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FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CRA EVALUATIONS RELEASED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION MARCH, 1993 CRA * Banlc N..e BOSTON REGION (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, Mechanics Savings Banlc Street Address City ST Zip Rating HARTFORD CT 06103 0 MA 02178 MA 02184 MA 01040 MA 01238 N s s VT) ' 100 PEARL STREET Belmont Savings Banlc The Braintree Savings Banlc City Co-operative Banlc Lee Banlc 2 LEONARD STREET 865 WASHINGTON STREET 300 HIGH STREET 75 PARK STREET BELMONT BRAINTREE Norway Savings Bank 132 MAIN STREET 467 CONGRESS STREET NORWAY PORTLAND ME 04268 s Maine Banlc & Trust Coaipeny 04104 s Centerpoint Banlc 141 SClJTH RIVER ROAD BEDFORD NH 03110 s HOLYOKE LEE ME s NEW YORK REGION (DE, DC, MD, NJ, NY, PA, PR, VI) Boatmen's Banlc of Delaware 2 READ'S WAY NEW CASTLE DE 19720 N The Colunbia Banlc 10480 LITTLE PATUXENT PARKWAY COLUMBIA MD 21044 s Mouit Holly State Banlc The Midland Bank and Trust COllll)8ny 80 10 RANCOCAS ROAD EAST RIDGEWOO AVENUE MOUNT HOLLY TOWN PARAMUS NJ 08060 NJ 07652 s Curwensville State Banlc Union Bank and Trust C0111p11ny 434 STATE STREET 25 SClJTH CENTRE STREET CURWENSVILLE POTTSVILLE PA 16833 PA 17901 s s AUBURN 0 RAINSVILLE AL 36831 AL 36633 Al 35986 CLEARWATER DELAND DUNNELLON PALM BEACH COUNT FL FL FL FL 34621 32720 32630 33445 GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA 30410 30114 30523 31024 31632 s 30643 s s N ATLANTA REGION (AL, FL, GA, NC, SC, VA, W SouthTrust Banlc SouthTrust Banlc of Nobile First Rainsville Banlc 311 NORTH GAY STREET 61 ST. JOSEPH STREET HIGHWAY 35 MOB I LE ReJX,i,l i c Banlc Surety Bank Diainellon State Banlt Equity Bank U.S. HIGHWAY 41 NORTH 5030 LINTON BClJLEVARD Montgcaery County Banlt Etowah Bank Habersh• Bank The Peoples Banlc Conaerc i al Banlc i ng Cmpeny Bank of Hartwell Caia.iity Trust Banlc McIntosh State Banlc Northeast Georgia Bank Fanaers State Banlc The Banlc of Nftl\al'I Central Gwinnett Banlc First Bulloch Bank & Trust C ~ LEE AND~ STREETS AILEY 140 WEST MAIN STREET CANTON 201 NORTH WASHINGTON STREET CLARKESVILLE 209 SClJTH JEFFERSON STREET EATONTON MAIN STREET HAHIRA 501 EAST FRANKLIN STREET HARTWELL U.S. HIGHWAY 278 ANO STATE HIGHWAY 12HIRAN 210 SClJTH 0AIC STREET JACKSON 69 AUGUSTA ROAD LAVONIA U.S. HIGHWAY 378 AND WARD AVENUE LINCOLNTON 40 BULLSBORO DRIVE NEWNAN 1725 INDIAN TRAIL ROAD NORCROSS 40 NORTH MAIN STREET STATESBORO RATING DEFINITIONS: 2901 U.S. HIGHWAY 19, NORTH 990 NORTH WOOLANO BClJLEVARD "0". outstanding; •s•. Satisfactory; •N•. Needs to l~ove; 30141 30233 s s s s 0 s s s s N 0 30553 s 30817 s s 30263 30093 30458 0 s •sN•. 5'bstantial Nonc~liance. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CRA EVALUATIONS RELEASED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION MARCH, 1993 Banlc Street Address Naae City ST Zip CRA * Ratinu Banlc of Mecklenburg New East Bank of New Bern Granville United Bank Bank of North Carolina 2000 RANDOLPH ROAD 1801 SClJTH GLENBURNIE ROAD ' 109 °HILLSBORO STREET 831 JULIAN AVENUE CHARLOTTE NEW BERN OXFORD THOMASVILLE NC NC NC NC 27360 s s s s Carolina First Bank The Citizens Bank 102 SClJTH MAIN STREET MAIN STREET GREENVILLE OLANTA SC 29601 