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'Y/'f, ~ :.l ;;i..7/ .: y ~ --~ MONETARY OL HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON BANKING, FINANCE AND URBAN AFFAIRS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-SIXTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON H.R. 7 A BILL TO FACILITATE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MONETARY POLICY AND TO PROMOTE COMPETI'l'IVE EQUALITY AMONG DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS JANUARY 22, 24; FEBRUARY 13, 15, 28; MARCH 2 AND 5, 1979 Serial 96-6 !Printed for the u~e of the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HASTINGS COLLEGE rJF THE LAW LIBRARY U \.it_jrj C 2 '/ 1979 DEPOSITORY 198 McAllister St., S.F. MONETARY CONTROL HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON BANKING, FINANCE A.ND URBA.N A.FFA.IRS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-SIXTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON H.R. 7 A BILL TO FACILITATE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MONETARY POLICY AND TO PROMOTE COMPETITIVE EQUALITY AMONG DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS JANUARY 22, 24; FEBRUARY 13, 15, 28; MARCH 2 AND 5, 1979 Serial 96-6 !Printed for the use of the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 40--911i 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WASHINGTON : 1979 HOUSE COMMITTEE ON BANKING, FINANCE AND URBAN AFFAIRS HENRY S. REUSS, Wisconsin, Chairman THOMAS L. ASHLEY, Ohio J. WILLIAM STANTON, Ohio WILLIAM S. MOORHEAD, Pennsylvania CHALMERS P. WYLIE, Ohio FERNAND J. ST GERMAIN, Rhode Island STEWART B. McKINNEY, Connecticut GEORGE HANSEN, Idaho HENRY B. GONZALEZ, Texas HENRY J. HYDE, Illinois JOSEPH G. MINISH, New Jersey RICHARD KELLY, Florida FRANK ANNUNZIO, Illinois JIM LEACH, Iowa JAMES M. HANLEY, New York PARREN J. MITCHELL, Maryland THOMAS B. EVANS, JR., Delaware S. WILLIAM GREEN, New York WALTER E. FAUNTROY, RON PAUL, Texas District of Columbia ED BETHUNE, Arkansas STEPHEN L. NEAL, North Carolina NORMAND. SHUMWAY, California JERRY M. PATTERSON, California CARROLL A. CAMPBELL, JR., JAMES J. BLANCHARD, Michigan South Carolina CARROLL HUBBARD, JR., Kentucky JOHN J. LAFALCE, New York DON RITTER, Pennsylvania JON HINSON, Mississippi GLADYS NOON SPELLMAN, Maryland LES AuCOIN, Oregon DAVID W. EVANS, Indiana NORMAN E. D'AMOURS, New Hampshire STANLEY N. LUNDINE, New York JOHN J. CAVANAUGH, Nebraska MARY ROSE OAKAR, Ohio JIM MATTOX, Texas BRUCE F. VENTO, Minnesota DOUG BARNARD, Georgia WES WATKINS, Oklahoma ROBERT GARCIA, New York MICHAEL LOWRY, Washington PAUL NEUION, Clerk and Staff Director MICHAEL P. FLAHERTY, General Counsel MERCER L. JACKSON, Minority Staff Director Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (II) CONTENTS Hearings held onJanuary 22, 1979 ...................................................................................................... January 24, 1979 ...................................................................................................... February 13, 1979 .................................................................................................... February 15, 1979 .................................................................................................... February 28, 1979 .................................................................................................... March 2, 1979 ........................................................................................................... March 5, 1979 ........................................................................................................... Text of H.R. 7 ................................................................................................................... Page 1 63 367 431 483 653 729 2 STATEMENTS Akaka, .~on. Daniel K., a Representative in Congress from the State of Hawau ········--·············································································································· Campbell, Raymond D., first vice president/president elect, Independent Bankers Association of America, accompanied by Richard W. Peterson, chief legislative counsel of the IBAA ................................................................................ Carswell, Hon. Robert, Deputy Secretary, Department of the Treasury.............. Ching, Dennis Y. M., president, Hawaii Bankers Association, and chairman of the board and chief executive officer, American Security Bank, accompanied by Wilson P. Cannon, Jr., chairman and chief executive officer, Bank of Hawaii; Hugh R. Pingree, executive vice president, First Hawaiian Bank; and Dr. Thomas K. Hitch, senior vice president and economist, First Hawaiian Bank............................................................................................................................... Delay, Jay J., president, Huron Valley National Bank, Ann Arbor, Mich.......... Dunn, E. D. 'Jack", commissioner of banking and finance for the State of Georgia, president of the Conference of State Bank Supervisors accompanied by Dr. Lawrence E. Kreider, executive vice president-economist of the conference...................................................................................................................... Greenbaum, Dr. Stuart I., Harold L. Stuart professor of banking and finance, and director, Banking Research Center, Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, Evanston, l11.................................................................. Heftel, Hon Cecil, a Representative in Congress from the State of Hawaii......... Hollihan, Roy, president, National Association of Federal Credit Unions (NAFCU), accompanied by Richard M. M. McConnell, executive vice president of NAFCU ................................................................................•.... ~................... McKay, Hon. Gunn, a Representative in Congress from the State of Utah ........ Malarkey, John E., State bank commissioner, Dover, Del····························-········ Miller, Hon. G. William, Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System........................................................................................................................... Perkins, John, president, American Bankers Association (ABA), accompanied by William H. Kennedy, chairman, Government Relations Council; and Robert W. Renner, chairman, Community Bankers Division ............... '.............. Schechter, Henry B., director, department of urban affairs, American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) .................... Shea, Jeremiah P., president, Bank of Delaware, Wilmington, Del .......... :........... Whitesell, Dr. William E., professor of economics, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa................................................................................................ Wright, David S., chairman of the board, Credit Union National Association, accompanied by Jim R. Williams............................................................................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (III) 444 556 21 431 477 367 780 439 653 483 751 63 492 465 743 759 655 IV ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SUBMITIED FOR INCLUSION IN THE RECORD Akaka, Hon. Daniel K., prepared statement ............................................................ . American Bankers Association: Analysis of total Treasury revenue effects of Federal membership proposals ............................................................................................................... . Letter from Charles F. Haywood, dated March 1, 1979, setting forth the ABA's calculations comparing the costs to the Treasury of ABA's proposed EPA scheme and the H.R. 7 exemptions ............................................. . Letter from Charles F. Haywood, dated March 30, 1979, re Federal Reserve Board comment on memorandum ................................................................... . Memorandum entitled "The Fed's Error About Non-Member Banks and Monetary Policy" by Charles F. Haywood, dated February 26, 1979 ....... . Response to questions of: Hon. Thomas L. Ashley ................................................................................. . Hon. Bruce F. Vento ...................................................................................... . Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System: Letter dated March 19, 1979, responding to the American Bankers Association memorandum "The Fed's Error About Non-Member Banks and Monetary Policy" ................................................................................................ . Letter dated April 4, 1979, from Messrs. Kopecky, Parke, and Porter responding to ABA letter of March 30, 1979 ................................................. . Campbell, Raymond D.: Prepared statement on behalf of the Independent Bankers Association of America, with an attached appendix entitled "Does the Federal Reserve Invest Member Bank Reserves?'' ................................................................ ,.... . Response to question of Hon. Thomas L. Ashley .............................................. . Carswell, Hon. Robert: "Estimated Revenue Effects of H.R. 7, Fiscf4 Years 1980-84," table ........... . Response to questions of: Hon. Les AuCoin .............................................................................................. . Hon. Mary Rose Oakar ................................................................................... . Hon. Don Ritter ............................................................................... :............... . Ching, Dennis Y. M., tables accompanying statement ............................................ . Corrada, Hon. Baltasar, Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico, statement ...... . Dunn, E. D. "Jack": "Optional Fed Membership, Equitable Treatment and the Bank Regulatory Structure," recent analysis summary submitted .......................................... . Prepared statement on behalf of the Conference of State Bank Supervisors . Proposed language of conference re reporting and reserve requirements ... Response to questions of: Chairman Henry S. Reuss ............................................................................. . Hon. Carroll A. Campbell, Jr ....................................................................... . Hon. Henry B. Gonzalez ................................................................................ . Hon. Norman D. Shumway ........................................................................... . Hon. Bruce F. Vento ...................................................................................... . Edwards, Franklin R., statement ................................................................................. . Greenbaum, Dr. Stuart I., prepared statement ......................................................... . Haywood, Charles F., economic and financial research division, American Bankers Association, letter dated March 1, 1979, setting forth the ABA's calculations comparing the costs to the Treasury of ABA's proposed EPA scheme and the H.R. 7 exemptions with attached comment from the staff of the House Banking Committee ................................................................................ . Heftel, Hon. Cecil, prepared statement ..................................................................... . McKay, Hon. Gunn, prepared statement ................................................................... . McKinney, Chairman Robert H., letter dated January 23, 1979, commenting on the Federal Home Loan Bank Board's position on H.R. 7 ................................. . Malarkey, John E., prepared statement .................................................................... . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Page 445 649 647 626 610 651 628 618 651 563 651 24 40 41 56 434 672 386 372 393 400 426 406 408 423 782 735 647 440 485 57 754 V Miller, Hon. G. William: Letter to Chairman Henry S. Reuss dated March 16, 1979 enclosing a table showing the number of national banks that converted to State nonmember banks from 1950 through 1978........................................................... Prepared statement with attachments on behalf of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System .......................................................................... Response to questions of: Hon. Carroll A. Campbell, Jr ........................................................................ Hon. Norman E. D'Amours............................................................................ Hon. Bill Green .. ... .. ..... .. ..... ......... ... .. .. ... ..... .. ......... ... .. .. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... .. ..... Hon. J. William Stanton................................................................................. Hon. Chalmers P. Wylie................................................................................. Mitchell, Hon. Parren J., press release dated January 22, 1979, re loss that American taxpayers have sustained as a result of the Federal Reserve's intervention in the foreign exchange markets ...................................................... National Association of Mutual Savings Banks, statement on behalf by Albert B. Hooke, chairman of the committee on liaison with Federal agencies ......... National Association of State Savings and Loan Supervisors, statement on behalf by Kenneth E. Pickering, vice president..................................................... National. Sa~ngs an~ Loan League, statement on behalf by Jonathan Lindley, executive vice president ........ :.................................................................................... Perkins, John: Prepared statement on behalf of the American Bankers Association .......... Attachments: "An Interim Summary Report to the ABA Leadership Conference by ABT Associates" .............................................................................. Letter dated February 5, 1979, to Chairman G. William Miller of the Federal Reserve Board with an attached report of the ABA pricing task force ... ... ..... .. ........... ....... ..... .. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... Renner, Robert, letter to participants in the community bank meeting on the Federal Reserve issue, dated February 2, 1979 ...................................................... Reuss, Chairman Henry S.: American Bankers Association, (ABA) statement from "Perspective" dated February 6, 1979, saying: "There should be a uniform, universal reserve requirement on all banks and other depository institutions, members or not"......................................................................................................................... Opening statement from July 27, 1978, hearing on "Monetary Control and the Membership Problem," portion submitted .............................................. Press release of Independent Bankers Association of America, dated September 1, 1978 ...................................................................................................... Shea, Jeremiah P., prepared statement on behalf of the Delaware Bankers Association .... .. ... ..... ... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ... .. ... .. .. ......... .. ... .. ... .. ..... ... .. ... ............................. Stanton, Hon. J. William, letter from the Conference of State Bank Supervisors dated February 26, 1979, endorsing H.R. 2133 ....................................................... United States League of Savings Associations, statement....................................... Vento, Hon. Bruce F., article from the Journal of Finance of March 1978 entitled "Nonmember Banks and Empirical Measures of the Variability of Reserves and Money: A Theoretical Appraisal" .................................................... Whitesell, Dr. William E., prepared statement ......................................................... Wright, David S., prepared statement on behalf of the Credit Union National Association, Inc. (CUNA)........................................................................................... Page 309 70 338 364 334 315 362 34 716 713 703 500 538 548 644 641 397 585 746 590 689 602 762 659 APPENDIX.-LETIERS SuBMI'ITED FOR INCLUSION IN THE RECORD Governor John V. Evans of Idaho................................................................................ Governor William J. Janklow of South Dakota ........................................................ Chairman Reuss to Federal regulatory agencies ............. ..................... .................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 799 805 807 MONETARY CONTROL MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1979 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, CoMMITTEE ON BANKING, FINANCE AND URBAN AFFAIRS, Washington, D.C. The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 9:30 a.m., in room 2128, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Henry S. Reuss (chairman) presiding. Present: Representatives Reuss, St Germain, Annunzio, Mitchell, Neal, LaFalce, Spellman, AuCoin, Evans of Indiana, Cavanaugh, Oakar, Vento, Barnard, Watkins, Lowry, Wylie, Leach, Bethune, Campbell, Ritter, and Hinson. Chairman REUSS. Good mol1ling. The House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs will be in order for hearings on H.R. 7, the Monetary Control Act of 1979. The bill is designed primarily to help the Federal Reserve gain better control over the money supply, an essential element in the current battle against inflation. [The text of H.R. 7 follows:] Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (1) 2 96TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION H R. 7 • To facilitate the implementation of monetary policy and to promote competitive equality among depository institutions. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. REUSS JANUARY 15, 1979 introduced the following bill which was referred to the Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs A BILL To facilitate the implementation of monetary policy and to promote competitive equality among depository institutions. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 2 tives of the United States of .America in Congress assembkd, 3 _That this Act may be cited as the "Monetary Control Act of 4 1979". 5 6 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS SEC. 2. Section 11(a) of the Federal Reserve Act (12 7 U.S.C. 248(a)) is amended (1) by inserting "(1)" immediately 8 after "(a)", and (2) by adding at the end thereof the following 9 new paragraph: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 2 1 "(2) To require any depository institution specified in 2 this paragraph to make, at such intervals as the Board may 3 prescribe, such reports of its liabilities and assets as the 4 Board may determine to be necessary to enable the Board to 5 discharge its responsibility to monitor and control monetary 6 and credit aggregates. Such reports shall be made (A) di7 rectly to the Board in the case of member banks and in the 8 case of other depository institutions for all liabilities specified 9 in sections 19(b)(l)(A) through 19(b)(l)(D) of this Act, and 10 (B) to the Board through the (i) Federal Deposit Insurance 11 Corporation in the case of insured State nonmember banks, 12 (ii) National Credit Union Administration in the case of in13 sured credit unions, (iii) Federal Home Loan Bank Board in 14 the case of any institution insured by the Federal Savings 15 and Loan Insurance Corporation or which is a member as 16 defined in section 2 of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act, 17 and (iv) such State officer or agency as the Board may desig18 nate in the case of any other type of bank, savings and loan 19 association, or credit union. The Board shall endeavor to 20 avoid unnecessary burdens on reporting institutions and the 21 duplication of other reporting requirements, and any data 22 therefrom shall be made readily available to the Board. The 23 Board may classify depository institutions for the purposes of 24 this paragraph, and may impose different requirements on 25 each such class." Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 3 1 2 RESERVE REQUIREMENTS SEC. 3. (a) Section 19(b) of the Federal Reserve Act is 3 amended to read as follows: 4 "(b) RESERVE REQUIBEMENTS.- 5 "(1) DEFINITIONS AND RULES.-The following 6 definitions and rules are applicable for the purposes of 7 this subsection: 8 "(A) The term 'category A deposits' means, 9 with respect to any depository institution, the 10 total amount of demand deposits, savings deposits 11 subject to automatic transfers, and deposits sub- 12 ject to negotiable or other payment order of with- 13 drawal, or to any similar instrument used to make 14 payments or transfers, in that institution. 15 "(B) The term 'category B deposits' means, 16 with respect to any bank, the total amount of 17 time deposits with initial maturities of less than 18 one hundred and eighty days in that bank. 19 "(C) The term 'category C deposits' means, 20 with respect to any bank, the total amount of sav- 21 ings deposits (other than those referred to in sub- 22 paragraph (A)) in that bank. 23 "(D) The term 'category D deposits' means, 24 with respect to any bank, the total amount of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5 4 1 time deposits with initial maturities of not less 2 than one hundred eighty days in that bank. 3 "(E) A reference to net deposits of any given 4 category in any given institution _refers to the 5 amount by which the institution's total deposits of 6 that category exceed its exemption for that 7 category. 8 "(F) Except as provided in paragraphs (9) 9 and (10), no reserve ratio outside the limits speci- 10 fied for any given category may be imposed with 11 respect to any deposits in that category. 12 "(G) The term 'bank' means any institution 13 which is neither a nonmember savings bank nor a 14 nonmember mutual savings bank as defined in 15 sections 3(0 and 3(g) of the Federal Deposit In- 16 surance Act, and is either an insured bank as de- 17 fined in section 3(h) of the Federal Deposit Insur- 18 ance Act or a bank which is eligible under section 19 5 of that Act to make application to become an 20 insured bank. 21 "(H) The term 'savings institution' means- 22 "(i) a nonmember savings bank or a 23 nonmember mutual savings bank which 24 either is an insured bank as defined in sec- 25 tion 3(h) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 5 1 Act or is eligible under section 5 of that Act 2 to make application to become an insured 3 bank; 4 "(ii) an institution which either is an in- 5 sured institution as defined in section 401(a) 6 of the National Housing Act or is eligible 7 under section 403 of that Act to make appli- 8 cation to become an insured institution; or 9 "(iii) a credit union whose member ac- 10 counts are insured pursuant to section 201(a) 11 of the Federal Credit Union Act, or which is 12 eligible to make application for such insur- 13 ance pur.suant to section 201(b) of that Act. 14 "(D The term 'depository institution' means 15 a bank as defined in subparagraph (G) or a sav- 16 ings institution as defined in subparagraph (H). 17 "(J) This subsection does not affect the au- 18 thority of the Board to impose conditions and re- 19 quirements on member banks under section 25 of 20 this Act (12 U.S.C. §§ 601-604(a)). 21 "(K) This subsection confers authority on the 22 Board to impose or change reserve requirements 23 for the sole purpose of enabling the Board to im- 24 plement monetary policy. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7 6 1 "(L) Any reference in this Act to member 2 banks with respect to any requirement or au- 3 thority relating to reserves required by this sub- 4 section shall be deemed to apply to all depository 5 institutions which are actually required to main- 6 tain reserves under this subsection. 7 "(2) AMOUNT OF CATEGORY A EXEMPTIONS.- 8 During the period beginning on the effective date of 9 section 3 of the Monetary Control Act of 1979 and 10 ending at the close of the first calendar year which 11 begins after that date, the category A exemption shall 12 be $50,000,000. For each calendar year thereafter, the 13 category A exemption shall be fixed by the Board prior 14 to the beginning of that year at an amount determined 15 by the Board to be such that if a category A exemp- 16 tion in that amount had been in effect during the previ- 17 ous year, the ratio of the total of category A deposits 18 in all depository institutions with net category A de- 19 posits greater than zero to the total of all category A 20 deposits would have been the same as it would have 21 been on December 31, 1977, if this paragraph had 22 then been in effect and the category A exemption had 23 been $50,000,000. 24 25 "(3) CATEGORY B, .C, AND D EXEMPTIONS.- During the period beginning on the effective date of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8 7 1 section 2 of the Monetary Control Act of 1979 and 2 ending at the close of the first calendar year which 3 begins after that date, the total amount of the category 4 B, 0, and D exemptions for any bank shall be 5 $50,000,000. For each calendar year thereafter, such 6 amount shall be fixed by the Board prior to the begin- 7 ning of that year at an amount determined by the 8 Board to be such that if total category B, 0, and D 9 exemptions per bank in that amount had been in effect 10 at the beginning of the previous year, the ratio of the 11 total category B, 0, and D deposits in all banks with 12 net category B, 0, and D deposits greater than zero to 13 the total of all category B, 0, and D deposits would 14 have been the same as it would have been on Decem- 15 ber 31, 1977, if this paragraph had been in effect and 16 the category B, 0, and D exemptions for any given 17 bank had totalled $50,000,000. For any given bank at 18 any given time, the category B, 0, and D exemptions 19 shall be apportioned among the three categories in the 20 same proportions that the bank's deposits in the re- 21 spective categories bear to the total of its deposits in 22 the three categories. 23 "(4) ADMINISTRATIVE EXEMPTION.-(A) The ad- 24 ministrative agency designated in subparagraph (B) 25 shall, on or before the effective date of this paragraph Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 9 8 1 and on or before the first day of each calendar year 2 thereafter, exempt from the requirements otherwise im- 3 posed by paragraphs (5) through (8) any depository in- 4 stitution which such agency determines would, even if 5 not exempted pursuant to this paragraph, probably not 6 have net category A deposits, net category B deposits, 7 net category C !leposits, or net category D deposits 8 greater than zero between the last date on which such 9 exemption is authorized to be made and the com- 10 mencement of the succeeding calendar year. During 11 any period for which it has been so exempted, no de- 12 pository institution shall be required to maintain any 13 reserves under para.graph (5), (6), (7), or (8). 14 "(B) AGENCY AUTHOBITY.-Exemptions pursu- 15 ant to subparagraph (A) shall be made by the Federal 16 Deposit Insurance Corporation in the ca_se of insured 17 nonmember banks, by the Federal Savings and Loan 18 Insurance Corporation in the case of any institution in- 19 sured by that corporation, by the National Credit 20 Union Administration in the case of any credit union 21 whose member accounts are insured pursuant to sec- 22 tion 210(a) of the Federal Credit Union Act, and by 23 the Board in the case of all other depository 24 institutions. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10 9 1 "(5) CATEGORY A RESERVE REQUIREMENTS.- 2 Every depository institution not exempted pursuant to 3 paragraph (4) shall maintain reserves against its net 4 category A deposits as the Board may direct- 5 "(A) in the ratio of 9.5 per centum, or 6 "(B) in such ratio not greater than 10 per 7 centum or less than 8 per centum as the Board 8 may prescribe, or 9 "(0) in such ratio as the Board may pre- 10 scn"be pursuant to paragraph (10). 11 "(6) CATEGORY B RESERVE REQUIREMENTS.- 12 Every bank not exempted pursuant to paragraph (4) 13 shall maintain reserves against its net category B de- 14 posits as the Board may direct- 15 "(A) in the ratio of 8 per centum, or 16 "(B) in such ratio not greater than 8 per 17 centum and not less than 3 per centum as the 18 Board may prescn"be, or 19 "(O) in such ratio as the Board may pre- 20 scribe pursuant to paragraph (10). 21 "(7) CATEGORY O RESERVE REQUIREMENTS.- 22 Every bank not exempted pursuant to paragraph (4) 23 shall maintain reserves against its net category C de- 24 posits as the Board may direct- 25 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis "(A) in the ratio of 3 per centum, or 11 10 1 "(B) in such ratio not greater than 3 per 2 centum and not less than 1 per centum as the 3 Board may prescribe, or "(C) in such ratio as the Board may pre- 4 5 scribe pursuant to paragraph (10). 6 "(8) CATEGORY D RESERVE REQUIREMENTS.- 7 Every bank not exempted pursuant to . paragraph (4) 8 shall maintain reserves against its net category D de- 9 posits as the Board may direct- 10 "(A) in the ratio of 1 per centum, or 11 "(B) in such ratio not greater than 3 per 12 centum and not less than 1 per centum as the 13 Board may prescribe, or "(C) in such ratio as the Board may pre- 14 15 scribe pursuant to paragraph (10). 16 "(9) RESERVES RELATED TO FOREIGN OBLIGA• 17 TIONS OR ASSETS.-Foreign branches and subsidiaries 18 of nonmember banks shall maintain reserves to the 19 same extent required by the Board of foreign branches 20 and subsidiaries of member banks. In addition to any 21 reserves otherwise required to be maintained pursuant 22 to this subsection, any bank shall maintain reserves in 23 such ratios as the Board may prescn"be against- 24 "(A) net balances owed by domestic offices 25 of such bank in the United States to its directly 40-915 0 - 79 • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 12 11 1 related foreign offices and to nonrelated foreign 2 banks, 3 "(B) loans to United States residents made 4 by overseas offices of such bank if such bank has 5 one or more offices in the United States, and 6 "(C) assets (including participations) held by 7 foreign offices of a bank in the United States 8 which were acquired from its domestic offices 9 (other than assets representing credit extended to 10 persons not resident of the United States). 11 "(10) AUTHORITY IN EXTRAORDINARY omoIDrl- 12 STAN0ES.-Upon a finding by at least five members of 13 the Board, after consultation with appropriate Commit- 14 tees of Congress, that extraordinary circumstances re- 15 quire such action, the Board may impose reserve re- 16 quirements outside the limits otherwise prescribed by- 17 this subsection for a period not exceeding thirty days 18 but which may be extended for further periods not ex- 19 ceeding thirty days each by such affirmative action by 20 the Board in each instance. The Board shall promptly 21 transmit to the Congress a report of any exercise of its 22 authority under this paragraph and the reasons for 23 such exercise. 24 "(11) During any period in which the required re- 25 serves of any depository institution under this subsec- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 12 1 tion greater than zero, a.nd such institution is 2 taming such reserves in a.ccorda.nce with subsection (c), 8 it shaJl be entitled to aJl the privileges of membership 4 in the Federal Reserve System except that, if it is not 5 otherwise a member, it may not hold stock in, or vote 6 for a.ny director of, a Federal Reserve ba.nk. 7 "(12) Any depository institution in which category 8 A deposits held shaJl be entitled to the same dis- 9 count a.nd borrowing privileges as member ba.nks. 10 "(13) TRANSITIONAL ADJUBTMENTB.- 11 "(A) With respect to a.ny institution that is 12 not a member of the ·Federal Reserve System on 13 August 1, 1978, the required reserves imposed 14 pursua.nt to pa.ragraphs (5) through (8) on the ef- 15 fective date of such pa.ragraphs shaJl be reduced 16 by 75 per centum during the first yea.r that begins 17 after such effective date, 50 per centum during 18 the second yea.r, a.nd 25 per centum during the 19 third yea.r. 20 "(B) With respect to a.ny ba.nk that is a 21 member of the Federal Reserve System on 22 August 1, 1978, the amount of required reserves 23 imposed pursua.nt to pa.ragraphs (5) through (8) on 24 the effective date of such pa.ragraphs that exceeds 25 the amount of required reserves maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14 18 1 member institution during the reserve computation 2 period immediately preceding the effective date of 8 such para.graphs may, at the discretion of the 4 Board and in accordance with such rules and reg- 5 ulations as it may adopt, be reduced by 75 per 6 centum during the first year that begins after such 7 effective date, 50 per centum during the second 8 year, and 25 per centum during the third year. 9 "(C) In order to provide for an orderly tran- 10 sition period, the Board shall implement the re- 11 serve requirements imposed by para.graphs (5) 12 through (8) for member banks in not more than 18 twenty-four months after the effective date of 14 such para.graphs. 15 "(D) Effective at the close of the third calen- 16 dar year which begins after the effective date of 17 this paragraph, this paragraph is repealed, but 18 such repeal shall not affect any liability imposed 19 or incurred prior to such period.". 20 (b) Section 19(a) of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 21 461) is amended (1) by changing "member bank" to read 22 "depository institution" each place it appears therein, and (2) 23 by adding at the end thereof the following: "The Board shall 24 exercise its authority to define the term 'deposit' when appli25 cable to nonmember depository institutions after consultation Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15 14 1 with the Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance 2 Corporation, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, and the 3 National Credit Union Administration.''. 4 5 AUTHORITY OF STATE BANK SUPERVISORS SEC. 4. Nothing in this Act or in the amendments made 6 by this Act shall be construed in derogation of the authority 7 of any officer or agency of State over any institution orga8 nized or existing under the laws of such State. 9 10 COMPOSITION OF RESERVES SEC. 5. Section 19(c) of the Federal Reserve .,!let (12 11 U.S.C. 461(c)) is amended to read as follows: 12 "(c) Reserves held by any depository institution to meet 13 the requirements imposed pursuant to subsection (b) of this 14 section shall be in the form of15 "(1) balances maintained for such purposes by 16 such i.'lstitution in the Federal Reserve bank of which 17 it is a member or at which it maintains an account, 18 and vault cash. The Board may, by regulation or 19 order, limit the proportion of required reserves which 20 may be maintained in the form of vault cash, but such 21 proportion shall be identical for all institutions; and 22 "(2) balances maintained by a nonmember institu- 23 tion in a member or nonmember institution that main- 24 tains reserve balances at a Federal Reserve bank or 25 balances in a Federal Home Loan Bank, but only if Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 16 15 1 such depository institution or Federal Home Loan 2 Bank maintains such funds in the form of balances in a 3 Federal Reserve bank of which it is a member or at 4 which it maintains an account. Balances received by a 5 depository institution from another depository institu- 6 tion that are used to satisfy the reserve requirements 7 imposed on such depository institution by this section 8 shall not be subject to the reserve requirements of this 9 section imposed on such depository institution and shall 10 not be subject to assessment imposed on such deposi- 11 tory institution pursuant to ~ection 7 of the Federal 12 Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1817) or section 13 404 of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1727).". 14 15 ABOLITION OF PENALTY RATE SEC. 6. Section lO(b) of the Federal Reserve Act (12 16 U.S.C. 34 7b) is amended by striking all after the first sen17 tence thereof. 18 19 PRICING OF SERVICES SEC. 7. (a) The Federal Reserve Act is amended by 20 inserting after section 11 the following new section: 21 "SEC. 11A. (a) Not later than July 1, 1979, the Federal 22 Reserve System shall have prepared and shall publish for 28 public comment a set of pricing principles in accordance with 24 this section and a proposed schedule of fees .for Federal Re25 serve bank services. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 17 16 1 "(b) The Federal Reserve bank services to banks which 2 shall be covered by the schedule of fees under subsection (a) 3 are- 4 "(1) currency and coin services; 5 "(2) check clearing and collection services; 6 "(3) wire transfer services; 7 "(4) automated clearinghouse services; 8 "(5) settlement services; 9 "(6) securities safekeeping services; 10 "(7) any new payment services which the Federal 11 Reserve System provides, including but not limited to 12 payment services to effectuate the electronic transfer of 13 funds; and 14 "(8) any other services which the Board so de- 15 cides to cover. l6 "(c) The schedule of fees prescribed pursuant to this 17 section shall be based on the following principles: 18 "(1) All Federal Reserve bank services covered 19 by the fee schedule shall be priced explicitly and com- 20 petitively. 21 "(2) All Federal Reserve bank services covered 22 by the fee schedule shall be available to nonmembers 23 and such services shall be priced at the same fee 24 schedule applicable to member banks, except non- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 18 17 1 members shall be subject to any other terms that the 2 Board may determine are applicable to member banks. 3 "(3) Over the long run prices shall be established 4 on the basis of all direct and indirect costs actually in- 5 curred in providing the services priced, including over- 6 head, and an allocation of imputed costs that take into 7 account the taxes that would have been paid and the 8 return on capital that would have been provided had 9 the services been furnished by a private business firm, 10 except where the Board determines that the public in- 11 terest requires a departure from this principle, alter 12 giving due regard to competitive factors and the provi- 13 sion of an adequate level of services nationwide.". 14 EFFECTIVE DATES 15 SEO. 8. (a) The amendment made by section 2 of this 16 Act shall take effect on the first day of the sixth calendar 17 month which begins after the date of enactment. 18 (b) The amendments made by section 3 and section 5 of 19 this Act shall take effect on July 1, 1979, or such earlier 20 date as may be designated by the Board of Governors of the 21 Federal Reserve System. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 19 Chairman REUSS. The Federal Reserve argues that it must have a high percentage of the Nation's bank deposits subject to reserve requirements in order to carry out monetary policy effectively. In recent years, the amount of reserves under the Federal Reserve's control has been dwindling as banks pulled out of the Federal Reserve System in increasing numbers because of the cost of membership. H.R. 7 represents evolutionary rather than revolutionary change. Its passage would allow a phased reduction in the level of required reserves. It would also significantly simplify and rationalize the present structure of required reserves, enhancing the conduct of monetary policy and promoting equitable competition among financial institutions. The bill would assure that 68 percent of the Nation's bank deposits will at all times be subject to reserve requirements. It achieves this by subjecting all banks with more than $50 million in checking account deposits or $50 million in time and savings deposits to reserve requirements. In practice, since vault cash would count toward meeting reserve requirements, most banks with less than $200 million in total deposits would have no need to post reserves with the Federal Reserve. The $50 million exemptions will be indexed to assure that banks exempted by this legislation from having to hold reserves will continue to remain exempt, unless they grow faster than other banks and achieve the size at which reserve requirements take effect. Under this proposal, some 232 large banks which are not now members of the Federal Reserve would have to begin posting reserves. However, a great many more small- and medium-sized member banks-some 4,664-would be freed of their present need to post reserves. Altogether, 95 percent of the Nation's 14,618 banks would be completely free of the need to hold reserves with the Federal Reserve. At the same time, member banks which would continue to be subject to required reserves would have their reserve requirements substantially reduced. Instead of a maximum of 16.25 percent on checking account deposits, they would have to hold initially only 9.5 percent-within an 8- to 10-percent band. A typical $300 million deposit bank, for instance, would have its reserve requirements reduced by some $7 million, money which it could put out in loans. In addition to providing the level of required reserves the Federal Reserve says is needed for purposes of monetary control, the bill achieves competitive equality among all banks of comparable size, in terms of reserve requirements. No longer will the burden of maintaining required reserves, idle reserves on which the banks earn no interest, fall only upon those banks which choose to be members of the Federal Reserve System. Under this legislation, all commercial banks would be entitled to borrow from the Federal Reserve, whether members or not. Thrift institutions which have transactions accounts-savings accounts on which checks can be drawn-also would be entitled to borrow from the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve, which now provides free services such as check clearing to member banks, would begin charging for such services. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20 The Monetary Control Act of 1979 would improve management of the Nation's money supply in two ways in addition to meeting the Fed's position on the requirement of reserves: First, it would authorize the Federal Reserve to obtain more timely and complete information on deposits in the Nation's banks and savings institutions. Currentll, only Federal Reserve member banks-38 percent of the Nations banks with 72 percent of the deposits-report on a regular basis. This leaves the Fed with inadequate information on the size of the money supply. Second, it replaces a hodgepodge of reserve ratios with more uniform ratios. Currently, member banks are subject to reserve ratios ranging from 7 to 16.25 percent on checking accounts, depending upon the size of the bank; and between 1 and 8 percent on savings and time deposits. Thus, when the Federal Reserve takes action to raise or lower reserves, it cannot accurately predict the effect on the money supply because the money is shifting around among deposits with widely different required reserve ratios. Under the proposed legislation, reserve ratios would be set at 9.5 percent for checking accounts, including savings accounts from which funds can be drawn by check or by automatic transfer to checking accounts; 3 percent on savings deposits; 1 percent on longterm certificates of deposit, and 8 percent on short-term certificates of deposit. The Federal Reserve could alter these ratios within limited ranges, but only for the purpose of monetary control. A substantially similar bill was approved by the House Banking Committee September 19, 1978, by a vote of 22 to 14. H.R. 7 contains three changes from that legislation: First, it includes automatic transfer accounts at commercial banks in the same category of reserve requirements as checking accounts, since both are part of the Nation's basic medium of exchange. Second, it also includes in this category savings accounts at thrift institutions on which checks can be written, since these are also part of the medium of exchange, a change which, because of the $50 million exemption, affects few if any thrift institutions, but recognizes the potential growth of such accounts. Third, it provides lower reserves on passbook savings accounts, since these do not represent ready money, offset by slightly higher ratios on checking accounts. The objectives of this legislation cannot be met in a completely cost-free way. Some proposals for stopping the erosion of required reserves, caused by dwindling Fed membership, would have induced banks to stay with the Fed by paying interest on reserves. Such interest payments could run into billions of dollars. Since the Congress is determined to keep the deficit under control, such proposals are unacceptable. H.R. 7 would achieve its goals in a fiscally prudent manner. The cost, according to administration estimates, would be $172 million a year. I am delighted, incidentally, to welcome our present members and particularly to welcome new members, Michael E. Lowry of Washington, Edwin R. Bethune of Arkansas, Carroll A. Campbell, Jr., of South Carolina, Don Ritter of Pennsylvania, and Jon Hinson of Mississippi. The freshman class deserves all sorts of praise for having such a splendid attendance record. