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New h o u s in g AND ITS MATERIALS 1940-56 Bulletin No. 1231 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OP LABOR James P. Mitchell, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Ewan Clague, Commissioner New H ousing AND ITS MATERIALS 1940-56 Bulletin No. 1231 A u g u s t 1958 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR James P. Mitchell, Secretary BUREAU O F LABOR STATISTICS Ewan Clague, Commissioner For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. - Price 40 cents The Library of Congress has cataloged the series in which this publication appears as follows: U. S. Bureau o f Labor Statistics. Bulletin, no. 1Washington. no. in Nov. 1895- v. illus. 16-28 cm. Bimonthly, Nov. 1895-May 1912; irregular, July 1912No. 1-111 issued by the Bureau o f Labor. 1. Labor and laboring classes—U. S.— Period. HD8051.A62 331.06173 15-23307 rev Library o f Congress The Library of Congress has cataloged this publication as follows: Murphy, Kathryn (Robertson) New housing and its materials, 1940-56. [Washington] U. S. Dept, of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1958. iv, 58 p. tables. 26 cm. (U. S. Bureau o f Labor Statistics. Bulle tin no. 1231) 1. Housing—U. S. 2. Building materials. 3. B uilding-E stim ates fand costs](— U. S.> i. Title. (Series) HD8051.A62 no. 1231 U. S. Dept, o f Labor, for Library o f Congress 331.833 Library t L 58-52 P re fa c e In a modern industrial society, the importance of housing extends far beyond its primary function of providing shelter. The character of its housing m irrors the level of living and economic achievements, as well as the social values, of a family, a community, and a nation. The opportunity to live in sound, attractive housing, in well maintained neighborhoods, affords a f a r - r e a c h i n g sense of well being and of worth. Being well housed is a strong defense against physical and social ills asso ciated with overcrowded, dilapidated quarters in blighted neighborhoods, and contributes substantially to the productivity of labor and industry. In terms of its impact on the national income, residential building occupies a key position. It is a major source of employment, both directly and as the consumer of a wide range of materials and services; a user of extensive land areas; a large contributor to capital formation; and a source of substantial tax revenues. Because of the ramifications of residential building into all phases of the eco nomic and social life of the Nation, comprehensive information on the amount and kind of housing being built serves a variety of needs. For example, it is essential to legislators and others responsible for shaping, administering, and evaluating na tional housing policy; to labor o r g a n i z a t i o n s interested not only in assessing the adequacy of the housing supply available to workers but also in anticipating the em ployment prospects for various crafts and projecting the scope of apprenticeship and other training programs in the building trades; to h o m e b u i l d e r s and investors in residential property; to large groups in the business community who initiate research and plan for the production, sales, and distribution of building materials and equip ment; to utilities mapping extension of services; and to local and regional governments in formulating zoning and taxation policies and gaging needs for additional schools, street, water, sewer, and other public facilities. The Bureau of Labor Statistics pioneered in quantitative studies of the charac teristics of new housing, its earliest surveys describing housing constructed in the 1929-38 period. Thereafter, the Bureau conducted a number of field studies of the characteristics of new housing which varied widely both in geographic coverage and in the range of information obtained. The results of its latest series of surveys, conducted by the Bureau's Division of Construction Statistics in 1954, 1955, ana 1956, form the core of the present bul letin which contains the most comprehensive and penetrating analysis made by the Bureau to date in this particular field. This bulletin was prepared by Kathryn R. Murphy. Edward M. Gordon planned and directed the field surveys and the processing of the results. ill CONTENTS Page Introduction .................. ................................................................................................ .. 1 One-family houses .................................................................................................. ............... .. Trends since 1940 ......... ........................................................................ .. General plan and size •«•••••••••••••••••••••••......... .. Structural materials ••••••........................................................................................... Interior finish ................................................................. Heating facilities and fuel ....................................••••••••••»•••••••............. Electrical service Kitchen, laundry, and other equipment •••••••••••••••••••......... .. Houses built in 1954, 1955, and 1956 ....................... .. Selling prices .............................................................................. ....................................... Regional differences ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••«••••••••••••• Metropolitan-nonmetropolitan area comparison ............................................. .. Multifamily housing ................................................. ........................................................... .. Appendix A , Design of surveys ...................................... ................................... 2 2 3 3 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 14 15 18 BLiS surveys for 1954, 1955, and 1956 ............................................. .. The sample ....................................................... .............................................. Survey method ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Estimating method ................................... ••••••••••••••••••••• Reliability of the estimates ......... .. 18 18 18 19 19 Surveys based on FHA records .................. .................................................................... Data for 1950 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••••• Comparative data for prewar period ........................... .......................... 20 20 20 Appendix B, Glossary ......... .................................................................... ................................... 21 Appendix C, Tables: 1. New nonfarm 1-fam ily houses: Selected characteristics, 1940, 1950, 1954, 1955, and by selling-price class, 1956 ............................. .. 27 New nonfarm 1-fam ily frame houses: Type of sheathing, by type of exterior wall material, 1956 ................................................................... 32 3# New nonfarm 1-fam ily houses: Wall and ceiling insulation, by type of exterior wall material and by type of insulation, 1950 and 1956 .................................................................................................................. 33 2. 4. New nonfarm 1-family houses: Number of windows in houses started in first quarter of 1954, 1955, and 1956, and percent distribution by type of window and, in 1956, by type of window-frame material ..................................................................... .......................... 33 5. New nonfarm 1-family houses: Interior decoration and finishfloor material, by type of room, 1950 and 1956 •••••••••••••••••••• 34 6* New nonfarm 1-family houses: Heating facilities, fuel, water heaters, and pipe used for plumbing, 1940 and 1950, and by region, 1956 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 35 7• New nonfarm 1-family houses: Average quantity of selected items used per house, by selling-price class, 1956 ............. v 37 CO N TEN TS - Continued Page 8. New nonfarm dwelling units: Number of units started, by type of structure and location; and selling price and floor area of I - family houses, by location, first quarter of 1954, 1955, and 1956 . . . 38 9. New nonfarm 1-family houses: Regional trends in selected characteristics, 1954, 1955, and 1956 ................ ................................................ 39 10. New nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics, by region, 1956 41 11. New nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics, by location and selling-price class, 1956: I I - A. Region 1— Northeast .................... ••••••••••............................................ 11-B . Region II— North Central •»••••••••••••••••••••........................... .. 11-C. Region HI— South ................... ••••••••••• 11-D. Region IV— W e s t ................................................................................................ 11-E. Metropolitan A r e a s ............. •••••••••• 11 -F . Nonmetropolitan A r e a s ...................................... ................... ........................ 43 45 47 49 51 53 New nonfarm 1-fam ily houses: Selected characteristics in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas in the South and other regions, 1956 ............................................................................................................. .. 56 New nonfarm dwelling units in multifamily structures: Selected characteristics, by type of structure, 1954, 1955, and 1956 • •. ••••• •. • 57 New nonfarm dwelling units in multifamily structures: Number of windows in units started in first quarter of 1954, 1955, and 1956, and percentage distribution by type of window and, in 1956, by type of window-frame m a te ria l................................................................................ 58 New nonfarm dwelling units in multifamily structures: Interior decoration and finish-floor material, by type of room, 1956 ••••••••• 58 12. 13. 14. 15. ▼i New Housing and Its Materials, 1940-56 postwar years, when the housing shortage was regarded as a national emergency, stimulated builders to adapt many of these production and time saving techniques to private residential developments after the war. IN T R O D U C T IO N Buying a house is a basic goal of i n c r e a s i n g numbers of families in the United States* In contrast with other ma jor items in the family budget which are nused up" and replaced in comparatively short p e r i o d s , a house is "consumed11 , Because of the importance of resi over a long span of years. Its fixed lo dential building in the national economy, cation, which usually involves resale if both directly and in its role as a major the owner has to move, also distinguishes market for numerous o t h e r industries, housing from most other consumer pur statistics describing new housing rank chases* In selecting a home, therefore, high among economic indicators. Largely the buyer ordinarily seeks lasting value because of the l o c a l i z e d and "custom*1 in a substantially built house in a w ellcharacter of housing, a composite and situated neighborhood, and his caution is representative picture of n a t i o n a l and reinforced by the requirements of mort regional trends is difficult to obtain. In gage-lending institutions. U n d e r these its third nationwide survey of h o u s i n g circumstances, the advantages of tim echaracteristics, conducted in 1956, the tested materials and architecture are bal Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor anced against the anticipated continuing Statistics collected information on mate acceptance of more advanced design and rials used in residential construction in the d u r a b i l i t y of new materials and greater detail than had been possible in equipment. surveys made in 1954 and 1955. 1 Some of the more significant changes in the size The local character, the complexity, and appointments of single-family houses and r e l a t e d conditions of homebuilding and the type of materials and equipment also influence the rate at which innova used, which distinguish the 1956 h o u s e tions are a d o p t e d . Among the related from its prewar counterpart, stand out conditions are z o n i n g and building-code clearly in the comparison of results of requirements, the large numbers of en the 1956 survey with studies made by the trepreneurs who build only a few houses Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and a year and purchase materials in small the Housing and Home F i n a n c e Agency lots from local building supply dealers, ( H H F A ) 2 of the characteristics of new and the variety and highly skilled charac houses with mortgages insured by FHA ter of operations presently u t i l i z e d in in 1950 and 1940 (the last prewar year homebuilding. For a complex commodity which was not greatly influenced by war produced, marketed, and consumed under conditions). t h e s e conditions, general acceptance of new materials and methods is slower than Unmistakably, the a v e r a g e house for nationally marketed m a n u f a c t u r e d built in 1956 afforded greater space for goods with smaller unit costs. 1 Prior to undertaking these nationwide surveys (see appendix A, p. 18), die Bureau of Labor Statistics had collected information on some of the basic charac teristics of new housing in connection with other surveys, including the Building Permit Survey, 1929 to 1938 (made in cooperation with the Work Projects Administration) and the Area Housing Surveys, which were conducted from April 1946 through October 1947 and from July 1949 through June 1951. However, a number of events within the past 2 decades affected the patterns and p a c e of homebuilding. The a c u t e shortages of housing, building materials, and l a b o r in the W o r l d W a r II period forced the abandonment of many custom ary homebuilding practices and encour aged the application of large-scale pro duction methods and experimentation with new designs, layouts, and materials in constructing housing for military person nel and c i v i l i a n war workers. In this period, the risk was largely underwritten by the Federal Government. The empha sis on economy housing in the immediate 2 For a description of the surveys and die reli ability of the estimates, see appendix A, pp. 18 and 19. Throughout this bulletin, references to die Bureau of Labor Statistics Surveys for 1954, 1955, and 1956 are to first-quarter data for the respective years. The 1940 and 1950 surveys were based on Federal Housing Ad ministration records for selected months as indicated in appendix A. (i) 2 family living than those built in the early p o s t w a r period of concentration on the small, two-bedroom house. Builders em phasized comfort and easy maintenance in the 1956 houses, with automatic laborsaving devices, and more bathrooms and other plumbing and e l e c t r i c a l conven iences than were customary several years previously. Construction featured the use of aluminum, plastics, and various types of composition materials in many compo nents of the 1956 house for which lumber and wood products had been used almost exclusively in houses built a few years earlier. The increasing use of the automobile f o r transportation encouraged spreading circles of suburbanism, d o m i n a t e d by single-family o w n e r - o c c u p i e d house s* R e n t a l - t y p e housing— in duplexes anu other multifamily structures— represented only a minor part of recent residential building, accounting for no more than an eighth of the privately owned units started in the 1950-56 period in c o n t r a s t with nearly two-fifths in the 1920*s. Usually, this type of housing provides less living space than a detached house. Although information on trends in construction is less c o m p l e t e for multifamily than for s i n g l e - f a m i l y housing, the Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys showed that some materials which had become increasingly popular in single-family houses were also u s e d e x t e n s i v e l y in ne w rental-type buildings. The customary cautions observed in the detailed analysis of data obtained by sampling techniques apply to evaluations of small percent c h a n g e s in the FHA, H H F A , and B L S data presented in this bulletin. (See appendix A, p. 18.) Re grettably, such cautions tend to delay pin pointing new t r e n d s in residential con struction until the innovations have been adopted by builders on a substantial scale. Also, it should be remembered that the data relate only to materials which the builders indicated they planned to install at the time of construction. Furthermore, it was not possible to determine the types or quantities of materials and equipment purchased and installed by the homeowner before or shortly after he took possession. This was particularly significant for items such as ranges, refrigerators, garbage- disposal units, automatic clothes washers and dryers, air-conditioners, s c r e e n s , storm sash, and finishing materials for basements or attics. O N E - F A M IL Y H O U SES Trends Since 1940 About 97 percent of the single-family houses started in 1956 were completely detached, surrounded by their own plots of ground (table 1). The remaining small fraction of row and semidetached houses were concentrated in a few cities in the northeastern and southern regions. Al though no strictly comparable figures are available for earlier periods,3 the 1950 Census of Housing indicates that the pro portion of semidetached and row houses built in the 1940*s was higher than in re cent years— probably in excess of 10 per cent. The wartime controls in effect— p a r t i c u l a r l y in the f i r s t half of the 1940*8— resulted in more compact, rowhouse neighborhoods to conserve materi als not only in the houses themselves but also in the extension of utilities, streets, and auxiliary community fa cilities.4 The diminishing importance of attached houses thereafter is part of the pattern of sub urbanization of home building5 and, within cities, a reflection of zoning regulations aimed at keeping population densities low in ’ the residential areas being developed beyond the older, more congested down town districts. The lower land values in suburban areas permitted generally larger building sites than were feasible within the city proper, and the pronounced trend toward one-story rambler-type houses was also a part of the suburban d e v e l o p m e n t . 3 Semidetached and row houses comprised about 14 percent of the new 1-family houses surveyed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 1936-38, but this survey covered only houses for which permits were issued in cities with, populations of 25,000 and over. See Residential Construc tion and Demolition, 1936 to 1938, Monthly Labor Review Reprint No. R. 1225 (p. 6 ). 4 See Housing for War Workers (in Monthly Labor Review, June 1942, pp. 1268-1269). See Building in Metropolitan Areas Labor Review, June 1957, pp. 689-696) (in Monthly 3 Thus, the proportion of one-story houses i n c r e a s e d from two-thirds of the new single-family h o u s e s in 1940 to seveneighths of the 1950 total and continued at that ratio in 1956, Houses with a storyand-a-half and 2-o r-m o re s t o r i e s ac counted for the remainder of the houses built in 1950, but by 1956, the share of these more conventional multistory types was cut in half by the vogue at that time for split-level houses* General Plan and Size* In many respects, 1950 marked a turning point in homebuilding* The 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom house, with less than a thousand square feet of floor area, which typified new houses in 1950, was the culmination of earlier ef forts of the Federal Government and the building industry jointly to focus greater attention on building for the lower priced market in a period of rising construction costs and still urgent housing shortage* Greatly liberalized legislation for Govern ment-assisted loans (under the National Housing Act of 1948), with preferential financing for lower priced homes, com bined with a very easy mortgage-money market implemented the mass demand for housing* Against this background, the homebuilding industry started an. alltime record of 1*4 m i l l i o n new houses and apartments in 1950* In serving the lower priced market, many features that were somewhat more commonplace in prewar construction were eliminated* Room sizes were reduced, and some rooms were de signed for dual p u r p o s e s with d i n i n g rooms frequently merged with kitchens or living rooms* Space for storage and closets was lessened, and, with the elim ination of basements from many houses, space for utilities was taken from groundlevel footage otherwise devoted to living purposes. To meet the twofold threat of infla tion and materials shortages following the o u t b r e a k of the Korean conflict in the sxxmmer of 1950, downpayments on homes were raised substantially and the maxi mum length of the mortgage term was re duced with the imposition of Regulation X 6 credit controls late in the year. To sat isfy buyers who had sufficient savings and ^ Issued under authority provided under the Defense Production Act of 1950. incomes to qualify for mortgages under Regulation X , builders began to construct larger numbers of more expensive houses with more floor space in 1951 than in the immediate postwar years* After these controls were relaxed in September 1952, credit remained tight in a booming econ omy in which the demands on financing institutions were much greater than the funds available. In additioh, the market for larger homes continued strong, mainly as a result of rising family incomes7 and the increasing numbers of families with 3 or more children*8 The trend t o w a r d l a r g e r , m o r e fully equipped houses after 1950 is ap parent from a variety of m e a s u r e s of housing characteristics a s s e m b l e d in table 1* 3h terms of average square feet of floor space, houses begun in 1955 and 1956 w i t h an a v e r a g e of about 1,200 square feet, matched or bettered the pre war (1940) h o u s e * The expanded floor area was accompanied by increased num bers of bedrooms and bathrooms* Seventy percent of the new houses in 1956 had 3 b e d r o o m s and another 8 percent had a minimum of 4 bedrooms, compared with only 34 percent having 3 or more bed rooms in 1950 (chart 1)* Almost half of the 1956 houses contained more than 1 bathroom, and the majority of these had at least 2 complete bathrooms. In con trast, in 1950, fewer than 1 out of 12 new houses was built with more than 1 bath room, and in 1940, the comparable pro portion was 1 out of 5 houses with the extra facilities generally being a partial bathroom c o n t a i n i n g only a toilet and washbasin* The s h i f t toward b a s e m e n t l e s s houses, which was part of the wartime construction pattern, showed few signs of reversal n a t i o n a l l y as late as 1956.9 Little more than 40 percent of the 1954-56 7 Family Income in the United States, Current Popu lation Reports, Consumer Income, Series P-60, No. 20, December 1955, p. 19; and No. 26, September 1957, p. 2; U. S. Bureau of the Census. 8 General Characteristics of Families, United States Census of Population: 1950, Special Report P-E, No. 2A, p. 2A-19. Also, Household, and Family Charac teristics, Series P.20, No. 53, April 1954, p. 12; No. 67, May 1956, pp. 12 and 14; and No. 75, June 1957, p. 12; U. S. Bureau of the Census. ^ See also page 8 . 4 Chart 1. New Nonfarm Houses With Specified Features Selected Periods in 1940. 195|p. and 1956 0 10 20 30 1-------------I-------------I------------ 1 - 3 or M o re B e d ro o m s 40 i .50. .60 70. J» i-------------1-------------1-------- —r . Percent 90 100 V //////////////////A V /////////////////^ ^ ^ ^ V /A M o r e T h an 1 B a th ro o m j F953 1950 V777\ \7 7 \ 1940 Y //A //////////A ///A //////A B a se m e n t m ...- i m m v m m w , , , , , , 77* *Uata not available for 1940 source: 1940 and_l950, Federal Hojising Agmimstration ana Housing and Home Finance Agency, 1956, United States Department of Labor, Bureau or Labor s t a t i s u t a . houses included b a s e m e n t s , compared with almost 70 percent of those built in 1940. The majority of the basementless houses were built on foundations or pillars allowing crawl space between the ground and the floor of the house. The practice of building b a s e m e n t l e s s houses on a concrete slab without such crawl space, rare before the war, increased as insu lation and heating and plumbing installa tions especially s u i t e d for this type of construction w e r e developed. About a sixth of the new houses in 1955 and 1956 were built in this way. , , 7 7 7 7 7 * Although the proportion of basement less houses with utility rooms increased substantially after 1950, u t i l i t y rooms (i. e. , a room with provision for laundry facilities as well as a furnace and water heater, and not merely a closet for the latter two units) were provided in only a b o u t half of the basementless h o u s e s built in 1955 and 1956. Some houses— generally in the higher price brackets— included both a ground-floor utility room and a basement. 5 Two other features found in the ma jority of h o u s e s built in 1940— garage facilities and fireplaces— had not regained their prewar popularity by 1956, Car ports supplanted fully enclosed garages in a rising proportion of the new houses, but only about t w o - t h i r d s of the 1956 houses had either garages or carports, w h e r e a s four-fifths of the 1940 houses had garages* The proportion of houses with fireplaces in 1940 was almost double that in recent years. Structural Materials* The decreasing use of wood and the substantial scale on which aluminum and a wide variety of compo sition, s y n t h e t i c , and other materials came into use in home building after 1940 were outstanding trends highlighted by the surveys of housing c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s (table 1)* For example, the proportion10 of houses having various types of wood facing materials for their outer wall sur faces decreased as brick and other ma terials, as well as a s b e s t o s shingles, were used more extensively. Insulation board took the place of wood planks for sheathing many frame houses; concreteslab construction eliminated wooden floor joists and subflooring; and built-up roofs and the greater use of asbestos and as phalt shingles cut deeply into the market for wooden shingles* A sharp reduction in the use of wooden lath occurred with the substitution of wallboard for plaster for interior walls and, even where walls were plastered, gypsum lath or plaster board had virtually supplanted both wooden and metal laths. Similarly, the propor tion of houses with wooden window frames also diminished as the demand for metal frames grew. construction in the 1940-56 period. 11 As late as 1956, new frame houses outnum bered those with masonry walls about 5 to 1, d e s p i t e a growing preference for masonry h o u s e s . However, increasing proportions of the new frame houses were faced with brick (commonly referred to as brick veneer) or a combination of brick and wood. By 1956, builders reported more b r i e k -v e n e e r than w o o d -f a c e d houses, which was a marked departure f r o m previous b u i l d i n g practice. In general, the shift to brick v e n e e r was from v a r i o u s types of wood sidings or asbestos s h i n g l e s . Use of a s b e s t o s shingles, a relatively new wall material, 12 had increased substantially between 1940 and 1950 when there was a combination of sharply rising prices and scarcity of lumber. The proportion of frame houses faced with stucco fluctuated very little, and in 1956, stucco ranked after brick and wood in use as an outer wall material (table 1). The t r e n d toward b r i e k -v e n e e r houses accentuated the shift from wood planks to insulation board and other ma terials for s h e a t h i n g f r a m e h o u s e s between 1940 and 1956 (tables 1 and 2). Insulation board was used more commonly to sheath houses with brick veneer than with other types of walls. For houses faced with wood s i d i n g s or a s b e s t o s shingles, wood plank sheathing continued to be used most extensively although the c o m p e t i t i o n from plywood and o t h e r materials was evident here also. Most of the unsheathed houses were faced with stucco, which can be applied to a lathing material which is fastened directly to the wall studs. Structurally, frame h o u s e s (i. e. , houses c o n s t r u c t e d with a supporting framework of wooden studs and faced with one or more of a variety of materials) consistently dominated in 1-fam ily house Walls of both masonry and frame houses were insulated with various types of materials which were applied loose or in batts (cut to length), rolls, or other forms between the outer and inner wall 10 These observations refer only to the proportions and not the absolute numbers of new houses having speci fied construction methods and materials. Furthermore, except in a few instances, information was not obtained on the quantities of materials used. The high volume of residential building and the trend toward larger houses both tended to keep die total quantities of materials con sumed by die homebuilding industry at higher levels than the shifts in proportions of houses utilizing certain materials might imply. 