timing of closing out the trade. In
an environment where credit is tight, should the SEC alter this
rule to address these concerns rather than taking already limited
funds out of the financial sector?
A.3. The SEC’s recent actions in the area of short selling, including
emergency orders issued last year and the more recent interim
final temporary rule, have been intended to address continuing
concerns about the potential impact of ‘‘naked’’ short selling on the
already weakened financial markets. While certainly not all short
selling is fraudulent, ‘‘naked’’ short selling—where the securities
sold are not delivered on settlement date and there is then a fail
to deliver to the buyer of the security—may deprive shareholders
of the benefits of ownership, such as voting and lending, and can
facilitate manipulative activity, further undermining critical investor confidence. The SEC, through its temporary rulemaking, has
imposed stricter time frames for delivery of securities by short sellers until July 2009. The SEC’s Office of Economic Analysis has
been monitoring closely the impact of these new requirements and

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has already reported a significant decline in fails to delivers. I intend to review the full results of the Office of Economic Analysis
study and other relevant considerations before determining whether a continuation of these new restrictions is warranted.
Q.4. Many financial institutions are subject to regulation and oversight as both a broker-dealer and investment adviser. How do you
propose to strengthen the regulation and oversight of their activities and improve investor protection, while insuring that the regulatory burdens do not hurt competition and place professional financial advice and services out of the reach of all but the wealthiest Americans?
A.4. First, it is interesting to note that the least regulatorily burdened investment areas—buyout funds, private equity, and hedge
funds—have traditionally been available to only the wealthiest
Americans. Broker-dealers that service the full spectrum of Americans all operate under essentially the same regulatory burdens
when it comes to investor protection. All investment professionals
who serve the public should be subject to similar standards of investor protection (but not always by identical rules) and there is no
reason to believe that this would price services beyond the wealthiest Americans. The biggest regulatory costs for broker-dealers come
from systems to execute and report trades on an automated basis
and investment advisors would not incur those costs. Existing law
already requires investment advisors to have compliance officers
and policies and procedures. I believe we can level investor protection across financial services providers without driving costs to a
level where competition is hampered.
Q.5. Should the SEC act in the near future on proposals to toughen
rules for credit rating agencies?
A.5. I strongly agree that we need strengthened rules for regulating the credit agencies. One of the main problems in this area
is resolving conflicts of interest in the compensation model for credit rating agencies. There are a lot of proposals being discussed now
to deal with this. I believe we should explore them and move quickly to a conclusion—and I intend to make sure that we implement
rigorous oversight and enforcement.

Q.1. Market Oversight: In 1998, former Securities and Exchange
Chairman Arthur Levitt, Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers,
and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan all opposed an attempt by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to
examine the over-the-counter (OTC) swaps market and then supported statutory restrictions on the SEC’s and CFTC’s authority
over swaps in the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000
(CFMA). Former Chairman Levitt recently stated that he now regrets the position he took during those years: ‘‘The market was too
large, too explosive in growth to merely allow pure market forces
to suffice as self-regulatory mechanisms. I have some regrets about
it, clearly.’’ In October 2008, Mr. Levitt wrote:

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Our Nation’s financial markets are in the midst of their darkest hour in 76
years. We are in this situation because of an adherence to a deregulatory approach to the explosive growth and expansion of America’s major financial institutions. Our regulatory system failed to adapt to important, dynamic and potentially lethal new financial instruments as the storm clouds gathered.

a. Do you agree with former Chairman Levitt’s statement that
our regulatory system has failed to adapt to the development of
new financial instruments and that the positions taken in 1998–
2000 to deregulate markets was, in retrospect, a mistake?
b. Should SEC oversight be strengthened with respect to new financial products, including new derivative and complex structured
finance products, and, if so, how?
c. Would you support repealing the statutory prohibitions in the
CFMA on federal regulation of swaps? If so, should these swaps be
regulated as commodities or securities?
d. What would you do to get credit default swap clearing functions up and running?
A.1. As the events of this past year have made clear, one of the
problems with our financial regulatory architecture is that there
are large gaps in it, leaving important products and market actors
beyond the oversight of regulators. Investors deserve to have quality disclosure about all products, actors, and strategies so they can
make smart investing decisions, and our markets absolutely require this information, as well as a strong cop on the beat to enforce the rules of the road. With regards to swaps, I personally
have supported the repeal of statutory prohibitions in the CFMA
on the federal regulation of swaps and I believe that centralized,
mandatory clearing of standardized swaps should be required.
Q.2. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greespan testified in
October that he, too, now believes that the conceptual framework
underlying the deregulation of swaps in the CFMA was a mistake.
Mr. Greenspan testified: ‘‘I made a mistake in presuming that the
self-interests of organizations, specifically banks and others, were
such as that they were best capable of protecting their own shareholders and their equity in the firms. . . . So the problem here is
something which looked to be a very solid edifice and, indeed, a
critical pillar to market competition and free markets did break
a. Do you agree with Mr. Greenspan’s recent statements that the
financial collapse of 2008 has demonstrated the errors in the assumptions underlying the deregulatory approach in the CFMA?
Can we rely on market participants and unfettered free market
forces to prevent systemic risks and unreasonable price fluctuations?
b. Do you support stronger regulation of securities markets to
protect market participants and prevent systemic risks, and, if so,
c. Should SEC user fees be increased to fund additional oversight
A.2.a. I believe that markets need oversight and regulation to ensure that operate fairly.
b. I believe that all systemically important market participants
and products need to be brought under the regulatory umbrella.

