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UNITED STATES D EPARTM EN T OF LABOR Frances Perkins, S e c re ta ry B U R E A U OF L A B O R ST A T IS T IC S Isador Lubin, C o m m is s io n e r (on leave) A . F. Hinrichs, A c t in g C o m m is s io n e r * M on ey D isbursem ents o f W a g e Earners and Clerical W o rk e rs in T h irteen Sm all Cities 1933-35 By F A IT H M . W IL LIAM S and G E R T R U D E SC H M ID T WEISS o f the Bureau o f Labor Statistics B u lletin 691 U N IT E D ST A T E S G O V E R N M E N T P R IN T IN G OFFICE W A S H IN G T O N : 1942 For sale by the Superintendent o f Documents, Washington, D . C. Price 20 cents U N IT E D STA TE S D E P A R T M E N T OF LABO R F P ran ces e r k in s, Secretary + B U R E A U OF L A B O R S T A T IS T IC S I L sa d o r A . F. H u b in , Commissioner in r ic h s , Acting Commissioner Donald H. Davenport, Chief, Employirient and Occupational Outlook Branch Henry J. Fitzgerald, Chief, Business Management Branch Hugh S. Hanna, Chief, Editorial and Research C H IE F S OF Herman B. Byer, Construction and Public Employment J. M . Cutts, Wholesale Prices W . Duane Evans, Productivity and Technological Developments Swen Kjaer, Industrial Accidents John J. Mahaney, Machine Tabula tion Robert J. Myers, Wage and Hour Statistics ii (o n le a v e ) Ary ness Joy, Chief, Prices and Cost of Living Branch N . Arnold Tolies, Chief, Working Conditions and Industrial Relations Branch Sidney W . Wilcox, Chief Statistician D I V IS IO N S Florence Peterson, Industrial Rela tions Charles F. Sharkey, Labor Law In formation Boris Stern, Labor Information Service Stella Stewart, Retail Prices Lewis E. Talbert, Employment Sta tistics Em m ett H. Welch, Occupational Out look Faith M . Williams, Cost of Living CONTENTS Introduction: Page Cities studied______________________________________________________________ Cost of living in small cities compared with large cities________________ Expenditure patterns in large and small cities__________________________ Scope of the study___________________________ i ____________________________ Income level and money disbursements: Order of expenditure at different income levels_________________________ Planes of living determined by family size as well as income__________ Changes in assets and liabilities__________________________________________ Expenditures for specified goods: Automobiles_______________________________________________________________ Housing: New Hampshire cities_______________________________________________ Marquette, Modesto, Reno_________________________________________ Fuel, light, and refrigeration_____________________________________________ Food________________________________________________________________________ Clothing------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recreation_________________________________________________________________ Tabular Summary______________________________________________________________ Appendix A .— Notes on Tabular Summary__________________________________ B. — Selection of families to be interviewed____________________ C. — Field procedure_____________________________________________ D . — Analytical procedure________________________________________ 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 12 14 17 17 19 23 24 27 143 158 164 166 T e x t Tables T able 1.— Distribution of expenditures, 10 small New Hampshire cities, and 4 large New England cities, families with incomes of $1,200-$1,500, 1 year during the period19 33 -3 6_____________ 2. — Average family income and expenditures in the $500-$900 and $1,800-$2,100 income classes, and percentage increase with income, New Hampshire cities with population 10,00020,000, 1 year during the period 1 9 3 3 -3 5 _____________________ 3. — Percentage of families paying life-insurance premiums, and average payments, 1 year during theperiod 19 3 3 -3 5______ 4. — Percentage of families owning automobiles, selected cities, 1 year during the period 19 33-36_______________________________ 5. — Average expenditure for automobile operation and main tenance, for those owning automobiles, 1 year during the period 1 9 33 -3 5_________________________________________________ 6. — Average expenditures by home owners for taxes on owned homes and for interest on mortgages, 1 year during the period 19 33 -3 5_________________________________________________ 7. — Average expenditure for food per food-expenditure unit, by economic level, New Hampshire small cities, 1 year during the period 1 9 33 -3 5_____________________________________________ h i 4 7 11 13 14 15 19 CONTENTS IV Page T a b l e 8 . — Average expenditure per person per week for different types of food, by economic level, 1 year during the period 1933-35, New Hampshire small cities__________________ _______________ 9.— Average expenditure per family and average expenditure per person for clothing, persons of different age groups, 1 year during the period 1933-35, NewHampshire small cities____ 10.— Percentage of families owning and purchasing radios, and aver age expenditure per radio purchased, 1 year during the period 19 33 -3 5--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 24 25 Charts C h a r t 1.— Housing and automobile expenditures as a percentage of total expenditures, New England cities of different size, 1 9 3 3 -3 6 2.— Percentage of families in dwellings with inside flush toilet, running hot water, electric lights, and gas or electricity for cooking, 1 9 3 3 -3 6 ________________________________________________ 5 16 Tables in T abular Summary T a b l e 1.— Distribution of families, by economic level and income level___ 2.— Description of families studied, by economic level, 3 groups of New Hampshire cities_________________________________________ Occupation of chief earner. Family type. Nativity of homemaker. Composition of household. Earnings and income. 2a.— Description of families studied— Marquette, Modesto, and 29 R eno_______________________________________________________ 2b.— Distribution of families, by nativity of homemaker, 10 New Hampshire cities separately_______________________________ 3. — Expenditures for groups of items, by econom ic level, 3 groups of New Hampshire cities__________________________________ 3a.— Expenditures for groups of items— M arquette, M odesto, and R eno_______________________________________________________ 3b.— Expenditures for groups of items, 10 New Hampshire cities separately_________________________________________________ 4. — Disposition of m oney received during schedule year not used for current expenditure, and funds made available for fam ily use from sources other than fam ily income, by econom ic level, 3 groups of New Hampshire cities__________ 4a.— Disposition of m oney received during schedule year not used for current expenditure, and funds made available for fam ily use from sources other than family income— M ar quette, M odesto, and R en o_______________________________ 5. — Description of families studied, by income level, 13 small cities________________________________________________________ Occupation of chief earner. Fam ily type. N ativity of homemaker. 38 Composition of household. Earnings and income. 32 40 41 44 45 46 52 54 CONTENTS V Page T able 6.— Expenditures for groups of items, by income level, 13 small cities________________________________________________________________ 7. — Food used at home and purchased for consumption at home during 1 week, by economic level, 10 New Hampshire cities combined___________________________________________________________ 8. — Annual food expenditures, by economic level, 3 groups of New Hampshire cities___________________________________________________ 8a.— Annual food expenditures— Marquette, Modesto, and Reno_ 9. — Housing facilities, by economic level, 3 groups of New Hamp shire cities________________________________________________ 9a.— Housing facilities— Marquette, Modesto, and Reno____________ 10. — Housing expenditures, by economic level, 3 groups of New Hampshire cities___________________________________________________ 10a.— Housing expenditures— Marquette, Modesto, and Reno_____ 11. — Fuel, light, and refrigeration expenditures, by economic level, 3 groups of New Hampshire cities______________________________ 11a.— Fuel, light, and refrigeration expenditures— Marquette, M o desto, and Reno______________________________________________ 12. — Household operation expenditures other than for fuel, light, and refrigeration, by economic level, 3 groups of New Hampshire cities________________________________________________ 12a.— Household operation expenditures other than for fuel, light, and refrigeration— Marquette, Modesto, and Reno________ 13. — Transportation expenditures, by economic level, 3 groups of New Hampshire cities__________________________________________ 13a.— Transportation expenditures— Marquette, Modesto, and Reno__________________________________________________________ 14. — Personal care expenditures and medical care expenditures, by economic level, 3 groups of New Hampshire cities___________ 14a.— Personal care expenditures and medical care expenditures— Marquette, Modesto, and Reno_____________________________ 15. — Recreation expenditures, by economic level, 3 groups of New Hampshire cities__________________________________________________ 15a.— Recreation expenditures— Marquette, Modesto, and Reno___ 16. — Formal education, vocation, community welfare, gifts and con tributions, and miscellaneous expenditures, by economic level, 3 groups of New Hampshire cities______________________ 16a.— Formal education, vocation, community welfare, gifts and contributions, and miscellaneous expenditures— Marquette, Modesto, and Reno____________________________________ 17. — Clothing expenditures, by economic level, 10 New Hampshire cities combined____________________________________________________ 18. — Furnishings and equipment expenditures, by economic level, 10 New Hampshire cities combined___________________________ 62 66 74 75 76 79 80 86 88 94 96 99 100 103 104 107 108 111 112 115 117 138 L etter o f Transm ittal U n it e d S tates D B epartm en t ureau of of L abor, L a b o r S t a t is t ic s, Washington, D. C., June 20, 194-1. The S e c r e t a r y of L abor : I have the honor to transmit herewith a report on money dis bursements of wage earners and clerical workers in 13 small cities. This study was made by Faith M . Williams and Gertrude Schmidt Weiss of the Cost of Living Division of the Bureau of Labor Statistics in cooperation with various State agencies. A. F. H i n r i c h s , Acting Commissioner. Hon. F r a n c e s P e r k i n s , Secretary of Labor. V II PR E FA C E The Bureau of Labor Statistics conducted, from 1934 to 1936, a study of the family incomes and money disbursements of wage earners and clerical workers in 42 of the larger cities of the country. The results of these studies have been published,1 and have been used as the basis for a revision of the Bureau’s indexes of cost of living for wage earners and clerical workers. In connection with this study, at the request of certain State agencies, data were obtained from 13 cities so much smaller as to constitute an entirely different group. The reports for these cities are included in this volume. Ten of these thirteen small cities were in New Hampshire, where the survey was made in cooperation with the New Hampshire Office of Minimum Wage and the New Hampshire Emergency Relief Administration. The study in Marquette, M ich., was undertaken at the request of the University of Michigan School of Education and the Michigan Emergency Relief Administration. The investigation in Reno, Nev., was made in cooperation with the Nevada Relief Administration, and that in M odesto, Calif., in cooperation with the California Division of Labor Statistics and Law Enforcement and the California Emergency Relief Administration. The tabulations of all the data were carried on with the aid of workers furnished by the Works Progress Adminis tration. The field work in New Hampshire was supervised by Gertrude Schmidt Weiss, assisted by M ary Jean Bowman, Eileen Leach, and Esther E. Nelson, all of the Bureau of Labor Statistics staff, and C. Spencer Platt of the New Hampshire Minimum Wage Office. In the other States, all the supervisory work was done by members of the Bureau of Labor Statistics staff. The field work in M arquette was supervised by Caroline Wilson under the general direction of Frances R. Rice and Arthur Rayhawk, who were regional directors of the field work in all Michigan cities. In M odesto the field work was supervised by Margaret Allen under the general direc tion of Dorothea D. Kittridge and Georges M . Weber, regional direc tors of field work in all California cities. In Reno, the field work was supervised by D orothy Terrill. Alice C. Hanson was in general charge of the tabulations and M ary C. Ruark, assisted by Harry Winckel and Ethel Cauman, was responsible for the final preparation of the Tabular Summary in this report. 1 Williams, Faith M ., and Hansen, Alice C .: M oney Disbursements of Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, 1934-36 U. S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Bulls. No. 636 through 641. IX Bulletin 7\[o. 691 o f the U nited States Bureau o f Labor Statistics M oney Disbursements o f W age Earners and Clerical W ork ers in Thirteen Small Cities, 1933—35 Introduction Cities Studied Thirteen small cities were included in this survey of employed wage earners and clerical workers. The 10 New Hampshire cities range in size from the industrial city of Nashua, to the small town of Conway. The 3 largest of these, Nashua, Concord, and Berlin, all had more than 20,000 inhabitants. Concord is the State capital, and clerical workers were relatively numerous there. The average income of the 99 Concord families surveyed was.$l,465— higher than that in the other New Hampshire cities. The chief earner provided the largest share of family funds, as there were few families with more than 1 worker. Nashua, a textile city in the extreme southern portion of the State, near Lowell and Lawrence, Mass., provided numerous opportunities for wives and grown children to work. As a result, a little more than one-half of the families had 2 or more earners at some time during the year, and average family income was nearly as high as in Concord, $1,437. Berlin, farthest north of all these cities, is largely devoted to paper making. It had the highest proportion of families in which the wife was born in Canada, and most of these women came from the French-speaking section of the country. Fami lies with more than 1 earner were few, and family income averaged $1,133. Five of the New Hampshire cities, Portsmouth, Keene, Dover, Laconia, and Claremont, form the second group, each with close to 15,000 inhabitants. Portsmouth and D over are farthest east of all the cities, Portsmouth being on the coast. Laconia is a resort center near Lake Winnepesaukee, about the center of the State, while Clarem ont and Keene are not far from the Vermont border. Average in come per family in these 5 cities ranged from $1,396 for Portsmouth to $1,163 for Claremont. In none of these 5 cities was the number of earners per family so numerous as in Nashua, or so few as in Berlin, 1 2 M ONEY DISBURSEMENTS-----13 SMALL CITIES The third group of New Hampshire cities includes Conway and Littleton, both cities of fewer than 5,000 inhabitants and both in the mountain and resort section of the State. Family income of employed wage earners and clerical workers averaged $1,238 and $1,138, respectively, in the two cities. Marquette, a city of about 15,000, is on Lake Superior in the northern peninsula of Michigan. Iron ore, from mines not far from the city, is shipped from the docks in its harbor, and nearby stone quarries also provide employment. Incomes of the families studied in M arquette averaged $1,307. M odesto, Calif., of about the same size as Marquette, is located in the fruit-growing country of the Sacramento Valley, east of San Fran cisco. Average income of the group studied there was $1,472, which was higher than in any other of the small cities except Reno. Reno, Nev., with its population of about 20,000, is the largest city in Nevada, a resort city and an important business center for the sur rounding farming and stock-raising country. Although Reno is located in western Nevada, not far from M odesto, its climate is some what colder than that of M odesto. Wage-earner and clerical families were in the most favorable economic position here of any of the small cities studied, with an average income of $1,587, and smaller families. Incomes among families of employed wage earners and clerical workers were generally lower in these small cities than in the larger communities nearby. Among the New Hampshire cities, average income was less among the smallest of the cities than among those next in size. In contrast with these New Hampshire averages, $1,190, $1,279, and $1,345, for the three size-of-city groups, average incomes of employed wage earners and clerical workers in larger New England cities were as follows: Manchester, N. H., $1,405; Portland, Maine, $1,505; Springfield, Mass., $1,566; and Boston, Mass., $1,571. (See Bureau of Labor Statistics Bull. No. 637, vol. II.) Incomes of small-city wage earners and clerical workers in Marquette and M odesto also averaged less than in the nearby large cities included in this study, D etroit (see B. L. S. Bull. No. 636), San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Sacramento (see B. L. S. Bull. No. 639). Cost o f Living in Small Cities Compared W ith Large Cities In considering data on income and expenditures from cities of different size, one of the first questions that arises is whether costs of living differ with size of city. From the limited data available, it appears that living costs are somewhat lower in the smallest of these communities than in the large cities nearby, but exceptions can be found in every region of the country. M oreover, for the New England States, in which are located 10 of the 13 small cities covered by this INTRODUCTION* 3 report, it is very unlikely that the difference in living costs between large and small cities would exceed 5 percent. This conclusion is drawn from a series of surveys. The most comprehensive recent survey of differences among cities in living costs is one made by the Works Progress Administration in 1935.1 In this investigation, an equivalent list of goods and services was priced in each of 59 cities, giving cost estimates for the same standard of living. None of these cities, however, is as small as the smallest of the New Hampshire cities covered by this report, and those included in the Works Progress Administration survey in the northeastern section of the country are considerably larger. Ten cities of much smaller size, among them Dover, N. H., were covered in a com parable study made by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in connection with estimates of living costs in northern and southern cities.2 Variations in living costs among cities of the same size are so great that it is difficult to generalize regarding the effect of size of city on living costs. For example, in the 1935 study, living costs were 14 percent more in Sioux Falls, S. Dak., than in the larger city of Wichita, Kans. Even closer, geographically, and hence more nearly similar in climate, are the New England cities for which 1938 esti mates of living costs are available. Living costs in Dover, N. H., were found to be 6 percent less than in Boston, Mass., but 2 percent more than in Manchester, N. H., and 0.4 percent more than in Portland, Maine. Expenditure Patterns in Large and Small Cities The income difference between large- and small-city wage-earner and clerical families thus appears to be considerably greater than the probable difference in living costs. W ith their lower incomes, expenditures of all kinds averaged less in the small cities for the wage-earner and clerical group. Small-city families seem to differ from large-city families in their spending patterns, even when they have the same amounts to spend. Apparently, in the small cities the desire to live up to the standards of the income group next above is less pressing than in the large cities, where the spread of incomes is greater. The small-city families characteristically devoted larger amounts to insurance, investments, and other savings than did families of similar status in larger cities. For example, small-city families with incomes of $1,200 to $1,500 finished the year with an average net surplus of $50. (See table 1.) Large-city families in the same income class spent nearly all of their incomes for current living, 1Intercity Differences in Costs of Living, March 1935, 59 Cities, Works Progress Administration, Research Monograph XII, 1937. 2 “ Differences in living costs in northern and southern Cities,” Monthly Labor Review, July 1939 (p. 22), U. S. Department of Labor. 4 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES' having an average net surplus of only $2. Some families in each group failed to balance income with expenditures, while others had substantial surpluses, but the picture for each group as a whole shows small-city families spending less for current living than large-city families. T a b l e 1 .— D istrib u tio n o f ex p en d itu res, 1 0 sm all N e w H a m p sh ire c ities , and 4 large N e w E n g la n d cities, fa m ilie s with in com es o f $ 1 ,2 0 0 to $ 1 ,5 0 0 , 1 yea r d uring the p eriod 1 9 8 3 - 3 6 Item 10 small New 4 large New Hampshire New England cities 1 cities 2 Total disbursements______ __________ _ _ ___ _ - Net change in assets and liabilities - ____ __ _ ______ _ Total expenditures______________ _______ ______________ ____ _______ _ $1,328 +50 1,278 $1, 368 •+2 1, 366 Percentage distribution: Total expenditures____ _____________________ _____ ___ _ _ F ood._____________________ ____ _____ ___ ______ _ Clothing _____________________________ _______________________ _ Housing________ _ __ ______ __ __ __ Fuel, light, and refrigeration_____ _ ________ _______ ______ ______ 100.0 33.9 10.9 14. 5 11.2 100. 0 36.1 9.6 19. 2 9.6 Other household operation. ___ ______ _______ __ Furnishings and equipment________________________________ _______ Transportation----------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------Personal care______________________________________________________ Medical care _ _________ _______ _ __________ _ __ _ 3.8 3.1 6.4 2.0 4. 2 3.2 3.0 6.0 1.8 3.4 Recreation ________ ____________ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ ______ Education_________________ _______ _ _____ ' _ ___ ______ Vocation__ _______ ________________________________ ______ _____ Community welfare. __________ ________ ____________ ______ _ i. Gifts___ _ __ ____________ _______ __________ _ _ Other items ____ _ _______ _____________ ______ ____ 5. 5 .3 .3 1.8 1.5 .6 5.0 !3 1.5 .9 .3 1 Nashua, Concord, Berlin, Portsmouth, Keene, Dover, Laconia, Claremont, Littleton, and Conway. 2 Boston and Springfield, Mass., Manchester, N. H., and Portland, Maine. Housing expenditures provide one of the important differences between small-city and large-city spending. For example, families with incomes of $1,200 to $1,500 in the small New Hampshire cities devoted 14.5 percent of their total current expenditure to housing, as compared with the 19.2 percent spent for housing in the four large New England cities included in Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulle tin No. 637, volume II. Housing expenditures, plus those for fuel, light, and refrigeration, came to 25.7 percent in the small cities and 28.8 percent in the large cities. A comparison on the basis of total cost of housing and household operation is more satisfactory as it takes account of the larger proportion of large-city families that rented their dwellings heated. A number of factors explain these differ ences; among them the tendency of small-city families to own their homes free of mortgage thus decreasing their money expense for hous ing, the smaller amounts paid in taxes on owned homes, and the in complete equipment of many small-city homes as regards conveniences. Other possible factors which this study does not cover are lower land values and lower tax rates accompanied by fewer and less expensive public services. 5 INTRODUCTION In large and small cities alike, food took about one-third of the ex penditures of families in the $1,200 to $1,500 income class, and cloth ing about one-tenth. Food purchased and eaten away from home, chiefly meals eaten out, was more important in the large cities, where CHARTI PERCENTAGE DEVOTED NEW ENGLAND TO OF TO TAL H O U S IN G C IT IE S OF E X P E N D IT U R E S AND A U T O M O B IL E S D IF F E R E N T S I Z E , 1 9 3 3 - 3 6 FAMILIES OF WAGE EARNERS AND CLERICAL WORKERS WITH INCOMES OF $1200 TO $1500 0 5 10 PERCENTAGE 15 20 25 30 35 BOSTON, MASS SPRINGFIELD, MASS MANCHESTER, N H. PORTLAND, ME. NEW HAMPSHIRE CITIES 1930 POPULATION 20,000 TO 50,000 10,000 TO 20,000 UNDER 10,000 HOUSING,INCLUDING FUEL, LIGHT AND REFRIGERATION Y///77\ AUTOMOBILE PURCHASE V ////X ANO OPERATION UNITEDSTATESDEPARTMENTOP BUREAUOFLABORSTATISTICS working places are too far away for the wage earner to go home for lunch. In the New England group, transportation expenditures took 6.0 percent of the total spent by large-city families in the $1,200 to $1,500 income class and 6.4 percent for small-city families with similar money incomes. In the small cities this sum was spent almost entirely on the family automobile, but in many of the large cities, automobile owning families were few, and streetcars and busses took family members to work, to school, and on shopping trips. 6 M ONEY DISBURSEMENTS-----13 SMALL CITIES Medicine, doctor, and hospital bills, in spite of their unequal dis tribution among individual families, took 3 to 4 percent of the total spent by families in the $1,200 to $1,500 income class, in large as well as small cities. Small-city families might be expected to spend less for moving pictures and other forms of commercial entertainment. Total recreation expenditures, however, amounted to 5.5 percent of the total spent by small-city families in this income class as compared with 5.0 percent in the large cities. Furnishings and equipment and personal care expenditures also were similar in'the two groups of cities, the former about 3 percent and the latter 2 percent of the total. The remaining small expendi ture categories, education, vocation, community welfare, gifts to per sons outside the family, and other items, came to a total of 4.5 percent in small and 3.1 percent in large cities, for families in the $1,200 to $1,500 income class. Scope o f the Study The data on money disbursements obtained in this study apply to 12 continuous months within the period 1933-35 for each family. For Berlin, Dover, Keene, Nashua, and Portsmouth all data apply to the year ending August 31, 1934. For the other five New Hampshire cities, the year of the study was that ending November 30, 1934. Data for Marquette, M odesto, and Reno apply to the year ending February 28, 1935. The families to be interviewed in the investigation were chosen at random from the lists of employees furnished by employers also chosen at random. (See appendix B for further details.) Since the funds for the investigation were limited, the survey was restricted to the income levels more representative of employed wage earners and clerical workers.3 N o families on relief were included in the investigation. The group supplying the material on which this report is based includes families of all types but not persons living alone. Because of the limitation of funds, the Nation-wide survey of wage earners and clerical workers was not enlarged to include a study of money dis bursements of persons living alone, either as lodgers or as householders.4 3 The importance of obtaining data on the consumer purchases of higher-salaried clerical workers, pro fessional workers, managers, and officials, and those in business for themselves was generally recognized at the time when the study was begun, but the limited funds then available made it necessary to confine this investigation to the groups for which the Bureau’s cost-of-living index is computed. Later, in 1936, the Bureau of Labor Statistics undertook a study of consumer purchases which covers all economic groups, in 32 different cities. Funds were allotted to the project by the Works Progress Administration. At the same time a coordinated study was undertaken by the Bureau of Home Economics in 66 farm counties, in 140 villages, and in 19 small cities. Both of these investigations were made in cooperation with the National Resources Committee and the Central Statistical Board. 4 The study of the living of single individuals presents a separate and distinct problem which will be covered by the Bureau at a later date. At the request of the Emergency Relief Board in Philadelphia, the Bureau of Labor Statistics undertook a study of the incomes and money disbursements of employed wage earners and clerical workers living as single individuals in that city in the year 1934-35. The results of that investigation will be published in a subsequent report. Income Level and Money Disbursements Order o f Expenditure at Different Income Levels The average amount spent for each of the major categories of con sumer expenditures was larger at each successive income level than at the one preceding, but the pattern of the distribution changed mark edly with increases in income. For the small cities, these changes in expenditure pattern are illustrated by the data for the 5 New Hamp shire cities in the 10,000-20,000 population group. Families with incomes of $1,800 to $2,100 with an average income of $2,004, as compared with the average of $766 for those in the $500 to $900 class, spent nearly twice as much (84 percent more) for food. Families were larger at the higher-income level, so that on a per per son basis, food expenditures were only 40 percent higher from the low- to the high-income group. Expenditures for housing including heat, light, and refrigeration, averaged $255 in the low- and $442 in the high-income class. (See table 2.) Clothing claimed a large share of the greater spending power of families in the upper-income brackets. Average expenditures for clothing increased from $64 in the low- to $229 in the high-income class. Even on a per person basis, clothing expenditures were more than double. Larger sums spent for the purchase and operation of automobiles also were characteristic of families in the higher-income class. The average amount spent on the family automobile was $40 in the lowand $113 in the high-income class. T a b l e 2 . — A verag e f a m i l y in co m e and exp en d itu res in the $ 5 0 0 - $ 9 0 0 and $ 1 ,8 0 0 $ 2 ,1 0 0 in co m e classes, and percentage increase with in co m e, N e w H a m p sh ire cities with p o p u la tio n 1 1 0 ,0 0 0 —2 0 ,0 0 0 , 1 yea r during the p eriod 1 9 8 3 —8 5 Income class Item $500$900 Average annual net income__ __ _ __ ______ ___ _____ ___ _______ Percentage increase from $500$900 to $1,800$1,800- $2,100 income $2,100 class $766 $2, 004 162 839 1,815 116 Furnishings and equipment________________________ ___________ Education._ _ _ _ _ - _ ____ ___ _ _ _ _______ __________ _ Clothing. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ ___ ___ Other household operation. . __ _ _ _ ______ Automobile and motorcycle—purchase, operation, and maintenance... 15 2 64 31 40 76 8 229 88 113 407 300 258 184 182 Gifts and community welfare__ __ _______________ __ Personal care, __ _ _ ___ _________ _ _ __ Recreation______ ___ __ _____________________________ _ Medical care____ _______ _ __ ______________ ._ _ ______ Fuel, light, and refrigeration____________________________ _______ 27 14 42 30 101 75 37 108 59 190 178 164 157 97 88 Food ______________ ____________________ __ . __ _ Housing. _ _____ ______ ___ ______ __________ _ _________________ Vocation and other items__________________ _ ____ Other transportation________ _ _ ___ ________ 308 154 7 4 568 252 9 3 84 64 29 -2 5 Average total current expenditure_____________________ ____________ 1 Portsmouth, Keene, Dover, Laconia, and Claremont. 2 0 0 9 8 2 ° — 4 1 ------- 2 7 8 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES Purchases of furnishings and equipment, although accounting for a small share of the total, showed the largest proportionate advance from low- to high-income levels. Families in the $1,800 to $2,100 income class spent five times as much for furniture, bedding, linen, and electrical and other equipment as did those with incomes of $500 to $900. Education expenditures also ranked high in elasticity, increasing fourfold over this income range. Average expenditures for medical care were nearly twice as much in the $1,800 to $2,100 as in the $500 to $900 income class. Personal care and recreation expenditures showed somewhat greater propor tionate increases, averaging about two and one-half times as much in the upper income class as in the lower. Planes o f Living Determined by Family Sizie as Well as Income In the wage-earner and clerical group in these small cities, as in the 42 large cities covered by this survey, average size of family tends to increase with income. In other words, high family incomes in these occupational groups often are the pooled earnings of several workers. T o the extent that a higher income is used for the support of a larger number of persons, it does not provide as high a scale of living as a somewhat lower income used for the support of fewer persons. Since one of the primary purposes of the investigation was to determine the kind of living available to families at different economic levels, the detailed analysis of expenditures has been based upon a classification which takes into account not only the total amount of money available for family living, but also the composition of the family for which it is spent. The process of classifying families according to their economic level may be indicated from the case of two families, each spending $1,450 during the schedule year. The first family consisted of a man of 40 years working as a machine operator; his wife, 38; two sons, aged 15 and 6; and two daughters, aged 12 and 8. In addition, the family was responsible during 6 months for the total support of the wife's mother, who lived with them during half the year. This family is regarded as consisting of six and one-half persons. The second family consists of a man of 27, also a machine operator; his wife, 26; a daugh ter, 4; and an infant son, i}{ years old. This is a four-person family. The first family spent $725 and the smaller family $780 for all items other than food and clothing. There is not enough information at present available on the influence of age or sex on these general types o f expenditure to improve upon the assumption that equal expendi tures are incurred for each member of the family. The expenditure per person in the first family was $112 as against $195 in the second INCOME LEVEL AND MONEY DISBURSEMENTS 9 family for all items other than food and clothing. In the case of food’ studies of customary expenditures and of dietary needs have been made in sufficient detail to allow for the creation of scales of expendi ture for each age, sex, and activity group in terms of the customary expenditures of an adult male employed full time. The scale for food adopted in this study indicates that the first family consists of the equivalent of 5.5 adult males in the family for the full year. This unit will subsequently be referred to in the present study as a “ foodexpenditure unit.” The second family consists of 2.9 food-expendi ture units. The first family spent $580 per year for food, or the equivalent of $105 per food-expenditure unit. The second family spent $500, which although a substantially smaller proportion of its total income, amounted to $172 per food-expenditure unit. Finally, in connection with clothing, it has been possible as a result of this study to derive scales of customary expenditures related to sex, age, and occupation. If the average expenditures of adult male wage earners and lower-salaried clerical workers between the ages of 21 and 35, inclusive, are regarded as equivalent to one clothing-expenditure unit, it has been found that the larger of the two families contains 4.0 clothing-expenditure units, while the smaller family contains 2.6. The first family spent $145 for clothing and the smaller family $170. This is an average per clothing-expenditure unit of $36 for the first family and $65 for the second. The economic level of the first family has been measured by the sum of these three types of unit expenditure, i. e., $105 for food, $36 for clothing, and $112 for all other items— total for the family, $253 per expenditure unit. The smaller family which, it will be recalled, had an identical income to spend, has not been classified with the larger family but rather with other families that had a unit expenditure of more than $400, but less than $500. In both cases, this means that these particular families are grouped, as regards economic level, with families whose incomes may be quite different. For example, a widow with one young child, earning $100 a month, would be grouped with the smaller of the two families, as would also a very large family with an income of more than $3,000. Changes in Assets and Liabilities5 In each of these groups of small cities, wage-earner and clerical families, in the aggregate, spent less than the sum of their incomes for current living. The average net surplus per family ranged from $79, the amount reported for those in Marquette, to $19, for families in 5 F o r purposes of this study, changes in assets and liabilities are computed on the basis of changes which occurred as the result of the transfer of property or funds. Changes in the market value of real estate or personal property remaining in the hands of the families studied are not included in these figures. For a more detailed explanation, see appendix A, notes on table 4. 10 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS-----13 SMALL CITIES M odesto.6 Some of the families in each of the small-city groups did not balance expenditures with income, but in none were there as many as one-half in this circumstance. For example, in Marquette, 77 percent of the wage earners and clerical workers reported a net surplus for the year. The proportions in this position were somewhat less in the other cities, being smallest in Reno, where 54 percent reported a net surplus. In spite of the fact that aggregate incomes exceeded aggregate cur rent expenditures for these families, the funds that were free, in the sense that they might readily be turned to other forms of investment, were small. In the New IJampshire cities, and in Marquette, life insurance and annuity premiums7took about one-half of the gross sur plus of the group; payments on owned home— both down payments and mortgage reduction— took about one-tenth. In Modesto and Reno, life-insurance premiums were relatively less and payments on the owned home relatively more important. In these, as in the other cities, however, these two together took a little more than one-half of the group’s surplus funds. Payment of back debts, including in stallment debts, took about one-tenth to one-fifth. In only two of the groups of cities was as much as one-third of the surplus funds accumulated during the year available at the end of the period in cash, in bank accounts, or for other forms of investment, while in the other cities this sum represented an even smaller proportion of the surplus. In each small-city group, families paying life-insurance premiums were more numerous than those reporting net surpluses for the year, indicating that life-insurance policies often are kept up by families that run into debt. The percentage of families paying for life insur ance varied among the cities, ranging from 64 percent in Reno to 96 percent in the New Hampshire cities in the 20,000-50,000 population group. M oreover, life-insurance payments were important in the aggregate because of the amounts paid out, as well as because of the frequency of such payments in the group. Families that carried life insurance paid premiums averaging from $66 to $98 in the six groups of cities. (See table 3.) # The figures just cited have been computed from the families’ own statements about changes in their assets and liabilities and do not represent a balancing difference between reported incomes and reported current expenditures. (See appendix A, pp. 145-146.) Most families were not able to present a statement of total receipts and total disbursements which balanced exactly. No schedule was accepted for use from a family which could not supply a statement of total receipts and total disbursements which balanced within 5 percent. 7In a study among Federal employees carried on by the Bureau of Labor Statistics just prior to the initia tion of this investigation, the schedule provided for securing information on the type of insurance covered by the premiums reported. It was found that very frequently informants were unable to provide the information and the question was not included in the present schedule. It is, therefore, impossible to estimate how much of the amount paid in life insurance premiums represents savings and how much was paid for insurance protection during the schedule year. 11 INCOME LEVEL AND MONEY DISBURSEMENTS T a b l e 3 . — P ercentage o f fa m ilie s p a yin g life-in su ra n ce p r em iu m s , and average p a ym e n ts, 1 yea r during the p eriod 1 9 3 8 - 8 5 Percentage of families paying Cities Average payment All families Families paying New Hampshire cities with 1930 population of— 20,000 to 50,0001 .. . _ ___ __________________ 10,000 to 20,000 *_______ ___________________________ Under 10,0003______________________________ _____________ 95. 7 83.3 83.8 $94.19 78.37 70.38 $98.47 94. 08 84. 03 Marquette, M ic h ___________________ _ Modesto, C alif________ _______ Reno, Nev __ _____ _ _ 86.5 78.8 63.8 72. 54 51. 85 53. 62 83.87 65. 79 84.10 _ _______ _______ __ ___ __ i Nashua, Concord, and Berlin. * Portsmouth, Keene, Dover, Laconia, and Claremont. * Littleton and Conway. On the deficit side of the ledger for these groups of families, with drawals from bank accounts and increases in debts, both on install ment contracts and of other types, were the chief sources of funds. A t every income level, some families devoted a part of their current income to payment of back debts or to provision for the future, as by buying life insurance, saving, or making other investments. Others went into debt or used savings accumulated previously. Families in this position were found in all income classes. In the New Hamp shire cities with population of 10,000 to 20,000, for example, 36 per cent of the families in the $500 to $900 income class reported a net surplus for the year, 53 percent had a net deficit, and the remainder reported themselves in about the same financial position at the end as at the beginning of the year. In the $1,800 to $2,100 income class, families with net deficits were considerably fewer— 20 percent— while 77 percent had net surpluses. The balance of income and expenditures at different income levels is shown, also, by the average net deficit of $59 of families in the lowest income class, the change from net deficit to net surplus in the higher income classes increasing to an average of as much as $168 per family at the $1,800 to $2,100 level. Expenditures for Specified Goods Automobiles Public transportation systems in small cities are generally much less adequate to the needs of the citizens than the systems in large cities. The population is, as a rule, less densely settled in the small community and it is more difficult to provide efficient services at as low a rate. For this reason, the proportion of small-city families meeting the transportation problem by having their own cars was larger, in general, than in the large cities in the same region. As in the larger cities, a higher proportion of families in the western towns had their own cars than families in cities of the same size in the eastern part of the country. In Conway and Littleton, 52 percent of the families studied had cars; in the next larger New Hampshire cities, 47 percent; and in the cities of 20,000 to 50,000 population, 42 percent. Boston, the largest New England city covered in this survey, is in marked con trast, with only 14 percent of the families owning automobiles. (See table 4.) The contrast between large and small cities in the proportion of families owning automobiles is shown also in the California group of cities. California cities, in general, rank high in the proportion of wage-earner and clerical families owning automobiles, but Modesto, with 87 percent of the families reported as car owners, is outstanding among them. Even in San Francisco, where busses and streetcars provide more convenient transportation than in the smaller cities, 57 percent of the families studied had automobiles. Marquette is an exception to the general rule regarding automobile ownership in the small cities. Fifty-seven percent of the Marquette wage-earner and clerical families owned their own cars, but even larger proportions of the Detroit, Grand Rapids, and Lansing families had automobiles. The stimulus of Detroit as a center of automobile pro duction is undoubtedly an important factor in the prevalence of auto mobiles in these southern Michigan cities. Difficulties of winter driv ing in the northern peninsula where Marquette is located may also account for the smaller proportion of car-owning families there. Automobile ownership is definitely related to the economic position of the group of families studied. Because wage-earner and clerical incomes tended to be somewhat lower in the small than in the large cities, the relatively large proportions of families owning automobiles 12 EXPENDITURES FOR SPECIFIED GOODS 13 in the small cities are even more striking, when comparisons are limited to families at the same economic level. (See table 4.) T a b l e 4. — P ercentage o f fa m ilie s o w n in g a u tom obiles, selected cities, 1 year during the period 1 9 3 3 - 8 6 Percentage of families owning automobiles Cities All families Families with annual unit expenditure of $400 to $600 Small cities in New Hampshire (1930 population): 20.000 to 50,000 i____________ 10.000 to 20,000 2 ___________________________ Under 10,000 3_____________________________ 42.1 46.6 51.8 47.7 48.4 56.6 Larger New England cities: Boston, Mass_________ Springfield, Mass_____ Manchester, N. H ____ Portland, Maine______ 14.1 37.5 39.0 48.4 11.9 39.3 29.3 54.0 Marquette, Mich. 57.4 66.7 Larger cities in Michigan: Detroit_____________ Grand Rapids_______ Lansing____________ 68.7 75.3 69.7 73.0 79.7 77.1 Modesto, Calif. Larger cities in California: Los Angeles_________ San Francisco_______ San Diego___________ Sacramento_________ Reno, Nev__ 83.3 81.1 56.7 78.4 67.3 77.2 78.7 54.7 78.8 71.2 80.0 i Nashua, Concord, and Berlin. * Portsmouth, Keene, Dover, Laconia, and Claremont. * Littleton and Conway. Purchases of automobiles during the year of the study were reported by 8 to 12 percent of the small-city groups in New Hampshire, by 8 percent of the Marquette families, by 17 percent in Reno, and by 21 percent in M odesto. In all of these cities purchases of second-hand cars by this group far outnumbered purchases of new automobiles. For families that had automobiles, the average cost of gasoline, tires, and other expense for operation of these automobiles came to well over $100 in each of the groups of cities except Marquette. (See table 5.) Forms of transportation other than the family automobile were little used in cities so small as these. The average expenditure per family for all rides by train or bus during the entire year ranged from $8 in Berlin, Concord, and Nashua, to $3 in Conway and Littleton. 14 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS-— 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 5.— Average expenditure for automobile operation and maintenance, for those owning automobiles, 1 year during the period 1933-85 All families City Economic level—Families with annual unit expend iture of— Under $400 $400 and over New Hampshire cities (1930 population): 20,000 to 50,000 i______________________________________ 10,000 to 20,000 2______________________________________ Under 10,000 8________________________________________ $122 115 120 $93 88 87 $141 134 148 Marquette, Mich----------- ---------- -- ------------------------- _ Modesto, Calif ___ ------------- -- ------ -__ _ _ Reno, N e y ____ ___ ---------------- — -------------------- 68 121 110 52 99 96 88 131 113 1 Nashua, Concord, and Berlin. 2 Portsmouth, Keene, Dover, Laconia, and Claremont. 8 Littleton and Conway. Housing N e w Hampshire Cities Hom e ownership, like automobile ownership, tends to be more prevalent among families in the small than among those in the large cities included in this study. Among the small New Hampshire cities, the proportion of owned homes ranged from 31 percent in Nashua, Concord, and Berlin, to 47 percent in Littleton and Conway. In Boston, only 20 percent of the wage-earner and clerical families lived in owned houses; in Portland, Maine, 22 percent; and in M an chester, N. H., 27 percent. The smaller proportion of total current expenditure taken by hous ing in the small cities is explained in part by the relatively large number of home owners there. The current housing outlay of the home owner is diminished by the fact that he has some investment in his home, on which he might, theoretically, be considered to be paying himself interest.8 Consequently, it is not surprising that the actual current expenditure for housing in Conway and Littleton, where 47 percent of the homes were owned, averaged only $144 per fam ily for the year when all families are considered in computing the average. In the five cities of the middle-sized group, where 37 percent were home owners, average housing expense was $186 and in Berlin, Concord, and Nashua, where 31 percent of the families were home owners, average housing expense was $197. For example, the rental value of the owned homes included in this study in Conway and Littleton, where almost half the families owned their homes, averaged $232.36 for the year. Current expenditures for taxes, interest on mortgages, repairs, and the like came to $104.65 per owned home, leaving a balance averaging $127.71, which m ay 8 The amounts devoted to outright purchase of homes, down payments, or to payment of principal of mortgage were considered an investment for the purposes of this study, and do not appear as part of current housing expense. 15 EXPENDITURES FOR SPECIFIED GOODS properly be regarded as nonmoney income from the home owners’ return on his investment. When the total amount of this imputed income to home owners is added to their current money outlay for their homes and to the sums paid out as rent by the renting families, we obtain an average value of housing of $204 per family for the year, considerably more than the money outlay for housing of $144 per family. However, even this sum is less than the comparable figure of $241 for the five New Hampshire cities next largest in size, and $240 for Berlin, Concord, and Nashua. In Boston, where home owners were comparatively few, average current expenditures of $319 are increased by only $27 by the addition of nonmoney income from owned homes, to give a total of $346 as the average value of housing for the group studied there. Among home owners, the average expenditures for taxes for families who made such payments were a little over $60 in the two groups of larger New Hampshire cities, and $48 in Littleton and Conway. Interest payments on mortgages were a second large expense for home owners. M any home owners had no mortgages on their homes but, for families that paid interest, the amounts were fairly large. F or example, in the middle-sized group of New Hampshire cities, 19 percent of the families made interest payments during the year, and, for these, the average was $74. (See table 6.) T able 6 .— Average expenditures by home owners for taxes on owned homes and for interest on mortgages, 1 year during the period 193S-S5 City Number of fami lies Families spending for interest on Percent mortgages age of Average families expense owning for taxes1 Average Percent expense homes for inter age est 2 New Hampshire cities (1930 population): 20,000 to 50*000 3______________________________ 10,000 to 20,000 4______________________________ Under 10,000 8_______________________________ 299 485 197 31.4 37.1 47.2 $61 62 48 15.4 18.6 23.9 $80 74 53 Marquette, Mich ________________________ _____ Modesto, Calif-__ ___ . ___ _______ _______ Reno, Nev-_ _ _ __ ________ __________ 148 151 149 48.6 37.7 47.7 35 29 63 16.2 28.5 23.5 50 98 121 1 For home owners paying taxes. 2 For families paying interest. 3 Nashua, Concord, and Berlin. 4 Portsmouth, Keene, Dover, Laconia, and Claremont. 8 Littleton and Conway. New Hampshire small-city families that rented houses paid aver ages of $18 and $19 a month in two of the groups of cities, and only $14 a month in Littleton and Conway. Unheated apartments were fre quently reported, and average rentals paid for these were $15 and $16 in the three groups of cities. In contrast, Boston families paid an MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 16 SMALL CITIES average of $30 a month for rented houses and $26 for unheated apart ments. The higher Boston rents provided houses that were considerably better equipped than those available to these small-city families. Inside flush toilets, running hot water, electric lights, and gas or electricity for cooking all were present in the following proportion of homes: Boston 76 percent; New Hampshire cities of 20,000 to 50,000 PERCENTAGE W IT H OF F A M IL IE S S P E C IF IE D IN D W E L L I N G S F A C IL IT IE S 1 9 3 3 -3 6 FAMILIES OF WAGE EARNERS AND CLERICAL WORKERS PERCENTAGE 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 BOSTON, MASS. SPR IN G FIELD , M A SS. M A N C H ESTER , N .H . P O R TLA N D , M E . NEW HAMPSHIRE C ITIES 1930 POPULATION 2 0 . 0 0 0 TO 5 0 , 0 0 0 1 0 .0 0 0 TO 2 0 , 0 0 0 UNDER 1 0 ,0 0 0 UNITEDSTATES DEPARTMENTOFLABOR BUREAUOF LABORSTATISTICS RUNNING WATER, ELECTRIC LIGHTS, FLUSH TOILET AND GAS OR ELECTRICITY FOR COOKING population, 30 percent; New Hampshire cities of 10,000 to 20,000 population, 36 percent; New Hampshire cities under 10,000, 4 percent. (See chart 2.) Even in the smallest of the New Hampshire cities, 8 out of 10 houses had inside flush toilets, and electricity was quite generally used for lighting. Bathrooms were reported in almost 8 out of 10 homes in the two groups of cities with 10,000 or more inhabitants, and in two-thirds of the Littleton and Conway homes. Running hot water was some what less common, and gas or electricity for cooking was reported by 39 percent of the homes in the larger cities, 46 percent in the 10,000 to EXPENDITURES FOR SPECIFIED GOODS 17 20,000 population group, and only 5 percent in Littleton and Conway. Especially in the smaller cities, these probably were electric stoves or gas stoves using bottled gas. In conclusion, small-city families in New Hampshire paid consid erably less for housing than did Boston families. Their homes were less well provided with conveniences, especially hot running water and gas or electric stoves, but such other advantages as fresh air and open space surrounding their homes probably compensated to some extent for city conveniences. A t any rate, the actual expenditures for housing were considerably less in these New Hampshire cities than in Boston, and part of the sum thus saved on housing was spent by small-city families on automobiles, thus compensating for the lack of public means of transportation available to large-city families. M arquettte, Modesto, and Reno The other three small cities also rank high in home ownership among wage-earner and clerical families, especially when compared with such large places as Detroit and San Francisco. In Marquette and Reno almost one-half of the homes were owned; in Modesto nearly two-fifths. Nearly all of the wage-earner and clerical homes in Marquette, M odesto, and Reno were equipped with electric lights and inside flush toilets. Bath-rooms and running hot water also were reported by nearly all families, except in Marquette, where 83 percent had bathrooms and 62 percent had running hot water. Gas or electricity for cooking was less frequent, except in Modesto. Accordingly, the families that had inside flush toilets, running hot water, electric lights, and gas or electricity for cooking accounted for 43 percent in M ar quette, 87 percent in M odesto, and 54 percent in Reno. Fuel, Light, and Refrigeration The average cost of fuel for cooking and room heating in the New Hampshire cities came to a little under $100. Fuel bills for apart ments averaged somewhat less than those for houses, and the amounts differed slightly from one group of cities to another, but average costs for all heating and cooking fuels were close to $100. For electricity, average expenditures were a little under $30, and for ice, between $5 and $7 for the year. Fuel expenditures were a little less in Marquette, chiefly because of the kind of fuel used. M arquette usually has as severe winters as most of the New Hampshire cities, according to average tempera ture reports of the United States Weather Bureau, but the use of bituminous coal rather than anthracite and fuel oil made lower fuel bills. The total for fuel, light, and refrigeration for Marquette families that provided heat for their own homes came to $113 for the 18 M ONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES year. Electricity expense averaged $30 a year, and ice, which was seldom purchased, averaged only $1 per family for this group. Hence, average costs for all fuel used for cooking and house heating, for dwellings in Marquette without heat furnished, were $82. In Reno, where the climate is considerably milder, the average expenditure of families in houses for all kinds of heating and cooking fuels was $70. Average annual electricity bills for families in houses came to $43. The larger proportion of families (29 percent) with electric refrigerators is one explanation; probably other electrical appliances were used more freely also, as average income was con siderably higher in Reno than in the other cities. Fuel expenditures were so much less in Modesto, Calif., that the average total for fuel, light, and refrigeration for houses was $97. Electricity bills came to an average of $34, and ice for these families averaged $11. Winters are usually warmer than in any of the other small cities studied, and average expenditures for fuel for heating these houses and for cooking were $51 for the year. Anthracite, wood, and fuel oil were the heating fuels most frequently used by New Hampshire small-city families. W ood was especially popular in Littleton and Conway, where 75 percent of the families who paid for their own fuel bought wood, and, in the average fuel bill for the group as a whole, wood was the largest item, amounting to $34. Anthracite was the only type of coal widely used. Fuel oil was pur chased by about one-half of the families in all the New Hampshire cities that paid for their own fuel. N ot all of this oil was for furnace burners, as oil more refined than the usual furnace oil was often reported for use in stoves. The fact that purchases showed less relative decrease during the summer months than did coal purchases, also suggests that some of this fuel oil was used for cooking. Gas, probably used for cooking, was reported by about two out of five of the families in the two groups of larger cities, but by almost none in Littleton and Conway. Among Marquette families who paid for heat in houses and apart ments, bituminous coal was the fuel most often chosen, and in total cost accounted for two-thirds of total expense for cooking and heating fuels. W ood expenditures were relatively small, although two-thirds of the families purchased some wood. Payments of gas bills were reported by only one-third of these families, indicating that wood and coal were the more usual cooking fuels. In Reno, as in Marquette, bituminous coal was most important in the group’s fuel bill, with wood a close second. Use of gas was reported by about 3 out of 10 families. In Modesto the group, as a whole, was somewhat higher in income than in Marquette or the New Hampshire cities, and mild climate as well as the availability of gas also affected the choice of fuels. Of the total expenditures for cooking EXPENDITURES FOR SPECIFIED GOODS 19 and heating fuels, 71 percent was for gas, and 8 out of 10 families that paid for their own fuel used gas. About one-third of the families purchased some wood, but the average expenditure for wood by the group as a whole was only one-sixth as much as the expenditure for gas. Food Average total food expenditures for these small-city groups ranged from $392 per family in Littleton and Conway to $470 in Marquette. The relationships between economic level, size of family, and total expenditures for food are shown in table 7 for the New Hampshire cities, for which data are presented by expenditure unit. When families are classified in this way the average amount spent on food for each food-expenditure u n it9 (roughly per person) is very similar from one group of cities to another; that is, the average amount spent for food was close to $130 per food-expenditure unit in each of the city groups, for the families that spent for all goods and services from $300 to $400 each year per expenditure unit. Differences in average food expenditures among city groups at the extremes of the distribution result from variations among the cities in the proportions of families in the very lowest and the highest economic levels covered. T able 7 .— A v era g e exp en d itu re f o r fo o d p er fo o d -ex p e n d itu r e u n it,1 by econom ic level, N e w H a m p sh ire sm all cities, 1 yea r d uring the p eriod 1 9 8 3 - 8 5 Average annual expenditure for food per food-expenditure u n it1 City group Economic level—Families with annual unit expenditure of— All families Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 New Hampshire cities (1930 population): 20,000 to 50,000 2_____________________ 10,000 to 20,000 3_____________________ Under 10,000 4______________________ $132 138 125 $101 103 98 $131 129 129 $150 155 151 $500 and over $186 201 174 1 See appendix D for method of computing. 2 Nashua, Concord, and Berlin. 3 Portsmouth, Keene, Dover, Laconia, and Claremont. 4 Littleton and Conway. Even in the smallest of these cities, Littleton and Conway, home gardens were of only slight importance in reducing the family food bill. The average value of all food produced at home during the entire year, and of gifts of food and food received as pay was only $8 per family. In the other New Hampshire cities, and in Marquette and Reno, the value of such food was less. In Modesto, a center for truck farming, with a climate well suited to gardening, the value of home-produced and other food not purchased was $22 per family. 9 See appendix D for explanation of food-expenditure units. 20 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES Expenditure for each type of food increased with economic level. Families in the highest economic group spent almost twice as much per, person for food as did those in the lowest economic group. Ex penditures for meat, poultry, and fish a little more than doubled, and those for vegetables and fruits increased about two and one-half times. Expenditures for milk did not increase as rapidly with increase in total food expenditure as they would have done had there been as many children at the higher economic levels, as at the lower. Among families with annual unit expenditures of $500 and more, one family out of four had a child under 16 years. Among families with unit expenditures of less than $500 the average was at least one child per family and two children in every second family. Expenditures for sugar and other sweets were twice as much in the highest as in the lowest economic group, and those for miscellaneous foods, chief among them coffee and tea, were a little more than doubled. On the other hand, increases in expenditures for bread, flour, cereals, and baked goods were only about one-third. Nearly all of the money spent for food by these families was for food eaten at home. Added together, the cost of all food purchased and eaten away from home, whether meals at work, school, or on vacation, or candy, drinks, and ice cream, amounted to from 2 to 3 percent of the family food bill in the New Hampshire groups; 4 percent in M arquette; 5 percent in R eno; and 9 percent in M odesto. Since such expenditures are characteristic of families at higher economic levels, the larger proportion of the food money used in Reno and M odesto for food away from home probably is due to the higher in comes and smaller families there. In addition to the reports of 1 week’s food purchases and the esti mates of annual food expenditures, detailed records of actual food consumption for 1 week were kept by 294 families in the New Ham p shire cities, 78 families in Reno, and 14 in Marquette. These have been analyzed by the Bureau of Home Economics of the United States Department of Agriculture along with reports from other families in the wage-earner and clerical group to show the nutritional adequacy of the diets.10 N o separate figures were computed on the nutritional content of the diets in the small, as distinguished from the large, cities in each region. In view of the relatively insignificant value given the food grown for home use by these small-city families, it appears that their nutritional status was not very different from that of large-city white families of similar economic status. Stiebeling, Hazel K., and Phipard, Esther F.: Diets of Families of Employed Wage Earners and Cler ical Workers in Cities. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Circular No. 507. Washington, January 1939. 21 EXPENDITURES FOR SPECIFIED GOODS T able 8 .— A v era g e exp en d itu re per p e r s o n 1 p er w eek f o r different typ es o f fo o d , by econ om ic level, 1 year during the p eriod 1 9 8 3 - 8 5 NEW HAM PSHIRE SM ALL CITIES Average expenditure per person1in 1 week Food group All families Economic level—Families with annual unit expenditure of— Under 300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over Total food.................................................... $2. 273 $1.740 $2.198 $2. 578 $3,264 Grain products and baked goods. .............. Eggs------------------------------ ------------------Milk, cheese, ice cream.............................. Butter ............ .................................... ........ Other fats...................................................... .386 .143 .291 .179 .107 .342 .106 .242 .151 .080 .398 .136 .324 .180 .093 .397 .168 .302 .206 .121 .456 .212 .352 .214 .176 Meat, poultry, fish....................................... Vegetables and fruits................................ . Sugar and other sweets_____________ ____ Miscellaneous foods......... ............................ .552 .346 .098 .166 .395 .228 .077 .115 .501 .315 .085 .161 .680 .408 .107 .184 .842 .587 .152 .261 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. In summarizing their findings Stiebeling and Phipard estimate that there is little likelihood of a deficiency in protein in the diets of employed workers and their families in the United States. M ost of the diets in the North Atlantic area also furnished an adequate supply of nicotinic acid. Deficiencies in the consumption of calcium and Vitamins A, Bi, and C were numerous, however. A new dietary goal and yardstick by which to measure progress was announced on M ay 25, 1940, by the Committee on Foods and Nutrition of the National Research Council (Dr. Russell M . Wilder of the M ayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn., chairman). This yardstick for the average man at moderately heavy work is as follows: Recommended daily allowances for specific nutrients for a 154-pound moderately active man.1 Calories__________________ Protein___________________ Calcium__________________ Iron_____________________ Vitamin A2_______________ Thiamin (vitamin Bi)3____ Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)3. Riboflavin_______________ Nicotinic acid____________ 3, 000 ____________ grams __ 70 _____________ do____ 0. 80 ________milligrams __ 12 international units. _ 5, 000 ________milligrams __ 1. 8 _____________ do____ 75 _____________ do____ 2.7 18 _____________ do____ 1 These are tentative allowances toward which to aim in planning practical dietaries. These allowances can be met with a good diet of natural food. Such a diet would also provide other minerals and vitamins, the requirements of which are less well known. 2 Requirements may be less than these amounts if provided as vitamin A, greater if chiefly as the pro vitamin carotene. 3 One milligram thiamin equals 333 international units; one milligram ascorbic acid equals 20 international units; and 1 international unit of ascorbic acid equals 1 U. S. P. unit. 22 M ONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES Vitamin A is important in insuring good visual adaptation in semi darkness. An abundance of Vitamin B x (thiamin) promotes good functioning of the digestive tract. Acute deficiencies result in a dis ease of the nervous system called beriberi. Diets without sufficient provision of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) have been shown to result in increased susceptibility to infection, and in restlessness and irrita bility in children. An acute deficiency in Vitamin C may produce scurvy, but other symptoms are more common in this country. R ibo flavin is essential in the production of an enzyme involved in cell respiration. Nicotinic acid is the pellagra-preventive factor. A reconsideration of food records in light of this new yardstick leads Stiebeling and Phipard to estimate that the diets of perhaps one-fifth to one-fourth of the families of employed workers in North Atlantic cities might well be classed as excellent. This proportion is higher than the 11 percent indicated in the publication cited. The difference is due chiefly to the fact that the allowances for vitamin A recommended by the National Research Council's committee were lower than those which the authors had used in their earlier work in classifying diets as excellent, good, fair, and poor. In the early evaluation the diets of only about one-fifth of the families spending $2.50 to $3.12 per man per week for food met the vitamin A specifications then used for an excellent diet. Using the new yardstick, 70 percent met the specifications with reference to vitamin A. Forty-two percent of the North Atlantic families who provided food consumption records spent less than $2.50 per person per week; 28 percent spent more than $3.12. Of the remaining 30 percent, it is estimated that the diets of as many as 8 out of 10 failed to provide one or more nutrients in quantities as liberal as recommended by the National Research Council's committee. The food supplies of some families were short in but one respect. The food supply of others failed to meet the specifications in a number of respects. While the diets of only about 30 percent of these families fell short in vitamin A, about half provided less calcium than is now recommended. About this same proportion (though not necessarily the same families) had diets that failed to meet the specifications with respect to vitamin C and/or with respect to riboflavin. N o one should assume that all families with diets falling short of these desirable goals suffer from obvious nutritional deficiencies. The figures mean, however, that the diets of many of these families could be improved— the degree dependent upon the extent to which the diets fall short of optimum. Food plays an important part in determining the composition of tissues of the body and of the fluids that bathe the cells, and, therefore, in affecting the “ internal environ m ent" in which life processes go on. This environment markedly EXPENDITURES FOR SPECIFIED GOODS 23 affects physical and mental vitality. Insofar as immediate or long term well-being can be improved through dietary betterment, a person falls short of being truly well fed. Stiebeling and Phipard found that “ The chances for better diets increased with rising per capita expenditures for foods. This was due chiefly to a more liberal use of milk, meat, eggs, leafy green vegetables, and fruits, when more money was available. But the quality of the food supply selected by families was by no means only a matter of level of food expenditure. A t every expenditure level above a certain minimum, some families succeeded in obtaining good diets but others procured food only fair or poor, from the stand point of nutritive value.” 11 Deficiencies in the consumption of calcium and vitamins A, Bx, and C are readily understood when the division of actual expenditure is compared with recommendations for adequate nutrition at expend iture levels just above and just below tbe average prevailing in tbis group. The relationship between food consumption and health is now so well established that it must be a matter of general concern that so large a proportion of this relatively favored group was not using the foods needed for a nutritionally satisfactory diet. There is abundant clinical evidence that the vitamins and the minerals listed above are needed for physical well-being. Part of the consumption deficiencies just shown could easily be remedied by more widespread knowledge of nutritional needs, but a considerable part is due to the inadequacy of the incomes of many families to meet total family needs. C lo th in g Average expenditures of small-city families for clothing ranged from $132 in the New Hampshire cities to $172 for Reno families. Details on clothing expenditures for the New Hampshire cities com bined are given in table 17 of the Tabular Summary. Details are not available for publication for Marquette, Modesto, and Reno. In the New Hampshire cities, nearly all of the clothing money was spent for ready-made clothing, dry cleaning, and accessories. (See table 9.) Expenditures for materials for home sewing averaged only $3 per family. N ot included in this figure is the clothing received as gifts from persons outside the family, which was valued at $5 per family. W omen and girls 18 years of age or older spent an average of $46 each for their year's supply of clothing. For men and boys 18 years u Stiebeling, Hazel K., and Phipard, Esther F.: Diets of Families of Employed Wage Earners and Clerical Workers in Cities. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Circular No. 607. Washington, January 1939, p. 100. 2 0 0 9 8 2 ° — 4 1 -------3 24 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES or older, the average was $38. Average expenditures for the clothing of younger family members were considerably less. T a b l e 9 .