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Monthly Labor Review Index
January 1976-December 1990
U.S. Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Bulletin 2391

Federai i iassrve Bank
of S i. Louis

JUL 3 0 1992
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Monthly Labor Review Index
January 1976-December 1990
U.S. Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Bulletin 2391
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

This publication provides an index to all material appearing in the
Monthly Labor Review from January 1976 through December 1990,
except for unsigned items appearing in the regular departments of the
magazine. Each December issue of the Review starting with volume 9
(December 1919) contains an annual index. This computer-based
15-year index was prepared in the Office of Publications, Division of
Editorial Services, by Leslie Brown Joyner.
Previous bulletins in this series are:
No. 695 for volumes 1-11 (July 1915 to December 1920)
696 for volumes 12-51 (January 1921 to December 1940)
No. 1080 for volumes 52-71 (January 1941 to December 1950)
No. 1335 for volumes 72-83 (January 1951 to December 1960)
No. 1746 for volumes 84-93 (January 1961 to December 1970)
No. 1922 for volumes 94-98 (January 1971 to December 1975)
The Monthly Labor Review may be purchased from New Orders,
Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA
15250-7954, or from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Publications Sales
Center, P.O. Box 2145, Chicago, IL 60690. Thei?m ewis also available at
Depository Libraries around the country.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


SUBJECT IN D E X .........................................................
Accidents (See Work injuries.)
A FL -C IO .....................................................................
Age Discrimination in Employment.......................
Act of 1967 (ADEA)................................................
Agriculture .................................................................
Aid to Families with Dependent
Children (AFDC) ....................
Alcoholism ...................................................................
Amalgamated Clothing and Textile
Workers U n io n .......................................................
American Federation of Government
Employees (AFGE).............................
American Federation of State, County,
Municipal Employees (AFSCME) .........................
Apprenticeship (See Education
and training.)
Arbitration (See also Collective
bargaining.) .............................................................
Armed F o r c e s.............................................................
A sia ................................................................................
Australia .....................................................................
A u stria..........................................................................
Auto industry .............................................................
Auto Workers (UAW) ................................................
Automation (See Technological
Bargaining (See Collective bargaining.)
Belgium .......................................................................
Benefits (See Supplemental benefits.)
Black Lung Benefits Revenue
Act of 1977 .............................................................
Board representation ................................................
Brazil ............................................................................
Bureau of Labor Statistics........................................
Canada ..........................................................................
Child care ...................................................................
Child labor...................................................................
Civil Rights Act of 1964,
Title V I I ...................................................................
Civil servants (See Public employees.)
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Civil service reform.....................................................
Collective bargaining (See
also Arbitration.).....................................................
Comparable worth .....................................................
Compensation costs ..................................................
Comprehensive Employmennt
and Training A c t.....................................................
Computers (See also Technological
change.) ...................................................................
Conferences and conventions....................................
Construction ...............................................................
Consumer expenditures ............................................
Consumer Price Index (See also Prices.) ...............
C on trols.......................................................................
Cost of liv in g ...............................................................
Current Population Survey ......................................
Defense (See Armed Forces.)....................................
Denmark ..............
Deregulation ...............................................................
D isab ility.....................................................................
D ischarges...................................................................
Discouraged workers ................................................
Discrimination (See Equal Employment
Displaced workers.......................................................
Domestic workers.......................................................
Earnings and wages ..................................................
Specified industries and occupations .................
Economic and social change ....................................
Economic and social statistics..................................
Economic development and g ro w th .......................
Economic policies and programs.............................
Education and training..............................................
Employee ownership...................................................
Employee Retirement Income
and Security Act (ERISA) ......................................
Employment (See also Unemployment;
Labor force.) ...........................................................
Employment Cost Index ..........................................
Energy ..........................................................................
Equal Employment Opportunity.............................
Escalator clau ses.........................................................









Europe .........................................................................
Expenditures (See Consumer
Exports (See Foreign trade.)
Fair Labor Standards Act ........................................
Family issu es...............................................................
Farming, Farmworkers (See Agriculture.)
Federal employees (See Public employees.)
Federal Mediation and ConciliationS erv ice..........
Federal Pay Comparability Act of 1970 .................
Firefighters .................................................................
Flexitime .....................................................................
Foreign trade...............................................................
France ..........................................................................
Fringe benefits (See Supplemental benefits.)
Germany .....................................................................
Government workers (See Public employees.) . . . .
Great Britain (See United Kingdom.) ...................
Greece ..........................................................................
Gross national product..............................................
Health and insurance p la n s......................................
Health and safety (See Occupational safety
and health.)
Hispanic workers .......................................................
Holland ........................................................................
Hong Kong .................................................................
Hospitals .....................................................................
Hours of w o rk .............................................................
Hourly compensation c o s t s ......................................
Housing (See construction.)
H ungary.......................................................................
Imports (See Foreign trade.)
Incentive plans (See also Work m otivation.)........
Income (See Earnings and wages.)
Income payments and transfers................................
Indexes (See also P rices.)..........................................
Industrial relations (See Labor-management
Industrial Relations Research
Association (IRRA) ................................................
Injuries (See Work injuries and illnesses.)
International Brotherhood of Teamsters ...............
International comparisons........................................
International econom ics............................................
International Labor Organzation ...........................
International trade (See Foreign trade)
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International Year of the Child 1979 .....................
Ireland ..........................................................................
Italy ..............................................................................
Japan ............................................................................
Job creation.................................................................
Job opportunities program........................................
Job satisfaction (See also Quality of jo b s .).............
Job search ...................................................................
Job security .................................................................
Job tenure ...................................................................
Job Training Partnership Act ..................................
Job vacancies...............................................................
Jobseeking methods ...................................................
K o r e a ............................................................................
Labor and economic history ....................................
Labor costs (See Unit labor cost.)
Labor force .................................................................
Labor la w ......................................................................
Labor-management relations................
Labor market...............................................................
Labor ministries .........................................................
Labor movement theory............................................
Labor organizations ...................................................
Labor relations (See Labor-management
Labor requirements.....................................................
Labor turnover ...........................................................
L ayoffs..........................................................................
L eisu re..........................................................................
Luxembourg ...............................................................
Maritime .....................................................................
M ediation.....................................................................
Medical care ...............................................................
Medicare ......................................................................
M e x ic o ..........................................................................
M igration......................................................................
Minimum w a g e ...........................................................
Minority workers .......................................................
M ob ility........................................................................
Monetary and fiscal policy........................................
Multinational bargaining..........................................
Multiple jobholders.....................................................
National Labor Relations Board (See
also Decisions section.)..........................................
Negative income t a x ...................................................
New Z ealand...............................................................
Nonfinancial corporations........................................
Nonprofit sector .........................................................










Norway ......................................................................
Occupational safety and health (See
also Work injuries and illnesses.) .......................
Occupational Safety and Health Act .....................
O h io ............................................................................
Older w orkers............................................................
Part-time work ..........................................................
PCE Deflator ..............................................................
Physicians ..................................................................
Plant shutdow ns........................................................
Poland ........................................................................
Postal Reoganization Act of 1970 ...........................
Postal workers............................................................
Prices ..........................................................................
Producer Price In d e x ................................................
Profit sharing..............................................................
Public employees........................................................
Puerto R ic o ................................................................
Quality of jo b s ............................................................
Quality of w orklife....................................................
Quit rate......................................................................
Recessions ..................................................................
Rehabilitation ............................................................
Safety and health (See Occupational
safety and health.)
Salaries (See Earnings and wages.)
Scientists ....................................................................
Self-employment ........................................................
Service sector..............................................................
Social Security............................................................
Social welfare..............................................................
South Africa ..............................................................
Special labor force reports.......................................
Sri L anka....................................................................
Standard Metropolitan Statistical
Areas (SMSA) ..........................................................
State government........................................................
Statistical programs and m ethods...........................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Steelworkers (See also United Steelworkers
of America.)............................................................
Strikes (See also Work stoppages.) .........................
Supplemental benefits................................................
Supreme Court (See also Decisions
Survey methods (See also Statistical
programs and methods.).......................................
Survey of Income and Program
Participation (SIPP) ................................................
Sw eden........................................................................
Switzerland ................................................................
T aiw an ........................................................................
Teamsters (See International Brotherhood
of Teamsters.)
Technological ch an ge................................................
Tenure (See Job tenure.)
Trade Adjustment Assistance Program .................
Trade readjustment assistance.................................
Trade unionism ..........................................................
Trade unions (See Labor organizations.)
Training (See Education and training.)
Turnover rates............................................................
Underground econom y..............................................
Underemployment (See Employment;
Unemployment (See also Employment;
Labor force.) ..........................................................
Unemployment insurance .......................................
Union membership and elections ...........................
Union mergers (See also Labor
Union representation ................................................
Unions (See Labor organizations.)
Unit labor cost (See also Productivity.) .................
United Food and Commercial
Workers International (UFCW).............................
United K ingdom ........................................................
United Mineworkers of America.............................
United Steelworkers of A m erica.............................
Urban and rural stu d ies......................
Wage calendar............................................................
Wage incentive ..........................................................
Wages (See Earnings and wages.)
W elfare........................................................................
Welfare reform ..........................................................
West Germany (See Germany.)









White-collar workers ................................................
W om en.........................................................................
Work at h o m e ............................................................
Work experience........................................................
Work injuries and illnesses (See also
Occupational safety and health.).........................
Work motivation.................................................
Work sharing..............................................................
Work stoppages..........................................................
Worker privacy..........................................................
Workers’ compensation ...........................................
Working age ..............................................................
W orklife......................................................................
Worksharing unemployment insurance .................
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World auto cou n cils..................................................
Youth (See also Labor force.) .................................
D E C ISIO N S................................................................
Court decisions ..........................................................
National Labor Relations
Board decisions......................................................


(Listed by author)........................................................


A U T H O R S ..................................................................




Textile and clothing unions merge, aim at organizing the South. 1976
Aug. 32-33.

Absence from work—measuring the hours lost. 1977 Oct. 16-23.
Absent workers and lost work hours, May 1978. 1979 Aug. 49-53.
Employee absences in 1989: a new look at data from the cps. 1990 Aug.


Job absence and turnover: a new source of data. 1977 Oct. 24-31.
Linking employment fitness programs to lower medical costs and absen­
teeism. 1987 Nov. 27-28.
Missed work and lost hours, May 1985. 1986 Nov. 26-30.

Civil Service reform proposal figures prominently in AFGE races. 1978
Nov. 30-32.
afscme attacks Proposition 13, endorses new dues structure. 1978 Sept.

ACCIDENTS (See Work injuries.)
and a national bls: labor’s role is crystallized, a centennial view. 1982
Mar. 21-29.
Meany attacks U.S. trade policy, demands more jobs, labor law reform.
1978 Mar. 35-37.

APPRENTICESHIP (See Education and training.)


ARBITRATION (See also Collective bargaining.)
Arbitrating discrimination grievances in the wake of Gardner-Denver.
1983 Oct. 3-10.
Arbitration and the rights of mentally handicapped workers. 1980 Apr.
Binding arbitration laws for State and municipal workers. 1978 Oct.
Customized ‘final-offer’: New Jersey’s arbitration law. 1980 Sept. 30-33.
Do uncertain cost/benefit estimates prolong public-sector disputes? 1980
Sept. 26-29.
Experiment in the mediation of grievances. 1983 Mar. 23-30.
Final-offer arbitration and salaries of police and firefighters. 1978 July
Industrial relations research: an agenda for the 1980’s. 1980 Sept. 20-25.
Postal arbitration: issues surrounding the award, 1984. 1986 June 31-32.
Public employees in Massachusetts and final-offer arbitration. 1978 Apr.
Resolution ofjob bias cases through mediation and arbitration. 1978 Apr.
Supply of arbitrators: prospects for the 1980’s. 1976 Oct. 27-29.
Use of arbitration to speed eeo adjudication. 1976 May 37-39.

Meany farewell, bid to Auto Workers, Teamsters mark afl -cio conven­
tion. 1980 Feb. 58-62.
Age Discrimination in Employment Act: a review of recent changes. 1980
Mar. 32-36.
Retirement decision: a question of opportunity? 1980 Nov. 14-17.
Agricultural labor relations laws in four States—a comparison. 1977 May
California’s farm labor elections: an analysis of the initial results. 1976
Dec. 25-30.
Effects of the minimum wage on farm employment: a new model. 1982
June 47-51.
Employment and wages reported by California farmers in 1982. 1983 Oct.
Estimating the cost of extending jobless insurance to farmworkers. May

Changing composition of the military and the effect on labor force data.
1984 July 10-13.
Defense buildup, 1977-85: effects on production and employment. 1987
Aug. 3-11.
Defense spending in the 1990’s—the effect of deeper cuts. 1990 Oct. 3-15.
Factors in the productivity of military personnel. 1985 May 33-35.
Modeling Army enlistment supply for the All-Volunteer Force. 1985
Aug. 35-39.
Military as an employer: past performance and future prospects. 1977
Nov. 19-23.
Military spending. 1983 June 43.
Working for Uncle Sam—a look at members of the Armed Forces. 1984
July 3-9.

How U.S. exports are faring in the world wheat market. 1985 Oct. 10-24.
Large supplies of meats, grains cut recent food price increases. 1982 Jan.
Productivity growth average in farm machinery manufacturing. 1982
Oct. 6-10.
Statistical portrait of hired farmworkers. 1984 June 49-51.
New directions for income transfer programs. 1980 Feb. 41-45.
Unemployment among recipients of food stamps and afdc . 1979 March
Extent of alcoholism among Air Force employees. 1980 May 46-49.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Productivity trends in manufacturing in the U.S. and 11 other countries.
1984 Jan. 52-58.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 11 industrial countries, 1977. 1978
Nov. 11-17.

International comparisons of hourly compensation costs. 1989 June
10- 12.

BENEFITS (See Supplemental benefits.)

Analysis of unemployment and other labor market indicators in 10 coun­
tries. 1988 Apr. 39-50.
Analysis of unemployment in nine industrial countries. 1977 Apr. 12-24.
Comparable worth in the job market: estimating its effect. 1985 July

Amendments to the black lung benefits law, 1977. 1978 May 25-29.
Employee representation on U.S., German boards. 1989 Sept. 39-42.

Comparison of youth unemployment in Australia and the United States.
1984 Oct. 30-36.
How do Australian unions maintain standing during adverse periods?
1986 June 37-39.
International comparison of labor force participation, 1977-84. 1986 May
International developments in apprenticeship. 1989 July 40-41.
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
International experiences with technological change. 1986 Mar. 35-40.
Recent labor market developments in the U.S. and nine other countries.
1984 Jan. 44-51.

International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
Budgets for retired couples rose moderately in 1976. 1977 Oct. 53-56.
Do area wages reflect area living costs? 1979 Nov. 24-29.
Family budget costs continued to climb in 1976. 1977 July 35-39.
Family budget increases in 1978 were the largest in 4 years. 1980 Jan.
Family expenditure data to be available on a continuing basis. 1979 Apr.
Final report on family budgets: cost increases slowed, autumn 1981. 1982
July 44-46.
How family spending has changed in the U.S. 1990 Mar. 20-27.
Medical care costs lead rise in 1976-77 family budgets. 1978 Nov. 33-36.
Retired couple’s budgets updated to autumn 1975. 1976 Oct. 36-37.
Retired couple’s budgets, final report, autumn 1981. 1982 Nov. 37-38.
Rise in autumn 1979 family budgets marked by transportation and taxes.
1980 Aug. 29-30.
Special panel suggests changes in bls family budget program. 1980 Dec.
Urban family budgets updated to autumn 1975. 1976 July 40-44.

Recent labor market trends in nine industrial nations. 1979 May 8-16.
Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries. 1985
Aug. 9-22.
Unemployment and labor force trends in 10 industrial nations: an update.
1982 Nov. 17-21.
Unemployment insurance in the United States and Europe, 1973-83. 1989
Apr. 22-31.
Early retirement as a labor force policy: an international overview. 1987
Mar. 19-33.
Incomes policy in Austria under a voluntary partnership. 1977 Aug.

and a national bls: labor’s role is crystallized, A centennial view.
1982 Mar. 21-29.
bls and the economy: a centennial timetable. 1984 Nov. 29-37.
Centennial. 1984 Jan. 2-3.
Ewan Clague, 1896-1987. 1987 May 2.
Frances Perkins, Isador Lubin, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1980
Apr. 22-30.
One hundred years of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1985 July 3-6.
Recollections of a former editor. 1990 June 50-55.

International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May


Heavy bargaining returns in 1979. 1978 Dec. 15-24.
Technology and labor in automobile production. 1977 Oct. 32-35.
Constitutional convention marks golden anniversary of the uaw. 1986
Oct. 23-25.
Innovative approach to plant closings: the UAW-Ford experience at San
Jose. 1985 June 34-37.
uaw elects its last Reuther-generation president. 1977 Aug. 36-37.
United Auto Workers 29th constitutional convention. 1989 Oct. 34-36.

Short-time compensation systems in California and Europe. 1980 July
Analysis of unemployment and other labor market indicators in 10 coun­
tries. 1988 Apr. 39-50.
Analysis of unemployment in nine industrial countries. 1977 Apr. 12-24.
Canadian efforts to stabilize collective bargaining in construction. 1977
Apr. 76-78.
Canadian legal approaches to sex equality in the workplace. 1982 Oct.
Canadian strike activity—is centralization the solution? 1978 Apr. 40-42.
Changing family in international perspective. 1990 Mar. 41-58.
Early retirement as a labor force policy: an international overview. 1987
Mar. 19-33.
Educational leave in Canada: a look at individual programs. 1980 Aug.
Employment ratio as an indicator of aggregate demand pressure. 1977
Apr. 25-32.

AUTOMATION (See Technological change.)
BARGAINING (See Collective bargaining.)
Early retirement as a labor force policy: an international overview. 1987
Mar. 19-33.
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
International trends in productivity and unit labor costs in manufactur­
ing. 1986 Dec. 12-17.
Labor productivity in manufacturing at home and abroad, 1980-86. 1987
Dec. 25-30.
Productivity and labor cost trends in manufacturing, 12 countries. 1986
Mar. 3-10.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 12 industrial countries. 1977 July
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Fair comparison criteria in public sector bargaining. 1976 July 50-51.
International comparisons of hourly compensation costs. 1989 June

Economic relations between developed and developing countries.
Aid to developing countries: a Third World trade unionist view.
Development of Third World would affect U.S. supply of raw
Trade adjustment assistance: should it be modified?
‘Rentier’ economy would threaten manufacturing jobs.
Building a counterforce to multinational corporations.
America’s improving competitiveness promotes export growth.
Labor content of imports and exports.
Arbitration and the rights of mentally handicapped workers. 1980 Apr.
41- 47.
Attitudes of college faculties toward unions: two case studies. 1978 May
42- 45.
Bargaining activity light in private industry in 1985. 1985 Jan. 13-26.
Bargaining calendar to be heavy in 1977. 1976 Dec. 14-24.
Bargaining calendar to be light in 1978. 1977 Dec. 34-43.
Baseball labor relations: the lockout of 1990. 1990 Oct. 32-36.
Binding arbitration and litigation in employment discrimination cases.
1979 Jan. 73-75.
bls expands collective bargaining series for State and local government.
1985 May 36-38.
Canadian efforts to stabilize collective bargaining in construction. 1977
Apr. 76-78.
Collective bargaining and labor-management relations, 1988. 1989 Jan.
Collective bargaining and private sector professionals. 1989 Sept. 24-33.
Collective bargaining calendar crowded again in 1984. 1984 Jan. 19-32.
Collective bargaining during 1986: pressures to curb costs remain. 1986
Jan. 16-33.
Collective bargaining in 1982: results dictated by economy. 1983 Jan.
28- 37.
Collective bargaining in 1983: a crowded agenda. 1983 Jan. 3-16.
Collective bargaining in 1987: local, regional issues to set tone. 1987 Jan.
Collective bargaining in 1989: negotiators will face diverse issues. 1989
Jan. 10-24.
Collective bargaining in 1989: old problems, new issues. 1990 Jan. 19-29.
Collective bargaining in 1990: health care cost a common issue. 1990 Jan.
Collective bargaining in the health care industry. 1980 Feb. 49-53.
Communications Workers focus on bargaining with at&t . 1986 July
Comparing arbitration and litigation in employment discrimination
cases. 1979 May 35-36.
Contracts in six key industries scheduled to expire in 1981. 1980 Dec.
Do the 1982 concessions by unions mark a turning point in bargaining?
1983 Mar. 31-32.
Do uncertain cost/benefit estimates prolong public-sector disputes? 1980
Sept. 26-29.
Does ‘final offer’ allow the bargaining that conventional arbitration
chills? 1979 May 38-39.
Easing the hardship of plant shutdowns. 1982 Mar. 43-44.
Economy improves: bargaining problems persist in 1983. 1984 Jan. 33-43.
Effects of collective bargaining as measured for men in blue-collar jobs.
1977 Apr. 46-49.
European union agreements provide framework for public policies. 1977
Jan. 62-64.
Faculty representation: the vote at Cincinnati. 1976 Mar. 44-48.
Fair comparison criteria in public sector bargaining. 1976 July 50-51.
Football strike of 1987: the question of free agency. 1988 Aug. 26-31.
Forces working to reshape collective bargaining. 1977 Feb. 60-61.
Future of collective bargaining probe in ilo report. 1984 Sept. 41-43.
Future of wage indexation in collective bargaining contracts, 1985 May
29- 32.

10- 12.

International comparison of labor force participation, 1977-84. 1986 May
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
International experiences with technological change. 1986 Mar. 35-40.
International trends in productivity and unit labor costs in manufactur­
ing. 1986 Dec. 12-17.
Labor productivity in manufacturing at home and abroad, 1980-86. 1987
Dec. 25-30.
Productivity and labor cost trends in manufacturing, 12 countries. 1986
Mar. 3-10.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 12 industrial countries. 1977 July
Productivity and unit labor costs in industrial countries, 1977. 1978 Nov.
Purchasing power parity between the U.S. and Canada. 1987 Dec. 7-24.
Recent labor market developments in the U.S. and nine other countries.
1984 Jan. 44-51.
Recent labor market trends in nine industrial nations. 1979 May 8-16.
Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries. 1985
Aug. 9-22.
Regional unemployment and job search in Canada. 1977 Oct. 42-43.
Should works councils be used as industrial relations policy? 1985 July
Status of women in Canada’s labor force, 1985 Aug. 44-45.
Task force encourages diffusion of microelectronics in Canada. 1983 Oct.
Unemployment and labor force trends in 10 industrial nations: an update.
1982 Nov. 17-21.
Unemployment compensation in eight industrial nations. 1976 July
Unemployment experience in Canada: a 5-year longitudinal analysis.
1983 Apr. 36-38.
Child care and family benefits: policies of six industrialized countries.
1980 Nov. 23-28.
Child-care arrangements of working parents. 1979 Oct. 50-56.
Child-care assistance as a benefit of employment. 1985 May 41.
Child-care options of employed women. 1989 Dec. 52.
Child-care services: a national picture. 1983 Dec. 35-39.
Child day care services: industry at a crossroads. 1990 Dec. 17-24.
Employers and child care: what roles do they play? 1988 Sept. 38-44.
Exploitation of children widespread, ILO reports. 1980 Nov. 43-45.
Resolution ofjob bias cases through mediation and arbitration. 1978 Apr.
CIVIL SERVANTS (See Public employees.)
Civil Service reform proposal figures prominently in
Nov. 30-32.


races. 1978

COLLECTIVE BARGAINING (See also Arbitration.)
Airline union concessions in the wake of deregulation. 1985 June 37-39.
American labor’s stake in a changing world economy. A special section.
1977 Mar. 34-50.
Labor’s interests vital in setting trade policies.
Establishing international fair labor standards.
Problems facing international collective bargaining.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Handling prison grievances: the ‘labor model’ in practice. 1977 Mar.

Some determinants of bargaining in Government enterprises. 1978 Apr.
State employee bargaining: policy and organization. 1985 Apr. 51-55.
Steelworkers press organizing and coordinated bargaining. 1986 Nov.
Students and bargaining at public and private colleges. 1976 Apr. 31-33.
Supply of arbitrators: prospects for the 1980’s. 1976 Oct. 27-29.
Two approaches to the mediator’s role. 1980 June 39-40.
Unionism’s effect on faculty pay: handicapping the available data. 1980
June 34-36.
Unionization of court employees has raised legal, practical questions.
1979 Aug. 20-24.
Unions and bargaining among employees of State prisons. 1978 Mar.
Wage adjustments in contracts negotiated in private industry in 1987.
1988 May 23-28.
Wage gains in 1979 offset by inflation. 1980 July 48-51.
Wage gains smaller during 1976. 1977 Apr. 3-6.
Wage increases of 1978 absorbed by inflation. 1979 June 10-13.
Wage restraints continue in 1985 major contracts. 1986 Apr. 22-28.
What do unions get in return for concessions? 1984 May 40-41.
Which side ‘learns’ faster in the bargaining process. 1978 May 36-38.
Why the slowdown in faculty bargaining? 1976 Mar. 43-44
Will union concessions expand areas for bargaining? 1983 Mar. 32-33.

Has collective bargaining altered the salary structure of baseball? 1977
Mar. 51-52.
Heavy bargaining again in 1980. 1979 Dec. 20-28.
Heavy bargaining returns in 1979. 1978 Dec. 15-24.
Higher settlements in 1989 end innovative decade. 1990 May 3-10.
Hospital managers’ perception of the impact of unionization. 1980 June
Housestaff physicians and interns press for bargaining rights. 1978 Aug.
How final-offer arbitration affects baseball bargaining. 1977 Mar. 52-53.
Implications of concession bargaining: lessons from the public sector.
1983 Mar. 33-35.
Industrial relations in 1976: highlights of key settlements. 1977 Jan.
Industrial relations in 1977: highlights of key developments. 1978 Feb.
Industrial relations in 1978: some bargaining highlights. 1979 Jan. 58-64.
Industrial relations in 1979: inflation still holds spotlight. 1980 Feb.
Industrial Relations Research Association. Papers from 29th annual
meeting, September 1976. 1977 Feb. 52-61; Mar. 51-57; Apr. 44-60.
Industrial relations research: an agenda for the 1980’s. 1980 Sept. 20-25.
Labor and management continue to combat mutual problems in 1985.
1986 Jan. 3-15.
Labor and the economy during 1975. 1976 Jan. 3-16.
Labor-management panels: three case studies. 1980 June 41-44.
Labor-management scene in 1986 reflects continuing difficulties. 1987
Jan. 37-48.

Comparable worth: a special section. 1985 Dec. 3-18.
Perspectives on comparable worth: an introduction to the numbers.
Comparable worth: how do we know it will work?
Comparable worth: organizational dilemmas.
Comparable worth: some questions still unanswered.
Comparable worth in the job market: estimating its effect. 1985 July

Major agreements in 1984 provide record low wage increases. 1985 Apr.
Major collective bargaining settlements in private industry in 1988. 1989
May 34-43.
Major labor contracts in 1986 provided record low wage adjustments.
1987 May 10-16.

New measure of compensation cost adjustments. 1990 Aug. 11-18.
Geographic wage indexing for ceta and Medicare. 1980 Sept. 15-19.
Job Training Partnership Act: new help for the unemployed. 1983 Mar.

Modest labor-management bargains continue in 1984 despite the recov­
ery. 1985 Jan. 3-12.
New measure of compensation cost adjustments. 1990 Aug. 11-18.
Organization behavior as an aid to labor impasse resolution. 1977 Apr.
Organized labor in 1981: a shifting of priorities. 1982 Jan. 21-28.
Outlook for collective bargaining in 1988. 1988 Jan. 10-23.
Political and legal issues of binding arbitration in government. 1979 Sept.

Computer and data processing services, March 1978. 1979 July 34.
Computer manufacturing enters a new era of growth. 1986 Sept. 9-16.
Computer-aided telephone interviewing used in the Hours at Work Sur­
vey. 1986 May 39-41.
Experimental price index for the computer industry. 1990 Oct. 16-25.
First bls survey of pay levels in computer and data processing services.
1979 July 34.
New computer system improves display of statistical tables. 1978 Mar.
Productivity in commercial banking: computers spur the advance. 1982
Dec. 19-27.

Postal arbitration: issues surrounding the award, 1984. 1986 June 31-32.
Prevalence of incentives in major bargaining agreements. 1979 July
Process of work restructuring, and its impact on collective bargaining.
1977 Apr. 52-55.
Providing assistance to displaced workers. 1979 May 17-22.
Reforming the U.S. system of collective bargaining. 1983 Mar. 18-22.
Resolution of impasses in public employee bargaining. 1976 Jan. 57-58.
Review of collective bargaining in 1987. 1988 Jan. 24-37.
Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in 1978. 1978 Jan. 3-8.
Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in 1979. 1979 Jan.
Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in 1980. 1980 Jan.
Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in 1977. 1977 Jan.

Abel-dominated convention endorses no-strike policy, seeks job guaran­
tee. 1976 Nov. 44-46.
AFL-cio, 12th biennial convention, December 1977. 1978 Mar. 35-37.
afl -cio . 13th biennial convention, November 1979. 1980 Feb. 58-62.
Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union, June 1975. 1976
Aug. 32-33.
American Economic Association and allied societies. Brief excerpts from
4 papers presented at annual meeting. 1978 Feb. 2.

Significant labor decisions—an analysis. 1977 Jan. 36-41.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), 26th biennial
convention. 1978 Nov. 30-32.

International Labor Organization, 65th conference, June 1979. 1979 Oct.

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, 23d
biennial convention, June 1978. 1978 Sept. 43-45.

International Labor Organization, 66th session, June 1980. 1980 Nov.

American Postal Workers Union, 3d annual convention, August 1976
1976 Oct. 34-35

Meany attacks U.S. trade policy, demands more jobs, labor law reform.
1978 Mar. 35-37.

American Statistical Association. Held in Washington, DC, August 6-10,
1989. Summaries of papers from. 1989 Oct. 29-33.

Meany farewell, bid to Auto Workers, Teamsters mark afl -cio conven­
tion. 1980 Feb. 58-62.
Merger of Retail Clerks, Meat Cutters creates union exceeding 1.2 mil­
lion. 1979 Sept. 56-57.
Mine Workers’ new president wins dues increase, right to name VP. 1980
Mar. 48-50.

Auto Workers seek Government aid for laid-off workers, ailing industry
1980 Sept. 41-43.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the New York State
School of Industrial and Labor Relations of Cornell University, and
the University of the State of New York, December 1976. 1977 Mar
Civil Service reform proposal figures prominently in
Nov. 30-32.


North American Conference on Labor Statistics. Papers from 34th annu­
al meeting, June 1977. 1977 Oct. 42-48.
Physicians National Housestaff Association, 7th national assembly May
1978. 1978 Aug. 30.
Political issues dominate ilo conference; worker standards adopted. 1982
Oct. 35-38.
Postal Workers denounce working conditions, ‘waste.’ 1976 Oct. 34-35.
Productivity and employment: the 1988 international symposium, April
1988. 1988 Aug. 32-38.
United Auto Workers 29th constitutional convention. 1989 Oct. 34-36.
United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of
America. 25th constitutional convention, May 15-19, 1977. 1977
Aug. 36-37.
26th constitutional convention, June 1980. 1980 Sept. 41-43.
28th constitutional convention, June 1-6, 1986. 1986 Oct. 23-25.
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW). For­
mation of. 1979 Sept. 56-57.
United Mine Workers of America, 47th constitutional convention, Sept.
23—Oct. 2, 1976. 1977 Jan. 58-61.
United Mine Workers of America. Triennial convention, December
1979. 1980 Mar. 48-50.
United Steelworkers of America (afl-cio , clc), 23rd constitutional con­
vention, August 25-29, 1986. 1986 Nov. 48-49.
United Steelworkers of America 18th biennial constitutional convention.
1976 Nov. 44-46.
United Steelworkers of America, 19th biennial constitutional convention.
1978 Dec. 65-69.
Work in America Institute and the International Institute of Labor Stu­
dies Conference, December 1979. Paper from. 1980 July 39-41.

races. 1978

Communications Workers of America (Cwa), 48th annual convention
May 24, 1986. 1986 July 37-39.
Consumer Expenditure Survey conference paper summaries. Presented
at various professional conferences. 1988 Aug. 38-43.
Consumer Expenditure Survey conference paper summaries. 1988 Aug
Consumer expenditure and inequality: a budget components ana­
lysis using the gini coefficient.
An economic perspective.
Reporting of household income: complete versus incomplete re­
Income elasticities of expenditure for food.
Housing structure attributes and tenure status.
Individual consumption within the household: a study of expendi­
tures on clothing.
The autocovariance of expenditure shares from consumer expendi­
ture survey data.
Goods vs. services: from the perspective of consumer spending.
Spending patterns of men and women.
First Industrial Relations Congress of the Americas. Held in Quebec
City, Canada, Aug. 23-25, 1988. 1989 May 50-51.
Key officer of new police union loses to coalition in close vote. 1981 Oct
Housestaff physicians and interns press for bargaining rights. 1978 Aug.

Industrial Relations Research Association, 28th annual meeting, Decem­
ber 1975. 1976 Mar. 37-48, Apr. 23-33, May 36-40.

Adjusting the cpi shelter index to compensate for effect of depreciation.
1988 Oct. 34-38.
Canadian efforts to stabilize collective bargaining in construction. 1977
Apr. 76-78.
Changing character of unionism in traditionally organized sectors. 1979
Feb. 36-38.
Construction wage gains taper off in the mid-1970’s. 1978 Dec. 72.
Decline noted in hours required to erect Federal office buildings. 1976
Oct. 18-22.
Does the cpi exaggerate or understate inflation? 1980 May 31-33.
Does the cpi exaggerate or understate inflation? Some observations. 1980
May 33-35.
Double-digit inflation today and in 1973-74: a comparison. 1980 May
Employment changes in construction: secular, cyclical, and seasonal.
1983 Mar. 11-17.
Estimating the user cost of owner-occupied housing. 1980 Feb. 31-35.
European experience with rent controls. 1977 June 21-28.
Foreign housing voucher systems: evolution and strategies. 1986 May
Homeownership costs. 1979 Sept. 2.
Labor and material requirements for federally aided highways. 1979 Dec.

29th annual meeting, September 1976. 1977 Feb 52-61; Mar. 51-57;
30th annual meeting, December 1977. 1978 Mar. 29-34- Apr
28-42; May 30-46.
31st annual meeting, August 1978. Papers from. 1979 Jan. 65-75;
Feb. 33-40;Apr. 42-48; May 35-40; June 29-34.
32d annual meeting, December 1979. Papers from. 1980 June
32-40; July 37-39. 41-43. Aug. 22-28.
34th annual meeting, December 1981. Papers from. 1982 Apr.
47-51. 1982 May 29-33. 1982 June 45-54.
35th annual meeting, December 1982. Papers from. 1983 Mar
31-35. 1983 Apr. 25-29.
36th annual meeting, 1982. Papers from. 1984 May 34-41: 1984
June 34-44.
37th annual meeting, December 1984. Papers from. 1985 May
27-35; June 33-39; and July 30-45.
38th annual meeting, December 1985. Papers from. 1986 Apr.
45-49; 1986 May 28-34; 1986 June 28-39.
International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen
and Helpers of America (Ind.), 21st convention, June 1976. 1976
Sept. 41-43.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Anatomy of price change—the sharp first-quarter rise. 1977 June 3-8.
Average retail food prices: a brief history of methods. 1984 Nov. 52-53.
bls to improve urban sample in 1987 revision of the CPI. 1984 May 51.
Changing the treatment of shelter costs for homeowners in the cpi. 1982
June. 9-14.
Comparison of the revised and the old cpi. 1987 Nov. 3-6.
Consumer Price Index and indexation. 1980 June 2.
Consumer prices in the 1980’s: the cooling of inflation. 1990 Aug. 19-27.
Consumer prices rise at a 13-percent rate for the third consecutive quar­
ter. 1979 Dec. 35-41.
cpi controversy. 1980 Feb. 2.
cpi revision provides more accuracy in the medical care services compo­
nent. 1988 Apr. 17-26.
cpi revision. 1978 Mar. 2.
cpi’s for local areas. 1983 Mar. 2.
Does the cpi exaggerate or understate inflation? 1980 May 31-33.
Does the cpi exaggerate or understate inflation? Some observations. 1980
May 33-35.
Domestic price rise during 1987 reflects swing of energy prices. 1988 June
Effect of rental equivalence on the Consumer Price Index, 1967-82, 1985
Feb. 53-55.
Energy buoys double-digit inflation, food price surge ebbs in second quar­
ter. 1979 Sept. 49-55.
Estimating the user cost of owner-occupied housing. 1980 Feb. 31-35.
Experimental cost-of-living indexes: a summary of current research. 1989
July 34-39.
Food prices helped ease inflation during the third quarter of 1976. 1976
Dec. 40-45.
Half-year decline in inflation: its antecedents and structure. 1986 Oct.
Homeownership costs. 1979 Sept. 2.
Inflation continues to abate during the first quarter. 1982 July 3-9.
Inflation fueled by oil prices in first 9 months of 1987. 1987 Dec. 3-6.
Inflation holds steady during the first half. 1988 Oct. 13-17.
Inflation patterns in the initial stages of recovery. 1983 Oct. 22-26.
Inflation rate high in second quarter, but prices of raw materials declined.
1977 Sept. 29-33.
Inflation remained low during 1984. 1985 Apr. 3-9.
Inflation remained mild again during 1985. 1986 Apr. 17-21.
Inflation slowed markedly during the third quarter. 1977 Dec. 49-52.
Inflation slows in third quarter, although food prices soar. 1980 Dec.
Medical care services in the Consumer Price Index. 1978 Aug. 35-39.
New basket of goods and services being priced in revised cpi. 1987 Jan.
New methodology reduces importance of used cars in cpi . 1988 Dec.
New role for economic indicators. 1977 Nov. 3-5.
Price changes in 1977—an analysis. 1978 Feb. 3-11.
Price changes in 1978—an analysis. 1979 March 3-12.
Price highlights of 1988: rising pressures on consumer prices. 1989 May
Quality adjustments for structural changes in the cpi housing sample.
1990 Nov. 40-42.
Quality award. 1990 June. 2.
Rate of inflation cases in first quarter. 1976 June 31-36.
Reconciling the cpi and the pce Deflator: 4th quarter 1981. 1982 May
Reconciling the cpi and the pce Deflator: an update. 1982 Jan. 43-44.
Reconciling the cpi and the pce Deflator: first quarter 1982. 1982 July
Reconciling the cpi and the pce Deflator: second quarter 1982. 1982 Oct.

Labor and material requirements for hospital construction. 1982 Mar.
Labor and material requirements for new school construction. 1979 Apr.
Labor requirements for college housing construction. 1979 May 28-34.
Measuring the social costs of instability in construction. 1980 Feb. 53-57.
Recent employment trends in the lumber and wood products industry.
1983 Aug. 20-24.
Safety and health record in the construction industry. 1978 Mar. 3-9.
to publish quarterly data from Consumer Expenditure Survey. 1988
July 27-31.
Comparing medical care expenditures of two diverse U.S. data sources.
1987 Mar. 15-18.
Consumer Expenditure Survey conference paper summaries. 1988 Aug.
Consumer expenditure and inequality: a budget components anal­
ysis using the gini coefficient.
An economic perspective.
Reporting of household income: complete versus incomplete re­
Income elasticities of expenditure for food.
Housing structure attributes and tenure status.
Individual consumption within the household: a study of expendi­
tures on clothing.
The autocovariance of expenditure shares from consumer expendi­
ture survey data.
Goods vs. services: from the perspective of consumer spending.
Spending patterns of men and women.
Consumer Expenditure Survey: quality control by comparative analysis.
1987 Mar. 8-14.
Consumer expenditures in different-size cities. 1989 Dec. 44-47.
Consumer expenditures on travel, 1980-87. 1990 June 56-60.
Consumer expenditures. 1985 Jan. 2.
Consumer expenditures: results from the Diary and Interview surveys.
1986 June 14-18.
cpi revision provides more accuracy in the medical care services compo­
nent. 1988 Apr. 17-26.
Distribution of consumption examined using aggregate expenditure 1986
Apr. 50-53.
Employment and wage changes of families from ce Survey data. 1987
Feb. 31-33.
End of purchase requirement fails to change food stamp participation.
1988 July 14-18.
Expenditure patterns of the elderly: workers and non workers. 1990 May
Expenditures of urban and rural consumers, 1972-73 to 1985. 1988 Mar.
Families of working wives spending more on services and nondurables.
1989 Feb. 15-23.
How family spending has changed in the U.S. 1990 Mar. 20-27.
New basket of goods and services being priced in revised cpi. 1987 Jan.
Spending differences across occupational fields. 1989 Dec. 33-43.
Spending patterns and income of single and married parents. 1989 Mar.
Spending patterns of older persons revealed in expenditure survey. 1986
Oct. 15-17.
Trip expenditure comparisons from 1972-73 to 1980-81. 1985 July 46-48.

1989 rise in prices: largest increase in 8 years. 1990 May 11-20.
Adjusting the cpi shelter index to compensate for effect of depreciation.
1988 Oct. 34-38.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Reconciling the CPI-U and the pce Deflator: 3rd quarter. 1983 Feb. 37-38.
Revised Consumer Price Index: changes in definitions and availability.
1986 July 15-23.

Using the CPS to track retirement trends among older men. 1985 Feb.
DEFENSE (See Armed Forces.)

Revision of Consumer Price Index is now under way. 1985 Apr. 27-38.
Sharp drop in energy prices holds inflation in check during 1986. 1987
May 3-9.

Changing family in international perspective. 1990 Mar. 41-58.
Early retirement as a labor force policy: an international overview. 1987
Mar. 19-33.
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
International trends in productivity and unit labor costs in manufactur­
ing. 1986 Dec. 12-17.
Productivity and labor cost trends in manufacturing, 12 countries. 1986
Mar. 3-10.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 11 industrial countries, 1977. 1978
Nov. 11-17.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 12 industrial countries. 1977 July
Productivity trends in manufacturing in the U.S. and 11 other countries.
1984 Jan. 52-58.

West, small cities led increase in consumer prices during 1975. 1976 July
European experience with rent controls. 1977 June 21-28.
Average retail food prices: a brief history of methods. 1984 Nov. 52-53.
Budgets for retired couples rose moderately in 1976. 1977 Oct. 53-56.
Changes in the distribution of consumer spending. 1977 Sept. 33-34.
Consumer Price Index and indexation. 1980 June 2.
Cost-of-living adjustment: keeping up with inflation? 1979 June 14-17.
Cost-of-living escalators became prevalent in the 1950’s. 1985 May 32-33.
Cost-of-living indexes for Americans living abroad. 1976 Jan. 63; July 52;
Oct. 43.


Cost-of-living indexes for Americans living abroad. 1977 Jan. 64; Apr. 78;
Sept. 38; Oct. 69.

Airline deregulation and labor relations. 1986 June 29-30.

Cost-of-living indexes for Americans living abroad. 1978 Jan. 39; Apr. 50July 37; Oct. 51-52.
Cost-of-Living indexes for Americans living abroad. 1980 Jan. 53-54;
June 50; Sept. 40.
Cost-of-living indexes for Americans living abroad. 1982 Sept. 38.
Do area wages reflect area living costs? 1979 Nov. 24-29.
Family budget increases in 1978 were the largest in 4 years. 1980 Jan.

Analyzing short-term disability benefits. 1989 June 3-9.
Disability benefits for employees in private pension plans. 1982 Aug.
Employer-sponsored long-term disability insurance. 1987 July 16-22.
Employment programs for disabled youth: an international perspective.
1990 Dec. 50-51.
How the disabled fare in the labor market. 1980 Sept. 48-52.
Work disability. 1987 Jan. 2.
Work disability. 1983 Oct. 2.

Family expenditure data to be available on a continuing basis. 1979 Apr.
Family expenditures by level of income. 1976 June 50.
Retired couple’s budgets updated to autumn 1975. 1976 Oct. 36-37.
First-quarter food and fuel prices propel inflation rate to 5-year high.
1979 June 3-9.
Future of wage indexation in collective bargaining contracts, 1985 May
Higher settlements in 1989 end innovative decade. 1990 May 3-10.
Homeownership costs. 1979 Sept. 2.
Medical care costs lead rise in 1976-77 family budgets. 1978 Nov. 33-36.
Producer Price Index revision: overview and pilot survey. 1979 Dec

Employee discharge in the 20th century: a review of the literature. 1985
Sept. 35-41.
Discouraged workers’ link to jobless rate reaffirmed. 1978 Oct. 40-42.
Improving our information on discouraged workers. 1978 Sept. 15-25.
National Commission recommends changes in labor force statistics. 1980
Apr. 11-21.
Two-fifths of discouraged sought work during prior 6-month period.
1979 Mar. 58-60.

Rise in autumn 1979 family budgets marked by transportation and taxes.
1980 Aug. 29-30.
Scheduled wage increases and cost-of-living provisions in 1982. 1982 Jan.
Social cost-of-living indexes estimated. 1984 May 48-49.
Special panel suggests changes in bls family budget program. 1980 Dec.

DISCRIMINATION (See Equal Employment Opportunity.)
Auto Workers seek Government aid for laid-off workers, ailing industry.
1980 Sept. 41-43.
Britain’s redundancy payments for displaced workers. 1987 June 18-23.
Displaced workers of 1979-83: how well have they fared? 1985 June 3-16.
Displaced workers: one year later. 1986 July 40-42.
Do more-educated workers fare better following job displacement? 1989
Aug. 43-46.
Four nations’ policies toward displaced steelworkers. 1985 July 35-39.
Health insurance loss: the case of the displaced worker. 1987 Apr. 30-33.
How often do workers receive ad vance notice of layoffs? 1987 June 13-17.
Innovative approach to plant closings: the UAW-Ford experience at San
Jose. 1985 June 34-37.
Labor market changes and adjustments: how do the U.S. and Japan com­
pare? 1989 Feb. 31-42.
New Federal-State program to train dislocated workers. 1985 July 32-35.
Pulse of economic change: displaced workers of 1981-85. 1987 June 3-12.
Providing assistance to displaced workers. 1979 May 17-22.

Spending patterns of older persons revealed in expenditure survey. 1986
Oct. 15-17.
Urban family budgets updated to autumn 1975. 1976 July 40-44.
Current Population Survey: a historical perspective and bls’ role, 1984
June 8-14.
Labor force data from cps to undergo revision in January 1983. 1982 Nov.
New household survey and the cps: a look at labor force differences. 1985
Sept. 3-12.
Response variation in the cps: caveats for the unemployment analyst.
1984 Mar. 37-43.
Revisions in Hispanic population and labor force data. 1985 Mar. 43-44.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Effect on women’s earnings of enforcement in Title VII cases, 1977 Mar.
Effects of collective bargaining as measured for men in blue-collar jobs,
1977 Apr. 46-49.
Effects of the minimum wage on farm employment: a new model. 1982
June 47-51.
Employment Cost Index up 7.7 percent in 1978. 1978 July 28-31.
Employment Cost Index: recent trends and expansion. 1982 May 9-14.
Employment effects of minimum wages. 1983 Oct. 33-34.
Employment problems and their effect on family income, 1979-83. 1985
Aug. 42-43.
Estimating the number of minimum wage workers. 1990 Jan. 70-74.
Estimation procedures for the Employment Cost Index. 1982 May 40-42.
Evaluation of mean wage estimates in the Industry Wage Survey pro­
gram. 1988 Oct. 24-29.
Experienced professionals lead white-collar pay rise. 1977 Nov. 48-49.
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938: maximum struggle for a minimum
wage. 1978 June 22-30.
Fair Labor Standards Act: changes of four decades. 1979 July 10-16.
Families of working wives spending more on services and nondurables.
1989 Feb. 15-23.
Federal pay comparability: facts to temper the debate. 1979 June 18-28.
Federal pay procedures and the comparability survey. 1976 Aug. 27-31.
Fringes of a fringe group: part-timers in academe. 1979 Nov. 46-49.
Future of wage indexation in collective bargaining contracts. 1985 May
Gaps in monitoring wages and industrial relations. 1985 June 33-34.
Geographic wage indexing for ceta and Medicare. 1980 Sept. 15-19.
Heavy bargaining again in 1980. 1979 Dec. 20-28.
Hourly paid workers: who they are and what they earn. 1986 Feb. 20-26.
Hours and earnings of production or nonsupervisory workers, 1968-78.
1980 Apr. 54-56.
How occupational mix inflates regional pay differentials. 1978 Feb.
How racial bias and social status affect the earnings of young men. 1977
Apr. 44-46.
How salaries of large cities compare with industry and Federal pay. 1976
Nov. 23-28.
How the disabled fare in the labor market. 1980 Sept. 48- 52.
How type of employment affects earnings differences by sex. 1976 July
ilo labor yearbook: some international comparisons. 1985 Feb. 51-52.
Immigrant earnings patterns by sex, race, and ethnic groupings. 1980
Oct. 22-25.
Impact of the winter of 1977 on payroll employment, 1977 Aug. 43-45.
Income, poverty in 1975. 1976 Nov. 2.
Industrial relations in 1979: inflation still holds spotlight. 1980 Feb.
Industrial relations research: an agenda for the 1980’s. 1980 Sept. 20-25.
Investigating the differences in weekly earnings of women and men. 1984
June 17-28.
Job cuts are only one means firms use to counter imports. 1984 June
Labor requirements for college housing construction. 1979 May 28-34.
Lifetime earnings’ in Japan for the class of 1955. 1984 Apr. 32-36.
Lifetime jobs and wage security: vintage wine in new containers? 1977
Sept. 27-28.
Linking unemployment insurance to mobility and family income. 1979
Apr. 42-44.
Long hours and premium pay, May 1978. 1979 May 41-45.
Long workweeks and premium pay. 1976 Apr. 7-12.

Technological change and employment: some results from BLS research.
1987 Apr. 26-29.
Worker dislocation report. 1987 Feb. 2.
Worker displacement in a period of rapid job expansion: 1983-87. 1990
May 21-33.
Women in domestic work: yesterday and today. 1980 Aug. 17-21.

200 years of earnings. 1976 Sept. 2.
Amendments to the Federal minimum wage law, 1977. 1978 Jan. 9-11.
Bargaining calendar to be heavy in 1977. 1976 Dec. 14-24.
Bargaining calendar to be light in 1978. 1977 Dec. 34-43.
Black-white pay gap narrows as skill levels converge. 1978 Aug. 45.
BLS area wage surveys will cover more areas. 1986 June 19-23.
bls compensation programs: what will users need? 1990 Feb. 46-51.
bls white-collar pay survey now covers small firms. 1986 Oct. 26-28.
Century of wage statistics: the BLS contribution. 1984 Nov. 16-28.
Changes in marital and family characteristics of workers, 1970-78. 1979
Apr. 49-52.
Characteristics of households with discretionary income. 1990 June 63.
Children in dual income families increase; real family income lags. 1989
Dec. 48-52.
Comparable worth in the job market: estimating its effect. 1985 July
Comparable worth. 1983 Oct. 33.
Comparable worth: how do we know it will work? 1985 Dec. 5-12.
Comparable worth: organizational dilemmas. 1985 Dec. 13-16.
Comparable worth: some questions still unanswered. 1985 Dec. 17-18.
Comparing annual and weekly earnings from the Current Population
Survey. 1983 Apr. 32-36.
Compensation cost increases: slowdown continues in 1982. 1983 June
Compensation trends into the 21st century. 1990 Feb. 38-45.
Computer and data processing services, March 1978. 1979 July 34.
Consumer Price Index and indexation. 1980 June 2.
Declining middle class: a further analysis. 1986 Sept. 22-27.
Declining middle-class thesis: a sensitivity analysis. 1988 May 3-13.
Discrimination and pay disparities between white men and women. 1978
Mar. 17-22.
Distribution of earned income among men and women, 1958-77. 1980
Apr. 3-10.
Do area wages reflect area living costs? 1979 Nov. 24-29.
Do the 1982 concessions by unions mark a turning point in bargaining?
1983 Mar. 31-32.
Does a younger male labor force mean greater earnings inequality? 1982
Nov. 42-45.
Earnings and jobs of ex-offenders. 1976 Dec. 31-39.
Earnings differences between men and women: an introductory note.
1984 June 15-16.
Earnings gap. 1982 Nov. 2.
Earnings inequality in the 1980’s. 1990 Dec. 3-16.
Earnings of 1975 Vietnam refugees surpass U.S. average in 4 years. 1985
Aug. 45.
Earnings of men and women. 1977 Jan. 2.
Earnings of men and women: a look at specific occupations. 1982 Apr.
Effect of unemployment on family income in 1977. 1979 Dec. 42-44.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Major agreements in 1984 provide record low wage increases. 1985 Apr.
Married couples: work and income patterns. 1983 Dec. 26-29.


Shrinking middle class: myth or reality? 1985 Mar. 3-10.
Skill level differences in white-collar pay. 1983 Dec. 49-52.
Slowdown in real wages: a postwar perspective, 1977 Aug. 7-12.
Sources of increasing inequality in wages and salaries, 1960-80. 1989 Apr.
Spendable earnings series: has it outlived its usefulness? 1982 Jan. 3-9.
Spending patterns and income of single and married parents. 1989 Mar.
Staffing patterns prominent in female-male earnings gap. 1984 June
29- 33.
State and local government pay increases outpace five-year rise in private
industry. 1987 Feb. 18-20.
State labor legislation enacted in 1979. 1980 Jan. 22-39.
Tenure as a factor in the male-female earnings gap. 1982 Apr. 32-34.
Time rates tighten their grip on manufacturing industries. 1982 May
Tracking individual earnings mobility with the Current Population Sur­
vey. 1980 May 43-46.
Trends in employment and earnings in the philanthropic sector. 1984
Sept. 16-20.
Two divergent measures of purchasing power. 1979 Aug. 25-30.
Unemployment and its effect on family income in 1980. 1982 Apr. 35-43.
Unemployment in 1982: the cost to workers and their families. 1984 Feb.
30- 37.
Union wage trends in building trades. 1976 Jan. 59-60.
Unionism’s effect on faculty pay: handicapping the available data. 1980
June 34-36.
Unpaid family workers: long-term decline continues. 1982 Oct. 3-5.
Use of hourly earnings proposed to revive spendable earnings series. 1984
Nov. 38-43.
Usual weekly earnings: another look at intergroup differences and basic
trends. 1982 Apr. 15-24.
Viva la difference? 1978 Oct. 2.
Wage adjustments in contracts negotiated in private industry in 1987.
1988 May 23-28.
Wage and benefits of State and local government employees. 1980 Sept. 2.
Wage developments during 1977. 1978 Apr. 3-6.
Wage differences among workers in the same job and establishment. 1985
Mar. 11-16.
Wage gains in 1975: a summary analysis. 1976 Apr. 3-6.
Wage gains in 1979 offset by inflation. 1980 July 48-51.
Wage gains smaller during 1976. 1977 Apr. 3-6.
Wage increases moderate in 1981. 1982 May 3-8.
Wage increases of 1978 absorbed by inflation. 1979 June 10-13.
Wage rates before and after leaving school. 1983 Oct. 31-32.
Wage restraints continue in 1985 major contracts. 1986 Apr. 22-28.
Wages of communications workers double in decade. 1976 Jan. 61-62.
Weekly and hourly earnings of U.S. workers, 1967-78. 1979 Aug. 31-41.
Weekly earnings in 1983: a look at more than 200 occupations. 1985 Jan.
Weekly earnings in 1985: a look at more than 200 occupations. 1986 Sept.
Weekly earnings in 1986: a look at more than 200 occupations. 1987 June
Weekly family earnings: a quarterly perspective. 1982 Aug. 46-49.
What temporary workers earn: findings from new bls survey. 1989 Mar.
White-collar pay determination under range-of-rates systems. 1984 Dec.
White-collar pay in goods production, March 1990. 1990 Dec. 44-46.
White-collar pay in nonservice industries, March 1988. 1988 Oct. 39-41.
White-collar pay levels linked to corporate work force size. 1982 May

Measuring income inequality with extended earnings periods. 1977 June
Measuring union-nonunion earnings differences. 1990 June 26-38.
Measuring wage premiums for job risks. 1986 June 42-43.
Measuring wage relationships among selected occupations. 1980 May
Median earnings in 1977 reported for year-round full-time workers. 1979
June 35-39.
Minimum wage today: how well does it work? 1979 July 17-21.
Minimum wage: its relation to incomes and poverty. 1987 June 24-30.
More wives in the labor force have husbands with ‘above average’ in­
comes. 1979 June 40-42.
New approaches to statistics on the family. 1977 July 31-34.
New look at occupational wages within individual establishments. 1982
Nov. 22-28.
New measure of compensation cost adjustments. 1990 Aug. 11-18.
Occupational pay differences among metropolitan areas. 1976 May
29- 35.
Occupational salary levels for white-collar workers, 1985. 1985 Oct.
Occupational salary levels for white-collar workers, 1982. 1982 Oct.
30- 32.
Occupational salary levels for white-collar workers, 1984. 1984 Oct.
Overtime work: an expanded view. 1986 Nov. 36-39
Pay differentials: the case of Japan. 1984 Oct. 24-29.
Pay equity emerges as a top labor issue in the 1980’s. 1982 Apr. 49-51.
Pay-for-knowledge compensation plans: hypotheses and survey results.
1987 Oct. 40-43.
Percent working long hours shows first post-recession decline. 1980 May
Perspectives on comparable worth: an introduction to the numbers. 1985
Dec. 3-4.
Preferred hours of work and corresponding earnings. 1986 Nov. 40-44.
Prevalence of incentives in major bargaining agreements. 1979 July
Proportion of higher income families declines during the 1969-82 period.
1985 Apr. 55-56.
Proposed spendable earnings series retains basic faults of earlier one. 1984
Nov. 43-44.
Public-sector union wage effects: a time series analysis. 1982 June 51-53.
Raising the minimum wage: effects on family poverty. 1990 July 18-25.
Real after-tax annual earnings from the Current Population Survey. 1979
Aug. 42-45.
Recent gains in women’s earnings: better pay or longer hours? 1990 July
Reconciling divergent trends in real income. 1986 July 24-29.
Scheduled wage increases and cost-of-living provisions in 1982. 1982 Jan.
Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in 1978. 1978 Jan. 3-8.
Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in 1979. 1979 Jan.
Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in 1980. 1980 Jan.
Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in 1976. 1976 Jan.
Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in 1977. 1977 Jan.
Self-employed Americans: their number has increased. 1980 Nov. 3-8.
Sharp rise in 1978 white-collar pay characterized by wide variations. 1978
Nov. 37-39.
Shift work pay differentials and practices in manufacturing. 1985 Dec.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


White-collar pay rise for 1979 nearly matches 1978 increase. 1979 Nov.
White-collar pay survey. 1976 Aug. 2.
White-collar salaries vary widely in the service industries. 1987 Nov.
White-collar salaries. 1987 Aug. 2.
White-collar workers, March 1980. 1980 Nov. 33-34.
Why part-time workers tend to be in low-wage jobs. 1978 June 11-14.
Why wages should not be blamed for the inflation problem. 1982 Apr.
Wives as primary earners. 1984 Feb. 2.
Wives’ earnings as a factor in family net worth accumulation. 1981 Jan.
Work experience earnings and family income in 1981. 1983 Apr. 13-20.
Work experience. 1982 Aug. 2.
Work injuries and earnings of partially disabled men in California. 1977
Apr. 58-60.
Work interruptions and the female-male earnings gap. 1985 Feb. 50-51.
Workers at the minimum wage or less: who they are and the jobs they
hold. 1987 July 34-38.
Workers on long hours and premium pay, May 1976. 1977 May 42-45.
Workers’ purchasing power rises despite slowdown in wage and salary
gains. 1984 May 10-14.
Working a long week and getting premium pay. 1978 Apr. 46-48.
Working wives reduce inequality in distribution of family earnings. 1980
July 51-53.
Working wives’ contribution to family income in 1977. 1979 Oct. 62-64.
Would a higher minimum wage help poor families headed by women?
1990 Aug. 33-37.
Year round full-time earnings in 1975. 1977 June 36-41.

Fabricated structural steel, November 1974. 1976 Aug. 36-38.
Foundry. 1988 Nov. 34-36.
Furniture industry, November 1974. 1976 Apr. 46-47.
Furniture workers. 1987 Nov. 26-27.
Glassware industry, May 1975. 1976 Sept. 47-49.
Glassware. 1988 Mar. 45-46.
Grain milling industries, September 1977. 1979 Apr. 57.
Grocery store workers, July 1975. 1976 Oct. 37-38.
Hosiery manufacturing. 1983 Mar. 36-37.
Hosiery mills, July 1976. 1978 Aug. 44-45.
Hospitals. 1987 Oct. 43-45.
Hotel workers’ pay. 1985 July 50-51.
Hotels and motels, May 1978. 1980 Dec. 60-61.
Leather footwear manufacturing, April 1975. 1977 June 53-54.
Local transit industry, July 1977. 1978 Oct. 46-48.
Meat products. 1985 Aug. 43-44.
Men’s and boys’ suits and coats. 1986 Jan. 67-68.
Men’s apparel, May 1978. 1980 Jan. 52-53.
Metal mining industries, 1977. 1979 May 45.
Miscellaneous plastics products industry, September 1974. 1976 June
44- 45.
Motor vehicle plants. 1985 May 38-40.
Nonelectrical machinery manufacturing, January 1978. 1978 Nov. 51-52.
Nonelectrical machinery workers, winter 1974-75. 1977 Apr. 73-74.
Nonelectrical machinery. 1985 June 46-47.
Nonferrous foundries, May 1975. 1977 June 49-51.
Nursing and personal care facilities. 1987 July 41-42.
Nursing homes, May 1976. 1977 Aug. 45.
Oil and gas extraction industries, September 1977. 1979 May 45-46.
Paints and varnishes industry, November 1976. 1978 June 48-51.
Paper industries. 1984 Mar. 52-54.
Papermaking industries, 1977. 1979 May 46-47.
Petroleum refineries, April 1976. 1977 June 54-56.
Petroleum refineries. 1983 Feb. 42-43.
Petroleum refineries. 1986 July 43-44.
Police and firefighters in Massachusetts, June 1977. 1978 July 34-36.
Postal service, 1984. 1986 June 31-32.
Printing industry, September 1978. 1980 Nov. 36- 37.
Printing trades workers, July 1976. 1978 Apr. 48-49.
Printing trades, July 1975. 1976 Aug. 34-36.
Printing trades, July 1976-77. 1980 Jan. 54.
Private hospitals, January 1976. 1977 May 46-47.
Production workers at automobile manufacturers, April 1974. 1976 June
45- 47.
Pulp, paper and paperboard mills. 1989 June 33-35.
Retail trade industry. 1980 Mar. 40-43.
Semiconductor industry, September 1977. 1979 Feb. 64.
Sewer works construction. 1976 Nov. 38-41.
Shipbuilders, September 1976. 1977 Sept. 35-36.
Shipbuilding and repairing industry. 1988 June 56-58.
Shirt and nightwear industry pay. 1986 Mar. 32-33.
Steel mills, February 1978-May 1980. 1980 Dec. 62.
Structural clay products industries. 1988 May 47-48.
Suit and coat fabrication, April 1976. 1977 Oct. 65-67.
Synthetic fiber plants, August 1976. 1978 Feb. 55.
Synthetic fibers manufacturing. 1987 Feb. 35-36.
Temporary workers. 1989 Mar. 3-6.
Textile dyeing and finishing plants, June 1976. 1977 Sept. 35.
Textile dyeing and finishing plants. 1986 Dec 33-34.
Textile manufacturing, June 1985. 1987 Feb. 33-35.

Specified industries and occupations
Airline flight deck personnel, November 1975. 1977 Nov. 49-50.
Appliance repair technicians. 1983 Dec. 52-53.
Auto dealer repair shops, June 1978. 1980 Apr. 56.
Auto dealer repair shops. 1984 Aug. 30-32.
Basic steel mills. 1984 Aug. 28-30.
Building trades, July 1, 1975. 1976 July 38-40.
Building trades, July 1977. 1978 Dec. 72.
Building trades, July 1978-79. 1980 Dec. 61.
California farmers in 1982. 1983 Oct. 27-11.
Certificated air carriers. 1985 Nov. 60-61.
Cigarette manufacturing, May 1976. 1977 Sept.36.
Cigarette manufacturing plants. 1987 May 36-38.
Cleaning services, July 1977. 1979 Feb. 64-65.
Clerical pay differentials in metropolitan areas, 1961-80. 1982 July 10-14.
Coal mines. 1984 Mar. 49-52.
Communications workers, December 1975. 1977 May 49-50.
Communications workers, December 1976. 1978 Sept. 59.
Communications workers, October 1977. 1979 Nov. 52-53.
Communications, 1978. 1980 Nov. 37-38.
Contract cleaners. 1983 Mar. 37-40.
Contract cleaning workers, July 1974. 1976 June 42-44.
Corrugated and solid fiber box industry, March 1976. 1977 Sept. 36.
Data processing services varies by occupation and area. 1989 May 52-54.
Data processing services. 1984 Sept. 40-41.
Department stores, May 1977. 1979 Apr. 56-57.
Dress manufacturing, August 1977. 1979 Apr. 54-56.
Electric and gas utilities, February 1978. 1980 Dec. 59-60.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Demographic change, government transfers, and income distribution
1977 Apr. 7-11.
Employment policies that deal with structural unemployment. 1978 May
Employment ratio as an indicator of aggregate demand pressure. 1977
Apr. 25-32.
European union agreements provide framework for public policies. 1977
Jan. 62-64.
Evaluation of bls 1970 economic and employment projections. 1976 Aug.
Federal Indian policy and labor statistics—a review essay. 1978 Apr.
22- 27.
Incomes policy in Austria under a voluntary partnership. 1977 Aug.
Influence of energy on industry output and employment. 1979 Dec. 3-10.
Labor and the economy during 1975. 1976 Jan. 3-16.
Moving to the sun: regional job growth, 1968 to 1978. 1980 Mar. 12-19.
Recent immigration and current data collection. 1977 Oct. 36-41.
Reducing unemployment. 1977 Feb. 2.
Sensitivity of bls economic projections to exogenous variables. 1986 Dec.
23- 29.
Structural unemployment without quotation marks. 1979 June 29-34.
Unemployment rate as an economic indicator. 1979 March 24-35.

Textile mills, May 1975. 1977 June 51-53.
Transit operating employees, July 1975. 1976 Apr. 44-45.
Trucking industry, July 1975. 1976 Sept. 45-47.
TV-radio and appliance repairers, November 1975. 1977 May 48-49.
Wet corn mills. 1984 Nov. 49-50.
Women’s dress manufacturing, August 1974. 1976 July 44-47.
American families: 75 years of change. 1990 Mar. 4-13.
Changing family in international perspective. 1990 Mar. 41-58.
Sexual equality in the Swedish labor market. 1978 Oct. 31-35.
European Community 1992 program and U.S. workers. 1990 Nov. 22-27,
Helping Poland cope with unemployment. 1990 Dec. 25-34.
Federal Indian policy and labor statistics—a review essay. 1978 Apr.
Financial resources of Federal employee unions, 1978 Feb. 49-50.
Marital and family characteristics of workers, March 1977. 1978 Feb.
Sexual equality in the Swedish labor market. 1978 Oct. 31-35.
Aggregate structure of the economy. 1989 Nov. 13-24.
Business cycle effects on productivity and costs, 1947-86. 1986 Dec.
Changing patterns of demand: bls projections to 1990. 1978 Dec. 47-55.
Changing utilization of fixed capital: an element in long-term growth.
1985 May 3-8.
Cyclical behavior of high tech industries. 1985 May 9-15.
Economic and political issues in population redistribution. 1976 Apr.
Economic outlook for the 1990’s: three scenarios for growth. 1983 Nov.
Economic outlook to 1995: new assumptions and projections. 1985 Nov.
Employment on the rise in the first half of 1983. 1983 Aug. 8-14.
Employment rose in the first half of 1985 as the recovery entered its third
year. 1985 Aug. 3-8.
European Community 1992 program and U.S. workers. 1990 Nov. 22-27.
Future labor supply for lower level occupations. 1976 Mar. 22-31.
Import and export price gains ease in 1989. 1990 June 3-25.
Inflation and the business cycle during the postwar period. 1984 Nov. 3-7.
Japanese economic growth and industrial accidents. 1978 Sept. 50-53.
Labor force projections to 1990: three possible paths. 1978 Dec. 25-35.
Productivity puzzle: numbers alone won’t solve it, 1982 Oct. 15-21.
R & D—productivity link. 1983 June 42-43.
Recovery report. 1984 Mar. 2.
Revised industry projections to 1985. 1976 Nov. 3-9.
Revised projections of the U.S. economy to 1980 and 1985. 1976 Mar.
Robust growth and the strong dollar set pattern for 1983 import and ex­
port prices. 1984 Apr. 3-14.
Small firms’ employment growth twice that of large firms in 1983. 1984
Dec. 39.
Tracking job growth in private industry. 1982 Sept. 3-9.
Transnational bargaining—problems and prospects. 1978 Mar. 33-34.
U.S. economy to 1990: two projections for growth. 1978 Dec. 36-47.

Academic degrees for labor studies—a new goal for unions. 1977 June
Attitudes of college faculties toward unions: two case studies. 1978 May
Author replies: we still need to demonstrate program effectiveness. 1985
Apr. 49-50.
Back to school at 35 and over, October 1978. 1979 Aug. 53-55.
Black college graduates in the labor market, 1979 and 1989. 1990 Nov.
Competition and competence. 1988 June 2.
Cooperative training in telecommunications: case studies. 1987 May
Do more-educated workers fare better following job displacement? 1989
Aug. 43-46.
Earnings inequality in the 1980’s. 1990 Dec. 3-16.
Education and demographics: how do they affect unemployment rates?
1988 Jan. 3-9.
Education, work, and leisure: must they come in that order? 1977 July
Educational and occupational goals of men and women at black colleges.
1976 June 10-16.
Educational attainment of workers, March 1976. 1977 Mar. 62-65.
Educational attainment of workers, March 1977. 1977 Dec. 53-57.
Educational attainment of workers, March 1981. 1982 Apr. 52-55.
Educational attainment of workers—some trends from 1975 to 1978.
1979 Feb. 54-59.
Educational leave in Canada: a look at individual programs. 1980 Aug.
Employment prospects brighten a bit for some teachers in California.
1977 Oct. 49-52.
Employment training in France: firm and worker experience. 1980 June
Entry jobs for college graduates: the occupational mix is changing. 1978
June 51-52.
Going back to school at 35 and over. 1977 July 43-45.
Has bls underestimated business Ph. D. demand? 1979 Sept. 42-46.
Helping ex-offenders enter the labor market. 1983. July 25-30.
Human capital and multinationals: evidence from Brazil and Mexico.
1982 June 45-47.
International developments in apprenticeship. 1989 July 40-41.

1980 census: countdown for a complete count. 1979 Sept. 3-13.
Beyond Keynes: European unions formulate new economic programs.
1980 Feb. 36-40.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


It is ‘back to school’ for new youth programs. 1979 Apr. 48.
Labor force trends: a synthesis and analysis. 1977 Oct. 3-12.
Labor market problems of today’s high school dropouts 1988 June 36-43.
Military as an employer: past performance and future prospects. 1977
Nov. 19-23.

Better measures of service employment goal of Bureau survey redesign.
1982 Nov. 7-16.
Black labor force during the 1975-78 recovery. 1979 May 3-7.
Blacks in the 1970’s: did they scale the job ladder? 1982 June 29-38.
Business services industry sets pace in employment growth. 1986 Apr.
Changes in regional unemployment over the last decade. 1985 Mar.
Changing employment patterns of organized workers. 1985 Feb. 25-31.
Child day care services: industry at a crossroads. 1990 Dec. 17-24.
Children of working mothers, March 1977. 1978 Jan. 30-33.
Cyclical behavior of high tech industries. 1985 May 9-15.
Decline in youth population does not lead to lower jobless rates. 1987
June 37-41.
Declining middle class: a further analysis. 1986 Sept. 22-27.
Defense buildup, 1977-85: effects on production and employment. 1987
Aug. 3-11.
Defense spending in the 1990’s—the effect of deeper cuts. 1990 Oct. 3-15.
Deindustrialization and the shift to services. 1986 June 3-13.
Demographic influences on labor force rates of black males. 1976 Nov.
42- 43.
Difference a year makes in the Nation’s youth work force. 1979 Oct.
Diffusion indexes: a barometer of the economy. 1990 Apr. 13-21.
Displaced workers: one year later. 1986 July 40-42.
Divorced and separated women in the labor force—an update. 1978 Oct.
43- 45.
Economic status. 1983 Aug. 2.
Educational attainment of workers, March 1981. 1982 Apr. 52-55.
Educational attainment of workers—some trends from 1975 to 1978.
1979 Feb. 54-59.
Employment and commuting patterns: a residential analysis. 1979 July
Employment and pay trends in the retail trade industry. 1980 Mar. 40-43.
Employment and prices at midwinter. 1978 Apr. 2.
Employment and unemployment among Vietnam-era veterans. 1990
Apr. 22-29.
Employment and unemployment situation in:
1975. 1976 Feb. 11-20.
1976. 1977 Feb. 3-13.
1977. 1978 Feb. 12-23.
1978. 1979 Feb. 3-12.
1979. 1980 Feb. 3-10.
1980. 1981 Feb. 4-14.
1981. 1982 Mar. 3-14.
1982. 1983 Feb. 3-12.
1983. 1984 Feb. 3-14.
1984. 1985 Feb. 3-15.
1985. 1986 Feb. 3-12.
1986. 1987 Feb. 3-10.
1987. 1988 Feb. 57-67.
1988. 1989 Feb. 3-14.
1989. 1990 Feb. 3-16.
Employment and unemployment in:
First half, 1976. 1976 Aug. 9-12.
First half, 1977. 1977 Aug. 3-6.
First half, 1978. 1978 Aug. 3-7.
First half, 1979. 1979 Aug. 3-7.
First half, 1980. 1980 Aug. 3-9.
First half, 1981. 1981 Aug. 3-8.
First half, 1982. 1982 Aug. 3-12.
First half, 1983. 1983 Aug. 8-14.

Minorities, high-school dropouts benefit least from ceta programs. 1979
Mar. 60.
More U.S. workers are college graduates. 1984 Mar. 46-49.
National standardization of educational statistics. 1977 Oct. 46-47.
Need for training. 1989 June 2.
New Federal-State program to train dislocated workers. 1985 July 32-35.
New monthly data series on school age youth. 1985 July 49-50.
Occupational opportunities for college-educated workers, 1950-75. 1978
June 15-21.
Paid educational leave: who reaps the benefits? 1978 May 40-41.
Recent trends in higher education and labor force activity. 1983 Feb.
Relevance of recurrent education to worker satisfaction. 1977 Apr. 62-64.
Role of education in lifetime earnings. 1983 Oct. 32-33.
School and work among youth during the 1970’s. 1980 Sept. 44-47.
Setting new standards for skills in the workplace. 1990 Nov. 48-50.
Start-up training and rural industrial location. 1976 Apr. 23-25.
State labor legislation enacted in 1979. 1980 Jan. 22-39.
States act to improve literacy of workers. 1990 Aug. 37.
Structural unemployment without quotation marks. 1979 June 29-34.
Structure, cost, and performance of the Job Opportunities Program. 1978
Aug. 40-43.
Students, graduates, and dropouts in the labor market, October 1977.
1978 June 44-47.
Students, graduates, and dropouts in the labor market, October 1975.
1976 June 37-41.
Students, graduates, and dropouts in the labor market, October 1976.
1977 July 40-43.
Successful worker training programs help ease impact of technology.
1987 Nov. 14-20.
Trends in educational attainment among workers in the 1980’s. 1980 July
Wage rates before and after leaving school. 1983 Oct. 31-32.
What happened to the high school class of 1985? 1986 Oct. 28-30.
Employment lessons from the electronics industry. 1986 Feb. 27-36.
Employee-owned companies: is the difference measurable? 1978 July
Job-creating performance of employee-owned firms. 1983 Aug. 15-10.
How has vesting changed since passage of Employee Retirement Income
Security Act? 1988 Aug. 20-25.
EMPLOYMENT (See also Unemployment; Labor force.)
1980’s: a decade of job growth and industry shifts. 1990 Sept. 3-16.
1987-88 surge in exports and the rise in factory jobs. 1990 May 42-48.
Analysis of regional employment growth, 1973-85. 1986 July 3-14.
Evaluation of bls projections of 1980 industry employment. 1984 Aug.
12- 22.

Are women safer workers? a new look at the data. 1980 Sept. 3-10.
Author replies: we still need to demonstrate program effectiveness. 1985
Apr. 49-50.
Average workweek: two surveys /Current Employment Statistics pro­
gram and the Current Population Survey/ compared. 1978 July 3-8.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


First half,
First half,
First half,
First half,
First half,
First half,


1984 Aug.
1985 Aug.
1986 Aug.
1987 Sept.
1988 Aug.
1989 Aug.


Female-male unemployment differential: effects of changes in industry
employment. 1984 Nov. 8-15.
Fewer students in work force as school age population declines. 1984 July
Finance, insurance, and real estate: employment growth during 1982-87.
1988 July 24-26.
Folding paperboard box industry shows slow rise in productivity. 1980
Mar. 25-28.
Future of work: does it belong to us or to the robots? 1982 Sept. 10-14.
Growing presence of Hispanics in the U.S. work force. 1988 Aug. 9-14.
Has bls underestimated business Ph. D. demand? 1979 Sept. 42-46.
High technology today and tomorrow: a small slice of employment pie.
1983 Nov. 55-58.
Hospital employment under revised medicare payment schedules. 1986
Aug. 37-45.
How benefits will be incorporated into the Employment Cost Index. 1978
Jan. 18-26.
How likely are individuals to enter the labor force? 1979 Sept. 28-34.
How many new jobs since 1982? data from two surveys differ. 1989 Aug.
Identifying States and areas prone to high and low unemployment. 1980
Mar. 20-24.
ilo adopts asbestos standard, focuses on employment issues. 1986 Oct.
31- 32.

Employment and unemployment: the doughnut or the hole? 1976 Feb
Employment and wage changes of families from CE survey data.
Feb. 31-33.


Employment attachment: Japan vs. U.S. 1984 May 50.
Employment benchmark. 1986 June 2.
Employment changes in construction: secular, cyclical, and seasonal
1983 Mar. 11-17.

characteristics of older women, 1987. 1988 Sept. 3-12.
effects of minimum wages. 1983 Oct. 33-34.
expansion in retail trade, 1973-85. 1986 Aug. 9-16.
gains by minorities and women in large city government,
1988 Nov. 18-24.

Employment gains of women by industry, 1968-78. 1980 June 3-9.
Employment growth in the temporary help industry. 1986 Apr. 37-44.
Employment in durable goods anything but durable in 1979-82. 1984 Feb

Immigration and employment: a need for policy coordination. 1980 Oct.
Implementing the Levitan Commission’s recommendations to improve
labor data. 1985 Feb. 16-24.
Industry output and employment projections through the end of the cen­
tury. 1987 Sept. 30-45.
Industry output and employment: a slower trend for the nineties. 1989
Nov. 25-41.
Industry output and employment: bls projections to 1990. 1979 Apr.
Influence of energy on industry output and employment. 1979 Dec. 3-10.
International comparisons of labor force participation, 1960-81. 1983
Feb. 23-36.
Job cuts are only one means firms use to counter imports. 1984 June
Job gains strong in 1987; unemployment rate declines. 1988 Feb. 57-67.
Job growth moderated in 1989 while unemployment held steady. 1990
Feb. 3-16.
Job outlook through 1995: industry output and employment. 1983 Nov.
Labor and material requirements for new school construction. 1979 Apr.
Labor and materials requirements for sewer works construction. 1976
Nov. 38-41.
Labor force activity of married women as a response to changing jobless
rates. 1980 June 32-33.
Labor force activity of women receiving child support or alimony. 1982
Nov. 39-41.
Labor force data: the impact of the 1980 census. 1982 July 39-43.
Labor force experience of black youth: a review. 1980 Aug. 10-16.
Labor force participation of married women, March 1976. 1977 June
32- 36.
Labor force patterns of students, graduates, and dropouts, 1981. 1982
Sept. 39-42.
Labor force status of Vietnam-era veterans. 1987 Feb. 11-17.
Labor force: bls’ latest projections, 1995. 1985 Nov. 17-25.
Labor market contrasts: United States and Europe. 1983 Aug. 3-7.
Labor market experience of black youth, 1954-78. 1979 Oct. 19-27.
Labor-management relations and the coal industry. 1979 May 23-27.
Lifetime employment in Japan: three models of the concept. 1984 Aug.