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c. I have not yet had an opportunity to do a thorough review of
the SEC’s budget or resource allocation. It is probably safe to say
however, that the agency has not been funded at a level commensurate with its responsibilities. I believe additional oversight capability is essential and I look forward to working with Congress to
ensure that the agency has the resources it needs.
Q.3. What are your views on whether and how SEC oversight be
strengthened with respect to:
a. the holding companies of securities firms?
b. hedge funds?
c. companies that are not broker-dealers, but buy and sell financial swaps and other products, like AIG Financial Products?
A.3. I believe that all systemically important financial institutions
need to be regulated. I would specifically endorse the registration
of hedge funds.
Q.4. Should the SEC strengthen capital requirements for brokerdealers?
a. At the time they were made in 2004, did you support the revisions by the SEC to the net capital requirements rule? Do you support those changes at the current time or should the SEC restore
the prior rule?
b. Should the SEC impose stronger capital requirements on
broker-dealers that trade in over-the-counter derivatives or complex structured financial products?
A.4. I did not take any position in 2004 regarding the net capital
requirements rule. Moving forward, I believe that we need to
strengthen capital requirements across the board.
Q.5. What is your view of the relationship between the SEC and
federal banking agencies with respect to banks that buy and sell
securities? How can this relationship be improved?
A.5. It’s important that all the regulators in our system work collaboratively in ensuring that investors are protected and that the
markets are operating soundly. Moving forward, we need to close
the gaps in our regulatory system, a system that is too stove-piped
allowing determined market actors to avoid oversight. As we work
to reform the financial regulatory architecture this should be a priority.
Q.6. What lessons should be learned from the recent collapse of the
markets for asset-backed securities, collateralized debt obligations
(CDOs), structured investment vehicles (SIVs), and auction-rate securities? Should the SEC attempt to restore the markets for these
products? Should the SEC make distinctions between these categories of products and, if so, how and why?
A.6. The biggest lesson from these market collapses is that we cannot allow financially important products that have a massive impact on our markets and our economy to operate in our system
without high standards of oversight, transparency, and accountability. As Chair of the SEC, I will move aggressively with my fellow Commissioners and working with members of Congress to close
the gaps in our regulatory structure and bring these markets under

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Q.7. What needs to be done to resolve the conflicts of interest affecting credit rating agencies? What can be done to restore their
A.7. As early as 1994, I’ve called for stronger regulation of credit
rating agencies when, at that time, it became increasingly clear
that their importance to the markets was outstripping the amount
of oversight. Since then and especially this year, there are real
questions about conflicts of interest and transparency that have
surfaced. Moving forward on credit rating agency reform is a top
priority of mine. We need to examine how the rating agencies are
compensated, how they manage conflicts of interest, and what role
they should play in our markets. There are some interesting proposals out there that need to be studied. I look forward to working
with you on this issue.
Q.8. In 2004, Congress enacted legislation imposing a one-year
cooling-off period before federal bank examiners could take a job
with a bank they oversaw. If confirmed, would you support a similar cooling-off period for securities regulators?
A.8. Now more than ever, it’s critical that the SEC is able to attract a new group of highly qualified and motivated individuals to
serve in the agency. As we do that, we need to balance this need
with the highest standards of ethics and accountability for SEC
employees to ensure that the public good is always first and foremost in their minds. I look forward to working with you on this
matter and to learning from the bank regulators about their experience with post-employment restrictions.
Q.9. Financial Accounting Standards: What is your view of the relationship between the SEC and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)? What is your view on whether Congress should
legislate accounting rules?
A.9. The SEC needs to diligently oversee the FASB to ensure that
accounting rules are keeping pace with innovations in the markets
and the needs of investors of clear, usable financial reporting. I believe that FASB needs to be shielded from outside economic and political pressures, and that they and not Congress should write accounting rules.
Q.10. The SEC recently issued a report supporting the existing
mark-to-market valuation rules, but recommending some improvements. What is your view of the current mark-to-market valuation
A.10. We know that certain banks were not presenting investors
with the full picture of their financial health, utilizing off-balance
sheet vehicles and other accounting methods. This was a disservice
to investors as the integrity of the numbers is critical to their making smart investment decisions and to the smooth functioning of
our markets. While there are a lot of different views on whether
mark-to-market accounting contributed to this crisis, my personal
view is that it was not a significant factor. As Chair, I will read
the recent SEC report on this matter fully, talk with other regulators, and get their views as we move forward.
Q.11. Do you believe U.S. banks have fully applied mark-to-market
valuations to the structured finance transactions on their books, in-