— A verag e ex pen d itu re p er f a m i ly and average expend iture p er p erson f o r clothing , p erson s o f different age gro u p s , 1 yea r during the period 1 9 3 3 —3 5 NEW HAM PSHIRE SM ALL CITIES All fam ilies Item Economic level—Families with annual unit expenditure of— Under $300 Average expenditure per family for— All clothing------------------------ ------------ --------------------------Ready-made clothing, dry cleaning, and accessories------Yard goods and findings------------ ------ --------------------------Paid help for sewing___________ ____ ____ _______ Average value per family of clothing received as gifts. ______ Average expenditure per person for ready-made clothing, dry cleaning, and accessories: Men and boys 18 years oi age and over_______ Women and girls 18 years of age and over_______________ Boys 12 through 17 years of age-------------------------------------Girls 12 through 17 years of age_______ _________ . . . .. Boys 6 through 11 years of age----------------------------------- -. Girls 6 through 11 years of age----------- ------ -------------Boys 2 through 5 years of a g e --------------------------------------Girls 2 through 5 years of age__________________________ Infants under 2 years of a g e_____________________ ____ $300 to $400 to $500 and $400 $500 over $132 129 3 0) 5 $121 117 4 0) 5 $126 123 3 0) 6 38 46 33 37 24 27 28 25 27 18 21 17 12 11 16 12 10 6 $125 122 3 5 $157 154 3 0) 5 33 39 38 48 27 38 49 43 66 37 58 71 67 61 42 27 16 14 10 34 26 21 25 37 30 24 18 0) 1 Less than 50 cents. Recreation Tobacco purchases took an important part of the expenditure classified under the heading of recreation in table 15 of the Tabular Summary. T obacco expense averaged from $21 to $27 a family in all of these small cities. Cigarettes accounted for a large share of this sum. They were bought by one-half or more of the families in each city group, with purchases of other types of tobacco less numer ous. Average expense for reading material, as newspapers, books, and magazines, ranked next after tobacco in each of the New Hampshire groups and in Marquette, and moving pictures and other commercial entertainment, third. A larger proportion of families in Reno and M odesto than of families in the other cities attended moving pictures during the year, and total expense for commercial entertainment was considerably more than in the other cities. In the New Hampshire cities 7 out of 10 families owned radios, and in the other small cities, 9 out of 10 families. The proportion pur chasing radios and the average expenditure per radio are shown in table 10. Undoubtedly there was a wide range in the price paid for radios, but averages as high as these suggest that a number of the radios purchased were fairly expensive. 25 EXPENDITURES FOR SPECIFIED GOODS T able 10.— Percentage o f fa m ilie s o w n in g and p u rch a sin g ra d io s, and average exp en d itu re p er radio p u rch ased , 1 yea r d u rin g the p eriod 1 9 3 8 - 8 5 City group Percentage of families owning radios Percentage of families purchasing radios Average expenditure per radio purchased New Hampshire cities (1930 population): 20,000 to 60,000 i_________________ .. ______ 10,000 to 20,000 2______________________________________ Under 10,000 3________________________________________ 71 69 70 8 10 15 $74 42 38 Marquette, Mich_________ _______ ___ ___ ____ _ __ Modesto, Calif_______________ _____ _ _ ___ _ _ . ____ _ Reno, Nev_______________________________ _____________ 87 89 90 14 9 7 57 46 30 1 Nashua, Concord, and Berlin. 2 Portsmouth, Keene, Dover, Laconia, and Claremont. 3 Littleton and Conway. Tabular Summary 27 T able 1.-— D istr ib u tio n o f fa m i li e s , b y econ om ic level and in co m e level NASHUA, N. H. Economic level—-Families spending per expenditure unit per year $1,200-$1,500______ $1,500-$1,800______ $1,800-$2,100______ $2,100-$2,400______ $2,400-$2,700______ $2,700-$3,000______ 26 21 7 8 2 1 o o o o o i§ o o o o o o o s i o ^ 11 i | COy-f i i i ! r-T«9- r-T^m- m- » m- m 3 22 31 19 14 6 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 4 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 < Families in survey. __ 100 Annual net income of— $500-$600_________ 0 $600-$900_________ 13 $900-$l,200_______ 22 o O ©i )0 to *300 o I )0 to 5600 j 3 Income class o s^ § 1 CS CO «« ■ ;«e - €©■ m- 12 3 2 1 1 1 7 2 3 1 1 0 0 3 9 2 2 0 0 © g ©00 § n © 8 «©■ & 2 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CONCORD, N. H. Families in survey.. _ Annual net income of— $500-$600_________ $600-$900_________ $900-$l,200________ $1,200-$1,500______ $1,500-$1,800______ $1,800-$2,100______ $2,100-$2,400______ $2,400-$2,700______ $2,700-$3,000______ $3,000-$3,300______ 99 4 11 19 21 11 12 10 7 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 21 23 19 20 4 1 0 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 10 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 5 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BERLIN , N. H. 9 39 24 12 11 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 2 0 0 0 1 9 22 6 0 1 0 0 5 12 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 1 1 3 0 0 3 3 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 7 15 24 28 10 5 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 26 27 11 10 0 0 1 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 11 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 11 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Families in survey... 100 Annual net income of— $500-$600_________ 1 $600-$900_________ 22 $900-$l,200________ 47 $1,200-$1,500______ 18 2 $1,500-$1,800______ $1,800-$2,100______ 9 $2,100-$2,400______ 1 KEENE, N. H. Families in survey... Annual net income of— $500-$600_________ $600-$900_................ $900-$l,200________ $1,200-$1,500______ $1,500-$1,800______ $1,800-$2,100______ $2,100-$2,400______ $2,400-$2,700______ $2,700-$3,000______ DOVER, N. H. Families in survey... 98 Annual net income of— $500-$600_________ 0 $600-$900_________ 16 $900-$l,200________ 30 $1,200-$1,500______ 27 $1,500-$1,800______ 15 6 $1,800-$2,100______ 2 $2,100-$2,400______ 1 $2,400-$2,700______ 1 $2,700-$3,000______ 1 23 17 31 20 2 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 5 3 1 0 1 0 0 3 5 4 4 1 0 0 0 0 8 8 10 2 2 0 0 1 0 1 8 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 30 M ONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES T able — D istrib u tio n o f fa m ilie s , b y econ om ic level and in com e level— Continued PORTSM OUTH, N. H. Families in survey. _. Annual net income of— $500-1600_________ $600-$900_________ $900-$l,200________ $1,200-$1,500______ $1,500-Sl,800______ $1,800-$2,100______ $2,100-$2,400______ $2,400-$2,700______ $2,700-$3,000______ $3,000-$3,300______ $3,300-$3,600______ $3,600-$3,900______ $100 to $200 $200 to | $300 | $300 to $400 | $400 to ! $500 | $500 to | $600 | $600 to | $700 I $700 to | $800 I $800 to | $900 1 $900 to | $1,000 1 $1,000 to | $1,100 $1,100 to $1,200 $1,200 to I $1,300 $1,300 to $1,400 ! $1,400 to $1,500 $1,500 to $1,600 $1,600 to $1,700 $1,700 to $1,800 Income class All families ^Economic level—-Families spending per expenditure unit per year 93 3 23 17 22 12 5 3 3 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 27 26 12 12 3 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 9 6 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 5 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 8 5 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LACONIA, N. H. Families in survey. Annual net income of— $500-$600_________ $600-$900_________ $900-$l,200________ $1,200-$1,500______ $1,500-$1,800______ $1,800-$2,100______ $2,100-$2,400______ $2,400-$2,700______ $2,700-$3,000______ $3,000-$3,300______ 99 8 16 25 26 8 8 2 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 21 25 24 15 9 3 0 1 1 0 5 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 9 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 6 4 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 4 6 7 7 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 CLAREM ON T, N. H. Families in survey. __ 100 Annual net income of— 2 $500-$600_________ $600-$900_________ 28 $900-$l,200________ 30 $1,200-$1,500______ 26 4 $1,500-$1,800______ 7 $1,800-$2,100______ 2 $2,100-$2,400______ 1 $2,400-$2,700______ 10 20 28 18 13 6 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 1 1 1 0 0 2 5 11 1 0 1 0 0 0 11 6 10 0 0 1 0 0 6 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 3 0 2 1 1 0 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LITTLE TO N , N. H. Families in survey... Annual net income of— $500-$600_________ $600-$900_________ $900-$l,200________ $1,200-$1,500______ $1,500-$1,800______ $1,800-$2,100______ $2,100-$2,400______ $2,400-$2,700______ 98 7 21 23 28 11 2 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 26 34 20 12 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 7 6 4 1 1 0 1 0 9 5 5 4 0 0 0 0 5 13 8 2 0 0 0 0 4 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 TABULAR SUMMARY T a b l e 1 .— D istr ib u tio n o f fa m ilie s , b y econom ic level and in co m e level— Continued CONW AY, N. H. Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Families in survey... Annual net income of— $500-$600_________ $600-$900_________ $900-$l,200_______ $1,200-SI,500______ $1,500-$1,800______ $1,800-$2,100______ $2,100-$2,400______ $2,500-$2,700______ €©■ o o o ON CO m- 700 t $800 ■< o o o o o o o o o O CO o ^ o »o o«eCO CM «©■ 500 t $600 o E 100 t $200 Income class o o o o o o o o + *© s ©© o ° © ® s § ©® £ o g© © ’“i §<N 5 CO © ^ © O 05 o ° ~ © _r co _r CM § ,-T«900 m- m m- €©■ €©■ o o + *© ©© © © © ^ m «©■ 99 7 30 17 21 16 3 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 17 30 27 13 7 2 1 0 1 4 1 1 0 0 0 1 6 13 8 2 0 0 0 1 7 1 3 3 2 0 0 0 3 5 9 3 0 1 0 0 0 5 5 3 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M A R Q U E T T E , M IC H . Families in survey__ Annual net income of— $500-$600_________ $600-$900_________ $900-$1,200________ $1,200-$1,500______ $1,500-$1,800______ $1,800-$2,100______ $2,100-$2,400______ $2,400-$2,700______ $2,700-$3,000______ $3,000-$3,300______ 148 20 38 29 29 13 10 5 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 22 44 39 24 11 3 2 0 2 0 9 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 14 10 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 9 11 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 9 10 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 3 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 4 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M O D E S T O , C A L IF . Families in survey. __ 151 Annual net income of— $500-$600_________ 1 $600-$900_________ 7 $900-$1,200________ 41 $1,200-$1,500______ 35 $1,500-$1,800______ 28 $1,800-$2,100______ 28 $2,100-$2,400______ 6 $2,400-$2,700______ 3 $2,700-$3,000______ 1 1 $3,000-$3,300______ 1 15 33 36 24 14 9 8 4 3 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 10 9 9 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 11 8 6 10 0 0 0 0 0 2 8 5 4 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 5 4 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 REN O , NEV. Families in survey__ Annual net income of— $500-$600_________ $600-$900_________ $900-$1,200________ $1,200-$1,500______ $1,500-$1,800______ $1,800-$2,100______ $2,100-$2,400______ $2,400-$2,700______ $2,700-$3,000______ $3,000-$3,300______ 149 0 15 21 27 18 26 15 18 3 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 13 40 36 41 6 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 2 6 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 1 4 8 5 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 6 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 10 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 4 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 4 5 7 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS— 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 2 .— D e sc r ip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , by econom ic level NASHUA, CONCORD, AND BERLIN, N. H. Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un der $200 $200 to $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 to $800 $800 and over D istrib u tio n by O ccu p a tio n o f C h ie f E a rn er a n d by F a m ily T y p e 1 Families in survey_________________ _______ Families in which chief earner is— Clerical worker. _ ___________ _____ _____ Skilled wage earner. ___________________ Semiskilled wage earner_________________ Unskilled wage earner............................... Number of families composed of— Man and wife___________________________ Man, wife, and 1 child__________________ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 children____________ Man, wife, and 5 or more children________ Man, wife, and children and adults (4 to 6 persons)________________ . . . ____ _ Man, wife, and children and adults (7 or more persons)__________ _____________ Man, wife, and 1 adult.__ ______________ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 adults______________ Man, wife, and 5 or more adults__________ Adults (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife). _________________________ Adults (4 or more persons, not including man and wife) _ ______________________ Adult or adults and children (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife). . . . ____ Adult or adults and children (4 or more per sons, not including man and wife) ___ . 299 16 72 74 52 36 21 13 15 58 86 117 38 0 3 10 3 10 15 32 15 14 21 32 7 15 19 12 6 9 8 17 2 4 3 10 4 2 8 2 1 4 9 2 0 70 42 73 7 0 0 7 3 1 7 27 4 7 16 22 0 12 7 14 0 16 6 3 0 14 3 0 0 8 2 0 0 12 1 0 0 33 0 13 11 8 1 0 0 0 14 18 15 1 6 0 0 0 7 3 1 1 1 5 6 0 0 4 3 0 0 2 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 1 4 3 4 1 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 7 0 5 1 ' 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 203 2 7 60 6 3 2 5 1 8 6 1 1 6 0 0 0 1 0 1 46 0 3 19 1 0 0 1 0 2 52 0 1 14 2 2 0 1 1 1 32 0 1 14 2 0 1 1 0 1 25 1 0 5 1 0 1 0 0 2 17 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 12 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 299 3.98 16 7.40 72 5.01 74 4.00 52 3. 54 36 2.88 21 2. 72 13 2.66 15 2.34 35 3 8 10 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 8 1 0 2 11 1 1 2 5 0 2 1 4 0 3 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 3 3.84 1. 30 2.54 3.43 7.40 4.46 2. 94 6.12 4.97 2.20 2. 77 4.34 3.87 1. 21 2.66 3. 50 3.26 .85 2.41 2.98 2.69 .46 2. 23 2. 51 2.44 .18 2.26 2.32 2.51 .17 2.34 2.35 2.20 .08 2.12 2.16 D istrib u tio n by N a tiv ity o f H o m e m a k e r Number of families having no homemaker___ Number of families having homemaker born in— United States___ _____________________ .. Italy....... . . . . ._ ______________________ Poland_________________________________ Canada (French) __ __________ ____ _____ Canada (not French). __________________ England. _________ ____ ______ ______ Ireland_________ _______________ _____ _ Norway and Sweden. ._ ________________ Austria and Germany. _________________ Other__________________________________ C o m p o sitio n o f H o u seh o ld Number of households _______________ .. Average number of persons in household....... Number of households with— Boarders and lodgers____________________ Boarders only___________________________ Lodgers only _ _________ _____________ Other persons________________ _________ Average size of economic family in— Persons, total______________ ______ ______ Under 16 years of age_____ _____ _______ 16 years of age and over________________ Expenditure units__________________ Average number of persons in household not members of economic family_______ ______ .17 0 .06 .14 .30 .26 .32 .23 .15 1 “ Children” are defined as persons under 16 years of ag6; “ adults” are persons 16 years of age and over. 33 TABULAR SUMMARY T a b l e 2 . — D e sc r ip tio n o f f a m ilie s stu died , by econ om ic level— Continued NASHUA, CONCORD, AND BERLIN, N. H.—Continued Item Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year All fami lies Un der $200 $200 to $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 to $800 $800 and over E a rn in g s a n d in c o m e Familes in survey........................................... Number of families having— Earnings of subsidiary earners----------------Net earnings from boarders and lodgers___ Other net rents____________________ _____ Interest and dividends_____________ _____ Pensions and insurance annuities_________ Gifts from persons outside economic family Other sources of income_________________ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses)_________________________ Surplus (net increase in assets and/or de crease in liabilities)____________________ Deficit (net decrease in assets and/or in crease in liabilities)____________________ Inheritance_____________________________ Average number of gainful workers per family. Average amount of— Net family income____ ____ ___________ Earnings of individuals.................. . Chief earner_________ ____ ________ Subsidiary earners_____ ____ ______ Males: 16 years and over.................. Under 16 years____________ Females: 16 years and over________ Under 16 years__________ Net earnings from boarders and lodgers. . Other net rents_______________________ Interest and dividends_________________ Pensions and insurance annuities_______ Gifts from persons outside economic family______________________________ Other sources of income________________ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses). _ ____________________ Surplus per family having surplus (net in crease in assets and/or decrease in liabil ities) _________________________________ Deficit per family having deficit (net de crease in assets and/or increase in liabil ities)-------------- --------- -------------------------Net change in assets and liabilities for all families in survey_____________________ Inheritance_____________________________ 1 Less than $0.50. 299 16 72 74 52 36 21 13 15 97 43 29 27 7 0 4 1 1 0 0 21 5 6 7 3 2 4 26 9 8 5 3 5 3 16 13 4 5 2 2 1 12 6 4 4 2 5 1 7 6 2 0 1 3 0 3 3 1 3 0 1 0 5 1 0 0 4 1 3 1 1 1 0 i 11 50 53 34 28 15 8 11 83 0 1.42 5 0 1.50 21 0 1.42 21 0 1.49 14 0 1.33 7 0 1.44 6 0 1.42 4 0 1.31 5 0 1.40 12 19 9 2 1 0 0 $1,107 $1,112 $1,273 $1, 378 $1,498 $1, 538 $1. 742 $1,967 1,062 1.078 1, 227 1, 310 1,434 1, 476 i; 717 1,916 973 1, 039 1,139 1, 219 1, 316 1, 537 1, 588 946 215 105 171 116 188 160 180 328 989 934 1,071 1, 089 1,165 1, 254 1, 553 1, 516 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 i 72 142 221 269 156 222 164 400 0 0 0 i 0 0 0 0 0 ! 0 6 19 44 18 50 38 16 6 10 14 1 26 11 8 6 0 4 2 1 5 0 32 20 ' (») i 19 10 4 5 C1) 5 0 0 i ' i 0 0 ! 0 S 130 3 6 3 8 4 6 4 0 8 14 5 0 15 -5 6 0 234 185 0 -1 -1 -2 108 150 167 206 128 130 134 520 421 +74 +135 0 0 +47 0 -1 6 0 -5 0 ) 101 111 116 5 ) +58 0 +43 0 +75 0 -0 ) -0 ) 120 34 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS-----13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 2 .— D e sc r ip tio n o f fa m ilie s studied, by econ om ic level— Continued PORTSM OUTH, KEENE, DOVER, LACONIA, AND CLAREM ON T, N. H. Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un der $200 $200 to $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 to $800 $800 and over D is tr ib u tio n by O ccu p a tio n o f C h ie f E a r n e r and by F a m ily T y p e 1 Families in survey______________ _____ ____ Families in which chief earner is— Clerical worker........................... ................ . Skilled wage earner____________ _____ ___ Semiskilled wage earner _____________ Unskilled wage earner-------- ------------------Number of families composed of— Man and wife- - - ________________ Man, wife, and 1 child— Man, wife, and 2 to 4 children _____ ____ Man, wife, and 5 or more children . ___ Man, wife, and children and adults (4 to 6 persons)__________ _____ ____ _ _ _ Man, wife, and children and adults (7 or more persons)_________ __ --------- -------- --------Man, wife, and 1 adultMan, wife, and 2 to 4 adults ___ ----Man, wife, and 5 o r more adults_________ Adults (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife)___ __ ___ __ Adults (4 or more persons, not including man and wife)_ _ _ _ _ _ Adult or adults and children (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife) . _ _ Adult or adults and children (4 or more persons, not including man and wife)____ 485 29 97 111 125 63 26 12 22 79 129 240 37 1 5 20 3 12 22 53 10 17 20 69 5 22 43 47 13 10 17 34 2 7 10 7 2 3 2 7 0 7 10 3 2 123 80 97 8 0 2 12 2 4 7 38 6 13 20 32 0 42 27 12 0 25 15 2 0 15 6 0 0 6 2 0 0 18 1 1 0 46 5 16 15 9 1 0 0 0 18 35 24 2 7 0 1 0 11 0 5 1 0 12 5 1 0 13 7 0 0 7 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 33 0 2 9 11 7 3 0 1 6 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 6 0 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 7 0 4 1 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 362 8 5 42 28 5 15 3 4 8 22 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 63 5 2 10 7 0 7 2 0 0 87 1 0 12 6 1 1 0 0 2 96 0 0 11 8 3 1 0 0 4 48 1 0 2 5 1 5 0 1 0 18 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 1 2 8 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 20 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 485 3. 79 29 6.17 97 5.24 111 3. 84 125 3.17 63 2. 85 26 2. 56 12 2. 37 22 2. 38 70 13 19 40 5 0 2 3 18 2 2 8 15 2 5 14 20 4 8 9 7 4 1 4 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 3. 54 1.08 2. 46 3. 29 5. 93 2. 75 3.18 5. 39 4. 99 2. 20 2. 79 4. 52 3. 59 1.15 2. 44 3. 37 2. 86 .53 2. 33 2. 70 2. 55 .39 2.16 2.45 2.47 .27 2. 20 2. 39 2. 38 . 16 2.22 2. 31 2. 23 . 16 2. 07 2.10 ..28 .28 .29 .28 .32 .32 .15 0 .16 D is tr ib u tio n by N a tiv ity o f H o m e m a k e r Number of families having no homemaker___ Number of families having homemaker born in— United States.__ ____ _ . . . ___ Italy------- -------------- -------- ---------------Poland-. __ _ --_ ___________ --Canada (French) ___________ _______ Canada (not French)___ _ _________ __ England______________________________ Ireland____ _ ------------. . . Norway and Sweden ___________________ Austria and Germany___________________ Other__________________________________ C o m p o s itio n o f H o u seh o ld Number of households. __ -----------------------Average number of persons in household___ Number of households with— Boarders and lodgers------------------------------Boarders only_________________________ . Lodgers o n ly __________________________ Other persons----------------- — ------------------Average size of economic family in— Persons, total___ ____________________ Under 16 years of age— ........................ . 16 years of age and over.......................... — Expenditure units_____ ____ _ -----Average number of persons in household not members of economic family_____________ 1 “ Children” are defined as persons under 16 years of age; “ adults” are persons 16 years of age and over. 35 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 2 .— D e sc r ip tio n o f fa m ilie s studied, by econ om ic level— Continued PORTSM OU TH, KEENE, DOVER, LACONIA, AND C LAREM ON T, N. H.—Continued Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Un der $200 $200 to $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 to $800 $800 and over E a r n in g s a n d I n c o m e Families in survey_______________________ Number of families having— Earnings of subsidiary earners____ __ __ Net earnings from boarders and lodgers___ Other net rents__ ____ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Interest and dividends____________ __ Pensions and insurance annuities_______ Gifts from persons outside economic family. Other sources of incom e_____ - - ______ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses)___________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Surplus (net increase in assets and/or de crease in liabilities) ___ _ __ _ ______ Deficit (net decrease in assets and/or in crease in liabilities)_________ _______ Inheritance_____ ____ _ ________________ Average number of gainful workers per family.___ _____________________________ 485 29 97 111 125 63 26 12 22 168 89 51 60 27 f>8 26 13 5 3 1 1 4 4 39 18 11 10 1 12 3 45 17 9 13 7 13 6 36 32 13 12 7 18 5 18 11 7 8 5 8 6 6 3 1 2 2 2 1 6 1 0 5 3 0 0 5 2 7 9 1 1 1 26 0 5 7 5 6 2 0 1 291 15 57 68 79 42 15 7 8 172 0 12 0 36 0 42 0 40 0 16 0 11 0 0 4 11 0 1.43 1. 59 1.60 1.50 1.33 1.27 1.23 1.58 1.27 Average amount of— Net family income........................................ $1, 279 Earnings of individuals.......................__ 1,190 Chief earner...................................... . 1,050 Subsidiary earners____ ______ ________ 140 Males: 16 years and o v e r ___________ 1, 015 Under 16 years. . . . ____ _ _ _ 0) Females: 16 years and over_________ 175 Under 16 y e a r s . _ 0) Net earnings from boarders and lodgers.. 38 Other net rents.. _ __ _ . . . _ 12 Interest and dividends __ _______ _____ 8 Pensions and insurance annuities_____ 18 Gifts from persons outside economic family____ ___ . __ _ ___________ 9 Other sources of in co m e .___ . . . _. ._ 6 Deductions from income (business losses and expenses)___ ____________________ 2 Surplus per family having surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities)____ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 148 Deficit per family having deficit (net de crease in assets and/or increase in liabili 151 ties) ________ ___________________ ____ Net change in assets and liabilities for all +35 families in survey___ . _______ 0 Inheritance_____ ______ _______________ 1 Less than $0.50. $949 $1,160 $1,166 $1, 265 $1,438 $1, 513 $1, 689 $1,925 856 1,088 1,108 1,153 1.324 1,450 1,529 1,822 758 941 963 1, 021 1, 219 1, 308 1, 223 1,634 98 147 145 132 105 142 306 188 789 924 922 969 1,164 1, 240 1, 252 1, 613 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 162 186 184 160 210 277 209 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 46 28 46 43 27 1 13 12 6 6 13 22 1 0 30 3 1 5 12 5 5 28 53 2 0) 7 36 24 8 13] 1 12 24 8 5 9 5 11 2 6 13 22 1 0 0 1 7 0 2 2 1 6 1 0 2 124 118 119 171 186 115 147 302 123 94 190 334 350 +69 +100 0 0 -1 4 0 -2 6 0 -6 5 0 75 142 151 +33 0 +17 0 +16 0 36 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS----13 SMALL CITIES' T a b l e 2 . — D e sc r ip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died, by econ om ic level— Continued LITT L E TO N AND CONW AY, N. H. Economic level—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Item All fami lies Under $200 $200 to $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 to $800 $800 and over D is tr ib u tio n b y O ccu p a tio n o f C h ie f E a r n e r an d b y F a m ily T y p e 1 Families in survey_________________ _____ Families in which chief earner is— Clerical worker__________________________ Skilled wage earner...................................... Semiskilled wage earner___________ ____ Unskilled wage earner___________ ________ Number of families composed of— Man and wife___________________________ Man, wife, and 1 child___________________ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 children____________ Man, wife, and 5 or more children________ Man, wife, and children and adults (4 to 6 persons)______________________________ Man, wife, and children and adults (7 or more persons)_________________________ Man, wife, and 1 adult__________________ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 adults______________ Man, wife, and 5 or more adults.-------------Adults (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife)_____________________________ Adults (4 or more persons, not including man and w ife )...____ _________________ Adult or adults and children (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife)__________ Adult or adults and children (4 or more per sons, not including man and wife)----------D is tr ib u tio n 197 14 51 40 49 27 5 5 6 34 63 91 9 0 6 8 0 6 18 24 3 6 13 19 2 12 10 25 2 5 11 9 2 1 1 3 0 2 2 1 0 2 2 2 0 55 34 38 7 .0 0 3 4 2 4 24 3 11 10 6 0 17 12 5 0 13 6 0 0 1 2 0 0 5 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 20 2 9 7 1 1 0 0 0 9 13 4 0 5 0 0 0 3 2 3 0 1 2 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 1 5 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 173 18 1 1 4 13 1 0 0 0 42 6 0 0 3 39 1 0 0 0 42 5 0 1 1 25 1 1 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 197 3.77 14 7.03 51 4.85 40 3. 58 49 2. 97 27 2.62 5 2.62 5 2. 25 6 2.19 22 2 8 13 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 3 1 1 1 8 1 5 9 4 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3.62 1.27 2.35 3.30 6.94 4.27 2.67 6.01 4. 75 2. 26 2.49 4. 21 3.41 1.01 2. 40 3.15 2.74 .49 2. 25 2. 57 2.50 .30 2.20 2.42 2.62 .36 2. 26 2.50 2.20 .09 2.11 2.17 1.95 0 1. 95 1.97 .16 .08 .09 .18 .25 .17 0 .05 .25 by N a tiv ity o f H o m e m a k e r Number of families having no homemaker----Number of families having homemaker born in— United States_________ _____ ________ ___ Canada (not French)... ............. ................. . England____ ___________________________ Ireland.......................... ...................... - ........ Other......... .............................. ..................... C o m p o s itio n o f H o u seh o ld Number of households____________________ Average number of persons in household____ Number of households with— Boarders and lodgers____________ ____ — Boarders o n ly ............................................. Lodgers only___________________________ Other persons________________ ___________ Average size of economic family in— Persons, total___________________________ Under 16 years of age..... ........................ . 16 years of age and over______________ Expenditure units_______________________ Average number of persons in household not members of economic family_____________ * “ Children” are defined as persons under 16 years of age; “ adults” are persons 16 years of age and over. 37 TABULAR SUMMARY T a b l e 2 . — D e sc r ip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , by econ om ic level— Continued LITTLE TO N AND CONWAY. N. H.—Continued Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per ex >endi ture unit per year Un der $200 $200 to $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 to $800 $800 and over E a rn in g s and I n c o m e ______________ Families in survey_______ Number of families having— Earnings of subsidiary earners____________ Net earnings from boarders and lodgers___ Other net rents_________ __ __________ Interest and dividends.__ __ _ _______ Pensions and insurance annuities _______ Gifts from persons outside economic family. Other sources of income_____ _ _ _ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses).. __________ _______ Surplus (net increase in assets and/or de crease in liabilities)____ _________ Deficit (net decrease in assets and/or in crease in liabilities)_______ _____ ______ Inheritance_____ _________ _ ___ Average number of gainful workers per family__________________________________ Average amount of— Net family income______________________ Earnings of individuals________________ Chief earner ... ____________________ Subsidiary earners___________________ Males: 16 years and o v e r ____________ Under 16 years_______________ Females: 16 years and over___________ Under 16 years___ ______ Net earnings from boarders and lodgers. __ Other net rents______ _ _ ._ ___________ Interest and dividends. Pensions and insurance annuities_______ Gifts from persons outside economic family__ _ _ _ ______ Other sources of income.. _ __________ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses)________ _ _ Surplus per family having surplus (net in crease in assets and/or decrease in liabili ties)__ ______ ___ ___ Deficit per family having deficit (net de crease in assets and/or increase in liabili ties)______ _ _____ __ ____ Net change in assets and liabilities for all families in survey_____________________ Inheritance_____________________________ i Less than $0.60. 197 14 51 40 49 27 5 5 6 68 29 10 10 6 19 16 6 1 0 1 0 0 1 14 5 4 0 0 5 4 13 5 1 1 2 3 4 20 12 4 3 3 8 2 9 5 1 5 1 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 16 1 1 4 5 2 1 2 123 8 32 24 35 16 3 3 2 64 0 6 0 17 0 13 0 11 0 10 0 2 0 2 0 4 0 1.40 1.64 1.14 1.38 1.47 1.41 1.00 1.40 1.33 $1,190 1,140 1,031 109 1,004 2 134 0 23 4 3 10 4 9 3 134 $1,040 $1,059 $1,170 $1,193 $1, 288 $1, 333 $1, 660 $1, 796 1,029 1,031 1,115 1,114 1,230 1,357 1,596 1,741 1,005 986 1,141 1,257 1,296 1,295 967 1,002 24 64 113 128 89 100 300 446 1,013 965 1,008 889 1,113 1,287 1,296 1,258 6 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 10 225 66 107 108 70 300 483 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 8 19 22 0 33 0 35 2 0 4 10 (!) 0 0 0 1 1 23 0 (!) 0 0 0 0 11 5 0 0 28 0 0 0 3 1 103 4 1 9 13 4 (!) 104 167 3 2 7 0 0 0 99 0 20 1 24 35 0 131 168 35 203 151 284 484 168 - 5 -172 0 0 +54 0 372 -1 9 8 7 3 171 117 98 92 168 +28 0 +17 0 +32 0 +71 0 +56 0 0 38 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS----13 SMALL CITIES T able 2 a .— Description of families studied M A RQ U ETTE, MICH.; MODESTO, CALIF.; AND RENO, NEV. All families Item [uette Modesto D istrib u tio n b y O ccu p a tion o f C h ie f E a r n e r and by F a m ily T y p e Reno 1 Families in survey...................... ................... .............................................. Number of families in which chief earner is— Clerical worker......... ............. ...... ........................... ........................... . Skilled wage e a r n e r .------- --------- ------------ -------- -----------------------Semiskilled wage earner—...................... ................. ..................... ....... Unskilled wage earner........................... ............................................. Number of families composed of— Man and wife....................................................................... ................. Man, wife, and 1 child----------- --------------- ----------------------------------Man, wife, and 2 to 4 children. -------------------------------------------------Man, wife, and 5 or more children---------------------------------------------Man, wife, and children and adults (4 to 6 persons)_______________ Man, wife, and children and adults (7 or more persons)___________ Man, wife, and 1 adult_________________________________________ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 adults____________________________________ Man, wife, and 5 or more adults------------------------------------------------Adults (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife)______________ Adults (4 or more persons, not including man and wife)__________ Adult or adults and children (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife)________________________________________________________ Adult or adults and children (4 or more persons, not including man and wife)___________________________________________________ 148 151 149 23 53 47 25 42 40 49 20 58 30 55 6 21 24 37 4 20 7 16 11 0 6 0 40 31 25 0 22 3 13 7 0 8 1 40 37 23 0 15 2 12 3 0 11 2 0 1 1 2 0 3 D istrib u tio n b y N a tiv ity o f H o m e m a k e r Number of families having no homemaker___________ Number of families having homemaker born in— United States__________________________________ Italy__________________________________________ Germany and Austria__________________________ Russia_________________________________________ Canada (not French)----------------------------------------England_______________________________________ Ireland________________________________________ Sweden and Norway----------------------------------------Other--------------------- ----------------------------------------- 0 0 2 119 0 4 1 6 1 0 6 11 144 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 120 14 2 1 1 1 2 1 5 151 3.42 149 3.30 18 1 5 16 17 0 3 4 3. 32 .87 2. 45 3.06 3.20 .87 2. 33 2. 95 .15 .13 C o m p o sitio n of H o u seh old 148 Number of households_____________________________________________ 4.16 Average number of persons in household____________________________ Number of households with— 19 Boarders and lodgers----------------------------------------------------------------0 Boarders only-------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Lodgers only__________________________________________________ 8 Other persons___________________________________________ ______ Average size of economic family in— 4.04 Persons, total_________________________________________________ 1. 38 Under 16 years of age_______________________________________ 2. 66 16 years of age and over__________________________________ 3.59 Expenditure units_____________________________________________ Average number of persons in household not members of economic .23 family__________________________________________________________ 1 “ Children” are defined as persons under 16 years of age; “ adults” are persons 16 years of age and over. 39 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 2a.— Description of fa m ilie s stu died — Continued M ARQ U ETTE, M ICH.; M ODESTO, CALIF.; AND RENO, NEV.—Continued All families Item Marquette Modesto Reno Earnings and Incom e Families in survey---------- ------ -------------------------------------------------------Number of families having— Earnings of subsidiary earners_____________________ ____________ Net earnings from boarders and lodgers__________________________ Other net rents________________________________________________ Interest and dividends_________________________________________ Pensions and insurance annuities_____________ _____ ____________ Gifts from persons outside economic family______________________ Other sources of income________________________________________ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses)___________ Surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities)________ Deficit (net decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities)________ Inheritance__________ ________ ______________________ _____ ____ Average number of gainful workers per family................................ ......... Average amount of— Net family income............................................................... ......... ........ Earnings of individuals____ ________________________________ Chief earner------------ ------------ ----------------------------------------Subsidiary earner______________________________________ Males: 16 years and over_______________________________ Under 16 years-------- ------------ -----------------------------Females: 16 years and over_____________________________ Under 16 years________________________________ Net earnings from boarders and lodgers--------------------------------------Other net rents_____________ . . . ____ ___________________________ Interest and dividends---- ------ --------------------------- ------ ---------------Pensions and insurance annuities_______________________________ Gifts from persons outside economic family---------------------------------Other sources of income________________________________________ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses)----------------Surplus per family having surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities) Deficit per family having deficit (net decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities)------------------------------------------------------------Net change in assets and liabilities for all families in survey----------Inheritance------------- ------ ----------------- --------------------------------------i Less than $0.60. 200982°— 41- -4 148 161 149 32 18 7 6 4 10 2 27 114 31 3 1.27 79 17 8 4 3 10 9 8 83 65 2 1.70 31 18 11 6 7 10 7 8 80 60 0 1.23 $1, 307 1, 288 1, 217 71 1,180 0) 108 0 14 6 6 3 2 1 12 $1,472 1,445 1,289 156 1, 266 1 178 0) 11 7 1 2 2 6 2 $1, 587 1, 542 1,428 114 1,417 0 125 0 19 9 3 9 3 3 1 168 172 218 243 +79 1 174 +19 2 196 +38 0 40 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS----13 SMALL CITIES T able 3 . — E x p e n d itu r es f o r gro u p s o f item s , b y eco n o m ie level 10 NEW HAMPSHIRE CITIES SEPARATELY Item Nash ua Con Berlin Ports Keene D over La Clare Little Con cord mouth conia mont ton way D istrib u tio n by N a tiv ity o f H om em aker Families in survey_________ Number of families having no homemaker................... Number of families having homemaker born in— United States__________ Italy__________________ Germany and Austria___ Poland________________ Canada (not French)___ England_______________ Ireland________________ Norway and Sweden____ Canada (French)......... Other_________________ 100 99 100 93 95 98 99 100 98 99 0 2 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 60 1 0 7 1 1 1 0 24 5 85 1 0 0 4 1 1 1 2 2 58 0 1 0 1 1 0 4 34 1 71 7 0 0 5 0 6 2 0 2 74 1 1 0 6 2 0 1 6 3 67 0 0 2 12 3 9 0 0 3 82 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 13 0 68 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 23 0 80 0 0 0 14 0 1 0 0 3 93 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 1 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 3 .— 41 Expenditures for groups of items, by economic level— Continued NASHUA, CONCORD, AN D BERLIN, N. H. Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All fami lies Un der $200 $200 to $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 to $800 $800 and over E x p en d itu r e s fo r G ro u p s o f I te m s Families in survey___ ____ _ -- ------------Average family size: Persons.-. ______ - ------------------------Expenditure units .................... Food expenditure units-----------------------Clothing expenditure units___ ___ 299 16 72 74 52 36 21 13 15 3.84 3.43 3.30 2.92 7.40 6.12 6.01 5.01 4.97 4.34 4. 21 3.64 3.87 3.50 3.33 2.95 3.26 2.98 2.86 2.58 2.69 2.51 2.42 2.16 2.44 2.32 2.19 2.05 2.51 2. 35 2.25 1.95 2.20 2.16 2.09 2.08 Average annual current expenditure for— All items_____________________________ $1,289 $1,071 $1,079 $1,194 $1,314 $1,367 $1,442 $1,817 $2,006 444 436 496 437 428 394 474 401 469 Food_____________________________ 142 120 144 131 134 153 194 228 130 Clothing__________________________ 141 184 197 139 189 224 258 299 389 Housing ------ -----------------------------103 115 124 142 131 147 135 148 177 Fuel, light, and refrigeration-----------50 32 36 34 58 64 72 72 108 Other household operation--------- _.. 52 41 25 33 39 38 Furnishings and equipment________ 24 68 94 Automobile and motorcycle—pur 25 10 54 143 71 77 88 127 238 chase, operation, and maintenance1 5 10 20 Other transportation - _____ _ - - 8 6 10 10 9 23 22 25 26 26 28 27 27 38 Personal care______________________ 15 53 36 46 74 59 61 59 139 Medical care____- _____ - ----------72 57 41 65 76 85 104 88 108 Recreation------ -------------------------- -5 4 2 9 3 5 27 0 Education----------------- ----------------5 3 2 2 4 4 2 4 13 Vocation____________________ _____ 7 32 27 30 24 24 27 25 28 23 Community welfare_______________ Gifts and contributions to persons 21 4 8 24 31 40 11 44 67 outside the economic family____ 2 5 4 3 1 7 9 4 24 Other items __ _ _______ _ ______ Percentage of total annual current expendi ture for— All items__________________ _________ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 33.8 46.3 41.1 36.6 32.6 28.8 27.8 26.1 23.4 Food__________________ _________ 12.2 11.1 11.2 10.9 11.2 9.0 10.7 11.4 Clothing_________ _______________ 11.0 15.3 13.0 13.1 15.4 14.4 16.4 17.9 16.5 19.4 Housing__________________________ 10.2 9.6 10.7 10.4 11.2 10.0 10.3 7.1 Fuel, light, and refrigeration----------9.7 Other household operation_________ 3.0 3.3 4.4 3.9 2.8 5.0 4.0 5.4 4.7 3.2 2.3 3.1 3.3 Furnishings and equipment________ 2.9 3.8 1.7 3.7 4.7 Automobile and motorcycle—pur 2.3 4.5 chase, operation, and maintenance. _ 5.5 .9 5.8 6.4 8.8 7.9 11.9 .1 .5 Other transportation_____ _ _ ____ .6 .5 .8 .7 .7 1.1 .4 2.2 2.2 2.0 2.0 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.5 1.9 Personal care______________________ 4.1 1.4 3.3 3.9 4.6 4.3 5.1 7.6 2.9 Medical care__________________ 6.2 Recreation------ ---- ---------------------5.6 3.8 5.3 5.4 5.8 5.9 5.2 6.1 Education ________ . - _______ .4 .2 .2 1.5 0 .8 .4 .4 .3 .3 .2 .3 .2 .3 .2 .1 .5 .6 Vocation.-- . _________ _________ 2.1 1.2 3.0 2.1 2.3 2.0 1.3 Community welfare____________ . . 2.5 1.6 Gifts and contributions to persons 2.3 2.2 3.3 outside the economic family______ 1.6 .4 .9 1.8 3.0 .7 .4 .2 .3 .1 .7 .4 .3 1.2 Other item s______________ ________ .7 42 MONET DISBURSEMENTS----13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 3 . — E x p e n d itu r es f o r g r o u p s o f item s, b y eco n o m ic level— Continued PORTSM OUTH, KEENE, DOVER, LACONIA, AND CLAREM ONT, N. H. Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Un der $200 $200 to $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 to $800 $800 and over E x p e n d itu r e s f o r Q r o u p s o f item s Families in survey------------------------------------Average family size: Persons_______________________________ Expenditure units------------------ ------------Food expenditure units.. _________ ____ Clothing expenditure units________ ____ 485 29 97 111 125 63 26 12 22 3.54 3.29 3.08 2.74 5. 93 5. 39 5.08 4. 36 4.99 4. 52 4. 22 3. 23 3. 59 3. 37 3.15 2.82 2.86 2.70 2.54 2.24 2. 55 2. 45 2.29 2.05 2. 47 2. 39 2.28 2.05 2. 38 2. 31 2.17 2.08 2.23 2.10 2.04 1.83 Average annual current expenditure for— $1, 251 All items----------------- ---------------------426 Food_____________ _________ .. .. 133 Clothing--------------------------------------186 Housing__________________________ 138 Fuel, light, and refrigeration_______ 49 Other household operation. _ ___ . 41 Furnishings and equipment________ Automobile and motorcycle—pur 74 chase, operation, and maintenance. 5 Other transportation________ ______ 25 Personal care_____ _________ .... 45 Medical care-------- ----------- --------72 Recreation._ -------------------- __ _ . . . Education____________ _________ 4 Vocation. ___________ _________ . 2 22 Community welfare_____ . ___ . Gifts and contributions to persons 23 outside the economic family______ 6 Other items_____________ _______ Percentage of total annual current expendi ture for— All items------ ------------------------- . . . . 100.0 34.0 F ood... . ’. ------ . . . . .. .10.6 . . -------------Clothing-------------14.9 Housing. _ ----------------- --------. . . 11.0 Fuel, light, and refrigeration.. Other household operation______. . . 3.9 3.3 Furnishings and e q u i p m e n t ._____ Automobile and motorcycle—pur 5.9 chase, operation, and maintenance._ .4 Other transportation._ . . . _ -----2.0 Personal care_______ ________ _ .. 3.6 Medical c a r e ______ _________ ___ Recreation ___________________ 5.8 .3 Education___________ . ._. ------Vocation______________________ . . . .2 1.8 Community welfare___ . _______ Gifts and contributions to persons 1.8 outside the economic fam ily______ .5 Other items_________ ___________ 1 Less than 0.05 percent. $948 $1,143 $1,158 $1,196 $1. 342 $1, 572 $1, 822 $1, 916 414 464 407 393 417 483 617 405 111 127 126 132 126 185 180 182 132 164 178 180 200 268 212 270 82 125 127 149 152 148 161 197 37 41 38 49 62 58 53 106 14 26 40 67 36 41 73 75 28 3 20 23 50 1 1 18 26 4 26 40 60 4 1 20 52 4 23 46 64 5 2 23 70 4 22 44 68 3 2 20 76 6 26 48 91 4 4 22 129 6 32 58 81 12 3 24 207 12 38 67 123 0 5 38 328 4 35 61 125 4 2 36 5 9 13 2 18 5 20 10 38 5 33 3 35 1 76 10 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 43.7 40.6 35.1 32.9 31.1 30.7 33.9 21.2 11.7 11.1 10.9 10.5 9.8 11.8 9.9 9.5 13.9 14.4 15.4 15.0 14.9 17.0 11.6 14.1 8.7 10.9 11.0 12.5 11.0 9.7 8.8 10.3 3.3 3.9 3.6 4.1 4.3 3.9 2.9 5.5 2.3 3.43.0 1.5 5.0 2.6 4.0 3.9 3.0 .3 2.1 2.4 5.3 .1 .1 1.9 .5 .9 2.3 4.5 .3 .3 2.3 2.0 3.5 . 4.0 5.3 5.5 .3 .4 .1 .2 1.7 2.0 5.8 .3 1.8 3.7 5.7 .3 .2 1.7 5.7 .5 1.9 3.6 6.8 .3 .3 1.6 8.2 .4 2.0 3.7 5.2 .8 .2 1.5 11.4 .7 2.1 3.7 6.7 0 .3 2.1 17.1 .2 1.8 3.2 6.5 .2 .1 1.9 1.1 .2 1.7 .8 2.8 .4 2.1 .2 1.9 C1) 4.0 .5 1.6 .4 43 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 3.-— E x p en d itu res f o r grou ps o f item s , b y econ om ic level — Continued LITTLE TO N AND CONWAY, N. H. Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un der $200 $200 to $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 to $800 $800 and over E x p en d itu r e s fo r G ro u p s o f Item s Families in survey--------- ------------------- -------Average family size: Persons_____ _ __ ---------------- --------- -Expenditure units_____________ _______ Food expenditure units________________ Clothing expenditure units___________ . 197 14 51 40 49 27 5 5 6 3. 62 3. 30 3.13 2. 71 6. 94 6. 01 5. 89 4. 62 4. 75 4. 21 3. 93 3. 34 3. 41 3.15 2. 98 2. 59 2.74 2. 57 2. 41 2. 22 2. 50 2. 42 2. 30 2.00 2.62 2.50 2. 43 2.16 2.20 2.17 2.08 2.13 1.95 1. 97 1.98 1.99 Average annual current expenditure for— All items---------- ------------------------------- $1,159 $1,015 $1, 037 $1, 083 $1,131 $1, 283 $1, 586 $1, 627 $1, 934 Food______ _________ _ _____ 392 487 401 354 424 444 385 365 454 Clothing______________________ 115 142 105 110 104 126 146 180 130 Housing____ ____ _ ________ 144 80 119 165 150 98 141 147 312 Fuel, light, and refrigeration____ ___ 122 107 109 120 131 116 199 133 127 Other household operation.. . . . 44 41 39 33 45 49 58 87 78 Furnishings and equipment... . . . .. 51 37 30 36 59 70 53 172 170 Automobile and motorcycle—pur chase, operation, and maintenance. _ 90 4 15 82 149 68 288 124 399 Other transportation __ . . . ______ _ 3 2 4 2 2 6 12 0) 1 Personal care. . . . . ________ _ 23 19 21 22 23 27 35 31 23 Medical care. ___________________ 52 44 15 47 72 136 57 68 24 Recreation.. ._ _ ___ ___ _________ 63 43 62 51 59 86 89 123 78 Education___ ______ ____ _______ _ 2 4 0 1 2 1 3 0 0 Vocation. ________________ _____ _ 4 4 9 5 1 2 2 8 6 Community welfare.. _ _____ ____ 20 12 21 29 20 17 25 18 21 Gifts and contributions to persons outside the economic family___ _ 20 6 9 1C 35 104 15 35 11 14 Other ite m s_____________ _ ______ 16 16 17 8 10 38 28 7 Percentage of total annual current expendi ture for— All items__________________________ 100.0 Food_______ ____ __________ ______ 33.8 Clothing. ______________________ 9.9 Housing____ _____________________ 12.4 Fuel, light, and refrigeration________ 10.5 Other household operation_______ . 3.8 Furnishings and equipment________ 4.4 Automobile and motorcycle—pur chase, operation, and maintenance-_ 7.8 Other transportation _ __ ____ .3 Personal care_______ . . . _______ _ 2.0 Medical care. _ ._ ___________ . 4.5 Recreation. _ __________ . . . _____ 5.4 Education _ ... ________ _ .2 .4 Vocation.. . _______ _____ ___ _ Community welfare_______________ 1.7 Gifts and contributions to persons outside the economic family _ 1.7 1.2 Other items. ________ . .. ____ i Less than $0.50. 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 48.0 38.7 35.5 32.3 27.6 26.7 27.3 23.5 14.0 10.1 10.2 9.2 9.8 9.2 11.1 6.7 7.9 11. 5 13.6 14.6 11.7 6.2 8.7 16.1 10.5 10. 5 12.1 10.6 10.4 7.3 12.2 6.6 4.0 3.8 3.2 3.8 3.8 3.7 5.3 4.0 4.1 10.8 2.9 5.2 3.6 3.3 4.3 8.8 .4 .2 1.9 1.5 4.2 .1 .4 1.2 6.6 .2 2.0 4.5 4.9 .4 .5 1.6 4.2 .2 2.1 5.3 5.4 .2 .1 1.9 7.2 .5 1.9 3.9 5.5 .1 .2 2.2 11.6 .3 2.1 5.6 6.7 .3 .6 1.4 18.2 .8 2.2 4.3 5.6 0 .1 1.8 7.6 (2) 1.9 8.3 7.6 0 .6 1.2 20.6 .1 1.2 1.2 4.0 0 .3 1.1 .6 1.7 .9 1.5 1.4 .7 1.7 .9 2.7 1.3 .7 2.4 2.2 1.7 5.4 .4 2 Less than 0.05 percent. 44 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 3a. — E x p e n d itu r es f o r gro u p s o f item s M A RQ U ETTE , MICH.; MODESTO, CALIF.; AND RENO, NEV. All families Item Marquette Modesto Reno E x p en d itu r e s fo r G ro u p s o f Item s Families in survey.. _ _ _ _ _ Average family size: Persons. __ _ ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Expenditure units___ __ ______ ____ _ Average annual current expenditure for— All items_________ _ Clothing _ _ _ _ ____________ 151 149 3.32 3.06 3.29 2.96 $1, 243 470 149 156 98 54 49 $1, 464 443 167 193 95 58 70 $1, 555 458 172 234 117 78 61 57 6 27 53 58 9 5 15 22 15 165 7 36 72 84 9 4 13 36 12 157 5 33 88 82 2 7 9 44 8 100.0 37.8 12.0 12.6 7.9 4.3 3.9 100.0 30.3 11.4 13. 2 6.5 4.0 4.8 100.0 29.5 11.1 15.0 7.5 5.0 3.9 4.5 .5 2.2 4.3 4.7 .7 .4 1.2 1.8 1.2 11.3 .5 2.4 4.9 5.7 .6 .3 .9 2.4 .8 10.1 3 2.1 5.7 5.3 .1 .5 .6 2.8 .5 ____ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Fuel, light, and refrigeration _ Other household operation_____ _ _ _ _ Furnishings and equipment_____ _________ ____ ____ Automobile and motorcycle—purchase, operation, and mainte nance. ___ _ _ _ _ __ Other transportation__ Personal care_______ ___ _ _ _____ Medical care.. _____ _ _ _ _ _ -----_ _ _ __ Recreation.__ _ _ _ _ __ _ Education __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vocation ____ _ ___ __ _ __ Community welfare________________ _ -----------Gifts and contributions to persons outside of economic family. __ Other items____ ____ ________ _____________ _ Percentage of total annual current expenditure for— All items _____ _ _______ _ _____ _____ _ __ ____ _ _ _ _ ___ F o o d ___ _ _ _ C lo th in g __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Housing __ __ ___ ___ __ Fuel, light, and refrigeration Other household operation____ Furnishings and equipment_______ Automobile and motorcycle—purchase, operation, and mainte nance Other transportation. . Personal care____ _ Medical care.. __ _ _ _ Recreation__ Education _ _ _ Vocation ___ Community welfare.. . Gifts and contributions to persons outside of economic family __ Other items. . _ _ _ __ ___ ______ _ 148 4.00 3. 59 ♦ 45 TABULAR SUMMARY T a b l e 3b. — E x p e n d itu r es f o r gro u p s o f item s 10 NEW HAM PSHIRE CITIES SEPARATELY Item Nashua Con cord Ports Keene Dover La Clare Little Berlin mouth conia mont ton Families in survey___ _____ 100 99 100 93 95 98 99 98 100 Average family size: Persons___ ___ _______ 4.07 3.99 3. 43 3.78 3.38 3. 56 3. 50 3.47 3. 48 Expenditure units______ 3.58 3.63 3.09 3. 47 3.15 3.31 3. 25 3.28 3. 21 3. 48 2. 93 Food expenditure units__ 3. 51 3.24 2. 92 3.11 3. 07 3.09 3.03 Clothing expenditure units 2. 99 2. 58 2. 93 2. 58 3.17 2. 79 2. 65 2. 66 2. 76 Average total family income. $1, 437 $1, 465 $1,133 $1, 396 $1, 241 $1,292 $1, 305 $1,163 $1,138 Average annual current ex penditure for— All items____ _. ______ $1, 357 $1, 394 $1,109 $1, 370 $1, 204 $1, 258 $1, 253 $1,167 $1,122 Food__________ _______ 416 474 409 463 427 447 423 379 359 Clothing... __________ 131 123 150 117 150 171 128 122 106 Housing________ _____ 202 243 148 185 201 162 197 183 148 Fuel, light, and refriger ation________________ 103 134 132 161 157 135 138 121 122 Other household opera tion_________________ 54 51 53 60 37 46 46 50 47 Furnishings and equip ment________________ 39 32 38 50 48 47 37 56 37 Automobile and motor cycle—purchase, oper ation, and maintenance113 46 59 55 91 67 77 75 86 other transportation___ 9 5 3 8 6 5 6 3 3 Personal care__________ 25 24 28 26 23 27 23 25 23 41 Medical care__________ 54 55 49 35 50 52 46 49 Recreation._ ______ 72 68 78 75 67 69 75 72 65 Education____________ 4 2 8 4 4 3 8 2 1 Vocation_________ ____ 1 2 3 3 7 5 1 2 1 21 21 Community welfare___ 18 33 23 23 30 23 24 Gifts and contributions to persons outside the 19 21 18 economic family__ . 22 30 10 30 14 27 Other items_____ 6 9 4 6 3 5 7 4 14 Percentage of total annual current expenditure for— All items_______________ Food_________________ Clothing______________ Housing______________ Fuel, light, and refriger ation ___________ Other household opera tion ... _____________ Furnishings and equip ment ______ _______ Automobile and motor cycle—purchase, oper ation, and mainte nance_______________ Other transportation___ Personal care__________ Medical care__________ Recreation____ _ _____ Education____________ ___ V ocation______ Community welfare.._ Gifts and contributions to persons outside the economic family____ Other items___ ________ 100.0 34.1 12.6 14.9 100.0 30.6 9.4 17.4 9.7 3.9 Con way 99 3. 75 3. 40 3.24 2. 77 $1, 238 $1,195 424 124 139 123 37 46 95 4 23 54 62 2 7 16 26 13 100.0 37.5 11.1 13.4 100.0 34.6 10.9 13.5 100.0 34.0 9.7 16.7 100.0 35.5 11.9 12.9 100.0 33.8 10.2 15.7 100.0 32.5 10.4 15.7 100.0 32.0 9.4 13.2 100.0 35. 5 10.4 11.6 11.3 9.3 11.8 11.1 10.7 11.0 10.4 10.9 10.3 4.3 3.3 3.7 4.5 3.7 3.7 4.0 4.5 3.1 3.5 2.8 3.4 3.7 2.7 3.8 3.0 3.2 5.0 3.9 4.1 .6 2.1 4.0 5.5 .6 .2 2.2 8.1 .6 1.9 3.9 5.2 .3 .5 1.3 4.2 .5 2.1 4.4 6.1 .2 .1 3.0 6.6 .4 2.0 2.6 5.7 .2 .1 1.5 4.9 .4 2.1 3.4 5.6 .7 .2 1.7 5.3 .3 1.9 4.0 5.5 .3 .4 1.8 6.1 .5 1.8 4.2 6.0 .3 .1 1.8 6.4 .3 2.1 3.9 6.2 .1 .2 2.0 7.7 .3 2.0 4.4 5.8 .2 .1 2. 1 7.9 .3 1.9 4.5 5.2 .2 .6 1.3 1.6 .4 2.2 .2 .9 .5 2.2 .5 1.6 .7 1.7 .3 1.4 .4 2.3 .3 1.2 1.2 2.2 1.1 46 MONET DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES' T a b l e 4. — D is p o s itio n o f m o n e y received d u rin g schedule yea r not used f o r current ex p en d itu re, and fu n d s m ade available f o r f a m i ly use fr o m sources other than fa m i l y in co m e in schedule yea r, b y econ om ic level NASHUA, CONCORD, AND BERLIN, N. H. Item All families Economic level—Families spend ing per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 to $400 $500 $500 and over D is p o s itio n o f M o n e y R eceiv ed D u r in g the S ch ed u le Y ea r N o t U sed f o r C u rr e n t F a m ily E x p e n d itu r e Families in survey__________________ ___________ _______ Number of families disposing of funds in— Increase in assets: Increase in cash: On hand_______ _______ ____ __________ ____ In checking account.______ ______________ ____ _ In savings account________ _________ ____ .. Investment in: Improvements in own home _ . ________ ____ Other real estate (including real estate mortgages) _ Building and loan shares_______________________ Stocks and bonds . . . ----------------------- . . . __ Other property-----------------------------------------------Payment of premiums for insurance policies: Life insurance____ ________________ ______ _____ Annuities_________ __________________________ Increase in outstanding loans to others. ______ . . . Decrease in liabilities: Payment on principal of mortgages and down pay ment on own home__________________ ____ _ . . . . Payment on principal of other mortgages___________ Payment of debts to: Banks------------------------------- ----------------------------Insurance companies---------------------------- --------Small-loan companies_______ _ _____________ _ Firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles_____________________________ _ Other goods _______ . . . _ ... . . Individuals. __________ . . . ______ _ _ _ _ _ Other_______ _______ ______________________ 299 88 74 52 85 5 1 52 1 0 4 0 0 7 1 0 9 3 1 32 16 6 8 1 2 5 1 0 0 1 4 1 2 0 0 2 3 1 0 1 5 1 5 1 0 286 3 2 85 0 0 71 0 0 48 0 1 82 3 1 31 10 11 5 9 3 5 0 6 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 13 3 29 0 4 2 15 2 3 0 5 0 1 0 2 3 5 1 7 Average amount of funds disposed in— Increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities_________ _ $172.16 $148.82 $159. 76 $196. 42 Increase in assets.. . ____ __________________ _______ _ . 136. 27 123. 68 129.15 137.11 Increase in cash: 0 On hand . _ . . . ______. . . _____ ______ . . . 4.17 .32 15. 27 0 .06 0 In checking accoun t__ ______ ______ ______ _ 0 In savings account . . . _ _____________ _ . . 18.85 2.19 18.91 13. 77 Investment in: 4. 72 3.01 Improvements in own hom e.. . _____ 8.08 1. 53 Other real estate (including real estate mortgages). 2. 93 .94 6. 37 2. 73 Building and loan shares_______ ___________ . 0 2. 56 3. 07 1. 59 Stocks and bonds________________ _______ _ . . . 0 .48 0 0 Other property___ __________ . ______ 23. 22 0 6. 99 .91 Payment of premiums for insurance policies: Life insurance_________________________________ 94.19 97.86 94.00 90.54 Annuities... _______ __________________ _____ .34 0 0 0 Increase in outstanding loans to o th e r s..___________ 0 .98 0 5. 63 Decrease in liabilities____________________________ ___ 35. 89 25.14 30. 61 59. 31 Payment on principal of mortgages and down pay ment on own home__ _ I___________________ 17.12 8. 61 16.02 52.05 1. 56 2.15 Payment on principal of other mortgages-................... 1. 73 0 Payment of debts to: Banks______________________ _______________ 0 .33 1. 35 0 Insurance companies___________ ______________ .19 0 0 0 Small-loan companies________________ _______ .09 0 .38 0 Firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles. _ _______________________ _ 2. 95 0 4.90 0 Other goods__________ ________ _____ _______ 3. 30 3. 59 1.70 4.24 Individuals_______________ ________ ___ _ _ 1.12 1. 71 0 0 Other________ ________________ _______________ 9. 23 9.08 4.53 3.02 $192. 35 155.02 4.99 .20 40. 49 5. 53 2.14 5. 37 1.68 0 93. 43 1.18 .01 37. 33 5. 53 1.74 0 .67 0 6.12 3. 82 2.17 17.28 47 TABULAR SUMMARY T a b l e 4 .— D is p o s itio n o f m o n e y received during schedule yea r not used f o r current ex p en d itu re, and f u n d s m ade available f o r fa m i ly use fr o m sources other than f a m i ly in co m e in schedule yea r, by econ om ic level— Continued NASHUA, CONCORD, AND BERLIN , N. H.—Continued Item All families Economic level—Families spend ing per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 to $400 $500 $500 and over F u n d s M a d e A v a ila b le fo r F a m ily U se F r o m S ou rces Other T h an F a m ily I n c o m e in S ch ed u le Y e a r Families in su rvey________ _________ ___ _________ Number of families receiving funds from— Decrease in assets: Reduction in cash: On hand._ __ . . _ _ __ _________________ In checking account _ _______ _________ In savings account____ . . . _ . . . _____ Sale of property: Real estate (including real estate mortgages)____ Building and loan shares___ __ ___ _____ _ . . . Stocks and bonds______ _ __ _ __________ Goods and chattels _____ _______ ________ Other property____ ________ ____________ ___ Insurance policies: Surrender________________ _ _ _ ____ _______ Settlement_______ _________________________ Receipts from outstanding loans to others __ ______ Increase in liabilities: Increase in mortgages on own home. _ ________ ___ Increase in other mortgages.__ _________ _ _ Increase in debts: Payable to b a n k s .---------------- _ __ -- ---------Payable to insurance companies ___ _ ____ Payable to small-loan companies._ ______ . . . _ Payable to firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles______ _____ ____ _________ _ Other g oods____ _ _ ---------_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Payable to individuals_________________________ Other debts. _ --------------------------------------Inheritance______________________________________ ____ 299 88 74 52 85 5 1 77 1 0 23 1 0 14 2 0 14 1 1 26 0 0 2 4 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 12 5 4 6 1 3 3 0 1 1 1 0 2 3 0 4 2 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 3 8 1 0 0 0 1 6 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 9 37 4 70 0 0 11 1 24 0 1 12 2 26 0 1 6 0 10 0 7 8 1 10 0 $84. 96 $121. 96 27.00 70. 62 $126.88 66. 79 Average amount of funds received from— Decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities----- ------ $108. 71 $103. 29 Decrease in assets.__________________ _______ _._ 58. 72 70. 56 Reduction in cash: 4. 92 On hand_________ _______ _ ----------------1.58 In checking account _________________________ 0 .38 In savings account . ._ _ ______________ 42.07 57.10 Sale of property: Real estate (including real estate mortgages) _ __ _ 0 0 Building and loan shares... ___ _ __ ________ _ 0 0 Stocks and bonds __ _____________ _______ _ 1.39 0 Goods and chattels ---------- ---------- -- -------.21 0 Other property___ _ ______________ ________ .30 .57 Insurance policies: 6.27 7. 79 Surrender _. ------------- --------------------------- -- ___ 2. 61 Settlement____ ____ _______ _. ___ ________ 1.74 Reduction in outstanding loans to others___ _ ___ .57 1.78 Increase in liabilities----------- ------------------------------- 49. 99 32. 73 Increase in mortgages on own home--------- ----------8.13 3. 97 Increase in other mortgages_______ _ ----------------2.34 1.50 Increase in debts: Payable to banks________ .. . ._. __ _ . __ .74 0 Payable to insurance companies .__ ----------3.80 0 Payable to small-loan companies _______ ____ .27 0 Payable to firms selling on installment plan: 5. 25 Automobiles _ __ . ___ 0 Other goods___________ ._ __ _______ _ . 10. 75 8. 36 Payable to individuals_________________________ 1.30 .25 18. 65 Other debts------------------ ------------------------------17. 41 0 0 Inheritance______________________ _______ ___________ 3.10 0 • 13. 78 0 0 2. 21 .62 .53 18. 56 0 44.03 0 0 0 0 0 1.61 1.34 49.95 0 0 2.96 .20 0 6. 57 0 .19 57.96 7. 57 0 7. 77 .26 0 51.34 29. 24 0 3. 51 7.22 0 60.09 0 6.68 1.53 8.20 1.08 2.09 0 0 0 6. 25 0 5.44 8.03 .53 25. 58 0 1.24 7. 34 0 11.43 0 12. 98 17. 67 3.85 12. 66 0 48 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 4 .— D is p o s itio n o f m o n e y received d u rin g schedule yea r not u sed f o r current ex p e n d itu r e, and f u n d s m ade available f o r f a m i l y u se fr o m sources other than f a m i l y in co m e in schedule yea r, hy econ om ic level— Continued PORTSM OUTH, KEENE, DOVER, LACONIA, AND CLAR E M O N T, N. H. All families Economic level—Families spend ing per expenditure unit per year Under $300 to $400 to $300 $400 $500 $500 and over D is p o s itio n o f M o n e y R eceiv ed D u r in g the S ch ed u le Y ea r N o t U sed fo r C u rr e n t F a m ily E x p e n d itu r e F amilies in survey__________ __________ __------- --------Number of families disposing of funds in— Increase in assets: Increase in cash: On hand_____________ ___________ ____________ In checking account _____________ ____ In savings account---------------------- -------------------Investment in: Improvements in own home______________ ____ _ Other real estate (including real estate mortgages),. Building and loan shares_______________________ Stocks and b o n d s _______ _ ___ _ Other property ______________ ,, ______ ____ Payment of premiums for insurance policies: Life insurance _______ _____ __________ . _ . . . Annuities, . _____________ _______ ___________ Increase in outstanding loans to others ....... ............. Decrease in liabilities: Payment on principal of mortgages and down pay ment on own home___ _____________ ______ ,, Payment on principal of other mortgages ___ _ ___ Payment of debts to: Banks____________________ - -------------------Insurance companies____ ____________________ Small-loan companies___________ _____________ Firms selling on installment plan: Autom obiles,____________________________ Other goods_______________________________ Individuals,, , ___________________ _ _______ Other____________________________ ______ _ 485 126 111 125 123 13 4 95 2 0 15 1 0 16 6 0 32 4 4 32 31 11 8 1 4 9 5 0 0 1 4 1 2 0 0 10 2 3 0 2 8 3 3 1 1 404 19 6 104 8 0 100 5 2 105 0 1 95 6 3 65 17 16 5 20 3 17 5 12 4 7 2 8 2 1 2 2 1 4 0 0 1 3 0 1 9 28 12 38 2 14 4 10 2 4 2 9 1 5 6 13 4 5 0 6 Average amount of funds disposed in— Increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities, _ . ____ $176. 44 $143. 81 $155.85 $204. 77 Increase in assets__ ____ ________________ ____________ 145.28 117. 92 122.24 168. 76 Increase in cash: On hand____ __________________ _________ 1.68 .64 .02 3.45 In checking account _________________________ .91 0 0 0 In savings account______ _______ ____ __________ 32. 77 14. 49 18.83 53.27 Investment in— Improvements in own home, _ _________________ 8. 52 6. 95 11.47 8.83 Other real estate (including real estate mortgages)., 5.40 1.29 8. 34 4. 73 Building and loan shares______________ _______ 1.78 0 .98 4. 21 Stocks and bonds_____________ , ________ .20 0 0 0 Other property________________ _____________ 10. 72 14. 95 0 16. 27 Payment of premiums for insurance policies: ______ Life insurance _ _______ ____ _____ 78. 37 69.12 84. 64 77. 41 Annuities... _________________________________ 2. 93 3. 43 3. 93 0 Increase in outstanding loans to others______________ 2.00 1.08 .59 0 Decrease in liabilities. _ ______________________________ 31.16 25.89 33. 61 36. 01 Payment on principal of mortgages and down pay ment on own home_____ _____________ _______ _ 13. 89 8.25 18.55 15. 87 Payment on principal of other mortgages . . . _____ 2.60 1. 46 2.46 2.74 Payment of debts to— Banks__________ . . . . . _________________ 1.25 2.12 1.19 0 Insurance companies_____ _________ ________ _ .19 .52 .27 0 Small-loan companies________ ________. . . _____ 1. 39 1. 59 3.08 .62 Firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles____ __ ______ ________ ____ 2. 34 1. 89 1.05 1. 22 Other goods. _ _ _ _ . ______ . . . 2. 49 3. 92 1.03 1. 91 Individuals _ __ _ _ _________ _ 1. 33 1.94 .65 2.63 Other______________ _________________________ 5.68 4. 45 5.08 11.02 $199. 65 170.27 2.45 3.58 43.25 7.17 6. 77 1.86 .79 10. 43 83.16 4.49 6. 32 29.38 13.44 3. 75 1. 67 0 .46 5.09 2. 91 0 2. 49 TABULAR SUMMARY T a b l e 4. — D is p o s itio n o f m o n e y recieved d u rin g schedule yea r not used f o r current exp en d itu re , and fu n d s m ade available f o r f a m i l y use f r o m sources other than f a m i l y in co m e in schedule ye a rf b y econ om ic level— Continued PORTSM OUTH, KEENE, DOVER, LACONIA, AND CLAREM ONT, N. H.—Continued Item All families Economic level—Families spend ing per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 to $400 $500 $500 and over F u n d s M a d e A v a ila b le f o r F a m ily U se F r o m S ou rces O ther T h a n F a m ily I n c o m e in S chedule Y e a r Families in survey._ _________ ___ ____ _____ ________ Number of families receiving funds from— Decrease in assets: Reduction in cash: On h a n d _____________________________________ In checking account______ _____________________ In savings account_________ __________________ Sale of property: Real estate (including real estate mortgages)____ Building and loan shares_______ ________ Stocks and bonds. ________________ __________ Goods and chattels______________________ _____ Other property_______________ ________________ Insurance policies: Surrender. . _ _______________________________ Settlement.__________________ ______________ Receipts from outstanding loans to others________ . _ Increase in liabilities: Increase in mortgages on own home________________ Increase in other mortgages________________________ Increase in debts: Payable to banks___________ ___________ . .. Payable to insurance companies__________ __ _ Payable to small-loan companies____________ . . . Payable to firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles.. ________ ________________ __ Other goods. _______________________ ______ Payable to individuals______________________ . Other debts__ . . . __ ________________________ Inheritance. _____ ___ ________________ __ 485 126 111 125 123 22 6 123 5 0 20 7 0 17 4 1 42 6 5 44 1 1 4 10 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 6 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 3 0 34 14 7 16 5 1 14 3 0 0 2 3 4 4 3 7 2 3 1 3 0 1 1 0 0 11 16 14 3 6 4 2 4 6 2 2 2 4 4 2 16 72 29 112 0 2 18 8 41 0 3 19 7 32 0 2 15 9 23 0 9 20 5 16 0 Average amount of funds received from— Decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities___________ $141.11 $123. 37 $139. 85 $136. 21 62. 33 74.06 in assets ____________Decrease ____________________ __ 86.04 91.68 Reduction in cash: 4. 52 1.07 7.00 2.48 On hand___ _________ _____________________ . 1. 85 0 0 .23 In checking account___ ___ ________________ 30. 26 26.68 68. 32 In savings account . . ________ ___________ __ _ 49.88 Sale of property: Real estate (including real estate mortgages)_____ .36 0 0 1. 39 Building and loan shares__________________ _ . 0 0 0 .51 2. 66 0 1. 56 Stocks and bonds____________ ______________ __ 1. 21 3. 31 .04 Goods and chattels____________________________ 1.14 .27 Other property_______ ______ _____ __ ____ _ _. .23 .67 .22 0 Insurance policies: 26. 63 12. 67 20. 30 0 Surrender____________________________________ 15.74 9. 55 8.81 7. 56 Settlement.___ _____________________________ .95 Reduction in outstanding loans to others____________ 0 1.92 4.12 61.04 65. 79 44. 53 Increase in liabilities___________ _____ _____ ___________ 55.07 Increase in mortgages on own home________________ 12.98 11. 37 9.87 8. 52 1.43 Increase in other mortgages.. _____________________ 0 1.72 .81 Increase in debts: 3. 53 1. 27 1. 66 Payable to banks_____________ _____________ _ 2.83 4. 25 5. 35 Payable to insurance companies______ _____ ____ 3. 54 2. 78 5.00 1. 85 Payable to small-loan companies __ _______ _____ 3.19 2. 39 Payable to firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles ________ ____________________ 1. 59 2.28 2.17 4.80 6.20 6. 58 Other goods___________________ _____ _____ 8. 33 8. 83 4.92 3.29 9.19 3. 49 Payable to individuals_________________________ 28.40 8.71 Other debts. __ ______________________________ 18.13 25.18 0 0 0 0 Inheritance___________________________________ _______ $165. 48 115.47 7.91 7.07 72.16 0 2.03 .79 1.20 0 5.14 5.84 13.33 50.01 0 0 4. 71 1.96 3. 74 13. 02 11.85 3. 52 11. 21 0 50 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 4. — D isp o s itio n o f m o n e y recieved d u rin g schedule yea r not used f o r current ex p en d itu re , and f u n d s m ade available f o r f a m i l y use f r o m sources other than f a m i l y in co m e in schedule y e a r , b y econ om ic level— Continued L ITTLE TO N AND CONW AY, N. H. Item All families Economic level—Families spend ing per expenditure unit per year Under $300 to $400 to $300 $400 $500 $500 and over D is p o s itio n o f M o n e y R eceiv ed D u r in q the S chedu le Y e a r N o t U sed fo r C u rren t F a m ily E x p en d itu r e ------------------------------ --------------Families in survey. . Number of families disposing of funds in— Increase in assets: Increase in cash: On hand . _____________ _____ - -.- --------------In checking account --------------------- -------In savings account____________ . ----------------- . Investment in: Improvements in own home . _ _ _____ Other real estate (including real estate mortgages) __ Building and loan shares_______________________ Stocks and bonds.. ____________________ _____ Other property____ ___________________________ Payment of premiums for insurance policies: Life insurance. _______ _ ________ _ ... Annuities.. __ . . . ------ -- . . . ------------ ----Increase in outstanding loans to others . ------------- . Decrease in liabilities: Payment on principal of mortgages and down pay ment on own home. . . . __________ . . Payment on principal of other mortgages-----------------Payment of debts to: Banks ___ ___ . . . --------------------------Insurance companies __ ________ ______ ______ ____ ____________ Small-loan companies.. Firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles.. . . . . .. _______________ . Other goods _ ________ __________ . Individuals . . . . ________________________ . Other___ . ___________________ ___ _______ 197 65 40 49 43 14 3 28 2 0 6 1 1 6 6 1 7 5 1 9 20 2 0 2 6 4 1 0 0 3 4 0 0 1 1 7 0 0 1 0 5 1 0 0 2 165 2 4 53 0 1 31 0 1 42 1 1 39 1 1 28 7 11 4 7 2 3 1 7 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 13 3 21 0 3 1 10 1 0 0 5 1 6 2 3 0 4 0 3 Average amount of funds disposed in— Increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities___________ $162. 64 $107.19 $134.87 $135. 70 76. 76 104. 64 112. 23 . ----------------- . 124. 70 Increase in assets.. _____ Increase in cash: 4.19 2. 93 1.86 4.16 On hand___________ . ---------------- ----------------1.30 0 4.24 In checking account . . . _ ----------------------------.60 4.44 14.78 17.05 In savings account . ----------------------------------- 23. 72 Investment in: 9. 66 3.49 11.46 14.03 Improvements in own home_______________ ____ .29 0 0 Other real estate (including real estate mortgages) _. .87 0 0 0 0 Building and loan shares. . _ _ ___ .89 0 2.94 1.20 Stocks and bonds___ ____ ____________________ 8.56 0 .88 Other property________________________________ 12. 73 Payment of premiums for insurance policies: 74.17 70. 38 58.10 65.58 Life insurance.. . __________ ________ ______ .47 0 0 .72 ____________ Annuities_____________________ .49 .02 1. 83 .30 Increase in outstanding loans to others________ _____ 30. 43 30.23 23.47 Decrease in liabilities _. . . _. . . . . _____ . 37.94 Payment on principal of mortgages and down payment 12.26 9.76 14.78 7.09 on own hom e._______ ___________ ______ _ . _ 1. 51 2. 36 1. 56 1.66 Payment on principal of other mortgages ______ .. Payments of debts to— .42 0 .74 1.18 B a n k s.._____________________________ ____ _ Insurance companies. _ _ . . . . . _______ 0 0 0 0 .46 0 2.26 0 Small-loan companies_______________________ _. Firms selling on installment plan: 1.74 0 2.65 4.81 Automobiles____________ _________________ 3. 44 2. 71 0 3.81 Other g o o d s___ _ __ ____ . . . ________ .59 .99 0 1. 05 Individuals... ________________________________ 17. 52 14.61 7.80 4.31 Other..--------------------------------- ----------------------- $303.04 230. 09 8.92 1. 