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 21 Today we welcome our first witness, the Honorable Robert Carswell, Deputy Secretary of the Department of the Treasury, on behalf of the administration. Secretary Carswell, we are most honored to have you with us. You may now proceed. STATEMENT OF HON. ROBERT CARSWELL, DEPUTY SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Mr. CARSWELL. Thank you, sir. I am pleased to present the views of the administration on H.R. 7. We support the efforts of the Congress to deal with the question of mandatory universal reserves for depository institutions at this time. In mid-1977 the administration requested the introduction of S. 1664, which approached this question in a somewhat different way and we gave general support to other approaches in the last Congress. We hope the Congress will be able to act on this matter early in this session. Many plans have been put forward to deal with this problem. Rather than discussing them in detail, I would like to consider the principles that we believe should govern this undertaking. They are, first, improvement of the tools available to the Federal Reserve in the implementation of monetary policy; second, reducing competitive inequities among depository institutions engaged in the same or similar lines of business; and third, restraining the negative impact of any changes on the Federal budget in this period when the administration and the Congress are striving to squeeze down the deficit. These objectives are best served in our view by imposing mandatory reserve requirements on all institutions holding similar deposit balances. Since reserve requirements are important to the effective formulation and implementation of monetary policy, their coverage should not be contingent upon voluntary or induced membership in the Federal Reserve System. They should be regarded as a price and a necessary component of participation in the monetary system, rather than a result of decisions about the choice of a regulator, the value of access to the discount window, or a nice balancing of the costs of maintaining reserves against the benefits of membership. Moreover, to the extent that all institutions that maintain transaction balances have the same level of reserves, the link between the aggregate amount of reserves and the money supply is made more firm. For these reasons, this bill takes a constructive step in severing the connection between reserves and Federal Reserve membership and by focusing instead on the type of balance involved. Extending reserve requirements to thrifts for transaction accounts is a timely shift toward competitive equality and a more equitable distribution of the reserve bur<len. The adverse impact on thrifts is relatively small because their transaction balances are small at this time. Of course, it is not possible to achieve full equality of treatment with this step. There are many small depository institutions that with some justification will resist a reserve obligation on the ground that the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 22 adverse impact on their earnings is too great and their participation, while theoretically correct, may not in practice be necessary to the effective conduct of monetary policy. Total reserves in excess of vault cash of the smaller banks would, in any event, constitute only a small proportion of the total reserves. Accordingly, some exemption from universal reserves for small institutions may therefore be appropriate, but we hope that the exemption would be less generous than that proposed in this bill. In effect, H.R. 7 ratifies the status quo by insuring that the slightly less than 72 percent of commercial bank deposits currently subject to reserve requirements remain subject to reserve requirements. Equity prompts expanded coverage, which also might lower reserve ratios. It would also provide a larger reserve base for us in monetary policy implementation while still leaving the vast majority of small depository institutions unaffected. The reporting requirements contained in the bill provide important supplementary monetary coverage of all depository institutions not required to hold reserves. The report forms and statistics should be brief and rely as much as possible on existing information flows. The paperwork of all institutions, particularly the smaller ones, should be kept to a minimum. Finally, we do not think that the concept of universal reserves is inconsistent with the principles of the dual banking system. That system recognizes that when there is an overriding Federal interest in an issue, the ground rules should be established by the Federal Government. That is the case, for example, with bank holding companies. It is also the case with monetary policy. So long as reserves have a role to play in this process, all banks similarly situated should have the same burden to the extent practicable. Surely the Federal Government has no responsibility to insure the viability of State supervision by making it financially unattractive for a bank to be a member of the Federal Reserve. The strength of the dual banking system comes from the choice it offers on supervision and examination. That choice remains unchanged by this bill. Moreover, the availability of Federal Reserve services to all banks at nondiscriminatory rates will make it easier for a larger bank to be a nonmember. In the last Congress, the administration indicated that if the Congress decided that the holding of reserves should continue to be voluntary, then the administration would support legislation to reduce the financial burden of membership through the payment of interest on reserves. For all the reasons I have noted, we very much prefer the approach of required reserves as it is embodied in this bill. In testimony before the Senate Banking Committee last June and August and in a letter to this committee in September, the administration stated that it would accept a revenue loss of $200 to $300 million after tax recoveries to d·eal with this problem. Then in an October letter to the Senate Banking Committee, with the budget outlook tightening, we indicated that a revenue loss at the lower end of that range or perhaps below it was preferable. In the current budget environment, a solution to the membership problem involving a revenue loss under $200 million net of tax Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 23 recoveries is essential. We understand that the committee staff estimates that the net cost of implementing H.R. 7 would be approximately $170 million. While this expense does not exceed the limit of acceptability, these next few years will be ones of budget stringency. Accordingly, we would encourage exploration of proposals that involve lower costs. In any calculation of the total annual cost of the membership solution, the Congress should focus on the fiscal 1980 budget impact. There are several elements in the revenue and cost figures that make the near term financial results of various membership solutions a matter of special concern. In determining the after-tax revenue loss for most proposals, estimates of tax recaptures that may take several years are used. These deferred tax effects might leave a disproportionate aftertax shortfall in the first year of most annual loss projections. Similarly, most proposals assume income of about $410 million from the explicit pricing of Federal Reserve services to reduce the annual net revenue loss the proposals will generate. Yet not all the revenue will be available in fiscal 1980. It will take time to develop and institute prices on some services. Finally, most membership proposals contain provisions, as in this bill, to phase in reserve requirements on depository institutions that are not now Federal Reserve members and to impose any increased requirements on existing members over a 4-year period. At the same time, the proposals mandate that any change in reserve ratios, including the moderate lowering in H.R. 7, be effected within 2 years. We are concerned that the time gap between a lowering of ratios and the accumulation of new reserve balances may increase the net revenue loss in the early years. Accordingly, our support of H.R. 7 is premised on the assumption that the Federal Reserve will fully offset any revenue loss during the transition years. Chairman Miller has advised me that the Board of Governors has agreed to this approach. Mr. Chairman, the staff of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury have been working on more refined methods of estimating the revenue loss for this bill and I would like to submit for the record in the next week those revised estimates. [Subsequently the following information was submitted for the record by Mr. Carswell:] Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Estimated Revenue Effects of R.R. 7 Fiscal Years 1980-84 millions Reduction in Federal Reserve earnings due to reduction in reserve requirements for member banks, at 10/79 projectedl/ membership levels, phased in over 2 years beginning l0/7g.:: Fiscal Years 1982 1983 1984 1980 1981 -521 -1,131 -1,228 -1,332 -1,445 33 71 115 166 180 lli 535 579 ~ ill -534 -536 -583 Increase in Federal Reserve earnings from extension of ~:::::nt?~~;:ir::. ~.=::::. ~~::~. ~~. :':::.~.~:~:: Net change in Federal Reserve earnings before tax recovery ••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••• , ••••••• -217 -525 • , , , ••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••••• ~ 155 .ill ~ .ill Net revenue effect before offset for membership attrition under present Federal reserve requirements ••••••• , • , ••••••• , •••• •., ••••••••• , -148 -370 -316 -300 -326 .ll 103 ill lli. ill Net revenue effect •••••• , , •••.••••••• , . , ••••••••• -117 -267 -147 -64 -13 3/ Income tax offs er- u.s. Treasury BDard of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Footnotes to table j/ Assumes: (1) between 12/77 and 9/79 member bank deposit attrition continues at the average of the nation for the period 1975-77 (i,e, 1 the member bank share of total commercial bank deposits declines 1.7 percentage points per year); (2) total coumercial bank deposits increase at an average annual rate of 8,5 per cent each year after 1977; and (3) the average return on the Federal Reserve portfolio is 6,5 per cent per year from 10/79 through 9/84. l./ Assumes: (1) full charging for Federal Reserve services, if fully implemented at the end of 1977, would have generated $410 million; and (2) Federal Reserve revenue from such charges grows proportionally to the growth in deposits assumed in footnote l. 11 Recovery of the loss of Treasury revenue from the decline in Federal Reserve earnings asaumes: (1) additional cmrmercial bank earnings are taxed at an average marginal rate of 35 per cent; (2) the lagged additional dividends paid to conmercial bank stockholders from the higher commercial bank after-tax earnings increases total tax recovery 2-1/2 percentage points per year until the total tax recovery reaches 45 per cent of the additional commercial bank earnings in four yeara; and (3) 45 per cent of each year's tax liability is paid in the fiscal year incurred and 55 per cent is paid in the next fiscal year, !!,/ Assumes: (1) if R.R. 7 is not enacted, the attrition of meuber bank deposits would accelerate to a rate midway between that experienced in New England and that of the nation during the 1975-77 period; (2) total commercial bank deposit growth and Federal Reserve portfolio return are as indicated in footnote l; and (3) the tax offset to higher earnings of member banks no longer subject to required reserves is as indicated in footnote 3, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25 Mr. CARSWELL. Section 7 of H.R. 7 would require the Federal Reserve to price its services and make them available to all depository institutions, whether or not they are members or hold reserves. Once access to System services is no longer required as an inducement to membership, the more general availability of Federal Reserve services should benefit the banking system as a whole. Moreover, requiring that the Federal Reserve price services on a basis involving full allocation of cost with appropriate allowances for costs unique to private organizations, such as capital and taxes, should allow other vendors to compete with the System more effectively. Hopefully market systems will then become important in establishing the prices of these services and the relative roles of the competing vendors. H.R. 7, like its predecessor H.R. 14072, would index the exemption from reserve requirements based on deposit growth. We do not favor this provision. The exemption results from the structure of the current system under which many small banks are nonmembers and thus maintain no reserves at the Federal Reserve and others very low reserve requirements. We should seek to eliminate the disparate treatment of large and small banks over time. If the exemption is not indexed, the growth of the deposit base over the years will gradually reduce the scope of the exemption and will further the objective of competitive equity in the banking systems. I would like to note for the record that the Comptroller of the Currency is in basic agreement with the general direction taken by H.R. 7. While the Comptroller feels strongly that ultimately reserve requirements should be imposed equally against comparable liabilities for all depository institutions, it is his position that H.R. 7 represents a workable solution to the problem of assuring the Federal Reserve of adequate control over the monetary aggregates. This concludes my formal testimony, Mr. Chairman, and I would be pleased to answer any questions that the committee may have. Chairman REUSS. Thank you for an absolutely first-rate presentation, Mr. Secretary. I want at this time to acknowledge the presence of the chairmen of two subcommittees which are intimately concerned with this matter, Mr. Fernand J. St Germain, chairman of the Financial Institutions Supervision Subcommittee, and Mr. Parren J. Mitchell, chairman of the Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee. Through the matter of bank regulation and through the matter of monetary policy, both these subcommittees are intimately involved; both subcommittees have taken leadership in the last year investigating this issue, and I trust that leadership continues. We will now examine under the 5-minute rule. Secretary Carswell, I take it the administration's position is one of full support for H.R. 7 with the two exceptions, those exceptions being: First, that in order to minimize the loss of revenues, the administration would prefer that the two $50 million exemptions be somewhat reduced so as to reduce or eliminate the revenue loss; and second, and somewhat to the same effect, the administration would prefer to eliminate the indexing provision, which in effect says that as long as a bank simply grows proportionately with Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 26 other institutions, it will not by its growth find itself posting compulsory reserves. Is that a fair statement, that those are the two points that you feel need improvement? Mr. CARSWELL. That is a fair statement, Mr. Chairman. Chairman REUSS. I would have a couple of questions about each one. With respect to the first point, namely lose less revenue, how would you suggest we go about that? We could go about it I should think by a variety of means: First, reduce the $50 million; second, raise the reserve requirements. Either/or, some combination thereof would, I suppose, result arithmetically in whatever result the administration wants. Do you have a preference? Mr. CARSWELL. I think that is correct. Those are the alternatives. The purpose for the exemption is to avoid too much of a dislocation in the present competitive system in the banking area now and the exact level at which the exemption is set is, I suppose, a function of how much the System can be changed at one time. I would think it ought to be possible, based on the runs in your committee print, to lower that exemption somewhat without having an unacceptable effect on the levels of competition with smaller banks. I suppose alternatively one could raise reserve requirements which would then raise revenue from all the banks that remained in the System. That would in a sense further the competitive advantage of those banks that are out and I would suppose that would move, generally speaking, in the wrong direction, so the reduction of expense is probably preferable. We would not have a strong feeling on that. It is a question of what, all things considered, is the best way for the process to move. Chairman REUSS. Thank you for that answer. Does the administration intend to make a more detailed arithmetical proposal on that, or are you simply saying that you would view it with pleasure if the committee or the Congress reduces the present $50 million somehow or other so as to lose less revenue at the banks? Mr. CARSWELL. I do not think we would propose to go any farther than what I just said. AB you know, Senator Proxmire approaches the bill both ways, with a higher exemption and lower reserve ratios. There is plenty of room for differing views. I am not sure our specific view will add anything to the debate. Chairman REUSS. I think you have made it clear. On your second point, that you do not like the indexing arrangement, you addressed yourself to that point in your testimony and said on page 5 of xour written statement that you do not care for indexing because ' We should seek to eliminate the disparate treatment of large and small banks over time." There is of course in this bill disparate treatment. All banks get $50 million of deposits on which they are home free, they are not required to post sterile, noninterest-yielding reserves on those. And that does involve a valid judgment. Is it the administration's position that smaller banks not be treated ever in a favored way over larger banks? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 27 I say that because it is the view of the authors of this legislation that such favored treatment is in the public interest. We do not want to see this country become one like the United Kingdom where you have only five big banks. We note that under our corporation income tax laws, benefits of a special nature are given small business; that is to say, the first $25,000 of income is taxed at a lower rate than income over that amount. It is the view of this committee that there is a difference, that small banks should be encouraged to maintain correspondent banking relations, they should be encouraged to grow but that at a certain level-and here we did take $50 million times two out of the blue, so to speak-banks should be asked to sink or swim on their own. Is there a philosophical difference between the administration and those of this committee who believe in disparate treatment, as you have suggested? Mr. CARSWELL. I do not think there is any basic philosophical difference. I suppose if one wanted to be a purist about it, there is not any real reason why anybody who runs banks should not have the same rules applied to him. But the fact is that small banks do not have the relative economies of size that larger banks have. They may have some other disadvantages too. And I think that has been recognized, as you say, both in the tax laws and in other areas of banking laws. On the other hand, I guess the basic question is: How small is small? A $50 million exemption on transaction balances can apply to a pretty big bank by anybody's objective standards. The smaller bank, the really small bank, can go one-tenth of that, without any particular difficulty. So when you get to a $50 million bank and another $50 million on top of that for the time and savings exemptions, you are talking about a bank with very large balances by some people's ideas of objective standards. Now I would suppose that that is where the debate lies, where that break ought to be, not that there is not a special problem for smaller banks. Chairman REuss. So we are not talking principle, we are talking price? Mr. CARSWELL. I think that is right. Chairman REUSS. My time is up. Mr. Leach, welcome to the august upper row. Mr. LEACH. To be sure I feel out of place. I just have one question. On page 3 of your testimony you maintain that mandated reserves are not inconsistent with the dual banking system. Does it not seem likely that nonmember banks, when they are required to maintain reserves, will also leave their State banking systems and therefore to some degree jeopardize the current dual banking arrangement? In that regard, do you have estimates or have you surveyed the banks that potentially would be affected to ask their judgment whether they would leave the State banking system if subject to mandated reserves? 40-915 0 - 79 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 28 Mr. CARSWELL. I know obviously that is the argument, that if you had to be a member of the Fed, that it might be to the advantage of a bank that is now a State bank to turn to a national charter and thereby have one regulator instead of two. And that is no doubt what could happen. No, we have not surveyed it. I do not know whether the Fed has or not. We really do not have any mechanism to survey the 15,000 banks in this country in the Treasury Department; we are not in touch with them directly. I think it is fair to say that the dual banking system relies for its strength on the fact that State regulation does offer something different from what the Comptroller offers and that would be in the areas of powers and its general approach to local problems. That will still be present, whether or not they are members of the Fed; I suppose that is what the dual banking system is all about. The reverse of the argument that I presented in the statement is that you are asking the Federal Government to in effect pay these people for staying out, because we do now in the present system. That is, we make it unattractive to be a member of the Fed today, and that is a crazy way to build your monetary base. We would think that the rational way is as the bill suggests and then, if the dual banking system has the strengths that we all think it has, it would not be seriously affected by this move because the State supervision system will continue to have exactly the same kind of advantages that it has today for some. Mr. LEACH. I sympathize with your concerns and I think your arguments for changing the current system are strong. However, I think it is a bit glib to say that the dual banking system will not be affected when you have no real assurance. Second, I think it would be responsible to survey in some manner the banks that might be affected. A survey could be more the Federal Reserve's role than Treasury's. However, from my discussions with Iowa bankers, the primary reason for staying with the State banking system is economic and not one of local control. Therefore it would appear to me to be very much a matter of conjecture that economic incentives will not disrupt the current balance. My only concern is that before we take a substantial step, and this is a step that I think all of us want to seriously consider, we know from a first-hand point of view what the ramifications are going to be. I am not sure that either the Treasury or the Fed at this time is in a position to say definitively what they will be. I wonder if steps are being taken to try to ascertain that in advance. Mr. CARSWELL. As I said, we are not conducting any survey, we are really not in a position to. Mr. LEACH. Thank you. I have no further questions. Chairman REUSS. Mr. St Germain. Mr. ST GERMAIN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Carswell, I think that one of the important questions that has to be addressed here, because I suspect this legislation, whether it be in the form it is now or an amended fashion, is going to face a rockier road now than it did in the last Congress. I do not think there should be any doubt about that. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 29 I feel that the members of this committee will have to be convinced of the necessity of the legislation, to wit: Is it absolutely necessary for the conduct of monetary policy that this legislation be adopted and with the trend toward financial institutions leaving the Federal Reserve System be reversed? Second and honestly, perhaps you can address the next question this morning or in reply in written comment, it is my understanding that, on the Senate side, legislation will be introduced that would exempt from reserve requirements the savings accounts of the smaller people, so to speak, because traditionally we know that these funds do not move. They go in there, we have people who have still accounts, passbook accounts in financial institutions, primarily commercials that are paying them 4, 4¼, or 4½ percent. So these are not the type of funds that move around a great deal. My understanding is that the legislation may well be proposed in the Senate which would impose reserve requirements on transaction accounts and on commercial type certificates of deposit. This approach would appear to alleviate the burden that might well be suffered by a great many smaller institutions. I personally have been very impressed by the situation at one of my financial institutions in Rhode Island that converted a few years back from being a dual financial institution-as you know, we have some unusual situations in Rhode Island-it was both a savings bank as well as a commercial bank. And that charter dated back an untold number of years. They still are one of the leading institutions in Rhode Island, as far as home mortgage financing is concerned. When they converted, over 80,000 people in Rhode Island became stockholders. A reduction in their income, which under this legislation would be quite substantial despite the changes that have been made since last year, would adversely affect not people with deep pockets but just savers, ordinary working people. I find that argument is a compelling one. So I say to you, there are two questions that are going-that I would like answered. First, can we be convinced and assured of the fact that membership in the Fed is an absolute requirement for the proper conduct of monetary policy? And second, if that be the case, is it also necessary that the requirements attach themselves to the traditional savings accounts as opposed to limiting themselves to transaction accounts in commercial certificates of deposit? I think, Secretary Carswell, you realize that after our work together in the last Congress, which was very pleasant, that I by no means grieve or shed too many elephant tears for the commercial banking system. By the same token, I feel we have to look at the realities of life. Mr. CARSWELL. I think this committee has already heard in the last Congress from a number of people who have addressed these questions and of course there are those who say that in order to conduct monetary policy, you do not need reserves at all, you can do it through market operations. And in that sense I do not suppose it is possible for anyone to assure you that it is 100 percent necessary for the Fed to have required reserves. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 30 On the other hand, we have conducted monetary policy now since the start of the Federal Reserve System with a required reserve base and it has been relatively successful. All our statistics and our experience are with that approach. I would suppose that to shift now to an approach where there is no required reserve base, which is a theoretical possibility, would involve taking risks and consequences that I do not see any reason to take. Further, it would involve a very significant diminution in the revenues of the United States. The fact is that the required reserves do provide income for the Fed; that is they, the Fed, use that money, and the earnings on the funds, those required reserves, come to the U.S. Treasury, and the amounts have been relatively large in recent years. That is a price that is built into the banking system and to give up those reserves, in effect to give them back to the banks at this juncture in your budgetary and appropriation policy considerations, would seem to me to be unwise as well. So I would think that it is pretty clear that we ought to continue, the Fed ought to continue to conduct its monetary policy from a required reserve base and that base ought to be as high as possible. Now if you accept that, then a further point I suppose is relevant; that is, that it is easier, more simple and understandable to conduct monetary policy from a reserve base if you know what that base is, if it is settled, if it does not shift. It is constantly shifting now, both because we have a rather complex structure of reserve requirements-the schedule of reserves that banks are required to keep-and also because people keep leaving the System. They leave the System because it is too expensive and that in turn inhibits the Fed from changing reserve requirements and hence we lose the flexibility in the conduct of our monetary policy which we could otherwise obtain. I think where we come out is that it is necessary, as a practical matter, to have a reserve requirement system in this country and that that system ought to be as stable and predictable as possible, and that is the way this bill approaches it. Now there can be obviously plenty of room for modifications and changes in the mix and you are suggesting that it would be preferable to lower or exempt the reserve requirements on one component; namely, savings deposits. I would suppose that is partially recognized now by the fact that H.R. 7 does have the reserve requirement at 3 percent, which is significantly below what the requirement is on transaction balances. And I think that is done philosophically at least to recognize that there is a difference in the types of deposits. Whether that requirement should go to zero or not I would suppose is an open question. Traditionally we have always had some level, some type of reserves on savings accounts, savings deposits, but I suppose it is not impossible to think of a system where it could be lower. I would think the balance suggested in the bill, which is, incidentally, the same balance suggested on this point at least in Senator Proxmire's bill which was introduced last week in the Senate, is probably a pretty fair level. But I am not really familiar with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 31 institution you are talking about, so I do not know exactly what the dollars and cents effects would be. Mr. ST GERMAIN. I can say it is significant. Thank you, Mr. Secretary. Chairman REuss. Thank you, Mr. St Germain. Mr. Annunzio. Mr. ANNUNZIO. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Secretary, I am concerned that the cost of this legislation may not justify the proposed benefits. I have not been convinced that the Federal Reserve System can do an effective job of controlling monetary supply, even with passage of this legislation. The system seems to have set on one of the two courses to pursue with monetary policy. When they do not work, they just continue to plow along with the same programs, I guess, under the rationale that eventually they will get lucky. I want to make it clear I am not talking about the efforts of the current Federal Reserve Board Chairman, because I think he inherited this monetary mess we are in. Given the track record of the Federal Reserve Board, how can I justify to my taxpayers an expenditure that may range as high as $300 million or as low as $170 million, at a time when we are trying to cut spending and not add to it? How can we justify that with the taxpayers? Mr. CARSWELL. Mr. Annunzio, I can only say that the President feels at least as strongly as you do about the necessity of being tightfisted with expenditures in our Federal Government, and I emphasize in my statement that we would prefer to see that cost down. I should also say that we will be submitting for the record here a more refined analysis of what those costs will be as best we can estimate them. I think they are a little lower probably than the numbers that have been considered heretofore. I think we have done more work on it and refined the assumptions, but the fact is that there still, as you rightfully point out, will be a considerable loss in revenue by anybody's standards and justifying that loss depends on how important you think it is that we give the Fed the maximum tools to conduct monetary policy. I think it is important that they have those tools. I think we also should not forget that there is no reason to think that attrition from the Federal Reserve System will not continue if we do not do something here and that will also result in a loss in revenue to the Treasury, whether or not we help the Fed to conduct its monetary policy better. I would suppose that that is shortsighted, too, that is, to keep a system going now which has demonstrated that it is losing members because the members find that they can get the services that the Fed gives them elsewhere cheaper and hence they flee from the System. If the rate continues, it would not be surprising in 5 years if we lost something approaching 20 percent of the present membership. And I think on the whole that would be very unfortunate both from the standpoint of a cohesive banking system and from the standpoint of the conduct of our monetary policy. I am not sure I agree with some of the characterizations of the way that the Fed has conducted monetary policy in the past that Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 32 you have made but, on the other hand, it is going to make it a lot harder for them if they continue to lose members at the rate they are losing them now. Mr. ANNUNZIO. In general, what you are saying and merely trying to clear the air because I know I will blast them on the question, what you are saying, if $300 million is too much, $170 million is too much, that if we have to revise your figures, if we spend $100 million, we save the Federal Reserve System, then the amount of money that we are spending is justified. Is that about what you are saying? Mr. CARSWELL. Yes, sir. Mr. ANNUNZIO. Thank you. Now, Mr. Secretary, couldn't we solve the problem of the Federal Reserve membership losses by requiring all commercial banking institutions to place reserves with the Federal Reserve Board and then the Board would charge the financial institutions for any services rendered by the System, such as wire transfers, discount window services, currency and coin distribution? The amount of interest that would be paid on these reserves would not be a set amount, but would be determined by the amount generated by the sale of banking services by the Fed. At the end of the year, the Federal Reserve Board would add up the income, just like any businessman, from selling these services, deduct its cost of operation and then the rest of the moneys would be paid out to the member banks in the form of dividends. It might be that a bank would receive a I-percent-interest dividend or it could receive a 15- or 20-percent dividend, but in no case would the taxpayer be directly or through the subterfuge that you can raise the pay, responsible for any of the interest payments. I would like to get some of your thoughts on that plan that I propose; it is not refined or complete, but it is something to throw out, that we are in the business of selling services. In your own department, if I were to look at your budget, I could see maybe five or six consulting firms that you hire to make a study; we have all kinds of companies in this country that are selling services. I think that the Government ought to embark upon a program of getting paid for some of the services that it renders. Mr. CARSWELL. Well, I think you are suggesting a formalized approach to see that it would break even, whatever we do now, that is starting from the base now that banks would neither gain nor lose. I don't know quite how that will fit with the smaller banks that, under H.R. 7, would be required, in effect, to have reserves up, and even if they got a dividend back, I am not sure they would come out as well as they are now. The exemption insures them, in effect, of the most favorable type treatment. Mr. ANNUNZIO. I know, Mr. Secretary, you realize the thrust of my question is not to worry about the bankers because if you read the financial pages they are the only people showing a profit today. I am worrying about the taxpayers. Mr. CARSWELL. Well, you and I don't have any difference of opinion that if this thing could come in at break even, we would be in favor of it. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 33 Mr. ANNUNZIO. My time is up. I have one more question. I will ask that at the next go-around. Thank you very much. Chairman REUSS. Thank you, Mr. Annunzio. Mr. Bethune. Mr. BETHUNE. Mr. Secretary, you seem to say in your report, page 3, that the strength of the dual system comes from the choice it offers on supervision and examination, which seems to me about the very least that you could say for that system or any dual system. I wonder, do you recognize that the system has any other strengths? Mr. CARSWELL. I understand the philosophy for the dual banking system, the thoughts behind it; they are concentrated on the idea that banking has benefited in the past from diversity and will continue to do so and that the dual banking system permits diversity, particularly at the local levels in the banking system and it does that because State supervisors may be in a position better to accommodate innovation and the problems of localities are less than with a more monolithic Fed system, and I would have supposed that that is the heart of what the advantages are. The issue here is whether, when we make the cost of Federal Reserve membership more neutral that that will lead people to forgo the advantages of possible diversity and innovative approach at the local levels and thereby weaken the System. I would have supposed that the issue then gets to be how much is the Federal Government going to be prepared to subsidize that dual banking system because, in effect, that is what will happen. That is happening now. The reason people are not assuming their Federal Reserve responsibilities by remaining members is that it costs money and they can avoid it by staying out. If every bank is required to assume the same responsibilities as a member bank, that is equitable, I suppose, overall, and if the dual banking system has the strength, as I think you and I would agree it does, then that shouldn't adversely affect them. Mr. ANNUNZIO. If it should attract people to leave the dual system-institutions to leave the dual system, then would we lose forever the benefits of that system or would you imagine that the Federal Government then could replace that by beefing up the services and rapport that now exist in the System and would that not in turn cost additional money? Mr. CARSWELL. I think you have to look at it in a number of different ways. In a sense it depends on where you start. Today the dual banking system, by percentage, is stronger, I would suppose we would agree, because the percentage of banks that are now State-chartered as opposed to federally chartered is up and that is because, in part, of the withdrawal from the Federal Reserve System. Now, it just depends on what you think the proper level is. After all, Fed membership is down now from 88 percent in 1941 to 72 percent now. So part of that has accrued, I suppose, to a stronger dual banking system. Now, whether that occurred because they were fleeing the financial responsibilities of being a Fed member or because the State Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 34 supervisors ran a better show than the Fed supervisors, I guess none of us really knows, but the shift has been in that direction and I am not sure, if one made the Federal Reserve membership neutral, which is essentially what the proposal is here, that is, so nobody would lose by being either in or out, that would necessarily mean that people would flee the dual banking system; if the dual banking system has the advantages, as I certainly think it has in some areas, there won't be any significant diminution. Mr. ANNUNZIO. Thank you. Chairman REUSS. Mr. Mitchell. Mr. MITCHELL. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I realize that this is a hearing on H.R. 7,.but I want to make a brief comment on the statement made by Mr. Annunzio regarding the peculiar ways in which the Federal Reserve occasionally acts. Today, I issued a press release with regard to a half billion dollar loss that the American taxpayers have sustained as a result of the Federal Reserve's intervention in the foreign exchange market. Last year I spoke about this on the floor, suggesting that our intervention in foreign exchange markets has not been beneficial to us. Now we have a half billion dollar loss to our economy resulting from that intervention. [The press release referred to by Mr. Mitchell follows:] PRESS RELEASE OF REPRESENTATIVE PARREN J. MITCHELL [For release on Monday, Jan. 22, 1979, 10 p.m. e.s.t.] Representative Parren J. Mitchell (D. Md.), Chairman of the Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee of the House Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Committee, charged today, "The Federal Reserve System lost $506 million last year by speculating in the foreign exchange market." The loss, which was largely due to past foreign exchange operations "increased our budget deficit dollar for dollar, and no enduring benefit resulted from this tremendous half billion dollar cost," Mitchell said. He called the House's attention to the loss in a floor statement "because the Federal Reserve undertook massive new foreign exchange commitments in 1978, and continues to intervene in foreign exchange markets even now." "Had the Federal Reserve not lost the $506 million", Mitchell stated, "it would have been remitted to the Treasury, which could have used the money to cover budgetary expenses, so "the U.S. budget deficit was half a billion dollars larger than it needed to be." "The most important reason that the Federal Reserve should stop this practice," Chairman Mitchell said, "is that it wasted half a billion dollars. Half a billion goes a long way, an,j it shouldn't be lost gambling in foreign exchange markets. I can think of lots of ways to spend that money which would be of far greater benefit to Americans." Mitchell attributed the loss to the Federal Reserve's efforts to shore up the dollar. "The Federal Reserve tries to keep the dollar from falling, so it borrows and sells foreign currencies," Mitchell explained. "This is supposed to increase the demand for dollars temporarily and shore up the price of the dollar," Mitchell said. "However, even in the short run, such intervention can prove counterproductive by arousing unnecessary fears and speculative selling of the dollar." According to Mitchell, the effort is not worthwhile. "The dollar was not saved by the Federal Reserve's intervention in foreign exchange markets last year," Mitchell said. "What stopped the slide of the dollar last fall was the promise of slower money growth backed up as it was by an unprecedented one percentage point rise in the discount rate. I believe that if the Federal Reserve had achieved its money supply growth targets all along, the dollar would not have needed defending to begin with." Mitchell stressed that borrowing and selling foreign currencies for dollars cannot permanently affect the price of the dollar. "All that the Federal Reserve can hope to accomplish by speculating in foreign exchange markets is to make the dollar stronger now at the risk at making it weaker later," he said. "It has no enduring Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 35 purpose and should be stopped. We can use the money the Federal Reserve loses on foreign exchange operations in much more beneficial ways." Mr. MITCHELL. I just wanted to follow up on Mr. Annunzio's illustration of the kind of strange behavior that sometimes occurs within the Federal Reserve. To return to H.R. 7, the question has been raised, whether we should allow the Federal Reserve to pay interest on bank reserves without allowing banks to pay interest on their demand deposit liabilities. I want to get your thinking on that Mr. Carswell. Do you think we should provide for Federal Reserve payments of interest on bank reserves without allowing the banks to pay interest on their demand deposit liabilities? Mr. CARSWELL. The administration supported last year the NOW account bill which would permit commercial banks to pay interest on their demand deposits and coupled that with a proposal to pay interest on reserves. In other words, it did make the coupling that you are talking about. I think we have come to view that the H.R. 7 approach is a better approach, that those two need not be linked and, indeed, if we could avoid paying interest, that is, the Fed paying interest on reserves, that is to the good. It will make the System considerably more complex and costly to the Treasury and the Federal Government. I think we would prefer to see that linkage not take place. On the other hand, we have no problems at all about the NOW account approach. That is, this administration has supported NOW accounts, continues to support NOW accounts and if the Congress is willing to enact nationwide NOW accounts now we would certainly support that. Mr. MITCHELL. Then the lack of a section in H.R. 7 on paying interest on demand deposits is only because you want the bill kept fairly clean, without any entanglements in terms of NOW-type accounts, correct? Mr. CARSWELL. That is correct. I don't think there is any necessary linkage here. This problem can be addressed without that linkage. Mr. MITCHELL. I too am interested in the cost of implementing H.R. 7. You have indicated that the low figure now is about $170 million to implement H.R. 7. You have indicated you are putting a paper together, which I assume you will share with this committee, regarding ways in which we can reduce the cost of implementation. I look forward to reading it. At this point, could you give me one or two general ideas you might have in terms of reducing the cost of this bill's implementation? Mr. CARSWELL. As we discussed before, there really are two approaches. One is to lower the exemption. That is a $50 million exemption in the bill below which no reserves need be kept. You could lower that to $45 million, $40 million, whatever a break-even point would be. Alternatively, one could change the reserve schedule and instead of paying the interest on those reserves at the level or levels that are now there, they could be raised, so that instead of the 9 percent now required on transaction accounts, it could go, I suppose; to 10 percent, and that would make the bill break even. Mr. MITCHELL. Which of the two options do you prefer? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 36 Mr. CARSWELL. I think we would prefer lowering the exemption rather than raising the reserves, the reason being that by raising the reserve requirement ratio, in fact you make the people who are in pay more and you add to the favored position of the people who are out, who have the exemption. I think that is moving clearly in the wrong direction. I suppose to the extent it is possible to have every bank competing on an equal basis, that is the favorable approach. Mr. MITCHELL. I have no further questions, Mr. Chairman. Chairman REUSS. Mr. Campbell. Mr. CAMPBELL. Mr. Carswell, speaking of the $170 million loss, you have, through the Federal Reserve, proposed a scheme of charges addressing a number of things but you have not addressed the charge on check floats and I wonder if you would address this and give us the benefit of your comments on it? Mr. CARSWELL. Well, that one area of benefits that the Fed and others get out of the System, depending on how money flows, I have never really been clear how one can be sure about the pricing of flows. The Fed runs studies every now and then and they have never been too precise in where those benefits lie to the extent that you can switch the benefits around and allow for delayed payments and so on. Obviously that is important and it is a necessary component of any pricing schedule that the Fed will later put in for services. We have just had this problem in our tax and loan accounts where the Treasury has just shifted to a system whereby the banks now pay us interest on excess funds that we keep in the banking system. That hadn't been done until Congress authorized it at the last session. And the float problem has been very difficult there. We now have an assumed float in that pricing. I assume for the pricing of some services, the Fed will have to do the same. I just really don't know how they intend to do it on different services. Mr. CAMPBELL. I have seen some figures on this on the float being approximately $5 billion with about $500 million in an interest level. Is that a figure somewhere in the ballpark of one of your estimates? Mr. CARSWELL. I honestly don't know. The use of money today is probably around 10 percent in Federal funds but in the past it hasn't been that high. That is why your statistics get difficult. The cost of a float will vary with the interest rate. Mr. CAMPBELL. Let me switch to another area. We have talked basically of H.R. 7. Let us look at a couple of the other proposals that have come along that have been addressed by other members. Basically the proposals of permitting banks to invest reserves in Treasury securities, or the Brooke proposal of a certificate of deposit, some of these types of alternatives that have been suggested, I would like to know whether the Treasury Department has analyzed these proposals and what your position on them is? Mr. CARSWELL. As they have been proffered, we have looked at them. I don't think we have submitted to this committee or on the Senate side detailed responses on all the proposals. I think it is fair to say we think this one is the preferred course because it is far Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 37 less complicated, and in the long run far less expensive than any of the others. Mr. CAMPBELL. Let us take one of them then. Let us speak of the Treasury securities. I would like to know what your specific analysis of that one proposal was. Mr. CARSWELL. That proposal basically is that a member bank should be allowed to keep its reserve balances in Treasury securities and that it receives the interest on those Treasury securities. Now, today, those reserve balances are kept in Treasury securities in effect by the Fed, but the Fed gets thf interest so that the United States gets the interest and the proposal would simply shift that interest to the banks. That will cost a lot of money. Even if you do it on a cutdown basis, dollar for dollar, only some percentage of it, but whatever happens, the allowing of the banks to have the interest from reserve invested in Treasury securities will be very expensive. It will also complicate the Fed's conduct of monetary policy. Mr. CAMPBELL. I understand that, but in assuming a payment on Treasury securities, one has to also assume the required reserve is in itself a tax, looking at it that way. Would you look at it that way? Mr. CARSWELL. I don't think there is any question that in effect the present system of reserves is the price that banks pay for being allowed the privilege of being banks. That is being allowed to use other people's money for their inventory. Chairman REuss. Mrs. Spellman. Mrs. SPELLMAN. Mr. Secretary, if we are for the first time now going to impose reserve requirements on checking accounts in thrift institutions, do you think perhaps it would be desirable that we allow them a large enough exemption to stipulate their innovative approaches into the transactions of business? As we understand it, $50 million is based on some data of December 1977, virtually exempts all. Mr. CARSWELL. I suppose that is correct. I am not sure, Mr. Chairman, whether the staff ever figured out-there was talk that maybe two of them were affected at the $50 million level. Chairman REuss. Two or three, I believe. Mr. CARSWELL. Maybe a couple who would be affected even at the $50 million level, but all the rest would not. Hence it would follow that shifts I suppose in the other institutions from savings accounts of whatever kind, or certificate of deposit into transaction balances, wouldn't adversely affect the thrifts because that aggregate amount would still remain below the $50 million level. Thrifts, on the whole, as everyone on this committee knows, have not been offering transaction accounts except in New England, so it is hard to tell how that will proceed across the country, although the trend certainly seems to be on. I think the point is, if they do go into the same business that a commercial bank is in, they probably ought to compete on the same basis as the commercial banks have to compete. There isn't any particular reason why at this point we ought to build in a subsidy for thrift competition in that area with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 38 commercial banks, but I think on the whole we would think the $50 million exemption would have the effect, or whatever exemption you do pick, it could be lower than $50 million, would have the effect of encouraging the thrifts to go forward with transaction accounts at least in the beginning without incurring unacceptable costs. Chairman REUSS. Mr. AuCoin. Mr. AuCoIN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Secretary, I haven't made up my own mind as to what the best method is of solving the problem. I think we all recognize what H.R. 7 addresses. I have a number of questions and in the time I have available I would like to pose a few of them, if I may. First of all, what is more important in order to give the Fed a handle over monetary policy it must have? The size of membership of institutions or the total amount of funds? Mr. CARSWELL. My personal opinion would be the dollars. Mr. AuCoIN. It is my understanding that H.R. 7 in fact would give the Fed fewer dollars, but more participating institutions. Is that not correct? Mr. CARSWELL. In a sense that is correct. Mr. AuCoIN. It is a question of dollars. It is either true or it is false. Mr. CARSWELL. It is just a question of who puts the dollars up. There are a number of banks who have opted out of the Federal Reserve System that are really very large and should have been in the System and some of their dollars will be brought back in, whereas the people who are now in the System, because of the exemption levels, will not be affected by the-Mr. AuCoIN. What I am talking about are the ground rules H.R. 7 would lay down as to who has to participate and who doesn't. Isn't it true under H.R. 7 you would have fewer dollars, but a larger number of participating institutions, isn't that correct? Mr. CARSWELL. It depends on what you mean by participating. If you are counting the exemptions-that is the banks that are members, that are required to be in the Federal Reserve System-that is put up reserves-but are out because of exemptions, then I think the aggregate number is less under H.R. 7. Mr. AuCoIN. The aggregate number of what, dollars? Mr. CARSWELL. Banks that participate in the sense of having to put up reserves as opposed to being subject to it. Mr. AuCoIN. Let us talk about dollars held in reserve by however many participating institutions there are. Aren't there fewer dollars under H.R. 7? Mr. CARSWELL. Yes. Mr. AuCoIN. You have just said the most important objective in terms of managing monetary policy is having a larger number of dollars to be able to manage. How is this bill a help to the Fed? Mr. CARSWELL. It will stabilize it. Mr. AuCoIN. How would it stabilize it if you give them fewer dollars to manipulate and to manage in affecting monetary policy? My understanding, going into this, was that this is a tool that must be used by the Fed to have a sound, stable, effective monetary policy. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 39 If you restrict the amount of money they manage, how do you accomplish that end? Mr. CARSWELL. I can't deny that I would prefer to have all those levels up and that is the cost question. Mr. AuC01N. What good is this bill then? Mr. CARSWELL. This bill will stabilize-Mr. AuCoIN. How does it stabilize if you are restricting the amount of funds? Mr. CARSWELL. From now on it will be required that you be in the system and those people won't be able to opt out. Mr. AuCoIN. What good does that do if the actual number of dollars that are manageable by the Fed is less than it is today? Mr. CARSWELL. It depends on how you look at it. The number of dollars that are owned by the banks subject to the system will be higher but because they are lowering the average reserve requirements, the number that are actually kept by the Fed in the aggregate are lower, but the number of dollars that are available to the Fed that are trapped in the system is higher and it is that aggregate number that is trapped in the system that the Fed looks at, and, by raising or lowering the reserves from then on, it just ought to work better. The reserve requirements are being brought down now as a price for getting this new system in. If that isn't necessary, as far as I am concerned-I have been saying, I guess, to several members here-those requirements can stay up; that would be acceptable, but I don't think it is acceptable to a reorganization of the system. I think you have to bring those reserve requirements down a little. Mr. AuCoIN. Then if I understand you correctly-I don't want to use all my time on this one question because I have another. If I understand you correctly, somehow fewer dollars held in reserves by participating institutions-and my time has apparently expired-fewer dollars held in reserve by the Fed is somehow going to make it more effective to manage monetary policy. Let me just ask you one final quick question, with the expiration ofmy time. You have indicated three goals. One, the improvement of tools available to the Fed in the implementation of monetary policy, a laudable goal, we all agree. Second, reducing competitive inequities among depository institutions and then, three, of course, the restraining of the negative impact of any changes on the budget. That latter point, of course, is price, whatever it is. The price that has to be paid for the first two objectives. Am I clear in understanding that it is the position of the administration that those first two objectives, the price of obtaining those first two objectives, is not worthwhile if it exceeds the $200 million? Mr. CARSWELL. That is what we would prefer. Mr. AuCoIN. If any price above $200 million is the result, then as far as you are concerned, legislation accomplishing those two objectives which you named is not worth it on a cost/benefit basis. Mr. CARSWELL. That is what I said in my testimony. Obviously it is up to the President, if the Congress thought it was worth more, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 40 whether he would think that was worth a veto. I am not saying that because that is the President's decision but, based on where we are now, we would not think-Mr. AuCo1N. You are prepared to give the Fed no further tools and not to address the problem if the price period for addressing that problem exceeds $200 million? Mr. CARSWELL. We will assist the Fed in every way we can and we are willing to see some expenditure of resources in order to arrest what we think is a deteriorating situation. We think this level ought to do it. Mr. AuCo1N. If the Secretary could give me any additional information to clarify your first answer, I would be very grateful for that information. Mr. CARSWELL. I would be glad to submit something for the record, sir. [In response to the request of Congressman AuCoin for additional information, Mr. Carswell furnished the following response:] RESPONSE FROM MR. CARSWELL The arrangements contemplated by H.R. 7 would assist the conduct of monetary policy, despite an estimated $12.2 billion reduction in the volume of commercial bank reserves held at the Federal Reserve, for a number of reasons. First, they would stabilize the percentage of total deposits subject to reserves at a minimum of 68 percent of total commercial bank deposits. We estimate that the Federal Reserve has lost a total of $1.4 billion of reserves over the last five years due to member bank withdrawals from the System. H.R. 7 would stem this attrition by establishing universal required reserves for all banks above the $50 million transaction balance and $50 million time deposit exemption levels. In the absence of timely action, the loss of reserves will continue, exacerbating the effect of continued leakage of reservable deposits into exempt institutions. Second, H.R. 7 would insure that all of the larger banks playing an important role in the monetary system remain subject to reserves. Third, the more uniform reserve percentages at which requirements are set in H.R. 7 should make the Federal Reserve's task of predicting results of open market operations more certain. Fourth, the Federal Reserve would be able to raise reserve requirements when necessary for monetary restraint without the fear that reserve holders would withdraw their funds by surrendering their membership in the System. Of course, as I indicated in my testimony, we would prefer the broader coverage of deposits subject to reserves that would result from a lower exemption level and the elimination of the indexing feature attached to the exemption. The Federal Reserve's suggestion of paying interest on the exempt amounts and making them part of the reserve base would have a similar effect. Chairman REUSS. Ms. Oakar? Ms. 0AKAR. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Secretary, I would like to know if you would agree that to implement the bill it would cost about $170 million? You mentioned that as being the staff's estimate. Does the administration have an estimate? Mr. CARSWELL. We and the Fed have been trying to put together a more refined estimate than that. That is a very rough estimate. Ms. 0AKAR. How rough? Mr. CARSWELL. Well, it isn't right in any one year because tax revenues-if this bill gives a bank, as it will give some, added income, because it doesn't have to put reserves up in the same amount, that income then will become subject to taxes and the bank will pay taxes on that average income, but we will get some Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 41 tax recapture, but that won't come in the same year as the reduction in reserves so it complicates the estimating problem. We are in the process of agreeing or trying to agree with the Fed on what a more refined estimate for the next 5 years would be. I have a draft of it here. I am hesitant to submit it today, but we will submit it for the record and hopefully Chairman Miller will have it when he testifies here on Wednesday. The numbers are somewhat lower. A little bit lower on the average though in some years they might be higher because of the mismatch between the tax and the reserves. Ms. 0AKAR. It is clear you don't agree with our estimate. Mr. CARSWELL. As a ballpark estimate, it is pretty good. However, it isn't right as to any one year but, as an average figure, it is in the ball park. [At the request of Ms. Oakar, Mr. Carswell furnished the following response:] RESPONSE FROM MR. CARSWELL In response to the Committee's request for the assumptions used in projecting the net revenue effect of H.R. 7 in the next five years, a statement of the assumptions is attached to the enclosed Chart I. The chart contains a revised estimate of the revenues effect in the 1980-84 period from that submitted to the Committee by Chairman Miller of the Federal Reserve Board during his testimony. A miscalculation was discovered in one of the reserve figures for prior years on which the 198084 projections are based. The new chart contains the revised reserve and related numbers including those for the net revenue effect. REVENUE WSS FROM PAST DECLINE IN FEDERAL RESERVE MEMBERSHIP Chart II shows the net revenue loss from the decline in Federal Reserve membership duting the last five years. It is based on an average annual loss of member bank deposits during those years. FEDERAL RESERVE EARNINGS PROJECTION IN THE 1980 BUDGET Chart III provides the assumptions used in projecting Federal Reserve receipts for the Administration's 1980 budget. The projections of receipts appear on page 298 of the "Budget of the United States Government" and are as follows: Millions Fiscal year: 1978 (actual) .................................................................................................. . $6,641 7,600 1979 (estimate) .............................................................................................. . 8,600 1980 (estimate) .............................................................................................. . 9,200 1981 (estimate) .............................................................................................. . 9,700 1982 (estimate) .............................................................................................. . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 42 Chart I Estimated Revenue Effects of R.R. 7 Fiscal Years 1980-84 millions Fiscal Years 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Reduction in Federal Reserve earnings due to reduction in reserve requirements for member banks, at October 1979 projected membership levels, phased in over 2 years beginning October 1979 • . • • • • • • • . • . • • • • • • • -524 -1,138 -1,234 -1,339 -1,453 Increase in Federal Reser11e earnings from extension of reserve requirements to nonmembers, phased in over 4 years beginning October 1979 • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • 42 90 146 212 230 Increase in Federal Reserve earnings from charges for Federal Reserve services, phased in over 2 years beginning October 1979 • • • • • • . • • . • . • • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • . 271 535 579 630 682 Net change in Federal Reserve earnings before tax recovery ••••••••••.••• , • . . -211 --=m -509 -=m -=54I Income tax offset • • • . • . • . • . .. • • • • • . . • . • • • • • • 67 151 210 221 238 Net revenue effect before offset for membership attrition under present Federal Reserve requirements • • • • • • • • • -144 -362 -299 -276 -303 Offset due to loss in Federal Reserve earnings caused by membership attrition under present Federal Reserve requirements (adjusted for tax offset) • • .. • • • • • .. .. • • • 30 99 163 227 301 Net revenue effect • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -114 -263 -136 ':49 -~ Office of the Secretary of the Treasury Office of Tax Analysis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis February 27, 1979 43 Assumptions Underlying Revenue Estimates of H.R. 7 1. Reduction in Federal Reserve earnings due to attrition in member bank reserves: (a) between December 1977 and September 1979 member bank deposit attrition continues at the average of the nation for the period 1974-77 (i.e., the member bank share of total commercial bank deposits declines 1.4 percentage points per year); (b) total commercial bank deposits increase at an average annual rate of 8.5 percent each year after 1977; and (c) the average return on the Federal Reserve portfolio is 6,5 percent per year from October 1979 through September 1984. 2. Increase in Federal Reserve earnings from charges for services: (a) full charging for Federal Reserve services, if fully implemented at the end of 1977, would have generated $410 million; and (b) Federal Reserve revenue from such charges grows proportionally to the growth in deposits. 3. Recovery of the loss of Treasury revenue from the decline in Federal Reserve earnings: # (a) additional commercial bank earnings are taxed at an average marginal rate of 35 percent; (b) the lagged additional dividends paid to commercial bank stockholders from the higher commercial bank after-tax earnings increases total tax recovery 2-1/2 percentage points per year until the total tax recovery reaches 45 percent of the additional commercial bank earnings in four years. 4. Offset due to loss in Federal Reserve earnings caused by membership attrition under present Federal Reserve requirements: (a) if H.R. 7 is not enacted, the attrition of member bank deposits after 1979 would accelerate to a rate midway between that experienced in New England (4.6%) and that of the nation (1.4%); ' (b) total commercial bank deposit growth and Federal Reserve portfolio return are as indicated in assumption 1; and· (c) the tax offset to higher earnings of member banks no longer subject to required reserves is as indicated in assumption 3. Office of the Secretary of the Treasury Office of Tax Analysis 40-915 0 • 79 • 4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis February 27, 1979 Chart II Estimated Revenue Loss from Attrition in Federal Reserve Membership Since June 1972 Fiscal Years 1973-77 millions Fiscal Years 1973 Reduction in Federal Reserve earnings 1974 1975 1976 1977 23 34 58 91 -11. Income tax offset Net re,·enue loss •••.•••••...••...•..•.••• Office of the Secretary of the Treasury Office of Ta~ Analysis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 15 20 34 February 27, 1979 45 Chart III The estimates of Federal Reserve 'Board earnings for the Administration's 1980 budget are based on the historical relation,ship between earnings, nominal income levels, and interest rates. The forecasts for nominal GNP and interest rates are those used in the budget, as follows: Nominal GNP($ billions) Interest rate, 91-day Treasury bills (percent) Calendar Years 1982 1983 1980 1981 2,565 2,825 3,090 3,336 3,546 6.6 5,4 4.4 3.7 7.6% 1984 Office ·of the Secretary of the Treasury Office of Tax Analysis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis February 27, 1979 46 Ms. OAKAR. Some assets have higher risks than others. I wonder if you would comment on section 6, which repeals the requirement to charge a higher discount rate on risky assets-section 6, which repeals the requirement to charge a higher discount rate? Mr. CARSWELL. You mean the abolition of the penalty rate? Ms. OAKAR. Yes. Mr. CARSWELL. As we understand it, the Fed doesn't think it is necessary and I don't think we have any particular view on it. They are able to police the discount system now without that penalty rate, I believe. I don't know that I have anything to add to it. Ms. OAKAR. You see no problems? Mr. CARSWELL. I really defer to the Fed on that. Ms. OAKAR. I guess that is all, Mr. Chairman. Chairman REuss. Mr. Vento. Mr. VENTO. Mr. Carswell, I am very pleased to see you here this morning because the discussion of this has been, I think, always concentrated on what the banks were going to get in terms of interest on deposits without an eye on what the relative impact of the measure might be. At least that is the impression I have gotten over the past year of listening to some of the discussions. Mr. CARSWELL. We have been trying to watch it. Mr. VENTO. What has the revenue loss been perhaps over the last 5 years? If we have gone from 81 percent of the money subject to a Federal monetary control, to 72 percent today, this in essence establishes the floor at 68 percent, which is indexed apparently if it goes along the lines it did last time. I suggest there has been a revenue loss over last year in terms of membership and also I get the impression there is an audience of people, bankers, watching, patiently staying in the Fed, hoping there would be some either reduction in terms of the deposits that they have, or some compensating factors that would affect them. It involves a situation where States have continued to make chartering with the States much more attractive and continue to do so much to the loss to the Fed, for instance, in their role of regulating banks. I would like to know what the losses are and I am very pleased that you have suggested there ought to be a close look at the loss of revenue in terms of looking at the offsetting factors, such as tax offsets which are in essence making it $172 million as opposed to $382 million, as well as charging for services. Many banks will not use those services if they are charged for them. Some of them are not as competitive and that may pose some new problems for us to try to address, but we ought to have an idea what the revenue loss has been. I think that will help buttress the argument for taking some action in this area. I think it is very clear that we have to do something in this vein. I go along the lines that Congressman Annunzio suggested earlier in terms of this being a much greater loss in terms of what the impact may very well be, and I think we ought to be very careful about that particular type of thing. I really have no questions. This is really more in the line of a comment. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 47 Chairman REUSS. Mr. Barnard? BARNARD. Mr. Carswell, I want to also add my appreciation for your being here today and commenting on this legislation. For a number of years many of us have been concerned about the control of monetary policy and the seeming inadequacies we have been going through and doing as good a job with it as we should have. . Is it the Treasury's view that this bill will solve this problem to a significant degree? Is it supporting the legislation because it is just a hope that it might solve the problem? Mr. CARSWELL. I think we feel it will solve the problem of the membership drain and the loss of revenue and the attendant difficulties that the Fed has in calculating the monetary base. It will solve those problems. There will continue to be problems, obviously, in the conduct of monetary policy because our system is changing. Our system of monetary policy now is obviously concentrated on bank reserves whereas the money supply includes a good deal more than that and so I think the Fed will continue to have estimating problems and so on. It won't solve it all, but it will be a constructive step toward a better system than we now have and we would enthusiastically support it as that. Mr. BARNARD. Do you think some additional measures should be incorporated in this legislation to hopefully help the Fed in that regard? Mr. CARSWELL. I would have to rely on the Fed, whether they are ready to suggest anything or not. As you know, Senator Proxmire has suggested a commission to study the money aggregates and report back, to see whether additional steps should be taken. I have no problems with this area being studied more. I think, in terms of specific suggestions, we will complicate this bill significantly if we plunge off into other areas now. This is a relatively definable problem and I think we think it ought to be addressed promptly now without complicating it with a number of other issues. Mr. BARNARD. The title of the bill is the Monetary Control Act of 1979. It has been changed from the Federal Reserve Act Amendmeilts of 1978, so it looks to me as if the Treasury and the Fed and others interested in monetary control would have some other provisions that they could add that would help us in this, that we ought to get them in this bill along with the membership. This may be a repetitious question, but how do you feel about the Fed's position on paying interest on reserves? Did you answer that previously? Mr. CARSWELL. Indirectly, but not directly. Mr. BARNARD. Well, let me ask you that question. Mr. CARSWELL. Do you mean the legislation they have written? Mr. BARNARD. I haven't seen the latest letter, but I refer to their position not to have an exemption on reserves, but that they would pay interest on reserves. Chairman REUSS. If the gentleman would yield. I was the recipient of a copy of this recent letter by Chairman Miller of the Fed. What the Fed would like to see is this bill amended so that on deposits in the two categories below $50 million the Fed would have the right to compel reserves on amounts Mr. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis between $10 million and $50 million-under $10 million would remain free-and on that $10 million to $50 million pay a rate of interest equal to the rate of return on it. Mr. CARSWELL. I think we are neutral. It has pluses and minuses. As the Chairman points out in his letter, this will bring more money-this addresses in a sense what Mr. AuCoin talked aboutit will bring more money directly under their control, and in that sense will increase their ability to deal with the monetary base; it will be there; it won't vary by going to other nonmember banks; and that will be helpful. On the other hand, it does bring back into the plan this business of paying interest on reserves, and I think that in the long term could expand; and it is a precedent that we are not all that enthusiastic about. There are monetary reasons for having those dollars on deposit at the Fed, and it would make the new system a little bit more effective, and hence that is a real plus. Mr. BARNARD. Do you think that has a great impact on monetary control though? Mr. CARSWELL. I really would prefer you ask Chairman Miller that. I have talked to him briefly about it, but only briefly. I have read their letter and our people have studied it, and I think we come out that it would have some marginal plus, but whether it would be the make or break of their bill, I think nobody would testify. Chairman REUSS. :Mr. Watkins? Mr. WATKINS. Mr. Carswell, welcome back. Would you please send the document Mr. AuCoin asked for to me? I am trying to find an answer to that particular question also. Probably the most frequently expressed concern raised by a lot of people is the jeopardy this places upon the dual banking system. What is your answer to that? Mr. CARSWELL. I think our view is that logically it ought not place the dual banking system in jeopardy. The dual banking system has been thriving now for more than 100 years, and this bill does not directly impact that; it makes it neutral as to whether or not one has to assume the burdens of membership in the Federal Reserve System. It doesn't penalize one for being a State bank, as opposed to a national bank, and in that sense it is neutral. To the extent that may lead some banks to feel the benefit of a State charter is no longer quite as attractive as it was before, I guess it could weaken it, but we would not on balance think that our system-that is the problem of the Fed Reserve membershipought to continue to be skewered by this business of making it more attractive not to be a member of the Fed than to be a member. That is the difficulty today. That is why people are moving out of the Fed and are becoming members of State banks. Mr. WATKINS. I don't know if that will help me or not, but it is very difficult, as a question, to try to satisfy a lot of people on, regarding financial institutions. · Perhaps something I am also pushing for is to try to find some concrete reasoning. Mr. Chairman, I have no other questions at this time. Chairman REUSS. Mr. Lowry. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 49 Mr. LowRY. I have no questions. Chairman REUSS. I was very much interested in the point raised by Mr. AuCoin and Mr. Watkins. As Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, you are concerned with our income tax system. Has anybody suggested this, to your knowledge, that our income tax system should be amended so that anybody who didn't want to pay his income tax could simply file a statement with the Treasury and thus legally avoid paying an income tax? Mr. CARSWELL. I don't think that seriously has been suggested. Mr. LowRY. If I may just ask the next question-I saw in your statement-referring to the rationale behind reserve requirements-and I am quoting: "Reserve requirements should be regarded as a price and a necessary component of participation in the monetary system." That is very much like a tax, is it not? Mr. CARSWELL. Yes, sir. Chairman REuss. Does it make any more sense than to say that banks that prefer not to pay this fee for taking part in our monetary system can by their own action exempt themselves, than to say taxpayers who don't like the income tax can opt out if they don't like it? Mr. CARSWELL. I think logically it does not. That is .one of the reasons why we are for this approach. Chairman REuss. I feel a little unhappy, because I guess my explanation of H.R. 7 wasn't fully adequate. Let me again state what H.R. 7 tries to do and to see whether you agree with the statement. It is true that H.R. 7, in order to make the burden of holding reserves less onerous on banks, lowers reserve requirements, but it is also true that H.R. 7 makes them more nearly uniform; and, second, by applying to all banks, State and national, H.R. 7 would make the new structure of reserve requirements such as to arrest the erosion of deposit coverage which" is now occurring. That is my rationale for the bill, namely, get rid of the ability of individual banks to sabotage the monetary system by opting out from under it, but at the same time make the burdens of being a good fellow less onerous-that is my idea of what it does. Does the Treasury have a different view of it? Mr. CARSWELL. I think that summarizes it accurately. Chairman REUSS. It is a fact, is it not, that after the introduction of this bill, it has been said, in effect, that Congress under H.R. 7 doesn't allow any easy riders here, that from now on people who take part in the monetary system must pay the necessary price. It is a fact that the mere introduction of that bill last August has not arrested the erosion, is it not? Mr. CARSWELL. Someone pointed out there apparently are some banks who have not withdrawn from the Federal Reserve System pending the outcome of your committee's or the Congress action in this area, but some have. If the committee doesn't act, I don't think there is any real doubt that the outmigration will commence again. Chairman REUSS. My figures are-even with pendency of this legislation-since last August, 39 banks have opted out of the System, to wit: 10 in August, 10 in September, 7 in October, 4 in November, and 8 in December. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50 Are those figures accurate, as far as you know? Mr. CARSWELL. As far as I know, they are, but I think they would be higher but for the pendency of the bill. Chairman REUSS. On the question that you raised-and I think it is a reasonable point-that this country and this Congress and this administration can do what it can to bring budget deficits under control-to narrow and ultimately to eliminate them-I now can refer, it being after 10 o'clock, to the budget, and particularly to pages 24 and 63 thereof, which pages-specifically page 24-show that it is the intention of the administration to get out of a budget deficit position in fiscal year 1982. Then, on page 63, it shows that the earnings of the Federal Reserve, which are turned over to the Treasury, are $6.6 billion in 1978-that is actual-and then estimated gross deposits into the Treasury of-or estimated earnings-of $7.6 billion in 1979, $8.6 billion in 1980, $9.2 billion in 1981 and $9.7 billion in 1982. If we allow erosion from the Federal Reserve to go on, or if we enact legislation which substantially diminishes the return the Federal Reserve realizes, we are going to knock into a cocked hat that orderly progression toward getting this country out of a budget deficit position and into the black ink, are we not? Mr. CARSWELL. Yes, those are receipts to the Federal Treasury, just as are taxes, and if that progression is disturbed, obviously it will adversely affect the balance of the budget in the years ahead. Mr. WYLIE. Will the gentleman yield at that point? Chairman REUSS. Yes. Mr. WYLIE. Thank you. I apologize for being late-but on page 4 of your testimony you say that you understand that the net cost of fully implementing H.R. 7 would be approximately $170 million. Is there any line item cost for out-Fed membership in the budget? Mr. CARSWELL. In this bill? Mr. WYLIE. Yes. Mr. CARSWELL. There is none. Mr. WYLIE. If we passed this bill, according to your testimony, this would be an additional cost? Mr. CARSWELL. There is a line item for contingencies and 0MB has decided this would be one of the items it would be appropriate to handle in that contingent figure, the reason being that that $170 million is not an accurate figure for 1980, or indeed for any year; it is a ballpark average of what the cost would be for some years, average cost. The 1980 figure-because of the phaseins-in all likelihood, no matter how it works, will be significantly lower than that, and whatever that number is, would be appropriate to come out of the contingent line in the document that the chairman has. Mr. WYLIE. Do you know offhand how much that contingent line is? Mr. CARSWELL. No, I don't. We went round and round with them as to how they should handle this, and this was their conclusion; so it isn't something that we didn't think about; that was the way it is handled in the budget document. Mr. WYLIE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman REUSS. Reclaiming my time, briefly, if the Congress refuses-in my judgment, this would be irresponsible, but someday Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 51 Congress could commit an irresponsible act-if Congress refuses to act on legislation to prevent erosion of the monetary power of this country, the fact is, is it not, that the projected budget deficit in years and years to come would be enlarged by a sum much greater than the $170 million which is our current best estimate of the cost of this bill due to erosion? Mr. CARSWELL. That is unquestionably true. If erosion does continue, if we should get-as some people have forecast-as much as 20 percent erosion over the next 5 years in the Federal Reserve System, that would be very expensive for the U.S. Treasury. It would also significantly complicate the condition of monetary policy and errors in monetary policy. Because the tools don't work the way they are supposed to work, it can also be very expensive; it can lead to consequences that are unintended but in the long run are very expensive in terms of production loss in recessions that need not have happened. Chairman REUSS. So if the Congress wants to encourage inflation and assure the continuation of a budget deficit, what Congress should do is do nothing; is that a fair statement? Mr. CARSWELL. I think that would be the way to proceed, rather than to be constructive, yes. Chairman REUSS. Mr. AuCoin? Mr. AuCoIN. Mr. Chairman, not wanting to increase the size of the deficit or to increase inflation, I do want to ask a couple of additional questions that really bear on the subject of revenue. Again, I am openminded to this approach and other possible approaches to solve the problem. I think there are other approaches. The Fed originally had other ideas and there may be others, but it seems to me from the questioning so far that this whole question of revenue and deficits and so forth are paramount in members' minds. I think it is worth exploring that aspect of this legislation or any other legislation. I think, Mr. Secretary, you would agree that the purpose of the Federal Reserve requirements is exclusively to give the Fed the ability to manage a sound monetary policy, and if that is so, it would seem to me that any revenue that is gained as a corollary, is a happening that takes place as a result of its initial purpose, that is, to have the reserves there to help give the Fed that tool on the monetary fund. Would you agree or disagree with the statement? Mr. CARSWELL. Frankly, I haven't read the legislative history of the original Federal Reserve Act. I would assume that you are right, that when that act was passed there was no intention by those who enacted it that the Fed would make a lot of money for the U.S. Treasury, rather, that it was to conduct monetary policy and that the reserve system was part of that intention, and I think probably that continued as amendments were made, to make that-Mr. ST GERMAIN. Will the gentleman yield? Mr. AuCoIN. Yes. Mr. ST GERMAIN. Since Senator Aldridge from Rhode Island was the gentleman who was intimately involved in the formulation of the Fed originally, the original purpose of the Fed was to see to it that money was provided to country banks in harvest time and at Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 52 planting time so they could fulfill the needs of their constituencies and see to it that we would have a strong agricultural economy. That is what really put that Fed bill through, as I read the history of the Fed. Mr. CARSWELL. I read part of it; I cannot remember anything specifically on this point. Mr. AuCOIN. Let me reclaim my time long enough to suggest to you that-forgetting the history of it, whatever the history may be-is it not true the essential purpose of giving the Fed the power for it to have reserve requirements is to give it a tool to manage a sound monetary policy, and whether on the fiscal side or revenue side is a secondary factor, it is important but it is secondary to the initial purpose of the reserve requirement, is it not? Mr. CARSWELL. I have to agree that the primary purpose is clear. It was to get a firm monetary policy. As the chairman just pointed out, $6.6 billion worth of revenue is, I am afraid, no longer a secondary consideration; it is very important to the U.S. Budget balance. Mr. AuCo1N. This is not a revenue-raising piece of legislation; it is a piece of legislation designed to give the Fed the ability to run a sound monetary policy? Mr. CARSWELL. H.R. 7, that is right. Mr. AuCo1N. The fundamental purposes we are dealing with here are tools for the Fed to run that monetary policy. The revenue is important but it is a secondary consideration; would you agree with that? Mr. CARSWELL. It is secondary, in the sense that we want to solve the monetary problem; but we don't want to lose a significant amount of revenue in the process. Mr. AuCo1N. Let me ask you about that revenue. Is it the position of the Treasury that those reserves are possessed by the Treasury, or by the Fed, or owned? In other words, are they the Fed's moneys or someone else's moneys that the Fed manages in order to accomplish its purposes and its mandate of running a monetary policy? Mr. CARSWELL. They are moneys of the members of the Federal Reserve System that are kept on deposit at the Fed. Mr. AuCo1N. If the position of the Treasury is that support of such proposals as NOW account legislation and payment of interest on those kinds of accounts, why doesn't it make sense then to provide payment of interest on those reserves that do belong to the member institutions? Mr. CARSWELL. That was the approach that Chairman Burns pursued, as you know, last year. Mr. AuCo1N. I am just saying, if the principle is there, why doesn't the principle apply here? Mr. CARSWELL. I think it is a logical approach to the subject. I do think there is another theme that runs through, now, at least, the required reserves, and that is that the business of banking has elements of privilege to it. That is recognized around the world. It is not a business that is OJ!8n to entry for everyone. It does involve the use of other people s money, and that is a privilege, and most governments around the world, one way or another, have required those who have that privilege to pay a price for it. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 53 Mr. AuCo1N. Why should there be an exemption for institutions who enjoy that privilege, who happen to have deposits of less than $50 million? Mr. CARSWELL. In theory, as I said to the chairman, there should not be. Because of our philosophy about small banks and the difficulties they may have in competing with those who have the advantages of size, we are prepared to modify that principle. But if you want to be geometric about it, I would suppose there is no difference, there shouldn't be any difference. Mr. AuCoIN. I have no further questions. Chairman REUSS. Mr. Wylie? Mr. WYLIE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I wanted to follow up on an observation you made there as you were closing a little while ago. Last year we were told-I think this is fair-by the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board that the real importance of a bill like H.R. 7, or the one which was reported out of this full committee last year, is to somehow stop the decline in Fed membership so that the Federal Reserve Board could more efficiently conduct monetary policy. Is that a fair appraisal of the primary importance of this-Mr. CARSWELL. That is the theory and general intent, yes. Mr. WYLIE. Mr. Reuss, the chairman, made the observation a little while ago that we are all interested-and I think Mr. AuCoin followed up on this-in balancing the budget, stopping deficit spending, and carrying the analogy a little further about the decline of Fed membership, and the loss in revenues, and the loss of money to the Federal Treasury, we have another reason for stopping the decline in Fed membership, and that is the loss of tax revenues. Mr. CARSWELL. That is correct. Mr. WYLIE. Or revenues. Now, could we not satisfy that from a philosophical standpoint, could we not satisfy that requirement by not requiring Fed membership of anyone since it is unfair for some, since they are in the Federal Reserve System and have to pay a tax in effect, and the others get off scot free and get a lot of free services? By just saying we would not require Fed membership of anyone but we will impose a tax on the departments of all the financial institutions equally across the board and make up the difference? Mr. CARSWELL. I suppose in theory one could. Mr. WYLIE. But you would not suggest that? Mr. CARSWELL. I would not. We have a system now that has worked reasonably well, and I hate to tear up that system and try a new system, the outcome of which we are not clear about, because what that would mean is that the Fed-to follow the theory through-that would mean the Fed would conduct monetary policy without any required reserve base. And while theoretically that may be possible-and some have testified to this committee that it would be possible-I would suggest that that involves risk that there is no particular reason to take. Mr. WYLIE. That comes precisely to my next point. There have been those who testified before this committee that really all we need is section 2 of the bill, that if we have a reporting require Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 54 ment to the Fed, that you can still conduct monetary policy without membership, but you do not think that is possible. Mr. CARSWELL. I did not say-I said in theory that may be possible. I really do not have any personal opinion as to whether it really would. I do think that there is no reason to make that jump and introduce the uncertainties that are involved in that conclusion to a system which is already working with some difficulty. In other words, you are plunging into an unknown for reasons which are not particularly persuasive to me. Mr. WYLIE. Would you impose reserve requirements on certificates of deposit and repurchase agreements, those sorts of instruments? Mr. CARSWELL. That is a complex question and I really do not feel qualified to answer that yes or no now. We have been looking at that, the Fed has been looking at it for some time, as you know, and it is a difficult problem. I am not prepared to give you a recommendation on that now. I think in the future we may. Mr. WYLIE. Did you say early on whether you are in favor of H.R. 7 in its present form? Mr. CARSWELL. Yes, with two qualifications: One on the review side and one on the indexing; but otherwise, yes. Mr. WYLIE. Thank you very much. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman REUSS. I thank the gentleman. As one of the authors of H.R. 7, I would want to make something moderately clear: The purpose of H.R. 7, in my mind, is not to maintain membership in the Fed. The bill does nothing, for instance, to compel a State bank to become or not to become a member. The purpose of H.R. 7 is to insure adequate monetary control by making those who take part in the Nation's monetary system, whether they be banks or credit unions, savings and loans, or mutual savings banks, contribute to that monetary control by being amenable, with certain exemptions, to boosting reserves. Indeed, if somebody at some future time wanted to make membership in the Federal Reserve voluntary not only for State banks as it is now, but for national banks, I, speaking for myself, would not necessarily be horrified and oppose it, because I do not think the important thing is the size of the Federal Reserve's organization, but the surefootedness of the Fed's ability to control the Nation's monetary supply. Obviously, as who knows better than yourselves, who have watched this very closely in recent years, the Fed's control has not been as surefooted as one would like to have had it, and in my judgment the optional character of reserves has been one of the reasons why it has not been. And we hope in as unabrasive a way as possible to make that control surer. But I would emphasize that the purpose of H.R. 7 is not to compel people who do not want to join the Fed, to join it, because I believe that should remain a voluntary system. Mr. WYLIE. Would the gentleman yield? Chairman REuss. Yes. Mr. WYLIE. I think that a very appropriate observation. And I would ask, has the Treasury Department prepared any sort of an analysis-and I expect that your answer might be no-on how this Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 55 might impact on individual State economies? Part of the reason for my question there is that the State bank supervisor feels it very important that State banks not be required to join the Fed at any time, and your bill does not require anyone to join the Fed at any time, but does this not maintain a kind of a giant loophole through which banks can say, "We don't want to become Fed members"? And maybe in some cases they would prefer to be members of the State system. And in many cases, large State nonmember banks are not members of the Fed, which has an impact on your conduct of monetary policy, if you follow through logically with what you say that Fed membership is pretty important to the conduct of monetary policy. Mr. CARSWELL. No, I agree with the chairman that the-the chairman of this committee, not the Chairman of the Fed-that the membership issue is not the iseue. The issue is that the deposit balances are part of the Fed's universe for conducting monetary policy. And whether you are a member of the Fed when you are required to put up reserves on your deposits is not the issue, it is that you are required. Chairman REUSS. I will recognize the gentleman Mr. Ritter in just a second. I did, however, want to ask one question related to Mr. Wylie's question. At the same time from the human stand: point, you can understand, can you not, as I do, that the State bank regulators' noses are somewhat out of joint at any measure which enunciates the national interest in banking, because to the extent that R.R. 7 would reduce the number of national banks who opt to reorganize as State banks and then resign from the Fed, the effect of the bill would be to diminish the future empire of the State banking regulators. Therefore, one could not expect them to be enthusiastic about this, unless they were philosopher kings who looked at the national interest more than their own empires and that is, in public life, a rare phenomenon. Would you not agree that if you were a State bank regulator you might be casting around for reasons to oppose this bill? Mr. CARSWELL. Well, my empire was increased, as you pointed out, in the last 3 months by some 40 banks, probably, people who left the Fed System. Chairman REUSS. Thank you. Mr. Ritter. Mr. RITTER. Yes, thank you, Mr. Chairman. Being somewhat new to this committee, I guess the next question qualifies as educational. Mr. Carswell, you have made a strong case for the erosion of Fed revenues with the continued erosion of membership. But in the last 10 years, 452 banks have left the Federal Reserve System, by your own account, and 39 withdrawals have occurred recently and yet the collections of revenue are $6.6 billion in this past fiscal year. One wonders, just from an educational point of view, whether the erosion of membership caused an erosion of revenues, and one also wonders whether the projections for the upcoming years of $7.6 billion up to $9.7 billion in 1982-do those figures take into account current rates of membership erosion? I am trying to get a handle on what the revenue situation is like with respect to the membership situation. Mr. CARSWELL. Federal revenue is affected by a number of different factors. I suppose the largest single factor that affects Fed Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 56 revenue is the level of interest rates. You have heard Congressman Mitchell point out that the Fed might sustain foreign exchange losses. That affects revenue too. There are a number of things that have happened to the Fed through the years that affect revenues. Mr. RITTER. You have made mention that you would fear the loss of Fed revenues because of erosion of Fed membership? Mr. CARSWELL. Yes. The erosion of membership has unquestionably meant that the Fed-which last year earned $6.6 billionwould have earned more, had the people who opted out remained in the System. I suppose we can go back and do the calculation of how much more the Fed would have earned in 1978, were the 452 or 92, whatever it is that have left the System in the last 10 years, were they still in it. That calculation can be made. If you like, we can make that. I cannot answer your second question, which is, what assumption the revenue estimators made at 0MB in order to get that $7.7 billion for next year or 2 years from now. I just do not know. I can find that out for you and submit it for the record, but I do not happen to know that. [In response to the question of Mr. Ritter, see Mr. Carswell's previous response to Ms. Oakar's question.] Mr. RITTER. A-s the gentleman from Oregon pointed out, it is a real side benefit, this revenue collection, as far as the duties and the responsibilities of the Federal Reserve are concerned; this is a "plumb" into the Federal Treasury, the way it sounds. Mr. CARSWELL. It is a direct benefit, I do not even regard it as side any more; those amounts are very significant now to the revenue side of our budget. Mr. RITTER. But not related to the original responsibilities of the Federal Reserve? Mr. CARSWELL. I hesitated a little bit on that because I am just not sure. I have not read the legislative history closely enough to be sure of that, whether anybody thought of that at the time. It certainly was not the primary reason. I think that is clear. Mr. RITTER. Thank you, Mr. Carswell. Chairman REUSS. Are there further questions? We want to give everyone a full opportunity. Any further questioners? [No response.] Chairman REUSS. If not, thank you, Secretary Carswell, for a very helpful, responsive and full discourse with us this morning. We will now stand in adjournment until 9 o'clock this Wednesday morning at this place, when we will hear from Chairman Miller of the Federal Reserve. The testimony of Mr. McKinney of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board which was scheduled for tomorrow will not be heard because Mr. McKinney has elected to write the committee a letter containing his testimony, and if it should become necessary to hear him later on, that will be done. [The letter follows:] Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 57 1700 G Sue el, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20552 II~ 11 ,. , ,., . Federal Home Loan Bank Board - Homo Loan Bank Sy>tem Federal Home loan Mortgage Corporation Federal Savings and loan Insurance Corporation ROBERT H, McKINNEY Chairman January 23, 1979 The Honorable Henry s. Reuss Chairman Committee on Ba·nking, Finance and Urban Affairs U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Mr. Chairman: I appreciate your request for our comments on H.R. 7, the_ Monetary Control Act of 1979. This is designed to deal with the problem of the erosion of membership in the Federal Reserve System and the resulting reduced number of depository institutions that are subject to reserve requirements, The Federal Reserve System has expressed repeated concern that this could decrease the effectiveness of monetary policy in promoting general economic stability, reducing inflationary pressu·res, and dealing with the problem of the U.S. dollar in world markets. We agree that, if reserve requirements are considered mandatory to the. effective implementation of monetary policy, then it is essential to have a solution to the problem of the diminishing number of depository institutions subject to reserve requirements. We therefore support the efforts of Congress and the Federal Reserve Board to deal with this critical issue. The Bank Board is aware that there are a number of alternative app_roaches to dealing with this problem. H.R.7 would effectively impose reserve·requirements only upon large depository institutions and not pay interest on such required reserves. It would do this by requiring reserves only against transaction·accounts of over $50 million and then index this exemption so that it would rise gradually through time. This bill would still cover the bulk of transaction accounts although Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis not quite the same percentage that the Federal Reserve System would prefer. Nonetheless, H.R. 7 would deal with the erosion of depository institutions from reserve requirements by making such requirements compulsory for all depository institutions with respect to their transaction accounts above the exemption level. This bill would also prescribe reserve requirements upon three other categories of accounts, namely short-term time deposits, tot,l savings deposits other than those deemed to be transaction acccunts, and total time deposits with initial maturities of not less than 180 days. Since reserve requirements on these accounts would be imposed only upon commercial banks, the Bank Board has no comments upon this provision of the bill. The Bank Board supports any approach that would deal effectively with the declining proportion of transaction accounts subject to reserve requirements by the Federal Reserve Board. We agree that H.R. 7 is certainly one such effective approach since reserve requirements would not be contingent upon voluntary membership in .. the Federal Reserve System. H.R. 7 would ensure that a reasonable proportion of transaction accounts at depository institutions would remain subject to reserve requirements, although it would do so without permitting the payment of interest on reserves. No savings and loan associations would be subject to reserve requirements in the foreseeable future, under provisions of the bill. If NOW accounts are permitted on a nationwide/basis for S&Ls, a provision which we strongly endorse and one which we believe should be added to this bill, some S&Ls would soon becode subject to reserve requirements. · Data which we have seen indicate that a number of mutual savings banks could well become subject to reserve requirements even with a $50 million exemption, although such reserve requirements might be met for a number of years through vault cash rather than through reserves held at Federal Reserve banks. To summarize, H.R. 7 would exempt the bulk of commercial banks and even a higher percentage of thrift institutions from reserve requirements but would, nonetheless, make a fairly high percentage of transaction accounts subject to reserve requirements by virtue of including the large depository institutions that hold the bulk of accounts. We could support these provisions. In commenting on this bill, we are mindful that it carries with it a major structural change by establishing authority to impose reserve requirements against thrift institution deposits. Although the exemption levels in H.R. 7 are high and are indexed, political reality indicates that, once the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 59 principle of reserve requirements against thrift institution deposits is implemented, it is always possible that the exemption level or the indexing of this exemption could be altered so that more thrift institutions are affected. The Bank Board recognizes th-is fact of life because of the important need of having an effective monetary policy and reserves judgement on any such possibilities until such time as they come under consideration. ~pecific Comments on H.R. 7 Qefinition of Transaction Accounts The significance of this bill depends upon the definition of transaction accounts. The bill defines such accounts as "the. total amount of demand deposits, savings· subject to automatic transfers, and deposits subject to negotiable or other payment order withdrawal, or to any similar inst.rument used to make payment or transfers." There is soine ambiguity to the phrase "any similar instrument used to make payment or tra11sfers." Since the interpre·tation of this might have an important impact on the measurement of transaction accounts subject to reserve requirements, it is imperative that. the Bank Board have a more defined role in the definition of transaction accounts -rather than merely being consulted by the Federal Reserve Board. Reserve Levels With respect to reserve requirements on transaction accounts in excess of the exemption, these would be set within the narrow range of 8 to 10 percent a·s prescribed by the Federal Reserve Board, except under certain extraordinary circumstances. The range of 8 to 10 percent would generally be below reserve requirements presently required on chec~ing accounts but would be above that required for ijOW accounts. It appears to us that this range of reserve requirements has been set more with respect to the imp 9 ct on commercial bank profits and Federal Reserve earnings returned to the Treasury Department than from the point of view of carrying out an effective mo.netary policy. No compelling argument has been made with respect to what is a desirable level of reserve requirements. The argument has been made that, if reserve requirements are too low, unintended variations in reserves could lead to unintended fluctuations in monetary aggregates and, hence, produce less effective control ·of monetary aggregates by the Federal Reserve System. It is not clear, however, why a reserve requirement under 8 percent might still not be adequate. The Bank 40-915 0 - 79 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5 60 Board also believes that if and when savings and loan associations become subject to reserve requirements, the Bank Board should at least have a consultative role with respect to the proper level of reserve requirements. The Bank Board would also take this position with respect to mutual savings banks· that are members of the Federal Home Loan Bank System and/or are federally chartered. Dee.2 2 .!.!.2D!: Institution Access H.R. 7 would permit any depository institution holding transaction balances, regardless of whether or not there are reserve. requirements, to the same discount and borrowing privileges from the Federal Reserve as member banks. If thrift institutions are subject to reserve requirements, we can understand the need for direct access to the discount window of the Federal Reserve System in order to meet temporary reserve deficiencies. However, if the level of transaction accounts is not high enough to br iJlg in to play reserve requirements, the discount mechard.;;m provides a partial duplication with the Bank System advances mechanism. The advances mechanism is much broader and can provide· both the types of borrowings that would be permissible under the Federal Reserve discount window as well as longer-term borrowings. We do not see any compelling need for this particular duplication. Fees for Services H.R. 7 also requires that the Federal Reserve System shall have a schedule of fees for its services. Such services are to be available to non-members at the same price applicable to member banks. Prices are to reflect all direct and indirect costs incurred in providing the service.s priced, including an allocation of imputed costs that takes into account taxes that would have been paid and the return on capital that would have been provided had the services been furnished by a private business firm. However, the Federal Reserve Board could disregard this latter condition if"it determines that the public interest requires a departure from it, after giving due regard to competitive factors and the provision of an adequate level of services nationwide. The Bank Board supports the market pricing principles but is concerned that this particular provision might constitute a significant loophole. While the Federal Reserve Board should have some latitude in special cases in departing from t~is pricing principle, the latitude should be carefully considered. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 61 Access to Services The Bank Board would like to note also the fact that the-re is some ambiguity as to whether H.R. 7 allows direct access by thrift institutions to Federal Reserve bank services. It appears that the intention of H.R. 7 is to permit such direct access but, as a technical matter, we suggest that amendments to Sections 13 and 16 of the Federal Reserve Act be added to H.R. 7 to clarify this access. In conclusion, while there are a number of relatively important considerations of a technical nature which we have raised herein and about wh{ch we have specific concerns, on the whole we support the primary objectives of H.R. 7. In addition, we favor a solution that has the minimum negative impact o_n the Federal Budget during this critical fiscal period. I __have stated to you earlier, I would appreciate the opportunity to offer further comment on this bill·after I have had the chance to study the position of the Federal Reserve Board, the Administration, and of other affected parties. · As ~ Chairman Chairman REuss. See you at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning, and we now stand in adjournment. [Whereupon, at 11:45 a.m.,_ the committee adjourned, to reconvene at 9 a.m., Wednesday, January 24, 1979.] Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MONETARY CONTROL WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1978 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, CoMMITTEE ON BANKING, FINANCE AND URBAN AFFAIRS, Washington, D.C. The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 2:30 p.m., in room 2128, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Henry S. Reuss (chairman) presiding. Present: Representatives Reuss, Ashley, St Germain, Gonzalez, Hanley, Blanchard, Spellman, AuCoin, D'Amours, Evans of Indiana, Lundine, Cavanaugh, Oakar, Barnard, Watkins, Lowry, Stanton, Wylie,· Hyde, Leach, Evans of Delaware, Green, Paul, Bethune, Campbell, Ritter, and Hinson. Chairman REUSS. The House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs will be in order for its continued hearings on H.R. 7, the Monetary Control Act of 1979. We are most pleased to welcome the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, G. William Miller, to the continuation of our hearings on H.R. 7, the Monetary Control Act of 1979. On Monday, we heard Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, Robert Carswell, who testified that the Treasury fully supports H.R. 7, except that it would prefer to reduce the size of the $50 million exemptions as a way of reducing the loss to the Treasury, and it would like to eliminate the indexing provision which is designed to assure that banks exempted from reserve requirements under our bill will continue to remain exempt in future years. Now, Chairman Miller, we are pleased to hear from you. We appreciate that you made available to us· yesterday the statement you will offer today, with attachments. Under the rule and without qbjection, they will be admitted into the record and you may now proceed in your own way. Mr. STANTON. I have no opening statement but I do have quite a bit of comment on this legislation. I wonder if I can get an additional 5 minutes when the time comes around? Chairman REUSS. You may have it. STATEMENT OF HON. G. WILLIAM MILLER, CHAIRMAN, BOARD OF GOVERNORS, FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Mr. MILLER. Mr. Chairman, I would like to thank you for your welcome. I am particularly pleased to be starting this second year of my stewardship at the Federal Reserve. It is not quite 12 months that I have been in office, but I feel last year was an active year in working with this committee, and I am looking forward to working with you and the members of this committee in the 96th Congress. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (63) 64 I do welcome the new members of the committee. My hope is that they will, among their duties, find that their interface with the Federal Reserve proves us to be responsive to their concerns and interests. We look forward to being available to assist them in becoming acquainted with the issues they consider to be important. We are discussing today landmark legislation. It is legislation that addresses issues as important to the financial system of this Nation as any we have seen since the thirties. The issues relate to change-changes in our society and in our financial structure. We are dealing with many changes: Demographic, social, the shift from a rural to an urban society, technological revolution-all of which indicate evolution in the way in which we do business and handle our affairs, including our financial affairs. With this changing world comes the question of how we can assure that we have an effective and efficient monetary system, responsive to the needs of the future, and not merely an antiquated vehicle that is incapable of dealing with the new world. We must assure, in the evolution of institutions, that we provide an environment for fair competition, so that we can strengthen the financial system and give it the vitality it needs to adapt. With the risks that are involved in the world in which we live, we need increasingly to reassure ourselves as to the safety and soundness of our financial institutions. The response to change is, in part, the question before this committee, and I must say that changes are not being suggested because there is any defect in the system we have; it was well conceived. The founders of the Federal Reserve and those who have structured our financial system built it well, and it has served our Nation well for a long time. But the genius of the American political system is that it is flexible and adaptive and can reexamine institutions as changes come about and move to strengthen institutions to deal with changes. It is this process of strengthening and reevaluation that is, it seems to me, before this committee. It is this ability to adapt-this lack of rigidity that otherwise would compel one to live only in the past-that makes it possible for us to meet the needs of a growing nation in a complex world. The issue here is not a new one. It has had a gestation period of several years, during which we have all dealt with the phenomenon of change in our financial system, change in the membership of the Federal Reserve. This has allowed time for these issues to sharpen and to ripen so that, in my view, the time for action is this year. I commend this committee for its willingness to give priority to this matter. The time to come to grips with and resolve the issues that have been developed is here this year. This is the year when there can be a resolution of the issues, and I believe that this committee-the leadership of this committee, the members of this committee and the staff of this committee-is particularly well equipped, because of your background and interests to deal with the issues and to fashion a responsible solution which will provide the foundation for a strong financial system able to meet the challenges ahead. It is imperative that we provide a solution, because there is a high risk in doing nothing. If we do nothing, not only will we impair the effectiveness of our monetary system and the effective Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 65 ness of monetary policy to deal with the great issues of inflation and growth and employment, but we will also accelerate the loss of revenue to the Treasury. If we do nothing, certainly there shall be a continuing decline in membership, and a continuing decline in the earnings of the Federal Reserve and the revenue that is transferred to the Treasury. But we also must not be so propelled toward a solution that we overlook the legitimate concerns of the various institutions that will be affected. So I think we have to move promptly on something this important which has been gestating so long; on the other hand, we should be admonished to do so with prudence and to find a sound solution so that we do not disrupt the natural evolution of institutions that have served our Nation well, but must serve better in the future. Mr. Chairman, H.R. 7, which you introduced, is, in my view-and in the view of the Federal Reserve Board-a constructive proposal for dealing with this issue. We are dealing with certain needs that I would like to outline briefly. Then I would like to mention some of the effects on constituencies and then, perhaps, some of the adjustments we think might further strengthen the proposal so that it does the best job in responding to the challenge. The first need we have deals with monetary policy. The charts that are attached to the formal testimony that has been presented to you show what you already know; that is, that there has been a sharp decline in the number of banks that are members of the Federal Reserve and in the percentage of bank deposits that are subject to Federal Reserve requirements. Chart II shows that there has been a steady decline in deposits covered by the Federal Reserve System, from about 85 percent in the early sixties, to only about 72 percent today. This decline has been accelerating in recent years. Other charts-I won't burden you with their particulars-show that the decline has been even more rapid in New England, where the introduction of NOW accounts accentuated the considerations which influence banks to leave the System. The reason banks leave the System is because of the burden of membership. The System in which we have been operating requires member banks to maintain sterile reserves which earn no interest, and it is the loss of earnings capacity of those reserves that has caused many banks-operating in a highly competitive environment, with new kinds of financial instruments and institutions offering them new kinds of competition-to reexamine the benefits and the burdens of membership. Many have weighed the burdens as being too great and have been leaving the System. The aggregate burden to members, based on 1977 data would run to around $650 million a year. Chart III shows the breakdown of this burden among sizes of banks. The burden in terms of dollars falls most heavily on the larger institutions, but the burden as a percent of earnings falls most heavily on small institutions. Since they are the ones most affected and their competitiveness is most impaired by membership, we have had a particularly serious decline in the membership of smaller institutions. In recent years, however, medium sized and even larger institutions unfortunately have also been leaving the Federal Reserve System. What does all this mean? Is it important? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 66 In our view it is. Chart I is an attempt to demonstrate the relevance of reserve requirement coverage of deposits by the Federal Reserve. To the degree that deposits are outside the Federal Reserve System, there is a greater amount of unpredictability, of variability, in predicting money aggregates and, therefore, in conducting monetary policy. This chart shows that at the present time, with a little less than 30 percent of deposits not covered by the Federal Reserve, there can be a range of unpredictability of 6 or 7 percentage points, so that indeed a very wide band of error can exist as we try to implement monetary policy and determine the effects on aggregates. Hence, as we have noted, it has been very difficult for the Federal Reserve to predict with certainty how its monetary policy will work out month to month in assuring the proper rate of growth of the aggregates that will support antiinflation policies while maintaining moderate growth. This chart points out only the slippage between reserves and deposits that takes place as a result of shifts of deposits between members and nonmembers. There is further slippage because of the various gradations of reserves. If deposits move from small banks to larger banks, the reserve requirement goes up because of the graduated scale; and vice versa. There is also slippage when funds move from one class of deposit to another, since those movements are not predictable. Add to this the slippage that results from deposits moving from members to nonmembers and we have serious problems. It is for this reason that we are concerned. H.R. 7 certainly goes a long way, in our view, to solving this problem. It stabilizes the deposits that would be subject to Federal Reserve requirements now and in the future. It does address the burden on small institutions by providing an exemption so that the deposits that would be covered would be principally those in the larger institutions. We do feel that, with the complexity of our monetary system, there is a benefit from carrying that coverage to an even further degree. It is for that reason, Mr. Chairman, that we have suggested in our statement and submitted to you a proposal to include in revised legislation a provision for an earnings participation account at the Federal Reserve to be held against deposits exempted under H.R. 7, which would increase covered deposits. But because that earnings participation account would be an asset, participating in the earnings of the Federal Reserve, there would still be some protection of the earnings capacity of smaller institutions. So our revisions would accomplish two goals: Expand the deposits in the System for purposes of predictability and control of the monetary system; protect the earnings benefit of smaller institutions under the exemption level of H.R. 7 since the earnings on their earnings participation account would be approximately equivalent to what they might earn from liquid assets held in market instrument. We, therefore, will be referring from time to time to the Federal Reserve Board's proposed modification of H.R. 7-Mod 7-and urge, Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, that Mod 7 be considered a very high priority, a constructive addition, to an already constructive proposal. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 67 When we look over the issues before us as to the need for this legislation, we are aware of the issue of fairness. When the Federal Reserve System was first established, commercial banks were, indeed the principal-and virtually the only-source of depository/ transaction services in this country. With the development of many other institutions, this is increasingly less so; thrift institutions, credit unions and savings and loans, offering competitive financial services, have arisen. This means that as the burden of membership, of sterile reserves, continues on member banks-and as new forms of depository services not subject to those requirements arise, the gap in competitive equality grows. If reserve requirements are looked upon as a form of tax, then it is a peculiar tax system that taxes only some members in the arena and leaves others exempt. It is almost as if, in our personal income tax system in the United States, we were to tax only certain people and not others. It seems to us that the time has come to recognize the unfairness of that approach, and, to the extent there must be a tax, to be sure it is applied equally to all institutions of like kind. We do have a concept in the United States, which is not unfamiliar to any of us, and that is that we do recognize, not a difference in kind of institution, but a difference in size of institution. In our personal income tax, we do have exemptions and lower rates for lower income, and it would be logical, as the chairman has proposed in H.R. 7-even if covering all depository institutions-to have an exemption based on size but not on function. This proposal is an appropriate one. There is also a need to deal with the membership issue because of the safety and soundness of financial institutions. One of the provisions of H.R. 7 is to make available the discount window, the borrowing facility of the Federal Reserve, to all financial institutions in the purview of this new legislation. That is a favorable development; it assures that in times of liquidity needs-either because of the effects of monetary policy, sudden shifts in deposits, or for whatever reason-there is a sure and safe means of adjusting portfolios-and it assures that there is that liquidity in the System that is necessary for it to adjust well to changing requirements. There is also a recognition in this legislation that the payments mechanism itself needs to have the central bank as an ultimate source of assurance that payments will be handled without risk to the parties to a transaction. To the extent that large clearing banks are outside of the Federal Reserve, there is less assurance of complete safety in the payments system. To the extent that institutions are in the Federal Reserve System, the availability of this backup assures there will not be any disruption, any unavailability of funds, in the payments system due to some sudden problem of liquidity or difficulty in the financial affairs of a clearing bank outside the System. I might add that a fourth need, in looking at this problem, is to be sure we do not impair-particularly in these times of austerity-the income to the Treasury. All of the suggestions for change are made in the light of the reality that this is not the time to reduce significantly the revenue availability to the Treasury. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 68 Any proposal which tries to reduce the burden of membership in the Federal Reserve through a more equitable and uniform system does have a cost. That cost must be minimized if we are to meet our responsibilities. I want to emphasize again, however, that if we do not make changes, then revenue is going to be lost anyway, because banks are going to be leaving the System. At the appropriate time today I will have available a schedule that both the Federal Reserve and Treasury have calculated as the net costs of H.R. 7 over the next 5 years. The proposal we make, as a modification, for establishing an earnings participation account, would not change those figures. To the extent that we have further deposits maintained with the Federal Reserve, we would invest them; and these earnings would be passed back to the institutions so there would be no net change in costs. It would merely assure more deposits would be covered. Any such system must be a practical system. We are here today to design from scratch a modified financial system. I am sure each of us could define an ideal, but that ideal would not have to take account of the interests that existing institutions have in the environment in which they have developed and been allowed to develop and in which they have been allowed to grow. We do not live in a world in which there are no constituencies; we live in a world where there are constituencies. It is for this reason we should recognize that H.R. 7 does not design the ideal system but the system which is most ideal within the constraints within which we must all live in being fair to institutions as they have developed. In particular, let me talk about the constituencies. The constituencies of member banks should be benefited by this legislation because the inequitable burden that has fallen on member banks will be reduced. Nonmember banks will be subject to reserve requirements, but because of the structure of the exemption and the levels of reserve requirements, the burden will be modest in relation to the public benefit of solving this problem. Only a relatively few of nonmember banks would actually be required to deposit nonearning balances with the Federal Reserve. In terms of the national interest, therefore, a great body of nonmember banks would be sheltered from any change. Only those large institutions, who should be required to compete fairly with other comparable institutions, would be affected, but they themselves should recognize the beneficial effect. They should be interested in a stable, sound monetary system, which is their best assurance for growth and a fair share of the market in the future. We come to thrift institutions. Very few of them will be affected by this legislation because. of the exemptions, which recognize merely their participation as to transactions accounts and balances. They are required to compete in the same way that other institutions are required to compete as they grow and begin to acquire powers beyond what existed in the past. That certainly is an equitable proposition, one in which the thrifts should recognize their self-interest. By having a known, stable system, with the monetary issue resolved, for decades to come, they will know. under what conditions they will be able to prosper and grow within their fields of interest. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 69 Those who are purists would argue that ·if we wanted an ideal system we should endeavor to apply the same reserve requirements to the savings and time deposits of thrifts as we do to banks, but here we come to a practical constraint. Those deposits have been built up over time, as a result of different institutional concepts and charters, and to change the ground rules in so big an area at this time would probably not be a practical solution. I think we should recognize that and, instead of seeking the ideal, seek the practical in that regard. As to the other constituencies, I think there is a concern among State bank supervisors that such a change in the System might in some way impair upon their responsibilities within the dual banking system. I would be happy to discuss this at length, but it seems to me that is not a likely course of events. The fact is that we do propose a new creative environment, not to change the options that various banks have as to taking State or national charters. If that were the only consideration today, the 1,100 State member banks would all take out national charters instead of having State charters. So it seems to me the evidence shows that there are many reasons why banks have been willing both to maintain reserves and to maintain State charters, an<l I see nothing in this legislation that would change banks' decisions. Finally, there is the constituency of the Treasury. The Treasury and the Federal Reserve are in agreement as to the effect this proposal would have on Treasury revenues, and we are in agreement that if this bill should be passed, the Federal Reserve would make available from its accumulated surplus-accumulated over 65 years-reimbursement to the Treasury for the effect on its revenues over the next 3 years. There should be no significant impact on the Federal deficit thereafter, because this legislation will offset the losses that would take place in its absence from the attrition of membership. Mr. Chairman, I could go into more detail about all of these subjects. With your permission, I hope that the prepared statement, which I know each member has had a chance to review, and the attachments, will be made a part of the record. I have tried to approach the issues from a different point of view, to put in perspective for this committee-for this Congress-what we are trying to accomplish. I certainly appreciate the opportunity to give these viewpoints, and would welcome the opportunity to elaborate in answer to questions of this committee. Thank you. [Text resumes on p. 303.] [Mr. Miller's prepared statement, with attachments, on behalf of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, follows:] Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 70 Proposals to Facilitate the Implementation of Monetary Policy and to Promote,Competitive Equality Among Depository Institutions Statement by G. William Miller Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis before the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs House of Representatives 71 Mr. Chairman, members of the Committee, the nation's financial system has been undergoing rapid change in recent years, altering the competitive environment in banking and other financial markets and complicating the Federal Reserve's ability to implement monetary policy. Nonmember depository institutions have been growing much more rapidly than member banks. Transactions-type deposit accounts have become more widespread at thrift institutions. And, in general, competition among depository institutions and between those institutions and the open market has become much more intense. This competition promotes efficiency in the financial system, and banks have been re-assessing their costs and operations. Many, as a result, have become less willing to bear the high cost of cash reserve requirements associated with being a member of the Federal Reserve System. Thus, there has been a steady--and in recent years accelerating--decline in the proportion of bank deposits, especially transaction deposits, subject to Federal reserve requirements. Moreover, the continued development of new transactions-type deposits at nonbank depository institutions will further worsen this situation. IEVELOPMENTS WEAKEN MONETARY CONTROL It is essential that the Federal Reserve maintain adequate control over the monetary aggregates if the nation is to succeed in its efforts to curb inflation, sustain economic growth, and maintain the value of the dollar in international exchange markets. The attrition in deposits subject to reserve requirements set by the Federal Reserve weakens the linkage between member bank reserves and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 72 the monetary aggregates. As a larger and larger fraction of deposits at banks becomes subject to the diverse reserve requirements set by the 50 states rather than by the Federal Reserve, and as more transactions balances reside at thrift institutions, the relationship between the money supply and reserves controlled by the Federal Reserve will become less and less predictable. Open market operations, the basic tool of monetary policy, therefore are becoming less precise in their application. Our staff has attempted to assess the extent to which growth of deposits outside the Federal Reserve System would weaken the relationship between reserves and money. Their tentative results are shown in Chart I, which depicts the greater range of short-run variability in M-1 and M-2, with a given level of bank reserves, that would develop as the per cent of deposits held outside the Federal Reserve rises. As more and more deposits are held outside the System, this chart suggests that control of money through the reserve base becomes increasingly uncertain. USE OF RESERVE REQUIREMENTS HAS BEEN RESTRICTED With the proportion of banks subject to Federal reserve requirements declining, the ability of the central bank to use changes in reserve requirements as a tool of monetary policy has been increasingly undermined. Changes in reserve ratios not only affect a smaller proportion of deposits today than in the past, but the Board also must weigh the potential impact of its actions on the membership problem--end hence on its ability to maintain monetary control over the longer run--each time it deliberates on the uses of this tool. Such Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 73 concerns inhibit the Board's freedom of action to conduct monetary policy. If reserve requirements were applied universally, as is proposed in H.R. 7, adjustments in reserve ratios to affect the availability of credit throughout the country, or to influence banks' efforts concerning particular types of deposits, may again become a more viable monetary instrument. Moreover, while open market operations in U.S. Government securities provide the Federal Reserve-with a powerful policy instrument, it is possible that conditions could develop in the future--such as a less active market for U.S. Government securities in a period of reduced Federal budgetary deficits--where more flexible adjustment of reserve requirements might be a desirable adjunct in efforts to control the monetary agg,.,gates. AS HAS BEEN THE DISCOUNT WINDOW The effectiveness of the Federal Reserve's administration of the discount window also has been potentially compromised by recent developments. Membership attrition and the growth of trans- actions balances at nonbsnk depository institutions have resulted in a shrinking proportion of the financial system having immediate access to the discount window on s day-to-day basis. The discount window, as the "lender of last resort," provides the payments system with a basic liquidity backup by assuring member banks the funds to meet their obligations. But, if the proportion of institutions having access to this facility continues to decline, individual institutions could be forced to make abrupt adjustments Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 74 in their lending or portfolio policies, because they could not tum to the window to cushion temporarily the impacts of restrictive monetary policies. Risks that liquidity squeezes would result in bank failures could also increase. Thus, the Federal Reserve may find that its ability to limit growth in money and credit in order to curb inflation was being unduly impeded because the safety valve provided by the discount window was gradually losing its effective coverage. AND THE PAYMENTS SYSTEM FACES DETERIORATION The growth of transactions balances at institutions that do not have access to Federal Reserve clearing services also could lead to a deterioration of the quality of the nation's payments system. Reserve balances held at Federal Reserve Banks are the foundation of the payments mechanism, because these balances are used for making payments and settling accounts between banks. Nonmember deposits at correspondent banks can serve the same purpose, but as more and more of the deposits used for settlement purposes are held outside the Federal Reserve, the banking system becomes more exposed to the risk that such funds might be innnobilized if a large correspondent bank outside the Federal Reserve experienced substantial operating difficulties or liquidity problems. A liquidity crisis affecting such a large clearing bank could have widespread damaging effects on the banking system as a whole because smaller banks might become unable to use their clearing balances in the ordinary course Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 75 of business. The Federal Reserve, of course, is not subject to liquidity risk and therefore serves, as Congress intended, as a completely safe foundation for the payments mechanism. In sum, the major functions of the Federal Reserve System-to conduct monetary policy in the public interest, to provide backup liquidity and flexibility to the financial system, and to assure a safe and efficient payments mechanism--all have been undermined by recent developments. These developments include, as I've noted earlier, attrition in Federal Reserve membership and the spreading of third-party payment powers to nonbank institutions. DECLINE IN SYSTEM MEMBERSHIP For more than 25 years there has been a continual decline in the proportion of commercial banks belonging to the Federal Reserve. The downward trend in the number of member banks has been accompanied by a decline in the proportion of_bank deposits subject to Federal reserve requirements, as may be seen from Chart II. As of mid-1978, member banks held less than 72 per cent of total commercial bank deposits, down about 9 percentage points since 1970. Thus, more than one-fourth of commercial bank deposits--and over threefifths of all banks--are outside the Federal Reserve System. DUE .TO THE EXCESSIVE COST OF MEMBERSHIP The basic reason for the decline in membership is the financial burden that membership entails. Most nonmember banks and thrift institutions may hold their required reserves in the form of earning Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 76 assets or in the form of deposits (such as correspondent balances) that would be held in the normal course of business. Member banks, by contrast, must keep their required reserves entirely in nonearning form. The cost burden of Federal Reserve membership thus consists of the earnings that member banks forego because of the extra amount of non-earning assets that they are required to hold. Of course, member banks are provided with services by Reserve Banks, but the value of these services is insufficient to close the earnings gap between member and nonmember banks. The Board staff estimates that the aggregate cost burden to member banks of Federal Reserve membership exceeds $650 million annually, based on data for 1977, or about 9 per cent of member bank profits before income tax. The burden of membership is not distributed equally across all sizes of member banks. According to staff estimates, shown in the lower panel of Chart III, the relative burden is greatest for small banks--exceeding 20 per cent of profits for banks with less than $10 million in deposits. Further reductions of reserve require- ments within existing statutory limits would do little to eliminate the burden for most classes of banks, especially for the smaller banks. INEQUITY OF COST BURDEN BORNE BY MEMBER BANKS The current regulatory structure is arbitrary and unfair because it forces member banks to bear the full burden of reserve requirements. Only member banks must maintain sterile reserve balances, while nonmember banks, which compete with members in the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 77 same markets for loans and deposits, and thrift institutions, which increasingly are competing in the same markets, do not face similar requirements. Thus, members are at a competitive disadvantage relative to other depository institutions. Among the major countries in the free world, only in the United States has this legislated inequity been imposed on the commercial banking system. It is no wonder that member banks continue to withdraw from the Federal Reserve. SPREAD OF THIRD-PARTY PAYMENT POWERS At the same time, the spread of third-party powers to thrift institutions is further increasing the proportion of transactions balances outside the control of the Federal Reserve. Commercial banks' virtual monopoly on transactions accounts, maintained in the past because of their ability to offer demand deposits, is being eroded. Moreover, recent financial innovations have led to widespread use of interest-bearing transactions accounts at both nonbank depository insitutions and co11DDercial banks, These developments have increased both the costs and competitive pressures on banks, no doubt compelling members to reevaluate the costs and benefits of membership and thus playing a significant role in membership withdrawals. The payments innovations since 1970 are well know to this Committee, and include limited pre-authorized "bill-payer" transfers as well as telephone transfers from savings accounts at banks and savings and loan associtions, NOW accounts at practically all depository institutions in New England, credit union share drafts, automatic transfers from savings deposits, and the use of electronic terminals to make inunediate transfers to and from savings accounts. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 78 Growth of these transactions-related interest-bearing deposits has been most dramatic in recent years. For example, NOW accounts in New England have grown from practically zero in 1974 to 8 per cent of household deposit balances in mid-1978, as shown in Chart IV, and one-third of these NOW deposits are at thrift institutions. The intense competition engendered by the introduction of NOW accounts has been accompanied by an acceleration of member bank attrition in New England to a rate well beyond that of the nation, as shown in Chart V. This increase in member bank withdrawals is clearly not just coincidental. There is no sign that the intense competition will abate. As shown in Chart VI, savings accounts authorized-for automatic transfer have grown rapidly at commercial banks across the country since their introduction Noyember 1; and in New York, NOW accounts, which were authorized November 10 for all depository institutions in the State, have been increasing vigorously. In addition, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board has announced its intention to authorize savings and loan associations to offer Payment Order Accounts, or POAs, which are interest-bearing deposits that can serve many of the same functions as NOWs. These developments have caused the distinctions among banks and thrifts with respect to the "moneyness" of their deposits to become increasingly blurred and have prompted the Federal Reserve to reevaluate its existing measures of the monetary aggregates and to consider possible readjustments to reflect the changing institutional environment. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The most basic measure of transactions 79 balances, M-1, clearly should include more than just currency and commercial bank demand deposits. And, the broader aggregates may be redefined to emphasize distinctions by type or function of deposit rather than by the institution in which the deposit is held. Changing the money measures to reflect economic reality, including the wider role played by depository institutions other than member banks in the monetary system, would be complemented by legislation for universal reserve requirements. LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS POINT IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION The Monetary Control Act of 1979, H.R. 7, introduced by the Chairman of this Committee, represents a constructive approach to improving monetary control and reducing the inequities in markets in which depository institutions are competing. This bill proposes universal reserve requirements by establishing a reasonable set of reserve ratios applicable to all deposits at counnercial banks and to transactions balances at thrift institutions. The definition of transactions accounts includes not only demand deposits, but also the growing number of new thirdparty payments accounts. Such an approach puts all depository institutions on an equal competitive basis in the market for transactions deposits and helps assure the continuation of a reserve structure needed for the efficient conduct of monetary policy. Under this legislation all counnercial banks and thrift institutions with transactions accounts would have access to the Federal Reserve discount window. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The Federal Reserve could then 80 act as a "lender of last resort" to a broader class of depository institutions and thereby enhance the overall safety and soundness of the depository system, as well as providing more flexibility to financial institutions to respond to changing monetary policy. The bill also gives all depository institutions access to Federal Reserve services. With the application of an appropriate pricing schedule for such services, this action should improve the efficiency of the payments mechanism which underlies all of the nation's economic transactions. But I should emphasize that open access to System services, desirable as it may be, is only practicable if the so-called membership problem is resolved, as H.R. 7 does in principle. Without resolution of the membership problem, open access at an explicit price set for all institutions would only exacerbate the problem and lead to even greater reduction in the Federal Reserve's deposit coverage, since services would be available to nonmembers without bearing the burden of reserves. BUT CERTAIN MODIFICATIONS OF H.R. 7 ARE NECESSARY The various features of H.R. 7 redress much of the growing competitive inequity among financial institutions and provide a potentially improved framework for enhancing the implementation of monetary policy. However, as drafted, certain provisions of this legislation compromise the improvement in monetary control that universal reserve requirements could foster. First, the exemption from any reserve requirement of the first $50 million of transactions balances and the first· $50 million Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 81 of other deposits reduces somewhat from present levels the proportion of deposits subject to Federal reserve requirements, More importantly, though, the rather complex procedure for indexing the exemption would mean that the proportion of deposits subject to direct Federal Reserve control could not increase over time, Hence, the Board believes that the bill needs to be modified, and it has a proposal which will both enhance monetary control and preserve for all institutions the earnings protection of the exemption contained in the bill, without increasing the cost to the Treasury from that associated with H,R, 7, PARTICIPATION IN FEDERAL RESERVE EARNINGS FOR EXEMPTED DEPOSITS The Board's proposed modification involves establishment of an "Earnings Participation Account" at the Federal Reserve to be held against deposits exempted by H,R, 7 from reserve requirements. To reduce the record-keeping burden, small institutions could be excluded from having to hold this account. This exclusion could amount to the first $10 million of transactions deposits at each institution and $10 million of other deposits at each commercial bank, For banks,. with respect to all deposits, and for other depository institutions, with respect to transactions deposits, their Earnings Participation Account would be held against deposits above the $10 million exclusion and up to the amount of the $50 million exemption in H,R, 7, The size of this Earnings Participation Account for each deposit category would equal the reserve ratio applicable to deposits in that category times the amount of deposit liabilities between $10 million and $50 million, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis To the extent that an 82 institution holds vault cash in excess of its required reserves on nonexempt deposits, the size of the Earnings Participation Account would be reduced correspondingly, This provision reduces the possibility that institutions would build up their excess reserves, which would tend to increase the slippage between reserves and deposits and thereby diminish monetary control. Chart VII compares the impacts of the Board's proposal with H,R, 7 and with the current reserve system. As can be seen in the upper left-hand panel, the Board's modification has the advantage of greatly increasing the proportion of commercial bank transactions deposits covered by an account at the Federal Reserve-from the present 73 per cent to 94 per cent. This would be accomplished even though the $10 million exclusion would mean that 45 per cent of all commercial banks, as well as virtually all thrifts, would not be required to hold any account at the Federal Reserve. At the same time, as shown in the right-hand upper panel, the number of banks holding non-earning reserve balances at Federal Reserve Banks would be as low as under H.R. 7, The number would be sharply reduced from the current level of 5,664 to an estimated 656, Finally, the bottom panel indicates that the effect on bank earnings would be virtually the same under either H.R. 7 or the bill as modified by the Board's proposal. The difference would be that under our proposal, banks would hold some assets in the form of the Earnings Participation Account rather than as market investments or loans. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The return on this account would be equivalent to the average return on the Federal Reserve's portfolio, which includes both short- and long-term securities. Some years this return might be higher than banks would earn on other assets--which are likely to be a combination of loans and liquid instruments--and some years less. On average, over time, there should be little difference. I would like to underline the advantage of bringing transactions-type deposits at thrifts under reserve requirements in this manner. It will be several years, at least, before any significant number of thrift institutions would actually have to hold non-earning reserves at the Fed. loan association or credit union Currently, no savings and has transactions deposits in excess of the $50 million exemption. Only 8 mutual savings banks have transaction accounts in excess of the exemption, and each has vault cash considerably in excess of the reserve requirement that would apply to such deposits. Attachment A presents a listing of individual member and nonmember commercial banks and MSB's similar to that shown on pages 17 to 65 of the Committee print, Description of the Monetary Control Bill. An asterisk in the far right column indicates that it is a bank added to the list by the Board's proposal--that is, it has deposits above the excluded level but below the exempted level. These added banks would hold an Earnings Participation Account at the Federal Reserve but they would not hold any nonearning required reserves balance at Reserve Banks because their deposits are below the exempted level. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banks without an asterisk were on the committee list before, and their ~on-earning balance is affected exactly the same as in H.R. 7. reserve Column 4--entitled EPA--shows the amount of the Earnings Participation Account each institution would hold. If this column is zero, the bank at the end of 1977 had.sufficient vault cash in excess of its required reserves so that it would have had no Earnings Participation Account. Thus, the additional institutions brought under Federal Reserve control would keep the earnings benefit of the exemption level proposed by H.R. 7, since they would participate in the Federal Reserve's earnings on the balances that they would be required to maintain in the Earnings Participation Account. More- over, the cost to the Treasury would be no different under the Board's proposal than under the proposed bill. Under the Board's plan, the Federal Reserve would earn additional interest on the greater amount of balances that would be held at Reserve Banks, thereby offsetting the cost of the depository institutions' Earnings Participation Account. In sum, the Board proposal would have the clear advantage of expanding significantly the coverage subject to reserve requirements, thereby enhancing the implementation of monetary policy. At the same time, it would sustain the earnings benefits of the exemption level for all depository institutions--at no additional cost to the Treasury. Finally, exclusion of the first $10 million of transactions-type deposits and $10 million of other deposits from the earnings participation requirement would reduce the recordkeeping burden of the proposal, with relatively modest policy impact. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 85 Attachment B provides language for a series of amendments to R.R. 7 that would implement the Board's proposed DK>dification. Another modification proposed by the Board concerns affiliated institutions. Providing an exemption from required reserves of $100 million in deposits gives an incentive to banks to form new, affiliated commercial banking entities in lieu of branch offices in order to avoid the requirement to hold sterile reserves. A bank as large as $100 million would already enjoy many of the economies of scale associated with larger banking operations. Thus, the cost of creating new banks would be small relative to the benefit of avoiding reserve requirements. To eliminate this potential loophole, the Board proposes that affiliated commercial banks be limited to a total exemption equal to the number of such institutions as of August 1, 1978 times the exemption levels specified in the bill. Such an amendment to R.R. 7 as it would be applied to the Board's proposal is presented in Attachment c. Additional more technical amendments to clarify reporting requirements and to conform other provisions of the Federal Reserve Act are also attached for the Committee's consideration. Mr. Chairman, I want to thank you for the opportunity to present the Federal Reserve's view on the Monetary Control Act of 1979 this afternoon. This bill deals constructively with issues of crucial importance to the long-run viability of the nation's central bank and to the health of our financial system. The problems are difficult, but considerable progress has been made in recent months toward achieving a solution that promotes the public interest. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 86 Chart I Effect of Member Bank Attrition On Short-Run Predlctablllty of Monetary Aggregates Absolute Range of Unpredlcteble Varlablllty In r--month Growth Rates Percentage points 20 15 10 5 0 20 40 Per cent of Bank Deposits Not Subject to Rase<ve Requirements Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 80 87 Chartn Percentage of U.S. Commercial Banks and Deposits In the Federal Reserve System Per cent 90 80 70 80 50 40 0 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1985 1969 1973 1977 88 Chart:m Estimated Burden of Federal Reserve Membership - - AGGREGATE BURDEN, 1977 Millions of dollars 300 ..... - ..... ,_ ..... ,_ '-- 1 - 100 ~ '~ mmm I I I I I 200 AGGREGATE BURDEN AS PERCENT OF ESTIMATED 1977 DOMESTIC PRE-TAX EARNINGS 0 - - ..... - 20 - 10 Per cent 30 '-- '-- ..... ,_ ~ I I 0-10 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10-50 I 50-100 I 100-500 I 500-1000 Bank size class(total deposits, millions of dollars) 0 Over 1000 89 Chortl!Z NOW Accounts as Percentage of Household Deposit Balances In New England Percent 8 8 4 2 1974 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 1978 1977 1978 90 ChartJ:z: Percentage of New England Commercial Banks and Deposits In the Federal Reserve System Per cent 90 50 45 0 1961 1963 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1965 1967 1969 1971 1973 1975 1977 91 Chart1Zl ATS Accounts Nationwide and NOW Accounts In New York State Billions of dollars 5 TOTAL 4 ATS 3 2 L..---'----'---....l..---'----'---'---.1....--...L..--....L.--....L---' 0 15 22 13 27 10 8 29 20 3 January November December e * NOW account authorization not effective until November 10. 40-915 0 • 79 • 7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 92 Chart lZil Effects of Proposals on Commercial Banks ~sactions deposits covered Per cent Banks holding non-earning reserve balances at F.R. Banks -100 Per cent 100 80 80 - 60 60 - 40 - 20 - f- 5664 40 20 0 0 Current H.R. 7 Current Modified H.R. 7 Earnings gain from net reduction in non-earning balances H.R. 7 Billions of dollars Revenue from Earnings Participation Account 800 H.R. 7 Baaed on December 1977 deposits. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I I Modified H.R. 7 600 400 200 0 Modified H.R. 7 93 Attachment A Benefit to Banks Covered by Modified R.R. 7 Key to Column Headings (1) TDEP Total domestic deposits as of the end of 1977. (2) VL!CSR Vault cash as of the end of 1977. (3) 1977 ~BAL Estimated amount of reserve balances as of the end of 1977 required by current law to be held at Federal Reserve Banks (i.e., required reserves minus vault cash) • (4) NEW EPA Amount that would have been held in Earnings Participation Account at the end of 1977 under modified R.R. 7, (5) NEW ~BAL New required reserves minus vault cash that would have been held at the F .R. Banks under modified R.R. 7. (This amount is the same as under R.R. 7.) (6) DIF Reduction in non-earnings required reserve balances at Federal Reserve Banks that would have been held under modified R.R. 7. A negative amount represents an increase. (This amount is the same as under R.R. 7,) (7) * A bank covered by modified R.R. 7 but not by R.R. 7. Examples for Member Banks CA) The table shows that the first bank listed, Albertsville National Bank, had deposits of $21,933,000 in December 1977. Vault cash amounted to $366,000, and required non-earning balances at the Federal Reserve were $641,000. Under modified R.R. 7, this bank, as of the end of 1977, would not have had to hold any non-interest earning balances at the Federal Reserve because neither its transactions-type deposits nor the sum of its other deposits was greater than $50 million. Albertsville National therefore would have saved the $641,000 it held in noninterest bearing reserve balances at the Federal Reserve at the end of 1977. This is the same savings as under. R.R. 7. Since its vault cash is in excess of required reserves (which would be zero), all vault cash would have been counted in lieu of the Earnings Participation Account. The Earnings Participation Account thus would have been zero because its vault cash was greater than the reserve ratios times the non-excluded deposits (deposits in excess of $10 million per account category). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 94 (11) As of Decemer 1977, Birmingham Trust National Bank had domestic deposits of $828,915,000, vault cash of $6,100,000 and sterile balances at the Federal Reserve Bauk of $39,847,000. Because it had both transactions deposits and other deposits well in excess of the $50,000,000 exemptions, Birmingham Trust, under modified H.R, 7, would have had to meet reserve requirements with all of its vault cash and reserve balances of $27,342,000. ·The difference between the actual 1977 sterile balances and those under modified H,R, 7 ~esult in a savings of $12,505,000--the same as under H.R. 7. In this case, no vault cash would have been applied in lieu of the Earnings Participation Account 1because required reserve would have exceeded the bank's holdings of vault cash. Thua, the Earnings Participation Account of Birmingham Trust will equal the reserve ratio on transactions deposits (9.S per cent) times $40 million plus the weighted reserve ratio on other deposits times $40 million, or $5,162,000. Examples for Nonmember Banks (A) The first nomnember bank listed is The Bank of Abbeville, which had total deposits, as of the end of 1977, of $23,421,000 and wult cash of $240,000. Under existing law, no nonmember bank has any Federal reserve requirements. Under modified H.R. 7, this bank would have continued to have no Federal reserve requirements because its transactions deposits and other deposits are well below the $SO million exemption lev"l per account category. The same result would occur under H.R. 7. Since vault cash of the Bank of Abbeville would have been in excess of required reserves (which are zero), all vault cash would have been counted in lieu of the Earnings Participation Account, Thus, this-bank would have had no Earnings Participation Account because vault cash was greater than the reserve ratio times the non-excluded deposits. (B) Central Bank of Birmingham had total deposits of $510,662,000 in December 1977. Vault cash was $3,050,000, and it had no Federal reserve requirements. Under the modified H.R. 7, required reserves would have been covered by its vault cash holdings plus $17,509,000 in sterile reserve balances. This results in a net increase in nonearnings reserve balances of $17,509,000, the same as under H,R, 7. In this case, no vault cash would have been applied in lieu of the Earnings Participation Account because required reserves would have exceeded the bank's holdings of vault cash. Thus, the Central Bank of Birmingham would have maintained, under modified H,R. 7, an Earnings Participation Account of 9,5 per cent times $40 million in transaction balances plus the weighted average reserve ratios on $40 million of other depo•its, or $5,459,000. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HEHBER BANKS DSB 6010020 6010040 6010050 6010090 0010 IQO 6010110 6010180 6010200 6010llO 6010240 6010255 6010300 NAME ALBERTVlllE NATL BANK FIR ST NB OF ALEXANDER CITY ALICEVILLE BK t TR CO ANNISTON NUIONAL BANK COH~ERC I AL NB OF ANNISTON FIRST NB Of ANNISTON FIRST AL BANK Of ATttrns NA FIRST NB Of ATMORE AURURN IIATIONAL BANK CHlTRAL BA'IK Of AUBURN NA 1ST AL OK Of BALDWIN CTY NA 0 IR~INGHAH TRUST IIAT BK b0l03J8 CITY NB OF BIRMINGHAM 60106t)O 6JIOoTO 6010688 6010090 6010715 6010140 6ul0/50 60101325 6010850 6010RSO 6010910 601Qql5 6010910 6010985 6011050 6011090 6011115 60\1150 6011163 6011110 60111311 6011190 lDUTION ALBERT V lllE ALEXANOER C ITT ALICEVILLE ANNISTON A•mlSTON ANNISTON AltlENS AT HORE AUBURN AUBURN BAY MINETTE BIRHl"~GHAM BIPHINGHAH BIRHI NGHAH BIRHINGHAH BIRHINGHAH BOAZ BREWTON BUTLER CALERA CAMDEN CLANTON CLANTON COLUHBI ANA LE f. 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FIRST NB OF BUTLER CENTRAL STATE BANK CA,~OCN NATIONAL i!ANK FIRST NAT BK OF Cl.ANTON PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK FIRST NAT BK Of COLUMBIANA Al Al Al AL AL AL AL Al AL Al AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL Al Al Al AL Al Al AL Al Al AL AL Al AL AL 111 TDEP 121 Vl TCSH 21933 H342 16979 57239 58006 81102 36876 32111 26805 22887 2J484 828915 109328 1120037 23563 51975 17487 41640 24604 15260 20083 18557 19740 25163 27662 18711 511589 64544 31591 84933 116332 16235 46304 366 l349 251 TOO 1039 18l't 583 387 320 537 753 6100 1216 14329 531 732 240 373 508 225 259 263 327 284 673 243 7452 996 688 1023 3281 439 619 698 2336 399 1443 785 168 599 534 HO 785 3812 1619 AL l 8242 AL AL 135004 21105 61029 38170 465H 39060 l23n 23771 39452 155664 67626 38'14 AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL Al AL 1122 151 NEW REQBAl 131 l97l REQBAl 141 NEW EPA 641 BBi 506 1829 1713 2074 1482 1034 875 522 401 39847 4870 584.l6 658 2045 516 1520 378 406 633 562 640 1087 764 713 20913 2833 1035 3209 2301 211 1593 180 4698 503 1 787 1165 1441 1212 1398 0 0 0 129 267 723 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27342 0 41691 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1oz 1323 4962 2072 861 0 5162 3314 5363 0 744 0 296 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49H 1268 0 2024 724 0 252 0 3099 0 287 0 0 5 108 0 31 3314 587 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·o 0 10465 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131..:, 51 641 881 506 1829 17ll 2074 1482 1034 875 522 401 12505 4870 16745 658 2045 516 1520 378 406 633 562 640 1087 764 713 10448 2833 1035 3209 2301 211 1593 190 4b98 503 1781 1165 1441 1212 1398 762 1323 4962 2072 8<1 •• .• •• • •• •• • • • •• • • • .• .•• ..•• (C C11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 1 KEM8ER BANKS Ill DSB NAME 6011230 6011240 6011265 6011370 6011380 6011390 6011410 6011430 6011437 60114)9 60IIH0 6011448 6011450 6011500 6011510 6011520 6011540 6011542 6011543 6011586 6011620 6011648 6011750 6011770 o0I11qo 6011795 60IIsao 6011827 6011850 601I8d0 60l1Bqo 6011900 bOl 1910 1,a11960 6011qao 6011q90 60120~0 6012010 6012130 OF FIRST NB Of JACKSONVILLE JACKSONVILLE JASPER FIRST NAT BANK Of JASPER LANETT VALLEY NATIONAL BANK AHERICAN NAT 8ANK & TRUST COMOBILE MOBILE FIRST NAT BANK OF MOBILE MERCHANTS NAT BANK Of MOBILEMOBILE MONROE C GUN TY BANK MONRO EV ILLE HCNTG0MERY ALABAMA 118 OF MONTGOMERY MONTGOMERY CENTRAL BANK OF MONTGOMERY MONTGOMERY EXC>IANGE NS Of MONTGOMERY 1ST Al BK Of MONTGOMERY NA MCNTGOHERY SOUTHERN BANK NA H0NTGOHERY UNION BANK ANO TRUST COHPANYHCNTGCHERY CIT I ZENS BANK ONECNTA OPELIKA FAR ~ER S NB Of OPELIKA OPELIKA FIRST NAT BANK OF OPELIKA FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OPP OPP OXFORD CENTRAL BANK OF OXFORD FIRST CITY NAT BK Of OXFORD CXF0RD FIRST ALA BK Of PHENIX CY NAP HEN IX C ITV FIRST NAT BANK Of PIEDMONT PIEDMONT CENTRAL BANK OF MOBILE NA PR I CHARD FIRST NAT SK OF RUSSELLVILLERUSSELLVILLE FIRST NATIONAL SANK SCOTTSBORO CITY NATIONAL BANK Of SELMA SELMA FIRST AL SANK OF SEUU NA SELMA SELMA PEOPLES BANK ANO TRUST CO FIRST COLBERT NATIONAL SANK SHEFFIELD fl~ST NAT SANK OF STEVENSON STEVENSON CITY NAT BANK OF SYLACAUGA SYLACAUGA FIRST NAT BANK IN SYLACAUGA SYLACAUGA I SBEll NAT BK OF TALLADEGA TALL ADE GA TALL ADE GA tlA Tl O,~Al BANK TALLADEGA FIRH FARMERS ANO MERCHANTS TROY ISi Al SK Of TUSCALOOSA NA TUSCALOOSA TUSCALOOSA FIRST NAT OK OF TUSCALOOSA FIRST NB IN TUSCUMBIA TUSCUHB IA Al ASAMA EXCHANGf• 8AIIK TUSKEGEE ~ETUHPKA FIRST NAT OK OF WETUMPKA 85 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE ------------------------ TDEP LOCATION 51 27 Al AL Al AL AL Al AL AL Al AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL Al AL AL AL AL Al Al AL Al Al Al Al AL Al Al AL AL Al AL AL AL AL 17983 78291 23227 155471 42392I 449267 22291 114393 88865 20118 395276 14543 196100 19859 30744 20000 45651 33220 14647 17787 14478 51594 4.62H 42024 38509 39179 64526 27883 20099 22031 22119 30963 33854 31083 104494 162516 32733 19077 3645l 1/17/19 121 VLTCSH H4 1965 620 3092 8914 6743 344 1872 2151 390 6875 283 2265 269 953 2H 421 901 151 475 192 1228 520 671 739 110 1199 462 313 431 377 463 q5I 1U 1986 2seq 769 344 563 131 1911 REQBAL 10 393 2904 454 6187 15980 20317 709 4843 2067 439 152H 295 0 1006 0 090 560 5366 0 3211 789 0 5317 0 5119 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 156 40 0 0 589 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2404 4733 0 0 0 1101 567 506 670 1445 502 411 361 344 871 1639 H21 1029 1020 192( 841 402 611 718 882 853 620 UZ1 6567 732 609 1079 NEW EPA 151 NEW RE0BAL 0 0 0 0 8086 11275 0 0 0 0 7189 0 6H 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 Dlf Ul-151 393 2904 454 6187 7894 9042 709 4843 2067 439 8045 295 7053 567 506 670 1445 502 411 361 344 871 1639 1427 1029 1020 1"21 841 402 611 718 882 853 620 4227 6567 732 609 1079 •• • • • • • •• • • • .• HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE ND REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ------------------------------------------------ ~ a) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER IANKS NAME OSB l/ll/19 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. l 111 TOEP LOCATION IZI Vl TCSH 131 UI l97l NEW EPA REQBAL 12020013 12020014 12020018 IZ020030 12020040 12020080 FIRST NB OF ANCHOUGE NATIONAL BANK OF ALASKA SECURITY NATIONAL BANK ALASKA NATIONAL BANK FIRST NAT BANK FAIRBANKS FIRST NB OF KETCHIKAN Of AK ANCHORAGE ANCHORAGE ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS FHRBANKS KETCHIKAN 6 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE I 3 AK AK AK AK AK JlH67 486033 22665 189949 46432 48647 6678 12662 353 6140 1687 888 15706 20928 HZ 7008 1676 1503 4970 5183 0 4559 203 H 151 NEW REQBAL 5733 9317 0 0 0 0 11>1 OIF 131-151 9973 11611 742 7008 1676 1503 • •• HAYE NO EARNINGS PARTICiPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE ----------------------------12040070 FIRST NAT BK OF ARIZOIIA 12040100 VALLEY NAT BK OF AR I ZONA OF PlllEIIIX PHOENIX 2 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE AZ AZ 0 0 36878 60547 9Ul9 134596 5093 5107 59966 83393 34153 51203 ~ ~ HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RES ERYE BALANCE -------805007C 8050105 8050110 8050160 8050180 8050190 8050250 8050330 8050340 8050360 8050400 8050440 8050510 8050520 8050590 8050600 8050610 8050630 8050660 80501>70 80501>90 8050720 2048791 3050692 FIRST NAT BK OF SHARP CTY ASH FLAT CITIZENS BANK BATESVILLE FIRST NATIONAL .BANK BATESVILLE FIRST NAT BK OF BERRYVILLE BERRYVILLE FARMERS BANK ANO TRUST CD BLYTHEVILLE FIRST NAT BK IN BLYTHEVILLE BLYTHEVILLE FIRST NAT BK OF CAMOEN CAMDEN FAR~ERS NB OF CLARKSVILLE CLARKSVILLE FIRST NAT BK ~F CONWAY CONWAY FIRST NAT BK OF CROSSETT CROSSETT FIRST NAT BK OF OE QUEEN OE QUEEN FIR ST NAT BK OF DE WI TT DE WITT FIRST NAT BK OF El OORAOO EL DORADO NAT BK OF CHRC CF EL DORADO EL DORAOO FIRST NAT BK OF FAYETTEVILLEFAYETTEVlllE IICILROY BlflK ANO TRUST FAYETTEVILLE FIRST NAT 8K OF FOPDYCE FORDYCE FIRST NAT BK OF E ARKANSAS FORREST CITY CITY NAT BK OF FORT SMITH FORT SMITH FIRST NAT 8K CF FORT S~ITH FORT SMITH MERCHANTS NB OF FORT S~ITH FORT SMITH FIRST NAT BK IN GREEtl FORESTGREEN FOREST -----AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR 20025 30401 53592 28524 46401 H469 39886 23628 57267 33214 24983 246Bl 80615 45646 90717 72026 11>832 40115 107889 135711 88300 23247 122 322 883 166 553 831 118 268 671 552 H9 IBb 1051 518 1931, 1011 302 843 1726 221>I 1240 95 788 1125 1887 1164 2125 H12 1178 860 2195 899 118 1021> 3713 1543 3226 2931 361 1154 3778 b091 3711 957 0 0 334 0 636 28 0 0 lB5 0 0 0 ZOZl 328 1164 1302 0 0 1637 3730 1870 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 188 1125 1887 1164 2125 1412 11 TB 860 2195 899 178 1021> 3713 1543 3221> 2931 361 1154 3118 6091 3111 957 • •• • •• .