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cluding asset-backed securities, credit default swaps, and CDOs?
Do you believe inaccurate valuations are currently impeding U.S.
credit markets? If confirmed, what actions would you take to insure
accurate book valuations for U.S. banks?
A.11. I am not in a position at this time to opine on whether U.S.
banks fully and appropriately applied mark to market valuations.
See above.
Q.12. Current SEC Chair Christopher Cox has indicated that he
thinks the SEC should allow U.S. publicly traded companies to use
international financial reporting standards (IFRS) issued by the
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) instead of U.S.
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in their financial
a. Do you believe the Sarbanes-Oxley Act allows the SEC to delegate the development of U.S. accounting standards to the IASB? If
confirmed, would you try to advance such a proposal?
b. Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act requiring auditors to
review a company’s internal controls has still not be applied to publicly traded small businesses. If confirmed, would you allow Section
404 to take effect for small businesses without additional delay?
A.12. When it comes to international accounting standards, it’s
critical that these standards are converged in a way that does not
kick off a race to the bottom. American investors deserve and expect high standards of financial reporting, transparency, and disclosure—along with a standard-setter that is free from political interference and that has the resources to be a strong watchdog. At
this time, it is not apparent that the IASB meets those criteria,
and I am not prepared to delegate standard-setting or oversight responsibility to the IASB.
Regarding, SOX 404, accurate, robust, and easy-to-understand financial reporting—and the internal controls that guarantee it—are
critically important to investors and to the efficient functioning of
our markets. Right now, we have a system where some issuers are
complying with 404 and others are still exempt from it. It’s time
that we bring uniformity to the system so that investors know
what to expect from companies, while being sensitive to the needs
of small businesses. I look forward to working with the small business community in making sure they have the tools they need to
comply with 404.
Q.13. What is your view of FASB’s accounting standard requiring
stock option compensation to be treated as an expense on corporate
financial statements? If confirmed, would you support efforts to
change this standard? If so, what changes would you support?
A.13. No, I would not support changing this decision.
Q.14. In 2004, the Office of the Comptroller (OCC) and the Office
of Thrift Supervision (OTS) in the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC),
and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a proposed Interagency Statement on Sound Practices Concerning Elevated Risk Complex Structured Finance Activities (‘‘Interagency
Statement on Sound Practices’’). In 2006, the same agencies issued
a revised proposal and, in 2007, a final statement.

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a. Did you participate in any discussions or provide any comments on the 2004, 2006, or 2007 guidance? If so, please describe
the circumstances, including the date, persons involved, and the
issues addressed.
b. Did you support the proposed guidance at the time it was
issued in 2004?
c. Did you support the revisions proposed in 2006 and adopted
in the final guidance at the time it was issued in 2007? Do you support those revisions now?
d. The Interagency Statement on Sound Practices became effective on January 11, 2007. According to the statement, the OCC,
OTS, Federal Reserve, FDIC, and SEC were to use the Statement
as guidance for reviewing the internal controls and risk management policies, procedures, and systems of financial institutions engaged in Complex Structured Finance Transactions (CSFTs) as
part of their ongoing supervisory process. Were you aware of this
guidance, and do you know if the guidance was regularly applied
and adhered to by securities firms since its effective date?
e. The Interagency Statement indicates that CDOs and credit default swaps (CDS) typically would not be considered to be CSFTs
subject to the guidance. In light of the role played by CDO and
CDS transactions in the current financial crisis, would you support
revising this approach so that CDO and CDS transactions are covered by the Interagency Statement on Sound Practices?
A.14. I did not participate in discussions surrounding the 2004,
2006, or 2007 guidance. I think it would be appropriate to consider
whether the Interagency Statement should be expanded.
Q.15. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board: What is your
view of the relationship between the SEC and the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)?
A.15. In addition to its oversight responsibilities, the SEC should
ensure that the PCAOB has what it needs to enforce the rules of
the road for auditors.
Q.16. Chairman Cox has indicated that he thinks the PCAOB
should stop inspecting auditing firms in other countries and instead delegate its inspection authority to foreign oversight bodies
where those firms are located. Do you believe the Sarbanes-Oxley
Act allows the SEC to make this delegation? If confirmed, would
you try to advance such a proposal?
A.16. No, I do not; and no, I will not.
Q.17. Financial Institutions Facilitating Tax Abuse: The U.S.
Treasury loses an estimated $100 billion each year from offshore
tax abuses, some of which are facilitated by broker-dealers. If confirmed, would you work with the IRS to curb such activities? Do
you support enactment of S. 681 from the 110th Congress, the
Levin-Coleman-Obama Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act?
A.17. Yes. I look forward to working with the Internal Revenue
Service, you, and other Senators to curb such activities.
Q.18. Some financial institutions are facilitating tax-dodging by
non-U.S. persons. In particular, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, which I chair, held a 2008 hearing

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showing that U.S. firms like Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers
and others have helped offshore hedge funds and others to avoid
payment of U.S. taxes on U.S. stock dividends, by assisting them
to convert taxable U.S. stock dividend payments into allegedly taxfree dividend equivalents or substitute dividend payments. If confirmed, would you support ending this activity by securities firms?
A.18. Yes.
Q.19. Investor Rights and Protections: Former SEC Chair William
Donaldson proposed establishing a mechanism to allow certain
shareholders of publicly traded corporations to nominate a candidate to the board of directors. If confirmed, would you support a
rule to allow shareholder nominations of some board members?
A.19. Yes. A central tenet of our market system is that shareholders are the owners of the company in which they hold shares,
and they should have a way to hold their representatives—members of the board of directors—accountable for their actions. Access
to the proxy has been debated for many years, and I believe it is
time for a thoughtful approach to proxy access for significant, long
term shareholders.
Q.20. What is your view of the compensation paid to executives
and market traders at financial institutions? If confirmed, would
you support a rule to allow shareholders to express an advisory
opinion on executive compensation?
A.20. Yes. Like you and millions of Americans, executive compensation has been a concern of mine for some time now, and I believe that it’s an appropriate measure to give shareholders an advisory vote on these matters.