SC 29114 0 0 The Blue Grass Valley Bank The Business Bank MAIN STREET MAIN STREET BLUE GRASS VIENNA VA 24413 VA 22180 s s Shawnee Bank, Inc. 11TH ST~EET AND MYERS AVENUE DUNBAR WV 25064 s Citizens Bank of Northwest Arkansas First State Banlc 3500 NORTH COLLEGE HIGHWAY 68 WEST FAYETTEVILLE HUNTSVILLE AR 72701 AR 72740 N Citizens Bank & Trust Company •armers & Traders Bank of Caq:,ton Farmers Bank & Trust Company, of Mar The First Ccnnouwealth Bank of Prest CNB Bank of Kentucky 201 EAST MAIN STREET MAIN STREET 201 SClJTH MAIN STREET 100 NORTH ARNOLD AVENUE 4040 DIXIE HIGHWAY CAMPBELLSVILLE CAMPTON MARION PRESTONSBURG SHIVELY ICY ICY ICY ICY ICY 42718 41301 42064 41653 40216 s s s s s MAIN STREET COLUMBIA DELHI FRANKLIN MANSFIELD LA LA LA LA LA 71418 71232 70538 71052 70757 s s s s s MEADVILLE PORT GIBSON MS -39422 MS 38725 MS 39059 MS 39341 MS 39653 MS 39150 BYRDSTCMI CHAPEL HILL ERIN KINGSPORT MEMPHIS NEW TAZEWELL NEWBERN SARDIS SMITHVILLE TROY TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN 38549 37034 37061 37662 38101 37825 38059 38371 37166 s s s s 38260 s 28207 28562 27565 MEMPHIS REGION (AR, ICY, LA, MS, TN) Citizens Progressive Bank Guaranty Bank & Trust Company of Del The St. Mary Bank and Trust c ~ Mansfield Bank and Trust Company Bank of Maringouin Jasper Couity Bank Bank of Benoit Bank of the South The Merchants and Fanaers Bank Bank of Franklin Mississippi Southern Banlc OAK AND GEORGIA STREETS 1504 HOSPITAL AVENUE 118 JEFFERSON PECAN DRIVE AND STATE HIGHWAY 77 6TH AVENUE AND THIGPEN STREET 28-30 MAIN STREET MARION AND JACKSON STREETS 110 SClJTH JEFFERSON STREET MAIN STREET FARMERS AND WALNUT STREETS The Pickett Cou,ty Bank and Trust Co WEST MAIN STREET First State Bank MAIN STREET MAIN AND SPRING STREETS Erin Bank & Trust C0111P11f1Y Bank of Terv,essee 301 EAST CENTER STREET 196-204 MADISON AVENUE Boatmen's Bank of Tennessee Citizens Bank BROAD STREET AND OAK AVENUE Security Bank 602 WEST MAIN STREET The Peoples Bank MAIN STREET Citizens Bank WEST MAIN STREET The Bank of Troy HARPER STREET MARINGOUIN BAY SPRINGS BENOIT CRYSTAL SPRINGS MACON s N s s 0 0 s 0 s s s s CHICAGO REGION (IL, IN, Ml, OH, WI) RATING DEFINITIONS: "011 - OUtstandir,u; "S" - Satisfactory; "N" - Needs to lq,rove; "SN" - SLCStantial Noncoq>l iance. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CRA EVALUATIONS RELEASED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION MARCH, 1993 CRA * Rating Street Address City ST Zip Canton State Bank Austin Sri of Chicago ConaJnity Bri & Trust Caapany of Ed Chillicothe State Sri · COIIIM.rlity 8anlc of Greater Peoria Fan11er City State Bank Harris Bank Frankfort Ge,,.,,·Alllerican State Bank First Sri of Gridley The Bank of Harrisburg Iroquois Fan11ers State Bank First Allerican Bank Bank of Kmapaville Midland COIIIM.rlity Sri Bank of La Grange Park Bank of Maroa Bank of Mt. Carael Wabash Savings Sri 0akdale State Bank Spring Valley City Sri Fox Valley Sri Faraer1 State Sri of S\blette First State Bank of Van Orin The Faraers and Merchants State Bank 2 NORTH MAIN STREET 5645 WEST LAKE STREET 5340 NORTH CLARK STREET 1057 NORTH SECONO STREET MAIN AT WASHINGTON STREETS 333 SOUTH MAIN STREET 690 NORTH LAGRANGE MAUI STREET MAIN STREET 2 WEST WALNUT STREET MAIN STREET 