31 68.79 12.34 3.56 0 0 44. 57 89.08 1. 32 .20 72. 95 19. 61 0 0 0 0 0 7. 31 0 46.03 TABULAR SUMMARY T 51 4. — D isp o s itio n o f m o n e y received d u rin g schedule yea r not used f o r current ex p en d itu re , and fu n d s m ad e available f o r f a m i l y use f r o m sources other than f a m i ly in co m e in schedule yea r, b y econ om ic level — Continued a b l e LITT L E TO N AND CONWAY, N. H.—Continued Item All families Economic level—Families spend ing per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 to $400 $500 $500 and over F u n d s M a d e A v a ila b le f o r F a m ily U se F r o m S ou rces Other T h a n F a m ily I n c o m e in S ch ed u le Y e a r Families in survey--------------------------------------------------------Number of families receiving funds from— Decrease in assets: Reduction in cash— On hand______________________________________ In checking account _________________________ In savings account. . . . _______ _____________ Sale of property: Real estate (including real estate mortgages)____ Building and loan shares ______ ______ . . . Stocks and bonds. __ ___________ ______________ Goods and chattels _____________ ____ ________ Other property____ _________________________ Insurance policies: Surrender______ . ________________ _______ _ Settlement... ________________________________ Receipts from outstanding loans to others___________ Increase in liabilities: Increase in mortgages on own home. _______________ Increase in other m ortgages........ ............................ Increase in debts— Payable to banks. -----------------------------------------Payable to insurance companies ___ ____ ______ Payable to small-loan companies________________ Payable to firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles________ ________ _____ _______ Other goods. __________ ________________ Payable to individuals_________________________ Other debts___________________ _____________ Inheritance.. ......... ........... ......................... ................. 197 65 40 49 43 4 1 31 1 0 9 1 0 3 0 0 10 2 1 9 2 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 9 5 2 2 1 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 3 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 4 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 13 51 10 65 0 1 21 6 32 0 2 10 1 12 0 3 10 3 11 0 7 10 0 10 0 $78. 26 32.24 $64. 27 26.87 $79. 99 42.46 $347. 75 242. 79 4. 52 0 13. 81 1.41 0 14. 32 0 0 28. 71 10. 33 2. 63 34. 62 0 0 0 .05 3.23 0 0 0 2.12 0 8. 07 0 0 1.50 0 10.24 0 0 3. 47 5. 73 7.84 2. 70 .09 46. 02 0 0 9. 02 0 0 37. 40 0 0 4.18 0 0 37. 53 0 0 9.16 161. 40 5. 21 104. 96 21.01 0 3. 34 0 0 1. 92 4.28 0 2.18 5. 70 8. 37 26. 43 0 2. 77 11.81 1.42 15. 20 0 Average amount of funds received from— Decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities__ ________ $134. 67 Decrease in assets. ____________ _______________ __ 79. 65 Reduction in cash: On hand______________________________________ 4. 03 In checking account _. _____________________ .57 In savings account. . . . ______________ ____ ____ 22.16 Sale of property: Real estate (including real estate mortgages)____ 4.24 Building and loan shares_______________________ 0 Stocks and bonds_____________________________ 0 Goods and chattels ......................................... . 1. 58 Other property................... ..................................... 2. 32 Insurance policies: Surrender________ _ _______ __________________ 7. 46 Settlement____________________________ _______ 36.12 Reduction in outstanding loans to others. ________ 1.17 Increase in liabilities_______ __ _________ _____ ___ . . . 55. 02 Increase in mortgages on own h om e________________ 4.59 Increase in other mortgages....... ........................ ........... 0 Increase in debts: Payable to banks___________ ____ _____ ________ 1.60 Payable to insurance companies________________ 1.21 Payable to small-loan companies..... ................ ...... 0 Payable to firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles___________ ____ ______________ 10.58 Other goods______________________ ________ 13.17 4. 41 Payable to individuals___________________ ____ _ 19. 46 Other debts_____ _________________ ____ _____ Inheritance........................... ...... .......................................... 0 0 0 0 3. 37 11.77 5. 46 16. 93 0 .49 1.59 0 38. 77 27. 32 0 15.78 0 52 T MONEY DISBURSEMENTS— 13 SMALL CITIES 4a.— D is p o s itio n o f m o n e y received d u rin g schedule yea r not used f o r cur rent ex p en d itu re , and f u n d s m ade available f o r f a m i l y use fr o m sources other than f a m i l y in co m e in schedule yea r able M A R Q U E T T E , M IC H .; M ODESTO, CALIF.; A N D RENO, N EV. All families Item Marquette Modesto 148 151 149 26 1 0 3 5 24 4 5 15 10 1 3 1 1 10 2 0 1 2 18 4 3 Reno D is p o s itio n o f M o n e y R eceiv ed D u r in g the S chedu le Y e a r N o t U sed fo r C u rren t F a m ily E x p en d itu r e Families in survey--------------------- ---------------------------- ------------- --------Number of families disposing of funds in— Increase in assets: Increase in cash— On hand________________________ ____ _________________ In checking account____________________________________ In savings account.------- -----------------------------------------------Investment in— Improvements in own home____________________________ Other real estate (including real estate mortgages)................ Building and loan shares___________ _____ _______________ Stocks and bonds______________________________________ Other property_________________________ ____ __________ Payment of premiums for insurance policies: Life insurance_________________________________________ Annuities_____________________________ ____ ___________ Increase in outstanding loans to others_______________________ Decrease in liabilities: Payment on principal of mortgages and down payment on own home_____________________________________________ ____ Payment on principal of other mortgages______ ______________ Payment of debts to— Banks_________________________________________________ Insurance companies-------------- ------ -------------------------------Small-loan companies___________________________________ Firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles__________________ ____ _____ ____ ______ Other goods______________________________ ____ _____ Individuals____________________________________________ Other_________________________________________________ Average amount of funds disposed in— Increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities.......... ................ ......... Increase in assets___________________________ ____ ______________ Increase in cash— On hand______________________________________________ In checking account_______________ ____ ______ ____ _____ In savings account________________ _______ _____________ Investment in— Improvements in own home____________________________ Other real estate (including real estate mortgages)________ Building and loan shares_______________ _____ ____ ____ Stocks and bonds_________ _____________________________ Other property________________________________________ Payment of premiums for insurance policies: Life insurance_________________________________________ Annuities_____________________________________________ Increase in outstanding loans to others------------ --------------------Decrease in liabilities__________________________________________ Payment on principal of mortgages and down payment on own home_____________________________________________ ____ Payment on principal of other mortgages____________________ Payment of debts to— Banks__________________________ ______________________ Insurance companies___________________________________ Small-loan companies___________________________________ Firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles_______________________________________ Other goods________________ _______________________ Individuals____________________________________________ Other_____ ___________________________________________ 2 1 128 44 119 95 16 39 30 6 10 1 1 0 0 1 0 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 4 4 7 25 7 32 5 19 9 23 $175.07 124. 77 $186. 78 104. 67 $180. 39 98.26 .16 32.67 0 1.99 4.91 17.70 .76 3. 32 12.90 5.70 .76 12.82 2.52 4.33 .78 .24 4.93 12.92 2.38 2.09 7.05 1.61 1.20 72.54 21 0 .43 50. 30 51.85 1. 35 6. 36 82.11 23.15 2.73 47. 43 1.38 6.20 0 0 .46 0 1.49 2.08 20. 39 53.62 1.61 0 82.13 45.72 3.23 0 0 .05 0 3. 65 8.17 2.93 15. 32 9.47 10.18 2.76 13.95 0 0 53 TABULAR SUMMARY T a b l e 4a.— D is p o s itio n o f m o n e y received d u rin g schedule yea r not used f o r cur rent expen d itu re and fu n d s m ade available f o r fa m i ly use f r o m sources other than f a m i l y in co m e in schedule yea r — Continued M ARQ U ETTE, MICH.; MODESTO, CALIF.; AND RENO, NEV.—Continued All families Item Marquette Modesto Reno F u n d s M a d e A v a ila b le fo r F a m ily U se F r o m S ou rces Other T h a n F a m ily I n c o m e in Schedu le Y ea r Families in survey____________________ _____ ___ ___________________ Families receiving funds from— Decrease in assets: Reduction in cash— On hand_______________ _______ _____ ________________ In checking account_______________________ ______ _____ In savings account_____________________________________ Sale of property: Real estate (including real estate mortgages)______________ Building and loan shares _____________________ ._ ._ ___ Stocks and bonds______ _________________________ ___ Goods and chattels______ _____________________ _______ Other property____________ _____ ______________________ Insurance policies: Surrender______________________________ _______ ______ _ Settlement________ ___________ ____ ____ _______ ________ Receipts from outstanding loans to others______ ____________ Increase in liabilities: Increase in mortgages on own home______________________ ___ Increase in other mortgages_________________________________ Increase in debts: Payable to banks___________ ____________________ , _____ Payable to insurance companies___________ ________ ____ Payable to small-loan companies_________________________ Payable to firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles__________ _ ___________ _____ _______ Other goods_______________ ________ _____________ Payable to individuals__________________________________ Other debts___________________________ ___ _____ _______ Inheritance____________________ - ___________________________ Average amount of funds received from— Decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities _ . . . _________ Decrease in assets________________ ____ ____________________ Reduction in cash— On hand_______________________________________________ In checking account______________ ____________________ In savings account.. . . . . ______________ . . . ________ Sale of property: Real estate (including real estate mortgages). . . __________ Building and loan shares___ . __ . . . . ____ _______ Stocks and bonds. _ _ . . . . _________ _____ _ Goods and chattels_____________________________________ Other property.. _________ ____________ ___________ . . . Insurance policies: Surrender_________ _____ ________ ____________ _______ Settlement__________________________ . . . ____________ Reduction in outstanding loans to others_______ ____ _________ Increase in liabilities_____ _____ __________ _______________ .. . Increase in mortgages on own home . . . _ _________ ______ . .. Increase in other mortgages___________________ ____ _____ . . . Increase in debts: Payable to banks__________ _____ __________ . . . ___ ____ Payable to insurance companies. . . . ______________ ____ Payable to small-loan companies________________________ Payable to firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles________________ _____________________ Other goods_______ _ _____________ . . ________ Payable to individuals__________________________________ Other debts_________________ ___________ ___________ Inheritance___________ ___________________________ ___ ____ . 148 151 149 0 2 23 4 9 28 4 5 34 0 0 0 1 3 2 0 3 17 0 0 1 1 4 2 7 2 3 6 2 2 3 0 3 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 4 5 1 3 2 5 23 14 36 3 17 39 14 38 2 12 29 10 41 0 $96. 31 44. 67 $167. 78 85.69 $143.00 72. 75 0 1.02 32.08 3. 74 12. 43 39.03 3. 34 4.08 55.50 0 0 0 .02 .42 3. 31 0 5.63 10.19 0 0 .05 2.01 .40 1.14 6.81 1.08 4. 24 51.64 6. 45 0 4.87 5. 42 1.07 82.09 .67 0 2.40 0 3.83 70. 25 5.50 0 .86 .11 1.52 1.99 .84 3.30 .59 2.19 1.29 7.86 6.90 5. 27 22.67 1.41 28. 27 16.01 17.11 13.90 1.96 21.60 10.36 5. 97 22. 75 0 54 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS— 13 SMALL CITIES T able 5 . — Description of fam ilies studied, by income level N A S H U A , C O N C O R D , A N D B E R L IN , N . H . In c o m e le v e l— F a m ilie s w it h a rm n a l n e t i n c o m e o f— Ite m A ll fa m i lie s $500 to $ 90 0 $ 9 0 0 $ 1 ,2 0 0 $ 1 , 5 0 0 $ 1 ,8 0 0 $ 2 ,1 0 0 to to to to and $ 1 ,2 0 0 $ 1 ,5 0 0 $ 1 ,8 0 0 $ 2 ,1 0 0 o v e r Distribution by Occupation of Chief Earner and by Fam ily T ype1 F a m ilie s in s u r v e y . . . . __ _____ _________ _________ ___ __ N u m b e r o f f a m ilie s i n w h i c h c h ie f e a r n e r is — C l e r i c a l w o r k e r ----------------------------------------- ------------------------S k i l l e d w a g e e a r n e r _______________________________________ _________________ S e m i s k i l l e d w a g e e a r n e r . ______________________________________________ U n s k i l l e d w a g e e a r n e r . . ____________________ _________ _________________ N u m b e r o f f a m i l e s c o m p o s e d o f— M a n a n d w i f e . . . ____________________________________________________ . M a n , w i f e , a n d 1 c h i l d ________________ ____________ _ ________ M a n , w i f e , a n d 2 t o 4 c h i l d r e n . _ _ ------------ ------------------M a n , w i f e , a n d 5 o r m o r e c h i l d r e n _________________________________ M a n , w i f e , a n d c h i l d r e n a n d a d u l t s (4 t o 6 p e r s o n s ) _______ M a n , w i f e , a n d c h i l d r e n a n d a d u l t s (7 o r m o r e p e r s o n s ) . . M a n , w i f e , a n d 1 a d u l t _________________________________ _________ ... M a n , w i f e , a n d 2 t o 4 a d u l t s . . . __________ ______________ _________ M a n , w i f e , a n d 5 o r m o r e a d u l t s _______________________ _________ A d u l t s ( 2 o r 3 p e r s o n s , n o t i n c l u d i n g m a n a n d w i f e ) _____ A d u l t s (4 o r m o r e p e r s o n s , n o t i n c l u d i n g m a n a n d w i f e ) . _ A d u l t o r a d u lt s a n d c h ild r e n (2 o r 3 p e rs o n s , n o t i n c l u d i n g m a n a n d w i f e ) ___________ ____________ _________________ A d u l t o r a d u lt s a n d c h ild r e n (4 o r m o r e p e rs o n s , n o t i n c l u d i n g m a n a n d w i f e ) __________________________________ ___________ 299 45 90 67 42 36 19 58 86 117 38 2 1 28 14 19 17 42 12 12 19 26 10 7 22 11 2 11 22 3 0 7 5 7 0 70 42 73 7 33 14 18 15 1 15 2 16 11 7 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 1 18 15 31 3 9 3 6 1 0 4 0 15 7 16 0 10 6 4 4 0 3 1 11 6 11 3 3 3 1 3 0 1 0 6 3 8 1 9 1 4 2 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 1 1 1 5 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 2 1 7 4 . Distribution by Nativity of Hom emaker N u m b e r o f f a m i l i s h a v i n g n o h o m e m a k e r ____________________ ___ N u m b e r o f f a m ilie s h a v in g h o m e m a k e r b o rn in — U n i t e d S t a t e s ________________________ _ ____________ _____________ _. I t a l y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P o l a n d _______ - ______________ _________________ _____________ . .. C a n a d a ( F r e n c h ) _ . . . _______ . _____ ___ ... __________ C a n a d a ( n o t F r e n c h ) _ . _____________ _________ ___ . . . _________ E n g la n d . . . . . _____ ________ _____ . . . __________________ _______ ... _______________ ______________ Ir e la n d _ . . N o rw a y an d Sw ed en ______________ __________ ____________________ __________ ____________________________ A u s t r ia a n d G e r m a n y . . . _ _________ ____________ _______________ ______________ O t h e r . . ____________ 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 03 2 7 60 6 3 2 5 1 8 26 0 0 16 0 0 0 1 0 2 59 0 3 23 2 0 1 1 0 1 51 1 0 5 2 2 1 1 1 3 34 0 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 1 5 1 0 0 2 0 2 9 1 1 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 99 3 .9 8 45 3 .1 9 90 3 .9 0 67 4 .1 5 42 4. 52 36 3 . 77 19 4 .8 1 35 3 8 10 6 0 1 0 9 2 2 2 8 0 3 1 4 1 1 2 6 0 1 4 2 0 0 1 3 . 84 1. 30 2 .5 4 3 .4 3 3 . 05 .8 6 2 .1 9 2. 74 07 38 69 66 4 . 32 1 .7 8 2 . 54 3 . 78 3 . 63 1. 06 2 . 57 3 .4 0 4 . 66 .5 6 4 .1 0 4 . 51 .1 7 .1 6 .1 5 .1 5 .2 7 .1 7 Composition of Household N u m b e r o f h o u s e h o ld s . _ . _____ _ __ _______________ A v e r a g e n u m b e r o f p e r s o n s i n h o u s e h o ld ______ ____________ _________ N u m b e r o f h o u s e h o ld s w i t h — B o a r d e r s a n d lo d g e r s __________________ _ _ _____________ . . . B o a r d e r s o n l y . . . _____ __________ _________ _________________________ _ L o d g e r s o n l y _________________ _________ _ _ O t h e r p e r s o n s ___________ . . . _ ------------------- ---------------A v e r a g e s i z e o f e c o n o m ic f a m i l y i n — P e r s o n s , t o t a l _____ _ _ _ -----------------------. . . U n d e r 16 y e a r s o f a g e . . . _______ ___________. . . ------------16 y e a r s o f a g e a n d o v e r _____________________ . . . -------------E x p e n d itu r e u n its . . . --------------------- --- - - - A v e r a g e n u m b e r o f p e r s o n s i n h o u s e h o ld n o t m e m b e r s o f e c o n o m ic f a m i l y _______________ . . __ . . . __________ 3. 1. 2. 3. 72 46 26 23 .1 4 4. 1. 2. 3. 1 “ C h i l d r e n ” a r e d e f i n e d a s p e r s o n s u n d e r 16 y e a r s o f a g e ; “ a d u l t s ” a r e p e r s o n s 16 y e a r s o f a g e a n d o v e r . TABULAR SUMMARY T a b l e 55 5 . — Description of fam ilies studied , by income level— Continued N A S H U A , C O N C O R D , A N D B E R L IN , N . H — C o n t in u e d In c o m e le v e l— E a m ilie s w it h a n n u a l n e t i n c o m e o f— Ite m A ll fa m i lie s $500 to $900 $ 9 0 0 $ 1 ,2 0 0 $ 1 , 5 00 $ 1 , 8 0 0 $ 2 ,1 0 0 to to to to and $ 1 , 200 $ 1 , 5 00 $ 1 ,8 0 0 $ 2 ,1 0 0 o v e r Earnings and Income F a m ilie s in s u r v e y , _________________________________________________ _____ N u m b e r of fa m ilie s h a v in g — E a r n in g s o f s u b s id ia r y e a r n e r s , - - - - - - - _ __ N e t e a r n i n g s f r o m b o a r d e r s a n d l o d g e r s , __________ ___ _ O t h e r n e t r e n t s _______________________ _ _ _ _ _ -------------In t e r e s t a n d d iv id e n d s _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P e n s io n s a n d in s u r a n c e a n n u it i e s , , , _ _ _ _ _ _______ G i f t s f r o m p e r s o n s o u t s i d e e c o n o m ic f a m i l y , _ _ _____ O t h e r s o u rc e s o f in c o m e _____ ___ _ _ _ __________ _ __. D e d u c t i o n s f r o m i n c o m e ( b u s i n e s s lo s s e s a n d e x p e n s e s ) S u r p lu s (n e t in c r e a s e in a s s e ts a n d / o r d e c re a se in l i a b i l i t i e s ) ________________ , _ _ __ _ _ _ D e f ic it (n e t d e c re a s e in a s s e ts a n d / o r in c r e a s e in l i a b i l i t i e s ) _____________________________________________________________________ In h e r ita n c e , _____ , _ _______________ _ . A v e r a g e n u m b e r o f g a i n f u l w o r k e r s p e r f a m i l y ___________ A v e r a g e a m o u n t o f— N e t f a m ily in c o m e , _ . _ __ _ __________ _. , E a r n in g s o f in d iv id u a ls , ,_ _ _ ._ _ __ __ _ C h ie f e a r n e r , _ _____ ____________ _______ ________ _ . S u b s i d i a r y e a r n e r s _____ __. . _____ __ __ M a l e s : 16 y e a r s a n d o v e r , _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _______ U n d e r 16 y e a r s , _ _ _ ____________ F e m a l e s : 16 y e a r s a n d o v e r , _ _, _ _____ _ U n d e r 16 y e a r s __________________________ ________ N e t e a r n i n g s f r o m b o a r d e r s a n d l o d g e r s __________ __ O th e r n e t r e n t s ._ _ __ _ __ _____________ _______________ In t e r e s t a n d d iv id e n d s __ _______________ _ _____ P e n s io n s a n d in s u r a n c e a n n u it ie s . _______________ G i f t s f r o m p e r s o n s o u t s i d e e c o n o m ic f a m i l y _____ O t h e r s o u rc e s o f in c o m e _ . __ _ _____ D e d u c tio n s fro m in c o m e ( b u s i n e s s lo s s e s a n d e x p e n s e s ) ,. _ . _ _ _ ________________ _ ________ S u r p lu s p e r f a m ily h a v in g s u r p lu s (n e t in c r e a s e in a s s e ts a n d /o r d e c re a se in l i a b i l i t i e s ) , , . , , _______ D e f i c i t p e r f a m i l y h a v i n g d e f ic it (n e t d e c re a s e i n a s s e ts a n d / o r i n c r e a s e i n l i a b i l i t i e s ) _____________ _ . . „ ___________ N e t change i n a s s e t s a n d l i a b i l i t i e s f o r a l l f a m i l i e s i n ______ s u r v e y _________ In h e r it a n c e ,.. . ________________ _________ 1 L e s s t h a n $ 0 .5 0 . 200982 4 1 -------- 5 299 45 90 67 42 36 19 97 43 29 27 12 19 9 11 9 6 1 2 1 5 1 0 17 14 3 8 4 2 4 6 25 10 8 7 2 4 1 1 14 5 10 4 1 2 2 2 13 6 3 5 4 5 1 1 19 2 4 1 0 1 0 1 210 18 67 46 36 27 16 83 0 1 .4 2 25 0 1 .2 4 21 0 1 .2 1 20 0 1 .4 2 7 0 1. 38 6 0 1. 56 4 0 2 .6 3 Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. 1, 3 45 1, 2 9 5 1 ,1 2 6 169 1, 1 04 1 190 0 22 10 5 6 4 6 7 75 759 748 11 622 0) 137 0 7 1, 0 53 1, 0 2 0 962 58 938 2 80 0 22 2 8 7 1 2 1, 3 19 1, 263 1 ,1 4 8 115 1 ,0 9 6 0 167 0 24 10 2 5 6 9 1, 671 1, 6 0 5 1, 4 10 195 1, 4 19 0 186 0 19 30 2 7 4 7 1, 861 1, 7 65 1, 5 19 2 46 1, 533 0 2 32 0 36 9 9 15 9 19 3 0 9 3 1 1 152 76 78 166 245 383 0) 1 1 7 0) 0) 144 Dol. 2 , 465 2 ,4 0 0 1, 3 47 1, 0 5 3 1 ,5 5 1 0 8 49 0 33 26 7 0 0) 0 156 166 115 109 184 298 288 ! + 63 -6 2 0 + 31 0 + 67 0 + 111 0 + 134 0 + 258 0 i 0 56 MONEY D1SBUKSEMENTS----1 3 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 5 .— D e s c r ip tio n P O R T S M O U T H , o f fa m ilie s K E E N E , D O V E R , s tu d ie d , b y in c o m e L A C O N IA , A N D Continued le v e l— C L A R E M O N T , N . H . In c o m e le v e l— F a m ilie s w it h a n n u a l n e t i n c o m e o f— A ll fa m i lie s Ite m Distribution by Occupation of Chief Earner and by Family T ype1 $50 0 to $ 90 0 $ 90 0 $ 1 , 2 00 $ 1 , 5 00 $ 1 ,8 0 0 $ 2 ,1 0 0 to to to to and $ 1 , 200 $ 1 ,5 0 0 $ 1 ,8 0 0 $ 2 ,1 0 0 o v e r i F a m ilie s in s u r v e y _ 1 N u m b e r o f lf a m ilie s i n w h i c h c h ie f e a r n e r is — C le r ic a w o r k e r , _ _ _____ S k ille d w a g e e a r n e r , _ S e m is k ille d w a g e e a r n e r ,. U n s k ille d w a g e e a rn e r N u m b e r o f f a m i l i e s c o m p o s e d o f— M a n an d w if e ., _ M a n , w i f e , a n d 1 c h i l d _____ . . . . M a n , w if e , a n d 2 to 4 c h ild r e n _ _ . M a n , w if e , a n d 5 o r m o r e c h ild r e n _ M a n , w i f e , a n d c h i l d r e n a n d a d u l t s (4 to 6 p e r s o n s ) .. M a n , w i f e , a n d c h i l d r e n a n d a d u l t s (7 o r m o r e p e r s o n s ) M a n , w ife , a n d 1 a d u l t . __ M a n , w if e , a n d 2 to 4 a d u lt s _ _ . M a n , w if e , a n d 5 o r m o re a d u lts . A d u l t s (2 o r 3 p e r s o n s , n o t i n c l u d i n g m a n a n d w i f e ) _____ A d u l t s (4 o r m o r e p e r s o n s , n o t i n c l u d i n g m a n a n d w i f e ) A d u l t o r a d u l t s a n d c h i l d r e n (2 o r 3 p e r s o n s , n o t i n c l u d in g m a n a n d w if e ) A d u l t o r a d u l t s a n d c h i l d r e n (4 o r m o r e p e r s o n s , n o t in c lu d in g m a n a n d w i f e ) , ,. 485 97 137 130 57 44 20 79 129 240 37 10 21 61 5 18 33 73 13 15 42 64 9 11 10 32 4 18 17 6 3 7 6 4 3 123 80 97 8 46 18 35 24 2 33 6 33 18 18 2 5 2 0 2 0 15 1 38 24 35 0 14 1 10 4 0 7 0 34 22 23 5 13 2 18 4 0 5 1 6 9 11 1 8 6 3 4 0 4 2 10 7 9 0 3 4 3 4 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 3 3 1 6 1 2 1 6 1 3 0 2 0 0 7 0 1 3 1 2 0 Distribution by Nativity of Homemaker N u m b e r o f f a m ilie s h a v in g n o h o m e m a k e r N u m b e r o f f a m ilie s h a v in g h o m e m a k e r b o r n in — U n i t e d S t a t e s ______ _ . I t a l y ________________________________________________________________________________ P o la n d , _ C a n a d a (F re n c h ), . C a n a d a (n o t F r e n c h ) _ _ _ E n g la n d . . Ir e la n d N o r w a y a n d S w e d e n .. A u s t r ia a n d G e r m a n y , O t h e r _________ . ,, . 5 1 3 0 0 0 1 3 62 8 5 42 28 5 15 3 4 8 69 2 2 15 4 0 2 0 1 1 101 2 1 7 12 2 4 1 3 1 105 2 1 9 5 1 4 2 0 1 42 2 1 5 1 2 3 0 0 1 37 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 0 4 2 0 2 0 0 3 4 85 3 . 79 97 3 . 24 137 3. 54 130 3 . 85 57 4 . 59 44 4. 0 8 20 4 . 73 70 13 19 40 13 1 6 10 15 3 3 14 22 4 7 7 16 4 2 6 2 0 0 2 2 1 1 1 3 . 54 1 .0 8 2. 46 3 .2 9 3 . 01 .8 4 2 .1 7 2. 77 3 .3 3 1 .0 7 2. 26 3 .1 0 3 . 56 1 .1 0 2. 46 3 .3 1 4 . 21 1 .4 9 2. 72 3 .9 1 4. 0 0 1. 14 2. 86 3 . 70 4 . 34 . 84 3 . 50 4. 32 .2 8 .2 6 .2 1 .3 5 .4 2 .1 7 .2 7 Composition of Household N u m b e r o f h o u s e h o ld s , A v e r a g e n u m b e r o f p e r s o n s i n h o u s e h o ld ________ N u m b e r o f h o u s e h o ld s w i t h — B o a r d e r s a n d lo d g e r s . _ B o a rd e rs o n ly . , _ Lo d g e rs o n ly ,. O th e r p e r s o n s .. A v e r a g e s i z e o f e c o n o m ic f a m i l y i n P e rso n s, to ta l . . - ... U n d e r 16 y e a r s o f a g e ... . . . 16 y e a r s o f a g e a n d o v e r . . ____ .. E x p e n d it u r e u n it s _ _ _ _ A v e r a g e n u m b e r o f p e r s o n s i n h o u s e h o ld n o t m e m b e r s o f e c o n o m ic f a m i l y ! ! 1 “ C h i l d r e n ” a r e d e f i n e d a s p e r s o n s u n d e r 16 y e a r s o f a g e ; “ a d u l t s ” a r e p e r s o n s 16 y e a r s o f a g e a n d o v e r . 57 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 5 .— D e s c r i p t i o n o f f a m i l i e s s t u d i e d P O R T S M O U T H , K E E N E , D O V E R , L A C O N IA , , b y in c o m e le v e l A N D C L A R E M O N T , — Continued N . H . — C o n t in u e d I n c o i n e le v e i l — F a r n i l i e s v v i t h a n n u a l n e t i n c o 'in e o f Ite m A ll fa m i lie s $ 50 0 to $ 90 0 $ 90 0 $ 1 , 2 00 $ 1 , 500 $ 1 ,8 0 0 $ 2 ,1 0 0 to to to to and $ 1 , 2 0 0 $ 1 , 500 $ 1 ,8 0 0 $ 2 ,1 0 0 o v e r Earnings and Income _ _ _ ----------- --------F a m i l i e s i n s u r v e y _ _______ _________________ N u m b e r o f fa m ilie s h a v in g — E a r n i n g s o f s u b s i d i a r y e a r n e r s . _ ________________________________ N e t e a r n i n g s f r o m b o a r d e r s a n d l o d g e r s ________________________ O t h e r n e t r e n t s ._ _ __________ . . . . . ----------------- . . . In te r e s t a n d d iv id e n d s . _______________ _____ ___________ P e n s i o n s a n d i n s u r a n c e a n n u i t i e s __________________________ __. G i f t s f r o m p e r s o n s o u t s i d e e c o n o m ic i a m i l y _______________ O t h e r s o u rc e s o f in c o m e ... . . . ____________ _ _______ D e d u c t i o n s f r o m i n c o m e ( b u s i n e s s lo s s e s a n d e x p e n s e s ) S u r p l u s (n e t in c r e a s e in a s s e t s a n d / o r d e c re a s e in l i a b i l i t i e s ) __________________________________________________________ ____________ D e f i c i t (n e t d e c re a s e in a s s e t s a n d / o r in c r e a s e in l i a b ilit ie s ) ... _ - - - - - - - - - - - - ----I n h e r i t a n c e ____________ __________ . . . ____________ - --------A v e r a g e n u m b e r o f g a i n f u l w o r k e r s p e r f a m i l y . ________ . A v e r a g e a m o u n t o f— N e t f a m i l y i n c o m e _______________________________________________ E a r n i n g s o f i n d i v i d u a l s _____________________ _____ _ . C h i e f e a r n e r _______ _________ ___________ ________ S u b s i d i a r y e a r n e r s ______________ __________________________ M a l e s : 16 y e a r s a n d o v e r . _____ _______ - _____ . U n d e r 16 y e a r s ______________________ . F e m a l e s : 16 y e a r s a n d o v e r ___________________ U n d e r 16 y e a r s _______ ________________ N e t e a r n i n g s f r o m b o a r d e r s a n d l o d g e r s . _ _ ________ O t h e r n e t r e n t s _______________________ _______________________________ I n t e r e s t a n d d i v i d e n d s . ___________________________ ________ P e n s i o n s a n d i n s u r a n c e a n n u i t i e s ________ __________ G i f t s f r o m p e r s o n s o u t s i d e e c o n o m ic f a m i l y . . . . _ O t h e r s o u r c e s o f i n c o m e _______________________________________ D e d u c t i o n s f r o m i n c o m e ( b u s i n e s s lo s s e s a n d e x p en ses) _______________ S u r p l u s p e r f a m i l y h a v i n g s u r p lu s ( n e t in c r e a s e in a s s e ts a n d /o r d e c re a se in lia b ilit ie s ) _____________________ _ . D e f i c i t p e r f a m i l y h a v in g d e f ic it (n e t d e c re a s e in a s s e t s a n d / o r in c r e a s e in l i a b i l i t i e s ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . N e t c h a n g e in a s s e ts a n d lia b ilit ie s fo r a ll f a m ilie s in su rv e y . _ _________________________________________________________________ In h e rita n c e „_ ._ .. 1 L e s s t h a n $ 0 .5 0 . 485 97 137 130 57 44 20 168 89 51 60 27 58 26 26 19 18 6 9 1 15 1 3 51 17 12 12 5 18 9 8 40 29 14 13 10 12 5 7 29 20 4 14 3 8 6 4 15 3 9 8 4 4 3 2 14 2 6 4 4 1 2 2 291 35 82 83 41 34 16 172 0 1 .4 3 51 0 1. 22 48 0 1 .3 8 44 0 1 .3 5 16 0 1 .7 0 9 0 1 .5 2 4 0 225 Dot. Dot. Dot. Dot. Dot. Dot. 1 ,2 7 9 1 ,1 9 0 1 ,0 5 0 140 1 ,0 1 5 766 723 6 99 24 5 80 0) 143 0 25 5 3 1 8 2 1 ,0 2 7 9 73 886 87 8 44 1 128 1 ,3 2 4 1, 241 1 .1 2 5 116 1 ,0 8 8 0) 153 2 ,0 0 4 1, 8 52 1 ,6 2 0 232 1 ,6 9 2 0) 24 9 3 7 8 6 0) 52 12 5 6 7 4 1 ,6 7 3 1 ,5 4 1 1, 3 33 208 1 ,3 0 2 1 238 0 71 6 9 16 21 11 0) 175 0) 38 12 8 18 9 6 0) 160 0 30 24 30 50 10 10 Dot. 2 ,4 7 7 2 ,1 5 7 1, 329 8 28 1, 515 0 642 0 29 52 31 187 1 24 2 1 3 3 2 2 4 148 96 97 138 140 263 3 60 178 106 152 150 177 294 - 5 9 1 + 21 0 o 1 + 36 0 + 59 0 +168 0 + 229 0 151 + 35 0 1 58 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 5 . — Description of families studied, by income level— Continued L I T T L E T O N A N D C O N W A Y , N. H. Income level— Families with annual net income of— Item All fami lies $500 to $900 $900. $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 to to to and $1, 200 $1, 500 $1,800 over D istr ib u tio n b y O cc u p a tio n o f C h ie f E a r n e r a nd b y F a m ily T ype1 Families in survey_____ _____ . . . ______ ___ . _ ______ Num ber of families in which chief earner is— Clerical worker_____________ _______ ______ _____ Skilled wage earner___________ ___ _ _ _ ______________ Semiskilled wage earner____________ _________________ Unskilled wage earner___ _______________________ _ N um ber of families composed of— M an and wife________ _______________________________ Man, wife, and 1 child . . . .. ____ ___ _ . ______ M an, wife, and 2 to 4 children____ ___ . Man, wife, and 5 or more children_______________ Man, wife, and children and adults (4 to 6 persons)___ Man, wife, and children and adults (7 or more persons) _ Man, wife, and 1 adult______________ _______________ M an, wife, and 2 to 4 adults.__ _ _ __ _____ . _ M an, wife, and 5 or more adults___ __ ________ _ Adults (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife) __ Adults (4 or more persons, not including man and w ife)_ Adult or adults and children (2 or 3 persons, not includ ing man and wife) _ _ _ _____ _ _ ____ ______ Adult or adults and children (4 or more persons, not in cluding man and w ife)_______ . _________ . . . ___ 197 47 64 47 25 14 34 63 91 9 5 7 33 2 7 20 31 6 13 19 14 1 2 13 10 0 7 4 3 0 55 34 38 7 20 9 13 4 0 11 1 17 12 5 0 4 0 2 1 0 3 0 20 8 15 5 5 1 5 1 0 3 0 8 8 9 1 9 3 4 1 0 3 1 5 4 9 1 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 5 2 0 0 2 3 0 1 0 1 0 5 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D istr ib u tio n b y N a tiv ity o f H o m e m a k e r Num ber of families having no homemaker____ ____________ Num ber of families having homemaker born in— United States. _ ___________ __ ______________________ Canada (not French)_________________________________ England____ _________________________________________ Ireland.. __ . _______ ____________________ . . Other. _. _______________ . _ . ________ ______ __ . 0 0 0 0 0 0 173 18 1 1 4 39 6 0 0 2 56 6 1 1 0 42 4 0 0 1 24 1 0 0 0 12 1 0 0 1 197 3. 77 47 3.00 64 3. 81 47 4.10 25 4. 27 14 4.16 22 2 8 13 7 0 1 1 7 0 5 3 5 1 0 4 2 0 0 3 1 1 2 2 3. 62 1. 27 2. 35 2. 83 .67 2. 16 2.61 3. 63 1.39 2.24 3. 26 4. 03 1. 54 2. 49 3. 70 4. 14 1. 73 2.41 3. 76 3. 85 .95 2.90 3.68 16 17 18 .08 . 14 .38 C o m p o s itio n o f H o u se h o ld Num ber of households__________ ____ . _ ________ Average number of persons in household _______________ N um ber of households with— Boarders and lo d g e r s .____ . . . . ___________ ______ Boarders on ly____ ________________ ________ _______ Lodgers on ly___ . . . . _ _________ . . . . . ._ _. Other persons. _ . . _ . . . _________ __________ Average size of economic family in— Persons, total__________________ _______________ ____ Under 16 years of age__________ . . . . _____ _____ 16 years of age and over____ ___ _____ .. . Expenditure units____ ___ . _____ __________ _ Average number of persons in household not members of economic fam ily__ ... . . . ................ ....... 1 “ Children” are defined as persons under 16 years of age; “ adults” are persons 16 years of age and over. 59 TABULAR SU M M AR Y T a b l e 5 . — Description of families studied, by income level— Continued L I T T L E T O N A N D C O N W A Y , N. H .— Continued Income level— Families with annual net income of— Item All fami lies $500 to $900 $900 $1, 200 $1,500 $1,800 to to to and $1,200 $1,500 $1, 800 over E a r n in g s and In c o m e Families in survey______________________ __ ____________ Number of families having— Earnings of subsidiary earners______________ ________ Net earnings from boarders and lodgers _____________ Other net rents__ ___ . . . . . . . . _ __________ _ Interest and dividends, , . . . . ,,, ______ ,,, Pensions and insurance annuities____ Gifts from persons outside economic family_______ , - _ Other sources of incom e_______ ______________________ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses). Surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in liabili ties)_______________________________________________ Deficit (net decrease in assets and/or increase in liabili ties)____ _________________________________________ Inheritance ________ ___ _. ________________ ■___ Average number of gainful workers per family____________ 197 47 64 47 25 14 68 29 10 10 6 19 16 16 11 8 4 1 0 5 1 2 20 11 2 3 1 4 5 4 19 4 3 2 2 6 5 3 10 2 1 2 2 3 5 3 8 4 0 2 1 1 0 4 123 18 42 31 22 10 64 0 1.40 24 0 1.30 18 0 1.38 14 0 1.43 5 0 1.44 3 0 1.71 $762 $1,042 $1, 326 $1, 721 737 1,004 1,266 1,643 941 1,145 1,469 704 33 63 174 121 904 1,091 1,481 645 0 1 4 0 92 99 162 171 0 0 0 0 28 17 9 13 1 4 4 8 5 1 0) 0) 0 4 23 21 12 2 1 6 3 36 16 0) $1,894 1,793 1,378 415 1, 525 7 261 0 78 0 23 4 4 0 Average amount of— $1, 190 Net family incom e__________ , , , , , _____________ Earnings of individuals _______ _______ _____ 1, 140 1,031 Chief ea rn er_________________________________ 109 Subsidiary earners____________________________ Males: 16 years and over _______ . 1,004 Under 16 years________________________ 2 Females: 16 years and over,,. ______ . . . 134 Under 16 years_________ ________ 0 Net earnings from boarders and lodgers. . ________ 23 Other net rents____ _. _____ _ 4 Interest and dividends__________ _______________ 3 ___ . 10 Pensions and insurance annuities.. . Gifts from persons outside economic family________ 4 Other sources of i n c o m e ..____ ._ . . ______ 9 Deductions from income (business losses and ex penses) . _ _ . . . ____ 3 Surplus per family having surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities) _ _ _ . ____ 134 Deficit per family having deficit (net decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities)___________ _____ _ 171 Net change in assets and liabilities for all families in survey. __ ______. . . ________ . . . ____ +28 Inheritance ___ ________ _. ___________________ 0 Less than $0.50. 2 4 2 5 8 57 92 154 179 284 157 139 132 171 649 -5 8 0 +21 0 +62 0 +123 0 +63 0 60 M O N EY DISBURSEM ENTS— 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 5 .— D e sc r ip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died, b y in co m e level— Conti M A R Q U E T T E , M IC H .; M O D E S T O , C A L IF .; A N D R E N O , N E V . Modesto Marquette Reno Income level—Families with annual net income of— Item Un $1,200 $1, 500 Un $1,200 $1, 500 Un $1,200 $1,500 and to to der der and der to and $1,200 $1,500 over $1, 200 $1, 500 over $1,200 $1, 500 over D istr ib u tio n b y O c c u p a tio n o f C h ie f E a r n e r a n d b y F a m ily T y p e 1 Families in s u r v e y _____ __ _ _- _ ____ Number of families in which chief earner is— Clerical w orker-__ _ ___ __ _ ___ Skilled wage earner _ - _ _- _ _. Semiskilled wage earner_____ ___ Unskilled wage earner____ __ _ _ - ____ Number of families composed of— M an and w i f e ___. ______________ Man, wife, and 1 child. _ __ _ _____ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 children_________ . . . Man, wife, and 5 or more children_________ M an, wife, and children, and adults (4 to 6 persons)_________________________________ M an, wife, and children and adults (7 or more persons) . . . . ____ Man, wife, and 1 adult_____ ____________ M an, wife, and 2 to 4 adults____ . . . _____ M an, wife, and 5 or more adults. . . . ___ __ Adults (2 or 3 persons, not including man and w ife)_____ . . . _____ __________ Adults (4 or more persons, not including man and w i f e ) . ___ _____________ _ Adult or adults and children (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife)_________ . . . Adult or adults and children (4 or more persons, not including man and w ife)____ 67 39 42 49 35 67 22 40 87 5 20 25 17 10 13 10 6 8 20 12 2 9 11 16 13 7 7 14 7 26 22 19 0 7 3 10 2 14 7 17 2 37 20 28 2 12 11 15 2 3 10 11 1 6 3 11 1 15 14 8 0 7 7 7 0 18 10 10 0 5 5 2 0 9 9 9 0 26 23 12 0 11 4 5 2 6 14 1 3 11 2 8 4 0 3 2 2 0 2 6 5 0 0 5 1 0 1 4 1 0 2 4 5 0 0 4 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 6 2 0 3 1 2 3 3 2 3 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 50 0 3 1 2 0 0 3 8 34 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 35 0 0 0 3 1 0 1 2 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 33 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 63 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 17 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 29 4 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 74 6 1 0 1 0 0 0 5 67 4.09 39 4.35 42 4.08 49 3.01 35 3.64 67 3.60 22 3.12 40 3.28 87 3.36 8 0 1 3 6 0 1 1 5 0 4 4 4 0 1 5 7 1 1 4 7 0 3 7 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 2 14 0 0 2 3. 98 1.45 2.53 3. 51 4. 21 1.51 2. 70 3. 72 3. 99 1.14 2. 85 3.60 2.98 .82 2.16 2. 72 3.50 1.07 2. 43 3.18 3.48 .81 2. 67 3.24 2. 98 .64 2. 34 2. 74 3. 24 .92 2. 32 2. 97 3. 23 .90 2. 33 3.00 . 15 .26 .32 .06 .19 .20 .15 .05 . 16 1 2 D istr ib u tio n b y N a tiv ity o f H o m e m a k e r Number of families having no homemaker___ Number of families having homemaker born in— United States____ __ _ _ Italy______________________________________ Germany and Austria___________ . _____ R u s sia _______ . . . ____________ . . . ... Canada (not French)___________ __ ______ E n s la n d ... . . . _________________ Ireland___________________________________ Sweden and N orw ay________ _ __ ______ Other_____________________________________ C o m p o sitio n o f H o u se h o ld Number of households_________ _____ _____ Average number of persons in household_____ Number of households with— Boarders and lod g ers______ . . . _____ Boarders o n l y ______________ . . . Lodgers only______________________ ______ Other persons_____________________ _______ Average size of economic family in— Persons, total____________________________ Under 16 years of age . . . _ . ______ 16 years of age and over__________________ FiYpp.ndit.nrft units Average number of persons in household not members of economic fam ily. _ _____ _____ i “ Children” are defined as persons under 16 years of age; “ adults” are persons 16 years of age and over. 61 TABULAR SU M M AR Y T able 5*— Description of families studied, by income level— Continued M A R Q U E T T E , M IC H .; M O D E S T O , C A L IF .; A N D R E N O , N E V .—Continued Marquette Modesto Reno Income level—Families with annual net income of— Item Un der $1 , 2 0 0 $1,500 $1,500 to $1,500 and over Un der $1 , 2 0 0 to $1 , 2 0 0 $1 , 2 0 0 $1,500 and over 67 39 42 49 35 10 8 4 20 18 5 5 3 4 1 2 1 1 1 8 2 4 6 1 1 Un der $1 , 2 0 0 $1,500 to $1 , 2 0 0 $1,500 and over 67 22 40 87 41 2 5 24 6 8 3 3 12 1 2 1 2 1 0 5 1 0 0 2 8 1 2 5 5 5 2 3 3 3 0 3 4 3 6 4 E a r n in g s a nd I n c o m e Families in survey------------- ------------Number of families having— Earnings of subsidiary earners____ Net earnings from boarders and lodgers ____________ __________ Other net rents___________________ Interest and dividends____________ Pensions and insurance annuities - Gifts from persons outside economic family _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ Other sources of incom e___________ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses)_____ _ __ Surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in liab ilities)___ Deficit (net decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities) _. _ _ Inheritance __________ _ _ Average number of gainful workers per fam ily___ _______________ _ _ Average amount of— Net family income __ __________ __ Earnings of individuals _______ Chief earner___ __________ _ Subsidiary earners_____ __ __ Males: 16 years and over. __ Under 16 years___ __ _ Females: 16 years and over _. _ Under 16 years____ _ Net earnings from boarders and lodgers_____ _______ _______ Other net rents_____________ ___ Interest and dividends__________ Pensions and insurance annui ties _____ _ ...................... . Gifts from persons outside eco nom ic family _ _____________ Other sources of income ______ _ Deductions from income (busi ness losses and expenses)______ Surplus per family having surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities) __ _ _ __ Deficit per family having deficit (net decrease in assets and/or in crease in liabilities) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Net change in assets and liabilities for all families in survey __ Inheritance' __ _ _____ Less than $0.50. 4 1 0 0 1 2 0 9 5 13 2 2 4 46 35 33 19 22 42 11 15 54 20 2 0 9 29 12 24 2 1 1 0 10 0 21 0 29 1 1. 19 1. 25 1.40 1.42 1 .6 8 1. 72 1.09 1.15 1.31 $965 $1, 338 950 1,303 945 1,043 5 260 794 1,269 $ 1 , 860 1,802 1,618 184 1,645 $960 $1, 309 $1 , 862 $1 , 0 0 1 $1, 343 $1, 878 944 1,284 1, 842 1, 841 990 1,310 904 1,228 929 1,214 1,707 1, 587 134 255 40 56 61 96 854 1,196 1, 691 869 1,182 1,595 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 150 126 245 156 34 157 0 0 0 120 1 2 88 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 22 2 12 17 11 8 26 1 9 19 1 8 2 0 10 0 0 10 1 5 3 2 0 4 0 8 11 3 0 0 3 5 9 1 1 8 0 0 5 3 3 4 ) 6 0) 2 3 2 2 100 165 + 2 0 0 2 90 5 0 1 ) (0 6 33 0 1 4 152 281 91 143 234 4 0) 125 252 412 162 93 247 189 +123 + 132 5 -6 1 4 +58 +58 -3 2 -3 8 3 0 0 0 0 4 1 0) 108 11 162 266 224 +91 0 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS— 13 SMALL CITIES 62 T able 6.— E x p e n d itu r es f o r grou p s o f item s, by in com e level N A S H U A , C O N C O R D , A N D B E R L IN , N. H. Income level—Families with annual net income of— Item All fami lies $500 to $900 to $1,200 to $900 $1,200 $1,500 $1,500 to $1,800 $1,800 to $2,100 $2,100 and over E x p e n d itu r e s fo r G r o u p s o f Ite m s Families in survey------------------------------------ ----------Average family size: Persons_____ __________ _______ ____________ Expenditure units- _ ___ _____________ _______ Food expenditure units_____________ _________ Clothing expenditure units____________________ 299 45 90 67 42 36 19 3. 84 3. 43 3. 30 2.92 3.05 2. 74 2. 59 2. 27 3. 72 3. 23 3.10 2. 64 4.07 3. 66 3. 54 3.12 4. 32 3. 78 3. 66 3.19 3. 63 3.40 3.31 2. 92 4.66 4. 51 4. 37 4.48 I $847 $1,034 $1, 252 $1, 559 $1, 740 309 379 524 511 436 69 107 133 173 183 155 169 223 281 187 93 109 142 154 168 28 36 46 67 80 28 36 29 51 58 $2,189 666 359 255 158 83 86 Average annual expenditure for— A llite m s --- __ ___ _ _ - -------- ------ ---------- $1, 289 436 F ood -------- ------------- ----------------- -----------142 Clothing_______________ ____ _____________ 197 - -------Housing _______ _ _ ------Fuel, light, and refrigeration----------------------131 Other household operation________ ___ 50 41 Furnishings and equipm ent-------------Automobile and motorcycle—purchase, op 71 eration, and maintenance_____________ _ 8 Other transportation__________ _________ _ 26 Personal care_______________ _. _ ------------53 Medical care---------------- -----------------------------72 Recreation.......... .............. . .. .......... ............ 5 Education- . ____________ ____ _________ 4 V oca tion --. _ . ---------------------- --- - 27 Comm unity w e l f a r e ______ _____ ____ Gifts and contributions to persons outside 21 the economic fam ily----------- --------------------5 Other item s_________________________ _ , _ Percentage of total annual current expenditure for— All item s__________________________ 1----------- 100.0 33.8 F ood . ___ _______ __________________ 11.0 Clothing--------------------------------------- ------------15.3 Housing_____________ ________ ________ . Fuel, light, and refrigera tion ..-_____ ___ 10.2 3.9 Other household operation____ __ ---------3.2 Furnishings and equipment___ ___________ Autom obile and motorcycle—purchase, op 5.5 eration, and maintenance.. _________ -. Other transportation.-. _ _________ __ .6 2.0 Personal c a r e _____ _.- _ _ -----------4.1 M edical care___ _______ _____ __ - __ 5.6 Recreation______ ____ ___ _ ___ ------------.4 Education------------------------------ ----------------.3 V ocation-------- ------- -----------------------------2.1 Com m unity w e lfa r e .----- ------------ ----------Gifts and contributions to persons outside 1.6 the economic fam ily...... ..................... .......... .4 Other item s.- . __ ________ ______________ i Less than $0.50. 1 22 39 4 22 36 57 1 3 22 59 9 27 61 73 1 4 26 97 10 28 59 92 7 5 29 172 10 34 48 93 23 7 34 160 14 46 73 131 4 4 46 3 3 9 5 16 3 29 4 41 4 84 20 100.0 36.5 8.1 18.3 10.9 3.3 3.3 100.0 36.7 10.3 16.3 10.5 3.5 3.5 100.0 34.8 10.6 14.9 11.3 3.8 2.3 100.0 33.6 11.1 14.3 9.9 4.3 3.7 100.0 29.4 10. 5 16.1 9.6 4.6 2.9 100.0 30.4 16.4 11.7 7.2 3.8 3.9 1.3 .8 1.7 7.8 4.5 (2) .1 2.6 3.8 .4 2.1 3.5 5.5 .1 .3 2.1 4.7 .7 2.2 4.9 5.8 .1 .3 2.1 6.2 .6 1.8 3.8 5.9 .4 .3 1.9 9.9 .6 2.0 2.8 5.3 1.3 .4 2.0 7.3 .7 2.1 3.3 6.0 .2 .2 2.1 .4 .9 .5 1.3 .2 1.9 .3 2.4 .2 3.8 .9 11 7 14 66 38 0) 4 2 Less than 0.05 percent. 63 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 6.— E x p e n d itu r es f o r grou p s o f ite m s , b y in co m e level —Continued P O R T S M O U T H , K E E N E , D O V E R , L A C O N IA , A N D C L A R E M O N T , N. H. Income level —Families with annual net income of— Item All fami lies $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $500 to $900 to to to to $900 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,100 and over E x p e n d itu r e s fo r G r o u p s o f It e m s Families in survey---------------------------------------------- _ Average family size: Persons____ ___ __________________ ____ _______ Expenditure units— .................. ................... . Food expenditure u n it s ____ _ ______________ Clothing expenditure units____________________ 485 97 137 130 57 44 20 3.54 3.29 3. 08 2.74 3.01 2.77 2. 58 2.23 3.33 3.10 2. 90 2. 60 3.56 3.31 3.11 2.71 4.21 3.91 3.69 3.33 4.00 3.70 3.53 3.11 4.34 4.32 4.06 3.93 $839 $1,014 $1,299 $1,619 $1,815 308 373 435 542 568 64 95 139 196 229 154 160 252 201 218 101 .116 146 190 171 51 31 38 54 88 15 32 40 76 64 $2,239 655 298 197 199 91 82 Average annual expenditure for— All items_________ ________________________ — $1, 251 426 Food___________ __________________________ Clothing__________________________________ 133 186 Housing______ ___________________________ 138 Fuel, light, and refrigeration______________ Other household operation________________ 49 Furnishings and equipm ent_______________ 41 Automobile and motorcycle—purchase, operation, and maintenance . __ 74 Other transportation.. ____ __________ _ 5 25 Personal care. — _ - __ - - __ ___________ 45 Medical care.................. ____________ 72 Recreation.............. . ........................ 4 E ducation.—...................... _ ... Vocation____ _____ _ ___ . . . 2 22 Com m unity welfare__________________ _ Gifts and contributions to persons outside 23 the economic fam ily_____ _______ 6 Other items___ __ . . . .. . . . . . .. _ Percentage of total annual current expenditure for— All items_______________________ . . . _ . . . 100.0 F ood ...... .............................. ...................... —. 34.0 10.6 Clothing__________________________________ Housing___________________________________ 14.9 11.0 Fuel, light, and refrigeration___________ . . . Other household operation. ______ _______ 3.9 3.3 Furnishings and equipment_______________ Automobile and m otorcycle—purchase, operation, and maintenance_ .. . ____ 5.9 .4 Other transportation______________________ 2.0 Personal care_____________________ _______ 3.6 Medical care____________________ _ ______ 5.8 Recreation....................... ..................... . . . .... E d u ca tio n _________________ ______________ .3 .2 Vocation___ ____ _______________ . ___ 1.8 Com m unity welfare____ _______________ Gifts and contributions to persons outside 1.8 the economic fam ily_____ __________ . . .5 Other ite m s .__________ _ . ______________ 40 4 14 30 42 2 2 16 41 3 21 34 58 3 1 19 75 5 26 49 71 6 3 23 109 6 31 67 . 96 3 3 27 113 3 37 59 108 8 3 27 266 12 51 77 167 7 5 45 11 5 15 5 21 8 26 6 48 6 81 6 100.0 36.7 7.6 18.4 12.0 3.7 1.8 100.0 36.7 9.4 15.8 11.4 3.7 3. 2 100.0 33.4 10.7 15.5 11. 2 3.9 3. 1 100.0 33.4 12.1 13.5 10.6 3.3 4.0 100.0 31.3 12.6 13.9 10.5 4.8 4.2 100.0 29.2 13.3 8.8 8.9 4.1 3.7 4.8 .5 1.7 3.6 5.0 2 4.0 .3 2. 1 3.4 5.7 6.7 .4 1.9 4.1 5.9 11.9 .2 6.2 .2 2.0 3.3 6.0 .4 .2 .1 1.9 .2 1.7 .2 1.9 5.8 .4 2.0 3.8 5. 5 .5 .2 1.8 1.5 .2 2.0 1.3 1.5 .5 1.6 1.6 .4 2.6 .3 3.6 .3 .6 .3 .6 .5 2.3 3.4 7.5 .3 64 MONET DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES T able 6.—E x p e n d itu r es f o r grou ps o f item s, hy in co m e level—Continued L I T T L E T O N A N D C O N W A Y , N. H. Income level— Families with annual net income of— Item All fami lies $500 to $900 $900 to $1,200 $1,200 to $1,500 $1,500 to $1,800 $1,800 and over E x p e n d it u r e s fo r G r o u p s o f It e m s Families in survey _ ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ Average family size: Persons. _ ______ . . . _______ _ _ . _____ Expenditure units_______ _________ ____________ Food expenditure units. . . . ____ . Clothing expenditure units____ __ ______ . _ _ _ Average annual expenditure for— A ll items__ _ ... . ____ __ ___ Food__________________ ____________ _____ C lothin g.. ___ _______________ ________ Housing. . . . . . . . _. . _______ Fuel, light, and refrigeration. _ _ _ ________ Other household operation. ________________ Furnishings and equipment _ . _________ Automobile and motorcycle—purchase, oper ation, and m aintenance.. _ _______ ___ Other transportation. __ __ ________ ____ Personal care _ . . _ _ _ . . __ ________ M edical care.. _ _ . ____ _____ _ Recreation. . . . . ____ - - - - - - _ . ._ _ Education. _._ .. Vocation _ _ _ _ ___ . . . ___ ____ Com m unity welfare. Gifts and contributions to persons outside the economic family__________________ Other items______________________________ Percentage of total annual current expenditure for— A llite m s ... _ _ _ _______ ___ ________ Food__________ ___ _______________________ Clothing___ __ . _. _ ________________ Housing _ . _ . _ ____ Fuel, light, and refrigeration. . _ __ ._ Other household operation__ Furnishings and equipment ... _ . Automobile and motorcycle—purchase, oper ation, and m aintenance.. . _ _________ _ Other transportation. _ ___ _. _ ______ Personal care. __ _ . . . _ _____ M edical care. . _ Recreation___ . . _ . __________ _ Education. . _ _ . __ _ Vocation___ _ . . . ______ _ Comm unity welfare. . . _ ____ Gifts and contributions to persons outside the economic family _ _ ___ Other items_____ _ ________________________ 1 Less than $0.50. 197 47 64 47 25 14 3. 62 3. 30 3.13 2. 71 2.83 2.61 2.46 2.11 3.63 3. 26 3.10 2.61 4. 03 3.70 3.48 3. 07 4.14 3.76 3.62 3.09 3.85 3.68 3. 52 3. 36 $1, 159 392 115 144 122 44 51 $821 297 61 131 105 28 31 $1, 027 358 93 134 108 44 43 $1, 255 421 145 140 137 47 54 $1, 585 520 147 166 148 55 68 $1,820 536 240 206 153 65 115 90 3 23 52 63 2 4 20 36 1 15 34 40 1 15 64 4 21 52 56 1 4 17 102 5 26 56 63 3 6 20 192 2 28 69 99 6 8 27 173 4 37 62 114 4 9 41 10 16 15 13 16 14 39 11 49 12 100.0 36.2 7.4 16.0 12.8 3.4 3.8 100.0 34.8 9.0 13.0 10.5 4.3 4.2 100.0 33.5 11.6 11.2 10.9 3.7 4.3 100.0 32.8 9.3 10.5 9.3 3.5 4.3 100.0 29.4 13.2 11.3 8.4 3.6 6.3 6.2 8.1 12.1 .1 1.8 4.3 6.2 1.7 4.4 .1 1.8 4.1 4.9 .1 (2) 1.8 .5 1.7 9.5 .2 2.0 3.4 6.3 .2 .5 2.3 1.7 1.2 1.2 2.0 2.5 .7 2.7 .7 0) 20 14 100.0 33.8 9.9 12.4 10.5 3.8 4.4 7.8 .3 2.0 4.5 5.4 .2 .4 . .4 .4 2.0 5.1 5.5 .1 1.7 2.1 4.5 5.0 .2 .5 16 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.1 .4 * Less than 0.05 percent. .4 65 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 6.— Expenditures for groups of items, by income level— Continued M A R Q U E T T E , M IC H .; M O D E S T O , C A L IF .; A N D R E N O , N E V . Marquette M odesto Reno Income level—-families with annual net income of— Item $500 $1,200 $1,500 $500 $1,200 $1,500 $500 $1,200 $1,500 to to to and to and to to and $1,200 $1,500 over $1,200 $1,500 over $1,200 $1,500 over E x p e n d it u r e s fo r G r o u p o f I t e m s Families in survey. ___ __ Average family size: - ____ Expenditure units_______ ____ __ Average annual current expenditure for— All item s_____________ ______ _ Food ____ __ --- - _ Clothing . __ - _ _ ___ Housing . ------Household operation includ ing fuel, light, and refrigera tion ,— ___ — , Furnishings and equipm ent.. Transportation____ ____ __ . Personal care---------------------M edical care. ___ _ . . Recreation.. _ . . . . . . . Education. . .... V oca tion .. .... . _ _ . Com m unity welfare. . Gifts and contributions_____ Other items______ ________ 67 3.51 3.72 42 49 35 67 22 40 87 3. 60 2. 99 2. 72 3. 50 3.18 3. 48 3.25 2. 73 2. 97 3.00 $990 $1,382 344 432 112 148 142 232 $1, 780 499 198 258 $942 $1, 216 $1, 747 $1,077 $1, 296 $1, 840 392 454 608 344 435 520 104 140 228 119 143 216 114 182 200 170 159 229 119 37 39 19 39 37 9 2 11 10 10 Percentage of total annual current expenditures for— A ll item s_________________ ___ 100.0 41.7 F ood ___ ______ ___________ C lo t h i n g ...___ ____________ 11.0 12.1 Housing____________________ Household operation includ ing fuel, light, and refrigera 12.6 tion .. . . . ___ 3.9 Furnishings and equipm ent.. 4.1 Transportation_____ ________ 2.0 Personal care __ _____ 4.1 Medical care. . _____ __ Recreation.. _ . . . . _. 3.9 Education. _. _ . . . . . 1.0 .2 V ocation.. . . . _ . 1.2 Comm unity welfare ____ _ Gifts and contributions _ . . 1.1 1.1 Other items___________ _____ 39 157 28 52 28 61 58 8 3 16 24 5 200 88 113 39 70 90 11 11 22 37 30 110 44 121 26 31 62 3 1 11 18 17 145 59 123 27 64 77 8 2 11 33 10 189 94 235 48 107 105 14 7 15 51 10 148 33 75 19 42 46 1 •7 5 14 2 174 38 118 32 58 74 3 8 11 46 8 216 79 205 38 113 95 2 7 10 51 9 100.0 37.3 11.5 15.0 100.0 34.9 13.1 11. 4 100.0 31.9 11.0 15.8 100.0 33.6 11.1 12.2 100.0 28.3 11.7 12. 5 100.0 34.8 11.3 14.4 100.0 31.3 10.7 16.8 100.0 28.1 11.1 14.5 12.9 2.3 4.3 2.3 5.0 4.8 .7 .2 1.3 2.0 .4 11.4 5.0 6.5 2. 2 4.0 5.2 .6 .6 1.3 2. 1 1. 7 10. 2 4.1 11.2 2.4 2.9 5.8 .3 .1 1.0 1. 7 1.6 11.2 4.5 9.5 2. 1 5.0 5.9 .7 .2 .8 2.5 .7 10.2 5.1 12.8 2. 6 5.8 5. 7 .8 .4 .8 2.8 .5 15.0 3.3 7.6 1.9 4.2 4.6 .1 .7 .5 1.4 .2 12.6 2.7 8.5 2. 3 4.2 5.4 .2 .6 .8 3.3 .6 12.1 4.4 11.5 2.1 6.3 5.3 .2 .4 .6 2.9 .5 66 T a b l e 7 .— MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES F o o d u s e d at h o m e a n d p u r c h a s e d f o r c o n s u m p t i o n at h o m e d u r in g 1 w e e k i n f a l l a n d w i n t e r q u a r te r s, h y e c o n o m i c level 10 N E W H A M P S H IR E C IT IE S Econom ic level—Families spend ing per expenditure unit per year— All families Item Under $300 Number of families surveyed in fall and winter quarters_____ Average number of equivalent full-time persons 1 per family in 1 week_____________________________________________________ Average number of food expenditure units 2 per family in 1 week. _____ ... ----------------- All fam ilies $400 to $500 $500 and over 981 279 225 226 251 3.87 5.45 3.91 3.24 2.63 3.44 4.72 3.43 2.88 2.52 Number of families using in 1 week Item' $300 to $400 Average quantity purchased per person 1 in 1 week Economic level—Famiilies spending per ex penditure unit per year Un der $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over N o. N o. N o. N o. All fam ilies Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un der $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over F o o d U sed at H o m e and P u r ch a sed f o r C o n s u m p tio n at H o m e in 1 W eek N o. Grain products, total_____________ Bread and other baked goods, total________________________ Bread: W h ite________________ Graham, whole-wheat _ R y e __________________ Crackers_____________________ Plain rolls____________________ Sweet rolls___________________ Cookies___________________ Cakes________________________ Pies__________________________ Other________________________ Ready-to-eat cereals____________ Flour and other cereals, total___ Flour: W hite_________________ Graham_______________ Other_________________ Corn meal____________________ H om in y______________________ Cornstarch___________________ Rice_, . _________________ Rolled oats. _________________ Wheat cereal_______________ Tapioca _________ Sago_______________________ Macaroni, spaghetti, noodles Other grain products ____ Eggs--------------------------------------------M ilk, cheese, ice cream, total_____ M ilk: Fresh, whole—bottled___ loose______ skim m ed_________ b u t t e r m ilk a n d other___________ Skimmed, dried_________ E v a p o ra te d and c o n densed,- _____________ Cheese: American______________ Cottage....................... . Other............ ................. Ice cream______________________ 896 91 54 456 60 28 292 189 73 389 719 30 23 115 3 155 297 394 152 99 210 204 17 25 8 20 11 113 131 101 16 9 11 2 8 7 74 66 66 42 45 38 22 10 14 120 238 24 15 244 25 111 24 11 86 64 27 100 219 161 9 157 9 182 4 36 24 28 138 44 33 36 71 94 43 23 27 1 40 81 8 6 0 49 100 8 2 1 0 30 60 8 66 266 0 102 0 212 77 931 0 123 0 81 30 24 0 74 207 246 929 6 262 3 219 7 1 4 0 0 376 2 1 269 341 30 53 66 0 35 19 0 0 2 Lb. Lb. 4.113 3.794 1.484 2.461 1.910 .066 .053 .150 .134 2.193 1.773 .059 .074 .115 .008 .007 .084 .042 .010 .021 .085 1.516 1.039 .020 .009 .029 0 .013 .071 . 143 .035 .013 0 .144 .434 4.697 4.301 .059 .006 2.566 2.027 .045 .037 .176 .016 .003 .105 .097 .029 .031 .079 1.839 1.269 .015 .044 .029 .005 .019 .078 . 177 .062 .009 0 .132 0 .537 6. 240 5.904 .040 0 .020 .008 .107 .081 .036 .030 .088 1.564 1.054 .014 .021 .033 .001 .017 .068 .164 .045 .012 0 .001 0 211 1 1 4 237 0 1 .560 5. 514 5.120 .035 .024 0 3 1 .004 2 1 66 82 10 9 11 0 0 0 0 0 .220 .258 48 102 .075 .047 .003 .004 .012 .013 15 .020 .010 25 Lb. 0 0 .197 .074 .004 .010 .011 Lb. 4. 426 2.590 2.020 .076 .032 .163 .023 .009 .118 .068 .052 .029 .078 1.390 .885 .014 .004 .048 0 .018 .056 .180 .046 .013 0 .126 0 .631 5.634 5.140 .012 .102 2.800 1.945 .098 .049 .185 .048 .018 .152 .166 .087 .052 . 117 1.509 .993 .002 .039 .029 0 .023 .061 . 178 .047 .012 0 .120 .005 .800 6.296 5.942 0 .008 .017 .002 0 .218 .094 .005 .165 .118 .007 .015 .039 0 .012 .034 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 2 The number of expenditure units per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the expenditure units represented b y the equivalent full-time persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. 67 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 7. — Food used at home and purchased for consumption at home during 1 week in fall and winter quarters, by economic level— Continued 10 N E W H A M P S H IR E C IT IE S — Continued Average expenditure per person 1 in 1 week Econom ic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item fami lies F o od Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over C e n ts C e n ts C en ts C e n ts U sed at H o m e and P u rch a sed f o r C o n s u m p tio n at H o m e in 1 W e e k —Continued 7ents T otal______________________________________ Grain products, total__________________ Bread and other baked goods, totaL Bread: W hite_________________ Graham, whole wheat. R ye____________________ Crackers_______________________ Plain rolls_____________________ Sweet rolls____________________ Cookies_______________________ Cakes_________________________ Pies___________________________ Other____________________ Ready-to-eat cereals_______ _______ Flour and other cereals, totaL Flour: W hite_________ ... Graham____ ___ _____ Other_____________ _ Corn m e a l...__ _______________ H om in y_______________________ Cornstarch____________________ R ice__________________________ Rolled oats___________________ Wheat cereal__________________ Tapioca_______________________ Sago__________________________ Macaroni, spaghetti, noodles. Other grain products__________ M ilk, cheese, ice cream, total__________________ M ilk: Fresh, whole—bottled____________ loose_______ _______ skimmed___________ ____ buttermilk and other. ___ Skimmed, dried________ Evaporated and condensed... Cheese: American. _____ ... __________ C o tta g e ..________ ________ . Other_____________________________ Ice cream__________________________________ 227. 3 38.6 26.9 18.0 .7 .5 2.5 .3 .2 2.0 1.6 .5 .6 1. 6 10.1 5. 1 .1 .2 .2 (3) .2 .6 1.3 .7 .2 0 1. 5 (3) 14.3 29. 1 24. 2 .1 (3) (3) 0 1.8 1.9 .1 .4 .6 1 174.0 34. 2 22.6 16.4 .7 .7 1.9 .1 .1 1.3 .9 .1 .4 1.5 10.1 5.4 .1 .1 .2 0 .2 .6 1.2 .5 .2 0 1.6 0 10.6 24. 2: 20.1 .2 (3) 0 0 2.0 1.2 .1 .3 -3 219.8 40.0 27.2 19.1 .5 .4 2.9 .2 (3) 1.8 1.3 .4 .6 1.5 11.3 5.7 .1 .3 .2 (3) .2 .6 1.5 .9 .2 0 1.6 0 13.6 32.4 27.7 .2 0 0 0 1.7 1.9 .1 .4 .4 257.8 39.7 29.3 19.6 .8 .4 2.7 .3 .2 2.4 1.5 .8 .6 1.4 9.0 4.3 ,1 (3) .3 0 .2 .5 1.3 .7 .2 0 1.4 0 16.8 30.2 24.6 .1 .2 .1 0 1.6 2.2 .1 .3 1.0 326.4 45.6 33.5 18.6 1.1 .5 3.3 .7 .3 3.3 3.4 1.2 1.1 2.0 10.1 4.8 (*) .4 .2 0 .3 .6 1.3 .7 .2 0 1.5 .1 21.2 35.2 28.6 0 (») (3) 0 1.4 3.2 .1 .5 1.4 i The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. 68 T able MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES 7.— Food used at home and 'purchased for consumption at home during 1 week in fall and winter quarters, by economic level— Continued 10 N E W H A M P S H IR E C IT IE S —Continued N um ber of families using in 1 week Item All fam ilies Econom ic level—Fami lies spending per ex penditure unit per year— U n der $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over N o. No. No. No. F o o d U se d at H o m e and P u r ch a s ed f o r C o n s u m p ti o n at H o m e in 1 W e e k — Continued Beef: Presh: steak, porterhouse, sir loin____ top round___ __ other roast, rib______ - ----chuck... - _ _ other___ boiling, chuck---- --------plate -. other_______ C an n ed .-_ . -. C orned.. — _ __ ___ _ D ried_____ __ ____ Other_____________________ . Veal: Fresh, steak, chops_______ roast-- stew ... _ Lam b: Fresh, chops ___ ___ roast- _______ __ stew. __ _ Pork: Fresh, chops. ______ loin ro a s t.________ o th e r..- _ __ Smoked ham, slices. _ . h a l f or whole___ p icn ic.._ Pork sausage_______ _ __ Other pork ____________ Miscellaneous meats, total Other fresh meat_____________ Bologna, frankfurters____ . _ Cooked: H am __________ _ Tongue_______ L iv e r ... _ _____ ___________ Other meat products_________ Poultry: Chicken, broiling. _ roast____ stew_______ Turkey____ _ __ _ Other_____________ . Fish and other sea food, total___ Fish: Fresh___________ ______ Canned. _ ___ Cured________ _______ O ysters.._ ... _____ __________ Other sea food. _. _ __ __ _ All fam ilies Econom ic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year— Un der $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 948 237 21 697 79 37 267 36 11 215 20 9 222 39 3 166 17 6 216 56 6 151 19 7 243 106 1 165 23 15 1.102 .543 .057 .014 .262 .027 .013 0.916 .459 .023 .019 .261 .014 .005 1.048 .550 .039 .010 .224 .030 .014 1. 245 .623 .071 .020 .285 .027 .006 1.438 .641 .143 0 .290 .051 .036 198 331 315 55 68 115 35 78 72 39 78 67 69 107 61 .026 .087 .073 .020 .048 .067 .017 .087 .077 .027 .108 .078 .049 . 152 .076 2. 540 2.088 2.318 2.912 3. 464 .106 .103 .183 .222 .111 .028 . 100 .006 .012 .008 .049 .004 0 .054 .043 .010 .048 . 145 .044 .124 .234 .053 .041 .226 . 109 . 186 .250 .090 .090 .068 .006 .051 .008 .054 .008 0 .045 .040 .017 . I ll . 177 .020 . 197 .216 .018 .074 . 127 .025 .056 .026 . 547 .012 .092 .032 .003 .046 .014 .058 .079 .025 . 183 .003 .403 .276 .065 .016 .037 .009 . 122 .011 .073 .016 . 727 !002 . 109 .038 0 .048 .013 .065 .243 .073 . 136 0 • . 454 .281 .077 .009 .035 .052 N o. ___ B u t t e r ____________ Cream_______________ ___ Other table fats_________ ______ Lard_______________ __________ Vegetable shortening__ Table or cooking oils___________ Mavonnaise and other salad dressing __ _ - - -----Bacon, smoked______ —. Salt side of pork__ ______ Meat, poultry, fish, and other sea Average quantity purchased per person 1 in 1 week 181 130 383 169 89 42 147 8 45 17 53 35 0 53 49 25 96 79 41 268 216 46 88 23 25 125 58 21 8 57 3 20 5 18 9 0 6 19 12 11 12 47 39 70 41 20 3 26 1 6 3 13 5 0 13 10 3 26 24 12 59 46 12 12 86 40 81 40 18 17 20 3 11 6 11 11 0 20 7 5 45 26 6 84 38 4 30 .081 .063 .177 .174 .089 .043 .129 .007 .028 .006 .037 .004 0 .027 .042 .015 .040 .094 .027 . 117 .212 .054 .044 .026 .031 .158 .146 .052 .016 .147 .010 .031 .005 .030 .002 0 .007 .038 60 80 22 28 25 26 107 30 30 14 44 1 8 3 11 10 0 14 13 5 14 17 12 65 52 8 18 .009 .038 .015 .073 .201 .089 .046 .045 .052 .198 .123 .136 .066 .167 .004 .020 .005 .028 .004 0 .026 .049 .010 .033 .085 .038 .125 .209 .021 .021 69 10 126 54 13 2 23 11 15 2 28 16 22 4 33 14 19 2 42 13 7 293 101 2 128 34 28 86 27 52 5 1 100 27 0 38 11 6 28 5 14 1 2 81 18 1 36 10 3 14 4 10 3 1 54 28 1 27 6 12 14 7 14 1 3 58 28 0 27 7 7 30 11 14 0 428 182 41 77 41 101 51 14 11 7 114 43 10 14 14 104 44 9 27 5 109 44 8 25 15 .077 .010 .042 .016 . 555 .097 . 108 .033 .001 .042 .011 .027 .097 .026 .109 .004 .330 .227 .054 .014 .020 .015 .040 .004 .020 .009 . 589 .235 . 109 .041 0 .033 .007 .012 .056 .012 .079 .005 .235 . 168 .038 .016 .008 .005 .065 .008 .047 .017 . 373 0 .116 .017 .002 .050 .015 0 .073 .016 .078 .006 .343 .247 .057 .011 .015 .013 11 ..021 Lb. 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 69 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 7.— Food used at home and purchased for consumption at home during 1 week in fall and winter quarters, by economic level— Continued 10 N E W H A M P S H IR E C IT IE S — Continued Average expenditure per person 1 in I week Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All fami lies Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over C en ts C e n ts C en ts C e n ts F o o d U sed at H o m e and P u rch a sed fo r C o n s u m p tio n at H o m e in 1 W e e k —Continued C e n ts Fats, total. _ ------------- ---------- ------------------------Butter. _ _ ____ ____ ___ ______ Cream. _ . . . . . Other table f a t s _______ ______ _____ ___ __ _ Lard. _____________ Vegetable shortening________________________ Table or cooking oils . . . ___ __ Mayonnaise and other salad dressing______ . . . Bacon, s m o k e d ... _ __ _ ___ ____ ___ . Salt side of pork. . . . ___ __ ___ . . . Meat, poultry, fish, and other sea food, total_______ Beef: Fresh: Steak, porterhouse, sirloin___ ______ top rou n d .. _ __ _ __ __ other __ . _ ----Roast, rib _ _ chuck - - - - - - - _ ____ other.. . ___ _ . Boiling, chuck.. plate___________ _ . _____ other___ __ _ _ _ ____ Canned .. . __________ _____ Corned ____________ _ _ _ - . ________ ___________________________ Dried. _____ . _____ .Other __________________ Veal: Fresh, steak, chops _________________ __ roast __ ____ ________ stew _________ _____________ Lamb: Fresh, chops. _ ____ _______ roast.. ______ _ _____ . . stew .. _ _ _ ______ . . Pork: Fresh, chops___ ___ _ __ __ _____ loin roast. _ _____ ____ __ ____ other______ ___________________ Smoked ham, slices_______ ___ _. __ half or whole ... ___ _ picnic ______________ Pork sausage____ _____ ___ _ _ ___ Other pork__________________________ ___ Miscellaneous meats, tota l.. ___ Other fresh meat. ____ _ _______ Bologna, frankfurters___ _ ________ Cooked: H a m .. ____ ____ _ Tongue_____________________ Liver _ _ . . . Other meat p ro d u c ts _____ __ _ _____ Poultry: Chicken, broiling. __ _ _ .. . roast. ___ ___ ____ stew. . Turkey. ___ _____ __ __ Other___________________ _____ Fish and other sea food, total___ _____ Fish: Fresh.__ _ Canned __ C ured-. _ Oysters. _ ____ __ Other sea food ________ _ _ 28.6 17.9 1.7 .2 3.7 .4 .3 .8 2.4 1.2 55.2 23.1 15.1 .5 .3 3.7 .2 .1 .6 1.4 1.2 39.5 27.3 18.0 1.1 .2 3.2 .5 .3 .5 2.3 1.2 50.1 32.7 20.6 2.2 .3 3.9 .5 .2 .7 3.0 1.3 68.0 39.0 21.4 4.6 0 4.0 .9 .9 1.5 4.4 1.3 84.2 3.0 1.9 3.7 4.2 1.9 1.0 2. 2 .1 .4 .1 .7 .1 0 .7 .9 .2 1.1 2.0 .5 2.9 4.5 1.0 1.1 1. 5 .2 1. 0 .3 12.4 1.0 2. 1 .8 .9 3.0 3.4 1.0 .4 2.3 .2 .4 .1 .5 .1 0 .2 .8 .3 .3 .8 .2 1. 7 4.1 1.8 1.0 .8 .1 .5 .2 10.2 2.4 2. 1 .7 0 .5 .1 .3 1.4 1.6 1.7 4.0 2.8 2.8 1.5 3.0 .1 .3 .1 .6 .2 0 .6 1.0 .2 .8 1.7 .8 3.2 4.7 .4 .6 1.1 .1 1.1 4.1 3.2 4.0 5.3 2.5 .7 1.9 .1 .2 .1 .9 .1 0 1.2 1.0 .2 1.5 3.5 .6 3.1 5.0 1.0 .9 2.5 .4 1.3 9.0 3.3 4.5 6.8 2.0 2.2 1.2 .1 .7 .2 1.1 .3 0 1.4 .9 .3 3.0 3.5 .4 5.1 4.5 .3 2.0 2.4 .2 1.8 .8 (3) .7 .2 .8 2.6 .3 8.9 0 2.2 .5 .1 .8 .3 0 1.8 .6 .3 .3 3.5 .1 5.6 3.5 1.0 2.3 .1 3.4 2.6 2.2 .7 .2 .6 .2 .2 .3 .1 .3 5.9 4.0 1.0 .3 .5 14.9 .2 1.8 1.0 .1 1.0 .2 1.6 2.0 .7 6.3 (3) 7.3 4.5 1.3 18.2 (*) 2.2 1.1 0 .1 .2 1.8 7.2 1.4 4.2 0 8.5 4.9 1.6 .2 .3 .2 .4 .3 1.0 1.1 .7 .2 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. 70 T able MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES 7.— Food used at home and purchased for consumption at home during 1 week in fall and winter quarters, by economic level— Continued 10 N E W H A M P S H IR E C IT IE S —Continued Number of families using in 1 week Item All families F o o d U se d at H o m e a nd P u rch a sed fo r C o n s u m p ti o n at H o m e in l W e e k — Continued N o. Econom ic level—Famiilies spending per ex penditure unit per year Un der $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over N o. N o. N o. N o. Average quantity purchased per person 1 in 1 week All families Lb. Econom ic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year U n der $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 6.466 4.882 5.772 7 .169 10.279 Vegetables and fruits, total_____ 869 2.110 1.920 1.830 1.907 3.145 251 203 187 228 Potatoes ------------------- - .003 36 3 7 15 .036 .036 .075 11 Sweetpotatoes, y a m s ___ .069 .343 .279 .369 Dried legumes and nuts, total .343 .452 .001 .004 0 Dried corn___________________ 4 2 6 1 1 0 0 459 152 115 92 .180 . 154 .206 .182 Beans: D r y ---------------------------100 .203 .044 .030 Canned, dried________ 36 34 30 .049 148 48 .040 .074 .007 Baked, not canned __ 17 2 2 6 .004 .004 .012 7 .014 16 .008 .005 4 3 2 .007 .003 7 Peas: Black-eyed___ __________ .020 Other____ _________ . . . 34 15 7 5 .008 .010 .007 .006 7 .008 12 .016 .005 .019 N uts: Shelled________________ 69 14 12 31 .013 .037 73 16 .020 In shell______________ _ 14 20 23 .007 .018 .034 .036 56 .059 Peanut b u t t e r ____ . __ ___ 244 94 46 48 .060 .059 .053 .060 Other dried legumes and nuts 0 0 0 (4) (4) .015 Tomatoes: Fresh_ . ... ... 45 5 .005 .012 8 9 23 .010 .046 Canned_________ ._ 418 100 93 .116 118 107 .091 .125 .115 . 166 .025 .007 8 5 26 .016 Juice___________ ___ 50 11 .011 .082 .002 2 .002 .002 14 8 2 2 Sauce, paste________ .003 .001 Green and leafy vegetables, total.543 .382 .441 .682 .905 B russels sprouts________ 2 .002 7 0 1 .001 0 4 .001 .003 .219 .189 C a b b a g e_______ __ - ______ 296 93 68 58 77 .182 .260 .295 1 Sauerkraut_______ _____ 6 4 .005 .005 18 7 .003 .004 .009 Collar ds__________ ____ ___ __ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .002 0 1 1 1 .001 Kale__________________________ 3 0 .003 0 36 .058 41 54 86 .028 .042 Lettuce___________________ - _ 217 .070 .134 .062 Spinach: Fresh_____ ________ 14 97 18 35 30 .027 .044 . 116 .106 12 Canned ____________ 58 13 .020 .011 15 18 .018 .020 .041 12 2 2 2 Other leafy vegetables ______ 6 .003 0 .003 0 .015 Asparagus: Fresh____ _______ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .008 Canned. _ . . . . _ 4 4 6 27 13 .003 .007 .011 .017 2 Lima beans: F resh._ .001 5 0 2 1 .002 0 .001 .002 21 .005 2 Canned ____ __ 3 6 10 .003 .012 .013 (4) Beans, snap (string): Fresh___ 13 .009 36 7 9 7 .007 .007 .010 .014 C anned62 248 78 52 .048 .037 56 .045 .052 .072 B roccoli. 1 1 1 3 0 .001 0 .001 .002 .005 Peas: Fresh_____ __ _________ 13 6 2 .002 1 4 .001 .002 0 .008 C an ned ._ __ _ __ 292 73 72 57 90 .098 .069 .084 .113 .167 Peppers. ________ 2 14 3 2 7 .002 .001 .001 .004 .004 Okra_____ __________ . -. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yellow vegetables, total_____ .293 .219 .268 .337 .450 Carrots___ __ ________________ 486 136 109 108 133 .172 .129 .142 .197 .283 Winter squash and pum pkin. _ 194 53 37 55 .121 49 .090 .126 . 140 .167 Other vegetables, total . _ _ .642 .475 .540 .783 1.010 Beets: Fresh___ _•____________ 22 76 18 17 19 .031 .051 .017 .016 .023 Canned__________ ____ 22 87 27 18 .002 20 .014 .011 .013 .046 Cauliflower.................... ............ 16 2 2 5 7 .007 .003 .004 .016 .011 Celery. _ ____________ .. 233 51 62 69 51 .070 .038 .062 .092 .129 Corn: On ear________________ 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Canned_______________ 52 234 63 59 60 .059 .042 .044 .078 .099 Cucumber ____________ ___ 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 .001 .001 (4) 1 Eggplant--------------------------------1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 162 Onions: M a tu re... ________ _ 628 173 .346 .285 133 160 .406 .310 .470 S p rin g ______________ 1 3 1 1 .003 .002 0 0 .008 .002 P a rsn ip s____ _______________ 14 5 1 7 1 .006 .003 .019 0 .006 Summer squash__________ .. . 13 2 2 5 4 .011 .003 .012 .026 .009 W hite turnips___ __________ 7 2 2 3 .004 0 .005 0 .007 0 42 Yellow turnips, rutabaga_____ 178 39 34 63 .090 .072 .041 .101 .214 12 Other vegetables_____________ 3 1 1 7 .001 0 .002 0 .006 Pickles and olives________ Citrus fruits, total____________ .982 .449 . 867 1. 372 1. 935 104 21 22 23 Lem ons............................ ............ 38 .027 .014 .020 .037 .054 Oranges_________ _______ ____ 543 115 113 140 175 .808 .396 .740 1:078 1.550 Grapefruit: Fresh____________ 118 12 17 41 48 .124 .030 .084 .238 .270 6 6 8 15 .023 Canned__________ i 35 .009 .023 .019 .061 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 4 Less than 0.0005 pound. 71 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 7 .