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doney Disbursements o f W age Earners and Clerical W orkers in Five Cities in the W e st N orth Central-M ountain Region, 1934—36 By FA ITH M. WILLIAMS and ALICE C. HANSON o f the Bureau o f Labor Statistics Bulletin 7N[o. 641 U N IT E D S T A T E S D E P A R T M E N T OF L A B O R BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS U N IT E D STATES D E P A R TM E N T OF LABOR Frances P erk in s , Secretary ♦ B U R E A U O F L A B O R S T A T IS T IC S IS A D O R L U B IN C o m m issio n er Sidney W. W ilcox A. F. H inrichs C h ie f S ta tistician C h ie f E c o n o m ist H ugh S. H a n n a C h ief, E d itoria l and Research STAFF FO R TH E AND STUDY OF C L E R IC A L W EST MONEY WORKERS NORTH F D IS B U R S E M E N T S IN F IV E C IT I E S C E N T R A L -M O U N T A I N a it h M. W OF WAGE IN EARNERS THE R E G IO N il l ia m s C h ie f , Cost o f L iv in g D iv isio n G ertrude Schmidt W eiss and A lice C. H anson G eneral D irectors o f Field W ork E dna D . H orner Assistant D irector o f T a b u la tion C IT Y D IR E C T O R S OF F IE L D WORK A . D . H . K aplan , D en v er T wila N eely , M in n eap olis-S t. P aul L illian L unenburg , K an sa s C ity Joseph B . B orus, St. L ou is Paul B . T anner and G ordon Sears, Salt L ak e C ity S U P E R V IS O R S OF T A B U L A T IO N IN THE F IE L D Joseph B. B ortjs, G ertrude Price , R obert T homas, and W ayman R egister UNITED STATES D EPARTM EN T OF LABOR Frances Perkins, Secretary B U R E A U OF L A B O R ST A TIS TIC S Isador Lubin, Commissioner M oney Disbursements o f W age Earners and Clerical W ork ers in Five Cities in the W e st N orth Central-M ountain Region, 1934—36 By FAITH M. WILLIAMS and ALICE C. HANSON o f the Bureau o f Labor Statistics Bulletin 7S[o. 641 U N IT E D ST A T E S G O V E R N M E N T P R IN T IN G OFFICE W A S H IN G T O N : 1939 For sale by the Superintendent o f Documents, Washington, D . C. Price 35 cents CONTENTS Page P reface _________________________________________________________________ I ntroduction____________________________________________________________ P art I. W hite F amilies : C hapter 1. Income Level and Money Disbursements_________________ Family income________________________________________________ Current expenditures of each city group as a whole_______________ Food________________________________________________________ Housing_____________________________________________________ Clothing____________________________________________________ Other items_________________________________________________ Distribution of expenditures at successive income levels___________ Variation in money disbursements___________________________ Income levels and planes of living________________________________ Size and composition of family______________________________ Planes of living determined by family size as well as income_ Equivalence between total expenditures and economic levels,_ Order of expenditures at different economic levels_________________ Expenditures at two economic levels_________________________ Changes in assets and liabilities__________________________________ C hapter 2. Expenditures for Specified Goods_________________________ Food____________________________________________________________ Annual food expenditures____________________________________ Food expenditures in 1 week in the spring quarter___________ Housing_________________________________________________________ Housing facilities____________________________________________ Housing expenditures_______________________________________ Home owners___________________________________________ Renters_________________________________________________ Vacation housing_______________________________________ Expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration____________ Expenditures for other items of household operation___ Furnishings and equipment______________________________________ Clothing_________________________________________________________ Variability of clothing expenditures__________________________ Total expenditure per family for clothing____________________ Clothing expenditures for men and boys_____________________ Low economic level_____________________________________ High economic level__________________________________ Clothing expenditures for women and girls_________________ Low economic level___________________________________ High economic level__________________________________ Occupational differences in the clothing expenditures of adults____________________________________________________ Transportation________________________________________________ Recreation____________________________________________________ Medical care_____________________________________________________ in ix 1 7 7 13 13 14 15 15 16 20 23 23 25 28 30 30 33 40 40 40 41 46 46 49 49 51 52 52 53 53 55 55 55 56 57 58 60 62 63 64 66 68 70 IV C O N TE N TS P art I. W hite F amilies— Continued. Chapter 2. Expenditures for Specified Goods.—Continued. Personal care__________________________________________________ Formal education______________________________________________ Vocation______________________________________________________ Gifts and contributions to individuals and to community welfare. _ Miscellaneous items___________________________________________ C hapter 3. Changing Living Standards in the Post-War Period___ Distribution of current expenditures in 1934-36 as compared with those in 1917-19_______________________________________ P art II. N egro F amilies : C hapter 1. Income Level and Money Disbursements______________ Family income________________________________________________ Composition of families___________________________________ Current expenditures of each city group as a whole_____________ Distribution of expenditures at successive income levels________ Size of families____________________________________________ Order of expenditures at different economic levels______________ Changes in assets and liabilities_____________,__________________ C hapter 2. Expenditures for Specified Goods______________________ Food__________________________________________________________ Annual food expenditures_________________________________ Food expenditures in 1 week in spring quarter_____________ Housing_______________________________________________________ Housing facilities_________________________________________ Housing expenditures_____________________________________ Home owners_________________________________________ Renters______________________________________________ Secondary housing____________________________________ Expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration________ Expenditures for other items of household operation____ Furnishings and equipment________________________________ Clothing__________________________________________________ Total expenditure per family for clothing______________ Clothing expenditures for men________________________ Clothing expenditures for women_____________________ Other groups of current expenditures______________________ Part III. T abular Summary__________________________________________ P art IV. A ppendixes : A ppendix A. Notes on Tabular Summary__________________________ General_______________________________________________________ Economic family__________________________________________ Household________________________________________________ Net family income or net money income___________________ Current expenditures______________________________________ Surplus or deficit__________________________________________ Surplus___________________________________________________ Deficit____________________________________________________ Inheritance_______________________________________________ Total money receipts______________________________________ Total money disbursements_______________________________ Balancing difference_______________________________________ Schedule year_____________________________________________ Averages based on all families_____________________________ page 72 72 73 74 75 76 76 83 83 86 86 87 88 89 92 96 96 96 98 101 101 103 103 104 104 104 105 105 106 106 107 109 110 113 319 319 319 319 319 320 321 321 321 322 322 322 322 322 322 CONTENTS P art IV. A ppendixes— Continued. A ppendix A. Notes on Tabular Summary— Continued. Notes on individual tables_____________________________________ Local conditions affecting the data_____________________________ Cost of living_____________________________________________ Employment______________________________________________ Sales tax_________________________________________________ A ppendix B. Scope of the Investigation___________________________ Geographic area covered in the West North Central-Mountain region___:__________________________________________________ Scope of the Nation-wide study________________________________ A ppendix C. Period Covered by the Study________________________ Table A. Period to which data in schedules for cities in the West North Central-Mountain region apply_______________________ A ppendix D. Selection of Families to be Interviewed_______________ Method of choosing the sample________________________________ Rules for determining eligibility of families_____________________ A ppendix E. Nativity of Homemakers in Families Studied_________ A ppendix F. Field Procedure_____________________________________ Interview method of securing data_____________________________ Figure B. Schedule facsimile_________ Check-interviewing____________________________________________ Food check lists for 1 week____________________________________ Weekly records of food consumption___________________________ A ppendix G. Analytical Procedure________________________________ Income classification__________________________________________ Classification by economic level________________________________ Expenditure unit— food relatives_______________________________ Table B. Relative food expenditures for persons of different age, sex, and occupation________________________________ Expenditure unit— clothing relatives___________________________ Table C. Relative clothing expenditures for persons of differ ent age, sex, and occupation____________________________ Expenditure unit— other items_________________________________ Total expenditure unit________________________________________ Figure C. Sample code sheet______________________________ Adjustment for contact with families through other member than chief earner_________________________________________________ Table D. Derivation of adjustment factors for earner groups_ Table E. Illustration of application of adjustment factors to schedule data___________________________________________ V p age 323 336 336 337 337 338 338 338 341 341 343 343 347 352 354 354 355 374 374 374 376 376 376 376 377 378 378 381 381 382 383 386 388 L ist o f T a b le s in P a r t I Table 1. 2. 3. 4. Family incomes______________________________________________ 9 Items comprising family income______________________________ 10 Sources of family income, at successive income levels_________ 12 Average amount spent per expenditure unit, at successive income levels______________________________________________________ 27 5. Total family expenditure equivalents for families of three different types, at given economic levels____________________ 28 6 . Average amount spent per expenditure unit, at successive economic levels_________________________________________________ 29 7. Family size and annual income, at two different economic levels______________________________________________________ 32 CONTENTS VI Page Table 8. Expenditures in rank order, at two different economic levels__ 33 9. Percentage of families having surplus and deficit and net change 37 in assets and liabilities, at successive economic levels________ 10. Changes in assets and liabilities, at successive economic levels. _ 38 11. Expenditures for food per food expenditure unit, at low and high economic levels_____________________________________________ 41 12. Per capita expenditures for food__________________________________ . 44 13. Proportion of families spending enough to purchase an adequate diet at minimum cost, at successive economic levels__________ 46 14. Average number of persons per room, at successive economic levels______________________________________________________________ 48 15. Housing facilities___________________________________________________ 49 51 16. Housing expenditures______________________________________________ 17. Expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration____________________ 52 18. Expenditures for furnishings and equipment, at successive economic levels___________________________________________________ 54 19. Distribution of annual clothing expenditures for individuals in families, at successive economic levels, men and boys________ 57 20. Distribution of annual clothing expenditures for individuals in families, at successive economic levels, women, girls, and infants____________________________________________________________ 61 21. Expenditures for automobile operation and maintenance, for automobile owners, at successive economic levels_____________ 67 22. Proportions of families owning and purchasing radios, and amounts paid for radios, at successive economiclevels________ 69 23. Expenditures for medical care, at successive economic le v e ls._ 71 24. Percentage change in the cost of goods purchased by wage earners and clerical workers from the time of the 1917-19 survey to the 77 time of the 1934-36 survey_____________________________________ 25. Differences in incomes and current expenditures between the groups studied in 1917-19 and 1934-36 in four cities_________ 78 26. Distribution of current family expenditures in 1917-19 and 19 34-36___________________________________________________________ 79 L is t o f F ig u r e s i n P a r t I Figure 1. Sources of family income at successive income levels, St. Louis. _ 2. Patterns of family expenditures at successive income levels, Minneapolis-St. Paul_____________________________________________ 3. Relative family expenditures at successive income levels, Minneapolis-St. Paul_____________________________________________ 4. Size of family at successive income levels, Salt Lake C ity_______ 5. Distribution of family expenditures at two different economic levels, Denver____________________________________________________ 6. Food expenditures at successive economic levels, St. Louis_______ 7. Proportion of families spending enough to purchase an adequate diet at minimum cost at successive economic levels____________ 8. Proportion of families having selected housing facilities at suc cessive economic levels, Kansas C ity ___________________________ 9. Distribution of annual clothing expenditures for individuals in families at successive economic levels___________________________ A. Estimated annual clothing expenditures by persons of different age, sex, and occupation_________________________________________ 13 18 19 24 31 43 45 50 59 65 C O N TE N TS V II List o f Tables in Part II Page Table 27. Family incomes____________________________________________________ 28. Sources of family income__________________________________________ 29. Average amount spent per expenditure unit at successive in come levels_______________________________________________________ 30. Average amount spent per expenditure unit at successive eco nomic levels______________________________________________________ 31. Expenditures in rank order at two differenteconomic levels_____ 32. Percentage of families having surplus and deficit and net change in assets and liabilities at successive economic levels_________ 33. Changes in assets and liabilities at successive economic levels. _ 34. Expenditures for food per food expenditure unit at low and high economic levels__________________________________________________ 35. Per capita expenditures for food__________________________________ 36. Proportion of families spending enough to purchase an ade quate diet at minimum cost, at successive economic levels. _ 37. Number of persons per room at successiveeconomic levels_____ 38. Housing facilities___________________________________________________ 39. Housing expenditures______________________________________________ 40. Expenditures for furnishings and equipment at successive eco nomic levels______________________________________________________ 41. Distribution of annual clothing expenditures for individuals in families at successive economiclevels, men_____________________ 42. Distribution of annual clothing expenditures for individuals in families at successive economic levels, women_________________ 43. Expenditures for recreation and transportation at two economic levels________________________________________________________________ 85 85 88 90 92 93 95 98 99 99 102 103 104 106 107 109 111 List o f Figures in Part II Figure 10. Sources of family income at successive income levels, St. Louis. _ 11. Size of family at successive income levels, Kansas C ity ________ 12. Distribution of family expenditures at two different economic levels, Kansas C ity _____________________________________________ 13. Food expenditures at successive economic levels, St. Louis____ 14. Proportion of families spending enough to purchase an ade quate diet at minimum cost at successive economic levels___ 15. Distribution of annual clothing expenditures for individuals in families at successive economic levels__________________________ 84 89 91 97 100 108 List o f Tables in T abu lar Sum m ary Table 1. Distribution of families by economic level and income level____ 2. Description of families studied, by economic level______________ Occupation of chief earner. Family type. Nativity of homemaker. Composition of household. Earnings and income. 3. Expenditures for groups of items, by economic level_________ 4. Disposition of money received during schedule year not used for current expenditure and funds made available for family use from sources other than family income in schedule year, by economic l e v e l „ . „ ............................................. ................................ ...... 138 114 116 130 C O N TE N TS V II I Page Table 5. Description of families studied, by income level__________________ Occupation of chief earner. Family type. Nativity of homemaker. Composition of household. Earnings and income. 6. Expenditures for groups of items, by income level_______________ 7. Food used at home and purchased for consumption at home during 1 week, by economic level_______________________________ 8. Annual food expenditures, by economic level_____________________ 9. Housing facilities, by economic level______________________________ 10. Housing expenditures, by economic level__________________________ 11. Fuel, light, and refrigeration expenditures, by economic level___ 12. Household operation expenditures other than for fuel, light, and refrigeration, by economic level_________________________________ 13. Transportation expenditures, by economic level__________________ 14. Personal care expenditures and medical care expenditures, by economic level____________________________________________________ 15. Recreation expenditures, by economic level_______________________ 16. Formal education, vocation, community welfare, gifts and con tributions, and miscellaneous expenditures, by economic level. 17. Clothing expenditures, by economic level_________________________ 18. Furnishings and equipment expenditures, by economic level____ 19. Description of families studied at three economic levels_________ Composition of household. Earnings and income. 20. Expenditures for groups of items, at three economic levels______ 21. Distribution of families of types comparable with those studied in 1917-19, by economic level and income level________________ 22. Description of families of types comparable with those studied in 1917-19, by income level_________________________________________ Composition of household. Earnings and income. 23. Expenditures of families of types comparable with those studied in 1917-19 for groups of items, by income level________________ 24A. Coefficients of variation of money disbursements, five cities____ 24B. Coefficients of variation of money disbursements, by income level, Minneapolis-St. Paul______________________________________ 25. Expenditures for groups of items estimated from regression equa tion, Minneapolis-St. Paul_______________________________________ For each table except 24A, 24B, and 25, the data for Negro families appear immediately following those for white families. N o t e .— 150 164 172 200 206 212 224 236 242 248 254 260 266 289 293 297 301 303 309 315 315 316 PREFACE T h e present bulletin is one of a series which will present in detail data on the actual living of the families of w age earners and clerical workers in the larger cities |of the country. tion is given in regard to In this report in form a the incom es, the current expenditures, the savings and deficits of 1,976 families in D en v er, K a n sas C ity , M in neapolis and St. P aul, St. L ouis, and Salt L ak e C ity . Figures are also shown on housing facilities, the am oun t and kind of food, clothing, and housefurnishings purchased in the year of the S tu d y, and the types of m edical care received. T h e S tu d y was undertaken in 1 9 3 4 - 36 prim arily for the purpose of bringing u p -to -d a te the weights for the cost of living indexes currently published b y the Bureau. The N a tio n -w id e stu dy covers 42 cities of m ore than 5 0 ,0 0 0 population and it provides for the first tim e since 1919 a record of the changes th at h ave occurred in the consum ption habits of the wage-earner and clerical group in the interval. The Bureau of Labor Statistics study of the money disbursements of wage earners and clerical workers at the end of the W orld War was made at a time when the consumption habits of American workers were undergoing rapid changes. Silk stockings and other silk prod ucts had only recently come within range of the wage earner’s purse; rayon fabrics were still new in consumer use; the automobile was the luxury of a few workers; a large proportion of the wage earners were living in houses without electric lights and modern plumbing. Throughout the war, the Nation had been “ counting its calories” and believing that if everyone had enough of the energy-producing foods adequate nutrition would be achieved. Just about the end of the war period, however, long years of laboratory research in nutrition reached the stage where they could be used to state human require ments for minerals and vitamins, as well as for proteins and carbohy drates. This new information combined with certain economic factors to effect striking changes in American food-consumption habits. The data on consumer-purchasing habits in the wage-earner and clerical groups in the West North Central and Mountain region presented herewith show the goods now purchased by moderate income families in the large cities in this area. They should be of value to leaders of the labor movement, to business men interested IX X PR EFACE in planning production to fit demand, to civic leaders and to legislators, as well as in serving the specific purpose for which they were gathered. In Denver, the investigation was made in cooperation with the Bureau of Business and Social Research of the University of Denver and the Colorado Emergency Relief Administration. The St. Louis, Kansas City, and Minneapolis-St. Paul studies were made in coopera tion with the Works Progress Administration, and that in Salt Lake City in cooperation with the Utah Emergency Relief Administration. The investigation was furthered by the assistance of many officials in these organizations and from interested individuals and civic bodies too numerous to be mentioned here by name. In addition two groups must be recognized as having made the Study possible: The individual workers who performed the field collection and office tabulation of the data, often under unfavorable conditions, on a high plane of profes sional responsibility; and the housewives who laid aside their house hold tasks long enough to furnish answers to the detailed questions in the schedules. In the final analysis and preparation of this report, special contribu tions to problems of method were made by Jerome Cornfield, William S. Shelton, and Samuel E. Cohen. M ary C. Ruark was responsible for the final tabulations. Genevieve B. Wimsatt solved problems of analysis and prepared portions of the text and appendixes. Olive T. Kephart and Margaret Sawyer assisted in checking the table forms and preparation of text and appendixes. I sad or L u b in , C o m m is sio n e r o j L a b or S ta tistics. A p r il 1939. Bulletin 7\[o. 641 of the U nited States Bureau of Labor Statistics M oney Disbursements o f W ag e Earners and Clerical W ork ers in Five Cities in the W e st N orth CentraLM ountain Region, 1934-36 Introduction The data on actual family expenditures collected in the present study portray the levels at which employed wage earners and clerical workers are living at the present time in terms of their annual pur chases of goods and services. The results of this investigation must be distinguished from those obtained by pricing a hypothetical budget to secure the cost of a previously defined standard of living.1 The investigators who participated in the present study were sent, not to stores to price a predetermined list of goods and services, but to families who were willing to give the desired facts regarding income and expenditures. The differences shown between the figures on average family expenditures in the different cities covered reflect differences in the money incomes of the wage-earner and clerical groups in those communities, in consumption habits, and in family size and composition, as well as whatever differences there may be in price level. They do not measure differences in living costs as between communities. Although the primary purpose of the present investigation was to ascertain the actual level of living of workers’ families, some of the data obtained do afford a basis for evaluating the adequacy of the living of the families who cooperated in furnishing information for the investigation. The goods currently purchased by the families studied have not been compared in detail with the goods included by different agencies in budgets estimating the amounts needed for maintaining healthy family life. * Such a study has recently been completed by the Works Progress Administration, Division of Social Research, in cooperation with Retail Price Division of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In this survey prices were obtained in 59 cities covering the cost of items in budgets at two levels. These budgets comprised specific quantities of goods and services necessary for a maintenance level and an emergency level of living for a four-person family of a manual worker. Results of this study are published in a report of the Works Progress Administration entitled “ Intercity Differences in Costs of Living in March 1935 for 59 Cities” by Margaret Loomis Stecker, Washington, D . C., July 1937. 1 2 W ES T N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N The terms “ level of living” and “ plane of living” have been used to describe the actual economic status of the families studied. This actual way of living is distinguished from their “ standard of living,” the type of living which they regard as normal and proper, or from a “ norm of living” established by a group or an agency as adequate or suitable for certain purposes. The term “ standard of living” is sometimes used to mean not only the manner of living regarded as proper and suitable by the families themselves, but that recommended by a group or an agency; it is further used to mean the way the families actually are living. This triple usage has been found to be confusing, and on that account the use of the term “ standard of living” in this publication is restricted to its primary meaning as a standard. “ Planes of living,” the subject of this report, have been distinguished both from standards of the families themselves and from norms or budgets set by agencies or groups. The investigation was confined to the city limits in Denver, Salt Lake City, Kansas City, M o., and Kansas City, Kans. In Minneapolis-St. Paul and St. Louis, it was found that such a large proportion of the industrial population lived in the suburbs that the sample would not be representative without the inclusion of four surrounding areas for Minneapolis-St. Paul and ten surrounding areas for St. Louis.2 The data obtained from each family apply to twelve continuous months within the period 1 9 3 4 -3 6 .3 The data for Denver and Salt Lake City pertain principally to the year ending February 1935 and those for Kansas City, Minneapolis-St. Paul, and St. Louis principally to the year ending February 1936. The families studied in this investigation were chosen to represent a cross section of the families of employed wage earners and lowersalaried clerical workers employed in business and industry in each of the five cities 4 studied in the West North Central and Mountain region. In two of those cities, Kansas City and St. Louis, where the relative importance of Negroes in the population is considerable, Negro families were surveyed. The families to be interviewed were chosen by a random sampling method from the lists of employees on current personnel lists of em ployers also chosen at random.6 The limited funds available made it necessary to confine this investigation to the income levels most representative of employed wage earners and lower-salaried clerical 2See appendix B, p. 338. 3See appendix C, p. 341. * Kansas City, Mo., and Kansas City, Kans., are treated as one city with the schedules obtained divided between the two in the same proportion as were the total numbers of gainfully employed persons in the 1930 census. That is, 18 percent of the families scheduled lived in Kansas City, Kans., and 82 percent in Kansas City, Mo. Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn., were likewise considered as one city, with 63 percent of the schedules taken from families in Minneapolis and 37 percent from those in St. Paul. 5 See appendix D, pp. 343-347. 3 IN T R O D U C T IO N workers, the groups for w hich the B u reau ’s cost-o f-liv in g indexes are co m p u ted .6 The follow ing criteria were used in the selection of fam ilies: 1. At least one wage earner or lower-salaried clerical worker who worked a minimum of 1,008 hours in 36 weeks, or 28 hours in each of 30 weeks, if employed in a distinctly seasonal industry such as the clothing and construction industries. 2. No income from direct relief or work relief at any time in the year covered by the schedule. 3. A minimum annual income during the schedule year of $500, of which at least $300 was earned by one person. 4. No clerical worker in the family who earned over $2,000 in the year covered by the schedule or $200 in any one month of that year. 5. Not over 25 percent of total income from sources other than earnings (such as rents, interest, or dividends). Net receipts from boarders and lodgers were treated as earnings. T h e group supplying the m aterial on w hich this report is based includes families of all types except single-person fam ilies.7 Because of lim itation of funds, the N a tion -w id e survey of wage earners and clerical workers was n ot enlarged to include a stu dy of the m oney disbursem ents of persons living alone, either as lodgers or as house holders. But the present stu dy in addition to covering families containing a husband and wife, also covers incom plete fam ilies of various types such as a w idow and her children. In this respect it differs from the in vestigation of fam ily expenditures conducted b y the Bureau of L ab o r Statistics in 1 9 1 7 -1 9 in these five cities, which was restricted to fam ilies havin g as a m in im u m “ a husband and wife and at least one child, who is n ot a boarder or lo d g er.” 8 Since families of two persons only constituted at least 24 percent of the fam ilies of tw o or m ore persons in each of the five cities according to the 1930 census, it was decided n ot to restrict the present investigation in this w ay. In the present stu d y a large percentage of the fam ilies from which data were obtained were of the types studied in the 1 9 1 7 -1 9 investigation. F or D en v er this percentage is 4 6 ; for K a n sas C ity , 5 2 ; in M in n ea p olis-S t. P au l, 5 6 ; in St. L ou is, 4 7 ; and in Salt L ak e C ity , 62. T h e types of fam ilies contributing to the present report and n ot in cluded in the 1 9 1 7 -1 9 stu d y are as follow s: Fam ilies of m an and wife 8 The importance of obtaining data on the consumer purchases of higher-salaried clerical workers, pro fessional workers, managers and officials, and those in business for themselves was generally recognized. Early in 1936 the Bureau of Labor Statistics undertook a Study of Consumer Purchases which covers all income groups in 32 different cities. Funds were allotted to the project by the Works Progress Administra tion. At the same time a coordinated study was undertaken by the Bureau of Home Economics in 66 farm counties, 140 villages and in 19 small cities. Both of these investigations were made in cooperation with the National Resources Committee and the Central Statistical Board. For cities covered in both investigations, see appendix B, p. 340. 7At the request of the Emergency Relief Board in Philadelphia, the Bureau of Labor Statistics undertook a study of the incomes and money disbursements of employed wage earners and clerical workers living as single individuals in that city in the year 1934-35. The results of that investigation will be published in a subsequent report. 8L . S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Cost of Living in the United States. Bull, No. 357, p. 2. 1924. 4 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N o n ly, m a n and wife and other persons over 16 years of age, and fam ilies of adults n ot including a m arried couple. In order to facilitate com parison w ith the earlier stu d y , a special su m m ary of the incom e and expenditure data from fam ilies of the ty p e studied for 1 9 1 7 -1 9 is presented in this bulletin. T h e fu ndam ental tabulations h ave been m ade in such a w ay th a t it will be possible to stu d y separately the details of the expenditures of fam ilies of given typ es, should occasion arise. I t should be noted th at the plan for the investigation did n ot provide for holding constant size of fam ily at each incom e level. In any random sam ple of the population or of any occupational group, size of fa m ily varies from incom e level to incom e level. Since the averages presented in this report are based upon the actual expenditures of a random sam ple of fam ilies of the wage-earner and clerical groups, these differences in size of fa m ily m u st be taken into account wherever com parisons are m ade betw een the spending of fam ilies at different incom e levels. Part I.— W hite Families 5 Chapter 1 Income Level and M oney Disbursements Fam ily Income T h e occupations of the chief earners in the 1,767 white fam ilies cooperating in the investigation varied as w idely as the types of business and industry which characterize the cities between the M ississippi and M issou ri R ivers and the R o c k y M o u n ta in s. In each of the five cities, the families studied included persons working in manufacturing industries, wholesale and retail trade, transportation and communication, building construction, public employment, hotels and restaurants, banking, insurance, and real estate houses, garages and filling stations, laundries and other service establishments, and places of amusement. No family in which the chief earner was in domestic service was included, although a family was eligible for scheduling if subsidiary earners were domestic servants. Manufacturing industries employed the chief earner in almost half of the families studied in St. Louis. The individual industrial groups represented most frequently were the clothing industries, food and allied industries, leather industries, and iron and steel industries. In Kansas City and Minneapolis-St. Paul, manufacturing occupations claimed approximately one-third of the chief earners. In Kansas City, the individual industrial groups most frequently represented were meat packing, other food and allied industries, and automobile factories and repair shops; in Minneapolis-St. Paul, these positions were held by the food and allied industries, iron and steel, and auto mobile manufacturing and repairing establishments, paper, printing and allied industries, and the clothing industries. In Denver and Salt Lake City, the proportions of the total sample drawn from manu facturing industries were smaller, with food and allied industries and iron and steel constituting the largest individual manufacturing groups. Wholesale and retail trade furnished the second greatest volume of employment after manufacturing, and accounted for one-fifth to onefourth of the chief earners in the samples in each of the five cities. Occupations in the field of transportation and communication, such as street and steam railways, auto-bus lines, and in telephone and telegraph offices were followed by the next greatest number of chief earners, about one-sixth of the total in each city. Other categories of 7 5 3 9 5 7 °— 39------- 2 8 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N employment such as building construction, public employment, hotels and restaurants, banking, insurance, and real estate bouses, garages and filling stations, laundries and dry-cleaning establishments, etc., each accounted for approximately one-twentieth or less of the sample in each city. All five cities are important distribution centers for the huge agri cultural areas in the W est North Central and Mountain States, and the proportion of clerical workers drawn in the sample in these cities is relatively high as compared with those drawn in most of the cities covered in the other areas. In Denver and Salt Lake City, the chief earner in the family was found to be a clerical worker in 48 percent of the cases. In Kansas City and Minneapolis-St. Paul, in 34 percent of the families studied, the chief earner was a clerical worker; in St. Louis, in 29 percent. In the wage-earner group, families of semiskilled workers were most numerous, with those of skilled workers next in order, and those of unskilled workers least numerous. In time of full employment, the proportion of wage earners would have been somewhat larger. Other reports 1 have shown that wage earners have suffered from irregularity of employment and low earn ings more than clerical workers in the period since 1929, and that consequently more of them have been on relief. Since the present study .excluded families below certain levels of employment and income, and families having been on relief during the year prior to the interview by the field worker, the proportion of clerical workers is larger than it would have been had the Study been made in 1929. The type of work secured by the family's chief earner was not by any means the final factor in determining its income. The number of earners in the family, their ability and skill, and the regularity with which they found employment were almost equally important in determining the total family income.2 Net money income per white family studied averaged about $1,550 in St. Louis and Minneapolis-St. Paul, $1,510 in Denver, $1,443 in Kansas City, and $1,332 in Salt Lake City.3 T o ascertain whether 1For example, Urban Workers on Relief, vol. I, Works Progress Administration, Division of Social Re search, Research Monograph IV, 1936. 2An “ economic family” as defined for this study consists of two or more persons living together and sharing their economic resources. In most cases, the members of an economic family were related by ties of blood, marriage, or adoption but in some cases, an unrelated person was found to share income and family living. Persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption were not treated as members of the economic family if they lived in the household as boarders and kept their funds separate from family funds, unless they gave a complete record of their incomes and expenditures. Persons who were members of the economic family for an entire year were not necessarily members of the household for the year. A member sup ported by the family in school, college, or hospital for all or part of the year, or a member working away for that period would be treated as a member of the economic family but not of the household for the entire year. In computing the number of persons who were part of the economic family for a year, the number of weeks each member had shared his income with the family was listed, the numbers summed, and the total divided by 62. This procedure yielded the number of equivalent persons who had made up the family for 1 year. 3Details on the family income when families are sorted by economic level are found in the Tabular Sum mary, table 2, and when families are sorted by income level, in the Tabular Summary, table 6. IN C O M E LEVEL AND M ONEY D IS B U R S E M E N T S 9 these differences from city to city represented only the chance differ ences inherent in random sampling or whether they revealed actual differences between income levels of all workers in the respective cities, a statistical test4 was conducted. It was found that the differ ences among average incomes found in these five cities are statistically significant. The relatively low average income of the group drawn in the sample for Salt Lake City reflects the depression in business condi tions in this city in the year covered by the investigation.5 Among the groups studied in all five cities, the distribution of families at the upper end of the income scale was scattered, and in each city the middle point in the income distribution was below the figure representing the arithmetic average (table 1). When the families studied were arranged according to income, it was found that half of those studied in Denver had incomes under $1,500; in Kansas City half had incomes under $1,398; in Minneapolis and St. Paul, under $1,448; in St. Louis, under $1,529; and in Salt Lake City, under $1,273. T able 1 . — F a m i ly in com es am ong wage earners and low er-sa laried clerical workers in 1 year d uring the period 1 9 3 4 - 8 6 W H IT E FAM ILIES Item Denver Kansas City MinneapolisSt. Paul St. Louis Salt Lake City Number of families in survey __ _ _ _ 295 357 504 401 210 Net money income: Arithmetic average __ ______ __ First quartile____________________ Median____ __ _ ____ __ Third quartile. ._ ___ . . . _____ $1, 510 1,150 1,500 1,820 $1,443 1,092 1,398 1,733 $1,549 1,196 1,448 1,819 $1,552 1,219 1,529 1,831 $1,332 971 1, 273 1, 608 The range of money incomes was from $500,6 the lower limit set by the plan of the investigation, in Kansas City and St. Louis, to $5,167 in Minneapolis-St. Paul. The maximum incomes found in the groups studied in the other cities were as follows: Denver, $3,000; Kansas City, $4,472; Minneapolis-St. Paul, $5,167; St. Louis, $4,167; and Salt Lake City, $3,535. In each city, these maximum family incomes were reported by families in which several persons contributed to the family purse. In Denver, the $3,000 family income was that of a 4R. A. Fisher’s method for the analysis of variance as exemplified in intraclass correlation (discussed on pp. 226 and 227 of his Statistical Methods for Research Workers, 6th ed., London, 1936) was used to test whether the mean incomes obtained in the several cities differed more than could be expected if successive samples had been drawn at random from the same population. 5The percentage of families on relief furnishes another indication of business conditions in the five cities. The proportion receiving relief at some time during the year included in the data was considerably higher in Salt Lake City than in the other cities studied in this area. See p. 23, footnote 8. 6In Denver, Minneapolis-St. Paul, or Salt Lake City no incomes under $600 were discovered in the sam pling process among families meeting the employment requirements for the group to be included in the, investigation and not having been on relief at any time during the year. 10 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N widow who was employed as a clerk-typist; her daughter, a secretarystenographer; and the daughter’s son, a boy in school. The Kansas City family reporting a total annual income of $4,472 was composed of a man 55 years old, his wife, their sons, and a daughter. The father was an order clerk in a foods plant, the sons were a bus driver and a truck driver, and the daughter an office clerk. In Minneapolis there was found the family with the highest income in any of the cities included in this bulletin, $5,167, that of a widow of 54 and her nine children, five of whom were employed in clerical work. The family with an income of $4,167 in St. Louis also had five earners. The father, a man of 61, was a truck driver; two sons were skilled workers, a typesetter and a carpenter; one daughter was a binder and another a checker, while the mother and 3 younger children were not gainfully employed. In Salt Lake City, the maximum income was reported by a family with six members, all of them working at some time during the year, a bookkeeper, a canvasser, two stenographers, a traffic clerk, and a filing clerk. As the plan for the investigation called for the exclusion from the sample of any families receiving more than 25 percent of their incomes from sources other than earnings, the largest single item in the in comes of the workers’ families studied was earnings. Average earn ings per family of all individuals contributing ranged from $1,290 in Salt Lake City to $1,501 in Minneapolis-St. Paul (table 2). Average net earnings from boarders and lodgers ranged from $6 in Salt Lake City to $28 in St. Louis. T able 2 . — Ite m s c om p risin g f a m i l y in co m e am on g wage earners and low er-sa laried clerical w orkers in 1 yea r during p erio d , 1934—86 W H IT E FAMILIES Item Number of families in survey. Denver ... .. Average net money income, total_________ Average earnings from all individuals.. Net earnings from boarders and lodgers. Total income from all other sources___ Rent, interest, and dividends-------Pensions and insurance annuities.. Gifts____ ___ ___________________ Miscellaneous sources . . . ___ _____ Business losses and expenses (deduct) . Kansas City Minne apolisSt. Paul St. Louis Salt Lake City 295 357 504 401 210 $1, 510 1,457 $1, 443 1,407 $1, 549 1, 501 $1, 332 1, 290 42 13 17 4 24 5 32 9 $1, 552 1, 491 28 38 17 12 8 -1 21 11 5 3 -9 21 11 6 6 -5 6 36 10 8 9 13 4 7 6 -5 0) i Less than $0.50. Average income from all other sources ranged from $24 in Kansas City to $42 in Denver, the chief other sources being rent, interest and dividends, pensions, and insurance annuities. Gifts from persons out side the economic family (chiefly relatives) accounted for an average per family of $4 in Denver to $13 in Salt Lake City. Business losses IN C O M E LEVEL AND M ONEY D IS B U K S E M E N T S 11 and expenses met during the year covered by the schedule but not deductible from earnings specified for that year and deducted from the total family income averaged $1 in Denver, $9 in Kansas City, $5 in each of Minneapolis-St. Paul and St. Louis, and less than $0.50 in Salt Lake City. The relationship between family income and number of contribu tors to the family purse suggested by the foregoing family descriptions is confirmed by other data from the investigation. Figures on the average number of earners per family at each income level indicate that, for the occupational groups covered in this investigation, larger incomes are quite as likely to be the results of an increase in the number of earners in the family as of higher earnings on the part of the chief earner of the family. Earnings of the chief earner at the lowest income level (i. e., families receiving from $500 to $900) were on the average between $707 and $799 in the five cities. It will be seen from table 3 following that the average earnings of the chief earner as a proportion of total family income remained relatively stable with a slightly decreasing trend, from the lowest income levels to the $1,800 to $2,100 level. Thereafter, the proportion contributed by the chief earner fell sharply below the approximately 90 percent which they constituted in this income group, dropping below 70 per cent in the income group over $2,400. This decline was accounted for by the sharp increase in earnings of supplementary earners among families with larger incomes, as there was no noticeable change in the proportion of total income coming from all sources other than earnings at different income levels. In some cases, however, less than $900 of family income was produced by a family in which two persons reported employment at some time during the year; in fact, in all five cities one out of every four or five families with incomes of less than $900 had several gainful workers. The proportion of families with more than one earner does not increase markedly within the family income range from $900 to $1,800 or $2,100. In general, one out of each three or four such families has more than one earner. Within this range, the family income depends upon the size of the individual incomes. However, the opportunities for individual earnings of more than $2,100 are so limited among wage earners7 that family incomes of more than this amount depend primarily upon the presence of several earners. Thus, in each city, at least three out of four of the families that had incomes of more than $2,100 achieved this level because of the presence of two or more earners in the family (see table 3). 7 It should be noted that families of clerical workers earning more than $2,000 were not included in the sample (see appendix D, p. 349). 12 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T a b l e 3 . — S o u rces o f f a m i l y in co m e am ong wage earners and low er-sa laried clerical workers at successive in co m e levels in 1 yea r during the p eriod 1 9 8 4 - 8 6 W H IT E FAMILIES Percentage of income from — Average Average number Earnings Number net of gainful Earnings of sup of families money workers Other of chief plemen income 1 per fam souices 4 earner tary ily 2 earners 3 Income class D enver All families_________ ______ __ ___ Families with annual net income of— $600 « to $900_________________________ $900 to $1,200_________________________ $1,200 to $1,500_______________________ $1,500 to $1,800_______________________ $1,800 to $2,100_______________________ $2,100 to $2,400_______________________ $2,400 and over_______________ ______ 295 $1, 510 21 793 1, 061 1,331 1, 626 1, 906 2, 219 2,709 65 59 57 72 12 9 1.29 1.24 1.20 1.32 1.42 1.11 89.0 90.4 93.3 93.0 88.6 93.3 8.3 2.7 6.6 3.0 5.5 5.7 10.5 3.0 1.2 1.3 .9 3.7 1.80 1.89 66.0 66.8 22.0 31.6 12.0 1.6 1.0 K a n sa s C it y All families______ _ . _______________ _ Families with annual net income of— $500 to $900__________________________ $900 to $1,200_________________________ $1,200 to $1,500_______________________ $1,500 to $1,800_______________________ $1,800 to $2,100_______________________ $2,100 to $2,400_______________________ $2,400 and over_________________ ____ 357 $1,443 1.33 88.8 10.2 35 85 91 76 41 15 14 757 1,055 1,353 1, 656 1,919 2, 228 2, 690 1. 20 1.23 1.32 93.4 95.4 92.2 88.3 91.9 73.4 68.0 2.9 3.9 8.7 10.3 6.5 23.0 31.0 1.10 1.66 1.93 1.78 3.7 .7 («) 1.4 1.6 3.6 1.0 M in n e ap o lis -S t . P a u l All families_________ . _______________ Families with annual net income of—$600 « to $900_________________________ $900 to $1, 200________________________ $1,200 to $1,500_______________________ $1,500 to $1,800_______________________ $1,800 to $2,100_______________________ $2,100 to $2,400_______________________ $2,400 and over______ _ _____ __ 504 $1, 549 1.40 87.5 10.7 1.8 27 824 1,064 1, 337 1, 651 1,908 2, 246 3,053 1.19 1.23 1.32 1. 35 1. 37 1.75 2.74 97.0 96.0 92.7 90.2 88.4 77.6 60.2 2.7 3.8 .3 9.4 16.4 39.0 1.6 2.2 6.0 .8 101 128 111 78 40 19 6.6 8.2 .2 .7 S t . L ouis All families_______________ ________ ___ Families with annual net income of— $500 to $900__________________________ $900 to $1,200_________________________ $1,200 to $1,500_______________________ $1,500 to $1,800_______________________ $1,800 to $2,100_______________________ $2,100 to $2,400_______________________ $2,400 and over_______________________ 401 $1, 552 1.49 84.3 13.6 2.1 29 64 98 770 1,055 1,345 1, 632 1, 923 2,241 2, 870 1.31 1. 38 1. 38 1.47 1.45 1.93 2.47 94.4 89.9 89.0 8.4 9.2 2.0 3.6 1.7 86.4 74.6 62.1 35.4 2.5 100 66 27 17 86.1 12.1 11.6 22.8 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.6 Salt L a k e C it y All families____ _ ____ __________ Families with annual net income of— $600 5 to $900________________ ____ $900 to $1,200_________________________ $1,200 to $1,500 __________ $1,500 to $1,800--________________ $1,800 to $2,100_______________________ $2,100 and over____________ _____ ____ 210 $1, 332 1.32 89.9 7.4 2.7 35 54 53 34 25 9 793 1,037 1, 326 1,612 1,939 2,483 1.23 1.23 1.19 1.33 1.47 2. 53 93.3 93.9 92.1 93.4 90.2 60.2 4.5 4.1 3.8 5.3 7.4 35.6 4.1 1.3 2.4 4.2 2. 2 2.0 1 Net money income is defined in appendix A, p. 319. 2A gainful worker is defined as a person having had some gainful employment in business or industry or domestic service at any time during the year. (Some families included persons in domestic service as subsidiary earners.) 3 Including net earnings from boarders and lodgers. < Less business losses and expenses met during the year covered by the schedule but not deductible from the earnings of that year. * No cases of families receiving less than $800 occurred in the sample. •Income from other sources was $10 and business losses $22. IN C O M E LEVEL AND M ONEY D IS B U R S E M E N T S 13 Fig. SOURCES OF FAMILY INCOME AMONG WAGE EARNERS AND LOWER-SALARIED CLERICAL WORKERS AT SUCCESSIVE INCOME LEVELS ST. LOUIS, 1 9 3 5 - 1936 WHITE FAMILIES HUNDREDS OF D O L L A R S INCOME CLASS 10 15 20 25 ALL FAMILIES $600uJ"°« * 9 0 0 * 9 0 0 uSSei *1200. *1200 „SS&.* 1500 *1500 u»Se.*I800 $1800 under$2100 $ 2 1 0 0 unoer$ 2 4 0 0 $2400 ano OVER EARNINGS OF | CHIEF EARNER U. S . BUREAU OF LAB O R INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCES S T A T IS T IC S C u rre n t Expenditures o f Each C ity G roup as a W h o le 8 Food. The data secured in all the cities covered by this investigation show that in spite of the decline in food prices which occurred between 1925 and 1934, expenditures for food continue to hold the central place in the spending pattern of moderate income families. (See Tabular Summary, table 3.) In all the groups studied, it has been found that the money spent for food accounts for a larger proportion of total current expenditures than any other item. 8 Throughout the report the term “ current expenditures” is used to mean expenditures for ultimate consumer goods, including relatively durable consumption goods. Interest on money borrowed for family use has been included in such expenditures, but savings and investments have not. The time and funds available for the investigation have not made possible the presentation of separate totals distinguishing expenditures for the more slowly consumed, as distinguished from quickly consumed goods. Indeed, the data on depreciation rates for relatively durable consumer goods are so fragmentary that it would be ex tremely difficult to do so. Expenditures for such durable goods as automobiles, mechanical refrigerators, and other furnishings and equipment have been classified with expenditures for food and carfare and other quickly consumed goods as “ current expenditures” while money spent for permanent improvements on owned homes and other real estate or as payment on the principal of mortgages has been classified as savings. The total cost of consumer goods purchased on credit was included in current expenditures and the amount of the obligations outstanding at the end of the year was taken into account when computing changes in liabilities over the 12-month period. See p. 320. 14 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N A m o n g the w hite fam ilies covered b y the S tu d y in each of the five cities in the W e s t N o rth C e n tra l-M o u n ta in region, the proportion spent for food was on the average 3 to 4 percent lower than th at found am ong fam ilies w ith com parable incom es in N e w Y o r k . O f the five cities under consideration the percentage of total expenditures allotted to food was highest in S t. L ou is, averaging 3 3 .9 , and low est in K a n sas C ity where the percentage was 3 0 .4 . W h e n the five cities covered in this region are ranked according to total incom e and according to total expenditure for food, they are found to be in exactly the sam e order. T h e relationship between the rank of the five cities as to rela tive food costs and their rank as to actual food expenditures is m u ch less clear, and it w ould appear th at the am ou n t of incom e available for fa m ily spending was the crucial factor in determ ining the level of average fa m ily food expenditures. Since expenses incurred in eating m eals aw ay from h om e is an im p ortan t item in increasing the a m ou n t spent for food, the larger percentage spent for food b y the S t. L ou is fam ilies is perhaps due in part to the fact th at S t. L ou is ranks first am ong the five cities in the proportion of fam ilies reporting m eals purchased aw ay from hom e and in the percentage of total food ex penditures for m eals aw ay from hom e. Housing. C on sisten tly for the white fam ilies in all of the five cities expendi tures for housing com e n ext in im portance to food. D u e to the v a r y ing proportion of fam ilies having heat and light included in rental p ay m en ts in the several cities accurate com parison of housing expendi tures can be m ade only after the expenditures for housing and for fuel, ligh t, and refrigeration h ave been com bined. W h e n this is done the am azing sim ilarity of the proportion of the total allotted to this typ e of expenditure appears. F or D en v er, K a n sas C ity , S t. L ou is, and Salt L ak e C ity the proportion is 22 percent and for M in n ea p olisSt. Paul, where clim ate requires larger expenditures for fuel, the per centage is 25. T h e m a jo rity of the fam ilies of the white wage earners and clerical workers studied in four of these five cities live in o n e-fam ily detached houses, approxim ately tw o-thirds in D en v er, K a n sas C ity , and Salt L ak e C ity , m ore than half in M in n eap olis and S t. Paul. on the other h an d, less than one-third were so housed. In St. L ou is, O n e-fou rth of the M in neapolis and S t. P aul and a little over th a t proportion of the St. L ouis fam ilies lived in tw o -fam ily dwellings, as com pared w ith only 2 percent of the group su rveyed in D en v er. T h e proportion of fam ilies living in apartm en t buildings housing three or m ore fam ilies ranged from 31 percent in St. L ou is to 14 percent in M in n eap olis and S t. P au l. H o m es were owned b y approxim ately one quarter of the St. L ou is fam ilies, m ore than one-third of the D en v er, K a n sa s C ity , and M in - IN C O M E LEVEL AND M ONEY D IS B U R S E M E N T S 15 n eapolis-St. Paul fam ilies, and alm ost half the Salt L ak e C ity fam ilies. D en v er led the other four cities in the proportion of fam ilies studied who rented on e-fa m ily houses, w ith 44 percent. K a n sas C ity , Salt L ake C ity , and M in n ea p o lis-S t. Paul cam e n ext w ith 36, 34, and 28 percent, respectively. In St. Lou is only 15 percent of the w hite fa m ilies studied rented houses. (For a discussion of the facilities available to these fam ilies and the rentals paid see the sections on H ou sin g, pp. 46 to 5 3.) W h e n the rental value (i. e., the estim ated rent one would h ave had to p ay at current m arket prices) of, the dwellings occupied b y h om e owners is com pared w ith the actual am oun t of their current housing expenditures, the form er is in all cases larger. T h is difference has been treated as the im pu ted incom e from the equity in the owned hom e. I t averaged between $117 and $188 per year for the hom e owners in each city studied in this reg io n ; the low figure was in K a n sas C ity and the high in M in n ea p olis-S t. Paul. Clothing. C loth in g expenditures com e third in im portance in the total expend itures of all the groups studied. F or D en v er, K a n sas C ity , and M in n ea p olis-S t. Paul, the proportions are alm ost identical— 10.7, 10.2, and 10.0 percent, respectively. In St. Louis the proportion spent for clothing is lower, 9.4 percent of total expenditures. T h e corre sponding figure for Salt L ak e C ity w ith its larger families is 12.2 percent. Other items. In each of these five cities in this region sum s paid out for auto m obile and m otorcycle purchase, operation, and m aintenance consti tute the fourth largest item M in n eap olis, and St. L ouis of fa m ily the expenditure. proportion of total In D en v er, expenditures allotted to autom obile transportation is abou t 8 percent, alm ost 10 in K a n sas C ity , and abou t 6 in Salt L ak e C ity . expenditures is p robably for recreational A large part of these purposes, but it was im possible to secure from the fam ilies surveyed any estim ate of the distribution of transportation expenditures between the various purposes th ey served. T h e types of expenditure w hich are classified for purposes of this stu d y under the heading of “ recreation” rank fifth in im portance of total expenditures in all of the cities except Salt L ak e C ity and K an sas C ity , where the fam ilies studied spent for m edical care and furnishings and equipm ent, respectively, an am oun t constitute the fifth largest item of all expenditures. sufficient to In the “ recrea tion ” group there h ave been included expenditures for am usem en t b y fam ilies of all tastes, b u t expenditures for tobacco constituted the bulk o f expenditures classed under this heading. 16 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N B etw een 4 and 5 percent of total expenditures in each of the five cities was devoted to m edical care. w ent for personal care. A b o u t 2 percent of all expenditures E d u catio n , vocation , co m m u n ity w elfare, and gifts and contributions to persons outside the fam ilies, and h ou se hold operation other than fuel, ligh t, and refrigeration m ad e up the balance of average annual expenditures which totaled $ 1 ,4 4 5 in D en v er, $1,421 in K a n sas C ity , $ 1 ,5 5 0 in M in neapolis, $ 1 ,5 2 5 in St. Louis, and $ 1 ,3 3 9 in Salt L ak e C ity . D istrib u tio n o f Expenditures at Successive Incom e Levels A s incom es increase certain of the expenditure item s show the sam e tendency to increase, rem ain constant, or decrease in each of the five cities studied in the W e s t N o rth C en tra l-M o u n ta in region. The proportions of the total fam ily expenditure going for food, housing, and fuel, light, and refrigeration decline, while those for clothing, transportation, and vocation increase. The trend n oted in other regions for the percentage of the total ou tlay spent for personal care to rem ain constan t regardless of incom e is well defined in K a n sa s C ity and Salt L ak e C ity , b u t there is a slight tendency for this percentage to increase in St. Lou is and M in n ea p olis-S t. P au l, while the flu ctu a tions abou t 2 percent are irregular in D en v er. T h e percentage allotted to other household operation increases w ith a rise in incom e level in each of the cities b u t M in n ea p olis-S t. Paul where there is no consistent trend. In D en v er and K a n sas C ity , increases in incom e are follow ed b y larger percentage expenditures for furnishings and equipm en t, but the correlation betw een incom e changes and the percentage of total expenditures for these item s in the other three cities is negligible. O f the two rem aining groups of expenditures for the personal needs of the fam ily, the percentages given to recreation tend to increase as higher incom e levels are achieved, b u t the m o v em en t is n o t consistent through all of the incom e levels studied in each of the five cities. M ed ica l care likewise tends to claim a larger proportion of total expenditures as the fam ily incom e becom es larger. I t does n o t always v a ry directly w ith changes in incom e, how ever, being m ore dependent on fam ily size and com position, and exposure to illness. In sm all sam ples, the experience of individual fam ilies tends at tim es to produce erratic m o v em en ts. T h u s, for exam ple, the per centages of total expenditure given to recreation show ed a general tendency to increase at higher incom e levels, bu t the m o v em en t was n ot consistent through all the incom e levels studied in each of the 5 cities. Sim ilar irregularity in the m o v em en t of the percentage of total expenditures going to furnishings and equipm ent, and contribu- IN C O M E LEVEL AND M ONEY D IS B U R S E M E N T S 17 tions to community welfare were noted in many cities. At the highest incomes, where the sample is smallest, there were irregularities even in the movement of the percentage of total expenditures going for food and housing. T h e general pattern of expenditure emerges m ore clearly if the data are portrayed w ithout regard to these fluctuations th at m a y be due entirely to the fact th at only a sm all proportion of the workers in the city could be surveyed. T h e pattern is best revealed b y curves th at cut through these accidental variations and th at approxim ate the results w hich w ould probably have been obtained had it been possible to obtain a schedule from every fam ily in the em ployed wage-earner and clerical group. Such an estim ate for M in n ea p olis-S t. Paul is presented in figures 2 and 3. T h e prim e im portance of food and housing in fa m ily spending is clearly shown b y figure 2. (See T abu lar Sum m ary, table 25 and notes on this table in appendix A , p. 3 3 6 .) I t also brings out the current com petition between expenditures for clothing and for transporta tion. W ith in the range of incom es studied, at all bu t the low est income levels, average fam ily expenditures for transportation (includ ing expenditure for autom obile purchase and operation) are higher than those for clothing. T h is relatively greater im portance of transportation as com pared w ith clothing coincides w ith the findings for the Pacific region in San F rancisco-O akland and for the E a st N o rth Central region in D etro it. in the N o rth A tla n tic region and the South It is in contrast w ith the situation (N ew Y ork C ity and P hiladelphia) (B altim ore) where expenditures for transportation were definitely below those for clothing. E v id e n tly the lesser d ensity of population in the W e s t, together w ith the large distances betw een centers, has contributed to a m ore widespread use of the autom obile in those areas both as a m eans of recreation and as a necessary m eans of locom otion. One of the m o st im p ortan t aspects of the data on expenditures at different incom e levels is the variation in the relative change of ex penditures for com m odities and services of different types. T h is can n ot be shown on the type of scale used in figure 2 which was designed to em phasize the absolute im portance of the various item s. In figure 3, the same lines are plotted on a logarithm ic scale in order to show th at expenditures for each group of item s increase at a different rate from incom e level to incom e level. T h e relative change for food and for housing is sm all com pared w ith th at for clothing and transportation, as well as for som e of the other less im p ortan t item s of fa m ily expenditure. The difference between the shapes of the curves for clothing on one hand, and those for food and for housing on the other indicates that expenditures for clothing expand rapidly through all the income levels 18 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N Fig. 2 PATTERNS OF FAMILY EXPENDITURES AT SUCCESSIVE INCOME LEVELS AMONG WAGE EARNERS AND LOWER-SALARIED CLERICAL WORKERS ANNUAL EXPENDITURE MINNEAPOLIS -S T PAUL, 1 9 3 4 -1 9 3 6 WHITE FAMILIES ANNUAL INCOME IN DOLLARS U S . B U R E A U O F L A B O R S T A T I S T IC S ANNUAL EXPENDITURE ( in Dollars) ( In Dollars ) IN C O M E LEVEL AND M ONEY 19 D IS B U R S E M E N T S Fig. 3 RELATIVE FAMILY EXPENDITURES AT SUCCESSIVE INCOME LEVELS AMONG WAGE EARNERS AND LOWER SALARIED CLERICAL WORKERS MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL, 1 9 3 4 -1 9 3 6 ANNUAL EXPENDITURE (In D o lla rs ) WHITE FAMILIES ANNUAL EXPENDITURE I OOO (In D o lla rs ) 900 800 700 600 500 400 100 90 80 70 60 50 The slopes o f the lines show rne percent increase in expenditure corresponding to the percent increase in income. A slope greater than that o f a 4 5 degree line represents a gain o f the specified kind o f expenditure relatively greater than the gain in income-, o slope less than that o f a 4 5 degree line represents a gain relatively smaller. U . S . B U R EA U O F LA B O R S T A T IS T IC S 20 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N represented by this group. The relative increase is most pronounced between the $1,200 income level and the $2,100 level. T ran sportation and furnishings and equipm ent expenditures show even greater elasticity than those for clothing up to the $ 1 ,2 0 0 incom e level. T h e rapid rise suggests th at few fam ilies at the low est incom e levels studied can afford autom obiles or other than bare essentials of household supplies, b u t th a t these item s are am ong the first to be added when incom es perm it. range studied, how ever, A t higher levels w ithin transportation expenditures the incom e continue as elastic as those for clothing, in contrast to a rapid tapering off in relative purchase of furnishings and equipm ent. E v id e n tly , after a few of the m ost essential item s of convenience and com fort have been added to the housefurnishings and equipm ent, additional funds are m ore likely to go for clothes or autom obiles, recreation, g ifts, or miscellaneous item s. Variation in money disbursements. F or m a n y reasons of taste, h abit, or circum stances peculiar to a given year or to a given fam ily situation, the expenditures of a particu lar fam ily for a certain item or group of item s m a y deviate considerably from the average for a large group of fam ilies. T h u s a fa m ily which experienced a serious illness of the principal earner m igh t be obliged to incur m edical and perhaps hospital expenses and possibly to defer purchases of clothing and recreational item s and p aym en ts on back d e b ts; a fa m ily w ith a gifted child m igh t m ak e considerable sacrifices of clothing, transportation, and even food in order to provide special lessons in the hope of an artistic career for the ch ild; the you n g couple recently married will p robably spend m u ch m ore for furniture and equipm ent than an older couple w ith the sam e in co m e; a fam ily w ith dependent relatives m u st m ake larger contributions to persons outside the econom ic fam ily than one whose relatives are m ore fortu n ately situated. In interpreting the average figures presented in this volume, it is important to keep in mind some idea of the extent of these variations from the average, and their magnitude for the different main categories of expenditure. B ecause of differences of fam ily incom e and size, as well as for the reasons cited, the average expenditure of all fam ilies covered has only a lim ited significance. T h is is m ore true for certain categories of expenditure, where purchases tend to be relatively infrequent and of large m agnitu de when they do occur, than for other categories. D a ta presented in table 2 4 A of the T ab u lar S u m m ary show the extent to which the expenditures of individual fam ilies vary from the average in each city. IN C O M E LEVEL AND M ONEY 21 D IS B U R S E M E N T S T h o u g h the m easures of v a r ia tio n 9 are n ot identical from city to city for given categories of expenditure, th ey are sufficiently similar to reveal distinct patterns of variation for different types of expendi tures. T here is relatively less variation in food and housing ex penditures than in any other item of the fa m ily budget. There is a higher degree of variability in expenditures for housing in Salt L ake C ity than in the other 4 com m unities, am ong the highest found in any of the 42 cities in the N a tio n -w id e stu dy . T h is is p robably due in part to the lower average incom e and in part to the larger pro portion of fam ilies w ith m ore than two children in th at co m m u n ity , and the subsequent pressure upon fam ily resources. T h e n ext group of item s, personal care, clothing, recreation, and household operation other than fuel, light, and refrigeration, are approxim ately twice as variable as those for food and housing. R ela tiv ely the greatest variability, three or m ore tim es as m u ch as for food expenditures, occurs in expenditures for furnishings and equipm en t, transportation, m edical care, gifts and contributions, and m iscellaneous item s. The variability in savings and in deficits for fam ilies ending the year in such positions respectively ranks along w ith th at for transportation and other item s in the third m o st variable group of expenditure item s. T h e very listing of the above groups of item s suggests the probable reasons for the striking differences in variability for certain categories. F ood and housing, m a jo r item s in the fa m ily b udget, m u st be pur chased regularly b y all fam ilies and, w ithin the incom e and occupa tional range of this stu dy, extrem ely wide variations are n ot to be expected. A t the opposite extrem e, m a n y item s of furnishings and equipm ent are purchased b y relatively few fam ilies in an y one year, and such outlays wiien m ade in volve com paratively h ea v y expendi tures. T h e great irregularity in transportation expenditures is due in large part to the m aterial differences in such expenditures of fam ilies w ith and w ithou t autom obiles. M ed ica l care expenditures reflect differences in em ergency situations encountered during the year b y individual fam ilies. E v en at the sam e incom e level, it is hardly to be expected th at any two fam ilies will spend their funds in exactly the sam e w ay. The significance of the various averages presented— the extent to which fam ilies tend to conform to the average pattern— is shown b y incom e levels for the city of M in n ea p olis-S t. Paul in table 2 4 B of the T ab u la r S u m m a ry .10 F or alm ost every category of expenditure there is less 9The measure of variation used, the coefficient of variation, expresses the dispersion about the average of the individual items which go to make up the average. The measure is in percentage terms, i. e., is independent of the size of the average. For fuller statement, see appendix A , note on tables 24A and 24 B, p. 335. In the textual discussion, the terms variation, measure of variation, degree of variation, variability, etc., should be understood always to refer to coefficients of variation as set forth in tables 24A and 24B of the Tabular Summary. 10 Measures of variation for families of separate types by income level were computed for families studied in New York City (see B. L. S. Bulletin 637, vol. I, Tabular Summary, table 24). Funds were not available for similar computations for other regions. 22 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N variation in the expenditures of families in any given incom e class than there is in the expenditures of the city group as a whole. T here is a general tendency for the variation in expenditures to be less at the high incom e levels than a t the lo w .11 true of clothing, furnishings, and deficits. T h is is especially I t is som ew hat less strik in gly true for m edical care and personal care. On the other hand, there is no clearly discernible direction of change in variation in ex penditures for food, housing, household operation, transportation, recreation, gifts and contributions, or surplus at higher in com e levels. T hese tendencies agree, in general, w ith those found in cities in other regions for which variations in expenditures b y incom e level were com puted. W h e n the findings for seven cities in six different regions are com pared, it is found th at there was a significant decrease in variability at higher incom e levels in expenditures for clothing, fur nishings and equipm ent, and m edical care. F or other item s of expend iture and for surplus and deficit, no significant decline was found. T h e higher relative variations in expenditures for several categories at the lower incom e levels suggests the close pressure of these narrow m argins of fa m ily incom e. F or a low -incom e fam ily, an em ergency or unusual expenditure for m edical care, furnishings, or autom obile was apt to m ean a sharp corresponding trim m ing in the others, so th at individual fam ilies studied spent anywhere from zero to rather large am ounts for som e of these item s. T heir incom es were n ot large enough to perm it th em to allocate their resources regularly from year to year in about the sam e proportions for these various fam ily requirem ents, b u t rather th ey stretched their dollars as best th ey m igh t. F or the higher incom e fam ilies, on the contrary, the sm aller rela tive variability in several categories of expenditures indicates th at it was possible for these fam ilies to work out a m ore consistent pattern of expenditure. Such drastic rearrangem ents in their budgets were n ot required even should an em ergency expenditure arise. T hey were m ore nearly able to plan regular replacem ents of item s of cloth ing and furnishings, to m ake regular as well as em ergency expenditures for m edical care, and to plan definite expenditure for personal care. T h e y were also less apt to find it necessary to incur deficits of w idely differing am ounts. 11 In part, this is due to the fact that the income bands are proportionately wider at the lower levels. Thus a $2,400 income is 13 percent higher than a $2,100 income, while a $1,200 income is 33 percent higher than one of $900. It follows, even if variations in expenditures for clothing were exclusively due to differ ences in income, that in terms of percentages there would be less variation in clothing expenditures among families with incomes of $2,100 to $2,400 than among those with incomes of $900 to $1,200. IN C O M E LEVEL AND M ONEY 23 D IS B U R S E M E N T S Income Levels and Planes o f L ivin g Size and composition of family . Since the amount of the family income and the number of persons in the family are almost equally important in determining the way that income is spent, it becomes of crucial importance to understand the family types which predominate at each income level among the families studied. The median size of family in these five cities as shown by the census of 1930 was slightly under the median size of family for all cities in the country, 4 .0 persons. The average size of the families studied in each city sample in this region, while below the median size for urban families in the country as a whole, was slightly above the median size of family for that city as shown by the census. The comparable figures are as follows: For Denver, an average of 3 .14 persons per family for the sample as against a median as shown by the census of 3 .1 0 ; for Kansas City, 3 .3 7 against 3 .1 7 ; for Minneapolis-St. Paul, 3.51 against 3 .4 1 ; for St. Louis, 3.48 against 3 .2 7 ; and for Salt Lake City, where the largest families found in this region occurred, 3.81 against 3 .6 8 .12 In four of the cities studied— D en v er, K a n sas C ity , M inneapolisSt. Paul, and S t. L ouis— approxim ately one-half studied had no children under 16 years of age. of the families O f this group w ith ou t you n g children approxim ately h alf were fam ilies consisting of h usband and wife o n ly ; slightly over a fourth were fam ilies of husband, wife, sons and daughters, or other fam ily m em bers over 16 years o ld ; and a lm ost a fourth were econom ic fa m ilie s13 com posed of adults n ot including a husband and wife. T h is last group was m ade up of a great variety of fa m ily ty p es; widows or widowers w ith children over 16 years old, or brothers and sisters uniting their econom ic resources, were the m o st frequent. T h e proportion of fam ilies in Salt L ak e C ity havin g children under 16 was m uch larger than for the other four cities, since out of a total of 210 fam ilies only 73 reported no children under 16. T hese 73 fam ilies were distributed am ong the fa m ily types listed above as 12If the investigation had been extended to families on relief, the average size of family would have been somewhat larger. In the period covered by the schedules secured in Denver, the number of families on the relief rolls was at its height in February 1935. Figures from the records of the Division of Social Research, Works Progress Administration show the number of white families including two or more persons on relief in the city at that time to have been 11,200 or 16.2 percent of the number of such families in Denver in 1930. The average size of these families on relief was 3.9 persons. During the period of the scheduling, the number of families on relief in Kansas City reached a peak of 9,500 families in May 1935, which constituted 8.3 per cent of white families in Kansas City in 1930. The average size of these 9,500 families was 3.8. The maxi mum number of families on relief during the period of the investigation in Minneapolis-St. Paul occurred in May 1935, when 15,000 or 8.8 percent of families living in Minneapolis-St. Paul in 1930 received such aid. An average of 3.8 persons were in these needy families. During the same month, St. Louis experienced its greatest relief load 19,600 families of an average size of 4.0 persons. This figure constituted 11.0 percent of all families in St. Louis in 1930. Eight thousand four hundred families, averaging 4.2 persons per family, were given relief in Salt Lake City in February 1935, or 19.8 percent of white families living there in 1930. 13See footnote 2, p. 8. 5 3 9 5 7 °— 39------ 3 24 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N follow s: 35 were fam ilies of h usband and wife o n ly, 21 were fam ilies including husband and wife, and sons and daughters, or other fam ily m em bers over 16 years of age, and 17 were fam ilies of adults n ot including m an and wife. T h e very sm all fam ilies found at the low est incom e level am ong the independent fam ilies covered in the present investigation com pared w ith the large size of the fam ilies on the relief rolls em phasizes the difficulty of supporting a fam ily w ith several children in a period Fi g. 4 SIZE OF FAMILY AMONG WAGE EARNERS AND LOWER-SALARIED CLERICAL WORKERS AT SUCCESSIVE INCOME LEVELS SALT LAKE CITY, 1934-1935 WHITE FAMILIES INCOME CLASS N U M B E R OF P E R S O N S 2_______________3 ALL FAMILIES * 6 0 0 ^ * 9 0 0 * 9 0 0 u$Ser * 1 2 0 0 * 1200 A *1500 * 1 5 0 0 UNDER * 1 8 0 0 $1800 UNDER $2100 *2100 and OVER ^ 1 GAINFUL WORKERS I OTHER PERSONS 16 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER PERSONS UNDER 16 YEARS OF AGE U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS________ _ when opportunities for em ploym en t are lim ited. (See table 4 and fig. 4 .) In the higher incom e brackets, the groups studied were, in general, m atu rin g fam ilies in which there were few you n g children, and an increasing num ber of sons, daughters, or w ives who were able to enter the labor m arket. I t has already been indicated th at am ong fam ilies of wage earners and clerical workers, increases in fam ily incom e are largely dependent on the num ber of em ployable persons m aking up the fam ily group. W h e n the fam ilies studied are sorted b y fa m ily incom e, the n um ber of persons over 16 years of age is found to be con siderably larger at the higher incom e levels than at the lower ones. T a b le 5 of the T ab u la r Su m m ary shows, for each city covered in the IN C O M E LEVEL AND M ONEY D IS B U R S E M E N T S 25 West North Central-Mountain region, the size of family at different income levels and the trend toward increase in the number of persons 16 years of age and over with increases in income. The trend in the number of children per family is less regular than the trend in the number of other persons. In St. Louis the number of children per family varies with increase in income. A maximum of slightly more than one child is shown at the $1,500 to $1,800 group. In Denver at each income group families averaged fewer than one child less than 16 years old, while in Salt Lake City, with the exception of the lowest income group, families at each income class averaged more than one child, and in the $1,500 to $1,800 income class the number of children averaged 1.74. In Minneapolis-St. Paul and in Kansas City, the average number of children per family fluctuates with great irregularity from one income class to another, but the average at any one level never exceeds 1.33 in the former city, nor 1.20 in the latter. Planes o f livin g determ ined by fam ily size as well as incom e . Preliminary study of the variations in the amounts and kinds of goods purchased by families in different income classes emphasizes the obvious fact that the plane at which a family lives is determined quite as much by the number, age, sex, and occupation of the persons dependent on family income as by the size of the income. Since average size of family is larger at the higher income levels, it is im possible to assume that the plane of living of the families in successive income classes is proportional to their incomes. An examination of the types of families represented at each income level makes it evident that in any one income class there are included families with very different planes of living, the differences depending on the composi tion of the family to be supported with the given income. For example, among the 504 families surveyed in Minneapolis and St. Paul, there were 111 with incomes ranging from $1,500 to $1,800; of these 23 were families of husband and wife only, 16 of husband and wife and 1 child under 16 years of age, 14 including husband and wife and 1 person 16 years of age or older; and 3 families of other types including 2 or 3 persons, making a total of 56 families of not more than 3 persons living in relative comfort with incomes averaging about $1,650. In the same income class there were 55 families of 4 or more persons whose expenditures were definitely more restricted, depend ing on the number and the age of the persons in the family, and whose plane of living was necessarily considerably lower than that of the families with only 3 members. Since one of the primary purposes of the investigation was to de termine the kind of living available to families at different economic levels, the detailed analysis of expenditures has been based upon a classification which takes into account not only the total amount of 26 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N money available for family living, but, also, the composition of the family for which it is spent. The process of classifying families ac cording to their economic level may be indicated from the case of two families, each spending $1,450 during the schedule year. The first family consisted of a man of 40 working as a machine operator; his wife, 38; two sons aged 15 and 6; and two daughters, aged 12 and 8. In addition, the family was responsible during 6 months for the total support of the wife’s mother, who lived with the family during half the year. This family is regarded as consisting of 6 % full-time equiva lent persons in the family. The second family consists of a man of 27, also a machine operator; his wife, 26; a daughter of 4 years and an infant son 1% years old. This is a four-person family. The first family spent $725 and the smaller family $780 for all items other than food and clothing. There is not enough information at present avail able on the influence of age or sex on these general types of expenditure to improve upon the assumption that equal expenditures are incurred for each member of the family. The per capita expenditure per full time equivalent person in the first family was $112 as against $195 in the second family for all items other than food and clothing. In the case of food, studies of customary expenditures and of dietary needs have been made in sufficient detail to allow for the creation of scales of expenditure for each age, sex, and activity group in terms of the customary expenditures of an adult male employed full-time. The scales adopted in this study indicate that the first family consisted of the equivalent of 5.5 adult males in the family for the full year. This unit will be subsequently referred to in the present study as a “ foodexpenditure unit.” The second family consisted of 2.9 food-expendi ture units. The first family spent $580 per year for food, or the equiva lent of $105 per food-expenditure unit. The second family spent $500, a substantially smaller proportion of its total income, but which amounted to $172 per food-expenditure unit. (See appendix G, pp. 376 and 377.) Finally, in connection with clothing, it has been possible as a result of this study to derive a scale of customary expenditures related to sex, age, and occupation. If the average expenditures of adult male wage earners and lower-salaried clerical workers between the ages of 21 and 35, inclusive, are regarded as equivalent to one clothing-expenditure unit, it has been found that the larger of the two families contains 4.0 clothing-expenditure units while the smaller family contains 2.6. The first family spent $145 for clothing and the smaller family, $170. This was an average per clothing-expenditure unit of $36 for the first family and $65 for the second. The economic level of the first family has been measured by the sum of these three types of unit expenditure: $105 for food, $36 for clothing, and $112 for all other items: total for the family, $243 per expenditure unit. The smaller family, which IN C O M E LEVEL AND M ONEY D IS B U R S E M E N T S 27 it will be recalled had an identical income to spend, has not been classified with the larger family but rather with other families that had expenditure per unit of more than $400 but less than $500. In both cases, this means that these particular families are grouped as regards economic level with families whose incomes may be quite different. For example, a widow with one young child, earning $100 a month, would be grouped with the smaller of the two families, as would also a very large family with an income of more than $3,000. (See appendix G, pp. 376-381 and sample code sheet, p. 382.) The relationship between expenditures and the size and composi tion of families at successive income levels will be seen more clearly from table 4 which presents data by income level for the white fami lies covered in the investigation. The average family expenditure at the highest income level shown for Minneapolis-St. Paul was more than four times the average family expenditure at the lowest income level, but the amount spent per expenditure unit at the highest income level was not quite twice the amount at the lowest income level. T 4 . — A v era g e a m ou n t spent per expen ditu re unit am ong wage earners and low er-sa laried clerical w orkers at successive in com e levels in 1 yea r d uring the period 1 9 3 4 —3 6 W H IT E FAMILIES able Income class Num ber of fam ilies Average size of family in expend iture units Average total expendi ture per family Average amount spent for food per food ex penditure unit Average amount spent for clothing per cloth ing ex penditure unit $140 148 159 178 182 182 232 $30 43 50 57 86 72 101 $135 203 219 284 323 387 474 $304 395 428 522 593 645 809 $123 131 145 164 178 172 $32 35 47 65 74 82 $156 184 227 293 367 328 $312 351 421 525 621 587 $31 40 46 57 64 75 76 106 $197 198 234 260 316 305 286 365 441 $372 384 441 490 556 569 538 632 710 Average amount spent for other items per person Average amount spent for all items per ex penditure unit D enver $600 to $900 i________ $900 to $1,200________ $1,200 to $1,500______ $1,500 to $1,800______ $1,800 to $ ______ $2,100 to $2,400______ $2,400 and over_____ 2.100 21 65 59 57 72 12 9 2.71 2. 74 3.07 2. 94 2.96 3. 26 2.90 $823 1,083 1,315 1,535 1, 755 2,103 2, 346 K a n sa s C ity $500 to $900__________ $900 to $1,200________ $1,200 to $1,500______ $1,500 to $1,800______ ______ $1,800 to $ $ and over---------- 2,100 2,100 35 85 91 76 41 29 2.59 3. 00 3. 23 3.16 2.90 3.87 $808 1,052 1, 361 1,659 1,800 2, 272 M in n e ap o lis -S t . P a u l $600 to $900i________ $900 to $1,200________ $1,200 to $1,500______ $1,500 to $1,800______ $1,800 to $ ______ $2,100 to $2,400______ $2,400 to $2,700______ $2,700 to $3,000______ $3,000 and o v e r .____ 2,100 27 101 128 111 78 40 8 6 5 2. 34 2. 94 3.11 3. 32 3. 36 3. 75 4.27 4. 38 5. 77 $871 1,129 1,371 1,626 1,869 2,132 2, 298 2, 768 4,098 $143 142 158 170 175 184 175 176 184 1No cases of families receiving less than $600 occurred in the sample. 100 28 T WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION 4. — A verag e a m o u n t sp en t p er exp en d itu re unit am on g wage earners and low er-sa laried clerical w orkers at successive in co m e levels in 1 yea r d u rin g the p eriod 1 9 8 4 ~ 8 6 — Continued able W H IT E F AM ILIES—Continued Num ber of fam ilies Income class Average size of family in expend iture units Average total expendi ture per family Average amount spent for food per food ex penditure unit Average amount spent for clothing per cloth ing ex penditure unit Average amount spent for other items per person $131 147 169 174 189 190 213 $32 31 44 51 65 69 79 $140 178 238 247 304 333 329 $304 358 455 474 562 592 623 $38 46 51 62 79 $159 157 190 217 278 $308 325 374 415 510 Average amount spent for all items per ex penditure unit St . L ouis 29 64 98 $500 to $900__________ $900 to $1,200________ $1,200 to $1,500______ $1,500 to $14800______ $1,800 to $ ______ $2,100 to $2,400______ $2,400 and over _ . . 100 66 2,100 27 17 2.74 3.01 2. 95 3. 40 3. 27 3.72 4.30 $832 1,077 1, 341 , 610 1,837 1 2,202 2, 679 Sa lt L a k e C tty 35 54 53 34 34 $500 to $900 i________ $900 to $1,200________ $1,200 to $1,500______ $1,500 to $1,800______ $1,800 and over---------- 2.90 3. 32 3. 57 3.93 3. 79 $892 1,080 1, 334 1,632 1 934 $110 121 132 133 155 i No cases of families receiving less than $600 occurred in the sample. Equivalence betw een total expenditures and econom ic levels . In subsequent discussions in this bulletin, expenditures will be analyzed by economic level. Econom ic levels among the white families are distinguished in $100 intervals from annual expenditures of $200 per expenditure unit to those of $1,000 and over. Since most discussions of expenditures have been based upon differences in expenditure at various income levels, it may be convenient to translate the economic levels under discussion into equivalent total annual expenditures for the two families described above. On the basis of the scales used in this study, the first family is regarded as consisting of 5.7 expenditure units, while the second family consists of 3 .3 6 or approximately 3.4 expenditure units. The $250 economic level for the first family implies total annual expenditures, then, of $ 1 ,4 2 5 and the $650 level for the same family, total expenditures of $ 3 ,7 0 5 . The equivalence is shown in the following table: T able 5. — T otal f a m i l y ex pen d itu re equivalents f o r fa m ilie s o f 8 d ifferent typ es at given econ om ic levels Economic level Family of 5.7 (amount spent per expenditure expenditure units unit) 1 $150 250 350 450 550 650 1 2 $855 1,425 1,995 2, 565 3,135 3,705 Family of 3.4 expenditure units Family of 1.9 expenditure units $510 850 1,190 1,530 1,870 $285 475 665 855 1,045 1, 235 2 2,210 3 6 Family consisted of a man, 40, working as a machine operator; his wife, 38; two sons, aged 15 and ; and two daughters, aged and . Family consisted of man, 27, working as a machine operator; his wife, 26; a daughter 4 years old, and an infant son 1 H years. * Family consisted of man, 35, working as a machine operator, and his wife, 31. 12 8 IN C O M E LEVEL AND M ONEY 29 D IS B U R S E M E N T S Table 6 presents the amount spent per expenditure unit at succes sive economic levels in the five cities studied in this area. It will be seen that while average total expenditures approximately doubled from the lowest to the highest expenditure levels in each city, the amounts spent per expenditure unit for food, clothing, and “ other items” respectively increased in much greater proportions. T a b l e 6 .— A verage am ou n t sp en t per expenditure u n it am ong wage earners and low er-salaried clerical workers at successive econ om ic levels in 1 yea r during the p eriod 1 9 3 4 - 8 6 W H IT E FAM ILIES Average Amount spent per expenditure unit N um size of family ber of fam in expend ilies iture units Average total expendi ture per family Average amount spent for food per food ex penditure unit Average amount spent for clothing per cloth ing ex penditure unit $107 141 155 181 204 239 242 302 255 $27 47 53 64 82 84 $92 107 132 150 173 195 207 218 Average amount spent for other items per person Average amount spent for all items per ex penditure unit D enveb Under $300__________ $300 to $400__________ $400 to $500__________ $500 to $600__________ $600 to $700__________ $700 to $800__________ $800 to $900__________ $900 to $1,000________ $ and over____ 1,000 25 67 52 54 36 28 11 9 13 4. 37 3. 47 3.15 . 2. 40 2. 09 2 66 2.10 1.93 2.10 $1,113 1,202 1,396 1,447 1,550 1,586 1,781 1,885 2,295 $120 160 235 298 358 434 515 546 742 $255 346 443 544 646 759 848 977 1,093 $15 29 40 52 69 70 $57 117 170 238 307 387 477 737 $164 253 341 440 548 650 786 1,057 $29 38 49 67 74 $109 173 231 298 370 442 509 628 703 $250 350 441 545 639 745 849 968 1,069 $69 111 162 220 $169 253 349 443 537 647 746 843 1,049 $72 $171 249 348 457 551 761 102 134 98 K a n sa s C it y $100 $200 to _________ $200 to $300 _ $300 to $400__________ $400 to $500__________ $500 to $600__________ $600 to $700___ $700 to $900__________ $900 and over________ 6 39 92 73 50 43 31 23 6.12 4. 24 3. 50 2.99 . 87 2. 46 2.38 1. 99 2 $1,003 1,071 1,193 1,317 1,572 1,599 1,870 2,104 101 101 M in n e a p o lis -S t . P a u l Under $300__________ $300 to $400__________ $400 to $500__________ $500 to $600__________ $600 to $700__________ $700 to $800__________ $800 to $900__________ $900 to $1,000________ $ and over______ 1,000 47 114 106 86 59 36 32 10 14 4. 75 3. 79 3. 23 2. 95 2. 78 . 61 2. 09 . 26 2 2 2.01 $1,189 1,326 1,425 1, 607 1,777 1,945 1,774 2,188 2,149 $111 136 161 183 194 216 242 249 251 86 95 84 111 St . L ouis $100to $200__________ $200 to $300__________ $300 to $400__________ $400 to $500__________ $500 to $600__________ $600 to $700__________ $700 to $800__________ $800 to $900__________ $900 and over________ 6 48 65 94 62 42 28 30 26 5. 39 4. 98 3. 73 3. 36 2. 78 2.48 2. 35 2.15 2.11 $912 1,261 1,303 i,490 1,492 1, 605 1,754 1,813 2, 214 $80 113 148 174 198 216 221 238 287 $15 24 33 45 52 56 66 76 100 282 369 453 519 663 S alt L a k e C it y $100to $200__________ $200 to $300__________ $300 to $400__________ $400 to $500__________ $500 to $600__________ $600 and over________ 8 46 55 50 22 29 5. 65 4. 57 3. 67 2. 96 2. 85 . 2 21 $966 1,138 1,278 1, 354 1,570 1,681 $76 100 125 151 162 210 $23 36 49 64 82 101 112 173 244 315 446 30 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N Order of Expenditures at Different Economic Levels When the data from all the families studied had been sorted accord ing to economic level, as indicated by the number of dollars spent per expenditure unit, it was found that certain tendencies in the distribu tion of expenditures among different types of goods and services are much more striking with this classification than with the income classi fication, and that they are very similar from city to city. At the lower spending levels there are a certain number of small families with very low incomes, but more large families with incomes approaching the median. Families of these two different types are much nearer together as far as spending patterns are concerned than two families with the same money income, one of husband and wife only, the other including several children. There are striking declines in the pro portion of total expenditures going to food with rise in the economic levels of the family, less rapid declines in expenditures for housing, fuel, light, and refrigeration combined, and a slight rise in the percent age spent for clothing. E xpenditures at tw o econom ic levels . The difference in the average size of the families at low and high spending levels, their average income and expenditures, is well illus trated by data from Denver, shown in figure 5. The families at the lowest expenditure level shown averaged 4.84 persons, and devoted 38.9 percent of their total outlay to food, one quarter to housing, fuel, light, and refrigeration, thus having only 36 percent left for clothing, other items of household operation, transportation, recreation, medical and personal care, and the other items which must be pur chased in an urban community. The families at the higher expend iture level averaged approximately 2% persons per family. They spent almost two times as much for food per expenditure unit as the larger families at the lower level, but their total outlay for food repre sented only 29.7 percent of their total expenditure. Their expendi tures for housing, fuel, light, and refrigeration amounted to $130 per person as compared with $58 per person at the lowest level, but the percentage of the total devoted to housing at the highest level was only 21.3 percent. The families at the highest level thus had almost 50 percent of their total expenditures yet to plan after food, housing, heat, light, and refrigeration had been paid for. Expenditures having the lowest ranks, as education, vocation, and other items, retain about the same relative importance among families spending between $200 and $300 per expenditure unit per year as among families spending between $600 and $700. The relatively small expenditure for formal education at the upper expenditure level is explained by the type of families found at this level in each of the cities. These families averaged only slightly more than 2 persons. IN C O M E LEVEL AND M ONEY D IS B U R S E M E N T S 31 Fig. 5. DISTRIBUTION OF FAMILY EXPENDITURES OF WAGE EARNERS AND LOWER-SALARIED CLERICAL WORKERS AT TWO DIFFERENT ECONOMIC LEVELS DENVER, 1934- 1935 WHITE ITEM FAMILIES PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 FOOD HOUSING INCLUDING FUEL, LIG H T AN D R EFR IG ER ATIO N CLOTHING AUTOMOBILE MEDICAL CARE RECREATION HOUSEHOLD OPERATION FURNISHINGS a EQUIPMENT TRANSPORTA TION O T H E R THAN AU TO M OBILE PERSONAL CARE COMMUNITY WELFARE,GIFTS CONTRIBUTIONS EDUCATION, VOCATION AND MISC. U S. BUREAU O F LA B O R S T A T IS T IC S 10 20 30 40 32 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N The number of persons under 16 years old averaged slightly under % person per family and the number of persons gainfully employed at some time during the year averaged about 1% persons per family. Quite as striking as change in the distribution of expenditures from the lowest to the highest economic level are the differences in the size of the families at the two levels and their income and earnings. From table 7 it is evident that a high plane of living results as much from small size of family as from large income. If families at the lowest economic level shown on the chart for Denver were to enjoy the same consumer goods and services per expenditure unit as do the families at the highest economic level they would have needed an income of $3,151. T able 7 . — F a m ily size and annual in com e am on g wage earners and low er-salaried clerical w orkers at two different econ om ic levels W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year $200 to $300 $600 to $700 City Num Average ber of size of Annual families family income Denver----------------------------. . Kansas City----------- __ _ __ Minneapolis-St. Paul... _ _ St. Louis., . . . _ _ _ Salt Lake City_____________ i 25 39 24 7 48 46 4.84 4.71 5.36 5. 54 5.06 $1,084 1,117 1,242 1,287 1,146 Earn ings of chief earner Num Average ber of size of Annual families family income $979 990 1,154 1,086 1,076 36 43 59 42 13 2.53 2.58 2.95 2. 63 2. 32 $1, 648 1, 625 1,672 1, 675 1,634 Earn ings of chief earner $1,379 1, 387 1, 433 1,426 1,425 1Includes 1 family spending under $200 per expenditure unit per year. 2Includes 2 families spending under $200 per expenditure unit per year. A comparison of the distribution of total family expenditures at low and high economic levels 14 (table 8) shows the shift in consumer demand from one of the lowest planes at which independent families were found to the highest plane of living enjoyed by any considerable number of the families of wage earners and clerical workers in each of the five cities in the West North Central-Mountain region. One of the greatest single shifts in the purchases of the white families in any of the five cities occurs in Minneapolis-St. Paul in the proportion of total funds spent for the purchase, operation, and upkeep of automo biles and motorcycles which rises four ranks to achieve fourth place, its position in each city at the highest economic level. On the con trary, expenditures for transportation other than automobile de crease in rank in four cities and retain the same rank at both economic levels in the fifth city. Expenditures for furnishings and equipment undergo the second greatest change in relative rank from low to high u Economic levels are defined by the amount of money spent per family per expenditure unit per year. The amounts classified here as “low” are between $200 and $300 and as “high” between $600 and $700. IN C O M E LEVEL A N I) M ONEY 33 D IS B U R S E M E N T S economic levels, for the region as a whole. In Kansas City and in St. Louis such expenditures rise from ninth place to fifth and sixth places, respectively; in Salt Lake City from tenth to eighth. In Den ver no change occurred in the rank of this item while in MinneapolisSt. Paul, furnishings and equipment expenditures dropped from fourth to sixth place. Gifts and contributions increased in rank from low to high level in each city. The overwhelming absolute importance of food, housing, and clothing needs at all economic levels within the range of the survey is shown by the fact that expenditures for these items rank first, second, and third, respectively, at the high as well as the low economic level in each of the five cities. T able 8 . — E x p en d itu res o f wage earners and low er-salaried rank order at two different econom ic levels clerical workers in W H IT E FAM ILIES, 1934-36 St. Louis Salt Lake City Amount spent per expenditure unit per year Group expenditure Number of families____ ____ _ F o o d ...____ __________________________ Housing, including fuel, light, and re frigeration_____ _____________________ Clothing________________________ _____ Other household operation. _ __ _____ Furnishings and equipment______ ____ Automobile transportation____________ Other transportation _ . ___ __ Personal care____ _______ - ___ Medical care. _____ _ _______ R ecreation.-.___ _ . . _ _ Education ___ _____________ _ _ Vocation_____________ _______ _ Community welfare______ _______ _ __ Gifts and contributions 4_ _ _________ Other items______________ _________ _ Minneapolis-St. Paul Kansas City Denver $200 to $3001 $600 to $700 $200 to $300 $600 to $700 25 1 36 1 39 1 43 1 2 3 7 8 4 9 10 5 6 13 14 12 11 15 2 3 7 8 4 11 10 6 5 13 14 12 9 15 2 3 6 9 4 8 10 7 5 12 14 11 13 15 2 3 7 5 4 10 11 8 6 14 15 12 9 13 $200 $600 to to $3002 $700 $200 to $300 $600 to $700 47 1 59 1 48 1 42 1 46 1 29 1 2 3 6 4 8 9 10 7 5 13 14 11 12 15 2 3 8 6 4 9 10 7 5 13 15 12 11 14 2 3 7 9 6 5 10 8 4 14 15 11 13 12 2 3 8 6 4 9 12 7 5 15 14 11 10 13 2 3 5 10 7 9 8 4 6 13 14 11 12 15 2 3 6 s 4 12 9 5 7 14 13 10 11 15 $200 $600 to to $300 $700* 1 Includes 1 family spending less than $200 per expenditure unit per year. 2 Includes 2 families spending less than $200 per expenditure unit per year. 3 Includes 6 families spending $7C0 ? nd over per expenditure unit per year. 4 To persons outside the economic family. Changes in Assets and Liabilities 15 The proportion of the white families studied in the West North Central-Mountain region reporting net surpluses for the year of current income over current expenditures varied from 52 percent in Salt Lake City to 65 percent in Denver. Among those families which spent less than their money incomes for current living, the average amount of is For purposes of this study changes in assets and liabilities are computed on the basis of changes which occurred as the result of the transfer of property or funds. Changes in the market value of real estate or personal property remaining in the hands of the families studied are not included in these figures. For more detailed explanation, see appen dix A, notes on tables 2, 4, and 5, pp. 324, 325, and 326. 34 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N surplus per family ranged from $133 in Salt Lake City to $191 in Denver. (See table 9.) On the other hand, the proportion of families studied who met part of their expenditures only by drawing on assets accumulated prior to the year covered by the schedule or by borrowing during the schedule year varied from 26 percent in Denver to 45 percent for the families studied in Salt Lake City. The average deficit per family in this situation was $152 in Salt Lake City and $198 in Denver. The small proportion of families not reported in either of the above categories reported incomes just balancing current expenditure. When all families in each city are treated as a unit, there is a small average net surplus ranging from $1 per family in Salt Lake City to $73 in Denver. In other words, there were aggregate surpluses large enough to outweigh the aggregate deficits, with a resultant positive net change in assets and liabilities for all families combined.16 In considering the relatively large proportion of families sustaining deficits over the year covered by the Study, it is important to keep in mind the financing of the occasional large expenditure which must be made by every family, and the general level of income among wage earners and clerical workers. Half the families studied in Denver had incomes less than $1,500; in Kansas City the midpoint was reached at $1,398; in Minneapolis-St. Paul at $1,448, in St. Louis at $1,529, and in Salt Lake City at $1,273. The purchase of a new living room suite, for example, by a family at any one of these income levels, or of a new electric refrigerator, must inevitably be financed in part by some means outside current income. It may be from past savings which have been set aside for this purpose, or from current borrowing. Using either method, the family will show a deficit of current expendi tures over current income in the particular year in which the extraor dinary occasional purchase is made. There are, in addition, the extraordinary emergency expenditures which must be financed outside current incom e; accidents, other illness, funerals, and weddings put a strain on the family purse which must, in a majority of cases, be met by deficit financing. Under normal circumstances it might be expected that exceptional outlays made in any one year by some families would balance accu mulations made by other families either in reducing the liabilities incurred for the expenditures of previous years, or in anticipation of later withdrawals from savings. In studying the data on changes in the assets and liabilities of the families covered in the present investigation it is important to keep is The figures just cited have been computed from the families’ own statements about changes in their assets and liabilities and do not represent a balancing difference between reported incomes and reported current expenditures. (See appendix A, pp. 321, 322, and 325.) Most families were not able to present a statement of total receipts and total disbursements which balanced exactly. No schedule was accepted for use from a family which could not supply a statement of total receipts and total disbursements which balanced within 5 percent. IN C O M E LEVEL AND M ONEY D IS B U R S E M E N T S 35 in mind the setting of the period in which this survey was made. There had been a period of 3 or 4 years of intense anxiety during which there was no certainty as to what the future held in store. M ost low and moderate income families had postponed, insofar as possible, all expenditures for furniture and durable equipment. It would appear that a number of them had managed even during the worst days of the depression to conserve small amounts of their past savings or their current income. B y 1934, and more particularly by 1935, anxiety with reference to the future was somewhat relieved, especially in the case of the group of families covered by this investigation. Families without relatively steady employment and families on relief at any time during the year prior to the interview by the field agent were excluded from the survey. A t least one earner in every family included in this study had had employment for the greater part of the year and it is natural to find them buying with a certain amount of optimism to make up for the enforced economies of the immediate past. When the families are classified by income, it appears that the income level at which aggregate savings exceeded aggregate deficits varied somewhat from city to city. (See Tabular Summary, table 5.) In Denver and St. Louis, among families with incomes below $1,200, although some families were able to make savings, they were more than outweighed by the larger amount of the deficits. Above that income level in those cities, the surpluses outweighed the deficits, with the net surplus for all families combined rising steadily from lower to higher income levels. In Kansas City, the turning point came at the $900 income level; in Minneapolis-St. Paul, not until incomes averaged $1,500 or more; and in Salt Lake City, where the average family size of the group is 10 percent larger than that found in each of the other cities, not until they averaged $1,800, though the group with incomes between $1,200 and $1,500 had a net surplus. The general pattern is the same in all cities, however, with large average net deficits at the lowest income levels decreasing pro gressively with increases in family income until the turning point is reached, after which, at each successive income level, there is an average surplus for all families, the surplus growing larger at the higher income levels. In a few instances the pattern is slightly irreg ular, but such variations of the usual trend are accounted for in most instances by a few families; on the one hand, those which faced situations of sickness or other emergency making necessary unusually heavy borrowing, and on the other hand, those which placed unusual limitations on their current expenditures to meet special situations such as the down payment on an owned home, or the sum necessary to pay off debts accumulated in the previous years. Had it been possible to include larger numbers of families in the sample, these fluctuations in the general trend would probably not have occurred. 36 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N W h e n fam ilies are classified b y detailed econom ic level (see T abu lar S u m m ary, table 2 ), the patterns are less regular. In general, there appears a tendency for the n et change in assets and liabilities to be positive (an average surplus for all fam ilies) a t the lower econom ic levels, and negative econom ic levels. (an average deficit for all fam ilies) at higher I t is obviou s th at there are at every level individual fam ilies w ith deficits and others w ith surpluses, b u t the average result for all fam ilies reveals a pattern o f the general nature indicated above. W ith in this general trend there are, in individual cities, con siderable irregularities which are n o ta b ly decreased when the fam ilies are grouped at three econom ic levels. 19.) (See T ab u la r S u m m ary, table I t will be seen from table 9 th at in four out of the five cities the percentage of fam ilies com pleting the year w ith a n et deficit was higher in the group spending $60 0 per expenditure unit than in the group spending less than $ 400, and th at the am oun t of surplus per fa m ily havin g a surplus as well as the am ou n t of deficit per fa m ily h avin g deficit increased su bstan tially from low levels. to high econom ic In three cities studied in this region the n et change for all fam ilies at the highest econom ic level shown in table 9 was a deficit, while in the two other cities it was a sm aller average surplus than reported b y fam ilies at the n ext lower econom ic level. T h e general reversal of the pattern of changes in assets and lia bilities when fam ilies are classified b y econom ic level rather than by incom e level is due in part to the very nature of the sort b y am oun t spent for current expenditure per expenditure unit. T h e fam ilies at a given incom e level spending the largest am ounts for current expenditure will correspondingly be the fam ilies w ith sm aller savings. In general, the fam ilies h avin g the largest current expenditures per expenditure unit are the fam ilies w ith larger incom es, and sm aller num bers of children. T here are, how ever, at the lower expenditure levels families w ith incom es which are relatively large in term s of the average for the entire group, w ith larger num bers of m em bers, a n d /or earners, than those at the higher econom ic levels. W h e n the fig ures on net changes in assets and liabilities are com puted in term s of averages per expenditure unit, and of averages per worker, the trend is som ew hat different. T here is, how ever, a good deal of evidence to show th at the deficits a t higher expenditure levels were to an im p ortan t degree due to the borrow ing power and the confidence in incurring obligations of the fam ilies classified at these levels, and to the rising tide of in stallm en t bu y in g characteristic of years follow ing the depression of 1933. D a ta presented in table 10 show th at in each of the cities except Salt L ake C ity increases in am ou n ts due on goods purchased on the in stallm en t plan assum ed a larger proportion of the total increase in liabilities w ith IN C O M E LEVEL AND M ONEY 37 D IS B U R S E M E N T S rise in the expenditure level of the fam ilies. T h e increase w as m o st striking in D en v er, where increases in sum s owed for goods purchased on the in stallm en t plan am ounted to liabilities at the low est level and 15 percent of increases in all 55 percent at the highest. A com parison of the average increases in liabilities for goods purchased on the in stallm en t plan, w ith the decreases reported b y fam ilies having a sm aller am oun t outstan ding on goods purchased b y this plan at the end of the year than at the beginning shows in each one of these cities (including Salt L ak e C ity ) th at total obligations incurred during the year were considerably larger than those paid off. T 9 . — Percentage o f fa m ilies o f wage earners and low er-salaried clerical workers having su rp lu s and deficit and net change in assets and liabilities during the schedule yea r at successive econom ic levels able W H IT E FAM ILIES Percentage of families having— Num ber of fam ilies City and economic level Average amount of— Net change in assets and liabilities for ail families Net sur plus Net deficit Per ex Per Per family penditure gainful unit worker Dollars +73 Dollars +25 Dollars +57 Surplus per family having surplus Deficit per family having deficit Dollars 191 Dollars 198 295 65.4 26.4 92 106 97 63.0 67.9 64.9 27.2 23.6 28.9 +36 +93 +85 +10 +32 +39 +26 +75 +67 121 198 249 146 176 265 __ 357 56.6 42.3 +29 +9 +22 170 158 Families spending per ex penditure unit per year: Under $400. _ ______ $400 to $600___________ $600 and over_ __ . _ 137 123 97 61.3 57.7 48.5 37.2 40.7 51.5 +51 +50 -2 6 +13 +17 -1 1 +38 +38 -2 0 135 194 198 85 153 237 Denver, all families_________ Families spending per ex penditure unit per year: Under $400___________ $400 to $600___________ $600 and over. _______ Kansas City, all families Minneapolis-St. Paul, all fam ilies ___ __ ___ _ 504 59.3 39.1 +16 +5 +11 151 187 Families spending per ex penditure unit per year: Under $400___ ____ $400 to $600___________ $600 and over___ __ __ 161 192 151 66.5 60.4 50.3 32.3 37.0 49.0 +69 +36 -6 3 +17 +12 -2 ^ +50 +26 -4 5 156 140 161 108 133 294 St. Louis, all families.. _ ___ 401 62.8 36.2 +35 +10 +23 164 189 Families spending per ex penditure unit per year: Under $400 ____________ $400 to $600___________ $600 and over. _____ 119 156 126 64.7 67.3 55.6 33.6 32.1 43.7 +30 +57 +12 +7 +18 +5 +20 +35 +9 115 161 222 135 161 255 Salt Lake City, all families___ 210 52.4 45.2 +1 +1 133 152 Families spending per ex penditure unit per year: Under $400___ .__ ___ $400 to $600___________ $600 and over _ _ 109 72 29 54.1 47.2 58.6 45.0 48.6 37.9 + 0 +5 -6 + 0 +4 -5 106 152 189 127 138 308 1 Less than $0.50. + 0 +0) +2 -3 38 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N T a b l e 10 . — Changes in assets and liabilities during the schedule yea r a m ong fa m ilie s o f wage earners and low er-salaried clerical workers at successive econ om ic levels W H IT E FAM ILIES Average increases in assets or decreases in liabilities Num ber Aver of fam age in crease ilies in assets 1 City and expenditure level Aver age de crease in lia bilities1 Average decreases in assets or increases in liabilities Average de creases in amounts due on goods pur chased on the installment plan 1 Aver age de crease in assets 1 Aver age in crease in total liabil ities 1 Auto Other mobiles goods Average in creases in amounts due on goods pur chased on the installment plan 1 Auto Other mobiles goods Denver, all families------------- 295 $153 $67 $6 $8 $79 $67 $14 $9 Families spending per ex penditure unit per year: Under $400_____________ $400 to $600____________ $600 and over__________ 92 106 97 74 145 236 52 70 76 1 3 13 7 11 5 67 63 73 67 63 73 2 14 26 8 6 14 Kansas City, all families___ 357 119 66 9 10 55 100 24 31 Families spending per ex penditure unit per year: Under $400___________ $400 to $600____________ $600 and over__________ 137 123 97 104 117 142 51 69 83 8 9 9 9 7 13 37 44 95 68 93 156 4 23 53 22 28 49 Minneapolis-St. Paul, all families________________ 504 115 59 8 9 66 93 13 23 161 192 151 96 114 137 70 52 58 4 6 14 11 7 23 56 124 75 74 134 6 9 27 19 15 40 Families spending per ex penditure unit per year: Under $400______ _ $400 to $600____________ $600 and o v e r . _______ 10 401 142 46 4 11 68 84 16 24 Families spending per ex penditure unit per year: Under $400_____________ $400 to $600____________ $600 and over__________ 119 156 126 113 139 172 29 51 55 2 5 5 7 12 13 38 52 116 73 80 100 4 14 30 19 25 26 Salt Lake City, all families- 210 97 58 3 8 58 96 12 22 Families spending per ex penditure unit per year: Under $400------ ------------$400 to $600____________ $600 and over__________ 109 72 29 65 132 133 47 72 59 1 17 7 12 (2) 42 77 69 70 121 129 1 22 26 20 28 16 St. Louis, all families_____ (2) 1 Averages computed by dividing the total number of families in each city or expenditure level into the aggregate increases or decreases of the families reporting such increases or decreases. 