Employment in health services: long-term trends and projections. 1986
Aug. 17-36.
Employment in recession and recovery: a demographic flow analysis.
1985 Mar. 35-42.
Employment lessons from the electronics industry. 1986 Feb. 27-36.
Employment patterns of Southeast Asian refugees. 1980 Oct. 31-38.
Employment policies that deal with structural unemployment. 1978 May
Employment problems and poverty: examining the linkages. 1982 June
Employment problems of disabled persons. 1977 Mar. 3-13.
Employment programs for disabled youth: an international view. 1990
Dec. 50-51.
Employment prospects brighten a bit for some teachers in California.
1977 Oct. 49-52.
Employment Service graded with new quantitative test. 1978 May 32-33.
Employment shift to services: where did it come from? 1984 Apr. 15-22.
Employment training in France: firm and worker experience. 1980 June
Establishment of a new Employment Statistics Review Commission.
1977 Mar. 14-20.
Establishment Survey incorporates March 1984 employment bench­
marks. 1985 Aug. 39-41.
Establishment Survey incorporates March 1987 employment bench­
marks. 1988 Oct. 37-38.
Estimating employment potential in U.S. energy industries. 1978 May
Evaluating the 1975 projections of occupational employment. 1980 June
10- 21.

Evaluating the 1980 projections of occupational employment. 1982 July
Evaluation of bls 1970 economic and employment projections. 1976 Aug
Evaluation of bls projections of 1975 production and employment 1979
Aug. 8-19.
Evaluation of State projections of industry occupational employment.
1987 Oct. 29-38.
Examining work. 1984 May 2.
Family members in the work force. 1990 Mar. 14-19.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Look at occupational employment trends to the year 2000. 1987 Sept.
Long hours and premium pay, May 1978. 1979 May 41-45.
Marital and family patterns of workers: an update. 1982 May 53-56.
Married couples: work and income pattens. 1983 Dec. 26-29.
Measuring the social costs of instability in construction. 1980 Feb. 53-57.
Mexican peso devaluation and border area employment, 1982. 1985 Oct.
25- 32.
Military spending. 1983 June 43.
Minorities report. 1980 Mar. 2.
Modeling the retirement process for policy evaluation and research. 1984
July 26-33.
Moonlighting increased sharply in 1977, particularly among women.
1978 Jan. 27-30.
Moonlighting: a key to differences in measuring employment growth.
1987 Feb. 30-31.
More public services spur growth in government employment. 1978
Sept. 3-7.
More than wages at issue in job quality debate. 1989 Dec. 4-8.
Moving to the sun: regional job growth, 1968 to 1978. 1980 Mar. 12-19.
Multiple jobholding holds steady in 1978. 1979 Feb. 59-61.
Multiple jobholding rate remained unchanged in 1976. 1977 June 44-48.
Multiple jobholding up sharply in the 1980’s. 1990 July 3-10.
National Commission recommends changes in labor force statistics. 1980
Apr. 11-21.
New employment benchmark. 1985 June 2.
New Jersey trends in high tech employment. 1984 Aug. 33.
New labor force projections to 1990. 1976 Dec. 3-13.
New monthly data series on school age youth. 1985 July 49-50.
New occupational separation data improve estimates of job replacement
needs. 1984 Mar. 3-10.
Nuclear energy employment measured in 1975 survey. 1977 Sept. 36-37.
Occupational employment based on 1972 and 1987 sic. 1990 May 49-51.
Occupational employment projections through 1995. 1983 Nov. 37-49.
Occupational employment projections: the 1984-95 outlook. 1985 Nov.
Occupational mobility in the American labor force. 1977 Jan. 3-19.
Occupational reclassification and changes in distribution by gender. 1984
Mar. 11-17.
Occupational tenure in 1987: many workers have remained in their fields.
1988 Oct. 3-12.
Occupational winners and losers: who they were during 1972-80. 1982
June 18-28.
Older men—the choice between work and retirement. 1978 November
On the definition o f ‘contingent work.’ 1989 Dec. 9-16.
On their own: the self-employed and others in private business. 1987 May
One-fourth of the adult labor force are college graduates. 1985 Feb. 43-46.
Oversupply of Ph. D.’s to continue through 1985. 1978 Oct. 48-50.
Part-time workers: who are they? 1986 Feb. 13-19.
Preferences of temporary workers time: variety, and flexibility. 1984 Aug.
26- 28.
Productivity and cost during recession and recovery. 1978 Aug 31-34.
Productivity and employment: the 1988 international symposium, April
1988. 1988 Aug. 32-38.
Productivity and technology in the electric motor industry. 1978 Aug.
Productivity growth below average in fabricated structural metals. 1980
June 27-31.
Productivity growth below average in the household furniture industry.
1978 Nov. 23-29.
Profile of husbands in today’s labor market. 1987 Oct. 12-17.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Profile of women on part-time schedules. 1978 Oct. 3-12.
Programs to aid ex-offenders: we don’t know ‘nothing works.’ 1985 Apr.
Pulse of economic change: displaced workers of 1981-85. 1987 June 3-12.
‘Quick’ special purpose surveys passed test during coal strike. 1979 Feb.
Reasons for not working: poor and nonpoor householders compared.
1989 Aug. 16-21.
Recent employment trends in the lumber and wood products industry.
1983 Aug. 20-24.
Recent trends in worktime: hours edge downward. 1980 Mar. 3-11.
Regional variations in employment and unemployment during 1970-82.
1984 Feb. 38-45.
Revised industry projections to 1985. 1976 Nov. 3-9.
Revised occupational projections to 1985. 1976 Nov. 10-22.
Rural employment programs: the case for remedial policies. 1978 Apr.
30- 32.
School and work among youth during the 1970’s. 1980 Sept. 44-47.
Seasonal variations in employment and unemployment during 1951-75.
1980 Jan. 48-52.
Seasonally adjusted employment data. 1976 Mar. 2.
Second look at industry output and employment trends through 1995.
1985 Nov. 26-41.
Self-employed Americans: their number has increased. 1980 Nov. 3-8.
Self-employed workers: an update to 1983. 1984 July 14-18.
Short workweeks during economic downturns. 1983 June 3-11.
Shortages of machinists: an evaluation of the information. 1982 July
31- 36.
Small firms’ employment growth twice that of large firms in 1981. 1984
Dec. 39.
State and regional employment and unemployment in 1983. 1984 Sept.
Strong employment growth highlights first half of 1987. 1987 Sept. 64-69.
Supply of Federal physicians and dentists found adequate. 1977 May 50.
System for individual equity in equal employment opportunity. 1979 Apr.
Technological change and employment: some results from bls research.
1987 Apr. 26-29.
Technology and labor in electric power and gas industry. 1978 Nov.
Temporary help workers: who they are, what jobs they hold. 1986 Nov.
Tracking individual earnings mobility with the Current Population Sur­
vey. 1980 May 43-46.
Tracking youth joblessness: persistent or fleeting? 1982 Feb. 3-15.
Trends in educational attainment among workers in the 1980’s. 1980 July
Trends in employment and earnings in the philanthropic sector. 1984
Sept. 16-20.
Trends in employment and unemployment in families. 1983 Dec. 21-25.
Two methods of projecting occupational employment. 1978 May 57-58.
Two-fifths of discouraged sought work during prior 6-month period.
1979 Mar. 58-60.
U.S. Employment Service at 50: it too had to wait its turn. 1983 June
U.S. labor turnover: analysis of a new measure. 1980 Nov. 9-13.
Use of employment data to estimate office space demand. 1984 Dec.
Using a leading employment index to forecast unemployment in 1983.
1983 May 30-32.
Vietnam veterans in the labor market of the 1970’s. 1979 Nov. 3-11.
View of the 80’s. 1986 Sept. 2.
Viva la difference? 1978 Oct. 2.
Women and minorities: their proportions grow in the professional work
force. 1985 Feb. 49-50.


Women and the labor market: the link grows stronger. 1988 Mar. 3-8.
Women in domestic work: yesterday and today. 1980 Aug. 17- 21.
Women who head families, 1970-77: their numbers rose, income lagged.
1978 Feb. 32-37.

Arbitrating discrimination grievances in the wake of Gardner-Denver.
1983 Oct. 3-10.
Canadian legal approaches to sex equality in the workplace. 1982 Oct.
38- 42.
Comparable worth. 1983 Oct. 33.
Comparing arbitration and litigation in employment discrimination
cases. 1979 May 35-36.
Cost-sharing in gaining equal employment opportunity. 1976 May 39-40.
Defining the labor market for equal employment standards. 1976 Mar.
Distribution of earned income among men and women, 1958-77. 1980
Apr. 3-10.
Effect on women’s earnings of enforcement in Title VII cases. 1977 Mar.
Employment gains of women by industry, 1968-78. 1980 June 3-9.
How racial bias and social status affect the earnings of young men. 1977
Apr. 44-46.
Industrial relations in 1979: inflation still holds spotlight. 1980 Feb.
Institutional barriers to employment of older workers. 1989. Apr. 14-21.
Labor and the Supreme Court: significant decisions of 1976-77. 1978 Jan.
Labor and the Supreme Court: significant decisions of 1977-78. 1979 Jan.
Labor and the Supreme Court: significant decisions of 1978-79. 1980 Jan.
Labor Department’s first program to assist black workers. 1982 June
39- 44.
Minorities and women still lagging in private industry jobs, EEOC finds.
1978 Feb. 55-56.
Minority membership improves in job-referral unions. 1978 Feb. 56.
Resolution ofjob bias cases through mediation and arbitration. 1978 Apr.
Sex segregation. 1986 Feb. 2.
Specifying the labor market for individual firms. 1978 Aug. 26- 29.
State and local governments found to underemploy women and minori­
ties. 1977 Sept. 37.
State labor legislation enacted in 1979. 1980 Jan. 22-39.
System for individual equity in equal employment opportunity. 1979 Apr.
Unions and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 1976 Apr. 34-37.
Use of arbitration to speed EEO adjudication. 1976 May 37-39.

Women’s use of time converging with men’s. 1980 Dec. 57-59.
Work experience in 1983 reflects the effects of the recovery. 1984 Dec.
Work experience of the labor force during 1985. 1987 Apr. 40-43.
Work experience of the population in 1977. 1979 Mar. 53-57.
Work experience of the population in 1978. 1980 Mar. 43-47.
Work experience of the population, 1975. 1976 Nov. 47-51.
Work experience of the population, 1976. 1977 Nov. 43-47.
Work experience profile, 1984: the effects of recovery continue. 1986 Feb.
Work experience. 1982 Aug. 2.
Work-sharing approaches: past and present. 1984 Sept. 34-39.
Working for Uncle Sam—a look at members of the Armed Forces. 1984
July 3-9.
Working mothers reach record number in 1984. 1984 Dec. 31-34.
Worksharing in the U.S.: its prevalence and duration. 1980 July 3-12.
Workweek in 1979: fewer but longer workdays. 1980 Aug. 31-33.
Workweeks and leisure: an analysis of trends, 1948-75. 1976 Aug. 3-8.
Year’s work: labor force activity from a different perspective. 1988 Sept.
Young and marginal: an overview of youth employment. 1979 Oct. 4-18.
Youth in the labor force: an area study. 1976 July 3-9.
Youth labor force marked turning point in 1982. 1983 Aug. 29-34.
Analyzing employers’ cost for wages, salaries, and benefits. 1987 Oct.
Employment Cost Index rebased to June 1989. 1990 Apr. 38-39.
Employment Cost Index series to replace Hourly Earnings Index. 1988
July 32-35.
Gaps in monitoring wages and industrial relations. 1985 June 33-34.
Increases in employer costs for employee benefits dampen dramatically.
1988 July 3-7.
Introducing new weights for the Employment Cost Index. 1985 June
Measuring the precision of the Employment Cost Index. 1989 Mar.


Changing patterns of demand: bls projections to 1990. 1978 Dec. 47-55.
Double-digit inflation today and in 1973-74: a comparison. 1980 May

Bargaining calendar to be heavy in 1977. 1976 Dec. 14-24.
Bargaining calendar to be light in 1978. 1977 Dec. 34-43.
Cost-of-living adjustment: keeping up with inflation? 1979 June 14-17.
Heavy bargaining again in 1980. 1979 Dec. 20-28.
Heavy bargaining returns in 1979. 1978 Dec. 15-24.
Industrial relations in 1976: highlights of key settlements. 1977 Jan.
Industrial relations in 1978: some bargaining highlights. 1979 Jan. 58-64.
Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in 1977. 1977 Jan.
Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in 1978. 1978 Jan. 3-8.
Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in 1979. 1979 Jan.
Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in 1980. 1980 Jan.
Wage developments during 1977. 1978 Apr. 3-6.
Wage gains smaller during 1976. 1977 Apr. 3-6.
Wage increases of 1978 absorbed by inflation. 1979 June 10-13.

Energy buoys double-digit inflation, food price surge ebbs in second quar­
ter. 1979 Sept. 49-55.
Estimating employment potential in U.S. energy industries. 1978 May
Impact of the winter of 1977 on payroll employment. 1977 Aug. 43-45.
Industry output and employment: bls projections to 1990. 1979 Apr.
Influence of energy on industry output and employment. 1979 Dec. 3-10.
Labor-management relations and the coal industry. 1979 May 23-27.
Nuclear energy employment measured in 1975 survey. 1977 Sept. 36-37.
Slowdown in energy prices eases second-quarter inflation. 1980 Sept.
Nuclear energy employment measured in 1975 survey. 1977 Sept. 36-37.
Scientists, engineers, and unions, revisited. 1977 Nov. 32-33.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Results of experimental study on flexitime and family life. 1980 Nov.
Shift work and flexitime: how prevalent are they? 1986 Nov. 14-21.
Special flexitime reports. 1977 Feb. 62-74.
Flexible schedules: problems and issues
Drug company workers like new schedules
Reaction at computer firm: more pluses than minuses
Concept wins converts at Federal agency

American wood products workers study European job safety systems.
1980 Aug. 40-41.
Beyond Keynes: European unions formulate new economic program.
1980 Feb. 36-40.
European Community 1992 program and U.S. workers. 1990 Nov. 22-27.
European experience with rent controls. 1977 June 21-28.
Labor market contrasts: United States and Europe. 1983 Aug. 3-7.
Short-time compensation systems in California and Europe. 1980 July

1987-88 surge in exports and the rise in factory jobs. 1990 May. 42-48.
Aggregate expert price comparisons developed for U.S., Germany, Ja­
pan. 1986 June 40-41.
bls exchange rate and foreign currency price indexes. 1987 Dec. 47-49.
bls to produce monthly indexes of export and import prices. 1988 Dec.
Caribbean Basin Initiative: setting labor standards. 1984 Nov. 54-56.
Effects of strong dollar, economic recovery apparent in first-half import
and export prices. 1984 Oct. 3-17.
European Community 1992 program and U.S. workers. 1990 Nov. 22-27.
How U.S. exports are faring in the world wheat market. 1985 Oct. 10-24.
Import and export price gains ease in 1989. 1990 June 3-25.
Import price declines in 1986 reflected reduced oil prices. 1987 Apr. 3-17.
Import price indexes for crude petroleum. 1982 Nov. 29-32.
Import prices decline, export indexes mixed in the first 6 months of 1983.
1983 Nov. 57-70.
Import, export prices reflect declining dollar and oversupply in 1985.
1986 Apr. 3-16.
Imports and domestic employment: identifying affected industries. 1982
Aug. 13-26.
Job cuts are only one means firms use to counter imports. 1984 June
Mexican peso devaluation and border area employment, 1982. 1985 Oct.
Prices of U.S. imports and exports declined in 1984. 1985 Apr. 10-26.
Rising export and import prices in 1987 reversed the trend of recent years.
1988 June 3-19.
Robust growth and the strong dollar set pattern for 1983 import and ex­
port prices. 1984 Apr. 3-14.
Trade-sensitive employment: who are the affected workers? 1981 Feb.
U.S. foreign trade prices in 1982: import index falls, export indexes
mixed. 1983 May 20-29.
U.S. import and export price indexes show declines during the first half.
1983 Jan. 17-23.
U.S. import and export prices continued to register sizable gains in 1988.
1989 May 11-33.

Unemployment insurance in the United States and Europe, 1973-83. 1989
Apr. 22-31.
EXPENDITURES (See Consumer expenditures.)
EXPORTS (See Foreign trade.)
Evolution of fair labor standards: a study in class conflict. A review essay.
1983 Aug. 25-28.
Fair Labor Standards Act: changes of four decades. 1979 July 10-16.
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938: maximum struggle for a minimum
wage. 1978 June 22-30.
Employee benefits address family concerns, 1989. 1990 June 60-63.
Helping employees with family care. 1990 Sept. 22-26.
Special issue on the family. 1990 Mar. 4-58.
American families: 75 years of change.
Family members in the work force.
How family spending has changed in the U.S.
Family-related benefits in the workplace.
Work and family: the impact of legislation.
Changing family in international perspective.
Young workers and families. A special section observing the Internation­
al year of the Child 1979. 1979 Oct. 3-56.
Young and marginal: an overview of youth employment.
The labor market experience of black youth, 1954-78.
Using National Longitudinal Surveys to track young workers.
The difference a year makes in the Nation’s youth work force.
Working mothers in the 1970’s: a look at the statistics.
Child-care arrangements of working parents.
FEDERAL EMPLOYEES (See Public employees.)
Federal mediation in the public sector. 1976 Feb. 41-45.
fmcs contribution to nonlabor dispute resolution. 1985 Aug. 31-34.

Analysis of unemployment and other labor market indicators in 10 coun­
tries. 1988 Apr. 39-50.
Analysis of unemployment in nine industrial countries. 1977 Apr. 12-24.
Changing family in international perspective. 1990 Mar. 41-58.
Child care and family benefits: policies of six industrialized countries.
1980 Nov. 23-28.
Early retirement as a labor force policy: an international overview. 1987
Mar. 19-33.
Employment training in France: firm and worker experience. 1980 June
European job creation in the wake of plant closings and layoffs. 1986 Oct.
Four nations’ policies toward displaced steelworkers. 1985 July 35-39.
International comparisons of trends in productivity and labor costs. 1981
Dec. 14-20.
International developments in apprenticeship. 1989 July 40-41.
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May

Federal pay comparability: facts to temper the debate. 1979 June 18-28.
Early retirement as a labor force policy: an international overview. 1987
Mar. 19-33.
European union agreements provide framework for public policies. 1977
Jan. 62-64.
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
Unions and public sector supervisors: the case of fire fighters. 1977 Dec.
FLEXITIME (See also Hours of work.)
Experience with flexible hours of work. 1976 May 41-42.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


International trends in productivity and unit labor costs in manufactur­
ing. 1986 Dec. 12-17.

Unemployment and labor force trends in 10 industrial nations: an update.
1982 Nov. 17-21.
Unemployment compensation in eight industrial nations. 1976 July
Unemployment insurance in the United States and Europe, 1973-83.
1989 Apr. 22-31.
Unemployment, labor force trends, and layoff practices in 10 countries.
1981 Dec. 3-13.
Unions in the military: three European cases. 1978 Apr. 39-40.
West German labor unrest: are unions losing ground to worker councils?
1986 Feb. 46-48.
Worker participation in West German industry. 1978 May 59-63.
Youth unemployment: an international perspective. 1981 July 3-15.

Labor productivity in manufacturing at home and abroad, 1980-86. 1987
Dec. 25-30.
Productivity and labor cost trends in manufacturing, 12 countries. 1986
Mar. 3-10.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 11 industrial countries, 1977. 1978
Nov. 11-17.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 12 industrial countries. 1977 July
Productivity trends in manufacturing in the U.S. and 11 other countries.
1984 Jan. 52-58.
Recent labor market developments in the U.S. and nine other countries.
1984 Jan. 44-51.

GOVERNMENT WORKERS (See Public employees.)

Recent labor market trends in nine industrial nations. 1979 May 8-16.
Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries. 1985
Aug. 9-22.

GREAT BRITAIN (See United Kingdom.)

Rising export and import prices in 1987 reversed the trend of recent years.
1988 June 3-19.

Early retirement as a labor force policy: an international overview. 1987
Mar. 19-33.
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May

Unemployment and labor force trends in 10 industrial nations: an update.
1982 Nov. 17-21.
Unemployment compensation in eight industrial nations. 1976 July


Unemployment insurance in the United States and Europe, 1973-83. 1989
Apr. 22-31.

Aggregate structure of the economy. 1989 Nov. 13-24.
Economic outlook for the 1990’s: three scenarios for growth. 1983 Nov.
Economic outlook to 1995: new assumptions and projections. 1985 Nov.
Economic projections to the year 2000. 1987 Sept. 10-18.
Evaluation of bls 1970 economic and employment projections. 1976 Aug.
Evaluation of bls projections of the 1985 economy. 1988 Sept. 24-33.
Industry output and employment projections through the end of the cen­
tury. 1987 Sept. 30-45.
Industry output and employment: a slower trend for the nineties. 1989
Nov. 25-41.
Industry output and employment: bls projections to 1990. 1979 Apr.
New economic projections through 1990 an overview. 1981 Aug. 9-17.
Outlook for industry output and employment through 1990. 1981 Aug.
Productivity slowdown and the outlook to 1985. 1977 May 3-8.
Revised projections of the U.S. economy to 1980 and 1985. 1976 Mar.
Sensitivity of bls economic projections to exogenous variables. 1986 Dec.
U.S. economy through 1990 an update. 1981 Aug. 18-27.
U.S. economy to 1990: two projections for growth. 1978 Dec. 36-47.

Unemployment labor force trends, and layoff practices in 10 countries.
1981. Dec. 3-13.
Youth unemployment: an international perspective. 1981 July 3-15.
FRINGE BENEFITS (See Supplemental benefits.)
Aggregate export price comparisons developed for U.S., Germany, Ja­
pan. 1986 June 40-41.
Analysis of unemployment and other labor market indicators in 10 coun­
tries. 1988 Apr. 39-50.
Analysis of unemployment in nine industrial countries. 1977 Apr. 12-24.
International comparison of labor force participation, 1977-84. 1986 May
Changing family in international perspective. 1990 Mar. 41-58.
Child care and family benefits: policies of six industrialized countries.
1980 Nov. 23-28.
Employee representation on U.S., German boards. 1989 Sept. 39-42.
Four nations’ policies toward displaced steelworkers. 1985 July 35-39.
International comparisons of trends in productivity and labor costs. 1981
Dec. 14-20.
International developments in apprenticeship. 1989 July 40-41.
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
International trends in productivity and unit labor costs in manufactur­
ing. 1986 Dec. 12-17.
Productivity and labor cost trends in manufacturing, 12 countries. 1986
Mar. 3-10.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 11 industrial countries, 1977. 1978
Nov. 11-17.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 12 industrial countries. 1977 July

Estimating the propensity of guestworkers to leave. 1981 May 37-40.
Analyzing short-term disability benefits. June 3-9.
Compensation for death and dismemberment. 1989 Sept. 13-17.
cpi revision provides more accuracy in the medical care services compo­
nent. 1988 Apr. 17-26.
Determinants of health insurance and pension coverage. 1982 May 30-32.
Disability and insurance plans in the public and private sector. 1988 Dec.
Employer-sponsored dental insurance eases the pain. 1988 Oct. 18-23.
Employer-sponsored health insurance for retirees: the need and the cost.
1987 May 38.
Employer-sponsored life insurance: a new look. 1989 Oct. 25-28.
Employer-sponsored long-term disability insurance. 1987 July 16-22.

Productivity trends in manufacturing in the U.S. and 11 other countries.
1984 Jan. 52-58.
Recent labor market developments in the US. and nine other countries.
1984 Jan. 44-51.
Recent labor market trends in nine industrial nations. 1979 May 8-16.
Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries. 1985
Aug. 9-22.
Technological changes in printing: union response in three countries.
1985 July 41-43.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Experience with flexible hours of work. 1976 May 41-42.
Full and part time: a review of definitions. 1977 Mar. 21-28.
Growing diversity of work schedules 1986 Nov. 7-13.
Hours and earnings of production or nonsupervisory workers, 1968-78.
1980 Apr. 54-56.
Hours at work: a new base for bls productivity statistics. 1990 Feb. 17-24.
Hours of work increase relative to hours paid. 1985 June 44-46.
How blue-collar workers on 4-day workweeks use their time. 1977 Aug.
How human resource systems adjust to the shift toward contigent work­
ers. 1989 Mar. 7-12.
How many hours of work do the unemployed want? 1978 Dec. 70-71.
Industry diffusion indexes for average weekly hours. 1983 May 33-36.
Job commitment in America: is it waxing or waning? 1983 July 17-24.
Labor force activity among students, graduates, and dropouts in 1980.
1981 July 31-33.
Labor requirements for college housing construction. 1979 May 28-34.
Long hours and premium pay, May 1978. 1979 May 41-45.
Long workweeks and premium pay. 1976 Apr. 7-12.
Moonlighting by women jumped to record highs. 1986 Nov. 22-25.
Moonlighting increased sharply in 1977, particularly among women.
1978 Jan. 27-30.
New bls survey measures the ratio of hours worked to hours paid. 1984
June 3-7.
Overtime work: an expanded view. 1986 Nov. 36-39.
Part-time employment in Great Britain: establishment survey data. 1988
May 45-46.
Part-time workers: who are they? 1986 Feb. 13-19.
Percent working long hours shows first post-recession decline. 1980 May
Preferences of temporary workers: time, variety, and flexibility. 1984
Aug. 26-28.
Preferred hours of work and corresponding earnings. 1986 Nov. 40-44.
Productivity declined in 1980 in most industries measured. 1982 May
Productivity drops, output and hours rise during the fourth quarter. 1981
June 40-43.
Recent trends in worktime: hours edge downward. 1980 Mar. 3-11.
Response to recession: reduce hours or jobs? 1981 Oct. 3-11.
Results of experimental study on flexitime and family life. 1980 Nov.
Self-employed Americans: their number has increased. 1980 Nov. 3-8.
Shift work and flexitime: how prevalent are they? 1986 Nov. 14-21.
Shift work pay differentials and practices in manufacturing. 1985 Dec.
Short workweeks during economic downturns. 1983 June 3-11.
Special flexitime reports. 1977 Feb. 62-74.
Flexible schedules: problems and issues.
Drug company workers like new schedules.
Reaction at computer firm: more pluses than minuses.
Concept wins converts at Federal agency.
State labor legislation enacted in 1979: 1980 Jan. 22-39.
Variations in holidays, vacations, and area pay levels. 1989 Feb. 24-30.
Weekly and hourly earnings of U.S. workers, 1967-78. 1979 Aug. 31-41.
What temporary workers earn: findings from new bls survey. 1989 Mar.
Women’s use of time converging with men’s. 1980 Dec. 57-59.
Work at home: new findings from the Current Population Survey. 1986
Nov. 31-35.
Work experience of the labor force during 1985. 1987 Apr. 40-43.
Work schedules of Americans: an overview of new findings. 1986 Nov.
Work time reduction in the U.S. and Western Europe. 1988 Dec. 41-45.
Work-sharing approaches: past and present. 1984 Sept. 34-39.

Employer-sponsored vision care brought into focus. 1988 Sept. 19-23.
Health insurance loss: the case of the displaced worker. 1987 Apr. 30-33.
Health insurance trends in cost control and coverage. 1986 Sept. 3-8.
Health insurance. 1981 Oct. 2.
HMO’s and other health plans: coverage and employee premiums. 1983
June 28-33.
Hospital employment under revised medicare payment schedules. 1986
Aug. 37-45.
Is employer-sponsored life insurance declining relative to other benefits?
1981 Sept. 31-33.
Life insurance benefits for retired workers. 1990 Sept. 17-21.
Mental health benefits financed by employers. 1987 July 23-27.
Trends in major medical coverage during a period of rising costs. 1983
July 11-16.
Workers’ compensation insurance: recent trends in employer costs. 1981
Mar. 45-50.
HEALTH AND SAFETY (See Occupational safety and health.)
New data on Hispanics. 1978 July 2.
Profile of Hispanics in the U.S. work force. 1978 Dec. 3-14.
U.S. longshoremen evaluate work conditions in Rotterdam. 1976 Aug.
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
Health services industry: a decade of expansion. 1981 May 9-16.
Hospital employment under revised medicare payment schedules. 1986
Aug. 37-45.
Hospital occupational pay in 23 metropolitan areas. 1987 Oct. 43-45.
Private hospitals nearing wage levels in State, local government hospitals.
1977 May 46-47.
1989 employee benefits address family concerns. 1990 June 60-63.
Absence from work—measuring the hours lost. 1977 Oct. 16-23.
Absences from work among full-time employees. 1981 Mar. 68-70.
Absent workers and lost work hours, May 1978. 1979 Aug. 49-53.
American workers evaluate the quality of their jobs. 1979 Jan. 3-12.
Average workweek: two surveys /Current Employment Statistics pro­
gram and the Current Population Survey/ compared. 1978 July 3-8.
Changes in the number of days in the workweek, 1973-76. 1977 Apr.
Changing utilization of fixed capital: an element in long-term growth.
1985 May 3-8.
Computer-aided telephone interviewing used in the Hours at Work Sur­
vey. 1986 May 39-41.
Conflicts among work, leisure, and family roles. 1980 Aug. 35-39.
Conflicts between work and family life. 1980 Mar. 29-31.
Decline noted in hours required to erect Federal office buildings. 1976
Oct. 18-22.
Easing the constraints of time-oriented work. 1977 Feb. 58-59.
Effect of shift work on the lives of employees. 1981 Oct. 31-35.
Effects of selected variables on work hours of young women. 1983 July
Employee absences in 1989: a new look at data from the cps. 1990 Aug.
Employer provisions for parental leave. 1989 Oct. 20-24.
End of the 12-hour day in the steel industry, . 1977 Sept. 21-26.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Work-sharing initiatives at home and abroad. 1977 Sept. 16-20.
Workers on late shifts in a changing economy. 1979 Sept. 14-22.
Workers on long hours and premium pay, May 1976. 1977 May 42-45.
Workers on long schedules, single and multiple jobholders. 1982 Mav
Working a long week and getting premium pay. 1978 Apr. 46-48.
Worksharing in the U.S.: its prevalence and duration. 1980 July 3-12.
Workweek in 1979: fewer but longer workdays. 1980 Aug. 31-33.
Workweeks and leisure: an analysis of trends, 1948-75. 1976 Aug. 3-8.


to produce monthly indexes of export and import prices. 1988 Dec.

Changing the treatment of shelter costs for homeowners in the cpi. 1982
June 9-14.
Commodity price volatility: trends during 1975-84. 1985 June 17-21.
Comparing rates and proportions: they can be misleading. 1984 June
Compensation cost increases: slowdown continues in 1982. 1983 June
Consumer Price Index and indexation. 1980 June 2.
Cost of living indexes for Americans living abroad. 1976 Jan. 63; July 52Oct. 43.

International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May

Cost-of-living indexes for Americans living abroad. 1977 Jan. 64; Apr. 78;
Sept. 38; Oct. 69.

HOUSING (See Construction.)

Cost-of-living indexes for Americans living abroad. 1978 Jan. 39; Apr. 50;
July 37; Oct. 51-52.

Child care and family benefits: policies of six industrialized countries.
1980 Nov. 23-28.

Cost-of-living indexes for Americans living abroad. 1979 Jan. 81; Apr. 59;
July 39; Oct. 67-68.


Cost-of-living indexes for Americans living abroad. 1980Jan. 53-54; June
50; Sept. 40.
Cost-of-living indexes for Americans living abroad. 1981 June 54.
Cost-of-living indexes for Americans living abroad. 1982 Sept. 38.
cpi changes. 1981 Nov. 2.
cpi controversy. 1980 Feb. 2.
Developing an index to measure female labor force attachment. 1977 May

Analyzing Puerto Rican migration: problems with the data and the mod­
el. 1977 Aug. 29-35.
Estimating the number of undocumented aliens. 1986 Sept. 33.
Estimating the propensity of guestworkers to leave. 1981 May 37-40.
Foreign born in the U.S. labor market: the results of a special survey. 1985
July 18-24.
Immigration and the labor force: A special issue. 1980 Oct. 4-50.
International migration of labor: boon or bane?
Changing composition of Europe’s guestworker population.
Documenting the undocumented: data, like aliens, are elusive.
Immigrant earnings patterns by sex, race, and ethnic groupings.
Nonimmigrant workers: visiting labor force participants.
Employment patterns of Southeast Asian refugees.
New Cuban immigrants: their background and prospects.
Immigration and employment: a need for policy coordination.
Immigration effects. 1986 Mar. 2.
Immigration statistics. 1985 Sept. 2.
Labor market rights of foreign-born workers. 1982 May 32-33.
Recent immigration and current data collection. 1977 Oct. 36-41.
Select commission suggests changes in immigration policy—a review
essay. 1982 Feb. 31-37.
Undocumented aliens. 1988 May 2.
What is the occupational mobility of black immigrants? 1981 Apr. 44-45.
Why Puerto Ricans migrated to the United States in 1947-73. 1976 Sept.

Diffusion indexes: a barometer of the economy. 1990 Apr. 13-21.
Effects of strong dollar, economic apparent in first-half import and export
prices. 1984 Oct. 3-17.
Employment Cost Index continues to decelerate in second quarter. 1982
Oct. 32-33.
Employment Cost Index in 1980: a first look at total compensation. 1981
June 22-26.
Employment Cost Index rebased to June 1989. 1990 Apr. 38-39.
Employment Cost Index series to replace Hourly Earnings Index. 1988
July 32-35.

INDEXES (See also Prices.)

Employment Cost Index up 7.7 percent in 1978. 1979 July 28-31.
Employment Cost Index: a review of the statistics. 1978 Jan. 22-23.
Employment Cost Index: recent trends and expansion. 1982 May 9-14.
Estimating the user cost of owner-occupied housing. 1980 Feb. 31-35.
Federal agencies updating base year of indexes to 1977. 1981 Feb. 75-76.
Final report on family budgets: cost increases slowed, autumn 1981.1982
July 44-46.
Geographic wage indexing for ceta and Medicare. 1980 Sept. 15-19.
How benefits will be incorporated into the Employment Cost Index. 1978
Jan. 18-26.
Import price indexes for crude petroleum. 1982 Nov. 29-32.
Improving the measurement of producer price change. 1978 Apr. 7-15.
Increases in employer costs for employee benefits dampen dramatically.
1988 July 3-7.
Indexing benefits. 1981 Feb. 2.
Indexing Federal programs: the CPI and other indexes. 1981 Mar. 60 65.
Industry diffusion indexes for average weekly hours. 1983 May 33-36.
Inflation remained low in 1983 in face of strong recovery. 1984 May 3-9.
Introducing new weights for the Employment Cost Index. 1985 June
Measuring substitution bias in price indexes. 1985 Jan. 60.
New leading index of employment and unemployment. 1981 June 44-47.
New stage of process price system developed for the Producer Price In­
dex. 1988 Apr. 3-16.

Amendments to the Federal minimum wage law, 1977. 1978 Jan. 9-11.
bls develops measure of job risk by occupation. 1981 Oct. 26-30.

Price changes in 1980: double-digit inflation persists. 1981 Apr. 3-12.
Producer Price trends continue moderate in the third quarter. 1984 Jan.

IMPORTS (See Foreign trade.)
INCENTIVE PLANS (See also Work motivation.)
Incentives in manufacturing: the carrot and the stick. 1984 July 40-43.
New work theories and compensation problems. 1976 Mar. 41-42.
Time rates tighten their grip on manufacturing industries. 1982 Mav
INCOME (See Earnings and wages.)
Demographic change, government transfers, and income distribution.
1971 Apr. 7-11.
New role for economic indicators. 1977 Nov. 3-5.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Productivity and technology in the electric lamp industry. 1978 Aug.
Productivity and technology in the electric motor industry. 1978 Aug.
Productivity growth below average in the household furniture industry.
1978 Nov. 23-29.
Rebasing. 1988 Mar. 2.
Reconciling the cpi and the PCE Deflator. 1981 Sept. 3-15.
Reconciling the cpi and the pce Deflator: 4th quarter 1981. 1982 May
Reconciling the cpi and the pce Deflator: an update. 1982 Jan. 43-44.
Reconciling the cpi and the PCE Deflator: first quarter 1982. 1982 July
Reconciling the cpi and the pce Deflator: second quarter 1982. 1982 Oct.
Reconciling the cpi-u and the pce Deflator: 3rd quarter. 1983 Feb. 37-38.
Social cost-of-living indexes estimated. 1984 May 48-49.
Some proposals to improve the Consumer Price Index. 1981 Sept. 20 25.
Two Consumer Price Index issues: weighting and homeownership. 1981
Mar. 58-59.
U.S. foreign trade prices in 1982: import index falls, export indexes
mixed. 1983 May 20-29.
U.S. import and export price indexes show declines during the first half.
1983 Jan.
Updating the weights in indexes of wholesale, industry prices. 1976 Sept.
“Underground economy” and bls statistical data. 1984 Jan. 4-18.
Using a leading employment index to forecast unemployment in 1983.
1983 May 30-32.
Wholesale Price Index weights updated. 1976 Apr. 41-43.
INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (See Labor-management relations.)
Industrial Relations Research Association, 28th annual meeting, Decem­
ber 1975. Papers from 1976 Mar. 37-48, Apr. 23-33, May 36-40.
29th annual meeting, September 1976. Papers from 1977 Feb
52-61; Mar. 51-57; Apr.44-60.
30th annual meeting, December 1977. Papers from 1978 Mar.
29-34; Apr.28-42; May 30-46.
31st annual meeting, August 1978. Papers from 1979 Jan. 65-75;
Feb. 33-40;Apr. 42-48; May 35-40; June 29-34.
32d annual meeting, December 1979. Papers from. 1980 June
32-40; July 37-39. 41-43. Aug. 22-28.
34th annual meeting, December 1981. Papers from. 1982 Apr.
47-51. 1982 May 29-33. 1982 June 45-54.
35th annual meeting, December 1982. Papers from. 1983 Mar.
31-35. 1983 Apr. 25-29.
36th annual meeting, 1982. Papers from. 1984 May 34-41: 1984
June 34-44.
37th annual meeting, December 1984, Papers from. 1985 May
27-35; June 33-39; and July 30-45.
38th annual meeting, December 1985. Papers from. 1986 Apr.
45-49; 1986 May 28-34; 1986 June 28-39.

Does the cpi exaggerate or understate inflation? Some observations. 1980
May 33-35.
Double-digit inflation today and in 1973-74: a comparison. 1980 May
Half-year decline in inflation: its antecedents and structure. 1986 Oct.
Industrial relations in 1979: inflation still holds spotlight. 1980 Feb.
Inflation and early retirement: recent longitudinal findings. 1981 July
Inflation and the business cycle during the postwar period. 1984 Nov. 3-7.
Inflation continues to abate during the first quarter. 1982 July 3-9.
Inflation cross-currents: energy food, and homeownership. 1981 June
Inflation fueled by oil prices in first 9 months of 1987. 1987 Dec. 3-6.
Inflation patterns in the initial stages of recovery. 1983 Oct. 22-26.
Inflation remained low during 1984. 1985 Apr. 3-9.
Inflation remained low in 1983 in face of strong recovery. 1984 May 3-9.
Inflation remained mild again during 1985. 1986 Apr. 17-21.
Inflation slows in third quarter, although food prices soar. 1980 Dec.
Input prices and cost inflation in three manufacturing industries. 1985
May 16-21.
New inflation-fighting program. 1979 Jan. 59.
Pension improvements since 1974 reflect inflation, new U.S. law. 1979
Apr. 32-37.
Price changes in 1978—an analysis. 1979 March 3-12.
Price changes in 1980: double-digit inflation persists. 1981 Apr. 3-12.
Price changes in 1981: widespread slowing of inflation. 1982 Apr. 3-14.
Proposed spendable earnings series retains basic faults of earlier one. 1984
Nov. 43-44.
Sharp drop in energy prices holds inflation in check during 1986. 1987
May 3-9.
Slowdown in energy- prices eases second-quarter inflation. 1980 Sept.
Slowdown in real wages: a postwar perspective. 1977 Aug. 7-12.
Spendable earnings series: has it outlived its usefulness? 1982 Jan. 3-9.
Two Consumer Price Index issues: weighting and homeownership. 1981
Mar. 58-59.
Use of hourly earnings proposed to revive spendable earnings series. 1984
Nov. 38-43.
Wage gains in 1979 offset by inflation. 1980 July 48-51.
Wage increases of 1978 absorbed by inflation. 1979 June 10-13.
Why wages should not be blamed for the inflation problem. 1982 Apr.
INJURIES (See Work injuries and illnesses.)
Dissidents criticized, leadership strengthened at Teamster convention.
1976 Sept. 41-43.
Changing family in international perspective. 1990 Mar. 41-58.
Employment programs for disabled youth: an international perspective
1990 Dec. 50-51.
Four nations’ policies toward displaced steel workers. 1985 July 35-39.
ilo labor yearbook: some international comparisons. 1985 Feb. 51-52.
International comparisons of hourly compensation costs. 1989 June

1980’s: a decade of job growth and industry shifts. 1990 Sept. 3-16.
Productivity in industry and government. 1990 July 39-45.

10- 12.

INFLATION (See also Prices.)

International comparisons of labor force participation, 1960-81. 1983
Feb. 23-36.
International comparisons of labor productivity in manufacturing. 1988
Dec. 28-33.
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May

1978-80 pay guidelines: meeting the need for flexibility. 1981 July 16-21.
Consumer prices in the 1980’s: the cooling of inflation. 1990 Aug. 19-27.
Cost-of-living adjustment: keeping up with inflation? 1979 June 14-17.
Defining the rate of underlying inflation. 1981 Sept. 16-19.
Does the cpi exaggerate or understate inflation? 1980 May 31-33.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


OECD social ministers focus on rising pension, health costs. 1989 Feb.

International trends in productivity and unit labor costs in manufactur­
ing. 1986 Dec. 12-17.
Italian labor relations: a system in transition. 1987 Mar. 37-38.
Labor productivity in manufacturing at home and abroad, 1980-86. 1987
Dec. 25-30.
Productivity and labor cost trends in manufacturing, 12 countries. 1986
Mar. 3-10.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 12 industrial countries. 1977 July
11- 17.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 11 industrial countries, 1977. 1978
Nov. 11-17.
Productivity trends in manufacturing in the U.S. and 11 other countries.
1984 Jan. 52-58.
Recent labor market developments in the U.S. and nine other countries.
1984 Jan. 44-51.
Recent labor market trends in nine industrial nations. 1979 May 8-16.
Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries. 1985
Aug. 9-22.
Unemployment and labor force trends in 10 industrial nations: an update.
1982 Nov. 17-21.
Unemployment compensation in eight industrial nations. 1976 July
Unemployment, labor force trends, and layoff practices in 10 countries.
1981 Dec. 3-13.
Youth unemployment: an international perspective. 1981 July 3-15.

Productivity trends in manufacturing in the U.S. and 11 other countries.
1984 Jan. 52-58.
Recent labor market developments in the U.S. and nine other countries
1984 Jan. 44-51.
Recent labor market trends in nine industrial nations. 1979 May 8-16.
Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries. 1985
Aug. 9-22.
Technological changes in printing: union response in three countries.
1985 July 41-43.
View of labor ministries in other nations. 1988 July 19-23.
Will West European unions embrace the union shop? 1979 July 35-39.
Work-time reduction in U.S. and Western Europe. 1988 Dec. 41-45.
European Community 1992 program and U.S. workers. 1990 Nov. 22-27.
Labor response to multinationals: coordination of bargaining goals. 1978
July 9-13.
Exploitation of children widespread, ilo reports. 1980 Nov. 43-45.
Highlights of the 1979 ilo Conference. 1979 Oct. 65-67.
Highlights of the 1980 ilo conference. 1980 Nov. 39-43.
ilo adopts asbestos standard, focuses on employment issues. 1986 Oct.


ILO adopts new standards on health services, labor data, 1985 Dec. 43-45.

Adjusted Japanese unemployment rate remains below 3 percent in
1987-88. 1989 June 36-38.
Aggregate export price comparisons developed for U.S., Germany, Ja­
pan. 1986 June 40-41.
An analysis of unemployment and other labor market indicators in 10
countries. 1988 Apr. 39-50.
An analysis of unemployment in nine industrial countries. 1977 Apr.
12- 24.
An international comparison of labor force participation, 1977-84. 1986
May 3-12.
Changing family in international perspective. 1990 Mar. 41-58.
Damage control: yen appreciation and the Japanese labor market. 1988
Nov. 3-6.
Employment attachment: Japan vs. U.S. 1984 May 50.
How are Japanese unions responding to microelectronics-based automa­
tion? 1987 Mar. 39-40.
Impact of microelectronics on employment: Japan’s experience. 1985
Sept. 45-48.
International comparisons of hourly compensation costs. 1989 June

ILO conference focuses on bargaining, worker safety rather than politics.

1981 Oct. 44-46.
examines impact of technology on worker safety and health. 1985
Aug. 46-47.

ILO labor yearbook: some international comparisons. 1985 Feb. 51-52.
Landmark provisions of ratified ilo conventions. 1988 June 53-55.
Political issues dominate ilo conference; worker standards adopted. 1982
Oct. 35-38.

Trade Secretariats provide U.S. labor with international forum. 1981
May 57.
U.S. ends ilo moratorium by ratifying two conventions. 1988 June 52-53.
U.S. rejoins ilo : the agenda for 1980’s stresses human rights. 1980 May
INTERNATIONAL TRADE (See Foreign trade.)
A special section on young workers and families. 1979 Oct. 3-56.

10- 12.


International comparisons of trends in productivity and labor costs. 1981
Dec. 14-20.
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
International experiences with technological change. 1986 Mar. 35-40.
International trends in productivity and unit labor costs in manufactur­
ing. 1986 Dec. 12-17.
Japan’s low unemployment: an in-depth analysis. 1984 Mar. 18-27.
Japan’s low unemployment: economic miracle or statistical artifact? 1983
July. 3-10.
Japanese economic growth and industrial accidents. 1978 Sept. 50-53.
Japanese industrial relations—is one economic ‘miracle’ enough? 1978
Mar. 31-33.
Japanese unemployment: bls updates its analysis. 1987 June 47-53.
Labor market changes and adjustments: how do the U.S. and Japan com­
pare? 1989 Feb. 31-42.
Labor market segmentation in Japan: how rigid is it? 1986 June 35-37.
Labor productivity in manufacturing at home and abroad, 1980-86. 1987
Dec. 25-30.

International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
Analysis of unemployment and other labor market indicators in 10 coun­
tries. 1988 Apr. 39-50.
Analysis of unemployment in nine industrial countries. 1977 Apr. 12-24.
Early retirement as a labor force policy: an international overview. 1987
Mar. 19-33.
European job creation in the wake of plant closings and layoffs. 1986 Oct.
International comparisons of trends in productivity and labor costs. 1981
Dec. 14-20.
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


‘Lifetime earnings’ in Japan for the class of 1955. 1984 Apr. 32-36.
Lifetime employment in Japan: three models of the concept. 1984 Aug

Problem of job obsolescence: working it out at River Works. July 1978

Pay differentials: the case of Japan. 1984 Oct. 24-29.
Productivity and labor cost trends in manufacturing, 12 countries. 1986
Mar. 3-10.

Providing assistance to displaced workers. 1979 May 17-22.
What do unions get in return for concessions? 1984 May 40-41.
Workers’ expectations about losing and replacing their jobs. 1980 Apr.

Productivity and unit labor costs in 12 industrial countries. 1977 Julv


Productivity and unit labor costs in industrial countries, 1977. 1978 Nov
Productivity trends in manufacturing in the U.S. and 11 other countries
1984 Jan. 52-58.
Recent labor market developments in the U.S. and nine other countries
1984 Jan. 44-51.
Recent labor market trends in nine industrial nations. 1979 May 8-16.
Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries. 1985
Aug. 9-22.

Employment and pay trends in the retail trade industry. 1980 Mar. 40-43.
Job tenure of workers in January 1981. 1982 Sept. 34-36.
Occupational change: pursuing a different kind of work. 1989 Sept. 3-12.
Occupational changes and tenure, 1981. 1982 Sept. 29-33.
Occupational mobility and job tenure in 1983. 1984 Oct. 18-23.
Occupational tenure in 1987: many workers remained in their fields. 1988
Oct. 3-12.
Tenure as a factor in the male-female earnings gap. 1982 Apr. 32-34.
Workers’ expectations about losing and replacing their jobs. 1980 Apr.

Robots are a big success at auto plant in Japan. 1984 Aug. 35-36.
Unemployment and labor force trends in 10 industrial nations: an update
1982 Nov. 17-21.


Unemployment compensation in eight industrial nations. 1976 July

Job Training Partnership Act: new help for the unemployed. 1983 Mar.

Unemployment, labor force trends, and layoff practices in 10 countries.
1981 Dec. 3-13.

bls tests feasibility of a new job openings survey. 1981 Dec. 52-54.
Job vacancies versus unemployment. 1984 May 49-50.
Labor turnover in manufacturing: the survey in retrospect. 1982 June

Youth unemployment: an international perspective. 1981 July 3-15.
European job creation in the wake of plant closings and layoffs. 1986 Oct

New occupational separation data improve estimates of job replacement
needs. 1984 Mar. 3-10.
Shortages of machinists: an evaluation of the information. 1982 July

Structure, cost, and performance of the Job Opportunities Program. 1978
Aug. 40-43.

JOB SATISFACTION (See also Quality of Jobs.)

Age and the job-hunting methods of the unemployed. 1979 Jan. 68-69.

American workers evaluate the quality of their jobs. 1979 Jan. 3-12.
Conflicts among work, leisure, and family roles. 1980 Aug. 35-39.
Criteria for job satisfaction: is interesting work most important? 1977
May 30-35.

bls job

cross-classification system relates information from six sources.

1981 Nov. 40-44.
Effectiveness of rural job search methods. 1976 Apr. 27-30.
Employment Service approved by users, but placements often fail to keep
jobs. 1978 Jan. 35-36.
Extent of job search by employed workers. 1977 Mar. 58-62.
How welfare recipients find jobs: a case study in New Jersey. 1978 Feb.
43- 45.
Job search of recipients of unemployment insurance. 1979 Feb. 49-54.
Migration of the unemployed: a relocation assistance program. 1981 Apr.

Did job satisfaction really drop during the 1970’s? 1982 Nov. 33-36.
Education, work, and leisure: must they come in that order? 1977 July
How quality-of-worklife projects work for General Motors. 1980 July
37- 39.
How quality-of-worklife projects work for the United Auto Workers
1980 July 39-40.
Job satisfaction high in America, says Conference Board study. 1985 Feb.

Most workers find jobs through word of mouth. 1980 Aug. 33-35.

Quality-of-worklife project at Bolivar: an assessment. 1980 July 41-43.
Relevance of recurrent education to worker satisfaction. 1977 Apr. 61 -64.
White-collar unions and the work humanization movement. 1977 Mav

International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
44- 45.


Bicentennial look at the early days of American labor. 1976 May 20-28.
Century of struggle: a labor history symposium—A Special Issue:
Trade unions mirror society in conflict between collectivism and indi­
vidualism. 1987 Aug. 32-40.
The extension of solidarity conflicts with the spirit of individual­
The black labor movement and the fight for social advance.
Forging a partnership between blacks and unions.
Protecting workers in the marketplace: new union benefit privi­
Union’s struggle to survive goes beyond modem technology. 1987
Unions need to confront the results of new technology.

Extent of job search by employed workers. 1977 Mar. 58-62.
Job search of the unemployed, May 1976. 1977 Nov. 39-43.
Regional unemployment and job search in Canada. 1977 Oct. 42-43.
Auto industry experiments with the Guaranteed Income Stream. 1984
July 37-39.
Easing the worker’s transition from job loss to employment. 1984 Mav
38- 40.
Job tenure declines as work force changes. 1979 Dec. 48-50.
Most U.S. workers still may be fired under the employment-at-will doc­
trine. 1984 May 34-38.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Technological change and unionization in the service sector.
Globalization and the worldwide division of labor.
Elements of paradox in U.S. labor history. 1987 Aug. 48-54.

LABOR COSTS (See Unit labor cost.)
1995 labor force: a first look. 1980 Dec. 11-21.
1980’s: a decade of job growth and industry shifts. 1990 Sept. 3-16.
Aging of the older population and the effect on its labor force rates. 1982
Sept. 27-29.
Aging of the U.S. population: human resource implications. 1983 May
Agricultural employment: has the decline ended? 1981 Nov. 11-17.
Almost half of all children have mothers in the labor force. 1977 June
41- 44.
Americans of Spanish origin in the labor force: an update. 1976 Sept. 3-6.
An evaluation of labor force projections to 1985. 1988 Nov. 7-17.
An international comparison of labor force participation, 1977-84. 1986
May. 3-12.
Another look at working-age men who are not in the labor force. 1977
June 9-14.
Author replies: we still need to demonstrate program effectiveness. 1985
Apr. 49-50.
Black labor force during the 1975-78 recovery. 1979 May 3-7.
bls labor force projections: a review of methods and results. 1979 Apr.
Business services industry sets pace in employment growth. 1986 Apr.
Can the Current Population Survey be used to identify the disabled? 1981
June 37-38.
Changes in marital and family characteristics of workers, 1970-78. 1979
Apr. 49-52.
Changing character of unionism in traditionally organized sectors. 1979
Feb. 36-38.
Changing composition of the military and the effect on labor force data.
1984 July 10-13.
Changing demographics. 1986 Aug. 2.
Changing work force. 1989 Mar. 2.
Characteristics of workers in nonprofit organizations. 1987 July 28-33.
Children of working mothers, March 1977. 1978 Jan. 30-33.
Coal industry resurgence attracts variety of new workers. 1981 Jan. 3-8.
Comparison of youth unemployment in Australia and the United States.
1984 Oct. 30-36.
cps, work, and disability: a reply. 1981 June 38-39.
Damage control: yen appreciation and the Japanese labor market. 1988
Nov. 3-6.
Decline in youth population does not lead to lower jobless rates. 1987
June 37-41.
Demographic influences on labor force rates of black males. 1976 Nov.
42- 43.
Developing an index to measure female labor force attachment. 1977 May
Difference a year makes in the Nation’s youth work force. 1979 Oct.
Discouraged workers’ link to jobless rate reaffirmed. 1978 Oct. 40-42.
Discouraged workers: how strong are their links to the job market? 1984
Aug. 8-11.
Displaced workers of 1979-83: how well have they fared? 1985 June 3-16.
Distribution of earned income among men and women, 1958-77. 1980
Apr. 3-10.
Divorced and separated women in the labor force—an update. 1978 Oct.
43- 45.
Does a younger male labor force mean greater earnings inequality? 1982
Nov. 42-45.
Dual-earner families: an annotated bibliography. 1981 Feb. 53-59.
Early retirement as a labor force policy: an international overview. 1987
Mar. 19-33.
Education and demographics: how do they affect unemployment rates?
1988 Jan. 3-9.

How union members and nonmembers view the role of unions.
American labor history: a conspiracy of silence?
Are the media shortchanging organized labor?
Century of wage statistics: the bls contribution. 1984 Nov. 16-28.
American labor, 1865-1902: the early industrial era. 1976 July 10-17.
Birth of a federation: Mr. Gompers endeavors ‘not to build a bubble.’
1981 Nov. 23-26.
and Alice Hamilton: pioneers in industrial health. 1986 June 24-27.
and the economy: a centennial timetable. 1984 Nov. 29-37.
Centennial. 1984 Jan. 2-3.


Current Population Survey: a historical perspective and
June 8-14.


role. 1984

Cyrus S. Ching: pioneer in industrial peacemaking. 1989 Aug. 22-35.
Ellis Island a welcome site? Only after years of reform. 1986 July 30-36.
End of the 12-hour day in the steel industry. 1977 Sept. 21-26.
Evolution of fair labor standards: a study in class conflict. A Review
Essay. 1983 Aug. 25-28.
Expansion of unionization in the early 20th century. 1976 Sept. 32-35.
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938: maximum struggle for a minimum
wage. 1978 June 22-30.
Frances Perkins and the flowering of economic and social policies. 1989
June 28-32.
Frances Perkins’ interest in a new deal for blacks. 1980 Apr. 31-35.
Frances Perkins, Isador Lubin, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1980
Apr. 22-30.
Frances Perkins. 1980 Apr. 2.
Hall of fame. 1990 Aug. 2.
Industrial democracy: made in the U.S.A. 1984 May 26-33.
Institutional setting. 1989 Aug. 2.
John R. Commons: pioneer of labor economics. 1989 May 44-49.
Labor Department at 75—A Special Issue:
A department to protect workers’ equity.
The careers of 18 Labor Secretaries.
How the workplace has changed in 75 years.
Gender, race, and Labor Department policies.
Reflections of eight former Secretaries:
Labor-management relations a high priority: 1961-62.
Humanitarians initiatives during the 1960’s.
Enactment of osha: ingenious compromises.
A benchmark of progress: 1973-75.
Some recollections of a brief tenure.
Government’s role in labor-management cooperation.
Establishing an agenda for the Department of Labor.
Workforce 2000 recognizes need to improve skills.
Labor from the Revolution to the Civil War. 1976 June 17-24.
Labor movement after World War II. 1976 Nov. 34-37.
Lifetime jobs and wage security: vintage wine in new containers? 1977
Sept. 27-28.
One hundred years of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1985 July 3-6.
Public policy and the American worker, 1933-45. 1976 Oct. 11-17.
Samuel Gompers: a half century in labor’s front rank. 1989 July 27-33.
U.S. Employment Service at 50: it too had to wait its turn. 1983 June
Unemployment insurance system marks its 50th anniversary. 1985 Sept.
Work stoppage in Government: the postal strike of 1970. 1978 July 14-22.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Evaluating the 1975 projections of occupational employment. 1980 June
10- 21.
Family members in the work force. 1990 Mar. 14-19.
Families and the rise of working wives—an overview. 1976 May 12-19.
Female labor force participation: why projections have been too low. 1977
July 18-24.
Fewer students in work force as school age population declines. 1984 July
Foreign born in the U.S. labor market: the results of a special survey. 1985
July 18-24.
Global efforts to obtain equality for women workers. 1978 Oct.48.
Growing presence of Hispanics in the U.S. work force. 1988 Aug. 9-14.
Health services industry: a decade of expansion. 1981 May 9-16.
Helping ex-offenders enter the labor market. 1983 July 25-30.
Hispanic men: divergent paths in the U.S. labor market. 1988 Nov. 32-34.
Hourly paid workers: who they are and what they earn. 1986 Feb. 20-26.
How accurate were projections of the 1980 labor force? 1982 July 15-21.
How American workers view labor unions. 1979 Apr. 23-31.
How blue-collar workers on 4-day workweeks use their time. 1977 Aug.
How do demographic changes affect labor force participation of women?
1987 Nov. 23-25.
How human resource systems adjust to the shift toward contingent work­
ers. Mar. 7-12.
How likely are individuals to enter the labor force? 1979 Sept. 28-34.
How the disabled fare in the labor market. 1980 Sept. 48-52.
How the workplace has changed in 75 years. 1988 Feb. 19-25.
How women’s health affects labor force attachment. 1982 Apr. 56-59.
Husbands and wives as earners: an analysis of family data. 1981 Feb.
Identifying States and areas prone to high and low unemployment. 1980
Mar. 20-24.
Immigration and the labor force—A special issue. 1980 Oct. 4-50.
International migration of labor: boon or bane?
The changing composition of Europe’s guestworker population.
Documenting the undocumented: data, like aliens, are elusive.
Immigrant earnings patterns by sex, race, and ethnic groupings.
Nonimmigrant workers: visiting labor force participants.
Employment patterns of Southeast Asian refugees.
The new Cuban immigrants: their background and prospects.
Immigration and employment: a need for policy coordination.
Improving our information on discouraged workers. 1978 Sept. 15-25.
Industry output and employment: bls projections to 1990. 1979 Apr.
International comparisons of labor force participation. 1960-81. 1983
Feb. 23-36.
Involuntary part-time work: new information from the CPS. 1981 Feb.
Japan’s low unemployment: economic miracle or statistical artifact? 1983
July 3-10.
Job tenure declines as work force changes. 1979 Dec. 48-50.
Jobless insurance inequities deepen as more women enter the labor force.
1979 Apr. 44-45.
Jobs for college grads. 1982 Sept. 2.
Labor force activity among students, graduates, and dropouts in 1980.
1981 July 31-33.
Labor force activity of married women as a response to changing jobless
rates. 1980 June 32-33.
Labor force activity of women receiving child support or alimony. 1982
Nov. 39-41.
Labor force data from cps to undergo revision in January 1983. 1982 Nov.
Labor force data in the next century. 1990 Apr. 3-8.

Educational attainment of workers, March 1975. 1976 Feb. 46-48.
Educational attainment of workers, March 1977. 1977 Dec. 53-57.
Educational attainment of workers, March 1981. 1982 Apr. 52-55.
Educational attainment of workers—some trends from 1975 to 1978.
1979 Feb. 54-59.
Effect of demographic changes on the Nation’s unemployment rate. 1979
Mar. 13-23.
Effects of selected variables on work hours of young women. 1983 July
Employment and commuting patterns: a residential analysis. 1979 July
Employment and unemployment situation in:
1975. 1976 Feb. 11-20.
1976. 1977 Feb. 3-13.
1977. 1978 Feb. 12-23.
1978. 1979 Feb. 3-12.
1979. 1980 Feb. 3-10.
1980. 1981 Feb. 4-14.
1981. 1982 Mar. 3-14.
1982. 1983 Feb. 3-12.
1983. 1984 Feb. 3-14.
1984. 1985 Feb. 3-15.
1985. 1986 Feb. 3-12.
1986. 1987 Feb. 3-10.
1987 1988 Feb. 57-67.
1988. 1989 Feb. 3-14.
1989. 1990 Feb. 3-16.
Employment and unemployment in:
First half, 1976. 1976 Aug. 9-12.
First half, 1977. 1977 Aug. 3-6.
First half, 1978. 1978 Aug. 3-7.
First half, 1979. 1979 Aug. 3-7.
First half, 1980. 1980 Aug. 3-9.
First half, 1981. 1981 Aug. 3-8.
First half, 1982. 1982 Aug. 3-12.
First half, 1983. 1983 Aug. 8-14.
First half, 1984. 1984 Aug. 3-7.
First half, 1985. 1985 Aug. 3-8.
First half, 1986. 1986 Aug. 3-8.
First half, 1987. 1987 Sept. 64-69.
First half, 1988. 1988 Aug. 15-19.
First half, 1989. 1989 Aug. 3-9.
Employment characteristics of older women, 1987. 1988 Sept. 3-12.
Employment created by construction expenditures. 1981 Dec. 38-44.
Employment gains of women by industry, 1968-78. 1980 June 3-9.
Employment growth in the temporary help industry. 1986 Apr. 37-44.
Employment in recession and recovery: a demographic flow analysis.
1985 Mar. 35-42.
Employment problems and poverty: examining the linkages. 1982 June
Employment prospects brighten a bit for some teachers in California.
1977 Oct. 49-52.
Employment shift to services: where did it come from? 1984 Apr. 15-22.
Employment situation for military wives. 1981 Feb. 60-64.
Employment-population ratio: its value in labor force analysis. 1981 Feb.
Estimating annual hours of labor force activity. 1983 Feb. 13-22.
Estimating the demographic mix of the available labor force. 1981 Apr.
Estimating the number of minimum wage workers. 1990 Jan. 70-74.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Labor force data: the impact of the 1980 census. 1982 July 39-43.
Labor force experience of black youth: a review. 1980 Aug. 10-16.
Labor force participation differs significantly for the rural woman. 1979
Jan. 71-73.

New occupational rates of labor force separation. 1980 Mar. 36-40.
New worklife estimates reflect changing profile of labor force. 1982 Mar.
Nuclear energy employment measured in 1975 survey. 1977 Sept. 36-37.
Occupational mobility during 1977. 1979 Dec. 44-48.
Occupational mobility in the American labor force. 1977 Jan. 3-19.
Occupational segregation and earnings differences by sex. 1981 Jan.
Occupational tenure in 1987: many workers have remained in their fields.
1988 Oct. 3-12.
Occupational winners and losers: who they were during 1972-80. 1982
June 18-28.
Older men—the choice between work and retirement. 1978 November
On the definition o f ‘contingent work.’ 1989 Dec. 9-16.
One-fourth of the adult labor force are college graduates. 1985 Feb. 43-46.
Part-time workers: who are they? 1986 Feb. 13-19.
Pension spur to labor force withdrawal. 1984 Dec. 39.
Percent working long hours shows first post-recession decline. 1980 May
Population changes, the baby boom, and the unemployment rate. 1990
Aug. 3-10.
Preferences of temporary workers: time, variety, and flexibility. 1984
Aug. 26-28.
Probing the issues of unemployment duration. 1980 July 23-32.
Productivity, age, and labor composition changes in the U.S. 1988 Sept.
Profile of Hispanics in the U.S. work force. 1978 Dec. 3-14.
Profile of husbands in today’s labor market. 1987 Oct. 12-17.
Profile of women on part-time schedules. 1978 Oct. 3-12.
Profile of the working poor. 1989 Oct. 3-13.
Programs to aid ex-offenders: we don’t know ‘nothing works.’ 1985 Apr.
Recent labor market developments in the U.S. and nine other countries.
1984 Jan. 44-51.
Recent recessions swell ranks of the long-term unemployed. 1984 Feb.
Recent trends in higher education and labor force activity. 1983 Feb.
Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries. 1985
Aug. 9-22.
Recessionary impacts on the unemployment of men and women. 1984
May 21-25.
Regional unemployment and job search in Canada. 1977 Oct. 42-43.
Regional variations in employment and unemployment during 1970-82.
1984 Feb. 38-45.
Report on the status of the health care labor force. 1985 May 41-42.
Revised worklife tables reflect 1979-80 experience. 1985 Aug. 23-30.
Revisions in Hispanic population and labor force data. 1985 Mar. 43-44.
Revisions of State and local area labor force statistics. 1987 July 38-41.
Rise in mothers’ labor force activity includes those with infants. 1986 Feb.
Roll call. 1983 Feb. 2.
School and work among youth during the 1970’s. 1980 Sept. 44-47.
Seasonal variations in employment and unemployment during 1951-75.
1980 Jan. 48-52.
Self-employed workers: an update to 1983. 1984 July 14-18.
Services industry: is it recession-proof? 1981 Oct. 12-18.
Setting new standards for skills in the workplace. 1990 Nov. 48-50.
Sexual equality in the Swedish labor market. 1978 Oct. 31-35.
Shortages of machinists: an evaluation of the information. 1982 July
Shrinking middle class: myth or reality? 1985 Mar. 3-10.
Sources of bias in labor force data. 1979 Jan. 67-68.

Labor force participation of married women, March 1976. 1977 June
Labor force participation of recently disabled adults. 1976 Apr. 45-46.
Labor force patterns of divorced and separated women. 1977 Jan. 48-53.
Labor force patterns of single women. 1979 Aug. 46-49.
Labor force patterns of students, graduates, and dropouts, 1981. 1982
Sept. 39-42.
Labor force projections to 1990: three possible paths. 1978 Dec. 25-35.
Labor force projections: 1986 to 2000. 1987 Sept. 19-29.
Labor force statistics from a family perspective. 1983 Dec. 16-20.
Labor force status of older workers. 1979 Nov. 12-18.
Labor force status of Vietnam-era veterans. 1987 Feb. 11-17.
Labor force trends: a bibliography. 1977 Oct. 12-15.
Labor force trends: a synthesis and analysis. 1977 Oct. 3-12.
Labor force: a second look, 1995. 1983 Nov. 3-10.
Labor force: bls’ latest projections, 1995. 1985 Nov. 17-25.
Labor market problems of older workers. 1983 May 3-12.
Labor market rights of foreign-born workers. 1982 May 32-33.
Length of working life for men and women, 1970. 1976 Feb. 31-35.
Longitudinal labor market surveys: asking ‘how come,’ not ‘how many.’
1978 Sept. 8-14.
Marital and family characteristics of the labor force, March 1979. 1980
Apr. 48-52.
Marital and family characteristics of workers, March 1977. 1978 Feb
Marital and family patterns of the labor force. 1981 Oct. 36-38.
Marital and family patterns of workers: an update. 1982 May 53-56.
Married couples: work and income patterns. 1983 Dec. 26-29.
Measuring labor force flows: a special conference examines the problems.
1985 July 7-17.
Military and civilian wives: update on the labor force gap. 1986 Dec.
Modeling the retirement process for policy evaluation and research. 1984
July 26-33.
More public services spur growth in government employment. 1978 Sept.
More than half of all children have working mothers. 1982 Feb. 41-43.
More than half of women who work part time have pre-school children.
1977 Sept. 37.
More U.S. workers are college graduates. 1984 Mar. 46-49.
Most women who maintain families receive poor labor market returns.
1983 Dec. 30-34.
Moving to the sun: regional job growth, 1965 to 1978. 1980 Mar. 12-19.
Multiple jobholding rate remained unchanged in 1976. 1977 June 44-48.
Multiple jobholding holds steady in 1978. 1979 Feb. 59-61.
Multiple jobholding up sharply in the 1980’s. 1990 July 3-10.
National Commission recommends changes in labor force statistics. 1980
Apr. 11-21.
Native Americans in the labor force: hunting for an accurate measure.
1982 July 47-51.
Needed: an interdisciplinary approach to labor markets and wage deter­
mination. 1985 July 30-32.
New data series on involuntary part-time work. 1985 Mar. 42-43.
New labor force projections spanning 1988 to 2000. 1989 Nov. 3-12.
New labor force projections to 1990. 1976 Dec. 3-13.
New method for estimating job separations by sex and race. 1983 June
New monthly data series on school age youth. 1985 July 49-50.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Sources of growth of the female labor force, 1971-75. 1977 Aug. 27-29.
Sources of secular increases in the unemployment rate, 1969-82. 1984
July 19-25.
Statistical portrait of hired farmworkers. 1984 June 49-53.
Status of women in Canada’s labor force. 1985 Aug. 44-45.
Strong employment growth highlights first half of 1987. 1987 Sept. 64-69.
Students, graduates, and dropouts in the labor market, October 1975.
1976 June 37-41.
Sweden combats unemployment of young and older workers. 1982 Oct.
Tracking individual earnings mobility with the Current Population Sur­
vey. 1980 May 43-46.
Tracking youth joblessness: persistent or fleeting? 1982 Feb. 3-15.
Trends in educational attainment among workers in the 1980’s. 1980 July
Trends in employment and unemployment in families. 1983 Dec. 21-25.
Two-fifths of discouraged sought work during prior 6-month period.
1979 Mar. 58-60.
U.S. economy to 1990: two projections for growth. 1978 Dec. 36-47.
U.S. labor turnover: analysis of a new measure. 1980 Nov. 9-13.
Unemployment among recipients of food stamps and afdc . 1979 Mar.
Unemployment and labor force trends in 10 industrial nations: an update.
1982 Nov. 17-21.
Unemployment continued to rise in 1982 as recession deepened. 1983
Feb. 3-12.
Unemployment in 1982: the cost to workers and their families. 1984 Feb.
Unemployment rate as an economic indicator. 1979 Mar. 24-35.
Up and down. 1982 June. 2.
Update family workers: long-term decline continues. 1982 Oct. 3-5.
Using National Longitudinal Surveys to track young workers. 1979 Oct.
Using the cps to track retirement trends among older men. 1985 Feb.
Vietnam veterans in the labor market of the 1970’s. 1979 Nov. 3-11.
Voluntary part-time workers: a growing part of the labor force. 1978 June
Weekly and hourly earnings of U.S. workers, 1967-78. 1979 Aug. 31-41.
What happened to the high school class of 1985? 1986 Oct. 28-30.
What is a current equivalent to unemployment rates of the past? 1979
Mar. 36-46.
What temporary workers earn: findings from new bls survey. 1989 Mar.
Wives’ earnings as a factor in family net worth accumulation. 1981 Jan.
Women and minorities: their proportions grow in the professional work
force. 1985 Feb. 49-50.
Women and the labor market: the link grows stronger. 1988 Mar. 3-8.
Women veterans total 1 million in first half of 1986. 1986 Dec. 30-31.
Women who head families: a socioeconomic analysis. 1976 June 3-9.
Women who head families, 1970-77: their numbers rose, income lagged.
1978 Feb. 32-37.
Women’s labor force participation—a look at some residential patterns.
1978 Mar. 38-41.
Women’s share of moonlighting nearly doubles during 1969-79. 1980
May 36-39.
Women’s work plans: contrasting expectations and actual work experi­
ence. 1987 Nov. 7-13.
Work and work force characteristics in the nonprofit sector. 1983 Apr.
Work experience in 1983 reflects the effects of the recovery. 1984 Dec.
Work experience of the population, 1975. 1976 Nov. 47-51.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Work experience of the population in 1977. 1979 Mar. 53-57.
Work experience of the population in 1978. 1980 Mar. 43-47.
Work experience of the population in 1979. 1981 June 48-53.
Work experience profile,1984: the effects of recovery continue. 1986 Feb.
Work experience, earnings, and family income in 1981. 1983 Apr. 13-20.
Work force reductions. 1982 July 2.
Work interruptions and the female-male Earnings gap. 1985 Feb. 50-51.
Work schedules of Americans: an overview of new findings. 1986 Nov.
Work, poverty, and the working poor: a multifaceted problem. 1986 Sept.
Workers’ expectations about losing and replacing their jobs. 1980 Apr.
Working mothers and their children. 1981 May 49-54.
Working mothers reach record number in 1984. 1984 Dec. 31-34.
Working wives and mothers: what happens to family life? 1981 Sept.
Year’s work: labor force activity from a different perspective. 1988 Sept.
Young adults: a transitional group with changing labor force patterns.
1978 May 3-9.
Young discouraged workers: racial differences explored. 1984 June
Youngest workers: 14- and 15-year olds. 1981 Feb. 65-69.
Youth in the labor force: an area study. 1976 July 3-9.
Youth labor force activity: alternative surveys compared. 1981 Mar. 3-17.
Youth labor force marked turning point in 1982. 1983 Aug. 29-34.
Youth unemployment: an international perspective. 1981 July 3-15.
Youth unemployment in the 1974-75 recession. 1976 Jan. 49-56.
Arbitrating discrimination grievances in the wake of Gardner-Denver.
1983 Oct. 3-10.
Binding arbitration laws for State and municipal workers. 1978 Oct.
Evolution of fair labor standards: a study in class conflict. A Review
Essay. 1983 Aug. 25-28.
Has a labor protection law accelerated mass transit costs? 1979 Apr. 58.
Labor and the Supreme Court:
Significant issues of 1976—an analysis. 1977 Jan. 36-41.
Significant decisions of 1976-77. 1978 Jan. 12-17.
Significant decisions of 1977-78. 1979 Jan. 51-57.
Significant decisions of 1978-79. 1980 Jan. 14-21.
Significant decisions of 1979-80. 1981 Apr. 13-22.
Significant decisions of 1989-90. 1990 Jan. 30-34.
Labor law study. 1986 July 2.
Management’s hard line: ‘class war’ or labor’s chance to reform? 1979
Feb. 34-36.
Most U.S. workers still may be fired under the employment-at-will doc­
trine. 1984 May 34-38.
Job safety law of 1970: its passage was perilous. 1981 Mar. 18-24.
State labor law activity in 1977—an update. 1978 May 50-53.
State labor legislation:
Enacted in 1975. 1976 Jan. 17-29.
Enacted in 1976. 1977 Feb. 25-38.
Enacted in 1977. 1977 Dec. 3-24.
Enacted in 1978. 1979 Jan. 26-42.
Enacted in 1979. 1980 Jan. 22-39.
Enacted in 1980. 1981 Jan. 21-34.
Enacted in 1981. 1982 Jan. 29-42.
Enacted in 1982. 1983 Jan. 44-56.
Enacted in 1983. 1984 Jan. 59-75.


Enacted in
Enacted in
Enacted in
Enacted in
Enacted in
Enacted in


1985 Jan. 27-42.
1986 Jan. 34-54.
1987 Jan. 49-66.
1988 Jan. 38-61.
1989 Jan. 40-58.
1990 Jan. 35-56.

Collective bargaining in 1989: negotiators will face diverse issues. 1989
Jan. 10-24.
Collective bargaining in 1989: old problems, new issues. 1990 Jan. 19-29.
Collective bargaining in 1990: health care cost a common issue. 1990 Jan.
Collective bargaining in the health care industry. 1980 Feb. 49-53.
Competitiveness. 1986 Mar. 2.

Unemployment insurance changes in State:
Legislation during 1975. 1976 Jan. 37-41.
Legislation during 1976. 1977 Feb. 46-51.
Legislation during 1978. 1979 Feb. 13-16.
Legislation during 1979. 1980 Apr. 36-40.
Legislation during 1980. 1981 Jan. 35-39.
Legislation during 1981. 1982 Feb. 16-23.
Legislation during 1982. 1983 Jan. 38-43
Legislation during 1983. 1984 Feb. 46-61.
Legislation during 1984. 1985 Jan. 43-48.
Legislation during 1985. 1986 Jan. 55-60.
Legislation during 1986. 1987 Feb. 21-29.
Legislation during 1987. 1988 Mar. 9-16.
Legislation during 1988. 1989 Jan. 59-65.
Legislation during 1989. 1990 Jan. 64-69.
Unemployment insurance system marks its 50th anniversary. 1985 Sept.

Contracts in six key industries scheduled to expire in 1980. 1980 Dec.
22- 31.
Customized ‘final-offer’: New Jersey’s arbitration law. 1980 Sept. 30-33.
Cyrus S. Ching: pioneer in industrial peacemaking. 1989 Aug. 22-35.
Decertification elections increase but remain no major burden to unions.
1979 Nov. 30-32.
Do foreign-owned U.S. firms practice unconventional labor relations?
1981 Jan. 44-48.
Do uncertain cost/benefit estimates prolong public-sector disputes? 1980
Sept. 26-29.
Easing the hardship of plant shutdowns. 1982 Mar. 43-44.
Economy improves; bargaining problems persist in 1983. 1984 Jan. 33-43.
Employee representation on U.S., German boards. 1989 Sept. 39-42.
Employee-owned companies: is the difference measurable? 1978 July
23- 28.
Environmental factors in the labor-management relationship. 1986 Apr.
Fair Labor Standards Act: changes of four decades. 1979 July 10-16.
Gaps in monitoring wages and industrial relations. 1985 June 33-34.
Have the 1980’s changed U.S. industrial relations? 1988 May 29-34.
Helping labor and management see and solve problems. 1982 Sept. 15-20.
Helping labor and management set up a quality-of-worklife program.
1984 Mar. 28-32.
Hospital managers’ perception of the impact of unionization. 1980 June
36- 38.

Work and family: the impact of legislation. 1990 Mar. 34-40.
Workers’ compensation, State amendments of:
1975 enactments. 1976 Jan. 30-36.
1976 enactments. 1977 Feb. 39-45.
1978 enactments. 1979 Jan. 43-50.
1979 enactments. 1980 Feb. 19-25.
1980 enactments. 1981 Mar. 51-57.
1981 enactments. 1982 Feb. 24-30.
1982 enactments. 1983 Jan. 57-63.
1983 enactments. 1984 Feb. 55-61.
1984 enactments. 1985 Jan. 49-53.
1985 enactments. 1986 Jan. 61-67.
1986 enactments. 1987 Jan. 67-71.
1987 enactments. 1988 Jan. 62-68.
1988 enactments. 1989 Jan. 66-77.
1989 enactments. 1990 Jan. 57-63.