— Food used at home and purchased for consumption at home during 1 week in fall and winter quarters, by economic level— Continued 10 N E W H A M P S H IR E C IT IE S — Continued Average expenditure per person i in 1 week Item All fami lies F o o d U se d at H o m e a nd P u r ch a s ed fo r C o n s u m p tio n at H o m e in 1 W e e k —Continued C e n ts Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over C e n ts C e n ts C e n ts C e n ts Vegetables and fruits, total _________ __________ 23.2 35.1 31.8 41.3 59.9 2.6 Potatoes _ ________________ ____________ ___ 2.4 2.2 2.5 3.9 Sweetpotatoes, yams___________________ ___ __ .1 .1 .3 .4 (3) Dried legumes and nuts, total________ ________ 4.4 3.3 4.6 4.5 6.3 Dried corn ___ ___________________________ 0 0 (3) 0 (3) Beans: D ry ________________________________ 1.5 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.7 Canned, dried_____________________ .6 .4 .6 .5 .9 Baked, not canned_________________ .1 .1 .1 .2 (3) Peas: Black-eyed........ ...................................... .1 .1 .2 (3) (3) Other. ______ _______________________ .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 Nuts: Shelled. _ ________________________ _ .5 .1 .7 .5 1.2 .5 .2 In shell_______________ . . . . . _____ .4 .9 .9 Peanut butter_______ _____________________ 1.0 1.1 1.0 .9 1.1 Other dried legumes and nuts______________ 0 0 (3) 0 (3) .2 Tomatoes: Fresh____ _________________________ .1 .1 .1 .6 Canned____ _______________________ 1.3 .9 1.4 1.4 1.9 Juice.______________________________ .3 .2 .1 .1 .8 Sauce, paste.. . . . ______ _____ _ .1 (3) (3) <3) (3) Green and leafy vegetables, total _______ ____ 4.7 3.0 3.9 5.8 8.7 Brussels sprouts______ ______________ 0 .1 (3) (3) (3) Cabbage___________________________________ .7 .6 .6 .7 1.0 Sauerkraut ____________________________ .1 .1 .1 (3) .1Collards_________ _________ ____________ 0 0 0 0 0 Kale_______________________________________ 0 0 (3) (3) (3) L e t tu c e ______ _________________ .. ___ . .8 .4 .6 1.0 1.8 Spinach: Fresh___ . . . ________________ .5 .2 .4 1.0 .8 Canned____________________ ... .2 .3 .3 .2 .6 Other leafy vegetables________ ____________ 0 0 (3) .2 (3) Asparagus: Fresh_______________________ _ 0 0 0 0 0 .2 .1 Canned. ______________________ .2 .1 .4 Lima beans: Fresh _______________________ 0 (3) (3) (3) (3) Canned_________ ___________ .1 .2 .2 (3) (3) .1 Beans, snap (string): Fresh _______________ .1 .1 .1 .1 Canned. ____________ .6 .4 .6 .7 .8 Broccoli ________________________ ____ 0 .1 (3) (3) (3) Peas: Fresh ____________ ______ _______ 0 .1 (3) (3) (3) Canned _______________________ ____ 1.3 .9 1.2 1.5 2.3 Peppers. _____ __________________________ .1 .1 (3) (3) (3) Okra. __________________ _____ __________ 0 0 0 0 0 1.3 Yellow vegetables, total________________________ 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.2 Carrots___ _ ______________ ______________ .9 .7 1.2 .8 1.6 Winter squash and pum pkin. ............. .......... .4 .3 .4 .4 .6 .. Other vegetables, t o t a l.......... .................... 4.5 2.9 3.7 5.5 8.0 Beets: Fresh__________________________ __ .1 .2 .1 .1 .1 Canned____________ ________ ______ .2 .1 .2 .6 (3) Cauliflower.__ _____ _________ __________ .1 .2 .1 (3) (3) Celery_______ _____________________________ 1.0 .5 .9 1.3 1.8 Corn: On ear. ____________________________ 0 0 0 0 0 C a n n e d ____________________________ .7 .5 .5 .9 1.1 C ucum ber.------------------------------------------------0 0 (3) (3) (3) Eggplant------------- ------- -------------------------------0 0 0 0 0 1. 5 1.1 1.5 Onions: M a t u r e . ____ ______ ___________ 1.6 2.2 Spring_________ ______ ___________ 0 (3) (3) (3) (3) Parsnips----------------------------------------------------.2 0 (3) (3) (3) Summer squash________________ _________ .1 (3) (3) (3) (3) White turnips_____________ _____ _ _______ 0 0 (3) (3) (3) .4 .2 Yellow turnips, rutabaga_________________ .3 .4 .8 Other vegetables____ __________ ________ 0 0 .1 (3) (3) Pickles and olives_________________________ .5 .4 .3 .5 1.2 6.4 Citrus fruits, total______ ______________________ 3.0 5.7 8.8 12.8 .4 .2 .3 Lemons ......... ............................... .............. .6 .7 5.1 2.5 4.6 Oranges ... ________________ ______ 6.6 10.1 .2 Grapefruit: Fresh_________________________ .5 1.4 .7 1.5 .2 1 1 Canned________ . ____ ___ .2 I .5 -3 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. 2 0 0 9 8 2 ° — 41 --------6 72 T able M O N EY DISBURSEMENTS— 13 SMALL CITIES 7 . — Food used at home and purchased for consumption at home during 1 week in fall and winter quarters, by economic level— Continued 10 N E W H A M P S H IR E C IT IE S — Continued Number of families using in 1 week Item All fam ilies Econom ic level—Famiilies spending per ex penditure unit per year Average quantity purchased per person 1 in 1 week A ll Econom ic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year fam ilies U n der $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over U n der $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over F o o d U sed at H o m e a nd P u r ch a s ed f o r C o n s u m p ti o n at H o m e in 1 W e e k —Continued Lb. N o. N o. Lb. Vegetables and fruits—Continued. N o . N o. N o. Lb. Lb. Lb. 1.359 1.041 1.271 1.535 2.018 Other fruits, total____ .712 .588 .642 125 I ll 86’ Ill .737 1.061 433 Apples: Fresh________ __ .002 0 .001 2 Canned______ _ _ 3 0 1 0 0 0 .002 0 .021 1 .004 Apricots: Fresh________ .001 3 1 1 0 .003 .004 1 5 .001 0 .009 9 3 0 Canned____________ 292 .281 .217 .260 Bananas. _ ________ _ _ .385 .341 80 65 76 71 .017 .017 34 6 .014 .027 Berries: Fresh........... . _ _ _ _ 15 6 7 .009 12 .009 .007 33 .004 .015 80 15 20 .014 Canned_____________ Cherries: Fresh____ _______ 2 0 .001 0 1 1 0 0 0 (4) .002 .002 2 2 14 7 .001 0 .007 3 Canned____________ .043 16 .054 .028 .076 Grapes: F r e s h _______________ 93 20 26 31 .105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C a n n e d ____ 2 .002 0 6 4 .001 .002 Peaches: F r e s h _____ ________ 0 0 0 .026 .029 .059 122 38 .043 28 23 33 .086 Canned. _ ______ 2 .001 0 .002 3 1 .001 0 Pears: Fresh______ _ _ _ _ 0 0 12 12 .011 .003 .023 .006 45 10 11 .022 Canned______ . __ _ 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .001 Pineapple: Fresh.. . . _____ _ (4) 39 2 .033 .016 .033 .043 87 23 23 .061 Canned___________ M elons. _ ___ __ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 .001 0 Plums: Fresh___ _ 0 0 0 0 (4) .002 0 5 .001 .003 13 1 4 3 .005 C a n n e d ... ___ . . . 21 4 .009 Other fruit__ __ _ 7 4 6 .009 .004 .013 .011 C id e r ____ __ 15 4 1 4 6 .013 0 .031 0 .034 .003 Grape ju ice.. . . . . _____ 11 3 3 5 0 .003 .004 .006 0 2 2 .004 .003 .004 1 5 Other fruit ju ices.__ 10 .012 (4) 6 .009 .008 .009 Dried: A pricots___________ __ 26 8 7 5 .011 .011 0 .001 0 Peaches. _ _ _ 1 1 0 0 0 0 (4) 191 49 .055 .092 Prunes ___ __ 53 51 38 .073 .068 .093 .052 Raisins____ __ 197 69 43 37 48 .046 .053 .046 .073 19 Dates. ___ 58 13 15 .017 .010 .017 11 .020 .029 Figs----------------------------16 4 2 2 8 .002 .002 .002 .003 .009 6 2 0 0 4 .002 0 0 Other______ . . . .008 •0 1.485 1. 213 1. 350 1. 609 2.154 Sugars and sweets, totals.-_ _ Sugars: W hite___ 211 920 268 207 234 1.290 1.065 1. 155 1.403 1.867 Brown _ 123 34 28 34 27 .047 .038 .041 .058 .064 162 Other sweets: C an d y.____ 28 44 50 .054 .025 .044 40 .068 . 118 23 21 28 103 31 .015 .010 .012 .005 J ellies___ .040 46 42 .072 201 74 39 .076 .097 .073 Molasses, sirups .062 .003 Other____ . .003 .001 .002 .003 Miscellaneous, total. __ 87 14 U 29 Gelatine_____ __ 30 .010 .011 .004 .013 .011 114 22 30 25 37 Packaged dessert mixtures. .018 .013 .020 .024 .023 .042 Tea _________ . _.. 703 198 163 181 .064 161 .063 .081 .093 C o f f e e ._____ _ _ 242 856 203 226 185 . 187 . 130 . 188 .204 .298 C ocoa___________ _ _ 276 .036 116 75 39 46 .037 .031 .022 .023 Chocolate________ 16 41 9 6 10 .006 .003 .006 .008 .013 Vinegar ___ Salt_____________ Baking powder, yeast, soda Spices and extracts. Catsups, sauces . 182 52 Tom ato soup________________ __ 41 46 43 .069 .052 .055 .105 .080 Other soups____________________ 103 26 27 22 28 .037 .021 .047 .041 .057 Cod-liver oil___ _ ..... 80 26 29 14 11 .010 .003 .015 .003 .026 Proprietary foods_____ _______ 22 71 15 17 .012 17 .008 .014 .018 .009 Other food s... ___ __________ 16 7 4 2 .004 3 .005 .001 .004 .009 6 8 13 .040 .010 Soft drinks consumed at hom e— 31 4 .034 .099 .051 21 46 9 Other drinks consumed at home. 8 .045 .027 8 .020 .026 .138 _ Sales tax on food_________________ 1 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 4 Less than 0.0005 pound. 73 TABULAR SU M M AR Y T able 7.— Food used at home and purchased for consumption at home during 1 week in fall and winter quarters, by economic level— Continued 10 N E W H A M P S H IR E C IT IE S — Continued Average expenditure per person 1 in 1 week Econom ic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All fami lies Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over C e n ts C e n ts C e n ts C e n ts F o o d U se d at H o m e a n d P u r c h a s e d fo r C o n s u m p tio n at H o m e in 1 W e e k —Continued Vegetables and fruits—Continued Other fruits: total______________________________ Apples: Fresh. ______ ___________________ ____ Canned___ _____ _ .. ______ _____ Apricots: F re s h _ ........ . _ _ Canned________ __ __ _ _ Bananas___ __ ________ __ ____ ________ Berries: Fresh___________________________ Canned___________________ _____ Cherries: Fresh______________________________ Canned________ ________ __ _____ Grapes: Fresh_______________________________ Canned. _____ _____ _ ___ Peaches: Fresh._ ____ _ _______ _ ___ C an ned .. _________ ___ _ __ ___ Pears: Fresh.__ _ ___________ _____ _ ___ Canned___ _____________ _______ _ Pineapple: F r e s h ____ ______ _____ __ __ Canned____ _______ _ _________ M elons. ___ _____ _______ ______ _ __ _ Plums: Fresh___ __ _______________________ Canned______ _ ______ ____ ____ __ Other fruit_____ ______ _________________ _ Cider __ ______ _____ __ _ __ ______ Grape juice___ _ _________________ _ _ Other fruit juice______ ____________________ Dried: Apricots. _ . ._ __ ____________ _ _ Peaches _ _ __ _ ____ P r u n e s ____ __ _ ___ ___ _._ _ _ Raisins______ __ _ ______ __ Dates_______________ _________ Figs__------------------------------------------------Other__________ ______ __________ Sugars and sweets, total_______ ____ ____________ _______ Sugars: W h i t e . __________ _______ Brown __ . . . Other sweets: C andy. __ _ ______ . _____ Jellies____ _________ ._ __ _ Molasses, sirups _ Other _ _________________ _____ Miscellaneous, total-________ _ _ Gelatine. _ _ _ _ ____ _ _____ ______ Packaged dessert mixtures ___ _ __ _____ Tea____________________________________________ Coffee_________ ____ ______________ _ _____ C o c o a ___________ _ ____ _______ _______ Chocolate____ ____________ __ ________ ______ Vinegar____ _ ___ _ ________ Salt____________________________________________ Baking powder, yeast, soda _ __________ __ ______________ _ Spices and extracts. __ _ Catsups, sauces____ ______________ _____ Tom ato soup_______ ________ __________ _. Other soups............... _ ______ . . . __________ Cod liver oil_________ __________ ______________ Proprietary foods____ __ ____ __ ____ _____ _ Other foods. __ ___ _ _ ___ ______ Soft drinks consumed at hom e. _____ __ _ Other drinks consumed at home ________ _. _ Sales tax on food _ C e n ts 9.3 2.9 (3) (3) (3) 1.8 .2 .1 (3) (3) .6 0 (3) .6 (3) .2 (3) .5 0 (3) (3) .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 (*) .9 .6 .3 .1 (3) 9.8 7.1 .4 1.3 .3 .7 (3) 16.6 .3 .4 3. 2 5. 2 .6 .2 .1 .4 .7 .5 .5 .9 .5 .5 .6 .2 .4 1.4 6.3 2.3 (3) (3) (3) 1.3 .2 .1 0 (3) .3 0 (3) .3 0 (3) 0 .2 0 (3) 0 .1 0 .1 (3) .1 (3) .6 .5 .2 (3) 0 7.7 5.8 .3 .7 .2 .7 (3) 11.5 .3 .3 2.1 3.3 .6 .1 .1 8.8 2.7 0 (3) 0 1.8 .2 .1 (3) 0 .5 0 0 .4 (3) .3 0 .5 0 0 (3) (3) .2 .1 (3) .1 0 1.0 .6 .2 .1 0 8.5 6.3 .3 .8 .2 .9 (3) 16.1 .2 .5 3.1 5.1 .7 .1 .1 .4 .5 .9 .7 .4 .3 .9 .4 .5 .7 .3 .1 .4 .1 .1 .8 .6 .9 .7 .1 .3 .9 10.7 3.0 0 0 .1 2.4 .3 .3 0 (3) .8 0 0 .8 0 .1 0 .6 0 0 (3) .2 0 .2 (3) .2 0 .8 .5 .3 (3) .1 10.7 7.7 .4 1.7 .1 .8 (3) 18.4 .4 .5 4.2 5.9 14.3 4.5 0 (?) .1 2.2 .2 .2 0 .1 1.3 0 (8) 1.1 (3) .3 (*) .9 0 0 .1 .1 .2 0 .2 .2 0 1.2 .7 .5 .2 0 15.2 10.4 .5 2.9 .6 .7 .1 26.1 .4 .7 5.0 8.7 .5 .5 .3 .2 .3 .5 .3 .2 .4 .6 .2 .7 .7 .5 1.2 .6 1.2 .9 .4 .1 .7 1.1 .3 .7 3.6 .4 .7 .9 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. 74 MONEY DISBURSEM EN TS---- 1 3 T a b l e 8 .— SM ALL CITIES A n n u a l f o o d e x p e n d i t u r e s , b y e c o n o m i c level N A S H U A , C O N C O R D , A N D B E R L IN , N . H . E c o n o m ic le v e l— F a m ilie s s p e n d in g p e r e x p e n d it u r e u n i t p e r year A ll fa m ilie s Ite m U nder $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over A n n u a l Food Expenditures Families in survey-----------------------------------------------------------------Average number food expenditure units in 1 year____________ Number of families spending for— Meals away from home: A t w ork_____________________________________________ At school____________________________________________ On vacation_________________________________________ Board at school__________________________________________ Candy, ice cream, drinks, etc____________________________ Number of families reporting food received as gifts, or pro duced at home, or meals received as pay_________________ 299 3 . 30 88 4 . 54 74 3 . 33 52 2 . 86 85 2 . 28 8 2 16 3 32 1 0 1 0 10 1 0 3 0 7 2 0 2 1 8 4 2 10 2 7 1 26 47 24 20 35 Average expenditure per family for all food __________________ Food prepared at home, total______________________ ___ Food bought and eaten away from home, total__________ Meals at w ork_______________________________________ Meals at school______________________________________ Other meals, not vacation _ _______________ Meals on vacation, _ ____________ Board at school_______________ ___________ Candy, ice cream, drinks, etc________________________ Average estimated value per family of gifts of food and homeproduced food and meals received as pay 1_________________ $ 4 3 5 . 57 4 2 7 . 88 7. 69 1 .0 7 . 18 1 .9 2 1 .2 6 1 .6 0 1 .6 6 $ 4 5 3 .1 7 4 5 0 . 61 2 . 56 1 .0 9 0 .2 5 .0 5 0 1 .1 7 $436. 82 4 3 4 . 50 2. 32 .3 4 0 .5 8 .1 5 0 1 .2 5 $ 4 2 7 .8 2 4 2 1 . 59 6. 23 .1 3 0 .9 2 2 . 58 1 .0 6 1 .5 4 $ 4 2 1 .1 3 4 0 2 . 55 1 8 .5 8 2 . 27 .6 4 5 .4 2 2 . 68 4 . 98 2 .5 9 4. 2 0 7 .5 0 .8 2 1 .0 9 5 .6 4 1 T h e a g g re g a te s o n w h ic h th e s e a v e ra g e s a re b a s e d d o n o t in c lu d e g ifts o f fo o d r e c e iv e d , fo o d p r o d u c e d a t h o m e , a n d m e a l s r e c e i v e d a s p a y , r e p o r t e d b y 68 f a m i l i e s b u t f o r w h i c h t h e y c o u l d n o t e s t i m a t e t h e v a l u e . P O R T S M O U T H , K E E N E , D O V E R , L A C O N IA , A N D C L A R E M O N T , N . H . E c o n o m ic le v e l— F a m ilie s s p e n d in g p e r e x p e n d it u r e u n it p e r year Ite m A ll f a m ilie s $ 50 0 and over U nder $300 $ 30 0 to $400 $400 to $500 485 3 .0 8 126 4 .4 2 111 3 . 15 125 2 . 54 123 2 .2 3 25 8 7 2 2 1 6 4 10 1 25 4 94 3 1 27 3 0 23 5 0 19 14 3 25 A n n u al Food Expenditures F a m i l i e s i n s u r v e y , , ___________ _ , , _________________________________ A v e r a g e n u m b e r fo o d e x p e n d i t u r e u n i t s i n 1 y e a r ____________ _ _ N u m b e r o f f a m ilie s s p e n d in g fo r — M e a ls a w a y fr o m h o m e : A t w o r k _____ ___ . _ _______ ___ __________________ A t s c h o o l _______________________________________ ______________________________ O t h e r m e a l s , n o t v a c a t i o n _______________________________ ____________ O n v a c a t i o n __________ _______ _____________________________ B o a rd a t sch o o l _____________________________________ _______________ C a n d y , i c e c r e a m , d r i n k s , e t c _______________________________ _______ N u m b e r o f f a m i l i e s r e p o r t i n g fo o d r e c e i v e d a s g i f t s , o r p r o d u c e d a t h o m e , o r m e a l s r e c e i v e d a s p a y _______ ___________ ______ 278 86 71 63 58 A v e r a g e e x p e n d i t u r e p e r f a m i l y f o r a l l f o o d ______________________________ $ 4 2 5 . 78 F o o d p r e p a r e d a t h o m e , t o t a l ______________________________________________ 4 1 3 . 21 F o o d b o u g h t a n d e a t e n a w a y f r o m h o m e , t o t a l ____________ , , , 1 2. 57 M e a l s a t w o r k ______________________________ ________________ ____________ 2 . 55 M e a ls a t s c h o o l , , __ _ _ _________ .1 7 O t h e r m e a l s , n o t v a c a t i o n _____ _______ _____ , ________________ 4 . 88 M e a ls o n v a c a t i o n , , ____________ _ _______________________ .7 5 B o a r d a t s c h o o l ____________ ___ ____________ _________________ .8 2 C a n d y , ic e c r e a m , d r i n k s , e t c ____________ ________ _______________ 3 . 40 A v e r a g e e s t im a t e d v a lu e p e r f a m i l y o f g if t s o f fo o d a n d h o m e p r o d u c e d fo o d a n d m e a l s r e c e i v e d a s p a y 1_____ 5 .9 7 $ 4 5 2 .8 0 4 4 7 .1 9 5 .6 1 .6 4 .1 4 1 .6 2 . 11 .5 8 2 . 52 $ 4 0 6 .5 6 3 9 7 .1 3 9 . 43 .7 4 .0 7 5 . 48 .5 6 0 2 . 58 $393. 34 3 8 4 .4 8 8 .8 6 1 .9 4 .1 5 4 .1 5 .8 7 0 1 .7 5 $ 4 4 8 . 38 4 2 2 .1 2 2 6 . 26 6 . 76 .3 2 8 . 44 1 .4 6 2 . 64 6 . 64 7 .3 2 1 0 . 48 3 .6 6 2 .8 7 1 T h e a g g r e g a t e s o n w h i c h t h e s e a v e r a g e s a r e b a s e d d o n o t i n c l u d e g i f t s o f f o o d r e c e i v e d , fo o d p r o d u c e d a t h o m e , a n d m e a l s r e c e i v e d a s p a y , r e p o r t e d b y 168 f a m i l i e s b u t f o r w h i c h t h e y c o u l d n o t e s t i m a t e t h e v a l u e . 75 TABULAR SU M M AR Y T a b l e 8 .— Continued A n n u a l f o o d e x p e n d i t u r e s , b y e c o n o m i c level — L IT T L E T O N A N D C O N W A Y , N . H . E c o n o m ic le v e l— F a m ilie s s p e n d in g p e r e x p e n d it u r e u n i t p e r year A ll fa m ilie s Ite m $500 and over U nder $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 197 3 .1 3 65 4 .3 5 40 2 . 98 49 2 .4 1 43 2 .2 4 7 1 10 7 1 23 1 0 3 0 0 6 4 0 2 3 0 5 1 0 3 1 0 1 1 1 2 3 1 11 A n n u a l Food Expenditures F a m i l i e s i n s u r v e y _____ __________ _____ _ _______________ -A v e r a g e n u m b e r f o o d e x p e n d i t u r e u n i t s i n 1 y e a r __________________ N u m b e r o f f a m ilie s s p e n d in g fo r— M e a ls a w a y fr o m h o m e : A t w o r k _________________________________________________________________________ A t s c h o o l- , -_____ _______ ____________ - . _ - ________ O t h e r m e a l s , n o t v a c a t i o n ______ _________________ _______________ O n v a c a t i o n _______ ____________________________________________________ ________________ ___________ B o a r d a t s c h o o l _____ _______________ C a n d y , ic e c r e a m , d r i n k s , e t c _____________________________ _____ N u m b e r o f f a m ilie s r e p o r t in g fo o d r e c e iv e d a s g if t s , o r p ro d u c e d a t h o m e , o r m e a ls r e c e iv e d a s p a y __________ 134 53 23 30 28 $ 3 9 1 . 18 A v e r a g e e x p e n d i t u r e p e r f a m i l y f o r a l l fo o d . __________________ 3 8 4 . 66 - ________ F o o d p r e p a r e d a t h o m e , t o t a l __________ 7. 15 F o o d b o u g h t a n d e a te n a w a y fro m h o m e , to t a l _____ M e a l s a t w o r k _______ _ _ _ _____ _____________________ 1 .6 8 M e a l s a t s c h o o l __________________________________________ ____________ . 12 O t h e r m e a ls , n o t v a c a t io n . _ ___ . . . 2 .2 1 M e a l s o n v a c a t i o n ___________ - . . - _ . ___________________ ______ .8 0 B o a r d a t s c h o o l ______________ .9 6 C a n d y , ic e c r e a m , d r i n k s , e t c „ 1 .3 8 A v e r a g e e s t i m a t e d v a l u e p e r f a m i l y o f g i f t s o f fo o d a n d h o m e 7. 69 p r o d u c e d fo o d a n d m e a ls re c e iv e d a s p a y 1 $ 4 1 9 . 63 4 1 6 . 06 3 . 57 1 .4 5 0 1 .1 4 0 0 .9 8 $ 3 8 5 . 27 3 7 4 . 56 1 0 .7 1 4 .8 3 0 2 . 97 1 .8 4 0 1 .0 7 $ 3 6 4 . 63 3 5 9 . 88 4 .7 5 .3 0 0 3 .9 7 .1 2 0 .3 6 $ 3 8 6 . 78 3 7 4 . 82 1 1 .9 6 .6 7 .5 3 1 .1 0 1 .8 2 4 . 39 3 .4 5 8 .2 7 10. 71 7 .0 2 4 . 76 1 T h e a g g r e g a t e s o n w h i c h t h e s e a v e r a g e s a r e b a s e d d o n o t i n c l u d e g i f t s o f fo o d r e c e i v e d , fo o d p r o d u c e d a t h o m e , a n d m e a l s r e c e i v e d a s p a y , r e p o r t e d b y 71 f a m i l i e s b u t f o r w h i c h t h e y c o u l d n o t e s t i m a t e t h e v a l u e T a b l e M A R Q U E T T E , 8a.— M IC H .; A n n u a l fo o d ex p e n d itu r e s M O D ES T O , C A L IF .; A N D R E N O , N E V . A l l fa m ilie s Item Marquette Modesto Reno A n n u a l F o o d E x p e n d itu r e s Families in survey________ ___ . _______________ Number of families spending for— Meals away from home: _____________________ At w ork_________ A t school__________________ _______ On vacation. . - _____ _. . Board at school-. ___________ Candy, ice cream, drinks, e tc_________ ______ - . _______ Number of families reporting food received as gifts, or produced at home, or meals received as p a y ________ - - - - - - - Average expenditure per family for all food ___ ___ ___ ____ Food prepared at home_______ ___ ---- __ . ___ Food bought and eaten away from home, total-- ______________ Meals at w ork___________________________ ________________ Meals at school____ _ - ____ _ _ Other meals, not vacation - . _____________________ .. Meals on va ca tion ..- . . ________________ _____________ Board at school- - _______ - - ______ _________ ____ Candy, ice cream, drinks, e tc .. ______________ Average estimated value per family of gifts of food and home-pro duced food and meals received as pay (incomplete) 1_____________ 151 148 8 0 11 1 38 i 149 35 22 25 2 19 49 35 2 13 0 77 105 53 $ 4 6 9 .7 3 4 5 1 .6 9 1 8 .0 4 2 .4 0 0 8 .9 8 1 .2 7 1 .7 8 3 . 61 $ 4 4 3 . 20 4 0 5 .0 6 3 8 .1 4 1 1 .8 7 4 . 23 9 .4 8 2 .7 9 1 .7 5 8 .0 2 $ 4 5 8 . 26 4 3 6 .4 0 2 1 .8 6 4 .3 0 .0 3 4 . 01 1 .3 0 0 12. 22 L 54 i 2 1. 76 2 12. 35 1 T h e a g g r e g a t e o n w h i c h t h e s e a v e r a g e s a r e b a s e d d o n o t i n c l u d e g i f t s o f fo o d r e c e i v e d , fo o d p r o d u c e d a t h o m e , a n d m e a ls r e c e iv e d a s p a y , r e p o r t e d b y 22 f a m ilie s i n M a r q u e t t e a n d 1 f a m i l y i n M o d e s t o . 2 R e n o c o m p le t e . 76 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS— 13 SMALL CITIES T able 9. — H o u s i n g f a c i l i t i e s , b y e c o n o m i c level N A S H U A , C O N C O R D , A N D B E R L IN , N . H. E c o n o m ic le v e l— F a m ilie s s p e n d in g p e r e x p e n d it u r e u n i t p e r year A ll fa m ilie s Ite m Under $ 30 0 $ 3 0 0 to $ 40 0 $ 40 0 t o $ 50 0 $50 0 and over Housing Facilities in Dw elling Occupied at E n d of Schedule Year I. F a m ilie s in s u r v e y w h o re n te d s c h e d u l e y e a r __________________ p r in c ip a l h o m e a t e n d o f _________ A v e r a g e m o n t h ly r e n t a l r a t e a t e n d o f s c h e d u le y e a r . N u m b e r o f f a m ilie s liv in g in — 1 - f a m i l y d e t a c h e d h o u s e ____________________________________________ 1 - f a m i l y s e m i d e t a c h e d o r r o w h o u s e _____________ _______ _ 2 - f a m i l y h o u s e _______________________ ___________ . . . _ _____________ M u l t i p l e d w e l l i n g ( 3 - f a m i l y o r m o r e ) __________________________ D w e l l i n g w i t h e l e v a t o r ________________________________ _________ D w e l l i n g w i t h j a n i t o r s e r v i c e ________________________________ N u m b e r o f f a m ilie s h a v in g — B a t h r o o m i n d w e l l i n g u n i t ____________________ __ _ . . . . . . __ _______ . . .. T o i l e t : I n s i d e f l u s h _______ ______ _______ O u t s i d e f l u s h ________________________________ . . . . _____ O t h e r t y p e . . --------------------------------------------------------S o le u s e o f t o i l e t b y h o u s e h o l d . . . ____________ __________________ W a t e r : In s id e d w e llin g . . . ________________________________ _ R u n n i n g ________ . . . _________________________________ H o t r u n n i n g _________________________________________ N o t ru n n in g . . . . _ _ ---------------------O u t s id e d w e llin g o n l y . . _ _ ________________ . S i n k ________________________ ___________________________________________ E l e c t r i c l i g h t s ________________________________________________________________ G a s o r e l e c t r i c i t y f o r c o o k i n g _____ ____________________ . . . . . R e f r i g e r a t o r : E l e c t r i c . . . _ _____________________________ ________ O th e r m e c h a n ic a l.. .. _______________ . . . I c e ____________________________________________________________ N o n e .. -. _____ ___ . __________ ________ ... H o t a i r , h o t w a t e r , o r s t e a m h e a t . _______ . . . . T e l e p h o n e ________ _ __________ ________________ ... . . . _____ G a r a g e ____________ . . . _______ __________________ . . . _____ . . . G a r d e n s p a c e .. _____ ___ __________ ________________ . . . . . P l a y s p a c e _____________ _________ ____________ ____________________________ E a c h o f t h e f o llo w in g i t e m s : I n s id e flu s h t o ile t , r u n n in g h o t w a t e r , e le c t r ic l i g h t , a n d g a s o r e l e c t r i c i t y f o r c o o k i n g _____ ___ .. I I . F a m ilie s in s u r v e y , w h o o w n e d p r in c ip a l h o m e a t e n d o f s c h e d u le y e a r ___________________ ________ ___________________ ________ N u m b e r o f fa m ilie s liv in g in — 1 - f a m i l y d e t a c h e d h o u s e _________________ ______________ .. ________________ . . . . 1 - fa m ily s e m id e t a c h e d o r r o w h o u s e 2 - f a m i l y h o u s e _______ ... __________________________ M u lt ip le d w e llin g (3 - f a m ily o r m o r e ) . . . . ... _____ D w e llin g w it h e le v a to r . _____ ___________ D w e l l i n g w i t h j a n it o r s e r v ic e __________ N u m b e r o f f a m ilie s h a v in g — B a t h r o o m in d w e llin g u n it ------- -T o i l e t : I n s i d e f l u s h ______ _____ O u t s i d e f l u s h _______ ______ __ ________ O t h e r t y p e _______________________________________________ _______ S o le u s e o f t o i l e t b y h o u s e h o l d . . . _____ ___ . ________________ W a t e r : I n s i d e d w e l l i n g ________________________ _______________________ R u n n i n g _______________________________ __________________ H o t r u n n i n g _________________________________________ N o t r u n n i n g ________________________ __________ _________ O u t s i d e d w e l l i n g o n l y _____________________________________ S i n k __________________________________ ________________________ __________________ E l e c t r i c l i g h t s _______________________________________ _____________________ G a s o r e l e c t r i c i t y f o r c o o k i n g ______________________________________ R e f r i g e r a t o r : E l e c t r i c ____________________________________________________ O t h e r m e c h a n i c a l _________________ _________________ I c e _______ ____________________________________________ N o n e . . . _____ __________________________________ H o t a i r , h o t w a t e r , o r s t e a m h e a t _________________ ____________ T e l e p h o n e __________________________________________________ ________ G a r a g e _______ ________________________________________________________ G a r d e n s p a c e __________________ ________ _________________________________ P l a y s p a c e . . . _____ _________ __________________________________________ E a c h o f t h e f o llo w in g i t e m s : In s id e flu s h t o ile t , r u n n in g h o t w a t e r , e le c t r ic l i g h t , a n d g a s o r e l e c t r i c i t y f o r c o o k i n g _______________ 201 53 50 34 64 $ 1 8 . 51 $ 13 . 94 $ 16 . 69 $ 1 9 . 83 $ 2 3 .0 3 31 13 76 81 0 14 5 1 17 30 0 0 7 2 23 18 0 5 11 5 12 6 0 2 8 5 24 27 0 7 155 199 1 1 199 2 00 199 125 1 1 201 201 81 23 0 148 30 73 51 43 43 86 34 52 1 0 53 52 51 24 1 1 53 53 11 1 0 37 15 9 4 8 7 31 36 49 0 1 48 50 50 27 0 0 50 50 14 6 0 36 8 16 6 6 12 21 28 34 0 0 34 34 34 19 0 0 34 34 18 3 0 26 5 14 15 57 64 0 0 64 64 64 55 0 0 64 64 38 13 0 49 2 34 32 23 15 19 9 6 9 55 3 10 8 34 98 35 24 18 21 68 1 29 0 0 0 25 1 9 0 0 0 18 0 6 0 0 0 11 0 7 0 0 0 14 0 7 0 0 0 81 94 1 3 97 97 95 75 2 1 98 96 37 11 0 57 30 57 47 52 63 77 25 33 0 2 35 35 34 20 1 0 35 34 5 2 0 18 15 18 10 14 26 31 21 22 1 1 24 23 22 20 1 1 24 24 8 2 0 14 8 12 7 13 14 21 14 18 0 0 17 18 18 16 0 0 18 18 9 0 0 14 4 11 15 12 11 10 21 21 0 0 21 21 21 19 0 0 21 20 15 7 0 11 3 16 15 13 12 15 35 4 8 9 14 77 TABULAE SUM M ARY T able 9. — H o u s i n g f a c i l i t i e s , b y e c o n o m i c level — Continued P O R T S M O U T H , K E E N E , D O V E R , L A C O N IA , A N D C L A R E M O N T , N. H. E c o n o m ic le v e l— F a m ilie s s p e n d in g p e r e x p e n d it u r e u n i t p e r year Ite m A ll fa m ilie s ! Under $30 0 $ 30 0 to $ 40 0 $ 40 0 to $ 50 0 $ 50 0 and over H ousing Facilities in Dw elling Occupied at E n d of Schedule Year I. F a m ilie s in s u r v e y w h o r e n t e d p r in c ip a l h o m e a t e n d o f . _ __ __ _ _______ _______ ___ s c h e d u le y e a r ______ _ A v e r a g e m o n t h l y r e n t a l r a t e a t e n d o f s c h e d u le y e a r _________ II. N u m b e r o f f a m ilie s liv in g in — 1- f a m i l y d e t a c h e d h o u s e ________________ _ _ ____________________ 1- f a m i l y s e m i d e t a c h e d o r r o w h o u s e . . _ _ _ _ _ __________ 2 - fa m ily h o u s e ._ _ __ _______ ___________ _ _____________ . . . _ M u l t i p l e d w e llin g (3 - f a m ily o r m o r e ) . _____________ . . D w e l l i n g w i t h e l e v a t o r ________ . . . _ _____________ _________ ____________________ _ D w e l l i n g w i t h j a n i t o r s e r v i c e ____ N u m b e r o f f a m ilie s h a v in g — B a t h r o o m i n d w e l l i n g u n i t _____________ . _ _______________ T o i l e t : I n s i d e f l u s h . . . ____________________ _____________________ O u ts id e f l u s h . .. . __________________ _ _ _______________ O t h e r t y p e ____________ ____________ ________________________ S o le u s e o f t o i l e t b y h o u s e h o l d _________ _____ . . . _______ W a t e r : I n s i d e d w e l l i n g _________________ _ __ . _ . __________ R u n n i n g __________ ____________________ __________ ___ H o t r u n n i n g . . . _______ ___ , _ _ N o t ru n n in g _ . . . _______ _____ _____ O u t s i d e d w e l l i n g o n l y ________ ____________________ _ S i n k _____________ __________________________________________________ ____________ E l e c t r i c l i g h t s ______ _______________________________________________________ G a s o r e le c t r ic it y fo r c o o k in g . _______ __________ . R e f r i g e r a t o r : E l e c t r i c ________________ ________________________________ O th e r m e c h a n ic a l . . . _ I c e ________________ __________________________________ N one. _____________________ _ . ... ... . H o t a i r , h o t w a t e r , o r s t e a m h e a t _________ ____________ . . . . T e l e p h o n e _____________ .. _____ ___ ______ . _______ . . . ____________________ _______________ G a ra g e . _ _. ________________ _____________ G a r d e n s p a c e _____________ ______________________ _____ P la y sp ace _ . . . __________ E a c h o f t h e f o llo w in g i t e m s : In s id e f lu s h t o ile t , r u n n in g h o t w a t e r , e le c t r ic l i g h t , a n d g a s o r e l e c t r i c i t y f o r c o o k i n g ____________ F a m ilie s in s u r v e y w h o o w n e d p r in c ip a l h o m e a t e n d o f s c h e d u le y e a r _ _ _______ _____ __________ _ . __________ N u m b e r o f f a m ilie s liv in g i n — 1 - f a m i l y d e t a c h e d h o u s e ____________ . . . . . ... . _ . . . . . 1 - f a m i l y s e m i d e t a c h e d o r r o w h o u s e __________ . _______ 2 - f a m i l y h o u s e ______________ ________ __________ ______________________ M u lt ip le d w e llin g ( 3 - f a m ily o r m o r e ) .. _____________________ D w e l l i n g w i t h e l e v a t o r ____ . . . . . ___ _ D w e l l i n g w i t h j a n it o r s e r v ic e . . . _ _ _ _____________ N u m b e r o f f a m ilie s h a v in g — B a t h r o o m i n d w e l l i n g u n i t ______________ _ _ . . . . _________ T o ile t : In s id e f lu s h . _______ _______________________ . ._ O u t s id e f lu s h . _ ______ ____________________ ______ . O t h e r t y p e . . . . _ . . . . _______________ . . . _ __ _ S o le u s e o f t o i l e t b y h o u s e h o l d . . W a t e r : In s id e d w e llin g . . . . . _ _ _ R u n n in g . _____ _____ . . . . . ... R o t ru n n in g _ ________ _______ N o t r u n n in g _______ . __ O u t s id e d w e llin g o n ly . _____ . . . . . . . S i n k . _ ________ __________________________________________ ______ E l e c t r i c l i g h t s ________________________________ __________________________ G a s o r e l e c t r i c it y fo r c o o k in g _ _ _ ___________________ R e f r i g e r a t o r E l e c t r i c __________ ________________ . . . . . . O t h e r m e c h a n i c a l _________________ I c e ____________________________________ . . _ N o n e _____ _____ . . . _________ . H o t a i r , h o t w a t e r , o r s t e a m h e a t .. _ _ _ _ __ _ T e l e p h o n e _________ _ . . . . . . _ . . . . __________ . . _____ G a r a g e _____ _____ ___ . . . ... ... . ... . G a r d e n s p a c e . __ _ ________ .. . . . . . . . . _____ ___ .. P l a y s p a c e __________________________________ _____________ _________________ E a c h o f t h e f o llo w in g i t e m s : I n s id e f lu s h t o ile t , r u n n in g h o t w a t e r , e le c t r ic l i g h t , a n d g a s o r e l e c t r i c i t y f o r c o o k i n g _______________ 3 07 81 70 69 87 $ 1 7 .6 7 ' $ 15. 89 $ 15 . 70 $ 17 . 99 $ 2 0 . 64 68 41 132 66 0 12 14 19 35 13 0 0 19 5 30 16 0 3 16 9 28 16 0 2 19 8 39 21 0 7 2 22 296 4 7 2 92 3 04 302 176 2 3 304 294 133 30 0 215 62 150 71 110 126 176 47 76 4 1 80 80 79 32 1 1 81 74 13 2 0 58 21 27 6 21 28 55 50 68 0 2 66 69 68 35 1 1 70 67 26 2 0 53 15 29 9 27 33 43 51 66 0 3 65 68 68 41 0 1 69 66 31 8 0 47 14 30 20 23 25 35 74 86 0 1 81 87 87 68 0 0 84 87 63 18 0 57 12 64 36 39 40 43 98 10 16 20 52 178 45 41 56 36 132 7 39 0 0 0 29 2 14 0 0 0 36 0 43 2 11 0 0 0 24 3 9 0 0 0 151 171 2 34 39 0 2 41 41 41 33 50 34 55 176 176 176 134 0 2 178 176 89 21 2 125 30 145 78 113 130 139 33 42 0 3 44 44 44 27 0 1 45 43 16 2 0 32 11 28 18 24 33 41 35 1 0 36 35 35 32 0 1 36 36 26 8 76 13 14 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 41 41 15 1 0 34 6 37 12 29 35 33 1 0 55 56 56 42 0 0 56 56 32 10 1 36 9 47 27 41 42 40 1 23 4 33 21 19 20 25 26 23 78 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS— 13 SMALL CITIES T able 9. — H o u s i n g f a c i l i t i e s , b y e c o n o m i c level — Continued L I T T L E T O N A N D C O N W A Y , N. H. E c o n o m ic le v e l— F a m ilie s s p e n d in g p e r e x p e n d it u r e u n it p e r year A ll f a m ilie s It e m Under $ 30 0 $300 t o $ 40 0 $ 40 0 t o $ 50 0 $ 50 0 and over Housing Facilities in Dw elling Occupied at E n d of Schedule Year I. F a m ilie s in s u r v e y , w h o re n te d p r in c ip a l h o m e a t e n d o f s c h e d u le y e a r . . _ _ ___ __________ ___ __________ A v e r a g e m o n t h ly r e n t a l r a t e a t e n d o f s c h e d u le y e a r . _ . II. _ N u m b e r o f f a m ilie s liv in g in — 1 - f a m i l y d e t a c h e d h o u s e _________________ ________________________ 1 - f a m i l y s e m i d e t a c h e d o r r o w h o u s e _____________________________ 2 - f a m i l y h o u s e . . _____ ____________________________________________________ M u l t i p l e d w e llin g (3 - f a m ily o r m o r e ) . . . . ________ D w e llin g w it h e le v a to r _____ ______________ _ _______ D w e l l i n g w i t h j a n i t o r s e r v i c e ______________ _______________ N u m b e r o f f a m ilie s h a v in g — B a t h r o o m i n d w e l l i n g u n i t ___________________________ __________ T o i l e t : I n s i d e f l u s h ____________________ _____________________________ O u t s id e flu s h . . . _. ________ _______________ O t h e r t y p e ___________________________________________________ S o le u s e o f t o i l e t b y h o u s e h o l d __________ _ . _______________ W a t e r : I n s i d e d w e l l i n g . . ________ _______ ________________ R u n n i n g ________________________________________________ H o t r u n n in g . ._ _ ... _ _____ N o t r u n n i n g _____________________________________________ O u t s i d e d w e l l i n g o n l y _____ . . . ____________ . . . S i n k _____________________ _________________ __________________________________ E l e c t r i c l i g h t s ________ _____________________ _____________________________ G a s o r e l e c t r i c i t y f o r c o o k i n g ___________ ________________________ R e f r ig e r a t o r : E le c t r ic . . . . _ ________ . . . _ ......... O t h e r m e c h a n i c a l . _____________ . ________ Ic e . _______________ _____________________________________ N o n e ___________ . _ . . ____________ . . . _______ H o t a i r , h o t w a t e r , o r s t e a m h e a t _________________________________ T e le p h o n e _____ ___ . . . . . .. G a ra g e __ . . . ________ _______ ___ _______ G a r d e n s p a c e . . _______ _____________ . . _ _ . __________ . . . _____ ___ _____________ _____ ___________________ P la y sp ace E a c h o f t h e f o llo w in g it e m s : In s id e flu s h t o ile t , r u n n in g h o t w a t e r , e le c tr ic l i g h t , a n d g a s o r e l e c t r i c i t y f o r c o o k i n g _____ _________ F a m ilie s in s u r v e y , w h o o w n e d p r in c ip a l h o m e a t e n d o f s c h e d u le y e a r . . _ . . _ _______________________________ _____ N u m b e r o f fa m ilie s liv in g in — 1 - fa m ily d e t a c h e d h o u s e _ . . ____________ ____________ 1 - fa m ily s e m id e t a c h e d o r r o w h o u s e . . _____________ 2 - f a m i l y h o u s e _____ . . . . _ __________________ ________ M u l t i p l e d w e llin g (3 - f a m ily o r m o r e ) . . D w e l l i n g w i t h e l e v a t o r . . . __________ ___ __________ _____ D w e l l i n g w i t h j a n i t o r s e r v i c e ________ . . _____ _________ N u m b e r o f fa m ilie s h a v in g — B a t h r o o m i n d w e l l i n g u n i t ___________________ _______ _______________ T o i l e t : I n s i d e f l u s h _________________________________ ___________________ O u t s i d e f l u s h ___________ . ... _______ . . . _________ O th e r t y p e .. __ _ ____________________ . ... S o le u s e o f t o i l e t b y h o u s e h o l d ----------------- -------------W a t e r : I n s i d e d w e l l i n g _________________________________________________ R u n n in g ____________________________ ______________ H o t r u n n i n g _____________________ ___________________ N o t r u n n i n g ______________ . . __________ __________ O u t s id e d w e llin g o n ly . . . _______ ___ ... S i n k _________________ ________ ____________________________ __________________ E l e c t r i c l i g h t s ________________________________ _____________________________ G a s o r e l e c t r i c it y fo r c o o k in g . . ._ __________ . R e fr ig e r a t o r : E le c t r ic .. . . _____ ___ _____ ___ O th e r m e c h a n ic a l . . . . _________ Ic e _ _____ . . . . . . _____ N o n e .. . _ . . . -------------- --------H o t a i r , h o t w a t e r , o r s t e a m h e a t _________________________________ T e l e p h o n e _____________________________ . . _________________________________ G a r a g e ________ _________________________________________________________________ G a r d e n s p a c e __ _________________________________ ____________________ P la y sp a ce . . . . _ . . . ------- ---------------- -------------E a c h o f t h e f o llo w in g i t e m s : In s id e f lu s h t o ile t , r u n n in g h o t w a t e r , e le c t r ic l i g h t , a n d g a s o r e l e c t r i c i t y f o r c o o k i n g ---------------- 100 31 23 26 20 $ 1 5 . 30 $ 1 2 . 75 $ 1 5 . 51 $17. 92 $ 1 5 .6 0 35 4 33 28 0 2 19 1 6 5 0 0 2 2 11 8 0 0 8 0 9 9 0 2 6 1 7 6 0 0 61 81 13 6 98 99 96 56 3 1 99 97 5 3 0 66 31 34 11 41 56 75 13 21 8 2 30 31 29 14 2 0 30 30 0 0 0 25 6 12 1 12 22 26 13 20 0 3 23 22 22 13 0 1 23 22 0 0 0 14 9 5 5 7 17 20 22 25 0 1 25 26 25 17 1 0 26 26 4 2 0 17 7 11 3 10 7 16 13 15 5 0 20 20 20 12 0 0 20 19 1 1 0 10 9 6 2 12 10 13 2 0 0 1 1 97 34 17 23 23 83 0 14 0 0 0 31 0 3 0 0 0 13 0 4 0 0 0 17 0 6 0 0 0 22 0 1 0 0 0 71 79 0 18 95 96 87 60 8 2 96 91 18 25 0 9 32 33 30 20 2 2 12 12 0 5 17 17 15 12 2 0 17 16 1 20 22 0 1 23 23 21 19 2 0 23 23 1 21 20 0 3 23 23 21 9 2 0 23 2 2 0 10 0 15 6 13 33 43 30 0 1 0 17 16 6 44 7 60 76 81 5 9 0 55 33 5 5 6 22 3 4 0 13 6 18 26 8 8 13 20 33 14 19 18 15 17 17 15 0 0 1 4 14 17 79 TABULAR SU M M AR Y T able 9 a . — H o u sin g fa c ilitie s M A R Q U E T T E , M IC H .; M O D E S T O , C A L IF .; A N D R E N O , N E V . All families Item Marquette Modesto Reno H o u s in g Fa cilities in D w e llin g O ccu p ied at E n d o f S ch edu le Y e a r l. Families in survey, who rented principal home at end of schedule year Average m onthly rental rate at end of schedule year_____________ Number of families living in— 1-family detached house________ ____________________ .. _ ... 1-family semidetached or row house_________ _______ _______ 2-family house____ __ __ ___ __ __ ______ ___ ________ ___ Multiple dwelling (3-family or m ore)_________________________ Dwelling with elevator___ _______ _ . . _________ ___ Dwelling with janitor service__ __ . _ ______ . . . __ __ Number of families having— Bathroom in dwelling unit__________ _____ . . . . _ __ _____ Toilet: Inside flu sh ._ ________ __ . . . - _ ______ ________ Outside flush__________________________________________ Other typ e___ ___________________________________ __ _ Sole use of toilet b y household___ _____ _ ______ _____ _____ Water: Inside dwelling______________ ___ _____ _ __________ Running. . . . . . . . __ . . . . ________ _ Hot running________________________________ __ N ot running_________________________________ Outside dwelling only__________________________ Sink_____________________ _________________________ Electric lights . . . . . . _____ ____ _ __ __ ________ Gas or electricity for cooking___ _. . ____ _________ Refrigerator: E lectric___ ______ ______ _______ _ _________ Other mechanical _ .. _ _______ . . . ____ ______ Ice________________ _. ______ ____ _____ . _ N one______ . . _______ _______ _______ . Hot air, hot water, or steam heat_________ __ . . . _______ _ Telephone ... . . . . . . _ Garage ________ _ _ . . . . . _ _______ - __ ___________ Garden space___ __________ ___ _____________ _ . _____ . . . Plav space. _ ___________ ___ _____ ____ _ _ ._ _ __ Each of the following items: Inside flush toilet, running hot water, electric light, and gas or electricity for cooking. II. Families in survey who owned principal home at end of schedule year: Number of families living in— 1-family detached house ______________________ . _ 1-family semidetached or row house___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ 2-family house___________ _____ ________________________ ___ ____ __ ___________ __ Multiple dwelling (3-family or more) Dwelling with elevator _ ... ... ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dwelling with janitor service. _ _____ ___ __ ____ Num ber of families having— Bathroom in dwelling unit . ___ _______ . . . ___ __ . _______ Toilet: Inside flush__ _ ________ __ _. _ . . . __ _____ Outside flush _ ___ ______ _____ _. __ _ . . . Other typ e.. __________________ ______________________ Sole use of toilet b y household_____________ __________________ _________ _ ___ ____________ Water: Inside dwelling. Running. ___ _ ______________ __ ______________ Hot running ______ ____________________________ N ot running _ ____________ ___ _ __ ___ _ _____ Outside dwelling only _ _ _____________ __ . _ _ . . . Sink_________________________________________________________ . Electric lights_____ ___________________________________________ Gas or electricity for cooking.__ _________________ _ _________ Refrigerator: E le c t r ic ._____ _ _ ____ ________________ __ . . . Other mechanical___________________ ___________ Ice only__________________________________ None ________________ ______________________ H ot air, hot water, or steam heat__ _____________________ ____ Telephone_____________ ________________ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Garage ______ _____ ___ _ _ _ _ Garden space_________________ ______ __________ ___________ Playspace___ _____________ _ __ __ _____ ____ Each of the following items: Inside flush toilet, running hot water, electric light, and gas or electricity for cooking.. 75 90 76 $18. 86 $19. 35 $26. 78 30 2 33 10 0 2 75 4 4 7 0 2 51 5 2 18 1 67 59 72 2 0 70 73 73 45 0 0 73 74 42 10 0 11 54 45 36 28 43 62 90 90 0 0 88 90 90 85 0 87 90 90 85 13 1 69 8 5 23 79 82 84 76 75 0 1 76 76 75 73 0 0 76 76 41 24 0 51 1 42 25 52 72 72 34 73 82 61 41 73 69 0 4 0 0 0 58 3 0 0 0 0 72 0 1 0 2 0 64 71 2 0 73 72 72 47 1 0 72 73 37 9 0 14 50 52 50 58 65 73 60 58 4 1 61 61 61 54 0 59 61 61 55 21 2 34 4 9 28 59 60 58 73 72 0 1 73 73 73 73 0 0 73 73 42 19 0 49 5 39 65 68 73 73 29 50 39 80 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS— 13 SMALL CITIES T able 1 0 .-— H o u s in g exp en d itu res, b y econom ic level N A S H U A , C O N C O R D , A N D B E R L IN , N . H. Item All families Economic level—Families spend ing per expenditure unit per year $500 and over Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 299 3.84 3.98 88 5.41 5.44 74 3.87 4.00 52 3. 26 3. 54 85 2. 53 2. 71 44 0 16 0 11 0 7 0 10 0 97 0 38 32 0 0 46 3 36 0 8 9 0 0 17 1 23 0 12 8 0 0 12 1 17 0 7 9 0 0 9 1 21 0 11 6 0 0 8 0 205 10 53 1 53 1 35 4 64 4 0 9 3 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 4 2 $21.84 17.12 4. 72 0 $11. 62 8.61 3.01 0 $24.10 16.02 8.08 0 $53. 58 52. 05 1.53 0 $11.06 5.53 5. 53 0 47.01 19.85 0 12.13 2.19 0 0 12.26 .58 148. 88 148. 28 .60 1.39 0 .62 .77 5. 44 37. 94 18. 76 0 2.70 2.28 0 0 13.90 .30 102. 33 102. 31 .02 . 13 0 . 13 0 5. 25 45.98 17. 46 0 12.98 2. 72 0 0 12. 23 .59 138. 32 138.02 .30 . 14 0 . 14 0 5.57 40.44 19. 70 0 4.05 2. 88 0 0 11.79 2. 02 146. 20 145. 25 .95 1.88 0 1.43 .45 5.44 61.34 23. 14 0 26. 07 1.23 0 0 10.90 0 207.90 206. 65 1.25 3. 46 0 1.04 2. 42 5.53 16 62 86 77 58 94 4.61 4. 82 4 22 26 24 12 35 6. 07 6.15 6 12 20 19 17 21 4.79 5.04 0 8 19 15 10 17 3.49 3. 99 6 20 21 19 19 21 2. 91 3.06 43 $53. 09 37. 35 15. 74 16 $31.19 23. 63 7.56 10 $87.17 58.69 28.48 7 $55. 73 51. 06 4. 67 10 $53. 27 27. 79 25. 48 148. 25 63.01 0 37. 41 6.98 0 0 38.99 1.86 95. 40 47.18 0 6.80 5. 72 0 0 34.95 .75 156.14 60. 97 0 40. 55 9. 57 0 0 42.97 2.08 123. 69 60. 27 0 12. 39 8.80 0 0 36.06 6.17 248. 30 93.68 0 105. 52 5.00 0 0 44.10 0 H o u s in g E x p e n d itu r e s I. All families in survey 1____________________________________ Average number of persons in economic family___________ Average number of persons in household______ _________ Num ber of families Investing in— Principal hom e. ____________________________________ Vacation home— - ________________________________ Number of families having current expenditure for— Owned principal home: Taxes ____ . __________ ____ __________ Assessments.. . . . ______ —. _ . . . . . ________ Repairs and replacements ___ _ _ . . ________ Fire insurance on home ____________________ _ Liability insurance on h o m e .. ___________ ____ Ground rent. _____ . . . ______ _______ Interest on mortgages ________ _____ _. ______ Refinancing charges . . . _____________ _____ _ Rented principal home: Rent (gross rent less concessions). .. . . . _____ __ Repairs b v tenant. . ____ . . . . . _______ . Secondary housing: Owned vacation h o m e ___ . . . _____ _ ___ Rent on vacation or trips. _ . . . . . . _____ . . . Rent at school___________________________________ Average amount invested during schedule year in owned— Principal home, to ta l... . . . . . . . ______ _______ .. . Paym t. on principal of mortgage and down paym t___ Improvements on hom e_____________________________ Vacation home _ . ___ _______________________________ Average current expenditure for— Owned principal home, total.. . . . ____ __________ Taxes __________________________ . _ _ _. _ ____ . . . ___________ .. Assessments___ ________ Repairs and replacements________________________ Fire insurance on hom e__________________________ Liability insurance on home _ _ _ _ . ... Ground rent. _ . . . _____________ . . . _________ Interest on m ortgages__________________ ______ Refinancing charges. ___________ _______________ Rented principal home, total _ ______ ___________ Rent (gross rent less concessions). ______________ Repairs b y tenant______ _______________________ Secondary housing, total________________ _____ ______ Owned vacation hom e_________ ________________ Rent on vacation or trips... ___________ _. .. Rent at school ______ ... Average number of rooms in dwelling unit . .. ... Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms____ —. _______________ 4 rooms . _____ _.. _____ __ ___ __ ____________ 5 rooms_____________ .. _____________________ . . . 6 rooms _ _________ 7 rooms or m ore__________ _________________________ II. Families who owned their principal home for 12 m onths. Average number of persons in economic family. Average number of persons in household____________ .. Number of families who invested during the schedule year in owned principal home ____________ Average amount invested during schedule year, total Paymt. on principal of mortgage and down p a ym t__ ____ Improvements on hom e_____________________ Average current housing expenditures on owned principal home, total______ _____________________________ Taxes_______ ___________________ ___________ Assessments__________________________ _______ ___ Repairs and replacements_____________ _____________ Fire insurance on hom e__________________ ______ .. Liability insurance on hom e____ _______________ . . . . Ground rent____ ______ __________________ _______ Interest on mortgages____ _ ______ ____________ _ Refinancing charges___________ ___ ______ _____ 1 The total number of families surveyed includes those in each of the 4 subgroups shown in this table (i. e. home owners, house renters, apartment renters with heat included in rent, and apartment renters with heat not included in rent) and also families who changed their housing status during the year for whom no separate subgroup is shown. 81 TABULAR SU M M AR Y T able 10 . — Housing expenditures, by economic level— Continued NASHUA, CONCORD, AND BERLIN, N. H.—Continued Economic level— Families spend ing per expenditure unit per year Item All families Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over H o u s in g E x p e n d itu r e s —Continued II. Families who owned their principal home for 12 months— Continued. Average estimated annual rental value______ _____ - - - $286. 41 Average imputed income from equity in owned principal hom e--- _______________ .- _______ _________ - 138.16 Average number of rooms in dwelling un it___________ . Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms.. _ _ ____ ________ ______ 4 rooms________ _ _ _____________ . ... - 5 rooms________ ____ ________ - ______ . Grooms____ _____ ____ __________________ _ 7 rooms or more . . .. _ . _ - ________ III. Families who rented house for 12 months_________ Average number of persons in economic family_______ ___ Average number of persons in household___________ 114.94 172.19 122. 23 5. 99 5. 85 6.19 5.94 6.05 0 9 20 28 37 50 3.27 3.44 0 4 8 12 11 7 4.00 4.16 0 2 2 7 10 11 3.88 4.07 0 1 5 5 6 17 3. 21 3.52 0 2 5 4 10 15 2. 55 2.57 $161.14 $166. 47 $224. 76 161.14 166. 47 222. 31 0 0 2. 45 13. 43 14.17 18. 53 $273. 61 269. 69 3. 92 22. 47 5. 58 5.28 5. 36 5. 71 5. 75 1 9 11 18 11 0 3 0 3 1 1 2 3 2 3 0 1 7 5 4 0 3 1 8 3 17 3.07 3.26 1 2. 26 2.10 3 5. 52 5. 52 2 4.20 4.20 11 2. 27 2. 58 $264. 29 $412. 62 $407. 89 264. 29 412. 62 407. 89 0 0 0 22. 02 34. 39 33.99 $426. 63 426. 63 0 35. 55 $412. 41 Average expenditure for rented principal home, total. Rent (gross rent less concessions) ____ _____ _____ 412. 41 Repairs by tenant. . . . _. .. __ . . . 0 34. 37 Average m onthly rental rate. . __ - - - - - - ___ - _ . Average number of rooms in dwelling unit Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms. . 4 rooms. . . ___________ 5 rooms. _ _ _ . . _ 6 rooms. _ __ __ ___ __ . . . . . . ____ 7 rooms or more . _ V. Families who rented apartment for 12 months with heat not included in rent. . . . ___ - - - - - . - _ _ - _. Average number of persons in economic family___ _. ___ Average number of persons in household . __________. _ 4. 65 4.00 4.00 5. 50 4. 73 3 6 4 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 4 2 1 2 135 3. 69 3.77 44 5.29 5.28 37 3.42 3. 47 16 2. 96 3.02 38 2. 39 2. 62 $174. 24 $183. 61 $185.56 174.19 183. 02 184. 88 .05 .59 .68 14. 52 15. 25 15. 41 $234.00 232. 74 1.26 19. 43 Average expenditure for rented principal home, total.. $194. 97 Rent (gross rent less concessions) ___ _ ____ 194. 36 .61 Repairs b y tenant ._ _ _______ ___ _ 16. 21 Average m onthly rental rate.. ___ _____ ______ _________ Average number of rooms in dwelling u n i t ___ - _______ Number of families living in dwellings with— ____ _ . _________ Less than 4 rooms. 4 rooms - _ _ _ .. - ____ _____ _________ 5 rooms. . . . ___ - - _ ___ ___ 6 rooms. . . ______ ________ . . . _______ _ 7 rooms or more. _______ ______________ $370. 53 145.16 Average expenditure for rented principal home, total ___ $217. 69 Rent (gross rent less concessions) - _______ 215. 68 Repairs b y tenant___ - _ - ___ ___ _____ 2.01 Average m onthly rental rate. _ _______ 18.04 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms. _____ ______ . . ____ 4 rooms_________ ____ _______________ ______________ Grooms. _ _ __ _ . _____ 6 room s.. .. . . _ _____ __ __________ 7 rooms or more____ - _____ - -- _______ IV . Families who rented apartment for 12 months with heat included in rent. . ... .. . . . - . - ___ Average number of persons in economic family_______ Average number of persons in household.. _____ _ . . . _ $240. 55 $271.08 $295. 88 4. 85 4. 73 4. 97 4. 88 4.87 12 37 51 29 6 4 13 18 9 0 4 7 14 10 2 0 6 6 4 0 4 11 13 6 4 82 M O N EY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 T able SMALL CITIES 10. — H ousing expenditures , by economic level— Continued P O R T S M O U T H , K E E N E , D O V E R , L A C O N IA , A N D C L A R E M O N T , N. H. Econom ic level—Families spend ing per expenditure unit per year Item All families $500 and over Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 485 3.54 3. 79 126 5.21 5.45 111 3. 59 3.84 125 2.86 3.17 123 2.46 2. 66 90 0 23 0 24 0 25 0 18 0 176 1 80 64 0 0 90 2 44 0 11 17 0 0 28 0 41 0 23 14 0 0 26 1 55 1 25 19 0 0 24 1 36 0 21 14 0 0 12 0 309 32 81 7 70 7 69 5 89 13 0 19 3 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 5 1 0 9 2 $22. 41 13.89 8. 52 0 $15. 20 8. 25 6.95 0 $30.02 18. 55 11.47 0 $24. 70 15.87 8. 83 0 $20. 61 13.44 7.17 0 49. 26 22. 66 .14 10.17 2.41 0 0 13.80 .08 135. 28 134. 21 1.07 1.10 0 .57 .53 5.71 35. 90 17. 75 0 3.40 2. 32 0 0 12. 43 0 120. 70 120. 22 .48 .43 0 .43 0 5.87 56. 62 23. 71 0 10.91 2. 82 0 0 19.01 .17 121. 38 119. 53 1.85 .50 0 .50 0 5. 73 55. 87 29. 06 .53 11.59 2.36 0 0 12.17 .16 122. 60 122. 26 .34 1.13 0 .39 .74 5.67 49. 56 20.24 0 15.00 2.18 0 0 12.14 0 176. 50 174. 76 1.74 2.29 0 .97 1.32 5. 57 32 60 125 131 137 180 3.65 3.95 3 15 34 40 34 46 5.35 5. 56 6 15 30 22 38 42 3.81 4.08 10 18 28 33 36 53 3.06 3.45 13 12 33 36 29 39 2. 32 2. 59 87 $64. 54 41.24 23. 30 22 $49. 44 24. 20 25.24 24 $79.83 49. 52 30.31 24 $62.14 41.20 20.94 17 $69.14 52.46 16.68 131. 70 60. 85 .37 27.40 5. 72 0 0 37.14 .22 98. 21 48. 63 0 9. 31 6. 36 0 0 33. 91 0 149. 65 62. 67 0 28.84 7.44 0 0 50.24 .46 131. 76 68.54 1.24 27. 34 5.56 0 0 28. 71 .37 151. 72 62.83 0 47.29 3. 32 0 0 38.28 0 H o u s i n g E x p e n d it u r e s I. All families in survey 1 - . _____ _____________________ .. Average number of persons in economic fam ily__________ Average number of persons in household____ _________ Number of families investing in— Principal hom e-- ________________________________ Vacation home _____ __ ________ __ ____ Num ber of families having current expenditure for— Owned principal home: Taxes____________________________________________ Assessments____ __ .. .. - 1 - ------Repairs and replacements________________________ Fire insurance on hom e__________________________ Liability insurance on home- _ _______ __________ Ground rent__________________________________ Interest on mortgages___________ ___________ — Refinancing charges_____________________________ Rented principal home: Rent (gross rent less concessions). _ - --------------Repairs b y tenant ______ ____ — -- - ------------Secondary housing: Owned vacation hom e____ _. _ - --------------------Rent on vacation or trips.. _.. ------------------------Rent at school- ____ ___ .. --------------------------- Average amount invested during schedule year in owned— Principal home, total----------------------------------------------------Payment on principal of mortgage and down payment. Improvements on hom e____ _____ - ---------- - Vacation home _ - ------------------ -----------Average current expenditure for— Owned principal home, total---------------- -------------------Taxes ___ - __ ___________ -- ----------- ------Assessments__________________ _______________ Repairs and replacements- __ - ________ _____ Fire insurance on home---------------------------------------Liability insurance on home . . . Ground rent- - . - - _______________ _____ Interest on mortgages________________ -Refinancing charges------------------------------------Rented principal home, total------------------------------ ------Rent (gross rent less concessions) - . _ ___ ____ Repairs b y tenant- - ______________ - _________ Secondary housing, total____________________ _____ .. Owned vacation home----- ___ _ Rent on vacation or trips___________________ Rent at school- - ___ - _ ______ ___ ____ - -_ Average number of rooms in dwelling unit________ ____ Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms. _ _ - . _ _____ ___________ . _ 4 rooms __ _____ _________ . . . - _______ _______5 rooms -------- --- ------------- ----------------- . . . 6 rooms, _ _______ _________________________________ 7 rooms or more - - - - - _______________ ____ II. Families who owned their principal home for 12 m onths.. _ Average number of persons in economic family---------------Average number of persons in household. _ _ _ _____ Number of families who invested during the schedule year in owned principal home .. . . . . . . . . .. Average amount invested during schedule year, tota l____ Payment on principal of mortgage and down payment . Improvements on hom e____________________________ Average current housing expenditures on owned principal home, total _ . . ________ __ ____________ - ___ -. Taxes________________________________________________ Assessments _ . . __________ _____ Repairs and replacements---------------- ----------------------Fire insurance on hom e________________ . . . ---------Liability insurance on home__________ _____________ Ground rent___ ________________________ _____ Interest on mortgages________________________________ Refinancing charges------------- ------------------------------------ 1 The total number of families surveyed includes those in each of the 4 subgroups shown in this table (i. e., home owners, house renters, apartment renters with heat included in rent, and apartment renters with heat not included in rent) and also families who changed their housing status during the year for whom no separate subgroup is shown. 83 TABULAR SUMMARY T a b l e 10.— H ousing expenditures, by economic level— Continued P O R T S M O U T H , K E E N E , D O V E R , L A C O N IA , A N D C L A R E M O N T , N. H .— Continued Economic level—Families spend ing per expenditure unit per year Item All families Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over H o u s i n g E x p e n d it u r e s —C ontinued II. Families who owned their principal home for 12 months— Continued. Average estimated annual rental value_____________ . $279. 90 Average imputed income from equity in owned principal hom e--- ____ ____________ _______ ________________ 148. 20 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit_______ - - __. Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms ... ______________ ___ __ . . . 4 rooms______ ______________________ ___ ______ 5 room s,__ . _______________ _____ ___________ _ Groom s_______ _____ __________________ ______ __ 7 rooms or more___ _ _ ______ _ . . ___________ _. III. Families who rented house for 12 m o n t h s ____ __ ___ Average number of persons in economic fam ily______ . Average number of persons in household.. . _. __________ 137. 42 198.01 141. 83 6. 36 6. 39 6. 52 6. 79 5.56 3 4 30 66 77 103 3. 86 4.14 1 i 5 18 21 31 5. 55 5. 78 0 0 7 12 23 24 3.46 3. 63 0 2 11 20 20 24 3.10 3.57 2 1 7 16 13 24 2.84 3. 09 $209. 73 $185. 55 $224.71 208. 89 182. 22 223. 08 .84 3. 33 1.63 17.41 15.18 18. 59 $290. 53 287.54 2.99 23. 96 5. 82 5. 93 5. 83 5. 21 6. 25 3 19 20 22 39 0 9 7 7 8 0 5 6 5 8 2 5 4 2 11 1 0 3 8 12 27 3.05 3.22 2 5.82 5. 82 5 3.01 3.07 8 2. 75 2. 95 12 2.80 3.02 $343. 82 $243. 93 $325. 20 343. 82 243. 93 325. 05 0 0 .15 28. 65 20. 33 27. 09 $343. 42 341.68 1.74 28.47 Average expenditure for rented principal home, total . . . $318. 70 Rent (gross rent less concessions). ______ ___ _ _ 317. 92 Repairs by tenant . __ __ _ ____ . . . . . . . . . . .78 Average m onthly rental rate__________________ ._ . . . 26. 49 Average number of rooms in dwelling u n it ... _ _________ Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 room s. ____ ________ _____ ______ _____ 4 rooms . . . ____ . . . __________ . _ ______ ._ 5 rooms. ________ ________ ____________ . _. _ . 6 room s_____________________________________________ 7 rooms or m ore. ________________ ________ ___ . V. Families who rented apartment for 12 months with heat, not included in rent. . .. . . . Average number of persons in economic family A. verage number of persons in household 3.96 12 6 7 2 o I 170 3. 37 3,58 Average expenditure for rented principal home, total $194.36 Rent (gross rent less concessions). 193. 23 Repairs b y tenant .. . _______________ ________ 1. 13 Average m onthly rental ra te.. ___________ _____________ 16.13 A verage number of rooms in dwelling unit ____________ Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 room s. ________________________________ 4 rooms__________ _______ _ _ _________ ________ Grooms_________ ______ ______ . . . . . . ________ 6rooms______________________________________________ 7 rooms or m ore. . _______________________ ________ $293. 55 106. 08 Average expenditure for rented principal home, total_____ $226.42 Rent (gross rent less concessions).. _ ________ ______ 224. 31 Repairs b y tenant ..._ _ __ _____ _ ______ _____ _ 2.11 18.69 Average m onthly rental rate-. __________________________ A verage number of rooms in dwelling unit. ___ __ __ . . . Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 room s. ____ _______ _____ _____________ 4 rooms. . ____________ __________________ . . . ___ 5 rooms _______ ___________________________ ______ 6 rooms _________ . _ _____ _____ ______ _____ 7 rooms or more_________________________________ IV. Families who rented apartment for 12 months with heat included in rent. _ ____ _____ Average number of persons in economic family. Average number of persons in household __. ____ . $204. 29 $287. 07 $329. 79 4.50 3. 60 4.00 4.00 1 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 0 0 3 2 3 0 0 5 3 3 1 0 46 4.92 5. 21 39 3.60 3. 9.1 39 -2.45 2. 57 46 2. 40 2,30 $174. 96 $190.18 $183. 97 174. 22 189.35 183.90 .74 .83 .07 14. 52 15. 78 15. 35 $226. 10 223. 44 2. 66 18. 69 5.19 5. 37 5.08 5.03 5.24 13 31 67 38 21 1 5 21 14 5 3 9 16 4 7 5 9 10 10 5 4 8 20 10 4 84 M O N EY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 T able SMALL CITIES 1 0 . — Housing expenditures, by economic level— Continued L IT T L E T O N A N D C O N W A Y , N . H. Item All families Economic level— Families spend ing per expenditure unit per year $500 and over Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 65 5.23 5. 31 40 3.41 3.58 49 2.74 2.97 43 2.40 2. 51 14 0 9 0 8 0 8 0 36 0 13 15 0 0 19 1 16 0 7 5 0 0 .10 0 24 0 9 8 0 0 5 0 19 1 13 12 0 0 13 1 31 2 24 3 26 2 22 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 $13. 25 9. 76 3. 49 0 $26. 24 14. 78 11.46 0 $21.12 7. 09 14. 03 0 $31. 95 19. 61 12. 34 0 37. 86 18. 47 0 4.11 3. 89 0 0 10. 66 .73 72. 86 72. 39 .47 0 0 0 0 5. 72 38.28 19. 74 0 4.05 2. 75 0 0 11. 74 0 106. 94 105. 72 1.22 1. 67 0 1.67 0 5.58 49.47 28.17 0 12.78 2. 86 0 0 5.66 0 115. 51 115. 22 .29 0 0 0 0 5. 65 79.41 28. 91 .08 17. 86 6. 32 0 0 24.99 1.25 82. 98 82.58 .40 3.24 0 1.06 2.18 5.79 5 13 15 15 17 36 5. 62 5. 71 4 9 8 11 8 16 3. 81 4.15 3 5 15 13 13 24 2. 34 2. 69 3 9 13 8 10 17 3.18 3. 37 12 $45. 47 17. 62 28. 85 9 $65. 61 36. 95 28. 66 8 $43.12 14. 47 28. 65 6 $60.04 49. 61 10. 43 67. 29 32. 53 0 7.17 7.03 0 0 19. 25 1.31 95.74 49. 35 0 10.14 6. 89 0 0 29. 36 0 101.00 57. 52 0 26.08 5. 85 0 0 11. 55 0 197. 26 69. 51 .21 45.18 15. 99 0 0 63. 21 3.16 H o u s in g E x p e n d itu re s 197 I. All families in survey 1---------------------------- ------------------------Average number of persons in economic fam ily___ _._ _ _ 3.62 Average number of persons in household_______________ . 3. 77 Number of families investing in— 39 Principal hom e_________ - ________ - - _____ Vacation hom e___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _____ _ 0 Num ber of families having current expenditure for— Owned principal home: 97 Taxes________________ ___ _ ---------- ___ __ __ _ 1 Assessments.- _ _ _ _ _ _ r ------ ------- _ _ _ _ 42 Repairs and replacem ents____ ___ _____ __ 40 Fire insurance on home ________ _______ __ 0 Liability insurance on hom e___ _________________ 0 Ground r e n t ___ ___ _ _ _______ _____ ______ _ 47 Interest on mortgages____________________________ 2 Refinancing charges____ _ . ___ _________ __ Rented principal home: 103 Rent (gross rent less concessions)------------------------9 Repairs b y ten a n t--. ___________ _________ Secondary housing: Owned vacation home __ _ ___ _ _________ __ 0 Rent on vacation or trip s-.- _ _ _ __________ 6 1 Rent at school___ __ _______ ____ _ - _ _ ___ Average amount invested during schedule year in owned— Principal home, total. _ _ _________________________ _. _ $21. 92 Payment on principal of mortgage and down paym ent_ 12. 26 9. 66 Improvements on h om e.. _ _ ____________ _______ 0 __________ Vacation hom e.. __ ___________ ____ _ Average current expenditure for— Owned principal home, total___ __ __ ___ _______ 49. 91 23.42 Taxes_________ _________________ ______________ .02 Assessments - _ _ _ _____ _______ Repairs and replacements_______ __________ ___ 9. 26 3. 94 Fire insurance on hom e______ __ --_ ----------- __ Liability insurance on home __ __ _ __ _. 0 Ground rent___________ ___ ________ - _ ___ 0 Interest on mortgages_______ _ __ ------------- _ 12. 76 Refinancing charges.__ ____ __ ____________ .51 Rented principal home, total______ _ _ - -------- --92. 60 Rent (gross rent less con cession s)__ ______ 92.04 .56 Repairs by tenant- _. ___ _ _ __ ___________ _ Secondary housing, total------ ------- ------- ---------------------1.05 0 Owned vacation hom e. __ ____ _________ ___ Rent on vacation or trip s.. _ - __________ __ .57 Rent at school _____ _ _____ _ _ _ .48 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit____ __ ___ 5. 69 Number of families living in dwellings with— 15 Less than 4 rooms_________ _____ ____ ____ 4 rooms. _ _____ ____ _____________ ______________ 36 5 rooms__________________ ____ _______________ 51 6 r o o m s _________ __ _______ ________________ 47 48 7 rooms or more_____________ ______ ___ __________ II. Families who owned their principal home for 12 months__ 93 Average number of persons in economic family _ __. ____ 4. 01 4.23 Average number of persons in household_________________ Num ber of families who invested during the schedule year in owned principal hom e. _ . . _______ - ______ _ 35 Average amount invested during schedule year, total____ $50. 99 Payment on principal of mortgage and down paym ent- 25. 98 Improvements on home- _ __ - - ___ __ _ ________ _ __ 25. 01 Average current housing expenditures on owned principal home, total. ____ __ __ _ ____ _ ________ 104. 65 Taxes____ _____ __________________________ _ 48. 63 .04 Assessments_______ _________________________________ 19. 51 Repairs and replacements __________ _____ ________ 8. 34 Fire insurance on hom e________________________ 0 Liability insurance on home ________________________ 0 Ground rent . . _- ______________ - ___ - _____ 27. 04 Interest on mortgages. _ ______ _ _________ 1.09 Refinancing charges_______ __ ____ ____________ 1 The total number of families surveyed includes those in each of the 4 subgroups shown in this table (i. e., home owners, house renters, apartment renters with heat included in rent, and apartment renters with heat not included in rent) and also families who changed their housing status during the year for whom no separate subgroup is shown. 85 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 10. — H ousing expenditures , by economic level— Continued L I T T L E T O N A N D C O N W A Y , N. H — Continued E c o n o m i c l e v e l — F a mi l i e s spending per expenditure unit per year All fami lies Item Under $300 H o u s i n g E x p e n d itu r e s — $300 to $400 $500 and over $400 to $500 Continued II. Families who owned their principal home for 12 months— Continued. Average estimated annual rental value_____________ ____ $232. 36 Average imputed income from equity in owned principal 127. 71 hom e--_ $167. 70 $244.10 $242. 95 $343. 32 100. 41 148. 37 141. 94 146.05 5. 84 5. 61 5. 81 6.12 5. 94 3 9 23 23 35 36 4.08 4. 25 2 4 11 8 11 17 5. 27 5.43 1 2 2 5 6 5 2.68 2.70 0 1 6 6 11 6 4. 26 4.49 0 2 4 4 7 8 2. 29 2.51 Average expenditure for rented principal home, total. _- _ $166. 54 Rent (gross rent less concessions). ______ ______ 165. 56 Repairs b y tenant _ _. __________ ____ _ _ _ .98 13.80 Average m onthly rental rate__ ___ _________________ $170. 27 169. 53 .74 14.13 $95. 73 $283. 76 95. 73 281. 88 0 1.88 7. 98 23. 49 $114. 95 113.54 1.41 9.46 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit_______________ Number of families living in dwelling with— Less than 4 rooms-- ____ _______ . . - __ ____ .... 4 rooms, - __________ __________ ______ _____ 5 room s-_ ___ ___ _____________ - ___ ________ 6 room s--- ____________________ ____________________ 7 rooms or more. - - _ III. Families who rented house for 12 months ________ - Average number of persons in economic family. ____ _ . Average number of persons in household .. . _- __ . Average number of rooms in dwelling unit. - .. __ _____ N um ber of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 r o o m s _____ 4 rooms____ . _______ . ______ _______________ .. ___________ ___________ 5 room s-.- ______ 6 rooms _ __ ____ __ -. .. ____ ___ ___ 7 rooms or more. . ___________ ____ ____ _______ . IV . Families who ren^e d apartment for 12 months with heat included in rent-- _ ____ ____ _ ____ _ . ____ Average number of persons in economic family___ _ . . Average number of persons in household _____ ______ 5. 44 5. 41 4.60 5.83 5. 75 2 8 8 8 10 1 5 2 4 5 1 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 2 2 0 1 3 1 3 6 2.10 2.10 0 0 0 1 3. 39 3. 39 1 2. 36 2.36 4 1.70 1.70 0 $271.03 $353. 79 0 271.03 353. 79 0 0 0 0 22. 59 29. 48 $204. 82 204. 82 0 17. 07 Average expenditure for rented principal home, total-- -- $240. 68 Rent (gross rent less concessions)_________________ __ _ 240. 68 0 Repairs b y tenant _ _ . ____ _____ __________ _____ _ _ Average m onthly rental rate- ________________________ _ 20.06 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit_____________ _ Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms___ ____ -_____________ 4 room s,- __________ ____ _________________ - _ . . . 5 rooms _____________ .. ______ _________________ 6 room s..______ ___ ________________ ___ 7 rooms or more____ - - - - __________ - ______ . _. V Families who rented apartment for 12 months with heat not included in rent____ ___ ___ ____ _____________ . Average number of persons in economic fa m ily ___ ___ Average number of persons in household _____________ 4.17 0 4.00 3.00 4. .50 1 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 58 3.11 3.16 10 4. 79 4. 79 18 3. 25 3. 32 18 2. 77 2. 87 12 1.99 1.99 $181.64 $196. 03 $200. 20 179. 87 193. 33 200.04 1.77 2.70 .16 14. 99 16.11 16. 67 $147.13 146. 64 .49 12. 22 Average expenditure for rented principal home, total. .. - $184.73 Rent (gross rent less concessions). . _. _ ____ _. _ 183. 43 Repairs by tenant____ ______ ___ __ __ ___ 1.30 Average monthly rental rate___________________________ . 15.28 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit_______________ Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms___________ . . . ___ ___________ 4 r o o m s ______ _________________ . __ __ ________ . 5 rooms___ __ __________ ______ ______ __ 6rooms. _ . _______ _ _____ _____________ _______ 7 roornsjor m ore___ __ __ _________ ______ 4. 83 8 14 20 13 3 4.80 5. 00 4.89 4. 42 1 4 2 2 1 2 5 4 5 2 2 3 8 3 2 6 1 0 5 0 86 M O N EY DISBURSEMENTS— 13 T able SMALL CITIES 1 0 a . — Housing expenditures M A RQ U ETTE , MICH.; MODESTO, CALIF.; AND RENO, NEV. All families Item Marquette Modesto Reno Housing Expenditures I. All families in survey 1_____________ __________________________ Average number of persons in economic family_________________ Average number of persons in household._______ ______________ Number of families investing in— Principal home__________________________________________ Vacation home__________________________________________ Number of families having current expenditure for— Owned principal home; Taxes____________________________________________ _ Assessments_________________________________________ Repairs and replacements____________________________ Fire insurance on home_______________________________ Liability insurance on home__________________________ Ground rent_________________________________________ Interest on mortgages________________________________ Refinancing charges_____ ____ ________________________ Rented principal home: Rent (gross rent less concessions)______________________ Repairs by tenant____________ _________________ _____ Secondary housing: Owned vacation home________________________ ______ _ Rent on vacation or trips_____________________________ Rent at school_______________________________________ Average amount invested during schedule year in owned— Principal home, total____________________________________ Payment on principal of mortgage and down payment._. Improvements on home______________________________ Vacation home__________________________________________ Average current expenditure for— Owned principal home, total_____________________________ Taxes_______________________________________________ Assessments_________________________________________ Repairs and replacements____________________________ Fire insurance on home______________________________ Liability insurance on home. ________________________ Ground rent________________________________________ Interest on mortgages________________________________ Refinancing charges_______ __________________________ Rented principal home, total_______ __________________ Rent (gross rent less concessions)_____________________ Repairs by tenant___________________________________ Secondary housing, total_________________________________ Owned vacation home_______________________________ Rent on vacation or trips_____________________ _______ Rent at school________________________________ _____ _ Average number of rooms in dwelling unit_______________________ Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms___ ____ ________________________ ________ 4 rooms__________________________________________ _________ 5 rooms_________________________________________ _____ ____ 6 rooms___________________________________________________ 7 rooms or more_________________________________________ _ II. Families who owned their principal home for 12 months__________ Average number of persons in economic family___________________ Average number of persons in household________________________ Number of families who invested during the schedule year in owned principal home______________________________________________ 148 4.04 4.17 151 3. 