1 1 The 1954-56 surveys revealed no significant shift from the conventional on-site method of framing houses to building with components, i.e., wall panels consisting usually of studs and sheathing which, were prefabricated on die assembly line and trucked to the building site. ^ Asbestos shingles were not listed among the exterior wall materials used on new houses in tabulations based on the Building Permit Survey, 1929 to 1938. (See footnote 3 , p. 2 .) 6 surface of the house. Altogether, about a third of the houses started in 195613 had such insulation, its use being influ enced by considerations of g e o g r a p h i c location as well as the method of wall construction. Much more customary in the colder regions of the Northeast and North Central States than in the regions with milder winters (table 10), wall in sulation also was found more frequently in frame houses with wood, a combination of brick and wood, or asbestos shingle exteriors, than in brick veneer, stucco, or masonry houses (table 3). Perimeter insulation was a compar atively recent development to reduce heat loss at the edges of the floors of basem e n t l e s s houses. With concrete-slab construction,, for e x a mp l e , * before the concrete is poured, a plastic vapor bar rier may be spread over the entire slab area, over which are laid blocks or layers of insulating material extending several inches inside the edges of the slab. This and other types of perimeter insulation were reported for only 5 percent of all houses under construction in 1956. Ceiling insulation was a " q u a l i t y * 1 feature in 1940 which gained wide accept ance thereafter. Between 1940 and 1956, new houses with such insulation increased from 25 to more than 80 percent of the total. Whether or not a 1956 house had ceiling insulation a p p a r e n t l y depended more on its geographic location (reported most frequently for houses built in the c o l d e r northern r e g i o n s ) than on any specific construction feature. About the same proportions of masonry and frame h o u s e s had ceiling i n s u l a t i o n . Such insulation was reported least o f t e n for stucco and concrete block houses, which were usually built in the South and West. Roofs of the great majority of the new houses continued to be shingled, but after 1940, t h e r e was a m a r k e d shift from wood to asphalt which was the dom13 The figures in table 1 for wall insulation may not be strictly comparable for 1940, 1950, and 1956, since, according to table 3 , die 1950 figures include insulation board. (Comparable detail for 1940 was not available.) In the 1956 survey, insulation board used in die wall construction was recorded under sheathing rather than insulation, the latter term referring to those types of materials listed in table 3 . in a n t shingle m a t e r i a l in 1956. The increased proportions of h o u s e s having built-up roofs in 1956, c o m p a r e d with 1940 and 1950, r e f l e c t e d the postwar vogue for flat or low-pitched roofs. In 1940, about 9 out of 10 houses had wooden window frames (table 1), and houses surveyed that year were classified simply as having either wooden doublehung or casement frames or steel case ment fram es. By 1950, the use of steel casement windows had increased substan tially, and a small percentage of houses had aluminum double-hung and casement windows. Thereafter, the market for aluminum frames expanded rapidly, until by 1956, it accounted for nearly 3 out of 10 w i n d o w frames i n s t a l l e d in n e w h ou ses.14 A n o t h e r development since 1950 was the increased variation in win dow s t y l e s and arrangements (table 4). Double-hung windows, still predominantly with wooden fram es, continued to be the most popular single type in 1956 houses, but accounted for little more than half of the total windows installed. Casements maintained second place, despite a decline in t h e i r share of the t o t a l after 1950. Ranking in popularity next to these more conventional window styles in 1956 were horizontal slide, picture, a w n i n g , and j a l o u s i e windows. The postwar trend toward aluminum, which extended to all t y p e s of w i n d o w frames in 1956, was most evident for horizontal slide, awning, and jalousie windows. A l u m i n u m also s h o w e d a rapid postwar growth as a material for screen ing windows and doors. Used on only an occasional house built in 1950, aluminum had become the principal type of screen ing by 1956, being reported for a larger share of the new houses than galvanized steel, copper, bronze, and other screen ing materials combined. 14 Excluding basement-type windows, for which steel frames predominated. In the 1940 and 1950 surveys, the number of houses having a specified type of window frame was reported. Because of the trend toward using a variety of window-frame styles in a single house, in die 1954-56 surveys, information was obtained on the number of windows of each type in a house, as shown in table 4. For 1954-55 data on type of windows by type of windowframe material comparable to 1956 figures in tables 4 and 14, see New Housing Characteristics in 1955 and Earlier Years, Monthly Labor Review Reprint No. R. 2196 (p. 18). 7 Aluminum had also entered the post war market for gutters and downspouts. Galvanized steel gutters continued to be used on the majority of new 1956 houses, but aluminum had risen to second place, outranking copper and wood. Interior Finish. The outstanding postwar development in interior wall construction was the extent of the shift from plaster to various types of wallboard materials. In 1940, the walls of 90 percent of the new houses were plastered, but by 1956, this p r o p o r t i o n had b e e n cut in h a l f (table 1). Gypsum dominated wallboard installations, but the share of houses with o t h e r wallboard materials i n c r e a s e d between 1950 and 1956. Whether walls were surfaced with p l a s t e r or w a l l b o a r d , some type of decorative finish was customary in houses being marketed in 1956. Builders of about 9 out of 10 houses reported definite dec orating plans at the time of the 1956 sur vey (table 5). For some of the remaining houses, the builder planned to paint or paper the walls to suit the purchaser after the house was sold, but some houses were to be sold undecorated, possibly to be come a "do-it-yourself*1 p r o j e c t of the purchaser. The walls of the living-dining and bedroom areas of almost three-fourths of the 1956 houses were to be painted. The percentage having papered walls had been cut by half between 1950 and 1956. In formation obtained on the f i n i s h i n g of walls indicated that several new types of paints had gained wide acceptance since 1950. For example, although paints with a linseed oil base continued to be used more extensively than any other type of interior paint in 1956 houses* they had only a narrow lead over the newer latex and alky debase paints. The alky d-type paints had come into general use after 1950. In kitchens, h o w e v e r , walls were papered more often in houses built in 1956 than in 1950, but even in 1956, about 3 o^t of every 4 new kitchens had painted walls. Both p a i n t and wall p a p e r in kitchens were sometimes combined with wainscoting, and such combinations of wall materials were much more common in 1956 than in 1950 (table *1). A similar trend t o w a r d wainscoting in bathrooms was also evident. Although ceramic tile maintained a substantial lead over other wainscoting m a t e r i a l s in 1956, plastic tile, which was little used in 1950, was reported for 7 percent of the kitchens and 22 percent of the bathrooms (above the basement level) of the 1956 houses. For floors in the living and bedroom areas, hardwood was used in almost 85 percent of the 1956 houses. In contrast, only 5 or 6 percent were f l o o r e d with various t i l i n g materials— predominantly asphalt. For kitchens, linoleum continued to be the preferred floor covering, but by 1956, vinyl tile, which had come into g e n e r a l use after 1950, ranked next to linoleum (table 5). For bathrooms (above the basement level) ceramic tile was the most popular floor surface, but it was used in a smaller proportion of the new houses in 1956 than in 1940, as was li noleum. In this interval, the installation of asphalt and rubber tile and m iscella neous f l o o r coverings for b a t h r o o m s increased (table 1). Important changes in interior door styles also occurred in the postwar years. The 1950 survey was concerned only with the type of material used for doors ard door fram es, which were predominantly wood. Wood continued to be the standard door material in 1956. By then, however, the trend toward the installation of flush instead of panel15 doors was clear cut, with the proportion of houses with panel interior doors dropping from 18 percent in 1954 to no more than half of that pro portion in the following 2 years. For the outside entrance door of houses, the panel type continued to be used in almost as large n u m b e r s as flush doors in 1956. Because of the increasing tendency to use several types of doors in a single house, in the 1956 s u r v e y , 16 the n u m b e r of ^ A flush door has uniform thickness, with no re cesses on either side. A panel door has outer members of full thickness which frame one or more panels of thinner material. 3 oth panel and flush doors may be made of wood or metal and may be installed to swing on hinges or slide on tracks. In the 1954-55 surveys, die door count was less detailed and showed only the number of houses having panel, flush, or other types of doors. 8 interior and exterior doors of each type installed in s i n g l e - f a m i l y houses was o b t a i n e d , and percentage distributions summarizing this information are shown below: T yp e o f door Total................................ Panel (wood) .................... Flush (wood) .................... Sliding............................... Folding............................. Other................................. Interior doors E xterior doors 100 100 8 ^8 22 2 ( 2) 147 l 52 ( 2) ( 2) ( 1) 1 Includes less than 0.5 percent steel doors. 2 None reported or less than 0.5 percent. Sliding doors were used extensively for closets* The folding doors (which fold back rather than swing or slide) consisted of narrow slats of wood or metal or were the accordion type which was usually faced with plastic* Heating Facilities and Fuel* Not only did the proportions of new houses having permanently installed17 heating facilities increase between 1940 and 1956, but def inite changes in c o n s u m e r preferences for various types of heating units and fuels also occurred in this period (tables 1 and 6)* One of the most significant changes was the marked increase in gas-burning equipment and the decline in units using oil or solid fuels* Almost three-fourths of the 1956 h o u s e s were to be h e a t e d with gas, and furnaces burning coal and other solid fuels (which were installed in almost two-fifths of the houses built in 1940) were rarely reported by homebuild ers in 1956. The growing popularity of oil burners between 1940 and 1950 tapered off, and by 1956, only about a fifth of the houses under construction— mainly in the New England and Middle Atlantic States— had oil-fired furnaces* Another c 1e a r -c u t development in heating was the shift to furnaces equipped w i t h fans or blowers to force the warm air through ducts to various parts of the 17 Refers only to houses with furnaces or space heaters built into the house. In the 1940 and 1950 sur veys, houses heated by stoves and other types of movable space heaters were counted as having installed heating facilities, but houses depending on such heating arrange ments were tabulated as having no heating facility in stalled in the 1956 survey. (See table 6 , footnote 3.) house (table 6), The proportion of houses with this type of furnace almost quadru pled between 1940 and 1956, whereas the percentage of h o u s e s with gravity-type w arm -air furnaces, steam and hot-water systems, and v a r i o u s t y p e s of space heaters declined* The trend toward w arm -air furnaces with duct systems was greatly accelerated after 1950, with ductwork in almost 3 out of 4 houses under construction in 1956* The choice of heating systems— particu larly in the South and West— may have been influenced by the growing popularity of central air-conditioning s y s t e m s for 1-fam ily houses. Although comparatively few houses (6 percent) built in 1956 were marketed with full home air conditioners installed, in the great majority of a irconditioned houses the heating and cooling systems were combined, with the same ductwork serving both (table 1)* The shift from gravity-type furnaces to those with fans for circulating the warm air, together with the d e v e l o p m e n t of more compact units, permitted greater flexibility in the location of the furnaces* Even in the North, where furnaces were installed in the basements of the majority of the 1956 houses, substantial numbers of w arm -air furnaces were put in utility rooms or closets (table 6)* In the South and West, warm -air furnaces were placed in a u t i l i t y room or closet more often t h a n in a b a s e m e n t , but in a sizable number of houses in these regions, the furnaces were installed in the crawl space under the house and— to a lesser extent— in the attic* The d e v e l o p m e n t of the horizontal-type furnace to fit spaces with out enough height for u p r i g h t furnaces f a c i l i t a t e d the attic and crawl-space installations* Such c h a n g e s in furnace d e s i g n and the increasing popularity of units requiring little or no fuel storage space undoubtedly were r e l a t e d to the continuing high proportions of p o s t w a r houses built without basements. Hot-water or steam-heating systems were comparatively rare in 1956 houses except in the Northeast region* In houses with this type of heating in 1956, the heat usually was distributed through pipes lo cated in the b a s e b o a r d s rather than through radiators, convectors, or radiant 9 panels which were more customary in the new houses with boiler systems surveyed in 1940 and 1950. The introduction of pumps for the mechanical c i r c u l a t i o n of the hot water permitted installation of the boilers in the kitchen, utility room, a t t i c , or g a r a g e , as well as in the basement. The N o r t h e a s t was also the only region in which significant n u m b e r s of h o u s e s under construction in 1956 had tankless-type domestic hot-water supply units, a characteristic associated with the prevalence of house-heating systems with boilers (table 6). In practically all new houses elsewhere, a separate water heater with a storage tank was installed. Gas water h e a t e r s were used in the great majority of these houses, a l t h o u g h the proportion with e l e c t r i c water heaters increased sharply after 1940. The most significant trend in water heaters, how ever, was toward larger storage tanks. Fully half of the 1956 houses had heaters with a minimum capacity of 40 gallons, whereas tanks with less storage capacity were generally installed in 1950. Provi sion for more ample supplies of hot water reflected uptrends in the size of houses and the families o c c u p y i n g them, the number of b a t h r o o m s , and the use of automatic washers and dishwashers. Electrical Service. The wide acceptance of new types of electrical equipment and appliances for home use required more electrical wiring than was customary in prewar houses. In the 1940*s, a 30- or 60-ampere service entrance was consid ered a d e q u a t e for the average home's electrical needs. In 1956, the minimum standard of the Adequate Wiring Bureau for the service e n t r a n c e box was 100 amperes18— a standard which was met or exceeded by builders of more than 5 out of every 8 houses under construction in 1956. Measured in voltage, about threefourths of the 1956 houses had 220- to 240-volt wiring (table 1). See report of an industry round table on wiring costs jointly sponsored by House & Home and die Re search Institute of the National Association of Home Builders (in House & Home, September 1956, pp. 150 ff.)* See also, New Wiring Sells Appliances (in Iron Age, December 8 , 1955, p. 99). Nonmetallic sheathed cable was used for the rough-in wiring of two-thirds of the houses under construction in 1956— about the same as in 1950. Knob-andtube wiring, which was common in 1940, was rarely u s e d by 1956 homebuilders, and the percentage of new houses wired with a r m o r e d cable also declined over this period, reflecting modifications in l o c a l electrical codes which set safety requirements for electrical wiring. Virtually all houses under construc tion in 1956 were wired with convenience outlets in duplex receptacles; the average house had 22 such outlets for connecting l a m p s and various appliances (table 7). More than a f o u r t h of the houses also had special-purpose receptacles including outlets designed to serve electric ranges, clothes dryers, power tools, etc. In an o c c a s i o n a l house (less than 1 in 12), builders reported installing receptacles with 3 outlets or multiple outlet assem blies, i.e ., surface raceways with outlets at frequent intervals. A b o u t 9 out of 10 h o u s e s w e r e equipped with the c o n v e n t i o n a l linevoltage, toggle-style snap switch, and for the remainder, mercury silent switches were reported. Most of the houses with mercury switches were in the $1 5, 00 0and-over price bracket and had an aver age of 15 switches per house, compared with 11 per house with snap switches. Kitchen, Laundry, and Other Equipment. Although it was much more common for builders to include kitchen and other ap pliances and e q u i p m e n t as part of the selling price of houses marketed in 1956 than in 1940 or 1950, even in 1956, homebuyers usually purchased these separately from the house (table 1). For about a t h i r d of all h o u s e s built in 1956, the selling price included a range and garbage disposal unit, and for more than half, an exhaust fan. It was less customary to include dishwashers, and a refrigerator was included in the selling price of only 5 percent of the new houses. These pro portions undoubtedly reflect the compara tive m o b i l i t y of most refrigerators in contrast with the increasing v o g u e for c o u n t e r t o p range burners and built-in ovens. Most other appliances and equip ment, such as air conditioners and clothes 10 washers and dryers, were rarely included in the purchase price, even for houses selling at $20, 000 or more. B u i l t - i n storage c a b i n e t s were practically standard equipment in 1956 kitchens (tables 1 and 7)« The average kitchen with such s t o r a g e space had 1 cabinet under the sink, 5 attached to the walls, and 4 base cabinets, i.e ., resting on the floor. A shift from wood to steel cabinets between 1940 and 1950 was re versed, and by 1956, wood was used for about 90 percent of the kitchen cabinets. Laminated plastic, a postwar innovation as kitchen countertop material, had gained wide acceptance by 1956, virtually sup planting l i n o l e u m which was the most popular material for this purpose in 1950. C e r a m i c tile ranked next to laminated plastic in use for c o u n t e r surfaces in 1956 kitchens. H ouses B u ilt in 1954, 1955, and 1956 Prices of new houses climbed in the postwar period of generally appreciating real estate values. The median selling price of new houses in 1956 was $14,500— up 18 percent over that of houses started just 2 years earlier19 (table 8). Rising construction costs and the trend, already noted, toward building larger, more fully equipped houses accounted for part of this increase. Higher land prices and land development costs also pushed up prices, both directly, and indirectly, b e c a u s e 19 Comparable selling-price data ate not available for new houses prior to 1954. However, data on property values of single-family houses with mortgages insured by FHA showed substantial increases in the values of both new and existing houses in the 1946-56 period. See Housing and Home Finance Agency, Tenth Annual Report, 1956 , pp. 98-99. Although selling prices, floor area, and construction costs moved in the same upward direction between 1954 and 1956 , their interrelation is difficult to measure pre cisely from the available statistics. For example, it was possible to compute the average (arithmetic mean) square feet from measurements reported for individual houses. However, builders were asked to indicate die proposed selling price only in terms of broad price classes (e.g., $12,000 to $14,999, $15,000 to $19,999, etc.), from which median selling prices were computed. Since the median is less affected by extreme deviations from the central tendency than the arithmetic mean and since there was a sharp increase in 1956 in the proportion of houses at die upper extreme ($ 20,000 and over), the median selling price rose less than an arithmetic mean computed from prices for individual homes would have risen. b u i l d e r s found it uneconomical to put low-cost housing on high-cost land. As the market for mortgage money tightened during 1955, b u i l d e r s tended increasingly to shift from the low- and moderate-price market to houses selling for $15,000 or more. This shift reflected two o p p o s i n g tendencies. In the first place, the short s u p p l y of money cut deepest into the volume of the federally underwritten (VA and FHA) loans w i t h liberal mortgage term s, which had been used most extensively to finance houses priced below $15,000, and had little effect on the number of conventionally financed mortgages. On the other hand, rising consumer incomes and growing families encouraged some people to upgrade their housing in 1956. According to the 1957 Survey of Consumer Finances, 20 a third of the house p u r c h a s e r s in 1956 sold another house at the time of the purchase. This group bought higher priced houses than other purchasers, partly b e c a u s e the equity accumulated in their previous homes enabled them to make the larger d o w n p a y m e n t s required on the more e x p e n s i v e houses and to q u a l i f y for mortgages on the terms prevailing in 1956. M oderate-size houses continued to predominate in 1956, but builders started relatively fewer s m a l l dwellings and a greater percentage of more s p a c i o u s h o u s e s in 1956 than in the previous 2 years. In this interval, the average floor area increased 8 p e r c e n t — from 1, 140 s q u a r e feet in 1954 to 1,230 in 1956. Three- and 4-bedroom houses increased in popularity, whereas the proportion of new houses with 2 b e d r o o m s or less declined. With extra bedrooms came added bathrooms, and approximately half of the 1956 h o u s e s had more than one bathroom. Selling P rices. The close relationship between the selling price of the house and its s i z e and o t h e r characteristics is illustrated in table 1. In general, the floor area and the number of bedrooms and bathrooms i n c r e a s e d with selling price. Although the practice of including kitchen appliances and other equipment in the selling price of the house was compar^ Federal Reserve Bulletin, June 1957, p. 628. 11 atively limited in 1956, broadly speaking, the more expensive the house, the. more equipment it included. C h a n g e s in the characteristics of new houses associated with rises in the price scale may be summarized by de scribing houses in broad p r i c e groups. Most of the houses priced below $10,000, which included fewer than 15 percent of all those b u i l t in 1956, were s m a l l , basementless, frame houses with asbestos shingle or wood exteriors and wallboard interiors. However, this price range also included virtually all of the small number of row houses started in 1956. The "typical11 house selling for less than $10, 000 reflected m a n y characteristics of housing in the South because relatively few houses in this price range were built in other parts of the country in 1956. 21 For example, there was a heavy concen tration of these low-priced houses with space heaters or with no heating facilities i n s t a l l e d and with little insulation or rain-carrying equipment. On the other hand, builders furnished window and door screens for larger percentages of these houses than for more expensive homes. M a n y houses offered at less than $10, 000 had only 2 bedrooms or l e s s . They rarely had more than one bathroom and some had no bathroom. Usually the kitchen had a sink and some built-in cab inets, but except for an occasional range or exhaust fan, builders rarely furnished kitchen appliances in this price bracket. With less plumbing and electrical equip ment and appliances, th e capacities of the water heaters and electrical wiring s y s t e m s in these houses were smaller than was generally provided in the room ier, higher priced houses. The price range of $12,000 to $15,000 included more than a fourth of the houses under construction in 1956, with good rep resentation in all geographic r e g i o n s . These were generally 3-bedroom houses, with an average of 1,120- square feet of ^ In tables 11-A through 11-F, data are shown separately for houses selling for less than $7,000 and for $7,000 to $9,999 only for the South; for other regions, the ,data were combined into a single class, less than $10 ,000 , because of the small number of houses in each subclass. floor area. About t w o - f i f t h s of them were brick houses22 with b a s e m e n t s , more than one bathroom, and plastered walls. The majority were insulated and had warm -air furnaces, garages or car ports, water heaters with storage capacity of 40 or more gallons, and met the 100a m p e r e standard for electrical wiring. Substantial numbers had s o m e features usually associated with the more expen sive houses, such as ceramic tile wain scoting in the bathrooms and k i t c h e n s . Seven percent were air-conditioned. How ever, builders i n c l u d e d few items of k i t c h e n equipment except exhaust fans, and, to a lesser extent, garbage disposal units, in this price class. Almost all of the houses having 4 b e d r o o m s and more than 2 bathrooms and most of the split-levels were built for the $ 1 5 ,000-and-over market, which included about 45 percent of all houses b e g u n in 1956. However, the 1-story, 3-bedroom house with l j to 2 bathrooms (usually with ceramic tile walls and floors) was most typical of the new h o m e s in this price range. More than two-fifths of the houses in this upper bracket were priced at $20,000 or more. Houses in this group were larger (1,680 square feet of floor area, on the average) than those s e l l i n g for $15, 000 to $19, 999 (1, 330 square feet), but houses in both segments of the $15,000-and-over price range were s i m i l a r otherwise. Brick houses with plastered interior w a l l s predominated. Practically all of the houses had furnaces, and the majority had fireplaces, base ments, and garages or carports. In contrast with the less expensive houses, those selling for $15,000 and up customarily included major kitchen appli ances— ranges, garbage disposal u n i t s , exhaust fans, said, in addition, many of them had dishwashers. Fifteen percent of the $ 2 0 ,000-plus houses had full home air-conditioners, usually combined w i t h the heating system. Regional Differences. Regional patterns in housing result from a variety of factors, 22 Houses referred to here and on page 14 as having brick walls include those with masonry walls, either of solid brick or of some other masonry material faced with brick, and frame houses faced with brick (brick veneer) or a combination of brick and wood. 12 including climate, prevailing architectural s t y l e , the availability and comparative cost of competing materials, and the eco nomic characteristics of the population. Regional information23 a v a i l a b l e for 3 successive years brought into better focus some of the d i f f e r e n c e s observed in housing practices in various sections of the United States, despite the broad ex panse of the four geographic regions for which the data were obtained. (See map.) The 1954-56 surveys also revealed devel opments so gene rad in adl regions as to represent nationwide trends. Among the latter was the shift toward building larger, more expensive houses, already n o t e d . are customary in the colder parts of the country, frequently provided similar fa cilities, but b a s e m e n t space was not counted in the measurement of floor areas as defined in these surveys.25 Differences in climate were reflect ed in other housing c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s b e s i d e s the prevalence of basements. For example, central heating and ceiling insulation were less common in the South than in other regions. On the other hand, h o u s e s were equipped with window and door screens, attic fans, and air condi tioners more frequently in the South than elsewhere. Even in the South, however, only about 1 out of 10 houses was sold with air-conditioning equipment installed in 1956. M e d i a n prices were higher in the West than in the South for houses with a b o u t the same a v e r a g e floor space. However, a larger proportion of western houses included "e x t r a s ,n which add to the cost. For example, relatively more houses with fireplaces, garages or car ports, and two bathrooms were built in the West than in other parts of the coun try in 1956. Although b a s e m e n t l e s s houses predominated, the proportion with basements was increasing, and about 4 out of 5 w e s t e r n houses had c e n t r a l heating systems. In the South, where about a third of all new n o n f a r m houses were b u i l t , median selling prices were consistently lower than for the c o u n t r y as a whole (chart 2), adthough the average floor space was greater.24 Differences in structural arrangements may exaggerate r e g i o n a l differences in floor areas, as measured in these surveys, however. For example, in the basementless houses which predom inated in the South and West, the kitchen (with possibly an adjoining 1•family” room) might include space for recreationad fa cilities and laundry equipment; o r, storage space and laundry or heating equipment might be located in a ground floor utility room or c l o s e t . By definition, all of these areas were included in the measure ment of floor space. Basements, which 2^ Regional scad sties referred to in this secdon appear in tables 6 , 8 , 9 , 10 , and 1 1 . 