1812 WEST JEFFERSON STREET BROADWAY AND NORTH STREET 112 MARKET STREET OAK AVENUE AT SHERWOOO ROAD 101 EAST MAIN STREET 601 MARKET STREET 400 CHESTNUT STREET 101 HIGH STREET 315 NORTH CORNELIA STREET 1600 EAST MAIN STREET 303 SOUTH PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE 200 NORTH MAIN STREET 201 EAST JACKSON STREET CANTON CHICAGO CHICAGO CHILLICOTHE EAST PEORIA FARMER CITY FRANKFORT GERMAN VALLEY GRIDLEY HARRISBURG IROQUOIS JOLIET KAMPSVILLE KINCAID LA GRANGE PARK MAROA MOONT CARMEL IOJNT CARMEL OAKDALE SPRING VALLEY ST. CHARLES SUBLETTE VAN ORIN VIRDEN lL IL IL IL lL lL lL lL IL lL lL lL IL lL lL lL lL IL lL lL lL lL lL lL Austin State Bank Alllerican State Sri Ossian State Bank 55 SOUTH HIGHWAY 31 131 WALNUT STREET 102 NORTH JEFFERSON STREET AUSTIN LAWRENCEBURG OSSIAN lN 47102 lN 47025 lN 46m s The Citizens Bank of Higginsport, Oh MAIN STREET The Faraers State Sri of New Weshin 102 KIBLER STREET HIGGINSPORT NEW WASHINGTON OH 45131 OH 44854 s s The International Sri of Allherst F"4 Bank·Fenniaore Highland State Sri Horicon State Sri Valley Sri, Janesville The Sri of Juda COIIIM.rlity Sri of Oconto Ccu\ty The Reedsburg Bank waterford Bank AMHERST FENNIMORE HIGHLAND HORICON JANESVILLE JIJ)A OCONTO FALLS REEDSBURG WATERFORD WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI 54406 s 53809 53543 53032 53545 53550 54154 53959 53185 0 0 ACKLEY CHEROKEE CRESCO ELGIN EMERSON GEORGE LARCHWOOO IA IA IA IA IA IA IA 50601 51012 52136 52141 51533 51237 51241 s s s s s s s Sri Nae MAIN STREET 127'5 TENTH STREET 541 NORTH MAIN STREET 326 EAST LAKE STREET 100 NORTH MAIN STREET 201 MAIN STREET 200 BLOCK OF EAST HIGHLAND DRIVE 201 MAIN STREET 217 NORTH MILWAUKEE STREET 61520 60644 60640 61523 61611 61842 60423 61039 61744 62946 60945 60434 62053 62540 60525 61756 62863 62863 62268 61362 60174 61367 61374 62690 s s 0 N s s 0 0 s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s N s s s s s s s KANSAS CITY REGION ClA, KS, MN, MO, NE, ND, SO) Ackley State Bank Cherokee State Bank Cresco Union Savings Sri Elgin State Sri E•rson State Sri George State Sri Security Savings Sri RATING DEFINITIONS: 650 MAIN STREET 212 WEST WILLOW STREET 111 NORTH ELM STREET 241 CENTER 407 HOWLAND AVENUE MAIN STREET MAIN STREET "O" • outstanding; "S" • Satisfactory; "N" · Needs to 1-.:,rove; "SN"· Slbstantial Nonc0111pliance. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CRA EVALUATIONS RELEASED fl)! PUBLIC INSPECTION MARCH, 1993 -------------------------------------------Bank Nae Street Address City ST Zip CRA * Rating ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Luana Savings Bank Liberty Bank & Trust New Albin Savings Bank The Ossian State Bank Heme State Bank Pioneer Bank Scmers Savings Bank The State Bank Northeast security Bank West Side State Savings Bank MAIN STREET 100 EAST STATE STREET MAIN STREET , MAUI STREET THIRD AND MAIN 202 FIRST STREET 615 SIXTH AVENUE 1902 HILL AVENUE SECOND AND CARPENTER MAIN STREET LUANA CITY NEW ALBIN OSSIAN ROYAL SERGEANT BLUFF SOIERS SPIRIT LAKE SUINER WESTSIDE NASON IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA 52156 50401 52160 52161 51357 51054 50586 51360 50674 51467 s s KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS 67512 67834 67020 