Housestaff physicians and interns press for bargaining rights. 1978 Aug.
How American workers view labor unions. 1979 Apr. 23-31.
How European unions cope with new technology. 1982 Sept. 36-38.
How quality-of-worklife projects work for General Motors. 1980 July
37- 39.
How quality-of-worklife projects work for the United Auto Workers.
1980 July 39-41.
How some European nations avoided U.S. levels of industrial conflict.
1978 Apr. 37-39.
How the 1980’s have changed industrial relations. 1988 May 35-38.
Implications of concession bargaining: lessons from the public sector.
1983 Mar. 33-35.
Industrial democracy: made in the U.S.A. 1984 May 26-33.
Industrial relations in 1976: highlights of key settlements. 1977 Jan.
Industrial relations in 1977: highlights of key developments. 1978 Feb.
24- 31.
Industrial relations in 1978: some bargaining highlights. 1979 Jan. 58-64.
Industrial relations in 1980 influenced by inflation and recession. 1981
Jan. 15-20.
Industrial relations in Spain: a status report. 1979 May 48-51.
Industrial relations research: an agenda for the 1980’s. 1980 Sept. 20-25.
Industrial relations research: its postwar contributions. 1984 June 34-36.
Italian labor relations: a system in transition. 1987 Mar. 37-38.
Japanese industrial relations—is one economic ‘miracle’ enough? 1978
Mar. 31-33.
Labor and management continue to combat mutual problems in 1985.
1986 Jan. 3-15.
Labor-management cooperation: a report on recent initiatives. 1976 Apr.

A model for measuring effectiveness of the grievance process. 1982 Apr.
A view of labor ministries in other nations. 1988 July 19-23.
Agricultural labor relations laws in four States—a comparison. 1977 May
Airline union concessions in the wake of deregulation. 1985 June 37-39.
Arbitration and the rights of mentally handicapped workers. 1980 Apr.
41- 47.
Attitudes of college faculties toward unions: two case studies. 1978 May
42- 45.
Bargaining calendar will be heavy in 1982. 1981 Dec. 21-31:
Baseball labor relations: the lockout of 1990. 1990 Oct. 32-36.
British collective bargaining: a decade of reformation. 1981 July 40-43.
California’s farm labor elections: an analysis of the initial results. 1976
Dec. 25-30.
Can the nlrb caseload detect changes in labor relations climate? 1982
May 29-30.
Collective bargaining and labor-management relations, 1988. 1989 Jan.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Labor-management panel seeks to help laid-ofT State workers. 1978 May

Which side ‘learns’ faster in the bargaining process. 1978 May 36-38.
Will union concessions expand areas for bargaining? 1983 Mar. 32-33.
Work and family: the impact of legislation. 1990 Mar. 34-40.
Work stoppage in Government: the postal strike of 1970. 1978 July 14-22.
Worker participation and productivity change. 1984 Sept. 28-33.
Worker participation in West German industry. 1978 May 59-63.
Workers and managers. 1990 May 2.

Labor-management panels: three case studies. 1980 June 41-44.
Labor-management relations and the coal industry. 1979 May 23-27.
Labor-management scene in 1986 reflects continuing difficulties. 1987
Jan. 37-48.
Major labor contracts in 1986 provided record low wage
1987 May 10-16.


A comparison of youth unemployment in Australia and the United
States. 1984 Oct. 30-36.
Airline deregulation and labor relations. 1986 June 29-30.
American labor’s stake in a changing world economy. 1977 Mar. 34-50.
Labor’s interest vital in setting trade policies.
Establishing international fair labor standards.
Problems facing international collective bargaining.
Economic relations between developed and developing countries.
Aid to developing countries: a Third World trade unionist view.
Development of Third World would affect U.S. supply of raw materi
Trade adjustment assistance: should it be modified?
‘Rentier’ economy would threaten manufacturing jobs.
Building a counterforce to multinational corporations.
America’s improving competitiveness promotes export growth.
Labor content of imports and exports.
An analysis of regional employment growth, 1973-85. 1986 July 3-14.
Area labor market response to national unemployment patterns. 1982
Jan. 45-49.
Black college graduates in the labor market, 1979 and 1989. 1990 Nov.
Declining middle class: a further analysis. 1986 Sept. 22-27.
Defining the labor market for equal employment standards. 1976 Mar.
32- 36.
Distribution of earned income among men and women, 1958-77. 1980
Apr. 3-10.
Effect of demographic changes on the Nation’s unemployment rate. 1979
Mar. 13-23.
Employment ratio as an indicator of aggregate demand pressure. 1977
Apr. 25-32.
Employment shift to services: where did it come from? 1984 Apr. 15-22.
Entry jobs for college graduates: the occupational mix is changing. 1978
June 51-52.
Estimating the demographic mix of the available labor force. 1981 Apr.
Foreign born in the U.S. labor market: the results of a special survey. 1985
July 18-24.
gao study focuses on problems of teenagers in labor market. 1982 Oct.
33- 34.
Going back to school at 35 and over. 1977 July 43-45.
How the disabled fare in the labor market. 1980 Sept. 48-52.
Job outlook. 1985 July 2.
Labor force activity of married women as a response to changing jobless
rates. 1980 June 32-33.
Labor force experience of black youth: a review. 1980 Aug. 10-16.
Labor market changes and adjustments: how do the U.S. and Japan com­
pare? 1989 Feb. 31-42.
Labor market completes sixth year of expansion in 1988. 1989 Feb. 3-14.
Labor market contrasts: United States and Europe. 1983 Aug. 3-7.
Labor market experience of black youth, 1954-78. 1979 Oct. 19-27.
Labor market segmentation in Japan: how rigid is it? 1986 June 35-37.
Labor market segmentation theory: critics should let paradigm evolve.
1983 Apr. 26-28.
Labor pool for antibias program varies by occupation and job market.
1981 Sept. 43-45.
Labor-market data: supplementary sources. 1986 June 28-29.
Longitudinal labor market surveys: asking ‘how come,’ not ‘how many.’
1978 Sept. 8-14.

Management’s hard line: ‘class war’ or labor’s chance to reform? 1979
Feb. 34-36.
Microeconomic research ignored by government and industry. 1981 May
32- 34.
Modest labor-management bargains continue in 1984 despite the recov­
ery. 1985 Jan. 3-12.
New Spanish legislation marks turning point in labor relations. 1980 Aug.
Occupational safety and health: a report on worker perceptions. 1980
Sept. 11-14.
Organization behavior as an aid to labor impasse resolution. 1977 Apr.
Organized labor in 1981: a shifting of priorities. 1982 Jan. 21-28.
Origins and operation of area labor-management committees. 1983 May
Perceptions of participants in a joint productivity program. 1978 July
33- 34.
Political and legal issues of binding arbitration in government. 1979 Sept.
35- 41.
Problem of job obsolescence: working it out at River Works. 1978 July
Process of work restructuring, and its impact on collective bargaining.
1977 Apr. 52-55.
Quality-of-worklife project at Bolivar: an assessment. 1980 July 41-43.
Reforming the U.S. system of collective bargaining. 1983 Mar. 18-22.
Regulatory system encourages employers to take the offensive. 1983 Apr.
Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in 1978. 1978 Jan. 3-8.
Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in 1979. 1979 Jan.
Should works councils be used as industrial relations policy? 1985 July
Significant labor decisions—an analysis. 1977 Jan. 36-41.
Social relations, productivity, and employer discrimination. 1981 Apr.
Some determinants of bargaining in Government enterprises. 1978 Apr.
South African trade unions, 1970-90. 1990 Oct. 25-31.
State and local government employees in labor organizations. 1978 Aug.
Successful public-sector labor relations: managers’ attitudes may matter
most. 1979 May 36-38.
Task force encourages diffusion of microelectronics in Canada. 1983 Oct.
Two approaches to the mediator’s role. 1980 June 39-40.
U.S. industrial relations in transition. 1985 May 28-29.
‘Union avoidance:’ management’s new industrial relations strategy. 1986
Apr. 45-46.
Union response to changes in printing technology. 1986 May 37-38.
Union-management committees in the Federal sector. 1976 Oct. 30-32.
Union-shop deauthorization poll: a new look after 20 years. 1979 Nov.
36- 40.
Unionization of court employees has raised legal, practical questions.
1979 Aug. 20-24.
What factors influence the outcome of decertification elections? 1979
Nov. 32-36.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Measuring the supply of scientific personnel. 1977 Oct. 47-48.
Military as an employer: past performance and future prospects. 1977
Nov. 19-23.
Minimum wage today: how well does it work? 1979 July 17-21.
Moonlighting increased sharply in 1977, particularly among women.
1978 Jan. 27-30.
National Commission recommends changes in labor force statistics. 1980
Apr. 11-21.
Needed: an interdisciplinary approach to labor markets and wage deter­
mination. 1985 July 30-32.
New occupational rates of labor force separation. 1980 Mar. 36-40.
Probing the issues of unemployment duration. 1980 July 23- 32.
Programs to aid ex-offenders: we don’t know ‘nothing works.’ 1985 Apr.

Academic degrees for labor studies—a new goal for unions. 1977 June
Airline union concessions in the wake of deregulation. 1985 June 37-39.
American labor’s stake in a changing world economy. 1977 Mar. 34-50.
Labor’s interest vital in setting trade policies.
Establishing international fair labor standards.
Problems facing international collective bargaining.
Economic relations between developed and developing countries.
Aid to developing countries: a Third World trade unionist view.
Development of Third World would affect U.S. supply of raw
Trade adjustment assistance: should it be modified?
‘Rentier’ economy would threaten manufacturing jobs.
Building a counterforce to multinational corporations.
America’s improving competitiveness promotes export growth.
Labor content of imports and exports.
Are unions facing a crisis? labor officials are divided. 1984 Aug. 23-25.
Area wage surveys shed light on declines in unionization. 1985 Sept.
Becoming a union leader: the path to local office. 1982 Feb. 44-46.
Beyond Keynes: European unions formulate new economic program.
1980 Feb. 36-40.
Birth of a federation: Mr. Gompers endeavors ‘not to build a bubble.’
1981 Nov. 23-26.
California’s farm labor elections: an analysis of the initial results. 1976
Dec. 25-30.
Can employee associations negotiate new growth? 1989 July 5-14.
Can unions meet the needs of a ‘new’ work force. 1979 Feb. 33-34.
Canadian unions achieve strong gains in membership. 1986 Apr. 48-49.
Caribbean Basin Initiative: setting labor standards. 1984 Nov. 54-56.
Changing character of unionism in traditionally organized sectors. 1979
Feb. 36-38.
Changing employment patterns of organized workers. 1985 Feb. 25-31.
Communications Workers focus on bargaining with at&t . 1986 July
Decertification elections increase but remain no major burden to unions.
1979 Nov. 30-32.
Determinants of voter participation in union certification elections. 1982
Apr. 45-47.
Do foreign-owned U.S. firms practice unconventional labor relations?
1981 Jan. 44-48.
Does it pay to organize? estimating the cost to unions. 1984 June 43-44.
Employment training in France: firm and worker experience. 1980 June
Expansion of unionization in the early 20th century. 1976 Sept. 32-35.
Financial resources of Federal employee unions. 1978 Feb. 49-50.
Hospital managers’ perception of the impact of unionization. 1980 June
How American workers view labor unions. 1979 Apr. 23-31.
How are Japanese unions responding to microelectronics-based automa­
tion? 1987 Mar. 39-40.
How do Australian unions maintain standing during adverse periods?
1986 June 37-39.
How human resource systems adjust to the shift toward contigent work­
ers. Mar. 7-12.
How Poland’s Solidarity won freedom of association. 1989 Sept. 34-38.
Industrial democracy: made in the U.S.A. 1984 May 26-33.
Industrial relations in 1976: highlights of key settlements. 1977 Jan.
Key officer of new police union loses to coalition in close vote. 1981 Oct.
Labor movement after World War II. 1976 Nov. 34-37.
Labor organization mergers 1979-84: adapting to change. 1984 Sept.
Labor organizations directory for 1979-80 is published. 1983 Apr. 38.
Labor organizations’ fees and dues. 1977 May 19-24.

Public and private pay levels: a comparison in large labor markets. 1981
July 22-26.
Recent labor market developments in the U.S. and nine other countries.
1984 Jan. 44-51.
Recent labor market trends in nine industrial nations. 1979 May 8-16.
Self-employed Americans: their number has increased. 1980 Nov. 3-8.
Sexual equality in the Swedish labor market. 1978 Oct. 31-35.
Short workweeks during economic downturns. 1983 June 3-11.
Shortages of machinists: an evaluation of the information. 1982 July
Specifying the labor market for individual firms. 1978 Aug. 26-29.
State work force trends. 1990 Sept. 2.
Students, graduates, and dropouts in the labor market, October 1977.
1978 June 44-47.
Students, graduates, and dropouts in the labor market, October 1976.
1977 July 40-43.
Tracking job growth in private industry. 1982 Sept. 3-9.
Unemployment among family men: a 10-year longitudinal study. 1979
Nov. 19-23.
Vietnam veterans in the labor market of the 1970’s. 1979 Nov. 3-11.
Work and socioeconomic life cycles: an agenda for longitudinal research.
1978 Feb. 23-27.
A view of labor ministries in other nations. 1988 July 19-23.
Labor movement theory and the institutional setting. 1981 Sept. 34-37.
A century of struggle: a labor history symposium—A special issue:
Trade unions mirror society in conflict between collectivism and
individualism. 1987 Aug. 32-40.
The extension of solidarity conflicts with the spirit of individual
The black labor movement and the fight for social advance.
Forging a partnership between blacks and unions.
Protecting workers in the marketplace: new union benefit privi
Union’s struggle to survive goes beyond modern technology. 1987 Aug.
Unions need to confront the results of new technology.
Technological change and unionization in the service sector.
Globalization and the worldwide division of labor?
Elements of paradox in U.S. labor history. 1987 Aug. 48-54.
How union members and nonmembers view the role of unions.
American labor history: a conspiracy of silence?
Are the media shortchanging organized labor?
A labor response to multinationals: coordination of bargaining goals.
1978 July 9-13.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Labor-management panels: three case studies. 1980 June 41-44.
Meany farewell, bid to Auto Workers, Teamsters mark afl-cio conven­
tion. 1980 Feb. 58-62.
Measuring union-nonunion earnings differences. 1990 June 26-38.
Mine Workers’ new president wins dues increase, right to name VP. 1980
Mar. 48-50.

Labor and material requirements for new school construction. 1979 Apr.
Labor and materials requirements for sewer works construction. 1976
Nov. 38-41.
Labor market rights of foreign-born workers. 1982 May 32-33.
Labor requirements decline for public housing construction. 1980 Dec.
Labor requirements for college housing construction. 1979 May 28-34.
Technology and labor in electric power and gas industry. 1978 Nov.
U.S civil works construction shows decrease in required labor. 1978 Oct.
Unemployment insurance laws: changes enacted during 1981. 1982 Feb.

New data on workers belonging to unions, 1986. 1987 May 36.
meeting calls for job growth, flexibility, and readjustment. 1987
June 53-54.


Organizations of working women can pave the way for unions. 1982 June
Origins and operations of area labor-management committees. 1983 May
Public-sector union wage effects: a time series analysis. 1982 June 51-53.
Samuel Gompers: a half century in labor’s front rank. 1989 July 27-33.
Should works councils be used as industrial relations policy? 1985 July
South African trade unions, 1970-90. 1990 Oct. 25-31.
State and local government employees in labor organizations. 1978 Aug
43- 44.

Labor turnover in manufacturing: the survey in retrospect. 1982 June
U.S. labor turnover: analysis of a new measure. 1980 Nov. 9-13.
A new leading indicator: workers recently laid off. 1986 May 35-37.
bls surveys on mass layoffs and plant closings in 1986. 1986 Oct. 39-40.
Britain’s redundancy payments for displaced workers. 1987 June 18-23.
European job creation in the wake of plant closings and layoffs. 1986 Oct.
How often do workers receive advance notice of layoffs? 1987 June

State employee bargaining: policy and organization. 1985 Apr. 51-55.
State of the unions. 1980 Jan. 2.
Two approaches to the mediator’s role. 1980 June 39-40.
Union membership trends: a study of the Garment Workers. 1986 June
33- 35.
Union mergers in the 1970’s: a look at the reasons and the results. 1978
Oct. 13-23.
Union productivity effects. 1985 Jan. 60.
Union response to changes in printing technology: another view. 1986
May 37-38.
Union-shop deauthorization poll: a new look after 20 years. 1979 Nov
Unionism’s effect on faculty pay: handicapping the available data. 1980
June 34-36.
Unionization of court employees has raised legal, practical questions.
1979 Aug. 20-24.
Unions and bargaining among employees of State prisons. 1978 Mar.

Education, work, and leisure: must they come in that order? 1977 July
Preferences on worklife scheduling and work-leisure tradeoffs. 1978 June
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
1987-88 surge in exports and the rise in factory jobs. 1990 May 42-48.
Computer manufacturing enters a new era of growth. 1986 Sept. 9-16.
Cyclical behavior of productivity in the machine tool industry. 1981 Nov.
Deindustrialization and the shift to services. 1986 June 3-13.
Employment in durable goods anything but durable in 1979-82. 1984 Feb.
Hand and edge tool industry experiences slow rise in productivity. 1982
Oct. 11-14.
Imports and domestic employment: identifying affected industries. 1982
Aug. 13-26.
Incentives in manufacturing: the carrot and the stick. 1984 July 40-43.
International trends in productivity and unit labor costs in manufactur­
ing. 1986 Dec. 12-17.
Labor turnover in manufacturing: the survey in retrospect. 1982 June
Measuring wage dispersion: pay ranges reflect industry traits. 1981 Apr.
Millwork industry shows slow growth in productivity. 1982 Sept. 21-26.
Nonwool yarn mills experience slow gains in productivity. 1982 Mar.
Productivity and labor cost trends in manufacturing, 12 countries. 1986
Mar. 3-10.
Productivity growth average in farm machinery manufacturing. 1982
Oct. 6-10.
Productivity growth below average in the internal combustion engine in­
dustry. 1985 May 22-26.

Unions and public sector supervisors: the case of fire fighters. 1977 Dec.
44- 48.
Unions and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 1976 Apr. 34-37.
Unions implementing managerial techniques. 1981 June 3-13.
West German labor unrest: are unions losing ground to worker councils?
1986 Feb. 46-48.
What do unions get in return for concessions? 1984 May 40-41.
What factors influence the outcome of decertification elections? 1979
Nov. 32-36.
White-collar unions and the work humanization movement. 1977 May
Will West European unions embrace the union shop? 1979 July 35-39.
Women in labor organizations: their ranks are increasing. 1978 Aug.
LABOR RELATIONS (See labor-management relations.)
Decline noted in hours required to erect Federal office buildings. 1976
Oct. 18-22.
Employment created by construction expenditures. 1981 Dec. 38-44.
Labor and material requirements for Federal building construction 1981
Dec. 47-51.
Labor and material requirements for federally aided highways. 1979 Dec.
Labor and material requirements for hospital construction. 1982 Mar.
34- 37.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Productivity trends in kitchen cabinet manufacturing. 1985 Mar. 24-30.
Productivity trends in manufacturing in the U.S. and other countries.
1984 Jan. 52-58.

Educational attainment of workers—some trends from 1975 to 1978.
1979 Feb. 54-59.
Employment and unemployment during 1978: an analysis. 1979 Feb.
Employment and unemployment in 1976. 1977 Feb. 3-13.
Employment and unemployment in the first half of 1979. 1979 Aug. 3-7.
Employment gains by minorities and women in large city government,
1976-83. 1988 Nov. 18-24.
Employment patterns of women and minorities. 1977 Nov. 50.
Employment problems of disabled persons. 1977 Mar. 3-13.
Estimating the demographic mix of the available labor force. 1981 Apr.
Federal Indian policy and labor statistics—a review essay. 1978 Apr.
Frances Perkins’ interest in a new deal for blacks. 1980 Apr. 31- 35.
Great Migration of Afro-Americans, 1915-40. 1987 Mar. 34-36.
Growing presence of Hispanics in the U.S. work force. 1988 Aug. 9-14.
Hispanic men: divergent paths in the U.S. labor market. 1988 Nov. 32-34.
Historical profile of demographic, economic changes among U.S. blacks.
1979 Nov. 53.
In black and white. 1977 Oct. 2.
Inverse seniority as an aid to disadvantaged groups, 1976. May 36-37.
Job tenure declines as work force changes. 1979 Dec. 48-50.
Labor Department’s first program to assist black workers. 1982 June
Labor force experience of black youth: a review. 1980 Aug. 10-16.
Labor force participation differs significantly for the rural woman. 1979
Jan. 71-73.
Labor force participation of married women, March 1976. 1977 June
Labor force status of older workers. 1979 Nov. 12-18.
Labor market experience of black youth, 1954-78. 1979 Oct. 19-27.
Management perceptions of older employees. 1978 May 33-35.
Minorities and women still lagging in private industry jobs, eeoc finds.
1978 Feb. 55-56.
Minorities report. 1980 Mar. 2.
Minorities, high-school dropouts benefit least from ceta programs. 1979
Mar. 60.
Minority membership improves in job-referral unions. 1978 Feb. 56.
New data on Hispanics. 1978 July 2.
On-the-job training: differences by race and sex. 1981 July 34-36.
Profile of Hispanics in the U.S. work force. 1978 Dec. 3-14.
Puzzling lag in southern earnings. 1981 June 27-36.
Revisions in Hispanic population and labor force data. 1985 Mar. 43-44.
Social relations, productivity, and employer discrimination. 1981 Apr.
Specifying the labor market for individual firms. 1978 Aug. 26-29.
State and local governments found to underemploy women and minori­
ties. 1977 Sept. 37.
Trade-sensitive employment: who are the affected workers? 1981 Feb.
Vietnam veterans in the labor market of the 1970’s. 1979 Nov. 3-11.
What is the occupational mobility ofblack immigrants? 1981 Apr. 44-45.
Why Puerto Ricans migrated to the United States in 1947-73. 1976 Sept.
Women and minorities: their proportions grow in the professional work
force. 1985 Feb. 49-50.
Women who head families, 1970-77: their numbers rose, income lagged.
1978 Feb. 32-37.
Work experience of the population in 1977. 1979 Mar. 53-57.
Work experience of the population, 1976. 1977 Nov. 43-47.
Year-round full-time earnings in 1975. 1977 June 36-41.
Young and marginal: an overview of youth employment. 1979 Oct. 4-18.

Productivity trends in the machine tool accessories industry. 1985 June
28- 32.
Time rates tighten their grip on manufacturing industries. 1982 May
Trade-sensitive employment: who are the affected workers? 1981 Feb.
29- 35.
Transformer industry productivity slows. 1981 Nov. 35-39.

tightens standards for maritime safety. 1977 July 25-30.

An experiment in the mediation of grievances. 1983 Mar. 23-30.
Federal mediation in the public sector. 1976 Feb. 41-45.
FMCS contribution to nonlabor dispute resolution. 1985 Aug. 31-34.
Helping labor and management see and solve problems. 1982 Sept. 15-20.
Comparing medical care expenditures of two diverse U.S. data sources.
1987 Mar. 15-18.
Geographic wage indexing for ceta and Medicare. 1980 Sept. 15-19.
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
Mexican peso devaluation and border area employment, 1982. 1985 Oct.
Great Migration of Afro-Americans, 1915-40. 1987 Mar. 34-36.
Moving to the sun: regional job growth, 1968 to 1978. 1980 Mar. 12-19.
Why Puerto Ricans migrated to the United States in 1947-73. 1976 Sept.
Minimum wage today: how well does it work? 1979 July 17-21.
Occupational change among U.S. immigrants. 1978 Mar. 29-31.
Unemployment rate as an economic indicator. 1979 Mar. 24-35.
What is a current equivalent to unemployment rates of the past? 1979
Mar. 36-46.
1980 census: countdown for a complete count. 1979 Sept. 3-13.
1995 labor force: a first look. 1980 Dec. 11-21.
Americans of Spanish origin in the labor force: an update. 1976 Sept. 3-6.
Black and rural accents found to lessen job opportunities. 1978 May
Black college graduates in the labor market, 1979 and 1989. 1990 Nov.
Black labor force during the 1975-78 recovery. 1979 May 3-7.
Black women in the professions, 1890-1970. 1977 May 38-41.
Black-white pay gap narrows as skill levels converge. 1978 Aug. 45.
Blacks in the 1970’s: did they scale the job ladder? 1982 June 29-38.
Demographic influences on labor force rates of black males. 1976 Nov.
Earnings and jobs of ex-offenders. 1976 Dec. 31-39.
Earnings of 1975 Vietnam refugees surpass U.S. average in 4 years. 1985
Aug. 45.
Education, on-the-job training, and the black-white earnings gap. 1981
Apr. 28-34.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Productivity and unit labor costs in 11 industrial countries, 1977. 1978
Nov. 11-17.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 12 industrial countries. 1977 July
Productivity trends in manufacturing in the U.S. and 11 other countries.
1984 Jan. 52-58.
Recent labor market developments in the U.S. and nine other countries.
1984 Jan. 44-51.
Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries. 1985
Aug. 9-22.
Unemployment and labor force trends in 10 industrial nations: an update.
1982 Nov. 17-21.
Unemployment, labor force trends, and layoff practices in 10 countries.
1981 Dec. 3-13.

Blacks in the 1970’s: did they scale the job ladder? 1982 June 29-38.
Employment and commuting patterns: a residential analysis. 1979 July
Interstate occupational migration: an analysis of data from 1965-70. 1977
Apr. 64-67.
Migration of the unemployed: a relocation assistance program. 1981 Apr.
Occupational change: pursuing a different kind of work. 1989 Sept. 3-12.
Occupational changes and tenure, 1981. 1982 Sept. 29-33.
Occupational mobility and job tenure in 1981. 1984 Oct. 18-23.
Occupational mobility during 1977. 1979 Dec. 44-48.
Occupational mobility in the American labor force. 1977 Jan. 3-19.
Occupational mobility of health workers. 1977 May 25-29.
What is the occupational mobility of black immigrants? 1981 Apr. 44-45.



International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May

Allocating Federal funds through local unemployment rates. 1977 Oct.

Productivity and costs in the second quarter. 1977 Nov. 34-38.



A labor response to multinationals: coordination of bargaining goals.
1978 July 9-13.
Transnational bargaining—problems and prospects. 1978 Mar. 33-34.

Characteristics of workers in nonprofit organizations. 1987 July 28-33.
Work and work force characteristics in the nonprofit sector. 1983 Apr.



Moonlighting: a key to differences in measuring employment growth.
1987 Feb. 30-31.

Early retirement as a labor force policy: an international overview. 1987
Mar. 19-33.
European union agreements provide framework for public policies. 1977
Jan. 62-64.
Flexible and partial retirement in Norway and Sweden. 1985 Oct. 33-43.
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
International experiences with technological change. 1986 Mar. 35-40.
International trends in productivity and unit labor costs in manufactur­
ing. 1986 Dec. 12-17.
Labor productivity in manufacturing at home and abroad, 1980-86. 1987
Dec. 25-30.
Productivity and labor cost trends in manufacturing, 12 countries. 1986
Mar. 3-10.
Productivity trends in manufacturing in the U.S. and 11 other countries.
1984 Jan. 52-58.
Unions in the military: three European cases. 1978 Apr. 39-40.

Moonlighting by women jumped to record highs. 1986 Nov. 22-25.
Multiple jobholding up sharply in the 1980’s. 1990 July 3-10.
Women’s share of moonlighting nearly doubles during 1969-79. 1980
May 36-39.
Workers on long schedules, single and multiple jobholders. 1982 May
Can the nlrb caseload detect changes in labor relations climate? 1982
May 29-30.
Determinants of voter participation in union certification elections. 1982
Apr. 45-47.
Levitan Commission: Report highlights. 1979 Feb. 2.
Rise in nlrb election delays: measuring business’ new resistance. 1979
Feb. 38-40.

injuries and illnesses.)


A penalty system to discourage osha violations. 1976 Apr. 30-31.
A report on the status of the health care labor force. 1985 May 41-42.
A view of the costs and benefits of the job safety and health law. 1980 Aug.
Amendments to the black lung benefits law, 1977. 1978 May 25-29.
American wood products workers study European job safety systems.
1980 Aug. 40-41.
Another look at the link between work injuries and job experience. 1982
Feb. 38-40.
Arbitration and the rights of mentally handicapped workers. 1980 Apr.
Are women safer workers? a new look at the data. 1980 Sept. 3-10.
bls and Alice Hamilton: pioneers in industrial health. 1986 June 24-27.
bls’ 1982 survey of work-related deaths. 1984 Mar. 43-45.
Disabling injuries in longshore operations. 1989 Oct. 37-38.
Exploitation of children widespread, ilo reports. 1980 Nov. 43-45.
Extent of alcoholism among Air Force employees. 1980 May 46-49.
Factors in more costly accidents drawn from compensated cases. 1977
Aug. 41-43.

Negative income tax: would it discourage work? 1981 Apr. 23-27.
Analysis of unemployment and other labor market indicators in 10 coun­
tries. 1988 Apr. 39-50.
Changing family in international perspective. 1990 Mar. 41-58.
Early retirement as a labor force policy: an international overview. 1987
Mar. 19-33.
Industrial democracy in the Netherlands. 1976 July 48-49.
International comparisons of trends in productivity and labor costs. 1981
Dec. 14-20.
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
International trends in productivitv and unit labor costs in manufactur­
ing. 1986 Dec. 12-17.
Labor productivity in manufacturing at home and abroad, 1980-86. 1987
Dec. 25-30.
Productivity and labor cost trends in manufacturing 12 countries. 1986
Apr. 2 Mar. 3-10.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


First work-injury data available from new bls study. 1979 Jan. 76-80.
Heat burns sustained in the workplace. 1990 July 37-38.
Housestaff physicians and interns press for bargaining rights. 1978 Aug.
How accurate are employers’ illness and injury reports? 1976 Sept. 26-31.
How valid are estimates of occupational illness? 1982 Aug. 27-35.
How women’s health affects labor force attachment. 1982 Apr. 56-59.
ilo adopts asbestos standard, focuses on employment issues, 1986 Oct.
ILO adopts new standards on health services, labor data. 1985 Dec. 43-45.
ilo examines impact of technology on worker safety and health. 1985
Aug. 46-47.
ILO tightens standards for maritime safety. 1977 July 25-30.
Industrial relations in 1979: inflation still holds spotlight. 1980 Feb.
Industrial relations in 1980 influenced by inflation and recession. 1981
Jan. 15-20.
Japanese economic growth and industrial accidents. 1978 Sept. 50-53.
Job hazards underscored in woodworking study. 1989 Sept. 18-23.
Job safety. 1982 Jan. 2; 1982 Dec. 2; 1989 Dec. 2.
Linking employee fitness programs to lower medical costs and absentee­
ism. 1987 Nov. 27-28.
Maternity benefits available to most health plan participants. 1978 May
Medical care costs lead rise in 1976-77 family budgets. 1978 Nov. 33-36.
Medical care services in the Consumer Price Index. 1978 Aug. 35-39.
Occupational diseases. 1980 Aug. 2.
Occupational injuries. 1976 Jan. 2.
Occupational safety and health: a report on worker perceptions. 1980
Sept. 11-14.
Occupational skin disease continues to plague industry. 1979 Feb. 17-22.
Profiles in safety and health: occupational hazards of meatpacking. 1989
Jan. 3-9.
Profiles in safety and health: roofing and sheet metal work. 1990 Sept.
Profiles in safety and health: work hazards of mobile homes. 1989 July
Providing more information on work injury and illness. 1978 Apr. 16-21.
Safety and health record in the construction industry. 1978 Mar. 3-9.
Sounds of silence: little aid awarded for job-related hearing loss. 1980
Nov. 35-36.
State labor legislation enacted in 1979. 1980 Jan. 22-39.
State labor legislation enacted in 1980. 1981 Jan. 21-34.
Targeting worker safety programs: weighing incidence against expense.
1980 Jan. 3-8.
Vinyl chloride protection: less costly than predicted. 1980 Aug. 22-24.

Blacks in the 1970’s: Did they scale the job ladder? 1982 June 29-38.
bls develops measure of job risk by occupation. 1981 Oct. 26-30.
bls job cross-classification system relates information from six sources.
1981 Nov. 40-44.
Dispersion tendencies in occupational unemployment rates. 1976 Apr.
Dual-carrier families: a annotated bibliography. 1981 Feb. 53-59.
Evaluating the 1980 projections of occupational employment. 1982 July
Future labor supply for lower level occupations. 1976 Mar. 22-31.
How occupational mix inflates regional pay differentials. 1978 Feb 45-49.
Husbands and wives as earners: an analysis of family data. 1981 Feb.
Measuring wage relationships among selected occupations. 1980 May
Occupational change: pursuing a different kind of work. 1989 Sept. 3-12.
Occupational data program yielding big dividends. 1977 Oct. 44-45.
Occupational employment based on 1972 and 1987 sic. 1990 May. 49-51.
Occupational employment growth through 1990. 1981 Aug. 42-55.
Occupational employment projections through 1995. 1983 Nov. 37-40.
Occupational employment projections: the 1984-95 outlook. 1985 Nov.
Occupational mobility during 1977. 1979 Dec. 44-48.
Occupational mobility in the American labor force. 1977 Jan. 3-19.
Occupational mobility of health workers. 1977 May 25-29.
Occupational opportunities for college-educated workers, 1950-75. 1978
June 15-21.
Occupational reclassification and changes in distribution by gender. 1984
Mar. 11-17.
Occupational salary levels for white-collar workers, 1985. 1985 Oct.
Occupational segregation and earnings differences by sex. 1981 Jan.
Occupational skin disease continues to plague industry. 1979 Feb. 17-22.
Occupational tenure in 1987: Many workers have remained in their fields.
1988 Oct. 3-12.
Occupational winners and losers: who they were during 1972-80. 1982
June 18-28.
Oversupply of Ph. D.’s to continue through 1985. 1978 Oct. 48-50.
Projections of occupational employment, 1988-2000. 1989 Nov. 42-65.
Revised occupational projections to 1985. 1976 Nov. 10-22.
Sexual equality in the Swedish labor market. 1978 Oct. 31-35.
Shortages of machinists: an evaluation of the information. 1982 July
Shrinking middle class: myth or reality, The? 1985 Mar. 3-10.
Staffing patterns prominent in female-male earnings gap. 1984 June
Supply of Federal physicians and dentists found adequate. 1977 May 50.
Wage differences among workers in the same job and establishment. 1985
Mar. 11-16.

A view of the costs and benefits of the job safety and health law. 1980 Aug.
Injuries at work are fewer among older employees. 1981 Mar. 30-34.
Job safety law of 1970: its passage was perilous. 1981 Mar. 18-24.
Understanding statistics on occupational illnesses. 1981 Mar. 25-29.
Using statistics to manage a State safety and health program. 1981 Mar.
Vinyl chloride protection: less costly than predicted. 1980 Aug. 22-24.
Work-related amputations by type and prevalence. 1981. Mar. 35-41.
Workers’ compensation insurance: recent trends in employer costs. 1981
Mar. 45-50.

Using statistics to manage a State safety and health program. 1981 Mar.
Age Discrimination in Employment Act: a review of recent changes. 1980
Mar. 32-35.
Aging of the older population and the effect on its labor force rates. 1982
Sept. 27-29.
Aging of the U.S. population: human resource implications. The. 1983
May 13-19.
Expenditure patterns of the elderly: workers and nonworkers. 1990 May.
ilo meeting supported older workers, improved standards supervision.
1980 Nov. 39-43.

A look at occupational employment trends to the year 2000. 1987 Sept.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Injuries at work are fewer among older employees. 1981 Mar. 30-34.
Institutional barriers to employment of older workers. 1989 Apr. 14-21.
Job tenure declines as work force changes. 1979 Dec. 48-50.
Labor force status of older workers. 1979 Nov. 12-18.
Labor market problems of older workers. 1983 May. 3-12.
Management perceptions of older employees. 1978 May 33-35.
1995 labor force: a first look. 1980 Dec. 11-21.
Occupational mobility during 1977. 1979 Dec. 44-48.
Older men—the choice between work and retirement. 1978 Nov. 3-10.
Older workers. 1989 Feb. 2.
Relation of age to workplace injuries. 1988 July 8-13.
Report on the elderly. 1985 Mar. 2.
Retirement decision: a question of opportunity? 1980 Nov. 14-17.
Spending patterns of older persons revealed in expenditure survey. 1986
Oct. 15-17.

Private pensions fall far short of preretirement income levels. 1979 Feb.
Rise of pensions and social security created alternating goals for unions.
1980 Aug. 26-27.
Supplementing retirement until Social Security begins. 1990 Feb. 25-29.
Surviving spouse’s benefits in private pension plans. 1984 Apr. 23-31.
Trends in retirement eligibility and pension benefits, 1974-83. 1987 Apr.
Housestaff physicians and interns press for bargaining rights. 1978 Aug.
Supply of Federal physicians and dentists found adequate. 1977 May 50.
bls surveys on mass layoffs and plant closings in 1986.
1987 Oct. 39-40.
Easing the hardship of plant shutdowns. 1982 Mar. 43-44.
Easing the worker’s transition from job loss to employment. 1984 May
European job creation in the wake of plant closings and layoffs. 1986 Oct.
How often do workers receive advance notice of layoffs? 1987 June
Industrial relations in 1980 influenced by inflation and recession. 1981
Jan. 15-20.
Innovative approach to plant closings: the UAW-Ford experience at San
Jose. 1985 June 34-37.
Plant closures: efforts to cushion the blow. 1984 June 41-43.
Pulse of economic change: displaced workers of 1981-85. 1987 June 3-12.

A profile of women on part-time schedules. 1978 Oct. 3-12.
Employment problems and their effect on family income, 1979-83. 1985
Aug. 42-43.
Fringes of a fringe group: part-timers in academe. 1979 Nov. 46-49.
New data series on involuntary part-time work. 1985 Mar. 42-43.
Voluntary part-time workers: a growing part of the labor force 1978 June
Who part-time workers tend to be in low-wage jobs. 1978 June 11-14.
Work experience of the labor force during 1985. 1987 Apr. 40-43.
Work experience of the population in 1977. 1979 Mar. 53-57.

Helping Poland cope with unemployment. 1990 Dec. 25-34.
How Poland’s Solidarity won freedom of association. 1989 Sept. 34-38.
Solidarity’s proposals for reforming Poland’s economy. 1982 May 43-46.

PCE DEFLATOR (Implicit Price Deflator for Personal Consumption
Reconciling the cpi and the pce Deflator. 1981 Sept. 3-15.
Fourth quarter, 1981. 1982 May 34-35.
An update. 1982 Jan. 43-44.
First quarter, 1982. 1982 July 37-38.
Second quarter, 1982. 1982 Oct. 28-29.
Third quarter, 1982. 1983 Feb. 37-38.

Economic and political issues in population redistribution. 1976 Apr.
Work experience of the population, 1976. 1977 Nov. 43-47.
Employment-population ratio: its value in labor force analysis. 1981 Feb.
Evaluating the 1975 projections of occupational employment. 1980 June

PENSIONS (See also Retirement; Supplemental benefits.)
A comparison of pension benefit increases and inflation, 1973-79. 1984
May 42-47.
Age Discrimination in Employment Act: a review of recent changes. 1980
Mar. 32-35.
Comparative value of pensions in the public and private sectors. 1988
Dec. 18-26.
Determinants of health insurance and pension coverage. 1982 May.
Disability benefits for employees in private pension plans. 1982 Aug.
Early retirement as a labor force policy: an international overview. 1987
Mar. 19-33.
Forced retirement: how common is it? 1977 Dec. 60-61.
How social security payments affect private pensions. 1984 May 15-20.
Indexing benefits. 1981 Feb. 2.
Industrial relations in 1979: inflation still holds spotlight. 1980 Feb. 11-18.
Inflation and early retirement: recent longitudinal findings. 1981 July.
Labor and the Supreme Court: significant decisions of 1978-79. 1980 Jan.
Municipal pension plans: provisions and payments. 1977 Nov. 24-31.
Pension improvements since 1974 reflect inflation, new U.S. law. 1979
Apr. 32-37.
Pension plans as a spur to labor force withdrawal. 1984 Dec. 39.
Pension trends. 1990 Feb. 2.
Postretirement increases under private pension plans. 1984 Sept. 3-8.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

10- 21.

National Commission recommends changes in labor force statistics. 1980
Apr. 11-27.
1980 census: countdown for a complete count. 1979 Sept. 3-13.
Select commission suggests changes in immigration policy—a review
essay. 1982 Feb. 31-37.
Work experience of the population in 1978. 1980 Mar. 43-47.
World population. 1984 Aug. 2.
Early retirement as a labor force policy: an international overview. 1987
Mar. 19-33.
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
Work stoppage in Government: the postal strike of 1970. 1978 July 14-22.
Work stoppage in Government: the postal strike of 1970. 1978July 14-22.
A profile of the working poor. 1989 Oct. 3-13.
An overview of the population below the poverty level. 1982 Aug. 53.
Economic hardship. 1982 Mar. 2.


Employment problems and poverty: examining the linkages. 1982 June

Food prices helped ease inflation during the third quarter of 1976. 1976
Dec. 40-45.
Food prices lead acceleration of inflation in first quarter. 1978 June 38-43.
How U.S. exports are faring in the world wheat market. 1985 Oct. 10-24.
Import and export price gains ease in 1989. 1990 June. 3-25.
Import price declines in 1986 reflected reduced oil prices. 1987 Apr. 3-17.
Import price indexes for crude petroleum. 1982 Nov. 29-32.
Import prices decline, export indexes mixed in the first 6 months of 1983.
1983 Nov. 59-70.
Import, export prices reflect declining dollar and oversupply in 1985.
1986 Apr. 3-16.
Industrial relations in 1980 influenced by inflation and recession. 1981
Jan. 15-20.
Inflation and the business cycle during the postwar period. 1984 Nov. 3-7.
Inflation continues to abate during the first quarter. 1982 July 3-9.
Inflation cross-currents: energy, food, and homeownership. 1981 June
Inflation fueled by oil prices in first 9 months of 1987. 1987 Dec. 3-6.
Inflation holds steady during the first half. 1988 Oct. 13-17.
Inflation patterns in the initial stages of recovery. 1983 Oct. 22-26.
Inflation rate high in second quarter, but prices of raw materials declined.
1977 Sept. 29-33.
Inflation remained low during 1984. 1985 Apr. 3-9.
Inflation remained low in 1983 in face of strong recovery. 1984 May 3-9.
Inflation remained mild again during 1985. 1986 Apr. 17-21.
Inflation slowed markedly during the third quarter. 1977 Dec. 49-52.
Inflation slows in third quarter although food prices soar. 1980 Dec.
Input prices and cost inflation in three manufacturing industries. 1985
May 16-21.
Large supplies of meats, grains cut recent food price increases. 1982 Jan.
10- 15.
Measuring prices. 1979 July 2.
Measuring substitution bias in price indexes. 1985 Jan. 60.
Medical care services in the Consumer Price Index. 1978 Aug. 35-39.
Price changes in 1975—an analysis. 1976 Feb. 21-30.
Price changes in 1976—an analysis. 1977 Feb. 14-24.
Price changes in 1977—an analysis. 1978 Feb. 3-11.
Price changes in 1978—an analysis. 1979 Mar. 3-12.
Price changes in 1980: double-digit inflation persists. 1981 Apr. 3-12.
Price changes in 1981: widespread slowing of inflation. 1982 Apr. 3-14.
Price highlights of 1988: rising pressures on consumer prices. 1989 May
Prices of U.S. imports and exports declined in 1984. 1985 Apr. 10-26.
Producer Price Index revision: overview and pilot survey. 1979 Dec.
11- 19.
Producer Price trends continue to moderate in the third quarter. 1984
Jan. 76-79.
Purchasing power parity between the U.S. and Canada. 1987 Dec. 7-24.
Rate of inflation eases in first quarter. 1976 June 31-36.
Reconciling the cpi and pce Deflator. 1981 Sept. 3-15.
Reconciling the cpi and the pce Deflator: 4th quarter 1981. 1982 May
Reconciling the cpi and the pce Deflator: an update. 1982 Jan. 43-44.
Reconciling the cpi and the pce Deflator: first quarter 1982. 1982 July
Reconciling the cpi and the pce Deflator: second quarter 1982. 1982 Oct.
Reconciling the cpi-u and the pce Deflator: 3rd quarter. 1983 Feb. 37-38.
Revised Consumer Price Index: changes in definitions and availability.
1986 July 15-23.
Rising export and import prices in 1987 reversed the trend of recent years.
1988 June 3-19.

Employment problems and their effect on family income, 1979-83. 1985
Aug. 42-43.
How much poverty is reduced by State income transfers? 1989 July 21 -26.
Involuntary part-time work: new information from the CPS. 1981 Feb.
Minimum wage: its relation to incomes and poverty. 1987 June 24-30.
Negative income tax: would it discourage work? 1981 Apr. 23-27.
Poverty estimates lowered by inclusion of noncash benefits. 1984 May
Poverty in the 1980’s: are the poor getting poorer? 1989 June 13-18.
Raising the minimum wage: effects on family poverty. 1990 July. 18-25.
Reasons for not working: poor and nonpoor householders. 1989 Aug.
Taking stock. 1989 May 2.
Work, poverty, and the working poor: a multifaceted problem. 1986 Sept.
Would a higher minimum wage help poor families headed by women?
1990 Aug. 33-37.
1989 rise in prices: largest increase in 8 years. 1990 May. 11-20.
A half-year decline in inflation: its antecedents and structure. 1986 Oct.
Aggregate export price comparisons developed for U.S., Germany, Ja­
pan. 1986 June 40-41.
An experimental price index for the computer industry. 1990 Oct. 16-24.
Anatomy of price change:
First quarter. 1978 June 38-43.
Second quarter. 1978 Sept. 38-42.
Third quarter. 1978 Dec. 56-60.
Anatomy of price change—the sharp first-quarter rise. 1977 June 3-8.
Autumn 1980 retired couple budgets increase in largest in 6 years. 1981
Nov. 45-46.
Average retail food prices: a brief history of methods. 1984 Nov. 52-53.
bls exchange rate and foreign currency price indexes. 1987 Dec. 47-49.
Commodity price volatility: trends during 1975-84. 1985 June 17-21.
Consumer Price Index and indexation. 1980 June 2.
Consumer prices rise at a 13-percent rate for the third consecutive quar­
ter. 1979 Dec. 35-41.
cpi controversy. 1980 Feb. 2.
cpi revision. 1978 Mar. 2.
Distribution of consumption examined using aggregate expenditure
shares. 1986 Apr. 50-53.
Does the cpi exaggerate or understate inflation? 1980 May 31-33.
Does the cpi exaggerate or understate inflation? Some observations. 1980
May 33-35.
Domestic price rise during 1987 reflects swing of energy prices. 1988 June
Double-digit inflation returns in second quarter. 1978 Sept. 38-42.
Double-digit inflation today and in 1973-74: a comparison. 1980 May
Effects of strong dollar, economic recovery apparent in first-half import
and export prices. 1984 Oct. 3-17.
Employment and prices at midwinter. 1978 Apr. 2.
Energy buoys double-digit inflation, food price surge ebbs in second quar­
ter. 1979 Sept. 49-55.
Experimental cost-of-living indexes: a summary of current research. 1989
July 34-39.
First-quarter food and fuel prices propel inflation rate to 5-year high.
1979 June 3-9.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Robust growth and the strong dollar set pattern for 1983 import and ex­
port prices. 1984 Apr. 3-14.
Sharp drop in energy prices holds inflation in check during 1986. 1987
May 3-9.

Decline in productivity in the first half of 1984. 1985 Dec. 39-42.
Evaluation of bls projections of 1975 production and employment, An.
1979 Aug. 8-19.
Factors in the productivity of military personnel. 1985 May 33-35.
Federal employees see increase in productivity. 1977 Feb. 66.
First-quarter productivity drop follows marginal growth in 1978. 1979
Oct. 57-61.
Folding paperboard box industry shows slow rise in productivity. 1980
Mar. 25-28.
Hand and edge tool industry experiences slow rise in productivity. 1982
Oct. 11-14.
Hours at work: a new base for bls productivity statistics. 1990 Feb. 17-24.
Hours at work increase relative to hours paid. 1985 June 44-46.
Impact of new electronic technology. 1982 Mar. 37-39.
Improving the concepts and techniques of productivity measurement.
1979 Sept. 23-27.
Industry output and employment projections through the end of the cen­
tury. 1987 Sept. 30-45.
Industry output and employment: a slower trend for the nineties. 1989
Nov. 25-41.
Instruments to measure electricity: industry’s productivity growth rises.
1983 Oct. 11-17.
International comparisons of labor productivity in manufacturing. 1988
Dec. 27-33.
International comparisons of productivity and labor costs. 1980 Dec.
International comparisons of trends in productivity and labor costs. 1981
Dec. 14-20.
International trends in productivity and labor costs. 1982 Dec. 3-14.
International trends in productivity and unit labor costs in manufactur­
ing. 1986 Dec. 12-17.
Investment for productivity growth subject of new congressional study.
1981 Oct. 38-39.
Job outlook through 1995: industry output and employment projections.
1983 Nov. 24-36.
Labor and material requirements for commercial office building projects.
1981 May. 41-48.
Labor and material requirements for hospital construction. 1982 Mar.
Labor productivity in manufacturing at home and abroad, 1980-86. 1987
Dec. 25-30.
Laundry and cleaning services pressed to post productivity gains. 1978
Feb. 38-42.
Long nonfarm productivity slide ends during the third quarter. 1981 Mar.
Measuring productivity in service industries. 1982 June 3-8.
Measuring productivity in State and local government. 1984 June 47-48.
Measuring single-factor and multifactor productivity. 1986 Dec. 3-11.
Meatpacking and prepared meats industry: above-average productivity
gains. 1984 Apr. 37-42.
Millwork industry shows slow growth in productivity. 1982 Sept. 21-26.
Mining machinery, industry: labor productivity trends, 1972-84. 1987
June 31-36.
Modest productivity gains in State Unemployment Insurance Service.
1983 Jan. 24-27.
Multifactor productivity advances in the tires and inner tubes industry.
1989 June 19-27.
Multifactor productivity in U.S. manufacturing, 1949-83. 1987 Oct.
Multifactor productivity slips in the nonrubber footwear industry. 1989
Apr. 32-38.
Multifactor productivity: a new bls measure. 1983 Dec. 3-15.
New bls survey measures the ratio of hours worked to hours paid. 1984
June 3-7.
New sector definitions for productivity series. 1976 Oct. 40-42.

Slowdown in energy prices eases second-quarter inflation. 1980 Sept.
34- 40.
Slowdown in food prices curbs inflation in third quarter. 1978 Dec. 56-60.
Trip expenditure comparisons from 1972-73 to 1980-81. 1985 July 46-48.
Trouble in steel. 1977 Nov. 2.
Turnaround in food, energy fueled second-quarter retail price rise. 1976
Sept. 36-40.
U.S. foreign trade prices in 1982: import index falls, export indexes
mixed. 1983 May 20-29.
U.S. import and export price indexes show declines during the first half.
1983 Jan. 17-23.
U.S. import and export prices continued to register sizable gains in 1988.
1989 May 11-33.
Updating the weights in indexes of wholesale, industry prices. 1976 Sept.
19- 25.
Users find industrial price data satisfactory but urge some changes. 1977
Dec. 58-59.
West, small cities led increase in consumer prices during 1975. 1976 July
35- 37.
Wholesale Price Index weights updated. 1976 Apr. 41-43.
Workers’ purchasing power rises despite slowdown in wage and salary
gains. 1984 May 10-14.
Consumer prices rise at a 13-percent rate for the third consecutive quar­
ter. 1979 Dec. 35-41.
Defining the rate of underlying inflation. 1981 Sept. 16-19.
Domestic price rise during 1987 reflects swing of energy prices. 1988 June
20- 26.
Improving the measurement of producer price change. 1978 Apr. 7-15.
Inflation remained mild again during 1985. 1986 Apr. 17-21.
Milestones in the Producer Price Index methodology and presentation.
1989 Aug. 41-42.
New stage of process price system developed for the Producer Price In­
dex. 1988 Apr. 3-16.
New weight structure being used in Producer Price Index. 1987 Aug.
12- 21.

1989 rise in prices: largest increase in 8 years. 1990 May. 11-20.
Price highlights of 1988: rising pressures on consumer prices. 1989 May
Producer Price Index revision: overview and pilot survey. 1979 Dec.
Sharp drop in energy prices holds inflation in check during 1986. 1987
May 3-9.
Apparel stores display above-average productivity. 1984 Oct. 37-42.
Beauty and barber shops: the trend of labor productivity. 1986 Mar.
Business studies views of managers and workers on productivity and
quality. 1982 Apr. 58-59.
Changing utilization of fixed capital: an element in long-term growth.
1985 May 3-8.
Computer manufacturing enters a new era of growth. 1986 Sept. 9-16.
Construction machinery industry posts slow rise in productivity. 1980
July 33-36.
Contribution of r&d to productivity growth. 1986 Mar. 16-20.
Cosmetics industry achieves long-term productivity gains. 1982 Dec.
Cyclical behavior of productivity in the machine tool industry. 1981 Nov.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


New-car dealers experience long-term gains in productivity. 1977 Mar.
29- 33.
Nonwool yarn mills experience slow gains in productivity. 1982 Mar.
30- 33.

Productivity growth average in farm machinery manufacturing. 1982
Oct. 6-10.
Productivity growth below average in fabricated structural metals. 1980
June 27-31.
Productivity growth below average in the household furniture industry.
1978 Nov. 23-29.
Productivity growth below average in the internal combustion engine in­
dustry. 1985 May 22-26.
Productivity growth in plastic lower than all manufacturing. 1983 Oct.
17- 21.
Productivity growth in the switchgear industry slows after 1973. 1984
Mar. 33-36.
Productivity growth low in the oilfield machinery industry. 1985 Dec.
Productivity growth slows in the organic chemicals industry. 1988 June
Productivity improvements in two fabricated metals industries. 1983 Oct.
18- 24.
Productivity in commercial banking: computers spur the advance. 1982
Dec. 19-27.
Productivity in grain mill products, 1963-75. 1977 Apr. 38-43.
Productivity in industrial inorganic chemicals. 1988 Mar. 33-40.
Productivity in industry and government. 1990 July. 39-45.
Productivity in making heating and cooling equipment. 1984 Dec. 11-17.
Productivity in sawmills, 1958-75. 1977 Apr. 33-37.
Productivity in scrap and waste materials processing. 1990 Apr. 30-37.
Productivity in selected industries and government services in 1986. 1988
Apr. 51-57.
Productivity in the carburetors, pistons, and valves industry. 1989 Feb.
Productivity in the metal doors, sash, and trim industry. 1986 Mar. 27-31.
Productivity in the nonmetallic minerals industry, 1954-75. 1976 June
Productivity in the pump and compressor industry. 1982 Dec. 38-45.
Productivity in the retail auto and home supply store industry. 1989 Aug.
Productivity in the rubber and plastic hose and belting industry. 1990
July 26-31.
Productivity increased during 1977 in a majority of selected industries.
1978 Sept. 54-57.
Productivity increased in 1978 in most industries measured. 1980 Jan.
40- 43.
Productivity increased in 1981 in most industries measured. 1982 Dec.
Productivity increased in all major sectors in the third quarter. 1979 Feb.
41- 45.
Productivity increased in many industries in 1983. 1985 Mar. 31-34.
Productivity puzzle: numbers alone won’t solve it. 1982 Oct. 15-21.
Productivity rates rose in 1976 for almost all industries surveyed. 1977
Oct. 57-60.
Productivity shows a decline in automotive repair shops. 1988 Mar.
Productivity slowdown and the outlook to 1985. 1977 May 3-8.
Productivity slows or drops in 1979 in more than half of industries mea­
sured. 1981 Apr. 58-61.
Productivity trend in the soaps and detergents industry. 1980 Feb. 26-30.
Productivity trends for inter city bus carriers. 1981 May 23-27.
Productivity trends in agricultural chemicals. 1989 Mar. 21-28.
Productivity trends in department stores, 1967-86. 1988 Mar. 17-21.
Productivity trends in kitchen cabinet manufacturing. 1985 Mar. 24-30.
Productivity trends in manufacturing in the U.S. and 11 other countries.
1984 Jan. 52-58.
Productivity trends in the ball and roller bearing industry. 1981 Jan.

Office furniture industry: patterns in productivity. 1982 Dec. 33-37.
Outlook for industry output and employment through 1990. 1981 Aug.
Paper and plastic bag industry: two distinct productivity phases. 1980
May 26-30.
Patterns of productivity change in men’s and boys’ suits and coats. 1988
Nov. 25-31.
Pattern of productivity in the lighting fixtures industry, 1978 Sept. 31-37.
Perceptions of participants in a joint productivity program. 1978 July
Performance of multifactor productivity in the steel and motor vehicles
industries. 1987 Aug. 22-31.
Pilot study measures productivity of state, local electric utilities. 1981
Dec. 45-47.
Productivity and costs in the private economy, 1975. 1976 May 3-11.
Productivity and costs in the private economy, 1976. 1977 Sept. 3-8.
Productivity and costs:
Third quarter, 1975. 1976 Feb. 36-40.
First quarter, 1976. 1976 July 31-34.
Second quarter, 1976. 1976 Oct. 23-26.
Third quarter, 1976. 1977 Feb. 75-79.
Fourth quarter, 1976. 1977 Apr. 68-71.
First quarter, 1977. 1977 Aug. 38-40.
Second quarter, 1977. 1977 Nov. 34-38.
Third quarter, 1977. 1978 Mar. 42-44.
First quarter, 1978. 1978 Sept. 46-49
Second quarter, 1978. 1978 Dec. 61-64.
Productivity and costs during recession and recovery. 1978 Aug. 31-34.
Productivity and costs in 1984. 1985 June 40-43.
Productivity and employment: the 1988 international symposium, April
1988. 1988 Aug. 32-38.
Productivity and labor costs trends in manufacturing, 12 countries. 1986
Mar. 3-10.
Productivity and new technology in eating and drinking places. 1977
Sept. 9-15.
Productivity and technology in the electric lamp industry. 1978 Aug.
Productivity and technology in the electric motor industry. 1978 Aug.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 11 industrial countries, 1977. 1978
Nov. 11-17.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 12 industrial countries. 1977 July
Productivity center has failed to meet key goals, gao finds. 1978 Nov. 39.
Productivity continued to increase in many industries during 1984. 1986
Mar. 11-15.
Productivity continued to rise in many industries during 1987. 1989 Mar.
Productivity declined in 1980 in most industries measured. 1982 May
Productivity declined in 1982 in a majority of industries measured. 1984
Jan. 80-83.
Productivity declines continue into third quarter 1979. 1980 Feb. 46-48.
Productivity drops, output and hours rise during the fourth quarter. 1981
June 40-43.
Productivity gains continued in many industries during 1985. 1987 Apr.
Productivity gains in the drugstore industry, 1958-79. 1980 Nov. 18-22.
Productivity gains lukewarm for makers of nonelectric heating equip­
ment. 1988 Mar. 27-32.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

40- 43 .


Productivity trends in the cotton and synthetic broad woven fabrics in­
dustry. 1988 Apr. 34-38.
Productivity trends in the Federal Government. 1985 Oct. 3-9.
Productivity trends in the furniture and home furnishings stores industry.
1987 May 24-29.

Changing patterns of demand: BLS projections to 1990. 1978 Dec. 47-55.
Economic outlook for the 1990’s: three scenarios for growth. 1983 Nov.
11- 23.
Economic outlook to 1995: new assumptions and projections. 1985 Nov.
Economic projections to the year 2000. 1987 Sept. 10-18.
Employment in health services: long-term trends and projections. 1986
Aug. 17-36.
Estimating employment potential in U.S. energy industries. 1978 May
Evaluating the 1975 projections of occupational employment. 1980 June

Productivity trends in the machine tool accessories industry. 1985 June
Productivity trends in the photographic equipment and supplies industry.
1990 June. 39-49.
Productivity, age, and labor composition changes in the U.S. 1988 Sept.
R&D— productivity link. 1983 June 42-43.
Recent changes in the growth of U.S. multifactor productivity. 1988 May
14- 22.

10- 21.

Evaluating the 1980 projections of occupational employment. 1982 July
Evaluation of bls 1970 economic and employment projections. 1976 Aug.
Evaluation of BLS projections of 1975 production and employment. 1979
Aug. 8-19.
Evaluation of bls projections of the 1985 economy. 1988 Sept. 24-33.
Evaluation of bls’ projections of 1980 industry employment. 1984 Aug.

Recent productivity measures depict growth patterns since 1980. 1983
Dec. 45-48.
Report on productivity gains in selected industries. 1977 Feb. 80-83.
Retail hardware stores register productivity gain. 1988 May 39-43.
Retail liquor stores experience flat trend in productivity. 1987 Feb. 25-29.
Role of capital discards in multifactor productivity measurement. 1988
June 27-35.
Second look at industry output and employment trends through 1995.
1985 Nov. 26-41.
Semiconductor productivity gains linked to multiple innovations. 1988
Apr. 27-33.
Service-producing sector: some common perceptions reviewed. 1983
Apr. 21-24.
Sixth consecutive productivity recorded for the second quarter. 1980
Dec. 52-54.
Slowdown in real wages: a postwar perspective. 1977 Aug. 7-12.
Strong post-recession productivity gain helps curb labor cost growth.
1984 Dec. 3-10.
Substantial productivity gains in the fluid milk industry. 1979 July 22-27.
Technology and labor in automobile production. 1977 Oct. 32-35.
Technology in telecommunications: its effect on labor and skills. 1979
Jan. 13-19.
Transformer industry productivity slows. 1981 Nov. 35-39.
Trends of labor productivity in metal stamping industries. 1986 May
Two decades of productivity growth in poultry dressing and processing.
1987 Apr. 34-39.
U.S. civil works construction shows decrease in required labor. 1978 Oct.
U.S. productivity growth since 1982: the post-recession experience. 1986
Dec. 18-22.
Union productivity effects. 1985 Jan. 60.


Variety stores experience shifting trend in productivity. 1988 Oct. 30-33.
Veneer and plywood industry: above average productivity gains. 1978
Sept. 26-30.
Worker participation and productivity change. 1984 Sept. 28-33.
Employee-owned companies: is the difference measurable? 1978 July
Technology and labor in electric power and gas industry. 1978 Nov.
1995 labor force: a first look. 1980 Dec. 11-21.
1995 labor force: a second look. 1983 Nov. 3-10.
Aggregate structure of the economy. 1989 Nov. 13-24.
bls labor force projections: a review of methods and results. 1979 Apr.
15- 22.
bls projections procedures. 1985 Nov. 58-59.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Evaluation of labor force projections to 1985. 1988 Nov. 7-17.
Evaluation of State projections of industry, occupational employment.
1987 Oct. 29-38.
Female labor force participation: why projections have been too low. 1977
July 18-24.
Future labor supply for lower level occupations. 1976 Mar. 22-31.
Has bls underestimated business Ph. D. demand? 1979 Sept. 42-46.
High technology today and tomorrow: a small slice of employment pie.
1983 Nov. 55-58.
How accurate were projections of the 1980 labor force? 1982 July. 15-21.
Industry output and employment projections through the end of the cen­
tury. 1987 Sept. 30-45.
Industry output and employment: a slower trend for the nineties. 1989
Nov. 25-41.
Industry output and employment: bls projections to 1990. 1979 Apr.
Job outlook through 1995: industry output and employment, projections.
1983 Nov. 24-36.
Labor force projections to 1990: three possible paths. 1978 Dec. 25-35.
Labor force projections. 1989 Jan. 2.
Labor force projections: 1986 to 2000. 1987 Sept. 19-29.
Labor force: bls’ latest projections, The 1995. 1985 Nov. 17-25.
Modeling Army enlistment supply fur the All-Volunteer Force. 1985
Aug. 35-39.
New economic projections through 1990 an overview. 1981 Aug. 9-17.
New labor force projections spanning 1988 to 2000. 1989 Nov. 3-12.
New labor force projections to 1990. 1976 Dec. 3-13.
New occupational rates of labor force separation. 1980 Mar. 36-40.
Occupational employment growth through 1990. 1981 Aug. 42-55.
Occupational employment projections through 1995. 1983 Nov. 37-49.
Occupational employment projections: the 1984-95 outlook. 1985 Nov.
Occupational employment trends to the year 2000. 1987 Sept. 46-63.
Outlook for industry output and employment through 1990. 1981 Aug.
Oversupply of Ph. D.’s to continue through 1985. 1978 Oct. 48-50.
Overview and implications of the projections to 2000. 1987 Sept. 3-9.
Productivity slowdown and the outlook to 1985. 1977 May 3-8.
Projections of occupational employment, 1988-2000. 1989 Nov. 42-65.
Projections summary and emerging issues. 1989 Nov. 66-74.
Revised bls projections to 1980 and 1985: an overview. 1976 Mar. 3-8.
Revised industry projections to 1985. 1976 Nov. 3-9.
Revised occupational projections to 1985. 1976 Nov. 10-22.


Revised projections of the U.S. economy to 1980 and 1985. 1976 Mar.

Public and private pay levels: a comparison in large labor markets. 1981
July 22-26.
Public employees in Massachusetts and final—offer arbitration. 1978
Apr. 34-37.
Public sector data. 1981 Jan. 2.
Public service jobs of little help in cutting unemployment, GAO says. 1978
Jan. 36.
Public-sector union wage effects: a time series analysis. 1982 June 51-53.
Reshaping a statistical program to meet legislative priorities. 1977 Nov.

Second look at industry output and employment trends through 1995.
1985 Nov. 26-41.
Sensitivity of bls economic projections to exogenous variables. 1986 Dec.
State industry and occupational employment projections. 1987 Oct.
Two methods of projecting occupational employment. 1978 May 57- 58.
U.S. economy through 1990—an update. 1981 Aug. 18-27.
U.S. economy to 1990: two projections for growth. 1978 Dec. 36-47.

6- 11.

Resolution of impasses in public employee bargaining. 1976 Jan. 57-58.
Scientists, engineers, and unions, revisited. 1977 Nov. 32-33.
Some determinants of bargaining in Government enterprises. 1978 Apr.
State and local government employees in labor organizations. 1978 Aug.
43- 44.
Students and bargaining at public and private colleges. 1976 Apr. 31-33.
Successful public-sector labor relations: managers’ attitudes may matter
most. 1979 May 36-38.
Supply of Federal physicians and dentists found adequate. 1977 May 50.
Union mergers in the 1970’s: a look at the reasons and the results. 1978
Oct. 13-23.
Union-management committees in the Federal sector. 1976 Oct. 30-32.
Unionization of court employees has raised legal, practical questions.
1979 Aug. 20-24.
Unions and bargaining among employees of State prisons. 1978 Mar.
Unions and public sector supervisors: the case of fire fighters. 1977 Dec.
44- 48.
White-collar pay survey. 1976 Aug. 2.
White-collar unions and the work humanization movement. 1977 May
White-collar workers open 1980’s with record salary increases. 1981 Nov.
Work stoppage in Government: the postal strike of 1970. 1978 July 14-22.

Analysis of work stoppages in the Federal sector, 1962-81. 1982 Aug.
Attitudes of college faculties toward unions: two case studies. 1978 May
Binding arbitration can put public employers in a bind. 1979 Jan. 73-75.
Binding arbitration laws for State and municipal workers. 1978 Oct.
Can public employee associations negotiate new growth? 1989 July 5-14.
Civil Service reform proposal figures prominently in afge races. 1978
Nov. 30-32.
Customized ‘final-offer’: New Jersey’s arbitration law. 1980 Sept. 30-33.
Do uncertain cost/benefit estimates prolong public-sector disputes? 1980
Sept. 26-29.
European union agreements provide framework for public policies. 1977
Jan. 62-64.
Experienced professionals lead white-collar pay rise. 1977 Nov. 48-49.
Faculty union strike activity: reasons and measures, 1967-75. 1976 Oct.
Fair comparison criteria in public sector bargaining. 1976 July 50-51.
Federal employees see increase in productivity, 1977 Feb. 66.
Federal mediation in the public sector. 1976 Feb. 41-45.

Analyzing Puerto Rican migration: problems with the data and the mod­
el. 1977 Aug. 29-35.

Federal pay comparability: facts to temper the debate. 1979 June 18-28.
Federal pay procedures and the comparability survey. 1976 Aug. 27-31.
Final-offer arbitration and salaries of police and firefighters. 1978 July
34- 36.
Financial resources of Federal employee unions. 1978 Feb. 49-50.
Government employment: an era of slow growth. 1981 Oct. 19-25.
How salaries of large cities compare with industry and Federal pay. 1976
Nov. 23-28.

Employer-provided benefits: employer cost versus employee value. 1989
Dec. 24-32.
Flexible benefits plans: employees who have a choice. 1989 Dec. 17-23.
How human resource systems adjust to the shift toward contingent work­
ers. 1989 Mar. 7-12.
More than wages at issue in job quality debate. 1989 Dec. 4-8.
On the definition o f ‘contingent work.' 1989 Dec. 9-16.

Industrial relations in 1979: inflation still holds spotlight. 1980 Feb. 11-18.
Labor and the Supreme Court: significant decisions of 1976-77. 1978 Jan.

Conflicts among work, leisure, and family roles. 1980 Aug. 35-39.
Cooperative training in telecommunications: case studies. 1987 May
Helping labor and management set up a quality-of-worklife program.
1984 Mar. 28-32.
How quality-of-worklife projects work for General Motors. 1980 July
How quality-of-worklife projects work for the United Auto Workers.
1980 July 39-41.
Labor-management panels: three case studies. 1980 June 41-44.
Quality of worklife. 1983 Oct. 2.
Quality-of-worklife projects at Bolivar: an assessment. 1980 July 41-43.
Results of experimental study on flexitime and family life. 1980 Nov.

Labor and the Supreme Court: significant decisions of 1978-79. 1980 Jan.
Labor-management panel seeks to help laid-off State workers. 1978 May
Measuring productivity in State and local government. 1984 June 47-48.
Military as an employer: past performance and future prospects. 1977
Nov. 19-23.
More public services spur growth in government employment. 1978 Sept.
Municipal pension plans: provisions and payments. 1977 Nov. 24-31.
Pay for police and firefighters. 1978 Jan. 36.
Political and legal issues of binding arbitration in government. 1979 Sept.
35- 41.
Private hospitals nearing wage levels in State, local government hospitals.
1977 May 46-47.

Labor turnover in manufacturing: the survey in retrospect. 1982 June

Productivity in industry and government. 1990 July. 39-45.
Productivity trends in the Federal Government. 1985 Oct. 3-9.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


New method for estimating job separations by sex and race. 1983 June

On their own: the self-employed and others in private business. 1987 May
Self-employed Americans: their number has increased. 1980 Nov. 3-8.
Self-employed workers: an update to 1983. 1984 July 14-18.

New occupational separation data improve estimates of job replacement
needs. 1984 Mar. 3-10.

Age and the job-hunting methods of the unemployed. 1979 Jan. 68-69.
Inverse seniority as an aid to disadvantaged groups. 1976 May 36-37.

Have employment patterns in recessions changed? 1981 Feb. 15-28.
Industrial structure has little impact on jobless rate of experienced work­
ers. 1987 May 30-32.
Response to recession: reduce hours or jobs? 1981 Oct. 3-11.
Services industry: is it recession-proof? 1981 Oct. 12-18.

Business services industry sets pace in employment growth. 1986 Apr.
Characteristics of workers in nonprofit organizations. 1987 July 28-33.
Deindustrialization and the shift to services. 1986 June. 3-13.
Employment shift to services: where did it come from, The? 1984 Apr.
Finance, insurance, and real estate: employment growth during 1982-87.
1988 July 24-26.
Laundry and cleaning services pressed to post productivity gains. 1978
Feb. 38-42.
Producer services: why are they growing so rapidly? 1987 Dec. 31-40.
Service-producing sector: some common perceptions reviewed. 1983
Apr. 21-24.

Helping ex-offenders enter the labor market. 1983 July 25-30.
Age Discrimination in Employment Act: a review of recent changes. 1980
Mar. 32-35.
Autumn 1980 retired couple budgets increase is largest in 6 years. 1981
Nov. 45-46.
Early retirement as a labor force policy: an international overview. 1987
Mar. 19-33.
Economic status of black retirees. 1978 Jan. 37.
Employer-sponsored health insurance for retirees: the need and the cost.
1987 May 38.
Estimating the effects of changing Social Security benefit formulas. 1985
July 44-45.
Flexible and partial retirement in Norway and Sweden. 1985 Oct. 33-43.
Forced retirement: how common is it? 1977 Dec. 60-61.
How do families fare when the breadwinner retires? 1983 Dec. 40-44.
Indexing benefits. 1981 Feb. 2.
Inflation and early retirement: recent longitudinal findings. 1981 July
27- 30.
Labor force status of older workers. 1979 Nov. 12-18.
Labor force trends: a synthesis and analysis. 1977 Oct. 3-12.
Life insurance benefits for retired workers. 1990 Sept. 17-21.
Military as an employer: past performance and future prospects. 1977
Nov. 19-23.
Modeling the retirement process for policy evaluation and research. 1984
July 26-33.
Municipal pension plans: provisions and payments. 1977 Nov. 24-31.
Older men—the choice between work and retirement. 1978 November
Pension improvements since 1974 reflect inflation, new U.S. law. 1979
Apr. 32-37.
Private pensions fall far short of preretirement income levels. 1979 Feb.
28- 32.

International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
Age Discrimination in Employment Act: a review of recent changes. 1980
Mar. 32-35.
Estimating the effects of changing Social Security benefit formulas. 1985
July 44-45.
Future funding of social security and the total dependency ratio. 1977
Feb. 53-55.
Generations equity and social security. 1977 Feb. 52-53.
Growth of fringe benefits: implications for social security. 1981 Nov.
How social security payments affect private pensions. 1984 May 15-20.
Institutional barriers to employment of older workers. 1989 Apr. 14-21.
New directions for income transfer programs. 1980 Feb. 41-45.
Occupational diseases. 1980 Aug. 2.
Rise of pensions and social security created alternating goals for unions.
1980 Aug. 26-27.
Social security reform: a look at the problems. 1977 Feb. 55-58.
Supplementing retirement until Social Security begins. 1990 Feb. 25-29.
Altering the social structure in coal mining: a case study. 1976 Oct. 3-10.
Author replies: we still need to demonstrate program effectiveness. 1985
Apr. 49-50.
Developing a definition for ‘economic hardship.’ 1979 Jan. 65-66.
Employment problems of disabled persons. 1977 Mar. 3-13.
How welfare recipients find jobs: a case study in New Jersey. 1978 Feb.
oecd social ministers focus on rising pension, health costs. 1989 Feb.
1980 census: countdown for a complete count. 1979 Sept. 3-13.
Work and socioeconomic life cycles: an agenda for longitudinal research.
1978 Feb. 23-27.

Retirement decision: a question of opportunity? 1980 Nov. 14-17.
Rise of pensions and social security created alternating goals for unions.
1980 Aug. 26-27.
Supplementing retirement until Social Security begins. 1990 Feb. 25-29.
Today’s pension plans: how much do they pay? 1985 Dec. 19-25.
Trends in retirement eligibility and pension benefits, 1974-83. 1987 Apr.
Using the cps to track retirement trends among older men. 1985 Feb.
SAFETY AND HEALTH (See Occupational safety and health.)
SALARIES (See Earnings and wages.)

South African trade unions, 1970-90. 1990 Oct. 25-31.

Nuclear energy employment measured in 1975 survey. 1977 Sept. 36-37.
Scientists, engineers, and unions, revisited. 1977 Nov. 32-33.
Supply of Federal physicians and dentists found adequate. 1977 May 50.

Early retirement as a labor force policy: an international overview. 1987
Mar. 19-33.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Workers on late shifts in a changing economy. 1979 Sept. 14-22.
Workers on long hours and premium pay, May 1976. 1977 May 42-45.
Year-round full-time earnings in 1975. 1977 June 36-41.
Young adults: a transitional group with changing labor force patterns.
1978 May 3-9.
Youth unemployment in the 1974-75 recession. 1976 Jan. 49-56.

Industrial relations in Spain: a status report. 1979 May 48-51.
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
New Spanish legislation marks turning point in labor relations. 1980 Aug.

International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May

Absence from work—measuring the hours lost. 1977 Oct. 16-23.
Absent workers and lost work hours, May 1978. 1979 Aug. 49-53.
Almost half of all children have mothers in the labor force. 1977 June
Back to school at 35 and over, October 1978. 1979 Aug. 53-55.
Changes in marital and family characteristics of workers, 1970-78. 1979
Apr. 49-52.
Children of working mothers, March 1977. 1978 Jan. 30-33.
Educational attainment of workers, March 1975. 1976 Feb. 46-48.
Educational attainment of workers, March 1976. 1977 Mar. 62-65.
Educational attainment of workers, March 1977. 1977 Dec. 53-57.
Educational attainment of workers—some trends from 1975 to 1978.
1979 Feb. 54-59.
Effect of unemployment on family income in 1977. 1979 Dec. 42-44.
Employment and unemployment during 1979: an analysis. 1980 Feb.
Employment and unemployment in the first half of 1980. 1980 Aug. 3-9.
Extent of job search by employed workers. 1977 Mar. 58-62.
Families and the rise of working wives—an overview. 1976 May 12-19.
Going back to school at 35 and over. 1977 July 43-45.
Job search of recipients of unemployment insurance. 1979 Feb. 49-54.
Job search of the unemployed, May 1976. 1977 Nov. 39-43.
Labor force participation of married women, March 1976. 1977 June
Labor force patterns of divorced and separated women. 1977 Jan. 48-53.
Labor force patterns of single women. 1979 Aug. 46-49.
Length of working life for men and women, 1970. 1976 Feb. 31-35.
Long hours and premium pay, May 1978. 1979 May 41-45.
Marital and family characteristics of the labor force, March 1979. 1980
Apr. 48-52.
Martial and family characteristics of workers, March 1977. 1978 51-54.
Median earnings in 1977 reported for year-round full-time workers. 1979
June 35-39.
Moonlighting increased sharply in 1977, particularly among women.
1978 Jan. 27-30.
Multiple jobholding holds steady in 1978. 1979 Feb. 59-61. Occupational
mobility during 1977. 1979 Dec. 44-48.
Multiple jobholding rate remained unchanged in 1976. 1977 June 44-48.
New labor force projections to 1990. 1976 Dec. 3-13.
Percent working long hours shows first post-recession decline. 1980 May
School and work among youth during the 1970’s. 1980 Sept. 44-47.
Students, graduates, and dropouts in the labor market, October 1975.
1976 June 37-41.
Students, graduates, and dropouts in the labor market, October 1976.
1977 July 40-43.
Students, graduates, and dropouts in the labor market, October 1977.
1978 June 44-47.
Trends in educational attainment among workers in the 1980’s. 1980 July
Women who head families: a socioeconomic analysis. 1976 June 3-9.
Women’s share of moonlighting nearly doubles during 1969-79. 1980
May 36-39.
Work experience of the population, 1975. 1976 Nov. 47-51.
Work experience of the population, 1976. 1977 Nov. 43-47.
Work experience of the population in 1978. 1980 Mar. 43-47.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

SMSA expansion. 1981 Aug. 2.

bls expands collective bargaining series for State and local government.
1985 May 36-38.
Binding arbitration laws for State and municipal workers. 1978 Oct.
Efforts to improve estimates of State and local unemployment. 1977 May
Evaluation of State projections of industry, occupational employment.
1987 Oct. 29-38.
Government employment: an era of slow growth. 1981 Oct. 19-25.
How much poverty is reduced by State income transfers? 1989 July 21-26.
Pilot study measures productivity of state, local electric utilities. 1981
Dec. 45-47.
Reshaping a statistical program to meet legislative priorities. 1977 Nov.
6- 11.