24 See footnote 19, on p. 10. The West showed a c o n s i s t e n t l y greater uniformity in exterior wall con struction than any other r e g i o n , with stucco houses predominating. This uni formity results, to a large extent, from the dominant position of California in homebuilding, not only in the West but nationally, 2* and the limitations on per missible t y p e s of construction in t h a t State. The popularity of stucco over the years initially stemmed from the fact that it was a relatively inexpensive surfacing material that simulated in appearance the 25 See appendix B, p. 22. The definition of floor area in die Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys is essen tially the same as that used by the FHA in calculating die floor area of 1-family houses with FHA-insured mortgages. 2^ In the 1954-56 period, California was the leading State in homebuilding, accounting for 1 of every 6 houses started in the entire nonfarm area of the United States. See Housing Starts in Selected States, 1954-56 (in Construction Review, May 1957, p. 5). 13 Chart 2. Nonfarm Houses Started Median Selling Prices, bv Locauuu First Quarter 1954, 1955, and 1956 Thousands of D ollars 0 r* 1 2 — — 4 i 6 i 8 ■ ■ 10 i . . . . . . . . . . . ■ . ■ ■ i n 12 I , ,.m 14 ■ — ■ 16 m i 18 i . . — ALL NONFARM AREAS] 3 1956 3.1955 3 1954 N o rth east North Centra) South W est M etro p o litan A rea s N onm etro po litan A re a s Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics e a r l y Spanish adobe construction which greatly influenced California architecture. H o w e v e r , the predominant stucco-on- frame construction is also among the m o r e earthquake-resistant t y p e s , and after the earthquakes of 1933, the Cali- 14 fornia State Legislature enacted the "Field B ill" which required, among other things, that all construction should be designed to resist seismic disturbances. 27 Under this bill, brick and other veneer construc tion was permitted only if it conformed to somewhat rigid standards. There was a wider v a r i a t i o n of roofings in the West than in other regions where the great majority of the houses were roofed with asphalt shingles. For e x a m p l e , wood shingles were used on about a third of the houses in the West, where they are produced. Anpther siza ble group of houses in the West— and also in the South— had builtup roofs, a sur facing especially suited to flat or lowpitched roofs. New houses in the North tended to have less space on the floors above the ground level, but had b a s e m e n t s and central heating systems more generally than houses being built in the South and West, and they cost more. Part of the added cost could be attributed to other strictly utilitarian features such as more thorough i n s u l a t i o n and wider use of gutters and downspouts in the North than elsewhere. A lso, even for i d e n t i c a l houses, construction costs are higher in cities in the Northeast and North Central r e g i o n s than in those in the West and South, according to Federal Housing Ad ministration studies of comparative costs of a standard house in different localities. Brick houses w e r e almost equally popular in the North Central region and the South, which together accounted for about t w o - t h i r d s of the Nation1s brick output. 28 On the other hand, wood was the most commonly used exterior ’ w a l 1 material in the Northeast, where it was used most extensively on houses in the top price bracket. The Northeast ranked next to the West in the p r o p o r t i o n of 1956 houses with such quality features as garages, fireplaces, and extra bathrooms. Furthermore, it was more customary to 27 C. W. Short and R. Stanley - Brown, Public Buildings—A Survey of Architecture of Projects Construc ted by Federal and Other Governmental Bodies between the Years 1933 and 1939, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1939, p. XIII. 28 Based on value of shipments of brick and hollow tile as reported in the Census of Manufactures for 1954. include such equipment as ranges, dish washers, and refrigerators in the selling price in the Northeast than in any other region. 29 Although local custom, which fre quently stems from climatic conditions, appeared to be the dominant considera tion in many a s p e c t s of homebuilding, cost was a related influence. The re gional v a r i a t i o n in the prevalence of b a s e m e n t s , for i n s t a n c e , was well defined, but within regions, the propor tion of houses with basements tended to rise with the selling price. Other fea tures, such as central heating, fireplaces, and garages, were more customary among the more e x p e n s i v e than the cheaper h o u s e s , irrespective of g e o g r a p h i c location. Metropolitan-Nonmetropolitan Area Com parison. M o r e than two-thirds of the new housing in recent years was built in the metropolitan areas30 of the U n i t e d States where population growth was much more rapid than in nonmetropolitan areas. Although located preponderantly in the suburban developments spreading to the metropolitan outskirts, the new housing in metropolitan areas was economically o r i e n t e d . t o the central cities. These aspects of housing location are significant in analyzing national t r e n d s because of the differences in the price, size, and other characteristics of housing built in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan commu nities which were revealed by the 1954-56 housing surveys. 31 Selling prices were prime indicators of the d i f f e r e n c e s , being consistently higher in m etropolitan than in nonmetro29 Earlier studies showed that this practice varied widely within as well as among geographic regions. Among new 1 -family houses purchased in 15 metropolitan areas in 1949 (the latest year for which area data are available), the proportion with cooking stoves included in die pur chase price in the Northeast ranged from 2 percent in Pittsburgh to 93 percent in Philadelphia, and in the South, from 2 percent in Atlanta to 98 percent in Washing ton, D. C. See New Housing in Metropolitan Areas, 1949-51 _(BLS Bull. 1115, September 1952), p. 53. 30 Data on housing started in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas were not available prior to 1950 . 3* For 1954-55 data comparable to 1956 figures in tables 11-E and 11-F, see New Housing Characteristics in 1955 and Earlier Years, Monthly Labor Review Reprint No. 2196 (pp. 12-17). 15 politan areas. In 1956, for example, the medians for the two types of communities were $15,30 0 and $ 1 2 ,7 0 0 , respectively (table 8). The latter figure reflected the comparatively limited market for higher priced ( $15, 000 and over) houses in the s m a l l e r cities and towns where family incomes were lower, on the a v e r a g e , than they were in areas with their eco nomic cores in larger c itie s .32 Part of the difference appeared to be related to the heavy concentration (53 percent in 1956) of all new nonmetropoli tan housing in the South, where housing prices and family incomes in general were lower than in other regions. To isolate this regional factor, the metro politan-nonmetropolitan data on selected characteristics of 1956 h o u s i n g were tabulated separately for the South and the rest of the country (table 12). On this basis, it is clear that location in.relation to large or small cities— independent of geographical l o c a t i o n — influenced many features of homebuilding. The contrasts b e t w e e n the two types of communities were especially sharp in the regions out side the South. In these regions (North east, N o r t h C e n t r a l , and West), the proportions of 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom, frame houses faced with asbestos shingles or wood siding were substantially greater in the nonmetropolitan than in the metro politan areas, and, in general, the room ier, more expensive houses were in the large cities and their suburbs. Housing was more homogeneous in the metropoli tan and nonmetropolitan a r e a s of the S o u t h than elsewhere, although in this section, also, the larger and more cost ly homes t e n d e d to be in or near the large cities. By confining the c o m p a r i s o n to houses in the price ranges of $12,000 to $14, 999 * and $15, 000 to $19, 999 (the median selling-price classes for the non m e t r o p o l i t a n and metropolitan areas, respectively), some differences were ap parent in housing costing approximately the same in metropolitan and nonmetro politan areas in the country as a whole 3 Family Income in the United States: 1955, Current Population Reports, Consumer Income, Series P-60, No. 24, April 1957, p. 3, U. S. Bureau of the Census. (table 11, sections E and F ).33 In general, builders concentrated more on houses with 3 or 4 bedrooms and extra bathrooms in communities with a large-city orientation than in the nonmetropolitan places. There were similar contrasts in the amount of kitchen equipment provided, with builders furnishing dishwashers and garbage dis posal units much more f r e q u e n t l y in houses in metropolitan than in nonmetro politan areas. B r i c k - v e n e e r (frame) houses were numerous in both types of communities, but practically all s t u c c o h o u s e s , 34 as well as those with brick masonry w a l l s , were in the large-city areas. MULTIFAMILY HOUSING C o n s t r u c t i o n of duplex houses, apartment buildings, and other multifam ily structures accounted for little more than a tenth of the privately owned non farm dwelling units started in the 1954-56 period. Since 1949 and 1950, when the record volume of FHA-underwritten rental and cooperatively owned housing swelled the count of units started in private mul tifamily buildings to approximately 200,000 a year, the trend in this type of resi dential construction was generally down ward to a low of 113,000 units in 1956. This volume was in sharp contrast with annual building programs of 350, 000 or m o r e rental-type units common in the 1920's. More than 90 percent of the multi family units begun in the 1954-56 period were located in metropolitan areas, with buildings containing 5 or more units con centrated in about 10 of the major areas. These larger buildings (which included 60 percent of all rental-type units s t a r t e d in 1956) were predominant in cities in the Without data to compare construction and land costs in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas, it is im possible to determine the price spread which may be at tributable to higher costs and that representing differences in housing characteristics. Also, in evaluating apparent differences in characteristies it must be borne in mind that the errors due to sampling may be large for some items because of the comparatively small number of houses built in the nonmetropolitan areas. 34 The concentration of stucco houses in metro politan areas was accounted for by the large volume of homebuilding in metropolitan areas in California. (See footnote 26, p. 12.) 16 Northeast region and the West (table 8). In the North Central region, multifamily construction was about equally balanced between units in this type of building and in 2 - to 4-fam ily structures, w h e r e a s units in the smaller buildings were most numerous in the South. Buildings with five or more apart ments u n d e r construction in 1956 were mainly of the walkup type (including apart ments in garden-type d e v e l o p m e n t s ) , generally with no more than 25 units in a project. Very few larger apartment developments and structures with eleva tors were being built o u t s i d e the New York and Washington areas. Although the new elevator buildings contained more units per project than the walkups, the largest elevator projects surveyed early in 1956 contained fewer than 300 apart ments. C o m p a r a b l e figures are not available for earlier years, but the data at hand indicate that not only was total v o l u m e of m u l t i f a m i l y construction unusually low in 1956, but the individual projects w e r e on a g e n e r a l l y small scale. 35 Because of the comparatively small numbers of new multifamily units, coupled with the fact that a h u n d r e d or more units in a single apartment project would have many identical features, the infor mation on multifamily housing character istics was less diversified, t h o u g h no less representative of the units actually constructed, than the data obtained for 1- f a m i l y houses. Also, only l i m i t e d conclusions can be drawn from y ea r-toyear variations in the statistics describing multifamily housing, since changes in the national figures may reflect merely shift ing proportions of r e n t a 1- t ype housing started in various localities which follow w e l l defined architectural and buildingmaterial practices. The above observations are perti nent in e v a l u a t i n g the information on ^ In 1949, when Che financing of a substantial volume of all new multifamily housing was underwritten by die FHA, almost 32 percent of the FHA-insured units in elevator buildings and 19 percent of those in walkup buildings were in projects containing 300 or more units. See Characteristics of FHA Multifamily Housing, 1949 and 1953-54 (in Construction Review, April 1956, pp. 4 and 6 ). exterior wall materials shown in table 13. Although the 1954-56 data showed a con sistently greater use of masonry materials in the walls of multifamily buildings than single-family houses, they also indicated some decline in the proportion of the units in 5 - o r - m o r e- f a m i l y structures with masonry walls. New apartment buildings in e a s t e r n , southern, and midwestern cities, a l m o s t without exception, were constructed with masonry walls or brick in combination with a reinforced concrete framework. In contrast, in the W e s t , where the California influence was domi nant, large numbers of apartments were in stucco-faced frame buildings, and that s e c t i o n of the country accounted for a larger share of the apartment construc tion in 1956 than in the preceding 2 years. This is a regional d i f f e r e n c e of long standing: a Bureau of Labor Statistics survey3® of new housing in 1936-38 re vealed similar regional contrasts in wall m a t e r i a l s of buildings for 5 or more families, but in that period, less than 5 percent of the apartments under construc tion were located in the West, compared with 50 percent in 1956. The shift in recent years from wood and steel to aluminum window frames was even greater in multifamily than in single family home construction. The propor tions of windows with aluminum frames in apartments almost doubled between 1954 and 1956, as jalousie windows increased in popularity (tables 13 and 14). In most apartments built in 1956, paint was used almost exclusively for the interior wall decoration (table 15). Al though the living rooms and bedrooms of the majority of the rental-type units had hardwood floors, asphalt tile was u s e d more extensively on the floors in these rooms in apartments than in houses. The various types of interior doors were used in roughly the same propor tions in apartments as in 1-family houses in 1956. Seventy-two percent of the doors in apartments were the p l y w o o d , flush type, hung with hinges, and 18 percent were sliding doors. Most of the remain der were the wood-panel type with only a few folding doors reported. ^ Residential Construction and Demolition, 1936 to 1938, Monthly Labor Review Reprint No. R 1225 (pp. 17-18). 17 Dwelling units in multifamily build ings generally offered less living space than single-family houses. In 1956, for example, the average unit under construc tion in 2 - to 4 - family buildings was a 2 bedroom, 1-bath apartment with only about two-thirds the floor area of single-family houses in metropolitan areas. Through out the 1954-56 period, about 3 out of 5 units constructed in these small rentaltype b u i l d i n g s had 2 bedrooms, and available information, though not strictly comparable, indicated that the proportion was virtually the same in 1936-38. The more recently constructed buildings, how37 The distributions of dwelling units by number of rooms and type of structure in die 1936-38 and 1954-56 surveys are not strictly comparable, since the relatively small number of buildings with 3 or 4 dwelling units are combined with 5-or-more-family structures in 1936-38 and with 2-family buildings in 1954-56. Also, the 1936-38 survey was in terms of number of rooms, which were transposed into number of bedrooms for purposes of this comparison, by means of the definitions of rooms used in that survey. ever, tended to have relatively fewer 3 bedroom units and more 1-bedroom units than did those built in the 1930*s. The smallest apartments w e r e in buildings for 5 or more fam ilies, with apartments in elevator buildings tending to have fewer rooms than those in walkup b u i l d i n g s . 38 Apartments in the 5 -o r more-family structures had little m o r e than half as much f l o o r area, on the average, as the 1-fam ily houses built in the 1954-56 period. During these 3 years, the distribution of apartments according to number of bedrooms fluctuated more in the larger buildings than in the 2 - to 4 - f a m i l y structures. Nevertheless, in this period, as in 1936-38, apartments with 1 bedroom and bath predominated, but 2-bedroom units greatly outnumbered "efficiency*1 (no bedroom) apartments in the 5-or-m ore-fam ily apartment houses. Based on FHA study cited in footnote 35, p. 16. 18 A p p e n d ix A . D e sig n of Surveys BLS Surveys for 1954, 1955, and 1956 The Bureau of Labor Statistics regu larly conducts nationwide f i e l d surveys among homebuilders in order to supple ment building-permit reports in developing its estimates of dwelling units started in all nonfarm areas of the United States. At the same time, in 1954, 1955, and 1956, the Bureau studied the basic fea tures of new housing. These s u r v e y s were further expanded during this period to obtain additional detailed information on structural methods and materials used, through the financial support of trade as sociations interested in particular building materials. The geographic coverage and survey methods w e r e the same for all three surveys, but the participation of a larger number of trade associations in the 1956 survey made it possible to collect information on more types of materials and equipment u s e d in homebuilding in 1956 than in 1954 or 1955. The Sample. The s a m p l e , which was developed in the Bureau of Labor Statis tics and used in all three surveys of the characteristics of new h o u s i n g , was a stratified three-stage design in which the p r i m a r y sampling units were standard metropolitan areas and, for the nonmet ropolitan areas, clusters of one or more counties. In the first stage, the areas were stratified by the f o u r broad geographic regions, as defined by the Census. (See map, p. 12.) The selection of the sample at this stage was based on the 53 areas (29 metropolitan and 24 nonmetropolitan) originally chosen by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 1954 as its sample for esti mating the volume of p r i v a t e l y owned housing started in those segments of met ropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas where b u i l d i n g permits were not required.39 Because a broader r e p r e s e n t a t i o n of permit-issuing places was desirable for th e surveys of housing characteristics, this 53-area sample was expanded by the addition of 10 metropolitan areas which were completely c o v e r e d by buildingpermit systems. ^ For a description o ; procedures followed in selecting this sample, see Te-_nniques of Preparing Major BLS Statistical Series (BLS Bull. 1168), ch. 2. The second s t a g e of the sampling process was applied only to metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas having a large v o l u m e of residential construction, for which a subsample of permit-issuing and non-permit-issuing places was selected. In the less active areas, all places in the area were surveyed. Further s u b s a m p l i n g— the third stage— was confined to the perm it-is suing segment of the sub sample of places having the heaviest volume of permit activity, for which samples of individual projects were selected from the permit records. To get maximum r e t u r n s (in terms of number of units surveyed per field visit), projects containing 5 or more dwelling units generally were given universal cov erage and the sampling was limited to the projects with fewer units. W i t h i n this sampling framework, samples of privately owned dwelling units were s e l e c t e d from single-family (de tached, semidetached, and row h o u s e s ) and multifamily (2 - to 4-fam ily and 5 -o r more-family) projects for which building permits were issued or on which work was started during the first 3 months of 1954, 1955, and 1956 in the 63 areas. The ap proximate size of the s a m p l e in each survey was as follows: P ercen t Number o f private Number o f dw elling dw elling o f p r o je c ts units u n its * First quarter: 1954.... 5,000 1955.. .. 6,000 1956.. .. 5,600 30,000 37,000 28,500 13 13 12 * Computed from number of new private dw elling u n its shown in table 8. Survey Method. The surveys were con ducted in the spring and summer of each survey year by field agents of the Bureau of Labor Statistics who i n t e r v i e w e d owners or builders or their representa tives, u s u a l l y at the site of the new housing. The field agents were trained and supervised by construction analysts in the Bureau*s regional offices, who, in turn, had attended a training session in Washington, D. C ., conducted by the staff of the Bureau*s Division of Construction Statistics. 19 The questionnaires used in the inter views were developed in the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In the course of devel opment, these schedules were reviewed by technical experts in the construction and building materials and e q u i p m e n t industry and were tested in preliminary field trials. The completed schedules submitted by the field agents were reviewed in the regional offices under the immediate di rection of the regional c o n s t r u c t i o n analysts. Regional operations at this stage permitted prompt c o r r e c t i o n of schedules in the field by referral back to builders, whenever inconsistencies or omissions were detected. The schedules were then transmitted to W a s h i n g t o n where they were thoroughly edited before the data were coded and tabulated. This e d i t i n g occasionally resulted in further field checks when inconsistencies between regions were detected. Estimating Method. Characteristics data for each project were weighted by means of a series of ratios which were related to the sampling rate utilized in each stage of the design. The weighted sample es timates of characteristics for each of the primary strata (metropolitan and nonmet ropolitan areas in each of the four re gions) were adjusted to the more complete estimate of p r i v a t e l y owned nonfarm dwelling units started in that stratum during the first 3 months of the respec tive survey years before they were com bined into larger aggregates. Reliability of the Estimates. Because the estimates are based on sample data, they are subject to sampling variability. The approximate sampling variability of spec ified estimated percentages for the entire United States and for each of the f o u r regions is as follows: Sampling variability fo r ~ E stim a ted p ercen ta ge United States, all region s North ea st North Central South W est lo r 9 9 ....... 2 or 98 ....... 0 .7 1.0 1.3 1.8 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.8 1.8 2.5 5 or 95 ....... 10 or 90 ..... 30 or 70 ..... 50 .............. 1.6 2. 1 3.3 3.6 2.8 3.8 5.9 6.4 2.6 3.6 5.5 6.0 2.7 3.7 5.7 6.2 3.9 5.4 8.2 8.9 These estimates of variability are based on results of the 1954 survey. However, the sampling variability for the 1955 and 1956 studies would differ little from that of the 1954 survey, since the sample areas and the survey methods were the same in all years. The reliability figures should be in terpreted as follows: The chances arc approximately 19 out of 20 that the results of a complete count would not differ from the sample results by more than the per centage shown (twice the standard error). For example, if the proportion of dwelling units in the United States having a given characteristic (e. g., basements) has been estimated at 50 percent, the chances are 19 out of 20 that the true figure is between 4 6 .4 and 53. 6 percent. Since data are presented for a number of .different char acteristics, the variability of which is not identical, the figures above must be in terpreted as an approximation only, for any single estimate. In general, the r e l i a b i l i t y of an estimated percentage depends not only on the size of the percentage but also the size of the total on which it is based. The reliability figures in the above table apply to e s t i m a t e s based on the total number of dwelling units started in the specified regions. Estimated percentages, based on smaller components, such as the dwelling units within a single selling price class, will be subject to a s o m e w h a t greater error. If the component makes up one-half, one-fourth, or one-tenth of the total, the factor by which the appro priate variability f i g u r e should be in creased is r o u g h l y 1. 4, 2 . 0 , and 3. 2 , respectively. In addition to sampling variability, the data are subject to biases owing to errors of r e s p o n s e and nonreporting. Factors affecting accuracy of reporting are the respondent1s k n o w l e d g e of the facts and the interviewer*s a b i l i t y to obtain and classify the information cor rectly. The possible effect of such biases is not included in the measures of reli ability shown above, but the influence of such errors is minimized insofar as pos sible by the design of the questionnaires and the training and supervision of the field agents. 20 Surveys Based on FHA Records The data representing 1940 and 1950 in this bulletin are from studies which were undertaken in periods of impending wartime shortages of materials to obtain information on the national consumption of various materials in new home con struction. The data, p u b l i s h e d in a Housing and Home Finance Agency mono graph, were compiled from records in Federal Housing Administration field of fices for new s i n g l e - f a m i l y detached houses processed for mortgage insurance by the FHA under Title II, Section 203, of the National Housing Act. Data for 1950. For the 1950 survey of materials used in new houses, a stratified s a m p l e was developed to represent all geographic regions of the country. From records in 50 FHA field offices selected in accordance with the sampling plan, data were obtained on 5, 530 of the approxi mately 201, 000 single-family d e t a c h e d houses for which FHA commitments to insure the mortgage were issued in the first half of 1950. The sample for each r e g i o n was weighted so that the weighted number of cases in each region bore the same ratio to the total as the number of private non farm dwelling units for that region were to the United States nonfarm total in the first half of 1950, as estimated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. To take into account certain d i f f e r e n c e s between houses with FHA-insured loans and other houses, the weighted FHA figures were adjusted on the basis of a BLS study of the characteristics of new homes in 15 metropolitan areas in 1949.41 The ad justments were primarily in the number The Materials Use Survey—A Study of the Nation al and Regional Characteristics of One-Family Dwellings Built in the United States in the First-Half of 1950, Housing and Home Finance Agency, Office of the Admin istrator, Division of Housing Research, March 1953. 