2 Less than $0.50. A n analysis of the sources of nonincom e funds disbursed during the year (T abu lar S u m m a ry , table 4 ) shows th at in all five cities except D en v er average increases in borrow ing exceeded average w ith drawals from assets. In all the cities except D en v er, the average w ithdraw als from savings were m uch less than the average borrow ing at the low est econom ic le v e l; the difference varyin g from a low in M in n ea p olis-S t. Paul where average withdraw als from savings at the low est level were 69 percent less than average borrow ings, to a high in Salt L ak e C ity where they were only 4 0 percent lower. At IN C O M E LEVEL AND M ONEY D IS B U R S E M E N T S 39 the highest expenditure level shown there is m ore variation from city to city in the ratio of withdraw als from assets to current borrow ing. In St. Lou is use of assets was greater than borrowing (i. e., increase in debt of all kinds) at this level, in D en v er equal, in M in n ea p olis-S t. P aul alm ost equal, and in K a n sas C ity and Salt L ak e C ity considerably less. T h e m o st frequent form of savings am ong the families in these cities was the p ay m en t of life insurance prem ium s 17 which was re ported by 80 percent or m ore of the families in each city. T h e average am ou n t of such prem ium s per fam ily m aking paym en ts ranged from $60 in Salt L ak e C ity to $111 in St. Louis. In general the proportion of families investing in life insurance and the average am oun t of prem ium s paid increased w ith rise in economic level. E x cep t in St. Louis the second m o st frequently reported disposition of funds for other than current expenses was pay m en t on principal of m ortgages and down p ay m en t on owned hom es. In St. Louis an increase in cash in savings account took second place. O n the other side of the balance sheet, the m o st frequently specified sources of funds other than fa m ily incom e were n et increases in in stallm en t account obligations for goods other than autom obiles, and “ other d e b ts,” which include grocers’ , d octors’ , and hospital bills, etc. W ith d raw als from savings constituted the n ext m o st frequently used source of funds for fam ilies in M in n ea p olis-S t. Paul and St. Louis. In Salt L ak e C ity loans from individuals were reported second, and in K a n sa s C ity increases in installm ent obligation for autom obile purchase. In D en v er withdrawals from savings and increases in installm en t obligations for autom obile purchase ranked together as the third m o st frequently used sources. A com parison in each of the five cities of the n um ber of families reporting the purchase of autom obile during the year covered b y the schedule and the n um ber of families reporting an increase in install m en t obligations for the purchase of autom obiles shows th at in D en v er tw o-thirds of the families purchasing autom obiles financed them by in stallm en t contracts while abou t 50 percent did so in each of the other four cities. Since a large proportion of the cars were purchased second-hand and cost approxim ately $200 it is probable th at a large n um ber of fam ilies paid for their autom obiles within the period of the schedule year. In som e cases the fam ilies resorted to sm all loan com panies b u t the figures as reported in this stu d y do n o t m ake possible conclusions as to the proportion of fam ilies obtaining such loans for the purpose of financing autom obiles. 17Ina study among Federal employees carried on by the Bureau of Labor Statistics just prior to the initia tion of this investigation, the schedule provided for securing information on the type of insurance covered by the premiums reported. It was found that very frequently informants were unable to provide the informa tion and the question was not included in the present schedule. It is, therefore, impossible to estimate how much of the amount paid in life insurance premiums represents savings and how much was paid for insurance protection during the schedule year. 5 3 9 5 7 °— 39------ 4 Chapter 2 Expenditures for Specified Goods Food Annual food expenditures. In proportion to to ta l current expenditures the am oun ts spent for food declined w ith rise in econom ic l e v e l 1 in each of the cities in the W e s t N o r th C e n tra l-M o u n ta in region, though actual dollar expendi tures increased. T h e actual dollar expenditures for food prepared at h om e (including food for lunches prepared at h om e and carried to work and to school) decreased slightly from low to the high econom ic levels, where fam ilies were m u ch sm aller, in all five cities. T h e percentage decrease ranged from 5 percent in D en v er, where the average annual expenditure per fam ily at the low est level was $4 3 0 , to 13 percent in S t. L ou is, where com parable expenditure was $4 8 8 . The actual dollar expenditures for food purchased and eaten aw ay from hom e increased considerably from the low est econom ic level to the highest in each of the five cities. In K a n sas C ity the increase was tw o fo ld ; in D e n v er, M in n ea p o lis-S t. P aul, and S t. L ou is, th reefold; and in Salt L ak e C ity , fivefold. O u t of each dollar spent for food at the low econom ic level, between 4 and 5 cents in each of the five cities except Salt L ak e C ity was used to purchase m eals aw ay from h om e. was so spent. In Salt L ak e C ity abou t 2 cents A t the high econom ic level 12 cents of each food dollar spent in K a n sas C ity and Salt L ak e C ity was allotted to m eals b ou ght and eaten aw ay from h o m e ; in D en v er, 14 cen ts; in M in n ea p olis-S t. P au l, 16 cen ts; and in St. L ou is, 17 cents. A t each level in all the cities m eals purchased at work constituted the largest expenditure for food b ou gh t and eaten aw ay from h om e. In each city the am ounts spent for m eals at w ork increased from the low est to the highest econom ic levels at abou t the sam e rate as did the total expenditures for all m eals b ou gh t and eaten aw ay from hom e. P a y m en ts for board at school, which were classified w ith expenditures for m eals aw ay from h om e, were reported b y two fam ilies in D e n v er and two in M in n ea p olisSt. Paul, b y one fa m ily in K a n sas C ity , and one in St. L ou is, and b y no fam ilies in Salt L ak e C ity . 1 In the Tabular Summary, table 8, details of annual food expenditures are shown by as many economic levels as the number of cases in each city and the type of data for this table would allow. However, for purposes of discussion in the text three comparable economic levels for all cities are used. They are: Low, under $400; intermediate, $400 to $600; high, $600 and over. 40 E X P E N D IT U R E S FO R SP E C IF IE D 41 GOODS T h e n um ber of food-expenditure units 2 per fa m ily is considerably sm aller at the highest econom ic level in each city than at the low est. T h is fa ct, com bined w ith the higher dollar expenditures per fa m ily at the upper econom ic levels, results in diets considerably m ore varied and higher in n utritive content as the econom ic level of the families rises. D iv id in g the total food expenditures b y the n um ber of food expenditure units yields striking data on the difference in total food consum ption betw een one econom ic level and another. T (See table 11.) 11 .-— E x p en d itu res f o r fo o d per fo o d expenditure unit per yea r a m ong wage earners and low er-salaried clerical workers at low and high econom ic levels able W H IT E FAM ILIES, 1934-36 Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year $600 to $700 $200 to $300 City Number of fami lies Denver___________ _______ _______ - _______ . Kaijsas City__ __ _____ _ __ ___ ________ Minneapolis-St. Paul____________ __ _______ St. Louis. _ _ ________ ___ . . . ______ _ Salt Lake City____________ . . . _____ . . 2 25 39 3 47 48 46 Amount spent for Number food per of fami food lies expendi ture unit1 $107 107 111 113 100 36 43 59 42 4 29 Percentage increase Amount in amount spent for spent for food per food per food food ex penditure expendi unit1 ture unit1 $204 195 194 216 210 90.7 82.2 74.8 91.2 110.0 1 Food-expenditure units are computed from scales based on the estimated cost of customary food con sumption during the period of the survey. (See appendix G, pp. 376-377.) 2Includes 1 family spending under $200 per expenditure unit. 3 Includes 2 families spending under $200 per expenditure unit. 4Includes 16 families spending $700 and over per expenditure unit. Food expenditures in 1 wee\ in the spring quarter . Data on 194 separate foods purchased and consumed during one typical week in the spring quarter 3 in each of the cities in the West North Central-Mountain region (Tabular Summary, table 7) confirm the customary belief that not only is there a marked increase in the aver age expenditure for food per capita with rise in economic level, but that the types and quantities of foods are distinctly different at the various levels.4 2 Food-expenditure units are computed from scales based on the estimated cost of customary food con sumption during the period of the survey. (See appendix G, pp. 376-377.) 3 In order to avoid overburdening the housewives cooperating in the investigation, the schedule was not planned with a view to obtaining estimates of the annual consumption of individual foods. The section on the details of food purchases provided for a summary of annual food expenditures and for the details of food purchases and consumption only during the week prior to the visit of the field agent. Since the figures on average amounts purchased and consumed were in the great majority of cases identical, data on quantities of foods purchased only are presented. Data on number of families using are presented to give a more complete picture. 4 For food expenditure during one week the economic levels shown in the Tabular Summary are the same for all of the cities. They are: Under $400, $400 to $600, and $600 and over. 42 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N For all of the cities in this region the per capita 6 expenditures and quantities consumed of meats, poultry, and sea food increase markedly with increases in the total amount spent per expenditure unit. Green vegetables and fruits likewise increased in respect to average expendi ture and to quantity purchased from the lowest to the highest eco nomic levels. Total quantities of flour and other cereals, including such foods as corn meal, rice, macaroni, etc., varied irregularly with rise in eco nomic level. T h e largest average expenditure per person for any individual item of food was for m ilk. A t the highest econom ic level this average expenditure was 49 percent greater than at the low est level in D en v er, 45 percent in K an sas C ity , and 37 percent in St. L ou is. In M in n e - a polis-St. Paul and Salt L ake C ity the average expenditure for m ilk was higher at the m iddle econom ic level than at the highest, which is probably accounted for b y the very sm all num ber of children am ong the fam ilies at the highest level. Reference to table 19 of the T a b u la r Su m m ary shows th at there was a m uch larger proportion of children under 16 years of age at the low est econom ic level than at the highest, and th at the proportion of children at the m iddle econom ic level lies in between in this respect. T h e percentage increase in per capita expend itures for m ilk from the low est econom ic level to the m iddle level was 44 in Salt L ake C ity , and 22 percent in M in neapolis. T h e individual food item s accounting for the second and third largest per capita expenditures were D en v er, M in n ea p olis-S t. P aul, and second and white bread third. butter and white Salt all of these bread. In C ity , b utter cam e In the rem aining two cities, white bread cam e second and b utter third. b utter in L ak e cities increased T h e average expenditure for m an yfold from the low est econom ic level to the highest. In general, per capita expenditure for bread, as well as the average quantity purchased per person, increased with rise in economic level. Potatoes ranked fourth in the proportion of total food expenditures devoted to any one item. Both the average expenditure per person and the average quantity consumed increased with rise in economic level. 5 Since human needs for and customary consumption of foods of different types vary considerably for persons of different age and sex, it is impossible to compute any singlo measure of family size which will be appropriate for comparing the consumption of specific foods from one family to another. Children’s need for milk is approximately twice as great as that of adults, while the need of heat-producing foods (starches and sugars) for adults is about twice as great as that of children. Children’s consumiition of meat varies from that of adults at a still different rate. In order to secure figures on quantities of individual foods purchased and on expenditures for individual foods which would provide a reasonably satisfactory basis for comparison and yet not present a misleading appearance of refinement, data on family purchases of individual foods have been converted to a per capita basis. E X P E N D IT U R E S FO R S P E C IF IE D GOODS 43 FOOD EXPENDITURES OF WAGE EARNERS AND LOWER-SALARIED CLERICAL WORKERS AT SUCCESSIVE ECONOMIC LEVELS SPRING QUARTER ST. LOUIS, 1 9 3 5 -1 9 3 6 WHITE FAMILIES ITEM o 20 GRAIN PRODUCTS M ILK, CHEESE AND ICE CREAM BUTTER, CREAM AND OTHER FATS MEAT, POULTRY, SEAFOOD VEGETABLES AND FRUITS SUGAR AND SWEETS MISCELLANEOUS U. S. B U R E A U O F L A B O R S T A T IS T IC S EXPENDITURES PER CAPITA PER WEEK IN CENTS 40 60 80 100 44 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N T a b l e 12 . — P e r capita expenditures f o r fo o d am ong wage earners and low er-salaried clerical w orkers W H IT E F AM ILIES, 1934-36 Average per capita expenditure in 1 week in the spring quarter in— Item Denver Number of families furnishing data on food pur chased in spring quarter _ ____ Total expenditure for: All foods_______________________________________ __ _ __ _____ Grain products _______ ___ Eggs________________ ____ __________________ Milk, cheese, ice cream _ _ _____ _ __________ Butter and cream__ __ __ __ __ ___ Other fats _ ________ ________ ______ ____ __ Meat, poultry, fish, and other sea food Vegetables and fruits _ _ . _ _ _ Sugars and sweets____________ ______ ____ _ Miscellaneous foods_________ ___________ ______ Sales tax__________________________________ __ Kansas City Minneapolis-St. Paul Salt Lake City St. Louis 190 252 358 264 210 $2. 95 .44 . 15 .31 . 17 . 18 . 64 . 69 . 13 . 24 $2.40 .42 . 13 .33 . 10 . 18 .45 .51 .11 . 15 .02 $2. 54 .40 . 13 .36 .25 . 11 . 53 .49 .09 . 18 $2. 73 .44 . 13 .32 . 12 . 16 . 67 . 57 .08 .21 .03 $2.10 .32 . 12 .30 . 15 . 13 . 37 .47 . 10 . 14 X X X X X X X X X X X X Percentage Total expenditure for: All foods___ __ ____________________ _____ _____ Grain products____ _____ .. __ ___ _________ Eggs___ ___________ _ ____ __ ________ Milk, cheese, ice cream. _ ____ ______________ Butter and cream___ ____ _ _______ _ Other fats. _ ______ _________ _____ _ ________ Meat, poultry, fish, and other sea food Vegetables and fruits. _ ________ ______ Sugars and sweets Miscellaneous foods___ ____ __ __ _ Sales tax____________________ __ ____ ______ _ _ X 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 14.9 5.1 10.5 5.8 6.1 21. 7 23.4 4.4 8.1 17.5 5.4 13.8 4.2 7.5 18.8 21.2 4.6 6. 2 .8 15.8 5.1 14.2 9.8 4.3 20.9 19.3 3. 5 7.1 16.1 4.8 11. 7 4.4 5. 9 24. 5 20.9 2.9 7. 7 1.1 15. 2 5. 7 14.3 7.1 6. 2 17. 6 22.4 4. 8 6. 7 X X X X X X X X X X X It is of considerable interest to estimate the probable adequacy of food expenditures at the different economic levels. Such an estimate furnishes a rough approximation to the probability of adequacy of the diets purchased to meet the nutritional needs of the families studied. For this purpose the size of each family was measured in adequatefood-cost units based on the United States Bureau of Home Econom ics’ adequate diet at minimum cost,6 and average food expenditures per adequate-food-cost unit were also calculated for each family. These expenditures were compared with the calculated cost of the same diet for a man at moderate work, which was taken as a unit in the adequate-food-cost scale. The prices used in this calculation were the average prices collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for its food cost indexes. It is, of course, possible to shop with care and buy at lower prices than these; a judicious selection of in-season fruits and vegetables and fish will lower the cost. On the other hand, to secure an adequate diet at the calculated cost requires extremely careful planning and food consumption habits which follow nutri6 See Stiebeling, H. K ., and Ward, M . M .: Diets at Four Levels of Nutritive Content and Cost. Department of Agriculture, Circular No. 296, Washington, 1933. U. S. EXPENDITURES FOR SPECIFIED GOODS 45 Fig. 7 PROPORTION OF FAMILIES SPENDING ENOUGH TO PURCHASE AN ADEQUATE DIET AT MINIMUM COST AT SUCCESSIVE ECONOMIC LEVELS 1934-1936 WHITE FAMILIES DENVER ECONOMIC L E V E L S (A M O U N T S P E N T P E R E XPEND ITUR E U N IT ) PERCENT O 20 40 60 80 1 00 80 100 ALL FAMILIES UNDER $400 $600 $ 400 un2>£r$ 6 0 0 and OVER ALL FAMILIES UNDER $400 $400 U N OER $600 $600 and OVER MINNEAPOLIS - ST. PAUL ALL FAMILIES UNDER $ 400 $ 4 0 0 ufiOER $600 $600 ano OVER ST. LOUIS ALL FAMILIES UNDER $400 $400 uUo% $600 $600 ano OVER 0 20 SALT LAKE CITY 40 60 ALL FAMILIES UNDER $400 $400 oSSIr $600 $600 ano OVER N O T E - The A d eq u a te D ie t A t M in im u m C ost o f th e U n ite d S ta te s B u re a u o f H o m e E co n o m ics Was U s e d a s th e B a s is f o r th e s e C om putations U . S - B U R EA U OF LA B O R S T A T IS T IC S ____________________ __________ ________ ________________________________________________ 46 W EST NORTH tional needs very closely. C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN REGION T h e figures furnish, therefore, the basis for an estim ate of the proportion of the fam ilies spending enough for nutritionally adequate fo o d ; they do n ot, how ever, furnish inform ation as to the proportion of fam ilies actually attaining adequate diets. T a b le 13 shows th at the percentage spending enough to purchase an adequate diet rose very rapidly w ith econom ic level. T 13 . — P r o p o r tio n o f fa m ilie s o f wage earners and low er-salaried clerical workers sp en d in g enough to purchase an adequate diet at m in im u m cost , at su c cessive econ om ic levels. able W H IT E F AM ILIES, 1934-36 Number of families studied City and item Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over DENVER Families in survey... _____________ . . . . . ___ _ . . . Percentage spending enough per food expenditure unit to purchase an adequate diet at minimum cost _____ 295 92 106 97 83.1 57.6 91.5 97.9 K A N S A S C IT Y Families in survey_____ _____ . . _______________ Percentage spending enough per food expenditure unit to purchase an adequate diet at minimum cost______ 351 137 123 97 56.9 24.8 64.2 92.8 M I N N E A P O L I S -S T . P A U L Families in survey------------------- -----------------------------------Percentage spending enough per food expenditure unit to purchase an adequate diet at minimum cost.. _ _ 504 161 192 151 76.5 28.0 78.1 96.0 S T . L O U IS Families in survey__ _____ __ ______ ___ ___ _____ Percentage spending enough per food expenditure unit to purchase an adequate diet at minimum cost . . . . SALT L A K E 401 119 156 126 76.8 35.3 91.7 97.6 C IT Y Families in survey.. . . . _____ _ _ _______________ Percentage spending enough per food expenditure unit to purchase an adequate diet at minimum cost-------- . 210 109 72 29 59.5 33.0 83.3 100.0 1 Based on the adequate diet at minimum cost of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Home Economics. The cost of this diet per adequate-food-cost-unit during the period of the investigation was $111 in Denver, $125 in Kansas City, $124 in Minneapolis-St. Paul, $126 in St. Louis, and $113 in Salt Lake City. Housing Housing facilities. T h irty -six percent of the families studied in the W e s t N o rth C en tra l-M o u n ta in region ow ned their hom es, the proportion ranging from 45 percent in Salt L ak e C ity to 28 percent in S t. L ou is. T h e propor tion of fam ilies at the low level who owned hom es was slightly higher than th at for the group as a w h o le ; the proportion at the high level was a little lower th an th a t for the group. W h e n differences in the propor tion of h om e owners at the different econom ic le v e ls 7 are considered, the greatest difference is found in the M in n ea p olis-S t. P au l area, where 39 percent of the fam ilies at the low level and 28 percent at the high level reported h om e ownership. V e ry little or no difference appears 7 In the Tabular Summary details for housing are shown by as many economic levels as the number of cases in each city and the type of data for this table would allow. However, for purposes of discussion in the text three comparable levels for all cities are used. They are: Low, under $400; intermediate, $400 to $600; high, $600 and over. E X P E N D IT U R E S FO R SP E C IF IE D for D en v er, K an sas C ity , and Salt L ake C ity . 47 GOODS In S t. L ouis 31 per cent of the fam ilies at the low level and 25 percent at the high level owned their hom es. In all cities studied in this region, hom e owners and renters of houses had m ore room s per fam ily than renters of apartm ents. Except in S t. L ou is, the h om e owners averaged close to 5% room s per fam ily and renters of houses som ew h at better than 5 room s. Fam ilies living in apartm ents where h eat was n ot included in the m o n th ly rental averaged close to 4 room s per fam ily, while those in apartm ents where h eat was furnished b y the landlord and included in the rent averaged som ething over 3 room s. In general the largest hom es were reported in M in n ea p olis-S t. P aul and the sm allest in St. L ouis. A lth ou gh h om e owners and house renters also had, on the average, larger families than did families living in m u ltip le-fa m ily dwellings, their hom es were enough larger to m ake up for the larger size of their fam ilies. F or the purpose of calculating n um ber of persons per room , hallw ays, open porches, kitchenettes, dinettes, and baths were n ot counted as room s. In table 14 it is seen th at, in general, the num ber of persons per room is greatest am ong renters of unheated apartm ents, th at is, apartm ents in which heat was furnished b y the tenants, usu ally b y m eans of stoves. W h en we com pare families living at the higher econom ic levels w ith those at lower levels, there is observed a pronounced dow nw ard trend in the num ber of persons per room . T h is is due in large part to the smaller size of families at the higher econom ic level. I t was n ot until the level was reached where $400 or m ore was spent per expenditure unit per year th at, w ith one excep tion, fam ilies in all categories in all cities in this region averaged better than one room per person, the standard usually accepted in the U n ited States as indicating the m in im u m of necessary space. In table 10 of the T ab u la r S um m ary the table from w hich these figures are com puted is available in a m ore detailed break-dow n by econom ic level. T h e increasing im portance of the autom obile in enabling the A m eri can worker to locate land and a house he can afford to b u y is indi cated b y the fact th at 70 percent or m ore of the h om e owners in these five cities had garages, though this percentage dropped am ong renters to 53 percent or less (table 15). Among white families included in the investigation of the five cities in this region, 34 percent or less of the home owners and 42 percent or less of the renters lived in dwellings without one or more of the following facilities: Inside flush toilets, running hot water, electric lights, and gas or electricity for cooking. Minneapolis-St. Paul had the lowest percentage among owners, and Denver the low est percentage among renters without one or more of these modern conveniences, 18 percent in the one case, and 16 in the other. In 48 T able W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 14 . — A verage n u m ber o f p erson s per room a m ong wage earners and low ersalaried clerical w orkers at successive econom ic levels W H IT E F AM ILIES, 1934-36 Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year City and item All families Under $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over DENVER Number of families in survey_____________ _______ _ Average number of persons per room among— Homeowners___ __ __ __ __ ___ __ Renters of houses_______ ________________________ Renters of heated apartments______ _______ _ _ ____ Renters of unheated apartments1_ _______________ 295 92 106 97 0.57 0.63 0. 81 0.71 0.83 1.09 0.54 0. 59 0. 77 0. 44 0. 44 0. 74 K A N S A S C IT Y Number of families in survey_________________________ Average number of persons per room among— Home owners______ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _______ Renters of houses __ __________ ___ __ ________ Renters of heated a p a r t m e n t s , . ___ ____ Renters of unheated apartments____ _____________ 357 137 123 97 0.68 0. 75 0. 79 0.82 0.88 0.90 0. 91 1.02 0. 61 0.68 0.84 0.62 0.49 0.58 0. 67 0. 49 M IN N E A P O L IS -S T . P A U L Number of families in survey_________________________ Average number of persons per room among— ___ __ ----------------------Homeowners_____ Renters of houses_________ __ __ ___ ---------------Renters of heated apartments___ ______________ Renters of unheated apartments ___ ____________ 504 161 192 151 0. 67 0.70 0. 75 0.72 0.85 0.87 0.99 0. 87 0.62 0. 73 0.74 0. 71 0.51 0. 52 0. 63 0. 55 S T . L O U IS Number of families in survey_________________________ Average number of persons per room among— Home owners---------- ------------------------------------------___ _ _ __ ------------Renters of houses______ Renters of heated apartments _ _ _____________ Renters of unheated apartments___________ ______ SA LT L A K E 401 119 156 126 0. 83 0. 81 0. 85 0. 96 1.12 0.95 1.05 1.31 0. 77 0.85 1.03 0. 95 0. 60 0. 63 0. 71 0.64 C IT Y Number of families in survey_____ _ _ ____________ Average number of persons per room among— Home o w n e r s . ___ __ _ ------Renters of houses. ___________ __ ___ _ ___ Renters of unheated apartments. _________ ______ Renters of unheated apartments1 ....... ....................... 210 109 72 29 0.78 0. 77 0. 81 0.93 0. 91 0.94 0.68 0. 61 0.83 0. 44 0.40 0. 57 1Figures not presented because of small number of families in this classification. three out of the five cities a higher proportion of renters than of hom e owners lacked this com bination of housing facilities. T h e pro portion of fam ilies whose hom es were equipped w ith specified facili ties, such as central h eat, running h ot w ater, telephones, and so forth are show n in table 15 for both owners and renters in each of the five cities. I t will be observed th at a larger proportion of the hom e ow n ers had convenient plum bing arrangem ents, electric refrigerators, and telephones, b u t th at renters relatively m ore frequently than owners reported central heating and gas or electricity for cooking. A con siderable proportion of renting families, and even som e hom e-ow nin g fam ilies, shared the use of the toilet w ith other fam ilies and as m an y as 10 percent of the renting fam ilies in K a n sa s C ity and S t. L ou is did n o t h ave access at all to inside flush toilets. E X P E N D IT U R E S FO R S P E C IF IE D 49 GOODS In table 9 of the T ab u la r Su m m ary, the data on housing facilities are presented in greater detail, including a break-dow n according to econom ic level. T h e item s whose use increased n o ta b ly from low to high econom ic level were electric refrigerators, telephones, central heating, and h o t running water. T able 15. — H o u sin g fa cilities o f wage earners and low er-salaried clerical workers W H IT E FAM ILIES, 1934-36 Item Number of home owners i__________________________ Percentage of owners having— ______ __ _______ _ Central h e a t ._____ Gas or electricity for cooking___ ___ ________ Electric refrigerator____________________________ _ Running hot w a te r.____ __ ___ _ ______ Bathroom----- ---------------- ---------------------Inside flush toilet... ______ _ ___ __ Sole use of to ile t.___ ____________________ __ __ _ ___ __ ____ Telephone______ Garage__________________________ _______ - ___ _________ Garden space______ ____________ Each of the following items: Inside flush toilets, running hot water, electric lights, and gas or electricity for cooking____ ____ _ _ Number of renters2___ . ________________ _ ___ _ Percentage of renters having— Central heat________ _ ___ ______ _____ ... Gas or electricity for cooking ___ ____ _____ _ Electric refrigerator______________________ ___ Running hot water__ __________ _ Bathroom. . _ ________ _ __ . _ _ _ _______ Inside flush toilet___________________________ _ Sole use of toilet,________ __ ___ ___ _ ______ _ Telephone_________ ________________ _________ __ Garage.________ ________ _______ _________ Garden space___________________________________ Each of the following items: Inside flush toilets, running hot water, electric lights, and gas or ----electricity for cooking _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Denver Kansas City MinneapolisSt. Paul St. Louis Salt Lake City 108 129 181 114 94 82.4 85.2 19.4 89.8 97.2 100.0 94.4 79.6 75.0 79.6 79.1 88.4 41.9 76.0 81.4 100.0 96.9 48.1 69.8 58.9 87.3 97.2 21.0 84.5 91.2 100.0 95.0 60.2 75.7 62.4 83.3 91.2 52.6 78.9 90.4 100.0 94.7 41.2 78.1 65.8 72.3 66.0 31.9 97.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 56.4 75.5 47.9 80.6 69.8 81.8 75.4 66.0 187 228 323 287 116 90.9 90.4 27.3 90.4 96.8 97.3 89.3 52.4 53.5 42.5 79.8 91.7 40.8 82.0 86.4 89.9 88.6 36.8 46.1 31.6 75.5 98.1 24.8 79.3 91.6 99.4 91.3 38.1 50.2 32.2 64.1 94.1 50.2 58.9 82.6 90.2 86.1 13.2 41.1 33.1 78.4 62.9 29.3 93.1 99.1 99.1 94.8 29.3 43.1 23.3 84.5 78.9 78.6 57.8 61.2 1Includes only those families owning principal home at the end of the schedule year. 2Includes only those families renting principal home at the end of the schedule year. Housing expenditures. W h e n fam ilies are classified according to econom ic level, the propor tion of total expenditures devoted to housing, fuel, light, and refrigera tion com bined shows a slightly declining trend from lower to higher expenditure levels (see table 3, T ab u la r S u m m a ry ). In part this trend is a reflection of the smaller fam ilies found at the higher economic levels, b u t it is also found when families of one size and type are isolated and their housing expenditures followed from one incom e level to another. Home owners.— A m o n g hom e owners, average current expenditures for housing only for all fam ilies in the cities included in this report ranged from $145 in D en v er to $180 in St. L ou is (table 16). Included in the total of current housing expenditures for hom e owners are taxes, assessm ents, repairs and replacem ents, fire and liability in surance on hom e, interest on m ortgages, and refinancing charges. 50 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N PROPORTION OF FAMILIES OF WAGE EARNERS AND LOWER-SALARIED CLERICAL WORKERS HAVING SELECTED HOUSING FACILITIES AT SUCCESSIVE ECONOMIC LEVELS KANSAS CITY, 1935-1936 WHITE FAMILIES PERCENT 0 20 40 60 80 100 INSIDE FLUSH TOILET, RUNNING HOT WATER, ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND GAS OR ELECTRICITY FOR COOKING CENTRAL HEATING TELEPH O N E ECONOMIC LEVEL (A N N U A L A M O U N T S P E N T P E R EXPE N D IT U R E U N IT ) UNDER $400 $400 under $600 $600 ano OVER U. S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS In D en v er, K a n sa s C ity , and M in n ea p olis-S t. Paul the largest of these item s was taxes, w ith interest on m ortgage com ing second and repairs and replacem ents third. In St. L ouis and Salt L ak e C ity interest on m ortgage was largest w ith taxes second and repairs third. In all of the cities studied, there was a notable increase in am oun t devoted to housing expenditure b y h om e-ow ning families at higher economic levels as com pared w ith those at lower levels, though the increase was n o t proportionate to the increase in total am oun t spent per expendi ture unit for all item s. T h e average am ount invested in their hom es b y h om e owners m aking such investm ents during the year studied ranged from $145 in St. Louis to $212 in D en ver. housing has been treated to include both In v estm en t in pay m en t on principal of m ortgage and for perm anent im provem en ts to a hom e, such as construction of an enclosed porch where there was no porch before. Such in vestm en t showed a tendency to increase w ith econom ic level in K a n sa s C ity , M in n ea p olis-S t. Paul, and St. L ou is, b u t no such trend w as found in D en v er or Salt L ak e C ity . Since the tim e of hom e in v estm en t frequen tly coincides w ith the tim e when the growing fam ily is at its largest, it is n ot surprising th at in those two cities the fam ilies E X P E N D IT U R E S EOR SP E C IF IE D 51 GOODS at lower econom ic levels (which included m a n y o f the largest fam ilies) were m aking in vestm ents in housing as large or larger than those of the sm aller fam ilies at the higher econom ic levels. T able 16 . — H o u sin g expenditures am ong fa m ilies o f wage earners and low er-salaried clerical workers in 1 year during the period 1 9 3 4 - 3 6 W H IT E FAM ILIES Item Denver Minne apolisSt. Paul Kansas City St. Louis Salt Lake City H o m e ow ners Number of families 1___ _____ ___ __ ___ _ Average current expenditure_ __ ______________ . Average annual rental value. _______________ ____ Average imputed income from equity in owned home________________ __________________ ______ Average amount invested during year in owned home_____________ _________ _____________________ 106 $146 $306 122 $158 $276 177 $175 $363 111 $180 $343 92 $172 $305 $161 $117 $188 $161 $133 $112 $104 $99 $65 $96 131 $21 128 $18 139 $24 55 $20 69 $17 47 $26 75 $25 77 $27 39 $29 35 $23 9 22 $15 105 $19 191 $20 10 $16 296 0 357 0 504 0 401 0 210 0 R en ter s o f h ou ses Number of families 1_______________________________ Average monthly rental rate paid___________ ______ R e n t e r s o f a p a r t m e n t s w ith h ea t in c lu d e d in ren t Number of families 1_____________ ________ ________ Average monthly rental rate paid___________________ R e n t e r s o f a p a r t m e n t s w it h h e c t n o t in c l u d e d i n r e n t Number of families 1------ ---------------- ----------------------Average monthly rental rate paid___ ______ _______ 00 S e c o n d a r y h o u sin g Number of families in survey__________ _______ Average expenditure for owned vacation home____ . Number of families spending for rent on vacation or trip-------------------------- -----------------------------------------Average expenditure for rent on vacation or trip per family making such expenditure__________________ Number of families spending for rent at school 18 10 50 26 13 $21 3 $12 0 $16 1 $17 1 $15 0 1 Families changing type of tenure during year not included in this table. All figures apply to all families in the designated tenure groups. 2 Information not presented because of small number of families in this classification. W h e n the price which h om e-ow ning families w ould h ave had to p ay to rent their hom es at m arket prices (annual rental value) is co m pared w ith the cash actually laid out for current housing expenditures, there is a net difference of incom e in kind which m a y be called the im pu ted incom e from equity in owned hom e. T h is figure is show n in table 16 to range from $117 in K a n sas C ity to $188 in M in n eap olis-S t. P aul. In table 10 of the T ab u la r Su m m ary it can be seen th at there is little change in incom e from the in vestm ent in owned hom es within a given city from low to high expenditure levels. T h is situation is prob ably also connected w ith the tendency am ong the larger fam ilies which predom inated at the lower econom ic levels to m eet their housing prob lem s b y buying rather than b y renting. Renters.— R en ta l rates paid in these cities ranged from $15 to $29 per m o n th (table 16) depending on the city and the type of accom m o- 52 W EST dation rented. NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N T here was a distinct tendency, as indicated in table 10 of the T ab u la r Su m m ary, for rental rates to increase w ith increase in econom ic level. Vacation housing .— N o n e of the fam ilies studied in any of the five cities in this region owned a vacation hom e. T en fam ilies in K a n sas C ity incurred an average expenditure of $12 for rent paid on vacation s or on trip s; and 13 fam ilies in Salt L ake, 50 in M in n ea p olis-S t. P aul, and 26 in St. L ou is h ad average expenditures of $15, $16, and $17, respectively. The highest expenditure reported where 18 fam ilies spent an average of $ 21. was for D en v er, In all the cities studied there was a sharp increase in the average am ount for all families spent for rent on vacation trips w ith rise in econom ic level. Expenditures far fu el , light, and refrigeration.— T h e severe winters u sually experienced in the cities in the W e s t N o rth C en tra l-M o u n ta in region are reflected in the inroads upon fa m ily finances required b y the annual fuel bill. A s is seen in table 17, expenditures were h eaviest in w inter and fall, indicating th at b u t few of the fam ilies of workers h ave sufficient reserve funds or storage facilities to la y in a coal su pply in the sum m er tim e when they m ig h t take advan tage of lower prices. Ex penditures for electricity, gas, and refrigeration largely account for the fuel and ligh t bills in the spring and sum m er. T able 17 , — E x p en d itu res f o r f u e l , light, and refrigeration a m ong wage earners and low er-salaried clerical workers in 1 yea r during the p eriod 1 9 3 4 - 8 6 W H IT E FAM ILIES Item Number of families in survey ___________________ Total expenditure for fuel, light, and refrigeration for— Year_ _ _ ___ __ __ __________ ___________ Winter__ __ _______ ____ _________________ __ Spring __________________________________ S u m m e r_ _______ __ _____________ _____ __ Fall _________ ______ _________________ _______ Denver Kansas City Minne apolisSt. Paul 295 351 504 401 210 $96 30 22 18 26 $101 33 18 19 31 $137 52 25 19 41 $102 30 19 23 30 $99 31 21 19 28 Lake St. Louis Salt City In table 11 of the T ab u la r Sum m ary, detailed in form ation is pre sented for expenditures on electricity, anthracite, bitum inous coal, coke, briquets, w ood, fuel oil, gas, kerosene, gasoline n o t used for autom obiles, and ice. Since the actual am oun t paid for fuel, light, and refrigeration depends to a large extent on whether a house or an apartm ent is in volved , and on whether the rent paid the landlord in cludes h eat, data are presented separately for families in four separate categories, as well as in the form of averages for all fam ilies. A s would be expected, the largest paym en ts were m ade b y fam ilies who pur chased fuel to h eat houses; coal, electricity, and gas constituting the largest item s. T h e second largest p aym en ts were m ade b y fam ilies who purchased fuel to h eat apartm ents, w ith the sam e three item s taking the greatest expenditures. 53 EXPENDITURES FOR SPECIFIED GOODS When families paying separately for heat are classified by amount spent per expenditure unit (table 11 of the Tabular Summary) the dol lar expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration show a slight increase from low to high levels. The fact that they do not increase more sharply indicates the basic nature of the requirements for fuel and light and the fact that as funds available for spending increase, a less proportionate amount of the increase goes to these items. Expendi tures for gas usually showed the greatest increase from low to high economic levels. Expenditures fo r other items of household operation.— Items of household operation other than fuel, light, and refrigeration include water rent, telephone, domestic service, laundry sent out, laundry soap and cleaning supplies, and other miscellaneous items. Expendi tures for these items, shown in table 12 of the Tabular Summary, showed marked increase from low to high economic levels, with the total expenditure approximately doubling in the cities in this region. The items showing the greatest effect of change in economic level were telephones, domestic service, laundry out, and insurance on furniture. F urn ishin gs and E quipm ent T h e very high v a r ia b ility 8 of expenditures for housefurnishings and equipm ent from fa m ily to fa m ily in a given year is show n b y figures presented in tables 2 4 A and 2 4 B of the T ab u la r Su m m ary. T h e varia bility of the total is, of course, greatly exceeded b y the variability of expenditures for each item in this group. T h e fa m ily w hich bou ght a living room suite last year will perhaps m ake no im portant addition to its stock of furniture this year, bu t will save either tow ard repay m en t of the debt incurred in the last y ear’s purchase or tow ard a fund for a purchase the follow ing year. O n account of this high variability, average expenditures for specific item s of furniture and furnishings for relatively sm all groups of fam ilies do n ot show significant trends, and the figures on the details of furniture and equipm ent purchases h ave been presented as regional averages rather than in term s of aver ages b y cities. Expenditures for furnishings and equipm ent, which were greatest for electrical appliances, furniture, carpets and rugs, curtains, bedding, and m iscellaneous equipm ent, increased significantly w ith econom ic level.9 A t the low est level $ 4 4 .5 8 was spent for this group of item s whereas fam ilies at the highest econom ic level spent $ 9 7 .3 1 . A t all econom ic levels the item s purchased b y the largest proportion of fam ilies were fu ndam entals of household equipm ent, 8For further discussion of variability, see pp. 20 and 335. 9In the Tabular Summary details on expenditures are shown by as many economic levels as broom s, the number of cases and the type of data would allow. In the case of expenditures for furnishings and equipment the levels are: Low, under $400; intermediate, $400 to $600; high, $600 and over. (See Tabular Summary, table 18.) 54 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION brushes, m ops, ligh t bulbs, cotton Turkish towels, curtains, draperies, sheets, p ots, pans, cutlery, and pillow cases, w ith v ery little change in rank order of item s betw een the different econom ic levels. O f the various groups of item s com ing under the general head of furnishings and equipm ent, furniture shows the largest increase in average expenditure from low est to highest econom ic level, as indicated in table 18. W h e n the average expenditure for living room suites is com puted for those fam ilies buying living room suites, 36 fam ilies am ong the 618 fam ilies at the low est econom ic level averaged $ 7 1 ; 30 of the 649 fam ilies at the interm ediate level averaged $72, and 50 of the 500 fam ilies at the highest econom ic level averaged $97. E xpenditures for carpets and rugs were significantly larger for fam ilies at the highest econom ic level, $ 7 .8 0 , as com pared w ith $ 4 .4 5 at the low est level. W h e n these averages are converted to averages per fa m ily buyin g carpets and rugs, 89 fam ilies at the low est level averaged $31, whereas 98 families at the highest level averaged $ 40. O n the other hand, average expenditures for a m ore strictly utilitarian typ e of floor covering, felt-base floor covering, were sim ilar for fam ilies at both the low est and highest level, $ 0 .5 3 and $ 0 .5 7 . A verage ex penditures per fa m ily purchasing this type of floor covering were the sam e at both levels, $8. T 18 . — Expenditures for furnishings and equipment at successive economic levels among wage earners and lower-salaried clerical workers in 1 year during the period, 1 9 8 4 -3 6 , in 5 cities combined able W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit Item Under $400 $400 to $600 Number of families in survey _ _ ______ ______ _____ _ ___ Total expenditure for: Furnishings and equipment__________ ___ _ _ ________ ___ _ _ ______ _______ _ Furniture_____________ _ Textile furnishings.. _____ __ _______ ___ Silver, china, glassware___ _____ _ _ Electrical equipment __ __ Miscellaneous equipment. ________ ___ ____ ____________ $600 and over 618 649 500 $44. 58 10. 41 $58.85 13.83 13.58 1. 25 22. 00 8.19 $97. 31 28. 47 20. 31 11.21 .93 15.20 6.83 2.10 31. 61 14.82 Percentage Total expenditure for: Furnishings and equipment ____ ___________________ ________ ___ ___ __ ________________________ _ Furniture..-___ Textile furnishings _ ___ __________________ ____ ______ Silver, china, and glassware. _ ___________ _________ __ _ Electrical equipment__ _ _ _______ _____ ______ Miscellaneous equipment. ________________________________ 100.0 100.0 2.1 2.1 23.4 25.1 34.1 15.3 23.5 23.1 37.4 13.9 100.0 29.3 20.9 2.2 32.4 15.2 A fte r electric ligh t bulbs, the m o st frequen tly purchased item s of electrical equipm ent at the low est level were lam ps, purchased b y 47 fam ilies, and w ashing m achines purchased b y 45 fam ilies A t the 55 EXPENDITURES EOR SPECIFIED GOODS highest econom ic level 77 fam ilies ^purchased lam ps, 65 purchased electric refrigerators, and 4 5 purchased irons. T h e item requiring the largest expenditure at all levels was electric refrigerators, w ith washing m achines second, and vacu u m cleaners third. Clothing Variability of clothing expenditures. C loth in g expenditures for any one individual v ary greatly from year to year. A n even greater variability exists betw een the clothing expenditures of different individuals in an y one year. T h is high degree of variability results from such factors as the stock of clothing left over from the previous year, the m o n ey incom e of the fa m ily and the n um ber of persons w ithin the hom e whose needs m u st be supplied from fa m ily funds, and such unusual situations as m a y require special purchases. Because of this high variability, it is difficult to secure representative averages on the clothing expenditures of individuals unless data are available from a large n um ber of persons. F or this reason average expenditures for individuals for specified articles of clothing have been com puted for the region as a whole, and n o t for separate cities. (For m easure of variability of averages, see discussion, p p . 2 0 -2 2 and T a b u la r S u m m a ry , tables 2 4 A and 2 4 B ; for average cloth in g expenditures for detailed item s, see T a b u la r S u m m a ry , table 17.) Total expenditure per family for clothing. A m o n g the m a jo r item s of fam ily expenditures those for clothing are the m o st elastic, w ithin the incom e ranges of fam ilies covered in this investigation . W it h increases in econom ic resources am ong fam ilies of wage earners and lower-salaried clerical workers m ore and m ore of the fa m ily funds go toward wearing apparel. In spite of the fa ct th at the average num ber of units per fa m ily is 3 5 .9 percent sm aller at the highest econom ic level than at the low est, average cloth ing expenditures per fa m ily at the highest level are one and a half tim es as large as those at the lo w est.10 T h e $183 average expenditure per fa m ily at the highest econom ic level is the result n ot only of the purchase of larger quantities of the sam e item s purchased b y fam ilies at the low est level, b u t also of greater variety and better q uality of goods. T h e universality of the cu stom of b u yin g clothes ready to wear is indicated b y the overw helm ing proportion of total clothing expenditures going to the purchase of ready-m ad e clothing. E x p en d i tures for yardgoods and findings used for sewing garm ents at h om e 10 For each of the tables showing details of expenditures as many economic levels have been shown as the number of cases and type of data for each particular table would allow. Since clothing expenditures are shown by sex and age groups as well as by economic level, only three such levels are presented for this table. They are: Under $400, $400 to $600, and $600 and over. The age groups shown for each sex in the tabulation of items of clothing purchased are: 18 years of age and over, 12 to 17 years, 6 to 11 years, 2 to 5 years. Pur chases for children under 2 years old are shown without regard to sex. (See Tabular Summary, table 17.) 5 3 9 5 7 °— 39------ 5 56 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION averaged around $4 per fa m ily at each of the three econom ic levels studied. E xpenditures for paid help for sewing were reported b y 98 ou t of 1,767 fam ilies in this region. A m ong fam ilies of w age earners and clerical workers the cu stom of exchanging gifts o f clothing at C h ristm as special occasions is quite extensive. or b irth days or other Such gifts paid for from fa m ily funds and exchanged w ithin the econom ic fa m ily were n o t recorded as gifts, b u t sim p ly as clothing expenses of the fa m ily. I f, how ever, gifts were received from persons outside the fa m ily circle, an a tte m p t was m ade to ascertain their value. F ifty -n in e percent of the fam ilies at the low est econom ic level, 59 percent a t the interm ediate level, and 53 percent at the highest econom ic level reported receiving such gifts. T h e value of such gifts as reported averaged around $10 at each of the econom ic levels, b u t as a large proportion of the fam ilies receiving gifts could n ot estim ate the value of the item s received and such values h ave n ot been included, the above figures do n o t give a com plete account of this item . Clothing expenditures for men and hoys. T h e total clothing expenditures per person decreased from $50 for m en and b oys 18 years and over through each age group to $14 for b oy s aged 2 to 5 years. W ith in each of these age groups the average expenditure per person doubled approxim ately from the low est to the highest econom ic le v e l.11 T h e consistent decrease in average expendi tures from the highest to the low est age group is m ain tained at each of the three econom ic levels distinguished. W h e n clothing expenditures of the m en and b oy s are sum m arized according to expenditures for headwear, outerw ear and underwear, footw ear, and m iscellaneous item s, expenditures for outerw ear, w hich includes shirts as well as suits, trousers, overcoats, jack ets, sweaters and sim ilar item s and for footw ear required from 75 to 85 percent of the total spent b y each age group. T h e percentage of total clothing expenditures going to outerw ear rem ained relatively stable from one econom ic level to another, b u t the proportion of the to ta l going to footw ear declined as total clothing expenditure increased. O n the other han d, the group of m iscellaneous item s including ties, cleaning and repairing required a decreasing proportion from the higher to the lower age groups, b u t accounted for an increasing proportion w ith rise in econom ic level within each age group. 11 See footnote 10, p. 55. E X P E N D IT U R E S T able FO R S P E C IF IE D 57 GOODS 19.— Distribution of annual clothing expenditures for individuals in fam ilies at successive economic levels M E N A N D BOYS [White families in five cities combined] Percentage Dollars Sex and age group, and type of clothing Men and boys 18 years of age and over: Headwear____ ___ __ ___ Outerwear _____ ___ ____ Underwear__ _ _ _ _ _ __ Footwear __ _____ _ Miscellaneous items __ _ ______ Total_______ ______ _______ Boys 12 through 17: Headwear___ _ __________ __ Outerwear _ _ _______ _________ Underwear _ _ Footwear ___ _________ _ _ _ _ Miscellaneous it e m s .__ __ Total _ ___ ____ _ Boys 6 through 11: Headwear _______ __ ____ Outerwear __ _ ____ _______ _ Underwear____ __ _________ Footwear _____ ______ ___ __ Miscellaneous items__________ Total____________ ______ _ Boys 2 through 5: Headwear _ _ _ _ _ _ Outerwear_____________________ Underwear________ ________ _ _ Footwear____ __ _ ______ ___ _ Miscellaneous items______ _ _ Total_______ ________________ All families Economic level—Fami lies spending per ex penditure unit per year All fami lies $600 and over Under $400 $400 to $600 $2.49 25.83 3. 47 11. 07 6.66 $1. 51 17.40 2.47 8. 67 3. 64 $2. 45 26.35 3.24 10.91 6.38 $3.91 36.84 5.16 14.68 11. 22 49. 52 33.69 49.33 .97 16.88 2.31 10. 70 2. 46 .75 13. 38 1.90 9. 02 1. 38 1. 39 33. 32 Economic level— Fami lies spending per ex penditure unit per year $600 and over Under $400 $400 to $600 5.0 52.2 7.0 22.4 13.4 4. 5 51.7 7. 3 25. 7 5.0 53.4 6. 6 22.1 12.9 5.4 51.3 7. 2 20.5 15.6 71. 81 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1. 55 32. 21 4. 58 18. 02 6. 05 2.9 50.7 6.9 32.1 7.4 2.8 2.79 13. 21 4. 32 50.7 7. 2 34.1 5.2 3. 2 50.3 6.4 30.2 9.9 2.5 51. 6 7.3 28.9 9. 7 26.43 43. 77 62. 41 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 . 57 9.92 1. 72 9. 51 .80 12.16 2. 27 1.10 .43 8.65 1.45 8. 62 .78 1. 55 1. 08 15.35 2. 27 14.42 2. 66 2. 5 43. 5 7. 5 41.7 4.8 2. 2 43.4 7. 3 43.2 3.9 2.9 44.3 8. 3 38.9 5.6 3.0 43. 0 6. 3 40. 3 7.4 22.82 19.93 27.46 35. 78 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .33 5. 55 1. 53 5. 76 .53 .31 4.44 1.15 5.10 .39 .34 6.60 1.89 6. 40 .71 .40 2.4 40. 5 11. 2 42.0 3.9 2.7 39.0 2.1 2. 69 7. 60 .99 44.8 3.4 41.4 11.9 40.2 4.4 1.9 43. 2 13.1 37.0 4.8 13. 70 11. 39 15. 94 20. 54 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 22. 06 10.68 8. 86 10.8 10.1 Low economic level.— A t the low est econom ic level the annual cloth ing expenditures for m en and boys 18 years and over was $ 3 4 ; for boys 12 through 17, $ 2 6 ; for b oys 6 through 11, $ 2 0 ; and for b oy s 2 through 5, $11. Shoes were purchased b y a larger proportion of m en and b oy s in each of the age groups than any other single article of clothing. T his proportion increased from 73 percent for the highest age group to 100 for each of the tw o you n gest age groups. A similar trend was found in the percentage of each clothing dollar devoted to shoes, where 11 cents was so spent b y m en 18 years of age and over and 30 cents b y b oys 2 through 5. 1.5 M e n 18 years of age and over averaged about pairs of street shoes per person, purchasing at an average price of about $ 3 .5 3 per pair. 58 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N Cotton shirts came next in importance as regards the proportion of men and boys purchasing except for boys 2 through 5 years of age whose cotton hose and overalls were next in importance after their shoes. Items which are of relatively short durability as ties and cotton hose were the third most frequently purchased items in the higher age groups. For men and boys 18 years and over, wool suits required the largest proportion of each dollar spent for clothing. Even so, only 1 out of every 6 men bought a heavy wool suit in the year covered by the schedules and about the same proportion bought a lightweight wool suit. In other words, each man purchased either a heavy or a light wool suit about once in 3 years, at an average price of about $22 per suit. Overcoats, the seventh most important item in respect to the average expenditures of all the men and boys in this age group were purchased by 1 out of 13 men or each man waited about 13 years to buy a new overcoat. The average price paid for each of these coats was about $16. W ool suits formed the second largest expenditure of boys 12 to 17. Only 1 out of 7 boys purchased a heavy wool suit, 1 out of 8 a light wool suit and 1 out of 2 received a new pair of wool trousers. The average price paid for a heavy wool suit was around $15, while a pair of wool trousers cost about $2.50. Expenditures for heavy sweaters by this group exceeded those by men 18 years and over. Overalls and wool trouser expenditures both exceeded expenditures for wool suits for boys 6 through 11, whereas for boys 2 through 5 overalls or coveralls and wool playsuits are the types of suits purchased. Fifty-five percent of the men and boys aged 18 years and over used cleaning and repairing services at an average expenditure per man using such service of $2.65. H ig h econ om ic level .— A t the highest economic level the annual clothing expenditure for men and boys 18 years and over was $72; for boys 12 through 17, $62; for boys 6 through 11, $36; and for boys 2 through 5, $21. In this group, as in the group at the lowest economic level, shoes were purchased by a larger percentage of men and boys in all four age classes than any other single item of clothing. Eighty-six percent of the men 18 years of age and over, 100 percent for each of the next two age groups, and 86 percent for the youngest age group purchased shoesThe percentage of each dollar spent for clothing which was devoted to the purchase of shoes rose from 9 cents for men 18 years of age and over to 25 cents for boys 2 through 5. M en 18 years of age and over averaged about 1.7 pairs of shoes per person purchasing at an average price o f about $4.73 per pair. Again, as at the lowest economic level, expenditures for wool suits constituted the largest part of each clothing dollar spent for men E X P E N D IT U R E S FO R SP E C IF IE D GOODS DISTRIBUTION OF ANNUAL CLOTHING EXPENDITURES FOR INDIVID U A LS IN FA M ILIES AT SUCC E S S IV E ECONOMIC L E V E L S FIVE CITIES IN THE WEST NORTH CENTRAL AND MOUNTAIN REGION 1 9 3 4 - 1936 WHITE FAMILIES DOLLARS o_________________ 10________________ 20________________ 30 U. S. B U R E A U O F L A B O R STATISTICS 59 60 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 18 years of age and over. A bout 1 out of 3 men bought a heavy wool suit and about the same proportion purchased a lightweight wool suit, or to express it in another way each man purchased either a heavy or a light wool suit about every year and a half, at an average price of about $28.50 for a heavy suit and about $26 for a lightweight wool suit. Overcoats, the fifth most important item in respect to expendi tures by men 18 years of age and over were purchased by 1 out of 7 men or each obtained a new overcoat about once every 7 years. Nearly two-thirds of the men in this age group purchased felt hats at an average price of $3.70. For boys 12 through 17 years of age, in families at the highest economic level, wool suits account for the second largest part of each clothing dollar, with the result that separate wool trousers, which formed an important item of the expenditures at the lowest economic level, drop to eighth place in frequency of purchase at the highest level. A t this economic level expenditures for overcoats rise to third place. The frequency of purchase, however, indicated that only 1 boy out of 5 had a new heavy wool suit, almost 1 out of 2 a lightweight wool suit, but only 1 out of 4 a new overcoat. For boys 6 to 11 years of age at this level, lightweight wool suits become the second most important item of clothing expenditure, where 1 out of 3 purchased this item. Cotton shirts follow lightweight suits as the next most important item of expenditure. Cotton suits and play suits other than wool knit or cotton suede become the accepted form of dress for boys 2 to 5 years of age as measured by the propor tion of each clothing dollar devoted to these items. Eighty-six percent of the men and boys aged 18 years and over availed themselves of cleaning and repairing services at an average expenditure per man using such services of $6. Clothing expenditures f o r women and girls. Average clothing expenditures for women and girls were in general similar to those for men and boys. However, in all age groups expendi tures at the intermediate and high economic levels for women and girls exceeded those for men and boys. Average expenditures decreased consistently with change in the age level of the group. Expenditures for girls aged 2 through 5 years were one-fourth as large as those of the women and girls 18 years of age and over, a decrease from $54 to $13. As with the men and boys, this decrease occurred consistently at all economic levels. A su m m ary of the clothing expenditures of w om en and girls b y ty p e of clothing purchased shows th at the distribution of clothing expenditures betw een garm ents of different types is very sim ilar to th at of m en and boys. E xpenditures for outerw ear and footw ear again accounted for abou t three-quarters of the total clothing expendi- E X P E N D IT U R E S FO R SP E C IF IE D 61 GOODS tures of each age group. While the expenditures for outerwear showed the greatest percentage among the amounts spent by women 18 years of age and over, girls 6 through 11 years spent the largest proportion for footwear with 46 percent so allotted. T able 20 . — D istrib u tio n o f annual clothing expen ditu res fo r in d ivid u a ls in fa m ilie s at successive econom ic levels W O M E N , GIRLS, AND IN FAN TS [White families in five cities, combinedj Percentage Dollars Economic level—Fami Economic level—Fami lies spending per ex lies spending per ex penditure unit per penditure unit per year year All famAll fam- Sex and age group, and type of clothing Under $400 Women and girls, 18 years and over: Headwear __ ___ __ __ _ _ _ Outerwear— ___ __ ______ __ Underwear.. ... . _ _ Footwear.._ _______ . . . __ __ Miscellaneous items____________ $400 to $600 $600 and over Under $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over $3.14 22.98 6. 43 16. 55 4.95 $1.72 13. 31 3.90 11.16 2.38 $3.12 22.99 6. 53 17.17 5.00 $5.15 36.55 9.79 23.28 8. 55 5.8 42.5 11.9 30.6 9.2 5.3 41.0 12.0 34.4 7.3 5.7 42.0 11.9 31.3 9.1 6.2 43.9 11.7 27.9 10.3 _ 54.05 32.47 54.81 83.32 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Girls 12 through 17: Headwear. __ _ _ _____ Outerwear ____ __ . . . __ _ Underwear. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Footwear. _ _ __ _____ Miscellaneous ite m s .____ _ __ 1.46 15.15 4.12 14.41 2. 48 .94 11. 09 3.17 11.88 1.43 2. 06 19. 75 5.10 16.64 3.81 3. 32 29. 55 7.81 25. 41 5. 66 3.9 40.2 11.0 38.3 6.6 3.3 38.9 11.1 41.7 5.0 4.3 41.7 10.8 35.2 8.0 4.6 41.2 10.9 35.4 7.9 37. 62 28. 51 47. 36 71.75 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .58 7. 34 2. 43 9. 59 .97 .43 5. 01 1.75 8. 51 .66 .75 10. 91 3. 46 11.17 1.43 1.40 16. 50 4. 95 13.70 1.76 2.8 35. 1 11.6 45.9 4.6 2.6 30.6 10.7 52.1 4.0 2.7 39.3 12.5 40.3 5.2 3.7 43.0 12.9 35.8 4.6 Total____ _______ _ Total. _ ___ _____ _____ _____ Girls 6 through 11: Headwear. __ _ _____ _ __ _ Outerwear— Underwear. Footwear_______ __________ _ Miscellaneous items. _ _ __ _ Total ________ _ _ 20.91 16. 36 27. 72 38. 31 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Girls 2 through 5: Headwear. _ _ .___ _ _ Outerwear.. _ _ ______ Underwear. Footwear_ _ _ ___ Miscellaneous items. __ _ .37 4. 84 1.72 5. 75 .48 .30 3.18 1.17 4.58 .20 .56 7. 72 2. 58 7. 55 .95 .39 8. 29 3. 66 9.95 1. 37 2.8 36.8 13.1 43.7 3.6 3.2 33.7 12.4 48.6 2.1 2.9 39.9 13.3 39.0 4.9 1.6 35.0 15.5 42.1 5.8 Total_________________________ 13.16 9. 43 19. 36 23.66 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Infants: Headwear. __ _ ___ Outerwear,.. _ _ __ _______ Underwear. _ ____ _ Footwear_____ ___ __ ______ Miscellaneous _ _ ___ .38 2. 98 2.83 2. 42 .60 .27 2.26 1.75 2.00 .23 .42 3.18 2. 58 2.64 .77 .65 4.88 7. 26 3.19 1.40 4.1 32.4 30.7 26.3 6.5 4.1 34.8 26.9 30.7 3.5 4.4 33.2 26.9 27.5 8.0 3.7 28.1 41.7 18.4 8.1 Total_________________________ 9.21 6. 51 9. 59 17. 38 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Expenditures for underwear accounted for about 12 percent of total expenditures in each of the age groups and did not exhibit either a distinct increase or decrease with rise in economic level. M is cellaneous expenditures representing less than 10 percent for each 62 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N age group increased markedly with rise in economic level. Expendi tures for headwear averaged about $4, or 6 percent of total expenditures for women 18 years of age and over and decreased through each age group to an average of 37 cents or 3 percent of total clothing expenditures for girls 2 through 5 years of age. L o w eco n om ic level .— A t the low econom ic level the annual clothing expenditure for women and girls 18 years and over was $32; for girls 12 through 17, $29; for girls 6 through 11, $16; and for girls 2 through 5, $9. Felt hats were purchased by a larger proportion of women and girls 18 years and over than any other single article of clothing. In the three lower age groups, however, the item purchased by the largest proportion of persons was street shoes. (In the two lowest groups this included dress shoes.) The proportion of persons purchasing street shoes in these groups increased from 80 percent in the group aged 12 through 17 to 100 percent in the two groups aged 6 through 11 and 2 through 5 (where “ dress” shoes were included). Street shoes ranked third in the proportion of persons purchasing in the group aged 18 years and over. When expenditures for shoes (including street, dress, and sport) for all age groups are examined it is seen that an increasing percentage of clothing expenditures is devoted to this purpose as the age level decreases. Sixteen cents of the clothing dollar was spent for shoes by women aged 18 years and over, and 36 cents by girls aged 2 through 5. Seventy-four percent of the women and girls 18 years of age and over purchased street shoes, 31 percent dress shoes, and 10 percent sport shoes, at average prices of $3, $3, and $2, respectively. Silk hose was the article second in importance for the groups 18 years and over and 12 through 17, with cotton hose taking the posi tion of second importance for the girls 6 through 11 and 2 through 5. For women and girls 18 years of age and over silk hose ranked second to shoes in the amount of average expenditure. W omen and girls at the low level purchased on the average 6 pairs in the year covered by the schedules, with 78 percent buying this article. Silk and rayon dresses were third in respect to average expenditure. About 4 out of 10 women purchased a silk or rayon dress and paid on the average $5.19. Fur-trimmed coats, fourth in importance of expenditure, were purchased by 2 women out of 25 at an average cost of $21.44. Silk hose followed shoes in importance of expenditure for the girls aged 12 through 17. Nine cents of the clothing dollar went for this purpose, with more than half the group making purchases. Silk and rayon dresses were next in importance of expenditure. A little less than 2 out of 5 girls in this group purchased such dresses at an average E X P E N D IT U R E S EO R S P E C IF IE D GOODS 63 cost of $3.75 per dress. Heavy plain coats were bought by about 4 in 20 girls and cost on the average $10.05. In the group of girls aged 6 through 11, cotton dresses followed shoes as the item of largest expenditure. Such dresses were purchased by 3 out of 5 girls at an average cost of $0.87. Heavy plain coats, next in importance, were purchased by about 1 in 4 girls. The average amount paid for such a garment was $5.00. H ig h econ om ic level .— A t the high economic level the annual clothing expenditure for women and girls 18 years and over was $83; for girls 12 through 17, $72; for girls 6 through 11, $38; and for girls 2 through 5, $24. In this group, as at the low level, shoes were purchased by a larger percentage of girls in the three groups under 18 years of age than any other single item of clothing. Silk hose was the item purchased by the largest number of women and girls 18 years and over, with shoes next in importance. The proportion purchasing shoes increased from 79 percent of the women and girls 18 years and over, to 100 percent in the two youngest age groups. The percentage of each dollar spent for clothing which was devoted to the purchase of shoes rose from 13 percent for women and girls 18 years of age and over to 26 percent for girls 2 through 5. Seventy-nine percent of the women and girls 18 years of age and over purchased street shoes, 48 percent dress shoes, and 24 percent sport shoes, at average prices of $4, $4, and $3 a pair respectively. Felt hats were third in respect to number of persons purchasing in the group 18 years of age and over. Silk hose were second for the girls 12 through 17; wool caps and berets, cotton dresses, and cotton hose for girls 6 through 11; and cotton hose and arctics for girls 2 through 5. For women and girls 18 years of age and over, silk hose ranked next to shoes in the amount of average expenditure. The average purchase was 13 pairs in the year covered by the schedules, with 9 out of 10 women purchasing. Silk and rayon dresses were third in respect to expenditure, as at the low level. About 2 out of 3 women pur chased a silk or rayon dress, paying on the average $7. Fur-trimmed coats, fourth in importance, were purchased by 1 out of 7 women at an average cost of $43. For girls 12 through 17, silk hose followed shoes in importance of expenditure at this level also. Ten cents of the clothing dollar went for this purpose with three-fourths of the group making purchases. H eavy plain coats were next in order of expenditure. About 1 out of every 3 girls purchased such a coat at an average cost of $13. Silk and rayon dresses were fourth in order. Three out of five girls bought a silk or rayon dress and paid $5 on the average. 64 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N For girls 6 through 11, cotton dresses were second in rank of ex penditure, with about 2 out of 3 girls purchasing. The average amount paid for a cotton dress was $1.15. The third item was wool knit play suits costing on the average $9 a garment. O ccupational differences in the clothing expenditures o f adults . Expenditures for clothing by the adults included in the Study were found to have been affected, to an important degree, by the occupa tion of the persons included in the Study, as well as by the economic level of the family. An analysis of the relative effect of occupation and social environment on clothing expenditures has been made for all white persons studied in the 5 West North Central-Mountain cities and 37 other cities combined. The total clothing expenditures of men and women engaged in clerical work were contrasted with the expenditures of those in manual work and those at home without gainful employment, and of boys and girls at school, after elimination of any effect upon those differences which might be due to differing incomes or family composition (see appendix G, pp. 378 to 381). Among the employed workers under 21, for both men and women, differences between average expenditures for clothing by wage earners and by clerical workers were negligible. A t older ages, however, for both men and women, the expenditures of clerical workers were con sistently greater than those of wage earners. The differences varied for men from 7 percent in the group aged 21 to 24 years to 15 percent in the group aged 27 to 30. The greater expenditure by clerical workers than wage earners for clothing was less pronounced for women than for men up to the 27th year, but thereafter was much more pronounced for women, reaching a maximum difference of 44 percent in the age group 42 to 48. Average clothing expenditures of men and women at home without gainful employment were substantially lower than those of employed individuals. Among the men, expenditures of clerical workers ex ceeded those of men at home by 38 percent or more for the groups aged 15 to 21, and by 100 percent or more for the groups aged 21 to 60. For women the comparable figures are somewhat less striking, 15 per cent for the group aged 15 to 18 and from 52 to 78 percent for the groups from 18 to 60 years of age. The fact that it is more customary for adult women to be at home without gainful employment than for adult men, whereas most of the men found in this situation were in voluntarily at home because of unemployment, probably explains this very low level of clothing expenditure for unemployed men at home. Clothing expenditures for boys aged 15 to 21 at school were onefifth to one-fourth greater than those of unemployed boys at home of the same age, but were in turn exceeded by 13 percent or more by clothing expenditures of clerical workers in the same sex-age group. E X P E N D IT U R E S FO R S P E C IF IE D GOODS 65 ESTIMATED ANNUAL CLOTHING EXPENDITURES* BY PERSONS OF DIFFERENT AGE, SEX, AND OCCUPATION 42 CITIES COMBINED I.OO* $56.68 0 2 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 36 42 48 54 60 66 AGC 0 2 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 AGE •a f t e r eliminating t h e e f f e c t o f d i f f e r e n c e s in f a m i l y SIZE AND INCOME. BASED ON DATA FROM WHITE FAMILIES ). S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS 66 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N Girls at school aged 15 to 18 spent 7 percent more than girls at home, but girl clerical workers of that age spent 7 percent more than the school girls. A t the next age level, 18 to 21, girl clerical workers spent 25 percent more than school girls, who in turn spent 22 percent more than girls at home. A t every age level, in comparable occupational categories, the wo men spent more for clothing than did men, the average expenditure for women clerical workers aged 24 to 27 being 45 percent greater than that for men clerical workers of the same age, and the differences in the age group 36 to 42 for the same occupations being 57 percent. Women wage earners aged 24 to 27 spent 46 percent more for clothing than men wage earners of the same age and in the age group 36 to 42 the difference was 23 percent. The relationships discussed in the foregoing paragraphs may be seen graphically in figure A .12 T ran sportation The annual cost of transportation by trolley, bus, automobile, train, boat, or other means of conveyance ranged in the cities studied from $112 in Salt Lake City to $169 in Kansas City. Expenditures for automobile accounted for 69 percent of the total in St. Louis, 77 percent in Salt Lake City, 77 percent in Minneapolis-St. Paul, 82 percent in Denver, and 81 percent in Kansas City. Of the balance going to all means of transportation other than automobile, the largest portion went to trolley fares. The proportion of families using the trolleys was similar in the three largest cities. In Minneapolis all but 27 families out of 504 reported expenditure for this item. In Salt Lake City 30 percent of the families reported no trolley expense and in Denver, 29 percent. The relatively smaller size of these two latter cities made it possible for families to live within walking dis tance of schools and places of work. Average expenditures for all forms of transportation other than by automobile and trolley, in cluding local bus, taxi, bicycle, railroad, interurban bus, boat, or airplane were relatively small in all the cities. In each city studied in this region, expenditures for transportation showed a sharp increase at the higher economic levels as compared with the lower, more than doubling from low to high levels in each city.13 The chief factor in this increased expenditure was the auto mobile. The average expenditures for all other forms of transporta tion were approximately the same at all economic levels. 12The data on which the chart is based are shown in appendix G, table D, p. 386. 13For each of the tables showing details of expenditure as many economic levels have been shown as the number of cases in each city and the types of the data for each particular table would allow. (See Tabular Summary, table 13.) For purposes of discussion of expenditures in the text, families have been grouped at three levels: Low, under $400, intermediate* $400 to $600; high, $600 and over. E X P E N D IT U R E S FO R S P E C IF IE D T GOODS 67 2 1 .— E x p en d itu res f o r autom obile operation and m ainten ance f o r autom obile ow ners am ong wage earners and low er-salaried clerical w orkers at successive eco n o m ic levels in 1 yea r during the period 1 9 8 4 - 8 6 able W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year City and Item All families Under $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over DENVER Number of families in survey________________ _______ Percentage of families owning automobiles_________ __ Expenditure for automobile operation and maintenance: Average amount per family owning automobile___ Percentage for— Gasoline and oil__________ ___ _ __ _____ _ Garage rent and parking___ _ _______ ______ Other______________________________________ 295 70.5 92 58.7 106 72.6 97 79.4 $119 $88 $117 $143 66.5 3.9 29.6 72.6 2.7 24.7 66.3 3.7 30.0 64.0 4.6 31.4 357 61.9 137 53.3 123 64.2 97 71.1 $120 $83 $126 $153 63.1 4.0 32.9 62.9 .7 36.4 63.0 3.6 33.4 63.1 .4 30.5 504 66.3 161 54.7 192 64.1 151 81.5 $112 $89 $102 $138 63.9 3.2 32.9 66.4 1.7 31.9 66.8 2.6 30.6 60.4 4.4 35.2 401 53.9 119 37.8 156 51.3 126 72. 2 $126 $87 $120 $150 57.9 3.0 39.1 57.2 3.8 39.0 57.3 2.4 40.3 58.4 3.2 38.4 210 59.0 109 54.1 72 58.3 79.3 KANSAS CITY Number of families in survey ____________ _________ Percentage of families owning automobiles_____ ____ Expenditure for automobile operation and mainte nance: Average amount per family owning automobile___ Percentage for: Gasoline and oil___________________ _____ Garage rent and parking____________________ Other.. _______________ _ _. . . . . . . _____ MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL Number of families in survey______ ______ . . . _____ Percentage of families owning automobiles___________ Expenditure for automobile operation and mainte nance: Average amount per family owning automobile___ Percentage for: Gasoline and oil___________ _______________ Garage rent and parking____________________ Other. _____________ ____ __________________ S T . L O U IS Number of families in survey__ _____ . . . _____ ______ Percentage of families owning automobiles.__________ Expenditure for automobile operation and mainte nance: Average amount per family owning automobile___ Percentage for: Gasoline and oil_____________ _____ . . . ____ Garage rent and parking.. __________ ______ Other..____________________________________ S A L T L A K E C IT Y Number of families in survey_________ ____ __________ Percentage of families owning automobiles__ _______ _ Expenditure for automobile operation and mainte nance: Average amount per family owning automobile----Percentage for: Gasoline and oil_________ . . . _____________ Garage rent and parking------------- -----------------Other______________ _______________________ 29 $103 $92 $103 $130 69.8 1.2 9.0 72.5 1.0 26.5 70.1 .2 29.7 64.7 3.0 32.3 The sharp increase in expenditures for automobile at higher eco nomic levels is indicated in table 21. N ot only did the percentage of families owning automobiles increase markedly but the amount spent for operation and maintenance showed a substantial increase. A t the high economic level in Denver, Minneapolis-St. Paul, and Salt Lake City, a larger proportion of funds spent for automobile operation and 68 W EST NO RTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN REGION maintenance went for garage rent and parking fees, repairs, insurance, and tires and tubes than at the low level. At the low level a some what smaller proportion of funds devoted to operation and mainte nance was spent for items other than gasoline, oil, and garage, suggest ing that the families in that group may have made at least part of the repairs on their automobiles themselves. The proportion of families purchasing automobiles within the sched ule year (table 13 of the Tabular Summary) was naturally much smaller than the proportion of families owning cars. Five percent or less of the families in the respective cities in this region purchased new cars during the schedule year, while second-hand cars were bought by 8 percent of the families studied in Denver, 17 percent in Kansas City, 13 percent in Minneapolis-St. Paul, 10 percent in St. Louis, and 7 per cent in Salt Lake City. It is of some interest to note that the propor tion of families buying automobiles in Denver and Salt Lake City, the two cities studied as of the year ending February 1935, is lower than in the three cities studied as of the year ending February 1936, when business conditions throughout the country were in general better than in the year previous. Expenditures for automobiles, new and second-hand, averaged $34 per family in Denver, $63 in Kansas City, $47 in Minneapolis-St. Paul, $46 in St. Louis, and $25 in Salt Lake City. These averages were com puted by dividing the aggregate amount spent for automobiles by the families studied in each city by the total number of those families. These aggregates include amounts still due at the end of the year covered by the schedule on automobiles purchased during the year. As mentioned above (see p. 39) payments on automobiles purchased in previous years are not treated as automobile expense in this report, but as reduction of outstanding liabilities. (See appendix A, p. 326.) Recreation Average expenditures for recreational items ranged among families studied in this region from $56 in Salt Lake City to $88 in St. Louis. The largest proportion of this total in all the cities except Salt Lake City went to tobacco (principally in the form of cigarettes), the amounts per family averaging from $24.21 in Denver to $30.56 in St. Louis. The second largest item of recreational expenditure in all cities except Salt Lake City was movies, which ranged from $12.47 in Minneapolis-St. Paul to $17.77 in St. Louis. In Salt Lake City this order was reversed, $15.23 going for movies and $13.50 for tobacco. The third largest expenditure was for newspapers delivered at home. Expenditures for all types of reading matter combined exceeded total expenditures for movies by 47 cents in Denver and 54 cents in Minne apolis-St. Paul. In Kansas City expenditures for reading matter were $2.92 less than expenditures for movies and in St. Louis and Salt E X P E N D IT U R E S FOR SPECIFIED L ake C ity , $ 1 .82 and $ 2 .43 less, respectively. 69 GOODS R eadin g m atter pur chased b y workers' families in these five cities was confined alm ost exclusively to newspapers and m agazines, w ith a very sm all am oun t going for purchase or rental of books. R ecreational equipm ent of various sorts such as cam eras and film s, athletic supplies, radios, and other m usical instrum ents accounted for average expenditures from $ 9 .4 6 in Salt L ak e C ity to $ 1 3 .1 8 in D en v er. (See T ab u la r S u m m ary, table 15.) T a b l e 2 2 .— P r o p o r tio n s o f fa m ilie s o f wage earners and low er salaried clerical w orkers o w n in g and purchasin g ra d ios , and, am ounts pa id fo r radios at successive econ om ic levels in 1 yea r during the period 1 9 3 4 -3 6 . WHITE FAMILIES Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All families Under $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over DENVER Number of families in survey___________ _____ ___ _ Percentage of families— Owning r a d io s ...___ ___________ ______ _________ Purchasing radios_______________________ _______ Average amount paid for radio per family purchasing. _ 295 92 106 97 69.2 9.8 $46 51.1 10.9 $44 74.5 6.6 $38 80.4 12.4 $53 K A N S A S C IT Y Number of families in survey ________ ______ ____ _ Percentage of families— Owning radios____ _______ ______ ______ _________ Purchasing radios_______________________________ Average amount paid for radio per family purchasing __ 357 137 123 97 68.6 62.8 7.3 $31 67.5 11.4 $56 78.4 12.4 $50 10.1 $47 M IN N E A P O L IS -S T . P A U L Number of families in survey___ _ ___________ __ Percentage of families— Owning radios______ ___ _. __________________ Purchasing radios_____ _______ _____ _ _______ Average amount paid for radio per family purchasing. _ 504 161 192 151 88.3 7.9 $44 83.2 4.3 $24 87.5 10.9 $43 94.7 7.9 $59 S T . L O U IS Number of families in survey______________ __ ___ Percentage of families— Owning radios._. . . . . ___ . . . ________ . . . Purchasing radios_________________________________ Average amount paid for radio per family purchasing, _ SA L T L A K E 401 119 156 126 87.8 9.0 $58 84.0 6.7 $50 89.7 9.0 $61 88.9 11.1 $60 C IT Y Number of families in survey — __ _. ___________ Percentage of families— Owning radios______ _______ _________ . ________ Purchasing radios_____ ____ __ __________ _ . . . Average amount paid for radio per family purchasing, _ 210 109 72 29 63.8 5.7 $46 •58.7 3.7 $25 68.1 72.4 10.3 $80 6.9 $43 W h e n fam ilies are classified b y am ou n t spent per expenditure u n it,14 total am ounts spent for recreation increased between 82 and 98 percent from low to high econom ic level in four cities, b u t only 70 percent in Salt L ak e C ity . E xpenditures for recreational equipm ent, which in cluded radio purchase, doubled in K a n sas C ity and St. Louis, and increased threefold in M in n ea p olis-S t. Paul. 14 See footnote 13, p. 66. In D en v er expendi- 70 W E ST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N tures for recreational equipm ent were only a fou rth larger at the high level and in Salt L ak e C ity , three-fourths larger. E xpenditu res for radio purchase show ed the largest increase between low and high levels in S alt L ak e C ity and M in n ea p olis-S t. Paul. occurred in D en v er. T h e sm allest increase T a b le 22 shows proportions of fam ilies owning and purchasing radios and the average am oun t paid at three levels in the five cities. T h e increase in expenditure for m ovies increased from low to high level, ranging from 44 percent in D en v er to 116 percent in K a n sa s C ity . E xpenditures for tobacco increased b y 91 percent in D en v er, 76 percent in K a n sas C ity , 63 percent in M in n ea p olis-S t. P au l, 59 per cent in S t. L ou is, b u t only 28 percent in Salt L ak e C ity . Expenditu res for reading m a tter as a whole increased m oderately from low to high econom ic level in all cities. E xpenditu res for m agazines, how ever, increased tw o to threefold in all cities. M edical Care A consistent increase in the am oun t spent for m edical care per fam ily from the low to the high econom ic l e v e l 15 occurred in each of the five cities in this region. T h is trend, com bined w ith the decreas ing size of fa m ily w ith rise in econom ic level, yielded considerably m ore adequate care for the h ealth of each person in the fa m ily at the upper level. In every city except Salt L ak e C ity the actual average expendi ture per person for m edical care m ore than trebled from low to high econom ic level. T h e average expenditure at the high level was be tw een $35 and $ 43. far below E v e n at this level, the average expenditure w as the figure of $76 estim ated b y Sam uel B ra d b u ry and accepted b y the T ech n ical C o m m ittee on M e d ic a l C are as n eeded to provide the fu ndam entals of good m edical care on a fee-for-service b asis.16 (See T a b u la r S u m m a ry , table 14.) M ed icin e and drugs were purchased b y a larger proportion of fam ilies than any other form of m edical care at all econom ic levels, except the low est econom ic level in D en v er. In three cities, at the low est econom ic level the largest proportion of expenditures for m edical services per fa m ily was d evoted to dental care and this was the typ e of m edical service m o st frequen tly used. W h ile at the highest econom ic level expenditures for dentists were also reported b y m ore fam ilies than for any other typ e of service, it was only in M in n ea p o lis-S t. Paul th a t expenditure for dental care held first rank. In other cities it was preceded b y am ounts spent for specialists, private room s in hospitals, etc. T h e services of general practitioners were used b y about the sam e proportion of fam ilies at the low est as at the highest econom ic levels, b u t the average expendi18 See footnote, p. 66. 16 Samuel Bradbury, Cost of Adequate Medical Care, pp. 52-53. 1937. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, E X P E N D IT U R E S FO R S P E C IF IE D 71 GOODS tures per fa m ily for these services consistently increased w ith eco nom ic level. In general, the fam ilies studied were m ore apt to go to the offices of general practitioners for m edical assistance rather than to call these doctors to their hom es, and the average expenditure per fa m ily was slightly larger for the form er typ e of service. B o th the proportion of fam ilies using, and the average expenditure per fam ily for specialists and practitioners other than general practitioners, increased w ith rise in econom ic level. T 2 3 . — E x p en d itu res f o r m edical care am ong wage earners and low er-salaried clerical w orkers at successive econom ic levels, in 1 yea r d uring the period 1 9 3 4 - 3 6 able WHITE FAMILIES City and economic level Number of Number of families in persons per survey family Average expendi ture per person for medical care Average expendi ture per family for medical care DENVER All families___________________________________________ Families spending per expenditure unit: Under $400___ _ _ _____ ______ __________________ $400 to $600_______________________________________ $600 and over_ ___ ______ _ ____________ ____ 295 3.14 $23 $73 92 106 97 4.06 3.12 2. 29 13 21 43 53 66 98 357 3.37 18 59 45 92 73 50 43 54 5.03 3.84 3. 22 3. 07 2. 58 2. 29 8 11 14 23 30 42 41 43 45 71 76 95 504 3.51 20 69 47 114 106 86 59 92 5.36 34 3.52 3.13 2. 95 2.40 6 11 19 25 29 42 66 77 86 101 401 3.48 17 61 54 65 94 62 42 84 5.60 4.10 3.59 3.00 2. 63 2. 29 7 9 16 19 27 40 37 38 59 58 72 91 210 3.81 17 64 54 55 5. 27 4.05 3.13 2.34 11 15 21 35 57 K A N S A S C IT Y All families___________________________________ _____ Families spending per expenditure unit: Under $300__________ _____ __________ __________ $300 to $400________________________________________ $400 to $500_______________________________________ $500 to $600_______________________________________ $600 to $700________ ____ _____________________ $700 and over______ _ __________________ _______ M IN N E A P O L IS -S T . P A U L All families _ _ _________ _ __ __ _ Families spending per expenditure unit: Under $ 3 0 0 --.____ ___________ _________ ______ $300 to $400_______________________________________ $400 to $500______ _______________________________ $600 to $600_______________________________________ $600 to $700_________________ ____________________ $700 and over____ ________________ __________ 4. 2 2 44 S T . L O U IS All families__ ______ ____________________ ______ Families spending per expenditure unit: Under $300____ ________________ _________ _______ $300 to $400— . . ___________________ ______— $400 to $500. -- _ _____________ $500 to $600— ________________________ $600 to $700- _ ___ _____ ___________ $700 and over________ ______ _______ __ ____ ___ SA LT L A K E C IT Y All families _ ___ __________ __ ________ Families spending per expenditure unit: Under $300-_ __ _ _____________ _________ $300 to $400— __________________________________ $400 to $600__________________ ___________________ $600 and over___________ ___ ________ _________ 72 29 59 65 81 A t every econom ic level in each city the proportion of fam ilies re porting the use of the services of clinics is am azingly sm all, being abou t 1 in 70 in D en v er, abou t 1 in 22 in K a n sa s C ity and St. L ouis, 1 in 30 in M in n ea p o lis-S t. P aul, and 1 in 23 in Salt L ak e C ity . 5 3 9 5 7 °— 39-------6 The 72 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N amount spent per family for the use of clinics seems not to be a func tion of economic level since there is no discernible trend of either increase or decrease in amount with rise in economic level except possibly in St. Louis where the amount tends to decrease. W it h the exception of Salt L ak e C ity there is a distinct increase in the expenditure per fa m ily for accident and h ealth insurance w ith increase in econom ic level. T h e average expenditure per fa m ily for accident and h ealth insurance at the low est econom ic level was abou t $3 in D en v er, abou t $4 in K a n sas C ity and Salt L ak e C ity , $3 in M in n eap olis, and $2 in St. L ouis. Personal Care E xpenditu res for personal care, w hich accounted for a bou t 2 percent of total expenditures at each econom ic l e v e l 17 in all five cities, include expenditures for personal care services such as haircuts, sh aves, sham poos, m anicures, and for toilet articles and preparations as brushes and cosm etics. In K a n sa s C ity and M in n ea p o lis-S t. Paul expenditures increased 68 percent from the low to the high econom ic level. In Salt L ak e C ity the increase was 59 percent and in D e n v er and St. L ou is a little less than 50 percent. A t each level expenditures were abou t equally divided betw een personal care services and toilet articles and preparations. (See T a b u la r S u m m a ry , table 14.) H aircu ts were the m o st frequ en tly purchased ty p e of personal care service, follow ed b y h air-w aving services of various kinds. Of each dollar spent for personal care services, haircuts accounted for abou t 60 cents and betw een 14 and 22 cents were spent for perm an en t w aves. W h ile expenditures for these item s rem ained relatively con sta n t from econom ic level to econom ic level, the am oun ts spent for sham poos increased m a n y fo ld from the low to the high econom ic level in all the cities, and for shaves b y barbers, in all except K a n sa s C ity . Not only did as large a proportion of the families at the low economic level as at the high economic level report expenditures for toilet soap, tooth powder, tooth paste, brushes, and other toilet articles, but also the average expenditure per family for such articles remained about the same from economic level to economic level. In contrast to this consistency, the expenditures per family for cosmetics and toilet preparations doubled from the low to the high economic level in every city except St. Louis, where the rate of increase was not quite so high. Form al Education If the investigation had been extended to cover all the goods and services received without direct expense by the group studied, a large 17 See footnote 13, p. 66. E X P E N D IT U R E S FO R SP E C IF IE D 73 GOODS section of the schedule w ould h ave been devoted to the am oun t and kinds of education provided b y the city and b y other agencies for children and adults. E lem en ta ry schools, high schools, and trade schools, classes in m u seum s and libraries and in parks, free of im m e diate cost to those who take advan tage of th em , are to a greater or less degree a regular part of life in all the five cities covered b y this report. T h e y are, of course, paid for b y the citizens, b u t no figures h ave been secured in the present stu d y on the use of these educational facilities b y the group covered, or the indirect cost to this group of the c ity ’s educational sy stem . (See T ab u la r S u m m a ry , table 16.) D irect expenditures for form al ed u cation ; for textbooks, school supplies, and tu ition , occupied an insignificant place in the expenditure pattern of the fam ilies studied. T h e y account for less than 1 percent o f total expenditures in any one of the cities covered in this area. D irect expenditures for form al education, a fu nction of a n um ber o f persons of school age in the various fam ilies, show no positive correlation w ith econom ic level. In every city the bulk of all form al education expenditures w as for m em bers living at h om e. T h e average per fa m ily for such expenditures ranged from $7 in St. Lou is to $10 in K a n sa s C ity , and included all such item s as books, pencils, paper, and supplies. T h e proportion of fam ilies reporting expenditures for m em bers a w ay fro m h om e in school was 4 percent in D e n v er, 5 percent in K a n sa s C ity , 1 percent in M in n ea p olis-S t. Paul and S t. L ou is, and none in S alt L ake C ity . A verage expenditure for all fam ilies for tuition, books, etc., for m em bers in school aw ay from h om e ranged from 5 cents in M in n eap olis to $ 2 .1 6 in D en v er, excepting Salt L ake C it y where there were no such expenditures. V o ca tion E xpenditu res for union dues or fees, professional association dues or fees, expenditures for technical literature, and similar item s have been classified as “ vocation al expense.” In general such expendi tures increased sharply from low to high econom ic lev el.18 O f such expenditures the largest part w ent for union dues and fees, which averaged abou t $4 per fam ily in each of D en v er, K a n sas C ity , and S alt L ak e C ity , abou t $6 in M in n ea p olis-S t. P aul, and a bou t $7 in S t. L ou is, representing expenditures b y 17 to 29 percent of the fam ilies in each city. T h e am ounts spent for union dues and fees increased fourfold from the low to the high econom ic level in D en v er and doubled, approxim ately, in K a n sas C ity and St. L ouis. In M in n ea p o lis-S t. Paul, expenditures increased abou t 50 percent, and in Salt L ak e C ity abou t one-third. 18 See footnote 13, p. 66. (See T ab u la r S u m m a ry , table 16.) W EST 74 NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N T h e n um ber of fam ilies m aking expenditures for professional dues or fees was 19 in D en v er, 9 in K a n sas C ity , 15 in M in n ea p olis-S t. Paul, 2 in S t. L ouis, and 9 in Salt L ake C ity . G ifts and C o n trib u tio n s to Individuals W elfare and to C o m m u n ity A com parison of the average am ounts given directly b y these fa m i lies to individuals and their contributions to com m u n ity chests and other welfare agencies em phasizes their close contact w ith individuals in need, and the generosity of their response. F or each of the five cities except Salt L ak e C ity the am ounts contributed to religious organizations, co m m u n ity chests, and paid in taxes were, in general, less at com parable econom ic levels than were contributions to the support of relatives and other persons outside the econom ic fa m ily. T h e latter type of expenditures was n o t only greater b u t increased m u ch m ore rapidly from the low to the high econom ic le v e l.19 On the other h and, in Salt L ak e C ity , expenditures for co m m u n ity welfare were consistently greater than contributions and gifts to persons outside the econom ic fa m ily, except at the high econom ic level where the dollar expenditures for the two were the sam e. H ow ever, the proportion ately greater increase in gifts to persons w ith rise in eco n om ic level was also characteristic of the S alt L ak e C ity fam ilies. (See T ab u la r S u m m a ry , table 16.) In the other four cities the am oun t spent per fa m ily in gifts and contributions to individuals varied from an average of $23 in St. L ouis to $36 in D e n v er as com pared w ith contributions to welfare agencies and taxes of $21 and $18 in these two cities. In each of the cities, gifts to religious organizations constituted the bulk of the contributions to co m m u n ity welfare. T h e proportion of fam ilies m aking such contributions remains relatively constan t from econom ic level to econom ic level b u t the actual average expen diture tends to increase, though n o t in as great a proportion as do total expenditures for com m u n ity welfare. Salt L ak e C ity is again n otable in th at the contributions to religious organizations at the low est econom ic level were abou t the sam e as the am oun ts contributed in each of the other four cities at the highest econom ic level. In th at city such contributions increased abou t 70 percent from the low est to the highest econom ic level for both item s. A m o u n ts paid in poll, incom e, and personal property taxes ranged at the low level from 5 cents in M in n ea p olis-S t. Paul to $ 1 .9 3 in Salt L ak e C ity , and at the high level, from 68 cents in M in n ea p olisSt. Paul to $ 4 .1 4 in D en v er. These variations reflect n o t only dif ferences in laws betw een the various States b u t also variations in the strictness of collection. 18 See footnote 13, p. 66. T axes on real estate and sales taxes E X P E N D IT U R E S FO R SP E C IF IE D GOODS 75 are n ot included in these averages which represent p aym en ts b y abou t h alf the fam ilies studied in D en v er, K a n sa s C ity , and St. L ou is, and abou t three-fourths of the fam ilies in Salt L ak e C ity . In M in n e - a polis-St. Paul the proportion of fam ilies payin g such taxes was abou t one ou t of 13. (For treatm en t of real estate taxes and sales tax, see pp. 3 23, 3 29, and 3 3 7 .) C h ristm as and birth day gifts constitute the m a jo r proportion of all expenditures for persons outside the econom ic fa m ily at the low econom ic level, b u t are abou t equal in size to contributions for sup port of relatives at the high econom ic level. Expenditures of the latter type increase from the low to the high econom ic level from three fold in M in n ea p olis-S t. Paul to tw elvefold in St. L ouis. M iscellaneous Item s In general, expenditures for all m iscellaneous item s increase rapidly from the low to the high econom ic level,20 bu t due to the sm all num bers of fam ilies reporting expenditures for such item s great irregularities in trend appear for the individual item s. E xpenditu res ]for funerals were reported b y no fam ilies in D en v er, three in St. L ou is, tw o each in K a n sas C ity and Salt L ake C ity , and nine in M in n ea p olis-S t. Paul, and averaged betw een $100 and $500 per funeral. gardens averaged $ 1 .5 0 or less per fa m ily. table 16.) 20 See footnote 13, p. 66. L egal costs and (See T ab u la r Su m m ary, Chapter 3 Changing Living Standards in the Post-W ar Period D istrib u tio n o f C u rre n t E xpenditures in 1934-36 as Com pared W it h T h o se in 1917-19 A com parison of the percentage distribution of expenditures by fam ilies studied in 1 9 1 7 -1 9 1 w ith th at by fam ilies of com parable types studied in 1 9 3 4 -3 6 in cities in the W e s t N o rth C e n tra l-M o u n ta in region sheds m uch light on the changes in the consum er purchases of wage earners and clerical workers which h ave taken place betw een these two periods. A ll five cities covered in this region in 1 9 3 4 -3 6 were also studied in 1 9 1 7 -1 9 .2 W h e n figures on the distribution of expenditures b y the groups studied at the end of the war period are placed beside figures on the distribution of expenditures b y the fam ilies covered in the present in vestigation , it is eviden t th at the m o st im p ortan t differences which h ave occurred in the interval are the decrease in the proportion of the to ta l o u tla y spent for clothing and the increase in the percentage of expenditure for m iscellaneous item s. In K a n sa s C ity and M in n ea p olis-S t. Paul there was an increase in the percentage of expenditures for housefurnishing goods and a decrease in the other three cities. In four of the five cities studied at the two periods, the percentage of total expenditures which w ent for food was sm aller in 1 9 3 4 -3 6 than in the war period, and th at to housing larger in all five cities. A n im portant part of the reason for these differences in distribution of expenditures is to be found in the price changes which h ave occurred in the interval. C o st of living indexes available for D e n v er, K a n sas C ity , M in n ea p olis-S t. Paul, and St. L ou is 3 show th at in all of these cities food costs at the tim e of the second stu dy were m u ch lower than at the tim e of the first, and the cost of m iscellaneous item s w as very m uch higher. T h e cost of the other com pon ent parts of the fa m ily budget had also changed considerably, the decrease in clothing being m o st m arked in all four cities (see table 2 4 ). T o secure goods which cost $ 1 ,5 0 0 at the tim e covered b y the 1 9 1 7 -1 9 survey, it would h ave been necessary to spend at the tim e 1 Data for this study are published by the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Cost of Living in the United States, Bull. No. 357. 1924. Data for Negro families in St. Louis are published in the Monthly Labor Review for July 1919. 2 In the Tabular Summary, tables 21, 22, and 23 present income and expenditure data for 1934-36 for families of the types studied in 1917-19. Data for Negroes in St. Louis are presented because Negroes were studied in that city in 1918-1919. 3 Cost of living indexes are not available for Salt Lake City. 76 C H A N G IN G L IV IN G STA N D A R D S IN THE P O ST -W A R 77 P E R IO D covered b y the second survey $ 1 ,3 9 8 in M in n ea p olis-S t. Paul, where the least difference in price level appears, b u t only $1,283 in K a n sas C ity , where costs for the $ 1 ,2 0 0 to $ 1 ,5 0 0 group had declined m ore than 14 percent. F or a better com parison betw een the expenditures of the two groups of fam ilies it is desirable to pu t them on a com m on basis b y converting the dollar figures of the 1 9 1 7 -1 9 stu dy to values which reflect the price levels which prevailed at the period covered b y the survey in each city in 1 9 3 4 -3 6 . F or exam ple, in D en v er food costs were on the average 26.9 percent lower in the period of the second survey than in the year ending N o v em b er 30, 1918. In other words, D en v er fam ilies were able to b u y for approxim ately $73 the sam e foods for which they had paid $100 in the earlier period. O n the other hand, the average cost of m iscellaneous item s entering into the fam ily budget was 2 3 .8 percent higher at the tim e of the second survey in D en v er than at the tim e of the first, and it was necessary to pay $ 1 2 3 .8 0 for the goods and services included in this category which would h ave cost $100 in 1 9 1 7 -1 9 . Since the price changes which occurred betw een 1 9 1 7 -1 9 and 1 9 3 4 -3 6 in all the cities differed greatly as betw een different types of consum ers’ goods, each typ e of expenditure has been converted to the 1 9 3 4 -3 6 values w ith appro priate group index num bers calculated to show changes in costs to the consum er of this type of goods betw een periods covered b y the two studies. T able 24.— P ercentage change in the cost o f goods 'purchased b y wage earners and clerical workers f r o m the tim e o f the 1 9 1 7 - 1 9 su rvey to the tim e o f the 1 9 8 4 - 8 6 su rvey 1 [White families] City Food -2 6 .9 -2 6 .2 -1 5 .9 -2 1 .9 D enver___ _____ __ ______ ____________ Kansas City_______ ____ __ __ ------------Minneapolis-St. Paul_____ ____ St. Louis _ _ _ _____ Clothing -2 6 .1 -3 1 .1 -2 7 .5 -2 9 .7 HouseFuel and furnish light ing goods Rent - 2 .7 -1 6 .2 - 8 .9 - 2 .2 -.3 - 1 .0 +23.6 + 7 .8 Miscel laneous +23.8 +19.6 +18.7 +24.8 - 8 .3 -2 6 .5 - 8 .3 - 7 .5 i The schedules taken in Denver cover the year ending Nov. 30, 1918; in Kansas City and St. Louis the year ending Jan. 31, 1919: in Minneapolis-St. Paul, 22 were for the schedule year ending Sept. 30, 1918; 119 for the schedule year ending Oct. 31, 1918; and 100 for the schedule year ending Nov. 30,1918. C om parin g stu d y w ith the d ata from those from the fam ilies covered in the 1 9 1 7 -1 9 fam ilies of similar com position studied in 1 9 3 4 -3 6 , one of the m o st striking facts is the generally higher level of expenditure at the latter date as com pared w ith the form er. K a n sa s C ity , the increase am ounted to m ore than 25 percent. In F rom table 25, it is apparent th at when the figures on average expenditures b y the w age earners and clerical workers studied in 1 9 1 7 -1 9 with incom es from $ 1 ,2 0 0 to $ 1 ,5 0 0 have been converted to 1 9 3 4 -3 6 dollars, the average for the fam ilies studied in 1 9 3 4 -3 6 is higher in 78 W ES T N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N all four cities than the average for the 1 9 1 7 -1 9 group on a com parable basis. T h e differences range from 13.8 percent in D en v er to 25.6 percent in K a n sas C ity . These differences in expenditure are partly the result of differences betw een the real incom es of the groups studied at the two periods. In all four cities included in this discussion, the real incom es of the groups covered in the second survey were larger than those studied in the first. T a b le 25 shows the differences which appear when the incom es and expenditures of families with incom es from $ 1 ,2 0 0 to $1,5 0 0 in the two surveys are converted to a com parable basis. T able 2 5 .— D ifferen ces in in co m es and current expen d itu res 1 between the groups studied in 1 9 1 7 - 1 9 and 1 9 3 4 - 3 6 in 4 cities [Wage earners and clerical workers with annual net incomes of $1,200 to $1,500, white families] City Income Denver__________________________ _________________________ _______________ _____ Kansas City_____________________________ __________________ ________ ___________ Minneapolis-St. Paul___________ ________ _____ ____________ ________ ___________ St. Louis______ ______ __ _____________________________________ ___________________ Percent +10.5 +18.0 + 7 .1 + 9 .9 Expendi ture Percent +13.8 +25.6 +14.4 +15.4 1 Both in terms of the 1934-36 price level. In contrast w ith the situation found in 1 9 1 7 -1 9 when the fam ilies w ith incom es betw een $ 1 ,2 0 0 and $ 1 ,5 0 0 studied in the four cities reported n et savings in term s of 1 9 3 4 -3 6 dollars from $32 in D e n v er to $61 in St. L ouis, fam ilies of com parable types as show n b y the present investigation reported average net deficits of $8 in D en v er, $23 in M in n ea p olis-S t. P aul, and $25 in K a n sas C ity . A verage net savings of $16 were reported in St. L ouis as contrasted w ith $61 in the earlier stu dy. A n analysis of the figures secured from the groups studied in D en v er in the two periods will illustrate the typ e of changes in fam ily living w hich h ave occurred in the interval betw een the investigations (see table 2 6 ). In the group studied in 1 9 1 7 -1 9 , fam ilies w ith incom es betw een $ 1 ,2 0 0 and $ 1 ,5 0 0 expended $502, or 3 8 .2 percent, for food. B ecau se of the decline in food prices, the sam e kinds and quantities of food could h ave been purchased for $367 at the tim e of the second investigation, b u t food h abits had changed to such an extent th at the group studied in 1 9 3 4 -3 6 actually spent on the average $96 m ore than this for food, $ 463, or 3 4.5 percent of their total current expenditures. C lothin g prices also declined, and the average clothing expenditures of the D en v er group studied in 1 9 3 4 -3 6 were $87 less than those of the group studied in 1 9 1 7 -1 9 , b u t $32 less than the calculated 1 9 3 4 -3 6 cost of the clothing bou gh t in 1 9 1 7 -1 9 . T h e cost of both housing and fuel and light declined in the interval betw een the tw o surveys b u t the C H A N G IN G L IV IN G S TA N D A R D S IN T H E P O S T -W A R P E R IO D 79 group studied in the second period is found to h ave spent 4 3 .2 percent m ore for housing, fuel, light, and refrigeration com bined than the calculated 1 9 3 4 -3 6 cost of similar group item s. T h e cost of house- furnishings declined between the two periods, b u t this group repre sented a larger percentage of the calculated total expenditures in 1 9 3 4 -3 6 . Expenditures for m iscellaneous item s b y the 1 9 3 4 -3 6 group were $12 greater than the calculated cost of the m iscellaneous item s purchased b y the 1 9 1 7 -1 9 group, $355. T h e percentage allotted to m iscellaneous item s was less even though the expenditures for these goods increased. T able 26. — D istrib u tio n o f current f a m i ly expen ditu res in 1 9 1 7 - 1 9 and 198J+-36 [Wage earners and clerical workers with annual net incomes of $1,200 to $1,500, white families] Item Families studied in 1917-19: 1 Number _____ _____________ ___ Denver 63 Kansas City 91 MinneapolisSt. Paul 101 St. Louis 87 Expenditures in 1917-19 dollars,2 Dollars Percent Dollars Percent Dollars Percent Dollars Percent 1,312 100.0 1,304 1,251 total_______ ____ ______ ______ 100.0 1, 298 100.0 100.0 502 38.2 514 39.6 480 36.8 497 Food_______________________ 39.7 176 14.1 Clothing ___ ___ _________ 211 16.1 197 15. 2 204 15.6 18.4 19.5 242 Housing, fuel, and light- __ 241 318 24.4 253 19.3 62 Furniture and furnishings. 72 4.7 5.5 61 56 4.3 5.0 274 Miscellaneous_____ ________ 286 21.8 273 21.0 246 18.9 21.9 Expenditures in terms of 1934-36 1,154 100.0 1,110 100.0 1, 215 dollars,3 total_________ _______ 1,180 100.0 100.0 404 367 31.1 379 34.1 33.2 388 Food___________ . . . ___ __ 33.6 13.2 12.2 Clothing . __________ . 156 136 148 12.2 123 10.7 244 Housing, fuel, and light ___ 236 20.0 223 20.1 319 26.3 21.2 66 52 57 Furniture and furnishings.__ 5.6 45 4.1 4.3 4.9 342 355 29.5 292 Miscellaneous______________ 327 30.1 24.0 29.6 Families studied in 1934-36 (types comparable to those studied in 1917-19): Number__________ ___ 31 56 72 44 Expenditures in 1934-36 dollars.4 Dollars Percent Dollars Percent Dollars Percent Dollars Percent 1,394 1,332 total________________ ________ 100.0 100.0 1, 390 100.0 1, 343 100.0 34. 5 474 463 34.0 471 509 38.2 Food__________ ________ __ 33.9 124 114 9.2 138 9.9 118 8.5 8.6 Clothing. ___________ _____ Housing, fuel, and light 5___ 338 25.2 294 21.1 358 25.8 287 21.5 3.8 74 5.3 74 55 4.1 Furniture and furnishings.. . 51 5.3 Miscellaneous____________ _ 414 29.7 367 27.3 369 26.5 367 27.6 1 For dates to which data apply, see table 24, footnote 1, p. 77. 2 Data for 1917-19 based on figures published in Bureau of Labor Statistics Bull. 357, pp. 24, 37,44, and 58. 3 Data in terms of 1934-36 dollars were computed from original figures by means of percentage changes in the cost of food, clothing, rent, fuel, and light, furniture and furnishings, and miscellaneous items from the year of the earlier studies in each of the cities. 4 For detailed distribution of expenditures, see Tabular Summary, table 23. 5 Includes refrigeration. A com parison of the cost of the 1 9 1 7 -1 9 purchases in 1 9 3 4 -3 6 dollars, w ith the distribution of the actual purchases in 1 9 3 4 -3 6 , shows a tendency toward larger purchases of food, sm aller purchases of clothing, and larger current expenditures for housing, fuel, and light. T h e decrease in proportion spent for clothing is very striking. The proportion of expenditures for both housefurnishing goods and m is cellaneous item s increased in two of the cities and decreased in the other two. Part II.— Negro Families 81 Chapter 1 Income Level and M oney Disbursements F am ily Incom e Schedules were obtained from Negro families in Kansas City, M o Kans., and in St. Louis, M o. These samples were chosen in the same way as the samples for the white families in each city, and represent a cross section of the families of employed Negro wage earners and clerical workers in 1935-36. The Negro families from whom data were secured cannot be re garded as representative of the total Negro population of wage earners and clerical workers of each of the cities, since the Study did not extend to families on relief. During the period of scheduling in each of the two cities, the number of Negro families on relief reached a peak in February 1935, when 3,500 Negro families in Kansas City and 12,500 in St. Louis received such aid. A general idea of the pro portion of families excluded from the Study because of this factor can be gained from a comparison of these figures with the number of Negro families of two or more persons reported by the census of 1930 in each of these cities. The number of Negro families on relief in February 1935 in Kansas City constituted 24.9 percent of the total number of Negro families in Kansas City in 1930. The proportion on relief in St. Louis in the high month was considerably higher, 62.0 percent of the number of Negro families in St. Louis in 1930. Furthermore, it will be remembered that the plan of the Study provided that no family be included which had an income of less than $500, or in which no earner had been employed for a minimum of 36 weeks (see appendix D , pp. 347ff). These same criteria for inclusion of Negro as of white families were followed, even though they resulted in a Negro sample with incomes relatively higher than those of the entire Negro population, in order that comparisons might be made between the spending of comparable families of employed Negro and employed white workers. In the groups surveyed, family incomes 1 ranged from $540 to $2,776 among the Kansas City Negro families, and from $607 to $2,347 among the St. Louis families. The maximum income in the Kansas City Negro group was achieved by a family having three fulli Details of family income when families are classified by economic level are shown in the Tabular Sum mary, table 2, and when classified by income level, in the Tabular Summary, table 5. 83 84 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N time and one part-time earner. The husband was a janitor employed by a railroad company, the son a presser with a cleaning company, a daughter, a checker in a laundry, while another son was an elevator operator in a hotel for half a year. The St. Louis Negro family with the greatest income also had four earners, all of whom were the sons of a widow who acted as the homemaker for the family. Tw o were laborers in the building construction industry for half the year, one Fig. 10. SOURCES OF FAMILY INCOME AMONG WAGE EARNERS AND LOWER-SALARIED CLERICAL WORKERS AT SUCCESSIVE INCOME LEVELS ST. LOUIS, 1 9 3 5 - 1936 NEGRO FAMILIES IN C O M E CLASS H U N D RED S OF D O LL A R S 0 ___________________ 5___________________ 10__________________ 15__________________ 2 0 ALL FAMILIES $6 0 0 uiocn $900 $ 900 UNDER $1200 $1200 UNDER $1500 $1500 UNDER $1800 ■ EARNINGS OF CHIEF EARNER K g EARNINGS OF SUPPLEMENTARY EARNERS P57I INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCES U S, BUREAU O F LABO R S T A T IS T IC S ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ was a plasterer for the sam e in dustry for 39 weeks, and the fou rth was a porter w ith a retail grocery. F a m ily incom es in the K a n sa s C ity and S t. L ouis groups averaged abo u t $ 1 ,0 8 0 and $ 1 ,1 6 0 , respectively. T o ascertain whether these differences were inherent in random sam pling or w hether th ey re vealed actual differences betw een incom e levels of all workers in the two cities, a statistical test 2 was conducted. I t was found th at the difference betw een these two averages is large enough to be considered statistically significant. A m u ch greater significance was found, how ever, in the differences between the average incom es of the white and N egro fam ilies w ithin the two cities. M edian incomes were somewhat lower than the average in each of these cities— that is, more than half of the families received incomes less than the average for all families. This situation reflects the fact that there were a few families with incomes much larger than those 2 R. A. Fisher’s method for the analysis of variance as exemplified in intraclass correlation (discussed on pp. 226 and 227 of his Statistical Methods for Research Workers, 6th ed., London, 1936 (was used to test whether the mean incomes obtained in the two cities differed more than could be expected if successive samples had been drawn at random from the same population. IN C O M E LEVEL AND M ONEY D IS B U R S E M E N T S 85 received by a great majority of the families studied. Table 27 shows the average net money income, and the incomes below which onefourth, one-half, and three-fourths of the families fell. T able 2 7 . — F a m ily in com es am ong wage earners and low er-salaried clerical workers in 1 year during the period 1 9 8 5 - 8 6 NEGRO FAM ILIES Item Number of families in survey __ Kansas City ______ _ __________ _ __ _ __ ___ Net money income: Arithmetic average, _ __________ __________ ___________ __ ____ __ _____ First quartile. __ _ ____ _ ________ ___ Median _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _____ __ _ _____ Third quartile _ _ _______ _________ ______ ______ _ _____________ St. Louis 103 106 $1, 086 805 1, 019 1,296 $1, 162 909 1,114 1,371 As with white families, the chief source of family income was earn ings. The highest earnings reported for any one individual were those of a Negro mechanic in public service in Kansas City of $2,080, and by a Negro salesman, driver for a retail dairy in St. Louis of $2,080. T able 2 8 . — Sou rces o f f a m i ly in co m e am ong wage earners and low er-salaried clerical workers in 1 year during the period 1981+-86 NEGRO FAM ILIES Income class Num ber of fami lies Aver age net money income1 Average number of gainful workers’ per family 2 Percentage of income from— Earnings of chief earner Earnings of supple mentary earners 3 Other sources4 K a nsa s C ity All families---------------------------------------- 103 $1, 086 1.42 87.7 11.4 0.9 Families with incomes of— $500 to $600______________________ $600 to $900______________________ $900 to $1,200_____________________ $1,200 to $1,500___________________ $1,500 to $1,800___________________ $1,800 and over___ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 6 25 40 21 6 5 562 751 1,034 1, 342 1, 573 2,172 1.00 1.28 1.42 1.52 1.67 1.80 97.5 97.1 90.5 85.9 76.9 70.3 2.1 2.8 9.1 14.2 23.2 21.3 .4 .1 .4 (5) («) 8.4 St . L ouis All families_________________________ Families with incomes of— $600 7 to $900_____________________ $900 to $1,200_____________________ $1,200 to $1,500___________________ $1,500 and over _._ __ ________ 106 $1,162 1.49 87.3 11.7 1.0 25 37 28 16 781 1, 029 1, 336 1, 762 1.28 1.57 1.50 1.63 93.7 87.6 86.6 83.0 4.8 11.6 11.5 16.9 1.5 .8 1.9 .1 1 Net family income is defined in appendix A, p. 319. 2 A gainful worker is defined as a person having had some gainful employment in business or industry at any time during the year. 3 Including net earnings from boarders and lodgers. 4 Less business losses and expenses not deductible from earnings. 6 Income from other sources averaged $2, business losses and expenses not deductible from the earnings of the current year $3. 6 Income from other sources averaged nothing and business losses and expenses not deductible from the earnings of the current year $1. 7 No cases of families receiving less than $600 occurred in the sample. 86 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N The importance of earnings of supplementary earners in family income was about the same for the Negro as for the white families studied. From table 28 it is apparent that the percentage of total income provided by earnings of the chief earner decreased with a rise in total family income, while the percentage provided by supplemen tary earners increased markedly in all the income groups covered in the two cities with one exception. Among Negro families with in comes of $1,800 and over in Kansas City, there was a slight drop in the relative importance of the earnings of supplementary earners from the preceding income level. The average number of persons reporting employment at any time during the year 3 increased consistently from low to high income levels, rising to 1.6 persons in St. Louis for the $1,500 and over groups and 1.8 persons in Kansas City for families with incomes over $1,800. Com position o f fam ilies. In Kansas City a little over half the Negro families studied were composed of adults. In St. Louis the proportion was nearly twothirds. Nearly two-thirds of the adult families in Kansas City were families of husband and wife only; in St. Louis the proportion was slightly less than half. C u rre n t E xpenditures o f Each C ity G rou p as a W h o le 4 As with the white families, the most important item of current ex penditure for the Negro families studied was food (see Tabular Sum mary, tables 3 and 6), which required in each of the two cities about a third of total current expenditures. The average amount spent by the N egro families for all items of current living was smaller than the average amount spent for all items by the white families. Although the Negro families studied were slightly smaller than the white fami lies in size, the percentage of the total spent for food was larger on the average among the Negro group than among the white, as might have been expected from the lower average total expenditures. Housing, including fuel, light, and refrigeration, was the second largest item of expenditure in each of the cities for N egro families as for white families. Among the Negro families such expenditures accounted for 23.7 cents out of every dollar spent in Kansas City and 24.3 cents in St. Louis. Expenditures for clothing came next in importance in the disburse ments of these groups, accounting for 9.8 percent of the total in Kansas City and 10.3 percent in St. Louis. The dollar figures are less than the corresponding averages for white families, but the percentage figures are very similar. While expenditures for recreation were the next most important among Kansas City Negro families, furnishings 3 In the present investigation each person reported as having worked for pay at any time during the year was counted as one gainful worker. * Current expenditures are defined on p. 1-3 and 320 of this report. IN C O M E LEVEL AND M ONEY 87 D IS B U R S E M E N T S and equipment took fourth place among the expenditures of the St. Louis families, each type of expenditure requiring about 5 cents out of every dollar spent. In Kansas City medical care and expenditures for transportation other than automobile, each accounted for 4.6 per cent of total expenditures, but in St. Louis automobile transportation and other transportation accounted for 4.8 and 4.4 percent, respec tively. In each case the expenditure for auto transportation was less than for white families. In each of the two cities personal care expenditures accounted for about 2.3 percent of total expenditures, a higher proportion than that among corresponding white families in these cities. D istrib u tio n o f E xpenditures at Successive Incom e L evels 5 For both the Negro families in Kansas City and in St. Louis as in comes increased, the percentage spent for food and housing (including fuel, light, and refrigeration) declined. Percentages for clothing, fur nishings and equipment, transportation, and gifts to persons outside the economic family, on the contrary, increased with a rise in income level. The rise in percentages for clothing reflects the elasticity of demand for this item which is characteristic of all the groups within the income range covered in the investigation. Among the Kansas City families the percentage spent for transportation increased four fold from the lowest income level to those having incomes of $1,500 and over. Among the St. Louis families such expenditures doubled from the lowest to the highest income levels. Gifts and contributions to individuals outside the family showed the most striking change from low to high income levels, increasing sixteenfold in Kansas City and fivefold in St. Louis. F or the other groups of item s covered b y current fam ily expendi tures, no consistent trend from incom e level to incom e level appears, largely because expenditures for these item s are n o t solely functions of incom e b u t are prim arily affected b y the size and com position of the fam ilies at the various incom e levels as well as b y the special cir cum stances of any given year. In general, the percentages at each incom e level spent for personal care fluctuate around the average for all fam ilies of 2.4 in K a n sas C ity and 2.3 in St. L ouis. Likew ise the expenditures for com m u n ity welfare vary irregularly abou t the aver age for all fam ilies of 1.6 and 1.4, respectively. A m o n g the N egro fam ilies in K a n sa s C ity the relative expenditures for m edical care tended to decrease while those for recreation increased. C uriously enough, how ever, in St. L ou is the tendency was for b oth types of expenditures to decline w ith increase in incom e. E xpenditures for vocation and education were negligible at every level. 