Q.1. Members of the CEA provide the President advice and analysis concerning the state of the economy. What will be your first
piece of economic advice for our new President as a member of the
A.1. The first piece of advice that I gave the President-elect when
I joined the transition before Thanksgiving was to move swiftly and
boldly on an economic stimulus plan. After studying the forecasts
of both private firms and public agencies, as well as talking with
businesspeople and policymakers, I was deeply concerned about the
rate of deterioration of the economy. I believed that monetary policy could not do enough to stop the rapid decline, and felt that aggressive fiscal action was crucial.
If confirmed, my first piece of advice as CEA chair would be to
reiterate that view and then to stress the need to remain alert and
flexible. The President will need to work closely with the Congress
to pass a good stimulus bill quickly. We will then need to monitor
the economy closely. We must watch for new unexpected weak
spots in the economy that could require additional action. And,
should we be fortunate enough to have a very brisk recovery, we
may eventually need to be alert for signs of excessive strength and
bottlenecks in some areas.

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Q.2. Beginning to restructure the financial services’ regulatory
structure is a complicated undertaking, and one that this Committee will spend much time addressing. What do each of you believe is the starting point for restructuring? What is the number
one structural regulatory deficiency, in your opinion, that needs to
be corrected by Congress?
A.2. The key starting point for restructuring the regulatory structure is to recognize that any institution that acts like a bank, exposes the economy to systemic risk, and explicitly or implicitly has
the ability to borrow from the Federal Reserve or otherwise draw
on taxpayer resources in times of stress, needs to be regulated in
the same way that we regulate banks. The deregulatory actions
taken in recent decades allowed investment banks and other institutions to take on quasi-banking activities without being subject to
the same capital, monitoring, and oversight requirements we have
for banks. The result was the creation of highly leveraged institutions that were so large and so central to the financial markets
that their failure would bring down otherwise solvent financial institutions and lead to a catastrophic decline in financial services,
particularly lending. We must begin our regulatory reform by ensuring that this wide range of financial institutions adhere to sensible and prudent regulations.
Q.3. Much of your academic work has focused on economic recovery, specifically after the Great Depression and World War II.
What is similar in today’s environment to those periods of recovery? What is different?
A.3. A key similarity between the current situation and the Great
Depression of the 1930s is the central role of financial crises in
causing unemployment and economic contraction. In both episodes,
the decline in lending caused by turmoil in financial markets led
to devastating contractions in consumer spending and investment.
Thus, the kinds of actions that need to be taken are fundamentally
similar. We need to reform and revitalize the financial sector so
that it can lend again. And, we need to stimulate the overall economy so that we can directly counter some of the declining output
and rising unemployment caused by reduced spending.
A crucial difference in the two episodes involves the level of economic understanding. Perhaps the most important reason that the
Federal Reserve and other policymakers did so little as the economy spiraled downward in the early 1930s was that this was the
prevailing economic orthodoxy of the time. In the last 80 years,
economists and policymakers have learned dramatically more about
the operation of the economy and steps that can be taken to counteract macroeconomic shocks. That improved level of economic understanding should enable policymakers to devise effective policies.
The role of financial crises in the current downturn points out a
crucial difference from other postwar recessions. Most recessions
since World War II have been caused by tight monetary policy
aimed at reducing inflation. In these situations, it was relatively
straightforward to end the recessions: monetary policy needed to
switch from contractionary to expansionary. In the current episode,
interest rates were already fairly low when the downturn began. As
a result, monetary policy had less ability to respond aggressively.

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This difference makes a balanced approach, including timely fiscal
expansion, crucially important.
Q.4. What kind of policies do you think are our best shot at economic recovery? What role do you believe fiscal policy will play in
our recovery?
A.4. The problems facing our economy are sufficiently severe that,
in my judgment, it is essential that we use a wide range of policies
to bring about recovery. While monetary policy, the recapitalization
of financial institutions, and dealing with troubled assets are important, fiscal policy must play a central role. Fiscal policy provides
the most direct stimulus, which our economy sorely needs. Because
the weakness of our economy is broad and is expected to last a substantial time, it is important to have a broad fiscal program. Different types of fiscal policy help recovery in different ways. Tax
cuts to individuals and families and funds to cushion the most vulnerable provide immediate relief and relatively rapid stimulus.
Likewise, fiscal relief to the states will help in the near term to
mitigate reductions in spending on valuable programs and to prevent potentially counterproductive tax increases mandated by balanced-budget requirements. Business investment incentives also
work relatively quickly, and will spur investments that will increase our productive capacity. Programs of direct government
spending appear to have the largest ‘‘bang for the buck’’ in terms
of economic stimulus and job creation, and can fund investments
that will strengthen our economy in the long term. Because such
direct spending can take somewhat longer to initiate, this type of
stimulus will be most helpful in creating jobs later in the year and
throughout 2010. Finally, in thinking about direct spending, it is
important that it be spread broadly: there are many areas where
government investment would be valuable, and there are many
areas of weakness in the economy.