41 New Housing in Metropolitan Areas, 1949-51 (BLS Bull. 1115). of stories and the square feet of livable floor space, with related adjustments in the number of rooms, b e d r o o m s , and bathrooms. It was recognized that FHA standards, or the practices of builders who customarily built under the FHA pro gram, possibly resulted in a greater or lesser use of certain materials than was true in respect to houses which were con ventionally financed. However, there was no ready way* either of ascertaining the possible biases that may have remained, after adjustment, or of eliminating them. Comparative Data for Prewar Period. In order to afford some basis of comparison b e t w e e n pre- and p o s t - Wo r l d War II houses, the Housing and Home Finance Agency monograph included data based on a report m a d e by the Federal Housing Administration in 1941. 42 This study was based on Cost Engineers' Case Analysis Summaries providing a sample of 12, 144 new houses from 43 FHA insuring offices, which were used as a basis for obtaining a representative sample for the country as a whole. Of the 43 summaries used, 11 were prepared in 1941, 6 in 1940, 10 in 1939, 15 in 1938, and 1 in 1937, With reference to this study, the Federal Hous ing Administration stated, "While no claim is made that the report was based upon s c i e n t i f i c a l l y planned sampling, the samples used were sufficiently accurate to afford a reliable indication of the type of housing built in the United States im mediately before the war. " Unlike the 1950 data, the f i g u r e s representing 1940 w e r e not adjusted to reflect differences in the characteristics of h o u s e s with FHA-insured loans and other houses. However, these data are believed to provide a basis for observing the general changes in structural design which occurred between 1940 and 1950. 42 Analysis of Material Quantities Used in the Pro duction of 1,000 Single-Family Detached Houses Based upon FHA Case Analysis Summaries—Pt. 1: Metals, Federal Housing Administration, Technical Division, June 1941. A p p e n d ix B . G lo s s a ry The following definitions were ob served in conducting the Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys of housing characteris tics in 1954, 1955, and 1956 and apply specifically to the terminology used in compiling the tabulations of 1954-56 data in appendix C. Where this terminology appears to differ significantly from that used in the surveys of the Housing and Home Finance Agency for 1940 and 1950, the lack of comparability is noted in the tabulations. Metropolitan A r e a * The 168 Standard Metropolitan Areas as defined in the 1950 Census. Except in New England, a stand ard metropolitan area is defined in this census as a county or group of contiguous counties which contains at least one city of 50,000 inhabitants or more. Contigu ous counties to the one containing such a city are included in a standard metropoli tan area if according to certain criteria they are essentially metropolitan in char acter and socially and economically inte grated with the central city. In New England, where the city and town are administratively more important than the county, they were the units used in defining standard metropolitan areas. Dwelling Unit. A room, or group of rooms, intended as separate living quar ters for a housekeeping unit and contain ing permanent cooking facilities, i. e . , the minimum built-in facilities essential to housekeeping. One-Family House. A dwelling unit for one family which has a separate entrance from the outside; an individual heating plant; separating walls which reach from the ground to the roof; and which can be sold independently of nearby or adjoining units. It may be detached, semidetached or one of a row. D e t a c h e d House. None of the four outer walls attached to any other struc ture. Semidetached House. Standing side by side with another house to which it is joined by a common wall which rises from the ground to the roof. Row House. Standing in a row with two or more other houses and having a common wall or walls which rise from the ground to the roof. Two-to-Four Family S t r u c t u r e . One building containing any combination of 2, 3, or 4 dwelling units (i.e ., arranged side by side, one above the other, or in any other manner), with some common facil ities such as entrance, heating plant, or basement. In addition, one unit cannot be sold separately from the others. F ive-or-M ore-F am ily S t r u c t u r e . One building (with or without commercial space for stores or offices) containing five or more dwelling units, with some common facilities such as entrance, heating plant, or garage. Selling Price, One-Family Houses. For houses built for sale, the price at which the houses would be advertised for sale or the actual selling price of houses al ready sold. For houses not to be offered for sale (i. e. , retained by the owner for his own occupancy or for investment as rental housing), the price which the owner would set for the house if it were to be advertised for sale. Story. A room, or group of rooms, on one level (above the basement), which pro vides livable floor space; has finished floors, ceilings, and walls; suitable ven tilation and light via windows; and ceiling at full height above floor. A finished attic suitable for living purposes is counted as a half story; an unfinished attic that could be finished for living purposes is not counted as livable space, nor is an attic suitable only for storage. One-Story. Living space all on one floor. Split- Level. Living space on 2 or more levels with each level separated from its adjacent levels by less than a full story but by more than 1 or 2 steps ( e . g . , a sunken living room). Other. Predominantly houses with l j or 2 stories. In a lj-s to r y house, the living space is primarily on the first floor with considerably less space on the second floor or in a finished attic; o u t s i d e walls are not of full height for 2 complete stories. In a 2 - story house, the living space is di vided almost equally b e t w e e n the 2 floors and the outside walls are con tinuous for full height of 2 complete stories. All multistory houses have permanent, finished stairways to the upper floors. 22 Basement* The portion of a house below the first or ground floor. Excavations which provide less than 5 feet of head room, or garage space only, are not counted as basements. No distinction was made between houses with full or partial basements in the 1955 and 1956 surveys. Houses without basements may be built on a concrete slab, i. e . , without space between the ground and the slab on which the house is built; or with crawl space, i . e . , space between the ground and the underside of the first floor. A house with crawl space may have a con tinuous foundation extending the entire perimeter of the house or it may be built on a ,,pillar,? foundation. Utility Room. A room, usually on the ground floor, containing such items as furnace or other heating equipment, water heater, laundry tubs or trays, washing machine, clothes dryer, etc. Small areas designed to have only heating or hot water equipment are not counted as utility rooms. F loor Area. In 1-family houses, the floor ate a (in square feet) is measured to the outside surfaces of the walls and consists of all finished space (including halls, closets, laundry, and utility rooms) with a height of 5 or more feet on all floors above the basement level. Garages or carports; unfinished attic space; open or screened porches; and recreation (fin ished or unfinished), s t o r a g e , laundry, and utility rooms in the basement are ex cluded in the measurement of floor area. For units in multifamily structures, the floor area includes all space listed above except vestibules, halls, corridors, stair wells, and elevator wells which are com mon to two or more dwelling units. Bedroom. Only rooms specifically de signed for sleeping purposes. Libraries, dens, dressing rooms, or alcoves are ex cluded even though at times they might be used for sleeping purposes. Bathroom. A complete bathroom contains at least three fixtures: toilet, lavatory (washbasin), and bathtub or shower stall. A partial bathroom contains only two of the preceding fixtures, e. g . , toilet and lavatory. F i r e p i ac e. The determining factor in counting fireplace s was the number of chimneys: 2 fireplaces served by 1 chim ney were counted as 1 fireplace; a house saving more than 1 fireplace served by separate chimneys was counted as having 2 or more fireplaces. Garage or Carport. A shelter for auto mobiles which may be either attached to the house or a separate building. A ga rage is a completely enclosed structure; a carport may consist only of a roof sup ported by posts or pillars or may be par tially walled. Roofing. A variety of materials may be applied over the roof sheathing and roof ing felt to form the roof surface, for ex ample: shingles, which are thin pieces of wood, slate, asbestos, or asphalt com position fastened to the roof so that the courses overlap; tar, topped with fine gravel, stone chips, or coarse sand, ap plied to flat or low-pitched roofs and re ferred to as built-up roofs; and other ma terials such as tile, composition roll, or metal (i. e. , galvanized steel and sheet aluminum) r oofing. R a in -C arry in g Equipment. Consists of gutters, downspouts, and necessary at tachments, made of metal, wood, or plas tic. The gutter is a trough attached to the edge of the roof to catch and carry rain water to the downspout. The latter is a pipe attached to the side of the house to c a r r y water from the gutter to the ground or drain. Jbcterior Wall Construction. Exterior walls are classified first, by type of basic construction, and, then, a c c o r d i n g to facing material. Basic Construction: Masonry. A wall supporting the floors and roof and consisting of units such as brick, stone, concrete block, cin der block, structural tile, e t c . , laid with mortar. Fram e. A wall of vertical wooden members (studs) supporting the floors and roof, the studs usually connected by an outer sheathing of wooden boards^ plywood, or other material, which serves as bracing to the structure and 23 provides a solid surface to which the outer facing material can be attached. Other. Walls constructed of materials other than masonry or wooden studs as described above. These may be steel frame panels, poured concrete, a combination of metal and lumber, sheathing panels with supplementary frame members, or concrete rein forced with steel (referred to as "cur tain walls1* when used with facing of non-load-bearing panels). Facing Material: Brick. A brick wall may consist en tirely of bricks; an outer facing of bricks backed up by some other ma sonry material such as concrete block, cinder block, or structural tile; or *'brick veneer, ** a single brick layer over a framework of studs and sheath ing. Concrete Block Usually concrete block walls with no other backup materials; the blocks may be treated with paint, a waterproof material, or glazed with a facing of thermosetting plastic. Stucco. A cement plaster applied di rectly to a masonry wall, or over lath or some other backing material (such as wire mesh) to a frame wall. The surface may be smooth or textured. Wood. Wooden clapboards, abutted boards, shingles, etc. Brick and Wood. Some walls faced with brick and others with wood, or the lower part of house faced with brick and upper part with wood, with the two types of materials about equal ly divided. Asbestos Shingle. Of asbestos or as bestos cement— hard and brittle, as distinguished from composition *mate rials (see **other** below). Other. Cut stone, field stone, arti ficial stone, structural tile, etc.; com position (soft pliable materials such as tar paper, asphalt siding and shingles, imitation brick and shingle, etc.); met al (galvanized steel, aluminum, or any other metal); plastic (reinforced poly ester); or any combination of two or more materials except brick and wood. Also includes sandwich panels which may be used with some backup mate rial or as an integral unit. Such panels consist of a lamination of a central core material (wood, plastic, rubber, xesin impregnated paper, glass fiber, or corrugated metal) between two fac ings, usually of strong rigid materials such as metal, wood, or plastic. Sheathing. Wooden boards or other m aterial (see also gypsum, fiberboard, and insulation) fastened to the studs or rsifters to serve as bracing and as a foundation to which an outer surface of the walls or roof may be attached. Insulation. Materials applied to the walls, ceiling or roof, or, in buildings without basements, under the first floor, to pro tect against the passage of heat and to control moisture condensation. Wall in sulation is applied between the interior and exterior wall facings; ceiling or roof insulation is applied over the ceiling of finished portions of the house or to the underside of the roof/ and perimeter in sulation is used in basementless houses. Insulation is made of fibrous materials, such as mineral wool, glass fiber, an€ vegetable or animal fiber; reflective met als, such as aluminum foil; vermiculite ore; or plastic foam. The materials, singly or in combination, are marketed in a variety of form s— loose; in blankets, batts, rolls, or blocks; or in fiberboard which has some structural strength (see fiberboard). Interior Wall Construction; Plaster. Basically a composition of calcine gypsum, quicklime, or hydrated lim e, and sand, mixed with water into a kind of paste, which is applied to laths or masonry as a coating for walls and ceilings and which hardens on dry ing. Hair or fiber may be added to act as a binder, and light-weight ag gregates may be substituted for sand in the mixture. Lath. A base fastened to studs, fur ring strips, or joists to support plas ter, tiles, etc. Lath may be thin strips of wood, extruded or expanded metal sheets, or gypsum board (see gypsum). Dry Wall. Sheets or panels of rigid materials ordinarily fastened directly to the studs or furring strips. Gypsum. Gypsum rock, obtained by m ining and quarrying, is the base for a va riety of wall materials, including plaster. 24 Gypsum board (wallboard for dry-wall in teriors, plasterboard or lath, and sheath ing) is composed of the same materials as plaster except that a larger percent age of fill material (such as sawdust, fi brous materials, or cork) is added to give structural properties. The gypsum core for the wallboard is encased in a tough, protective layer of paper that either serves as a finished surface after installation, or can be painted, e n a m e l e d , or covered with wallpaper or vinyl plastic. Lath or plasterboard, which is used as a base for plaster in i n t e r i o r finish, differs from w a l l b o a r d in the type of paper used to encase the f i n i s h e d product. Gypsum sheathing is encased in a fibrous cover ing, the outer surface and ends of which are made moisture proof. Plywood. Panels or other assemblies that are u s u a l l y made up of layers of wood veneer bound together by an adhe sive. P l y w o o d is used in construction principally for s h e a t h i n g , subflooring, wall paneling and partitions, doors, and cabinets, in the construction of concrete form s, and for siding. Fiber board. Sheets of rigid m a t e r i a l , which may be as large as 4 by 12 feet, manufactured under a variety of proces ses, from numerous fibers ranging from sugar cane to any kind of waste softwood, and marketed under many trade names. The three main types are insulating, med ium hard, and hardboard. They are pre pared from similar formulations, and the degree of hardness depends upon heat and pressure. Hardboards are sufficiently dense to be waterproof and are usually 1 /8 or 3 /1 6 of an inch thick; insulating boards are thicker. Ceramic tile and other nonwood wall and floor surfacing units. Surfacing u n i t s , usually relatively thin in relation to fa cial area, made from a variety of mate rials, and attached to the walls, floors, or countertops with cement or some other m astic, sometimes in a design or pattern. Ceramic tile, having either a glazed or unglazed face, is made from clay or a mixture of clay and other ceramic mate rials, which is fired to produce specific characteristics. Among other materials used for wall surfacing units are plastic, metal, and p o r c e l a i n enamel; and for floor surfacing units, asphalt, cork, rub ber, and vinyl plastic. Paint. Paints and varnishes commonly used for interiors may have a base of linseed oil; latex with water as a thinner; alkyd resins (a combination of soy bean oil, glycerin, and other chemicals); or some other m a t e r i a l , such as casein, Bhellac, or calcimine. Floors. In most houses which are built over a b a s e m e n t or c r a w l space, the floors consist of a finish floor material laid over a subfloor. The subfloor, or unde r lay me nt, which is usually softwood boards or plywood, is ordinarily nailed to the floor joists to form the base for a v a r i e t y of finish materials. In houses which are built on a c o n c r e t e slab, no subflooring is used, and the finish floor may be attached directly to the concrete slab with mastic or may be n a i l e d to "scre ed s11 or n a i l i n g strips attached to the c o n c r e t e slab with mastic. Hard wood, various kinds of tile, and linoleum are c o m m o n l y used as the finish-floor surfaces, with different materials some times being used in individual rooms of a house. In some houses for which no fin ish floor was reported, wall-to-w all car peting was to be installed in some rooms. Heating. Heating facilities permanently installed as an integral part of the house may be classified according to the heat ing medium and method of heat distribu tion as follows: Boiler Systems (Hot Water or Steam). Water is heated or steam generated in a c e n t r a l l y located boiler from which it is piped to various parts of the house and is released via radia tors, convectors, baseboard heating units, or radiant panels (closely laid p i p e s running t h r o u g h sections of floors, walls, or ceilings). W arm -Air Furnace. Air is heated at a c e n t r a l location and is circulated (usually by the action of a blower or fan) through the house via a system of ducts. W arm -air furnaces are also differentiated according to the direc tion the warm air is forced as deter mined by whether the fan or blower is below (up-flow), above (down-flow), or beside (horizontal-flow) the burner unit. 25 Space Heater (Wall Heater or Floor Furnace^ Air is warmed by a heater recessed in or attached to a wall or installed under the f l o o r (usually in the crawl space). The unit may have a fan for air circulation, but t h e r e are no ducts for distributing the air t h r o u g h the house. (NOTE: In the BLS surveys, stoves and other types of h e a t e r s which were not perma nently installed and i n c l u d e d in the selling p r i c e of the house were not reported.) Water Heater. Tank (or storage-type) heaters for the domestic w a t e r supply may include in one unit an insulated stor age tank, a combustion chamber, flues, burner equipment and controls, or may consist of a separate storage tank and an external direct-fired water heater (sidearm heater). In a tankless system, the hot water may be supplied in connection with a boiler heating system or by a di rect-fired (instantaneous) heater. Air Conditioning. Treatment of air so as to control simultaneously its temper ature, humidity, cleanliness, and distri bution to meet the requirements of the conditioned space. Full-Home Air Conditioner. A uni t with the capacity to serve the entire house, with air or cooled water cir culated to various parts of the house through ducts or pipes. The cooling system may be combined in a single heating-cooling unit with the same cas ing, blower or circulator, and duct work or pipes used for both heating and cooling, or it may be s e p a r a t e from the heating system. Room Air Conditioner. A unit with capacity to meet the requirements of a limited area in which it is installed, with no connections to a duct or pipe system. Electrical Service and Wiring: Service Entrance. The conductors and equipment for delivering energy from the electrical s u p p l y system to the wiring system of the building served. This includes the wires which extend from the street main or transformer to the service equipment and its ac cessories, i. e . , protective d e v i c e s — usually consisting of fuses or a cir cuit breaker or switch intended to con stitute the main control and means of cutoff for the supply to the building. Rough-in Wiring. Electrical current is carried from the service entrance to other parts of the building by in sulated wires or conductors which may be differentiated according to the type of materials in which they are encased, for example: armored cable (encased in steel armor); thermoplastic sheathed cable; other nonmetallic sheathed cable (covered with heavy paper and a strong braid). The insulated wires may also pass through a metal tubing or other raceway, referred to as wire in con duit, or be mounted without an outer covering by means of insulators, e. g . , knob and tube • Switch. Any device by which an elec tric circuit may be opened or closed. A snap switch is the conventional linevoltage type which makes or breaks a circuit by the action of a spring. A mercury s w i t c h , also a line-voltage type, is made by placing a large glob ule of mercury in a metal or glass tube having e l e c t r o d e s arranged in such a way that tilting the tube will cause the mercury to move and make or break the circuit. Convenience Outlet or Receptacle. A c o n t a c t device installed at an outlet (the point on an electrical wiring sys tem at which current is taken) for the connection of a portable lamp or ap pliance by means of a plug and flexi ble cord. A duplex receptacle contains 2 convenience outlets and a triplex re ceptacle, 3 outlets. .. A multiple outlet assembly may be either a s u r f a c e raceway with built-in outlets at regu lar intervals or an ’'electrostrip, ” a surface raceway which permits con nection of an appliance at any point. S p e c i a l purpose receptacles include weatherproof o u t l e t s with protective caps; locking-type outlets to prevent plugs from becoming accidentally de tached; and heavy-duty outlets designed to serve ranges, c l o t h e s d r y e r s , power tools, etc. Volt. The practical unit of electro motive force. Two wires extending from the street to the service entrance usually deliver a maximum of 110 to 120 volts to the wiring system; 3 wires, 220 to 240 volts. 26 Ampere* A unit used to describe the current-carrying capacity of the serv ice; the amount of c u r r e n t flowing under an electromotive force (poten tial difference) of 1 volt and a resist ance of 1 ohm* Kitchen Cabinet* A built-in storage unit which may consist of a cabinet or section of a cabinet having (1) a single door, (2) a single set of double doors, (3) a set of drawers v e r t i c a l l y arranged, or (4) a vertical combination of doors (single or double) and drawers* Cabinets may be c l a s s i f i e d according to location in the kitchen as base cabinets, which rest on the floor and may extend from the floor to the c e i l i n g but o r d i n a r i l y are of ncountern height; wall cabinets, which are fastened to the wall; and under sink cabi nets* Appliances such as c o u n t e r - t o p r a n g e s , eye-level ovens, dishwashers, and refrigerators m a y be b u i l t in the kitchen as part of the counter and cabinet arrangement* Garbage Disposer, An electrically oper ated unit installed under a sink, consisting of a grinding device through which garbage passes before being washed down a drain connected with the sewer line* Incinerator* A waste burner which re duces all combustibles (rubbish as well as garbage) to a fine ash* Window* Various types of windows are distinguished by the arrangement of the sash, i. e. , the l i g h t wooden or metal frames into which one or more panes of glass are f a s t e n e d to fit in a window. Types most commonly used in residential building include: Double Hung* Two sashes, one over the other, both movable* Sash may be secured by sash cords and weights or by spring devices; or may slide up and down on tracks (vertical slide windows) which hold sash in place. Casement* Sash hinged on side to swing like a door. Horizontal Slide. Sash slides horizon tally on t r a c k s which hold sash in place. Picture* Large fixed windows; may be c o m b i n e d with various types of movable sash (flankers)* Awning* Two or more t o p - h i n g e d sashes arranged in a vertical series and operated by one or more control devices which swing the bottom edge of the sash outward. Projected. Combination of fixed and movable sashes; the movable sash may be h i n g e d at the top or bottom and swing inward or o u t w a r d in various arrangements. Jalousie* Vertical series of overlap ping h e a v y glass louvers which are fastened to frame at ends and operate similar to Venetian blinds. Basement Type* Usually consists of a single sash, hinged or pivoted, with m a x i m u m size of 23 by 33 inches. May be used elsewhere in house (e.g., in utility, storage, or bathrooms) as well as in basement. S t o r m Window. Supplemental, glazed sash installed in windows for insulation and to control condensation of moisture on windows. Window Screen* A frame of wood or met al in which is stretched a meshed fabric made of wire or p l a s t i c , placed in the window frame to keep out insects when the window is opened* Doorways may be similarly screened* Appendix C. Tables 27 N O TE: Data in a ll ta b les are fo r se le cte d p e rio d s o f ea ch y ea r as in d icated in appendix A* Table 1.--New nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics, 1940, 1950, 1954, 1955, and by selling-price class, 1956 C haracteristics 1956, toy Pro]Dosed se llin g -p rice class Less *7,000 $10,000 *12,000 $15*000 $20,000 to to and to than to *7,000 *9,999 $11,999 *U*,9 9 9 $19,999 over i,'65o 1^0 1.230 " 7 5 5 9l*0 1 .Q30 1,120 1,330 d istn Lbution o f houses according to spedLfled ch a racteristics m FERAL FI[AN AND SIZE * * 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 * * 100 98 97 89 99 99 99 * * (2) (2) (2) 1 1 1 1 * * 10 1 1 1 (2) (2) (2) * * (2) (2) (2) (2) 1 1 (2) 191*0 1950 1951* 1955 £ H HI Average flo o r area (sq . f t . ) •• 1.177 Percent A ll p rices TTPE OF HOUSE............................... Detached ................. Sem idetached............ ••••••••••• Row .................................... . Unknown ••••••••••••••••••••••• (i) (i) <i) (i) (3) (1) (1) (1) (1) (3) NUMBER OF STORIES....................... 1 story S p lit le v e l ••••••••••••••••••• Other ........................... . Unknown ••••••••••••••••••••••• 100 67 * 33 (3) 100 86 * 11* (3) * * * * * * * * * * 100 87 6 6 1 100 96 (2) 1* (2) 100 86 (2) 11* (2) 100 95 2 3 (2) 100 93 2 1* 1 100 69 8 3 (2) 100 71* 17 9 (2) FLOOR AREA (SQ. FT.) •••••••••• Less than 800 ••••••••••••••••• 800 to 999 ....................................... 1,000 to 1,199 ............................. 1,200 to 1,U99 ............................. 1,500 to 1,799 ............................. 1,800 and over •••••••••••••••• Unknown ••••••••••••••••••••••• * * * * « * * * * * * * * * * * 100 18 20 2l* 19 10 7 2 100 7 22 30 26 7 5 3 100 5 17 31 26 10 9 2 100 51* 31 7 7 (2) (2) 1 100 15 37 ia 5 2 (2) (2) 100 6 1*0 1*2 10 1 (2) 1 100 2 21 1*5 28 3 1 (2) 100 (2) 5 28 1*6 16 1* 1 100 (2) (2) 9 23 28 39 1 NUMBER OF BEDROOMS..................... 2 bedrooms or less •••••••••••• 3 bedrooms •••••••••••••••••••• l* bedrooms or more ............«•••• Unknown ............. . . . . . . . ............ * * * * * 100 66 33 1 (3) 100 31* 58 5 3 100 23 68 6 3 100 21 70 8 1 100 71* 21* 2 100 1*3 55 (2) 2 100 33 67 (2) (2) 100 19 77 1* (2) 100 10 80 9 1 100 8 71 20 1 NUMBER OF BATHROOMS............. 1 bathroom ................... . .......... 1 complete, 1 p a rtia l bathroom. 2 complete bathrooms ............... More than 2 complete bathrooms. No bathroom ••••••••••••••••••• Unknown 100 80 12 7 1 * (3) 100 92 1* 3 1 * (3) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 100 1*9 20 21 7 1 2 100 72 (2) (2) (2) 25 2 100 96 2 2 (2) (2) (2) 100 82 9 9 (2) (2) (2) 100 63 23 11* (2) (2) <2) 100 29 32 35 1* (2) (2) 100 9 21* 37 30 (2) (2) BASEMENT........................................ F ull or p a rtia l basement •••••• No basement ••••••••••••••••••• On slab ••••••••••••••••••••• With crawl space ................... . Unknown................................. . 100 100 39 61 l* 57 (3) 100 100 1*2 55 16 39 3 100 1*3 55 16 39 2 100 6 93 9 81* 1 100 15 85 32 53 (2) 100 21* 75 28 1*7 1 100 1*2 57 17 1*0 1 100 51* 1*6 10 36 (2) 100 61* 36 7 29 (2) UTILITT ROOM................................. With u t ilit y room ....................... No basem ent.................. .. ................ ... With basement • . • • • • • • • • • • • • . No u tility room ............................... Unknown • • • • • .................................. • • • • • # * 100 20 20 * * 100 33 27 6 61* 3 100 37 30 7 58 5 100 9 9 (2) 90 1 100 39 38 1 57 1* 100 50 1*8 2 1*9 1 100 37 32 5 59 1* 100 35 27 8 62 3 100 100 5o 17 31 2 100 8 11* 77 1 100 21* 25 51 (2) 100 35 26 38 1 100 1*2 23 31* 1 100 62 10 28 (2) 100 81 8 11 (2) 100 32 3 63 2 100 1* (2) 96 (2) 100 3 (2) 97 (2) 100 13 (2) 83 1* 100 20 100 1*1* 2 53 1 100 68 10 19 3 GARAQE.FACILITIES ....................... Oarage • • • • • • • • • ............... Carport only • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • No garage or carport • • • • • • • • • • Unknown • • • • • • » • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 69 31 (2) 31 (3) * * * * 100 80 (2) 20 (3) FIREPLACE........ .. .................... .. 100 1 fire p la ce • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • } 62 2 firep la ces or more . . • • • • • • • • No fire p la ce ................ .. J 38 Unknown............................. • • • • • • (3) See fo o tn o te s on page 32. ia 58 * * i * * * 80 (3) « « 100 * ia * * 6 53 (3) 100 o cco. 78 (3) * * r J 1 * * * * * * * * * * 100 27 3 66 1* ( 2) ( 2) 80 ( 2) ia 21* 17 53 6 28 Table 1. New nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics, 1940, 1950, 1954, 1955, and by selling-price class, 1956-Continued C haracteristics EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION . . . Masonry ........................................ Brick 5 ..............................•••• Other m asonry........................ Frame........................................... Brick facing ••••........ •••••• Brick and wood facing •••••• Wood facing ••••••................ Asbestos shingle facing •••• Stucco •••••••••................. Other facing ••••••••••«.••• A ll other construction ••••••• Unknown..............•••••••••••••• 1956, by projx>sed se llin g -p rice class Less #7,000 #10,000 #12,000 #15,000 $20,000 191*0 1950 1951* 1955 A ll to to than to to and prices $7*000 over #9,999 #11,999 #11*, 999 #19,999 Percent distribu tion o f houses according to sped.fle d ch aracteristics WALLS, FLOORS, ROOFING, INSULARHON, AIID RAIN-CARRYING EQUIR1ENT 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 / 100 100 100 100 11 11 20 16 11 20 19 13 11* 11* 23 10 6 12 2 16 10 11 22 9 15 7 1 1 9 7 5 1* 5 1* 1* 3 1* 80 81 82 86 86 89 89 77 83 89 77 18 26 8 r 20 1 19 29 31* 31 1 20 8 2 2 6 8 11 7 7 1 5 J 20 21*. 52 38 26 18 1*3 1*3 L 31 29 29 15 8 r 21 30 8 21* 1 U U* 13 3 9 11 T 12 1 8 21* 15 3 15 u* iu ill f 2 J 6 1 2 2 7 3 5 1 3 (2) (2) (2) (2) * * (2) (2) (2) 1 3 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (3) 2 2 1 1 (3) SHEATHING (FRAME HOUSES ONLY)6. Sheathed ..........••••••................ Wood p la n k ............................ Plywood •••••••••••••••••••• Insulation board7............... Qypsum board ................•••••« Other •••••••••••••••••••••• Unsheathed8 ............••••••••••• 100 69 1*9 1 U* 5 (2) 31 100 80 1*0 1* 23 12 1 20 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 100 83 31 7 32 9 1* 17 300 98 76 (2) 30 5 7 2 100 95 61 1 u* 13 6 5 100 91 1*0 11 25 11 1* 9 100 81* 28 12 33 8 3 16 100 75 18 1* 1*2 9 2 25 100 81* 21* 9 39 10 2 16 INTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION . . . P laster ••••••••............••••••• On gypsum l a t h ........ •••••••• On metal or wood lath •••••• Dry w all ••••••••••••••••••••• Qypsum board ••••••••••••••. Other ....................... ••••••••• Unknown •••••........ •••••••••••« 100 90 56 31* 10 * * (3) 100 5o 1*9 1 50 1*8 2 (3) * * * * * * * * * * * « * * * * 100 1*1* 1*0 55 1*8 7 1 100 5 1* l 91* 72 22 1 100 11* 13 1 86 76 10 (2) 100 27 26 1 73 60 13 (2) 100 1*0 36 1* 60 51* 6 (2) 100 59 51* 5 1*0 35 5 1 100 62 56 6 38 35 3 (2) KITCHEN WALL FINISH* ................ With p a rtia l tilin g •••••••••• Ceramic t i le ••••••••••••••• P la stic t ile ••••••••••••••« Other t ile ••••••••••••••••• No tilin g Unknown •••••••............•••••••• * * * * * * * 300 3 3 * (2) 97 (3) « * * * * * « * * * * * * * 100 23 13 7 3 71* 3 100 16 3 11 2 81* (2) 100 30 5 13 12 68 2 100 12 2 7 3 87 1 100 22 15 7 (2) 76 2 100 23 15 6 1 71* 3 100 23 17 5 1 71* 3 BATHROOM WALL FINISH5 10. ........ With p a rtia l tilin g s••••• ••••• Ceramic t ile ................. ••••• P la stic t i l e ..................••••• Other t i l e ................... . ••••• Linoleum •.••••••••••••••••••« Painted ••••••••••........ ••••••• Other •••••••••••••••••••••••• Unknown •••••••••...................... * * * * * * * * * * 100 * 39 * 35 * * * 1* * 1* 1 <7 r * ;5 7 l * (3) L * * * * * * * * * * 100 77 55 22 * 1 16 5 1 100 33 7 26 * 16 26 15 10 100 67 21* 1*3 * (2) 16 15 2 100 71 1*1 30 * 1 20 8 (2) 100 77 53 21* * (2) 18 1* 1 100 80 63 17 * (2) 16 3 1 100 93 81* 9 « (2) 5 1 l BATHROOM FLOOR COHERING10 . . . With tilin g ................................. Ceramic t i l e ............••••••«. Asphalt t ile . ..........•••••••• Rubber t ile Linoleum •••••••••••••.......... . Other •••••..............••••••••••• Unknown ........................ •••••••• 100 58 58 (2) * 1*2 (2) (3) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 100 57 38 u* 5 28 13 2 100 20 3 12 5 1*1* 29 7 100 1*1* 23 18 100 1*9 18 27 1* 35 11* 2 100 57 36 18 100 61 1*5 10 6 27 11 1 100 71* 63 See fo o tn o te s on page 32 100 57 29 28 * l*o 3 (3) h 3 33 23 (2) 3 31 n 1 3 8 13 12 1 29 Table 1. New nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics, 1940, 1950, 1954, 1955, and by selling-price class, 1956—Continued Characteristics ROOFING .................. Shingles11 ........ «••«•••••• Asbestos ............... . Asphalt .............. Wood................... Builtup ••••••••••••••••••••••« Other ............... . Unknown ......... ••••••••••• 1956, by prof)osed selling-price class Less $7,000 $10,000 $12,000 $15,000 $20,000 All 19liO 1950 195U 1955 and to to than to to prices $7,000 over $9,999 $11,999 $1U,999 $19,999 Percent distribution of houses according to specified characteristics WALLS, FLOORS, ROOFING, INSULA1]CION, MID RAIN-CARRYING EQUIJMIENT— Coniiinued 100 83 100 92 * * ■* * * * * * * # 1*7 36 12 82 10 6 2 (3) (3) Celling .................. Walls .................... Perimeter... ............. 25 10 83 31* GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS ... . With gutters and downspouts ••• Aluminum ............... . Copper .................. Galvanized steel13 ...... . Woodw ................. Other ............. ..... No gutters or downspouts •••••• Unknown ............... . 100 73 100 68 * * * 6 61 6 5 51 * * * * * * * 5 * * * * * * * 100 81* 7 66 11 11 3 2 100 65 11 52 2 3 29 3 100 87 12 73 2 11 2 (2) 100 82 10 68 81 33 5 U* 8 1 100 67 7 1 53 6 (2) 30 3 100 17 1* (2) 12 1 (2) 76 7 100 81* 5 60 19 3 1 100 86 1* 78 1* 11 2 1 2 (2) 100 91 8 61 22 6 3 (2) 69 21 2 80 31 7 91 31* 7 81* 31 1* 90 52 1* 100 1*5 11 (2) 30 100 50 3 (2) 1*0 7 (2) 1*8 2 100 77 9 (2) 61 7 (2) 22 1 100 71* 8 1 61 5 (2) 21* 1 100 81 5 2 66 8 (2) 17 2 100 60 9 30 1 h 1h 11* INSULATION t12 PERCENT OF ALL houses vara insulation in * * (2) 1 n l 27 32 (3) (3) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k . (2) 55 (2) WINDOWS, SCREENS, AND STORM WINDOWS WINDOWS ABOVE BASEMENT, PRE DOMINANT FRAME MATERIAL..... Wood .................................•••••••;• Steel .................... Aluminum .............. Unknown ......... . WINDOW SCREENS............ With screens16 •••••«•»»«.... Bronze ....... ............ Copper...... .......... Galvanized steel13 •••••••••• Other ••••••••••.... «»•**•• Unknown material..... . No screens •••••«•••••••••••••• DOOR SCREENS ....... With screens16 ••••••••••«•«••• Aluminum ............... . Bronze .............. • Copper ................. Galvanized steel15 ......«• Other ........... ...... . Unknown material ••••••••»••• No screens ••••••••••••»••••••• STORM WINDOWS......... ..................... . With storm windows16 •...... • No storm windows17 ••••••••«••• See footn otes on page 32 100 ^100 91 69 22 9 * 5 (3) (3) 100 89 1 27 10 5o l (3) 100 57 11 29 3 100 88 3 9 (2) 100 57 12 31 (2) 100 53 11* 33 (2) 100 59 27 (2) 100 53 12 33 2 100 77 56 3 6 10 (2) 2 100 87 50 2 * * * * * * # * * * * * * * 100 83 52 2 8 19 2 (2) 17 100 81 58 1 6 16 (2) (2) 19 100 76 55 5 5 10 (2) 1 21* 100 71* 60 2 7 1* (2) 1 26 100 72 57 2 1* 7 1 1 28 * * * * * * * * * 100 70 U6 3 100 87 1*5 100 81 2 100 65 51 2 h 8 28 3 2 2 13 1 1* 33 1 3 2 30 13 19 1* 1 21 100 71 1*7 5 1* 13 1 1 29 100 60 1*7 2 100 79 1*6 1 5 55 * * * * * * * * * 1 1*0 1 31* 100 1* 96 * ■# * * * * 100 100 100 3 3 97 100 9 91 100 11* 86 100 8 97 100 1* 96 100 62 8 12 5 36 1 (3) 11 38 100 89 1 100 1*5 27 9 10 5o l (3) 11 100 6 9h 2 2 31 1 (3) 100 63 18 17 2 100 57 16 * * * 2k 3 23 8 92 k 28 2 1 13 ko (2) 22 u* 1* 6 ( 2) 8 2 92 30 Table 1. New nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics, 1940, 1950, 1954, 1955, and by selling-price class, 1956—Continued HEATING FACILITIES18 ........... With h eating f a c i l i t y ......... Hot w ater1? ••••••••••••• Warm-air furnace (du cts) •••• Warm-air space heater (no d u cts) ••••••••••................. No heating f a c ili t y in s ta lle d , Unknown.........•............•.................. HEATING FUEL (HOUSES WITH HEATING FACILITY INSTALLED) •. G a s ..............................•••••••••• O i l ................................................... E l e c t r ic it y ...........••••............. . S o l i d ..................... .......................... Unknown ••••••••••••.••••......... 1950 195U 1955 HEATING FACILITIES AND FUEL 100 100 100 100 92 96 9b 55 8 (2) 5 3 10 66 73 55 100 98 6 78 300 99 8 87 100 100 17 80 27 3 1 lb 2 (2) b 1 (2) 3 (2) (2) 100 85 13 1 (2) 1 100 76 18 1 1 b 100 75 23 1 (2) 1 100 76 21 1 (2) 2 100 67 30 2 (2) 1 100 100 100 300 100 100 92 b9 bl 2 99 26 57 13 3 (2) 1 98 3 60 30 5 1 1 95 1 37 b6 11 b 1 95 1 33 b5 16 3 2 87 (2) 18 b5 2b 11 2 100 100 100 81 81 77 16 16 16 lb (2) 2 1 1 6 2 2 9 ELECTRICAL SERVICE 100 77 17 3 3 100 79 35 2 b 100 72 15 b 9 10 0 100 21 10 0 11 79 89 (2) 100 98 22 U2 100 91* 13 U3 * * * « * * * * 3b 2 38 6 * * (3) (3) * * * * 13 b 2 b5 b3 2 32 8 (2) 100 b7 13 38 100 6U 33 1 2 * * * * * (3) (3) * * * * * * « 100 72 21 1 (2) 6 100 81 9 3 5 2 * 100 * * 100 * * 92 33 51 * * * * * * * * * * 92 5 37 38 12 b b 10 0 * * 72 * * (2) WATER HEATER ••••...........•............, Tank type (stora ge ca p a city in g a llo n s) •••••••••••••••••••' Less than 30 gallon s •.........., 30 to 39 g allon s •••«••••••• bo to k9 g a llon s ••••••......... . 50 gallon s and over •••••••• Tankless type ••••••••••••••••< Unknown20 ••••••••••••••........... A ll prices 1 19liO * £ posed se'Lling-prjLee cla ss Less 17,000 110,000 ♦12,000 ♦15,ooo $20,000 to to than to to and $7,000 ♦9,999 ♦11,999 ♦1U.999 ♦19,999 over K H C haracteristics * * * * * WATER-HEATER FUEL . . ...........•••• Gas •......................... ............... . . . . E le c t r ic it y •••••••••••••••••• Other*1 ................................. .. Unknown20 •••••••••••••............. 100 90 3 7 * f J * 8 l* * 8 (3) * * * (2) (2) 8 100 76 (3) 16 12 (3) * VOLTAGE ........................................... 110 to 120 v o lts (2 w ire) •••• 220 to 2b0 v o lts (3 w ire) •••• Unknown...............................•••••• * * * # * * * * # * * * * 100 100 100 * * * 2b 7b b9 b7 b 35 65 AMPERAGE......................................... Less than 60 amperes ••••••••• 60 to 7b amperes ......................... 75 to 99 am peres..................... 100 to 129 amperes ••••••••••• 130 amperes and over ••••••••• Unknown •••••••••••.............•••• * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 10 0 PROTECTIVE DEVICES ..................... C ircu it breakers ••••••••••••• Fuses •••••••................................ Unknown .............•••••.................... * * * * 10 0 * ROUGH-IN WIRING........................... Armored ca b le •••••••••........... Therm oplastic sheathed cable • Other nonm etalU c sheathed ca b le ••••••••••••••........... Wire in con du it ••••••............. O ther2 2 ........................................... Unknown ....................... See footnotes on page 32* 10 0 30 r 10 0 22 20 33 9 59 b 5 12 17 1 1 35 3 3 15 15 57 3 7 10 0 10 0 10 0 67 28 59 29 7b 2b 2 2b 10 0 1 21 10 0 1 9 6 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 56 b2 69 2 72 2b 3 29 2 67 30 3 10 0 10 0 100 10 0 10 0 19 17 9 9 15 15 10 10 20 7 56 7 51 50 1 20 1 b (2) 11 1 1 20 2 68 12 1 1 62 8 3 1 5 10 0 * * * 10 0 10 0 20 l * * * * * * * * 56 15 l 3 10 10 0 2 (2 ) 11 * * f * 15 29 71 ( 2) (2) 70 b b 12 10 6 (3) 1 10 0 * 18 77 7 bl lb 3b (3) 19 (2) 10 0 22 10 0 * * * * 65 i (3) 3 * * a 28 2 77 23 1 J * * 5 61 6 60 2 70 6 3 2 31 Table 1. New nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics, 1940, 1950, 1954, 1955, and by selling-price class, 1956—Continued C haracteristics 19ilO 1950 Percent KITCHEN SINK ................................. Single basin •••••••••••*•••••• Double basin ........................... . Combination sink and laundry tub ........................................ Unknown .................................. * T 50 1956, 6JMWO*>osed se llin g -p rice cla ss Less •7,000 $10,000 $12,000 $15,000 $20,000 t-h^n to to to and to over #7.000 ♦9,999 $11,999 H1*,999 $19,999 d istribu tion o f houses according to sp ecified ch a ra cteristics KITCHEN, LAUmSX, AND OTHER BQUIRfENT * # 100 100 100 100 loo loo * * 30 21 32 39 33 31 51* * * 61 78 67 67 69 67 35 195U 1955 A ll prices * # 63 23 * 11* (3) * * * * * * * * * KITCHEN-SINK MATERIAL................ Enameled cast iron •••••••••••• Enameled pressed s t e e l .......... . Stainless ste e l •*••••••••••••• Other ............................................ Unknown ••••••••••••••••••••••• * * * * * * 100 67 (3) * * « * * * LAUNDRY TUB ................................... With tubs ...................................... Basement •••••••••••••••••••• U tility room ......................... . K itch en ..................... ................ Garage ......................... No tubs •••••••••••••#••••••••• Unknown ••••••••••••••••••••••• * * * * * * 100 55 # * * * * * KITCHEN CABINETS*23 PERCENT OF HOUSES WITH SPECIFIED TYPE OF CABINETS* Base •••••»•••••••••••••••••••• Wall .......................................... Undersink KITCHEN CABINET COUNTER-TOP MATERIAL » .................................... Ceramic t i le ................. Laminated p la stic ••••••••••••• Linoleum •••••••••••••••••••••• A ll other . . ............... .............. Unknown ••••••••••••••••••••••• APPLIANCES* PERCENT CF HOUSES WITH SPECIFIED ITEMS INCLUDED IN SELLING PRICE* ** Cooking stove ••••••••••••••••• Gas ........................................ E lectric .................... Dishwasher ••••••••••••••••••••Exhaust fan (kitchen) Garbage disposal unit . . . » ....... In sink •••••••............ . Incinerator ••••••••••••••••• R efrigerator •••••••••••••••••« Full-home a ir conditioner . . . . . Combined heating and cooling* Separate coolin g •*•••••••••• Room a ir co n d itio n e r.......... . A ttic fan . . . . .......................... . . Food fr e e z e r .............. ••••......... . Clothes dryer ••••••••••••••••• Gas ......................... . E lectric •••••••••••................ Washing machine •••••••••••••.« R a d io............................................. T elevision See footnotes on page 32. 32 * 1 * * * * * * * 11 * (2) * (2) * (2) * 3 1 1 100 62 30 5 (2) 3 100 60 28 1 (2) 11 100 58 37 2 3 100 63 31* 2 (2) 1 100 61 31* 1* (2) 100 65 32 2 (2) 1 100 68 15 15 1 1 100 6 1* 1 1 100 27 13 11 1 2 72 1 100 ia 27 10 2 2 59 (2) 100 61 37 16 1 7 38 1 100 65 37 21 92 2 100 21 10 8 2 1 78 1 * (2) 1 li5 (3) * * * * * * * * * 100 1*5 27 13 1 1* 53 2 * * * * * * * * * * * * 90 93 88 65 67 62 91 95 91* 91* 97 92 92 96 89 91 95 93 92 95 88 * * * * * « 100 « * * * * * * * * * * * 100 11* 61* 11 7 100 100 33 1*3 15 5 100 7 66 21 3 3 100 16 61 15 7 l 100 21 68 5 1* 2 100 17 73 3 5 2 13 11 2 21 11 10 * * * * * * * # « * ♦ * * * * * * * * 31* 15 19 11 3 2 1 11 3 u* 16 12 1* 2 15 ia 19 10 9 2 51 27 27 1*6 21 25 11 71 1*7 1*6 1 67 18 1*9 37 80 58 1*8 10 15 15 12 3 3 7 2 6 2 * * * * * * * 15 57 28 C3) « * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * « * * * * * * * 17 15 « * * * * * * * 5 5 * * 10 * * * * 3 k 55 31* 32 2 5 6 5 1 l 5 1 3 1 2 3 2 1 (2) k (2) 1 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (*) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) C2> (2) k 69 19 6 2 5 5 18 18 (2) 1 (2) 5 (2) (2) (2) 1 5 (2) (2) (2) (2) 1 (2) C2) l l (2) (2) 7 1 1* 1 3 1* (2) (2) (2) 2 7 1* 3 (2) 5 (2) 3 1 2 3 (2) (2) 5 6 5 1 f2) 5 l 2 1 1 2 k 2 (2) 7 31* 1 k 7 1* 1 32 Footnotes to table 1. 1 Only sin gle-fam ily detached houses surveyed* 2 No cases reported or less than 0*5 percent* 5 Information available fo r a ll houses in sample, which was selected from units fo r which FHA had issued commitments fo r mortgage insurance* (See p* 20*) * In 1956, includes a few houses (about 1 percent o f the national to ta l) with both a garage and carport* * Includes so lid brick and brick backed with other masonry* 6 For type o f sheathing used with various types o f outside w all m aterials, see table 2 . J Includes high density fiberboard; see also table 2• 8 In 1956, includes frame houses without sheathing as w ell as some (about 3 percent o f the national to ta l) fo r which the sp e cific type o f sheathing was not reported* * Use o f t ile fo r kitchen and bathroom w alls generally refers to wainscoting on lower part o f w alls or t i le on one entire w all, with rest o f w alls and ce ilin g painted or papered; fo r other materials used fo r kitchen-w all fin ish , see table 5. 10 In 1956, refers only to bathrooms above basement level* 11 In 1956, includes less than 0*5 percent o f houses with sla te roofs* Houses roofed with sla te or asbestos shingles were included in "other11 in e a rlie r surveys* "Other" also includes t i l e , r o ll , and metal roofin g materials* 12 For type o f in sulation m aterial used, see table 3 . 13 In 1956, may include some ungalvanized steel* ** In 1956, includes houses with combination o f wood and metal rain-carrying equipment* 15 Includes houses with other types o f window-frame material* 16 Houses fo r which th is equipment was included in se llin g price* 17 In 1956, includes houses fo r which no inform ation on storm windows was obtained* 18 For additional d e ta il, see table 6* 19 Includes houses with steam heating systems,.which accounted fo r less than 0*5 percent o f the national to ta l in 1956 but larger percentages in the e a rlier years* 20 Includes some houses (about 1 percent o f national to ta l in 1956) with no water heater in stalled * 21 Includes houses with water heated from house heating unit* 22 In 191*0 and 1950, p ra ctica lly a ll knob and tube wiring* 23 Data did not permit showing houses with no kitchen cabinets o f any type in stalled * Information on counter-top m aterial applies to houses with either undersink or base cabinets* See also table 7* 2* Based on the number o f houses fo r which data fo r a particular item were reported* The number o f units fo r which data were not obtained varied fo r the d ifferen t item s, but in no case exceeded 2*5 percent o f the tota l* Data in th is table represent the proportion o f units fo r which bu ilders, as a general prac t ic e , include the sp ecified equipment or appliance in the se llin g p rice o f a new house* * Data not available* NOTEs Because o f rounding, sums o f individual items do not necessarily equal tota ls* SOURCE: Data fo r 191*0 and 1950 from Housing and Home Finance Agency; fo r 1951*, 1955, and 1956 from U* S* Department o f Labor. (See appendix A, pp* 18-20.) Table 2. New nonfarm 1-family frame houses: Type of sheathing, by type of exterior wall material, 1956 (Percent distribution) Type of sheathing All materials1 Type of exterior wall material Asbestos Brick and Brick Wood wood shingle facing facing facing facing Stucco 100 100 100 100 100 ALL FRAME HOUSES.............. 100 Sheathed •••••••.... ••••••••••••• 99 95 95 83 18 60 Wood plank ....... •••••..... . 39 1*3 31 12 2 Plywood.......... ••••••.... 7 17 1k 8 52 Insulation board •••••.... ••••• 29 29 25 2 High density fiberboard ••••••••• 3 5 3 3 10 18 10 Gypsum board •••••••••••••••••••• 5 9 2 Other ........... . 7 5 1* ft) 1 U) Unsheathed3 •••••......••••••••• 17 5 5 1 Includes frame houses faced with other exterior wall materials not shown separately* 2 No cases reported or less than 0*5 percent* 5 Includes frame houses without sheathing as well as some (about 3 percent of the national total) which the specific type of sheathing was not reported* NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items do not necessarily equal totals* 100 18 8 1 k 3 2 (?) 82 for 33 Table 3. Newnonfarm 1-family houses: Wall and ceiling insulation, by type of exterior wall material and by type of insulation, 1950 and 1956 Type of wall construction and type of insulation Walls Ceiling 1950 1 1956 1 1956 Percent of all houses with insulation in specified location* by type of exterior wall 81 31* 83 33 * * 22 80 * * 1*0 90 * * 21 97 * * 37 15 * ♦ 36 82 * * 31 93 * * 91 55 * * 81* 1*1* * * 70 57 * * 6 66 * * 53 79 * * 92 ia * * (1) (i) Perceitit distribution of insulated houf?es, by type of insulation 100 100 100 _ 100 1950 ALL TYPES OF EXTERIOR MALL CONSTRUCTION *.. Masonry *........ ....... ........................ Solid b rick ........ ................ ............. . Brick facing ............................... . Other masonry ........................................ . Frame ................................................... . Brick facing ......................................... Brick and wood facing .......................... . Wood facing............................................ Asbestos shingle facing ..................••••• Stucco................................................... Other facing ••••••«•............. . All other construction ••••••••••••••«••••• Unknown ................................. ALL TYPES OF INSULATION............................. Loose ................ *............ ........................ f 1*8 1 r ^ 1 Batts (cut to length) *................ 1 58 i 31 r U 3 r 9 5 Rolls .......................................................... J L 13 J L 12 Reflective (no other type of insulation) *• 2 2 7 1 25 Reflective and fiber combination •••••••••• 1 2 7 J 25 * * Plastic foam ..................... . (i) (1) All other .................. ........... .................... 22 1 *32 5 Unknown ................................. 6 3 (3) (3) 1 Mo cases reported or less than 0*5 percent* * Insulation board* 5 Information available for all houses in sample, which was selected from units for which FHA had issued commitments for mortgage insurance* (See p* 20*) * Data not available* NOTE; Because of rounding, sums of individual items do not necessarily equal totals* SOURCIj Data for 1950 from Housing and Home Finance Agency; for 1956, from U*S. Department of Labor* (See appendix A, pp. 18-20*) Table 4. New nonfarm 1-family houses: Number of windows in houses started in first quarter of 1954, 1955, and 1956, and percentage distribution by type of window and, in 1956, by type of window-frame material 1956* by window.-frame material Ali Aluminum Steel materials1 Wood Number of windows (in thousands) 807.0 3,369.6 51*9.1 TOTAL, ALL TYPES............................. 1,788.3 3,U*l*.l* 2,693.2 7U.0 257.0 370.8 2l*.7 355.7 Basement type ..................... . 289.7 2,998.8 1,711*.3 292.1 782.3 Total, excluding basement............. . 2,1*03.5 2,788.7 Percent distribution of windows, excluding basement 100 100 100 100 100 100 TOTAL, EXCLUDING BASEMENT........ . 22 78 11 Double hung............. 58 55 51* 62 18 Casement •••••••••••••••••••••*••••• 19 h 19 H* 6 8 Horizontal slide *............•••••••••• 5 25 9 3 8 10 8 8 Picture........ ••••••......................... 7 9 6 With flankers* ............................ 7 5 5 5 5 2 Without flankers ••••••••••••••••• 3 3 3 3 3 6 2 11 Awning ............. *....... . 7 1* 5 6 1 2 1 1 1 Projected........................ •••••••••• 10 1 (3) Jalousie............. . 2 3 1* 2 1 2 1 2 All other ••••••........ . 3 1 Includes windows for which type of material was unknown* 1 Flankers are movable sashes at sides of picture windows* * Mo cases reported or less than 0*5 percent* NOTEt Because of rounding, sums of individual items .do not necessarily equal totals* Type of window 195U 1955 34 Table 5. New nonfarm 1-family houses: Interior decoration and finish-floor material, by type of room,1 1950 and 1956 (P e r c e n t d is tr ib u tio n ) KITCHEN Characteristics NALL DECORATION.......................................... Decorated .................. . Wall paper •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Wood paneling *•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Painted, all types of paint •••••••........ Alkyd base ••••••..................... .......... . Latex base ....................... ................ . Linseed o il base •••••....................... . Other............••••••••••••••••••••••••• Undecorated8 •••••••.......••••...........•••••• 1950 *100 100 (*) (*) (A) (*) (*) 86 *1 h (6) 1956* 1950 100 92 17 3 72 19 16 30 7 8 100 87 30 (6) 57 (6) 7 22 27 8 13 OTHER ROCKS 1956 2 living Dining room room 100 100 90 91 16 13 2 U 73 73 21 23 20 20 26 25 6 5 10 9 Bedroom 100 92 15 1 76 23 23 25 5 8 INTERIOR-TRIM9 DECORATION........................... Decorated, all types of paint ........... ••••• Alkyd base........................... . ••••••••.. Latex base............................. . •••••••••• Linseed oil base ..................... .............. Other................................................••••• * * * * # * * 100 89 18 8 U3 20 11 * * * * * * * 100 89 21 12 39 17 11 100 87 22 13 bl 11 13 100 90 21 1U 39 16 10 FINISH-FLOOR MATERIAL .................. .•••••••• Hardwood................ ••••••••••••••••••••••« Softwood ..................... .........••••••••••.••• Plywood •••••••••........ •••••••••••••••••••• Linoleum ••••••••••.......••••••••••••••••••• Tiling material ............. Asphalt tile ........................................ Cork tile ................................ . Vinyl tile ............................................... Concrete ••••.......•••••....... •••••••••»••••• Other ••••••••••••••••..................... ••••••• Unknown................ . 100 (6) (*> (6) 100 3 2 1 57 31 15 (6) 16 (6) 100 100 8U 3 2 (6) 5 100 81 1 2 1 8 6 1 1 1 3 3 100 85 3 1 1 6 6h 32 32 (6) (6) 10 {€) h (It) h 2 76 (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) 3 11 21 (It) k (6) 1 1 3 2 k 1 1 1 2 1 * For vail decoration and flooring of bathrooms and for use of tile on kitchen vails, see table 1* 2 Percent distributions based on number of houses having specified type of decoration or finish floors in specified rooms* 5Includes bathrooms. * Decorating material classified only as o il paint or other material. * Includes plywood and other types of wood paneling. * No cases reported or less than 0.5 percent. JWater paint. 8Includes a ll houses for which type of interior decoration could not be determined. Some of these houses were to be decorated by the builder after the house was sold, with the type of decoration optional with the purchaser; others were sold undecorated with the purchaser assuming responsibility for the cost as well as the choice of decoration. 9 Door and window casings, moldings, baseboards, etc. 10 Includes 2 percent of houses without floor covering. 11 Includes houses floored with materials other than wood and houses in which part of floors (in rooms other than kitchen and bathrooms) were finished with wood and part with other materials. 12 Information available for all houses in sample, which was selected from, units for which FHA had issued commitments for mortgage insurance. (See p. 20.) * Data not available. NOTES Because of rounding, sums of individual items do not necessarily equal totals. SOURCES Data for 1950 from Housing and Home Finance Agency; for 1956, from U. S. Department of Labor. (See appendix A, pp. 18-20.) 35 Table 6. New nonfarm 1-family houses: Heating facilities, fuel, water heaters, and pipe used for plumbing, 1940 and 1950, and by region, 1956 (P e r c e n t d is tr ib u tio n ) Characteristics 191(0 1950 HEATING FACILITIES..................... •*....• With heating facility installed........ •• Boiler systems Steam •••••••••........ ....... ......... •••• Hot water ••.••••••••••••••••••••••• Unknown •••.......•••••......... •••••••*• Warm-air furnace (ducts) ••••••••••••* Forced air (fan) •••.......•••••••..•• Gravity •••••••••••••••••••........ Warm-air space heater (no ducts) ••••* Wall heater *•........ . . . . ............... •• Floor furnace •.•••••*••••••••••••••• Electric panel ••............................. Other............................................... No heating facility installed.......... Unknown •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 100 98 22 9 13 (2) U2 19 23 3U (l) 21 100 9U 13 1 12 (2) 1*3 28 35 38 11 22 T y p e o f ......................................... Cast iron •••••••••••••••••••••............. o f d is tr ib u tio n 100 98 CD Cl) CD CD 81 79 2 17 10 7 CD CD CD 2 * * 13 2 CD 5 6 (2) * * * * 3 5 11* 27 1 2 CD 1 CD CD * * 10 3 7 1 UO 1 2 1 CD 1 CD CD p ip e : Copper tubing ••••••••••••••••............... Other........................ ........ ••••••......... M eth o d o f h e a t tr a n s fer : Radiator ••••••••••••••••.......•••••••••• Radiant panel • • • • ............. .. .............. .. Convector • • • • • • • • • • • • • ...............• • • • • • • • • • • Baseboard * • • * • .................... Unknown • • • • • • ..................