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Index to Volume 29-- July to December, 1929
NoTE.-This is a SUBJECT


Names or authors do not appear as main elitriee

Acddent prevention, general:
Safety. Campaign and prize award, Nitrate Producers' Association, Chile, 1929 ______ •
National contest, companies operating mines and quarries in 35 States, results, 1928_
Organization, plants with and without, accident experience, by industry group and
number of employees, Illinois_._---·-··----·-···--····--·····--··--····----·---···-·Regulations. State, uniformity in, importance oL .. ·--·---·--··--····--··--····-Accident prevention, by industry:
Building construction. Massachusetts, addr
of John P. Meade- --·-· ·-··-··--·-··-·
Mining. Coal.dust explosions. Bur au of Mines Technical Paper o. 44 -·-·- -····-·
Sugar refining. California and Hawaiian Sugar Refining Corporation __ •. _.-····-···-·
Accident statistics, g neral:
Falls, by origin of hazard, policyholders of Metropolitan Life Insurance o., 1926-19 ••
Accident statistics, by industry:
Building construction. Massachusetts, 1925-19 __ -···--·---····----···-·---·····--··Cement indu try. Portlau1 Cement A ociation of Chicago, experience ________ ··-··-Coke ovens. Fatalities and injuries, Bur au of Mines Technical Paper o. 44:3---- ·--·
Iron and st el indu try. United States, 1913-19 -·-····----····-····--·-···-··-····--·
Mining. Idaho, min inspection report, annual--···-······---···-········-···-···-·-·
Re ult of national afety contest, 1928, Bureau of Min Serial o. 2938 ......•.•.•
Mining, coal. United tate , accident co ts, Bureau of Mines Circular No. 6166_.....
Mining, m tal. United States, accident costs, Bureau of Mines Circular No. 6166_ ••••
Petrol um industry. California. Fatalities·-··-· -· ·-·····-················-··---···-Quarri s. R ults of n tional sat ty contest, 1928, Bureau of Mines Serial No. 2938 ••••
Accid nt statistics, by locality:
Bulgaria.. By cau and verity, 1922-1926 •••• • ·-········-········-··-·· -········----California. Fatalities in petroleum industry··················-··········---·······--··
Estonia. By indu tr or occupation, 1922-1927 · --···---········ -·-·-· ·················
0 rmany (The Ruhr). Mining, 1928 .•••••.• ·--················-·····-···-············
Illinois. Minors under 16 years or age injured, by industry and legality of employment,
1928...................... · -·····--·····-··········-··········-·-·-·-··------·-·-·-···
Latvia. By month, 1928, 1929 •••••••••••.••••••••••. ·-. -·. ··-·········· _·- ·- __ • _·- .•••
Massachusetts. Annual r port, 1927-28_. -· ·- ••••••.• ··- •••••••.••••••.•.. ··- ·-- _. _·--·
Sweden. By indu try group, 1926 ..•••••• ············---· ····-··-··· -·--············-·
Switzerland. By ye r, 191 1927•••••••.•• ·-················-··--····-······-·····-····
Ac ors, dramatic stage, Percy William and dwin Forrest homes for .-····················
Advertising, help.wanted, an indicator or labor demand .•• ·-···-···············-···········
Airplane manufacture, employment and production in ••••••••••••••••.•..•..••.•.••• _.
Ag di tribution. (Su Classification.)
Aged persons, care of:
Homes. Actors, dramatic stage, Edwin Forrest and Percy Williams Homes .••••••••••
Busin and prot ional people, Seabury Memorial Home and Ward Homestead.
olor d peopl only .. ···--·· .. ·-··-···-··· .•••••. ·--· .•. ·--· .. __ .. _.·-._----·--- . •
Fir m n's Home, New Jersey and ew York ... -·-················---·····-·-·····
Mini ters, six d nominations ..•.••.•••.••••••••.•••••••••••.... _-·-· ..•••••.••••••
Mu ic teachers, Pr
r Home, Philadelphia ••••••••.••••••••. -·······-·-·-·······
Occupational groups ••••••• ·-············-····························-·- .. _____ . •
Old people's, administration and conditions •••••••.••••••••••••••••••••• ·- -·-·-· ··
Old people's, problem ofidleness in •. ·-······-····-·······-············-····-·-···
Sailors' Snug Harbor, Quincy (Mass.) and Staten Island, (N. Y.) ••.• ·-·····--····
Agriculture (ezupt Wages and hours, which au):
Unemployment. Sur ey or, agricultural and industrial, Porto Rico resolution, July 19,


Aug. 81-3

July 101-3
Oct. 71-2
Dec. 55-7
July 72
Dec. 61- 2
Dec. 57

Aug. ~ l
July 99-101
Oct. 32-42
Aug. 83
Aug. 81-3
Dec. 57--61
Dec. 57--61
Dec. 62-3
Aug. 81-3

Dec. 67-8
Dec. 62-3

Nov. 43-4

Sept. 68
ov. «
Dec. 68-4
Dec. 69-70
Dec. 70

Sept. 3-4
Dec .1~2
Aug. 62-3
Sept. 3-4
Sept. 4-5
Aug. 10-14
Sept. 6
ept. 6
Sept. 1-7
July 1-21
Dec. 13-25
Sept. 6-7

1929 ••••••••• ·-··············-·-··············-··-····-····-············-·-·-··---····

Nov. 117

Airplane manufacture, employment and production in··-····--····················-··- ·-·
Allen labor. (&e Employment of foreigners.)
American Federation of Labor:
Departm nt of Railway Employees. Research Foundation incorporated, purposes, etc.
Arbitration adjustments, labor disputes. (&e Industrial disputes.)
Automobile uhaust 1u. (&, lnduatrial diseases and poiaona.)

Au1. 82-3
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




Sept. 36
Banks, commercial, and "pay.roll check plan," attitude ____ ················-···········-··
Benefits and benefit funds:
Mutual ben t associations, employees. California & Hawaiian S111ar Refilling Cor•
July 72
poration __ ·····--···-----·--····-·-·········-·-···---------·-·-·------------------····
Mutual insurance funds. Belgium, report of operation , 1928_···········--····-········
The older worker in industry: List of references (Thompson) •••••••••••••••••••••• ·--·· 1uly ZJ7-4~
T , silico s amonc. ( , Indu rial uw~• and po
Bonn and premlmns:
Wage-termination bonus. Hartford (Conn.) Rubber Co-·-··---···-----····-·········
Bud11ets, cost-of·living, United States:
July 76-9
Clo bing and household articles, t xtile mat iala uaed for, trend. ••• ·-·-··-----·········
Budgets, cost-of-living, foreign countries:
Arg ntina (Buenos Air~). Labor r's family, in om and e pe litur , by m n nf up.
port, 1928 •. ··-····-----·······-····---·--------- -·---·- __________ ·--· .• _. ----· --· •••• D c. m--30
Canada (Ontario). lndepend nt woman w ken, by item, October 1 ----···-·······
Oct. 255
Building and loan associations:
Nov. 58-9
nit d tat Leagu of Local.
nn l r J)Ol't of secretary, li'JS •••••••• ----·-··-····-nuilding construction industry (except Wages and hours, whicA au):
Dec. 55-7
ccident prevention, address of John P. Meade--·-·-·····-····---···-·········- ·--·-··
Cost , new work, repairs, tc. (Su Howdng.)
Permit issued. By city (~,<n> population or over) and aeogral)hic divi ion. ·-·-·----· Dec. 111-20
By city (100,000 population or over) __ -·-------·-·--·············---···· 0 t. 121- 54; ov. 10-14
Building trades (ucept W ges and hours, which au):
Unemployment stati iaa. Or nized work rs,
tta .•••••••••••••..•••••••••
July 206
Bu ·ne and professi
peopl ,
bury emorial Hom and Ward Homes d for ••••••••
8 pt. 4-5

Calendar simplification, National Committee on, for th United ta , report·-··-··-·--Canning, fruits and vegetables. (Su Food and preserving.)
Census, industrial:
Manufactures, United States, 1930, new features of. ••• ·-·-····························
Child l&bor and elfare, United States:
Compensation status. (See Workmen's compensation and insurance: Minors, illegally
Oirlswith heart disease, employment and workshop (or, ewYork City•••••••••••••••••
Illinois. Minors under 16 years of age injured, by industry and legality of employm nt,

····-········ --···-········-··-··-·-··-·················-·-·········-·····-······-

Juvenile delinquency. Detroit (Mich.), housing study in relation to .•••.•••••••••••••••
1iCentucky. State law held applicable to inter tate commer , court decision .••••••••••••
M ryland. Berry and vegetable pickers, Anne rundel County ••••••••••••••••••••••
Canneries, tomato •••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••.••••••••
Mi&ratory child workers, California and l where .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Child labor and welfare, foreign countries:
Great Britain (England). Age of compulsory school attendan raised from 14 to 15,
eff ctive April 1, 1931. ·····--····-··-··-···············-··············-·····-········
Juvenile labor, changes in upply of. •••••••.•. •••••••••••••••• •••••.•• ••••••••••••
Cinematographic Institute. (&e Motioll•picture industry.)
Age. Cotton•mill woman workers, Ford Motor Co., Oheney Bros., and California &
Hawaiian Sugar Refining Corporation employees .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Occupations. Denver high school graduates, classes of 1928 and lffl. ·-·················
Cl rical occupations, phy ical impairment. (Su Health and hypene.)
Cl rks, Freight Handlers, Expr
and Station Employees, Brotherhood of Railway and
Court decision. Right to collective bargaining upheld, Texas & ew Orleans Railroad
Co ..••.•••••••••••••••••••••• _._ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Clothing industry, men's (except Wag and hours, tdfchee):
Cutters (di mi
or quit), absorption of, into other tradt,a••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : ••
Clothing industry, women's (except Wage, and hours, wifcA 1u):
Garment trad , adverse conditions in, strike of 1uly 1, and threatened strike December
1, 1929........... ·-·····-··············-·····-····························-··-·--·····
Collective agreements, United tates, by industry:
treet railways. Cincinnati Street Railway CO---·-····-·······-···•···-··············
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Oct. 43-6
ov. 21

Au • 64-5

ept. 68
D c. 120-1
Aug. 71



pt. 67-9

8 pt. 59
Aug. n-3


0 ·t. 78-80
0 t. 1


pt 21-32

o .




Collective agreements, foreign countries:
0 rmany. Agreeme tin effect, 1924-1928, tatistic1.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Nov. 113-15
Great Britain. Railr ds, wage-cut asreement of Auaust 13, 1~, continued to May 13,
1930 ••••••••• • .. .• •••••• · •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••...••••••••••••••••••• ····- ~···


Italy. Oas industry, national agreement, 1&Duary 1, 1Q28.•••••••••••••••••••••.•••.•••
Colonial times, history of wages from, in United ta s.••••••••••••.•••••.•••••••••••••••••
Colored p rsons, aged. (Ste egroes.)
Combines. (Ste Mergers, combines, tc.)
Community welfare:
California & Hawaiian Sugar Reftlling Corporation, activities . .......................••
Compulsory work:
India. Forced labor in ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••
Conciliation and arbitration, United tates:
Arbitration cases involving wages and hours, results, 1 5 to 192Q••••••••••••• • •• ••• • • ••
D partment of Labor. (Ste article "Conciliation work of the DeJ)Qltment oC Labor,"

July 178-9


July 73
Aue. 67-8


each inue of Review.)
Conciliation and rbitr tion, foreign oountri s:
Australia. Federal system of arbitration, Government bill to repeal •••••••••••••••••••
Nov. 80-1
China. Act or June 9, 1929, translation or ted (Tao) ........... . ........... . . . ........ . Sept. 98-102
Germany. Labor courts, local, provincial, and i'ed ral, activitiea of, 1929 . ..•. • ••.. ... .
Dec. 109
Great Britain (England). Cotton•textile induaky, arbitration award, wage reduction,
Oct. 181-2
August 15, 1929•••••••••.•..••••••••••• ••..•• •.•. • .•••....•••••••••••••••••••••••••...
India. Trad disputes act effective May , 1929, synopsia••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•• Sept. 102--3
Contract shops, silk industry, Paterson ( .1.) ........................................... .
Aue. 3-10
Conventions, meetings, etc.:
American Federation of Labor. Annual convention, 1929, proceedings •••••••••••••••••
State branches. New England tatea, oonaress . . ................................•
Dec. M-5
Cooperativ s. Great Britain, conference on buaineu policy •.••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Dec. 92
Aug. 95-8
Famlly•allowan funds. Fran , annual concr •-·····-·-····························
Governmental Officials in Industry, ssociation of, United States and Canada. Annual
convention ••••••••••••• _••••••. ••. ••••• •••••••• _•••••••••...•••.• _•.••• -· •••• -· ••••••
Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, lnt.mational Association of. Annual
convention (sixteenth) • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Nov. 48-9
Dec. 73
Ad vanoe notice . .. . _••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••.••••••.••••••••••• ···-·······Industrial Relations A s ciation, International. Conference, June 26 to July 3, 1929,
Aug. 66-7
Germany·· ·········· ··· · ·· ····· · · · · ·····- · · ··-····-·-·-·······················--····
International Labor onference. Annual se ion.···· · ·········-·····-·-··-·········-- 118-19
Labor congress.
ew England, Workers' Education Bureau and State federations of
1 bor, October 26-27, 1929 .••••••••••••• ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Dec. 34-5
Safety Council, National. Annual Congress . •••••••••• ·-·········-········-··········Trades and Labor Congr
nada, 46th annual meetina •••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Nov. 65-7
Trades•Unlon Congress, All-India__ ••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Workers' education.
ew England congress, Worcester (Mass.), October 25-7, 1m.•
Dec. M-5
Cooling syste s, th aters and buildin , labor-cost r duction in manufacture of. •••••••••••
Nov. 21
Cooperation, nited Stat s:
Dec. 83-8
Banks, labor. Rise and development of movement .................................... .
Braastown (N. C.) , developments_ •••. - .••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••
Oct. 103
Building and loan associations. Statistics, by State, 1928 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Nov. 58-9
Ch se factories. Trenary (Mich.) Farmers' Cooperative S'°"e, n w department . .... .
Dec. 93
Con umers' ooperativ Services (Inc.), open.tine
Oct. loo-t
Consumers' institute, ftrst, Brookwood Collece .......................................•
ntral E ch n , Superior (Wit.), the&tricala, and techni
rvice ••••••••••••••••• •••.••••••••••••••••••••.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Dee. 92,93
Cooperative Trading Co., Waukegan (Ill.), recreation activiti •••••••••••.•••••••••••
Dec. 92
Creamery (butter) production, per cent or, by
OGL 105
Dec. 92
District Park Association, Marquette (Micb.) ••---························---········
Dorchester (Wis.) and tt1 vicinity, conferenoe ...........................................
Oct. lOt-5
Farmers' Union Excha111e, Omaha (Nebr.), dividend policy ••••••••••....•••••••••••••
Oct. 105
Federal Farm Board. Creation and function ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Oct. 96-9
Franklln Creamery, Minneapolis, educational oommlttee, work of.•..•.•.•.••........• Sept. 111-12
ept. 106
Housing. Farband Housing Corporation, 1ewiah, cooperative actl
•········- ·· ····
Paul Laurence Dunbar Apartmen Harlem ( . Y.), Nesr oooperative project_. Sept. 107-8
Northern States Cooperative Leaaue, memberahip Mld aalea.. .••.•.•...•••.•.•.........•
Sep\. 111
Oil aasociations. Kansaa, Union Oil Co ............................................... .
Belrtation. AcUvities of OODlllJllel'I' IOCletlea••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
o.. 68-6
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