• • ••• •• •• • • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIF IEO H.R. 1 MEMBER BANKS NAME DSB 8050810 805085 B 8050810 B0509I0 8050920 8050950 8050955 8050956 8050910 8051150 8051110 8051113 8051180 8051190 8051260 8051280 8051390 8051458 8051510 B05l550 8051558 8051510 8051600 8051630 8051680 B051690 8051818 8051820 8051830 8051854 8051910 8051950 8052010 8052015 8052020 8052140 8052150 8052IB5 8052190 8052250 OF 111 TDEP LOCATION FIRST NAT BK IN HARRI SDN HARRISON FIRST •NAT BK Of PHILLIPS CTYHELENA HELENA NATIONAL BANK HELENA CITIZENS NAT BK OF HOPE HOPE FIRST NAT BK OF HOPE HOPE ARKA~SAS BK & TR CO HOT SPRINGS FIRST NAT BK OF HOT SPRINGS HOT SPRINGS HOT SPRINGS GRANO NATIONAL BANK Fl~ST NAT BK OF HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE COIIRCL NB Of LI TILE ROCK LITTLE RCCK FIRST NAT BK IN LITTLE ROCK LITTLE ROCK METROPOLITAN NATIONAL BANK LITHE ROCK UNION NAT 8~ OF LITTLE ROCK LITTLE RCCK WORTtlEN BANK & TRUST CO NA LITTLE ROCK FIRST NAT BK OF MAGNOLIA HAG NOLI A HAL VERN NATIONAL BANK HAL VERN FIRST NAT SK IN MENA MENA FIRST NS t TR CO OF HT HOME HOUNTAI N HOME FIRST NAT BK OF .NASHVILLE NASHVILLE FIRST NAT BK OF NEWPORT NEWPORT FIRST A<ERICAN NATIONAL BANKN LITTLE ROCK FIRST NATIONAL BANK CSCEOLA FIRST NATIONAL BANK PARAGOULD FIRST NAT BK AT PARIS PAR IS tlA T BK OF CHRC OF PINE BLUFFPINE BLUFF SI H,SONS FIR ST NATIONAL BANK PI NE Bl UFF FIRST NATIONAL BANK ROGERS FIRS! NAI BK OF RUSSELLVILLERUSSELLVILLE PEOPLES BA~K t TRUST CO RUSSELLVILLE FIRST NATIONAL BANK SEARCY FIRST NATIONAL BANK SILOAM SPRINGS FIRST NAT BK OF SPRINGOALE SPRINGDALE FIRST NAT BK OF. STUTTGART STUTTGART TEXARKANA CMRC NAT BK OF TEXARKANA ST FIRST NAT BK OF TEXARKANAJEXARKANA FIRST Na OF LAWRENCE CTY WALNUT RI OGE FIRST NATIONAL BANK WARREN FIDELITY NATIONAL BANK WEST HEH PHIS FIRST NATIONAL BANK WEST HEHPHI S FIRST NAT BK OF WYNNE WYNNE 0 62 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 31 21 ----------------------------- AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR 39552 35113 26601 45280 31839 132692 113883 18930 21659 193874 241815 29622 216249 385649 60041 28038 26860 52556 23171 35835 83798 31357 58990 244BO 119367 171139 44296 45918 47720 47656 32388 72041 53230 33656 120783 18432 24386 21286 23710 28225 121 VLTCSH 1031 460 318 264 459 1125 1848 212 201 2168 2686 310 3362 8197 601 631 365 372 336 284 2183 554 662 321 2002 3460 542 905 1002 533 424 1380 543 1009 3342 282 355 601 314 283 l/ll/79 131 1917 REQBAL 141 NEIi 1215 1192 820 1809 996 U55 3714 569 815 9805 12195 1037 10342 14419 2543 714 7~5 1810 802 1288 2546 929 2091 824 4521 0 0 0 293 0 2227 1625 0 0 5183 5121 0 5058 5211 1113 0 0 592 0 250 1088 0 52', 0 2985 3986 323 0 0 5864 l6•1l 1225 1059 1930 1138 2426 2222 498 3007 673 643 604 759 1039 EPA 415 0 641 716 0 92', 0 0 0 0 0 151 NEIi REQBAL 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1986 4029 0 2283 5236 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1215 1192 820 1809 996 4255 3714 569 Bl5 1819 8166 1037 8059 9243 2543 714 755 1810 802 1288 25,6 929 2091 824 4521 586" 1690 1225 1059 1930 1138 2426 2222 498 3007 613 643 604 759 1039 HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE -------------- •• •• • •• • • •• • •• •• •• •• • • ••• • ••• • ~ 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BANKS DSB 12060010 12060072 120600'1] 12060115 12060126 12060190 12060305 12060330 12060351 12060375 12060380 12060395 12060443 1206046 3 12060513 12060539 12060575 12060530 12060585 I20606JO 12060710 12060724 12060730 12060750 12060755 12060825 12060882 12060938 12060957 12060960 12060970 12061015 12061113 12061130 12061205 12061215 12061260 12061285 I206l4JO 12061410 12061450 12061505 12061530 12061625 12061640 12061680 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NAME ALAMEDA FIRST NATIONAL BANK AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK C CHHUN IT Y NAT I ONAL BANK CITY NATIONAL BANK INYO MONO NATIONAL BANK FIRST NB OF CLOVERDALE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FIRST NAT BANK OF DIXON CAP ITAL NATIONAL BANK SURETY NATIONAL BANK FUST NB OF SAN DIEGO CTY HUMBOLDT NATIONAL DANK FIRST NATIONAL 8,\NK 111 TDEP LOCATION ALAMEDA BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BEVERLY HILLS BISHOP CLOVERDALE CALV CITY DIXON CA CA CA CA CA CA □ OWNEY CA CA ENCINO ILAI ESCONDIDO EUREKA FRESNO VALLEY NATIONAL BANK GLENOALE ~ECHANICS NATIO~AL BANK HUNTINGTON PARK IRVINE NATIONAL BANK IRVINE VALLEY BANK NATIONAL ASSOC L IVERHORE F&M BK OF CENIRAL CALIFORNIALOOI HID-CAL NATIONAL BANK LODI FRM t HRCH BK OF LONG BEACH LONG BEACH LOS ANGELES NATIONAL BANK LOS ANGELES PAN AH NB OF E LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES CTY SECURITY PACIFIC NAT BANK LOS ANGELES UNION BANK LOS ANGELES UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK LOS ANGELES GAq FI HO BANK MONT EB ELLO SANTA CLARITA NAT BANK NEWHALL CENTRAL BANK NAT ASSOCIATIONOAKLANO OCEANS lOE WEST COAST NATIONAL BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK t TR CO ONTARIO FIRST NAT BK OF ORANGE CTY ORANGE CCS~ERC !AL t FARMERS NAT BK OXNARJ PETALUMA SlfRqA NATIONAL BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK PLEASANTON RIVfRSIOE NATIONAL BANK RIVERSIDE PLACER NATIONAL BANK ROCKLIN MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK SACRAMENTO SALINAS VALLEY NATIONAL BANK BANK OF AMERICA N T AND S A SAN FRANC I sea BA~~ OF CALI FCRN I A N A SAN FRANC I sea CROCKER NHIONAL BANK SAN FRANC I sea SAN FRANC I sea WE LL S FARGO BANK .N A SAN JOSE FIRST NAT BK OF SAN JOSE SANTA BARBARA NATIONAL BANK ~ANTA BARBARA COUNTY BANK OF SANTA CRUZ SANTA CRUZ CTZ ST BK OF SANTA PAULA SANT A PAULA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA 6h63 177526 108285 713651 18212 28969 35585 32599 28051 49642 85821 43603 41056 83144 58292 23022 22561 155075 49334 2B0332 19236 24766 11898344 3559120 6683239 47984 57654 Hl435 25404 192489 141357 77264 30896 23045 321H 24055 29877 72282 36754345 1947938 8857013 10521696 42083 5 117345 224034 1800B 121 VLTCSH I/IT/79 131 1977 REQBAL 1345 2237 2247 10217 2646 3925 17530 25954 717 191 932 282 812 772 527 B35 464 1245 369 2H9 1920 2884 1529 591 457 2040 4318 971 922 2291 1290 107 525 703 5465 2131 392 1975 6B68 10980 130 781 455 722 508866 171251 61435 17941°2 102569 343121 672 1498 1064 2122 5552 18750 673 638 2555 8486 6648 1236 2140 1747 980 551 211 763 '110 1156 638 691 135 1103 1'135 2217 423717 1774835 94031 28329 120360 426489 78267 525199 18818 5830 1055 5961 Bl55 2882 429 433 141 NEW EPA 1026 5003 2245 5131 0 20 0 0 0 1156 1428 0 589 2682 734 59 0 2B95 597 3730 0 0 4990 4881 5091 426 653 4862 0 5187 4632 1195 0 0 0 0 315 675 5291 5125 4996 5042 5009 4120 4967 0 151 NEW REQBAL 161 DIF 131-151 857 2237 7BB3 3925 12921 197 932 812 835 1245 2799 2B84 591 2040 4318 2291 1290 703 5465 1975 6868 781 722 202654 80964 135195 H98 2122 10121 673 7372 6MB 2740 980 763 1156 638 1103 2217 484523 33873 160932 156830 9636 5961 1298 0 433 0 23H 0 13033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 306212 98H8 201926 0 0 8629 0 1114 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1290312 60164 265557 368369 9182 0 • •• • • •• • • •• • • • • • •• • • •• • • •• • i:o i:o Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HEH8ER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 1 I ti NAHE DSB 1206170 12061640 12061928 12061915 Of TAHOE NA Tl ONAL BANK TORRANCE NATIONAL BANK SECURITY NATIONAL BANK NATIONAL BANK OF WHITTIER TOEP LOCATION SOUTH LAKE TAHOE TORRANCE WALNUT CREEK WHITTIER 50 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 16 21 17915 22407 161218 50876 401 184 160 1042 Ill 141 NEW 1917 REQBAL EPA 468 1022 71H 1916 0 0 4960 545 ISi NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 161 OIF 131-151 468 1022 7141 1976 •• • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE -------------------------------------------1ooeoo10 10080020 10080036 10080037 10080055 10060060 10080065 100800H 10080088 1ooqo100 10080120 10080130 10080150 10080190 10080200 10080270 10080275 100002,0 10080290 10080294 10080295 I '1080305 10080350 10080354 10080360 10080362 10080380 I0080H8 10080450 10080481 10080490 10080492 10080493 10080510 tA CA CA CA 121 VL TtSH 1117/79 CTZ NAT BK OF AKRON AKRON Al A~OSA NAT I ONAL BANK ALAMOSA ARAPAHOE COLORADO NAT BANK ARAPAHOE COUNTY FIRST NAT BANK OF SOUTHGLENNARAPAHDE CCUNTY FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN ASPENASPEN FAR~E RS IIA T BK OF AULT AULT AURORA NATIONAL BANK AURORA ARAPAhDE NATIGNAL BANK BOULDER BOULDER NATIONAL BA~K BOULDER FIRST NAT BK IN BOULDER BOULDER NATIONAL STATE BANK OF BOULDER FIRH BANK ANO TRUST CO eRI GHTON FIRST IIAT SK OF BRUSII BRUSH FIRST NAT BK OF tlNON CITY CANON CITY FRE•OIIT NAT SK Of CANON CITYCANON CITY COLORAOO SPR ltlGS NATL CDLCRAOO SPRINGS EAST SK OF COLORADO SPGS NA CDLGRADO SPRINGS Exe NS OF COLORADO SPRINGS COLORADO SPRINGS f IRST NB Of CDLORAOO SPRINGSCOLORAOO SPRINGS WE NB OF COLORADO SPRINGS CDLCRADD SPRINGS Pl K ES PEAK NAT IDNAL BANK COLORADO SPRINGS flRSf NATL SANK Cf CORTEZ CORrEl AMERICAN NS OF DENVER OENVER BOULEVARD COLORADO NAT BANK DENVER CENTRAL SANK ANO TRUST CO DENVER CHERRY CREEK NATIONAL SANK DENVER COLORADO NAT BK Of OENVER DENVER FIRST NS OF BEAR VALLEY DENVER FIRST NAT BK OF OENVER OENVER METRO NATIONAL BANK DENVER NAT C l l Y BK Of DHlVER DENVER SECURITY NATIONAL BANK DENVER NORTHEAST COLO NAT BANK DENVER UII I TEO BANK OF DENVER NA DENVER --------co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co ca co ca co co co co co --------------------- -----------------16200 211H 20171 29131 23772 17152 34162 16536 35668 124930 64889 24664 H2B5 26614 29249 89778 25316 104495 lb201b 27526 18592 24833 166646 27203 HOI07 72312 469796 38456 999045 78669 55729 109't20 24191 887652 68 276 244 58] 665 102 512 344 654 1374 1016 431 122 400 320 1357 769 1911 4772 579 466 310 1129 462 5065 654 3662 1102 7260 336 458 282 267 5915 692 940 689 1166 507 5:H 1225 4ll 1095 502b 2592 713 527 850 989 352S 472 3820 5114 823 398 623 7972 691 19646 3194 21698 1019 H091 3298 2373 2892 1269 45079 0 0 0 0 0 38 0 0 0 ]466 1196 0 0 0 0 2012 0 2011 2961 0 0 0 5120 0 5202 1647 5238 0 5469 2066 969 1716 l't 5409 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 850 0 IOH6 0 12680 0 34852 0 0 0 0 31490 692 940 689 1166 507 SH 122 5 411 1095 5026 2592 713 527 850 989 3.525 H2 3620 51H 823 396 823 7122 891 9400 3194 9218 1019 14239 3296 2373 2892 1269 13589. •• • • •• •• • •• • •• • .•• • • • • •• • I-' 8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS C.OVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. l MEMBER BANKS Ill DSB NAME DENVER UNIVERSITY NAllONAl BANK DENVER WESTERN NB OF DENVER DURANGO BURNS NAT BK Of DURANGO FIRST NAT BK Of DURANGO DURANGO ENGLEWOOD CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK ENGLEWOOD FIRST NAT BK OF ENGLEWOOD REPUBLIC Nhl IONAL BANK ENGLEWOOD EVERGREEN FIRST NATIONAL BANK FORT C.OLLIN·s FIRST NATIONAL BANK U•IITED BK OF FT COLLINS NA FGR T COLLI NS FORT HORGAN FAR•ERS STATE BANK FORT HORGAN FIRST NB OF FGRT MORGA~ GLENDALE SOUTH DENVER NAT BAN~ f IRST NB OF GLENWOOD SPRINGSGLENWOOO SPRINGS GOLDEN FIRST NAT BK IN GOLDEN GRANO JUNCTICN IS T NB IN GRANO JUNCTION GRANO JUNCTION MESA UTO BK NAT ASSCO U S BANK OF GRANO JUNCTION GRANO JUNCTION GREELEY CACHE NATIONAL BANK GREELEY FIRST NAT BK OF GREELEY GREELEY GREELEY NATIONAL BANK JEFFERSON COUNTY AtA•EDA NATIONAL BANK LA JUNTA COLORAOO BANK A~O TRUST LAKEWOOD FIRST ~ESTLANO NAT BANK LAKEWOOD LAKE~OOOCO MATIONAL BANK LAMAR FIRST NAT eK OF LAMAR Ufl I TEO BANK OF LAKEWOOD NA LAKEWOOD LITTLETON LITTLETON NATIONAL BANK LONGMONT FIRST NAT BK OF LONGMONT lGNGHONT LONC'40NT NATIONAL BANK WESTLAND NATIONAL BANI<. LCNG-•ONT LOVE LANO FIRST NAT BK UI LOVELAND MONTROSE FIRST NAT BK DF MONTROSE UNITED BANK OF MCNTROSE NA MONT ROSE FIRST NAT BK OF NORTHGLENN NORTHGLENN PUEBLO FIRST NAT BK Of PUEBLO PUEBLO PEPJBLIC NB OF PUEBLO STEAMBOAT SPRINGS ROUTT COUNTY NATL BK COM'4ERCIAL SAVINGS BANK OF STEPLING STERLING FIRST NATIONAL BANK SE°CURI TY ST 8K or STERLING STERLING STRASBURG FIRST NB OF STRASBURG TRINIDAD TRINIOAO NHIONAl BANK FIRST NAT 9K IN WALSENBURG WALSENBURG 10081445 FIRST ,uT BK CF WESTMINSTER WESTMINSTER WHEATRI OGE 10081448 LAKESIDE NATIONAL BA~K 1DOB05l2 10080513 10080530 10080540 10080572 I00806JO 10080605 10080625 10090670 l00906d4 l0080700 10080710 10080 716 l00B0740 l0080750 l0080710 10.080778 10080780 10080785 10080900 10080810 lOrB0<>2 5 10081000 10081014 10081Ql7 l008I020 10081021 10081070 10081080 10061090 10081097 10081110 l0081I90 10081190 10081193 10081290 10081304 10081360 10081370 10081375 l008I380 10081390 10081420 10081428 lDEP lOCAllON co co co co co co co co co co co co co co (.0 co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co T9669 23029 18825 34603 75064 I 00750 21143 19892 14408 I 97290 40169 21668 276H 45329 60481 64819 33162 62306 22975 83403 . 92868 30745 20714 64400 33785 22003 38225 40163 55357 35137 16507 57796 37362 20424 34674 77311 27910 35052 28388 15468 46345 22042 16968 16235 1/11119 121 Vl TCSH 131 1917 REQBAl 1... , NEW EPA 756 3"88 2055 64" 409 0 327 422 592 1384 3782 4179 701 752 6857 0 80 2048 2546 U23 2516 1309 721 960 1856 2345 3147 0 0 0 6 55 1225 459 241 1218 811 H5 218 446 467 845 713 621 510 370 1215 758 456 209 620 308 250 914 65' 453 377 299 548 344 351 1333 1946 550 39T 323 142 309 139 313 179 45037 1227 70975 869 IIH 3119 610 2585 4031 944 884 32"95 1393 867 1084 1452 2493 1393 HI 2339 1406 765 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HBO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 426 845 1467 0 1507 0 1196 2688 0 0 1777 131 0 0 143 1014 97 0 951 81 0 7 22 2588 736 0 773 1471 941 168 539 1836 SH 520 512 1599 2892 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 435 0 0 0 169 1408 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 61 DIF 131-151 3488 409 592 1384 3782 4179 701 752 6857 4123 1309 7 21 960 l856 2345 3147 1145 3119 610 2585 4031 944 ee, 3295 1393 861 1084 1452 2493 1393 441 2339 1'966 7b5 722 2588 736 1471 941 539 I 836 0 842 0 0 0 0 520 512 1599 2892 • • • •• • • • • • •• • .. • • • • ...• .•• • • • • • • • • . .... .... 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEIIHR UNKS BENEFIT TO IA'IKS COVERED BY NOOIFIEO H.R. 7 Ill OSB HANE l008H49 WHEAT RIDGE NATIONAL BANK 10081410 F lR ST NAT BK QF WRAY l008H90 FARHERS STATE BK OF YUMA OF 2090100 2090135 1090522 1090525 1D9059D l090120 1090910 1091315 1091360 1091455 2091535 l09I695 2091805 1091845 Of CONNECTICUT NATIONAL BANK STATE NATIONAL BANK OF CONN AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK CONNECTICUT BK AND TRUST CO HARTFORD NAT SANK ANO n CO FIRST NB OF LITCHFIELD NEW BRITAIN NATIONAL BANK ORANGE NATIONAL BANK CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK CITIZENS NB OF SOUTHINGTON LIBERTY NATIONAL SANK VERNON NATIONAL DANK WESTPORT NATIONAL BANK NORTHERN CONN NAT BANK 5ll00l0 511D020 5110045 5 llO 100 42 36 CT HAMDEN HARTFORD HARTFORD LITCHFIELD NEW BRITAIN ORANGE PUTNAM SOU TH I NG TON STAMFORD VERNON WESTPORT WI NO SOR LOCKS 121 VLTCSH 26962 294U l9223 337 l33 l45 131 l977 REQBAL 141 NEW EPA 812 1111 770 0 l48 0 151 NEW REQBAL 0 D 0 CT CT er CT er CT er CT CT CT CT CT er 5l9240 539863 12509 770 l484706 l 534864 27279 86323 23176 20238 22057 19880 l9656 24758 38443 11381 5365 2282 9099 25289 25l7 62219 56605 804 5202 1432 16085 0 5i,74 5322 43165 35366 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9204 2511 19054 21239 804 33557 37405 593 4043 124 501 717 206 584 401 H9I 891 584 397 241 662 438 758 234 24 0 0 0 l 0 HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE DE WASHINGTON WASHINGTON WASHINGTON WASHINGTON 882 1111 8258 1118 HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE 8 161 DIF 131-151 20001 2 IIYONING BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE TDEP •• • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE BRIDGEPORT BRIDGEPORT 14 SANKS AFFECTED IN STATE AHERICAN SECURITY BANK NA BANK OF COLUHBIA NA DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA NAT BK HCLACHLEN NATIONAL BANK co co co IIHEAT RIDGE WRAY YUNA ..83 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 3lOOUO FIRST NAT SANK OF WYOMING OF LOCATION l/17/79 DC DC DC DC 206ll 973294 36413 6663ft 37509 228 16625 1735 l58~ 1119 650 52616 366 2918 1299 0 650 37845 0 0 0 14171 366 2918 1299 0 5750 0 1365 0 891 584 391 241 662 438 758 234 • • ••• • ••• • • • •• .... Q t-., Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NENBER Ul'IKS DSB IUNE 5110l15 5110130 5110140 5110160 5110110 5110190 5110195 5110205 111 TDEP LOCATION MADISON NATIONAL BANK WASHINGTON NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON NAT CAPITAL BK OF WASHINGTONWASHINGTON NA110NAL SAVINGS & TRUST CO WASHINGTON RIGGS NB OF WASH! NG TON OC WASHINGTON SECURITY NATIONAL DANK WASHINGTON UNION FIRST NB Of WASH WASHINGTON UNITED NAT BK OF .WASHINGTON WASHINGrDN 12 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE OF ,. 3 OC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC 102154 571,31,5 33901 332614 1327375 76700 446227 39216 121 VL TCSH 2216 16474 1U6 6945 2236't 1671 12602 945 131 141 1971 REQBAL EPA 5359 24501 1055 15626 74865 3542 18154 1496 NEW 3364 5565 0 4934 5221 1786 5323 68 151 NEW REQBAL 161 DIF 131-151 0 12443 0 5640 47291 0 7961 0 5359 12058 1055 9986 27574 3542 10793. 1496 • • • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO ,REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ---------6120015 6120040 6120070 6120075 6120093 ~120095 6120103 6120106 6120110 6120115 6120120 6120123 6120138 6120154 6120156 6120195 6120200 6120N6 612()210 6120210 6120211 6120232 6120240 6120241 6120275 6120276 6120295 6120297 6l203Jl 6120303 1/ll/79 BEl'IEFIJ TO BANKS COVERED BY NODIFIED H.R. 1 BARNETT BANK OF· SEMINOLE CTYALTAMONTE SPRINGS DE SOTO NAT BK OF ARCADIA ARCADIA FLOR IDA FIRST NB AT BARTOW BARTOW FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TR CD BELLEAIR BLUFFS BOCA RATON NAT BANK BOCA RATON FIRST one OF BOCA RATON NA BOCA RATON FIRST NB OF BONITA SPRINGS BONITA SPRINGS FLGSHP I ST NB OF BYNTN BCH BCYNTON ELLIS FIRST NATIONAL BANK 6RAOENTON INrER CITY NATIONAL BANK BRADENTON SOUIHEAST N B OF BRADENTON BRADENTON BARNETT BANK CF BRANDON NA 8RANOON FIRST NATIONAL BANK BROOKSVILLE IIATIONAL BANK OF CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FIRST NB OF CAPE CANAVERAL CAPE CANAVERAL BAR~ETT BANK Of CLEAWATER NACLEARWATER FIRST NAT BK OF CLEARWATER CLEARWATER SECOND NB OF CLEARWATER CLEARWATER EXCHANGE NS OF LAKE COUNTY CLER~ONT BARNETT BANK OF COCOA 1,1 A COCOA SUN BANK OF CCCOA NA COCOA UIIIIED NATIONAL BANK COCOA BEACH FLGSHP I ST NB Of CORAL GBLESCORAL GABLES CAR nBEAN NATIONAL BANK CORAL GABL ES FIRST NAT BK OF CRESTVIEW CRESTVIEW CTZ 1ST NB OF CRYSTAL RIVER CRYSTAL RIVER ELLIS FIRST NB OF DADE CITY DALE CITY DIXIE NAT BK OF DADE COUNTY DADE COUNTY ATLANTIC NAT BANK OF DAVIE DAVIE FIRST NATIQNAL BANK OF OAVIEOAVIE --------------Fl FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL __Fl FL Fl Fl Fl fl FL FL FL Fl FL Fl FL FL Fl FL FL FL FL Fl FL 2886't 23732 2't30't 63062 104846 136795 23190 42037 107523 I 02159 80152 25117 H947 27302 22367 62401 127805 25632 23918 63363 43176 24101 186430 27309 20213 17973 20619 34773 19106 31263 53.r, 585 616 638 1449 2359 408 412 845 1924 1074 444 935 187 389 1063 110~ 648 297 1398 909 503 3861 408 363 851 337 00 288 513 763 487 580 0 0 0 2061 471 4411 2833' 2703 0 92 3415 847 1800 0 0 4840 656 UIS 5-261 2441 3589 85~ 601 IOI~ 730 2091 5757 522 752 2140 963 736 8227 1526 521 0 570 2051 549 1230 119 0 657 3573 0 0 668 0 0 509b 188 0 0 0 630 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 515 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 763 487 580 2061 4411 4840 656 1315 5261 2441 3589 854 601 IOI~ 730 2091 5757 522 752 2140 963 736 1112 1526 521 0 570 2051 549 1230 •• •• •• •• .•• •• • •• ••• • •• • .... 2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 1 MEMBER BANKS DS8 6120310 6I203H 6120360 6120315 61203~0 6.120192 6120393 6120399 6120425 612000 612002 6120440 6120454 6120455 6120459 6120460 6120471 6120473 6120487 6120491 6120510 6120562 6120564 6120572 61205H 6120592 6120598 6120589 6120590 6120595 6120600 6120612 6120620 6120630 6120640 6120644 6120646 6120650 6120653 6120692 6120705 6120110 6120720 6120165 6120780 6120802 NAME Ill TDEP LOCATION ATLANTIC FIRST NB OF DA YT ONA BEACH PAM AH BK OF VOLUSIA CTY N ADEBARY BARNETT BANK OF DELAND N A DE LAND BARNETT BK OF DELRAY SCH NA DELRAY BEACH SUN FIPST NB OF DELRAY BCH DELRAY BEACH SOU THE AST NB OF DUNEDIN DUrlEDIN SUN FIRST NB CF DUNEDIN DUNEDIN FIRSI NAT BANK & TRUST EUSTIS AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK & TR FORT LAUDERDALE CENTURY NAT eK CF BROWARD FORT LAUOERDAL E CENTURY tlB ·of CORAL· RIDGE FORT LAUDERDALE LAN~HARK 1ST NB IN FORT LAUDERDALE EAST FIRST NATIONAL BANK FORT HYERS BARNETT BK OF FT HY~RS NA FORT HYERS FIRST CHRCL BK OF FORT HYERSFORT HYERS FIRST NAT BK IN FORT HYERS FORT MYERS BEACH FIRST NATIONAL BANK FORT MYERS BEACH FIP.ST NB OF FCRT PIERCE FORT Pl ERCE FIRST NB OF OKALOOSA COUNTY FORT WALTON BEACH ATLNTC 1ST NB OF GAINESVILLEGAINESVILLE FLORIDA NB AT GONESVILLE GA I NESV ILLE FIRST NAT BK OF HALLANDALE HALLANDALE CITY NAT BK Of HALLANDALE HALLANDALE 1ST AM NB OF HERNANDO CTY HERNANDO CTY FIRST NB Of GREATER MUHi HIALEAH BANK OF HOLIDAY HOLIDAY ATLANTIC NB OF W HOLLYWOOD HCLLYWOCD ATLANTIC NB Of HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD FIRST NAT BK OF HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOCD EXCHANGE NB OF PASCO CTY HOLIDAY FIRST NAT BK OF HOMESTEAD HOMESTEAD CITZNS 1ST NAT BK CITRUS CTYINVERNESS AHER ICAN NB OF JACKSONVILLE JACKSONVILLE ATLANTIC NB OF JACKSONVILLE JACKSONVILLE BAR~ETT BK OF JACKSONVLLE NAJACKSONVILLE FLORIDA NAT BK AT ARLINGTON JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA NAT BANK AT LAKE SHOJACKSONVILLE FLA FIRST NB OF JACKSONVILLEJACKSONVILLE JACKSONVILLE NATIONAL BANK JACKSONVILLE SOUIHEAST FIRST NU BCH BK JACKSONVILLE BCH ELLIS FIRST NB AT JAY JAY FLORIDA FIRST NATIONAL BANK KEY WEST FIRST NAT BK Of KISSIMMEE KISSl~~EE FIRST NB Of LAKELAND LAKELAND FLORIDA NAT BK AT LAKELAND LAKELAND SUN FIRST NB OF·LAKE WALES LAKE WALES O FL FL FL Fl FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL fl FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL 1/17/19 121 VLTCSH 131 1917 REQBAL 141 NEW 422 411 2922 2695 2965 0 0 1530 1305 1362 0 697 0 3642 5082 2"16 5239 0 2037 0 2769 0 0 0 1220 0 .190 l335 0 2616 0 393 20 68515 18241 2313 72738 53262 100489 52518 403 390 2615 1495 8898T IBTO 238T 30731 139040 252051 92430 434279 18221 95993 IBBB 180429 33000 30840 58919 78242 30016 304H 68462 18134 119338 33878 69426 30153 106667 19359 40986 34055 89042 298551 263382 2069 21820 28365D 100922 31964 18693 34606 28694 51980 41760 35635 290 2711 5779 1029 12665 314 1793 306 3831 1189 348 478 885 1711 2099 131 308 746 258 2126 421 1633 330 1001 351 1073 548 1172 072 3241 696 1408 4041 330 361 138 916 761 794 906 638 849 5111 8863 4081 l6H3 519 3186 507 4130 1~5 1007 968 2989 1197 1426 2899 HZ 4621 339 17-C8 1004 5584 429 1251 956 3125 10944 12551 422 0 10586 5266 1602 692 1015 947 1129 1411 987 EPA 3886 0 29 0 1755 5080 5235 0 0 5319 3490 278 0 D 0 351 94 0 151 NEIi REQ8AL 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·o 0 0 931 0 5918 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2570 4005 0 0 2837 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 OIF 131-151 422 411 2922 2695 2965 849 2387 1189 5111 7932 4081 10525 519 3186 507 H30 1085 1007 968 2989 1197 1426 2899 H2 4621 839 1708 1004 5584 429 1251 9~6 3125 8374 8546 422 0 7749 5056 1602 692 1015 947 1729 1411 987 •• • • • • • •• •• •• •• •• • •• • • • ••• • •• • ....0 ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HODIF IED H.R. 1 HE•BER BANKS DSB 6120805 6120810 6120818 6120819 6120820 6120821 6120840 6120849 6120865 6120874 6120876 6120881 6120892 6120801 tl20900 6120902 6120903 6120006 61209,J9 6l20'H5 6120927 6120029 6120<)32 6l20<H 7 6120950 6l20G68 til 20976 6120917 6I209H 6120988 6120001 6120999 6121010 6121015 6121025 6121030 6121050 6121066 6121067 6121068 6l2107't 6121015 6121092 6121093 6121094 6121095 NAME 111 TDEP LOCATION FIRST AM BK OF LAKE WORTH NALAKE WORTH IS T HRNE NB t Tt OF LK WORTHLAKE WORTH CITIZENS NAT BK OF LEESBURG LEESBURG EXCHANGE NB OF LEE COUNTY LEE COUNTY SUN f IRST NB OF LEESBURG LEESBURG CITY NB Of LAUDERHILL LAUDERHILL FIRST NAT BK Of LIVE OAK LIVE OAK MELBOURNE SUN FIRST NB OF MELBOURNE MA I TL AND SE FIRST NB OF MAITLAND WESTSIDE NB OF MANATEE CTY MANA TEE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK OF COLLIER CTYMARCO ISLAND FL CST BK OF CORAL SPGS NA MARGATE tlOBE SOUND NATIONAL SANK HARTIN COUNTY LANDMARK BK OF MELBOURNE NA l'ELBOURNE FLAGSHIP BK OF MELBOURNE NA MELBOURNE MIAH! BCULEVARD NAT BK Of MIAMI FIRST NATIONAL BK Of 8REVARDMERRITT ISLAND CITV NATIONAL BANK OF HIAHI MIAMI CfNTRAL NAT BK OF MIAMI MIAMI MIAMI BARNETT BANK OF MIAMI NA CONJ HlENTAL NAT BK OF HJAHJ MIAMI OAOELMIO NATIONAL BANK MIAMI FIRST STATE BANK. OF !1UP'll l'!lAMI fLAGSttlP US OF MIAMI "IAMI MIAMI FLORIDA NAT BANI( OF HIAMl HI A~I NAl IOt~AL BANK Ml ~HI PEOPLES OCWNTOWN NAT BANK M1AM I ROYAL TRUST BK OF MIAMI NA MIAMI MIAH! REPUBLIC NAT BAMK Of MIAH! SOUTHEAST 1ST NB OF MIAMI MIAH! MIAMI CO~Al OF BANK '4AT SOUTHEAST JEFFERSON NB OF HI AHi BEACH MIAMI BEACH FLAGSHIP 1ST No Of ~I AHi BCHHIAMI BEACH PEOPLES FIRST NATIONAL BANK HIAHI SHGRES SOtJit1EAST FIRST N 8 OF HIAHIHIA~I SPRINGS CENTURY NAT BK OF SA~TA ROSAHILTON FIRST NU BK OF MOUNT DORA MOUNT DORA NAPLES CITIZE~S NATIONAL BANK SOUTHEAST NAT BK OF NAPLES NAPLES NAPLES FIRST NAT BANK & TRUST CO NOPTH FJFl.'H BANK NORTH FORT HYERS ELLIS 1ST NB OF NEW PT RCHEYNEW PORT RICHEY NORTH MIAMI PEOPLES AMERICAN NAT BANK SECOND NAT PK OF NORTH MIAHINORTH MIAMI PEOPLES FIRST NATIONAL BANK NORTH KIAH! BEACH SECOND NAT BK OF N HIAHI BCHN MIAMI BEACH 1111119 121 VLTCSH 131 1911 REQBAL fl 16528 651 2904 Fl 101001 53065 61822 74725 29108 35232 44178 55218 48816 29137 34228 16556 29824 45957 65852 39705 344499 35656 263160 25706 35771 128356 101500 212465 76562 35507 117676 150424 1409703 708H 82724 215043 47573 86644 23024 29250 53962 1138 3551 1924 1183 2232 Fl FL FL FL Fl FL fl fl FL FL fl fl fl FL FL FL FL FL fl fl fl fl FL FL fl FL rL FL fl FL fl FL fl Fl FL Fl fl FL fl FL FL fl FL fl 36686 94358 15032 94974 30758 59358 20733 32096 509 915 1594 1168 949 906 442 457 661 542 200 497 1119 585 448 8325 610 4038 416 1218 3018 2217 3046 506 824 1385 2473 485 503 1444 2375 1991 954 1491 518 940 1404 3093 1267 14666 1331 12165 985 1263 4206 5036 7789 3784 1493 5056 6425- 10940 12513 911 3219 729 2497 608 955 1103 257 461 495 1086 299 4101 1747 531 1296 317 Hi 8961 2189 5658 39 1095 2035 1308 4114 318 2170 1271 2715 910 1413 HI NEW EPA lHO llH 748 285 854 0 0 125 967 629 D 263 0 0 0 1644 76 5318 22 5075 0 0 2512 2833 5933 2378 192 3439 4672 5246 1887 2854 4885 1022 3590 0 61 673 44 2311 0 827 62 1238 0 136 151 NEW RfQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5Ul 0 3918 0 0 0 0 376 0 0 0 0 53202 0 0 1225 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 2904 3551 1924 1183 2232 485 503 14H 2375 1991 954 1491 518 940 1404 3093 1267 9205 1331 8247 985 1263 4206 5036 7413 3784 1493 5056 •• • •• • ••• •• • •• • • • • •• 6425 19371 3219 4707 7736 2189 5658 39 l095 2035 1308 4114 378 2170 1271 2715 910 1413 • • •• •• • •• • • • ~ 0 CJi Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. l HEH3ER BANKS DSB 6121087 6121091 6121093 6121100 6121112 6121140 6121142 6121147 6121150 6121153 6121163 61Zll18 61Zll80 612 1182 61Zll87 -6121190 6121203 61Zl210 6121215 6121230 6121255 6121270 6121275 6121279 6121261 61212qo 6121316 6121321 6121341 6\2IH2 6121346 6121350 6121356 6121360 6121366 6121370 6121378 6121396 6121397 61214]2 61214J6 6I214H 61214QS 6121413 6121415 6121421 NAME LOCATION COUNTY NB OF N HIAHI BEACH NORTH HUH! BEACH OCALA BARNETT BANK OF OCALA NA PAN AMERICAN BK OF BROWARD OAKLAND PARK FLORIDA FIRST NATIONAL BANK OCALA OCALA SUN SANK OF OCALA ORLANDO SUN FIRST NB OF ORLANDO ORLANDO PAN AH SANK Of ORLANDO NA SOUTHEAST NAT BK OF ORLANDO ORLANDO ORLANDO FLORIDA NAT BK Of ORLANDO FLGSHP I ST NB Of OR~ONO BCH ORMOND BEACH ATL ANT IC NAT BK Of PALATKA PALATKA PALM BEACH ROYAL TR 6K Of PALM SCH NA FIRST NAT BK IN PALM BEACH PALM BEACH FIRST NB Of PALM BCH GAROENSPALH SCH GARDENS. PALM SPRINGS FIRSI MARINE NAT BK BAY NATIONAL BANK ANO TRUST PANAMA CITY PANA HA CITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK PENSACOLA CITllENS t PEOPLES NAT BK CEIITURY NAf BK OF PENSACOLA PENSACOLA FLO~IOA FIRST NAHONAL SANK PENSACOLA PLANT CI TY FIRST NAT 5K IN PLANT CITY PO~PANO BEACH FIDELITY NATIONAL BANK POMPANO BEACH f IP ST NB OF BROWARD COUNTY PORT ORANGE HALIFAX NATIONAL BANK BARSETT SANK OF PT CHARLOTTEPORT CHARLOTTE FISST NATIONAL BANK PUNT A GORDA FIRST NATIONAL BANK t TRUST RIVIERA BEACH BARNETT BANK OF ST AUGUSTINE ST AUGUSTINE BARNETT BK Of. ST PETERSBURG ST PETERSBURG ST PETERSBURG BK Of Fl IN ST PETERSBURG ELLIS NAT SK Of ST PETRSBURGST PETERSBURG CENfURY 151 NS IN ST PTRSBRGST PETERSBURG FLAGSHIP BK Of ST PETES NA ST. PETERSBURG FLORIDA NB AT ST PETERSBURG ST PElERS6URG ST PETERSBURG NAT BANK OF ST PETERSBURG LND•~K Ul8 Of sr PTRSSG NA ST PETERSBURG ATLANTIC NU SK Of SANFORD S ANFORO SARASOTA COUNTY NATIONAL BANK GULF GATE SARASOTA ,rA Tl ONAL BANK Of SARASOTA SE BANK Of VIL LAGE PLAZA NA SARASOTA COUNTY SARASOTA SE BANK OF SIESTA KEY SARASOTA S E FIRST 1-1B OF SARASOTA SARASOTA POPULAR BK Of SARASOTA NA SE FIRSf N5 OF SATELLITE 8CHSATELLITE BEACH SEBRING FIRST NATIONAL SANK SEMINOLE COUNTY SUN SANK Of SEH Hll)l E NA Fl Fl FL fl Fl fl Fl FL Fl Fl Fl fl Fl fl Fl Fl Fl Fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl FL Fl fl fl fl FL fl Fl fl Fl fl fl Fl fl FL Fl Fl FL fl llll/19 111 IZI TDEP VLTCSH 131 1911 REQBAL 49759 1060 77312 21161 31770 927H 477276 80654 332H 69435 62471 42546 30039 192 786 16521 25798 58425 22171 52731 35794 66214 34260 20770 201085 18855 21203 56092 86479 39443 53286 19076 46293 175234 87144 103348 58104 330216 37344. 65830 72874 22405 25977 97467 17656 22955 35826 31284 896 2375 3170 491 121 867 697 1580 12336 1104 3845 16730 564 1357 51,9 887 505 2163 308 723 1583 564 1060 568 3267 571 363 4041 559 340 840 912 990 870 535 496 4270 1601 3819 1152 1412 820 1173 1631 426 276 1610 327 543 297 1022 3554 983 2507 2401 1386 H3 10129 460 529 1736 386 2496 1283 824 'HI 879 8050 318 597 2153 3688 1141 1667 316 1529 3318 3057 1175 1856 7356 1091 1746 2461 560 903 31H 371 729 1217 517 141 HEio EPA 771 1479 D 0 2035 5195 1921 0 11'10 892 27 0 5101 0 0 337 0 892 0 0 0 Q 4946 0 0 5H 2108 0 254 0 203 1031 1241 72 420 4962 0 285 732 0 0 1345 0 0 55 0 151 NEW AEQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 6199 0 0 0 0 0 0 2421 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 253 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (61 Dlf 131-151 2375 3170 727 697 3845 10531 3554 983 2507 2401 1386 743 7708 460 529 1736 386 2496 1283 824 931 879 7797 318 591 2153 3688 1141 1667 316 1529 3318 3057 1175 1856 7356 1091 1746 2461 560 903 3131 371 729 1217 517 • •• • •• •• • • • • • •• • .... • ~ • • •• • ••• • • •• • •• • •• • . MEMBER BANKS 1/17179 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 0 ~ NAME DSB 0 __, ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6121424 FIDELITY NB OF SOUTH HIAHI 6121425 6121426 61214'0 6121442 6121448 6121450 6121455 6121469 6121410 6121476 6121479 61214d0 6121490 6121492 612IS02 6121520 6121525 6121530 6121541 6121542 6121555 6121556 bl2159.5 6I215.S 6121620 6121626 61216]0 6l2l665 6121670 6121686 6121690 6121693 6121698 6121704 Of 111 TDEP LOCATION SOUTH HIAHI FIRST NAT BK OF SOUTH MIAMI SOUTH MIAMI SE N9 OF ST PETERSBURG SOUTH PASADENA FIRST NAT BANK t TRUST CO STUART STUART NATIONAL BANK STUART JEFFERSON NB AT SUNNY I SL ES SUNNY ISLES CAP CY 1ST NB OF TALLAHASSEETALLAHASSEE I NOUS T• I AL NATIONAL BANK TALLAHASSEE BARNETT BA,JK OF TAMPA NA TAMPA BROADWAY NlT BANK Of TAMPA TAMPA COLU,BIA BANK OF TAMPA T AHPA ELLIS NATIONAL BK OF TAMPA TAMPA EXCHANGE NAT 81\NK OF TAMPA TAMPA f IR51 NATIONAL BK OF FLORIOATAMPA TAMPA FLAGSHIP BANK OF TAMPA METROPOLITAN BAN~ t. TR CO TAMPA PAN AMERICAN BK Of TAMPA NA TA"1PA SECONO NAT BK OF TAMPA TAMPA ELLIS FIRST NB IN TARPON SPGTARPON SPRINGS FIRST NAT BANK Of THE UPPER TAVERNIER 1ST ~RNE NBLTC JUPITER TEQUESTA FLGSHP 1ST NB OF TITUSVILLE TITUSVILLE FLORIDA NAT BK AT TITUSVILLETITUSVILLE FIRST N4 T IONA,L BANK VEN ICE FLORIDA FIRST NB AT VERO BCHVERO BEACH ATLANTIC NB OF WEST PALM 8CHWEST PALM BEACH FLAGLER NB OF THE PALM BCHS WEST PALM BEACH FIRST NB OF PALM BEACH CTY WEST PALM BEACH SUN 9ANK OF WILTO~ MANORS NAWILTON MANORS FIRST NB OF WINTER GARJEN WINTER GAROtN BAR'JETT BK OF E POLK CTY NA WINTER HAVEN EXCHANGE NB OF WINTER HAVEN WINTER HAVEN WINTER HAVEN FIRST NB OF WINTER HAVEN Ba,lETT BK OF ORLNOO/W PK NA WINTER PARK WINTER PARK WINTER PARK NATIONAL BANK 203 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 83 I 02 Fl Fl FL Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl FL Fl Fl Fl Fl FL Fl FL FL fl FL FL fl FL Fl FL FL FL FL Fl FL FL fl FL 39267 118597 76958 28950 94265 19222 46804 43117 29083 28999 281244 394193 115315 121569 61019 55467 54707 25442 53883 34508 20995 91075 32608 71985 21347 23292 52566 23844 68076 98035 21846 163580 17425 131 1977 REQBAL 10 NEW EPA 982 0 977 3403 462 1396 1442 H51 1938 92 2529 832 2744 1213 3129 438 249 H5 1482 476 164 864 562 689 1366 564 967 10601 9462 3033 5363 15-91 4697 10193 2142 899 1285 845 320 389 730 HO 403 966 1479 3522 258 810 1041 278 1183 1528 421 3160 305 614 151 NEW REQBAL 161 OIF 131-151 982 0 0 3403 0 1442 0 4351 1338 0 2744 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1213 3129 438 864 1306 1637 0 0 211 0 0 5602 5033 1377 2744 169 0 2939 1956 531 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2149 1748 765 689 890 2326 1480 636 3317 206 1328 763 400 1998 879 2440 3280 510 5476 501 0 855 226 0 h89 0 0 0 0 653 0 756 1783 0 3H6 0 614 967 7863 9293 3033 3407 1591 2149 1148 890 2326 1480 636 3317 206 1328 763 400 1998 819 2440 3280 510 5416 501 •• • • ••• •• • • .... •• ~ • ••• •• • • •• • • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE ---------------------------------------------------6130105 FIRST NATIONAL BK OF ALBANY ALBANY ATHENS 6130210 F IP ST NAT BANK OF ATHENS 6130240 CITIZENS TRUST BANK ATLANTA 25964 69461 121 Vl TCSH -------------------------------------------------- GA 32612 GA GA 64023 3H57 680 1002 543 1015 0 3190 1648 1503 333 0 0 0 1015 3190 160 ••• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MOOIFIEO H.R. 1 MEMBER BANKS DSB 6130257 6130260 6130270 6130290 6130330 6130335 6130340 6130390 6130410 6130550 6130560 6l30t.50 6130715 6130720 6130730 6130740 6130900 6130910 6130950 6131040 6131120 6131140 6131400 6131470 6!31560 6131510 6131650 6131645 6131950 6131%0 6132040 6132110 6132125 6132180 6132310 6132360 6132420 6132565 6132720 6132730 6132810 6132870 6132892 6132936 6133170 6133280 NAME 111 TDEP LOCATION ATLANTA FIRST GEORGI A BANK ATLANTA FIRST NAT BANK OF ATLANTA FULTON NAT BK OF ATLANTA ATLANTA tlA Tl ONAL BANK OF GA ATLANTA TPUST COMPANY BANK ATLANTA AUGUSTA FIRST NB&TR CO OF AUGUSTA AUGUSTA GEORGIA RAILROAD BK&TR CO BAINBRIDGE FIR ST ST NB Of BAINBRIDGE BARNESVILLE FIRST NB OF BARNESVILLE A/1 NAT BK OF BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK FIRST NAT BK OF BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK ClLHOUN FIRST NATIO~AL BANK CALHOUN S GECRGIA NB OF CARROLLTON CARROLL TON FIRST NB OF CARTERSVILLE CAPTERSVILLE C011SERC I Al NATIONAL BANK CEDARTOWN FIRST NAT BK OF POLK COUNTY CEDARTOWN COLUMBUS FIRST NAT BK OF COLUMBUS NB & TR CO Of COLUMBUS GA COLUMBUS FIRST NAT BANK CF COMMERCE CCHMERCE FIRST NB OF HABEkSHA/1 CTY CORNELi A FIRST NAT BK OF PAULO I NG CTYOALLAS FIRST NAT BK OF DALTON DALTON FIRST NAT BK IN ELBERTON El8E~TON NAT BK OF FITZGERALD FITZGERALD FIRST NB OF GAINESVILLE GA IUESV ILLE GAINESVILLE GAINESVILLE NATIONAL BANK GR I FF IN FIRST NAT BANK Of GRIFFIN FIRST NAT BANK OF WAYNE CTY JESUP BRA.~rn BANKING CO'1PANY LAWRENCEVILLE FIRST NB OF GWINNETT COUNTY LAWRENCEVILLE FIRST NAT BANK OF LOUISVILLELOUISVILLE FIRST NAT gK ANO TR CO MACON FIRST NAT OK OF HCOOtWUGH MC OONOUGH FIRST NAT BANK OF COBB CTY HARi ETTA NATIONAL BANK OF WALTON CTY MONROE MOULTRIE NATIONAL BANK MOULTRIE FIRST NAT RK OF N/'WNAN NEWNAN FIRST NAT BK OF HCUSTON CTY PERRY FIRST NAf BK OF ROHE ROHE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF ROHE ROHE Cl Tl ZENS & SOUTHERN NAT BK SAVANNAH SAVANNAH SAVANNAH BANK ANO TR CO TR CO GA BK SAVANNAH NA SAVANNAH TRUST CO BANK OF COBB CTY NASHYRNA 'f I RST NAT BANK Of THOMSON THOMSON FIRST NAT BANK Of VALDOSTA VALDOSTA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA 91867 l373095 582850 310733 926168 83642 278543 21708 19839 67504 68187 54155 21526 H287 24076 21321 146964 75330 21753 35212 l6765 82754 26738 18976 100714 64642 35745 18316 25864 55176 17979 136720 28148 112636 29307 41614 34085 18540 66877 80913 2009940 208650 10154 7 25232 26793 37306 1111/19 121 VLTCSH 794 15690 7854 3479 8019 2430 6488 372 338 1383 l B94 465 625 691 772 411 3030 2486 268 463 302 1441 495 329 1252 1682 778 424 429 541 281 H27 335 3504 409 418 409 511 1451 2410 27929 5138 1990 593 393 712 131 1911 REQBAL 5680 796H 28888 15671 50785 2430 8644 689 548 2400 1844 2389 566 1691 392 705 5361 1817 840 1054 407 3745 778 b62 •038 1369 869 359 736 2026 604 3993 1034 3884 989 2110 1342 520 2165 2090 101110 6~37 4232 590 847 965 141 NEW EPA 3893 5262 5222 4857 5214 909 5183 0 0 869 501 869 0 •59 0 0 3518 193 0 0 0 1868 0 0 2H7 2U 0 0 0 619 0 2002 0 1342 0 711 13 0 577 491 5204 4872 2228 0 0 0 151 NEW REQBAL 0 50645 16597 6377 33546 0 1061 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62541 0 0 0 0 0 161 Dlf 131-151 5680 29029 12291 9294 17239 2430 1577 689 548 2400 1844 2389 566 1691 392 705 5361 l 817 840 1054 407 3745 778 662 4038 1369 869 359 736 2026 604 3993 1034 3884 989 2110 1342 520 2165 2090 38569 6637 4232 59Q 847 965 • • • • •• • •• •• • • •• • • • ••• • • •• • • • •• • 1--' 0 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BANKS DSB NAME 6l3Ul5 6133390 613l390 6133410 OF FIRST NAT BK £ TR CO FIRST NAT BANK IN WAYCROSS BAl'IK OF WAYNESBORO FIRST NAT BK OF WEST POINT LOCATION VIDALIA WAYCROSS WAYNESBORO WEST POINT 53 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 25 22 12150032 BANK OF HONOLULU-NA 12150067 HAWAII NATIONAL BANK OF 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO 84NKS COVERED BY HOOi F IEO H.R. 7 GA GA GA GA HI HI l 1 IZI YLTCSH 1830 2"756 23790 30368 379 419 393 559 131 1977 REQBAL 504 940 698 1123 141 NEW EPA 151 NEIi REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 ·O 504 940 698 1123 0 0 757 2460 1921 0 23585 32007 0 0 0 0 9378 764 12372 15757 701 920 3515 1677 •• •. HAYE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAYE NO REQUAED RESERVE BALANCE HONOLULU HONOLULU 2 BANKS AFFECT ED IN STATE 111 TDEP 2"728 106783 368 3332 757 2460 0 812 • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUAED RESERVE BALANCE ~ 12160040 12160045 12160060 12160070 12160100 12160210 12160430 12I6DH0 OF BANK OF I0AHC N A BOISE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OF IDBDI SE FIRST SEC BK OF I0AH0 NA BOISE IDAH0 f IRST NATIONAL BANK BOISE FARMERS NATL BK DF BUHL BUHL IDAHO STATE BANK GLENNS FERRY TWIN FALLS 8A~K AND TR CO TWIN FALLS FIRST NB OF NORTH IDAH0 WALLACE 8 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 3 2 ID ID ID ID ID ID 10 ID 382212 30043 876708 1151651 1947 l 28187 78546 41567 5B2't 615 8369 9673 182 355 1049 501 11305 764 35957 53764 701 920 3515 1677 50B1 0 4973 5003 0 0 1884 348 0 • •. . • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT DR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAYE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE -------------8170050 7170060 7170120 8170130 8170150 7170170 8170190 7110220 CITIZENS NAT BK DF ALBION NATIONAL BANK OF ALEDO FAR~ERS STATE UNK Of ALPHA FIRST NAT BK IN ALTAH0NT FIRST NAT BK AND· TR CO FIRST NAT BK IN AMBOY AN~A NATIONAL BANK FIRST NAT BANK OF ANTIOCH ALBION ALEDO ALPHA ALTAHONT ALTON AMBOY ANNA ANTIOCH IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL 337"7 45931 14881 23170 73867 1553" 24383 35423 255 167 103 156 732 252 366 529 1237 1712 4U 735 3052 406 132 776 0 343 0 42 1448 0 0 HO 0 O· 0 0 0 0 0 0 1237 1712 46't 735 3052 't06 732 776 •• • . • • •• (0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BANKS BEIIEF IT TO BANKS COVERED BY '1001 F IE0 H.R. 1 Ill DSB 7170240 7170?88 Tl103I0 7170450 71T0460 Tl 70410 71104 75 7110510 7170570 Tl70580 8110635 8170650 7170666 Tl70130 7170133 •7110110 7170800 11708\ 0 7170820 8170850 s11oeqo 8 IT0900 1110n a 7170968 7171100 8171120 Bl71130 8171\40 8171170 Bl7ll80 Bl71I90 8171220 1171270 81 71293 8171310 7171333 7171340 7171360 7171390 7171395 7171405 ,171430 B 171440 Tl71471 7111490 7171491 NAME FIRST NAT BANK OF ARCOLA LOCATION ARCOLA FIRST ARLINGTON NAT BK ARLINGTON HEIGHTS STATE BANK OF ARTHUR ARTHUR AURO•A ~ATIONAL BANK AURORA MERCHANTS NAT BK OF AURORA AURORA OLU SECOND NB OF AURORA AURORA AURORA VALLEY NlT I ONAL BMJK BARRINGTON 1ST NB & TR OF BARRINGTON FIRST N8 OF BATAVIA BATAVIA FIRST NB OF BEARDSTOWN BEAR0STCWN BELLEVILLE NAT SVGS BK BELLEVILLE FIRST NAT BK Of BELLEVILLE BELLEVILLE BELVIDERE NAT BK & TRUST CO BELVIDERE BER.iYN NATIONAL BANK BERWYN C0MSER ICAL NO OF BER WY~ BERWYN A~rnlCA~ STATE BANK BLOOM I NG TON NATIONAL BANK OF BLOOMINGTONBL0O•INGTON PEOPLES BANK OF BLOOMINGTON BLOOMINGTON FIRST NB OF BLUE ISLAND BLUE I SL AND SANK Of BLUFFS BLUFFS STATE PAN~ Of BREESE BREESE FIRST NAT BK OF BRIDGEPORT BRIDGEPORT FIRST NAT BK OF BROOKFIELD BROOKFIELD BUFFALO GROVE NATIONAL BANK BUFFALO GROVE NA Tl 0NAL BANK OF CANTON CANTON FIRST NB t TR CO CARBONDALE CARLINVILLE NATlmlAL BANK CARLINVILLE FARSERS ANO MERCHANTS NAT BKCARLINVILLE FIRST NAT BK IN CARLYLE CARLYLE FIRST NAT BK OF CARMI CARMI NATIONAL BANK Of CARMI CARHI GREENE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK CARROLLTON CASEY NATIONAL BANK CASEY FIRST NATIONAL BA~K & TR co CENTRALIA OLD NAT BK OF CENTRALIA CENTRAL IA AMERICAN NB Of CHAMPAIGN CHAMPAIGN CHAMPAIGN NATIONAL BANK CHAMPAIGN FIRST NAT BK IN CHAMPAIGN CHAMPAIGN CHA~LESTON NATIONAL DANK CHARLESTON COLES COUNTY NAT BANK CHARLESTON NATIONAL BANK OF CHENOA CHENOA BUENA VI STA NB OF CHESTER CHESTER FIRST NAT BK IN CHESTER CHESTER ALBANY BANK & TRUST CO NA CHICAGO AMERICAN NAT BANK ANO TRUST CHICAGO ARCHER NATIONAL BANK CHICAGO TOEP 1/17/19 121 VL TCSH 131 1911 REOBAL IL ZZ5l9 177 771 IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL 81726 Z79Z6 75260 98281 9B74l I 1402 120478 25996 20802 118938 148760 48554 37479 10721 44678 65415 61399 111617 15668 16977 16332 16534 14731 56270 41544 35656 29901 29305 29267 23750 19176 21152 56869 60738 35544 103200 84976 53588 17060 18806 26456 23504 109713 1127520 29113 828 lH 2T~9 LOH 1223 1309 1298 666 1181 382 349 1356 1562 638 1146 2514 3419 4040 108 042 759 '80 894 709 536 1380 1581 80 162 367 199 363 772 674 190 325 320 270 • 135 174 Bl 766 695 1131 2453 1497 357 192 168 184 308 870 14596 765 4580 6021 1378 385 2297 1671 2843 1953 3282 553 490 348 494 232 1602 1367 IHI 957 845 1115 798 647 825 1730 2197 623 2988 2742 2269 521 599 960 669 3965 70180 586 l•I NEW EPA 0 150T H 1212 2215 2300 0 3180 0 0 3298 4231 275 0 1023 262 1301 616 1435 0 0 0. 0 0 207 15 135 3 0 0 88 0 20 482 1051 0 1590 1331 857 0 0 51 0 2452 5602 0 151 IIEW REOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 267 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 409 0045 0 161 0IF 131-151 171 2199 1043 25H 3479 4040 108 042 759 480 4580 5754 1378 385 2291 1671 28H 1953 3282 553 490 348 494 232 1602 1367 1441 957 845 1115 798 647 825 1730 2l97 623 2988 2742 2209 521 599 960 669 3556 22735 586 • •• • • • •• • • .•• • • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • ....0.... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 MEMBER BANKS Ill DSB 717H9B 7171505 7171520 711\545 7171553 7171555 ll715b0 7171570 111I5qo 7171590 7171600 7171610 7171t.25 7171628 7171630 7171650 711\690 711\ 700 7171710 7171740 7111761 7111170 7171180 7171790 7171825 7171828 7171830 7111860 711\890 1171898 7171900 711\910 1111no 7171930 7171932 7171933 71 71900 7171965 7112000 ll 120)0 7112010 71720'5 7172060 7172080 Tl 72090 7172100 NAME TDEP LOCATION BANK OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY CHICAGO BELMONT NAT BK OF CHICAGO CHICAGO CENrRAL NAT BK IN CHICAGO CHICAGO Cl TIZENS NAT BK OF CHICAGO CHICAGO COLUMBIA NH BK OF CHICAGO CHICAGO CHI UGO COH-ERC IAL NB Of CHICAGO CNrNENTL IL NStTC OF CHICAGOCHICAGO COS.SOPOLITAN NS Of CHICAGO CHICAGO DEVON BANK CHICAGO OISTRICT NAT BK Of CHICAGO CHICAGO DREXEL NATL SANK CHICAGO DROVERS NAT BK OF CHIUGO CHICAGO EXCHANGE NAT BK OF CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO FIRST COSHERCIAL BA>IK FIRST NATL BANK Of CHICAGO CHICAGO HARRIS TRUST ANQ SAVINGS SK CHICAGO CHICAGO LAKE SHORE NATIONAL SANK LAKE VIEW rRusr & SVGS BANK CHICAGO CIHCAGO LA SALLE NATIONAL BANK LINCOLN NATIONAL 8ANK CHICAGO CHICAGO HAIN BANK Of CHICAGO CHICAGO HARJUErTE NATIONAL BANK CHICAGO MERCANTILE NB OF CHICAGO CHICAGO HERC HANOI SE NB OF CHICAGO SICHIGAN AVE NB Of CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO MIO AMERICA NB Of CHICAGO CHICAGO MIO ClrY NB OF CHICAGO NATIONAL BANK Of AUSflN CHICAGO CHICAGO NAT BLVD BK OF CHICAGO NAr REPUBLIC BK UF CHICAGO CHICAGO NAr SE CUR !TY BK OF CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO NORTHERN rRUSr ccsPANY CHICAGO NORTH SHORE tlB OF Cl<ICAGO NORfHWEST NB OF CHICAGO CHICAGO 0 HARE INTEP.NATIOt/AL BK NA CHICAGO CHICAGO PARK NAr BK OF CHICAGO SEARS BANK ANO rRUST CO CHICAGO CHICAGO SEASAY NAr BK OF CHICAGO CHICAGO SOUTH SHORE NB Of CHICAGO CHICAGO SOUTH SIDE BANK CHICAGO STEEL CI TY NB Of CHICAGO CHICAGO UNl·JN NAr BK Of CHICAGO UNIVERSITY NArlONAL BANK CHICAGO CHICAGO UPTOWN NAT BK Of CHICAGO CHICAGO HEIGHTS CHICAGO Hrs NATIONAL BANK FIRST NB IN CHICAGO Hrs CHICAGO HEIGHTS IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL 4429B 67321 04885 31459 l/ll/79 12) VLTCSH HS 5056 5393 352 65164 549 128892 92BB32 I 58545 109975 34648 66326 208974 389138 57909 9022131 3284568 205467 368096 649587 132539 71102 157150 57016 146366 125959 46174 167455 63156 317694 60785 145998 2\52862 125477 341719 115419 53947 284934 50191 56326 21454 45834 34347 29914 B54 49211 621 475 1084 1099 4624 4798 552 86810 18663 1960 2106 9489 6074 780 1723 1138 4059 I06B 695 700 730 4243 604 1129 13526 969 5114 1312 1283 4368 1235 1273 484 657 535 349 919 658 923 87671 36758 70342 131 1977 REQBAL 1500 0 24453 llBO 2069 4512 454976 2725 4312 779 1485 5535 16382 2062 439437 19Tl H 98-06 12021 31700 0 3452 6347 2180 4552 5917 1910 98"63 2012 17501 2680 5684 131646 4916 11363 41t01 1281 14197 1531 1436 109 1535 927 1131 2971 1033 27B0 (4) NEW EPA 271 0 5523 84 1021 2H9 5402 1550 2044 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 14595 0 0 802 348382 799 5366 1203 0 382 0 0 0 8072 0 330076 15088 7 2329 5815 22590 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2363 0 5731 8851 1654 3399 5247 2574 5012 3049 0 931 95002 0 0 445 3243 5265 740 5343 5667 5209 4258 5760 0 1972 4250 888 2757 4161 19 3674 0 0 5,,.94 5758 356 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 483 0 0 1439 0 1296 (61 Dlf 13)-151 1500 0 9858 1180 2069 3TIO 106594 272 5 3930 179 1485 5535 8310 20b2 109361 46290 7477 6212 9110 0 3452 634 7 2180 4552 5917 1910 7500 2612 8650 2680 4753 36844 4916 7709 4401 1281 8439 1537 1436 709 1535 921 1137 2971 1033 2780 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• • • • ............ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ME~BER BANKS 111 OSB 7172130 7172170 7172180 7172250 7112270 8172310 6112330 8172340 7172405 7172470 7172490 1112490 7172510 7172515 7172520 1172555 7112560 7172570 71725B0 7172b05 7172bl0 7172650 7172bb0 7172670 7172690 71726q5 8172725 8172730 7172750 7172760 7172810 81728.?0 6172Bb0 B 112610 81 72a80 Bl 72890 7112940 7172950 7172960 71 730JO 7173100 7173105 7173110 7173135 717Jlb5 6173170 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HODIFIED H.R. 7 NAME LOCATION FIRST NAT BK Of CHRI SHAN CHRI SHAN FIRST NAT BK Of CICERO CICERO CICERO WESTERN NATIONAL BAM OF FIRST NAT BK t TR CO CLINTON COAL CITY FIRST NAT BK OF COAL CITY F !OST NAT BK OF COLLINSVILLECOLLINSVILLE COLUMBIA FIRST NAT BK IN COLU~BIA COLUMBIA MONROE NAT 6K Of COLUHBIA flRST NATIONAL BANK CRYSTAL LAKE DANVILLE FIRST NAT BK OF DANVILLE PAL,SER AMERICAN NATIONAL BK DANVILLE OANV ILLE SECOND NB OF DANVILLE DECATUR CITIZENS N4T BK OF DECATUR FIRST NAT BK '(Jf DECATUR DECATUR MILLIKIN NAT BK OF DECATUR DECATUR FIRST NATIONAL BANK DEERFIELD OE KALB OE KALB BANK OE KALB FIRST NAT BK IN OE KALB TAZEWELL COUNTY NATIONAL BK DELAVAN DES PLAINES NATIONAL BANK DES PLAINES FIRST NB OF DES PLAINES □ ES PLAINES CITY NATIONAL BK t JR CO DIXON 01 XON NATIONAL BAIIK DIXON DOLTON FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN CITIZENS NB Cf OOoNERS GRVE OCWNE RS GROVE oow ...,,ERS GROVE NATIONAL BANK OCWNERS GROVE OU QUOIN NATIONAL BANK OU QUOIN OU QUOIN STAIE BANK OU QUOIN FIRST NAT BK OF DWIGHT DWIGHT NAT BK OF EARLVILLE EARLVILLE FIRST NB IN EAST PEORIA EAST PEORIA EAST ST LOUIS FIRST NB AT EAST SJ LOUIS EDWARDSVILLE BANK OF EDWARDSVILLE EDWARDSVILLE NO t TR CO EDWARDSVILLE EFFl~GHAH STATE BANK HF INGHAM FIRST NAT BK Of EFFINGHAM EFF INGHAH ELG I~ NATIONAL BANK ELGIN FIRST NAT DK OF ELGIN ELGIN UN I~-~ NATIONAL BK ANO TR ELGIN ELMHURST NATIONAL BA~K ELHHURS T FIRST NATIONAL BK ANO TR EVANSTON EVANSTON NAT BK OF N EVANSTON STATE NAT BANK EVANSTON FIRST NB OF EVERGREEN PK EVERGREEN PARK NAT BK OF FAIRBURY FAIRBURY FAIRFIELD NATIONAL BANK FAIRFIELD TOEP IL l 615lo IL 107662 IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL 645lo5 IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL 19059 17652 51572 26362 35840 24790 110166 86437 106826 H6477 123865 163556 33674 57926 5b6b 1 15621 53674 167754 3b092 64b57 40968 65392 97918 19620 34287 26074 17827 39922 5Hb3 52595 44815 6043b 51248 48466 139160 4b736 l5b607 213598 28216 2 IOb72 211057 24357 46306 I 21 VLTCSH 109 1336 705 267 196 764 268 17B 373 943 1208 1511 2324 2253 2653 400 1607 1193 82 732 1454 388 505 499 1024 1303 333 275 331 89 554 930 400 639 504 494 466 25b8 529 2451 1877 229 1932 1539 239 203 I 31 1977 REQBAL 585 3H7 31H 659 526 1694 704 1315 714 4011 2lo91 3706 4198 4127 5395 1110 12-50 1373 bl9 1606 7356 1154 2bl9 1257 16 72 3090 49b 1303 753 631 1092 2456 2206 1390 1926 1648 2082 4666 2011 5522 ~OH 1098 6916 7600 1045 2011 HI NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 161 DH 131-151 0 0 585 1818 0 1999 0 0 0 2593 1236 2299 2642 2471 3547 19 55 164 0 402 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3'>57 3124 659 52" 1694 704 1315 714 4011 2491 3706 "198 46b4 284 50 l l 76 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 12 326 6 648 1721 0 0 0 0 0 1036 798 0 616 505 904 3226 599 3615 5lb6 B4 5164 3970 0 530 0 0 0 2103 0 1941 1954 0 0 • • • • .• • "127 5395 1110 1250 1373 619 1806 7072 1154 2bl9 1257 lb7l 3090 496 1303 753 b31 1092 2458 220b 1390 I92b 1648 2062 't866 2011 5522 6%8 1096 b911 5846 1045 2011 • •• • • • • • .. • •• • • • • •• . • •• ........ N) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BE"IEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.A. 7 MEMBER 8A"IKS OSB 7174510 111,520 8174550 8114560 7174690 71 74690 7l74710 7174720 7174726 8174730 8174750 7114170 7174818 7174820 81748ft0 7174860 7174870 8174880 7174910 e114qqo 71750JO A.175040 7175050 7175060 71 7507 C 7175080 7175110 7115150 7175170 a115tao 8175200 8115250 7175305 1175310 7175313 ll/5ll 5 7175335 NAME LOCATION LA SALLE NATIO"IAL BANK LA SALLE LA SALLE STATE BA"IK LA SALLE LAWRENCEVILLE NATIONAL BANK LAWRENCEVILLE PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK LAWRENCEVILLE FIRST NAT BK Of LIBERTYVILLELIBERTYVILLE LIBERTYVILLE NATIONAL BANK LIBERTYVILLE FIRST NB IN LINCOLN LINCOLN LINCOLN STATE NB Of LINCCLN FIRST NAT BANK LINCCLNWOCO flkST NAT BK Of LITCHFIELD LITCHFIELD LITCHFIELD LITCHFIELD NATIONAL 8A~K HERITAGE 1ST NB Of LOCKPORT LCCKPORT FIRST NATIONAL BANK MCHENRY MC HENRY MCHENRY STATE BANK PEOPLES NB OF MC LEANSBORO MC LEANS80RO MACOMB CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK UNION NB OF MACOMB· HACOHB MADI SON FIRST NAT BK IN H"OISON FIRST NB OF ,SANHAJTAN MANHATTAN HAR I SSA HRST tlAT BK OF HARi SSA DUL ANEY NAT BK OF HAR SHALL HAR SHALL HA SC GUT AH FIRST NAT BK IN MASCOUTAH MASON CITY MASON CITY NATIONAL BANK CENTRAL NB OF MATTOON MATTOON MATTOON FIP.ST NATIONAL BANK F (RST NB Of HAYWOOD HA'f'WOOO HELPOSE PARK MELQ.OSE PARK NATIONAL BANK MENDOTA NHL BANK OF HENOOJA METAMORA FIRST NB Of ME TAHORA ,SEIROPOLIS CITY NB OF METROPOLIS NA f STA TE BK OF MEI kOPOLI S HETROPOLI S FIRST NAT BK OF Hill STADT HILL STADT NCL I NE FIRST NAT BK OF MOLINE MOL I NE MOLINE NATIONAL BANK HOLi NE SOUTHEAST NATIO•AL BANK ~Cl I NE UPTO>N NH BK Gf MOLINE c0••UNITY NATIONAL BANK MONMOUTH 717S350 NATIONAL BK Cf MONMOUTH HOW'IOUfH 1115370 ,uT BK OF %NTICELLD MONT !CELLO HORRIS 7175)qQ FIRST NAT f!K OF MQRAIS 7175400 G~U'WY COU..,TY NATIONAL BANK HORR IS HOA TON 7175430 FIRST NAT BK UF HORTON 7175435 7175470 7175505 7175530 FIRST MOU.IT FIRST FIRST NAT 9K OF HORTON GROVEHORTON GROVE CARROLL NATIONAL BANK HCUNT CARROLL NATIONAL BANK MOUNT PROSPECT NB OF HOUNT PULASKI HOUNT PULASKI IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL 1/17179 111 TOEP 121 VLTCSH 131 1917 REQBAl 41833 35365 17634 26579 69297 44625 37432 31606 95721 23806 29688 58719 19768 98646 26405 43923 49934 17682 16934 16060 18294 11189 16%0 36253 64613 32085 86877 41987 16942 24582 17427 14 755 105264 10082 I 31250 29065 17326 36602 31116 52888 49944 38653 78038 20089 98225 15846 1031 4B8 312 232 736 1052 529 1193 2413 1248 1370 1079 3862 710 713 1878 411 3104 IOll 1415 1803 233 546 525 721 528 658 1347 2698· 990 2830 1508 459 862 628 393 2118 3561 529 719 473 1116 1081 1915 1898 1339 2322 651 2846 527 833 671 415 314 1011 277 4'3 587 319 832 178 743 810 453 138 145 182 172 83 481 752 369 1135 254 256 215 144 182 2523 1040 743 390 218 503 244 488 303 570 920 139 1520 117 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 1061 0 0 0 0 0 0 266 0 0 0 0 2299 0 0 BU 0 1507 5 261 550 0 0 0 0 0 0 130 1210 67 1514 169 0 0 0 0 759 2265 0 0 0 0 145 70 8l9 56 940 0 1331 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 OIF 131-( 51 736 1052 529 1193 2413 1248 1370 1079 3862 710 713 1878 411 3104 1011 HIS 1803 233 546 525 721 528 658 1347 2698 990 2830 1508 459 862 628 393 2118 3581 529 719 473 1116 1081 1915 1898 1339 2322 651 2846 527 • •• • • • • ..• • ••' • • •• • • • .. . • •• • • • • •• •• • • • • ........ C¢ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BANKS Ill OSB 7175600 8175610 8175620 7175630 8175640 8175650 8175770 7175795 7175797 8175900 7175810 7175833 7175840 71 75847 7175865 7175900 8175930 8115940 7175950 81760•)0 7176070 7176110 7176120 7176160 7176170 7176190 7176230 7176240 7176260 7176270 7176290 7176300 7176315 7176325 7176340 7176350 7176360 81763~0 8176420 7176430 7176490 7176500 717651 d 7176550 7176570 8176565 l/ll/19 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVEREO BY MODIFIED H.R. l NAME TDEP LOCATION FIRST NB OF MUNDELEIN MUNOELE IN CITY NAT BK OF MURPHYSBORO MURPHYSBORO FIRST N4T BK OF MURPHYSBORO MURPHYSBORO NAPERVILLE NAPERVILLE NAT BK t TR CO FAR~ERS ANO MERCHANTS NAT BKNASHVILLE FIRST NB OF NASHVILLE NASHVILLE FIRST NAT BK IN NEWTON NEWTON FIRST NB OF NILES ILLINOIS NILES GCltF Hill STATE BANK · NII.ES FIRST NAT BANK OF NOKOMIS NOKOMIS FIRST NAT BK CF NORMAL NORMAL FIR ST NB OF NORTHBROOK NORTHBROOK NAT BK OF NORTH CHICAGO NOR TH CHICAGO FS T NB t TR CO OF OAK BROOK OAK BROOK FIRST NB OF OAK LAWN OAKLAWN OAK PARK JR ANO SVG BK OAK PARK FIRST NAT BANK Of OBLONG OBLONG FIRST NAT BK Of OFALLON 0 f ALLON FIRST NAT· BK OF OGDEN OGDEN FIRST NAT BANK IN OLNEY OLNEY UNITED BK Of OGLE CTY NA OREGON FIRST NAT BK Of OTTAWA on AWA PALATINE NATIONAL BA-NK PALA TINE FIRST NATWNAL BANK OF PANA PANA C(.TIZENS NAT BK OF PARIS PAR! S CITIZENS BANK ANO TRUST CO PARK RIDGE FAR~ERS HRCH NB OF PAXTON PAXTON FIRST NATL BANK IN PAXTON PAXTON FIRST NB A~O TR CO Of PEKIN PEKIN HERGET NATL BANK OF PEKIN PEKIN co~~ERICAL NB Of PEORIA PEORIA FIRST NAT BK OF PEORIA PEORIA PROSPECT NB Of P[ORIA PEORIA U~IVERSITY NB OF PEORIA PEORIA FIRST NAT BANK IN PERU PlRU FIRST NATL BK OF PET.ERSBURG PETERSBURG NATIONAL BANK Of PETERSBURG PETERSBURG FIRST NB IN Pl~CKNEYVILLE PINCKNEYVILLE FIRST NAT BANK OF PITTSFIELOPITTSFIELD PLA!rlFIELD NATIONAL BANK PLAINFIELD PGLO NAT IOtlAL BANK POLO 9ANK OF POHIAC PONT !At PONT I AC NAf IONAL BMIK PONTIAC CTNS FSI N~ OF PRINCETON PRINCETON FAR~ERS NB OF PROPHETSTWN PROPHETSTOWN QUINCY BROADWAY NAT BK OF QUINCY IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL , IL IL IL IL IL IL ll IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL lL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL 35164 42585 23865 69299 16035 19743 31403 86186 52454 18134 "2470 35284 25762 27761 84250 209041 25387 29345 15361 39601 l 9280 64813 37362 3llll 54350 354353 22270 22695 44427 82524 302990 l l 3975 37867 35617 30289 263'6 31300 21554 32895 31624 17532 41393 36563 74948 24957 40056 121 VL TCSH 461 1608 284 1258 236 194 326 686 707 111 494 326 456 118 697 2548 152 453 120 385 4 l', 851 668 256 813 1567 251 181 1581 1286 7732 1706 613 141 NEW 991 223 669 2130 468 651 973 2766 1407 695 1772 1170 676 1197 3423 7560 961 0 0 0 103 0 0 0 1677 134 0 436 280 0 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1968 "841 0 100 504 1686 441 2917 1066 1042 2322 153B9 650 820 572 2899 7427 4 llZ 1009 719 720 EPA REQBAL 0 0 1054 ll08 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4996 1576 0 0 0 0 0 0 1378 4907 2356 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 352 0 1431 0 294 186 962 0 0 0 0 174 267 261 335 164 538 412 674 204 1173 69 678 1241 ll09 604 1326 1399 2705 835 0 0 0 0 157 1286 0 426 1469 141 785 583 151 NEW 131 1977 REQBAL 94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 991 223 669 2130 468 651 973 2766 1407 695 1772 1170 676 1197 3423 6'52 961 700 504 1686 441 2917 1066 1042 2322 7813 650 B20 572 2899 7427 4112 1009 719 720 962 117J 678 1241 1109 604 1326 1399 2705 835 1469 •• •• • •• • •• • • • .•• • ••• .• • • • .• •• •• • ........... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVEREO BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 MEMBER BANKS Ill OSB NAHE HUNOELE IN FIRST NB OF HUNOELEIN CITY NAT BK OF HURPHYSSORO MURPHYSBORO FIRST NAT BK OF MURPHYSBORO MURPHYSBORO NAPERVILLE NAPERVILLE NAT BK & TR CO FARMERS ANO MERCHANTS NAT 8KNASHVILLE 817561jQ FIRST NS OF NASHVILLE NASHVILLE 8175710 FIRST NAT BK IN N~WTON NEWTON l l 75795 FIRST NS OF NILES ILLINOIS NILES 71 75197 ~rJLF Hill STA.TE BANK NILES Bl 75~00 FIRST NAT BANK OF NOKOMIS NOKOHI S NOR HAL 7175810 FIRST NAT BK OF NORMAL NORTHBROOK 7175833 FIRST IIB OF NORTHBROOK Tl 75840 NAT BK OF NORTH CHICAGO NORTH CHICAGO 7175847 FS T NB t TR CO OF OAK BROOK OAK BROOK OAKlAWN 7175865 FIRST NB OF OAK LAWN OAK PARK 7175•Jo OAK PARK TR ANO SVG BK 8175930 FIRST NAT BAf<K OF OBLONG OBLONG 0 f ALLON 8175940 FIRST NAT BK OF O FALLON 7175950 FIRST NAT BK OF OGOEN OGDEN OlNEY 8176000 FIRST NAT BANK IN OLNEY OREGON 7176070 UNITED SK OF OGLE CTY NA OTTAWA 7176110 FIRST NAT SK OF OTTAWA PALATINE 7116120 PALATINE NATIONAL BANK 7176160 FIRST NATIONAL BA'll< OF PANA PANA PARIS 7176170 CITIZENS NAT BK OF PARIS 7176190 CITIZENS BANK ANO TRUST CO PARK RIDGE PAXTON 7176230 FAR.SERS HRCH NB OF PAXTON PAXTON 7176240 FIRST NATL BANK IN PAXTON 7176260 FIRST NB ANO TR CO Of PEKIN PEKIN PEKIN 7176270 HERGET NATL BANK Of PEKIN PEORIA 71762"0 COH•ERICAL NB OF PEORIA PEORIA 7176300 FIRST NAT BK OF PEORIA PEORIA 7176315 PROSPECT Na OF PEORIA PEORIA 7116325 UtllVERSlTY liB Of PrnRIA Pl RU 7176340 FIRST NAT BANK IN PERU 7176350 FIRST NATL BK Of PETER5aURG PETERSBURG 7176360 NATIONAL BANK OF PUERSBURG PETERSBURG PlllCKNEYVILLE 8176380 FIRST NB IN PINCKNEYVILLE el76420 FIRST NAT BANK OF PITTSFIELOPITTSFIElO PLAINFIELD 7176430 PlAINflHO NATIONAL BANK POLO 7176490 PGLO NAT IOtlAL BANI< POtll IAC 7176500 BAN< Cf PONTIAC PONT !AC 1176510 PONTIAC NATIONAL BAtlK PRINCETON 7176550 CTNS FST NB CF PRINCETON PROPHETSTOWN 7l 16570 FAR SERS NB OF PROPHETSTWN QUINCY 8176585 BROADWAY NAT BK Of QUINCY 7!75600 8175610 8175620 ll 75630 8175640 TOEP LOCATION ll IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL ll IL IL ll IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL 35164 H585 23865 69299 16035 l9H3 31403 86186 52'54 18134 42470 35284 25762 27761 8H50 209041 25387 29345 15361 39601 19280 64813 3 7362 31111 54350 354353 22270 22695 44427 82524 302990 113975 3 7867 35617 30289 26396 31300 21554 32895 31624 175 32 41393 36563 74948 24957 40056 121 Vl TCSH 461 1608 284 1258 236 194 326 686 707 111 494 326 456 118 697 2548 152 453 120 385 414 851 668 256 813 1567 251 181 1581 1286 7732 1706 613 785 583 186 lJI. 267 261 335 164 538 412 674 204 426 l/17179 131 1977 REQBAL 991 223 669 2130 468 651 973 2766 1407 695 1772 1170 676 ll97 H23 7560 961 700 504 1686 441 2917 1066 1042 2322 153 89, 650 820 572 2899 1 ♦1 NEW EPA 0 0 0 703 0 0 0 1677 9 0 0 352 0 1431 0 294 1054 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1108 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4996 7576 0 0 0 0 lH 0 436 280 0 75 1968 4841 1378 1421 4907 4112 1009 719 2356 0 0 120 962 1173 618 IHI 1109 604 1326 1399 2705 835 1469 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 69 0 0 0 0 94 157 1286 0 141 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 OIF 131-151 991 223 669 2130 468 651 973 2766 U07 695 1772 1170 676 l l 97 3423 6452 961 700 504 1686 441 2917 1066 1042 2322 7813 650 820 572 2899 7427 HI2 1009 119 720 962 1173 678 1241 1109 604 1326 1399 2105 835 1469 • • ••• •• •• • • •• .• •• • •• • • • • .• .••• • •• • .•• ........ C11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HEHBER BANKS DSB 1176650 8176680 8176690 7176770 8176810 7176820 7176845 7176850 7176855 7176857 7176860 7176865 7176871 7176875 7176R90 7176950 71709'0 7l7bS70 8177010 7177090 7177105 8177140 7177160 7177170 7177220 7177255 8177210 71773~0 7177110 7177320 8171350 8177360 7177H0 7177380 71 71400 7177410 7177440 7177450 717747C 7177490 7177507 7177610 7177700 7177710 7177730 8177760 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY H0DIFIE0 NAME LOCATION FIRST NAT BK OF RANTOUL RANTOUL RAYMOND FIRST NAT BK OF RAYMOND FIRST NAT BK OF RED BUD RED BUD RIVERSIDE NATIONAL BANK RIVERSIOE SECOND NAT BK OF ROBINSON ROBINSON ROCHELLE FIRST NB & TC OF ROCHELLE ROCK FALLS NATIONAL BANK ROCK FALLS ASERl(AN NAT BK AND TR CO ROCKFORD CITY NB & TR CO Of ROCKFORD RCCKFORD FIRST NR & TR CO Of R0CKF0RDROCKFORD ROCKFORD ILLINOIS NB & TR CO NO~ rn TOWNE NB OF ROCKFORD RCCKF0RD UNITED BK OF ILLINOIS NA ROCKFORD FIRST NB OF ROCK ISLAND ROCK ISLAND ROCK ISLAND BANK ROCK I SL AND RUSHVILLE STATE BANK RUSHVILLE ST CHARLES ST CHARLES NATIONAL BANK ST CHARLES STATE BANK OF ST CHARLES SALEM NATIONAL BANK SALEH NATIONAL BANK OF SAVANNA SAVANNA FIRST NB OF SCHILLER PK SCHILLER PARK FIRST NAT BK IN SHA•~EE TOWNSHAWNEE TOWN SHELBYVILLE SrlELBY COU~TY STATE BANK SHELBYVILLE S~ELBY LOAN ANO TRUSt CO SKOK I e FIRST NAT BK OF SKOKIE ASERICAN NATIONAL BANK SO CHICAGO HEIGHT SPART A FIRST NAT BK OF SPARTA FIRST NB OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD ILLINOIS Na OF SPRNGFLD SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD MARINE BANK STAUNTON FIRST NAT BK IN STAUNTON FIRST NAT BK OF STEELEVILLE STEELEVILLE STERLING CE~TRAL NB OF STERLING FIRST NB OF STERLING STERLING STILLMAN VALLEY NATIONAL BK STILLMAN VALLEY FIRST NB OF STOCKTON STOCKTON STREATOR STREATOR NATIONAL BANK STREATOR UNION NB OF STREATOR FIRST NB OF SULLIVAN SULLIVAN NAT BK & TR CO OF SYCAMORE SYCAMORE FIRST NB IN TAYLCRVILLE TAYLORVILLE FIRST NB IN TOLEDO TCLEDO TUSCOLA FIRST NAT BANK & TRUST CO TUSCOLA NATIONAL BANK TUSCOLA URBANA BUSEY FIRST NATIONAL BANK FRMRS t HRCHT BK OF VANDALIAVAN0ALIA IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL ,IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL ~.R. 7 l / 17/19 111 TDEP 121 VLTCSH 23562 26012 22349 40404 33764 45432 25882 17673{, 86677 175615 IH90I 17613 82558 144181 87172 20188 22307 H926 55717 22285 20834 15055 21112 20375 22',869 41098 15 532 207648 192335 313182 26252 33642 75941 57153 694 21211 144Q0 62746 56245 20397 6D5l 9 2D760 20904 18841 28857 10123 7 25519 114 133 590 318 537 538 2041 1837 2258 1071 459 1394 1927 1946 102 457 472 646 254 196 160 138 283 1154 408 369 1790 3882 3551 448 216 1073 546 148 131 988 818 293 M9 295 135 178 336 1005 127 131 l'lll RE0BAL 10 NEW EPA 511 B87 818 1193 1204 lH3 567 6419 2255 6350 8252 25B 2253 4178 2D 18 975 551 1820 2109 583 791 386 962 H2 8725 1347 285 8141 4697 10866 181 1195 2731 1766 863 463 1837 1803 675 0 68 0 0 0 272 0 4187 1115 4409 5032 0 887 2385 384 0 0 546 677 0 0 0 0 0 2311 616 781 556 925 3866 1038 4290 319 0 4960 3007 4905 0 394 1156 494 154 0 188 482 0 1054 0 0 0 0 2369 0 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 0 0 1163 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 2815 0 0 934 0 2988 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF I 31-151 511 887 818 1193 1204 IH3 567 6364 2255 6350 7089 258 2253 4178 2018 ~75 551 1820 2109 583 791 386 962 1H 5910 1347 285 7207 4697 1818 781 1195 2731 1766 863 463 l837 1803 675 2311 616 78 I 556 925 3866 1038 .••• .•• • •• •• • • •• • • • • •• ••• .••• • • • ..... ..... O') Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 1 MEMBER BANKS NAME DSB 8177770 1177850 1177860 717HIO 1111q,o 8178000 7178035 71780'7 7178040 7178050 8178070 7178120 7178140 7178180 7178260 71783,10 8178350 7178360 717B430 OF 111 TDEP LOCATION FIRST NAT BK OF VANDALi A VANDALIA VILLA GROVE STATE BANK VILLA GROVE VILLA PARK TR t SVGS 8K VILLA PARK WALNUT CITIZENS FIRST STATE SANK WASHINGTON FIRST N.\TIONAL 'BANK FIRST NAT BK OF kATERLDO WATERLOO WAUCONDA WAUCONDA NATIONAL BANK AMERICAN NBtTC Of WAUKEGAN WAUKEGAN CITIZENS NHL BK OF WAUKEGANWAUKEGAN fl~ST NAT BANK Of WAUKEGAN WAUKEGAN FIPST NAT ~K CF WAYNE CITY WAYNE CI TY FIRST NATIONAL 8AIIK WtST CHICAGO FIRST NB OF WESTERN SPRINGS WESTERN SPRINGS FIRST NS OF WESTVILLE WESTVILLE FIRST NB OF WILMINGTON WILMINGTON FIRST NAT BK OF WINNETKA WltlNETKA FIRST NAT BK OF SOOD RIVER WCGO RI VER FIRST NB OF WOODSTOCK WOODSTOCK YORKVILLE YORKVILLE NATIONAL SANK 349 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 136 182 IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL 1/17/19 121 VL TCSH 131 1971 151 141 REQBAL NEW EPA NEW REQBAL 161 Dlf 131-151 40562 15589 445 1485 360 0 1485 156 503 46372 20936 21424 23694 31091 65292 13511 131 1454 0 421 0 0 1454 230 332 162 275 612 2223 1808 152 268 482 232 348 371 760 371 413 518 0 679 735 948 2212 0 122 122 1109 0 0 0 0 1814 144 621 936 716 1265 315 0 0 0 49868 25665 23073 37575 14617 26014 69928 49446 49176 31126 113 2820 IHO 1894 930 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 It.OB 417 694 0 0 0 503 578 679 735 948 2212 1814 621 936 716 1265 315 773 2820 !HO 1894 930 • • .••• ••• •• •• • • .• -:J HAVE ND EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BAlANCE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7180040 7180100 7180120 7180140 7180150 7180160 7180160 7180200 8leo2so eIeo260 7180310 71A03l0 7180310 7180385 71804?.0 8180445 7180460 1100,,0 7180530 ALBION NATL BANK FIRST NB OF MADISON CTY FIRST NAT BK OF ANGOLA CENTRAL NAT BK ANO TRUST co AUBURN STATE BANK CITY NATL BANK OF AUBURN FIRST NATL BANK Of AURORA co~"UNITY STATE BANK 'BEDFORD NATIONAL BAtlK CI Tl ZENS NH 8K Of BEDFORD BENTONVILLE STATE BANK FIRST BANK Of BERNE BLOOSINGTON NATIO~AL BANK F JRST NB OF 8L00,'1INGTON OLO FIRST NB IN BLUFFTON WARRICK NATICNAl BANK FIRST STATE BANK RIDDELL NAT BK OF BRAZIL FPANKLIN COUNTY NATIONAL BK ALBION ANDERSON ANGOLA ATTICA AUBURN AUBURN AURORA AVILLA BEOFORO BEDFORD BENTONVILLE BERNE BLOOMINGTON BLOO~INGTON BLUFFTON BOONVILLE BOURBON BRAZIL BROOK VI LlE IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN 15284 51806 29687 27239 33245 23451 29246 17816 58118 62784 17044 51533 22095 104 1051 439 546 1186 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1494 752 3109 0 0 600 0 307 0 805 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 806 0 0 0 0 151 659 348 247 512 198 1261 921 258 343 1432 826 860 153 429 342 1124 1881 374 100101 3187 52621 37100 24214 62828 32627 564 1779 HI 395 128 541 214 1723 806 2141 308 1111 64 518 107 I--' I--' 546 1186 806 659 1432 826 860 429 1124 1881 374 1494 752 3109 1779 1723 806 2141 1117 •• •• •• •• • • • • • • • • • • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BANKS DSB BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NAME 111 TDEP LOCATION l/17/79 121 VL TCSH 131 HI 151 1977 NEW EPA NEW REQBAL REQBAL 7180540 7180555 7180610 7180630 8180660 8180710 7180720 7180790 7180810 71'0820 7180830 7180850 7180860 7190880 7180950 7180990 7181040 ,7181070 7181090 7151140 7181190 8181260 7181270 8181280 8181330 8181350 7181370 7181410 7181460 7181470 7181570 8181585 7181600 7181615 7181620 7181690 11e 1110 7181720 7181790 7181630 7181850 7161875 7181950 8181960 71BlnO 7181980 PECPLES TRUST COMPANY HENDRICKS COUNTY BK & TR co KNISELY NAT BK OF BUTLER WAYNE BANK AND TRUST ca FIRST CAN•lELTON NAT BANK FIRST BANK OF CHARLESTOWN CHESTERTON STATE BANK FIRST NB OF CLOYEROALE CITIZENS NB OF WHITLEY CTY FARMERS LOAN ANO TRUST co FIRST NB OF COLUMBUS CENTRAL STATE BANK FAYETTE BANK ANO TRUST co FIRST FARMERS NATIONAL BANK FIRST NB&TC OF CRAWFROSVLE FIRST NB OF CROWN PT FIRST NO OF DANVILLE FIRST STATE BK OF DECATUR OEMOTTE STATE BANK FIRST NB OF EAST CHICAGO FIRST NATIONAL BANK ENGLISH STATE BANK ETNA BlNK CITIZENS N9 Of EVANSVILLE NAT CITY BK OF EVANSVILLE OLO NAT BK IN EVANSVillE FAIRLA~O N~TIONAL BANK BRIGHT NAT BK AT FLORA FO~T WAYNE NATIONAL BANK LINCOLN NB t TC Of FT WAYNE FIRST NB OF FREMONT SPRING VALLEY NATIONAL BANK GARRETT STATE BANK BANK OF INDIANA NA GARY NATID•AL BANK FIRST NS OF GOSHEN CENTRAL NB Of GREENCASTLE FIRST CITIZENS BK ANO TR CO eROOKYILLE BROWNSBURG BUTLER CAMBR I OGE CITY CANN EL TON CHARLESTCWN CHESTERTON CLOVfROALE COLUMBIA CITY COLUMBIA CITY COLUMBUS CCNNERSVILLE CONNERSVILLE CONVERSE CRA~FOROSVILLE CROWN POINT DANVILLE DECATUR OE~OTTE EAST CHICAGO ELKHART ENGLISH ETNA GREEN EVANSVILLE EVANSVILLE EVAtlSVILLE FAIRLAND FLORA FORT WAYNE FORT WAYNE FREMONT FRENCH LICK GARRETT GARY GARY GOSHEN GREENCASTLE GREENCASTLE NAT BK OF ~REENWOOD GREENWOOD CALUMET NA Tl ONAL BANK HAMM ONO HfRCANTILE NB OF INOIANA HAHUONO FIRST NATIONAL BANK HARTFORD CITY STATE B4NK Of LIHA HOWE FIRST NAT BK OF HUNTINGBURG HUNTINGBURG FIRST NB OF HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTCN AMERICAN FLETCHER NB & TR COINOIANAPOLIS IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN Ill IN IN IN IN IN 23111 28021 14090 U38l 14400 28094 46952 18021 50553 33585 44930 39453 41700 33861 63015 49383 27136 69947 20863 131024 244677 17300 14080 273284 166842 288912 24162 27259 376882 482655 32472 39567 17549 222022 409542 59686 51790 35605 83988 143527 166472 13877 16033 38823 69385 1403692 2BB 355 297 244 283 457 1254 131 487 517 830 907 1574 191 614 866 184 528 190 3605 3161 6l8 0 896 263 324 276 723 966 555 1646 1140 1339 0 0 0 0 402 0 99 0 bib 896 12103 14412 859 1118 423 1848 9184 13570 627 12971 1957 444 1737 383 1175 3H4 2284 255 l06 363 1415 23282 1062 2719 45 75 7070 301 1763 6969 0 0 616 389 7576 6271 7962 538 896 7908 8935 859 1118 0 0 127 960 466 0 854 389 10724 6271 13023 538 0 0 0 0 263 32', 216 723 966 555 1646 1140 1339 973 2J9 1256 2671 1771 1033 2428 727 3951 0 0 239 1256 2671 1771 1033 2428 727 3951 8731 94 61 B 0 0 973 115 4663 3668 3161 356 301 4587 9699 459 459 282 0 0 0 0 0 2196 5192 0 0 5341 4169 5053 0 0 4952 5050 0 0 161 Olf 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 3148 0 506I 0 0 4195 5477 0 0 0 4987 6010 775 339 65 0 1920 4968 0 0 0 896 423 990 1967 0 7264 8003 1957 1737 1062 2719 0 4575 4906 0 0 0 0 7070 301 464 0 1142 2140 56047 98 587 5334 0 0 •'1019 464 1142 2140 15028 •• •• • • •• •• •• • • • • • • • •• • •• •• • •• •• ....00.... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT 10 BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 MEH8ER 8ANKS OSB NAME Ill TDEP LOCA110N 1/17179 121 VL ltSH 131 1977 REQBAL 7162040 7182080 7182085 7182220 7182215 7182290 7182305 7182370 7182410 7182460 8182490 7182530 7192560 7182638 llJl.2640 7182650 71sn10 7182740 7102810 8182840 7182885 8182935 119n91 7183000 7183HO 7183250 7183320 7183410 8183560 8183570 7183580 7183590 7183630 7183650 8183680 7183110 7183710 7183150 7183780 71837SO 7183850 7183880 7183900 718 3910 7183935 8183950 INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA NATIONAL BANK HRCH NB t TRCO Of .INOAPOllS INDIANAPOLIS INDIANAPOllS MI OWE ST NA Tl ONAL BANK KNIGHTSTO~N FIRST NB Of KNIGHTSTWN KOKOMO FIRST NATIONAL BANK LAFAYETTE LAF4YETTE NATIONAL BANK LA FAYETTE PURDUE NB Of LAFAYETTE FIRST NB t TRCO Of LA PORTE LA PORTE PEOPLES NB OF LAWRENCEBURG LAWRENCE BURG U~ION CTY NB OF LIBERTY LI BERTY LINTGN CITIZENS NAT 8K Of LINTON NATIONAL BANK OF LOGANSPORT LOGANSPORT LOWELL LOWELL NATIONAL BANK CITIZENS NAT BK CF GRANT CTYMAR I ON MARION FIRST NAT BK IN MARION MAR ION MAR ION NAT BK Of MARION FIRST NATIONAL BANK HART INSYlllE FIRST MERCHANTS NATIONAL BK MICHIGAN CITY MISHAWAKA FIRST NB OF MISHAWAKA MIT CHELL FIRST NAT BK OF MITCHELL MONT I CELLO FIRST NATIONAL BANK POSEY COUNTY NATIOIIAL BANK MGUNT YE RNON AMERICAN NB t TC OF ~UNC IE HUNC IE HUNC IE MERCHANTS NB Of MUNCIE NE~ CASTLE FIRST NB IN NEW CASTLE AMERICAN NB OF NOBLESVILLE NOBLESVILLE NORTH VERNON FIRST NB OF NORTH VERNON GSGOOO RIPLEY COUNTY BANK CITIZENS ST BK Of PETERS8URGPETERS8URG FIRST NAT BK CF PETERSBURG PEIERSBURG PIERCETON PIERCETON STATE BANK PLAINFIELD FIRST NATIONAL BK t TR CO PCRTER FIRST STATE BK Of PORTER PORTLAND FIRST NAT BK OF PORTLAND FAR.SERS NAT BK OF PRINCETON PRINCETON REMINGTON FARMERS NB OF REMINGTON F t ~ NAT BK OF RENSSELAER RENSSELAER REYNOLDS BANK OF REYNOLDS RICHSOND FIRST NAT BK OF RICHMOND R ICHHOND SECO~D NAT BK OF RICHMOND ROCHESTER FIRST NB Of ROCHESTER ROCKVILLE ROCKVILLE NATIONAL BANK RUSH CTY NAT BK OF RUSHVILLERUSHVILLE RUSHVl~LE RUSHVILLE NATIO~AL BANK CENTRAL NAT BK OF HOWARD CTYRUSSIAVILLE ST ATE BANK Of SALEM SALE" IN 1236604 Ill Ill 977772 23383 166H 79315 153125 185515 72696 27772 27390 30371 109116 4B73 23341 59517 69491 29472 123998 91056 15103 14468 28350 68861 188355 3132.0 78123 22377 21729 30247 18072 13740 38138 21041 14395 39279 19232 32482 19673 76010 162052 40044 21409 30540 30367 15859 28123 IN IN IN IN IN IN IN HI IN. HI IN IN "IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN lfl IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN 34602 221H 107 195 2040 1661 2607 626 582 251 324 2882 581 626 2090 1166 566 2918 1685 166 125 321 1830 7110 732 1057 261 169 280 238 86 355 393 173 455 61 237 145 1646 3374 416 341 532 383 618 299 38044 27386 1311 HI 1802 6128 7382 3304 H3 943 895 2135 1614 319 781 HI NEW EPA 5188 5035 13 0 599 3994 4952 1505 0 0 0 459 252 0 0 151 131-151 20774 14832 0 17270 12554 1311 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2114 873 964 0 3070 1130 261 0 0 0 0 0 1911 390 529 1064 1913 2353 869 2851 703 889 1282 544 423 1361 396 322 1450 0 Dlf HI 1802 6128 7342 3304 743 943 895 2135 1614 319 781 2114 873 3070 1977 390 529 1064 0 0 593 500 0 1913 0 2353 0 0 869 2851 l495 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 0 0 0 H 0 0 0 751 1 1274 0 0 738 161 NEW REQBAL 1914 4411 1321 574 837 1037 652 2298 58 29 916 0 0 0 0 "5 0 0 703 889 1282 544 423 1361 396 322 1450 757 1274 738 1914 •• ••• • • ••• • •• • • • • •• ••• •• • •• 4411 0 0 0 1321 574 837 1037 29 0 976 • • •• • ........ C0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEf IT 10 BAl,KS CDV~RED BY HODIF IEO H.R. 1 ME~3ER BANKS NAME OS9 81839•5 81840)0 8184010 8184030 71"4040 71H050 71B4l10 7le4!20 1184130 8lt14235 7184270 8l043l0 8184330 7184160 7184170 7lf!44J0 "IHl44LO 7184470 8184~)0 1184550 71~4~30 7184640 etr4670 13 l s4oqo 7l&'t870 Of 111 TOEP LOCATION FIRST NAT BK OF SCOTTSBURG SCOTTSBURG SCOTTSBURG SCOTT COUNTY ST ATE BANK SELLERSBURG SELLERSBURG STATE BANK SEYMOUR SEY SOUR NATIONAL BANK fAR,SERS NB Of SHELBYV I l l E SHELBYnLLE SHELSY NS Of SHEL BYV I l l E SHELBYVILLE ASERICAN NBtTC Of SOUTH BENDSOUTH BENO F (RS T BANK ANO TRUST COHPANYSOUTH BENO NAT[ONAL B<t TC OF SGUTH BENOSOUTH BENO FARMERS ST 6K Of SULLIVAN SUlL !VAN SUNMAN PEOPLES BANK ANO TRUST CO CITIZENS NAT BK Of !Ell CITYTELL CITY TELL CITY NATIONAL BANK TELL CITY ~ERCHA~TS NB OF TERRE HAUTE TERRE HAUTE TERRE HAUTE TER~E HAUTE FIRST NAT BK TIPTON CITIZENS NB Of TIPION 11 PTON fA~~ERS LOAN AHO TRUST CO VALPARAISO FIRST NB VALPARAISJ) A~ERICAN NAT BK Of VINCENNESVINCENNES FIRST NAT BK IN WABASli WABASH WARREN EXCHANGE BANK FIR sr NB OF WARSAW WARS AA PPL NB & TR CO OF WASH WASHINGTON ~ASHING TON WA.SHINGTON NATION1'L BANK WINA~AC FIRST UNION BK AND TR CO 136 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 66 57 IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN 142 364 353 365 586 1363 2646 5608 1921 306 323 424 390 3782 4205 IN 21111 161 31414 92461 104198 36620 23998 82809 36574 20785 45117 396 1188 1%5 149 154 1027 378 327 299 IN IN IN IN IN IN 131 1971 REQBAl 480 1076 619 1185 1652 1360 1864 8052 6451 641 281 1353 1354 2699 6733 1040 692 3638 3911 1116 869 2618 1202 500 1695 10 NEW EPA 0 0 0 35 543 0 396 5092 4019 . 0 0 201 1062 4936 31 0 1840 2120 0 0 966 48 0 311 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1032 1100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 Olf 131-151 480 1016 879 1185 1652 1360 1864 1020 5351 8'1 261 1353 1354 2699 6133 1040 892 363B 3911 1116 869 2618 1202 500 1695 • • • •• • •• •• • • t--' N) • •• • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE ALBIA PEOPLES NAT BK OF ALBIA FIRST NATIONAL BANK,AMES AMES ANKENY ANKENY NATIONAL BANK BOONE C 11 IZE~S NAT BK Of BOONE BURll NG TON FIRST NATIONAL BANK FIRST NAT BK,CEOAR FALLS,IA CEDAR FALLS CEDAR RAPIDS ~ERCHANTS NATIONAL BANI(. CEDAR RAPIDS PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST CO CENTERVILLE NATIONAL BANK CENTERVILLE •1AT BK AND TR CO OF CHARITON(HARITON CITIZENS NB OF CHARLES CllY CHARLES CITY CLARI NOA STATE BANK FIRS! NAT BK OF CLARION CLAR ION cn,zrns 121 Vl TCSH IN IN IN ------------------------------------------7190090 11901•5 71S0235 71 S0600 71S0730 710:01370 11 SJSO 0 11qoq10 11•~•J<l40 71S09d0 71C.0"l90 71SIIOO 719 I 120 IH63 27160 27412 33110 51247 59352 97830 304158 179387 25617 14536 H426 39917 132154 223559 1/11/19 ---------------------------------------------------------IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA 25025 52111 14049 192 967 919 1514 253 33486 405 872 361 3542 1060 272 1072 2505 1296 10264 4021 1086 1214 827 790 1001 65765 35971 248341 100654 34245 30919 23903 24207 31228 261 193 153 238 148 0 0 919 128 0 1514 0 0 1201 0 0 272 1072 2505 1296 1949 4021 1086 1214 827 790 1001 68 5008 2270 185 0 33 0 209 0 0 2315 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • •• • •• 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HEH8ER BANKS Cll DSB l/lT/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HDDJFIED H.R. l NAHE TDEP LOCATION 121 VLTCSH 131 1977 REQBAL 7182040 7182080 7182085 7182220 718223 5 7182200 7182305 7182370 7182410 ?182460 6182490 7182530 7192560 7182638 7182640 7182650 11an1a 7182740 7102810 8182840 11B288 5 8182995 7192'9') 3 7193000 718 3HO 7183250 7193320 7183410 8183560 B183570 7183580 7183590 7183630 118 3650 8183680 7183710 7183730 7183750 7183780 7183740 7183850 7183880 7183')00 7183910 7183S35 8183950 INDIANA NATIONAL BANK I NDIANAPOll S M•CH NB G TRCO OF INOAPOLIS INDIANAPOLIS MIDWEST NATIONAL BANK INDIANAPOLIS FIRST NB OF KNIGHTSTWN KNIGHTSTO•N FIRST NATIONAL BANK KOKOMO LAF4YETTE NATIONAL BANK LAFAYETTE PURDUE NB OF LAFAYETTE LA FAYETTE FIRST NB C TRCO OF LA PORTE LA PORTE PEOPLES NB OF LAWRENCEBURG LAWRENCEBURG UNION CTY NB OF LIBERTY LI BER TY LI NT GN CITIZENS NAT BK OF LINTON NAT I ONAL BANK OF lOGA~SPORT LOGANSPORT lOh'Ell NATIONAL BANK LOWELL CITIZENS NAT BK CF GRANT CTYMAR I ON FIRST NAT BK IN MARION MARI ON MARION NAT BK OF MARION HAR ION FIRST NATIONAL BANK HART INS VILLE FIRST MERCHANTS NATIONAL BK MICHIGAN CITY FIRST NB Of MISHAWAKA MISHAWAKA FIRST NAT BK OF MITCHELL MITCHELL FIRST NAT I ONAL BANK MONT !CELLO POSEY COUNTY NATIOfJAL BANK HGUNT VERNON HUNC IE AMERICAN NB L TC OF MUNCIE HUNC IE MERCHANTS NB OF MUNCIE FIRST NB IN NEW CASTLE NEli CASTLE AMERICAN NB OF NOBLESVILLE NOBLESVILLE FIRST NB Of NORTH VERNON NORTH VERNON GSGOOO RIPLEY COUNTY BANK Cl THENS ST BK OF .PETERSBURGPETERSBURG FIRST NAT BK CF PETERSBURG PETERSBURG PIERCETON PIERCETON STATE BA~K FIRST NUIONAL BK L TR CO PLAI NF I ELO FIRST STATE BK Of PORTER PCRTER PORTLAND FIRST NAT BK Of PORTLAND FARMERS NAT BK OF PRINCETON PRINCETON REMINGTON FARMERS NB OF REMINGTON F C H NAT BK OF RENSSELAER RENSSELAER REYNOLDS BANK OF REYNOLDS RICH.MONO FIRST NAT BK OF RI.CHMOND RICHMOND SECO~D NAT BK OF RICHMOND ROCHESTER FIRST N3 Of ROCHESTER ROCKVILLE ROCKVILLE NATIONAL DANK RUSH CTY NAT BK OF RUSHVILLERUSHVILLE RUSHVILLE RUSHVILLE NATIO~AL BANK CENTRAL NAT BK OF tlOWARD CTYRUSSIAVILLE ST ATE BANK OF SALEH SALE~ IN 1236604 34602 IN 977772 23383 16624 79315 153125 185515 72696 27772 21390 30371 109116 45373 23341 59517 69491 29472 123998 91056 15103 14468 28350 68861 188355 31320 78123 22377 27729 30247 18072 22ll4 13740 38138 21041 14395 39279 19232 32482 19673 76010 162052 400H 21409 IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN. IN IN IN ·111 IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN rn IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN 30540 30367 15859 28123 107 195 2040 1661 2607 626 582 251 324 2882 58 I 626 2090 1166 566 2918 1685 166 125 321 1830 7110 732 1057 261 169 280 238 380H 27386 1311 441 1802 6128 7382 3304 743 943 895 2135 1614 319 781 2114 873 3070 1977 390 529 1064 1913 2353 UI NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 5188 207H 5035 73 0 14832 599 0 0 0 3994 0 4952 40 1505 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 459 252 0 0 964 0 1130 261 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 a a 593 0 500 0 0 2851 703 889 1282 544 1495 0 86 355 393 173 455 61 237 145 1646 3374 416 341 532 383 423 1361 396 322 1450 757 1274 738 1914 4411 1327 574 837 1037 0 H 0 0 618 299 29 976 869 a 49 0 0 a 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 161 Dlf 131-151 17270 12554 1311 441 1802 6128 7342 3304 743 943 895 2135 1614 319 781 2114 873 3070 1977 390 529 1064 1913 2353 869 2851 703 889 1282 544 423 1361 396 322 1450 757 1274 738 1914 a 0 652 2298 58 0 0 0 0 0 574 837 45 0 1037 29 976 a 0 0 0 0 0 4411 1327 • • ••• • • •• • • 1--' • • • • • • •• • • • •• •• •• • ts:) 1--' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ME~SER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NAME DSB 8183995 8194010 8184010 8184030 71~4040 71q4050 7184110 7184120 7184130 Blt\4235 7164270 8184320 8184330 7184360 7184)70 71844.l0 ., 184410 7184470 Bl9',5)0 17184550 ,7H~4t>30 ,71846'10 8tr4b70 Ul8t.b90 H84870 Of 111 TDEP LOCATION FIRST NAT BK OF SCOTTSBURG SCOTTSBURG SCOTT COUNTY STATE BANK SCOTTSBURG SELLERSBURG SELLERSBURG STATE BANK SEYMOUR sn•ouR NATIONAL BANK FARMERS NB OF SHELBYVILLE SHELBYVILLE SHELBYVILLE SHELBY NS Of SHELBYVILLE A.SERICAN NBtTC Of SOUTH BENDSOUTH BEND FIRST BANK AND TRUST COMPANYSOUIH BENO NATIONAL BKtTC OF SGUTH 8ENOSOUTH BENO FARMERS ST ~K Of SULLIVAN SUL llVAN P[QPLES BANK ANO TRUST CO SUNMAN CITIZENS NAT BK OF T~LL CITYTELL CITY TELL Cl TY TELL CITY NATIONAL BANK ~ERCHA.tHS NB OF TERRE HAUTE TERRE HAUTE TER'l.E HAUTE FIRST NAT BK TERRE HAUTE CITIZENS NS OF TIPTON TIPTON FA~SERS LOAN ANO TRUST CO TIPTON FIRST NB VALPARAISO VALPARAISO AMERICAN NAT BK OF VINCENNESVINCENNES FIRST NAT BK IN WABASH WABASH WARREN EXCHANGE BANK FIRST NB OF WARSAW WARS A~ PPL NB t TR CO OF WASH WASHINGTON WASHINGTON NATIONAL BANK WASHINGTON WINA~AC FIRST UNION BK ANO TR CO 136 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 66 57 IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IH63 21160 21412 33110 51247 59352 97830 304158 179387 2561 7 14536 44426 39977 132154 223559 27l 7l 31414 92461 104 798 36620 23998 82809 36574 20785 45171 121 VLTCSH 142 364 353 365 586 1363 2646 5608 1921 308 323 424 390 3782 4205 187 396 1188 1965 749 154 1027 378 327 299 1/17/19 141 131 1977 AEQBAL NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 161 DIF 131-1 51 480 1076 879 1185 1652 1380 1864 8052 6451 841 281 1353 1354 2699 6733 1040 892 3638 3911 1116 869 2bl8 1202 500 1695 0 0 0 35 543 0 398 5092 4019 0 0 207 1't 1062 4936 37 0 1840 2120 0 0 9b6 48 0 311 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1032 1100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 480 1016 879 1185 1652 13B0 1864 7020 5351 841 281 1353 1354 2699 6733 1040 892 3638 3911 1116 869 2618 1202 soo 1695 • •• •• • •• •• • • • •• • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7190090 7190195 7190235 7190600 7190730 11qoa10 719J900 7 lQ0910 719Vq40 71909d0 11<;0990 7191100 7191120 ALBIA PEOPLES NAT BK OF ALBIA FIRST NATIONAL 8ANK,AMES AMES ANKENY NATIONAL BANK ANKENY CITIZE~S NAT BK OF BOONE BOONE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURLINGTON FIRST NAT BK,CEOAR FALLS,IA CEDAR FALLS MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK CEDAR RAPIDS PEOPLES BANK ANO TRUST CO CEDAR RAPIDS CENTERVILLE NATIONAL BANK CENT ERV ILLE 'IAT BK ANO TR CO OF CHARITONCHARITON CITIZENS NB OF CHARLES CITY CHARLES CITY CITIZENS STATE BANK CLARI NOA •IRST NAT BK OF CLARION CLARION IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA 25025 52111 14049 33486 65765 35977 248341 100654 34245 30919 23903 24207 31228 192 967 253 405 872 361 3542 1060 267 193 153 238 148 919 1514 272 1072 2505 1296 10264 4021 1086 1214 827 190 1001 0 128 0 0 1207 68 5008 2270 185 0 33 0 209 0 0 0 0 0 0 2315 0 0 0 0 0 0 919 1514 272 1072 2505 1296 7949 4021 1086 1214 821 790 1001 ••• •• • •• •• .... ~ ~ HEHBER BANKS ... 0 111 osB l/17179 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NAME LOCATION TDEP 121 VLTCSH 29696 52731 56528 19327 21150 17953 21964 70496 15453 33199 313254 43837 20154 232886 68911 216084 26216 466416 51197 31893 113313 122859 113110 25868 14306 21524 19812 17933 28523 25760 22677 12821 59617 30609 22713 20135 14970 14267 38556 19665 25819 27448 30254 101491 32296 24820 40B 586 880 86 113 63 116 1051 90 312 5593 1648 183 5653 1073 3532 551 5052 595 218 1547 2664 1565 155 66 116 134 54 272 402 182 603 542 953 143 171 87 54 430 69 180 142 233 1391 289 306 ' ~ 131 1971 REQBAL 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 161 DIF 131-151 843 1716 1830 637 0 H2 525 30 29 54 96 1109 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30H 0 0 0 0 267 843 1716 1830 637 ~ 0 ~ ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7!9IHO 7lnl90 71qI1q5 71912]0 11n250 71q126s 7191290 71qI340 71Gl370 7191390 7191410 7191'75 7191550 71'11570 7191580 7191590 71916J5 7191620 7191632 7191635 7191640 7191730 1191750 7191790 7l9l882 1191910 7191935 7l<H970 HS2040 7192050 71q214() 7192150 1192160 7192170 7192270 1icn340 7192 350 1192440 11q,2430 7192510 71~2560 7192600 7192780 71928BO 7193150 7193310 CLEAR LAKE BANK AND TRUST COCLEAR LAKE CLINTON NA Tl ONAL BANK CLINTON FIRST NATIONAL BANK CLINTON FIRST NAT BK IN COLFAX COLFAX COLUM9US JUNCTION STATE BANKCOLUMBUS JUNCTION PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK COLUMBUS JUNCTION CORl'IING OKEY VERNO~ FIRST NAT BK FIRST NB Of COUNCIL BLUFFS COUNCIL BLUFFS CRESCO NAT I ONAL BANK CRESCO f IR ST NB Hl CRESTON CRESTON DAVE~PORT BANK ANO TRUST CO DAVENPORT f IRST NB Gf OAVENPOR T DAVENPORT FIRST NWSTERN NB Of DENSION DENI SON BA~KERS TRUST CO DES MOINES CAPITAL CITY STATE BANK DES MOINES CENTRAL NAT BK C TR CO DES MOINES EAST DES HOINES NATIONAL BK DES MOINES IO.<A DES MOINES NATIONAL BK DES HOINES IIAT IONAL BANK Of DES HOINES DES HO! NES NORTHWEST BRENTON NB DES MOINES DES MOINES VALLEY NATIONAL BANK A\olERICAN TR t SVGS BANK DUBUQUE FIRST NB Of DUBUQUE DUBUQUE DYERSVILLE NATIONAL BANK DYERSVILLE ELDORA SECO~O NATIONAL BANK ELKADER CENTRAL STATE BANK IOWA TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK EMMETSBURG FIRST NAT BK Of ESSEX ESSE x FIRST NB IN FAIRFIELD FAIRFIELD IOWA STATE BANK AND TRUST COFAIRFIELD FOREST C !TY SANK t TRUST CO FORE ST C ITV FIRST NAT BK, FT DODGE IA FORT DODGE ST ATE BANK FORT DODGE FORT MAD I SON BANK t TRUST COFOR T MADI SON HANCOCK COUNTY NATIONAL BANKGARNER GLENWOOD GLEN•OOD STATE BANK f IR ST NAT BK IN GLIDDEN GLIDDEN f IR ST STATE BANK GREE NE POWESHIEK COUNTY NATIONAL BKGRINNELL GRUNOV CENTER GR U'WY NB Of GRUNDY CNTR IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA 1A IA IA IA IA IA IA IA FIRST NAT BK OF HAMPTO~ HAMPTON IA HARlAN NATIONAL BANK FIRST NB IN HU"4NOLOT FIRST NB IOWA CITY IOWA CMTY NB t TRCO Of KNOXVILLE FIRST N8 IN LE MARS HARLAN HUMBGLOT IOWA CITY KNOXVILLE LE HARS IA IA IA IA IA 181 619 1052 2682 495 1011 11 10204 359 647 5196 2065 7809 610 18169 1998 1091 3985 3287 3315 806 491 798 683 666 943 764 773 2581 1980 349 788 829 488 552 1105 665 831 5368 0 0 2867 122 5154 0 5131 628 141 2087 1230 en 1008 3404 1001 696 1323 141 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 1351 593 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 39 148 76 2021 3 0 0 9235 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 181 619 1052 2682 495 1011 7190 359 641 5196 2065 7542 610 8934 1998 1091 3985 3287 3315 806 491 798 683 666 943 764 773 2581 1980 349 186 829 488 552 1105 605 831 891 1008 3404 1001 696 •• •• •• •• •• • • • • • • • ...• • • • • • • • • •• • • • . .... ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BANKS OSB 7193330 7193580 7193590 7l(J36LO 719)700 1193730 7193750 7193760 11q3910 7193990 719,070 7194030 7194110 7lq4lb0 7194170 7194205 7194210 7194330 7194340 11943qo 11q4400 1l94460 11q449Q 7194560 7l<H570 7194860 7195050 71Q5130 71952 70 7195280 71S5350 7195370 71954,)5 7195410 7l95420 7195510 7195525 7195630 1195640 7195650 7195710 7195925 7195840 7196060 7196J70 7196060 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HDDIFIED H.R. 7 NAME 111 TOEP LOCATION FIRST NB IN LENOX LENOX FARMERS & ~ERCHANTS SVGS BK MANCHESTER FIRST STATE BANK MANCHESTER HANNING FIRST NB Of HANNING FIRST NAT BK Of MARION MARION HAR SHALLTOWN SECURITY SAVINGS BANK FIRST NB Of MASON CITY HA SON C ITV U.'11 TED HOME BANK t TRUST co HA SON C ITV FIRST NB Of HO VALLEY HI SSOURI VALLEY HONIICELLO STATE BANK MONT !CELLO C.FNTRAL STATE RANK HUSCATI NE FIRST NB Of MUSCATINE MUSCATINE NEVADA NATIONAL BANK NEVAOA FIRST NB IN NEW HAMPTON NEW HAMPTON SECURITY STATE BANK NE• HAMPTON FIRST NEWTON NATIONAL BANK NEWTON JA5PER COUNTY SAVINGS BANK NEiolTON FIRST NB OF OELWEIN OELWEIN CITY STATE BANK OGDEN HOSE TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK OSAGE OSAGE FAR,SERS NATIONAL BANK OSAGE FIRST N9 Of OTIUSWA OHUMWA Ufl ION SANK ANO TRUST CO OTTUMWA P[ LLA NATIONAL BANK PELLA FIRS( NAT BK OF PERRY PERRY MONTGOMERY CTY NB Of RED OAKREO OAK NIT 9K Of ROCKWELL CITY RCCKWELL CITY s r A'iSGI\R STATE BMU<. SAi NI ANSGAR CITY NB OF SHENA~OOAH SHENANDOAH S!:CURI TY TRUST & SAVINGS BK SHENANDOAH FIRST 116 OF SIOUX CNTR SIOUX CENTER f IR ST NB IN SIOUX C ITV SIOUX CITY ~nm rm OF SIOUX CITY SIOUX CITY SECURITY NB Of SIOUX CITY SIOUX CITY rov NATIONAL SANK SIOUX CITY CLAY CCUNTY NB Of SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER NATIONAL BANK SPENCER CITIZENS FIRST NATIONAL BANKSTOR~ LAKE CO><ERCIAL TR t SVGS BK STORM LAKE SECJRITY H AND SVGS BK STORH LAKE FIRST NO OF SUM.