8 See Tabular Summary, table 6. 5 3 9 5 7 °— 39------- 7 88 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T a b l e 29 . — A v era g e a m ou n t sp en t p er expenditure u n it am on g w age earners and low er-salaried clerical w orkers at successive in co m e levels f o r 1 ye a r d u rin g the p eriod 1 9 S 5 —S6 NEGR O FAM ILIES Income level Average Num Average size of total ex ber of family in fami penditure expenditure per family lies units Average Average Average amount amount Average amount spent for spent for amount spent for all food per clothing per spent for food-ex clothing-ex other items items per expenditure penditure penditure per person unit unit unit K a n sa s C it y $500 to $600................. $600 to $900__________ $900 to $1,200________ $1,200 to $1,500______ $1,500 and over. 6 23 40 21 11 2.23 2. 57 3.46 2.96 3.35 $556 737 1,045 1,225 1,645 $109 113 113 146 152 $29 32 31 52 64 $112 141 156 214 269 $249 287 302 414 491 113 146 146 142 $26 37 57 61 147 160 235 245 $289 327 442 456 S t . L ouis $600 to $9001________ $900 to $1,200________ $1,200 to $1,500______ $1,500 and over______ i 25 37 28 16 2.82 3.00 3.00 3. 90 814 981 1,326 1,777 No cases of families receiving less than $500 occurred in the sample. From table 29 it is apparent that the economic level of the Negro families studied, as determined from income and the size and composi tion of family combined, is similar in trend to that found for the white families. The amount of the family income and the number of persons in the family are of almost equal importance in determining the way the in come is spent, and it is therefore important to understand the family types which predominate at different income levels in the families studied. Size o f families. The average number of persons per family was slightly smaller among the Negro than among the white group in each of the two cities studied. The average size of family among the Negro families was 3.34 in Kansas City and 3.38 in St. Louis, which is larger than the median size of family shown in the census of 1930 for all Negro families of two persons or more of 2.66 in Kansas City and 2.89 in St. Louis. Although the average size of Negro families on relief in the peak month during the period of the investigation in St. Louis was larger than for the families scheduled in that city, it was smaller in Kansas City, a contrary trend to that noted for the white families. The average size of the Negro families on relief during the period under consideration was 3.2 in Kansas City, and 3.4 in St. Louis. The average number of children under 16 years old in the Negro families, as well as the average number of adults, is slightly smaller than in the white families. The small average number of children IN C O M E LEVEL AND M ONEY 89 D IS B U R S E M E N T S per family among families with incomes under $900 may reflect the depression of families with large numbers of children at this income level to relief status. The number of children per family is highly variable from one income level to another; the highest average occurs in St. Louis in the $1,500 and over income group, where there are on the average 1.44 children per family. In Kansas City the average size of family is 3.34 persons, both for the income groups under $1,200 and for the groups above $1,200, but in St. Louis the corre sponding figures are 3.19 and 3.65. Fig II. SIZE OF FAMILY AMONG WAGE EARNERS AND LOWER-SALARIED CLERICAL WORKERS AT SUCCESSIVE INCOME LEVELS KANSAS CITY, 1 9 3 5 -1 9 3 6 NEGRO FAMILIES INCOME CLASS 4 ALL FAMILIES $600 wioc* $900 $900 UNO?* $1200 $1200 UNDER $15 0 0 $1500 uNo?ft$l800 $1800 un8?r$2IOO $2100 *nd OVER g a in f u l w o r k e r s . S. BUREAU OF LA B O R OTHER PERSONS 16 YEARS EZZ3 PERSONS UNDER OF AGE AND OVER Y&A 16 YEARS OF AGE S T A T IS T IC S O rder o f E xpend itures at D ifferen t Econom ic L evels 6 Since the incomes and the number, age, sex, and occupation of the persons dependent on the family funds of the Negro families studied varied quite as much as did white families, the data secured from the Negro families were also analyzed by economic level.7 The trends noted for white families, i. e., increase in income and decrease in family size, with rise in economic level, obtain for the Negro families in both cities. 6 See Tabular Summary, table 3. 7 For a description of the methods of computing and the meaning of economic level, see pp. 25-29 and 376-382. 90 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION W ith a rise in economic level there appears in each city a striking decline in the percentage of expenditure allotted to food and a decrease in the percentage for housing (including fuel, light, and refrigeration). In contrast to the trend noted when the families are classified ac cording to income level, the proportion of each dollar which is spent for clothing remains almost constant with the progression from low to high economic levels. The general tendency for the other groups of items covered by current family expenditures is to increase with improvement in the economic status of the family. Interesting contrasts to the figures given in table 29 are presented in table 30. The trends in the amounts spent per expenditure unit when families are classified by economic level are remarkably different for the same data when classified by income. The average expen diture for all items per expenditure unit increases fourfold from the lowest to the highest economic level but only twofold from the lowest to the highest income level. T 30 . — A v era g e a m ou n t sp en t per expenditure u n it a m ong wage earners and low er-salaried clerical w orkers at successive econom ic levels in 1 yea r d u rin g the p eriod 1 9 3 4 —3 6 NEGRO FAMILIES able Amount spent per expenditure unit K Under $200 ____ __ $200 to $300__________ $300 to $400__________ $400 to $500__________ $500 and over___ 11 21 29 20 22 a n s a s 5.79 3.83 2.47 2.53 6 22 27 2.21 22 29 7.53 3.88 3. 08 2. 32 2.19 C it y $917 928 876 1,142 1,345 S Under $200__________ $200 to $300__________ $300 to $400__________ $400 to $500__________ $500 and over . _ Average Average Average amount amount Average amount spent for spent for amount spent for all food per clothing per spent for food ex clothing other items items per expenditure penditure expenditure per person unit unit unit Average Num Average size of ber of total ex family in fami expenditure penditure per family lies units t . L $74 95 136 153 189 $20 31 39 48 65 $64 117 179 249 352 $158 242 355 451 609 $69 109 131 154 198 $19 33 37 50 79 $57 115 175 242 384 $143 257 344 444 o u is $1,078 998 1,061 1,030 1,463 668 A comparison of the rank order of the different group items of expenditure at the lowest and at the highest economic levels among the Negro families studied in Kansas City and in St. Louis, as shown in table 31 reveals that about the same types of shifts in consumer demand between the two levels occur for these families as for the white families. The three items constituting the bulk of the ex penditures— food, clothing, and housing (including fuel, light, and refrigeration)— do not change rank from the lowest to the highest level. In comparing this table with the similar figures shown for white fam- IN C O M E LEVEL AND M ONEY D IS B U E S E M E N T S Fig. 12. DISTRIBUTION OF FAMILY EXPENDITURES OF WAGE EARNERS AND LOWER-SALARIED CLERICAL WORKERS AT TWO DIFFERENT ECONOMIC LEVELS K A N S A S CITY, 1935- 1936 NEGRO ITEM U .S . B UREA U O F L A B O R FAM ILIES PERCENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURE S T A T IS T IC S 91 92 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N ilies, it should be remembered that variations in economic status are greater for the white than for the Negro group. The highest economic level at which any considerable number of white families were found was that at which $600 to $700 was spent per expenditure unit, while for the Negroes there were very few families spending more than $500 to $600. The greatest shift in rank order occurs in gifts and contributions which moves from thirteenth to fourth place in Kansas City, and from fourteenth to sixth place in St. Louis. Contrary to the rise in rank of recreation expenditures of white families, such expenditures show a slight drop among the Kansas City Negro families and a striking one in St. Louis. Expenditures for furnishings and equip ment, and for automobile transportation move up from eleventh to fifth and from thirteenth to fourth place, respectively, in St. Louis, but show a contrary trend in Kansas City where they drop from seventh to eighth and from sixth to tenth. T able 31. — Expenditures of wage earners and lower-salaried clerical workers in rank order at different economic levels NEGRO FAM ILIES, 1935-36 Kansas City Group expenditure item Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year $100 to $200 Number of families____________ __ __ ___ ____________ ______ ___ _______________ ______ _____ ___ _____ __ Food Housing, including fuel, light, and refrigeration_____ _____ C lothing.________________________ _______ _______ ____ ____ _ Other household operation______________ ___ ________ __ _ _ Furnishings and equipment.. _ ________ _ __ __ __________ Transportation, auto__________ ___ ________________ _ ______ Transportation, other. __ ____________ ____ ____ __ _______ _ Personal care___ _____ ______ __ ______ __ ____ . ________ Medical care_______________ _____ _____________ _________ Recreation_________ _________ ____________ . . . . . _ _. _ _ Education ____________________ _______________ . __________ Vocation _______ __ ____ __ ._ ___ _ . . . ___ ____ ___ __ Community welfare____ ____ ____ ___________ _____________ . Gifts and contributions ____ ________ ________ _________ _. Other items.______ ___________________________ _____ ________ St. Louis $500 and over 11 1 2 3 8 7 6 9 10 4 5 12 14 11 13 15 22 1 2 3 7 8 10 9 11 5 6 15 14 12 4 13 $100 to $200 6 1 2 3 6 11 13 5 7 8 4 12 10 9 14 15 $500 and over 29 1 2 3 9 5 4 8 11 7 10 14 13 12 6 15 Changes in Assets and Liabilities 8 Over 60 percent of the Negro families studied in Kansas City and in St. Louis reported net surpluses for the year covered by the schedule. B ut 36 percent of the families in Kansas City and 28 percent in St. Louis were able to meet all the demands for family living only by drawing on assets accumulated prior to the year covered by the sched1 See footnote 11, p. 33. IN C O M E LE V E L AN D M O N E Y 93 D IS B U R S E M E N T S ule or b y borrowing during the schedule y e a r ; the average deficit per fa m ily havin g a deficit was $79 in K a n sas C ity and $204 in S t. L o u is.9 (For a definition of surplus and deficit, see pp. 3 2 1 -3 2 2 .) A sm all pro portion of the fam ilies in each city reported incom es ju st balancing current expenditures, W h e n all fam ilies in each sam ple are grouped together there resulted a n et surplus of $50 in K a n sa s C ity and of $20 in St. L ouis. T able 32.— Percentage of fam ilies of wage earners and lower-salaried clerical workers having surplus and, deficit and net change in assets and liabilities during the schedule year at successive economic levels, 1 9 3 5 -3 6 NEGRO FAM ILIES City and economic level Num ber of fami lies Percentage of families hav ing— Net Net surplus deficit Average amount of— Net change in assets and liabilities for all families Surplus per family hav ing surplus Deficit per family hav ing deficit D o lla r s D o lla r s D o lla r s K A N S A S C IT Y , M O .- K A N S . All families________________________ Families spending per expenditure unit per year: Under $300____________________ $300 to $400____________________ $400 and over____ _____ _____ 103 61.2 35.9 +50 128 79 32 29 42 53.1 72.4 59.5 40.6 27.6 38.1 +2 +63 +77 88 100 178 111 33 75 106 70.8 28.3 +20 110 204 28 27 51 85.7 66.7 64.7 14.3 33.3 33.3 +73 -1 2 +1 124 70 121 236 177 210 S T . L O U IS . M O . All families___________ _ ______ _ Families spending per expenditure unit per year: Under $300_____________________ $300 to $400____________________ $400 and over______ ___ _____ The general pattern noted for white families of large average net deficits at the lowest income level, decreasing progressively at higher income levels until the turning point is reached, after which at each successive income level there is an average surplus for all families, is not so clear for Negro families. This difference is due in part to the smaller number of cases, and hence the greater influence of a few families having very large surpluses or deficits, and in part apparently to a difference in the consumption habits of the two groups. Although the two Negro groups had incomes lower both in actual dollars and in relation to the persons dependent on them than the white groups studied simultaneously in Kansas City and St. Louis, they showed a smaller proportion of families increasing their liabilities during the years and larger relative savings. In Kansas City there was an 9 The figures just cited have been computed from the families’ own statements about changes in their assets and liabilities and do not represent a balancing difference between reported incomes and reported current expenditures. (See appendix A, p. 322.) Most families were not able to present a statement of total receipts and total disbursements which balanced exactly. No schedule was accepted for use from a family which could not supply a statement of total receipts and total disbursements which balanced within 5 percent. 94 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N average net surplus at every income level. (See Tabular Summary, table 5.) The size of this surplus increased at the higher income levels. In St. Louis, however, an average net deficit was found at the lowest and at the highest income levels distinguished for that city. The two intermediate groups both showed average net surpluses. The deficit at the highest income level was caused by unusually heavy indebted nesses incurred for doctors’ and grocers’ bills by a few families. When families are classified by economic level (as shown in detail in the Tabular Summary, table 2) even greater irregularities in trend are found. Again the Negro families as exemplified by the samples in Kansas City and in St. Louis do not follow the pattern found among the white families, i. e., the general tendency for the net change in assets and liabilities to be positive (an average surplus for all families) at the lower economic levels, and negative (an average deficit for all families) at higher economic levels. From table 32 it can be seen that when all Negro families in Kansas City are grouped into three economic levels there is, at each level, a net surplus which increases in size with rise in economic level. In St. Louis when families are similarly classified there is found to be an average surplus for all families at the lowest level, an average deficit at the intermediate level, and a very small surplus at the highest. An analysis of the changes in assets and in liabilities, as shown in table 33, reveals that the greater reductions in assets and increases in liabilities tend to occur at the higher economic levels. This is due to an important degree to the borrowing power of the families classified at these levels and their confidence in incurring obligations and to the rising tide of installment-buying characteristic of the years following the depression of 1933. For families both in Kansas City and St. Louis increases in amounts due on goods purchased on the installment plan assume a larger proportion of the total increase in liabilities with rise in the expenditure level of families. In Kansas City increases in sums owed for goods purchased on the installment plan amount to 26 percent of increases in all liabilities at low income levels and 51 percent at the highest. Comparable percentages for St. Louis Negro families are 24 and 51. A comparison of the average increase in liabilities for goods purchased on installment plan with decreases reported by fam ilies having smaller amounts outstanding at the end of the year than at the beginning on goods purchased by this plan, shows that in both cities total obligations incurred during the year were considerably larger than those paid off. IN C O M E T L E V E L AN D M O N E Y 95 D IS B U R S E M E N T S 33.— Changes in assets and liabilities among wage earners and lower-salaried clerical workers during the schedule year at successive economic levels over the year covered by the schedules, 1 9 8 5 -8 6 able NEGRO FAM ILIES City and economic level Aver Num age ber of increase families in assets 1 Average de crease in Aver amounts due on age de goods purchased on the install crease ment plan 1 in total liabil ities 1 Auto Other mobiles goods Aver age de crease in assets 1 Aver age increase in total liabil ities 1 Average increase in amounts due on goods pur chased on the installment plan 1 Auto Other mobiles goods K A N S A S CITY, M O .-K A N S . All families________________ Families spending per ex penditure unit per year: Under $300____________ $300-$400_______________ $400 and over, _ _______ 103 $83 $50 $3 $10 $29 $54 $4 $23 32 29 42 72 80 94 26 15 92 5 0 3 7 8 14 31 3 45 65 29 64 0 0 9 17 15 33 106 85 21 0 12 12 73 21 30 28 27 51 86 62 96 42 15 13 0 0 0 25 1 12 9 5 18 46 84 82 0 28 29 11 27 42 ST. LOUIS, M O. All families________________ Families spending per expenditur unit per year: Under $300------ ---------$300-$400_______________ $400 and over..______ __ 1 Averages computed by dividing the total number of families at each expenditure level into the aggre gate increases or decreases of the families reporting such increases or decreases. Chapter 2 Expenditures for Specified Goods Food A n n u a l fo o d expenditures. Average food expenditures per family for the Negro families in Kansas City and St. Louis declined consistently in relation to total cur rent expenditures with rise in economic level.1 The average actual dollar expenditures per family increased in Kansas City and average dollar expenditures per food expenditure unit increased considerably from one economic level to another in both cities. Average dollar expenditures per family for food prepared at home (including food for lunches prepared at home and carried to work and to school) showed a decrease from the low to the high level in both cities. The percentage of decrease differs sharply between the two cities, being 4.1 percent in Kansas City, where the average annual expenditure at the low level was $346, and 15.8 percent in St. Louis, where the average annual expenditure at the low level was $395. Conversely, actual dollar expenditures for food bought and eaten away from home increased considerably from the low to the high level in both cities. In Kansas City expenditures for food bought and eaten away from home increased 194 percent, and in St. Louis, 82 percent. Of each dollar spent for food at the low economic level in both cities between four and five cents was used to purchase meals away from home. A t the high level the Negro families in Kansas City spent about 13 cents of each food dollar for meals bought and eaten away from home, while in St. Louis, 10 cents was used for this purpose. Expenditures for meals at work increased from the low to the high level more rapidly than did total expenditures for food away from home. N o family in either city reported payment for board at school. As in the case of the white families studied, the number of food expenditure units2 per Negro family decreased markedly from the low to the high economic level. When total food expenditures are divided by the number of food expenditure units the result gives striking evi1 For each of the tables showing details of expenditures as many economic levels have been shown as the number of cases in each city and the types of the data for each particular table would allow. For food expenditures for Negro families in Kansas City and St. Louis the levels are as follows: Low, under $300; intermediate, $300 to $400; high, $400 and over. See Tabular Summary, table 8. 2 Food expenditure units are computed from scales based on the estimated cost of customary food con sumption during the period of the survey. (See appendix G, p. 376.) 96 EXPENDITURES FOR SPECIFIED GOODS 97 Fig. 13. FOOD EXPENDITURES OF WAGE EARNERS AND LOWER-SALARIED CLERICAL WORKERS AT SUCCESSIVE ECONOMIC LEVELS SPRING QUARTER ST. LOUIS, 1 9 3 5 -1 9 3 6 NEGRO FAMILIES SUGAR AND SW EETS E C O N O M IC L E V E L (ANNUAL AMOUNT SPENT PER EXPENDITURE UNIT ) UNOER $300 $400 M ISCELLANEOUS U. S. B U R EA U O F L A B O R S T A T IS T IC S unocr $300 $ 40 0 OVER 98 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION dence of the change in food consumption from one level to another. (See table 34.) T 34 . — Expenditures for food per food expenditure unit among wage earners and lower-salaried clerical workers at low and high economic levels, 1935—86 able NEGRO FAM ILIES Total expenditure per food expenditure unit City Kansas City____________ _________ ___ __________ _ St. Louis ________________________ _____ _________ Number of families in survey Low economic level 103 106 $86 94 High economic level $171 178 Percentage change 98.8 89.4 Food expenditures in 1 wee\ in spring qu arter. Data on 194 separate foods purchased and consumed during one typical week in the spring quarter 3in the two cities of the West North Central-Mountain region where Negro families were studied show that not only is there a marked increase in the average expenditure for food per capita with rise in economic level among these families, but also that the types and quantities of foods are different at the various levels. The figures on the details of food purchases have been summarized to show average purchases by families at three different economic levels. The types of food purchased by the Negro families in the two cities show striking similarities. A comparison of the amounts spent for food per capita per week 4 by families at the three expenditure levels shows the total at the highest expenditure level to be approximately twice that at the lowest level. At both the low and high levels in the two cities these Negro families devoted a smaller proportion of their total food expenditures to grain and milk products, and a larger proportion to meat and miscellaneous foods. In part, the very small expenditure for milk products by the group at the high economic level is due to the relatively small number of children in this group. In part, however, it seems to be due to a general tendency among the Negro families not to consume as much milk as the white families. In the two groups spending from $400 to $600 per expenditure unit among the white families, the average amount of milk purchased per capita per week was about 6 pounds (converting condensed and evaporated to equivalent pounds of whole milk) and among the Negro families spending $400 and over slightly over 4 pounds on the same basis. 3 See footnote 3, p. 41, and Tabular Summary, table 7. 4 Expenditures for specific foods are presented per capita rather than per food expenditure unit, because of differences in needs for, and customary consumption of, different foods. For example, children usually drink more than twice as much milk as adults, but children’s food costs about half that of adults when the children are less than 6 years old. See footnote 5, p. 42. 99 EXPENDITURES FOR SPECIFIED GOODS T a b l e 35 . — Per capita expenditures for food among wage earners and lower-salaried clerical workers NEGRO FAM ILIES, 1935-36 Average per capita expend iture in 1 week in the spring quarter in— Item Kansas City St. Louis Number of families furnishing data on food purchased in spring quarter. 68 106 Total expenditure for: All foods__________________________________________________________ $2. 09 $2. 32 Grain products___________________________________________________ Eggs----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Milk, cheese, ice cream___________________________________________ Butter and cream_________________________________________________ Other fats-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meat, poultry, fish, and other sea food____________________________ Vegetables and fruits_____________________________________________ Sugars and sweets________________________________________________ Miscellaneous foods______________________________________________ Sales tax____: __________ ____ _______________________ ____ ________ .33 . 11 . 18 . 10 .26 .49 .37 .11 . 13 .01 .36 . 11 .22 . 11 .28 .59 .40 . 10 . 13 .02 Percentage Total expenditure for: All foods_____________________________ 100.0 100.0 Grain products__________ .____________ Eggs--------------------------------------------------Milk, cheese, ice cream_______________ Butter and cream____________________ Other fats------------------------------------------Meat, poultry, fish, and other sea food Vegetables and fruits_________________ Sugars and sweets____________________ Miscellaneous foods__________________ Sales tax_____________________________ 15.8 5, 3 8.6 4.8 12.4 23.4 17.7 5.3 6.2 .5 15.5 4.7 9.5 4.7 12.1 25.5 17.2 4.3 5.6 .9 T 3 6 .— Proportion of fam ilies of wage earners and lower-salaried clerical workers spending enough to purchase an adequate diet at m inim um cost, at suc cessive economic levels, 1985—36 able NEGRO FAMILIES Economic level ' Percentage of families spend ing enough per Number of adequate food families cost unit to studied purchase an adequate diet at minimum cost i K A N S A S C IT Y All families „ . Families spending per expenditure unit per year: Under $300 __ _____________________________ $300 to $400.._____ ___________________________________ ________ ________ .15400 and over. . __ _ ___ ___________ 103 37.9 32 29 42 0 34.5 69.0 106 46.2 28 27 51 10.7 29.6 74.5 S T . L O U IS All families. _ _ ___ __ . Families spending per expenditure unit per year: Under $300 ___ _ _ __________________________________________ $300 to $400 .................... .................................................. , . .............................. $400 and over... . .................... ...................... .................... ............................. i Based on the adequate diet at minimum cost of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Home Economics. The cost of this diet per adequate food cost unit in Kansas City was $125.48 and in St. Louis $125.68 during the period of the investigation. 100 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION Fig. 14. PROPORTION OF FAMILIES SPENDING ENOUGH TO PURCHASE AN ADEQUATE DIET AT MINIMUM COST AT SUCCESSIVE ECONOMIC LEVELS 1935-1936 NE6R0 FAMILIES ECONOMIC L E V E L S (AMOUNT SPENT PER EXPENDITURE UNIT) KANSAS CITY PERCENT 0 20 40 0 20 40 60 80 100 80 100 ALL FAMILIES UNDER $4 0 0 $ 4 0 0 unom $600 $600 and OVER ST. LOUIS PERCENT 60 ALL FAMILIES UNDER $400 $400 UNDER $600 $600 AND OVER N O T E - The A d e q u a te D ie t A t M in im u m Cost o f th e U n ite d S ta te s B u re a u o f H o m e E co n o m ics Was U s e d a s th e B a s is fo r th ese C om putations U. S. B U R E A U O F LABOR STATISTICS An estimate of the proportion of families at each of the three economic levels spending enough to buy an adequate diet shows a striking progression from the families at the low economic level to those at the high. For Kansas City, the proportion rises from no families at the low level, to 34.5 percent at the intermediate level and 69.0 percent at the high level. In St. Louis, 10.7 percent of the families at the low level, 29.6 percent at the intermediate level, and 74.5 percent at the high level spent enough to purchase an adequate diet. For the purposes of this estimate the size of each family was measured in adequate-food-cost units based on the United States Bureau of Home Economics’ adequate diet at minimum cost,6 and average food expenditures per adequate-food-cost unit were also calculated for each family. These expenditures were compared with the calculated cost of this same diet for a man at moderate work, 5 See Stiebeling, H. K ., and Ward, M . M .: Diets at Four Levels of Nutritive Content and Cost. Department of Agriculture, Circular No. 296, Washington, 1933. U. S. EXPENDITURES FOR SPECIFIED GOODS 101 which was taken as a unit in the adequate-food-cost scale. The prices used in this calculation were the average prices collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for its food cost indexes. (See pp. 44-46 for discussion of the significance and limitations of this method.) H ousing H ousing facilities. Home owners, who constituted 36 percent of the Negro families studied in Kansas City and 14 percent in St. Louis, more frequently lived in one-family dwellings and had larger homes than did renters. The average number of rooms per home-owning family was slightly more than five, while families who rented houses had about 5 rooms in Kansas City but only 3.2 rooms in St. Louis. Families who rented apartments with heat not included in rent lived in about 3.5 rooms in St. Louis and nearly 4 in Kansas City. Apartments which included heat in the rental payment averaged about two rooms in St. Louis and three rooms in Kansas City. From table 37 it is apparent that the number of persons per room is greater among families living in multiple dwelling units than among home owners and among renters of houses. A more striking fact shown in this table is the consistent downward trend in the number of persons per room with rise in economic level. In both cities families spending less than $300 per expenditure unit for all items and living in apartments where heat was not furnished were subject to considerable crowding, but for each class of dwellings in both cities the average number of persons per room was 1.15 or less when there was $300 or more spent per expenditure unit. The relatively high stand ard of most of these families in regard to the minimum necessary space is not to be taken as indicating the condition of all Negro families in these two cities, since it must be remembered that the sample is a cross section of only employed wage earners and clerical workers who at no time during the schedule year had received relief. As with the white families home owners surpassed renters in the proportion of families having garden space. Sixty percent of the home owners in Kansas City and 20 percent in St. Louis had in con nection with their homes space suitable for gardening, whereas the corresponding figures for renters were 29 percent and 8 percent. Only 21 of the 103 Negro families studied in Kansas City and 14 of the 106 Negro families studied in St. Louis reported the presence of garages in connection with their homes. In each city the larger pro portion of families having this facility were home owners. Sixty-one percent of the renters and 54 percent of the home owners among Negro families in Kansas City and 79 percent of the renters and 67 percent of the home owners in St. Louis lived in dwellings with out one or all of the following facilities: Inside flush toilets, running 102 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N h ot w ater, electric lights, and gas or electricity for cooking. F rom table 38 which shows the percentage of fam ilies h avin g various facili ties as central heating, telephone, etc., it is apparent th at the hom e owners lived in relatively m ore com fortable dwellings than did renters. E v e n so, a lm ost a half of the h om e owners in K a n sas C ity and abou t 20 percent in St. L ouis did n o t h ave access to inside flush toilets. T w e n ty -six percent of the renters and abou t 8 percent o f the h om e owners in K a n sa s C ity shared the use of the toilet w ith other fam ilies, as com pared w ith 32 percent o f the renters and 13 percent of the h om e owners in St. Louis. T able 37 .— Number of persons per room among wage earners and lower-salaried clerical workers at successive economic levels NEGR O FAM ILIES, 1935-36 Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All families Under $300 KANSAS CITY Home owners: Number of families________________________________ Average number of persons per room____________ _ Renters of houses: Number of fa m ilie s ___________________________ _ Average number of persons per room______________ Renters of heated apartments: Number of families____________________ ________ _ Average number of persons per ro o m .____________ Renters of unheated apartments: Number of families_____ _________________________ Average number of persons per room______________ ST. LOUIS Home owners: Number of families________________ _ _ . ________ Average number of persons per room___________ Renters of houses: Number of families ---------------------------------------------Average number of persons per room.. ____ ___ Renters of heated apartments: Number of families_________ _____ ___________ . . . Average number of persons per room i____________ Renters of unheated apartments: Number of families________ _____ __ _______ ____ Average number of persons per room_____ ____ _ _ $300 to $400 $400 and over 37 0. 63 10 0.90 10 0. 59 17 0.49 30 0.70 12 0.95 8 0.58 10 0.50 12 1.00 0 0 5 1. 00 7 1.00 24 0.96 10 1. 30 6 0. 73 8 0.66 15 0. 67 5 0. 77 4 0. 75 6 0.53 16 1.11 4 1.69 5 1.15 7 0.74 5 0 0 5 70 0.99 19 1.53 18 0.96 33 0.69 1 Figures not presented because of small number of families in this classification. In table 9 of the T a b u la r S um m ary the data on housing facilities are presented in greater detail, including a break-dow n according to econom ic level. E X P E N D IT U R E S T able FO R SP E C IF IE D 103 GOODS 38.— Housing facilities of wage earners and lower salaried clerical workers NEGRO FAM ILIES Item Kansas City Number of families in survey who owned principal home at end of schedule year_____ _____ _____ __ Percentage of owners having— Central heat__________ _______________ ___________________ _______ __ _____________ ____________ Gas or electricity for cooking___ ______ _ Electric refrigerator______ —________________ _______ __________________ ____________ _______ _ _ _ __ ____ ___ ___ Running hot water___ __ Bathroom_____________________________________________________________ Inside flush toilet_________ __ ___________ __ ______________ ________ Sole use of toilet. _____________ ________ _______________________ _____ Telephone—. . ________ _______ _________________ ______ ______ Garage______ ________ _____ __________________________________________ Garden space..______________ ______ _______ ______ __________________ Each of the following items: Inside flush toilet, running hot water, elec tric lights, and gas or electricity for cooking_________ _____________ __ Number of families in survey who rented principal home at end of schedule year____________________ ________ ______ _____________ __________ _____ Percentage of renters having— Central heat_______ __________ _____ ______ _________ ___________ _____ Gas or electricity for cookiner__________ _______ __________________ _____ Electric refrigerator._____ ________________________ ___ __________ __ Running hot water__ __ ______ ____________________________ ______ ___ Bathroom____ ____ __________ __________ _ _____________ _______ Inside flush toilet___________ _______________________________ _ _______ Sole use of toilet________ ___ ______ ___ _______________________ ______ Telephone_______________________ _____ ____ __________ ____ __ ______ Garage_____________________________________ __________________ ______ Garden space__________________________________________________________ Each of the following items: Inside flush toilet, running hot water, elec tric lights, and gas or electricity for cooking_________ _______________ St. Louis 37 15 59.5 70.3 18.9 48.6 51.4 51.4 91.9 62.2 40.5 59.5 33.3 60.0 26.7 40.0 66.7 80.0 86.7 53.3 46.7 20.0 45.9 33.3 66 91 28.8 63.6 12.1 47.0 69.7 69.7 74.2 15.2 9.1 28.8 24.2 59.3 15.4 26.4 60.4 73. 6 68.1 12.1 7. 7 7.7 39.4 20.9 H ousing expenditures. I f the N egro fam ilies are classified according to econom ic level the sam e trend n oted for w hite fam ilies, i. e., a decline in the proportion of total expenditures devoted to housing, fuel, light, and refrigeration com bined, w ith increase in econom ic level, appears. T h is is partly due to the relatively large percentage of expenditures going to this group of item s at the low est econom ic level and the urgency of other needs n ot m et at all, and partly to the sm aller size of the fam ilies at the higher econom ic lev els.6 (F o r further details see table 10 in the T ab u la r S u m m a ry .) Home owners.— A m o n g N egro hom e owners, average current ex penditures for housing only are abou t $50 less than for white fam ilies in K a n sas C ity and St. L ou is. (See table 3 9 .) O f the item s included in total current housing expenditures, taxes, interest on m ortgages, and repairs and replacem ents account for abou t 90 percent of the total housing expenditures, which average $100 in K a n sas C ity and $123 in St. L ou is. D u e to the sm all num ber of cases the trend in the cur rent housing expenditures w ith increase in econom ic level is extrem ely irregular. 6 For each of the tables showing details of expenditure as many economic levels have been shown as the number of cases and the type of data for each particular table would allow. In the analysis of expenditures the Negro families have been classified at three levels according to the amount spent per expenditure unit as follows: Low, under $300; intermediate, $300 to $400; high, $400 and over. 5 3 9 5 7 ° _ 3 9 -----------8 104 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N O n the average these N egro fam ilies were able to in vest abou t $54 in their own h om es in K a n sa s C ity and abou t $26 in S t. Louis. A gain no consistent trend w ith increase in econom ic level is discernible. T able 39 . — Housing expenditures among wage earners and lower-salaried clerical workers in 1 year during the period 1 9 3 5 -3 6 NEGRO FAM ILIES Item Kansas City St. Louis H o m e o w n e r s f o r 1 2 m o n th s Number of families_______________________________ __ __ Average current expenditure_______________________________________________ Average amount invested during year in owned home_____ ____________ Average annual rental value____ ______________________ _______ _ ________ Average imputed income from equity in owned home______________________ 37 $100 $54 $197 $97 15 $123 $26 $298 $175 30 $13 16 $15 R en ter s o f h ou ses fo r 1 2 m o n th s Number of families________________________________ ____________ _____ Average monthly rental rate paid__________________________________________ R e n t e r s o f a p a r t m e n t s f o r 1 2 m o n t h s w i t h h ea t i n c l u d e d i n r e n t Number of families_____ ____ ____ ___ ______ __ _____ ______________ _ Average monthly rental rate paid--------------- ----------------------------------------------- 12 $19 5 (9 R e n t e r s o f a p a r t m e n t s f o r 1 2 m o n t h s w i t h h ea t n o t i n c l u d e d i n r e n t Number of families.______ __________ _____ _______ _ __ __ ______ __ Average monthly rental rate paid— ----- ------------------------------------------------------- 24 $11 70 $15 103 1 106 1 $10 $6 S e c o n d a r y h o u sin g Number of families in survey______________________________________________ Number of families spending for rent on vacation or trip___ ______ ________ Average expenditure for rent on vacation or trip per family making such ex penditure____ ________________ ___ ___ ____ ____ _________ ________ i Figures not presented because of small number of families in this classification. Renters.— E v e n for apartm ents w ith h eat included in rent the average rental rate per m o n th was less than $ 20. (See table 3 9 .) In general there is a tendency for the average m o n th ly rent paid to in crease w ith rise in econom ic lev el, w hich can be seen in table 10 of the T a b u la r S u m m a ry . Secondary housing.— L ike the white fam ilies studied in this region, none of the N eg ro fam ilies studied owned a vacation h om e. One fa m ily each in K a n sas C ity and in S t. L ou is paid rent on a vacation or a trip, w ith an average expenditure of $10 and $6, respectively. One fam ily in St. L ou is paid rent of $240 for a child at school. Expenditures jo r fu el , lightf and refrigeration.— Expenditu res for fuel, ligh t, and refrigeration were h eaviest in winter and fall, with p ractically no expenditures for coal in spring and sum m er. In table 11 of the T a b u la r S u m m a ry detailed inform ation is presented on ex penditures for electricity, anthracite, bitum inous coal, coke, briquets, w ood, fuel oil, gas, kerosene, gasoline n o t used for autom obiles, and ice. Since the actual a m ou n t paid for fuel, light, and refrigeration depends to a large extent on whether a house or an apartm en t is in volv ed and on whether the rent paid the landlord includes heat, data are presented separately for fam ilies in four separate categories as well as in the form of averages for all fam ilies. A com parison of the E X P E N D IT U R E S FO R SP E C IF IE D 105 GOODS figures for K a n sas C ity and for S t. Lours reveals no distinct differences betw een the spending h ab its of the tw o in regard to fuel, ligh t, and refrigeration. Expenditures fo r other items of household operation .— Item s of house hold operation other than fuel, ligh t, and refrigeration include water rent, telephone, dom estic service, laundry sent out, laundry soap and cleaning supplies, and other m iscellaneous item s. Expenditures for these item s as show n in table 12 of the T ab u la r S um m ary increased m arkedly from low to high econom ic levels. L au n dry sent ou t and telephone expenditures increased m an y fo ld from the low est to the highest econom ic levels as did such expenditures b y white fam ilies. O n ly one fa m ily at the highest economic level in K a n sas C ity h ad expenditures for p art-tim e dom estic service and no fam ily had an expenditure for fu ll-tim e dom estic service. In S t. L ou is no fa m ily reported an expenditure for dom estic service of any kind. F u rn ishin gs and E quipm ent 7 E xpenditures for furnishings and equipm ent, w hich were greatest for suites of furniture, electric refrigerators, ice boxes, stoves and ranges, carpet and rugs, and m iscellaneous equipm ent, varied signifi cantly w ith econom ic lev el.8 A t the low est level $ 3 2 .9 8 was spent for this group of item s, whereas fam ilies at the highest level spent $ 6 3 .3 4 . T h e goods purchased at different levels varied n ot only in kind b u t in q u a n tity . T h e articles purchased b y the largest proportion of fam ilies at the low est econom ic level were fu ndam entals of household equipm en t: broom s, brushes, and m ops, electric ligh t b ulbs, stoves and ranges (other th an electric), tubs, boards and wringers, sheets, blankets, and pillow cases. F am ilies at the highest level b ou g h t curtains and draperies relatively m ore frequen tly than did fam ilies at the low est level. T h e sam e was true for p ots, pans, and cu tlery ; w indow shades, wire screens, and aw nings; upholstered chairs; electric refrigerators; la m p s; felt-b ase floor coverings; and carpets and rugs. O f the various groups of item s com ing under the general head of furnishings and equipm en t, those for electrical equipm en t increased m o st m ark ed ly from low to high econom ic levels, as indicated in table 40 . A fte r electric ligh t bulbs, the m o st frequen tly purchased item s of electrical equipm en t at the low est econom ic level were irons, pur chased b y three fam ilies. irons, eight fam ilies A t the highest level nine fam ilies purchased purchased electric refrigerators, and eight fam ilies, lam p s. 7 Because of the high variability characteristic of expenditures for furnishings and equipment (see pp. 20-22) figures on expenditures for specified items by the Negro families studied have been presented in terms of averages for the two cities combined. See Tabular Summary, table 18. 8 See footnote 1, p. 96. 106 T WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION 40 . — Expenditures for furnishings and equipment among wage earners and lower-salaried clerical workers at successive economic levels in 1 year during the period 1985—86 able NEGR O FAM ILIES IN KANSAS C IT Y AN D ST. LOUIS, C O M BIN ED Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 and over Number of families in survey______________________________ _____ _ 60 56 93 Total expenditure for: Furnishings and equipment___________________________________ Furniture. ______________________________________________ Textile furnishings_____________________ __ ________ ___ __ Silver, china, and glassware______ _ _____________ __ __ Electrical equipment________________ ____________________ Miscellaneous equipment__________________________________ $32.98 10.73 6. 75 .20 4.78 10.52 $39. 36 10. 67 7.60 .08 12. 52 S. 49 $63. 34 21. 95 11. 75 .23 19. 35 10. 06 Percentage Total expenditure for: Furnishings and equipment_______ _____________________ ____ Furniture _______- ______ ___________ __________ Textile furnishings ___ _ ___ ________________ ______ ___ Silver, china, and glassware ________ ________ __________ Electrical equipment - __ _____________________ ____ Miscellaneous equipment_____________________ __________ 100.0 32.5 20.5 .6 14.5 31.9 100.0 27.1 19.3 .2 31.8 21.6 100.0 34.6 18.6 .4 30.5 15.9 C lo t h in g 9 Total expenditure p er fam ily f o r clothing . E xpenditu res for clothing b y N egro fam ilies in K a n sa s C ity and S t. L ou is averaged $1 1 0 . E xpenditu res for fam ilies at the low est level averaged $ 99, declined to $91 for the interm ediate group and rose to $128 for the highest econom ic le v e l.10 D ifferences in size of fa m ily at these three different levels resulted in average clothing expenditures per clothing expenditure unit at the three levels of $ 2 7 , $ 3 8 , and $ 61, respectively. T h a t the cu stom of b u yin g clothes rea d y -to-w ear extends to the N egroes studied is indicated b y the overw helm ing proportion of to ta l clothing expenditures going to purchase of rea d y -m a d e cloth in g, d ry cleaning, and accessories. E xpenditu res for yardgoods and findings used for sewing garm ents at h om e averaged only $ 1 .5 6 per fa m ily at the low est level, dropped to $ 1 .0 9 at the n ext level, and rose to $1.41 at the highest level. A s was the case w ith w hite fam ilies, paid help for sewing claim ed a v ery sm all su m from an y of the N eg ro fam ilies. E xpenditu res for such services averaged 1 cent per fam ily a t the low est econom ic level and 15 cents at the highest. G ifts of clothing, if paid for from fa m ily funds and exchanged w ithin the econom ic fa m ily, were n o t recorded as g ifts b u t sim p ly as 9 Because of the great variability in expenditures for clothing and the resulting difficulty in securing reliable averages for expenditures for individuals (see p. 55) averages have been computed for Kansas City and St. Louis, combined, and not for the two cities separately. See discussion of variability, pp. 20-22 and Tabular Summary, table 17. See footnote 1, p. 96. E X P E N D IT U R E S FO R SP E C IF IE D clothing expenses of the fa m ily. GOODS 10 7 W h en , how ever, gifts were received from persons outside the fa m ily circle, an a ttem p t was m ade to ascertain their value. F orty -th ree percent of the families at the low est econom ic level, 36 percent of the fam ilies at the interm ediate level, and 26 percent of the fam ilies at the highest econom ic level reported receiving such gifts. T h e value estim ated b y the families of such gifts averaged $9 for all families at the low est level and $5 at the highest level, b u t as one fa m ily could n ot estim ate the value of the gifts received, the figures do n ot give a com plete account of this item . Clothing expenditures f o r men. T h e adu lt m en and boys aged 18 years and over in the N egro families studied purchased clothing of an average value of $23 per person at the low est econom ic level, $29 per person at the n ext level, and $56 at the highest level. T h e lim ited num ber of cases of b oys aged less than 18 bars com parison of average clothing expenditure of boys in lower age groups w ith those of older m en. W h e n the clothing expenditures of N egro m en aged 18 years and over are grouped according to general typ e of item (see table 4 1) expenditures for outerwear and footw ear are found to constitute 78 percent of the total for the group as a whole. Expenditures for outer wear required the sam e proportion of total expenditures at both the low est and the highest level, bu t the proportion spent for footw ear declined sligh tly. T h e proportions spent for headwear and for m is cellaneous item s show ed a sm all increase from highest level. the low est to the T h e largest expense in the group of m iscellaneous item s was for cleaning and repairing for which the average expenditure per m an using such services was $ 2 .1 3 at the low est econom ic level and $ 3.26 at the highest. T able 41.— Distribution of annual clothing expenditures f o r individuals in fam ilies at successive economic levels M E N A N D BOYS, 18 YEAR S OF AGE A N D OVER [Negro families, Kansas City and St. Louis combined, 1935-36] Percentage Dollars Sex and age group, and type of clothing All fam ilies Economic level—Fam ilies spending per ex penditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to to $400 All fam ilies $400 and over Economic level— Fam ilies spending per ex penditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to to $400 $400 and over Men and boys 18 years of age and over: Headwear___ _____ _ ______ ____ Outerwear. __ .......... ............... . Underwear____________ _______ Footwear._____ ________ __ Miscellaneous items . _ $2.15 21.73 2.68 8. 44 3. 65 $1.13 13.01 1.53 5.39 1.85 $1.48 15.73 2.45 6. 73 2. 47 $3.34 31.87 3.62 11.75 5.70 5.6 56.3 6.9 21.8 9.4 4.9 56.8 6.7 23.5 8.1 5.1 54.5 8.5 23.3 8.6 5.9 56. 7 6.4 20.9 10.1 Total_________________________ 38. 65 22.91 28.86 56.28 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 108 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N Fig. 15. DISTRIBUTION OF ANNUAL CLOTHING EXPENDITURES FOR INDIVIDUALS IN FAMILIES AT SUCCESSIVE ECONOMIC LE V ELS TWO CITIES IN THE WEST NORTH CENTRAL AND MOUNTAIN REGION 1 9 3 5 - 1 93 6 NEGRO FAMILIES ITEM ECONOMIC LEVEL (A N N U A L A M O U N T S P E N T P E R EXPE N D IT U R E U N IT ) %%%% U N D E R $300 O S H $300 $400 ■ U. S . B U R EA U O F L A B O R S T A T I S T IC S I $400 under ANO OVER E X P E N D IT U R E S FO R SP E C IF IE D 109 GOODS Clothing expenditures f o r women. C lothin g expenditures for w om en and girls averaged sligh tly less th an those for m en at the low est level b u t were n o ta b ly larger a t the interm ediate and highest levels. T h e annual expenditures o f the w om en and girls 18 years of age and over averaged $22 at the low est econom ic level, $35 at the next, and $67 at the highest. T h e lim ited num ber of cases of girls aged less than 18 am ong the N egro fam ilies studied precludes a proper com parison of expenditures am ong w om en and girls of different age groups. Classification of clothing expenditures b y typ e of article indicates th at am ong N egro w om en and girls aged 18 years and over outerwear and footw ear together accounted for 77 percent of their total clothing expenditures (table 4 2 ). Outerwear (coats, suits, dresses, blouses, and sweaters) w as the largest item of expense w ith an annual average of $17 for all N egro w om en covered b y the su rvey in these two cities. F ootw ear (including shoes, rubbers, and hosiery), representing an average expenditure of $15, was second; underwear, w ith $5 , cam e th ird ; m iscellaneous item s an average of $3. (including accessories), were fourth, w ith H eadw ear, averaging $2, was the item representing the sm allest group expenditure. W h e n classified b y econom ic level, footw ear expenditures, while increasing in dollars, claim ed a decreas ing proportion of total expenditures. E xpenditures for outerw ear which ranked second in percentage of total expenditures at the low est level shifted to first place at the highest level. T able 42.— Distribution of annual clothing expenditures for individuals in fam ilies at successive economic levels W O M E N AN D GIRLS, 18 YEAR S OF AGE AN D OVER [Negro families, Kansas City and St. Louis combined, 1935-36] Dollars Sex and age group, and type of clothing Women and girls, 18 years of age and over: Headwear_____________ _______ Outerwear____ ____________ ___ Underwear_________ __________ Footwear_________ ______ ____ __ Miscellaneous items____________ T otal........................................ All fami lies Percentage Economic level—Fami lies spending per ex penditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 and over $2.00 16.87 4. 62 14. 68 2.99 $1.01 8.51 2.07 9.08 1.55 $1.64 14.27 3.81 12. 30 3.15 $3.36 27.71 8.02 22.55 5. 33 41.16 22.22 35.17 66.97 All families Economic level—Fami lies spending per ex penditure unit per year $400 and over Under $300 $300 to $400 4.9 41.0 11.2 35.6 7.3 4.5 38.3 9.3 40.9 7.0 4.7 40.5 10.8 35.0 9.0 5.0 41.3 12.0 33.7 8.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 110 W EST NO RTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN REGION O th e r G roups o f C u rren t E xpenditures A s n oted above, in spite of the increase in dollar expenditures for recreation (see table 4 3 ) w ith rise in econom ic l e v e l /1 in general the proportion of total expenditures designated classified under this category declines. for the varied item s A t all econom ic levels in each city expenditures for tobacco form ed the largest item of recrea tion expenditures, w ith newspapers second largest. A dm ission s to m o v ie houses accounted for the next largest item of am usem en t, b u t th ey did n ot increase in proportion w ith rise in econom ic level due to the sm aller num ber of persons per fam ily at the higher econom ic levels. In b oth cities a smaller percentage of fam ilies ow ned radios at the high than at the low econom ic level where 72 percent of the N egro fam ilies in K a n sa s C ity and 64 percent in S t. L ou is possessed radios. Likew ise the num ber of families purchasing radios decreased w ith rise in econom ic level. H ow ever the average price paid b y fam ilies purchasing radios increased from $38 to $56 in K a n sas C ity and from $28 to $66 in St. L ou is from low to high econom ic level. I f it had been possible to segregate the am oun t of transportation expense undertaken prim arily for recreational purposes, the pattern of the expenditures would perhaps h ave assum ed a different appear ance, as the percentage of to ta l transportation expenditures spent for autom obile purchase, operation, and care increases w ith rise in econom ic level, although the percentage for other form s of trans portation declines. tion expenditures A t all levels the proportion of total transporta d evoted to autom obiles is less fam ilies at corresponding levels. m obile operation per rise in econom ic level. fa m ily than for w hite T h e average expenditure for a u to owning autom obiles increased w ith O ver half of such expenditures w ent for gasoline and oil, w ith no expenditures for garage rent and parking at the low est econom ic level. N o n e of the N egro fam ilies surveyed in K a n sas C ity purchased a new car, b u t five bou gh t second-hand cars at an average price of $ 2 04. In S t. L ou is, at an average price of $453, seven cars were purchased of which three were new and four second-hand. (See T a b u la r Su m m ary, table 13.) A verage expenditure per person for personal care increased from $4 in K a n sas C ity and $5 in St. L ouis at the low est econom ic level to $12 at the highest in b oth cities. (See T ab u la r S u m m ary, table 14 .) In general the average expenditures per fa m ily for the various types of personal care services and toilet preparations rem ained relatively constan t w ith increase in econom ic level, as did the n um ber of fam ilies reporting the purchase of such services and item s. E xcep tion s to this generalization occur in the case of expenditures for sh am poos and “ other w a v e s.” 11 T h e n um ber of fam ilies reporting expenditures for See footnote 1, p. 96, and Tabular Summary, table 15. E X PE N D IT U R E S FOR SPECIFIED 111 GOODS these item s increased m arkedly from the low est to the highest eco nom ic level. T 4 3 . — Expenditures for recreation and. transportation among wage earners and lower-salaried clerical workers at two economic levels in 1 year during the period 1 9 3 5 -3 6 able NEGRO FAMILIES Item Kansas City St. Louis Economic level— Families spend ing per expendi ture unit per year Economic level— Families spend ing per expendi ture unit per year Under $300 Number of families studied_______________________ ________ Recreation expenditures: Average amount____ _______________ ________________ Percentage for: Tobacco____ _______________________________________ Movies____ . ______ _______ _____ ___ __ . Newspapers___ _______ ___ __ ___ _______________ Other reading____________ ______ ___________ ________ Recreational equipment, e t c . . ___ ____ Percentage of families owning radios_______________________ Percentage of families purchasing radios. _________ ______ Average amount paid for radio per family purchasing_____ Transportation expenditures: Average amount____________________ _______ ________ Percentage for: Automobile purchase, operation, and maintenance _ _ Other. _______ _________________ ________ _______ . . . Percentage of families owning autos_____ __ ______ . . . ._ Average expenditure for automobile operation and main tenance by families owning automobiles. _______ _______ Percentage for: Gasoline__ . . . ___ _________ _ _____ _____ Garage. . __________________________ ____________ Other.. _ _ _________ __ _ . . . . ______ . . . _ _____ $400 and over 32 42 Under $300 $400 and over 28 51 $36 $67 $32 $47 39.9 19.9 22.7 0.3 17.2 71.9 12. 5 $38 41.3 14.1 15.7 50.7 13.8 17.5 48.7 11.9 27.7 64.3 7.1 $56 17.2 64.3 7.1 $28 16.6 58.8 5.9 1.2 0.8 21.6 1.2 $66 $59 $112 $63 $141 35.6 64.4 18.8 51.3 48.7 31.0 30.3 69.7 17.9 61.2 38.8 25.5 $107 $117 $78 $165 59.2 63.4 0.9 35.7 71.1 61.4 28.9 28.0 0 40.8 0 10.6 E xpenditures for accident and health insurance, one of the item s included under the heading of m edical care, were rem arkably larger for the N egro than for the white fam ilies studied in this region. F or the N egroes, the average expenditure for all fam ilies was four tim es as great as th at for the w hite fam ilies. In K a n sas C ity , the average am oun t spent b y the N egro fam ilies was $19 at the low level, $16 at the interm ediate level, and $29 at the high level. In St. L ou is, the range was greater, rising from $11 at the low level to $29 at the high level. G ifts and contributions to religious organizations, co m m u n ity chest, relatives, etc., all showed a m arked increase w ith rise in econom ic level w ith the greatest change occurring for contribu tion s to the support of relatives. In K a n sas C ity abou t $3 per fa m ily w en t for the support of relatives at the low level and abou t $46 at the high, while in S t. L ou is the corresponding figures were $2 and $42. poll, incom e, and personal-property W h ile tax paym en ts increased w ith 112 W EST NO RTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN REGION rise in econom ic level in K a n sas C ity , a decline was experienced in S t. L ou is. In the form er city the average for all fam ilies was $ 1 .0 5 and in the latter 36 cents. E xpenditures for form al education, vocation , and other item s were negligible except for p ay m en ts of union dues or fees. In K a n sa s C ity , where such p ay m en ts were correlated w ith changes in econom ic level, the average p ay m en t per fa m ily was $ 1 .6 5 and in S t. L ou is, where greater p ay m en ts were also m ade at the higher levels, the average p ay m en t per fa m ily was $ 5 .3 4 . Part III.— Tabular Summary 113 114 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T able 1 .— D istrib u tio n o f f a m ilie s , b y econ om ic level and in co m e level D E N V E R , COLO.—W H IT E FAM ILIES $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 to $800 $800 to $900 $900 to $1,000 $1,400 to $1,500 j $300 to $400 $1,300 to $1,400 $200 to $300 1 $1,200 to $1,300 $100 to $200 Families in survey._ _____ . . . . Annual net income of— $500-$600____________________ $600-$900____________________ $900-$1,200__________________ $1,200-$1,500_________________ $1,500-$1,800_________________ $1,800-$2,100_________________ $2,100-$2,400_________________ $2,400-$2.700_________________ $2,700-$3,000_________________ $3,000-$3,300_________________ 8 295 1 24 67 52 54 36 28 11 9 9 3 0 1 0 0 21 65 59 57 72 12 5 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 10 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 23 21 6 7 1 0 0 0 0 3 12 14 10 11 2 0 0 0 0 1 14 8 13 14 2 2 0 0 0 0 4 7 12 10 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 9 12 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 All families Income class $1,100 to $1,200 Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year o o o © KANSAS C IT Y , M O .-K A N S —W H IT E F AM ILIES Families in survey______ _____ Annual net income of— $500-$600____________________ $600-$900____________________ $900-$l,200__________________ $1,200-$1,500_________________ $1,500-$1,800_________________ $1,800-$2,100_________________ $2,100-$2,400_________________ $2,400-$2,700_________________ $2,700-$3,000_________________ $3,000-$3,300_________________ $3,300-$3,600_________________ $3,600-$3,900_________________ $3,900-$4,200_________________ $4,200-$4,500_________________ 357 6 39 92 73 50 43 17 14 10 7 4 2 0 0 3 32 85 91 76 41 15 11 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 17 10 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 9 40 22 12 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 14 24 16 7 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 17 12 6 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 12 12 7 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 9 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 7 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 4 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K AN S.—NEGRO F AM ILIES Families in survey._____________ Annual net income of— $500-$600____________________ $600-$900____________________ $900-$1,200__________________ $1,200-$1,500_________________ $1,500-$! ,800_________________ $1,800-$2,100_________________ $2,100-$2,400_________________ $2,400-$2,700_________________ $2,700-$3,000_________________ 103 li 21 29 20 10 7 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 25 40 21 i 4 7 8 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 12 10 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 11 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 5 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e> 4 0 0 l 3 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 M INNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL, M I N N —W H IT E FAM ILIES Families in survey.. _ _______ Annual net income of— $500-$600____________________ $600-$900____________________ $900-$1,200__________________ $1,200-$1,500_________________ $1,500-$1,800_________________ $1,800-$2,100_________________ $2,100-$2,400_________________ $2,400-$2,700_________________ $2,700-$3,000_________________ $3,000-$3,300_________________ $3,300-$3,600_________________ $3,600-$3,900_________________ $3,900-$4,200_________________ 504 2 45 114 106 86 59 36 32 10 11 3 0 0 0 0 27 101 128 111 78 40 8 6 0 1 3 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 18 13 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 19 26 14 16 5 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 6 17 13 13 4 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 11 9 7 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 4 13 7 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 32 32 19 13 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 22 26 28 11 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 115 1 .— D istrib u tio n o f f a m ilie s , b y econ om ic level and in com e level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O.—W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year .© Income class § i o -M o a I 8 o 1 m *9 1 o | I wo o & i 8 8 o © I*9© & i 8 i 1 8 o o o © i *9© 8 1 «9- 1 i <&■ I I 5* Families in survey___ ____ _____ 401 ’ 6 48 65 94 62 42 28 30 13 6 5 0 1 1 Annual net income of— $500-$600____________________ $600-$900____________________ $900-$l,200__________________ $1,200-$1,500_________________ $1,500-$1,800_________________ $1,800-$2,100_________________ $2,100-$2,400_________________ $2,400-$2,700_________________ $2,700-$3,000_________________ $3,000-13,300_________________ $3,300-$3,600_________________ $3,600-$3,900_________________ $3,900-84,200_________________ 2 27 64 98 100 66 27 6 6 4 0 0 1 1 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 15 12 10 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 18 12 15 8 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 10 30 23 12 7 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 3 14 12 23 6 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 15 8 10 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 5 8 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 12 10 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 5 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ST., LOUIS, M O .--N E G R O FAM ILIES Families in survey........ ................. 106 6 22 27 22 12 8 2 2 4 1 0 0 0 0 Annual net income of— $500-$600____________________ $600-$900____________________ $900-$l,200__________________ $1,200-$1,500_________________ $1,500-81,800_________________ $1,800-82,100_________________ $2,100-82,400_________________ 0 25 37 28 12 1 3 0 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 9 5 5 3 0 0 0 7 14 5 0 1 0 0 7 8 6 1 0 0 0 0 6 4 2 0 0 0 0 1 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SALT LA K E C ITY , U TAH —W H IT E FAM ILIES Families in s u r v e y ..................... 210 8 46 55 50 22 13 8 6 0 2 0 Annual net income of— $500-$600____________________ $600-8900____________________ $900-$l,200__________________ $1,200-81,500_________________ $1,500-81,800_________________ $1,800-82,100_________________ $2,100-82,400_________________ $2,400-82,700_________________ $2,700-83,000_________________ $3,000-83,300_________________ $3,300-83,600_________________ 0 35 54 53 34 25 5 1 2 0 1 0 2 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 15 10 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 13 18 6 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 8 16 9 6 9 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 5 7 3 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 116 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T able 2 . — D esc rip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , b y eco n o m ic level D E N V E R , COLO.—W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All fami lies Un der $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 to $800 $800 $900 $1,000 to to and $900 $1,000 over D is tr ib u tio n b y O c c u p a tio n o f C h ie f E a rn er and by F a m ily T y p e 1 Families in survey____________________ Number of families in which chief earner is— Clerical worker................................. Skilled wage edrner______ _________ Semiskilled wage earner................. . Unskilled wage earner. _____ _______ Number of families composed of— Man and w i f e ........................ ............ Man, wife, and 1 child2____________ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 children2_____ Man, wife, and 5 or more children 2._ Man, wife, and children and adults (4 to 6 persons)2___________________ Man, wife, and children and adults (7 or more persons)2. ___________ Man, wife, and 1 adult_____________ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 adults________ Man, wife, and 5 or more adults____ Adults (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife)_____ __________ . . . Adults (4 or more persons, not in cluding man and wife)____________ Adult or adults and children (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife)__ _________________________ Adult or adults and children (4 or more persons, not including man and wife). _________________ 295 25 67 52 54 36 28 11 9 13 141 61 70 23 8 3 12 2 25 16 17 9 29 4 13 6 29 13 10 2 19 10 4 3 15 6 7 0 5 3 3 0 4 4 1 0 7 2 3 1 90 55 55 2 1 1 13 1 5 11 19 1 3 15 11 0 19 15 9 0 13 9 1 0 21 1 2 0 8 2 0 0 9 0 0 0 11 1 0 0 21 6 8 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 32 10 0 2 0 1 0 1 9 4 0 0 10 3 0 0 3 2 0 0 6 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 20 0 6 4 2 6 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 279 1 4 1 2 4 3 24 0 1 0 0 0 0 61 1 0 0 0 2 2 51 0 0 0 0 0 1 52 0 1 0 0 1 0 31 0 1 1 2 1 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 1 0 0 0 0 295 25 67 52 54 36 28 11 9 13 3.15 4.79 3.78 3.43 2.89 2. 55 2.20 2.16 1.94 2.12 3 19 2 4 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 2 1 3 1 0 2 2 0 1 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3.14 .81 2. 33 2. 92 4. 84 2. 21 2. 63 4. 37 3. 77 1. 21 2.56 3. 47 3. 39 .90 2. 49 3.15 2.86 .69 2.17 2. 66 2. 53 .31 2. 22 2. 40 2.18 .14 2.04 2.09 2.18 . 12 2.06 2.10 2.00 0 2.00 1.93 2.15 .08 2.07 2.10 . 11 .08 . 10 . 14 .09 . 17 .04 .09 .11 .15 D istr ib u tio n b y N a tiv ity o f H o m e m a k e r Number of families having no home maker . . . ______________________ _ Number of families having home maker born in— United States________ ____ _________ Italy............ ............................................. Germany____ ______________________ Canada (not French)_______________ Ireland. ___________ ______________ Sweden........................... ....................... Other______________ _______________ • C o m p o s itio n o f H o u se h o ld Number of households...................... . Average number of persons in house hold_____ ____ _____________________ Number of households with— Boarders and lodgers......................... Boarders only__________ _______ ____ Lodgers only_______________________ Other persons______________________ Average size of economic family in— Persons, total_______________________ Under 16 years of age.____ _______ 16 years of age and over___________ Expenditure units__________________ Average number of persons in house hold not members of economic family. 1 “ Children” are defined as persons under 16 years of age. “ Adults” are persons 16 years of age and over. 2 Families of these types are included in the 1917-19 study, “ Cost of living in the United States,” B. L. S. Bull. No. 357,1924. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 323. TABULAR SUMMARY T able 117 %.— D esc rip tio n o f fa m ilie s studied, b y econ om ic level— Continued D E N V E R , COLO.—W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All fami lies Un der $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $800 $900 $1,000 to to and $900 $1,000 over $700 to $800 E a rn in g s and In c o m e Families in survey____________________ Number of families having— Earnings of subsidiary earners---------Net earnings from boarders and lodgers_____ __ _ . . . -------- --- . . Other net rents. . . . -------------------Interest and dividends--------------Pensions and insurance annuities----Gifts from persons outside economic family____________________________ Other sources of income------------ . . . Deductions from income (business losses and expenses)_________ . . Surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities)___ _ _____ Deficit (net decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities)_ ------------Inheritance________ ______ _______ Average number of gainful workers per fam ily___ ____ __ . . . ----- ---------- --- 295 25 67 52 54 36 28 11 9 13 74 10 18 10 10 10 9 0 2 5 23 16 17 12 1 1 0 1 5 1 2 2 4 2 2 3 4 3 4 2 6 3 4 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 18 12 2 1 3 2 4 1 5 3 2 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 5 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 193 11 47 34 38 26 20 7 7 3 78 0 10 0 15 0 12 0 13 0 9 0 6 0 3 0 0 0 10 0 1.29 1.60 1. 31 1. 27 1.20 1.28 1.32 1.00 1.22 1.38 Average amount of— Net family income------------ ------------ $1, 510 $1,084 $1,257 $1,459 $1, 552 $1, 648 $1,791 $1,747 $2,056 $2,067 Earnings of individuals----------------- 1,457 1,069 1,231 1,405 1,491 1,569 1,702 1,704 2,009 2,001 979 1,143 1, 320 1,417 1, 379 1, 550 1,704 1,802 1,706 Chief earner------------------------------ 1,344 74 152 113 88 85 90 190 Subsidiary earners....... ............... 0 207 295 Males: 16 years and over----------- 1,268 949 1.081 1, 271 1, 367 1, 211 1, 396 1,704 1,802 1, 565 Under 16 years__________ (3) 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 124 Females: 16 years and over-----189 306 118 150 134 358 207 436 0 Under 16 years----------0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Net earnings from boarders and 12 12 9 24 13 0 8 lodgers------------ -----------------------8 18 6 9 7 44 11 6 9 13 Other net rents. -----------------------1 (3) 0 4 1 (3) 3 11 Interest and dividends-----------------0 10 17 0 0 2 23 33 32 Pensions and insurance annuities. _ 17 27 0 1 0 1 Gifts from persons outside eco 4 4 3 2 10 3 0 11 (3) nomic family. _ 0 9 2 0 8 1 8 8 25 0 46 Other sources of income----------------Deductions from income (business -2 0 (3) -1 0 (3) 0 0 losses and expenses)_________ 0 (3) Surplus per family having surplus (net increase in assets and/or de 221 124 172 220 325 196 107 191 171 283 crease in liabilities)----- ---------- . . . Deficit per family having deficit (net decrease in assets and/or increase 164 166 165 422 198 170 131 188 0 366 in liabilities)___ . ----------. . . . . . Net change in assets and liabilities -2 1 +73 +58 +69 +116 +118 +197 H— 6 +153 -217 for all families in survey. ------- . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Inheritance..._______ . ----------3 Less than $0.50. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 323. 118 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T able 2 .— D e sc r ip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , by econ om ic level— Continued KANSAS C IT Y , M O .-K A N S .—W H IT E FAM ILIES o oo © o T — Ir— 1 Vb-VS- $1,100 and over $900 to $1,000 $800 to $900 $700 to $800 $600 to $700 §8 CO $500 to $600 o $400 to $500 $200 to $300 $100 to $200 Item All families Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year D is tr ib u tio n b y O c c u p a tio n o f C h ie f E a rn er an d b y F a m ily T y p e 1 Families in s u r v e y _____________ Number of families in which chief earner is— Clerical worker_______________ __ _ Skilled wage earner-----------------------Semiskilled wage earner, __ _______ Unskilled wage earner, _ ____________ Number of families composed of— Man and wife--------------------------------Man, wife, and 1 child 2-----------------Man, wife, and 2 to 4 children 2___ Man, wife, and 5 or more children 2_ Man, wife, and children and adults (4 to 6 persons) 2_________________ Man, wife, and children and adults (7 or more persons)2____________ Man, wife, and 1 adult____________ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 adults, ____ Man, wife, and 5 or more adults— Adults (2 or 3 persons not including man and wife)_____________ _____ Adults (4 or more persons not in cluding man and wife)__ ________ Adult or adults and children (2 or 3 persons not including man and w ife),,, ________ ______________ Adult or adults and children (4 or more persons not including man and wife)___________________ _____ 357 6 39 92 73 50 43 17 14 10 7 6 122 81 114 40 1 0 4 1 8 7 19 5 28 20 30 14 27 16 21 9 13 13 19 5 19 8 10 6 6 5 6 0 8 4 2 0 5 3 2 0 2 4 1 0 5 1 0 0 84 66 68 3 0 0 1 1 0 1 15 1 5 18 30 1 13 18 13 0 10 10 6 0 18 12 2 0 6 5 1 0 11 1 0 0 9 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 44 1 14 12 9 6 2 0 0' 0 0 0 5 39 14 0 3 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 12 5 0 0 12 4 0 0 7 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 7 3 7 5 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 7 4 4 2 2 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 1 0 1 0 0 1 83 3 1 1 2 1 1 65 3 2 1 0 0 2 47 0 1 1 0 0 1 42 0 0 0 0 1 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 39 92 73 50 43 17 14 10 7 6 D istr ib u tio n b y N a tiv ity o f H o m e m a k e r Number of families having no home maker_________ ______ ________ Number of families having home maker born in— United States____________________ Germany_________________________ Poland________________ ________ _ Russia. __________________________ Ireland____________________________ Sweden.. ______ __ _______. . . _ Other________ __________________ C o m p o sitio n o f H o u se h o ld Number of households________ . . . _ Average number of persons in house hold_______________________________ Number of households with— Boarders and lodgers____ __________ Boarders only, ____________________ Lodgers only_______ _________ . . . Other persons___________ ______ Average size of economic family in— Persons, total_____________________ Under 16 years of age...................... 16 years of age and over____ ... Expenditure units_________________ Average number of persons in house hold not members of economic family_______________ ____ __ 357 3.54 7.41 4. 86 3. 93 3. 34 3. 34 2. 85 2. 95 2. 67 2.00 2. 06 2.05 48 4 4 19 1 0 0 0 5 0 2 1 3. 37 .97 2.40 3.11 7.10 4. 33 2. 77 6.12 4. 71 2. 08 2. 63 4. 24 .19 .32 . 14 8 1 0 4 9 2 1 2 9 1 0 4 9 0 1 1 2 0 0 3 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3. 84 3.22 3.07 2.58 2.59 2. 36 2. 00 2. 06 2.00 1.33 .80 .62 .41 .41 .07 0 .06 0 2. 51 2. 42 2. 45 2.17 2.18 2.29 2.00 2. 00 2.00 3. 50 2.99 2. 87 2. 46 2.46 2. 28 1.99 1. 99 1. 98 . 11 .15 .29 .28 .37 .33 .04 .03 .08 1 “ Children” are defined as persons under 16 years of age. “ Adults” are persons 16 years of age and over. 2 Families of these types are included in the 1917-19 study, “ Cost of Living in the United States,” B. L. S. Bull. No. 357, 1924. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 323. 119 TABULAR SU M M A R Y T able 2 , — D esc rip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , b y econ om ic level— Continued KANSAS CITY, M O-KANS.—WHITE FAMILIES—Continued o ®o o o 0 1-^ $1,100 and over $900 to $1,000 o o® OO O t'«e-<ysO - $800 to $900 $600 to $700 $500 to $600 $400 to $500 $300 to $400 o OQ °o <y3-§3- $200 to $300 Item All families Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year E a rn in g s and In co m e 357 Families in survey.. ___ . _ ______ Number of families having— Earnings of subsidiary earners .. _ 105 Net earnings from boarders and 50 lodgers_____________ . _________ 13 Other net rents___________ ______ 14 Interest and dividends____________ 17 Pensions and insurance annuities _ _ Gifts from persons outside economic 24 family__________________________ 14 Other sources of income Deductions from income (business 22 losses and expenses)_____________ Surplus (net increase in assets and/ 202 or decrease in liabilities)_________ Deficit (net decrease in assets and/ 151 or increase in liabilities) ________ 3 Inheritance_______________________ Average number of gainful workers per family_________________________ 1. 33 6 39 92 73 50 43 17 14 10 7 6 2 12 28 23 14 11 4 2 5 2 2 1 0 0 0 7 1 3 3 7 5 3 3 9 2 1 4 10 3 3 2 10 1 2 1 2 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 7 2 9 6 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 7 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 3 21 60 39 32 24 9 10 2 2 0 3 0 18 0 30 0 33 1 17 1 19 0 8 0 4 0 8 0 5 1 6 0 1.33 1.38 1. 34 1.33 1. 30 1.28 1.24 1. 28 1. 50 1.43 1.33 D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. D o L Average amount of— Net family income_____________ ._ 1,440 1,018 1,117 1, 238 1, 361 1,611 1, 625 1, 768 2,023 1, 798 1,871 2, 038 Earnings of individuals_______ __ 1, 407 987 1,071 1, 238 1,324 1, 531 1,572 1, 722 1, 995 1, 796 1,847 1, 992 Chief earner__________________ 1, 281 945 990 1,157 1,210 1,416 1,387 1, 613 1, 750 1, 390 1,743 1, 662 42 Subsidiary earners_______ _— 126 81 114 115 185 109 245 406 104 330 81 Males: 16 years and over.. 1,204 987 856 1,089 1,162 1,290 1,257 1, 582 1,855 1, 200 1, 742 1,664 Under 16 years.. _____ (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Females: 16 years and over____ 203 0 213 149 161 241 315 140 140 596 105 328 Under 16 years_____ (3) 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Net earnings from boarders and 21 lodgers... ____ . . . ____ . . . 28 17 22 19 17 35 6 0 8 0 50 Other net rents___ ____________ 4 13 0 0 (3) 3 12 3 3 0 0 0 Interest and dividends. _______ 1 5 1 3 0 0 (3) 1 0 0 (3) (3) Pensions and insurance annuities. 2 18 4 12 (3) 35 11 0 16 1 50 0 Gifts from persons outside eco nomic family. _ ______ __ __ 5 4 14 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 6 10 2 9 Other sources of income _ __ _ __ 3 3 5 7 0 0 0 0 1 1 Deductions from income (busi ness losses and expenses) _____ -9 -4 0 -4 0 0 - 4 -2 1 0 0 0 -2 5 Surplus per family having surplus (net increase in assets and/or de 104 147 132 201 185 180 194 181 348 365 crease in liabilities)__________ . . . 170 0 Deficit per family having deficit (net decrease in assets and/or in 158 85 crease in liabilities)_____ _____ __ 56 103 121 217 175 268 188 268 251 368 Net change in assets and liabilities for all families in survey____ __ . +29 +10 +54 +52 +53 +45 +23 -2 4 +75 -145 -7 5 -368 4 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 0 114 0 _________ Inheritance____________ 3 Less than $0.50. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 323. 53957°—39-----9 120 W EST T able NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN REGION 2 .— Description of fam ilies studied, by economic level— C on tinu ed KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S .—NEGRO FAM ILIES Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year All fami lies Item $200 to $300 $100 to $200 $400 to $500 $300 to $400 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 and over D is tr ib u tio n b y O c c u p a tio n o f C h ie f E a r n e r and by F a m ily Type i Families in survey--------------------------------------Number of families in which chief earner is— Clerical worker__________________________ Skilled wage earner---------------------------------Semiskilled wage earner_________________ Unskilled wage earner___________________ Number of families composed of— Man and wife____________________________ Man, wife, and 1 child----------------------------Man, wife, and 2 to 4 children-----------------Man, wife, and 5 or more children_______ Man, wife, and children and adults (4 to 6 persons)_______________________________ Man, wife, and children and adults (7 or more persons)__________________________ Man, wife, and 1 adult___________________ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 adults_____________ Man, wife, and 5 or more adults_________ Adults (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife)______________________________ Adults (4 or more persons, not including man and wife)--------------------------------------Adult or adults and children (2 or 3 per sons, not including man and wife)_____ Adult or adults and children (4 or more persons, not including man and wife). . . 103 11 21 29 20 10 7 5 4 4 25 70 0 0 4 7 1 0 4 16 1 0 8 1 0 5 14 0 1 7 1 1 2 3 0 1 1 3 37 15 8 5 0 0 2 4 3 3 4 1 0 9 7 0 0 7 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 4 1 0 0 11 3 6 1 0 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 15 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 10 3 2 3 1 0 2 5 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 D istr ib u tio n b y N a tiv ity o f H o m e m a k e r Number of families having no homemaker. _ Number of families having homemaker born in United States_________________________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 103 11 21 29 20 10 7 5 103 3. 51 21 6.84 4. 27 29 2. 74 20 3.07 10 2.45 7 2. 71 5 2.44 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 4 1 0 1 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 3.34 .96 2. 38 3.06 6. 70 3. 97 2. 73 5. 79 4.18 1.71 2.47 3. 83 2. 66 .32 2. 34 2.47 2. 70 .35 2. 35 2. 53 2.40 2. 30 2. 30 2.29 . 14 2.15 2.17 .18 .13 .09 . 10 .37 .05 .44 C o m p o s itio n o f H o u se h o ld Number of households_____________________ Average number of persons in household___ Number of households with— Boarders and lodgers_____________________ Boarders only____________________________ Lodgers only-------------------------------------------Other persons____________________________ Average size of economic family in— Persons, total__________________ ____ _____ Under 16 years of age---------------------------16 years of age and over________________ Expenditure units___________ _____ _____ Average number of persons in household not members of economic family_____________ 11 6 0 12 1 “ Children” are defined as persons under 16 years of age. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 323. 2 .10 2. 2.’ 2.11 .24 “ Adults” are persons 16 years of age and over. T A BU LAR T able 121 SUM M ARY 2 . — D escrip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , by econom ic level— Continued KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S .—NEGRO FAM ILIES— Continued Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All fami lies $100 to $200 $200 to $300 $400 to $500 $300 to $400 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 and over E a rn in g s and I n c o m e Families in su rv ey....... ................................... Number of families having— Earnings of subsidiary earners................... Net earnings from boarders and lodgers... Other net rents______________________ . . . Interest and dividends___________________ Pensions and insurance annuities________ Gifts from persons outside economic family_________________________________ Other sources of income__________________ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses)_____________ ___________ Surplus (net increase in assets and/or de crease in liabilities)____________________ Deficit (net decrease in assets and/or in crease in liabilities)____ ____________ . . Inheritance______________________________ Average number of gainful workers per family________ _____ ________ ___________ 103 11 21 29 20 10 7 5 36 14 3 2 2 5 1 0 1 0 7 1 2 1 1 7 7 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 5 1 0 0 0 3 3 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 6 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 7 0 3 0 2 1 0 1 63 5 12 21 11 7 5 2 37 6 0 7 0 8 0 8 0 3 0 2 0 0 3 0 1.42 1.64 1. 38 1. 28 1.50 1.50 1.43 1.40 $945 934 914 20 918 2 14 0 $907 893 848 45 778 1 $938 $1, 212 $1, 345 $1,471 $1, 492 932 1,170 1,340 1,290 1,492 850 987 1,136 1,088 1, 368 82 204 202 183 124 835 1,046 1,234 1,016 1, 370 0 0 0 0 0 122 97 106 274 124 0 0 0 0 0 4 41 8 6 43 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 (*) Average amount of— Net family income_______________________ $1, 086 Earnings of individuals________________ 1,061 Chief earner_________ ____ ______ ___ 952 Subsidiary earners___________________ 109 Males: 16 years and over___________ _ 947 Under 16 years_____ _________ 1 Females: 16 years and over------- ------- 113 Under 16 years-------------------0 Net earnings from boarders and lodgers . 15 Other net rents______ _________________ 1 Interest and dividends_____________ . . . (3) Pensions and insurance annuities.____ (3) Gifts from persons outside economic family_______________________________ (3) Other sources of income_______ _ 11 Deductions from income (business losses and expenses)___ _______ . .. -2 Surplus per family having surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in lia bilities)________________________ ____ __ 128 Deficit per family having deficit (net de crease in assets and/or increase in liabili 79 ties) ___________________________________ Net changes in assets and liabilities for all +50 families in survey______________________ 0 Inheritance.. _____________________ _____ 3 Less than $0.50. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 323. 4 111 0 5 7 0 4 0 0 0 0 144 4 (3) 7 -3 65 0 0 100 0 1 4 0 -6 176 0 (3) 179 0 0 0 138 197 -8 138 52 161 33 72 51 98 94 +37 — 17 0 +63 0 +72 0 +110 0 +99 0 — 1 0 0 122 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T able 2 . — D esc rip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , b y econ om ic level— Continued M IN N EAPO L IS-ST . PAUL, M I N N —W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit i per year AH fami-1 lies Un $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 $1,000 der to to to to to i to to and $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 $1,000 over Item D istr ib u tio n by O c c u p a tio n of E a rn er and by F a m ily T y p e C h ie f 1 Families in survey________ _________ Number of families in which chief earner is— Clerical worker_______________ ____ Skilled wage earner-------------------------Semiskilled wage earner _ ____ __ Unskilled wage earner. . . . _____ Number of families composed of— Man and w ife ...................................... Man, wife, and 1 child 2__ _______ _ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 children 2-------Man, wife, and 5 or more children 2__ Man, wife, and children and adults (4 to 6 persons) 2____ _______ Man, wife, and children and adults (7 or more persons) 2 _____ . . . . . . Man, wife, and 1 adult.. . . . . . Man, wife, and 2 to 4 adults____ Man, wife, and 5 or more adults ___ Adults (2 or 3 persons not including man and wife).. ________ ____ . . . Adults (4 or more persons not includ ing man and wife) _ _. ______ Adult or adults and children (2 or 3 persons not including man and wife)_____ ________ __ _ _____ _ Adult or adults and children (4 or more persons, not including man and wife) _ . . . ___ __ 504 47 114 106 86 59 36 32 10 14 172 126 139 67 10 6 20 11 32 31 37 14 30 29 26 21 37 20 18 11 22 15 19 3 17 9 6 4 16 8 6 2 3 3 3 1 5 5 4 0 113 91 118 6 0 2 20 3 3 19 44 3 9 26 31 0 21 19 14 0 20 17 6 0 15 5 3 0 26 2 0 0 8 1 0 0 11 0 0 0 57 16 19 15 2 2 2 1 0 0 8 47 27 0 4 1 0 0 4 7 9 0 0 10 5 0 0 11 8 0 0 7 4 0 0 9 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 4 6 8 1 2 1 0 2 7 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 425 7 4 2 4 3 2 24 1 32 43 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 99 1 0 0 1 1 0 4 0 8 82 1 0 2 1 0 1 8 0 11 70 2 1 0 0 1 1 6 1 4 50 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 5 31 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 29 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 D istr ib u tio n b y N a tiv ity o f H o m e m a k e r Number of families having no home maker____ ___ _____ _ _ _____ Number of families having homemaker born in— United States.. . _________ _____ Germany.. __ . . . . ____ ____ _ Poland________ __ ________ _______ Russia _ _ _____ _____ _____ . . . Canada (not French) _____ .. ... England... . .. _ _ ._ . . Ireland_____ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sweden__________ __ __ ._ ___ Canada (French). . . . . . . __ Other___ __ . _ ___ . . . _______ C o m p o sitio n o f H o u se h o ld Number of households_______ _____ Average number of persons in house hold________________________________ Number of households with— Boarders and lodgers___ . . . ______ Boarders only._ _ . . . . . . ___ . . . Lodgers only___ __ ______ ____ Other persons______________________ Average size of economic family in— Persons, total__________ _________ Under 16 years of age_____________ 16 years of age and over____ . __ _ Expenditure units ___ ____________ Average number of persons in house hold not members of economic family. 504 47 114 106 86 59 36 32 10 14 3. 68 5. 48 4.28 3. 68 3. 35 3. 26 2. 95 2. 35 2.42 2.34 77 4 17 51 6 0 1 4 13 0 2 6 14 0 5 12 11 0 6 9 13 2 2 10 7 1 1 4 8 1 0 4 2 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 3. 51 1.06 2. 45 3.23 5. 36 2. 62 2.74 4. 75 4. 22 1. 70 2. 52 3. 79 3. 52 1.08 2.44 3.23 3.13 .62 2. 51 2. 95 2. 95 .59 2. 36 2. 78 2. 74 .36 2. 38 2. 61 2.19 .10 2. 09 2. 09 2. 34 .10 2. 24 2.26 2.08 0 2.08 2. 01 .21 .18 .11 .20 .25 .35 .25 .20 .11 .29 1 “ Children” are defined as persons under 16 years of age. “ Adults” are persons 16 years of age and over. 2 Families of these types are included in the 1917-19 study, “ Cost of Living in the United States,” B. L. S. Bull. No. 357, 1924. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 323. TA B U L AR T able 2 .— SUM M ARY 123 D escrip tio n o f fa m ilie s studied, by econ om ic level— Continued M IN N EAPO L IS-ST . PAUL, M IN N .—W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All fami lies Un der $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 to $800 $800 $900 $1,000 to and to $900 $1,000 over E a rn in g s and In co m e Families in survey___ ____ __ __ __ Number of families having— Earnings of subsidiary earners______ Net earnings from boarders and lodgers_____ ______________________ __ Other net rents_____________________ Interest and dividends_____ _ Pensions and insurance annuities __ _ Gifts from persons outside economic family_____________________ __ __ Other sources of income___ ________ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses)_________ ____ Surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities)______ _____ Deficit (net decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities) ___ _ __ - _ Inheritance.-. _ _ _______- _____ Average number of gainful workers per family___ ____ _______ _____________ 504 47 114 106 86 59 36 32 10 14 154 13 34 30 27 19 13 11 3 4 89 30 79 19 6 3 10 0 15 8 9 4 18 5 18 5 13 4 15 1 16 4 11 5 7 4 6 0 9 2 5 2 2 0 2 0 3 0 3 2 47 19 5 1 13 4 11 3 7 3 5 4 2 1 3 0 0 2 1 1 2 57 5 11 10 14 7 3 3 2 299 36 71 65 51 33 16 19 3 5 197 5 11 0 41 2 39 0 32 0 25 2 20 0 13 1 7 0 9 0 1.40 1. 36 1. 39 1. 39 1.43 1. 42 1. 39 1. 34 1. 50 1.36 Average amount of— Net family income___ _ ___ ___ __ $1, 549 $1, 242 $1, 388 $1, 454 $1, 625 $1, 672 $1, 862 $1, 735 $2,007 $2, 088 Earnings of individuals-_ _ 1, 501 1, 221 1,343 1, 406 1, 582 1, 592 1,825 1,686 1.983 1, 965 Chief earner___ __ 1,356 1,154 1, 258 1,296 1,367 1,433 1, 631 1,473 1, 667 1, 699 Subsidiary earners______________ 110 194 145 67 85 215 213 159 316 266 Males: 16 years and over________ 1, 336 1,158 1,244 1, 246 1, 371 1, 414 1, 631 1,428 1, 709 1, 592 Under 16 years____ _ 0 0 (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 (3) 164 94 160 Females: 16 years and over_ 63 211 194 258 274 178 373 1 0 Under 16 years_______ 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 Net earnings from boarders and 24 14 lodgers________________ _ _ 21 15 20 18 20 29 29 47 Other net rents _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 5 4 8 4 5 14 8 0 0 2 2 Interest and dividends___ _______ 3 2 3 8 3 2 2 12 Pensions and insurance annuities __ 11 10 15 1 31 0 10 44 0 0 Gifts from persons outside economic family_______ ____ ____ __ 6 6 12 3 2 6 6 7 0 1 2 Other sources of income___ 4 4 0 6 17 3 11 21 (3) Deductions from income (business -2 -4 -2 -2 losses and expenses)__ -2 -1 9 -3 -5 -1 0 -2 Surplus per family having surplus (net increase in assets and/or de 122 111 151 107 181 164 170 218 205 crease in liabilities)___ _ 216 Deficit per family having deficit (net decrease in assets and/or increase 125 103 170 244 369 187 46 322 328 in liabilities)_______ _ _ . _______ 193 Net change in assets and liabilities for -7 4 all families in survey __ _ __ _ __ -6 0 -2 0 -168 +16 +71 +68 +37 +34 -4 7 2 0 0 5 0 2 0 0 Inheritance________ ________ - _ 1 0 3 Less than $0.50. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 323. 124 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-M OUNTAIN REGION T able 2 . — D e sc r ip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , b y econ om ic level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O.—W H IT E FAM ILIES $100 to $200 $200 to $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 to $800 $800 to $900 $900 to $1,000 $1,000 to $1,100 $1,100 and over Item All families Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year 401 6 48 65 94 62 42 28 30 13 6 7 117 95 141 48 0 1 3 2 9 12 20 7 23 12 18 12 23 20 38 13 22 13 22 5 10 11 18 3 11 6 7 4. 11 9 10 0 5 6 1 1 1 3 2 0 2 2 2 1 98 68 55 4 0 0 2 1 2 0 16 1 2 12 14 2 9 19 17 0 14 19 4 0 18 8 2 0 16 3 0 0 20 6 0 0 8 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 48 1 12 13 13 7 1 1 0 0 0 0 12 45 18 1 2 0 0 0 8 0 2 1 1 8 4 0 1 17 8 0 0 8 2 0 0 6 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 30 0 0 3 4 5 6 4 3 2 1 2 9 0 3 1 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 361 4 10 1 1 1 3 17 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 1 0 0 0 1 0 6 57 1 2 0 1 0 0 3 87 1 1 0 0 0 1 3 58 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 38 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 25 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 48 65 94 62 42 28 30 13 6 7 D is tr ib u tio n b y O c c u p a tio n o f C h ief E a rn er and by F a m ily T y p e 1 Families in survey__________________ Number of families in which chief earner is— Clerical worker___________________ Skilled wage earner-____ _______ _ Semiskilled wage earner________ __ Unskilled wage earner_____________ Number of families composed of— Man and wife_____________________ Man, wife, and 1 child 2___________ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 children 2___ Man, wife, and 5 or more children 2__ Man, wife, and children and adults (4 to 6 persons)2________________ Man, wife, and children and adults (7 or more persons)2____________ Man, wife, and 1 adult____________ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 adults....... . Man, wife, and 5 or more adults___ Adults (2 or 3 persons not includ ing man and wife)_____________ Adults (4 or more persons not in cluding man and wife) _________ Adult or adults and children (2 or 3 persons not including man and wife)______________ __ _ _______ Adult or adults and children (4 or more persons not including man and wife), __ _ ___________ D istr ib u tio n b y N a tiv ity o f H o m e m a k e r Number of families having no home maker________________ Number of families having home maker born in— United States______ _________ _ Italy______________________________ Germany_______ _________ __ Poland____ __________________ __ R u s s ia .-____ __ ________________ England_____ ________ _______ _ Ireland____________________________ Other_______________ ____________ C o m p o sitio n o f H o u se h o ld Number of households__________ _ . Average number of persons in house hold_____________________________ Number of households with— Boarders and lodgers______________ Boarders only_______ _____________ Lodgers only__________ ___________ Other persons_____________________ Average size of economic family in— Persons, total__________ ___________ Under 16 years of age____________ 16 years of age and over.............. .. Expenditure units___________________ Average number of persons in house hold not members of economic fam ily---------------------------------- --------------- 401 3.66 6.26 5.74 4.24 3.74 3.08 2.92 2.63 2. 61 2.37 2.42 2.52 64 3 5 14 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 2 3.48 .90 2.58 3.22 6.09 3.00 3.09 5. 39 5.54 2. 36 3.18 4.98 .20 .17 .22 8 1 1 1 13 1 1 5 6 1 0 1 11 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 4.10 3.59 3.00 2.63 2.45 2.26 2. 25 1. 36 .84 .62 .30 .14 .23 .08 2.74 2. 75 2. 38 2.33 2.31 2.03 2.17 3.73 3.36 2.78 2.48 2.35 2.15 2.17 2.00 0 2.00 1.95 2.14 0 2.14 2.13 .45 .41 .14 .16 .13 .31 5 0 0 0 .20 6 0 1 2 .37 .15 1‘ •Children” are defined as persons under 16 years of age. “ Adults” are persons 16 years of age and over. 2 Families of these types are included in the 1917-19 study, “ Cost of Living in the United States,” B. L. S. Bull. No. 357, 1924. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 323. TABULAR T able 125 SU M M A R Y 2 . — D esc rip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , b y econ om ic level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O.—W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued $1,100 and over $1,000 to $1,100 $900 to $1,000 42 28 30 13 6 7 24 10 11 3 4 3 3 1 1 3 1 8 5 20 3 10 1 30 4 12 7 47 8 4 5 25 2 11 3 22 2 3 1 12 1 7 4 15 3 2 1 4 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 3 0 1 1 10 4 9 2 13 7 13 3 5 4 4 2 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 $800 to $900 62 52 $700 to $800 94 21 $600 to $700 65 24 $500 to $600 $300 to $400 48 1 $400 to $500 $200 to $300 6 $100 to $200 Item All families Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year E a r n in g s and In c o m e Families in survey ________________ 401 Number of families having— Earnings of subsidiary earners 156 Net earnings from boarders and lodgers__________ _____________ 60 29 Other net rents-----------------------------182 Interest and dividends ________ . Pensions and insurance annuities.. _ 25 Gifts from persons outside economic 59 family__________________________ 24 Other sources of income _________ Deductions from income (business 48 losses and expenses) _ ............. ....... Surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities)________ . 252 Deficit (net decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities)___ ____ __ 145 2 Inheritance---------------------------Average number of gainful workers per family_________________________ 1.49 Average amount of— Net family income...................... ....... Earnings of individuals_________ Chief earner___________________ Subsidiary earners _________ Males: 16 years and o v e r ..___ Under 16 years________ Females: 16 years and over____ Under 16 years______ Net earnings from boarders and lodgers____ __ _____________ Other net rents_____ ___ _______ Interest and dividends__________ Pensions and insurance annuities. Gifts from persons outside eco nomic family__________________ Other sources of income_________ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses)........... ........ Surplus per family having surplus (net increase in assets and/or de crease in liabilities)_____________ Deficit per family having deficit (net decrease in assets and/or in crease in liabilities).. . . . ______ Net change in assets and liabilities for all families in survey_________ Inheritance_______________________ 3 D oL 1, 552 1,491 1,308 183 1,268 (3) 223 (3) 6 2 12 7 6 7 4 1 1 2 4. 33 40 66 39 27 18 14 4 4 3 2 0 15 0 23 1 28 o 22 1 15 0 9 0 16 0 9 0 2 0 4 0 1.00 1. 67 1.46 1.77 1.42 1.26 1.39 1.13 1.38 1. 50 1.57 D oL D oL D oL D oL D oL D oL D oL D oL D oL D oL D oL 958 1,287 1, 322 1,577 1,484 1,675 1,808 1, 729 1,905 2,091 2,519 850 1,225 1,271 1,517 1,442 1,582 1,782 1,627 1,835 2,047 2,500 850 1,086 1,145 1,223 1 277 1,426 1,562 1, 609 1,695 1,785 1,899 0 139 126 294 165 156 220 18 140 262 601 644 1,048 1,093 1,202 1,252 1, 358 1,600 1, 541 1,581 1,804 1,838 0 1 0 2 (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 206 175 176 315 190 224 182 86 254 243 662 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 9 8 8 56 17 4 20 29 9 5 13 30 2 6 8 21 8 7 9 14 13 5 8 57 6 14 2 17 4 6 2 40 23 26 10 21 8 4 5 41 0 6 0 15 12 6 0 7 6 11 (3) 8 4 6 1 8 10 9 1 5 14 2 10 0 9 32 0 0 0 0 0 -5 164 0 -6 -2 -3 -8 -5 119 115 118 172 143 238 228 191 169 159 340 75 151 129 133 196 199 247 288 272 138 374 189 +35 3 -1 5 -6 00 -3 -1 4 +54 +34 +27 +81 +21 +82 +67 -6 5 -137 +60 -6 8 0 0 0 6 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Less than $0.50. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 323. 0 126 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-M OUNTAIN REGION T able 2 .— D e sc r ip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , b y eco n o m ic level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O.—NEGRO FAM ILIES Economic level—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Item All fami lies $100 to $200 $200 to $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 and over D is tr ib u tio n b y O c c u p a tio n o f C h ie f E a r n e r and by F a m ily T y p e 1 Families in survey . ___ _ __ __ . . _____ Number of families in which chief earner is— Clerical worker _________ _ _ _ ----Skilled wage earner------------... _ _ _ Semiskilled wage earner_________ __ _ Unskilled wage earner— ---------------Number of families composed of— Man and wife____ _ ------------------- ----Man, wife, and 1 child 2____ . - . . ______ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 children 2_ ----- __ Man, wife, and 5 or more children 2 __ . _ Man, wife, and children and adults (4 to 6 persons) 2 -------------------------------------Man, wife, and children and adults (7 or more persons) 2 _ ---------------------------Man, wife, and 1 adult_____ . . . ____ __ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 adults___ . . . Man, wife, and 5 or more adults_____ . . . Adults (2 or 3 persons not including man and wife)-------- -----------------------------------Adults (4 or more persons not including man and wife)---- ---------------------------Adult or adults and children (2 or 3 per sons not including man and wife)______ Adult or adults, not man and wife, and children (4 or more persons)___________ 106 6 22 27 22 12 8 £ 3 5 19 79 0 0 1 5 0 3 3 16 0 0 6 21 1 1 4 16 0 0 3 9 1 0 1 6 1 ] ] f 31 10 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 0 3 4 4 0 10 2 1 0 8 0 1 0 4 1 0 0 f 1 ( ( 7 1 3 3 0 0 0 ( 5 21 4 0 4 0 0 0 1 3 2 0 0 7 1 0 0 7 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 ( ( ( C 11 0 3 3 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( 4 1 1 2 0 0 0 c D istr ib u tio n b y N a tiv ity o f H o m e m a k e r Number of famlies having no homemaker. Number of families having homemaker born in United States____ ________ . . . ______ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 105 6 22 27 22 12 8 s 106 3.40 6 8. 39 22 4. 32 27 3.41 22 2. 54 12 2.41 8 2. 42 2 .1( 5 0 3 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ( ( ( 3. 38 .79 2.59 3.10 8. 39 3.81 4.58 7. 53 4.34 1.47 2.87 3.88 3. 35 .76 2.59 3.08 2.45 .16 2.29 2.32 2.50 .17 2.33 2.29 2.38 .13 2. 25 2.22 2.1] .1] 2. 0( 2. 0 ‘ .06 .01 .07 .10 .08 .06 . 0c C o m p o sitio n o f H o u se h o ld Number of households.------------------------------Average number of persons in household----Number of households with— Boarders and lodgers. -------------- . . . ____ Boarders only__________ . Lodgers only____. . . . . ------------ - . . . Other persons_____________ _____ . . . . Average size of economic family in— Persons, total . . . . . . ___ __ . . . . . . . . Under 16 years of age _ ----------------------16 years of age and over___ __ _ _ Expenditure units. _ . . . ___ Average number of persons in household not members of economic fam ily_______ _ _ 0 1 1 “ Children" are defined as persons under 16 years of age. “ Adults" are persons 16 years of age and over. 2 Families of these types are included in the 1917-19 study, “ Cost of Living in the United States," B. L. S. Bull. No. 357, 1924. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 323. TABULAR T able 127 SUM M ARY 2 .— D escrip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , b y econ om ic level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O .—NEGR O FAM ILIES—Continued Economic level— Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Item All fami lies $100 to $200 $200 to $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 and over E a rn in g s an d In co m e Families in survey_________________________ Number of families having— Earnings of subsidiary earners____ _______ Net earnings from boarders and lodgers.__ Other net rents_________________ ______ Interest and dividends___________________ Pensions and insurance annuities________ Gifts from persons outside economic family Other sources of income_________ _____ __ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses)_____________ ____ __ _ _ Surplus (net increase in assets and/or de crease in liabilities). ____ _ Deficit (net decrease in assets and/or in crease in liabilities). . . _____ ________ __ Inheritance____ _______________________ Average number of gainful workers per family______________________ _____ ___ 106 6 22 27 22 12 8 9 43 8 5 11 7 9 4 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 11 0 1 1 0 3 0 9 2 2 3 2 2 1 7 4 1 3 3 2 0 7 1 0 1 0 2 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 2 1 0 1 11 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 75 6 18 18 17 10 3 3 30 2 0 0 4 0 9 1 4 1 2 0 5 0 6 0 1.49 1. 83 1. 50 1.44 1. 41 1. 67 1. 38 1.44 Average amount of— Net family income. _ _ ___ $1,162 $1,160 $1,067 $1,033 $1,086 $1, 244 $1,397 $1, 662 1,243 1,053 1, 013 1,049 1,236 1, 354 1, 634 Earnings of individuals_____ __ ___ 1,145 946 886 970 949 1,124 1, 205 1, 399 Chief earner____ . . . . . . . . _ 1, 014 131 Subsidiary earners _____ . . . _____ 297 83 127 100 112 149 235 1,003 1, 243 903 966 1,049 1,183 1, 392 849 Males: 16 years and over . . . ___ 1 0 Under 16 years.. _ _ _ _ _ _ .. 0 6 0 0 0 0 141 0 Females: 16 years and over. __ ___ __ 198 110 83 187 171 242 0 0 Under 16 years. ___ ____ 0 0 0 0 (3) (3) Net earnings from boarders and lodgers.. 5 0 0 2 11 13 8 0 6 0 Other net r e n t s ..___ ______ _ _ _ 7 8 3 23 0 0 1 1 1 (3) Interest and dividends. ________ . . . 1 1 0 1 11 6 2 0 14 Pensions and insurance annuities_______ 0 0 6 Gifts from persons outside economic family_____ _______ __ 6 0 6 6 11 10 0 0 3 0 0 Other sources of income_______________ 0 1 18 22 (3) Deductions from income (business losses -1 0 -8 6 -7 -3 and expenses).................. .......... ............. -1 7 -6 -1 (3) Surplus per family having surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in 143 121 110 68 70 104 217 78 liabilities)___________________ . . . ___ Deficit per family having deficit (net de crease in assets and/or increase in liabili 272 164 308 204 0 236 ties)____________ _. _____________ 177 89 Net change in assets and liabilities for all +74 +20 +68 -2 1 -1 2 +77 -179 families in survey ____ _______ _ +41 11 6 0 0 17 0 0 0 Inheritance-___ ______ ____ _ 3 Less than $0.50. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 323. 128 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T able 2 .— D e sc r ip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , b y econ om ic level— Continued SALT L A K E C IT Y , U TAH —W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All fami lies $200 to $300 $100 to $200 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 to $800 $800 and over D istr ib u tio n b y O c c u p a tio n o f C h ie f E a r n e r and by F a m ily T y p e i Families in survey........................................... . Number of families in which chief earner is— Clerical worker------------------------------------------Skilled wage earner------------------------ -----------Semiskilled wage earner. _________________ Unskilled wage earner..__________________ Number of families composed of— Man and wife--------------------------------------------Man, wife, and 1 child 2___________________ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 children 2___________ Man, wife, and 5 or more children 2_______ Man, wife, and children and adults (4 to 6 persons)2 _______________________________ Man, wife, and children and adults (7 or more persons)2_______ __________________ Man, wife, and 1 adult...... ......................... . Man, wife, and 2 to 4 adults_______________ Man, wife, and 5 or more adults___________ Adults (2 or 3 persons not including man and wife)-------------------------------- ---------------Adults (4 or more persons not including man and wife)------------------ ---------------------Adult or adults and children (2 or 3 persons not including man and wife)____ ________ Adult or adults and children (4 or more persons not including man and wife)........ 210 8 46 55 50 22 13 8 8 100 33 60 17 1 3 4 0 18 5 20 3 24 11 14 6 24 8 14 4 13 3 3 3 10 2 1 0 4 0 3 1 6 1 1 0 35 41 49 9 0 0 2 4 0 5 11 3 3 12 22 2 9 13 10 0 5 5 4 0 8 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 28 1 16 6 4 1 0 0 0 4 9 12 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 1 2 4 0 0 2 4 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 2 1 8 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 187 1 2 3 2 13 7 0 0 0 0 1 42 0 0 0 0 4 48 1 0 2 0 4 44 0 1 1 2 2 20 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 210 3.88 8 6.73 46 5.10 55 4. 08 50 3. 25 22 3.19 13 2. 56 8 2.24 8 2. 35 11 10 1 8 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 2 2 2 0 0 4 1 0 3 0 4 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3. 81 1.31 2.50 3. 49 6.48 3.77 2. 71 5. 65 5.06 2. 06 3.00 4. 57 4.05 1.57 2. 48 3.67 3.18 .85 2. 33 2.96 3.01 .64 2. 37 2.85 2. 32 . 18 2.14 2. 20 2.33 .29 2.04 2.13 2.40 .28 2.12 2.29 .08 .24 .06 .05 .09 .15 .26 .04 D istr ib u tio n b y N a tiv ity o f H o m e m a k e r Number of families having no homemaker-----Number of families having homemaker born in— United States_____________________________ Italy______________________________________ Germany_________________________________ England---------- ---------------- ------- -----------------Sweden_____________________ ____________ Other ________ _________________________ C o m p o sitio n o f H o u se h o ld Number of households_________ ____ ________ Average number of persons in household_____ Number of households with— Boarders and lodgers______________________ Boarders only------------------------------------__ Lodgers only----------------------------------------------Other persons_____________________________ Average size of economic family in— Persons, total._________________________ . . Under 16 years of age____________________ 16 years of age and over------- ------- -----------Expenditure units. ____________________ _ Average number of persons in household not members of economic family ____________ 0 1 “ Children” are defined as persons under 16 years of age. “ Adults” are persons 16 years of age and over. 2 Families of these types are included in the 1917-19 study, “ Cost of Living in the United States,” B. L. S. Bull. No. 357, 1924. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 323. TABULAR T able 129 SU M M AR Y — D escrip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , b y econ om ic level— Continued SALT L AK E C IT Y , U T AH —W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All fami lies $100 to $200 $200 to $300 $300 to $400 $500 to $600 $400 to $500 $600 to $700 $800 and over $700 to $800 E a rn in g s and In c o m e Families in survey_______ _______ __ Number of families having— E arnings of subsidiary earners. _ _. Net earnings from boarders and lodgers_________ _______________ Other net rents___________________ Interest and dividends____________ Pensions and insurance annuities__ Gifts from persons outside economic family__________________________ Other sources of income. _________ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses) __ ________ . Surplus (net increase in assets and/ or decrease in liabilities)______ - Deficit (net decrease in assets and/ or increase in liabilities)-------------Inheritance ______________________ Average number of gainful workers per family-------------------------------------- 210 8 46 55 50 22 13 8 49 3 13 10 13 5 3 1 1 15 8 6 7 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 4 0 1 3 4 1 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 32 7 0 0 7 2 8 1 9 3 5 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 110 4 27 28 21 13 10 5 2 95 0 4 0 19 0 26 0 26 0 9 0 2 0 3 0 6 0 1.32 1.42 1.39 1.31 1.31 1.30 1.27 1.18 1.18 Average amount of— $1, 332 Net family income______ ______ 1,290 Earnings of individuals ------------1,198 Chief earner___________________ 92 Subsidiary earners------------------Males: 16 years and over______ 1, 077 Under 16 years________ 0 Females: 16 years and over 213 Under 16 years______ 0 Net earnings from boarders and lodgers________________________ 6 Other net rents______________ ___ 6 Interest and dividends__________ 4 Pensions and insurance annuities. 9 Gifts from persons outside eco nomic family__________________ 13 Other sources of income_________ 4 Deductions from income (busi ness losses and expenses)........ . . (3) Surplus per family having surplus (net increase in assets and/or de 133 crease in liabilities)________________ Deficit per family having deficit (net decrease in assets and/or increase in 152 liabilities)______ ____ _____________ Net change in assets and liabilities for all families in survey---------------------+1 0 Inheritance_______ _ _______ ______. 3 Less than $0.50. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 323. 8 $976 $1,146 $1,249 $1,337 $1,604 $1,634 $1,620 $1,757 967 1,126 1,197 1, 301 1, 523 1, 567 1,606 1, 712 888 1,076 1,117 1,189 1,379 1,425 1, 550 1,596 112 79 80 144 50 142 56 116 891 906 1,056 1,048 1,289 1, 213 1,315 1,534 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 234 354 76 220 253 291 178 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 2 0 (3) 7 8 0 11 21 7 1 5 8 3 23 3 0 19 16 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 41 0 0 12 7 8 33 19 35 0 0 0 4 0 -3 0 0 251 59 208 166 396 0 0 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 117 102 108 151 154 (3) 75 99 155 142 127 260 +21 0 +19 0 -1 8 0 -1 0 0 +39 0 +153 0 -2 5 -245 0 0 130 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T able 3. — E x p en d itu res f o r grou p s o f item s , b y econ om ic level D E N V E R , COLO.'—W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year All fami lies Item E x p e n d itu r e s fo r Item s Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 to $800 $800 to $900 $900 $1,000 to and $1,000 over G roups of Families in survey______ --Average family size: Persons----------- ---------------Expenditure units----- ----Food expenditure units____ Clothing expenditure units. 295 25 67 52 54 36 28 11 9 13 3.14 2.92 2. 73 2.57 4.84 4. 37 4.05 3.64 3. 77 3.47 3. 26 2.98 3.39 3.15 2. 95 2.68 2.86 2.66 2.47 2. 34 2. 53 2.40 2.25 2.24 2.18 2.09 1.99 1.97 2.18 2.10 1. 94 1.87 2.00 1. 93 1.79 1.89 2.15 2.10 1. 95 2.08 Average annual current expenditure for— All items-------------------------- $1,445 $1,113 $1, 202 $1,396 $1,447 $1, 550 $1, 586 $1, 781 $1,885 $2,295 461 F ood ... - -- _ - 457 460 475 469 433 460 446 541 497 Clothing------------------------154 184 139 143 150 165 190 100 253 203 Housing ---------------226 243 234 232 261 191 160 275 334 309 Fuel, light, and refrigeration ___------------- ------96 88 95 99 98 97 105 105 51 91 Other household operation_____ ____ ___ 62 62 31 52 67 70 72 66 72 100 Furnishings and equip49 34 23 52 28 56 80 105 ment____ _____ _ 37 123 Automobile and motor cycle—purchase, opera tion, and maintenance 118 61 64 112 108 134 130 184 152 413 Other transportation------26 24 24 31 26 21 15 25 44 33 24 32 29 21 29 35 26 43 41 Personal care------------41 Medical care___ __ __ _ 73 52 62 71 76 73 57 160 113 148 65 81 101 92 108 Recreation___ - ------------79 54 59 127 137 10 6 17 2 4 13 26 0 Education-------------6 2 1 2 Vocation... _ ._ __ 5 3 3 7 8 5 16 16 Community welfare. . ._ 21 18 23 17 8 5 19 13 27 32 Gifts and contributions to persons outside the 36 11 26 economic family _ __ . . . 16 41 43 56 32 53 148 2 3 0 0 6 2 Other items. _ ______ 0 5 18 2 Percentage of total annual cur rent expenditure for— 100.0 All items_______ - . ----31.9 Food__________ ... Clothing______ 10.7 Housing________________ 15.6 Fuel, light, and refrigera 6.6 tion__ __ ___ _ . . . Other household opera 4.3 ---------------tion. _ Furnishings and equip 3.4 ment----- ------------------Automobile and motor cycle-purchase, opera 8.2 tion and maintenance._ 1.8 Other transportation____ 2.0 Personal care____________ 5.1 Medical care----- ------------5.5 Recreation. _. _ _ . _ .7 Education_________ _____ .3 Vocation________ . . . . . . 1.2 Community welfare.___ Gifts and contributions to persons outside the 2.5 economic family----------.2 Other item s... ------------- 100.0 38.9 9.0 17.2 100.0 32.8 10.3 17.5 100.0 30.9 10.4 16.2 100.0 29.7 11.9 15.0 100.0 30.0 10.4 16.5 m o 26.4 10.7 15.4 100.0 28.8 13.4 17.7 100.0 21.7 8.8 13.5 7.9 7.9 7.1 6.8 6.3 6.7 5.9 2.7 4.0 2.8 4.4 4.4 4.6 4.3 4.4 4.0 3.8 4.3 2.5 2.8 1.6 3.6 3.6 5.0 5.9 2.0 5.4 5.5 2.2 1.9 5.1 4.8 .4 .1 .7 5.3 2.0 2.0 4.3 4.9 1.1 .2 .4 8.0 1.7 2.1 4.4 4.6 1.9 .1 1.6 7.5 2.1 2.2 4.9 5.6 .4 .3 1.4 8.6 1.7 2.2 4.9 6.5 1.1 .2 1.2 8.2 1.3 1.6 4.6 5.8 .1 .4 1.1 10.4 .8 2.4 9.0 6.1 0 .4 .7 8.1 2.3 2.2 6.0 6.7 .3 .8 1.4 18.0 1.4 1.8 6.4 6.0 .1 .7 1.4 1.0 0 1.3 .2 1.9 0 2.8 .3 2.8 0 3.5 .4 1.8 .1 2.8 1.0 6.4 .1 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 324. 100.0 38.3 11.6 13.3 TABULAR T able 3.— 131 SUM M ARY E x p en d itu res f o r grou ps o f item s , b y econ om ic level— Continued KANSAS C IT Y , M O .-K A N S .—W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item E x p en d itu r e s fo r All fami lies $100 to $200 $200 to $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 to $900 $900 and over G ro u p s o f Item s Families in survey_________ ______ Average family size: Persons. ___________________ _____ Expenditure units____ __________ Food expenditure units___________ Clothing expenditure u n its .._____ 357 6 39 92 73 50 43 31 23 3.37 3.11 2.88 2.70 7.10 6.12 5. 69 4.95 4. 71 4.24 3.92 3. 49 3.84 3.50 3. 22 2.96 3. 22 2.99 2. 76 2.64 3.07 2.87 2. 66 2.49 2.58 2.46 2. 27 2.28 2.49 2.38 2.28 2.07 2.02 1.99 1.86 2.09 Average annual current expenditure for— All items_____________________ $1,421 $1,003 $1,071 $1,193 $1, 317 $1, 572 $1, 599 $1,870 $2,104 Food____________________________ 433 523 419 424 414 442 473 405 460 Clothing________________________ 145 72 100 117 137 171 159 209 211 Housing....... ...................... .............. 215 80 161 181 189 245 267 257 337 Fuel, light, and refrigeration____ 101 95 88 99 103 120 66 108 107 Other household operation______ 64 44 93 36 43 112 58 77 77 Furnishings and equipment_____ 32 71 45 74 96 48 59 176 100 Automobile and motorcyclepurchase, operation, and main tenance___________ ____________ 434 22 137 46 127 152 237 80 126 Other transportation___________ 32 34 18 34 32 30 29 41 27 Personal care_____ ___ ______ 14 42 29 24 32 20 28 33 40 Medical care.______ ___ _ ... 42 59 93 41 43 45 71 76 96 Recreation_____________ _____ 44 69 16 54 102 63 91 86 90 Education_________________ _ 12 9 19 11 11 7 16 15 10 Vocation.................. . __ ___ 5 4 3 4 4 6 6 10 6 Community welfare______ __ _ 14 18 7 15 17 18 18 35 19 Gifts and contributions to per sons outside the economic fam ily— 5 22 41 26 6 14 24 52 69 Other item s... . . . _________ . . . 2 5 22 1 1 11 3 7 1 Percentage of total annual current ex penditure for— All items______________ . . . __ ._ _ 100.0 Food______________________ . . . _ 30.4 Clothing___ __________________ 10.2 Housing----------------------------- __ 15.1 Fuel, light, and refrigeration _ 7.1 Other household operation. . . . . 4.5 Furnishings and equipment_____ 5.0 Automobile and motorcycle— purchase, operation, and main tenance. . . _____________ ____ 9.6 Other transportation. __ . . . . . . 2.3 Personal care___________ ________ 2.0 Medical care____________________ 4.2 Recreation. ____________________ 4.9 Education.............. ........................... .8 Vocation __ _______________ ____ .4 Community welfare........................ 1.3 Gifts and contributions to per sons outside the economic fam ily— 1.8 .4 Other items.. . . . ._ . . . . _ . . . Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 324, 100.0 52.1 7.2 8.0 8.8 3.5 4.5 100.0 39.1 9.3 15.0 8.9 4.1 3.0 100.0 35.6 9.8 15.2 8.3 3.6 4.0 100.0 31.5 10.4 14.4 8.2 4.4 4.5 100.0 29.2 10.9 15.6 6.6 4.9 4.7 100.0 27.6 9.9 16.7 6.7 4.8 6.3 100.0 25.3 11.2 13.8 6.4 6.0 5.1 100.0 19.2 10.0 16.0 3.2 4.4 8.4 2.2 1.8 1.4 4.2 1.6 .9 .4 .7 4.3 3.2 1.9 3.8 4.1 1.0 .3 1.3 6. 7 2.4 2.0 3.6 4.5 .9 .3 1.3 9.6 2.6 2.1 3.4 4.8 .5 .3 1.3 9.7 2.0 2.1 4.5 5.8 1.0 .4 1.1 7.9 2.6 2.0 4.7 5.4 .6 .4 1.1 12.7 1.4 2.1 5.1 4.8 .8 .5 1.9 20.7 1.4 2.0 4.4 4.8 .9 .3 .9 .5 2.2 .6 .1 1.2 .6 1.8 .2 1.4 .1 2.6 .7 2.8 .1 3.3 .1 132 T WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION able 3 .— E x p en d itu res f o r grou p s o f item s , by econom ic level— Continued KANSAS C ITY , MO -K A N S — NEGRO FAM ILIES Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All families $100 to $200 $200 to $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over E x p en d itu r e s fo r G r o u p s o f Item s Families in survey.— __________________ Average family size: . . . ___ __ __________ Persons___ __ Expenditure units____________ ______ Food expenditure units________________ Clothing expenditure units____________ Average annual current expenditure for— All items______ _________________ Food.______ ________________________ C lo th in g .._________________________ Housing_____________________________ Fuel, light, and refrigeration _______ Other household operation__________ Furnishings and equipment_____ . . . Automobile and motorcycle—pur chase, operation, and maintenance. Other transportation. _____________ Personal c a re .____________. . . . ._ . Medical care________________________ Recreation__________________________ Education__________________________ Vocation______ . . . __________ . . . . . Community welfare___________ ______ Gifts and contributions to persons outside the economic family_______ Other item s______ _______ __________ Percentage of total annual current ex penditure for— All items____________ . ______________ Food________ ____ ___________ _____ Clothing__________________ __________ Housing________________ __________ Fuel, light, and refrigeration __ _____ Other household operation.. _ _____ Furnishings and equipment_________ Automobile and motorcycle—pur chase, operation, and maintenance . Other transportation________________ Personal care________________________ Medical care____ ______ __________ Recreation__________________________ Education__________________________ Vocation____________________________ Community welfare_______ _________ Gifts and contributions to persons outside the economic family_______ Other items___ ____ _______ _______ 103 11 21 29 20 22 3.34 3.06 2.87 2.60 6.70 5.79 5.34 4. 52 4.18 3.83 3.62 3.15 2.66 2.47 2.32 2.15 2.70 2.53 2.33 2. 33 2.32 2.21 2.12 1. 96 $1,043 356 102 141 106 42 38 $917 396 89 105 100 23 28 $928 344 97 141 101 33 33 $876 315 84 126 93 36 34 $1,142 357 113 175 110 44 33 $1,345 401 128 146 130 66 57 33 48 25 48 50 2 2 17 34 19 16 46 45 5 1 6 15 48 23 36 32 3 0 14 12 49 22 32 40 1 1 16 69 51 27 50 63 1 2 18 47 57 34 80 71 1 5 26 28 5 4 0 8 0 9 6 21 8 90 6 100.0 34.1 9.8 13.5 10.2 4.0 3.6 100.0 43.2 9.8 11.5 11.0 2.5 3.0 100.0 37.1 10.4 15.2 10.8 3.6 3.6 100.0 36.0 9.6 14.4 10.6 4.1 3.9 100.0 31.2 9.9 15.3 9.7 3.8 2.9 100.0 29.9 9.5 10.9 9.7 4.9 4.2 3.2 4.6 2.4 4.6 4.8 .2 .2 1.6 3.7 2.1 1.7 5.0 4.9 .5 .1 .6 1.6 5.2 2.5 3.9 3.4 .3 .0 1.5 1.4 5.6 2.5 3.6 4.6 .1 .1 1.8 6.0 4.5 2.4 4.4 5.5 .1 .2 1.6 3.5 4.2 2.5 5.9 5.3 .1 .4 1.9 2.7 .5 .4 0 .9 0 1.0 1.8 6.7 .4 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 324. .7 .7 TABULAR T able SUM M ARY 133 3 .-^ E x p e n d it u r e s fo r grou p s o f item s , by eco n o m ic level— Continued M IN N EAPO L IS-ST . PAUL, M I N N —W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All fam ilies Under $300 to $400 to $500 to $600 to $700 to $800 to $900 to $1,000 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 $1,000 and $300 over E x p en d itu r e s fo r G r o u p s o f Item s Families in survey___________ Average family size: Persons_____ _____________ Expenditure units-------------Food expenditure units____ Clothing expenditure units. 504 47 114 106 86 59 36 32 10 14 3. 51 3.23 2.98 2. 79 5.36 4. 75 4. 41 3. 87 4.22 3. 79 3.48 3.15 3. 52 3. 23 2.95 2. 77 3.13 2.95 2. 72 2. 63 2.95 2. 78 2. 59 2.49 2.74 2. 61 2. 43 2. 41 2.19 2.09 1.97 1.94 2.34 2.26 2.09 2. 36 2.08 2.01 1.91 1.85 Average annual current ex penditure for— $1, 550 $1,189 $1,326 $1,425 $1, 607 $1,777 $1,945 $1,774 $2,188 $2,149 All items------------------474 489 475 Food________________ . . . 488 497 502 525 476 520 480 114 121 155 137 184 208 184 Clothing------------------------177 206 199 214 234 166 Housing____ ____________ 246 270 282 275 283 310 343 Fuel, light, and refrigera 128 130 124 tion____ ______________ 137 143 143 146 149 159 139 Other household opera 34 tion_____ ______________ 58 42 56 67 75 61 102 71 67 Furnishings and equip 54 59 59 116 ment _________________ 71 45 87 105 170 123 Automobile and motor cycle—purchase, opera 122 92 114 182 tion, and maintenance.85 160 230 33 289 287 44 Other transportation____ 30 40 35 27 35 40 40 33 31 32 36 36 Personal care____________ 20 23 28 37 47 30 43 34 44 66 86 109 114 Medical care_____________ 69 77 100 77 64 112 Recreation.......................... 72 42 55 71 89 132 97 113 4 Education_______ ________ 9 10 10 6 8 17 9 1 0 6 4 6 6 6 5 9 9 Vocation________________ 10 13 22 16 22 12 Community welfare_____ 18 16 19 18 13 30 Gifts and contributions to persons outside the 32 44 20 20 26 economic family. __ . . . 12 30 60 93 27 4 1 2 10 62 72 7 3 13 Other items______ ______ 0) Percentage of total annual current expenditure for— All items_____ ____________ Food_____________ ___ Clothing_____________. . . Housing____ _____________ Fuel, light, and refrigera tion____ _______________ Other household opera tion______ _____________ Furnishings and equip ment. _ .____ __________ Automobile and motor cycle-purchase, opera tion, and maintenance.. Other transportation____ Personal care____________ Medical care_________ _ . Recreation_______________ Education...____ _______ Vocation________________ Community welfare.__ . . Gifts and contributions to persons outside the economic family......... . Other items__________ __ 100.0 31.4 10.0 15.9 100.0 41.2 9.6 14.0 100.0 35.7 9.1 16.1 100.0 33.4 9.6 16.4 100.0 30.9 11.0 16.8 100.0 28.3 10.4 15.9 8.9 12.1 9.7 9.1 8.9 3.7 2.8 3.2 3.9 4.2 4.6 3.8 4.1 4.1 7.8 2.3 1.9 4.5 4.6 .6 .4 1.2 2.8 2.3 1.7 2.8 3.5 .8 .3 1.1 6.4 2.3 1.7 3.3 4.1 .8 .5 1.2 1.7 .5 1.0 .2 1.5 .3 1Less than $0.50. 2Less than 0.05 percent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 324. 100.0 26.9 10.7 14.1 100.0 26.8 10.4 16.0 100.0 23.8 9.1 14.2 100.0 22.3 9.6 16.0 8.2 7.7 7.0 7.3 6.5 4.2 3.7 3.4 3.1 4.7 3.7 4.9 6.0 5.9 7.8 5.7 6.5 2.5 2.0 4.6 4.5 .4 .4 1.1 7.1 2.5 2.0 4.8 4.4 .5 .3 1.2 9.0 2.3 2.0 4.8 5.0 1.0 .3 1.2 11.8 2.3 1.8 5.6 5.8 .5 .5 1.1 10.2 2.3 2.1 5.6 5.5 .2 .5 1.0 13.3 1.5 2.1 5.2 6.0 (a) .6 .5 13.4 1.4 2.0 3.6 5.2 0 .5 1.4 1.4 .1 1.6 .1 1.8 .7 1. 5 (2) 2.5 .6 2.7 2.8 4.3 3.4 134 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T able 3. — E x p e n d itu r es f o r grou p s o f item s , by econ om ic level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O.—W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All fami lies $100 to $200 $200 to $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 to $800 $800 to $900 $900 and over E x p en d itu r e s fo r G r o u p s o f Item s Families in survey....... .......... . Average family size: Persons____________________ Expenditure units.------------Food expenditure units.. _ Clothing expenditure units. 401 6 48 65 94 62 42 28 30 26 3.48 3. 22 3.00 2.83 6.09 5.39 5.10 4.05 5.54 4.98 4.67 4.19 4.10 3.73 3.47 3.17 3.59 3. 36 3.15 3.03 3.00 2.78 2.54 2. 52 2. 63 2.48 2.30 2.14 2.45 2. 35 2. 21 2.18 2.26 2.15 2.00 1.91 2.16 2.11 1.99 2.12 Average annual current ex penditure for— All items---------------------------- $1, 525 518 F ood.._________ ______ _ Clothing__________ _____ 144 Housing__________ _____ _ 233 Fuel, light, and refrigera _ ... 102 tion____________ Other household operation 50 Furnishings and equip 68 ment. __________ _____ Automobile and motor cycle—purchase, opera tion, and maintenance.. 114 Other transportation _ . . . 52 Personal care_________ 28 Medical care______ . . . . 61 Recreation____________ 88 Education____________ . 7 Vocation________________ 8 21 Community welfare_____ Gifts and contributions to persons outside the eco 23 nomic family.. ----- . Other it e m s .___ _ 8 Percentage of total annual current expenditure for— All items_________ ______ 100.0 Food_____________ . . . . . 33.9 Clothing___ __ . 9.4 Housing_________________ 15.3 Fuel, light, and refrigera tion. __ ___ . . . . ___ 6.7 Other household operation 3.3 Furnishings and equip ment. _ ______ _______ 4.5 Automobile and motor cycle-purchase, opera tion, and maintenance... 7.5 Other transportation__ __ 3.4 Personal care . . . _____ 1.8 Medical care . . . ______ 4.0 Recreation__________ 5.8 Education _ _________ .5 Vocation. _. ___ _____ .5 Community welfare_____ 1.4 Gifts and contributions to persons outside the eco 1.5 nomic family__________ .5 Other items_________ . . . $912 $1, 261 $1, 303 $1,490 $1,492 $1, 605 $1, 754 $1,813 $2,214 515 502 410 528 549 496 489 477 571 82 124 145 139 118 150 156 163 211 182 199 108 207 234 256 312 276 363 80 23 107 40 104 37 104 48 99 42 108 59 100 62 96 66 97 81 42 36 57 58 72 78 81 84 141 0 42 19 32 60 0) 5 7 41 49 22 37 59 5 4 20 55 50 23 38 60 9 7 15 85 58 29 59 87 7 10 19 116 51 28 58 86 11 5 21 116 53 26 72 96 4 9 26 221 49 39 71 118 13 4 27 225 40 35 103 111 2 11 34 270 54 41 100 154 2 22 28 2 0 6 7 9 1 19 1 21 1 44 23 29 19 48 6 48 31 100.0 45.0 9.0 11.8 100.0 41.9 9.4 14.4 100.0 39.5 9.5 15.3 100.0 36.8 10.1 13.8 100.0 33.7 9.7 15.7 100.0 30.9 8.7 15.9 100.0 27.9 8.9 15.7 100.0 26.3 9.0 17.2 100.0 25.8 9.5 16.4 8.8 2.5 8.4 3.2 8.0 2.8 7.0 3.2 6.6 2.8 6.7 3.7 5.7 3.5 5.3 3.7 4.4 3.7 4.6 2.8 4.4 3.9 4.8 4.9 4.6 4.6 6.4 0 4.6 2.1 3.5 6.6 (2) .5 .8 3.3 3.9 1.7 2.9 4.7 .4 .3 1.6 4.2 3.9 1.8 2.9 4.6 .7 .5 1.1 5.7 3.9 1.9 4.0 5.8 .5 .7 1.3 7.8 3.4 1.9 3.9 5.8 .7 .3 1.4 7.2 3.3 1.6 4.5 6.0 .3 .6 1.6 12.6 2.8 2.2 4.1 6.7 .8 .2 1.5 12.4 2.2 1.9 5.7 6.1 .1 .6 1.9 12.1 2.4 1.8 4.5 7.0 .1 1.0 1.3 .2 0 .5 .6 .7 .1 1.3 .1 1.4 .1 2.7 1.4 1.7 1.1 2.7 .3 2.2 1.4 1 Less than $0.50. J Less than 0.05 percent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 324. TABULAR T able 135 SU M M AR Y 3 . — Expenditures for groups of items , by economic level— C on tin u ed ST. LOUIS, MO.—NEGRO FAMILIES Economic level—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year All families Item $100 to $200 $200 to $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 and over E x p e n d itu r e s fo r G r o u p s o f Ite m s Families in survey______________________ Average family size: Persons_______ _____ ___ __ __ __ Expenditure units____________ _ _ ___ Food expenditure units___ __ ___ ___ Clothing expenditure units.. _________ Average annual current expenditure for— All items______________________________ Food________________________________ Clothing------------------------------------------Housing_____________________________ Fuel, light, and refrigeration------------Other household operation____ __ _ Furnishings and equipment. _ _ .. Automobile and motorcycle—pur chase, operation, and maintenance. Other transportation ---------------Personal care------------------------------------Medical care_______________ ______ Recreation----------- ------------------ . . . _ Education___ ________ ____ _______ Vocation____ _______ _ _ __________ Community welfare------ ------- -------Gifts and contributions to persons outside the economic family. _ . . . Other items_____ _ ________ ______ Percentage of total annual current ex penditure for— All items---------------------------------------------Food________________________________ Clothing------------------------------------------Housing__________________ Fuel, light, and refrigeration-------- _ Other household operation _ . . . _. Furnishings and equipment. ______ Automobile and motorcycle—pur chase, operation, and maintenance. Other transportation _ _ _ _ _ _ Personal care____ ________ _ ___ _ Medical care.__ ___ _ ________ _ Recreation... _ . . . ___ _ _ _ _ _ Education _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ __ _ Vocation. ____ ___________ _ __ Community welfare. _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Gifts and contributions to persons outside the economic family. Other item s___ _____________ ____ 106 6 22 27 22 29 3. 38 3.10 2. 89 2. 65 8.39 7. 53 7.17 5. 86 4. 34 3.88 3. 64 3.12 3. 35 3. 08 2. 86 2.68 2.45 2. 32 2.17 2.06 2.35 2.19 2. 01 2.06 $1,153 383 119 183 97 37 58 $1, 078 492 109 196 104 27 4 $998 395 104 147 99 29 43 $1, 061 374 100 179 102 25 45 $1, 030 334 102 174 90 36 37 $1, 463 398 162 217 96 57 109 55 51 27 48 41 2 5 16 0 33 25 13 57 2 6 10 24 47 25 36 26 3 1 14 33 51 26 47 38 1 4 13 38 50 20 50 47 7 17 123 58 34 63 47 3 9 20 31 0 0 5 0 23 0 27 1 67 0 100.0 33.2 10.3 15.9 8.4 3.2 5.0 100.0 45.6 10.1 18.2 9.6 2.5 .4 100.0 39.6 10.4 14.8 9.9 2.9 4.3 100.0 35.2 9.4 16.9 9.6 2.4 4.2 100.0 32.5 9.9 16.9 8.7 3.5 3.6 100.0 27.2 11.1 14.8 6.6 3.9 7.5 4.8 4.4 2.3 4.2 3.6 .2 .4 1.4 0 3.1 2.3 1.2 5.3 .2 .6 .9 2.4 4.7 2.5 3.6 2.6 .3 .1 1.4 3.1 4.8 2. 5 4.4 3.6 .1 .4 1.2 3.6 4.9 1.9 4.9 4.6 (2) .7 1.7 8.4 3.9 2.3 4.3 3.2 .2 .6 1.4 0 0 .5 0 2.2 0 2.5 .1 4.6 0 0) 2.7 (2) 1 Less than $0.50. 2 Less than 0.05 percent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 324. 53957 39- 10 C1) 136 T W EST NORTH CENTRAL-M OUNTAIN REGION able 3 . — Expenditures for groups of items , by economic level— C on tinu ed SALT L AK E C IT Y , U TAH —W H IT E FAM ILIES All families Economic level—-Families spending per expenditure unit per year $100 to $200 $200 to $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 and over E x p e n d itu r e s fo r G r o u p s o f I te m s Families in survey._____ ___________ Average family size: Persons___________________________ Expenditure units_________ _______ Food expenditure units____________ Clothing expenditure units________ Average annual current expenditure for— All items---------------------------------------Food____________________________ Clothing__________ ____________ Housing_______ _____ ______ ____ Fuel, light, and refrigeration_____ Other household operation_______ Furnishings and equipment_____ Automobile and motorcycle—pur chase, operation, and mainte nance__________________________ Other transportation____________ Personal care____________________ Medical care____________________ Recreation--------------------- ------------Education.________ _____________ Vocation__________________ ____ _ Community welfare_____________ Gifts and contributions to per sons outside the economic fam ily— Other items______________ _____ _ Percentage of total annual current ex penditure for— All item s_______ ____ __ _________ F o o d ..._____ ___________________ Clothing________________________ Housing______________________ ._ Fuel, light, and refrigeration... __ Other household operation_______ Furnishings and equipment_____ Automobile and motorcycle—pur chase, operation, and mainte nance__________________________ Other transportation____ _______ Personal care.. . ____________ . . . Medical care_______________ _____ Recreation______________________ Education_______________________ Vocation_______________ ______ Community welfare_____________ Gifts and contributions to persons outside the economic family___ Other items________ ____________ 210 8 46 55 50 22 29 3.81 3.49 3.25 2.98 6.48 5.65 5.23 4.30 5.06 4.57 4.35 3.86 4.05 3.67 3.38 3.10 3.18 2.96 2.75 2.59 3.01 2.85 2.61 2. 43 2.34 2. 21 2.04 2.07 $1,339 423 163 202 99 58 56 $966 397 100 123 85 31 60 $1,138 434 139 163 91 46 26 $1,278 424 152 196 100 54 56 $1, 354 414 165 219 97 53 54 $1, 570 423 200 241 102 81 102 $1, 681 429 209 238 113 80 73 86 26 31 64 56 8 6 36 5 32 24 61 27 3 5 9 39 29 30 56 41 6 5 23 76 20 29 59 53 11 3 29 83 27 29 58 58 7 6 48 91 31 32 82 69 15 10 60 202 25 46 81 77 7 12 42 21 4 4 0 9 1 15 1 27 9 23 8 42 5 100.0 31.6 12.2 15.1 7.4 4.3 4.2 100.0 41.2 10.4 12.7 8.8 3.2 6.2 100.0 38.2 12.2 14.3 8.0 4.1 2.3 100.0 33.1 11.9 15.3 7.8 4.2 4.4 100.0 30.6 12.2 16.2 7.2 3.9 4.0 100.0 26.9 12.7 15.4 6.5 5.2 6.5 100.0 25.6 12.4 14.2 6.7 4.8 4.3 6.4 1.9 2.3 4.8 4.2 .6 .4 2.7 .5 3.3 2.5 6.3 2.8 .3 .5 .9 3.4 2.6 2.6 4.9 3.6 .5 .4 2.0 5.9 1.6 2.3 4.6 4.2 .9 .2 2.3 6.1 2.0 2.1 4.3 4.3 .5 .4 3.5 5.8 2.0 2.0 5.2 4.4 1.0 .6 3.8 12.0 1.5 2.7 4.8 4.6 .4 .7 2.5 1.6 .3 .4 0 .8 .1 1.2 .1 2.0 .7 1.5 .5 2.5 .3 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 324. 138 T WEST NORTH CENTRAL-M OUNTAIN REGION 4 .— D isp o s itio n o f m o n e y received d u rin g schedule yea r not used f o r current expen ditu re and fu n d s m ade available f o r f a m i l y u se f r o m sources other than f a m i ly in co m e in schedule yea r, b y econ om ic level able D E N V E R , C O L O —W H IT E FAM ILIES All fami lies Item Economi c le ve l— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $400 D isp o s itio n o f M o n e y R e c e i v e d D u r i n g th e S c h e d u l e U se d fo r C u rren t F a m ily E x p en d itu r e Year Average amount of funds disposed in— Increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities---------------------Increase in assets___________ ____ ____ _______ _____________ Increase in cash— On hand______ __ _ . . ___ ____________ In checking account____________________ _____ _________ In savings account____________ ______________________ Investment in— Improvements in own home.. . ._ ______ __________ _ Other real estate (including real estate mortgages)______ Building and loan shares_____ ______ _________ ______ Stocks and bonds-------------------------------------- --------------------Other property.. _ __________ ____ ____________________ Payment of premiums for insurance policies: Life insurance_______ _ . . . . . . . . . . _ _______ Annuities_____ ______ ______ __ . . _______ ______ Increase in outstanding loans to others___ . . . ______ __ Decrease in liabilities_____________ _______ . ________ _ Payment on principal of mortgages and down payment on own home____ . . . ____________________ _______ . . . Payment on principal of other mortgages_______ __ _ . . . Payment of debts to— Banks________ _ . . . __________ _____ _________ ____ Insurance companies_________ ____________ ______ Small-loan companies________________ _________________ Firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles--------------------- ------------- ---------------------------Other goods____________________ _____ _______________ Individuals____________________________________________ Other------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ - $600 and over N ot Families in survey____________________________________________ Number of families disposing of funds in— Increase in assets: Increase in cash— On hand_____ __ _________ _______ __ ____ _____ __ ____ _ _ _ In checking account. __ ________ In savings account--------- ------------------------------------- . . . Investment in— Improvements in own home.. . _____________ . . . . _ Other real estate (including real estate mortgages). . . . . . Building and loan shares-----------------------------------------------Stocks and bonds-------------------------------------------------- ------Other property---------- ------------------------------------------------Payment of premiums for insurance policies: Life insurance_____ __ ______ ________________ ____ Annuities________ ______ _ ______ _________ ________ Increase in outstanding loans to others__________________ Decrease in liabilities: Payment on principal of mortgages and down payment on own h o m e___ _____ . . . . ______ _ ________ . _ Payment on principal of other mortgages_____ ___ Payment of debts to— Banks. ___ . . . _____ . ___ __ . . . . . . _. . Insurance companies. _____ _ _ ____ . . . ______ . . . Small-loan companies_______ ___________ ________ Firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles.. . _. ___ ______ _________ ______ Other goods.. ____ _____ . _______ . . .. Individuals__________ ________________ _____________ Other_______ _________________ ________ ____ _________ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 324. $400 to $600 295 92 106 97 11 3 40 4 0 4 2 0 14 5 3 22 23 6 3 12 2 6 0 0 2 0 10 3 1 4 0 7 3 2 6 2 238 14 4 68 3 1 89 2 0 81 9 3 47 7 16 3 19 3 12 1 1 3 10 0 0 2 1 2 8 0 1 0 9 26 15 26 2 8 6 11 2 12 4 8 5 6 5 7 $219.12 152. 60 $126.19 73.93 $215. 30 144.99 $311. 45 235. 52 3.68 12.44 29. 23 1. 63 0 1.14 2. 36 0 9.22 7.07 37.84 77.74 12. 27 3.70 .99 7. 89 .32 10.53 0 0 3.23 0 22.68 5.94 .59 7. 37 0 2.54 4.76 2.35 12.89 .98 78.87 2.93 .28 66. 52 55.68 1. 61 .11 52.26 95.63 1.20 0 70. 31 82.55 6.06 .74 75.93 31.89 3. 38 30.05 2. 34 33.40 6.90 31.98 .52 .43 .17 2.83 0 0 .41 1.20 .29 7.53 0 .21 0 5.71 7.63 6.12 8.36 1.34 6.60 3.75 7.77 3.04 11.16 2.55 4.24 12.78 4. 75 12.26 13.43 TABULAR T 139 SUM M ARY 4. — D isp o s itio n o f m o n e y received d uring schedule yea r not used f o r current expen ditu re and fu n d s m ade available f o r f a m i ly use f r o m sources other than fa m i l y in co m e in schedule yea r, by econ om ic level— Continued able D E N V E R , COLO.—W H IT E F AM ILIES—Continued Item All fami lies Econom ic le ve l— Fam ilies spending per expenditure unit per year Under $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over F u n d s M a d e A v a ila b le f o r F a m i l y U s e F r o m S o u r c e s O th er T h a n F a m ily I n c o m e in S c h ed u le Y e a r Families in survey________ ________ _ ___ ________ _____ Number of families receiving funds from— Decrease in assets: Reduction in cash— On hand___ ___ _______ _______ _ _____________ ___ In checking account ____________ _ ___ ____ In savings account- ___ ____ ___ __ ____ _ Sale of property: Real estate (including real estate mortgages)_____ ______ Building and loan shares. _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ Stocks and bonds__ __ ____ _____ ____ Goods and chattels. _ _ ____ _ _____ __ _ Other property _________ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ ______ Insurance policies: Surrender_______ ________________ _____ ________ ______ Settlement____ _ _ _ ______ _______ _____ ____ ______ Receipts from outstanding loans to others___ ____________ Increase in liabilities: Increase in mortgages on own home__________ _________ __ Increase in other mortgages. _ _ . _ _ ___ ____ __ Increase in debts— Payable to banks______ ______ ___ ______ ____ Payable to insurance companies _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ Payable to small-loan companies. _ ___ ____ Payable to firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles___ ____ ___ __ _ ________ Other goods. _ _____ ______ __ _ _ ______ __ ________ Payable to individuals. __ __ _ ___ __ _____________ _____ ___ __ _ __ _________ Other debts___ _____ Inheritance_________ __ __ ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Average amount of funds received from— Decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities. _ _. ________ Decrease in assets__ __ _ _ _ ____ Reduction in cash— On hand_____ _____ ______________ _ __________ __ _ In checking account____ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ ____ __ In savings account __ _ _ _ _______ Sale of property: Real estate (including real estate mortgages). __ __ __ Building and loan shares _ . _ __ _______ Stocks and bonds___ ___ __ _ __ ______ Goods and chattels _____ ____________ ___ _____ Other property __ __ _ ___ ________ _ ________ Insurance policies: Surrender__ __ ____ _______ _________ _ _ ________ Settlement__ _________ _____ _ ____ . . . ______ __ Receipts from outstanding loans to others____ _______ _ _ Increase in liabilities___________ _ ____ _______ _______ _ Increase in mortgages on own home___ _ ______ _____ Increase in other mortgages_____ __________ __ __ ______ Increase in debts— Payable to banks._ _ ________ __ __ ________ _ ______ Payable to insurance companies. ______ _____ ____ ____ Payable to small-loan companies Payable to firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles______________________________ ________ _ Other goods.. _______________________________________ Payable to individuals____________________________ ____ Other debts__________________________________ _________ Inheritance______________ ___________________________ _____ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 324. 295 92 106 97 13 6 22 3 0 4 6 1 7 4 5 11 3 0 10 2 2 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 4 0 1 1 o 5 2 0 11 2 7 6 0 2 3 2 2 2 0 3 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 9 15 14 2 6 6 3 3 6 4 6 2 22 42 12 43 0 4 15 6 17 0 7 12 5 14 0 11 15 1 12 0 $146. 45 79. 03 $89.92 23.18 $122. 49 59. 37 $226. 24 153. 46 7. 85 8.00 23.12 4.54 0 7.41 11.52 1. 42 26.93 6. 97 22. 79 33. 87 2. 97 0 18. 25 .44 . 15 0 0 .23 0 .04 2. 78 0 5. 75 0 .38 5.98 0 49.00 1.34 0 5.09 2.19 10. 97 67. 42 1.47 1.02 10.04 0 .92 66.74 4.73 0 2. 61 6.09 1.89 63.12 0 2.83 3.10 0 30.41 72.78 0 0 8. 52 9.97 4. 09 2. 71 16.53 5.44 14.81 4.58 4.69 7.16 9. 64 2.16 14.25 9.30 6. 94 11. 86 0 2.25 7.85 11.00 16.23 0 13.02 6.06 6.‘94 9.59 0 26. 33 14.22 3.09 10.18 0 140 T W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 4. — D isp o s itio n o f m o n e y received during schedule yea r not used f o r current expenditure and fu n d s m ade available fo r f a m i ly use f r o m sources other than fa m i ly in co m e in schedule year, by econom ic level— Continued able KANSAS C ITY , MO -K A N S .— W H ITE FAM ILIES Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year All fami lies Item D isp o s itio n of M oney S c h ed u le Y e a r N o t E x p en d itu r e R ec eiv e d D u r in g Under $300 $300 to $400 to $500 to $600 to $400 $500 $600 $700 $700 and over th e U sed fo r C u rren t F a m ily Families in survey_____ _________ ______ Number of families disposing of funds in— Increase in assets: Increase in cash— On hand _________ _____ __ ________ In checking account ______ _______ _ In savings account________ _______ _ Investment in— Improvements in own home___________ Other real estate (including real estate mortgages) _______________________ Building and loan shares ____________ ____ _____ Stocks and bonds________ Other property. _ ________ ______ ____ Payment of premiums for insurance poli cies: Life insurance___________ _________ Annuities_____________________ ___ . . . Increase in outstanding loans to others. Decrease in liabilities: Payment on principal of mortgages and down payment on own home. . . . ____ Payment on principal of other mortgages Payment of debts to— Banks______ ____ _______________ . Insurance companies _________ _ __ Small-loan companies__________ _____ Firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles...______________________ Other goods __ . . . ___________ Individuals____ __________________ __ Other __ _______ ___________ _____ 357 45 92 73 50 43 54 8 9 65 1 0 2 0 0 16 2 2 12 0 3 8 2 2 10 3 2 17 17 3 5 2 3 1 3 7 1 5 3 0 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 328 28 14 42 1 0 86 7 5 67 2 1 44 5 3 42 4 1 47 9 4 67 6 0 19 2 14 0 8 0 9 0 11 1 2 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 3 1 0 0 2 2 1 0 5 1 4 5 12 6 5 4 4 3 2 6 1 2 1 5 2 1 3 3 3 5 3 10 17 38 12 16 Average amount of funds disposed in— Increase in assets and/or decrease in liabili ties____ __________________ . . __________ $184. 76 118. 76 Increase in assets. ________________________ Increase in cash— 1.25 On hand _ ________________ ________ In checking account___ _____ ________ 3.80 17.83 In savings account_________________ Investment in— Improvements in own home___________ 7.60 Other real estate (including real estate mortgages) _________________________ 1.88 Building and loan shares __________ .56 4. 35 Stocks and bonds_____________________ Other property________________________ .38 Payment of premiums for insurance poli cies: 1 Life insurance___________ _ ______ __ 70. 73 5.19 Annuities_____________________________ Increase in outstanding loans to others___ 5.19 66. 00 Decrease in liabilities______________________ Payment on principal of mortgages and down payment on own home_____ ____ 35.50 .93 Payment on principal of other mortgages.. Payment of debts to— .66 Banks-------- -----------------------------------------.92 Insurance companies______ _____ _____ 2.40 Small-loan companies................................ Firms selling on installment plan: 8. 55 Automobiles_________________________ 9. 52 Other goods_________________________ 4.09 Individuals___________ __________ ____ 3. 43 Other_________________________________ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 324. 5 1 2 $123. 04 $170. 88 $177.08 $198.94 $196.87 $247. 38 93. 70 109. 59 107. 04 131.01 130.42 150. 47 1.67 0 2.30 0 0 15.18 2.40 8.56 13.88 0 6.00 27.38 1.86 3. 21 19.92 13.89 10.96 8.90 2. 42 4.42 0 0 7.64 .47 2.44 0 3. 76 0 1.58 2.74 0 0 5.92 0 0 2.28 .85 0 20.07 0 67. 37 .36 0 29.34 68.06 3.41 5.78 61.29 67.51 1.42 .05 70.04 70.93 4.48 11.60 67.93 73.68 6.13 .28 66.45 79.90 17. 27 13. 42 96.91 11.33 0 32.42 2.13 38.80 0 37.28 43.00 0 48.78 2. 54 1.39 .03 .97 0 0 1.32 0 0 2.53 6.79 .58 0 0 2. 74 6.06 3.11 0 8.64 .67 6. 31 11.33 9.20 2.66 2.23 11.61 5.24 6.37 5.49 6.20 10.75 5.00 1.91 7.45 10.25 3.95 1.22 9.85 14.85 5.56 3.42 0 0 0 2.13 5. 41 30.12 2.22 0 0 0 0 TABULAR T SUM M ARY 141 4 . — D isp o s itio n o f m o n e y received d uring schedule yea r not used f o r current expenditure and fu n d s m ade available f o r f a m i ly use f r o m sources other than f a m i ly in co m e in schedule yea r, by econ om ic level— Continued able KANSAS C IT Y , M O .-K A N S .— W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All fami lies Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 to $600 to $500 $600 $700 $700 and over F u n d s M a d e A v a ila b le fo r F a m i l y U s e F r o m S o u r c e s O th er T h a n F a m i l y I n c o m e i n S c h e d u le Y e a r Families in survey____ ____________________ Number of families receiving funds from— Decrease in assets: Reduction in cash— On hand___ . . . ___________________ __ In checking account___________________ In savings account- ___________ ____ Sale of property: Real estate (including real estate mortgages)-----------------------------------------------Building and loan shares. _ ____ ______ Stocks and bonds __ __ ___ ________ __ Goods and chattels. _______ __ _______ Other property________________________ Insurance policies: Surrender_____ ____ ______________ Settlement_________________________ __ Receipts from outstanding loans to others. Increase in liabilities: Increase in mortgages on own home______ Increase in other mortgages______________ Increase in debts— Payable to banks______ _ ____________ Payable to insurance companies. ___ __ Payable to small-loan companies____ Payable to firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles.. ____ ___________ . . . Other goods. _ _ ________ _______ Payable to individuals___ ____ ____ Other debts____ _____ ______________ Inheritance_______ _ __________ _____ . . . 357 45 92 73 50 43 54 16 11 35 3 0 5 3 2 5 5 1 7 1 1 3 1 2 6 3 5 9 0 3 4 12 5 0 0 2 3 0 0 1 0 5 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 3 19 4 7 4 0 2 5 3 0 4 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 3 0 3 6 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 10 16 18 0 1 3 5 6 4 0 2 5 3 1 2 2 2 1 0 4 3 38 139 25 101 3 2 14 3 19 0 7 36 5 25 0 7 27 4 19 1 5 16 2 11 1 4 23 5 10 0 13 23 6 17 1 Average amount of funds received from— Decrease in assets and/or increase in liabili ties. __________ _____ ___________________ $155. 27 55. 02 __ Decrease in assets___ ____ ____ . . . Reduction in cash— 5.91 On hand.. . ____ . . . ___ 8. 34 In checking account. _______________ _ 16.94 In savings account____ _ _ ________ Sale of property: Real estate (including real estate mort 0 gages) — 2.12 Building and loan shares ___ _______ 1.09 Stocks and bonds____ . . . . . . __ . . . _ 1.69 Goods and chattels. __ . . . __________ 2. 69 Other property________________ __ . . . Insurance policies: 9. 57 Surrender.. ___________ __ _______ _ 3.50 S e ttle m e n t..._____ ____ ___ _______ 3.17 Receipts from outstanding loans to others. 100. 25 Increase in liabilities______________________ 2. 22 Increase in mortgages on own home______ Increase in other mortgages_________ _____ .27 Increase in debts— 2. 98 Payable to banks________ . . . . 7. 22 Payable to insurance companies . ______ 5. 40 Payable to small-loan companies. _ Payable to firms selling on installment plan: 24.15 Automobiles____ . . . _______ _____ Other goods.. . . . __ . . . __ _ _ . . . 31.18 8. 92 Payable to individuals___ _______ _ __ 17.91 Other debts. _______ _________________ 3. 77 Inheritance_________________ _ . . . . . . Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 324. $75. 39 $118. 41 $124. 37 $154.08 $173. 98 $312. 66 64. 33 119. 48 33.49 28.19 40. 85 59.10 4.11 0 9. 62 9. 08 1. 52 13. 64 6.93 4.11 7.46 1.00 2.00 13.70 2. 32 30. 81 15. 57 8.06 20. 63 45. 54 0 0 3. 33 5. 31 0 0 2.05 0 1.96 .28 0 0 0 2.12 0 0 0 0 .40 0 0 0 0 .24 0 0 10. 52 4. 45 0 17.31 3. 71 0 2.11 47. 20 .41 0 4.17 8.15 0 77. 56 2. 23 0 3. 56 6. 85 2. 46 90. 88 2. 47 0 42.00 0 0 94. 98 0 1.92 0 1. 56 6.78 4.81 10. 45 3. 63 0 5. 55 9. 30 10.26 4. 66 6.91 2. 56 2. 56 1. 58 0 14. 75 3. 67 1.44 12. 78 2.06 22.17 0 5.95 26. 02 9. 85 14. 62 0 20.11 28. 42 7. 41 17. 62 .62 27. 65 26.48 5. 56 11. 54 10.00 21.38 39. 56 19. 65 22. 36 0 78. 51 56. 69 9. 66 22. 72 14. 81 1. 44 8. 23 0 0 13.95 4. 74 109. 65 193.18 0 7.18 0 0 142 T WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION 4.— D isp o s itio n o f m o n e y received during schedule yea r not used f o r current expenditure and fu n d s m ade available f o r f a m i ly use f r o m sources other than f a m i ly in co m e in schedule y e a r , by econ om ic level— Continued able KANSAS C IT Y , M O -K A N S .—NEGRO FAM ILIES All fami lies Item Econom ic le v e l— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 D isp o s itio n o f M o n e y R e c e iv e d D u r i n g th e S c h e d u le U se d fo r C u rren t F a m ily E x p e n d itu r e Year Average amount of funds disposed in— Increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities________ ____ Increase _ _ _ in _ assets _________ _ Increase in cash— __ ________________ __ On hand _ _____ In checking account _ _ ____ ___ __ In savings account____________ __ _____ __ ____ _ __ Investment in: Improvements in own home__ __ _ __ _____________ Other real estate (including real estate mortgages) _ __ Building and loan shares _ _________ __________ _ _____ Stocks and bonds______________ _ __ _ ___ _ ______ __ Other property._ _ _ _ ____ __ _________ ___ __ Payment of premiums for insurance policies: Life insurance__ __ _ __ _____ ___ __________________ __ Annuities____________ __ __ __ _____________ _____ Increase in outstanding loans to others_____________ __ __ Decrease in liabilities____ ________ _ _ _ _______ ____ Payment on principal of mortgages and down payment on own home____________ ________ ___________________ Payment on principal of other mortgages___________ __ __ Payment of debts to— Banks _ _ _________________________ _____ ___ Insurance companies______________ ____________ ________ Small-loan companies___________________________________ Firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles_________________ ____ ___________ ___ Other goods. ______ _____ _ _______________ ____ Individuals. _ ___________ _______ __________________ Other__ ___________________ ________ __________________ $400 and over N ot Families in survey____________ ___ ____ ____________________ Number of families disposing of funds in— Increase in assets: Increase in cash— On hand___ _____ __ ________ ___________ ____ ______ In checking account___________ _ __ ______________ _ _ In savings account_____________________ __________ __ Investment in— Improvements in own home_________ _ _____ __ _ Other real estate (including real estate mortgages)______ Building and loan shares_____________ ________________ Stocks and bonds__________________________ _________ Other property _ __ _ _ ____ ______ __ Payment of premiums for insurance policies: Life insurance__________ _____ ___________ ________ ___ ______ Annuities__________________________ _ _ __ _ _ Increase in outstanding loans to others _ ____ ____ Decrease in liabilities: Payment on principal of mortgages and down payment on own ho m e____ _____________ _____ __ ________ - - Payment on principal of other mortgages_____________ _ _ Payment of debts to— __ Banks____ __ ____________________ ______- _____ Insurance companies__________________ ______ __ _____ Small-loan companies______ ______________ ___________ Firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles _ ____ _ _ _____ Other goods _ _ _ _ ____ _______ _____ ____ Individuals __ __ _ _ _ __ _ ______ - __ Other _ _ _ _ ______ __________ ______ ____ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 324. $300 to $400 103 32 29 42 2 1 11 0 0 3 o 1 4 2 0 4 1 2 0 0 0 o 2 1 1 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 o 0 0 0 97 8 2 30 0 1 29 3 0 38 5 1 16 2 5 0 1 0 10 2 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 16 2 2 2 4 0 1 0 5 1 1 2 7 1 0 $133.10 $97. 95 __83._26__ _ _ 72.10 _ $94. 67 79. 72 $186. 39 94.19 0 1.96 12.74 13. 56 0 5.88 2. 76 4. 37 1.99 .28 5. 53 . 55 9.00 0 0 9. 72 2.90 .81 . 12 0 1.09 0 0 0 0 0 60. 04 3. 54 .77 49. 84 60. 38 0 .91 25.85 31.14 2.74 11.96 0 0 0 0 0 2.24 1.75 2. 61 9.95 .69 0 .47 4.78 6. 67 .69 0 o o o 57. 83 4. 43 o 14.95 0 0 61.31 5. 61 1.19 92.20 o 64. 66 6. 71 o 0 0 4.17 3. 76 0 8.03 2.24 .92 0 o 2. 76 13. 76 . 14 0 TABULAR T 143 SUM M ARY 4.— D isp o s itio n o f m o n e y received during schedule yea r not used f o r current expenditure and fu n d s m ade available f o r f a m i ly use f r o m sources other than f a m i ly in co m e in schedule yea r, by econ om ic level— Continued able KANSAS C IT Y , M O .-K A N S .—NEGRO FAM ILIES— Continued Item All fami lies Economi c le v e l— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 and over F u n d s M a d e A v a i l a b l e f o r F a m i l y U s e F r o m S o u r c e s O th e r T h a n F a m i l y I n c o m e in S c h ed u le Y e a r Families in survey___________________________________________ Number of families receiving funds from— Decrease in assets: Reduction in cash— On hand____________ _ ____________ ____ ___________ In checking account___ __________ __________ ______ __ In savings account_________ __ _______________________ Sale of property: Real estate (including real estate mortgages)--------------Building and loan shares___ ___________________ ______ Stocks and bonds_____ __ _ ________ _____ _____ Goods and chattels. . . . __ __ __ . . . __ _ _ ........... . Other property_________________________ _____________ Insurance policies: Surrender_________ _ _______ . . . . . . ................ Settlement. _ _______ _______ __ __________________ Receipts from outstanding loans to others________________ Increase in liabilities: Increase in mortgages on own home_______________________ Increase in other mortgages.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __________ __ Increase in debts— Payable to banks__________ __________________________ Payable to insurance companies._ __ ___ ______________ Payable to small-loan companies_______________________ Payable to firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles________ _______ _______________________ Other goods________ ___________________ _________ Payable to individuals________ _____________ ________ Other debts. _____ ___ ______________________________ Inheritance____ _______ ___ _________________ ________ Average amount of funds received from— Decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities______________ Decrease in assets. _ _ __ ______ _ ---------------------Reduction in cash— On hand-------- -------- ------- ------------- ---------- -----In checking account.___ __ ___ ------------------------------In savings account. .__ _ ------------------------------------------Sale of property: Real estate (including real estate mortgages)-----------------Building and loan shares. __ ________ __ ---------------Stocks and bonds_____ _ . . ____ __ _ ---------------------Goods and chattels. _____ __ ___ _ -----------------------------Other property. _ __ . . . _ ___ ___ _ ___________ ____ Insurance policies: Surrender__ ______ _._ ---------- --------------------------- _ Settlement- _ _ ___ _. _ ---------------- ----------- --------Receipts from outstanding loans to others------- -----------------Increase in liabilities----------------------------------------------Increase in mortgages on own home------ ------- ----------------Increase in other mortgages......... ..................... ......................... Increase in debts— Payable to banks------------------------------------------- ---------- -----Payable to insurance companies.----------------------- -----------Payable to small-loan companies ______________________ Payable to firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles_____ _ ________ _____________________ Other goods______ _____ _______ . -------------------------Payable to individuals_________________________________ Other debts___________________________ ________ _______ Inheritance_________________________________________________ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 324. 103 32 29 42 2 1 4 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 2 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 41 4 33 0 0 11 1 16 0 0 12 0 8 0 3 18 3 9 0 $83.07 28. 60 $96. 09 31.17 $31.26 2.59 $108.93 44.64 .52 .97 3. 64 1.69 3.12 6. 25 0 0 0 0 0 4.17 0 0 14. 56 0 3. 54 0 0 0 0 11.41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35.71 0 0 1.53 3.84 0 54.47 3.69 1.54 2.58 6.12 0 64.92 11.88 4.96 2. 59 0 0 28.67 0 0 0 0 2.50 0 0 3.05 0 0 5.52 3.83 22. 99 3.13 16.79 0 0 17.06 3.12 24.85 0 0 15.05 0 8.10 0 0 4. 76 0 64.29 0 0 0 0 0 9. 40 32.98 5.28 16. 63 0 144 T WEST NORTH CENTRAL-M OUNTAIN REGION 4.— D isp o s itio n o f m o n e y received during schedule yea r not used f o r current expenditure and f u n d s m ade available f o r f a m i ly use fr o m sources other than f a m i ly in co m e in schedule yea r, b y econom ic level— Continued able M IN N EAPO LIS-ST. PAUL, M IN N .—W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All fami lies Under $300 $300 to $400 to $500 to $600 to $400 $500 $600 $700 $700 and over D isp o sitio n of M on ey R ec eiv e d D u r i n g th e S c h ed u le Y e a r N o t U s e d f o r C u r r e n t F a m i l y E x p en d itu r e Families in survey_________________________ Number of families disposing of funds in— Increase in assets: Increase in cash— On h a n d __ _ __ _____ ___________ In checking account_____ _____________ In savings account____________________ Investment in: Improvements in own hom e__________ Other real estate (including real estate _ _ _ _______ mortgages)______ Building and loan shares_______ _ ____ Stocks and bonds.. ... _ . ___ ________ ______ Other property ___ Payment of premiums for insurance poli cies: Life insurance. _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Annuities__ _____ _________ _ Increase in outstanding loans to others___ Decrease in liabilities: Payment on principal of mortgages and down payment on own h om e___ Payment on principal of other mortgages. Payment of debts to— Banks. _________________ ______ Insurance companies__ __ __ _ Small-loan companies. _ ___ _ Firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles _____ _________ Other goods______ ______ _ _ Individuals_____ ___ __ Other ^__ ___________________ _ 504 47 114 106 86 59 92 26 4 51 0 0 0 6 1 5 5 0 13 4 0 11 4 0 7 7 3 15 33 3 10 9 7 1 3 8 1 1 9 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 3 1 1 2 445 34 9 40 2 0 101 12 3 92 6 0 76 6 2 53 1 1 83 7 3 77 3 5 1 24 0 22 0 11 0 4 0 11 2 1 3 10 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 21 64 20 73 0 6 1 9 4 20 7 24 3 14 3 11 4 8 2 14 2 4 3 6 8 12 4 9 Average amount of funds disposed in— Increase in assets and/or decrease in liabili ties. ----__ _ __ ___ _ __ ______ $174. 58 Increase in assets. ______ ___ ______ 115. 21 Increase in cash— On hand . ________ _______________ 4. 02 In checking account_______ ______ _ .76 In savings account___,_ _ _______ 13.28 Investment in: Improvements in own home. _ __ _ . . . 11.23 Other real estate (including real estate mortgages)_____ __ ________ ___ 5. 36 Building and loan shares___ . _______ .28 Stocks and bonds____________________ .40 Other property. __ ___________ ________ .25 Payment of premiums for insurance poli cies: Life insurance. _____ ________ ____ __ 73.86 Annuities___ . . . ____ __ 3. 98 Increase in outstanding loans to others. __ 1.79 Decrease in liabilities___ ________________ 59. 37 Payment on principal of mortgages and down payment on own h om e_____ . . . 24.98 Payment on principal of other mortgages. .67 Payment of debts to— Banks_______________ ________________ .31 Insurance companies__________________ .56 Small-loan companies. _ - _____________ 1. 21 Firms selling on installment plan: 8.02 Automobiles___,__ __ __ ----------------Other goods_________________________ 9.17 2. 87 Individuals_____ _ ___ ___ ___ __ .__ 11.58 Other _______ __ __ _________ _______ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 324. $134. 43 $179. 51 $152. 01 $182. 42 $136. 13 $232. 33 78. 92 103. 68 101. 23 129. 32 109. 78 154. 49 2.88 0 16.80 4. 23 3. 86 22.83 12. 46 .36 15. 77 6.24 0 0 .03 0 0 0 1.03 14. 67 1. 52 2.17 .41 71. 67 3. 01 0 50.78 78.86 4. 30 2. 79 53.10 86.16 .86 1.69 26. 35 79.92 5. 79 3. 32 77. 84 37.74 0 28. 99 0 16.14 0 8. 39 0 26.00 2. 48 0 0 5. 97 0 .08 .77 0 0 1. 32 1.80 0 0 0 2.05 0 0 1.63 1.09 0 9.99 1.06 16.17 6.22 11.02 5. 23 14. 77 2.23 9.64 2. 08 6. 52 11.23 4. 41 1.74 17.78 3. 35 3. 73 1.86 6. 97 21.03 13.88 3. 48 8. 25 0 0 0 7. 72 .26 6.80 2.19 0 10.02 4. 13 0 20. 51 9.19 12.98 11. 39 0 0 0 . 18 4. 52 0 0 .03 2. 83 0 0 .12 68. 87 .68 0 55. 51 62. 94 6.16 2.27 75. 83 20.02 2.30 145 TABULAE SUMM ARY T 4.— D isp o s itio n o f m o n e y received during schedule yea r not used f o r current expenditure and fu n d s m ade available f o r f a m i ly use f r o m sources other than f a m i ly in co m e in schedule ye a r , by econ om ic level— Continued able M IN N EAPO LIS-ST. PAUL, M I N N —W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All fami lies Under $300 $300 to $400 to $500 to $600 to $500 $400 $600 $700 $700 and over F u n d s M a d e A v a ila b le fo r F a m i l y U se F r o m Sou rces O th er Than F a m ily In com e in S ch ed u le Y e a r Families in survey. ________________________ Number of families receiving funds from— Decrease in assets: Reduction in cash— On hand _____ _ _________________ In checking account_______ ______ .. In savings account___________________ Sale of property: Real estate (including real estate mortgages)_______________________________ Building and loan shares__ ______ _ Stocks and bonds. _ __________ ______ Goods and chattels. ________________ Other property.______ ________ _ ._ __ Insurance policies: Surrender_____________________________ Settlement____ . . . _____ _____ __ _. . . Receipts from outstanding loans to others. Increase in liabilities: Increase in mortgages on own home. Increase in other mortgages________ . . . . Increase in debts: Payable to banks . . . __ _____ _ __ Payable to insurance companies._ . . . Payable to small-loan companies . . . Payable to firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles____ ______ . . . _____ Other goods______ . . . __ _______ Payable to individuals __ . . . Other debts__ ________ . . . _____ Inheritance _____ ___ ___ 504 47 114 106 86 59 92 25 9 91 1 0 3 5 0 14 5 2 15 6 2 22 3 1 15 5 4 22 3 0 3 6 5 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 2 24 7 13 2 0 0 10 0 2 2 0 3 0 2 2 2 2 2 8 3 4 5 5 1 0 3 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 12 26 34 0 0 2 2 4 13 1 7 9 4 4 3 4 6 2 1 5 5 45 156 39 166 5 1 16 5 19 0 9 33 10 39 2 5 28 9 45 0 7 19 4 21 0 6 20 4 20 2 17 40 7 22 1 Average amount of funds received from— Decrease in assets and/or increase in liabili ties________________ ________________ _ $158. 08 65. 53 Decrease in assets _____ ____ _ _ ___ . . . Reduction in cash— On hand _________ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8.31 In checking account___ _______ __ . . . 5. 52 In savings account______ 31. 63 Sale of property: Real estate (including real estate mort .32 gages)— Building and loan shares______ ._ ___ 0 Stocks and bonds _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ ._ 1.15 _____ ____ 1.28 Goods and chattels____ .79 Other property. _ ___ ___ ___ __ ----Insurance policies: 6. 74 Surrender___ ____ __ _____ _ . . _. Settlement________________ ________ 8. 05 Receipts from outstanding loans to others. 1.74 92. 55 ______ _ _ Increase in liabilities. ___ 2. 51 Increase in mortgages on own home. Increase in other mortgages—. ___ __ _ 3.05 Increase in debts— 2. 96 Payable to banks______ ___ _ _ .__ _ Payable to insurance companies . _ ___ 8. 66 Payable to small-loan companies___ 5. 51 Payable to firms selling on installment plan: 13.17 Automobiles. ______ ____________ _ Other goods_______________ __ 23.46 6. 79 Payable to individuals___________ __ Other debts___________ _________ _____ 26. 44 1.19 Inheritance-_______ __ _. . . . Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 324. $63. 55 $111. 83 $114. 85 $148.17 $210. 07 $288. 21 80. 44 79.81 151. 80 29. 47 36. 03 5. 60 .96 0 1.16 8.07 0 8. 74 6. 32 2.59 21. 96 12. 94 1. 38 47.24 9. 32 1.36 35. 17 9.70 25.12 69. 85 1.06 0 0 0 1. 06 0 0 1. 75 .10 1.10 0 0 .42 1. 53 . 16 0 0 2. 67 0 0 0 4.04 .85 1. 09 0 3.64 1. 36 9. 27 2. 01 0 57. 95 4. 26 .44 82. 36 7.36 1.20 78. 82 2.16 5.46 3.27 1. 93 2. 82 7.27 .28 5.24 8. 23 6. 92 8. 72 3.40 7. 54 38.51 4. 36 2.17 5. 08 4. 07 .50 14.16 6. 81 28.95 0 8. 53 20. 30' 9. 34 24. 81 1. 97 8.04 16.90 5.75 26. 76 0 10. 74 12. 55 2. 25 23.15 0 18. 85 33.80 7. 37 19.83 5. 08 29. 94 43. 24 8. 68 32. 80 .80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12. 85 3.20 67. 73 0 0 0 1. 88 3.73 20. 06 20. 76 18. 78 1. 68 4. 58 130. 26 136. 41 0 0 0 10.43 146 T W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 4 . — D isp o s itio n o f m o n e y received during schedule yea r not used f o r current expenditure and fu n d s m ade available f o r f a m i ly use fr o m sources other than f a m i ly in com e in schedule yea r, by econ om ic level— Continued able ST. LOUIS, M O.—W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All fami lies Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 and over D isp o s itio n o f M o n e y R ec eiv e d D u r i n g th e S ch ed u le Y e a r N o t U s e d F o r C u r r e n t F a m i l y E x p en d itu r e Families in survey_______________________ _ _ Number of families disposing of funds in— Increase in assets: Increase in cash— On hand_________ _______ _______ In checking account_____ _ ___ In savings account________ ___ __ ___ Investment in— Improvements in own hom e___ ______ Other real estate (including real estate mortgages)____________ ________ Building and loan shares. _____________ Stocks and bonds______________________ Other property________________________ Payment of premiums for insurance poli cies: Life insurance___________ __ _ _ . . . Annuities_____________ __ _____ • Increase in outstanding loans to others___ Decrease in liabilities: Payment on principal of mortgages and down payment on own home___ Payment on principal of other mortgages. Payment of debts to— Banks____ . . . ___________ ______ __ Insurance companies________ ._ Small-loan companies_____ _ _ _ __ Firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles______________ _ ______ _ ... . Other goods____ ____ ______ Individuals________________ __ _ _ . . . Other___________________________ ___ 401 54 65 94 62 42 84 7 1 49 0 0 3 0 0 5 3 0 8 1 0 7 3 0 7 0 1 19 19 1 1 3 5 4 5 4 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 385 21 12 52 2 0 61 3 1 90 9 3 57 4 4 42 0 1 83 3 3 37 7 6 2 4 0 12 1 5 1 3 2 7 1 1 3 16 0 1 3 1 0 2 0 0 8 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 9 45 18 18 1 4 2 2 0 6 2 5 2 13 7 5 3 9 1 3 1 7 3 2 2 6 3 1 Average amount of funds disposed in— Increase in assets and/or decrease in liabili $187. 22 ties._____ _____________ ________ 141. 65 Increase in assets_____________________ _ Increase in cash— 1. 47 ... . . On hand______ __________ .75 In checking account________ . . . 22.12 In savings account_______ _ _ ______ __ Investment in— 4. 66 Improvements in own home____ __ . . . Other real estate (including real estate 1.18 mortgages)______ ___________ ___ .48 Building and loan shares.. _______ . . . Stocks and bonds______ . . . ____ __ .30 .07 Other property____________ ________ Payment of premiums for insurance poli cies: 106.44 Life insurance._________ _ ___ 2.24 Annuities__________________ ._ _ _ . . 1.94 Increase in outstanding loans to others___ Decrease in liabilities.______ . . . . . . . . __ 45.57 Payment on principal of mortgages and 16.18 down payment on own home_____ __ 3.40 Payment on principal of other mortgages. . Payment of debts to— .06 Banks. __________ _ . __________ ____ Insurance companies.. ___________ . . . .79 Small-loan companies________________ 2.83 Firms selling on installment plan: 4.19 Automobiles_________________________ 10.86 Other goods___ _______ __ . . . . . . . 4.28 Individuals.__ _ ______ ____ _____ __ . . 2.98 Other___________ ._ _______ ______. . . Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 324. $142. 67 $140.16 $198. 36 $176. 29 $245.19 $219. 05 110. 39 114. 69 144. 04 131. 48 177. 91 169. 48 0 0 .76 0 0 8. 38 3.09 0 12.39 .77 .65 0 10.49 6.19 0 63. 08 0 3. 57 45.70 4. 57 7. 77 6. 57 6.35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.84 .97 1.94 0 2.86 0 0 0 .29 1. 57 0 .34 105. 03 2.25 0 32.28 103. 82 1.34 .38 25. 47 116. 96 5. 01 2.02 54. 32 98.54 2. 09 4.19 44.81 5.90 1.40 9.00 0 21.24 5.96 14. 21 2.90 9.19 4. 67 27.62 4.18 0 3.70 4.74 .38 0 1.91 0 0 4. 58 0 0 1.19 0 1.19 5.95 0 .79 0 4. 22 7.13 3.89 1. 30 0 6.62 2.54 5.02 4.19 11. 50 3.72 3.13 6.10 13. 07 1. 61 5. 73 10. 36 24.10 10.00 1. 82 2.91 7. 59 5.62 .86 1.85 .50 0 0 0 96.92 108.18 0 1.04 2.29 2.44 67. 28 49. 57 TABULAR T 147 SU M M AR Y 4 . — D isp o s itio n o f m o n e y received during schedule yea r not used f o r current expenditure and fu n d s m ade available f o r f a m i ly use f r o m sources other than f a m i ly in co m e in schedule ye a r , by econ om ic level— Continued able ST. LOUIS, M O —W H IT E FAM ILIES—Continued Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Item All fami lies Under $300 $300 to $400 to $500 to $400 $500 $600 $600 to $700 $700 and over F u n d s M a d e A v a ila b le F o r F a m ily U s e F r o m S o u r c e s O th er T h a n F a m i l y I n c o m e in S c h e d u le Y e a r Families in survey________ _______ _ __ Number of families receiving funds from— Decrease in assets: Reduction in cash— On hand______ __ _ _________ _____ In checking account___ _____________ _ In savings account_____________________ Sale of property: Real estate (including real estate mortgages)-----------------------------------------------Building and loan shares____ _____ Stocks and bonds_________ ________ __ Goods and chattels.______ . . . Other property______ _____ ______ . . . Insurance policies: Surrender_____ ____ ______ __ _ _ . Settlement________________ _ . . . . . . Receipts from outstanding loans to others. Increase in liabilities: Increase in mortgages on own home___ . Increase in other mortgages ___________ Increase in debts— Payable to banks.__ _______________ . . Payable to insurance companies______ Payable to small-loan companies ___ Payable to firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles__________ ____________ Other goods __________ _ __________ Payable to individuals_____________ . Other debts___________________________ Inheritance________________________________ 401 54 65 94 62 42 84 8 5 63 1 0 3 1 1 5 3 1 11 2 0 14 0 1 9 1 2 21 0 0 6 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 4 3 0 35 6 8 6 1 2 6 1 1 8 0 0 9 0 1 3 1 0 3 3 4 5 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 25 37 0 4 4 0 8 6 0 8 14 0 1 4 0 0 3 0 4 6 30 103 22 132 2 3 13 6 24 0 2 18 4 21 1 6 26 3 30 0 5 18 5 16 1 3 11 0 13 0 11 17 4 28 0 Average amount of funds received from— Decrease in assets and/or increase in liabili ties. _____ . . . . -------- ---------- ---------- --- $152.47 Decrease in assets________________________ 68.18 Reduction in cash— On hand______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ __ 1.83 In checking account.___ __________ 2. 86 In savings account _________ _______ _ 30.48 Sale of property : Real estate (including real estate mort 0 gages)----- 1----------------------------- -------___ 0 Building and loan shares__ __ 7. 62 Stocks and bonds. _ _____ __ ___ Goods and chattels__ ____ _______ _ .96 Other property________________________ 0 Insurance policies: 12.01 Surrender___ ______ _________ ________ 10.49 Settlement________ __________ ______ _ Receipts from outstanding loans to others _ 1.93 84.29 Increase in liabilities______ _________ _ ___ Increase in mortgages on own home. 4. 70 Increase in other mortgages. _____ _ . . . .23 Increase in debts— 0 Payable to banks----- ------------- -------6.74 Payable to insurance companies_____ _ Payable to small-loan companies_______ 8. 30 Payable to firms selling on installment plan: Automobiles___________ ______ __ 15.78 23.83 Other goods_________________________ 7.05 Payable to individuals_________ ____ Other debts_____ ___________ _____ .__ 17. 66 2.54 Inheritance_______________ ________ ____ _ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 324. $108. 25 $113.19 $117.49 $155. 73 $163. 33 $242.64 42. 75 33.75 36.00 76.85 90.84 129.51 1.39 0 4. 30 2. 31 3.08 11.48 1.79 3.19 17.40 3.06 0 51.33 0 1.19 46.01 1.78 7.08 53.60 0 0 0 3.77 0 0 0 0 .31 0 0 0 0 1.13 0 0 0 9.52 .02 0 0 0 31.62 .48 0 19. 65 15.74 1.67 65. 50 3. 70 0 9. 25 .78 3.08 79.44 10. 46 0 13. 31 0 0 81.49 3.19 0 21.14 0 .19 78.88 0 1.49 0 6. 61 2.50 0 20.37 9.02 0 6.27 12.64 0 .97 4.69 0 0 6.64 0 4.42 10.11 5.10 16.43 8. 65 22. 51 0 2. 26 21. 35 3. 35 12.63 6.46 10.56 23.34 1.68 23.81 0 18. 70 28.72 12. 77 11.54 9.68 25. 61 25.55 0 14.69 0 31.87 26.60 14.17 17. 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 6. 62 3. 76 27.48 25.59 0 5.60 72.49 113.13 0 8.40 0 0 148 T W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 4 . — D isp o s itio n o f m o n e y received d uring schedule yea r not used f o r current expenditure and fu n d s m ade available f o r f a m i ly use fr o m sources other than f a m i l y in co m e in schedule ye a r , by econom ic level— Continued able Item St. Louis, M o —Negro fam ilies Economic level — Families spending per expenditure All unit per year fami$300 $400 lies Under and to $300 $400 over Salt Lake City, Utahi—White families All fami lies Economic level — Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over D i s p o s i ti o n o f M o n e y R ec eiv e d D u r i n g th e S c h e d u l e Y e a r N o t U s e d f o r C u rren t F a m ily E x p e n d itu r e Families in survey________________ 106 210 54 28 72 29 27 51 55 No. families disposing of funds in— Increase in assets: Increase in cash— 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 On hand____________________ 3 0 1 1 1 1 2 In checking account................ 0 0 0 0 11 1 18 In savings account__________ 3 2 2 7 7 7 Investment in— 12 4 2 3 3 0 0 Improvements in own home.. 0 0 Other real estate (including 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 real estate mortgages)______ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Building and loan shares____ 2 1 0 1 0 0 Stocks and bonds____ ______ 0 0 0 4 Other property______________ 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 Payment of premiums for in surance policies: 180 41 26 102 27 48 55 Lifie insurance_______________ 27 58 2 1 1 0 Annuities______ _______ __ 3 0 4 0 7 Increase in outstanding loans to 4 2 2 others__________ _ __ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Decrease in liabilities: Pymt. on principal of mortga 7 12 3 1 2 0 47 10 18 ges and down pymt. on home.Payment on principal of other 1 1 3 1 0 0 2 0 mortgages______ _____ ___ 0 Payment-of debts to— 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Banks__________ ___ ___ 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Insurance companies___ ____ 4 0 2 1 2 2 0 0 1 Small-loan companies______ Firms selling on installment plan: 2 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Automobiles_______ 1 14 1 30 6 18 5 8 5 Other goods___ ____________ 1 2 1 1 2 1 Individuals_________________ 0 0 0 21 1 Other________________ 4 3 13 3 3 0 0 Av. amount of funds disposed in— Increase in assets and/or decrease $105. 41 $127. 43 $76. 45 $108. 65 $154. 27 $112. 73 $112. 59 $202.34 $191.54 in liabilities____ ________ 84.61 85.86 61.90 95.95 Increase in assets________________ 96.75 59.64 70.88 129. 96 132. 57 Increase in cash— 1. 31 .40 .42 6.46 0 .89 1.06 On hand_________ __________ .37 13.24 0 .05 0 0 2.79 0 1.25 7.19 In checking account_________ .10 15. 61 .19 15.20 4.89 15.33 10. 37 49.13 In savings account________ 11.50 15.66 Investment in— 6.42 9.04 0 9.28 3. 34 15.16 0 0 0 Improvements in own home— Other real estate (including 0 0 13.68 0 0 39.89 0 0 0 real estate mortgages)___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Building and loan shares____ 0 0 0 0 Stocks and bonds____ ____ 0 .25 0 .73 0 0 0 . 18 1.99 4. 21 0 0 Other property_____________ 0 0 2.66 0 0 Payment of premiums for insur ance policies: 64.15 66.74 61.34 64.22 Life insurance.................. ......... 50.77 38.47 49.64 51.83 73.23 0 Annuities___________________ 3.46 3.19 .55 0 2.45 0 1.97 . 17 Increase in outstanding loans to .94 3.39 others. _________ ____ ______ 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.37 57. 52 53.09 41. 71 72. 38 58.97 Decrease in liabilities____________ 20.80 41.57 14.55 12.70 Pymt. on principal of mortga 0 35. 61 40.11 29.36 36. 35 37.23 3.65 3.57 10.61 ges and down pymt. on home.. Payment on principal of other 0 1.82 2.01 0 3.81 0 3.09 0 mortgages_____________ .79 Payment of debts to— 0 0 0 0 .23 0 0 0 .67 Banks___ __ ________________ 4. 36 0 .12 2. 35 0 0 0 1.49 0 Insurance companies____ ____ 5.94 0 1.16 .30 1.17 0 Small-loan companies________ 1.57 0 2.27 Firms selling on installment plan: .32 0 0 0 0 2.58 .56 16.70 0 Automobiles________________ 12.41 25.04 .63 11.72 7. 55 4.79 8.38 11.85 .48 Other goods_________________ .41 0 .22 0 .40 .53 0 .98 .19 Individuals____________________ 7.02 1.20 2.80 16. 34 0 0 6.89 1.81 1.85 Other........................ ................. . Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 324. TABULAR T SU M M AR Y 149 . 4 — D isp o s itio n o f m o n e y received during schedule yea r not used f o r current exp en d itu re and fu n d s m ade available f o r fa m i ly u se f r o m sources other than f a m i ly in co m e in schedule yea rt b y econ om ic level— Continued able St. Louis, Mo.—Negro families—Continued Item All fam ilies Economic level— Families spend ing per expendi ture unit per year Un der $300 $300 to $400 $400 and over Salt Lake City, Utah—White fami lies—Continued All fami lies Economic level — Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over F u n d s M a d e A v a ila b le fo r F a m ily U se From S o u r c e s O th er Than F a m ily I n c o m e in S c h ed u le Y e a r Families in survey___________________ 28 106 27 51 210 54 72 29 55 Number of families receiving funds from— Decrease in assets: Reduction in cash— On h a n d ..................... ................... 1 0 0 1 12 3 3 1 5 In checking account____________ 0 0 0 4 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 In savings account______________ 4 2 22 11 2 6 3 Sale of property: Real estate (including real estate mortgages)___________________ 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 Building and loan shares_______ 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 Stocks and bonds_______________ 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 Goods and chattels_____________ 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 Other property____________ . . . 0 0 0 0 7 0 5 2 0 Insurance policies: 2 11 Surrender____ _________________ 3 0 1 5 1 2 3 Settlement____________________ 1 0 0 1 2 3 1 0 0 Receipts from outstanding loans 0 0 to others________________________ 1 1 6 1 0 5 0 Increase in liabilities: 0 Increase in mortgages on own home0 11 2 0 0 3 6 0 1 0 0 increase in other mortgages_______ 1 1 0 0 1 0 Increase in debts— Payable to banks______ ______ 0 0 2 0 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 1 11 2 4 0 2 Payable to insurance companies . 3 1 1 4 Payable to small-loan companies. 2 4 18 7 5 2 Payable to firms selling on in stallment plan: 1 0 4 5 11 0 2 7 Automobiles__________________ 2 8 45 11 72 16 31 Other goods__________________ 26 17 8 2 3 0 1 23 3 11 1 Payable to individuals__________ 8 19 7 6 51 13 Other debts__________ __________ 6 15 16 7 2 1 0 Inheritance___________ __________ 1 0 0 0 0 0 Average amount of funds received from— Decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities_________________________ $85.37 $54. 55 $88.72 $100. 50 $153. 38 $93. 60 $130.80 $197. 70 $197. 47 Decrease in assets__________________ 57.81 29. 94 54. 37 76. 87 68. 87 12.19 8. 57 4.84 18.05 Reduction in cash— On hand_______________________ .66 0 0 8.43 9.10 6. 64 11.09 3.96 1. 37 41.38 In checking account____________ 0 15. 20 0 6 0 0 7. 33 0 In savings account______________ 15. 53 9.25 22. 91 12.54 20.64 5.66 8. 57 1.48 6.27 Sale of property: Real estate (including real estate mortgages)___________________ 0 0 0 0 4. 26 6.38 0 7. 65 0 .11 Building and loan shares_______ 0 0 .59 0 0 3.96 0 0 Stocks and bonds____ ___________ 0 0 0 0 3. 32 0 11.28 1.06 0 .55 .24 0 .24 Goods and chattels_____________ 0 .49 0 0 .40 3. 86 1. 55 24.10 Other property__________ _______ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Insurance policies: 1.80 0 3.36 3.12 4.36 2.81 .27 8.48 Surrender........ .......... ........... ......... 1.96 .32 7.84 .85 .38 0 Settlement___ ______ ___________ 3.77 0 0 0 Receipts from outstanding loans .06 0 0 .12 2.94 0 10.35 .67 0 to others________________________ Increase in liabilities_____ __________ 73.18 45.98 83.88 82.45 95.58 63. 66 76.43 120.83 128. 60 Increase in mortgages on own home0 0 0 0 14.58 11.14 11.61 25.30 0 1.42 0 2.94 3.25 0 0 23. 57 0 0 increase in other mortgages_______ Increase in debts— .69 .85 Payable to banks----------------------0 0 0 0 1.37 0 0 8.83 12.48 0 6.10 1.29 3.88 Payable to insurance companies . .31 0 1.23 .89 3.33 5.54 7. 77 1.16 16.12 Payable to small-loan companies . 2.71 3. 37 3. 51 Payable to firms selling on in stallment plan: 27.78 28.92 11.62 0 1. 57 22. 07 26.38 Automobiles_________________ 20.99 0 22. 04 14. 03 24.95 28.44 15. 53 29.69 10.88 26.80 41. 55 Other goods__________________ 2.62 9. 66 2. 61 16. 45 13. 46 1.18 .49 Payable to individuals.................. 1.23 0 22.09 25.97 14.46 20.20 34.03 4.49 Other debts____ _____ __________ 16.83 34. 21 22.12 11.48 0 0 0 0 0 7. 35 6.46 0 Inheritance________________ ______ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 324. 150 W EST NORTH T able 5. — C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N D esc rip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , by in co m e level D EN V E R , COLO.—W H IT E FAM ILIES Income level—-Families with annual net income of— All fami lies Item D istr ib u tio n $600 to $900 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 to to to to to and $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 over b y O c c u p a tio n o f C h ie f E a r n e r and by F a m ily T y p e 1 Families in survey_________________________ Number of families in which chief earner is— Clerical worker_____ _____ ________ ____ Skilled wage earner________________ ___ Semiskilled wage earner______________ __ Unskilled wage earner___ __ ___________ Number of families composed of— Man and wife---------------------------------- . . Man, wife, and 1 child _____________ ___ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 children . ________ Man, wife, and 5 or more children 2____ _ Man, wife, and children and adults (4 to 6 persons) 2________ ____ ___________ __ Man, wife, and children and adults (7 or more persons) 2___ _____ _________ ___ ______ __ Man, wife, and 1 adult_______ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 adults____________ _ Man, wife, and 5 or more adults________ Adults (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife)_______________ . _________ _ Adults (4 or more persons, not including man and wife)_______________ ______ Adult or adults, and children (2 or 3 per sons, not including man and wife) ___ Adult or adults, and children (4 or more persons, not including man and wife) _ _. 2 2 295 21 65 59 57 72 12 9 141 61 70 23 4 3 10 4 25 11 18 11 32 7 16 4 28 16 12 1 38 23 10 1 8 0 2 2 6 1 2 0 90 55 55 2 6 2 5 0 21 14 12 0 12 13 10 1 20 12 11 0 24 14 15 1 4 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 21 1 2 7 5 3 3 0 3 32 10 0 0 2 0 0 1 7 1 0 0 8 3 0 1 4 3 0 1 6 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 3 1 0 20 4 7 4 1 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 279 1 4 1 2 4 3 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 58 0 2 0 0 2 3 56 1 0 0 0 2 0 55 0 1 0 1 0 0 68 0 1 1 1 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 295 3.15 21 3.00 65 3.00 59 3.31 57 3.13 72 3. 20 12 3.45 9 2.98 3 19 2 4 0 2 0 0 0 4 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 6 0 0 0 5 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.14 .81 2.33 2. 92 3.00 .82 2.18 2. 71 2.96 .73 2.23 2. 74 3.30 .87 2.43 3.07 3.15 .76 2.39 2.94 3.19 •&6 2.23 2.96 3.39 .37 3.02 3.26 3. 00 .44 2. 56 2.90 .11 .09 .13 .04 .12 .10 .31 D istr ib u tio n b y N a tiv ity o f H o m e m a k e r Number of families having no homemaker. _ Number of families having homemaker born in— United States... _ _____ __________ __ __ I t a ly -______ ____________________________ Germany__________ _ ______________ _ Canada (not French)______ _____________ Ireland__ __ . . . . . ---------------------------Sweden. _ _ _ _ ----------- -----------------------Other----- ------------- ----- -----------------------C o m p o sitio n o f H o u se h o ld Number of households______ ______ _____ Average number of persons in household___ Number of households with— Boarders and lodgers______ ______________ Boarders only.................. . . . --------------------Lodgers only____ ______ ______ ______ Other persons___ ____ _________ _____ __ Average size of economic family in— Persons, total------------- . . _. . . . . . _ Under 16 years of age___ ______________ 16 years of age and over______ __________ Expenditure units_______________________ Average number of persons in household not members of economic family______ _ 0 1 “ Children” are defined as persons under 16 years of age. “ Adults” are persons 16 years of age and over. 2 Families of these types were included in the 1917-19 study, “ Cost of Living in the United States,” B. L. S. Bull. No. 357, 1924. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. TABULAR T able 5.— 151 SU M M AR Y D e sc r ip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , by in co m e level— Continued D E N V E R , C O L O —W H IT E F AM ILIES— Continued Income level—Families with annual net income of— Item All fami lies $600 to $900 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 to to to to to and $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 over E a rn in g s and In c o m e Families in survey. __________________ ____ Number of families having— Earnings of subsidiary earners____ _______ Net earnings from boarders and lodgers.. . Other net rents.. _____________ . . . ____ Interest and dividends____ ________ ______ Pensions and insurance annuities...... ......... Gifts from persons outside economic family--------------------------------------------------Other sources of income__________________ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses)__________________________ Surplus (net increase in assets and/or de crease in liabilities)_________ __ _ . . . Deficit (net decrease in assets and/or in crease ii liabilities)____ . . . -----------------Inheritance________ ________ _________ Average number of gainful workers per family___________________________________ Average amount of— Net family income............... ........................ Earnings of individuals. ______________ Chief earner_______ _________________ Subsidiary earners__________________ Males: 16 years and over_____________ Under 16 years.. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Females: 16 years and over_______ __ Under 16 years_______ ._ Net earnings from boarders and lodgers. Other net rents____ ______________ ____ Interest and dividends___ _________ . . . Pensions and insurance annuities______ Gifts from persons outside economic family_________ _______ . . . _____ __ Other sources of income_____________ _ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses) . . . . . . . ___ __ •Surplus per family having surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in lia bilities)______________ _______________ Deficit per family having deficit (net de crease in assets and/or increase in liabil ities)______________ __________________ Net change in assets and liabilities for all families in survey._________ ___________ Inheritance. . . . _ ______________ _____ 3 65 59 57 72 12 9 5 2 0 0 1 13 6 3 6 3 15 1 3 2 0 18 6 2 5 2 7 5 5 3 4 9 3 2 1 2 7 0 1 0 0 18 12 1 1 7 0 5 2 3 1 2 5 0 2 0 1 5 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 13 31 36 40 57 8 8 78 0 8 0 24 0 14 0 14 0 13 0 4 0 1 0 1.29 1.24 1.20 1.32 1.42 1.11 1.80 1.89 $793 $1,061 $1,331 $1,626 $1,906 $2,219 760 1,036 1,312 1,591 1,828 1,899 717 990 1,238 1,441 1, 778 1,465 43 46 74 150 50 434 517 890 1,109 1,441 1, 733 1,502 0 0 1 0 0 0 146 243 202 150 95 397 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2 20 9 7 53 2 4 0 5 14 63 4 0 4 1 5 21 4 17 41 3 0 101 $2,709 2, 665 1,809 856 1,664 0 1,001 0 0 11 0 0 $1, 510 1, 457 1,344 113 1, 268 (3) 189 0 12 9 4 17 Less than $0.50. 21 74 23 16 17 12 193 Notes on this table are in appendix A p. 326. 5 3 9 5 7 °— 39------- 11 295 4 8 -1 191 6 1 (8) 65 2 0 -1 83 6 8 -2 127 4 5 7 0 83 0 33 0 0 —1 0 204 258 251 503 (8) 198 159 148 268 175 246 189 493 +73 0 -2 0 0 -1 5 0 +14 0 +100 0 +160 0 +104 0 +392 0 152 W EST T able 5.— NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N D e sc r ip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , b y in co m e level— Continued KANSAS C IT Y , M O .-K A N S —W H IT E FAM ILIES Income level—Families with annual net income of— All fami lies Item D istr ib u tio n by O c c u p a tio n and by F a m ily of $500 to $900 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 to to to to to and $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 over C h ie f E a r n e r T ype 1 Families in survey. ---------------------------------Number of families in which chief earner is— Clerical worker____ _________ Skilled wage earner______________________ Semiskilled wage earner----------- ------------Unskilled wage earner— _ . . . -------------Number of families composed of— Man and wife___ . . . ---------------------------Man, wife, and 1 child 2_______________ __ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 children 2 Man, wife, and 5 or more children 2 ___ __ Man, wife, and children and adults (4 to _____ ___________ 6 persons)2 _ _ . . . Man, wife, and children and adults (7 or more persons)2__ _ . . . _ ... ... Man, wife, and 1 adult______ . . . ____ Man, wife and 2 to 4 adults. __________ Man, wife and 5 or more adults. _________ Adults (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife) . ---------- - - - - - - - Adults (4 or more persons, not including man and wife). ______ ___________ _____ Adult or adults and children (2 or 3 per sons, not including man and wife) __ Adult or adults and children (4 or more persons,, not including man and wife)__ 357 35 85 91 76 41 15 14 122 81 114 40 10 4 13 8 21 12 36 16 32 21 29 9 32 21 18 5 21 11 9 0 3 7 4 1 3 84 66 68 3 15 1 5 0 13 24 17 0 16 20 22 1 21 10 12 2 15 9 7 0 2 0 3 0 2 2 2 o 44 2 8 12 10 5 2 5 5 39 14 0 1 3 2 0 1 10 1 0 1 9 2 0 0 10 5 0 0 2 1 0 2 3 2 0 0 2 1 0 b 5 1 26 5 8 8 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 7 4 4 2 2 5 31 1 0 1 2 0 0 80 3 0 1 0 1 0 88 1 1 1 0 0 0 68 2 3 1 0 0 2 40 0 0 0 0 1 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 2 13 0 0 0 0 •0 1 357 3. 54 35 2.88 85 3.34 91 3.69 76 3. 55 41 3.40 15 4.86 14 4. 25 48 4 4 19 2 1 1 0 6 2 0 3 14 1 1 4 8 0 0 5 10 0 0 4 5 0 1 2 3 0 1 1 3.37 .97 2.40 3.11 2.82 .57 2. 25 2. 59 3.27 .99 2.29 3.00 3. 51 1.17 2.34 3.23 3.41 .91 2.50 3.16 3.08 .81 2.27 2.90 4.46 1.20 3. 26 4.14 3.78 1.00 2. 78 3.58 .19 .11 .08 .20 .16 .35 .42 .47 D istr ib u tio n b y N a tiv ity o f H o m e m a k e r Number of families having no homemaker.. Number of families having homemaker born in— United States------ _ ------- ----------------G erm any._____________________ ______ Poland. ______ ___________ -- . . . ------Russia_____ __ ._ ______________ ________ Ireland.. ----- --- ---------------- ---------------Sweden_______ __ __________ . . ---------Other___ __________ _____ __ . -------------C o m p o s itio n o f H o u se h o ld Number of households_____________________ Average number of persons in household___ Number of households with— Boarders and lodgers_____________ _ . . . Boarders only __ ------------- ------------------Lodgers only------- --------------------------- ----Other persons_______________ __________ Average size of economic family in— Persons, total----------- ---------------------------Under 16 years of age__________________ 16 years of age and over _ ____________ Expenditure units_________ _ . . . ---------Average number of persons in household not members of economic family. ____________ 1 “ Children” are defined as persons under 16 years of age. “ Adults” are persons 16 years of age and over. 2 Families of these types were included in the 1917-19 study, “ Cost of Living in the United States,” B. L. S. Bull. No. 357, 1924. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. TABULAR T able 153 SU M M AR Y 5 . — D esc rip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , b y in co m e level— Continued KANSAS C IT Y , M O .-K A N S .—W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Income level—■Families with annual net income of— Item an All fami lies $500 to $900 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 to to to to and to $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 over E a r n in g s an d In c o m e Families in survey________ ______________ Number of families having— Earnings of subsidiary earners___________ Net earnings from boarders and lodgers. __ Other net rents______ ___________ ________ Interest and dividends____ ______ ________ Pensions and insurance annuities________ Gifts from persons outside economic family_________________________ _____ Other sources of income_____ _____ _______ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses)____ __ _______ __ ___ __ Surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities)_________ __ _ ___ Deficit (net decrease in assets and/or in crease in liabilities)__ __ __ Inheritance________________ __ __ _ _ __ Average number of gainful workers per family____________ ____ _________ ________ 357 35 85 91 76 41 15 14 105 50 13 14 17 7 4 1 1 4 19 6 3 3 3 28 15 3 4 3 26 7 4 3 3 8 8 0 1 2 8 6 2 0 1 9 4 0 2 1 24 14 1 3 10 3 6 2 3 4 1 2 2 0 1 0 22 0 5 5 6 5 0 1 202 12 50 45 43 28 13 11 151 3 23 0 33 2 45 0 32 1 13 0 2 0 3 0 1. 33 1.20 1.23 1. 32 1.10 1. 66 1. 93 1. 78 $757 $1, 055 $1,353 $1, 656 $1, 919 $2, 228 721 1,040 1,344 1,618 1,854 2,108 707 1,007 1,247 1,462 1, 764 1, 636 14 33 97 156 90 472 886 1,172 1, 403 1, 691 1,843 511 1 0 0 0 0 0 152 210 171 215 163 265 2 0 0 0 0 0 8 21 15 34 8 41 1 1 0 2 10 15 1 1 0 (3) (8) (3) 21 4 3 8 28 20 $2, 690 2, 563 1, 830 733 1,895 0 668 0 100 0 13 26 Average amount of— Net family income.__ ______________ _. $1,443 Earnings of individuals____ _______ 1,407 Chief earner. ___ _________________ 1,281 Subsidiary earners___________________ 126 Males: 16 years and over_____________ 1, 204 Under 16 years.. __ ______ (3) Females: 16 years and over ________ 203 Under 16 years_____________ (3) Net earnings from boarders and lodgers. 21 4 Other net r e n t s ..____ __ ___________ Interest and dividends___ __ ____ __ 1 Pensions and insurance annuities______ 11 Gifts from persons outside economic family. __ ___ ________ __ ________ 5 Other sources of income______ ______ 3 Deductions from income (business losses -9 and expenses)_______ ___ _________ Surplus per family having surplus (net in crease in assets and/or decrease in lia bilities) ____________ ______ ____ __ . . . 170 Deficit per family having deficit (net de crease in assets and/or increase in lia 158 bilities) _____ ______ _______ . . . . Net change in assets and liabilities for all +29 families in survey_____________________ 4 Inheritance.. ._ . . . ______ _ _ _ __ 3 Less than $0.50. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 2 4 3 1 0 -4 59 104 4 1 -2 2 161 3 9 3 3 -7 -3 183 247 44 0 2 0 0 -1 4 193 354 116 116 161 221 159 394 52 -5 6 0 +16 6 + (3) 0 +10 11 +118 0 +115 0 +267 0 154 W EST NORTH T able 5. — C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N D escrip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , b y in co m e level KANSAS C ITY , MO -K A N S .—NEGRO FAM ILIES Income level—Families with annual net income of— Item All fami lies $500 to $600 $600 to $900 $900 to $1,200 $1,200 to $1,500 $1,500 to $1,800 $1,800 and over D istr ib u tio n by O c c u p a tio n o f C h ie f E a rn e r and by F a m ily T y p e 1 Families in survey____________________ _. _ Number of families in which chief earner is— Clerical worker_________________________ _ Skilled wage earner _______ __________ Semiskilled wage earner___ _______ __ Unskilled wage earner____ ____ ____ ___ Number of families composed of— Man and wife_____________________ ____ Man, wife, and 1 child________ ____ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 children.__ . . . Man, wife, and 5 or more children. -------Man, wife, and children and adults (4 to 6 persons). __________ . . . ______________ Man, wife, and children and adults (7 or more persons) _ . . . . _________ _________ Man, wife, and 1 adult. _________________ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 adults_____________ Man, wife, and 5 or more adults__________ Adults (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife)___________ _____________ ____ Adults (4 or more persons not including man and wife).. . . __________________ Adult or adults and children (2 or 3 persons not including man and wife)__________ . Adult or adults and children (4 or more persons not including man and wife)------ 103 6 25 40 21 6 5 4 4 25 70 1 0 0 5 1 0 4 20 1 0 10 29 1 1 8 11 0 1 2 3 0 2 1 2 37 15 8 5 3 0 1 0 13 3 2 1 11 7 4 3 8 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 11 0 1 7 2 0 1 2 15 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 0 0 3 0 0 5 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 D istr ib u tio n b y N a tiv ity o f H o m e m a k e r Number of families having no homemaker. . Number of families having homemaker born in United States________________ ________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 103 6 25 40 21 6 5 103 3.51 6 2.69 25 2.89 40 3. 97 21 3.41 6 3.98 5 3.80 6 0 12 4 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 5 1 2 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 3.34 .96 2.38 3.06 2.46 .63 1.83 2.23 2. 79 .79 2.00 2.57 3.81 1. 33 2.48 3. 46 3.18 .62 2. 56 2.96 3. 66 1.17 2.49 3. 34 3. .JO 3.36 .18 .25 .08 .17 .25 .33 .22 C o m p o sitio n o f H o u se h o ld Number of households------ -------- --------------Average number of persons in household___ Number of households with— Boarders and lodgers____________ ______ Boarders only...... ............... . -------------Lodgers only_________________ __________ Other persons____________ ____ _____ ____ Average size of economic family in— Persons, total.------------------------ ------------Under 16 years of age----------------------------16 years of age and over... . . . . . ----- — Expenditure units---------------- ------------------Average number of persons in household not members of economic family__________ 3.60 .eo 1“ Children” are defined as persons under 16 years of age. “ Adults” are persons 16 years of age and over. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. TA B U LA R T able 5.-— D e sc r ip tio n S U M M A R Y 155 o f fa m ilie s studied, b y in com e level —Continued KANSAS CITY, MO.-KANS.—NEGRO FAMILIES—Continued Income level— Families with annual net income of— Item All fami lies $500 to $600 $600 to $900 $900 to $1,200 $1,200 to $1,500 $1,500 to $1,800 $1,800 and over E a rn in g s and In co m e Families in survey________________________ _ Number of families having— Earnings of subsidiary earners. ............. ....... Net earnings from boarders and lodgers___ Other net rents_____ __________________ . Interest and dividends___________________ Pensions and insurance annuities. ________ Gifts from persons outside economic family. Other sources of income__________ ________ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses)________________________ Surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities)___________________ Deficit (net decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities)___ ______ . . . . . _____ _______ Inheritance_____________ Average number of gainful workers per family____________________________________ 103 6 25 40 21 6 5 36 14 3 2 2 2 6 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 7 1 0 0 1 1 1 14 5 1 2 0 1 3 10 4 1 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 •0 0 0 1 7 0 1 3 2 1 0 63 4 15 21 16 5 2 37 0 2 0 7 0 19 0 5 0 1 0 3 0 1.42 1.00 1.28 1.42 1.52 1.67 1.80 $562 548 548 0 358 0 190 0 12 0 0 2 $751 746 729 17 664 0 82 0 4 0 0 1 $1,034 1,016 936 80 945 2 69 0 14 2 1 0 $1, 342 1, 327 1,153 174 1,153 0 174 0 16 (3) 0 0 $1, 573 1, 522 1,209 313 1,251 0 271 0 52 0 0 0 $2,172 1,953 1,527 426 1,861 0 92 0 37 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 180 Average amount of— Net family income______ . . . . . . _________ $1,086 1,061 Earnings of individuals_____________ .._ 952 Chief earner_____ ______ _______ __ 109 Subsidiary earners----------------------------947 Males: 16 years and over------------------1 Under 16 years__________ . 113 Females: 16 years and over___________ 0 Under 16 years--------------------15 Net earnings from boarders and lodgers.. 1 Other net rents___ _____________ ____ __ Interest and dividends_____ ___________ (3) Pensions and insurance annuities---------(3) Gifts from persons outside economic family_______________________________ (3) 11 Other sources of income. _________ Deductions from income (business losses -2 and expenses)_____ _ .. . _____ _ Surplus per family having surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in 128 liabilities) _________ __________ _______ Deficit per family having deficit (net decrease in assets and/or increase in 79 liabilities)______ ____________ ... ... Net change in assets and liabilities for all +50 families in survey______________________ 0 Inheritance----------------------------- -----------------3 Less than $0.50. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 0 0 0 50 00 1 -1 44 00 5 -4 90 -3 -1 184 191 0 659 16 48 97 97 133 27 +20 +15 0 +1 0 +122 0 +137 0 +248 0 0 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION 156 T able 5. — D esc rip tio n o f fa m ilie s studied, by in co m e level—Continued M IN N EAPO L IS-ST . PAUL, M IN N .—W H IT E FAM ILIES Income level— Families with annual net income of— All fami lies Item D istr ib u tio n by O c c u p a tio n of E a rn er and by F a m ily T y p e $600 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 $2,700 $3,000 to to to to to to to to and $900 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 $2,700 $3,000 over C h ie f 1 Families in survey_________ __ _______ Number of families in which chief earner is— Clerical worker.__ ------------------------Skilled wage earner------------------------________ Semiskilled wage earner. Unskilled wage earner______________ Number of families composed of— Man and wife ________ _________ Man, wife, and 1 child 2____________ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 children 2_____ Man, wife, and 5 or more children 2__ Man, wife, and children and adults (4 to 6 persons) 2__________________ Man, wife, and children and adults (7 or more persons) 2____ . . . . __ Man, wife, and 1 adult... . . . _____ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 adults________ Man, wife, and 5 or more adults____ Adults (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife). . ____________ . . . Adults (4 or more persons, not includ ing man and wife)_____ ______ Adult or adults and children (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife) ____________ _____ __________ Adult or adults and children (4 or more persons, not including man ____ . and w ife)______ _______ 504 27 101 128 111 78 40 8 6 5 172 126 139 67 8 1 7 11 36 14 32 19 27 32 47 22 45 33 23 10 39 19 17 3 10 18 10 2 1 4 3 0 3 3 0 0 3 2 0 0 113 91 118 6 7 6 1 0 25 29 25 2 36 25 28 1 23 16 31 2 14 13 20 0 7 2 10 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 57 1 5 15 17 10 5 3 0 1 8 47 27 0 0 2 0 0 0 7 1 0 3 8 6 0 1 14 3 0 0 9 8 0 3 6 4 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 24 10 5 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 7 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 425 7 4 2 4 3 2 24 1 32 22 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 89 0 1 0 0 0 1 5 0 5 113 1 0 0 3 2 0 6 1 2 88 2 1 2 0 0 0 6 0 12 67 1 1 0 1 1 0 4 0 3 33 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D istr ib u tio n b y N a tiv it y o f H o m e m a k e r Number of families having no home maker_______ __ _______ _______ _ Number of families having homemaker born in— United States _ ____________ _ __ Germany___________________________ Poland _ _ _ ______ _ ___________ Bussia.. __________ __ _____ . . . Canada (not French)____ __________ England. _ _______ _________ ._ Ireland... _____ _ _ . . . . ___ . . . Sweden__________ _____ ______ . . . Canada (French)____ _____ ________ Other ____ ___ _______________ C o m p o sitio n o f H o u se h o ld Number of households________________ Average number of persons in house hold__________________________ ____ _ Number of households with— Boarders and lodgers . . _________ Boarders only . . . _______ ______ Lodgers only ________ ______ ... Other persons ______ _________ . . . Average size of economic family in— Persons, total______ _____ ___________ Under 16 years of age______ __ . . . 16 years of age and over___________ Expenditure units.. _______. . . . _. Average number of persons in house hold not members of economic family. 504 27 101 128 111 78 40 8 6 5 3.68 2.59 3. 35 3. 57 3. 76 3.86 4.34 5. 21 4.44 5. 76 77 4 17 51 0 0 2 1 12 0 2 9 18 2 6 12 17 2 2 11 18 0 4 10 9 0 0 6 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 3.51 1. 06 2.45 3. 23 2.53 .31 2.22 2.34 3.25 1. 07 2.18 2.94 3.42 1.03 2.39 3.11 3.65 1.27 2.38 3.32 3.60 1.06 2.54 3.36 4.01 1.26 2.75 3. 75 4.50 .62 3.88 4.27 4.50 1. 33 3.17 4. 38 5.58 .40 5.18 5. 77 .21 .06 .12 .21 .16 .31 .35 .75 0 .23 i 1 “ Children” are defined as persons under 16 years of age. “ Adults” are persons 16 years of age and over. 2 Families of these types were included in the 1917-19 study, “ Cost of Living in the United States,” B. L. S. Bull. No. 357, 1924. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. TA B U LA R T able 5.— 157 S U M M A R Y D escrip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , by in co m e level— Continued M IN N EAPO LIS-ST. PAUL, M IN N .—W H IT E FAM ILIES—Continued Income level—Families with annual net income of— Item All fami lies $600 to $900 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 $2,700 $3,000 to to to to to to to and $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 $2,700 $3,000 over E a rn in g s and In co m e Families in survey________ ___ Number of families having— E arn in g s of su b sid ia ry earners______ _ ______ Net earnings from boarders and lodgers____________ _ Other net rents_____________ Interest and dividends_____ Pensions and insurance an nuities______________ _ _ _ Gifts from persons outside economic family__________ Other sources of income_____ Deductions from income (business losses and ex penses) ___________________ Surplus (net increase in as sets and/or decrease in lia bilities)___________________ Deficit (net decrease in as sets and/or increase in lia bilities)___________________ Inheritance_____ __ _________ Average number of gainful workers per family_______ __ 504 27 101 128 111 78 40 154 5 19 37 33 23 89 30 79 2 0 1 12 2 15 24 5 17 20 8 17 18 8 20 5 21 7 4 5 9 6 6 3 0 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 19 0 3 2 2 5 6 0 1 0 5 1 6 3 14 4 9 2 9 5 3 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 57 0 11 18 10 13 5 0 0 0 299 14 51 70 73 51 26 7 4 3 197 5 12 1 46 0 56 2 38 1 26 1 14 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 1.40 1.19 1.23 1.32. 1.35 1.37 1.75 2.38 2.33 3.0 $824 $1,064 $1, 337 $1,651 $1,908 $2, 246 $2,516 $2,852 $4,154 814 1,053 1,304 1, 610 1,833 2,074 2,440 2,804 4,052 799 1,022 1, 239 1,490 1,686 1,744 1, 718 1, 872 1,699 15 120 330 722 31 65 147 932 2. 353 513 946 1,199 1,505 1,707 1,867 1, 773 1,932 1,991 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (3) 301 0 107 0 101 4 105 0 126 0 207 0 667 0 7 0 (3) 9 1 3 23 3 2 15 10 2 32 10 4 38 15 12 73 0 3 872 0 2,061 0 0 0 75 7 0 (3) 0 1 1 7 14 85 0 20 0 3 (3) 2 7 5 6 3 9 11 6 22 0 0 25 3 0 20 0 0 0 0 (3) -5 -8 -2 -5 -6 64 63 127 151 196 284 229 214 472 157 181 200 176 193 176 26 161 496 -3 6 3 -5 0 0 -1 8 2 +39 1 +64 3 +123 0 +197 0 +89 0 +85 0 Less than $0.50. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326, 6 47 19 Average amount of— Net family income. _ _____ $1, 549 Earnings of individuals___ 1,501 1, 356 Chief earner.. ____ . . . Subsidiary earners______ 145 Males: 16 years and over. 1, 336 Under 16 years. (3) Females: 16 years and over___ _____ 164 1 Under 16 years. Net earnings from board ers and lodgers___ . . . 21 Other net rents___ ________ 6 3 Interest and dividends___ Pensions and insurance annuities. _ __ . . . ____ 11 Gifts from persons outside economic family_______ 6 Other sources of income... 6 Deductions from income (business losses and ex penses) _________________ -5 Surplus per family having surplus (net increase in as sets and/or decrease in lia bilities)_____________ _ . 151 Deficit per family having deficit (net decrease in as sets and/or increase in lia bilities)____ __ . . . __ _. _ 187 Net change in assets and liabilities for all families in survey . . . ... _ __ +16 Inheritance_______________ __ 1 3 8 158 W E S T T able 5.— N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N D esc rip tio n o f fa m ilie s studied, b y in co m e level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O —W H IT E FAM ILIES Income level— Families with annual net income of— Item All fami lies $500 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 $2,700 $3,000 to to to to to to to to and $900 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 $2,700 $3,000 over D is tr ib u tio n b y O c c u p a tio n o f C h ie f E a rn er and by F a m ily T y p e 1 Families in survey_______ __________ Number of families in which chief earner is— Clerical worker____ ______ ___ _ Skilled wage earner_________ ______ Semiskilled wage earner______ ___ Unskilled wage earner. ___ Number of families composed of— Man and wife.. ___ _ Man, wife, and 1 child 2 ___ ______ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 children 2____ Man, wife, and 5 or more children 2__ Man, wife, and children and adults ___ ____ (4 to 6 persons)2____ Man, wife, and children and adults (7 or more persons)2 ____ ____ __ Man, wife, and 1 adult __ __ _ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 adults ___ . . . Man, wife, and 5 or more adults . Adults, not man and wife (2 or 3 persons) ___ ___ . ___ _ _ _ Adults, not man and wife (4 or more __ __ persons) __ _______ Adult or adults, not man and wife, and children (2 or 3 persons) ______ Adult or adults, not man and wife, and children (4 or more persons)___ 401 29 64 98 100 66 27 6 6 5 117 95 141 48 5 2 11 11 13 10 27 14 23 18 47 10 32 24 38 6 31 20 10 5 9 12 5 1 2 3 0 1 0 6 0 0 2 0 3 0 98 68 55 4 10 4 6 1 16 12 9 0 26 22 14 0 20 17 16 2 20 9 8 1 5 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 48 0 6 5 15 12 6 2 2 0 12 45 18 1 0 1 0 0 1 8 2 0 3 14 1 0 4 15 6 0 1 5 3 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 4 0 1 1 0 0 30 3 5 9 3 4 3 1 0 2 9 1 2 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 361 4 10 1 1 1 3 17 23 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 57 2 0 0 0 1 0 3 90 0 3 0 1 0 1 2 91 0 3 0 0 0 1 4 60 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D istr ib u tio n b y N a tiv ity o f H o m e m a k e r Number of families having no home maker _____ _ ___ _ . Number of families having home maker born in— United States_____ _ __ _ _ Italy____ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ Germany________ ____ __ ___ _ ___ P olan d .___ _ Russia___________ ___ England. __ ______ Ireland... ___ __ ____ _ _ Other___ __ ______ _ _____ C o m p o sitio n o f H o u se h o ld Number of households.. _ _ Average number of persons in house hold________________________________ Number of households with— Boarders and lodgers___ _ ___ ___ _ Boarders only______ _ __ Lodgers only___ _ ________ _ ___ Other persons______ ___ __ Average size of economic family in— Persons, total___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Under 16 years of age ________ __ 16 years of age and over___________ Expenditure units. _ ______ _ _ Average number of persons in house hold not members of economic family. 401 29 64 98 100 66 27 6 6 5 3.66 3.07 3.43 3.36 3. 70 3.78 4.14 4.00 5. 56 4. 58 64 3 5 14 1 0 0 0 8 1 1 0 18 1 0 4 16 0 3 5 14 0 0 3 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 3.48 .90 2. 58 3.22 3.05 .95 2.10 2.74 3.30 .85 2.45 3. 01 3.20 .82 2.38 2.95 3.67 1.08 2. 59 3.40 3.53 .94 2. 59 3. 27 3.92 .74 3.18 3.72 4.00 .67 3.33 3. 80 5.20 .33 4.87 4.90 4.20 .60 3.60 4.18 .20 .03 .14 .18 .24 .30 .25 .39 .40 0 1“ Children” are defined as persons under 16 years of age. “ Adults” are persons 16 years of age and over. 2 Families of these types were included in the 1917-19 study, “ Cost of Living in the United States,” B. L. S. Bull, No. 357. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. TA B U LA R T able 5. — 159 S U M M A R Y D e sc r ip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , by in com e level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O .—W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Income level— Families with annual net income of— Item All fami lies $500 to $900 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 $2,700 $3,000 to to to to to to to and $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 $2,700 $3,000 over E a r n in g s an d In c o m e Families in survey____________ Number of families having— Earnings of subsidiary earn ers_______ ____________ Net earnings from boarders and lodgers_______________ Other net re n ts.______ __ . Interest and dividends______ Pensions and insurance an nuities_________ . . . ___ Gifts from persons outside economic family________ Other sources of income. . _ Deductions from income (business losses and ex penses) ______________ . _ Surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities)___ ______ ___ Deficit (net decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities). . . ___________ Inheritance.. _ _______ . . . . Average number of gainful workers per family_______ 29 64 98 100 66 27 156 7 23 32 39 23 60 29 182 0 5 8 10 4 26 14 6 45 15 5 46 12 4 33 401 6 5 16 5 6 5 6 4 14 0 0 3 2 0 4 1 1 3 25 1 4 5 7 3 1 3 1 0 59 24 6 2 12 2 16 3 10 6 14 7 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 48 1 4 12 16 12 0 1 1 1 252 12 37 62 66 43 4 5 4 145 2 15 0 26 0 35 0 34 2 23 0 8 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1.49 1.31 1.38 1.38 1.47 1.45 1.93 2.00 2. 50 3.00 Average amount of— Net family income__________ $1, 552 Earnings of individuals___ 1,491 Chief earner __________ 1, 308 Subsidiary earners. __ 183 Males: 16 years and over. 1,268 Under 16 years. _. (3) Females: 16 years and over _ _ _ 223 Under 16 years. (3) Net earnings from board ers and lodgers________ 28 9 Other net rents. 8 Interest and dividends _ _ Pensions and insurance annuities._. _ __ . . . 8 Gifts from persons outside economic family___ _____ 7 6 Other sources of income___ Deductions from income (business losses and ex -5 penses)___ __ _____ __ Surplus per family having surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in 164 liabilities)_____ _________ Deficit per family having deficit (net decrease in assets and/or increase in 189 liabilities).. _ _ . . . ___ Net change in assets and lia bilities for all families in +35 survey-----------------------------3 Inheritance. ________ __ . . 19 $770 $1,055 $1, 345 $1, 632 $1, 923 $2, 241 $2, 488 $2, 786 $3, 429 742 1,014 1,299 1,575 1,839 2,141 2,375 2, 681 3, 329 727 948 1,197 1,405 1,661 1,672 1,799 1,786 1, 628 170 102 15 178 469 66 576 895 1,701 553 776 1,102 1,395 1,674 1,739 2,165 2, 365 2,072 0 0 0 0 0 (3) 0 (3) (3) 189 (3) 238 0 197 0 180 0 165 0 402 0 210 0 316 0 1,257 0 0 11 2 23 7 3 22 11 6 27 5 7 46 7 14 41 21 9 0 0 21 84 0 11 21 17 68 2 5 6 12 2 8 88 9 0 8 5 4 1 7 7 6 13 12 (3) 21 0 17 0 5 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 3 _ (3 ) -2 (3) -6 -7 -4 -6 61 80 141 166 262 184 245 182 346 152 158 204 176 198 350 170 32 219 -5 4 0 -1 8 0 10 +16 +50 10 +102 0 +25 0 +107 0 +147 0 +233 0 * Less than $0.50. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 6 160 W ES T T able 5.— N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N D e sc r ip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , by in co m e level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O .—N EGR O FAM ILIES Income level—Families with annual net income of— All fami lies $600 to $900 D istr ib u tio n by O c c u p a tio n o f C h ie f E a r n e r F a m ily T y p e 1 and $900 to $1,200 $1,200 to $1,500 and $1,500 over by Families in survey_________________________________ Number of families in which chief earner is— Clerical worker__________________________________ Skilled wage earner____ _________________________ Semiskilled wage earner________________________ Unskilled wage earner___________________ _______ Number of families composed of— ___ __________________ Man and wife________ Man, wife, and 1 child 2______ ________________ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 children 2_____ ___________ Man, wife, and 5 or more children 2___ _________ Man, wife, and children and adults (4 to 6 persons)2. Man, wife, and children and adults (7 or more per sons)2____ __ . ---------------------------------------------Man, wife, and 1 adult_______________________ . Man, wife, and 2 to 4 adults___ _ _______________ Man, wife, and 5 or more adults_________________ Adults (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife)___________ - . . . . . . . ---------------------------Adults (4 or more persons, not including man and wife)_________ . . . ---------------------------------------Adult or adults and children (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife) _. ____________________ Adult or adults and children (4 or more persons, not including man and wife)-------------------- --------- 106 25 37 28 16 3 5 19 79 0 0 2 23 0 2 8 27 2 2 8 16 1 1 1 13 31 10 12 0 7 7 2 1 0 2 13 4 4 0 2 7 2 5 0 3 4 2 2 0 0 5 21 4 0 1 5 0 0 3 8 0 0 0 6 3 0 1 2 1 0 11 6 2 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 1 2 D istr ib u tio n by N a tiv ity o f H o m e m a k e r Number of families having no homemaker__________ Number of families having homemaker born in United States... _ . . . . ---------- -------- 1 0 0 0 1 105 25 37 28 15 106 3.40 25 3.10 37 3. 30 28 3.35 16 4. 22 5 0 3 3 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 3.38 .79 2. 59 3.10 3.08 .55 2. 53 2.82 3. 26 .75 2.51 3.00 3. 27 .66 2. 61 3.00 4.31 1.44 2.87 3.90 .06 .02 .06 .10 .06 C o m p o sitio n o f H o u se h o ld Number of households----------------------- ------------------Average number of persons in household . . . . ____ Number of households with— Boarders and lodgers____________ . . ._ _________ Boarders only____ _ - . . . . -------- --------------------Lodgers only. _ . -- ------------Other persons _ . ________________________ Average size of economic family in— Persons, t o t a l .- - - ---------- ---------- -------------- --Under 16 years of age__ ___ __ . . . ---------- . 16 years of age and o v e r ...----- ---------------- . . Expenditure units. _ ------------------------------------------Average number of persons in household not mem bers of economic family. . . . . . ...... 1 “ Children” are defined as persons under 16 years of age. “ Adults” are persons 16 years of age and over. 2 Families of these types were included in the 1917-19 study, “ Cost of Living in the United States,” B. L. S. Bull. No. 357, 1924. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. TA B U LA R T able 5. — 161 S U M M A R Y D e sc r ip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , b y in co m e level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O .—NEGRO F AM ILIES— Continued Income level—Families with annual net income of— Item All fami lies $600 to $900 $900 to $1,200 $1,200 to $1,500 and $1,500 over E a rn in g s a n d In co m e Families in survey_________________ _______________ Number of families having— Earnings of subsidiary earners______ ____________ Net earnings from boarders and lodgers.......... . __ Other net rents__________ _____________________ Interest and dividends-------------------- ------------------Pensions and insurance annuities. . . . .... Gifts from persons outside economic family.. . Other sources of income__________________________ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses)______ _______________________________ Surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities)_______________________ . ___________ Deficit (net decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities)_____________________________________ Inheritance_____________ ________________________ Average number of gainful workers per family_____ Average amount of— Net family income_______________________________ Earnings of individuals_____________________ . Chief earner_____ _________________ ________ Subsidiary earners.. _ Males: 16 years and over----------------- ------------Under 16 years. ________ _ _ . . . . Females: 16 years and over__ _______ . . . . . . Under 16 years_____________ _ . . . . Net earnings from boarders and lodgers________ Other net rents.. ______________ ____ __ . . . . Interest and dividends________________ _ ____ Pensions and insurance annuities______________ Gifts from persons outside economic family____ Other sources of income._____ _______ __ _______ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses)______ _____________________________ Surplus per family having surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities) ______ . . . . Deficit per family having deficit (net decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities) Net change in assets and liabilities for all families in survey________________________ . . . . . . . . . . . . __________ . . . . Inheritance____ _ 3 Less than $0.50. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 336. 106 25 37 28 16 43 8 5 11 7 9 4 7 1 1 3 1 1 0 17 2 2 3 4 3 1 12 4 0 2 2 4 3 7 1 2 3 0 1 0 11 2 2 5 2 75 16 29 20 10 30 2 1.49 8 0 1.28 8 0 1.67 8 1 1.50 6 1 1.63 $1,162 1,145 1,014 131 1,003 1 141 (3) 5 $781 767 732 35 652 0 115 0 2 $1,029 1,016 902 114 852 $1, 336 1,301 1,157 144 1,182 (3) 119 0 9 0 (3) 3 13 13 $1, 762 1,761 1, 463 298 1, 585 0 176 0 (») 21 6 8 1 1 1 4 0 6 6 3 -1 0 -2 4 160 (3) 5 3 (*) 15 5 (3) -1 5 -3 2 0 1 0 -2 3 110 30 106 136 195 204 131 121 232 372 +20 -23 0 +57 0 +31 13 - 18 19 6 162 W E S T T able 5.— N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N D esc rip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , by in co m e level— Continued SALT LAK E CITY, U TAH —W H IT E FAMILIES Item All fami lies Income level— Families with annual net income of— $600 to $900 $900 to $1,200 $1,200 to $1,500 $1,500 to $1,800 $1,800 to $2,100 $2,100 and over D is tr ib u tio n b y O c c u p a tio n o f C h ie f E a r n e r and by F a m ily T y p e 1 Families in survey. _ _ ___ ___ _ _ Number of families in which chief earner is— Clerical worker__________ ____ . . . . . Skilled wage earner___________ _ _ ___ Semiskilled wage earner.______ _________ Unskilled wage earner___ ___ _ ___ __ Number of families composed of— Man and wife____ . . . _ . . . ______ __ Man, wife, and 1 child 2____ . . . ____ __ __ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 children 2 . _____ Man, wife, and 5 or more children 2______ Man, wife, and children and adults (4 to 6 persons)2. ______ _________________ Man, wife, and children and adults (7 or more persons)2 ______ __ __________ Man, wife, and 1 adult.__ . . . _ __ Man, wife, and 2 to 4 adults. _ ______ Man, wife, and 5 or more adults _ _ _______ Adults, (2 or 3 persons, not including man andwife)... . . ---------__ ._ . . . . Adults (4 or more persons, not including man and wife). . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Adult or adults and children (2 or 3 persons, not including man and wife)__________ Adult or adults and children (4 or more persons, not including man and wife)___ 210 35 54 53 34 25 9 100 33 60 17 16 1 11 7 26 6 17 5 22 9 19 3 18 8 7 1 12 7 5 1 6 2 1 0 35 41 49 9 8 11 3 1 7 14 15 1 11 7 17 3 4 6 6 4 4 2 7 0 1 1 1 0 28 1 8 7 6 5 1 4 9 12 0 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 3 0 2 3 1 0 0 1 5 0 1 1 1 0 17 5 5 2 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 187 1 2 3 2 13 29 0 0 1 0 5 46 0 2 0 2 2 49 1 0 1 0 2 33 0 0 1 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 4 9 0 0 0 0 0 210 3. 88 35 1. 85 54 3. 67 53 4. 08 34 4. 34 25 3. 91 9 4. 62 11 10 1 8 4 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 3. 81 1. 31 2.50 3.49 3.18 .88 2. 30 2.90 3. 68 1. 29 2.39 3. 32 3. 94 1. 49 2. 45 3. 57 4. 32 1. 74 2. 58 3. 93 3. 86 1. 08 2. 78 3. 59 4. 46 1.04 3. 42 4. 36 .08 .13 .04 . 16 .05 .06 . 18 D istr ib u tio n b y N a tiv ity o f H o m e m a k e r Number of families having no homemaker, __ Number of families having homemaker born in— United States ___ Italy.. _ ___ __ Germany. _______ ___ _ _ _ ___ England.____ ____ __ __ . . . ____ __ _ Sweden ___ ______ __ . . . ___ ____ Other ____ __ ____ ___________ ____ __ C o m p o sitio n o f H o u se h o ld Number of households____________________ Average number of persons in household____ Number of households with— Boarders and lodgers . . . ... . . . Boarders only.. _ _ _______________ _ Lodgers o n ly ___ __ _ . _________ _ . . . Other persons. _ _ _ ___________ ____ Average size of economic family in— Persons, total. _. _ ._ __ __ . . . . Under 16 years of age . _ _ _________ 16 years of age and over______ __ _ _ . . . Expenditure units____ __ _ ___ __ Average number of persons in household not members of economic family _ _ _________ 1 “ Children” are defined as persons under 16 years of age. “ Adults” are persons 16 years of age and over. 2 Families of these types were included in the 1917-19 study, “ Cost of Living in the United States,” B. L. S. Bull. No. 357, 1924. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. TA B U LA R T able 5.— 163 S U M M A R Y D esc rip tio n o f fa m ilie s stu died , b y in co m e level-— Continued SALT L AK E .CITY, U T A H —W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Item All fami lies Income level— Families with annual net income of— $600 to $900 $900 to $1,200 $1,200 to $1,500 $1,500 to $1,800 $1,800 to $2,100 $2,100 and over E a rn in g s and In c o m e Families in survey__________ ______________ Number of families having: Earnings of subsidiary earners__________ _ Net earnings from boarders and lodgers___ Other net rents . _ __________ _______ Interest and dividends- ________ _____ __ Pensions and insurance annuities_______ _ Gifts from persons outside economic family. Other sources of income ______ _______ Deductions from income (business losses and expenses)_ ___________________ __ Surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in liabilities)___ _________ . . . Deficit (net decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities)__________ _ Inheritance_____________________ _______ Average number of gainful workers per family_____ ____________ _______ . . . _____ 210 35 54 53 34 25 9 49 15 8 6 7 32 7 7 3 0 0 1 8 1 11 2 1 1 2 7 2 7 5 1 1 3 11 3 9 3 3 1 1 2 0 7 1 2 2 0 2 0 8 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 110 12 22 34 19 16 7 95 0 22 0 30 0 19 0 14 0 8 0 2 0 1.32 1.23 1.23 1.19 1. 33 1.47 2.53 $793 763 740 23 506 0 257 0 13 0 0 2 $1,037 1,012 974 38 850 0 162 0 4 2 (3) 6 $1,326 1,265 1, 221 44 1,141 0 124 0 6 11 26 $1,612 1,588 1,505 83 1,396 0 192 0 3 8 (3) 2 $1,939 1,884 1,749 135 1,704 0 180 0 9 20 7 0 $2, 483 2,373 1, 494 879 1,343 0 1,030 0 5 5 13 0 15 8 5 10 3 11 0 19 0 41 46 0 0 0 0 0 37 85 85 146 272 331 158 -8 7 0 120 -3 2 0 133 +7 0 248 -2 0 0 139 +130 0 124 +230 0 Average amount of— Net family income. _. ----- ------------------ $1,332 1, 290 Earnings of individuals_______________ 1,198 Chief earner-------------------- ---------------92 Subsidiary earners... .._ _ _ _ _ . Males: 16 years and over___ _______ 1,077 Under 16 years. ___________ 0 Females: 16 years and over____ ____ 213 Under 16 years. . . _____ 0 Net earnings from boarders and lodgers. _ 6 Other net rents----------------------- --------------6 Interest and dividends _ . ___________ 4 Pensions and insurance annuities. . . ___ 9 Gifts from persons outside economic family______ ___ ___ . . . _ 13 4 Other sources of income. _____________ Deductions from income (business losses _ (3 ) and expenses) _______ _______ ______ Surplus per family having surplus (net increase in assets and/or decrease in lia 133 bilities) ____________ ________ _____ Deficit per family having deficit (net decrease in assets and/or increase in lia 152 bilities)________________ ______________ Net change in assets and liabilities. ------+1 0 Inheritance____ _____________ ___________ 3 Less than $0.50. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. (3) fi -1 164 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-M OUNTAIN REGION T able 6 . — E x p e n d itu r es f o r grou p s o f item s , by in co m e level D E N V E R , COLO.—W H IT E FAM ILIES Income level—-Families with annual net income of— Item All fami lies $600 to $900 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 to to to to to and $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 over E x p e n d itu r e s fo r G ro u p s o f Item s Families in survey______ ____ __ _ _ ___ _ Average family size— Persons. . . . ---------------------------------- . . Expenditure units.. ._ . ----------------Food expenditure units. . ----------Clothing expenditure units----- ---------------- 295 21 65 59 57 72 12 9 3.14 2.92 2. 73 2. 57 3.00 2.71 2. 52 2. 23 2.96 2.74 2. 55 2. 37 3.30 3.07 2.86 2.74 3.15 2.94 2.74 2. 64 3.19 2.96 2.80 2.50 3.39 3.26 3.08 3. 21 3.00 2.90 2. 72 2.91 $823 $1,083 $1,315 $1, 535 $1, 755 $2,103 353 378 455 489 510 560 66 103 136 151 215 232 151 169 225 243 269 285 70 78 93 105 113 106 26 42 62 82 56 104 19 42 28 67 50 89 94 152 43 111 189 295 13 23 28 31 33 38 33 57 84 61 89 106 32 64 84 73 95 123 1 3 4 5 17 66 2 0 4 3 8 4 21 7 13 14 25 25 $2,346 632 293 266 99 97 132 330 73 93 131 3 19 23 Average annual current expenditure for— All items_________ __ ____ . . . ________ $1,445 461 Food______ . . . --------------- . . ------------154 Clothing_________________ ________ 226 Housing.. -------------------------- -------Fuel, light, and refrigeration___________ 96 Other household operation. __ . . . __ _ 62 Furnishings and equipment______ . . . . 49 Transportation____ . . . _______ ______ 144 Personal care... ___ _____ ________ 29 73 Medical care_____ ____ __ . . . . . ____ Recreation________________________ . . . 79 Education.__________________ _____ 10 Vocation____________ ________________ 5 Community welfare___________________ 18 Gifts and contributions to persons out side the economic family... . . . . . 36 3 Other items... ___ _____ __________ _ Percentage of total annual current expendi ture for— All items-------------------------------------------------Food____ ______ __ . . . . . ____ Clothing... ____ ____ . . . ______ __ . . Housing. ._ ----------------- ------- --------------Fuel, light, and refrigeration__ _______ Other household operation.__ _________ Furnishings and equipment . . . _______ Transportation____ _________ _______ . Personal care______ _______ __ _______ Medical care___________ . . . _________ Recreation. _________ ______ _ ____ Education. ____ ____ __ . . . . . . ____ Vocation____ _________ _______ _____ Community welfare_____ ______ ______ Gifts and contributions to persons out side the economic family. _ __________ Other items____ ________ ___ . . . . . 5 4 25 0 17 1 35 2 53 7 67 3 155 0 100.0 31.9 10.7 15.6 6.6 4.3 3.4 10.0 2.0 5.1 5.5 .7 .3 1.2 100.0 42.9 8.0 18.4 8.5 3.2 2.3 5.2 1.6 4.0 3.9 .1 0 .8 100.0 34.9 9.5 15.6 7.2 3.9 2.6 8.7 2.1 5.6 5.9 .3 .2 1.2 100.0 34.7 10.3 17.1 7.1 4.2 3.2 8.4 2.1 4.3 5.6 .3 .2 1.1 100.0 31.8 9.8 15.8 6.9 4.0 4.4 9.9 2.0 5.5 5.5 .3 .3 1.4 100.0 29.1 12.2 15.4 6.4 4.7 2.8 10.8 1.9 5.1 5.4 1.0 .4 1.4 100.0 26.7 11.1 13.6 5.1 4.9 4.2 14.0 1.8 5.0 5.8 3.1 .2 1.2 100.0 26.9 12.5 11.3 4.2 4.2 5.6 14.1 3.1 4.0 5.6 .1 .8 1.0 2.5 .2 .6 .5 2.3 0 1.3 .1 2.3 .1 3.0 .4 3.2 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. .1 6.6 0 TA B U L A E T able 165 S U M M A EY 6. — E x p en d itu res f o r gro u p s o f item s , b y in co m e level— Continued KANSAS C ITY , M O -K A N S .—W H IT E FAMILIES Income level— Families with annual net income of— Item All fami lies $500 to $900 $900 to $1,200 $1,200 to $1,500 $1,500 to $1,800 $1,800 to $2,100 $2,100 and over E x p en d itu r e s fo r G r o u p s o f Item s Families in survey______ __________________ Average family size— Persons_______________________ ____ _____ Expenditure units________________________ Food expenditure units___________________ Clothing expenditure units____________ __ 367 35 85 91 76 41 29 3.37 3.11 2.88 2.70 2.82 2.59 2.40 2. 23 3. 27 3.00 2.74 2. 58 3. 51 3. 23 2.99 2. 76 3. 41 3.16 2.94 2.77 3.08 2.90 2.69 2.58 4.13 3.87 3. 67 3.47 $808 295 72 138 67 33 19 76 16 30 32 3 2 11 $1, 052 358 91 189 84 39 48 103 22 39 46 6 2 10 $1, 361 433 131 199 104 57 74 146 26 65 70 11 4 16 $1, 659 481 179 231 110 79 97 221 34 67 75 12 6 24 $1,800 480 190 296 108 91 75 251 39 73 89 14 10 27 $2, 272 633 284 273 159 117 114 294 49 92 138 33 12 28 11 3 12 3 20 5 40 3 49 8 37 9 100.0 30.4 10.2 15.1 7.1 4.5 5.0 11.9 2.0 4.2 4.9 .8 .4 1.3 100.0 36.4 8.9 17.1 8.3 4.0 2.4 9.4 2.0 3.7 4.0 .4 .2 1.4 100.0 34.0 8.6 17.9 8.0 3.7 4.6 9.8 2.1 3.7 4.4 .6 .2 1.0 100.0 31.9 9.6 14.6 7.6 4.2 5.4 10.7 1.9 4.8 5.1 .8 .3 1.2 100.0 29.0 10.8 14.0 6.6 4.8 5.8 13.4 2.0 4.0 4. 5 .7 .4 1.4 100.0 26.7 10.6 16.5 6.0 5.0 4.2 13.9 2.2 4.0 4.9 .8 .6 1.5 100.0 27.9 12.5 12.0 7.0 5.2 5.0 12.9 2.2 4.0 6.1 1.5 .5 1.2 1.8 .4 1.4 .4 1.1 .3 1.5 .4 2.4 .2 2.7 .4 1.6 .4 Average annual current expenditure for— All items________________________________ $1, 421 433 Food___ _________ _________________ 145 Clothing________________ ----215 Housing.______ _________ ______ ____ Fuel, light, and refrigeration... . . . ____ 101 64 Other household operation____ . . . _ . . . Furnishings and equipment.. _________ 71 Transportation_________________________ 169 29 Personal care_______________ __________ 59 Medical care__________________________ 69 Recreation___ _____________ __ . . __ 12 Education__________________ . . . ____ 5 Vocation_______________________________ 18 Community welfare_____________ _______ Gifts and contributions to persons out side the economic family______________ 26 5 Other items______________ ____ __ Percentage of total annual current expendi ture for— All it e m s ._______________________________ Food___________________________________ Clothing______ __________ _ __________ Housing.____ __________________________ Fuel, light, and refrigeration-----------------Other household operation. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Furnishings and equipment.. Transportation_______ _________________ Personal care____ __ . Medical care___ _______ _______ ______ _ . _____ Recreation___ Education_____ _______ _ _ _ _ _ Vocation___ _ ___ __ _ ______ _____ Community welfare. ___ . _ _ ___ _ Gifts and contributions to persons out side the economic fam ily____ _ ___ Other items. _ _____ _________ _______ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 166 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T able 6. — E x p en d itu res f o r grou ps o f item s , b y in com e level— Continued KANSAS C IT Y , MO -K A N S .—NEGRO FAM ILIES Income level—Families with annual net income of— Item All families $500 to $600 $600 to $900 $900 to $1,200 $1,200 $1,500 to $1,500 and over E tp e n d itu r e s fo r G r o u p s o f Item s Families in survey_________ ____________ Average family size— Persons_________ ___________ ___ Expenditure units____________________ Food expenditure units-----------------------Clothing expenditure units------ -------Average annual current expenditure for— All items---------------------------------------------Food______ ___ ________ ____ _ Clothing____________________________ Housing___________________________ Fuel, light, and refrigeration________ Other household operation__________ Furnishings and equipment-___ __ Transportation---------------------------------Personal care_________ ___________ Medical c a r e .______________________ Recreation.. . ___ ______ __ Education _______ ______________ Vocation____________________________ Community welfare_________ _______ Gifts and contributions to persons outside the economic family......... . Other items__________________ . Percentage of total annual current ex penditure for— All items-------------------------- ----------- _ F ood _____________ . . ______ . . . Clothing. _________________________ Housing. ____ __ Fuel, light, and refrigeration — . . Other household operation____ _ _. Furnishings and equipment____ _ Transportation. . . ________ ______ Personal care___ ___ ______ ___ . . . Medical care. . . . . . . ________ . . . Recreation._______ __________ _ . . . Education ______ _________ ______ Vocation _____ _____ _______ ___ Community welfare _ _ . . . ______ Gifts and contributions to persons outside the economic family. ______ Other item s.._ . . . ____ _______ . . . 103 6 25 40 21 11 3.34 3.06 2.87 2.60 2.46 2.23 2.10 1.82 2. 79 2. 57 2. 42 2.19 3.81 3. 46 3.20 2.91 3.18 2.96 2.80 2. 58 3.63 3.35 3.20 2. 89 $1,043 356 102 141 106 42 38 81 25 48 50 2 2 17 $556 229 52 76 77 29 5 16 9 24 26 1 0 9 $737 274 70 139 71 21 18 43 18 35 34 1 0 8 $1,045 362 90 142 114 43 45 81 24 56 51 2 1 16 $1, 225 410 134 146 128 63 47 86 33 55 46 2 6 24 $1, 645 486 184 164 136 53 59 194 39 51 105 2 2 32 28 5 3 0 5 0 9 9 41 4 136 2 100.0 34.1 9.8 13.5 10.2 4.0 3.6 7.8 2.4 4.6 4.8 .2 .2 1.6 100.0 41.1 9.4 13.7 13.9 5.2 .9 2.9 1.6 4.3 4.7 .2 0 1.6 100.0 37.2 9.5 18.9 9.7 2.8 2.4 5.9 2.4 4.7 4.6 .1 0 1.1 100.0 34.6 8.6 13.5 10.9 4.1 4.3 7.8 2.3 5.4 4.9 .2 .1 1.5 100.0 33.5 10.9 11.9 10.5 5.1 3.8 7.0 2.7 4.5 3.8 .2 .5 2.0 100.0 29.5 11.2 10.0 8.3 3.2 3.6 11.8 2.4 3.1 6.4 .1 .1 1.9 2.7 .5 .5 0 .7 .9 .9 3.3 .3 8.3 .1 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 0 TA B U LA R T able 167 S U M M A R Y 6. — E x p en d itu res f o r grou p s o f item s, b y in co m e level— Continued M IN N E A P O L IS-ST . PAUL, M IN N .—W H IT E FAM ILIES Income level—Families with annual net income of— All fami lies Item $600 to $900 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 $2,700 $3,000 to to to to to to to and $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 $2,700 $3,00 over E x p e n d itu r e s fo r G r o u p o f Ite m s Families in survey____________ Average family size— __ Persons_______ _____ __ Expenditure u n its .____ __ _ Food expenditure units_____ Clothing expenditure units __ 504 27 101 128 111 78 40 8 6 5 3. 51 3. 23 2.98 2.79 2. 53 2. 34 2.16 2.09 3. 26 2. 94 2.70 2.49 3. 42 3.11 2. 84 2. 64 3. 65 3.32 3. 04 2.82 3.60 3.36 3.12 2. 88 4. 01 3. 75 3. 59 3. 29 4. 50 4.27 4. 04 4.00 4. 33 4. 38 4.06 4. 47 5.58 5.77 5. 36 6.50 Average annual current ex penditure for— All items __ ________ _______ $1, 550 488 Food_____________________ Clothing- _______ ________ 155 Housing_________ __ 246 Fuel, light, and refrigera tion_________ __ _ 137 Other household operation. 58 Furnishings and equipment. 71 Transportation----- -----------157 Personal care.. . . . 