oopcratlon, United States-Continued.
Societies. Farmers' buying -associations, 1Urvey by Department of Agriculture ••••••••
July 117
Statistics, membership. Cooperative Temperance Cafe ("ldrott"), Chicago ___ ·-······
Jnly 116
Statistics, operating (sales, etc.). Cooperative Central Exchange, Superior, Wis ---·· ··
July 116
July 116
- - Cooperative Temperance Caf~ ("ldrott"), Chioago •••••.•.••. ·-·······-···-- -- -·July 115
- - Farmers' Union State Exchange, Omaha, Nebr--··----···--··---·····--··········
Cooperation, foreign countries:
Oct. 104
Belgium. Cooperative O.ffloe, combined membership, sales, etc __ ····----···-·······--·
Canada. The Canadian Wheat Pool, study of (Irwin).-··········-········-········-··· Nov. 5
- - (Maritime Provinces). Fishermen, Go rnment recomm ndations. -··-·········· July 117- 18
- - ( ewf01,mdla.nd). Fishermen's Protective Union, rapid growth •.•••• ·-····-··--·· July 11 19
- - United Grain Growers and Retail Consumers' Societies, statistics of operation, 19 • S pt. 113-14
China. Cooperative enterpris s, spread of. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••...•....•.•••.
pt. 114-15
Finland. Conmmers'. cooperative movement .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•.•.•••• July 119-20
July 120
- - Membership stati tics, old and new groups .•••• ·--·········---·--·-·----·-··--····
D c. 92
Great Britain. Conference, on business policy_··-····-····-····--·--··- ·-··········· ··
- - (England). Royal Arsenal Cooperative Society, Woolwich, d partments maintained .................•.......................................... ....................
Sept. 118
(England). Wholesale Society pension scheme in effect July 15 •••••••••••••••••••
Oct. 105
Oct. 101· 3
- - (London). London Cooperative Society, short history of..·-···--········-·······
International. Comparison, 28 countries, consumers' soci ties, member hip and annual
bu iness·-······--···------······················-······-····---····--·--·------- -· -·· Oct. 99-101
- - Cooperative subcon racting (commandite), report on, Intern tional Labor fflce __• Aug. 115-16
- - Cooperative Worn n's Guild survey, worn n in agricultur -·--·-····-----·------··
D c. 9-91
Palestine. Types, and characteristics of movement .••••••• ·-············-···-- -----···
July 121·-2
Poland. Consumers' cooperative movement, status.·-·····--··-········--------······
pt. 115
Russia. Maternity and infancy, C ntrosoyus fund for prot ction o'- ··-···-·--·-·······
Motion pictures in cooperative-educational work_·····-···--· --···········-······· Au . ll&-17
Oct. 104
Two•year training cour for supervisory work .......... ·-························
o t of living, United States:
nd in Europe, comparison, project d inquiry by International Labor Office...••••..••
Dec. 229
Budgets, family. (&e Budgets, co t-Qf•living.)
Au . l&-30
hanges, per cent, by city and by item of expenditure, specift d y ar ---········-··--· ·
E penditures, distribution. Professional man's family, 181&-17 and 1926-27, \Va bing•
D c. 222.
ton, D. 0----·--·····-·---·-·····-·····-···-····----·······-·········-·-·-··-·---···Federal employees. Part 1, five cities (506 families) •.•••• ·-····--··-·-· -···-·-········· Au . 41 1
pt. 24 59
- - Part 2, food consumption.·------·--···-····--··-··-··-········--··- --···---·······
- - Part 3, miscellaneous exp nditur ---········-·-···-·····-··-······ ············-·-- Oct. 241-54
ov. 1-10
Part 4, installment buying·-····-······-·-·····-·····-······- --··-··· -··-· ·····-·Index numbers. International compariso.11-. __ . ·-- ····-····· ·---·- __ · ····-··-··· ...••• Aug. 31--40
ov. 171-5
Minnesota. Villag and town families, incom and e penditures, 1929_ •••••••••••••• -S pt. 260
What women wore in th nin ties.-----·-····-·-···-···-·-···-····· ···-····-··-· --·-·-Cost of living, foreign countries:
Argentina (Buenos Aires). Index numbers, food, rent, clothing, and oth r . p n ,
1uly 232-3
1914-1926 .••••••.••••••••• -··--········-···--···--····-···-·--·--············· ·--···-Australia. Index numbers, international compari on __ ···········--··-············-···· Aug. 32--40
Aug. 31-9
Belgium. Index numbers, international comparison .. _.···-·····- ....•....•..•. -....••
pt. 261
Bulgaria. Increase, March, 1929·-·····-··· _.. _.••••••••••. ····-··· •.• -·-··. - .•••. - ••••
Aug. 31-9
Canada. Index numbers, international comparison ..••..•.•...•..•.••••••••••• _..•.•••
Aug. 31-9
Czechoslovakia. Index numbers, international eomparison .•..••••. --··············-··
Aug. 31-9
Denmark. Index numbers, international comparison.·-·-····························Europe. And in the United States, comparison, projected inquiry of International
Dec. 229
Labor Offlce •••••• -·-----····---·-······-··········---······- ·-···-----··--·--·-·····
Aug. 31-9
Finland. Index numbers, international comparison .• ·-·····---·-- ---·········-···-·-·
Aug. 31-9
France. Index numbers, international comparison ...•. ---- __ . -.• -· .•...•••.•••••... --•
ug. 31-9
Germany. Index numbers, international comparison.········-··-·-·· ··- -- -···········
ug. 32 0
Great Britain (United Kingdom). Index numbers, international comparison ...•••••••
India. Index numbers, international comparison •.•••• ·-··-··········-··-··········--- Aug. 32-40
Ireland. Index numbers, international comparison.• ·-···--················-······-··· Aug. 31,33
Aug. 31-9
Italy. Index numbers, international comparlson •••• •-·····---·····-·-·············-·-ct. 54-5
Japa.n. Wages and, comparison .•• -·····-···········-····· -··- ___ ........ --· ..•.• -····
Oct. 255-6
Mexico. Family of four, by State and Federal district, 1922-1927 - • - ·--····-·-·-··-··- Netherla.nds. Index numbers, international compari on_··············-·-··-·-·· ...••• Aug. 32,a4
New Zealand. Index numbers, international comparison _.·-· ··········--········--·-- Aug. 32-40
Norway. Index numbers, international comparison.-·-···------··-·-··-···--·-······· Aus.a~
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Cost or liY in , foreign ountries-Continued.
Peru. Food, r nt, clothing, and misc llaneous, Index numb rs, 1913- 192 __----····---Poland. Index numbers, int rnational comparison ______________ ___ __________ ···-----South Africa. Ind x numbers, int rnational comparison _____________________ ·----·--··
w den. Index numbers, int rnational comparison ____ ------·- ____ -- --- ----- -··------Switz rland . Ind x numb rs, international comparison ______ • _____ ____ _______________ _
Cotton, change to rayon for c rtain garments-- ··-·-··-··-··-···---·· ---·--····-·· -··-···-otton manufacturing (except Wages and hours, which see):
g distribution, woman workers, milis, ortb and outh--·-·-· -··-----· ---- --···-·- Japan.
pinning and weaving, efficiency oflabor ..• •--· ·· -·---·· · ··-···- --- --·-·---- ·igbt work. Elimination of, as a cure for overproduction ..••• ----··-··-· ····-···- ----Yanide , poisoning from. ( ee Indu trial diseases and poisons.)

Oct. 25\_
Aug. 32-4cJ

Aug. 32-34
Aug. 32-40
Aug. 32-40
ov. 22- 4
Oct. 57- 9
DC . 148

Deaf ncl dumb in indm try. (Cee R habilitation, reeducation, and r mployment.)
D ath notic , labor officials. ( ee Obituary.)
D cisions of court :
hild labor. tate law (Ky.) h Id applicable to int r tat commerce _.................
Aug. 11
'ontract of employment. Antiunion contracts, dair ca , oppag cas , and Hitchman cas , nit d tat s Supreme our.t. •.• ..•. -······· --··-- ·····---· ···- ···-·--·- · Aug. 112-14
- - ondition d on purcbas of employ r's capital stock h Id uncon titutional, Ma sa•
chu tt -·· -·- -·. -. --..•. _-------·-- ..•. -· ____ -· •.•. ••• . ______. __ ___ . _-· ..•. ·-. _. . . . ••
Aug. 104-5
Empl y rs' liability. F d ral railroad statut , r cov ry under, barr d by fraud in
obtaining mploym nt. ·-· -······ -·-·····--· _. __-·- -·· ····--···· -·- __ ·----·-··-~----Aug. 105-6
nti-injunction acts, constitutional status oL ---- ·-·-·------··-··--······ Aug. 106-11
Labor organizations.
oll ctive bargaining, 'l' e as and
w Orl ans Railroad case
ap al d to upr me ourt -·-···· ··- ·----·-·-··------------------------------- Oct. 78- o; Dec. 2
rcion of mploye in, i uance of scrip, K ntuckY---·-----· -·- ----·---· Dec. o
Workm n' comp n ation. Employ kiJlcd on way to work, compensation denied,
tab -·- -·---··-····-· ···---- --· --- · --·-· ---------- -·- ---·- - -·--·-· · -· ·· ·-·· ---- ·---·
ov. 56--7
- - M aritim mploym nt, Fed ral act of 1927, declaration of deceas d employee as
Dec. 81
vid nc of fa t.·--· -·-·-·-- --- -·---········ -·- -- ·-------···- --- ------· ·-------· --·· -·
- - Maritime mploym nt , am non ships lost at s a, nor covery for death of. . ___ _ July 110-11
- - Minor illegally employ d, co r d by com n ation act, Massachus tts __ • _______ _
July 7-8
Dir ctori s.
Labor officials. For ibn countries ____ __ . ______ ________ ___ ·--- ___ __ ·--·--·-------·------ July 257--64
- - nit d tate, F d >ral, and tate - - -----·----·-----------·-·-----------·-·----·--- July 243- 57
"Di mi al
g ":
Hartford ( onn.) Rubb r o., r mo al of plant to D troit, and "wa~ •t rmination
ov. 118
bonus"-------···--·-·-·--··-·--··--·-- --· --·-----···---··---·---·· -·-·----·------Di pla m nt, by labor- vin ma hin ry. (See Machinery displacing labor.)
D tribution, occupational. ( e Classification.)
Dry i , n uriti from . ( ee Indu trial di a sand poisons.)
Du ts, United tates:
Oct. 68-9
Explosions. Coal-du t, Bur au of Mines Technical Paper o. 44 -·- ----- -·-------- --Granit dust. ili~ dust, eff ct on workers. Public health bulletin o. 1 7 _________ _
Dec. 45-8

1:mc1ene1, labor. ( ee Production and productivity.)
Eigbt•hour da , for ign countries:
Great Britain. London Agreem nt and Washington (8-hour) Convention, Gov rnm nt
Aug. 169
announc ment ·- ---·-----·---··-·-· --·-·-· ---·--·-·--------·---·--· -·---··-·-·--·---Eld rly workers. (&e Old r worker in indu try.)
Employ rs' a ociations, United tat s:
wspaper Publish rs' A ociation, American. Arbitration (trad ) board awards. (Se,
Printing trade .)
.. Employ r's Labor tat m nt, " ropo aL.---- ---------------·-------- -----·-------------Employm nt o· for ign rs:
July 80-1
r at Brit in. Entry of for ign r for employm nt, restrictions upon __ _·---·-------·-Employm nt, stabilization of:
July 74
,alifornia & Hawaiian Sugar R fining Corporation •• __ -·------·--------------------·-incinnati citizens' committ on, with 10 subcommitt , er ation of, and functions __ Nov. 117- 18
on lidat d Wat r Pow rand Paper Compnny, minimum annual income guarantee
S pt. 182
plan __ · -------- -· -·----···- · -- -· ---···-·----·---········-----··--·-····---·-·-·--· .Legi lation. M
achu tt and Porto Rico. Resolutions for survey, July, 1929 ______ _ Nov. 116-17
July 18CH
Pott ry indµstry, stability of employment, 1923-1928 .••••••••• ------·--·-·-----·--·---Public works. Jones bill (8. 626, 71st Cong. 1st ses .) to stabilize employment, and

Stat pre dents for._ --- ------··----··----·----·----·-------------·---- ------------

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




Employment, tabilization-Continu d.
aboard ir Line Railw y, t ady employment gu rant , shop employ ---······--·
il indu ry. Pater on ( . J.), Broad ilk Manufactur rs' A ociation, progr m,
-d y basis---··--·--- ······ ···············---····································-···
Employm nt tatistics, United tates:
dvertising linag (h lp•wanted), an indicator of labor demand .. ·--····· ·· ·-····-·····
irplane manufacture . . __ .••..•• -·· ..................... _._. __ ....................... -·
Building trades. Massacbus tts organiz d work r , un mploym nt t ti tics.·-····· ··
P rt·time work.
g nci for curing_·················-·················· · · · ··- ······
ew York Bureau of, registration ····-························-·--·--·········- ·ew York City, jobs for women.... .................. .............................
Private (t -charging) a encies. Cincinn ti, Ceo umers' L ague urvey, ·~ec mb r, 1
Public (free) employm nt offices. Cincinnati, Consumers' League survey, D c mber,