32 3. 43 149 3.20 3.29 27 0 44 0 37 0 72 0 28 28 0 0 24 2 61 10 23 28 0 0 43 0 66 6 17 35 0 0 35 1 75 10 94 10 78 2 0 4 1 0 16 1 0 5 0 $36. 51 30. 81 5.70 0 $61. 44 47. 21 14. 23 0 $58.64 45. 72 12.92 0 39. 37 17.18 0 11.14 2. 56 0 0 8.15 .34 115. 77 115. 32 .45 1.03 0 .44 .59 51.43 11.86 1.87 5.99 3.94 0 0 27. 77 0 139.63 139. 22 .41 2. 30 0 1.41 .89 68. 84 27. 74 .54 6.41 5. 43 0 0 28. 49 .23 163. 50 163. 43 .07 1. 17 0 1.17 0 5.70 4.70 4. 72 7 26 34 44 37 72 4.07 4.16 25 36 52 32 6 57 3. 38 3.45 28 38 43 29 26 40 11 71 3. 23 35 $69.96 $129. 40 $117. 35 Average amount invested during schedule year, total_____________ 90.24 Payment on principal of mortgage and down payment________ 60.20 97. 02 9. 76 27.11 32. 38 Improvements on home____________________________________ Average current housing expenditures on owned principal home, 140. 25 79.84 127. 31 total___________________ ____________________________________ 56.13 35. 02 30. 52 Taxes_____________________________________________________ 1.14 0 4. 95 Assessments_______________________________________________ 13. 46 22. 77 11. 62 Repairs and replacements__________________________________ 5. 27 9. 73 11.14 Fire insurance on home____________________________________ 0 0 0 Liability insurance on home________________________________ 0 0 0 Ground rent______________________________________________ 16. 07 70. 49 58. 38 Interest on mortgages______________________________________ . 71 0 0 Refinancing charges_______________________________________ 1 The total number of families surveyed includes those in each of the 4 subgroups shown in this table (i. e. home owners, house renters, apartment renters with heat included in rent, and apartment renters with heat not included in rent) and also families who changed their housing status during the year, for whom no separate subgroup is shown. 87 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 1 0 a . — H ousing expenditures— Continued M ARQ U ETTE, MICH.; MODESTO, CALIF.; AND RENO, NEV.—Continued All families Item Marquette Modesto Reno H o u s in g E x p en d itu r e s —Continued II. Families who owned their principal home for 12 months—Continued. Average estimated annual rental v a lu e ._____________ . . . . _ Average imputed income from equity in owned principal home... $306. 07 226. 23 $284.11 156. 80 $400.14 259. 89 Average number of rooms in dwelling u n it _______ ____ ______ ___ Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms__ ________ __________________________ _ 4 rooms . . . . . . _________________ ____ ____________ _ 5 rooms__________________ ____ ________________________ 6 room s_____________ . _________ ___________________ 7 rooms or more___ _ ____ _ ______ . . . ____________ . III. Families who rented house for 12 months.. . . ________ ______ Average number of persons in economic family __ ________________ Average number of persons in household____ _ _______________ . 6. 36 5.07 5.20 2 5 11 23 31 29 4.38 4. 69 5 11 20 17 4 78 3.40 3.54 2 19 27 15 8 56 3. 37 3.41 Average expenditure for rented principal home, total_____________ Rent (gross rent less concessions)________________________ _. Repairs by tenant. . ______ _______ _____________________ Average monthly rental rate______ _____ _________ ___ _______ ___ $223.92 222. 50 1.42 18.54 $235.53 234. 78 .75 19. 56 $301. 89 301.71 . 18 25.16 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit_________ ____ _____ ___ Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms__ ____________________________________ __ 4 ro o m s_____________________ _____ __________________ ______________ ___ _ __ 5 rooms 6 room s_________________ ______ __ _____ _______________ __ 7 rooms or more _j_________________________________________ IV. Families who rented apartment for 12 months with heat included in rent. _____ ________________________________ . ._ ______ Average number of persons in economic family___________________ Average number of persons in household_________________________ 5.76 4. 64 4.71 0 5 6 12 6 14 30 14 11 14 14 14 2 3 16 3.13 3.12 1 4.00 4.00 16 2.68 Average expenditure for rented principal home, total___________ ._ Rent (gross rent less concessions)___ ______ ________________ Repairs by tenant__________________________________________ Average monthly rental rate______ _____________________________ $282. 33 281. 64 .69 23.47 177. 50 177. 50 0 14.79 $308. 59 308. 59 0 25.72 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit____________ ______ ____ Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms______________________ ______ ______ ____ 4 rooms ___ ______________________ _______ ______ _____ 5 rooms _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 room s______ __ _____________________________________ 7 rooms or more. . _ ________ ______ _______________________ 4. 35 2.00 3. 06 2 7 6 1 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V. Families who rented apartment for 12 months with heat not included in rent __ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . Average number of persons in economic fam ily__________________ Average number of persons in household__________________ _____ 30 4.17 4.28 10 2.40 2. 44 4 3.00 2.98 Average expenditure for rented principal home, total__________ .. Rent (gross rent less concessions) _________________ ____ ____ Repairs by tenant. ___________ ______ _____ _______________ Average monthly rental rate............ ................................. ........... $204. 09 203. 61 .48 16.98 $183. 62 183. 62 0 15.30 $231. 75 231. 75 0 19. 31 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit_______ ______________ Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 room s__ _ _____________ _________ ________ 4 rooms_________________________ ___ ___ ___________________ 5 rooms_________ ____ _______________________ _____________ 6 rooms ............ ........... .............. ......... .......... ................. 7 rooms or more-------- --------- ---------------------- ------------- ------ 4. 72 3.40 3. 25 3 9 5 4 11 1 7 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 200982°— 41- -7 1 18 2.58 2 1 88 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 T able SMALL CITIES 1 1 . — Fuel, light, and refrigeration expenditures, by economic level NASHUA, CONCORD, AND BERLIN, N. H. Item Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total . - . . . _____________ _____ Winter __ _________________________ Spring---------------------------------------------Summer._ _ __ _ __ ______ ______ Fall________________________________ Electricity________ ___________________ Winter __ . _________ ________ Spring---------------------------------------------Summer . . . . . ____ ___ Fall_________________________________ Anthracite- _____ _ . . . ______ _ ____ Winter ___________________________ Spring___________ ________________ Summer________ ______ _______ _____ Fall_________________________________ Bituminous coal_________________________ Winter______________________________ Spring____________________ ________ Summer. . .. _______ ._ .. Fall_________________________________ C o k e ... _______ ____ ____ ______________ Briquets____________________________ . _. W ood__________________________________ Winter______ ______ _________________ Spring____________ __________________ Summer _ ______________________ _. Fall________________________________ Fuel oil_________________________________ Winter______________________ ______ Spring---------------------------------------------Summer___________ _______ . _ _ ._ Fall______________ ______ ___________ Gas____________________________________ Winter_____________________ ______ Spring______________________________ Sum mer.................... ............................. F a ll..:______________________________ Kerosene. _ ______ _ . . . . . ___ Gasoline (not for auto)_________ ________ Ice_____________________________________ 1Less than . 05 cent. Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over j F u e l, L ig h t, and R efrig era tion E x p en d itu r e s All families in survey _________________ Number of families spending for— Electricity______________________________ Anthracite, . . . . . . _____________ _ ___ Bituminous coal______________ - . . . ___ Coke _______ _____ ___________ _____ Briquets________________________________ Wood___________________________________ Fuel oil_________________________________ Gas_________ __ ___ __________________ _____ ______________________ Kerosene ____ ___ Gasoline (not for auto).. ... Ice --- - --_____ __________ _ _______ Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year All fami lies 299 88 74 52 85 294 122 14 23 0 164 165 113 26 3 198 87 28 5 4 0 57 48 15 11 1 48 72 34 3 4 0 39 44 21 8 1 49 50 24 2 7 0 32 32 25 3 0 39 85 36 4 8 0 36 41 52 4 1 62 $131.07 41.24 23. 60 20. 55 45. 68 28.89 8.12 6.90 6.33 7.54 25. 86 8.76 2. 29 .75 14.06 2. 76 1. 42 . 15 .42 .77 5. 48 0 17. 58 5. 72 2. 43 1. 11 8. 32 31.73 11. 82 7. 27 3. 30 9. 34 10. 22 2. 22 2. 63 3.07 2. 30 1. 25 .08 7. 22 $112.86 39.55 21.00 16.41 35.90 26.47 7.61 6.32 5.70 6.84 18. 25 6.96 1.75 .56 8.98 2. 57 1.45 .25 0 .87 1. 58 0 23.12 8. 99 3. 67 1. 68 8. 78 31. 64 12. 38 7.19 3.18 8. 89 3. 76 .66 .91 1.47 .72 .84 . 13 4.50 $124.17 37.23 21.03 21.92 43.99 27.25 7.64 6.61 5.88 7.12 24.41 7. 55 1.86 1.40 13.60 3. 84 1. 68 . 15 1. 06 .95 3.09 0 19. 59 6. 62 1.99 1.15 9. 83 32. 56 11.61 7. 63 4. 25 9. 07 6.66 1.40 1. 69 2.13 1.44 .49 0) 6. 28 $146. 75 41.48 27.06 21.53 56.68 30.07 8.35 7.34 6.68 7. 70 28.86 8.21 1.09 0 19.56 1. 55 1.23 0 0 .32 9.99 0 16. 21 3. 71 3. 60 .51 8. 39 33. 92 10. 66 8.18 3.99 11.09 12. 62 2. 58 3. 35 3. 75 2.94 4. 77 0 8. 76 $145. 94 46. 29 26.39 22.70 50.56 32.11 8.91 7. 50 7.16 8.54 33.13 12.02 3.95 .83 16.33 2. 48 1. 30 . 13 .26 .79 8.80 0 10. 95 2. 77 .83 .85 6.50 29. 73 12.13 6. 47 2.17 8. 96 18.51 4.31 4. 78 5.12 4. 30 . 17 . 16 9. 90 89 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 1 1 .— F u el , light, and refrigeration expenditures, hy economic level— Con. NASHUA, CONCORD, AND BERLIN, N. H.—Continued Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over F u el, L ig h t, and R efrig era tio n E x p e n d itu r e s —Con. II. Number of families in houses making payments for heat separately from rent______________ Number of families spending for— Electricity______________________________ Anthracite______________________________ Bituminous coal................................ ........... Coke___________ ______________________ Briquets_________ ____________ ________ W ood__________________ _____________ Fuel oil________________________________ Gas____________ _______________________ Kerosene__________ ________________ Gasoline (not for auto)__ ___ ____ _____ Ice___________________________________ Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total____ _____ .. __________ Electricity_____________ ________ Anthracite _____ __ . _________ Bituminous coal.._ _ ____________ Coke_________________________________ Briquets___ ____ ________ _____ W ood_________________________________ Fuel oil_______________________________ _ Gas________ ____________________________ Kerosene_____________________ _______ Gasoline (not for auto)___________________ Ice_____________________________________ III. Number of families in houses not making pay ments for heat separately from rent2 ____ _ IV. Number of families in apartments making pay ments for heat separately from rent 2__Number of families spending for— Electricity. - __ _ __ _ _ ___ _ Anthracite________ _________ . . . __ _ Bituminous coal_________________________ Coke___________________________________ Briquets________________________________ Wood-.. __________ __________ ________ Fueloil. ___________ . . __________ _____ Gas____ ______________________________ _ __ . Kerosene _____Gasoline (not for auto)_ _____ Ice. ____ Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refriger ation, total. _ _____________ Electricity _________________ __ ____ Anthracite____________________ _____ Bituminous coal________________________ Coke_________________________________ Briquets - ___ _ - _______ ____ _ _______ Wood___________________________________ Fuel oil____ ______________ ____________ Gas____________________________________ Kerosene __ - _ ___________ ______ Gasoline (not for auto)______ ___ . _____ Ice__ . _____ ______ _________________ V. Number of families in apartments not making payments for heat separately from rent______ Number of families spending for— Electricity_______________________ . . . ___ Gas____________________________________ Ice________ - _____ ___________________ Average expenditures for fuel, light, and re frigeration, total___________________________ Electricity______________________________ Gas.____________________________________ Ice_____________________________________ All other fuel ___________________________ 143 42 32 34 35 141 75 10 14 0 96 80 55 15 1 91 41 20 2 1 0 29 22 9 6 1 19 31 20 2 1 0 24 18 7 3 0 19 34 16 2 6 0 20 22 16 3 0 28 35 19 4 6 0 23 18 23 3 0 25 $151.44 31. 42 35. 28 4. 33 8.72 0 18. 60 33. 05 10. 50 2.19 .07 7. 28 $124. 60 28. 15 26. 66 3. 45 2. 65 0 23. 37 31.99 3.73 1. 28 .25 3. 07 $133. 49 29. 67 30. 35 6. 40 4. 24 0 19. 69 29. 43 6.61 . 15 0 6. 95 $173. 23 32. 74 36.50 2. 37 12. 76 0 15.07 42. 17 13. 94 7. 28 0 10. 40 $178. 92 35. 67 48. 96 5.39 16.17 0 15. 29 28.80 18. 82 .20 0 9. 62 1 0 0 0 1 135 44 37 16 38 131 45 3 6 0 66 77 45 11 2 95 43 11 2 1 0 27 22 8 4 0 29 35 13 1 2 0 16 23 11 5 1 26 15 7 0 1 0 10 8 7 0 0 8 38 14 0 2 0 13 24 19 2 1 32 $114.33 25. 68 18. 92 1.19 2. 88 0 16. 77 34. 31 7.41 .24 .09 6. 84 $102. 55 24. 89 9. 71 1.85 .63 0 23.30 32. 74 3. 42 .34 0 5. 67 $111.95 24.49 22. 58 2. 15 2.52 0 14. 81 35.02 4.49 .26 0) 5. 63 $103. 73 24.46 16. 23 0 5. 32 0 20.18 22.50 9.88 0 0 5.16 $134. 79 28, 29 27. 18 0 4.81 0 9. 68 40. 41 13. 82 .21 .32 10.07 17 1 3 2 11 8 7 7 1 1 1 4 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 $86. 77 33. 79 30.84 9. 61 12. 53 $160. 74 35. 76 23. 84 14. 30 86. 84 $75. 58 28. 91 35. 76 6. 98 3. 93 $70.03 29.64 12. 22 9.60 18. 57 $86.13 35. 70 33. 51 9.90 7.02 1 Less than 0.5 cent. 2 Detailed information not presented because of small number of families in this classification. 90 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS— 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 11.— Fuel, light, and refrigeration expenditures, by economic level— Con. PORTSM OUTH, KEENE, DOVER, LACONIA, AND CLAR E M O N T, N. H. Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 1 $400 to $500 $500 and over F u e l, L ig h t, and R efrig era tion E x p en d itu r e s All families in survey______ . ._ Number of families spending for— Electricity__________________________ Anthracite__________________ ___________ Bituminous coal_________________________ Coke______ _________________ --Briquets__________________ ____________ W ood__________________________________ Fueloil.------------ ----------------------------------Gas----- --------------------------------- ---------Kerosene--------- -- ------ ----------------------------Gasoline (not for auto)_____________ _____ Ice___ _______________________________ __ 485 126 111 125 123 460 214 44 46 12 255 236 225 70 8 337 116 49 8 10 3 80 56 35 27 2 92 107 41 11 10 5 62 49 41 24 2 80 118 63 9 9 1 66 62 63 14 3 87 119 61 16 17 3 47 69 86 5 1 78 Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total------ -------------------------Winter____________________ Spring_____________ __________ Summer_______________________ Fall______________________________ Electricity_____________________________ Winter_____________________________ Spring______________ ______________ Summer_________ ______ ________ . . . Fall________________________________ Anthracite______________________________ Winter_____________________________ Spring---------------------------------------------Sum m er___________________________ Fall________________________________ Bituminous coal. ____ _________________ Winter____________________ _ ______ Spring_____________________ Summer __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fall_____ ________________________ Coke__ _______ _ _ _ __ _________ Briquets. __ __ _________ _ __ _ ______ Wood_.. ____________ ___ ______ ______ Winter ______________ ________ . _ Spring________ ___________________ Summer_________ _ _________ _ Fall_________________________________ Fuel oil_________________________________ Winter_________________ ___ ____ Spring ____________________________ Summer________________________ Fall_________________________________ Gas __ _____ __ _ __ _. _____ Winter____ _________________ ______ Spring______________ ____________ Summer-______ _ _______ ____ _ Fall______________________________ _ __ _______ ___ Kerosene.. __ _____ Gasoline (not for auto)____ ______________ Ice____________________ __ ___ ___ $137. 62 44. 20 25. 47 22.11 45. 84 29. 20 8. 07 6.99 6.41 7. 73 27. 56 11.43 3. 05 1.38 11.70 5. 21 2.17 .50 . 17 .2. 37 5.91 .66 16. 69 5.37 2. 54 1. 27 7. 51 30. 49 11.07 7.14 3. 46 8.82 12. 44 2.69 3.16 3.78 2. 81 2.16 .06 7.24 $115. 20 36.97 20. 41 18.11 39. 71 26.08 7. 29 6. 30 5. 65 6. 84 18.12 7. 55 1. 50 .14 8. 93 3.83 1.66 .05 0 2.12 3. 78 .89 20.09 6. 77 3. 22 1.28 8. 82 25. 32 9.14 5.69 3. 25 7. 24 7. 44 1.54 1. 96 2.32 1.62 3.-25 .06 6. 34 $127. 26 40. 25 21. 96 22. 32 42. 73 27. 74 7. 87 6. 41 5. 88 7. 58 16. 87 8. 23 .84 .80 7.00 4.31 1. 97 .24 .31 1. 79 4.66 .83 23. 33 7. 42 3.19 1. 72 11.00 28.15 10.23 6.47 3. 58 7. 87 10.15 2. 21 2. 52 3.20 2. 22 4.02 .16 7.04 $148. 40 47.94 29. 35 23. 64 47. 47 29. 29 8.05 7.06 6.44 7. 74 37. 97 14. 90 5.91 2.60 14. 56 3. 97 1.31 .51 .33 1. 82 4. 76 0) 15.46 4.93 2. 66 1.39 £48 35.08 13. 02 7. 86 3. 58 10. 62 13.49 2. 96 3. 32 4.08 3.13 1.06 .05 7. 27 $158. 91 51. 28 29. 83 24.45 53. 35 33. 62 9. 05 8.17 7. 64 8. 76 36. 29 14. 76 3. 72 1.93 15. 88 8. 71 3. 75 1.17 .07 3. 72 10.34 .92 8. 46 2. 52 1.15 .71 4.08 33. 21 11.80 8. 51 3. 42 9. 48 18. 59 4. 03 4. 81 5.50 4. 25 .48 0) 8.29 1Less than 0.5 cent. TABULAR SUMMARY 91 T a b l e 11.— Fuel, light, and refrigeration expenditures, by economic level— Con. PORTSM OUTH, KEENE, DOVER, LACONIA, AND CLAREM ON T, N. H.—Con. All fami lies Item F u el, L ig h t , and R efrig era tio n E x p e n itu r e s - Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over Con. II. Number of families in houses making payments for heat separately from rent. _ ____ Number of families spending for— Electricity___________________________ Anthracite _ _________ _ ____ _____ Bituminous coal_______________________ Coke_________________ _____________ Briquets_____________________________ Wood_______________________________ Fuel oil______________________________ Gas__________________________________ Kerosene___________ .. _____ .. ____ Gasoline (not for auto)________________ Ice_________________________________ Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total.. ________________ Electricity ________________________ Anthracite_______ - _________________ Bituminous coal_______________________ ____ C oke._ -___ ____ ___________ . Briquets_____________ ____ ____________ Wood___________________________________ Fuel oil._ _______ ___________________ Gas_____________________________________ Kerosene,-- _______ _ _______ ... Gasoline (not for auto) ___________ ____ Ice ____ ________________ __________ 282 77 66 77 62 258 143 10 24 8 157 125 124 42 7 191 63 30 2 7 2 44 31 22 16 1 52 61 28 2 4 3 38 27 18 13 1 47 77 46 2 8 ,1 47 39 40 12 4 56 57 39 4 5 2 28 28 44 1 1 36 $144. 60 28. 92 35. 53 7. 44 5. 39 .60 17. 23 29.13 11. 98 2. 04 .03 6.31 $110. 87 23. 43 20. 02 5.41 4. 42 .96 17. 22 23.14 7. 96 2. 77 .01 5. 53 $122. 49 25. 73 20. 89 6. 42 1. 64 .80 23.13 26. 65 7. 59 3. 43 (0 6. 21 $168. 68 31.68 48.12 5. 75 7.11 .01 18. 33 35.19 13.80 1.69 .08 6. 92 $180. 09 35. 73 54. 75 13. 16 8. 43 .68 9. 58 31. 68 19. 37 .07 .01 6. 63 0 0 46 39 39 46 46 16 3 4 1 35 23 11 9 1 38 39 13 2 8 1 26 22 18 13 2 28 33 15 1 0 0 16 25 19 2 1 29 46 19 4 12 1 19 33 31 2 0 31 $123. 24 30.41 14.63 1.47 2. 97 .81 26. 20 30. 24 5. 87 4.17 . 17 6. 30 $137. 42 30. 44 11.83 1.38 10.27 1.02 22. 94 35. 05 11.86 5. 29 $120.44 23. 96 24. 75 1.35 0 0 10. 58 43.10 9.23 .08 .03 7. 36 $153. 29 32. 77 21. 66 5. 56 16. 32 1.55 9. 32 39. 50 17.10 .95 0 8.56 III. Number of families in houses not making pay ments for heat separately from rent2 1 IV. Number of families in apartments making pay ments for heat separately from rent- -- ... 170 Number of families spending for— Electricity. .. . . . . . . ___. . . ______ 164 Anthracite. ___ _ _ _ . ________ . 63 Bituminous coal_________ _ _ ___ 10 Coke____ ___________________ __________ 24 Briquets.__ _______________________ ____ 3 Wood__________________ ___________ ____ 96 F ueloil... ____________________ _______ 103 Gas________________________ . . . ___ 79 Kerosene___ _ 26 Gasoline (not for auto) _ _ - - - - - - - 4 Ice ... .- __ ______ _ ____ 126 Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrig 1 eration, total___ _ _ . ____ $133. 97 Electricity. _ __ _______________________ 29. 58 Anthracite___ . . . ___________ . . . . . . _ 18. 21 Bitum inous coal____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ 2. 53 Coke___ . ________ _________________ 7. 57 Briquets..- ............ .................................... .87 Wood___________________________________ 17. 30 Fuel oil_________________________________ 36.80 Gas_____________________ -. . . . ______ 11.05 Kerosene . . . ____ _______ .. __ . . . .. 2. 62 Gasoline (not for auto)____ _____ _________ . 15 Ice__________________________ _________ ' 7.29 V. Number of families in apartments not making payments for heat separately from rent.. 26 Number of families spending for— 21 Electricity_____ _____ ____________ ___ Gas_____________________________________ 20 Ice... . . . . . ___ ____ .. ___ I 19 Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrig $74. 52 eration, total______________________________ 28.62 Electricity______________________________ Gas_____________________________________ 22.71 Ice____________ ______________________ . 8.51 14.68 All other fuel_______________ ___________ ! 0 | .44 6. 90 2 5 ! 8 11 2 1 1 4 5 5 6 9 9 11 $83. 56 41.18 26.86 5.97 9. 55 $65. 76 20.19 28.60 8. 09 8.88 1 5 3 $86. 27 37. 08 24. 53 3.84 20.82 1Less than 0.5 cent. 2 Detailed information not presented because of small number of families in this classification. 1 $68. 27 24. 00 17.94 12. 56 13. 77 92 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS— 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 11.— Fuel, light, and refrigeration expenditures, by economic level— Con. L ITT L E TO N AND CONW AY, N. H. All families Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over F u e l, L ig h t, and R efrig era tion E x p en d itu r e s All families in survey __. _______ __________ Number of families spending for— Electricity______________________________ Anthracite . __________ _______________ Bituminous coal_________ _____ __________ Coke ___________________ _______ ___ Briquets________________________________ W ood___________________________________ Fuel oil_______________ _______ ___________ Gas_____________________________________ Kerosene __ - ___________ ______ Gasoline (not for auto)_____ ____________ Ice____________________________________ 197 65 40 49 43 187 84 18 14 1 146 87 1 48 2 121 59 25 8 7 1 51 25 0 21 1 39 40 16 3 2 0 29 23 0 7 0 23 48 25 2 4 0 37 19 0 10 1 35 40 18 5 1 0 29 20 1 10 0 24 Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrie$122. 46 eration, total. _ _____ _ _____ _______ Winter _________ _____ _____ ______ 36. 77 S p rin g._______ _____ _______________ 17. 04 Summer. _ _______________________ 20.23 48. 42 Fall_________________________________ 26. 94 Electricity___ _________________________ Winter ________ ____________ _ . . . 7. 47 Spring _______ _______ _______ 6. 43 5. 76 Summer___ ___________ ________ _ __ Fall_________________________________ 7. 28 24.96 Anthracite. . . . ___________ ___________ 9.02 Winter ______________ . . . ________ Spring------------- -----------------------------. 17 Summer _____________ _____ 3. 37 Fall_________________________________ 12. 40 3. 40 Bituminous coa l... _________________ 1.21 Winter _ _____________ ________ _ . Spring---------------------------------------------. 14 .20 S um m er.__ __ _ _ _________ _ 1.85 Fall_________________________________ 2. 59 Coke_ ___________ _______ . . . ________ .06 Briquets ._ __________ _ ____________ .. 32. 69 W ood__________________ _____ __________ Winter _______________ __________ 9. 61 Spring.. _______ ________________ _ 2.85 2. 89 Summer_____ ______________ ____ . . . 17. 34 Fall_________________________________ 24.18 Fuel oil____________ ____ ________________ 7. 88 Winter ________ ___________________ _ 6. 09 Spring___________ ________ _________ 3. 22 Summer._ . . . _____________________ Fall_________________________________ 6. 99 Gas_______________ ____ ________________ .20 .05 Winter_______________________ ___ .05 Spring_________________ _ ________ .05 Summer. _________ ___________ .. . .05 Fall_________________________________ 1.96 Kerosene _ .. . _ _____________ . . . . .01 Gasoline (not for auto)____ _____ ____ ____ 5.47 Ice__________ ________ _______ ____ _______ $108. 55 34. 44 14. 29 17. 53 42.29 24. 79 6.91 5.96 5.29 6. 63 21.59 8. 53 0 2. 80 10. 26 3. 61 1.84 0 .42 1.35 3. 33 .17 30. 57 9.95 2. 69 2. 31 15. 62 17. 73 5. 22 4. 58 2.26 5. 67 0 0 0 0 0 2. 10 .04 $130.94 38.51 18.44 24.24 49. 75 26. 72 7. 57 6. 41 5. 58 7.16 24.87 11.45 .38 1. 61 11.43 2.83 .80 0 .32 1. 71 2.99 0 32.60 6. 63 2. 05 6.64 17.28 32. 44 10. 07 8. 03 5. 39 8. 95 0 0 0 0 0 3.29 0 5.20 $120. 43 33. 98 15. 98 25. 62 44.85 28. 52 7. 90 6. 65 6. 06 7.91 25.05 6.60 .19 8. 51 9. 75 1.41 .60 .20 0 .61 3. 39 0 33. 62 10. 64 3.07 2. 71 17.20 21.12 6. 59 4. 27 3. 38 6. 88 0 0 0 0 0 .81 .01 6.50 $138. 06 41.88 21.16 14. 49 60. 53 28. 60 7. 75 6.91 6.28 7.66 30. 04 10. 27 .22 0 19. 55 5.91 1. 33 .43 0 4.15 .23 0 34. 91 10. 68 3.58 .50 20.15 29. 69 11.31 8. 63 2. 47 7.28 1.00 .25 .25 .25 .25 1.83 0 5. 85 4. 62 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 11.— F u el, 93 light, and refrigeration expenditures, hy economic level— Con. LITT L E TO N AND CONW AY, N. H.—Continued Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year All families Item - - Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over - F u e l, L ig h t, and R efrig era tion E x p en d itu r e s — Con. II. Number of families in houses making payments for heat separately from rent________________ Number of families spending for— Electricity______________________________ Anthracite______________________________ Bituminous coal________________________ Coke__________________________________ Briquets________________________________ Wood__________________________________ Fuel oil_______________________________ Gas___________________________________ Kerosene_____________________________ Gasoline (not for auto)__________________ Ice__________________________________ 129 53 21 30 25 115 58 15 8 0 96 48 1 31 3 73 45 19 5 5 0 37 16 0 16 1 29 18 9 3 0 0 13 11 0 3 0 10 27 14 2 3 0 24 9 0 5 1 16 25 16 5 0 0 22 12 1 7 1 18 Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrig eration, total____________________________ Electricity____________________________ Anthracite_____________________________ Bituminous coal________________________ Coke- _________________________________ Briquets_______________________________ Wood__________________________________ Fuel oil________________________________ Gas____________________________________ Kerosene_______________________________ Gasoline (not for auto)___________________ Ice_____________________________________ $124. 63 26. 47 28. 56 4. 00 2. 38 0 34. 32 22.00 .33 1.58 .02 4. 97 $103. 93 23. 32 20. 27 2. 40 3. 67 0 31.99 15. 93 0 2. 32 .04 3.99 $130. 68 25. 09 26.05 5.40 0 0 34. 37 33.74 0 .49 0 5. 54 $116.09 28.80 30. 24 2. 31 3. 77 0 31.48 14. 60 0 .79 .02 4. 08 $173. 79 31.50 46. 26 8. 25 0 0 42. 65 33.89 1.70 1.86 .07 7.61 III. Number of families in houses not making pay ments for heat separately from rent________ IV. Number of families in apartments making payments for heat separately from rentNumber of families spending for— Electricity__________________________ Anthracite __________________________ Bituminous coal_____________________ Coke_______________________________ Briquets_______________________________ W ood_________________________________ Fuel oil________________________________ Gas____________________________________ Kerosene______________________________ Gasoline (not for auto)_________________ Ice___________ _____ _________ 0 0 0 0 0 58 10 18 18 12 57 27 2 5 1 45 39 0 15 0 43 10 7 2 2 1 10 9 0 5 0 10 18 6 0 2 0 15 11 0 5 0 12 18 11 0 1 0 14 12 0 1 0 16 11 3 0 0 0 6 7 0 4 0 5 Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refriger ation, total________________________ $124. 23 Electricity________________________ i 27.38 Anthracite_______________________ ! 20.30 Bituminous coal___________________ .61 Coke_____________________________ 3. 36 Briquets_______________________________ . 19 W ood_________________________________ 30. 44 Fuel oil________________________________ 32. 76 Gas___________________________________ 0 Kerosene_______________________________ 2. 84 Gasoline (not for auto) . _________________ 0 Ice_______ _ 6. 35 $138. 20 32. 37 32. 88 3. 54 2. 28 1. 12 26. 35 30. 88 0 1. 41 0 7. 37 $135. 78 28. 60 24.89 0 6. 63 0 32. 36 32. 12 0 6. 74 0 4. 44 $131. 26 28.08 17. 82 0 2. 95 0 39. 04 33. 18 0 .36 0 9. 83 $84. 78 20. 33 6. 68 0 0 0 18.08 34. 66 0 1. 89 0 3. 14 V. Number of families in apartments not making payments for heat separately from rent Number of families spending for— Electricity_______ _____ i Gas____________________ ____ ! Ice __ ___ ________ j 6 0 1 , 4 5 o 4 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 3 0 2 Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refriger ation, total__ __ _____ Electricity_______ _ __ Gas... . Ice___ __ __ _____ ! All other fuel__ ______ $65. 40 31.89 0 7. 89 25. 62 $49. 76 28.30 0 12.26 9.20 $73. 14 33. 98 0 5. 84 33. 32 ! ! 1 1 o 0 o 0 0 $50. 08 27. 10 0 11.69 i 11.29 1 94 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS— 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 11a.— F u el , light, and refrigeration expenditures M ARQ U ETTE, M ICH.; MODESTO, CALIF., AND RENO, NEV. All families Item Marquette Modesto Reno I. All families in survey______ ________________________________ ... Number of families spending for— Electricity_________________ _____________________________ Anthracite________ ______ ______ __ _____________________ Bituminous coal___ ______________________________________ Coke ________ _____ ____ ______ _____ ___ Briquets___ ___________ ________ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Wood_____________________________________________________ Fuel oil __ _ ________ ____________ __ ______ ___ _ Gas_ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ _______ K erosene.__ _ _ _ __ _ ___ __ _ _. ___ ___ __ Gasoline (not for auto)__________________________ _________ Ice _ _ _ ______ _ __ __ _ ____ 148 151 149 145 13 127 2 0 91 0 42 10 0 23 149 1 23 0 1 52 18 124 15 3 103 143 0 94 1 o 108 4 46 1 1 100 Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total________ Electricity____________ ___________________________________ Anthracite_______________________________________ ______ Bituminous coal.. _ _ __ ______ _ _ __________________ _ Coke__ _ ___ _ ___ ___________ _ _______ ___________ Briquets______ __________ ___ _ ________ _______________ Wood_____________________________________________________ Fuel oi l . ______ ________ _____________ __ __ Gas___________ ____ _ ____________ ________ ______ Kerosene____ __ ____ _______ ______ _ ___ Gasoline (not for auto)_____________________________________ Ice _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $99. 23 27. 96 3. 08 46.98 .82 0 12.63 0 5.91 .35 0 1.50 $95.12 32. 90 .23 3. 55 0 .22 5. 72 3.36 36.16 1.16 .38 11.44 $116.08 41.44 0 30.78 . 36 0 23.14 1. 28 9. 45 .01 .01 9.52 II. Number of families in houses making payments for heat separately from rent _ __ ____________ _ _ _ _ ____ Number of families spending for— Electricity_________________________________________________ Anthracite-------------------------------------------------------------------------Bituminous coal.. _ _ _________________ ____________ __ ___ Coke _______ _ ____________________ ____________ _ __ Briquets_________________________________________ __ ___ _ Wood ________________________________________ Fuel oil_________________________________________________ _ Gas __ __ __________________ ____ __ __ Kerosene. ___ __ __ ________ __________ _______ ___ Gasoline (not for auto)__________ _ _____________ __ Ice _ ___ __ __ ________ _ _ ___ 103 138 128 102 9 88 2 0 69 0 42 7 0 15 138 1 20 0 1 47 18 111 12 3 92 127 0 91 1 0 100 4 36 1 1 87 Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total____ __ Electricity __ ____ ___. _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________ Anthracite.. _ ________ ____ _ __ _ _ ____ Bituminous coal___ _________ __ _____ ______ Coke Briquets.. ______ _ _______ __. ___ . _ ___ Wood ___ ______________________________________ Fuel oil ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gas_____________________________ ________________________ Kerosene _ _ _ _______ ___ _ _ _ ___ Gasoline (not for auto) _ _________ ______ _ ___ _______ Ice _______________ _______ _______ ____ _____ ___ $113.19 29.65 3. 57 57.00 . 94 0 13. 97 0 6.16 .47 0 1.43 $97. 28 34.46 .25 3.56 0 .23 5. 97 3. 67 36.20 1.06 .42 11.46 $122. 93 43.45 0 35.06 . 42 0 24.94 1.49 8. 51 .01 .01 9.04 TABULAR SUMMARY 95 T a b l e 11a. — Fuel, light, and refrigeration expenditures— Continued M A RQ U ETTE , M ICH.; MODESTO CALIF., AND RENO, NEV.—Continued All families Item Marquette Modesto III. Number of families in houses not making payments for heat sepa rately from rent______ _ __ ______ ______ IV. Number of families in apartments making payments for heat sepa rately from rent_______ ____________________________ Number of families spending for— Electricity________________________________________________ Anthracite________________________________________________ Bituminous coal___________________________________________ Coke_____________________________________________________ Briquets__________________________________________________ Wood_____________________________________________________ Fuel oil___________________________________________________ Gas_______________________________________________________ Kerosene_________________________________________________ Gasoline (not for auto)_____________________________________ Ice_- ____________ _______________________ ___________ Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total_______ Electricity________ ___________________________________ Anthracite________________ ______ ___ ______ _________ Bituminous coal__________________________ _. ___________ Coke_____________________________________________________ Briquets__________________________________________________ Wood____________________________________________________ Fuel oil___________________________________________________ Gas_______________________________________ _______________ Kerosene_________________________________________________ Gasoline (not for auto)_______________________ ____________ Ice_- --------------- ----- -----------------------------------------------------V. Number of families in apartments not making payments for heat separately from rent_________ ______ Number of families spending for— Electricity_____________ V ____ _____ _______ Gas_____________________________________________________ Ice_________________________ ______________________________ Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total_______ Electricity_______ _____________________ ________________ Gas____________________________________ ________________ Ice_________________________________________ ____________ All other fuel________________________ _________________ 11 0 0 29 10 4 29 3 27 0 0 20 0 4 2 0 4 8 0 1 0 0 2 0 10 2 0 9 3 0 1 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 3 $86. 22 26. 98 3. 33 37. 79 0 0 13.60 0 3. 52 .10 0 .90 $66.40 14. 32 0 2. 24 0 0 1.71 0 35. 42 2. 72 0 9. 95 $91. 38 21.00 0 1.75 0 0 49.38 0 4.50 0 0 14. 75 16 0 15 13 4 3 0 0 0 11 9 9 $38.32 24.27 8. 66 3.11 2.28 0 0 0 0 0 $64.30 29.50 20.00 12.07 2. 73 i Detailed information not presented because of small number of families in this classification. Reno 96 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS--13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 1 2 . — Household operation expenditures other than for fuel, light, and refrig eration, by economic level NASHUA, CONCORD, AND BERLIN, N. H. Item All families Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over H o u seh old O p era tion E x p e n d itu r e s O ther T h a n fo r F u e l, L ig h t, and R efrig era tion Families in survey _ _ - _ __ _____ Number of families spending for— Water rent_. _____ _ _ __ __ _ Telephone______ _____ _ _______ Domestic service: Full-tim e___ _ Part-time. __ _ _ __ _. Laundry out _ _ _____ _______ _ __ Postage, telegrams.____ _________ __ Moving, express, freight, drayage____ _____ Safe-deposit box ___ ____ ____ _____ Insurance on furniture __________ _ _____ Interest on debts______________ ________ 299 88 74 52 85 97 98 13 20 54 267 38 5 63 13 34 14 3 5 8 75 12 0 15 3 22 13 1 3 6 65 15 0 9 2 17 24 4 3 11 43 2 2 15 1 24 47 5 9 29 84 9 3 24 7 Average expenditure per family for household oper ation other than fuel, light, and refrigeration, total---------- --------------------------- ----------Water rent___________ __ _______ Telephone _ _ _ _________________ Domestic service: Full-time. _ Part-time,. _ _____ Household paper____ ______ Bar soap. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ Starch, bluing._ ___ _______________ _______ Soap flakes, powder._ ___ _ ____ _______ _ Cleaning powder, polish, steel wool, etc_.„ __ Matches______________________________ Laundry out________________________________ Stationery, pens, pencils, ink________ _______ _ _ __ Postage, telegrams. _____ Moving, express, freight, drayage____ _ _ Safe-deposit box _ _____ _ _ _ __ _ Insurance on furniture __ __ _ _ _____________ . . . ___ __ Interest on debts _ Other items______ ____ ____________ _ __ _ $50.16 4. 82 9.02 4. 53 2.13 2. 90 2. 80 .74 5. 28 1.43 2.11 6.80 1. 33 2. 37 .91 . 05 1.87 1.06 .01 $35. 47 6. 01 3.88 1.35 .45 2.61 3. 06 .82 5.68 1.48 2. 07 3. 07 .95 #1.68 .64 0 1.43 .29 0 $33. 69 5. 00 3.99 .09 1.57 2.71 2. 93 .79 5.00 1.41 2. 09 1.75 1.24 1. 99 1.93 0 1. 13 .06 .01 $58. 38 4.62 12. 36 9. 24 2. 70 3.81 2. 50 .64 5.19 1. 38 1.88 7.68 1.22 2.10 .33 . 17 2. 43 . 10 .03 $74. 67 3. 55 16.66 8.82 4. 00 2. 82 2.61 .67 5.18 1.41 2.31 14. 52 1.86 3. 57 .66 .07 2. 64 3. 32 0 TABULAR SUMMARY 97 T a b l e 1 2 .— Household operation expenditures other than for fuel, light, and refrig eration, by economic level— Continued PORTSMOUTH, KEENE, DOVER, LACONIA, AND CLAREM ONT, N. H. Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year families Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over H o u seh old O p era tion E x p en d itu r e s O ther T h a n for F u e l, l i g h t , and R efrig era tion Families in su rvey-________ ___ ____ _ _ ___ Number of families spending for— Water rent_____________ __________________ _ _ _ _____- ____ __ Telephone_____ _____ Domestic service: Full-time _______ - - Part-time ______ - __ __ Laundry out____ _ _ _ _ _ ______ __ __ Postage, telegrams___ _____ _ ________ ___ Moving, express, freight, drayage______ ___ __ Safe-deposit box_ _ _____ _ _____ ___ _ Insurance on furniture_____ __ _ ___ _ _ ___ Interest on debts___ ___ ___ __ ___ Average expenditure per family for household opera tion other than fuel, light, and refrigeration, total. Water rent_______ ___ __________ Telephone_____ ________ _ _______ _____ Domestic service: Full-time___________ - _ Part-time--- _ _ ___ __ Household paper ____ - __ _ _____ _ _ __ _ _ _ _____ Bar soap____ ______ Starch, bluing______________________________ Soap flakes, powder. _. ____ ___ __ Cleaning powder, polish, steel wool, etc ______ Matches_______ ______ _ _ _ _ ______ _ Laundry out __ ____ ______ ___ ___ ____ Stationery, pens, pencils, ink______ Postage, telegrams--- _ _________ __ _ __ Moving, express, freight, drayage___ _____ _ ____ Safe-deposit box.. ________ Insurance on furniture. ___ _ _ __ Interest on debts___ ___ _ ____ Other items ____ ____ 485 126 111 125 123 174 149 16 30 100 452 49 36 112 37 43 24 6 4 13 112 9 2 24 9 41 21 5 6 16 105 10 8 18 11 53 47 3 10 29 116 11 12 34 5 37 57 2 10 42 119 19 14 36 12 $48.81 3.94 8. 65 2. 53 1.75 3.15 2. 78 .92 5.21 1.69 2.31 5.71 1.59 2. 88 .91 . 19 2. 06 2. 39 .15 $39.89 4.02 5. 27 3.20 .55 3. 22 3.06 .96 6.12 1.48 2. 71 2. 58 1.29 1. 88 .49 .04 1.51 1.43 .08 $38. 01 4.13 5. 61 1.97 1.12 3. 08 2. 64 .83 4.64 1.81 2. 20 3.45 1.44 2.42 .36 . 15 1.30 .72 .14 $49. 37 4. 27 9. 98 2.91 2.42 2.94 2. 59 .92 4.60 1.67 2.04 6. 20 1.39 3.06 1.00 .24 1.87 1.16 .11 $67. 10 3. 34 13. 50 1.95 2. 86 3. 36 2. 79 .95 5.43 1.81 2. 28 10. 46 2. 25 4. 14 1. 72 .35 3.49 6.14 .28 98 M O N EY DISBURSEMENTS— 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 12 .— Household operation expenditures other than fo r fuel, light, and refrigeration, by economic level— Continued L IT T L E T O N A N D All families Item H ou seh o ld O p era tion E x p en d itu r e s O ther F u e l, L ig h t, and R efrig era tion C O N W A Y , N . H . Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over T h an for Families in survey-.- . . . _______ _______ Number of families spending for— Water rent________________________________ Telephone_________________________________ Domestic service: Full-time__________________ Part-time-. - _ _____ _____ Laundry out________________________________ Postage, telegrams ____________ ___ _____ Moving, express, freight, drayage_____________ Safe-deposit box_____________________________ Insurance on furniture_________________ Interest on debts______________________ 197 65 40 49 43 76 55 10 14 33 190 41 6 53 9 26 8 3 3 6 63 14 1 15 4 15 13 1 2 6 39 5 1 8 2 18 17 2 7 6 47 10 1 14 2 17 17 4 2 15 41 12 3 16 1 Average expenditure per family for household opera tion other than fuel, light, and refrigeration, total. Water rent. ___________ ___________________ Telephone_______ _________________ _______ Domestic service: Full-time. _ _ _ _____ Part-time_________________ Household paper__________________ ____ Bar soap_____ _______________ _______ Starch, bluing__________________________ Soap flakes, powder _ . ___ ______ ___ . Cleaning powder, polish, steel wool, etc.. _ _ Matches____________________________________ Laundry out________________________________ Stationery, pens, pencils, ink___ ___ Postage, telegrams____________ - - __________ . Moving, express, freight, drayage____ . ___ Safe-deposit box_____________________________ Insurance on furniture __ - - - - - - - - - ------Interest on debts___ ____ __ . - _____ Other items _ _________ _____ - -- ---------. $43. 67 4. 69 6. 48 2.00 2. 68 2. 77 2.37 .61 4. 89 1. 06 2. 30 5. 21 1. 48 3.08 1. 25 . 11 2.04 .53 . 12 $34. 55 4. 53 2. 76 1.73 1.27 2.74 2.83 .74 5.10 1. 03 2.43 2.16 1. 26 2. 59 1.13 .03 1. 75 .42 .05 $40. 92 3.73 7.64 .75 1.45 2. 95 2. 73 .42 4.80 1.01 2.23 5. 91 1.30 3.18 .57 . 10 1. 61 .52 .02 $44. 98 4. 55 8. 33 .38 5.41 2.69 1. 77 .62 5.08 1.03 2.11 4. 26 1. 51 3.14 1. 66 .08 2.17 .16 .03 $58. 54 6.01 8. 91 5.40 2.85 2. 73 2.01 .58 4. 45 1.19 2. 38 10. 27 1. 96 3. 65 1.60 .29 2. 72 1.14 .40 TABULAR SUMMARY T a b l e 12a.— 99 H o u s e h o ld o p e r a t i o n e x p e n d i t u r e s o th e r t h a n f o r f u e l , l ig h t , a n d r e f r i g e r a t io n M A RQ U ETTE , MICH.; MODESTO, CALIF.; AND RENO, NEV. All families Item Marquette Modesto H o u seh old O p era tion E x p en d itu r e s O ther T h an fo r F u e l, L ig h t, and R efrig era tion Families in survey________________________________________________ Number of families spending for— Water rent___________________________________________________ Telephone____________________________________________________ Domestic service: Full-time____________________________________ Part-time___________________________________ Laundry out-----------------------------------------------------------------Postage, telegrams__________ _.. ------------------------------------------Moving, express, freight, drayage. ____________________________ Safe-deposit box-------------------------------------------------------------Insurance on furniture________ _____________________________ Interest on debts___________________________________ _________ Average expenditure per family for household operation other than fuel, light, and refrigeration, total______ _____________________________ Water rent_______________________________________________ Telephone________________________________________________ Domestic service: Full-time____________________________________ Part-time___________________________________ Household paper______________________________________________ Bar soap_____________________________________________________ Starch, bluing------------------------------------------------------------------------Soap flakes, powder___________________________________________ Cleaning powder, polish, steel wool, etc_________________________ Matches_____________________________________________________ Laundry out__________________________________________________ Stationery, pens, pencils, ink__________________________________ Postage, telegrams____________________________________________ Moving, express, freight, drayage______________________________ Safe-deposit box_______________________________________________ Insurance on furniture________________________________________ Interest on debts______________________________________________ Other items__________________________________________________ • Reno 148 151 149 102 81 3 10 8 145 23 15 29 3 54 48 6 16 36 144 17 11 32 10 90 117 1 5 82 141 13 20 21 6 $52.69 8.56 13.49 .98 3.17 4.50 3.89 .98 4.41 1.92 1.83 1.53 1.78 2.60 .82 .33 1.29 .43 .18 $58.15 8.33 7.97 2.32 3. 32 3.65 3.13 1.20 5.49 2.35 1.85 6.37 1.92 3.13 .57 .25 1.56 1.29 3.45 $78.47 19.40 15.75 .34 1.14 3.51 3.45 .70 4. 51 2.48 1.93 16.84 1.68 3.33 .96 .48 1.16 .58 .23 100 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS— 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 13. — Transportation expenditures , by economic level NASHUA, CONCORD, AND BERLIN, N. H. All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year— Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over T ra n sp o rta tio n E x p e n d itu r e s Families in survey.- _ ____________ ____ _____ _ _ Number of families spending for transportation __ Number of families owning automobiles _ ___ Number of automobiles owned: Made: 1936_________________________________ 1933-35______________________________ 1930-32______________________________ 1927-29______________________________ Before 1927___________________________ Originally purchased: New______________________________ _____ ___ Second-hand______ _______ ___ Number of families purchasing automobiles in year: New.. _ _______________ _____ _____________ Second-hand____ ___ _ _ ___ __ Number of families purchasing motorcycles in year _ Number of families spending for transportation other than automobile and motorcycle: Trolley_____________________________________ ________ _____ Local bus ______ ___ ____ Taxi_______ _______ ______ ___ ____ ____ _ ____ _______ Bicycle __________________ Railroad. _ ___ ____ _ ___ ______ _ ___ Interurban bus. _______________ _____ _ ___ Boat___ ______________________ ___________ Airplane___________ ______ ____________ __ 299 218 126 88 46 22 74 52 27 52 43 24 85 77 53 0 8 37 58 19 0 0 3 10 9 0 2 4 17 4 0 0 8 12 3 0 6 22 19 3 52 70 8 14 9 18 11 12 24 26 4 19 0 0 3 0 2 2 0 0 4 0 2 10 0 19 47 35 2 27 28 7 3 14 10 2 1 3 1 0 0 1 17 8 0 6 4 0 1 1 6 11 1 6 5 3 0 3 14 14 0 12 18 4 2 Average expenditure for all transportation, total___ Automobiles and motorcycles—purchase, opera tion and maintenance _ __ _ __ _____ Purchase of: Automobiles ___ ________ Motorcycles ___ _______ _ _ _____ _____ Gasoline.. ___ Fall_________________________________ Winter__ ______________ _ ___ ___ Spring_________ _ __ _._ _ ______ _ __ __ __ _ Summer______________ Oil_____________________________________ Tires _____ _ ___ ______________ . Tubes ___ ______ _______ _____ __ .. . Repairs and maintenance__________ _ __ Garage rent and parking.__ __________ ___ Licenses._ __ ._ ______ ___ _ _ .. . T ax es.______ ___ _ __ ___ _ ____ . Insurance.. . ______ Fines and damages . ______ Rent of automobile and/or motorcycle Other automobile and motorcycle trans portation expense __ Other transportation_________________ ____ _ Trolley______ __ __ ___ __ _____________ Local bus_ __ _ _ ___ _______ _ _ .. Taxi_____ _ _ _______ _______ _______ Bicycles___________________ _____ _______ _____ Railroad.. _______________ _____ Interurban bus__________________ _______ Boat____________________________________ Airplane. __ ___________________________ Other transportation expense __ ___ __ __ $79.01 $26.50 $60. 78 $87. 66 $143.93 71.31 19. 76 0 25. 35 6.10 3.97 6. 25 9. 03 2. 66 3. 24 .37 3.18 2. 63 6. 21 1.44 5. 80 0 .41 22. 59 1.19 0 10. 73 2.49 1.77 2. 58 3. 89 1.10 1.73 .17 1.07 .70 3.12 .59 1.69 0 .38 54.40 18.24 0 17. 33 3. 99 2. 47 4. 39 6. 48 2.18 2.06 .25 1.18 1.86 5.10 1.29 4.18 0 .67 77. 21 19. 96 0 28. 57 7. 29 4. 46 6. 62 10.20 3. 26 3.17 .40 3. 26 3. 69 7.24 1.56 5. 31 0 0 132. 90 40.17 0 45. 51 10. 95 7.28 11.44 15. 84 4. 34 5. 86 .65 7.05 4. 67 9. 74 2. 39 11.79 0 .46 .26 7. 70 .57 2. 53 1.06 .05 1.69 1.36 .26 .07 . 11 .12 3.91 1.57 1.64 .23 . 12 .33 .02 0 0 0 .06 6. 38 .05 3. 65 .19 0 1.18 1.26 0 .05 0 .79 10.45 0) 1.27 3. 47 .09 4.06 1.32 .24 0 0 .27 11.03 .33 3.24 1.19 0 2.08 2.87 .75 .20 .37 1 Less than 0.5 cent. TABULAR SUM M ARY 101 T a b l e 1 3 . — Transportation expenditures, by economic level— Continued PORTSM OUTH, KEENE, DOVER, LACONIA, AND CLAREM ONT, N. H. Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year lies Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over T ra n s p o rta tio n E x p e n d itu r e s Families in survey________________ ____________ Number of families spending for transportation. _. Number of families owning automobiles ______ _ Number of automobiles owned: Made: 1936_________________________________ 1933-35_______________________________ 1930-32_______________ _______________ 1927-29_______________________________ Before 1927___________________________ Originally purchased: New _ _____ _____ _ _______ ____ ____ Second-hand_____ . ______ . .. ________ Number of families purchasing automobiles in year: New_____________ ___________________________ ____ _______ Second-hand____ _ . .. __ Number of families purchasing motorcycles in year. . Number of families spending for transportation other than automobile and motorcycle: Trolley________________________ ___________ Local bus______ ____ . . . . _ _____ Taxi________________________ ______________ Bicycle___________________ ________________ Railroad.. _________________________________ Interurban b u s.____________________________ Boat_____________________________________ Airplane ___ __________ _ _ . . . ............... .. 485 378 226 126 108 38 111 77 53 125 90 66 123 103 69 0 16 64 117 34 0 0 9 19 9 0 1 8 33 12 0 1 17 40 9 0 14 30 25 4 80 151 13 24 11 43 20 47 36 37 9 35 0 0 5 0 0 9 0 1 10 0 8 11 0 7 62 26 4 50 53 8 1 1 16 4 1 11 12 2 1 1 10 6 0 9 14 0 0 4 17 4 1 9 10 3 0 1 19 12 2 21 17 3 0 Average expenditure for all transportation, total____ Automobiles and motorcycles—purchase, opera tion, and maintenance-_____________________ Purchase of: Automobiles________________ Motorcycles-------------- ----------Gasoline_________________ ______ ___ Fall___________________ ____ _________ Winter______________________________ Spring______________________________ Summer___________________ .. _____ Oil_____________________________________ Tires___________________________________ Tubes__________________________ _______ Repairs and maintenance.. _______ . Garage rent and parking___ ______ ___ Licenses. ______ ______ _____ - Taxes.. _ ___ . . . -------------------- -- --Insurance------ .. -------------------------------Fines and damages . . . ________ ___ ___ _ Rent of automobile and/or motorcycle_____ Other automobile and motorcycle transpor tation expense. ..... _______ Other transportation. __ ________________ ___ Trolley_________________________________ Local bus . . . ___________ ____. Taxi____. ________________ _______ Bicycles. . --------------------- ------ -- ------Railroad. _ _ _____ . ---------- ---Interurban bus__ . ----------- -B o a t .._________ ______ ________ ____ _ Airplane________ _____________________ . Other transportation expense______ _____ $78. 24 $30.16 $56. 21 $75. 02 $150. 70 73.64 19. 89 0 25. 42 6.16 4. 34 6. 39 8. 53 3.01 3. 25 .29 4. 21 1.58 5. 36 2. 69 6. 64 .03 1.00 26. 59 3.02 0 11.17 2. 73 1.98 2. 85 3.61 1.38 2. 20 .09 1. 52 .53 2.11 2.18 1.83 0 .31 52.01 6. 41 0. 21. 17 5. 60 3.40 4. 85 7.32 2. 56 2.58 .39 4. 28 .46 4. 99 2. 44 4. 26 . 11 2. 30 70. 27 14. 63 0 27. 22 6. 40 4. 68 6. 73 9.41 3. 07 2. 57 .22 3.12 1.29 6. 95 2. 50 7. 56 0 .53 144. 77 54. 69 0 42. 02 9.95 7.25 11.06 13. 76 5. 01 5. 63 .49 8. 00 3. 96 7.41 3. 63 12. 78 .01 1.02 .27 4. 60 .06 1.66 .40 . 17 1.12 1.10 .06 0 .03 .25 3. 57 .01 1.56 . 15 .09 .60 .94 .09 0 . 13 .06 4. 20 .02 2. 09 .25 0 . 70 1.14 0 0 0 .61 4. 75 .09 2. 21 .52 .24 .70 .86 . 13 0 0 . 12 5. 93 . 13 .83 .65 .35 2. 48 1. 47 .02 0 0 102 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS----13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 13.— Transportation expenditures, by economic level— Continued LITTLE TO N AND CONWAY, N. H. Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over T ra n sp o rta tio n E x p e n d itu r e s Families in survey______________________________ Number of families spending for transportation____ Number of families owning automobiles___________ Number of automobiles owned: Made: 1936_________________________________ 1933-35____________ __________________ 1930-32__________ ____________________ 1927-29________ _____ ________________ Before 1927____________________ _ __ Originally purchased: New______ __________________ _______ _ Second-hand____ ____ _____________ _ Number of families purchasing automobiles in year: New__ ______ _ _ ___ ___ _______ _ Second-hand_____ _______ _______ _ _ _ ___ Number of families purchasing motorcycles in year..Number of families spending for transportation other than automobile and motorcycle: Trolley______________ __________ _______ _ Local bus______ ______________ ___________ Taxi_______________________________________ Bicycle__________________ _ ____ _ _ _____ Railroad____ _ _____________ ___________ Interurban bus___ ______ __________________ Boat_____ ____ _______ _ _______ _________ Airplane________ ______ ____ _____ _______ 197 157 102 65 45 25 40 36 22 49 35 24 43 41 31 0 9 37 49 12 0 0 8 14 4 0 0 4 13 6 0 2 11 11 2 0 7 14 11 0 29 78 6 20 2 21 9 17 12 20 3 21 0 0 7 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 2 9 0 1 3 12 0 25 6 2 1 0 1 6 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 2 0 0 0 1 3 0 8 2 2 0 1 1 2 0 7 1 0 1 Average expenditure for all transportation, total____ Automobiles and motorcycles—purchase, opera tion and maintenance___ _ _______ Purchase of: Automobiles_________ _ Motorcycles_____ _ _______ Gasoline________________________________ Fall_________________________________ W in te r___ _ ________ _ ______ Spring______________________________ Sum m er.____ _______ ___________ Oil_____________________________________ Tires____ _ _____________________ ______ Tubes _ ____ _ ____________ Repairs and maintenance. _ _ ______ Garage rent and parking. ______ _______ Licenses.. __ . ____ ... Taxes. ... . . . . _ _________ _ Insurance .. __ ______ _____ _ . . . . _ Fines and dam ages____ _______ _________ Rent of automobile and/or motorcycle_____ Other automobile and motorcycle trans portation expense. _ __ . . . _____ Other transportation____ _________ ______ Trolley. _ ___________ __________________ Local bus_________________ . . . ________ Taxi________________ _______ _______ _ Bicycle_________________ . . . . . . ______ Railroad.. ________________ __________ Interurban bus__________________________ Boat.. _ _. __ ______ ______________ Airplane____ __________________________ Other transportation expense_____________ $93. 85 $55. 74 $46. 58 $88. 48 $201.48 90. 43 28. 26 0 30.16 7. 79 4. 86 7. 39 10.12 3. 38 4. 61 .34 4. 82 1.69 7. 58 1.42 6. 55 .06 1.49 53. 95 15. 21 0 19.31 5.16 2. 79 4. 82 6. 54 1.92 3. 66 .26 3.17 .21 5. 23 .81 2.59 0 1.58 44. 96 5. 28 0 17. 74 4.40 2. 21 4.40 6. 73 2. 46 1.50 .12 3. 74 1.52 6. 36 1.10 2. 31 0 2.83 82.06 17. 84 0 32.12 8. 98 4.67 7. 58 10. 89 2.79 4.08 .42 4. 74 2.08 7. 67 1.46 7. 95 0 .91 197. 37 81.22 0 55.87 13. 55 10.69 13.82 17.81 7.10 9.54 .59 8.42 3.65 12.17 2. 58 14. 88 .28 .76 .07 3. 42 .03 .10 .30 0 2. 72 .23 .01 .03 0 0 1.79 0 .13 .33 0 1.28 .05 0 0 0 0 1.62 0 0 .03 0 1.15 .44 0 0 0 0 6. 42 0 .15 .53 0 5.24 .44 .06 0 0 .31 4.11 .13 .09 .25 0 3.47 .04 0 .13 0 103 TABULAR SU M M AR Y T a b l e 13a. — Transportation expenditures M ARQU ETTE, MICH.; MODESTO, CALIF.; AND RENO, NEV. All families Item Marquette Modesto Families in survey_________________________________________________ Number of families spending for transportation______________________ Number of families owning automobiles_____________________________ Number of automobiles owned: Made: 1936______________________________________________________ 1933-35_______________ ______________________________________ 1930-32_________ ________ ___________________ 1927-29__________ ______ _________________________________________ Before 1927_____________________________________________________ Reno 148 118 85 151 151 132 149 132 115 0 4 17 39 24 0 9 31 70 32 0 16 29 64 13 29 55 37 105 55 67 Originally purchased: New__________________________________________ _____ ______ Second-hand________________________________________ ______ Number of families purchasing automobiles in year: New_____________________________________________ ____________ Second-hand__________________________________________________ Number of families purchasing motorcycles in year___________________ Number of families spending for transportation other than automobile and motorcycle: Trolley_______________________________________________________ Local b u s ...__________________________________________________ Taxi_______ ______ ___________________________________________ Bicycle____________ _____________ - ____________________________ Railroad--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Interurban bus________________________________________________ Boat__________________________________________________________ Airplane______________________________________________________ 2 10 0 5 26 0 11 14 0 47 1 13 1 17 8 1 0 4 5 24 2 18 18 11 1 1 0 23 1 17 11 1 0 Average expenditure for all transportation, total_____________________ Automobiles and motorcycles—purchase, operation, and maintenance. Purchase of: Automobiles___________________________________ Motorcycles___________ _____ __________________ Gasoline__________________________________________________ Fall___________________________________________________ W in ter..________ _____________________________________ Spring___ _____________________________________________ Summer___ ________ ___________________________________ Oil________ ________ _______________________________________ Tires___ T_________________________________________________ Tubes____________________________________________________ Repairs and maintenance___________________________________ Garage rent and parking--------------- -------------------------------------Licenses and taxes-------------- --------- -------------------------------------Insurance_________________________________________________ Fines and damages_________________________________________ Rent of automobile and/or motorcycle_______________________ Other automobile and motorcycle transportation expense______ Other transportation___________________________________________ Trolley___________ ________________________________________ Local bus______ ____ _____________ _______ _________________ Taxi________ _______ ______________________________________ Bicycle____________________________________________________ Railroad__________________________________________________ Interurban bus____________________________________________ Boat______________________________________________________ Airplane__________________________________________________ Other transportation expense________________________________ $63. 36 57. 35 18. 53 0 21.02 4.40 3. 20 5.85 7. 57 2.23 2.68 .27 3. 21 .27 5.23 3.82 0 .03 .06 6.01 2.86 .04 .30 .03 2.10 .67 .01 0 0 $171. 53 165. 38 59.64 0 61.24 14. 75 14. 51 14. 75 17.23 6.32 6.68 .73 13. 72 .23 3.24 11.38 .40 1.44 .36 6.15 .12 .05 .87 .23 2.32 1.24 .26 .01 1.05 $162. 60 157.20 72.49 0 50. 93 13.06 11.86 12.19 13.82 5. 59 6.64 .71 8.10 .49 7.41 4.31 .03 .32 .18 5.40 0) 0 1.00 .24 1.90 1.28 .03 0 .95 1Less than 0,5 cent. 200982 41------- g 104 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS----13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 14 . — Personal care expenditures and medical care expenditures , by economic level NASHUA, CONCORD, AND BERLIN, N. H. Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over P e r s o n a l C a re E x p en d itu r e s Families in su rvey___ ______ ______________________ __ Number of families spending for personal care: Personal care services: Haircuts __ _ _ _ ______ ____ ________ Shaves by barber. __ _ ______________ ________ Shampoos___ ____ _ _____ _______ ______ Manicures____ __ _______________ _______ Permanent w aves________ _ _ ___ ____ Other waves _ _ _ ____ ___ Other personal care services _______ _____ Toilet articles and preparations: ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Toilet soap_ ___ _ Tooth powder, tooth paste, mouth washes. _ ____ Cosmetic and toilet preparations _ _________ Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet articles. _ _ Average expenditure per family for personal care, total __ Personal care services___________ _____ _ ________ H a ircu ts...________________________________ Shaves by barber. _ ___ _ _ _ _________ Shampoos___ _____ _ ___ ___ _____ Manicures __________ _____ _ ________ _ Permanent waves _ _ _ ____ Other waves _. . . . _____ ____ ____ Other personal care services __ _____ Toilet articles and preparations ______ ___ _ Toilet soap . . . __ _____ _ _ _ Tooth powder, tooth paste, mouth washes ____ Cosmetic and toilet preparations ______ Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet articles__ Average expenditure per person for personal care, total___ 299 88 74 52 85 284 15 11 2 119 60 2 82 1 2 0 25 9 2 73 5 0 0 30 10 0 49 2 1 1 23 5 0 80 7 8 1 41 36 0 287 274 221 172 87 76 61 45 70 70 54 43 49 47 38 29 81 81 68 55 $25. 73 14. 87 10. 55 .68 .20 .02 2. 26 1.14 .02 10. 86 3. 71 3. 67 2.17 1.31 6. 71 $22. 33 12. 06 10.12 0) .02 0 1.37 .48 .07 10. 27 3. 97 3. 64 1.78 .88 4.13 $25. 99 14. 40 10. 57 .92 0 0 2.17 .74 0 11.59 3. 91 4.14 2. 00 1.54 6. 72 $24. 77 14. 22 9. 86 .48 .03 .01 2. 93 .91 0 10. 55 3. 64 3. 67 2.19 1.05 7. 59 $29. 59 18. 57 11.39 1.29 .68 .06 2.85 2. 30 0 11.02 3.31 3. 30 2.70 1.71 11.76 129 113 43 131 2 4 3 2 21 17 245 65 6 12 36 30 4 42 1 1 2 0 3 3 75 18 1 4 29 33 16 28 0 0 1 1 4 8 59 11 2 3 33 16 7 24 1 1 0 1 5 3 37 13 2 3 31 34 16 37 0 2 0 0 9 3 74 23 1 2 $52. 93 $32. 55 $46.19 $60. 82 $75. 02 6. 48 4. 83 9. 69 7. 42 .03 .67 .06 .50 4. 40 2. 76 8. 67 3. 28 .03 .82 3. 29 13. 81 7.07 3. 44 1.76 5. 48 .06 .05 .15 0 .76 1.28 6. 47 2. 32 .02 .66 3.03 6. 02 4. 96 4. 53 9.17 5. 96 0 0 .06 .62 3.14 4. 45 8. 71 2. 70 .04 1.05 .80 11.93 11.85 3. 43 6.08 8. 64 .08 .01 0 1.98 5. 32 2. 67 9. 89 4. 74 .09 .83 5. 21 18. 66 3. 88 7. 38 20. 54 9. 95 0 2.29 0 0 8.70 2.87 10.16 3.88 .01 .80 4. 56 29. 81 M e d ic a l C a re E x p e n d itu r e s Number of families spending for medical care: Services of— General practitioner: Home ____ ._ _______ Office___ ________ _ _ __ Specialist and other practitioner ___ _ _ _ _ Dentist _ _ _ __ Clinic. . ... .. _____ ________ Nurse: In home: Private. _ _ _ Visiting _ _ In hospital... _____ ______ _______ _. Hospital: Private room_____ ____ __ __ _ Bed in ward.. __________________ .. Medicine and drugs _______ __________ __ _ _ Eyeglasses. . __ r ____ . ______ Medical appliances . . ____ _______ ___ _ Accident and health insurance______ ._ . _ _ _ Average expenditure per family for medical care, total___ Services of— General practitioner: Home Office____________________ Specialist and other practitioner.. ___________ Dentist. _________ .. . . __________________ C linic___________ _ _ _______ . Nurse: In home: Private. _ __________________ Visiting_______________________ In hospital___ _________ _ ___ ________ _ Hospital: Private room________________________ Bed in ward_____________________ _ Medicine and drugs____ _ _______ ___ _ Eyeglasses. _______________________ _____________ Medical appliances. _. ______ __________________ Accident and health insurance_________________ _ Other medical care___ ____________________________ Average expenditure per person for medical care, total___ Less than 0.5 cent. 105 TABULAR SU M M AR Y T able 14.— Personal care expenditures and medical care expenditures, by economic level— Continued PORTSM OUTH, KEENE, DOVER, LACONIA, AND CLAREM ON T, N. H. Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over P e r s o n a l C a re E x p en d itu r e s Families in survey____________________________________ Number of families spending for personal care: Personal care services: Haircuts______ _______ ___________________ Shaves by barber______________________________ Shampoos___ ________________ ________ _____ Manicures___ _______________________ ______ _ Permanent waves. __________________________ Other waves. _____________________________ . . . Other personal care services___________________ Toilet articles and preparations: Toilet soap________ ____ _ ________ . . . ______ Tooth powder, tooth paste, mouth washes___ Cosmetic and toilet preparations________________ Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet articles... - 485 126 111 125 123 455 42 30 2 159 123 4 120 5 0 0 31 20 0 104 6 7 0 39 21 0 113 11 10 0 38 33 2 118 20 13 2 51 49 2 466 445 365 286 123 116 96 72 100 104 82 63 121 108 88 66 122 117 99 85 Average expenditure per family for personal care, total____ Personal care services__________ . . . . . . ________ Haircuts_________ _________________________ Shaves by barber_____________________________ Shampoos . . . _______________ _____________ Manicures______________________ ____ ____ . . . Permanent waves__ ________________________ Other waves____ . . . ____________________ Other personal care services__________________ Toilet articles and preparations________ _______ __ ______________ ____ Toilet soap____ . . . _. Tooth powder, tooth paste, mouth washes. ___ Cosmetic and toilet preparations. . ____________ Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet articles. ... Average expenditure per person for'personal care, t o t a l___ $24. 75 13. 84 9. 55 .51 .41 .03 1.87 1.45 .02 10. 91 3. 92 3. 52 2. 43 1.04 7.00 $24.94 13. 89 11.49 .31 0 0 1.20 .89 0 11.05 4.19 3. 35 2. 29 1.22 4. 79 $22. 56 12. 50 9. 41 .21 .34 0 1.82 .72 0 10. 06 3. 93 3.13 2.15 .85 6. 28 $21. 54 11.67 7. 68 .44 .46 0 1.67 1.39 .03 9. 87 3. 72 3.14 2. 21 .80 7. 54 $29. 80 17. 23 9.61 1.07 .85 .10 2.80 2. 76 .04 12. 57 3. 82 4. 43 3.06 1.26 12.11 204 215 64 199 6 6 5 1 29 29 381 96 17 67 49 44 10 47 2 2 0 0 6 8 93 16 2 11 47 48 27 50 0 1 1 1 10 6 92 22 6 16 57 55 47 2 2 2 0 5 9 98 24 3 20 51 68 15 55 2 1 2 0 8 6 98 34 6 20 $45. 01 $36.11 $46. 31 $43. 65 $54. 37 6. 41 4. 61 6. 65 4. 64 .23 .61 .02 .03 1.97 2.29 8. 20 2. 73 .09 3.10 3. 43 12. 73 4. 68 2. 26 6. 30 3.60 .05 .66 0 0 2. 42 2. 35 5.42 2. 09 .02 1.62 4. 64 6. 93 5. 47 5. 02 10.14 4. 23 0 .56 .02 . 12 2. 50 1.98 8. 09 2. 77 .25 3. 31 1.85 12. 96 6.83 4. 39 4. 53 4. 67 . 11 .72 .07 0 1.08 2. 98 9.94 2. 47 .02 2. 59 3. 25 15. 27 8. 61 6. 86 6. 03 6. 03 .76 .49 .01 0 1.95 1.79 9. 39 3. 59 .09 4. 95 3. 82 22.10 M e d ic a l C are E x p en d itu r e s Number of families spending for medical care: Services of— General practitioner: H o m e .____________ ______ Office___ _________________ Specialist and other practitioner____________ ._ D en tist____ _. . . . . . . __________________ Clinic________________________________________ Nurse: In home: Private___________________ . . . Visiting. _ . . . _____________ In hospital.. . ______ ______________ Hospital: Private room_____ . ... _____ Bed in ward_______________ ______ _ Medicine and drugs.................. . . . ___ _________ . Eyeglasses_______________________ ____ _____ Medical appliances.. . _____________ . __________ Accident and health insurance_________ __________ Average expenditure per family for medical care, to ta l__ Services of— General practitioner: Home.. . . . ._ . ______ Office____________________ Specialist and other practitioner. ____ _ ... Dentist. _____________________________________ Clinic________________ .. ______ _________ Nurse: In home: Private___ . . . . . . . . . . . Visiting_______________ ____ Jn hospital_____________________________ Hospital: Private room. ______ . _ ______ Bed in ward____________ _ ______ Medicine and drugs_______________________________ Eyeglasses. ________ _______ . . . ______ . . . Medical appliances__ ____________ . . . ___________ Accident and health insurance . ______________ Other medical care. . . . „____ ________________ Average expenditure per person for medical care, total 12 10 6 T able MONEY DISBURSEM EN TS---- 1 3 SM ALL CITIES 1 4 . — Personal care expenditures and medical care expenditures , by economic level— Continued LITTLE TO N AND CONWAY, N. H. Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over P e r s o n a l Care E x p en d itu r e s ____ ___ _______ ____ _ Families in survey.Number of families spending for personal care: Personal care services: Haircuts. . _ _ . . . . . . . . ________ Shaves by barber. ___________ ____________ -----------Shampoos. _ _ ................. . Manicures.. .. . _ -------------- _ _ _ -----Permanent waves___________ _______, ....... — Other waves__________________________________ Other personal care services_____ _____ . . . . Toilet articles and preparations: Toilet soap__ __ . . . . . _ _____ Tooth powder, tooth paste, mouth washes_____ _ Cosmetic and toilet preparations_______________ Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet articles____ 197 65 40 49 43 188 13 8 0 74 53 1 62 5 1 0 16 9 0 38 1 2 0 14 9 0 47 1 0 0 21 18 0 41 6 5 0 23 17 1 191 179 154 94 63 56 51 30 40 37 27 22 48 46 36 22 40 40 40 20 Average expenditure per family for personal care, total___ Personal care services _. _ __ _______ . . . ______ _ Haircuts___________________ ________________ Shaves by barber ________ _______ ______ Shampoos------------- ------------------------- _. . Manicures... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -------------- . Permanent w aves___ ________ _ -----------Other waves.. . . . ____ _ . ------- -----------Other personal care services. __ __________ Toilet articles and preparations ________ _._ _ Toilet soap.. .... _ . . . . --------Tooth powder, tooth paste, mouth washes____ ._ Cosmetic and toilet preparations _ ...... Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet articles___ Average expenditure per person for personal care, total___ $22. 76 12.85 9.28 .26 .21 0 2. 23 .83 .04 9.91 3. 26 3.69 2. 20 .76 6.28 $20. 25 11.40 9.47 .20 .02 0 1.42 .29 0 8.85 3.31 3.63 1.33 .58 3. 88 $21.72 12.12 8.05 .14 0 0 2.43 1.50 0 9.60 3. 08 3.75 2.14 .63 7.94 $27.85 15.63 9.32 .60 .90 0 3.43 1.21 .17 12. 22 3.29 3.93 3.84 1.16 11.61 108 108 30 80 3 4 1 3 10 16 178 52 16 22 41 37 9 24 1 2 0 1 2 3 57 16 4 5 20 20 7 18 1 1 0 0 3 6 37 12 2 6 26 26 7 20 0 0 1 0 2 4 45 9 5 5 21 25 7 18 1 1 0 2 3 3 39 15 5 6 $51.61 $39.91 $57.33 $44.51 $72.11 9.11 5. 73 5.78 5.32 .62 1.54 .07 .35 2.83 3.77 8.05 4.06 .08 1.99 2. 31 14.26 6.66 5.91 4. 37 5. 27 .19 .20 0 .54 2.17 .82 7.02 4.13 .06 1.31 1.26 7.64 8.42 5.90 8.77 5. 52 .71 2.82 0 0 4.63 3.83 8.92 3. 71 .07 3.88 .15 16.83 5.74 4.94 8.42 5.15 0 0 .28 0 1.94 5. 23 7. 08 2. 67 .11 1.33 1.62 16. 27 17.27 6.18 2.14 5.41 1.92 4.11 0 .79 3.18 6.51 9.92 5.86 .10 2.03 6. 69 30.07 $22. 57 13.06 10.43 .11 .04 0 2.01 .47 0 9.51 3.35 3.46 , 1.92 .78 6. 63 M e d ic a l C are E x p en d itu r e s Number of families spending for medical care: Services of— General practitioner: Home___ _______ _____ _ Office________________ _ _ Specialist and other practitioner.. ___________ _ Dentist.. . _ .. _ . _ _. _ ._ _ _________ _ Clinic_________ ________ _ _____ _____________ Nurse: In home: Private___ _______________ Visiting ________ _ ________ In hospital. . . . ______ _______ ____ Hospital: Private room------ -------------------- --------Bed in ward______ _ ____________ ._ Medicine and drugs___ _________________________ Eyeglasses_______ _____ _________________________ Medical appliances________________ _ __ _______ Accident and health insurance__________ . . . ______ _ Average expenditure per family for medical care, total Services of— General practitioner: Home ____ . Office.. _________ ______ Specialist and other practitioner____ _____ . . . .. Dentist____ _. _____________________________ Clinic_____ . _ ___ -__ . .. _______ _______ Nurse: In home: Private_________________ ___ Visiting______________________ In hospital. . ___ ______. . . . . . _____ Hospital: Private room_____ ___ ___________ Bed in ward. ________ ____ ____ _ __ Medicine and drugs . _ ________ ________ ____ _ . . . Eyeglasses. ________ _________ __ _ _______ Medical appliances. ___ . . . _ _ _ _____ Accident and health insurance __ _ _ _ _ Other medical care ______ _ _ _. .... . Average expenditure per person for medical care, total. __ . 107 TABULAR SUMMARY T a b l e 14a .— Personal care expenditures and medical care expenditures M ARQU ETTE, MICH.; MODESTO, CALIF.; AND RENO, NEV. All families Item Marquette Modesto Reno P e r s o n a l C are E x p en d itu r e s Families in survey. __ _ ................... ...................... . Number of families spending for personal care: Personal care services: Haircuts. . ___ ____ _ _ _______ ______________________ Shaves by barber. ____________________ __________________ Shampoos___ _ ________ ’___................. . __ __ _ _ ____ _ Manicures ________ _______________ _ _ __ _ ... ___ _____ _ __ __ . . . Permanent waves. . . . . . Other waves . _______________ __ ____________ _____ ______________________ Other personal care services___ Toilet articles and preparations: Toilet soap__________________________ _________ _________ Tooth powder, tooth paste, mouth washes. _________ Cosmetic and toilet preparations________ __ _ ______ _ . . . .. . Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet articles___ _ Average expenditure per family for personal care, total.._ ____ __ Personal care services, total___ _ ___ ____________________ Haircuts___. . . __ __________ _________ __ ._ ______ . Shaves by barber_ __ _ __ ___ __ ________ _________ ___ Shampoos__ ______ _ __ ______ __ _____ _ _ _ ______ Manicures_____ __ __ ___ _____ ______ ______________ _____ Permanent w aves_____ _ ________ ______ ______ Other waves. . . . _ ________ ________ ___ . ___ __ _ Other personal care services.. . ______ ____ ____ Toilet articles and preparations, total ______ __ _ _____ _. ____ ______ __ ______ Toilet soap__________ _______ _ Tooth powder, tooth paste, mouth washes. _ . ___________ _ Cosmetic and toilet preparations___________ ____ ______ Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet articles . ______ Average expenditure per person for personal care, total _ 148 151 149 138 11 6 3 60 22 2 144 11 19 3 97 72 1 143 7 9 1 65 50 0 239 135 136 133 149 148 142 143 148 112 122 82 $27. 37 12.28 8.86 .54 .29 .02 1.77 .75 .05 15.09 4. 51 4. 54 4.13 1.91 6. 82 $36.03 20.13 12.13 .51 .80 .02 2. 88 3. 78 .01 15. 90 3. 59 4. 38 2. 91 5.02 10. 85 $33. 78 17. 54 12. 36 .38 . 17 .02 2.13 2. 48 0 16.24 4.86 5.10 5.06 1.22 10. 27 65 59 16 83 0 0 0 3 14 60 48 24 80 2 6 1 10 28 1 132 28 10 33 46 77 10 94 4 1 3 5 20 1 129 32 16 27 $52. 77 $72. 21 $89. 96 8.12 4.18 4. 84 11.01 0 0 0 1.01 4.61 2.60 8. 33 2.05 .02 4. 49 1.51 13.19 6.24 19.12 1.26 8. 39 . 16 .16 .17 1.19 6.10 .76 15. 56 3.05 .27 4.06 5. 72 21. 75 10.63 6. 59 12. 76 16.03 . 19 .86 .07 6. 31 9.88 .52 13.93 3. 78 .08 7.80 .53 27. 34 M e d ic a l C are E x p en d itu r e s Number of families spending for medical care: Services of— General practitioner: Home__ . ___ __ ________________ Office_____________ _ __________ _____ Specialist and other practitioner__ ___ _ . _ Dentist _ ___ _ ____ _____ Clinic . _ __ _ _ __ Nurse: In home: Private___ ______ _ __ _ _ ._ Visiting. . _ _ _ In hospital... . ____ _ . _ Hospital: Private room. ____ __ Bed in ward __ ___ _____ _ _ ___ . ______ Medicine and drugs. _ . ____ . . . __ _ _ _ ___ .._ Eye glasses _ _ .___ ____________ _ Medical appliances___________ ________ _____ _____ ___ Accident and health insurance _ ______ . . . . Average expenditure per family for medical care, total Services of— General practitioner: Home __ __ ____ _______ Office___________________________ _____ Specialist and other practitioner. _ _ ______ _____ Dentist. _ _ _ ______ ________ ___ __ . . . Clinic___ __ ________________ _ ____ Nurse: In home: Private ___ _ ___ _ ___ __ _ . ____ . Visiting.._ _______ ___ _______ __ _ _ _ ___ In hospital. __ _ __ ______ . . . . Hospital: Private room___ _________________ .__ _______ Bed in ward ____ _____ _____ __________ _ Medicine and drugs. .. . . . _. _ _____ _____________________ Eyeglasses. ____ _ .. . __ ____ _ _ _ _ ______ _ Medical appliances__________ . . . . _______ _____ ______ Accident and health insurance... ____ _____ ___ Other medical care ___ _ ________ Average expenditure per person for medical care, total. ____________ 7 129 20 10 33 108 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS----13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 15.-— Recreation expenditures, by economic level NASHUA, CONCORD, AND BERLIN, N. H. Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All families Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over R ecrea tion E x p en d itu r e s Families in survey_____ - .. _ _________ - ___________ Number of families owning radios______________________ Number of families spending for— Reading: Newspapers, street__ ___________ __________ Newspapers, home delivery____ _______________ Magazines_________________ ________________ _ Books purchased (other than school texts). . . ___ Books borrowed from loan libraries___________ _ Tobacco: Cigars__________ _______ - - ----------- ----------Cigarettes___ . .._ _ _ ------- ------ -- -------Pipe tobacco___ - ___. _ ___ ----------- -----_ Other tobacco_________ ____ __________ _ Commercial entertainment: Movies (adult admission) __ _ _ _____ _ ___ _ Movies (child admission)___ ____________ ______ Plays and concerts__ . _ ______ _____ _____ Spectator sports___ _ _ __ __ __________ Recreational equipment: Musical instruments-___ ___ ______ ____ ____ Sheet music, records, rolls. _ _ _ Radio purchase----------- ---------------------------------Radio upkeep_________________________________ Cameras, films, and photographic equipment____ Athletic equipment and supplies_______ _. _ _ Children’s play equipment_____________________ Pets (purchase and care).. _ _ - _____ _ Recreational associations. __ . _______ EntertainingIn home, except food and drinks.. ___ ___ ___ Out of home, except food and drinks.. ______ _ 299 212 88 45 74 53 52 43 85 71 156 173 127 8 4 51 39 23 2 1 39 42 23 1 1 21 33 30 2 1 45 59 51 3 1 29 186 128 13 4 52 40 6 7 47 37 4 5 33 16 1 13 54 35 2 199 73 21 35 45 34 5 7 50 15 5 8 40 17 3 7 64 7 8 13 3 12 25 70 37 11 37 37 84 2 3 4 9 5 2 14 7 14 0 1 4 19 10 3 14 7 19 1 5 5 15 3 3 6 10 11 0 3 12 27 19 3 3 13 40 12 1 1 0 0 0 3 1 8 0 Average expenditure for recreation, total ________ _ Reading, total------ ------------------------------------------Newspapers, street_______ _ _____ _ ____ Newspapers, home delivery. _ _ . _____ __ Magazines. . . . . . _. _ _ _ __ _ _ Books purchased (other than school texts) __ . _ _ ____ Books borrowed from loan libraries__ Tobacco, total. ___________________________________ Cigars___ ____ ___ _____ ____ _ _ _ __ . _ ________ . Cigarettes_________ . _____ Pipe tobacco. ____ ____ .. _________ Other tobacco . .. . . . . __________ Commercial entertainment, total __ ______ Movies (adult admission) _____ .. Fall__________ ___ ______ ____ ... Winter________ ... __________ Spring_________________________________ _ Summer. _______ _____ ____. .. _____ Movies (child admission)___________________ . Fall___________________________________ Winter _______ _____ _ _ _________ Spring-----------------------------------------------------Summer_______________________________ Plays and concerts__________________ _______ Spectator sports_____________________________ Recreational equipment, total ____________ __ Musical instruments____ _____ _____ Sheet music, records, rolls____________ ______ Radio purchase_______________________________ Radio upkeep_________________________________ Cameras, films, and photographic equipment____ Athletic equipment and supplies________ _____ Children’s play equipment __________________ Pets (purchase and care)_______________________ Recreational associations ._ _ ______ __ _ Entertaining: In home, except food and drinks._. __ _____ __ Out of home, except food and drinks _ __ ____ Other recreation._ . . . __ _ . _______ ____ $71. 55 14. 58 5. 67 6. 39 2. 37 . 10 .05 26. 96 .89 20. 53 4.94 .60 12. 69 10. 53 2. 73 2. 79 2. 57 2.44 1.43 .36 .36 .35 .36 . 27 .46 10.91 1.30 . 13 6.16 .99 .32 .22 .58 1.21 3. 75 $54. 28 10.89 5. 45 4.29 1.10 .02 .03 25.23 . 18 18. 61 5.54 .90 8. 58 5. 93 1.49 1.56 1.46 1.42 2. 33 .58 .59 .58 .58 . 11 .21 7.94 3.91 .18 2.40 .31 .05 .17 .71 .21 1.15 $65. 35 13. 53 5. 75 6.09 1.67 .01 .01 29. 52 .50 22. 54 5. 99 .49 10. 62 8. 80 2. 30 2. 33 2.16 2.01 1.07 .28 .27 .26 .26 .20 .55 6.91 0 .04 4.02 .99 . 27 .35 .95 .29 3.14 $75. 58 15. 52 4.74 7. 58 2.98 . 10 . 12 24. 81 1.23 20. 53 2. 95 . 10 14. 59 11.81 3. 01 3.07 2.90 2.83 2. 31 .60 .59 .56 .56 . 18 .29 12.22 .87 .16 7. 65 1.41 .26 .22 .41 1.24 4.41 $92. 42 18. 77 6. 38 8.11 3. 92 .28 .08 27. 88 1. 77 20. 78 4.63 .70 17. 62 16.03 4. 22 4. 30 3.88 3. 63 .29 .07 .07 .07 .08 .55 .75 16. 67 0 .13 10. 99 1.43 .70 .17 .23 3.02 6.49 .35 .02 2. 29 .11 0 .38 0 0 1.63 .81 . 14 3.08 .64 0 4. 35 109 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 1 5 . — Recreation expenditures, by economic level— Continued PORTSM OUTH, KEENE, DOVER, LACONIA, AND CLAREM ONT, N. H. Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All families Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over R ecrea tion E xp en diture# Families in survey. _ .. _______________ ____ .. ... Number of families owning radios_____ _______________ Number of families spending for— Reading: Newspapers, street___ . . . . . . . . ____ _ . Newspapers, home delivery____________________ Magazines___________________________ . . . ____ Books purchased (other than school texts)_______ Books borrowed from loan libraries_____________ Tobacco: Cigars. ____ _ _ _ _ . . . _______ Cigarettes.. _ _ ._ .. . . . . . _____. .. Pipe tobacco . . _____ ______ .. ______ Other tobacco____________ __________________ Commercial entertainment: Movies (adult admission)___. . . _______________ Movies (child admission)______________________ Plays and concerts__ . ________________ Spectator sports___ . __ . _________ _ ._ _. _ Recreational equipment: Musical instruments _ _ _________ ___ Sheet music, records, rolls. . _______ _ ______ Radio purchase. .. ._ ... Radio upkeep_________________________________ Cameras, films, and photographic equipment___ Athletic equipment and supplies_____ ______ Children’s play equipment_______________ ____ Pets (purchase and care) . _________ _ . _ . .. Recreational associations.. ______ . _______ Entertaining— In home, except food and drinks____________ ... Out of home, except food and drinks________ . 485 337 126 81 111 77 125 89 123 90 255 290 220 20 14 65 79 37 2 2 55 62 40 5 2 69 71 63 5 6 66 78 80 8 4 61 267 171 22 12 76 47 1 9 63 37 2 15 63 42 9 25 65 45 10 350 99 49 76 78 47 9 17 70 22 9 14 99 19 13 15 103 11 18 30 12 36 47 104 67 25 63 72 149 1 8 12 26 14 4 14 11 30 4 12 12 18 17 8 19 14 27 2 6 11 36 11 6 15 20 45 5 10 12 24 25 7 15 27 47 12 7 1 0 2 1 3 0 6 6 Average expenditure for recreation, total . _________ . . Reading, total____________________________________ .. __________________ Newspapers, street__ . Newspapers, home delivery____ . ______ .. Magazines. . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ______ Books purchased (other than school texts). Books borrowed from loan libraries ___ Tobacco, total .. . ________________ Cigars.. _ ______ . _____ ... Cigarettes.. ______ ____ _____________ ___ Pipe tobacco______________________________ Other tobacco. ___ . .. _______________ . Commercial entertainment, total ._ _____________ Movies (adult admission)____ __________ ____ Fall___________________________________ . .. ________ . Winter__________ . Spring__________________________________ Summer______ . _. . _____________ . . . Movies (child admission)____________________ Fall___________________________________ Winter________________ _______________ Spring_________________________________ Summer _____________________________ Plays and concerts_________________________ Spectator sports___________________________ Recreational equipment, total_. ___________ . . Musical instruments______ _______________ Sheet music, records, rolls. . . _____ ______ Radio purchase-.. . ________________________ Radio upkeep ... .. . . .. _ _ .. ___ Cameras, films, and photographic equipment. Athletic equipment and supplies Children’s p la y equipment____ _____ . . . Pets (purchase and care)_______________________ Recreational associations ______ _____________ . EntertainingIn home, except food and drinks_________ .. .. Out of home, except food and drinks. . . . ___ Other recreation ________ ______ ___________ $71. 99 16.10 6.07 7.44 2. 22 . 24 . 13 25. 74 1.43 19.46 4.10 . 75 12. 87 10.45 2. 70 2. 67 2. 65 2. 43 1.56 .40 .39 .39 .38 .33 .53 8. 62 .40 .37 4.07 .95 .28 .35 .96 1.24 3. 45 $57. 45 13.14 4. 59 7.03 1.43 .03 .06 23. 54 .47 18.13 4. S4 . 10 10.09 6. 24 1. 61 1. 56 1.57 1.50 3.41 .88 .85 .84 .84 . 14 .30 6. 82 .06 . 11 4. 98 .86 . 14 .09 .31 .27 1.78 $63.85 13.72 5.48 6. 35 1.62 .23 .04 22. 72 .86 17. 76 3. 55 .55 11.08 8.93 2. 23 2. 27 2. 27 2.16 1.48 .37 .37 .38 . 36 .39 .28 8. 10 .43 .74 3. 75 1.08 .24 .28 .94 .64 1.9 ; $68.07 17.16 6.91 7.56 2.14 . 35 .20 22. 65 .93 17. 40 3. 17 1. 15 11.97 10.46 2. 74 2.71 2.70 2.31 .75 .19 .19 . 19 .18 .23 .53 6. 93 .31 . 13 2.45 1.09 .17 . 16 1. 51 1. 11 1.02 $98.11 20.18 7. 26 8. 71 3. 63 .36 .22 33. 82 3. 43 24. 46 4. 77 1.16 18. 24 16.11 4. 22 4.13 4.04 3. 72 .58 . 14 . 15 . 15 .14 .57 .98 12. 65 .83 .55 5.07 .79 . 57 .88 1.07 2.89 5.92 .27 . 50 4.44 .01 0 2.07 .03 0) 6. 23 . 11 0 5. 23 .89 1.98 4.43 1 Less than 0.5 cent. 110 MONEY DISBUKSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 15.— Recreation expenditures, by economic level— Continued L ITTLE TO N AND CONWAY, N. H. Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All families $500 and over Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 197 138 65 43 40 25 49 38 43 32 137 69 119 10 2 44 21 35 2 6 29 13 28 3 1 34 18 29 1 0 30 17 27 4 1 30 114 90 16 n 31 35 6 5 22 23 2 8 28 19 5 10 33 13 3 137 46 13 37 40 23 4 10 28 14 1 6 32 3 3 7 31 6 5 14 0 10 30 45 32 11 36 25 61 0 4 8 10 11 2 15 6 11 0 3 7 12 6 2 10 5 12 0 2 7 11 6 3 7 9 14 0 1 8 12 9 4 4 5 24 5 3 0 0 1 0 1 2 3 1 $63. 33 11.88 6. 28 2. 63 2. 83 . 12 .02 26. 37 1.11 19. 02 5. 30 .94 10.89 8.40 2.12 2.09 2.09 2.10 1.57 .42 .41 .41 .33 .09 .83 9. 59 0 . 13 5. 72 1. 02 .23 .47 . 84 1. 18 1.99 $49. 22 10.02 5. 64 2. 77 1.60 .01 0 22. 99 .69 13. 41 ',.31 1.58 8. 49 5. 56 1.36 1. 32 L 43 1.45 2. 50 .63 .63 .62 .62 .05 .38 5. 68 0 .09 3.80 .46 .20 . 11 .74 .28 .81 $59. 38 12. 22 5. 73 2. 24 4.05 .11 .09 24. 97 .95 17. 58 6. 21 .23 8. 92 6. 30 1.71 1.46 1.53 1.60 2. 36 .59 .59 .57 .61 .06 .20 9. 66 0 .26 5. 74 1.20 .26 .32 1.17 .71 2. 33 $62. 40 12.43 7.20 2.83 2. 35 .05 0 23.87 1.63 16. 21 4. 83 1.20 11.38 9. 95 2. 44 2. 54 2.37 2.60 .60 .15 .15 .15 .15 .08 .75 11.05 0 .06 6.70 .87 .13 .58 .97 1. 74 1.60 $89. 61 13. 76 6. 72 2. 52 4.12 .37 .03 35. 62 1.31 32.02 1.94 .35 16.04 12. 90 3.32 3.34 3.26 2. 98 .75 .22 .22 .22 .09 .22 2.17 13. 77 0 .16 7. 51 1. 87 .36 1.02 .51 2. 34 3.90 .22 .09 2.30 0 0 1.23 .18 0 1.10 .12 .32 1.63 .68 .06 5. 78 R ec r e a tio n E x p en d itu r e s Families in survey_________ __________ _____ ________ Number of families owning radios— .................................. Number of families spending for— Reading: Newspapers, street . ________________________ Newspapers, home delivery____________________ Magazines____________________________________ Books purchased (other than school texts)______ Books borrowed from loan libraries_____________ Tobacco: Cigars______________ _______________________ Cigarettes ___________________________________ Pipe tobacco_________________________ _____ ___ ‘ Other tobacco__ ___________ _________________ Commercial entertainment: Movies (adult admission)................... ................... Movies (child admission)____ _______ __________ Plays and concerts____________________________ Spectator sports_. .................... .........................._. Recreational equipment: Musical instruments________ __________________ Sheet music, records, rolls ____________________ Radio purchase_______________________________ Radio upkeep____ ____________ ____ . _____ Cameras, films, and photographic equipment ___ Athletic equipment and supplies.. _____________ Children's play equipment . . . ___ _______ Pets (purchase and care)____ . __________ . . . Recreational associations___ _____ ___ _______ . EntertainingIn home, except food and drinks_______________ Out of home, except food and drinks_________ _ Average expenditure for recreation, t o t a l.......................... Reading, total_____ _ __ ____________ _____ ___ ___ Newspapers, street ________ .................... . Newspapers, home delivery_____ ________ ... Magazines__________ _______ ______________ . . . Books purchased (other than school texts)____ _ Books borrowed from loan libraries. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ Tobacco, total______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cigars. ______ _________ _ ________ ____ _._ Cigarettes ___________ __ ________________ Pipe tobacco_________________ ________ ______ Other tobacco __________ ___________ ________ Commercial entertainment, total . . . ______________ Movies (adult admission) _. _________ ______ Fall______________________________________ Winter _________________________________ Spring____________________________________ Summer _ _ _ _ ___ ____________ ___ Movies (child admission) __ ________________ Fall______________________________________ ___ ___ __________ _ _ _ _ _ Winter Spring____________________________________ Summer.. ___ _____________________ _____ Plays and concerts__________ _____________ Spectator sports __________________________ _. Recreational equipment, total....... ................. ... __ Musical instruments____ ___ _______ ________ Sheet music, records, rolls______ ________ _____ Radio purchase___ __ _____ __________________ Radio upkeep _____________________________ _ Cameras, films, and photographic equipment____ Athletic equipment and supplies. _ ___ _______ Children’s play equipment ________ _ ___ Pets (purchase and care).. ------- --------------------Recreational associations, _ ______________ _ _ ---Entertaining— In home, except food and drinks______ _. .. Out of home, except food and drinks____________ Other recreation..__ ___ _ . --------- ------------------------ TABULAR SUMMARY 111 T a b l e 15a.— Recreation expenditures M ARQ U ETTE, MICH.; MODESTO, CALIF.; AND RENO, NEV. All families Item Marquette Modesto Reno R ec r e a tio n E x p en d itu r e s Families in survey________________________________ Number of families owning radios__________________ Number of families spending for— Reading; Newspapers, street______________ _______ Newspapers, home delivery________________ Magazines________________________________ Books purchased (other than school texts) _ _. Books borrowed from loan libraries__________ Tobacco: Cigars____________________________________ Cigarettes___________ j____________________ Pipe tobacco______________________________ Other tobacco_____________________________ Commercial entertainment: Movies (adult admission)__________________ Movies (child admission)__________________ Plays and concerts______ >__________________ Spectator sports___________________________ Recreational equipment: Musical instruments_______________________ Sheet music, records, rolls__________________ Radio purchase___________________________ Radio upkeep_____________________________ Cameras, films, and photographic equipment. Athletic equipment and supplies_______ Children’s play equipment____________ Pets (purchase and care)___________________ Recreational associations_______________________ Entertaining— In home, except food and drinks____________ Out of home, except food and drinks________ 148 129 151 135 149 134 64 129 74 2 2 53 128 104 12 8 87 106 96 5 2 12 74 46 15 18 74 39 9 7 95 31 7 99 41 19 26 126 31 8 47 125 26 0 22 6 14 20 26 29 10 42 14 41 9 20 14 57 56 20 20 37 41 2 8 11 24 39 6 14 36 51 22 0 13 24 9 9 Average expenditure for recreation, total____________ Reading, total________________________________ Newspapers, street_______________ _________ Newspapers, home delivery________________ Magazines________________________________ Books purchased (other than school texts)___ Books borrowed from loan libraries_________ Tobacco, total________________________________ Cigars____________________________________ Cigarettes________________________________ Pipe tobacco______________________________ Other tobacco_____________________________ Commercial entertainment, total_______________ Movies (adult admission),,, ______________ Fall__________________________________ Winter_______________________________ Spring________________________________ Summer_____________________________ Movies (child admission)__________________ Fall__________________________________ Winter _______________________ Spring________________________________ Summer______________________________ Plays and concerts _ ______________________ Spectator sports___________________________ Recreational equipment, total,,, ______________ Musical instruments______________________ Sheet music, records, rolls__________________ Radio purchase______ ___________________ Radio upkeep_____________________________ Cameras, films, and photographic equipment Athletic equipment and supplies___________ Children’s play equipment_________________ Pets (purchase and care)___________________ Recreational associations______________________ EntertainingIn home, except food and drinks____________ Out of home, except food and drinks_______ Other recreation__________ __ $54. 87 12. 05 1.83 7. 30 2. 89 .02 .01 20. 98 1. 41 15. 32 3. 09 1.16 7.50 5. 48 1. 34 1.36 1.31 1.47 1.21 .32 .30 .30 .29 .27 . 54 12.15 .71 .22 7. 72 .68 .46 .31 1.71 .34 . 19 $84. 34 15. 54 2. 05 8.10 4. 05 1. 27 .07 22. 57 2. 03 17. 33 2. 29 .92 21.66 17. 81 4. 53 4. 45 4.45 4.38 .96 .24 .24 .24 .24 . 16 2. 73 16. 58 4. 49 .41 4. 24 1.38 1. 24 1. 94 .72 2.16 2. 76 $77. 84 16.10 4. 06 7.08 4.01 .95 0 27.17 .81 23. 42 2.89 .05 18. 74 15.38 3. 96 3.97 3. 74 3.71 2.18 .55 .55 .55 .53 0 1.18 8.86 .80 .13 2.22 .80 .81 .28 .56 3.26 5.98 .28 .09 1.63 .57 2.76 1.90 .36 .50 .13 112 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 16.— Formal education, vocation, community welfare, gifts and contributions, and miscellaneous expenditures, by economic level NASHUA, CONCORD, AND BERLIN, N. H. Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over F o rm a l E d u ca tio n E x p en d itu r e s Families in survey____________________ _______________ Number of families spending for— Members away from home—________ ______________ Members at home________________________________ 299 88 74 52 85 7 46 2 21 1 11 1 6 3 8 Average expenditure per family for formal education, totaL For members away from home__________________ For members at home_____________________________ $4. 51 2. 07 2. 44 $4. 59 .10 4. 49 $1.94 .05 1.89 $3.15 1.10 2. 05 $7. 52 6. 46 1.06 Number of families spending for— Union dues or fees______________________ _______ Professional association dues or fees....... .......... .......... Technical literature_______________________________ 64 18 2 19 2 0 13 6 0 10 2 0 22 8 2 Average expenditure per family for vocational items, totaL Union dues or fees________________________________ Professional association dues or fees_________________ Technical literature_______________________________ Other items of vocational expense__________________ $3. 51 2. 73 .54 .24 0 $2.02 1.87 .15 0 0 $3. 79 3. 35 .44 0 0 $2. 34 1.93 .41 0 0 $5. 51 3. 57 1.11 .83 0 Number of families spending for— Religious organizations____________________________ Community chest and other organizations__________ Taxes: Poll, income, and personal property_________ 264 69 292 80 16 83 65 10 72 47 9 50 72 34 87 Average expenditure per family for community welfare, total_______________________________________________ Religious organizations____________________________ Community chest and other organizations__________ Taxes: Poll, income, and personal property_________ $26. 79 22. 05 .87 3.87 $28.14 23. 81 .46 3.87 $24. 74 20.41 .36 3. 97 $29. 54 24. 55 1.28 3. 71 $25. 50 20.12 1.48 3.90 Number of families spending for— Christmas, birthday, etc., gifts-------------------------------Support of relatives________________________ _______ Support of other persons_____________ _____ ________ 78 31 11 24 5 1 15 3 2 17 4 2 22 19 6 Average expenditure per family for contributions and gifts to persons outside economic family, total______________ Christmas, birthday, etc., gifts_____________________ Support of relatives________________ ____________ Support of other persons______________ ________ ____ $20. 93 12. 35 7. 54 1.04 $7. 47 6.04 1.41 .02 $10. 76 9. 30 .50 .96 $23. 63 13.17 9.93 .53 $42. 06 21.03 18. 56 2. 47 Number of families spending for— Funerals_____________________________ ____ _______ Legal costs_______________________________________ Gardens_________________________________________ Losses___________________________________________ 3 6 76 0 1 1 20 0 0 3 29 0 0 1 13 0 2 1 14 0 Average expenditure per family for miscellaneous items, total_______________________________________________ Funerals_____________________________ ___________ Legal costs_______________________________________ Gardens__________________________________________ Losses___________________________________________ Other_____________________________ ____ __________ $5. 04 1.60 .61 1. 58 0 1. 25 $4. 43 .62 .25 1.83 0 1.73 $3.40 0 1.64 1. 63 0 .13 $1.56 0 .11 1.38 0 .07 $9.23 4. 98 .40 1.40 0 2.45 V oca tion E x p en d itu r e s C o m m u n ity W e lfa r e E x p en d itu r e s G ifts and C on trib u tion s M is c e lla n eo u s E x p en d itu r e s 113 TABULAR SUMMARY T a b l e 16.— Formal education, vocation, community welfare, gifts and contributions, and miscellaneous expenditures, by economic level— Continued PORTSM OUTH, KEENE, DOVER, LACONIA, AND CLAREM ON T, N. H. Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over F o rm a l E d u ca tio n E x p en d itu r e s Families in survey. . _ __ __ _ ___ _ _ _____________ Number of families spending for— Members away from home ____ _ _________ _ Members at home. _ ____ ____________ __ . _ 485 126 111 125 123 29 66 14 26 6 23 6 8 3 9 Average expenditure per family for formal education, total. For members away from home___ ____ . . . . . For members at home_______ ______ _____ _____ $4. 04 1.40 2. 64 $3.51 1.43 2.08 $4. 68 . 10 4. 58 $3.16 2. 02 1.14 $4.90 1.92 2.98 Number of families spending for— Union dues or fees____________ _ ________ _______ Professional association dues or fees. . . . _____ _ Technical literature_______________________________ 68 28 4 15 2 1 15 6 0 18 4 1 20 16 2 Average expenditure per family for vocational items, total Union dues or fees___ _____ . _____ __ ____ Professional association dues or fees. _ __ _ _ Technical literature_______ _ _____ ___________ Other items of vocational expense. ______ ________ $2. 32 1.45 .71 .05 .11 $1. 30 1.02 .03 .01 .24 $2.01 1.23 .74 0 .04 $2. 42 1.54 .69 . 12 .07 $3. 55 2. 00 1.40 .07 .08 Number of families spending for— Religious organizations___ _____ _ . __ ______ Community chest and other organizations.. . . . . . . Taxes: Poll, income, and personal property.. . . . . . . 410 107 475 108 13 123 93 110 106 29 121 103 43 121 Average expenditure per family for community welfare, total_______________________________________________ Religious organizations_______________ . . . . . .. . Community chest and other organizations______ .. . Taxes: Poll, income, and personal property_________ $22. 35 17. 59 .77 3. 99 $19.94 15. 80 .28 3. 86 $22.94 18. 08 .63 4. 23 $20.05 15. 56 .65 3.84 $26.62 21.05 1.52 4.05 Number of families spending for— Christmas, birthday, etc., gifts_________ ______ _____ Support of relatives. ______ . _________________ Support of other persons ____ ...... _ ... 367 58 8 78 8 3 83 12 1 101 11 3 105 27 1 Average expenditure per family for contributions and gifts to persons outside economic family, total __ ___ Christmas, birthday, etc., gifts__ ... ___ Support of relatives_______ . . _____ ___ .. . Support of other persons . .. . . . . . . . _____ . $23. 24 14. 92 8. 01 .31 $11. 44 7. 73 3. 62 .09 $18. 21 10.55 7. 53 13 $19. 58 15. 88 3.09 .61 $43. 55 25.24 17. 91 .40 Number of families spending for— Funerals___________________ ___________________ Legal costs__ . . . . . ________ ________ ______ Gardens_________________________________________ Losses______ ___ _. __ ________ _________ . 6 2 153 2 0 0 39 1 1 0 46 1 2 1 40 0 3 1 28 0 Average expenditure per family for miscellaneous items, total__________ _______________ _____________ Funerals_________________________________________ Legal costs. _. . . . _ _ . . . . ______ _ _ . . . .. _ Gardens______ . ____ . ________ . .. ._ . . Losses_______ _ . ____ . . . ___________ ______ . . .. Other____ . . . . . . $5.83 1.39 .42 2.02 .02 1.98 $3. 56 0 0 1.71 .02 1.83 $4. 97 .64 0 1.89 .07 2. 37 $9.59 4.62 .44 1.89 0 2.64 $5.11 .20 1.21 2. 59 0 1. 11 V o ca tio n E x p en d itu r e s C o m m u n ity W elfa re E x p en d itu r e s 22 G ifts and C o n trib u tion s Miscellaneous E x p en d itu r e s 114 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 16.— F orm a l education, vocation, c o m m u n ity w elfare, gifts and con tributions, and m iscellaneous expenditures, by econom ic level— Continued LITTLETON AND CONWAY, N. H. Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year— Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over F o rm a l E d u ca tio n E x p en d itu r e s Families in survey_________________ ________________ Number of families spending for— Members away from home______ ___ __________ Members at home ___ _ ___ _ _______ _ _____ 197 65 40 49 43 1 13 0 9 0 1 0 2 1 1 Average expenditure per family for formal education, total For members away from home___ ______ . For members at home_______ ___ ___ . . $2.23 .12 2.11 $3. 55 0 3. 55 $2. 23 0 2. 23 $0. 74 0 .74 $1.93 .55 1. 38 Number of families spending for— Union dues or fees.__ _ _ ____ ___________ Professional association dues or fees____ ___________ Technical literature_______ ___________ _ ______ 40 1 4 16 0 2 4 0 0 6 0 0 14 1 2 Average expenditure per family for vocational items, total. Union dues or fees _ _ __ ___ _____ ___________ Professional association dues or fees. _ _ _____ Technical literature. ___ _ _ _ ____- _ Other items of vocational expense ___ ___________ $3. 78 3. 75 0) .02 .01 $4. 63 4. 60 0 .03 0 $1.17 1.17 0 0 0 $1.96 1.96 0 0 0 $6.99 6.91 .02 .03 .03 Number of families spending for— Religious organizations, . _____ _____ _____ _ Community chest and other organizations. _ _ ___ __ Taxes: Poll, income, and personal property_________ 153 47 194 46 7 63 34 9 40 42 10 49 31 21 42 Average expenditure per family for community welfare, total _ __ _ _ _ _ Religious organizations, __ . __ ______ ________ Community chest and other organizations__________ Taxes: Poll, income, and personal property_________ $19. 95 15.12 .66 4.17 $15. 75 11. 64 .09 4. 02 $20. 97 16. 71 .58 3. 68 $24. 83 19. 71 .59 4. 53 $19. 82 13.71 1. 68 4. 43 Number of families spending for— Christmas, birthday, etc., gifts _ ________________ Support of relatives._ ._ _ __ ___ ___________ Support of other persons. _ _ _ _ _ _ _________ 146 21 4 40 3 2 33 4 0 36 5 0 37 9 2 Average expenditure per family for contributions and gifts to persons outside economic family, total__________ Christmas, birthday, etc., gifts __ _ _ _ _. Support of relatives. _ _ __ _ _ _ ... Support of other persons __ _ _____ ____ $19.90 13.02 6. 77 .11 $8. 01 7.54 .43 .04 $14. 89 11. 22 3. 67 0 $18. 63 14. 29 4. 34 0 $44. 00 21. 55 22.00 .45 7 2 98 1 1 0 43 0 1 1 25 0 1 1 23 1 4 0 7 0 $13. 51 3. 43 .23 3. 69 .04 6.12 $16. 02 .35 0 4. 35 0 11.32 $7.98 2. 21 .38 4. 49 0 .90 $9.91 1.67 .62 2.83 . 14 4. 65 $18.90 11. 22 0 2. 90 0 4. 78 V oca tion E x p en d itu r e s C o m m u n ity W elfa re E x p en d itu r e s G ifts and C on trib u tion s M is c e lla n eo u s E x p en d itu r e s Number of families spending for— Funerals __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Legal costs_____________________ ________________ Gardens. __ _____________________________________ Losses _ __ _ _ _______ ___________ _ _ Average expenditure per family for miscellaneous items, total. ______ ... _____ ___ ________ Funerals___________________________________ Legal costs. __ ___ _ __ _____ __ ____ Gardens___________ _________ ____________ _ __ Losses_____ ____________________ _________ __ Other___ ___ ____________ ________________ _ 1 Less than 0.5 cent. TABULAR SUMMARY T able 16a. 115 F orm a l ed u ca tio n , vocation, c o m m u n ity w elfare, gifts and contributions, and m iscellan eou s expenditures M A R Q U E T T E , M IC H .; M O D E S T O , C A L I F .; A N D R EN O , N E V . All families Item Marquette Modesto Reno F o rm a l E d u ca tio n E x p en d itu res Families in survey________________________________________________ Number of families spending for— Members away from home __ _____ . _ _ _______ _____ ____ Members at home____________ _ ____________ 148 151 149 1 74 1 43 0 37 . $10. 30 .93 9. 37 $9.19 .24 8.95 $2. 46 0 2.46 Number of families spending for— Union dues or fees. _ . . . _ _ ______ _ _____ __________________ Professional association dues or fees_________ ___________ . . _ . _ Technical literature.. . . . . ________ ______ ..... 30 2 0 23 1 1 53 5 2 $4. 53 4. 39 . 13 0 .01 $3.83 3. 59 .10 .02 .12 $7.01 6. 76 .16 .09 0 121 131 3 61 ' 42 102 65 43 126 $15.49 13.12 2.28 .09 $12.62 9. 73 .94 1.95 $9.49 6.05 .66 2.78 Number of families spending for— Christmas, birthday, etc., gifts . __ _ _ _______________________ Support of relatives.. _ . ___ . . . ___ _ Support of other persons. _. _____ . . . _____ _________ .. 107 19 3 132 36 4 134 25 38 Average expenditure per family for contributions and gifts to persons ___ . . . ... _____ outside economic family, total... . ____ . Christmas, birthday, etc., gifts. _______________________________ Support of relatives____ __ . _____________ ______ .. . Support of other persons... ._ _______ ___ ___________ __ $21. 59 13.70 7. 81 .08 $35. 89 19. 72 15. 98 19 $44. 42 24.30 18.48 1.64 3 1 76 3 9 2 19 4 3 2 24 2 $14. 65 8. 72 .32 2. 37 .36 2.88 $12.24 6. 39 .31 .99 1.12 3.43 $7. 81 3.74 . 15 .76 1.70 1.46 Average expenditure per family for formal educatiion, total. For members away from home____________ _______________ For members at home______ ______________ __________ V oca tion E x p en d itu r e s Average expenditure per family for vocational items, total Union dues or fees... . . . . . . ____ . . . . _ ___ _ _ ___________________ Professional association dues or fees___ Technical literature____________________________________________ Other items of vocational expense.. _____ ____ . _ _______ . . . C o m m u n ity W elfa re E x p en d itu r e s Number of families spending for— Religious organizations ______________________________________ Community chest and other organizations___ ._ Taxes: Poll, income, and personal property. ... _____ ! Average expenditure per family for community welfare, total.. . . . .. Religious organizations . ________________ ________ . .... Community chest and other organizations... . . . . Taxes: Poll, income, and personal property _ . ________ ___ _ G ifts and C on trib u tion s M iscella n eo u s E xp en d itu res Number of families spending for— Funerals . _...... ..... ........ ................. ........ ....... Legal costs ________________ _________________ . Gardens .. ____ _______________ . ... ____ ______ Family losses___ . . . __ ____ Average expenditure per family for miscellaneous items, total___ Funerals... . .. ____ ____________ ______ . . . ____ Legal costs.._ ._ . . . _____ . _____ . . . . . . _ . Gardens... ..... . . . . . .... ___ . . . . . ______ Family losses . . . . _______________ .. __ . . . . . _ ____ Other__ . . . __________ __ .. . . . ____________________ _ _ 117 TABULAR SUM M ARY T a b l e 17.— C lothing ex pen d itu res, by econ om ic level 10 N E W H A M P S H IR E C IT IE S Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spend ing per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over Clothing E x p en d itu r e s I. Number of families in survey________________ . - ________ Average number of clothing expenditure units per family. Number of families spending for— Ready-made clothing, dry cleaning, and accessories_____ _ Yard goods and findings_________ _____________________ Paid help for sewing___ _______________________________ Number of families reporting clothing received as gifts___ .. 981 2. 79 279 3. 83 225 2.82 226 2. 31 251 2.04 981 589 52 487 279 188 12 156 225 133 9 117 226 118 11 104 251 150 20 no Average expenditure per family for clothing__________ $132.12 $120. 60 $125. 84 $125. 36 $156. 62 ___ 128. 60 Ready-made clothing, dry cleaning, and accessories.. 116. 73 122. 44 122.17 153. 07 3.24 3. 33 Yard goods and findings . . _____ . . 3. 74 3. 09 3.17 Paid help for sewing____ ____ _______________ ____ .13 .16 .38 .19 .10 Average value per family of clothing received as gifts 1 ___ 5.84 4.96 4. 73 4.55 4. 81 II. Number of families having men and boys 18 years of age and over 2_______ .. . . . . _ ______ _________ _ Number of men and boys 18 years of age and over 2______ . Average number of men and boys 18 years of age and over per family having such men and boys 2______________________ Number of families having boys 12 through 17 years of age 2. .. Number of boys 12 through 17 years of age 2______________ Average number of boys 12 through 17 years of age per family having such boys 2___ . . . ____________ __________ . . . Number of families having boys 6 through 11 years of age 2__ Number of boys 6 through 11 years of age 2____ _______ _ Average number of boys 6 through 11 years of age per family having such boys 2___ .. ______ . _______ _____ Number of families having boys 2 through 5 years of age 2___ Number of boys 2 through 5 years of age 2___ _____________ Average number of boys 2 through 5 years of age per family having such boys 2___ ___________ _____ _______________ Number of families having women and girls 18 years of age and over 2 ______ . . . _ __________ . . . ________ Number of women and girls 18 years of age and over 2_______ Average number of women and girls 18 years of age and over per family having such women and girls 2. .. _. _ _____ Number of families having girls 12 through 17 years of age 2___ Number of girls 12 through 17 years of age 2_ ______ . . . _____ Average number of girls 12 through 17 years of age per family having such girls 2 _______ ____ . . . _______ ______ . Number of families having girls 6 through 11 years of age 2___ Number of girls 6 through 11 years of age 2______ . ___ Average number of girls 6 through 11 years of age per family having such girls 2________________ ____ . . . _______ Number of families having girls 2 through 5 years of age 2___ . Number of girls 2 through 5 years of age 2._ Average number of girls 2 through 5 years of age per family having such girls 2__________________ ____ _ __________ Number of families having infants under 2 years of age 3_ Number of infants under 2 years of age 3 __________ Average number of infants' under 2 years of age per family having infants3__ . ._ . . . . . . 1 2 3 936 1,086 268 330 218 259 211 235 239 262 1.16 162 210 1. 23 93 127 1.19 38 49 1.11 20 23 1.10 11 11 1. 30 197 240 1.37 102 136 1. 29 47 53 1. 15 29 30 1.00 19 21 1. 22 124 131 1.33 56 63 1.13 37 37 1.03 22 22 1.11 9 9 1.06 1.12 1.00 1. 00 1.00 967 1,185 276 363 •224 276 218 265 249 281 1. 23 158 200 1. 32 97 133 1.23 31 36 1.22 17 18 1.13 13 13 1. 27 165 210 1. 37 91 130 1.16 40 45 1.06 22 23 1.00 12 12 1. 27 139 170 1.43 85 105 1.12 32 41 1. 05 16 18 1.00 6 6 1.22 95 101 1. 24 47 50 1.28 26 29 1.12 10 10 1.00 12 12 1.06 1.06 1. 12 1. 00 1.00 T h e a g g re g a te s o n w h i c h th e s e a v e ra g e s a re b a s e d d o n o t in c lu d e g ift s o f c lo t h in g r e p o r t e d r e c e iv e d b y 235 f a m i l i e s , b u t f o r w h i c h t h e y c o u l d n o t e s t i m a t e t h e v a l u e . In c lu d e s o n ly p e rs o n s d e p e n d e n t o n f a m i l y f u n d s fo r 52 w e e k s . I n f a n t s 1 to 2 y e a r s o f ag e a re in c lu d e d o n ly i f d e p e n d e n t o n f a m i l y f u n d s fo r 52 w e e k s ; th o s e u n d e r 1 y e a r o f a g e a r e in c lu d e d r e g a r d le s s o f n u m b e r o f w e e k s d e p e n d e n t o n f a m i l y f u n d s . 118 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 1 7 . — Clothin g ex pen d itu res, by econom ic level— Continued 10 NEW HAM PSHIRE CITIES—Continued Persons purchasing Item III. Clothing, men and boys 18 years of age and over:3 Hats: Felt______________________ _________________ Straw . _ _ __ _ ______ . Caps: W o o l... _________________ _____ ______________ Other____________________ ___________ _____ ____ Overcoats__________________ ____________________ ____ Topcoats____________________ - ______________________ Raincoats___ _ ___ _ ____- - - - - - - - ____ Jackets: Heavy fabric-.- ______________________________ Leather_______________________________________ Other______________ __________ _____________ Sweaters: Heavy____________ ___________ ___________ Light________________________________________ Suits: Heavy wool____________ ____ ______ _________ Lightweight w ool- _ ___________________________ Cotton, linen. __ . __ _____________ ___ . . . Palm Beach-------- -------------------- -----------------------O th e r..-------------------------- --------- -----------------------Trousers: Wool------- ---------- -- -----------------------------------Cotton______________________________________ Other______________________________________ Overalls, coveralls - - - - - - - - - ____________ ... Shirts and blouses: Cotton, work________________________ Cotton and other, dress___ . ___ . Wool_______________________________ Underwear: Suits, cotton, knit_______________________ woven _ . .cotton and wool_____ . _ _________ .. rayon and silk __ ____ ____ ________ Undershirts, cotton___ __ __________________ cotton and wool .. _ . _____ __ rayon and s ilk ___ ________ _ Shorts, cotton.. ___________________ rayon and silk. . _______ Drawers, cotton and wool. _ _____ ______ Pajamas and nightshirts. ________ ______ _ Shoes: Street____ ___ . . . __ _________________ __ _ Work. . _______ _ ______________________ Canvas.. _______ _________________ ... Other__________________ _____ __________________ Boots: Rubber________ ___ ___________________ _____ Leather______________________ _ ______ Arctics___ ______________ ____________________________ Rubbers.. ______ _____________________________________ Shoe: Repairs_________________________________________ Shines_____ _______ ____ _ ___ ___________ ______ Hose: Cotton, heavy. ____________ ___________________ dress_____ __________________ . . . ____ Rayon. _________________________ ___________ Silk_____________________________________________ Wool_________________________________________ Gloves: Work, cotton . . . ___ ______________ ; _________ other _ -. _ _______________ _______ ____ Street, leather _ . ____________ _ . . . _______ other_______ ____________ ___ Ties ______ ___________ . Collars___________________ .. ________________________ Bathing suits, sun suits______________ _______________ Handkerchiefs____________________ __________________ Accessories. . _____ ___ . __ _ ___ ____ Bathrobes________________________ ________ _ ______ Cleaning, repairing ____________ ______________________ Other___ ____________________ ________________________ 2Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. All fami lies N um ber 317 118 304 90 108 52 37 140 44 25 158 167 202 162 8 1 4 426 229 47 335 574 577 58 324 131 195 20 233 102 29 301 21 69 239 780 416 32 27 85 24 130 462 391 92 496 470 162 87 169 337 80 196 68 468 20 50 353 73 19 399 19 E con om ic le v e l— F am ilies spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over N um ber N um ber N um ber N um ber 67 18 94 31 24 11 5 47 9 10 40 43 38 39 2 0 1 118 71 13 95 190 162 12 110 40 37 2 67 25 5 95 3 12 41 224 136 4 5 31 7 28 • 111 83 24 166 145 30 9 45 104 25 35 18 113 68 22 61 23 23 10 13 35 2 97 18 4 60 85 22 2 81 73 32 75 13 29 8 5 24 9 3 31 31 46 34 1 0 0 106 50 15 74 123 119 9 77 26 44 5 51 21 6 58 6 17 68 181 79 8 10 15 4 28 103 86 15 118 92 41 17 34 74 16 46 22 103 5 12 69 12 4 104 4 3 5 6 n 5 50 39 39 35 0 0 1 95 72 7 79 136 125 16 64 32 60 7 56 26 10 73 8 16 41 167 102 13 4 23 8 29 105 86 13 119 114 39 14 41 76 11 43 16 112 3 17 109 46 74 23 32 23 14 34 15 7 37 54 79 54 5 1 2 107 36 12 87 125 171 21 73 33 54 6 59 30 8 75 4 24 89 208 99 7 8 16 5 45 143 136 40 93 119 52 47 49 83 28 72 12 140 6 19 102 21 9 154 7 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 119 1 7 . — C lothin g exp en d itu res , by econ om ic level— Continued 10 NEW HAM PSHIRE CITIES—Continued Average number of articles purchased per person Item All fami lies III. Clothing, men and boys, 18 years of age and over:2 Total_____________________________________ Hats: Felt____________________ _____ _____ Straw___________ ___________ _ Caps: W ool______________________________ Other_____________________________ Overcoats--------- ----------------------- --------- ----Topcoats. . _ ____________ - ----------Raincoats.. . . . . ---------------------------Jackets: Heavy fabric____________________ Leather___________ __________ . . . Other_____________ _____ ________ Sweaters: Heavy_________________________ Light__________________________ Suits: Heavy wool____________ _______ ___ Lightweight wool__________________ Cotton, linen______________________ Palm Beach_______________________ Other_____________________________ Trousers: Wool__________________ ______ _ Cotton_______________ _____ ___ Other__________________________ Overalls, coveralls________________________ Shirts and blouses: Cotton, work__________ Cotton and other, dress. . Wool_________________ Underwear: Suits, cotton, knit____________ woven___ ______ cotton and w o o l______ rayon and silk__________ Undershirts, cotton ________ _ cotton and w ool... rayon and silk___ Shorts, cotton________________ rayon and silk________ Drawers, cotton and wool___ _ Pajamas and nightshirts______ Shoes: Street____________________________ Work__________________ _ ________ Canvas_______ . . ___________ . . . Other____________________________ Boots: Rubber_______________ ______ _____ Leather.. ___________________ ____ Arctics_____ _____________________________ Rubbers_________________________________ Shoe: Repairs. _______________________ Shines. _____ ___________________ Hose: Cotton, heavy_____________ ____ ___ dress______________________ Rayon____________________________ Silk_______________________________ Wool______ _____ ____ ,..... ........... ...... Gloves: Work, cotton___________ _______ _ other___________ ______ ___ Street, leather..__________________ other__________ __________ Ties_____________________________________ Collars.. __________________ ______ ______ Bathing suits, sun suits.................................. Handkerchiefs___________________ _____ Accessories________ ___________________ Bathrobes_______________________________ Cleaning, repairing_______________________ Other________________ Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 $500 der to to and $300 $400 $500 over N o. N o. N o. N o. N o. 0.32 .12 .33 .10 .10 .05 .03 .13 .04 .03 .15 .17 .19 .16 .01 (4) (4) .53 .31 .06 .60 1.42 1.51 .08 .68 .29 .40 .04 .68 .28 .06 .85 .05 .17 .39 1.05 .49 .03 .02 .08 .02 .13 .50 0.22 .05 .32 .11 .07 .03 .01 .14 .03 .04 .12 .15 .12 .12 .01 0 (4) .46 .31 .04 .54 1.44 1.12 .05 .67 .27 .24 .01 .51 .20 .03 .72 .03 .07 .19 .92 .50 .02 .02 .10 .02 .09 .36 0.27 .08 .29 .10 .09 .04 .05 .13 .04 .03 .20 .18 .15 ,14 0 0 .01 .48 .40 .05 .53 1.29 1.27 .12 .54 .30 .46 .07 .76 .26 .07 .94 .06 .18 .25 .94 .50 .06 .02 .09 .03 .12 .47 0.34 .14 .36 .07 .13 .04 .02 .10 .04 .01 .14 .14 .19 .15 (4) 0 0 .62 .29 .08 .66 1.49 1.55 .04 .73 .25 .41 .04 .70 .27 .07 .79 .06 .20 .49 1.06 .44 .04 .04 .06 .02 .12 .50 0.47 .20 .35 .11 .12 .09 .05 .14 .06 .02 .14 .22 .32 .23 .02 (4) .01 .58 .25 .06 .71 1.45 2.20 .13 .77 .33 .54 .06 .78 .39 .08 .97 .04 .27 .68 1.30 .52 .03 .03 .07 .02 .20 .69 3.92 3.65 1.17 .43 .52 1.56 .19 .20 .07 1.55 .07 .05 3.14 3.20 3.02 .52 .11 .36 1.43 .16 .12 .06 .96 .06 .01 2.28 4.36 4.04 1.17 .19 .52 1.65 .10 .17 .09 1.49 .04 .07 3.08 4.79 3.34 1.08 .27 .41 1.47 .12 .21 .10 1.43 .09 .06 3.34 .02! .02! .02 .02: ______________ 1Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. * Less than 0.005 article. 2 0 0 9 8 2 ° — 41 9 Average expenditure per person All families m i. Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 $500 der to to and $300 $400 $500 over D o l. D ol. D o l. D o l. 38.47 27.07 33.48 38.41 57.93 1.02 .63 .78 1.08 1.70 .21 .11 .15 .21 .39 .35 .32 .31 .39 .37 .09 .09 .10 .05 .12 2.05 1.28 1.61 2.69 2.88 .89 .54 .69 .45 1.92 .16 .05 .25 .11 .24 .59 .60 .59 .49 .69 .27 .18 .27 .24 .39 .12 .14 .15 .04 .13 .53 .37 .65 .58 .57 .35 .26 .35 .30 .51 4.76 2.64 3.70 4. 73 8.49 3.51 2.65 2.77 3. 51 5.34 .10 .16 0 .03 .17 .01 0 0 .05 0 .11 .08 .20 0 .17 1.81 1.38 1.52 2.17 2.34 .56 .53 .71 .55 .46 .16 .10 .13 .17 .25 .83 .65 .77 .92 1.05 1.21 1.13 1.10 1.29 1.36 1.96 1.28 1.56 1.92 3.24 .15 .09 .19 .09 .24 .73 .71 .58 .78 .86 .31 .28 .27 .29 .40 .49 .30 .51 .49 .73 .04 .01 .08 .04 .06 .25 .18 .27 .26 .33 .16 .08 .15 .18 .24 .03 .01 .03 .03 .04 .35 .28 .36 .34 .43 .02 .01 .03 .02 .02 .11 .04 .10 .14 .17 .50 .21 .30 .63 .95 3.96 3.13 3.34 4.14 5.46 1.49 1.39 1.60 1.32 1.67 .05 .02 .11 .06 .04 .06 .04 .04 .10 .07 .25 .30 .29 .23 .18 . 10 .07 .09 .07 .17 .35 .20 .32 .36 .57 .57 .42 .51 .55 .84 .81 .44 .80 .75 1.34 . 12 .03 .03 .08 .38 3.59 .87 .85 .92 .97 .78 4.34 .82 .71 .80 .77 1.04 2.06 .28 .12 .26 .27 .53 1.20 .15 .03 .07 .10 .41 .83 .25 .18 .20 .22 .42 1.73 .41 .38 .40 .33 .53 .38 .11 .07 .07 .09 .19 .33 .36 .19 .25 .37 .66 .04 .08 .06 .07 .11 .07 2.46 .83 .45 .65■ .71 1.58 .12 .02: .02! .01 .02: .03 .08 .12; .02I .14 .15 .21 4.11 .25 .16i .22! .25 .39 .06i .03i .07 .05i .11 .04 .09' .05i .03; .10i .20 1.04: .28i .79i .90i 2.36 .18 .06i .17 .13 .40 120 M O N EY DISBURSEMENTS-----13 T able SMALL CITIES 1 7 .— C lothin g ex p en d itu res , b y econ om ic level— Continued 10 NEW H AM PSH IRE CITIES—Continued Persons purchasing Item IV. Clothing, boys 12 through 17 years of age:3 Hats: Felt__________________________ ___________ _______ Straw___________________________________________ Caps: Wool_____________ ____________ _______________ Other----------------------------- ------------- —- ................ . Overcoats----- -- . . . ------ ----------------- -----------------------------Topcoats............ ................................ - --------- ---------------Raincoats ................................................................................ Jackets: Heavy fabric............................. .............. ................. Leather----------- --------- . ---------------- -------------------Other__........................- ..................... .................... Sweaters: Heavy................................ . .............. . . . ............. Light ................................................. ..................... Suits: Heavy wool........................................... . . ..................... Lightweight wool.............................. ......... .............. . Cotton, linen................................ ........... ........... ......... Palm B each ..... ............................................................ O ther......................... - ..................... ............ .............. Trousers: Wool.................................................. ...... ........... . Cotton............................................................ ......... O t h e r ....................... r............................................ Overalls, coveralls.------- ----------------------- ----------------------Shirts and blouses: Cotton, work_________ ______________ Cotton and other, dress_______________ Wool_____________________________ .. .......... ...... ... Underwear: Suits, cotton, k n it.......... ...... woven_______ __________ _ cotton and wool___________________ . rayon and silk. _ ___________________ Undershirts, cotton. _ ______________________ cotton and wool______ ________ . rayon and silk_________________ Shorts, cotton___________________ __________ rayon and silk______________ ______ Drawers, cotton and wool____ _ . . . _______ Pajamas and nightshirts______________ ____ Shoes: Street._____ ____________________________________ Work.____ ___ ______ ______ ____________ _____ Canvas................................. ......... ................... .. .. Other----- ----------------------------------------------------------Boots: Rubber. ....................................................................... Leather............................................ ......... ................... Arctics________________________________________ _______ Rubbers________ ________________ _____________________ Shoe: Repairs_____ ________________ ____________________ Shines________ ____ ____________________ _______ Hose: Cotton, heavy -------------- ------------- -------------------dress____ ___________ ____________________ Rayon.............. .............................................................. Silk........... ........... ............................... .......................... Wool------------------- ---------------- ------- ---------------------Gloves: Work, cotton..... ............................... .......................... other-------------------------- --------------------------Street, leather.----------------- --------------------------------other--------------- ------------- -----------------------Ties_________ ___________________________________ _ Collars....... .............................................................................. Bathing suits* sun suits........................................................... Handkerchiefs.......... ....................................... ........................ Accessories________________ ________ ________________ ___ Bathrobes................................................................................. Cleaning, repairing.................................................................. Other.____________ ________________ _____ _____________ 2Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. All fami lies N um ber 25 1 93 30 18 2 14 72 17 6 63 88 39 .44 1 0 1 112 62 20 47 35 147 10 59 36 28 5 71 15 3 81 3 9 39 183 22 70 20 18 13 17 87 57 1 107 93 20 7 48 20 16 40 52 112 1 29 50 9 4 27 4 E con om ic le v e l— F am ilies spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over N um ber N um ber 6 0 59 22 8 0 7 47 4 3 31 50 20 20 0 0 0 65 37 8 34 19 87 6 36 26 10 1 35 10 3 37 3 6 16 111 14 47 7 8 10 6 49 27 1 66 60 8 2 31 12 10 15 35 63 0 12 25 6 1 11 2 N um ber 5 N um ber 9 1 19 5 6 1 4 17 6 2 21 23 7 12 0 0 1 28 18 12 9 9 36 4 13 6 9 3 21 4 0 28 0 2 8 41 7 16 7 8 2 5 22 17 0 26 23 7 2 11 3 1 15 8 24 1 10 13 2 1 9 1 0 10 3 0 1 2 4 5 1 7 10 7 8 0 0 0 12 3 0 3 4 15 0 6 3 7 1 9 0 10 0 1 9 20 1 4 4 0 1 1 11 8 0 13 5 2 1 4 2 3 4 5 15 0 4 8 1 1 3 1 5 0 5 0 4 0 1 4 2 0 4 5 5 4 1 0 0 7 4 0 1 3 9 0 4 1 2 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 11 0 3 2 2 0 5 5 5 0 2 5 3 2 2 3 2 6 4 10 0 3 4 0 1 4 0 121 TABULAR SU M M AR Y T able 17.— C lothing ex p en d itu res , by econom ic level— Continued 10 NEW HAMPSHIRE CITIES—Continued Average number of articles purchased per person Item IV. Clothing, boys 12 through 17 years of age:2 Total______________________ _______________ Hats: F e lt-.......... ______......... ...................... Straw_______ ____ ________________ Caps: Wool........................ ............................ Other........ ..................................... . __ Overcoats ______ ___________ _____________ Topcoats_______________ _____ ________ _ _ Raincoats__ _____________________________ Jackets: Heavy fabric__________________ Leather.......................................... Other. ................. ........................ _ Sweaters: Heavy___________ ___________ Light______________ ________ ___ Suits: Heavy wool_______________________ Lightweight wool_________ _________ Cotton, linen............ ........................ _ Palm Beach..................................... . Other..... ........................................... Trousers: W ool............................................ . Cotton........ ................................... Other___________ ______________ Overalls, coveralls______________ ______ ___ Shirts and blouses: Cotton, work__________ Cotton and other, dress.. Wool_________ ____ ____ Underwear: Suits, cotton, knit......... ............. woven__________ cotton and wool________ rayon and silk..... ......... . Undershirts, cotton________ _ cotton and w ool... rayon and silk___ Shorts, cotton____________ ___ rayon and silk_______ Drawers, cotton and wool_____ Pajamas and nightshirts............ Shoes: Street.____ ___________ ____ _______ Work.................................................... Canvas___________________________ Other....................................... ...... Boots: Rubber......................... .................. _ Leather_____ _______ ______________ Arctics....................................... ....................... Rubbers................................... ................... Shoe: Repairs___________ ____ __________ Shines.____ ___ _______ ____________ Hose: Cotton, heavy__________ __________ dress........................ ................ Rayon............................................... S ilk ....................................... .............. W ool____________ ____________ ____ Gloves: Work, cotton....................... ............. other....................................... Street, leather....................... ............. other_____ _____ __________ Ties_____________ _______ _______ _________ Collars_________ _ _____ _____ __________ Bathing suits, sun suits............................. __. Handkerchiefs........ ............................... ......... Accessories______________________________ Bathrobes....... ............................................... Cleaning, repairing____________ _________ Other________ _____________ _____ ______ All families Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 $500 der to to and $300 $400 $500 over N o. N o. N o. N o. N o. 0.12 .01 .51 .16 .08 .01 .07 .35 .08 .02 .36 .56 .20 .21 .01 0 .01 .93 .48 .14 .35 .58 2. 50 .08 .60 .38 .29 .07 .95 .17 .04 1.19 .04 .09 .31 1.79 .19 .61 .15 .09 .06 .09 .51 0.05 0 .53 .19 .06 0 .06 .37 .04 .02 .30 .50 .16 .16 0 0 0 .85 .49 .11 .38 .49 2. 23 .09 .66 .46 .16 .04 .66 . 19 .06 .76 .06 .09 .18 1.61 .17 .67 .08 .08 .08 .05 .46 0.18 .03 .39 .14 .12 .01 .10 .34 .13 .04 .48 .66 .16 .25 0 0 .03 .90 .51 .32 .41 .60 2. 39 . 11 .47 .29 .47 .15 1.18 . 19 0 1. 55 0 .10 .30 1.91 .36 .62 .15 .15 .04 .12 .49 0. 20 0 .48 .11 0 .04 .07 .22 .20 .03 .39 .58 .34 .33 0 0 0 1.12 .21 0 .16 .92 3. 28 0 .46 .18 .70 .09 1.49 .07 0 2. 05 0 .07 .52 2. 05 .04 .23 .38 0 .04 .08 .71 0.48 0 .97 0 .35 0 .09 .38 . 16 0 .39 .72 .42 .37 .21 0 0 1.58 .79 0 .21 .84 4. 46 0 .75 .18 .17 0 2. 07 0 0 2. 67 0 0 1. 38 2. 78 4. 67 3.60 .55 .23 .62 .14 .08 .21 .31 1. 79 (4) .14 1. 86 4. 61 3.15 .30 .12 .67 .11 .08 .14 .31 1.16 0 .09 1.30 5. 68 5.08 .84 .22 .55 .10 .03 .31 .28 1. 90 .02 .21 2.25 4. 68 2. 08 .43 .68 .29 . 10 .14 .20 .30 2. 28 0 .19 3.06 .80 5. 23 2. 34 .62 1.00 .65 .27 .52 .49 7. 60 0 .32 4.12 .02 .01 .03 .04 .10 2Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. 4 Less than 0.005 article. 5 Less than 0.5 cent. 0 .64 .39 .21 0 .48 .72 Average expenditure per person All families D o l. Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 $500 der to to and $300 $400 $500 over D o l. D o l. D ol. D o l. 32. 54 25. 45 38.23 43. 25 66.90 .26 . 10 .30 .57 1. 29 .01 0 .03 0 0 .40 .39 .30 .40 .87 .08 .09 .09 .06 0 .93 .76 1.43 0 2. 68 .10 0 .11 .66 0 .26 .17 .44 .27 .41 1. 31 1.34 1.41 .83 1. 53 .43 .15 .57 1.41 1. 06 .06 .02 . 12 . 14 0 .95 .70 1. 32 1. 08 1.95 .87 .64 1.14 1. 17 1.64 3. 07 2.14 2. 29 6.99 9.19 3. 11 2. 47 3. 22 5.00 6.04 0 .01 0 0 .10 0 0 0 0 0 0 .09 0 .37 0 2.16 1. 70 2. 35 2. 80 5.15 . 71 .70 .88 .27 1.05 0 .32 .20 .87 0 .33 .32 .45 .14 .12 .74 .61 .47 .37 .56 2.13 1. 74 2. 21 3.11 4.14 0 .10 .09 .18 0 .44 .43 .42 .40 .79 .32 .35 .29 .19 .31 .25 . 13 .40 .62 .12 .05 .04 .08 .05 0 .30 .18 .42 . 58 .70 .05 .05 .08 .03 0 0 0 .01 .02 0 .42 .21 .54 .95 1.24 0 0 .01 .02 0 .02 .02 .03 .03 0 .31 .16 .30 .47 1.68 4.97 4.09 5. 59 6.49 9.14 .44 .36 .92 .08 0 .55 .58 .62 .22 .66 .28 . 15 .43 .44 .75 .26 .26 .17 .60 0 .23 .27 .23 .15 0 .25 .14 .31 . 12 1.54 .53 .46 .53 .79 .79 . 64 .38 .87 1. 21 1.48 0 0 .01 0 (5) 1.03 .98 1. 21 1. 34 . 18 .74 .66 1. 00 .44 1.22 .11 .07 .19 .10 .35 .08 .02 .08 .24 .43 .30 .31 .26 . 18 .63 .05 .05 .04 .02 .21 .05 .04 .02 .06 .20 .24 .15 .39 .25 .67 .20 .22 .16 .11 .42 .52 .28 .53 .91 2.42 .01 0 0 (5) 0 .29 . 15 .46 .47 .85 .12 .08 .14 .20 .36 .02 .03 .02 (5) 0 .07 .01 .11 .10 .41 .20 .06 .30 .31 1. 26 .03 .03 .01 .06 0 122 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 T able SMALL CITIES 1 7 .— C lothing ex p en d itu res , hy econom ic level— Continued 10 NEW HAM PSH IRE CITIES—Continued Persons purchasing Item V. Clothing, boys 6 through 11 years of age:3 Hats: Felt_____________________________________ Straw........................................... ..................... Caps: Wool___________________ _______ ________ Other____________ ______ _____ __________ Overcoats------------- ------------ ------------------------ -----Topcoats________________ _____ ___________ ____ _ Raincoats______________________________________ Jackets: Heavy fabric.. . ------ -----------------------------Leather--------- --------------------- ------ --------Other_____________________ _______ _____ Sweaters: Heavy________________ _____________ Light___________________ ___________ Play suits: Wool knit_______________ : __________ Cotton suede-------------- --------- ----------Other____________________ _________ Suits: Heavy wool--------------- --------- -------------------Lightweight wool________ _______ ________ Cotton, linen............................................ — Palm B e a ch .................... .............................. Other____________ _______ _____ ______ ____ Trousers: Wool___________________ _____________ Cotton________________ ____ _________ Other________________________________ Overalls, coveralls______________________________ Shirts and blouses: Cotton and other, except wool.. Wool________________________ Underwear: Suits, cotton, knit__________ _______ _ woven________________ cotton and wool______________ rayon and silk____ ____ _______ Undershirts, cotton_________________ cotton and wool________ rayon and silk................ . Shorts, cotton____________ _______ _ rayon and silk______ ________ Drawers, cotton and wool___________ Pajamas and nightshirts______ _____ _ Shoes: Street___________ _______________________ Canvas........................................ ................... Other................. ............................................ Boots: Rubber........................................................ Leather_________ ____ _______ ___________ Arctics......................................................................... Rubbers_________ ____ ________ _____ ____________ Shoe: Repairs. ............................. ................. .......... Shines_____________ ________ _____________ Hose: Cotton, heavy.................................... ............ dress................................. ............... R ayon.............. ......................... ......... ........... Silk________ _______ _____________________ Wool________ _____ ________ - _____ ______ Gloves: Cotton_____________ _____ _______ _______ Leather................................................. ....... Other___________ ________ ______ _______ _ Ties------------- ------ ------------------------------- ---------- Collars________________________________________ Bathing suits, sun suits--------------- ---------------------Handkerchiefs__________________________________ Accessories_____________________________________ Bathrobes_____________________________________ Cleaning, repairing_____________________________ Other__________________________________________ 2 Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. All LUlies um m 4 1 133 42 45 5 13 66 17 11 79 86 18 6 23 19 37 23 3 5 115 53 31 95 174 5 114 30 62 2 26 7 1 37 1 5 64 236 77 21 31 25 56 110 44 6 140 93 4 1 50 16 20 117 111 0 37 41 19 9 7 4 E con om ic le v e l— F am ilies spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over N um ber N um ber N um ber N um ber 1 0 66 21 25 2 2 32 5 6 32 44 4 2 6 7 18 10 0 2 61 27 14 51 96 2 60 15 32 0 13 3 0 23 0 1 14 136 39 10 19 14 17 55 13 1 82 49 0 0 25 7 8 69 60 0 12 20 8 1 1 3 1 1 27 14 7 2 4 17 8 2 21 21 6 3 12 6 5 7 1 2 23 16 8 26 35 2 19 9 11 1 10 1 1 10 1 1 21 49 23 8 . 7 3 19 26 14 4 26 25 2 1 11 5 5 23 24 0 10 8 6 0 2 1 1 0 25 3 6 0 2 14 0 2 17 14 3 1 2 3 5 2 1 1 19 5 3 10 27 0 17 3 12 0 1 2 0 2 0 2 20 30 7 1 _ 3 5 11 16 13 1 21 10 1 0 10 1 3 15 16 0 9 5 2 4 1 0 1 0 15 4 7 1 5 3 4 1 9 7 5 0 3 3 9 4 1 0 12 5 6 8 16 1 18 3 7 1 2 1 0 2 0 1 9 21 8 2 2 3 9 13 4 0 11 9 1 0 4 3 4 10 11 0 6 8 3 4 3 0 123 TABULAR SUM M AR Y T a b l e 17.— C lothing exp en d itu res , b y econ om ic level-— Continued 10 N EW HAM PSHIRE CITIES—Continued Average number of articles purchased per person Item V. Clothing, boys 6 through 11 years of age:2 Total-- - - - - - - __ -_- _ - _-Hats: Felt-.- ___________ ______________ Straw_____________________________ Caps: Wool. _ ________________________ Other__________ ______ ____________ Overcoats.-- ____________________ _______ Topcoats-- - _ -. __________________ Raincoats. _ . _ ___________________ Jackets: Heavy fabric_________ ____ ______ Leather___ _____________________ Other___________________________ Sweaters: Heavy. . ________ _____ ______ Light______ _________________ Play suits: Wool knit____________________ Cotton suede___________ ______ Other__ _____________________ Suits: Heavy wool___ __ ______________ Lightweight wool_________ _____ ___ Cotton, linen_____________________ Palm Beach___ ____________________ Other________________________ ____ Trousers: Wool_____ _____________________ Cotton_________________________ Other__________________________ Overalls, coveralls. _______ - - - - - - . _ Shirts and blouses: Cotton and other, except wool____ _________ Wool_________________ Underwear: Suits, cotton, knit____________ woven__________ cotton, and wool_______ rayon, and silk_________ Undershirts, cotton__________ cotton and w ool.. rayon and silk___ Shorts, cotton________________ rayon and silk _ . _ _. _ Drawers, cotton and wool.. ___ Pajamas and nightshirts______ Shoes: Street- ______ . Canvas_____ Other.. . . . ______________________ Boots: Rubber___ ______ ______________ Leather. ______________________ Arctics.. . _______________ Rubbers______ _____ ________________ __ Shoe: Repairs . _ _ _______________ ___ Shines. _______________ _ Hose: Cotton, heavy_______________ dress . ___ _ _____ Rayon. __ . _______ __________ _ Silk___________________ ___________ Wool______________________________ Gloves: Cotton_______ _____ ___________ Leather____________ _______ _ _ _ Other _______ ____ _______ ______ Ties_____________________________________ Collars.. ______ ____________________ Bathing suits, sun suits________ ____ ______ Handkerchiefs. __ _________ . _ Accessories. _ _ _________ Bathrobes.-. __ __ _______ _ _____ Cleaning, repairing _ ... ____ Other___ _ ______ ____________________ All fami lies N o. Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 $500 der to to and $300 $400 $500 over N o. N o. 0.02 0.02 0.02 .02 (4) 0 .69 .54 .66 .25 .16 .39 .19 .19 .12 .02 .02 .04 .06 .01 .09 .29 .26 .32 .08 .04 .16 .05 .05 .03 .42 .26 .54 .53 .39 .57 .10 .04 .17 .05 .04 .10 .24 .08 .41 .09 .05 . 15 .17 .13 .11 .33 .19 .37 .02 0 .02 .06 .03 .12 97 .89 1.03 .49 .41 .70 .25 .10 .28 .75 .60 1.17 2. 61 .04 1.13 .31 .65 .02 .35 .06 .01 .40 .01 .03 .48 2. 58 .51 .18 .14 .11 .25 .57 4. 79 2.61 .13 .02 .73 .09 .11 .81 1.41 0 .18 1. 45 .04 All families Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 $500 der to to and $300 $400 $500 over N o. N o. 0.05 0 1.13 .24 .23 0 .06 .49 0 .07 .64 .97 .11 .07 .43 . 14 . 19 .21 .04 .15 1.23 .43 .25 .63 24.08 17.58 26.78 36.53 41.83 .01 .01 .01 .02 .04 0.05 0 0 0) 0 (8) 0 1.02 .41 .31 .40 .68 .73 . 46 .12 .06 .21 .14 .22 .35 .88 .70 .66 1. 47 1.74 .03 .07 .07 .10 0 .11 .25 . 12 .02 .09 .19 .74 .16 .87 .67 .97 1.81 .55 .20 .23 .10 .44 0 .88 .14 .12 .14 .27 . 15 .03 .77 .51 .99 1.23 1.28 .78 .65 .43 .61 1.34 1.19 .73 .34 .08 .49 .63 1. 22 .29 0 .05 .03 .11 .08 0 .57 .30 .08 .67 .49 .55 .16 .75 .45 1.15 1.03 1.31 .49 1.05 .83 .33 1.32 3. 92 1.30 .35 .14 .38 .28 1.70 . 14 .03 0 .02 .11 .16 0 .05 .03 .07 .17 0 .99 1.31 1.05 1. 46 2.02 1.63 .55 .41 .79 .75 .57 .61 .69 .31 .21 .33 .40 .71 .86 .50 .38 .78 .48 .58 D ol. 2.14 2.93 3. 67 3.41 1.64 .04 .06 0 .03 .05 .96 .96 1.58 2.08 .71 .26 .42 .23 .45 .21 .58 .55 1.08 .69 .45 0 .06 0 .05 .01 .24 . 65 .21 .46 .08 .04 .07 .17 .05 .03 0 .04 0 0 .01 . 11 .39 .53 .24 .34 0 .04 0 0 .01 .01 .04 .10 .10 .02 .39 . 15 .77 1.11 .1.05 2.17 2. 78 3.67 3. 21 4.88 .41 .47 .69 .32 .63 .09 .34 .31 .16 .26 .14 .17 . 14 . 11 .31 .11 .06 .17 .15 .29 .13 .39 .41 .43 .43 .49 .68 .52 .85 .49 .27 .01 4. 35 4. 61 8.03 3. 44 1.06 2.16 3.70 2.46 2. 93 .59 0 .15 .33 .58 .03 0 0 .07 0 (5) .49 .84 1.49 .89 .32 .07 .11 .03 .27 .05 . 14 .11 .21 .09 .08 .74 .70 1.14 1.08 .40 .92 1.81 2. 47 2.06 .21 0 0 0 0 0 .09 .33 .31 .29 .20 .80 1.00 1.57 6. 57 .08 .03 .01 0 .12 .20 .07 .03 .01 2 Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. 4 Less than 0.005 article. 5Less than 0.5 cent. Average expenditure per person D ol. 1.26 .03 .59 . 14 .35 0 .06 .01 0 . 11 0 (5) .11 4.00 .36 . 12 .34 .27 .20 .44 .11 (5) .91 .48 0 0 .23 .03 .08 .36 .13 0 .08 .05 .01 .01 .01 .01 D ol. 1.96 .05 .50 .26 .35 .04 .15 .02 .04 .13 .04 .02 .56 5.06 .58 .44 .29 .12 64 56 .37 .02 1.07 .81 .03 .01 .30 .05 .10 .35 .27 0 .25 .05 .04 0 .03 .02 D o l. 2.22 0 1.13 .25 .86 0 .05 . 11 0 .08 0 .04 .93 6.83 .33 .66 .24 .54 .86 .47 .84 .02 1.91 .67 .09 0 .74 .01 .08 .54 .33 0 .40 .08 .03 .27 .01 0 D ol. 2. 49 .03 1.43 .43 .78 .03 .10 .02 0 .09 0 .13 1.05 7. 27 .46 . 19 .26 .50 .77 .72 .24 0 .85 .65 .17 0 .31 .21 .16 .61 .36 0 .55 .36 .04 .40 .19 0 124 M O N EY DISBURSEMENTS— 13 T able 17.— SMALL CITIES C lothing ex p en d itu res , hy econ om ic level— Continued 10 NEW HAM PSHIRE CITIES—Continued Persons purchasing Item VI. Clothing, boys 2 through 5 years of age:2 Hats: Felt_____ _______________ ______ .. _____________ Straw____ . _ ______ ___________ __ ____________ Caps: Wool-. _________ ___________ __ _____________ Other. __ _________ _ _ ______________________ Overcoats____ _ _______ __________________________ Topcoats______ ____ ____ __________________________ Raincoats_____________________________________________ Jackets: Heavy fabric_______ ____ _ __________________ Leather______________________________________ _ Other_________________________________________ Sweaters: Heavy-------------------------------------- -------------------Light____ ___________________________________ Play suits: Wool knit____ _____: ____________ . ______ Cotton suede.. _ __________ ___ _________ . Other________ _____ ________________________ Suits: Heavy wool_____ ______________________________ Lightweight wool____________ ___ _ _ ________ _ Cotton, linen___ _ ________ _ __ ________ Palm Beach ___________ ____________________ ____ _____________ Other_________ ___ ___ _ Trousers: W ool.. . . . _____________________ _______ . Cotton----------------- -------------------------------------Other_______ _____ ______ ____________ Overalls, coveralls ___ _ _ _ ______ ------- _ . __ Shirts and blouses: Cotton and other, except w ool.. Wool________________________________ Underwear: Suits, cotton, knit_____________ _ _______ ____ w o v e n ___ _____ ___ cotton and wool__ ____ ____ _ _____ rayon and silk. ____ _ ________ ___ Undershirts, cotton _ _ __ ___________ cotton and wool . __ ________ rayon and silk________ ____ _ _ Shorts, cotton___ _ __ __________ -----rayon and silk . ___ ___________ Drawers, cotton and wool___ _ __________ Pajamas and nightshirts______ ______ _ _ __ __ __ Shoes: Street_________ ____________ _ _________ Canvas ___ _ _ _ _______________________ _ Other___________ ________ _______ ________ Boots: Rubber. ____ _______. . . _ _________ _ ___ _ __ Leather____________________________ ______ ______ Arctics.. _ . . . _______________ _ . _ . . . .. __ ______ Rubbers___ ________ ______ ____ _ _ _________________ Shoe: Repairs__________________ ___ . . . __________ Shines. _ __________________ _ ... . ... Hose: Cotton, heavy. _________ ._ ______ . . . . dress________________ __________________ Rayon__ ____________ _ . . . _____ _ Silk_____________________________________________ Wool____________________________________________ Gloves: C o tto n .___ ________________________________ Leather___________________ ________ __ ______ Other.. ________ ______________________________ Ties___________________________________________________ Collars________ __________ ______ _______ _____ ________ Bathing suits, sun suits. _____________________________ Handkerchiefs____________ ._ _____ Accessories _ _______ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ . _ Bathrobes. _ ________ _ __________ _ _________ _______ Cleaning, repairing. ______ ______ ____ ____ ____ . ___ Other_______________ _______________________________ 8Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. All fami lies N um ber 3 3 44 18 21 4 1 8 3 1 32 43 50 22 23 5 18 38 3 9 6 10 3 62 15 2 67 25 26 2 8 3 0 5 0 1 47 131 23 12 12 3 51 36 2 2 59 71 8 1 24 4 7 50 5 0 22 14 3 7 8 1 E con om ic lev e l— F am ilies spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over N um ber N um ber N um ber N um ber 0 3 20 10 3 1 0 3 1 1 15 21 20 13 5 1 8 18 1 4 2 5 1 31 6 0 27 11 10 1 2 3 0 1 0 1 19 63 9 4 6 3 20 16 0 0 26 41 2 0 11 1 1 24 2 0 8 6 1 2 1 1 1 0 12 5 9 3 0 3 1 0 7 10 12 5 6 3 6 9 0 2 3 4 1 19 4 1 22 6 8 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 13 37 8 3 4 0 16 12 0 2 18 13 4 1 7 0 3 16 1 0 7 3 2 1 3 0 1 0 10 2 6 0 1 1 1 0 6 9 12 3 9 1 4 8 2 2 1 1 1 7 4 1 12 5 7 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 10 22 4 4 2 0 10 4 2 0 11 11 1 0 4 3 2 6 2 0 4 3 0 3 2 0 1 0 2 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 4 3 6 1 3 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 5 1 0 6 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 9 2 1 0 0 5 4 0 0 4 6 1 0 2 0 1 4 0 0 3 2 0 1 2 0 125 TABULAR SU M M AR Y T a b l e 17.— Clothing exp en d itu res, b y econom ic level-—Continued 10 NEW HAM PSHIRE CITIES—Continued Average number of articles purchased per person Item All fami lies N o. VI. Clothing, boys 2 through 5 years of age: 2 Total _________ Hats: Felt___ _ ___ _ ________ ______ 0. 02 .02 Straw__ _________ ___ ___________ .40 Caps: Wool_____________________________ .17 Other______ ________________ _ . 16 Overcoats___________________________ ____ Topcoats.. _______ . ___ ________ .03 .01 Raincoats_____ __________________________ .06 Jackets: Heavy fabric____________________ .04 Leather_________________________ .11 Other___________________________ .29 Sweaters: Heavy________________________ Light_________________________ .38 .66 Play suits: Wool knit____________________ .45 Cotton suede_________________ Other____ _ _________________ .80 .07 Suits: Heavy wool_______________________ .19 Lightweight wool________ ____ _____ .90 Cotton, linen______________________ Palm Beach___________ ____ _____ .03 Other_________ ____________________ .16 .07 Trousers: Wool______________________ Cotton____ _______ ____ ____ ___ .13 Other..________________ .. ___ . .05 1.31 Overalls, coveralls_____________ .. ___ Shirts and blouses: Cotton and other, except .35 wool________________ .03 Wool_________________ Underwear: Suits, cotton, knit___: ________ 1.16 woven____ . . .60 cotton and wool _'_______ .63 rayon and silk_____ ____ .02 Undershirts, cotton___________ .14 cotton and wool . _ .07 rayon and silk... _ 0 Shorts, cotton_____ ___________ . 14 rayon and silk.. _____ 0 .02 Drawers, cotton and wool_____ Pajamas and nightshirts._____ .77 Shoes: Street____________________________ 2. 58 Canvas _ _ _ . . . _______________ _ .25 Other___________ _________ _ . . . .14 Boots: Rubber.. ________________ _____ .09 Leather______ ____________ _ .02 Arctics. _ __________ . . . . . . . . . . _ .41 ______ .29 Rubbers______ ________ _ _ Shoe: Repairs _____ ___________ __ Shines . . . _______ __ Hose: Cotton, heavy_____________________ 3. 48 dress___ _________________ . 3.77 Rayon________________ _______ .38 Silk_______________________________ .03 W ool______________________________ .86 Gloves: Cotton______ _____ ______________ .05 Leather. . ______ ________ . . . . .07 Other___________ _______________ .51 Ties_____________________________________ .10 Collars . . . __ _ _ __________ 0 Bathing suits, sun suits___________________ .34 Handkerchiefs________________________ _. .81 Accessories.. ._ _ ______ ______ .. _ Bathrobes__________ _________ _________ .05 Cleaning, repairing________ _____ Other_____ _______________ ________ .. _ Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 $500 der to to and $300 $400 $500 over All families Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 $500 der to to and $300 $400 $500 over N o. N o. N o. N o. 0 .05 .38 .20 .05 .02 0 .06 .05 .24 .30 .35 .35 .44 .22 .04 .15 .56 .03 .14 .04 .15 .03 .96 0.03 0 .40 .12 .25 .07 0 .08 .03 0 .19 .34 1.00 .34 .62 .08 .22 .93 0 .10 .11 .18 .02 1.92 0.05 0 .50 .16 .29 0 .05 .04 .05 0 .29 .57 .73 .73 2.07 .18 .34 1.55 .10 .31 .11 .05 .16 .82 16.54 11.98 15.57 25.74 30.17 0.11 .01 0 .02 .03 .07 0 .01 .02 0 0 0 .20 .23 .21 .22 .34 .10 .13 .10 .11 .07 .11 .13 .31 .75 .28 1.09 1.20 1. 