66106 66117 67074 66205 67563 66212 67756 67481 s The Alden State Bank The Bucklin State Bank State Bank of Burrton Industrial State Bank Security Bank of Kansas City The State Bank of Leon The Mission Bank The Farmers State Bank Valley View State Bank The Cheyenne Cou,ty State Bank The Sylvan State Bank MAIN STREET 110 N()ITH MAIN STREET 200 N()ITH BURRTON STREET 3201-3219 STRONG AVENUE ONE SECURITY PLAZA 101 SOUTH MAIN STREET 5201 JOHNSON DRIVE MAIN AND FRONT STREET 7500 WEST NINETY-FIFTH STREET MAIN STREET MAIN STREET State Bank of Aurora Sterling State Banlt, Austin, Mirneso Badger State Bank Citizens State Bank of Barrett Security State Bank of Beardsley Chisago C0111ty State Bank Camon Valley Bank Pre111ier Bank Metro South First State Bank of Floodwood First State Bank of Freeborn Freeport State Bank Rural Aaerican Banlt of Greenwald Fan11ers State Banlt of H-l First State Bank of K. . tngton First Security Banlt - Lake Benton State Bank of Lake Park First Security Banlt - Nadlaon United Prairie Banlt First State Bank of New London New Market Bank Nicollet State Bank Minnwest Bank Ortonville Security State Bank of Staples Twin Lakes State Bank 211 NORTH MAIN STREET 1419 1ST AVENUE SOUTHWEST MAIN STREET MAIN STREET MAIN STREET COUNTY ROAD 9 ANO STATE HIGHWAY 8 HIGHWAY 3 AND COUNTY ROAD 1 316 OAIC STREET MAIN STREET MAIN STREET MAIN STREET FIFTH STREET ANO FIRST AVENUE MAIN STREET MAIN STREET MAIN STREET MAIN STREET 303 6TH AVENUE 1141 THIRD AVENUE 14 NORTH MAIN STREET MAIN STREET MAIN STREET 25 2ND STREET, N.W. 226 N.E. FOURTH STREET MAIN STREET AURORA AUSTIN BADGER BARRETT BEARDSLEY CENTER CITY DUNDAS FARMINGTON FLOOOWOOO FREEB()IN FREEP()IT GREENWALD HAMEL KENSINGTON LAKE BENTON LAKE PARK MADISON IOJNTAIN LAKE NEW LONDON NEW MARKET NICOLLET ()ITONVILLE STAPLES TWIN LAKES MN 55705 MN 55912 MN 56714 MN 56311 MN 56211 MN 55012 MN 55019 MN 55024 MN 55736 MN 56032 MN 56331 MN 56335 MN 55340 MN 56343 MN 56149 MN 56554 MN 56256 MN 56159 MN 56273 MN 55054 MN 56074 MN 56278 MN 56479 MN 56089 Bank of Altenburg Boatmen's Bank of Butler AlllB Bank of Concordia MAIN AT HAHN 17 WEST OHIO 100 WEST WILLIAM ALTENBURG BUTLER CONCORDIA MO 63732 MO 64730 MO 64020 RATING DEFINITIONS: "0" - outstanding; NSN - Satisfactory; ALDEN BUCKLIN BURRTON KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY LEON MISSION OFFERLE OVERLAND PARK ST. FRANCIS SYLVAN GROVE NNN - Needs to lq:,rove; s s s s 0 s s s s 0 N N s N s s s 0 s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s 0 s s s s s 0 s 0 s NSN" - Su:,atantial NoncOll'f)liance. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CRA EVALUATIONS RELEASED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION MARCH, 1993 Bri Nae Al l en Banlc and Trua t Coiapeny Mercantile Banlc of Wright COU"lty Banlc Peoples Banlc of Wyaconda, Missouri Bank of Lee's Banlc of Leeton Bank of Mansfield Perry State Bank wells Bank of Platte City Mercantile Bank of Plattsburg Bank of washington Bank of wellsville Street Address 100-102 EAST PEARL STREET 300 EAST ROLLA STREET U.S. 54 AND RWTE 00 , 310 SOUTH JOHNSON 210 SOUTH MAIN STREET 100 SOUTH MAIN STREET 110 EAST COMMERCIAL OLD HIGHWAY 36 THIRD AND MAIN STREETS 104 SOUTH MAIN STREET MAIN AND OAK STREETS 125 EAST Hll>SON City