Q.1. Members of the CEA provide the President advice and analysis concerning the state of the economy. What will be your first
piece of economic advice for our new President as a member of the
A.1. My first piece of advice to the President will be that he should
release a significant foreclosure prevention plan to ease the drag on
the wider economy and the financial system.
Q.2. Beginning to restructure the financial services’ regulatory
structure is a complicated undertaking, and one that this Committee will spend much time addressing. What do each of you believe is the starting point for restructuring? What is the number
one structural regulatory deficiency, in your opinion, that needs to
be corrected by Congress?
A.2. The starting point for restructuring should be the realization
that getting rid of the rules of the road did not make the free market work better. It made it worse. It contributed to the lack of public trust in the financial system a fear of keeping money in the fi-

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nancial institutions. We need sensible oversight for the market to
To me, the number one structural deficiency in our regulatory
system is that we have designed a system where a series of institutions are regulated by who they are rather than by what they do.
In subprime lending, for example, two thirds of the loans were
made by non-banks. So the Federal Reserve was regulating banks
one way and non-banks did not have to follow the regulations despite being in exactly the same business. That is a recipe for a creating a financial crisis.
Q.3. Some of your academic research focuses on the Internet,
telecom, and other technology industries. What role do you see the
technology industries playing in our Nation’s economic recovery?
A.3. I certainly hope it will be a large role. Technology industries
and the information economy give this country an important area
that we can continue to lead in the coming years and where the
demand for the product has, historically, been less cyclical than the
demand for other goods. These technology industries are also particularly open to contribution from entrepreneurs and start-ups
which will be an important outlet for the economy in a period
where major employers are struggling.

Q.1. What will be my first piece of economic advice for our new
President as a member of the CEA?
A.1. I take seriously the role of the CEA as providing expert advice
to the President based on solid empirical and theoretical economic
analysis. The economic crisis in which we find ourselves is truly extraordinary, and we must continue to move quickly and boldly to
pull ourselves out of it. After that, however, my advice to the new
President would be to turn as quickly as possible to developing
policies and strategies for long-term investment that will ensure
continued growth and help our firms and workers to remain competitive and nimble in our increasingly global economy going forward. While clearly this task will require innovation in a variety
of areas, should I be confirmed, I would particularly look forward
to working with you and the new President to strengthen investments in our ‘‘human capital’’ through the education and training
Q.2. What do I believe is the starting point for restructuring of the
financial services’ regulatory structure? What is the number one
structural regulatory deficiency, in my opinion, that needs to be
corrected by Congress?
A.2. A good starting point for restructuring the financial services’
regulatory structure is to build in more accountability and transparency that reflects the financial sector of the 21st century. A key
structural deficiency that must be corrected by Congress is to
streamline the regulatory agencies. Not only is the current system
of overlapping and sometimes competing agencies inefficient, it
makes it difficult for regulators to provide adequate oversight of
this important sector of our economy.

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Q.3. As an economist whose primary research and teaching interests are in labor economics with a focus on the economics of education, what issue do you see as most pressing in your area of expertise? How will you advise the President-elect to address this
A.3. There are many pressing issues in education. Investing in our
youngest children is key, and we must strengthen our primary and
secondary schools—especially our secondary schools. However, an
area that is of primary concern to me is our system of higher education. The United States has always been a global leader in higher
education, and yet in recent years we have slipped behind in the
rate at which our students actually complete their studies. This is
particularly true in our community colleges. And yet, a college education is increasingly important in today’s economy. Should I be
confirmed, I would advise the President-elect to help our institutions of higher education to focus on the needs of students as well
as ensure that those who would like to go to college have the resources to do so.

Q.1. Mr. Tarullo, you have testified before this Committee about
the shortcomings of banking regulation well before the subprime
crisis erupted. As you assess what has happened since then, what
principles will guide your thinking about what the Congress, the
Federal Reserve, and other bank regulators should make to modernize our financial regulatory system?
A.1. In thinking about modernization of the financial regulatory
system, I will be guided by the six principles listed below. Some
measures needed to apply these principles can be made under existing authority of the regulatory agencies, while others may require legislative action by the Congress.
First, successful regulatory modernization must be forward looking. While it is important to make changes that would prevent
practices that led to the subprime crisis, it is essential to recognize
that financial stress usually does not recur in precisely the same
way as in a previous episode. We need a regulatory system that
can identify and respond, as necessary, to new risks to financial
Second, the rules and requirements designed to maintain safety
and soundness of individual financial institutions must be appropriate and enforceable benchmarks that allow effective monitoring
and, where necessary, prompt correction of capital, liquidity, and
risk management practices.
Third, a modern financial regulatory system must have the capacity to contain systemic risk, no matter what its source, and the
authority to achieve this goal. This means ensuring regulatory coverage of all systemically important institutions. It also means establishing measures to identify, and respond to, risks created in
interactions among financial actors.
Fourth, an effective financial regulatory system must ensure that
the regulatory and supervisory systems that govern individual financial institutions are effectively integrated with those designed