Sept. 183
D c. 165

Dec. 100-2

u~. 62- 3
July 206
D C. 41- 2
D o. 40
D c. 39-43
pt. 184-93

ept. 184-93
Canning and pr rving... .....................
July 199;
ug. 1 ; pt. 21 - 15; c . 209; ov. 136; D c. 1
Hotels........................................ ... .......... .... ..... ............... July 1
Aug. 1 2- 3; pt. 213-14; Oct. 2 9; ov. 135-6; Dec. 1
1 ct d. ( ee ection Tr nd of employm nt, each
- - fanufacturing indu tries,
is ue of Review.)
- - Mining, antbracit and bituminous coal ... ••·····-·······-·· -········--··········· July 194-5;
ug. 17 9: pt.
10; Oct. 204-5; ov. 131-2; D c. 17 80
- - Mining, m tal!if rou .....••••••.•••••.•.• . •.•......•...•...••..••.•. •.... .... ... •
July 1
ug. li9- ; pt. 21 11; ct. 205-6; ov. 133; D . 1
- - Public utili i ·············-·-············ ········· ··-········ ··· ···· ···· ······- - ·
July 1 7;
ug. 1 l; pt. 212; ct. 206-7; ov. 1 ; Dec. 1 1- 2
- - Quarries and nonmentallic min .. ...••• ••••••••••••••..... ...•..•••.......••••..•
ug. 1 ;
pt. 211; Oct. 206; ov. 1 ; D c. 1 1
- - Railroads, steam ••••.••...••.•••.. ·-···-··-········ ••...• -·- ......••••.... __ ........ July 200-1;
ug. l - 5; pt. 215-16; Oct . 210-11; .. ov. 137- ; D c. 1
--Trade, who] ale and r tail .••••• ·-······ ··-··········-··--··············· ········· July 1 7- ;
ug. 1 1- 2; ' pt. 212- 13;
t. 207 ; ov. 134-5; D c. 1 2- 3
aliforsia..... .................... ......... .....
July 204;
Trend or employment, t te reparts.
u . J ; pt. 219; ct. 21 ; ov. 141; D . 1
Illinois .•••••••••••••••••••••••.... ........ -·-·-._ .. _._ ...... -· .. ... _... _.......... July 201, 204;
Aug. 1 , 1 ; pt. 217, 21 20; ct. 211, 21 ; ov. 1
l; D . 1 , 1
--Iowa .•••••••••••..••.. ·-········ ··· ·························· ·········--·-···-····
July 201;
ug. 1 ; pt. 217; ct. 211; ov. 1 ; D c. 1
Maryland · -···-·-· ···· ···-·-··-··-················-····-················-·····--·--· July 201- 2;
ug. 1 ; p . 217; Oc . 211- 12; ov. 1
;D .1 7
Ma acbu ts ... •--···-···-·-······-· ······ ·-···········-·-··-··-··-·······---··-· July 202, 204;
Aug,:. 1 , 1 ; pt. 217, 220; Oct. 212, 214; ov. 13 , 1 1; D c. 1 7, 1

-·· ············-·······························-··········-················ ··-····

Tr nd or employm nt, United tates.

ew Jer


Aug. 1 ; pt. 21 ; O t. 212; ov. 139; Dec. 1 7
ew York _____ ·-·-------·-·--····------·-·-····-----···--··---··-··-··-···-··-··-·
ug. 1 , 1 ; pt. 21 , 220; Oct. 212, 214; ·ov. 13 , 141; Dec. 1 7, 1 9
Oklaboma •• -·-··--····-·- -···········----··---··------·-·- -·-·-··-······ ···-·-···· July 20'2- 3,
204- ; u . 1 .7, 1 9; ept. 21 , 220; Oct. 212, 214; ov. 13
, 1 1- 2; Dec. 1 7,1 9
- - P nnsylvania.. __ •• -· --·-- ........ ·---··- ••••. ···--·-··-· ·-·---·-. ··-··. ·- .•• ··-- _. July 203, 205;
ug. 1 7, 1 9; pt 21 , 220-1; Oct. 213, 215; ov. 140, 142; Dec. 1 , 100
- - \\'iscon in_ •••••••••••••• ··-···-·····---··-··-.--·---·-· .•••. ·-·---· .•• -· ___ .-· ____ July 203, 205;
Aug. 1 7, 1 9; pt. 219, 221; Oct. 213, 215; ov. 140; Dec. l
Excavation orkers, silico is among1 (Ste Industrial di a sand poi. ons.)
Exhaust gas, automobil . ( te Industrial disease and Poi ons.)
l"amO, allowance :
Australia. Royal

ommi ion on Child Endowm nt or Family AllowanC(' , r port,

1929 ••••• ·--··--·-···-- ·-··---· -··-····-·-··· ··- ·····---·--··---··-·--··----·-···-··-·

Canada, R olution in Parli m nt, and report on.····-·-·-·--··-····-·-·-··-···-······
France. Congre
on_-· ... ·-·-··--·--···---··-·····---·· ...... -. -· .... . - - . . - ·- ·- ·--·
Family dependency, unemployment as a ca
or. (Lut n).--·------·-----·-·····-·····-·
F tigue, indu tr.tal:
Great Britain. Monotony in work, ff t of.-·-···-·----·····-·-·------··--·-·-·--···
First aid. (Su Medical and b pital service.)
1.xation, wa,e. (Su Minimum
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Oct. 1-3
'. AU.
Aug. 95-8
Dec. 1-12
Oct 66-7



Food canning and pre r ing:


Maryl nd. Childr n mploy din fruit and veg table picking and cannin ___________ _
For d labor. (Su Compul ory work .)
Foreign r , employm nt of. (See Employment of !or ign rs.)
Fruit picking and canning, Maryland, children employed In _____________________________ _
Garment trad s. ( u lothing industry, worn n' .)
Ola indu try (except Wag and hours, which u ):
ational Window 0 .
Workrrs, th pas in of th --------------------------- --------01
Work r, ational Windo :
Di int gration and dissolution ____________________________ __________________________ __ _



July 8&--7

Oct. HO
Oct. 1- 16

Oovernm ntal Officials in Indu try, A o iation of, in tb "nit d tat and anad
(A. 0. 0 . I.) :
Bi tory of ( chutz), addr
at si t nth annual convention __ _____________________ ____ _

ct. 25- 31

R andi pped, training and pla m nt of. (&e Rehabilitation, r ducati n, and r mployrn nt.)
H ndicraft ,
, Estonia ________________ _________ ___________ ___ __ _

H alth and
Public h
o rnm
Health and by
l occ
Physician, r
. Phy ician, function

ate.s Public B alth
r ice.
l · nit d 'tat s
nt, bur au, tc.)
y indu tr :
palrm nt in, Cincinnati offl c ___________________ ____ _

, in sickn
of, in sic


m __ _________ __________ __ _

oviet). Ben flt and ourc or r
---- ----------··-··-··---·-·-··-·-·-·-·-·B Ip-wanted adverti ing, an indicator of labor
and .. -·------------····-----·-----····-lJom work, industrial:
indu try,
York ity, t t born work in pection r port, 124,192 - ·-Ho
eneral :
orking hour ot __________ _-· _•.• _____ --- -· .•. ______ . _·- _... . __ .•. . ---·. __
arison, ctual working hours, by indu try, 0ctob r, 19 - ···-- -- - ··db ur .)
f th-------·····---------------------------····---··---····---Ho
uildin con truction industry.)
fining orporation, activiti _. __ .. -·-. _____ -· ___ . _-·-v rag co t J)('r f mily, l•family, 2-famil , and multi-

c. 49-50


D .

1071 2

u . 6 70
C •



1 7- 72

ct. 17

Jul 73

------------------- -------- ---- --------------- ----------

- - By city (25,000 population or o r) and g ogr pbic di i ion_____________ o . -4city (100,000 popul tion or ov r) ·-· ·- -···-- ---·· -- -·-· -------·----- --·-······ ··
Mich.) . tudy of, in r lation to juv nil d linqu ncy, maj r crim , and h alth
m ·· ·-- ------------------ ·--·-·····--·-··--····-·---------···--·-···········-··
y ( olo.). -·---·· ------······· -·---rk. B
tion ____________ ·---· -···-·- ··-·····
- - Farband
, cooperative activiti ··-· ----·-··· -·----·---· -··- -- - Paul Laur
partm nt , in Harl m,
gro cooperativ proj
tat Boa
,r port, March 6, 1929 Buff lo and
York it-·----Hou
for ign
Brit in (E ngland). B u s built in 19'22, _,Uni try of B alth, t nth nnual
rt .. ·-··-·-···-···--···-···· ----·-----··-----···-·---·-----------·---·-·· ·-· -· -·-, bow to a
· ---·-·---·-·--------····-·-·-··-- · -···-·-··-·--·---- - ub ·di und r barn
Act of 1923 and Wh atl Act of 1924, modification __
Italy ( no ). In titut fo
onstruction of Peopl ' Hou · , activities .... ...•• __ _
p in. Low-priced hou ing (La, Ccuaa Barata ) . .. · ·---····· ·-·--·· -----------------··

- -

lun1 h u

lee (dry), manuf tured, n urltia from. ( e Industrial
Dln , incid nee of. ( ee Sickn
t ti ti . )

(1471 ]

July l lt

and poi ·on .)

Immigration, Unit d Stat :
M ican labor.
u ar• t field in outh Platte V 11
( olo.), d tailed udy of
(Talor)------·-··--····-·--·----· ···--·· ····----·----·-···-···-··-· ·· ·····-· -------8tati ti . ( e aedion "Immigr tion and Emigr tion," each i aut of Rtt1ieto.)
YU&oslav immigrant , di tribution of, and ffect o( r tricti e quota law_------------··
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Oct. 155
July 112- 13
pt. 1 9
pt. 1~10

Sept. 37-'7
J uly~

fmmlgration, foreign countri s:
, occupation, and df ioation, 19 29 ______________________ _
anad . tati ti , by
Japan. Restriction of Korean labor rs, propo al ___________________________________ ___ _
Industrial conditions, reports on, by commi ions, tc. :
Great Britain.
otton indu tr and iron and s e l indu ry, civil r
rch cornmitt e
on, rsonnel of subcommitt -- ----------------------------------------------------- - Economic Mi ion to
port ___________________________________________ _
Industrial di
es and poi on ,
te :
utomobile exhaust g . Daily
Lad. Poisoning, committ r por,
ociatioo ___ _________ _
- - Po· oning, death from, 1925-1927, summary of Bul. To.
-----------·-----------M thyl chloride. Poisoning from, in m chanical r fri ration ___ _________________ __ ___ _
.,. uritis. Among handJ r of manufactured "dry ice," hio _______ ____________ __ _____ _
__ ____ ____ __ ---- - -----ccupational di a . Compensation for, stati ti by
- - D fl.nition, caus , prevalence, and pr vention (Hayhur t ) _________ _______________ _
-- M
chusetts, nnual r port, 1927- __ ____ _______________ __ __________ ___________ _
ew Jer y, Industrial Bulletin, Jun , 1929 ____ ________ ________________________ ___ _
- - Ramazzini ( ith portrait), first tud nt oL ___________ ___________________ __ ______ _

(1 9 9


July 23
.. ov. 177

Oct. 51
July 95

pt .
Aug .

• ug. 1
July 91-5
' pt. 61-2

ilicosis. Rock drillers, bla ters, and excavators, ·ew York ··tr-- -------------------Tubercul~s. Occupation a a c usati e f ctor in developm nt oL __ _________________ _
Indu trial di
es and poi ons, foreign countri :
yanides, poisoning from, in casehardening, regulation ___________________ _
- - Occupational di a
made compensable, li t of 22, ord r ff cti January 1, 1c ....
Great Britain. Quarri and tone yard , silico i Ilome Offi.c report, 1929 ___ ______ __ _
lndu trial di putes, United tat , g n ral :
• rbitration dju tmen , by indu try, 1 --------------------------------------------July l 1- 7
Statisti . trik and lockout , 1916-1 , analysis (17 t bl )_ __________ _________ _____ July 132 l
- - ( e auo tction trik and lockout in th · nit d tat , each i m of R titu:.)
Indu trial disputes, nit d t te , b indu tr and locality:
Au. 125
• rcbitectural-iron work r .
bicago (Ill.) strik , Jun 1- 13, 1 -------- -- -· ·-- ------ -Bakeri . Kansas ity ( o.), Loo -Wil Bi cuit o., trik , pt m r
30, 1 ~ __
·o . -1
Bronze workers.
ew Yor • ity, trike, May 1 , 1 -- ··----- -------- July 131; u . 12G;: pt. 121
Building trades. Locust ummit (Pa.), tone
W t r, c ntrac or , trike, ugust
12, 1929 ________________________ _________________ ________ __ _________________ __ ______ _
ct. 111
- - Philadelphia (Pa.), nit d ngin r
onstruction o., trik , July 31 to ugu t
6, 1929 _______________________________________________________________ _______ __ _______ _
pt. 12\
- - t. Louis ( o. ), trike, fa 1- 24, 1929 ______ ____________ __ _________ ______ ________ _
July 131
- - teubenville (Ohio), str' e, paint r , plumb r , nd l trical work r , a 1 ,
1929 __________________________________________________________ ________ __ ____________ __
Jul 131
Car builder . 1cK
Rocle (Pa.), Pr
d t el ar o., trik , ugust 1- 5, 1
t. 111
Carpenters. Plainfi ld ( . J.), strik,c, May 1-24, 1929 ____ __________________________ ___ _
July 131
u .1
(mill ork.) Chic o (Ill.), strike, June 1-13, 1 ----- - ---- ----------------------lean rs and d rs. Lo n les (Calif.), trike, May 9, 1 29 ___ __ _________ _____ ___ __
Jul 131
Clothin , men' . Baltimor (Md.), pressers, pants and v t ma r , trik , pt mh r
Z1 to Octob r 4, 1929 _____ __________________ ____ _________ ______________________ _____ __ _
- - Pbilad lphi , strike, pt m r, 1929 ____ _________________ ____ __ ___ _____ ________ __
omen's. • w York, embroid ry work r , b m tit b rs, pl at r , n
tuc r , strike, S p mher 4-6, 1929 ________ • ______ . ____ __ - - - _____ • ----. -..•. - - -- - - -- - • ·ov. 73-4
Clotbin workers. .,.ew York City, trike, July 2-11, 1929________________ ___ ____ ___
, 11 19
• t . 11 1
York. Cloak ma rs, strik , July 2-16, 1929_. _____ ------------- ------------Cotton mills. Anderson ( . C.), strike, pril to June 6, 1929 ________________________ _
July 132
- - Ore nville (8. C.), strike, May 31, 1929 ________ ____ _____ ___ ____________ ___________ _
July 131
- - ( ee al o Industrial disputes: T extile workers.)
OraY dig rs.
ew York, Calvary Cemet ry Corporation, strike, J uly 30, 1929_
p . 123
ct. 112
Leather-good work r .
ew York ity, Morris White o., ladie ' handbag , strike,
p. 123
Jul 1 I 1929_•-•••-•••----•--•••••••-••••-•-••••-----•--•----••---•••---------•--•-••
:r. J.),
pt m r
1 29 __________________________________________________ _______ ____ ___ _
ov. 74
Millwork (carpent rs). ( e Industrial di pu te : Carpenters, millwork .)
Mining, anthracite.
oaldal (Pa.), Lehigh Coal and a igation Co., strike, June 10-11,