30 69 Medical care. ___________ 72 Recreation. _. . . . _ _ 9 Education— _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ 6 Vocation_______ Community welfare___ __ 18 Gifts and contributions to persons outside the eco 27 nomic family___ __ __ _ 7 Other items____ __ __ __. Percentage of total annual cur rent expenditure for— All items___________________ 100.0 31.4 Food____________________ Clothing__ _________ _____ 10.0 Housing_____________ ___ 15.9 Fuel, light, and refrigera 8.9 tion _____________ ______ 3.7 Other household operation. Furnishings and equip ment___________________ 4.6 Transportation______ _ __ 10.1 1.9 Personal care.. _________ 4.5 Medical care ___________ Recreation. . . _. ___ __ 4.6 Education.._ _ . . . ._ _. . .6 .4 Vocation_________________ 1.2 Community welfare. _ __ Gifts and contributions to persons outside the eco 1.7 nomic family. __ ______ .5 Other items___ ___ ____ $871 $1,129 $1, 371 $1, 626 $1,869 $2,132 $2, 298 $2, 768 $4,098 384 709 308 450 516 546 659 713 988 121 162 65 99 185 248 303 651 476 194 227 218 250 281 281 273 425 366 96 26 23 48 15 29 33 1 1 10 105 36 50 95 19 43 44 5 4 10 130 48 74 127 24 64 60 5 6 15 143 66 66 177 33 75 77 7 6 18 162 72 88 227 37 86 97 13 6 26 175 87 82 242 39 88 118 22 12 24 175 123 129 196 53 74 114 23 12 33 153 108 197 166 69 172 139 30 15 28 246 117 182 483 110 221 188 23 20 50 12 10 14 3 14 6 27 3 41 2 52 3 80 1 74 3 129 324 100.0 35.4 7.5 22.3 100.0 34.0 8.8 19.3 100.0 32.8 8.8 16.5 100.0 31.8 10.0 15.4 100.0 29.3 9.9 15.0 100.0 31.0 11.7 13.2 100.0 30.9 13.2 11.9 100.0 25.8 17.2 15.4 100.0 24.2 15.9 8.9 11.1 3.0 9.3 3.2 9.5 3.5 8.8 4.0 8.7 3.8 8.2 4.1 7.6 5.4 5.5 3.9 6.0 2.8 2.6 5.5 1.7 3.3 3.8 .1 .1 1.1 4.4 8.4 1.7 3.8 3.9 .4 .4 .9 5.4 9.3 1.8 4.7 4.4 .4 .4 1.1 4.0 10.9 2.0 4.6 4.7 .4 .4 1.1 4.7 12.1 2.0 4.6 5.2 .7 .3 1.4 3.8 11.4 1.8 4.1 5.5 1.0 .6 1.1 5.6 8.5 2.3 3.2 5.0 1.0 .5 1.4 7.1 6.0 2.5 6.2 5.0 1.1 .5 1.0 4.4 11.8 2.7 5.4 4.6 .6 .5 1.2 1.4 1.1 1.2 .3 1.0 .4 1.7 .2 2.2 .1 2.4 .1 3.5 0) 2.7 .1 3.1 7.9 1 Less than 0.05 percent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 5 3 9 5 7 °— 39- 12 168 W EST T able . 6— W ORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N E x p e n d itu r es f o r grou p s o f item s, by in co m e level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O .—W H IT E F AM ILIES Income level— Families with annual net income of— Item All fami lies $500 to $900 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 to to to to to and $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,100 $2,400 over E x p e n d itu r e s fo r G r o u p s of Ite m s Families in survey--------------------------------------Average family size— Persons-------------- ------- -----------------------------Expenditure units_____ __________________ Food expenditure units_____ _______ __ Clothing expenditure units __________ . . 401 29 64 98 100 66 27 17 3.48 3. 22 3.00 2.83 3.05 2. 74 2.53 2. 33 3. 30 3.01 2.78 2. 63 3.20 2.95 2.75 2. 57 3.67 3. 40 3.17 2.98 3.53 3.27 3.04 2.89 3.92 3. 72 3.49 3.43 4.4? 4. 3C $832 $1, 077 $1, 341 $1, 610 $1, 837 $2, 202 409 331 466 553 576 662 82 75 112 152 189 236 146 191 208 264 273 266 72 94 97 107 109 114 34 21 38 53 66 88 22 48 71 69 67 130 76 146 167 249 49 287 24 13 19 30 35 45 34 19 46 64 92 82 54 42 76 91 103 157 4 1 7 5 17 4 4 1 7 9 9 16 10 5 22 18 29 43 $2, 671 88? 3ie 28? 131 81 10( 281 57 171 17f ? 3] 41 Average annual current expenditure for— All items________________________________ $1, 525 518 Food___ ___________________ ________ 144 Clothing___ __________________ ________ 233 Housing-----------------------------------------------102 Fuel, light, and refrigeration___________ 50 Other household operation______ ____ __ 68 Furnishings and equipment..................... 166 Transportation______________________ 28 Personal care........ ....................................... 61 Medical care________________ _________ _ 88 Recreation_____________________________ 7 Education_____________________________ 8 Vocation_______________________________ 21 Community welfare___________________ Gifts and contributions to persons out 23 side the economic family_____________ 8 Other items_____ _____ ________________ Percentage of total annual current expendi ture for— All items_________________ _____ ______ _ 100.0 33.9 Food ________________ _ __ _________ 9.4 ____ _______ Clothing____________ 15.3 H o u s in g .____ _______________________ 6.7 Fuel, light, and refrigeration________ _ 3.3 Other household operation.._ . . . . __ 4.5 Furnishings and equipment__________ 10.9 Transportation___________________ ... 1.8 Personal care________ ____________ 4.0 Medical care________________ ________ 5.8 Recreation____ ________________________ .5 Education. _ _________ _____________ .5 Vocation______ . _ . . . _______ __ _. 1.4 Community welfare ____ ............. . Gifts and contributions to persons out 1.5 side the economic family____ ________ .5 Other items________________ _________ 1 Less than $0.50. 2 Less than 0.05 percent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 4. ie 3.91 20 0) 28 5 19 2 18 1 23 9 42 30 31 5? 100.0 39.8 9.0 17.6 8.7 2.5 2.6 5.9 1.6 4.1 5.0 100.0 37.9 7.6 17.7 8.7 3.1 4.5 7.1 1.8 1.8 5.0 .4 .4 .9 100.0 34.8 8.4 15.5 7.3 2.8 5.3 10.9 1.8 3.4 5.7 100.0 31.3 10.3 14.4 5.9 3.6 3.6 13.6 1.9 5.0 5.6 .9 100.0 30.1 10.7 12.1 5.2 4.0 5.9 13.0 2.0 3.7 7.1 .2 .7 2.0 100. c 33.1 11.? 10.? 4.1 3.1 3.7 10. £ 2. ] 6. 4 6.e 1.6 100.0 34.3 9.4 16.9 6.6 3.3 4.3 10.4 1.9 4.0 5.7 .3 .6 1.1 2.6 1.4 1.1 1.3 .1 .1 .6 2.4 (a) .5 .5 .5 .1 .1 .5 1.6 .5 1.9 1.4 2 1.’ ] 1.? 1 .4 2.1 TABULAR T able 6.— 169 SU M M A R Y E x p en d itu res fo r grou ps o f item s} b y in co m e level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O —NEGRO F AM ILIES Income level— Families with annual net income of— Item All families $600 to $900 $900 to $1,200 $1,200 to $1,500 $1,500 and over E x p e n d itu r e s fo r G r o u p s o f Item s Families in survey.________ ___________ __ __ . . . . Average family size— Persons.._____ ______ _________ ____ _________ Expenditure u n i t s ..__ ____ ______ _______ ____ Food expenditure units._ ______________ ____ . . . Clothing expenditure units. - __ ___ _ ________ Average annual current expenditure for— All items ____ _________ ______ ________ ________ Food - ___ . . . __________ _____ _________ . . . Clothing_____ . __ _____ ___ _______________ Housing__ __________________ _ ______________ Fuel, light, and refrigeration. _____ ... __ Other household operation. _____ ___ __ _____ Furnishings and equipment___________________ Transportation__ _________________ _ __ _. _. ___ Personal care______ ____________ ______ Medical care___ __________ . . ____________ ._ Recreation__ _ _. _ . _ _ _ __________ _____ Education_____ _ ____ __________________ _ Vocation__________ ______ _ ______ ______ . Community welfare..__ ____________ ______ Gifts and contributions to persons outside the economic family___ ________ . . . . . . . . __ Other items _____ _ . _ _ ________ _____ Percentage of total annual current expenditure for— All items . ____ ________ ____ __ Food______ ____ _________________ _________ Clothing____________ . . . . __________ ____ . Housing ______ _ __________ ______ ___ ____ Fuel, light, and refrigeration__________________ Other household operation. __ _______________ Furnishings and equipment__________ __ _ . . . Transportation ________ _ _____ _______ Personal care_____ _____ _____ ____ _ ____ Medical care_____ _______ __________ ______ . . Recreation____ _____ __ _ __ _ ________ ___ Education______ __ . . . . . . __ Vocation __ _____ ____________ _ __ __ __ Community welfare. ____ _______ ________ Gifts and contributions to persons outside the economic family ____________ . . _________ Other items. _ ______________ ______________ _ 1 Less than $0.50. Less than 0.05 percent. 2 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 106 25 37 28 16 3.38 3.10 2.89 2. 65 3.08 2.82 2. 65 2. 34 3. 26 3.00 2. 82 2. 58 3.27 3.00 2. 77 2. 64 4. 31 3.90 3. 63 3. 33 $1,153 383 119 183 97 37 58 106 27 48 41 2 5 16 $814 300 61 158 90 24 24 49 19 39 29 (i) 3 10 $981 365 96 165 92 26 37 58 22 47 41 1 6 15 $1,326 405 151 200 94 40 82 153 33 57 45 1 7 17 $1, 777 517 204 230 127 79 118 224 39 48 53 10 6 25 31 8 0 10 40 1 97 0 0) 0) 100.0 33.2 10.3 15.9 8.4 3.2 5.0 9. 2 2.3 4.2 3. 6 .2 .4 1. 4 100.0 36.9 7. 5 19. 5 11.1 2.9 3.0 6.0 2.3 4.7 3.5 (2) .4 1.2 100.0 37.2 9.7 16.9 9.4 2.7 3.7 5.9 2.3 4.8 4.2 .1 .6 1.5 100.0 30.5 11.4 15.1 7.1 3.0 6.2 11.6 2.5 4.3 3.4 .1 .5 1.3 100.0 29. 1 11. 5 12.9 7. 2 4.4 6. 7 12.6 2.2 2.7 3.0 .5 .3 1.4 2. 7 (2) 1.0 0 1.0 (2) 3.0 (2) 5.5 0 170 W EST T able 6 .— NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N E x p en d itu res f o r grou ps o f item s, b y in co m e level— Continued SALT L A K E C IT Y , U T A H — W H IT E FAM ILIES Income level—Families with annual net income of— Item All fami lies $500 to $900 $900 to $1,200 $1,200 to $1,500 $1,500 to $1,800 and $1,800 over E x p en d itu r e s fo r G r o u p s o f Item s 210 35 54 53 34 34 3.81 3.49 3. 25 2. 98 3.18 2.90 2.66 2.50 3.68 3. 32 3.10 2. 83 3.94 3. 57 3.33 2.94 4.32 3.93 3.68 3.32 4.02 3. 79 3. 52 3.43 $1, 339 423 163 202 99 58 56 112 31 64 56 8 6 36 $892 292 94 152 76 35 43 57 22 47 42 3 0 14 $1,080 375 129 187 77 44 35 66 26 57 43 3 4 17 $1, 334 438 149 201 103 54 57 97 31 72 64 8 8 28 $1, 632 491 205 210 121 77 79 159 40 75 62 12 13 55 $1,934 546 270 271 129 89 81 214 43 67 70 18 9 85 21 4 10 5 16 1 20 4 25 8 37 5 100.0 31.6 12.2 15.1 7.4 4.3 4.2 8.3 2.3 4.8 4.2 .6 .4 2.7 100.0 32.8 10.5 17.0 8.5 3.9 4.8 6.4 2.5 5.3 4.7 .3 0 1.6 100.0 34.7 11.9 17.3 7.1 4.1 3.2 6.1 2.4 5.3 4.0 .3 .4 1.6 100.0 32.8 11.2 15.1 7.7 4.0 4.3 7.3 2.3 5.4 4.8 .6 .6 2.1 100.0 30.1 12.6 12.9 7.4 4.7 4.8 9.7 2.5 4.6 3.8 .7 .8 3.4 100.0 28.2 13.9 14.0 6.7 4.6 4.2 11.1 2.2 3.5 3.6 .9 .5 4.4 1.6 .3 1.1 .6 1.5 .1 1.5 .3 1.5 .5 1.9 .3 Families in survey-------— ---------------Average family size— Persons..- - --- -- -------- --------------- Expenditure units___- -- ------------------Food expenditure units - - _ ----Clothing expenditure units-----------------Average annual current expenditure for— Allitems-_ ___ -- --Food— ___ - --------------------------------- Clothing.. -_- _ - ----------- - --- Housing---- --------------------------------------Fuel, light, and refrigeration— ----Other household operation.. _ _ _ ----Furnishings and equipment. ----- — Transportation.._ — —- . . . -Personal care... — -- - -------- --- Medical care... _ - - - - — ------Recreation. — ----------- --Education — ----------------- --Vocation... . . —- ---------- - - Community welfare________________ Gifts and contributions to persons outside the economic family. ----Other items. — — ------------------------Percentage of total annual current expend iture for— All items . ---------------------Food. -_ - ----------- ----- Clothing.-. ___ -_ ----------- ----------Housing--------- ------------------------- --Fuel, light, and refrigeration------ __ Other household operation. _ _ Furnishings and equipment—. __ Transportation. _ __ _ _ __ _ — Personal care--------------Medical care Recreation. ___ ___ . . ------------Education __ — _ Vocation _ ------____ Community welfare.. ----------Gifts and contributions to persons outside the economic family.. ----Other items. ___ _ _ —. _ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 172 T able W EST NO RTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN REGION 7 .— F o o d used at hom e and purchased f o r c o n su m p tion at hom e during 1 w eek in sp rin g quarter, by econom ic level D E N V E R , COLO.—W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year All fami lies Item Under $400 $400 to $600 Number of families surveyed in spring quarter____ Average number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week_____________________________________ Average number of food expenditure units 2 per family in 1 week. Number of families using in 1 week Item F o o d U se d at H o m e a n d P u r c h a se d fo r C o n s u m p t i o n at H om e in 1 W eek Grain products, total _ __ Bread and other baked goods, total . _____ _______ Bread: White______________ Gr a h a m, whol e wheat____________ Rye-----------------------Crackers.. _ ______ __ —_ Plain rolls _. _______ _ —_ Sweet rolls___ __ ________ Cookies __________ — Cakes____ ________ Pies_______ _______________ Other _ __ Ready-to-eat cereals________ Flour and other cereals, total. Flour: White______________ Graham . _______ Other___ ________ Corn m e a l.___ _______ . . . Hominy___________________ Cornstarch. _________ _ Rice______________________ Rolled oats----- ---------------Wheat cereal_______________ Tapioca____________________ Sago_______________________ Macaroni, spaghetti, noo dles— Other grain products_______ Eggs----------------------------------------Milk, cheese, ice cream, total. Milk: Fresh, whole—bottledloose___ skimmed_______ buttermilk and other_________ Skimmed, dried_______ Evaporated and con densed_____________ Cheese: American___________ Cottage_____________ Other_______________ Icecream________________ . . . 2.99 N o. N o. N o. 165 54 57 54 72 36 83 20 46 46 40 37 13 13 25 4 7 10 7 7 28 12 32 10 17 19 14 16 31 11 26 6 22 17 19 14 2.13 3.42 Average quantity pur chased per person 1 in 1 week Economic level—Fami lies spending All All per expendi fam ture unit per fam ilies year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over N o. $600 and over Lb. Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un der $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over Lb. Lb. Lb. 2.53 2.04 Average expenditure per person i in 1 week All fam ilies Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over C t. C t. C t. C t. 4.902 4. 463 5.159 5. 334 294.8 2 2 7 . 0 311. 2 393.1 44.2 37.3 46.8 53.0 2.872 2.463 3.195 3.172 1.671 1.712 1.716 1.542 29.4 23.4 32. 7 35. 5 13.6 13.8 14.1 12.’ 6 .407 .264 .511 .521 .121 .109 .101 . 178 . 141 .058 . 197 .213 .043 .020 .060 .060 .112 .038 .140 .207 .076 .065 .087 .080 .075 .032 .078 . 146 . 174 .070 .292 .200 .052 .095 .013 .025 . 110 .094 .122 .123 1.920 1.906 1.842 2.039 1.192 1.122 1.269 1.212 .004 .008 0 0 .036 .041 .040 .025 .103 .128 .038 . 142 .022 .011 .019 .046 .025 .016 .032 .032 .095 . 106 .099 .071 . 136 .130 .151 .128 .090 .054 .065 .184 .017 .013 .015 .025 .002 0 .005 0 3.4 2.3 4.2 4.2 1.0 .9 .8 1.5 2.2 1.5 2.6 2.9 .6 .3 .8 .9 2.0 .6 2.3 4.2 1.9 1.3 2.2 2.6 2.3 .9 2.9 3.8 1.7 .7 2.6 2.3 5 . 7 1.1 .2 1.9 1.8 2.2 l! 9 12.9 12.1 11.9 15. 6 5.7 5.5 5.6 6^0 0 (3) 0 (3) .3 .2 .4 .4 .5 .7 .2 .7 .2 .1 .1 .3 .2 .1 .3 .3 .9 .8 .9 .9 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.5 .8 1.3 2.9 .3 .3 .3 .4 0 .1 0 (3) .174 0 .965 5.832 4. 721 .061 0 2.1 0 14.7 30. 6 19.4 .9 0 2.4 1.5 2.3 0 0 0 12.6 15.0 18.0 25.0 32.8 37 9 15.3 22.4 22.8 1.7 .5 .2 0 0 0 77 30 26 21 106 2 8 23 9 21 50 54 51 14 1 40 2 2 16 2 -8 23 19 19 7 0 32 0 3 2 2 8 15 19 15 4 1 34 0 3 5 5 5 12 16 17 3 0 85 0 172 32 0 54 27 0 57 26 0 61 160 10 0 51 7 0 53 2 0 56 1 0 .198 0 .786 5. 352 4. 234 .364 0 7 1 1 1 2 0 4 0 .038 .012 .009 .023 .107 0 .029 0 .1 (3) (3) .1 .1 0 .3 0 87 92 25 7 39 31 34 5 3 8 31 32 9 3 13 25 26 11 1 18 .422 .135 .047 .004 .096 .377 .130 .028 .004 .059 .542 .145 .083 .004 .169 3.2 3.5 .6 .2 2.7 2.7 3.1 .3 .2 1.6 3.1 3.5 .8 .2 2.2 4.2 4.0 1.0 .2 5.2 .277 0 .669 4.687 3.401 .650 0 .109 0 .806 5.879 4.980 .213 0 .390 .134 .046 .004 .089 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 2 The number of expenditure units per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the expenditure units represented by the equivalent full-time persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. 8 Less than 0.05 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. TABULAR T able 173 SU M M A R Y 7.-— F o o d used at hom e and purchased f o r c on su m p tion at home d uring 1 week in sp rin g quarter , hy econom ic level— Continued D E N V E R , COLO.—W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Number of families using in 1 week Item F o o d U s e d at H o m e a n d P u r c h a s e d f o r C o n s u m p t i o n a t H o m e in 1 W e e k —Continued _____ Fats, to ta l__ _______ Butter_________ __ _________ Cream_______ ________ __ __ Other table fats..______________ Lard___________________________ Vegetable shortening_____ . __ Table or cooking oils___ ___ Mayonnaise and other salad dressing______ ___ _ _ ___ Bacon, smoked________ Salt side of p ork... ____ ______ Meat, poultry, fish and other sea food, total______ __ ________ Beef: Fresh: Steak, porterhouse, sirloin__________ top round . . . other... _ Roast, rib____________ chuck.. __ __ other___ . . Boiling, chuck__ ___ plate.. other. . . Canned— __________ ____ __ Corned___ __ _______ ______ Dried________________________ Other________________________ Veal: Fresh, steak, chops___ __ • roast . . . ______ . stew_____ Lamb: Fresh, chops. . . . . roast. . . stew.. ___ __ Pork: Fresh, chops. ._ loin roast ._ . . other... _ . _ Smoked ham, slices.. _. h a l f or whole___ picnic____ Pork sausage.___ ___ . Other pork ____ ____ Miscellaneous meats, total_____ Other fresh meat... . . . Bologna, frankfurters __ Cooked: H a m . . _____ _______ Tongue_____________ L i v e r ...______ . . . _________ Other meat products. _ _ _ Poultry: Chicken, broiling_____ roast________ stew. _ _ _ Turkey.. ___________ Other_____ _________ Fish and other sea food, total. _ Fish: Fresh__________________ Canned____________ . . C u re d .___________ . . . Oysters._____________________ Other sea food_______________ Economic level— Fami lies spending All per expendi fam ture unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over N o. N o. N o. N o. 161 56 31 95 46 14 44 9 14 39 14 7 53 20 9 30 15 2 64 27 8 26 17 5 92 106 3 26 33 1 32 36 2 34 37 0 Average quantity pur chased per person 1 in 1 week Average expenditure per person1 in 1 week Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Economic level— Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over All fam ilies Lb. Un der $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over Lb. Lb. Lb. 1. 361 1. 035 1. 388 1. 897 .410 .277 .454 .586 . 154 .035 . 160 .355 .056 .033 .088 .057 .224 .236 .214 .217 .084 .061 .071 . 139 .040 .057 .022 .032 . 159 .227 .007 . 120 .212 .004 . 167 .217 . 196 .294 .016 0 2. 844 2. 279 2.918 3. 725 87 57 33 64 26 15 29 5 12 3 5 13 0 50 8 4 25 7 14 68 5 4 30 15 26 16 17 12 4 14 1 5 1 1 3 0 14 4 3 4 1 2 22 2 1 8 32 19 9 21 6 6 8 3 3 2 2 6 0 23 3 1 9 3 5 25 2 1 8 40 12 8 26 8 5 7 1 4 0 2 4 0 13 1 0 12 3 7 21 1 2 14 3 1 36 2 1 0 8 2 2 1 14 0 2 59 24 1 19 3 15 7 16 1 0 6 22 6 0 7 0 5 3 4 0 0 0 16 9 1 7 0 4 3 7 0 0 38 38 2 7 6 16 15 1 2 2 12 11 1 2 2 .019 .009 .077 .007 . 187 .011 21 .092 9 .036 0 .002 5 .042 3 .004 6 .092 1 .040 5 .093 1 .020 0 0 . 182 .081 10 12 .078 0 .005 3 .009 2 .009 0 0 14 0 .343 . 181 .354 .611 .207 .242 .210 .140 . 110 . 127 .083 ..114 .391 .263 .433 .560 .135 .138 . 107 .163 .087 .069 . 115 .084 . 127 . 163 .085 . 121 .022 .008 .049 .011 .048 .053 .044 .046 .005 .010 .001 0 .008 .004 .009 .012 .011 .006 .019 .008 0 0 0 0 . 118 .097 . 155 . 105 .048 .063 .052 .018 .021 .041 .011 0 .068 .024 .053 . 163 .045 .012 .055 .089 .057 .029 .071 .087 . 164 . 150 . 178 . 170 .034 .041 .041 .014 .011 .004 . 005 .031 .058 .036 .053 . 101 .016 0 .041 .016 . 146 0 .076 .029 0 .041 0 .079 .045 .039 0 0 . 136 .082 .036 .009 .005 .004 .037 .027 .088 0 . 184 0 .086 .049 .005 .044 0 .082 .048 . 121 0 0 . 148 .071 .052 .003 .011 .011 0 0 . 126 0 .266 .046 . 127 .033 0 .043 .017 . 127 .021 . 153 .082 0 .302 .092 . 183 0 .014 .013 C t. C t. C t. C t. 35. 3 26. 5 35. 8 50. 4 13.8 9.4 15! 0 19! 9 3.0 .6 3.1 6.9 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.2 3.9 4.0 3.6 4.1 1.9 1.4 1.6 3.0 .9 1.4 .5 .8 3.3 7.0 .1 2.2 5.9 .1 3.5 6.5 .4 5.1 9.4 0 64. 2 48. 6 65. 6 89.5 9.4 5.0 2.0 8.4 2.4 1.6 1.9 .3 .6 .1 .2 .3 0 2.8 1.0 .2 1.6 1.0 .9 4.2 .8 .3 1.8 4.0 10.1 17.8 6.1 4.8 3.3 2.2 1.5 2.3 4.9 9.0 13.6 2.6 2.0 2.6 1.1 2.3 1.6 2.5 1.2 1.6 .1 .6 .2 .6 .6 .8 .2 .1 0 .1 .2 .3 .1 .5 .4 0 0 0 1.7 4.2 2.9 1.4 .9 .4 .3 .1 0 .5 1.4 3.8 .3 1.2 2.0 .4 1.1 1.6 3.8 4.5 4.7 .9 1.1 .3 .1 . 1 1.1 1.1 1.4 3.5 .5 .1 1.7 .1 4.7 .2 2.3 1.3 .1 .7 .1 2.4 1.0 2.0 .6 0 4.3 2.4 1.4 .1 .2 .2 .4 0 1.0 .3 3.6 0 2.1 .8 0 .7 0 2.2 1 .2 .9 0 0 4.0 2.5 1.2 .1 .1 .1 .9 .4 1.8 0 4.7 0 1.7 1.9 .3 .8 0 1.8 1.1 2.6 0 0 3.4 1.8 1.0 .1 .2 .3 0 0 2.9 0 6.3 .8 3.2 1.3 0 .7 .3 3.4 .6 3.2 2.5 0 5. 8 2.8 2.4 0 .4 .2 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 174 T able W EST NO RTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN REGION 7 .— F o o d used at hom e and purchased f o r con su m p tion at home d uring 1 week in sp rin g quarter, hy econom ic level— Continued D E N V E R , COLO.—W H IT E FAM ILIES—Continued Number of families using in 1 week Item Economic level—Fami lies spending All per expendi fam ture unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over Average quantity pur chased per person 4 in 1 week Average expenditure per person4 in 1 week Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Economic level— Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over All fam ilies Un der $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over F o o d U se d at H o m e a n d P u r c h a se d fo r C o n s u m p ti o n at H o m e in 1 W eek— Continued Potatoes. _ ______________ _____ Sweetpotatoes, yams_________ Dried legumes and nuts, total Dried corn_______________ . Beans: Dry---------------------------Canned, dried_______ Baked, not canned___ Peas: Black-eyed------------------Other____ ______ . . Nuts: Shelled________________ In shell____________ Peanut butter_______________ Other dried legumes and nuts.. Tomatoes: Fresh____________ Canned_______ . . . Juice___________ . . . Sauce, paste. ._ Green and leafy vegetables, total Brussels sprouts_______ •_____ Cabbage________________ . . . Sauerkraut ____ . . . _______ . . . . . ____ Collards___ Kale_________________________ Lettuce _________ _____ Spinach: Fresh________ Canned.. . . ___ Other leafy vegetables____ __ Asparagus: Fresh_______ ___ Canned. ._ . . . . Lima beans: Fresh___ _ _ __ Canned.________ Beans, snap (string): Fresh.__ Canned . Broccoli____ __ ._ _______ Peas: Fresh_____ ____________ Canned.._ ___________ Peppers_____ _____ ___ _ Okra___________ _ ________ Yellow vegetables, total. Carrots. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . Winter squash and pumpkin _ Other vegetables, total4 Beets: Fresh____ __ . . . ___ Canned_____ ____ Cauliflower._ . . . __ _ __ Celery______ _____________ Corn: On ear. _ ____ Canned... ________ __ Cucumber_____________ . . . Eggplant. __ _ _ _ _ __ __ Onions: Mature. _ ________ Spring______________ Parsnips.. _______________ Summer squash______________ White turnips___ . . . _ _ __ Yellow turnips, rutabaga____ Other vegetables______ ____ Pickles and olives_____ _ _ Citrus fruits, total______ _____ Lemons . . . __ _____ __ Oranges___ ._ _ _______ _ Grapefruit: Fresh............... . Canned__________ N o. N o. N o. 166 18 56 8 55 5 0 29 15 0 1 0 15 11 36 0 13 5 0 1 0 2 4 14 0 7 6 0 0 0 5 4 13 84 69 29 8 14 27 34 18 9 2 4 2 56 17 0 0 159 44 18 1 57 9 13 16 24 34 0 19 80 9 0 0 19 8 0 0 46 17 5 0 18 3 7 3 10 6 0 3 24 4 0 1 21 4 0 0 56 16 8 0 17 3 4 6 5 18 0 10 28 2 0 103 2 30 1 34 0 8 14 14 32 0 78 21 0 71 27 3 0 7 7 8 4 4 4 10 0 1 5 2 12 0 30 9 0 25 12 0 0 59 135 22 4 0 27 7 2 0 1 1 1 77 20 39 15 5 1 9 2 2 1 21 48 23 2) N o. Lb. 9.897 2.472 .098 .215 0 0 9 .075 4 .043 0 0 0 .005 0 0 8 .021 3 .015 9 .056 0 36 .205 24 .229 11 .090 2 .009 1.600 1 .002 16 .280 5 .065 0 0 0 0 .293 57 11 .172 5 .057 1 .001 22 .199 3 .017 2 .037 7 .034 9 .077 10 .103 0 0 6 .061 28 .194 3 .008 0 0 .280 .273 39 1 .007 .658 3 .032 5 .024 8 .037 10 .063 0 0 26 .192 .031 8 0 0 . 163 19 8 .052 1 .011 0 0 .021 4 .023 4 .009 6 55 5 18 48 39 2 Lb. 7.758 2.362 .114 .193 0 .077 .040 0 .012 0 .002 .010 .052 0 .071 .206 .073 .006 1.316 0 .260 .082 0 0 .226 .175 .047 0 . 151 .013 .045 .012 .090 .046 0 .029 .127 .013 0 .216 .212 .004 .464 .037 .005 .024 .049 0 .131 .013 0 .147 .029 .020 0 .004 .004 .001 Lb. 9. 935 2.312 .093 .204 0 .055 .045 0 0 0 .019 .020 .065 0 .289 .220 .088 .011 1.734 .005 .317 .036 0 0 .317 .178 .064 0 . 162 .021 .038 .036 .055 .178 0 .099 .224 .004 0 .307 .307 0 .682 .005 .024 .022 .071 0 .214 .047 0 .173 .081 0 0 .022 .022 .001 Lb. 13. 596 2. 871 .077 .265 0 .096 .044 0 0 0 .056 .017 .052 0 .330 .283 .122 .012 1.929 0 .268 .073 0 0 .380 .160 .066 .004 .330 .018 .021 .068 .085 .107 0 .070 .274 .005 0 .356 .335 .021 .961 .057 .055 .078 .078 0 .271 .044 0 .178 .054 .007 0 .050 .057 .032 2. 216 1.314 2.337 3.634 .194 .159 .228 .213 1.356 .794 1.606 2.012 .651 .361 .486 1.373 .015 0 .017 .036 C t. C t. 68.8 48.4 6.8 5^3 .6 .6 3.1 2.4 0 0 .7 .7 .4 .3 0 0 .1 (3) 0 0 .7 .1 .3 .2 1.0 1.0 0 0 2.7 .8 2.0 1.6 1.0 .7 .2 .1 15. 5 11 4 0 (3) 1.4 1.3 .4 .5 0 0 0 0 4.6 3.4 .9 .8 .6 .5 0 (3) 1.9 1.3 .3 .2 .3 .4 .3 .1 .6 .6 1.1 .4 0 0 .6 .2 2.4 1.6 .1 .1 0 0 1.5 1.1 1.5 1.1 (3) (3) 6.8 4.2 .2 .2 .2 .1 .4 .2 .7 .5 0 0 2.3 1.5 .4 .1 0 0 1.0 .9 .3 .2 .1 .1 0 0 .1 (3) .1 (3) .1 (3) .9 .4 13.2 8.1 1.5 1.2 7.9 4.8 3.6 2.1 .2 0 C t. C t. 74 6 97 2 8.0 8 !l .5 .5 2.9 4.7 0 0 .4 1.0 .4 .3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .6 1.9 .4 .4 1.1 1.1 0 0 3.8 4.8 2.0 2.5 1.0 1.5 .2 .3 17.2 20 5 .1 o ‘ 1.6 1.5 .3 .4 0 0 0 0 4.8 6.3 .9 1.2 .7 .8 0 .1 1.5 3.4 .4 .2 .3 .2 .4 * .6 .4 .8 2.0 1.0 0 0 .9 .8 2.8 3.1 .1 .1 0 0 1. 5 2 4 1.5 2.3 0 .1 7.4 10.4 (3) .2 .2 .8 0 2.6 .6 0 1.2 .5 0 0 .1 .1 (3) 1.1 14.0 1.7 9.1 2.9 .3 .2 .4 1.0 .9 0 3.2 .6 0 1.0 .4 (3) 0 .2 .3 .5 1.7 20.7 1.5 11.7 7.1 .4 4 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 4 Does not include quantity of pickles and olives. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. TABULAR T able 175 SU M M AR Y 7 .— F o o d used at home and purchased f o r con su m p tion at home during 1 week in sp rin g quarter , hy econom ic level— Continued D E N V E R , C O L O —W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Average quantity purchased per person * m 1 week using in 1 week Economic level—Families spending per expendi All All ture unit per fam famvear ilies ilies Un- $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over Item Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un der $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over Average expenditure per person 1 in 1 week Economic level— Families spending per expenditure All fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over F o o d U s e d at H o m e a n d P u r c h a s e d fo r C o n s u m p t i o n at H o m e in 1 W e e k —Continued Other fruits, total. _ __ N o. ______ ____ Canned Apricots: Fresh.. __ _ ______ Canned _ _ Bananas__ ________ . . ____ Berries: Fresh_____ _____ Canned____ . . . Cherries: Fresh. __ ______ Canned _ __ Grapes: Fresh._ . . . Canned___ _____ _ Peaches: Fresh__ __ ________ Canned__ _______ _ _ Pears: Fresh__ ____________ ____ Canned. _ _____________ Pineapple: Fresh __ _ _______ Canned. _ __ ___ Melons__________ __ . ____ Plums: Fresh___ ... _____ _____ Canned.. _ Other fruit_______ ___ ____ Cider.. _ ........... __ ___ __ _ Grape juice _ ___ _____ _ Other fruit juices _. _____ Dried: Apricots. __ _ ________ Peaches __________ Prunes. __ _ __ __ Raisins_____ _____ D a te s .__ ______ _ _ Figs _ _ ___ ___ Other__ _____ ____ Sugars and sweets, total Sugars: White____ _ __ Brown_______ ____ ____ Other sweets: Candy.. _ __ ._ Jellies._ _. Molasses, sirups. _ Other sweets _ Miscellaneous, total _. Gelatine __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ Packaged dessert mixtures. _ __ Tea. ._ __ _ Coffee ________ . . _ . _ _ _ ___ Cocoa_________ Chocolate____ Vinegar _____ __ . . . ________ Salt____________________________ Baking powder, yeast, soda Spices and extracts _ _ Catsups, sauces____ __ __ Tomato soup . . _ . . . __ _ _ Other soups _ _ _ Cod-liver oil __ Proprietary foods Other foods____ _____________ Soft drinks consumed at home.. Other drinks consumed at home___________ . _ _ _______ Sales tax on food___ ______ ______ N o. Lb. Lb. 1.825 .807 .013 .001 .022 .338 .059 .001 .002 .028 0 0 .004 . 151 0 .041 .021 .085 0 0 .012 .011 0 .012 .016 .027 .012 . 114 .032 .010 .006 0 1.642 1.241 .035 . 129 .070 . 167 0 1.423 .607 0 0 .005 .308 .003 0 0 .010 0 0 0 . 168 0 .046 0 .051 0 0 .007 0 0 .012 .019 .024 .012 .110 .037 0 .004 0 1. 473 1.108 .012 .089 .090 . 174 0 1. 658 .569 .027 0 .038 .405 .119 0 .005 .023 0 0 0 . 108 0 .035 .011 . 104 0 0 0 .019 0 0 .004 .022 .011 .104 .046 .005 .003 0 1.789 1.385 .055 . 167 .040 . 142 0 19 8 18 58 3 2 .034 .015 .024 .346 .038 .009 .025 .008 .016 . 273 .027 .009 .036 .021 .031 .365 .069 .010 11 9 2 4 2 2 9 3 4 3 0 4 .061 .043 .007 .031 .003 .040 .043 .037 .004 .002 .004 .018 .086 .062 .011 .068 .003 .010 2. 756 15.4 1.464 3.8 .2 .018 .004 (3) .030 .3 .306 2.3 .080 1.1 .005 (3) .001 (3) .066 .4 0 0 0 0 .014 (3) .179 2.0 0 0 .043 .5 .071 .2 .121 1.3 0 0 0 0 .036 .1 .021 .1 0 0 .2 .028 .028 .3 .4 .039 .014 .2 .135 1.3 .4 .007 .032 .2 .014 .1 0 0 1.745 13.3 1.286 7.3 .050 .3 . 147 3.1 .073 .8 .189 1.8 0 0 23.7 .046 1.2 .016 .5 .027 1.7 .448 10.2 .6 .018 .011 .2 .5 .7 1.2 .8 1.0 .8 .059 .6 .029 .007 .6 .036 .7 .2 0 .4 . 117 1 5 .136 . 149 .044 N o. N o. Lb. 93 3 1 11 77 20 2 2 13 0 0 1 52 0 16 6 38 0 1 3 5 0 5 7 12 6 40 18 6 3 0 34 1 0 2 24 1 2 0 4 0 0 0 24 0 8 0 7 0 1 2 0 0 3 2 4 4 13 10 0 1 0 31 1 0 6 30 9 0 1 3 0 0 0 14 0 4 1 17 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 4 1 14 7 1 1 0 28 1 1 3 23 10 0 1 6 0 0 1 14 0 4 5 14 0 0 1 2 0 2 4 4 1 13 1 5 1 147 22 64 30 46 53 6 22 14 19 52 7 21 8 15 42 9 21 8 12 54 29 57 168 29 8 16 9 19 53 16 4 19 12 20 57 10 2 27 18 9 8 3 8 7 6 3 1 1 2 11 5 Lb. .235 C t. 1.8 C t. C t. C t. 12.1 3.4 0 0 .1 2.0 .1 0 0 .1 0 0 0 2.2 0 .6 0 .7 0 0 .1 0 0 .2 .3 .3 .2 1.3 .4 0 .1 0 11.1 6.6 .1 2.0 1.0 1.4 0 17.5 .7 .3 1.1 7.5 .5 .3 .3 .5 1.0 .7 .6 .5 .5 .2 .2 .3 .3 16.1 3.2 .4 0 .6 2.8 2.2 0 .1 .3 0 0 0 1.5 0 .5 .1 1.6 0 0 0 .3 0 0 .1 .3 .1 1.3 .5 .1 .1 0 14.7 8.3 .5 3.5 .6 1.8 0 25.9 1.2 .7 2.1 11.0 1.0 .2 .5 .9 1.6 .7 1.3 1.2 .9 .8 1.1 .1 .1 20.8 5.2 .3 (3) .4 2.4 1.4 .1 .1 .9 0 0 .2 2.4 0 .6 .5 1.8 0 0 .3 .2 0 .3 .4 .8 .2 1.5 .1 .5 .2 0 15. 2 7.4 .5 4.4 .7 2.2 0 31.9 2.2 .7 2.0 13. 7 .2 .2 1.0 .7 1.1 1.3 1.4 .9 .4 1.2 1.1 0 .8 2.0 .5 3.0 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during t he week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 176 T W EST able NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 7 .-— F o o d used at home and purchased fo r con su m p tion at hom e d uring 1 week in sp rin g quarter, by econom ic level— Continued KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S.— W H ITE FAM ILIES All fami lies Item Number of families surveyed in spring quarter_________ Average number of equivalent full-time persons 1 per family in 1 week_____________________________________ Average number of food expenditure units per family in 1 week_______________________________________________ 2 Number of families using in 1 week Item Food fo r Economic level— Fami lies spending per expendi All ture unit per fam year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over 252 100 82 70 3. 48 4.36 3.24 2.49 2. 78 3.17 2.81 2.20 Average quantity pur chased per person 1 in 1 week Average expenditure per person1 in 1 week Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Economic level— Families spending per expenditure All fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over All fam ilies Un der $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over Lb. U s e d at H o m e a n d P u r c h a s e d C o n s u m p t i o n at H o m e i n 1 W eek ___ ______ Total. __________ __ Grain products, total_____ _ _ Bread and other baked goods, _______ __ total______ Bread: White______ ________ Graham, whole wheat. Rye------------------------Crackers________ _ __ . . . Plain rolls________________ Sweet rolls._ ___ __ . Cookies.. _ __ . . . __ __ Cakes . . . ____________ _ _ ... Pies___ ____________ Other ___ __ ___ _ _ _ _ Ready-to-eat cereals_______ _ Flour and other cereals, total _ Flour: W h ite ___ ... ... Graham . . . _ ... Other_________ ______ __ Corn meal. . . Hominy. . . . _ ___ __ _. Cornstarch____ ___ ______ Rice___ _______________ . . . Rolled oats________________ Wheat cereal_________ __ . Tapioca______ ____________ Sago_____________________ Macaroni, spaghetti, noo dles______________________ Other grain products______ Eggs----------------------------------------Milk, cheese, ice cream, total Milk: Fresh, whole—bottled.. loose___ skimmed___ buttermilk and other_____ __ Skimmed, dried.. __ __ Evaporated and con densed______________ Cheese: American.. ___ Cottage_________ __ Other_______________ Ice cream. _________________ N o. 231 55 34 89 25 45 84 47 22 N o. 94 19 11 39 8 18 30 12 9 N o. 74 20 13 29 6 11 30 19 7 N o. Lb. Lb. Lb. 4. 974 5 .164 4. 540 5.176 240.5 192.1 260.8 328.3 42. 5 40. 6 41. 5 49.9 2. 946 2. 095 .202 . 130 . 166 .033 .044 . 130 .061 .068 . 017 . 155 1.873 1. 344 0 .021 . 107 .046 .009 .052 . 128 .050 (5) 0 2. 867 2.192 . 128 .089 .174 .019 .043 .099 .033 .068 . 022 .148 2.149 1. 519 0 .018 . 144 .054 .011 .054 . 158 .060 .003 0 3. 050 2. Oil .293 .209 . 174 .024 .038 . 154 .088 .048 .011 .125 1.365 .948 0 .008 .068 .042 .008 .049 .096 .038 0 0 2. 992 1.982 .250 .110 . 134 .083 .057 . 174 .091 .096 . 015 .218 1.966 1. 512 0 .049 .071 .030 .006 .054 .099 .045 0 0 30.1 27.9 30.9 34.8 18.7 19.2 17.7 19.0 1.9 1.2 2.8 2.5 1.4 .9 2.1 1.4 1.9 1.8 2.0 1.8 .4 .3 .3 1.0 1.0 1.0 .7 1.7 2.3 1.5 2.6 3.7 .8 2.0 2.6 1.5 .8 .9 .9 .5 .2 .2 .2 .3 2.4 2.1 2.2 3.7 10. 0 10.6 8.4 11.4 5.5 5.9 4.3 6.6 0 0 0 0 .1 .1 .1 .3 .4 .4 .5 .3 .2 .3 .3 .2 .1 .1 . 1 (3) .4 .4 .4 .4 1.1 1.2 .9 .9 .8 .9 .6 1.1 .1 0 0 (8) 0 0 0 0 23 0 67 .100 0 1.046 6. 381 5. 439 .006 0 1.3 1.1 1.5 1.4 .1 0 0 (3) 12.7 9.8 14.8 16.6 32. 9 27. 7 35. 7 41.4 23.0 19.5 25.2 28.2 .3 .5 .0 .1 .2 .1 .3 0 .066 .010 .088 .171 0 0 0 0 63 16 10 21 11 16 24 16 6 121 53 29 39 173 0 9 33 17 9 39 74 45 2 0 74 0 4 13 10 5 20 38 22 2 0 50 0 2 9 3 2 10 23 10 0 0 49 0 3 11 4 2 9 13 13 0 0 95 1 241 44 1 97 28 0 77 233 3 3 88 2 1 77 0 2 . 108 . 112 .108 .008 .016 0 .821 .652 .950 5. 640 5.109 6. 032 68 4. 697 4.193 5. 040 1 .080 . 158 0 0 . 118 .059 .291 11 0 2 0 3 0 6 0 107 95 53 20 48 56 34 15 8 13 25 31 21 9 21 26 30 17 3 14 .402 .091 .079 .019 .088 .504 .064 .048 .025 .048 .279 .104 .095 .020 .115 .338 . 140 .135 .005 . 147 C t. C t. C t. C t. .5 0 (3) 0 1.0 0 1.1 0 3.2 2.2 1.0 .5 2.0 3.8 1.6 .5 .6 1.1 2.3 2.5 1.2 .6 2.6 3.3 3.6 1.6 .2 3.3 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. The number of expenditure units per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the expenditure units represented by the equivalent full-time persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. 4 Less than 0.0005 pound. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326, 2 TABULAR T able SUM M ARY 177 7 .— F o o d used at home and purchased f o r c on su m p tion at home d uring 1 week in sp rin g quarter, hy econom ic level — Continued KANSAS C ITY , MO -K A N S .— W H IT E FAM ILIES—Continued Number of families using in 1 week Average quantity pur chased per person 1in 1 week Economic level—Fami lies spending per expendi All All ture unit per fam fam year ilies ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over Item Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un der $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over Lb. Lb. Lb. Average expenditure per person1 in 1 week Economic level— Families spending per expenditure All fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over F o o d U s e d at H o m e a n d P u r c h a s e d fo r C o n su m p tio n at H o m e W e e k — C ontinued in 1 Butter-------- --------------------- ----Cream... Other table fats-------- --- -------- --Lard... -------------- ------------Vegetable shortening___ Table or cooking oils Mayonnaise and other salad dressing______ . ---------------Bacon, smoked. . . . _ ------Salt side of pork_______________ Meat, poultry, fish and other sea N o. N o. N o. N o. 178 54 78 161 54 10 56 6 48 71 21 2 64 17 21 51 13 4 58 31 9 39 20 4 103 161 19 37 57 10 36 57 6 30 47 3 Lb. 1. 278 1.123 1.333 1. 582 .252 .165 .303 .392 .089 .010 .100 .270 .156 .199 .137 .074 .332 .393 .297 .231 .084 .089 .056 .115 .016 .007 .024 .026 .111 .221 .017 .077 .162 .021 .138 .265 .013 .156 .304 .014 2.135 1. 733 2. 396 2. 737 Beef: Fresh: Steak, porterhouse, sirloin._ ... . top round. . . . other _ ____ Roast, rib. ____ _____ chuck.. . . . . . . other . ______ Boiling, chuck_____ . plate.. . ------other . . . _ . Canned___ ______ Corned.. _______ . . . Dried. _______ . ---------Other. _________ ___ _______ Veal: Fresh, steak, chops. roast----------stew.. . . . . ------Lamb: Fresh, chops._ ______ roast ----- ------stew____ Pork: Fresh, chops loin roast. ... . ___ other. _ Smoked ham, slices. . . __ half or wholepicnic____ Pork sausage_______ . . . Other pork. _. ____ Miscellaneous meats, total___ Other fresh meat _ Bologna, frankfurters. . Cooked: H a m . . ---------------Tongue _ ___ __ Liver. _____ ____ ______ Other meat products _____ __ Poultry: Chicken, broiling____ roast ____ stew . _ . Turkey___ __ _ Other. __ ______ . . . F ish and other sea food, total. _ Fish: Fresh_________________ Canned . . . _ . . . Cured . . . ____ _ . . . Oysters __ _ ________ Other sea food.. _ . . . ___ 95 75 66 50 53 13 34 5 12 2 13 18 1 29 8 6 8 1 1 86 11 24 29 3 6 57 10 30 30 33 13 17 5 19 4 4 0 5 6 0 9 3 2 2 1 0 28 1 12 8 0 3 24 5 34 22 17 21 23 4 12 1 4 2 5 6 1 11 1 2 1 0 0 32 5 6 10 2 1 17 3 1 108 46 2 36 19 3 7 7 0 2 1 51 17 1 16 12 2 2 3 0 1 0 36 15 1 13 3 0 2 2 0 0 41 45 2 4 1 16 20 2 2 0 14 13 0 1 0l .207 .163 .152 .172 .193 .048 .099 .011 .022 .002 .016 .010 .001 .043 .031 .014 .009 .003 .002 . 127 .039 .050 .044 .016 .012 .084 .022 .300 0 .001 21 . 178 14 .044 .002 0 7 .046 4 .029 1 .013 3 .036 2 .035 0 0 1 .006 . 153 11 .078 12 .061 .004 0 1 .004 .006 1 31 23 16 16 13 4 3 0 4 0 3 6 0 9 4 2 5 0 1 26 5 6 11 1 2 16 2 .135 . 120 . 172 .097 .128 .040 .107 .018 .017 0 .013 .009 0 .033 .021 .011 .004 .007 0 .086 .004 .055 .044 0 .020 .068 .017 .300 .002 .175 .044 .002 .040 .037 .013 .019 .032 0 .007 . 136 .063 .061 .008 .004 0 .228 .177 . 120 .228 .286 .075 .137 .008 .022 .006 .017 .009 .004 .039 .026 .019 .008 0 0 .168 .058 .043 .038 .038 (5) .095 .015 . 315 0 .197 .036 .002 .062 .018 0 .034 .036 0 0 . 147 .093 .052 0 .002: 0 .356 .249 . 153 .275 .215 .026 .023 0 .032 0 .020 .012 0 .072 .062 .011 .024 0 .009 . 169 .095 .051 .052 .022 .009 .107 .046 . 272 0 . 157 .056 0 .034 .025 .034 .080 .043 0 .014 .204 .092 .075 0 .008 .029 C t. C t. C t. C t 28. 3 21.9 30.8 40. 5 8.1 5.2 9.6 13.0 2.1 .2 2.2 6.8 2.7 3.5 2.3 1.2 4.5 5.1 4.2 3.3 1.5 1.5 1.0 2.2 .1 .3 .5 .7 2.1 6.7 .3 1.2 4.7 .4 2.6 8.1 .3 3.3 9.8 .2 45. 2 33.5 51.6 64.0 5.0 4.1 2.6 3.3 3.2 1.0 1.6 .2 .3 (3) .4 .4 (3) 1.1 .8 .2 .2 (3) (3) 3.3 .9 1.1 1.4 .4 .2 1.7 .4 6.5 (3) 3.5 1.5 .1 .9 .5 .3 .8 1.0 0 .2 2.6 1.4 1.0 (3) .1 .1 3.2 5.7 3.2 4.2 2.9 2.3 1.5 4.8 2.2 4.6 .7 1.7 1.5 2.5 .1 .2 .2 .3 0 .1 .3 .4 .3 .4 .1 0 .7 1.0 .4 .6 .1 .2 .1 .1 .1 0 0 0 2.1 4.5 .1 1.5 1.2 .8 1.2 1.2 0 .9 .4 (3) 1.2 2. 1 .2 .3 5.9 6.8 0 (3) 3.2 4.0 1.2 1.2 .1 .1 .8 1.1 .6 .4 .2 0 .3 .7 .8 1.0 0 0 .2 0 2.1 2.7 1.0 1.7 .9 1.0 .1 0 .1 (3) 0 0 8.6 6.3 2.7 5.6 3.9 .5 .4 0 .4 0 .4 .5 0 2.0 1.9 .2 .7 0 .2 4.7 2.1 1.3 1.9 .6 .2 2.5 1.0 6 6 0 3.2 2.4 0 .7 .3 1.0 2.1 1.2 0 .4 4.1 1.8 1.4 0 .2 .7 1 The number of ecmivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. 5 Less than 0.0005 pound. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326, 178 T able W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 7 .— F o o d used at home and purchased f o r c on su m p tion at hom e d uring 1 week in sp rin g quarter, hy econom ic level— Continued KANSAS CITY, M O .-K A N S.—W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Number of families using in 1 week Item F o o d U s e d at H o m e a n d P u r c h a s e d fo r C o n s u m p t i o n at H o m e in 1 W e e k — Continued. Economic level—Fami lies spending All per expendi fam ture unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over N o. N o. N o. N o. Average quantity pur chased per person1 in 1 week Average expenditure per person i in 1 week Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Economic level— Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over All fam ilies Lb. Un der $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over Lb. Lb. Lb. C t. C t. C t. C t. Vegetables and fruits, total. _ _ 8.783 7.127 9. 872 11. 244 50.9 37.3 55.6 76.0 Potatoes_________________ ______ 66 2. 556 2.082 3.090 2.932 242 97 79 7.0 6.3 7.3 8.1 9 Sweetpotatoes, yams______ _ _ 8 5 .067 .060 .060 .098 22 .2 .3 .3 .4 Dried legumes and nuts, total.. .304 .333 .293 .255 2.5 2.6 2.4 2.7 Dried corn_______ ______ . . . 1 0 0 0 0 .003 (3) 1 0 0 .1 (5) 12 Beans: D r y ______________ . .180 .208 .169 . 126 79 40 27 1.0 1.2 1.0 .6 Canned, dried_____ _ 9 4 5 .038 .041 .034 .034 .3 18 .2 .2 .2 Baked, not canned___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 .0 .0 Peas: Black-eyed . . . _____ 3 0 .011 .016 .011 0 0 .1 (3) 3 .1 .0 Other__________________ 0 0 .002 0 1 1 .008 0 .0 .1 .0 (3) 4 Nuts: Shelled.._ . . . . . . ___ 6 3 .010 .004 .013 .023 .1 13 .3 .4 .6 In shell_______ ___ 4 3 1 .009 .004 .004 .029 8 .2 .1 (3) .6 Peanut butter___ _________ 8 .052 .056 .054 .040 46 23 15 .8 .7 .7 .6 (3) Other dried legumes and nuts. .002 .004 0 0 0 0 (3) Tomatoes: Fresh___ __________ 22 7 17 .083 .025 .118 .175 46 1.2 .3 1.5 2.7 Canned_____________ 23 .343 .354 .355 .298 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.1 109 48 38 Juice_____ _______ 5 11 12 .051 .016 .082 .091 28 .1 .6 1.3 .5 Sauce, paste_________ 4 2 2 .008 .007 .009 .008 8 .1 .1 .1 .1 Green and leafy vegetables, total. 1. 381 1.121 1.532 1.800 10.5 7.6 11.2 15.9 Brussels sprouts . . _________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cabbage____ ______________ 20 .328 .303 .404 .274 91 44 27 .9 l.*2 1.0 1.0 Sauerkraut . . . . . . . . . _. 6 7 .030 .017 .038 .050 .1 20 7 .2 .3 .3 Collards_____ ____ ______ . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kale_________________________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lettuce________ __________ 57 .217 . 170 .239 .301 2.9 2.2 3.1 4.0 197 79 61 Spinach: Fresh . . . .072 .073 .056 .095 24 11 8 5 .4 .3 .2 .5 Canned________ 10 .088 .059 .100 .140 .4 39 14 15 .7 .8 1.0 Other leafy vegetables. _______ 2 0 .002 .003 0 2 0 0 0 0 (3) (3) Asparagus: Fresh___ ______ 26 59 15 18 .198 .104 .258 .344 1.2 .5 1.3 2.6 Canned. . _ 1 2 0 001 3 .007 007 .023 .1 (3) .1 .2 Lima beans: Fresh. _ _____ 2 11 4 5 .023 .023 .034 .006 .2 .2 .3 (3) Canned _ _____ 4 4 2 .016 .015 .017 .014 10 .1 .1 .1 .1 Beans, snap (string): Fresh.__ 23 52 13 16 .113 .082 . 122 . 180 .6 1.3 2.1 1.1 Canned. 12 42 16 14 .083 .072 .097 .092 .5 .7 .8 .9 _______________ Broccoli 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peas: F re sh ..____ __________ 4 4 5 13 .028 .021 .024 .054 .2 .1 .3 .5 Canned.. _ _ ________ 27 .162 . 162 .130 .209 83 33 23 1.6 1.5 1.2 2.2 Peppers______ ______________ 5 6 8 .014 .016 .006 .018 19 .2 .1 .2 .5 Okra_________________ ______ 0 0 0 0 0‘ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yellow vegetables, total________ . 195 . 175 .207 .230 .9 .7 1.1 1.1 Carrots_________ __ . . . ___ 24 .193 .170 .207 .230 93 35 34 .9 .7 1.1 1.1 Winter squash and pumpkin.. 1 0 .002 .005 0 1 0 0 0 0 (3) (3) Other vegetables, total4 ____ . 746 .594 .841 .988 6.2 4.4 6.9 9.2 Beets: Fresh.. __ . . . . . . ___ 4 7 .034 .018 .030 .080 16 5 .2 .1 .2 .4 Canned__________ _____ 14 5 4 5 .022 .013 .026 .036 .2 .1 .2 .3 Cauliflower_______ ._ ____ .034 .024 .029 .069 18 6 5 7 .4 .2 .3 .8 ________ Celery___________ 23 .094 .044 . 128 .166 67 16 28 .4 1.2 1.6 .9 _____________ Corn: On ear 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Canned_______________ 24 .194 .178 .252 .144 98 39 35 1.7 1.5 2.1 1.5 Cucumber___ __ _ _________ 6 5 8 .025 .013 .022 .061 .2 .1 19 .2 .6 Eggplant____________________ 1 1 0 .001 .002 0 0 0 0 0 (*) (3) Onions: M ature_____________ .202 .183 .214 .230 26 95 44 25 .8 .7 .9 1.1 Spring___ ___ ______ .082 .076 .076 .108 16 68 32 20 .6 .6 .5 .8 Parsnips _ . . . __ ________ 1 2 .003 .004 0 0 3 0 .006 (3) (3) (3) Summer squash_____ ________ .004 0 0 1 1 0 .001 0 0 0 (3) (3) White turnips_____ _______ 1 4 6 1 .010 .007 .019 .006 (3) .1 (3) (3) Yellow turnips, rutabaga____ 1 2 .004 .002 .011 0 1 0 0 (3) (3) (3) Other vegetables___________ 36 15 12 .4 9 .040 .030 .030 .082 .3 .3 .8 Pickles and olives. ____ . . . .8 .5 .8 1.3 Citrus fruits, total________ _____ 1.148 .761 1.372 1.769 6.7 4.3 8.1 10. 6 Lemons________ _______ ____ 44 14 13 17 .080 .054 .082 .139 .8 .5 .8 1.3 Oranges_____________________ 42 .744 .544 .854 1.076 129 43 44 4.3 3.0 5.0 6.5 Grapefruit: Fresh.__ . . . ____ 56 16 20 20 .320 .163 .431 .543 1.6 .8 2.3 2.6 0 Canned__________ .005 .011 .2 3 1 1 1 .004 0 (3) <3) 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. 4 Does not include pickles and olives. 5 Less than 0.0005 pound. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. TABULAR T able 179 SU M M AR Y 7 . — Food used at home and purchased for consumption at home during 1 week in spring quarter, hy economic level— Continued KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S .—W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Number of families using in 1 week Item Economic level—Fami lies spending All per expendi fam ture unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over Average quantity pur chased per person i in 1 week Average expenditure per person i in 1 week Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Economic level-—Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over All fam ilies Un der $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over F o o d U s e d at H o m e a n d P u r c h a s e d f o r C o n s u m p t i o n at H o m e in 1 W eek — Continued Other fruits, total __ Ajjples: Fresh____________ __ _ Canned- _________ _ Apricots: Fresh--------- ------------Canned _ _ Bananas-- _ ___ Berries: Fresh__ _ _ Canned.. _ - _ _ Cherries: Fresh____ -Canned___ _ __ - __ Grapes: Fresh ---------------------Canned-- _ Peaches: Fresh______ Canned _ _ Pears: Fresh______ ________ Canned,-- __ Pineapple: Fresh _ _ - ___ Canned._ Melons____ __ Plums: Fresh _ __ _ __ Canned____ Other fruit__________________ _ Cider _ ______ __ ___________ Grape juice.. _ Other fruit juices _______ Dried: Apricots. ___ ____ Peaches Prunes____ ______ _ _ Raisins. ___ _ _ Dates______ _ _ _ ___ Figs____________________ Other___ __ _ _ ___ Sugars and sweets, total _ _ _ Sugars: White _ _ _ _ Brown ___ _ ____ Other sweets: Candy __ . Jellies Molasses, sirups._ Other sweets Miscellaneous, total . Gelatine. _ ___ Packaged dessert m ixtures.___ T e a ... _ _ ________ _ Coffee._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cocoa_______ _____ _______ Chocolate_____ . __ _ V in e g a r...____ _ Salt______________ Baking powder, yeast, soda ____ Spices and extracts. Catsups, sauces _ . __ _ Tomato s o u p ____ _____ . . . Other soups___ __________ _ Cod-liver oil____ ________ Proprietary foods. ____________ Other foods ______ ______ Soft drinks consumed at home__ Other drinks consumed at home Sales tax on food... _ _ ________ N o. N o. 122 6 0 13 115 60 5 1 18 0 0 1 56 0 12 5 37 0 0 6 11 0 5 . No N o. 4 19 11 68 7 4 .012 .028 .013 .322 .024 .004 .005 .027 .009 .234 .037 .002 .020 .020 .020 .376 .011 .004 .019 .046 .013 .459 .011 .009 8 4 4 1 .038 .026 .005 .004 .007 .053 .064 .017 .048 .077 .009 .041 .047 .004 .003 .008 .008 0 0 .Oil .002 .006 .015 .113 .054 .078 .035 .073 220 14 55 54 31 93 4 25 21 18 66 4 17 19 5 61 6 13 14 8 19 56 51 223 29 6 24 21 84 17 3 9 13 19 71 5 1 24 13 12 2 10 14 12 8 2 7 8 7 1 5 3 4 Lb. 2. 6C0 .832 0 0 .032 .571 .400 0 0 .046 0 0 0 .203 0 .023 .080 .108 0 0 .010 .044 0 .029 .020 0 .017 . 136 .029 .003 .017 0 2.150 1.865 .040 .082 .060 .103 0 2 5 25 17 4 2 0 1 0 2 6 4 Lb. 1.913 .677 0 0 .043 .510 .195 .005 0 .041 0 0 0 .124 0 .026 .008 .097 0 0 .019 .030 0 .014 .041 .008 .015 .034 .022 0 .004 0 1. 654 1.440 .060 .060 .056 .034 .004 32 1 0 4 30 23 1 0 3 0 0 0 22 0 3 4 13 0 0 1 4 0 4 2 0 2 11 4 1 1 0 8 Lb. 1. 599 .864 .006 0 .010 .383 .077 .006 .008 .026 0 0 0 .097 0 .002 0 .021 0 0 .019 .009 0 0 .003 0 .002 .028 028 .010 0 0 1. 538 1.302 .014 .062 050 .110 0 38 4 0 6 42 19 3 0 7 0 0 1 14 0 6 1 19 0 0 3 5 0 1 4 2 2 6 2 0 1 0 8 L b . 1.901 .801 .003 0 .024 .459 . 177 .004 .004 .035 0 0 0 . 136 0 .014 .018 .061 0 0 .017 .022 0 .010 .018 .002 .009 .051 .027 .005 .004 0 1. 694 1.456 .033 .065 .054 .085 .001 52 1 0 3 43 18 1 1 8 0 0 0 20 0 3 0 5 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 1 8 11 3 0 0 3 5 4 c t. 12.6 3.2 (3) 0 .2 2.5 2.3 (3) (3) .3 0 0 0 1.3 0 .2 .1 .8 0 0 .1 .2 0 .1 .2 (3) .1 .5 .3 .1 .1 0 11.0 7.7 .3 1.4 1.0 .6 (3) 15.1 .3 .8 .7 7.5 .4 .1 .6 .6 .6 .3 .4 .5 .4 .5 (3) Ct. .1 .3 .8 .1 .2 .2 .6 1.9 1.3 .2 .4 Ct. 8.3 13.6 3.1 2.8 0 .1 0 0 .4 .1 2.6 2.0 1.0 2.4 (3) (3) 0 .1 .5 .2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.2 1.0 0 0 .3 (3) .1 0 1.2 .2 0 0 0 0 .1 .1 .3 .1 0 0 .1 0 .4 (3) .1 0 .1 (3) .4 .2 .2 .3 0 .1 .1 0 0 0 9.6 11.3 7.6 6.9 .5 .1 1.1 1.7 1.1 .8 .3 .7 .1 0 10.4 17.3 .1 .5 .8 .5 .5 1.0 9.2 4.9 .2 .5 .1 (3) .4 .5 .5 .6 .6 .6 .1 .3 .4 .3 .2 .6 Ct. 21.8 4.4 0 0 .3 3.6 5.4 0 0 .4 0 0 0 2.3 0 .3 .6 1.4 0 0 .1 .3 0 .4 .2 0 .2 1.4 .2 (3) .3 0 14.4 9.9 .4 1.9 1.4 .8 0 22.7 .4 1.1 .9 11.6 .3 .1 1.0 .8 .4 .7 .8 .8 .7 .7 .2 1.4 0 .1 .5 1.1 2.8 0 .2 .9 .8 2.2 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 180 T able W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 7 .— F o o d used at home and purchased f o r c on su m p tion at hom e d u rin g 1 w eek in sp rin g quarter , by econ om ic level— Continued KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S .—NEGRO FAM ILIES All fami lies Item Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 Number of families surveyed in spring quarter--------------Average number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week i----------- ------------------------ -------------------Average number of food expenditure units per family in Item $400 and over 4.96 Number of families using in 1 week Average quantity pur chased per person in 1 week1 Economic level— Fami lies spending All per expendi fam ture unit per year ilies Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over All fam ilies Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un der $300 $300 to $400 $400 and over Lb. Lb. Lb. Average expenditure per person in 1 week1 All fam ilies Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 to and der $300 $400 over Food Used a t H o m e and P u rch a sed fo r C o n su m p tio n at H o m e in 1 W eek N o. Total _________________ _____Grain products, total___ _______ Bread and other baked goods, total. ________ _____ _____ Bread: White___________ __ G r a h a m , whole wheat________ ___ Rye______________ _ Crackers—____ ____________ Plain rolls____ ___________ __ Sweet rolls___________ _ .. Cookies_______________ _ Cakes_____________ ____ __ Pies________________________ Other__________________ _ _ Ready-to-eat cereals________ Flour and other cereals, total _ Flour: White______________ Graham___________ Other_____ _ _______ Corn meal__ ___________ Hominy___________________ Cornstarch. _________ __ R i c e .._________ __________ Rolled oats_______ _________ Wheat cereal______ Tapioca_____ _____________ Sago-----------------------------------Macaroni, spaghetti, noo dles____________ __ _ Othe r grain products_______ Eggs----------------- ------- ---------------Milk, cheese, ice cream, total___ Milk: Fresh, whole—bottled— loose___ skimmed___ __ buttermilk and other... ._ - . Skimmed, dried_______ Evaporated and con densed______________ Cheese: American____ __ . _ Cottage___ __________ Other_____________ _ Icecream_____________ ______ N o. N o. Lb. N o. 61 19 14 28 8 1 15 2 3 9 4 3 1 0 6 1 0 3 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 2 6 3 2 21 5 6 10 51 0 2 41 0 1 24 13 4 0 0 16 0 0 12 0 1 7 7 2 0 0 11 0 0 8 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 24 0 2 21 0 0 13 5 2 0 0 27 0 65 12 0 19 6 0 15 9 0 31 49 1 1 14 0 0 9 1 0 26 0 1 16 0 6 0 3 0 7 0 33 12 5 1 10 15 5 1 0 2 10 3 1 0 2 8 4 3 1 6 C t. C t. C t. C t. 4.999 3. 781 4.252 6. 804 209.2 140.1 249. 7 274.9 33.3 24.7 33. 5 43. 6 1. 710 1.344 2.043 1. 989 1. 426 1.142 1. 617 1. 671 15.9 11.8 18. 5 19.9 12.8 9.8 14.6 15.6 .052 .022 . 127 .013 .013 .038 .002 .015 .002 .087 3.202 1. 981 0 .019 .672 0 .009 .261 . 104 .019 0 0 .013 0 .113 .020 0 .039 0 .017 0 .045 2. 392 1.442 0 0 .474 0 .010 .232 . 127 .018 0 0 .050 . 125 .201 .025 .025 0 0 0 0 . 160 2.049 1.228 0 0 .326 0 0 .251 .031 0 0 0 .099 0 . 108 0 .024 .055 .005 .021 .006 . 100 4. 715 2.980 0 .051 1.071 0 .012 .299 . 112 .031 0 0 .5 .5 .1 1.1 .2 0 1.0 0 1.2 1.0 1.7 1.2 .1 .2 .3 0 .2 0 .4 .4 .6 .5 0 1.1 .1 0 0 .2 .2 0 .1 .1 .1 0 .2 0 1.6 .7 2.6 2.2 15.8 12.2 12.4 21. 5 8.0 6.1 5.4 11.4 0 0 0 0 .2 0 0 .5 2.5 1.8 2.1 3.5 0 0 0 0 .1 .1 0 .1 2.1 1.6 2.4 2.7 .8 .9 .3 .9 .4 .4 0 .5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .137 0 .715 3. 319 2. 312 0 .029 .089 0 .522 2. 928 1. 994 0 0 .213 0 .695 3.138 2.024 0 0 .159 0 .954 3. 869 2. 826 0 .076 1.7 1.3 2.2 1.9 0 0 0 0 10.9 7.8 10.2 14.9 18.0 15.7 17.4 21.2 11.0 9.5 9.4 13.5 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 .2 .506 .443 .486 .589 0 0 0 0 .345 .416 .518 .046 .033 .063 .015 .010 0 .004 0 0 .062 .032 .047 .179 .053 .029 .012 .105 1.4 0 1.2 0 1.1 0 1.8 0 2.8 1.0 .3 .1 1.3 3.1 .8 .2 0 .9 4.4 1.2 0 0 1.3 1.7 1.2 .7 .2 1.9 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 2 The number of expenditure units per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the expenditure units represented by the equivalent full-time persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. TABULAR T able 181 SU M M AR Y 7.— Food used at home and purchased for consumption at home during 1 week in spring quarter, hy economic level— Continued KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S .—NEGRO FAM ILIES—Continued Number of families using in 1 week Item F o o d U s e d at H o m e a n d P u r c h a s e d f o r C o n s u m p t i o n at H o m e in 1 W e e k — Continued ________ Fats, total. ___ Butter___ ____________________ Cream. . . . ___ _ _ Other table fats____ _ Lard_________________ __ ------Vegetable shortening___________ Table or cooking oils__ _ ______ Mayonnaise and other salad dressing______________________ Bacon, smoked___ __ _ _ Salt side of pork __ __ _______ Meat, poultry, fish and other sea Economic level—Fami lies spending All per expendi fam ture unit per ilies year Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over N o. N o. N o. N o. Average quantity pur chased per person in 1 week 1 Average expenditure per person in 1 week 1 Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Economic level— Families spending per All fam expenditure unit per year ilies Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over All fam ilies Lb. 64 9 4 55 9 1 19 1 1 17 2 0 13 2 2 13 2 0 32 6 1 25 5 1 19 43 35 5 11 11 2 7 7 12 25 17 Un der $300 $300 to $400 $400 and over Lb. Lb. Lb. 1.631 1.232 1.519 2.164 .313 .237 .276 .422 .046 .020 .027 .087 .018 .010 .050 .012 .482 .373 .539 .585 .076 .050 .100 .096 .009 0 0 .024 .099 .290 .298 .061 .224 .257 .063 .226 .238 .162 .401 .375 2. 470 1.473 3. 471 3.223 Beef: Fresh: Steak, porterhouse, sirloin__ __ _ top round. _ ___ other_________ _ Roast, rib_____________ chuck______ __ other.. _______ Boiling, chuck. ______ plate ________ other____ Canned____________ __________ Corned__________ ______ Dried____ __________ ______ _ Other___ ____________ _______ Veal: Fresh, steak, chops ___ _ roast_______ ___ stew__________ Lamb: Fresh, chops___________ roast___ ______ stew___ _________ Pork: Fresh, chops____ _____ loin roast_____ __ other_______ __ .__ Smoked ham, slices_____ half orwholepicnic____ Pork sausage. ___ ___ Other pork.. _________ . Miscellaneous meats, total. _ Other fresh meat______ _______ Bologna, frankfurters_____ _ Cooked: Ham____ . . . ______ Tongue... __ _______ Liver________ _______ ______ Other meat products______ _ Poultry: Chicken, broiling _ _ roast ______ stew_______ T u rk ey... . . . ______ Other______ _ __ . . . Fish and other sea food, total__ Fish: Fresh____________ ______ Canned___________ . . . Cured_________________ Oysters______________________ Other sea food................. .......... 18 14 8 15 10 2 16 4 3 1 0 0 0 4 1 0 1 2 1 21 4 7 7 3 2 22 5 1 2 3 5 5 0 8 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 5 1 9 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 2 1 2 8 2 8 10 2 8 2 1 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 13 1 4 5 2 0 9 2 0 26 7 2 7 1 11 8 4 0 1 0 11 0 0 3 1 0 2 1 0 0 6 8 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 7 7 2 3 0 8 5 3 0 1 17 9 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 9 4 0 0 0 .182 .070 .061 .253 .148 .022 .195 .038 .038 .003 0 0 0 .031 .013 0 .009 .036 .004 .142 .074 .070 .027 .065 .043 .128 .054 . 231 0 . 146 .029 .019 .033 .004 .141 .108 .067 0 .018 . 199 . 153 .046 0 0 0 .030 .020 .046 .187 .116 0 .257 .071 .040 0 0 0 0 .050 0 0 .020 0 0 .061 0 .031 0 0 0 .061 .030 . 236 0 . 186 0 0 .040 .010 0 .030 .071 0 0 . 116 .091 .025 0 0 0 .539 .063 .100 .150 .251 .050 .150 .038 0 .017 0 0 0 .025 0 0 0 0 0 .117 .313 . 100 .038 . 100 .238 .314 .088 . 200 0 . 175 0 0 .025 0 . 163 .100 0 0 0 .317 .201 .116 0 0 0 .191 .132 .060 .380 .138 .036 .144 0 .054 0 0 0 0 .012 .036 0 0 .096 .012 .251 .048 . 102 .054 . 126 0 .120 .066 .279 0 . 122 .078 .052 .027 0 .299 .203 .096 0 .048 .240 .203 .037 0 0 0 C t. C t. C t. C t. 36.3 25.5 32.3 51.1 9.6 6.9 8.5 13.4 .6 2.0 .9 .2 .3 .2 1.1 .2 7.3 5.3 8.0 9.4 1.3 1.0 1.2 1.8 .2 0 0 .4 1.9 8.5 6.3 1.1 6.1 4.7 .9 3.2 7.0 12.0 5.0 8.7 48.9 23.2 70.1 68. 7 4.2 1.8 1.2 3.8 2.5 .4 2.5 .5 .4 .1 0 0 0 .5 .2 0 .1 .5 .1 3.8 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.4 .8 2.6 .9 4.4 0 2.4 .9 .4 .6 .1 4.0 2.7 1.5 0 .4 3.7 2.9 .8 0 0 0 .8 11.9 .4 1.6 .9 1.9 2.4 2.5 2.0 4.0 0 1.3 3.2 2.0 .5 .9 .3 0 .4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .4 .6 0 0 0 0 .3 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 3.4 6.7 0 . 5 1.4 1.4 0 0 2.1 4.4 0 1.1 6.6 .5 1.5 3.9 3.5 0 0 3.0 3.2 0 0 0 0 .3 .7 .2 0 ,0 3.9 .7 2.8 1.3 0 0 0 0 0 1.9 5.9 1.6 3.8 .3 2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.7 3.5 1.2 6.2 2.4 .5 1.8 0 .7 0 0 0 0 .3 .6 0 0 1.3 .2 6.6 .9 1.8 2.4 2.8 0 2.5 1.1 5.4 0 1.4 2.3 1.1 .6 0 8.8 4.9 2.4 0 1.1 4.6 3.9 .7 0 0 0 i The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 182 T able W EST 7.— NO RTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN REGION F o o d used at hom e and purchased f o r con su m p tion at home during 1 week in sp rin g quarter, hy econ om ic level—Continued KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S .—NEGRO FAM ILIES— Continued Average quantity pur chased per person i in 1 week Average expenditure per person i in 1 week Economic level—Fami Economic level— lies spending Families spending per expenditure All per expendi All unit per year fam ture unit per fam year ilies ilies Un $300 $400 Un $300 $400 der to and to der and $300 $400 over $300 $400 over Economic level— Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over Number of families using in 1 week Item F o o d U s e d at H o m e a n d P u r c h a s e d f o r C o n s u m p t i o n at H o m e in 1 W e e k —Continued Vegetables and fruits, total4 _ __ ---Potatoes______ _ Sweetpotatoes, yams_______ ___ Dried legumes and nuts ___ Dried corn_____ _______ _ __ Beans: Dry____ _____ - _ Canned, dried.-Baked, not cannedPeas: Black-eyed._______ __ Other_________________ Nuts: Shelled__________ __ In shell______ _ Peanut butter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Other dried legumes and nuts Tomatoes: Fresh Canned____ _____ Juice_______ ________ Sauce, paste________ Green and leafy vegetables, totalBrussels sprouts_________ _ Cabbage. ___ _____________ Sauerkraut. _ ____ _______ Collards______ _________ . Kale _ _ ____ ___ ______ Lettuce_____ ____________ Spinach: Fresh _ _ _ _ _ Canned ___ __ __ Other leafy vegetables____ __ Asparagus: Fresh___ ___ _ Canned_____ ____ Lima beans: Fresh. _ _ _____ Canned. ______ Beans, snap (string): Fresh... CannedBroccoli_______ ___ ___ _ . Peas: Fresh______ . . ____ Canned____ __ _ ___ Peppers_____ ___ _______ Okra__________ __ ._ ___ Yellow vegetables, total _ _ __ ______ Carrots___ _______ Winter squash and pumpkin. Other vegetables, total4___ __ Beets: Fresh__________ ___ Canned___________ __ ____ Cauliflower.__ __ __. Celery ______ _____________ Corn: On e a r .___ ____ ___ Canned _ __ . _ _ Cucumber. __ _ ___ Eggplant-------------------------------Onions: Mature._ _ _ _ __ Spring. _ _____ ___ Parsnips______________ _______ Summer squash_____________ White turnips________________ Yellow turnips, rutabaga. __ _ Other vegetables __________ Pickles and olives. Citrus fruits, total _ __ _ _ Lemons Oranges_______ __ _ _______ Grapefruit: Fresh.__ _______ Canned__________ N o. N o. N o. Lb. N o. 24 7 17 17 5 0 21 0 0 6 0 0 0 6 0 9 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 9 17 2 6 1 5 0 3 2 4 0 2 6 8 2 1 0 25 5 1 2 34 22 2 11 9 1 5 0 24 4 0 1 12 7 1 0 5 3 0 0 7 7 1 2 1 0 2 0 8 1 0 0 3 3 0 0 8 2 0 2 8 5 1 4 5 0 1 0 3 2 0 0 6 1 1 0 12 0 1 0 19 10 0 5 3 1 2 0 13 1 0 1 3 3 0 13 0 4 0 3 0 6 0 4 2 1 3 0 28 1 0 31 15 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 11 5 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 6 0 0 7 3 0 0 2 1 0 2 1 1 2 0 13 1 0 13 7 0 0 0 0 1 25 22 7 6 4 7 14 9 10 0 2 0 1 0 0 56 4 15 5 7 7. 277 2.354 .283 .229 0 . 159 0 0 .040 0 0 0 .030 0 .063 .225 .002 .039 1.506 0 .312 .032 .022 .018 .108 .339 .006 .175 .081 .004 .035 0 .242 .028 0 .009 .076 .010 .009 .099 .099 0 .751 .063 .011 .004 .013 0 .249 .002 0 .292 .065 0 0 .040 .009 .003 Lb. 5 .451 2. 038 .161 .269 0 .192 0 0 .030 0 0 0 .047 0 .010 .149 0 .028 .872 0 . 146 .041 0 0 .055 .262 0 .050 .010 0 .040 0 .201 0 0 0 .053 .014 0 .050 .050 0 .549 .020 0 0 0 0 .220 0 0 .222 .037 0 0 .050 0 0 Lb. 9. 330 2.907 .426 .326 0 .326 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .075 .313 0 .044 2.115 0 .489 .075 0 .100 .138 .326 .031 .376 .075 0 .050 0 .152 .080 0 0 . 169 .004 .050 . 175 .175 0 .978 .150 .031 0 .025 0 .298 0 0 .276 .048 0 0 .100 0 0 Lb. 8. 475 2. 465 .359 . 138 0 .042 0 0 .072 0 0 0 .024 0 .120 .272 .006 .049 1.968 0 .425 0 .060 0 .156 .437 0 .227 .168 .012 .021 0 .334 .036 0 .024 .060 .008 0 . 120 .120 0 .887 .072 .015 .012 .024 0 .260 .006 0 .383 .106 0 0 0 0 .009 .805 .473 1.019 1.098 .212 .134 .244 .290 .475 .272 .714 .601 .118 .067 .061 .207 0 0 0 0 C t. C t. C t. C t. 37.1 26. 6 50. 3 45. 6 5.1 4.0 6.9 5.5 1.3 .7 2.6 1.4 1.8 2.1 2.2 1.4 0 0 0 0 1.1 1.2 2.2 .4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .3 0 .3 .6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .4 .6 0 .4 0 0 0 0 .8 .1 1.0 1.5 1.7 1.2 2.4 2.0 0 0 .1 (3) .3 .3 .4 .4 9.4 5.9 13.4 12.4 0 0 0 0 1.2 .6 2.0 1.7 .2 .4 .5 0 .1 0 0 .3 .1 0 .4 0 1.6 .8 2.1 2.2 1.2 .8 1.4 1.7 0 .2 0 (3) .2 1.0 1.0 .7 .5 .1 .8 .8 .1 0 0 .2 .4 .3 .4 .3 0 0 0 0 2.1 1.7 1.5 2.8 .3 0 .4 1.1 0 0 0 0 .1 0 .2 0 .7 .6 1.6 .6 .2 .3 .2 .1 0 .3 0 (3) .4 .5 .9 .5 .4 .5 .9 .5 0 0 0 0 5.1 3.8 7.1 6.0 .1 .1 .1 .3 .1 0 .3 .1 .1 0 0 .1 .1 0 .2 .3 0 0 0 0 2.3 1.6 3.1 2.7 0 0 1 (3) 0 0 0 0 1.4 1.1 1.6 1.6 .4 .7 .5 .5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .2 .3 .4 0 .1 0 .4 0 0 .1 0 (3) .2 .3 .2 .3 5.3 2.9 6.5 7.6 1.9 1.2 2.0 2.8 1.4 4.1 3.6 2.7 .3 .7 .4 1.2 0 0 0 0 i The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21, meals he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 4 Does not include quantity of pickles and olives. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. T A BU LAR T able 7.— SUM M ARY 18 3 F o o d used at hom e and purchased fo r con su m p tion at home d uring 1 w eek in sp rin g quarter, hy econom ic level—Continued KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S —NEGRO FAM ILIES—Continued Number of families using in 1 week Item F o o d U s e d at H o m e a n d P u r c h a s e d fo r C o n s u m p tio n at H o m e in 1 W e e k —Continued Other fruits, total____ ___________ Apples: Fresh_______________ __ Canned...... ............ ......... Apricots: Fresh._______________ Canned______________ Bananas. ______________________ Berries: Fresh_________________ Canned_______________ Cherries: Fresh________________ Canned______________ Grapes: Fresh_________________ Canned_______________ Peaches: Fresh________________ Canned______________ Pears: Fresh_________________ Canned____ . . . ___ __ Pineapple: Fresh_________ ____ Canned____________ Melons_______ __ ________ __ _ Plums: Fresh . . . ____ _____ __ Canned_____________ _ Other fru it____________________ Cider________ ________________ Grape juice___________________ Other fruit juices______________ Dried: Apricots________________ Peaches________________ Prunes___________ __ . Raisins_________ . . . _ Dates. _______ . . . Figs------------------------------O th e r.________________ Sugars and sweets, total_____ __ _ Sugars: W h ite ________________ Brown______ . . . ___ Other sweets: Candy__________ Jellies. __ _ _ _ _ _ Molasses, sirups. Other sweets____ Miscellaneous, total. _____ _ . . . Gelatine___________ ____ _______ Packaged dessert mixtures___ Tea------------------------------------------Coffee___________ _______ Cocoa_________ _______________ Chocolate______________________ Vinegar_______ _____________ __ Salt____________________________ Baking powder, yeast, soda____ Spices and extracts_____________ Catsups, sauces______ ____ ____ Tomato soup____ __ _________ Other soups____ _______________ Cod-liver oil. ._ . . . ___________ Proprietary foods___ ________ Other foods____ . . . _ ________ Soft drinks consumed at home.. Other drinks consumed at home. Sales tax on food.__ _____________ Economic level— Fami lies spending per expendi All ture unit per fam year ilies Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over N o. N o. N o. 24 1 0 0 16 17 3 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 2 0 1 0 9 1 0 0 4 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 62 2 9 6 15 19 1 3 1 7 16 0 3 0 4 1 6 8 51 6 0 1 1 4 15 2 0 0 3 1 14 2 0 1 2 2 1 0 6 6 0 0 2 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 N o. Average quantity pur chased per person 1 in 1 week Average expenditure per person i in 1 week Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Economic level— Families spending per expenditure All fam unit per year ilies Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over All fam ilies Lb. 0.921 .431 .011 0 0 . 192 . 158 .028 0 0 0 0 0 .036 0 0 .009 .003 0 0 0 .009 0 0 0 0 .002 .027 .011 0 .004 0 1.877 27 1. 646 .007 1 .034 3 5 .007 . 183 4 0 8 0 0 0 10 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 3 22 2 0 Un der $300 Lb. 0.852 .479 .025 0 0 , 111 . 121 .025 0 0 0 0 0 .021 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .020 0 0 0 0 0 .030 .020 0 0 0 1.381 1.079 .015 .035 0 .252 0 $300 to $400 Lb. 0. 952 .501 0 0 0 .083 . 113 .094 0 0 0 0 0 .044 0 0 0 .017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .075 0 0 .025 0 2. 797 2. 531 0 .078 0 .188 0 $400 and over Lb. 0.993 .341 0 0 0 .341 . 224 0 0 0 0 0 0 .051 0 0 .024 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .006 0 .006 0 0 0 2. 025 1.897 0 .011 .018 .099 0 0 .006 .013 0 .022 .008 .081 .012 .008 .011 .006 .006 .208 . 131 .276 .266 .016 .015 .025 .012 0 0 0 0 0 .003 2 .006 0 0 1 0 0 .004 2 .067 3 . 155 0 0 0 0 0 .103 .010 .017 0 .016 0 0 0 0 0 .012 0 .028 .042 .551 .138 C t. 5.8 2.0 .1 0 0 1.0 1.6 .3 0 0 0 0 0 .3 0 0 (3) (3) 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 (3) .2 .1 0 .1 0 11.1 9.0 (3) .6 .1 1.4 0 12.5 .1 .3 .3 5.5 .2 0 .2 .4 1.2 .8 (3) (3) .1 0 0 .1 .5 2.8 1.1 C t. 5 .2 C t. C t. 6.9 6. 8 2.0 2.4 l! 9 .2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .6 .4 19 1.2 1 4 2 3 .3 .9 o' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .2 .5 .4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 .3 .6 0 .2 0 .1 0 0 0 0 .4 0 0 0 0 8.3 16.1 12.4 5.8 13.7 10.6 .1 0 0 .7 1.2 .3 0 .4 0 1.7 1.2 1.1 0 0 0 7.9 18.2 15.8 .3 0 0 . 1 1.3 .1 .4 .1 .3 3.1 7.3 7.6 .2 .3 .1 0 0 0 .1 .3 .4 .1 .6 .3 1.0 .6 1.6 .5 2.1 .5 .1 .0 0 0 .3 0 .2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .3 0 0 .4 .6 .6 1.0 5.4 3.7 .4 1.6 1.6 i The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p . 3260 3 9 5 7 °— 39-------13 184 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T able 7.— Food used at home and 'purchased for consumption at home during 1 week in spring quarter, hy economic level— C on tin u ed M IN N EAPO L IS-ST . PAUL, M IN N .—W H IT E FAM ILIES All fami lies Item Number of families surveyed in spring quarter___ ____ __ Average number of equivalent full-time persons 1 per family in 1 week _____ __ ________________ Average number of food expenditure units 2per family in 1 week _ ______________ ______ ______ _______ Number of families using in 1 week Item Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $400 $400 to $600 358 114 140 104 3. 53 4.54 3.38 2. 63 3.03 3.83 2.87 2. 36 Average quantity pur chased per person i in 1 week Economic level— Fami lies spending per expendi All All ture unit per fam fam year ilies ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over $600 and over Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un der $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over Lb. Lb. Lb. Average expenditure per person i in 1 week Economic level— Families spending per expenditure All fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over Food U s e d at H o m e and P u r ch a sed f o r C o n s u m p t i o n at H o m e in 1 W eek ____________________ Total Grain products, total_____ ____ Bread and other baked goods, total _____ __ Bread: White______________ G ra h am , w hole wheat. ___________ Rye --------------------Crackers. _ ________________ Plain rolls __ _____________ Sweet rolls_________________ Cookies____________________ Cakes ____________________ Pies __ ________ ______ Other __ ________ _______ Ready-to-eat cereals ----------Flour and other cereals, total._ Flour: White_____ ________ Graham____________ Other ____________ Corn meal.__ _ ............. ....... Hominy. _______ __________ Cornstarch________________ Rice____________ ________ Rolled oats _______________ Wheat cereal_______________ Tapioca _ _______________ Sago... ___________________ Macaroni, spaghetti, noodles. Other grain products______ Eggs.---------------------------------------Milk, cheese, ice cream, total.. Milk: Fresh, whole—bottled.. loose___ skimmed . _ buttermilk and other ______ Skimmed, dried_____ __ Evaporated and con densed. . . . ________ Cheese: American. ___________ Cottage.. __________ Other........................... Icecream____________________ N o. N o. N o. 336 102 130 Lb. N o. 104 107 116 101 42 82 101 45 16 26 21 28 11 21 29 8 3 44 54 42 18 30 38 23 7 37 41 31 13 31 34 14 6 150 43 C t. C t. C t. C t. 6.027 6.186 5. 523 6.609 254.1 197.1 258.0 352.8 40.4 35.4 39. 6 51.0 3.384 2.995 3.390 4.116 2. 397 2. 343 2. 303 2. 665 27.4 21.1 28. 8 36.4 14.8 13.1 15.1 17.2 .361 .357 .198 .056 .168 .157 .070 .039 .045 .142 2.351 1.787 .018 .026 .015 0 .022 .092 .156 .119 .002 0 .114 0 1.175 6.562 5.976 0 0 2.5 2.4 1.5 1.0 1.6 2.0 .8 .2 .6 2.2 10.8 6.0 (3) .3 .1 (3) .2 .5 1.2 1.0 .1 0 1.4 0 13.4 35.8 27.9 .1 (3) 2.0 2.6 3.4 1.2 3.0 3.4 .9 1.8 2.3 1.0 .9 1.0 .8 1.4 3.3 1.4 1.8 3.2 .3 1.1 1.4 .1 .2 .4 .3 .9 .8 1.9 2.2 2.6 12.4 8.6 12.0 7.6 4.2 6.2 0 .1 .1 .3 .4 .2 .1 (3) .1 0 0 (3)' .1 .2 .3 .5 .3 .8 1.4 1.1 1.2 .9 .9 1.5 .1 .1 (3) 0 0 0 1.4 1.3 1.6 0 0 0 10.6 13.6 18.2 31.3 38.3 39. 6 25.1 30.6 28.5 .3 0 0 0 0 (3) 60 47 "76 28 32 1 1 0 7 18 8 2 1 5 1 1 0 19 6 8 36 14 8 88 35 33 60 18 22 2 8 5 0 0 0 114 39 44 0 0 0 336 106 133 16 0 3 2 0 5 14 20 20 1 0 31 0 97 344 108 136 2 2 0 1 1 0 100 0 0 .268 .248 .140 .059 .083 .098 .039 .017 .035 .120 2. 523 2.011 .008 .049 .016 .003 .017 .063 .164 .070 .007 0 .115 0 1.180 6.910 6.418 .025 .002 .200 .125 .102 .066 .047 .073 .017 .007 .015 .108 3.083 2. 514 0 .053 .021 .008 .014 .070 .197 .065 .009 0 .132 0 1.093 6.045 5.588 .062 .004 .288 .320 .148 .054 .074 .090 .045 .016 .052 .122 2.011 1. 594 .010 .056 .010 0 .019 .038 .132 .046 .008 0 .098 0 .855 7.004 6. 526 0 0 15 1 3 1 7 0 5 0 .071 .002 .041 .094 .085 0 .005 0 .3 (3) .2 (3) .4 0 .4 0 68 175 44 30 91 29 55 15 6 22 26 72 11 11 36 13 48 18 13 33 .122 .131 .035 .016 .088 .135 .109 .033 .009 .059 1.1 3.3 .5 .5 2.1 1.2 2.5 .5 .2 1.3 1.1 3.6 .3 .4 1.9 1.0 4.1 .9 1.0 3.7 .126 .137 .023 .015 .083 .091 .161 .062 .032 .155 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 2 The number of expenditure units per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the expenditure units represented by the equivalent full-time persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. TA B U LA R 185 S U M M A R Y T able 7.— Food used at home and purchased for consumption at home during 1 week in spring quarter, by economic level— C on tin u ed M IN N E A P O L IS-ST . PAUL, M IN N .—W H IT E FAM ILIES—Continued Number of families using in 1 week Item Average quantity pur chased per person i in 1 week Economic level—Fami lies spending All All per expendi fam ture unit per fam year ilies ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un der $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over Lb. Lb. Lb. Average expenditure per person i in 1 week Economic level— Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over F o o d U se d at H o m e a n d P u r c h a se d f o r C o n s u m p t i o n at H o m e in 1 W e e k —Continued Fats, total----------------------------------Butter-------------------------------------Cream_________________________ Other table fats------------------------Lard----------------------------------------Vegetable shortening----------------Table or cooking oils___________ Mayonnaise and other salad dressing_____________________ Bacon, smoked-------------------------Salt side of pork-----------------------Meat, poultry, fish and other sea food, total-----------------------------Beef: Fresh: Steak, porterhou se, sirloin________ top round______ other---------------Roast, rib____________ chuck-------------other--------------Boiling, chuck-----------plate -------------other_________ Canned______________________ Corned______________________ Dried________________________ Other------------ ---------------------Veal: Fresh, steak, chops______ roast_____________ stew______________ Lamb: Fresh, chops___________ roast____________ stew____________ Pork: Fresh, chops------------------loin roast________ other-------------------Smoked ham, slices______ half or whole. picnic_____ Pork sausage____________ Other pork______________ Miscellaneous meats, total. - ___ Other fresh meat____________ Bologna, frankfurters________ Cooked: Ham_______________ Tongue____________ Liver________________________ Other meat products________ Poultry: Chicken, broiling____ roast----------stew_______ Turkey______________ Other________________ Fish and other sea food, total. Fish: Fresh_________________ Canned_______________ Cured_________________ Oysters______________________ Other sea food_______________ Vegetables and fruits, totali _____ Potatoes_______________________ Sweetpotatoes, yams___________ N o. N o. N o. 349 107 138 189 30 78 14 10 0 164 61 66 37 10 15 4 1 9 101 166 15 30 45 5 38 68 8 N o. 104 81 4 37 12 4 33 53 2 124 107 101 77 60 38 33 2 28 1 11 24 6 56 20 14 13 2 12 149 37 54 31 4 15 49 12 30 34 35 28 22 15 10 1 9 0 5 11 2 9 7 3 1 1 5 38 8 24 6 0 3 15 5 46 44 36 26 27 10 16 1 12 0 5 11 2 20 9 6 7 1 2 65 13 17 16 1 8 18 5 48 29 30 23 11 13 7 0 7 1 1 2 2 27 4 5 5 0 5 46 16 13 9 3 4 16 2 3 207 51 5 56 14 5 14 8 0 1 2 79 20 2 17 7 1 1 2 0 0 1 79 18 1 23 5 2 3 3 0 1 0 49 13 2 16 2 2 10 3 0 0 68 100 9 3 4 15 29 4 1 1 27 40 2 0 2 26 31 3 2 l 226 15 66 91 69 8 2 5 Lb. 1.383 1.053 1. 368 2.037 .613 .499 .634 .792 .240 .063 .236 .579 .020 .041 0 .018 .170 .170 .174 . 162 .058 .044 .055 .091 .016 .028 .002 .019 .113 .143 .010 .092 .105 .011 .108 .146 .013 . 162 .209 .005 C t. C t. C t. C t. 35.8 26. 4 36. 7 52.9 20.0 16.0 20.9 26.2 4.9 1.3 4.9 11.8 .4 .4 .7 0 2.5 2.4 2.7 2.5 1.1 .8 1.0 1.8 .3 .5 .1 .6 2.0 4.4 .2 1.6 2.9 .2 2.0 4.8 .3 2.9 6.6 .1 2.394 1. 962 2. 343 3. 200 52.9 40.3 52.1 76. 9 . 160 . 153 . 154 .230 . 167 . 110 .067 .002 .040 .001 .009 .012 .012 .057 .062 .018 .011 .006 .018 . 153 .101 .084 .032 .021 .058 .043 .017 . 327 .007 .221 .040 .005 .043 .011 .016 .050 .027 0 (5) . 176 .083 .080 .007 .003 .003 8. 391 2. 368 .033 4.2 2.5 3.5 2.3 2.7 2.2 4.8 3.9 3.3 3.1 2.0 1.9 .9 .8 (3) (3) .6 .6 0 (3) .2 .2 .4 .5 .3 .6 1.4 .6 1.4 1.1 .3 .1 .3 (3) .1 .1 .4 .5 4.1 2.4 2.3 1.3 1.7 2.1 1.0 .3 .6 0 1.2 .7 1.0 .8 .3 .3 7. 7 7.8 '.2 !3 4.7 4.7 1.3 1.5 .2 .2 1.0 .7 .3 .4 .5 .3 1.3 .2 .7 .6 0 0 0 (3) 3. 7 2.5 1.7 1.0 1.7 1.3 .2 .2 (3) (3) .1 (3) 49.1 33.3 6.4 5.4 .2 .1 .099 .108 .134 .209 .164 .114 .046 .002 .034 0 .009 .012 .025 .025 .044 .007 .002 .006 .023 .094 .058 .110 .009 0 .042 .031 .017 367 .014 .242 .054 .009 .031 .017 .008 .008 .027 0 0 . 128 .051 .065 .009 .002 .001 7. 447 3.033 .010 .160 .176 . 144 .200 .190 .072 .105 .004 .050 0 .013 .016 .001 .051 .067 .025 .014 .008 .004 . 175 . 107 .058 .043 .003 .071 .037 .017 288 .004 .206 .028 (6) .044 .006 .018 .025 .023 0 (5) 178 .085 .086 .004 0 .003 9.430 3.011 .027 .274 . 198 .206 .324 .133 .169 .040 0 .034 .005 .002 .005 .007 .128 .086 .027 .023 0 .035 .228 .173 .078 .058 .091 .066 .075 .018 315 o' .208 .035 .004 .063 .005 .029 .071 .032 0 0 . 270 . 142 .099 .011 .011 .007 12. 773 4.381 .085 4.0 4.1 2.6 4.4 3.8 1.4 1.2 (3) .8 7.8 4.8 3.7 7.2 2.6 3.4 .6 0 .5 .1 .1 .2 .2 3.2 1.6 .5 .7 0 .7 6.1 4.0 1.6 1.6 2.4 1.4 1.7 .2 78 0 .3 .5 (3) 1.2 1.5 .4 .4 .2 .1 4.6 2.3 1.3 1.4 .1 1.6 .9 .3 70 ! i o' 4.7 4.6 .9 1.5 .2 (3) 1.1 1.4 .1 .2 .5 1.2 .7 4.3 .6 1.1 0 0 0 (3) 3.9 5.6 1.9 2.6 1.8 2.4 .1 .2 .2 0 .1 .2 50.6 75.6 6.5 8.0 .6 .2 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. * Less than 0.05 cent. 8 Less than 0.0005 pound. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 18 6 T able W ES T N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 7. — Food used at home and purchased for consumption at home during 1 week in spring quarter, by economic level— C on tinu ed M IN N EAPO LIS-ST. PAUL, M IN N .—W H IT E FAM ILIES—Continued Number of families using in 1 week Item F o o d U se d at H o m e a n d P u r c h a se d fo r C o n s u m p ti o n at H o m e in 1 W e e k —Continued Vegetables and fruits, total— Con. Dried legumes and nuts, total Dried corn_______ ________ Beans: D r y -------------------------Canned, dried________ Baked, not canned___ Peas: Black-eyed.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ Other_______________ Nuts: Shelled_______________ In shell_______ . . . . Peanut butter____ ____ Other dried legumes and nuts. Tomatoes: Fresh_____________ Canned______ _____ Juice _ __________ Sauce, paste_____ Green and leafy vegetables, total. Brussels sprouts______ ______ Cabbage_____ . . . _ .._ ._ Sauerkraut_________ _______ Collards _ ______ ___________ .. . .. Kale______ _______ Lettuce___ ______ __ ______ Spinach: Fresh.___________ _ Canned_____ Other leafy vegetables_______ Asparagus: Fresh_____ Canned______ . . . Lima beans: Fresh_________ Canned________ Beans, snap (string): Fresh.__ Canned. Broccoli . . . _ _ __ ... _ Peas: Fresh________. . . . . . C a n n ed.___ _______ __ Peppers. _______ ______ O kra______ ._ _ _ . . . ._ _ Yellow vegetables, total_____ _ Carrots. __________ ___ __ Winter squash and pumpkin. Other vegetables, total4 _____ Beets: Fresh ______ _____ . . . Canned______________ Cauliflower__________ . . . _ _ Celery_______________________ Corn: On ear. ____________ Canned______________ Cucumber___________________ Eggplant------------------------------Onions: Mature. _______ . . Spring___ __ ______ Parsnips___________________ Summer squash . . . . __ __ White turnips______________ Yellow turnips, rutabaga____ Other vegetables_____________ Pickles and olives___ ____ __ Citrus fruits, total. _ _ ___ __ Lemons ___________ _ _ Oranges____________________ Grapefruit: Fresh___________ Canned. _ ___ _ Economic level— Fami lies spending All per expendi fam ture unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over N o. N o. N o. 3 29 23 0 2 2 48 6 44 1 12 10 0 0 0 7 1 20 1 11 8 0 1 1 18 2 14 55 80 15 1 7 24 1 0 19 33 3 0 1 110 37 0 0 229 27 26 2 96 8 4 13 18 64 1 21 140 12 1 1 33 13 0 65 6 11 0 18 1 2 7 5 22 0 5 38 2 0 0 37 15 0 0 93 11 11 1 43 3 1 3 6 25 0 7 58 4 1 214 1 63 1 85 0 6 17 17 148 0 104 26 0 98 24 6 0 2 14 30 1 5 3 40 0 34 6 0 26 6 0 0 0 2 4 0 8 7 51 0 45 9 0 36 9 3 0 0 4 10 69 267 80 8 18 25 84 106 11 36 1 3 0 N o. Average quantity pur chased per person i in 1 week All fam ilies Lb. Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un der $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over Lb. Lb. Lb. 155 .002 .066 .024 0 .004 .004 .014 .003 .037 .001 .069 .155 .012 0 1.071 0 .191 .069 0 0 .163 .054 .040 .004 .206 .009 .002 .007 .018 .074 0 .019 .211 .002 .002 .346 .346 0 .616 0 .025 .021 .130 0 .180 .024 0 .171 .024 .010 0 0 .016 .015 .205 .004 .061 .029 0 .002 .007 .053 .009 .040 0 .179 . 173 .093 .003 1.744 0 .351 .096 0 0 .279 .062 .022 .004 .360 .021 .002 .015 .048 . 114 .005 .071 .287 .007 0 .433 .433 0 . 165 .036 .013 .040 .274 0 .126 .045 0 .281 .030 .018 0 .007 .049 .046 .183 . 197 .002 .002 1 .073 .085 6 .034 .046 5 0 0 0 .002 0 1 .003 0 1 .019 .006 23 .004 .001 3 .046 .057 10 (* ) 0 .074 .022 29 .137 .101 23 .026 ,003 11 1 0 ( 5) 1.092 .769 .001 .002 6 .212 . 157 40 .069 .056 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 167 .111 71 .047 .033 10 .033 .033 4 .002 0 1 . 185 .074 35 4 .008 .001 .003 .005 1 .018 .030 3 .027 .023 7 .086 .082 17 1 .001 0 .036 .032 9 . 194 .129 44 .002 .001 6 .001 0 0 .339 . 285 66 .338 .282 0 .001 .003 .616 .430 5 .010 .006 4 .017 .013 .020 .008 7 .144 .087 57 0 0 0 .153 .142 25 11 .024 .013 0 0 0 .181 . 137 36 9 .020 .011 3 .008 0 0 0 0 2 .002 0 8 .019 .006 16 .018 .007 . 2.184 1.626 2. 515 2. 666 26 .061 .044 .055 .103 77 1.786 1.437 2.073 1.952 .324 .143 .378 .571 33 4 1 .013 .002 .009 .040 Average expenditure per person i in 1 week Economic level— Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 to and der $400 $600 over C t. 2.4 ( 3) .4 .3 0 ( 3) ( 3) .8 .1 .8 ( 3) .9 1.2 .3 ( 3) 9.8 ( 3) .8 .4 0 0 2.5 .3 .4 (3) 1.6 .2 (3) .2 .3 .8 (3) .4 1.9 (3) (3) 1. 8 1.8 (3) 5.8 .1 .2 .2 1.5 0 1.5 .3 0 .8 .2 (3) 0 (3) .1 .2 .7 9.4 .7 7.0 1.6 .1 C t. 1.9 ( 3) .5 .3 0 0 0 .2 ( 3) .9 0 .4 .8 C t. 1.9 ( 3) .4 .2 0 ( 3) ( 3) .6 .1 .6 (3 ) C t. 4.0 ( 3) .4 .3 0 ( 3) .1 2.3 .2 .7 0 2.2 1.6 .8 .8 1.4 .2 0 0 ( 3) 6.3 9.9 16.3 0 0 ( 3) .6 .8 1.4 .4 .3 .7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.6 2.5 4.2 .2 .4 .5 .3 .5 .2 0 (3) (3) .6 1.8 3.1 .4 .1 (3) .1 (3) (3) .2 .3 .1 .2 .3 .6 .6 .7 1.0 0 0 .1 .2 .3 .7 1.2 2.1 3.0 .2 (3) (3) 0 0 (3) 1.3 1.9 2 . 4 1.3 1.9 2 . 4 0 0 (3) 3.6 5. 7 9.1 0 .3 (3) .2 .1 .1 .2 .4 .1 .9 1.4 2.8 0 0 0 1.3 1.8 1.4 .2 .6 .1 0 0 0 .8 1.1 .5 .1 .2 .3 0 .1 (3) 0 0 0 .1 0 0 .2 (3) (3) .2 .6 .1 .4 .7 1.1 6.5 10.2 13.9 .5 .7 1.2 5.3 7.5 9.3 .7 1.9 3.0 .4 .1 (3) ( 3) 1The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 3Less than 0.05 cent. 4 Does not include quantity of pickles and olives. 5Less than 0.0005 pound. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p.326. 187 TABULAE SUMMABY T able 1 .— Food used at home and purchased for consumption at home during 1 week in spring quarter, by economic level— C on tinu ed M IN N E A P O L IS-ST . PAUL, M IN N .—W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Number of families using in 1 week Item Average quantity pur chased per person i in 1 week Economic level—Fami lies spending All per expendi All fam ture unit per fam year ilies ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un der $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over Average expenditure per person i in 1 week Economic level— Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over F o o d U se d at H o m e a n d P u r c h a se d f o r C o n s u m p t i o n at H o m e i n 1 W e e k —Continued Apples: Fresh_________________ Canned_______________ Apricots: Fresh--------- --------------Canned______________ Bananas_____________________ Berries: Fresh_________________ Canned __ ___ _. ._ . Cherries: Fresh______ ______ __ Canned__________ __ Grapes: Fresh_________________ Canned __ _. ________ Peaches: Fresh_____ ___ - Canned______________ Pears: Fresh___________________ Canned_________ ___ Pineapple: Fresh. ______ Canned.. . . . __ _. Melons___ ______ . . . _ . ------Plums: Fresh______________ . . . Canned_______ ______ Other fruit______ __ . _______ Cider_______ __________ . . _ . . Grape juice._. ________________ Other fruit juices____________ . Dried: Apricots___ ___________ Peaches. _ _ _ _ _ _ .. . Prunes... _____ . . . . . Raisins . . . _. ___ D a te s___ ___ ___ Figs____________________ Other___ _ .. .. Sugars and sweets, total. . . . . Sugars: White. _. . . . . . ____ Brown___ ____________ Other sweets: Candy___ __ __ Jellies.___ __ _ Molasses, sirups.. Other sweets _ _ Miscellaneous, total___ _________ Gelatine___ ___________________ Packaged dessert mixtures_____ T e a ____ _______ . . . . . ... Coffee____ . . . ______ __ _. . . . Cocoa____________ _____ . . . Chocolate__________ _____ _____ Vinegar___ _ __ _______ _ Salt____________________________ Baking powder, yeast, soda__ _ Spices and extracts. _______ _ _ Catsups, sauces ______ ________ Tomato soup______ __________ Other soups____________________ Cod-liver oil.. . ________ Proprietary foods. _ ___________ Other foods____________________ Soft drinks consumed at home.. Other drinks consumed at home. Sales tax on food___________ _____ N o. N o. N o. N o. Lb. Lb. 0. 971 .395 0 0 0. .280 .058 0 0 .007 0 0 .005 .026 0 .006 .002 .024 0 0 .003 0 0 0 .004 .002 .004 .091 .044 .012 .008 0 1.476 1.250 .080 .049 .038 .059 0 1. 453 .535 0 0 .003 .454 .119 .002 0 .012 0 0 0 .035 0 .006 .015 .074 0 0 0 .013 0 0 .014 .015 .002 . Ill .025 .017 .001 0 1.762 1.583 .068 .057 .032 .016 .006 4 25 12 71 8 7 .005 .028 .021 .292 .022 .010 .008 .015 .014 .231 .025 .008 .002 .028 .027 .300 .016 .010 27 12 0 3 4 12 16 .068 .040 .004 .007 .005 .060 .141 .060 .021 .004 .002 .003 .022 .031 .044 .046 .006 .010 .001 .066 .129 1. 846 10.9 .657 3.0 0 0 0 0 .004 (3) .585 2.8 . 162 1.5 0 (3) 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (3) .050 .4 0 0 .1 .031 .015 .1 .080 .9 0 0 0 0 .014 (3) .022 .1 0 0 .001 (3) .1 .015 .2 .020 .004 (3) 1.1 . 146 .3 .018 .2 .018 0 (3) .004 (3) 1. 528 8.8 1.256 6.1 .051 .4 1.2 .109 .032 .6 .4 .046 .1 .034 17.9 .2 .007 .052 .7 1.2 .025 8.0 .394 .4 .026 .017 .3 .2 .6 .5 .3 .6 .9 .126 .5 .067 0 .3 .009 .4 .026 .2 .124 .5 2.1 .368 49 0 0 0 47 17 0 0 3 0 0 1 7 0 2 1 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 18 9 4 1 0 61 0 0 1 73 29 1 0 4 0 0 0 10 0 1 3 22 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 7 1 30 8 6 1 0 48 0 0 1 59 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 6 2 17 0 0 1 3 0 1 3 6 1 19 2 5 0 1 199 33 71 28 21 76 10 23 11 9 75 15 27 9 6 48 8 21 8 6 15 69 49 264 27 16 7 4 17 27 17 20 85 108 10 9 4 5 19 9 2 2 2 5 6 63 38 6 11 7 27 35 17 17 4 6 1 10 13 Lb. 1. 339 .504 0 0 .002 .411 . 103 .001 0 .007 0 0 .002 .035 0 .011 .010 .055 0 0 .004 .009 0 (5) .010 .011 .003 .110 .031 .015 .004 .001 1.594 1.376 .069 .065 .034 .040 .010 158 0 0 2 179 71 1 0 7 0 0 1 26 0 9 6 49 0 0 2 6 0 1 7 14 4 67 19 15 2 1 1..... Lb. C t. C t. C t. 7.0 2.3 0 0 0 1.8 .7 0 0 .1 0 0 .1 .3 0 (3) (8) .4 0 0 (3) 0 0 0 (3) (3) (3) .7 .4 .1 .1 0 8.0 5.6 .5 .9 .6 .4 0 11.8 .2 .3 .8 6.1 .3 .2 .3 .5 .4 .3 .3 .7 .3 .3 .1 .1 .2; .4 11.9 16.7 3.2 4.0 0 0 0 0 .1 (3) 3.1 4.0 1.7 2.5 0 (3) 0 0 .2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .4 .8 0 0 .5 (3) .1 .1 1.1 1.4 0 0 0 0 .1 0 .2 .1 0 0 .1 0 .1 .1 .3 .5 .1 (3) 1.2 1.6 .2 .2 .2 .3 0 (3) .1 0 8.8 10.5 6.2 6.8 .5 .4 1.2 1.9 .6 .7 .2 .5 .1 .2 18.3 28.1 .2 .1 .8 1.4 1.5 1.4 8.5 11.0 .4 .5 .2 .4 .2 .2 .6 .8 .7 .4 .2 .4 .5 1.1 .6i 1.6 .9 .6 .5 0 .3 .7 .7 (8) .9 .6i 1.9' 5.6 C t. - i The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. 5 Less than 0.0005 pound. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 188 T able WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION 7 . — F o o d used at hom e and purchased f o r c o n su m p tion at home d uring 1 week in sp rin g quarter , hy econ om ic level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O .—W H IT E FAM ILIES 1fami lies Item Number of families surveyed in spring quarter_________ Average number of equivalent full-time persons 1 per family in 1 week_____________________________________ Average number of food expenditure units 2 per family in 1 week_____________________________________________ Number of families using in 1 week Item F o o d U se d at H o m e a n d P u rch a sed fo r C o n s u m p t i o n at H o m e in 1 W eek __________ ___________ Total Grain products, total__________ Bread and other baked goods, total_______ ___________ _ Bread: White. ___ . . . . . . G ra h am , w hole wheat. ____ __ Rye________________ Crackers_________ Plain rolls ._ . . . ____ . . . Sweet rolls _______________ Cookies________ _ _______ Cakes_______ ______ _ . Pies_____ ___ ___________ Other__ _____ Ready-to-eat cereals ______ Flour and other cereals, total.. Flour: White __________ _ Graham __ __ __ Other . . . ______ Corn meal. . _______ Hominy____ _____ __ _ Cornstarch._ __ . . . ______ Rice. . __________ ________ Rolled oats______ ._ __ . . Wheat cereal__________ __ Tapioca__________ . . . Sago_______________________ M a c a r o n i, s p a g h e tti, noodles_________ ______ Other grain products______ Eggs----------------------------------------Milk, cheese, ice cream, total. . Milk: Fresh, whole—bottled. _ loose___ skimmed_______ buttermilk and other_________ Skimmed, dried_______ Evaporated and con densed______________ Cheese: American_________ _ Cottage____ _____ __ Other________ ______ Ice cream____________ . . . . . . Economic level— Fami lies spending All per expendi fam ture unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over N o. N o. N o. N o. Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over 264 82 96 86 3.48 4.86 3.26 2. 43 3.01 4.11 2.83 2.17 Average quantity pur chased per person i in 1 week Average expenditure per person 1 in 1 week Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Economic level— Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over All fam ilies Lb. Un der $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over Lb. Lb. Lb. C t. C t. C t. C t. 4.776 4.288 5.130 5.175 273.4 200.9 291. 2 385.1 44.2 35. 5 49.9 51. 5 3. 378 2. 957 3.676 3.732 2.209 2.124 2. 333 2.188 34.2 27.1 38.9 40.2 19.0 17.5 20.8 19.1 245 76 89 80 35 62 93 32 99 71 70 25 10 18 29 9 28 20 15 4 12 28 27 11 41 26 25 11 13 16 37 12 30 25 30 10 108 37 41 30 188 0 8 33 7 10 44 70 43 7 0 61 0 4 13 2 1 17 24 14 1 0 70 0 0 11 3 6 18 26 14 4 0 57 0 4 9 2 3 9 20 15 2 0 143 2 255 51 0 78 54 1 94 38 1 83 224 6 7 67 4 3 78 1 3 79 1 1 9 1 2 1 3 0 4 0 .101 .004 .054 .138 .138 .010 0 0 .8 (3) .1 (3) .6 0 2.2 0 167 92 27 40 70 55 35 9 12 19 63 31 8 11 27 49 26 10 17 24 .555 .088 .032 .023 .115 .489 .096 .026 .015 .063 4.3 2.2 .4 .9 2.2 3.8 2.2 .3 .6 1.2 4.8 1.9 .4 .6 2.6 4.5 2.4 .6 1.8 3.6 .139 .078 .209 .190 . 114 .092 .063 .042 .350 .260 .116 .084 . 101 .054 .038 .012 .039 .021 .102 .088 1.296 1. 243 .795 .778 0 0 .020 .020 .062 .065 .013 .009 .006 .003 .065 .073 .077 .077 .042 .028 .004 .001 0 0 .160 .221 .263 . 167 .096 .184 .050 .120 .406 .437 . 126 .161 . 118 . 165 .064 .047 .060 .042 .116 .108 1.338 1. 335 .792 .831 0 0 .051 0 .075 .036 .011 .022 .012 .005 .075 .034 .076 .079 .038 .077 .008 .002 0 0 .209 .189 .247 .193 .004 .005 .003 0 .806 .642 .816 1.103 5.154 4. 783 5.305 5.644 3.858 3. 382 4.073 4.443 .154 .259 .082 .062 .224 .389 .138 .041 .616 .073 .031 .018 .136 .589 .097 .046 .046 .182 1.3 .7 2.1 1.9 1.3 1.0 .9 .5 4.0 2.8 2.0 1.2 2.4 1.1 .5 .1 .7 .3 1.7 1.4 8.3 7.0 3.7 3.2 0 0 .2 .1 .2 .2 .1 .1 .1 (3) .4 .4 .7 .7 .6 .4 .1 (3) 0 0 1.6 2.7 1.1 .8 4.8 2.2 3.1 .8 1.0 1.9 9.1 4.0 0 0 .3 .1 .1 .5 .7 .6 .2 0 2.0 1.8 2.2 1.6 4.9 3.2 3.7 .7 1.0 2 !l 9. 2 4.1 0 .5 .1 .1 (3) .2 .7 1.2 .1 0 2.1 1.9 2.5 2.1 .1 0 .1 .1 12.8 9.6 13.1 18.3 32. 6 27.6 33.8 40. 0 20.9 17.9 22.2 24.6 .5 .9 .3 .2 .4 .6 .4 .1 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 2 The number of expenditure units per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the expenditure units represented by the equivalent full-time persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 189 TABULAR SUMM ARY T able 7 .— F o o d used at hom e and purchased f o r c o n su m p tion at home during 1 week in sp rin g quarter , by econom ic level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O .—W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Number of families using in 1 week Item F o o d U sed at H o m e an d P u rch a sed f o r C o n s u m p t i o n at H o m e in 1 W e e k —C ontinued Fats, total_______________________ Butter_________________________ Cream_________________________ Other table fats________________ Lard___________________________ Vegetable shortening___________ Table or cooking oils___________ Mayonnaise and other salad dressing______________________ Bacon, smoked________________ Salt side of pork_______________ Meat, poultry, fish and other sea food, total___________________ Beef: Fresh: Steak, porterhouse, sir loin__________ top round______ other___________ Roast, rib____________ chuck_________ other__________ Boiling, chuck_______ plate________ other_______ Canned______________________ Corned______________________ Dried________________________ Other________________________ Veal: Fresh, steak, chops______ roast_____________ stew______________ Lamb: Fresh, chops___________ roast____________ stew____________ Pork: Fresh, chops____________ loin roast_________ other_____________ Smoked ham, slices_____ hal f or whole__ picnic____ Pork sausage____________ Other pork______________ Miscellaneous meats, total_____ Other fresh meat____________ Bologna, frankfurters________ Cooked: Ham_______________ Tongue____________ Liver________________________ Other meat products_________ Poultry: Chicken, broiling____ roast_______ stew_______ Turkey______________ Other________________ Fish and other sea food, total, Fish: Fresh_________________ Canned_______________ Cured_________________ Oysters______________________ Other sea food_______________ Economic level—Fami lies spending All per expendi fam ture unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over N o. N o. N o. N o. 219 26 51 190 56 6 57 3 26 64 13 4 80 8 18 67 23 1 82 15 7 59 20 1 86 170 6 21 50 2 39 59 3 26 61 1 Average quantity pur chased per person i in 1 week Average expenditure per person i in 1 week Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Economic level— Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over All fam ilies Lb. Un der $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over Lb. Lb. Lb. 1.129 0.841 1.226 1.532 .287 .174 .327 .440 .054 .026 .045 .119 .085 .117 .077 .038 .262 .231 .269 .309 .089 .053 .101 .139 .009 .015 .004 .005 .090 .242 .011 .049 .166 .010 .137 .250 .016 .099 .376 .007 2.919 2.268 3.135 3.847 C t. C t. C t. C t. 28.1 19.0 31.2 41. 0 10.2 5.9 12.0 15.8 1.3 .8 1.1 2.8 1.4 1.9 1.3 .7 3.8 3.2 3.8 4.7 1.7 1.0 1.9 2.6 .2 .4 .1 .1 1.8 7.4 .3 .9 4.7 .2 2.7 2.0 7.8 12.2 .5 .1 66.6 47. 2 70. 8 96.0 101 76 97 41 61 15 17 12 26 7 16 2 1 46 18 18 6 2 3 154 30 35 33 23 29 40 6 27 6 8 7 12 3 6 0 0 10 7 7 0 0 2 41 7 12 7 31 26 41 17 18 6 6 3 6 1 7 0 1 20 5 6 1 2 1 59 12 12 15 47 21 16 18 16 3 3 2 8 3 3 2 0 16 6 5 5 0 0 54 11 11 11 .216 .127 .208 .168 .218 .046 .064 .025 .054 .008 .036 .002 .004 .078 .065 .037 .007 .009 .004 .278 .127 .091 .032 .122 .188 .439 .123 .121 .146 .190 .284 .130 .058 .217 .306 .216 .211 .232 .046 .060 .025 .054 .093 .041 .036 .022 .008 .061 .043 .058 .010 .002 .011 .024 .050 .036 0 0 .007 .013 0 0 .039 .109 .108 .048 .072 .088 .039 .038 .030 0 .003 .025 .026 0 0 .005 .006 0 .183 .317 .399 .072 .182 .148 .075 .103 . 104 .016 .041 .050 6.2 3.4 3.9 4.0 4.0 1.0 1.1 .4 .8 .1 .8 (3) .1 2.0 1.2 .7 .2 .2 .1 7.5 2.7 1.7 1.3 3.5 3.0 3.5 1.2 4.0 .8 .9 .5 .8 .2 .5 0 0 1.0 .8 .7 0 0 .1 4.6 1.4 1.4 .5 13 5 58 11 4 4 16 5 3 0 19 4 6 1 23 2 3 166 47 1 43 14 10 12 11 0 2 0 60 11 0 14 4 3 3 4 0 0 2 64 17 1 8 7 4 4 0 0 1 1 42 19 0 21 3 3 5 7 0 1 76 76 3 4 3 27 23 2 0 1 21 28 1 2 1 28 25 0 2 1 .058 .027 .084 .021 .427 .011 .299 .044 .003 .044 .026 .040 .062 .041 0 .007 .248 .148 .093 .003 .003 .001 .049 .016 . 140 .056 0 .014 .065 .087 .117 .026 .020 .012 .324 .508 . 503 .014 .029 0 .249 .362 .301 .023 .054 .068 0 .010 0 .036 .026 .086 .016 .042 .019 .031 .038 .060 . .043 .058 .105 .038 0 .109 0 0 0 0 .005 .024 .219 .202 .372 .133 .110 .232 .083 .079 .132 .002 .006 0 0 .005 .006 .001 .002 .002 1.4 .5 1.8 .4 10. 5 .2 6.8 2.0 (2) 1.1 .4 1.2 1.4 1.0 0 .2 4.8 2.9 1.6 .1 .1 .1 1.3 .4 2.9 1.0 0 .4 1.3 1.9 2.8 .4 .4 .2 7 4 12.1 14. 5 0 .3 .4 5.4 8.1 7.7 1.0 2.3 3.6 0 .1 0 .7 .6 2.4 .3 .4 .7 .7 1.4 1.7 .8 1.4 2.4 .8 0 2.8 0 0 0 0 .1 .7 4.1 4.1 6. 9 2.6 2.3 A 4 1.3 1.5 2.3 .1 .1 0 0 .2 .1 .1 (3) .1 5.4 12.5 3.3 4.3 5.4 2.5 4.6 8.3 3.8 4.2 1.5 .7 1.6 .8 .1 .3 .5 1. 2 .2 (3) 1.1 .8 0 .2 . 2 0 2.6 3.0 1.3 1.6 .6 .7 .1 .8 .6 0 .1 0 8.6 11.4 3.6 3.7 1.8 2.0 2.0 1.7 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326, 190 T able W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 7. — F o o d used at hom e and purchased f o r c o n su m p tion at hom e d uring 1 w eek in sp rin g quarter , hy econ om ic level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O —W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Number of families using in 1 week Item Average quantity pur chased per person 1 in 1 week Economic level—Fami Economic level— lies spending Families spending per expenditure All All per expendi unit per year fam ture unit per fam year ilies ilies Un $400 $600 Un $400 $600 to der to and der and $400 $600 over $400 $600 over Average expenditure per person4 in 1 week Economic level— Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over F o o d U s e d at H o m e a n d P u r c h a s e d f o r C o n s u m p t i o n at H o m e in 1 W e e k —Continued N o. N o. N o. N o. Lb. Potatoes-------- ------------------------ Sweetpotatoes, yams------------ - 252 37 81 8 91 14 80 15 Dried corn. _ ___ . . . ------Beans: Dry______ Canned, dried ------Baked, not canned----Peas: Black-eyed.-------. . . . ______________ Other Nuts: Shelled_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ In shell_____ . . . . Peanut butter-------- ------------ 0 51 21 1 6 1 9 1 19 0 23 9 0 3 0 0 0 10 0 18 5 1 0 0 5 1 5 0 10 7 0 3 1 4 0 4 Tomatoes: Fresh *----- -------Canned.. ------- . . Juice. . . . . . .. Sauce, paste________ Green and leafy vegetables, total. Brussels sprouts____ ______ _ Cabbage______ __ ._ ----------Sauerkraut ______ . . . Collards_________ _________ Kale________________________ Lettuce... _ . . . ________ ___ Spinach: Fresh. _ Canned.. __ _ Other leafy vegetables_______ Asparagus: Fresh___ _ Canned__________ Lima beans: Fresh _____ __ Canned _ Beans, snap (string): Fresh. . . CannedBroccoli _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . __ Peas: Fresh_______ _________ Canned___ _ . _ ... Peppers_______________ ____ Okra... _________ ____ _____ Yellow vegetables, total________ Carrots____ _ _ _ _ _ _ Winter squash and pumpkin _ Other vegetables, total4 ___ Beets: Fresh_________ ___ _ Canned___________ . . Cauliflower. _ _ _____ _____ Celery_______________________ Corn: On ear________________ Canned. ______ ___ Cucumber_________ ______ _ Eggplant-------- ------------------Onions: Mature___ . . . ._ Spring______________ Parsnips.____ _________ __ _ Summer squash_______ ____ White turnips_______________ Yellow turnips, rutabaga. _. _ Other vegetables__________ _ Pickles and olives_____ _ Citrus fruits, total. _____ ______ Lemons________ _ _______ Oranges_____ _____ _______ Grapefruit: Fresh__________ Canned._ ________ 48 136 17 22 11 37 4 11 16 57 2 10 21 42 11 1 1 124 56 0 1 204 117 30 5 27 32 13 22 71 46 1 18 123 17 0 0 45 17 0 0 61 49 10 1 7 4 4 3 23 11 0 5 33 6 0 0 45 19 0 1 77 35 11 3 10 13 3 10 23 16 1 7 46 5 0 1 34 20 0 0 66 33 9 1 10 15 6 9 25 19 0 6 44 6 0 146 1 49 0 50 0 47 1 36 12 40 120 4 132 28 3 150 50 2 0 13 13 21 12 5 9 33 2 33 11 1 48 20 0 0 4 5 8 13 6 13 41 1 51 9 1 58 14 2 0 3 5 8 11 1 18 46 1 48 8 1 44 16 0 0 6 3 5 10.156 2.453 .107 .170 0 .098 .040 .001 .010 0 .005 (6) .016 0 .111 .304 .041 .015 1.990 .001 .530 .106 0 .003 .324 .328 .042 .021 . 117 .040 .021 .026 .125 .069 .002 .032 .198 .005 0 .275 .274 .001 .960 .073 .016 .066 .171 .007 .203 .042 .005 .239 .073 .002 0 .018 .028 .017 58 180 69 6 18 59 17 0 16 62 22 3 24 59 30 3 1. 590 .122 .980 .468 .020 Lb. Lb. Lb. C t. C t. C t. 8.296 10.131 13.598 56.7 40.2 58.3 2. 270 2.359 2.940 6.6 6.0 6.5 .060 .112 .187 .4 .2 .3 . 191 . 142 . 174 1.5 1.5 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .120 .098 .057 .6 .7 .5 .046 .023 .055 .3 .3 .1 .003 0 0 0 (3) 00 .008 0 .029 .1 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .006 .014 0 .2 0 .2 .001 0 0 0 00 00 .017 .011 .019 .3 .4 .2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .070 .115 .182 .6 1.4 1.2 .220 .311 .453 2.3 1.6 2.2 .021 .002 .138 .4 .2 (3) .018 .018 .002 .2 .2 .2 1.514 2. 076 2. 619 12.6 8. 7 12.8 .005 00 0 0 0 0 .465 .583 .571 1.3 1.2 1.3 .084 .107 .144 .6 .5 .6 0 0 0 0 0 0 .010 0 0 0 00 00 .230 .369 .436 2.7 1.8 2.9 1.4 1.4 1.2 .356 .265 .366 .037 .028 .075 .4 .3 .4 .015 .037 .010 .1 00 .1 .070 . 166 .134 .5 .2 .6 .012 .047 .080 .7 .2 .7 .020 .010 .042 .2 .2 .1 .007 .045 .035 .2 .1 .4 .019 . 122 .179 1.3 1.0 1.2 .034 .056 .157 .7 .3 .5 0 .006 0 0 .1 •00 .021 .038 .043 .3 .2 .4 .138 . 182 .337 2.1 1.2 2.2 .006 .005 .005 .1 .1 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .236 .282 .335 1.3 1.1 1.4 .236 .282 .332 1.3 1.1 1.4 .003 00 0 0 0 0 .735 .971 1.371 7.7 4.9 8.7 .075 .061 .086 .3 .3 .3 .018 .022 0 .1 .1 .2 .034 .067 .127 .4 .7 .8 .118 .157 .292 .9 1.3 1.4 .1 .1 00 .011 .006 (5) .120 .232 .316 2.0 1.1 2.5 .039 .043 .048 .3 .3 .3 .004 .005 .007 00 00 00 .196 .259 .292 1.0 .8 1.2 .5 .4 .4 .069 .049 .117 .005 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 .013 .013 .038 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .028 .030 .026 .010 .022 .022 .2 .1 .3 .9 .2 1.2 1.201 1.401 2.616 8.7 6.1 8.2 .094 .092 .221 .9 .6 .7 .881 .876 1.323 6.1 4.8 5.8 .226 .397 1. 037 1.5 .7 1.4 0 .036 .035 .2 0 .3 C t. 84. 7 8.0 .6 1.8 0 .4 .4 0 .2 0 .6 0 .2 0 2.2 3.6 1.3 (3) 19.2 .1 1.4 .9 0 0 3.6 1.8 .6 .1 .7 1.6 .5 .2 1.9 1.6 0 .4 3.6 .2 0 1.7 1.7 00 12.2 .4 0 1.4 2.5 00 3.0 .5 .1 1.1 .9 0 0 .3 .1 .3 1.6 14.2 1.5 9.1 3.3 .3 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 3Less than 0.05 cent. 4 Does not include quantity of pickles and olives. 5 Less than 0.0005 pound. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. TABULAR 191 SUM M ARY T a b l e 7 . — F o o d used at hom e and purchased f o r c o n su m p tion at hom e during 1 week in sp rin g quarter, hy econom ic level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O —W H IT E FAM ILIES—Continued Average quantity pur chased per person i in 1 week Average expenditure per person i in 1 week Economic Economic level— level— Fami lies spending Families spending per expendi per expenditure All All ture unit per unit per year fam fam year ilies ilies Un $400 $600 Un $400 $600 to der and der to and $400 $600 over $400 $600 over Economic level— Families spending per expenditure All fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over Number of families using in 1 week Item F o o d U sed at H o m e a n d P u rch a sed fo r C o n s u m p tio n at H o m e in 1 W e e k —Continued Other fruits, total__________ ____ Apples: Fresh_________________ Canned. __ ______ Apricots: Fresh____ _______ __ Canned_____________ Bananas________ ____ ____ __ Berries: Fresh.__ __________ __ Canned. _____ ____ Cherries: Fresh__________ . . . Canned____________ Grapes: Fresh_____ ________ Canned_________ __ __ Peaches: Fresh.._____ _ . ... C a n n e d ...____ __ . . . Pears: Fresh. _______ _______ Canned________________ Pineapple: Fresh______________ Canned_________ Melons_____ . . . ______________ Plums: Fresh________________ Canned_______________ Other fruit_______ . . . ________ Cider_____ ___ _____ ________ Grape juice_______________ _ _ Other fruit juices. ____________ Dried: Apricots_____ ________ Peaches________ _______ Prunes___________ _ . . . R a isin s...____ ________ Dates. _ _______________ Figs-------- ---------- -----------Other__________________ Sugars and sweets, total ___ ___ Sugars: White______ . . . . . . __ Brown ________________ Other sweets: Candy. _____ _ Jellies. __________ Molasses, sirups.. Other sweets. __ _ Miscellaneous, total ____ ____ Gelatine. ________ ___________ Packaged dessert mixtures___ __ Tea____________________________ Coffee____ __________ _________ Cocoa___________________ . . . _ Chocolate ____________ ________ Vinegar_______________ ______ Salt____________________________ Baking powder, yeast, soda___ Spices and extracts____________ Catsups, sauces_______________ Tomato soup_________________ Other soups____________________ Cod-liver oil______________ _____ Proprietary foods. ____ ________ Other foods_______ __ __ . . . __ Soft drinks consumed at home.. Other drinks consumed at home. Sales tax on food___ _____________ N o. N o. N o. N o. .007 .004 .032 .016 .018 .012 . 354 .247 .014 .016 .00# 0 . 010 .038 .022 .425 .012 .010 7 9 2 0 3 14 20 .053 .029 .006 . 008 .006 .084 .610 . 052 .017 .010 .012 .004 .038 .516 89 6 19 32 10 78 7 17 25 10 16 64 50 247 20 8 6 16 17 76 13 1 4 23 19 92 5 4 33 17 13 6 7 22 46 12 2 4 3 2 1 8 14 6 7 3 2 7 18 78 4 Lb. 6 25 14 79 2 3 17 31 15 245 17 53 88 35 4 0 0 0 Lb. 2.342 1. 043 0 0 .013 .597 . 167 .004 .011 .042 0 0 .006 .169 .011 .022 .013 .088 0 0 .025 .010 0 0 .006 .026 .003 .080 .003 .003 0 0 1.132 . 940 .016 .070 .084 . 022 0 58 3 0 5 40 17 2 0 11 0 0 0 30 0 6 3 22 1 0 5 3 0 2 0 4 0 16 7 0 0 0 59 0 0 3 42 14 0 0 4 0 0 0 20 0 4 3 7 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 5 2 18 Lb. 1. 760 1.050 0 0 .009 .375 .089 0 0 .018 0 0 0 .052 0 .016 .025 .018 0 0 .003 .008 0 .001 0 .010 .003 .066 .017 0 0 0 1. 056 .831 .030 .062 .046 .087 0 63 0 0 3 54 19 1 3 9 0 0 1 32 1 5 2 21 0 0 2 2 0 1 3 8 2 16 6 1 0 0 180 3 0 11 136 50 3 3 24 0 0 1 82 1 15 8 50 1 0 8 7 0 4 3 17 4 50 17 1 0 0 2.140 1.048 .006 0 .017 .492 . 128 .003 .004 .039 0 0 .002 .138 .004 .022 .022 .061 .004 0 .021 .010 0 .002 .002 .016 .002 .083 .013 .001 0 0 1.191 . 980 .024 .069 .063 .055 0 .045 .011 .005 .010 .003 .003 .205 Lb. C t. 581 13.8 4.5 1. 063 .024 (3) 0 0 .2 .037 2.7 .561 1.7 . 144 .006 (3) 0 .1 .4 .077 0 0 0 0 0 (3) 1.4 .256 0 (3) .2 .035 .029 .2 .8 .103 .019 (3) 0 0 .2 .049 .014 .1 0 0 .1 .010 0 (3) .014 .3 0 (3) .8 . 120 .020 .1 0 (3) 0 0 0 0 1. 532 8.2 1. 322 5.3 .024 .2 .080 1.3 .063 1.0 .4 .043 0 0 21. 5 .010 .2 .052 1.0 .022 1.0 .452 8.0 .011 .2 .1 .010 .6 .5 .5 .2 .8 .071 .6 .4 .080 .005 .7 0 .3 .015 .2 .308 .8 5.4 1. 521 2.7 2. C t. C t. C t. 9.1 15. 6 19.9 3.8 4.8 5.5 0 0 .1 0 0 0 .1 .1 .5 1.9 3.1 3.4 1.1 2.1 2.3 0 .1 (3) .2 0 0 .4 .1 .8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 .5 1.7 2.6 0 .1 0 .2 .4 .2 .2 .2 .1 .2 1.1 1.4 0 0 .1 0 0 0 .4 .2 (3) .1 .3 (3) 0 0 0 0 .2 (3) 0 .1 0 .2 .4 .3 0 (3) (3) .7 .8 1.0 .1 (3) .3 0 0 (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.9 8. 2 10. 5 4 .4 5.1 7.1 .2 .2 .1 1.0 1.3 1.6 .7 1.4 1.2 .6 .4 .3 0 0 0 12. 9 23. 0 39. 3 .2 .3 .3 .4 1.2 4.2 1.8 1. 0 1.4 5.4 9.5 10.7 .2 .1 .1 .2 0 .3 .7 .9 .3 .4 1. 0 .4 .5 .5 .5 .1 .1 .4 .3 1.2 1. 0 .5 .6 .6 .2 1.1 .1 .2 1.7 .2 .4 .5 0 .2 (3) .3 .3 2.8 (3) 1.9 4.4 13.6 2.0 2.9 3.8 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 192 T able WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION 1 ,— F o o d used at hom e and purchased f o r c on su m p tion at hom e d u rin g 1 week in sp rin g quarter, hy econ om ic level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O.—NEGRO FAM ILIES Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year All fami lies Item Under $300 $300 to $400 Number of families surveyed in spring quarter-------------Average number of equivalent full-time persons 1 per family in 1 week_____________________________________ Average number of food expenditure units 2 per family in 1 week____________________________________________ Number of families using in 1 week Item F o o d U sed at H o m e and P u rch a sed fo r C o n s u m p ti o n at H o m e in 1 W eek Total____________________________ Grain products, total__________ Bread and other baked goods, total_____________________ Bread: White_____________ Gr a h a m, whol e wheat____________ Rye-----------------------Crackers__________________ Plain rolls_________________ Sweet rolls________________ Cookies___________________ Cakes_____________________ Pies_______________________ Other_____________________ Ready-to-eat cereals-------------Flour and other cereals, total.. Flour: White_____________ Graham___________ Other______________ Corn meal_________________ Hominy___________________ Cornstarch________________ Rice_______________________ Rolled oats________________ Wheat cereal______________ Tapioca___________________ Sago_______________________ Macaroni, spaghetti, noodles Other grain products____ Eggs-------------------------------------Milk, cheese, ice cream, total. Milk: Fresh, whole—bottled._ loose___ skimmed_______ buttermilk and other_________ Skimmed, dried_______ Evaporated and con densed______________ Cheese: American___________ Cottage_____________ Other_______________ Ice cream____________________ Economic level— Fami lies spending All per expendi fam ture unit per year ilies Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over N o. N o. N o. N o. $400 and over 106 28 27 51 3.14 5.01 3.19 2.09 2. 72 4. 22 2. 74 1.90 Average quantity pur chased per person i in 1 week Average expenditure per person i in 1 week Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Economic level— Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over All fam ilies Lb. 5.441 1.665 1.241 Un der $300 Lb. 4. 626 1 .2 4 7 1 .0 7 1 $300 to $400 Lb. 47813 .464 .057 .340 .034 .006 .123 .003 .032 C t. C t. C t. 16.8 12.6 12.0 10.5 1.1 .3 .1 .5 23.6 15.6 1.6 .8 .7 .1 .8 .3 .1 0 .2 .1 .2 .525 1.169 0 2.8 0 1.7 0 2.7 0 4.4 0 .580 .090 0 .008 .009 .122 .243 3.7 1.3 0 2.7 .7 0 .1 3.6 1.5 0 5.1 2.0 0 .012 .0 5 7 .5 1 6 .159 .112 .103 .047 .152 .073 .037 0 .019 .092 4. 643 2.914 0 .047 1.062 .047 0 .244 .076 .042 0 0 .211 0 .998 4. 419 2.187 0 . 141 C t. 231.5 154.9 232.6 333.7 36.1 28.7 31.3 49.0 1.7 1.1 1.0 .5 1.9 .8 .8 0 .2 1.6 23.8 14.2 0 .3 3.9 .3 0 1.6 .7 .5 0 0 2.3 0 16.2 29.5 11.9 0 .4 .0 2 9 .727 Lb. 7. 020 1.575 2.285 1.095 1.583 .159 .113 .078 .0 1 4 .008 .011 .078 .0 1 8 .023 .0 3 0 .009 0 0 0 .011 . 0 0 5 .012 .062 .0 1 4 . 104 3.714 3 . 3 6 5 3.134 2. 228 1 . 9 4 6 1.837 0 0 0 .015 0 0 .836 .733 .7 2 7 .053 .105 .0 2 7 .001 0 .003 .2 9 6 .246 .169 .1 0 8 .083 .051 .0 3 2 .044 .067 0 .0 1 4 .006 0 0 0 .202 . 2 1 5 .169 0 0 0 .695 .4 3 0 .681 3.469 2 . 3 5 0 4.118 1.995 1 . 3 6 4 2. 788 0 0 0 .100 .0 6 1 .097 .104 .071 .077 .023 .074 .037 .027 $400 and over .521 .054 .6 .7 .3 .9 .5 .5 0 .2 .2 .2 .2 .5 0 .1 .2 .2 1. 1.0 18.3 15.9 15.2 10.3 8.3 8.7 0 0 0 .1 0 0 2.9 2.5 2.3 .4 .2 .3 0 .1 (3) 1.6 1.8 1.1 .7 .8 .5 .5 .6 .8 .2 0 .1 0 0 0 1.7 1.6 1.3 0 0 0 10.9 6.8 10.8 21.7 13.3 26.0 10.8 7.4 15.1 0 0 0 .2 2.7 .2 2.7 .2 5.5 1The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 2 The number of expenditure units per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the expenditure units represented by the equivalent full-time persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 193 TABULAR SUMM ARY T able 7 .— F o o d used at home and purchased f o r con su m p tion at home during 1 week in sp rin g quarter, by econom ic level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O .—NEGRO FAM ILIES— Continued Number of families using in 1 week Item Economic level—Fami lies spending All per expendi fam ture unit per year ilies Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over Average quantity pur chased per person * in 1 week All fam ilies Average expenditure per person1 in 1 week Economic level— Families spending per expenditure All unit per year fami lies Un $300 $400 and to der $300 $400 over Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over F o o d U s e d at H o m e a n d P m ch a sed o r C o n s u m p t i o n at H o m e i n 1 W e e k —Continued Fats, total _ ______ - _______ Butter____ ___________________ Cream_________________________ Other table fats ___ _________ Lard__. ___________ ________ Vegetable shortening______ Table or cooking oils___________ Mayonnaise and other salad dressing._ ________ - ___ Bacon, smoked ___ ______ Salt side of pork- ____________ Meat, poultry, fish and other sea food, total- __________ - ____ Beef: Fresh: Steak, porterhouse, sirloin__________ top round ___ other_____ _____ Roast, rib_____ __ __ _ chuck__________ other_________ Boiling, chuck________ plate_________ other... _____ Canned___ . . _ _____ __ Corned___ ___________ ______ Dried-. ___________ ______ _ Other. _ ______ _____________ Veal: Fresh, steak, chops____ roast._ ______ _ stew____ __ __ Lamb: Fresh, chops. _ ________ roast________ _ . stew. __________ Pork: Fresh, chops___________ loin roast_______ other____________ Smoked ham, slices.. . h a l f or whole.. picnic___ Pork sausage. _____ _ Other pork. _ __ Miscellaneous meats, total ___ Other fresh meat.._________ Bologna, frankfurters____ __ Cooked: Ham ____ ________ Tongue. _________ Liver.__ ________ ___________ Other meat products_________ Poultry: Chicken, broiling-------roast________ stew. _ Turkey_______________ Other. _____________ Fish and other sea food, total.__ Fish: Fresh__________________ Canned________________ Cured. . . . _____ _____ Oysters__________ _______ ___ Other sea food_______________ N o. N o. N o. N o. 99 2 6 99 3 1 25 0 3 25 1 0 26 1 1 27 0 0 48 1 2 47 2 1 42 63 66 9 13 22 12 18 17 21 32 27 Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 1. 738 1.244 1. 756 2. 374 .307 .194 .349 .422 .005 0 .006 .010 .021 .021 .012 .028 .650 .475 .625 .900 .015 .014 0 .028 .006 0 0 .019 .095 .322 .317 .053 .216 .271 .119 .317 .328 .132 .466 .369 2. 963 2.161 3. 245 3. 784 C t. C t. C t. CL 38.4 25. 7 40. 3 53.1 10.9 6.8 12.3 14.9 .1 0 .2 .1 .4 .2 .3 .6 9.1 6.4 8.9 12.7 .3 .2 0 .6 .1 0 .4 0 1.8 9.4 6.3 .9 5.6 5.5 2.4 2.5 9.3 14.3 7.0 7.0 58.9 38.1 64.7 82. 5 29 17 14 21 6 0 16 1 15 0 0 0 0 20 5 3 4 3 2 54 8 12 9 7 1 3 3 1 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 4 2 1 1 1 2 10 3 4 3 4 6 4 7 2 0 7 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 2 1 0 1 0 14 3 3 2 18 10 7 11 3 0 3 1 5 0 0 0 0 12 1 1 3 1 0 30 2 5 4 .159 .071 .092 .185 .040 0 .095 .006 .101 0 0 0 0 .098 .048 .018 .022 .027 .012 .295 .065 .116 .046 .115 .007 .039 .053 .014 0 .114 0 .127 0 0 0 0 .075 .050 .014 .007 .021 .029 .171 .061 .135 .023 .085 .105 .140 .256 .058 0 .128 0 .087 0 0 0 0 .079 .081 .023 0 .023 0 .308 .116 .089 .012 .276 .128 .122 .300 .059 0 .042 .019 .078 0 0 0 0 .145 .019 .019 . 058 .037 0 .447 .028 .112 .103 3.4 1.8 1.5 3.5 .8 0 1.5 .1 1.3 0 0 0 0 2.3 .8 .3 .5 .6 .2 7.3 1.5 1.8 1.0 2.3 .2 .6 1.2 .3 0 1.6 0 1.5 0 0 0 0 1.8 .8 .2 .2 .5 .4 4.0 1.4 2.2 .5 1.7 6.2 2.6 3.3 2.3 2.1 5.2 5.1 .9 1.5 0 0 .7 2.1 .2 0 1.2 1.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.0 3.4 1.6 .3 .3 .3 1.5 0 .7 .7 0 0 7.0 11.8 .7 2.6 1.4 1.5 .4 2.2 5 0 36 9 1 0 15 1 1 0 8 5 3 0 13 3 0 51 6 2 24 0 13 5 12 0 1 0 20 2 0 9 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 12 2 1 6 0 8 0 3 0 1 0 19 2 1 9 0 5 4 8 0 0 .036 0 .226 .029 .539 0 .376 .024 0 .139 0 0 .032 .021 0 45 11 0 0 1 9 3 0 0 1 13 3 0 0 0 23 5 0 0 0 .068 0 .173 .056 .458 0 .311 .018 .018 .111 0 .149 .056 .138 0 .012 .357 .304 .050 0 0 .003 .041 0 .108 . 116 .434 0 .273 .016 .035 .110 0 .378 0 .151 0 .047 .380 .345 .035 0 0 0 .131 0 .155 .045 .372 0 .256 .012 .028 .076 0 .161 .134 .282 0 0 .512 .456 .056 0 0 0 1.5 0 2.9 .7 8.0 0 5.6 .4 .3 1.7 0 3.8 1.6 3.6 0 .3 6.3 5.5 .8 0 0 (3) .9 0 3.4 .4 8.9 0 6.8 .3 0 1.8 0 0 .9 .6 0 0 3.3 2.6 .6 0 0 1.2 2.7 0 0 1.9 3.0 .6 1.3 7.8 7.3 0 0 4.7 4.8 .4 .6 .7 .5 2.0 1.4 0 0 9.1 4.7 3.9 0 3.8 7.3 0 0 1.0 0 6.6 10.4 5.8 9.2 .8 1.2 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 .223 .164 .052 0 0 .007 .1I 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the num ber of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION 194 T able 7 . — Food used at home and purchased for consumption at home during 1 week in spring quarter, by economic level— C on tinu ed ST. LOUIS, M O —NEGRO FAM ILIES—Continued Number of families using in 1 week Item F o o d U sed at H o m e a n d P u r c h a se d fo r C o n s u m p tio n at H o m e in 1 W e e k —Continued Vegetables and fruits, total4___ __ Potatoes... __ _____ _ -Sweetpotatoes, yam s..._______ Dried legumes and nuts, total _ Dried corn— __ --_ Beans: D r y ------ --- ----- . . . Canned, dried___ _ _ Baked, not canned___ Peas: Black-eyed. __ ---------Other.— ______ Nuts: Shelled— ----------- __ In shells_________ _ _ Peanut butter. ___ ______ Other dried legumes and nuts _ Tomatoes: Fresh___ __________ Canned._ ._ -_ Juice_____ Sauce, paste... ___ Green and leafy vegetables, total Brussels sprouts. _. . . Cabbage.. _ _ . . ._ . . . Sauerkraut.__ Collards_______________ ____ Kale___ . . . ________ _______ Lettuce . . . . . ._ Spinach: Fresh.. ___ __ _ _ _ Canned. ________ . Other leafy vegetables _____ Asparagus: Fresh____ ______ Canned. _______ __ Lima beans: Fresh_____ ____ Canned________ Beans, snap (string): Fresh... Canned. Broccoli_____________________ Peas: Fresh__________________ Canned________________ Peppers_____________________ Okra________________________ Yellow vegetables, total . Carrots.. _______ ____ ______ Winter squash and pumpkin. Other vegetables, total4 Beets: Fresh_________________ Canned_______________ Cauliflower__________ _______ Celery_______________________ Corn: On ear________________ Canned. _______ Cucumber _. ______ _______ Eggplant____________________ Onions: Mature_____________ Spring______________ Parsnips. ____________________ Summer squash______________ White turnips_______________ Yellow turnips, rutabaga____ Other vegetables_____________ Pickles and olives ____ Citrus fruits, total . ___ Lemons____________________ _ Oranges_____________________ Grapefruit: Fresh------------------Canned__________ Economic level—Fami lies spending All per expendi fam ture unit per year ilies Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over N o. N o. N o. Average quantity pur chased per person 4 in 1 week Average expenditure per person1 in 1 week Economic level— Families spending per expenditure All unit per year fam ilies Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over Economic level— Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over Lb. N o. Lb. 5.061 1.076 .499 .292 0 .125 0 0 .135 0 .014 0 .018 0 0 .112 0 .046 1.368 0 .310 .033 0 .078 .059 .364 0 .221 0 0 .036 0 .178 0 0 .014 .057 .002 .016 .057 .057 0 .576 0 0 0 .014 0 .202 0 0 .285 .040 0 0 .014 .021 0 83 51 21 16 22 13 40 22 0 26 1 0 25 1 3 1 3 0 12 0 0 9 0 1 0 3 0 6 0 0 4 1 1 1 0 0 8 1 0 12 0 1 0 0 12 27 1 18 0 9 0 5 5 5 0 3 7 13 1 10 0 38 7 3 11 45 49 2 35 4 0 8 2 36 2 0 4 20 6 3 0 12 4 0 3 8 14 0 10 0 0 2 0 11 0 0 1 6 1 2 0 11 1 1 1 11 10 1 9 1 0 2 0 8 0 0 1 6 1 1 0 15 2 2 7 26 25 1 16 3 0 4 2 17 2 0 2 8 4 0 16 1 4 0 3 0 9 1 6 1 1 18 2 47 2 0 73 13 0 0 5 2 1 0 0 0 2 0 17 0 0 18 3 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 9 0 0 20 2 0 0 1 0 0 5 1 1 15 1 21 2 0 35 8 0 0 3 1 1 7. 253 1.260 .545 .301 0 . Ill .012 0 .153 .006 .008 .003 .008 0 .075 .154 .008 .043 1.954 0 .374 .023 .022 .101 . 153 .441 .009 .305 .039 0 .048 .009 .248 .008 0 .030 .130 .005 .009 .088 .084 .004 .949 .021 .003 .009 .057 .012 .279 .003 0 .476 .034 0 0 .039 .015 .001 39 39 13 1 8 10 3 1 7 10 3 0 24 19 7 0 .702 .399 .217 .082 .314 .242 .171 .075 0 0 Lb. Lb. C t. C t. C t. C t. 6. 619 10. 597 39.9 24.8 36. 5 64 0 3.5 2.4 3.6 4.9 1.087 1.640 .552 '. 600 1.8 1.5 2.1 2.0 . 181 .405 2. 2 2. 2 1. 5 2.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 .073 .122 .8 .8 .7 .8 0 .037 2 0 0 .5 0 0 0 0 0 0 .070 .244 1.0 1.0 .4 1.5 .023 0 0 .1 0 (3) .003 .002 .1 .2 .1 .1 .012 0 0 .2 0 (3) 0 .1 0 .2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o .128 . 131 .6 0 .7 1.3 .081 .268 1.4 1.1 .8 2.1 0 .025 .1 0 0 .2 .5 .020 .058 .4 .2 .7 7.1 11.1 17.0 1.857 2.794 11.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.4 1.3 1.7 .459 .389 1. .010 .019 .2 .2 .1 .2 .1 .047 .030 .0 .1 .3 .5 .4 .023 .192 .1 .9 1.4 .5 1.3 2.6 .148 .281 1.7 1.3 1.1 2.8 .267 .684 .1 0 .023 .009 .2 .1 1.3 .360 .370 .7 1.6 1.8 .012 . 112 .1 0 .2 .3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .4 .2 .7 .4 .070 .047 0 .1 0 0 .028 .2 2.1 1.5 2.0 3.0 .250 .337 0 .1 0 .023 0 .2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 .2 .023 .056 .1 .5 1.3 .7 1.6 2.0 .154 .206 .002 .011 .1 (3) .4 (3) .2 .2 .3 0 .009 0 .035 . 171 .5 .2 .2 1.0 .5 .2 .2 .9 .035 .159 0 .012 (3) 0 0 .1 6.3 3.9 4.7 11.3 .808 1. 549 .1 0 .012 .056 .1 .2 0 0 .009 (3) 0 .1 .1 0 0 0 .3 .028 .4 .1 .1 1.2 .012 .150 .1 0 .020 .022 .2 .2 2.9 2.0 2.0 4.8 .215 .431 0 0 0 .1 .009 (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.9 1.2 1.9 2.9 .477 .726 .2 .2 .1 .014 .041 .4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .2 .2 .1 .058 .056 .3 .1 0 .019 .1 0 .1 0 .002 (3) 0 0 (3) .2 0 .3 .8 .615 1.171 4.4 2.5 3.7 7.7 1.7 .7 1.1 3.4 .169 .433 .341 .387 2.1 1.5 2.3 2.9 .3 .3 1.4 .105 .351 .6 0 0 0 0 0 0 i The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 4 Does not include quantity of pickles and olives. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. TA B U LA R T able 7.— 195 S U M M A R Y F o o d used at hom e and purchased f o r c on su m p tion at home d uring 1 week in sp rin g quarter , hy econ om ic level—Continued ST. LOUIS, M O.—NEGRO FAM ILIES— Continued Number of families using in 1 week Item F o o d U se d at H o m e a n d P u r c h a se d fo r C o n s u m p tio n at H o m e in 1 W e e k —Continued Other fruits, total_____ _________ Apples: Fresh_________________ Canned_______________ Apricots: Fresh____________ _ Canned__________ Bananas_________ _____ _____ _ Berries: Fresh__ ________ _ . Canned_____ _________ Cherries: Fresh________________ Canned______________ Grapes: F resh ............................. Canned........ ............ ....... Peaches: Fresh_______________ Canned______ _____ Pears: F r e s h ______ __________ Canned.................. ............ Pineapple: Fresh_____________ Canned.. ______ __ Melons_______ . . . __ Plums: Fresh__________ Canned___ . . . _ _ Other fruit______ Cider____________________ __ Grape juice. _. ______________ Other fruit juices__________ _ Dried: Apricots________________ Peaches___ __ . . . Prunes____ _______ Raisins__________ _ Dates.. __ ___________ Figs------------------------------Other__________________ Suears and sweets, total Sugars: White____ Brown_____ __ Other sweets: Candy_____ __ Jellies___________ Molasses, sirups. _ Other sweets _ Miscellaneous, total. Gelatine_____ _____ Packaged dessert mixtures. _ Tea________ . . . . . . Coffee.. . _____ __ _ Cocoa___________ _. . Chocolate___________ _ Vinegar.. __________ _ Salt_____________ Baking powder, yeast, soda___ . Spices and extracts_________ Catsups, sauces______________ _ Tomato soup . . . . ___ Other soup:*,____________________ Cod-liver oil___________________ Proprietary foods______________ Other foods..____ _____________ Soft drinks consumed at home.. Other drinks consumed at home Sales tax on food___ ______ Economic level—Fami lies spending per expendi All ture unit per year fam ilies Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over N o. N o. N o. N o. Average quantity pur chased per person 1in 1 week All fam ilies Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un der $300 Lb. 1.174 .614 0 0 0 .209 .073 .023 0 .004 0 0 .004 .073 0 .010 .036 .014 0 0 0 .006 0 0 0 .006 .042 .054 .003 0 0 .003 1. 653 1. 357 .006 .014 .091 . 185 0 Lb. 0. 636 .428 0 0 0 .093 .009 .009 0 0 0 0 0 .017 0 .009 .014 .007 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .007 .036 .007 0 0 0 1. 311 .962 0 .012 .060 .277 0 $300 to $400 Lb. 1.255 .547 0 0 0 .314 .055 .032 0 0 0 0 0 .057 0 0 .093 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .058 .099 0 0 0 0 1. 518 1. 326 0 .012 . 122 .058 0 Average expenditure per person i in 1 week All fam ilies $400 and over Lb. 1. 785 .914 0 0 0 .278 .171 .033 0 .012 0 0 .012 . 161 0 019 .019 .003 0 0 0 .018 0 0 0 .019 .075 .042 0 0 0 .009 2. 212 1.902 .019 .019 . 107 . 165 0 62 1 0 0 27 15 5 0 1 0 0 1 18 0 3 4 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 13 13 1 0 0 0 16 1 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 1 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 10 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 14 10 2 0 1 0 0 1 10 0 2 2 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 7 4 0 0 0 0 96 2 5 14 34 25 0 1 5 12 25 0 1 4 6 46 2 3 5 16 4 7 10 83 7 0 1 0 0 21 4 0 0 3 1 19 2 0 3 4 9 43 1 0 .005 .005 0 .010 .013 .020 .010 0 .003 .072 .024 0 .260 . 153 . 196 .453 .016 .024 .017 .004 0 0 0 0 4 5 9 1 2 14 10 1 2 4 0 1 2 1 2 1 3 0 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 0 9 7 .018 .005 .031 .026 .016 .017 .009 .019 .014 .020 0 .016 .001 0 0 .002 .008 .006 .023 0 .061 .016 .028 .148 .080 .027 . 105 . 130 Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over C t. 3 2.6 0 0 0 1.1 1.0 .2 0 (3) 0 0 (3) .8 0 .1 .1 .2 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 .1 .5 .5 (3) 0 0 (3) 9.9 7.1 .1 .2 1.0 1. 5 0 13.4 .1 .2 .3 6.6 .2 0 .3 .6 1.4 .3 .2 .3 .2 .5 (3) .2 .8 1.2 2.3 7. C t. C t. C t. 3. 5 7. 9 12 9 1.9 2.4 3 . 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .4 1.7 1.6 .2 .8 2.2 .1 .3 .4 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 .2 .8 1.6 0 0 0 .1 0 .3 .1 .1 .2 .1 0 .5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .3 0 0 .1 .6 1.1 . 