Revisions of State and local area labor force statistics. 1987 July 38-41.
Revisions of State and local labor force statistics. 1987 July 38-41.
State and local government pay increases outpace five-year, rise in private
industry. 1987 Feb. 18-20.
State and local governments found to underemploy women and minori­
ties. 1977 Sept. 37.
State and regional employment and unemployment in 1983. 1984 Sept.
State employee bargaining: policy and organization. 1985 Apr. 51-55.
State labor law activity in 1977—an update. 1978 May 50-53.
State labor legislation:
Enacted in 1975. 1976 Jan. 17-29.
Enacted in 1976. 1977 Feb. 25-38.
Enacted in 1977. 1977 Dec. 3-24.
Enacted in 1978. 1979 Jan. 26-42.
Enacted in 1979. 1980 Jan. 22-39.
Enacted in 1980. 1981 Jan. 21-34.
Enacted in 1981. 1982 Jan. 29-42.
Enacted in 1982. 1983 Jan. 44-56.
Enacted in 1983. 1984 Jan. 59-75.
Enacted in 1984. 1985 Jan. 27-42.
Enacted in 1985. 1986 Jan. 34-54.
Enacted in 1986. 1987 Jan. 49-66.
Enacted in 1987. 1988 Jan. 38-61.
Enacted in 1988. 1989 Jan. 40-58.
Enacted in 1989. 1990 Jan. 35-56.
States act to improve literacy of workers. 1990 Aug. 37.
Unemployment insurance covers additional 9 million workers. 1978 May
Unemployment insurance changes in State:
Legislation during 1975. 1976 Jan. 37-41.
Legislation during 1976. 1977 Feb. 46-51.
Legislation during 1978. 1979 Feb. 13-16.
Legislation during 1979. 1980 Apr. 36-40.
Legislation during 1980. 1981 Jan. 35-39.


Legislation during
Legislation during
Legislation during
Legislation during
Legislation during
Legislation during
Legislation during
Legislation during
Legislation during


1982 Feb. 16-23.
1983 Jan. 38-43
1984 Feb. 46-61.
1985 Jan. 43-48.
1986 Jan. 55-60.
1987 Feb. 21-29.
1988 Mar. 9-16.
1989 Jan. 59-65.
1990 Jan. 64-69.

Establishment of a new Employment Statistics Review Commission.
1977 Mar. 14-20.
Establishment survey incorporates March 1987 employment bench­
marks. 1988 Oct. 37-38.
Evaluating the 1975 projections of occupational employment. 1980 June
10- 21.

Evaluation of bls projections of the 1985 economy. 1988 Sept. 24-33.
Evaluation of labor force projections to 1985. 1988 Nov. 7-17.
Evaluation of mean wage estimates in industry wage surveys. 1988 Oct.
Exploiting the micro-data foundation of the current population survey.
1979 Feb. 46-48.
Federal agencies seek improvement in quality in establishment surveys.
1989 Oct. 38-40.
Forgotten unemployment: recall bias in retrospective data. 1982 Mar.
Fringes of a fringe group: part-timers in academe. 1979 Nov. 46-49.
Handbook of methods. 1983 Jan. 2.
How benefits will be incorporated into the Employment Cost Index. 1978
Jan. 18-26.
How many new jobs since 1982? data from two surveys differ. 1989 Aug.

Wage and benefits of State and local government employees. 1980 Sept. 2.
Workers’ compensation, State amendments of:
1975 enactments. 1976 Jan. 30-36.
1976 enactments. 1977 Feb. 39-45.
1978 enactments. 1979 Jan. 43-50.
1979 enactments. 1980 Feb. 19-25.
1980 enactments. 1981 Mar. 51-57.
1981 enactments. 1982 Feb. 24-30.
1982 enactments. 1983 Jan. 57-63.
1983 enactments. 1984 Feb. 55-61.
1984 enactments. 1985 Jan. 49-53.
1985 enactments. 1986 Jan. 61-67.
1986 enactments. 1987 Jan. 67-71.
1987 enactments. 1988 Jan. 62-68.
1988 enactments. 1989 Jan. 66-77.
1989 enactments. 1990 Jan. 57-63.

How occupational mix inflates regional pay differentials. 1978 Feb.
How valid are estimates of occupational illness? 1982 Aug. 27-35.
Implementing the Levitan Commission’s recommendations to improve
labor data. 1985 Feb. 16-24.
Improving comprehension and recall in the Consumer Expenditure In­
terview Survey. 1989 Oct. 31-32.
Improving statistics. 1985 Feb. 2.
Improving the concepts and techniques of productivity measurement.
1979 Sept. 23-27.
Improving the measurement of producer price change. 1978 Apr.7-15.
Integrating the Employment Costs Index and the Employee Benefits Sur­
vey. 1989 Oct. 30.
International system of labor statistics. 1989 Oct. 33.
Job absence and turnover: a new source data. 1977 Oct. 24-31.
Kalman filter approach to labor force estimation using survey data. 1989
Oct. 33.
Labor force data from cps to undergo revision in January 1983. 1982 Nov.
Labor force data in the next century. 1990 Apr. 3-8.
Labor market data: supplementary sources. 1986 June 28-29.
Measuring income inequality with extended earnings periods. 1977 June
Measuring labor force flows: a special conference examines the problems.
1985 July 7-17.

1980 census: countdown for a complete count. 1979 Sept. 3-13.
Allocating Federal funds through local unemployment rates. 1977 Oct.
Another measure of flow and duration as jobless rate components: reply.
1979 Sept. 48.
Another measure of flow and duration as unemployment rate compo­
nents. 1979 Sept. 46-48.
Better measures of service employment goal of Bureau survey redesign.
1982 Nov. 7-16.

to improve urban sample in 1987 revision of the cpi . 1984 May 51.
to produce monthly indexes of export and import prices. 1988 Dec.

Century of wage statistics: the bls contribution. 1984 Nov. 16-28.
Characteristics of commercial residential telephone lists and dual frame
designs. 1989 Oct. 32.
Comparative analysis of price indexes produced by National Govern­
ments for older consumers. 1989 Oct. 30.

Method to measure flow and duration as unemployment rate compo­
nents. 1977 Mar. 71-72.
Methodology change. 1988 July 2.
National Commission recommends changes in labor force statistics. 1980
Apr. 11-21.
National Longitudinal Surveys: development and uses. 1990 July. 32-37.
Native Americans in the labor force: hunting for an accurate measure.
1982 July 47-51.
New approaches to statistics on the family. 1977 July 31-34.
New benchmarks and sic codes for Establishment Survey. 1990 Nov.
New computer system improves display of statistical tables. 1978 Mar.
New methodology reduces importance of used cars in cpi. 1988 Dec.
New occupational rates of labor force separation. 1980 Mar. 36-40.
New role for economic indicators. 1977 Nov. 3-5.

Comparing rates and proportions: they can be misleading. 1984 June
Comparison of variance estimators for Producer Price Index data. 1989
Oct. 33.
Controlling response error in an Establishment Survey. 1989 Oct. 30-31.
Data for allocation. 1979 Aug. 2.
Data user’s look back from 2015. 1990 Apr. 9-12.
Developing a cost model for alternative collection methods: mail,
and tde . 1989 Oct. 32.


Developing statistics to meet society’s needs. 1989 Oct. 15-20.
Discrimination and pay disparities between white men and women. 1978
Mar. 17-22.
Effects of sample size on variances of the Producer Price Index. 1989 Oct.
Employment ratio as an indicator of aggregate demand pressure. 1977
Apr. 25-32.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


New sector definitions for productivity series. 1976 Oct. 40-42.
New stage of process price system developed for the Producer Price In­
dex. 1988 Apr. 3-16.
Occupational reclassification and changes in distribution by gender 1984
Mar. 11-17.
Pointing the way: data, analysis, and decisionmaking. 1989 Oct. 29.
Probing the issues of unemployment duration. 1980 July 23-32.
Producer Price Index revision: overview and pilot survey 1979 Dec
Providing more information on work injury and illness. 1978 Apr. 16-21.
Recent changes in the white-collar pay survey. 1989 Oct.29-30.
Reliability and validity of response categories for open-ended questions in
the Current Population Survey. 1989 Oct. 31.
Reliability of proxy response in the Current Population Survey. 1989 Oct.
Reshaping a statistical program to meet legislative priorities. 1977 Nov.
6- 11.

Reflections of America. 1981 June 2.
Release policy. 1981 Mar. 2.
Specifying the labor market for individual firms. 1978 Aug. 26-29.
Statistical integrity. 1981 Apr. 2.
Statistics for policy. 1978 Aug. 2
Statistics in bureaucracies. 1980 Nov. 2.
Understanding statistics on occupational illnesses. 1981 Mar. 25-29.
Using statistics to manage a State safety and health program. 1981 Mar
STEELWORKERS (See also United Steelworkers of America.)
Steelworkers laud import restrictions, ban outsiders’ election contribu­
tions. 1978 Dec. 65-69.
Steelworkers press organizing and coordinated bargaining. 1986 Nov
STRIKES (See also Work stoppages.)

Respondent understanding of key labor force concepts used in the CPS
1989 Oct. 31.

‘Quick’ special purpose surveys passed test during coal strike. 1979 Feb.

Response variation in the cps: caveats for the unemployment analyst
1984 Mar. 37-43.
Statistical change. 1990 July. 2.

1989 employee benefits address family concerns. 1990 June. 60-63.
Age-related reductions in workers’ life insurance. 1985 Sept. 29-34.
Analyzing short-term disability benefits. 1989 June 3-9.
Bureau of Labor Statistics takes a new look at employee benefits. 1982
Aug. 41-45.

Statistical portrait of hired farmworkers. 1984 June 49-53.
Statistical quality. 1990 Jan. 2.
Statistics and public policy. 1989 Sept. 2.
Survey on the temporary help supply industry. 1989 Oct. 29.
Tracking individual earnings mobility with the Current Population Sur­
vey. 1980 May 43-46.
Two divergent measures of purchasing power. 1979 Aug. 25-30.
Two methods of projecting occupational employment. 1978 May 57-58.
“Underground economy” and bls statistical data. 1984 Jan. 4-18.
U.S. labor turnover: analysis of a new measure. 1980 Nov. 9-13.
Use of employment data to estimate office space demand. 1984 Dec

Changes in unemployment insurance legislation during 1979. 1980 Apr
36- 40.
Child care and family benefits: policies of six industrialized countries
1980 Nov. 23-28.
Child-care assistance as a benefit of employment. 1985 May 41.
Comparative value of pensions in the public and private sectors. 1988
Dec. 18-26.
Comparing employee benefits in the public and private sectors. 1988 Dec.

Weighting and imputation methods for nonresponse in CPS gross flows
estimation. 1989 Oct. 32.

Comparison of pension benefit increases and inflation, 1973-79. 1984
May 42-47.


Compensation for death and dismemberment. 1989 Sept. 13-17.
Compensation trends into the 21st century. 1990 Feb. 38-45.
Contributions to savings and thrift plans. 1990 Nov. 28-36.
Dental and vision care benefits in health insurance plans. 1980 June

Analyzing Puerto Rican migration: problems with the data and the mod­
el. 1977 Aug. 29-35.
Average workweek: two surveys /Current Employment Statistics pro­
gram and the Current Population Survey/ compared. 1978 July 3-8.
Efforts to improve estimates of State and local unemployment. 1977 May

Disability and insurance plans in the public and private sector. 1988 Dec

Employment Cost Index: a review of the statistics. 1978 Jan.22-23.
Employment statistics. 1978 June 2.

Do benefits cause unemployed to hold out for better jobs? 1976 Mar
37- 38.
Employee benefits. 1980 July 2.
Employee benefits. 1983 July 2.
Employee income protection against short-term disabilities. 1985 Feb

Employment-population ratio: its value in labor force analysis. 1981 Feb.
Federal agencies updating base year of indexes to 1977. 1981 Feb. 75-76.
Federal statistics. 1978 Sept. 2.
Federal-State approach to labor statistics. 1977 Oct 43-44.
Improving our information on discouraged workers. 1978 Sept. 15-25.
Longitudinal labor market surveys: asking ‘how come,’ not ‘how manv ’
1978 Sept. 8-14.

Employer provisions for parental leave. 1989 Oct. 20-24.
Employer-provided benefits: employer cost versus employee value. 1989
Dec. 24-32.
Employer-sponsored dental insurance eases the pain. 1988 Oct. 18-23.
Employer-sponsored life insurance: a new look. 1989 Oct. 25-28.
Employer-sponsored vision care brought into focus. 1988 Sept. 19-23.
Employment Cost Index in 1980: a first look at total compensation. 1981
June 22-26.
Establishment survey incorporates March 1987 employment bench­
marks. 1988 Oct. 37-38.

Measuring the supply of scientific personnel. 1977 Oct. 47-48.
More public services spur growth in government employment. 1978 Sept.
National Commission recommends changes in labor force statistics 1980
Apr. 11-21.
National standardization of educational statistics. 1977 Oct 46-47.
New benchmarks. 1981 July 2.

Estimating the cost of extending jobless insurance to farmworkers. 1978
May 18-24.
Family-related benefits in the workplace. 1990 Mar. 28-33.

Occupational data program yielding big dividends. 1977 Oct. 44-45.
Quality. 1987 Apr. 2.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Changes in health plans reflect broader benefit coverage. 1978 Sept


Flexible benefits plans: employees who have a choice. 1989 Dec. 17-23.
Fringes of a fringe group: part-timers in academe. 1979 Nov. 46-49.
Growth of fringe benefits: implications for social security. 1981 Nov.

to broaden scope of its white-collar pay survey. 1987 Mar.
bls to improve urban sample in 1987 revision of the cpi . 1984 May 51.
Comparison of the revised and the old cpi. 1987 Nov. 3-6.
Computer-aided telephone interviewing used in the Hours at Work Sur­
vey. 1986 May. 39-41.
Consumer Expenditure Survey: quality control by comparative analysis.
1987 Mar. 8-14.
Current Population Survey: a historical perspective and bls’s role, 1984
June 8-14.
Data needs. 1985 Apr. 2.
Data user’s look back from 2015. 1990 Apr. 9-12.
Developing statistics to meet society’s needs. 1989 Oct. 14-19.
Effect of demographic changes on the Nation’s unemployment rate. 1979
Mar. 13-23.
Evaluating workplace injury and illness records: testing a procedure.
1988 Apr. 58-60.
Evaluation of mean wage estimates in industry wage surveys. 1988 Oct.
Experimental price index for the computer industry. 1990 Oct. 16-25.
Expert panel offers suggestions on 1990 census methodology. 1986 Mar.
Family expenditure data to be available on a continuing basis. 1979 Apr.
Federal agencies seek improvement in quality in establishment surveys.
1989 Oct. 38-40.
First bls survey of pay levels in computer and data processing services.
1979 July 34.
Hours at work: a new base for bls productivity statistics. 1990 Feb. 17-24.
How many new jobs since 1982? data from two surveys differ. 1989 Aug.
Implementing the Levitan Commission’s recommendations to improve
labor data. 1985 Feb. 16-24.
Interview group bias. 1986 June 43.
Labor force data in the next century. 1990 Apr. 3-8.
Measuring labor force flows: a special conference examines the problems.
1985 July 7-17.
Milestones in Producer Price Index methodology and presentation. 1989
Aug. 41-42.
National Longitudinal Surveys: development and uses. 1990 July. 32-37.
New benchmarks and sic codes for Establishment Survey. 1990 Nov.
New benchmarks. 1981 July 2.
New household survey and the CPS: a look at labor force differences. 1985
Sept. 3-12.
Occupational employment based on 1972 and 1987 sic. 1990 May. 49-51.
Quality adjustments for structural changes in the cpi housing sample.
1990 Nov. 40-42.
Release policy. 1981 Mar. 2.
Response variation in the CPS: caveats for the unemployment analyst.
1984 Mar. 37-43.
Revised Consumer Price Index: changes in definitions and availability.
1986 July 15-23.
Revisions of State and local area labor force statistics. 1987 July 38-41.
SMSA expansion. 1981 Aug. 2.
Youth labor force activity: alternative surveys compared. 1981 Mar. 3-17.
bls prepares

Helping employees with family care. 1990 Sept. 22-26.
How benefits will be incorporated into the Employment Cost Index. 1978
Jan. 18-26.
How firm size and industry affect employee benefits. 1990 Dec.
How has vesting changed since passage of Employee Retirement Income
Security Act? 1988 Aug. 20-25.
Is employer-sponsored life insurance declining relative to other benefits?
1981 Sept. 31-33.
Jobless insurance inequities deepen as more women enter the labor force.
1979 Apr. 44-45.
Legislative revisions of unemployment insurance in 1980. 1981 Jan.
Life insurance benefits for retired workers. 1990 Sept. 17-21.
Linking unemployment insurance to mobility and family income. 1979
Apr. 42-44.
Maternity benefits available to most health plan participants. 1978 May
Measuring the cost and incidence of employee benefits. 1988 Aug. 3-8.
Noninsured death benefits under union and company programs. 1977
Oct. 61-63.
Pension portability. 1988 Aug. 2.
Postretirement increases under private pension plans. 1984 Sept. 3-8.
Public and private pay levels: a comparison in large labor markets. 1981
July 22-26.
Some in families of those receiving jobless aid are forced to seek work.
1979 Apr. 45-46.
Today’s pension plans: how much do they pay? 1985 Dec. 19-25.
Unemployment compensation and labor supply. 1978 May 47-50.
Unemployment insurance covers additional 9 million workers. 1978 May
Variations in holidays, vacations, and area pay levels. 1989 Feb. 24-30.
Wage and benefits of State and local government employees. 1980 Sept. 2.
Wage gains in 1979 of set by inflation. 1980 July 48-51.
Work and the family: the impact of legislation. 1990 Mar. 34-40.
Work-sharing initiatives at home and abroad. 1977 Sept. 16-20.
Workers’ compensation in 1982: significant legislation enacted. 1983 Jan.
Workers’ compensation laws—key State amendments of 1978. 1979 Jan.
Workers’compensation laws-key amendments of 1979. 1980 Feb. 19-25.
Workers’ compensation: key legislation in 1981. 1982 Feb. 24-30.
SUPREME COURT (See also Decisions section.)
Labor and the Supreme Court: significant decisions of 1976-77. 1978 Jan.
12- 17.
Labor and the Supreme Court: significant decisions of 1977-78. 1979 Jan.
Labor and the Supreme Court: significant decisions of 1978-79. 1980 Jan.
Labor and the Supreme Court: significant decisions of 1979-80. 1981 Apr.
13- 22.


Labor and the Supreme Court: significant decisions of 1989-90. 1990 Jan.
SURVEY METHODS (See also Statistical programs and methods.)

New household survey and the CPS: a look at labor force differences. 1985
Sept. 3-12.


area wage surveys will cover more areas. 1986 June 19-23.
compensation programs: what will users need? 1990 Feb. 46-51.
bls expands collective bargaining series for State and local government.
1985 May 36-38.



Analysis of unemployment in nine industrial countries. 1977 Apr. 12-24.
Analysis of unemployment and other labor market indicators in 10 coun­
tries. 1988 Apr. 39-50.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Changing family in international perspective. 1990 Mar. 41-58.

TEAMSTERS (See International Brotherhood of Teamsters.)

Child care and family benefits: policies of six industrialized countries.
1980 Nov. 23-28.

Computer manufacturing enters a new era of growth. 1986 Sept. 9-16.
Computer-aided telephone interviewing used in the Hours at Work Sur­
vey. 1986 May. 39-41.
Construction machinery industry posts slow rise in productivity. 1980
July 33-36.
Contribution of r &d to productivity growth. 1986 Mar. 16-20.
Cyclical behavior of high tech industries. 1985 May 9-15.
Employment lessons from the electronics industry. 1986 Feb. 27-36.
Employment training in France: firm and worker experience. 1980 June
Folding paperboard box industry shows slow rise in productivity. 1980
Mar. 25-28.
Future of work: does it belong to us or to the robots? 1982 Sept. 10-14.
High technology today and tomorrow: a small slice of employment pie.
1983 Nov. 55-58.
How are Japanese unions responding to microelectronics-based automa­
tion? 1987 Mar. 39-40.
How European unions cope with new technology. 1982 Sept. 36-38.
ilo examines impact of technology on worker safety and health. 1985
Aug. 46-47.
Impact of microelectronics on employment: Japan’s experience. 1985
Sept. 45-48.
Impact of new electronic technology. 1982 Mar. 37-39.
International experiences with technological change. 1986 Mar. 35-40.
Labor and material requirements for federally aided highways. 1979 Dec.
New Jersey trends in high tech employment. 1984 Aug. 33.
New technology. 1982 May. 2.
Paper and plastic bag industry: two distinct productivity phases. 1980
May 26-30.
Pattern of productivity in the lighting fixtures industry. 1978 Sept. 31-37.
Problem of job obsolescence: working it out at River Works. 1978 July
Productivity and new technology in eating and drinking places. 1977
Sept. 9-15.
Productivity and technology in the electric lamp industry. 1978 Aug.
Productivity and technology in the electric motor industry. 1978 Aug.
Productivity gains in the drugstore industry, 1958-79. 1980 Nov. 18-22.
Productivity growth below average in fabricated structural metals. 1980
June 27-31.
Productivity growth below average in the household furniture industry.
1978 Nov. 23-29.
Productivity trend in the soaps and detergents industry. 1980 Feb. 26-30.
Productivity trends in the ball and roller bearing industry. 1981 Jan.
Robots are a big success at auto plant in Japan. 1984 Aug. 35-36.
Successful worker training programs help ease impact of technology.
1987 Nov. 14-20.
Task force encourages diffusion of microelectronics in Canada 1983 Oct.
Technological change and employment: some results from bls research.
1987 Apr. 26-29.
Technological change. 1987 July 2.
Technological changes in printing: union response in three countries.
1985 July 41-43.
Technological impact 1983 Apr. 2.
Technology and labor in automobile production. 1977 Oct. 32-35.
Technology and labor in electric power and gas industry. 1977 Nov.
Technology in telecommunications: its effect on labor and skills. 1979
Jan. 13-19.

Early retirement as a labor force policy: an international overview. 1987
Mar. 19-33.
European union agreements provide framework for public policies. 1977
Jan. 62-64.
Flexible and partial retirement in Norway and Sweden. 1985 Oct. 33-43.
International comparison of labor force participation, 1977-84. 1986
May. 3-12.
International comparisons of trends in productivity and labor costs. 1981
Dec. 14-20.
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
International experiences with technological change. 1986 Mar. 35-40.
International trends in productivity and unit labor costs in manufactur­
ing. 1986 Dec.'12-17.
Labor productivity in manufacturing at home and abroad, 1980-86. 1987
Dec. 25-30.
Productivity and labor cost trends in manufacturing, 12 countries. 1986
Mar. 3-10.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 11 industrial countries, 1977. 1978
Nov. 11-17.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 12 industrial countries. 1977 July
Productivity trends in manufacturing in the U.S. and 11 other countries.
1984 Jan. 52-58.
Recent labor market developments in the U.S. and nine other countries.
1984 Jan. 44-51.
Recent labor market trends in nine industrial nations. 1979 May 8-16.
Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries. 1985
Aug. 9-22.
Sexual equality in the Swedish labor market. 1978 Oct. 31-35.
Sweden combats unemployment of young and older workers. 1982 Oct.
Unemployment and labor force trends in 10 industrial nations: an update.
1982 Nov. 17-21.
Unemployment compensation in eight industrial nations. 1976 July
Unemployment insurance in the United States and Europe, 1973-83. 1989
Apr. 22-31.
Unemployment, labor force trends, and layoff practices in 10 countries.
1981 Dec. 3-13.
Unions in the military: three European cases. 1978 Apr. 39-40.
Youth unemployment: an international perspective. 1981 July. 3-15.
Early retirement as a labor force policy: an international overview. 1987
Mar. 19-33.
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
Labor productivity in manufacturing at home and abroad, 1980-86. 1987
Dec. 25-30.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 12 industrial countries. 1977 July
International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
Employment prospects brighten a bit for some teachers in California.
1977 Oct. 49-52.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


U.S. civil works construction shows decrease in required labor. 1978 Oct.

Divorced and separated women in the labor force—an update. 1978 Oct.

Veneer and plywood industry: above average productivity gains. 1978
Sept. 26-30.

Do benefits cause unemployed to hold out for better jobs? 1976 Mar.
37- 31.

TENURE (See Job tenure.)

Easing the worker’s transition from job loss to employment. 1984 May
38- 40.


Education and demographics: how do they affect unemployment rates?
1988 Jan. 3-9.
Educational attainment of workers—some trends from 1975 to 1978.
1979 Feb. 55-59.
Effect of demographic changes on the Nation’s unemployment rate. 1979
Mar. 13-23.
Effect of unemployment on family income in 1977. 1979 Dec. 42-44.
Efforts to improve estimates of State and local unemployment. 1977 May
Employment and unemployment among Vietnam-era veterans. 1990
Apr. 22-29.
Employment and unemployment situation in:
1975. 1976 Feb. 11-20.
1976. 1977 Feb. 3-13.
1977. 1978 Feb. 12-23.
1978. 1979 Feb. 3-12.
1979. 1980 Feb. 3-10.
1980. 1981 Feb. 4-14.
1981. 1982 Mar. 3-14.
1982. 1983 Feb. 3-12.
1983. 1984 Feb. 3-14.
1984. 1985 Feb. 3-15.
1985. 1986 Feb. 3-12.
1986. 1987 Feb. 3-10.
1987 1988 ]Feb. 57-67.
1988. 1989 Feb. 3-14.
1989. 1990 Feb. 3-16.
Employment and unemployment in:
First half, 1976. 1976 Aug. 9-12.
First half, 1977. 1977 Aug. 3-6.
First half, 1978. 1978 Aug. 3-7.
First half, 1979. 1979 Aug. 3-7.
First half, 1980. 1980 Aug. 3-9.
First half, 1981. 1981 Aug. 3-8.
First half, 1982. 1982 Aug. 3-12.
First half, 1983. 1983 Aug. 8-14.
First half, 1984. 1984 Aug. 3-7.
First half, 1985. 1985 Aug. 3-8.
First half, 1986. 1986 Aug. 3-8.
First half, 1987. 1987 Sept. 64-69.
First half, 1988. 1988 Aug. 15-19.
First half, 1989. 1989 Aug. 3-9.
Employment and unemployment: the doughnut or the hole? 1976 Feb.
Employment changes in construction: secular, cyclical, and seasonal.
1983 Mar. 11-17.
Employment gains of women by industry, 1968-78. 1980 June 3-9.
Employment in recession and recovery: a demographic flow analysis.
1985 Mar. 35-42.
Employment policies that deal with structural unemployment. 1978 May
Employment problems and their effect on family income, 1979-83. 1985
Aug. 42-43.
Factors affecting unemployment. 1977 July 2.
Female-male unemployment differential: effects of changes in industry
employment. 1984 Nov. 8-15.

Job cuts are only one means firms use to counter imports. 1984 June
Trade sensitive employment: who are the affected workers? 1981 Feb.
Auto Workers seek Government aid for laid-off workers, ailing industry.
1980 Sept. 41-43.
Labor movement theory and the institutional setting. 1981 Sept. 34-37.
TRADE UNIONS (See Labor organizations.)
TRAINING (See Education and training.)
Productivity trends for intercity bus carriers. 1981 May 23-27.
Job absence and turnover: a new source of data. 1977 Oct.24- 31.
“Underground economy” and


statistical data. 1984 Jan. 4-18.

UNDEREMPLOYMENT (See Employment; Unemployment.)
UNEMPLOYMENT (See also Employment; Labor force.)
Adjusted Japanese unemployment rate remains below 3 percent in
1987-88. 1989 June 36-38.
Age and the job-hunting methods of the unemployed. 1979 Jan. 68-69.
Allocating Federal funds through local unemployment rates. 1977 Oct.
Analysis of unemployment in nine industrial countries. 1977 Apr. 12-24.
Analysis of unemployment and other labor market indicators in 10 coun­
tries. 1988 Apr. 39-50.
Another measure of flow and duration as jobless rate components: reply.
1979 Sept. 48.
Another measure of flow and duration as unemployment rate compo­
nents. 1979 Sept. 46-48.
Area labor market response to national unemployment patterns. 1982
Jan. 45-49.
Auto industry experiments with the Guaranteed Income Stream. 1984
July 37-39.
Benchmark unemployment. 1983 June 42.
Black labor force during the 1975-78 recovery. 1979 May 3-7.
Changes in regional unemployment over the last decade. 1985 Mar.
Changes in unemployment insurance legislation during 1979. 1980 Apr.
Changing patterns of demand: bls projections to 1990. 1978 Dec. 47-55.
Comparison of youth unemployment in Australia and the United States.
1984 Oct. 30-36.
Discouraged workers’ link to jobless rate reaffirmed. 1978 Oct. 40-42.
Discouraged workers: how strong are their links to the job market? 1984
Aug. 8-11.
Dispersion tendencies in occupational unemployment rates. 1976 Apr.
Displaced workers of 1979-83: how well have they fared? 1985 June 3-16.
Displaced workers: one year later. 1986 July 40-42.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Fewer students in work force as school age population declines. 1984 July
34- 37.
Forgotten unemployment: recall bias in retrospective data. 1982 Mar.
gao study focuses on problems of teenagers in labor market. 1982 Oct.

Quick’ special purpose surveys passed test during coal strike. 1979 Feb.
Recent labor market trends in nine industrial nations. 1979 May 8-16.
Recent recessions swell ranks of the long-term unemployed. 1984 Feb.
Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries. 1985
Aug. 9-22.
Recessionary impacts on the unemployment of men and women. 1984
May 21-25.
Reducing unemployment. 1977 Feb. 2.
Regional unemployment and job search in Canada. 1977 Oct. 42-43.
Regional variations in employment and unemployment during 1970-82.
1984 Feb. 38-45.
Reshaping a statistical program to meet legislative priorities. 1977 Nov.

Have employment patterns in recessions changed? 1981 Feb. 15-28.
Helping Poland cope with unemployment 1990 Dec. 25-34.
How likely are individuals to enter the labor force? 1979 Sept. 28-34.
How many hours of work do the unemployed want? 1978 Dec. 70-71.
Identifying States and areas prone to high and low unemployment. 1980
Mar. 20-24.
Implementing the Levitan Commission’s recommendations to improve
labor data. 1985 Feb. 16-24.
Improving our information on discouraged workers. 1978 Sept. 15-25.
Industrial structure has little impact on jobless rate of experienced work­
ers. 1987 May 30-32.
Japan’s low unemployment: an in-depth analysis. 1984 Mar. 18-27.
Japan’s low unemployment: economic miracle or statistical artifact? 1983
July 3-10.
Japanese unemployment: bls updates its analysis. 1987 June 47-53.
Job search of recipients of unemployment insurance. 1979 Feb. 49-54.
Job search of the unemployed, May 1976. 1977 Nov. 39-43.
Job vacancies versus unemployment. 1984 May 49-50.
Labor force activity among students, graduates, and dropouts in 1980.
1981 July 31-33.
Labor force activity of married women as a response to changing jobless
rates. 1980 June 32-33.
Labor force experience of black youth: a review. 1980 Aug. 10-16.
Labor force: bls’ latest projections, 1995. 1985 Nov. 17-25.
Labor market dynamics and trends in male and female unemployment
rates. 1990 Nov. 3-12.
Labor market problems of older workers. 1983 May 3-12.
Labor market problems of today’s high school dropouts. 1988 June 36-43.
Layoffs and permanent job losses: workers’ traits and cyclical patterns.
1983 Oct. 3-12.
Legislative revisions of unemployment insurance in 1980. 1981 Jan.
35- 39.
Measuring the social costs of instability in construction. 1980 Feb. 53-57.
Measuring unemployment. 1988 Jan. 2.
Mexican peso devaluation and border area employment, The 1982. 1985
Oct. 25-32.
Migration of the unemployed: a relocation assistance program. 1981 Apr.
Minimum wage today: how well does it work? 1979 July 17-21.
Minorities report. 1980 Mar. 2.
Most workers find jobs through word of mouth. 1980 Aug. 33-35.
Movable beast: changing patterns of regional unemployment. 1988 Apr.
National Commission recommends changes in labor force statistics. 1980
Apr. 11-21.
New Federal-State program to train dislocated workers. 1985 July 32-35.
New leading index of employment and unemployment. 1981 June 44-47.
New leading indicator: workers recently laid off. 1986 May. 35-37.
New role for economic indicators. 1977 Nov. 3-5.
Outcome of a spell of unemployment. 1977 Jan. 54-57.
Plant closures: efforts cushion the blow. 1984 June 41-43.
Population changes, the baby boom, and the unemployment rate. 1990
Aug. 3-10.

6- 11.

Response to recession: reduce hours or jobs? 1981 Oct. 3-11.
Roll call. 1983 Feb. 2.
Seasonal variations in employment and unemployment during 1951-75.
1980 Jan. 48-52.
Short-time compensation systems in California and Europe. 1980 July
Some in families of those receiving jobless aid are forced to seek work.
1979 Apr. 45-46.
Sources of secular increases in the unemployment rate, 1969-82. 1984
July 19-25.
State and regional employment and unemployment in 1983. 1984 Sept.
Structural unemployment without quotation marks. 1979 June 29-34.
Structure, cost, and performance of the Job Opportunities Program. 1978
Aug. 40-43.
Sweden combats unemployment of young and older workers. 1982 Oct.
Teenage conundrum. 1979 Apr. 2.
Time spent unemployed: a new look at data from the CPS. 1987 July 3-15.
Today’s teenage unemployed—tomorrow’s working poor? 1979 Jan.
Tracking individual earnings mobility with the Current Population Sur­
vey. 1980 May 43-46.
Tracking youth joblessness: persistent or fleeting? 1982 Feb. 3-15.
Trends in educational attainment among workers in the 1980’s. 1980 July
Trends in employment and unemployment in families. 1983 Dec. 21-25.
Two-fifths of discouraged sought work during prior 6-month period.
1979 Mar. 58-60.
Unemployment among family men: a 10-year longitudinal study. 1979
Nov. 19-23.
Unemployment among recipients of food stamps and afdc . 1979 Mar.
Unemployment and its effect on family income in 1980. 1982 Apr. 35-43.
Unemployment and labor force trends in 10 industrial nations: an update.
1982 Nov. 17-21.
Unemployment compensation: its effect on unemployment. 1976 Mar.
Unemployment experience in Canada: a 5-year longitudinal analysis.
1983 Apr. 36-38.
Unemployment in 1982: the cost to workers and their families. 1984 Feb.
Unemployment in the West. 1984 June 2.
Unemployment, labor force trends, and layoff practices in 10 countries.
1981 Dec. 3-13.
Unemployment situation for military wives. 1981 Feb. 60-64.
What is a current equivalent to unemployment rates of the past? 1979
Mar. 36-46.
Using a leading employment index to forecast unemployment in 1983.
1983 May 30-32.

Probing the issues of unemployment duration. 1980 July 23-32.
Profile of husbands in today’s labor market. 1987 Oct. 12-17.
Pulse of economic change: displaced workers of 1981-85. 1987 June 3-12.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


What is a current equivalent to unemployment rates of the past? 1979
Mar. 36-46.
What is the effect of random variation in State unemployment rates? 1987
Dec. 41-46.
Work experience of the population in 1977. 1979 Mar. 53-57.
Work experience of the population in 1979. 1981 June 48-53.
Work experience of the population, 1976. 1977 Nov. 43-47,
Work force reductions. 1982 July 2.
Worker displacement in a period of rapid job expansion: 1983-87. 1990
May. 21-33.
Workers on layoff: a comparison of two data series. 1976 Nov. 29-33.
Workers’ expectations about losing and replacing their jobs. 1980 Aor
Year’s work: labor force activity from a different perspective. 1988 Sent

Legislation during 1981. 1982 Feb. 16-23.
Legislation during 1982. 1983 Jan. 38-43
Legislation during 1983. 1984 Feb. 46-61.
Legislation during 1984. 1985 Jan. 43-48.
Legislation during 1985. 1986 Jan. 55-60.
Legislation during 1986. 1987 Feb. 21-29.
Legislation during 1987. 1988 Mar. 9-16.
Legislation during 1988. 1989 Jan. 59-65.
Legislation during 1989. 1990 Jan. 64-69.
Unemployment insurance program solvency in the 1980’s. 1985 May
Unemployment insurance system marks its 50th anniversary. 1985 Sept.
Unemployment insurance system: its financial structure. 1981 Dec.

Young and marginal: an overview of youth employment. 1979 Oct. 4-18.
Young discouraged workers: racial differences explored. 1984 June


Youngest workers: 14- and 15-year olds. 1981 Feb. 65-69.
Youth in the labor force: an area study. 1976 July 3-9.

Area wage surveys shed light on declines in unionization. 1985 Sept.

Youth labor force activity: alternative surveys compared. 1981 Mar. 3-17.
Youth unemployment in the 1974-75 recession. 1976 Jan. 49-56.
Youth unemployment. 1977 Sept. 2.

Becoming a union leader: the path to local office. 1982 Feb. 44-46.
British collective bargaining: a decade of reformation. 1981 July 40-43.
Can employee associations negotiate new growth? 1989 July 5-14.
Canadian unions achieve strong gains in membership. 1986 Apr. 48-49.
Collective bargaining and private sector professionals. 1989 Sept. 24-33.
Decertification elections increase but remain no major burden to unions
1979 Nov. 30-32.
Determinants of voter participation in union certification elections. 1982
Apr. 45-47.

Youth unemployment: an international perspective. 1981 July 3-15.
Auto industry experiments with the Guaranteed Income Stream. 1984
July 37-39.
Auto Workers seek Government aid for laid-off workers, ailing industry
1980 Sept. 41-43.

Do foreign-owned U.S. firms practice unconventional labor relations?
1981 Jan. 44-48.

Efforts to improve estimates of State and local unemployment. 1977 Mav

Labor organization mergers 1979-84: adapting to change. 1984 Sept.

Estimating the cost of extending jobless insurance to farmworkers. 1978
May 18-24.

Labor organizations report membership declined in 1974-76. 1978 Jan.

Federal Supplemental Compensation and Unemployment Insurance Re­
cipients. 1984 Apr. 43-45.
Improving jobless pay. 1980 Oct. 2.

Lack of female union leaders: a look at some reasons. 1981 May. 30-32.
Mine Workers’ new president wins dues increase, right to name VP. 1980
Mar. 48-50.
Minority membership improves in job-referral unions. 1978 Feb. 56.
nlrb v. Yeshiva University a. positive perspective. 1983 July. 34-37.
Profile of women on part-time schedules. 1978 Oct. 3-12.
Union membership of employed wage and salary workers, 1985. 1986
May 44-46.

Incomplete experience rating in State unemployment insurance. 1984
Nov. 45-49.
Job search of recipients of unemployment insurance. 1979 Feb. 49-54.
Jobless insurance inequities deepen as more women enter the labor force
1979 Apr. 44-45.
Linking unemployment insurance to mobility and family income. 1979
Apr. 42-44.

Union membership trends: a study of the Garment Workers. 1986 June

Modest productivity gains in State Unemployment Insurance Service.
1983 Jan. 24-27.

Union-shop deauthorization poll: a new look after 20 years. 1979 Nov.

Short-time compensation systems in California and Europe. 1980 Julv
13- 22.

What factors influence the outcome of decertification elections? 1979
Nov. 32-36.

Some in families of those receiving jobless aid are forced to seek work
1979 Apr. 45-46.

Women in labor organizations: their ranks are increasing. 1978 Aug.

Unemployment compensation and labor supply. 1978 May 47-50.
Unemployment compensation in eight industrial nations. 1976 Julv

UNION MERGERS (See also Labor organizations.)
Union mergers in the 1970’s: a look at the reasons and the results. 1978
Oct. 13-23.

Unemployment insurance covers additional 9 million workers. 1978 Mav
14- 17.


Unemployment insurance in the United States and Europe, 1973-83 1989
Apr. 22-31.

British collective bargaining: a decade of reformation. 1981 July 40-43.

Unemployment insurance changes in State:
Legislation during 1975. 1976 Jan. 37-41.
Legislation during 1976. 1977 Feb. 46-51.
Legislation during 1978. 1979 Feb. 13-16.
Legislation during 1979. 1980 Apr. 36-40.
Legislation during 1980. 1981 Jan. 35-39.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Unemployment insurance: identifying payment errors. 1984 Dec. 34-37.

UNIONS (See Labor organizations.)
UNIT LABOR COST (See also Productivity.)
First-quarter productivity drop follows marginal growth in 1978. 1979
Oct. 57-61.
Improving the concepts and techniques of productivity measurement.
1979 Sept. 23-27.


International comparisons of hourly compensation costs. 1989 June
10- 12.

International comparisons of productivity and labor costs. 1980 Dec.
International comparisons of trends in productivity and labor costs. 1981
Dec. 14-20.
International trends in productivity and labor costs. 1982 Dec. 3-14.
Labor and material requirements for hospital construction. 1982 Mar
Long nonfarm productivity slide ends during the third quarter. 1981 Mar
Measuring the cost and incidence of employee benefits. 1988. Aug. 3-8.
New sector definitions for productivity series. 1976 Oct. 40-42.
Output per unit of labor input in the retail food store industry. 1977 Jan.
Productivity and costs during recession and recovery. 1978 Aug. 31-34.
Productivity and costs in the private economy, 1975. 1976 May 3-11.
Productivity and costs in the private economy, 1976. 1977 Sept. 3-8.
Productivity and costs:
Third quarter, 1975. 1976 Feb. 36-40.
First quarter, 1976. 1976 July 31-34.
Second quarter, 1976. 1976 Oct. 23-26.
Third quarter, 1976. 1977 Feb. 75-79.
Fourth quarter, 1976. 1977 Apr. 68-71.
First quarter, 1977. 1977 Aug. 38-40.
Second quarter, 1977. 1977 Nov. 34-38.
Third quarter, 1977. 1978 Mar. 42-44.
First quarter, 1978. 1978 Sept. 46-49.
Second quarter, 1978. 1978 Dec. 61-64.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 11 industrial countries, 1977. 1978
Nov. 11-17.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 12 industrial countries. 1977 July
Productivity declines continue into third quarter 1979. 1980 Feb. 46-48.
Productivity drops, output and hours rise during the fourth quarter. 1981
June 40-43.

Labor productivity in manufacturing at home and abroad, 1980-86. 1987
Dec. 25-30.
Lifetime jobs and wage security: vintage wine in new containers? 1977
Sept. 27-28.
Part-time employment in Great Britain: establishment survey data. 1988
May 45-46.
Productivity and labor cost trends in manufacturing, 12 countries. 1986
Mar. 3-10.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 11 industrial countries, 1977. 1978
Nov. 11-17.
Productivity and unit labor costs in 12 industrial countries. 1977 July
Productivity trends in manufacturing in the U.S. and 11 other countries.
1984 Jan. 52-58.
Recent labor market developments in the U.S. and nine other countries.
1984 Jan. 44-51.
Recent labor market trends in nine industrial nations. 1979 May 8-16.
Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries. 1985
Aug. 9-22.
Technological changes in printing: union response in three countries.
1985 July 41-43.
Unemployment and labor force trends in 10 industrial nations: an update.
1982 Nov. 17-21.
Unemployment compensation in eight industrial nations. 1976 July
Unemployment insurance in the United States and Europe, 1973-83. 1989
Apr. 22-31.
Unemployment, labor force trends, and layoff practices in 10 countries.
1981 Dec. 3-13.
Youth unemployment: an international perspective. 1981 July 3-15.

Productivity increased in 1978 in most industries measured. 1980 Jan.
40- 43.

Internal politics splits Mine Workers convention. 1977 Jan. 58-61.

Productivity increased in all major sectors in the third quarter 1979 Feb.
41- 45.

Abel-dominated convention endorses no-strike policy, seeks job guaran­
tee. 1976 Nov. 44-46.

Sixth consecutive productivity recorded for the second quarter. 1980
Dec. 52-54.

Great Migration of Afro-Americans, 1915-40. 1987 Mar. 34-36.
Rural employment programs: the case for remedial policies. 1978 Apr.
Welfare reform and the plight of the poor in the rural South. 1978 Apr.
Women’s labor force participation—a look at some residential patterns.
1978 Mar. 38-41.

Merger of Retail Clerks, Meat Cutters creates union exceeding 1.2 mil­
lion. 1979 Sept. 56-57.
Analysis of unemployment and other labor market indicators in 10 coun­
tries. 1988 Apr. 39-50.
Analysis of unemployment in nine industrial countries. 1977 Apr. 12-24.
Britain’s redundancy payments for displaced workers. 1987 June 18-23.
British collective bargaining: a decade of reformation. 1981 July 40-43.
Changing family in international perspective. 1990 Mar. 41-58.
Early retirement as a labor force policy: an international overview. 1987
Mar. 19-33.
End of the 12-hour day in the steel industry. 1977 Sept. 21-26.
European job creation in the wake of plant closings and layoffs. 1986 Oct.

Employment and unemployment among Vietnam-era veterans. 1990
Apr. 22-29.
Labor force status of Vietnam-era veterans. 1987 Feb. 11-17.
Women veterans total 1 million in first half of 1986. 1986 Dec. 30-31.
Bargaining calendar in
Bargaining calendar in
Bargaining calendar in
Bargaining calendar in
Bargaining calendar in
Bargaining calendar in
Bargaining calendar in
Bargaining calendar in

European union agreements provide framework for public policies. 1977
Jan. 62-64.
Four nations’ policies toward displaced steel workers. 1985 July 35-39.
International comparisons of trends in productivity and labor costs. 1981
Dec. 14-20.
International developments in apprenticeship. 1989 July 40-41.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988 May
International experiences with technological change. 1986 Mar. 35-40.
International trends in productivity and unit labor costs in manufactur­
ing. 1986 Dec. 12-17.



1976 Dec. 14-24.
1977 Dec. 34-43.
1979 Jan. 20-25.
1980 Jan. 9-13.
1981 Jan. 9-14.
1982 Jan. 16-20.
1983 Jan. 3-16.
1984 Jan. 19-32.

Bargaining calendar in
Bargaining calendar in
Bargaining calendar in
Bargaining calendar in
Bargaining calendar in
Bargaining calendar in


1985 Jan.
1986 Jan.
1987 Jan.
1988 Jan.
1989 Jan.
1990 Jan.


Changes in marital and family characteristics of workers, 1970-78. 1979
Apr. 49-52.
Child care and family benefits: policies of six industrialized countries.
1980 Nov. 23-28.
Child-care arrangements of working parents. 1979 Oct. 50-56.
Child-care services: a national picture. 1983 Dec. 35-39.
Children of working mothers, March 1977. 1978 Jan. 30-33.
Civil Service reform proposal figures prominently in afge races. 1978
Nov. 30-32.
Coal industry resurgence attracts variety of new workers. 1981 Jan. 3-8.
Comparable worth in the job market: estimating its effect. 1985 July
Developing an index to measure female labor force attachment. 1977 May
Discrimination and pay disparities between white men and women. 1978
Mar. 17-22.
Distribution of earned income among men and women, 1958-77. 1980
Apr. 3-10.
Divorced and separated women in the labor force—an update. 1978 Oct.
Dual-earner families: an annotated bibliography. 1981 Feb. 53-59.
Earnings differences between men and women: an introductory note.
1984 June 15-16.
Earnings of men and women. 1977 Jan. 2.
Effect on women’s earnings of enforcement in Title Vll cases. 1977 Mar.
Effects of selected variables on work hours of young women. 1983 July
31- 34.
Employment characteristics of older women, 1987. 1988 Sept. 3-12.
Employment gains by minorities and women in large city government,
1976-83. 1988 Nov. 18-24.
Employment gains of women by industry, 1968-78. 1980 June 3-9.
Employment patterns of women and minorities. 1977 Nov. 50.
Employment situation for military wives. 1981 Feb. 60-64.
Families and the rise of working wives—an overview. 1976 May 12-19.
Families of working wives spending more on services and nondurables.
1989 Feb. 15-23.
Female labor force participation: why projections have been too low, 1977
July 18-24.
Female-male unemployment differential: effects of changes in industry
employment. 1984 Nov. 8-15.
Frances Perkins’ interest in a new deal for blacks. 1980 Apr. 31-35.
Frances Perkins, Isador Lubin, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1980
Apr. 22-30.
Frances Perkins. 1980 Apr. 2.
Global efforts to obtain equality for women workers. 1978 Oct. 48.
How do demographic changes affect labor force participation of women?
1987 Nov. 23-25.
How type of employment affects earnings differences by sex. 1976 July
How women’s health affects labor force attachment. 1982 Apr. 56-59.
Husbands and wives as earners: an analysis of family data. 1981 Feb.
Investigating the differences in weekly earnings of women and men. 1984
June 17-28.
Jobless insurance inequities deepen as more women enter the labor force.
1979 Apr. 44-45.
Labor force activity of married women as a response to changing jobless
rates. 1980 June 32-33.
Labor force activity of women receiving child support or alimony. 1982
Nov. 39-41.
Labor force participation differs significantly for the rural woman. 1979
Jan. 71-73.
Labor force participation of married women, March 1976. 1977 June
32- 36.

Prevalence of incentives in major bargaining agreements. 1979 July
WAGES (See Earnings and wages.)
Geographic wage indexing for ceta and Medicare. 1980 Sept. 15-19.
New directions for income transfer programs. 1980 Feb. 41-45.
Negative income tax: would it discourage work? 1981 Apr. 23-27.
Poverty estimates lowered by inclusion of noncash benefits. 1984 May
46- 47.
Welfare reform and the plight of the poor in the rural South. 1978 Apr.
WEST GERMANY (See Germany.)
bls prepares

to broaden scope of its white-collar pay survey. 1987 Mar.

white-collar pay survey now covers small firms. 1986 Oct. 26-28.
Experienced professionals lead white-collar pay rise. 1977 Nov. 48-49.
Federal pay comparability: facts to temper the debate. 1979 June 18-28.
Federal pay procedures and the comparability survey. 1976 Aug. 27-31.
How salaries of large cities compare with industry and Federal pay. 1976
Nov. 23-28.

Occupational salary levels for white-collar workers, 1985. 1985 Oct.
Occupational salary levels for white-collar workers, 1982. 1982 Oct.
Occupational salary levels for white-collar workers, 1984. 1984 Oct.
Sharp rise in 1978 white-collar pay characterized by wide variations. 1978
Nov. 37-39.
White-collar pay determination under range-of-rate systems. 1984 Dec.
White-collar pay in goods production, March 1990. 1990 Dec. 44-46.
White-collar pay in nonservice industries. 1988 Oct. 39-41.
White-collar pay levels linked to corporate work force size. 1982 May.
White-collar pay rise for 1979 nearly matches 1978 increase. 1979 Nov.
White-collar pay survey. 1976 Aug. 2.
White-collar salaries vary widely in the service industries. 1987 Nov.
White-collar unions and the work humanization movement. 1977 May
White-collar workers open 1980’s with record salary increases. 1981 Nov.
47- 49.
1995 labor force: a first look. 1980 Dec. 11-21.
Almost half of all children have mothers in the labor force. 1977 June
Are women safer workers? a new look at the data. 1980 Sept. 3-10.
Black women in the professions, 1890-1970. 1977 May 38-41.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Labor force patterns of divorced and separated women. 1977 Jan. 48-53.
Labor force patterns of single women. 1979 Aug. 46-49.
Labor force trends: a synthesis and analysis. 1977 Oct. 3-12.
Lack of female union leaders: a look at some reasons. 1981 May 30-32.
Length of working life for men and women, 1970. 1976 Feb. 31-35.
Male-female pay gap: need for revaluation. 1981 Apr. 42-44.
Marital and family characteristics of the labor force, March 1979. 1980
Apr. 48-52.

Women who head families, 1970-77: their numbers rose, income lagged.
1978 Feb. 32-37.
Women who head families: a socioeconomic analysis. 1976 June 3-9.
Women’s labor force participation—a look at some residential patterns.
1978 Mar. 38-41.
Women’s share of moonlighting nearly doubles during 1969-79. 1980
May 36-39.
Women’s use of time converging with men’s. 1980 Dec. 57-59.
Women’s work plans: contrasting expectations and actual work experi­
ence. 1987 Nov. 7-13.
Work and family: the impact of legislation. 1990 Mar. 34-40.
Work experience of the population in 1978. 1980 Mar. 43-47.
Working mothers and their children. 1981 May 49-54.
Working mothers in the 1970’s: a look at the statistics. 1979 Oct. 39-49.
Working mothers reach record number in 1984. 1984 Dec. 31-34.
Working wives and mothers: what happens to family life? 1981 Sept.
Working wives reduce inequality in distribution of family earnings. 1980
July 51-53.
Working wives’ contribution to family income in 1977. 1979 Oct. 62-64.
Working women. 1984 July 2.
Would a higher minimum wage help poor families headed by women?
1990 Aug. 33-37.

Maternity benefits available to most health plan participants. 1978 May
Median earnings in 1977 reported for year-round full-time workers. 1979
June 35-39.
Military and civilian wives: update on the labor force gap. 1986 Dec.
Minorities and women still lagging in private industry jobs, EEOC finds.
1978 Feb. 55-56.
Minority membership improves in job-referral unions. 1978 Feb. 56.
Moonlighting by women jumped to record highs. 1986 Nov. 22-25.
More than half of all children have working mothers. 1982 Feb. 41-43.
More than half of women who work part time have pre-school children.
1977 Sept. 37.
More wives in the labor force have husbands with ‘above average’ incom­
es. 1979 June 40-42.


Most women who maintain families receive poor market returns 1983
Dec. 30-34.

Work at home: new findings from the Current Population Survey. 1986
Nov. 31-35.

Occupational segregation and earnings differences by sex. 1981 Jan.

Involuntary part-time work: new information from the CPS. 1981 Feb.
Work experience, earnings, and family income in 1981. 1983 Apr. 13-20.

On-the-job training: differences by race and sex. 1981 July 34-36.
Organizations of working women can pave the way for unions. 1982 June
Pay equity emerges as a top labor issue in the 1980’s. 1982 Apr. 49-51.
Profile of women on part-time schedules, A. 1978 Oct. 3-12.
Real after-tax annual earnings from the Current Population Survey. 1979
Aug. 42-45.

WORK INJURIES AND ILLNESSES (See also Occupational safety
and health.)
American wood products workers study European job safety systems.
1980 Aug.40-41.
Another look at the link between work injuries and job experience. 1982
Feb. 38-40.
Are women safer workers? a new look at the data. 1980 Sept. 3-10.
bls develops measure of job risk by occupation. 1981 Oct. 26-30.
bls’ 1982 survey of work-related deaths. 1984 Mar. 43-45.
Deaths in industry, 1985: bls survey findings. 1987 Apr. 45-47.
Disabling injuries in longshore operations. 1989 Oct.37-38.
Evaluating workplace injury and illness records: testing a procedure.
1988 Apr. 58-60.
Extent of alcoholism among Air Force employees. 1980 May 46-49.
Factors in more costly accidents drawn from compensated cases. 1977
Aug. 41-43.
First work-injury data available from new bls study. 1979 Jan. 76-80.
Heat burns sustained in the workplace. 1990 July. 37-38.
Helping labor and management set up a quality-of-worklife program.
1984 Mar. 28-32.
How accurate are employers’ illness and injury reports? 1976 Sept. 26-31.
How valid are estimates of occupational illness? 1982 Aug. 27-35.
ILO labor yearbook: some international comparisons. 1985 Feb. 51-52.
Injuries at work are fewer among older employees. 1981 Mar. 30-34.
Job hazards underscored in woodworking study. 1989 Sept. 18-23.
Job safety. 1982 Jan. 2; 1982 Dec. 2; 1989 Dec. 2.
Labor force participation of recently disabled adults. 1976 Apr. 45-46.
Motion-related wrist disorders traced to industries, occupational groups.
1983 Oct. 13-16.
Number of occupational deaths remained essentially unchanged in 1981.
1983 May 42-44.
Occupational deaths declined in 1980, bls survey finds. 1982 Jan. 49-52.

Recent gains in women’s earnings: better pay or longer hours? 1990 July.
Rise in mothers’ labor force activity includes those with infants. 1986 Feb.
Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in 1977. 1977 Jan.
Self-employed Americans: their number has increased. 1980 Nov. 3-8.
Sexual equality in the Swedish labor market. 1978 Oct. 31-35.
Sources of growth of the female labor force, 1971-75. 1977 Aug. 27-29.
Staffing patterns prominent in female-male earnings gap. 1984 June
State and local governments found to underemploy women and minori­
ties. 1977 Sept. 37.
Status of women in Canada’s labor force. 1985 Aug. 44-45.
Tenure as a factor in the male-female earnings gap. 1982 Apr. 32-34.
Trade-sensitive employment: who are the affected workers? 1981 Feb.
Up and down. 1982 June 2.
Viva la difference? 1978 Oct. 2.
Wives’ earnings as a factor in family net worth accumulation. 1981 Jan.
Women and minorities: their proportions grow in the professional work
force. 1985 Feb. 49-50.
Women and the labor market: the link grows stronger. 1988 Mar. 3-8.
Women in domestic work: yesterday and today. 1980 Aug. 17- 21.
Women in labor organizations: their ranks are increasing. 1978 Aug.
Women veterans total 1 million in first half of 1986. 1986 Dec. 30-31.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Occupational illness. 1986 Jan. 2.
Occupational injuries. 1976 Jan. 2.
Occupational safety and health: a report on worker perceptions. 1980
Sept. 11-14.
Occupational skin disease continues to plague industry. 1979 Feb. 17-22.
Profiles in safety and health: occupational hazards of meatpacking. 1989
Jan. 3-9.

State labor legislation enacted in 1980. 1981 Jan. 21-34.
Amendments to the black lung benefits law, 1977. 1978 May 25-29.
Disability payments stabilizing after era of accelerating growth. 1981
May 17-22.
Efforts to improve estimates of State and local unemployment. 1977 May
Employment Cost Index in 1980: a first look at total compensation. 1981
June 22-26.
Factors in more costly accidents drawn from compensated cases. 1977
Aug. 41-43.
Fringes of a fringe group: part-timers in academe. 1979 Nov. 46-49.
Job safety law of 1970: its passage was perilous. 1981 Mar. 18-24.
Occupational diseases. 1980 Aug. 2.
Sounds of silence: little aid awarded for job-related hearing loss. 1980
Nov. 35-36.
Unemployment compensation in eight industrial nations. 1976 July
Will workers’ compensation standards be mandated by Federal legisla­
tion? 1977 Apr. 55-57.
Workers’ compensation compared with other disability programs. 1977
Apr. 57-58.
Workers’ compensation insurance: recent trends in employer costs. 1981
Mar. 45-50.
Workers’ compensation, State amendments of:
1975 enactments. 1976 Jan. 30-36.
1976 enactments. 1977 Feb. 39-45.
1978 enactments. 1979 Jan. 43-50.
1979 enactments. 1980 Feb. 19-25.
1980 enactments. 1981 Mar. 51-57.
1981 enactments. 1982 Feb. 24-30.
1982 enactments. 1983 Jan. 57-63.
1983 enactments. 1984 Feb. 55-61.
1984 enactments. 1985 Jan. 49-53.
1985 enactments. 1986 Jan. 61-67.
1986 enactments. 1987 Jan. 67-71.
1987 enactments. 1988 Jan. 62-68.
1988 enactments. 1989 Jan. 66-77.
1989 enactments. 1990 Jan. 57-63.

Profiles in safety and health: roofing and sheet metal work. 1990 Sept.
Profiles in safety and health: work hazards of mobile homes. 1989 July
Providing more information on work injury and illness. 1978 Apr. 16-21.
Relation of age to workplace injuries. 1988 July 8-13.
Safety and health record in the construction industry. 1978 Mar. 3-9.
Targeting worker safety programs: weighing incidence against expense.
1980 Jan. 3-8.
Understanding statistics on occupational illnesses. 1981 Mar. 25-29.
Using statistics to manage a State safety and health program. 1981 Mar.
Work injuries and earnings of partially disabled men in California. 1977
Apr. 58-60.
Work, stress, and individual well-being. 1981 May 28-30.
Work-related amputations by type and prevalence. 1981 Mar. 35-41.
Work-related deaths dropped sharply during 1983, bls survey finds. 1985
Sept. 41-44.
Work-related deaths in 1984: bls survey findings. 1986 May. 42-44.
Work-related fatalities: a census approach. 1990 Dec. 47-48.
Workers’ compensation compared with other disability programs. 1977
Apr. 57-58.
Workers’ compensation insurance: recent trends in employer costs. 1981
Mar. 45-50.
American workers evaluate the quality of their jobs. 1979 Jan. 3-12.
Can unions meet the needs of a ‘new’ work force. 1979 Feb. 33-34.
Education, work, and leisure: must they come in that order? 1977 July
Incentives in manufacturing: the carrot and the stick. 1984 July 40-43.
Labor-management cooperation: a report on recent initiatives. 1976 Apr.
Worker participation and productivity change. 1984 Sept. 28-33.

Another look at working-age men who are not in the labor force. 1977
June 9-14.

Short-time compensation: assessing the issues. 1986 May 28-30.
Short-time compensation: the afl -cio perspective. 1986 May 33-34.
Work-sharing initiatives at home and abroad. 1977 Sept. 16-20.
Work sharing programs: an evaluation of their use. 1986 May 31-33.
Work sharing in the U.S.: its prevalence and duration. 1980 July 3-12.

Altering the social structure in coal mining: a case study. 1976 Oct. 3-10.
American workers evaluate the quality of their jobs. 1979 Jan. 3-12.
Conflicts between work and family life. 1980 Mar. 29-36.
Dynamics of establishing cooperative quality-of-worklife projects. 1978
Mar. 23-28.
Effect of shift work on the lives of employees. 1981 Oct. 31-35.
Estimating annual hours of labor force activity. 1983 Feb. 13-22.
Estimating lost future earnings using the new worklife tables. 1985 Feb.
Estimating lost future earnings using the new worklife tables: a comment.
1985 Feb. 42.
Factors affecting the quality of working life. 1977 Oct. 64-65.
Further adjustment needed to estimate earning capacity. 1983 Oct. 30-31.
Job tenure declines as work force changes. 1979 Dec. 48-50.
Labor force participation rates are not the relevant factor. 1983 June
Labor force status of older workers. 1979 Nov. 12-18.

Analysis of work stoppages in the Federal sector, 1962-81. 1982 Aug.
Are long-duration contracts insurance against strikes? 1983 Apr. 28-29.
Baseball labor realtions: the lockout of 1990. 1990 Oct. 32-36.
Canadian strike activity—is centralization the solution? 1978 Apr. 40-42.
Faculty union strike activity: reasons and measures, 1967-75. 1976 Oct.
Football strike of 1987: the question of free agency. 1988 Aug. 26-31.
ilo labor yearbook: some international comparisons. 1985 Feb. 51-52
Industrial relations in 1977: highlights of key developments. 1978 Feb.
Strike impact. 1978 May 2.
Work stoppage in Government: the postal strike of 1970. 1978 July 14-22.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Length of working life for men and women, 1970. 1976 Feb. 31-35.

Young workers and families. A special section observing the Internation­
al Year of the Child 1979.
Young and marginal: an overview of youth employment.
The labor market experience of black youth, 1954-78.
Using National Longitudinal Surveys to track young workers.
The difference a year makes in the Nation’s youth work force.
Working mothers in the 1970’s: a look at the statistics.
Child-care arrangements of working parents.
Decline in youth population does not lead to lower jobless rates. 1987
June 37-41.
How racial bias and social status affect the earnings of young men. 1977
Apr. 44-46.
In black and white. 1977 Oct. 2.
It is ‘back to school’ for new youth programs. 1979 Apr. 48.
Labor force experience of black youth: a review. 1980 Aug. 10-16.
Labor market problems of today’s high school dropouts. 1988 June 36-43.
School and work among youth during the 1970’s. 1980 Sept. 44-47.
Students, graduates, and dropouts in the labor market, October 1977.
1978 June 44-47.
Teenage conundrum. 1979 Apr. 2.
Today’s teenage unemployed—tomorrow’s working poor? 1979 Jan.
Worksharing in the U.S.: its prevalence and duration. 1980 July 3-12.
Young adults: a transitional group with changing labor force patterns.
1978 May 3-9.
Youth in the labor force: an area study. 1976 July 3-9.
Youth unemployment in the 1974-75 recession. 1976 Jan. 49-56.
Youth unemployment. 1977 Sept. 2.

New worklife estimates reflect changing profile of labor force. 1982 Mar.
Preferences on worklife scheduling and work-leisure tradeoffs. 1978 June
Revised worklife tables reflect 1979-80 experience. 1985 Aug. 23-30.
Unemployment among family men: a 10-year longitudinal study. 1979
Nov. 19-23.
Use of worklife tables in estimates of lost earning capacity. 1983 Apr.
30- 31.
Using the appropriate worklife estimate in court proceedings. 1983 Oct.
31- 32.
Work and socioeconomic life cycles: an agenda for longitudinal research.
1979 Feb. 23-27.
Work experience profile, 1984: the effects of recovery continue. 1986 Feb.
Worklife estimates should be consistent with known labor force participa­
tion. 1983 June 34-36.
Short-time compensation systems in California and Europe. 1980 July
Labor response to multinationals: coordination of bargaining goals. 1978
July 9-13.
YOUTH (See also Labor force.)
1995 labor force: a first look. 1980 Dec. 11-21.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


This department, “Significant decisions in labor cases, ” was excluded from the Monthly Labor Review during 1981-88.
Condit v. United Air Lines. 1978 July 40-41.
County of Los Angeles v. Davis. 1978 Aug. 48.
Cramer v. Virginia Commonwealth University. 1978 Aug. 48.
Detroit Police Officers Assn. v. Young. 1978 May 65.
Dist. Atty. Sacramento County v. Sacramento County. Civil Service
Commission. 1980 Dec. 63-64.
Dothard v. Rawlinson. 1977 Oct. 70-71.
eeoc v. Enterprise Assn. Steamfitters Local 638. 1976 Dec. 5.
eeoc v. Sheet Metal Workers, Local 28. 1976 June 52.
Fitzpatrick v. Bitzer. 1976 Sept. 51.
Franks v. Bowman Transp. Co. 1976 June 51-52.
Furnco Construction Co. v. Waters. 1979 Mar. 61-62.
Gardner v. Westinghouse Broadcasting Co. 1978 Sept. 61.
General Electric Co. v. Gilbert. 1977 Mar. 73-74.

Administrative Procedures Act
Batterton v. Marshall. 1978 Apr. 52.
Marshall v. Jerrico, Inc. 1980 June 52.
Hoffman v. Dunlop. 1977 Oct. 71-72.
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
Evans v. Oscar Meyer & Co. 1978 June 54.
Gabriele v. Chrysler Corp. 1978 June 54.
Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp. 1990 June 64.
Hodgson v. Approved Personnel Serv., Inc. 1976 Feb. 50-5.
National League of Cities v. Usery. 1976 Dec. 50-5.
Rogers v. Exxon Research & Eng’r Co. 1976 Feb. 51.
Nicholson v. cpc International Inc. 1990 June 64.
Public Employees Retirement System v. Betts. 1990 Feb. 53-54.
Lorillard v. Pons. 1978 Apr. 51.
McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Houghton. 1978 Feb. 57.
Oscar Mayer & Co. v. Evans. 1979 Sept. 59.
Polstorff v. Fletcher. 1978 June 54.
United Air Lines v. McMann. 1978 Feb. 57.
Vance v. Bradley. 1979 May 53.

G eneral Telephone Co. v.

Back Pay Act
United States v. Testan. 1976 May 47.
Bankruptcy Act
Brotherhood of Railway Clerks v. rea Express, Inc. 1976 Jan. 66-67;
Apr. 52.
Gordon Transports, Inc. v. Highway and City Freight Drivers Local 600.
1979 Apr. 62.
In the matter of Highway and City Freight Drivers, Dockmen and Help­
ers, Local No. 600. 1977 Sept. 42.
Civil Rights Act of 1866
Johnson v. Ryder Truck Lines. 1978 July 39-40.
Los Angeles v. Davis. 1979 June 43.
McDonald v. Sante Fe Trail Transportation Co. 1976 Nov. 53.
Civil Rights Act of 1871
Alexander v. Gardner-Denver Co. 1980 Dec. 63.
Arado v. United States. 1977 Dec. 66.
Associated General Contractors of California v. Kreps. 1978 Aug. 46.
Board of Education, City of New York v. Harris. 1980 Mar. 52.
Boureslan v. Aramco. 1990 June 64-65.
Brown v. General Services Administration. 1976 Aug. 42-43.
Brown v. Trustees of Boston University. 1990 May 52-54.
California Brewers Assn. v. Bryant. 1980 June 51.
Chandler v. Roudebush. 1976 Aug. 42-43.
Chapman v. Texas Dept, of Human Resources. 1979 Nov. 55-56.
Christianburg Garment Co. v. eeoc. 1978 Mar. 49-50.
City of Los Angeles v. Manhart. 1978 July 39.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Communication Workers of America v.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


eeoc .

1980 Aug. 45-46.

Gonzalez v. Shanker. 1976 July 54-55.
Gray v. Greyhound Lines. 1977 Mar. 74.
Guy v. Robbins & Myers, Inc. 1976 Feb. 50.
Harper v. Trans World Airlines, Inc. 1976 Feb. 52.
Hazelwood School District v. United States. 1977 Nov. 51-52.
Hochstadt v. Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, Inc. 1976
Apr. 51-52.
Hochstadt v. Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology. 1977
Mar. 74-75.
Hutchinson v. Lake Oswego School Dist. No. 7. 1976 Jan. 65.
Jones v. Pitt County Bd. of Educ. 1976 Apr. 51.
Keene State College v. Sweeney. 1979 Mar. 61-62.
Kirkland v. New York State Dept of Correctional Services. 1976 Dec.
Lewis v. Cohen. 1976 June 54.
Liberty Mutual Ins. Co. v. Wetzel. 1976 June 54.
Los Angeles v. Davis. 1979 June 43.
Martin v. Wilks. 1989 Nov. 76.
McClain v. Wagner Electric Co. 1977 June 59.
McDonald v. Sante Fe Trail Transportation Co. 1976 Nov. 53.
McDonnell Douglas v. Green. 1979 Mar. 61-62.
Monell v. Department of Social Services of N.Y.C. 1978 Oct. 53.
Nashville Gas Co. v. Satty. 1978 Feb. 58.
Novotny v. Great American Savings and Loan Assn. 1979 Nov. 56.
Oscar Mayer & Co. v. Evans. 1979 Sept. 59.
Patterson v. McLean Credit Union. 1990 Feb. 52-53.
Regents of the University of California v. Allan Bakke. 1978 Aug. 46.
Runyon v. McCrary. 1990 Feb. 52-53.
Skelton v. Balzano. 1977 Apr. 80-81.
Smith v. Troyan. 1976 Sept. 52.
Steelworkers v. Weber. 1980 June 51 and Dec. 63-64.
Teamsters v. U.S. 1980 June 51.
Teamsters v. United States. 1977 Aug. 48-49.
Trans World Airlines v. Hardison. 1977 Mar. 76; Sept. 39-40.
Transit Authority v. Beazer. 1979 May 53-54.
Tyler v. Vickery. 1976 Sept. 52.
uaw v. Johnson Controls, Inc. 1990 Mar. 59-60.
United States v. South Carolina. 1978 Mar. 50.
United Steelworkers of America v. Weber. 1979 Aug. 56-57.
Univ. of Calif. Regents v. Bakke. 1980 Sept. 54- 56.

1978 Aug. 46.


University of Pennsylvania v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commision. 1990 May 52-54.
Voyles v. Ralph K. Davies Medical Center. 1976 Feb. 51-52.
Ward’s Cove Packing Co. v. Atonio. 1990 Feb. 52-53.
Washington v. Davis. 1976 Aug. 41-42.
Waters v. Heublein, Inc. 1977 Mar. 74.
Weber v. Kaiser Aluminum and United Steel Workers of America. 1978
Aug. 48.
Williams v. Saxbe. 1976 July 55.
Civil Service Retirement Act

U.S. v. Clark. 1980 June 53.
Classification Act

United States v. Testan. 1976 May 47.
Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973

Batterton v. Marshall. 1978 Apr. 52.
Constitutional Issues

Abood v. Detroit Board of Education. 1977 Aug. 46-47.
Adams Fruit Co. v. Barrett. 1990 July 47.
afl -cio v. Kahn. 1979 Aug. 57.
Alfred v. Barlow’s, Inc. 1977 Apr. 79.
Allied Structural Steel Co. v. Spannaus. 1978 Nov. 40-41.
Ambach v. Norwick. 1979 July 40-41.
Anthony v. Massachusetts. 1976 July 55-56.
Associated General Contractors of California v. Kreps. 1978 Aug. 46.
Atkins v. United States. 1978 Mar. 48-49.
Babbitt v. United Farm Workers National Union. 1979 Nov. 54-55.
Beth Israel Hospital v. nlrb . 1978 Nov. 40.
Bishop v. Wood. 1976 Oct. 46.
Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents of the Federal Bureau of Narcot­
ics. 1979 June 58.
Board of Education, City of New York v. Nyquist. 1979 Apr. 62.
Branti v. Finkel. 1990 Oct. 40-42.
Branti v. Finkel. 1980 Aug. 44-45.
Breininger v. Sheet Metal Workers, Local 6. 1990 Mar. 60-61.
Brown v. Trustees of Boston University. 1990 May 52-54.
Buckley v. Valeo. 1976 Apr. 48-49.
C.D.R. Enterprises, Inc. v. Board of Education. 1976 July 56.
Califano v. Boles. 1979 Oct. 70.
Califano v. Goldfarb. 1977 May 51-52.
Califano v. Goldfarb. 1980 Aug. 45.
Califano v. Westcott. 1979 Oct. 70.
Cannon v. Guste. 1976 Feb. 49.
Catholic Bishop of Chicago v. nlrb . 1977 Nov. 52-53.
Charlotte v. Local 660, International Association of Firefighters. 1976
Oct. 45-46.
Christensen v. Iowa. 1976 Dec. 50-51.
City of Madison, Joint School Dist. No. 8 v. Wisconsin Employment Re­
lations Comm’n. 1977 Apr. 79-80.
Codd v. Velger. 1977 June 59.
Communication Workers of America v. eeoc. 1978 Aug. 46.
Council on Wage and Price Stability Act
County of Los Angeles v. Davis. 1978 Aug. 48.
Cramer v. Virginia Commonwealth University. 1978 Aug. 48.
Crandon v. United States. 1990 June 65.
Dan J. Sheehan Co. v. osahrc. 1976 Jan. 66; June 54-55.
Davis v. Passman. 1979 Aug. 58.
DeCanas v. Bica. 1976 May 45-46.
Detroit Police Officers Assn. v. Young. 1978 May 65.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Detroit Police Officers’ Assn. v. Young. 1980 Dec. 63-64.
Dodson Insurance Group v. Maloney. 1979 Dec. 51-52.
Doe v. Martin. 1976 Feb. 52.
Dothard v. Rawlinson. 1977 Oct. 70-71.
Eastex, Inc. v. nlrb . 1978 Nov. 40.
Elrod v. Burns. 1990 Oct. 40-42.
Elrod v. Burns. 1976 Oct. 46-47.
Elrod v. Burns. 1980 Aug. 44-45.
English v. General Electric Co. 1990 Oct. 40-42.
Examining Board v. Flores de Otero. 1976 Sept. 52.
Federal Employees For Non-Smokers Rights v. United States. 1978 July
Finnegan v. Leu. 1989 Nov. 76-77.
Fitzpatrick v. Bitzer. 1976 Sept. 51.
Foley v. Connelie. 1978 June 53.
Foley v. Connelie. 1979 July 40-41.
Fullilove v. Klutznick. 1980 Sept. 54-56 and Dec. 63-64.
Gault v. Garrison. 1978 Apr. 51-52.
Givhan v. Western Line Consolidated Sch. Dist. 1979 Apr. 61-62.
Godwin v. oshrc. 1976 Nov. 54.
Golden State Transit Corp. v. City of Los Angeles. 1990 Mar. 60-61.
Graham v. Richardson. 1979 July 40-41.
Hampton v. Mow Sun Wong. 1976 Aug. 43-44.
Hampton v. Mow Sun Wong. 1979 July 41.
Hanover Township Federation of Teachers, Local 1954 v. Hanover Com­
munity School Corp. 1979 July 41.
Harrah Independent Sch. Dist. v. Martin. 1979 May 54.
Hicklin v. Orbeck. 1978 Oct. 53-54.
Hisquierdo v. Hisquierdo. 1979 Apr. 60.
Hoffman v. Dunlop. 1977 Oct. 71-72.
Hortonville Joint School District No. 1 v. Hortonville Education Associ­
ation. 1976 Oct. 46.
Hudgens v. nlrb . 1976 May 46-47.
Hutchinson v. Lake Oswego School Dist. No. 7. 1976 Jan. 65.
Industrial Commission of Wisconsin v. McCartin. 1979 Dec. 51-52.
Kelly v. Johnson. 1976 June 53-54.
Kirkland v. New York State Dept of Correctional Services. 1976 Dec.
Lavine v. Mine. 1976 May 45.
Lewis v. Cohen. 1976 June 54.
Los Angeles County v. Marshall. 1980 Dec. 64.
Los Angeles v. Davis. 1979 June 43.
Maehren v. City of Seattle. 1980 Dec. 64.
Magnolia Petroleum Co. v. Hunt. 1979 Dec. 51-52.
Marshall v. Barlow’s, Inc. 1978 July 38-39.
Marshall v. Jerrico, Inc. 1980 June 52.
Marshall v. Shellcast Corp. 1977 Nov. 53.
Massachusetts Board of Retirement v. Murgia. 1976 Oct. 44.
Massachusetts v. Feeney. 1977 Dec. 66.
Mathews v. Diaz. 1976 Aug. 43-44.
Mathews v. Eldridge. 1976 May 44-45.
McCarthy v. Philadelphia Civil Serv. Comm’n. 1976 June 54.
Monell v. Department of Social Services of N.Y.C. 1978 Oct. 53.
Mt. Healthy City School Dist. v. Doyles. 1977 Mar. 75-76.
Nachman Corp. v. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. 1980 Sept. 56.
National League of Cities v. Usery. 1976 Sept. 50-51; Dec. 50-51.
National League of Cities v. Usery. 1980 Dec. 64.
National Treasury Employees Union v. Von Raab. 1989 Nov. 75-76.
New Hampshire Dept, of Employment Security v. Marshall. 1980 Dec.
New Orleans v. Dukes. 1976 Oct. 45.
nlrb v. Bildisco & Bildisco. 1990 July 46-47.

v. Catholic Bishop of Chicago. 1979 May 52-53; June 45.
v. Retail Store Employees Union. 1980 Nov. 47.
Novonty v. Great American Savings and Loan Assn. 1979 Nov. 56.
Ohio Bureau of Employment Services v. Hodory. 1977 Sept. 40-41.
Olschock v. Village of Skokie. 1976 Feb. 49-50.
Olshock v. Village of Skokie. 1977 Mar. 76.
Pandol & Sons v. Agricultural Labor Relations Bd. 1976 Dec. 49.
Patterson v. McLean Credit Union. 1990 Feb. 52-53.
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. v. ltv Corp. 1990 Oct. 40-42.
Personnel Administrator of Massachusetts v. Feeney. 1979 Aug. 57-58.
Pettus v. American Airlines. 1979 Dec. 51-52.
Pittsburgh Press Co. v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 1977 Dec. 68.
Public Employees Retirement System v. Betts. 1990 Feb. 53-54.
Regents of the University of California v. Allan Bakke. 1978 Aug. 46.
Runyon v. McCrary. 1990 Feb. 52-53.
Rutan v. Republican Party. 1990 Oct. 40-42.
Sears, Roebuck Co. v. San Diego County District Council of Carpenters.
1979 Dec. 51-52.
Sheet Metal Workers Local 9 v. Mile Hi Metal Systems, Inc. 1990 July
Sheet Metal Workers v. Lynn. 1989 Nov. 76-77.
Skinner v. Railway Labor Executive’s Association. 1989 Nov. 75-76.
Slagle v. Parker. 1979 Dec. 51-52.
Smith v. Arkansas State Highway Employees, Local 1315. 1979 July 41.
Steelworkers v. Weber. 1980 Dec. 63-64.
Tennessee v. Dunlap. 1976 Nov. 54.
Transit Authority v. Beazer. 1979 May 53.
Turney v. Ohio. 1980 June 52.
Turner v. Department of Employment Security. 1976 Jan. 64-65.
Tyler v. Vickery. 1976 Sept. 52.
U.S. v. Clark. 1980 June 53.
United States v. South Carolina. 1978 Mar. 50.
United States v. Testan. 1976 May 47.
Univ. of Calif. Regents v. Bakke. 1980 Sept. 55.
University of Pennsylvania v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commis­
sion. 1990 May 52-54.
Usery v. Allegheny C’ty Institution Dist. 1977 Mar. 76.
Usery v. Board of Educ. of Salt Lake City. 1976 Dec. 50-51.
Usery v. Turner Elkhorn Mining Co. 1976 Oct. 44-45.
Vance v. Bradley. 1979 May 53.
Vergara v. Chairman, Merit Systems Protection Board. 1979 July 41.
Ward v. Village of Monroeville. 1980 June 52.
Ward’s Cove Packing Co. v. Atonio. 1990 Feb. 52-53.
Washington v. Davis. 1976 Aug. 41-42.
Weber v. Kaiser Aluminum and United Steel Workers of America. 1978
Aug. 48.
Weinberger v. Wisenfield. 1980 Aug. 45.
Wengler v. Druggists Mutual Ins. Co. 1980 Aug. 45.
Woodland v. City of Houston. 1990 Aug. 39.