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to contain risks specifically arising from interactions among financial actors. That is, regulators commissioned with overseeing systemic stability must have sufficient involvement in the supervision
of specific financial institutions to determine how the various measures interact.
Fifth, the organization of, and allocation of functions among, our
regulatory agencies must be designed so that each regulatory mission delegated by the Congress will be vigorously pursued with
adequate authority and resources to realize that mission. Past
shortcomings in consumer protection in the area of financial services provide one example of a need for renewed attention.
And sixth, in attempting to implement these principles—and regulatory modernization more generally—it is essential to keep in
mind that the aim of financial regulation should be to establish
and maintain a financial system that allocates capital efficiently so
as to promote sustainable economic growth by providing investment opportunities and access to credit. The goal is not more or
less regulation as such, but the right forms of regulation to achieve
these ends.
Q.2. Dr. Fred Bergsten, Director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, wrote an op-ed article in The Washington Post
entitled ‘‘Globalizing the Crisis Response,’’ in which he makes the
following point, and I quote—
The current crisis originated in the United States but was importantly affected
by massive savings surpluses in some countries and the resulting surfeit of liquidity, which drove down interest rates here and encouraged irresponsible
lending here. These international imbalances were in turn partly caused by misaligned exchange rates.

Do you agree with Dr. Bergsten that the current financial crisis
has roots in the global savings surpluses in China and other Asian
nations that were accumulated at least in part by misaligned exchange rates?
A.2. I agree that an excess of savings over investment in many
emerging market countries, which raised the availability of credit
and lowered its cost, contributed to the conditions which gave rise
to the current crisis. It is difficult, however, to distinguish with
precision the contribution of these savings surpluses from developments in the United States and abroad that also encouraged reckless lending and excessive risk, such as the deterioration in underwriting standards, flaws in the ‘‘originate to distribute’’ model, the
over-reliance of financial institutions on short-term credit, and inadequate risk management. Similarly, misaligned exchange rates
were decidedly a factor in some emerging market economies’ current account surpluses and resultant export of capital to the United
States and other advanced economies. However, a number of other
factors also figured prominently in these external imbalances, including a protracted slump in investment spending in some East
Asian economies and soaring commodities prices, which boosted the
revenues of many commodity-exporting countries.
Q.3. Can you share with the Committee your views on the separation between banking and commerce? Specifically, what are your
views on Industrial Loan Companies?

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A.3. The question of whether, or to what extent, the mixing of
banking and commerce should be permitted is an important issue.
The decision has important ramifications for the structure of the
American financial system and the economy, particularly because
any widespread combinations of banking and commerce likely
would be irreversible. I believe any reversal of the Nation’s policy
concerning the mixing of banking and commerce should be made
only by Congress itself after legislative hearings, public debate, and
careful review of the potential benefits and costs to taxpayers, the
financial system, and the economy.
One area in which Congress has permitted the mixing of banking
and commerce is through the ownership of industrial loan companies (ILCs). The exception for ILCs in the Bank Holding Company
Act (BHC Act) allows any type of company—including a domestic
or foreign commercial firm—to acquire a federally insured bank
chartered in certain states without complying with the limitations
on banking and commerce that Congress has established for the
corporate owners of other full-service insured banks. Although the
number of exempt ILCs recently has declined (primarily through
the conversion of several financial owners of ILCs to bank holding
companies), the ILC exception in the BHC Act has the continuing
potential to undermine the policy that Congress has established on
the separation of banking and commerce.
Q.4. Do you believe in the Fed’s dual mandate for maximum employment and price stability? Are there approximate figures for the
Nation’s unemployment rate and inflation rate that match what
you believe to be maximum employment and price stability? If so,
can you share what those are?
A.4. I fully endorse the monetary policy mandate that Congress has
set out for the Federal Reserve of pursuing maximum employment
and price stability. These policy goals have served our economy
It is difficult to provide specific figures for the unemployment
rate and inflation rate that would best satisfy the Congressional
mandate. With regard to inflation, there are a number of different
measures of inflation, each with its own strengths, weaknesses,
and biases. As for employment, a fixed measure of ‘‘maximum employment’’ is not compatible with the fact that our economy develops and changes over time in response to changes in technology
and other factors.
Q.5. Can you inform the Committee of any periods in American
history where you believe that maximum employment was not
being reached or that price stability was not achieved? During
those periods, what actions do you believe the Fed should have undertaken to achieve its mandate?
A.5. The economy is subject to a variety of demand or supply
shocks that can pose a threat to the achievement of maximum employment and price stability. It is of course important for monetary
policy to respond appropriately to these developments. At some
times in the past, though, adherence to a particular monetary policy response well after a reduction in the risks associated with the
shock has itself contributed to an increase in other risks to achieving these goals. For example, during the 1970s, increases in the