2 1.1 .4* .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 8.0 9.1 13. 5 5.1 6.9 10.0 .2 0 0 .4 .2 .1 .8 1.3 1. 1 1.9 .8 1.8 0 0 0 8.0 11.6 22. 6 .1 .0 .3 0 .3 .5 .1 0 .9 3.8 5.3 11.3 .4 .2 (3) 0 0 0 .1 .4 .5 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.5 1.9 .3 .8 .0 .1 .2 .4 .4 .1 .5 .2 .3 .1 .6 .8 0 0 0 .1 .3 .3 0 .3 .4 1.6 .4 1.4 2.2 1.5 2.3 3.3 i The number of equivalent full-time persons per family, in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 196 T able W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 7 .— F o o d used at hom e and 'purchased f o r c on su m p tion at home d uring 1 w eek in sp rin g quarter , hy econ om ic level— Continued SALT L AK E C IT Y , U T A H —W H IT E FAM ILIES All fami lies Item Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $400 $400 to $600 Number of families surveyed in spring quarter-------------Average number of equivalent full-time persons per family in week_____________________________________ Average number of food expenditure units per family in week_____________________________________________ 1 1 2 1 Item Food U sed at H o m e and P u r ch a sed fo r C o n s u m p t i o n a t H o m e in 1 W e e k Total________ __ ___ __ ______ Grain products, total ______ Bread and other baked goods, total________ . _____ Bread: White ___________ Gr a ha m, whol e wheat____________ Rye________________ Crackers. _ ________________ Plain rolls. _____ _______ Sweet rolls . . . ______ __ _ Cookies____________________ Cakes______________________ Pies _____ _________. . . _ Other...____ _____ _____ Ready-to-eat cereals _______ Flour and other cereals, total. Flour: White___ _ Graham. _________ Other_____ __________ Corn meal____ ____________ Hominy___ _ _ __________ Cornstarch ____ ________ Rice.. _ __________________ Rolled o a t s . . . ___ ______ __ Wheat cereal_______ _______ Tapioca________ _________ Sago_______________ ______ Macaroni, spaghetti, noodles Other grain products_______ Eggs-----------------------------------------Milk, cheese, ice cream, total._ Milk: Fresh, whole—bottled__ loose___ skimmed buttermilk and other _ _____ Skimmed, dried_______ Evaporated and con densed. ..................... Cheese: American___________ Cottage_____________ Other_______________ Icecream........................... 210 109 72 29 3.80 4.59 3.18 2. 37 3. 21 3.84 2.70 2.08 Number of families using in week Average quantity pur chased per person in week Economic level—Fami lies spending All per expendi fam ture unit per ilies year Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over All fam ilies 1 N o. N o. N o. N o. 1 1 Lb. Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un der $400 $400 to $600 Lb. Lb. 66 50 23 Average expenditure per person i in week 1 All fam ilies $600 and over Lb. Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over C t. C t. C t. C t. 6. 008 209.7 177.6 242.4 324.6 32.6 28.1 37.3 48.2 . 650 1. 305 2.126 2. 595 1. 046 .846 1. 292 1.684 16.3 12.4 21.3 29.8 8.4 6.5 10.7 15.4 4. 844 4. 574 5. 085 139 $600 and over 1 .297 .200 .476 .404 9 4.3 3.9 1 1 .019 .027 .002 .017 2.6 .2 1.6 .3 (3) .2 . 112 .104 .111 . 175 7 1.4 1.4 1.4 2.2 8 5 .021 .008 .033 .079 .4 .1 .6 1.8 8 8 .042 .036 .036 .111 1.2 1.1 .9 3.5 17 2 .044 .026 .094 .011 .8 .5 1.7 .5 .064 16 1.2 .9 1.5 2.0 1 0 0 51 .002 0.058 0.070 .086 .028 (3) 0 . 012 0 .003 0 .1 0 0 .2 0.3 82 41 32 9 . 107 .096 . 132 .099 1.8 2.2 1.6 1.5 3.087 3.173 2.827 3.314 14.5 14.1 13.8 16.9 170 93 "5 7 ”"26 2. 380 2. 447 2.176 2. 566 8.4 8.5 7.8 9.1 4 2 2 . 110 .025 0 .3 .2 0 .3 11 8 2 0 .076 .063 .080 .035 .033 .4 .4 .3 .4 10 6 4 01 .014 .019 0 .011 .1 .2 .1 0 1 0 1 0 .002 0 .006 0 0 .1 (3) 0 37 20 17 0 .022 .019 .037 0 .2 .2 .3 0 76 46 26 4 .088 .099 .088 .009 • .8 .8 .7 .1 81 46 28 7 .197 . 162 .265 .225 1.6 1.3 2.0 1.7 57 27 21 9 .063 .052 .052 . 186 .8 .6 29 18 6 5 .022 .027 .005 .043 .3 .4 (3).8 2.2 .6 2 1 1 0 0 .005 0 0 (3) 0 (3) 100 63 25 12 .001 . 159 . 166 . 114 .252 1.6 1.5 1.4 2.8 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 194 97 71 26 .681 .586 .848 .817 11.8 10.2 14.6 14.5 5.044 4. 430 6.039 63 5 58 17 33 34 38 27 3 32 4 17 15 17 27 19 181 "9 2 "6 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 0 0 158 126 45 83 66 22 21 12 23 11 0 2 0 0 50 43 16 9 9 27 6.186 4. 063 3.499 5.019 4.977 0 .012 .020 0 0 .046 .034 .086 0 .003 .005 0 00 0 0 25 17 7 0 3 .650 .165 .064 .016 .025 .624 .158 .058 .014 .018 .626 .181 .070 .024 .033 0 0 0 0 .920 .155 .077 0 .057 29.9 26.3 34.9 37.0 18.8 16.1 23.2 22.3 (3) (3) (3) 0 .1 0 (3) (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.1 3.6 .9 7.1 4.4 .1 4.9 3.4 4.9 3.8 .8 .9 .6 .5 .8 1.6 .8 .6 1.2 01.6 1The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. The number of expenditure units per family in week is computed on the basis of the expenditure units represented by the equivalent full-time persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. * Less than 0.05 cent. 2 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326, 1 TABULAR T able 7 .— 197 SU M M AR Y F o o d used at hom e and purchased f o r c on su m p tion at hom e during 1 week in sp rin g quarter , hy econ om ic level— Continued SALT LAK E C ITY , U T A H —W H IT E Item Food JJsed at H o m e and P ur c h a sed f o r C o n s u m p t i o n at H o m e i n 1 W e e k —Continued Fats, total_______________________ Butter_________________________ Cream_________________________ Other table fats________________ Lard___________________________ Vegetable shortening___________ Table or cooking oils___________ Mayonnaise and other salad dressing______________________ Bacon, smoked________________ Salt side of pork_______________ Meat, poultry, fish, and other sea food, total________________ Beef: Fresh: Steak, porterhouse, sir loin__________ top round______ other___________ Roast, rib____________ chuck_________ other__________ Boiling, chuck________ plate_________ other_________ Canned______________________ Corned______________________ Dried________________________ Other________________________ Veal: Fresh, steak, chops______ roast_____________ stew______________ Lamb: Fresh, chops___________ roast___________ stew____________ Pork: Fresh, chops____________ loin roast________ other____________ Smoked ham, slices_____ half or whole__ picnic____ Pork sausage___________ Other pork_____________ Miscellaneous meats, total_______ Other fresh meat______________ Bologna, frankfurters__________ Cooked: Ham_________________ Tongue______________ L iv e r _________________________ Other meat products__________ Poultry: Chicken, broiling______ roast_________ stew__________ Turkey________________ Other__________________ Fish and other sea food, total____ Fish: Fresh____________________ Canned_________________ Cured___________________ Oysters________________________ Other sea food_________________ F AM ILIES—Continued Number of families using in 1 week Average quantity pur chased per person 1 in 1 week Economic level—Fami lies spending All per expendi fam ture unit per ilies year Un $400 $600 der to and $400 over All fam ilies N o. N o. N o. N o. Lb. Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un der $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over Lb. Lb. Lb. 0.983 0.910 1.019 1.370 .431 .389 .460 .639 .023 .014 .032 .057 .069 .090 .028 .050 .150 .138 .183 .123 .095 .097 .092 .086 .006 .004 .010 .009 26 28 117 68 7 112 .101 .093 .015 82 5 .089 .085 .004 .106 .080 .028 .167 .189 .050 1.822 1.591 2.004 2. 885 87 30 43 62 16 30 16 14 18 3 4 9 1 12 23 3 8 2 2 10 19 6 7 0 12 0 25 7 7 11 4 1 11 2 0 18 6 0 5 43 7 2 27 0 27 .245 .210 .274 .076 .055 .130 .125 .119 .134 .282 .254 .291 .056 .058 .041 .047 .050 .054 .074 .077 .074 .009 .008 .015 .021 .028 .011 .014 .020 .002 .030 .036 .021 .010 .005 .022 0 0 0 .042 .025 .073 .023 .014 .041 .022 .022 .010 .043 .031 .062 .045 .044 .034 .005 .002 0 .072 .052 .099 .032 .012 .087 .001 .002 0 .016 .014 .012 .018 .002 .046 0 .141 .001 .077 .017 .001 .033 .012 .032 .014 .028 0 0 .251 .091 .120 .019 .002 .019 .404 .050 .136 .455 .097 0 .050 0 0 .012 .012 0 0 .060 .033 .060 .067 .092 .043 .116 0 0 .044 .004 .021 .100 .003 .001 0 .038 .042 . 120 0 0 0 .143 . 140 .118 .003 0 0 .083 .076 .033 .015 .019 .022 0 .005 0 .033 .033 .025 .012 .004 .038 .029 .008 .134 .007 .007 .095 .011 .031 .137 0 0 0 0 0 0 .218 .267 .450 .082 .077 .209 .108 .136 .159 .010 .031 .046 .003 .001 0 .015 .022 .036 Average expenditure per person * in 1 week All fam ilies Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over C t. C t. a . C t. 28.0 25.1 30.1 41.0 14.4 12.8 15.6 21.4 .8 .5 1.1 1.8 1.6 2.0 .7 1.1 2.9 2.6 3.7 2.6 .7 1.7 1.8 1.9 .2 .1 .1 .1 3.3 2.9 .3 2.7 2.5 .1 3.7 2.7 .6 6.1 6.1 1.0 36.7 30.6 42.9 61.4 6.2 5.3 1.7 1.3 1.8 1.7 5.3 4.5 1.1 1.1 .9 1.0 1.1 1.1 .1 .1 .3 .4 .2 .2 .5 .6 .2 .2 0 0 .9 .5 .6 .4 .3 .4 1.0 .7 .9 .8 .1 .1 1.8 1.4 .8 .2 (3) (3) .5 .4 .4 (3) 1.0 0 3.0 (3) 1.4 .6 (3) .6 .4 .8 .4 .5 0 0 4.3 1.6 1.9 .3 (3) .5 7.0 10.1 2.9 1.3 1.9 2.9 6.2 7.9 .7 1.9 1.1 0 .8 1.2 .1 0 .2 0 .2 .1 .2 .4 .5 0 0 0 1.7 1.4 .8 1.0 .2 .6 1.5 1.3 .6 2.1 .6 0 2.4 2.9 2.1 0 0 0 .4 1.1 .1 .6 (3) (3) .7 1.0 0 0 2.8 3.4 0 .1 1.5 1.6 .5 .8 .1 0 .5 .7 .3 .1 .7 .2 .1 .2 .2 .6 0 0 0 0 3.6 4.9 1.4 1.5 1.6 2.1 .1 .6 .1 (3) .4 .7 2.5 0 3.0 0 3.1 0 .6 .8 0 .3 1.4 3.2 2.5 2.0 0 0 8.8 3.7 3.1 1.0 0 1.0 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 198 T able •W E S T NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 7. — F o o d used at hom e and purchased f o r con su m p tion at hom e d uring 1 week in sp rin g quarter, by econom ic level— Continued SALT LAK E C IT Y , U TAH —W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued quantity pur Average expenditure Number of families Average chased per person i in per person1 in 1 using in 1 week 1 week week Economic Economic level— Fami Economic level— level— Families lies spending Families spending spending per Item per expenditure All per expendi All All expenditure unit per year fam ture unit per fam fam unit per year year ilies ilies ilies Un $400 $60G Un $400 $600 Un $400 $600 to der to and der and to and der $400 $600 over $400 $400 $600 over $600 over F o o d U se d at H o m e a n d P u r c h a se d fo r C o n s u m p t i o n a t H o m e in 1 W e e k —Continued N o. N o. N o. N o. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. C t. C t. C t. C t. Vegetables and fruits, total4__ 8. 373 7 . 024 9.145 15.613 46.9 37.1 53.8 90. 2 197 103 68 26 2.386 2.127 2. 220 4.829 3.4 2.9 3.7 6.4 Potatoes ___ __ _ ----------7 2 1 4 .2 .4 Sweetpotatoes, yams.. ____ .018 .005 .031 .067 .1 (3) Dried legumes and nuts, total._ . 198 . 194 . 173 .303 2.7 2.0 2.6 6.2 Dried c o r n ..____ ___________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 31 13 3 .103 .119 .067 .100 .7 .7 .6 .8 Beans: Dry---------------------------10 2 .1 (3) 6 2 .4 Canned, dried ____ .008 .005 .003 .041 .1 0 0 0 Baked, not canned___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 .004 .004 .006 0 .1 .1 .1 0 Peas: Black-eyed_____ ___ 0 (3) 1 Other ____ ______ __ 1 0 0 0 0 0 .001 .002 0 (3) 24 12 .1 3.9 3 9 .016 .009 .003 . 110 .6 .3 Nuts: Shelled ______ ___ 2 2 5 1 .1 (3) .1 .3 ________ . . .003 .004 .005 .009 In shell 51 24 23 4 .062 .053 .089 .043 .9 1.6 .8 Peanut butter . . . ______ __ 1.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other dried legumes and nuts 0 0 19 10 Tomatoes: Fresh _ _ . . . . . .3 .1 4 5 .024 .010 .029 .110 .3 1.5 Canned. . . . 101 57 31 1.9 2.0 1.6 1.8 13 .290 .314 .244 .266 33 13 14 6 1.1 .5 .8 6.2 Juice ___ __ . . . . .110 .054 .078 .608 4 .1 (3) 2 .4 1 1 .1 Sauce, paste_______ .004 .004 .003 .012 Green and leafy vegetables, total _______________ ______ 1.387 1.164 1.647 2.149 11.9 9.7 14.3 19.9 2 2 0 0 0 .002 .004 0 0 0 Brussels sprouts ________ . (3) (3) 67 34 24 Cabbage________________ . . . 9 .9 .7 1.1 1.4 .205 .166 .255 .323 16 9 2 .2 .1 .2 .1 Sauerkraut _____ _____ . . . 5 .025 .021 .035 .016 0 0 0 Collards.___ . . . ._ . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 K a l e ..___ _________ ____ __ 0 0 0 0 0 168 81 58 29 .300 .255 .342 .486 3.1 2.5 3.6 5.3 Lettuce________________ Spinach: Fresh _______ 73 34 28 11 .244 .206 .279 .409 1.5 1.1 1.9 3.1 26 12 10 4 .5 .3 C a n n ed .____ __ . . . .8 1.0 .049 .026 .079 . 108 3 .1 0 0 0 0 Other leafy vegetables_______ 3 0 .003 .005 0 (3) 68 27 26 15 1.7 1.4 2.0 3.5 Asparagus: Fresh----------------. 186 .151 .202 .381 2 2 .2 .2 1.0 7 3 .011 .005 .013 .046 .1 Canned___ _______ .4 0 8 2 .1 0 Lima beans: Fresh___ _ . . . 6 0 .014 0 .048 0 1 .1 .1 .1 0 7 6 0 Canned... . . . . .010 .014 .007 0 4 2 1 .1 .1 .1 .1 Beans, snap (string): Fresh. 1 .008 .005 .015 .009 Canned. 61 29 26 .8 1.4 .8 6 1.0 .100 .080 .148 .086 Broccoli. ___________ ______ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Peas: Fresh____ . . . ____ . . . 2 .3 .3 .1 1.2 6 3 .027 .028 .010 .076 11 2.2 2.1 2.4 2.3 118 71 36 .202 .197 .214 .204 Canned____ _______ 2 1 0 .1 Peppers_______ . ----------- --1 0 .005 ( 3) .001 .001 0 ( 3) 0 0 0 0 0 Okra_______________________ . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yellow vegetables, total__ 1.5 1.1 1.8 2.4 . 431 .335 . 555 . 717 1.5 1.1 1.8 2.4 Carrots_____ ____ __ . . . . . . . 136 64 53 19 .431 .335 .555 .717 0 0 0 0 Winter squash and pumpkin. _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.4 4.2 5.8 12.1 Other vegetables, total4__ __ _ .649 .544 .686 1.292 0 .1 .1 .2 0 Beets: Fresh... . . . . . ____ 7 4 0 .021 .020 .030 3 .4 2 .022 .013 .038 .042 .2 .1 .3 18 11 Canned__________ ._ . 5 21 .4 .2 6 .039 .020 .062 .100 .6 1.4 Cauliflower____ __________. . . 8 7 4 .4 .9 31 13 14 .5 .7 .058 .045 .082 .076 Celery------------- ------------------0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Corn: On ear______ . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 88 14 .149 .132 .155 .253 1.6 1.4 1.7 2.6 Canned . . __ . . . . 47 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cucumber_________ _____ __ . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Eggplant -----------------------------.9 .8 94 58 23 13 . 186 .160 .186 .375 .7 2.0 Onions: Mature___________ . .4 .4 1.2 .065 .059 .039 .190 .5 35 15 11 9 Spring. ____________ .2 .2 (3) 2 .3 15 10 .040 .045 .014 .089 3 Parsnips_______________ . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Summer squash . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 .1 .012 .012 0 .2 1 .1 0 4 .050 3 0 White turnips . ______ _____ .2 .1 .2 .044 .031 .050 .117 .4 4 3 13 6 Yellow turnips, rutabaga .2 .1 0 .013 .007 .030 0 .5 0 9 3 6 Other vegetables-. . ______ .5 .3 .5 2.7 Pickles and olives 1.872 1.487 2. 222 3.521 11.1 8.7 13.4 20.3 Citrus fruits, total _ _. __ _____ 1.8 1.4 2.3 2.6 113 55 40 18 .360 .305 .438 .499 Lemons. _ _______________ . . . 21 1.070 .900 1.241 1.740 7.3 6.1 8.8 11.5 166 88 57 Oranges------ ------------------------- . . 12 55 21 22 .420 .266 .519 1.217 1.7 1.0 2.1 5.2 Grapefruit: Fresh___________ . . 4 .022 .016 .024 .065 .3 .2 .2 1.0 6 5 15 Canned___ . . . . 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. 4 Does not include quantity of pickles and olives. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. TABULAE T able SU M M AR Y 199 7 .— F oo d used at hom e and purchased f o r c on su m p tion at home during week in sp rin g quarter , by econ om ic level— Continued 1 SALT LAK E C IT Y , U TAH —W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Number of families using in 1 week Item F o o d U se d at H o m e a n d P u r c h a se d f o r C o n s u m p t i o n a t H o m e in 1 W e e k —Continued Other fruits, total_____________ _ Apples: Fresh_________________ Canned... __ _ Apricots: Fresh________ ______ Canned.. _____ _ _ B a n a n a s...______ _ ______ Berries: Fresh___ _____________ Canned_______________ Cherries: Fresh.______________ Canned___ Grapes: Fresh________________ Canned_______ ______ Peaches: Fresh.. _ _ ___ _____ Canned____ _ _ ___ Pears: Fresh___ _____ _________ Canned______ ___ ___ __ Pineapple: Fresh____ _ _ Canned. __________ Melons.. _____ ____ Plums: Fresh___________ ____ Canned_________ _ _ Other fruit__________________ . . Cider____ _____________ _______ Grape juice. __________ _____ . Other fruit juices___ _________ Dried: Apricots_________ _ ___ Peaches. _ ___ Prunes. __ _ Raisins______ ________ Dates__________________ Figs------------------------------Other________ ____ ... Sugars and sweets, total. ____ __ Sugars: W hite.__ ____________ Brown__ __ _________ Other sweets: Candy__________ Jellies____ ______ Molasses, sirups.. Other sweets.. ._ Miscellaneous, total . . . . . . . . Gelatine_________ ______ Packaged dessert m ixtures.___ Tea____________________________ Coffee... __________ ________ Cocoa_____ ____________ ______ Chocolate__________ _______ Vinegar. _ ______________ _ _ Salt____ ____________ _ _ Baking powder, yeast, soda . . . Spices and extracts_________ __ Catsups, sauces_____ __________ Tomato soup__________________ Other soups_______ _______ _ Cod-liver oil___ _______________ Proprietary foods______________ Other foods ________ _____ __ Soft drinks consumed at home... Other drinks consumed at home. Sales tax on food __________ Economic level— Fami lies spending All per expendi fam ture unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over N o. N o. N o. N o. Average quantity pur chased per person i in 1 week All fam ilies Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un der $400 Lb. Lb. $400 to $600 Lb. $600 and over Lb. 1.004 .251 0 0 .007 .339 .001 .006 («) .008 0 0 0 .033 0 .020 .001 . 129 0 0 .002 .004 0 .002 0 0 0 .068 .119 .009 .005 0 1. 358 1.087 .025 .076 .035 . 135 0 0.786 . 144 0 0 0 .264 0 .010 0 .004 0 0 0 .026 0 .024 0 .085 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .068 . 149 .008 .004 0 1. 264 .987 .032 .047 .025 .173 0 1. 257 ! 331 0 0 .023 .468 .004 0 0 .013 0 0 0 .041 0 .014 0 . 196 0 0 .009 .003 0 .006 0 0 0 .068 .067 .003 .011 0 1. 504 1.210 .012 . 135 .065 .082 0 0 0 0 .454 0 0 .004 0 0 0 0 .058 0 .021 .011 .224 0 0 0 .033 0 0 0 0 0 .067 .076 .033 0 0 1. 547 1.401 .017 .090 0 .039 0 6 3 8 21 5 1 .020 .020 .020 . 142 .033 .006 .016 .019 .015 . 112 .033 .007 .031 .016 .026 . 166 .032 .001 .019 .042 .045 .274 .039 .017 5 10 2 1 0 0 2 .072 .052 .008 .002 .003 .014 .028 .041 . 148 .052 .041 .045 .144 .007 .005 .017 .003 0 0 .002 .006 0 .010 .027 0 .016 .040 .071 52 3 0 27 96 2 21 2 24 0 2 0 58 0 31 1 66 0 0 10 2 0 2 3 0 0 34 68 7 4 0 20 3 0 17 51 0 10 0 15 0 2 0 28 0 15 0 23 0 0 7 0 0 1 3 0 0 20 45 4 2 0 21 0 0 9 33 2 9 1 6 0 0 0 20 0 9 0 30 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 12 17 1 2 0 11 0 0 1 12 0 2 1 3 0 0 0 10 0 7 1 13 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 2 0 0 187 21 49 48 40 99 11 21 25 24 63 7 22 15 12 25 3 6 8 4 53 42 58 133 56 15 27 27 29 67 29 8 20 12 21 45 22 6 49 39 15 4 3 6 7 23 18 8 1 1 2 2 21 11 5 2 2 4 3 1. 739 '.7 5 8 Average expenditure per person i in 1 week Economic level— Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over C t. C t. 7.4 5 8 1. 3 '.7 0 0 0 0 .1 0 2.0 1.6 0 (3) .1 .2 .1 0 .1 (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 .4 .3 0 0 .2 .3 0 (3) 1.4 .9 0 0 0 0 0 (3) 0 (3) 0 0 0 (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 .6 .6 .9 1.1 .1 .1 . 1 (3) 0 0 10. 2 9. 4 6.4 5.8 .3 .4 1.7 1.0 .6 .6 1.2 1.6 0 0 13. 6 10.8 .6 .5 .7 .6 1.0 .8 4.4 3.3 .6 .5 .2 .2 .1 .2 .6 .5 . 9 1. 2 .5 .3 .6 .5 .8 .5 .8 .6 .7 .7 .1 .1 .1 (3) .2 .1 .6 .3 C t. C t. 9 3 12.6 l! 9 A0 0 0 0 0 .3 0 2.7 2.6 .1 0 0 0 0 .2 .2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .4 .8 0 0 .2 .2 0 .2 2.0 2.5 0 0 0 0 .1 0 (3) .3 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .7 .7 .4 .6 .5 (3) .2 0 0 0 12. 2 9.8 7.2 7.7 .1 .2 3.2 1.5 1.0 0 .4 .7 0 0 16. 6 22. 5 .8 .9 .6 1.5 1.3 1.8 5.3 8.7 .7 .9 .6 (3) .1 .5 .6 .8 .6 .5 .7 .9 .8 1. 2 1.6 .8 .7 2.2 .8 .8 0 0 .1 0 .4 0 1.0 .9 1 The number of equivalent full-time persons per family in 1 week is computed on the basis of the number of persons eating meals at home during the week to which the data apply. If a person ate 21 meals during the week, he was counted as a full-time person for that week. If he ate less than 21 meals, he was counted as the appropriate decimal equivalent full-time person. 3 Less than 0.05 cent. 5 Less than 0.0005 pound. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 326. 5 3 9 5 7 °— 39------- 14 200 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T able 8 .— A n n u a l fo o d expenditures, by econom ic level D E N V E R , COLO.—W H IT E FAMILIES Item All fami lies E c o n o m i c level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over A n n u a l F o o d E x p en d itu re s Families in survey________ Average number of food expenditure units in 1 year_________ _ Number of families spending for— Meals away from home: At work____ ____ ____ ____________ _ _______ _______ At school __ __ ____________________________ _____ _ On vacation_______________ ______________ ____________ Board at school________ _______ ___ ________ _ ________ _ Candy, ice cream, drinks, e tc _____________ ___________ _ Number of families reporting food received as gifts, or produced at home, or meals received as pay__________________ ______ 295 2.73 92 3.48 106 2. 71 97 2.06 108 20 30 2 48 21 8 6 0 14 38 7 7 2 13 49 5 17 0 21 55 22 17 16 Average annual expenditure per family for all food_______ _ Food prepared at home. _ _________ . _____ _ _____ Food bought and eaten away from home, total_____________ Meals at work_ _ ____ _________ _ ____ ___ Meals at school_______ _____ __ ______ ______ ____ ____ Other meals, not vacation__________ ___________________ Meals on vacation.__ _ ______ _________ _______ ______ Board at school. _ _ ___________ ____ ______________ __ Candy, ice cream, drinks, etc.. _________________________ Average estimated value per family of gifts of food and homeproduced food and meals received as pay (complete)________ $460.63 418. 65 41.98 25.32 1.91 7.80 1.86 1.17 3.92 $452.82 430. 26 22. 56 13. 41 3.08 3. 23 . 59 0 2. 25 $451. 51 417.03 34.48 20.61 1. 32 6.00 .95 3.24 2. 36 $477.99 409.41 68. 58 41.72 1.43 14.10 4.10 0 7. 23 3.85 2. 52 .88 1.97 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 327. TABULAR T able 201 SUM M ARY 8 . — A n n u a l fo o d ex p en d itu res , b y econ om ic level— Continued KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S .—W H IT E FAMILIES Economic level—Families spending per expend iture unit per year Item fami lies Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 to $600 $700 $700 and over A n n u a l F o o d E x p en d itu r e s Families in survey________ __ ___________ Average number of food expenditure units in 1 year_________________________________ Number of families spending for— Meals away from home: At work_____ ______ _ _______ _____ At school_____ _________________________ On vacation,_______ _ _ _ _____ _________ Board at sc h o o l...______ ________________ Candy, ice cream, drinks, etc_____________ Number of families reporting food received as gifts, or produced at home, or meals re ceived as pay_____________________ _____ 357 45 92 73 50 43 54 2.88 4.16 3.22 2.76 2. 66 2. 27 2.09 144 34 23 1 98 9 4 1 0 9 40 10 4 0 20 27 9 3 1 28 22 5 3 0 13 20 4 7 0 12 26 2 5 0 16 61 8 17 11 3 9 13 $433.12 $424.15 $413. 77 $460. 50 $442.19 415. 74 396. 55 382.84 416. 31 394. 62 $444. 23 389.03 Average annual expenditure per family for all food_________________________________ $433. 47 Food prepared at home, total _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 397. 56 Food bought and eaten away from home, total_____ ________ _ _________ . -. 35.91 Meals at work.. __. _ _ ___ __ . . . _ 24.85 Meals at school________ __ __ . .._ _ _ 2.12 _ Other meals, not vacation___ _______ 2. 45 Meals on vacation____ ___ ______ _ __ .86 Board at school._. ___________________ 0) Candy, ice cream, drinks, e t c _________ 5.63 Average estimated value per family of gifts of food and home-produced food and meals received as pay (incomplete) 2____________ .37 17.38 9.47 2. 39 1.71 . 11 0 3.70 27.60 20. 92 1.49 1.32 .16 0 3. 71 30.93 22.56 2. 56 . 17 1.04 .03 4. 57 .45 .30 .63 44.19 26.92 3. 23 5.15 .51 0 8.38.21 47. 57 31.20 2. 75 2.98 2. 72 0 7. 92 55. 20 40. 47 .78 5.16 1.25 0 7. 54 .40 .23 1 Less than 0.5 cent. 2 The aggregates on which these averages are based do not include gifts of food received, food produced at home, and meals received as pay, reported by 4 families but for which they could not estimate the value. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 327. 202 W EST T able NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 8 . — A n n u a l fo o d ex p en d itu res, b y econom ic level— Continued KANSAS C IT Y , M O .-K A N S .—NEGRO FAMILIES Item All fami lies E con o m ic le v e l— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 and over A n n u a l F o o d E x p en d itu r e s Families in survey_________ ___ __ _ _ __ __ ____ _____ Average number of food expenditure units in 1 year__________ Number of families spending for— Meals away from home: At work. _ ______ ____ _____________ ____ _____ ______ At school. _ __ ______ _____ ____ ________________________ On vacation __ ____________ ________________ _____ Board at school _ ___________ ___ _________ _________ _ Candy, ice cream, drinks, etc _ _ ____ __ __________ Number of families reporting food received as gifts, or pro duced at home, or meals received as p a y ______ __ _______ 103 2.87 32 4. 21 29 2. 32 42 2. 22 27 10 2 0 34 6 6 1 0 8 6 0 0 0 10 15 4 1 0 16 36 13 10 13 Average annual expenditure per family for all food_____ __ _ Food prepared at home _____________ _ _ ____ _____ _____ Food bought and eaten away from home, total ____ ______ Meals at work _ __ __ ______ _ __________ _ _ Meals at school-- __ _____ _ ____ _ __ ____ __ _ Other meals, not vacation__ _______ _ ___ __ _______ Meals on vacation _ __ ______ __ _____ ______ Board at school _ ______ ___________ _ __ _____ Candy, icecream, drinks, etc_ __ __ ______ ____ ______ Average estimated value per family of gifts of food and homeproduced food and meals received as pay (incomplete) 2_- $356.01 325.17 30.84 14.02 2.23 5. 73 . 18 0 8. 68 $362.19 345.73 16.46 6.68 4.54 2.02 . 16 0 3.06 $314. 56 293. 26 21.30 10. 50 0 4. 32 0 0 6.48 $379. 97 331. 54 48. 43 22.07 2. 01 9. 56 . 31 0 14.48 16.47 14.45 17.14 17. 55 2 The aggregates on which these averages are based do not include gifts of food received, food produced at home, and meals received as pay reported by 1 family, but for which it could not estimate the value. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 327. TABULAR T able 203 SUM M ARY 8 .— A n n u a l fo o d exp en d itu res , by econ om ic level— Continued M IN N E A P O L IS-ST . PAUL, M I N N —W H IT E FAMILIES Economic level-—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Item All fami lies Under $300 $300 to $400 to $400 $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 and over A n n u a l F o o d E x p en d itu r e s Families in survey------------------------ --------------Average number of food expenditure units in 1 year_____________________ ____ Number of families spending for— Meals away from home: At work________________________________ At school____ __ ________ ___________ On vacation. _ _ __ _ ----------------- ------Board at school____________________ Candy, ice cream, drinks, etc_______ _____ Number of families reporting food received as gifts, or produced at home, or meals re ceived as p a y ___ _ - ------------------ 504 47 114 106 86 59 92 2.98 4.41 3. 48 2. 95 2. 72 2.59 2.16 170 21 57 2 232 9 1 2 0 23 24 6 10 0 57 36 1 7 1 41 23 5 4 0 37 24 4 8 1 29 54 4 26 0 45 162 20 36 37 23 18 28 $488. 55 $473. 85 $474. 82 $496. 53 $502. 42 466. 57 447. 81 441. 82 465. 80 451.58 $500. 95 420. 98 Average annual expenditure per family for all food------------- -------------- -------------- $487. 53 Food prepared at home __ __ ----------- _ 446. 86 Food bought and eaten away from home, total___ __ _____ ____ _ ___ _ 40. 67 ____ __ __ Meals at work . 20. 56 Meals at school--------- ---------------.94 4.03 Other meals, not vacation_________ _ _ Meals on vacation.__ __ . . . . . . _ _ 1.56 Board at school________ _. _____ ______ .02 Candy, ice cream, drinks, e t c ______ . _ 13. 56 Average estimated value per family of gifts of food and home-produced food and meals . 10 received as pay (incomplete)2. ___________ 21.98 7. 51 .20 1.07 .48 0 12. 72 26.04 9. 34 .48 2. 41 .91 0 12.90 33. 00 17. 44 .09 5. 34 .83 .09 9. 21 30. 73 17. 50 .82 1.53 1.07 0 9.81 50.84 24. 34 2.88 3. 36 1.57 .09 18. 60 79.97 45.16 1.67 8. 80 4.19 0 20.15 .16 .12 .14 .09 .03 .07 2 The aggregates on which these averages are based do not include gifts of food received, food produced at home, and meals received as pay reported by 16 families, but for which they could not estimate the value. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 327. 204 W EST T able NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 8 .— A n n u a l fo o d ex p en d itu res , by econom ic level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O —W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level-—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Item All fami lies Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 and over A n n u a l F o o d E x p e n d itu r e s Families in survey___________ _____________ Average number of food expenditure units in 1 year. ----- ----------------------------------------------Number of families spending for— Meals away from home: At w o r k ..___ _________________________ At school_______________________________ On vacation________ _________________ Board at school________________________ Candy, ice cream, drinks, etc_____________ Number of families reporting food received as gifts, or produced at home, or meals received as pay___ __ _____________ ______ 401 54 65 94 62 42 84 3.00 4. 71 3. 47 3.15 2.54 2.30 2.07 199 53 38 1 173 23 8 0 .0 20 31 10 0 0 22 47 20 9 0 45 30 6 7 1 31 18 5 4 0 17 50 4 18 0 38 122 15 16 31 23 12 25 $515. 25 $515. 25 $549. 05 $501. 69 $495. 66 488. 05 469. 87 489. 36 445.12 438. 01 $510.15 425.07 Average annual expenditure per family for all food---------- --------------------------------------- $517.96 Food prepared at home___________________ 460. 35 Food bought and eaten away from home, total ._ . ... _______ __________ 57. 61 Meals at work.. __________ . . . _______ 36. 55 Meals at school ----._ -------------3. 82 Other meals, not vacation.. _ _______ 2. 47 Meals on vacation _ _ __ _____ 1.20 Board at school___ ________ _______. . . .36 Candy, ice cream, drinks, etc__________ 13.21 Average estimated value per family of gifts of food and home-produced food and meals received as pay (incomplete)2_____ 10.96 27. 20 19.23 1.91 1. 21 0 0 4.85 45. 38 32.11 5. 46 .32 0 0 7.49 59. 69 32. 52 7. 38 1.29 .67 0 17.83 56. 57 35. 58 1.96 2. 66 .63 2. 32 13.42 57. 65 35.31 2. 52 3. 40 2. 47 0 13.95 85.08 57.00 1. 79 5.68 3. 27 0 17. 34 7.47 10. 72 11.90 10. 64 12.95 11. 60 2 The aggregates on which these averages are based do not include gifts of food received, food produced at home, and meals received as pay reported by 3 families, but for which they could not estimate the value. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 327. 205 TABULAE SUMMARY T able 8 .— A n n u a l fo o d expenditures by econ om ic level— Continued St. Louis, M o.--Negro families Item All families Economic level—Fami lies spending per ex penditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 Salt Lake City, Utah—White families All fami lies $400 and over E c o n o m ic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over A n n u a l F o o d E x p e n d itu r e s Families in survey________ Average number of food ex penditure units in 1 year. Number of families spend ing for— Meals away from home: At w ork_____________ At school___ ________ On vacation. _ ________ Board at school______ . . . Candy, ice cream, drinks, etc____________________ Number of families report ing food received as gifts, or produced at home, or meals received as pay... _ 106 28 27 51 210 54 55 72 29 2.89 4.40 2.86 2. 08 3. 25 4. 48 3. 38 2. 71 2.04 27 12 7 0 5 6 1 0 7 4 0 0 15 2 6 0 62 13 25 0 8 5 2 0 16 3 2 0 26 4 9 0 12 1 12 0 21 3 9 9 39 5 10 17 7 22 2 6 14 33 13 10 10 0 Average annual expenditure per family for all food... $383.11 $415. 57 $373. 83 $370. 20 Food prepared at home... 353. 80 395. 04 350. 75 332. 78 Food bought and eaten away from home, total. 37. 42 29.31 20. 53 23.08 Meals at w o r k ..___ _ 14. 60 15. 96 9. 63 20.17 Meals at school________ 4. 27 2. 52 2. 55 1.61 Other meals, not vaca tion______________ 5.02 4.48 .68 7. 58 Meals on vacation_____ .07 0 2. 63 1.28 Board at school______ . 0 0 0 0 Candy, ice cream, 2. 08 drinks, etc... _____ 4.50 5.28 5. 43 Average estimated value per family of gifts of food and home produced food and meals received as pay 1. 30 8.19 9. 49 7.00 (incomplete) 2. . . _______ $423. 41 $428. 67 $423. 86 $416. 71 $429. 43 396. 62 418. 49 401. 09 384. 62 377. 20 26.79 17. 40 1.12 10.18 4. 47 1.29 22. 77 19. 66 .77 32. 09 20. 44 .67 52. 23 29.72 2. 56 3.60 2.18 0 3. 32 .19 0 .45 .33 0 4.02 3.08 0 9. 09 7.08 0 2. 49 .91 1. 56 3.88 3.78 2.36 3.12 1.29 3. 55 0 2 The aggregates on which the averages for St. Louis are based do not include gifts of food received, food produced at home, and meals received as pay reported by 4 families, but for which they could not estimate the value. This estimate is complete for Salt Lake City. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 327. 206 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N T a b l e 9. — H o u sin g fa c ilitie s , b y econ om ic level D E N V E R , COLO.—W H IT E FAM ILIES All fami lies Item Economic level — Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over H o u s i n g F a c ilitie s i n D w e l l i n g O c c u p ie d a t E n d o f S c h ed u le Y e a r I. Families in survey, who rented principal home at end of schedule year_________________________________ _ _______ Average monthly rental rate at end of schedule year ___ __ Number of families living in— 1-family detached house____________ ________ _____ __ __ 1-family semidetached or row house___ ________ ________ 2-family house_____________________________________ ____ Multiple dwelling (3-family or more)_________ __ . _____ Dwelling with elevator. _____________ ____ ____________ Dwelling with janitor service___ _____________ _________ Number of families having— Toilet: Inside flush__________ _______________ ________ _ Outside flush__________ _ ______ _______ __ Other type____________ __ _________________ ______ Sole use of toilet "by household___ __ _________ _ _________ Water: Inside dwelling____ _____ ________ ________ ____ Running___________________ . . . _____ _____ Hot running__ __ ______ ______ ___ ___ Not running_______ . . . . . . _____ __ _______ Outside dwelling only. _ . . . ___ __ ___ __ Sink____________________ _ _ __ . . . __________ ______ Electric lights___________________ ________ . . . . . ____ Gas or electricity for cooking. _______ ______ _____ __ Refrigerator: Electric... ____ __ . . ___ __ _____ Other mechanical.__ ____ _________________ Ice only. _____ _____ __________ __________ None_______________ ________ ____________ Hot air, hot water, or steam heat _ _________ Telephone___ _________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _________ __ Garage_____ ___________________ _ . . . ___ . . . __________ Garden space___ ____ _________ . . . ._ ________ Play space___________________ Each of the following items: Inside flush toilet, running hot water, electric lights, and gas or electricity for cooking._ ______ __ __ ________ II. Families in survey, who owned principal home at end of schedule year_______ ___ __ __ ________ Number of families living in— 1-family detached house. _______ _______ __ ___________ 1-family semidetached or row house____ ________ ______ 2-family house______ ______ _ _ . _________ ____ _ . . . Multiple dwelling (3-family or more) __ ___ __ ____ __ Dwelling with elevator___________________ ___ ___ ______ Dwelling with janitor service.._ ___________ ____ _____ __ Number of families having— Bathroom _________________ ______ ________________ ___ Toilet: Inside flush____________ ________ ______________ Outside flush_________________ _____ __________ _ Other type_________ _____ _ __ __________ Sole use of toilet by household__________ _________ ______ Water: Inside dwelling.____ ___ ____ _____ _______ Running________________________________ ____ __ Hot running_______ _________ __ __ __ ____ Not running________ __________________ _____ Outside dwelling only________ ________ ________ Sink______ __________________ ______ ___ _____ _________ Electric lights. _ _____________ _____ ______ _____ ___ Gas or electricity for cooking____________ ______ ________ Refrigerator: Electric________ _ ______ ________ . . . ._ Other mechanical.__ __________ ______ ____ Ice only_______________ ____ _____ ________ N o n e __________ _______ __ _____ _____ Hot air, hot water, or steam heat. . . . . _____ ________ __ Telephone. _ ________________________________ ____ _ Garage___ _______________________________ __________ Garden space ___________________________ ________________ Each of the following items: Inside flush toilet, running hot water, electric lights, and gas or eleclricity for cooking---------------------------- . . . ._ . Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 327. 187 _________ $22. 33 58 _______ $16. 93 67 62 $23.20 $26. 45 89 41 5 52 5 40 31 16 0 11 1 6 29 14 2 22 2 18 29 11 a 19 2 16 181 182 3 2 167 186 186 169 0 1 183 186 169 51 0 109 27 170 98 100 98 111 53 53 3 2 51 57 57 46 0 1 55 57 45 3 0 39 16 45 17 22 31 39 66 67 0 0 61 67 67 65 0 0 67 67 64 14 0 47 6 64 40 37 33 39 62 62 0 0 55 62 62 58 0 0 61 62 60 34 0 23 0 41 41 34 33 158 40 62 56 35 108 34 39 106 1 1 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 39 0 0 0 0 0 105 106 0 2 102 108 108 97 0 0 108 108 92 21 0 82 5 89 86 81 86 32 33 0 1 34 34 34 26 0 0 34 34 23 2 0 38 38 0 1 36 39 39 36 0 0 39 39 34 9 0 29 1 35 32 30 31 35 35 0 0 32 35 35 35 0 0 35 35 35 10 . 0 24 1 29 29 30 28 87 19 33 35 29 3 25 25 21 27 33 1 1 0 0 0 TABULAR T able 9. — SU M M AR Y 207 H o u sin g fa c ilitie s , b y econom ic level— Continued KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S.— W HITE FAM ILIES Economic level—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Item fami lies Under $300 Housing Facilities in Dwelling Occupied at End of Schedule Year I. Families in survey, who rented principal 228 home at end of schedule year.. ________ 30 Average monthly rental rate at end of $20. 42 schedule year________ _ ______ $16.03 Number of families living in— 1-family detached house________________ 123 16 1-family semidetached or row house. 7 1 2-family house__________________________ 23 5 Multiple dwelling (3-family or more)___ 75 8 Dwelling with elevator______ ________ 0 0 68 Dwelling with janitor service.. ___ . . . 7 Number of families having— 197 21 Bathroom. . . . . -----------205 22 Toilet: Inside flush____ _______ ____ _ Outside flush _ . . . _______ . . . 0 0 23 8 Other type ________________ . 202 Sole use of toilet by household._____ __ 26 224 Water: Inside dwelling__________ ____ 29 Running_____________________ 223 29 187 Hot running__ ____________ 17 1 Not running.. . . . _____ . . . 0 4 Outside dwelling only. ______ 1 Sink___ _____ _ ___ . . . _______ ____ 217 27 Electric lights_______ _ ___ ________ . 227 30 Gas or electricity for cooking __ _ . . . _ 209 23 93 3 Refrigerator: Electric______________ 1 Other mechanical________ 0 133 Ice only _______________ 27 1 None _______ . . . __ 0 Hot air, hot water, or steam heat_____ __ 182 13 84 Telephone____ _ ____ _____ __ ___ 7 105 Garage.__ _________ . . . . _ _________ 9 72 Garden space______________ _________ 12 142 21 Play space. __________________________ Each of the following items: Inside flush toilet, running hot water, electric lights, and gas or electricity for cooking. _ _____ 180 16 II. Families in survey, who owned principal 129 15 home at end of schedule year. _ ___ Number of families living in— 124 14 1-family detached house. ____ ______ 2 1-family semidetached or row house. 1 1 0 2-family house _______ ____ . . . . 2 Multiple dwelling (3-family or more)___ 0 0 Dwelling with elevator___ __ _ . . . ___ 0 0 0 Dwelling with janitor service______ . . . Number of families having— 105 5 Bathroom. . . . _________ ________ 106 4 Toilet: Inside flush_______ ____ . . . 0 0 Outside flush----- ------------23 11 Other type . . . . . _____ __ __ 125 15 Sole use of toilet by household__________ 123 12 Water: Inside dwelling . . . _______ __ _ 123 Running_____________________ 12 4 98 Hot running. _ _________ 0 0 Not running. _ __ _________ Outside dwelling only____ . . . _ 6 3 122 Sink.. . . . _________ ________________ 11 127 15 Electric lights_______ __ ______ _ . . . 114 11 Gas or elecvricity for cooking. ______ 54 4 Refrigerator: Electric.___________ ___ 0 0 Other mechanical_________ 73 10 Ice only ------------------------2 1 None_______________ _____ 102 Hot air, hot water, or steam heat_______ 7 62 0 Telephone______________________________ 90 11 Garage___ ___________ . ______________ 76 9 Garden space____ ____________________ Each of the following items: Inside flush toilet, running hot water, electric lights, and gas or electricity 90 ! 3 for cooking_________________ _____ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 327, $300 to $400 $400 to $500 to $600 to $500 $700 $600 $700 and over 59 42 34 27 36 $17. 56 $17. 75 $22. 40 $24. 28 $27.10 39 2 6 12 0 11 24 1 4 13 0 11 18 0 2 14 0 13 12 2 3 10 0 8 14 1 3 18 0 18 47 51 0 8 51 57 56 46 1 2 56 59 53 17 0 42 0 37 39 0 3 38 41 4.1 34 0 1 39 42 36 16 0 26 0 34 10 14 15 26 31 31 0 3 29 34 34 31 0 0 33 33 34 18 0 15 1 30 17 17 8 18 26 26 0 1 25 27 27 24 0 0 26 27 27 19 0 8 0 25 13 10 8 18 35 36 0 0 33 36 36 35 0 0 36 36 36 20 1 15 0 36 21 21 9 19 44 16 34 20 40 44 32 29 24 35 33 31 16 16 18 31 0 1 1 0 0 30 0 0 1 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 15 1 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 26 28 0 5 33 32 32 26 0 1 32 32 29 10 0 23 0 25 9 21 20 27 27 0 4 30 29 29 23 0 2 29 30 26 9 0 21 1 27 18 20 15 15 15 0 1 14 16 16 15 0 0 16 16 15 8 0 8 0 13 11 11 11 15 15 0 1 15 16 16 15 0 0 16 16 16 7 0 9 0 14 10 12 . 10 17 17 0 1 18 18 18 15 0 0 18 18 17 16 0 24 21 14 14 14 2 0 16 14 15 11 208 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T able 9 . — Housing facilities, by economic level— C on tin u ed KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S .—NEGRO FAM ILIES Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 and over H o u s i n g F a c i l i t i e s i n D w e l l i n g O c c u p i e d at E n d o f S c h e d u l e Y e a r I. Families in survey, who rented principal home at end of schedule year_________ _____ . . ________________ ________ 66 22 19 25 Average monthly rental rate at end of schedule year________ $13. 70 $11. 91 $12. 73 $16. 02 27 3 7 29 1 10 10 2 3 7 0 0 8 0 2 9 1 3 9 1 2 13 0 7 46 46 1 19 49 58 57 31 1 8 54 60 42 8 0 58 0 19 10 6 19 34 12 13 0 9 18 17 17 10 0 5 17 20 10 0 0 22 0 2 1 2 8 13 14 13 1 5 12 16 15 8 1 3 14 17 12 2 0 17 0 8 3 1 6 10 20 20 0 5 19 25 25 13 0 0 23 23 20 6 0 19 0 9 6 3 5 11 12 Number of families living in— 1-family detached house__________________________________ 1-family semidetached or row house. _ __ _____________ 2-family house_______ _ _____ ____ _ ___________ . . Multiple dwelling (3-family or more)--------------------------------Dwelling with elevator______ ______ ____ __ __ _ . . ___ Dwelling with janitor service_____ i ________ ___________ Number of families having— _______ ____________ Bathroom______________ __________ Toilet: Inside flush-------------------------- . __________________ Outside flush--------------------------------------------------Other type________________ ____ __________________ Sole use of toilet by household. ______ _______________ Water: Inside dwelling-----------------------------------------------------Running_________ _ ___ . ______ ______ __ Hot running_______________________ __________ Not running-------------------- --------------------------------Outside dwelling only ___ __ ___ -------------------Sink_________ _ __ _____ - _ _______ _____ __ ________ Electric lights... -------- -----------------------------------------------Gas or electricity for cooking _ _ _ . ----------------- -----------Refrigerator: Electric_____ ___________ ____ . . . ------------Other mechanical._________________________ Ice only----------- --- --------------------------------------None-----------------------------------------------------------Hot air, hot water, or steam heat ___ ___ ___ _______ . . . ________ _____________ Telephone____ Garage. _ ____ ________________________________________ . ... . . ------------------Garden space___ __ ________ Play space. _____________ ________ _ . . . . ___________ Each of the following items: Inside flush toilet, running hot water, electric lights, and gas or electricity for cooking________ ____ . . . ------II. Families in survey, who owned principal home at end of schedule year.. _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ _____ ___ __ Number of families living in— 1-family detached house.__ . ___ __ _ -------- ------------1-family semidetached or row house. __ __ _ ________ __ 2-family house___________ __________________ ________ Multiple dwelling (3-family or more)---------- ------------------Dwelling with elevator._. ___ ___. _ ____ __ ___ Dwelling with janitor service___ _ _____ _________ Number of families having— Bathroom_____ ________ ______ ________ _____ _ _______ Toilet: Inside flush____ . . . ________________ _____ ____ Outside flu s h _________________________ ________ Other type_______________________ _________ . . . Sole use of toilet by household-------------------- ------------------Water: Inside dwelling______ _____ . . . ---------------------Running______ ______________ ______ __ ______ Hot running. ____ _________________________ Not running---------------------------- ----------------------Outside dwelling only_ ___ _ .__ . . . ------------Sink_____ ______ _______ __ . . . ._ . . ._ . . ___ __ Electric l i g h t s ..___ _. . . ----------- ---------- ------------------------------- ---------------------Gas or electricity for cooking— Refrigerator: Electric. _ ___________ ___________ . . . . . Other mechanical------------- ------------------------Ice only_____________________________________ None_________ _______________ ____________ Hot air, hot water, or steam heat---------------------------- ------Telephone_____________ . . . ._ . . . . . . . ------------------- - Garage. _ __________________________________ ___________ Garden space____ _______. . . ------- - —. ------------------Each of the following items: Inside flush toilet, running hot water, electric lights, and gas or electricity for cooking---------------------------------------Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 327, 26 7 7 37 10 10 17 34 1 2 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 0 0 0 0 15 0 2 0 0 0 19 19 2 16 34 31 31 18 0 6 29 37 26 7 0 30 0 22 23 15 22 1 1 1 8 9 7 7 2 0 3 6 10 5 0 0 10 0 5 3 3 6 3 4 0 6 9 7 7 3 0 3 6 10 5 1 0 9 0 4 5 4 7 15 14 1 2 16 17 17 13 0 0 17 17 16 6 0 11 0 13 15 8 9 17 1 13 1 3 TABULAE T able 209 SUM M ARY 9 . — Housing facilities , by economic level— C on tin u ed M IN N EAPO L IS-ST . PAUL, M I N N —W H IT E FAMILIES All minilies H o u sin g F a c ilitie s in D w e llin g O c c u p ie d E n d o f S ch ed u le Y e a r Under $300 $300 to $400 to $400 $500 $500 to $600 to $600 $700 $700 and over at I. Families in survey, who rented principal home at end of schedule year__________ 323 Average monthly rental rate at end of schedule year____________ _____________ $23.39 Number of families living in— 1-family detached house______ _____ _ 128 1-family semidetached or row house. __ 12 2-family bouse______ _________________ 113 Multiple dwelling (3-family or more)___ 70 Dwelling with elevator_________________ 1 Dwelling with janitor service __ ______ 44 Number of families having— Bathroom______________________________ 296 Toilet: Inside flush.____ _______________ 321 1 Outside flush _. ________ ______ Other type__________________ . . . 1 Sole use of toilet by household_________ 295 Water: Inside dwelling_________________ 323 Running. _______ _______ _____ 323 Hot running________ ______ 256 Not running _____ _________ 0 Outside dwelling only .... . . . . 0 Sink____________________________________ 316 Electric lights. ____________ _________ 321 Gas or electricity for cooking . . . ... 317 Refrigerator: Electric___ _______________ 80 Other mechanical_________ 5 Ice o n ly _________________ 225 None __ . . . _ __________ 13 Hot air, hot water, or steam heat_______ 244 Telephone __ ________________ . . . ___ 123 162 Garage_________________________________ 104 Garden space.. _ ________ ______ _____ 214 Play space_____________________________ Each of the following items: Inside flush toilet, running hot water, electric lights, and gas or electricity for cooking. ______ ____ _____________ 254 II. Families in survey, who owned principal home at end of schedule year___ ______ 181 Number of families living in— 1-family detached house________________ 163 2 1-family semidetached or row h o u s e .__ 2-family house__________________________ 16 Multiple dwelling (3-family or more)___ 0 Dwelling with elevator_____ _____ ______ 0 Dwelling with janitor service..___ 0 Number of families having— 165 Bathroom______ ___ . . ----------------174 Toilet: Inside flush. _ ________ _________ Outside flush ________________ 0 Other type______________________ 7 172 Sole use of toilet by household--------- --Water: Inside d w ellin g..______________ 176 Running________________ _ __ 173 Hot running_________ ____ 153 Not running____ . . . _________ 3 Outside dwelling only. ___ _____ 5 Sink___ ____ _ . . . ______ ____________ 176 Electric lights__________________________ 178 Gas or electricity for cooking ________ 176 Refrigerator: Electric_________ ________ 38 Other mechanical_________ 3 132 Ice only-------------- ----------8 None___________ __ ._ ___ Hot air, hot water, or steam heat. . . . __ 158 109 Telephone.._ _____________ . . . _______ Garage_________________________________ 137 Garden space___________________________ 113 Each of the following items: Inside flush toilet, running hot water, electric lights, and gas or electricity for cooking__________________ ______ 148 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 327. Economic level— Families spending per expendi ture unit per year 29 69 65 52 43 65 $16.69 $21.27 $21. 58 $25.17 $25. 85 $27. 37 11 1 14 3 0 1 29 3 24 13 0 10 24 1 26 14 1 6 16 3 17 16 0 10 22 0 14 7 0 4 26 4 18 17 0 13 25 29 0 0 27 29 29 19 0 0 28 28 27 0 0 25 4 12 4 11 8 25 61 69 0 0 64 69 69 46 0 0 69 69 66 11 1 51 6 45 14 32 23 55 61 65 0 0 56 65 65 51 0 0 62 65 64 8 1 54 2 49 21 33 18 43 48 52 0 0 46 52 52 44 0 0 51 52 52 15 1 36 0 42 29 23 12 27 41 41 1 1 42 43 43 36 0 0 41 43 43 19 0 24 0 37 25 26 19 32 60 65 0 0 60 65 65 60 0 0 65 64 65 27 2 35 1 59 30 37 24 32 17 46 51 44 35 61 18 45 41 34 16 27 16 0 2 0 0 0 42 0 3 0 0 0 36 0 5 0 0 0 29 2 3 0 0 0 15 0 1 0 0 0 25 0 2 0 0 0 14 15 0 3 16 16 15 14 1 2 17 18 16 4 0 12 2 13 5 10 11 38 41 0 4 42 43 42 35 1 2 44 43 43 6 0 38 1 38 21 33 28 38 41 0 0 40 40 39 34 1 1 39 41 41 10 0 30 1 37 23 29 30 33 34 0 0 31 34 34 30 0 0 34 33 33 i 22 4 31 24 30 18 16 16 0 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 16 16 16 3 1 12 0 15 13 12 10 26 27 0 0 27 27 27 24 0 0 26 27 27 8 1 18 0 24 23 23 16 11 35 34 28 16 24 n 210 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T able 9 . — Housing facilities, by economic level— C on tin u ed ST. LOUIS, M O —W H IT E FAM ILIES All fami lies Item H o u sin g F a c ilitie s in D w e l l i n g O c c u p ie d E n d o f S c h ed u le Y e a r $700 and over Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 32 50 62 49 30 64 $16. 20 $18. 46 $18. 45 $21. 46 $21. 98 $26. 67 6 2 13 11 0 0 4 7 20 19 0 2 9 4 24 25 0 3 9 1 15 24 1 4 7 2 10 11 0 1 6 2 20 36 0 10 22 26 4 2 27 32 32 12 0 0 32 32 27 4 0 26 2 14 4 9 13 29 38 44 4 2 39 50 50 23 0 0 50 50 47 19 0 31 0 26 7 16 13 38 47 53 6 3 51 62 62 31 0 0 61 62 57 30 2 30 0 32 7 20 17 39 41 44 1 4 43 49 49 28 0 0 49 49 49 24 2 23 0 32 10 21 23 38 28 30 0 0 28 30 30 23 0 0 30 29 26 21 0 7 2 21 8 15 9 22 61 62 2 0 59 64 64 52 0 0 64 64 64 46 at I. Families in survey, who rented principal 287 home at end of schedule year_________ _ _. Average monthly rental rate at end of year----------------------------- -----------------------$20. 92 Number of families living in— 1-family detached house_______________ 41 1-family semidetached or row h o u se___ 18 102 2-family house____________ ______ __ _ Multiple dwelling (3-family or more)____ 126 1 Dwelling with elevator_________________ Dwelling with janitor service_____ ______ 20 Number of families having— Bathroom. _______ _ ________ _______ 237 Toilet: Inside flush. ______ ______ ___ 259 17 Outside flush________ _________ Other type_____________________ 11 247 Sole use of toilet by household____ ___ Water: Inside dwelling____ . . . ________ 287 R unning____ . . ______ _ 287 Hot running______ ____ _ 169 Not running. ______ ________ 0 Outside dwelling only___ _______ 0 Sink__________________________ ____ 286 Electric lights. ______ _________________ 286 Gas or electricity for cooking____________ 270 144 Refrigerator: Electric________________ _ 5 Other mechanical_________ 134 Ice only_____ ______________ 4 None. _ ________ _______ 184 Hot air, hot water, or steam heat____ Telephone___________________________ 38 Garage____ ___ ______ _ _ 118 Garden space _ __ . . . ______ __ _ 95 Play space___________ . . . ___ __ 208 Each of the following items: Inside flush toilet, running hot water, electric lights, and gas or electricity for cooking___ __ _____ ____ 166 II. Families in survey, who owned principal 114 home at end of schedule year. . . ___ Number of families living in— 82 1-family detached house. . . ____ __ __ 1-family semidetached or row house.._ _ 9 2-family house.________ __________ _ 23 0 Multiple dwelling (3-family or more)___ Dwelling with elevator_______________ 0 2 Dwelling with janitor service_______ Number of families having— 103 Bathroom______________________________ 106 Toilet: Inside flush____________ ________ 3 Outside flush___________________ 5 Other type_____________________ 108 Sole use of toilet by household__________ Water: Inside dwelling.. . . . __________ 114 Running. . . ______________ _ 113 Hot running________________ 90 1 Not running__________ _______ 0 Outside dwelling only. __________ Sink______ _____________ _____________ 114 114 Electric lights____________ ___________ 104 Gas or electricity for cooking____________ 60 Refrigerator: Electric---------------------------1 Other mechanical____ . . . 52 Ice only__________________ 1 None_________ ________ 95 Hot air, hot water, or steam heat... _ 47 Telephone_______ ____________ _______ Garage_________________________________ 89 75 Garden space______ ________________ Each of the following items: Inside flush toilet, running hot water, electric lights, and gas or electricity 86 for cooking_______ . . . . ------- --Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 327. Economic level-—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year 1 17 0 59 2 37 20 42 12 23 31 28 20 52 22 15 32 13 12 20 15 13 1 1 26 3 3 0 0 0 7 1 5 0 0 1 7 1 4 0 0 0 14 3 3 0 0 1 11 11 1 1 12 13 13 11 0 0 13 13 13 9 0 4 0 12 5 10 6 11 12 0 0 11 12 12 10 0 0 12 12 11 29 31 1 0 32 32 32 25 0 0 32 32 28 14 1 17 0 26 12 23 23 9 20 20 0 0 18 20 20 19 0 0 20 20 20 15 0 5 0 20 14 18 12 11 24 10 19 0 7 0 0 0 18 19 0 3 20 22 22 14 0 0 22 22 17 5 0 16 1 15 3 17 14 12 0 0 0 14 13 1 1 15 15 14 11 1 0 15 15 14 8 0 7 0 12 5 10 10 12 9 0 3 0 10 8 11 TA B U LA E T able 211 SU M M A R Y 9 . — H o u sin g fa c ilitie s , by econ om ic level— Item St. Louis, Mo.—Negro families Economic level— Families spending per expenditure All unit per year fami lies Un $400 $300 and der to $300 $400 over Continued Salt Lake City , Utah—White families All fami lies Economic level— Fami lies spending per ex penditure unit per year Un der $300 $400 to $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over H o u s i n g F a c ilitie s in D w e l l i n g O c c u p ie d at E n d o f S c h ed u le Y e a r I. Families in survey, who rented principal 91 home at end of schedule year______1___ 23 23 45 116 30 30 40 16 Average monthly rental rate at end of schedule year_________ _______________ $15.95 $14. 53 $14. 93 $17. 20 $18. 61 $15.16 $19.02 $18.89 $23. 62 Number of families living in— 1 1 1-family detached house________________ 0 60 18 17 0 5 20 1-family semidetached or row house . . . 15 4 7 4 11 5 2 2 2 19 2-family house_______________ _________ 43 14 10 7 1 2 2 2 32 Multiple dwelling (3-family or more)___ 5 8 19 38 9 7 6 16 Dwelling with elevator_________________ 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 11 1 Dwelling with janitor service___________ 7 25 2 3 8 9 6 Number of families having— 31 Bathroom___ ________ . . . ________ ___ 55 11 115 13 39 30 30 16 35 67 15 115 29 Toilet: Inside flush_____________________ 17 30 16 40 18 Outside f lu s h ..________________ 4 8 1 6 1 0 0 0 2 4 6 Other type____________________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 11 33 Sole use of toilet by household___ ______ 18 28 110 29 38 15 22 44 89 Water: Inside dwelling____ __________ 23 116 30 30 40 16 44 Running_____________________ 23 90 23 116 16 30 30 40 24 3 16 Hot running------ ---------------108 5 28 27 37 16 0 0 0 Not running__________________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 Outside dwelling o n ly .___ . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sink________ ________ ________________ 89 22 44 116 23 30 30 40 16 22 44 Electric lights... ______________________ 87 21 113 29 15 30 39 54 12 Gas or electricity for cooking___________ 33 73 9 9 13 20 31 14 9 3 10 34 1 4 Refrigerator: Electric____ _____________ 15 6 2 Other mechanical_______ _ 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 19 Ice only----------------------------76 22 35 48 14 12 13 9 1 1 32 None_____________________ 0 14 8 9 1 0 22 14 Hot air, hot water, or steam heat_______ 2 6 91 23 34 14 20 9 11 Telephone____ . . . _____ . . . ______ 34 2 0 8 11 6 9 Garage______ . . . ____________________ 1 7 6 50 8 22 0 10 10 Garden space. _ __________ __________ 4 3 7 27 8 3 0 6 10 Play space_________________________ . . . 14 67 21 29 19 10 7 5 20 Each of the following items: Inside flush toilet, running hot water, electric lights, and gas or electricity 9 19 31 12 19 3 14 for cooking. _. _ _________ 2 71 II. Families in survey, who owned principal 4 6 94 24 25 32 13 home at end of schedule year__________ 15 5 Number of families living in— 1 22 12 3 25 31 1-family detached house___ _____________ 7 90 3 1 1 1 1 1-familys emidetached or row house_____ 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 3 2 3 1 2-family house. _ _______________ _____ 7 0 Multiple dwelling (3-family or more)___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dwelling with elevator_________________ 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dwelling with janitor service____ _ . . . 0 Number of families having— 94 2 4 32 13 24 25 10 4 Bathroom______________________________ 12 2 5 94 32 13 24 25 5 Toilet: Inside flush... __ ___________ . . 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Outside flush.. _______ _______ 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other type_____________________ 3 5 94 24 32 13 13 5 25 Sole use of toilet by household______ . _ 4 6 94 24 25 32 13 15 5 Water: Inside dwelling_________________ 94 4 6 24 25 32 13 Running_____ __ __________ 15 5 1 92 3 23 25 31 13 Hot running___ __ ________ 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not running . . . . . _____ _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Outside dwelling on ly .._ __ 0 0 0 94 32 13 24 25 4 6 Sink__________ _______________________ 15 5 4 94 24 32 6 25 13 15 5 Electric lights__________________________ 62 1 7 22 12 5 21 9 3 Gas or electricity for cooking___ _____ 3 30 4 3 8 13 6 1 0 Refrigerator: Electric___________________ 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 Other mechanical . ... 0 0 4 11 3 40 15 4 11 10 4 Ice only______ _________ 22 11 3 0 2 0 6 0 0 None. . ___ _______ 1 3 68 14 18 27 9 5 1 Hot air, hot water, or steam heat___ _ . 23 9 1 53 8 13 6 1 Telephone . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ 8 4 23 1 71 17 20 11 2 7 Garage________________ _______________ 1 1 45 9 11 19 6 3 1 Garden space_____ ____ ______ . . . . . Each of the following items: Inside flush toilet, runnihg hot water, electric lights, and gas or electricity 1, 1 22 21 12 3 62 7 5 cooking___ ________________________ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 327. 212 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T able 10 ,— H o u sin g ex p en d itu res , by econ om ic level D E N V E R , C O L O —W H IT E FAM ILIES Item All fami lies Economic level — Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over H o u s in g E x p en d itu r e s I. All families in survey 1___ _________ _______________________ Average number of persons in economic family_____________ Average number of persons in household_________________ __ Number of families investing in: Principal home___________ Vacation home_________ __ Number of families having current expenditure for— Owned principal home: Taxes __ , _____________________________________________ Assessments. __ ______ _______________________________ Repairs and replacements_____ ______ _________ ______ Fire insurance on home________ . . . . . . . . . ______ Liability insurance on home______ . . . _______________ Ground rent_________________ . . . _ . ________ Interest on mortgages_________________________ ______ _ _ Refinancing charges__________________ ________________ Rented principal home: Rent (gross rent less concessions). ________ ________ Repairs by tenant______ _______ ____ ___________ _______ Secondary housing: Owned vacation home------------------------- --- ------------Rent on vacation or trips------------------------------ ------- --- ___ Rent at school______________________________ ______ Average amount invested during schedule year in owned: Principal home, total_____________________________________ Payment on principal of mortgage and down payment _ _ _____________ _______ Improvement on home___ Vacation home_______________ _________________________ Average current expenditure for— Owned principal home, total. . . ----------- --------------------------Taxes_____________________ ____ .. .. Assessments___________ . _______________________ Repairs and replacements. __ . . . _ ____________ ______ Fire insurance on home-------- -------- ---------------------------Liability insurance on home . . . _ __ ________ _____ . . . Ground ren t___________ _________ . . -------------------------Interest on mortgages------ ------- ------------------------------------Refinancing charges. . . _____ __ . . . -------- ------------Rented principal home, total . . . . -------- --- ------------Rent (gross rent less concessions). _ _ __ _________ Repairs by tenant________________________________ ___ Secondary housing, total. ____ ___ ____________ ______ Owned vacation home---------------------------------------------------Rent on vacation or trips___________________ ________ Rent at school_______________ ______ ________ __________ 295 3.14 3.15 58 0 92 4.06 4.05 18 0 106 3.12 3.15 23 0 97 2.29 2.29 17 0 103 51 45 55 0 0 54 6 33 13 11 13 0 0 19 1 38 21 19 23 0 0 20 2 32 17 15 19 0 0 15 3 189 7 58 1 68 4 63 2 0 18 3 0 3 1 0 5 2 0 10 0 $44.16 31.89 12.27 0 $40.58 30. 05 10. 53 0 $56.08 33.40 22. 68 0 $34.52 31.98 2.54 0 53.58 20.18 2. 37 8. 45 2.04 0 0 19.08 1.46 170.02 169. 80 .22 1.91 0 1.28 .63 42.54 16.04 1. 73 9. 73 1.16 0 0 13. 51 .37 125.41 125. 30 .11 .73 0 .24 .49 58.42 21.37 2.09 10.36 2.76 0 0 21.18 .66 178. 33 178. 01 .32 1.87 0 .55 1.32 58.73 22. 75 3.29 5.15 2.10 0 0 22.07 3.37 203. 28 203.04 .24 3.08 0 3.08 0 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit_________ ____ _ Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms. _ _____________________________________ 4 rooms_____ ___ _________ ________ ___________ ______ 5 rooms __ __________________ __ ------------- ------------------6 rooms__________ ___ ___ __ _ __________________________ 7 rooms or more_____________________________________ _____ II. Families who owned their principal home for 12 months_____ Average number of persons in economic family_____________ Average number of persons in household___________________ Number of families who invested during the schedule year in owned principal home__.............................................................. 5.06 5.14 5. 27 4.75 43 62 80 66 44 106 3.18 3.19 9 26 22 19 16 34 3.98 3.98 14 17 31 26 18 38 3.24 3.26 20 19 27 21 10 34 2. 32 2.33 56 18 22 16 Average amount invested during schedule year, total________ Payment on principal of mortgage and down payment___ Improvements on home. _ _____________________ __________ $112. 24 78.09 34.15 $109. 82 81.32 28. 50 $155.12 91.86 63. 26 $66.72 59.46 7.26 1 The total number of families surveyed includes those in each of the 4 subgroups shown in this table (i. e., home owners, house renters, apartment renters with heat included in rent, and apartment renters with heat not included in rent) and also families who changed their housing status during the year for whom no sep arate subgroup is shown. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 328. TABULAR SUMMARY T able 213 1 0 . — H o u sin g ex p en d itu res , by econom ic level— Continued D E N V E R , COLO.—W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Item All fami lies Economic level — Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over H o u s i n g E x p e n d i t u r e s —Continued II. Families who owned their principal home for 12 months— Continued. Average current housing expenditures on owned principal home, total_____________________________________________ Taxes___ ________________________________ __ _ ___ __ Assessments._____ _______________ . . . . . . ____ _ . Repairs and replacements___ ________ . . . . . . _____ ... Fire insurance on home_______ _________ ______________ Liability insurance on home______________________________ Ground rent_______ _____ ________ _____ _______ ________ Interest on mortgages___________________________ _______ Refinancing charges______________________________________ Average estimated annual rental v a lu e -----------------------------Average imputed income from equity in owned principal home____________ _ _________ ________________________ $145.09 55.12 6.50 23.52 5.44 0 0 51.33 3.18 306.00 $115.09 43.41 4. 67 26. 32 3.12 0 0 36. 56 1.01 274.00 $161. 67 59. 61 5.84 28.90 7. 71 0 0 57.77 1.84 318.00 $156.52 61.79 9.06 14. 69 5. 22 0 0 58. 91 6. 85 325.00 161.00 159.00 156.00 169.00 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit______ _______ _ Number of families living in dwellings with: Less than 4 rooms_________ ___________ _____________ __ 4 rooms_________________ _________________________ ___ 5 rooms__________________________________________________ 6 rooms____________________________ j.______________ ___ 7 rooms or more__________________________________________ III. Families who rented house for 12 months____ _________ Average number of persons in economic family______ __ __ Average number of persons in household____ _ ___________ 5.64 5.62 6.03 5.24 5 17 35 31 18 131 3. 33 3. 34 1 7 9 11 6 47 4. 30 4.28 1 3 16 8 10 43 3.18 3.26 3 7 10 12 2 41 2. 37 2.35 Average expenditure for rented principal home, total______ _ Rent (gross rent less concessions)_______________ ________ Repairs by tenant_________________________ ____________ Average monthly rental rate. ____ ________ ___________ $252. 45 251.94 .51 21.07 $199. 01 198.80 .21 16.67 $265.62 264. 84 .78 22.07 $299. 90 299.34 .56 25.06 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit____________ __ _ Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms________________________________________ 4 rooms__________________________________________________ 5 rooms____________ --------------- ---------- --------6 rooms_______________ ______ ____________ . . . . . ------7 rooms or more_____ ______________________________ . . . _ IV. Families who rented apartment for 12 months with heat in cluded in rent______________ ______ ______ __________ Average number of persons in economic family _. . . . __ _ _ Average number of persons in household___________ _ _. . . . 5.34 5.17 5. 56 5.29 7 29 38 33 24 3 15 12 7 10 2 6 11 18 6 2 8 15 8 8 47 2. 58 2. 58 8 3.28 3.28 20 2.76 2. 75 19 2.10 2.10 Average expenditure for rented principal home, total ___ __ Rent (gross rent less concessions)............. ........... ............. . . Repairs by tenant___ __________ __________ _________ _ . Average monthly rental rate_____________ ____ __ _______ __ $317. 34 317. 34 0 26.44 $213.00 213.00 0 17. 75 $315. 55 315. 55 0 26.30 $363.16 363.16 0 30.26 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit... _ ____________ Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms______ _ ___________ . ___ __ ____ _ 4 rooms_________ ________ ._ . . . ________________ ____ 5 rooms_______________ . . . . _____________ _______ . . . 6 rooms______________________ . . . -------------------------7 rooms or more.. . ______________________________________ V. Families who rented apartment for 12 months with heat not included in rent2________________ _______________________ 3.17 3.00 3. 55 2.84 32 11 3 0 1 6 2 0 0 0 11 6 2 0 1 15 3 1 0 0 9 3 4 2 2 Detailed information not presented because of small number of families in this classification. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 328. WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION 214 T 10. — H o u sin g exp en d itu res , by econ om ic level— Continued able KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S .-W H I T E FAM ILIES Item All fami lies Economic level-—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 to $600 $500 $600 to $700 $700 and over H o u s in g E x p e n d itu r e s I. All families in survey i _ _____ _ _____ _ 357 Average number of persons in economic family___ __ ________________________ __ 3.37 Average number of persons in household.__ 3. 54 Number of families investing in: 77 Principal home __ _______ _____ ______ Vacation home___ _______ _______ _ 0 Number of families having current expendi ture for— Owned principal home: 128 Taxes______ __ _ ___________ Assessments ___ ___ __ ___ ----13 Repairs and replacements_________ _ 74 Fire insurance on home___ _____ __ 62 ____ 0 Liability insurance on home.. 0 Ground rent___________ _____ _______ Interest on mortgages______________ 77 14 Refinancing charges---------------------------Rented principal home: 235 Rent (gross rent less concessions)-------8 Repairs by tenant ________ _______ Secondary housing: 0 Owned vacation home.________ .._ . 10 Rent on vacation or trips___________ _ 0 Rent at school____________ _ _______ Average amount invested during schedule year in owned: $43.10 Principal home, total. ____________ Payment on principal of mortgage and down payment. _ _ -------------35.50 7. 60 Improvement on home. ---------- ----- --0 Vacation home____ _____ _______ ____ Average current expenditure for— 57.73 Owned principal home, total------------- _ 20.24 Taxes_____ ____ __ . . . . . ----- --.55 Assessments. . . . ___ ____________ . . . 13.18 Repairs and replacements_______ . 3.60 Fire insurance on home._. . . ---------0 Liability insurance on hom e___ 0 Ground rent____ _____ __ _ _. 18.44 Interest on mortgages_____ . . . -------1.72 Refinancing charges____ _______ __ . Rented principal home, total. _. -------156. 50 Rent (gross rent less concessions) __ . _ 156.24 .26 Repairs by tenant _ . __________ _ .34 Secondary housing, total ---------------------0 Owned vacation home___ _ ._ __. .34 Rent on vacation or trips_____ 0 Rent at school________________________ Average number of rooms in dwelling unit. 4.72 Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms.__ ___ ________ 73 65 4 rooms.._ _ ._ . . __________ -. 106 5 rooms____ _ ________ __________ ____ 6 rooms________________________ . __ 79 34 7 rooms or more_______ ______________ II. Families who owned their principal home 122 for 12 months_____________ ________ __ Average number of persons in economic 3. 59 ___ __________ family... ___ _______ 3. 77 Average number of persons in household. _. Number of families who invested during the schedule year in owned principal 69 h o m e ..______ . . ____ __ Average amount invested during schedule year, total____________________________ $104.43 Payment on principal of mortgage and 88.99 downpayment.. ------------------------------15.44 Improvements on home _ __ ___ _ . 45 92 73 50 43 54 5.03 5.20 3.84 3.93 3.22 3. 34 3.07 3.34 2.58 2.85 2.28 2.49 8 0 20 0 16 0 10 0 10 0 13 0 14 4 5 4 0 0 7 0 34 2 18 16 0 0 22 5 32 1 14 18 0 0 18 3 15 1 10 8 0 0 10 0 15 2 14 8 0 0 10 2 18 3 13 8 0 0 10 4 30 0 61 3 43 1 34 2 28 1 39 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 $25. 22 $43. 38 $47. 70 $39. 70 $47. 42 $51.00 11.33 13.89 0 32.42 10.96 0 38.80 8.90 0 37. 28 2.42 0 43.00 4.42 0 48.78 2. 22 0 23.15 12. 45 2.00 3.74 .81 0 0 4.15 0 125. 78 125. 78 0 0 0 0 0 4. 87 47.08 16.26 .34 8.31 3.04 0 0 17.41 1.72 133.71 133. 60 .11 .01 0 .01 0 4.63 67.00 25.71 .14 14. 52 4.33 0 0 20.60 1.70 121.76 121. 60 .16 .58 0 .58 0 4.89 57.96 21.07 (3) 14.76 3. 86 0 0 18. 27 0 186. 61 186. 21 .40 .15 0 . 15 0 79.80 23.29 .60 22. 72 3. 81 0 0 26. 52 2.86 186.01 185. 66 .35 .99 0 .99 0 5.00 4.53 74. 45 22. 89 .74 18.50 5. 52 0 0 22.90 3.90 216. 54 215. 87 .67 .56 0 .56 0 4.42 5 12 15 9 4 21 17 24 24 6 11 17 20 16 9 12 5 15 10 8 9 6 14 14 0 15 8 18 6 7 15 31 30 16 15 15 5. 75 5.95 4.10 4.17 3.29 3.36 3.22 3.49 2.66 3.06 2.33 2.56 8 16 15 10 9 11 $75.66 33. 99 41.67 $78.18 $111.08 $124. 06 $129. 81 $127.89 65.02 13.16 94. 41 16. 67 116. 50 7.56 117.14 12.67 125. 22 2.67 1 The total number of families surveyed includes those in each of the 4 subgroups shown in this table (i. e., home owners, house renters, apartment renters with heat included in rent, and apartment renters with heat not included in rent) and also families who changed their housing status during the year for whom no separate subgroup is shown. 3 Less than 0.5 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 328, 215 TABULAR SUMMARY T 10 . — H o u s in g ex p en d itu res , by econ om ic level-—Continued KANSAS C IT Y , M O .-K A N S —W H IT E FAM ILIES—Continued able Item All fami lies Economic level— Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 to $600 to $500 $600 $700 $700 and over H o u s i n g E x p e n d i t u r e s —Continued II. Families who owned their principal home for 12 months—Continued. Average current housing expenditures on $69.43 $129. 74 $161.87 $181.10 $212.54 $221.39 owned principal home, total__________ $158.40 45.69 57.16 37.34 61.73 65.84 66.77 72.66 Taxes____ _ __ ___ _________ . . . 5.99 1.62 1.02 .33 .01 1.73 2. 67 Assessments. __ . . . _____ __ ________ Repairs and replacements______________ 36.53 11.23 24.17 35.33 46.11 59.99 56.11 Fire insurance on home _ _____ _________ 8.78 2.43 7. 95 9.05 10. 27 10.20 12.06 Liability insurance on home____________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ground rent____ ________ ____________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48.23 Interest on mortgages___________________ 50.91 12.44 57.08 50.14 72.20 68. 62 2.68 Refinancing charges........ . _ _______ . . . 3.40 0 4.14 0 2.80 11.06 185. 00 238.00 290. 00 278.00 318.00 360.00 276. 00 Average estimated annual rental value___ Average imputed income from equity in 117. 00 116. 00 108. 00 128. 00 97. 00 106.00 139. 00 owned principal home.. _______________ Average number of rooms in dwelling unit. 5. 07 5.58 5. 57 5. 75 5. 33 5. 56 6. 07 Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms_____ ____________ . . . 2 1 1 1 1 0 6 4 2 1 1 4 rooms________________________________ 11 3 0 5 rooms____ ______________________ . . . 5 9 6 5 39 7 7 12 4 3 15 8 4 6 rooms______________________. . . ______ 46 2 4 4 7 rooms or more_________________ ____ 5 5 0 20 39 14 III. Families who rented house for 12 months. 128 17 25 18 15 Average number of persons in economic 2. 72 family____________________ ___________ 5.11 3. 85 3. 25 3.19 2. 60 3.54 5.12 3. 95 3. 45 2.98 Average number of persons in household.. 3. 73 3.63 2.86 Average expenditure for rented principal $218.88 $166.88 $201.96 $187.94 $260. 25 $268.84 $277.10 home, total____ __ ___ _____ __ Rent (gross rent less concessions)______ 218. 70 166.88 201. 74 187.94 260.25 267. 77 277.10 Repairs by tenant________________ _ . _ .18 0 .22 0 0 1.07 0 18.24 13. 91 16.88 15. 66 21.69 22.31 23.09 Average monthly rental rate_____________ Average number of rooms in dwelling unit. 4. 99 5.12 4. 67 4.96 5. 56 4.78 5.27 Number of families living in dwellings with— 1 1 Less than 4 rooms____________________ _ 4 18 1 1 10 4 rooms___ ___________________ __ ____ 2 25 3 4 6 7 3 5 rooms._________ __________ ________ __ 8 48 6 7 15 6 6 2 6 rooms________________________ ______ 25 5 4 4 3 7 2 12 1 1 7 rooms or more______ _____ _____ . __ 4 4 0 IV. Families who rented apartment for 12 11 months with heat included in rent_____ 75 6 12 10 16 20 Average number of persons in economic 2. 73 2. 07 3.18 family--------- . . . __ ___________________ 3.83 3.27 2.79 2.20 2. 42 2. 82 4. 00 3. 09 3.34 2.16 Average number of persons in household. __ 2.90 Average expenditure for rented principal $304. 47 $281. 25 $251. 33 $282. 48 $290.37 $324.96 $356.45 home, to ta l._____ . . . . . . 281. 25 251. 33 282.48 289.12 324.96 354. 65 Rent (gross rent less concessions) _ _ _. 303. 72 .75 0 1. 80 0 0., 1. 25 0 Repairs by tenant_______________ ______ 23. 44 29. 55 25. 35 Average monthly rental rate __ ______ _ 21.19 23. 54 24. 09 27. 08 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit. 3. 83 3. 67 3.73 3. 45 3. 56 3. 62 3. 20 Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms___ ______________ . _ 42 13 8 3 10 1 7 1 3 4 rooms______ ____ __________ _________ 2 17 4 6 1 5 rooms_____ ___ __ _ _____________ _ 3 2 10 1 1 3 0 6 rooms._____________________ ______ ._ 2 5 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 7 rooms or more_____ ________ ______ _ 0 0 0 0 0 V. Families who rented apartment for 12 22 months with heat not included in rent.. 1 7 5 0 3 6 Average number of persons in economic 3.38 family______ _______________________ __ 4.32 2.00 3.50 2.60 0 2.67 3. 57 2. 00 Average number of persons in household . . . 4.59 3.83 2.72 2. 63 0 Average expenditure for rented principal home, total______ _________ ____ . _ $183. 59 $168. 78 $158. 25 $171.60 0 $270. 00 $240.00 182. 98 168. 78 158.00i 169.20' Rent (gross rent less concessions)_______ 0 270.00 240. 00 Repairs by tenant__________ _ ________ .61 0 2.401 0 0 .25i 0 15. 25 14.06 22.50 Average monthly rental rate_________ _. _ 13.17 14.10' 0' 20.00 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit. 4. 36 4. 71 4. 00 0 3. 50i 4.40' 5.33 Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms______________________ 4 2: 1 1 0' 0 0 4 rooms____________________________ .._ 6 1 3 1 0 0 1 2! 2! 5 rooms________________________________ 8 1 3 01 0 1 0 6 rooms__________ ____ ______ _____ 3 1 1 01 0i 1 1 0' 0i 01 0i 7 rooms or more_____ ________ _____ . . . 0 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 328. 53957 °— 39-------15 216 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T able 10. — H o u s in g ex p en d itu res, b y econ om ic level—Continued KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S .—NEGRO FAM ILIES Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 and over H o u s in g e x p en d itu r e s I. All families in survey 1----- ---------------------- ---------------------------Average number of persons in economic family...... .......... ....... Average number of persons in household-----------------------------Number of families investing in: Principal home___ ________ Vacation home____________ Number of families having current expenditure for— Owned principal home: Taxes___________________ _______ _____ ________________ Assessments----- ------------------— ------------------------- ----------Repairs and replacements------- --------------------------------------Fire insurance on home......... .............. .......... ......... ........... Liability insurance on home..---------------------------------------Ground rent.................... ................................ ........................... Interest on mortgages..... .......... ................. ........ .......... — Refinancing charges___ ________________________________ Rented principal home: Rent (gross rent less concessions)-------------- --------------------Repairs by tenant_______________________ ____ ________ Secondary housing: Owned vacation home........................................... .................. Rent on vacation or trips-------------------- --------------------------Rent at school -------------- ------- ------------- --------------------------Average amount invested during schedule year in owned— Principal home, total— _________________________________ Payment on principal of mortgage and down payment— Improvement on home. __________ ____________________ Vacation home. _ . . ___________________ ______ - ............... Average current expenditure for— Owned principal home, total.......................... ................... Taxes_____________________________________ ___________ Assessments------------------------------------------------------------------Repairs and replacements.......................... ............................ Fire insurance on home........................... ..................... .......... Liability insurance on home— ............. — . . . --------------Ground rent__________ _________________________ ______ Interest on mortgages------ --- ----- ------- --------------------------Refinancing charges____________________________________ Rented principal home, total____ ____ ___________________ Rent (gross rent less concessions)-----------------------------------Repairs by tenant ----------------- --------------------------Secondary housing, total------- ------------------------------------------Owned vacation hom e-------------------------------------------------Rent on vacation or trips_______________________________ Rent at school__________________________________________ Average number of rooms in dwelling unit_____________ . Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms----- ------------------- --------------------------------4 rooms .. _________ ______ ____________ ____ ________ 5 rooms......... .............................. ............... ................................... 6 rooms....... ..................... ............................................................. 7 rooms or more__________________________________________ II. Families who owned their principal home for 12 months___ Average number of persons in economic family_____________ Average number of persons in household____________________ Number of families who invested during the schedule year in owned principal home___________________ ____ ________ Average amount invested during schedule year, total_____ _ Payment on principal of mortgage and down payment___ Improvements on home.____ ____________________________ Average current housing expenditures on owned principal home, total_____________________ . . . ------------------------- _ Taxes________________________ __________ _________ _______ Assessments______________________________________________ Repairs and replacements________________________________ Fire insurance on home__________________________ . . . ___ Liability insurance on home—________ ___________________ Ground rent _____ ______________________________________ Interest on mortgages________________________ . . . _______ Refinancing charges____________________ ____ ___________ 103 3.34 3. 61 19 0 32 5.05 5.15 5 0 29 2.66 2.74 3 0 42 2.50 2.78 11 0 36 3 12 13 0 0 17 2 9 0 3 4 0 0 4 2 10 0 1 3 0 0 3 0 17 3 8 6 0 0 10 0 66 6 22 1 19 1 25 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 $34. 04 31.14 2.90 0 $13.05 11.96 1.09 0 $6. 52 3.76 2.76 0 $69. 03 64.66 4.37 0 35.92 19.68 1.26 4.71 1.63 0 0 8.52 .12 104. 66 104.29 .37 . 10 0 .10 0 4. 73 30.11 17. 66 0 5.06 1.08 0 0 5.94 .37 98.54 98.25 .29 0 0 0 0 5.03 24.84 19.00 0 .96 .98 0 0 3.90 0 101.18 100. 66 .52 0 0 0 0 4.24 47.99 21.68 3.10 7.03 2.50 0 0 13.68 0 111. 73 111. 40 .33 .24 0 .24 0 4.83 20 29 22 19 13 37 3.28 3. 48 2 13 6 7 4 10 5.15 5.14 11 6 5 4 3 10 3.10 3.18 7 10 11 8 6 17 2.29 2.67 18 $54. 21 46.14 8. 07 5 $41. 76 38.26 3.50 3 $18. 90 10.90 8.00 10 $82.29 71.50 10.79 99.99 54.78 3. 51 13.11 4. 55 0 0 23. 72 .32 96.42 56.53 0 16.20 3.48 0 0 19. 01 1.20 72.09 55.12 0 2.80 2.85 0 0 11. 32 0 118. 55 53. 55 7. 65 17.37 6.18 0 0 33.80 0 1 The total number of families surveyed includes those in each of the 4 subgroups shown in this table (i. e., home owners, house renters, apartment renters with heat included in rent, and apartment renters with heat not included in rent) and also families who changed their housing status during the year for whom no separate subgroup is shown. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p.328. TA B U L AR T able 10.— 217 SUM M ARY H o u s in g ex p en d itu res , b y econ om ic level— Continued KANSAS C IT Y , M O .-K A N S.—NEGRO FAM ILIES— Continued All fami lies Item Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 H o u s in g e x p en d itu r e s— $300 to $400 $400 and over Continued II. Families who owned their principal home for 12 months— Continued. Average estimated annual rental value_____________________ Average imputed income from equity in owned principal home________ _______________________________ _____ _____ $197.00 $146.00 $178.00 $238.00 97.00 50.00 106.00 119.00 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit__________ ______ Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms_________________ ___________ ____ __ 4 rooms.._______ __________________ _____________________ 5 rooms______ ____________________ _______________ ____ __ 6 rooms____ _____ _______ ___________ . . . __________ ____ 7 rooms or more________________________ . . __ _ . . . ___ III. Families who rented house for 12 months___________ . Average number of persons in economic family____ _ ... Average number of persons in household____________________ 5. 51 5.70 5.40 5. 47 1 11 6 11 8 30 3. 42 3. 62 0 4 1 2 3 12 4. 73 4.89 1 2 2 3 2 8 2.50 2. 67 0 5 3 6 3 10 2.59 2. 86 Average expenditure for rented principal home, total_______ Rent (gross rent less concessions)_________________________ Repairs by tenant________________________________________ Average monthly rental rate______________________________ $161. 26 160. 43 .83 13. 37 $161. 00 161. 00 0 13.42 $149. 63 147. 75 1. 88 12. 31 $170. 90 169. 90 1.00 14.16 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit__________________ Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms________________________________________ __ 4 rooms______________________________________________ 5 rooms_______________________ ________________________ Grooms_________________________________ ___________ _____ 7 rooms or more_______________________________ _________ IV. Families who rented apartment for 12 months with heat included in rent__________________________________________ Average number of persons in economic family. _. __ ______ Average number of persons in household____________ . . . _ 5.20 5.17 4.62 5. 70 3 5 11 6 5 1 2 4 4 1 2 2 2 1 1 0 1 5 1 3 12 2. 67 2. 83 0 0 0 5 2.20 2.20 7 3.00 3.28 Average expenditure for rented principal home, total_____ __ Rent (gross rent less concessions)____________ _______ . . . Repairs by tenant._______ ______________________________ Average monthly rental r a t e ...______ ____ . . . ._ ________ $225. 00 225. 00 0 18. 75 0 0 0 0 $177. 20 177. 20 0 14. 77 $259.14 259.14 0 21.60 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit___ ______________ Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms________________________________________ 4 rooms_____ ________________ ____ ______ . _ . _____ 5 rooms____________________________ ____________________ 6 rooms________________________ __ _________ __________ 7 rooms or more______________ _______ _____ ______ ______ V. Families who rented apartment for 12 months with heat not included in rent.. . . . _________________ ___ ______ Average number of persons in economic family_____ _______ Average number of persons in household____ __ . . . . . . __ 2. 83 0 2.20 3.28 8 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 3 2 2 0 0 24 3. 65 3.74 10 5. 33 5. 47 6 2.54 2.54 8 2. 38 2.49 Average expenditure for rented principal home, total_______ Rent (gross rent less concessions)______________ ____ _____ Repairs by tenant _. _______________________________ . . . Average monthly rental rate________________________________ $135.10 134. 55 .55 11. 21 $122. 12 121. 20 .92 10.10 $141. 88 141.88 0 11. 82 $146. 25 145. 75 .50 12.15 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit__________________ Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms__________________ ____ ________________ 4 rooms__________________________________________________ 5 rooms___________________________________________ _____ Grooms_________________________ ____ ______ _____ ______ 7 rooms or more........ ................... ..................... ___..................... 3.88 4.20 3.50 3. 75 8 11 3 2 0 1 7 1 1 0 3 2 1 0 0 4 2 1 1 0 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 328. 218 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T 10. — H o u s in g exp en d itu res , b y econ om ic level—Continued able M IN N EAPO LIS-ST. PAUL, M IN N .—W H IT E FAM ILIES Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year $700 Under $300 to $400 to $500 to $600 to and $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 over H o u sin g E x p en d itu r e s I. All families in survey 1_________________ . Average number of persons in economic family ___________________________ Average number of persons in household.. . Number of families investing in: Principal home.. ______________________ Vacation home_________________________ Number of families having current expend iture for— Owned principal home: Taxes______ _____________ _____ Assessments__________________________ Repairs and replacements____________ Fire insurance on home_______________ Liability insurance on home__________ Ground rent__________________________ Interest on mortgages------------------------Refinancing charges_______ ______ __ Rented principal home: Rent (gross rent less concessions)___ _ Repairs by tenant__________ . . . . Secondary housing: Owned vacation home. _____ ________ Rent on vacation or trips_________ . . Rent at school________ _ _______ ____ Average amount invested during schedule year in owned: Principal home, total.. ________________ Payment on principal of mortgage and down payment_______ _____________ Improvement on home_______________ Vacation home.. __________ ______ _ Average current expenditure for— Owned principal home, total_______ . . . Taxes---------------- --------------------------Assessments _______ ___ __ ______ Repairs and replacements------------------Fire insurance on home____ _______ . Liability insurance on home__________ Ground rent____ ___________________ Interest on mortgages-------------------------Refinancing charges___ _ __________ Rented principal home, total.. . . . ____ Rent (gross rent less concessions)_____ Repairs by tenant____________________ Secondary housing, total_____ ________ Owned vacation home____ _____ . . Rent on vacation or trips____ ______ Rent at school________ ______________ Average number of rooms in dwelling unit. Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms_______ __________ . 4 rooms-------------------------------------------------5 rooms_________________________ ______ 6 rooms_________________________________ 7 rooms or more__________ _______ . . . II. Families who owned their principal home for 12 months._____ ___________________ Average number of perscns in economic family_________ __ _____ _____ _______ Average number of persons in household.._ Number of families who invested during the schedule year in owned principal home____ ________ _________ _______ Average amount invested during schedule year, total------------------------------------------Payment on principal of mortgage and down payment_______ ______________ Improvements on home._______. . . ____ 504 47 114 106 86 59 92 3. 51 3.68 5. 36 5. 48 4.22 4.28 3. 52 3.68 3.13 3.35 2. 95 3. 26 2.40 2.59 96 0 7 0 29 0 24 0 18 0 5 0 13 0 176 18 99 83 8 0 102 10 18 4 7 8 0 0 8 1 43 4 24 23 3 0 29 5 38 1 22 19 0 0 28 1 34 5 21 13 3 0 19 1 16 2 9 6 0 0 6 1 27 2 16 14 2 0 12 1 327 31 29 1 70 4 68 3 53 2 43 7 64 4 0 50 1 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 9 1 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 18 0 $36. 21 $29. 21 $50. 72 $40. 38 $28. 60 $8. 75 $41. 77 24. 98 11.23 0 20. 02 9.19 0 37. 74 12.98 0 28. 99 11.39 0 16.14 12. 46 0 8. 39 .36 0 26. 00 15. 77 0 63. 57 26. 50 1.23 15. 33 2. 99 .31 0 16.69 .52 180. 37 179.90 .47 1.60 0 1. 59 .01 42.60 21.58 .43 3. 26 2.63 0 0 14.49 .21 121. 57 121. 53 .04 1.49 0 1.49 0 60.50 25. 33 .70 10. 66 3.92 .20 0 18. 51 1.18 153. 06 152. 59 .47 .57 0 .57 0 68.95 27.12 .30 18. 01 2. 75 0 0 20.28 .49 163. 33 163.13 .20 1. 37 0 1. 32 .05 87. 34 35. 26 .73 24. 02 2. 86 .79 0 23. 27 .41 182. 23 182.10 . 13 .88 0 .88 0 53. 41 20. 08 5.79 17.24 1.74 0 0 8. 39 . 17 226. 60 224. 78 1. 82 2. 30 0 2. 30 0 56.24 25.70 .93 14. 87 3. 21 .71 0 10.60 . 22 232. 49 232. 03 .46 3. 45 0 3. 45 0 5.27 5. 53 5.24 5.03 5. 44 5.49 5. 16 59 97 122 132 94 3 8 11 17 8 11 26 25 31 21 14 24 33 19 16 9 15 18 25 19 7 8 17 14 13 15 16 18 26 17 177 18 45 38 33 16 27 3. 75 4. 02 5.54 5.84 4. 52 4.J03 3. 75 3. 97 3.04 3. 36 2.94 3. 64 2. 61 2. 91 7 29 24 18 5 12 $76.28 $124.03 $99. 81 $74. 53 72.00 27. 81 42.06 32. 47 95 $99.24 68.10 31.14 52.28 24.00 91.16 32. 87 $32. 24 $142. 34 30. 93 1.31 88. 60 53. 74 i The total number of families surveyed includes those in each of the 4 subgroups shown in this table (i. e., home owners, house renters, apartment renters with heat included in rent, and apartment renters with heat not included in rent) and also families who changed their housing status during the year for whom no separate subgroup is shown. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 328. TABULAR T SUM M ARY 219 10.— H o u sin g exp en d itu res, b y econom ic level— Continued M IN N EAPO LIS-ST. PAUL, M I N N —W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued able Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year $700 Under $300 to $400 to $500 to $600 to and $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 over H o u s i n g E x p e n d i t u r e s — Continued II. Families who owned their principal home for 12 months—Continued. Average current housing expenditures on owned principal home, total__________ $174. 72 $105. 61 $153. 28 $172. 92 $219.19 74.54 56. 35 64.18 Taxes_______ __________________________ 74. 51 88.20 3. 51 1.12 .83 1. 77 Assessments___________________________ 1.90 40. 55 8.50 27.00 36. 63 61.59 Repairs and replacements---------- -------8. 22 6. 52 9. 92 7. 05 6.84 Fire insurance on home__________ - - - .88 .51 0 0 2. 06 Liability insurance on home___________ 0 0 0 0 0 Ground rent___________________ _____ 45. 54 32. 56 46.90 52. 52 57. 54 Interest on mortgages----------------------------3. 00 1. 48 .56 1.38 Refinancing charges____________ — — 1. 06 363. 00 297. 00 336.00 376. 00 393. 00 Average estimated annual rental value___ Average imputed income from equity in 188.00 191.00 183.00 203.00 174.00 owned principal hom e_________________ 5.99 5. 76 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit6. 22 5.68 6.21 Number of families living in dwellings with— 2 2 Less than 4 rooms______________________ 2 8 0 5 14 5 0 4 rooms____ _________________ ________ 1 37 2 10 11 5 rooms_______________________ ________ 9 16 7 57 10 6 rooms______________________ _________ 11 12 61 7 10 12 7 rooms or more_____________ ________ 12 32 139 25 III. Families who rented house for 12months. 18 Average number of persons in economic 4.44 5.93 3. 71 3. 56 family_________ _____ ________ _________ 3. 80 5. 96 4. 45 3. 81 3. 68 Average number of persons in household. _ 3. 92 Average expenditure for rented principal home, total__________________ _______ $291.13 $223. 65 $263.15 $271. 36 $307. 36 223. 50 262. 42 271.00 306. 75 Rent (gross rent less concessions)._ _ 289. 75 1.38 . 15 .73 .36 Repairs by tenant______________________ .61 21. 87 24.17 18. 62 22. 62 Average monthly rental rate______________ 25.56 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit5.47 5. 58 5. 62 4. 96 5.44 Number of families living in dwellings with— 8 0 1 4 Less than 4 rooms______________________ 1 24 7 1 5 4 rooms___________________________ ___ 3 5 5 rooms_____ _______ _____ ________ __ 33 3 9 3 11 53 8 4 9 6 rooms _______________ _____________ 8 7 rooms or more_____ _____ __________ _ 21 0 2 3 IV. Families who rented apartment for 12 15 77 14 months with heat included in rent-— ___ 18 1 Average number of persons in economic 3. 49 5. 00 2. 76 2. 87 2. 78 family_________ . ______________ ____ __ 2. 78 4.35 3. 53 2. 82 2. 86 Average number of persons in household. _ Average expenditure for rented principal $325. 46 $240. 00 $297. 51 $292. 07 $340.17 home, total______________ __________ 240. 00 297. 51 292. 07 340.17 Rent (gross rent less concessions). ___ _ 325. 46 0 0 0 0 0 Repairs by tenant_____________________ 27.12 24.79 24. 34 28. 35 Average monthly rental rate______________ 20. 00 4. 06 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit3. 70 3. 00 3. 67 3. 50 Number of families living in dwellings with— 39 7 7 7 Less than 4 rooms. _ ___________________ 1 4 21 0 5 6 4 rooms_________________ _____ _________ 2 2 2 0 11 5 rooms.— ________________ ___________ 4 1 2 6 rooms.— ____________ _ _________ __ 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 7 rooms or more____________ _________ V. Families who rented apartment for 12 105 15 22 26 15 months with heat not included in rent... Average number of persons in economic 3. 34 4.49 3. 79 3.45 2. 92 family____________________________ ___ 4. 52 3. 49 3. 80 3. 68 3.05 Average number of persons in household. . Average expenditure for rented principal home, total___________________________ $234. 28 $176. 67 $206. 36 $238. 02 $244. 77 176. 67 205. 00 237. 56 244. 77 233. 88 Rent (gross rent less concessions). ______ 1.36 .46 0 .40 0 Repairs by tenant___ _ ________ ____ 19.49 14. 72 17. 08 19.80 20. 40 Average monthly rental rate________ ___ 4. 81 4.84 4. 67 4. 73 5. 00 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit. Number of families living in dwellings with— 4 Less than 4 rooms. _ ___________________ 0 1 1 1 9 5 38 10 7 4 rooms_________________________________ 4 8 10 40 6 5 rooms______________ ____ ______ _ 17 2 3 3 3 6 rooms__________________ . . . 2 6 1 2 0 7 rooms or more ___ _ . _____ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 328. $196. 95 $191. 61 74.04 87. 57 21. 34 3.18 63. 57 50. 66 6.44 10. 93 0 2.42 0 0 30. 94 36.11 .62 .74 373. 00 393. 00 176. 00 6.69 202.00 5. 96 0 0 2 6 8 22 2 3 3 7 12 30 3. 20 3. 42 2. 47 2.60 $329. 58 $326. 50 324. 82 325.10 4. 76 1. 40 27.18 27.09 5. 91 5. 40 0 3 7 7 5 2 5 6 14 3 11 18 2. 53 2. 50 2. 08 2.15 $312. 54 $372. 64 312. 54 372. 64 0 0 26.04 31. 05 3. 54 3.67 7 2 2 0 0 10 4 3 0 1 10 17 2. 78 3. 03 2. 30 2.53 $266. 30 $287. 41 266. 30 287. 41 0 0 22.19 23. 95 4. 80 5. 06 0 3 6 1 0 1 4 6 5 1 220 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T 10. — H o u s in g ex p en d itu res , b y econ om ic level—Continued able ST. LOUIS, M O .—W H IT E FAM ILIES Item All fami lies Economic level-—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 and over H o u s in g E x p e n d itu r e s I. All families in survey 1__________________ Average number of persons in economic family____ _________________ ___________ Average number of persons in household , Number of families investing in: Principal home. ______ Vacation home___ ___ _____________ Number of families having current expendi ture for— Owned principal home: Taxes., ________________ ____ ______ Assessments ________________ _______ Repairs and replacements _________ Fire insurance on home Liability insurance on home Ground rent____________ Interest on mortgages Refinancing charges Rented principal home: Rent (gross rent less concessions) Repairs by tenant ___ _ Secondary housing: Owned vacation home_____ _ _ _ Rent on vacation or trips_____________ Rent at school__________ Average amount invested during schedule year in owned: Principal home, total_____ __ Payment on principal of mortgage and downpayment_____ __ Improvement on home____ Vacation home_____ Average current expenditure for— Owned principal home, total Taxes „ _ _ ______ Assessments, __ Repairs and replacements_______ Fire insurance on home,. Liability insurance on home , Ground rent____________ Interest on mortgages___ Refinancing charges._______ Rented principal home, total_________ Rent (gross rent less concessions)______ Repairs by tenant_________ Secondary housing, total _ Owned vacation home Rent on vacation or trips Rent at school,. __ Average number of rooms in dwelling unit, _ Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms_____________ 4 rooms______________________________ 5 rooms______________________ _ 6 rooms____ _______________ _ _ 7 rooms or more___ _______ __ _ II. Families who owned their principal home for 12 months_________________________ Average number of persons in economic family______________ _______ . . . _ Average number of persons in household, Number of families who invested during the schedule year in owned principal home_____ ______ _____ __ __ _ ___ Average amount invested during schedule year, total ______ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Payment on principal of mortgage and down payment_______________________ Improvements on home__________ , , 401 54 65 94 62 42 84 3.48 3.66 5.60 5.80 4.10 4.24 3.59 3. 74 3.00 3.08 2.63 2.92 2.29 2. 56 52 0 7 0 4 0 15 0 10 0 5 0 11 0 115 10 73 45 1 0 69 10 23 2 16 10 0 0 16 3 15 0 6 3 0 0 7 2 32 4 22 11 0 0 19 1 13 2 7 7 0 0 7 0 12 0 7 6 0 0 7 1 20 2 15 8 1 0 13 3 290 13 32 0 50 1 64 5 49 3 30 0 65 4 0 26 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 1 0 4 0 0 14 0 $20.84 $7. 75 $9.77 $25. 81 $21. 98 $15. 76 $33. 97 16.18 4. 66 0 5.90 1. 85 0 9.00 .77 0 21.24 4. 57 0 14. 21 7.77 0 9.19 6. 57 0 27.62 6. 35 0 52.09 16.74 .57 12. 70 3. 04 . 11 0 17. 77 1.16 180. 00 170. 65 .35 1.31 0 3 1.1 . 18 4.09 59. 80 20. 71 .74 10. 07 3.65 0 0 23. 09 1. 54 114. 02 114. 02 0 0 0 0 0 4.19 28. 87 12. 31 0 6. 45 1. 31 0 0 7.42 1.38 170. 60 170. 45 .15 0 0 0 0 4.08 59. 44 19.13 1.11 17.02 2.75 0 0 19. 36 .07 147. 36 147. 21 .15 .35 0 .35 0 4.09 30. 77 11. 95 .48 2. 62 3.54 0 0 12.18 0 201. 52 200.10 1.42 1.47 0 .31 1.16 3.74 63. 26 20.62 0 14. 21 4. 71 0 0 22.29 1.43 191.11 191.11 0 1.40 0 1.40 0 4.48 67.07 16. 55 .63 21.11 3.12 . 54 0 22. 45 2. 67 244. 78 244. 43 .35 4. 06 0 4. 06 0 4.12 146 122 85 26 22 20 15 11 4 4 25 14 16 5 5 27 39 19 5 4 33 16 6 5 2 12 10 15 1 4 29 28 18 6 3 111 22 15 30 13 12 19 3.79 4. 05 5.91 6.10 4.19 4. 26 3.54 3.79 3. 34 3.58 2. 61 3.17 2. 49 2.80 50 7 4 14 10 5 10 $65. 31 $19. 03 $42. 33 48. 46 16.85 14.48 4. 55 39.00 3. 33 $69. 02 $104. 80 54.69 14. 33 67. 76 37.04 $55.17 $101. 29 32.17 23.00 73. 22 28. 07 1 The total number of families surveyed includes those in each of the 4 subgroups shown in this table (i. e., home owners, house renters, apartment renters with heat included in rent, and apartment renters with heat not included in rent) and also families who changed their housing status during the year for whom no separate subgroup is shown. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 328. TABULAR T able 221 SUM M ARY 10. — H o u sin g expenditures, by econ om ic level—Continued ST. LOUIS, M O.—W H IT E FAM ILIES—Continued Item H o u s i n g E x p e n d i t u r e s —Continued II. Families who owned their principal home for 12 months—Continued. Average current housing expenditures on owned principal home, total ________ Taxes------ ------------------------------------------Assessments___________________________ Repairs and replacements--------------------Fire insurance on home___________ . . . Liability insurance on home____________ Ground rent___ ______________________ Interest on mortgages----------------------------Refinancing charges________ ____ ______ Average estimated annual rental value-----Average imputed income from equity in owned principal home---------------------------Average number of rooms in dwelling unit__ Number of families living in dwellings with: Less than 4 rooms........ ............................ _ 4 rooms.................. ..................... ................... 5 rooms----------------------------- ------- ------------6 rooms______ ________________________ 7 rooms or more________________________ III. Families who rented house for 12 months. Average number of persons in economic family____________ _____________________ Average number of persons in household.. Average expenditure for rented principal home, total. _________________ ____ Rent (gross rent less concessions)______ Repairs by tenant____ _ . . . ____ __ _ Average monthly rental rate______________ Average number of rooms in dwelling unit.. Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms.......................... .............. 4 rooms_________________________________ 5 rooms_________________________________ 6 rooms_________________________________ 7 rooms or more____ ____ ______________ IV. Families who rented apartment for 12 months with heat included in rent. . . . Average number of persons in economic family.. __ _______ ____ __ . . . _. _ __ Average number of persons in household... Average expenditure for rented principal home, t o t a l . ____________ ____ _____ Rent (gross rent less concessions). . . . _ Repairs by tenant_____________ . . . . __ Average monthly rental rate______________ Average number of rooms in dwelling unit. _ Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms______________________ 4 rooms______ . . . . __________ _____ 5 rooms_________________________________ 6 rooms___________ ___________________ 7 rooms or more........................ ................... V. Families who rented apartment for 12 months with heat not included in rent.. Average number of persons in economic fam ily... _____________ ____ ____ _ ... Average number of persons in household- _. Average expenditure for rented principal home, total___________________________ Rent (gross rent less concessions)_______ Repairs by tenant_____________________ Average monthly rental rate______________ Average number of rooms in dwelling unit. _ Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms........ ................... ............ 4 rooms_________________________________ 5 rooms.................. ........................... ............ fi rooms _ 7 rooms or more________________________ All fami lies $180. 38 59. 77 2. 05 41. 06 10.48 .40 0 63. 46 3.16 343.00 $146. 55 $125.11 $164. 22 $146. 79 $221. 40 $285. 75 72.24 50. 75 53.33 57.94 57.00 72.16 1. 82 0 2.31 0 2.79 3. 47 24. 68 27.93 12. 51 93. 32 35. 42 49. 75 8.96 5.68 12. 39 16.88 16.48 7.59 2. 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56.53 32.17 78. 01 96. 43 59. 80 58.09 5.00 3. 81 6. 00 6. 21 0 0 277.00 325.00 331.00 339.00 424.00 404.00 161.00 4.86 130.00 4.64 200.00 167.00 5.00 192.00 4.54 203.00 5.00 5.08 118.00 4.84 18 32 29 17 15 55 6 5 5 3 3 6 1 4 6 2 2 11 1 11 10 5 3 13 4 3 2 3 1 8 3 2 3 1 3 9 3 7 3 3 3 8 3.47 3. 62 4.84 5.17 4.09 4. 25 3.42 3.49 3.58 3. 55 2.85 2.94 2.29 2.65 $238.18 237. 73 .45 19.84 4.45 $156.17 $220.36 $227.65 $273.88 $245.44 $297.44 156.17 220.36 227. 23 273.00 245.44 295.88 0 0 .42 .88 0 1. 56 18.27 22.75 13.50 18.85 20.11 25.12 4.00 5.27 4.25 4.00 4.38 4.67 16 17 12 4 6 2 2 2 0 0 39 0 6 7 7 1 18 2.49 2.58 0 0 3.18 3.16 3.00 3.02 2.29 2. 25 2.00 1.98 2.17 2.40 $337.34 337.34 0 28.68 3.03 30 5 4 0 0 $0 0 0 0 3 2 1 2 3 4 7 1 0 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 5 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 $290.33 $255. 05 $305. 86 $480.00 $389.33 290.33 255.05 305. 86 480.00 389.33 0 0 0 0 0 24.19 22.16 26. 62 40.00 32.88 0 3.00 2.57 2. 57 4.00 3.33 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 13 2 3 0 0 191 24 33 42 34 20 38 3.50 3. 66 5.60 5. 79 4.23 4.42 3. 78 3. 91 2.88 2. 95 2.58 2. 81 2.23 2.48 $237. 07 236.46 .61 19.69 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 328. ' Economic level— Families spending per expendi ture unit per year $700 Under $300 to $400 to $500 to $600 to and $400 $600 $300 $500 $700 over 3. 81 80 67 38 5 1 $203. 25 $209. 78 $215.37 $240.07 $266.89 $287. 74 203.25 209.48 215.15 237.69 266.89 287. 29 .45 .30 .22 2.38 0 0 17.02 17.33 21.92 24.05 17.71 20.10 4.05 3.74 3.88 3.76 3.53 4.00 11 7 4 1 1 16 8 8 1 o 15 20 7 0 0 20 10 3 1 0 7 6 7 0 0 11 16 9 2 0 222 W ES T T able N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 10. — H o u sin g exp en d itu res , b y econ om ic level— Continued Item St. Louis, Mo.—Negro families Economic level— Families spend ing per expen All diture unit per fami year lies Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over Salt Lake City, Utah—White families All fami lies Economic level—Fam ilies spending per ex penditure unit per year Un der $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over H o u s in g E x p e n d itu r e s I. All families in survey L __ _ _______ ___ 210 54 55 106i 27 51 72 28 29 Av. No. of persons in economic family____ 3.81 5.29 4.05 3.13 2.34 3.38 5.21 3.35 2.39 Average number of persons in household—_ 3.88 5.34 4.08 3.24 2.41 3.40' 5.19 3.41 2.41 Number of families investing in— Principal home_____ _ _ _ __ _ _ . 52 3 11 13 2 0 1 20 8 Vacation home____ __ ___ _ _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No. fam. having current expenditure for— Owned principal home: Taxes________________ ___________ ___ 92 13 4 22 4 25 32 13 5 Assessments______________ _____ _____ 1 2 2 10 2 1 4 2 0 Repairs and replacements____________ 1 5 2 31 8 5 13 2 5 Fire insurance on home_______________ 52 10 14 3 3 15 4 15 8 Liability insurance on home__________ 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Interest on mortgages________________ 12 4 58 15 1 22 6 1 9 Refinancing charges___________ ______ 2 15 3 1 0 1 9 1 0 Rented principal home: Rent (gross rent less concessions)_____ 32 118 30 23 45 16 40 91 23 Repairs by tenant.................................... 1 8 3 0 1 1 3 1 0 Secondary housing: Owned vacation home________________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rent on vacation or trips___________ __ 1 13 0 0 0 6 6 1 1 Rent at school_____ __________________ _____1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ____ 0 Average amount invested during schedule year in owned: $44.89 $49.15 $32. 70 $51. 51 $43. 65 Principal home, total_____________ _ _ $3. 65 $3. 57 $10. 61 $0 Payment on principal of mortgage and down payment_________________ 35.61 40.11 29. 36 36. 35 37.23 3. 65 3. 57 10. 61 0 Improvement on home_________ _ _ _ 0 0 9.28 9.04 3. 34 15.16 6.42 0 0 Vacation home________________ ____ ____ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Average current expenditure for— Owned principal home, total___________ 17. 46 14. 27 24.95 15.25 76.69 53.92 71.79 95.13 82. 51 Taxes___________ ________________ 6. 52 9.25 6.70 4.93 28.74 22. 37 28.04 31.67 34. 61 Assessments. __ _ ________________ 2.14 1.12 .06 .91 4.19 1. 30 .52 0 1.93 Repairs and replacements__________ __ 8.92 8.42 6. 77 11.95 6.40 5. 26 2.80 5. 09 6.70 Fire insurance on home_______________ 2. 83 2.63 3.24 2. 53 3.18 .62 1.12 1. 05 1.36 Liability insurance on home_______ _ 0 .85 0 0 0 0 0 .41 0 Interest on mortgages____ __ 3.46 .86 9.68 1.59 30. 38 16.97 28.78 39. 64 35. 36 Refinancing charges___ _______ _ 3.68 2. 41 4.05 5.15 1. 66 .24 0 .93 0 Rented principal home, total___________ 162. 85 143. 29 153. 87 178.35 124. 06 101.96 123. 97 129. 56 151. 72 Rent (gross rent less concessions)_ ___ 162. 28 143. 29 153.87 177.17 123. 50 101. 60 123. 37 128.99 150. 93 Repairs by tenant___________________ .56 .36 .79 0 1.18 .60 .57 .57 0 Secondary housing, total_____________ __ 1.22 3. 32 4. 71 .90 .11 0 2. 32 .21 0 Owned vacation home________________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rent on vacation or trips_____________ 0 .90 . 11 0 1.22 3. 32 .06 .21 0 _ Rent at school___ ______________ __ 0 0 0 0 4. 71 0 0 2.26 0 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit. 4. 89 4.89 5.00 4.77 4.98 3. 60 3.79 3.59 3. 51 No. families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms_____ _______ ________ 2 31 33 6 8 17 64 16 17 4 rooms.............. .............................. .............. 11 36 13 9 8 6 24 4 9 18 28 14 5 rooms___________ ____________________ 20 4 0 6 80 10 4 6 rooms___................................. ..................... 2 45 14 13 14 3 1 0 3 3 7 rooms or more____ _______ ___________ 5 5 1 1 16 5 3 II. Families who owned their principal home 32 13 for 12 months.______ ____________ ____ 4 6 92 22 25 15 5 Av. no. of persons in economic family.__ 4.08 5. 39 4. 54 3.62 2. 22 3. 33 4.20 3.75 2.33 Average number of persons in household. __ 4.17 5.47 4.58 3. 76 2. 29 3. 37 4.16 3.74 2.47 No. of families who invested during the 9 13 20 ____ 7 schedule year in owned principal home__ 0 49 1 2 3 Av. amt. invested during schedule yr., total. $25. 77 $20. 00 $71. 64 $0 $95. 57 00.2 7 $71.95 $115.90 $83705 Payment on principal of mortgage and 74. 63 79.12 64.60 81.79 68.74 down payment..____ ________________ 25.77 20.00 71. 64 0 20.94 21.15 7.35 34.11 14. 31 0 Improvements on home-------------- ------- 0 0 0 Average current housing expenditures on owned principal home, total__________ 123. 38 79.93 168. 43 129.58 171.80 127.80 158. 33 214.03 168.18 Taxes........ .......... ... ................... ................... 46.09 51.80 45.24 41.91 64. 65 54. 03 62.09 71. 26 71.25 .50 4.89 2.74 2.00 9.43 2.91 3. 67 0 13. 00 Assessments------------------------------------------Repairs and replacements........ .......... ....... 37.19 15.70 34.38 56. 99 19.85 18. 57 14.89 20.88 14.28 7.63 4.19 9. 48 6. 21 6. 46 7.12 4.96 7.08 Fire insurance on home_________________ 7.45 0 0 0 0 Liability insurance on home.......... . ___ 2.881 0 o 1 7.201 0 i The total number of families surveyed includes those in each of the 4 subgroups shown in this table (i. e., home owners, house renters, apartment renters with heat included in rent, and apartment renters with heat not included in rent), and also families who changed their housing status during the year for whom no separate subgroup is shown. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p.328. TABULAR T SU M M AR Y 223 1 0 .— H o u sin g ex p en d itu res, b y econ om ic level— Continued able Item St. Louis, Mo.—Negro families Economic level— Families spend ing per expen All diture unit per fami year lies Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over Salt Lake City, Utah—White families All fami lies Economic level—Fam ilies spending per ex penditure unit per year Un der $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over H o u s i n g E x p e n d i t u r e s —Continued II. Families who owned their principal home for 12 months—Continued. Average current housing expenditures on D o l. D o t. D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. owned principal home—Continued. D o l. D o l. D o l. Interest oh mortgages__________________ 24.43 4.80 65. 37 13. 50 67.81 40. 08 63. 32 89. 92 68.95 8. 39 5.92 8.91 11.58 3.71 Refinancing charges____________________ 1.67 0 6. 25 0 Average estimated annual rental value____ 289.00 216.00 326.00 347.00 305. 00 250. 00 298.00 348.00 306.00 Average imputed income from equity in owned principal home__________________ 175. 00 136.00 157. 00 218. 00 133. 00 122.00 140.00 134. 00 138.00 5. 38 5.16 5. 56 5. 56 5. 20 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit5.00 5.40 5. 00 4. 67 Number of families living in dwellings with— 4 2 Less than 4 rooms________ ________ ____ 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 10 2 3 1 3 2 4 rooms.............. ................................. .......... 0 3 40 8 16 5 rooms___________ ______ ________ _____ 1 0 1 9 7 0 32 4 1 2 9 10 10 6 rooms____ ________ _____ _____ _______ 1 3 4 1 8 1 2 1 3 2 0 7 rooms or more_____________________ __ 21 69 16 5 7 23 19 III. Families who rented house for 12 months. 4 6 Average number of persons in economic family_____________________ ____________ 3. 57 5.50 3. 70 2. 37 3. 94 5.11 4. 01 3.00 2.46 3.54 5. 50 3. 68 2. 33 3. 95 5.17 3. 99 3. 02 2. 42 Average number of persons in household. _ D o t. D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. Average expenditure for rented principal D o l. home, total. ________________________ 172. 94 149. 50 203.00 164. 86 196. 21 158. 74 215. 77 210. 56 227. 62 Rent (gross rent less concessions)_______ 172. 94 149. 50 203. 00 164. 86 194. 53 157.89 214.02 208. 65 223. 79 .85 1. 75 1.91 3.83 Repairs by tenant___ _ __ ________ _ 0 0 0 0 1.68 Average monthly rental rate______________ 14. 66 12. 75 17.00 14.07 16. 65 13. 33 18. 34 17. 51 21. 04 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit. 3.19 3. 25 3. 20 3.14 5.15 4.98 5. 29 4. 95 6.06 Number of families living in dwellings with— Less than 4 rooms______________________ 4 4 6 7 1 2 0 13 3 4 rooms ______ ________ _______________ 12 7 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 5 rooms_____________ _______ _______ ___ 30 9 8 10 3 0 0 0 0 6 rooms____ _ ___ ____ ____________ 4 5 1 0 0 13 3 0 0 7 rooms or more____ _________ ________ 0 7 2 3 1 1 0 0 0 IV. Families who rented apartment for 12 months with heat included in rent______ 5 35 5 8 16 25 0 6 0 Average number of persons in economic 2. 96 5.13 2. 82 2. 58 2. 36 fa m ily .__ _ _ __ ______ ___ 2. 99 5.12 2.73 2. 61 2. 60 Average number of persons in household D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. Average expenditure for rented principal D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. home, total. __ ______ _ _ 280. 33 269. 91 232. 56 275. 74 364. 99 Rent (gross rent less concessions)_____ __ 280. 30 269. 91 232. 56 275. 66 364. 99 Repairs by tenant________________ _ .08 0 .03 0 0 Average monthly rental rate_________ ____ 23. 38 22.60 19. 38 22. 80 30.90 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit . 3. 67 4.19 3. 70 3.14 4.59 Number of families living in dwellings with: 1 11 Less than 4 rooms______________ _______ 18 4 2 11 4 rooms____________________________ _ 3 4 2 2 1 1 1 5 2 5 rooms____________________________ 0 0 0 0 0 6 rooms_________ ___________ _ _ _ 1 0 1 7 rooms or more____ ______________ 0 0 V . Families who rented apartment for 12 months with heat not included in rent___ 210 70 19 18 33 2 3 2 3 Average number of persons in economic family___ _ __________ ________ _ 3. 43 5. 41 3.16 2. 43 3. 46 5.40 3. 26 2. 46 Average number of persons in household___ Average expenditure for rented principal D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. D o l. home, to ta l.___ ______ ___ _ 185. 40 179.68 174. 42 194. 68 Rent (gross rent less concessions)_______ 184. 54 179. 68 174. 42 192. 86 Repairs by tenant _ _________________ .86 0 1.82 0 Average monthly rental rate______________ 15. 39 14. 91 14. 36 16. 23 Average number of rooms in dwelling unit.. 3. 51 3. 53 3. 39 3. 58 Number of families living in dwellings with— 42 Less than 4 rooms___________________ __ 13 10 19 4 rooms 18 2 8 8 8 3 0 5 5 rooms____________ ____________ ______ 0 6 rooms_________________________________ 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 7 rooms or more____ _______________ ___ 2 Detailed information not presented because of small number of families in this classification. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 328. 224 W EST NORTH CENTRAL-M OUNTAIN REGION T able 11. — F u e l , light , and refrigeration ex p en d itu res , b y econ om ic level D E N V E R , COLO.—W H IT E FAM ILIES Item All fami lies Economic level — Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over F u e l , L ig h t, a n d R efr ig e r a tio n E x p e n d i t u r e s I. All families in survey_______ _________ ____________________ Number of families spending for— Electricity__________________________ __ ____ . . . . . . Lignite. _______ __ _ ______________ . . . ________________ Bituminous coal._____ ____ ______________ . _ . . . . . . . . Coke ___________________ . . Briquets___________ ____________________________________ Wood____________________________________________________ F u e lo il__________________________________ ______________ Gas __ _ __________________ _______ _____ ___ ________ Kerosene. ____________________________________ _____ . Gasoline (not for auto)___________________________________ Ice _ _________________________________________________ Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total._ Winter1________ _______________________ _______________ Spring1_____. . . ______ ________________________________ Summer1_________________________ _. ________________ Fall1___________________________________________________ Electricity------------------------------------------------------------------------Winter_____ ___________ ______. . . _______. . . __________ Spring___________________ _ . . . __________ ________ __ Summer.. _____________ _ _______ _______ __ ____ . Fall____________________________________________________ Lignite ____________ _____ . . . _____ ______ _ _______ . . . Winter______ . . . ________ ______________ _ _ ___ Spring_______ ______ ____ _____ _______ _ Summer____________________ ___ ______________ ____ Fall____________________________________________________ Bituminous c o a l___ _ __ _ _ _______ W i n t e r ...____ ____ _____________________ ___ ______ Spring . . . ____________ ____________ _ . . . __ Summer. _______ ______ _ . . . . . . _____ _______ __ Fall____________________________________________________ Coke.............. . __ __ ._ __ _____________ . Briquets______________ . __ _________ . . . __ . . . Wood____________________________________________________ Fuel o i l _________________________________________________ Winter______ __________ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ _________ Spring_____ _ ______ ____ ____ __ ________ Summer_________ __ __ . . . ___ . . . ______ _________ _ Fall____________________________________________________ Gas___________ _______ ____________ _ _____ _____ Winter.____________ __ ________ __ _ _________ _ _ Spring___ _ _ _________ _______ __ _______ __ _ Summer_______ __ . . . ____ _ __ ______________ Fall____________________________________________________ Kerosene___ _______ . . . __ _ ............... . . . . . . _____ Gasoline (not for auto)___ _ __________ _____ ___ __ Ice__ ___ ______ ____ ________________ . . __________ Winter_________________________________________________ Spring______________________________________ ________ Summer___________________ __________________ ______ Fall____________________________________________________ 295 92 106 97 263 186 45 1 0 69 3 236 8 15 187 85 71 13 0 0 31 0 68 6 3 66 94 62 15 0 0 17 1 88 1 6 73 84 53 17 1 0 21 2 80 1 6 48 $95. 52 29. 95 21.54 17. 62 26. 41 24. 85 6.40 6.12 6.02 6.31 30.64 12.78 5.99 1.94 9.93 6. 61 2. 97 1.02 .31 2.31 .04 0 .86 .47 .26 .06 .05 .10 24.37 7.01 5. 76 5.25 6. 35 .09 . 10 7.49 .34 2.42 3.88 .85 $92.64 28. 53 20.94 17. 63 25.54 23.48 6.08 5.82 5. 62 5.96 35. 88 14. 76 6.84 2.92 11.36 6.11 2.74 .84 .25 2.28 0 0 1.37 0 0 0 0 0 18.12 4. 57 4.51 4.41 4.63 .27 .02 7. 39 .13 2.60 4.10 .56 $98.43 30. 27 22.03 18.80 27. 33 26.18 6.80 6.40 6.28 6.70 29. 26 12.14 5. 33 1.94 9.85 6.24 2. 75 1.04 .25 2.20 o 0 .50 .08 .02 .02 .02 .02 27.19 7.88 6.41 5.74 7.16 .04 .17 8.77 .55 2.72 4.46 1.04 $95.11 30.94 21.59 16. 35 26.23 24.74 6. 27 6.12 6.12 6.23 27. 21 11.61 5.90 1.03 8. 67 7. 51 3.44 1.18 .42 2.47 . 11 0 .73 1.31 .75 .15 .13 .28 27. 25 8. 37 6. 25 5. 53 7.10 0) .06 6.19 .30 1.93 3.04 .92 i Expenditures for coke, wood, kerosene, and gasoline (not for auto) included in this total. 8Less than 0.5 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 329. TABULAR T able 225 SU M M AR Y 1 1 .— F u e l , light, and refrigeration ex p en d itu res , by econ om ic level— -Contd. D EN VER , C O L O —W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Item All famines Economic level — Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over F u e l , L i g h t , a n d R e j r i g e r a t i o n E x p e n d i t u r e s —Continued II. Number of families in houses making payments for heat separately from rent______________________________________ Number of families spending for— Electricity-----------------------------------------------------------------------Lignite-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Bituminous coal---------------------------------------------------------------Coke____________________________________________________ Briquets_________________________________________________ Wood_____ ______________________________________________ Fuel oil__________________________________________________ Gas______________________________________________________ Kerosene________________________________________________ Gasoline (not for auto)___________________________________ Ice________________________________________ ____ _________ Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total. Electricity______________________________________________ Lignite__________________________________________________ Bituminous coal_________________________________________ Coke_______ ____________________________________________ Briquets________________________________ _______________ Wood___________________________________________________ Fuel oil_________________________________________________ Gas_____________________________________________________ Kerosene________________________________________________ Gasoline (not for auto)__________________________________ Ice______________________________________________________ 233 79 81 73 231 178 43 1 0 62 3 211 7 13 168 77 66 13 0 0 28 0 63 5 2 61 81 60 15 0 0 15 1 76 1 6 64 73 52 15 1 0 19 2 72 1 5 43 $112.48 28.20 37. 