Teamsters v. Daniel. 1979 Mar. 62-63.



Equal Pay Act

University of Nebraska v. Dawes. 1976 Jan. 69; May 48.
Usery v.Allegheny C’ty Institution Dist. 1977 Mar. 76.
Executive Order 11246

Mississippi Power & Light Co. v U.S. 1978 Oct. 54.
New Orleans Public Service, Inc. v. U.S. 1978 Oct. 54.
Executive Order 11935

Vergara v. Chairman, Merit Systems Protection Board. 1979 July 41.
Executive Order 12092
afl -cio v. Kahn. 1979 Aug. 57.
Skinner v. Railway Labor Executives’ Association. 1989 Nov. 75-76.

Executive Order 12564

National Treasury Employees Union v. Von Raab. 1989 Nov. 75-76.
Fair Labor Standards Act

Barrentine v. Arkansas-Best Freight System, Inc. 1980 Dec. 63.
Christensen v. Iowa. 1976 Dec. 50-51.
Leone v. Mobil Oil Corp. 1976 Apr. 52.
National League of Cities v. Usery. 1976 Sept. 50-51; Dec. 50-51.
International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union v. Dole. May 1990 53-54.
Marshall v. Jerrico, Inc. 1980 June 52.
Federal Arbitration Act

Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp. 1990 June 64.
Nicholson v. CPC International Inc. 1990 June 64.
Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969

National Coal Operator’s Assn. v. Kleppe. 1976 Apr. 49-50.
Usery v. Turner Elkhorn Mining Co. 1976 Oct. 44-45.
Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971

Buckley v. Valeo. 1976 Apr. 48-49.
Federal Employers’ Liability Act

Norfolk and Western Railway Co. v. Liepelt. 1980 June 52.
Federal Mine Safety and Health Act Amendments of 1977

Whirlpool Corp. v. Marshall. 1980 Apr. 57.
Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949
afl -cio

v. Kahn. 1979 Aug. 57.
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

General Telephone Co. v.


1980 Aug. 45-46.

Federal Salary Act

Atkins v. United States. 1978 Mar. 48-49.

Controlled Substances Act

Foreign Service Retirement Act of 1946

United States v. Moore. 1976 Apr. 52.

Vance v. Bradley. 1979 May 53.
Council on Wage and Price Stability Act
afl -cio

Freedom of Information Act

v. Kahn. 1979 Aug. 57.

Chassen Bakers, Inc. v. nlrb . 1976 Mar. 50-51.
Climax Molybdenum Co. v. nlrb . 1976 Mar. 50-51.
Deering Milliken, Inc. v. Nash. 1976 Mar. 50-51.
Department of the Air Force v. Rose. 1976 July 53-54.
nlrb v. Hardeman Garment Corp. 1976 Mar. 50-51.
nlrb v. Robbins Tire and Rubber Co. 1978 Nov. 41-42.
Poss v. nlrb . 1976 Mar. 50-51.

Emergency School Aid Act

Board of Education, City of New York v. Harris. 1980 Mar. 52.
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974

Nachman Corp. v. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. 1980 Sept. 56.
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. v. ltv Corp. 1990 Oct. 40-42.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Title Guarantee Co. v.

nlrb .

1976 Mar. 50-51; Dec. 49-50.

v. Columbus Printing Pressmen. 1977 Apr. 81.
v. Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc. 1990 July 46.
nlrb v. Electrical Workers Local No. 388. 1977 Dec. 66.
nlrb v. Enterprise Assn, of Pipefitters. 1980 Nov. 46.
NLRB v. Enterprise Association. 1977 June 57-58.
NLRB v. Fruit Packers (Tree Fruits). 1980 Nov. 47.
nlrb v. Gray-Grimes Tool Co. 1978 June 54.
nlrb v. International Longshoremen’s Association. 1980 Nov. 46.
NLRB V. Martin A. Gleason, Inc. 1976 June 52-53.
nlrb v. Retail Store Employees Union. 1980 Nov. 47.
nlrb v. Robbins Tire and Rubber Co. 1978 Nov. 41-42.
nlrb v. Writers Guild of America. 1978 Sept. 60-61.
nlrb v. Yeshiva University. 1980 Apr. 57.
Oil Workers v. Mobil Oil Corp. 1976 Sept. 52.
Sears, Roebuck & Co. v. San Diego County District Council of Carpen­
ters. 1979 Dec. 51-52.
Sears, Roebuck and Co. v. San Diego County Carpenters. 1978 Aug.
South Prairie Construction Co v. Local No. 627, Operating Engineers.
1976 Aug. 44.
Steelworkers Trilogy. 1980 Mar. 51:
United Steelworkers v. American Mfg. Co.
United Steelworkers v. Warrior and Gulf Navigation Co.
United Steelworkers v. Enterprise Wheel and Car Corp.

Labor-Management Relations Act

Carbon Fuel Co. v. United Mine Workers of America. 1980 Mar. 51.
Sluder v. United Mine Workers. 1990 May 53-54.
Rawson v. United Steelworkers. 1990 May 53-54.
Whirlpool Corp. v. Marshall. 1980 Apr. 57.
Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act

Auto Workers v. National Right to Work Legal Defense & Educ. Foun­
dation, Inc. 1976 Apr. 52.
Breininger v. Sheet Metal Workers, Local 6. 1990 Mar. 60-61.
Finnegan v. Leu. 1989 Nov. 76-77.
Local 3489, United Steelworkers v. Usery. 1977 Apr. 80.
Ritz v. O’Donnell. 1977 Dec. 68-69.
Sheet Metal Workers v. Lynn. 1989 Nov. 76-77.
Landrum-Griffin Act

Gabauer v. Woodcock. 1979 Dec. 51-52.
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers v. Foust. 1979 Sept. 59.
Longshoremen’s and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act

Nacirema Operating Co. v. Johnson. 1980 Mar. 51.
Northeast Marine Terminal Co. v. Caputo. 1980 Mar. 51.
P. C. Pfeiffer Co., Inc. v. Ford. 1980 Mar. 52.
Pettus v. American Airlines. 1979 Dec. 51-52.

Teamsters v. Eazor Express, Inc. 1976 May 48.
United Telegraph Workers v. nlrb . 1978 May 64.
Whirlpool Corp. v. Marshall. 1980 Apr. 57.

Law of Seamen

Barnes v. Andover Co. 1990 Aug. 38.
Norris-LaGuardia Act
National Guard Technicians Act of 1968

Buffalo Forge Co. v. United Steelworkers. 1976 Nov. 52-53.

Tennessee v. Dunlap. 1976 Nov. 54.
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
National Labor Relations Act

Accu-Namics, Inc. v. Secretary of Labor. 1976 June 55.
Alfred v. Barlow’s, Inc. 1977 Apr. 79.
American Iron and Steel Institute v. OSHA. 1978 June 53-54.
American Iron and Steel Institute v. OSHA. 1980 Dec. 63.
American Textile Mfg. Assn., Inc. v. Marshall. 1980 Dec. 63.
Dan J. Sheehan Co. v. osahrc. 1976 Jan. 66; June 54-55.
Federal Employees For Non-Smokers Rights v. United States. 1978 July
Godwin v. osahrc. 1976 Nov. 54.
Horne Plumbing and Heating Co. v. osahrc. 1976 June 54.
Industrial Union Dept., afl-cio v. American Petroleum Institute. 1980
Sept. 53-54 and Dec. 63.
Leone v. Mobil Oil Corp. 1976 Apr. 52.
Marshall v. Barlow’s, Inc. 1978 July 38-39.
Marshall v. Certified Welding Co. 1980 Apr. 57.
Marshall v. Daniel Construction Co. 1979 Mar. 61; Dec. 51-52.
Marshall v. Daniel Construction Co. 1980 Apr. 57.
Marshall v. Shellcast Corp. 1977 Nov. 53.
Marshall v. Whirlpool Corp. 1979 June 44-45; Dec. 51-52.
Whirlpool Corp. v. Marshall. 1980 Apr. 57.

Aetna Freight Lines, Inc. v. nlrb . 1976 May 48.
Amalgamated Transit Union v. Byrne. 1977 Dec. 67.
American Hospital Association v. nlrb . 1990 Aug. 38.
Beth Israel Hospital v. nlrb . 1978 Nov. 40.
Breininger v. Sheet Metal Workers, Local 6. 1990 Mar. 60-61.
Buffalo Forge Co. v. United Steelworkers. 1976 Nov. 52-53.
Carbon Fuel Co. v. United Mine Workers of America. 1980 Mar. 51.
Catholic Bishop of Chicago v. nlrb . 1977 Nov. 52-53.
Communications Workers, Local 104 v. nlrb . 1976 Apr. 52.
Deboles v. Trans World Airlines, Inc. 1976 Feb. 50.
Detroit Edison Co. v. nlrb . 1979 June 44.
Eastex, Inc. v. nlrb . 1978 Nov. 40.
Farmer v. Bhd. of Carpenters, Local 25. 1977 July 47-48.
Ford Motor Co. v. nlrb . 1979 Sept. 58.
Golden State Transit Corp. v. City of Los Angeles. 1990 Mar. 60-61.
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers v. Foust. 1979 Sept. 59.
J.P. Stevens & Co. v. nlrb . 1978 Apr. 51.
Local 14055, Steelworkers v. nlrb . 1976 Apr. 50-51; Dec. 49.
Local 627, Operating Eng’rs. v. nlrb . 1976 Jan. 69.
Lodge 76, IAM v. Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission. 1976
Sept. 51-52.
Mt. Vernon Tanker Co. v. nlrb . 1977 July 48.
New York Telephone Co. v. New York State Dept, of Labor. 1979 May
nlrb v. Baptist Hospital. 1979 Nov. 54.
nlrb v. Bausch & Lomb, Inc. 1976 Mar. 51-52.
NLRB V. Bernard Gloekler North East Co. 1976 Nov. 53-54.
nlrb v. Bildisco & Bildisco. 1990 July 46-47.
NLRB V. Catholic Bishop of Chicago. 1979 May 52-53.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Public Works Employment Act of 1977
Fullilove v. Klutznick. 1980 Sept. 54-56.
Pregnancy Discrimination Act

v. Johnson Controls, Inc. 1990 Mar. 59-60.
Railway Labor Act

Brotherhood of Railway Clerks v. rea Express, Inc. 1976 Jan. 66-67;
Apr. 52.
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers v. Foust. 1979 Sept. 59.

Railroad Retirement Act of 1974

Industrial Commission of Wisconsin v. McCartin. 1979 Dec. 51-52.
Lavine v. Maine. 1976 May 45.
Los Angeles County, v. Marshall. 1980 Dec. 64.
Magnolia Petroleum Co. v. Hunt. 1979 Dec. 51-52.
Massachusetts Board of Retirement v. Murgia. 1976 Oct. 44.
Massachusetts v. Feeney. 1977 Dec. 66.
National League of Cities v. Usery. 1980 Dec. 64.
Nelson v. Miwa. 1976 July 54.
New Hampshire Dept, of Employment Security v. Marshall. 1980 Dec.

Hisquierdo v. Hisquierdo. 1979 Apr. 60.
Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Southeastern Community College v. Davis. 1979 Oct. 70.
Transit Authority v. Baezer. 1979 May 53-54.
Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Califano v. Boles. 1979 Oct. 70.
Califano v. Westcott. 1979 Oct. 69.
Chapman v. Texas Dept, of Human Resources. 1979 Nov. 55-56.
New York Telephone Co. v. New York State Dept, of Labor. 1979 May
Teamsters v. Daniel. 1979 Mar. 62-63.

New York Telephone Co. v. New York State Dept, of Labor. 1979 May
Ohio Bureau of Employment Services v. Hodory. 1977 Sept. 40-41.
Oscar Mayer & Co. v. Evans. 1979 Sept. 59.
Pandol and Sons v. Agricultural Labor Relations Bd. 1976 Dec. 49.
Personnel Administrator of Massachusetts v. Feeney. 1979 Aug. 57-58.
Pettus v. American Airlines. 1979 Dec. 51-52.
Pittsburgh Press Co. v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 1977 Dec. 68.
Sears, Roebuck & Co. v. San Diego County District Council of Carpen­
ters. 1979 Dec. 51-52.
Sears, Roebuck and Co. v. San Diego County Carpenters. 1978 Aug.
Shimp v. New Jersey Bell Telephone Co. 1977 May 53.
Slagle v. Parker. 1979 Dec. 51-52.
United States v. South Carolina. 1978 Mar. 50.
Wengler v. Druggists Mutual Ins. Co. 1980 Aug. 45.

Selective Service Act

Alabama Power Co. v. Davis. 1977 Oct. 71.
Social Security Act

Batterton v. Francis. 1977 Sept. 41-42.
Califano v. Goldfarb. 1977 May 51-52.
Califano v. Goldfarb. 1980 Aug. 45.
Ohio Bureau of Employment Services v. Hodory. 1977 Sept. 40-41.
Weinberger v. Wisenfield. 1980 Aug. 45.
Wengler v. Druggists Mutual Ins. Co. 1980 Aug. 45.
State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act

Taft-Hartley Act

Arado v. United States. 1977 Dec. 66.

nlrb v. Electrical Workers Local No. 388. 1977 Dec. 66.
Walsh v. Schlecht. 1977 June 58-59.

State laws

Abood v. Detroit Board of Education. 1977 Aug. 46-47.
Allied Structural Steel Co. v. Spannaus. 1978 Nov. 40-41.
Ambach v. Norwick. 1979 July 40-41.
Anthony v. Massachusetts. 1976 July 55-56.
Babbitt v. United Farm Workers National Union. 1979 Nov. 54-55.
Batterton v. Francis. 1977 Sept. 41-42.
Boggs v. Blue Diamond Coal Co. 1979 Dec. 51-52.
C.D.R. Enterprises, Ltd. v. Board of Education. 1976 July 56.
Cannon v. Guste. 1976 Feb. 49.
Chapman v. Texas Dept, of Human Resources. 1979 Nov. 55-56.
City of Madison, Joint School Dist. No. 8 v. Wisconsin Employment Re­
lations Comm’n. 1977 Apr. 79-80.
Commonwealth v. County Bd. 1977 May 52-53.
DeCanas v. Bica. 1976 May 45-46.

Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974

Alabama Power Co. v. Davis. 1980 Nov. 48.
Coffey v. Republic Steel Corp. 1980 Nov. 48.
Veterans Reemployment Rights Act

Kolkhorst v. Tilghman. 1990 July 47-48.
Voting Rights Act of 1965

Dougherty Cty. Bd. of Education v. White. 1979 Apr. 61.

Other court decisions

Board of Education, City of New York v. Nyquist. 1979 Apr. 62.
Dohrer v. Wakeman. 1976 Jan. 69.
eeoc v. Georgia-Pacific Corp. 1976 Mar. 51.
Lowe v. Pate. 1977 Dec. 69.
Nolde Bros., Inc. v. Local No. 358. Bakery Workers. 1977 July 46-47.
The New York Times v. New York City Comm’n on Human Rights. 1977
June 59.

Dist. Atty. Sacramento County v. Sacramento County. Civil Service
Commission. 1980 Dec. 63.
Dodson Insurance Group v. Maloney. 1979 Dec. 51-52.
Dothard v. Rawlinson. 1977 Oct. 70-71.
Dougherty Cty. Bd. of Education v. White. 1979 Apr. 61.
Edgeley Educ. Assn. v. Edgeley Public School Dist. No 3. 1976 Jan.
Evans v. Oscar Meyer & Co. 1978 June 54.
Farmer v. Bhd. of Carpenters, Local 25. 1977 July 47-48.
Foley v. Connelie. 1978 June 53.
Foley v. Connelie. 1979 July 40-41.
Gabriele v. Chrysler Corp. 1978 June 54.
Gault v. Garrison. 1978 Apr. 51-52.
Graham v. Richardson. 1979 July 40-41.
Harrah Independent Sch. Dist. v. Martin. 1979 May 54.
Hicklin v. Orbeck. 1978 Oct. 53-54.
Hisquierdo v. Hisquierdo. 1979 Apr. 60.
Illinois v. Federal Tool Plastics. 1976 Jan. 68-69.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Abilities and Goodwill, Inc. and Abilities and Goodwill Association of
Professional Employees. 1979 July 41-42.
Foley, Hoag Eliot and United File Room Clerks and Messengers of Foley,
Hoag & Eliot. 1977 Aug. 49.
General Knit of California, Inc. and United Steel Workers of America.
1979 Apr. 60-61.
Glazers Local 1621 and Glass Management Assn. 1976 Mar. 49-50.
Graphic Acts Int’l Union and Kable Printing Co. 1976 Apr. 50.
Shopping Kart Food Market, Inc. and Retail Clerks Union, Local 99.
1977 Aug. 47-48.
State Bank of India and Chicago Joint Board, Amalgamated Clothing
and Textile Workers Union, afl-cio . 1977 Sept. 42.


BOOK REVIEWS AND NOTES (Listed by author of book)


Barkin, Solomon, ed. Worker Militancy and Its Consequences, 1965-75:
New Directions in Western Industrial Relations. 1977 Mar. 83-85.
Barnard, John, ed. Walter Reuther and the Rise o f the Auto Workers. 1984
Mar. 60-61.
Barnett, Donald F. and Robert W. Crandall. Upfrom the Ashes: The Rise
o f the Steel Minimill in the United States. 1987 June 59.
Baron, Jean J. and Frank H. Cassell. Collective Bargaining in the Public
Sector: Cases in Public Policy. 1976 May 58-59.
Barsby, Steve L. and Dennis R. Cox. Interstate Migration o f the Elderly.
1976 Jan. 77-78.
Barton, Paul. Worklife Transitions: The Adult Learning Connection. 1982
June 66-67.
Baumer, Donald, Carl Van Horn, Randall B. Ripley. Areawide Planning
in ceta. 1980 Nov. 53-55.
Bean, Frank D. and Marta Tienda. The Hispanic Population o f the United
States. 1989 Sept. 48.
Beasley, Maurine and Richard Lowitt, eds. One Third of a Nation:Lorena
Hickok Reports on the Great Depression. 1982 Jan. 54-55.
Bell, Daniel and Irving Kristol. The Crisis in Economic Theory. 1982 Nov.
Bell, Daniel. The Cultural Contractions o f Capitalism. 1976 Dec. 57-58.
Belous, Richard S. The Contingent Economy: The Growth o f the Tempo­
rary, Part-time and Subcontracted Workforce. 1990 Mar. 67-68.
------ and Sar A. Levitan. Shorter Hours, Shorter Weeks: Spreading the
Work to Reduce Unemployment. 1978 June 59.
------ Sar A. Levitan, and Frank Gallo. What’s Happening to the Ameri­
can Family? Tensions, Hopes, Realities. 1989 June 44.
Benge, Eugene J. and the editors of Alexander Hamilton Institute. Ele­
ments o f Modern Management. 1977 Oct. 78-79.
Bennett, Dudley. TA and the Manager. 1977 July 56-57.
Berg, Ivar, ed. Sociological Perspectives on Labor Markets. 1984 Mar.
Berger, Suzanne and Michael J. Piore. Dualism and Discontinuity in In­
dustrial Societies. 1982 Mar. 51-54.
Bergsten, C. Fred, Thomas Horst, Theodore H. Moran. American Multi­
nationals and American Interest. 1979 Dec. 59-60.
Bernstein, Irving. A History o f the American Worker, 1933-1941: ACaring
Society— The New Deal, the Worker, and the Great Depression. 1985
Aug. 52-53.
Bird, Caroline. The Two-Paycheck Marriage: How Women at Work Are
Changing Life in America. 1979 Oct. 75-76.
Blake, Robert and Jane Srygley Mouton. Diary o f an O.D. Man. 1976
Sept. 61-62.
Blanpain, Roger. The OECDGuidelinesfor Multinational Enterprises and
Labor Relations, 1976-79: Experience and Review. 1983 May 51-53.
------, ed. International Encyclopaediafor Labour Law and Industrial Re­
lations. 1978 Oct. 60-61.
Blau, Lucie R. and Albert T. Sommers. The U.S. Economy Demystified:
What the Major Economic Statistics Mean and Their Significance for
Business. 1989 Apr. 44-45.
Bogue, Donald J. The Population o f the United States: Historical Trends
and Future Projections. 1986 Feb. 54.
Bosworth, Barry P. and Robert Z. Lawrence. Commodity Prices and the
New Inflation. 1982 Nov. 51-52.
Brandes, Stuart D. American Welfare Capitalism, 1880-1940. 1977 June
Break, George F. Financing Government in a Federal System. 1981 Dec.

Aaron, Benjamin and others. The Future ofLabor Arbitration in America.
1977 Sept. 51.
Aaron, Henry J. Economic Effects o f Social Security. 1984 Feb. 68.
------ Politics and the Professors: The Great Society in Perspective. 1978
Oct. 59-60.
------ and William B. Schwarz. The Painful Prescription: Rationing Hos­
pital Care. 1987 May 46.
Adam, Nabil R. and Ali Dogramaci, eds. Aggregate and Industry Level
Productivity Analysis. 1982 Oct. 15-21.
Adams, Arvil V. and Garth L. Mangum. The Lingering Crisis o f Youth
Unemployment. 1979 May 60.
Aho, C. Michael and Jonathan David Aronson. Trade Talks: America
Better Listen! 1987 Mar. 45-46.
Alderman, Karen Cleary and Sar A. Levitan. Child Care & A BC ’s Too.
1977 Jan. 67-68.
Alexander Hamilton Institute editors and Eugene J. Benge. Elements o f
Modern Management. 1977 Oct. 78-79.
Alonso, William, ed. Population in an Interacting World. 1989 Oct. 45.
Amacher, Ryan C., Gottfried Harberler, Thomas D. Willett, eds. Chal­
lenge to a Liberal International Economic Order. 1980 Mar. 59-61.
American Indian Policy Review Commission. American Indian Poicy
Review Commission, Final Report. 1978 Apr. 22-27.
Andreasen, Alan R. The Disadvantaged Consumer. 1977 Mar. 82-83.
Angelini, Anthony, Maximo Eng, Francis A. Lees. International Lending
and the Euromarkets. 1981 Nov. 57.
Ansari, Javed A. and Hans W. Singer. Rich and Poor Countries. 1978
Aug. 56.
Arble, Meade. The Long Tunnel: A Coal Miners Journal. 1977 Aug. 56.
Arnold, Selma and Bertrand B. Pogrebin, eds. Basic. Labor Relations.
1977 Nov. 60-61.
Aronson. Jonathan David, ed. Debt and the Less Developed Countries.
1981. Nov. 57.
------ and C. Michael Aho. Trade Talks: America Better Listen! 1987
Mar. 45-46.
Asbell, Bernard and Clair F. Vough. Tapping the Human Resource: A
Strategy for Productivity. 1976 Feb. 59-60.
Ashford, Nicholas A. Crisis in the Workplace: Occupational Disease and
Injury—A Report to the Ford Foundation. 1976 Nov. 61-62.
Ashworth, Kenneth H., foreword by Logan Wilson. American Higher
Education in Decline. 1980 Oct. 56- 57.
Ayres. Robert U. Uncertain Futures: Challenges for Decision-Makers.
1980 Dec. 72-73.

Baer, Walter E. Arbitration for the Practitioner. 1988 Aug. 48.
Bailey, Richard. Energy: The Rude Awakening. 1978 Nov. 47-48.
Baily, Martin Neil, ed. Workers, Jobs, and Inflation. 1983 Feb. 52.
Bain, David. The Productivity Prescription: The Manager’s Guide to Im ­
proving Productivity and Profits. 1983 Sept. 43-44.
Bain George Sayers, ed. Industrial Relations in Britain. 1986 Jan. 71.
Baldwin, David A. Economic Statecraft. 1986 June 51.
Bamber, Greg J. and Russell D. Lansbury, eds. International and Com­
parative Industrial Relations: A Study o f Developed Market Economies.
1988 July 42.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


------ and Joseph A. Pechman. Federal Tax Reform: The Impossible
Dream? 1976 June 65.

Cook, Alice H. and Hiroko Hayashi. Working Women in Japan: Discrim­
ination, Resistance, and Reform. 1982 Apr. 66-67.
Cooper, Richard N. The International Monetary System: Essays in World
Economics. 1988 Jan. 70-71.
Cornuelle, Richard. De-Managing America: The Final Revolution. 1976
June 67-68.
Cottle, Rex L., Hugh Macaulay, Bruce Yandle. Labor and Property
Rights in California Agriculture: An Economic Analysis o f the CALRA.
1984 Aug. 44-45.
Cotton, Richard and John C. Sawhill, eds. Energy Conservation: Successes
and Failures. 1987 Mar. 46.
Couturier, Jean J. and Richard P. Schick. The Public Interest in Govern­
ment Labor Relations. 1978 Jan. 46-47.
Cox, Dennis R. and Steve L. Barsby. Interstate Migration o f the Elderly.
1976 Jan. 77-78.
Crandall, Robert W. and Donald F. Barnett. Upfrom the Ashes: The Rise
o f the Steel Minimill in the United States. 1987 June 59.

Brennan, Mary E. Corporate Benefit Plans: International and Domestic
Perspectives. 1990 June 71-72.
Briggs, Vernon M., Jr. Immigration Policy and the American Labor Force.
1985 May 49-50.
Brittain, John A. The Inheritance o f Economic Status. 1978 July 47-48.
Brooks, Thomas R. Communications Workers o f America: The Story o f a
Union. 1979 Jan. 83-84.
Bruehl, Margaret E. and Roy W. Pneuman. Managing Conflict—A Com­
plete Process-Centered Handbook. 1983 Mar. 49.
Buehler, Vernon M. and Y. Krishna Shetty, eds. Productivity Improve­
ment: Case Studies o f Proven Practice. 1982 Oct. 15-21.
Burns, Scott. HOME, INC.: the Hidden Wealth and Power o f the Ameri­
can Household. 1976 Aug. 55.
Buss, Terry F. and F. Stevens Redburn. Hidden Unemployment: Discour­
aged Workers and Public Policy. 1990 July 57-58.


Buvinic, Mayra, Margaret A. Lycette, and William Paul McGreevey. eds.
Women and Poverty in the Third World. 1983 Nov. 77-78.

D’Aprix, Roger M. The Believable Corporation. 1978 July 48.
Dam, Kenneth W. and George P. Shultz. Economic Policy Beyond the
Headlines. 1979 Apr. 68.
Davidson, James Dale. The Squeeze. 1981 Aug. 64-65.
Davidson, Sue and Joan M. Jensen, eds. A Needle, A Bobbin, A Strike:
Women Needleworkers in America. 1984 Dec. 52-56.
Davis, Joseph S. The World Between the Wars, 1919-39: An Economist's
View. 1976 Jan. 81.
Davis, Karen. National Health Insurance: Benefits, Costs and Conse­
quences. 1976 June 68-69.
Day, Dawn and Dorothy K. Newman. The American Energy Consumer.
1976 May 57-58.
Degler, Carl N. At Odds: Women and the Family in Americafrom the Rev­
olution to the Present. 1981 Oct. 52-54.
Derber, Charles, ed. Professionals as Workers: Mental Labor in Advanced
Capitalism. 1984 Mar. 61-62.
Derthick, Martha. Policymaking for Social Security. 1981 Feb. 81-82.
Destler, I. M. Making Foreign Economic Policy. 1981 Apr. 72-73.
------ and John S. Odell. Anti-protection: Changing Forces in United States
Trade Politics. 1988 Sept. 49-50.
Diaz-Alejandro, Carlos F., Richard R. Fagen, Roger D. Hansen, Albert
Fishlow. Rich and Poor Nations in the World Economy. 1980 Mar.
Dickson, Paul. The Future o f the Workplace. The Coming Revolution in
Jobs. 1977 Apr. 87.
Dimmock, Stuart J. and Amarjit Singh Sethi, eds. Industrial Relations
and Health Services. 1983 Sept. 42-43.
Dix Samuel. Energy: A Critical Decision for the United States Economy.
1978 Nov. 48-50.
Dogramaci, Ali and Nabil R. Adam, eds. Aggregate and Industry-Level
Productivity Analysis. 1982 Oct. 15-21.
Dubinsky, David and A. H. Raskin. DavidDubinsky: A Life With Labor,
1977 Nov. 58.
Dublin, Thomas. Women at Work: The Transformation o f Work and
Community in Lowell, Massachusetts, 1826-1860. 1981 Apr. 70-72.
Dubofsky, Melvyn and Warren Van Tine. Labor Leaders in America.
1987 Nov. 36.
Duffy, Martin, Lawrence Olsen, and Christopher Caton. The Elderly and
the Future Economy. 1982 July 57-58.
Dunlop. John T. ed. Business and Public Policy. 1981 July 50-51.
Dutka, Anna B. and Miriam Ostow. Work and Welfare in New York City.
1976 Sept. 62-63.
Dutka, Anna B., Susan H. Gray, Dean W. Morse. Life After Early Retire­
ment: The Experience o f Lower-Level Workers. 1985 Mar. 53-54.
Dyson, Kenneth and Stephen Wilks, eds. Industrial Crisis. 1984 Apr. 52.

Cagan, Phillip. Persistent Inflation: Historical and Policy Essays. 1981
Jan. 62-63.
Caire, Guy. Freedom o f Association and Economic Development. 1977
Aug. 57-58.
Calkins, Susannah E., Richard P. Nathan, Allen D. Manvel. Monitoring
Revenue Sharing. 1976 Feb. 58-59.
Cantarow, Ellen, Susan Gushee O’Malley, Sharon Hartman Strom. Mov­
ing the Mountain: Women Working for Social Change. 1980 Oct. 60.
Carew, Anthony. Labor Under the Marshall Plan: The Politics o f Produc­
tivity and the Marketing o f Management Science. 1988 Nov. 44.
Carroll, Donald C. and C. Stewart Sheppard, eds. Working in the TwentyFirst Century. 1982 Jan. 55-56.
Carter, Allan M. Ph. D ’s and the Academic Labor Market. 1977 June
Cassell, Frank H. and Jean J. Baron. Collective Bargaining in the Public
Sector: Cases in Public Policy. 1976 May 58-59.
Caton, Christopher, Lawrence Olsen, and Martin Duffy. The Elderly and
the Future Economy. 1982 July 57-58.
Caves, Richard E. and Masu Uekusa. Industrial Organization in Japan.
1977 July 58.
Chace, James. Solvency— The Price o f Survival: An Essay on American
Foreign Policy. 1982 July 59.
Chapman, Jane Roberts, ed. Economic Independence for Women: The
Foundation for Equal Rights. 1977 June 66-67.
Cheek, Logan M. Zero-Base Budgeting Comes o f Age: What It Is and
What It Takes to Make It Work. 1978 Jan. 47-48.
Chen, Yung-Ping. Social Security in a Changing Society: An Introduction
to Programs, Concepts and Issues. 1981 Sept. 54.
Chichilnisky, Graciela and Geoffrey Heal. The Evolving International
Economy. 1990 May 61-62.
Churchill, Helene, Carol Sheets, Kezia V. Sproat. The National Longitu­
dinal Surveys o f Labor Market Experience: A n Annotated Bibliography
o f Research. 1985 Aug. 53.
Coleman, Barbara J. Primer on Employee Retirement Income Security
Act. 1987 July 48.
Collins, Lynn D. and Thomas Sowell, eds. American Ethnic Groups. 1979
Nov. 64-65.
Committee on Department of Labor Manpower Research and Develop­
ment, Assembly of Behavioral and Social Sciences, National Research
Council. Knowledge and Policy in Manpower: A Study o f the Manpower
Research and Development Program in the Department o f Labor. 1976
Aug. 50-51.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Frumkin, Norman. Guide to Economic Indicators. 1990 July 57.
------ Tracking America's Economy. 1990 May 62.
Fuchs, Victor R. An Economic Perspective on Americans from Birth to
Death. 1983 Nov. 76-77.
------ Women’s Quest for Economic Equality. 1989 Aug. 53-54.
Fulmer, William E. Union Organizing: Management and Labor Conflict.
1983 Aug. 41-43.

Easterlin, Richard A. Birth and Fortune: The Impact o f Numbers on Per­
sonal Welfare. 1982 Jan. 56-58.
Ede, Andrew, Managing ed. Women in Management Review. 1987 July
Edwards, P. K. Strikes in the United States, 1881-1974. 1983 Apr. 45-46.
Edwards, Richard. Contested Terrain: The Transformation o f the Work­
place in the Twentieth Century. 1979 Nov. 62-63.
Eggert, Gerald G. Steelmasters and Labor Reform, 1886-1923. 1982 Oct.
Eichner, Alfred S. A Guide to Post-Keynesian Economics. 1981 Mar.
Eller, Ronald D. Miners, Millhands, and Mountaineers: Industrialization
o f the Appalachian South, 1880-1930. 1983 Mar. 48.
Eng, Maximo, Anthony Angelini, and Francis A. Lees. International
Lending and the Euromarkets. 1981 Nov. 57.
Eskenazi, Samuel I. with Gordon L. Weil. The Welfare Debate o f 1978.
1979 Aug. 64-65.

Galbraith, John Kenneth. The Nature o f Mass Poverty. 1979 Sept. 64-65.
Galenson, Walter. The International Labor Organization: An American
View. 1983 Jan. 65-66.
Gallo, Frank, Sar A. Levitan, and Richard S. Belous. What’s Happening
to the American Family? Tensions, Hopes, Realities. 1989 June 44.
Garms, Walter I., James W. Guthrie, Lawrence C. Pierce. School Fi­
nance: The Economics and Politics o f Public Education. 1979 Dec.
Garraty, John A. Unemployment in History: Economic Thought and Pub­
lic Policy. 1979 July 47-48.
Garson, Barbara. All the Livelong Day: The Meaning and Demeaning of
Routine Work. 1977 Oct. 77-78.
Ghozeil, Susan and Lawrence R. Klein. A Popularized Version o f 21 Doc­
toral Dissertations. 1980 Apr. 64-65.
Gies, Joseph and Melvin Kranzberg. By the Sweat o f Thy Brow. 1976 Jan.
Gifford, Courtney D. and William P. Hobgood. Directory o f U.S. Labor
Arbitrators: A Guide for Finding and Using Arbitrators. 1987 July
Ginsburg, Helen. Full Employment and Public Policy: The United States
and Sweden. 1983 June 49-50.
Ginzberg, Eli. Good Jobs, Bad Jobs, No Jobs. 1980 June 60.
------ The Human Economy. 1976 Dec. 60.
Gladstone, Alan and John P. Windmuller. Employers Associations and
Industrial Relations: A Comparative Study. 1985 July 58.
Glaser, Edward M. Productivity Gains Through Worklife Improvement.
1977 May 64-65.
Glazer, Nathan and William Gorham, eds. The Urban Predicament. 1977
Sept. 50.
Goldfarb, Ronald L. Migrant Farm Workers. A Caste o f Despair. 1984
Aug. 44-45.
Goodsell, Charles T. The Casefor Bureaucracy: A Public Administration
Polemic. 1983 Dec. 59-60.
Gordon, Richard L. U.S. Coal and The Electric Power Industry. 1976
May 63-64.
Gorham, William and Nathan Glazer, eds. The Urban Predicament. 1977
Sept. 50.
Gould, William B. Japan’s Reshaping o f American Labor Law. 1985 Apr.
Gray, Susan H. and Dean W. Morse. Early Retirement—Boon or Bane? A
Study o f Three Large Corporations. 1982 Feb. 53-54.
------ , Dean W. Morse, and Anna B. Dutka. Life After Early Retirement:
The Experience o f Lower-Level Workers. 1985 Mar. 53-54.
Greenberg, Michael R., Donald A. Kruekeberg, and Connie O. Michaelson. Local Population and Employment Projection Techniques. 1980
Jan. 59.
Greenfield, Harry I. and Frank J. Fabozzi, eds. The Handbook o f Eco­
nomic Measures. 1984 Nov. 62.
Greenough, William C. and Francis P. King. Pension Plans and Public
Policy. 1977 Nov. 58-59.
Greenspan. Harry, Scott Seablom, William Mirengoff, and Lester Rindler. ceta: Assessment o f Public Service Employment Programs. 1980
Nov. 53-55.
Greenwald, Douglas, ed. Encyclopedia o f Economics. 1983 Jan. 66-67.
Gresser, Julian. Partners in Prosperity. 1986 Feb. 53-54.
Grimes, Orville F., Jr. Housing For Low-Income Urban Families. Eco­
nomics and Policy in the Developing World. 1977 Aug. 58-59.

Fabozzi, Frank J. and Harry I. Greenfield, eds. The Handbook o f Eco­
nomic Measures. 1984 Nov. 62.
Fagen, Richard R., Roger D. Hansen, Albert Fishlow, Carlos F. DiazAlejandro. Rich and Poor Nations in the World Economy. 1980 Mar.
Fairley, Lincoln. Facing Mechanization: The West Coast Longshore Plan.
1980 July 61-62.
Famularo, Joseph J. Handbook o f Personnel Forms, Records, and Reports.
1983 Jan. 67.
Farley, Jennie. Affirmative Action and the Woman Worker: Guidelinesfor
Personnel Management. 1979 Oct. 76-77.
Fearn, Robert M. Labor Economics: The Emerging Synthesis. 1982 July
58- 59.
Finley, Joseph E. White Collar Union: The Story o f the OPEiuand Its Peo­
ple. 1976 Aug. 53.
Fishlow, Albert, Carlos F. Diaz-Alejandro, Richard R. Fagen, Roger D.
Hansen. Rich and Poor Nations in the World Economy. 1980 Mar.
59- 61.
Flaherty, John E. Managing Change: Today's Challenge to Management.
1980 Aug. 55-56.
Fleuter, Douglas L. The Workweek Revolution: A Guide to the Changing
Workweek. 1976 Jan. 77.
Flynn, Patricia. Facilitating Technological Change: The Human Resource
Challenge. 1988 Nov. 43.
Flynn, Ralph J. Public Work, Public Workers. 1976 Mar. 57-58.
Follman, Joseph F., Jr. Alcoholics and Business: Problems, Costs, Solu­
tions. 1977 Jan. 68-69.
Foner, Philip S. History o f the Labor Movement in the United States: Vol.
V, The AFLin the Progressive Era, 1910-1915. 1981 Mar. 77-78.
------ The Great Labor Uprising o f 1877. 1979 June 51-52.
------ , ed. Fellow Workers and Friends: iww Free-Speech Fights as Told by
Participants. 1982 May 62-63.
Form, William H. Blue-Collar Stratification: Autoworkers in Four Coun­
tries. 1977 Apr. 86-87.
Fosh, Patricia. The Active Trade Unionist: A Study o f Motivation and Par­
ticipation at Branch Level. 1983 Aug. 41.
Franklin, Vincent P. The Education o f Black Philadelphia: The Social and
Educational History o f a Minority Community, 1900-1950. 1980 Oct.
Freeman, Richard B. Implications o f the Changing U.S. Labor Marketfor
Higher Education. 1983 Aug. 43.
------ The Overeducated American. 1977 July 55-56.
Friedlander, Peter. The Emergence o f a UAwLocal, 1936-1939: A Study in
Class and Culture. 1976 Aug. 52-53.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Guthrie, James W., Lawrence C. Pierce, Walter I. Garms. School Fi­
nance: The Economics and Politics o f Public Education. 1979 Dec.

Horner, Monica and Sharon Zarozny. The Federal Data Base Finder.
1984 Nov. 62.
Horst, Thomas, Theodore H. Moran, C. Fred Bergsten. American Multi­
nationals and American Interest. 1979 Dec. 59-60.
Howe, Christopher. China's Economy: A Basic Guide. 1980 July 63-64.
Howland, Marie. Plant Closingsand Worker Displacement: The Regional
Issues. 1990 Jan. 76.
Hughes, James J. and Richard Perlman. The Economics o f Unemploy­
ment: A Comparative Analysis o f Britain and the United States. 1986
July 50.

Haendel, Dan. Foreign Investment and the Management o f Political Risk.
1980 Aug. 54.
Hagburg, Eugene C. and Marvin J. Levine. Labor Relations: An Inte­
grated Perspective. 1979 Apr. 69.
Hamermesh, Daniel S. Jobless Pay and the Economy. 1977 Nov. 60.
------', ed. Labor in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors. 1977 Jan. 66-67.
Hammerman, Herbert. A Decade o f New Opportunity: Affirmative Action
in the 1970's. 1986 Aug. 51.
Handy, L. J. Wages policy in the British Coalmining Industry: A Study o f
National Wage Bargaining. 1981 Dec. 62.
Hansen, Roger D., Albert Fishlow, Carlos F. Diaz-Alejandro, Richard
R. Fagen. Rich and Poor Nations in the World Economy. 1980 Mar.
59- 61.

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Population Po­
licies and Economic Development. 1976 Jan. 78-79.
International Council for Educational Development. Attacking Rural
Poverty: How Nonformal Education Can Help. 1976 May 62-63.
International Labor Office. World Labour Report, Volumes 1 and 2. 1985
Nov. 65-68.

Harberler, Gottfried, Thomas D. Willett, Ryan C. Amacher, eds. Chal­
lenges to a Liberal International Economic Order. 1980 Mar. 59-61.
Harkess, Shirley and Ann H. Stromberg, eds. Women Working: Theories
and Facts in Perspective. 1979 Nov. 63-64.
Harris, Seymour E. The Economics o f Health Care. 1976 Apr. 58-59.
Hartmann, Heidi I. and Donald J. Treiman, eds. Women, Work, and
Wages: Equal Pay for Jobs o f Equal Value. 1982 Oct. 48-50.
Havelick, Franklin J., ed. Collective Bargaining: New Dimensions in La­
bor Relations. 1980 Aug. 53-54.
Hayashi, Hiroko and Alice H. Cook. Working Women in Japan: Discrim­
ination, Resistance, and Reform. 1982 Apr. 66-67.
Hazlitt, Henry. The Inflation Crisis and How to Resolve It. 1979 Dec.
60- 61.

Jacoby, Sanford M. Employing Bureaucracy: Managers, Unions, and the
Transformation o f Work in American Industry, 1900-1945. 1986 Sept.
Jantscher, Gerald R. Bread Upon the Waters: Federal Aids to the Mari­
time Industries. 1976 July 62-63.
Jardim, Anne and Margaret Hennig. The Managerial Woman. 1977 Dec.
Jascourt, Hugh D., ed. Government Labor Relations: Trends and Infor­
mation for the Future, Vol. I, 1975-1978. 1980 Aug. 54-55.
Jennings, Kenneth M. and William H. Holley, Jr. The Labor Relations
Process. 1980 Dec. 70-71.
Jensen, Joan M. and Sue Davidson, eds. A Needle, A Bobbin, A Strike:
Women Needleworkers in America. 1984 Dec. 52-56.
Jerdee, Thomas H. and Benson Rosen. Older Employees: New Roles for
Valued Resources. 1985 Sept. 53-54.
Jevons, W. Stanley. The State in Relation to Labour. 1982 Mar. 49-51.
Johnston, Denis F., comp. Social Indicators 1976. 1978 July 46-47.
Johnston, William B., Robert Taggart, Sar A. Levitan. Minorities in the
United States: Problems, Progress and Prospects. 4976 June 65-67.
Johnstone, Ronald L. The Scope o f Faculty Collective Bargaining: An
Analysis o f Faculty Union Agreements at Four-Year Institutions o f
Higher Education. 1983 Apr. 46-47.
Jones, Ethel B. Determinants o f Female Reentrant Unemployment. 1984
June 61.
Jones, Landon Y. Great Expectations: America and the Baby Boom Gener­
ation. 1981 June 61-62.

Heal, Geoffrey and Graciela Chichilnisky. The Evolving International
Economy. 1990 May 61-62.
Hedva, Sarfati and Catherine Kobrin. Labor Market Flexibility: A Com­
parative Anthology. 1990 Apr. 47-48.
Hennig, Margaret and Anne Jardim. The Managerial Woman. 1977 Dec.
Herman, E. Edward and Alfred Kuhn. Collective Bargaining and Labor
Relations. 1981 Nov. 56-57.
------ Alfred Kuhn, Ronald L. Seeber. Collective Bargaining and Labor
Relations. 2d ed. 1987 July 48.
Herman, Edward S. Corporate Control, Corporate Power. 1982 Sept.
Hiestand, Dale L. and Dean W. Morse. Comparative Metropolitan Em ­
ployment Complexes—New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston, A t­
lanta. 1980 Feb. 67-68.


Hill, Herbert. Black Labor and the American Legal System: Race, Work,
and the Law. 1978 May 72-73.
Hill, Marvin, Jr. and Anthony V. Sinicropi. Management Rights: A Legal
and Arbitral Analysis. 1986 Dec. 41.
Hill, Stephen. Competition and Control at Work: The New Industrial So­
ciology. 1982 Oct. 15-21.
Hirsch, Fred. Social Limits to Growth. 1978 May 78.
Hirschhorn, Larry. Beyond Mechanization. 1986 Mar. 45-46.
Hobgood, William P. and Countney D. Gifford. Directory o f U.S. Labor
Arbitrators: A Guide for Finding and Using Arbitrators. 1987 July

Kagan, Robert A. Regulatory Justice: Implementing a Wage-Price Freeze.
1978 Dec. 79-80.
Kahn, Alfred J. and Shelia B. Kamerman. Child Care: Facing the Hard
Choices. 1990 June 72.
Kahn, Alfred J. and Shelia B. Kamerman. Child Care, Family Benefits,
and Working Parents: A Study o f Comparative Policy. 1981 Sept. 53-54.
Kahn, Herman. World Economic Development: 1979 and Beyond. 1980
Nov. 55.
Kahne, Hilda. Reconceiving Part-Time Work: New Perspectives for Older
Workers and Women. 1987 Aug. 58.
Kamerman, Shelia B. The Responsive Workplace: Employers and a
Changing Labor Force. 1987 Sept. 75.
------ and Alfred Kahn. Child Care: Facing the Hard Choices. 1990 June
------ and Alfred J. Kahn. Child Care, Family Benefits, and Working Par­
ents: A Study o f Comparative Policy. 1981 Sept. 53-54.
Kano, Noriaki and Paul Lillrank. Continuous Improvement: Quality Con­
trol Circles in Japanese Industry. 1990 Aug. 48-49.

Hoerr, John P. And the WolfFinally Came: The Decline o f the American
Steel Industry. 1989 May 61-62.
Hoffman, Saul D. Labor Market Economics. 1986 May 52.
Holley, William H., Jr. and Kenneth M. Jennings. The Labor Relations
Process. 1980 Dec. 70-71.
Holloway, William J. and Michael J. Leech. Employment Termination:
Rights and Remedies. 1986 Aug. 50-51.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Kanter, Rosabeth Moss and Barry A. Stein. Life in Organizations: Work­
places as People Experience Them. 1980 Jan. 61-62.
Kassalow, Everett M. and Benjamin Martin, eds. Labor Relations in Ad­
vanced Industrial Societies: Issues and Problems. 1983 May 51-53.
Katz, Harry C., Robert B. McKersie, Thomas A. Kochan. The Transfor­
mation o f American Industrial Relations. 1987 Feb. 42.
------ , Thomas A. Kochan, Nancy R. Mower. Worker Participation and
American Unions: Threat or Opportunity? 1985 Mar. 50-53.
Katzan, Harry. Jr. Management Support systems. A Pragmatic Approach.
1984 May 57.

------ , Ronald L. Seeber, and E. Edward Herman. Collective Bargaining
and Labor Relations. 2d ed. 1987 July 48.
Kushner, Sam. Long Road to Delano. 1976 Aug. 65-66.

Landis, Brook I. Value Judgments in Arbitration: A Case Study o f Saul
Wallen. 1977 Dec. 76.
Lansbury, Russell D. and Greg J. Bamber, eds. International and Com­
parative Industrial Relations: A Study o f Developed Market Economies.
1988 July 42.
Laroque, Pierre and others. Into the Twenty-First Century: The Develop­
ment o f Social Security. 1985 Dec. 52-53.
Lawrence, Robert Z. Can America Compete? 1985 Jan. 62.
------ and Barry P. Bosworth. Commodity Prices and the New Inflation.
1982 Nov. 51-52.
Leab, Daniel J., Dorothy Swanson, and Maurice F. Neufeld. American
Working Class History: A Representative Bibliography. 1984 Feb. 69.
Lebergott, Stanley. The American Economy: Income, Wealth, and Want.
1977 Mar. 85-86.
Lecht, Leonard A. and Marc A. Matland. Involving Private Employers in
CETA Programs. 1980 Nov. 53-55.
Lederer, Muriel. Blue-Collar Jobs for Women. 1980 Jan. 60-61.
Leech, Michael J. and William J. Holloway. Employment Termination:
Rights and Remedies. 1986 Aug. 50-51.
Lees, Francis A., Anthony Angelini, and Maximo Eng. International
Lending and the Euromarkets. 1981 Nov. 57.
Lehrer, Robert N., ed. White Collar Productivity. 1984 Sept. 48-50.
Leibenstein, Harvey. Beyond Economic Man: A New Foundation for Mi­
croeconomics. 1977 Apr. 87-88.
Lekachman, Robert. Economists at Bay: Why the Experts Will Never
Solve Your Problems. 1977 Feb. 90-91.
Leventman, Paula G. Professionals Out o f Work. 1984 Mar. 61-62.
Levine, Marvin J. and Eugene C. Hagburg. Labor Relations: An Inte­
grated Perspective. 1979 Apr. 69.
Levison, Andrew. The Full Employment Alternative. 1981 July 51.
Levitan, Sar A. and Karen Cleary Alderman. Child Care & ABC's Too.
1977 Jan. 67-68.
------ and Richard S. Belous. Shorter Hours, Shorter Weeks: Spreading the
Work to Reduce Unemployment. 1978 June 59.
------ and Robert Taggart. The Promise o f Greatness. 1976 Nov. 62-63.
------ , Richard S. Belous, and Frank Gallo. What's Happening to the
American Family? Tensions, Hopes, Realities. 1989 June 44.
------ , William B. Johnston, and Robert Taggart. Minorities in the United
States: Problems, Progress and Prospects. 1976 June 65-67.
Lewin, Leif. Governing Trade Unions in Sweden. 1981 Apr. 73-74.
Lillrank, Paul and Noriaki Kano. Continuous Improvement: Quality Con­
trol Circles in Japanese Industry. 1990 Aug. 48-49.
Lindberg, Leon N. and Charles S. Maier. The Politics o f Inflation and
Economic Stagnation: Theoretical Approaches and International Case
Studies. 1985 Dec. 51-52.
Lipset, Seymour Martin, ed. Unions in Transition: Entering the Second
Century. 1987 July 46-47.
Livernash, E. Robert, ed. Comparable Worth: Issues and Alternatives.
1982 Oct. 48-50.
Lloyd, Cynthia B., ed. Sex, Discrimination, and the Division o f Labor.
1976 Aug. 64.
------ and Beth T. Niemi. The Economics o f Sex Differentials. 1980 Sept.
Loftis, Anne and Dick Meister. A Long Time Coming: The Struggle to
Unionize America's Farm Workers. 1978 Mar. 57.
Lopez, Felix M. Personnel Interviewing: Theory and Practice. 1976 Aug.
Lowitt, Richard and Maurine Beasley, eds. One Third o f a Nation: Lorena
Hickok Reports on the Great Depression . 1982 Jan. 54-55.

Kaufman, Bruce E., ed. How Labor Markets Work. 1988 Dec. 52.
Kaufman, H.G. Professionals in Search o f Work. Coping With the Stress of
Job Loss and Underemployment. 1984 Mar. 61-62.
Kaufman, Stuart B., ed., The Samuel GompersPapers: Vol. I, The Making
o f a Union Leader, 1850-86. 1986 Aug. 50.
Kelly, Alfred. The German Worker: Working Class Autobiographiesfrom
the Age o f Industrialization. 1989 Dec. 58.
Kendrick, John B. and John W. Kendrick. Personal Productivity: How to
Increase Your Satisfaction in Living. 1990 June 72-73.
Kendrick, John W. and John B. Kendrick. Personal Productivity: How to
Increase Your Satisfaction in Living. 1990 June 72-73.
Kerr, Clark and Paul D. Staudohar, eds. Economics o f Labor in Industrial
Society. 1988 Mar. 51-52.
------ Industrial Relations in a New Age: Economic, Social, and Manageri­
al Perspectives. 1988 Mar. 51-52.
Kessler-Harris, Alice. Out to Work: A History o f Wage Earning Women in
the United States. 1982 Sept. 47.
Keyssar, Alexander. Out o f Work: The First Century o f Unemployment in
Massachusetts. 1986 Dec. 41-42.
Kilgour, John G. Preventive Labor Relations. 1982 Aug. 60-61.
King, Francis P. and William C. Greenough. Pension Plans and Public
Policy. 1977 Nov. 58-59.
Klein, Lawrence R. and Susan Ghozeil. A Popularized Version o f 21 Doc­
toral Dissertations. 1980 Apr. 64-65.
Klein, Lisl. New Forms O f Work Organization. 1976 Oct. 56-57.
Kobrin, Catherine and Sarfati Hedva. Labor Market Flexibility: A Com­
parative Anthology. 1990 Apr. 47-48.
Kochan Thomas A. Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations: From
Theory to Policy and Practice. 1981 Aug. 63-64.
------ , Harry C. Katz and Robert B. McKersie. The Transformation o f
American Industrial Relations. 1987 Feb. 42.
------ , Harry C. Katz, Nancy R. Mower. Worker Participation and Amer­
ican Unions: Threat or Opportunity? 1985 Mar. 50-53.
Kornblum, William. Blue Collar Community. 1976 Apr. 59-60.
Kotlikoff, Laurence J. and David A. Wise. The Wage Carrot and the Pen­
sion Stick: Retirement Benefits and Labor Force Participation. 1990
Sept. 39-40.
Kranz, Harry. The Participatory Bureaucracy.. Women and Minorities in
a More Representative Public Service. 1977 July 57.
Kranzberg, Melvin and Joseph Gies. By the Sweat o f Thy Brow. 1976 Jan.
Krendel, Ezra S. and Bernard L. Samoff, eds. Unionizing the Armed
Forces. 1978 Jan. 49-50.
Kreps, Juanita M., ed. Women and the American Economy... A Look to the
1980's. 1977 Sept. 49-50.
Kristol, Irving and Daniel Bell. The Crisis in Economic Theory. 1982 Nov.
Kruekeberg, Donald A., Connie O. Michaelson, Michael Greenberg. Lo­
cal Population and Employment Projection Techniques. 1980 Jan. 59.
Krugman, Paul R. ed. Strategic Policy and the New International Eco­
nomics. 1989 Mar. 46-47.
Kuhn, Alfred and E. Edward Herman. Collective Bargaining and Labor
Relations. 1981 Nov. 56-57.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Lycette, Margaret A., Mayra Buvinic. and William Paul McGreevey, eds.
Women and Poverty in the Third World. 1983 Nov. 77-78.

Mills, Daniel Quinn. Government, Labor, and Inflation: Wage Stabiliza­
tion in the United States. 1976 Aug. 51-52.
Minsky, Hyman P. John Maynard Keynes. 1976 June 63-65.
Mirengofif, William and Lester Rindler. The Comprehensive Employment
and Training Act: Impact on People, Place, Programs—An Interim Re­
port. 1977 Jan. 69.
Mirengoff. William, Lester Rindler, Harry Greenspan, Scott Seablom.
ceta: Assessment o f Public Service Employment Programs. 1980 Nov.
Mitchell, Daniel J. B. and Arnold R. Weber. The Pay Boards Progress:
Wage Controls in Phase II. 1979 Jan. 84-85.
Mohr, Lillian Holmen. Frances Perkins: “That Woman in FDR's Cabi­
net. ” 1980 Apr. 64.
Montero, Darrel. Vietnamese Americans: Patterns o f Resettlement and
Socioeconomic Adaptation in the U.S. 1980 May 60-61.
Montgomery, David. Workers' Control in America: Studies in the History
o f Work, Technology, and Labor Struggles. 1980 June 60-61.
Moran, Theodore H., ed. International Political Risk Assessment: The
State o f the Art. 1982 Feb. 54.
------ C. Fred Bergsten, Thomas Horst. American Multinationals and
American Interest. 1979 Dec. 59-60.
Morrison, Malcolm H., ed. The Economics o f Aging: The Future o f Retire­
ment. 1982 Oct. 50-51.
Morse, Dean W. and Dale L. Hiestand. Comparative Metropolitan Em­
ployment Complexes—New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston, At­
lanta. 1980 Feb. 67-68.
------ and Susan H. Gray. Early Retirement—Boon or Bane? A Study o f
Three Large Corporations. 1982 Feb. 53-54.
------ , Anna B. Dutka, and Susan H. Gray. Life After Early Retirement:
The Experience o f Lower-Level Workers. 1985 Mar. 53-54.
Mouton, Jane Srygley and Robert Blake. Diary o f an O.D. Man. 1976
Sept. 61-62.
Mower, Nancy R., Thomas A. Kochan, and Harry C. Katz. Worker Par­
ticipation and American Unions: Threat or Opportunity? 1985 Mar.

Macaulay, Hugh, Bruce Yandle, and Rex L. Cottle. Labor and Property
Rights in California Agriculture: An Economic Analysis o f the CALRA.
1984 Aug. 44-45.
MacLaury. Judson, ed. Protecting People at Work: A Reader in Occupa­
tional Safety and Health. 1980 Aug. 56-57.
Maggiolo, Walter A. Techniques o f Mediation. 1986 Oct. 38.
Maidens, Melinda, ed. Immigration: New Americans, Old Questions. 1982
May 63.
Maier, Charles S. and Leon N. Lindberg. The Politics o f Inflation and
Economic Stagnation: Theoretical Approaches and International Case
Studies. 1985 Dec. 51-52.
Majka, Linda C. and Theo Majka. Farmworkers, Agribusiness, and the
State. 1984 Nov. 61-62.
Majka, Theo and Linda C. Majka. Farmworkers, Agribusiness, and the
State. 1984 Nov. 61-62.
Mancuso, Thomas F. Help for the Working Wounded. 1977 May 63-64.
Mangum, Garth L. and Arvil V. Adams. The Lingering Crisis o f Youth
Unemployment. 1979 May 60.
------ Employability, Employment, and Income: A Reassessment o f Man­
power Policy. 1978 Sept. 67-68.
Manvel, Allen D., Susannah E. Calkins, and Richard P. Nathan. Moni­
toring Revenue Sharing. 1976 Feb. 58-59.
Marshall, Ray, Unheard Voices: Labor and Economic Policy in a Competi­
tive World. 1987 Oct. 50.
Martin, Benjamin and Everett M. Kassalow, eds. Labor Relations in Ad­
vanced Industrial Societies: Issues and Problems. 1983 May 51-53.
Martin, George. Madam Secretary: Frances Perkins. (A biography of
America’s first woman cabinet member.) 1976 Nov. 63-65.
Martin, Philip L. Labor Displacement and Public Policy. 1983 Oct. 42-43.
Masters, Stanley H. Black-White Income Differentials: Empirical Studies
and Policy Implications. 1976 Dec. 59-60.
Matland. Marc A. and Leonard A. Lecht. Involving Private Employers in
ceta Programs. 1980 Nov. 53-55.
Mauer, Harry. Not Working: An Oral History o f the Unemployed. 1980
May 58-59.
Maurice, Marc, Francois Sellier, and Jean-Jacques Silvestre. The Social
Foundations o f Industrial Power: A Comparison o f France and Germa­
ny. 1989 Dec. 58.
McColloch, Mark. White Collar Workers in Transition: The Boom Years,
1940-70. 1984 June 61.
McGreevey, William Paul, Mayra Buvinic, and Margaret A. Lycette, eds.
Women and Poverty in the Third World. 1983 Nov. 77-78.
McKersie, Robert B., Harry C. Katz, and Thomas A. Kochan. The
Transformation o f American Industrial Relations. 1987 Feb. 42.
McLane, Helen J. Selecting, Developing, and Retaining Women Execu­
tives: A Corporate Strategy for the Eighties. 1980 Dec. 71-72.
McLaurin, Melton Alonza. The Knights o f Labor in the South. 1980 Mar.
Meier, Gretl S. Job Sharing: A New Pattern for Quality o f Work and Life.
1980 May 59-60.
Meister, Dick and Anne Loftis. A Long Time Coming: The Struggle to
Unionize America's Farm Workers. 1978 Mar. 57.
Meltzer, H. and Frederic R. Wickert, eds. Humanizing Organizational
Behavior. 1977 Sept. 53-54.
Michaelson, Connie O., Michael Greenberg, Donald Kruekeberg. Local
Population and Employment Projection Techniques. 1980 Jan. 59.
Miles, Robert H. Macro Organizational Behavior. 1982 Apr. 65-66.
------ , ed. Resourcebook in Macro Organizational Behavior. 1982 Apr.
Miller, Mark J. and Demetrios G. Papademetriou. The Unavoidable Is­
sues: US. Immigration Policy in the 1980's. 1985 May 49.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Nakayama, Ichiro. Industrialization and Labor-Management Relations
in Japan. 1976 Sept. 60-61.
Nathan, Richard P., Allen D. Manvel, and Susannah E. Calkins. Moni­
toring Revenue Sharing. 1976 Feb. 58-59.
National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, France. Donnees
Sociales. (Social Data.) 1984 June 60-61.
Neikirk, William and Gail Garfield Schwartz. The Work Revolution.
1984 July 48-49.
Nelson, Daniel. Managers and Workers: Origins o f the New Factory Sys­
tem in the United States, 1880-1920. 1977 June 67-68.
Neufeld, Maurice F., Daniel J. Leab, and Dorothy Swanson. American
Working Class History: A Representative Bibliography. 1984 Feb. 69.
Newman, Dorothy K. and Dawn Day. The American Energy Consumer.
1976 May 57-58.
Newton, Jan M. and John A. Young. Capitalism and Human Obsoles­
cence: Corporate Control Versus Individual Survival in Rural America.
1981 Nov. 55.
Nicholson, Marjorie. The tuc Overseas: The Roots o f Policy. 1990 Apr. 47.
Niemi, Beth T. and Cynthia B. Lloyd. The Economics o f Sex Differentials.
1980 Sept. 64-65.
Noble, David F. America by Design: Science, Technology, and the Rise of
Corporate Capitalism. 1978 Mar. 55-57.
Norwood, Stephen H. Labor's Flaming Youth: Telephone Operator's and
Worker Militancy, 1878-1923. 1990 Dec. 58.

O’Malley, Susan Gushee, Sharon Hartman Strom, Ellen Cantarow. Mov­
ing the Mountain: Women Working for Social Change. 1980 Oct. 60.
Odell, John S. and I. M. Destler. Anti-protection: Changing Forces in the
United States Trade Politics. 1988 Sept. 49-50.


Okun, Arthur M. Equality and Efficiency: The Big Tradeoff. 1976 Sept.
Olsen, Lawrence, Christopher Caton, and Martin Duffy. The Elderly and
the Future Economy. 1982 July 57-58.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris. Labor
Force Statistics, 1970-81. 1984 June 61.
Osterman, Paul. Employment Futures: Reorganization, Dislocation, and
Public Policy. 1989 July 46-47.
------ Getting Started: The Youth Labor Market. 1981 July 52-53.
Ostow, Miriam and Anna B. Dutka. Work and Welfare in New York City.
1976 Sept. 62-63.
Owen, John D. Working Hours: An Economic Analysis. 1981 Feb. 80-81.

Palm, Goran. The Flight From Work. 1978 Nov. 47.
Palmer, John L., ed. Creating Jobs: Public Employment Programs and
Wage Subsidies. 1979 June 50-51.
Papademetriou, Demetrios G. and Mark J. Miller. The Unavoidable Is­
sue: Immigration Policy in the 1980's. 1985 May 49.
Pascarella, Perry. The New Achievers. 1984 Oct. 50-51.
Patrick, Pamela K. S. Health Care Worker Burnout: What It Is, What to
Do About It. 1983 Jan. 66.
Pechman, Joseph A. and George F. Break. Federal Tax Reform: The Im ­
possible Dream? 1976 June 65.
------ and P. Michael Timpane, eds. Work Incentives and Income Guaran­
tees: The New Jersey Negative Income Tax Experiment. 1976 May
Perlman, Richard and James J. Hughes. The Economics o f Unemploy­
ment: A Comparative Analysis o f Britain and the United States. 1986
July 50.
Perlman, Robert and Roland L. Warren. Families in the Energy Crisis:
Impacts and Implications for Theory and Policy. 1979 Feb. 69.
Pierce, Lawrence C., Walter I. Garms, and James W. Guthrie. School Fi­
nance: The Economics and Politics o f Public Education. 1979 Dec

Poole, Michael. Industrial Relations: Origins and Patterns o f NationalDi­
versity. 1987 July 47.
------ Workers' Participation in Industry. 1976 Mar. 58-59.
Popkin, Joel, ed. Analysis o f Inflation: 1965-1974. 1979 May 60-61.

Raskin, A. H. and David Dubinsky. DavidDubinsky: A Life With Labor.
1977 Nov. 58.
Redburn, F. Stevens and Terry F. Buss. Hidden Unemployment: Discour­
aged Workers and Public Policy. 1990 July 57-58.
Rehmus, Charles M., ed. Public Employment Labor Relations: An Over­
view o f Eleven Nations. 1976 Mar. 57-58.
Reich, Michael. Racial Inequality. 1982 Sept. 47-49.
Reiser, Stanley Joel. Medicine and the Reign o f Technology. 1980 Sept.
Reisler, Mark. By The Sweat o f Their Brow: Mexican Immigrant Labor in
the United States, 1900-1940. 1978 Jan. 46.

Rindler, Lester and William Mirengoff. The Comprehensive Employment
and Training Act. 'Impact on People, Place, Programs—An Interim Re­
port. 1977 Jan. 69.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Rodgers, Daniel T. The Work Ethic in Industrial America, 1850-1920.
1980 Oct. 57-58.
Rosen, Benson and Thomas H. Jerdee. Older Employees: New Roles for
Valued Resources. 1985 Sept. 53-54.
Rosen, George. Peasant Society in a Changing Economy: Comparative De­
velopment in Southeast Asia and India. 1976 Jan. 76-77.
Rosen, Howard. Servants o f the People: The Uncertain Future o f the Fed­
eral Civil Service. 1986 May 52-53.
Rosenbloom, Jerry S. The Handbook o f Employees Benefits: Design,
Funding and Administration. 1985 July 59-60.
Rosow, Jerome, ed. Productivity: Prospects for Growth. 1982 Oct. 15-21.
Ross, Heather L. and Isabel V. Sawhill. Time-of-Transition: The Growth
o f Families Headed by Women. 1976 Sept. 63-64.
Rostow, W. W. Getting From Here to There: America's Future in the
World Economy. 1980 Feb. 65-67.
------ The World Economy: History and Prospect. 1980 Feb. 65-67.
Rothberg, Diane, ed. Part-time Employment in America. 1984 June 61.
Ruble, Blair A. Soviet Trade Unions: Their Development in the 1970's.
1983 June 50-51.
Russell, Louise B. Is Prevention Better Than Cure? 1987 May 45.
Ryan, Joseph A., ed. White Ethnics, Their Life in Working ClassAmerica.
1976 Mar. 60-61.


Pneuman, Roy W. and Margaret E. Bruehl. Managing Conflict—A Com­
plete Process-Centered Handbook. 1983 Mar. 49.
Pogrebin, Bertrand B. and Selma Arnold, eds. Basic Labor Relations.
1977 Nov. 60-61.


Rodden, Robert G. The Fighting Machinist: A Century o f Struggle. 1985
July 59.

Sabrosky, Alan Ned., ed. Blue Collar Soldiers: Unionization and the U.S.
Military. 1978 Sept. 66-67.
Sahin, Izzet. Private Pensions and Employee Mobility. 1990 Oct. 48.
Sakurabayshi, Makoto. Wages in Japan Today. 1983 July 45-46.
Samoff, Bernard L. and Ezra S. Krendel, eds. Unionizing the Armed
Forces. 1978 Jan. 49-50.
Sandver, Marcus H. Labor Relations and Outcomes. 1988 Aug. 48-49.
Sawhill, Isabel V. and Heather L. Ross. Time-of-Transition. The Growth
o f Families Headed by Women. 1976 Sept. 63-64.
Sawhill, John C. and Richard Cotton, eds. Energy Conservation:Successes
and Failures. 1987 Mar. 46.
Schatz, Ronald W. The Electrical Workers: A History o f Labor at General
Electric and Westinghouse, 1923-1960. 1985 June 53-54.
Schick, Richard P. and Jean J. Couturier. The Public Interest in Govern­
ment Labor Relations. 1978 Jan. 46-47.
Schieber, Sylvester J., Social Security: Perspectives on Preserving the Sys­
tem. 1984 Apr. 53.
Schlagheck, James L. The Political, Economic and Labor Climate in Bra­
zil. 1978 Feb. 61.
Schlozman, Kay Lehman and Sidney Verba. Injury to Insult: Unemploy­
ment, Class, and Political Response. 1981 Jan. 63-64.
Schmidman, John. Unions in Postindustrial Society. 1979 Aug. 63-64.
Schneider, Stephen A. The Availability o f Minorities and Women for Pro­
fessional and Managerial Positions, 1970-1985. 1978 Apr. 59-60.
Schramm, Carl J., ed. Alcoholism and Its Treatment in Industry. 1978
Apr. 61.
Schrank, Robert. Ten Thousand Working Days. 1978 Dec. 78-79.
Schultz, Theodore W., ed. Economics o f the Family: Marriage, Children
and Human Capital. 1976 Apr. 60-61.

Piore, Michael J. and Suzanne Berger. Dualism and Discontinuity in In­
dustrial Societies. 1982 Mar. 51-54.

Reuther, Victor G. The Brothers Reuther and the Story o f the
May 61-62.

------ , Harry Greenspan, Scott Seablom, William Mirengoff, ceta: As­
sessment o f Public Service Employment Programs. 1980 Nov. 53-55.
Ripley, Randall B., Donald Baumer, Carl Van Horn. Areawide Planning
in ceta. 1980 Nov. 53-55.
Rivlin, Alice M. and P. Michael Timpane, eds. Ethical and Legal Issues o f
Social Experimentation. 1976 Aug. 54-55.
Robinson, Archie. George Meany and His Times: A Bibliography. 1982
Aug. 59-60.
Rock, Milton L., ed. Handbook o f Wage and Salary Administration. 1984
June 60.


Schuster, Michael H. Union-Management Cooperation: Structure, Pro­
cess, and Impact. 1985 Sept. 54-55.
Schwartz, Gail Garfield and William Neikirk. The Work Revolution.
1984 July 48-49.
Schwartz, Rosalind M. Women at Work. 1989 Aug. 53-54.
Schwarz, William B. and Henry J. Aaron. The Painful Prescription: Ra­
tioning Hospital Care. 1987 May 46.
Scitovsky, Tibor. The Joyless Economy. 1977 May 62-63.
Seablom, Scott, William Mirengoff, Lester Rindler, Harry Greenspan.
ceta : Assessment of Public Service Employment Programs. 1980 Nov.
Sealander, Judith. As Minorities Becomes Majority: Federal Reaction to
the Phenomenon o f Women in the Work Force, 1920-1963. 1983 Oct
Seeber, Ronald L., E. Edward Herman, Alfred Kuhn. Collective Bargain­
ing and Labor Relations. 2d ed. 1987 July 48.
Seidel, Stephen R. Housing Costs and Government Regulations: Confront­
ing the Regulatory Mase. 1979 Mar. 69.
Seiden, Martin H. Who Controls the Mass Media? Popular Myths and Eco­
nomic Realities. 1976 Mar. 59-60.
Seitchik, Adam and Jeffrey Zornitsky. From One Job to the Next: Worker
Adjustment in a Changing Labor Market. 1990 Sept. 38-39.
Sellier, Francois, Jean-Jacques Silvestre, and Marc Maurice. The Social
Foundations o f Industrial Power: A Comparison o f France and Germa­
ny. 1989 Dec. 58.
Sethi, Amarjit Singh and Stuart J. Dimmock, eds. Industrial Relations
and Health Services. 1983 Sept. 42-43.
Shaevitz, Morton H. and Marjorie Hansen Shaevitz. Making it Together
as a Two-Career Couple. 1980 Dec. 73.
Shafritz, Jay M. and others. Personnel Management in Government: Poli­
tics and Process. 1978 Aug. 55-56.
Sheets, Carol, Kezia V. Sproat, and Helene Churchill. The National Lon­
gitudinal Surveys ofLabor Market Experience: A n Annotated Bibliogra­
phy o f Research. 1985 Aug. 53.
Sheflin, Neil, and Leo Troy. Union Sourcebook—Membership, Structure,
Finance, Directory. 1986 Jan. 70-71.
Sheppard, C. Stewart and Donald C. Carroll, eds. Working in the TwentyFirst Century. 1982 Jan. 55-56.
Shergold, Peter R. Working-Class Life “The American Standard" in
Comparative Perspective, 1899-1913. Book note. 1982 Oct. 52.
Shetty, Y. Krishna and Vernon M. Buehler, eds. Productivity Improve­
ment: Case Studies o f Proven Practice. 1982 Oct. 15-21.
Shultz, George P. and Kenneth W. Dam. Economic Policy Beyond the
Headlines. 1979 Apr. 68.
Siegel, Irving H. Company Productivity: Measurement for Improvement.
1982 Oct. 52.
and Edgar Weinberg. Labor-Management Cooperation: The Ameri­
can Experience. 1983 Mar. 46-48.
Silvestre, Jean-Jacques, Marc Maurice, and Francois Sellier. The Social
Foundations o f Industrial Power: A Comparison o f France and Germa­
ny. 1989 Dec. 58.

Taft, Philip. Organizing Dixie: Alabama Workers in the Industrial Era.
Gary M. Fink, ed. 1981 Oct. 51-52.
Taggart, Robert, Sar A. Levitan, and William B. Johnston. Minorities in
the United States: Problems, Progress and Prospects. 1976 June 65-67.
Taggart, Robert. Hardship— The Welfare Consequences o f Labor Market
Problems: A Policy Discussion Paper. 1983 Feb. 51-52.
Task Force on Education and Employment. Education for Employment:
Knowledge for Action. 1981 May 63-65.
Tax Foundation, Inc. Facts and Figures on Government Finance. 1984
June 61-62.
Taylor, Ronald B. Chavez and the Farm Workers. 1976 Aug. 65-66.
Taylor, William J. and others, eds. Military Unions: U.S. Trends and Is­
sues. 1978 Sept. 66-67.
Temin, Peter. Did Monetary Forces Cause the GreatDepression? 1977 Jan.

Simon, Julian L. The Economics o f Population Growth. 1978 Apr. 60-61.
Singer, Hans W. and Javed A. Ansari. Rich and Poor Countries. 1978
Aug. 56.
Sinicropi, Anthony V. and Marvin Hill, Jr. Management Rights: A legal
and Arbitral Analysis. 1986 Dec. 41.
Smith, E. Owen, ed. Trade Unions in the Developed Economies. 1982 June
Smith, Ralph E., ed. The Subtle Revolution: Women at Work. 1980 July
Smith, Robert Stewart. The Occupational Safety and Health Act: Its Goals
and Its Achievements. 1977 Sept. 51-52.
Snedeker, Bonnie B. and David M. Snedeker.
Trial. 1978 Sept. 68-69.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

ceta : Decentralization

Solomon, Lewis C. and others. Underemployed Ph.D. 's. 1983 Aug. 53.
Somers, Gerald G. Collective Bargaining: Contemporary American Expe­
rience. 1980 June 59-60.
Sommers, Albert T. with Lucie R. Blau. The U.S. Economy Demystified:
What the Major Economic Statistics Mean and Their Significance for
Business. 1989 Apr. 44-45.
Sosnick, Stephen H. Hired Hands: Seasonal Farm Workers in the United
States. 1979 July 48-49.
Sowell, Thomas and Lynn D. Collins, eds. American Ethnic Groups. 1979
Nov. 64-65.
Sproat, Kezia V., Helene Churchill, and Carol Sheets. The National Lon­
gitudinal Surveys ofLabor Market Experience: An Annotated Bibliogra­
phy o f Research. 1985 Aug. 53.
Spyropoulos, George, ed. Trade Unions Today and Tomorrow: Vol. 1,
Trade Unions in a Changing Europe; Vol. 2, Trade Unions in a Chang­
ing Workplace. 1989 June 45.
Standback, Thomas M., Jr. Understanding the Service Economy: Employ­
ment, Productivity, Location. 1980 Nov. 56.
Starr, Roger. Housing and the Money Market. 1976 June 69-70.
Staudohar, Paul D. Grievance Arbitration in Public Employment. 1978
June 59-60.
------ and Clark Kerr, eds. Economics o f Labor in Industrial Society. 1988
Mar. 51-52.
------ and Clark Kerr. Industrial Relations in a New Age: Economic, So­
cial, and Managerial Perspectives. 1988 Mar. 51-52.
Stein, Barry A. and Rosabeth Moss Kanter. Life in Organizations: Work­
places as People Experience Them. 1980 Jan. 61-62.
Stein, Bruno. Social Security and Pensions in Transition: Understanding
the American Retirement System. 1981 Jan. 64-65.
------ Work and Welfare in Britain and the USA. 1977 Feb. 92-93.
Stein, Leon, ed. Out o f the Sweat Shop: The Strugglefor Industrial Democ­
racy. 1978 Feb. 61-62.
Steiner, Gilbert Y. The Children's Cause. 1977 Dec. 75.
Stern, James L. and others. Final-Offer Arbitration: The Effects on Public
Safety Employee Bargaining. 1976 May 61-62.
Stigler, Stephen M. The History o f Statistics: The Measurement o f Uncer­
tainty Before 1900. 1989 May 62.
Strom, Sharon Hartman, Ellen Cantarow, Susan Gushee O’Malley. Mov­
ing the Mountain: Women Working for Social Change. 1980 Oct. 60.
Stromberg, Ann H. and Shirley Harkess, eds. Women Working: Theories
and Facts in Perspective. 1979 Nov. 63-64.
Strumpel, Burkhard, ed. Economic Meansfor Human Needs: Social Indi­
cators o f Well-Being and Discontent. 1977 Feb. 91-92.
Sundquist, James J. Dispersing Population: What America Can Learn
From Europe. 1976 Aug. 63.
Swanson, Dorothy, Maurice F. Neufeld, and Daniel J. Leab. American
Working Class History: A Representative Bibliography. 1984 Feb. 69.
Swart, J. Carroll. A Flexible Approach to Working Hours. 1979 Jan. 83.



Tentler, Leslie Woodcock. Wage-Earning Women: Industrial Work and
Family Life in the United States, 1900-1930. 1981 Apr. 70-72.
Thurow, Lester C. Generating Inequality: Mechanisms o f Distribution in
the U.S. Economy. 1976 Oct. 55-56.
Thurow, Lester. The Zero-Sum Society. 1981 June 59-61.
Tienda, Marta and Frank D. Bean. The Hispanic Population o f the United
States. 1989 Sept. 48.
Tilove, Robert. Public Employee Pension Funds. 1976 Oct. 54-55.
Timpane, P. Michael and Alice M. Rivlin, eds. Ethical and Legal Issues o f
Social Experimentation. 1976 Aug. 54-55.
------ and Joseph A. Pechman, eds. Work Incentives and Income Guaran­
tees: The New Jersey Negative Income Tax Experiment. 1976 May
Treiman, Donald J. and Heidi I. Hartmann, eds. Women, Work and
Wages: Equal Pay for Jobs o f Equal Value. 1982 Oct. 48-50.
Triplett, Jack E. The Measurement o f Labor Cost. 1984 Feb. 68-69.
Trolander, Judith Ann. Settlement Houses and the Great Depression. 1976
Aug. 56-57.
Troy, Leo and Neil Sheflin. Union Sourcebook—Membership, Structure,
Finance, Directory. 1986 Jan. 70-71.
Tufte, Edward R. The Visual Display o f Quantitative Information. 1983
Oct. 43-44.
Tussing, A. Dale. Poverty in a Dual Economy. 1976 Jan. 75-76.
Tyler, Gus, ed. Mexican-Americans Tomorrow: Educational and Eco­
nomic Perspectives. 1976 July 64-65.
Tysse, G. John. The 1986 Immigration Act: A Handbook on Employer
Sanctions and Nondiscrimination Requirements. 1987 Apr. 58.