---------------- ----------------------- - - - ------- - ----- - -------- ------------ - - --- -

- - Olen Lyon (P .), usquehanna oal o., trike, August 19-21, 1 - --------------Hudson oal Co. (P a.), Marvin colliery, strike, ugust 1- 3, 1929 ______________ __ __
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Aug. 126

Oct. 112
Oct. 111

Industrial d1spute1, United tates, by industry and locality-Continued.
Mining, anthracite.
nticoke (Pa.), Glen Alden Coal Co., strike, August 14-17, 1929 __
Pennsylvania Coal Co., nd rwood Colliery, strike, June 1- 10, 1929 ______________ _
- - Pennsylvania, L high Coal and avigation Co., strike, July 1- 26, 1929 ___________ _
- b- rWilk
(Pa.), Lehigh and Wilkes--Barre
Coal Co., strike, ugust
29 to____ pt
3, 1929-Barr

Oct. 111
Aug. 126
Sept. 11
Oct. 112

Mining, bituminou coal. Marion (Ill.), strike, o grov -M han oal Co., Jun 1-26,
1929 _______________________________ ·-------------------------------------------------M tor-vehicle industry.
tlanta ( a.), Fisher Body o., ugu t 16-17, 1929________ __ _
-D troit
(Mich.), _________________________________________________________________
:lurra Corporation of Am rica, auto-body builders, strike, July_
1929 _________

Aug. 126
Oct. 111-12

Municipal employ . (See lndu trial disput : Publics rvice. )
Paper hang rs. Pbilad lpbia (P a.), strike, ept mb r 25-26, 1929 __ ___________________ _
tr t __________________________
cl an rs, garbage coll ctors,
etc., strike, Octob r 21-24,_
1929 ____rvice.
______ ______

Nov. 74

Sept. 123

D ec. 105
R fining. (See Industrial di put s: Metallurgical works.)
R t urant and cafeteria work rs.
ew York City, strike, April• to July 17, 1 29 ____ _
1uly 132;
Aug. 127: ept. 124
Lynn, and alem (Mass.), strike, ugust 31, 1929________ ct. 112; ov. 74
h work r. B
.), strike, April to July 13, 1929________________________
July 132;
--Bo ton and
Aug. 127; pt. 124; Oct. 112; ov. 74; Dec. 105
- - Ila rhill (M .), strike, June 1 to August 19, 1929 ____ ________________ Aug . 125-6, 127; ept. 124.
meltin . ( ee Indu trial disput : Metallurgical works.)
tr t railways.
w Orlea (La.) Public rvice (Inc.), trike, July 1 to ptemb r
5, 1929. ----------------- -------------------------------- i pt. 120-3; Oct. 112; ov. 74-5; Dec. 105
tructural-iron w
go (Ill.), strike, Jun 1~, 1929___ ___ ___ _______ __________
Aug. 125
York ity, strike, May 1 to June , 1929___ ____ ______
July 131
ork ity, fruit and produce, strike, October 5- , 1929__
Dec. 103
ctober 5-19, 1929 __ ___________________________ ________
Dec. 104
ocers, strike, Octob r ~22, 1929____________ ________ __
Dec. 104
enn. ), rayon plants, strik , March to May, 1 29 _____
July 132
, otton Mill o. 1, strike, M y 31 to July 1 , 1929 ___ :____
ug. 1~7
ac uring Co., strike, July 11 to ptemb r 10, 1929__ ___ ept. 123; ct. 112
acturing o., cotton mills, strike, ctober 2-15, 1 29________
Dec. 105
anufacturing o., trik , June 3- 19, 1929____________________
Aug. 126
hia (P .), 1-day strik , July 30, 1929 _ ________________________
ept. 123
ntri .
industry, cau , result, and time lo t, 19 _______ __
July 154-6
Oct. 117
in 1 _ ------------------------------------------Fr
"folded ar
24-hour strike, Jun 4
______ __ _
Aug. 131
d). By in
y, cause, and r ult, 1 ____ ____ ___
1uly 152-4
Oct. 1 1-2
try, stopp
of work, July 29 to Au
t 15, 1S2 _
ov. 26
s nd Allie
rad s, by countrY------ ~--- --------' strike, Au
t 5, 1929 ____________________________ _
ov. 2
Dec. 110
---------------------------------------- ------- ------Ind
alifornia & Hawaiian ug r R fining Corporation, policy ___ _
1uly 75
Jndu trial p
dical and hospital rvice.)
Industrial relations,
tat :
rporation ________________________________ ___ _
·· Sugar
July 6~75
In tallm nt
1 emplo
mili ) ft citi , co t ofliving study, Part 4 __
ov. 1-10
Int rnation
tion of Indus
nt Bo rd nd Commi ion :
M ti
r 22- 26, 1930, advance notice _______________________________________ _
Dec. 73
Inv ntio
alifornia Hawaiian ugar Refining orporation, poliry ___ __ _
July 75
Iron nd
pt Wag and hours, which ee):
oy , special retirement adjustments ______________ ------------------ Aug.
.Jul'enlle d linqu ncy.

( ee

I bt of Labor, Local A

hild labor and w Irare.)

o. 300 (glass workers), rise of, and di ruption ________ _

Labor conditions:
Demand for 1 bor, help-want dads, a an indicator or__ ________________________________ _
Guatemala. Review of (Tronooso)--- ------------------------------------------------South Platte alley (Colo.). M ic n labor, sugar-beet fields ____ _____________________ _
Syri . Principal occup tions •• --------------- _______ ---------------------------------
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Oct. 1-G
Dec. 190-2
Sept. 10-12
Sept. 434

Nov. •



La or cost:
ooling apparatus (theaters and buildings), 44 m chine operation reduced to L_. ____ _
ov. 21
Oct. 52- 9
naly is of "cheap labor" (Orchard)- ·- - -- -- ------ - --------------- -- ----- ----Labor movem nt:
July 51-61
Brazil. ocial legi lation, labor organizations, etc. (Tron o) --·-----···--···-·---- --- Labor offices, Governm ntal:
Au tralia (Qu n land). Minister of Labor and Indu tr , n w policy, upon d r at of
Labor Party··- --·_ .• _-·-· -· · ··- -·-·-- -·-··-·_._·--_.-· __ -·_. _________ ._ •. __ . _. ___ . __
ept. 50-1
Oct. 51
M ico. Advisory industrial commi ion, er tion oL .·-·----------- · ------·-·- · -·-·- ·
ew Jersey. lndu trial di
inv tig tion bureau, n , function and r port. __ · · ·-·-Dec.
Labor organizations, nited tates, g neral:
July 123
Member hip statistics. International comparison __ ···------· -· -_-· ___ · -·- __ _____ ___· -ept. 35-6Policy. On paym nt of wag , cash or chec method -- -···---- -· -·---- --------------- Labor organizations, foreign countri :
Gen ral. Membership, by country and x, International F d r ti n of Trad l"nion ,
July 124
January 1, 19 --- ····- ·--·-·· -· ··- · · ··· ----··-·-·---·- - ------·-····- ·-··--- -·-·--··-·
July 125
- - Memb r hip, International Trade er taria , J nuar 1, I -·--·- ·--···-· · · ··-- - Memb r hip, labor conditions, Journeymen P inter and Alli d Trade by country,
1913, 1925 and 1
-·-····--·-··-· · -·- --··--·--· ··· -····-·- - ·-·-····--······ ·-····· --·
Brazil. Lit of, with conden db •law (Tron o)·-············-··· ·-· ··- ·----·--··· ·
Canada . • iemb r hip tati tics, 1 ···-···-···-····-·- · ···-·--· · ----·---·-· ---·-·- ·- Co ta Rica. Labor union, low d velopment of (Tronco o)······-----·-·-·· ---·-·- --Cuba. Labor unions, Ii t of (Troncoso)---·-----·--·-·--------·-----·•·-·-·---- ----· -·Oreat Britain. " 7or er ' nion amalgamated with Tran port and ' n ral \ - rker '
July 125
lJnion.-.---- ---···-·----·-··--·-·-·---·-·-------------------·- ---------·--···------- Ouat mala. Trade union , lit of (Tron o). ··---- -··---·-- ---··-·--·---·-----·- ----- 8 pt. 14- 15
J apan. Trade-union member hip a clo of 19 ·---··-·-··-·-·-····----------------·· ·
Ticaragua. Labor union, Ii t of (Tronco o)-----·----------· -··----·-------------··- ·.1
alvador. Labor union , 11 of (Tr n o>-----------·--··------ ·----·-·· -·-· -- ··-· · --outb Africa. Memb rship tati ti -··-- ---·-·· -------· .. ·-·-·-· ··-··· ·---- ------· ---.. Labor tat ment" by employer, proPoSal----------------------- ---------- -------------·- Labor upply and demand . ( t Labor conditions.)
Labor turnov r:
t dion La r turn v r, ach i u if
Am rican ractori . Current montbl rat .
Revi , beginning Jul11, 1 t 9.)
July 62-6
duties Bureau of Labor
f ti . (B rridg >-------------·--·--------·--- - tandnrd pro dure. '' Turnov r Talk ," Metropolitan Li! In uran
o ___ . __ _ D c.
July 74-S
California Hawaiian ugar R fining orporation- - ·------·-- -------·---------·---·-100
D flnition of terms-- ·--- · ___ ----------- __ ------------- --·-·- ·-- -- - -· - -- -- -. -- -- - - ------ D
Oovernm nt and privat mplo m n , P r onnel Cla iflcation Board pr limin r
r port (H . Doc. o. 602), 1929 __ _,-------·---····-··-··--·-----·---------- -----·---··· Au . 1
Law and l gislation, -nited at , F d ral and g n ral :
1inimum wag . Table of la in ff
and w
rmin d th r und r·----··oth rs' pensions. Legisl tion of January 1, 1 --·-·-·------··- -·----·---- - ··· · · ·Occupational di
. Law providing compen tion b
Public work . Jon bill ( . 2 , 71st ong., 1
.), to ta iliz mpl ym nt, and
Oct. 1 ~
for--·-·-· · ------···--·- ·-·----------------- ----· ·-·- -··-- --···----· Aug.
Workm n' com nsation. By tat, 1929- --·--------·----· ·-------·· -----· -----·--- ov. 50-2
- - G n ral r iew of, 1929 ...•• ·------------------------·--· -·-··-·--·· ··-·- --··----- Law and le islation, nit d tate , by tate:
·ov. 63
Al a.
orkmen' compensation, am ndment, 1929 __ ··---------·------·-·-·---· -· -Oct. 1
California. Public work, to reli v unemploym nt, 192L- ---·--· ·--- ··--·-----------DC. 71
--Workm n' compen ation, am ndment, 1929----------·---·· -------"·- -----· · --- ··ct. 73
Colorado. Workmen' com ns ion, 1929--- --·-·-----. _---···--·- -· _______ . _-_-- . _-·ov. 53
Conn cticut. Workmen' compensation, am ndm n 1 ·--·--·-·----·--·------- --D . 72
Dela are. '\\.,.orkm n' compensation, am ndm nt, 1 --·- ·- - ·- ----·---··-------·-- ·D . 72
Oeorgia. Workm n' compens tion, amendm nt, 1m.. ------·-- --·-----·-------·-·-·ov. 63
Hawail. Workmen' compensation, amendm n , 1929·-------- ---- --------·-----···- Oct. 184
Idabo. Public work for•· m rgency mploym nt," 1 U>----·--··-----·-- ------···· --ov.53-4
Illinois. Workm n' compensation, amendments, 1929 ___ • __- -- - -. --- -· - - . - - -. - -. - - ---c .l
Louisiana. Public works, tor li e un mploym nt, 192L----- --·------····-··-··--- -Oct. 73-4
Maryland. Workmen's compensation 1929.----·-·-···· ___ - · · -· - --- -·-·-- ----· --- ·---D . 72
. Wor men's compe tion, am ndm nt, 1929 ________ ··- -- ·- -- - -·- - - --Oct. 74
n. Wor men' compensation, 1929- _---·---·. -·-. --- _· · -·- _-- - ·- -·-- -- ---· ---Oct. 74
ta. Workm n' compensation, 1929 - ____ -· ----------· - ---------- --- • ------ ·-·-

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

[ 1474]

1, w and legislation, nited States, by tates-Continued.
Mi ouri. Workmen' compensation, 1929 _____________________ _____ __________________ _
Montana. Workmen's compensation, 1929 __________________________________________ _
ebraska. Workmen's compensation, amendment, 1929 _______________ _______ ________ _
ew Jer y. Public works, to mploy the "n edy poor," HH5 ______________________ __ _
w M rico. Workm n's compensation, 1929 ____ ___________ _________________________ _
North Dakota. Workmen's compensation, 1929 ___ ___________ ________________________ _