76 8.10 .05 0 1.00 .60 27.97 . 11 .10 8. 59 $101. 34 25.05 39. 78 7.12 0 0 1.44 0 19.81 .26 .01 7.87 $118. 56 30.16 37. 38 8.18 0 0 .61 .12 31.54 .04 .24 10.29 $117.77 29.45 36.00 9.11 .15 0 .93 1. 75 32.87 .01 .07 7.43 2 III. Number of families in houses not making payments for heat separately from rent3______________________________ IV. Number of families in apartments making payments for heat separately from rent3______________________________ V. Number of families in apartments not making payments for heat separately from rent_____________________________ Number of families spending for— Electricity_______________________________________________ Gas_________________ __________________________________ Ice______________________________________________________ 5 2 1 10 3 4 3 47 8 20 19 21 16 15 4 3 6 9 8 7 8 5 2 Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total. Electricity______________________________________________ Gas_____________________________________________________ Ice______________________________________________________ All other fuel____________________________________________ $21. 25 10.63 5. 97 3.25 1.40 $29.34 9. 75 6.37 4. 98 8. 24 $23. 70 12.03 7.94 3. 73 0 $15. 26 9.42 3. 76 2.00 .08 3Detailed information not presented because of small number of families in this classification. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 329. 226 T able W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 11 .— F u e l, light, and refrigeration ex p en d itu res , by econom ic level— Contd. KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S .—W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year All fami lies Item Under $300 $300 to $400 357 45 92 309 134 116 17 3 28 4 259 29 3 226 40 11 25 1 0 7 0 30 7 1 37 80 35 45 3 1 7 0 68 11 0 67 Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total__________________ - $101. 43 33. 64 Winter 4______________________________ Spring 4__ _______ __ ________ _ 18.28 ___________________ _ 18. 79 Summer4 F all4_________________________________ 30. 72 Electricity___ _ _ _ ____ __ 25.54 6.77 Winter. _ _ S p rin g ...__ ... __ . . . 6.10 Summer.. __ __ __ __ _______ 6.08 6. 59 Fall _______________________________ Anthracite . . _____ __ __ _____ 20.86 Winter __ ______ ________ ____ 9. 63 Spring _ ___ _ _ ____ __ 1. 70 Summer.. __ . . . ________ . . . .86 8. 67 Fall _______________________________ Bituminous coal ___ __ ______ 11.73 Winter _____ _____ ___ 5. 77 __ .95 Spring . _ ___ _________ _ Summer____ ________ _ _____ __ .48 4. 53 Fall__________________________________ 2. 46 Coke ___________ . . . . . . _____ Briquets____ . _______ ___ _ _ . 10 W o o d ___ _____________________________ .40 Fuel oil______ __ ____ __ ______ .57 Winter _____ _____ ____ _____ . . 12 Spring__________ . . . . ________ (2) Summer _ . . . __ _ . 13 Fall _______________________________ .32 26.19 Gas ____ . . . ____ .. ... W in te r________ ________ _______ _ 9.43 5.59 Spring______ . . __ _____ _ Sum m er.._______ . . . _ _ ... ... . 4.29 Fall__________________________________ 6.88 1.76 Kerosene _____________ __________ _ . Gasoline (not for auto) _ _. _ __________ . 14 11.68 Ice _ __ . . . . ____ . ________ . Winter x ________ _____ ___________ . .38 Spring . _____ _______ ___________ 3.39 6. 44 Summer.. _____ _______ ___________ Fall ______________________________ 1.47 $93.83 31.11 17.70 19. 41 26.24 21.74 6.01 5.04 4.95 5. 74 10. 32 5.20 1.17 1.33 2. 62 19.91 10.11 1.16 .36 8.28 1.79 0 1.10 0 0 0 0 0 19.05 6.13 4.26 3.42 5.24 4.27 .48 15.17 .49 4.40 8.37 1.91 $700 and over $500 to $600 $600 to $700 73 50 43 54 64 38 20 3 1 6 3 52 10 1 54 41 17 7 4 0 3 1 37 0 1 25 38 16 10 2 1 0 34 0 0 20 46 17 9 4 0 2 0 38 1 o 23 $99.31 $108.13 $103.15 $106. 66 34.11 30.84 35.53 37.07 19.49 18.91 17.78 18. 51 19.41 20.47 17. 21 18.10 32.64 32.92 32.98 31.28 24. 26 25. 87 26. 56 27. 94 6.40 6. 77 7.14 7. 25 6.32 6. 36 5.80 6. 73 6.04 6. 38 5.83 6.80 6.74 6.23 6.68 7.16 18.17 28. 76 24. 51 23. 55 7.65 10. 81 13.86 12.27 1.68 1.63 1. 74 2.09 0 0 .80 1.40 11. 82 8.09 10.15 11.00 17. 85 9.41 3. 62 8.48 8. 54 4.10 4.34 1.69 1.46 1.15 . 24 .42 0 1.00 .31 .96 3. 54 1. 69 7.16 2. 76 1. 51 . 52 5.04 3.86 .06 0 .33 .08 .39 . 27 . 18 . 53 0 2.87 0 .03 0 .59 0 .03 0 .03 0 0 0 0 0 . 66 0 1. 59 0 0 21.78 24. 58 33.84 30.78 8.66 12.45 6.83 12.01 4.78 5.45 6.11 7. 56 4.24 4.13 5. 22 4.48 6. 34 8. 61 5.93 8.18 0 0 2. 73 2.22 0 . 24 .32 0 12.41 13.21 10.01 10.48 .32 .40 .43 .34 3.83 3.60 2.90 3.04 7. 29 6. 85 5.53 5.78 1.56 1. 66 1.32 1.26 $96. 88 34.90 17. 72 17.10 27.16 27.58 7.29 6.43 6.68 7.18 18.17 7.79 1.92 1.34 7.12 7.80 4.66 .83 0 2.31 3.69 0 .09 o o 0 o o 31.12 12.82 6.03 4.33 7.94 .47 0 7.96 .26 2.31 4.39 1.00 $400 to $500 F u e l , L ig h t, a n d R efr ig e r a tio n E x p e n d i t u r e s I. All families in survey____________________ Number of families spending for— Electricity_______ ___ ______ _______ Anthracite ___________________________ Bituminous coal____ _ ____ _ _________ Wood _______________________________ Fuel oil__ _____ __ __ _______ ___ -Gas . _______ ________ Ice ________________ _______ _______ 3 2 Less than 0.5 cent. 4 Expenditures for coke, briquets, wood, kerosene, and gasoline (not for auto) included in this total. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 329. TABULAR T able 227 SU M M AR Y 11.-— F u e l , light, and refrigeration ex p en d itu res , hy econom ic level— Contd. KANSAS C IT Y , M O .-K A N S —W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Economic level—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Item All fami lies Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 to $600 $700 $700 and over F u e l , L ig h t, a n d R efr ig e r a tio n E x p e n d itu r e s II. Number of families in houses making payments for heat separately from rent___ 243 31 69 52 32 27 Number of families spending for— 29 Electricity______________________________ 237 51 32 27 66 Anthracite_____________________________ 125 34 10 31 17 16 Bituminous coal________________________ 102 20 41 17 6 10 15 Coke___________________________________ 0 1 3 3 4 Briquets________________________________ 1 3 0 1 1 0 25 Wood__________________________________ 6 5 6 3 3 Fuel oil_________________________________ 3 0 0 3 0 0 204 19 41 Gas____________________________________ 27 56 31 Kerosene_______________________________ 27 7 9 10 0 0 Gasoline (not for auto)_________ ________ 3 1 1 1 0 0 154 24 Ice_____________________________________ 39 14 48 16 Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total____________________ $126. 02 $103. 63 $112. 66 $128. 67 $144. 98 $138.17 Electricity______________________________ 30.16 23.98 27.89 28. 46 33.62 33.45 Anthracite---------------------------------------------28. 92 14.16 21.06 36. 97 36.82 39.03 Bituminous coal________________________ 24.13 11.15 15. 38 21. 76 13. 51 5.23 2. 90 Coke___________________________________ 2. 01 .73 0 7.88 2.81 Briquets________________________________ .15 0 .43 .08 0 .13 .47 1.11 .24 .54 Wood__________________________________ .84 .28 Fuel oil_________________________________ .87 4. 01 0 0 0 0 32.83 29.65 Gas____________________________________ 19.56 24.35 48. 62 38.26 2. 44 Kerosene______________________________ 6.20 3.16 3.00 0 0 Gasoline (not for auto)_________________ .22 .68 .33 .51 0 0 Ice_____________________________________ 11.68 11.76 12.02 13.81 13. 75 10.14 III. Number of families in houses not making payments for heat separately from rent3.. 13' 1 3 2 3 3 IV . Number of families in apartments mak ing payments for heat separately from rent. 26 7 9 6 0 3 Number of families spending for— Electricity______________________________ 25 7 9 5 0 3 Anthracite_____________________________ 9 0 4 5 0 0 Bituminous coal________________________ 12 5 4 2 0 0 2 1 1 Coke.____ _____________________________ 0 0 0 Briquets________________________________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wood__________________________________ 1 3 2 0 0 0 Fuel oil_________________________________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Gas____________________________________ 23 6 8 3 0 0 Kerosene_______________________________ 1 0 1 0 0 Gasoline (not for auto)_________________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 4 2 7 Ice_______ _____________________________ 8 0 Average expenditures for fuel, light, and $95.39 $113.01 $108. 33 0 $182.11 refrigeration, total____________________ $114. 61 Electricity______________________________ 26. 33 21.48 24.79 36. 97 27. 38 0 15.23 0 24.31 29.52 0 0 Anthracite_____________________________ 15. 29 21.19 15. 58 10. 67 Bituminous coal________________________ 0 0 6. 57 11. 54 0 0 0 30.00 Coke___________________________________ Briquets________________________________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 93 2.16 Wood__________________________________ 0 0 0 1.00 0 Fuel oil_________________________________ 0 0 0 0 0 Gas____________________________________ 32.29 23.42 27.03 27.95 82.14 0 1.28 0 3. 76 Kerosene_______________________________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gasoline (not for auto)__________________ 16.69 15.60 16. 54 12. 81 Ice___ ______ __________________________ 0 33.00 V . Number of families in apartments not making payments for heat separately 75 6 12 16 from rent_______________________________ 11 10 Number of families spending for— 42 3 4 8 6 8 Electricity______________________________ 6 29 4 6 3 3 Gas____________________________________ 41 5 8 7 3 9 Ice_____________________________________ Average expenditures for fuel, light, and $38.36 $23.97 $43. 42 $29.44 $28.19 refrigeration, total____________________ $30.78 Electricity_____________ _______________ 13.67 8. 55 5.61 20.36 15.66 16.69 7.12 6.42 10.62 4.92 8.50 3.96 Gas___________ ________________________ 19.19 11.98 7. 54 Ice______________ ________________ _____ 10.05 13.44 5.28 3. 96 .64 0 0 All other fuel___________________________ 0 0 3 Detailed information not presented because of small number of families in this classification. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 329. 32 32 17 8 4 0 2 0 30 1 0 13 $142. 96 37. 58 30. 67 11.74 6.23 0 . 14 0 48. 77 .80 0 7.03 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 $99. 00 36. 00 0 45. 00 0 0 0 0 18.00 0 0 0 20 13 7 9 $27.01 12. 55 5.11 9. 35 0 228 T WEST NORTH CENTRAL-M OUNTAIN REGION able 1 1 .— F u e l , light , and refrigeration ex p en d itu res, b y econ om ic level— Contd. KANSAS C IT Y , M O .-K A N S .—NEGR O FAM ILIES Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 and over F u e l , L ig h t, a n d R efr ig e r a tio n E x p e n d itu r e s I. All families in survey.______________________________________ Number of families spending for— Anthracite________________________________________________ Bituminous coal_________________________________________ Coke. ____ _____________________ _____________________ Briquets. ________________________________________________ Wood_____________ _______________________________________ Fuel oil........................................... ....................... ........................ Gas___ ________________________________________________ Kerosene ___ ___________________________________ _ Gasoline (not for auto)_________________________________ _ Ice __ _________________________________________________ Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total. . Winter i_______ _______ __________________ ___________ Spring 1_____________________________________________ Summer 1_____________________________________________ Fall i_________________ __________________ ______________ Electricity________________________________________________ W in te r_________________________________________ _ _ Spring_______________________________________________ Summer________________________________________________ Fall______________ _________ __________________ ____ Anthracite_______________________________________________ Winter_________________________________________________ Spring__________________________________________________ Summer_________________________________________ _ Fall___________________________________________________ Bituminous coal.. __ ____________________________________ Winter. _______________________________________________ Spring________________________________________________ Summer ______________________________________ _ Fall______________________________________ _____ _______ Coke____________________________________________________ Briquets_____ __________________________________________ Wood_______ ___________________ ____ __________ ________ Fuel oil__________ _______ ________________________________ Winter_________________________________________________ Spring__________________________________________________ Summer___ ____________________________________________ Fall________ ___________ ___________________ ______ ____ Gas______________________________________________________ Winter. _______________________________________________ Spring__________________________________________________ Summer_____ ___________ _______________________ _ Fall..................................... ......................................................... Kerosene. _______________________________________________ Gasoline (not for auto)___________________________________ Ice _. ___________________________________________________ Winter. _______________________________________________ Spring________________________________________________ Summer_______________________________________________ Fall____________________ ____________________ _____ i 103 32 29 42 88 46 46 1 0 30 0 61 18 3 93 30 12 21 0 0 17 0 15 7 1 32 22 11 13 1 0 6 0 13 6 1 27 36 23 12 0 0 7 0 33 $106. 38 38.80 18. 36 19. 42 29.80 19. 52 $100. 53 35. 51 17. 22 17. 71 30. 09 18.68 5. 56 4.09 3.90 5.13 19.13 9. 28 2. 70 1. 23 5.92 27. 94 14.16 1.99 .38 11.41 0 0 4.54 0 0 0 0 0 13. 65 4.00 3.05 2.94 3.66 1.74 .80 14.05 .45 4.07 7. 76 1.77 $92. 90 39. 31 15.16 16. 27 22.16 16. 61 4. 53 4.00 3. 72 4. 36 16.14 10. 78 1. 36 0 4. 00 21.93 13. 67 1.41 . 94 5.91 2. 55 0 .94 0 0 0 0 0 16.74 6. 69 3. 27 2.93 3.85 3.24 .87 13.88 .45 4.02 7. 67 1. 74 $120.17 40. 95 21. 46 22. 93 34.83 22.17 6. 40 5. 25 4. 92 5. 60 41. 81 19. 72 3. 66 2.43 16.00 9.88 5. 38 .80 . 15 3. 55 0 0 . 59 0 0 0 0 0 25.87 8.15 5. 92 5.06 6.74 1.69 . 24 17.92 .58 5.20 9.89 2. 25 5. 6 2 4. 54 4.26 5.10 27. 53 13. 96 2. 71 1. 37 9.49 18.88 10.44 1. 34 .44 6. 66 . 72 0 1.91 0 0 0 0 0 19.50 6.45 4.28 3.80 4. 97 2.14 .60 15.58 .50 4.52 8.60 1. 96 Expenditures for coke, wood, kerosene, and gasoline (not for auto) included in this total. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 329. 6 1 34 TABULAR T able 229 SUM M ARY 1 1 .— F u e l , light, and refrigeration exp en d itu res , b y econom ic level— Contd. KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S .—N EGRO FAM ILIES— Continued Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 and over F u e l , L ig h t, a n d R e fr ig e r a tio n E x p e n d it u r e s II. Number of families in houses making payments for heat separately from rent______________________________________ Number of families spending for— Electricity_________________________ _____ ______ ______ Anthracite__________________________ ____ _______________ Bituminous coal__________________________________________ Coke_____________________________________________________ Briquets______________________ _________ ________________ Wood______________ ____ ________________________________ Fuel oil______________ _____ _____________________________ Gas_____________ __________ _____________________________ Kerosene__________________ _________ ____________________ Gasoline (not for auto)___________________________________ Ice_________________________ ____ _______ _____ __________ 64 22 18 24 62 38 28 0 0 18 0 43 9 2 56 21 9 13 0 0 11 0 12 2 0 22 17 10 10 0 0 5 0 10 4 1 17 24 19 5 0 0 2 0 21 3 1 17 Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total - _ Electricity___________________________ ____ _____ ________ Anthracite.......................... .............................. ............................ Bituminous coal_________________________________________ Coke_____________________________________________________ Briquets_________________________________________________ Wood_______________ _______ ____________________________ Fuel oil__________________________________________________ Gas______________________________________________________ Kerosene_________________________________________________ Gasoline (not for auto)___________________________________ Ice_______________________________________________________ $125. 97 22.78 40. 03 20.12 0 0 2.06 0 23.17 2.04 . 55 15. 22 $107. 68 19. 79 23. 63 27.20 0 0 4. 82 0 16.82 .91 0 14. 51 $116. 33 21.17 24.41 30. 21 0 0 1.08 0 19.29 3.41 1.40 15. 36 $156. 42 26.70 66. 75 6.09 0 0 .27 0 31.91 2. 03 .44 22.23 III. Number of families in houses not making payments for heat separately from rent___________________________________ IV. Number of families in apartments making payments for heat separately from r e n t ____ __________ _______ ______ Number of families spending for— Electricity____________________________ ____ _____________ Anthracite_______________________________________________ Bituminous coal_________________________________________ Coke____ ___________________ _____________ ________ _____ Briquets_________________________________________________ W ood.____ _____________________________ ____ ___________ Fuel oil____________________________ _____________________ Gas_____________________________________________ _____ Kerosene_____________________ ____ _________________ ____ Gasoline (not for auto)___________________________________ Ice_______________________________________________________ Average expenditures for fuel, light and refrigeration, total— Electricity_______________________________________________ Anthracite_______________________________________________ Bituminous coal_________________________________________ Coke_____________ _________________ _____________________ Briquets________________________ ________________________ Wood.......................................................................................... Fuel oil________________ _________________________________ Gas______________________________________________________ Kerosene_____ ____ ______________________ __________ ____ Gasoline (not for auto)___________________________________ Ice________________________________ ____ _________________ 0 0 0 0 27 10 6 11 22 7 18 1 0 12 0 14 9 1 26 9 3 8 0 0 6 0 3 5 1 10 5 1 3 1 0 1 0 3 2 0 5 8 3 7 0 0 5 0 8 2 0 11 $93.05 17.09 10.16 24. 32 2. 73 0 2.42 0 15.89 3. 37 .96 16.11 $84. 78 16.23 9. 21 29. 53 0 0 3. 96 0 6. 68 3. 55 2.60 13.02 $92. 63 16. 71 4. 75 15.40 12. 33 0 1.25 0 23.09 5.42 0 13. 68 $100. 83 18.10 14.00 24. 45 0 0 1. 67 0 20.29 2.08 0 20.24 V. Number of families in apartments not making payments for heat separately from rent______________________________ Number of families spending for— Electricity______________________ ________________ _______ Gas............................................................................................ . Ice........ ............ .............................................................................. 12 0 5 7 4 4 11 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 4 6 Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total— Electricity.................................................................... ........... . G a s ..----------------- ---------------------------- --------------------------------Ice_________________ ____ ________________________________ All other fuel............................................ ................. ................. $32.09 7. 63 8.14 16. 32 0 $8. 78 0 0 8.78 0 $48.74 13.09 13. 94 21. 71 0 Notes on this table are in appendix A , p. 329. 0~ 0 0 0 0 230 T able W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 1 1 .— F u e l , light, and refrigeration ex p en d itu res, b y econ om ic level— Contd. M IN N E A P O L IS-ST . PAUL, M IN N .—W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level-—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Item All fami lies Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 and over F u e l , L ig h t, a n d R e fr ig e r a tio n E x p e n d it u r e s I. All families in survey_______ ______ ______ Number of families spending for— Electricity -----------------------------------------Anthracite- _ _________________________ Bituminous coal________________ _ --Coke................................................................ Briquets ___________________________ Wood ___ __ ____________ ____ _______ Fuel oil_______________________ _______ Gas_______________________ ____ _______ Kerosene. ____________ _________ Gasoline (not for auto) ------------------------Ice________________ ___________ ________ 504 47 114 106 86 59 92 482 75 187 173 36 110 37 465 16 7 362 46 11 21 21 5 10 0 44 5 2 37 108 15 46 41 12 26 5 101 5 2 89 101 12 34 39 9 24 9 98 2 1 84 83 12 27 27 7 17 9 80 1 1 59 56 10 26 18 1 12 7 57 1 0 38 88 15 33 27 2 21 7 85 2 1 55 $142.64 $127. 74 $130. 50 $143. 34 $145. 82 57. 41 50.13 47. 88 49. 35 57.17 25. 34 23. 35 24.17 27.22 27. 75 17.95 17.46 19.49 21.77 19. 72 42. 43 36.31 38. 96 45.00 41.18 26.13 28.64 27.10 30.16 30. 48 7.13 7.47 7.30 8.06 8.06 7. 07 6. 30 6. 65 7. 21 7.40 5. 98 6. 22 6.78 7. 03 7.16 7. 32 6. 72 6.93 7.86 7. 86 14.44 9.19 8.17 9. 77 11.12 7. 52 4. 77 4. 65 4. 37 5. 05 2.16 1.05 1.25 1. 51 2.18 0 0 0 0 0 3. 37 2. 27 4.76 3.89 3.89 25. 52 25.46 20.26 23. 60 27.50 13.14 9.92 10. 91 14.60 13.90 2. 50 3.64 3.04 3.15 5. 06 0 0 2. 29 1.14 0 8. 74 7. 82 6.70 7. 25 8. 54 29. 35 22. 71 27. 70 27. 05 25. 40 4. 32 7.40 5.19 4. 27 1. 87 2.76 2.32 1.64 .94 1.05 0 4. 80 1.93 10.14 10. 29 0 1.09 2. 52 4. 77 8.01 0 .72 .20 .80 .75 0 0 0 .19 0 0 .64 1.56 4.38 1.53 26.64 25. 54 24.99 27. 39 27. 69 6.49 6. 27 6.35 7. 03 7.26 6.72 6.44 6.12 6.66 6. 73 6.72 6.40 6.17 6. 75 6. 82 6. 71 6. 43 6.35 6. 95 6. 88 .98 .37 .08 .01 (2) .04 .46 .08 .12 0 6. 87 9. 31 10. 57 9. 82 10. 41 .22 .30 .34 .34 .32 1.99 2. 70 3.06 2. 85 3. 02 3.80 5.14 5. 84 5. 42 5.74 .86 1.33 1.17 1.23 1.31 $139. 58 52. 55 26. 36 19.20 41.47 29. 93 8. 05 7. 27 6.94 7. 67 11.21 5.08 .87 0 5. 26 27. 48 14.15 5.14 .15 8.04 23.17 1.32 3.28 5. 56 3.05 .92 0 1.59 27.13 7. 42 6. 29 6.09 7. 33 .07 .01 10.42 .34 3. 02 5. 75 1.31 Average expenditures for fuel, light, and re$136. 64 frigeration, to ta l_____________ ______ 51.44 Winter *___ ______________ _____ _____ 25.44 Spring 4____________ ___________ _____ ___________ _____ ______ 19.33 Summer 4 40. 43 Fall 4_________________________________ 28. 46 Electricity _______________________ 7.63 -------------^----------------------Winter 6. 91 Spring ________________ ___________ 6. 60 Sum m er___________ _____ __ _ 7.32 Fall__________________________________ 10.15 Anthracite _ _ _____________________ 5. 02 Winter_______________________________ 1.37 Spring- ----- ------- -----------------------0 Summer ______ ___ ______ ______ 3. 76 Fall__________________________________ Bituminous coal _ __ ------------- ----- . 24.66 Winter _____ ___ __ ---------- _ 12. 68 3. 62 Spring. ___________________ ______ Summer __________________ ________ .66 7.70 Fall__________________________________ 25. 51 C o k e ________ - . _______ _3. 95 Briquets __ __ _ __ ________ __ 2.00 Wood__________________________________ 5. 39 Fuel oil________________________________ Winter____ _ _______ . -_ ----------3.08 Spring _________________ _____ .59 Summer ____ ____ __ _____ . . _ .03 Fall__________________________________ 1.69 26. 38 Gas ______ __ ---------------------------Winter _____________________________ 6.76 Spring ______________________________ 6.44 Summer ________________ _______ 6.44 Fall__________________________________ 6. 74 .21 Kerosene_________ _ _________ __ Gasoline (not for auto) __________ .16 Ice_____________________________________ 9. 77 Winter.. _______ __ ________ . . . __ .31 Spring . . . __ . . . ______________. . . 2.83 Summer ____________ ____________ 5.40 1.23 Fall__________________________________ 2 4 Less than 0.5 cent. Expenditures for coke, briquets, wood, kerosene, and gasoline (not for auto) included in this total. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 329. TABULAR T able 231 SU M M AR Y 1 1 .— F u e l , light , and refrigeration ex p en d itu res, b?/ econ om ic level— Contd. M IN N E A P O L IS-ST . PAUL, M IN N .—W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Item All fami lies Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year $700 and over $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 28 73 61 49 37 54 28 6 12 15 4 9 0 27 2 2 22 71 12 35 29 9 17 3 69 2 1 62 61 5 20 32 4 15 6 58 1 1 48 49 8 15 23 3 11 6 47 0 0 35 37 7 17 17 0 10 6 37 0 0 27 54 11 23 21 2 15 5 52 2 1 38 $157. 52 $151.18 $151. 77 $181. 76 $177. 60 30. 33 35. 45 31.61 29.28 33. 52 11.42 14. 05 10. 83 6.95 15. 39 24. 09 27. 75 32. 34 27.28 28. 68 25.91 41. 74 41.12 36.32 39.29 10.00 3.87 4.06 6. 30 0 1.24 3. 34 2. 53 1.57 1.48 0 2. 61 5.99 14. 71 15.29 30.24 29. 69 26. 54 33. 27 32.00 .35 .58 .01 0 0 .44 .07 .16 0 0 7. 01 10. 52 10. 08 10.58 11.95 $171. 95 34.20 15. 71 31.66 32.13 2. 25 5. 05 6. 33 32. 54 .11 .02 11.95 Under $300 F u e l , L ig h t, a n d R efr ig e r a tio n E x p e n d it u r e s II. Number of families in houses making pay302 ments for heat separately from rent_____ Number of families spending for— 300 Electricity _________________________ 49 Anthracite _ __ __ ______ ____ _____ _ 122 Bituminous coal _ ___ ________ ___ 137 Coke____________ _ . . . ___ ________ 22 Briquets __ ___________________________ Wood__________________________________ 77 Fuel oil_______ _____ _ ____________ _ 26 Gas______________________________ _____ 290 7 Kerosene___________________ __________ 5 Gasoline (not for a u to )________________ 232 Ice___________________ _______________ Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, to ta l___________ _____ _ $163. 83 32.11 Electricity_____________________________ 12.14 Anthracite_____ _ _ _ ____ __ __ _ _ ___ Bituminous coal _ _____ ________ __ 28. 86 35.29 C o k e ._____ _ __ ___ _ _______ 4. 30 2. 54 Wood_________________________ *1______ 7. 23 Fuel oil________________________________ Gas____________________________________ 30. 48 .20 _________ ____ Kerosene. ________ Gasoline (not for auto) _ _ ______ . . . . 15 10. 53 Ice___ _________ . . . ___ _____________ III. Number of families in houses not making payments for heat separately from rent 3_ _ 4 IV. Number of families in apartments making 121 payments for heat separately from rent.. Number of families spending for— 121 Electricity _ __________________________ 24 Anthracite _______ __ . . . . ____ _ Bituminous coal____ __ ______ __ __ _ 61 36 Coke___________________________________ 14 Briquets.__ _ . . . _________ _ . 30 Wood__________________________________ 11 Fueloil. ______________________________ Gas___ _______ _ _ ____ _ _ 116 9 Kerosene_____ __________ __ _________ 2 Gasoline (not for auto) __ ___ _ __ _ Ice___ _________________________ _______ 86 Average expenditures for fuel, light, and re $135. 08 frigeration, total._ ______ _________ Electricity ._ _______________ _______ 26.98 11.65 Anthracite. ____ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bituminous coal __ ____________ _____ 30. 44 Coke_________ _______ ____ ____ _ _ _ 18.18 Briquets._ _ __ __________ _ ____ 5. 73 2. 04 Wood__________________________________ Fuel o il._ _____ . . . ___ ________ ___ 4. 40 Gas ____________ ________________ __ 25.10 Kerosene __ _ ______ ____ __ __ __ .39 Gasoline (not for auto) ___ ______ . . . .25 9. 92 I c e ____________________________________ V. Number of families in apartments not making payments for heat separately from rent... _ ______ _______________ 77 Number of families spending for: Electricity ______ ________________ 56 Gas____________________________________ 55 41 I c e ______ _ ______________________ Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total ___________________ Electricity _ ____________________________ Gas __________________________________ Ice ___ _______________________________ All other fuel___________________________ $37. 55 16. 82 13. 04 6. 76 .93 1 1 0 1 0 17 25 31 18 11 19 17 31 18 11 1 9 1 1 19 3 10 1 1 0 16 25 3 10 12 3 9 2 22 3 3 0 14 1 19 6 9 6 7 4 13 10 7 5 8 4 4 6 1 11 1 0 5 0 5 2 19 0 0 11 $131. 22 $121. 79 $132.12 $141. 06 $144. 37 24.88 24. 21 26. 96 26. 69 33. 27 14. 26 8. 57 8. 41 4.03 22.09 24. 84 21. 35 21. 86 37. 23 51.07 12. 54 21.30 27.87 17. 30 4.12 3. 97 1.30 10.15 9. 34 10.08 2. 46 2.13 3.18 1.11 .66 0 4. 60 1.15 3. 72 8. 37 22.78 23. 43 22.25 28. 36 27. 68 2.16 .07 .01 .48 .07 0 .80 0 .58 0 10.92 7.07 9.86 9. 30 9.67 $150.19 29.20 9. 60 43.11 20. 83 0 1. 58 8.94 25. 31 0 0 11.62 5 3 3 31 1 0 25 17 1 1 12 2 1 15 14 18 11 18 0 1 1 11 9 7 9 9 11 15 15 11 8 9 6 13 12 5 $24. 40 0 18. 00 6. 40 0 $31. 52 15. 55 10. 45 5. 05 .47 $34.13 13. 33 10. 76 10. 04 0 $46. 34 20. 06 16. 57 8. 44 1. 27 $40. 45 17. 48 13.20 5.96 3.81 $35. 37 17. 89 13.04 4.44 0 3 Detailed information not presented because of small number of families in this classification. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 329. 5 3 9 5 7 °— 39------- 16 1 232 T able WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION 11.— F u e l, lig h t , and refrigeration exp en d itu res, by econ om ic level— Contd. ST. LOUIS, M O.—W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level-—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year All fami lies Item Under $300 $300 to $400 to $500 to $600 to $400 $500 $600 $700 $700 and over F u e l , L ig h t, a n d R efr ig e r a tio n E x p e n d i t u r e s I. All families in survey____________________ Number of families spending for— Electricity______________________________ Anthracite_____________________________ Bituminous coal____ _______ _____ ____ Coke___________________________________ Briquets________________________________ Wood____ _____________________________ Fueloil____________ __________ _ _ __ Gas____________________________________ Kerosene--------------------------------------------Gasoline (not for auto)______ __ _ Ice_______ _____________ _ _ ______ 401 54 65 94 62 42 84 378 19 326 40 53 60 88 41 79 52 3 56 3 82 9 57 3 47 33 56 9 7 5 0 1 0 12 5 202 0 10 2 7 0 46 5 57 1 2 1 43 40 0 36 78 52 28 13 26 $98. 99 $108.01 27.90 32. 95 18.01 20.14 23.81 22. 75 29.27 32.17 23. 73 32.25 6.10 8.15 5. 79 7.94 5.84 8.00 6.00 8.16 1.80 1.93 .85 .49 $97.63 28.10 18.11 22. 76 28.66 27.94 7.13 6. 80 6.87 7.14 4. 36 1.44 .70 .84 1.38 26. 81 11.44 1. 50 2. 84 11.03 4. 79 0 .31 35. 72 16.41 1. 77 2. 70 14.84 3. 27 .18 .40 .16 .26 .37 .15 .04 .20 0 0 .20 23.78 5.82 5.92 6.04 6.00 .99 .34 15. 32 .49 4.44 8.46 1.93 0 0 0 0 0 23.30 5. 69 5.74 6.02 5. 85 .11 .04 14.02 .45 4.06 7. 75 1.76 0 8 0 1 56 .38 37. 35 17.29 1.26 4.45 14.35 1.29 0 0 1 1 2 .34 35.23 15.45 2.09 1.30 16.39 2. 51 0 8 8 0 84 3 $103.80 $103. 66 $104.03 30. 71 31.22 31.08 19.56 17. 7 9 18.89 22.05 25.19 23.10 31.48 29.66 30.82 24.46 26.42 25. 60 6.34 6.58 6.65 5.95 6.59 6.24 5.86 6. 53 6.16 6.31 6.72 6. 55 .59 .66 .97 .21 .25 .56 0 .14 .03 0 2 10 0 0 0 .18 23.64 5.71 6.11 6.06 5. 76 .16 .08 14. 27 .46 4.14 7. 88 1.79 0 .48 .47 30.84 12.70 2.01 2. 48 13.65 6.32 0 .32 0 0 0 0 0 22.59 5.55 5.84 5.60 5.60 .64 .03 12.72 .41 3.69 7.02 1.60 wood, kerosene, and gasoline (not auto) included in this total. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 329. 2 0 6 1 43 4 357 Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total---------------------------------- $102.29 W inter1_____________ ___ ___ ___ _ 30.19 Spring 1_________ ____________________ 18. 63 Summer 1____________________________ 23.30 30.17 F all1_________________________________ Electricity___ __ ___ _ _ _ ____ 26. 53 Winter----------- --------------------------------6.82 Spring---------------------- -------------------6.49 Summer______________ ____________ 6.47 6. 75 Fall__________________________________ 1.78 Anthracite------- ------- --------------------------Winter_________________ - ___ __ _ .66 Spring______________________ _______ .18 Summer__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .25 .69 Fall__________________________________ Bituminous coal___ __ ___ _________ _ _ 33.02 Winter. _______ ___________________ 14.45 Spring________ _ _______ _______ __ _ 1.91 Summer______ _ ________ ____ _____ 2. 97 Fall__________________________________ 13.69 Coke_________ _____ _________ ____ _ 4.26 Briquets------ ------------------------------------0 Wood__________________________________ .23 .21 Fuel oil_______________ ____ ______ _____ Winter. _______ _ ___ ___ ________ .13 Spring_______________ _. ___ ___ ___ .01 Summer. _ __________________________ 0 Fall__________________________________ .07 Gas____________________________________ 23. 22 Winter______ __ _____________ 5.70 Spring________________ _ ___ _______ 5.88 Summer______________________________ 5.89 5. 75 Fall__________________________________ Kerosene____________ ________________ .30 Gasoline (not for auto)------ ---------- __ .08 Ice__________ _____ ________________ 12. 66 .41 Winter_______________________________ 3. 67 Spring_________________ ____________ 6.99 Summer____________________ ________ 1.59 Fall_____ ____________________________ 1Expenditures for coke, 1 0 0 0 0 1.44 33.06 12.99 3. 65 4.42 12.00 9. 32 0 .29 .60 .60 0 0 0 22.24 5.37 5.74 5. 72 5.41 0 0 8. 32 .27 2.41 4.59 1.05 1 0 0 .19 0 0 0 0 0 23.28 5.90 5.79 5.81 5.78 .04 0 10. 22 .33 2.96 5.65 1.28 TABULAR, SUMM ARY T able 11.— F u e l , light , and refrigeration 233 exp en d itu res, by econ om ic level— Contd. ST. LOUIS, M O .—W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 to $400 $500 $500 to $600 to $600 $700 $700 and over F u e l , L ig h t, a n d R efr ig e r a tio n E x p e n d it u r e s II. Number of families in houses making payments for heat separately from rent_____ Number of families spending for— Electricity_________________ _________ Anthracite____ ___________ ___ _ Bituminous coal _ _ ___ ________ _ _ Coke_________ _________ _ _ _ _ _ _ Briquets_____________________ __ _ _ __ Wood______ ________ __ Fuel oil____ _________________________ Gas__________ _______________________ Kerosene________ ________ _______ __ _ Gasoline (not for auto)____ __ ________ Ice______ _________________________ _ 169 29 26 45 21 20 28 169 9 145 28 0 11 3 156 5 5 86 29 1 27 3 0 4 1 24 2 1 21 26 0 25 1 0 2 0 24 1 1 16 45 3 39 7 0 2 2 42 2 2 25 21 1 16 7 0 2 0 21 0 1 8 20 1 16 6 0 0 0 17 0 0 7 28 3 22 4 0 1 0 28 0 0 9 $103. 73 $119. 59 $116. 62 $119. 78 $118. 85 24.06 30.19 28. 26 29.63 33. 65 1.39 2. 87 1.10 2.03 0 44. 33 34. 34 33. 39 39. 60 35.90 4. 68 3. 23 6. 21 12. 36 13. 96 0 0 0 0 0 .34 . 16 . 19 . 12 0 .76 .78 0 0 0 22. 77 26. 57 25. 30 26. 25 23.83 .97 .18 .05 0 0 .64 .12 . 12 .16 0 14. 85 15.17 14. 71 12. 31 11. 04 $122.24 32.13 5.88 36. 37 9. 57 0 .11 0 28.41 0 0 9. 77 Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total___ ______________ $116. 43 Electricity____________________________ 29. 28 Anthracite____________ _______ 2.12 Bituminous coal____________ 37. 65 Coke. __ __ __ ___________ __ 7. 72 Briquets------------------------ --- _ 0 Wood_________________________________ . 15 .34 Fuel oil ___ ________________________ Gas______________ ____ ___________ _ _ 25. 52 Kerosene. ___________________ __ ___ _ .20 Gasoline (not for auto)____________ _ _ . 19 I c e ... ________ ______ ___________ __ __ 13. 26 III. Number of families in houses not making 0 payments for heat separately from rent 3___ 1 0 0 0 1 VI. Number of families in apartments making 24 34 42 191 33 payments for heat separately from rent.. 20 Number of families spending for— Electricity____ _____________________ _ 188 32 34 23 41 20 2 2 Anthracite _ _ _ _________ 10 0 0 1 24 Bituminous coal_______ __ ___ _ _ 42 176 31 17 31 0 2 3 2 Coke________ _______ __ __ 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 Briquets-----------------------------------------------0 5 8 5 5 1 Wood______ __ ____ _ __ ____ 31 1 0 0 0 0 1 Fuel oil_______________________________ 33 21 40 18 Gas__________ ______________________ 181 31 1 1 1 Kerosene___________________________ 7 3 0 0 Gasoline (not for auto)____________ _ 0 0 0 0 0 21 17 21 21 6 100 Ice_____________________________________ Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total____ __________ $104. 61 $105. 45 $105. 92 $102. 53 $102.84 $105. 75 Electricity______________________ _____ 24.50 32. 71 25.99 27. 34 25.48 27.40 Anthracite_____________________________ 1. 92 0 1. 52 2.05 1. 87 0 37.00 34. 05 35.08 Bituminous coal____ ______________ _ _ 35. 65 37. 62 38. 63 Coke_______ _________ __ __________ 2. 08 0 .66 3. 61 5. 64 0 Briquets------------------------------------------0 0 0 0 0 0 .22 .37 .06 .42 Wood_____________________________ .34 .61 Fueloil_______________________________ .13 0 0 1. 25 0 0 24. 65 24.16 21. 98 24.12 25. 51 23.89 Gas_______ ____ ______________________ 1.06 1.16 .43 .10 .29 0 Kerosene. ___________ __________________ 0 0 0 0 0 Gasoline (not for auto)_________________ 0 12. 65 15.72 13. 52 13. 47 6.43 13. 76 Ice__________________ _______ __________ V. Number of families in apartments not making payments for heat separately 7 7 from rent_______ ___ ________ ________ 39 0 6 1 Number of families spending for— 2 2 2 1 Electricity________________ _______ ____ 20 0 2 2 2 19 0 1 Gas____________________________________ 3 15 6 0 0 3 Ice................................................................... Average expenditures for fuel, light, and $25. 80 $31.80 $18.16 $45.00 0 refrigeration, total____________________ $33.11 8.00 5.86 2.50 27.00 Electricity_____ ______________________ 11. 63 0 3.99 0 6.00 6.80 18.00 9. 75 Gas_____________________________ ______ 0 11.80 15. 93 10. 30 0 Ice____________________ _____ _____ _____ 10. 50 3. 21 1.37 1. 23 0 0 0 All other fuel...................................... .......... 3 Detailed information not presented because of small number of families in this classification. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 329. 0 38 38 5 31 4 0 7 0 38 1 0 14 $106. 21 29. 65 5. 32 32.05 3. 51 0 .35 0 23.94 .08 0 11.31 18 13 12 3 $41. 21 17.79 13. 93 8. 62 .87 234 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T able 11.— F u el, light, and refrigeration ex penditures, hy econom ic level— Contd. St. Louis, M o.—Negro Fami lies Item All families Economic level—Fami lies spending per ex penditure unit per year Salt Lake City, Utah—White families All fami lies E conomic 1e v e 1—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 and over 106 28 27 51 210 54 55 72 29 96 0 99 0 0 41 1 60 24 0 89 26 0 27 0 0 12 0 12 9 0 27 25 0 27 0 0 13 0 12 8 0 23 45 0 45 0 0 16 1 36 7 0 39 198 0 162 7 0 35 0 82 2 4 96 50 0 48 2 0 17 0 9 2 1 24 51 0 43 1 0 6 0 25 0 2 26 68 0 54 1 0 9 0 33 0 1 33 29 0 17 3 0 3 0 15 0 0 13 Under $300 to $400 to $300 $400 $600 $600 and over Fuel, Light, and Refrigeration Ex penditures I. All families in survey___ _____ Number of families spending for— Electricity _________ _ Anthracite.__ ___________ Bituminous coal__________ C o k e .___ ________________ Briquets__________________ Wood____________________ Fuel oil___________________ Gas___ ___________________ Kerosene_______ __________ Gasoline (not for auto)___ Ice_______________________ Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total. $97. 38 $100. 36 $102.41 $93.08 27.12 35. 30 25. 62 Winter 5_. _ _______ __ . . . 28. 47 21.10 18.85 17. 92 Spring 5____ __ ____ __ 19.00 21.59 19. 27 20. 96 Summer 5________________ 20.70 28. 99 28.58 Fall s_____________________ 29. 21 30. 55 17. 75 17.80 Electricity_________________ 17. 68 17. 39 4. 52 4. 73 Winter.. ________ _______ 4. 62 4. 62 Spring.. _________ ________ 4.23 4. 33 4.23 4. 43 4.11 Summer. __ _______ _ _ 4. 17 4.19 4.20 Fall______________________ 4. 45 4. 68 4. 56 4. 55 Anthracite___ ____ _____ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Winter_____ ______ . . . 0 0 Spring_____ _________ . . . 0 0 0 0 0 Summer___ _________ _. 0 0 0 Fall______________________ 0 0 0 0 42. 62 46.08 50. 72 36. 42 Bituminous coal— __ _____ Winter.. ________ ____ __ 17.50 25. 29 14. 46 18. 02 ___ Spring_________ ____ 4. 90 6. 88 5.60 3. 43 2.19 2.60 3.26 2. 45 Summer _ ____ _______ _ Fall______________________ 17. 64 16.08 17.10 18. 44 Coke_______________________ 0 0 0 0 0 Briquets_________________ __ 0 0 0 Wood______________________ 2. 47 2.15 2.98 2. 38 Fuel oil____________________ .42 0 0 .86 .21 0 0 Winter____________ _______ .43 Spring____________________ 0 0 0 0 .07 0 0 . 14 Summer...... ............ ............ Fall____________ __________ . 14 0 0 .29 12. 61 Gas___ . _____________ _ 15.70 13. 63 18.50 2. 69 3. 89 3. 62 4. 69 Winter. _ _______________ Spring____________________ 3. 93 3. 27 3. 36 4. 60 3.22 Summer______________ 3. 87 3. 23 4.58 Fall______________________ 4.01 3. 43 3. 42 4. 63 1.62 Kerosene_________________ _ 2. 98 1.44 .98 Gasoline (not for au to)_____ 0 0 0 0 19.15 15.89 16.14 Ice_________________________ 16.87 .62 .54 .52 Winter-. . . . _______ .51 4. 89 Spring_________________ __ 5. 55 4. 61 4.68 9. 32 10. 57 8. 77 8.91 Summer_______ _______ . . Fall______________________ 2.12 2.41 2. 00 2.03 2 5 $98.87 $90.06 $100. 39 $98. 79 $112. 80 32. 01 32.98 31. 27 28.44 30. 95 21.19 18.23 21.92 21.25 25.23 18. 58 16. 79 18. 63 18. 62 21.86 27. 83 26.60 27. 83 25. 94 34. 76 34. 77 28.28 42. 92 35.13 36.09 7.81 9.30 9. 33 9. 61 11.29 6. 68 8. 36 8. 66 8.50 10. 49 8.12 6. 27 8. 38 8. 47 10. 20 8. 99 7. 52 8. 92 9. 35 10.94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45.11 50. 82 48.68 42. 02 35. 37 17. 58 18.03 19.81 18. 30 10. 71 9. 26 8. 51 9. 36 8.03 6. 73 4. 67 6. 94 3.22 3. 79 4. 22 14. 35 16. 59 15. 72 11.47 14. 71 1.17 1.30 .62 .01 4. 51 0 0 0 0 0 .50 .91 .33 .29 .56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.06 4. 26 10.87 14. 53 22.68 3. 46 1.30 2. 73 4. 47 6. 34 2.82 .99 2.78 3. 39 4.88 2.60 .86 2. 90 2. 71 4.98 1.11 3.18 2. 46 3. 96 6. 48 .02 . 12 0 0 0 .01 .01 .04 0 (2) 5.24 4. 36 5. 36 5.20 6. 76 .07 .07 .03 .16 .08 1. 27 1.02 1.20 1.02 2.47 3.15 2.64 3. 52 3.19 3. 34 .75 .63 .61 .91 .79 Less than 0.5 cent. Expenditures for coke, wood, kerosene, and gasoline (not auto) included in these totals. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 329. TABULAR T able 11.— 235 SUM M ARY F u el, light, and refrigeration ex penditures, by econom ic level— Gontd. Item St. Louis, Mo.—Negro fami lies Economic level— Families spending per expenditure All unit per year families Under $300 to $400 and $300 $400 over Fuel, Light, and Refrigeration Expend itures II. Number of families in houses mak ing payments for heat separately 22 ______________ _ from rent,. 7 6 Number of families spending for— Electricity ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ 21 6 6 0 Anthracite__________ ________ _ 0 0 22 Bituminous coal_________ _ 6 7 0 Coke___ __ __________________ 0 0 Briquets. ______________ ________ 0 0 0 1 8 5 Wood__________________________ 1 Fuel oil__________________ _____ 0 0 1 5 Gas___ ________ __________ _ 13 1 3 Kerosene. _______ _______ 2 Gasoline (not for auto)_________ 0 0 0 Ice__ __ __________ _ _________ 18 6 5 Average expenditures for fuel, light and refrigeration, total___ _____ $94.14 $73.84 $109.00 17. 76 12.54 18.84 Electricity_______ ______ Anthracite_________ _________ _ 0 0 0 Bituminous coal_______ _ __ 43.20 43.05 48.10 0 Coke_____________ _ _ ________ 0 0 Briquets._ ___ _______ __ __ 0 0 0 .99 Wood_____________ ___ __ __ _ .76 1.58 1.98 0 Fuel oil___________ ____________ 0 G a s __ ____________ _ _ _ _ 15. 36 3.44 21. 50 .27 .08 Kerosene. _______ ___ __ _______ .80 0 Gasoline (not for auto) _ _ ____ __ 0 0 14.58 13. 25 18.90 Ice___ _______ _ ____________ III. umber of families m houses not making payments for heat sepa 2 rately from rent3____ ___ ___ __ 0 0 IV. Number of families in apartments making payments for heat sepa 77 21 rately from rent________________ 21 Number of families spending for— 19 Electricity________ 70 20 Anthracite____ _ __ __ 0 0 0 21 Bituminous coal. _______ 76 20 Coke _______ __ __ 0 0 0 Briquets. ________ ______ 0 0 0 11 8 33 W ood.. _ __________ __ 0 0 0 Fuel oil__________ _ 7 Gas __ __ 42 11 21 7 Kerosene____________ _ _ 7 0 0 0 Gasoline (not for auto) 21 Ice. __ _ 68 18 Average expenditures for fuel, light, $103.15 $109.20 $100.52 and refrigeration, total .. Electricity___ _ _ _ __ 18. 03 19.01 17.44 Anthracite ............. 0 0 0 Bituminous coal___________ 46.01 47.10 51. 47 Coke ________ ___________ 0 0 0 Briquets_________ __ _ 0 0 0 2.61 3.37 Wood___ _______________ __ _ 3.11 Fuel oil_______________________ 0 0 0 15.92 15.65 11.37 Gas. ______________ _ 1.84 3. 72 Kerosene____________ ______ 2.17 0 0 Gasoline (not for auto)__ __ _ __ 0 Ice___ _______. . . ______________ 17. 91 21.11 15.03 V. Number of families in apartments not making payments for heat 35 0 0 separately from rent____________ Number of families spending for—Electricity ______ __ __ Gas___ ____________________ Ice_______________ _____. _ Average expenditures for fuel, light, and refrigeration, total.. . Electricity________ ________ __ Gas______ ____ ________________ Ice_________ _____ ______________ All other fuel................................... Salt Lake City, Utah—White fami lies All fami lies Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un der $300 $300 to $400 to $600 and $400 $600 over 9 157 45 42 52 18 9 0 9 0 0 2 1 7 0 0 7 154 0 144 7 0 30 0 55 1 1 79 43 0 44 2 0 14 0 5 1 1 19 41 0 41 1 0 5 0 18 0 0 23 52 0 48 1 0 9 0 22 0 0 28 18 0 11 3 0 2 0 10 0 0 9 $100.03 $113.55 $97.35 37. 03 30. 04 21. 07 0 0 0 55. 75 57. 39 40.06 0 1. 36 1. 55 0 0 0 .99 .78 .63 4.84 0 0 20.54 13.06 3. 59 .04 0 .01 .01 0 (2) 12. 74 5. 71 3.74 $116.98 37. 97 0 61.74 .02 0 .43 0 10. 59 0 0 6. 23 $118. 57 $131. 61 43. 66 40. 06 0 0 54. 54 41.16 7. 26 .26 0 0 .89 .40 0 0 16.97 31.13 0 0 0 0 6. 34 7. 51 2 3 1 2 0 0 35 3 13 3 3 4 3 35 5 8 16 6 25 15 9 3 5 2 2 3 3 12 8 3 5 2 1 $39.83 $39. 76 $32. 68 $36.04 26.97 19.39 22.09 23.90 8.29 12.23 6. 39 8.16 4.15 2.32 3.25 4.18 1.32 3.96 .05 1.66 $59. 65 47.99 7.84 3. 82 0 31 0 35 0 0 14 0 24 7 0 29 $101.07 17.80 0 42.08 0 0 3.26 0 18.79 1.41 0 17. 73 5 3 Less than 0.5 cent. 8 Detailed information not presented because of small number of families in this classification. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 329. 236 T able 1 2 . — W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N H ou seh o ld operation expenditures other than f o r fu e l, light, and refrigera tion, by econ om ic level DENVER, COLO—WHITE FAMILIES Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over Household Operation Expenditures Other Than for Fuel, Light, and Refrigeration Families in survey_________ _____ ____ ___________________ Number of families spending for— Water rent_______________________________________________ Telephone________________ _ ________________ _______ Domestic service: Full-time.,.. ___________________ ______ Part-tim e..___ ______________ _______ Laundry out_____________________________________________ Postage, telegrams___________ _____________________ ___ Moving, express, freight, drayage---------------------------- ------Safe-deposit box__________________________________________ Insurance on furniture____ _ _____ __ ________________ Interest on debts_________________________________________ Average expenditure per family for household operation other than fuel, light, and refrigeration, total_________________ Water rent_______________________________ _________ _ . Telephone________________________________________________ Domestic service: Full-time_______ _______________ ____ __ Part-time.. . . . ____________________ . Household paper_______________ _____________ __________ Bar soap_______ __ . . . . _________ _____ ________ _____ Starch, bluing_____________ ______________________ _____ __________ . . . Soap flakes, powder___ _____ __________ Cleaning powder, polish, steel wool, etc _________ _______ _ _ __________ ___ ___ __ . . . ______ Matches___ __ Laundry out________ ____ __________________________ Stationery, pens, pencils, in k ... . . . . _______ . . . . . . Postage, telegrams-------------------------------------------------- ---------Moving, express, freight, drayage_____ _______ ___________ Safe-deposit box._________ _______ _______________________ Insurance on furniture__________ ________________________ Interest on debts_____________________ ___________ ______ Other items____ ____ __________ ___________________ _____ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 329. 295 92 106 97 112 179 2 21 124 265 23 27 82 30 36 42 0 4 21 81 6 3 10 7 41 71 2 6 40 95 7 11 29 13 35 66 0 11 63 89 10 13 43 10 $61.91 9.00 13.60 .54 2.36 3.10 2,96 1.08 4.66 1.37 2.09 11.41 1.90 3.04 .63 .38 .93 2. 66 $47.02 8. 62 8.93 0 2.49 3.04 3.50 1.31 4. 47 1.14 2.14 4. 67 1. 75 2.08 .73 .11 .27 1.77 $64.24 9. 55 15.60 1.50 1.14 3.11 2.80 1.14 5.66 1.25 1.97 8. 72 2. 03 2.98 .33 47 1.10 4.49 .40 $73.46 8. 76 15.86 0 3.55 3.15 2.62 .78 3.74 1.72 2.18 20. 75 1.88 4.01 .86 .55 1.36 1.51 .20 0 .18 TABULAR T able SU M M AR Y 237 12 . — H o u seh o ld operation expenditures other than f o r fu e l, light, and refrigera tion, by econ om ic level— Continued KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S.—W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level— Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Item All fami lies $700 and over Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 357 45 92 73 50 43 54 239 137 8 27 159 335 66 14 87 51 30 6 0 1 14 38 5 0 5 6 66 22 1 3 23 88 17 2 19 14 50 26 0 7 29 69 7 4 18 8 32 28 3 6 25 49 10 4 16 7 29 21 0 3 29 38 10 1 10 8 32 34 4 7 39 53 17 3 19 8 Average expenditure per family for house hold operation other than fuel, light, and refrigeration, total--------------- _ __ $64.23 7. 36 Water rent_____________________________ Telephone__________ . . . _____ __ _ _ 13.15 1. 32 Domestic service: Full-time..___ __ _ Part-time _ _________ 2.17 Household paper_______________________ 2. 58 Bar soap_______________________________ 3.70 Starch, bluing__________ ______ ___ __ 1.14 Soap flakes, powder____________________ 5. 43 Cleaning powder, polish, steel wool, etc__ 1.81 Matches_____________________________ _ 1.93 Laundry out_______________________ __ 13. 74 Stationery, pens, pencils, i n k .____ ____ 1. 32 2. 39 Postage, telegrams______________ ____ Moving, express, freight, drayage______ 1.00 Safe-deposit box________________________ .12 Insurance on furniture_________ _____ 1. 53 Interest on debts.____ _________________ 3.23 Other items____ _ ______________ __ .31 $43.11 7. 30 4.91 0 .27 1.90 4.71 1.37 4.98 1.37 2.18 8. 66 1.22 1.32 .45 0 .52 1.49 .46 $43.12 7.48 7.34 . 15 .19 2.28 3. 66 1.40 5.10 1. 58 1.78 5. 21 .98 1.90 .86 .06 1.15 1.92 .08 $57.92 6. 89 12.35 0 4.18 2. 36 4. 21 .91 4.91 1.69 2.02 10. 65 1.25 2.14 .60 . 19 1. 66 1.64 .27 $77.18 7.13 20.32 .41 3. 31 3.03 3.72 1.46 6.00 2. 23 1.97 13. 83 1. 69 3. 21 .80 .25 2.42 5.24 .16 $77.17 7.90 16.54 0 1.31 2. 55 2.95 .85 6.79 1. 71 1.68 19. 56 1.11 2. 58 1. 63 .08 1.43 7.48 1.02 $104.02 7.63 21. 65 8.07 4.06 3. 57 2.83 .73 5.42 2.40 1.99 32.00 1.88 3.54 1.95 . 15 2.11 3.82 .22 $500 to $600 to $600 $700 household Operation Expenditures Other Than for Fuel, Light, and Refrigeration Families in s u r v e y .____ ___ _____________ Number of families spending for— Water rent________________________ _ _ Telephone___________________ _________ Domestic service: Full-time____________ Part-time____________ Laundry out_____ _____________________ Postage, telegrams.______ _____________ Moving, express, freight, drayage___ __ Safe-deposit box______ _ . . . _____ Insurance on furniture__________________ Interest on debts________________ ____ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 329. 238 T able WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION 1 2 .— H o u seh o ld operation expenditures other than f o r fu e l, light , and refrigera tion , by econom ic level— Continued KANSAS CITY, M O .-K A N S — NEGRO FAMILIES Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 and over Household Operation Expenditures Other Than for Fuel, Light, and Refrigeration Families in survey___________________________________________ Number of families spending for— Water rent___ _________ ___________________ ______ _ Telephone_______________________________________________ Domestic service: Full-time_____________ _______ _ Part-time____________ __ _____________ Laundry out____________ _______ _____ ___________ _ Postage, telegrams-----------------------------------------------------Moving, express, freight, drayage— _____________________ Safe-deposit box__________________________________________ Insurance on furniture______________- -----------------------------Interest on debts___________________________ _____________ Average expenditure per family for household operation other than fuel, light, and refrigeration, total _____ ____ _ Water rent___ ________ ___ _ _ ______ _______ _______ Telephone_____ __________________________________ Domestic service: Full-tim e.____ _________ ____ . . . Part-time_______________ ____________ Household paper._ ___ _____ ______ ______ _ . ._ . . . Bar soap___ . ______________ ____ _ __________________ Starch, bluing______ ___________________________________ Soap flakes, powder_________________________ ____________ Cleaning powder, polish, steel wool, etc____- ____ . . ._ Matches______ ________ _____________ . . . _______ ____ Laundry out___ __________ . . . ______ _____________ Stationery, pens, pencils, ink. _ . . . __ ________________ Postage, telegrams— _______ ___________ . . . ________ Moving, express, freight, drayage_____ __ _ . . . . ------------Safe-deposit box___ _______ _ ____ _______ . . . ______ Insurance on furniture. _ _ . . . _ ___________ _______ Interest on debts___ _____ __ . ___ _____ ____ . . . Other items.. . . . . ___ . . . _____ . . . _________ _______ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 329. 103 32 29 42 55 30 0 1 39 93 11 0 4 4 16 4 0 0 12 28 2 0 1 2 14 7 0 0 7 27 5 0 2 1 25 19 0 1 20 38 4 0 1 1 $42.15 5.86 11. 35 0 .01 1.94 4.43 .78 2. 73 1.07 1.80 7. 41 .99 1.43 .47 0 .30 1. 53 .05 $29.43 4.80 3.93 0 0 1.92 4. 67 .79 2. 32 .69 1. 62 5.10 .98 1.00 .22 0 .22 1.05 .12 $36. 37 5. 37 9.80 0 0 1.63 4.43 .81 2.13 1.16 1.97 4. 78 .97 1.41 .46 0 .60 .82 .03 $55. 79 7.01 18.07 0 .03 2.16 4.24 .75 3.45 1. 30 1.82 10. 98 1.02 1.77 .67 0 .14 2.38 0 239 TABULAE SUM M AEY T able 1 2 .— H o u seh o ld operation expenditures other than f o r fu e l, light , and refrigera tio n , hy econom ic level— Continued M IN N EAPO LIS-ST. PAUL, M IN N .—W H IT E FAM ILIES Item • All fami lies Economic level-—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 to $400 $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 and over Household Operation Expenditures Other Than for Fuel, Light, and Refrigeration 504 47 114 106 86 59 92 277 224 14 39 115 490 71 31 120 82 26 9 2 0 3 44 2 1 7 6 62 35 1 4 13 109 17 8 26 24 58 43 2 10 23 102 15 4 16 15 47 48 6 7 22 86 14 5 26 15 36 38 27 19 59 9 2 16 11 48 51 1 11 35 90 14 11 29 11 Average expenditure per family for house hold operation other than fuel, light, and refrigeration, total------------------------ $57. 87 4.13 Water ren t... -------------- -----------------------13. 67 Telephone______________________________ 2.31 Domestic service: Full-time. -------------Part-time____________ 2.03 3. 52 Household p a p e r ..____ __ . ---------------3. 65 Bar soap. _ . _____________ ______._ Starch, bluing_________________________ .96 Soap flakes, powder__ ___________ __ 5.57 Cleaning powder, polish, steel wool, etc. 2.14 1.18 Matches____ . . ----------- -----------------7. 69 Laundry out------ ----------------------------- . 1.46 Stationery, pens, pencils, ink . . ._ . . 2. 52 Postage, telegrams_____________ . .. Moving, express, freight, drayage----------.99 . 21 Safe-deposit box.----------------------------------1.56 Insurance on furniture. — . . . . . . ____ 2. 97 Interest on debts . . . _ . __ 1. 31 Other items.. . _______ . _ . - $34.15 3. 89 4. 72 1.36 0 3.01 4. 05 1.12 4. 55 1.94 1.17 1.36 1.21 1.74 .15 .06 .78 2.06 .98 $41. 70 3.64 8. 64 .06 .66 2.96 3.80 .84 5.10 1.63 1.13 3.00 1. 31 1.79 .88 .23 1. 33 3. 74 .96 $56. 33 4.17 12.31 3. 49 2.82 3.20 3. 72 1.01 5. 87 2.12 .96 7.19 1.30 2.14 .86 .11 .95 *3.09 1.02 $66. 77 4. 71 16. 27 5. 67 1.19 4.00 3.80 .98 6. 02 2. 30 .98 .7. 93 1.50 2.80 1.34 .20 1.69 3. 92 1.47 $75. 34 4. 78 21.52 2. 66 2.24 4. 34 3. 68 .87 5. 75 2.49 1.62 12. 50 1.81 2.78 1.36 .10 2.00 3.17 1.67 $72.14 3. 85 18. 56 .85 4.50 3. 85 3.00 1.01 5. 81 2.50 1.39 13. 97 1.68 3. 85 1.17 .44 2.53 1. 33 1. 85 Families in survey-------------------------------------Number of families spending for— Water rent_____________________________ Telephone______________ ___ _____ Domestic service: Full-time. __ ------------Part-time___ ________ Laundry out_______ ____________ ____ Postage, telegrams _ ________ ____ . . . Moving, express, freight, drayage_______ Safe-deposit box _ _________ ________ Insurance on furniture-------- . . . ------Interest on debts.__ ----------------------- . . . Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 329. 240 T able WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION 1 2 ,— H o u seh o ld opera tion expenditures other than f o r f u e l, light, and refrigera tion , hy econom ic level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O.—W H IT E FAMILIES Economic level— Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Item All fami lies Under $300 $300 to $400 to $400 $500 $500 to $600 to $600 $700 $700 and over Household Operation Expenditures Other Than for Fuel, Light, and Refrigeration Families in survey-----------------------------------Number of families spending for— Water rent___________________________ Telephone—__________________________ Donlestic service: Full-time___________ Part-time___________ Laundry out_________________________ Postage, telegrams____________________ Moving, express, freight, drayage---------Safe-deposit box______________________ Insurance on furniture------------------------Interest on debts_____________________ 401 54 65 94 62 42 84 126 102 6 27 72 376 52 33 38 70 22 8 1 1 4 49 7 1 3 14 15 14 0 2 9 60 2 3 6 8 34 19 2 3 21 87 11 3 8 23 17 12 0 4 9 58 11 6 6 6 15 15 1 4 7 42 8 8 4 5 23 34 2 13 22 80 13 12 11 14 Average expenditure per family for house hold operation other than fuel, light, and refrigeration, total______________ $49.62 3. 51 Water rent___________________________ 8.60 Telephone___________________________ 1.53 Domestic service: Full-time___________ Part-time___________ 1. 76 Household paper_____________________ 3.04 3. 55 Bar soap_____________________________ Starch, bluing________________________ 1.35 6. 36 Soap flakes, powder___________________ Cleaning powder, polish, steel wool, etc__ 2.34 1.88 Matches_____________________________ 6.69 Laundry out_________________________ 1. 27 Stationery, pens, pencils, ink__________ 1.85 Postage, telegrams____________________ 1.01 Moving, express, freight, drayage______ .38 Safe-deposit box______________________ .74 Insurance on furniture___,_____________ 3. 39 Interest on debts_____________________ .37 Other items__________________________ $38.32 4. 67 4.25 .65 .17 2.58 4.29 1.44 5. 75 2.01 2.39 1.96 1.14 1. 21 1.11 .08 .27 3.85 .50 $37.22 2.19 5.91 0 .43 2.61 3.86 1.42 5.76 2.01 1. 75 4.75 1.12 1.51 .26 .25 .52 2.47 .40 $48.05 4. 02 6.04 2.46 .48 3.18 3.59 1.48 6.25 2.07 1.99 6.88 1.14 1.63 .68 .14 .43 5.17 .42 $42.09 3.22 6.98 0 1.16 3.07 3. 36 1. 35 6.29 2.49 1.80 4.90 1.13 2.09 1.18 .43 .82 1.54 .28 $58. 53 3. 92 13. 55 4.29 3.38 3.53 3. 62 1. 36 5.90 2.17 1.86 5.03 1.10 1.98 1.88 .88 .53 3.33 .22 $69.34 3.23 15.08 1.98 4.89 3.23 2.92 1.08 7. 61 3.09 1.58 13.15 1.79 2. 53 1.34 .65 1.59 3.23 .37 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 329, 241 TABULAR SUMM ARY T able 12.— H o u seh o ld op era tion expenditures other than f o r fu e l, light, and refrigera tion, hy econ om ic level— Continued St. Louis, Mo.—Negro families Item Ali families Salt Lake City, U tah White families Economic l e v e l — Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 and over All fami lies Economic level—F a m ilie s spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over Household Operation Expenditures Other Than for Fuel, Light, and Refrigeration Families in survey_______________ _ Number of families spending for— Water rent_____________ ____ Telephone____________ ______ Domestic service: Full-time___ Part-time___ Laundry out__________________ Postage, telegrams____________ Moving, express, freight, drayage— Safe-deposit box_____ _ ___ ___ Insurance on furniture. _ _____ Interest on debts____ _____ 106 28 27 51 210 54 55 72 29 18 21 0 0 29 76 5 4 0 0 2 16 4 1 0 0 7 21 9 16 0 0 20 39 107 87 4 12 89 181 30 12 0 0 10 42 26 21 0 4 24 46 36 35 4 5 33 66 15 19 0 3 22 27 17 2 4 5 5 1 2 2 2 0 0 1 10 1 2 2 28 25 37 22 8 2 8 6 7 7 8 6 7 8 14 4 6 8 7 6 $57. 61 $44.16 $53.86 $61. 39 5.66 4.85 5. 70 5.40 11.56 6.74 11.01 12.63 0 0 2.39 6.96 0 2.44 .89 .43 3. 52 3.27 3.86 2.99 4. 52 5. 21 4.04 5.58 .95 .85 1.13 .78 4. 53 5. 51 5. 02 3.88 $80.53 5.24 18.91 0 .77 2.40 2.40 .31 2. 75 Average expenditure per family for household operation other than fuel, light, and refrigera tion, total___________________ $37.12 $28.29 $25.31 $48. 25 Water rent________ ___________ 1.57 1.71 .75 1.93 6.49 Telephone____________________ 3.98 1.34 10.60 0 0 0 0 Domestic service: Full-time___ 0 0 0 Part-time___ 0 2. 45 2. 61 Household paper______________ 2.30 2.56 4. 36 4.61 Bar soap_________ _________ 5. 37 3.66 Starch, bluing_______________ 1.04 .88 1.32 .98 4.54 Soap flakes, powder__________ 4.30 4.17 4.24 Cleaning powder, polish, steel wool, etc____________________ 1.05 .70 1.05 1.24 1.64 Matches— ___ _ ___ 1.50 1.50 1.79 2.24 Laundry out__ _____ ___ __ 9.97 4.50 17.10 Stationery, pens, pencils, ink___ .86 .79 .93 .87 1.31 Postage, telegrams.. _______ .95 1.72 1.30 Moving, express, freight, dray1.21 1.26 age— 1.90 .43 .09 .18 0 .10 Safe-deposit box_____________ _ Insurance on furniture_______ .26 .56 0 .23 .44 .42 .38 Interest on debts._ . . . . . .49 0 .08 .01 Other items. . . ... .16 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 329* 2.35 1.47 11.62 1.92 2. 35 2.08 1.90 5.50 1.69 2.19 2. 51 1.51 10.07 1.67 2.07 2. 60 1.23 11.14 2.05 2. 41 1.93 1. 22 27.15 2. 47 3.02 .95 .31 1.20 2.01 .02 1.03 .09 .99 1.06 .04 .59 .27 .83 1.59 0 1.02 .26 1.11 .97 .05 1. 33 .87 2.60 7.16 0 242 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T able 13. — T ra n sp orta tion ex p en d itu res , by econ om ic level D E N V E R , COLO.—W H IT E FAM ILIES Item All fami lies Economic level — Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over Transportation Expenditures Families in survey___________________ . . . ____ ______________ Number of families spending for transportation.._ . . . _____ Number of families owning automobiles____________________ Number of automobiles owned______ _____________________ Made: 1936______________________________________________ 1933-35___________________________________________ 1930-32____________________________________________ 1927-29____________________________________________ Before 1927___________ _______ ______ _ _________ Originally purchased: New____________________ ________________ _. _______ __ Second-hand. _______________________________ ______ __ Number of families purchasing automobiles in year: New_____________ _____ _. __ __ ___________________ Second-hand . . . __ ______ _________ ________ . . . . . . Number of families purchasing motorcycles in year_________ Number of families spending for transportation other than automobile and motorcycle: Trolley.. _____ _____ ______ _________ _______________ Local bus_____ ___ _________ _____ ___________ _____ Taxi_____________________________________________________ Bicycle__________________________________________________ _. ----------------Railroad__________ _____________ ____ _ Interurban bus. _ ____________ ______ __ . . . ___ . . . Boat _ _____ _______________ Airplane____ ________ _ . . . ______ _______ _ . . . . . 295 287 208 209 0 36 60 91 22 92 86 54 54 0 3 11 31 9 106 105 77 78 0 12 23 35 8 97 96 77 77 0 21 26 25 5 79 130 14 40 29 49 36 41 10 23 1 0 11 0 3 6 0 7 6 1 209 3 15 6 21 17 2 1 62 2 1 4 7 3 1 0 82 1 9 2 7 4 1 0 65 0 5 0 7 10 o 1 Average expenditure for all transportation, total........... .......... Automobiles and motorcycles—purchase, operation and maintenance . . . ______ . . . _____ ______ ____________ Purchase of: Automobiles___ ___ _______ ______________ Motorcycles . . . _____ _______ . . . ________ Gasoline___ ________ _ _______ ________ _______ _ Fall__________________________________________________ Winter.. . ________ . . . _ _______ . . . _____ Spring____ _ ___ _______ _______________ . . . _____ Summer____________ . . . _ . . . . . ______ _______ Oil__________________ __________________________ Tires. ________ _. . . _______ __________ . _______ Tubes _ ___________________ _ ________________ ________ __ Repairs and maintenance _ ... Garage rent and parking___ __________ . . . . . . . ____ Licenses and taxes.. . _________ _ _ . . . . _. ______ Insurance _________________________ _____ __________ Fines and damages____ . . . __________ _______________ Rent of automobile and/or motorcycle. ________ ________ Other automobile and motorcycle transportation expense... ____________ . . . __ ____ _______________ Other transportation___ ______________________ ________ Trolley_________________________________________________ Local bus________ ____________________ _______________ Taxi. __ ___ ________. . . . . . ________ _________ . . . ___ __ __________________________________ Bicycles Railroad___ __ _ ____ _____ ____ _____ . . . . . . _. Interurban bus. _______ _____ ___________ ____________ B oat.. _______________________________ _______________ Airplane________ __________ ______ . _______ . . . ._ Other transportation expense.______ ___________________ $143. 57 $87. 75 $137.19 $203. 46 117. 76 33. 50 .34 48. 71 11. 64 11.57 11.94 13.56 7. 08 4.16 .62 6. 98 3.26 6. 52 4. 46 1.59 .50 63. 69 12. 18 0 33.12 8.01 8.17 8.24 8.70 4. 31 2.69 .39 2.98 1.37 4. 83 .79 1.03 0 109. 93 25.16 0 48. 95 11.66 11.64 12. 43 13. 22 7. 24 5. 39 .77 6. 34 3. 11 6. 66 4. 46 1.02 .71 177.60 62.85 1.03 63.24 15.07 14. 72 14.90 18. 55 9. 52 4.20 .66 11.48 5.20 7. 97 7. 95 2. 76 .74 .04 25.81 21.41 .26 . 11 .38 2. 38 1.16 .07 .03 .01 0 24.06 19. 57 .83 .04 .99 1.67 .76 .20 0 0 .12 27.26 24.45 0) .14 .19 1.41 1.05 .02 0 0 0 25. 86 19.84 0 .15 0 4.11 1.65 0 .09 .02 1 Less than 0.5 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 330. TABULAR SUMM ARY T able 243 13.— T ra n sp orta tion ex p en d itu res , by econ om ic level— Continued KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S .—W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level— Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Item All fami lies $700 and over Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 357 45 92 73 50 43 54 356 221 229 4 51 73 80 21 45 20 21 0 0 4 12 5 91 53 54 0 8 17 23 16 73 48 49 0 8 17 20 4 50 31 32 1 7 13 9 2 43 26 28 1 7 8 11 1 54 43 45 2 21 14 5 3 60 169 5 16 7 47 6 43 12 20 10 18 20 25 16 60 0 8 0 14 1 15 1 10 3 3 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 304 6 81 1 30 19 1 0 37 1 12 79 2 20 41 0 16 0 0 1 2 0 0 7 9 1 0 67 1 11 1 6 0 0 0 39 0 7 0 3 1 0 0 41 2 15 0 9 3 0 0 $74.33 $108.70 $161. 51 $183.91 $166. 48 $348.96 Transportation Expenditures Families in survey- _______________________ Number of families spending for transpor tation________________________________ Number of families owning automobiles.. Number of automobiles owned ________ Made: 1936___________________________ 1933-35________________________ 1930-32________________________ 1927-29________________________ Before 1927____________________ Originally purchased: New______ _ __ ___ ____ Second-hand ______________________ Number of families purchasing automo biles in year: New__ __ Second-hand . . _____ _______ _ _ Number of families purchasing motor cycles in year____________________ _ Number of families spending for trans portation other than automobile and motorcycle: Trolley_______________________________ Local bus_____ ___ ___ ___ __________ T a x i_____ ______________ _______ Bicycle_______________ ____________ Railroad______ _______ __________ ___ _ Interurban b u s _____ ____ __ Boat _______________________ _____ Airplane. __ ______ ____ _ _ _ Average expenditure for all transporta tion, total, _______ ____________ $168.98 Automobiles and motorcycles—pur chase, operation and maintenance. 136.89 62.62 Purchase of: Automobiles._ _ 0 Motorcycles __ __ 42.32 Gasoline. _ . . . . __ ___ __ Fall______________________________ 10. 60 9. 88 _ ___ Winter_______ ______ Spring_________________________ -_ 10. 69 11.15 Summer____ _ . _____________ Oil_________________________________ 4. 50 2. 86 Tires_____________________ _______ .69 Tubes____ __ _ _ _ _ _______ 6. 50 Repairs and maintenance__________ Garage rent and parking____________ 3. 00 Licenses and taxes._ . _____ 8.94 Insurance . . . ___ ____ ______ 1. 67 . 14 Fines and damages. ___ ______ Rent of automobile and/or motor cycle. ________________________ 3. 60 Other automobile and motorcycle .05 transportation expense___________ Other transportation.. . . . ___ . . . _ 32. 09 Trolley_____________________________ 27. 66 Local b u s ____ _______ ___ . . . .30 Taxi_______________________________ 2.16 .07 Bicycle__________________ . . . _ _ Railroad___________________________ 1.35 .53 Interurban bus ___________________ .02 Boat_____ _____ _________________ 0 Airplane__________ ________________ Other transportation expense_______ (0 1 Less than 0.5 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 330. 0 4 4 0 0 42.69 11.89 0 15. 75 4.03 3. 69 3.95 4.08 1.43 1. 75 .33 2.93 0 3.89 .20 .12 79.86 29.27 0 29. 66 7. 51 6. 86 7. 43 7. 86 3. 27 1.48 .25 3. 75 .45 7.43 .71 .31 127.40 46. 58 0 45. 52 11.11 10. 52 11.75 12.14 4. 59 3. 62 .37 8.19 2.17 10.28 1.87 0 151. 66 70.72 0 47. 32 10.98 10.96 12. 70 12. 68 5. 00 2. 03 1.12 7. 25 3. 89 9. 42 2. 68 .17 125.90 43. 61 0 48. 29 12. 48 11.39 11.60 12. 82 4. 94 2. 82 2. 21 7. 36 4.12 7.55 1.88 .12 320.44 191. 09 0 72. 34 18. 82 17. 08 17. 84 18.60 8. 20 5. 93 .55 10. 48 9. 26 14. 57 3.15 .03 4.40 3. 28 4.21 1.82 3.00 4. 75 0 31. 64 28. 63 .19 2.59 0 .13 0 28.84 24.43 .02 2. 64 0 .91 .75 .09 0 34.11 30.95 1.20 .28 .36 1. 32 .24 32.25 27. 23 0 3. 75 0 1. 05 0 40. 58 38.13 0 1. 02 .09 28. 52 20.00 .18 2.95 .85 .53 3.87 1. 52 .05 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 244 W EST NORTH CENTRAL-M OUNTAIN REGION T able 13.— T ra n sp orta tion ex p en d itu res, by econ om ic level— Continued KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S .— NEGRO FAM ILIES Item Allfami- Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 and over Transportation Expenditures Families in survey___________________________ __ ____________ Number of families spending for transportation____________ Number of families owning automobiles,._________ _______ Number of automobiles owned_______ _____________ _______ Made: 1936_______________________________________________ 1933-35____________________________________________ 1930-32____________________________________________ 1927-29____________________________________________ Before 1927________________________________________ Originally purchased: New___________ _________ _ ____________ ____ ______ Second-hand______________ ___________________ ____ Number of families purchasing automobiles in year: New________________ ______________ ____ ____ ___ ____ __ Second-hand__________ ________________ _____ _________ Number of families purchasing motorcycles—in year____ ___ Number of families spending for transportation other than automobile and motorcycle: Trolley___ ____ ____________________________ ___________ Local bus____________________________________ _________ T a x i______________________________________________ ___ Bicycle... ________ _ ______ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... ___ Railroad____________ ______ ________ __ ________ __ __ Interurban bus ___ . . . _____ ____ _______ __ _______ _ Boat___ _ __ _____ ________ ___________ __________ __ Airplane___________ ______________________ _____ _ 103 101 22 22 0 3 6 12 1 32 30 6 6 0 0 2 4 0 29 29 3 3 0 0 0 2 1 42 42 13 13 0 3 4 6 0 5 17 0 6 0 3 5 8 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 93 0 25 1 11 6 0 0 28 0 4 1 2 3 0 0 29 0 8 0 4 1 0 0 36 0 13 0 5 2 0 0 Average expenditure for all transportation, total_____ _____ Automobiles and motorcycles—purchase, operation, and maintenance_____ __ ____________________ _____ __ Purchase of: Automobiles______ ______ _______ __ _ _ _ Motorcycles_____ _._ ___ _______ _ __ Gasoline____ ___ ____ _ _________ __________ _____ Fall__________________________________________________ Winter.. ____ ____ ________ ____ _ ___ __ ___ Spring_______ _ ___ _ _ ___ ._ ___ ______________ Summer. _ _ __ ___ __ ___ _ _________ _____ Oil___________ _______________________________________ _________ _____ _ ________________ Tires________ _ Tubes_________________________________________________ Repairs and maintenance . ____ ________ _ __ __ Garage rent and parking__________ _________ __ _ .. _____ ___ Licenses and taxes_____ _ ______ _____ Insurance... __ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ___ _ _ ___ _______ __ _ . _ Fines and damages _ . . . . . . _____ Rent of automobile and/or motorcycle__________ _ _ ___ Other automobile and motorcycle transportation expense. Other transportation_____________ _____________________ Trolley__________________________________ ___________ Local bus_______________________ ___________________ Taxi______ _ __ . . . ____ __________ _______ _ Bicycle _ __ ______ __ ___ __ _ _________ . Railroad___ _ ______ _ ___________________ ______ Interurban bus ___ __ __ __ _ __ . . . ___ _____________ Boat___ ______ ____________ _________ . . . ______ ____ Airplane_____________________ _ ___ _ _ __ __ Other transportation expense._ __________ ___________ $80.99 $59. 22 $60.83 $111.7 33.06 9.90 0 13.02 3.36 2.83 3. 21 3. 62 1.18 1.05 .19 2.95 .13 2. 56 .36 .01 1. 51 .20 47. 93 41.89 0 2.67 .15 2.47 .75 0 0 0 21.06 1.09 0 11.13 2. 76 2.78 2. 76 2.83 .80 1.31 .06 2. 58 0 2.00 0 0 2.00 .09 38.16 32.46 0 1.00 .47 2.12 2.11 0 0 0 11.54 3.45 0 3. 58 1.06 .78 .76 .98 .41 .86 .30 .47 0 .84 .17 .34 1.12 0 49.29 45.00 0 .95 0 3.24 .10 0 0 0 57.28 21.08 0 20.96 5.39 4. 30 5. 23 6.04 1.99 .99 .21 4. 95 .32 4.18 .76 0 1. 41 .43 54.43 46.93 0 5.13 0 2.21 .16 0 0 0 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 330. TABULAR T able SUM M ARY 245 13, — T ra n sp o rta tio n ex p en d itu res , by eco n o m ic level— Continued M IN N E A P O L IS-ST . PAUL, M IN N .—W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level— Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Item All fami lies Under $300 $300 to $400 to $400 $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 and over T r a n sp o rta tio n E x p e n d itu r e s Families in survey________________________ Number of families spending for transpor tation. . ______ ______________ _______ Number of families owning automobiles___ Number of automobiles owned . Made: 1936_____________________________ 1933-35__________________________ 1930-32__________________________ 1927-29__________________________ Before 1927______________________ Originally purchased: New__________ __ ___________ ______ Second-hand__________ _____ ____ Number of families purchasing automo biles in year: New_________ . . ________ . . . . Second-hand_____________ Number of families purchasing motorcycles in year.__ _________________ Number of families spending for transpor tation other than automobile and mo torcycle: Trolley _ _________ _________ _______ ________ Local bus______________ ____ Taxi __ . . . __ __________ __ ______ _______________ ________ _ Bicycle. Railroad_______________________ __ _ _ _ Interurban bus_______________ . . . __ . Boat___ __ _ ________________ ______ Airplane____________________ ________ 504 47 114 106 86 59 92 504 334 336 3 78 104 133 18 47 20 20 0 2 4 10 4 114 68 69 1 10 17 34 7 106 64 64 0 8 22 30 4 86 59 59 1 14 20 21 3 59 47 48 1 11 21 15 0 92 76 76 0 33 20 23 0 103 233 4 16 15 54 14 50 19 40 13 35 38 38 23 66 0 2 3 13 1 15 4 12 3 9 12 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 477 17 37 6 33 49 14 3 42 2 1 1 1 8 2 0 108 3 7 2 9 8 3 1 103 3 8 1 4 10 1 0 82 2 4 1 6 9 1 1 57 3 5 1 5 7 3 0 85 4 12 0 8 7 4 1 Average expenditure for all transporta tion, total_______________ ____________ $156.84 Automobiles and motorcycles—purchase, operation, and maintenance .. 121. 52 Purchase of: Automobiles___ 47. 44 Motorcycles_____ __ __ 0 G asoline...___ _ . . . _ __ . . . __ . 42. 21 10.24 Fall________________________________ Winter_______________ ______ _ 7. 97 Springs____________________________ 10. 95 Summer______________________ _ 13. 05 Oil___________________________________ 5. 08 3.59 Tires. _ ____________ ___ . . . Tubes _ ________ _. ___ _____ .60 Repairs and maintenance________ 9. 08 Garage rent and parking_____ . . . __ 2. 39 5.54 Licenses and taxes___ __ ______ Insurance________ ____ __ _ ___ _ 3. 82 Fines and damages. ... _____ .30 Rent of automobile and/or motor cycle_________________________ _ . 1.32 Other automobile and motorcycle transportation expense__________ _ .15 Other transportation. . . . __ _ _ 35. 32 Trolley_______________________________ 32. 21 .50 Local bus____________ _________ ____ .21 Taxi________________________________ .19 Bicycle. __ _______ _______ _ 1.28 Railroad_____________ ______ __ .77 Interurban bus______ _____ ______ .12 Boat______________ _____ _______ .02 Airplane___________ ___ _ ___ _ .02 Other transportation expense___ . . . i Less than 0.5 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 330. $60.05 $114. 50 $127.31 $153.79 $200.13 $267.88 84. 82 27. 78 0 33.65 8.12 6. 27 8. 62 10. 64 3.94 3. 30 .57 5.46 .67 4.80 2.88 .22 92.31 28.82 0 37. 57 9. 29 7.11 9.92 11.25 4. 68 3.15 .48 7. 58 1.74 4.59 1.32 .29 114.09 46.44 0 41.00 9. 95 7.61 10.62 12. 82 4.48 3.84 .72 7.14 1.61 5.66 2.84 .20 159. 88 60.45 0 51.32 12. 55 10.23 12. 82 15. 72 6.10 5. 88 .79 16. 01 4.94 6.59 6.28 .02 228.38 108.08 0 66.06 15.78 12.58 17.31 20.39 8.26 4.17 .80 15. 89 5.00 8.06 8.83 .86 .47 1.55 2.09 .02 1. 25 1.82 0 27.19 23.26 1.27 .06 .13 .03 1.99 .45 0 0 0 29.68 27.78 .04 .15 .20 .97 .42 .12 0) 0 0 35.00 32.72 .53 .13 .05 .46 1.08 .03 0 0 .14 39. 70 36. 55 .43 .09 .34 1.91 .30 .01 .06 .01 .25 40. 25 37.02 .06 .19 .57 1.86 .48 .07 0 0 .55 39. 50 34.53 .96 .58 0 2.31 .85 .16 .03 .08 32.86 3.91 0 17. 58 4. 29 2. 88 4.79 5. 62 2. 35 .84 .09 2. 77 1.15 3.06 .64 0 246 W EST T able NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 13. — T ra n sp orta tion exp en d itu res , b y econ om ic level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O.—W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level— Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Item All fami lies Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 $700 and over T r a n s p o rta tio n E x p e n d itu r e s Families in survey- _____________ __ _ Number of families spending for transportation___ _ ------------. _ ___ Number of families owning automobiles. Number of automobiles owned _ _ Made: 1936___________________________ 1933-35________________________ 1930-32________________________ 1927-29________________________ Before 1927____ _ _________ _ Originally purchased: New____ _ ______ ___ __ _ _ Second-hand___ __ _ ________ _ Number of families purchasing automo biles in year: New_____ _________________ Second-hand _________________ ___ _ Number of families purchasing motorcycles in year _______ _____ __ __ Number of families spending for trans portation other than automobile and motorcycle: Trolley____ __ ------------------------_________ __________ Local bus___ T a x i________ _ ____ _____ _________ Bicycle_______________________________ __ Railroad. _ _____ __ __ ___ _ Interurban b u s _______________ _ ___ Boat ----------------- -------------------------Airplane _______________________ _ _ 401 54 65 94 62 42 84 400 216 220 6 38 78 76 22 53 16 16 0 0 6 7 3 65 29 30 0 2 9 12 7 94 45 47 0 5 16 22 4 62 35 35 1 5 16 11 2 42 28 28 1 4 10 9 4 84 63 64 4 22 21 15 2 88 132 3 13 11 19 10 37 11 24 16 12 37 27 19 39 0 3 0 7 0 13 4 5 1 2 14 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 331 56 14 6 20 21 10 2 45 6 0 1 2 2 0 0 58 5 1 0 1 0 0 0 79 15 4 4 6 6 1 0 53 6 1 1 3 7 2 0 36 5 4 0 3 5 1 1 60 19 4 0 5 1 6 1 $84.20 $105. 22 $143. 55 $166.43 $169. 00 $285. 07 Average expenditure for all transporta $165.17 tion, total _ ___________ ______ Automobiles and motorcycles—pur chase, operation, and maintenance. 113. 64 Purchase of: Automobiles _ _______ 45. 88 Motorcycles___________ 0 34. 86 Gasoline. _ _ _ ___ __ __ 8. 67 Fall______________________________ Winter. ___ _____ __ _________ 8. 00 Spring____ _______ _________ . . . 8. 82 Summer______ _ _________ __ 9. 37 Oil_________________________________ 4. 33 Tires . . . ___ _ __ _ __ __ ______ 3. 51 Tubes _ __________________________ .43 6. 63 Repairs and maintenance ___ __ 2. 06 Garage rent and parking____ _ 9. 33 Licenses and taxes __ _ _ __ 2. 76 Insurance___ __ _____ __ Fines and damages. ______. . . .27 Rent of automobile and/or motor cycle__________ _ 3. 38 Other automobile and motorcycle transportation expense_________ .20 Other transportation. _ __________ 51. 53 Trolley______ _______ ___________ 41.98 Local bus________ -_ __________ 6. 88 Taxi________________________________ . 16 Bicycle.. . _______________ _____ .31 ___ __ 1.46 Railroad_________________ Interurban b u s... ___ __ _ ____ .53 .18 Boat_____________________________ . Airplane___ _______________ . . . _ .01 Other transportation expense.___ .02 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 330. 35. 97 11.24 0 10. 66 2. 47 2. 25 2.88 3.06 1. 51 1.74 .08 2.25 .78 4. 41 .10 1.22 55. 05 15.08 0 21.91 5. 75 4. 97 5. 39 5. 80 2. 59 1.83 .27 3. 36 1.67 6. 64 .51 .05 85. 40 29. 40 0 27.88 7. 59 6. 77 6. 38 7.14 3. 38 2.14 .38 6.78 1.61 8. 23 1.14 .10 1.98 .96 4. 22 5. 61 3. 83 3. 34 0 48.23 41.80 5. 31 0 .28 .33 .51 0 0 0 .18 50.17 40. 98 9. 05 .01 0 .13 0 0 0 0 .14 58.15 47. 54 7. 37 .06 .91 1.44 .80 .03 0 0 .22 50. 66 41.67 3. 77 .04 .40 3.14 1.39 .09 0 .16 0 52. 82 43.32 5.54 .53 0 2.78 .35 .25 .05 0 .47 47. 32 36. 21 8. 62 .41 0 1.35 .10 .62 .01 0 115. 77 116.18 46. 33 27. 83 0 0 36. 74 46. 72 9. 06 10. 52 8.23 9. 38 9. 31 . 13.28 10.14 13. 54 4.27 5. 93 5. 46 4. 79 .61 .37 4.54 5. 26 1.35 3. 71 9. 60 11. 78 .77 5.94 .27 .02 237. 75 119.15 0 60. 97 14. 92 14.56 15. 44 16. 05 7. 77 5. 39 .75 14.03 3. 40 14. 41 7.91 . 16 TABULAR T able 247 SUM M ARY 13. — T ra n sp orta tion ex p en d itu res , b y econ om ic level— Continued St. Louis, Mo.—Negro families Item All families Salt Lake City, Utah—White families Economic level—Fam ilies spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 and over All fami lies Economic level— F a m ilie s spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over T r a n s p o rta tio n E x p e n d itu r e s 106 Families in survey_____________ Number of families spending 104 for transportation__________ Number of families owning 21 automobiles........ ............ ....... Number of a u to m o b ile s 21 owned. _ _ ____ __________ 2 Made: 1936________________ 4 1933-36_____________ 8 1930-32_____________ 7 1927-29_____________ 0 Before 1927_________ Originally purchased: 6 New____________________ Second-hand_____________ 16 Number of families purchas ing automobiles in year: 3 New__________________ . . . 4 Second-hand__________ __ Number of families purchas0 ing motorcycles in year___ Number of families spending for transportation other than automobile and motorcycle: 97 Trolley____________________ 3 Local bus.......... ........... ........ 24 Taxi_______________________ 1 Bicycle____________________ 14 Railroad___________________ 1 Interurban bus.___________ 0 Boat_______________ ______ 0 Airplane___________ ______ Average expenditure for all transportation, total.. . . . $106. 06 Automobiles and motor cycles—purchase, oper 56.06 ation and maintenance.. 29.91 Purchase o:: Automobiles. 0 Motorcycles. 13.89 Gasoline.._ _____________ 3.40 Fall___________________ 3.26 Winter________________ Spring_______________ _ 3. 67 Summer_______________ 3. 56 Oil______________________ 2.02 .62 Tires________ _________ .04 T u b e s . _______________ Repairs and maintenance. 2. 72 2.16 Garage rent and parking.. Licenses and taxes.._____ 3.07 Insurance_______________ .26 .35 Fines and damages______ Rent of automobile and/ or motorcycle____ _ . . . .02 Other automobile and motorcyle transporation expense__________ 0 Other transportation... _ 51.00 Trolley__________________ 42.64 1. 44 Local bus._____ _______ Taxi_____________________ 4.04 Bicycle__________________ .24 Railroad_________________ 2.40 .24 Interurban bus__________ 0 Boat_________ __________ 0 Airplane________________ Other tra n sp o r ta tio n 0 expense . . . _ .... 28 27 51 210 54 55 72 29 27 27 50 199 47 52 72 28 5 3 13 124 25 34 42 23 5 0 0 4 1 0 3 1 0 1 1 0 13 1 4 3 5 0 126 0 19 25 59 23 25 0 0 3 16 6 35 0 3 8 16 8 43 0 6 8 22 7 23 0 10 6 5 2 1 4 2 4 9 39 87 3 22 12 23 10 33 14 7 0 1 1 0 2 3 4 15 0 2 0 3 1 7 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 9 0 4 0 0 0 25 1 6 1 3 0 0 0 47 2 9 0 7 1 0 0 148 2 40 0 11 19 3 0 34 1 8 0 3 4 0 0 37 1 13 0 1 2 2 0 58 0 13 0 5 10 0 0 19 0 6 0 2 3 1 0 $62. 68 $84. 42 $141. 28 18.99 5.00 0 9.16 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 .79 0 0 .99 0 2. 95 . 10 0 0 0 43.69 34. 24 0 4.59 0 4.86 0 0 0 0 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 330. 5 3 9 5 7 °— 39------- 17 33.23 28. 67 0 2.88 .72 .72 .72 .72 .33 0 0 0 0 1.26 0 0 .09 0 51.19 44. 62 2.31 2.36 .93 .97 0 0 0 0 86.40 44.23 0 22. 30 5.43 5.13 5.98 5.76 3.58 1.29 .09 5.12 4.48 4.10 .48 .73 0 0 54.88 46.20 1.77 4.63 0 1.79 .49 0 0 0 $111 58 $63.12 $95. 62 $113. 61 $227.03 85.94 25. 36 0 37. 51 8. 81 8. 51 9. 33 10.86 4.82 2.92 .30 5.01 .71 6. 65 1.69 .07 33.95 1. 29 0 20.08 5.10 4.62 4. 81 5. 55 2.98 1.58 .09 2.81 .29 4.02 .55 .13 75.87 9.78 0 43. 71 10.49 9.93 11.12 12.17 4.82 3. 44 .55 4.31 .67 6. 64 .76 0 85.71 25.42 0 37. 62 8.63 8.69 9. 38 10. 92 4. 68 3. 65 .22 5.61 .11 6. 64 1.45 .10 202.43 99.60 0 57. 93 12. 94 12.60 14.23 18.16 8. 62 2. 62 .42 8.96 3.07 11.58 6.16 0 .90 .13 1.19 .21 3.47 0 25. 64 19.36 . 14 .74 0 2. 33 2.33 .74 0 0 29.17 20.27 .04 .63 0 2.89 5.34 0 0 0 19. 75 14.09 .48 .79 0 .27 1. 34 2.78 0 0 27.90 24.09 0 .82 0 1.50 1.49 0 0 0 24.60 15. 96 0 .63 0 7. 25 .66 .10 0 0 0 0 0 1 o 248 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N T a b l e 14 .— P erso n a l care expenditures and m edical care exp en d itu res , b y econom ic level D E N V E R , COLO.—W H IT E FAMILIES Item All fami lies Economic level — Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over P er so n a l C are E x p en d itv r es Families in survey____ __ _ _ _ ___________ ____ _______ Number of families spending for personal care: Personal care services: Haircuts___________ ___________________________________ Shaves by barber __. _ _ . . _ ___ ______ ________ Shampoos--------------------------------------------------------------Manicures __ ___ - ------------------ ---------___ _ ___ _ _____ ____ _________ Permanent waves___ _ . Other waves. _ _ _______________________ _________ Other personal care services _ . . . _____ _____ _ ... Toilet articles and preparations: Toilet soap . . . . ____ __________ . . . . . . . ______ Tooth powder, tooth paste, mouth washes______________ Cosmetic and toilet preparations. _ ____________________ Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet articles_________ Average expenditure per family for personal care, total . . . Personal care services, total_____ ____________ _____ __ Haircuts_____ . ... ________ - ______ ____ _ _ Shaves by barber____ . . . __ . __ . . . ----------------------Shampoos ---------------. ----------- -------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------Manicures.. . Permanent waves. . . . . ________ ______ _________ . . Other waves______________ _____ _________ . . ------------Other personal care services ______ _____ ______ ________ Toilet articles and preparations, total_____ _____ _______ Toilet soap___________ ____________________ . . - . . . . . Tooth powder, tooth paste, mouth washes____ _ Cosmetic and toilet preparations, ____ _ _ _ ________ Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet articles. _ _ _ _ _ _ Average expenditure per person for personal care, total _ ___ 29.5 92 106 97 289 20 31 11 145 109 3 90 4 5 1 38 26 1 102 7 10 6 60 43 1 97 9 16 4 47 40 1 264 262 245 164 88 73 67 36 83 99 88 67 93 90 90 61 $29. 41 14.97 9. 21 .37 .56 .18 2.28 2. 30 .07 14. 44 3.94 3. 40 5. 45 1.65 9. 35 $22. 71 11.68 8.08 .17 .17 .01 1.47 1.75 .03 11.03 3.75 2.83 3. 55 .90 5.58 $30. 68 15. 40 9.88 .15 .37 .23 2.46 2.22 .09 15.28 4. 26 3. 75 5.41 1.86 9.80 $34. 37 17.64 9. 55 .80 1.16 .29 2. 85 2.90 .09 16. 73 3.76 3. 55 7. 28 2.14 15.02 109 101 67 177 4 3 2 8 42 7 187 76 37 73 39 28 12 53 1 1 0 1 9 1 37 18 8 17 41 43 19 65 1 1 1 5 15 3 84 28 18 28 29 30 36 59 2 1 1 2 18 3 66 30 11 28 $72. 51 $53. 08 $66. 36 $97. 63 6. 78 5. 98 14. 85 11.56 .20 .85 .14 .56 10. 57 1.08 9. 27 3. 78 .26 4.99 1.64 23. 05 7.00 4.16 9.26 8.89 .05 1.96 0 .38 6. 38 .48 7. 20 2. 46 .12 3.09 1.65 13. 04 7. 66 7.02 13.00 9.48 .38 .42 .35 .89 6.94 1.35 10.10 3.81 .45 3. 78 .73 21.20 5.63 6.59 22.16 16. 36 .14 .26 .04 .36 18. 51 1.37 10.31 4.98 .18 8.11 2. 63 42. 67 M e d ic a l C are E x p en d itu r e s Number of families spending for medical care: Services of— General practitioner: Home _____ _______ _ __ ___ _ _ Office________________ _________ Specialist and other practitioner _ _ . _ ______ _ _ _____ Dentist__________ ___________________________________ Clinic________________________________________ _________ Nurse: In home: Private... . . . ________ ______________ ___________________ Visiting_____ __ In hospital. . . . . __ . . . __________ . _ Hospital: Private room_________ ____________________ Bed in ward. . . . . . ________ __________ Medicine and drugs _. ______ . . . _ _____ _______ __ Eyeglasses______ _______________________________________ Medical appliances.__ . ._ ________________ _______ Accident and health insurance____ . . ________________ Average expenditure per family for medical care, total.. . ._ Services of— General practitioner: Home _. ___ __________ . Office____________________________ Specialist and other practitioner_____ _ ______ ______ Dentist . . . _ _______ _________ _____ ______ _ _ . . . Clinic. ___________________ __________________ Nurse: In home: Private____ ___________ _ ______ Visiting. _ ____ _ ________________ In hospital_____ ______ . . . _______ _________ __ Hospital: Private room_____ _ ______________________ Bed in ward.__ ’. . ------- ------------------------Medicine and drugs _______ ____ __ _____ _______ __ Eyeglasses_____________________________ ______________ Medical appliances . . . ______ __ . . . ____ _______ _ _ Accident and health insurance___ ________ _ ___ . . . Other medical care. _ ____________ ______________________ Average expenditure per person for medical care, total. . . . . Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 330. TABULAR T able 14.— SUM M ARY 249 P erson a l care expenditures and m edical care ex p en d itu res, b y econom ic level— Continued KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S .-'W H IT E FAM ILIES All fami lies Economic level— Families spending per expendi ture unit per year $700 and over Under $300 $300 to $400 45 92 73 50 43 54 40 2 0 0 15 5 0 88 6 7 1 59 23 2 70 4 9 1 49 38 0 46 o 12 3 37 19 1 41 1 9 1 25 18 2 53 3 14 7 40 40 5 43 90 70 50 43 52 40 37 88 87 64 67 46 46 40 42 52 52 $400 to $500 to $600 to $500 $600 $700 P er so n a l C are E x p en d itu r e s Families in survey_______________________ 357 Number of families spending for personal care: Personal care services: Haircuts_____________________________ 338 Shaves by barber_____________ __ 16 Shampoos____________________________ 51 Manicures_____ ________ ___________ 13 225 Permanent waves_______________ _ _ Other waves____ _________________ 143 10 Other personal care services____ _ __ Toilet articles and preparations: 348 Toilet soap___ __ ____ __________ Tooth powder, tooth paste, mouth washes_____ _____ ______________ 330 331 Cosmetic and toilet preparations, _ . _ Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet articles___ ___ ____ __ 305 Average expenditure per family for per sonal care, total_________ ____________ $29.10 Personal care services, total _______ __ 13.98 Haircuts_________________ ____ _ 8.14 . 13 Shaves by barber__________________ Shampoos.__ _______ __________ __ . 70 Manicures_________ ______ ____ __ . . . .20 Permanent waves____________________ 2.63 2. 04 Other waves._______ ________________ . 14 Other personal care services___ _____ Toilet articles and preparations, total___ 15.12 4. 69 Toilet soap____________ _____________ Tooth powder, tooth paste, mouth 3. 42 washes____ _______ ____________ 4.50 Cosmetic and toilet preparations . _ _ Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet articles_________ _________ ________ 2.51 Average expenditure per person for per sonal care, total_______________ _ . . . __ 8. 64 32 83 62 43 37 48 $19. 30 8.00 6. 66 .03 0 0 1.23 .08 0 11.30 4. 57 $23. 79 11.41 8. 06 .20 .29 .04 1.97 . 79 .06 12. 38 4. 65 $28. 50 13. 61 8.03 . 21 .39 .08 2. 88 2. 02 0 14. 89 4.81 $33.45 16.20 8. 59 0 1.20 .35 3. 37 2. 63 .06 17. 25 5. 26 $31. 91 15.60 8. 30 . 06 .95 .07 2. 75 2. 82 . 65 16.31 4. 62 $40.92 20. 47 9.12 . 14 1. 75 .81 3. 78 4. 65 . 22 20.45 4. 25 3.18 2.12 2. 86 2.92 3. 40 3.94 3. 98 5. 58 3. 56 5.00 3. 99 8. 56 1. 43 1.95 2. 74 2. 43 3.13 3. 65 3. 84 6.19 8. 86 10.88 12. 37 17.92 8 12 9 18 3 1 0 3 2 4 42 4 2 11 35 38 16 45 3 3 0 0 7 1 89 12 14 21 28 25 14 39 2 1 0 0 3 1 68 16 5 14 22 28 13 27 3 0 0 1 5 0 47 15 9 15 13 18 10 26 0 0 0 2 5 1 40 8 6 18 17 28 9 31 5 4 0 1 6 3 48 11 9 20 $41. 28 $43. 20 $45.00 $70.67 $76.44 $95.00 2. 43 3. 80 8.11 8. 49 .20 .02 0 1. 62 1.80 2.11 6. 55 .88 .04 1. 89 5. 21 7.25 5.14 5. 47 .22 .36 0 0 2.23 .07 9.81 1. 98 . 19 4. 67 .60 5. 73 4. 51 5. 86 8. 68 . 16 .01 0 0 .89 . 55 10.27 3.91 .05 4. 02 .36 15. 20 10. 97 5. 67 7. 74 .38 0 0 .20 5. 71 0 12. 32 4. 43 .22 7.18 .65 3.83 10.99 19. 72 10.12 0 0 0 1. 70 8.66 .41 10.90 2.00 .21 7. 26 .64 10.23 13. 97 10. 72 12.92 1.08 2.91 0 .39 6. 71 5. 05 20.02 3. 63 .63 5.86 .88 8. 21 11.26 13. 98 23. 00 29. 62 41.56 M e d ic a l C are E x p en d itu r e s Number of families spending for medical care: Services of— General practitioner: Home__ ______ 123 149 Office_____ ____ 71 Specialist and other practitioner_____ Dentist____ __ __ __ ______ _ _ 186 16 __ _ ____ _______ _ Clinic______ 9 Nurse: In home: Private . . . Visiting____________ 0 In hospital. ______ ________ 7 Hospital: Private room_______________ 28 Bed in ward___ ______ __ 10 334 Medicine and drugs___ _. . . . ____ _ Eyeglasses.. ___ _____. . . __ ______ __ 66 45 Medical appliances. ______ ____ ____ . Accident and health insurance.. 99 Average expenditure per family for medical care, total . . . ___________ . __ $59. 02 Services of: General practitioner: Home________ 6. 96 8. 24 Office 8. 34 Specialist and other practitioner __ Dentist______________ ____ _____ __ . 8. 51 .33 Clinic_____ __________ ______ . . . __ . 54 Nurse: In home: Private___ ____ Visiting. ___ . _ _ _ 0 .50 In hospital _____________ Hospital: Private room_____ ____ _ 3. 84 1.21 Bed in ward . 11. 52 Medicine and drugs___________ . ... Eyeglasses__________________________ _ _ 2. 83 .22 Medical appliances___ _____ _________ _ A c c id e n t a n d h e a lt h in s u r a n c e 5. 21 .77 Other medical care_____________________ Average expenditure per person for medical 17. 52 care, total. _ ___________________________ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 330. 3. 34 250 T able 14.— WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION P erso n a l care expen ditu res and m edical care ex p en d itu res , by econ om ic level— Continued KANSAS C IT Y , M O .-K A N S —NEGRO FAM ILIES Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 and over P er so n a l C a re E x p en d itu r e s Families in survey..... ............................................. ........... .............. Number of families spending for personal care: Personal care services: Haircuts------------------------------------------------------------------------Shaves by barber_________________________________ ______ Shampoos______________________________________________ Manicures_________________________________________ __ . Permanent waves___________________ __ __________ ___ Other waves______________________________________ ___ Other personal care services___ ________________________ Toilet articles and preparations: Toilet soap_______________________ ________ _____ Tooth powder, tooth paste, mouth washes____ __________ Cosmetic and toilet preparations_______________________ Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet articles______ Average expenditure per family for personal care, total______ Personal care services, total______ ____________ ___________ Haircuts_______________________________________________ Shaves by barber________ __________________ . _ Shampoos_______________ _______ _____________________ Manicures_____ _________ ____________ _ __________ Permanent waves_____________ ___________ __________ Other waves____________________________________________ Other personal care services___ ______________ __________ Toilet articles and preparations, total_______________ _____ Toilet soap___ _________________________________________ Tooth powder, tooth paste, mouth washes---------------------Cosmetic and toilet preparations. _____________________ Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet articles__________ Average expenditure per person for personal care, total.......... 103 32 29 42 94 8 22 2 1 25 5 26 0 5 0 0 3 0 26 2 5 0 0 4 1 42 6 12 2 1 18 4 100 92 87 87 29 26 21 25 29 27 27 26 42 39 39 36 $24.96 12.94 7.88 .73 2.31 .04 .03 1. 62 .33 12. 02 4. 62 3. 55 1.98 1.87 7. 48 $20.53 10. 30 7.85* 0 2.27 0 0 .18 0 10.23 4. 20 3.82 1.11 1.10 4.07 $21. 71 10.07 6.87 .66 1.29 0 0 1.16 .09 11.64 4.55 3.29 2.11 1.69 8.15 $30. 56 16. 91 8.60 1.32 3.05 . 10 .07 3.03 .74 13. 65 4.98 3. 53 2. 56 2.58 12.23 41 38 6 25 6 0 0 0 1 0 97 14 8 53 13 11 2 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 30 4 4 15 7 11 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 2 14 21 16 3 10 2 0 0 0 1 0 40 10 2 24 $48. 22 $39.86 $32.13 $65. 69 6.50 4. 71 1.53 1.67 .05 0 0 0 .19 0 8. 75 2.18 .19 21.97 .48 14. 47 5.00 4.27 1.41 2.20 .09 0 0 0 0 0 6.08 1.98 .04 18.79 0 7. 91 1.24 3.83 .86 .66 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.94 0 .08 15.80 1.72 12.08 11. 26 5.65 2.10 1.98 .06 0 0 0 .46 0 11.30 3.84 .38 28. 66 0 26.28 M e d ic a l C a re E x p e n d itu r e s Number of families spending for medical care: Services of— General practitioner: Hom e.. --------------------------------- . . . Office_______________ . . . . ______ Specialist and other practitioner______ __ ______________ Dentist----------------------- ._ _____________ . ------------------Clinic ____________ ________ __________ ____________ . . Nurse: In home: Private ___ .. ______ . . . . . . Visiting___ __________________________ In hospital_____________________ ______________ Hospital: Private room-------------------------------------------------Bed in ward___ . . . . . Medicine and drugs____ ______ ______ _. . . . _______ Eyeglasses_______________ _________ . . . . . . ___________ Medical appliances. __ . _____ . . . _____ ____________ Accident and health insurance------ -----------------------------------Average expenditure per family for medical care, total___ __ Services of— General practitioner: Hom e.. -----------------------------------Office_____ ____ _ ____________ Specialist and other practitioner________________ ______ Dentist______ ____ _______ ________________ . . ---------Clinic____________ _______ _____________________ . . . . . Nurse: In home: Private. _________ . ... ----------Visiting______________________________ In hospital___ . . . ------------------- ---------------------Hospital: Private room-------------- ---------------------------- . . . Bed in ward_____ ___ _____________________ Medicine and drugs_____________ _________ _____________ Eyeglasses------------------ ----------------------- --------------------------Medical appliances______________________ ______________ Accident and health insurance--------- --------------- ---------- ------Other medical care_______________________________________ Average expenditure per person for medical care, total---------Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 330. 251 TABULAR SUMM ARY T able 1 4 . — P erson a l care expen ditu res and m edical care ex p en d itu res , by econ om ic level— Continued M IN N EAPO LIS-ST. PAUL, M I N N —W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level— Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Item fami lies Under $300 $300 to $400 to $500 to $600 to $400 $700 $500 $600 $700 and over P e r so n a l C are E x p e n d itu r e s Families in survey__________________________ Number of families spending for personal care: Personal care services: ............................. TTairents Shaves by barber_____________________ Shampoos____________________________ Manicures____________________________ Permanent waves____________________ Other waves________________________ Other personal care services___ _______ Toilet articles and preparations: 504 47 114 106 86 59 92 490 19 79 19 275 226 10 43 2 0 1 15 11 0 111 1 4 1 63 40 2 104 2 12 3 58 44 0 85 2 15 6 45 46 2 57 3 20 2 41 35 1 90 9 28 6 53 50 5 493 45 109 104 85 59 91 471 459 43 39 102 103 100 96 82 81 57 54 87 86 Tooth powder, tooth paste, mouth Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet 436 Average expenditure per family for per sonal care, tota l--______________ ______ $29. 57 15. 59 9. 96 . 14 Shaves by barber ____________________ .70 Shampoos_________ __________________ . 17 Manicures ______________ - ______ 2.24 Permanent waves____________________ 2. 34 Other waves _________ _____ - . 04 Other personal care services___ _______ 13. 98 Toilet articles and preparations, total----4. 59 Toilet soap _ _ - __ ________ Tooth powder, tooth paste, mouth 3. 52 washes __ ______ __ ________ Cosmetic and toilet preparations. _ . . 3. 76 Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet 2.11 articles. _ ________ ________ - ___ Average expenditure per person for per 8. 42 sonal care, total_______________________ 38 89 95 76 55 83 $19. 80 10.20 8.57 . 10 0 .01 . 82 .70 0 9.60 4. 44 $22. 77 11. 63 8. 82 .02 . 10 0) 1. 63 1.03 . 03 11.14 4.13 $28. 20 14. 69 10. 70 . 02 . 31 . 08 1.91 1. 67 0 13. 51 4. 47 $31. 86 16. 91 10. 40 . 07 . 78 . 37 2. 62 2. 61 .06 14. 95 4.95 $35. 57 19. 03 10. 28 . 40 1. 63 .24 2.99 3.47 .02 16. 54 5.10 $38. 59 20.93 10. 62 . 36 1. 58 . 35 3. 27 4. 61 . 14 17. 66 4. 70 2. 20 1.84 2.77 2. 68 3. 39 3.48 4.12 3. 63 4.41 4. 56 4.12 5.98 1.12 1. 56 2.17 2. 25 2.47 2. 86 3. 69 5.39 8. 01 10.16 12.13 16.04 12 14 8 29 2 2 1 0 5 1 39 8 47 55 19 78 2 1 0 0 5 7 30 47 23 58 2 0 0 1 13 5 77 29 10 28 25 41 15 40 2 5 0 2 8 3 52 19 14 19 31 48 23 62 4 0 0 2 10 100 29 17 33 37 57 22 69 5 1 0 0 11 7 98 26 11 36 $34.04 $44.41 $65.50 $76.90 $86.11 $101. 32 4.04 2. 77 3. 53 9.53 .55 .35 . 11 0 2.06 .43 5.04 2.02 .10 2.78 .73 5.28 4. 36 5.10 12.24 .07 .09 0 0 1.53 .87 7.54 3.32 . 16 3.47 .38 5.29 5. 66 12.90 15.02 1. 91 . 14 0 0 3.62 2.87 7.54 3. 05 .17 5. 62 1. 71 4.66 9. 03 14. 78 19. 88 .65 0 0 .16 6.90 1.06 9.09 4. 75 .30 4.15 1. 49 9. 36 11. 52 12. 88 15. 46 .07 2.10 0 2.28 5.27 3. 71 11.16 5.06 .24 4.83 2.17 8. 61 14.23 15. 53 18. 67 .40 0 3. 60 10.58 2.03 9.88 8. 25 .34 8.07 1.13 6.34 10. 52 18.59 24. 52 29.18 42.13 M e d ic a l C are E x p e n d itu r e s Number of families spending for medical care: Services of— 182 General practitioner: Home__________ 262 Office.............. . 110 Specialist and other practitioner______ 336 Dentist __ _______________________ ____ 17 Clinic - _______________ - 9 Nurse: In home: P rivate.___________ 1 Visiting________ __ 5 In hospital _____ _________ 52 Hospital: Private room ____ _______ 24 Bed in ward_________ ______ 444 Medicine and drugs____________________ 153 Eyeglasses__________ ________________ : 70 Medical appliances____ _ ________ 161 Accident and health insurance_______ Average expenditure per familyf or medical $68. 67 care, total. __ ___ ____ ___________ Services of: 6.15 General practitioner: Home____ _____ Office___________ 7. 92 11. 06 Specialist and other practitioner______ 15.42 Dentist___________ __________________ .66 Clinic___ ______________________ -.33 Nurse: In home: Private. _ _________ Visiting___ _________ . 01 .95 In hospital__________ _________ 5.02 Hospital: Private room______ _________ 1.82 Bed in ward_______________ 8. 42 Medicine and drugs_________________ __ 4. 49 Eyeglasses_______________ ______________ .22 Medical appliances _ __________ __ 4. 97 Accident and health insurance__________ 1.23 Other medical care. __ ________________ Average expenditure per person for medical 19. 55 care, total____ ______________________ . . 1 Less than 0.5 cent. 4 4 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 330. 4 78 42 14 38 0 252 T able W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN REGION 14. — P erso n a l care expenditures and m edical care ex p en d itu res , b y econ om ic level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O.—W H IT E FAMILIES Item All fami lies Economic level— Families spending per expendi ture unit per year $700 and over Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 54 65 94 62 42 84 51 2 0 1 26 6 0 64 5 2 0 23 10 0 88 5 10 1 54 24 0 60 4 6 1 40 28 0 42 2 1 18 15 0 82 9 16 3 55 46 0 54 64 93 61 42 83 48 49 55 56 80 88 59 57 37 38 83 78 P e r so n a l C a re E x p en d itu r e s Families in survey____________ __________ __ 401 Number of families spending for personal care: Personal care services: Haircuts________ ___ _____________ __ 387 Shaves by barber___ _______________ _ 27 Shampoos______________ _ __________ 39 Manicures_________________ ______ ___ 7 Permanent waves_____ ______________ 216 129 Other waves__________________________ 0 Other personal care services__________ Toilet articles and preparations: Toilet soap _ _______ 397 Tooth powder, tooth paste, mouth 362 washes. _______ _________ _ _ 366 Cosmetic and toilet preparations __ Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet articles__ ________ ____ _ _____ _ 306 Average expenditure per family for per sonal care, total_________ ______ _ __ $28. 48 Personal care services, total____________ 14. 44 Haircuts__________ ____ ___________ 8. 77 Shaves by barber_________ ________ .59 Shampoos_________ __ _ _ ______ __ .65 .04 Manicures_______________ ___________ Permanent waves_____ ______________ 2.42 Other waves__________________________ 1.97 Other personal care services___ ____ 0 14.04 Toilet articles and preparations, total___ Toilet soap. _____ ________ _______ 4. 93 Tooth powder, tooth paste, mouth washes__ __ _______ _ _ __ __ __ 3.50 Cosmetic and toilet preparations_____ 3. 73 Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet 1.88 articles._______ _ __ ________ __ Average expenditure per person for per 8.17 sonal care, total____________ __ _______ 5 37 50 74 46 32 67 $21. 71 10. 01 7. 81 .23 0 .01 1. 53 .43 0 11.70 5.40 $23.49 11.07 8. 37 .41 .07 0 1.40 .82 0 12. 42 4.84 $28. 76 14.00 8. 36 .48 .31 .01 2. 80 2.04 0 14. 76 4. 86 $27. 82 14. 66 9.06 .38 . 70 .07 2. 76 1.69 0 13.16 4. 63 $25. 94 13. 23 8. 74 . 17 . 79 .06 1. 79 1. 68 0 12. 71 4. 56 $38.16 20. 83 9. 93 1.44 1. 81 . 11 3. 41 4.13 0 17. 33 5.18 2.81 2.16 2.63 3. 05 3. 54 3. 99 3. 84 3. 58 3.09 3. 37 4. 52 5. 28 1.33 1.90 2. 37 1.11 1.69 2. 35 3.88 5.73 8. 01 9. 27 9. 86 16. 63 24 35 8 35 6 1 0 0 33 51 9 41 15 21 14 16 1 0 0 1 1 3 4 11 5 2 88 24 10 30 14 30 2 0 0 0 5 1 16 3 3 30 22 2 38 10 6 17 25 51 22 52 1 0 0 2 10 0 76 25 8 31 $36. 72 $38. 20 $58. 84 $58. 01 $72.06 $91.15 4. 54 5.16 3.85 5. 82 1.29 0 .05 0 .93 .70 9.14 3.44 .01 1.75 .04 4.15 4. 58 3. 69 7. 31 .98 . 14 0 0 .62 3.73 8.18 1.75 .02 2. 59 .46 4.42 8. 62 6. 43 11.15 . 19 . 13 0 .48 4. 08 . 66 14.12 2.87 . 12 4. 26 1.31 5. 77 11.87 8. 35 8. 21 . 15 0 0 0 4. 80 2.12 9. 43 3.12 .09 3. 25 .85 4. 67 7. 23 23.90 5. 99 . 21 0 0 .36 4. 74 1.59 10. 84 2. 25 .27 6.13 3. 88 3.16 15. 56 22. 89 17. 67 .06 0 0 . 60 5. 42 0 13. 58 4.04 .38 5. 86 1. 93 6. 56 9.31 16. 40 19. 34 27. 36 39.73 M e d ic a l C are E x p e n d itu r e s Number of families spending for medical care: Services of— 125 General practitioner: H o m e ..____ _ 216 Office______ ___ Specialist and other practitioner___ _ 76 D e n tist...__ ______ __________ ____ 199 _____ _ __ __ 18 Clinic.- -_ _____ 2 Nurse: In home: Private_____________ 1 Visiting___ ________ In hospital____________ . . . _ 4 Hospital: Private room. ________ . 26 Bed in w a r d .______ . 13 Medicine and drugs____ ______________ 370 Eyeglasses_______ ________ ____________ 95 22 Medical appliances____ _ _____ __ __ 126 Accident and health insurance___ ____ Average expenditure per family for medical care, total___ ______ ______________ _ $60. 51 Services of— General practitioner: Home_______ _ 4. 36 9. 31 Office________ -_ Specialist and other practitioner ____ 11. 21 Dentist... ________ __ __ ___ _ __ __ 10.18 .43 Clinic__________ _______________ ____ .05 Nurse: In home: Private._ ______ __ Visiting__________ .01 In hospital_____________ __ .27 Hospital: Private room____ ____ __ 3. 55 Bed in ward_______________ 1. 35 Medicine and drugs____________ ______ _ 11.30 2.98 Eyeglasses_____________ _ _____________ . 15 Medical appliances.. __________________ 4.03 Accident and health insurance._________ 1.33 Other medical care.- _______ _________ Average expenditure per person for medical care, total_____ ____ ____ _________ _ 17.41 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 330. 18 28 9 25 5 0 1 0 1 2 52 13 ' 1 10 61 3 1 0 1 55 12 4 253 TABULAR SUMM ARY T able 14,— P erson a l care expenditures and m edical care ex p en d itu res , by econ om ic level— Continued Item St. Louis, Mo.—Negro families Economic level— Families spend ing per expendi All ture unit per year families $400 Under $300 and to $300 $400 over Salt Lake City , Utah—White families All fami lies Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over P er so n a l C are E x p en d itu r e s 106 28 Families in survey_________________ 27 51 No. fam. spending for personal care: Personal care services: Haircuts____ ____ -- -103 27 26 50 Shaves by barber------------8 2 1 5 42 Shampoos. . _ ___ . 10 12 20 1 Manicures________________ 1 0 0 Permanent waves _ _______ - _ 0 0 0 0 Other waves________________ 19 3 9 7 Other personal care services___ 2 1 1 0 Toilet articles and preparations: 104 28 Toilet s o a p ._______ ________ 27 49 Tooth powder, tooth paste, 21 mouth washes. _______ _ . . 90 23 46 Cosmetic and toilet preps____ 78 18 41 19 Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet articles... .. . 46 11 21 14 Average expenditure per family for $26.86 $25. 24 $25. 60 $28.40 personal care, total________ _ Personal care services, total_____ 15.10 13.09 14.60 16. 47 Haircuts________ . . . _ __ 7. 26 7.17 7.50 7.18 Shaves by barber----------.84 1.27 .58 1.87 4. 76 Shampoos. ___ _________ _ 4.00 5.31 4.88 .01 Manicures... _________ _____ 0 .03 0 0 Permanent waves_ _ . . . . . . 0 0 0 1.61 1.21 Other waves___________ .75 2.30 Other personal care services. __ .19 0 .24 .30 Toilet articles and preps., total. _ 11.76 12.15 11.00 11.93 Toilet soap _ . . 5. 25 6.06 4.81 5.23 Tooth powder, tooth paste, 3.24 mouth washes_______ _____ 3.64 2.84 3.23 C osmetic and toilet preps. _ _. 1. 27 2.02 2.92 2.26 Brushes, razor blades, and other toilet articles_________ 1.01 1.18 .91 .97 Average expenditure per person for 4.84 personal care, total. _____ ____ 7.94 7. 64 11.88 210 54 55 72 29 199 9 7 3 121 72 5 53 2 2 0 33 15 1 51 2 0 0 32 18 1 66 3 3 3 36 23 1 29 2 2 0 20 16 2 206 54 55 68 29 180 185 46 44 40 49 68 63 26 29 118 28 28 41 21 $31. 48 $28. 77 $28. 57 $29. 90 $46.10 14.23 12. 65 13.10 13.15 22.08 8. 72 8. 26 8. 61 8.26 10.95 .24 .06 .15 .45 .21 .09 0 .08 .09 .29 0 0 .03 .10 0 3.12 2. 41 3. 01 3.05 5.20 1.87 1.18 1.66 4. 84 1.27 .16 .06 .02 . 18 .59 17. 25 16.12 15. 47 16. 75 24. 02 5. 34 5. 69 5.96 4. 46 4.97 4. 67 5.73 4. 36 4. 67 3.95 4.79 4. 73 5.13 6.48 11.00 1. 51 1.13 1.04 1.92 2.08 8. 26 5. 46 7. 05 9. 55 19.70 61 84 59 127 9 7 0 0 20 6 167 55 33 24 16 17 14 33 1 3 0 0 2 1 38 19 9 8 21 21 19 31 3 1 0 0 2 2 43 10 5 10 19 32 22 43 5 3 0 0 13 2 63 14 13 3 5 14 4 20 0 0 0 0 3 1 23 12 6 3 M e d ic a l C are E x p en d itu r e s No. fam. spending for medical care: Services of— General practitioner: Home _ __ 37 8 12 17 Office__ 44 8 11 25 Specialist practitioner . . . . 4 1 3 0 Dentist . . . _ _ _ . . 16 4 4 8 _______ 5 2 2 Clinic.. 1 Nurse: In home: Private _. _ 0 0 0 0 Visiting __ . 0 0 0 0 In hospital ___ . . . 0 0 0 0 Hospital: Private room_______ 2 0 1 1 Bed in ward___ . . . 1 1 0 0 Medicine and drugs . . . ___ 85 25 20 40 Eyeglasses____________ _______ 2 15 1 12 Medical appliances _ ___ __ _ 1 4 0 3 Accident and health insurance. __ 9 53 31 13 Average expenditure per family for medical care, total. _ _ _ _ . $47. 87 $31.39 $47. 03 $57. 38 Services of— General practitioner: Home__ 3. 39 2.28 3. 75 3.28 6. 47 Office..., .94 11.43 6.88 Specialist, practitioner_____ _ 1.61 3.17 3.04 0 Dentist... ____ . . . 3. 41 3.46 3.44 3.30 .21 Clinic . . .18 .19 .24 Nurse: In home: Private. _. . 0 0 0 0 Visiting___ 0 0 0 0 In hospital. . 0 0 0 0 Hospital: Private room.. 0 1.94 .16 .57 Bed in ward___ ._ .42 0 0 1.57 Medicine and drugs.. ... . _ 9.80 7. 44 9.58 11. 21 Eyeglasses____ __ ___ ______ 1.62 2.69 .93 •36 Medical appliances. _________ _ 0 .02 .04 .02 Accident and health insurance- 20. 46 10.88 14. 32 28.97 0 0 0 0 other medical care. _ ____ . . . Average expenditure per person for medical care, total___ ___ _ 14.17 6.03 14.03 24. 01 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 330, $63. 63 $56.88 $58. 93 $65. 46 $80. 78 4.86 7.40 15.44 11.61 .48 .79 0 0 3. 79 .99 10. 52 4.36 .25 2.68 .46 3.04 7. 53 12.48 10.48 .64 .68 0 0 1.82 1.34 9.88 5.45 .20 3. 34 0 7. 27 4.10 18. 82 7.88 .30 .52 0 0 2. 05 1.36 8. 72 3.02 . 17 4.28 .44 5.24 9. 52 12.97 13.26 .70 1.39 0 0 5.45 .21 11.14 3. 25 .26 1.08 .99 2. 77 8.18 20. 65 16.67 0 0 0 0 6.68 1.58 13.58 7.66 .48 2.45 .08 16.70 10.79 14. 55 20.91 34.52 254 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T able 15 .— R ecreation ex p en d itu res , b y econ om ic level D EN VER , COLO.—W H IT E FAMILIES Item All fami lies Economic level — Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over R ec re a tio n E x p e n d itu r e s Families in survey________ _____ ____________________________ Number of families owning radios____ ___ _____ _____________ Number of families spending for— Reading: Newspapers, street...................... ................................................ Newspapers, home delivery_______________ ____________ Magazines______ ______________________ ____________ ____ Books purchased (other than school texts)________________ Books borrowed from loan libraries.. ________ _______ ___ Tobacco: Cigars___________ ______________________ ___________ ____ Cigarettes............................... ............................................ .......... Pipe tobacco.............................. ..................................... .............. Other tobacco____________ ______ ________________ _____ _ Commercial entertainment: Movies (adult admission)............................. .................... ....... Movies (child admission)........................... .................... .......... Plays and concerts______ _____ _____ ______ _______ _____ Spectator s p o r t s ................ .......... .......... .......................... ....... Recreational equipment: Musical instruments................. ...................................... .......... Sheet music, records, rolls---------- ----------------- --------------------Radio purchase__________________________________________ Radio upkeep___________________________________________ Cameras, films, and photographic equipment_____________ Athletic equipment and supplies_________________________ Children’s play equipment. _ __________________________ Pets (purchase and care). ___________________ _______ ___ Recreational associations. _ -------- ---------- ---------------------------Entertaining: In home, except food and drinks.......................................... ....... Out of home, except food and drinks-------- ------------------------Average expenditure for recreation, total____________________ _ Reading, total___ . . . . ____________________________________ Newspapers, street . . . ------------------------------- --------------------Newspapers, home delivery___ __________ ____ _______ _ Magazines------------------ ---------- ------------------------- -----------------Books purchased (other than school texts) ________________ Books borrowed from loan libraries__________ ______ _____ Tobacco, total. ._ . . . ___________________________ _____ _ Cigars------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cigarettes________________________ _____ _________________ Pipe tobacco_________________ _______ ________________ . . Other tobacco__ ________________________________ ____ ___ Commercial entertainment, total________ ______ ___________ Movies (adult admission)....... ................. ................... .......... Fall_______________________ ____________ ______ _____ _ Winter........ .................................................................. .............. Spring__________ ______ _______ _________ ________ ____ Summer......................... ...................................... ............. ....... Movies (child admission)................................. ........... .......... Fall............... .......... ................................................................Winter____ ____________________________ _______ _______ Spring_______________________________ _________________ Summer____________________________ ____ ______________ Plays and concerts_________ __________ ____ _________ ___ Spectator sports____________________ ________________ ____ Recreational equipment, total____ ______ ________ _____ ___ Musical instruments.......................... ..................................... Sheet music, records, rolls............... ....................................... . Radio purchase________________________ _________________ Radio upkeep_____________________ __________________ ___ Cameras, films, and photographic equipment______________ Athletic equipment and supplies__________________ ______ Children’s play equipment________ _______ ________ _____ Pets (purchase and care)............ ............................................ Recreational associations..................................................... .......... Entertaining: In home, except food and drinks_________ ____ ____________ Out of home, except food and drinks............... ................. ......... Other recreation---------------------------------------- ---------- ------------Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 331, 295 204 92 47 106 79 97 78 46 242 159 20 10 13 70 37 5 4 18 88 60 11 3 15 84 62 4 3 41 170 62 17 5 45 22 8 18 65 12 4 18 60 28 5 249 61 17 43 70 27 5 5 92 27 7 17 87 7 5 21 14 22 29 93 69 22 40 54 48 8 7 10 19 19 7 16 12 10 2 8 7 38 22 3 18 23 16 4 7 12 36 28 12 6 19 22 27 12 6 2 9 4 12 6 $79.16 15.32 1.44 10.02 2.96 .81 .09 24.21 2.23 19. 54 1.83 .61 15.93 13.43 3.40 3.43 3.33 3. 27 1.42 .36 .36 .36 .34 .18 .90 1>3.18 1.90 .28 4. 57 1.06 .75 .84 1.38 2.40 1.82 $57.41 12.07 .97 8. 77 1.71 .60 .02 16.69 .69 13.54 1.59 .87 12.19 9.66 2.43 2.44 2.40 2. 39 2.23 .58 .58 .56 .51 .18 .12 13. 66 4. 41 14 4.82 .66 .55 .27 1.64 1.17 .75 $73. 20 16.10 1.80 10.25 2.95 1.07 .03 23.74 2. 52 19.48 1.20 .54 16. 43 13.95 3. 56 3. 56 3.43 3.40 1.43 .36 .36 .36 .35 .19 .86 9.00 .24 .42 2.54 1.24 .54 .19 1.67 2.16 1.30 $106. 34 17. 55 1.49 10.95 4.16 .74 .21 31.85 3. 36 25. 28 2.76 .45 18.96 16.47 4.15 4.24 4.11 3.97 .64 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 1.69 17. 31 1.33 .26 6.56 1.25 1.18 2.09 .83 3.81 3.40 .83 .91 6.96 .40 .35 1.30 .38 1.30 4.95 1.73 1.03 14.51 255 TABULAR SUM M ARY T able 15. — R ecreation exp en d itu res , b y econ om ic level— Continued KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S.— W H IT E FAM ILIES Item R ec re a tio n All fami lies Under $300 $300 to $400 to $500 to $600 to $400 $500 $600 $700 $700 and over E x p e n d itu r e s Families in survey_________________________ Number of families owning radios__________ Number of familes spending for— Reading: Newspapers, street ----------------------------Newspapers, home delivery____________ Magazines______ . _ _ ____ _____________ Books purchased (other than school texts). Books borrowed from loan libraries______ Tobacco: Cigars---------------------------------------------------Cigarettes----------------------------- --------------Pipe tobacco. . . . __________________ Other tobacco............... ............................ Commercial entertainment: Movies (adult admission).......................... Movies (child admission)......................... . Plays and concerts__ ________ ________ Spectator sports................................. ........ Recreational equipment: Musical instruments___________________ Sheet music, records, rolls______________ Radio purchase-------------------------------------Radio upkeep _________________________ Cameras, films, and photographic equipment___ _______ __________ ________ Athletic equipment and supplies__ _____ Children’s play equipment_____________ Pets (purchase and care) _ ____________ Recreational associations ________________ Entertaining: In home, except food and drinks________ Out of home, except food and drinks____ Average expenditure for recreation, total_____ Reading, total---------------------- . . . . _^_ Newspapers, street . _______ __ Newspapers, home delivery -----------------Magazines.— __________ _____________ Books purchased (other than school texts)... . . . . -------------- --- __ Books borrowed from loan libraries- . . . Tobacco, total________ . . . . ._ ______ Cigars__________ _ _ _ . . . _____ ____ _ Cigarettes . . . _____ _ _ _________ _ Pipe tobacco ___________ ____________ Other tobacco_____________ ___________ Commercial entertainment, total_________ Movies (adult admission) _____ _ Fall__________________________________ Winter _ _______ _ ___________ Spring_______ .._ ________ ______ Summer_______________ _____________ Movies (child admission)________ ____ _ Fall__________________________________ Winter______________ .__........................ Spring_______________________________ Summer______________________________ Plays and concerts______ _________ __ Spectator sports________________________ Recreational equipment, total____________ Musical instruments _ ___ ____________ Sheet music, records, rolls______________ Radio purchase____ ._ ............. ......... Radio upkeep ________ __ ____________ Cameras, films, and photographic equip ment___________________ ____ ______ Athletic equipment and supplies. _______ Children’s play equipment____________ Pets (purchase and care) ______________ Recreational associations............................... Entertaining: In home, except food and drinks_________ Out of home, except food and drinks_____ Other recreation____ _____________________ 357 245 45 30 92 56 73 48 50 35 43 33 54 43 18 339 154 25 8 2 42 13 1 0 3 85 27 8 2 4 70 26 3 0 3 48 25 5 2 3 41 31 2 2 3 53 32 6 2 38 205 101 21 4 16 17 6 7 48 32 8 8 48 24 4 4 30 9 1 7 27 9 1 8 36 10 1 301 100 25 66 28 20 2 5 76 33 8 15 61 24 2 11 45 12 4 11 41 6 1 8 50 5 8 16 14 22 36 82 1 1 4 10 5 9 6 17 3 4 8 17 2 3 6 12 3 3 5 12 0 2 7 14 77 30 71 63 49 4 2 8 6 7 20 7 24 13 15 19 4 14 13 7 11 3 14 8 5 14 5 6 10 3 9 9 5 13 12 34 20 $69. 26 11.87 .36 8.70 2.02 1 1 $40.74 9.64 .43 8. 34 .85 5 2 $54. 01 11.00 .31 8.35 1.20 5 3 $62. 57 11.07 .55 8.41 1.48 6 2 $91. 48 12.83 .32 9.06 2. 46 6 5 $85. 52 13.79 .20 9. 21 3.63 11 7 $94. 70 13.89 .31 9. 26 3.40 .76 .03 24.96 1.43 20. 33 2. 70 .50 16.08 12. 61 3. 21 3.23 3.07 3.10 2.18 .54 .55 .55 .54 .21 1.08 12.15 2.63 .18 4. 77 .83 .02 0 16.04 1.08 11. 02 3.32 .62 8.95 5. 