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prices of oil and other commodities, along with a slowdown in the
rate of underlying productivity growth, contributed to a substantial
rise in inflation, which reached double-digit levels by the end of the
decade. Over time, high inflation became built into expectations
and distorted the decisions of businesses and households with adverse results for economic performance. A tighter policy stance
would have been appropriate to limit the rise in inflation. Had such
a policy been pursued earlier, it might well have avoided some of
the negative effects on employment that ensued from the very tight
monetary policy that was adopted in the early 1980s to bring inflation back down to lower levels.
As a result of the recession and the crisis in our financial markets, the Federal Reserve has lowered its short term interest rate
target to an effective rate of zero. The Fed has also exercised authority under the Federal Reserve Act to make a series of loans to
provide liquidity and that have had the effect of expanding the
Fed’s balance sheet. As a result, we find ourselves in an unprecedented period in which traditional monetary policy tools have been
exhausted and the Fed is using new methods to implement monetary policy.
Q.6. Do you believe that it is important that as the Federal Reserve begins to conduct monetary policy through non-traditional
means that it ensures that those actions are highly transparent?
A.6. I strongly believe that it is important for the Federal Reserve
to conduct its monetary policy actions in as transparent a manner
as is consistent with the effective achievement of its monetary policy goals, both in routine circumstances and in periods such as the
present when it must conduct policy using nontraditional tools.
Q.7. What are the advantages to conducting these operations in a
transparent manner?
A.7. Conducting such operations in a transparent manner supports
the overall accountability of the Federal Reserve to the Congress
and the public. Such accountability is always important, but it is
especially critical when nontraditional policy tools—which are less
familiar to the public, and entail somewhat greater risks, than traditional policy tools—are being employed. In addition, by improving
market understanding of these operations, such transparency helps
support public confidence that the Federal Reserve and the rest of
the government are implementing measures that will be effective
in strengthening financial markets and institutions and thus encouraging a resumption of sustainable economic growth.
Q.8. What are the costs associated with a lack of transparency in
the conduct of both traditional and non-traditional monetary policy?
A.8. Lack of transparency in the conduct of traditional and non-traditional monetary policy would tend to undercut the effectiveness
of policy actions. In the case of traditional monetary policy, lack of
transparency would create greater uncertainty about the Federal
Reserve’s policy objectives as well as likely actions in response to
various economic developments. Such uncertainty would tend to
boost risk premiums and thus interest rates and depress spending
and economic activity. In addition, a major benefit of transparency

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stems from the ability of market participants to anticipate future
policy actions. If market participants can anticipate future policy
actions, those expectations will be priced into longer-term interest
rates and other asset prices immediately, thus amplifying the
power of monetary policy to affect overall financial conditions and
the economy. Lack of transparency would undercut this important
role of expectations.
Lack of transparency regarding the purposes, terms, and conditions of the Federal Reserve’s liquidity programs, would similarly
undercut their effectiveness. For such programs to be effective,
market participants and the general public must understand the
rationale and the terms and conditions for all such programs. As
with interest rate policies, the ability of investors and others to anticipate how such programs will operate is extremely important.
Q.9. Foreign government-controlled funds known as sovereign
wealth funds have invested significant resources in U.S. financial
institutions struggling to recover from losses during the current recession.
Do you believe that the procedures in place at the Federal Reserve to review and monitor the effects of these transactions on
bank holding companies are adequate to ensure the safety and
soundness of the affiliated depository institutions?
A.9. I believe that the Federal Reserve has adequate authority
under existing legislation to review and monitor investments of
sovereign wealth funds in banks and bank holding companies and,
if necessary, to take action to ensure the safety and soundness of
those institutions. The Bank Holding Company Act (BHCA) and
the Change in Bank Control Act (CIBCA) require any company, including a company owned or controlled by a foreign government, to
obtain the approval of the Federal Reserve or other Federal banking agency before making a direct or indirect investment in a bank
or bank holding company if the investment meets certain thresholds or conditions. The BHCA requires regular reporting on matters such as risk management and financial conditions, subjects
bank holding companies to regular examination, and gives the Federal Reserve broad, ongoing authority to prevent bank holding companies from engaging in unsafe or unsound practices.
To date, sovereign wealth funds have structured their investments so as not to trigger the thresholds and conditions for review
under the BHCA and CIBCA. Even below these threshold levels,
however, the investments must not allow the sovereign wealth fund
to exercise a controlling influence over the management or policies
of the banking organization. Of course, even under these circumstances, the Federal Reserve has broad supervisory authority
over the bank holding company, including authority to ensure compliance with applicable limitations on connections or relationships
between a supposed passive investor and the banking organization.
Based on publicly available information, I am not aware of any
inadequacy in the Federal Reserve’s procedures to ensure compliance with these requirements. However, if and as circumstances
change, it would be important for the Federal Reserve to adapt its
monitoring and enforcement procedures to ensure the safety and
soundness of U.S. banking organizations.

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Q.10. Do you believe that the Federal Reserve Board has sufficient
information to monitor the influence these foreign government investments may have on the U.S. banking system?
A.10. Based on publicly available information, I have no reason to
believe that information available to the Federal Reserve pertaining to foreign government investments in U.S. banking organizations is insufficient to protect safety and soundness and otherwise monitor their impact on the U.S. banking system. As Member
of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, I would
seek to ensure that Federal Reserve staff develop and maintain
sources of information sufficient for effective monitoring of the relationships between investors and U.S. banking organizations.