(1 9 9
Oct. 74
Oct. 74-5
Dec. 72
Oct. 184
Oct. 75-1>
Oct. 76

Ohio. Workm n's comp nsation, am ndment, 1929 __ ___ --- ----------- -------- --- ----- D c. 72-3
Oklahoma. Workmen's compen ation, amendments, 1929 ___ ___ ______________________ _
Tov. 54-5
Or gon. Workmen's compensation, amendments, 1929 ___ ----------------------------P nnsylvania. · Public works, unemploym nt "emergency fund," Hi17 _ _____________ __
ct. 184-6
- - Workmen's compensation, amendment, 1929 ________________ ____________________ __
Dec. 73
Dec. 73
Porto Rico. Workmen's compensation, am ndm nt, 192< --------------------------- - Oct. 7~
outh Dakota. Workm n's compensation, 19 ---------------------- - -- -- - -------- --W hington. Workm n's compen ation, 1929 ________ ____ _________________ __ ____ _____ _
Oct. 76-7
Wi consin. Antiunion contract law nactecL _______ _______________ ___________ ___ ____ __ Aug. 111- 12
Id-age pension law, am ndm nt ______________________________________ __________ _
Aug. 101
- - Public works, tor lieve unemployment, l 23 ___________________________ _____ __ __ __
Oct. 186
Laws and I gislation, foreign countri :
B lgium. Workmen's compensation law am ndm nt, ff ctiv J nuary 1, 1 30, provi ionsof ________________________________________________ ··--·· ---· -·--············- Aug. 9-90
July 51-61
Brazil. Labor mov m nt and cial legislation (Tronco ) .. -••·--·-···-·--···-·------ept. 20
o t Ric . Labor law , ynopsts of (Tronco o)·-·-·-··--·-·- -··· ·--· -·-·----·-·--··· ept. 8-9
Cuba. Labor laws, synop i of (Troncoso) ... -------·--·--·---···· ---···--··-- --------Dec. 165-6
0 rmany.
n mploym nt insuranc system, am ndm nt , ct
r, 1 --·--- ------Guatemala. Labor laws, syno is of (Troncoso) ....... --·---·--·-··----·····- --- ---- · - Sept. 12- 13
M ico.
onstitution am nd d ( rticl 73 and 123), to permi Fed r 1 Labor C dr . . _
pt. 15-16
icaragua. L bor laws, s nop i or (Trone o>-----------------·-------· ··------·-- --Sept. 1
alvador. Labor I w , ynop i of (Trone 0)-------------···--·--------- ----·---· ·--L ngtb-of•s rvic :
Oct. 17-25
R lation to wag rats (Frain)------------·-----------------------··--· ·--- ·- -·-·-- --- t 1 industry.
pecial r tir m nt adj u tm nts .. •------------·--·-------·---·------·-- • ug . 99-101

M chin ry displ cing labor:
r at Britain (E ngla d ). Plac m nt or m n di pla d, M rs. Rowntr metho ___ _
Mat rnity and infancy :
F d ral act ( h ppard-'fown r) on mat rnity and infancy bygi n ,
ri nc und r,
1921-29-------------------·------------- ------------------ --- ---- ------------------- -Ru ia.
u run r r prot tion oL--------------- ·-----· ------------- --- ----Mat rnity i
r, er e ( o. ) of March 24, l , cop , b n fit , n funds _
Medical and

---- ---------------------------------- --- ---· -·------- ------ -


· Milano, origin, growth, and purp
-·-- -----r R fining orporation ___ ____ _______________ __


M rg r, co
Or at Br


t, and r sults. ------------- --------------------·
Wag and hours: alari .)

algamation of Workers'

Aug. 74-7
Sept. 115


Dec. 52-4

Sept. 65-7
July 72
July 96-

ruon with Transport nd

-------------- -------- ------------- ------------------------ ---·-·------ -- - Two mov m
in indu try, "poolin " of capital and geogr phical distribution __
M xican la or, mjgrant. ( e Immigration, nited tates.)
Migra ory and floating 1
hild work r . ( e hild labor and w lCar .)
r do
b _______
t ft ld______________________________________________________________
, r ruiting nd shipping asonal labor, Or at W t rn u ______
Minimum wage, nit d t t :
nd wag rat d rmin d b r und r.. _____ _____ _
Legislation. T bl orl w in ff
Minimum wag , foreign countri
Australia. Fixation of w g , principl of__ _________ ______________ _____ ______________ _

Li ing w g , principl of th ---------------- --------------- --------------- -- --· -ondary wag (margin for skill)---------------------------------------- ---- ----Oreat Brit in (England) . F rm workers, ra chang . - - . - ---- --------- ---------- ---Italy. By occupation and locality, as fixed by r m nt. ______ ______________________ _
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Oct. 190-1


July 125
July 7

Sept. ~ l
Nov. 29-39
Dec. 152-5
Dec. 153
Dec. 153-4

July 17H
Aug. 16(H

fining (except Wage and hours, which see), United tates:
oal. Dust e plosions in min s, Bureau of Min Technical Paper· o. 448 __________ __
'.lining (except Wag s and hours, which see), foreign countri s:
Gr at Britain (England). Coal, output, cost, and proceeds, by quarter, 19 , 1 29 ____ _
India. Underground employment of women, summary of situation _____ _______ ····--··
Japan. Coal-mining industry, production, total and per capita, 1914-1927_···-·-·-··-·1ini t rs, retir d, homes for, ix d nominations---·-···········------·-··-·--·-----·-·-··-1inor , employment of. ( ee Child labor and welfare; Minimum wag .)
Minors, ill gaily employed. ( ee Workmen's compensation and in uran .)
• 1oth r ' pension , nited tates:
Legislation. As of January 1, 1929 __ ----------·--··-------------------------· ______ ··-1otion-picture industry (except Wage and hours, which ue):
Cin matographic Institute, Int rnational Educational, of the Leagu of ation , work of_
Russia. Mo i s as propaganda factor, cooperative soci ties---------···-··-··-·-·---···
fotor-vehicl industry (except Wag s and hour , which ee):
ge distribution of employees, Ford Motor Co. (Detroit area)---- -- --··-·---··--·----·• 1us urns, industrial:
hicago. Rosen ald Industrial Mu um, types of e hibits __··----- ------- --·-·--·---~1usic teachers, Pr s r Home for, Philad lphia·-------·-·----·····--------··---·--···---- - Iutual benefit a ociations. ( et Ben fits and b n flt funds.)
_ Iutual insuran funds. ( ee Benefits and benefit funds.)

Oct. 68-9
July 5
pt. 53
pt. 6


Oct. 4-93
0 t. 4

Aug. 11 - 17
ov. 2 -4
,;;, pt. 4 -9

Negroe :

daptation to changing economic conditions, pro r in busin s and industry __ ·-·--Cooperation. Housing proj ct, Paul Laur nee Dunbar partments, Harl m ( J. Y. ) __
Hom s for ag d color d persons-·····---·--····---------·--·---·-·---------·-- -------- ti tics, r port, biennium 1927 and 192 _
West irginia. Bureau of egro W Hare and
Women in industry, Women's Bureau Bul. o. 70----·-------···--------· ·--··-··----- uritis, "dry ice." ( ee Industrial dis a sand poisons.)
'ight work, nited tat s:
Cotton manufacturing. Elimination of, as a cure for overproduction _. ________________ _



t. 107Aug. HH4
ct. 4 p . 54-6

DC. 14

D . 2
an chaack, David. Pion r in saf ty work, :ro,ember 13, 1929_·· ----------·---···-·
Occupational di eas s. ( ee Indu trial diseas
nd poi ons; Workm n' com nsation and
in urance.)
s of 192 and 19 ·--·--· _.
D c. 1 2-4
Occupational di tribution, D nver high- hool graduates, c
Old-ag pensions and r tirement, nlted tat :
alifornla, old-ag pension act, 1929, text and summarY----·····-···--···· July 24-7,111
L gi lation.
July 21- - Old-age pension, pr nt status_····----··--··-----··-··---·-····-··-·-······-··-·
t. -5
Public r ice.
alifornia tate employ , prop d plan __ ··-·----·-·--··------- ---- ·
Retirement plans. W t rn Clock,, o. plan, m t valid obj ction ag in t indu trial
pt. 95-6
pensions-·-··-··--·-·-············-··--··-··--·----- --- --···--·----------···------··
t l indu try. Retirement adjustm n , pecial, for long- rvic mplo s. --·- ---··· Aug.
Aug. 101
V isconsin. Old-age pension law m nd d--····-··--·--· ·-·-·-·····--···· ·---··--·--··
01<1-ag pensions and retirement, foreign countri :
Aug. 1 1-3
anada. Old-age pension laws, stati tics of operation, by Provine --········----·-··-·
July 174
France. Pen ions payable to coal miners, incr
---······-- -----·· ·-··--··-·--·-- --· Or at Britain (Engl nd). Statistics of administration, 192 29, Mini tr of H alth.
Oct. 93
Tenth annual report-··-·····-··········-·--··-····-····-· ----···-··-····----·----···
Oct. 105
- - Wholesale ociety pen ion schem in eff ct July 15, 1929-···-··· ··-·-···-- ----···
Oct. 3-5
ew Zealand.
ational Provident Fund, scope nd oper tion _______ ·---·-··-- ---- --··
July 10
Russia (Soviet). Te tile industry __ ·-···-·- ••• -·--·-·- -. --- -. -··-. -· ••• ---•. - . ---.. -•••
S pt. 96-7
outh Africa.
cl-age pensions act of 1928, tati tics of operation ••••••• ·-· ---- ---····try:
Old r worker in in
Oct. 9-71
ccidents, relation of ag to extent of disabilitY--··-···-·---·······--·---·-····--···-···
Age distribution, cotton mill woman workers, Ford Motor Company, Ch n Broth rs,
and California Hawaiian ngar Refining Corporation emplo e --·---·-·--------·
Bibliography. (Thomp on)_-·-·······--·······--·-·--·-----··-··-·- ------·---- -·--· •• Jul 237-42
D c. 35-8
Employm nt and adju tment of__ ·-·-··--····-···-·····-··-·····-·····-----·-···-···-··
Sept. -t7-8
Training of, for continued employment---·······---·-·····--··--·-··---·--···-·--···-··
Au1. 63-4
Vi wpoint on the elderly work r, Henry Ford ... • •----··---····--·····---·---·-----····
Old people's homes. (SU A& d persons, care of.)
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




Painters mid Allied Trades, Journeymen:

Mem •rsbip, labor conditions of national unions or, Bul. No. 3 of International Secretariat ______________________________ • -• • • --- --- -- • -- ---- ------ ---- -· --- ---· -------·--Nov. 26-7
Paper and pulp industry (except Wages and hours; which au):
Stability of employment. Consolidated Water Power & Paper Co., minimum annual
Sept. 182
income guarantee plan .• _·-····---------------·-···----------·--·----------·--·-----Paym nt of wages:
Sept. 32-6
Ch ck and cash methods, advantages and disadvantages_·-··-----·--------·-------·--Petrol um industry (except Wag sand )lours, which aee):
Dec. 62-3
alifornia. Fa tali ti s, 1928. ___ ·- -·- - ·······-· _-·--·---··--- ___ -··---·--····-- -··-·--··
Physical impairment. ( ee Health and hygiene.)
Physicians, indub'trial. ( ee M dical and hospital service.)
July 105-6
Physicians, place of, in sickn in urance systems •••••••••••• ·-----·----·-··--··---···---Poo1ing of capital. ( ee M rger , combines, etc.)
Pott ry industry (except Wages and hours, which see):
July 180-1
tability of employment. P r cent of full.time employm nt, 1923-1928.••••• -·-·--···-Printing trades (except Wages and hours, which aee):
£ c. 163
onciliation. Milwaukee (Wis.). Typographical Union o. 23-----·-··-·---·-------ewspap r. Anaconda and Butte (Mont.) arbitration board decision upheld ____• ____ _
Nov. 112
Production and productivity, United Stat s:
Aug. 62-3
Airplane manufactur , employment and production ___ ···-·----·---·-·------····-·--···
ooling systems, theaters and buildings, labor co t reduction in manufacture oL. ____ _•
Nov. 21
Efficiency of labor. Effects of ill health, preventability, and three principles f prevenJuly 48-51
tion (Hayhurst) .• -----····--·--·-·--·-··---·- •.•. ·--·- •••• ·--··----.--· ··-·-··-· - __ .•
Oct. 59
Mining, coal. Illinois coal report, forty-s venth annual, 1928. -------·--····--·-·----·July 75
ugar Industry.
alifornia & Hawaiian Sugar Refining Corporation __ ···--·-----·-··July 82-3
Water t .ansportation, 1916-1926. ·-·-··-·-··-------·----·-·----------··-·-··-···-·---··P1oduction and productivity, foreign countries:
Great Britain (England). Coal-mining industry, output, cost , and proceeds, by quarSept. 51-2
ter, 1928, 1929 . ___ -----· -··-------··- ·--· -··········--- __ - - ··· _.. ··---- ____ .. -·-- .....•
ept. 53
Japan. Coal•mining industry, production, total and per capita, 1914-1927 -- ····----·--Oct. 57-9
- - Cotton spinning and weaving, efficiency of labor •••• ---··-··--··-·-··-·-·-······--Public hools. ( ee Public service.)
Public rvice, nit d States:
Sept. 94-6
alifornia State employ , propo d pension plan._·--··------··-·--·-·······-··-··--·
Aug. 4.1-61
F d ral employ . Part 1, five cities (506 famili s), co t of living ____ ·---··--·-····· ···
Part 2, food consumption__ ··--·----·-·-···----·-··- -·-·····-·-··-···----··-·-· ·--- Sept. 248-59
- - Part 3, mJscellan us expenditur --·-··-·--·---·-·-··--······---··--··---··--·-··· Oct. 24.1-M
ov. 1-10
- - Part 4, installment buying_··-···· -·--·-····----····--·-······-···-··--·-- · ··--·-·Sept. 6-6
Firem n, horn s for, ew Jer y and ew York ..• -·-·-·-··-·······--····-·- ----------·
Aug. 1-3
Municipal employ . Common street labor, long.working hours of (Stewart) ••.••••••
July 126-7
chools, public.
ew York State, educational opportunities available to workers ..•.• Public works:
Expansion of (Jones bill, S. 6 , 71st Cong., 1st
.), to stabilite employment, and
Oct. 18-HJ
tate prec dents for •• --·-------·· ·····-··---·····-·-·---···-··-····----·-----··-----·
Spain. Labor contract r quir m nt , Royal d er ( o. 744), 1929.·--·---·--·--------- Nov. 118-19
&allroad , United States:

Arbitration award. Clerks, hicago & Northwestern Railway Co., wage increase,
ovem r 4, 1927 ___ --······-· --· _••••• ·----- ---· •••• ··--··-·---·· --· __ •• -·-----· •..•
- - hopmen, Southern Railway, wage rates, June 18, 1929·---····---··---·-----·--·-Railway Employees' Research Foundation, incorporation and purposes ••• --· ••• _. ___ ._
Railway labor act, 1926. Award, Boston & Maine Railroad, ftremen, mechanical stokers·-····-·-··-····--·-·----·--····--··-·-··--·····-···-·-·-------------·-----·--·-··--Award, New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Co., telegraphers, May 15, 1929.
Stability of employment. Seaboard Air Line Railway, shopmen, steady employment
guarantee.·----·--·-·-----------------------------··----·-·--··--····-·-··-··-··----Railroad , foreign countries:
Great Britain. Wage cut agreement of August 13, 1923, continued to May 13, 1930 •••••
Rayon, trend from cotton to, for certain garments-------------------------·---·---·-----·-·
Recreation, United Stat :
Community recreation movem nt, progr , 1928.-----------------·----··--···--·- --·-Cooperati~ societies, activities of. ••••.• __ • . •• __ • __ •.• -· •• -- •• ---·· -- •• _-·- ·--..•• ·-·-M
chu t . Committ on
ds and
of Open Spaces, repurt to governor_. -Refri&erators, electric, methyl chloride poisoning from .• -·------·----------------------··-··
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Sept. 18(H
Aug. 140-1

ept. 49-50
Dec. 162
Oct. 183
Sept. 183
Dec, 164
July 76-9
July 89

Oct. 63-5
Sept. 60



R babilit tion, r ducation, and reemploym nt, foreign countries:
8 pt. 69
r tBritain. D fanddumbinindu ry,r portof ationalln tituteforth D aL .••
R tail prices, nited tat s:
Au . 210
Coal. Av rag and relative pri , by kind, pooified dat , 1913- 1029 ••••••••••••••••••
--By city,
ift dd t , 1 2 , 1 29 ..• •. •• ·-·--·--·-··· -······ · ·-·-·---· ·-·····--···- July 225-6;
ug. 2 -9; Sept. 240-1 ; Oct. 234-6; ov. 1
; Dec. 212- 14
El tricity. By city, specified dates, 1927- 1 29. _•••••• ·-·. -· _••••• •••• _•.••••.•••••• Aug. 213-18
Food. ( ee article Retail prices of food in th
ta , ach i aue of the Re iew.)
Gas. By city, sp cifi d dates, 1913-1929 ..............•• •••••••••·-·-················-··· Aug 211-12
Ind x numbers. Foods, etc., international compari on ••••••••••••.•.•••••••• --•• - July
; Oct. 237
R tail prices, foreign countries:
u tralia. Foods and groceri , index numbers, int rnational com ari on ....• -• •• July 229; Oct.
B lgium. Foods, etc., ind numbers, international compari on ......•...••• •• ___ _ July 228; Oct. 237
anada. Foods, ind num rs, international compari on •...••••••••••.•••••••• . July 228; Oct. 237
z cho lovakia. Food , inde numb rs, int rnational comp rison. --·-··-·--····- July
; Oct. 237
Denmark. Foods, inde number , int rna ional comp i on .•••••••••••••••••••.•• July
; Oct. 237
Finl1md. Food , ind x numbers, international compari on .•••••••••••••....••••.. July
; Oct. 237
Fr nee (P aris). Index numb rs, in rnation com ari on. ... .•••••••. ........••. July
; Oct. 237
- - (e cept Paris). Ind · number , in rn tional comp ri n ...•........ ........ Jul
ct. 237
Germany. Food, ind x numb r, int rnational compari n ..•................... July
ct. 237
Gr t Britain ( nited Kingdom). Foods, ind x num r in rnational compari on ..•••• ••. •• · -·-·················-·-·-·-····--··················-··-··-·--- July 229; Oct.
India (Bom y). Fo
ind nnm r , in rnational compari on ·-····-···---·- Jul 229; c .
I al . Food and charcoal, ind x numb rs, int rnational com arison .... · -······· · July 229; Oct.
T tberland .
Food , inde numbers, international compari n. .....••••.•..••••• . July
; Oct. 238
e Z aland. Food , ind number , international comparison .•••••••••••••••••• Jul 229; Oct. 238
o ay. Food , ind x number , int rn tional comparison ..•••••••••. •.•• ••••••• - July 229; Oct.
outh frica. Foods inde num rs, in rnational com
i n ••••••••..•.•• ----- Jul 229; ct.
Sw den. Food , ru 1 and li h , ind num rs, in m tional comp ri on .•• ______ Jul 229; c .
witzerland. Food , index num r , intern tional compari n .. --- ------------·-- July 229; Oct.
Rock drillers, silico i among. ( t. Ind trial di
an Poi ns.)

hool attendance. ( e Child 1 bor nd ellare.)
chool-leaving a . ( t. Child labor and w lfare.)
crip, issuance of. ( ee Deci ions of courts: Tradin .)
eamen (except Wag and hours, which au):
Hom for, ailor ' nug Harbor, Quincy (
.) and
ten Island ( . Y.) __________ _
orkmen's compensation, court decisio .
t. D i ions or court .)
a onal labor. (St.t. Migratory and floating labor.)
condary wage (margin for skill). (&t. Minimum
ick 1 a e with pay:
Government and private mploym nt, Pe
ti n Board preliminary
repart (H. Doc. o. eo2), 1 - -------------·-----------------------···----------·--ickne insurance. (&e Health insuran .)
tati tics, nited tates:
Hagerstown (Md.). 1,
white ho hold , b
tu , D m r, 1921_ ___ _
al employ
in 13 plants, 1
and 1929·-·-------·---·---··----·---·---- --·--------Public Health rvice. Report, indu trial employ , F bruary 22, 1929·--------·----Silico is. ( ee Industrial disea
and Po ns.)
ilk indu try (e:rctpt Wag and hou , which ee):
Ag di tribution of empJo
, hen y Bro ---------·---------------- -··------- ------- Pat rson ( . 1.). Contrac ork in--------···--·-------------------------------------- - Producers' program to
bill~ mploym nt·----------·-----------------·-------SJtun ho
lishing. (&e Bousin .)
Small claims courts:
Hartford (Conn.). Sta · tics of operation, July 1, 1927 to D mber 31, 1 ____________ _
ocial insuran , foreign countri :
ct of M rch 14, 1928, admini trative ord r tabli bing·---------·--·-------France.
therlands. Invalidity, old- g , and a ci nt insuran system , operation_. ____ ___ _
Russia (Sovi t). B neft and
i tan provided, ource offunds ____________________ _
(Ste alto Health insurance; n mploym nt insurance.)
S bilization, labor force. ( t. Employm nt, stabilization of.)
Stage Employ
and oving-Pictur
achine Operators otthe United tat sand Canada,
International Alliance of Th trical:
Award. Colorado Industrial Commiaaion. _---·····--·-····-----·---------------·----·
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


pt. 6-7

ov. •~7
D . 50-2
July 90-1

ov. 22-4
Aug. 3-10
Dec. 166

Au . 121-2
July UK
D . 73-9
July 105-Q

Dec. la-I



S ndard of living:
Europe and in United 8 tes, compui1011, projected inquiry by International Labor


Offlce ___ ··················-······················------···-············-····-······--

Dec. 229
Dec. 222- 8

Prof ional man's family in 1 16-17 and 1~27, comparison_ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Stone trades (ncept Wages and hours, wl&ich ,ee):
Granite workers, effect of silica dust, 14 plants, Public health bulletin o. 1 7 ••••••••••
tre t nd Electric Railway Employee of Ameri , Amalgamated Associ tion of:
greement. Cincinnati Street Railway Co. and Division o. 627, 3-ye r, July 1, 1929 __ .
treet railways (except Wages and hoursr which He):
.Arbitration award. Indianapolis Street Railway Co. employees and Public ervice
Commission ••• -•• ····-·-----·····-···························-···-·-·--- --- -------- ·
St. Louis (Mo.), May 20, 1929 •• ·-·······-·--·-·····-·-·········--- ----- ··------···
El ctrio-r ilway trackmen, illed or unskilled labor, which.---······ -··-· ·----- ---- -··
ugar industry (neept W sand hours, which au) :
Beet fields. Mexican labor in South Platte Valley ( olo.), detai1 d tudy of (Taylor) __•
ugar-beet and beet-su ar production, economi of, G at W tern ugar 'o.,
Colorado .•• •••••••••••••••••••••••• ·-·-·---···-··-······-··-····- --·-···-----··--·--Refin ries. Age distribution of employ s, C lifomia &: Hawaiian ugar R flnjn
poration •••••••• ·-··--··········-·-·-····-···-··- ------------- ··------------------- -·
California & Hawaiian Sugar Refining Corporation, indu trial r latio in .. _-··-Sweating syst m:
loak and uit indu try. Drive against sweatshop and ub tandard production ..•.••••
industries (except Wages and hours, which ae,):
Ni&bt work. Elimination of, as a cur for ov rproduction_._··-············ ···-··-·-·outh Carolina. Statistics of development, 1008, 191 , and 1 _------·---·--···----- ·n mplcyment. urvey of, M achusetts resolution, July 7, 19'29. ·---- · ---- ·-·······
Textile materials used for clothing and household rticl , cban
in kind oL. ---·-·--··-··
Tr nsportation, water. (Ste Water transportation.)
Typogr phical Union, International:
.Arbitration (trade) board decisions. (Su Printinc tr d .)

Dec. 45-8

ov. 112- 13

Inly 178
Aug. 163

Sept. 50
S pt. 37-47

Sept. 3


Nov. 22-4
July 69-75
Sept. 30


Dec. 148
July 79
ov. 116
1uly 7H

Unemployment, United States:
Can or family depend ncy, personal and family aspect , B ton (Luten)---···-···--·C u or the nlted States (Fifte nth) for 1930 to includ un mploym nt_ ______ -··--·
Help-wanted ads. as an indicator or demand for l bor---···· ·-··--····-··· ------·-·- ···
Legisl tion. M
bu tts nd Porto Rico, r olution for urv y, July, 1 29.· --·-·-·
ew York State. Perman nt advt ory council on employment problems appointed._.
urv y . Buffalo, ovember, 19'29--·····-····--·-····-·-·-·--···--··-·····--··-··-·-Cincinnati, May, 1929.-·-···-····--·---····-····-······· ..•. ·-...•.•.. _. --··---··Window-glass work rs, pr ent emplo ment statu -· ···-···-····---···-················
Un mployment, for ign countrL :
E ton . Un mploym nt pr v ntion, r vival, and d v lopm nL ••••••••••••••••••••••
Europe. Conditions, summ r or 1929·-·--····-·---····-····-· ·- -···-·········-·-·--··G rmany. By ind try or occupation, a nal and uo
sonal, work rs r ceiving
hen ft , March, 1929••••••• "·-·-·-·-···---····-· -··-·-·• •• ····-·-···-- •..•. -· .• --···.
Gr t Britain (England). Training cen ra for the unemployed, in f rm ork nd in
dom tic rvice ___ ··---·········-·---·---·-···-·····--·-·--·-···-··---···--··-······
- - n mployment Grants Commit , summ ry or work, Decem r, 1 20, to June 10,
1929 ( ightb annual r port) ____ -·--·-··-·--··---········--··--·-····--·---·······-···
Hung ry. By occupation and sex, union mem
, 1une, 1929. -------····----····-····
Irish Fr e tate. Committ on un mploym nt relief, r port--·-·-·--·---····--··----N therlands. By indu ry, wor e r i ing beneft , ay, 1929 .• ·-·---·--·····-··-·
Pol nd. By industr or occupation group, mploym nt bur au r gi tr tions, 1 , l
outb Africa (Transvaal). Training farm at L perfontein •••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••
Un mploym nt insurance and beneftt , for ian countrie :
Germany. Amendments to sy tern, October, 1 -·······-·-··-·-··---·--·····--····-Gr t Britain (England). State and wor r contri
ly to in uran fund _•••••
UnJted ta
Government, work of, b department, b
arm Board, ederal. Cr tion, mak up, and work o'---··--···--··-------·-·· -· ····
Public Health rvioe. Report, icknees amo111 ind trial employ --·-··---··---··--

Dec. 1-12
Aug. 164
D c. 190-2
ov. 116-17
AUK, 164-5 .
Dec. 192
Dec. 192
Oct. 15--16

ov. 27-8
ov. 143-5
ov. 145-7
Oct. 106-8
Sept. 193-4
ov. 144
Dec. 166-7
ov. 144-6
ov. 146
Sept. l ~
Dec. 165-8
pt. 92- 3

Oct. 96-9
July 90-1

faeatlon with t)&y:
California & Hawaiian Sugar Refl.ning Corpora ion--·------·-········-----·--···-·--·Foreign countri . By legislation and by collectiv agreement,
iJled countries ____ _

Germany. Collectlve qreemeut provisions, 1924-1
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


_ ---·-······-·--·····-·-----·---

July 72

Vacations wtth pay-Continued.
Government and private employment, Personnel Classification Board preliminary
report (H. Doc. No. 602), 1929 __ -···--·--· ···- __ -----·-·-·-- ___ -··-·- _______ ____ -·- ···
Great Britain (England). By agreem nt, general practice, important industri --··-Vegetable pie Ying and canning, Maryland, children employed in----········· - ·-·-------··
Vital tatistics:
Birth . Cost of, lay tte , etc., Minnesota village and town families, 1929. ·-···-··-····
Vocational education, United tates:
Mis ouri. Report, 2-year period ending June 30, 1928-·-----------···-······--···--··--