• • • • • • • • • • • • ................... D e sig n West b o ile r m a te r ia l: 3 t a e l.......... i T y p e 19& , by region North North east Central South regions HEATING FACILITIES AND FUEL 100 100 300 100 98 87 91* 97 8 1 U1 3 CD CD CD (i ) 8 1 39 3 2 CD CD (l) 60 56 9U 73 58 72 55 93 2 1 1 1 26 1 CD 13 CD 19 9 CD 1 CD 5 1* 2 (l) CD CD (l) CD CD CD 1 9 1* CD 2 2 2 U I )etail for houses with boiler system All 35 (1) 7 CD (2) 1 1 CD CD 3 6 CD CD CD CD 1 7 5 CD CD 1 6 28 2 1 CD CD 3 CD CD Detail for houses with warm-air fumacie (ducts) CD CD CD Cl) Cl) o f fu rn a ce : Up-flow ...................................................................................... Down-flow • • • • • • • • • • • • ............... .. ................ • •••• Horizontal-flow • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Unknown • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • L o c a tio n * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1*8 7 17 1 UO 7 9 CD 70 U 20 CD 3U 10 16 CD 51 8 21 CD 33 U5 31* 65 10 28 30 31 1 3 CD CD 12 1 1 7 1 1 CD CD Houses with heating facility installed 100 100 100 100 72 U2 72 75 21 52 26 18 1 CD CD 3 CD CD CD CD 6 6 2 u HATE HEATER A1CDFUEL 100 100 100 300 66 98 92 95 2 31 '2 5 26 U2 55 r 37 32 2U 31 (l 38 11 9 1U 12 26 CD CD U 8 2 U 5 27 U5 1 7 1 o f fu r n a c e : Basement • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• • • • • Utility room or clo s e t .......................... • •• • •• • A ttic .................................................................................... .. Crawl space * • • • • ............ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Unknown • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • «• • • • • • • • • HEATING FUEL.................... * ............................ Gas • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • O il .................................................................................................. Electric!ty • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• • • • • S olid ............................................................................................ Unknown • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • «• • * WATER HEATER...................................• • • • • ............. • • Tank type (storage capacity in gallons)* Less than 30 gallons •••••.......••••••• 30 to 39 gallons ................................ UO to U9 gallons ••••••••••••••••••••• 50 gallons and over ••••.......••••........ Tankless type ................ *....... ••••••••• Unknown* .................. . SeU footnotes at end of table* * « 100 U7 13 CD 38 (2) « * * * * * * * 100 61* 33 1 2 (2) 100 92 33 n 51 1 J 8 8 C2) 100 92 6 1 CD 1 100 99 CD 18 63 18 CD 1 36 Table 6. New nonfarm 1-family houses: Heating facilities, fuel, water heaters, and pipe used for plumbing, 1940 and 1950, and by region, 1956-Continued (P e rc en t d is tr ib u tio n ) 1956, by region North North All regions east Central South WATER HEATER AND FUEL—Continued 100 100 100 100 76 88 58 67 16 17 9 27 2 17 (i) (l) 6 8 6 3 PIPE 1USED FOR PIUMBING Characteristics 19U0 1950 WATER-HEATER FUEL .......................*......... Gas ........................................................ E lectricity.................. ••••....... ••••••• Other 5 .................................................. Unknown* •••••••••••••........... *............ 100 90 3 7 (2) 100 72 16 12 (2) WATER SERVICE: UNDERGROUND SERVICE TO HOUSE ..................................................... Copper 6 *............*......................*....... . Galvanized iro n .......... .......... *............ . Black iro n ...............••••........••••......... Cast iron .................................... . Other ••••••••••••••....... . Unknown •••••.................. •••............ •••• * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 100 38 28 8 19 3 1* 100 79 3 1 7 8 2 100 38 20 10 22 7 3 100 36 37 1* 18 1 1* 100 17 39 16 25 2 1 DISTRIBUTION INSIDE HOUSE..................... Copper* ....................•••••*••••••....... . Galvanized iron •••••••••••••••••••••••* Other *.................. *..............••••••••••• Unknown ••••••••••••.......••••••••••••••• 100 29 70 1 (2) 100 1*6 53 1 (2) 100 57 37 3 3 100 96 2 (l) 2 100 52 ia 1* 100 67 27 2 1* 100 26 68 5 1 SANITARY DRAINAGE: UNDERGROUND, FROM HOUSE TO SEWER CR SEPTIC TANK............. . Galvanized iron ••••••••••........ *......... . Black iro n ...............•••••••••......... •••• Cast iro n ................................. •«•••••• Clay ............•••••............ •••••••••••••• Concrete •••••••••••••••••••............. Asbestos cement •••••••........ ••••••••••• Other .......•••••••••........•••*••••••••••• Unknown •••••••••••••••••••••••••.......... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * «* * 100 1* 7 39 35 5 2 5 3 100 1 3 66 13 (1 ) 6 8 3 100 3 100 5 6 38 27 9 2 8 5 100 3 3 35 52 5 (1 ) 1 1 3 13 29 1*2 3 2 6 2 West 100 91 7 (i) 2 * * 100 100 100 100 ABOVE GROUND, INSIDE HOUSE .................... 100 * * 8 Copper* •••••.................. *...........*....... 2 7 29 (1) * * 10 Galvanized iron •••••............••••••••••• 19 7 1*3 11* * * 8 6 Black iron ••••••••.......................•••••• 9 19 3 * * 56 60 61* 1*8 Cast iro n ........ •••••......... ••••••••••«•• U1 * * 1 2 Clay....................................................... (1 ) (1 ) 3 * * 1 2 2 1 1 Other •••••••••••••••••................ •••••• * * 18 2 2 Unknown ••••••••••••••••••••••••••........ 7 5 1 No cases reported or less than 0.5 percent* 2 Information available for a ll houses in sample, which was selected from units for which FHA had issued commitments for mortgage insurance* (See p* 20*) 5 Includes stoves and other types of space heaters* * Includes some houses (about 1 percent of national total in 1956) with no water heater installed* 5 Includes houses with water heated by house heating unit* * Includes a small percentage of houses with brass pipe* * Data not available* NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items do not necessarily equal totals* SOURCE: Data for 191*0 and 1950 from Housing and Home Finance Agency5 for 1956, from U. S* Department of Labor. (See appendix A, pp. 18-20*) 37 Table 7. New nonfarm 1-family houses: Average quantity of selected items used per house,1by selling-price class, 1956 Proposed selling-price class ♦7,000 ♦10,000 ♦12,000 to to to ♦9,999 ♦11,999 ♦lb,999 20,U00 27,600 58,100 *218,600 Less than ♦7,000 7,800 Duplext Number of houses reporting •••• Number per house ..................... 210,500 22 7,200 12 20,100 18 26,900 18 57,700 20 61,200 22 36,300 30 Triplex: Number of houses reporting •••• Number per house................ 1U,700 3 200 6 700 3 Uoo 6 2,900 3 7,500 3 3,000 Multiple: Number of houses reporting •••• Number per house ...............•••• 2,200 7 (3) - (3) - 600 b 600 5 1,000 12 U,900 2 9,100 2 lit,900 2 18,800 2 11,900 U 19,800 9 26,900 10 56,300 10 58,Uoo 11 29,000 Characteristics Number of houses started ........ All prices ♦15,000 to ♦19,999 61,900 $20,000 and over 38,100 ELECTRICAL CONVENIENCE OUTLETS, BY TYPE OF RECEPTACLE, (3) - Special purpose: Number•of •••houses 60,U00 reporting 700 1 Number per house •••••........ . 3 9 ELECTRICAL SWITCHES<* Snap switches: Number of houses reporting •••• Number per house ..................... 198,300 11 6,900 6 Mercury switches: Number of houses reporting •••• Number per house ................... . 10,300 15 (3) - 100 8 200 8 1,000 9 2,300 12 6,700 17 Other switches: Number of houses reporting •••• Number per house ..................... 7,000 9 200 5 700 2 900 2 1,200 5 1,200 9 2,800 15 Base cabinets: Number of houses reporting •••• Number per house •••••••••••••• 195,800 U 5,100 18,500 u 26,000 3 53,500 U 56,600 U 3U,900 5 Wall cabinets: Number of houses reporting •••« Number per house ..................... 203,100 5 5,200 3 19,300 U 26,700 U 55,700 5 58,900 5 36,100 6 Undersink cabinets: Number of houses reporting •••• Number per house ••••••........... 193,000 U,800 1 19,200 1 25,500 1 5l,6oo 2 57,U00 1 33,U00 2 15 KITCHEN CABINETS«5 .1 3 CERAMIC TILE: Number of houses reporting •••• 132, Uoo 500 6,500 11,800 33,200 36,100 U3,600 Square feet per house*.......... . 170 70 80 120 lbo 230 170 1 All averages are based on number of specified items installed in houses reporting such equipment or material. 2 Includes houses for which the selling price was unknown. 5 Less than 100 houses. ^ Data obtained on low voltage switches are not shown because of small number of houses reporting such switches. 5 See also table 1. The proportions of each type of cabinet made of wood were as follows« base, 69 percent; wall, 68 percent; and undersink, 86 percent. The remainder of the cabinets were made of steel. * Ceramic tile used throughout house for such purposes as walls and counter tops in kitchen; and for floors, walls, and counter tops of cabinet-type lavatories in bathrooms. See also tables 1 and 10. 38 Table 8: New nonfarmdwelling units: Number of units started, by type of structure and location; and selling price and floor area of 1-family houses, by location, (first quarter of 1954, 1955, and 1956 Tjrpe of structure and year All nonfarm areas Region Metro Nonmetropolitan politan North South Northeast Central areas 1 areas Number of units ALL TYPES OF STRUCTURES* 195b....................................... 1955 ....................................... 1956 ....................................... 233,700 267,800 2bb,300 186,500 225,000 191,900 195b« all topes .................... 1-family.................. . 2-to-l* family •••••••••••••••• 5-or-aore family •••••••........ 100 87 b 9 100 8b 5 n b7,200 62,800 52,bOO Percent 100 97 2 1 1955t ALL TOPES .................... 1-family ••••••••••••••••••••• 2-to-l* family .......... ••••••••• 5-or-more family ••••••••••••• 100 89 100 87 5 8 100 96 2 2 1956: ALL TOPES .................... 1-fam ily................................. 2-to-i* family •.•••••••••••••• 5-or-more fam ily....... •••••••• In valkup buildings.......... . In elevator buildings •••••• 100 90 100 88 5 7 100 95 2 3 h b6,000 52,300 b2,700 of units 100 80 U 16 100 85 5 10 West 52,000 62,900 56,000 77,300 95,200 81,200 58,bOO 77,boo 6b,bOO 100 95 3 2 100 89 3 8 100 80 7 13 100 91* 100 91 100 86 1* 1* 10 100 92 6 2 2 100 81* 1* 12 12 b5,700 b9,b00 36,900 69,000 60,600 bb,300 58,900 87,000 b9,800 36,800 52,700 7b,800 Median proposed selling price $10,100 ♦12,900 ♦13,800 ♦13,100 ♦12,300 ♦10,800 195U....................................... 13,700 13,800 12,000 lb,bOO 11,800 lb, 700 1955 ....................................... 15,300 12,700 lb ,900 16,200 12,800 lb,500 1956 ....................................... Average floor area (square feet) 1,120 1,U*0 1,020 1,220 1,160 l,lbo 195b...................................... 1,120 1,170 1,160 1,170 1,100 1,200 1955 ....... ............................... 1,21*0 1,170 1,290 1,230 1,150 1,250 1956 ....................................... 1 The 168 standard metropolitan areas as defined in the 1950 Census. 1 No cases reported or less than 0.5 percent. Data not available. NOTE* Because of rounding, sums of individual items do not necessarily equal totals. 1*6,900 66,700 5b,300 L-FAMILY HOUSES< 195b....................................... 1955 ....................................... 1956 ....................................... h 6 k 2 202,200 256,900 218,600 * * 156,500 196,300 168,800 100 86 1* 10 * 2 * 8 Number of units 2 h 5 7 100 91* 3 3 2 1 (2) (2) ♦12,600 lb, 100 15,000 1,180 1,210 1,280 39 Table 9: New nonfarm 1-family houses: Regional trends in selected characteristics, 1954, 1955, and 1956 ( P e r c e n t d is tr ib u tio n ) Characteristics PROPOSED SELLING PRICE Less than $7*000 •••••. $7,000 to $ 9 ,9 9 9 ........ $10,000 to $11,999 . . . $12,000 to $11*,999 .... $15,000 to $19,999 .... $20,000 and oyer •••••< Unknown West South North Central All regions Northeast 195U 1955 1956 1951* 1955 1956 1951* 1955 1956 195U 1955 1956 195U 1955 1956 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 2 1 11 7 1* 8 1 CD 12 3 2 15 17 9 it 8 8 6 2lt 21 19 11 k 1* 11 3 3 15 11 10 20 16 13 16 17 12 15 18 13 20 13 11* 27 17 13 21* 29 27 26 36 31* 27 23 21 17 22 25 30 39 33 16 23 26 25 30 23 19 27 30 10 11* 18 13 27 33 6 6 10 10 18 13 8 25 11 19 26 8 9 12 15 6 6 2 2 2 2 u k 1* 2 1* 3 9 5 k FLOOR AREA (SQ. FT.) .......... Less than 700 •••••••••.•••• 700 to 799 .......................... 600 to 999 .......................... 1,000 to 1,199 •••••••......... 1,200 to 1,1*99.................... 1,500 to 1,799 .................... 1,800 and oyer ..••••••••••• Unknown •••••••••••••••••••« 100 10 6 20 21* 19 10 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1 13 2 13 2 1 11 3 3 3 h 6 6 9 3 5 11* 6 u 5 1* 2 22 17 H* 30 26 27 29 25 19 21 11* 30 31 33 25 21 26 32 35 19 26 32 26 26 15 19 16 11 19 21 19 27 21* 8 12 6 10 7 10 13 9 12 2* 6 6 6 9 9 9 7 5 5 16 1* 6 5 2 3 2 1 5 3 2 1 CD 2 1* 3 100 3 3 20 21 33 13 6 1 100 2 1 10 39 37 5 5 1 100 CD CD 9 31 1*2 11 6 1 NUMBER OF BEDROCMS 1 bedroom 2 bedrooms.......... . 3 bedrooms.......... . 1* bedrooms or more Unknown ••••••••••< 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 2 1 1 (1) Cl) CD 1 CD 1 1 3 3 100 2 26 62 8 2 100 1 11* 73 11 1 100 1 15 69 lit 1 BASEMENT ............................. Full or partial basement . . . No basement On slab «••••«•••»•••••••• With crawl space ••••••••• Unknown ........................... 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 20 79 * * 1 100 21* 71 22 1*9 5 100 27 72 9 63 1 UTILITY ROOM ..... With utility room No basement .... With basement •< No utility room •< Unknown •••••••••< FIREPLACE •••••••••• 1 fireplace ••••••••< 2 fireplaces or more No fireplace •••••••< Unknown ••••••••••••< EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION • Masonry .......... . Solid b rick .......... . ......... Brick facing ••••••••••••• Other masonry ••••••••.••• Frame Brick facing ••••••••••••• Brick and wood facing •••• Wood facing Asbestos shingle facing •• Stucco •••••••••••••*••••• Other facing ••«•••••••••• All other construction ••••• Unknown •••••••••••••••••••• 32 58 5 3 la 58 « * 1 * * * * * * * * « « 1*2 55 16 39 3 20 70 8 1 1*3 55 16 39 2 30 65 2 3 78 21 * * 1 20 22 70 66 6 11 1* 1 88 9 3 6 3 32 58 k 3 27 22 38 27 68 71* 51 61* 3 1* 1* 1* 1 CD 1* 1* 81 55 59 18 1*1* 39 11 1* * 28 li* * 1 1 2 69 30 9 21 1 25 73 * « 2 19 79 22 57 2 21 71 It 3 18 79 31 1*8 3 100 100 33 37 27 30 6 7 61* 58 3 5 * * * * * « 100 100 19 31 7 11* 12 17 78 60 9 3 « * « # * * - 100 100 31* 27 32 23 2 U 61* 67 2 6 * * * * * * 100 100 1*8 1*5 1*3 1*0 5 5 50 1*9 2 6 * * * * * * 100 21* 16 8 71 5 100 100 100 27 32 3 3 66 63 1* 2 * * * * « 100 100 21* 1*5 2 2 68 1*8 6 5 * « * * * 100 100 21 22 2 It 75 71 2 3 * * * * * 100 100 18 17 1 2 71* 78 7 3 * * * * * 100 1*6 6 1*6 2 100 53 2 100 12 It 8 CD 83 3 3 21* 3 50 3 2 100 13 3 6 1* 85 3 6 30 CD 1*6 1 1 100 18 1 13 1* 82 2 1* 17 2 56 1 CD CD 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 8 9 13 20 16 9 12 11* 15 19 36 19 2 3 2 CD 2 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 7 12 5 h 82 77 10 6 1* 2 83 89 20 lfi 26 11* 8 6 7 5 31 29 21* 31* 11* 8 9 31* 1 1k 2 1 (1) 2 2 1 1 See footnotes at end of table. 22 68 6 3 1* 1* 6 2 3 3 87 90 82 18 15 22 6 15 12 35 39 1*1* 16 18 9 1 1 3 5 1 CD k 2 1 3 9 11 9 2 1 9 81 81* 76 28 37 31 9 1* U 36 30 26 9 11* 5 1 3 CD It 2 3 CD 2 1 3 8 23 10 8 62 78 23 1*0 6 9 20 18 11 9 C D * 2 1 CD 1 3 hi 35 6 58 1 hh 1 40 Table 9: New nonfarm 1-family houses: Regional trends in selected characteristics, first quarter of 1954, 1955, and 1956—Continued r (P e rc en t Characteristics WINDOWS ABOVE BASEMENT, 100 100 100 100 PREDOMINANT FRAME MATERIAL * Wood *••••«••••••••••••••••« 63 57 57 67 18 16 11 17 Steel .................................. Aluminum ••••••••••••••••••* 17 2k 29 15 2 1 Unknown •••••••••••••••••••• 3 3 * No cases reported or less than 0*5 percent. * Data not available* NOTES Because of rounding, sums of individual d is tr ib u tio n ) North Central South All regions Northeast Vest 195U 1955 1956 1951* 1955 1956 195U 1955 1956 195k 1955 1956 195k 1955 1956 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 73 72 68 72 67 68 57 Sk 8 20 9 13 7 7 10 10 10 19 10 16 25 20 28 36 2 2 1 U 1 3 5 3 items dp not necessarily equal totals* 100 hi 29 21 3 100 31* 30 33 3 100 kk 23 29 k 41 Table 10: New nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics,1by region, 1956 (P e r c e n t d is tr ib u tio n ) North east 100 96 to 19 29 1 5 l 2 North Central 100 98 23 11 53 3 2 k 6 6 2 k 58 100 38 31 7 61 100 57 55 2 la 39 2 2 100 28 22 6 69 63 6 3 100 5k 53 1 1<5 38 7 1 100 17 7 9 1 80 3 100 23 8 10 100 3k 28 5 1 63 3 100 91 63 11 2 100 97 73 21 3 2 1 100 73 55 12 6 23 ROOFING . . ......................................................... Shingles • ............................................. ••••••• Asbestos .................. •••••••••••..............•••• Asphalt •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*• Wood............................................................... Builtup ............................ . Other •••••••...............••••••.............. ••••••••• Unknown •••••.......... ....................••••••......... 100 8k 7 66 11 11 2 2 100 97 6 89 2 1 1 1 100 92 3 88 1 INSULATIONi 7 PERCENT OF ALL HOUSES WITH INSULATION INs Ceiling ............................................................. W alls........................ ....................................... Perimeter ............................................. .......... . 81 33 96 77 9 to GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS . . .......... ....................... With gutters and downspouts ••••••••••••••••••• Aluminum •••••••••«•*•••••••••••••••••••••••• Copper.......... .......... ••••••••••••......... •••••• Galvanized steel* •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Wood10............................................................ Other ............................................................. No gutters or downspouts Unknown •••••••.............................. . 100 67 7 1 la 6 12 30 3 100 92 10 2 20 100 86 3 1 WINDOWS ABOVE BASEMENT, PREDOMINANT FRAME MATERIAL............................................................ Wood.................................................................. Steel ....................••••••••••••••••••......... . Aluminum •••••••••••••.......•••••••••••••••••••• Unknown ............. . 100 57 11 29 3 Characteristics SHEATHING (FRAME HOUSES ONLY)* ....................... Sheathed . ............•............ •....... ............•••••. Wood plank •••••••................................. ••••• Plywood Insulation board......................... ••••••••••• High density fiber board •••••••••••••••••••• Qypsum board ........................ . Other............•......... ••••••••••....... ............• Unsheathed 3 •••••••••••...............••••••....... •• All regions 100 83 31 7 29 3 INTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION............................. . Plaster .......••••• On gypsum lath •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• On metal or wood lath .......... ............•••••••. Dry wall ...................................... ••••••••••••• Qypsum board .......... ••••••••••••••••............ . Other •••••••••••••...............••••••••••••••.. Unknown ••••••••••••••••••••••••••............••••• 100 to KITCHEN HALL FINISH * ....................................... With partial tiling «•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ceramic t i l e ........ •••••••••••••••........•••••• Plastic tile ........................................ Other tile ..........................••••••....... •••••• No tiling .......................................................... Unknown............. ...................... •••••«••••••••• 100 23 13 7 3 7k 3 100 7 SUBFLOOR 5 ........................................................ With subfloor ...............••••....... •••••••••••••• Softwood boards.......•••••••••••...........•••••• Plywood •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.......... Other............•••••••••••••••••..................... No subfloor ••••••.......... ........ •••••••••••••••• Unknown ............••••••••••••••••......... ••••••••• 100 87 6k See footnotes at end of table. 9 k 17 ko k 55 to 7 1 19 k 5 k7 Ik 1 k 2 1 92 1 k k 26 2 7 2 k 1 3 93 9 South 100 91a to 3 21 2 20 k 72 5 k 69 19 2 77 16 2 100 100 75 9 (8) ko 5 3 100 72 8 19 1 100 67 7 25 1 100 5k 7 36 3 26 100 96 72 20 k 3 1 100 82 9 ko 33 15 2 1 (8) 8 12 2 7k IS 100 71a 9 59 6 16 3 3 8 1 23 (8) 8 57 3 3k West 100 k2 12 3 to k Ik 2k 1 100 to 23 29 k 42 Table 10: New nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics,1by region, 1956-Continued (P e r c e n t Characteristics WINDOWSCREENS.................................................. With screens11 *••••.......... ••••••••............ . Aluminum •••••••••••................................ . Bronze ............................................................ Copper •••........ ••••••••••....... •••••••••••••• Galvanized steel9 ••«••••«•••••••••••••••••• Other............................................................. Unknown material •••••••............. ••••••......... . No screens •••••.......... •••••••......... ••••••••••* d is tr ib u tio n ) All regions 100 77 56 3 6 10 (8) 2 23 North east 100 23 17 1 2 (8) (8) 3 77 North Central 100 69 lilt 1 3 18 1 2 31 South 100 9lt 73 2 7 8 1 3 6 West 100 90 63 7 6 11 (8) 1 10 DOOR SCREENS ****............... ............................... 100 100 100 100 100 70 22 With screens11 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 70 65 93 16 Aluminum ••••••••••••••••••••....... ••••••••••• 1*6 1|6 39 63 1 1 1 Bronze •••••••••••••••••••••............••••••••• 3 7 1 1 6 6 Copper ••••••••••••••••••••••••*••••••••••••• k Galvanized steel9 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 10 (8) 17 13 1 1 1 Other ............................................................. (8) 3 Unknown material ••••••••••....... *•••••••••••• 1 3 3 3 3 78 30 No screens *.........*••••••••••••....... ••••••••••• 30 35 7 1 This table includes information for individual regions vhich was not cross-tabulated by selling price as presented in table 11 (Parts A through D)* 2 For percent of houses with frame construction, see table 9* For type of sheathing used with various outside wall materials see table 2* 3 Includes frame houses without sheathing as well as some (about 3 percent of the national total) for which the specific type of sheathing was not reported* * Use of tile for kitchen walls generally refers to wainscoting on lower part of walls or tile on one entire wall, with rest of walls and ceilings painted or papered) for other materials used for kitchen-wall finish, see table 5* * For materials used for finish floors, see table *>• 6 Includes less than 0*5 percent of houses with slate roofs* 7 For type of insulation material used, see table 3. ®No cases reported or less than 0*5 percent* 9 May include some ungalvanized steel* 10 Includes houses with combination of wood and metal rain-carrying equipment* 11 Based on number of houses for which builders reported that, as a general practice, screens were included in the selling price* NOTES Because of rounding, sums of individual items do not necessarily equal totals* 43 Table U-A: New nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics, by location and selling-price class, 1956 R E G IO N Characteristics NUMBER OP HOUSES..................................... Percent distribution TYPE OF HOUSE.......................................... Detached Semidetached and row ••••••••••••......... . Unknown ••••••••••••••.••••••••........ . 1 - NO RTHEAST Proposed selling-price class Less $20,000 #10,000 #12,000 #iS,ooo All to to to and prices over Ho, ooo #11,999 ♦Hi, 999 •19,999 1,700 U,300 12,1(00 8,500 9,200 136,800 100 12 3k 23 25 k Percent distribution of houses according to specified characteristics 100 100 100 100 100 100 96 96 97 97 95' 99 1 3 1* 3 k k 1 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) NUMBER OF STORIES.................................... 1 story Split le v e l............................................. Other ..................................... Unknown ••••*••••••••••••............. ••••••• 100 59 25 11* 2 100 100 (2) (2) <2) 100 87 5 7 1 100 73 11 16 (2) 100 51 39 10 (2) 100 28 1*8 22 2 FLOCB m i (SQ. FT.) ............................... Less than 800 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 800 to 999............................................... 1,000 to 1,199 ........................................ 1,200 to 1,1(99......................................... 1,500 to 1,799 ......................................... 1,800 and over •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Unknown ..................... .•••••••••••••••••• 100 6 100 20 7i* h 1 (2) (2) 1 100 5 73 13 5 1 3 (2) 100 13 36 32 13 3 2 1 100 (2) 8 33 31 23 1* 1 100 (2) (2) 3 13 23 56 5 NTJMBHR OF BEDROOMS .................................. 2 bedrooms or less ...............................•• 3 bedrooms ............. .......................... . it bedrooms or more Unknown .................. . 100 22 66 11 1 100 23 77 (2) (2) 100 1*8 52 (2) (2) 100 32 (2) 100 11 83 6 (2) 100 1* 61 35 (2) NUMBER OF BATHROOMS................................ 1 bathroom ....................................... . 1 complete, 1 partial bathroom •••••••••• 2 complete bathrooms •••••••••••••••••••• More than 2 complete bathrooms •••••••••• No bathroom ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Unknown ••••••••••............••••••••••••••• 100 51 21 10 17 (2) 1 100 91 8 (2) 1 (2) (2) 100 100 75 11* 9 2 12) (2) 100 ia 1*6 7 6 (2) (2) 100 5 17 21 57 (2) C2) BASEMENT................................ ................. Pull or partial basement •••••••••••••••• No basement ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Qn slab ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• With crawl space •••••••••••••••••••••• Unknown .......................... •••••••••••••••• 100 81 18 100 20 80 (2) 80 (2) 100 52 9 1*3 (2) 100 87 12 6 6 1 100 90 10 1 9 (2) 100 96 1* 1 3 (2) UTILITY ROOM............................................ With utility room .................................. . No basement .......... ............. With basement ••••••••......................... No utility room ............................. . Unknown 100 31 17 60 9 100 78 72 6 21 1 100 50 1*5 5 1*9 1 100 18 7 11 77 5 100 28 10 IB 63 9 100 37 3 31* 58 5 GARAQE FACILITIES.................................... Oarage 5 ............................. . Carport only •••••••••••••••••••••••••••« No garage or carport '•••••••••••••••••••• Unknown ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••««• 100 60 9 29 2 100 7 (2) 91 2 100 27 1*0 32 1 100 39 10 50 1 100 79 3 17 1 100 97 1 2 (2) FIREPLACE.................. ............................. 1 fireplace ........................................ 2 fireplaces or more •••••••«•••••••••••• No fireplace •«•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Unknown .......... ...................... ••••••••••• See footnotes on page 55* 100 1»5 2 ue 5 100 100 51 (2) 1*9 (2) 100 31* (2) 66 (2) 100 38 2 59 1 100 76 7 13 1* 26 21 16 12 16 3 k Ik 1 lk k (2) *96 (2) 9k 5 (2) (2) (2) 1 k8 6k k •44 Table 11-A: New nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics, by location and selling-price class, 1956»Continued R E G IO N Characteristics EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION..................... Masonry.......•••••••••••••••••••.............. Solid brick . ........................................ Brick facing ............................. . . . . . . . Other masonry ••••••••••••••........... Frame ••••••.......... ••••••••••............ . Brick facing •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Brick and wood facing •••••••••........ . . Wood facing •••••••••....... Asbestos shingle facing •••••••••»••••• Stucco ..................... •••••••••••••••••• Other facing ••••••••••«••••••••••••••* All other construction ••••••.......... ••••. Unknown ................. . I - N O R T H E A S T — C O N T IN U E D Proposed selling;-price class Less Ho,ooo 812,000 $20,000 fi5,ooo All to to and than to prices $10,000 over 111,999 |1U,999 819,999 Percent distribution of houses according to specified characteristics—Continued 100 100 100 100 100 100 8 11 11 9 9 5 1 3 3 ll 3 3 u l k k 5 5 (2) 2 l k 3 3 90 88 92 91 89 95 1 10 28 (2) 9 IS 16 12 1 10 22 7 2 58 39 1|9 29 27 18 21 2 17 87 19 (2) 12) (2) 1 1 1 1 32 1 1 ll s (2) (2) (2) (2) 1 (2) (2) (2) (2) 1 (2) (2) INTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION..................... Plaster ••••••••••••................ .......... . Dry vail ••••.......... Unknown •••••••.......•......... ................ 100 38 61 1 100 1 99 (2) 100 Hi 86 (2) 100 38 62 (2) 100 55 U5 (2) 100 1|2 58 (2) HEATING FACILITIES ........................ . Hot water %••••••••••••........................ . Warm-air furnace (ducts) •••••••••••••••• Warm-air space heater (no ducts) •••••••• No heating facility installed................ Unknown ................................ . 100 111 56 (2) 1 2 100 58 37 1 li (2) 100 18 82 (2) (2) (2) 100 29 67 (2) (2) 100 ia 59 (2) (2) (2) 100 65 33 (2) (2) 2 OTHER EQUIPMENT AND APPLIANCES: PERCENT OF HOUSES WITH SPECIFIED ITEMS INCLUDED IN SELLING PRICE:5 Window screens ................ ................ •••• Door screens •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Storm windows ........................ Cooking stove ••••••••••••••.......... ••«••• Gas ...............