Wool, Harold. The Labor Supplyfor Lower-Level Occupations. 1977 Sept.
World Bank. World Development Report, 1978. 1979 Sept. 65-66.
Woronoff, Jon. Japan's Wasted Workers. 1983 July 44.
Wright, Gavin. Old South, New South: Revolutions in the Southern Econo­
my Since the Civil War. 1988 May 58-60.

Uekusa, Masu and Richard E. Caves. Industrial Organization in Japan.
1977 July 58.

Van Horn, Carl, Randall B. Ripley, Donald Baumer. Areawide Planning
in ceta. 1980 Nov. 53-55.


Van Tine, Warren and Melvyn Dubofsky. Labor Leaders in America.
1987 Nov. 36.

Yandle, Bruce, Rex L. Cottle, and Hugh Macaulay. Labor and Property
Rights in California Agriculture: An Economic Analysis o f the calra.
1984 Aug. 44-45.
Yohalem, Alice M., ed. Women Returning to Work: Policies and Progress
in Five Countries. 1982 Dec. 51-52.
Young, John A. and Jan M. Newton. Capitalism and Human Obsoles­
cence: Corporate Control Versus Individual Survival in Rural America.
1981 Nov. 55.

Verba, Sidney and Kay Lehman Schlozman. Injury to Insult: Unemploy­
ment, Class, and Political Response. 1981 Jan. 63-64.
Vicker, Ray. This Hungry World. 1977 Oct. 78.
Vough, Clair F. and Bernard Asbell. Tapping the Human Resource: A
Strategy for Productivity. 1976 Feb. 59-60.

Wabe, J. S., ed. Problems in Manpower Forecasting. 1976 May 59-60.
Wagner, Abe. The Transactional Manger: How to Solve People Problems
with Transactional Analysis. 1982 Dec. 52.
Wallace, Phillis A. Black Women in the Labor Force. 1981 May 62-63.
Walton, Richard E. Innovating to Compete: Lessons for Diffusing and
Managing Change in the Workplace. 1988 Oct. 48-49.
Warren, Roland L. and Robert Perlman. Families in the Energy Crisis:
Impacts and Implications for Theory and Policy. 1979 Feb. 69.
Weber, Arnold R. and Daniel J. B. Mitchell. The Pay Boards Progress:
Wage Controls in Phase II. 1979 Jan. 84-85.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Weil, Gordon L. with Samuel L. Eskenazi. The Welfare Debate o f 1978.
1979 Aug. 64-65.
Weinberg, Edgar and Irving H. Siegel. Labor-Management Cooperation:
The American Experience. 1983 Mar. 46-48.
Wertheimer, Barbara Mayer. We Were There: The Story o f Working
Women in America. 1978 Jan. 48-49.
Wickert, Frederic R. and H. Meltzer, eds. Humanizing Organizational
Behavior. 1977 Sept. 53-54.
Wilber, Geoorge L., and others. Minorities in the Labor Market: Vol. I,
Spanish Americans and Indians in the Labor Market; Vol. II, Orientals
in the American Labor Market. 1976 June 65-67.
------ , ed. Poverty: A New Prospective. 1976 Jan. 79-80.
Wilks, Stephen and Kenneth Dyson, eds. Industrial Crisis. 1984 Apr. 52.
Willenz, June A. Women Veterans. 1985 Feb. 61-62.
Willett, Thomas D., Ryan C. Amacher, Gottfried Harberler, eds. Chal­
lenges to a Liberal International Economic Order. 1980 Mar. 59-61.
Williams, Shirley and others. Youth Without Work: Three Countries Ap­
proach the Problem. Book note. 1982 Oct. 51-52.
Williamson, Jeffrey G. Late Nineteenth-Century American Development:
A General_Equilibrium History. 1976 Feb. 60-61.
Wilson, Logan. American Academics: Then and Now. 1980 Oct. 56-57.
Windmuller, John P. and Alan Gladstone. Employers Associations and
Industrial Relations: A Comparative Study. 1985 July 58-59.
Wirtz, Willard and the National Manpower Institute. The Boundless Re­
source: A Prospectus for an Education-Work Policy. 1976 June 62-63.
Wise, David A. and Laurence J. Kotlikoff. The Wage Carrot and the Pen­
sion Stick: Retirement Benefits and Labor Force Participation. 1990
Sept. 39-40.

Zack, Arnold M. Grievance Arbitration: Issues on the Merits in Discipline,
Discharge, and Contract Interpretation. 1990 Oct. 47-48.
------ Public Sector Mediation. 1985 Oct. 54.
Zarozny, Sharon and Monica Horner. The Federal Data Base Finder.
1984 Nov. 62.
Zieger, Robert H. American Workers, American Unions, 1920-1985. 1986
Nov. 54.
Zornitsky, Jeffrey and Adam Seitchik. From One Job to the Next: Worker
Adjustment in a Changing Labor Market. 1990 Sept. 38-39.


Andrisani, Paul J. and Andrew I. Kohen. The effects of collective bar­
gaining as measured for men in blue-collar jobs. 1977 Apr. 46-49.
Antos, Joseph, Wesley Mellow, and Jack E. Triplett. What is a current
equivalent to unemployment rates of the past? 1979 Mar. 36-46.
Appelbaum, Eileen and Cherlyn Skromme Granrose. Hospital employ­
ment under revised medicare payment schedules. 1986 Aug. 37-45.
Appleyard, Dennis R. Book review. 1978 Aug. 56.
Arai, Joji. Book review. 1990 Aug. 48-49.
Aram, John D. and Paul F. Salipante, Jr. A system for individual equity in
equal employment opportunity. 1979 Apr. 46-47.
Arbogast, Kim and Adam Ochlis. Import and export price gains ease in
1989. 1990 June 3-25.
Asbury, Penny L. A survey on the temporary help supply industry. 1989
Oct. 29.
------ and Carl Barsky. Evaluation of mean wage estimates in industry
wage surveys. 1988 Oct. 24-29.
Ashford, Nicholas A., Richard L. Frenkel, and W. Curtiss Priest. Occu­
pational safety and health: a report on worker perceptions. 1980 Sept.
Atwater, Donald M., Richard J. Niehaus, and James A. Sheridan. Labor
pool for anti-bias program varies by occupation and job market. 1981
Sept. 43-45.
Aurand, Harold W. Book review. 1978 Jan. 46.
Aussieker, Bill. Faculty union strike activity: reasons and measures,
1967-75. 1976 Oct. 32-33.
------ Students and bargaining at public and private colleges. 1976 Apr.
Ayres, Mary Ellen. Book reviews. 1980 July 63-64, 1981 Oct. 52-54.
------ Federal Indian policy and labor statistics—a review essay. 1978
Apr. 22-27.
Ayres, Ronald M. Book review. 1981 Nov. 55.

Accolla, Peter, ilo meeting supported older workers, improved standards
supervision. 1980 Nov. 39-43.
Adams, Larry T. Abel-dominated convention endorses no-strike policy,
seeks job guarantee. 1976 Nov. 44-46.
------ Auto Workers seek Government aid for laid-off workers, ailing in­
dustry. 1980 Sept. 41-43.
Adler, James N. Use of arbitration to speed EEO adjudication 1976 May
Ahmed, Ziaul Z. and Horst Brand. Productivity in industrial inorganic
chemicals. 1988 Mar. 33-40.
------ and Mark Sieling. Two decades of productivity growth in poultry
dressing and processing. 1987 Apr. 34-39.
Ahmuty, Alice L., Lucretia Dewey Tanner, and Harriet Goldberg Weins­
tein. Collective bargaining in the health care industry. 1980 Feb.
Aho, C. Michael and James A. Orr. Trade-sensitive employment: who are
the affected workers? 1981 Feb. 29-35.
Alderman, Karen Cleary. Book reviews. 1977 Dec. 75; 1981 Sept. 5.
------ and Sar A. Levitan. The military as an employer: past performance
and future prospects. 1977 Nov. 19-23.
Alexander, Robert J. Book reviews. 1976 Aug. 52-53; 1979 Jan. 83-84.
Alic, John A. and Martha Caldwell Harris. Employment lessons from the
electronics industry. 1986 Feb. 27-36.
Allen, Steven G., Robert L. Clark, and Daniel A. Sumner. A comparison
of pension benefit increases and inflation, 1973-79. 1984 May 42-47.
Alter, George C. and William E. Becker. Estimating lost future earnings
using new worklife tables. 1985 Feb. 39-42.
Alterman, William. BLS to produce monthly indexes of export and import
prices. 1988 Dec. 36-40.
------ , David S. Johnson, and John Goth, bls exchange rate and foreign
currency price indexes. 1987 Dec. 47-49.
Alvarez, Donato and Brian Cooper. Productivity trends in manufactur­
ing in the U.S. and other countries. 1984 Jan. 52-58.
------ and Patricia Capdevielle. International comparisons of trends in
productivity and labor costs. 1981 Dec. 14-20.
------ , Patricia Capdevielle, and Brian Cooper. International trends in
productivity and labor costs. 1982 Dec. 3-14.
Amble, Nathan, Charles C. Mason, Robin Duncan, and Mary Lynn
Schmidt. A comparative analysis of price indexes produced by Na­
tional Government for older consumers. 1989 Oct. 30.
Anderson, John C. and Robert N. Stern. Canadian strike activity—is cen­
tralization the solution? 1978 Apr. 40-42.
------ , Gloria Busman, and Charles A. O’Reilly III. What factors influ­
ence the outcome of decertification elections? 1979 Nov. 31-36.
Anderson, Kay E., Philip M. Doyle and Albert E. Schwenk. Measuring
union-nonunion earnings differences. 1990 June 26-38.
Andreassen, Arthur J. Changing patterns of demand: bls projections to
1990. 1978 Dec. 47-55.
------ , Norman C. Saunders, and Betty W. Su. Economic outlook for the
1990’s: three scenarios for economic growth. 1983 Nov. 11-23.
Andrews, Emily S. Book review. 1976 July 64.
Andrews, Mary Anne. Housestaff physicians and interns press for bar­
gaining rights. 1978 Aug. 30.
------ and David J. Schlein. Bargaining calendar will be heavy in 1982.
1981 Dec. 21-31.
------ and Winston Tillery. Heavy bargaining again in 1980. 1979 Dec.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Bach, Jennifer B. and Robert L. Bach. Employment patterns of Southeast
Asian refugees. 1980 Oct. 31-38.
Bach, Robert L. The new Cuban Immigrants: their background and pros­
pects. 1980 Oct. 39-46.
------ and Jennifer B. Bach. Employment patterns of Southeast Asian ref­
ugees. 1980 Oct. 31-38.
Bahr, Richard C. Inflation fueled by oil prices in first 9 months of 1987.
1987 Dec. 3-6.
------ and John L. Marcoot. The revised Consumer Price Index: changes
in definitions and availability. 1986 July 15-23.
Bailey, William R. Compensation cost increases: slowdown continues in
1982. 1983 June 39-41.
Bain, Trevor and Myron D. Fottler. Sources of occupational information
used by Alabama high school seniors. 1978 May 45-46.
Baker, Robert P., John R. Stepp, and Jerome T. Barrett. Helping labor
and management see and solve problems. 1982 Sept. 15-20.
Baldwin, Stephen E. and Robert S. Daski. Occupational pay differences
among metropolitan areas. 1976 May 29-35.
Ball, Robert. Employment created by construction expenditures. 1981
Dec. 38-44.
------ and Joseph T. Finn. Labor and materials requirements for sewer
works construction. 1976 Nov. 38-41.
Ballon, Robert J. Book review. 1977 July 58.
Bane, Mary Jo, Laura Lein, Lydia O’Donnell, C. Ann Stueve, and Bar­
bara Wells. Child-care arrangements of working parents. 1979 Oct.
Banks, Robert F. Book review 1983 May 51-53.

Bannon, Robert. Dual-earner families: an annotated bibliography. 1981
Feb. 53-59.
Banta, Susan M. Consumer expenditures in different size cities. 1989 Dec.
Barbash, Jack. A department to protect workers’ equity. 1988 Feb. 3-9.
------ Book reviews. 1985 July 58; 1989 June 45.
------ Forces working to reshape collective bargaining. 1977 Feb. 60-61.
------ John R. Commons: pioneer of labor economics. 1989 May 44-49.
------ Labor movement theory and the institutional setting. 1981 Sept.
------ The labor movement after World War II. 1976 Nov. 34-37.
Barclay, Lizabeth A., Lawrence L. Biasatti, and James E. Martin. Succes­
sful public-sector labor relations: managers’ attitudes may matter
most. 1979 May 36-38.
Barker, Gordon S. Regional unemployment and job search in Canada.
1977 Oct. 42-43.
Barkin, Solomon. European union agreements provide framework for
public policies. 1977 Jan. 62-64.
Barkume, Anthony J. Book review. 1988 Dec. 52.
Barnes, William F. Book review. 1979 June 50-51.
Barnum, Darold T. and John M. Gleason. A penalty system to discourage
osha violations. 1976 Apr. 30-31.
Barocci, Thomas A. and David B. Lipsky. Final-offer arbitration and sa­
laries of police and firefighters. 1978 July 34-36.
------ and David B. Lipsky. Public employees in Massachusetts and finaloffer arbitration. 1978 Apr. 34-37.
------ , Bennett Harrison, and Robert Jerrett III. Structure, cost, and per­
formance of the Job Opportunities Program. 1978 Aug. 40-43.
Barrett, Jerome T. The fmcs contribution to nonlabor dispute resolution.
1985 Aug. 31-34.
------ and Anne Finbarr Mullins. South African trade unions, 1970-90.
1990 Oct. 25-31.
------ , John R. Stepp, and Robert P. Baker. Helping labor and manage­
ment see and solve problems. 1982 Sept. 15-20.
Barsky, Carl B. Container plants top pay scale in glassware manufactur­
ing. 1976 Sept. 47-49.
------ Occupational wage levels cluster in petroleum refineries. 1977 June
------ Occupational wage variation in wood household furniture plants.
1981 July 37-39.
------ Pay relationships in the furniture industry. 1976 Apr. 46-47.
------ Refractories top pay scale in clay products plants. 1977 Mar.66-68.
------ Union wage trends in building trades. 1976 Jan. 59-61.
------ and Martin E. Personick. Measuring wage dispersion: pay ranges
reflect industry traits. 1981 Apr. 35-41.
------ and Martin E. Personick. White-collar pay levels linked to corpo­
rate work force size. 1982 May 23-28.
------ and Penny L. Asbury. Evaluation of mean wage estimates in indus­
try wage surveys. 1988 Oct. 24-29.
Bartel, Ann P. Book review. 1977 Sept. 52-53.
Barth, Peter S. Book review. 1977 Nov. 60.
Barton, David and Benjamin W. Wolkinson. Arbitration and the rights of
mentally handicapped workers. 1980 Apr. 41-47.
Baston, Judy. Book review. 1980 July 62-63.
Bauman, Alvin. A new measure of compensation cost adjustments. 1990
Aug. 11-18.
Baxter, Neale. Book review. 1981 May 63-65.
Bechill, William D. Book reviews. 1977 Nov. 58-59; 1982 July 57-58;
1982 Oct. 5-51.
Becker, Brian E. and Stephen M. Hills. Today’s teenage unemployed—
tomorrow’s working poor? 1979 Jan. 69-71.
Becker, Eugene H. Book review. 1986 Jan. 70-71.
------ Analysis of work stoppages in the Federal sector, 1962-81. 1982
Aug. 49-53.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

------ Meany farewell, bid to Auto Workers, Teamsters mark afl -cio
convention. 1980 Feb. 58-62.
------Self-employed workers: an update to 1983. 1984 July 14-18.
------ Steelworkers laud import restrictions, ban outsiders’ election con­
tributions. 1978 Dec. 65-69.
------ and Norman Bowers. Employment and unemployment improve­
ments widespread in 1983. 1984 Feb. 3-14.
Becker, William E. and George C. Alter. Estimating lost future earnings
using new worklife tables. 1985 Feb. 39-42.
Bednarzik, Robert W. Book reviews. 1976 Jan. 77; 1977 Aug. 56; 1979
June 51-52; 1980 Oct. 57-58; 1981 Feb. 80-81; 1984 July 48-49.
------ Helping Poland cope with unemployment. 1990 Dec. 25-34.
------ How many hours of work do the unemployed want? 1978 Dec.
------ Layoffs and permanent losses: workers’ traits and cyclical pattens.
1983 Sept 3-12.
------Short workweeks during economic downturns 1983 June 3-11.
------ The impact of microelectronics on employment: Japan’s experi­
ence. 1985 Sept. 45-48.
------ Worksharing in the U.S.: its prevalence and duration. 1980 July
------and Carol Leon. A profile of women on part-time schedules. 1978
Oct. 3-12.
------and Clinton R. Shiells. Labor market changes and adjustments:
how do the U.S. and Japan compare? 1989 Feb. 31-42.
------and Deborah P. Klein. Labor force trends: a synthesis and analysis.
1977 Oct. 3-12.
------ and Diane N. Westcott. Employment and unemployment: a report
on 1980. 1981 Feb. 4-14.
------ and Richard B. Tiller. Area labor market response to national un­
employment patterns. 1982 Jan. 45-49.
------ and Stephen M. St. Marie. Employment and unemployment during
1975. 1976 Feb. 11-20.
------ and Stephen M. St. Marie. Employment and unemployment in
1976. 1977 Feb. 3-13.
------ , Marillyn A. Hewson, and Michael A. Urquhart. The employment
situation in 1981: new recession takes its toll. 1982 Mar. 3-14.
Bell, Carolyn Shaw. Comparable worth: how do we know it will work?
1985 Dec. 5-12.
Bell, Donald R. Dental and vision care benefits in health insurance plans.
1980 June 22-26.
------ and Avy Graham. Surviving spouse’s benefits in private pension
plans. 1984 Apr. 23-31.
------ and Diane Hill. How social security payments affect private pen­
sions. 1984 May 15-20.
------ and William Marclay. Trends in retirement eligibility and pension
benefits, 1974-83. 1987 Apr. 18-25.
------ and William Wiatrowski. Disability benefits for employees in pri­
vate pension plans. 1982 Aug. 36-40.
Bell, Winifred. Book review. 1976 May 60-61.
Bellante, Don. Book review. 1977 Jan. 66-67.
Beller, Andrea H. The effect on women’s earnings of enforcement in Title
VII cases. 1977 Mar. 56-57.
Bellet, Adam Z. Employer-sponsored life insurance: a new look. 1989
Oct. 25-28.
Belous, Richard S. How human resource systems adjust to the shift to­
ward contigent workers. 1989 Mar. 7-12.
------ and Sar A. Levitan. The minimum wage today: how well does it
work? 1979 July 17-21.
------ and Sar A. Levitan. Work-sharing initiatives at home and abroad.
1977 Sept. 16-20.
------ and Sar A. Levitan. Working wives and mothers: what happens to
family life? 1981 Sept. 26-30.
Bendiner, Burton B. A labor response to multinationals: coordination of
bargaining goals. 1978 July 9-13.
Bennett, Norman and Horst Brand. Productivity trends in kitchen cabi­
net manufacturing. 1985 Mar. 24-30.

Berenson, Stephen A. and Steven W. Henderson. Quality adjustments for
structural changes in the cpi housing sample. 1990 Nov. 40-42.
------ , Walter F. Lane, and William C. Randolph. Adjusting the cpi shel­
ter index to compensate for effect of depreciation. 1988 Oct. 34-37.
Berg, Gordon. Frances Perkins and the flowering of economic and social
policies. 1989 June 28-32.
Bergman, Bruce J. Occupational pay in structural clay products indus­
tries. 1988 May 47-48.
Bergmann, Barbara R. and William Darity, Jr. Social relations, produc­
tivity, and employer discrimination. 1981 Apr. 47-49.
Berkowitz, Monroe. Workers’ compensation compared with other dis­
ability programs. 1977 Apr. 57-58.
Bernick, Michael S. Book review. 1980 Nov. 53-55.
Bernstein, Irving. Easing the constraints of time-oriented work. 1977
Feb. 58-60.
------ Public policy and the American worker, 1933-45. 1976 Oct. 11-17.
Best, Fred. Preferences on worklife scheduling and work-leisure trade­
offs. 1978 June 31-37.
------ and Barry Stern. Education, work, and leisure: must they come in
that order? 1977 July 3-10.
------ and James Mattesich. Short-time compensation systems in Califor­
nia and Europe. 1980 July 13-22.
Bianchi, Suzanne M. and Nancy F. Rytina. Occupational reclassification
and changes in distribution by gender. 1984 Mar. 11-17.
Biasatti, Lawrence L., James E. Martin, and Lizabeth A. Barclay. Succes­
sful public-sector labor relations: managers’ attitudes may matter
most. 1979 May 36-38.
Biddle, Elyce and Martin E. Personick. Job hazards underscored in
woodworking study. 1989 Sept. 18-23.
Bingham, Barbara J. Instruments to measure electricity: industry’s pro­
ductivity growth rises 1983 Oct. 11-17.
------ Labor and material requirements for commercial office building
projects. 1981 May 41-48.
------ Labor requirements for college-housing construction. 1979 May
------ U.S. civil works construction shows decrease in required labor.
1978 Oct. 24-30.
------ and Clyde Huffstutler. Productivity growth slows in the organic
chemicals industry. 1988 June 44-51.
Bingman, Charles F. Book review. 1986 May 52-53.
Blair, Larry M. and Hugh S. Conner. Black and rural accents found to
lessen job opportunities. 1978 May 35-36.
Blanchfield, Robert and William Marsteller. Rising export and import
prices in 1987 reversed the trend of recent years. 1988 June 3-19.
Blanciforti, Laura A. and Thesia I. Garner. Reporting of Household In­
come: Complete Versus Incomplete Response. 1988 Aug. 39-40.
Blase, Melvin G. Book review. 1977 Oct. 78.
Bloch, Farrell. Book review. 1983 Feb. 52.
Block, Richard N. and Myron J. Roomkin. Regulatory system encour­
ages employers to take the offensive. 1983 Apr. 25-26.
------ and Myron Roomkin. Determinants of voter participation in union
certification elections. 1982 Apr. 45-47.
Bloom, David E. Customized ‘final-offer’: New Jersey’s arbitration law.
1980 Sept. 30-33.
Blostin, Allan P. Mental health benefits financed by employers. 1987 July
------ Is employer-sponsored life insurance declining relative to other
benefits? 1981 Sept. 31-33.
------ Noninsured death benefits under union and company programs.
1977 Oct. 61-63.
------ and William Marclay. hmo’s and other health plans: coverage and
employee premiums. 1983 June 28-33.
------ , Thomas P. Burke, and Lora M. Lovejoy. Disability and insurance
plans in the public and private sectors. 1988 Dec. 9-17.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Bluestone, Irving. How quality-of-worklife projects work for the United
Auto Workers. 1980 July 39-41.
Boatman, Robin Misner. Book review. 1982 Apr. 66-67.
Boehm, Lawrence. Reliability of proxy response in the Current Popula­
tion Survey. 1989 Oct. 31.
Bognanno, Mario F. and James B. Dworkin. Which side ‘learns’ faster in
the bargaining process. 1978 May 36-38.
Bohning, W. R. Estimating the propensity of guestworkers to leave. 1981
May 37-40.
Boissevain, Harry, Edwin Dean, and James Thomas. Productivity and la­
bor cost trends in manufacturing, 12 countries. 1986 Mar. 3-10.
Bolton, Lena W. Bargaining calendar to be heavy in 1977. 1976 Dec.
------ Bargaining calendar to be light in 1978. 1977 Dec. 34-43.
------ Heavy bargaining returns in 1979. 1978 Dec. 15-24.
Bond, Deborah T. State labor legislation enacted in 1975. 1976 Jan. 17-29.
------ State labor legislation enacted in 1976. 1977 Feb. 25-38.
Bond, M. E. Book review. 1976 July 63.
Boner, Barbara and Arthur Neef. Productivity and unit labor costs in 12
industrial countries. 1977 July 11-18.
Boris, Eileen and Michael Honey. Gender, race, and the policies of the
Labor Department. 1988 Feb. 26-36.
Bornstein, Leon. Industrial relations in 1977: highlights of developments.
1978 Feb. 24-31.
------ Industrial relations in 1976: highlights of key settlements. 1977 Jan.
------ Industrial relations in 1978: some bargaining highlights. 1979 Jan.
Bornstein, Tim. Book review. 1977 Nov. 60-61.
Borowski, Allan. A comparison of youth unemployment in Australia and
the United States. 1984 Oct. 30-36.
Borum, Joan D. Wage gains in 1979 offset by inflation. 1980 July 48-51.
------ Wage increases in 1980 outpaced by inflation. 1981 May 55-57.
------ Wage increases of 1978 absorbed by inflation. 1979 June 10-13.
------ and David Schlein. Bargaining activity light in private industry in
1985. 1985 Jan. 13-26.
------ and James Conley. Wage restraints continue in 1985 major con­
tracts. 1986 Apr. 22-28.
------and John Lacombe. Major labor contracts in 1986 provided record
low wage adjustments. 1987 May 10-16.
------ , James Conley, and Edward Wasilewski. Collective bargaining in
1987: local, regional issues to set tone. 1987 Jan. 23-36.
------ , James R. Conley, and Edward J. Wasilewski. The outlook for col­
lective bargaining in 1988. 1988 Jan. 10-23.
Boudreaux, Kenneth J. A further adjustment needed to estimate lost
earnings capacity. 1983 Oct. 30-31.
Boulding, Kenneth E. Book review. 1977 May 62-63.
Boyle, Maureen, bls to publish quarterly data from Consumer Expendi­
ture Survey. 1988 July 27-31.
------ Spending patterns and income of single and married parents. 1989
Mar. 37-41.
Bowers, Norman. Employment on the rise in the first half of 1983. 1983
Aug. 8-14.
------ Have employment patterns in recessions changed? 1981 Feb. 15-28.
------ Probing the issues of unemployment duration. 1980 July 23-32.
------ Tracking youth joblessness: persistent or fleeting? 1982 Feb. 3-15.
------ Youth labor force activity: alternative surveys compared. 1981
Mar. 3-17.
------ and Eugene H. Becker. Employment and unemployment improve­
ments widespread in 1983. 1984 Feb. 3-14.
Bowlby, Roger L., Sidney L. Carroll, Richard Evans. Measuring the so­
cial costs of instability in construction. 1980 Feb. 53-57.
Bowman, Charles T. and Terry H. Morlan. Revised projections of the
U.S. economy to 1980 and 1985. 1976 Mar. 9-21.
Boynton, Robert E. Book review. 1980 June 60-61.


------ , Brian Rungeling, and Lewis H. Smith. Welfare reform and the
plight of the poor in the rural South. 1978 Apr. 28-30.
Broad, Michael and Clyde Huffstutler. Productivity in the non-metallic
minerals industry, 1954-75. 1976 June 25-30.
Brock, William E. Workforce 2000 recognizes need to improve skills.
1988 Feb. 54-56.
Brodsky, Melvin. Employment programs for disabled youth: an interna­
tional perspective. 1990 Dec. 50-51.
------ International developments in apprenticeship. 1989 July 40-41.

Braddock, Douglas. The oversupply of Ph.D.’s to continue through 1985.
1978 Oct. 48-50.
Braden, Bradley R. Increases in employer costs for employee benefits
dampen dramatically. 1988 July 3-7.
Bradley, Mary I., Karen S. Koziara, David A. Pierson. Becoming a union
leader: the path to local office. 1982 Feb. 44-46.
Bradshaw, Thomas F. and Janet L. Scholl. Workers on layoff: a compari­
son of two data series. 1976 Nov. 29-33.
Branch, E. Raphael. Comparing medical care expenditures of two diverse
U.S. data sources. 1987 Mar. 15-18.
Brand, Horst. A prescription for solving the crisis in the workplace (a re­
view essay). 1989 Nov. 82-86.
------ Book reviews. 1978 Mar. 55-57; 1980 Sept. 62-64; 1982 Mar. 51-54;
1984 Sept. 48-50; 1985 Nov. 65-68; 1988 May 58-60.
———Productivity and employment: the new 1988 international sympo­
sium. 1988 Aug. 32-38.
------ Productivity in making heating and cooling equipment. 1984 Dec.
------ Setting new standards for skills in the workplace. 1990 Nov. 48-50.
------ Solidarity’s proposals for reforming Poland’s economy. 1982 May
------ The evolution of fair labor standards: a study in class conflict (a re­
view essay). 1983 Aug. 25-28.
------ and Clyde Huffstutler. Productivity improvements in two fabri­
cated metals industries. 1983 Oct. 18-24.
------ and Clyde Huffstutler. Productivity in making heating and cooling
equipment. 1984 Dec. 11-17.
------ and Clyde Huffstutler. Productivity in the pump and compressor
industry. 1982 Dec. 38-45.
------ and Clyde Huffstutler. The paper and plastic bag industry: two dis­
tinct productivity phases. 1980 May 26-30.
------ and Clyde Huffstutler. Trends of labor productivity in metal stamp­
ing industries. 1986 May 13-20.
------ and Jack Veigle. Millwork industry shows slow growth in produc­
tivity. 1982 Sept. 21-26.
------ and James York. Productivity and technology in the electric motor
industry. 1978 Aug. 20-25.
------ and John Duke. Cyclical behavior of productivity the machine tool
industry. 1981 Nov. 27-14.
------ and John Duke. Productivity in commercial banking: computers
spur the advance. 1982 Dec. 19-27.
------ and Kelly Bryant. Productivity trends in agricultural chemicals.
1989 Mar. 21-28.
------ and Norman Bennett. Productivity trends in kitchen cabinet man­
ufacturing. 1985 Mar. 24-30.
------ and Richard B. Carnes. Productivity and new technology in eating
and drinking places. 1977 Sept. 9-15.
------ and Ziaul Z. Ahmed. Beauty and barber shops: the trend of labor
productivity. 1986 Mar. 21-26.
------ and Ziaul Z. Ahmed. Productivity in industrial inorganic chemi­
cals. 1988 Mar. 33-40.
Brand, Liesel E. and Darrel Patrick Wash. Child day care services: indus­
try at a crossroads. 1990 Dec. 17-24.
Bregger, John E. Establishment of a new Employment Statistics Review
Commission. 1977 Mar. 14-20.
------ Labor force data from cps to undergo revision in January 1983.
1982 Nov. 3-6.
------ The Current Population Survey: a historical perspective and bls’
role. 1984 June 8-14.
------ and Paul M. Ryscavage. New household survey and the cps: a look
at labor force differences. 1985 Sept. 3-12.
Brennan, Peter J. A benchmark of progress: 1973-75. 1988 Feb. 44-45.
Brett, Jeanne M. and Stephen B. Goldberg. An experiment in the medi­
ation of grievances. 1983 Mar. 23-30.
Briggs, Vernon M., Jr. Book review. 1976 July 64-65.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

------ OECD meeting calls for job growth, flexibility, and readjustment.

1987 June 53-54.
------ oecd social ministers focus on rising pension, health costs. 1989

Feb. 47-48.
Brody, David. Elements of paradox in U.S. labor history. 1987 Aug.
Brown, Gary D. Discrimination and pay disparities between white men
and women. 1978 Mar. 17-22.
------ How type of employment affects earnings differences by sex. 1976
July 25-30.
Brown, Gregory M. End of purchase requirement fails to change food
stamp participation. 1988 July 14-18.
------ , Eva Jacobs, and Stephanie Shipp. Families of working wives spend­
ing more on services and nondurables. 1989 Feb. 15-23.
Brown, Phyllis I., David J. Schlein, and Fehmida Sleemi. Collective bar­
gaining during 1986: pressures to curb costs remain. 1986 Jan. 16-33.
Brown, Scott Campbell. Educational attainment of workers—some
trends from 1975 to 1978. 1979 Feb. 54-59.
------ Moonlighting increased sharply in 1977, particularly among wom­
en. 1978 Jan. 27-30.
------and Carl Rosenfeld. The labor force status of older workers. 1979
Nov. 12-18.
------ and William V. Deutermann, Jr. Voluntary part-time workers: a
part of the labor force. 1978 June 3-10.
Brown, Sharon P. How often do workers receive advance notice of lay­
offs? 1987 June 13-17.
Brown, William A. British collective bargaining: a decade of reformation.
1981 July 40-43.
Bryant, Kelly and Horst Brand. Productivity trends in agricultural chem­
icals. 1989 Mar. 21-28.
Bucci, Michael. Book reviews. 1990 June 71-72; 1990 Sept. 39-40.
------ Contributions to savings and thrift plans. 1990 Nov. 28-36.
Buckley, John E. Do area wages reflect area living costs? 1979 Sept.
------ Variations in holidays, vacations, and area pay levels. 1989 Feb.
------ Wage differences among workers in the same job and establish­
ment. 1985 Mar. 11-16.
Bullock, Paul. Book review. 1983 June 49-50.
Bumstead, Dennis C., Robert T. Lund, and Sheldon Friedman. Inverse
seniority as an aid to disadvantaged groups. 1976 May 36-37.
Bunn, Julie A. and Jack E. Triplett. Reconciling the cpi and the pce De­
flator: an update. 1982 Jan. 43-44.
------ and Jack E. Triplett. Reconciling the cpi-u and the pce Deflator:
3rd quarter. 1983 Feb. 37-38.
------ and Jack E. Triplett. Reconciling the cpi and the pce Deflator: 4th
quarter 1981. 1982 May 34-35.
------ and Jack E. Triplett. Reconciling the cpi and the pce Deflator: first
quarter 1982. 1982 July 37-38.
------ and Jack E. Triplett. Reconciling the cpi and the pce Deflator: sec­
ond quarter 1982. 1982 Oct. 28-29.
Burdetsky, Ben. Book reviews. 1978 Jan. 47-48; Aug. 55-56; 1980 Aug.
54-55; 1981 Nov. 56-57; 1982 Aug.60-61; 1984 Oct. 50-51; 1988 Oct.
Burdette, Terry M., Steve Cohen, and C. Joseph Cooper. Recent changes
in the white-collar pay survey. 1989 Oct. 29-30.
Burgan, John U. Cyclical behavior of high tech industries. 1985 May

, Richard Riche, and Daniel E. Hecker. High technology today and
tomorrow: a small slice of employment pie. 1983 Nov 55-58.
Burgess, Paul L. and Jerry L. Kingston. Some in families of those receiv­
ing jobless aid are forced to seek work. 1979 Apr. 45-46.
, Jerry Kingston, and Robert D. St. Louis. Unemployment insur­
ance: identifying payment errors. 1984 Dec. 34-37.

------ What do unions get in return for concessions? 1984 May 40-41.
------ and John Chalykoff. ‘Union avoidance:’ management’s new indus­
trial relations strategy. 1986 Apr. 45-46.
------ and Timothy H. Harris. Airline union concessions in the wake of
deregulation. 1985 June 37-39.
Carey, John L. and Phyllis Flohr Otto. Output per unit of labor input in
the retail food store industry. 1977 Jan. 42-47.
Carey, Max L. Evaluating the 1975 projections of occupational employ­
ment. 1980 June 10-26.
------ Occupational employment growth through 1990. 1981 Aug. 42-55.
------ Occupational tenure in 1987: many workers have remained in their
fields. 1988 Oct. 3-12.
------ Revised occupational projections to 1985. 1976 Nov. 10-22.
------ and Kim L. Hazelbaker. Employment growth in the temporary
help industry. 1986 Apr. 37-44.
------ and Kevin Kasunic. Evaluating the 1980 projections of occupation­
al employment. 1982 July 22-30.
Carlson, Norma W. Hourly pay of contract cleaners lags but sweeps past
weekly gains. 1983 Mar. 37-40.
------ Pay gains tempered in basic steel mills. 1984 Aug. 28-30.
------ Pay in Mountain region coal mines outstrips national average. 1984
Mar. 49-52.
------ Time rates tighten their grip on manufacturing industries. 1982
May 15-22.
Carnes, Richard B. Laundry and cleaning services pressed to post pro­
ductivity gains. 1978 Feb. 38-42.
------ Meatpacking and prepared meats industry: above average produc­
tivity gains. 1984 Apr. 37-42.
------ Productivity and technology in the electric lamp industry. 1978
Aug. 15-19.
------ Productivity trends for intercity bus carriers. 1981 May 23-27.
------ and Horst Brand. Productivity and new technology in eating and
drinking places. 1977 Sept. 9-15.
------ and John G. Olsen. Productivity shows a decline in automotive re­
pair shops. 1988 Mar. 22-26.
Carr, Darrell E. Overtime work: an expanded view. 1986 Nov. 36-39.
Carroll, Sidney L., Richard Evans, Roger L. Bowlby. Measuring the so­
cial costs of instability in construction. 1980 Feb. 53-57.
Catron, Brian and James Sinclair. An experimental price index for the
computer industry. 1990 Oct. 16-24.
Cattan, Peter. Book review. 1989 Sept. 48.
Cavanagh, Gerald. Book review. 1980 Aug. 55-56.
Cavin, Edward, Stuart Kerachsky, Walter Nicholson, and Alan Hershey.
Work sharing programs: an evaluation of their use. 1986 May 31-33.
Chalykoff, John and Peter Cappelli. ‘Union avoidance:’ management’s
new strategy. 1986 Apr. 45-46.
Chamot, Dennis. Unions need to confront the results of new technology.
1987 Aug. 45.
Chapman, Jane Roberts. Book review. 1978 Jan. 48-49.
Charnovitz, Steve. Caribbean Basin Initiative: setting labor standards.
1984 Nov. 54-56.
Chauhan, D. S. The political and legal issues of binding arbitration in gov­
ernment. 1979 Sept. 35-41.
Chelte, Anthony F., James Wright, and Curt Tausky. Did job satisfaction
really drop during the 1970’s? 1982 Nov. 33-36.
Chen, Yung-Ping. The growth of fringe benefits: implications for social
security. 1981 Nov. 3-10.
------ and Kwang-wen Chu. Future funding of social security and the to­
tal dependency ratio. 1977 Feb. 53-55.
Chenoweth, Lillian and Elizabeth Maret-Havens. Women’s labor force
participation—a look at some residential patterns. 1978 Mar. 38-41.
Chiswick, Barry R. Hispanic men: divergent paths in the U.S. labor mar­
ket. 1988 Nov. 32-34.
------ Immigrant earnings patterns by sex, race, and ethnic groupings.
1980 Oct. 22-25.

Burke, Thomas P. and John D. Morton. How firm size and industry affect
employee benefits. 1990 Dec. 35-43.
, Alan P. Blostin, and Lora M. Lovejoy. Disability and insurance
plans in the public and private sectors. 1988 Dec. 9-17.
Burns, Mary, Craig Howell, and David Callahan. Inflation continues to
abate during the first quarter. 1982 July 3-9.
Burns, Roger, Andrew Clem, and Craig Howell. Sharp drop in energy
prices holds inflation in check during 1986. 1987 May 3-9.
, Craig Howell, and Andrew Clem. Inflation remained low in 1983
in face of strong recovery. 1984 May 3-9.
, Craig Howell, and Andrew Clem. Producer Price trends continue
to moderate in the third quarter. 1984 Jan. 76-79.
Burtless, Gary and Wayne Vroman. Unemployment insurance program
solvency in the 1980’s. 1985 May 27-28.
Burton, John F., Jr. Will workers’ compensation standards be mandated
by Federal legislation? 1977 Apr. 55-57.
and Martin W. Elson. Workers’ compensation insurance: recent
trends in employer costs. 1981 Mar. 45-50.
Bush, Joseph C. Wages rise slowly, employment and output plummet in
shoe factories. 1977 June 53-54.
Busman, Gloria, Charles A. O’Reilly III, and John C. Anderson. What
factors influence the outcome of decertification elections? 1979 Nov.
32- 36.
Bussey. Ellen M. Book review 1983 Nov. 77-78.
Butler, Clifford and James Mason. New basket of goods and services be­
ing priced in revised c p i . 1987 Jan. 3-22.
Byrne, James J. and Howard N Fullerton, Jr. Length of working life for
men and women, 1970. 1976 Feb. 31-35.

Cagan, Phillip and Geoffrey H. Moore. Some proposals to improve the
Consumer Price Index. 1981 Sept. 20-25.
Cage, Robert. Spending differences across occupational fields. 1989 Dec.
33- 43.
Cain, Glen G. The unemployment rate as an economic indicator. 1979
Mar. 24-35.
Callahan, David W. Defining the rate of underlying inflation. 1981 Sept.
and Craig Howell. Price changes in 1980: double-digit inflation per­
sists. 1981 Apr. 3-12.
, Andrew Clem, and John Wetmore. Inflation cross-currents: ener­
gy, food, and homeownership. 1981 June 14-21.
, Douglas Robertson, and Lorie Scheibel. Inflation patterns in the
initial stages of recovery. 1983 Sept. 22-26.
, Mary Burns, and Craig Howell. Inflation continues to abate during
the first quarter. 1982 July 3-9.
Capdevielle, Patricia. International comparisons of hourly compensation
costs. 1989 June 10-12.
------ International differences in employers’ compensation costs. 1988
May 44-45.
and Arthur F. Neef. International comparisons of productivity and
labor costs abroad. 1980 Dec. 32-39.
------ and Donato Alvarez. International comparisons of trends in pro­
ductivity and labor costs. 1981 Dec. 14-20.
, Donato Alvarez, and Brian Cooper. International trends in pro­
ductivity and labor costs. 1982 Dec. 3-14.
Cappelli, Peter. Auto industry experiments with the Guaranteed Income
System. 1984 July 37-39.
------ Book review. 1986 Dec. 41.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


------ Occupational change among U.S. immigrants. 1978 Mar. 29-31.
Christy, Paul T. and Karen J. Horowitz. An evaluation of bls projections
of 1975 production and employment. 1979 Aug. 8-19.
Chu, Kwang-wen and Yung-Ping Chen. Future funding of social security
and the total dependency ratio. 1977 Feb. 53-55.
Chupp, Virginia A. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation dur­
ing 1979. 1980 Apr. 36-40.

Cole, Muriel and Oscar Mueller. (Special Flexitime Reports) Concept
wins converts at Federal agency. 1977 Feb. 71-74.
Coleman, John O. Book review 1983 Mar. 49.
Conley, James R. and Joan Borum. Wage restraints continue in 1985 ma­
jor contracts. 1986 Apr. 22-28.
------ and John J. Lacombe II. Collective bargaining calendar crowded
again in 1984. 1984 Jan. 19-32.
------ and John J. Lacombe II. Major agreements in 1984 provide record
low wage increases. 1985 Apr. 39-45.
------ , Edward J. Wasilewski, and Joan D. Borum. The outlook for collec­
tive bargaining in 1988. 1988 Jan. 10-23.
------ , Joan Borum, and Edward Wasilewski. Collective bargaining in
1987: local, regional issues to set tone. 1987 Jan. 23-36.
Conner, Hugh S. and Larry M. Blair. Black and rural accents found to
lessen job opportunities. 1978 May 35-36.
Conte, Michael and Arnold S. Tannenbaum. Employee-owned compan­
ies: is the difference measurable? 1978 July 23-28.
Converse, Mary and Lucretia Dewey Tanner. The 1978-80 pay guide­
lines: meeting the need for flexibility. 1981 July 16-21.
Cook, Alice H. Book review. 1976 Sept. 63-64.
Cook, Carvin. The 1977 amendments to the black lung benefits law. 1978
May 25-29.
Cook, Robert F. and Wayne M. Turnage. The new Federal-State pro­
gram to train dislocated workers. 1985 July 32-35.
Cooley, Cathy A. 1989 employee benefits address family concerns. 1990
June 60-63.
Cooper Brian and Donato Alvarez. Productivity trends in manufacturing
in the U.S. and 11 other countries. 1984 Jan. 52-58.
------ , Patricia Capdevielle, and Donato Alvarez. International trends in
productivity and labor costs. 1982 Dec. 3-14.
Cooper, C. Joseph, Jr. White-collar pay in nonservice industries, March
1988. 1988 Oct. 39-41.
------ White-collar salaries vary widely in the service industries. 1987
Nov. 21-23.
------ , Terry M. Burdette, and Steve Cohen. Recent changes in the whitecollar pay survey. 1989 Oct. 29-30.
Corcoran, Kevin J. and Diane Kutell. Binding arbitration laws for State
and municipal workers. 1978 Oct. 36-40.
Corcoran, Mary and Martha S. Hill. Unemployment among family men:
a 10-year longitudinal study. 1979 Nov. 19-23.
------ Linda Datcher, Greg J. Duncan. Most workers find jobs through
word of mouth. 1980 Aug. 33-35.
Cormier, Gerard H. and John Early. Updating the weights in indexes of
wholesale, industry prices. 1976 Sept. 19-25.
Costanzo, Janice A. and Daniel T. Lichter. How do demographic changes
affect labor participation of women? 1987 Nov. 23-25.
Costello, Brian and Patricia Szarek. Prices of U.S. imports and exports
declined in 1984. 1985 Apr. 10-26.
Costello, Cynthia B. Technological change and unionization in the ser­
vice sector. 1987 Aug. 45-46.
Cotter, Diane M. Work-related deaths dropped sharply during 1983, bls
survey finds. 1985 Sept. 41-44.
------Work-related deaths in 1984: bls survey findings. 1986 May 42-44.
------and Janet A. Macon. Deaths in industry, 1985: bls survey findings.
1987 Apr. 45-47.
Couturier, Jean J. Book review. 1976 May 58-59.
Cowan, G. K. Fair comparison criteria in public sector bargaining. 1976
July 50-51.
Cowden, Peter and Frederic Jacobs. The relevance of recurrent education
to worker satisfaction. 1977 Apr. 61-64.
Crew, Spencer R. The Great Migration of Afro-Americans, 1915-40.
1987 Mar. 34-36.
Critchlow, Robert V. Technology and labor in automobile production.
1977 Oct. 32-35.
------ Technology and labor in electric power and gas industry. 1978 Nov.

Clague, Ewan. Book reviews. 1978 May 73; 1978 Dec. 79-80; 1979 Dec.
60-61. 1980 Feb. 65-67.
Clark, Donald E. and Anne Kahl. Employment in health services: long­
term trends and projections. 1986 Aug. 17-36.
Clark, Robert L., Daniel A. Sumner, and Steven G. Allen. A comparison
of pension increases and inflation, 1973-79. 1984 May 42-47.
Clarke, Oliver. Book reviews. 1988 July 42; 1989 Dec. 58; 1990 Apr.
Clayton, Richard and Louis Harrell. Developing a cost model for alterna­
tive collection methods: mail, c a t i , and t d e . 1989 Oct. 32.
Clem, Andrew. Commodity price volatility: trends during 1975-84. 1985
June 17-21.
------Milestones in Producer Price Index methodology and presentation.
1989 Aug. 41-42.
------ and Craig Howell. Inflation remained mild again during 1985. 1986
April 17-21.
------ and James E. Duggan. Input prices and cost inflation in three man­
ufacturing industries. 1985 May 16-21.
------ and William D. Thomas. New weight structure being used in Pro­
ducer Price Index. 1987 Aug. 12-21.
------ , Craig Howell, and Roger Burns. Sharp drop in energy prices holds
inflation in check during 1986. 1987 May 3-9.
------ , Craig Howell, and Thomas J. Mosimann. Price highlights of 1988:
rising pressures on consumer prices. 1989 May 3-10.
------ , Craig Howell, William Thomas, and Walter Lane. Price changes in
1978—an analysis. 1979 Mar. 3-12.
------ , David W. Callahan, and John Wetmore. Inflation cross-currents:
energy, food, and homeownership. 1981 June 14-21.
------ , Eddie Lamb, and Craig Howell. Energy buoys double-digit infla­
tion, food price surge ebbs in second quarter. 1979 Sept. 49-55.
------ , Eddie Lamb, William Thomas. Slowdown in energy prices eases
second quarter inflation. 1980 Sept. 34-40.
------ , John F. Early, and Craig Howell. Double-digit inflation today and
in 1973-74: a comparison. 1980 May 3-20.
------ , Robert A. Kuemmerling, and Craig Howell. Domestic price rise
during 1987 reflects swing of energy prices. 1988 June 20-26.
, Roger Burns and Craig Howell. Producer price trends continue to
moderate in the third quarter. 1984 Jan. 76-79.
------ , Roger Burns, and Craig Howell. Inflation remained low in 1983 in
face of strong recovery. 1984 May 3-9.
------ , William Thomas, and John Wetmore. Large supplies of meats,
grains cut recent food price increases. 1982 Jan. 10-15.
Cohany, Harry P. Book reviews. 1987 July 46-47; 1986 Nov. 54; 1988
Aug. 48-49.
Cohany, Sharon R. Labor force status of Vietnam-era veterans. 1987 Feb.
------ Employment and unemployment among Vietnam-era veterans.
1990 Apr. 22-29.
------ What happened to the high school class of 1985? 1986 Oct. 28-31.
Cohen, Carin and Dixie Sommers. New Occupational rates of labor force
separation. 1980 Mar. 36-40.
Cohen, Malcolm S. and Arthur R. Schwartz. U.S. labor turnover: analy­
sis of a new measure. 1980 Nov. 9-13.
Cohen, Steve, Terry M. Burdette, and C. Joseph Cooper. Recent changes
in the white-collar pay survey. 1989 Oct. 29-30.
Cole, Cheryl and Hal Sider. The changing composition of the military and
the effect on labor force data. 1984 July 10-13.
Cole, Gordon H. Book review. 1977 Nov. 58.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Cruze, Alvin M. and Harvey A. Goldstein. An evaluation of State projec­
tions of industry, occupational employment. 1987 Oct. 29-38.
Cullity, John P. and Geoffrey H. Moore. A new leading indicator: work­
ers recently laid off. 1986 May 35-37.

------ Handling prison grievances: the ‘labor model’ in practice. 1977
Mar. 53-56.
Denison, Ray. Protecting workers in the marketplace: new union benefit
privileges. 1987 Aug. 39-40.
Derber, Milton. Book review, 1980 June 59-60.
Deutermann, William V., Jr. Another look at working-age men who are
not in the labor force. 1977 June 9-14.
------and Scott Campbell Brown. Voluntary part-time workers: a grow­
ing part of the labor force. 1978 June 3-10.
Deutsch, Steven. Book reviews. 1987 Oct. 50; 1988 Nov. 43.
------ International experiences with technological change. 1986 Mar.
Devens, Richard M., Jr. A movable beast: changing patterns of regional
unemployment. 1988 Apr. 60-62.
------ Book reviews. 1979 Aug. 64-65; 1979 Dec. 59-60; 1980 Mar. 59-61;
1980 Aug. 54; 1980 Nov. 55; 1981 Apr. 72-73; 1981 Nov. 57; 1982
Feb. 54; 1982 July 59; 1984 Apr. 52; 1985 Jan. 62; 1986 June 51; 1987
Mar. 45-46; 1987 June 59; 1988 Sept. 49-50; 1989 Mar. 46-47; 1989
July 46-47.
------ Employment and unemployment in the first half of 1980. 1980 Aug.
------ Employment and unemployment in the first half of 1988. 1988 Aug.
------ Employment in the first half: robust recovery continues. 1984 Aug.
------ Displaced workers: one year later. 1986 July 40-42.
------ Industrial structure has little impact on jobless rate of experienced
workers. 1987 May 30-32.
------ Labor force trends: a bibliography. 1977 Oct. 12-15.
------ Unemployment among recipients of food stamps and afdc . 1979
Mar. 47-52.
------ The average workweek: two surveys compared. 1978 July 3-8.
------ , Bob Whitmore, and Gloria P. Green. Employment and unemploy­
ment—trends during 1977. 1978 Feb. 12-23.
------ , Carol Boyd Leon, and Debbie L. Sprinkle. Employment and unem­
ployment in 1984: a second year of strong growth in jobs. 1985 Feb.
Dilts, David A. and Clarence R. Deitsch. n l r b v. Yeshiva University: a
positive perspective. 1983 July 34-37.
DiPietro, Aldona. Book review. 1977 Sept. 51-52.
Dmytrow, Eric. The impact of the winter of 1977 on payroll employment.
1977 Aug. 43-45.
Donahue, Steven M. Communications Workers focus on bargaining with
at&t . 1986 July 37-39.
Dooley, Martin and Peter Gottschalk. Does a younger male labor force
mean greater earnings inequality? 1982 Nov. 42-45.
Dougherty, Dawn E. Labor and material requirements for hospital con­
struction. 1982 Mar. 34-37.
Douglass, Gordon K. Book review. 1979 Dec. 60-61; 1980 Oct. 56-57.
Douty, H. M. A century of wage statistics: the bls contribution. 1984
Nov. 16-28.
------ Book reviews. 1979 Apr. 69; 1980 Dec. 70-71; 1981 Dec. 63; Book
review essay. 1982 Mar. 49-51; Book reviews. 1985 Aug. 52-53; 1987
July 47.
------ The slowdown in real wages: a postwar perspective. 1977 Aug. 7-12.
Doyle, Philip M. Area wage surveys shed light on declines in unioniza­
tion. 1985 Sept. 13-20.
------ Municipal pension plans: provisions and payments. 1977 Nov.
------ Wages at auto assembly plants top those at parts factories. 1976
June 45-47.
------ Wages of communications workers double in decade. 1976 Jan.
------ Wages, employment rise in plastics manufacturing. 1976 June
------ , Albert E. Schwenk, and Kay E. Anderson. Measuring union-nonu­
nion earnings differences. 1990 June 26-38.

Curtin, Daniel and Mark Scott Sieling. Patterns of productivity change in
men’s and boys’ suits and coats. 1988 Nov. 25-31.
Curtin, William J. Airline deregulation and labor relations. 1986 June

D’Angelo, Rocco. Book review. 1976 Aug. 56-57.
Daley, Judy R. and Martin E. Personick. Profiles in safety and health:
work hazards of mobile homes. 1989 July 15-20.
and Norman Root. Are women safer workers? a new look at the
data. 1980 Sept. 3-10.
Daly, Keith and Arthur Neef. Productivity and unit labor costs in 11 in­
dustrial countries, 1977. 1978 Nov. 11-17.
Daly, Patricia A. Agricultural employment: has the decline ended? 1981
Nov. 11-17.
------ Unpaid family workers: long-term decline continues. 1982 Oct. 3-5.
Danziger, Sheldon and Peter Gottschalk. Work, poverty, and the work­
ing poor: a multifaceted problem. 1986 Sept. 17-21.
and Robert Plotnick. Demographic change, government transfers,
and income distribution. 1977 Apr. 7-11.
Darity, William Jr., and Barbara R. Bergmann. Social relations, produc­
tivity, and employer discrimination. 1981 Apr. 47-49.
Darmstadter, Joel. Book reviews. 1976 May 57-58; 1979 Feb. 69.
Darr, Todd and Gerry Gribbons. How U.S. exports are faring in the
world wheat market. 1985 Oct. 10-24.
Daski, Robert S. and Stephen E. Baldwin. Occupational pay differences
among metropolitan areas. 1976 May 29-35.
Datcher, Linda, Greg J. Duncan, and Mary Corcoran. Most workers find
jobs through word of mouth. 1980 Aug. 33-35.
Davidson, Paul. Book review. 1976 June 63-65.
Davis, C. Howard. Employment gains of women by industry, 1968-78.
1980 June 3-9.
Hours and earnings of production or nonsupervisory workers,
1968-78. 1980 Apr. 54-56.
------ , William M. Eisenberg, and Ronald Kutscher. ‘Quick’ special pur­
pose surveys passed test during coal strike. 1979 Feb. 62-64.
Davis, Louis E. Book review. 1977 Apr 87.
Davis, William M. Collective bargaining in 1983: a crowded agenda. 1983
Jan. 3-16.
------ Major collective bargaining settlements in private industry in 1988.
1989 May 34-43.
------ and Fehmida Sleemi. Collective bargaining in 1989: negotiators will
face diverse issues. 1989 Jan. 10-24.
------ and others. Collective bargaining in 1990: health care cost a com­
mon issue. 1990 Jan. 3-18.
Day, Claudia. Record wage increases generated for nonelectrical machin­
ery workers. 1977 Apr. 73-75.
Dean, Edwin and Kent Kunze. Recent changes in the growth of U.S. mul­
tifactor productivity. 1988 May 14-22.
, Harry Boissevain, and James Thomas. Productivity and labor cost
trends in manufacturing. 12 countries. 1986 Mar. 3-10.
DeBoer, Larry and Michael Seeborg. The female-male unemployment
differential. 1984 Nov. 8-15.
Defina, Catherine C. Labor and the economy during 1975. 1976Jan. 3-16.
DeFreitas, Gregory. E. Book review. 1980 May 60-61.
------ What is the occupational mobility of black immigrants? 1981 Apr.
Deitsch, Clarence R. and David A. Dilts. n l r b v. Yeshiva University: a
positive perspective. 1983 July 34-37.
Denenberg, Tia Schneider. Book review. 1978 June 59-60.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Dreijmanis John. Book reviews. 1980 June 60; 1983 Apr. 46-47; 1983
Aug. 43; 1984 Mar. 61-62.

------ , Craig Howell, Andrew Clem. Double-digit inflation today and in
1973-74: a comparison. 1980 May 3-20.
------, Mary Lynn Schmidt, and Thomas J. Mosimann. Inflation and the
business cycle during the postwar period. 1984 Nov. 3-7.
------, Walter Lane, and Philip Sturm. A half-year decline in inflation: its
antecedents and structure. 1986 Oct. 3-14.
Early, Steve and Matt Witt. How European unions cope with new tech­
nology. 1982 Sept. 36-38.
Eck, Alan. New occupational separation data improve estimates of job
replacement needs. 1984 Mar. 3-10.
------ and Dixie Sommers. Occupational mobility in the American labor
force. 1977 Jan. 3-19.
Egan, Christine. Book review. 1977 Dec. 74-75.
Ehrenberg, Ronald G. and Ronald L. Oaxaca. Do benefits cause unem­
ployed to hold out for better jobs? 1976 Mar. 37-39.
Einstein, Marcus E. and James C. Franklin. Computer manufacturing en­
ters a new era of growth. 1986 Sept. 9-16.
------ , George T. Silvestri, and John Lukasiewicz. Occupational employ­
ment projections through 1995. 1983 Nov. 37-49.
Eisen, David J. Union response to changes in printing technology: anoth­
er view. 1986 May 37-38.
Eisenberg, William M. and Helen McDonald. Evaluating workplace inju­
ry and illness records; testing a procedure. 1988 Apr. 58-60.
------ , C. Howard Davis, and Ronald E. Kutscher. ‘Quick’ special pur­
pose surveys passed test during coal strike. 1979 Feb. 62-64.
Elder, Peyton. The 1977 amendments to the Federal minimum wage law.
1978 Jan. 9-11.
------and Heidi D. Miller. The Fair Labor Standards Act: changes of four
decades. 1979 July 10-16.
Eleey, Michael F. and Richard D. Leone. The origins and operations of
area labor-management committees. 1983 May 37-41.
Elson, Martin W. and John F. Burton, Jr. Workers’ compensation insur­
ance: recent trends in employer costs. 1981 Mar. 45-50.
Elterich, G. Joachim. Estimating the cost of extending jobless insurance
to farmworkers. 1978 May 18-24.
Englander, Frederick. Helping ex-offenders enter the labor market. 1983
July 25-30.
------ The author replies: we still need to demonstrate program effective­
ness. 1985 Apr. 49-50.
Esposito Richard and Kenneth Shipp. Industry diffusion indexes for av­
erage weekly hours. 1983 May 33-36.
Evans, Richard, Roger L. Bowlby, and Sidney L. Carroll. Measuring the
social costs of instability in construction. 1980 Feb. 53-57.
Evans, Robert, Jr. Book reviews. 1983 July 45-46; 1985 Apr. 62-63; 1986
Feb. 53-54.
------ Japanese economic growth and industrial accidents. 1978 Sept.
------ ‘Lifetime earnings’ in Japan for the class of 1955. 1984 Apr. 32-36.
------ Pay differentials: the case of Japan. 1984 Oct 24-29.
Extejt, Marian M. and James B. Dworkin. The union-shop deauthoriza­
tion poll: a new look after 20 years. 1979 Nov. 36-40.

Dresch, Stephen P. Book review. 1976 Feb. 58-59.
Drexler, John A., Jr. and Edward E. Lawler III. Dynamics of establishing
cooperative quality-of-worklife projects. 1978 Mar.23-28.
Driscoll, James W. Attitudes of college faculties toward unions: two case
studies. 1978 May 42-45.
------ Labor-management panels: three case studies. 1980 June 41-44.
Drotning, John F. and Paul F. Gerhart. Do uncertain cost/benefit esti­
mates prolong public-sector disputes? 1980 Sept. 26-30.
Dryden, John, Katrina Reut, and Barbara Slater, Purchasing power par­
ity between the U.S. and Canada 1987 Dec. 7-24.
Dubofsky, Melvyn. The extension of solidarity conflicts with the spirit of
individualism. 1987 Aug. 36-37.
Ducat, Janet L. Book review. 1979 Nov. 63-64.
Duggan, James E. and Andrew G. Clem. Input prices and cost inflation in
three manufacturing industries. 1985 May 16-21.
Duke, John. Construction machinery industry posts slow rise in produc­
tivity. 1980 July 33-36.
------ New-car dealers experience long-term gains in productivity. 1977
Mar. 29-33.
------ and Clyde Huffstutler. Productivity in sawmills increases as labor
input declines substantially. 1977 Apr. 33-37.
------ and Horst Brand. Cyclical behavior of productivity in the machine
tool industry. 1981 Nov. 27-34.
------and Horst Brand. Productivity in commercial banking: computers
spur the advance. 1982 Dec. 19-27.
------ and Lisa Usher. Multifactor productivity slips in the nonrubber
footwear industry. 1989 Apr. 32-38.
Dumas, Mark W. and J. Edwin Henneberger. Productivity trends in the
cotton and synthetic broad woven fabrics industry. 1988 Apr. 34-38.
Duncan, Greg J., Mary Corcoran, Linda Datcher. Most workers find jobs
through word of mouth. 1980 Aug. 33-35.
Duncan, Robin, Charles C. Mason, Mary Lynn Schmidt, and Nathan
Amble. A comparative analysis of price indexes produced by National
Governments for older consumers. 1989 Oct. 30.
Dunlop, John T. Have the 1980’s changed U.S. industrial relations? 1988
May 29-34.
------ Needed: an interdisciplinary approach to labor markets and wage
determination. 1985 July 30-32.
------ Some recollections of a brief tenure. 1988 Feb. 46-49.
Dworkin, James B. How final-offer arbitration affects baseball bargain­
ing. 1977 Mar. 52-53.
------ and Charles J. Hobson. West German labor unrest: unions losing
ground to worker councils.? 1986 Feb. 46-48.
------and Marian M. Extejt. The union-shop deauthorization poll: a new
look after 20 years. 1979 Nov. 36-40.
------ and Mario F. Bognanno. Which side ‘learns’ faster in the bargaining
process. 1978 May 36-38.
------and Peter Feuille. Does Wisconsin’s final offer arbitration offer only
‘intertemporal compromise?’ 1979 May 39-40.
Dyer, Lee. New work theories and compensation problems. 1976 Mar.

Fain, T. Scott. Self-employed Americans: their number has increased.
1980 Nov. 3-8.
Famulari, Melissa and Marilyn E. Manser. Employer-provided benefits:
employer cost versus employee value. 1989 Dec. 24-32.
Farber, Henry S. Role of arbitration in dispute settlement. 1981 May
Farnell, James E. and Elaine Pitzalis. How welfare recipients find jobs: a
case study in New Jersey. 1978 Feb. 43-45.
Farrell, John B. Establishment survey incorporates March 1984 employ­
ment benchmarks. 1985 Aug. 39-41.
------ Establishment survey incorporates March 1987 employment
benchmarks. 1988 Oct. 37-38.
Farrell, Kate. Book review. 1980 Oct. 60.

Dymmel, Michael D. Technology in telecommunications: its effect on la­
bor and skills. 1979 Jan. 13-19.

Early, John F. Book review. 1979 Jan. 84-85.
------ Improving the measurement of producer price change. 1978 Apr.
------ The Producer Price Index revision: overview and pilot survey. 1979
Dec. 11-19.
------ and Gerard H. Cormier. Updating the weights in indexes of whole­
sale, industry prices. 1976 Sept. 19-25.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Farris, Mary K. and James D. York. Hand and edge tool industry experi­
ences slow rise in productivity. 1982 Oct. 11-14.
Farris, Mary Robinson. The veneer and plywood industry: above-average
productivity gains. 1978 Sept. 26-30.
Fedrau, Ruth H. Easing the workers transition from job loss to employ­
ment. 1984 May 38-40.
Feldstein, Martin. Unemployment compensation: its effect on unemploy­
ment. 1976 Mar. 39-41.
Fellman, Gordon. Book review. 1976 Mar. 60-61.
Ferris, John W. and Arthur S. Herman. Productivity growth average in
farm machinery manufacturing. 1982 Oct. 6-10.
-----and Virginia L. Klarquist. Productivity gains lukewarm for makers
of nonelectric heating equipment. 1988 Mar. 27-32.
------ and Virginia L. Klarquist. Productivity in the carburetors, pistons,
and valves industry. 1989 Feb. 43-46.
------ and Virginia L. Klarquist. Productivity in the rubber and plastics
hose and belting industry. 1990 July 26-31.
Feuille, Peter. Book review. 1976 May 61-62.
------ and James B. Dworkin. Does Wisconsin’s final-offer arbitration of­
fer only ‘intertemporal compromise?’ 1979 May 39-40.
Field, Charles V. and Richard L. Keller. How salaries of large cities com­
pare with industry, Federal pay. 1976 Nov. 23-28.
Fields, Gary S. and Olivia S. Mitchell. Estimating the effects of changing
Social Security benefit formulas. 1985 July 44-45.
Finch, John L. Worklife estimates should be consistent with known labor
force participation. 1983 June 34-36.
Finegan, T. Aldrich. Improving our information on discouraged workers.
1978 Sept. 15-25.
Fineshriber, Phyllis H. Jobless insurance inequities deepens as more
women enter the labor force. 1979 Apr. 44-45.
Finn, Joseph T. and Robert Ball. Labor and materials requirements for
sewer works construction. 1976 Nov. 38-41.
Finn, Peter. The effects of shift work on the lives of employees. 1981 Oct.
Fischer, Ben. Book review. 1989 May 61-62.
Fischer, Dale and Louis Harrell. The 1982 Mexican peso devaluation and
border area employment. 1985 Oct. 25-32.
Fisher, David T. Worker participation in West German industry. 1978
May 59-63.
Fisher, Robert W. Book review. 1978 Dec. 78-79.
Fishkind, Henry and R. Blaine Roberts. Two methods of projecting occu­
pational employment. 1978 May 57-58.
Fisk, Donald M. Modest productivity gains in State Unemployment In­
surance Service. 1983 Jan. 24-27.
------ Measuring productivity in State and local government. 1984 June
------Pilot study measures productivity of State, local electric utilities.
1981 Dec. 45-47.
------ Productivity trends in the Federal Government. 1985 Oct. 3-9.
Fitzpatrick Blanche. Book reviews. 1982 Dec. 51-52; 1983 Oct. 41-42;
1984 Dec. 51-52.
Fitzpatrick, June Book review. 1976 Apr. 62-63.
Flaim, Paul. Book review. 1983 Nov. 76-77.
------ Discouraged workers: how strong are their links to the job market?
1984 Aug. 8-11.
------ How many new jobs since 1982? data from two surveys differ. 1989
Aug. 10-15.
------ Population changes, the baby boom, and the unemployment rate.
1990 Aug. 3-10.
------ Proposed spendable earnings series retains basic faults of earlier
one. 1984 Nov. 43-44.
------ The effect of demographic changes on the Nation’s unemployment
rate. 1979 Mar. 13-23.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

------ The spendable earnings series: has it outlived its usefulness? 1982
Jan. 3-9.
------ Work schedules of Americans: an overview of new findings. 1986
Nov. 3-6.
------ Unemployment in 1982: the cost to workers and their families. 1984
Feb. 30-37.
------ and Carma R. Hogue. Measuring labor force flows: a special confer­
ence examines the problems. 1985 July 7-17.
------ and Ellen Sehgal. Displaced workers of 1979-83: how well have they
fared? 1985 June 3-16.
------ and Howard N Fullerton, Jr. Labor force projections to 1990: three
possible paths. 1978 Dec. 25-35.
------and Howard N Fullerton, Jr. New labor force projections to 1990.
1976 Dec. 3-13.
Fleming, R. W. Binding arbitration can put public employers year in a
bind. 1979 Jan. 73-75.
Foltman, Felician F. Book review. 1976 June 67-68; 1982 June 66-67.
Ford, Ina Kay and Philip Sturm. CPI revision provides more accuracy in
the medical care services component. 1988 Apr. 17-26.
Ford, Jason L. Book review. 1990 Oct. 48.
Foss, Murray F. Changing utilization of fixed capital: an element in long­
term growth. 1985 May 3-8.
Foster, Ann C. Wives’ earnings as a factor in family net worth accumula­
tion. 1981 Jan. 53-57.
Fottler, Myron D. and Trevor Bain. Sources of occupational information
used by Alabama high school seniors. 1978 May 45-46.
Fracasso, Maria P. Reliability and validity of response categories for
open-ended questions in the Current Population Survey. 1989 Oct. 31.
France, Robert R. Book review. 1977 Dec. 76.
Franklin, James C. and Marcus E. Einstein. Computer manufacturing en­
ters a new era of growth. 1986 Sept. 9-16.
Franklin, Paula. Book review. 1976 Aug. 54-55.
Freedman, Audrey. How the 1980’s have changed industrial relations.
1988 May 35-38.
Frenkel, Richard L., W. Curtiss Priest, and Nicholas A. Ashford. Occu­
pational safety and health: a report on worker perceptions. 1980 Sept.
Friedland, William H. Book review. 1976 Jan. 76-77.
Friedman, Bernard. Book review. 1976 June 68-69.
Friedman, Brian L. Apparel stores display above-average productivity.
1984 Oct. 37-42.
------Productivity gains in the drugstore industry, 1958-79. 1980 Nov.
------ Productivity trends in department stores, 1967-86. 1988 Mar.
------ and Arthur S. Herman. Productivity growth low in the oilfield ma­
chinery industry. 1985 Dec. 34-38.
Friedman, Sheldon, Dennis C. Bumstead, and Robert T. Lund. Inverse
seniority as an aid to disadvantaged groups. 1976 May 36-37.
Froomkin, Joseph and A. J. Jaffe. Occupational opportunities for collegeeducated workers, 1950-75. 1978 June 15-21.
Frumkin, Robert N. Health insurance trends in cost control and cover­
age. 1986 Sept. 3-8.
------ and Donald Schmitt. Pension improvements since 1974 reflect in­
flation, new U.S. law. 1979 Apr. 32-37.
------ and William Wiatrowski. Bureau of Labor Statistics takes a new
look at employee benefits. 1982 Aug. 41-45.
Fluco, Lawrence J. First-quarter productivity drop follows marginal
growth in 1978. 1979 Oct. 57-61.
------ Long nonfarm productivity slide ends during the third quarter.
1981 Mar. 66-67.
------ Productivity and costs in 1984. 1985 June 40-43.
------ Productivity declines continue into third quarter 1979. 1980 Feb.
------ Productivity drops, output and hours rise during the fourth quar­
ter. 1981 June 40-43.


------ Productivity increased in all major sectors in the third quarter. 1979
Feb. 41-45.
------ Recent productivity measures depict growth patterns since 1980.
1983 Dec. 45-48.
------ Sixth consecutive productivity recorded for the second quarter.
1980 Dec. 52-54.
------ Strong post-recession gain in productivity contributes to slow
growth in labor costs. 1984 Dec. 3-10.
------ The decline in productivity in the first half of 1984.1985 Dec. 39-42.
------ U.S. productivity growth since 1982: the post-recession experience.
1986 Dec. 18-22.
------ and J. Randolph Norsworthy. New sector definitions for productiv­
ity series. 1976 Oct. 40-42.
------ and J. Randolph Norsworthy. Productivity and costs in the third
quarter, 1975. 1976 Feb. 36-40.
------ and J. Randolph Norsworthy. Productivity and costs in the private
economy, 1975. 1976 May 3-11.
------ and J. Randolph Norsworthy. Productivity and costs, first quarter
1976. 1976 July 31-34.
------ and J. Randolph Norsworthy. Productivity and costs, second quar­
ter, 1976. 1976 Oct. 23-26.
------ and J. Randolph Norsworthy. Productivity and costs, third quar­
ter, 1976. 1977 Feb. 75-79.
------ and J. Randolph Norsworthy. Productivity and costs, fourth quar­
ter, 1976. 1977 Apr. 68-71.
------ and J. Randolph Norsworthy. Productivity and costs in the private
economy, 1976. 1977 Sept. 3-8.
------ and J. Randolph Norsworthy. Productivity and costs, first quarter,
1977. 1977 Aug. 38-40.
------ and J. Randolph Norsworthy. Productivity and costs, second quar­
ter, 1977. 1977 Nov. 34-38.
------ and J. Randolph Norsworthy. Productivity and costs, third quar­
ter, 1977. 1978 Mar. 42-44.
------ and J. Randolph Norsworthy. Productivity and costs during reces­
sion and recovery. 1978 July 31-34.
------ and J. Randolph Norsworthy. Productivity and costs, first quarter,
1978. 1978 Sept. 46-49.
------ and J. Randolph Norsworthy. Productivity and costs, second quar­
ter, 1978. 1978 Dec. 61-64.
Fuller, Stephen H. How quality-of-worklife projects work for General
Motors. 1980 July 37-39.
Fuller, Varden and W. H. Segur. California’s farm labor elections: an
analysis of the initial results. 1976 Dec. 25-30.
Fullerton, Howard N Jr. An evaluation of labor force projections to 1985.
1988 Nov. 7-17.
------ How accurate were projections of the 1980 labor force? 1982 July
------ Labor force projections: 1986 to 2000. 1987 Sept. 19-29.
------ New labor force projections spanning 1988 to 2000. 1989 Nov. 3-12.
------The 1995 labor force: a first look. 1980 Dec. 11-21.
------ The 1995 labor force: b l s ’ latest projections. 1985 Nov. 17-25.
------ and James J. Byrne. Length of working life for men and women,
1970. 1976 Feb. 31-35.
------ and John H. Tschetter. The 1995 labor force: a second look. 1983
Nov. 3-10.
------ and Paul O. Flaim. Labor force projections to 1990: three possible
paths. 1978 Dec. 25-35.
------ and Paul O. Flaim. New labor force projections to 1990. 1976 Dec.

------ and Sar A. Levitan. Collective bargaining and private sector profes­
sionals. 1989 Sept. 24-33.
------ and Sar A. Levitan. Work and family: the impact of legislation.
1990 Mar. 34-40.
Gallogly, Stephen J. Workers on long hours and premium pay, March
1976. 1977 May 42-45.
------ and Janice Neipert Hedges. Full and part time: a review of defini­
tions. 1977 Mar. 21-28.
Gannon, Martin J. Preferences of temporary workers: time, variety, and
flexibility. 1984 Aug. 26-28.
Garfinkel, Irwin and Timothy M. Smeeding. New directions for income
transfer programs. 1980 Feb. 41-45.
Garfinkle, Stuart H. The outcome of a spell of unemployment. 1977 Jan.
Garner, Thesia I. Consumer expenditure and inequality: a budget compo­
nents analysis using the gini coefficient. 1988 Aug. 38-39.
------ and Janet Wagner. Gift-giving behavior: an economic perspective.
1988 Aug. 39.
------ and Laura Blanciforti. Reporting of household income: complete
versus incomplete response. 1988 Aug. 39-40.
Gartaganis, Arthur J. Book review. 1981 Mar. 76-77.
Gastwirth, Joseph L. Estimating the demographic mix of the available
labor force. 1981 Apr. 50-57.
------ and Sheldon E. Haber. Defining the labor market for equal employ­
ment standards. 1976 Mar. 32-36.
------ and Shelton E. Haber. Specifying the labor market for individual
firms. 1978 Aug. 26-29.
Gaylord, Carolyn and Patricia Gurin. Educational and occupational
goals of men and women at black colleges. 1976 June 10-16.
Gerhart, Paul F. and John E. Drotning. Do uncertain cost/benefit esti­
mates prolong public-sector disputes? 1980 Sept. 26-30.
Getz, Patricia M. New benchmarks and sic codes for Establishment Sur­
vey. 1990 Nov. 37-40.
------ and Mark G. Ulmer. Diffusion indexes: a barometer of the econo­
my. 1990 Apr. 13-21.
------and Susan E. Shank. Employment and unemployment: develop­
ments in 1985. 1986 Feb. 3-12.
Giannaros, Demetrios and Linda R. Martin. Would higher minimum
wage help poor families headed by women? 1990 Aug. 33-37.
Gibbons, Elizabeth and Gerald F. Halpin. Import price declines in 1986
reflected reduced oil prices. 1987 Apr. 3-17.
Gieseman, Raymond. The Consumer Expenditure Survey: quality con­
trol by comparative analysis. 1987 Mar. 8-14.
------ and Brent Moulton. Income elasticities of expenditures for food.
1988 Aug. 40-41.
------ and John Rogers. Consumer expenditures: results from the Diary
and Interview surveys. 1986 June 14-18.
Gillingham, Robert. Estimating the user cost of owner-occupied housing.
1980 Feb. 31-35.
------ and Walter Lane. Changing the treatment of shelter costs for homeowners in the c p i . 1982 June 9-14.
Gilroy, Curtis L. The effects of the minimum wage on farm employment:
a new model. 1982 June 47-51.
Gilroy, Curtis. Sources of bias in labor force data. 1979 Jan. 67-68.
Ginnold, Richard E. A view of the costs and benefits of the safety and
health law. 1980 Aug. 24-26.
Ginsburg, Daniel H. Medical care services in the Consumer Price Index.
1978 Aug. 35-39.
Ginzberg, Eli. Book review. 1976 Aug. 50-51.
Ginsburg, Helen. Book reviews. 1978 Sept. 67-68; 1979 July 47-48; 1980
May 58-59.
------ Flexible and partial retirement in Norway and Sweden. 1985 Oct.
------ Sweden combats unemployment of young and older workers. 1982
Oct. 22-27.
Glazer, Daniel. Exploiting the micro-data foundation of the Current Pop­
ulation Survey. 1979 Feb. 46-48.

Gaddie, Robert and Maureen Zoller. New stage of process price system
developed for the Producer Price Index. 1988 Apr. 3-16.
Gallo, Frank and Sar A. Levitan. Can employee associations negotiate
new growth? 1989 July 5-14.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Gleason, John M. and Darold T. Barnum. A penalty system to discourage
osha violations. 1976 Apr. 30-31.
Gleason, Sandra E. Comparable worth: Some questions still unanswered.
1985 Dec. 17-18.