Q.1. The Federal Reserve has used many tools in its tool box this
year to prevent economic meltdown. What other monetary policy
tools do you believe be utilized to restore confidence in our markets
and encourage economic recovery?
A.1. Although the Federal Reserve has reduced the federal funds
rate close to zero, it has a number of policy tools that it can use
to ease conditions in credit markets and thereby support economic
recovery. First, it can provide short-term liquidity to assure that
sound financial institutions have sufficient credit to conduct their
normal activities. Second, it can purchase specific types of longerterm securities than it does in its usual open market operations,
with the aim of reducing the longer-term interest rates that are
critical to mortgage rates and investment decisions more broadly.
Third, it can inject liquidity directly into important credit markets
by purchasing, or lending against, securities associated with those
markets. The terms of such efforts should vary with the specifics
of the credit markets in question. However, if judiciously configured, these non-conventional policy actions can play an important
role in easing credit conditions in markets that have remained significantly impaired despite the low federal funds rate. Going forward, the Federal Reserve should, consistent with its dual mandate
to promote maximum employment and stable prices, be prepared to
utilize all three policy tools as necessary.
Q.2. Beginning to restructure the financial services’ regulatory
structure is a complicated undertaking, and one that this Committee will spend much time addressing. As a bank regulator, what
do you believe is the starting point for restructuring at the Fed?
What is the number one structural regulatory deficiency that needs
to be corrected by Congress?
A.2. In revamping our system of financial regulation, agencies
must first ensure that regulatory capital rules provide an adequate
buffer against the risks of loss associated with the activities of financial institutions. Just as importantly, the agencies must have
the capacity to monitor compliance with these rules and the resolve
to enforce them. A second task is to assess past shortcomings in examination and monitoring of the internal risk management systems of financial institutions, and to implement needed improvements. The broader agenda for Congress and the regulatory agen-

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cies is to address sources of significant potential risk to the financial system that are not currently subject to adequate oversight.
Among other things, this agenda should include regulatory coverage of all systemically important institutions and measures to
identify, and respond, to the risks created in interactions among financial actors.
Q.3. Countries around the world are currently working on ‘‘stimulus’’ packages to help their economies recover. What should the
United States do in coordinating international economic policies
with these nations to achieve the best recovery results?
A.3. In general, prospects for recovery of the global economy will
be strengthened if each country in the coming months takes measures appropriate to its circumstances to stabilize its financial system, promote adequate credit flows, and support domestic economic
activity. In some circumstances, as evidenced by the rate cuts by
a number of central banks (including the Federal Reserve) last fall,
explicitly coordinated actions can send an important signal to markets of a shared resolve among government authorities to respond
vigorously to serious risks to growth. Even where precise synchronization of specific policies is not feasible or necessary, international consultation and cooperation will be helpful in encouraging countries to pursue measures that strengthen domestic demand and contribute to global economic recovery. Over the longer
term, it is important that countries adopt policies that are consistent with balanced, sustainable global growth.

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Mr. Chairman, It is an honor and pleasure to introduce and recommend that my
fellow Californian, Dr. Christina Romer, be confirmed as Chairman of the Council
of Economic Advisors. Dr. Romer is a distinguished economist and innovative thinker.
She received her Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the College of William and
Mary in 1981. After obtaining her doctorate in economics from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology in 1985, Dr. Romer became a professor of economics at
Princeton University. She joined the faculty at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1988 and was promoted to full professor in 1993. She was awarded the Distinguished Teaching Award the following year. Currently, she is the Class of 1957
Garff B. Wilson Professor of Economics.
During her tenure at the University of California, Berkeley, Dr. Romer also has
served as vice-president of the American Economic Association, as the Visiting
Scholar at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and she currently
serves as the Co-Director for the Program in Monetary Economics at the National
Bureau of Economic Research.
Dr. Romer is widely published, and since her first publication in 1986, she has
published 28 articles in journals such as the American Economic Review, the Journal of Economic History, and the Journal of Monetary Economics. In addition, she
has authored 11 other reviews and commentaries. In 1997, the volume she co-edited
with her husband, Reducing Inflation: Motivation and Strategy, was released.
She has written widely on the subjects of the Great Depression and recessions,
making her especially well-suited to advise the President during these challenging
times. Dr. Romer understands the gravity of the current economic crisis and the importance of prudent and well-targeted government action to promote recovery.
In addition to teaching and research, Dr. Romer is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and is the recipient of a National Science Foundation research grant. Previously, she has received other awards and grants from the National Science Foundation, including the Faculty Award for Women Scientists and
Engineers from 1991 to 1996. Her previous fellowships include the John Simon
Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship and the National Bureau of Economic
Research Olin Fellowship.
Dr. Romer is clearly one of the best minds in her field. At a time when so many
families are struggling, it is essential that the President-elect has solid advice to
positively change our Nation’s economic course.
With that in mind I am happy to introduce Dr. Romer to this Committee.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Senator Shelby, and Members of the Committee.

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