••••«......... •••••••••••••• Electric ........ .................................... Dishwasher ..................... ................ Exhaust fan (kitchen) ••••••••••••••••••• Garbage disposal unit ••••••••••••••••••• In sink Incinerator ..................... . Refrigerator ...................... ••••••......... . Full-home air conditioner ••••••••••••••• Combined heating and cooling ............... Separate cooling ..................... •••••••• Room air conditioner •••••••••••••••••••• Attic fan ........ . Food freezer ..................... •••••••••••••• Clothes dryer ........................................ Gas ............................ ..................... . Electric .............. . Washing machine ••••••••••••«•••••••••••• Radio ....................................................... Television ............................................... 23 22 2 67 29 38 16 77 5 li 1 9 (2) (2) (2) 2 (2) 2 2 1 5 5 l (2) 11 8 (2) 33 19 Hi (2) 67 (2) (2) (2) 5 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 5 5 (2) (2) 28 32 2 80 62 18 5 7k (2) (2) (2) 7 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 12 10 (2) (2) 15 Hi 1 60 3U 26 2 70 2 1 1 6 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 6 6 1 (2) 23 19 ll 62 30 32 7 75 li 3 1 li (2) C2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 1 1 1 1 1 (2) 31 28 3 81i 9 75 51i 91 12 11 1 a See footnotes on page 55* h i i (2) 6 1 6 8 3 li 7 2 (2) 45 Table 11-B: New nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics, by location and selling-price class, 1956-Continued R E G IO N Characteristics II - N O R T H C E N T R A L All prices NUMBER OF HOUSES..................................... Percent distribution •••••••••••••••••••• *52,700 100 TYPE OF HOUSE.......................................... Detached ............................. . Semidetached and row ................ Unknown ........................ ........................ . 100 99 (2) 1 NUMBER OF STORIES.................................. . 1 story .............................. .......... ........ Split level •«••••••••••••••••••••••••••« Other....................................................... Unknown ................................................... 100 91 Proposed sellinij-price class Less 110,000 #12,000 #15,000 to than to to 110,000 #11,999 #11*,999 #19,999 1*,000 11,100 16,500 6,700 8 30 21 13 Percent distribution of houses according to specified characteristics 100 100 100 100 100 99 99 99 1 (2) (2) (*) (2) (2) 1 (2) $20,000 and over 13,500 26 100 100 (2) (2) 100 97 (2) 1 2 100 92 2 6 (2) 100 82 10 8 (2) 100 1 8 1 2 (2) 100 (2) 11 59 28 1 1 (2) 100 (2) 1 20 ko 20 19 (2) 100 Uo 60 (2) (2) 100 16 78 6 (2) 100 18 79 3 (2) 100 8 85 7 (2) 100 85 1 b 1 8 1 100 97 1 1 1 (2) (2) 100 85 10 5 (2) (2) (2) 100 51 bS 3 1 (2) (2) 100 21 U8 18 13 (2) (2) 100 69 30 9 21 1 100 18 82 12 70 (2) 100 3U 66 29 37 (2) 100 63 37 11 26 (2) 100 89 11 7 (2) 100 83 17 3 lb (2) UTILITY ROCK.................... ..................... With utility room .................. . No basement .................. . With basement .................. . No utility room ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Unknown ........ ............... ..................... . 100 27 23 b 67 6 100 1 53 3 100 57 55 2 U3 (2) 100 32 30 2 8 100 12 10 2 86 2 100 2b lb 10 69 7 OARAGE FACILITIES.................................... Garage3 •••••••••••*••••••••••••••••«••• Carport only .................................. . No garage or carport •••••••••••••••••••• Unknown ................................................. . 100 6 b9 1 100 29 6 65 (2) 100 35 3 62 (2) IDO 29 15 55 1 100 35 2 62 1 100 72 5 23 (2) FIREPLACE................................................ 1 fireplace ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 fireplaces or more ...............•••••••••• No fireplace ........................................... Unknown ..................................... ............. See footnotes on page 55* 100 22 b 71 3 100 (2) (2) 100 (2) 100 (2) (2) 87 13 100 100 20 100 56 10 32 2 100 1* 1 h 100 9b (2) 6 (2) FLOOR AREA (SQ. FT.) ............................... Less than 800 •••••••••••••••••«••••••••• 800 to 999 ............................................... 1,000 to 1,199............... . ....................... 1,200 to 1,1*99......................................... 1,500 to 1,799 ........................................ 1,800 and over............. ..................... . Unknown.......... 100 7 25 35 21 6 6 (2) 100 53 36 11 (2) (2) (2) (2) 100 17 65 (2) (2) (2) NUMBER OF BEDROOMS .................................. 2 bedrooms or less ................... . 3 bedrooms.................................... Ubedrooms or more ................ Unknown .................................................. . 100 22 7b b (2) 100 83 17 (2) (2) NUMBER OF BATHROOMS................................ 1 bathroom .............................................. 1 complete, 1 partial bathroom •••••••••• 2 complete bathrooms •••••••••••••••••••• More than 2 complete bathrooms •••••••••• No bathroom ................ . Unknown ............. .......................... . 100 58 29 7 b 1 1 BASEMENT .................................................. Full or partial basement •••••••••••••••• No basement ........................................ On sla b ................................................ With crawl space ................ . Unknown ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• kk hk U3 9k k 1 1 lk k k9 39 60 k (2) 96 (2) k k 75 1 46 Table 11-B: New nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics, by location and selling-price class, 1956--Continued R E G IO N Characteristics EXTERIOR WILL CONSTRUCTION..................... Masonry ................................... •••»•••••» Solid b rick .......................................... Brick facing ..................... «............ . Other nasonxy ................................ •••» Frame .......... .................. ............. . Brick facing .......... ................ Brick and wood facing .................. . Wood facing .............................. •......... Asbestos shingle facing ..................... . Stucco ••••••••••••••••••••••••»••••••• Other facing........ ••••»••....... .......... . All other construction •••••••••••••••••• Unknown .......... . II - N O R T H C E N T R A L - C O N T IN U E D All prices 100 35 3 11 1 8U 37 k 30 9 (2) h (2) 1 INTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION..................... Plaster............. . Dry w a ll.................................................. Unknown .................................. . 100 57 hi HEATING FACILITIES.................................. Hot water\.««»........ .......... Warm-air furnace (ducts) ........................ Warm-air space heater (no ducts) ............ No heating facility installed ............. . Unknown .................................... 100 OTHER EQUIPMENT AND APPLIANCESt PERCENT OF HOUSES WITH SPECIFIED ITEMS INCLUDED IN SELLING PRICES 5 Window screens •••••••••••«•••••••••••••• Door screens •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Storm windows •••••••••••••••«••••••••••• Cooking stove .......................................... Gas ............. ..................................... . Electric ................................ . Dishwasher........................ . Exhaust fan (kitchen) ............................ Garbage disposal unit ............................. In sink ••••••••••••••............. . Incinerator ................ ..................... . Refrigerator ............. ............ Full-home air conditioner ••••••••••••••• Combined heating and cooling •••••••••• Separate cooling ........ . Room air conditioner ............................. . Attic fan ................ .................. . Food freezer ............. .......................... . Clothes dryer .......................................... Gas ................................ . Electric .................. ........................ Washing machine ........................ Radio....................................................... Television •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• See footnotes on page 55* 2 3 9h 1 (2) 2 69 « 21 26 5 21 8 58 ho 37 3 h 5 3 2 (2) 2 1 5 2 3 5 3 2 Proposed selling-price class $10,000 $12,000 $15,000 Lm i than to to to 110,000 fu , 999 $li»,999 $19,999 Percent distribution of houses according: to specified characteristics 100 100 100 100 8 2 20 2 (2) (2) (2) 3 (2) 2 16 (2) 8 2 1 (2) 98 92 98 79 (2) 13 35 50 1 1 (2) 5 60 18 53 hi 12 29 23 3 (2) (2) (2) (2) 8 3 3 b (2) (2) 1 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 100 15 83 2 100 29 $20,000 and over 100 30 7 23 (2) 70 b7 8 12 (2) (2) 3 (2) (2) (2) 100 37 63 (2) 100 77 23 (2) 100 78 21 1 100 2 76 16 3 3 100 (2) 97 (2) (2) 3 100 2 97 1 (2) (2) 100 2 98 (2) (2) (2) 100 8 92 (2) (2) 2 78 78 ii6 12 6 6 1 2 lb 1U (2) 2 (2) (2) (2) (2) 2 (2) (2) (2) (2) 2 (2) (2) 82 86 lb 8 b b (2) 3b 22 22 (2) b 2 2 (2) (2) 2 b 7 2 68 67 20 5 1 b 2 37 31 31 (2) 1 b 1 3 1 1 (2) b (2) b 61 b6 31 30 b 26 b 77 b8 b6 2 3 2 1 1 (2) 1 (2) 2 1 1 3 6 69 70 17 51 10 bl 23 81 53 bb 9 9 13 7 6 (2) n 5 6 1 (2) 5 (2) (2) 5 5 2 7 3 b 7 b 1 47 Table 11-C: Hew nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics, by location and selling-price class, 1956-Continued R E G IO N Characteristics I I I-S O U T H All prices *7b»800 HUMBER OP BOUSES.................................. Percent distribution ••••••••••••••••••••.•• 100 Proposed selling-price class $7,000 $10,000 ♦12,000 $15,000 $20,000 Less than to to and to to ♦7,000 ♦9,999 $11,999 ♦lb,999 $19,999 over 6,600 lb ,200 10,500 18,800 13,800 8,900 18 12 9 19 lb 25 Percent distribution of houseis according to specified characteristics 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 96 98 98 100 8U (2) 2 (2) (2) is 3 (2) (2) 1 2 (2) 1 TYPE OP HOUSE................ *............................ Detached •••••••••••••••••••••••«••••••••••• Semidetached and row ............. Unknown ............................•••••............ 100 95 3 2 HUMBER OF STORIES......................................... 1 story ..........................................••••••••• Split le v e l.................................................. Other ............................................... . Unknown •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 100 89 3 6 2 100 99 (2) 1 (2) 100 81 (2) 19 (2) 100 96 (2) FLOOR AREA (SQ. FT.) .................................... Less than 800 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 800 to 999 .................................................... 1,000 to 1,199............................................. 1,200 to l,b99 ............................................. 1,500 to 1,799 ............................................. 1,800 and over •••••••••••••••........ Unknown ..................................................... 100 6 lit 32 2U 12 9 3 100 56 27 8 8 (2) (2) 1 HUMBER OF BEDROOMS....................................... 2 bedrooms or less .......... .................. ......... 3 bedrooms ............••••••••••••••••••••••••• k bedrooms or more ........................... ••••••• Unknown 100 22 71 (2) 100 98 1 (2) 1 100 91 7 2 (2) 100 86 9 5 (2) 100 7 29 55 6 3 (2) (2) 100 3 25 50 20 1 1 (2) 100 (2) 8 li3 1|2 6 1 (2) 100 (2) *1 IS 38 36 10 (2) 100 (2) (2) 6 13 23 58 (2) 100 33 65 1 1 100 30 69 1 (2) 100 11 87 2 (2) 100 10 86 3 100 72 26 2 (2) 100 7 76 17 (2) HUMBEROF BATHROOMS .................................... 1 bathroom 1 complete, 1 partial bathroom....... . 2 complete bathrooms ••••••••••••••••••••••• More than 2 complete bathrooms ••••••••••••• Ho bathroom •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Unknown . . . . . . . ................. ••••••....... . 100 100 Ik 100 96 1 2 (2) (2) 1 100 76 IS 9 (2) (2) (2) 100 5k 100 18 2k 2k k9 9 BASEMENT ....................................................... Full or partial basement ............••••••••••• Ho basement.......... On slab •••••••••••••••••••.................. . With crawl space ............................••••••• Unknown 100 18 79 31 1*8 3 100 3 96 9 87 1 100 Hi 86 bl (2) 100 7 92 51 ia 1 UTILITY ROOM....................... .................. . With utility room Ho basement ........................................... . With basement Ho utility roan Unknown ................ ....................................... 100 Ii5 6 100 6 6 (2) 93 1 100 32 32 (2) 63 5 OARAGE FACILITIES................................ Oarage 3 ........... ........................ ...............* Carport only .......................................•#•••• Ho garage or carport ••••••••••••••••••••••• Unknown ••••••••••••*••••••••••••••••••••••• 100 32 33 32 3 100 6 15 78 1 100 23 33 FIREPLACE..................................... ............. . 1 fireplace ........................................ ......... 2 fireplaces or more ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ho fireplace ............................................. Unknown •••••••«•••••«•••••••••••••••••••••• See footnotes on page 55• 100 17 2 78 3 100 k 13 21 6 2 k kO 5 k9 (2) 1 (2) 2k 1 k (2) 96 (2) k 60 16 (2) (2) (2) k (2) 100 2 7 57 3k (2) C2) (2) (2) 100 13 86 35 51 1 100 33 66 21 100 37 16 1 23 39 1 100 52 51 1 Ii5 3 100 57 53 ia 2 100 Si ia 10 li3 6 100 57 1*3 u* 38 5 (2) 100 32 33 35 (2) 100 30 1*8 21 1 100 ia 31 28 (2) 100 65 22 12 1 100 3 (2) 97 (2) 100 8 (2) 91 1 100 13 (2) 87 (2) 100 25 1 72 2 100 63 12 25 (2) 16 kk k 62 48 Table 11-0 New nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics, by location and selling-price class, 1956—Continued R E G IO N Characteristics III - S O U T H - All prices c o n t in u e d Proposed selling-price class Less ♦7,000 ♦10,000 $12,000 ♦iS,ooo $20,000 than to to to to and $7,000 ♦9,999 ♦11,999 ♦1U.999 ♦19,999 over Percent distribution of houses according to specified characteristics 100 100 100 100 100 100 6 21 18 30 27 15 1 1 l 6 12 (2) 1 21 12 k k 5 6 16 8 6 k 9 82 70 9h 73 79 85 60 1 11 58 37 53 1 8 12 2 12 15 8 56 21 6 2 37 32 11 1 (2) 19 3 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 2 1 k k 3 3 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) EXTERIOR HALL CONSTRUCTION.................. Masonry ........................ Solid b rick ............................................... Brick facing ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Other masonry .......... ..................... Frame .................. .................. ................ Brick facing •••••••••••••«••••••••••••••« Brick and wood facing •••••••••••••••••••• Wood facing ........... Asbestos shingle facing •••••••••••••••••• Stucco Other facing •••••««•••••«•••••••••••••••• All other construction ........................ Unknown ............................................... . 100 19 3 8 8 78 INTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION.......................... Plaster ........................................................ Dry vail ............................. ....... . Unknown ••••••••••«••••••••••••••••»••........ 100 28 69 3 100 1 99 (2) 100 1k 86 (2) 100 28 72 (2) 100 38 62 (2) 100 HEATING FACILITIES....................................... Hot water* .................................... . Wam-air furnace (ducts) ..................... Warm-air space heater (no ducts) ••••••••••• No heating facility installed •••••••••••••• Unknown ........................................ 100 1 60 26 9 100 (2) 2 51 1|6 1 100 (2) 53 35 11 1 100 (2) ia 50 9 (2) 100 1 60 1U 100 5 79 12 1 (2) 93 95 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 12) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) <2) (2) (2) 90 90 96 95 (2) 8 6 2 2 26 96 96 5 10 3 7 5 38 6 6 (2) 1 12 8 U 1 12 1 2 1 1 2 1 (2) 92 91 6 ia 11 30 16 1*8 26 21* 2 13 10 7 3 1 13 2 (2) (2) (2) 2 3 1 OTHER EQUIPMENT AMDAPPLIANCES! PERCENT CF HOUSES WITH SPECIFIED ITEMS INCLUDED IN SELLING PRICEt5 Window screens ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••« Door screens ••••••••••••••••••«•••••••••••• Storm windows .......... ............. ............. . Cooking stove ............................. Gas .......... ........................ ............. Electric ................ ................................ . Dishwasher ••••••••••••«•••............. Exhaust fan (kitchen) •••••••••••••••••••••• Garbage disposal unit ..................... . In sink ............................. . Incinerator ........................ . Refrigerator ................ ........ ..................... Full-home air conditioner •••••••••*•••••••• Combined heating and cooling ••••••••••••• Separate cooling .......««•••••••••••••••••• Room air conditioner .......................... ......... Attic fan .................................................. . Food freezer ............................................... Clothes dryer ............. ................ . Gas .................. ............................. . Electric ................................................. . Washing machine ......................................... Radio............................................................ Television ................ ••••••••••••••«........... See footnotes on page 55* ko 9 IB 9 (2) 2 (2) 3 k 9k 93 3 2h 8 16 12 3h 15 Ik 1 7 9 7 2 1 11 1 2 1 1 2 2 (2) k lk 12 2 (2) 12 2 2 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 1 7 (2) (2) (2) (2) 1 (2) (2) k k (2) 1 1 1 (2) (2) 16 (2) (2) (2) (2) 1 (2) (2) h 3k 66 (2) k 100 U6 51* (2) 100 2 81 12 2 3 95 93 5 72 11 61 58 71 58 56 2 29 39 33 6 k 15 2 8 3 5 8 7 2 49 Table 11-D: New nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics, by location and selling-price class, 1956-Continued R E G IO N IV - W E S T s All prices % 5-price class 110,000 112,000 H5,ooo Less to to to than Ho,ooo H9,999 H1,999 HU, 999 1,900 17,900 6,900 18,1(00 u 13 33 33 Perceiit distribultion of houses according to specificid characteristics 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 (2) (2) (2) (t) (2) (2) (2) (2) ! Characteristics $20,000 and over 8,000 15 NUMBER OF HOUSES ..................................... Percent distribution •••••••••••••••••••• b5U,300 TYPE OF HOUSE.......................................... Detached .......................•••••••................ Semidetached and row ............................... Unknown .................. ..................•••........ 100 NUMBER OF STORIES .................................... 1 story .......... ................ Split level ........................ •••••••••*••• Other.......•••••••••••........... •••............ Unknown .................. ................ 100 97 1 1 1 100 100 (2) (2) (2) 100 100 (2) (2) (2) 100 98 1 1 (2) 100 98 1 1 (2) 100 92 7 1 (2) FLOCK AREA (SQ. FT.) ............................... Less than 800 ..................................... . 800 to 999.............................................. 1,000 to 1 , 1 9 9 .................................... . 1,200 to 1,1(99........................................ 1,500 to 1,799 ......................................... 1,800 and over ..................................... . Unknown •••••••••••••........ .........••«•••«• 100 (2) 9 31 U2 11 6 1 100 10 89 1 (2) (2) (2) (2) 100 (2) 22 73 5 (2) (2) (2) 100 (2) 9 57 33 1 (2) (2) 100 (2) 2 9 76 10 3 (2) 100 (2) (2) (2) Ut 52 3U (2) 2 bedrooms or less ••••»••••••••••••*•••• 3 bedrooms ............. ............. ................ k bedrooms or more ................................. Unknown •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••«• 100 16 69 lit 1 100 87 13 (2) (2) 100 22 78 (2) (2) 100 21 7lt 5 (2) 100 3 76 21 (2) 100 lit 51 35 (2) NUMBER OF BATHROOMS •. ............................. 1 bathroom ...............*........................... . 1 complete, 1 partial bathroom •••••••••• 2 complete bathrooms •••••••••••••••••••• More than 2 complete bathrooms ............. . No bathroom ................... .................. . Unknown •••••••••••••••••••«••«•••••••••• 100 31 21 lil 5 1 1 100 93 2 (2) (2) 5 (2) 100 69 9 22 (2) (2) (2) 100 1|6 35 19 (2) (2) (2) 100 12 21 6U 3 (2) (2) 100 2 8 61 29 (2) (2) BASEMENT.................................................. Full or partial basement •••••••••••••••• No basement ................ . On slab .......................... . With crawl space ............. .................... Unknown .............................. .................... 100 27 72 9 63 1 100 19 81 16 65 (2) 100 28 72 It 68 (2) 100 35 65 8 57 (2) 100 21 79 12 67 (2) 100 29 71 3 68 (2) UTILITY ROOM............................................ With utility room ........ ........................ No basement ••••••*•••••••••••••••••••• With basement ••••••••••••••••••••••••• No utility room ..................................... Unknown ................................................. . 100 10. 35 6 58 1 100 ia 38 3 59 (2) 100 38 38 (2) 62 (2) 100 32 26 6 67 1 100 1|6 itO 6 5it (2) 100 52 39 13 It7 1 OARAGE FACILITIES ............. ............. Garage J ............................................. . Carport only ........................ ............. . No garage or carport •••••••••••••••••••• Unknown .......... ..................... . 100 75 10 13 2 100 29 19 52 (2) 100 lt6 28 21 5 100 65 10 2it 1 100 93 5 2 (2) 100 96 It (2) (2) FIREPLACE............................. .................. 1 fireplace ..................................... 2 fireplaces or more •••».................. . No fireplace ..................................... . Unknown .................. .......................... . 100 53 2 100 It (2) 96 (2) 100 12 (2) 88 (2) 100 29 1 70 (2) 100 81 1 17 1 100 88 11 1 (2) See footnotes on page 55* 100 99 (2) 1 hh 1 100 100 (2) (2) 50 Table 11-D: New nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics, by location and selling-price class, 1956-Continued R E G IO N Characteristics IV - W E S T — c o n t i n u e d All prices Proposed sellinjg-price class Less $10,000 $12,000 $iS,ooo than to ' to to $10,000 $11,999 $19,999 $ll»,999 Percent distribution of houses according to specified characteristics 100 100 100 100 21 36 6 25 0 (2) (2) 1 11 16 22 5 20 3 5 (2) 79 6b 75 9b 1 (2) 5 3 b 3 3 b 21 22 19 IS 20 (2) (2) b 72 3b b7 3b (2) 1 (2) (2) (2) C2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 820,000 and over EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION..................... Masonry ................................. . Solid brick ........................ . Brick facing •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Other masonry ••••••••••••••••••••••*•• Frame ••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••••••••• Brick facing •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Brick and wood facing ••••••••••••«•••• Wood facing .................................. . Asbestos shingle facing ..................... Stucco .................. .................. . Other facing ...................................... . All other construction .................. . Unknown ....................................... . 100 18 1 13 b 82 2 u 17 2 56 1 (2) (2) INTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION..................... Plaster ........................ .......................... Dry w a ll.......... . Unknown .................................. ............. 100 5k b5 1 100 35 65 (2) 100 33 66 1 100 b5 55 (2) 100 63 37 (2) 100 7b 26 (2) HEATING FACILITIES .................................. Hot water* .......... . Warm-air furnace (ducts) ............. . Warm-air space heater (no ducts) •••••••• No heating facility installed................. Unknown ........................ . 100 (2) 81 17 (2) 2 100 (2) b3 b7 10 (2) 100 (2) 66 33 1 (2) 100 (2) 70 30 (2) (2) 100 1 95 b (2) (2) | i 100 (2) 100 (2) <2) (2) 90 70 7 36 25 11 9 68 971 67 b 3 7 6 1 (2) 2 1 2 (2) 2 2 2 (2) 72 55 (2) 11 8 3 (2) 15 13 13 (2) 5 (2) (2) C2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 8b 70 (2) 5 5 (2) 2 5b b6 b6 (2) 3 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 2 1 1 2 (2) (2) 9b 79 13 12 8 b 1 63 61 61 (2) 3 7 5 2 1 2 (2) (2) <2) (2) 1 (2) (2)' 91 6U 9 58 bl 17 IS 80 78 78 (2) 3 10 10 (2) (2) 3 2 3 (2) 3 2 3 (2) 91 67 (2) 70 b7 23 2b 76 (9) 80 27 5 5 5 (2) 1 1 2 5 2 3 b 5 (2) OTHER EQUIPMENT AND APPLIANCESt PERCENT OF HOUSES WITH SPECIFIED ITEMS INCLUDED IN SELLING PRICE*5 Window screens •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Door screens •••••••••••••••••••»•••••••« Storm windows ............................. Cooking stove ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Gas ....................................................... Electric .................................. .......... . Dishwasher .......................................... . Exhaust fan (kitchen) ..................... Garbage disposal unit ••••••••••••••••••• In sink ...................... . Incinerator ................ Refrigerator .................. . Full-home air conditioner ................ . Combined heating and cooling •••••••••• Separate cooling •••••••••••••••••••••• Room air conditioner ................ . Attic fan .................. ............................ Food freezer •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Clothes dryer ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Gas .................. .......................... . Electric •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••« Washing machine •»••••••••••••••••••••••• Television ............................................. . See footnotes on page 55* 100 18 5 13 (2) 81 (2) 6 8 (2) 66 1 1 (2) 51 Table 11-E: New nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics, by location and selling-price class, 1956-Continued M E T R O P O L IT A N A R E A S 10 A ll p rice s e C h a ra cteristics i e 0 1 Proposed se llin g *10,000 Less *12,000 to than to $10,000 $U*, 999 *11,999 1*3,700 17,000 18,800 * i5 ,o o o to *19,999 1*9,700 11 10 26 29 Percent d is trib a lsion o f houses according to s p e cific k1 ch a ra cte ris tics NUMBER OF HOUSES . . ............... . .......................... Percent d is tr ib u tio n •••••••••••••••••••• 11168,800 100 TYPE OF HOUSE................. . . . . . . ........................ Detached ••••••••••••••••••••................. . . . Semidetached and row •••••••••••••••••••• Unknown •••••••••••••••........... 100 100 100 100 100 97 12 1 98 98 2 1 87 99 (2) (2) (2) 1 NUMBER OF STORIES............................................. 1 sto ry . . . ......... S p lit l e v e l .......................................................... O th e r ...................................................................... Unknown............... ••....................................... 100 100 100 100 85 7 7 83 93 92 3 5 (2) 100 88 8 1* FLOOR AREA (SQ. F T .) ....................................... Less than 800 •...........••••••••••••••............ 800 to 999 ............................................................ 1,000 to 1 ,1 9 9 ................................................... 1,200 to 1,1*99.................................................... 1,500 to 1,799 .................................................... 1,800 and over .............................................. . . Unknown .............................. . . ............................. 100 1* 11 8 2 (2) (2) NUMBER OF BEDROOMS........................................... 2 bedrooms o r le s s •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 bedrooms .............................••••••••••••••• 1* bedrooms o r more •••.•••••••••••••••••• Unknown ...................... 100 100 2 1 1 76 (2) (2) NUMBER OF BATHROOMS..................................... .. 1 bathroom •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 com plete, 1 p a r tia l bathroom •••••••••• 2 com plete bathrooms •••••••••••••••••••• More than 2 com plete bathrooms •••••••••• No bathroom ............................................. . Unknown .............................•••••••••••••••••• 100 100 91* 1 15 33 27 15 7k 9 1*3 23 21* 8 (2) 2 1 16 (2) 100 22 31* 1*0 2 2 1*1* 51* 1 1 (2) 2 2 2 1* 1 100 6 36 1*8 9 (2) (2) 1 2 100 2 21 1*9 21* 3 1 (2) 100 (2) 5 30 5o 13 2 3 5 ,o o o 21 100 100 (2) (2) 100 71 IB 10 1 100 (2) (2) 10 21* 13 35 (2) (2) 1 100 16 80 1* 100 10 100 79 (2) (2) 72 23 <2) 100 100 76 55 100 26 100 21* 10 26 13 18 1 1 11 30 1*0 1* 5 100 9 25 37 29 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 100 100 100 100 29 70 21* 1*7 52 16 36 1*9 51 61* 36 12 6 1 39 (2) 30 (2) (2) BASEMENT ............................................................... F u ll o r p a r tia l basement •••••••••••••••• No basement .......................................... On sla b ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• With craw l space •••••••............................. Unknown ..................................................... ............ 100 1*8 UTILITY ROOM ....................................................... With u t ili t y ro o m ............................................. No basement .....................•••••••••••••••• WLth basement ••••••.........•••••••••••••• No u t ilit y room ••.........•••••••••••••.......... Unknown ...................................... 100 100 100 100 100 31 21* 7 27 37 36 33 27 6 100 1*0 22 18 70 61* 5 3 3 52 7 1 61 2 27 23 OARAGE FACILITIES........................................... .. Oarage 5 .....................................••••••••••••• Carport on ly •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• No garage o r carp ort •••••••••••••............. Unknown ................................• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 100 100 100 100 100 100 57 25 51 62 82 32 6 12 (2) FIREPLACE.............................................................. 1 fir e p la c e .................................. .. 2 fir e p la ce s o r more • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • No fir e p la c e • • • • ........... ..................... .. Unknown 100 See fo o tn o te s on page 55* 50 15 35 2 62 100 11* 86 1*0 2 $20,000 and over 1*6 (2) 26 1 68 12 22 29 53 (2) 2 33 3 61 3 100 1 (2) 99 (2) 1*6 1 1*3 21 1* 16 8 2 1 7 31 (2) 100 100 100 100 5 (2) 91* 17 (2) 83 (2) 1*5 69 31* 1 2 10 52 18 1 3 52 Table 11-E: New nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics, by location and selling-price class, 1956—Continued M E T R O P O L IT A N C h a ra cteristics A R E A S 10- Proposed s e llin jg -p rice cla s s Less #10,000 #12,000 #1 5 ,0 0 0 to to than to $10,000 #11,999 #1U,999 #19,999 Percent d is trib u tio n o f houses according to s p e cifie d c h a ra cte ris tics A ll p rice s EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION........................... Masonry .........................••••••••••.................... S o lid b rick ..................................................... B rick fa cin g ............................••••••••••. Other masonry ••••••••••••................. Frame ........................................... .......................... B rick fa cin g ............................................... B rick and wood fa cin g ...............................• Wood fa cin g .............................•••••••.•••• Asbestos sh in gle fa cin g .............•••••••• Stucco ............................................................... Other fa cin g .................................................. A ll oth er con stru ction ................................... Unknown................................................................. 100 20 INTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION........................... P la ster .............................••••••................ Dry w a l l ............... ................................................ Unknown ......................................... ........................ HEATING.................................................................. Hot w ater* ....................................................... .. Warm-air furnace (d u cts) ............................... Warm-air space h eater (no d u cts) •••••••• No h eating f a c ili t y in s ta lle d ................... Unknown ......... ........................................................ OTHER EQUIPMENT AND APPLIANCES: PERCENT OF HOUSES WITH SPECIFIED ITEMS INCLUDED IN SELLING PRICE: 5 Window screens •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Door screens .................••••••••...................... Storm windows Cooking stove .................••••••••.................. Gas ..................................................................... E le ctric ........................................................... Dishwasher ..................................... .................. Exhaust fan (k itch en ) ............................... Garbage d isp o sa l u n it ••••••••••••••••••• In sink ........................................................... In cin e ra to r ...................•............................... R efrig era tor ............................. Full-hom e a ir c o n d itio n e r ........................... .. Combined heating and c o o lin g ................... Separate co o lin g .............................••••••• Room a ir con d ition er .............................••••• A ttic fan ...................................................••••• Food fre e ze r .......... ............................................ C lothes dryer ..................................................... Gas ......................................................... ........... E le ctric ........................................................... Washing machine ....................................... R a d io ................................................................... T e le v is io n .......................................................... See fo otn otes on page 55* c o n t in u ed 100 2k 100 26 1 8 3 1 18 5 79 25 7 5 76 17 k 22 18 8 51 5 18 30 5 3 12 2 (2) 2 12 k 7k 11 2 100 19 1 13 5 81 25 5 2U 7 19 1 $20,000 and over 100 16 k 9 3 8U 3k 8 12 2 27 1 100 23 7 1U 2 77 28 11 19 1 16 2 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 100 100 100 100 100 U7 51 13 86 1 U3 57 (2) 63 37 (2) 100 62 2 33 67 (2) 100 100 1 100 100 100 3 70 7 75 3 92 1 9 76 11 2 2 75 66 9 37 16 21 59 29 10 1 85 83 3 lk 12 2 21 5 1 80 76 3 11 8 73 72 55 1U 66 8 19 k9 2k 25 10 3 <2) 37 23 23 (2) 9 3 51 37 37 (2) 2 2 5 3 (2) (2) (2) (2) k 1 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 3 (2) (2) 1 (2) •(2) 3 3 (2) (2) k3 ho 6 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 k 1 (2) 2 10 6 6 k (2) (2) 13 59 3 16 2 3 (2) 2 (2) 3 1 2 12 7U 53 52 1 6 5 k 1 (2) 2 1 2 (2) 3 2 2 (2) (2) 1 k 38 (2) 100 16 80 3 (2) 1 70 6k 8 70 19 51 ko 85 62 52 10 16 1U 10 k 3 6 2 6 2 k 6 5 1 53 Table 11-F: New nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics, by location and selling-price class, 1956—Continued N O N M E T R O P O L IT A N C h a ra cteristics AREAS Proposed s e llin g -p r ic e cla s s ♦10,000 ♦12,000 ♦1 5 ,0 0 0 ♦7,000 to to to to ♦9,999 ♦11,999 ♦ll*,999 ♦19,999 5,o o o 6,1*00 9,600 16,500 7,1*00 10 19 13 33 15 Peircent dis1tribu tion o f houses accordjmg to sp<re ifie d chlaracteris Less than ♦7,000 A ll p rices 121*9,800 100 TYPE OF HOUSE........................................................... Detached ....................................... .................... Semidetached and row ................................ Unknown ............... ........................................................ 100 (2) (2) (2) HUMBER OF STORIES............... ................................... 1 sto ry * ........................... .......................................... .. S p lit l e v e l .................................................... .......... Other ........................................................................... Unknown ........................................... .................. 100 100 97 95 (2) 5 (2) FLOCK AREA (SQ. FT.) ............................................. Less than 800 ....................................................... 800 to 999 ................................................................. 1,000 to 1 ,1 9 9 ......................................................... 1,200 to 1,1*99......................................................... 1,500 to 1,799 ......................................................... 1,800 and over ................................................. Unknown ......................................................... .............. 100 10 26 1*,600 9 ft O m HUMBER OF HOUSES..................................................... Percent d is trib u tio n ........................................... $20,000 and over 99 1 2 1 (2) 25 21* 6 9 (2) 100 100 100 1*8 33 8 10 (2) (2) 1 100 100 38 59 3 (2) 67 30 3 <2) HUMBER OF BATHROOMS............................................... 1 bathroom ................................................................. 1 com plete, 1 p a rtia l bathroom .................•••• 2 com plete bathrooms .................... More than 2 com plete bathrooms .................•••• No bathroom •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Unknown ........................................................ .............. 100 100 68 BASEMENT........................................................... .. F u ll or p a r tia l basement ..................................... No basement ............................................... On sla b ....................................... .......................... With craw l space ..................... Unknown ............................................................... 100 2 bedrooms o r le s s ..................................... 3 bedrooms ........................................ U bedrooms o r more ............ .................................... Unknown ............................................... . 70 13 100 100 99 (2) 98 1 1 1 100 100 100 100 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 100 100 100 100 100 17 la 29 5 U9 30 5 (2) 5 (2) (2) lk 1 1 11 1 100 100 100 100 (2) (2) (2) (2) 96 1* (2) 100 100 100 98 92 91* 1* 2 20 ia 1 22 16 1 (2) (2) (2) 100 60 1*0 100 100 100 11* (2) (2) 1*9 51 (2) (2) ! 100 100 95 27 69 1* (2) 100 82 2 3 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 92 100 12 88 100 11* 86 55 (2) 37 1*9 (2) 50 (2) 5 83 (2) UTILITY ROOM.............................................................. With u t ili t y roan ....................................... . Ho basement ....................................... .................... With basement ....................................................... No u t ilit y room ................................ Unknown ..................................................................... .. 100 100 100 57 51 7 7 (2) 93 (2) 59 59 (2) 38 3 GARAGE FACILITIES................................................... Garage 3 ....................................................... .............. Carport on ly ..................................... .. Ho garage o r c a r p o r t ..................... ........................ Unknown ..................................................................... .. 100 26 100 3 32 ia 12 FIREPLACE.................................................................... 1 fir e p la c e ................................... 2 fir e p la ce s o r more ................................. Ho fir e p la c e ............................................................. Unknown •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• See footn otes on page 55* 3 (2) 27 73 (2) 1 (2) 31 (2) 100 8 16 35 36 3 93 5 10 1* 6 2 2 u* 1* (2) (2) (2) 100 29 70 85 1 100 2 1 5 15 H* 65 (2) 100 33 59 8 (2) (2) 100 100 8 39 33 26 2 (2) (2) 100 1*1* 17 1*0 35 (2) (2) 100 58 1*2 1 56 9 1*7 (2) 17 25 (2) 100 100 100 100 71* 71 3 53 1*5 1*3 35 (2) 67 58 9 29 1* 100 18 100 20 100 20 100 100 69 31* 1 85 (2) 31 51 (2) la 38 1*7 33 (2) 100 100 100 100 29 5 (2) 95 (2) 7 (2) 93 (2) 27 (2) 63 18 6 ui 2 2 67 2 6 86 26 1*6 10 20 1 100 26 (2) 71* (2) 8 1*6 ; 1 1 20 (2) 100 1*6 1 51 2 8 56 1 20 10 1 100 60 15 25 (2) 54 Table 11-F: New nonfarm 1-family houses: Selected characteristics, by location and selling-price class, 1956—Continued N O N M E T R O P O L IT A N C h a ra cteristics A R E A S -c o n t in u e d Proposed s e llin g -p r ic e cla s s ♦7,000 $10,000 $12,000 ♦15,000 to to to to ♦9 ,9 9 9 $11,999 $11*, 999 ♦19,999 Percent d is tr ib u tio n o f houses according to s p e cifie d ch a ra cte ris tics Less than $7,000 A ll p rices EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION ........................ . . . . Masonry .......................••••••••........................•••• S o lid b rick .............................. . . ....................•• B rick fa cin g ............................... Other masonry •••••••••••••••••••••••••••. Frame ............................................. ........................... .. B rick fa cin g .............•••••••••••••••••••••• B rick and wood fa cin g ••••..................... ••••• Wood fa cin g ................................................. . Asbestos sh in gle fa cin g •••••••••••••••••. Stucco ..................................................... Other fa cin g . . . ...........•••••••••••••••••••• A ll oth er c o n s tr u c tio n .........•••••••••••••••• Unknown •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. 100 100 100 u 15 i l 13 85 5 (2) 2 37 (2) 1* (2) (2) INTERIOR NALL CONSTRUCTION ................................. P la ster .•••••......................... ................................ Dry w a ll •••••.............................•••••.••••••••• Unknown ........................................... •••••••••••••• 100 28 100 1* 72 (2) 96 (2) HEATING FACILITIES................................................. Hot w ater* .................................. Warm-air furnace (d u cts) ••••••••••••••••••• Warm-air space h eater (no d u cts) .................. . No heating f a c ili t y in s ta lle d ...............•••••• Unknown ••••••••••••»•••.•••••••..«........... 100 100 5 63 (2) 9 38 52 OTHER EQUIPMENT AND APPLIANCES* PERCENT OF HOUSES WITH SPECIFIED ITEMS INCLUDED IN SELLING PRICE* 5 Window screens ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. Door screens Storm windows •••••......................... •••••••••••• Cooking stove .............................. Gas ...........................••••••••................... . . . . . . E le ctric ......................................................... •••• Dishwasher ...............•••••••••••••••••••••••.. Exhaust fan (k itch en ) •••••••••••••••............. Garbage d isp o sa l u n it •••••............ In sink ...................................................•••«•••• In cin era tor ........................................... .. R efrig e ra to r ............................................................ Full-home a ir con d ition er •••••••••••••••••• Combined heating and co o lin g ...........••••••• Separate co o lin g ••••••••••••••••••••••.•• Room a ir con d ition er A ttic fan ......................................................... . . . . . Food f r e e z e r ............................................................ C lothes dryer •••••••••........................... ••••••• Gas •••••••........................................•••••••••• E le ctric ............................................... ••••••••• Washing machine •••••••••...........••••••••••••• Radio ............................................................................ T e le v isio n .......................................................... See footn otes on page 55* 1 1 2 91* 28 8 31 21 1 5 (2) 22 8 2 81* 81* 9 18 9 11 3 1*1 1* 1* (2) U 10 9 1 (2) 13 1 3 1 2 3 (2) (2) 1 2 1*1 100 1* 1 1 2 100 2 1 (2) 1 2 2 98 36 13 35 96 1*3 5 35 3 5 (2) (2) 96 19 3 29 29 3 13 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 5 (2) (2) (2) 100 100 100 13 87 (2) 16 81* (2) 33 67 (2) 100 2*2 100 66 58 (2) 31* (2) 100 12 21* 100 2 100 2 86 10 2 100 100 11* 2 3 95 15 1 18 55 1 52 12 1 (2) 81* 85 5 3 3 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 79 78 2 11 1* 7 (2) 23 (2) (2) (2) 1 1 (2) (2) 1 15 (2) (2) (2) (2) 1 (2) (2) 58 38 1 1 82 83 5 26 10 1 100 1* $20,000 and over (2) 8 5 81* 9 (2) 100 23 2 21 (2) 76 1*0 16 12 (2) 1 7 1 73 7 1 (2) 2 5 83 83 89 89 17 86 12 85 3 38 9 29 19 19 26 9 (2) 53 21 2 1*7 (2) 1* (2) 3 16 8 21* 13 3 (2) 13 (2) 15 23 (2) (2) H* 1 (2) 19 7 2 5o 7 7 (2) 1* 2 2 3 1* 3 5 1 (2) 10 1 1 16 2 5 2 2 1 (2) 19 (2) 1 1 2 (2) (2) (2) (2) 3 1 1 1*2 22 19 3 1 1 12 1 6 1* 2 8 (2) (2) 55 Footnotes to ta b les 11A-11F. 1 2 5 * 5 In cludes 700 houses (2 percent o f the t o t a l) fo r which the s e llin g p rice was unknown, No cases reported o r le s s than 0 ,5 p ercen t, In cludes a sm all percentage o f houses w ith both a garage and a ca rp o rt, In cludes a sm all percentage o f houses w ith steam heating system s, Based on the number o f houses fo r which data fo r a p a rticu la r item were rep orted . The number o f u n its fo r which data were not obtained varied fo r the d iffe r e n t item s, but in no case exceeded 2 ,5 percent o f the t o t a l. Data in th is ta b le represent the p roportion o f u n its fo r which b u ild e rs , as a general prac t i c e , in clu d e the s p e cifie d equipment o r appliance in the s e llin g p rice o f a new house, $ In cludes 900 houses (2 percent o f the t o t a l) fo r which the s e llin g p rice was unknown, 7 In cludes 2,000 houses (3 percent o f the to t a l) fo r w h i c h the s e llin g p rice wasunknown, 8 In cludes 1,200 houses (2 percen t o f the to t a l) fo r which the s e llin g p rice wasunknown, 9 In cludes some houses equipped w ith both a garbage d isp osa l u n it in the sink and an in cin e ra to r, 10 The 166 standard m etropolitan areas as d efin ed in the 19$0 Census, 11 In cludes U,600 houses (3 percen t o f the t o t a l) fo r which the s e llin g p rice was unknown, 1* In cludes 300 houses (1 percent o f the to t a l) fo r which the s e llin g p rice was unknown, NOTES Because o f rounding, sums o f in d iv id u a l item s do n ot n e ce ssa rily equal t o t a ls . 56 Table 12. New nonfarm 1-family Houses: Selected characteristics in metropolitan1and nonmetropolitan areas in the South and other regions, 1956 C h a ra cteristics NUMBER OF HOUSES................................. Median proposed s e llin g p r ic e •••• Average flo o r area (sq* f t * ) ••••• A ll region s South A ll oth er region s M etroNonmetroMetro Nonmetro Metro i Nonmetro p o ll tan p o lita n p o lita n p o lita n p o lita n p olita n areas areas areas areas areas areas b9,800 168,800 li8,5oo 26,300 120,300 23,500 ♦12,700 ♦15,300 ♦13,220 ♦12,230 ♦16,150 ♦13,080 1,250 1,250 1,220 1,250 1,170 1,110 Percent d is trib u tio n o f houses according to s p e cifie d c h a ra cte ris tics PROPOSED SELLING PRICE..................... Less than $7,000 •••••••••............... ♦7,000 to |9 ,9 9 9 ................................. ♦10,000 to H i , 999 ............................. ♦12,000 to ♦Hi, 999 ............................. ♦15,000 to $19,999 ....................... .. $20,000 and over ...................••••••• Unknown •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 100 2 8 11 26 3 1 FL0CR AREA (SQ. F T .) ......................... Less than 800 ............. *..........••••••• 800 to 999 ............................................. 1,000 to 1 ,1 99 ..................................... 1,200 to 1,U99 ..................................... 1,500 to 1,799 ..................................... 1,800 and over .................•••••••••• Unknown •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 100 100 100 u 15 33 27 30 5 11 8 2 9 (2) NUMBER OF BEDROOMS............................. 2 bedrooms o r le s s .............•••••••• 3 bedrooms ....................................... ••• 1* bedrooms o r more ••••••••••••••• Unknown •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 100 100 35 71* 2 38 59 3 (2) NUMBER OF BATHROOMS........................... 1 bathroom •••••••................... •••••• More than 1 bathroom •••••••••••*• No bath room .............................. Unknown *................. 100 1*3 55 (2) 29 21 100 10 100 5 13 21 19 33 15 9 13 23 20 11* h 26 12 25 21* 37 6 100 16 16 16 100 100 (2) 1* 10 29 15 27 31* 23 8 2 (2) 100 11 20 17 21* 31 13 9 1* 9 (2) 100 16 10 100 1* 16 31 29 8 11 8 100 31* 61* ! ! 100 « 73 n l 100 1*1* 100 1*0 100 100 100 1*9 2 1*6 1 1* 61* 31 5 (2) 59 (2) l EXTERIOR NALL CONSTRUCTION............. Masonry *••«........... B rick5 ............................................... Other masonry ................................... Fram e............... ....................................... B rick fa cin g 4 ••••••••••••••••• Mood fa cin g ••••*•••••••••••••*• Asbestos sh in gle fa cin g •••••••• Stucco .................................... Other fa cin g *....................... •••••* A ll oth er con stru ction ••••••••••• Unknown ............................................... .. 100 20 300 1* 300 27 100 100 5 3 17 35 91* 36 31 70 83 (2) 5 (2) 1 2 (2) 3 95 55 17 19 (2) 1* (2) (2) HEATING FACILITIES............................. Hot water5 *........... Wamwair furnace (d u cts) ••••••••• Warm-air space h eater (no du cts) * No heating f a c ili t y in s ta lle d •••• Unknown ................................................... 100 100 300 100 9 76 5 63 22 5 18 2 11 2 2 21 1 22 8 2 1*6 19 3 (2) 2 2 2 2 69 (2) 1*5 7 13 18 1* 1*0 2 2 26 23 1 6 2 26 53 3 (2) 79 20 1 (2) 100 2 1 1 9k 11* 1*8 21* 2 6 (2) (2) (2) 100 12 100 11 78 83 3 8 (2) 2 Percent o f houses having s p e c ifie d ch a ra cte ris tics 1*8 F u ll o r p a rtia l basam ent................. 22 10 58 27 U t ilit y ro a m .......... 62 30 ! 57 31 35 36 18 21 1 fir e p la c e o r m o r e .............••••••• 31 1*3 66 Garage o r carp ort •••••••••••••••• 58 70 69 63 1 The 1& standard m etropolitan areas as defin ed in the 1£>0 CensusT 2No cases reported o r le s s than 0*5 percent* 3 In clu des s o lid b rick and b rick backed w ith oth er Masonry* * In cludes houses w ith com bination o f b rick and wood facin g* 5 In clu des houses (le s s than 0*5 percen t o f the n a tion a l t o t a l) w ith steam heating systems* NOTES Because o f rounding, sums o f in d iv id u a l item s do n ot n e ce ssa rily equal to ta ls * 9 36 25 17 3 9 1 70 27 3 (2) 16 11 100 1 100 2 2 11 1 ! (2) 35 5 79 32 23 38 11* i 1 1 76 5 3 9 3 1* 2 1 1*7 50 1*1 53 57 Table 13. New nonfarm dwelling units in multifamily structures:1 Selected characteristics, by type of structure, 1954, 1955, and 1956 Type o f stru ctu re 5-or-m ore fam ily 2-to-U fam ily C h a ra cteristics 9,600 660 11,800 1£>6 10,300 850 FLOOR AREA (SQ. F T .) ........................... Less than 2*00................. i*00 to 1,99 ............................................... 500 to 599 ............................................... 600 to 699 ............................................... 700 to 799 •............................................. 800 to 999 ............................................... 1,000 to 1,199 ....................................... 1,200 to 1,1*99....................................... 1,500 and over *............. Unknown *...........•••••••••«•••••••••• 100 100 100 100 100 100 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 31* (2) (2) (2) 25 7 5 7 13 19 NUMBER OP BEDROCKS ............................... No bedrooms ...................••••••••••••• 1 bedroom ••••••••••«•••••••••••••• 2 bedrooms *........................................... 3 bedrooms •••••••••...........*............ U bedrooms or more ••••••••••••*•«• Unknown •••••••............................. ••••• 100 2 NUMBER OP BATHROOMS............................. 1 bath room ............................... 1 com plete, 1 p a r tia l bathroom *••• 2 com plete bath room s............... More than 2 com plete bathrooms •••• Unknown ........................... * * * * * * * * * * EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION............... Masonry ••••«••••••••.............••••••• S o lid b rick . . . . ................... . B rick facin g* •••••••••••••••••• Other masonry ••••••••••••••••••• Frame .............. ••••••••••••••••••••• B rick f a c in g ...............*.•••••••••• B rick and wood fa cin g «•••••••••• Wood fa cin g ......................................... Asbestos sh in gle fa cin g ••••••••• Other ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Unknown ................................ 100 100 38 3 38 12 11* U* 15 1951* NUMBER OP DWELLING UNITS................... Average flo o r area (sq* f t * ) •••••• WINDOWS ABOVE BASEMENT, PREDOMINANT FRAME MATERIAL....................................... W ood........................................................... S te e l ......................................................... Aluminum *....................... . Unknown *......................................... •••«• 1955 195U 21,900 630 15,1*00 660 720 620 Percent d is trib u tio n o f u n its according to s p e cifie d ch a ra cte ris tics 26 17 19 11* 8 16 25 10 k 2 9 5 27 60 6 1* 1 9 58 15 1* 28 11 12 k 9 8 100 100 (3) (*> 2l* 57 22 62 8 1 7 Ik 10 23 100 11 1*8 27 13 (*> 12 60 23 1 100 100 100 56 15 39 51* 50 li 29 1*3 1*2 11 1 1 21 1*8 2 11 3 19 2 100 100 29 1*5 18 36 U* 111* 3 9 28 ! I 50 13 3 19 7 22 k 5 100 100 7 2 8 6 2 6 1 28 1 100 1*6 53 33 1 1 100 15 (*) 3 30 1* 100 6 17 5 * * * * * * 1 18 2 6 20 11 1* 1 16 * * * * * * 6 55 7 18 11* 15 11* (**> 77 12 9 11 10 11 6 8 <*) 1* (*> 5 100 * 26 12 12 6 k 89 3 k (*) 1* 18 31 5 (*> 29 10 hi 10 <**) 1 1 k 35 3 100 100 100 1*3 29 25 31 u* 50 5 28 (*0 28 39 8 1In cludes u n its in 2-to4| fam ily and 5-or-m ore fam ily stru ctu res* 2Included w ith flo o r area c la s s ific a t io n , 600 to 699 square fe e t* 3 Units w ithout bedrooms are in cluded w ith th ose having 1 bedroom* * No cases reported o r le s s than 0*5 percent* 5 Includes u n its in b rick -fa ce d bu ild in gs w ith framework o f con crete re in fo rce d w ith ste e l* * Data n ot ava ila b le* NOTE* Because o f rounding, sums o f in d iv id u a l item s do not n e ce ssa rily equal to ta ls* 1956 1955 19,100 58 Table 14. New nonfarm dwelling units in multifamily structures:1 Number of windows in units started in first quarter of 1954, 1955, and 1956, and percentage distribution by type of window and, in 1956, by type of window-frame material Type o f window 195U TOTAL, EXCLUDIHQ BASSMHiT 3 ............... 2 U1.8 ALL TYPES ................................................. * Double hung •••••••••••••••••••••••• Casement ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• H orizontal s lid e ••••••••••••••••••• P ictu re ••••••••••••••••••••••••••*• With fla n k ers5 ................................... Without flan k ers ••••••••••••••••• Awning ••••••••••••••••••••••••*•••• P rojected ••••••••••*••••••••••••••• J a lou sie ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A ll oth er ............................................. .. 100 U5 3U 5 9 1 2 5 * 5 In cludes In cludes Complete No cases Flankers 19 5 6 , by window-frame m aterial A ll Wood Aluminum S te e l m a terials 2 Number o f windows (in thousands) 88*6 293.6 22.U 175.3 6 U.3 Percent d is trib u tio n o f windows 100 100 j! 100 100 100 37 37 85 1 7 9 28 81 27 k 31 12 16 9 k <*) 8 6 6 k 7 6 6 3 5 5 2 1 1 1 1 2 <*> 3 (*) li 1 (4) 1 <*> 5 2 17 9 (*) 33 2 1 1 1 ft) 1955 7 2 1 1 k 1 1 u n its In 2-to-U fam ily and 5-or-m ore fam ily stru ctu res* windows fo r which type o f frame m aterial was unknown* count o f basement windows in 2-or-m ore fam ily stru ctu res was not obtained* reported o r le s s than 0*5 percent* are movable sashes a t sid e s o f p ictu re windows* Table 15. New nonfarm dwelling units in multifamily structures:1 Interior decoration and finish-floor material, by type of room, 1956 (P er cen t distribution) C h a ra cteristics L ivin g room K itchen Dining room Bedroom WALL DECORATION................................... *....................................... D ecorated ............................................................................................... W all paper ......................................................................................... Wood paneling 2 ......................................................................•••• Painted, a l l types o f p a in t ....................................................... Alkyd base ................................................. ............................... Latex b a s e ..................................................................................... Linseed o i l base ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Other ......................................................................... ...................... 100 83 2 1 80 22 1h 37 7 17 100 87 2 1 8U 28 i 17 i 31 8 13 100 83 8 2 73 22 12 31 8 17 100 88 3 1 8U 27 17 31 9 12 INTERIOR-TRIM* DECORATION ................................................................ D ecorated, a l l types o f p ain t ..................................................... .. Alkyd base .............. .................... Latex base ......................................................................................... Linseed o i l base .................... ................................................ Other ..................................................................... ........................... U ndecorated3 ......................................... ........................................ 100 81 18 100 85 23 11 U3 8 15 100 80 22 10 ia 7 20 100 8U 23 10 U3 FINISH-FLOOR MATERIAL........................................................................ 100 U 1 3 100 60 100 59 100 59 k k 9 h Plywood .............................................................. ............•..................•• 9 U5 9 19 h6 T ilin g naterlAlC .................................................................................. Asphalt t i l e ............................. ........................................................ V inyl t i l .............................................................................................. Other M M ....................................................................... Unknown ••••••••............................•••••••••••••••»••••............ 25 17 8 2 8 11 7 (5) 12 i 10 ! 2 ! 2 9 6 (5) 8 8 (5) 1 9 10 6 16 7 (5) 13 10 3 2 9 6 1 In clu des u n its in 2-to-U fam ily and 5-or-m ore fam ily stru ctu res* Percent d is trib u tio n s based on num ber o f u n its having s p e c ifie d type o f decoration o r fin is h flo o r s in s p e c ifie d rooms* * In cludes plywood and oth er types o f wood paneling* J In clu des a l l u n its fo r which th e type o f in te r io r d ecora tion cou ld n ot be determined* * Door and window ca sin g s, m oldings, baseboards, etc* 5 No cases reported o r le s s than 0*5 percent* * In cludes le s s than 0*5 percen t o f u n its w ith cork t ile * NOTES Because o f rounding, sums o f in d iv id u a l item s do n ot n e ce ssa rily equal to ta ls * ☆ U. S. G O V E R N M EN T PRINTING O F F IC E : 1958 O -4 7 8 6 3 0