ST Zip HARRISONVILLE HARTVILLE HOLTS SlJ4M IT KAHOKA LEE I s SlJ4M IT LEETON MANSFIELD MONROE CITY PLATTE CITY PLATTSBURG WASHINGTON WELLSVILLE MO MO MO MO MO MO MO MO MO MO MO MO 64701 65667 65043 63445 64063 64761 65704 63456 6407'9 644n 63090 63384 CRA * Rating s s s s s s s s s s s s s Bank of Beulah Banlc Center One United Bank of Bisaerck First State Bank of Gackle StutSMan COU"lty State Bank State Bank, Trust of Ker11111re Fan1ers State Bank of Leeds The Bri of Tioga 100 EAST MAIN STREET 320 NORTH FClJRTH STREET 225 NORTH SEVENTH STREET MAIN STREET 401 FIRST AVENUE S0UTH MAIN STREET MAIN STREET 7 NORTH MAIN STREET BEULAH BISMARCK BISMARCK GACKLE JAMESTOWN KENMARE LEEDS TIOGA NO NO NO NO NO NO ND NO 58523 58501 58501 58442 58401 58746 58346 58852 First Central Bank C01111ercial State Bank Citizens State Bank The Culbertson Bank The Nebraska Security Bank The Fairbury State Bank First State Bank Thayer COU"lty Bank Bank of Monroe Mid City Bank, Inc. Purcla State Bank First State Bank Wau,eta Falls Bank 623 PATTERSON MAIN STREET MAIN STREET MAIN STREET MAIN STREET 602 FIFTH STREET 914 LAKE STREET 402 LINCOlN AVENUE MAIN STREET 304 SOUTH 42ND STREET MAIN STREET BROADWAY ANO MAIN STREETS 202 NORTH TECUMSEH CAMBRIDGE CEDAR BLUFFS CLEARWATER CULBERTSON DESHLER FAIRBURY GOTHENBUaG HEBRON MONROE 69022 68015 68726 69024 68340 68352 69138 68370 68647 68131 69157 68n1 69045 s s s s s s RANDOLPH WAUNETA NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE N~ NE NE NE First State Bank First Aaerican Bank 1st Financial Bank South Dakota The Security State Bank State Bank of Hudson Fan1ers State Bank First Madison Bank Mansfield State Bank 330 MAIN STREET 402 EAST FIFTH STREET MAIN STREET MAIN STREET MAIN STREET 140 MAIN STREET 120 NORTH EGAN AVENUE MAIN STREET BRIDGEWATER CANTON DUPREE EMERY HU>SON KAYLOR MADISON MANSFIELD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD 57319 57013 57623 57332 57034 57354 57042 57460 s s CO CO CO CO 80103 80206 80209 81047 s s s s <14AHA PURDlM 0 s s s s s s 0 s s s s s s N s s s s s DALLAS REGION (CO, Iii!, OIC, TX) ------------------------------ The Byers State Bank Century Bank First Cca111ity Bank First Bank, Trust RATING DEFINITIONS: HIGHWAYS 1-70 ANO 36 BYERS 3300 EAST FIRST AVENUE DENVER 3600 EAST ALAMEDA PARKWAY, SUITE 100 DENVER 131 SOUTH MAIN HOLLY "0" - outstanding; "S" - Satisfactory; "N" - Needs to l111prove; "SN" - Slatantial Noncoq,liance. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CRA EVALUATIONS RELEASED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION MARCH, 1993 City ST Zip MCCLAVE THORNTON WILEY WRAY CO CO CO CO GALLUP GRANTS First Bank of Apache 114 NORTH COBLAKE Peoples State Bank EAST MAIN STREET The First State Bank MAIN STREET Comnercial Bank, Trust Co. of Tulsa 321 SClJTH BOSTON AVENUE APACHE BLAIR KETCHUM TULSA OK OK OK Alvin State Bank Peoples Bank and Trust International Bank of Ccaiierce Coah011111 State Bank Coll.ID.IS State Bank The First State Bank Conmercial State Banlc of El C~ The Bank of South Texas The First State Bank of Gainesville Garden Ridge State Bank H~tington State Bank Security State Bank Lorenzo State Bank at Lorenzo '4elaphis State Bank First State Bank, Trust Co. First State Bank The Roscoe State