Gribbons, Gerry and Todd Darr. How U.S. exports are faring in the
world wheat market. 1985 Oct. 10-24.
Grimes, John A. Are the media shortchanging organized labor? 1987
Aug. 53-54.
Grossman, Allyson Sherman. Almost half of all children have mothers in
the labor force. 1977 June 41-44.
------ Children of working mothers, March 1977. 1978 Jan. 30-33.
------ Divorced and separated women in the labor force—an update. 1978
Oct. 43-45.
------Labor force patterns of single women. 1979 Aug. 46-53.
------More than half of all children have working mothers. 1982 Feb.
------ The employment situation for military wives. 1981 Feb. 60-64.
------ The labor force patterns of divorced and separated women. 1977
Jan. 48-53.
------ Women in domestic work: yesterday and today. 1980 Aug. 17-21.
------ Working mothers and their children. 1981 May 49-54.
------ and Howard Hayghe. Labor force activity of women receiving child
support or alimony. 1982 Nov. 39-41.
------ , Elizabeth Waldman, Howard V. Hayghe, and Beverly L. Johnson.
Working mothers in the 1970’s: a look at the statistics. 1979 Oct.
Grossman, Jonathan. Book reviews. 1978 Feb. 61-62; 1980 Apr. 64; 1990
Dec. 58.
------ Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938: maximum struggle for a mini­
mum wage. 1978 June 22-30.
------ The careers of 18 Labor Secretaries. 1988 Feb. 11-18.
Grossman, Michael. Book review. 1976 Apr. 58-59.
Grubb, W. Norton and Robert H. Wilson. Sources of increasing inequali­
ty in wages and salaries, 1960-80. 1989 Apr. 3-13.
Gullickson, William and Michael J. Harper. Multifactor productivity in
U.S. manufacturing, 1949-83. 1987 Oct. 18-28.
Gunderson, Morley and Noah M. Meltz. Canadian unions achieve strong
gains in membership. 1986 Apr. 48-49.
Gupta, Nina, Timothy P. Schweizer and Douglas G. Jenkins, Jr. Pay-forknowledge compensation systems. 1987 Oct. 40-43.
Gurin, Patricia and Carolyn Gaylord. Educational and occupational
goals of men and women at black colleges. 1976 June 10-16.
Gustman, Alan L. and Thomas L. Steinmeier. Modeling the retirement
process for policy evaluation and research. 1984 July 26-33.
Guttman, Robert M. Book review. 1977 Jan. 69.
Guttman, Robert. Job Training Partnership Act: new help for the unem­
ployed. 1983 Mar. 3-10.
Gudza, Henry P. Book reviews. 1981 Mar. 77-78; 1982 May 62-63; 1984
Mar. 60-61; 1985 July 59; 1986 Sept. 42-43; 1987 Nov. 36.
------ Constitutional convention marks golden anniversary of the uaw.
1986 Oct. 23-25.
------ Ellis Island a welcome site? Only after years of reform. 1986 July
------ First Industrial Relations Congress of the Americas. 1989 May
------Frances Perkins’ interest in a new deal for blacks. 1980 Apr. 31-35.
------ Industrial democracy: made in the U.S.A. 1984 May 26-33.
------ Labor Department’s first program to assist black workers. 1982
June 39-44.
------ The U.S. Employment Service at 50: it too had to wait its turn. 1983
June 12-19.
------ United Auto Workers 29th constitutional convention. 1989 Oct.

Goldberg, Arthur J. Labor-management relations a high priority:
1961-62. 1988 Feb. 37-39.
Goldberg, Joseph P. and William T. Moye. The afl and a national bls:
labor’s role is crystallized. 1982 Mar. 21-29.
------ Book reviews. 1976 July 62-63; 1977 Aug. 57-58; 1979 Aug. 63-64;
1980 July 61-62; 1981 Oct. 51-52; 1982 Sept. 49-50; 1983 Jan. 65-661985 Dec. 51-52.
------ Frances Perkins, Isador Lubin, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
1980 Apr. 22-30.
------ ilo tightens standards for maritime safety. 1977 July 25-30.

------ The landmark provisions of ratified


conventions. 1988 June

Goldberg, Stephen B. and Jeanne M. Brett. An experiment in the medi­
ation of grievances. 1983 Mar. 23-30.
Golden, Lonnie. Book review. 1986 Dec. 41-42.
Goldin, Claudia Dale. Book reviews. 1976 Feb. 60-61; 1981 Apr. 70-72.
Goldoff, Anna C. The perceptions of participants in a joint productivity
program. 1978 July 33-34.
Goldstein, Harold. Book review. 1977 July 55-56.
Goldstein, Harvey A. and Alvin M. Cruze. An evaluation of State projec­
tions of industry, occupational employment. 1987 Oct. 29-38.
Golembiewski, Robert T. and Richard J. Hilles. (Special Flexitime Re­
ports) Drug company workers like new schedules. 1977 Feb. 65-69.
Gomberg, William. Unions in the military: three European cases. 1978
Apr. 39-40.
Goodrich, Donna and Janice Windau. Work-related fatalities: a census
approach. 1990 Dec. 47-48.
Goodson, Horace N. Occupational data program yielding big dividends.
1977 Oct. 44-45.
Goth, John, William Alterman, and David S. Johnson. BLS exchange rate
and foreign currency price indexes. 1987 Dec. 47-49.
Gottschalk, Peter. Book review. 1977 Mar. 85-86.
and Martin Dooley. Does a younger male labor force mean greater
earnings inequality? 1982 Nov. 42-45.
------ and Sheldon Danziger. Work, poverty, and the working poor: a
multifaceted problem. 1986 Sept. 17-21.
Graham, Avy D. How has vesting changed since passage of Employee
Retirement Income Security Act? 1988 Aug. 20-25.
and Donald Bell. Surviving spouse’s benefits in private pension
plans. 1984 Apr. 23-31.
Graham, Harry and Brian Heshizer. Are unions facing a crisis? labor offi­
cials are divided. 1984 Aug. 23-25.
Granrose, Cherlyn Skromme and Eileen Appelbaum. Hospital employ­
ment under revised medicare payment schedules. 1986 Aug. 37-45.
Gray, Lois S. Academic degrees for labor studies—a new goal for unions.
1977 June 15-20.
------ Book review. 1983 Aug. 41.
------ Unions implementing managerial techniques. 1981 June 3-13.
Green, Christopher. The employment ratio as an indicator of aggregate
demand pressure. 1977 Apr. 25-32.
Green, Gloria P., Richard M. Devens, and Bob Whitmore. Employment
and unemployment—trends during 1977. 1978 Feb. 12-23.
Green, Gordon, Sheldon E. Haber, and Enrique J. Lamas. A new method
for estimating job separation by sex and race. 1983 June 20-27.
Greene, Richard. Employment trends in energy extraction. 1981 May
------ Geographic wage indexing for


Haber, Sheldon E. and Joseph L. Gastwirth. Defining the labor market
for equal employment standards. 1976 Mar. 32-36.
------ and Joseph L. Gastwirth. Specifying the labor market for individual
firms. 1978 Aug. 26-29.
------ , Enrique J. Lamas, and Gordon Green. A new method for estimat­
ing job separation by sex and race. 1983 June 20-27.

and Medicare. 1980 Sept.

------ Tracking job growth in private industry. 1982 Sept. 3-9.
Greer, Charles R. and John C. Shearer. Do foreign-owned U.S. firms
practice unconventional labor relations? 1981 Jan. 44-48.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


------ and William E. Parks II. Job growth moderated in 1989; unemploy­
ment held steady. 1990 Feb. 3-16.
Hayghe, Howard V. Book reviews. 1987 Sept. 75; 1989 June 44.
------ Children in dual income families increase; real family income lags.
1989 Dec. 48-52.
------ Employers and child care: what roles do they play? 1988 Sept.
------Families and the rise of working wives—an overview. 1976 May
------ Family members in the work force. 1990 Mar. 14-19.
------ Married couples: work and income patterns. 1983 Dec. 26-29.
------ Husbands and wives as earners: an analysis of family data. 1981 Feb
------ Marital and family characteristics of workers, March 1977. 1978
Feb. 51-54.
------ Marital and family patterns of workers: an update. 1982 May 53-56.
------ Military and civilian wives: update on the labor force gap. 1986
Dec. 31-33.
------ New data series on families shows most jobless have working rela­
tives. 1976 Dec. 46-48.
------ Rise in mothers’ labor force activity includes those with infants.
1986 Feb. 43-45.
------ The effect of unemployment on family income in 1977. 1979 Dec.
------ Weekly family earnings: a quarterly perspective. 1982 Aug. 46-49.
------ Working mothers reach record number in 1984. 1984 Dec. 31-34.
------ Working wives’ contribution to family income in 1977. 1979 Oct.
------ and Allyson Sherman Grossman. Labor force activity of women re­
ceiving child support or alimony. 1982 Nov. 39-41.
------ and Anne McDougall Young. More U.S. workers are college grad­
uates. 1984 Mar. 46-49.
------ and Beverly L. Johnson. Labor force participation of married wom­
en, March 1976. 1977 June 32-36.
------ and Steven E. Haugen. A Profile of husbands in today’s labor mar­
ket. 1987 Oct. 12-17.
------ , Elizabeth Waldman, Allyson Sherman Grossman, and Beverly L.
Johnson. Working mothers in the 1970’s: a look at the statistics. 1979
Oct. 39-49.
Hazelbaker, Kim L. and Max L. Carey. Employment growth in the tem­
porary help industry. 1986 Apr. 37-44.
Heaton, Cris and Philip Martin. Labor force participation differs signifi­
cantly for the rural woman. 1979 Jan. 71-73.
Hecker, Daniel E., Richard W. Riche, and John U. Burgan. High tech­
nology today and tomorrow: a small slice of employment pie. 1983
Nov. 55-58.
Hecker, David B. Internal politics splits Mine Workers convention. 1977
Jan. 58-61.
Hedger, Douglas and Donald Schmitt. Trends in major medical coverage
during a period of rising costs. 1983 July 11-16.
Hedges, Janice Neipert. Absence from work—measuring the hours lost.
1977 Oct. 16-23.
------ Book reviews. 1979 Jan. 83; 1980 May 59-60.
------ Changes in the number of days in the workweek, 1973-76. 1977
Apr. 72-73.
------ Job commitment in America: is it waxing or waning? 1983 July
------ Long workweeks and premium pay. 1976 Apr. 7-12.
------ (Special Flexitime Reports) Flexible schedules: problems and is­
sues. 1977 Feb. 62-65.
------ The workweek in 1979: fewer but longer workdays. 1980 Aug.
------ Youth unemployment in the 1974-75 recession. 1976 Jan. 49-56.
------ and Daniel E. Taylor. Recent trends in worktime: hours edge down­
ward. 1980 Mar. 3-11.

------ , Enrique J. Lamas, and Jules H. Lichtenstein. On their own: the
self-employed and others in private business. 1987 May 17-23.
Hackett, Edward J. and Philip H. Mirvis. Work and work force charac­
teristics in the nonprofit sector. 1983 Apr. 3-12.
Halm, Gregory and Clinton R. Shiells. Yen appreciation and the Japa­
nese labor market. 1988 Nov. 3-6.
Halpin, Gerald F. and Elizabeth Gibbons. Import price declines in 1986
reflected reduced oil prices. 1987 Apr. 3-17.
Hamel, Harvey R. New data series on involuntary part-time work. 1985
Mar. 42-43.
------ Two-fifths of discouraged sought work during prior 6-month peri­
od. 1979 Mar. 58-60.
------ and John T. Tucker. Implementing the Levitan Commission’s rec­
ommendations to improve labor data. 1985 Feb. 16-24.
Hamermesh, Daniel S. A data user’s look back from 2015. 1990 Apr.
Hamilton, Randy A. Book review. 1977 July 57.
Hammerman, Herbert. Book review. 1976 Sept. 64-65.
------ The resolution of job bias cases through mediation and arbitration.
1978 Apr. 43-45.
------ and Marvin Rogoff. Unions and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of
1964. 1976 Apr. 34-37.
Hanna, James S. Employment Service graded with new quantitative test.
1978 May 32-33.
------ The Federal-State approach to labor statistics. 1977 Oct. 43-44.
Hansen, Gary P. An Innovative approach to plant closings: the uawFord experience at San Jose. 1985 June 34-37.
Hanson, Patricia and Robert A. Kuemmerling. Inflation holds steady
during the first half. 1988 Oct. 13-17.
Harper, Michael J. and William Gullickson. Multifactor productivity in
U.S. manufacturing, 1949-83. 1987 Oct. 18-28.
Harrell, Louis and Dale Fischer. The 1982 Mexican peso devaluation and
border area employment. 1985 Oct. 25-32.
------ and Richard Clayton. Developing a cost model for alternative col­
lection methods: mail, cati, and tde . 1989 Oct. 32.
Harris, Alice Kessler. Trade unions mirror society in conflict between
collectivism and individualism. 1987 Aug. 32-36.
Harris, Martha Caldwell and John A. Alic. Employment lessons from the
electronics industry. 1986 Feb. 27-36.
Harris, Timothy H. and Peter Cappelli. Airline union concessions in the
wake of deregulation. 1985 June 37-39.
Harris, William H. The black labor movement and the fight for social ad­
vance. 1987 Aug. 37-38.
Harrison, Bennett. Plant closures: efforts to cushion the blow. 1984 June
------ , Robert Jerrett III, and Thomas A. Barocci. Structure, cost, and
performance of the Job Opportunities Program. 1978 Aug. 40-43.
Harrison, Beth. Spending patterns of older persons revealed in expendi­
ture survey. 1986 Oct. 15-17.
Hartley, Jo. Experience with flexible hours of work. 1976 May 41-42.
Haugen, Steven E. Employment gains slow in the first half of 1989. 1989
Aug. 3-9.
------ The employment expansion in retail trade, 1973-85. 1986 Aug.
------ and Earl F. Mellor. Estimating the number of minimum wage
workers. 1990 Jan. 70-74.
------ and Earl F. Mellor. Hourly paid workers: who they are and what
they earn. 1986 Feb. 20-26.
------ and Howard Hayghe. A Profile of husbands in today’s labor mar­
ket. 1987 Oct. 12-17.
------and Michael W. Horrigan. The declining middle class thesis: a sen­
sitivity analysis. 1988 May 3-13.
------and Susan E. Shank. The employment situation during 1986: job
gains continue, unemployment dips. 1987 Feb. 3-10.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


and Earl F. Mellor. Weekly and hourly earnings of U.S. workers,
1967-78. 1979 Aug. 31-41.

------ and J. Edwin Henneberger. Productivity trends in the furniture and
home furnishings stores industry. 1987 May 24-29.
------and John W. Ferris. Productivity growth average in farm machin­
ery manufacturing. 1982 Oct. 6-10.
------ and Phyllis F. Otto. Productivity growth in the switchgear industry
slows after 1973. 1984 Mar. 33-36.
Herman, E. Edward and Gordon S. Skinner. Faculty representation: the
vote at Cincinnati. 1976 Mar. 44-48.
Herriot, Roger A. The 1980 census: countdown for a complete count.
1979 Sept. 3-13.
Hershey, Alan, Stuart Kerachsky, Walter Nicholson, and Edward Cavin.
Work sharing programs: an evaluation of their use. 1986 May 31-33.
Herz, Diane E. Employment characteristics of older women, 1987. 1988
Sept. 3-12.
------ Worker displacement in a period of rapid job expansion: 1983-87.
1990 May 21-33.
------ and Philip L. Rones. Institutional barriers to employment of older
workers. 1989 Apr. 14-21.
Heshizer, Brian and Harry Graham. Are unions facing a crisis? labor offi­
cials are divided. 1984 Aug. 23-25.
Hewson, Marillyn A. and Michael A. Urquhart. The Nation’s employ­
ment situation worsens in the first half of 1982. 1982 Aug. 3-12.
------ , and Michael A. Urquhart. Unemployment continued to rise in
1982 as recession deepened. 1983 Feb. 3-12.
------ , Robert W. Bednarzik, and Michael A. Urquhart. The employment
situation in 1981: new recession takes its toll. 1982 Mar. 3-14.
Hickey, Joseph A. State unemployment insurance: legislative changes in
1976. 1977 Feb. 46-51.
------ Unemployment insurance covers additional 9 million workers.
1978 May 14-17.
------ Unemployment insurance—State changes in 1975. 1976 Jan. 37-41.
Hickman, Charles W. Labor organizations’ fees and dues. 1977 May
------ Postal Workers denounce working conditions, ‘waste.’ 1976 Oct.
Higgins, Richard S. Book review. 1977 Apr. 87-88.
Hilaski, Harvey J. Factors in more costly accidents drawn from compen­
sated cases. 1977 Aug. 41-43.
------ Understanding statistics on occupational illnesses. 1981 Mar.
------ and Chao Ling Wang. How valid are estimates of occupational il­
lness? 1982 Aug. 27-35.
------ and Chao Ling Wang. The safety and health record in the construc­
tion industry. 1978 Mar. 3-9.
Hill, C. Russell. Book review. 1976 Apr. 60-61.
Hill, Diane. Employer-sponsored long-term disability insurance. 1987
July 16-22.
------ and Donald Bell. How Social Security payments affect private pen­
sions. 1984 May 15-20.
Hill, Edward W. What is the effect of random variation in State unem­
ployment rates? 1987 Dec. 41-46.
Hill, Martha S. and Mary Corcoran. Unemployment among family men:
a 10-year longitudinal study. 1979 Nov. 19-23.
Hill, Norman. Forging a partnership between blacks and unions. 1987
Aug. 38-39.
Hilles, Richard J. and Robert T. Golembiewski. (Special Flexitime Re­
ports) Drug company workers like new schedules. 1977 Feb. 65-69.
Hills, Stephen M. and Brian E. Becker. Today’s teenage unemployed—
tomorrow’s working poor? 1979 Jan. 69-71.
Hilton, Margaret and Ronnie Straw. Cooperative training in telecommu­
nications: case studies. 1987 May 32-36.
Hobson, Charles J. and James B. Dworkin. West German labor unrest:
are unions losing ground to worker councils? 1986 Feb. 46-48.
Hodgson, James D. Enactment of osha : ingenious compromises. 1988
Feb. 41-43.
Hoefer, Michael and Norman Root. The first work-injury data available
from new bls study. 1979 Jan. 76-80.

------ and Edward S. Sekscenski. Workers on late shifts in a changing
economy. 1979 Sept. 14-22.
and Stephen J. Gallogly. Full and part time: a review of definitions.
1977 Mar. 21-28.
Heliker, George B. Book review. 1988 Aug. 48.
Hellerstein, Judith. The effects of sample size on variances of the Produc­
er Price Index. 1989 Oct. 30.
Henderson, Steven W. and Stephen A. Berenson. Quality adjustments for
structural changes in the c p i housing sample. 1990 Nov. 40-42.
Hendricks, Wallace E. and Lawrence M. Kahn. The future of wage index­
ation in collective bargaining contracts. 1985 May 29-32.
Henle,Peter. Book reviews. 1976 0ct. 54-55; 1979 Apr. 68,;1986Aug. 50.
------ Social security reform: a look at the problems. 1977 Feb. 55-58.
------ Trade adjustment assistance: should it be modified? 1977 Mar
------and Paul Ryscavage. Earnings inequality in the 1980’s. 1990 Dec.
and Paul Ryscavage. The distribution of earned income among men
and women, 1958-77. 1980 Apr. 3-10.
Henneberger, J. Edwin. Productivity growth below average in the house­
hold furniture industry. 1978 Nov. 23-29.
------ The office furniture industry: patterns in productivity. 1982 Dec.
and Arthur S. Herman. Productivity growth below average in the
internal combustion engine industry. 1985 May 22-26.
and Arthur S. Herman. Productivity trends in the furniture and
home furnishings stores industry. 1987 May 24-29.
------ and Mark W. Dumas. Productivity trends in the cotton and syn­
thetic broad woven fabrics industry. 1988 Apr. 34-38.
Henry, David K. and Richard P. Oliver. The defense buildup, 1977-85:
effects on production and employment. 1987 Aug. 3-11.
Herman, Arthur S. Productivity continued to rise in many industries dur­
ing 1987. 1989 Mar. 13-20.
Productivity continued to increase in many industries during 1984.
1986 Mar. 11-15.
------ Productivity declined in 1980 in most industries measured. 1982
May 36-39.
Productivity declined in 1982 in a majority of industries measured.
1984 Jan. 80-83.
------ Productivity gains continued in many industries during 1985. 1987
Apr. 48-52.
------Productivity in industry and government in 1988. 1990 July 39-45.
Productivity in selected industries and government services in 1986.
1988 Apr. 51-57.
Productivity increased in 1978 in most measured industries. 1980
Jan. 40-43.
------ Productivity increased in 1981 in most industries measured. 1982
Dec. 15-18.
Productivity increased during 1977 in a majority of selected indus­
tries. 1978 Sept. 54-57.
------ Productivity increased in many industries in 1983. 1985 Mar.
Productivity rates rose in 1976 for almost all industries surveyed.
1977 Oct. 57-60.
------ Productivity slows or drops in 1979 in more than half of industries
measured. 1981 Apr. 58-61.
------ Report on productivity gains in selected industries. 1977 Feb.
------ and Brian L. Friedman. Productivity growth low in oilfield machin­
ery industry. 1985 Dec. 34-38.
------ and J. Edwin Henneberger. Productivity growth below average in
the internal combustion engine industry. 1985 May 22-26.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Hoffman, Saul D. On-the-job training: Differences by race and sex. 1981
July 34-36.

------and William Thomas. Inflation remained low during 1984. 1985
Apr. 3-9.
------ , Andrew Clem, and Eddie Lamb. Energy buoys double-digit infla­
tion, food price surge ebbs in second quarter. 1979 Sept. 49-55.
------ , Andrew Clem, and Robert A. Kuemmerling. Domestic price rise
during 1987 reflects swing of energy prices. 1988 June 20-26.
------, Andrew Clem, and Roger Burns. Inflation remained low in 1983 in
face of strong recovery. 1984 May 3-9.
------, Andrew Clem, and Roger Burns. Producer Price trends continue
to moderate in the third quarter. 1984 Jan. 76-79.
------, Andrew Clem, and Thomas J. Mosimann. Price highlights of 1988:
rising pressures on consumer prices. 1989 May 3-10.
------ , David Callahan, and Mary Burns. Inflation continues to abate dur­
ing the first quarter. 1982 July 3-9.
------ , John R. Early, and Andrew Clem. Double-digit inflation today and
in 1973-74: a comparison. 1980 May 3-20.
------ , Paul Monson, and Toshiko Nakayama. Double-digit inflation re­
turns in second quarter. 1978 Sept. 38-42.
------ , Paul Monson, and Toshiko Nakayama. Food prices lead accelera­
tion of inflation in first quarter. 1978 June 38-43.
------, Paul Monson, William Thomas, and Toshiko Nakayama. Price
changes in 1977—an analysis. 1978 Feb. 3-11.
------ , Paul Monson, and William Thomas. Anatomy of price change—
the sharp first-quarter rise. 1977 June 3-8.
------ , Paul Monson, William Thomas, and Toshiko Nakayama. Price
changes in 1976-an analysis. 1977 Feb. 14-24.
------ , Roger Burns, and Andrew Clem. Sharp drop in energy prices holds
inflation in check during 1986. 1987 May 3-9.
------ , William Thomas, and Eddie Lamb. Consumer prices rise at 13-per­
cent rate for the third consecutive quarter. 1979 Dec. 35-41.
------ , William Thomas, and Eddie Lamb. First-quarter food and fuel
prices propel inflation rate to 5-year high. 1979 June 3-9.
------ , William Thomas, and Eddie Lamb. Inflation slows in third quar­
ter, although food prices soar. 1980 Dec. 45-51.
------ , William Thomas, Walter Lane, and Andrew Clem. Price changes
in 1978—an analysis. 1979 Mar. 3-12.
Howenstine, E. Jay. European experience with rent controls. 1977 June
------ Foreign housing voucher systems: evolution and strategies. 1986
May 21-27.
------ Private rental housing abroad: dwindling supply stirs concern. 1981
Sept. 38-42.
Hoyman, Michele M. and Lamont E. Stallworth. Arbitrating discrimina­
tion grievances in the wake of Gardner v. Denver. 1983 Oct. 3-10.
Hribal, Amy S. Workers’ compensation laws—significant enactments in
1977. 1977 Dec. 25-33.
------ and Gerri Minor. Workers’ compensation— 1975 enactments. 1976
Jan. 30-36.
------and Gerri Minor. Workers’ compensation laws: major amendments
in 1976. 1977 Feb. 39-45.
Huffstutler, Clyde and Barbara Bingham. Productivity growth slows in
the organic chemicals industry. 1988 June 44-51.
------ and Horst Brand. Productivity improvements in two fabricated
metals industries. 1983 Oct. 18-24.
------ and Horst Brand. Productivity in making heating and cooling
equipment. 1984 Dec. 11-17.
------ and Horst Brand. Productivity in the pump and compressor indus­
try. 1982 Dec. 38-45.
------ and Horst Brand. The paper and plastic bag industry: two distinct
productivity phases. 1980 May 26-30.
------ and Horst Brand. Trends of labor productivity in metal stamping
industries. 1986 May 13-20.
------ and John Duke. Productivity in sawmills increases as labor input
declines substantially. 1977 Apr. 33-37.
------ and Michael Broad. Productivity in the nonmetallic minerals in­
dustry, 1954-75. 1976 June 25-30.
------ and Stuart Kipnis. Productivity trends in the photographic equip­
ment and supplies industry. 1990 June 39-49.

Hogue, Carma R. and Paul O. Flaim. Measuring labor force flows: a spe­
cial conference examines the problems. 1985 July 7-17.
Holen, Arlene. Federal supplemental compensation and unemployment
insurance recipients. 1984 Apr. 43-45.
Holloway, Thomas M. Book reviews. 1978 Sept. 68-69; 1981 Dec. 62;
1988 Jan. 70-71.
Honey, Michael and Eileen Boris. Gender, race, and the policies of the
Labor Department. 1988 Feb. 26-36.
Hopp, Michael A. and C. R. Sommerstad. (Special Flexitime Reports)
Reaction at computer firm: more pluses than minuses. 1977 Feb.
Horne, David K. Modeling Army enlistment supply for the All-Volun­
teer Force. 1985 Aug. 35-39.
Horowitz, Karen J. and Paul T. Christy. An evaluation of B L S projections
of 1975 production and employment. 1979 Aug. 8-19.
Horrigan, Michael W. Time spent unemployed: a new look at data from
the c p s . 1987 July 3-15.
------ and James P. Markey. Recent gains in women’s earnings: better pay
or longer hours? 1990 July 11-17.
------ and Steven E. Haugen. The declining middle class thesis: a sensitiv­
ity analysis. 1988 May 3-13.
Horvath, Francis W. Pulse of economic change: displaced workers of
1981-85. 1987 June 3-12.
------ Forgotten unemployment: recall bias in retrospective data. 1982
Mar. 40-43.
------ Job tenure of workers in January 1981. 1982 Sept. 34-36.
------ Tracking individual earnings mobility with the Current Population
Survey. 1980 May 43-46.
------ Work at home: new findings from the Current Population Survey.
1986 Nov. 31-35.
------ Working wives reduce inequality in distribution of family earnings.
1980 July 51-53.
Houff, James N. and William J. Wiatrowski. Analyzing short-term dis­
ability benefits. 1989 June 3-9.
Howe, Wayne J. Education and demographics: how do they affect unem­
ployment rates? 1988 Jan. 3-9.
------ Job gains strong in 1987; unemployment rate declines. 1988 Feb.
------ Labor market dynamics and trends in male and female unemploy­
ment rates. 1990 Nov. 3-12.
------ Strong employment growth highlights first half of 1987. 1987 Sept.
------ Temporary help workers: who they are and what jobs they hold.
1986 Nov. 45-47.
------ The business services industry sets pace in employment growth.
1986 Apr. 29-36.
------ and William Parks II. Labor market completes sixth year of expan­
sion in 1988. 1989 Feb. 3-14.
Howell, Craig Book review. 1982 Nov. 51-52.
------ and Andrew Clem. Inflation remained mild again during 1985.
1986 Apr. 17-21.
------ and David W. Callahan. Price changes in 1980: double-digit infla­
tion persists. 1981 Apr. 3-12.
------ and Jesse Thomas. Price changes in 1981: widespread slowing of
inflation. 1982 Apr. 3-14.
------ and Robert A. Kuemmerling. The 1989 rise in prices: largest in­
crease in 8 years. 1990 May 11-20.
------ and Toshiko Nakayama. Inflation rate high in second quarter, but
prices of raw materials declined. 1977 Sept. 29-33.
------ and Toshiko Nakayama. Inflation slowed markedly during the
third quarter. 1977 Dec. 49-52.
------ and Toshiko Nakayama. Slowdown in food prices curbs inflation in
third quarter. 1978 Dec. 56-60.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Hughes, Arthur L. and Flora K. Peitzmeier. Weighting and imputation
methods for nonresponse in cps gross flows estimation. 1989 Oct. 32.
Hukill, Craig. Labor and the Supreme Court: significant issues of
1989-90. 1990 Jan. 30-34.
Hurd, Richard W. Book review. 1976 Jan. 75-76.

Job, Barbara Cottman. Employment and pay trends in the retail trade in­
dustry. 1980 Mar. 40-43.
------ How likely are individuals to enter the labor force? 1979 Sept.
------ More public services spur growth in government employment. 1978
Sept. 3-7.
------ The black labor force during the 1975-78 recovery. 1979 May 3-7.
Johnson, Beverly L. Changes in marital and family characteristics of
workers, 1970-78. 1979 Apr. 49-52.
------ Marital and family characteristics of the labor force, March 1979.
1980 Apr. 48- 52.
------ Women who head families; 1970-77: their numbers rose, income
lagged. 1978 Feb. 32-37.
------ and Elizabeth Waldman. Marital and family patterns of the labor
force. 1981 Oct. 36-38.
------ and Elizabeth Waldman. Most women who maintain families re­
ceive poor labor market returns. 1983 Dec. 30-34.
------ and Howard Hayghe. Labor force participation of married women,
March 1976. 1977 June 32-36.
------ , Elizabeth Waldman, Allyson Sherman Grossman, and Howard V.
Hayghe. Working mothers in the 1970’s: a look at the statistics. 1979
Oct. 39-49.
Johnson, Clifford M. and Sar A. Levitan. The future of work: does it be­
long to us or to the robots? 1982 Sept. 10-14.
Johnson, David S. Aggregate export price comparisons developed for
U.S., Germany, Japan. 1986 June 40-41.
------ , William Alterman, and John Goth, bls exchange' rate and foreign
currency price indexes. 1987 Dec. 47-49.
Johnson, Mark J. Import prices decline, export indexes mixed in the first
6 months of 1983. 1983 Nov. 59-70.
------ Robust growth and the strong dollar set pattern for 1983 import
and export prices. 1984 Apr. 3- 14.
------U.S. foreign trade prices in 1982: import index falls, export indexes
mixed. 1983 May 20-29.
------ U.S. import and export price indexes show declines during the first
half. 1983 Jan. 17-23.
------ and Patricia Szarek. Effects of strong dollar, economic recovery ap­
parent in first-half import and export prices. 1984 Oct. 3-17.
Johnson-Dietz, Sue and Donna E. Ledgerwood. Sexual harassment: im­
plications for employer liability. 1981 Apr. 45-47.
Johnston, Denis and Gabriel Rudney. Characteristics of workers in non­
profit organizations. 1987 July 28-33.
Johnston, Gary and Philip L. Martin. Employment and wages reported
by California farmers in 1982. 1983 Sept. 27-31.
Jones, David R. and William Schweke. European job creation in the wake
of plant closings and layoffs. 1986 Oct. 18-22.
Jones, James E., Jr. Cost-sharing in gaining equal employment opportuni­
ty. 1976 May 39-40.
Jones, Lamar B. Book review. 1976 July 65-66.
Jonung, Christina. Sexual equality in the Swedish labor market. 1978 Oct.
Jud, G. Donald and James L. Walker. How racial bias and social status
affect the earnings of young men. 1977 Apr. 44-46.
Juris, Hervey A. and Myron Roomkin. The changing of unionism in tra­
ditionally organized sectors. 1979 Feb. 36-38.

Hyland, Stephanie L. Helping employees with family care. 1990 Sept.

Iden, George. The labor force experience of black youth: a review. 1980
Aug. 10-16.
Inaba, Gail F. and Helene S. Tanimoto. State employee bargaining: policy
and organization. 1985 Apr. 51-55.
Insley, Patrice J. and Karen S. Koziara. Organizations of working women
can pave the way for unions. 1982 June 53-54.
Ishee, Tommy. Book review. 1981 Aug. 64-65.

Jablonski, Mary, Kent Kunze, and Phyllis Flohr Otto. Hours at work: a
new base for bls productivity statistics. 1990 Feb. 17-24.
------ Larry Rosenblum, and Kent Kunze. Productivity, age, and labor
composition changes in the U.S. 1988 Sept. 34-38.
Jackman, Patrick. Consumer prices in the 1980’s: the cooling of inflation.
1990 Aug. 19-27.
Jacobs, Eva. Changes in the distribution of consumer spending. 1977
Sept. 33-34.
------ Family expenditure data to be available on a continuing basis. 1979
Apr. 53-54.
------ and Stephanie Shipp. How family spending has changed in the U.S.
1990 Mar. 20-27.
------, Stephanie Shipp, and Gregory Brown. Families of working wives
spending more on services and nondurables. 1989 Feb. 15-23.
Jacobs, Frederic and Peter Cowden. The relevance of recurrent education
to worker satisfaction. 1977 Apr. 61-64.
Jacoby, Sanford M. Cost-of-living escalators became prevalent in the
1950’s. 1985 May 32-33.
and Daniel J. B. Mitchell. Are long-duration contracts insurance
against strikes? 1983 Apr. 28-29.
------ and Daniel J.B. Mitchell. Labor market data: supplementary
sources. 1986 June 28-29.
Jafife, A. J. and Joseph Froomkin. Occupational opportunities for collegeeducated workers, 1950-75. 1978 June 15-21.
Jain, Harish C. Task force encourages diffusion of microelectronics in
Canada. 1983 Oct. 25-29.
------ Canadian legal approaches to sex equality in the workplace. 1982
Oct. 38-42.
Jain, Rita S. Book review. 1989 Aug. 53-54.
------ Employer-sponsored dental insurance eases the pain. 1988 Oct.
------ Employer-sponsored vision care brought into focus. 1988
Sept. 19-23.
Janus, Charles J. afscme attacks Proposition 13, endorses new dues
structure. 1978 Sept. 43-45.
------ Union mergers in the 1970’s: a look at the reasons and results. 1978
Oct. 13-23.


Jenkins, Douglas G., Jr., Timothy P. Schweizer, and Nina Gupta. Payfor-knowledge compensation systems. 1987 Oct. 40-43.
Jensen, Roger C., Bruce P. Klein, and Lee M. Sanderson. Motion-related
wrist disorders traced to industries, occupational groups. 1983 Sept.

Kahl, Anne and Donald E. Clark. Employment in health services: long­
term trends and projections. 1986 Aug. 17-36.
Kahley, William J. Book review. 1976 Jan. 78-79.
Kahn, Lawrence M. and Wallace E. Hendricks. The future of wage index­
ation in collective bargaining contracts. 1985 May 29-32.
Kahn, Robert L. Work, stress, and individual well-being. 1981 May
Kahn, Shulamit. Union membership trends: a study of the Garment
Workers. 1986 June 33-35.

Jerrett, Robert III, Thomas A. Barocci, and Bennett Harrison. Structure,
cost, and performance of the Job Opportunities Program. 1978 Aug.
Jick, Todd. Labor-management panel seeks to help laid-off State workers.
1978 May 38-40.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Kalachek, Edward. Longitudinal labor market surveys: asking ‘how
come,’ not ‘how many.’ 1978 Sept. 8-14.
Kamerman, Sheila B. Child care and family benefits: policies of six indus­
trialized countries. 1980 Nov. 23-28.
------ Child-care services: a national picture. 1983 Dec. 35-39.
Kaneer, Kirk, Distribution of consumption examined using aggregate ex­
penditure shares. 1986 Apr. 50-53.
------Housing structure attributes and tenure status. 1988 Aug. 41.
Kanterman, Frances E. Dissidents criticized, leadership strengthened at
Teamster convention. 1976 Sept. 41-43.
Karper, Mark D. Can the nlrb caseload detect changes in labor relations
climate? 1982 May 29-30.
Kassalow, Everett M. Will union concessions expand areas for bargain­
ing? 1983 Mar. 32-33.
------ Beyond Keynes: European unions formulate new economic pro­
gram. 1980 Feb. 36-40.
------ Employee representation on U.S., German boards. 1989 Sept.
------ Four nations’ policies toward displaced steel workers. 1985 July
------ How some European nations avoided U.S. levels of industrial con­
flict. 1978 Apr. 37-39.
------ Labor-management relations and the coal industry. 1979 May

------ Wage relationships in women’s dress manufacturing. 1976 July
------ and Harry B. Williams. Shift work differentials and practices in
manufacturing. 1985 Dec. 26-33.
Kingston, Jerry L. and Paul L. Burgess. Some in families of those receiv­
ing jobless aid are forced to seek work. 1979 Apr. 45-46.
------ , Paul L. Burgess, and Robert D. St. Louis. Unemployment insur­
ance: identifying payment errors. 1984 Dec. 34-37.
Kipnis, Stuart and Clyde Huffstutler. Productivity trends in the photo­
graphic equipment and supplies industry. 1990 June 39-49.
Kipps, John. Cost-of-living indexes for Americans living abroad. 1978
Jan. 39; Apr. 50; July 37; Oct. 51-52.
------Cost-of-living indexes for Americans living abroad. 1979 Jan. 81;
Apr. 59; July 39; Oct. 67-68.
Kirkland, Lane. Labor’s interests vital in setting trade policies. 1977 Mar.
Kittner, Dorothy R. Changes in health plans reflect broader benefit cov­
erage. 1978 Sept. 57-59.
------ Forced retirement: how common is it? 1977 Dec. 60-61.
------ Maternity benefits available to most health plan participants. 1978
May 53-56.
Klarquist, Virginia L. and John W. Ferris. Productivity gains lukewarm
for makers of nonelectric heating equipment. 1988 Mar. 27-32.
------and John W. Ferris. Productivity in the carburetors, pistons, and
valves industry. 1989 Feb. 43-46.
------ and John W. Ferris. Productivity in the rubber and plastics hose
and belting industry. 1990 July 26-31.
------and Patricia S. Wilder. Retail hardware stores register productivity
gain. 1988 May 39-43.
Klay, William Earle. How are Japanese unions responding to microelec­
tronics-based automation? 1987 Mar. 39-40.
Klein, Bruce P., Lee M. Sanderson, and Roger C. Jensen. Motion-related
wrist disorders traced to industries, occupational groups. 1983 Sept.
Klein, Bruce W. Book review. 1990 July 57-58.
------Missed work and lost hours, May 1985. 1986 Nov. 26-30.
------and Philip L. Rones. A profile of the working poor. 1989 Oct. 3-13.
------ Compensation trends into the 21st century. 1990 Feb. 38-45.
Klein, Deborah P. Book reviews. 1980 Sept. 64-65; 1981 June 61-62; 1982
Sept. 47.
------ Employment and unemployment in the first half of 1976. 1976 Aug.

------ White-collar unions and the work humanization movement. 1977
May 9-13.
------ Will West European unions embrace the union shop? 1979 July
Kasunic, Kevin and Max L. Carey. Evaluating the 1980 projections of
occupational employment. 1982 July 22-30.
Katz, Harry C., Thomas A. Kochan, and Robert B. McKersie. U.S. in­
dustrial relations in transition. 1985 May 28-29.
Kaufman, Stuart Bruce. Birth of a federation: Mr. Gompers endeavors
‘not to build a bubble.’ 1981 Nov. 23-26.
Kay, Evelyn R. National standardization of educational statistics. 1977
Oct. 46-47.
Keegan, Carol. How union members and nonmembers view the role of
unions. 1987 Aug. 50-51.
Keinfeld, Judith and John A. Kruse. Native Americans in the labor force:
hunting for an accurate measure. 1982 July 47-51.
Kellar, Jeffrey H. New methodology reduces importance of used cars in
cpi . 1988 Dec. 34-36.
Keller, Richard L. and Charles Field, V. How salaries of large cities com­
pare with industry, Federal pay. 1976 Nov. 23-28.
------ and Felice Porter. Public and private pay levels: a comparison in
large labor markets. 1981 July 22-26.
Kelly, Leslie, James H. Shultz, and Thomas D. Leavitt. Private pensions
fall far short of preretirement income levels. 1979 Feb. 28-32.
Kemp, Homer R., Jr. Book review. 1978 June 59.
Kerachsky, Stuart, Edward Cavin, Walter Nicholson, and Alan Hershey.
Work sharing programs: an evaluation of their use. 1986 May 31-33.
Kerr, Clark. Industrial relations research: its postwar contributions. 1984
June 34-36.
Killingsworth, Charles C. Structural unemployment without quotation
marks. 1979 June 29-34.
Killingsworth, Mark R. Comparable worth in the job market: estimating
its effects. 1985 July 39-41.
Kilson, Marion. Black women in the professions, 1890-1970. 1977 May
King, Allan G. and Ralph White. Demographic influences on labor force
rates of black males. 1976 Nov. 42-43.
King, Sandra L. Occupational pay of contract cleaning workers. 1976
June 42-44.
------ Pay relationships of TV-radio and appliance repairers. 1977 May
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

9- 12.
------Labor force data: the impact of the 1980 census. 1982 July 39-43.
------Trends in employment and unemployment in families. 1983 Dec.
------and George Stelluto. Compensation trends into the 21st century.
1990 Feb. 38-45.
------ and Janet L. Norwood. Developing statistics to meet society’s
needs. 1989 Oct. 14-19.
------and Robert W. Bednarzik. Labor force trends: a synthesis and anal­
ysis. 1977 Oct. 3-12.
Klein, Katherine and Corey Rosen. Job-creating performance of em­
ployee-owned firms. 1983 Aug. 15-19.
Klein, Lawrence R. Book review. 1976 Dec. 57-58.
------Recollections of a former editor. 1990 June 50-55.
Kleiner, Morris M. Interstate occupational migration: an analysis of data
from 1965-70. 1977 Apr. 64-67.
Kochan, Thomas A. How American workers view labor unions. 1979
Apr. 23-31.
------ Industrial relations research: an agenda for the 1980’s. 1980 Sept.
------ and Hoyt N. Wheeler. Unions and public sector supervisors: the
case of fire fighters. 1977 Dec. 44-48.
------ , Robert B. McKersie, and Harry C. Katz. U.S. industrial relations
in transition. 1985 May 28-29.
Kohen, Andrew I. and Paul J. Andrisani. The effects of collective bar­
gaining as measured for men in blue-collar jobs. 1977 Apr. 46-49.

Kohler, Daniel M. Employment Cost Index up 7.7 percent in 1978. 1979
July 28-31.

------ The influence of energy on industry output and employment. 1979
Dec. 3-10.
------ and Jerome A. Mark. The service-producing sector: some common
perceptions reviewed. 1983 Apr. 21-24.
------ and Valerie A. Personick. Deindustrialization and the shift to ser­
vices. 1986 June 3-13.
------ , Jerome A. Mark, and John R. Norsworthy. The productivity slow­
down and the outlook to 1985. 1977 May 3-8.
------ , C. Howard Davis, and William M. Eisenberg. ‘Quick’ special pur­
pose surveys passed test during coal strike. 1979 Feb. 62-64.

------ The Employment Cost Index: a review of the statistics. 1978 Jan.
Kokoski, Mary F. Employment and wage changes of families from CE
Survey data. 1987 Feb. 31-33.
------ Experimental cost-of-living indexes: a summary of current re­
search. 1989 July 34-39.
------ and Jeffrey W. Smith. The autocovariance of expenditure shares
from consumer expenditure survey data. 1988 Aug. 42.
Kolb, Deborah M. Two approaches to the mediator’s role. 1980 June

Lacombe, John J. II and Fehmida R. Sleemi. Wage adjustments in con­
tracts negotiated in private industry in 1987. 1988 May 23-28.
------ and Joan Borum. Major labor contracts in 1986 provided record
low wage adjustments. 1987 May 10-16.
------ and James R. Conley. Collective bargaining calendar crowded
again in 1984. 1984 Jan. 19-32.
------ and James R. Conley. Major agreements in 1984 provide record low
wage increases. 1985 Apr. 39-45.
Laedlein, Valyrie K. Revisions of State and local area labor force statis­
tics. 1987 July 38-41.
Lamas, Enrique J., Gordon Green, and Sheldon E. Haber. A new method
for estimating job separations by sex and race. 1983 June 20-27.
------ , Jules H. Lichtenstein, and Sheldon E. Haber. On their own: the
self-employed and others in private business. 1987 May 17-23.
Lamb, Eddie, Craig Howell, and Andrew Clem. Energy buoys double-digit inflation, food price surge ebbs in second quarter. 1979 Sept. 49-55.
------ , Craig Howell, and William Thomas. Consumer prices rise at
13-percent rate for the third consecutive quarter. 1979 Dec. 35-41.
------ , Craig Howell, and William Thomas. First-quarter food and fuel
prices propel inflation rate to 5-year high. 1979 June 3-9.
------ , Craig Howell, and William Thomas. Inflation slows in third quar­
ter, although food prices soar. 1980 Dec. 45-51.
------ , William Thomas, and Andrew Clem. Slowdown in energy prices
eases second-quarter inflation. 1980 Sept. 34-40.
Lampman, Robert J. Generational equity and social security. 1977 Feb.
Land, Kenneth C. Book review. 1977 Feb. 91-92.
Lande, Laurie. Characteristics of households with discretionary income.
1990 June 63.
------ Child care options of employed women. 1989 Dec. 52.
------ States act to improve literacy of workers. 1990 Aug. 37.
Lane, Walter F. and Robert Gillingham. Changing the treatment of shel­
ter costs for homeowners in the cpi. 1982 June 9-14.
------ , John F.Early, and Philip Storm. A half-year decline in inflation: its
antecedents and structure. 1986 Oct. 3-14.
------ , William C. Randolph, and Stephen A. Berenson. Adjusting the cpi
shelter index to compensate for effect of depreciation. 1988 Oct.
------ , William Thomas, Craig Howell, and Andrew Clem. Price changes
in 1978—an analysis. 1979 Mar. 3-12.
Lang, Linda, Graham L. Staines, and Joseph L. Pleck. Conflicts between
work and family life. 1980 Mar. 29-32.
Larson, David. Wages in the paper industries among highest in manufac­
turing. 1984 Mar. 52-54.
Lattimore, Pamela K. and Ann D. Witte. Programs to aid ex-offenders:
we don’t know ‘nothing works.’ 1985 Apr. 46-48.
LaVan, Helen and Margaret Oppenheimer. Comparing arbitration and
litigation in employment discrimination cases. 1979 May 35-36.
Lawler, Edward E. Ill and John A. Drexler, Jr. Dynamics of establishing
cooperative quality-of-worklife projects. 1978 Mar. 23-28.
Leab, Daniel J. Book review. 1976 Mar. 59-60.
Leahy, William H. Book review. 1977 Aug. 58-59.
Leavitt, Thomas D., James H. Shultz, and Leslie Kelly. Private pensions
fall far short of preretirement income levels. 1979 Feb. 28-32.

Koshiro, Kazutoshi. Lifetime employment in Japan: three models of the
concept. 1984 Aug. 34-35.
------ Robots are a big success at auto plant in Japan. 1984 Aug. 35-36.
Koziara, Karen S. Agricultural labor relations laws in four States—a
comparison. 1977 May 14-18.
------ and David A. Pierson. The lack of female union leaders: a look at
some reasons. 1981 May 30-32.
------ and Patrice J. Insley. Organizations of working women can pave the
way for unions. 1982 June 53-54.
------ Comparable worth: organizational dilemmas. 1985 Dec. 13-16.
------ , Mary I. Bradley, and David A. Pierson. Becoming a union leader:
the path to local office. 1982 Feb. 44-46.
Kramer, Robert. Book review. 1990 Sept. 38-39.
Krislov, Joseph. Book reviews. 1981 Apr. 73-74; 1982 June 67; 1983 June
50-51; 1985 Oct. 54.
------ Decertification elections increase but remain no major burden to
unions. 1979 Nov. 30-32.
------ The supply of arbitrators: prospects for the 1980’s. 1976 Oct. 27-30.
Kronemer, Alexander. Book review. 1990 July 57.
Kruse, John A. and Judith Kleinfeld. Native Americans in the labor
force: hunting for an accurate measure. 1982 July 47-51.
Kucherov, Tanya. Exploitation of children widespread, ilo reports. 1980
Nov. 43-45.
Kudat, Ayse and Mine Sabuncuoglu. The changing composition of Eu­
rope’s guestworker population. 1980 Oct. 10-17.
Kuemmerling, Robert A. and Craig Howell. The 1989 rise in prices: larg­
est increase in 8 years. 1990 May 11-20.
------ and Patricia Hanson. Inflation holds steady during the first half.
1988 Oct. 13-17.
------ , Craig Howell, and Andrew Clem. Domestic price rise during 1987
reflects swing of energy prices. 1988 June 20-26.
Kuhmerker, Peter. Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in
1976. 1976 Jan. 42-48.
Kunze, Kent. A new bls survey measures the ratio of hours worked to
hours paid. 1984 June 3-7.
------Hours at work increase relative to hours paid. 1985 June 44-46.
------ and Edwin Dean. Recent changes in the growth of U.S. multifactor
productivity. 1988 May 14-22.
------ Mary Jablonski, and Larry Rosenblum. Productivity, age, and la­
bor composition changes in the U.S. 1988 Sept. 34-38.
------ , Phyllis Flohr Otto, and Mary Jablonski. Hours at work: a new base
for bls productivity statistics. 1990 Feb. 17-24.
Kutell, Diane and Kevin J. Corcoran. Binding arbitration laws for State
and municipal workers. 1978 Oct. 36-40.
Kutscher, Ronald E. Book review. 1978 Nov. 48-50.
------ New economic projections through 1990—an overview. 1981 Aug.
------ Overview and implications of the projections to 2000. 1987 Sept.
------ Projections summary and emerging issues. 1989 Nov. 66-74.
------ Revised bls projections to 1980 and 1985: an overview. 1976 Mar.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


------ and Karen C. Alderman. The military as an employer: past per­
formance and future prospects. 1977 Nov. 19-23.
------and Richard S. Belous. The minimum wage today: how well does it
work? 1979 July 17-21.
------ and Richard S. Belous. Work-sharing initiatives at home and
abroad. 1977 Sept. 16-20.
------ and Richard S. Belous. Working wives and mothers: what happens
to family life? 1981 Sept. 26-30.
------ and Robert Taggart. Employment problems of disabled persons.
1977 Mar. 3-13.
Levy, David A. and Richard R. Nelson. State labor legislation enacted in
1977. 1977 Dec. 3-24.
Lewin, David. Book review. 1976 Mar. 57-58.
------ Implications of concession bargaining: lessons from the public sec­
tor. 1983 Mar. 33-35.
------ and Richard B. Peterson. A model for measuring effectiveness of
the grievance process. 1982 Apr. 47-49.
Licht, Walter. How the workplace has changed in 75 years. 1988 Feb.
Lichtenstein, Jules H., Sheldon E. Haber, and Enrique J. Lamas. On their
own: the self-employed and others in private business. 1987 May
Lichter, Daniel T. and Janice A. Costanzo. How do demographic changes
affect labor force participation of women? 1987 Nov. 23-25.
Linsenmayer, Tadd. ilo examines impact of technology on worker safety
and health. 1985 Aug. 46-47.
------- ilo adopts asbestos standard, focuses on employment issues. 1986
Oct. 31-32.
------ ilo adopts new standards on health services, labor data. 1985 Dec.

Lecht, Leonard A. Book reviews. 1982 Feb. 53-54, 1982 Nov. 52-54.
Ledgerwood, Donna E. and Sue Johnson-Dietz. Sexual harassment: im­
plications for employer liability. 1981 Apr. 45-47.
Leet, Bruce M. Book review. 1983 Sept. 42-43.
Leggett, John C. Book review. 1976 Apr. 59-60.
LeGrande, Linda. Merger of Retail Clerks, Meat Cutters creates union
exceeding 1.2 million. 1979 Sept. 56-57.
------ UAW elects its last Reuther-generation president. 1977 Aug. 36-37.
------ Women in labor organizations: their ranks are increasing. 1978
Aug. 8-14.
Lein, Lydia, Mary Jo Bane, Lydia O’Donnell, C. Ann Stueve, and
Barbara Wells. Child-Care arrangements of working parents. 1979
Oct. 50-56.
Leon, Carol Boyd. Book review. 1981 May 62-63.
------ Employed but not at work: a review of unpaid absences. 1981 Nov.
------ Employment and unemployment in the first half of 1979. 1979 Aug.
------ Occupational winners and losers: who they were during 1972-80.
1982 June 18-28.
------ The employment-population ratio: its value in labor force analysis.
1981 Feb. 36-45.
------ Working for Uncle Sam a look at members of the Armed Forces.
1984 July 3-9.
------ Young adults: a transitional group with changing labor force pat­
terns. 1978 May 3-9.
------ and Philip L. Rones. Employment and unemployment during 1978:
an analysis. 1979 Feb. 3-12.
------ and Philip L. Rones. Employment and unemployment during 1979:
an analysis. 1980 Feb. 3-10.
------ and Robert W. Bednarzik. A profile of women on part-time sched­
ules. 1978 Oct. 3-12.
------ , Debbie L. Sprinkle, and Richard M. Devens, Jr. Employment and
unemployment in 1984: a second year of strong growth in jobs. 1985
Feb. 3-15.
Leone, Richard. Book review. 1978 Apr. 59-60.
------ and Michael F. Eleey. The origins and operations of area labor-ma­
nagement committees. 1983 May 37-41.
LeRoy Douglas R. Scheduled wage increases and cost-of-living provi­
sions in 1981. 1981 Jan. 9-14.
------ Scheduled wage increases and cost-of-living provisions in 1982.
1982 Jan. 16-20.
------ Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in 1978. 1978
Jan. 3-8.
------ Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in 1977. 1977
Jan. 20-26.
Lettman, Amy. Disabling injuries in longshore operations. 1989 Oct.
Levin, Beth A. Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in
1979. 1979 Jan. 20-25.
Levin, Beth. The Employment Cost Index: recent trends and expansion.
1982 May 9-14.
Levine, Solomon B. Book review. 1976 Sept. 60-61.
------ and Koji Taira. Japanese industrial relations—is one economic
‘miracle’ enough? 1978 Mar. 31-33.
Levitan, Sar A. and Clifford M. Johnson. The future of work: does it be­
long to us or to the robots? 1982 Sept. 10-14.
------ and Diane Werneke. Worker participation and productivity
change. 1984 Sept. 28-33.
------ and Frank Gallo. Can employee associations negotiate new growth?
1989 July 5-14.
------ and Frank Gallo. Collective bargaining and private sector profes­
sionals. 1989 Sept. 24-33.
------ and Frank Gallo. Work and family: the impact of legislation. 1990
Mar. 34-40.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

------- ILO conference focuses on bargaining, worker safety rather than

politics. 1981 Oct. 44-46.
------ U.S. ends ilo moratorium by ratifying two conventions. 1988 June
------ U.S. rejoins ilo : the agenda for the 1980’s stresses human rights.
1980 May 50-51.
Lippert, Alice A. Trip expenditure comparisons from 1972-73 to 1980-81.
1985 July 46-48.

Lipsky, David B. and Thomas A. Barocci. Final-offer arbitration and sa­
laries of police and firefighters. 1978 July 34-36.
------ and Thomas A. Barocci. Public employees in Massachusetts and
final-offer arbitration. 1978 Apr. 34-37.
Littman, Mark S. Poverty in the 1980’s: are the poor getting poorer? 1989
June 13-18.
------ Reasons for not working: poor and nonpoor householders com­
pared. 1989 Aug. 16-21.
Litvak, Isaiah A. and Christopher J. Maule. Educational leave in Canada:
a look at individual programs. 1980 Aug. 41-43.
Litz, Diane and Linda Moore. Multifactor productivity in the tires and
inner tubes industry. 1989 June 19-27.
Livingston, Lori A. and Steven Richards. U.S. import and export prices
continued to register sizable gains in 1988. 1989 May 11-33.
Lloyd, Cynthia A. Book review. 1977 Sept. 49-50.
Lockhart, Madelyn N. Book reviews. 1976 Jan. 77-78; 1980 Jan. 59.
Loewenberg, J. Joseph. Book review. 1978 Jan. 46-47.
------ Some determinants of bargaining in Government enterprises. 1978
Apr. 32-34.
------ The 1984 postal arbitration: issues surrounding the award. 1986
June 31-32.
Lovejoy, Lora Mills. The Comparative value of pensions in the public and
private sectors. 1988 Dec. 18-26.
------ Alan P. Blostin, and Thomas P. Burke. Disability and insurance
plans in the public and private sectors. 1988 Dec. 9-17.
Lowe, Eugene Theus. Book review. 1978 May 72-73.
Lowenstern, Henry. Book reviews. 1980 Apr. 64-65; 1982 Aug. 59-60;
1983 Oct. 43-44, .

Lubin, Isador. Book review. 1976 Nov. 63-65.
Lukasiewicz, John M. and George T. Silvestri. A look at occupational
employment trends to the year 2000. 1987 Sept. 46-63.
and George T. Silvestri. Occupational employment projections: the
1984-95 outlook. 1985 Nov. 42-57.
and George T. Silvestri. Projections of occupational employment,
1988-2000. 1989 Nov. 42-65.
and John Tschetter. Employment changes in construction: secular,
cyclical, and seasonal. 1983 Mar. 11-17.
------, George T. Silvestri, and Marcus E. Einstein. Occupational employ­
ment projections through 1995. 1983 Nov. 37-40.
Lund, Robert T., Sheldon Friedman, and Dennis C. Bumstead. Inverse
seniority as an aid to disadvantaged groups. 1976 May 36-37.
Lundberg, Craig C. Book review. 1977 Sept. 53-54.
Lyle, Jerolyn R. Book review. 1977 Jan. 67-68.

Maccoby, Michael. Book review. 1986 Mar. 45-46.



and Ronald E. Kutscher. The service-producing sector: some com­
mon perceptions reviewed. 1983 Apr. 21-24.
and William H. Waldorf. Multifactor productivity: a new b l s mea­
sure. 1983 Dec. 3-15.
, John R. Norsworthy, and Ronald E. Kutscher. The productivity
slowdown and the outlook to 1985. 1977 May 3-8.
Markey, James P. The labor market problems of today’s high school
dropouts. 1988 June 36-43.
and Michael W. Horrigan. Recent gains in women’s earnings: bet­
ter pay or longer hours? 1990 July 11-17.
and William Parks II. Occupational change: pursuing a different
kind of work. 1989 Sept. 3-12.
Markin, Rom J. Book review. 1977 Mar. 82-83.
Marks, Denton. Incomplete rating in State unemployment insurance.
1984 Nov. 45-49.
Marshall, Ray. Employment policies that deal with structural unemploy­
ment. 1978 May 30-32.

------Helping labor and management set up a quality-of worklife pro­
gram. 1984 Mar. 28-32.

------ Establishing an agenda for the Department of Labor. 1988 Feb.

Maclachlan, Gretchen. Book review. 1976 Jan. 79-80.
MacLaury Judson. The job safety law of 1970: its passage was perilous.
1981 Mar. 18-24.
Macon, Janet A. and Diane M. Cotter. Deaths in industry, 1985: b l s sur­
vey findings. 1987 Apr. 45-47.

and Roy Van Cleve. Start-up training and rural industrial location.
1976 Apr. 23-25.
Marsteller, William and Robert Blanchfield. Rising export and import
prices in 1987 reversed the trend of recent years. 1988 June 3-19.
Martin, Benjamin. Industrial relations in Spain: a status report. 1979 May

Number of occupational deaths remained essentially unchanged in
1981. 1983 May 42-44.

------ New Spanish legislation marks turning point in labor relations.
1980 Aug. 27-28.
Martin, Gail. Book review. 1980 Jan. 60-61.
Martin, James E. Union-management committees in the Federal sector.
1976 Oct. 30-32.
------ , Lizabeth A. Barclay, and Lawrence L. Biasatti. Successful publicsector labor relations: managers’ attitudes may matter most. 1979
May 36-38.
Martin, John L. Book review. 1986 Oct. 38.
Martin, Linda R. and Demetrios Giannaros. Would a higher minimum
wage help poor families headed by women? 1990 Aug. 33-37.
Martin, Philip L. Book reviews. 1981 June 59-61; 1982 Jan. 56-58; 1982
May 63; 1984 Aug. 44-45; 1984 Nov. 61-62.
------Rural employment programs: the case for remedial policies. 1978
Apr. 30-32.
------ Select commission suggests changes in immigration policy—a re­
view essay. 1982 Feb. 31-37.
------ and Alan Richards. International migration of labor: boon or bane?
1980 Oct. 4-9.

------ b l s ’ 1982 survey of worker-related deaths. 1984 Mar. 43-45.
Macy, Barry A. The quality-of-worklife project at Bolivar: an assessment.
1980 July 41-43.
Maklan, David Mark. How blue-collar workers on 4-day work-weeks use
their time. 1977 Aug. 18-26.
Maldonado, Rita M. Analyzing Puerto Rican migration: reply. 1977
Aug. 34-35.
------ Why Puerto Ricans migrated to the United States in 1947-73. 1976
Sept. 7-18.
Manley, T. Roger and Charles W. McNichols. Scientists, engineers, and
unions, revisited. 1977 Nov. 32-33.
------ , Charles W. McNichols, and Michael J. Stahl. The extent of alco­
holism among Air Force employees. 1980 May 46-49.
Manser, Marilyn E. and Melissa Famulari. Employer-provided benefits:
employer cost versus employee value. 1989 Dec. 24-32.
------ and Richard J. McDonald. Research note. 1985 Jan. 60.
------, Michael Pergamit, and Wanda Bland Peterson, National Longitu­
dinal Surveys: development and uses. 1990 July 32-37.
Marclay, William and Allan Blostin. H M O 's and other health plans: cover­
age and employee premiums. 1983 June 28-33.

------ and Cris Heaton. Labor force participation differs significantly for
the rural woman. 1979 Jan. 71-73.
and David S. North. Immigration and employment: a need for
policy coordination. 1980 Oct. 47-50.
------ and Gary Johnston. Employment and wages reported by California
farmers in 1982. 1983 Sept 27-31.
Mason, Charles. New basket of goods and services being priced in revised
c p i . 1987 Jan. 3-22.
------ , Mary Schmidt, Robin Duncan, and Nathan Amble. A compara­
tive analysis of price indexes produced by national governments for
older consumers. 1989 Oct. 30.
Mattesich, James and Fred Best. Short-time compensation systems in
California and Europe. 1980 July 13-22.
Maule, Christopher J. and Isaiah A. Litvak. Educational leave in Canada:
a look at individual programs. 1980 Aug. 41-43.
Maxey, Charles. Hospital managers’ perception of the impact of union­
ization. 1980 June 36-38.
Mayer, Henry C. Book review. 1979 Nov. 64-65.
Mazor, John. How accurate are employers’ illness and injury reports?
1976 Sept. 26-31.

and Donald Bell. Trends in retirement eligibility and pension bene­
fits, 1974-83. 1987 Apr. 18-25.
Marcoot, John L. Revision of Consumer Price Index is now under way
1985 Apr. 27-38.
and Richard C. Bahr. The revised Consumer Price Index: changes
in definitions and availability. 1986 July 15-23.
Marcus, Alan J. and Aline O. Quester. Factors in the productivity of mili­
tary personnel. 1985 May 33-35.
Maret, Elizabeth G. How women’s health affects labor force attachment.
1982 Apr. 56-59.
Maret-Havens, Elizabeth and Lillian Chenoweth. Women’s labor force
participation—a look at some residential patterns. 1978 Mar. 38-41.
------ Developing an index to measure female labor force attachment.
1977 May 35-38.
Mark, Jerome A. Measuring productivity in service industries. 1982 June
Problems encountered in measuring single-factor and multifactor
productivity. 1986 Dec. 3-11.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Technological change and employment: some results from
search. 1987 Apr. 26-29.


------Shift work and flexitime: how prevalent are they? 1986 Nov. 14-21.
------Weekly earnings in 1983: a look at more than 200 occupations. 1985
Jan. 54-59.
------Weekly earnings in 1985: a look at more than 200 occupations. 1986
Sept. 28-32.
------Workers at the minimum wage or less: who they are and the jobs
they hold. 1987 July 34-38.
------Working a long week and getting premium pay. 1978 Apr. 46-48.
------Weekly earnings in 1986: a look at more than 200 occupations. 1987
June 41-46.
------and George D. Stamas. Usual weekly earnings: another look at in­
tergroup differences and basic trends. 1982 Apr. 15-24.
------ and Janice Neipert Hedges. Weekly and hourly earnings of U.S.
workers, 1967-78. 1979 Aug. 31-41.
------ and Steven E. Haugen. Estimating the number of minimum wage
workers. 1990 Jan. 70-74.
------ and Steven E. Haugen. Hourly paid workers: who they are and what
they earn. 1986 Feb. 20-26.
------ and William Parks II. A year’s work: labor force activity from a
different perspective. 1988 Sept. 13-18.
Mellow, Wesley S. Determinants of health insurance and pension cover­
age. 1982 May 30-32.
------ , Jack E. Triplett, and Joseph Antos. What is a current equivalent to
unemployment rates of the past? 1979 Mar. 36-46.
Meltz, Noah M. and Morley Gunderson. Canadian unions achieve strong
gains in membership. 1986 Apr. 48-49.
Merrick, Thomas W. Book review. 1978 Apr. 60-61.
Michelotti, Kopp. Educational attainment of workers, March 1976. 1977
Mar. 62-65.
------ Educational attainment of workers, March 1977. 1977 Dec. 53-57.
------ Multiple jobholding rate remained unchanged in 1976. 1977 June
Milkovich, George T. The male-female pay gap: need for réévaluation.
1981 Apr. 42-44.
Millen, Bruce H. Providing assistance to displaced workers. 1979 May
Miller, Floyd John. Book review. 1976 Aug. 53.
Miller, Heidi D. and Peyton K. Elder. The Fair Labor Standards Act:
changes of four decades. 1979 July 10-16.
Miller, Leslie A. Improving comprehension and recall in the Consumer
Expenditure Interview Survey. 1989 Oct. 31-32.
Miller, Michael A. Age-related reductions in workers’ life insurance.
1985 Sept. 29-34.
------ White-collar pay in goods production, March 1990. 1990 Dec.
Miller, Richard U. and Mahmood A. Zaidi. Human capital and multina­
tionals: evidence from Brazil and Mexico. 1982 June 45-47.
Mills, D. Quinn. Reforming the U.S. system of collective bargaining.
1983 Mar. 18-22.
Mills, Ted. Altering the social structure in coal mining: a case study. 1976
Oct. 3-10.
Mincy, Ronald B. Raising the minimum wage: effects on family poverty.
1990 July 18-25.
Miner, Mary Green. Job absence and turnover: a new source of data. 1977
Oct. 24-31.
Minor, Gerri. Workers’ compensation laws—key State amendments of
1978. 1979 Jan. 43-50.
------ and Amy S. Hribal. Workers’ compensation— 1975 enactments.
1976 Jan. 30-36.
------ and Amy S. Hribal. Workers’ compensation laws: major amend­
ments in 1976. 1977 Feb. 39-45.
Mire, Joseph. Incomes policy in Austria under a voluntary partnership.
1977 Aug. 13-17.
Mirkin, Barry Alan. Early retirement as a labor force policy: an interna­
tional overview. 1987 Mar. 19-33.
Mirvis, Philip H. and Edward J. Hackett. Work and work force charac­
teristics in the nonprofit sector. 1983 Apr. 3-12.

McCaffrey, David. Work-related amputations by type and prevalence.
1981 Mar. 35-41.
------ and Norman Root. Providing more information on work injury and
illness. 1978 Apr. 16-21.
-----and Norman Root. Targeting worker safety programs: weighing in­
cidence against expense. 1980 Jan. 3-8.
McCall, Jim, Victor G. Stotland, Gregory O’Connell. New computer sys­
tem improves display of statistical tables. 1978 Mar. 45-47.
McCollum, James K. Book reviews. 1978 Sept. 66-67; 1981 Aug. 63-64;
1982 Apr. 65-66; 1985 June 53-54; 1986 Jan. 71.
McCracken, John T. The International system of labor statistics. 1989
Oct. 33.
McCraw, M. Louise. Budgets for retired couples rose moderately in 1976.
1977 Oct. 53-56.
------ Family budget costs continued to climb in 1976. 1977 July 35-39.
------ Medical care costs lead rise in 1976-77 family budgets. 1978 Nov.
------ Retired couple’s budget updated to autumn 1975. 1976 Oct. 36-37.
McCullough. George B. Transnational bargaining—problems and pros­
pects. 1978 Mar. 33-34.
McDermott, Dave. Book review. 1989 May 62.
McDonald, Helen and William M. Eisenberg. Evaluating workplace inju­
ry and illness records; testing a procedure. 1988 Apr. 58-60.
McDonald, Richard J. The “underground economy” and bls statistical
data. 1984 Jan. 4-18.
------ and Marilyn E. Manser. Research note. 1985 Jan. 60.
McEaddy, Beverly Johnson. Women who head families: a socioeconomic
analysis. 1976 June 3-9.
McElroy, Michael and Amy Walz. Occupational employment based on
1972 and 1987 sic. 1990 May 49-51.
McEnearney, Mark and Edward E. Murphy. Import price indexes for
crude petroleum. 1982 Nov. 29-32.
McFarland, Dalton E. Book review. 1978 July 48.
McGee, William S. and Joseph H. Wex. Unionization of court employees
has raised legal, practical issues. 1979 Aug. 20-24.
McKay, Roberta V. Americans of Spanish origin in the labor force: an
update. 1976 Sept. 3-6.
McKee, William L. Book review. 1982 July 58-59.
McKersie, Robert B., Harry C. Katz, and Thomas A. Kochan. U.S. in­
dustrial relations in transition. 1985 May 28-29.
McLennan, Kenneth. Book review. 1987 Feb. 42.
McMahon, Patrick J. An international comparison of labor force partici­
pation, 1977-84. 1986 May 3-12.
------ and John H. Tschetter. The declining middle class: a further analy­
sis. 1986 Sept. 22-27.
McNichols, Charles W. and T. Roger Manley. Scientists, engineers, and
unions, revisited. 1977 Nov. 32-33.
------ , T. Roger Manley, and Michael J. Stahl. The extent of alcoholism
among Air Force employees. 1980 May 46-49.
McPherson, Donald S. and Martin J. Morand. Unionism’s effect on facul­
ty pay: handicapping the available data. 1980 June 34-36.
Meily, Sue A. and Chester H. Ponikowski. Controlling response error in
an establishment survey. 1989 Oct. 30-31.
Meisenheimer, Joseph R. II. Black college graduates in the labor market,
1979 and 1989. 1990 Nov. 13-21.
------ Employee absences in 1989: a new look at data from the cps. 1990
Aug. 28-33.
------ Employer provisions for parental leave. 1989 Oct. 20-24.
------ and William J. Wiatrowski. Flexible benefits plans: employees who
have a choice. 1989 Dec. 17-23.
Meissner, Martin. Book review. 1977 Apr. 86-87.
Meister, Shelley and Thomas A. Sherman. Import, export prices reflect
declining dollar and oversupply in 1985. 1986 Apr. 3-16.
Mellor, Earl F. Investigating the differences in weekly earnings of women
and men. 1984 June 17-28.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Misner, Julie. Political issues dominate ilo conference; worker standards
adopted. 1982 Oct. 35-38.
Mitchell, Daniel J.B.
1990 Feb. 46-51.


compensation programs: what will users need7

------ Book review. 1976 Aug. 52-53.
Do the 1982 concessions by unions mark a turning point in bargain­
ing? 1983 Mar. 31-32.
------ Does the cpi exaggerate or understate inflation? 1980 May 31-33.
------ Gaps in monitoring wages and industrial relations. 1985 June

------ Book reviews. 1976 Nov. 61-62; 1977 May 63-64; 1978 July 46-47.
Morton, John D. bls prepares to broaden scope of its white-collar pay
survey. 1987 Mar. 3-7.
------- bls white-collar pay survey now covers small firms. 1986 Oct.

------ Labor content of imports and exports. 1977. Mar. 48-49.
and Sanford M. Jacoby. Are long-duration contracts insurance
against strikes? 1983 Apr. 28-29.

and Thomas P. Burke. How firm size and industry affect employee
benefits. 1990 Dec. 35-43.
Mosimann, Thomas J., Craig Howell, and Andrew Clem. Price highlights
of 1988: rising pressures on consumer prices. 1989 May 3-10.
, John F. Early, and Mary Lynn Schmidt. Inflation and the business
cycle during the postwar period. 1984 Nov. 3-7.
Moss, Philip I. Employment gains by minorities and women in large city
government. 1976-83. 1988 Nov. 18-24.
Mott, Frank L. and David Shapiro. Effects of selected variables on work
hours of young women. 1983 July 31-34.
Moulton, Brent and Raymond Gieseman. Income elasticities of expendi­
tures for food. 1988 Aug. 40-41.
Mounts, Gregory J. Labor and the Supreme Court: significant decisions
of 1976-77, 1978 Jan. 12-17; Decisions of 1977-78, 1979 Jan. 51-57;
Decisions of 1978-79, 1980 Jan. 14-21; Decisions of 1979-80, 1981
Apr. 13-22.
Moy, Joyanna. An analysis of unemployment and other labor market in­
dicators in 10 countries. 1988 Apr. 39-50.
------ Recent labor market developments in the U.S. and nine other coun­
tries. 1984 Jan. 44-51.
------ Recent labor market trends in nine industrial nations. 1979 May

and Sanford M. Jacoby. Labor-market data: supplementary
sources. 1986 June 28-29.
Mitchell, Olivia S. Labor force activity of married women as a response to
changing jobless rates. 1980 June 32-33.
------ The relation of age to workplace injuries. 1988 July 8-13.
------ and Gary S. Fields. Estimating the effects of changing Social Securi­
ty benefit formulas. 1985 July 44-45.
Moehrle, Thomas. Expenditure patterns of the elderly: workers and non­
workers. 1990 May 34-41.
Moeller, Dereck J. Users find industrial price data satisfactory but urge
some changes. 1977 Dec. 58-59.
Moffitt, Robert A. The negative income tax: would it discourage work7
1981 Apr. 23-27.
Monson, Paul. West, small cities led increase in consumer prices during
1975. 1976 July 35-37.
and Toshiko Nakayama. Food prices helped ease inflation during
the third quarter of 1976. 1976 Dec. 40-45.
------and Toshiko Nakayama. Price changes in 1975—an analysis. 1976
Feb. 21-30.
and Toshiko Nakayama. Rate of inflation eases in first quarter.
1976 June 31-36.

------ Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries.
1985 Aug. 9-22.

and Toshiko Nakayama. Turnaround in food, energy fueled sec­
ond-quarter retail price rise. 1976 Sept. 36-40.

Unemployment and labor force trends in 10 industrial nations: an
update. 1982 Nov. 17-21.

, Toshiko Nakayama, and Craig Howell. Double-digit inflation re­
turns in second quarter. 1978 Sept. 38-42.

and Constance Sorrentino. An analysis of unemployment in nine
industrial countries. 1977 Apr. 12-24.
------ and Constance Sorrentnio. Unemployment, labor force trends, and
layoff practices in 10 countries. 1981 Dec. 3-13.
Moye, William T. bls and Alice Hamilton: pioneers in industrial health.
1986 June 24-27.
------ Book reviews. 1982 Jan. 54-55; 1983 Mar. 48.
------ The end of the 12-hour day in the steel industry. 1977 Sept. 21-26.
------ and Joseph P. Goldberg. The afl and a national bls: labor’s role is
crystallized. 1982 Mar. 21-29.
Mueller, Charles F. Migration of the unemployed: a relocation assistance
program. 1981 Apr. 62-64.
Mueller, Oscar and Muriel Cole. (Special Flexitime Reports) Concept
wins converts at Federal agency. 1977 Feb. 71-74.
Mullen, Mary Ann. Key officer of crew police union loses to coalition in
close vote. 1981 Oct. 42-43.
Mullins, Anne Finbarr and Jerome T. Barrett. South African trade
unions, 1970-90. 1990 Oct. 25-31.
Mumford, John and Willis J. Nordlund. Estimating employment poten­
tial in U.S. energy industries. 1978 May 10-13.
Murphey, Janice D. Wage developments during 1977. 1978 Apr. 3-6.
------ Wage gains in 1975: a summary analysis. 1976 Apr. 3-6.
------ Wage gains smaller during 1976. 1977 Apr. 3-6.
Murphy, Edward E. and Mark McEnearney. Import price indexes for
crude petroleum. 1982 Nov. 29-32.
Musser, Wesley N. Economic and political issues in population redistri­
bution. 1976 Apr. 25-27.

, Toshiko Nakayama, and Craig Howell. Food prices lead accelera­
tion of inflation in first quarter. 1978 June 38-43.
, William Thomas, and Craig Howell. Anatomy of price change—
the sharp first-quarter rise. 1977 June 3-8.
------ , William Thomas, Toshiko Nakayama, and Craig Howell. Price
changes in 1976—an analysis. 1977 Feb. 14-24.
------, William Thomas, Toshiko Nakayama, and Craig Howell. Price
changes in 1977—an analysis. 1978 Feb. 3-11.
Montgomery, David. American labor, 1865-1902: the early industrial
era. 1976 July 10-17.
Mooney, Thomas J. and John H. Tschetter. Revised industry projections
to 1985. 1976 Nov. 3-9.
Moore, Geoffrey H. A new leading index of employment and unemploy­
ment. 1981 June 44-47.
Using a leading employment index to forecast unemployment in
1983. 1983 May 30-32.
and John P. Cullity. A new leading indicator: workers recently laid
off. 1986 May 35-37.
------ and Phillip Cagan. Some proposals to improve the Consumer Price
Index. 1981 Sept. 20-25.
Moore, Linda and Diane Litz. Multifactor productivity in the tires and
inner tubes industry. 1989 June 19-27.
Moore, William J. and John Raisian. Public-sector union wage effects: a
time series analysis. 1982 June 51-54.
Morand, Martin J. and Donald S. McPherson. Unionism’s effect on facul­
ty pay: handicapping the available data. 1980 June 34-36.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Morlan, Terry H. and Charles T. Bowman. Revised projections of the
U.S. economy to 1980 and 1985. 1976 Mar. 9-21.
Morris, Richard B. A Bicentennial look at the early days of American
Labor. 1976 May 20-28.
Morrison, Malcolm H. The aging of the U.S. population: human resource
implications. 1983 May 13-19.
Morton, Herbert C. A look at factors affecting the quality of working life.
Oct. 64-65.


Muth, Richard F. Book review. 1977 Sept. 50.

1987. 1988 Jan. 38-61; enacted in 1988. 1989 Jan. 40-58; enacted in
1989. 1990 Jan. 35-56.
Nemirow, Martin. Work-sharing approaches: past and present. 1984
Sept. 34-39.
Neufeld, Maurice F. Lifetime jobs and wage security: vintage wine in new
containers? 1977 Sept. 27-28.
Newman, Morris J. A profile of Hispanics in the U.S. work force. 1978
Dec. 3-14.
------ Seasonal variations in employment and unemployment during
1951-75. 1980 Jan. 48-52.
------The labor market experience of black youth, 1954-78. 1979 Oct.
Newman, Winn. Pay equity emerges as a top labor issue in the 1980’s.
1982 Apr. 49-51.
Nicholson, Walter, Stuart Kerachsky, Edward Cavin, and Alan Hershey.
Work sharing programs: an evaluation of their use. 1986 May 31-33.
Niehaus, Richard J., Donald M. Atwater, and James A. Sheridan. Labor
pool for antibias program varies by occupation and job market. 1981
Sept. 43-45.
Niemi, Beth. Book reviews. 1976 Oct. 55-56; 1981 Jan. 63-64.
Niland, John. How do Australian unions maintain standing during ad­
verse periods? 1986 June 37-39.
Nilsen, Diane M. Employment in durable goods anything but durable in
1979-82. 1984 Feb. 15-24.
Nilsen, Sigurd R. How occupational mix inflates regional pay differen­
tials. 1978 Feb. 45-49.
------ Recessionary impacts on the unemployment of men and women.
1984 May 21-25.
Nollen, Stanley D. Paid educational leave: who reaps the benefits? 1978
May 40-41.
Nordlund, Willis J. and John Mumford. Estimating employment poten­
tial in U.S. energy industries. 1978 May 10-13.
Norsworthy, J. Randolph and Lawrence J. Fulco. New sector definitions
for productivity series. 1976 Oct. 40-42.
------and Lawrence J. Fulco. Productivity and costs in the third quarter,
1975. 1976 Feb. 36-40.
------ and Lawrence J. Fulco. Productivity and costs in the private econo­
my, 1975. 1976 May 3-11.
------ and Lawrence J. Fulco. Productivity and costs, first quarter 1976.
1976 July 31-34.
------ and Lawrence J. Fulco. Productivity and costs, second quarter,
1976. 1976 Oct. 23-26.
------ and Lawrence J. Fulco. Productivity and costs, third quarter, 1976.
1977 Feb. 75-79.
------ and Lawrence J. Fulco. Productivity and costs, fourth quarter,
1976. 1977 Apr. 68-71.
------ and Lawrence J. Fulco. Productivity and costs in the private econo­
my, 1976. 1977 Sept. 3-8.
------ and Lawrence J. Fulco. Productivity and costs, first quarter, 1977.
1977 Aug. 38-40.
------ and Lawrence J. Fulco. Productivity and costs, second quarter,
1977. 1977 Nov. 34-38.
------ and Lawrence J. Fulco. Productivity and costs, third quarter, 1977.
1978 Mar. 42-44.
------and Lawrence J. Fulco. Productivity and costs during recession and
recovery. 1978 July 31-34.
------ and Lawrence J. Fulco. Productivity and costs, first quarter, 1978.
1978 Sept. 46-49.
------ and Lawrence J. Fulco. Productivity and costs, second quarter,
1978. 1978 Dec. 61-64.
------ , Ronald E. Kutscher, Jerome A. Mark. The productivity slowdown
and the outlook of 1985. 1977 May 3-8.
North, David S. Labor market rights of foreign-born workers. 1982 May
------Nonimmigrant workers: visiting labor force participants. 1980 Oct.
------ and Philip L. Martin. Immigration and employment: a need for
policy coordination. 1980 Oct. 47-50.