65 1.38 1.46 1.39 1.42 2.91 .73 .73 .72 .73 .08 .31 5.14 .22 .02 2.74 .74 1.14 0) 19. 27 .47 15.11 3. 01 .68 11.55 7. 30 1.79 1.85 1.84 1.82 2. 91 .71 .75 .73 .72 . 12 1.22 8. 76 2. 36 .31 2.02 .53 .63 0 23. 51 1.14 17. 67 3. 92 .78 14. 90 11.58 3.06 2.94 2.82 2. 76 2. 69 .69 .66 .68 .66 .12 .51 10.68 1.64 .10 5.23 .95 .97 .02 31.84 2. 54 27. 47 1.63 .20 19.93 16. 27 4. 07 4.13 3.94 4.13 1.57 .38 .38 .42 .39 .33 1.76 18.14 5.10 .18 8.12 .91 .62 .13 27.68 1.57 24.10 1. 71 .30 20.92 17. 56 4. 59 4.68 4.12 4.17 2.08 .52 .52 .52 .52 .12 1.16 19. 71 7. 87 .29 3.78 .96 .82 .10 35. 55 2. 63 30. 94 1.80 . 18 23.96 21. 55 5.49 5. 44 5. 27 5. 35 .26 .06 .08 .06 .06 .56 1.59 14.19 0 .08 8.19 1.07 .46 .42 1.49 1.37 1.08 .17 .05 1.04 .16 .72 .41 .17 2.18 .78 .92 .46 .17 1.57 .56 .63 .60 .78 1.68 .77 .74 .74 .74 .97 4.36 .53 .44 .95 .82 2.64 3.04 .47 .34 2. 31 .02 .02 .21 .08 .08 2.35 .55 .28 .95 .58 .56 6.86 1.10 .80 .99 .80 .58 2. 69 1 Less than 0.5 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 331, Economic level— Families spending per expendi ture unit per year WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION 256 T able 15. — R ecreation ex p en d itu res , b y econ om ic level— Continued KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S .—NEGRO FAM ILIES Item All fami lies Economic level — Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 and over R ec re a tio n E x p e n d itu r e s Families in survey_________________ __ ____________________ Number of families owning radios________________ _________ Number of families spending for— Reading: Newspapers, street. . . . __________ ______________________ Newspapers, home delivery___________ ___________ ______ Magazines___________________________________ _______ ____ Books purchased (other than school texts)________________ Books borrowed from loan libraries............. ..................... ....... Tobacco: Cigars___________________________________________ _______ Cigarettes______ ____ ____ _______________________________ Pipe tobacco___________ ______________ __________________ Other tobacco___________ __________ ________ ____________ Commercial entertainment: Movies (adult admission).......................................................... Movies (child admission)___ ________ ____________________ Plays and concerts______________ __________ _________ __ Spectator sports.__ __________ _____ _________________ . . . Recreational equipment: Musical instruments______________ ____ _________________ Sheet music, records, rolls_____________ ____ _____________ Radio purchase... ______ ___________ ___ __ _____ __ Radio u p k e e p ..________________________________________ Cameras, films, and photographic equipment____________ Athletic equipment and supplies________ __ ._ ________ _ Children’s play equipment.__ ________________ _____ _ Pets (purchase and care)_________________________________ Recreational associations__ __ ______________________ __ __ Entertaining: In home, except food and drinks______________________ Out of home, except food and drinks____________ . . . Average expenditure for recreation, total____ ______ ... . . . Reading, total_________________________ ________________ __ Newspapers, street_____________ ____ . _ _____ Newspapers, home delivery___ __ _______ ____ __ ___ Magazines_______ ________ Books purchased (other than school texts) ._ _____ _ ___ Books borrowed from loan libraries-. ___ ______ Tobacco, total____ __________ Cigars_____ Cigarettes_______________ ______ __ _ _ _ Pipe tobacco ______________ Other tobacco____________ _____ __ _ __________ __ _ Commercial entertainment, total______ ____________________ Movies (adult admission)_______ _ __ _ _ Fall_____________ Winter____________ _______ Spring___ ______ ___________ _ ______ _______ Summer__________ ________ ___ Movies (child admission)____________ ____ _________ Fall_______________ ___________ _______ W in te r ._______ Spring....................................... Summer_____ _ Plays and concerts_____ _________ _______________________ Spectator sports_____________ ____ _____________ _ ______ Recreational equipment, total............. .................. ...... .......... Musical instruments_____ ________ ______________________ Sheet music, records, rolls. _ _ _ _ Radio purchase.__ _ _ ___ _____ Radio upkeep_________ _ ............... ........ Cameras, films, and photographic equipment_______ _____ Athletic equipment and supplies . . _ _____ Children’s play equipment___________________________ __ Pets (purchase and care)_________________________________ Recreational associations................. _ ______________ _ Entertaining: In home, except food and drinks. __ _ ___________________ Out of home, except food and drinks_____ _________________ Other recreation... _________ ______________________________ 1 Less than 0.5 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 331. 103 70 32 23 29 20 42 27 7 94 20 1 0 3 27 4 0 0 2 26 5 0 0 2 41 11 1 0 19 42 30 14 3 12 10 3 7 10 11 3 9 20 9 8 77 31 9 14 20 19 2 2 25 5 2 3 32 7 5 9 0 2 7 21 4 2 11 10 10 0 0 4 5 2 1 5 3 1 0 0 0 5 1 0 3 1 4 0 2 3 11 1 1 3 6 5 11 2 $50.14 10.11 .34 9.29 .48 (0 0 20. 97 2. 69 12. 92 3.15 2. 21 9.28 7.11 1.82 1.82 1.76 1.71 1. 45 .36 .35 .38 .36 .17 .55 5. 04 0 .07 3.12 .72 .11 .19 .55 .28 .58 1 0 $36. 40 8. 36 .76 7.48 .12 0 0 14. 52 1.02 9. 73 2.47 1.30 7. 55 3.99 1.02 1.02 .99 .96 3.26 .82 .80 .84 .80 .07 .23 5. 77 0 0 4. 77 .18 .08 .06 .48 .20 .03 1 0 $40. 28 10. 21 . 16 9.64 .41 0 0 18.11 2. 09 10.89 4. 32 .81 9. 34 7. 93 2. 06 2.07 1.94 1.86 .72 .18 .18 .18 .18 .12 .57 1. 72 0 0 0 .61 .07 0 .97 .07 .69 9 2 $67. 40 11. 39 .15 10. 42 .81 0. 01 0 27. 86 4. 37 16. 75 2.87 3. 87 10. 55 8. 91 2.26 2.25 2. 22 2.18 .58 .13 .13 .16 .16 .28 .78 6.75 0 . 17 4.02 1. 22 .12 .42 .31 .49 .94 .47 .14 3.55 .16 0 .01 .10 0 .11 .96 .33 8.62 257 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 15. — R ecreation ex p en d itu res , b y eco n o m ic level— Continued M IN N EAPO L IS-ST . PAUL M I N N —W H IT E FAM ILIES Item All fami lies Economic level— Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 to $600 to $500 $600 $700 $700 and over R ec re a tio n E x p e n d it u r e s Families in survey___ ___________________ Number of families owning radios__________ Number of families spending for— Reading: Newspapers, street_____________________ Newspapers, home delivery______ ___ Magazines_____________________________ Books purchased (other than school texts)________________________________ Books borrowed from loan libraries.___ Tobacco: Pipe tobacco___________________________ Other tobacco________________________ . Commercial entertainment: Movies (adult admission)______________ Movies (child admission)_______________ Plays and concerts_____________________ Spectator sports________________________ Recreational equipment: Musical instruments_________________ . Sheet music, records, rolls______________ Radio purchase_________ _______ _____ Radio upkeep _ ________________ Cameras, films, and photographic equip ment __________ _____________________ Athletic equipment and supplies_______ Children’s play equipment. ___________ Pets (purchase and care)................... Recreational associations_________________ Entertaining: In home, except food and drinks_______ Out of home, except food and drinks____ Average expenditure for recreation, total____ Reading, total___ ________ _______________ Newspapers, street_____ _____ ______ Newspapers, home delivery_____ ______ Magazines__________ __________________ Books purchased (other than school texts)________ _________ ____________ Books borrowed from loan libraries_____ Tobacco, to ta l.____ __ _______________ Cigars_________ ___ _________________ Cigarettes ________________ . . _______ Pipe tobacco__________________ _____ __ Other tobacco__________________________ Commercial entertainment, t o t a l._______ Movies (adult admission)______________ Fall__________________________________ Winter_______________________________ Spring_______________________________ Summer_______________ ______ _______ Movies (child admission)_______________ Fall__________________________________ Winter_______________________________ Spring_______________________________ Summer______________________________ Plays and concerts_____________________ Spectator sports________________________ Recreational equipment, total____________ Musical isntruments____ _________ ____ Sheet music, records, rolls.. ___________ Radio purchase________________________ Radio upkeep__ _ _ _________________ Cameras, films, and photographic equip ment_________________________________ A t,hip,tip. e q u i p m e n t , a n d s u p p l i e s Children’s play equipment_____________ Pets (purchase and care)_______________ Recreational associations.____ ___________ Entertaining: In home, except food and drinks________ Out of home, except food and drinks........ Other recreation_____ ____ _______________ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 331. 504 445 47 36 114 98 106 91 86 77 59 56 92 87 87 472 305 6 43 18 19 107 65 10 102 67 21 79 52 11 55 38 20 86 65 30 22 0 0 6 5 8 3 4 5 2 2 10 7 79 301 118 53 2 24 13 4 17 65 27 19 13 63 25 11 13 44 14 9 9 37 14 5 25 68 25 5 430 152 42 146 34 30 2 5 95 52 6 25 89 33 5 22 77 18 5 25 55 13 11 25 80 6 13 44 22 48 40 178 2 3 1 15 6 12 6 41 6 9 8 31 1 7 13 27 4 9 2 23 3 8 10 41 161 49 99 79 85 11 2 9 4 5 36 9 25 12 18 39 8 30 13 14 25 11 17 14 18 21 4 13 10 15 29 15 5 26 15 38 20 $72.30 13. 01 1.00 8.87 2.63 1 0 $42.01 9.06 .54 7. 35 1.17 7 3 $55. 31 11.25 .70 8.43 1. 93 6 2 $63.88 12.65 .51 9. 29 2. 73 $71. 01 13.05 1.44 8.92 2. 28 .33 .18 25.04 1.79 20. 32 1.75 1.18 14. 22 10. 61 2.78 2.92 2.56 2. 35 1. 86 .48 .48 .46 .44 .28 1.47 12.34 2.42 .22 3. 52 1.33 0 0 17. 73 .06 14.03 2.20 1.44 8. 86 5.68 1.39 1.58 1.41 1.30 2. 94 .75 .79 .74 .66 .04 .20 4.33 1.13 .07 .87 .88 .11 .08 22. 35 1.94 16. 65 1.94 1.82 10. 82 6.98 1.79 1.89 1.65 1.65 2.96 .76 .76 .74 .70 .16 .72 6.49 .93 . 18 1.10 1.37 .10 .02 21.83 1.02 18.22 1.67 .92 11.97 9. 61 2. 62 2. 69 2.20 2.10 1.81 .48 .48 .43 .42 .03 .52 12.36 3.06 .27 3.54 .98 .19 .22 20.33 1.13 16. 55 1.45 1.20 16.23 13.67 3.59 3. 70 3.32 3.06 1.13 .29 .32 .27 .25 .13 1.30 14.70 1.45 .24 6. 05 1.23 . 12 .35 30. 76 1.76 26.89 1.39 .72 19. 59 14.38 3.68 3.80 3. 57 3. 33 1.60 .39 .38 .41 .42 .72 2.89 12.74 4. 76 .31 2.87 1.33 1.28 .41 36.58 4.02 29. 83 1.91 .82 18.47 13. 56 3. 56 3.88 3. 37 2. 75 .80 .20 .20 .20 .20 .71 3.40 21.19 3.58 . 19 5.89 2.02 .92 1.15 1.38 1.40 1.85 .28 .02 .98 .10 .65 .62 .22 1.37 .70 .76 .94 .78 2.07 .72 1.58 .94 1. 52 1.59 1. 68 1.83 .92 .44 1.20 .91 3. 76 1.58 3. 44 .71 3.78 2. 93 .47 .27 5.10 .05 0 1.33 .25 .04: 3.35 1 .32 .10 3.07 .32 .64 3.91 .64 .38 6.58 1.14 .48 11.69 4 4 11 9 6 5 $89. 01 $109. 00 14. 56 16. 52 1. 61 1.34 9.02 9. 56 3.46 3.93 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION 258 T able 15. — Recreation exp en d itu res , b y econ om ic level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O .-K A N S.—W H IT E FAMILIES Item All fami lies Economic level- -Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 to $700 $600 $700 and over R ec re a tio n E x p e n d itu r e s Families in survey— ____________ ________ Number of families owning radios................... Number of families spending for— Reading: Newspapers, street_________ ______ ____ Newspapers, home delivery_____________ Magazines_________________________ ___ Books purchased (other than school texts)_________________________________ Books borrowed from loan libraries_____ Tobacco: Cigars__________________________________ Cigarettes_____________________ ________ Pipe tobacco.......................... ...................... Other tobacco__________________________ Commercial entertainment: Movies (adult admission)_______________ Movies (child admission)............................ Plays and concerts................................ ....... Spectator sports............... ..................... ....... Recreational equipment: Musical instruments_________ _________ Sheet music, records, rolls__________ Radio purchase_______ _______ _______ Radio upkeep__________________________ Cameras, films, and photographic equip______ __ __ ___ ment___ ________ Athletic equipment and supplies______ Children’s play equipment____________ Pets (purchase and care)__________ __ Recreational associations____________ Entertaining: In home, except food and drinks________ Out of home, except food and drinks___ Average expenditure for recreation, total____ Reading, total___ __________ ___ ______ Newspapers, street____________ ____ Newspapers, home delivery___________ Magazines___ ________ ____________ _ Books purchased (other than school texts)________ _______________________ Books borrowed from loan libraries_____ Tobacco, total____________________________ Cigars_________________________________ Cigarettes_________________ _____ ______ Pipe tobacco___ ________ _ _ ____________ Other tobacco________________________ __ Commercial entertainment, total_________ Movies (adult admission)_______________ Fall__________________________________ Winter__________________________ ___ Spring__________________________ ___ Summer_______________________ ___ Movies (child admission)_______________ Fall__________________________________ Winter............... ................... ........ ........ Spring____ ____ ______________________ Summer______________________________ Plays and concerts_____________________ Spectator sports________________________ Recreational equipment, total____________ Musical instruments____________________ Sheet music, records, rolls______ _______ Radio purchase_________________________ Radio upkeep................................................ Cameras, films, and photographic equip ment____________________ _____ ______ Athletic equipment and supplies............. Children’s play equipment:______ _____ Pets (purchase and care)............................ Recreational associations............................ Entertaining: In home, except food and drinks............... Out of home, except food and drinks....... Other recreation............. ................................ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 331. 401 352 54 44 65 56 94 85 62 55 42 38 84 74 260 225 152 33 26 14 40 36 16 56 53 38 42 35 28 26 24 17 63 51 39 15 12 0 0 1 0 3 3 1 4 0 1 10 4 64 230 96 39 2 28 12 14 8 35 12 3 17 58 30 10 12 40 15 6 8 23 11 4 17 55 16 2 337 109 32 102 41 31 4 7 51 28 0 6 77 29 8 22 54 11 5 18 38 4 4 13 76 6 11 36 5 14 36 101 0 3 5 10 1 1 3 13 2 3 6 28 0 1 8 22 2 4 2 7 0 2 12 21 66 25 69 81 69 8 3 17 5 8 6 2 15 8 13 16 3 15 19 16 7 5 15 16 6 9 3 3 7 7 20 9 4 26 19 11 9 $87.84 15. 95 7.50 6. 72 1. 51 1 0 $59. 37 12.01 5.89 5.70 .42 1 0 $59. 50 13. 95 6.65 6.22 .99 3 0 $86. 61 15.03 6.65 7.00 1.19 2 2 $86.20 17.44 8.31 6. 77 2.22 .13 .09 30. 56 2.58 23.74 2. 82 1.42 20.16 16.04 4.10 4.03 3. 97 3.94 1.73 .44 .43 .43 .43 .45 1.94 11. 56 .72 .07 5.24 .89 0 0 23.95 .58 16. 71 3.20 3. 46 14. 21 11. 01 2.84 2.76 2. 67 2.74 2.61 .67 .64 .65 .65 .07 .52 7.86 0 .05 4.34 .25 .09 0 22.57 1.30 17.93 2.74 .60 13.90 10. 42 2. 57 2.68 2.63 2.54 3.06 .77 .77 .76 .76 0 .42 6.26 .23 .02 2.50 .51 .05 .14 29. 21 2. 21 22.37 2.77 1.86 20.24 16. 75 4.22 4.15 4.19 4.19 2.14 .54 .52 .54 .54 .27 1.08 10.87 .39 .05 5.01 1.12 .05 .09 34.04 3.15 27.99 2.03 .87 17. 75 15.14 3. 92 3.94 3. 67 3. 61 1.09 .28 .27 .27 .27 .26 1.26 14. 02 0 .03 6.26 1.20 0 .06 33.37 3. 67 23.26 5.49 .95 22.35 17.80 4. 56 4. 41 4.48 4.35 .55 .14 .14 . 14 . 13 1. 55 2. 45 10.23 5.60 .37 .44 .57 .47 .17 38. 52 4. 32 31.38 1.95 .87 29.43 22.60 5.88 5. 62 5. 56 5. 54 .78 .20 .20 .19 . 19 .83 5. 22 17. 71 0 .05 9. 86 1.30 .50 .53 1.23 2.38 2.25 .45 .10 1.63 1.04 1.04 .25 .25 1.65 .85 2.12 .46 .04 1.24 2.56 2.74 .43 .56 2.31 3.23 .51 .95 1.11 .26 .93 2.97 .59 1.26 .33 4.32 3. 51 .24 1.54 5.58 .06 0 .24 .15 0 .55 .05 0 8.47 .21 .26 1.97 1.36 3.83 5.31 .08 5.26 12.50 2 2 4 3 $96. 21 $126. 54 19.53 16.79 9.29 8. 05 7.28 6.97 2. 32 1. 71 259 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 1 5 . — R ecreation ex p en d itu res , b y econ om ic level— Continued Item R ec re a tio n St. Louis, Mo.—Negro families Economic level— Families spending per expenditure All unit per year fami Un $300 $400 lies to der and $300 $400 over Salt Lake City, Utah—White families All fami lies Economic level— F a m i lies spending per ex penditure unit per year Un der $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over E x p en d itu r e s Families in survey___ _____________________ 28 27 51 210 54 55 106 72 29 134 Number of families owning r a d i o s . ______ 67 18 19 29 35 21 30 49 Number of families spending for— Reading: 24 3 8 Newspapers, street_____________ . . . 47 7 10 8 5 30 22 181 44 Newspapers, home delivery____________ 47 63 27 40 8 10 116 Magazines_____________________________ 17 3 3 11 18 28 50 20 Books purchased (other than school 21 3 0 2 8 texts)________________________ _______ 3 0 3 8 3 1 0 2 Books borrowed from loan libraries. ___ 0 0 0 0 0 Tobacco: 14 5 Cigars.____ ______ __ __________ ______ 23 8 3 12 1 4 4 72 15 22 Cigarettes______________________________ 48 10 11 25 27 10 21 2 15 4 7 4 Pipe tobacco___________________________ 3 8 8 14 11 4 4 8 2 3 Other tobacco. . . __ ________ ________ __ 3 1 Commercial entertainment: 56 11 197 48 52 Movies (adult admission)______________ 17 28 70 27 62 28 12 Movies (child admission''_____ _________ 20 10 7 3 20 2 1 4 19 2 1 1 2 12 4 Plays and concerts_______________ _____ 11 27 3 7 3 12 1 7 5 Spectator sports. ______________________ Recreational equipment: 6 0 3 0 0 3 Musical instruments____ __ . . . _______ 0 0 0 2 19 3 0 2 9 6 1 Sheet music, records, rolls______________ 0 2 2 1 12 2 6 5 Radio purchase________________________ 3 3 69 12 3 20 6 11 18 26 Radio upkeep__________________________ 13 Cameras, films, and photographic equip6 22 53 0 0 0 17 ment______ _ 0 8 2 19 5 2 1 1 9 0 3 Athletic equipment and supplies_______ 42 14 8 14 5 1 10 2 Children’s play equipment_____________ 16 2 45 13 9 2 5 13 12 7 Pets (purchase and care)_______________ 4 4 9 1 20 0 8 8 4 Recreational associations____________ ____ Entertaining: 22 2 2 0 2 3 9 0 8 In home, except food and drinks________ 6 1 0 1 0 2 3 1 0 Out of home, except food and drinks____ Average expenditure for recreation, total____ $40. 95 $32. 37 $38.04 $47. 21 $55.86 $39.14 $53.09 $61. 74 $77. 55 9.02 5.90 8.95 10. 76 12.80 10. 31 11. 26 14. 47 16.18 Reading, total____________________________ .62 4.58 2.73 4.02 5.89 .77 .84 .60 Newspapers, street_____________________ .73 4.09 2.92 4.90 4. 30 Newspapers, home delivery____________ 8.57 8. 27 8. 26 8.58 9. 67 .29 .25 .45 2.94 1. 27 1.92 4.00 5.32 Magazines______________________________ .03 Books purchased (other than school texts)_________________________________ .06 0 .49 . 15 .31 0 . 12 .86 .59 Books borrowed from loan libraries_____ 0 0 .07 0) 0 0 0 .19 0 Tobacco, total______________________ ______ 20.08 16.43 18. 34 23.01 13.50 10. 22 15. 36 13. 37 16. 36 4.14 4. 38 1.90 5.19 .51 Cigars__________________________________ 1.05 .56 1.08 2.94 12.17 8.89 10. 82 14.68 10. 79 7. 81 13.13 11.14 10.99 Cigarettes____ ______ _____ ____________ 1.04 .57 1. 39 Pipe tobacco____ _________ ______ _____ 1.80 1.76 1.45 2.01 .84 1. 74 .62 1. 33 Other tobacco___ _____ ________________ 1.97 1.40 4.17 1.13 .31 .28 .69 6. 25 4.99 7. 66 6. 22 16. 52 12.88 13.09 18.49 24. 95 Commercial entertainment, total_________ 4. 56 2. 08 5. 53 5. 43 12. 86 7.64 10.18 15.07 22.17 Movies (adult admission)_____ ____ ____ 1.12 Fall__________________________________ 3.22 1.98 2. 55 3. 71 5. 61 .50 1.37 1.33 Winter____ _ ________ ______________ 1.16 .53 1.46 1.35 3.28 1.97 2.58 3.91 5. 48 Spring__________ ___ ______________ 3. 21 1.87 2. 52 3.79 5.59 1.14 .57 1.36 1.35 Summer.. _____ . . . ________ _______ 1.14 .48 1.34 1.40 3.15 1.82 2. 53 3.66 5.49 2. 37 4.11 2.64 1.29 1.23 Movies (child admission)_______________ 1.26 2. 40 2.10 . 18 .31 . 53 Fall__________________________________ .60 .04 .60 1.03 .66 .34 .30 Winter________ . __________________ .31 .60 .53 .60 1.05 .34 .04 .66 .30 Spring___________ __ ______________ .32 .52 .60 .05 .59 1.02 .66 .33 .30 Summer___ ____ _____ ________ ______ .32 .60 .52 .58 1.01 .05 .66 .28 .33 .41 .21 Plays and concerts____ _________ ______ . 10 .01 . 13 .07 .09 .76 .79 .33 Spectator sports________________________ .02 .88 1.00 .30 .52 .20 1.37 .76 4. 51 4. 91 2. 94 5.13 9.46 4.04 11.22 10. 62 13. 34 Recreational equipment, total____________ Musical instruments___________________ 0 0 0 1.68 0 4. 82 1.22 0 0 .05 Sheet music, records, rolls___ __________ .03 0 . 13 0 .24 .27 .41 .09 2. 62 2.03 Radio purchase_________________________ .83 3.89 2.64 .66 1.17 2.97 8. 30 Radio upkeep__________________________ .73 .20 1.03 .86 .98 .62 .92 1.11 1.42 Cameras, films, and photographic equip ment______ _____ ____ _____ _________ 0 .68 0 0 0 .06 .97 .83 .91 .07 .27 0 .51 .34 Athletic equipment and supplies_______ .10 1.00 .40 0) Children’s play equipment_____________ .70 1. 57 .94 .10 1. 52 1.30 1.50 2.08 .60 .84 Pets (purchase and care)............................ .36 .01 .28 1.21 1.01 1. 47 1.00 1. 62 .55 0 .04 1.12 .88 .19 Recreational associations........................ .79 1.13 1.69 Entertaining: .19 0 In home, except food and drinks.......... . 0 .40 .78 .36 .26 .78 2. 52 .25 0 Out of home, except food and drinks____ 0 .51 .18 0 .06 .37 .24 Other recreation___________________ ______ .10 .14 .06 1.74 1.14 1.05 2.51 2.27 .11 1 Less than 0.5 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 331, 2 6 0 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N T a b l e 16 .— F o rm a l education , vocation , c o m m u n ity w elfa re, gifts and con tribu tion s , and m iscellaneous ex p en d itu res , 61/ econ om ic level D E N V E R , COLO.—W H IT E FAM ILIES Item All fami lies Economic level — Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over F o r m a l E d u c a tio n E x p e n d itu r e s Families in survey___ . __ ------------- ---------------------------------Number of families spending for— Members away from home___ _ ______________________ _ Members at home _ __ _ ______ _____ ____ __ ------------------ 295 92 106 97 11 67 4 26 6 28 1 13 Average expenditure per family for formal education, total_____ For members away from home___ _____ __ ______________ For members at home______________________________________ $9. 51 2.16 7. 35 $4. 92 1. 26 3. 66 $15. 40 4. 81 10. 59 $7.40 . 12 7.28 51 19 6 14 5 1 18 5 3 19 9 2 $4.60 3. 58 .85 .13 .04 $2. 49 1.60 .86 .03 0 $3. 65 2.99 .37 .26 .03 $7. 62 6.12 1.37 .09 .04 Number of families spending for— Religious organizations. _ ______ . . . ______________ ____ Community chest and other organizations. . . . __ __ . . . . . . Taxes: Poll, income, and personal p r o p e r t y . . . . ________ 174 201 149 54 50 30 71 79 61 49 72 58 Average expenditure per family for community welfare, total___ Religious organizations. . . . __ _. . ________ _________ Community chest and other organizations________________ . Taxes: Poll, income, and personal property___________ ____ $18.07 10. 48 4. 32 3.27 $11. 52 7. 65 2.24 1.63 $21. 73 12. 43 5. 41 3. 89 $20. 28 11.03 5.11 4.14 Number of families spending for— Christmas, birthday, etc., gifts_____________________________ Support of relatives___ _________ _________________________ Support of other persons______ _________________ ____ _____ 233 61 20 64 11 2 88 25 6 81 25 12 Average expenditure per family for contributions and gifts to persons outside economic family, total________ _____ _______ Christmas, birthday, etc., gifts_____ ________ _____________ Support of relatives________________________________________ Support of other persons__________ ________ ____ __________ $36. 47 18. 38 15. 95 2.14 $14. 49 10.12 4. 01 .36 $33. 57 16. 75 16. 04 .78 $60. 49 28. 01 27.17 5.31 0 10 26 3 0 1 7 0 0 5 9 1 0 4 10 2 $2. 59 0 1.31 .38 .61 .29 $1.34 0 .71 .18 0 .45 $2.58 0 2.14 .22 .03 .19 $3. 77 0 .98 .74 1.82 .23 V o c a tio n E x p e n d it u r e s Number of families spending for— Union dues or fees------ --------------------------------------------------------Professional association dues or fees_____ _____________ ___ _ Technical literature___ ________ ___________ __ ___ _ Average expenditure per family for vocational items, total____ Union dues or fees______ ________ __ _ _ _______ _______ Professional association dues or fees.. _ . . . ___ ______ __ Technical literature . __ ________________ _____ Other items of vocational expense___________ ______________ C o m m u n ity W e lfa re E x p e n d itu r e s G ifts a n d C o n tr ib u tio n s M isc e lla n e o u s E x p en d itu r e s Number of families spending for— Funerals___________________________________________________ Legal costs_______ _ _ _______________ _____ _____________ Gardens___________________________________ ______________ Family losses__________ _______ ____________________________ Average expenditure per family for miscellaneous items, total__ Funerals___________________________________ _______ _______ Legal costs.. . _____________________________________________ Gardens... _______________ _____________ ______ ____ ______ Family losses______________________ _______ ________________ Other___________________________________________ __________ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 331. TABULAR T able 261 SUM M ARY 16.-— F orm a l education, vocation , c o m m u n ity w elfa re, gifts and con tributions , and m iscellaneous ex p en d itu res , by econom ic level— Continued KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S .—W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level— Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Item All fami lies $700 and over Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 357 45 92 73 50 43 54 19 141 7 25 7 40 2 33 3 22 0 12 0 9 Average expenditure per family for formal education, total______________________ _ $11. 57 1. 64 For members away from home___________ 9. 93 For members at home______ ___________ $10. 40 1.85 8. 55 $10. 89 3. 46 7. 43 $7. 46 .37 7.09 $16.13 3.13 13.00 $9. 85 0 9. 85 $16. 40 0 16.40 $500 to $600 to $600 $700 F o r m a l E d u c a tio n E x p e n d itu r e s Families in survey____________ _ ____ __ Number of families spending for— Members away from home_____ ________ Members at home___ ____________________ V o c a tio n E x p e n d it u r e s Number of families spending for— Union dues or fees____ _______________ ___ Professional association dues or fees________ Technical literature____________ _______ 67 9 4 5 0 0 17 3 0 13 2 2 7 1 1 10 0 1 15 3 0 Average expenditure per family for vocational items, total____ ______ ____ __ Union dues or fees______________________ . Professional association dues or fees.. - __ Technical literature______ ____ _ . . _ ___ Other items of vocational expense.-. . . . . $4. 89 4. 48 .35 .06 0 $3. 37 3. 37 0 0 0 $3. 59 3. 27 .32 0 0 $3. 66 2. 91 .60 . 15 0 $5. 51 5. 29 . 10 . 12 0 $6. 43 6. 30 0 . 13 0 $8. 20 7. 34 .86 0 0 C o m m u n it y W e lfa re E x p e n d itu r e s Number of families spending for— Religious organizations___ . . . _ . ___ Community chest and other organiza tions_________________________ . _ . . . Taxes: Poll, income, and persona] property _ 237 35 64 54 30 22 32 288 199 29 14 73 48 56 46 41 27 38 23 51 41 Average expenditure per family for com munity welfare, total___________________ $18. 02 Religious organizations_______________ ___ 11.67 3. 97 Community chest and other organizations. _ 2. 38 Taxes: Poll, income, and personal property. $12. 68 9. 37 2. 21 1.10 $15. 41 10. 61 2. 92 1.88 $17. 42 10. 33 3. 42 3. 67 $18. 26 11.58 4. 45 2. 23 $17. 76 11.37 4. 36 2. 03 $27. 70 17. 51 7. 23 2. 96 G ifts a n d C o n tr ib u tio n s Number of families spending for— Christmas, birthday, etc., gifts___________ Support of relatives______ _______________ Support of other persons____________ ____ 270 78 21 26 4 3 66 22 4 55 14 3 43 7 1 37 12 6 43 19 4 Average expenditure per family for contribu tions and gifts to persons outside eco nomic family, total___ _________________ Christmas, birthday, etc., gifts._ _ _ Support of relatives____ _______ . . . . _ Support of other persons_________________ $26. 04 12. 68 12. 72 .64 $5. 72 4.18 .70 .84 $13. 65 7.19 6.15 .31 $23. 83 11. 55 11. 77 . 51 $21. 85 15. 60 5. 87 .38 $41. 33 16. 87 22.78 1.68 $58.17 24. 37 33.18 .62 Number of families spending for— Funerals.. ____ _______ . . . _____ _______ Legal costs_________________ ____ . . . Gardens____________ ______ _______ __ __ Family losses________ ___________ _______ 2 5 24 9 0 1 5 1 2 1 7 3 0 1 5 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 5 1 Average expenditure per family for miscel laneous items, total____________________ Funerals_________________________________ Legal costs_______________________________ Gardens_________ _________________ __ __ Family losses____ __ . . _ ________________ Other____________________________________ $4. 59 1. 12 . 15 .29 1.50 1. 53 $4.11 0 .39 .50 1. 33 1.89 $7. 07 4. 35 . 11 . 14 1.82 .65 $3. 27 0 .30 .51 1. 37 1.09 $0.81 0 .06 . 12 .40 .23 $10. 69 0 .01 0 4. 27 6.41 $1. 20 0 0 .45 .09 .66 M isc e lla n e o u s E x p en d itu r e s Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 331. 262 T able W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 16. — F orm a l ed ucation , vocation , c o m m u n ity w elfa re , gifts and con tribu tion s , and m iscella n eou s ex p en d itu res , &?/ econom ic level— Continued KANSAS C ITY , M O .-K A N S .—NEGRO FAM ILIES Item All fami lies Economic level — Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 and over F o r m a l E d u c a tio n E x p e n d itu r e s 103 32 29 42 4 25 1 16 1 3 2 6 $1. 78 .26 1. 52 $3. 62 .22 3.40 $0. 62 .02 .60 $1.17 .45 .72 Number of families spending for— Union dues or fees_____________________________ ________ . . . Professional association dues or fees____ ________ _________ . Technical literature____________________ ______ ________ . .. 9 1 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 5 1 0 Average expenditure per family for vocational items, total____ Union dues or fees____ ___________________________ . . . ____ Professional association dues or fees____ __ __________ ______ Technical literature________________________________________ Other items of vocational expense___ ___ ________________ $1. 76 1.65 .11 0 0 $0.19 .19 0 0 0 $1.34 1.34 0 0 0 $3. 25 2.98 .27 0 0 Number of families spending for— Religious organizations__________________ _ ___________ __ Community chest and other organizations___ _____ . . . __ _ Taxes: Poll, income, and personal property______________ 93 61 30 27 17 4 27 17 9 39 27 17 Average expenditure per family for community welfare, total._ Religious organizations...____ ____________ ______________ Community chest and other organizations_____________ ____ Taxes: Poll, income, and personal property_________ ____ __ $16.84 12. 77 3.02 1.05 $10. 96 9. 36 1.15 .45 $16.03 12. 30 2.74 .99 $21.88 15.69 4.64 1. 55 Number of families spending for— Christmas, birthday, etc., gifts________________ __ . . . ___ Support of relatives________________________________________ Support of other persons____________________________________ 62 24 7 16 5 2 15 6 0 31 13 5 Average expenditure per family for contributions and gifts to persons outside economic family, total_________ ________ Christmas, birthday, etc., gifts___________________________ _ Support of relatives________________ ________________ ____ Support of other persons______ _______________ ___________ $28. 04 6. 72 20.64 .68 $6.78 3. 73 2.97 .08 $8.95 4.85 4.10 0 $57. 41 10.28 45. 51 1.62 2 0 3 3 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 1 1 $4. 55 1. 82 0 .06 1.70 .97 $0.14 0 0 .14 0 0 $5.58 .93 0 0 3. 62 1.03 $7.19 3.81 0 .04 1. 67 1. 67 Families in survey.____ ___ _______________________________ _ Number of families spending for— Members away from home_________________________________ Members at home........ ................... .......... ............................ . Average expenditure per family for formal education, total____ For members away from home_____________________________ For members at home______________________________________ V o c a tio n E x p e n d itu r e s C o m m u n ity W e lfa r e E x p e n d itu r e s G ifts an d C o n tr ib u tio n s M is c e lla n e o u s E x p e n d itu r e s Number of families spending for— Funerals___________________________________________________ Legal costs. ___________________________________________ _ Gardens_____ _______________ ________ __ ________________ Family losses________ _______ _____________________ ______ Average expenditure per family for miscellaneous items, total._ Funerals______ _____ ____________ ________ ________ _ . . . Legal costs________ ____________ __________________ _ Gardens_____ _________________________ ___________________ Family losses_______ _______________________________________ Other___ _________ __ ____________ _ . . . _____ ____ _____ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 331. TABULAR T able 263 SU M M AR Y 1 6 . — F o rm a l education, vocation, c o m m u n ity w elfare, gifts and con tribu tion s , and m iscellan eou s ex p en d itu res, by econom ic level— Continued M IN N EAPO L IS-ST . PAUL, M IN N .—W H IT E FAM ILIES Economic level— Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Item All fami lies $700 and over Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 504 47 114 106 86 59 92 3 213 1 32 0 66 0 47 0 27 2 18 0 23 $8. 79 .05 8. 74 $9. 96 .04 9. 92 $10.45 0 10.45 $5. 97 0 5. 97 $7. 52 0 7. 52 17.45 .39 17. 06 $5.04 0 5. 04 Number of families spending for— Union dues or fees________ ____________ Professional association dues or fees_____ _ Technical literature_______ ____ _________ 147 15 8 11 2 0 39 2 1 31 2 1 17 2 0 17 2 2 32 5 4 Average expenditure per family for vocational items, total--------------------------------------------Union dues or fees__________________ _____ Professional association dues or fees_______ Technical literature________ ___________ Other items of vocational expense______ __ $6. 28 6. 08 . 13 .03 .04 $3. 90 3. 82 .08 0 0 $6.01 5.78 .08 .01 . 14 $6.03 5.97 .04 .01 .01 $4.75 4. 65 .06 0 .04 $6.33 5. 87 .42 .04 0 $9.56 9.23 .19 . 14 0 398 402 39 39 35 1 97 86 4 86 82 2 67 68 12 48 51 9 61 80 11 Average expenditure per family for com munity welfare, total___________________ $17. 51 14. 06 Religious organizations___ ____________ _ Community chest and other organizations_ 3.17 .28 Taxes: Poll, income, and personal property. $12. 72 11.05 1.63 .04 $15. 59 12.96 2. 58 .05 $15. 59 13. 33 2. 21 .05 $18. 80 14.98 3. 52 .30 $21. 72 16. 77 4. 21 .74 $20. 66 15.22 4.80 .64 38 4 2 101 16 12 93 18 9 80 15 6 56 10 6 87 21 16 Average expenditure per family for contribu tions and gifts to persons outside economip. family, total $12. 46 $19. 69 $20. 47 $26. 84 07 15.45 18. 06 Christmas, birthday, 8. 03etc.,13. gifts ___ _______ 8.12 4. 28 4.35 6.27 Support of relatives_________________ ____ .66 .15 .35 .67 Support of other persons____________ ___ $25. 65 19.27 5. 61 .77 $32. 42 21.35 10. 46 .61 $47. 88 29.11 17. 55 1.22 $500 to $600 to $600 $700 F o r m a l E d u c a tio n E x p e n d itu r e s Families in survey______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ Number of families spending for— Members away from home----------------------Members at home_________________ ______ Average expenditure per family for formal education, total______________________ _ For members away from home___________ For members at home____________________ V o c a tio n E x p e n d itu r e s C o m m u n it y W e lfa r e E x p e n d itu r e ^ Number of families spending for— Religious organizations___________________ Community chest and other organizations_ Taxes: Poll, income, and personal property. G ifts a n d C o n tr ib u tio n s Number of families spending for— Christmas, birthday, etc., gifts___________ Support of relatives.____ ___ _____ _ __ Support of other persons_______ _______ 455 84 51 M is c e lla n e o u s E x p en d itu r e s Number of families spending for— Funerals_____________________ _________ Legal costs_______________________________ Gardens. ________________________ _ Family losses_____ _____ _________________ Average expenditure per family for miscel laneous items, total_____________________ Funerals________________ _ ___ Legal costs__ __________________ _ _ _ __ Gardens. _______ ____ _____ __ Family losses____ __ _________ _______ __ Other___ __ __ . . . __ _______________ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 331. 5 3 9 5 7 °— 39------- 18 9 5 50 10 0 0 8 1 1 1 9 4 1 0 10 1 2 1 8 1 2 1 7 3 3 2 8 0 $7.10 5.18 .20 .32 .65 .75 $2.58 0 0 .28 .34 1. 96 $3. 87 .30 .22 .07 2.12 1.16 $1. 21 .31 0 .46 .04 .40 $1.57 .93 .12 .28 .23 .01 $13. 43 9. 25 .94 .69 .81 ,7 4 $21. 33 20.87 .09 .29 0 .08 264 T W EST able NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 16.— F orm a l education, vocation, c o m m u n ity w elfare, gifts and con tributions, and m iscellaneous expenditures, by econom ic level— Continued ST. LOUIS, M O.—W H IT E FAMILIES Economic level—Families spending per expendi ture unit per year Item All fami lies $700 and over Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $500 $500 to $600 $600 to $700 401 54 65 94 62 42 84 6 89 1 18 2 20 0 24 2 10 1 10 0 7 $4. 62 .02 4. 60 $9. 49 .06 9.43 $6. 99 0 6.99 $10. 80 2. 74 8.06 $4.02 . 13 3. 89 $5.94 0 5.94 F o r m a l E d u c a tio n E x p e n d itu r e s Families in survey_________________________ Number of families spending for— Members away from home____ _________ Members at h om e_______ _______________ Average expenditure per family for formal education, total_______ _______________ $7.14 For members away from home____ _ _ _ .45 6. 69 For members at home-. ___ ____________ V o c a tio n E x p e n d itu r e s Number of families spending for— Union dues or fees________ ____________ Professional association dues or fees_______ Technical literature ____________ _____ 118 2 3 12 0 0 17 1 0 33 0 1 15 0 0 13 0 1 28 1 1 Average expenditure per family for voca tional items, total, ________ _ __ _ __ Union dues or fees________________________ Professional association dues or fees_______ Technical literature _____________________ Other items of vocational expense_______ $8. 35 7. 46 .31 .03 . 55 $4.19 4.06 0 0 . 13 $6. 86 6.60 .18 0 .08 $10.11 8. 58 0 . 10 1. 43 $5.28 4. 94 0 0 .34 $8. 96 7.81 0 .05 1.10 $12. 23 10.74 1.35 .02 . 12 285 269 193 42 27 23 47 36 25 70 59 45 37 50 27 29 32 23 60 65 50 Average expenditure per family for com munity welfare, total______ _____ __ $21. 43 Religious organizations, ____ ____ _______ 15.20 4. 79 Community chest and other organizations, Taxes: Poll, income, and personal property. 1. 44 $18.40 14. 66 2.82 .92 $14. 69 11. 39 2. 46 .84 $18. 59 14. 44 3.03 1.12 $20. 72 11.54 7. 98 1. 20 $26. 24 18.13 5. 99 2.12 $29. 90 20. 60 6. 87 2.43 282 75 25 27 5 4 34 5 2 67 17 4 45 14 5 33 13 3 76 21 7 Average expenditure per family for contribu tions and gifts to persons outside eco nomic family, total,. _ __________ _______ $23. 31 Christmas, birthday, etc., gifts , __ __ 10.68 Support of relatives,, ___ ______________ 11. 98 Support of other persons_______ _________ .65 $5.56 3. 56 1. 85 .15 $8.79 5. 95 2.02 .82 $19.18 7. 88 11.18 .12 $21. 25 9. 98 9. 91 1. 36 $44.15 16. 26 27. 43 .46 $41. 69 19. 76 20.91 1.02 3 5 14 10 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 6 2 0 0 3 1 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 6 $7.55 3. 71 .40 . 10 2.15 1.19 $6. 37 4. 63 0 .05 .22 1. 47 $0. 87 0 .62 .06 0 .19 $1.22 0 0 . 12 .46 .64 $0. 75 0 0 .22 .24 .29 $22. 54 12. 71 2. 67 .02 0 7.14 $18.12 8. 39 .09 .08 9. 45 . 11 C o m m u n it y W e lfa re E x p e n d itu r e s Number of families spending for— Religious organizations, ___ ______ __ Community chest and other organizations, Taxes: Poll, income, and personal property. G ift s a n d C o n tr ib u tio n s Number of families spending for— Christmas, birthday, etc., gifts___________ Support of relatives, ________________ __ Support of other persons____ ____________ M is c e lla n e o u s E x p e n d itu r e s Number of families spending for— Funerals_________________________________ Legal costs_______________________________ Gardens, ____ __________________________ Family losses________ ____________________ Average expenditure per family for miscel laneous items, total_____________________ Funerals_________________________________ Legal costs_______________________________ Gardens,_ __________ _________ _____ __ , Family losses____ ________________________ Other___ _____________________________ __ Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 331. TABULAE T able 265 SUM M ARY 16. — F orm a l ed ucation, vocation, co m m u n ity w elfare, gifts and con tributions , and m iscellan eou s exp en d itu res, by econom ic level—Continued St. Louis, Mo.—Negro families Item All fami lies Salt Lake City, Utah—White families Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 and over All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $300 $300 to $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over F o r m a l E d u c a tio n E x p e n d itu r e s Families in survey_____ ___ ___ . _ Number of families spending for— Members away from home_______ Members at home ____ ____ __ Average expenditure per family for formal education, total_________ For members away from home___ For members at home.__ __ . . . 106 28 27 51 210 54 55 72 29 1 12 0 7 0 2 1 3 0 56 0 18 0 15 0 13 0 10 $2. 08 .94 1.14 $3.03 0 3.03 $0.95 0 .95 $2.16 1.96 .20 $8.27 0 8.27 $5. 38 $10. 51 0 0 5.38 10. 51 $9. 33 0 9. 33 $6. 76 0 6.76 30 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 20 0 0 41 9 3 9 0 0 8 1 0 17 3 2 7 5 1 $5. 38 5. 34 $2. 04 2.04 $3. 91 3.91 $7. 98 7.90 $6.31 4. 82 $5.19 5.19 $3.39 3.29 0 0 .08 .69 .08 .72 V o c a tio n E x p e n d it u r e s Number of families spending for— Union dues or fees____ . . . _ . . . Professional association dues or fees. Technical literature_____________ Average expenditure per family for vocational items, total__________ Union dues or fees_____ ________ Professional association dues or fees____ ____ _____________ _____ Technical literature___ __ ______ Other items of vocational expense. . C o m m u n ity 0 0 .04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .10 0 0 $7.29 $11. 52 5.36 5. 74 .47 .21 1.25 3.60 .08 2.10 W e lfa re E x p e n d itu r e s Number of families spending for— 22 92 Religious organizations______ ____ 24 46 Community chest and other or ganizations. ________ ________ 67 16 14 37 Taxes: Poll, income, and personal 13 3 property___ _______ ____ __ . . 3 7 Average expenditure per family for community welfare, total. . . . . . $15. 79 $13.05 $12.96 $18. 79 9.88 11.16 16.12 Religious organizations.. _____ __ 13. 21 Community chest and other or 2. 22 2. 75 ganizations. _____ ____________ 2. 40 1.33 Taxes: Poll, income, and personal .42 .36 .27 property______________ _______ .47 133 29 38 49 17 131 32 32 45 22 152 30 45 53 ___ 24 $36. 41 $20.77 $28.60 $51.87 $41. 98 31.79 17. 57 24. 84 46.08 36. 02 2. 38 1. 59 1.51 3. 28 3.23 2. 24 1.61 2. 25 2. 51. 2. 73 26 16 8 155 32 7 34 1 0 37 6 2 58 17 3 26 8 2 $3.81 $22.69 $49. 58 .99 5.33 1.80 2.46 20.19 42.45 .36 .70 1.80 $20. 78 14. 65 5. 66 .47 G ifts a n d C o n tr ib u tio n s Number of families spending for— Christmas, birthday, etc., gifts___ 40 Support of relatives______________ 26 Support of other persons__________ 13 Average expenditure per family for contributions and gifts to persons outside economic family, total.._ $30.64 3. 29 Christmas, birthday, etc., gifts___ 26. 21 Support of relatives_____ . . . . . . Support of other persons__________ 1.14 4 4 2 10 6 3 $8.33 $14. 55 $26. 21 $42. 30 7. 05 10. 69 17. 32 29. 68 1.28 3. 78 8. 53 10.24 0 .08 .36 2. 38 M is c e lla n e o u s E x p en d itu r e s Number of families spending for— Funerals_____ __________________ Legal costs. ______________________ Gardens__________________________ Family losses_____________________ Average expenditure per family for miscellaneous items, total_______ Funerals_________ _____ __________ Legal costs_______________________ Gardens__________________________ Family losses ___________________ Other____________________________ 0 1 1 0 $0.19 0 .17 .02 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 331. 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 4 4 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 2 3 1 2 0 1 0 0 $0.40 0 .35 .05 0 0 $4.11 1.05 1.24 .06 .18 1.58 $0. 76 0 0 .02 0 .74 $0.93 0 0 .11 .30 .52 $8. 71 3. 06 1.84 .09 .30 3. 42 $4. 96 0 4. 41 0 0 .55 266 W EST NORTH T 17.— able C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N C lothing ex p en d itu res , b y econom ic level W EST N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN REGION—W H IT E FAMILIES Item All fami lies Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Under $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over C lo th in g E x p e n d i t u r e s I. Number of families in survey_____ ________ _______________ Average number of clothing expenditure units per family___ Number of families spending for— Ready-made clothing, dry cleaning, and accessories_______ Yard goods and findings---------------------------------------------------Paid help for sewing______________________________________ Number of families reporting clothing received as gifts______ 1,767 2.17 618 3. 37 649 2.66 500 2.16 1,767 1,036 98 1,011 618 378 12 363 649 395 40 385 500 263 46 263 Average expenditure per family for clothing------------------------Ready-made clothing, dry cleaning, and accessories _____ Yard goods and findings--------- ----------- ------------------------Paid help for sewing__________________ ________________ Average value per family of clothing received as gifts (incom plete)1------ ------------------------------------------------------- ------------ $150. 20 145. 84 4. 07 .29 $121. 48 117. 73 3. 66 .09 $151.96 147.29 4. 40 .27 $183.40 178. 70 4.14 .56 10. 26 10. 54 10. 55 9. 51 1,687 1,940 593 715 614 711 480 514 1.15 271 318 1. 21 171 212 1.16 82 87 1.07 18 19 1.17 305 354 1.24 199 241 1.06 86 93 1.06 20 20 1.16 206 227 1. 21 115 132 1.08 70 74 1.00 21 21 II. Number of families having men and boys 18 years of age and over----------------- ------------- - ------------------------- Number of men and boys 18 years of age and over 2_________ Average number of men and boys 18 years of age and over per family having such men and boys 2---------------------- . . . Number of families having boys 12 through 17 years of age 2_. Number of boys 12 through 17 years of age 2------------------------Average number of boys 12 through 17 years of age per family having such boys 2____ __________________________ ______ Number of families having boys 6 through 11 years of age 2- — Number of boys 6 through 11 years of age 2. . . ______________ Average number of boys 6 through 11 years of age per family having such boys 2______ - _________________________ Number of families having boys 2 through 5 years of age 2___ Number of boys 2 through 5 years of age 2______ ____ ____ Average number of boys 2 through 5 years of age per family having such boys 2___ ___ __ ------------------------------------Number of families having women and girls 18 years of age and over2. . _ . ___ __ ______ ___ __ __ Number of women and girls 18 years of age and over 2_ _. Average number of women and girls 18 years of age and over per family having such women and girls 2________________ Number of families having girls 12 through 17 years of age 2__ Number of girls 12 through 17 years of age 2_________________ Average number of girls 12 through 17 years of age per family having such girls 2. ____________________________________ _ Number of families having girls 6 through 11 years of age 2___ Number of girls 6 through 11 years of age 2. ________________ Average number of girls 6 through 11 years of age per family having such girls 2____ ___ ________________________ ___ Number of families having girls 2 through 5 years of age 2___ Number of girls 2 through 5 years of age 2 _________ _ ____ Average number of girls 2 through 5 years of age per family having such girls 2 ______ ________ __ _ _ _ ________ _ _ Number of families having infants under 2 years of age 3____ Number of infants under 2 years of age 3. - ________________ Average number of infants under 2 years of age per family having infants3___ _ ____ - _ _ _ ________ _ . . . . . 1.10 1.15 1.06 1.00 1,760 2,159 615 794 647 802 498 563 1.23 253 301 1.29 153 189 1.24 76 87 1.13 24 25 1.19 300 344 1.24 190 223 1.14 93 103 1.04 17 18 1.15 203 224 1.17 126 144 1.11 67 69 1.06 10 11 1.10 189 190 1.14 89 90 1.03 74 74 1.10 26 26 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1 The aggregates on which these averages are based do not include gifts of clothing reported received by 21 families, but for which they could not estimate the value. 2 Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. 3 Infants 1 to 2 years of age are included only if dependent on family funds for 52 weeks; those under 1 year of age are included regardless of number of weeks dependent on family fund Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 332. 267 TABULAE SU M M AR Y T able 17. — Clothing ex p en d itu res , by econ om ic level— Continued W EST N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN REGION—W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Item III. Clothing, men and boys 18 years of age and over:2 Total______________________________ Hats: Felt_______________________ Straw_____________________ • Caps: Wool______________________ Other_____________________ Overcoats________________________ Topcoats._______________________ l Raincoats________________________ Jackets: Heavy fabric___________ Leather_________________ Other___________________ Sweaters: Heavy________________ Light_________________ Suits: Heavy wool_______________ Lightweight wool_________ Cotton, linen______________ Palm Beach_______________ Other_____________________ Trousers: Wool__________________ Cotton________________ Other_________________ Overalls, coveralls_______________ Shirts: Cotton, work____________ Cotton and other, dress Wool_____________________ Underwear: Suits, cotton, knit_____________ woven___________ cotton and wool_________ rayon and silk___________ Undershirts, cotton____________ cotton and w ool... rayon and silk____ Shorts, cotton__________________ rayon and silk__________ Drawers, cotton and wool______ Pajamas and night shirts_______ Shoes: Street____________________ Work_____________________ Canvas___________________ Other____________________ Boots: Rubber__________________ Leather__________________ Arctics__________________________ Rubbers_________________________ Shoe: Repairs___________________ Shines_____________________ Hose: Cotton, heavy_____________ dress______________ Rayon___________________ Silk_______________________ Wool______________________ Gloves: Work, cotton____________ other_____________ Street, leather___________ other____________ Ties_____________________________ Collars___________________________ Bathing suits, sun suits__________ Handkerchiefs___________________ Accessories_______________________ Bathrobes_______________________ Cleaning, repairing______________ Other____________________________ Persons purchasing Average number of articles purchased per person Average expenditure per person Economic level—Fami lies spending All per expendi fam- ture unit per ilies Economic level— Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Economic level— Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over N o. N o. N o. N o. N o. 906 464 397 204 231 112 68 239 115 79 146 177 419 479 38 29 17 429 566 148 680 814 1,299 93 253 111 136 70 56 26 19 91 32 33 45 58 119 121 9 5 6 153 199 48 285 325 420 24 344 173 148 74 100 49 29 96 41 23 65 65 155 173 13 10 5 155 208 53 242 284 491 41 309 0.52 180 .26 .26 113 60 .20 75 . 12 37 .06 .04 20 52 . 14 .06 42 .06 23 .08 36 54 . 10 .23 145 .25 185 .02 16 .02 14 6 .01 .30 121 .54 159 . 12 47 153 .97 205 1.41 388 2. 41 28 .08 462 202 236 48 656 184 70 810 42 122 549 1,545 626 50 89 65 31 94 380 1,130 212 567 793 674 324 186 629 143 474 55i 1,159i 42! 82: 851 213: 54 1, 369' 170 80 77 15 217 65 30 271 14 43 121 521 253 15 29 22 11 30 108 395 31 240 301 190 78 60 235 56 112 14 337 6 9 273 53 13 396 168 66 83 13 242 77 20 303 12 49 194 582 219 20 31 23 6 35 152 421 79 205 296 281 108 71 239 56 188 19 435 19 37 324 74 17 529 124 56 76 20 197 42 20 236 16 30 234 442 154 15 29 20 14 29 120 314 102 122 196 203 138 55 155 31 174 22 387 17 36 254 86 24 444 N o. N o. 0. 37 0.53 0.70 . 16 .26 .39 .24 .26 .29 .19 .20 .23 .08 .14 . 15 .04 .07 .07 .03 .04 .04 . 16 .14 . 12 .04 .06 .08 .07 .07 .05 .06 .10 .07 .09 .10 . 12 . 17 .24 .30 .17 .22 .38 .02 .02 .04 .01 .02 .03 .01 .01 .01 .27 .29 .36 .48 .57 .60 . 10 .11 .17 1.08 .93 .89 1.34 1.40 1.53 1. 72 2.52 3.24 .07 .09 .09 3.01 4. 04 2. 90 1.07 .34 3.26 .60 .29 .04 2.53 .13 .05 4.62 3.19 3. 96 2. 02 .56 .25 3.10 .46 .20 .03 1.64 .04 .01 3.53 .03 .02 D o l. D o l. 49.52 33.69 1.67 1.01 .47 .22 .26 .21 .09 .07 2.60 1.29 .99 .51 .15 .10 .52 .53 .36 .24 .18 .19 .21 .16 .20 .15 5.97 3.96 6. 07 3. 66 .17 .06 .19 .05 . 13 .06 1.05 .85 .89 .74 .26 .21 1.48 1.54 1.18 1.02 3. 08 1.98 .15 .10 .70 .59 .32 .31 .36 .25 .06 .04 .45 .31 . 14 . 12 .07 .06 .59 .42 .04 .02 . 10 .07 .64 .28 5. 01 3.78 1.45 1.42 .04 .03 . 11 .08 .13 .09 .08 .07 . 12 .09 .25 . 18 1.14 .97 .27 .05 .51 .48 3.02 2. 74 .76 .74 3. 86 4. 40 3.22 3.69 .69 .42 .87 2.06 .37 .17 . 14 .10 .33 .48 3. 33 3. 39 .59 . 54 .61 .78 .21 .19 .30 .41 .44 .23 .04 .02 .05 .05 2. 55 3. 73 1.40 .71 .04 .01 .19 . 17 .06 .10 .12 .02 .42 .27 4.90 5.74 . 12! .06 .021 .06 .15i .07 2. 88; 1.47 .25il .05 .61 .54 .62 .69 .26 .26 .22 .32 .30 .25 .28 .40 .06 .04 .06 .10 1. 35 1.01 1.46 1.87 .34 .29 .39 .32 .11 .11 .08 . 15 1.68 1.32 1.66 2. 22 .07 .05 .06 . 12 .21 . 17 .20 .24 .48 .24 .46 .83 1.23 1.07 1.24 1.44 .46 .49 .44 .45 .03 .02 .03 .03 .05 .04 .04 .06 .04 .03 .03 .06 .02 .02 .01 .03 .05 .04 .05 .06 .21 .16 .23 .25 2Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 332. N o. Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over D o l. D o l. 9. 33 71.81 1.65 2.60 .44 .85 .27 .33 .09 .13 3.00 3. 86 1.18 1.40 .18 .IT .57 .45 .38 .50 .15 .21 .25 .24 .20 .29 6.10 8.56 5.70 9. 92 .18 .32 .17 .40 .12 .23 1.05 1.32 .96 1. 01 .25 .34 1.42 1.50 1.18 1.41 3.12 4.55 .19 .16 .70 .26 .34 .06 .43 .15 .04 .56 .02 . 10 .58 4. 94 1. 37 .06 . 10 . 10 .04 . 12 .28 1.20 .24 .56 .71 .76 .30 .13 .60 .17 .45 .04 1.37 .06 .15 .43 . 10 .11 2.60 .30 .85 .40 .54 .10 .68 .17 .10 .87 .09 .13 1.23 6. 81 1.60 .05 . 17 .24 .16 . 16 .30 1.29 .60 .49 .87 .96 .76 .22 .64 .29 .72 .07 2.39 .04 .21 .64 .23 .31 5.22 .46 268 W EST T able 17.— NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N Clothing ex p en d itu res , hy econ om ic level— Continued W EST N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN REGION—W H IT E FAM ILIES—Continued Persons purchasing Item IV. Clothing, boys 12 through 17 years of age:2 Total______________________________ Hats: Felt_______________________ Straw_____________________ Caps: Wool_____________________ Other_____________________ Overcoats_______________________ Topcoats________________________ Raincoats_______________________ Jackets: Heavy fabric-----------------Leather-------------------------Other__________________ Sweaters: Heavy________________ Light_________________ Play suits: Wool knit___________ Cotton suede________ Other________________ Suits: Heavy wool______________ Lightweight wool_________ Cotton, linen_____________ Palm Beach______________ Other_____________________ Trousers: Wool__________________ Cotton________________ Other_________________ Overalls, coveralls_______________ Shirts and blouses: Cotton, work. Cotton and other, dress. Underwear: Wool------------Suits, cotton, knit_____________ woven___________ cotton and wool_________ rayon and silk__________ Undershirts, cotton____________ cotton and wool... rayon and silk____ Shorts, cotton_________________ rayon and silk_________ Drawers, cotton and wool_____ Pajamas and nightshirts_______ Shoes: Street____________________ Work____________________ Canvas__________________ Other____________________ Boots: Rubber__________________ Leather__________________ Arctics__________________________ Rubbers________________________ Shoe: Repairs___________________ Shines____________________ Hose: Cotton, heavy____________ dress_____________ Rayon____________________ Silk______________________ Wool_____________________ Gloves: Work, cotton___________ other____________ Street, leather__________ other____________ Ties____________________________ Collars_________________________ Bathing suits, sun suits_________ Handkerchiefs__________________ Accessories______________________ Bathrobes______________________ Cleaning, repairing_____________ Other___________________________ Average number of articles purchased per person Economic level—Fami lies spending All per expendi fam ture unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over All fam ilies N o. N o. N o. N o. N o. Economic level-—Families spending per expenditure unit per year All fam ilies Un $400 $600 to and der $400 $600 over N o. N o. D o l. 0.05 0 .05 .01 .03 0 0 .16 .16 .21 .68 .58 0 0 .05 .21 .42 0 0 .11 .95 1.16 .21 .68 .58 33.32 .57 .01 .30 .09 1.33 .35 .12 .53 .69 .10 .76 .54 .02 .01 .02 2.61 2.61 .13 0 .09 1.89 1.15 .46 .84 .47 32 4 39 8 10 3 6 16 14 3 40 31 1 2 0 16 25 1 0 3 54 39 10 31 18 9 0.26 0.20 0.37 .02 (*) .05 0 .43 .38 .53 8 .13 .14 .11 1 5 .10 .08 .11 .02 .02 .03 0 .04 .03 .07 0 3 . 19 . 19 .18 .12 .10 .16 3 3 .03 .02 .03 9 .38 .28 .54 9 .37 .33 .43 0 .01 (<) .01 .01 0 .02 0 .02 .03 0 1 4 .17 .16 .20 .19 . 12 .29 8 .02 .03 .01 0 0 0 0 0 .02 0 2 .03 .72 .63 .90 11 .70 .56 .94 10 .20 .23 .14 3 .94 .94 .98 6 .69 .71 .66 4 144 9 47 17 25 0 91 25 2 102 0 14 37 189 29 77 7 6 9 12 25 131 0 66 115 27 7 16 42 4 48 20 95 0 24 66 22 3 47 62 6 12 2 10 1 43 15 0 54 1 5 26 83 9 23 11 4 6 2 16 57 1 15 61 24 3 5 12 1 35 14 54 1 16 35 13 2 50 17 2.45 2.17 2.91 3.47 4 .15 .10 .21 .37 4 .47 .50 .38 .47 2 .15 . 17 .08 .26 1 .26 .26 .30 .11 .01 0 .05 0 0 13 1.56 1. 26 2.10 2.37 .44 .38 .59 .47 3 .04 .02 0 2 .47 12 1.86 1.48 2.69 2. 32 .05 .32 1 .03 0 2 .19 .17 .20 .37 12 .36 .25 .49 1.11 19 2.11 1.87 2.46 3.26 2 .17 .17 .16 .16 8 .48 .50 .40 .63 2 .08 .04 .16 .16 .03 .03 .05 0 0 2 .05 .04 .07 .11 .05 .06 .02 .16 3 4 .15 .13 .18 .26 14 0 6 2.82 3.07 2.11 3.21 11 5.44 4.47 7. 63 6. 21 6 2.04 1.66 2.87 2. 47 .17 .16 .15 .32 1 .25 .24 .13 .89 3 2 .30 .31 .26 .26 1 .04 .03 .01 .21 14 .36 .27 .44 .89 5 .18 .13 .21 .58 14 1.54 1.17 2.28 2. 37 1 .02 0 .06 .11 8 .15 .12 .18 .42 10 2.90 2.22 3.94 5.74 6 0 .02 .01 .02 0 9 Economic level-—Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over N o. 83 42 5 1 115 68 35 26 32 17 4 7 13 7 59 40 39 22 4 10 104 55 101 61 2 1 2 0 5 4 52 32 59 26 6 5 0 0 5 0 170 105 124 75 47 34 145 108 76 54 223 19 63 21 36 1 147 43 4 168 2 21 75 291 40 108 20 10 17 17 45 202 1 87 187 57 11 24 56 6 97 39 163 2 48 111 41 5 106 Average expenditure per person D o l. D o l. D o l. 26.43 43. 77 62.41 .39 .89 1.10 .04 0 (fi) .25 .40 .42 .11 .06 .03 .95 1. 68 3.96 .27 .60 0 .10 .22 0 .52 .54 .47 .45 .95 2. 21 .03 .11 .79 .45 1.20 2.22 .44 .64 1.26 .03 .01 0 0 .02 0 .02 0 .05 2. 38 2.96 3. 61 1.54 4.06 7.89 .16 .10 0 0 0 0 0 .32 .05 1.62 2. 53 2.07 .87 1.55 2 . 38 .51 .36 .41 .86 .84 .59 .46 .49 .45 2.03 1.64 .13 .08 .35 .37 .13 .15 .18 .17 .01 0 .45 .35 . 14 .12 .02 .01 .54 .41 .02 0 .06 .05 .41 .27 5. 93 4. 93 .42 .43 .41 .41 .15 .06 .04 .03 .18 .12 .11 .11 .15 .12 1.14 .99 .01 0 .51 .50 1.13 .89 .40 .32 .03 .03 .09 .08 .06 .06 .01 .01 .37 .25 .10 .05 .49 .34 (5) 0 .20 .11 .21 .14 .09 .08 .07 .04 .84 .28 •02I .02 2.68 3.40 .20 .40 .26 .46 .05 .21 .19 .26 .02 0 .62 .88 .18 . 19 0 .29 .83 .58 .03 .24 .06 .16 .55 1.31 7.43 10. 21 .39 .47 .33 .74 .37 .13 .08 0 .27 .37 .07 .24 .22 .24 1.25 2.28 .02 0 .44 .88 1.65 1.47 .56 .59 .05 .08 .08 .32 .06 .13 .01 .03 .54 1.02 .13 .49 .78 .90 .01 .03 .30 .73 .30 .55 .08 . 23 .15 0 1.95 1.94 .01 0 2Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. i Less than 0.005 article. 5 Less than 0.5 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 332. 269 TA B U L A R S U M M A R Y T able 17. — C lothing ex pen d itu res, by econom ic level— Continued W EST N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN REGION—W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Item Clothing, boys 6 through 11 years of age:2 Total______________________________ Hats: Felt-----------------------------------Straw_______________________ Caps: Wool---- ----------------------------Other_____________________ Overcoats________________________ Topcoats________________________ Raincoats________________________ Jackets: Heavy fabric____________ Leather_________________ Other___________________ Sweaters: Heavy________________ Light___ ______________ Play suits: Wool knit____________ Cotton suede_________ Other________________ Suits: Heavy wool_______________ Lightweight wool__________ Cotton, linen______________ Palm Beach_______________ Other_____________________ Trousers: Wool__________________ Cotton________________ Other_________________ Overalls, coveralls_______________ Shirts and blouses: Cotton and other, ex cept wool. . Underwear: Wool-----------Suits, cotton, knit_____________ woven___________ cotton and wool_________ rayon and silk___________ Undershirts, cotton____________ cotton and wool______ rayon and silk________ Shorts, cotton_________________ rayon and silk_________ Drawers, cotton and w ool_____ Pajamas and nightshirts_______ Shoes: Street and dress__________ Canvas___________________ Other____________________ Boots: Rubber__________________ Leather__________________ Arctics________________ Rubbers_______________ Shoe: Repairs_________ Shines__________ Hose: Cotton, heavy__ dress___ Rayon__________ Silk_____________ Wool___________ Gloves: Cotton________ Leather_______ Other_________ Ties___________________ Collars________________ Bathing suits, sun suits. Handkerchiefs_________ Accessories____________ Bathrobes_____________ Cleaning, repairing____ Other__________________ Persons purchasing Average number of articles purchased per person Economic level—Fami lies spending All per expendi fam- ture unit ner ilies year Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over Economic level— Families spending per All fam expenditure unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over N o. N o. Average expenditure per person All fam ilies Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit; per year Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over V. N o. N o. N o. N o. N o. N o. 19 8 6 2 171 107 77 50 37 26 5 3 11 6 76 47 26 13 23 15 105 65 100 63 8 17 21 10 12 6 31 17 45 30 24 12 1 0 4 1 130 87 96 69 61 40 250 175 9 4 52 21 8 2 4 20 12 6 30 33 9 8 3 12 9 10 1 3 40 20 18 64 2 0.05 0.03 0.10 0.10 .02 .01 .04 0 0 .59 .51 .75 .90 12 .24 .22 .27 .35 6 .11 .11 .09 . 15 3 .01 .01 .02 0 0 .03 .03 .04 .05 1 .22 .20 .23 .45 9 .07 .05 .13 .05 1 .07 .06 .06 .10 2 .32 .29 .37 .55 10 .35 .32 .46 .20 4 .09 .07 .15 0 0 . 12 .08 .18 .25 3 .08 .06 .09 .35 3 2 .10 .08 .15 .10 .14 .14 .11 .30 6 2 .16 .08 .33 .25 0 (4) 0 .01 0 .02 (4) .08 0 0 .59 .58 .68 .25 3 .47 .48 .38 .70 7 .24 .23 .27 .25 3 11 2. 00 1.98 2.14 1.60 278 196 12 6 137 92 59 37 42 30 1 0 62 40 18 10 2 0 71 43 0 0 12 7 96 51 354 241 105 73 27 14 26 17 67 39 50 28 61 34 179 127 1 1 168 115 178 126 33 21 2 1 39 20 65 43 80 50 91 53 129 83 3 2 36 19 102 64 37 23 1 9 55 27 66 6 43 17 10 1 14 7 1 21 0 4 38 93 26 10 6 21 21 21 39 0 44 41 11 1 16 20 25 29 38 1 13 30 12 7 21 16 0 2 5 2 0 8 1 1 7 0 1 7 20 6 3 3 7 1 6 13 0 9 11 1 0 3 2 5 9 8 0 4 8 2 1 7 2.72 .07 .93 .40 .28 .01 .54 .15 .01 .60 0 .07 .45 2.64 .42 .09 .07 .19 .14 .18 2.80 .12 1.18 .49 .26 .02 .49 .23 .03 .63 0 .11 .81 2.86 .30 .13 .06 .24 .23 .23 3.30 0 .25 .60 .25 0 1.30 .30 .10 1.20 0 .10 .60 3.15 .50 .15 .15 .35 .05 .35 3. 55 3.41 4.03 4.81 4. 89 4. 77 .59 .47 .82 .03 .02 .04 .31 .23 .45 .29 .27 .37 .26 .24 .31 .38 .31 .49 1.06 .85 1.42 .01 .01 .02 .11 .08 .16 1.93 1.65 2. 37 3.00 4.05 1.00 0 .50 .15 .30 .70 1.90 0 .20 3.30 .03 2.64 .06 .89 .35 .29 0 .51 .11 0 .53 0 .06 .31 2. 51 .41 .07 .07 .17 .12 .15 (4) .08 .05 D o t. D o t. D o t. D o t. 22.82 19.93 27.46 35.78 .07 .03 .16 .14 .01 (5) .02 0 .36 .29 .46 .73 .13 .11 .16 .21 .47 .43 .42 1. 26 .07 .06 .10 0 .09 .06 .15 .15 .59 .50 .63 1.46 .29 .22 .52 . 19 .17 .17 .19 .13 .45 .36 .53 1.14 .34 .30 .48 .23 .16 .08 .42 0 .11 .07 .17 .32 .12 .04 .17 .89 .63 .46 1.00 .90 .87 .73 .83 2. 75 .26 .20 .44 .25 .01 0 .05 0 .05 .01 .17 0 .98 .96 1.19 .35 .59 .59 .54 .89 .39 .34 .45 .78 1.54 1.48 1.77 1.18 1.69 .05 .58 .25 .17 .01 .12 .06 .01 .15 0 .02 .35 5.33 .31 .10 .12 .55 .21 .16 .84 (5) .74 .91 .11 .01 .12 .07 .15 .16 .21 (5) .11 .12 .04 .05 . 19 (5) 1.56 .03 .55 .21 .17 0 .11 .04 0 . 12 0 .02 .23 4. 95 .29 .07 .10 .46 .17 .13 .75 (5) .66 .87 .08 (5) .09 .06 .13 .12 .16 (5) .09 .09 .03 .01 .09 (5) 1.86 .08 .73 .32 .18 .03 .09 .05 .01 .18 0 .03 .65 5.75 .33 .12 .11 .66 .32 .22 .84 0 .93 1.00 .17 .01 .22 .09 .19 .22 .28 (5) .14 .16 .08 .13 .26 0 2.48 0 .17 .43 .20 0 .30 .30 .10 .28 0 .02 .47 8.04 .39 .39 .29 .99 .07 .28 1. 87 0 .85 .99 .10 0 .16 .03 .24 .43 .44 0 .19 .20 .04 .08 1.01 0 2 Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. * Less than 0.005 article. 6 Less than 0.5 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 332. 270 W EST NORTH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N T a b l e 17. — Clothing ex p en d itu res , b y econom ic level— Continued W EST N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN REGION—W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Item VI. Clothing, boys 2 through 5 years of age:2 _______________________ Total Hats: Felt----------------------------------Straw_____________________ Caps: Wool----------------- -------------Other_____________________ Overcoats________________________ Topcoats_______________ ________ Raincoats-------- --------------------------Jackets: Heavy fabric-----------------Leather_________________ Other —-------- ---------------Sweaters: Heavy------------------------Light -------- --------------Play suits: Wool knit-----------------Cotton suede_________ Other________________ Suits: Heavy wool----------------------Lightweight wool_________ Cotton, linen--------------------Palm Beach. ------------------Other............. ......... ........... Trousers: Wool---------------------------Cotton________________ Other_________________ Overal s, coveralls_______________ Blouses: Cotton and other, except wool----------------- ---------Wool__ _______ ________ Underwear: Suits, cotton, knit_____________ woven__________ cotton and wool____ _____ rayon and silk_____ __ __ Undershirts, cotton___________ cotton and wool__ rayon and silk-----Shorts, cotton--------------------------rayon and silk__________ Drawers, cotton and wool--------Pajamas and nightshirts_______ Shoes: Street and dress__________ Canvas___________________ Other____________________ Boots: Rubber__________________ Leather________ _______ Arctics__________________________ Rubbers_________________ _______ Shoe: Repairs________ _____ _____ Shines_______________ ______ Hose: Cotton, heavy..................... dress______________ Rayon____ _______________ Silk______ ________ _______ Wool____________ ________ Gloves: Cotton_____ _ ________ Leather_________________ Other___________________ Ties_____ _______________________ Collars..... ........................... .............. Bathing suits, sun suits__________ Handkerchiefs______________ _____ Accessories______________________ Bathrobes_______________________ Cleaning, repairing______________ Other______________ _____ _______ Persons purchasing Average number of articles purchased per person Average expenditure per person Economic level—Fami lies spending per expendi All ture unit per fam year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over Economic level—Families spending per expenditure All fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over Economic level— Families spending per expenditure All fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over N o. N o. N o. N o. 7 5 71 32 32 8 0 12 5 1 32 48 45 37 34 12 20 39 4 10 16 19 10 134 4 1 42 22 16 5 0 6 5 1 14 24 26 20 10 5 10 13 4 7 9 12 5 80 3 4 23 8 13 2 0 5 0 0 13 17 14 14 14 6 7 19 0 2 6 7 5 43 36 2 25 2 8 0 89 49 27 16 33 18 7 5 12 5 9 5 3 2 10 4 0 0 9 0 58 25 223 132 13 7 16 8 6 3 5 3 19 11 12 2 28 22 1 0 95 55 138 81 29 17 6 2 8 2 20 12 22 13 46 23 23 17 0 0 39 18 14 8 4 3 7 1 16 6 32 6 11 2 6 3 0 3 0 5 25 73 5 4 3 1 7 4 5 0 32 45 8 3 5 4 8 15 4 0 15 5 0 5 7 N o. N o. N o. 0 0.04 0.04 0. 05 .02 .01 .05 0 .37 .36 .38 6 .15 .18 .11 2 14 .12 .18 3 .04 .04 .03 1 0 0 0 0 .05 .05 .07 1 .02 .04 0 0 .01 0 0 (4) .15 .11 .19 5 .24 .20 .26 7 .29 .30 .24 5 .41 .33 .53 3 .37 .24 .30 10 .06 .05 .08 1 .12 .11 .12 3 .65 .27 .86 7 .02 .04 0 0 .07 .08 .03 1 .11 .13 .08 1 .15 .18 .14 0 .08 .06 .15 0 11 1.93 1.85 2. 22 13.70 11.39 15.94 20.54 .02 .02 .03 0 .01 .01 .01 0 .22 .19 .23 .35 .08 .09 .07 .05 .45 .37 .57 .56 .10 .08 .13 .14 0 0 0 0 .08 .08 .10 .07 0 .08 .13 0 0 .01 .02 0 .19 .11 .30 .31 .21 .12 .30 .42 .56 .45 .65 .96 .34 .26 .45 .46 .40 .12 .56 1.64 .18 .09 .31 .29 .26 .21 .27 .50 .55 .19 .82 1.87 0 .03 .06 0 .14 .18 .07 .14 .15 .14 .14 .24 .14 .16 .13 0 .13 .12 .18 0 1.26 1.19 1.45 .99 .28 .01 8 1.02 .87 1.24 1.14 .32 .31 .24 .67 5 4 .37 .33 .39 .52 .06 .07 .05 0 0 .20 .12 .24 .57 1 .14 .09 .18 .29 1 .02 .02 0 .10 1 .15 .06 .14 .76 3 0 0 0 0 0 .21 0 4 .35 1.05 8 .57 .37 .84 .86 2.44 2.28 2. 72 2.48 18 1 .07 .06 .08 .05 .11 .08 .09 .38 4 0 .03 .02 .04 0 1 .02 .02 .01 .05 1 .09 09 . 11 .05 6 .05 .02 .05 .29 1 1 8 2.19 2.07 2.45 2.00 12 4.18 4.43 3.93 3. 48 4 .73 .73 .62 1.14 .12 .05 .18 .38 1 .14 .06 .26 .19 1 4 .11 .11 .07 .24 .11 .11 .12 .05 1 8 .24 .22 .22 .52 2 .20 .25 .12 .14 0 0 0 0 0 .36 .27 .53 .38 6 1 .37 .40 .35 .29 1 1 .03 .01 .07 .05 .57 .14 .20 .04 .05 .04 .01 .03 0 .05 .40 3.93 .06 .11 .04 .04 .11 .05 .09 («) .41 .73 .13 .03 .03 .02 .06 .09 .03 0 .12 .02 («) .07 . 10 .02 4 .49 .02 D o l. 0 0 .38 .10 .14 .05 0 .05 0 0 .24 .38 .33 .48 1.43 .05 .14 2.29 0 .14 .14 0 0 1.43 .61 .31 .33 .03 0 0 3 0 D o l. D o l. N o. D o l. .34 .17 .27 .02 0 0 .47 .14 .16 .04 .03 .05 (5) .02 0 0 .24 3.46 .04 .05 .04 .05 .11 .02 . 13 0 .40 .66 .12 .01 .01 .02 .06 .06 .04 0 .08 .03 .01 .01 .06 .02 .70 .10 .24 .03 .08 .03 0 .03 0 .10 .58 4.43 .09 .11 .05 .03 j13 .05 .05 0 .42 .86 .10 .03 .05 .01 .07 .08 .02 0 .18 .02 0 17 . 15 .01 .79 .35 .35 0 .06 .07 .05 .14 0 .18 .70 5.14 .03 .43 0 .06 .04 .30 .02 .03 .39 .69 .27 . 10 . 10 .07 .03 .32 .05 0 .18 .01 .01 .10 .22 0 2 Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. 4 Less than 0.005 article. * Less than 0.5 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 332. TABULAR T able 17.— 271 SUM M ARY Clothing ex p en d itu res , hy econ om ic level— Continued W E ST N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U T A IN REGION—W H IT E FAM ILIES—Continued Item VII. Clothing, women and girls 18 years of age and over:2 Total __ _________ Hats: Felt_______ __ ___________ Straw_____________________ Fabric______________ ___ Caps and berets: Wool___________ Other_________ Coats: Heavy, plain_________ __ fur trimmed______ Fur_________________ ___ Light, wool_____ _______ cotton_______ ___ silk, rayon_____ __ Raincoats____________ __ ___ Sweaters and jackets: Wool knit_________________ __ Wool fabric __________________ Leather, leatherette______ . . . Other______ ______ ___________ Suits: W o o l______________ _ ___ Silk, rayon________ ___ ___ Other________ _ _ _ Waists and middies: Silk, rayon. _ Cotton_____ O th e r.____ Skirts: Wool_____________________ Other. _______ ____ ______ Dresses: Cotton, house______ . . . street_______ _ Silk, rayon_____________ Wool___ _____ ____ Other______________ . . . Aprons.. _ _ . . . ______ . . . Coveralls. . . . ________ _ __ __ Knickers, breeches, shorts___ . . . Underwear: Slips, cotton__ ___ silk. . . . __ rayon_________ Corsets, girdles_____ Brassieres . . . ___ __ Union suits and com binations: Cotton. ______ W ool.. _______ __ Silk, rayon. _____ Underwaists, shirts.. Bloomers and panties: Cotton.. ___ . . . Rayon____________ Silk_______________ N ig h tg o w n s and sleeping pajamas: Cotton, lig h t.____ flannel____ Silk, rayon___ ____ Pajamas, lounging and beach: Cotton_____ ____ __ _____ __ Silk, rayon_______ _ ... _ Other______ . . . _____ _____ __ Bathrobes____________ ________ Kimonos, negligees______________ Hose: Silk___ __ _ __ __________ Rayon___________________ Cotton___________________ Wool_____________________ Persons purchasing Average number of articles purchased per person Average expenditure per person Economic level—Fami lies spending All per expendi fam ture unit per year ilies Economic level—Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Economic level— Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over Un $400 $600 to and der $400 $600 over No. No. No. No. No. 1,693 727 533 847 224 324 520 148 196 89 25 40 9 3 3 169 67 66 223 69 78 70 9 30 244 64 95 70 22 25 12 5 1 54 12 18 433 299 176 24 3 36 76 31 85 23 6 24 0.81 0.56 6.83 1.13 .44 .30 .43 .65 .28 .20 .28 .38 .04 .03 .05 .05 .01 (4) (4) (4) .08 .08 .08 .07 .10 .09 .10 .13 .03 .01 .04 .06 . 11 .08 .12 .15 .03 .03 .03 .04 .01 (4) .01 .01 .03 .02 .02 .04 216 89 24 22 237 61 52 239 103 26 187 38 1, 070 645 1,162 297 164 312 10 65 379 787 530 796 540 90 34 9 10 84 21 21 85 32 6 78 19 392 242 463 116 69 118 3 18 152 295 200 297 213 73 34 11 8 95 27 20 97 39 14 54 5 305 194 377 115 60 84 6 34 95 298 138 278 154 .12 .07 .15 .15 .04 .03 .04 .06 .01 .01 .01 .02 .01 .01 .01 .02 .11 .07 .11 .18 .03 .02 .03 .05 .03 .01 .03 .04 .15 .10 .14 .24 .06 .06 .05 .09 .01 .01 .01 .03 .09 .07 . 11 . 10 .02 .02 .02 .01 1.14 1.40 1.60 1.89 .59 .48 .62 .71 .96 .64 .99 1.37 . 17 .10 . 18 .25 . 12 .07 .13 .17 .40 .38 .42 .42 .01 (4) .02 (4) .05 .03 .04 .08 .36 .31 .39 .39 .77 .43 .80 1.20 .50 .46 .53 .52 .46 .35 .41 .69 .74 .57 .85 .82 84 67 43 42 92 117 50 48 63 25 100 29 72 31 25 774 273 302 206 43 85 16 199 78 426 118 171 252 90 94 408 93 153 137 68 162 62 14 26 73 20 23 2 6 1 115 24 43 77 12 33 1,830 622 700 278 125 98 250 103 103 38 14 11 22 30 3 48 32 508 55 44 13 214 110 309 127 53 21 4 4 58 13 11 57 32 6 55 14 373 209 322 66 35 110 1 13 132 194 192 221 173 No. No. No. Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. 5105 32. 47 54.81 83.32 1.71 .92 1.74 2. 78 .87 .46 .83 1. 52 .51 .31 .50 .80 .04 .02 .04 .05 .01 .01 .01 (5) 1.48 1.27 1.67 1.53 3.29 1.93 3.03 5.56 2. 34 .56 2.43 4. 72 1.50 .91 1.59 2. 21 .24 .21 .22 .30 .04 .01 .03 .09 .04 .02 .03 .07 .24 .09 ' .06 .06 1.56 .24 . 14 .27 .07 .03 .23 .03 1.73 1.36 5.83 1.15 .60 .24 .01 .07 .25 1.07 .45 1.27 .33 .13 .04 .04 .02 .83 .11 .06 .13 .06 .01 . 16 .03 1.39 .95 3. 32 .53 .31 .22 (6) .03 .19 .52 .38 .69 .20 .27 .09 .03 .09 1. 55 .20 . 16 .25 .06 .02 . 26 .05 1.70 1.41 5.70 1.14 .66 .23 .01 .05 .27 1.08 .47 1.25 .36 .35 . 14 .12 .07 2.61 .48 .22 .50 . 12 .07 . 27 .02 2.27 1.85 9.53 2.04 .93 .28 .02 . 17 .30 1.82 .52 2.12 .45 .30 .12 .53 .18 . 19 . 12 .38 .08 .16 .11 .25 .07 .18 .14 .37 .07 .25 .11 .59 .09 .10 .11 .07 .12 1. 39 1.22 1.55 1.43 .33 .16 .37 .50 .05 .59 .25 .04 .44 .12 .03 .66 .26 .08 .71 .40 .31 .19 .44 .19 . 15 .21 .33 .21 .42 .46 .22 .79 .25 . 12 .40 .17 .36 .19 .30 .24 .12 .31 .17 .26 .17 .19 .23 .12 .41 .17 .39 .21 .33 .49 .19 .40 .04 .03 .05 .04 .05 .03 .05 .09 .01 (4) (4) (4) .05 .03 .05 .09 .04 .02 .05 .07 9. 30 6.29 10. 00 12.54 .77 .92 .76 .58 .47 .54 .50 .34 .04 .04 .04 .04 .05 .03 .05 .07 .10 .04 .08 .22 .02 .01 (5) (5) .21 .08 .20 .40 .09 .03 .10 .17 6.88 4.30 7.19 10.07 .37 .40 .40 .28 . 12 .13 .13 .09 .02 .02 .03 .03 2Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. 4 Less than 0.005 article. 5 Less than 0.5 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 332, 272 W E S T T able N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 1 7 . — C lothing expenditures, by econom ic level— Continued W E S T N O R T H C E N T R A L -M O U N T A I N R E G IO N — W H I T E F A M I L I E S — Continued Item Persons purchasing Average number of articles purchased per person Average expenditure per person Economic level— Fam i lies spending per expendi All ture unit per fam year ilies Economic level— Families spending per expenditure All fam unit per year ilies Economic level— Families spending per expenditure All fam unit per year ilies U n $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over U n $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over U n $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over N o. N o. N o. N o . 1.49 1. 26 1.66 1.57 .64 .46 .64 .90 .12 .23 .25 .35 .42 .34 .49 .45 JDol. D ot. D ot. D ot. 4.79 3.60 5. 02 6.14 2. 37 1.44 2. 34 3.71 .57 .27 .60 .96 .39 .27 .40 .55 .74 . 54 . 78 . 96 .05 .02 .01 . 13 .08 .06 .09 . 11 . 17 . 12 .17 .24 .33 . 16 .35 . 55 .42 . 14 .47 .75 . 13 .05 . 14 .24 .11 .16 .18 .22 .22 .33 .34 .47 . 13 .09 .04 .33 .09 .05 .08 . 17 .81 .40 .88 1.28 .08 .05 .09 . 10 . 19 . 15 . 18 . 27 2.06 . 86 2.13 3. 64 . 26 . 13 . 18 . 54 V II. Clothing, women and girls 18 N o . N o. N o. N o. years of age and over2— Continued. Shoes: Street -------------------------------- 1, 656 590 622 444 858 244 345 269 Dress___ . . . ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ 373 83 154 136 Sport____ ___ ___ House slippers. ___ __ _ __ 686 208 274 204 1,163 370 450 343 Shoe: Repairs_____ __ ______ Shines_____ _ __ 39 71 13 19 169 42 72 Rubbers. _ _____ _ _ _____ 55 85 Arctics, gaiters----- --- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 268 87 96 Gloves: C otton.__ _______ __ _ _ 698 179 284 235 Leather.__ _ _ _ _ __ 447 72 194 181 Other______ _ _________ __ 228 44 94 90 Bathing suits, sun suits______ 39 105 32 34 Handkerchiefs_______________ __ _ 734 235 276 223 Furs___ _ *___ _ ______________ 1 14 5 8 _____________ Mufflers, scarfs____ 65 167 38 64 Handbags, purses_______ ________ 931 252 370 309 Umbrellas________ ______________ 88 21 38 29 Garters, belts, hairpins, etc____ _ 708 239 261 208 Cleaning, repairing. 1,157 284 465 408 Other__________ . . . . . _______ V III. Clothing, girls 12 through 17 years of a g e :2 T o t a l . _________ ____ __ _. ___ ..I. Hats: Felt____________ _______ 129 65 46 18 Straw. __________ ________ 64 29 26 9 Fabric-------- --------------------52 29 17 6 Caps and berets: W ool---------- -------75 38 29 8 Other____ ___ 12 5 2 5 Coats: H eavy, plain._ _ _ . . . 71 36 26 9 fur trimmed______ 22 15 4 3 Fur________________________ 1 0 0 1 Light, wool___ __ _________ 37 16 15 6 cotton. __ _________ 12 4 2 6 silk, rayon_____ . . . 3 0 1 2 Play suits: W ool knit____________ 11 1 7 3 Cotton suede__________ 7 1 2 4 Other_____. . . . _ . . . . 8 6 1 1 Raincoats___ _________ __ __ _ _ _ 21 10 6 5 Sweaters and jackets: Wool knit_____ . _________ __ . 90 47 33 10 _________ Wool fabric. ______ 37 15 17 5 Leather, leatherette-------------------25 10 12 3 Other__________ _______________ 2 8 3 3 _____________ Suits: W ool_____ 35 19 11 5 Silk, rayon--------------------------1 0 0 1 Other......... .. ....... ............. 12 6 5 1 Waists and middies: Silk, rayon______ ________ __ 39 22 13 4 Cotton ___________ 48 23 21 4 1 Other. ------------ ----------------------------4 2 1 72 39 26 Skirts: W ool____ ____ _______ ______ 7 4 Other_________ ______ 11 1 6 Dresses: Cotton, house_____ __ __ 72 48 17 7 street________ __ 122 72 40 10 Silk, rayon___________ 133 73 45 15 W ool_______ _ _ _ _ _ 42 24 11 7 Other______ . 17 8 5 4 Aprons_____________________________ 14 10 4 0 Coveralls__________ __ __ . 2 5 3 0 Knickers, breeches, s h o r ts ____ 28 9 13 6 .04 .08 .09 .10 . 13 . 11 .12 . 15 .49 .26 .76 .53 .25 . 11 .29 :39 .13 .21 .06 .15 .04 .05 .04 .07 3.62 3.01 3. 77 4. 26 .02 .01 (4) .01 .09 .05 . 14 .09 .64 .40 .69 .90 .04 .03 .05 .05 .53 .39 .64 1.20 .21 .27 .32 .48 .24 .21 .36 .40 .21 .27 .36 .39 .03 .06 .09 .20 .24 . 19 .30 .40 .07 .08 . 12 .05 0 .04 0 (4) .12 .07 .24 .17 .04 .02 .07 .08 0 .01 .01 .08 .04 .01 .08 . 12 .03 .01 .05 .20 .03 .03 .03 .04 .05 .07 .07 .20 .28 .33 .43 .09 .13 .20 .05 .08 .14 .03 .01 .03 .12 . 10 . 13 0 0 (4) .03 .04 .06 .18 .25 .03 .30 .05 .62 .98 .69 .20 .10 . 11 .02 .14 2 Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. 4 Less than 0.005 article. Notes on this table are in appendix A , p. 332. .44 .20 . 12 . 16 .20 .04 .04 . 15 .23 .20 .19 .39 .20 .01 .09 .04 .23 .41 .48 .02 . 11 .04 .65 .72 .55 .76 1.24 1.68 .57 .85 1.12 .16 .14 .64 .08 .09 .28 .09 .18 0 .01 .03 0 .05 .28 .29 37. 62 .70 .33 .24 .17 .02 2. 73 1.08 .01 1.05 .22 .05 . 18 .03 .06 . 11 28. 51 .43 .18 .19 . 13 .01 1.91 1.14 0 .55 . 11 0 .06 .01 .08 .07 47. 36 .96 .51 .31 .24 .04 3.79 .69 0 1. 82 .43 .01 .39 .03 .01 . 11 71. 75 1.86 .82 .33 .25 .06 5.28 2.05 .08 2. 08 .32 .52 .28 .20 .04 .43 .46 .61 .84 .31 .20 .49 .11 .42 .28 .04 .01 .03 .97 .90 1.04 0 ,01 0 . 19 . 12 .38 .96 .46 1.04 .30 1.23 .08 .04 .18 .23 .34 .27 .13 .28 .45 .87 .04 .01 .09 .08 .62 .41 .90 1.30 .06 .03 . 12 .04 .54 .59 .64 .78 1. 42 1.13 1. 84 2.15 2. 78 2.14 3.46 5.24 .62 .48 .51 2.07 .32 . 19 .50 .70 .04 .06 . 12 0 .02 .01 .03 0 .18 .07 .27 .66 TABULAR T able 17.— 273 SU M M AR Y C lothing ex p en d itu res , hy econ om ic level— Continued W E ST N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN REG IO N —W H IT E F AM ILIES— Continued Ite m Persons purchasing A verage n u m ber of articles purchased per person A verage expenditure per person E conom ic level— F a m i lies spending per expendi A ll ture u n it per fam year ilies E conom ic level— F am ilies spending per expenditure A ll fam un it per year ilies E con om ic level— Fam ilies spending per expenditure A ll fam un it per year ilies Un der $400 U n $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over V I I I . C lothing, girls 12 through 17 years of age2— C ontinued. N o . N o. N o. N o . N o. U nderw ear: Slips, cotton ______ 65 39 17 9 0.45 silk ____________ .38 67 24 37 6 rayon _______ _ 89 .63 53 29 7 C orsets, girdles_______ 46 .2 2 28 13 5 B rassieres.. _ . _____ 68 41 .7 8 20 7 U n ion suits and com binations: C o t t o n ____ .2 2 31 20 4 7 W o o l________________ 10 .0 8 7 2 1 Silk, r a y o n ____. . . 44 .40 20 6 18 U nderw aists, sh irts. _ 44 .4 8 4 30 10 B loom ers and panties: C otto n --------- -----------24 .3 0 14 7 3 Rayon. . ----------167 104 15 2.44 48 S ilk __________________ 12 .1 0 4 7 1 N ig h tgow n s and ' sleeping pajam as: C otton , lig h t .. . . . .2 4 48 25 6 17 flannel___ .24 44 25 9 10 Silk, r a y o n _______ 55 26 .27 25 4 P ajam as, lounging and beach: C o t t o n ... ______________________ .06 4 13 8 1 Silk, rayon _ ____________________ .05 11 8 3 0 .0 2 O th er__________ __________ _______ 3 2 1 0 B a th r o b e s .. _ . __ _ ____ __ . 9 3 4 2 .03 .02 K im on os, negligees. ____ __ .. 5 2 3 0 H ose: S i l k . . _______ _ __ . . . . 186 107 60 19 6. 34 Rayon _____ . _ . . 83 55 23 5 2.11 C o tto n ________ _. . . . 128 87 35 6 3.09 W o o l__________________________ 12 .10 6 5 1 Shoes: Street__________ 249 152 22 1.83 75 D ress_____ .76 144 87 43 14 S p o r t ... 112 .54 57 44 11 .21 21 H ouse slippers . _ _______________ 56 29 6 Shoe: Repairs ___ 169 108 45 16 1 1 2 Shines ___ 0 .12 R u b b e r s. _ ... __________ 2 37 16 19 .24 Arctics, gaiters 21 67 39 7 G loves: C otton _ ____ .36 83 48 28 7 Leather ________ 28 8 17 3 .10 .21 O ther . . . . . . __________ 49 11 20 18 B athing suits, sun suits . . . _ .. 41 21 .18 15 5 H a n d k e rch ie fs._ ______ __ . . . 98 54 33 11 3.13 F u rs_________ _____ _______________ 1 1 0 0 ( 4) . 15 M u fflers, scarfs__________ _____ 38 13 16 9 122 .57 __________ H an d b ags, purses______ 63 44 15 .0 2 5 2 U m b rella s___________ ___________ 3 0 8 G arters, belts, hairpins, etc _ ___ 77 41 28 Cleaning, repairing ___ .... 111 42 21 48 Other _ _ . ___________ _________ I X . C loth in g, girls 6 through 11 years of a g e :2 T o ta l 45 26 14 5 .15 H a ts: F e lt__________________________ .13 44 26 14 4 S t r a w ------------------------ . 22 2 .11 33 9 F a b r i c .. . _ . . . . . . _____ 34 .37 113 66 13 C aps and berets: W o o l _____ 2 9 .06 O ther____________ 18 7 .23 C oats: H e a v y , p la in . __________ __ _ 79 53 23 3 10 4 .0 6 fur trim m e d ______ 20 6 1 0 1 0 F u r _________ ____________ (4) 4 .0 7 L igh t, w o o l. . . . . . 25 8 13 .03 cotton _____ 10 3 4 3 1 1 0 silk, rayo n __________ 0 (4) 2Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. * Less than 0.005 article. 4Less than 0.5 cent. $400 $600 to and $600 over N o. N o. N o. 0.38 0.47 0.92 .3 0 .5 6 .4 0 .5 4 .7 4 .96 .1 9 .2 2 .4 4 .76 .7 9 .9 2 Un der $400 $400 to $600 $600 and over Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. 0.26 0.20 0.29 0.64 .42 .5 7 .2 8 .69 .45 .4 9 .90 .36 .22 .45 .17 .24 .22 .21 .2 4 .2 5 .21 .0 8 .2 9 .47 .2 0 .07 .56 .3 2 .4 0 .04 .6 8 .5 2 . 14 .06 .3 2 .15 .1 0 .06 .19 .15 .15 .06 .45 . 16 .44 .01 .88 . 14 .2 6 2.29 .0 4 .3 3 2.54 .2 5 .4 8 3.24 .0 8 .0 9 .7 9 .07 .07 .71 .0 4 . 11 .80 . 15 . 14 1.33 .0 4 .1 7 .2 0 .17 .32 .16 .4 9 .4 4 .80 .20 .19 .24 .27 .1 2 .1 8 .1 7 .25 .1 8 .47 .4 6 .9 1 .2 7 .06 .04 .06 .07 .01 .01 .07 .02 .03 .0 2 3. 63 2.70 .61 .54 .63 .6 0 .03 .03 4. 88 4. 21 2.03 1.71 1.05 .81 . 16 .11 .98 .86 . 01 (5) . 12 .07 .2 8 .24 .20 .16 .13 .05 . 14 .08 .23 .10 .23 .16 .01 ( 5) . 10 .06 .40 .23 .03 .0 2 . 14 . 10 .8 2 .43 .0 6 .03 . 12 .05 .02 .12 .05 4. 57 .73 .71 .04 5. 20 2. 20 1. 53 . 23 .9 0 0 . 22 .31 .26 .27 .16 .42 .32 0 .17 .58 .04 . 20 1.24 . 15 .03 .06 .02 .0 2 .01 5. 05 1.75 3.07 . 10 1.69 .70 .46 .16 .14 .0 4 .05 0 .02 0 .05 .08 .03 0 7. 66 11.48 2.93 2.00 3.33 2. 32 . 11 .04 1.84 2.88 .75 1.20 .7 0 .68 .3 0 .2 8 .08 .22 .3 0 .05 .13 .08 2. 56 .01 .07 .42 .0 2 .2 2 .25 .43 .2 0 .24 .39 3. 77 0 .2 4 .75 .0 2 .13 .12 .11 .29 .03 .24 .03 0 .04 .01 (4) .08 .36 .52 . 12 .68 .24 5. 24 0 .4 0 1.12 0 .17 .28 .14 .2 2 . 13 .11 .40 1.11 .12 .11 .23 .1 7 .1 0 .2 2 .01 0 .2 2 .13 .0 4 .1 7 0 0 .0 8 0 0 .31 0 7 .32 .6 8 .5 7 .0 2 8 .84 3. 83 1.21 .2 3 2 .09 .05 .0 8 .49 .3 2 .25 . 54 .5 0 .41 0 .22 1.00 0 .2 0 2.2 2 0 20.91 16.36 27. 72 38. 31 .3 3 .13 .09 .19 .2 6 .11 .09 .15 .0 8 .08 .06 .10 .6 9 .23 .26 .18 .05 .0 4 .03 .01 1.31 1.20 1.56 1.28 .45 .17 .78 2. 06 .04 0 . 15 0 .47 .1 4 1.00 1 .62 .3 5 .0 4 .1 0 .2 0 .01 0 0 (5) Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 332. WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION 274 T able 17.— Clothing ex p en d itu res , b y econ om ic level— Continued W EST NOR TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN REGION—W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Item IX . Clothing, girls 6 through 11 years of age2—Continued. Play suits: Woolknit— ............. Cotton suede_________ Other________________ Raincoats------------------------------------Sweaters and jackets: Wool knit___ _________________ Wool fabric____________________ Leather, leatherette____________ Other____________ _________ ____ Suits: Wool______________________ Silk, rayon________________ Other______________ _____ Waists and middies: Silk, rayon------------------------Cotton_______________________ Other-------- ---------------------------Skirts: Wool_____________________ O t h e r . _______________ Dresses: Cotton_____________ __ Silk, rayon___ ______ Wool___ _____ ____ O th e r__ ________ ______ Aprons__________________________ Coveralls_____ _ _________ Knickers, breeches, shorts ____ __ Underwear: Slips, cotton________ silk___________ rayon_____ __ Union suits^and com binations: Cotton____ _____ Wool_____ ________ Silk, rayon______ _ Underwaists, shirts. . Bloomers and panties: Cotton___ ___________ Rayon. __ _________ Silk____ __________ Nightgowns and sleeping pajamas: Cotton, light________ flannel______ Silk, rayon__________ Pajamas, lounging and beach: Cotton______ . . . ________ _ Silk, rayon_____________________ Other.................. ....................... . Bathrobes .................................... . Kimonos, negligees....................... . Hose: Silk-------------- --------------------Rayon.................... ............... Cotton____________________ Wool_____________ ____ _ Shoes: Street and dress__________ Sport_____________________ House slippers. _ ________________ Shoe: Repairs. _ ________________ Shines_____________________ Rubbers............... .............................. Arctics, gaiters________ ______ ____ Gloves: Cotton_________________ Leather_________________ Other___________________ Persons purchasing Average number of articles purchased per person Average expenditure per person Economic level—Fami lies spending per expendi All ture unit per fam year ilies Economic level— Families spending per expenditure All fam unit per year ilies Economic level— Families spending per expenditure All fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over N o. N o. 30 15 9 4 5 N o. 16 8 N o. N o. 5 3 io 3 12 0 26 72 27 46 18 14 3 8 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 8 10 2 8 4 1 5 3 0 2 1 2 7 28 3 4 80 29 41 17 4 4 7 4 2 1 12 15 1 0 2 11 15 1 0 1 221 133 75 1 10 6 30 9 5 0 16 8 6 10 4 6 59 32 22 22 13 9 22 9 11 68 4 5 3 13 9 3 1 2 2 0 5 0 2 3 42 19 18 27 23 39 30 47 12 10 8 2 14 6 60 140 38 83 20 2 12 20 10 42 63 27 15 11 2 14 1 24 37 9 6 6 0 4 1 45 7 17 21 14 7 4 1 9 0 52 30 16 117 74 37 250 160 77 26 17 7 344 223 103 74 46 23 50 27 19 145 94 44 2 36 81 66 20 68 1 20 1 3 1 5 4 2 1 1 1 0 6 6 13 2 18 5 4 7 0 13 29 24 3 45 40 39 24 5 8 10 7 2 2 0.10 .08 .03 .08 .23 .09 .03 No. N o . N o . 0.05 0.16 0.28 .04 .14 .17 .03 .03 0 .04 .13 .22 .22 .20 .04 .02 .15 .03 .56 .33 .17 .06 .06 Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over D o t. .30 .13 .05 .01 (4) 0 .01 .02 .02 .02 .11 .01 0 .01 (4) .02 .01 .01 .02 0 .04 .03 .02 .05 0 .02 .17 .10 .33 .06 .12 0 (4) (4) 0 (8) .05 .01 . 14 .11 .13 .01 0 .02 (4) 0 2. 37 1.99 3.12 2.89 2. 26 .37 .26 .56 .67 .71 . 11 .10 .13 .22 .23 .10 .06 . 18 .06 .10 . 11 .04 .05 0 .01 .06 .04 .07 . 11 .05 .03 .02 .08 0 .02 .41 .28 .64 .67 . 16 . 12 .10 .18 0 .07 . 10 .08 . 13 . 11 .48 .26 .26 .45 .40 .20 .64 .28 .30 .42 .56 .94 .28 .78 .67 .70 1.91 1.57 .16 .10 2. 36 .67 .33 3. 61 .50 .21 .25 .43 .23 .29 . 12 .18 .24 .05 .29 .37 .08 .05 .05 .04 .10 .21 .07 .10 .24 .27 .06 .24 .09 .20 .22 .05 .01 0 .10 .10 .01 .03 0 .01 .12 0 .01 .06 (6) .09 0 .05 .27 0 .06 0 0 .20 .22 .06 0 1.73 3. 25 3. 31 .49 1.00 1.72 .20 .23 .51 .05 .18 .28 .01 0 .05 .04 .06 . 12 .01 .06 0 . 10 .26 .30 .06 .11 0 .05 .03 .08 .07 .38 .07 .64 1.13 .08 .20 . 11 .39 .50 . 13 .23 . 11 . 10 . 16 .04 .21 .28 . 11 .06 .04 .04 .09 .07 .03 .13 .28 .34 . 17 .39 . 17 .29 .39 .10 .11 .28 .22 . 12 . 11 .21 .20 .30 .02 .08 .01 0 .01 .01 .15 .01 0 .29 .86 .24 . 28 .09 .66 .33 .21 .09 .06 .07 0 .23 .20 .24 .56 .53 .45 .63 .94 1.25 1.08 1. 52 1. 68 .08 .08 .08 .14 5. 75 5.11 6. 68 8.46 .60 .52 .76 .72 . 11 .08 . 15 .17 . 68 . 70 . 67 . 47 . 01 01 . 01 o .10 .08 . 12 .17 .25 .20 .31 .39 . 10 .09 . 13 .07 .06 .02 .09 .24 .13 .11 . 16 .26 2Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. 4 Less than 0.005 article. 4 Less than 0.5 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 332. .86 .48 .25 .04 .39 .14 .39 .03 .34 .33 3.12 3.56 .34 .40 .33 .12 .20 .28 .24 .04 .31 .50 .05 .29 .20 .25 .06 .03 D o l. .36 .25 . 14 . 12 2.86 2. 67 .36 .15 D o l. .24 . 16 . 11 .09 .01 . 11 .01 0 .04 .02 .09 .06 0 (4) 0 (4) .88 .81 .89 1. 61 2.25 2. 01 2.60 3.22 6. 35 5.90 7.12 7.50 .31 D o l. 0. 42 0.16 0.62 2. 52 .06 .03 .10 .21 .09 .07 . 16 0 •07 .03 .15 . 17 275 TABULAE SUMMARY T able 17. — C lothing ex p en d itu res , by econom ic level— Continued W EST N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN REGION—W H IT E FAM ILIES— Continued Item IX . Clothing, girls 6 through 11 years of age —Continued. Bathing suits, sun suits_________ Handkerchiefs.. . ___ _. _______ Furs_____________________________ Mufflers, scarfs. _ _________ __ __ Handbags, purses________________ Umbrellas_____ _____________ __ Garters, belts, hairpins, etc __ . Cleaning, repairing* ___ __ Other___ _ ____ _________ ____ X . Clothing, girls 2 through 5 years of age:2 Total________ ____ _____________ __ Hats: Felt__________________ Straw____________________ Fabric______ _____ . . . . . . Caps and berets: Wool____ ______ Other.. . . . Coats: Heavy, plain________ _ _ fur trimmed______ Fur_________________ Light, wool. . ____ ______ cotton______ _ __ silk, rayon______ __ Play suits: Wool knit____ ____ __ Cotton suede_________ Other ____ _ Raincoats_____ _________ _______ Sweaters and jackets: Wool knit____ ______ _________ Wool fabric____________________ Leather, leatherette___________ Other._ _________ __ _________ Suits: Wool----------------- ---------Silk, rayon_______ . . . __ Other___ _________________ Waists and middies: Silk, rayon_________________ __ Cotton ____________ ____ ___ Other--------------------------- _ _ __ Skirts: W o o l ...-------------------------Other___ ____________ ___ Dresses: Cotton ________ _______ Silk, rayon. _____ _____ Wool___________________ O th e r..._____ _ __ ___ Aprons. _ _ _ ._ . . . . . . _______ Coveralls_______ _________ _ _ Knickers, breeches, shorts . . . . . . Underwear: Slips, cotton... ____ silk _ _ _ _ _ rayon_________ Union suits and com binations: Cotton___ _______ Wool_____________ Silk, rayon________ Underwaists, shirts Bloomers and panties: Cotton. _ . . . . . Rayon.. __ _______ Silk_______ _______ N igh tgow n s and sleeping pajamas: Cotton, light______ flannel.._ . Silk, rayon. ______ 2 Persons purchasing Average number of articles purchased per person Average expenditure per person Economic level—Fami lies spending All per expendi fam ture unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over Economic level— Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over Economic level— Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over 43 89 0 23 54 11 66 61 21 58 0 13 30 4 34 32 16 28 0 7 20 6 27 26 N o. N o. N o. No. Dol. D o l . D o l . D o l . 6 0.15 0.10 0.20 0.44 0.14 0.07 0.24 0.31 3 1.97 1.83 2.46 1.00 .13 .10 .16 .25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .07 .06 .07 .22 3 .05 .04 .05 .09 4 .20 .14 .24 .66 .08 .05 . 11 .25 1 .03 .02 .06 .06 .03 .01 .07 .03 5 .07 .05 . 12 . 12 3 . 17 . 12 .28 . 14 .02 0 .oi (6) 18 8 11 55 9 28 4 0 24 6 1 24 15 12 5 11 5 4 31 6 17 3 0 10 5 0 12 6 2 1 7 2 6 20 3 9 1 0 12 1 1 9 9 10 3 0 .08 .08 . 12 0 1 .04 .03 .04 .09 1 .06 .03 . 12 .09 4 .30 .24 .39 .55 0 .08 .05 .17 0 2 . 13 .12 .13 . 18 0 .02 .02 .01 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 . 11 .07 .17 .18 0 .03 .03 .01 0 0 (4) 0 .01 0 3 . 14 .10 .20 .27 0 . 12 .07 .25 0 0 .10 .03 .28 0 1 .02 .01 .04 .09 41 21 0 2 8 0 4 17 12 0 1 4 0 0 23 7 0 1 3 0 4 1 .20 . 12 .39 2 . 13 .10 . 16 0 0 0 0 0 .01 .01 .03 1 .04 .04 .04 0 0 0 0 .02 0 0 .06 0 3 1 2 3 105 33 19 6 5 32 2 13 3 3 0 2 1 1 1 56 16 8 5 3 18 2 7 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 42 16 11 1 1 13 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .04 .05 .04 0 0 (4) .01 0 0 1 .01 .01 0 .09 .04 .01 .09 0 0 7 1.74 1. 25 2. 25 5.00 1 .21 . 15 .33 .09 0 . 13 .09 .23 0 0 .09 . 12 .04 0 1 .06 .05 .07 .09 1 . 19 . 10 .41 .09 0 .01 .01 0 0 2 . 13 . 12 . 10 .55 .02 .01 .04 0 0 0 .03 .02 .06 0 60 18 14 28 32 9 11 14 26 5 2 11 2 4 1 3 .68 .21 .23 .33 .48 1.13 . 17 .16 .30 .12 .20 .70 41 48 11 22 29 2 17 15 6 2 4 3 25 47 6 9 19 1 12 24 5 4 4 0 N o. N o. N o. N o. .09 .27 0 0 .09 0 0 13.16 9. 43 19. 36 23.66 .09 .09 . 12 0 .03 .03 .04 .07 .05 .02 . 13 .03 .17 .14 .21 .29 .03 .02 .06 0 .62 . 52 .82 .77 .20 .23 . 16 0 0 0 0 0 .43 .22 .74 1.18 .05 .06 .04 0 .02 0 .07 0 .38 .19 .62 1.26 .09 .07 . 14 0 . 16 .02 .49 0 .02 .01 .03 .09 .30 . 13 .69 .13 .07 .22 0 0 0 .05 .07 .01 .18 .16 .21 0 0 0 .07 0 .23 .12 .23 0 0 .27 0 0 0 .01 (5) .01 .01 1.34 .31 . 17 .08 .02 . 18 .01 .05 .01 .01 0 .01 (5) (5) (5) .77 .24 .10 . 11 .02 . 17 .01 .04 .01 (5) 0 .01 0 0 .02 2.12 .48 .34 .04 .02 .22 0 .05 .02 .03 0 0 0 .14 0 3. 92 . 18 0 0 .02 . 11 0 . 14 0 0 .55 .91 .09 .73 .41 . 12 .08 .10 .30 .10 .11 .06 .64 .09 .03 .18 .29 .62 .06 . 18 .75 .99 .18 .58 1.03 1.09 .72 1.52 1.18 .03 .26 1.64 . 13 .21 .06 . 10 . 15 .02 .19 .35 .09 .27 .25 .36 .22 .39 .04 .11 .24 .01 . 12 .06 .28 .15 .03 (5) .32 1.09 .61 1.00 . 10 0 . 17 .68 .50 .63 .08 0 1Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. 4 Less than 0.005 article. 5 Less than 0.5 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 332. 276 W E S T T able N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R E G IO N 17. — C lothing ex pen d itu res, b y econ om ic level— Continued W EST N O R T H C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R EGION—W H IT E F AM ILIES— Continued Persons purchasing Item Economic level—Fami lies spending per expendi All ture unit per year fam ilies Average number of articles purchased per person All fam ilies N o. N o. N o. N o. N o. N o. N o. 4 6 2 1 0 0 9 3 2 1 25 16 48 30 143 83 13 7 224 144 24 14 24 7 30 17 0 0 10 0 40 16 26 12 4 7 27 13 20 3 17 10 0 0 5 1 24 10 2 0 34 22 25 7 2 1 0 4 1 8 14 52 3 69 5 12 12 0 6 16 13 3 9 16 7 0 4 12 2 9 13 0 0. 05 0. 05 0.06 .01 .01 .01 0 0 0 0 0 .04 .02 .06 2 .01 .01 . 01 0 .59 .53 .77 1 4 1.35 1.13 1. 72 8 4. 62 3. 40 6. 64 .22 . 21 .22 3 11 2.45 2.30 2. 77 .16 . 12 .09 5 5 . 13 .05 .20 1 0 4 .04 0 .09 8 . 18 . 11 .23 1 . 15 .09 .28 .04 .03 .04 0 5 . 16 . 10 . 19 1 . 13 .02 .36 0 .46 .33 .81 0 0 0 0 .03 .01 .07 0 2 .14 .08 .23 .03 0 .01 0 3 5 64 32 58 54 109 31 89 90 84 139 133 2 21 11 24 22 39 13 32 33 30 53 52 0 14 4 15 8 19 10 24 20 19 22 18 1 29 17 19 24 51 8 33 37 35 64 63 1 All fam ilies . 58 .20 .44 .36 2.17 .73 1. 78 7. 64 1. 21 4.13 1. 83 .01 .49 .20 .30 .36 2.00 .36 1.28 8.22 .92 3. 69 1. 61 .01 Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Un $400 $600 to and der $400 $600 over Un $400 $600 to and der $400 $600 over Un $400 $600 der to and $400 $600 over X . Clothing, girls 2 through 5 years of age 2— Continued. Pajamas, lounging and beach: Cotton. _ ------------- -------------------Silk____________________________ Other_____ ______________________ Bathrobes. ___ _ ............... ......... Kimonos, negligees ----------- --Hose: Silk.. _ _ . . . . . . . . . -- Rayon.. --------------------------Cotton. . . . . -------- ---------Wool______________________ Shoes: Street and dress. ------S p o r t.--------------------------House slippers______ . ... Shoe: Repairs. _ _________ _____ Shines _ _______ ____ _____ Rubbers ____________. . . ------Arctics, gaiters--------------------Gloves: Cotton. _ -----------------------------------Leather. _______ Other. ______ Bathing suits, sun suits _ . . . Handkerchiefs- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Furs__________ _ _ _______ Mufflers, scarfs. _ __ ---------Handbags, purses________________ ___ __ _________ Umbrellas. Garters, belts, hairpins, etc _ _ _ Cleaning, repairing. ___ ________ Other__ __________ __ _______ X I. Clothing, infants:3 ____ ________ Total Caps, hoods, bonnets. _ _____ Coats___ ________ __ ___ __ -Sweaters, sacques ___ ----------- --- _ Sweater suits. _ _ _ _ _ _ -----Dresses, rompers ---------- ----Skirts, gertrudes _ _ _ ----- ---------- --Shirts, bands___ __ __ ___ Diapers____ __ ___ _ ------- --Sleeping garments. _ ___ Stockings___ ________ _ - - - - Bootees, shoes ______ ___. Layettes. ______ _ _ _ ----Other _ _____ ______ _____ __ _ _ Economic level— Families spending per expenditure unit per year Average expenditure per person N o. D o l. D o l, D o l. D o l. 0 0 0 .18 0 .36 1.82 8.00 .45 2. 54 1. 09 .73 0.04 .01 0 .05 .01 . 15 .24 .89 .07 3. 80 . 21 .07 . 07 0 .04 .21 .05 .02 .07 .09 .02 0 .01 .03 .01 . 04 . 13 .01 0.04 .01 0 .02 (5) .12 .20 .63 .06 3.19 .17 .03 . 06 0 0 . 12 .03 .02 . 04 .01 .02 0 (5) .01 0 . 03 . 03 . 01 0.06 .01 0 .07 .02 . 19 .31 1. 32 .07 4. 93 . 13 . 13 . 11 0 .08 .28 . 11 .03 . 11 .21 .04 0 .04 .07 .02 . 03 . 28 . 01 0 0 0 . 18 0 . 18 .33 1. 52 . 17 4. 66 1.41 .27 . 05 0 .28 1.08 .05 0 .26 .27 0 0 0 .10 0 . 17 . 52 0 .36 .82 .18 0 .82 .09 0 0 0 .36 0 .54 1.00 . 18 .27 .51 .69 .35 .42 2. 15 2. 81 .92 1. 46 1.58 4. 08 9. 61 27. 69 1.11 2. 50 4.31 5. 12 1.95 2.23 .04 0 9. 21 6. 51 9. 59 17. 38 .38 .27 .42 .65 .45 .40 . 53 . 41 .44 .22 . 52 .93 .74 .66 .73 1. 02 1. 35 . 98 1.40 2. 52 .28 .09 .37 .71 .69 .43 .60 1. 83 1.14 .73 .92 3. 19 .72 .50 .69 1. 53 .79 .62 .82 1. 27 1. 63 1. 38 1.82 1. 92 .01 .01 0 .05 . 59 . 22 . 77 1. 35 2 Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. 3 Infants 1 to 2 years of age are included only if dependent on family funds for 52 weeks; those under 1 year of age are included regardless of the number of weeks dependent on family funds. 6 Less than 0.5 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 332. TA B U LA R T S U M M A R Y 277 17. — Clothing expen ditu res, b y econom ic level— Continued able W EST NOR TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN REGION—NEGRO FAM ILIES Economic level—Families spending per expenditure unit per year. Item All families Under $300 C lo th in g $300 to $400 $400 and over E x p en d itu r e s I. Number of families in survey___ __ ___ _________________ Average number of clothing expenditure units per family___ Number of families spending for— Ready-made clothing, dry cleaning, and accessories.. _ Yard goods and findings . ____________________ ______ Paid help for sewing._ . . . ______ ______ ________________ Number of families reporting clothing received as gifts______ 209 2. 63 60 3.66 56 2. 41 93 2. 09 209 84 10 70 60 26 1 26 56 19 1 20 93 39 8 24 Average expenditure per family for clothing_____________ Ready-made clothing, dry cleaning, and accessories_______ Yard goods and findings________ ________________ _____ Paid help for sewing... _______ . . . _______ _______ . . . Average value per family of clothing received as gifts (incom plete) 1________________ _________________________ ___ __ $109. 91 108. 47 1.37 .07 $98. 97 97. 40 1.56 .01 $91.06 89. 96 1.09 .01 $128.31 126. 75 1.41 .15 6.94 9.19 7.40 5.20 203 239 56 77 54 60 93 102 1. 18 32 38 1.38 24 30 1.11 5 5 1.11 3 3 1.19 34 42 1.25 23 31 1.00 7 7 1.00 4 4 1.24 20 23 1.35 16 19 1.00 4 4 1.00 0 0 1.15 1.19 1.00 0 187 237 59 82 55 74 73 81 1.27 22 30 1.39 14 21 1.34 5 6 1.11 3 3 1.36 28 36 1. 50 20 27 1.20 4 4 1.00 4 5 1.28 14 18 1.35 8 11 1.00 2 2 1.25 4 5 1.28 17 17 1.38 11 11 1.00 6 6 1.25 0 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 II. Number of families having men and boys 18 years of age and over2...-___ _ ______ ____ _________ . . . ___________ Number of men and boys 18 years of age and over 2 _______ Average number of men and boys 18 years of age and over per family having such men and boys 2_ _ ____ . . . ____ ____ _ Number of families having boys 12 through 17 years of age 2_ Number of boys 12 through 17 years of age 2_. . . . _ __ . . . Average number of boys 12 through 17 years of age per family _______ ______ _ having such boys 2__. ______ _ Number of families having boys 6 through 11 years of age 2___ Number of boys 6 through 11 years of age 2___ ___________ Average number of boys 6 through 11 years of age per family having such boys 2___ __________________ _ __________ Number of families having boys 2 through 5 years of age 2___ Number of boys 2 through 5 years of age 2_ ._ _ ________ Average number of boys 2 through 5 years of age per family having such boys 2 . . . ________ ___ _____________ _____ Number of families having women and girls 18 years of age and over2. . _____________ ______ . . . _________________ Number of-women and girls 18 years of age and over 2___ __ Average number of women and girls 18 years of age and over per family having such women and girls 2 __ . . . ______ _ Number of families having girls 12 through 17 years of age 2___ Number of girls 12 through 17 years of age 2____ _________ Average number of girls 12 through 17 years of age per family having such girls 2_ ___ _._ ______ _______ _____ Number of families having girls 6 through 11 years of age 2___ Number of girls 6 through 11 years of age 2________________ _ Average number of girls 6 through 11 years of age per family having such girls 2________ ____ _ _ _ . . . ._ -------------Number of families having girls 2 through 5 years of age 2 __ _ Number of girls 2 through 5 years of age 2___________________ Average number of girls 2 through 5 years of age per family ___ having such girls 2 ____ _ _________ ______ ________ Number of families having infants under 2 years of age 3_ _ _ Number of infants under 2 years of age 3_ _____ ________ __ Average number of infants under 2 years of age per family having infants 3_______ ___ ._ . ._ _ _._ ------------------------ 1 The aggregates on which these averages are based do not include gifts of clothing reported received by 1 family, but for which it could not estimate the value. 2 Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. 3 Infants lto 2 years of age are included only if dependent on family funds for 52 weeks; those under 1 year of age are included regardless of number of weeks dependent on family funds. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 332. 278 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T a b l e 17 .— Clothing expenditures , by economic level— C on tin u ed W EST N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN REGION—NEGRO FAM ILIES— Continued Item III. Clothing, men and boys 18 years of age and over:a Hats: Felt----------------------------------Straw__________________ Caps: Wool___________ _____ __ Other_____________________ Overcoats___ ____ -- -- -- Topcoats.- -- ------- --- Raincoats------------------------------------Jackets: Heavy fabric— ---------Leather-------- ---------------O th e r---------------------------Sweaters: Heavy---------------- — — Light_______ _______ Suits: Heavy wool----------------- -Lightweight wool................. Cotton, linen--------------------Palm Beach----------------------Other----- ------- ------------------Trousers: Wool---------------------------Cotton---------------------- Other_________ _____ Overalls, coveralls-------------- --- Shirts: Cotton, work___________ Cotton and other, dress. Wool-------------------------------Underwear: Suits, cotton, knit----------woven____ cotton and wool----rayon and silk-------Undershirts, cotton--------cotton and wool___ __ r ayon and silk______ Shorts, cotton____ _______ rayon and silk___ Drawers, cotton and wool. Pajamas and nightshirts.. Shoes: Street_________ ________ Work____________________ Canvas______ __________ Other____________________ Boots: Rubber_________________ Leather__________________ Arctics___________________ -_. Rubbers____________ ____ _____ Shoe: Repairs__________ _ _ _ _ Shines______________ _____ Hose: Cotton, heavy___________ dress______________ Rayon____________________ Silk____ __________________ Wool__________ ________ Gloves:Work, cotton___ ________ other____ __ ._ . . . Street, leather___________ other______________ Ties_____________________________ Collars____________ __________ Bathing suits, sun suits___________ Handkerchiefs__________________ Accessories____ _ ___ Bathrobes___________ __________ Cleaning, repairing. _ _______ ____ Other______________ ______ ______ 2 Persons purchasing Average number of articles purchased per person Average expenditure per person Economic level—Fami lies spending All per expendi fam ture unit per ilies year Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over Economic level—Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over Economic level— Families spending per All expenditure fam unit per year ilies Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over N o. N o. D o l. N o. N o. N o. N o. N o. D o l. D o l. D o l. 20 7 22 7 7 2 0 3 4 2 10 5 9 12 0 0 0 15 13 0 23 31 36 2 14 12 17 5 7 3 2 4 4 0 2 2 8 9 0 0 0 14 13 1 22 26 23 1 38.65 22.91 28. 86 56.28 50 0.38 0.27 0.28 0. 52 1.18 .62 .72 1.88 .24 .09 .22 .35 30 .43 .13 .26 .76 33 .39 .32 .32 .48 .46 .34 .39 .60 11 . 12 .09 .13 .15 .08 .04 .11 .10 22 15 .09 .12 .22 3.19 1.44 2.89 4.68 6 .05 .02 .05 .06 .84 .31 1.24 1.00 3 .02 0 .03 .03 .07 0 .17 .70 16 .12 .04 .07 .22 .43 .16 .29 .72 5 .05 .05 .07 .05 .21 .18 .22 .23 4 .06 .05 0 .10 .08 .06 0 .15 21 .15 .14 .03 .24 .35 .28 .07 .57 5 .07 .10 .05 .07 .10 .15 .04 .11 36 .24 .12 .13 .40 6. 33 2.53 3.38 10.93 18 .18 .17 .15 .20 3.73 3.77 2. 45 4. 45 2 0 .02 .01 0 .06 0 . 15 0 2 .03 .01 0 0 .10 0 .22 0 1 (4) 0 0 .01 .10 0 . 22 0 .34 .30 .33 .38 26 .99 .74 .94 1. 22 24 .39 .30 .38 .47 .59 .49 .51 .71 2 .02 0 .02 .03 .03 0 .03 .06 40 .95 .56 .87 1.30 1.50 .77 1.33 2.16 40 1.24 1.18 1.00 1. 42 .95 .88 .73 1.13 65 1.66 1.30 1.05 2.29 2.04 1. 21 1.40 3. 05 3 .05 .06 .03 .06 .04 .04 .04 .04 61 22 28 4 58 12 3 7 1 15 17 8 11 0 16 32 11 10 3 27 .58 .21 .27 .06 .84 .32 .52 .80 .08 .30 .25 .19 .38 .26 .10 .05 0 .57 .83 1.06 .66 .17 .28 .06 .27 .34 .55 .08 .20 .18 .32 .01 0 .16 .23 .96 .22 .32 .13 .38 22 7 8 7 .34 .26 .32 .16 :20 .10 7 65 8 27 45 155 75 1 7 4 0 5 24 121 29 64 90 80 34 3 87 13 30 5 69 5 2 73 5 5 150 1 16 2 11 4 46 19 0 0 2 0 1 5 33 4 24 36 18 5 2 25 2 4 0 15 0 0 20 1 0 34 0 18 0 9 11 37 18 0 2 1 0 2 1 33 6 21 23 17 3 0 23 1 5 0 14 1 0 17 0 1 35 6 .12 .02 0 .27 31 .99 .60 .95 1.31 6 . 14 .08 0 .27 7 .35 .36 .47 .27 30 .38 . 10 .32 .62 72 .93 .80 .80 1.11 38 .43 .28 .37 .57 1 (4) 0 .01 0 .04 .0 5 .03 .07 1 .02 .02 02 .02 0 0 0 0 0 2 .02 .02 .03 .02 18 .10 .08 .02 .18 55 19 19 2.49 2.02 2.50 2.83 31 2.74 2.92 2.15 2.94 45 3.60 1. 51 .3.65 5.16 26 .80 .28 .18 1.55 1 .08 .06 .09 0 39 2. 45 1.99 1.68 3.24 10 .20 .08 .02 .39 21 . 16 .05 .08 .27 .02 0 5 .05 0 40 1.02 .48 .67 1.64 4 .09 0 .03 .20 2 .02 0 0 .04 36 2.93 2.04 2.20 4.03 4 4 .02 0 .02 .04 81 ____ !_____ 1_____ .04 .34 .05 . 17 .48 3. 71 1.08 .01 .09 .05 0 .04 . 14 .97 .35 .40 .50 .81 .27 .02 .65 .08 .21 .03 .48 .02 .03 .27 .03 .07 1.78 0 Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 332. N o. 84 49 72 23 36 11 5 23 13 6 33 12 53 39 2 2 1 55 50 3 85 97 124 6 .47 __ .20 .01 0 .18 .27 .02 0 .25 .22 .10 .46 2. 56 3.09 .67 .84 0 0 0 .10 .06 .04 0 0 .04 .03 .10 .02 .71 .79 .06 .27 .32 .41 .52 .45 .25 .62 .07 .07 .03 0 .38 .34 .04 .01 .06 .15 0 0 .22 .23 0 .01 0 0 . 15 .22: .06 0 0 .04 .94: 1.47 0 10 4 Less than 0.005 article. .08 .49 . 10 .08 .76 4.94 1.53 .02 .14 .05 0 .04 .23 1.26 .61 .46 .58 1.33 .54 .02 1.03 .14 .35 .08 .82 .05 .08 .38 .04 .14 2.59 0 279 TABULAR SUMM ARY T able 17. — Clothing expenditures, by economic level— C on tin u ed W EST N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN REGION—NEGRO FAM ILIES—Continued Item IV. Clothing, boys 12 through 17 years of age:3 T o ta l________________ ___ ____________________ _______ ___ ____ Hats: Felt_________________________ _________________________ Straw________ ____________________ _____ _____________ Caps: Wool____________________ ___ __________________ -- __ Other________ __ _______________ ________ ____________ Overcoats__________ __ ,_ __________ _________________ ____ Topcoats___________ _______________ ________ ____ _ _______ Raincoats___________ __ _________________ ________ ____ _____ Jackets: Heavy fabric___________ ______ __ _ _ ___ _________ Leather, _ ____ _______ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ ______ Other__________ ___ _____ _ _ ______ ___ ______ Sweaters: Heavy____ ______ _ ____ _ , _____ ________ ____ Light_________ ___ ___ ___ __________ _______ __ Play suits: Wool knit____ ________ ___________ _______ _ Cotton suede,,- ______ ______ __ ,, __ __ Other_________ _______ _____________ : _____ __ Suits: Heavy wool_____________ ____ _ ____ ____ __ __ Lightweight wool______ _ _______ _______ Cotton, linen____________ ______ ________ _______ __ Palm Beach________ _ __ _______ ____ _ _________ Other__________________ ____ _________ ___________ Trousers: Wool__________________ ,_ _________ _____ ______ __ Cotton _____________________ ________ _ Other ___ ____ _______________ _______ __________ Overalls, coveralls_______________________ ______ ____ _________ Shirts and blouses: Cotton, work________ ___.________________ Cotton aaid other, dress_________ Wool _____________________________________ Underwear: Suits, cotton, knit______________ , , , , ______ ____ woven________ _________ ____ ______ cotton and wool_______________ ______ _ _ _ rayon and s ilk __________ ________ _______ Undershirts, c o tto n ,__ _______________________ ,_ cotton and wool___ _____ ___________ rayon and silk, _____________________ Shorts, cotton,____ _________________ __ _________ rayon and silk__________ ________ ______ __ Drawers, cotton and wool_______________ _______ Pajamas and nightshirts_____ _ ________________ Shoes: Street______ . . . _______ . . . ___ ________ ______ _ __ W o r k ___________ _ _______________ Canvas_____ ____ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Other______________________________ ________________ _ Boots: Rubber_____________ ___ _ _ _ . _ ___ __ ________ Leather_________ ___ ___ _ __ _ _ . ___________ ____ _ Arctics______ _________ __ _____________________ ____________ Rubbers______ _ ____________ ___________ _______ _ _._ __ Shoe: Repairs__________ ___ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ Shines___________ __ . . . ____ __ _________________ Hose: Cotton, heavy____________________________ ____ __ . . . dress____ Rayon____ _______ _ ___ _ ________ _ ___ __. __ Silk_____________________________________________________ Wool____ ______ __ ______ _______ ______________________ Gloves: Work, cotton___ ________________________________ ___ _ other____________________________ _________ ___ Street, leather.. __ ___ ______________________________ other______________________________ __________ Ties____________ _ __ . . . . . . Collars_____ _ Bathing suits, sun suits_______ ______________________________ Handkerchiefs____ ___ _______________________________ . . . _ Accessories.__ _ ________________ _____ __________________ _ Bathrobes______ __ _ __ .................... . . . . _ ................... Cleaning, repairing_____________ __________________________ __ Other................................................................................... ..................... 2 Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. 6 Less than 0.5 cent. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 332. 0 3 9 0 7 °— 39------- 19 Average Number of number of Average persons articles expenditure purchasing purchased per person per person N um ber N um ber 8 1 16 6 6 0 1 3 3 2 10 9 0 0 0 7 10 0 0 0 13 10 6 15 12 25 2 9 2 3 0 8 3 0 9 0 2 6 35 4 3 3 1 2 0 1 20 0 17 15 7 1 1 2 1 2 2 13 0 0 4 1 0 8 0. 21 .03 . 42 . 18 . 16 0 .03 .08 .08 .05 . 32 . 26 0 0 0 . 18 .26 0 0 0 .53 .29 .21 .58 .87 2.16 . 10 .50 . 13 . 18 0 .45 . 18 0 .55 0 . 13 .29 1.92 . 13 . 16 . 10 .03 .05 0 .03 3.42 2.26 1. 37 .08 .05 .08 .03 .05 .05 1.13 0 0 .82 0 D o lla r s 24. 95 . 41 .03 . 30 . 12 2.23 0 .02 . 21 . 24 .06 . 41 .29 0 0 0 2.38 3. 70 0 0 0 1.12 .50 . 37 . 51 .47 1. 55 .06 .43 . 15 . 15 0 .11 .05 0 .13 0 .03 . 21 4. 40 . 26 .09 .22 .04 . 17 0 .02 .84 0 .59 . 38 .24 .01 .02 .03 (*> .05 .06 . 27 0 0 .06 .02 0 .94 0 280 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T a b l e 17. — Clothing expenditures , hy economic level— C on tinu ed W EST N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R EGION—NEGRO FAM ILIES—Continued Item V. Clothing, boys 6 through 11 years of age: ‘ Total____________________________________________________________ Hats: Felt______ __ _ ______ __ _ ___ __________ ______ ___ Straw______ ___ ________ _ __ ___________________ Caps: Wool___ __________ _______ __ ____ _ _ __ Other ________ _ _ _ _ _ __________ ________ __ _ ___ Overcoats_________ ____ _________ _ ______________ _______ _ Topcoats___________________ .____ ____ _ _______ __ _ _______ ________ _____ __ Raincoats_____ __ ____ _________ Jackets: Heavy fabric __ ___ _____ _______ _______ _ Leather______ _______ _____ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ O th e r ...____ ____ ____ _ _ Sweaters: Heavy. ____ _____ __ __ _ . . . . . . . ___ _________ Light__ _______ __ _ __ __. __ __ _ _______ __ _ Play suits: Wool knit.. ________ ____ _ _____ __ Cotton suede______________ _ _______ _______ Other_____ __________ ________ _ _______ _ Suits: Heavy wool_________ ________ _______ _ _ _____ Lightweight w ool___ _____________ _ _ _ ___ Cotton, linen_____________ _ ______ __ _ __ _ Palm Beach____ ______ __ _ _ ____ O th e r.___ _________ _______ ______ _____ ____ ______ _ Trousers: Wool_______ ______ ____ ______ _ __ _ C o tto n .___ _____ ______ __ ____ ________ Other___ __ ______ ______ __ ________ _ _ _ _ Overalls, coveralls__ _______ ___________ ___ ____ __ _ _ _ Shirts and blouses: Cotton and other, except wool____ __ Wool_________________________ _ _ Underwear: Suits, cotton, knit__ _____ __________ w o v e n .___ _ _ _____________ ___ cotton and wool_____________ _____ rayon and silk____ _ _ _________ Undershirts, cotton______ ___________ __ ___ ___ cotton and wool.________ . . . rayon and silk.. __________ ______ __ _ Shorts, cotton_________ ______ ___________ rayon and silk____ ________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Drawers, cotton and wool__________ _____ ______ __ Pajamas and nightshirts. _____ _ _ _________ __ Shoes: Street and dress________ ______ ________ _______ _ __ _ _ _ _ __________ Canvas________ ________ _____ ________ ___ _____ ________ ___ _____ Other___ __ Boots: Rubber. _ _ _ ____ ____ _ . . . __ . . . Leather. ___ __ __ _____ _____ ___ _____________ Arctics_______ __ __ __ ___ _ __ _ ___ _ __ ___ __ _ Rubbers... __ __________ _________ ___ _____ _______ Shoe: Repairs ___ __ __ Shines... _________ _ ._ __ ______ ________ Hose: Cotton, heavy___ ___ __ ___________________ __ dress_____________ _________ ______ _____ Rayon. _ _______ ______________ _______ ________ __ _ Silk____________________________________________________ Wool___________________________________________________ Gloves: Cotton __ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ Leather. ___ ____ ______ _________ _______ __ _ _ _ Other___ ____________ ________ ______ __ . _________ Ties__ ________ ______ ___ ______ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Collars________ _______ ___ _____ ______ _______ _ . Bathing suits, sun suits __ _____ _ _ __ _ _ _ ____ _ __ Handkerchiefs. __ _ __________ _____ __ __ ________ _ __ Accessories Bathrobes___ __ ____ ___ ___ ________ _________ __ Cleaning, repairing Other ____ ___ 2Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 332. Average Number of number of Average persons articles expenditure purchasing purchased per person per person N um ber N um ber 3 2 24 3 4 0 2 1 0 0 16 7 2 2 0 6 7 6 0 0 10 7 2 19 27 2 15 1 8 0 2 2 0 3 0 0 6 42 5 3 0 3 1 3 20 2 17 21 3 1 0 2 1 5 6 0 1 4 0 1 3 0.07 .05 . 76 . 10 . 10 0 .05 .02 0 0 .62 .24 . 10 .07 0 . 17 .21 .36 0 0 .45 .38 .07 1.33 2.50 . 12 .81 .05 .45 0 . 14 . 14 0 .21 0 0 .21 2. 55 . 14 . 10 0 .07 .02 .07 1.98 3. 67 .33 .05 0 .07 .02 . 12 .21 0 .02 .38 .02 D o lla rs 16. 53 .09 .03 .42 .02 .38 0 .05 .04 0 0 . 59 . 15 .08 . 12 0 1.40 1.52 . 34 0 0 .46 .37 . 12 .89 1.27 .03 .53 .02 .29 0 .06 .03 0 .07 0 0 .11 4. 62 .08 .16 0 . 16 .04 .05 . 64 .06 .38 .59 .05 .01 0 .02 .01 .03 .03 0 .02 .02 0 .02 .06 0 281 TABULAR SUMM ARY T able 17. — Clothing expenditures, by economic level— C on tin u ed W EST N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R EGION—N EGRO FAM ILIES— Continued Item VI. Clothing, boys 2 through 5 years of age:2 Total__ _ _ _ _ ___________________ _____________ _______ - Hats: Felt_____________________________________________________ Straw______ _____ __ ________________________________ Caps: Wool_______ _______ _________ _______________________ Other___ _____ ________ __ ____ ________ _________ __ Overcoats______ __________________ ___________________________ Topcoats __________________ ______________ ______ ____ ______ Raincoats.________ _ __________________________ _____ _____ Jackets: Heavy fabric_________ _________ __ ____________ _____ Leather__________ ______ _______ ___ __ __ __ __ Other_____ _________ _____ __ __________ __ Sweaters: H e a v y ____ ___ ________ ____ _ __ _ __ ___ _ Light ____________ __ __ _______ _ - ___ __ Play suits: Wool knit_______ _________ _____ __ __ - ____ Cotton suede_______ ____________________________ _ Other _ _ __________ ________ _____ _______ ____ _ _ _____ ___ _ ____________ Suits: Heavy wool Light-weight wool __ _____________ ________ ________ _ ______ ____ _ Cotton, linen ________________ _______ Palm Beach_________ _____________ _____ _____ _ ___ __ Other. __ ____ _______ _______ _______ __ _ ________ _ Trousers: W ool.. _ __________ _ ________ _________ _ __ Cotton ___ __________________________ _ ___ _ Other _ __ ___ _____________ __ __ Overalls, coveralls__ _________________ ___ ______ __ _ ______ Blouses: Cotton and other, except w ool__ __ __ _______ _ Wool . _____________________________________ Underwear: Suits, cotton, knit ______ _____ __ woven________ ________________ - _cotton and wool__ ________________ ______ _ rayon and silk________ ______________ __ Undershirts, c o t t o n _______ _______ __________ cotton and wool_______ _____________ rayon and silk_____ ___ _______ _ __ Shorts, cotton___ __ ____________ __ ____________ rayon and silk, ___ __ __ __________ __ Drawers, cotton and w ool-___ _______ _____ _____ Pajamas and nightshirts. _________ _ . ________ __ __ _ Shoes: Street and dress _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __________ Canvas __ __ ____ __ ________________ _ _ _______ __ ______________ ___ __ Other _ _ _ _ Boots: Rubber _ _ ____ __ _________ . . . . . . _______ Leather __ ___ _____________ _____________ __ ____ Arctics _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ______ Rubbers__ __________ ________ _ __ ___ __ __ ____ _ Shoe: Repairs _ ___________ _ __________ __ _ _ __ _________ Shines ____ ________ _____________ _ __ _______ _____ Hose: Cotton, heavy . . _ ___________________ ___ ___ _____ dress _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _______ __ _____ _____ Rayon _ ____ _____________________________ ______ __ Silk_____________________________________________________ Wool ______________ _______ _ __ ___________ ___ _ _ Gloves: Cotton __ _ ____ _________ Leather________ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ ____ _____ __ Other. _ _ ________ __ _ _ -__ _ ________ T ie s ... _. _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ __ ___ ___ ________________ __ Collars____________ __ __ _ __ _ _____________ ______ __ _ Bathing suits, sun suits __ _ __ _____________ __________ ____ Handkerchiefs. _ __ _________ _ _ ______ __ __ __________ Accessories __ _ _ _ _ __ _____________ ______ Bathrobes _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _____________ __________________ Cleaning, repairing____ ___ ___ __________ _________ _______ 2 Includes only persons dependent on family funds for 52 weeks. Notes on this table are in appendix A, p. 332. Average Number of number of Average persons articles expenditure purchasing purchased per person per person N um ber N um ber 0 0 10 4 2 3 0 1 0 1 6 5 4 5 5 3 5 2 0 4 1 0 0 16 4 0 8 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 19 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 8 14 0 1 0 3 0 4 1 0 4 0 0 2 3 0 0 .48 . 30 . 09 . 17 0 . 17 0 .04 . 35 . 22 . 26 .48 .83 . 13 . 22 . 13 0 . 22 . 04 0 0 1. 74 . 34 0 1. 09 . 65 . 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 83 2.17 . 04 0 0 0 0 0 2. 83 2. 17 0 . 13 0 . 13 0 . 17 . 09 0 . 26 0 .09 D o lla rs 12.84 o o . 25 . 08 ! 24 ’ 56 o . 35 o . 02 . 36 !n . 18 . 27 .59 . 94 1, 04 . 10 0 .47 .09 0 0 1.02 . 13 o .48 .34 .07 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 .38 3. 28 .09 0 0 0 0 o . 13 0 . 42 . 34 0 .01 o .04 o . 04 . 01 0 . 04 0 o . 20 . 17 282 WEST NORTH CENTRAL-MOUNTAIN REGION T able 17. — Clothing expenditures , hy economic level— C on tin u ed W EST N O R TH C E N T R A L -M O U N T A IN R EGION—NEGRO F AM ILIES— Continued Item VII. Clothing, women and girls 18 years of age and over:2 Hats: Felt—. ----------- -----------------S tra w .-------------------- ----Fabric -----------------------------Caps and berets: W o o l......... ......... Other____ ______ Coats: Heavy, plain ____________ fur trimmed______ Fur______________________ Light, wool___________ . cotton_____ . ___ silk, rayon_________ Raincoats___ __________ ________ Sweaters and jackets: Wool k n it.-_____ __________ Wool fabric__________ — __ Leather, leatherette____________ Other__________________________ Suits: Wool______________________ Silk, rayon... . . . _____ __ Other______ ____________ Waists and middies: Silk, rayon------ -----------------------Cotton_________________________ Other------ -------------------------Skirts: Wool __________ . Other. _________ _______ Dresses: Cotton, house__ ________ street ___________ Silk, rayon___ W ool.. . . ------------------Other____ _____________ Aprons_____ ___________________ Coveralls________ _________ ___ Knickers, breeches, shorts_______ Underwear: Slips, cotton. _______ silk___________ rayon..________ Corsets, girdles ____ Brassieres___________ Union suits and com binations: Cotton____ __ . . . Wool_____________ Silk, rayon________ Underwaists, shirts. Bloomers and panties: Cotton— ________ Rayon_____ _______ Silk_______________ Nightgowns and sleeping pajamas: Cotton, light____ . flannel___ Silk, rayon________ Pajamas, lounging and beach: Cotton_________________________ Silk, rayon_____________________ Other__________________________ Bathrobes... _ _________________ Kimonos, negligees________ ___ Hose: Silk____________ __________ Rayon__________ ________ Cotton. __ ___________ _____ Wool____ ___________ ______ Persons purchasing Average number of articles purchased per person Average expenditure per person Economic level—Fami lies spending All per expendi fam ture unit per year ilies Un $300 $400 der to and $300 $400 over Economic level— Families spending per All fam expenditure unit per