Bank Bank Nae Mcclave State Bank BestBank The State Bank of Wiley Wray State Bank United New Mexico Bank at Gallup First Bank of Grants Street Address MAIN STREET 2616 EAST 120TH AVENUE 220 MAIN STREET • THIRD AND DEXTER STREETS 300 WEST AZTEC AVENUE 200 NORTH FIRST STREET 221 SClJTH GORDON STREET 531 NORTH DEAHL 630 EAST ELIZABETH STREET 500 WEST BROADWAY MAIN STREET 420 WALNUT STREET 401 NORTH ~CHANIC STREET FClJRTH AND B STREETS 801 EAST CALIFORNIA STREET 19501 FM 3009 #1 MAIN STREET 501 PHELPS AVENUE 516 HARRISON AVENUE 621 NOEL STREET 900 CONWAY STREET HIGHWAY 6 SClJTH MAIN STREET CRA * Rating 81057 80233 81092 80758 s s s s NM 87301 NM 87020 s s 73006 73526 74349 OK 74103 s s s s ALVIN BORGER BROWNSVILLE COAHCJCA COLUMBUS COLUMBUS EL CAMPO FLORESVILLE GAINESVILLE GARDEN RIDGE HUNTINGTON LITTLEFIELD LORENZO MEMPHIS MISSION RIESEL ROSCOE TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77511 7'9007 78522 79511 78934 78934 77437 78114 76240 78266 75949 79339 79343 79245 785n 76682 79545 0 YUMA AZ 85364 s FREMONT LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES MONROVIA SAN DIMAS SAN FRANCISCO SAN LEANDRO SANTA ANA SANTA BARBARA SANTA MARIA VISALIA WESTMINSTER CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA s s s 0 s s s s s s s 0 s s s s 0 SAN FRANCISCO REGION (AK, AZ, _CA, GU, HI, ID, MT, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY) Southern Arizona Bank of 1800 SClJTH FClJRTH AVENUE Fre110nt Bank 39150 FREMONT BClJLEVARD Asahi Bank of Cal ifomta 635 WEST SEVENTH STREET General Bank 201 SOUTH FIGUEROA STREET Metrobank 10900 WILSHIRE BClJLEVARD Royal Thrift, Loan C ~ 11107 WEST OLYMPIC BClJLEVARD Wilshire State Bank 3200 WILSHIRE BClJLEVARD Bank of Monrovia 100 EAST HUNTINGTON DRIVE Rancho Bank 530 WEST BONITA AVENUE Bank of the West 180 MONT~ERY STREET Bay Bank of C01111erce 1495 EAST FClJRTEENTH STREET South Coast Thrift and Loan Associat 1421 WEST MACARTHUR BClJLEVARD Santa Barbara Bank' Trust 20 EAST CARRILLO STREET Bank of Santa Maria 2739 SANTA MARIA WAY Visalia C~ity Bank 128 EAST MAIN STREET Bank of west11inster 8251 WESTMINSTER AVENUE RATING DEFINITIONS: "0" - Outstanding; •s" - Satisfactory; 11 N• - Needs to lq,rove; 94538 90017 90012 90080 90064 90010 91016 91773 94126 94577 92704 93102 93456 93277 92683 N s s s N N s s s s 0 s s s "SN• - Siatantial Noncoq:,liance. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CRA EVALUATIONS RELEASED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION MARCH, 1993 CRA * B_. N- Street Address City ST First Hawe i i an Bank First Hawaiian Creditcorp, Inc. 161 SOUTH KING STREET 165 SOUTH KING STREET HONOLULU HONOLULU HI 96813 HI 96813 s s Sl.l"I State Bank 3500 WEST SAHARA AVENUE LAS VEGAS NV 89102 s West One Banlc, Oregon, S.B. West One Bank, Oregon 314 EAST MAIN STREET 234 S.W. BROADWAY HILLSBORO PORTLAND OR 97123 OR 97205 0 0 Western C~ity Bank Bomevil le Bank Fidelity Trust Coapeny 1376 NORTH STATE STREET 1675 NORTH 200 WEST 175 EAST 400 SOUTH, SUITE 110 OREM PROVO SALT LAKE C!TY UT 84057 UT 84601 UT 84111 s s s First Mutual Savings Bank 400 108TH AVENUE, N.E. BELLEVUE WA 98004 0 RATING DEFINITIONS: "O" - Outstanding; •s• . Satisfactory; •N• - Needs to l111prove; Zip Rating •SN• - s•tantial Nonc0111Pl iance.