Nagging, Sunder. Unemployment experience in Canada: a 5-year longitu­
dinal analysis. 1983 Apr. 36-38.
Nakayama, Toshiko and Craig Howell. Inflation rate high in second
quarter, but prices of raw materials declined. 1977 Sept. 29-33.
------ and Craig Howell. Inflation slowed markedly during the third quar­
ter. 1977 Dec. 49-52.
------ and Craig Howell. Slowdown in food prices curbs inflation in third
quarter. 1978 Dec. 56-60.
------ and Paul Monson. Food prices helped ease inflation during the
third quarter of 1976. 1976 Dec. 40-45.
------ and Paul Monson. Price changes in 1975—an analysis. 1976 Feb.
------ and Paul Monson. Rate of inflation eases in first quarter. 1976 June
------ and Paul Monson. Turnaround in food, energy fueled second quar­
ter retail price rise. 1976 Sept. 36-40.
------ , Craig Howell, and Paul Monson. Double-digit inflation returns in
second quarter. 1978 Sept. 38-42.
------, Craig Howell, and Paul Monson. Food prices lead acceleration of
inflation in first quarter. 1978 June 38-43.
------ , Craig Howell, Paul Monson, and William Thomas. Price changes
in 1977—an analysis. 1978 Feb. 3-11.
------ , Craig Howell, Paul Monson, and William Thomas. Price changes
in 1976—an analysis. 1977 Feb. 14-24.
Nardone, Thomas J. Book reviews. 1987 Aug. 58; 1990 Mar. 67-68.
------ Decline in youth population does not lead to lower jobless rates.
1987 June 37-41.
------ Finance, insurance, and real estate: employment growth during
1982-87. 1988 July 24-26.
------ Part-time workers: who are they? 1986 Feb. 13-19.
------ and Anne E. Polivka. On the definition o f‘contingent work.’ 1989
Dec. 9-16.
Nash, Charles E. Book reviews. 1979 Sept. 64-65; 1984 May 57.
Nathan, Felicia. Analyzing employers’ costs for wages, salaries, and
benefits. 1987 Oct. 3-11.
Neale, Michael S. and Richard A. Winett. Results of experimental study
on flexitime and family life. 1980 Nov. 29-32.
Neef, Arthur. International trends in productivity and unit labor costs in
manufacturing. 1986 Dec. 12-17.
------ Labor productivity in manufacturing at home and abroad, 1980-86.
1987 Dec. 25-30.
------ and Barbara Boner. Productivity and unit labor costs in 12 indus­
trial countries. 1977 July 11-18.
------ and Keith Daly. Productivity and unit labor costs in 11 industrial
countries, 1977. 1978 Nov. 11-17.
—— and James Thomas. International comparisons of labor productiv­
ity in manufacturing. 1988 Dec. 27-33.
------and Patricia A. Capdevielle. International comparisons of produc­
tivity and labor costs abroad. 1980 Dec. 32-39.
Nelson, Daniel. Unions’ struggle to survive goes beyond modern technol­
ogy. 1987 Aug. 41-45.
Nelson, David M. The use of worklife tables in estimates of lost earning
capacity. 1983 Apr. 30-31.
Nelson, Julie A. Individual consumption within the household: a study of
expenditures on clothing. 1988 Aug. 42.
Nelson, Richard R. and David A. Levy. State labor legislation enacted in
1977. 1977 Dec. 3-24.
------ State labor law activity in 1977—an update. 1978 May 50-53.
------ State labor legislation enacted in 1978. 1979 Jan. 26-42; enacted in
1979. 1980 Jan.23-39; enacted in 1980. 1981 Jan. 21-34; enacted in
1981. 1982 Jan. 29-42; enacted in 1982. 1983 Jan. 44-56; enacted in
1983. 1984 Jan. 59-75; enacted in 1984. 1985 Jan. 27-43; enacted in
1985. 1986 Jan. 34-54; enacted in 1986. 1987 Jan. 49-66; enacted in
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Norwood, Janet L. Centennial. 1984 Jan. 2-4.

------ Why wages should not be blamed for the inflation problem. 1982
Apr. 44-45.
Otto, Phyllis Flohr. Productivity growth below average in fabricated
structural metals. 1980 June 27-31.
------The pattern of productivity in the lighting fixtures industry. 1978
Sept. 31-37.
------ Transformer industry productivity slows. 1981 Nov. 35-39.
------ and Arthur S. Herman. Productivity growth in the switchgear in­
dustry slows after 1973. 1984 Mar. 33-36.
------ and John L. Carey. Output per unit of labor input in the retail food
store industry. 1977 Jan. 42-47.
------ , Mary Joblonski, and Kent Kunze. Hours at work: a new base for
bls productivity statistics. 1990 Feb. 17-24.
Owen, John D. Why part-time workers tend to be in low-wage jobs. 1978
June 11-14.
------ Work-time reduction in the U.S. and Western Europe. 1988 Dec.
------ Workweeks and leisure: an analysis of trends, 1948-75. 1976 Aug.

------Labor market contrasts: United States and Europe. 1983 Aug. 3-7.
------ Measuring the cost and incidence of employee benefits. 1988 Aug.
------ New approaches to statistics on the family. 1977 July 31-34.
------ One hundred years of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1985 July 3-6.
------ Perspectives on comparable worth: an introduction to the numbers.
1985 Dec. 3-4.
------ Reshaping a statistical program to meet legislative priorities. 1977
Nov. 6-11.
------ Two Consumer Price Index issues: weighting and homeownership.
1981 Mar. 58-59.
------ and Deborah P. Klein. Developing statistics to meet society’s needs.
1989 Oct. 14-19.
Nyoike, Kimani wa. Aid to developing countries: a Third World trade
unionist view. 1977 Mar. 38-39.

O’Connell, Gregory, Jim McCall, and Victor G. Stotland. New computer
system improves display of statistical tables. 1978 Mar. 45-47.

Padilla, Arthur. The unemployment insurance system: its financial struc­
ture. 1981 Dec. 32-37.
Pak, Chong M. Book review. 1976 Sept. 61-62.
Palmisano, Mark. Respondent understanding of key labor force concepts
used in the cps. 1989 Oct. 31.
Parks, William, II and Earl F. Mellor. A year’s work: labor force activity
from a different perspective. 1988 Sept. 13-18.
------ and James P. Markey. Occupational change: pursuing a different
kind of work. 1989 Sept. 3-12.
------ and Steven E. Haugen. Job growth moderated in 1989 while unem­
ployment held steady. 1990 Feb. 3-16.
------ and Wayne J. Howe. Labor market completes sixth year of expan­
sion in 1988. 1989 Feb. 3-14.
Pames, Herbert S. Book review. 1976 Dec. 60.
------ Inflation and early retirement: recent longitudinal findings. 1981
July 27-30.
Passel, Jeffrey S. Estimating the number of undocumented aliens. 1986
Sept. 33.
Passero, William D. Goods vs. services: from the perspective of consumer
spending. 1988 Aug. 42-43.
Paster, Irving. Book review. 1980 Aug. 53-54.
Patten, Thomas H., Jr. Book reviews. 1976 Feb. 59-60; Mar. 58-59; 1977
June 67-68; 1977 Oct. 78-79.
Paulin, Geoffrey. Consumer expenditures on travel, 1980-87. 1990 June
Pavlov, Yosef. Book review. 1976 Aug. 55-56.
Peitzmeier, Flora K. and Arthur L. Hughes. Weighting and imputation
methods for nonresponse in cps gross flows estimation. 1989 Oct. 32.
Pergamit, Michael, Wanda Bland Peterson and Marilyn Manser. Nation­
al Longitudinal Surveys: development and uses. 1990 July 32-37.
Perlis, Leo. Book reviews. 1977 Jan. 68-69; 1978 Apr. 61.
Perry, Charles R. Vinyl chloride protection: less costly than predicted.
1980 Aug. 22-24.
Perry, Herbert A. U.S. longshoremen evaluate work conditions in Rotter­
dam. 1976 Aug. 39-40.
Persigehl, Elmer S. and James D. York. Productivity trends in the ball
and roller bearing industry. 1981 Jan. 40-43.
------ and James D. York. Substantial productivity gains in the fluid milk
industry. 1979 July 22-27.
------ and John G. Olsen. Productivity in the metal doors, sash, and trim
industry. 1986 Mar. 27-31.
Personick, Martin E. Heat bums sustained in the workplace. 1990 July
------ Nursing home aides experience increase in serious injuries. 1990
Feb. 30-37.

O’Connor, Pamela and Graham L. Staines. Conflicts among work, lei­
sure, and family roles. 1980 Aug. 35-39.
O’Conor, Karen and William Wong. Measuring the precision of the Em­
ployment Cost Index. 1989 Mar. 29-36.
O’Donnell, Lydia, Mary Jo Bane, Laura Lein, C. Ann Stueve, and Bar­
bara Wells. Child-care arrangements of working parents. 1979 Oct.
O’Neil, Barbara A. The mining machinery industry: labor productivity
trends, 1972-84. 1987 June 31-36.
O’Neill, Dave M. Comparing rates and proportions: they can be mislead­
ing. 1984 June 45-46.
O’Reilly, Charles A. Ill, John C. Anderson, and Gloria Busman. What
factors influence the outcome of decertification elections? 1979 Nov.
Oaxaca, Ronald L. and Ronald G. Ehrenberg. Do benefits cause unem­
ployed to hold out for jobs? 1976 Mar. 37-39.
Ochlis, Adam and Kim Arbogast. Import and export price gains ease in
1989. 1990 June 3-25.
Oliver, Richard P. and David K. Henry. The defense buildup, 1977-85:
effects on production and employment. 1987 Aug. 3-11.
Olsen, John G. Decline noted in hours required to erect Federal office
buildings. 1976 Oct. 18-22.
------ Labor and material requirements for Federal building construction.
1981 Dec. 47-51.
------ Labor and material requirements for new school construction. 1979
Apr. 38-41.
------ and Elmer S. Persigehl. Productivity in the metal doors, sash, and
trim industry. 1986 Mar. 27-31.
------ and Richard B. Carnes. Productivity shows a decline in automotive
repair shops. 1988 Mar. 22-26.
Olson, Craig A. Does ‘final offer’ allow the bargaining that conventional
arbitration chills? 1979 May 38-39.
Ondeck, Carol M. Discouraged workers’ link to jobless rate reaffirmed.
1978 Oct. 40-42.
Oppenheimer Margaret and Helen LaVan. Comparing arbitration and
litigation in employment discrimination cases. 1979 May 35-36.
Orr, Ann C. and James A. Orr. Job cuts are only one means firms use to
counter imports. 1984 June 39-41.
Orr, James A. and Ann C. Orr. Job cuts are only one means firms use to
counter imports. 1984 June 39-41.
------ and C. Michael Aho. Trade sensitive employment: who are the af­
fected workers? 1981 Feb. 29-35.
Oswald, Rudolph A. Microeconomic research ignored by government
and industry. 1981 May 32-34.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


------ Profiles in safety and health: roofing and sheet metal work. 1990
Sept. 27-32.

Podgursky, Michael. Sources of secular increases in the unemployment
rate. 1969-82. 1984 July 19-25.
------and Paul Swaim. Do more-educated workers fare better following
job displacement? 1989 Aug. 43-46.
------and Paul Swaim. Health insurance loss: the case of the displaced
worker. 1987 Apr. 30-33.
Polhemus, Craig E. Significant labor decisions—an analysis. 1977 Jan.
Polivka, Anne E. and Thomas Nardone. On the definition o f‘contingent
work.’ 1989 Dec. 9-16.
Ponikowski, Chester H. and Sue A. Meily. Controlling response error in
an establishment survey. 1989 Oct. 30.
Porter, Felice. Occupational pay relationships and employment in textile
mills. 1977 June 51-53.
------ Record white-collar pay increase closes decade but trails inflation.
1980 Nov. 33-35.
------ and Richard L. Keller. Public and private pay levels: a comparison
in large labor markets. 1981 July 22-26.
Pospolita, George R. Book Review. 1980 Dec. 73.
Poterba, James M. and Lawrence H. Summers. Response variation in the
cps : caveats for the unemployment analyst. 1984 Mar. 37-43.
Powers, Susan G. The role of capital discards in multifactor productivity
measurement. 1988 June 27-35.
Preiser, Carl. Skill level differences in white-collar pay. 1983 Dec. 49-52.
Prier, Robert J. Labor and material requirements for federally aided high­
ways. 1979 Dec. 29-34.
------ Labor requirements decline for public housing construction. 1980
Dec. 40-44.
Prieser, Carl. Occupational salary levels for white-collar workers, 1984
Oct. 43-45.
------ Occupational salary levels for white-collar workers. 1984. 1985
Oct. 44-46.
Priest, W. Curtiss, Nicholas A. Ashford, Richard L. Frenkel. Occupa­
tional safety and health: a report on worker perceptions. 1980 Sept.
Prosten, Richard. The rise in nlrb election delays: measuring business’
new resistance. 1979 Feb. 38-40.
Pryor, Frederic L. Incentives in manufacturing: the carrot and the stick.
1984 July 40-43.
Pursell, Donald E. and William D. Torrence. Age and the job-hunting
methods of the unemployed. 1979 Jan. 68-69.

------ White-collar pay determination under range-of-rate systems. 1984
Dec. 25-30.
------ and Carl B. Barsky. Measuring wage dispersion: pay ranges reflect
industry traits. 1981 Apr. 35-41.
------ and Carl B. Barsky. White-collar pay levels linked to corporate
work force size. 1982 May 23-28.
------ and Elyce A. Biddle. Job hazards underscored in woodworking
study. 1989 Sept. 18-23.
------ and Judy Daley. Profiles in safety and health: work hazards of mo­
bile homes. 1989 July 15-20.
------ and Katherine Taylor-Shirley. Profiles in safety and health: occu­
pational hazards of meatpacking. 1989 Jan. 3-9.
Personick, Valerie A. A second look at industry output and employment
trends through 1995. 1985 Nov. 26-41.
------ Industry output and employment: a slower trend for the nineties.
1989 Nov. 25-41.
------ Industry output and employment projections through the end of the
century. 1987 Sept. 30-45.
------ Industry output and employment:
Apr. 3-14.


projections to 1990. 1979

------ The job outlook through 1995: industry output and employment
projections. 1983 Nov. 24-36.
------ The outlook for industry output and employment through 1990.
1981 Aug. 28-41.
------ and Robert A. Sylvester. Evaluation of bls 1970 economic and em­
ployment projections. 1976 Aug. 13-26.
------ and Ronald E. Kutscher. Deindustrialization and the shift to ser­
vices. 1986 June 3-13.
Pessen, Edward. Labor from the Revolution to the Civil War. 1976 June
Pestillo, Peter J. Can unions meet the needs of a ‘new’ work force? 1979
Feb. 33-34.
Peterson, James L. Work and life cycles: agenda for longitudinal re­
search. 1979 Feb. 23-27.
Peterson, Kent A. Allocating Federal funds through local unemployment
rates. 1977 Oct. 45-46.
Peterson, Richard B. and David Lewin. A model for measuring effective­
ness of the grievance process. 1982 Apr. 47-49.
Peterson, Wanda Bland, Marilyn Manser, and Michael Pergamit. Na­
tional Longitudinal Surveys: development and uses. 1990 July 32-37.
Pierson, David A. and Karen S. Koziara. The lack of female union lead­
ers: a look at some reasons. 1981 May 30-32.
------ , Karen S. Koziara, and Mary I. Bradley. Becoming a union leader:
the path to local office. 1982 Feb. 44-46.
Piore, Michael J. Labor market segmentation theory: critics should let
paradigm evolve. 1983 Apr. 26-28.
Pitzalis, Elaine and James E Farnell. How welfare recipients find jobs: a
case study in New Jersey. 1978 Feb. 43-45.
Pleck, Joseph A., Graham L. Staines, Linda Lang. Conflicts between
work and family life. 1980 Mar. 29-32.
Plewes, Thomas J. Book review. 1990 Jan. 76.
------ Bureau seeks better measures of service employment. 1982 Nov.

Quackenbush, James H. Highlights of the 1979 ilo Conference. 1979 Oct.
Quester, Aline O. and Alan J. Marcus. Factors in the productivity of mili­
tary personnel. 1985 May 33-35.
Quinn, Robert P. and Graham L. Staines. American workers evaluate the
quality of their jobs. 1979 Jan. 3-12.

Rabil, Floyd A. Average retail food prices: a brief history of methods.
1984 Nov. 52-53.
Raines, John C. Book review. 1976 Aug. 55.
Raisian, John. Book review. 1983 Oct. 42-43.
------ and William J. Moore. Public-sector union wage effects: a time se­
ries analysis. 1982 June 51-54.
Ramphal, Shridath S. Economic relations between developed and devel­
oping countries. 1977 Mar. 37-38.
Randolph, William C., Stephen A. Berenson, and Walter F. Lane. Ad­
justing the cpi shelter index to compensate for effect of depreciation.
1988 Oct. 34-37.
Raskin, A.H. Cyrus S. Ching: pioneer in industrial peacemaking. 1989
Aug. 22-35.
------ Management’s hard line: ‘class war’ or labor’s chance to reform?
1979 Feb. 34-36.

------ Labor force data in the next century. 1990 Apr. 3-8.
------ Pointing the way: data analysis and decisionmaking. 1989 Oct. 29.
Plotnick, Robert D. How much poverty is reduced by State income trans­
fers? 1989 July 21-26.
------ and Sheldon Danziger. Demographic change, government trans­
fers, and income distribution. 1977 Apr. 7-11.
Plunkert, Lois M. 1980’s: a decade ofjob growth and industry shifts. 1990
Sept. 3-16.
------ bls tests feasibility of a new job openings survey. 1981 Dec. 52-53.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Ray, Robert N. Dispersion tendencies in occupational unemployment
rates. 1976 Apr. 38-41.

------ The labor market problems of older workers. 1983 May 3-12.
------ The retirement decision: a question of opportunity? 1980 Nov.
------ Using the cps to track retirement trends among older men. 1985
Feb. 46-49.
------ and Carol Boyd Leon. Employment and unemployment during
1979: an analysis. 1980 Feb. 3-10.
------ and Carol Boyd Leon. Employment and unemployment during
1978: an analysis. 1979 Feb. 3-12.
------ and Diane E. Herz. Institutional barriers to employment of older
workers. 1989 Apr. 14-21.
------ and Bruce W. Klein. A profile of the working poor. 1989 Oct. 3-13.
Roomkin, Myron and Hervey A. Juris. The changing character of union­
ism in traditionally organized sectors. 1979 Feb. 36-38.
------and Richard N. Block. Determinants of voter participation in union
certification elections. 1982 Apr. 45-46.
------ and Richard N. Block. Regulatory system encourages employers to
take the offensive. 1983 Apr. 25-26.
Root, Lawrence S. Britain’s redundancy payments for displaced workers.
1987 June 18-23.
Root, Norman. Injuries at work are fewer among older employees. 1981
Mar. 30-34.
------ and David McCaffrey. Providing more information on work injury
and illness. 1978 Apr. 16-21.
------ and David McCaffrey. Targeting worker safety programs: weighing
incidence against expense.
------ and Deborah Sebastian, bls develops measure ofjob risk by occupa­
tion. 1981 Oct. 26-30.
------ and Judy R. Daley. Are women safer workers? a new look at the
data. 1980 Sept. 3-10.
------ and Michael Hoefer. The first work-injury data available from new
bls study. 1979 Jan. 76-80.
Rosbrow, James M. Unemployment insurance system marks its 50th an­
niversary. 1985 Sept. 21-28.
Rose, Joseph B. Canadian efforts to stabilize collective bargaining in con­
struction. 1977 Apr. 76-78.
Rosen, Benson. Management perceptions of older employees. 1978 May
Rosen, Corey and Katherine Klein. Job-creating performance of em­
ployee-owned firms. 1983 Aug. 15-19.
Rosen, Richard J. Indentifying States and areas prone to high and low
employment. 1980 Mar. 20-24.
------ Regional variations in employment and unemployment during
1970-82. 1984 Feb. 38-45.
Rosenblum, Larry, Kent Kunze, and Mary Jablonski. Productivity, age,
and labor composition changes in the U.S. 1988 Sept. 34-38.
Rosenblum, Marc. Book reviews. 1976 June 65-67; 1976 Dec. 59-60; 1982
Sept. 47-49.
Rosenfeld, Carl. Job search of the unemployed, May 1976. 1977 Nov.
------ Multiple jobholding holds steady in 1978. 1979 Feb. 59-61.
------ Occupational mobility during 1977. 1979 Dec. 44-48.
------ The extent of job search by employed workers. 1977 Mar. 58-62.
------ and Scott Campbell Brown. The labor force status of older workers.
1979 Nov. 12-18.
Rosenthal, Neal H. More than wages at issue in job quality debate. 1989
Dec. 4-8.
------ Shortages of machinists: an evaluation of the information. 1982 July
------ The shrinking middle class: myth or reality? 1985 Mar. 3-10.
Rosenzweig, Roy. American labor history: a conspiracy of silence? 1987
Aug. 51-53.
Ross, Jerome H. Federal mediation in the public sector. 1976 Feb. 41-45.
Ruben, George. A review of collective bargaining in 1987. 1988 Jan.

Rebhan, Herman. Building a counterforce to multinational corporations.
1977 Mar. 46-47.
Rees, Albert. Improving the concepts and techniques of productivity
measurement. 1979 Sept. 23-27.
Reubens, Beatrice G. Unemployment insurance in the United States and
Europe, 1973-83. 1989 Apr. 22-31.
Reut, Katrina, John Dryden, and Barbara Slater. Purchasing power par­
ity between the U.S. and Canada. 1987 Dec. 7-24.
Reynolds, Joy K. Steelworkers press organizing and coordinated bargain­
ing. 1986 Nov. 48-49.
Richards, Alan and Philip L. Martin. International migration of labor:
boon or bane? 1980 Oct. 4-9.
Richards, Steven and Lori A. Livingston. U.S. import and export prices
continued to register sizable gains in 1988. 1989 May 11-33.
Riche, Martha Farnsworth. Book reviews. 1976 Jan. 80-81; 1977 June
66-67; 1979 Oct. 75-76.
Riche, Richard W. Impact of new electronic technology. 1982 Mar.
------ , Daniel E. Hecker, and John U. Burgan. High technology today and
tomorrow: a small slice of employment pie. 1983 Nov. 55-58.
Richter, Jaqueline A. Integrating the Employment Cost Index and the
Employee Benefits Survey. 1989 Oct. 30.
Rieg, Mary Kay. Pay factors displayed in dress manufacturing. 1979 Apr.
------ Transit wage gains in large cities. 1976 Apr. 44-45.
------ Union wage rates in printing trades. 1976 Aug. 34-36.
Roberts, Markley. Book review. 1990 Oct. 47-48.
Roberts, R. Blaine and Henry Fishkind. Two methods of projecting of
occupational employment. 1978 May 57-58.
Robertson, Douglas, Lorie Scheibel, and David Callahan. Inflation pat­
terns in the initial stages of recovery. 1983 Sept. 22-26.
Robock, Stefan H. Book review. 1978 Feb. 61.
Roca, Maria L. Women veterans total 1 million in first half of 1986. 1986
Dec. 30-31.
Rodgers, Robert C. and Jack Stieber. Employee discharge in the 20th cen­
tury: a review of the literature. 1985 Sept. 35-41.
Rogers, John M. Expenditures of urban and rural consumers, 1972-73 to
1985. 1988 Mar. 41-44.
------ and Raymond Gieseman. Consumer expenditures: results from the
Diary and Interview surveys. 1986 June 14-18.
Rogoff, Marvin and Herbert Hammerman. Unions and Title VII of the
Civil Rights Act of 1974. 1976 Apr. 34-37.
Rohrlich, George F. Book reviews. 1981 Sept. 54; 1984 Apr. 53; 1985
Dec. 52-53; 1987 May 46.
Rones, Philip L. An analysis of regional employment growth, 1973-85.
1986 July 3-14.
------ Book review. 1985 Sept. 53-54.
------ Can the Current Population Survey be used to identify the disabled?
1981 June 37-38.
------ Employment and unemployment during the first half of 1978. 1978
Aug. 3-7.
------ Moving to the sun: regional job growth, 1968 to 1978. 1980 Mar.
------ Older men—the choice between work and retirement. 1978 Nov.
------ Recent recessions swell ranks of the long-term unemployed. 1984
Feb. 25-29.
------ Response to recession: reduce hours or jobs? 1981 Oct. 3-11.
------ Revisions in Hispanic population and labor force data. 1985 Mar.
------ The aging of the older population and the effect on its labor force
rates. 1982 Sept. 27-29.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



------ Collective bargaining and labor-management relations, 1988. 1989
Jan. 25-39.

Sabuncuoglu, Mine and Ayse Kudat. The changing composition of Eu­
rope’s guestworker population. 1980 Oct. 10-17.
Sackley, Arthur. Wage increases moderate in 1981. 1982 May 3-8.
Salipante, Paul F., Jr. and John B. Aram. A system for individual equity
in equal employment opportunity. 1979 Apr. 46-47.
Sanderson, Lee M. Roger C. Jensen, and Bruce P. Klein. Motion-related
wrist disorders traced to industries, occupational groups. 1983 Sept.
Sandver, Marcus Hart. The financial resources of Federal employee
unions. 1978 Feb. 49-50.
Saunders, Norman C. Defense spending in the 1990’s. 1990 Oct. 3-15.
------ Economic projections to the year 2000. 1987 Sept. 10-18.
------ Sensitivity of bls economic projections to exogenous variables.
1986 Dec. 23-29.
------ The aggregate structure of the economy, 1989 Nov. 13-24.
------ The U.S. economy through 1990—an update. 1981 Aug. 18-27.
------ The U.S. economy to 1990: two projections for growth. 1978 Dec.
------ , Arthur J. Andreassen, and Betty W. Su. Economic outlook for the
1990’s: three scenarios for economic growth. 1983 Nov. 11-23.
Scaggs, Mary Beth W. Recent employment trends in the lumber and
wood products industry. 1983 Aug. 20-24.
Scheibel, Lorie, Douglas Robertson, and David Callahan. Inflation pat­
terns in the initial stages of recovery. 1983 Sept. 22-26.
Schein, Virginia E. Book review. 1977 Oct. 77-78.
Schiff, Frank W. Short-time compensation: assessing the issues. 1986
May 28-30.
Schilling, Eric D. Recasting pay factors in nonferrous foundries. 1977
June 49-51.
------ Southern cities register top grocery wage gains. 1976 Oct. 37-38.
------Trucking wages vary by type of hauling. 1976 Sept. 45-47.
Schlein, David. Civil Service reform proposal figures prominently in
AFGE races. 1978 Nov. 30-32.
------ Contracts in six key industries scheduled to expire in 1981. 1980
Dec. 22-31.
------ and Joan D. Borum. Bargaining activity light in private industry in
1985. 1985 Jan. 13-26.
------ and Mary Anne Andrews. Bargaining calendar will be heavy in
1982. 1981 Dec. 21-31.
------ , Phyllis I. Brown, and Fehmida Sleemi. Collective bargaining dur­
ing 1986: pressures to curb costs remain. 1986 Jan. 16-33.
Schlesinger, Leonard A. and Ricard E. Walton. The process of work re­
structuring, and its impact on collective bargaining. 1977 Apr. 52-55.
Schloss, Nathan. Use of employment data to estimate office space de­
mand. 1984 Dec. 40-44.
Schmidt, Mary Lynn. Comparison of the revised and the old cpi. 1987
Nov. 3-6.
------ , Charles C. Mason, Robin Duncan, and Nathan Amble. A compar­
ative analysis of price indexes produced by National Governments for
older consumers. 1989 Oct. 30.
------ , John F. Early, and Thomas J. Mosimann. Inflation and the busi­
ness cycle during the postwar period. 1984 Nov. 3-7.
Schmidtt, Donald G. Postretirement increases under private pension
plans. 1984 Sept. 3-8.
------ Tips: the mainstay of many hotel workers’ pay. 1985 July 50-51.
------Today’s pension plans: how much do they pay? 1985 Dec. 19-25.
------ and Douglas Hedger. Trends in major medical coverage during a
period of rising costs. 1983 July 11-16.
------ and Robert Frumkin. Pension improvements since 1974 reflect in­
flation, new U.S. law. 1979 Apr. 32-37.
Schoepfle, Gregory K. Imports and domestic employment: identifying af­
fected industries. 1982 Aug. 13-26.
------ and Robert C. Shelburne. The European Community 1992 plan and
the U.S. workers. 1990 Nov. 22-27.

------ Collective bargaining in 1982: results dictated by economy. 1983
Jan. 28-37.
------Collective bargaining in 1989: old problems, new issues. 1990 Jan.
------ Economy improves; bargaining problems persist in 1983. 1984 Jan.
------ Industrial relations in 1979: inflation still holds spotlight. 1980 Feb.
------ Industrial relations in 1980 influenced by inflation and recession.
1981 Jan. 15-20.
------ Labor and management continue to combat mutual problems in
1985. 1986 Jan. 3-15.
------ Labor-management scene in 1986 reflects continuing difficulties.
1987 Jan. 37-48.
------ Modest labor-management bargains continue in 1984 despite the
recovery. 1985 Jan. 3-12.
------ Organized labor in 1981: a shifting of priorities. 1982 Jan. 21-28.
Rubin, Rose M. Book review. 1981 July 51.
Rudney, Gabriel and Denis Johnston. Characteristics of workers in non­
profit organizations. 1987 July 28-33.
------ and Murray Weitzman. Trends in employment and earnings in the
philanthropic sector. 1984 Sept. 16-20.
Rungeling, Brian, Lewis H. Smith, and Loren C. Scott. Effectiveness of
rural job search methods. 1976 Apr. 27-30.
------ , Lewis H. Smith, and Vernon M. Briggs, Jr. Welfare reform and the
plight of the poor in the rural South. 1978 Apr. 28-30.
Runner, Diana. State unemployment insurance: changes during 1978.
1979 Feb. 13-16; during 1980, 1981 Jan. 35-39; during 1981, 1982 Feb.
16-23; during 1982, 1983 Jan. 38-43; during 1983, 1984 Feb. 46-54;
during 1984, 1985 Jan. 43-48; during 1985, 1986 Jan. 55-60; during
1986, 1987 Feb. 21-25; during 1987, 1988 Mar. 9-16; during 1988,
1989 Jan. 59-65; during 1989, 1990 Jan. 64-69.
Ruser, John W. Measuring wage premiums for job risks. 1986 June 42-43.
Ruttan, Vernon W. Book review 48-49.
Ruttenberg, Stanley H. Development of Third World would affect U.S.
supply of raw materials. 1977 Mar. 39-40.
Ryscavage, Paul M. bls labor force projections: a review of methods and
results. 1979 Apr. 15-22.
------ Book review. 1983 Feb. 51-52.
------ Employment problems and poverty: examining the linkages. 1982
June 55-59.
------ More wives in the labor force have husbands with ‘above-average’
incomes. 1979 June 40-42.
------ Two divergent measures of purchasing power. 1979 Aug. 25-30.
------ Reconciling divergent trends in real income. 1986 July 24-29.
------ and John E. Bregger. New household survey and the CPS: a look at
labor force differences. 1985 Sept. 3-12.
------ and Peter Henle. Earnings inequality in the 1980’s. 1990 Dec. 3-16.
------ and Peter Henle. The distribution of earned income among men and
women, 1958-77. 1980 Apr. 3-10.
Rytina, Nancy F. Comparing annual and weekly earnings from the Cur­
rent Population Survey, 1983 Apr. 32-36.
------ Earnings of men and women: a look at specific occupations. 1982
Apr. 25-31.
------ Occupational changes and tenure, 1981. 1982 Sept. 29-33.
------ Occupational segregation and earnings differences by sex. 1981 Jan.
------ Tenure as a factor in the male-female earnings gap. 1982 Apr.
------ and Suzanne M. Bianchi. Occupational reclassification changes in
distribution by gender. 1984 Mar. 11-17.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Scholl, Janet L. Book review. 1978 July 47-48.

Schumann, Richard E. State and local government pay increases outpace
five-year rise in private industry. 1987 Feb. 18-20.

------ Interview group bias. 1986 June 43.
Shaiken, Harley. Globalization and the worldwide division of labor. 1987
Aug. 47.
Shank, Susan Elizabeth. Changes in regional unemployment over the last
decade. 1985 Mar. 17-23.
------ Employment up, unemployment stable in the first half of 1986.
1986 Aug. 3-8.
------ Employment rose in the first half of 1985 as the recovery entered its
third year. 1985 Aug. 3-8.
------ Preferred hours of work and corresponding earnings. 1986 Nov.

------ Workers’ purchasing power rises despite slowdown in wage and
salary gains. 1984 May 10-14.

------ Women and the labor market: the link grows stronger. 1988 Mar.

Schwartz, Arthur R. and Malcolm S. Cohen. U.S. labor turnover: analy­
sis of a new measure. 1980 Nov. 9-13.
Schweizer, Timothy P., Douglas G. Jenkins, Jr. and Nina Gupta. Pay-forknowledge compensation systems. 1987 Oct. 40-43.
Schweke, William and David R. Jones. European job creation in the wake
of plant closings and layoffs. 1986 Oct. 18-22.

------ and Patricia M. Getz. Employment and unemployment: develop­
ments in 1985. 1986 Feb. 3-12.
------ and Steven E. Haugen. The employment situation during 1986: job
gains continue, unemployment dips. 1987 Feb. 3-10.
Shannon, Stephen C. Work stoppage in Government: the postal strike of
1970. 1978 July 14-22.
Shapiro, David and Frank L. Mott. Effects of selected variables on work
hours of young women. 1983 July 31-34.
Sharman, Ben A. Problems facing international collective bargaining.
1977 Mar. 36-37.
Sharpiro, David and Lois B. Shaw. Women’s work plans: contrasting ex­
pectations and experience. 1987 Nov. 7-13.
Shaw, Lois B. and David Sharpiro. Women’s work plans: contrasting ex­
pectations and experience. 1987 Nov. 7-13.
Shearer, John C. and Charles R. Greer. Do foreign-owned U.S. firms
practice unconventional labor relations? 1981 Jan. 44-48.
Sheifer, Victor J. Book reviews. 1983 Apr. 45-46; 1984 June 60; 1985 July
------ How benefits will be incorporated into the Employment Cost In­
dex. 1978 Jan. 18-26.
Shelburne, Robert C. and Gregory K. Schoepfle. The European Commu­
nity 1992 plan and the U.S. worker. 1990 Nov. 22-27.
Sheridan, James A., Donald M. Atwater, and Richard J. Niehaus. Labor
pool for antibias program varies by occupation and job market. 1981
Sept. 43-45.
Sherman, George. Book review. 1977 May 64-65.
Sherman, Thomas A. and Shelly Meister. Import, export prices reflect
declining dollar and oversupply in 1985. 1986 Apr. 3-16.
Sherwood, Mark K. Performance of multifactor productivity in the steel
and motor vehicles industries. 1987 Aug. 22-31.
Shiells, Clinton R. and Gregory Halm. Yen appreciation and the Japa­
nese labor market. 1988 Nov. 3-6.
------ and Robert W. Bednarzik. Labor market changes and adjustments:
how do the U.S. and Japan compare? 1989 Feb. 31-42.
Shipp, Kenneth and Richard Esposito. Industry diffusion indexes for av­
erage weekly hours. 1983 May 33-36.
Shipp, Stephanie. Spending patterns of men and women. 1988 Aug. 43.
------ and Eva Jacobs. How family spending has changed in the U.S. 1990
Mar. 20-27.
------ Gregory Brown, and Eva Jacobs. Families of working wives spend­
ing more cm services and nondurables. 1989 Feb. 15-23.
Shiskin, Julius. A new role for economic indicators. 1977 Nov. 3-5.
------ Employment and unemployment: the doughnut or the hole? 1976
Feb. 3-10.
Shore, Richard P. Book reviews. 1990 June 72; 1985 Mar. 50-53.
Sider, Hal and Cheryl Cole. The changing composition of the military and
the effect on labor force data. 1984 July 10-13.
Siegel Irving H. Book review. 1983 Sept. 43-44.
Siegel, Lewis B. bls surveys on mass layoffs and plant closings in 1986.
1987 Oct. 39-40.
Sieling, Mark Scott. Clerical pay differentials in metropolitan areas,
1961-80. 1982 July 10-14.

and Thomas F. Bradshaw. Workers on layoff: a comparison of two
data series. 1976 Nov. 29-33.
Schrader, Roger C. Book review. 1990 Apr. 47.
Schramm, Carl J. Why the slowdown in faculty bargaining? 1976 Mar.
Schroeder, Edward A., IV. Book review, 1987 Mar. 46.
Schulz, James H., Thomas D. Leavitt, and Leslie Kelly. Private pensions
fall far short of retirement income levels. 1979 Feb. 28-32.

Schwenk, Albert E. Employment Cost Index rebased to June 1989. 1990
Apr. 38-39.
------ Introducing new weights for the Employment Cost Index. 1985
June 22-27.
------ Measuring union-nonunion earnings differences. 1990 June 26-38.
Scofea, Laura, bls area wage surveys will cover more areas. 1986 June
Scott, Loren C., Brian Rungeling, and Lewis H. Smith. Effectiveness of
rural job search methods. 1976 Apr. 27-30.
Scoville, James G. Has collective bargaining altered the salary structure
of baseball? 1977 Mar. 51-52.
Sebastian, Deborah and Norman Root, bls develops measure of job risk
by occupation. 1981 Oct. 26-30.
Seeborg, Michael and Larry DeBoer. The female-male unemployment
differential. 1984 Nov. 8-15.
Segur, W. H. and Varden Fuller. California’s farm labor elections: an
analysis of the initial results. 1976 Dec. 25-30.
Sehgal, Ellen. Book reviews. 1985 May 49-50; 1985 Aug. 53; 1986 Feb. 54;
1987 Apr. 58.
------ Employment problems and their effect on family income, 1979-83.
1985 Aug. 42-43.
---- —Foreign born in the U.S. labor market: the result of a special survey.
1985 July 18-24.
------ Occupational mobility and job tenure in 1983. 1984 Oct. 18-23.
------ Work experience in 1983 reflects the effects of the recovery. 1984
Dec. 18-24.
------ and Joyce Vialet. Documenting the undocumented: data, like al­
iens, are elusive. 1980 Oct. 18-21.
------ and Paul O. Flaim. Displaced workers of 1979-83: how well have
they fared? 1985 June 3-16.
Seidman, Bert. Book reviews. 1976 Nov. 62-63; 1981 Jan. 64-65.
Sekscenski, Edward S. Job tenure declines as work force changes. 1979
Dec. 48-50.
------ The health services industry: a decade of expansion. 1981 May 9-16.
------ Women’s share of moonlighting nearly doubles during 1969-79.
1980 May 36-39.
------ and Daniel E. Taylor. Workers on long schedules, single and multi­
ple jobholders. 1982 May 47-53.
------ and Janice Neipert Hedges. Workers on late shifts in a changing
economy. 1979 Sept. 14-22.
Senser, Robert, A. Book review. 1988 Nov. 44.
------ How Poland’s Solidarity won freedom of association. 1989 Sept.
Shack-Marquez, Janice. Earnings differences between men and women:
an introductory note. 1984 June 15-16.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


------ Interpreting pay structures through matrix application. 1979 Nov.

Smith, Shirley J. Estimating annual hours of labor force activity. 1983
Feb. 13-22.
------ Estimating lost future earnings using the new worklife tables: a
comment. 1985 Feb. 42.
------ Labor force participation rates are not the relevant factor. 1983.
June 36-38.
------ New worklife estimates reflect changing profile of labor force. 1982
Mar. 15-20.
------ Revised worklife tables reflect 1979-80 experience. 1985 Aug.
------ The growing diversity of work schedules. 1986 Nov. 7-13.
------ Using the appropriate worklife estimate in court proceedings. 1983
Oct. 31-32.
------ Work experience of the labor force during 1985. 1987 Apr. 40-43.
------ Work experience profile, 1984: the effects of recovery continue.
1986 Feb. 37-43.
Smith, William M. Federal pay procedures and the comparability survey.
1976 Aug. 27-31.
------ White-collar pay rises 7 percent. 1976 Sept. 44-45.
Solon, Gary. Unemployment compensation and labor supply. 1978 May
Sommers, Dixie and Alan Eck. Occupational mobility in the American
labor force. 1977 Jan. 3-19.
------ and Carin Cohen. New occupational rates of labor force separation.
1980 Mar. 36-40.
Sommerstad, C. R. and Michael A. Hopp. (Special Flexitime Reports)
Reaction at computer firm: more pluses than minuses. 1977 Feb.
Sorrentino, Constance. International comparisons of labor force partici­
pation. 1960-81. 1983 Feb. 23-36.
------ Japan’s low unemployment: an indepth analysis. 1984 Mar. 18-27.
------Japanese unemployment: bls updates its analysis. 1987 June 47-53.
------ Japanese unemployment rate remains below 3 percent in 1987-88.
1989 June 36-38.
------ The changing family in international perspective. 1990 Mar. 41-58.
------ Unemployment compensation in eight industrial nations. 1976 July
------Youth unemployment: an international perspective. 1981 July 3-15.
------ and Joyanna Moy. An analysis of unemployment in nine industrial
countries. 1977 Apr. 12-24.
------ and Joyanna Moy. Unemployment, labor force trends, and layoff
practices in 10 countries. 1981 Dec. 3-13.
Sparrow, Dorothy G. Employment training in France: firm and worker
experience. 1980 June 45- 50.
Spease, Carol. Comparison of variance estimators for Producer Price In­
dex data. 1989 Oct. 33.
Sprinkle, Debbie L., Richard M. Devens, Jr., and Carol Boyd Leon. Em­
ployment and unemployment in 1984: a second year of strong growth
in jobs. 1985 Feb. 3-15.
Sproat, Kezia. How do families fare when the breadwinner retires? 1983
Dec. 40-44.
------ Using National Longitudinal Surveys to track young workers. 1979
Oct. 28-33.
St. Louis, Robert D., Paul L. Burgess, and Jerry L. Kingston. Unemploy­
ment insurance: identifying payment errors. 1984 Dec. 34-37.
St. Marie, Stephen M. Employment and unemployment during the first
half of 1977. 1977 Aug. 3-6.
------ and Robert W. Bednarzik. Employment and unemployment during
1975. 1976 Feb. 11-20.
------ and Robert W. Bednarzik. Employment and unemployment in
1976. 1977 Feb. 3-13.
Stafford, Frank P. Women’s use of time converging with men’s. 1980
Dec. 57-59.
Stahl, Michael J., T. Roger Manley, and Charles W. McNichols. The ex­
tent of alcoholism among Air Force employes. 1980 May 46-49.
Staines, Graham L. and Pamela O’Connor. Conflicts among work, lei­
sure, and family roles. 1980 Aug. 35-39.

------ Occupational earnings differences narrow in paint manufacturing.
1978 June 48-51.
------ Occupational salary levels for white-collar workers, 1982. 1982
Oct. 30-32.
------ Productivity in scrap and waste materials processing. 1990 Apr.
------ Private hospitals nearing wage levels in State, local government
hospitals. 1977 May 46-47.
------ Semiconductor productivity gains linked to multiple innovations.
1988 Apr. 27-33.
------ Staffing patterns prominent in female-male earnings gap. 1984 June
------ Union wage rates in building trades. 1976 July 38-40.
------ and Daniel Curtain. Patterns of productivity change in men’s and
boys’ suits and coats. 1988 Nov. 25-31.
------ and Ziaul Z. Ahmed. Two decades of productivity growth in poul­
try dressing and processing. 1987 Apr. 34-39.
Silvestri, George T. and John M. Lukasiewicz. A look at occupational
trends to the year 2000. 1987 Sept. 46-63.
------and John M. Lukasiewicz. Occupational employment projections:
the 1984-95 outlook. 1985 Nov. 42-57.
------and John Lukasiewicz. Projections of occupational employment,
1988-2000. 1989 Nov. 42-65.
------ , John M. Lukasiewicz, and Marcus E. Einstein. Occupational em­
ployment projections through 1995. 1983 Nov. 37-49.
Simons, Margaret and Cynthia Thompson. Life insurance benefits for re­
tired workers. 1990 Sept. 17-21.
Sinclair, James and Brian Catron. An experimental price index for the
computer industry. 1990 Oct. 16-24.
Singleton, Christopher J. The 1987-88 surge in exports and the rise in fac­
tory jobs. 1990 May 42-48.
Siskind, Fred. Another look at the link between work injuries and job ex­
perience. 1982 Feb. 38-40.
Skinner, Gordon S. and E. Edward Herman. Faculty representation: the
vote at Cincinnati. 1976 Mar. 44-48.
Slater, Barbara, John Dryden, and Katrina Reut. Purchasing power par­
ity between the U.S. and Canada. 1987 Dec. 7-24.
Sleemi, Fehmida. Higher settlements in 1989 end innovative decade. 1990
May 3-10.
------ and John J. Lacombe II. Wage adjustments in contracts negotiated
in private industry in 1987. 1988 May 23-28.
------and William M. Davis. Collective bargaining in 1989: negotiators
will face diverse issues. 1989 Jan. 10-24.
------ , David J. Schlein, and Phyllis I. Brown. Collective bargaining dur­
ing 1986: pressures to curb costs remain. 1986 Jan. 16-33.
Smeeding, Timothy M. and Irwin Garftnkel. New directions for income
transfer programs. 1980 Feb. 41-45.
Smith Jeffrey W. and Mary F. Kokoski. The autocovariance of expendi­
ture shares from consumer expenditure survey data. 1988 Aug. 42.
Smith, Lawrence H. Employment prospects brighten a bit for some teach­
ers in California. 1977 Oct. 49-52.
Smith, Lewis H., Loren C. Scott, Brian Rungeling. Effectiveness of rural
job search methods. 1976 Apr. 27-30.
------ , Vernon M. Briggs, Jr., and Brian Rungeling. Welfare reform and
the plight of the poor in the rural South. 1978 Apr. 28-30.
Smith, Patricia B. The Employment Cost Index in 1980: a first look at
total compensation. 1981 June 22-26.
Smith, Ralph E. Sources of growth of the female labor force, 1971-75.
1977 Aug. 27-29.
------ and Bruce Vavrichek. The minimum wage: its relation to incomes
and poverty. 1987 June 24-30.
Smith, Robert Stewart. Book review. 1977 Feb. 92-93.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


------ and Robert P. Quinn. American workers evaluate the quality of
their jobs. 1979 Jan. 3-12.

Strauss, George. Organization behavior as an aid to labor impasse resolu­
tion. 1977 Apr. 49-52.
Straw Ronnie and Margaret Hilton. Cooperative training in telecommu­
nications: case studies. 1987 May 32-36.
Striner, Herbert E. Book review. 1976 June 62-63.
Struyk, Raymond J. Book reviews. 1976 June 69-70; 1979 Mar. 69.
Stueve, C. Ann, Mary Jo Bane, Laura Lein, Lydia O’Donnell, and
Barbara Wells. Child-care arrangements of working parents. 1979
Oct. 50-56.
Sturm, Philip and Ina Kay Ford, cpi revision provides more accuracy in
the medical care services component. 1988 Apr. 17-26.
------ , John F. Early, and Walter Lane. A half-year decline in inflation: its
antecedents and structure. 1986 Oct. 3-14.
Su, Betty W. The economic outlook to 1995: new assumptions and projec­
tions. 1985 Nov. 3-16.
------ , Arthur J. Andreassen, and Norman C. Saunders. Economic out­
look for the 1990’s: three scenarios for economic growth. 1983 Nov.
Suchman, Stanley W. Book review. 1990 May 61-62.
Sum, Andrew M. Female labor force participation: why projections have
been too low. 1977 July 18-24.
Summers, Lawrence H. and James M. Poterba. Response variation in the
CPS: caveats for the unemployment analyst. 1984 Mar. 37-43.
Sumner, Daniel A., Steven G. Allen, and Robert L. Clark. A comp, rison,
of pension increases and inflation, 1973-79. 1984 May 42-47.
Sunshine, Jonathan. Disability payments stabilizing after era of accelerat­
ing growth. 1981 May 17-22.
Sveikauskas, Catherine Defina. Book review. 1979 Sept. 65-66.
Sveikauskas, Leo. Book review. 1976 May 59-60.
------ The contribution of r&d to productivity growth. 1986 Mar. 16-20.
Swaim, Paul and Michael Podgursky. Do more-educated workers fare
better following job displacement? 1989 Aug. 43-46.
------ and Michael Podgursky. Health insurance loss: the case of the dis­
placed worker. 1987 Apr. 30-33.
Sylvester, Robert A. and Valerie A. Personick. Evaluation of bls 1970
economic and employment projections. 1976 Aug. 13-26.
Szarek, Patricia and Brian Costello. Prices of U.S. imports and exports
declined in 1984. 1985 Apr. 10-26.
------and Mark Johnson. Effects of strong dollar, economic recovery ap­
parent in first-half import and export prices. 1984 Oct. 3-17.

, Joseph Pleck, and Linda Lang. Conflicts between work and family
life. 1980 Mar. 29-32.
Stallworth, Lamont E. and Michele M. Hoyman. Arbitrating discrimina­
tion grievances in the wake of Gardner v. Denver. 1983 Oct. 3-10.
Stamas, George D. Long hours and premium pay, May 1978. 1979 May
------Percent working long hours shows first post-recession decline. 1980
May 39-42.
------ Real after-tax annual earnings from the Current Population Sur­
vey. 1979 Aug. 42-45.
------ State and regional employment and unemployment in 1983. 1984
Sept. 9-15.
------The puzzling lag in southern earnings. 1981 June 27-36.
------ and Earl F. Mellor. Usual weekly earnings: another look at inter­
group differences and basic trends. 1982 Apr. 15-24.
Staudohar, Paul D. Baseball labor relations: the lockout of 1990. 1990
Oct. 32-36.
------Book reviews. 1977 Sept. 51; 1978 Jan. 49-50.
------ The football strike of 1987: the question of free agency. 1988 Aug.
Stein, Bruno. Book review. 1984 Feb. 68.
------Rise of pensions and Social Security created alternating goals for
unions. 1980 Aug. 26-27.
Stein, Robert L. National Commission recommends changes in labor
force statistics. 1980 Apr. 11-21.
Steinberg, Edward. Book reviews. 1976 June 65; 1976 Aug. 54; 1977 June
68-69; 1978 Oct. 59-60; 1980 Feb. 67-68; 1980 Nov. 56; 1981 Feb.
81-82; 1987 May45; 1989 Apr. 44-45; 1990 May 62; 1990 June 72-73.
------ Labor force participation of recently disabled adults. 1976 Apr.
------ Measuring income inequality with extended earnings periods. 1977
June 29-31.
Steinmeier, Thomas L. and Alan L. Gustman. Modeling the retirement
process for policy evaluation and research. 1984 July 26-33.
Stelluto, George L. Federal pay comparability: facts to temper the debate.
1979 June 18-28.
-----and Deborah P. Klein. Compensation trends into the 21st century.
1990 Feb. 38-45.


Stephens, Elvis C. Resolution of impasses in public employee bargaining.
1976 Jan. 57-58.

Taft, Philip. Expansion of unionization in the early 20th century. 1976
Sept. 32-35.
Taggart, Robert. Book review. 1979 May 60.
------ and Sar A. Levitan. Employment problems of disabled persons.
1977 Mar. 3-13.
Taira, Koji. Japan’s low unemployment: economic miracle or statistical
artifact? 1983 July 3-10.
------ Labor market segmentation in Japan: how rigid is it.? 1986 June
------ and Solomon B. Levine. Japanese industrial relations—is one eco­
nomic ‘miracle’ enough? 1978 Mar. 31-33.
Tanimoto, Helene S. and Gail F. Inaba. State employee bargaining: policy
and organization. 1985 Apr. 51-55.
Tannenbaum, Arnold S. and Michael Conte. Employee-owned compan­
ies: is the difference measurable? 1978 July 23-28.
Tanner, Lucretia Dewey. Book review. 1983 Dec. 59-60.
------ and Mary Converse. The 1978-80 pay guidelines: meeting the need
for flexibility. 1981 July 16-21.
------ , Harriet Goldberg Weinstein, and Alice L. Ahmuty. Collective bar­
gaining in the health care industry. 1980 Feb. 49-53.
Tausky, Curt, Anthony F. Chelte, and James Wright. Did job satisfaction
really drop during the 1970’s? 1982 Nov. 33-36.
Taylor, Daniel E. Absences from work among full-time employees. 1981
Mar. 68-70.

Stepp, John R. Book reviews. 1983 Mar. 46-48; 1983 Aug 41-43- 1985
Sept. 54-55.
------ , Robert P. Baker, and Jerome T. Barrett. Helping labor and man­
agement see and solve problems. 1982 Sept. 15-20.
Stern, Barry and Fred Best. Education, work, and leisure: must they come
in that order? 1977 July 3-10.
Stern, Robert N. and John C. Anderson. Canadian strike activity—is cen­
tralization the solution? 1978 Apr. 40-42.
Stieber, Jack. Book reviews. 1977 May 61-62; 1978 Oct. 60-61.
Most U.S. workers still may be fired under the employment-at-will
doctrine. 1984 May 34-38.
------ and Robert C. Rodgers. Employee discharge in the 20th century: a
review of the literature. 1985 Sept. 35-41.
Stinson, John F., Jr. Moonlighting: a key to differences in measuring em­
ployment growth. 1987 Feb. 30-31.
------ Moonlighting by women jumped to record highs. 1986 Nov. 22-25.
------ Multiple jobholding up sharply in the 1980’s. 1990 July 3-10.
------ Vietnam veterans in the labor market of the 1970’s. 1979 Nov. 3-11.
Stone, Julia E. Age Discrimination in Employment Act: a review of re­
cent changes. 1980 Mar. 32-36.
Stotland, Victor G., Gregory O’Connell, and Jim McCall. New computer
system improves display of statistical tables. 1978 Mar. 45-47.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Absent workers and lost work hours, May 1978. 1979 Aug. 51-53.
Education, on-the-job training, and the black-white earnings gap
1981 Apr. 28-34.
------ and Edward S. Sekscenski. Workers on long schedules, single and
multiple jobholders. 1982 May 47-53.
and Janice Neipert Hedges. Recent trends in worktime: hours edge
downward. 1980 Mar. 3-11.
Taylor-Shirley, Katherine and Martin E. Personick. Profiles in safety and
health: occupational hazards of meatpacking. 1989 Jan. 3-9.
Teper, Lazare. Book review. 1977 Feb. 90-91.
Teriet, Bernard. Flexiyear schedules—only a matter of time? 1977 Dec
Terry, Sylvia Lazos. Involuntary part-time work: new information from
the CPS. 1981 Feb. 70-74.
Unemployment and its effect on family income in 1980. 1982 Apr

------and Mary A. Andrews. Heavy bargaining again in 1980. 1979 Dec.
Tinsley, LaVerne C. State workers’ compensation laws: key amendments
of 1979. 1980 Feb. 19-25; of 1980. 1981 Mar. 51-57; of 1981. 1982 Feb.
24-30; of 1982. 1983 Jan. 57-63; of 1983. 1984 Feb. 55-61; of 1984.
1985 Jan. 49-53; of 1985. 1986 Jan. 61-66; of 1987. 1988 Jan. 62-68-of
1989. 1990 Jan. 57-63.
Torrence William D. and Donald E. Pursell. Age and the job-hunting
methods of the unemployed. 1979 Jan. 68-69.
Toscano, Guy A. Computer-aided telephone interviewing used in the
Hours at Work Survey. 1986 May 39-41.
Treu, Tiziano. Italian labor relations: a system in transition. 1987 Mar.
Triplett Jack E. Does the cpi exaggerate or understate inflation? Some
observations. 1980 May 33-35.
------ Reconciling the cpi and the pce Deflator. 1981 Sept. 3-15.
------ and Julie A. Bunn. Reconciling the cpi-U and the pce Deflator: 3rd
quarter. 1983 Feb. 37-38.

------ Work experience earnings, and family income in 1981. 1983 Apr
------ Work experience of the population in 1979. 1981 June 48-52.
Thomas, James and Arthur Neef. International comparisons of labor pro­
ductivity in manufacturing. 1988 Dec. 27-33.
, Edwin Dean, and Harry Boissevain. Productivity and labor cost
trends in manufacturing, 12 countries. 1986 Mar. 3-10.
Thomas, Jesse and Craig Howell. Price changes in 1981: widespread
slowing of inflation. 1982 Apr. 3-14.

------ and Julie A. Bunn. Reconciling the
update. 1982 Jan. 43-44.
------ and Julie A. Bunn. Reconciling the
quarter 1981. 1982 May 34-35.



and the
and the



Deflator: an

Deflator: 4th

------ and Julie A. Bunn. Reconciling the cpi and the pce Deflator: first
quarter 1982. 1982 July 37-38.
------ and Julie A. Bunn. Reconciling the cpi and the pce Deflator: second
quarter 1982. 1982 Oct. 28-29.
, Joseph Antos, and Wesley Mellow. What is a current equivalent to
unemployment rates of the past? 1979 Mar. 36-46.
Trumble, Robert R. Measuring the supply of scientific personnel. 1977
Oct. 47-48.

Thomas, William and Andrew Clem. New weight structure being used in
Producer Price Index. 1987 Aug. 12-21.
------ and Craig Howell. Inflation remained low during 1984 1985 Apr
, Andrew Clem, and Eddie Lamb. Slowdown in energy prices eases
second-quarter inflation. 1980 Sept. 34-40.

Tschetter, John H. An evaluation of bls’ projections of 1980 industry em­
ployment. 1984 Aug. 12-22.

, Craig Howell, and Paul Monson. Anatomy of price change—the
sharp first-quarter rise. 1977 June 3-8.

------ An evaluation of bls projections of the 1985 economy. 1988 Sept.

, Eddie Lamb, and Craig Howell. Consumer prices rise at 13-percent
rate for third consecutive quarter. 1979 Dec. 35-41.

------ Producer services: why are they growing so rapidly? 1987 Dec.

, Eddie Lamb, and Craig Howell. First-quarter food and fuel prices
propel inflation rate to 5-year high. 1979 June 3-9.

and Howard N Fullerton, Jr. The 1995 labor force: a second look.
1983 Nov. 3-10.

, Eddie Lamb, and Craig Howell. Inflation slows in third quarter,
although food prices soar. 1980 Dec. 45-51.

and John Lukasiewicz. Employment changes in construction: secu­
lar, cyclical, and seasonal 1983 Mar. 11-17.
and Patrick J. McMahon. The declining middle class: a further
analysis. 1986 Sept. 22-27.

, John Wetmore, and Andrew Clem. Large supplies of meats, grains
cut recent food price increases. 1982 Jan. 10-15.
, Toshiko Nakayama, Craig Howell, and Paul Monson. Price
changes in 1976—an analysis. 1977 Feb. 14-24.

------ and Thomas J. Mooney. Revised industry projections to 1985. 1976
Nov. 3-9.

------ , Toshiko Nakayama, Craig Howell, and Paul Monson. Price
changes in 1977—an analysis. 1978 Feb. 3-11.

Tucker, Clyde. Characteristics of commercial residential telephone lists
and dual frame designs. 1989 Oct. 32-33.
Tucker, John T. Government employment: an era of slow growth. 1981
Oct. 19-25.

, Walter Lane, Andrew Clem, and Craig Howell. Price changes in
1978—an analysis. 1979 Mar. 3-12.

------ and Harvey R. Hamel. Implementing the Levitan Commission’s
recommendations to improve labor data. 1985 Feb. 16-24.
Tuckman, Howard P. and William D. Vogler. The fringes of a fringe
group: part-timers in academe. 1979 Nov. 46-49.
Turnage, Wayne M. and Robert F. Cook. The New Federal-State pro­
gram to train dislocated workers. 1985 July 32-35.
Tyler, Gus. ‘Rentier’ economy would threaten manufacturing jobs. 1977
Mar. 45-46.

Thompson, Cynthia. Compensation for death and dismemberment. 1989
Sept. 13-17.
------ and Margaret Simons. Life insurance benefits for retired workers
1990 Sept. 17-21.
Thompson, John, bls job cross-classification system relates information
from six sources. 1981 Nov. 40-44.
Thornton, Robert J. Book review. 1978 Mar. 57.
Thurston, Lawrence. Another measure of flow and duration as unem­
ployment rate components. 1979 Sept. 46-48.


Tibbetts, Thomas R. Wholesale Price Index weights updated. 1976 Apr

Ulmer, Mark G. Job gains strong in 1987; unemployment rate declines.
1988 Feb. 57-67.

Tiller, Richard. A Kalman filter approach to labor force estimation using
survey data. 1989 Oct. 33.

and Patricia M. Getz. Diffusion indexes: a barometer of the econo­
my. 1990 Apr. 13-21.

and Robert W. Bednarzik. Area labor market response to national
unemployment patterns. 1982 Jan. 45-49.
Tillery, Winston. Meany attacks U.S. trade policy, demands more jobs,
labor law reform. 1978 Mar. 35-37.

Uri, Noel D. Book reviews. 1976 May 63-64. 1978 Nov. 47-48.
Urisko, James A. Productivity in grain mill products: output up, employ­
ment stable. 1977 Apr. 38-43.
Urquhart, Michael. Book review. 1981 July 52-53.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


------ The employment shift to services: where did it come from? 1984
Apr. 15-22.
------ The services industry: is it recession-proof? 1981 Oct. 12-18.
------ and Marillyn A. Hewson. Unemployment continued to rise in 1982
as recession deepened 1983 Feb. 3-12.
------ and Marillyn A. Hewson. The Nation’s employment situation
worsens in the first half of 1982. 1982 Aug. 3-12.
------ , Robert W. Bednarzik, and Marillyn A. Hewson. The employment
situation in 1981: new recession takes its toll. 1982 Mar. 3-14.
Ury, Claude. Book review. 1980 Oct. 59.
Usery W.J., Jr. Government’s role in labor-management cooperation.
1988 Feb. 49-51.
Usher, Lisa and John Duke. Multifactor productivity slips in the nonrub­
ber footwear industry. 1989 Apr. 32-38.
Utter, Carol M. Labor turnover in manufacturing: the survey in retro­
spect. 1982 June 15-17.

Wallace, Michael, Technological changes in printing: union response in
three countries. 1985 July 41-43.
Walton, Richard E. and Leonard A. Schlesinger. The process of work re­
structuring, and its impact on collective bargaining. 1977 Apr. 52-55.
Walz, Amy and Michael McElroy. Occupational employment based on
1972 and 1987 sic. 1990 May 49-51.
Wang, Chao Ling. Occupational skin disease continues to plague indus­
try. 1979 Feb. 17-22.
------ and Harvey J. Hilaski. How valid are estimates of occupational il­
lness? 1982 Aug. 27-35.
------ and Harvey J. Hilaski. The safety and health record in the construc­
tion industry. 1978 Mar. 3-9.
Ward, Virginia L. Measuring wage relationships among selected occupa­
tions. 1980 May 21-25.
Warren, Robert. Recent immigration and current data collection. 1977
Oct. 36-41.
Warren, Ronald S., Jr. A method to measure flow and duration as unem­
ployment rate components. 1977 Mar. 71-72.
------ Another measure of flow and duration as jobless rate components:
reply. 1979 Sept. 48.
Wash, Darrel Patrick and Liesel E. Brand. Child day care services: indus­
try at a crossroads. 1990 Dec. 17-24.
Wasilewski, Edward, bls expands collective bargaining series for State
and local government. 1985 May 36-38.
------ Scheduled wage increases and escalator provisions in 1980. 1980
Jan. 3-8.
------ , Joan D. Borum, and James R. Conley. Collective Bargaining in
1987: local, regional issues to set tone. 1987 Jan. 26-36.
------ , Joan D. Borum, and James R. Conley. The outlook for collective
bargaining in 1988. 1988 Jan. 10-23.
Watford, Warren T. Book review. 1976 Oct. 56-57.
Watts, Harold W. Special panel suggests changes in bls family budget
program. 1980 Dec. 3-10.
Weaver, Charles N. Workers expectations about losing and replacing
their jobs. 1980 Apr. 53-54.
Weiermair, Klaus. Book review. 1980 Dec. 72-73.
Weinberg, Arthur S. Industrial democracy in the Netherlands. 1976 July
48- 49.
Weinberg, Edgar, bls and the economy: a centennial timetable. 1984
Nov. 29-37.
------ Labor-management cooperation: a report on recent initiatives.
1976 Apr. 13-22.
Weinert, Michael. Book reviews. 1986 May 52; 1986 July 50.
Weinstein, Harriet Goldberg, Alice L. Ahmuty, and Lucretia Dewey
Tanner. Collective bargaining in the health care industry. 1980 Feb.
49- 53.
Weir, Paula E. Urban family budgets updated to autumn 1975. 1976 July
Weisskopf, Thomas E. Use of hourly earnings proposed to revive spend­
able earnings series. 1984 Nov. 38-43.
Weisz, Morris. A view of labor ministries in other nations. 1988 July
------ Book reviews. 1988 Mar. 51-52; 1977 Mar. 83-85.
Weitzman, Murray and Gabriel Rudney. Trends in employment and
earnings in the philanthropic sector. 1984 Sept. 16-20.
Wells Barbara, Mary Jo Bane, Laura lein, Lydia O’Donnell, and C. Ann
Stueve. Child-care arrangements of working parents. 1979 Oct. 50-56.
Werneke, Diane and Sar A. Levitan. Worker participation and productiv­
ity change. 1984 Sept. 28-33.
Westcott, Diane N. Blacks in the 1970’s: Did they scale the job ladder?
1982 June 29-38.
------ Book reviews. 1979 Oct. 76-77; 1980 Dec. 71-72.
------ Developing a definition for ‘economic hardship.’ 1979 Jan. 65-66.
------ Employment and commuting patterns: a residential analysis. 1979
July 3-9.
------ Employment and unemployment in the first half of 1981. 1981 Aug.

Van Auken, Kenneth G. Jr. Book reviews. 1977 July 56-57; 1978 Nov. 47;
1979 Nov. 62-63; 1980 Jan. 61-62; 1981 July 50-51; 1982 Jan. 55-56,
1982 Dec. 54.
Van Cleve, Roy and Ray Marshall. Start-up training and rural industrial
location. 1976 Apr. 23-25.
Van Giezen, Robert W. New look at occupational wages within individu­
al establishments. 1982 Nov. 22-28.
Van Staaveren, Elizabeth K. Book review. 1980 Mar. 61.
Vavrichek, Bruce and Ralph E. Smith. The minimum wage: its relation to
incomes and poverty. 1987 June 24-30.
Veigle, Jack and Horst Brand. Millwork industry shows slow growth in
productivity 1982 Sept. 21-26.
Verrochi, Peter C. Textile and clothing unions merge, aim at organizing
the South. 1976 Aug. 32-33.
Vialet, Joyce and Ellen Sehgal. Documenting the undocumented: data,
like aliens, are elusive. 1980 Oct. 18-21.
Viksnins, George J. Book review. 1977 Jan. 69-70.
Volger, William D. and Howard P. Tuckman. The fringes of a fringe
group: part-timers in academe. 1979 Nov. 46-49.
Voos, Paula B. Does it pay to organize? estimating the cost to unions.
1984 June 43-44.
------ Environmental factors in the labor-management relationship. 1986
Apr. 47-48.
Vroman, Wayne. Linking unemployment insurance to mobility and fami­
ly income. 1979 Apr. 42-44.
------ Work injuries and earnings of partially disabled men in California.
1977 Apr. 58-60.
------ and Gary Burtless. Unemployment insurance program solvency in
the 1980’s. 1985 May 27-28.

Wagner, Janet and Thesia I. Garner. Gift-giving behavior: an economic
perspective. 1988 Aug. 39.
Waldman, Elizabeth. Book reviews. 1982 Oct. 48-50; 1985 Feb. 61-62.
------ Labor force statistics from a family perspective. 1983. Dec. 16-20.
------ , Allyson Sherman Grossman, Howard Hayghe, and Berverly John­
son. Working mothers in the 1970’s: a look at the statistics. 1979 Oct.
------ and Beverly L. Johnson. Marital and family patterns of the labor
force. 1981 Oct. 36-38.
------ and Beverly L. Johnson. Most women who maintain families re­
ceive poor labor market returns. 1983 Dec. 30-34.
Waldorf William H. and Jerome A. Mark. Multifactor productivity: a
new BLS measure. 1983 Dec. 3-15.
Walker, James L. and G. Donald Jud. How racial bias and social status
affect the earnings of young men. 1977 Apr. 44-46.
Walker, William N. America’s improving competitiveness promotes ex­
port growth. 1977 Mar. 47-48.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


------ The youngest workers: 14- and 15-year olds. 1981 Feb. 65-69.
------Youth in the labor force: an area study. 1976 July 3-9.
------ and Robert W. Bednarzik. Employment and unemployment: a re­
port on 1980. 1981 Feb. 4-14.

------and Sandra L. King. Shift work pay differentials and practices in
manufacturing. 1985 Dec. 26-33.
Wilson, Robert H. and W. Norton Grubb. Sources of increasing inequali­
ty in wages and salaries, 1960-80. 1989 Apr. 3-13.
Windau, Janice and Donna Goodrich. Work-related fatalities: a census
approach. 1990 Dec. 46-48.
Windmuller, John P. Establishing international fair labor standards.
1977 Mar. 35-36.
Winegarden, C. R. Book reviews. 1976 Sept. 62-63; 1989 Oct. 45.
Winett, Richard A. and Michael S. Neale. Results of experimental study
on flexitime and family life. 1980 Nov. 29-32.
Wirtz, Willard. Humanitarian initiatives during the 1960’s. 1988 Feb.
39- 41.
Witt, Matt. American wood products workers study European job safety
systems. 1980 Aug. 40-41.
------ and Steve Early. How European unions cope with new technology.
1982 Sept. 36-38.
Witte, Ann Dryden. Earnings and jobs of ex-offenders: a case study. 1976
Dec. 31-39.
------and Pamela K. Lattimore. Programs to aid ex-offenders: we don’t
know ‘nothing works.’ 1985 Apr. 46-48.
Wolfe, Barbara L. How the disabled fare in the labor market. 1980 Sept.
------ The cps, work, and disability: a reply. 1981 June 38-39.
Wolkinson, Benjamin W. and David Barton. Arbitration and the rights of
mentally handicapped workers. 1980 Apr. 41-47.
Wood, G. Donald, Jr. Employment Cost Index series to replace Hourly
Earnings Index. 1988 July 32-35.
------ Estimation procedures for the Employment Cost Index. 1982 May
40- 42.
Woodruff, William. Book reviews. 1976 Jan. 81; 1983 July 44; 1985 May
Wool, Harold. Coal industry resurgence attracts variety of new workers.
1981 Jan. 3-8.
------ Future labor supply for lower level occupations. 1976 Mar. 22-31.
Wong, William and Karen O’Conor. Measuring the precision of the Em­
ployment Cost Index. 1989 Mar. 29-36.
Workman, Philip A. Using statistics to manage a State safety and health
program. 1981 Mar. 42-44.
Wright, Audrey J. Book review. 1985 Mar. 53-54.
Wright, James,. Anthony F. Chelte, and Curt Tausky. Did job satisfac­
tion really drop during the 1970’s? 1982 Nov. 33-36.
Wurzburg, Gregory K. It is ‘back to school’ for new youth programs.
1979 Apr. 48.
Wynne, John M., Jr. Unions and bargaining among employees of State
prisons. 1978 Mar. 10-16.

Westfield, Fred M. Book reviews. 1979 May 60-61; 1981 Jan. 62-63.
Wetmore, John, David W. Callahan, and Andrew Clem. Inflation cross
currents: energy food, and homeownership. 1981 June 14-21.
------ , William Thomas, and Andrew Clem. Large supplies of meats,
grains cut recent food price increases. 1982 Jan. 10-15.
Wetzel, James R. American families: 75 years of change. 1990 Mar. 4-13.
Wex, Joseph H. and William S. McGee. Unionization of court employees
has raised legal, practical issues. 1979 Aug. 20-24.
Wheeler, Hoyt N. and Thomas A. Kochan. Unions and public sector su­
pervisors: the case of fire fighters. 1977 Dec. 44-48.
White, Ralph and Allan G. King. Demographic influences on labor force
rates of black males. 1976 Nov. 42-43.
White, Rudolph A. Has bls underestimated business Ph. D. demand?
1979 Sept. 42-46.
Whitener, Leslie A. A statistical portrait of hired farmworkers. 1984 June
Whitmore, Bob. Educational attainment of workers, March 1975. 1976
Feb. 46-48.
------ , Gloria P. Green, and Richard M. Devens. Employment and unem­
ployment trends during 1977. 1978 Feb. 12-23.
Wiatrowski, William. Comparing employee benefits in the public and pri­
vate sectors. 1988 Dec. 3-8.
------ Employee income protection against short-term disabilities. 1985
Feb. 32-38.
------ Family-related benefits in the workplace. 1990 Mar. 28-33.
------ Supplementing retirement until Social Security begins. 1990 Feb.
------ and Donald Bell. Disability benefits for employees in private pen­
sion plans. 1982 Aug. 36-40.
------ and James N. Houff. Analyzing short-term disability benefits. 1989
June 3-9.
------ and Joseph R. Meisenheimer II. Flexible benefits plans: employees
who have a choice. 1989 Dec. 17-23.
------ and Robert Frumkin. Bureau of Labor Statistics takes a new look at
employee benefits. 1982 Aug. 41-45.
Wilder, Patricia S. Cosmetics industry achieves long-term productivity
gains. 1982 Dec. 28-32.
------ Productivity in the retail auto and home supply store industry. 1989
Aug. 36-40.
------ The productivity trend in the soaps and detergents industry. 1980
Feb. 26-30.
------ and Virginia L. Klarquist. Retail hardware stores register produc­
tivity gain. 1988 May 39-43.
Williams, Donald R. Employment in recession and recovery: a demo­
graphic flow analysis. 1985 Mar. 35-42.
------ Young discouraged workers: racial differences explored. 1984 June

Yellowitz, Irwin. Samuel Gompers: a half century in labor’s front rank.
1989 July 27-33.
York, James D. Folding paperboard box industry shows slow rise in pro­
ductivity. 1980 Mar. 25-32.
------ Nonwool yarn mills experience slow gains in productivity. 1982
Mar. 30-33.
------ Productivity growth in plastics lower than all manufacturing. 1983
Sept. 17-21.
------ Productivity trends in the machine tool accessories industry. 1985
June 28-32.
------ Retail stores experience flat trend in productivity. 1987 Feb. 25-29.
------ Variety stores experience shifting trend in productivity. 1988 Oct.
------ and Elmer S. Persigehl. Productivity trends in the ball and roller
bearing industry. 1981 Jan. 40-43.
------ and Elmer S. Persigehl. Substantial productivity gains in the fluid
milk industry. 1979 July 22-27.

Williams, Harry B. Cost-of-living adjustments keep transit wages on
track. 1978 Oct. 46-48.
------ Earnings of employees of certified air carriers. 1985 Nov. 60-61.
------ Measuring pay factors in suit and coat fabrication. 1977 Oct. 65-68.
------ Occupational pay structure in structural steel fabrication. 1976
Aug. 36-38.
------ Pay levels in hosiery manufacturing. 1983 Mar. 36-37.
------ Wages at motor vehicle plants outpaced those at parts factories.
1985 May 38-40.
------ Wages of appliance repair technicians vary widely among metro­
politan areas. 1983 Dec. 52-53.
------ What temporary workers earn: findings from new bls survey. 1989
Mar. 3-6.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


------ and Horst Brand. Productivity and technology in the electric motor
industry. 1978 Aug. 20-25.

------ The difference a year makes in the Nation’s youth work force. 1979
Oct. 34-38.
------ Trends in educational attainment among workers in the 1970’s.
1980 July 44-47.
------ Work experience of the population, 1975. 1976 Nov. 47-51.
------ Work experience of the population, 1976. 1977 Nov. 43-47.
------ Work experience of the population, 1977. 1979 Mar. 53-57.
------ Work experience of the population, 1978. 1980 Mar. 43-47.
------ Year-round full-time earnings in 1975. 1977 June 36-41.
------ Youth labor force marked turning point in 1982. 1983 Aug. 29-34.
------ and Howard Hayghe. More U.S. workers are college graduates.
1984 Mar. 46-49.

------ and Mary K. Farris. Hand and edge tool industry experiences slow
rise in productivity. 1982 Oct. 11-14.
Young, Anne McDougall. Back to school at 35 and over, October 1978.
1979 Aug. 53-55.
------ Educational attainment of workers, March 1981. 1982 Apr. 52-55.
------ Fewer students in work force as school age population declines.
1984 July 34-37.
------ Going back to school at 35 and over. 1977 July 43-45.
------ Job search of recipients, of unemployment insurance 1979 Feb.


------ Labor force activity among students, graduates, and dropouts in
1980. 1981 July 31-33.

Zager, Robert. The problem of job obsolescence: working it out at River
Works. 1978 July 29-32.
Zaidi, Mahmood A. and Richard U. Miller. Human capital and multina­
tionals: evidence from Brazil and Mexico. 1982 June 45-47.
Zalusky, John. Short-time compensation: the afl -cio perspective. 1986
May 33-34.
Zell, Steven P. Analyzing Puerto Rican migration: problems with the
data and the model. 1977 Aug. 29-34.
Ziegler, Martin. Efforts to improve estimates of State and local unem­
ployment. 1977 Nov. 12-18.
Zoller, Maureen and Robert Gaddie. New stage of process price system
developed for the Producer Price Index. 1988 Apr. 3-16.
Zoltek, Robin. Experienced professionals lead white-collar pay rise. 1977
Nov. 48-49.
------ Sharp rise in 1978 white-collar pay characterized by wide varia­
tions. 1978 Nov. 37-39.
------ White-collar pay rise for 1979 nearly matches 1978 increase. 1979
Nov. 49-50.

------ Labor force patterns of students, graduates, and dropouts. 1981.
1982 Sept. 39-42.
------ Median earnings in 1977 reported for year-round, full-time work­
ers. 1979 June 35-39.
------ New monthly data series on school age youth. 1985 July 49-50.
------ One fourth of all adult labor force are college graduates. 1985 Feb.
------ Recent trends in higher education and labor force activity. 1983
Feb. 39-41.
------ School and work among youth during the 1970’s. 1980 Sept. 44-47.
------ Students, graduates, and dropouts in the labor market, October
1975. 1976 June 37-41.
------ Students, graduates, and dropouts in the labor market, October
1976. 1977 July 40-43.
------ Students, graduates, and dropouts in the labor market, October
1977. 1978 June 44-47.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


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