57 0 .06 .02 .20 0 0 0 .04 0 0 .21 0 .11 .16 .14 .16 .07 .52 0 .09 .03 .12 .25 0 0 .02 .05 0 0 0 .71 .36 .30 .23 .52 .87 .42 .34 .31 .87 .33 .31 1.33 1.41 .89 1.00 2. 69 3. 51 .31 .28 .22 .47 .53 .27 2. 57 .77 .15 .56 2.01 2.96 0 .15 .14 .20 .18 0 0 .46 .41 .60 .56 0 1.59 .71 .46 .68 1.31 1.11 0 .04 .03 0 .18 0 .11 .26 .13 .32 .50 .25 0 .07 .03 .09 .16 0 0 .09 . .08 .14 .04 0 0 .06 .08 .01 .09 0 2. 38 .72 .51 .88 .49 2.07 .35 0 .97 .42 .48 .02 .03 . 14 0 .03 0 .03 .48 2. 52 .22 .06 .10 .05 .33 .28 .31 .05 1.16 .52 .65 .05 . 12 0 0 .11 0 0 .78 2. 27 .29 .16 . 12 0 .49 .33 .46 .09 1.26 .58 .94 0 .49 0 0 .59 0 0 1.06 2.69 .23 .35 .08 0 .48 .23 2.70 3.22 .16 0 .59 .02 .03 .47 .11 0 .16 .56 4.54 3.15 .80 .10 .86 0 . 12 .59 .05 0 .72 .44 4. 27 4.39 .26 0 1.53 .26 .10 .38 .20 0 .22 1.47 .03 .01 .15 2Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. 5Less than 0.5 cent. Average expenditure per person D ol. .20 .20 .05 0 2. 27 .62 .32 2.19 .89 .38 0 .01 .04 .17 0 .02 0 0 0 .03 0 0 0 (5) 2.06 .56 4.01 3.26 .21 .35 .11 .19 0 .13 0 .05 .54 .58 .40 .23 .01 (5) 2. 67 .65 8. 62 .72 .53 .08 0 .01 1.07 .27 0 .02 . 13 .05 .69 .22 0 .01 0 0 .35 .15 2.46 .05 .01 .13 .05 .06 ( 5) D ol. .19 0 .42 .22 .27 .01 .01 .04 0 .01 0 .01 .33 2.91 . 17 .06 .16 .10 .46 .21 0 0 .54 .59 .03 0 .18 .01 .02 .19 .01 0 .07 .03 D o l. .15 .02 .71 .25 .28 .02 .04 0 0 .02 0 0 .50 2.82 .21 .15 .15 0 .60 .24 0 .01 .60 .59 .14 .02 .25 0 .08 .24 .01 0 .19 .02 .02 ( 5) .02 .02 .01 . 10 .01 0 D ol. .34 .23 .79 .41 .80 0 .11 0 0 .13 0 0 .78 4.20 .24 .70 .09 0 .78 .19 .09 0 .94 .97 .07 0 .56 .13 .11 .25 .04 0 .20 .08 0 .17 .06 0 D ol. .15 0 1.24 1.10 .59 0 .04 0 0 0 0 0 1.85 5.19 .38 .08 0 0 .79 .40 0 0 .96 1.64 .13 0 .32 0 .09 .25 0 0 .39 .18 0 .13 .2 5 0 126 M O N EY DISBURSEMENTS— 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 17.— C lothing ex p en d itu res , b y econ om ic level— Continued 10 NEW HAM PSHIRE CITIES—Continued Persons purchasing Item All fami lies N um ber VII. Clothing, women and girls 18 years of age and over:3 Hats: Felt______________ _____ _ __________ Straw_______ __________________ ______________ Fabric____•______________________________________ Caps and berets: W ool____________________________ ... Other___ ______________ ____________ Coats:Heavy, plain____________________________________ fur-trimmed______ _______________________ Fur_____________________________________________ Light, wool___ ______ _____ _ _______________ cotton__ ___________________________ ____ silk, rayon_______________________ _______ Raincoats_____________________________________________ Sweaters and jackets: Wool knit_____________ _________ Wool fabric____________ _________ Leather, leatherette_______________ Other_____________________ ___ _ Suits: Wool_____ ____ ________________________________ Silk, rayon.____ ______________ _____________ . . . Other______________ ____ _______ _______________ Waists and middies: Silk, rayon._______ _______ __________ Cotton. ___________________ ______ Other____________________________ Skirts: W ool_______________________ ________________ _ Other__________________________________________ Dresses: Cotton, house_________________________________ street___________________ ______ _______ Silk, rayon__________________ _________________ Wool_________________________________________ Other_________________ ___________ _________ Aprons. ._ _______ ________ ______________ ____ ________ Coveralls___________________ _____ _ __________________ Knickers, breeches, shorts______________________________ Underwear: Slips, cotton_______ _____ ___ ____________ silk______________ ____ ______________ rayon__________ ____________________ Corsets, girdles_________ ____ ______________ Brassieres______________________ ________ _ Union suits and combinations: Cotton______________ _ _________ _______________ W ool________________ Silk, rayon_______ ~______________________ Underwaists, shirts______________ ________ _ Bloomers and panties: Cotton_________________ _______________ Rayon___________________ ___________ Silk_____________________________________ Nightgowns and sleeping pajamas: Cotton, light.. _ . . . . ______ flannel... _ _ . ----------------- * Silk,rayon. ______ _____ Pajamas, lounging and beach: Cotton. . _. ______ _ Silk, rayon________________ Other____________ ____ . . . Bathrobes____________ _ __ . _________ ___________ _ Kimonos, negligees______ __ ___ _______ __________ ._ Hose: Silk__ _______________ ___________________ ._ _. Rayon___________ . . . . __________________ _____ Cotton______________ ____ ______________________ W ool___________________________________________ 3 Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. E con om ic lev e l— F am ilies spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over N um ber N um ber N um ber N um ber 724 509 212 112 21 121 128 14 176 16 4 37 147 50 11 12 121 45 24 111 33 8 135 16 608 300 656 174 53 251 17 19 170 368 265 612 366 173 109 50 33 5 40 23 0 35 4 2 7 41 20 4 4 22 6 6 20 10 1 40 3 171 89 172 39 13 64 3 2 48 86 81 164 113 166 118 40 26 5 20 32 2 38 4 1 7 25 15 3 2 27 8 3 27 6 4 24 5 144 67 141 40 11 55 5 2 49 71 54 143 84 187 134 48 25 6 26 34 2 51 4 1 12 43 8 3 4 24 15 7 27 8 1 38 5 146 67 166 51 11 59 6 1 37 103 58 139 92 68 50 76 268 16 11 14 72 11 23 62 22 11 15 15 67 19 13 24 67 53 575 128 18 186 33 17 111 29 12 139 27 6 139 39 248 162 110 17 19 1 42 20 925 166 197 74 66 40 21 6 1 1 6 57 46 15 52 37 27 73 39 47 4 9 0 13 2 273 59 76 18 5 4 0 17 3 202 47 52 14 2 5 0 6 4 220 30 32 22 198 148 74 28 5 35 39 10 52 4 0 11 38 7 1 2 48 16 8 37 9 2 33 3 147 77 177 44 18 73 3 14 36 108 72 166 77 11 230 30 37 20 127 TABULAR SUMMARY T a b l e 17.— C lothing expen ditu res, by econom ic level— Continued 10 NEW HAM PSHIRE CITIES—Continued Average number of articles purchased per person Item VII. Clothing, women and girls 18 years of age and over:2 Hats: Felt-------------- ----------------------- ----Straw----------- ------------------------------Fabric____________________________ Caps and berets: Wool----------------------------Other___________________ Coats: Heavy, plain----------- -------------- ___ fur-trimmed_______________ Fur______________________________ Light, wool-- - _____ __________ cotton______________________ silk, rayon__________________ Raincoats________ _____________________ Sweaters and jackets: Wool knit- _______ _________________ Wool fabric_____ - _________________ Leather, leatherette ________________ Other - ----------- ---------------------------Suits: Wool _________ _________________ Silk, rayon . ________________ . . _ Other------------ ------------------------------Waists and middies: Silk, rayon___________________________ Cotton______________________________ Other -------------- ---------------------------Skirts: Wool_____________________________ Other-__ ______________ ______ ____ Dresses: Cotton, house----------------------------street___________________ Silk, rayon. _____ __________ _ Wool___________________________ Other..- ______ ________________ Aprons- . _ _ __ - . ________________ Coveralls _ _ ____Knickers, breeches, shorts- _______ - _ Underwear: Slips, cotton_________________ silk___ ______ -- -rayon__________________ Corsets, girdles_______________ Brassieres____________________ Union suits and combinations: Cotton___________________ Wool____________________ Silk, rayon_______________ Underwaists, shirts___________ Bloomers and panties: Cotton-Rayon Silk____ Nightgowns and sleeping pa jamas: Cotton, light_____________ flannel___________ Silk, rayon_______________ Pajamas, lounging and beach: Cotton_______________________ ____ _ Silk, r a y o n __________ _________ ____ Other _______ ____________________ Bathrobes,- ____________________________ Kimonos, negligees_______________________ Hose: Silk_________ ________ _____________ Rayon____________ _______________ Cotton __ - _ _____ W ool______________________________ All fami lies N o. Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 $500 der to to and $300 $400 $500 over N o. N o. N o. N o. All fami lies Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 $500 der to to and $300 $400 $500 over D o l. D ol. D ol. D ol. D ol. 45.50 28. 21 39.18 49. 39 70.55 0.76 0.54 0.69 0.88 1.02 1.45 .78 1.14 1.73 2.36 .50 .32 .46 .56 .70 .95 .50 .78 1.13 1.53 .21 .15 .16 .22 .34 .33 .19 .18 34 .66 .12 .10 .14 .13 .14 .07 .05 .08 .06 .10 .01 .01 .01 .01 .03 .02 .01 .02 .02 .03 .10 .11 .07 .10 .13 1.70 1.61 1.11 1.69 2. 41 .11 .06 .12 .13 . 14 2. 77 1.40 2. 47 3. 99 3.70 .01 .01 .04 1.71 0 .01 0 1.11 .52 5. 61 .15 .10 .14 .19 .19 2.00 1.01 1.75 2.58 2. 94 .01 .01 .02 .02 .01 .12 .10 .11 .04 .21 .01 (4) .03 .07 .02 .02 0 (4) 0 (4) .03 .02 .03 .05 .04 .10 .07 * .06 .11 .16 .14 .04 .01 .01 .10 .04 .02 .12 .05 .01 .01 .06 .02 .02 .09 .05 .01 .01 .10 .03 .01 .17 .19 .03 .03 .01 (4) .02 .01 .09 .18 .06 .06 .03 .03 .33 .24 .16 .09 .12 .11 .04 .05 .07 .03 .05 .01 1.29 .72 1.01 .35 . .09 .23 .14 .07 .08 .14 .07 .16 .14 .22 .24 .10 .23 .04 .04 .04 .05 .03 .04 .03 .05 .01 (4) .02 (4) .01 .01 (5) .03 .13 .12 .12 .15 . 14 .31 .27 .26 .02 .01 .02 .02 .02 .03 .02 .04 1.38 1.06 1.49 1.47 1.61 1.41 1.00 1.45 .49 .44 .44 .43 .66 .89 .62 .74 .91 .65 .84 1.00 1.22 5.08 2.97 4. 27 .17 . 11 .15 .24 .20 .94 .50 .72 .06 .05 .08 .04 .08 .40 . 18 .48 .61 .44 .59 .56 .88 .23 . 15 .21 .03 .02 .05 .04 .02 .03 .02 .06 .02 .01 .01 (4) .06 .03 (5) .01 .26 .23 .36 .23 .24 .19 .15 .24 .59 .36 .47 .71 .90 .75 .38 .54 .46 .41 .40 .42 .61 .42 .33 .36 .67 .54 .68 .63 .88 1.80 1.24 1.57 .81 .75 .81 .92 .79 .33 .27 .30 .13 . 12 . 16 . 11 .14 .11 .07 .09 .13 . 14 .15 .06 .17 .15 .24 .58 .46 .57 .65 .70 .11 . 13 .13 .10 .06 1.60 1.34 1.66 1.56 1.94 .34 .24 .28 .31 .55 .37 .24 .15 .02 .02 (4) .04 .02 6.02 1.03 .72 .15 .30 .19 .08 .37 .30 .09 .33 .22 .19 .50 .27 .27 .02 .02 .01 .01 .01 .04 .04 (4) 0 0 (4) 0 .02 .06 .03 .05 .01 .01 .02 .04 3. 52 5. 71 7.08 8.54 1.21 1.12 .58 1.11 .81 .85 .59 .61 .10 .15 .21 .18 2 Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. 4 Less than 0.005 article. * Less than 0.5 cent. Average expenditure per person .40 .55 .07 .06 .03 .03 .04 .02 .93 2. 65 .47 .69 .15 .26 .28 .04 (5) .37 .03 1.56 .89 6.00 1.40 .29 .24 .03 (5) .18 .90 .40 1.84 .39 .39 .05 .02 .37 .03 1.76 1.39 7. 75 1.29 .73 .35 .02 .10 .20 1.30 .63 2. 72 .38 .08 . 12 . 14 .27 .05 .84 .21 .06 .08 .06 .19 .05 .66 .12 .11 .06 . 12 .10 .14 .17 . 14 .15 .26 .25 .30 .34 .05 .04 .04 .72 1.00 1.04 . 15 .20 .39 .33 .23 .20 .24 .17 .09 .29 .27 . 12 .32 .21 .26 .49 .27 .36 .02 .02 .02 .01 .02 .04 (5) .03 .04 .11 .01 0 0 0 (5) .14 .06 .19 .11 .23 .06 .02 .02 .06 .14 4.84 3. 25 4.06 5.60 6. 95 .54 .55 .62 .37 .61 . 18 . 19 . 19 . 17 . 17 .09 .05 .10 .13 .11 128 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 T a b l e SMALL CITIES 1 7. — C lothing ex p en d itu res , b y econom ic level— Continued 10 NEW HAM PSHIRE CITIES—Continued Persons purchasing Item VII. Clothing, women and girls 18 years of age and over 2—Con. Shoes: Street________________ - _____________ Dress____ ___ ____ _______________________ ___ _ Sport __ ____________________________ House slippers___ ________________________ ____ Shoe: Repairs__ _____ _________________________ Shines____________________________________ Rubbers ___________ _____ _____ ________ Arctics, gaiters_____ ___ ___________ ________ Gloves: C otton_________________________________ _ Leather__________ _____________ __________ O ther______________________________ _______ Bathing suits, sun suits______ _______________ Handkerchiefs_____________________ _________ __ Furs - -- ___________________________________ Mufflers, scarfs....... .............................. ....................... Handbags, purses_______ ____ _________ ____________ ____________ _______ ________ Umbrellas Garters, belts, hairpins, etc_____________________ Cleaning, repairing- _ ___________ ____________ ________ - _____________ ________ ___ Other VIII. Clothing, girls 12 through 17 years of age:2 Hats: Felt_________________________ _______________ Straw_____________________________ ____________ Fabric___ _________________________________ Caps and berets: Wool___ _____ ____ ______________ Other______________ ____ _____________ Coats: Heavy, plain _ . __________________________ fur-trimmed ......................... .............. ......... Fur________ __________________________ Light, wool- - __________ _____________________ cotton. __ _____ ____________ ________ silk, rayon.............. ........................... Play suits: Wool knit _____________________ Cotton suede____________ _____________ _____ Other ___________ ____ _______ ____ ___ Raincoats - ___ _ __ - __________ _______ Sweaters and jackets: Wool knit_________ ________ Wool fabric_______________________ Leather, leatherette___________ . O ther______ _________ __________ Suits: W ool-. -- ___________ ___________________ Silk, r a y o n __ _____________________________ Other . _ _____________ ____________ _____ Waists and middies: Silk, rayon____________________ ____ Cotton___________________ ____ ____ Other________________________ _____ Skirts: Wool __ - ____________________________________ Other _ - ___________ ______ _____ ______________ Dresses: Cotton, house. _______________________ ________ street_____________________________ Silk, rayon ........................................ .... ................ Wool. ___________________ ______ _____ _______ Other_____ ________________ _____ ______ _____ A p ron s__ ____ ________________ __________________ Coveralls _ .................... ............ ........... _ _ . __ Knickers, breeches, shorts - ______ ____ _________ ____ All fami lies N um ber 2 Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. E con om ic le v e l— Fam ilies spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over N um ber N um ber N um ber N um ber 881 361 252 293 374 25 364 294 250 249 134 69 274 0 104 342 69 383 337 23 263 100 66 76 89 8 85 90 59 42 32 14 73 0 21 74 18 101 54 4 69 48 23 78 19 41 13 0 30 2 0 6 2 8 26 58 27 12 6 19 3 9 25 26 4 69 9 42 80 88 41 11 7 1 31 19 14 49 14 24 5 0 13 1 0 2 2 5 11 32 17 7 2 6 2 4 12 16 1 38 3 23 57 46 21 5 2 0 0 7 198 78 66 76 93 6 85 65 66 42 27 18 66 0 26 74 19 86 63 6 196 88 52 63 87 3 98 47 53 72 39 17 60 0 27 88 13 92 96 3 16 15 5 15 3 10 5 0 6 1 0 1 0 0 9 11 3 3 3 6 1 3 6 7 1 15 4 10 12 21 8 5 13 9 3 7 2 4 1 0 6 0 0 1 0 2 3 4 1 5 224 95 68 78 105 8 96 92 72 93 36 20 75 0 30 106 19 104 124 10 1 6 9 5 1 7 0 3 2 0 5 0 0 2 0 1 3 7 3 1 1 3 0 1 3 2 0 8 1 3 7 4 8 4 1 0 4 0 1 4 1 2 8 14 7 1 0 0 1 7 5 0 1 0 1 129 TABULAR SUMMARY T a b l e 1 7 . — C lothing exp en d itu res , by econom ic level— Continued 10 NEW HAM PSHIRE CITIES—Continued Average number of articles purchased per person Item VII. Clothing, women and girls 18 years of. age and over 2—Continued. Shoes: Street____________________________ Dress_____________________________ Sport_____________________________ House slippers___________________________ Shoe: Repairs____________________________ Shines_____________________________ Rubbers_____ ____ ___ ______ ____________ Arctics, gaiters________________________ Gloves: Cotton_________________ _____ ___ Leather__________________________ Other______________ ____ _______ Bathing suits, sun suits___________ _____ Handkerchiefs___________________________ Furs-__._____________________________ ___ Mufflers, scarfs________ ______ _______ ____ Handbags, purses_____________ _______ ___ Umbrellas_____________ ____ _____________ Garters, belts, hairpins, etc________________ Cleaning, repairing_______________________ Other___________________________________ VIII. Clothing, girls 12 through 17 years of age:2 Total______________________________________ Hats: Felt_______________________________ Straw_____________________________ Fabric________________ ______ ______ Caps and berets: Wool___________ ________ Other___________________ Coats: Heavy, plain______________________ fur-trimmed_______________ Fur______________________________ Light, wool__________ ______ ______ cotton______________________ silk, rayon__________________ Play suits: Wool knit______ ______ ________ Cotton suede................................ Other_________________________ Raincoats________________________________ Sweaters and jackets: Wool knit___________ Wool fabric_________ Leather, leatherette. Other_______________ Suits: Wool______________________________ Silk, rayon________________________ Other_____________________________ Waists and middies: Silk, rayon___________ Cotton______________ Other________________ Skirts: Wool___________________________ Other____________________________ Dresses: Cotton, house_______ ______ _____ street________ ______ ____ Silk, rayon__________ ______ _____ Wool___________________________ Other________________ _____ _____ Aprons__________________________________ Coveralls________________________________ Knickers, breeches, shorts_________________ All fami lies N o. Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 $500 der to to and $300 $400 $500 over N o. N o. N o. All fami lies D ol. Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un- $300 $400 $500 der to to and $300 $400 $500 over D ol. D ol. D ol. D ol. 1.25 1.10 1.22 1.21 1. 52 4.08 3.13 3.74 4. 33 5.40 .42 .35 .43 .55 1.43 .99 1.27 1. 58 2.00 .65 .52 .71 .58 .85 .28 .24 .32 .27 .30 .28 .23 .33 .23 . 15 .26 .24 .30 .52 .30 .57 .51 .74 .02 .01 .01 .05 .32 .24 .33 .39 .36 .32 . 40 .32 .41 .38 .26 .27 .25 .18 .33 .40 .36 .39 .28 .59 .24 . 19 .26 .22 .30 .17 .10 .16 .18 .25 .25 . 12 . 18 .34 .41 .43 .19 .28 .58 .75 .13 .09 .10 .16 .17 . 13 .07 .08 .20 .21 .06 .04 .06 .07 .08 .17 . 11 . 16 .20 .21 2. 23 1.58 2. 44 2. 21 2.90 . 18 . 12 .17 .19 .28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 .06 .10 . 11 . 14 .09 .03 .07 . 11 . 16 35 .22 .34 .41 .49 .42 .18 .34 .51 .71 06 .05 .07 .05 .07 . 15 . 11 . 18 . 13 .19 .21 . 12 .17 .27 .32 .73 .23 .60 . 74 1. 50 . 15 .04 .20 .02 .38 .40 .25 . 12 .55 .16 .20 .07 0 . 15 .01 0 .05 .01 .04 .15 .37 .21 .12 .03 .09 .02 .05 .22 .23 .02 .48 .06 .61 .95 .66 .29 .05 .06 .01 .05 .27 .16 .10 .47 . 19 . 18 .04 0 .09 (4) 0 .01 .02 .04 .10 .26 . 19 .15 .02 .05 .02 .03 .12 .24 .01 .37 .04 .48 .95 .42 .23 .04 .02 0 0 .53 .42 . 16 .67 .08 .27 . 14 0 . 19 .03 0 .03 0 0 .25 .41 . 14 .07 .08 . 16 .02 . 12 .32 .29 .02 .55 . 12 .87 .76 .97 .26 . 15 .25 .05 .20 2Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. 4Less than 0.005 article. 5Less than 0.5 cent. N o. Average expenditure per person .93 .50 .17 .55 . 13 .23 .07 0 .34 0 0 .06 0 . 10 .26 .67 .51 .07 0 .24 0 .07 .51 .07 . 12 .94 .06 1.21 1.12 1.62 .71 .03 0 0 .07 36. 55 27. 00 48.02 66. 36 60. 82 .54 .34 .79 1.33 .83 .68 .38 .23 .59 .90 .57 .35 . 13 .09 .19 .24 .17 .08 1.01 .33 .25 .54 .34 .45 .04 .03 .06 .04 0 0 .25 2. 36 1.91 3.50 3.15 2.79 . 18 .91 .45 2.17 1.09 1.87 0 0 0 0 0 0 .43 1.14 .71 1.40 2. 71 2. 64 .04 .04 .09 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .4 4 .20 .09 . 12 .88 .56 0 .03 .04 0 0 0 .05 . 17 . 17 0 .33 .42 .24 .26 . 13 .47 .52 .75 .96 .71 .49 .71 1.68 1.68 .22 .40 .30 .30 1.19 .59 .22 .20 .36 . 13 .09 .08 .04 .01 . 15 0 . 10 .08 . 22 .91 .55 1.63 1.88 1.20 0 0 .05 .05 .09 0 .09 .25 . 10 .60 .47 .46 .45 .27 . 14 .39 .80 .60 . 15 . 16 .17 . 19 .06 . 11 0 .03 .01 .06 . 12 0 .79 .96 .71 .99 2. 36 1.52 .08 .08 .06 . 15 .06 . 10 .40 . 57 .42 .85 1.19 .47 1.18 1.24 1.13 1.20 1. 56 2. 05 .88 2. 58 1.62 3.44 6. 84 4.08 .42 1. 11 .78 1.13 3.17 1. 56 0 .25 . 11 .59 .77 0 .09 .02 .02 .01 .08 0 0 .01 0 0 .06 0 .14 .0 8 .53 .40 .09 130 MONET DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 17.— C lothing ex p en d itu res , hy econom ic level— Continued 10 NEW HAM PSHIRE CITIES—Continued Persons purchasing Item VIII. Clothing, girls 12 through 17 years of age 2—Continued. Underwear: Slips, cotton_______________________________ silk__________________________________ rayon________________ _ _______ __ Corsets, girdles- ______ _______ __ _ __ __ _ Brassieres. - ___________ _____ _________ Union suits and combinations: Cotton. . . . _ Wool____ •____ Silk, rayon___ Underwaists, shirts___________________ _____ Bloomers and panties: Cotton __ _______ . Rayon____ . . . ______ Silk__________________ Nightgowns and sleeping pajamas: Cotton, light___________________________ flannel-. _ __ _ _ _ __________ Silk, rayon_____________________________ Pajamas, lounging and beach: Cotton___________ ___ _ Silk, r a y o n ___ ___________ Other.- _________________ __ _________ ____ _ . . . Bathrobes___ ___ ____ _ _ Kimonos, negligees________ _ _ . . . _____ __ _____________ _______ _ Hose: Silk____ ____________ Rayon. _ . . . ______ ___ __________ ______ . . Cotton ____________________________________ _. W ool. _. _ __________ ________ _______ . . . _______ Shoes: Street.. . . . . . . . . ________ _. _______ _. Dress__ . . . . . . . . . ____________________ __ _. Sport . _. . . . . . . . ___ _ . . . _____ ___ House slippers.. ___. . . . . . . ______ _____________ _ Shoe: Repairs. ________ _______ ___ _ _. _____ Shines.. _____ . _ ____________ ... Rubbers. . . . _____ _______ _ ________ .. _________ Arctics, gaiters - _______ . . . ___ _ _______ _ Gloves: Cotton __ _ . . . _.. _ ______ _ _ Leather _ _ . . ._ _________ _ _ . Other... ____________ _ ____________ ______ Bathing suits, sun suits. __________ _ _ _. . . . __ Handkerchiefs . . . . . _ _____ _____ . Furs. . _ _ . . . ______ _ . . . ___ Mufflers, scarfs _ _ ... _____«.... Handbags, purses. . _______ . . . ____ _ . Umbrellas. _ . . . ______ _ _. _____ __ . Garters, belts, hairpins, etc. . . . ______ . . . ___ _____ Cleaning, repairing_________ _. ------ --------------------Other .. ____ . __ ______ _ _________ _____ IX. Clothing, girls 6 through 11 years of age:2 Hats: Felt... _______________________________________ Straw... _ _ ______ _ _ Fabric___ ... _______ . . . ________ . __________ _ Caps and berets: Wool___ _ .. . _ .. ---------- -------Other_______ _ _ ... . _____ Coats: Heavy, plain... __ _ . . . _ _____ _. __ ______ fur-trimmed___ ______ ._ _______ . . . . Fur____________________________________________ Light, w ool.. . ____________ _ .. . . cotton _ . . . . . silk, rayon_____ ________________________ 2Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. All fami lies N um ber E con om ic le v el— F am ilies spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over N um ber N um ber N um ber N um ber 41 43 54 43 50 10 4 11 36 19 116 16 29 24 35 18 28 9 3 6 20 13 80 9 9 6 10 15 10 1 1 4 9 2 18 3 1 8 3 6 4 0 0 1 4 2 9 3 36 25 15 8 4 1 12 2 121 47 103 40 163 74 88 26 62 3 77 79 30 23 65 32 43 0 29 36 8 54 31 3 22 15 5 2 0 0 2 1 66 34 78 26 112 43 56 12 36 2 50 50 15 5 44 15 18 0 15 15 4 33 9 1 7 3 2 4 2 0 5 1 28 8 13 11 25 18 18 7 16 1 12 17 12 9 11 4 15 0 7 11 3 11 11 2 4 2 5 0 1 1 1 0 17 2 5 1 14 10 10 5 6 0 9 5 1 5 7 8 6 0 3 5 1 6 5 0 3 5 3 2 1 0 4 0 10 3 7 2 12 3 4 2 4 0 6 7 2 4 3 5 4 0 4 5 0 4 6 0 20 23 8 115 26 40 11 0 38 4 0 9 13 6 76 20 18 4 0 21 2 0 4 5 2 19 4 16 2 0 7 1 0 4 3 0 13 0 2 4 0 5 •o 0 3 2 0 7 2 4 1 0 5 1 0 2 5 6 4 8 0 0 0 3 2 9 1 TABULAR SUMMARY 131 T a b l e 17.— C lothing exp en d itu res , by econom ic level — Continued 10 NEW HAMPSHIRE CITIES—Continued Average number of articles purchased per person Item VIII. Clothing, girls 12 through 17 years of age2—Continued. Underwear: Slips, cotton_________________ silk____________________ rayon__________________ Corsets, girdles_______________ Brassieres_________________ - .. Union suits and combinations: Cotton.. _ _______________ Wool______________________ Silk, rayon. _ _ _ ___ _ Underwaists, shirts___________ Bloomers and panties: Cotton . . . _ . . . ______ Rayon_____________________ Silk_______________________ Nightgowns and sleeping pa jamas: Cotton, lig h t ____ _______ flannel-.. .. . Silk, rayon_________________ Pajamas, lounging and beach: C o tt o n .____ Silk, rayon. Other. . . . Bathrobes. . . . ________ . . . Kimonos, negligees.__ __ _______ _________ Hose: Silk___________ _______ _____ Rayon_____________ __ _____ _ . C o t t o n .__ ___ _ . __ _ __ . . . _ Wool____ . . . _ . . . . . . ______ Shoes: Street___ _ ___ _________ Dress _______ __ _ Sport.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ ______ __ _ . . . House slippers .. . _ Shoe: Repairs __ Shines _. _ _______ ______ ___ Rubbers. . _ _______ __ _ . . . ____ Arctics, gaiters____ _ __ ________ ._ Gloves: Cotton_____ ______ _______ Leather.. _ _ ._ ___ ______ Other_____ _____. . . _____ _ _ Bathing suits, sun suits___________________ Handkerchiefs _ . ______ . . . _ ______ Furs________ _ _. _ ______ . . . _ . . . Mufflers, scarfs... . . . _ _____. . . _ __ __ Handbags, purses. . . . . . _ . . . _ . . . . . . Umbrellas_______________________________ Garters, belts, hairpins, e t c . _____ ___ _ Cleaning, repairing __ _ ___ ____ _____ Other. _ _ _____ . . . ___ ____ __ IX. Clothing, girls 6 through 11 years of age:2 Total _ _. _____ . . . ____ Hats: Felt___ . _. ._ . . . ___ . . . . . . . Straw . . . ________ _____ _ ______ Fabric__________ _______ ____ Caps and berets: Wool___________________ Other__ . _____ _ Coats: Heavy, plain___ . . . __ ___ _ . . . fur-trimmed_______________ Fur__________________ ________ Light, wool_______________________ cotton ... ______ _________ silk, r a y o n ..___ . __ All fami lies N o. Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 $500 der to to and $300 $400 $500 over N o. N o. N o. All fflmilies D ol. Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 $500 der to to and $300 $400 $500 over D ol. D ol. D o l. D ol. 0.46 0.50 0.59 0.13 0.25 0.28 0.28 0. 39 0.05 0.16 .50 .42 .42 1.06 .79 .50 .38 .48 1.09 .92 .56 .44 .77 .30 1.54 .44 .29 .69 .31 1.48 .34 .24 .52 .47 .68 .34 .19 .48 .92 .56 .93 .87 1.01 .43 1.93 .25 .22 .28 .11 .60 .10 .04 .16 .58 0 0 0 1.00 .08 .03 .10 .19 .10 .03 .05 .12 .06 0 0 .03 0 0 .27 .20 0 .29 .44 .30 .30 .30 .17 .27 .69 2.11 2.02 1.67 2.54 3. 57 .31 .17 .60 .49 .71 .09 .79 .14 .09 .66 .09 .04 .12 .23 .65 1.26 1.86 .23 .18 .36 .28 .19 .17 .05 .04 .02 .15 .01 2. 69 .69 .89 .21 4.19 1.46 1.69 .11 . 65 .04 .37 .55 .12 .16 .25 .38 .16 0 . 12 .13 .07 . 14 .32 .49 .25 .15 .08 .02 0 0 .03 .02 1.71 .62 .99 .21 3. 59 1.03 1.51 .06 . 51 .01 .33 .47 .09 .06 .22 .25 .07 0 .07 .07 .05 .09 .11 .49 .32 .21 .14 .05 .04 .01 .06 .02 4.63 1.85 3.84 .58 1.62 .55 .73 .13 .14 .03 .12 .47 .30 .17 .06 .02 0 0 .02 .03 3.28 1.77 4. 36 .59 1.58 .45 .72 .09 .06 0 .09 0 .37 .20 .76 .72 .37 .16 .17 .12 .14 0 .14 .02 6.00 1.14 2. 56 .74 1.18 .84 .69 .19 .37 .19 .45 0 .06 .06 .07 0 8.16 4.03 2.24 .07 1.75 .74 .87 .32 .28 .81 .33 .12 .08 0 .29 0 9.80 1.70 4.29 .69 3.16 .43 .68 .13 .42 .40 .36 .57 .59 .44 .44 .46 .29 .61 .20 .16 .44 .06 .18 .15 .05 .27 .48 .30 .39 .37 .34 .67 .30 .19 .14 .13 .47 .46 2.16 1.35 4.27 3. 55 2.74 0 0 0 0 0 .19 .14 .31 .19 .42 .22 .14 .35 .28 .61 .04 .04 .07 .07 0 .12 .07 .14 .11 .10 .10 .05 .06 .05 .77 .68 .73 .13 .17 .11 .26 .16 .43 .05 .03 .05 0 0 0 .21 .16 .27 .03 .02 .03 0 0 0 2 Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. N o. Average expenditure per person .26 .19 0 1.17 0 .17 .16 0 .23 0 0 21.38 .23 .11 .18 .11 0 .04 1.08 .37 .17 .06 .90 1.56 .42 .08 0 0 .42 .98 .08 .10 0 0 .32 .12 .25 .16 .13 0 .30 .02 3.82 .37 .67 .32 3. 79 2. 52 1.90 .17 .77 . 19 .34 .73 .30 .30 .22 .29 .36 0 .20 .24 .15 .23 .62 .91 .39 .23 .50 0 .07 .19 .27 0 5.85 1.49 .60 .05 5.97 3.15 2. 37 .32 .89 0 .57 .54 .03 .52 .54 1.22 .44 0 .15 .25 .07 . 18 . 62 0 .33 .75 .40 .16 .17 0 .83 0 5.20 1.18 .98 .19 8.98 .64 1.95 .12 1. 37 0 .60 .82 .14 .37 .22 .78 .16 0 .31 .33 0 .32 1.28 0 15. 74 26.63 34.24 .05 .19 .19 .08 .10 .20 .04 .05 0 .29 .39 .60 .06 .06 0 1.06 2. 56 1.64 .18 .46 1.55 0 0 0 .70 1.22 1.39 .05 .27 0 0 0 0 37.44 .26 .24 0 .73 .10 3.05 .69 0 2.41 .19 0 132 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS— 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 1 7 . — C lo th in g e x p e n d i t u r e s , b y e c o n o m ic level -—Continued 10 NEW HAM PSH IRE CITIES—Continued Persons purchasing Item IX . Clothing, girls 6 through 11 years of age 2—Continued. Play suits: Wool knit---------------------------------------------------Cotton suede_______________________________ __________________ ______ Other_________ _ _ ____________ _______ Raincoats_____________ Sweaters and jackets: Wool knit_______ . . . ________ _________ ____ Woolfabric__ ___ Leather, leatherette____________ __ Other.. _________ _______ _____ . . . Suits: W o o l....____________________ _____ ____ _________ Silk, rayon________ _________________________ . Other__________________________ _____ ________ Waists and middies: Silk, rayon_________ _______________ Cotton. ................. .......... . . . . ___ Other_______ _________ ._ ___ _ Skirts: W ool___________________________________________ Other..... ............................... ...................... . . . _____ Dresses: Cotton________________________ ______ ___ Silk, rayon_______ ________ _____________ _ _ W ool..______________ _________________________ Other.............................................. ___ _ ____ A pron s_______ ____________________________________ __ __ Coveralls __________ __________________ ________ Knickers, breeches, shorts. ---------- ----- -------------------Underwear: Slips, cotton.-------------- -------------------------silk---- ---------------- -----------------------------rayon------ ----------------------------------------Union suits and combinations: Cotton_______ W ool___ _ Silk, rayon___ _______ _ _ Underwaists, shirts.______ _ Bloomers and panties: C otton _____________ R ayon._ ________ __ Silk_________________ Nightgowns and sleeping pajamas: Cotton, lig h t...________________________ flannel______________________ . Silk, rayon_____ _____ ____________ _____ Pajamas, lounging and beach: Cotton___________________ Silk, rayon.. _______ _____ Other____ _____ ________ . Bathrobes.............................. ......... ......... ................. _______________ Kimonos, negligees________ __________ Hose: Silk_______________ _____________________________ Rayon._______ _____________ _________________ Cotton. _______ ________ _. __ __________ . . . . . W ool__________________________ _______________ Shoes: Street and dress________________________________ Sport____ ____________ _________________ _____ ____ House slippers________________ _______ _____ _ Shoe: Repairs__________ _______________________________ Shines__________________________ . . . . . . . . . . . Rubbers... __________________ .. _. _ _. . ... . Arctics, gaiters_________________ _______ _ .. ___ _ Gloves: Cotton................... ........... ......... . . . ______ _ Leather____________ _________________________ Other..____ _______ ___ ___________________ 2Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. All fami lies N um ber 20 5 11 29 53 30 4 5 6 0 6 0 14 1 31 0 123 36 26 3 9 1 6 48 2 13 49 32 8 59 29 75 11 38 43 3 4 3 1 9 0 21 40 169 52 210 65 31 33 2 E con om ic le v e l— F am ilies spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 N um ber 6 2 3 12 33 16 2 1 6 0 4 0 8 0 15 0 75 18 11 1 5 0 3 29 1 5 35 13 3 32 13 40 7 20 29 0 1 0 1 2 0 11 26 102 24 130 32 9 22 2 1 43 62 16 0 77 46 77 115 27 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over N um ber 5 N um ber N um ber 2 6 11 10 9 0 3 0 0 2 0 4 0 9 0 24 6 9 1 2 1 1 10 1 3 9 10 3 16 13 17 4 5 6 1 2 2 0 4 0 3 9 38 14 45 15 9 4 0 14 32 8 0 17 6 1 0 4 7 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 0 15 8 5 1 1 0 2 4 0 5 2 6 0 8 1 13 0 8 5 2 0 1 0 2 0 4 2 19 9 23 13 9 4 1 15 15 2 1 10 3 0 2 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 9 4 1 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 3 3 2 3 2 5 0 5 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 3 10 5 12 5 4 3 0 5 6 1 1 4 TABULAR SUMMARY 133 T a b l e 17.-— Clothing ex p en d itu res , hy econom ic level — Continued 10 NEW HAMPSHIRE CITIES—Continued Average number of articles purchased per person Item IX. Clothing, girls 6 through 11 years of age2— Continued. Play suits: Wool knit--------- -------- ------ -----Cotton suede................................ Other..... .................................... . Raincoats__________ _____ ____ ___________ Sweaters and jackets: Wool knit. ............................................ Wool fabric............. ........................... ...... Leather, leatherette................... ............ . Other_____________________________ ____ Suits: Wool______________________________ Silk, rayon-------------------------- -------Other_____________________ ______ Waists and middies: Silk, rayon..... ........... . Cotton.......... .............. . Other.................... ........ Skirts: Wool.............. .................................... . Other............................................. . Dresses: Cotton....... ....................................... Silk, rayon................................ ...... W o o l.............................................. . Other.............................................. Aprons___________________ _____ ______ _ _ Coveralls_____________ ____ ______________ Kniekers, breeches, shorts.............. ................ Underwear: Slips, cotton............................... silk.___________ ________ rayon_______ ___________ Union suits and combinations: Cotton________ ____________ Wool...........- ......... ............ . Silk, rayon_________________ Underwaists, shirts___________ Bloomers and panties: Cotton___________ _______ _ Rayon_______ _____ _____ _ Silk_____ ___________ ______ Nightgowns and sleeping paja mas: Cotton, light____________ _. flannel........................ Silk, rayon______________ Pajamas, lounging and beach: C o tto n ............ .................... ................... Silk, rayon______________ ________ ______ Other................ ............ ........................ . Bathrobes................... ................................. . Kimonos, negligees....... ................................. Hose: Silk.......... ..................... ........... ............. Rayon...................... ................... ......... Cotton._____ ___ _______ __________ Wool______________________________ Shoes: Street and dress___________________ Sport_____________________________ House slippers........ ...................... ................. Shoe: Repairs____________________________ Shines.......................................... ........ Rubbers............. ........................... ................. Arctics, gaiters___________________________ Gloves: Cotton____ ___________________ Leather.. . . . _________ _____ Other____________________________ All families N o. Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 $500 der to to and $300 $400 $500 over N o. N o. .33 .17 .02 .03 .03 0 .03 0 .13 (4) .19 0 2.08 .21 .15 .02 .07 .01 .07 .47 .04 .13 .30 .13 .02 .01 .05 0 .04 0 .10 0 .11 0 1.58 . 14 .09 .01 .05 0 .06 .45 .05 .08 .37 .29 0 .07 0 0 .04 0 .25 0 .34 0 2.31 .27 .25 .03 .09 .05 .06 .46 .02 .13 N o. .39 .26 .03 .13 0 0 0 0 .04 .04 .30 0 3. 36 .37 .32 .08 .09 0 .15 .35 0 .52 All fami lies D ol. Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 $500 der to to and $300 $400 $500 over D ol. D ol. D o l. D o l. 0.54 0.22 0.67 1. 65 1.30 .09 .07 .23 .04 0 .25 .01 1. 05 0 .28 .18 .09 .24 .26 .67 .41 .35 .32 0 .20 .14 .03 .04 .08 .03 .01 0 0 .10 .16 0 0 0 .11 .07 0 0 0 0 .25 .10 .05 0 .01 0 .21 .23 . 17 0 0 0 4.15 1. 93 1.26 .55 .46 .31 .37 .20 .10 0 .03 .01 .17 .02 .01 0 .01 0 0 .04 .02 . 19 . 17 .98 .02 .02 0 0 .08 .02 .48 .34 0 .09 0 0 .33 0 .22 0 .35 0 2.05 .51 .56 .08 .03 .03 .05 . 18 .01 .14 .53 .37 .05 .05 0 0 0 0 .05 .05 .33 0 3. 95 .99 .88 .09 .02 0 .15 .17 0 .30 .56 0 .06 0 0 0 0 0 .14 0 .23 0 4.89 .93 .50 0 .09 0 0 .47 0 0 .28 .50 .20 .29 .71 .34 .08 .84 .67 1.04 . 14 1.02 .21 .49 .64 .61 .25 .03 .23 0 .65 1.23 1.00 1.17 .35 .28 .06 .21 .33 . 15 .02 . 16 .54 .09 .39 .69 .14 0 .30 .28 .60 1.12 .13 .43 1.19 . 14 1.00 .83 1.29 2.02 1. 89 .12 .26 0 0 .15 .33 .05 .11 .23 .05 .33 .03 .25 .35 .64 .66 .09 0 0 .32 .27 .39 .35 .04 0 .03 .01 .01 .04 0 .48 .96 7. 39 1. 20 2.58 .56 .16 .02 0 .02 .02 0 .30 1.08 7.05 .81 2. 39 .48 .08 .23 .38 .09 .51 .85 .56 .45 .19 0 .07 .05 0 .08 0 .53 .80 7. 77 1.56 2. 82 .64 .21 0 .04 0 .08 0 1.22 .49 7. 79 2. 58 2.80 .72 .40 .41 .38 .33 .61 .52 .80 .14 .12 .21 .01 0 0 .60 .52 .68 .77 .79 .22 .05 .85 3 Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. 4 Less than 0.005 article. 6Less than 0.5 cent. N o. 0.11 0.05 0.16 0. 27 0.22 .05 .05 .05 .05 0 .10 .03 .20 0 .56 .14 .09 .25 .20 .18 Average expenditure per person .19 . 12 .28 .23 .02 0 .08 .03 0 .01 0 .01 .10 .08 0 0 .75 .12 1.08 .22 8.86 1.59 1. 30 .41 3.27 4. 37 .81 .94 .41 .10 . 19 .01 .40 .37 .56 .75 .07 .06 .08 (fi) .63 .28 .01 0 .01 .05 0 .08 .23 1.42 .30 3. 78 .68 .05 . 18 (5) .30 .56 .05 0 .22 .14 .28 .04 .10 .07 0 .09 0 .11 .19 1.74 .45 4. 59 .95 .13 .09 0 .38 1.05 .09 0 .33 .44 .68 .48 .46 .07 0 0 .05 0 .21 0 .34 .13 1.80 .88 6.24 1.49 .22 .34 .03 .66 1.15 .09 .02 .44 .08 0 0 .10 0 .24 .30 2.49 .49 6. 32 2.69 .23 .43 0 .49 .87 .02 .03 .38 134 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 17.— C lothing expen ditu res, by econom ic level— Continued 10 NEW HAM PSHIRE CITIES—Continued Persons purchasing Item IX . Clothing, girls 6 through 11 years of age 2—Continued. Bathing suits, sun suits_________________________________ Handkerchiefs_________________________________________ Furs__________________________ _______ ________________ Mufflers, scarfs________________________________________ Handbags, purses _. _____ _______________________________ Umbrellas-------------------------- ----------------------------------------Garters, belts, hairpins, etc____________________________ , Cleaning, repairing_____________________________________ Other_________________________________________________ X . Clothing, girls 2 through 5 years of age:2 Hats: Felt_____________________________________________ Straw___________________________________________ Fabric__________________________________________ Caps and berets: Wool___________ _____________________ Other_________________________________ Coats: Heavy, plain____________________________________ fur-trimmed_____________________________ Fur____________________________________________ Light, wool_____________________________________ cotton___________________________________ silk, rayon_______________________________ Play suits: Wool knit__________________________________ Cotton suede_______________________________ Other______________________________________ Raincoats_____________________________________________ Sweaters and jackets: Wool knit________________________ Wool fabric_______________________ Leather, leatherette________________ Other____________________________ Suits: Wool___________________________________________ Silk, rayon______________________________________ Other___________________________________________ Waists and middies: Silk, rayon___ ____ ________________ Cotton____________________________ Other_____________________________ Skirts: W ool__________________________________________ Other__________________________________________ Dresses: Cotton_______________________________________ Silk, rayon____________________________________ Wool_________________________________________ Other________________________________________ Aprons________________________________________________ Coveralls_____________________ ____ ____________________ Knickers, breeches, shorts______________________________ Underwear: Slips, cotton_______________________________ silk__________________________________ rayon_______________________________ Union suits and combinations: Cotton_______ W ool________ Silk, rayon___ Underwaists, shirts_________________________ Bloomers and panties: Cotton______________ Rayon_______________ Silk_________________ Nightgowns and sleeping pajamas: Cotton, light___________________________ flannel________ _____ _____ _____ Silk, rayon_____________________________ 2 Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. All iamilies N um ber E con om ic le v e l— Fam ilies spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over N um ber N um ber N um ber N um ber 32 43 0 22 33 8 43 13 5 15 27 0 10 22 6 28 4 1 9 8 0 5 3 0 6 4 1 7 4 0 4 6 2 5 3 3 5 8 8 58 15 21 4 1 14 6 1 24 7 11 7 60 17 3 4 4 0 2 0 3 0 3 2 89 9 12 5 4 5 1 23 4 4 45 29 13 34 34 24 2 3 5 3 32 12 7 2 1 10 3 0 10 1 2 4 32 13 1 2 3 0 1 0 3 0 2 0 50 6 5 2 2 3 0 12 2 3 22 11 7 20 24 16 1 1 1 1 15 2 7 2 0 3 1 1 5 6 5 1 13 3 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 25 2 2 0 0 2 1 6 0 0 14 10 3 10 6 7 0 0 2 3 9 0 6 0 0 1 1 0 7 0 2 2 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 l 3 2 1 0 0 2 1 0 6 7 3 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 4 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 1 1 0 0 3 1 1 3 1 0 3 2 1 1 15 35 2 6 20 1 5 12 1 2 2 0 2 1 0 1 4 0 3 2 0 4 2 0 135 TABULAR SUMMARY T a b l e 17.— C lothing ex p en d itu res , b y econ om ic level— Continued 10 NEW HAM PSHIRE CITIES—Continued Average numberof articles purchased per person Item All fami lies Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 $500 der to to and $300 $400 $500 over IX. Clothing, girls 6 through 11 years of age N o. N o. N o. N o. N o. Continued. Bathing suits, sun suits___________________ 0.18 0.13 0.19 0.47 0.12 Handkerchiefs__________ ________________ 1.72 1.78 1.16 1.57 3.33 0 0 0 0 Purs________________ __________________ 0 .13 .09 . 16 .22 .23 Mufflers, scarfs____________ _______ _____ .22 .25 .06 .36 .21 Handbags, purses________________________ .04 .04 0 .09 0 Umbrellas____ _______________ ________ Cleaning, repairing._ _ ___ __ __ X. Clothing, girls 2 through 5 years of age:2 Total , __________________ Hats: Felt_______________________________ Straw___________ ______ ______ _____ Fabric_______ _____________________ Caps and berets: Wool___________________ Other___________________ Coats: Heavy, plain______________________ fur-trimmed___ ___________ Fur______________________________ Light, wool__________ ______ ____ cotton______________________ silk, rayon________ ___ . . . Play suits: Wool knit__________ ______ Cotton suede.____ ____________ Other________________________ Raincoats_________ ____________________ Sweaters and jackets: Wool knit____________________________ Wool fabric____________ _____________ Leather, leatherette___________________ Other________________________________ Suits: Wool_______________ _____________ Silk, rayon________________________ Other.. . . . . . . _______ _______ _ Waists and middlies: Silk, r a y o n ________ _______ __________ Cotton________________ ______________ Other____________ . . . ______________ Skirts: Wool____ ________________________ Other_______________________ _____ Dresses: Cotton______ __________________ Silk, rayon.. ____________ . . . Wool___________________________ Other.. . . . __________ ________ _ Aprons_____________________ __________ Coveralls.___ _ . . . _________ ______ Knickers, breeches, shorts_________________ Underwear: Slips, cotton_____ *___________ silk____________________ rayon__________________ Union suits and combinations: Cotton_____________________ W ool______________________ Silk, rayon_______________ _ Underwaists, shirts___________ Bloomers and panties: Cotton_____________________ Rayon_____________________ Silk_______________________ Nightgowns and sleeping paja mas: Cotton, light_______ ____ ___ flannel_____________ Silk, rayon... _______ ._ All families D o t. Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 $500 der to to and $300 $400 $500 over D ol. D ol. D o l. D o l. 0.22 0.12 0.26 0.70 0.21 .09 .08 .11 .08 .17 0 0 0 0 0 .07 .04 .11 .14 .17 .05 .05 .03 .08 .09 .04 .05 0 .12 0 .07 .05 .09 .07 .21 .09 .01 .09 .40 .32 . 11 .11 .04 .34 0 12. 39 9. 65 13.92 20. 55 24.27 .03 .02 .04 0 .17 .04 .04 .02 .06 0 .04 .02 .01 .23 .16 .20 .15 .21 .43 .22 .06 .06 .05 0 .12 .58 .26 .83 1. 76 .95 . 17 .11 .41 0 0 .03 .05 0 0 0 .37 .44 .27 .30 0 .05 .04 .02 .13 .20 .01 0 .06 0 0 . 52- .22 .58 2.11 .59 .06 .06 .09 0 0 .15 .05 .23 .43 .65 .06 .08 .01 .08 0 .03 .03 .03 .06 .08 .02 .04 .03 .03 .44 .41 .37 .11 . 14 .07 .13 .09 .17 .02 .02 .05 .01 .01 0 .11 .14 .10 .03 .03 .02 .03 .01 0 .14 .10 .12 .08 .05 .22 .12 .05 .13 .05 .05 .02 0 .10 .16 .78 0 .31 0 0 .07 .07 0 .41 0 .20 .10 .10 0 .10 .53 .17 .10 0 0 0 .20 0 .33 0 1.10 0 .49 .38 .37 .10 .13 .08 .02 .01 .02 .05 .05 .08 .05 .04 0 0 0 0 .01 .01 .03 1.16 .06 0 0 0 0 0 1.17 .51 .40 .37 0 . 11 .15 .06 .10 .03 .01 .01 0 .05 .05 .08 .60 .08 .05 0 0 0 0 0 0 .03 .02 .06 1.09 .03 0 0 0 0 0 1.74 0 .74 0 1.19 0 0 0 0 0 .04 .11 1. 75 .05 .11 0 0 .06 .06 .34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.24 .08 .15 .11 .20 0 0 .34 .20 0 0 0 0 0 .01 .02 0 0 0 0 .03 .02 0 .03 0 3. 69 1.28 .91 .09 .09 0 .54 . 17 .06 .07 .04 1.40 .33 .01 (s) .04 .05 0 0 .01 0 1.89 .10 .07 . 17 .02 .01 .21 .01 .01 0 0 0 0 0 2. 77 .11 .36 .06 .03 0 0 .15 .12 0 0 0 0 0 0 2. 62 0 .87 1.00 .07 0 0 .53 .02 .05 0 .04 0 .02 .03 1. 79 .08 .09 . 10 .04 . 10 .01 .31 .05 .04 0 .06 0 .02 0 1.45 .09 .05 .06 .02 . 14 0 .20 .04 .06 .67 .43 . 18 .56 .61 .27 .12 .53 0 0 0 .05 .12 1.38 .08 .25 0 0 .02 .03 .11 0 0 .65 .79 1.45 .58 1.07 .21 . 17 .67 0 .65 .13 1.63 .32 .30 .08 .13 .27 .16 .04 .11 .96 1.20 .43 .27 2. 33 .50 .49 .66 0 1.00 .04 .05 0 .21 0 .16 .11 .01 .18 .09 .06 .09 . 19 0 .01 0 0 .18 .41 .01 2 Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 5 Less than 0.5 cent. 2 0 0 9 8 2 ° — 4 1 ------- 10 Average expenditure per person .17 .12 .22 .57 .29 .83 .24 .21 .01 .03 0 0 52 weeks .09 .08 .24 .13 .01 (6) .32 .45 .11 .16 .39 1.04 .81 .21 .27 0 .04 .57 .39 .25 .21 .09 .14 .21 .51 .19 .26 .02 0 0 136 MONEY DI&BTJBSEMENTS— 13 SMALL CITIES T a b l e 1 7 . — C lothing ex p en d itu res , by econom ic level—Continued 10 NEW HAM PSHIRE CITIES—Continued Persons purchasing Item X . Clothing, girls 2 through 5 years of age 2—Continued. Pajamas, lounging and beach: Cotton____ _______ _____ Silk, rayon. _ .. . . . . . ___ Other__ ________ ___ __ Bathrobes____________________________________________ Kimonos, negligees__________ _____ _____ _____ __________ Hose: Silk_______ _______ ____ ____ __________ . . . . ._ R a y o n _________________________________________ Cotton__________________________________ ___ . Wool_____ _ .. ____________ ________ Shoes: Street and dress______ . . . . . . _ . ______ .. Sport__ ________________ ___________ . . . House slippers_______________________ . . . ______ ____ Shoe: Repairs_____________ __ . _ __ ______ _ Shines__________________ _______ ______ _____ Rubbers. .. _____________________________ ________ _ Arctics, gaiters______________________ _ _ . . . . . . _____ Gloves: Cotton. .................................... . . . ___ Leather_____________________ ______ _ ___ _ ___ Other.. ______ _____ ____ ___ ___________ Bathing suits, sun suits _______ _____________ . . . _ .. . __ ___ . __ ... Handerchiefs________ Furs. _____ ________ ___________________________ _ ___ Mufflers, scarfs____________ _______________ ____ _ . . . . Handbags, purses..................... ........ ...... ..... ....... ........ __ _______ . ______ . . . . Umbrellas . Garters, belts, hairpins, etc________________ . ___ ______ Cleaning, repairing._ . . . _____________ . . .. . ___ Other •________________________________________ ______ X I. Clothing, infants:3 Caps, hoods, bonnets_____________________________ . .. Coats______ ___________________________________ ____ Sweaters, sacques____ ________________________ _____ __Sweater su its___ ____ _____ ______ ___________ Dresses, rompers______ ____ ___________ ___________ . . Skirts, gertrudes _____________ __________________ .. Shirts, bands. ____________________________________ _ .. Diapers____________ ______________ ____ ____ _________ Sleeping garments__________ ______ _____________________ Stockings ________ _____. _______________________ Bootees, shoes______ _______________________________ Layettes__________________________ ________________ . Other _____________ ___ ______________________________ All fami lies N um ber 5 0 0 7 0 19 24 121 40 148 38 17 8 0 37 55 4 3 56 23 5 0 6 13 2 21 3 2 46 28 40 28 48 29 69 61 43* 80 70 1 101 E con om ic lev e l— Fam ilies spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over N um ber N um ber N um ber N um ber 4 0 0 4 0 16 12 70 27 91 19 9 3 0 20 29 2 1 29 7 3 0 3 7 1 14 1 1 16 10 13 7 18 9 23 28 15 34 29 1 50 0 0 0 1 0 2 8 30 6 34 11 2 1 0 8 13 2 1 14 10 1 0 2 5 0 6 1 1 11 10 14 9 14 9 26 15 14 27 24 ' 0 29 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 15 6 17 5 4 3 0 7 11 0 0 10 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 10 5 10 8 10 8 10 10 9 10 10 0 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 6 1 6 3 2 1 0 2 2 0 1 3 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 9 3 3 4 6 3 10 8 5 9 7 0 12 J Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. 3 Infants 1 to 2 years of age are included only if dependent on family funds for 52 weeks; those under 1 year of age are included regardless of number of weeks dependent on family funds. 137 TABULAR SUMMARY T a b l e 17.— C lothing ex p en d itu res , b y econom ic level— Continued 10 NEW HAM PSHIRE CITIES—Continued Average number of articles purchased per person Item All fami lies Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Average expenditure per person All fami lies Un $300 $400 $500 der to to and $300 $400 $500 over X . Clothing, girls 2 through 5 years of age2— Continued. Pajamas, lounging and beach: Cotton. _ . . . _____ ____ .. _ Silk___________________________________ Other__________________________________ Bathrobes.. . _____ ___________ . _. Kimonos, negligees _____ ______________ Hose: Silk... ________ . . . ______________ Rayon ______ _ _ _ ___________ Cotton_____ ____ _ ____________ Wool______________________________ Shoes: Street and dress___________ ____ . . . Sport___________________________ _ House slippers ... ________________ Shoe: Repairs___ _ _______ _____ _ . Shines _ ______ __ _____ _____ Rubbers___ _____________________ ____ Arctics, gaiters... . ________ . . . . Gloves: Cotton__ . _____ _____________ Leather____ _ ___________ _ Other. .. . . . _________ . . ._ Bathing suits, sun suits___________________ _________ Handkerchiefs _ . _. _. . Furs____________________________________ Mufflers, scarfs___________________________ Handbags, purses.. .. _ _ . _ _ __ Umbrellas_________________ ______ _____ Garters, belts, hairpins, etc_________ ______ Cleaning, repairing_______________________ Other______________________________ _____ XI. Clothing, infants:3 Total___ __ ... ___ . . . Caps, hoods, bonnets______ . ___________ Coats________________ . _ Sweaters, sacques... _____ Sweater suits. ______ _ _____ _ _____ Dresses, rompers ._ ________ Skirts, gertrudes __ _ ________ . . . . Shirts, ba n d s___ . ___________________ Diapers___ . . ____________ _ __ Sleeping garments. __________________ . Stockings . . . . _ _ _________________ _ Bootees, shoes __ . .. _ . _ ___ __________ Layettes... .. . . . _______________ _ Other__ . . . . ________ Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 $500 der to to and $300 $400 $500 over N o. N o. N o. N o. N o. D o l. 0.05 0 0 .04 0 .48 .74 4. 72 .79 1.97 .39 . 13 0 0 .25 .36 .05 .02 .44 .29 . 15 0 .04 .09 .02 0 0 0 0.07 0 0 .04 0 .68 .69 4. 22 .90 1.76 .37 . 11 0 0 .24 .31 .06 .01 .32 .30 . 13 0 .03 .09 .01 0 0 0 0 0 0 .02 0 .06 .53 4.58 .35 2. 37 .35 .05 0 0 .21 .34 .05 .02 .50 .28 .10 0 .05 . 12 0 0 0 0 0. 07 0 0 .03 0 .44 1.28 7.19 1.07 2.11 .49 .33 0 0 .41 .65 0 0 .90 .28 0 0 0 0 .08 0 0 0 0 0 0 .10 0 0 1.45 7.10 1.19 2. 45 .60 .30 0 0 .27 .33 0 . 10 .70 .41 1.20 0 . 17 .17 0 0 0 0 0. 03 0 0 .07 0 .09 .14 .97 .19 2. 71 .42 .07 .04 0 .19 .44 .02 .02 . 19 . 14 .01 0 .02 .01 .02 .06 .02 .02 1.05 .33 .88 .40 2. 31 1.07 2.73 9.14 1.29 4. 40 1.69 .01 .90 .55 .23 .47 . 19 1.64 .63 1.58 5. 21 .73 3. 20 1.16 .02 .45 10. 74 6. 34 10. 39 24. 83 18.22 .61 .27 .31 2.23 1.43 .83 2. 92 2.13 .78 .56 1.10 .95 .73 .46 .50 .33 .63 .36 .58 1.89 .81 1.08 2. 04 1.12 .71 .41 .73 1. 77 1.01 . 50 1.11 .47 2.19 5.48 2. 77 1.31 .83 1.16 3. 65 1.77 .47 .21 .37 .80 1.50 1.48 1. 75 1.37 3. 32 4. 71 4. 46 1.04 .53 1.07 1.78 2.50 8. 03 15. 05 23.24 .88 .41 .64 1.76 2. 66 .82 .42 .94 1.97 1.25 1. 57 3. 04 1.46 4. 85 8. 73 4. 65 .98 .70 .97 2. 01 1.34 1.93 3. 79 1. 57 1.39 .98 1.60 2. 90 1. 32 0 0 0 .20 .41 0 0 0 1.90 1.03 .26 .92 .25 .92 3.12 1.90 D o l. D o l. 0.04 0 0 .05 0 . 12 . 13 .82 .20 2. 27 .38 .06 .01 0 .19 .35 .02 .01 . 13 .09 .01 0 .02 .01 .01 .07 (5) .03 D o l. D o l. 0 0 0 . 13 0 .02 .09 1.06 . 12 3. 31 .44 .01 .02 0 .13 .53 .04 .05 . 19 .24 (5) 0 .03 .02 0 .07 .02 .01 0. 04 0 0 .03 0 .09 .23 1.37 .30 3. 47 .52 .23 .19 0 .30 .80 0 0 .50 .17 0 0 0 0 ‘.08 0 .08 0 0 0 0 .16 0 0 .37 1.83 .24 3. 92 .69 .16 . 16 0 .24 .47 0 .08 .39 .31 .02 0 .14 .03 0 .03 0 0 2 Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. 3 Infants 1 to 2 years of age are included only if dependent on family funds for 52 weeks; those under 1 year of age are included regardless of number of weeks dependent on family funds. 5 Less than 0.5 cent. T a b l e 18.— F u rn ish in gs and equ ip m en t ex p en d itu res , by econom ic level 00 00 10 NEW HAM PSHIRE CITIES All families Item Economic level—Fami lies spending per ex penditure unit per year Un der $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over N o. N o. N o. N o. 279 34 $2. 91 Average number of articles purchased per family All fam ilies $300 to $400 Economic level—Families spend ing per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over N o. N o. N o. N o. $400 to $500 225 27 $1.55 $500 and over 226 29 $1.66 251 30 $2. 31 Average expenditure per family All families Economic level—Families spend ing per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over D ot. D o t. D o t. D ot. D o l. 42.83 11. 24 3. 03 1. 56 1.15 .43 .51 .23 .06 .26 .31 1.02 .13 . 12 .10 .32 .07 27.86 7. 05 2. 07 .67 .91 .25 .35 .21 .03 .19 .26 1.00 . 18 . 18 0 .03 0 39. 09 9. 21 1.84 2.18 .76 .15 1.16 .19 .08 .17 .53 .69 .09 .09 . 16 . 14 0 41.25 12. 52 4. 77 1.04 1.22 .73 .10 .28 .01 .21 .38 .98 .18 .03 .14 .51 .03 F u rn ish in g s and E q u ip m e n t E x p en d itu r e s N o. ______ _____ ___ Total______ ___________ . Furniture, total ___________ ____ ___ ________ Suites: Living room_____________ ________________ Bedroom__________________________________ Dining room_______________________________ Beds: Wood_________________ ___________________ Metal______________________________________ Cots, cribs: Wood____________ ___ ______ Metal_________________________________ Bedsprings ______________________________________ Davenports____________ ____ ______ ______________ Couches, daybeds. ______________________________ Dressers__________________________________________ Chiffoniers, chests_________________________________ Sideboards, buffets __________ ' ___________________ Desks. .. _________ ______ _____ ________ . Bookcases, bookshelves.. _____ . . . . .. _ 33 19 20 21 27 22 7 23 10 36 11 11 6 14 2 4 3 3 6 7 7 1 7 2 10 4 3 0 1 0 9 6 5 3 10 5 3 2 4 5 2 3 2 3 0 12 4 5 6 3 5 1 6 3 10 4 1 1 5 1 8 6 7 6 7 5 2 8 1 11 1 4 3 5 1 N o. 0. 037 .019 .023 .024 .034 .023 .007 .031 .010 .036 .010 .010 .006 .014 .002 0. 022 .014 ..014 .025 .029 .025 .004 .025 .007 .036 .011 .007 0 (2) 0 0. 040 .027 .022 .013 .057 .022 .013 .022 .018 .022 .009 .013 .009 .013 0 0. 058 .018 .022 .031 .013 .022 .004 .031 .013 .040 .018 .004 .004 .027 .004 t). 032 .020 .036 .028 .036 .024 .008 .044 .004 .044 .004 .016 .012 .020 .004 64. 40 16. 68 3. 61 2. 46 1.72 .62 .47 .25 .14 .44 .11 1.37 .07 . 17 . 14 .63 .24 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES Number of families spending All families Under $300 981 120 $2.16 Families in survey_____________________________________________________________ Number of families reporting receipt of gifts of furnishings and equipment - ................. Average value per family of furnishings and equipment received as gifts (incomplete) 1 Item Economic level—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year 30 53 33 2 0 13 34 2 16 5 0 0 2 5 6 10 7 0 0 2 4 12 11 9 0 0 4 10 92 71 93 91 20 142 18 245 168 75 80 20 69 328 67 28 328 98 62 19 15 28 25 5 44 6 60 38 18 25 6 12 97 16 9 82 24 25 21 18 27 14 1 30 3 60 40 20 13 3 14 81 10 6 69 25 14 22 18 12 23 5 30 3 54 34 13 16 1 12 74 20 5 83 19 9 1 The aggregates on which these averages are based do not include the gifts of furnishings and equipment reported received by 44 families but for which they could not estimate the value. 10 16 12 2 0 5 15 6 71 56 24 26 10 31 76 21 8 94 30 14 .035 .123 .044 .002 0 .023 .007 .140 .032 0 0 .007 .036 .107 .027 0 0 .009 .057 .093 .4)53 0 0 .062 .044 .143 .064 .008 0 .020 3.561 3.650 3.869 . 104 .048 .320 .027 1.102 .935 . 116 . 134 .044 . 514 2. 565 .376 .062 1.488 3.294 3.513 3.760 .090 .054 .376 .043 .918 .688 .097 . 140 .025 .308 2. 634 .219 .082 1.269 3.644 3.738 3 1.400 .089 .013 .276 .013 1.040 .787 . 102 .089 .013 .502 2.840 .307 .080 1.413 3 . 734 3.668 3.438 .102 .040 .314 .013 1.173 .845 . 142 . 124 .031 .429 2.593 .509 .040 1.650 3.625 3.709 3.900 .135 .080 .303 .032 1.299 1.422 . 127 . 175 . 104 .829 2. 215 .494 .044 1.653 2 Less than 0.0005 article. 3 Expressed in square yards. .20 .42 .66 .01 0 .03 . 62 9. 65 1.32 .83 .83 1.57 .05 .76 .08 1.07 .31 .24 . 12 .04 .09 .49 .06 .05 1.57 .05 . 12 .01 .38 .13 0 0 .02 . 18 7. 88 .53 .50 1.00 1.62 .03 .92 .11 .80 .21 .17 .11 .02 .05 .45 .04 .06 1.06 .04 16 .14 .25 .45 0 0 .02 . 12 8.70 .94 1.37 .99 .91 .02 .61 .03 1.03 .26 .27 .09 .02 .09 .49 .03 .05 1.31 .07 . 12 .33 .50 .68 0 0 .04 . 36 9. 49 1.92 .67 .49 1.37 .03 .63 .08 1.03 .31 .19 . 11 .01 .08 .51 .08 .03 1. 87 .03 .05 .35 .56 1.44 .04 0 .05 1.80 12. 68 2.00 .87 .81 2.29 .14 .83 .11 1. 44 .48 .32 .18 .13 .16 .50 .09 .05 2.10 .07 .11 H3 > W d t-1 > SUMMARY Tables, except kitchen_____________________________ Chairs: W ood____________________________________ Upholstered_______________________________ Benches, stools, footstools.-___. . . .. . _________ Tea carts, wheel trays _ . ______ _______ Stands, racks, costumers___________________________ Other _______________ _______ ____ . _ __ Textile furnishings, total _ ___ _ ___ Carpets, rugs. - ___________________________________ Linoleum, inlaid__________________________________ Felt-base floor coverings____ .. . _____ _ .. Mattresses _ _ _ _ Pillows _ _ _ ____ _______ . __ Blankets______ _________ ___ ___ . __ Comforts, quilts___________ _____________________ Sheets _ _ ________ _ _ _ Pillowcases . __ __ __ _ _ _ _ . Bedspreads, couch covers__________________________ Tablecloths, napkins, doilies: Cotton. _____________ Linen_________ ____ Towels: L inen_____ ________ __ ________ ____ Cotton, turkish_____ _ . _____ ________ Other cotton____ _____ _________ Table runners, dresser scarfs. __ __ _ ______ ____ Curtains, draperies . . ______ .. ___ - _ _____ Dishcloths, cleaning cloths, etc_____________________ Other_____ . . . _______________________________ CO CO T a b l e 1 8 . — F u rn ish in gs and equipm ent ex pen d itu res, by econ om ic level— Continued O 10 NEW HAMPSHIRE CITIES—Continued Average number of articles purchased per family Economic level—Fam ilies spending per expenditure unit per year Economic level—Families spend ing per expenditure unit per year All families Un der $300 $300 to 400 $400 to 500 $500 and over N o. N o. N o. N o. All fami lies Under $300 $300 to 400 $400 to 500 $500 and over N o. N o. N o. N o. Average expenditure per family All famiilies Economic level—Families spend ing per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to 400 $400 to 500 $500 and over D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. 1.09 .60 .08 .41 (4) (4) 13. 87 .45 3.82 .60 7. 39 .14 .05 .01 .68 .22 .03 .46 .02 6. 22 .13 .01 .62 .02 0 .35 2.29 .15 .77 .04 0.88 .46 . 12 .27 .01 .02 11.76 1.00 5.11 1.11 3.37 .13 0 0 .65 .17 .07 0 . 15 6.60 . 15 .09 .61 .02 0 .29 2.29 .20 .40 .03 F u rn ish in g s and E q u ip m e n t E x p en d itu r e s —Continued. N o. ____ Silverware, china, and glassware China or porcelain, table _ __ _ _ _ ___ Glassware ___________ _____________ _ _____ Tableware: Silver_____________________ ______ _ Other____________________ _ _____J___ Other_______ __ ______ _____________ _______ Electrical equipment, total ______ .......... ................ _____________________ ________ Vacuum cleaners Refrigerators (electric) __________________ _____ -Electric stoves, hotplates _ __________________ ____ Washing machines _______________ ______ _______ Irons ________________ __________________________ Ironers, mangles________________ ______ ________ Heaters, fans________ _____________________________ Light bulbs___ _____ _________ _ ___________ _ _ _ Lamps______ _____ ____ ___________________________ Toasters.-. _________ ____________________ _____ Sewing machines (electric)- _ .................. ............ O ther_____ _______ ____________ ____________ Miscellaneous equipment, to ta l_____________ ____ ____ Mirrors, pictures, clocks, ornaments ______________ Carpet sweepers_________________ _____ ________ _ Brooms, brushes, mops____________ __ __ _ ____ Dustpans, pails, etc _ ___ __ ____ Gas refrigerators ______ ,_ _____ Ice boxes _____________ __ . Stoves and ranges (not electric) ___________ ____ Canning equipment, cookers___________ _________ Pots, pans, cutlery ___________ ____Tubs, boards, wringers __________ _______ _________ 133 151 21 7 13 40 56 5 3 6 32 33 5 1 1 23 26 4 2 4 38 36 7 1 2 20 30 17 77 53 5 2 537 82 29 7 27 2 1 4 19 15 1 0 150 12 5 1 2 2 6 5 28 13 1 1 115 18 4 1 6 4 9 5 15 9 0 0 118 12 11 0 10 12 14 3 15 16 3 1 154 40 9 5 9 57 11 577 94 1 27 76 106 246 27 14 3 173 33 1 6 20 34 69 10 15 1 136 22 0 4 10 25 64 6 10 6 127 15 0 6 18 22 56 6 18 1 141 24 0 11 28 25 57 5 N o. 0.019 .030 .017 .075 .055 .005 .002 3.818 .099 .031 .007 0.004 .004 .011 .068 .061 .004 0 3. 620 .047 .014 .004 0.009 .022 .018 .120 .053 .004 .004 3.609 .093 .022 .004 0.018 .040 .027 .058 .049 0 0 3. 341 .071 .053 0 0.048 .056 .016 .060 .056 .012 .004 4. 653 .187 .036 .020 D o l. 1.06 .65 .12 .27 .01 .01 13.04 1.05 4. 35 .88 4. 54 .16 .18 .01 .72 .27 .04 .71 . 13 7.84 . 13 .03 .66 .04 (4) .42 3. 27 .28 .48 .03 0.68 .36 .14 . 15 .01 .02 6. 67 .16 .64 .42 3.74 .18 (4) 0 .65 .11 .02 .55 .20 5.58 .05 .02 .70 .05 (4) .25 1.68 .55 .31 .03 1.62 1.17 . 15 .29 (4) .01 20.49 2. 61 8.28 1.44 3.92 .18 .64 .03 .89 .57 .05 1.76 .12 12. 93 .20 .01 .68 .08 0 .77 6. 79 .15 .50 .03 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES Item Number of families spending Ironing boards, racks, baskets________ Sewing machines (not electric)_______ Baby carriages, gocarts______________ Trunks, hand baggage____1_________ Household tools, ladders, cans_______ Window shades, wire screens, awnings Lawn mowers, garden equipment____ Repairs, cleaning-. ________________ Other______________________________ * 30 12 30 12 35 137 36 38 63 10 2 6 2 7 41 11 10 20 8 2 7 2 9 31 4 8 11 5 3 12 2 7 27 9 5 19 7 5 5 6 12 38 12 15 13 04 29 37 05 09 41 14 17 94 .05 .14 .37 .02 .07 .28 .10 .16 .75 .06 .70 .27 .02 .04 .29 .02 .12 .32 .03 .16 .57 .06 .15 .59 .08 .08 .80 .03 .21 .27 .10 .11 .49 .33 .33 1.85 Less than 0.5 cent. TABULAR SUMMARY Appendix A Notes on Tabular Summary General Economic fam ily.— An “ economic fam ily” as defined for this study consists of two or more persons living together and sharing their economic resources. In most cases, the members of an economic family are related by ties of blood, marriage, or adoption, but in some cases, an unrelated member was found to share income and family living. Persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption were not treated as members of the economic family if they lived as boarders and kept their funds separate from family funds, unless they gave a complete record of their incomes and expenditures. Persons who were members of the economic family for an entire year were not necessarily members of the household for the year. A member sup ported by the family in school, college, or hospital for all or part of the year, or a member working away from home for part of the year, sharing his income with the family for that period and able to report all his expenses for that period would be treated as a member of the economic family but not of the household for the entire year. In computing the number of persons who were part of the economic family for a year, the number of weeks each member had shared his incotne with the family was listed, the numbers summed, and the total divided by 52. This procedure yielded the number of equivalent persons who had made up the family for 1 year. Household.— The household has been defined to include the members of the economic family living together in one dwelling, plus roomers and guests sleeping in the family dwelling, plus boarders and guests eating with the family. The number of persons in the household was computed by adding the number of weeks each member of the family had been part of the fam ily’s housekeeping establishment, the number of weeks each boarder, lodger, and guest had been with them, and dividing the total by 52 in order to secure the number of equivalent persons making up the household for 1 year. Net fam ily income or net money income.— N et family income has been defined to mean the sum of earnings (including net receipts from boarders and lodgers), net rent, interest, dividends, gifts, pensions, insurance annuities received during the schedule year, minus business losses and expenses. The money value of income received in kind, 143 144 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS— 13 SMALL CITIES whether from services of the housewife, use of owned home, or from other sources, has not been included in computing income in this investigation. No funds received as a result of the depletion of assets have been treated as income. Similarly, inheritances have not been regarded as income. Current expenditures.— Throughout the report the term “ current expenditures” is used to mean expenditures for ultimate consumer goods, including relatively durable consumption goods. Interest on money borrowed for family use has been included in such expenditures, but savings and investments have not. The time and funds available for the investigation have not made possible the presentation of sep arate totals distinguishing expenditures for the more slowly consumed, as distinguished from quickly consumed, goods. Indeed, the data on depreciation rates for relatively durable consumer goods are so frag mentary that it would be extremely difficult to do so. Expenditures for such durable goods as automobiles, mechanical refrigerators, and other furnishings and equipment have been classified with expenditures for food and carfare and other quickly consumed goods as “ current expenditures,” while money spent for permanent improvements on owned homes and other real estate or as payment on the principal of mortgages has been classified as savings. The total cost of con sumer goods purchased on credit was included in current expenditures and the amount of the obligations outstanding at the end of the year was taken into account when computing changes in liabilities over the 12-month period. M oney paid out for life-insurance premiums has been classified as savings. The total obligations incurred in the year covered by the schedule for consumer goods purchased on credit was included in current expenditures and the amount of the obligation outstanding at the end of the year was taken into account when computing changes in liabilities over the 12-month period. For example, the total amount incurred for an item purchased on the installment plan (original price plus carrying charges) is entered as the amount of the expenditure, though the amount paid in the schedule year may be considerably less than the total contracted for; and the total amount of rents, taxes, etc., falling due in a year are entered as though paid, though they have been paid in part or not at all. The unpaid balances owing at the end of the schedule year on debts contracted during the schedule year are entered as increases in debts on table 4. Amounts paid during the schedule year on goods purchased on the installment plan before the beginning of that year are treated as savings. (See “ Sur plus,” p. 145; “ Payment of debts to: Firms selling on installment plan,” p. 149; and “ Increase in debts: Payable to firms selling on installment plan,” p. 150.) APPENDIX A 145 Expenditures as entered on tables are purchase price less trade-in allowance, in cases where such trade-in allowances were made, for example, automobile and furniture purchases. Surplus or deficit.— Surplus or deficit represents the difference between current income and current expenditures. Since the figures on both these amounts as secured by the schedule method are subject to an undetermined error of estimate (see “ Balancing difference,” p. 146), the surplus and deficit data were obtained by asking in detail changes in individual asset and liability items over the schedule year. N et surplus or net deficit was computed as the net difference between the funds received during the schedule year not used for current ex penditures and the funds made available for family use from sources other than money income (table 4; see also p. 18 of schedule facsimile.1) It should be noticed that the emphasis is placed on net rather than gross figures for changes in assets and liabilities. That is, for an individual family, only net entries were made for an individual transaction such as a trade of property involving a net payment of $500. Thus, the net change item is more significant than the absolute amount either of increase or decrease in assets or increase or decrease in liabilities. Surplus.— Surplus, savings, and investment are terms used to mean net decrease in liabilities and/or increase in assets. This figure appears as the net change in assets and liabilities (when the total increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities is greater than the total decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities.) M oney paid on the principal of real estate mortgages or spent for permanent improvements to real estate (such as the addition of a room to a house) has been treated as an increase in assets and hence as investment, as has also money spent for the purchase of stocks and bonds, building and loan shares, and other forms of permanent assets. M oney used, for example, for the payment of installment obligations for an automobile purchased prior to the schedule year, is treated as decrease in liabilities and hence as a part of savings. Thus, money used for decreasing the liabilities of a preceding year, as well as that used to increase assets, has been treated as savings. Deficit.— Deficit or negative savings is the term used to mean net increase in liabilities and/or net decrease in assets. This figure appears as the net change in assets and liabilities (when the total decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities is greater than total increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities) and is shown in tables 2 and 5, of the Tabular Summary. M oney received through the sale of property, from the settlement or surrender of life-insurance or en dowment policies, and repayments by others of the loans made to 1The schedule facsimile may be found in Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulls. 636, 637, and 639 to 641 inclusive. 146 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES them have been treated as money resulting from decreases in assets or changes in their form and thus may form part of deficits or negative savings, but not of money income. Money borrowed either directly or as book credit is a form of increase in liabilities and hence may comprise a part of deficits or negative saving but is definitely not a part of money income. Inheritance.— M oney received by inheritance, essentially a windfall, cannot be treated as income because it is nonrecurring, nor as invest ment, because it may be spent during the year, nor can it be regarded as a decrease in assets in the same sense as withdrawal of savings or sale of property. Inheritance has, therefore, been treated as an independent item, forming a part of total receipts and coordinate with but not a part of current income and net change in assets and liabilities. It is shown in tables 2, 4, and 5. It includes only cash inheritances received during the schedule year. Inheritances of property not sold during the schedule year are not recorded. Total money receipts.— The term “ total money receipts” has been used to describe total money income plus deficits or net negative savings wherever they occur, plus money received through inheritance. This item is not shown as such in the Tabular Summary but it may be computed by adding for any desired group of families the following items: annual money income, net changes in assets and liabilities where the sign of the net change is minus (—), and inheritance. Total money disbursements.— The term “ total money disbursements” has been used to describe total current expenditures plus surpluses or net savings or investment wherever they occur. This item is not shown as such in the Tabular Summary but it may be computed by adding for any desired group of families the following items: annual current expenditure and net change in assets and liabilities where the sign of the net change is plus ( + ) . Balancing difference.— The difference between total disbursements and total receipts on any schedule was the balancing difference, and represented discrepancies due to inability of families to recall to the last penny every financial transaction of the year. No schedule was accepted in which this difference was greater than 5 percent of the larger figure. Schedule year.— All data shown in the tables are for a 12-month period unless otherwise specified. The data secured from each family apply to the schedule year prior to the visit of the field investigator, ending with any one of four specified quarters: the winter quarter ending February 28, the spring quarter ending M ay 31, the summer quarter ending August 31, and the fall quarter ending November 30. Averages based on all families.— All averages unless otherwise speci fied in the table are computed by dividing the appropriate aggregate by the total number of families in the group to which the aggregate APPENDIX A 147 applies and not by the smaller number of families in that group actu ally making the expenditure for or having the indicated item. The average expenditure per family purchasing a given item may be readily computed by multiplying the average for all families in the group by the number of families in the group to obtain the aggregate expendi ture and dividing this figure by the number of families purchasing. Sales tax.