Aug. 136-7
Oct. 162-3
ov. 175


Wa e claims:
July 165
Colorado. Collection of, by bureau of labor statistics, 1927 and 192 ----····--·······--Dec. 14
Mas a bu tts. Collection of, annual report, 1927- --- -·---··-·-··---····--·········-Oct. 176
evada. Collection of, biennium report, 1927 and 19 --·--·-·-····-··-···········-···
Wag , dismi al:
t. 1 7
Cutters, Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Chicago·-··-----------···· ---··-········---·········
Wag fixation. (Ste Minimum wage.)
"Wage-t rmin tion bonu ." ( et" Dismi
Wage and hour , United tates:
July 161
Auto a ncy, ac
ri , and repairs. Colorado, by occupation and
, 1 -----·-···
July 161
Automobile ti1e factory. 'olorado, by occupation and x, 19 ----------------------July 181
Auto tire ales. Colorado, by occupation and sex, 19 ---·--·:-----··-·-------------···
July 163
A ning and tent industry. Colorado, by occupation and sex, rn --·-··------------···
July 161
Bakerie . Colorado, by occupation and sex, 1928. -------···-····---····--·-·--·· ·---· ·
Dec. 2 33
- - nion rat , time•work trades, 1929, preliminary report ... ·-················· --·-- ·
July 161
Bottling wor . Colorado, by occupation and x, 1928•••••••• ·-·-···-·--·-·····-·-·-·
pt. 145-6
Bric layer . By city, union scale, 1913-1929 .. ·---·-···········-···------------·---·--·
July 161
Brick manufacture. Colorado, by occupation, 19 ------·-·······-·-··------·-----··-·
pt. 1 7
Building laborers. By city, union scale, 1913-1929•• ---····--- ----·-···----··-·----· -·' pt. 1
Denver (Colo.), wage increase (by arbitration), July 1 , 1929-------··-····--··--··(Ste also Wages and hours: Unskilled labor.)
July 1
Building trad . Colorado, by occupation and locality, annual earning ( aues onl11) ••
Dec. 26-33
- - Union rates, time-work trades, 1929, preliminary report·--------------··-··---··-·pt. Hi-8
Carpenters. By city, union cale, 1913-1929---- ---·-······-·-···--·-········-·-·····-·ept. 14
Cement finish rs. By city, union scale, 1913-1929 __ ••••••••••••••••.•.•••••••••••••••••
July 161
Cement industry. Colorado, by occupation, 19 --··-·---·-····----------------·-·-·· ·
Chauffeurs, teamsters, and drivers. Union scale, time-work tr d , 1929, preliminary
D .
report·-·······-·---····-·-·-···---·------·---·-·----···-·-··-- ··-··-·-·-·······-·-···
July 161
Clay products. Colorado, by occupation, 1928................. ----·--·-···-·----··--·July 161
Cleaning and dyeing industry. Colorado, by occupation and
19 ·····-···-·····-July 162
Clothing. Colorado, by occupation and sex, 1928--·-·------------···--·--··-···--·---Dec. 122-4
Colonial times. History of wages in, summary of Bul. o. •99······--·-·-···-·-··---·ept. H9-50
Compositors, book and job. By city, union cale, 1913-1929.--···- ··-·-·-··-·-------- -·
pt. 151
Compositors, newspaper. By city, union scale, 1913-1929 •• -····--· ··---·· -···- -----·- July 161-2
Cr ameries. Colorado, by occupation and sex, 1928•••• ----·-·---·- - ··-····---------···
ept. 152
Electrotypers, finishers. By city, union scale, 1913-1929 •• ··-·-- --··-·-----·-··--·····
ept. 153
Electrotypers, molders. By city, union.scale, 1913-1929-··--··- ----- -·-·-·--···-···-··ov . 104-7
Farming. Average rat and index numbers, 1910 to October, 192 ---···-·--·-·--····-·
Aug. I
C ua1 and non uaI farm hands, perquisites and wag oL---·-·-··--· ---------·
pt. lil-3
- - Wage rate , yearly average and index numbers, 1910 to July, 1929..• ·-- ---·-------Jul 15
Fisbing industy Alaska, by occupation, 1927-28 (wage, om,) ........•...•.... ---·---·-·
July 162
Flour mill . Colorado, by occupation, 1928 ••.•••••••••• ----···-····-··---···-·------·Aug. 14
Foundries. Gray-iron, by occupation and region, July 1, 1929 _____ ·······-----···-- ····Jul l 2
Foundries and machine hops. Colorado, by occupation, 19 _. ----·-·---· -···-·-··-··
Garment manufacturing. ( ee Wages and hour : Clothing.)
D . 26-33
Granite cutters. Union rates, time-work trades, 1929, preliminary report_ •••••••••••••
ept. 154
Granite cutters, inside. By city, union scale, 1913-1929---·-·-·-·-·--------·--·---- --··
Dec. 122-4
Hi tory of, from Colonial times (summary of Bul. o. •99)_ ___ ·-·····-····------- -- ··
p. 155
Hod carriers. By city, union scale, 1913-1929 ___ ·····----·--- ---·--- --- __ --- --- ---- --- ·
July 1 2
Ho 1 and restaurants. Colorado, hotel employ , by occupation and
, 1923----·-·
- - Colorado, restaurant employ , by occupation and se:i, 1928 ___ _______________ ·-··July 163
July 161
Ice, artificial. Colorado, by occupation 1928 ____________ ·--·--··- ---·-···--··------·--July
Ice cream, wholess.le. Colorado, by occupation, 192 ---· --·········-·---···-- -·-··-····
pt. 156-7
Inside wiremen. By city, union scale, 1913-1929------·····---· -- ---·----··-··-····-·-·
Iron and
J industry. mast furnaces and Be mer converter , 1929--·-···-·--·-····
.July 102
Colorado, iron works, by occupation, 1928 •• ···············-······---··-----·--·--
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


1 ·


Wages and hour, United Stat -Continued.


Iron and steel Industry Open-beatth furnaces, blooming, plate, and puddling mills,
1929 -- -... ........ ...... ..... .... .. .. ..........•.•.•••••..••••••••.•..••...... ...... Oct. 164-70
--Rail, bar, sheet, and tin•plate mills, 1929............................................
Nov. 91--9
Labor organizations Union wage changes reported, date, and new and former rate, by
industry, occupation, and locality .. ., •••••••••••••••••.•••.•.•.••••••••••••• Nov. 100-3; Dec. 140-3
Laundry workers Union rates, time•work trades, 1929, preliminary report............
Dec. 26-33
Linemen. Union rate , time-work trades, 1929, preliminary report.....................
Dec. 26-33
Long hor men. · nion rates, time-work trades, 1929, preliminary report...............
Dec. 26-33
Lum r industry. Colorado, lumber and mill, by occupation and sex, 1928...........
July 162
Manufacturing industries. Connecticut, "able-bodie<l adults," by occupation and sex,
July 166
earning , December 1, 1928 (wagu onlv). .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•
- - Illinois, by sex, April, 1929 (hou.ra onl11)............................................ Sept. 173-4
- ·Ma achusetts, annual earnings, by industry, 1919-1927 (wage& onl11)................ Sept. 17lHJ
Manufacturing pl nts Wage changes reported, date, and employees affected .•• Nov. 103-1.; Dec. 144
Medical and hospital rvice Nur , trained and graduate, metal industries...........
July 97-8
Physicians, industrial and part•time doctors, metal industries.....................
July 97-8
Metallurgical works. Colorado, ore reducing and refining, by occupation, 1928.... . . . . .
July 163
Mining. Idaho, by occupation, 1928 (wage, onlt,)............................ ..... .....
Aug. 148-9
Mining, bituminous coal. 1926 and 1929, summary of Bulletin report........ ...... ..... Sept. 130--9
Mining, coal. Alaska, by occupation, 19 . ...••••••••..•.•••.•••••..••.•...•.• . . . • . ..•
July 160
irginia, by occupation and color, 1927.. •••••• .. . . .. ••. .. . . ..• .. .... . • . . .. . . . . ••••
Aug. 149
Mining, lode Alaska, by occupation, 1 28 ••.•••••••••••••• . • • •••••.••• ~....... . ........
July 160
Mining, m tallU rous Colorado, by occupation and locality. ·· ·············· ····-····
July 164
Motion•picture industry. Colorado, by occupation and sex, 19 ...••.••. . . . ..••••• ••.•
July 162
Motormen and con du tor . t. Louis (Mo.) arbitration award, May 20, 1929... .. . .•.•
Aug. 163
Offl emplo
. Government ervice and private employment, Personnel Cla ifl.
cation Board, preliminary report (H. Doc. o. 602), 1929....• . •.•..•••••••• ·--····-·· Aug. 133-40
Ore ~ ducing and refining. ( ee Wages and hours: MetallurKical works.)
ept. 157
Painters. By city, union
le, 1913-1929. ·······-····-································
Plasterers. By city, union cale, 1913-1921L •••••••••••••• - ••••••••••••••••••.••••••••• Sept. 158-9
Plasterers' laborers. By city, union seal , 1913-1929••••••••••••••••.•..••••••.•.•.••••• Sept. 159-60
Plumbers. By city, union scale, 1913-1929 •••••••.••• ••••••••••••••••••••• - •••••••••••• Sept 160-1
July 163
Pottery industry. Colorado, by occupation and sex, 1928 ••.••. ·-·· · ···············-···
Printing trad . Book and Job, union rates, time-work trades, 1929, preliminary report ••
Dec. 26-33
Nov. 108
- - International Typogr phical Union members, annual earning , 1909-1929 •.•••..•.•
- - Newspa r, union rate , time-wor trades, 1929, preliminary report •.••.•.••.....•.
Dec. 26-33
Public rvi . Bo ton and or ter (Mass.) municipal employments, by occupation,
July 1, 1928 ••• •• •••••••••••••• • • • •••• -············ ··-·····-········--············. •••• Nov. 107- - City employ , St. Paul ( inn.), alary standardization.........................
Dec. H6
- - Fire department, municipal, alarie in, by city and State......................... Dec. 124--40
- - Government and private employment, wages and conditions in, Personnel Classif\•
cation Board preliminary report (H. Doc. No. eo-J), 1929 ••••••••..••.•.......••••••••• Aug. 133-40
AUi, 1-3
Municipal employ , common street labor, long working hours of (Stewart) ••••••
Deo. 147-8
Municipal alarii , New York City, present and adjusted rates ••.•....••.•.•••••••
July 164
- - Teachers, public school, Colorado, elementary, Junior and senior high, salaries•••••
Aug. 150
Quarry workers. Virginia, by occupation, color, and kind of quarry, 1927•••••••• ·-····
Railro ds. Clerks, freight handlers, expreu and station employees, wage changes (by
July 158
agreement or award), ew York.·-··-··········-··························--········
lerks, wage increase (by agreement or award), Chicago dt .Alton and Wabash rail•
roads •••••• _•• ·-.···-· •• ·-_ ••• ····-··--··................ .• • • ••• •• •••• ••• •• •• • . • • •••••
Sept. 188
Clerks, wage tncreaae (by arbitration), Chicago dt North Western Railway Co •• _..
Sept 18(H
- - Dining-car stewards, wage changes (by agreement or award), Great Northern Ball·
Aug. 142
way and Sou them Pacific.•.•••••••••••••.••.•• ·-················ ••••••••••••••••••••
Dining-car steward , wage increase (by agreement or award), Pennsylvania Lines
East ................................................................................ .
- - Maintenance-of-way employees, wage increase (by acreement), New York Central
Railroad, August 1, 1929•••••••••••••••••• - ••••••••••••••••• ·······-···· ••••••••••••••
employees, Pennsylvania Lines East, schedule of rates, by class,
April 16, 1929••••••••••••••• ·········-·········· ··-··········- •• ··-···················
ept. 169-70
Shopmen, wage changes (by agreement or award), Southern Railway..............
A111. 140-1
Shopmen, wage Increases (by agreement), Akron, Canton & Youngstown Railroad,
September 1, 1929 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·-····
Sept. 168
- - Shopmen, wage increue (by agreement or award), apecifted roada •••••••••••••••••
July 163
Shops and roundhouaea. Colorado, by occupation, 1a_·---··-···-·-·····-·····-
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Wages and hours, United States-Continued.
Railroads. ignalm n, wag chang (by g