— See appendix A, page 157, for method of handling sales tax. N otes o n Individual Tables. T a b l e 1. — D istr ib u tio n o f fa m ilie s , b y econ om ic level and in co m e level Families have been classified by economic level according to the amount of current expenditures per expenditure unit, a measure which takes into account total family expenditure and family size and composition. The explanation of this measure and its use will be found on page 166. Families have been classified by income level according to the net family income, i. e., total family income minus nonfamily losses and business expense. T a b l e 2 . — D esc rip tio n o f fa m ilie s studied, by econ om ic level (See also table 5 for the same data by income classification) For tabulation the classification of occupations was made on the basis of the Works Progress Administration occupational classification. See appendix B, page 160. The hom em aker is the person reporting herself responsible for the management of the household, or in the case of two-generation families, the wife of the “ head of the fam ily.” H o u seh o ld and econom ic f a m i ly are defined on page 143. In this table, a person in the household or economic family for less than a year is treated as the appro priate decimal equivalent of a person. The equivalent number of persons in the household is computed by adding the total number of weeks spent in the household by each member of the household, and dividing the resulting aggregate by 52 (the number of weeks in a year). Number of equivalent persons in other categories listed in the table are computed in the same manner. E a r n in g s. — Earnings include wages, salaries, tips, industrial bonuses, and com missions. Amounts deducted by employers for pensions, insurance, annuities, etc., are included in earnings, and also entered in table 4 as payment of premiums for insurance policies. If a worker, as for example, in the building trades, pays a helper, the workers’ earnings are entered as net, i. e., the pay to the helper is deducted. N et earnings f r o m boarders and lodgers are gross payments for board and lodging minus the calculated cost of food for boarders. The cost of boarders’ food is computed by dividing each family’ s annual food expenditure by the number of food-expenditure units for all the persons eating in the household; the resulting food expenditure per food-expenditure unit is then multiplied by the number of food-expenditure units for boarders. Other net rents are gross rents received from tenants less current expenditures paid out by the scheduled family in connection with the rented property. P e n sio n s and in su ran ce a n n u ities include veterans’ pensions, pensions from employers, compensation received under workmen’s compensation laws, unem- 148 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS----13 SMALL CITIES ployment benefits from trade-unions, etc., income from annuities purchased, and benefits from sickness, accident, theft, and fire insurance. G ifts include mone}^ received from persons not members of the economic family. Such persons include persons members of the natural but not the economic family. Other sources o f in co m e include net receipt from sale of home produce, winnings from gambling, court settlements, payment for child support, rebates, and dividend checks received on purchases bought through cooperative organizations, etc. In those cases in which a worker away from home received a cash subsistence allow ance, the allowance was entered as other money income and the expenditures for meals, lodging, etc., were included in the proper expenditure tables. This case would be distinguished from that in which a salesman, for example, received an allowance for mileage; in such a case the travel expenditure was considered business expense and no entry was made either for expenditure or corresponding income with the exception that net gains on such an account are entered as other money income. D ed u ctio n s f r o m in co m e (bu sin ess losses and expen ses) includes nonfamily losses, i. e., net losses on rented property (current expenditures for property minus gross rents received) and current expenditures on any unrented real estate other than own home, etc., and net losses on traveling or subsistence allowance, and any other business expenses. Nonbusiness losses, i. e., family losses, are not deducted from income but are treated as other family expenditures in table 16. For example, contents of a purse lost, or bail forfeited which had been posted for a friend, are treated as miscellaneous family expenditure. S u rp lu s or deficit. — See page 145. In h erita n ce. — See page 146. The nu m ber o f gainful workers per fa m i l y is the total number of persons gainfully employed at any time during the year. Each person is counted as one regardless of the length of his employment. The definition differs from that of the “ gain fully occupied” as used by the census in that a person continuously unemployed throughout the year is not counted as a gainful worker. On the other hand, a person is so counted even if his earnings were occasional and he does not neces sarily regard himself as regularly in the labor market. The c h ie f earner is the member with the largest money earnings. T a b l e 3.— E x p e n d itu r es f o r grou ps o f item s , by econom ic level (See table 6 for same data by income classification) For the items included in each group of expenditures see table 8, Food; table 17, Clothing; table 10, Housing; table 11, Fuel, light, and refrigeration; table 12, Other household operation; table 18, Furnishings and equipment; table 13; Auto mobile and motorcycle purchase, operation, and maintenance, and other trans portation; table 14, Personal care, medical care; table 15, Recreation; table 16, Education, vocation, community welfare, gifts and contributions to persons out side economic family, and other items. Housing includes water, fuel, light, and refrigeration for families not making payment for these items separately from rent. (See tables 11 and 12.) Percentages are based on rounded dollar averages. T able 4.— D isp o s itio n o f m o n e y received during the schedule yea r not used f o r current f a m i l y expenditure, and fu n d s m ade available f o r f a m i ly use f r o m sources other than f a m i ly in co m e, by econom ic level In these tables only the cash or credit changes in assets or liabilities as shown in transactions during the schedule year are entered. That is, purchase of a APPENDIX A 149 share of stock is entered as “ Increase in assets: Investment in: Stocks and bonds,” but increase in the value of a share owned but not sold during the year is not recorded. For each individual family only the net amount of the change in any individual item, where the items correspond in the two tables, is entered on the schedule. For instance, if a family deposits $200 in a savings account during the year and withdraws $250, an entry of $50 is made under “ Decrease in assets: Reduction in cash: In savings account,” and no entry is made under “ Increase in assets: Increase in cash: In savings account.” The aggregate upon which the average for the item “ Decrease in assets: Reduction in cash: In savings account,” in table 4, is based is then the sum of the net reductions of savings account balances of all families having net reductions in their savings account balances. Similarly the aggregate upon which the average for the item “ Increase in assets: Increase in cash: In savings account” is based is the sum of the net increase in savings account balances of all families having net increases in their savings account balances. A transaction affecting two different items, such as the payment of a mortgage and the receipt of a loan with which to make the payment, is generally not entered as a single net amount, but the total amounts of both the payment and the loan are entered separately. It should be noted that not all items in the two sections of the table correspond. Payments of premiums of insurance policies are listed under “ Average amount of funds disposed in: Increase in assets.” The corresponding item, receipts in the form of annuities, is not listed under “ Average amount of funds received from: Decrease in assets,” but is entered in tables 2 and 5, under “ Receipts.” Money from the sale of goods and chattels is entered in table 4, but purchases of goods and chattels are entered in the appropriate expenditure tables. Money from inheritances is entered in table 4, but contrasting payments by the family sched uled (bequests to nonmembers) are listed under current expenditures as “ Gifts and contributions” (table 16). In vestm en t i n : Im p ro v e m e n t in ow n hom e includes permanent improvements such as the addition of a porch or room, or installation of wiring for electricity. Repairs and replacements are not considered improvements, and are entered in table 10 as current housing expenditures. In vestm en t i n : Other real estate including real estate m ortgages includes both improvements made on and purchase of real estate other than owned home. This item also includes purchase by the scheduled family of real estate mortgages. P a y m e n t o f p rem iu m s f o r in su ran ce policies includes amounts deducted from wages for company insurance; trade-union dues when these entitled the payer to insurance benefits; payments to other organizations when they entitled the payer to insurance benefits; payments for combined life and sickness and disability insurance when the amounts assignable to sickness and disability insurance are considered the smaller part of the total; “ burial insurance” and payments to burial societies; and payments for life-insurance premiums for persons not members of the economic family. In crea se in outstanding loans to others includes increase in loans to any persons not members of the economic family. P a y m e n t o f debts to: F ir m s selling on installm ent plan includes only payments for purchases made prior to the beginning of the schedule year. The entire amounts due for goods purchased on installment during the schedule year are entered in the appropriate expenditure tables. P a y m e n t o f debts to: In d ivid u a ls includes payment of debts incurred prior to the schedule year to tradesmen, physicians, landlords, and other persons. 150 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS— 13 SMALL CITIES P a y m e n t o f debts to: Other includes payment of debts incurred prior to the schedule year on charge accounts, taxes, assessments, etc. Sale o f p r o p erty: G oods and chattels does not include articles “ traded in” on the purchase. When, for instance, an allowance was made for the trade-in of an old ice box in the purchase of a refrigerator, the amount of the allowance is not entered in any of the tables and the expenditure shown for the refrigerator (in table 18) is the price less the allowance. The same procedure was followed, for automobiles, radios, and other items for which articles were “ traded in” for credit. In crea se in liabilities includes debts incurred during the schedule year even though these were later wiped out by bankruptcy proceedings. In crea se in debts: P a y a b le to firm s selling on insta llm ent plan includes balances due at the end of the schedule year on goods purchased on installment during the schedule year. For example, if a family incurred a bill of $250 during the schedule year for a suite of furniture purchased on the installment plan and paid install ments totaling $150 during the year, having a balance still owing of $100 at the end of the schedule year, the following entries would appear: In table 18, current expenditure for furniture suite, $250; in table 4, increase in debts payable to firms selling on installment plan, $100. In crea se in debts: P a y a b le to in divid u als includes unpaid debts incurred during the schedule year to tradesmen, physicians, landlords, and other persons. In crea se in debts: Other debts includes unpaid debts incurred during the schedule year on charge accounts, taxes, assessments, etc. In h erita n ce. — See page 146. T a b l e 5. — D esc rip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , b y in co m e level (See table 2 for same data by other classification) Data presented in this table are the same as those in table 2, except that the families have been classified by net family income level rather than by economic level. (See notes on table 2.) T a b l e 6. — E x p en d itu res f o r groups o f item s , b y in co m e level (See table 3 for same data by other classification) Data presented in this table are the same as those in table 3, except that the families have been classified by net family income level rather than by economic level. (See notes on table 3.) T able 7. — F o o d used at hom e and purchased f o r con su m p tion at hom e d uring 1 w eek, b y econom ic level In order to avoid overburdening the housewives who cooperated in the study the details of food purchases were requested only for the week preceding the agent’s visit. In most cities the field work extended over more than one season. The differences between the averages secured in the several quarters in such in stances reflect not only seasonal differences in food purchases, but also accidental differences in the economic level and the national backgrounds of the families in the subsamples interviewed in the different quarters. It was therefore decided to publish in full for each city only the estimates for that season in which data were secured from the largest number of families. The number of equivalent full-time persons shown in table 7 is obtained by counting the total number of persons eating 21 meals at home during the week as the appropriate decimal equivalent of a person. A lunch prepared at home but carried and eaten away from home is included as a meal eaten at home. APPENDIX A 151 For the method of obtaining the number of food-expenditure units, see appendix D , page 166. The quantities and expenditures entered in table 7 are for all food purchased for use by the household at home or prepared at home to be taken out during the week, including that for boarders, guests, and servants. Data were obtained for each of the following items— “ number of families pur chasing/’ “ number of families using,” “ average quantity purchased,” “ average quantity used” — as well as “ expenditure.” Since the quantities purchased and quantities used in 1 week were in the great majority of cases identical, only data on quantities purchased are presented in table 7. These figures may be compared with the figures on expenditure. Likewise, for most, although not all of the food items, the number of families purchasing and the number using was the same. Because of limitation of printing space, only the figures for families using are presented, they being needed to obtain a complete picture of food con sumption habits of the families studied. If comparisons are made between expenditures for quantities of foods at dif ferent economic levels, it should be noted that the composition of the families changes from one level to another. There are in general a larger proportion of adults at the higher economic levels. Since human needs for and customary consumption of various specific foods vary considerably for persons of different age and sex and occupation, it becomes impossible to make a strict comparison of food consumption with needs at the different economic levels. Thus the needs for carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, etc., increase in differing ratios for different sex-age groups; children’s need for milk is approximately twice as great as that for adults, while the need of heat-producing foods (starches and sugars) of adults is about twice as great as that of children. Children’ s meat consumption varies from that of adults at a still different rate. In order to secure figures on quanti ties of and expenditures for individual foods purchased which would provide a reasonably satisfactory basis for comparison and yet not present a misleading appearance of refinement, data on family purchases of individual foods have been converted to a per capita basis. Expenditures or quantity per food-expenditure unit may be computed by multiplying the average expenditure or quantity per person shown by the aver age number of persons per family and dividing the product by the average num ber of food-expenditure units per family. However, in interpreting such results, the factor pointed out in the preceding paragraph must be considered, namely that a single food relative scale cannot be correctly descriptive of needs of persons of different sex and age for varying types of specific foods. In considering quantities purchased it must be remembered that “ pounds” are a measure of weight only, not of nutritional equivalence. T a b l e 8 . — A n n u a l f o o d ex p en d itu res, b y econ om ic level The figures for average annual expenditures for food exclude the computed cost of food consumed by boarders. For the method of obtaining the number of food-expenditure units see appendix D , page 166. M e a ls bought and eaten a w a y fr o m hom e include tips. C a n d y, ice cream , d rin k s, etc., bought and eaten a w a y fr o m hom e includes ex penditure for all between-meal food and drink consumed away from home. T a b l e 9. — H o u sin g fa c ilities, by econom ic level The facilities described in this table apply to the dwelling occupied by the family at the end of the schedule year, and which may or may not have been 2 0 0 9 8 2 ° — 41--------11 15 2 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS----1 3 SMALL CITIES the family's dwelling unit during the entire schedule year. No attempt was made by the field agents to determine whether or not a facility met any defined standard either as to quality or as to state of repair. A verage m onthly rental rate is the rental rate for the house inhabited by the family at the end of the schedule year. (Note that this rate is not necessarily the same as that shown in table 10, Housing expenditures, which is the average rate paid throughout the year.) A detached house is free, standing with open space on all sides; a sem idetached house has open space on three sides; a row house has open space on two sides; a tw o -fa m ily house is one designed for occupancy by two families, one above the other. M u ltip le dw elling. — A building designed for occupancy by three or more families has been classed as a multiple dwelling. G arden sp ace is defined as space actually devoted to a garden or to a lawn on the premises or belonging to the dwelling. T able 10.— H o u s in g ex p en d itu res , by econom ic level The type and amount of expenditure by a family for housing necessarily vary with type of tenure, dwelling, and manner of payment for heating. Separate sections of the table are therefore presented for families who can be classified into homogeneous groups with respect to housing expenditures. These are: II, “ Home owners” ; III, “ House renters” ; IV , “ Apartment renters with heat included in rent” ; V, “ Apartment renters with heat not included in rent.” Families whose housing arrangements changed during the year are not shown separately, but are included in section I, “ All families in survey.” Section I therefore includes families shown in sections II, III, IV, and V, and families with the following housing arrangements: Owning a principal home during part of the year and renting a principal home during part of the year; having as a principal home a house for a part of the year and an apartment for a part of the year; renting as principal home an apartment with heat included in rent for a part of the year and an apartment with heat not included in rent for a part of the year. A vacation hom e is one which the family has for vacation purposes, and rents or owns simultaneously with its principal home. Simultaneous rental or ownership of a vacation home does not exclude families in sections II, III, IV, and V. In vestm en t in hom e includes down payments, payment of principal on mortgages, and permanent improvements (not repairs) on home. In cases where the home owned and occupied by the family was a two-family house, only that portion of the investment or expenditure which applied to the owner’s own living quarters has been included under “ Average amount invested” or “ Average current housing expenditure.” The proportions used in making this allocation were based on the comparative monthly rental values of the two dwellings under consideration. The amount of housing expenditure allocated to the rented portion of the house was deducted from the gross rent received from the tenant to arrive at “ Other net rents” (tables 2, and 5). The amount of the investment allocated to the rented portion of the house was entered as “ Invest ment in other real estate” (table 4). T a xes. — Amounts due on “ taxes” or “ rent” are entered under these respective headings even if unpaid at the end of the schedule year. The amounts unpaid at the end of the schedule year are also entered in table 4 as “ Increase in debts: Other debts.” F ir e in su ran ce and lia bility in su ra n ce. — No attempt was made to prorate pay ments for previous or coming years. The total amount paid during the year was considered current expenditure. APPENDIX A 153 Rent .— The rent reported covered the use of such facilities as heat, light, furniture, and water when these were provided by the landlord. Families living in rented homes and subrenting portions as apartments were scheduled provided there were separate meters for gas and electricity, that heat costs could be estimated, and that not more than two families (including the scheduled family) had dwellings there. In such cases only that amount of the rent, operating expenditures, and expenditure for repairs which applied to the portion of the house occupied by the scheduled family was entered. The remain ing expenditures for rent, operating, and repairs were deducted from the gross rent received from the tenant to arrive at “ Other net rents” (tables 2 and 5). The proportions used in allocating housing expenditure between the two families were based on the comparative rental rates of the two dwellings. No attempt was made to allocate the cost of space rented to roomers. Concessions are defined as the money value of rent given free by the landlord for a short time as an inducement to the family to rent the living quarters or to offset the expense of moving. Apartments are defined as dwellings in multiple dwellings or in two-family houses designed for occupancy by two families, one above the other. (See notes on table 9, p. 152.) A dwelling consisting of rooms set apart for the use of the scheduled family within a house originally designed for occupancy by one family was also classed as an apartment. Room s .— In the count of the number of rooms, dining rooms, living rooms, bedrooms, libraries, sewing rooms, kitchens, kitchenettes, and enclosed porches are included. Halls, closets, storerooms, pantries, open porches, laundries, alcoves, rooms used for business purposes, dinettes, and bathrooms are not included. T able 11.— Fuel , light, and refrigeration expenditures , by economic level The type and amount of expenditure by a family for fuel, light, and refrigera tion necessarily vary with type of dwelling and manner of payment for heating. Separate sections of the table are therefore presented for families whose expendi tures for fuel, light, and refrigeration may be considered homogeneous. Families whose type of dwelling or arrangement for payment for heating changed during the year are not shown separately but are in section I, “ All families in survey.” Section I therefore includes families shown in sections II, III, IV, and V and families with the following arrangements for type of dwelling or payment for heating: Having a house part of the year and an apartment for part of the year; having heat included in rent or ownership payments during part of the year and not so included during part of the year; renting a home for part of the year and owning a home for part of the year. It should be noted that several items listed in this table might have been used for purposes other than heating, cooking, lighting, and refrigeration. For in stance, electricity is used for radios, curling irons, etc.; gasoline is used for cleaning. T a b l e 1 2 .— Household operation expenditures other than fo r fu e l , light, and refrig eration, by economic level Water rent includes only water rent paid separately from rent for dwelling. Telephone includes both subscription and pay-station costs. Domestic service includes maid service, laundress, furnace man, etc. Household paper includes toilet paper, wax paper, shelf paper, etc. Stationery , pens , pencils , in k .— Expenditures for school supplies are entered in table 16 under “ Formal education.” MONEY DISBURSEMENTS— 1 3 SMALL CITIES 154 In su r a n ce on fu r n itu r e is generally paid for a 3-year period. The entire expendi ture was entered without regard to the period covered. In terest o n debts does not include interest paid on mortgages on home (table 10). Other item s includes shoe polish, candles, clothespins, clotheslines, grass cutting, snow shoveling, and tips to maids, janitors, elevator boys, and garbage collectors, etc. T able 13.— T ra n sporta tion ex p en d itu res , b y econ om ic level The expenditure shown for purchase of automobiles and motorcycles is the purchase price less allowances for the trade-in of old cars and includes carrying charges for installment purchases. Garage rent and p a rk in g includes in some cities a special tax levied on private garages for purposes of fire inspection. R en t o f autom obile a n d /or m otorcycle includes expenditures for gasoline, oil, etc., for a vehicle not owned by the family. It usually covered payment to a neighbor for rides to work in his car, or payment for gasoline and oil for operation of a borrowed car. Other transportation exp en se includes dues for membership in automobile clubs. T able 14.— P erso n a l care exp en d itu res and m edical care ex p en d itu res , b y econ om ic level P erson a l care services. — A combination beauty or barber service charge was prorated among the services supplied. Other waves includes marcel, water, or finger wave. Other p ersonal care services includes facial treatments, massage, etc. Toilet soa p does not include laundry soap used for personal care. T ooth p o w d er , tooth paste, m ou th washes does not include soda and salt used for the cleaning of teeth. C osm etics and toilet p reparation s includes paper handkerchiefs and sanitary napkins as well as face powder, rouge, perfume, etc. Under “ Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet articles” are included compacts and mirrors. M ed ic a l care. — Frequently families knew definitely the total expenditure incurred for an illness but were not sure of the correct allocation among such items as physicians’ services, hospital room, operating room charges, and medi cines. Whenever possible flat rate charges for such services as obstetrical care or tonsillectomy were prorated among the services received. Where information for such prorating could not be furnished, the entire charge was entered as expendi ture for general practitioner, specialist, or clinic, as the case might be. Therefore expenditures for total medical care are probably more accurate than expenditures for individual items of medical service. S p ecia list and other practitioner includes heart specialists, pediatricians, eye, ear, nose, and throat specialists, osteopaths, chiropractors, midwives, Christian Science practitioners, etc. M e d ic in e and drugs includes the cost of filling prescriptions, home remedies, patent medicines, adhesive tape, bandage, etc. Cod-liver oil was classified as a food. (See table 7.) E y eg la sse s includes the cost of examination when the examination was given by the same person or firm from whom glasses were purchased. M e d ic a l a p p lia n ces includes hot-water bottles, crutches, etc. A ccid en t and health in su ra n ce. — When accident and health insurance premium payments are included with payments for life insurance and the life insurance APPENDIX A 155 portion is considered the greater, the expenditures are not entered in table 14 but in table 4 under “ Payment of premiums for insurance policies: Life insurance.” Other m edical care includes expenditures for X -ra y, operating room, blood trans fusions, circumcision, etc. T able 15.— R ecreation expenditures, b y econom ic level C a m era s, film s, and photographic equipm ent includes cost of films and developing. Athletic eq u ipm en t and su p p lies does not include clothes for sports. Expendi tures for sport clothes are entered in table 17. P ets (purchase and care) includes dog licenses and food purchased especially for pets. E n te rta in in g : I n hom e, except f o o d and drinks, includes bridge prizes, etc. Other recreation includes amusement park and dance hall admissions, 1-day boat excursions, losses at cards, gambling and betting, cost of lottery tickets, Christmas-tree decorations, expenditures for hobbies not elsewhere classified, admission to fairs, spending money assigned to individual family members of which no account could be given. T a b l e 16.— F orm a l education, vocation, c o m m u n ity w elfare, gifts and con tribu tion s , and m iscellan eou s ex p en d itu res, b y econ om ic level F orm a l education Expenditures for m em bers a w a y fr o m hom e include tuition and school supplies but not the cost of board and lodging or school uniforms for members attending school away from home. Expenditures for m em bers at hom e include tuition, books, stationery and sup plies, fees for music and dancing lessons, etc., paid for by the economic family. V oca tion U n io n dues or fe e s . — Payments to trade-unions with life insurance plans, where dues and life insurance premium payments cannot be separated, are entered on table 4 as “ Payments of premium for insurance policies: Life insurance.” Other item s o f vocational exp en se include chauffeurs’ licenses, tools, fees to employment offices, etc. C o m m u n ity welfare T a xes. — P o ll, in co m e, and personal p rop erty. Does not include taxes on owned home (see p. 152) or on other real estate (see p. 147), or sales tax (see p. 157), or in direct taxes, or automobile licenses and taxes. G ifts and con tributions This section includes, only gifts to persons not members of the economic family. Gifts to organizations or institutions are not included, but are listed under “ Community welfare.” C h ristm a s, birthday, etc., gifts include money gifts, and purchase price of items given to nonmembers of the economic family. S u p p o r t o f relatives includes money sent to relatives whether living in the United States or in foreign countries. It also includes contributions to the funeral expense of a relative not a member of the economic family. L o sse s includes only family or nonbusiness losses. Examples of such losses are payment of notes of personal friends endorsed by members of the economic family; bail forfeited which had been posted for a friend; premiums paid during the schedule year on insurance or annuities forfeited through failure to keep policies up to date; accidental loss of cash; payments on items bought on the installment plan and lost for nonpayment on installments, without recompense 156 M O N EY DISBURSEMENTS— 13 SMALL CITIES for amounts paid. Business losses are deducted from family income, see page 148, Other includes dues and contributions to political organizations, expenses for marriage licenses, christenings, bail, fines not connected with traffic violations, etc. T a b l e 17.— C lothing exp en d itu res, by econom ic level All figures in table 17 with the exception of those in section I are based upon data for persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. Expenditures for persons dependent on family funds for less than 52 weeks are not shown in the sections for different sex and age groups but are included in the total shown in section I. These expenditures have been excluded from the detailed sections for the reason that clothing expenditures for a person dependent on family funds for only part of the year would be unrepresentative, since the family might buy all or none of the year’s clothing supply for that person during the period he was dependent on family funds. For computation of averages other than those presented in this table, for example, “ average number of articles purchased per person purchasing” or “ average expenditure per person purchasing” see appendix A— Notes on table 17, Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletins Nos. 636, 637, and 639 to 641, inclusive. Section I.— For method of computation of nu m ber o f clothing expend iture u n its per f a m i l y see appendix D, page 168. This computation is based on all members of the economic family, whether or not they were dependent on the family fund for 52 weeks. R e a d y -m a d e clothing , d ry clea n in g , and accessories includes all items listed in sections III through X I for persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks plus such expenditures for persons dependent on family funds for less than 52 weeks. Y a rd goods and fin d in g s .— Findings include thread, needles, scissors, buttons, etc. C lothing received as gifts includes neckties, stockings, etc., received as Chrsitmas and birthday gifts from persons outside the economic family. It also includes second-hand clothes given to the family. Expense for uniforms, etc., for work are included in clothing expenditures (not as vocational expense in table 16 nor as losses or business expense in tables 2 and 5). Section II.— The figures in section II are based on data only for persons depend ent on the family funds for 52 weeks. Sections III through X I .— In these sections the figures are based on data only for persons dependent on the family funds for 52 weeks. Total for each sex and age group does not include expenditures for yard goods and findings and paid help for sewing. These are presented only in section I for all sex-age groups combined. B o y s : P l a y s u its .— Are heavy suits for children’s outdoor wear. M e n and B o y s : S h o es, w o rk .— Are shoes for heavy work, not, for example, shoes worn to work by a white-collar employee. M e n and B o y s : S h o es, other .— Includes bedroom slippers. M e n and B o y s : A c c e s s o r ie s .— Includes belts, suspenders, collar buttons, shoe strings, etc. M e n and B o y s : O ther .— Includes jewelry and watches, and rental charges for uniforms and aprons. In cases where rental and laundering charges for uniforms and aprons could not be separated, the entire amount is entered here. W o m e n and G irls: D resses, cotton, h ou se .— Are defined as cotton dresses bought for housework. W o m e n and G irls: A c c es s o r ie s .— Includes hairpins, hairnets, belts, sanitary belts, dress ornaments, etc. W o m e n and G irls: Other .— Includes jewelry and watches, and rental charges for uniforms and aprons. In cases where rental and laundering charges for uniforms and aprons could not be separated the entire amount is entered here. 157 APPENDIX A T able 1 8 .— Furnishings and equipment expenditures, hy economic level For the method of entry of expenditures for items bought on the installment plan and with trade-in allowances see page 144. For computation of averages other than those presented in this table, for example, “ average number of articles purchased per family purchasing” or “aver age expenditure per family purchasing,” see Appendix A — Notes on table 18, Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletins 636, 637, and 639 to 641, inclusive. Textile furnishings: Other.— Includes paid help for making curtains, furniture covers, etc., and yard goods used in making home furnishings. Miscellaneous equipment: Other.— Includes paint and lumber for repair of house hold equipment, play pens for children, and typewriters. Note that radios are not classed “ Furnishings and equipment” but as l'1Recre ation,” table 15. Sales Tax California .—A State sales tax of 2% percent on all commodity sales at retail was in effect throughout the schedule year in Modesto. Services such as barbering, cleaning, dyeing, and shoe repairing were exempt. Occasional sales between private persons, as sales of used furniture, were exempt. All commodities sold by established retail dealers, such as food, cigarettes, clothing, furniture, etc., were taxable. The tax was levied on small sales as follows: Sales of— 140 or less. $0.15-$0.59 $0.60-$1.05 $1.06-$1.49 $1.50-$1.90 $1.91-$2.30 Etc. A m o u n t o f tax __ No tax. 10 20 30 40 50 Michigan .— A tax of 3 percent on “sales at retail” was in effect from July 1, 1933, through the entire period of scheduling in Mar quette. The tax was levied on purchases of all gooods including sales of electricity for light, heat, and power, natural and artificial gas, and water. There was, however, no tax on municipally owned public utilities (electricity, gas, and water). Newspapers were not taxable, but the tax did apply to the sale of magazines. Services were not taxable. Nevada .— There was no general sales tax in effect during the period of the investigation. N ew Hampshire .— There was no general sales tax in effect during the period of the investigation. In the expenditure data for Marquette and Modesto presented in this report, the sales tax is included as part of the expenditure item on which it is paid. Appendix B Selection of Families to be Interviewed The Method of Choosing the Sample The method to be used in choosing the sample to be included in a study of the families of employed wage earners and clerical workers presents a serious problem in the absence of a recent census giving for every family, at each address, the occupation of all the earners in the family, and the relief status of the family in the last year. Since no census data were available for use in this investigation, it was decided to use employers’ current lists of employees as the basis for sampling in all the cities where the study was carried on. The methods used differed from city to city only insofar as the available data on the names and addresses of employers, and the number of their employees differed from city to city. In order to provide for an adequate representation of establishments of all types the number of employees in an organization was taken into account in drawing the sample. Wherever possible a complete list of the employers within the city area with the number of their employees was secured, including industrial establishments, banks, insurance companies, wholesale and retail distributors, hotels and restaurants, transportation companies, public utilities, and Federal, State, county, and city Governments. The names of the employers with the numbers of their employees were arranged by industry, and the numbers of employees were added in such a way as to secure cumulative totals. In cities where it was possible to obtain complete lists of employers, the grand total of employees was divided by the number of families planned for the survey in the given city, to obtain a sampling ratio. This ratio was applied to the cumulative totals of employees on the employer list (beginning with a number chosen at random) to secure a new list of employer names, selected at random, and the number of sample employee names to be drawn from the personnel lists of each selected employer. In cities where complete lists of employers were not available, separate sampling ratios were derived for each industrial or trade group, following the same procedure for each group as out lined above for the city as a whole. This procedure was adopted to prevent underrepresentation of a given industry or trade group due to 158 APPENDIX B 159 the fact that its list of employers was incomplete, and permitted a reasonable distribution of the sample among the various lines of business on the basis of 1930 census data adjusted to take account of known changes in business conditions since 1930. Since the employer lists did not give the information necessary to determine whether employees were members of families, whether their families had been on relief during the past year, and what was the amount of the family income, at least five names listed directly after the name of the “ sample employee” were drawn, to provide for sub stitutes in case the first employee whose name was drawn had no family or his famliy was not eligible for the sample. (See p. 159 for rules for determining eligibility.) If the name of the “ sample” employee to be chosen from a given employer’s list was drawn too near to the end of the list to secure the five or more substitute names in the usual way, the quota of substitutes was completed by taking the names at the beginning of the list of employees in the same establishment. The necessity for having a file of substitute names made it seem advisable to limit the sampling to employers of five or more workers in the smaller cities and 10 or more in the larger cities, since the time and funds available for drawing the sample were limited, and visiting employers for the purpose of drawing sample names was a very time-consuming process. Rules for Determining Eligibility of Families After the sample names had been drawn in the manner outlined above, field agents were sent to visit the families of all the employees whose names were the first drawn for each number ascertained by application of the sampling ratios. A schedule was obtained from that family if it was willing and able to furnish the information and met the requirements specified below. If the family failed to meet any of the following specifications, or was fo;r some reason unwilling to give the information, the family of the employee whose name had occurred immediately next on the list of the same employer was visited. If the family of the second employee proved ineligible, the third was visited, and so on. 1. Contact through chief earner.—When families are selected by names of individuals from lists of employees, multiple-earner families would be overrepresented unless some measure was taken to prevent it. A family with three earners on the lists of employees would have approximately three chances 1 to be drawn in the sample as against one chance for the family with one earner. Since families with sev eral earners are more likely to have higher incomes and less likely to 1 See Bureau of Labor Statistics Bull. No. 641, appendix G, p. 384, footnote 8. 160 MONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES have young children than are families with only one earner, such over exposure would have impaired the representativeness of the sample. In order to prevent such overrepresentation in the cities studied, two methods were employed, either of which reduced to equality the chance of each family to be included in the final sample. In Modesto and Reno, schedules were secured only from families in which the name of the employee drawn from the lists of employees was the name of the chief earner in the family, i. e., member earning the largest amount of money during the year. If a visit to the family disclosed that a name of a member other than that of the chief earner had been drawn, the family was not scheduled. Since a family can have only one chief earner, this procedure effectively equalized the chances of inclusion in the sample for all families. By this method the number of families with more than one earner in the sample was kept to a number proportionate to the number of multiple-earner families in the entire wage earner and lower-salaried clerical group. In the New Hampshire cities and Marquette, the alternative procedure was used: a family was scheduled regardless of whether the name drawn from the employee list was that of the chief earner and an adjustment was made in the course of tabulation of the data to correct for this possible overrepresentation .2 2. Occupation of chief earner.— In each family included in the survey, the chief earner is either a wage earner or a lower-salaried clerical worker. The classification of occupations according to economic groups presented by A. M. Edwards 3 in an article based on census data was used in determining whether a person of given occupation should be considered a wage earner or a clerical worker. An exception was made in that the chief earner might not be a foreman, overseer, or domestic servant in private families, although these occupations are treated as wage earners in the Edwards classification. As the study progressed, the need for a more detailed classification of jobs became^ urgent. When the Works Progress Administration issued a manual giving more detailed specifications adapted from definitions of the census of 1930, the new classifications4 were employed to assist in the problem of determining whether a specific type of work should properly be treated as part of the occupational group being covered by this investigation. The investigation included families of chief earners in the groups classified as office workers, salesmen, and kindred workers; skilled and semiskilled workers in building and 2 See appendix D, p. 173. 3 A Socio-Economic Grouping of the Gainful Worker in the United States. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1933, vol. 28, pp. 377-387. 4 Works Progress Administration Circular No. 2: Occupational classification and code, July 1935; and Works Progress Administration Circular No. 2A: Index of occupations (alphabetical arrangement), oc cupational classification and code, September 1935. APPENDIX B 161 construction; skilled and semiskilled workers in manufacturing and other industries; and unskilled laborers and domestic and personal service workers (except in private families). In a few instances where the chief earner was found to have pursued two occupations during the year prior to the visit of the field investigator, one an occupation classified as wage earner or clerical, and the other as a profession or as the proprietor of owned business, it was ruled that the family was to be included in the study unless the earnings from the profession exceeded the earnings from the wage-earner or clerical occupation, or unless the income from the owned business was more than one-half the earnings from the wage-earner or clerical occupation, or the expenses of the business could not be separated from the family expenses. 3. Earnings of chief earner.— No family in which the chief earner had not earned at least $300 during the schedule year was included. The family of a chief earner classified as a clerical worker, who earned $2,000 or over during the schedule year, or $200 or over during any one month, was excluded. No upper limit was placed on the earnings of wage earners, nor on total earnings of all members of the family combined, i. e., on family income as such. 4. Occupation and income of subsidiary earners.— No restriction was placed upon the occupation of subsidiary earners with one ex ception noted below. A family in which there was a subsidiary earner who was, for example, a professional worker or domestic servant in a private home was included provided the annual earnings of this worker were less than those of the chief earner. Families were excluded if a subsidiary earner was in business for himself and his business income and expenditure were so intermingled with the family’s that it was impossible to separate them (as for example, a family where the wife carried on a small hair-dressing business in or adjacent to the family’s living quarters and used for the business, gas and electricity recorded on the same meters as those recording the gas and electricity used for the operation of the household). Families in which a subsidiary earner was in business for himself were included if the business income and expenditure could be separated from that of the family and the net income from the owned business was less than half of the chief earner’s earnings. If a subsidiary earner was a clerical worker and earned over $2,000 during the schedule year or over $200 during any one month, the fam ily was ineligible for inclusion in the sample. 5. Employment minimum.— In order to avoid the distortion of spending which results from prolonged unemployment and unantici pated curtailment of employment the Study was limited to employed wage earners and lower-salaried clerical workers. Figures as to the number of days of employment characteristic of wage earners and 162 M ONEY DISBURSEMENTS---- 13 SMALL CITIES clerical workers not being available, it was necessary to set limits be low which a worker could not be regarded as having been employed for the schedule year. Only those families were included in which one wage earner or lower-salaried clerical worker within the economic fam ily had worked a minimum of 1,008 hours spread over a minimum of 36 weeks during the year. (This minimum was chosen to represent an average employment of 3% days of 8 hours in each of 36 weeks.) Fami lies in which the chief earner was employed in distinctly seasonal indus tries as clothing manufacturing and building were scheduled if the chief earner had employment for as much as 28 hours in each of 30 weeks. These minima, however, are not to be regarded as criteria representing adequate employment. 6. Definition of fam ily .— The Study was limited to private economic families of two or more persons sharing their incomes and living together, sharing the same table, eating not less than two meals a day prepared at home for at least 11 months. In addition families whose situation during the year just previous to the visit of the Bureau’s investigator was difficult or impossible to analyze on a statistical basis were excluded from the survey. Specific reasons for such exclusion were as follows: {a) The homemaker worked away from home both day and night for more than 78 days in the year. (ib) Families boarding for more than 1 month. (c) Presence of more than the equivalent of two boarders and/or lodgers, i. e., more than 104 boarder and/or lodger weeks (not includ ing related persons giving complete records of their incomes and expenditures). (d) Families having guests for more than the equivalent of 26 guest weeks.5 (e) Families having another family or two unrelated dependent persons over 21 years of age living with them and completely de pendent on them (unless the dependents were parents of the home maker, husband, or chief earner). 7. Families not on relief.—No families who received direct relief or work relief during the schedule year were included. 8. Family income.— (a) No family was included which had an annual family income less than $500 during the schedule year. (6) No upper limit was placed upon family income as such but no families were included who received more than one-fourth of their incomes from interest, dividends, royalties, speculative gains, or rents (not including net receipts from boarders and lodgers). (c) No family which received income from an owned business equal to more than half of the chief earner’s earnings was scheduled. 5 Guests were defined as persons not entirely dependent on the family funds who received board and lodging from the family without money payment but from whom it was impossible to secure data on income and expenditures. APPENDIX B 163 («d) No family which received gifts or income in kind of a value equal to a fourth of its total money income was scheduled. (e) No family which received rent in payment for services was scheduled. (f) No family which received 3 months or more free rent was scheduled. 9. Residence.— Families must have resided in the area of the investigation for 9 months or more. Appendix G Field Procedure Interview Method of Securing Data The original data for this report came from families who estimated and calculated their various expenditures, with the help of special forms interpreted by trained field workers. The investigators were provided with a schedule which called for the entry of data on income and outgo in considerable detail, partly because the details themselves are of value and partly because it is easier for informants to remember the individual items of their family transactions than it is to provide the investigator with summary figures. This method was used rather than asking the families to keep records of disbursements at the time disbursements were made, because the procedure followed makes possible the inclusion of many families who would have been unwilling or unable to keep regular household accounts. (For facsimile of schedule used, see Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletins 636, 637, and 639 to 641.) • No schedule was accepted for summarization in the present study unless the figures on total money receipts and total money disburse ments agreed at least within 5 percent of the larger figure. It is not to be hoped that all the figures in each schedule were accurate to that extent, but there is no reason to suppose any persistent bias in the estimates has appeared in the course of the survey. Check-Interviewing At the beginning of the field work one out of every five schedules submitted by each agent was checked by one of the supervisors in an interview with the family having originally provided the schedule data. The Washington office provided the field office with specific instruc tions concerning the methods of handling the check-interviews. The schedules to be checked were chosen at radom. The name of the agent making the first call was not known to the check-interviewer, thus eliminating any possible personal bias. In returning to the family for a check-interview, the investigator provided the informant, usually the homemaker, with a brief summary of the family expendi tures and the balance of receipts and disursements, checked it with her, and checked also the details of some section of the schedule, selected at random. 164 APPENDIX C 165 Later in the course of the field work, when the check-interviews dis closed that certain agents were having difficulty in obtaining accurate information, a larger proportion of the schedules collected by these particular agents was checked. When the check showed that the work of certain agents was very accurate, only 1 out of 10 schedules was verified by a return interview. As the work progressed, relief workers whose schedules had proven wholly reliable were advanced to the position of check-interviewers. Food Check Lists for 1 Week Previous experience in collecting statistics on the details of annual food expenditures has shown the difficulty of securing reliable estimates of the year’s purchases. The schedule for this investigation was, therefore, prepared with two sections dealing with food expenditures. The first was in effect a check list providing in detail for the entry of the quantities of foods purchased and used, and expenditures for foods in the week immediately preceding the interview. The second section was prepared to contain a summary of food expenditures during the year. The section for entry of foods during 1 week (which listed over 194 foods) served two purposes. It secured from each family detailed estimates of food purchases with as high a degree of accuracy as is possible unless supervised records of purchases are obtained, and it served to remind the homemaker of her customary expenditures, thus making it easier to estimate the family’s total outlay for food in the four quarters of the year covered by the schedule. Appendix D Analytical Procedure Income Classification Data on family composition, earnings and income, and group ex penditures are summarized by income levels at $300 intervals to pro vide a basis for comparison of the results from this investigation with earlier studies. Classification by Economic Level The analysis of data on family expenditure is complicated by the fact that, although, in general, the family spends as a unit, families are not comparable units, because of variation in size and age com position. A family of two adults with an income of $1,200 is obvi ously on an economic plane considerably higher than a family of six adults with the same income. Statistical analyses of the expenditures of a sample of families chosen at random is further complicated by the fact that in most cities the size of the family among wage earners and clerical workers increases as income increases, as larger family incomes are more apt to come from increases in the number of earners, than from the higher wages of the husband. To meet these difficulties as well as to take into account the fact that* consumer demand varies with age, sex, and occupation, the families were sorted according to economic level as measured by amount spent per total-expenditure unit. To ascertain the eco nomic level of each family the first difficulty arose in the necessity of taking into account the variations in consumer demand within each family due to differences in family composition. Expenditure Unit— Food Relatives The problem was met in the present investigation by computing separately for food, clothing, and for other items, the customary expenditure of persons of different age, sex, and occupation. The scale used in computing the relative expenditure for individuals for food was based on data secured from the Bureau of Home Economics, showing quantities of food estimated as actually consumed by persons of different age, sex, and physical activity. These estimates were based partly on the energy requirements of persons of different age, sex, and occupation, and partly on data on actual food consumption of families of urban wage earners and clerical workers. (To have secured an adequate number of records of the actual food consumption of individuals for this purpose would have required an expenditure far beyond the resources of either of the Bureaus concerned.) 166 167 APPENDIX D It was necessary to convert estimated quantities of food consumed by persons of different age and sex into estimated food costs. This was done by multiplying these quantities of food by retail food prices to find the ratio which expenditures for women and boys of various age groups bore to expenditures for full-time employed men aged 20 and over. The problem arose as to whether the prices used as multipliers should be individual city prices or averages for the United States. A test was conducted on a sample of 12 cities where the Study was in process in the winter of 1935. For each of these cities, the same quantities of food were multiplied by the respective retail food prices for the given city. It was found that, despite the use of varying prices from city to city, the relative expenditures for women and children bore approximately the same ratio to those for employed men in each city. It was therefore decided to use, for all 12 of these cities, a scale of consumer expenditure for food based on United States average prices in 1934. The same procedure was followed for all other cities, with adjustment for changes in food prices as the investigation advanced. The food expenditure scales were recalcu lated on the basis of average prices in the year ending May 31, 1935, and on average prices in the calendar year 1935, and these food rela tives were used for schedules in cities where the field work was completed later. Within a given city, where field work extended over a considerable period, each schedule was coded with the food relatives for the period most nearly corresponding to the schedule year. T a b l e A . — Relative fo o d expen ditu res f o r p erson s o f different age, sex, and occu p ation 1 Calculated on the basis of— Age-sex-occupation group , M a le Boys under 2 ____ - _ ___ __ _ _________ __ _ __ Boys 2 and under 4__ ____ _ ____ __ Boys 4 and under 7._ __ _ _ ______ _ __ _ _______ ____ ___ Boys 7 and under 9____ __________ _ __ _______ _______ ___ Boys 9 and under 11____ ____________ ______ Boys 11 and under 13___________ _ _______ Boys 13 and under 16 _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Boys 16 and under 2 0 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _____ Men, 20 and over, unemployed and part-time employed. .. __. __ Men, 20 and over, full-time employed ... Average Average Average year prices, prices, cal prices, cal ending endar year endar year May 31, 1934 1935 1935 0. 51 .54 .61 . 79 .86 .92 1.01 1.02 .90 1.00 0.48 .52 .59 . 77 .84 .91 1.00 1. 02 .90 1.00 0.48 . 51 .58 . 76 .84 .90 1.00 1.02 .89 1.00 .51 .54 .61 .79 .86 .92 .83 . 92 . 48 .52 . 59 . 77 .84 .91 . 83 .92 .48 .51 .58 . 76 .84 .90 .82 .92 F em a le Girls under 2 _ ____ Girls 2 and under 4 __ _. . . . . ___ _ _______ _ Girls 4 and under 8_______ ' _ ______________________ _ _ __ Girls 8 and under 11 _____________ __ ___ ______ __ Girls 11 and under 14__ ____________ __ _ __________________ ___ Girls 14 and under 20 _______________________________ _ _______ Women, 20 and over, moderately active ______ _ Women, 20 and over, active _ _____ _ 1 Based on estimated actual diets of urban wage earners and lower-salaried clerical workers prepared by the Bureau of Home Economics, U. S. Department of Agriculture. 20 0 9 8 2°— 41-------12 MONEY DISBUKSEMENTS----13 SMALL CITIES 168 Expenditure Unit—Clothing Relatives The data secured in the present investigation were used as the basis for computing the scales of expenditure for clothing of persons of different age, sex, and occupation. The average annual clothing expenditures of white men wage earners and clerical workers, 21 through 35 years old, in all the large cities covered in the present study were $56.68. This amount is regarded as unity (1.00) in arriving at standard scales of expenditure for persons of other ages, sex, or occupation. In the following table average clothing expendi tures of each class of persons are expressed as percentages of the average clothing expenditures of this group of employed men. T able B.— R e la t iv e c lo th in g e x p e n d i t u r e s f o r p e r s o n s o f d iffe r e n t a g e, s e x , a n d o c c u p a tio n 1 [1.00=($56.68), expenditure of male wage earners and clerical workers aged 21 and under 36 in large citiesl Male Age Under 5, and at school Under 2___ ________________ 2 and under 6....................... 6 and under 9______________ 9 and under 12_____________ 12 and under 15_______ ______ 0.19 .34 .48 .53 .63 15 and under 18___________ _ 18 and under 21____________ 21 and under 24_____________ 24 and under 27 ^____ 27 and under 30__________ .88 1.01 30 and under 36 _ ______ 36 and under 4 2 ____________ 42 and under 48_____________ 48 and under 54______ ____ 54 and under 60 _ ___ _ 60 and over __ _ __ ___ At home Female Clerical 5, Wage Under and at earner school At home Clerical Wage earner 0.19 .38 .47 .56 .77 0.74 .80 .57 ■ .48 .46 .44 .43 .41 .39 .37 .35 1.02 1.14 1.14 1.13 1.10 1.02 1.13 1.07 1.00 .96 1.04 .94 .87 .80 .75 .65 .92 .87 .81 .75 .69 .60 1.01 1.28 0.94 1.05 1.04 1.02 1.00 1.08 1.60 1.66 1.64 1.62 1.08 1.63 1.60 1.46 1.36 .96 .88 .78 .68 .58 .40 1.58 1.48 1.35 1.18 1.03 .78 1.23 1.07 .94 .84 .76 .67 1 Data based on white families in 42 cities combined. Since it was necessary to begin the coding and the tabulation of the schedules before the field work was completed, the computations of unit clothing expenditure 1 were at first made on the basis of pre liminary scales computed from the clothing-expenditure data in the schedules available at the time for the given city or group of cities within a region. After the field work had been terminated and the tabulation completed for all 42 cities, the scales given in the foregoing table were constructed on the basis of data for all these cities, all of which had populations over 50,000. It was desired that the scales should represent only those differences in clothing expenditure which are due to the three factors (age, sex, and occupation) which were being measured in the computation of the scales. To compute the scales, after elimination of the influence of i By unit clothing expenditure is meant the annual amount spent for clothing per clothing-expenditure unit. APPENDIX D 169 the other variables of family income and family size in the computa tions, the following steps were taken. (1) Cards representing each person in all the families studied in cities with populations over 50,000 were sorted into cells such that all persons classified in a given cell were from families with the same income and of the same size; and the group of persons whose clothing expenditure was being studied were of the same age, sex, and occu pation. (2) The average clothing expenditure for all the persons in each cell was then computed. (3) These averages were then combined for each age-sex-occupation group. In making this combination, each age-sex-occupation group within each family-income family-size class was given the same weight. These weights were determined by the number of persons in each family-income family-size cell for all age-sex-occupation groups com bined. The resulting averages for each age-sex-occupation group are the averages that would have been obtained if the distribution of persons by family income and family size had been the same in each age-sex-occupation group. The procedure followed in combining averages by the use of constant weights is similar to the procedure of a standard population frequently used by biologists in attempting to compare rates while eliminating differences caused by differing dis tributions by sex, age, marital status, etc. (cf. Raymond Pearl, Medical Biometry and Statistics, Philadelphia and London, 1930, ch. IX, “ Standardized and corrected death rates/’ pp. 265-277). (4) For each sex-occupation group there was now a series of average clothing expenditures for each age. These results were smoothed to eliminate minor irregulatities. (5) Absolute clothing expenditures at each age were converted to relatives by dividing the smoothed averages for each sex-occupation group for each age by the smoothed average expenditure for employed men aged 21 through 35. The revised scales developed on this basis are still subject to the limitations of the nature of the population sampled, but they represent what seem to be the most definitive scales yet available showing effec tive demand for clothing among families of wage earners and clerical workers. The revised scales were used to recode and reclassify the schedules for unit expenditure 2 in order to test the magnitude of the differences 2 By unit expenditure is meant total amount of family expenditure per expenditure unit. The unit expenditure, which is used as synonymous with “ economic level” and with “ amount spent per expenditure unit,” is the sum of the following three items: 1. Unit food expenditure, or total family food expenditure per food-expenditure unit; 2. Unit clothing expenditure, or total family clothing expenditure per clothing-expenditure unit; 3. Per capita “ other” expenditure, or total family expenditure for all items, save food and clothing, per person in the economic family for 52 weeks. 170 MONEY DISBURSEM EN TS---- 1 3 SM ALL CITIES in final results which would have been obtained had the revised scales been used at the outset. The new distribution of families was not substantially different from the distribution for which the preliminary clothing scales were used. Since clothing expenditures represent a fairly small proportion, ranging from one-eighth to one-tenth, of family expenditures, it will be seen that even a fairly large revision in the clothing expenditure scales would yield only a slight change in total unit expenditure. The nature of the process will be clear from the sample code sheet, p. 172. Consequently, the distribution of families by economic level did not shift much with the introduction of revised relative clothing-expenditure scales. Since, upon analysis, the changes were not found to be important, in all tables in the Tabular Summary and in the text, the distribution of families by economic level remains as it was established by the coding based, among other elements (see sample code sheet, p. 172), on the prelim inary relative clothing-expenditure scales. The revised clothing scales did, however, produce a more pro nounced change in the item “ average number of clothing-expenditure units per family, ” and correspondingly in the figure “ unit clothing expenditure.” 3 The figure for “ average number of clothing-expendi ture units per fam ily/’ based on the revised scales, is therefore used throughout in the Tabular Summary. Correspondingly the figure “ average number of expenditure units” 4 per family, whenever it appears in the Tabular Summary, is based, among other elements including food and “ other” expenditure, upon unit clothing expendi ture computed from the revised relative clothing-expenditure scales. The item “ average number of clothing-expenditure units” or “ aver age number of expenditure units” or both, occurs in tables 2, 3, 5, and 6 of the Tabular Summary. The change in “ average number of expenditure units” resulting from use of the revised scales was much smaller than the change in “ average number of clothing-expenditure units” for the reason dis cussed in a preceding paragraph on the small change in the distribu tion of cases according to unit expenditure. Nevertheless, the figure on the revised basis appears in the Tabular Summary since it is consistent with the revised figure for clothing expenditure units. The latter figure is published rather than the preliminary figure since it is believed, after extensive analysis and experimentation, that it represents a better approximation, based on more complete data and a more satisfactory summary technique, to a definitive answer to the question: How does the clothing demand or customary clothing 3 This figure is not published in the Tabular Summary but the reader may compute it by dividing the average total family clothing expenditure for any group by the average number of clothing-expenditure units per family in that group. * This figure is derived by dividing total family expenditure by total unit expenditure. The computation of this latter figure was explained in footnote 2, p. 169. Also see sample code sheet, p. 172. APPEN DIX D 171 need of one family of given composition compare with that of another family of different composition? Lacking any absolute scale of clothing need, any such scale of clothing expenditure can, at best, only be an approximation. Nevertheless, the figures set forth on the basis of the revised scales are presented as the result of considerable study and experimentation as the most definitive yet available (granted the assumptions that age, sex, and occupation do create real differences in the social situation of individuals, which in turn affect their need to make clothing expenditures as much or more to meet social custom as for reasons of health). A further reason for presenting the revised clothing expenditure unit figures is that the figures stand as such inde pendently of any other figures in the tables. That is, since the pre liminary figures were used simply as a means to classification of cases and nowhere in the tabulations as an end product, the presentation of revised figures for this one item in no way disturbs the usefulness of the other items not affected by the revision. Expenditure U n it— Other Items Any attempt to compute customary expenditures on items other than food and clothing for persons of different age, sex, and occupa tion in the wage-earner and clerical groups would have required securing data on the expenditures for individuals in greater detail than seemed practical. It was, therefore, decided to compute expen diture per adult male equivalent for “ other items” on the assumption that in actual practice with a given income a family divides the use of its goods, and its expenditures for all items other than food and clothing, about equally among the members of the family. Total Expenditure U nit In finally computing the amount spent per total-expenditure unit for a given family, three measures of family size were calculated, one in terms of food-expenditure units (i. e., food relatives), another in terms of clothing-expenditure units (i. e., clothing relatives,) and a third in terms of equivalent full-time members of the economic family (i. e., a relative of 1.00 for each member in the economic family for 52 weeks). In computing each of these measures for an individual, the length of time the individual was dependent on the family funds was taken into account. This was done by multiplying the appropri ate relative by the decimal equivalent of a year during which the person was dependent on family funds. Expenditures by the given family for food were then divided by the number of food-expenditure units in the economic family, expenditures for clothing by the number of clothing-expenditure units in the eco nomic family, and expenditures for other items by the number of 172 MONEY DISBURSEM EN TS---- 1 3 SM ALL CITIES equivalent full-time persons in the economic family. The number of dollars spent per total-expenditure unit was secured by adding to gether the'three quotients and this sum was used as a measure of the economic level of the family. The following sample code sheet shows the method of coding for a specific family: F ig u r e A. S a m p le code sheet Persons City: Marquette. Age Weeks in economic family Occupation Color: White. Homemaker- ___ Husband________ c. Son (widower) __ d. Daughter________ e. Daughter_____ __ /. Granddaughter___ Schedule No. 135. a. b. Year ending Feb. 28, 1935. Persons in economic family a __________ c __ d e f - ---------------- Item Expenditure units. ___ do . - do -___ do_ ___ do_ Total All Do Do Do Family expenditure_____________ Amount spent per expenditure unit Total expenditure units____ Food 0.83 1.00 1.00 .46 .92 .54 4,75 $793.00 $166.95 X X X X 45 47 24 18 14 2 Clothing At home - - - - - Clerical- _ - . ___ do_______ _ At school ___ do________ At home- - ___ Other 0. 78 .87 1.13 .64 .77 .38 1.00 1.00 1.00 .50 1.00 1.00 4. 57 5. 50 $168. 35 $1,044.15 $36.84 $189.85 xxxx xxxx 52 52 52 26 52 52 Food, clothing and other xx xxx xx xxx xx xxx x x x xx xx xxx xx xxx xxx xx $2,005. 50 (E) $393.64 (U) 5.09 (E)-KU) It should be noted that the computation of family size in terms of expenditure units is based on estimates of customary relative expendi tures without regard to the adequacy of the goods consumed to meet physical or psychological needs. These units are not adapted for use in setting up or in revising ideal or normal budgets. That is, it is impossible to use these units in calculating the family budget needed if a child is to be added to the family without disturbing the level which the family budget was originally prepared to meet, nor may they be used to determine the subtraction possible if a budget com puted for a family of given size is to be applied to a family with one less child, but without disturbing the standard which the budget was calculated to purchase. Such additions or subtractions can properly be made for the purpose indicated with these expenditure units only if the standard by which the budget was originally computed was in terms of these same units. Thus, if a budget for a family of given size has been calculated on the basis of a given number of expenditure units, using the relatives described in this study, along with some pre determined sum taken as meeting the needs of an adult man, the budget may be increased to care for the addition of a person to the family by use of this series of units. But if the original budget for, let us say, a family of two adults and two children was calculated on APPEN DIX D 173 some other basis, the increase of the total budget by the decimal equivalent represented by an expenditure unit from this study cor responding to a child of specified age will not assure the continuance at the same standard of living of the family when a third child is added. The measures used in calculating size of family in expenditure units in the present study are intended to represent customary behavior in families where the addition of a child is not as a rule accompanied by any addition to income, and the family must adapt its expenditures to meet the new situation. In arriving at the scales used to measure family size, no adjustments were included for possible differences in the economy of purchasing for larger as compared with smaller families. Adjustm ent for Contact W ith Families T hrough O ther Member T han C hief Earner In a substantial number of families included in the sample were persons whose names had been drawn from employee lists in the usual manner, but who proved to be subsidiary rather than chief earners. This method of scheduling required that the resulting over representation of multiple-earner families be eliminated by a process of adjustment during the course of tabulation. Throughout this re port, all data for the 10 New Hampshire cities and Marquette have been adjusted in accordance with the procedure set forth in appendix G of Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletins Nos. 636, 637, and 639 to 641, inclusive. In Modesto and Reno, since the ruling of contact only through the chief earner was followed in scheduling, the data could be tabulated without adjustment. o