July 157;
Aug. 142; S pt. 168-9
ignalm n, wag increa (by agr ment), Elgin, Joliet & E tern Railway, Grand
Oct. 174
Trunk We .tern Rail a
o., July 1, 1 -----------·-······--·-·----------·----·---Telegr ph , wag changes (by agr
ent or award), Chi o, Indianapolis &
Aug. 141
Louisville Railro d ________ ••.•.• ·---·····-·---·-- -·-·····--·-·· •••• -········--·· ..•••
-Tel grapbe·t,
g change (by
mentor a ard), ew York, Chica&o
July 1
Loui~ Railro d • . ___ ••.•.••••••• ·- ..••.•...•• -.·- ····-----····-··--·- •.•...••• _··-·---Train di patcher , a c,ban
(b agreen; nt r a ard), pecifled roads • ..••••••
Aug. 141
Yardma ter,
cbang (by r
ent or ward), Oh peake & Ohio Railroad .•••.•.•.•••••••.••.•••• ---·-·-··--·------·--·--------··----·-·--·-···-·--·--····July 158
Sb t-metal orkers. By city, union seal , 1913-1929. ···-···----·····-----·-··---·--pt. 161-2
ilk industry. Pennsylvania, pecial Bull tin No. 29, 1 29............................ Oct. 176-81
ept. 162-3
Stonecutter . By cit , union scale, 1913-1929 ... ____ ·-··--·-·-···········--··-·-------Dec. 26-33
Union r te , time-work trad , 1929, pr liminary report.·-·····-·--·······---·--··July 162
Storer, department. Colorado, by occupat on nd x, 1 ·····---· ---··---·-··-······
July 162
Storos, dmg. Colorado, by occupation nd
, 19 ·-··-·····--····--··-··----·-····-treet rail ays. Bo ton (M .) El v t . d Rail y Co., age incr
(by gr ment).
Oct. 17 5
2-year ....•..••.•••..... ·-····--············-····-········---··-·····-·-····--·- ···· ··
Covinj?ton (Ky.), .,. wp rt & Covington Light & Traction Co. w
agreement), ugust 5, 19t?9. _.•••••••••••..•.....•••••.•.•••••• ••••••.•• •••••.•.•.••.•
Oct. 174
Memphi (T nn.), ag incr
award d, by occupation •••••••....•..•.••• ••.•••
S pt. 169
Toledo (Ohio). Community Traction Co.,
(by gr m nt), Jun 1,
Oct. 174
1929... ·----·---·----------·--·--------·---···--·----·-----·····---------·-··------·-·
Structural-iron workers. By city, uni
, 1 13-19 ---- -·-······- ---------- · -----· S pt. 163-4
July 71-2
Sugar industry. California Hawaiian u ar R
Corpor tion. -----·-·-·--·-···
pt. {1-3
Colorado beet fl Ids •.. ····-··.· ---·····-···------·--··---·-··--··-·--····--·--···-·
Teach r ·, public chool. ( te Wag
nd hour : Public
· .)
T 1 aph r , comm rcial. Pr
iations, wa in
pt. 169
Tel grapher , railroad. (Su Wage and hour.: Railro .)
Tents. ( tt W ge and hour : Awning nd tent ind try.)
T pe tting-m chin oper tor , book nd job. By city, union
, 1913-1Q29••••••••••
pt. 164--5
tting•m chine oper tor , new paper. By ci y, union
, 1913-192Q••••••••••••
pt. 166-7
Unskilled labor. Entr nee r
for "common bor," by ind try nd by
Oct. 171-3
division, July 1, 1929. ·-·-··--·-·-· .•. -·---···--·--·-····-··· •.. ··-······-·-·-·-·--·-·
July 163
in gar and pickl works. Color do, by occupation and x, U~ ····-----···-··-----·JUly M-5
Woman l bor. Illinoil factort 19 (hour OfllJ).--·----····------·--··-···---·---·--( tt alio Hour of labor, g n ral.)
and hours, foreign countri :
Oen ral. International comparison,
ual workinK nour , by indu try, October, 1
July 167-7.2
International compari n, real w
, In rn tional Labor Offlce·-·-----······--·· D c. 148-51
( et al o Hours of l bor, general.)
Argentina (Buenos · ). Ind x number , l 14-1926 (v,agu oolJ)---·--······-·-··--·- July Z32, 233
Belgium. Building trad , by occupation (skilled and un killed), hourly wapa fix d by
agreement, 1929 •• ----·--·-··--·-·-----···-·-··--·--···---·--···· --··--·-····- •••• ••••
1uly 17H
Printing trad , by occup tion and city, April 1 to Jun 30, 192Q (wa,u 0ttlf)......
Au . 151-2
Denmark (Cope
n and Frederiksber1). Skilled and un killed workers, by occupa•
pt. 176-7
tion, July, 19 ( age, onl11) •• -·-----·-------·------·····--············-·······--· -···
France. Drop forging, by occupation, February, 192Q (w,-,11 Otll11) ••••••••••••••••••••
ov. 100
Electrical construction, by occupation, February, 1929 (toa,e, onl11) ••••••••••••••••
ov. 109
Iron and
1 foundri , by occupation, February, 19'JD (IHftl cmlr) ••••••••• _____
Nov. 109
Laborer and skilled laborers, by x, February, W2I (4!0GfU cmlJ)---·-·------···-·
Machine industries, general. By occupation, Febn-.ary, 1929 (wagu 01llr)---·----Nov. 100
Nov. 109
Metal construction, by occupa ion, F bruary, 1920 (tHfU onlf).
ov. 109
Metal•pipe manufacture, by occupation, February, 1929 (toa,e, onlr) -·-···-----·
july 174
- - Mining, coal, pit-head and underground miners, ftxed by aareement ••••••••.••••••
Aug. 152
(Paris). Postmen (wagt10fll,) ______ ···--··--·-···-·----·---·-·-·---·-·---···----·
(Paris region). Automobllel, by occupation, F bruary, 1929 (wa,u Ofllr) ....•...••
Germany. Edg tool industry, Solingen (Kummer) ···-·······---·--·-······--·······
.A.111. JM-e
Iron industry, Remacbeid ( ummer)
------·-·-········-···-·······-··-·-----·{Berlin). Metal worbn, actual eamlnp, October, 1928•••••••••••••••••••••••••••
\11. 166-8
(Rhineland-W tphalla). Metal workers, skilled, aenuskilled, and helpen, by
and branch ef iDduatry, October, 192.8..•••••• _.______________________ .___ NoT. 11~11
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

mentor award),

(14 2]

ifl.ed roeds • -------



Wages and hours, foreign countries-Continued.
Great Britain. London Agreement and
hington (8-hour) Convention, Ooftl'Jl!Dent
Aug. 159
announ ment---------··-·----------------------------------------------------····-(and Northern Ireland). Clothing industries, number employed and average
earnings, 1924, 1928_-·-·--·-------------- -· ·--·--··· ·---- ••.• ·---- •• --·-··-- ·-----·. -· Dec.156-M
- - (and orthern Ireland). Foods, cjrinks, and tobacco, number employed and aver ge
rnings, 1m, 1928.•• ·---·-- _-- --·-·-------. _----·----- •• --· --· ····· - --·-·· -- ·-·- __ ·- Dec.157-M
(and orthern Ireland). Paper, printing, and bookbinding, number employed and
average rnbig, 1924, 1928 ••• ____ --------------· ______ •••• _______ ••.•.•.. . _-· ....••.• Dec. 157-«>
- - (and Northern Ireland). Pottery, brick, glass, chemicals, etc., number employed
and averag
mings, 1m, 1928 .. --· _·-·-- ---·--·. ___ • -·------·---- __ .. -· _. ··-·· _·--- Dec. 156-«)
- - (and Northern Ireland). Textile industries, number employed and average earnings,
1924--····----·----·-··-·····--- ---·--··---····-·--····--------·--------·------------- Dec. 156-60
Oct. 181-2
(England). Cotton-textile industry, wage reduction award----------------------·
Dec. 161
Italy. Food industri s, by occupation and sex (wagu onlf) - ---·-···-···-·-·· - · --· --·-Japan. By industry, 1926 ____ ---··--- ·-·- ____________ ------·- ·--- ____ ·---. ·-···· ... ·- _
Oct. 52-7
Rum nia. Agricultural, chemical, furniture and carpentry, leather, and metallurgical
July 176-7
ind tri , 1928 ........ ···-·--·-·---·· ...... ·····---·--·· ................ ·-·---.. _... .
8 itzerland. Building, m tal, and wood industries, worker injured in accidents (wagu


Aug. 162

(Basel). Silk-dyMs and finishers, June, 1929 ..• ·----·-·- -·--·· -·-··-··-·········· - Sept. 177-8
ov. 28
Syria. Specift d trad •• · ·--•.-·-·----·-- .....••••••• ----·--·------·· ----· · _. ..•..•. --·
pt. 17s--9
Ukraine ( oci list oviet Republic). By industry, 1928 _____ ·-·-·---- ---· ·------·-----July 177
Yugosla i . 01 industry, by cl
of work, 1929.·--·-·----·---·--·---- ----··-··-· --•
a transportation (ucept Wag and hours, which au):
Productivity of labor, United tates, 1916-1926.-·---·-··---·-·-·-·····--····---··--····
Welfare work, United States:
July 72-3
California & Hawaiian Sugar Refining Corporation __ ._-··· .. -·---·-·-·---··-··-·-·-·-Oov rnment nd private employment, P rsonnel C
iftcation Board, preliminary
Aug. 137
report (H. Doc. o. 602), 1929-·---······-··-······-··---····-··---····-···----···---·
pri , nited Sta
Ind x numbers (1926•100). By group and subgroup ( e each imu of &view).
lnde numb r . lnter.1 tional oomparison_·---········-···-···-·--·-···--··-····· pt. 242; Dec. 218
Whol al pri , for ign oountri :
A tralia. Ind numbers, international comparison .. ···---·-······---·--··-··-·
pt. 244; Dec. 220
Austria. Ind x number, in rnational comparison __ ··-··-·-·--··---···-···--·--- ept. ~; Dec. 218
Belgium. Index numbers, international ooml)Ari n- -··········- ·---·····--·----· Sept. 2t2; Dec. 218
Canada. Index num r , international comparilon.---·······-····-··-·---···-··· pt. ffi; Dec. 218
China. Jnd number, international oomparison •. -·---·-· · -··---· ·--· --··-·-··· pt. 2'4; Dec. m
Czccho lov kia. Index numbers, in matlonal comparison _-- ··-···-··········--· pt. 242; Dec. 218
Denmark. Ind x number , international oomparison_ •• _••.. --··--·---- ·-···-·-·· Sept. 2'2; Dec. 21
Finland. Index numbers, intern tional oomparison-····-·-·-····-···-----·-·--·· Sept. 2'2; D . 21
France. Ind numbers, international comparison_·---······· ··--··--·······-·· -· Sept.' ; Dec. 218
rmany. Ind number , international comparison- •• ·-···-·· ---·---·---·- -···· pt. 2'2; Dec. 218
Great Britain ( nited Kingdom). Index numbers, int.ernational comparison _- · ·· Sept. 244; Dec. m
India. Ind x numbers, international compar· n·--·-··-·- -··---·-··---·-·-······ pt. "4; Dec.~
Italy. Inde num r , international comparison __ ····-······--···-·-·-···---··-·· Sept. 242; Dec. 218
1 pan. Ind x numbers, in rnational oomparison __ ···-·-·---·--·-----··-·---··-·- Sept. 2"; Dec.~
Netherland . Index number , international comparison.··--·-····-·--·-···-···-· Sept. 2"; Dec. 220
New Zealand. lnde numbers, international oomparison-·-··-·-··--········--··· Sept. 2"; Dec. m
orway. Ind x numbers, international oomparlson. _-·-···-----·-···-·-·-·····-· Sept. 2"; Dec. 23>
outh fries. Indtn numbers, international comparison·-······---····--·-···-··- Sept. 2"; Dec. m
pain. Index numbers, international comparison·-···--·-··-----··--·---··-·-·-·- Sept. 2"; Dec. 23>
Sweden. Index numbers, international comparison········-··-·-··----·-·-···-··- Sept. 244; Dec. m
Switzerland. Index numbers, international comparison.•••• ·-····-·-·-····-···-·· Sept. 2"; Dec. D>
Widows' and orphans' pensions, foreign countries:
Great Britain (England). Statistics of administration, Mlniatry of Health, tenth annual
report, 1928-29-·-·-·-·-·-----------·······-·-·-----·-····----·---·-·-----··-········-·
Oct. 93-5
New Zealand. National Provident Fund, scope and operatlon----·······-----··--····
Women in industry, United States:
N81fO women. (&e egroes.)
Part-time Jobs, New York City •••••••••• ·-·-···-·-·····-·-------·---·-·-·····-······-· Dec. »-a
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




Women tn Industry, foreign countries:
India. Mining, underground employment, summary of ituation ___ •••••••••••••••••••
July 5
Dec. 43-4
Switzerland. Economic advance of, and general conditions, factory workers·-···-·-···
Workers' education, United State :
Congresses. (Su Conventions, meetings, etc.)
Extent of movement, July 1, 1926, to June 30, 1928 .•. • ·--·-··--·············-·········
Nov. 61-2
Public schools and the worker, educational opportunities a~ailable, New York State...
July 126-7
Workers' education, foreign countries:
Great Britain (England). Training centers for the unemployed, tn farm work and
Oct. 106-8
domP.sticservice..•••..••••.••••••• -·-···-······························-·-···········
India (Bombay). Labor college established.............................................
Workmen's compensation and insurance, United States:
Dec. 71
California. Legislatin action, 1929_. ·--·---· ······· ···-···························-···
Court decisions. (See Decisions of courts.)
Delaware. Legislative action, 1929_·················-············-···--·-··-··--·-·····
Dec. 72
Georgia. Legislative action, 1929-·······-·······--· -··-·-··---···-· ·· ·-········-···-··
Dec. 72
Iowa. Legislative action, 1929 .• -·······---···-·· .....•.... _···-·---·---·-·-···-· ··-- •• Sept. 89-00
Legislation. Amendments passed by State legislatures, 1929 .•• •• ·--··········· ov. 52--5; Dec. 71-3
By tate·--·-··-···············-···-·-·-·----·-···········-·········--····· Aug.
; Oct. 73-7
- - General review of, 1929 .••. ~·········- ···-··---···············-·················--·
ov . 50-2
M achu tts. Legislative action, 1929......... ·--·- ··-····--··------· -·-------- ---··D c. 72
Minors, illegally employed. M
chu tt , cover d by compensation act, court deciJuly 7-8
ion·-········-····-·-··-·--··-··-····················-·····-·-----·-·----·----------Dec. 72
Nehr ka. Legislative action, 1929 .• ·---···········-·--·········---·---············-···
pt. QO
New Jersey. Legislative action, 1929 _____ ······----·-·········-···-··-··-·······-----0ccupational diseases. Compen ation for, tati ti by t te ..•.••.•.•.•••.•.•••••••••
pt. 1-9
Compen tion legi lation for, United State, and anada (Haybur t) .••.••.• ••..• •
July 33-46
- - Effects upon efficiency, preventability, and prevention (Hayhurst) ..••.••••••••••••
July 4 51
Laws providing compensation for, by State.•••••••••••••••••.•••••••••..•••••••••• Sept. 70- 1
Dec. 72
Ohio. Legislative action, 1929 •• _·············-······-········-········--·- ·-·······-··
Dec. 73
Pennsylvania. Legislative action, 1929 ••••• ••• ········-·· • .... - ·-···-··· _•.. ··-· -·····
Porto Rico. Legislative action, 1929 _•.• ·······-··· •••• _• .. ... __ ••••••.• __ ••..••• •••••••
D . 73
Sept. 90
Rhode Island. Legislative action, 1929---·······················-·-··--·-··----·--··--July lot
State reports. Montana, thirteenth annual, 1927-28.. ·-······-··----·-··-·······-···-··
Wi consin, compensable cases, 1928. Bul. o. ~-·-··········-···-··-···-··-·-····
Sept. 90
Wyoming. Legislative action, 1929_. ····-·----·····-··--········-········· ··---·-·····
Workmen's compensation and insurance, foreign countries:
Belgium. Act (effective January I, 1930) amending law of December 24, 1903, provisions
of .. _.··-·----·-·--·····--···-·-····-··----··-··-·-···-·-------··-·-········---·---·-Canada. Occupational disease, CQID nsation legislation for (Hayburst)--·-··-·-·---·
(British Columbia). Report, compensation board, 1928 ....•.•.•.•. ·-····-····---(Ontario). Report, compensation board, 1928 .•••• ·-···--····-·-·-·····-···-······
Germany. Occupational di
made compen ble, Ii t of 2'l, by order effective Jan-

Aug. 9-90

July 45-6
pt. 00-1
Sept. 91

uary 1, 1929.·------· ·------·-····-··---·-------·-····-------------·-······--------··

X-ray eX1)08ure to. (&e Induatrial dise

and poisons.)

Yale University. IDstitute of Human Relations, establiahment of••••••••••••••••• _______ _

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