~E R SUMNER FIRST NO Of Tl PTON TI PTCN TITD>KA SAVINGS BANK T !TONKA PUT BK OF WASHINGTON WASH! hGTON WASHINGTON STATE BANK WASHINGTON NAT BK Of WATERLOO WATERLOC IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA' IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA I A IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA 19407 15798 19224 14879 39240 74129 96854 71135 17977 69518 72015 75967 28886 25866 I 7613 26117 63149 32088 15342 22337 20631 45373 85900 40731 30497 20310 17280 18823 26078 18545 27546 113065 111603 16 7313 126963 30785 25325 639B7 20143 18869 26179 14458 15937 28261 25618 134153 1/17/19 121 VLTCSH 61 203 127 68 273 726 922 504 83 215 763 1462 245 193 101 341 773 396 11 90 101 930 1358 242 200 254 109 141 227 188 84 1088 1476 2087 1235 309 392 362 70 93 83 92 70 190 260 3060 131 1917 REQBAL 712 458 761 557 1352 2597 4198 2725 596 2938 2545 2056 892 851 539 713 2282 952 567 781 713 919 2650 1600 993 812 568 626 1011 751 1077 4621 3662 5248 3992 994 630 2272 728 626 927 437 561 1029 873 3407 141 NEW EPA 19 0 0 0 158 1134 2143 1217 35 1150 1147 374 66 0 0 0 768 0 0 79 17 0 772 372 139 0 0 0 0 0 166 151 NEW REQ8Al 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 3005 0 2474 3318 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2620 0 0 1024 96 0 93 0 0 40 0 IHO o o 0 0 0 0 0 161 Dlf 131-15I 712 458 7~1 557 1352 2597 4198 2725 596 2938 2545 2056 892 851 539 713 2282 952 567 781 713 919 2050 1000 993 B12 508 626 1011 751 1077 4621 3662 524S 3992 994 630 2272 728 626 927 437 561 1029 873 3407 • •• • . • • ••• • • • .• • • .•• .•• •• • • •• •• •• .... ~ ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BANKS Ill DSB NAME 71%100 7196140 7196190 71%330 Of l / l 7/19 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 WATERLOO SAVINGS BANK FIRST NB OF WAVERLY FARIIERS NB OF WEBSTER CITY FIRST NB OF WEST UNION LOCATION WATERLOO WAVERLY WEBSTER CITY WEST UNION 109 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 43 62 IA IA IA IA TDEP 121 VLTCSH 102625 37453 37075 30949 1589 328 312 251 UJ 131 1977 REQBAL NEW EPA 3554 1198 1306 1093 1778 96 63 9 151 NEW REQBAL 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 355" 1198 1306 1093 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 750 132 619 1802 1634 1220 594 836 1165 809 861 743 1783 1071 •• • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE -------------l0200040 10200200 10200210 10200240 10200320 10200330 10200450 10200790 10200950 10201050 10201000 10201140 W20ll50 10201170 10201220 l0201430 10201440 10201570 1020\650 10201810 10201820 10201870 I020l'150 1~202010 10202060 10202100 10202110 10202310 l02~2315 10202460 10202510 10202620 10202660 10202665 FAR~ERS NAT BK OF ABILENE ABILENE CITIZENS NAT BK E TR CO ANTHONY FIRST NAT BK OF ANTHONY ANTHONY HO>IE NAT BK OF ARUNSAS tlTYARKANSAS CITY t i n NAT 8K OF ATCHISDII ATCHISON E XC NB E TR CO OF ATCHISON ATCHISON AM NAT BK OF BAXTER SPRINGS BAXTER SPRINGS PEOPLES NB&TC OF BURL IN(;TON BURLINGTON FIRST NAT BK OF CHANUTE CHANUTE PEOPLES NB OF CLAY CENTER CLAY CENTER U~ION STATE BANK CLAY CENTER CONDON NB OF COFFEYVILLE COFFEYVILLE FIRST NAT BK Of COFFEYVILLE COFFEYVILLE THO~AS CTY NB OF COLBY COLBY FIRST NAT BK Of COLU>IBUS COLU>IBUS FIDELITY STATE BK ANO TR CO DODGE CITY FIRST Na & TR CO IN DODGE CYOOOGE CITY FIRST NATIONAL BAIIK & TR CO ELDORADO CITIZENS NB & TR OF EMPORIA EMPORIA ARMY NB OF FT LEAVENWORTH FORT LEAVENWORTH CITIZENS NB .OF FORT SCOTT FORT SCOTT FIRST NAT BK IN FP.EOONIA FREDONIA GARDEN NB OF GARDEN CITY GARDEN CITY FIRST NAT BK OF GIRARD GIRARD FIRST NAT BK OF GOOOL ANO GGOOLAND A~ERICAN STATE BK E TR CO GREAT BEND \ST NB & TR CO IN GREAT BENOGREAT BENO FlqST NB OF HAYS CITY HAYS HAYS NATIONAL BANK HAYS FIRST NAT 6K OF HILLSBORO HILLSBORO FIRST NAT BK OF IIOXIE HOXIE HUMBOLDT NATIO,.AL BANK HUMBOLDT FIRST NAT BK OF HUTCIIINSON HUTCHINSON HUTCHINSON NAT BK E TR HUTCHINSON KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS 19860 18979 17215 43'147 39410 32702 22451 20130 3391'1 23506 22848 23223 50873 23423 23771 50878 3'1477 30400 51761 30527 43146 17256 35808 15793 28684 41179 51007 32714 17170 19747 19115 16073 94677 105653 159 69 88 452 HO 250 306 IOI 28'1 183 1'14 263 403 111 164 587 30'1 497 733 314 500 136 286 91 313 285 404 361 247 108 61 89 843 '123 750 732 619 1802 1634 1220 594 836 1165 809 861 743 1783 1071 181 1893 1712 1059 1543 1574 1554 549 1630 620 1088 1679 1705 1287 541 191 737 653 4055 37'18 0 8 0 394 311 17 0 0 33 0 0 0 342 0 17 457 441 0 338 261 143 0 335 0 0 31'1 Hl 23 0 0 11 0 21'13 1923 181 1893 1712 1059 1543 1574 1554 54'1 1630 620 1088 1679 1705 1287 5H 191 737 653 4055 3798 •• •• •• • ••• • •• •• • •• • • •• • •• • •• • • •• ....NI C7l Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BANKS DSB BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NAME 111 TOEP LOCATION 1/17/79 121 VL lCSH 131 1911 REQBAL l0202690 CITIHNS NB IN I NOEPENOENCE INDEPENDENCE L0202S 50 CENTRAL NB OF JUNCTION CITY JUNCTION CITY JUNC Tl ON CITY I02029JO CMRC NB OF KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY KANSAS C ITV 10233020 S[CURITY Ni\T BANK Of KC l0203070 FIRST NAT BK OF KINGMAN KING MAN 10203120 F & M STATE BK OF RUSH CTY LA CROSSE 10203180 FIRST NAT BK & TR IN LARNED LARNED 10203190 1ST ST BK & TR CO OF LARNED URNED 1020.3200 FIRST NB OF LAWRENCE LAWRENCE l02'J32l0 LAWRENCE NAT BK ANO TRUST COLAWRENCE 10203220 FIR ST NB OF LEAVENWORTH LEAVENWORTH 102:J3230 LEAVENWORTH NAT BK & TR CO LEAVENWORTH 10203360 FIRST NAT BK OF LIOERAL LIBERAL 10203370 PEOPLES NAT BK OF LI BER AL LIOERAL 10203680 FIRST NB OF MANHATTAN MANHATTAN 10203690 UNION NB£.TC OF MANHATTAN MANHA TT AN 10203900 FIRST NAT 8K OF HEADE MEADE 10203810 FIRST NB OF MEDICINE LODGE MEDICINE LODGE 10204050 FIRST NAT BK OF NEODESHA NEGOESHA 1020-'1010 .SJ OLANO Ng OF NEWTON NEl<.TON OLATHE 10?04220 FIRST NAT 8K Of OLATHE \fJ20-'t230 FIRST NB OF OSAWATOSI E OSAWATOMIE 10204370 PEOPLES NB t TR GTTAWA OTT AWA 10204470 MIA~l CTY NAT 8K"OF PAOLA PAOLA 10?04560 FI RSJ Ng Of PHILLIPSBURG PIIILLIPSBURG 102J4575 CITY NAT B< OF Pl TTSBURG PllTSBURG 1J2045'JO Nl T IDNAL BK Of PITTSBURG PITTSBURG 10204675 JOH~SON CTY NBtTC PRAIRIE VILLAGE 102046 76 KANSAS NAT BK t TR CO PRAIRIE VILLAGE l02Q46d0 F 1R ST NAT BK OF PRATT PHATT 102046'10 PEOPLES BANK PRATT 10204g 70 FIRST NATIONAL BANK t TRUST ST JOHN 10205020 FIRST NB&TC OF SALINA SAL I NA lu205030 NAT BK Of AMERICA AT SALINA SALINA 102)5060 f IRST NAT 8K OF SCOTT C ITV SCOTT CITY 10205070 FIR ST NAT BK Of SEDAN SEDAN 10205190 f IRST NB Of SMITH CENTER SMITH CENTER 10205525 F JRST NAT BK Of TOPEKA TOPEKA 10205550 .SERCHANTS NB Of TOPEKA TOPEKA WAMEGO 1~205820 FIRST NAT BK WAMEGO 10205840 FIRST NAT BK Of WASH! NGTON WASHINGTON 10205910 FIRST NAT BK OF WELLINGTON WELL ING TON WICHITA 10206020 FIRST NB IN WICHITA 10206030 FGURTH NATIONAL BK t TR CO WICHITA 10206042 NATIONAL BANK OF WICHITA WICHITA l02:J28S.O Fl~ST NB OF JUNCTION CITY KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS 38181 29739 23309 114503 146224 11883 14915 21317 26963 54667 45215 34386 3012 I 28611 32836 41857 51464 16127 21215 18971 28229 36441 19000 21580 39135 33162 23191 50316 104127 34914 24095 41789 17037 68665 58515 23318 13326 19806 253569 168079 16563 21420 28030 282159 464648 31488 299 480 699 1211 1679 146 52 282 268 581 1270 695 479 298 214 446 638 74 102 160 318 371 99 335 202 107 391 598 628 324 200 174 60 879 743 98 70 56 3215 1881 71 lb'tlt- 884 349 141 NEW EPA 161 Olf 131-151 108 0 366 0 0 0 1011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2818 62 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 280 0 0 4521 220 2304 8534 7016 49B1 595 609 853 840 2131 987 979 896 1063 1273 1846 2066 712 904 701 897 1433 718 810 145 7 1419 635 1910 4531 1100 903 1743 701 2625 2304 1063 419 798 11083 5873 636 878 1034 12327 11476 868 574 83 I SI l<EW REQBAL 3583 0 0 0 10 800 0 0 0 0 76 434 545 0 0 0 0 310 0 0 397 319 0 1078 173 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 5758 4104 35M 489 0 0 0 0 0 0 5043 5191 4321 7568 0 0 16'4 B84 3'9 6005 4981 595 609 853 840 2131 987 979 896 1063 1273 1846 2066 112 904 701 897 1433 718 BIO 1457 1419 635 1910 4469 1100 903 1743 701 2625 2304 1063 419 798 1579 5384 636 878 1034 8006 990B 574 .•• • .• .• • • • . .• • • • • • • .•• • .• • • .... Ss Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BANKS Ill NAME DSB 10206050 SW NAT BANK OF WICHITA 10206060 UNION NAT BK OF WICHITA 10206110 f IRST NAT BK OF WINFIELD OF LOCATION TDEP WICHITA WICHITA WINFIELD ~3 BANKS AFFECTED. IN STATE 39 38 4210050 4210060 4210110 4210240 8210300 8210320 8210490 .4210550 4210750 4210710 4210790 4210910 4210870 42108~0 e210900 8210910 8211020 8211145 8211190 8211230 4211260 8211310 4211370 8211)90 4211430 8211540 8l!l550 8211600 8211620 4211 730 4211920 4211945 4211950 4211960 lt2?.2il)8 l/I7/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 KS KS KS 61148 161076 35131 121 VL TCSH 711 l725 417 131 1971 REQBAL 2021 62H 1760 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 717 4438 359 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 2021 6274 1760 0 0 4065 1562 0 504 484 • • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE ND REQURED RESERVE BALANCE SECOND NB OF ASHLAND ASHLAND THIRD NAT BANK OF ASHLAND ASHLAND UNION NS OF BARBOURVILLE BAPBOURVILLE BEREA NATIONAL BANK BEREA A'1 NBtTR CO OF BOWLING GREENBOWLING GREEN CTZ NB OF BOWLING GREEN BOWLING GREEN CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CD CAMPBELLSVILLE FIRST NB OF CARLISLE CARLISLE FIRST NB t TR CD OF CORBIN CORBIN CITIZENS NB OF COVINGTOII COVINGTON FIRST NAT BK t TRUST CO COVINGTON PEOPLES LI BERTY BK C TR co COVINGTON FARMERS NB Of CYNTHIANA CYNTHIANA NS OF CYNTHIANA CYNTHIANA CITIZENS NB Of DANVILLE OANV ILLE FARMERS NB OF DANVILLE DANVILLE 1ST HARDIN NB OF ELZBETHTWN ELIZABETHTOWN FORT KNOX NA Tl ONAL BANK FORT KNOX STATE NB OF FRANKrnRT FRANKFORT CITY NB CF FULTON FULTON FIRST NAT BK AND TR CO GEORGETCWN NEW, FAR~ERS NB OF GLASGOW GLASGOW f IRST NB OF GRAYSON GRAYSON PEOPLES BANK £ TRUST CO)IPANYGREENS8URG HA~LAN NATIO~AL BANK HARLAN FIRST tlB OF HENDERSON HENDERSON OHIO VALLEY N8 Of HENDERSON HENDERSON LINCOLN NB OF HOOGENV ILLE HOOGENV ILLE PLANTERS BANK AND TRUST CO HOPKINSVILLE JACKSON f IPST NB OF JACKSO•! BANK OF CO~HERCE t TRUST CO LEXINGTON CITIZENS UNION NATIONAL BANKLEXINGTON FIRST SECURITY NB £ TR CC LEXINGTON LEXINGTON SECO"ID NAT BANK MIO U CO CUMBERLAND VALLEY NB t TR COLONDON KY KY. KY KY KY ·KY KY KV KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KV KY KY KY KY 105325 69162 40696 17345 94204 87320 25176 17881 54902 24022 73203 9H32 22149 32029 23105 30950 81613 21342 31200 23328 35560 52669 27139 20413 28931 42621 37496 21764 96409 18756 93584 119414 439570 100590 71902 2326 2190 1173 273 1309 1599 524 195 903 809 2060 2164 362 362 396 314 1729 886 3H 355 441 628 316 202 1077 1038 425 252 3101 283 1033 2131 4746 2135 892 4065 1562 504 484 4215 2880 816 620 1614 349 1618 2372 722 1158 797 1400 3080 165 1505 1922 0 0 0 2217 1559 0 0 0 0 224 1125 0 0 0 78 1037 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 223 0 694 0 1324 2333 1017 705 1098 0 722 0 0 0 0 0 0 1656 161 269 0 45 0 2082 1566 826 1883 628 3788 5319 21756 3334 2660 0 0 ~025 5069 1277 1127 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11105 0 0 4215 2880 816 620 16l't 349 1618 2372 722 1158 797 1400 3080 165 1505 694 13H 2333 1017 705 1098 1656 1566 826 1883 628 3788 5319 9951 3334 2t60 •• • ••• •• •• ••• • • •• ••• ••• • • • .... ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IIEHBER BANKS Ill DSB NAHE 4212010 4212040 8212050 8212058 8212060 8212090 8212120 8212310 4212340 42l2Jqo 8212500 4212560 4~\2570 4212590 42I26qo 4212700 4212730 8212910 8212880 4212895 4212q)Q 4212940 4213000 4213020 '2130b0 4213100 8213150 8213260 4213420 4213440 4213500 4213835 4213870 OF 1/17179 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 LOCATION FIRST NB IN LONDON LONDON FIRST NB Of LOUISA LOUISA CTZ FIDELITY BK & TR CD LOUISVILLE FIRST KENTUCKY TRUST COMPANVLOUISVILLE FIRST NB OF LOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE LIBERTY NB & TR CO LOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE TRUST BANK INC LOUISVILLE FIRST NB OF HAYFIELD HAYF !ELD STATE NB OF HAYS~ILLE MAYSVILLE NATIONAL BANK Ml DOLE SBORO MORGANFIELD NATIONAL BANK MORGANF IELO "tNTGMRY N8 OF HT STERLING MOUNT STERLING HT STERLING NATIONAL BANK MOUNT STERLING TRADERS NB OF HT STERLl~G MOUNT S TERLIIIG A~ER ICAN NS OF ·NEWPORT NEWPORT tlE WPORT NATIONAL BANK NEWPORT FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TR CO NICHOLASVILLE OWENSBORO NATIONAL BANK OWENSBORO PPL I ST NB&TR CO OF PADUCAH PADUCAH CITIZENS NB OF PAINTSVILLE PAINTSVILLE FIRST NB OF PAINTSVILLE PAINTSVILLE PEOPLES OEPOSIT BANK & TR COPARIS FIRST NB OF PIKEVILLE P !KEVILLE PIKEVILLE NAT BK & TR CO P !KEVILLE FIRST NB OF PRESTONSBURG PRESTONSBURG MADI SON NB OF R ICHMONO RICHMOND CITIZENS NB OF RUSSELLVILLE RUSSELLVILLE FARSERS NB OF SCOTTSVILLE SCOTTSVILLE CITIZENS NB OF SCHERSET SOMERSET FIRST AND FARMERS NATL BANK SOMERSET LINCOLN COUNTY NATIOHAL BANKSTANFORO FAR~ERS NB OF WILL IA"SBURG WILLI AH SBURG CLARK CTY NB OF WINCHESTER WINCHESTER 68 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 35 28 KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY TDEP 121 VLTtSH 30877 21632 903969 31687 980452 520314 223918 25362 38397 36213 32250 18449 30486 26561 20496 40039 32069 116356 98533 46131 36364 20362 99392 162520 68036 40392 29868 25815 42993 93428 16246 40403 35250 341 12497 0 11635 6452 1882 464 508 722 387 317 338 652 678 1333 301 1873 2788 484 642 240 1971 2491 1011 249 483 279 551 2094 356 458 352 394 131 1977 REQBAL 1258 692 45417 laBO 44822 24H9 11871 836 1429 972 986 546 IHI 536 40 789 1390 5283 2626 1786 978 778 3045 6883 2572 1825 904 1050 1458 2389 760 1190 1305 141 l<EW EPA 0 0 5288 579 4966 5300 5004 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 3181 583 290 0 0 766 5115 1039 390 0 0 60 235 0 0 0 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 30126 0 28785 14222 3847 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 1258 69Z 15291 1880 16037 10327 8024 836 1429 972 986 546 1151 536 448 789 1390 5283 2626 1786 978 778 3045 6883 2572 1825 904 1050 1458 2389 760 1190 1305 • .. •• •• • •• • • • • •• • •• •• • •• HAVE NO EARNIIIGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALAIICE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ------------6220020 6220040 6220050 6220D55 6220060 FIRST IIAT BK OF ABBEVILLE ABBEVILLE RAPIDES BANK ANO TRUST CO ALEXANDRIA SECURITY FIRST NATIONAL BANKALEXANDRIA FIRST NB OF ST BERtlARD PRSH ARABI ST BERNARD BANK AIID TRUST COARABI LA LA LA LA LA 26277 697 815 160317 3Hl 1037 789 1635 5353 1421 208 514 46724 22952 45279 0 3213 180 0 0 0 815 0 0 0 0 5353 1421 208 514 • •• • .... ~ 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ill DSB 11220070 11220083 6220090 6220100 6220110 6220155 II220lb5 6220281 6220300 11220310 6220315 6220340 6220350 6220435 6220460 6220480 l/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOi F JED H.R. 7 MEMBER BANKS NAME FIRST NAT BK IN ARCADIA BASTROP NATIONAL BANK CITY NB OF BATON ROUGE FIDELITY NB Of BATON ROUGE LA NAT BANK Cf BATON ROUGE PARISH NATIONAL BANK NAT 8ANK Of BOSSIER CITY FIRST NATIONAL 8ANK FIRST NAT BANK Of CROWLEY FIRST NAT BANK Of DELHI FIRST NB Of OENHAH SPRINGS FIRST NAT BK IN DERIDDER FIRST NB IN DONALDSONVILLE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FIRST NB Of JEFFERSON PRSH CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK TDEP LOCATION ARCADIA BASTROP BATON ROUGE BATON ROUGE BATON ROUGE eoGALUSA BOSSIER CITY COVING TON CROWLEY DELHI DENHAM SPRINGS DERIDDER DONALDSONVILLE GONZALES GRETNA HAMMOND HOMER 11220520 H0r-1ER NATIONAL BANK 6220540 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HOUMAHOUMA 6220570 FIRST NAT BANK OF JEANERETTEJEANERETTE 6220575 NB Of CHMRC IN JffRSN PRSH JEFFERSON PARISH 6220595 JEFF DAVIS BANK ANO TRUST COJENNINGS LAFAYETTE 6220630 FIRST NB Of LAFAYETTE LAKE CHARLES 6220650 CALCASIEU MARINE NAT BANK 6220060 FIRST NAT BK Of LAKE CHARLESLAKE CHARLES LAKE CHARLES 6220670 GULF NB AT LAKE CHARLES LAKE CHARLES 6220675 LAKE SIDE NATIONAL BANK LA PLACE 6220695 RIVERLANDS NB IN LA PLACE ll220160 FIRST NAT SANK IN MANSFIELD MANSFIELD MINDEN 11220840 MINDEN BANK ANO ~RUST CO MONROE II22086C CENTRAL BANK 112206 lu OUACHITA NAT BANK IN MONROE MONROE MORGAN C ITV 62 2 0890 FIRST NB IN ST HARV PARISH NEW 18ER IA 6220950 NEW IRERIA NATIONAL BANK NEW IBERIA 6220960 PEOPLES NB Of NEW IBERIA 6220970 STATE NAT BK Of NEW IBERIA NEW IBERIA NEW ORLEANS 6220977 CENTURY NB IN NEW ORLEANS 6?2Qq79 BANI( Cf NE'i4 ORLEANS £. TR CO NEW ORLEANS NEW ORLEANS 6220930 HIBERNIA NB INN ORLEANS 6220981 FIRST NAT BANK Cf COMMERCE NEW ORLEANS NEW ORLEANS 6221000 NAT AM BK IN NEW ORLEANS ~EW ORLEANS 6221029 WHITNEY NB Of NEW ORLEANS OPHCUSAS 622\097 FIRST NB Of OPELGUSAS 11221206 FIRST NAT BA~K Of RAYVILLE RAYVILLE RUSTON 11221240 FIRST NAT BANK Of RUST6'1 ll2213JO cessERCIAL NB IN SHREVEPORT SHREV~PGRT SHREVEPORT 11221320 FIRST NATIONAL BANK LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA 20783 31702 206518 281016 465449 44029 66268 88014 41680 19051 19897 31159 20603 28051 20 7664 53516 38129 133530 20095 141271 28934 159446 309434 69427 67932 66282 29892 30755 36241 194554 248688 77517 43806 49086 42177 16612 410804 597939 657386 288631 1190725 28647 l69LO 42026 402108 399359 121 VL TCSH 258 940 5000 4815 6452 1284 1183 2554 515 196 603 497 408 552 5422 1918 223 1301 641 3882 927 5237 5374 2110 1890 2595 131 1977 REQBAL 616 790 6148 10702 19076 407 1854 2052 1535 583 193 1126 628 674 5961 508 1293 5576 338 4710 590 5574 15590 1307 2525 1532 961 187 448 449 3970 5431 1487 1151 1447 1029 I37L 6050 8100 2062 966 1114 468 977 305 16299 32218 J5285 6762 79657 935 362 940 18948 12249 84 78 8094 ~541 3035 9521 409 277 922 3729 9144 949 141 NEW EPA 0 0 3402 5010 5029 0 362 597 468 0 0 0 0 0 H62 0 195 3866 0 2447 0 3532 5570 0 1281 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 2684 9307 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 346 0 0 0 0 6811 3897 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1t943 179 948 0 0 0 0 0 139 0 0 35 0 0 0 0 5395 5564 6134 3963 5882 0 0 0 5356 5033 161 DIF 131-151 616 790 6148 8018 9769 407 1854 2052 1535 583 193 1126 628 674 5961 508 Izq3 5230 338 HID 590 5574 8719 1307 2525 1532 187 1029 1311 6050 792 I 2062 966 949 977 305 7401 8898 20679 25124 0 59842 0 0 0 10534 3401 11539 10161 6762 l98I5 935 362 940 8414 8842 • • • • • •• • • • • • • .•• .•• •• •• • • • .... ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HEH8EA 8ANKS DS8 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NAME LOCATION 11221375 SOUTHERN NAT BK AT TALLULAH TALLULAH 6221400 LHOURCHE NB OF. THIBODAUX THIBODAUX 11221455 F IAST NAT BK OF WEST MONROE WEST MONROE OF 54 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 26 17 LA LA LA BANK Cf HAINE NA ~EACHANTS NB OF BANGOR MERRILL TRUST COMPANY FIRST NB OF BAR HARBOR CA~OEN NATIONAL BANK F !AST NS OF DAMAR I SCOTT A LIBERTY NB IN ELLSWORTH UNION TA CO OF ELLSWORTH 18 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 12 5 HE HE HE HE HE .HE HE HE ME HE ME HE ~E HE HE HE HE HE 18735 52623 66813 245 955 1470 131 1977 REQBAL 141 NEW EPA 554 1772 0 412 0 813 ANNAPOLIS BANKING & TRUST COANNAPOLIS FAR~ER S tlAT BANK Of HARYLAIIOANNAPOLI S FIRST NAT BK OF MARYLAND BAL TIHOAE MARYLAND NATIONAL BANK BALT IHDRE UNION TRUST COMPANY OF HD BAL Tl HORE ftH NAT BK OF C AHBR I OGE CAHBR IDGE NATIONAL SANK OF CAHBAIOGE CAMBA IDGE CENTREVILLE NAT BANK OF HD CEtHREVlllE FIRST NBUC Of WESTERN HD CUMBERLAND 151 NEW REQ8AL 0 0 0 161 OIF 131-151 554 1772 813 • ------------- 56071 52447 207291 22982 34247 27672 19010 39199 17279 14994 50466 24008 22609 179438 283732 140059 40203 15428 1350 966 3807 689 520 449 358 1224 359 372 886 200 314 5490 6419 222Z 1089 480 1457 1599 6077 HD 1050 631 641 632 375 2 55 1154 848 604 4012 8993 3856 523 64 181 422 4671 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 3599 4963 Z7Z4 0 D 0 0 D 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2150 0 0 D 1457 1599 6077 340 1050 631 641 632 315 255 1154 848 604 4012 6843 3856 523 M • • •• • • • •• • • • •• HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUAED REsE,vE BALANCE ----------------------5240020 5240040 5240160 5240165 5240280 5240430 !>240440 5240470 5240610 121 VL TCSH --------- AUGUSTA BANGOR BANGOR BAA HARBOR CAMDEN DAMAR I SC OTTA ELLSWORTH ELLSWORTH 123l1370 FIRSTBAt-AK N A FARMINGTON 1230390 NE BK NA Of FARMINGTON FARMlt,GTON 1230400 FIRST NAT BANK OF AROOSTOOK FT FAIRFIELD 1230510 OCEAN NB OF KENNEBUNK KENNEBUNK 1230650 NORWAY NATIO~AL BANK NCR WAY 1230690 CANAL NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND 1230720 ~AINE NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND 1230760 NORTHERN NATIONAL DANK PRESQUE ISLE lZJ0845 NORTHEAST BANK OF SANFORD SANFORD 1230900 SPRING VALE NATIONAL BANK SPRINGVALE OF Ill TDEP HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO AEQURED RESERVE BALANCE ---------------------1230055 1230110 1230120 1230150 1230300 1230320 1230350 1230360 1117/79 -------------------------------------------HD HO HD HO HO HD HD HD HO 66934 89584 1120629 2024830 826287 17297 30801 26287 87093 998 1451 30890 36094 23125 443 318 136 1683 2030 3628 34704 83567 24204 256 934 1024 2773 H8 0 1849 0 5214 19392 4963 4999 50970 10537 0 39 87 986 0 0 D 0 2030 3628 15312 32597 13667 256 934 IOH 2773 • • •• I-' w 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 MEMBER BANKS Ill OSB NAME 524062 0 5240670 5240790 5240820 5240830 5240880 5241055 524lll0 5241120 52.,l240 5241250 524 I 26 O 5241330 5241410 5241427 524142q 5241480 5241620 52416-t0 52 1tl 7l0 52.:. 1 lbO 52'tl 820 5241830 OF TOEP LOCATION LIBERTY TRUST COMPANY OF HO CUMBERLAND DENTON NATIONAL BANK DENTON FOREST HILL STATE SANK FORE ST HILL FORMERS t MECHANICS NAT BANKHEOERICK FPEOERICK CTY NB OF FRORICK FREDERICK FROSTBURG NATIONAL BANK FROS T8URG CENTRAL NATIONAL SANK Of HD HILLANDALE LAUREL CITIZENS NATIGNAL BA:1K FIRST NB OF ST SARYS LEONARDTCWN FIRST NAT SA.r~K OF NORTH EASTNORTH EAST FIRST NAT BANK OF OAKLAND OAKL ANO GARRETT NAT BANK IN OAKLAND OAKLANO E:AST[RN SHORE NATIONAL BANK N.\ Tl ONAL BK OF RISING SUN ST A TE NA Tl ONAL BANK OF MO UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK SA~OY SPR J NG trn t SVG INST THUR"tONT BANK CHESAPEAKE NATIONAL BANK FIRST NB OF SOUTHERN MO UNION "B OF WESTMINSTER w•SHINGTON CTY NAT SVG BK MOO OR I NE NATIONAL BANK POCOMOKE C (TY RISING SUN ROCKVILLE ROCKVILLE SANDY SPRING THURMONT TOWSON UPPER MARLBORO WEST HI NS TE R WILL IA,~SPORT WOOOB INE 32 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 13 16 HO HO HO HD MO MO HO HO HO 110 HO HO MO 110 HO HO HO HD HO HO HO HO MO 1/17/79 121 VL TCSH 78056 28113 26692 173491 2988 298 356 4161 850 934 906 4104 32442 364 1012 26201 39420 83698 44543 19267 74332 52429 35015 15287 86054 107336 50580 27527 36423 68502 35852 16558 15135 121:>03q 5 1250487 1250535 1250560 12 50695 1250698 l2'3012b 12 50795 1250840 1251100 1251140 FIRST NB OF AMHERST A~HERST BARNSTABLE CTY NB Of HYANNI SBARNSTABLE BEVERLY NATIONAL BANK BEVERLY FIRST N~ OF BOSTON BOSTON HARBOR NS OF BOSTON BOSTON NEW HGLANO MRCH NAT SK BOS TON SHAWMUT BANK Of BOSTON NA BOSTON ST ATE STREET BANK ANO TR CO BOSTON Pl Y'-IOUTH HOME NAT BANK BROCK TON SH.,<MUT FIRST COUtHY BANK NABROCKTON BAYBANK H100LESEX NA BURLINGTON SHA'rl'tUT COUNTY SANK NA CA'1gRIOGE BROADWAY "18 OF CHELSEA CHELSEA NATlmJAL BANK OF FAIRHAVEN FAIRHAVEN FALL RIVER NATIONAL SANK FALL RIVER 141 NEW EPA 0 2274 52 570 0 1821 3256 915 491 1494 414 1333 1894 506 524 597 1761 1138 344 158 186 2167 1574 841 259 3329 4310 2033 665 1288 1631 351 346 44 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 574 369 151 NEW REQBAL 0 2049 1142 765 1068 802 635 0 0 611 258 0 0 2043 26'6 651 0 0 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 OIF 131-151 850 934 906 4104 1012 570 1821 3256 915 186 2167 1574 841 259 3329 4310 2033 665 1288 1631 351 346 447 • • .•• • • . • •• .. .• HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE -------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------1250090 1250206 1250230 1250370 131 1977 REQBAL HA MA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA MA HA HA HA HA 43729 28066 21532 3190832 52864 1076146 1209277 1021642 137639 65806 385438 161974 23936 21607 5 7565 1508 500 724 49863 119 10735 33755 10969 4917 2049 10974 3094 411 492 1370 5H 933 448 128830 3774 55558 43493 60968 3790 2151 12621 7170 1071 551 1746 0 0 0 0 0 0 5182 2399 87968 5233 5650 5875 2060 854 5290 5197 0 0 645 40813 0 30265 45017 0 0 6169 731 0 0 0 545 933 448 40862 3774 14745 13228 15951 3790 2151 6452 6-'tl9 1071 551 1146 • • • • .•• 1--' e,., 1--' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 'IEH,ER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H,R, 7 Ill DSB NAME 1251160 ll5II80 1251188 1251.265 I25i3I5 1251340 I2Sl400 1251425 1251445 1251410 1251560 1251640 1251670 1251110 1251910 1251938 1252000 1252060 1252230 1252Jb0 1?52372 1252375 l.!52 510 1252572 1252605 l25.2Q40 1252963 1253085 1253130 1253135 1253180 1253218 1253211 I25BJ2 1253370 1253565 1253720 1251780 1253630 OF LOC4TION TDEP FALL RIVER TRUST COMPANY FALL RI VER FAL ~OUTH NATIONAL BANK FALMOUTH IS T SFTY FNO NB Of FTCHBRG FITCHBURG SHAW.~UT COMMUNITY BANK NA FRAMINGHAM CAPE ANN BANK ANO TR~ST CO GLOUCESTER GLOUCESTER NB Of GLOUCESTER GLOUCESTER FRA~KLIN COUNTY TRUST CO GREENFIELD PIOtlEER NAT BANK - FRANKLIN GREE NF I ELD BAYBANK MERRIMACK VALLEY NA HAVERHILL H4V E•H I LL NAT IO~AL BANK HAVERHILL OLD CLNY BK OF HHPON crv NA HOLYOKE HUDSON NATIONAL BANK HUDSON CAPE COO BANK t TRUST CO HYANNIS MY STATE NATIONAL BAIIK LAWRENCE UNION NATIONAL BANK LCWELL SECURITY NATIONAL BANK LYNN f IRST NAT BK Of HALDEN HALDEN NAT GRANO BK Of MARBLEHEAD MARBLEHEAD t!OSE NAT BANK Of MILFORD HILFORQ SHA~HUT NEEDHAM BANK NA NEEDHAM aAYBANK MERCHANTS NA NEW BEDFORD FIRST N~T OK Of NEW BEDFORD NEW BEDFORD ~'JRTHA~PTON NATIGNAL BANK ~ORT HAMPTON PlmlEER NB-HAMPSHIRE NCR THAHPTON FIRST NAT BK Of CAPf COD ORL(ANS NAU~KEAG TRUST CC"PANY SALEM SHAaMUT MERCHANTS 8ANK NA SALEH HAMPSHIRE NB OF SHADLEY SCUTH HADLEY SECURITY NS Of SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD SHAWMUT FIRST BANK£ TR CD SPRINGFIELD TH I RO 118 Of HAM POE N C TY SPRINGFIELD BAYBANK UNITED N A TAUNTON FIRST BRISTOL CDU~TY NAT BK TAUNTON HARTHAS VINEYARD NAT BANK VIN~YARD HAVEN NAT I ONAL BANK OF WAREHAM WAREHAM BLACKSTONE VALLEY NA.T BANK WHIT INSVlllE WOBURN NATIONAL BANK ~CBURN WORCESTER COUNTY NAT BK WORCESTER OLD CLY BK Of BRNSBLE CTY NAYARHOUTH 54 eANKS AFFECTED IN STATE ------------------------------ 23 23 HA HA MA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA MA MA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA 87544 3991,5 52204 123478 52411 21925 39358 3h24 86884 40022 41346 34669 101975 103236 177180 87032 27083 22776 249B5 51620 65332 87192 26292 15153 H871 42153 61145 22836 32472 146651 306304 78116 112098 19123 24496 26884 24294 495382 36208 1/17/79 121 VL TCSH 2539 1039 2847 2073 1332 421 1059 118 2035 1604 1784 832 2292 2756 7794 2208 659 475 737 987 3484 2783 1050 587 808 2633 2221 381 785 7095 8462 1568 3328 386 1028 1113 1052 19537 1016 131 1977 REQBAL 17U 1001 421 5073 1561 593 1>90 1141> 2675 820 992 1250 3140 2595 2533 2659 681 784 373 1<>97 225 2353 241 308 1231 38 1993· 713 890 1867 8758 3050 2119 455 272 272 214 9693 599 141 NEW EPA 238 38 0 411>0 372 0 0 689 2021 0 0 183 2H9 1890 1135 1421 0 0 0 885 0 917 0 0 586 0 755 0 0 671 5HI 1777 1333 0 0 0 0 5515 55 151 NEW REQBAL 11>1 Olf 111-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1722 0 0 0 0 0 0 1568 0 17'3 1001 421 5073 1561 593 1,90 1146 2675 820 992 1250 3HO 2595 2533 2659 681 784 373 1697 225 2353 241 308 1231 38 1993 713 890 18<>7 7031, 3050 2119 455 272 272 214 8125 599 • • •• •• •• • • •• •• • •• •• • •• • • • .•• • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ------------------------- ----------- .... ~ ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HE~BER BANKS DS3 7260025 7260030 7260092 7260108 1260160 72601 75 72f>Ol~C 7260245 7200310 7260320 72l0~45 72f0410 '9260430 72~0:.65 7260500 7200530 7260590 7266605 7260610 7260630 qz60635 9260640 7U,0660 7260750 7260755 7260820 7260H30 7260840 7260860 726Jq]I) 7261010 9.?61030 72SI045 72<1047 7261103 72&1105 7261120 72t,l L25 7261160 7261170 7261HO 72t.l240 7261285 7211)1290 '9261310 7261437 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NAME BANK OF LENAWEE COUNTY cc,,ERCI AL SAVINGS BANK AMERICAN NB IN WESTERN HI LOCATION ADRIAN ADRIAN ALLEGAN CENTRAL NB OF ALMA ALMA M:N ARBOR BANK t TRUST CO ANN ARBOR HURON VALLEY NATIONAL BANK ANN ARBOR NB t TRCO OF ANN ARBOR ANN ARBOR FIRST NAT BK OF BAD AXE BAD AXE SECRTY NB OF BATTLE CREEK BATTLE CREEK BAY CITY BANK & TRUST CO BAY CITY PEOPLES NB t TR CO Of BAY CY8AY Cl TY F & M NB 1 N BENTON HARBOR BENTON HARBOR BESSE~ER NATIONAL BANK BESSE HER FIRST NAT BANK t TRUST BIG RAPIDS BLISSFIELD STATE BANK BLISSFIELD BRECKENRIDGE FA•SERS SB Of BRECKENRIDGE BRGl'IN CITY SAVINGS BANK BROWN CITY MICHIGAN NATIONALBANK-HID HIBURTON BVROIIJ CENTER STATE 84NK BYRON CENTER ST ATE BK Of CALEDONIA CALEDONIA CALUMET 1ST NB CALU"ET-LK LINDEN MERCHANTS AND MINERS BANK CALUMET CAPAC STA TE SAVINGS BANK CAPAC FIRST NB Of CASSOPOLIS CASSOPOLIS MICHIGUj N!3-HJCHIANA CASSOPOLIS CHEBUYGAN BANI( CHEBOYGAN CHEBOYGAN CITIZENS NS OF CHE BOY GAN CHELSEA STATE BANK CHELSEA CITIZENS BANK t TRUST CO CLARE SOUTHER~ HI NB Of COLDWATER COLDWATER STATE BK Gf CROSWELL CROSWELL FIRST NB BK Of CRYSTAL FALLSCRYSTH FALLS OEAQ.BORN BANK AND TRUST CO DEARBORN "11 CHI GAN NAT rmot BArlK DE AP BORN BA~K OF THE COMMONWEALTH DETROIT CITY NH BK Of DETROIT DETROIT DETROIT BANK ANO l'WST CO DETROIT FIRST INOEPEtlDENCE NAT SANK DETROIT MA'WFACTURERS NATIONAL BANK OETROIT MICHIGAN NAT BANK Of DETROITDETROIT NATIONAL BANK Of DETROIT DETRO! T ,..ONROE CCUNTY BANK DUNDEE FIRST NB Of EAST UNSING EAST LANSING EAST TAWAS PEOPLES SB Of EAST TAWAS FI :t ST N.\TtONAL BA"lK t. TR co ESCANABA METROPOLIJAN NATIONAL BANK FARHl~GTON HILLS HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI. HI HI HI ·Ht HI Ml HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI Ml HI 1/17/79 111 TOEP 121 VLTCSH 46197 72292 20065 17829 240523 95751 191575 25708 96022 68775 238003 I 082 56 14308 31353 15755 25887 12915 38870 27459 19404 12889 31425 30693 19067 74122 33232 49988 .33105 56424 65957 29984 15455 119347 63343 85264 7 783605 2987657 34923 2688787 1163489 5150344 19141 20718 31836 56679 25442 613 1218 240 500 4098 1470 2807 129 4170 1546 7265 2280 239 503 127 198 165 578 355 161 426 334 203 305 141 131 1977 REQBAL NEW EPA 1211 2007 583 229 9257 3268 7241 0 843 0 0 5162 2056 5035 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 1837 0 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 1211 2007 583 229 7420 3268 7145 113 201 6U 1529 4727 3318 337 760 H2 716 276 819 734 536 0 371 3057 1300 0 0 0 140 0 225 0 48 911 844 0 70 214 451 2482 0 0 811 1399 506 809 0 0 0 664 1394 1071 1871 1611 845 336 1386 1086 24171 30311 130.561 1441 116341 19168 216392 436 450 848 1142 1041 117 115 0 911 844 451 2482 809 1394 0 1077 243 603 1073 379 267 4237 1671 19899 12507 34488 522 45208 34403 82507 277 471 462 881 158 6 337 668 II 0 0 0 5433 5299 5382 233 5163 5228 5070 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16163 19978 l 05352 D 78209 9078 134587 0 0 0 384 0 0 0 113 642 1529 4727 3318 337 760 432 716 276 819 734 536 4B 1871 1671 845 336 1386 1086 8008 10333 25209 1441' 38132 10090 81805 436 450 848 1142 1041 • •• • • • ••• • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • •• .. lo- ~ ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ME•SER BANKS Dsa 7261452 7261480 7261490 72616:)0 7261610 7261630 9261640 726169:) 7201715 7261730 7261740 72bl760 7261765 72bl600 72t.>l810 7261870 92blJ\90 72619;)0 72bl920 726tq10 72t>2Ct0 7262020 72620]0 72620.;o 926.?lJ0 7262120 72621')0 9262210 9202220 q2c2230 9262248 9262250 9262270 92622 30 72b22()Q 72623JO 7262310 7262330 7262340 7262365 1262390 7202410 7262430 92624B0 72f.2490 1262500 1111119 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOi F IEO H.R. 7 NA~E II I TOEP 121 Vl lCSH HI 32902 787HB 630705 1001 25418 IH8I 176 10052 11184 HI HI HI HI HI 21541 23114 4 7687 13056 72373 325 245 676 250 914 593 642 1353 211 1939 HI 15105 83684 976426 421563 35513 23251 26005 132151 38262 15951 14572 1622Z 50142 48400 228 1203 15374 6920 342 344 371 1694 523 192 226 267 387 2660 32868 15513 1086 61108 83549 3224 8 37104 523 994 431 533 1059 441 2071 2840 1064 1228 722 369 422 423 882 321 295 7139 6217 3662 8928 516 180 211 472 130 6820 3056 104 7 231 637 622 700 476 1253 4420 3886 7244 11522 1076 LOCATION FIRST NB OF FENTGN FENTON CITIZENS CMHRCL t SVGS BK FLINT GENESEE MERCHANTS BK t TR COFLINT f'tE~ONT BA"< t TRUST CO FREMONT FREMONT DlO SB OF FRE~or-n GAYLORD STATE BANK GAYLORD GLADSTONE FIRST "8 IN GLANDSTONE GRANO HAVEN PEOPLES BA~K AND TRUST co FIRST NB Cf &RAND RAPIDS GRANO RAPIDS MICHIGAN NATIONAL ·BK-CENTRALGRANO RAPIDS OLD KENT BANK AND TRUST CO GRANO RAPIDS GRANO RAPIDS UNION BK & TR CO NA GqlNO VALLEY NATIONAL BANK GRANDVILLE GRAYLING GRAYLING STATE BANK COM,MERCIAL STATE SAVINGS BK GREENVILLE LtBEqyy STATE BANK£ TRUST HAMTRAMCK HANCOCK SUPERIOR NAT BK t TR CO HUqON COUNTY BANK HARBOR BEACH HARBOR SPRINGS STATE BA~K HARBOR SPRINGS NATiONAL BK OF HASTINGS HASTINGS HILLSDALE COUNTY NAT SANK HILLSDALE HILLSDALE STATE SAVINGS BK HILLSDALE F1asT NBtTC OF HOLLAN □ HOLUND HOLL AND PE0°LES BArlK OF HOLLAND HOUGHTON NATIONAL BANK HOUGHTON FIRST NAT BK HI HOWELL HOWELL JC~IA CTY NAT BK OF IO~IA IO~I A CO"l'-1ERC I AL NAT BK t TR CO IP.ON ~OUNTAIN f-1 RS T NB OF IRON MGU~TAIN IRON MOUNTAIN I RO'I RIVER NATIONAL 61VIK IRON RI VER FIR ST NB OF IRONIWOO IRONWOOD GOGEBIC NAT I ONAL BANK IRCNWOOO ."11.'H~RS FIRST NAT BK t TR co ISHPEMING PENINSULA 8-A'IK ISHPEMING ITHACl COMMEPCIAL NATIONAL BANK CITY BANK AND TRUST CO NA JACKSON JACKSCN NAT IO"AL BK Of JACKSON AM~RICAN Nl3 t TR CO Of MI KALAMAZOO KALAMAZOO f IRST NAT BK t TR CO OF HJ MICHIGAN NATIONAL BANK-WEST KALAMAZOO K.ENT CITY STATE BANK KENT CITY KJNGiTU~ STATE BAtlK KINGSTON FIRST NAT BK OF LAKf CITY LAKE CITY co~~ERCIAL NATIONAL BANK L'ANSE ASERICAN BANK ANO TRUST CO LANSING BAIIK Of LANSING LANSING HI HI HI Ml HI HI HI HI HI HI Ml HI HI HI HI HI HI HI Ml HI HI Ml HI Ml HI HI HI HI Ml HI HI HI Ml HI HI HI HI HI HI 36603 38940 42273 15298 29619 27086 39941 21348 36751 226517 188322 2012 76 399226 37334 13839 17467 38353 18908 281859 179497 647 593 131 1917 REQBAL 663 714 4456 1215 400 368 H3 1392 1307 328 1209 332 416 1025 636 7456 5836 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 16I Dlf 131-151 0 5035 0 850 116 9202 4974 0 20 173 0 842 2560 0 0 0 0 8624 593 642 1353 211 0 1939 0 0 387 1429 0 22011 2660 10857 7224 1086 663 5161 5458 102 0 0 2735 0 0 0 0 30 272 1030 1561 0 25 0 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 2599 983 5238 5183 139 0 0 122 0 5079 4H4 8289 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88 3924 0 0 0 0 0 37 0 714 4456 1215 400 368 343 1392 1307 2071 2840 1064 1228 328 1209 1047 231 637 622 700 476 1253 H20 3886 7156 7598 1076 332 416 1025 636 7419 5836 .• • • • • •• • •• • •• . • • • • • • • •• •• •• • ~ (:.:I ,I>,. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11 l DSB 7262520 7262530 7262540 7262570 7262602 7262613 7262605 7262610 7262015 7262645 7262670 7262690 7262685 926Z6q0 92:62700 9262750 q262760 7262 770 9262820 9262930 72b2d70 7262930 72630l0 7263020 7263030 72b31l70 72~3100 9263110 1263130 72b3190 9?63220 726 322 2 9263250 72633gO 7263390 7263410 7263450 7263470 7263435 7263550 7263610 7 261620 7263b40 7263645 72617JO 1263118 1/ 11119 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HODIFIED H.R. 7 HEM3ER BANKS NAME LOCATION LANSING MICHIGAN NATIONAL BANK LAPE ER FIRST NAT BK OF LAPEER LA PEER COUNTY BANK t TRUST LAPEER PEOPLES BK OF LESLIE LESLIE LIVONIA OE TR □ I 1 BANK-Lt VONJ A SANUFACTURERS BK OF LIVONIA LIVONIA MICHIGAN NAT BANK-WEST HETROLIVONIA STATE SAvn,Gs BANK LCWHL FIRST NAT BANK Of LUDINGTON LUDINGTON MAJI SON NATIONAL BANK MADI SON HEIGHTS MANCHESTER UNIO~ SAVINGS BANK MANISTEE MAN IS TEE BANK C. TRUST CO l<ANI STEE SECU•ITY NB OF MANISTEE MANIS TI CUE FIRST NB AT MANISTIQUE STATE SVGS BK Of MANISTIQUE MANISTIQUE MARQUETTE FIRST NAT BK & TR CO MARQUETTE U"ION r,soc OF MARQUETTE OAR T NB OF MASON MASO~ MENOMINEE CMRC BANK OF MENOMINEE 1ST "8 t TR CO OF MENOMINEE HENOHIEE MIDLAND CHE•! CAL BANK ANO TRUST CO MONROE FIR~T NAT BK OF ,"IONROE FIRST NB IN MT CL ES HIS MOUNT CLEMENS HT PLEASANT ASERICAN SECURITY BANK HGaNT PLEASANT I SABELLA BANK ANO TRUST HACKLEY UN NB£TC OF MUSKEGDNMUSKEGON MUSKEGON NAT'LU~BERMANS BK t TR CO NEGAUNEE f I RST NAT BK OF NEGAUNEE CITIZENS STATE SAVINGS BANK NEW BALTIMORE FtRS·T tlo OF SW HICHlGAN NILES NORWAY FIRST NAT BK OF NORWAY NOVI .SI CH I GAN NS-WEST OAKL ANO CITIZENS ST BK OF rnHO,.AGON O~TCNAGON FIR ST NA.TlONAL DK MIO TR CO PElOSKEV STATE BK G TR CO OF PETOSKEYPETOSKEY PIGEON THU~B N~T BANK & TRtJST CO FIRST NAT BA~K OF PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH PCNT I AC CC"-'~•JtllTY NB OF PONTIAC A:'-!ERICAN NAT BK IN PORTAGE PORTAGE FIRST NAT BK OF S CENTRAL MICUINCY R ICHHONO "tACOi-tB COU~TY BANK RICH.SONO N4T BK OF RI CHMONO RIVER ROUGE RI VER ROUGE SAVl~GS BANK ROCHESTER NATIONAL BANK OF ROCttESTER ROSCOS .• ON ROSCOMMON ST ATE DANK NATIONAL BANK OF ROYAL OAK ROYAL OAK TDEP HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI Ml HI HI HI HI HI HI 1H5532 69283 58787 14971 15201 16653 169095 24447 30646 24662 19001 50403 44899 22492 IB383 105014 HI HI HI HI 41318 Ml HI HI Ml 180384 HI HI Ml HI HI Ml HI HI HI HI HI HI HI Ml HI HI Ml HI Ml HI Ml Ml 34213 19089 34302 101126 160705 38388 51180 182048 136014 34168 19285 145118 16603 33823 14328 bb292 53556 26277 27789 401242 21696 48280 143n 47393 16952 35004 74583 36549 121 VLTCSH 13) 141 1971 NEW REQBAL EPA 151 NEW 16) OIF REQBAL 131-151 14508 1048 1063 362 418 657 3071 413 333 567 lH 828 51718 1923 1366 277 78 85 5238 554 926 486 467 1016 5078 391 89 0 0 0 3269 0 193 0 0 0 39522 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12196 1923 1366 665 33B 279 2089 939 997 564 397 2083 0 0 0 0 0 0 997 564 391 945 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2333 1848 2729 0 0 0 0 0 2083 694 999 369 723 4412 0 3228 3022 0 0 0 0 396 315 687 4144 1173 2632 819 694 999 369 723 4412 2953 4081 931 877 1365 4216 1819 672 496 2654 226 1200 4219 4421 649 216 186 592 494 110 380 13731 505 889 220 690 1118 556 828 546 4277 380 193 369 2148 1650 943 1280 5437 2058 0 0 0 0 0 172 0 0 0 0 277 76 85 5238 554 926 486 467 1016 1365 4219 4249 649 216 4217 380 193 893 464 166 2148 1650 943 23 0 1280 5437 473 3217 0 473 0 Bi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 201 0 86 812 0 • •• • • • • • • • • • 2953 4081 931 0 0 0 0 0 1023 320 1041 0 1405 2219 1083 ••• • 369 1023 320 1041 0 1405 2219 1083 •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • .... ~ C1l Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BANKS DSB BENEFIT TO DANKS COVERED BY MO0lf IE0 H.R. 7 NAME 7263749 7263750 7263775 9263790 7263785 7163790 9163870 92tJqso 7263920 7263956 726395 7 7263958 7263959 7263q6o 7263961 7264000 72tJ4090 7264095 7264115 7264l50 72b4l57 7264159 7264160 7264190 7264202 7264203 7204281 72b4.?JoJ2 f }.!,.:,.~95 72642•0 72!»4):)5 1764150 7264:'qo 7264420 7264425 7264440 7264450 OF 111 T0EP LOCATION MICHIGAN NATIONAi.. BK-VALLEY SAGINAW SECOND NB OF SAGINAW SAGINAW ST CLAIR SHORES 'NAT DANK ST CLAIR SHORES FIRST NAT BK Of ST IGNACE ST IGNACE CENTRAL NB OF ST JOHNS ST JOHNS CLINTON NB AND TR,ST JOHN ST JOHNS CENIRAL SAVINGS BANK SAULT STE IURIE 1ST 118 OF SAULT STE MARIE SAULT STE MARIE F t H STATE BK Of SEBEWAING SEBEWAING NAT ~K Of SOUTHFIELD SDUTHFI ELD DETROIT BANK-SOUTHFIELD SCUTHFIELD HIC~IGAN NATIONAL BK-DAKLANDSOUTHFIEL0 SECURITY BANK AND TRUST CO SOUTHGATE CITIZENS TR AND.SVCS BK SOUTH HAVEN ASER ICAN NB-WEST SOUTH HAVEN SPARTA STATE BANK SPARTA CITIZENS STATE BANK STURGIS FIRST NAT BK AND TR CO STURGIS NATIO'IAL BK WYAN00TTE-TAYLORTAYLOR FIRST NB OF THREE RIVERS THREE RIVERS EMPIRE NB Of TRAVERSE CITY TRAVERSE CITY SIC~IGAN NB - GRA~0 TRAVERSETRAVERSE CITY NB AND TR CO OF TRAVERSE CY TRAVERSE CITY PEO•LES BA~K ANO TRUST NA TRENTON DETROIT BANK-TROY TROY HICHIGA~ NAT BK-tlORTH METRO TROY DETROIT 8A~K-WA•RfN NA WARREN MICHIGAN NU BK OF MACOMB WARREN WAR~f N BU~K WARREN FIRST tlB OF WATERVLIET WATERVLIET WAY'IE BANK WAYNE STATE SVGS BK Of W BRANCH WEST BRANCH PEOPLES STATE BANK WILLIA~STDN WYA'ID0TTE SAVINGS BANK WYANDOTTE ~ICHIGAN NAT BA~K-WYDHING WYOMING NAT BK OF YPSILANTI YPSILANTI YPSILANTI SAVINGS BANK YPSILANTI 175 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 82 14 Ml Ml ADA 39651 25887 37691 75835 24934 25916 24980 9D065 20812 239750 505406 76531 16209 31004 53113 36039 70251 33462 86690 20792 7B093 141211 20421 171402 73378 54842 110696 23473 40654 34263 22967 205168 35774 43415 6B292 HI HI Ml Ml HI Ml Ml Ml HI HI Ml HI -HI HI Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml HI HI Ml HI HI Ml HI Ml HI Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml 121 VLTCSH 131 1977 REQBAL 1553 11300 1480 428 464 1065 300 lt,83 080 397 706 52" 513 699 3586 291 968 403 2597 15397 1207 189 522 651 533 857 825 1238 225 755 2749 405 1909 905 751 3H2 525 751 03 225 4650 678 482 1363 944 1995 715 502 9826 8719 1909 455 732 1552 904 2005 5B3 2322 617 2594 3600 504 6983 2456 1652 1215 396 907 1033 732 3664 779 1595 1829 141 NEW EPA 151 hEW REQeAL 41S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1511 0 0 116 820 0 0 0 2345 0 5195 5471 529 2723 2561 0 0 285 0 883 0 161 0IF 131-151 1483 4780 397 706 944 1995 715 513 699 3586 502 7103 6158 0 0 1909 0 0 0 732 1552 0 455 904 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1196 0 0 0 0 287 765 0 2005 583 2322 617 2594 3600 504 6983 2456 1652 1215 396 907 1033 732 3664 779 1595 0 IB29 0 585 1128 50 1H5 2577 0 t,96I 1474 289 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • •• •• • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • •• HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE ND REQURE0 RESERVE BALANCE -------- -----------------------------------9270010 ADA ,NATIONAL BANK 76416 336824 Ht 1/17/79 MN 16549 91 585 0 • .... I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ill 058 927034'5 9270080 9270090 9270100 9270130 9270190 ?27J200 9270310 9273314 9270)70 9270.:+lO 9270490 qz105:Jo 9? 7C598 9270620 9270625 9270627 9270640 927J700 92 70 73 0 927Q920 9270830 92709::JO 9270950 9271070 9271080 9271 !JO 9271205 9271210 9271240 9271360 927 I ~80 9271500 9 271550 92116.:..0 9271650 9271b7C 9271675 9271710 9211735 9271750 9271795 9z111qa 9271850 9271920 9271980 1/17179 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 "EHSER BA~KS NAME FIRST NAT BK OF AITKIN STEARNS• CTY NATIONAL BANK FIRST NWSTRN NAT BANK FREEBOPN NB OF ALBERT LEA FIRST NB IN ALEXANDRIA FIRST NATL BANK IN ANOKA STA TE BANK OF ANOKA TOEP LOCATION AITKIN AL8AN'f ALBERT LEA ALBERT LEA ALEXANDRIA ANCKA AUCKA AUST 1N FIRST NA.T 8K OF AUSTIN NORTHWESTERN ST BK Of AUSTINAUST IN FIRST tlS OF BARMES VILLE eARNESVILLE FIRST NB OF BAUJElTE BAUDETTE BEHIQJI FIRST NB OF OE"IOJI NJRTHERN NB OF BEMIDJI BEMI OJI FIRST NORTHTOI-IN NAT BK BLAINE FIRST NB Of BLOO,SING PRAIRIEBlOCHING PRAIRIE NORTHWESTERN NAT BANK SW 8l00,SINGTON SUMSIT ST BK OF 8LOMMINGTON BLOOSINGTON FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLUE EARTH BRA I NERO FIRST NB Of BRAINFRD 8RECKENR !OGE Fl•ST NB OF BRECKENRIDGE BUFFALO NAT I ONAL BANK BUFFALO OAKLEY N All BANK OF BUFFALO 6UFFALO SP SA GUE NATIONAL BANK CALEDONIA FIRST NB IN CANNON FALLS CANNON FALLS CHA SKA FIRST NAT BK OF CHASKA CHA TF IELO ROOT RI VER STATE BANK FIRST NB OF CHISHOLM CHI SHOLH CIT'f NATIONAL SANK CLOQUET FlRST N~T eK OF CLOQUET CLOQUET f IRST N~ OF COLD SPRINGS COLO SPRING FIRST NAT BK OF CROOKSTON CROOKSTON CROSBY FIRST NAT BK OF CROSBY FIRST NB BK OF DEERWOOD DEERWOOD FIRST NB Of DETROIT LAKES DETROIT LAKES DULUTH NATIONAL BANK DULUTH FIRST NATIONAL BK Of DULUTH DULUTH ~ORTHERN CITY NATIONAL BANK DULUTH NORTHWESTERN BK Cf C0.'1~ERCE DULUTH WESTER~ NB OF DULUTH DULUTH EAGAN SID A,.£0!CA NB CF EAGAN f1RS.T H6 OF E GRNO FORKS EAST GRANO FORKS FIRST EDIN4 NATIONAL 84NK EDltlA EDINA FIRST SOUTHDALE NAT BK FJQST NAT 8K OF ELK RIVER HK RI VER ~IRST N.JST~N NAT gK Of ELY ElY FIRST NWSTRN NB OF EVELETH EVELETH HN MN MN MN MN MN MN HN HN MN MN MN MN HN HN HN MN MN HN HN MN MN MN HN HN HN HN MN •N HN MN MN HN HN HN MN HN MN MN MN MN HN HN HN HN HN 18839 26301 39028 32126 384H 54231 25248 6821 7 33846 13610 14435 44652 25202 16916 14117 127787 19548 19234 38934 15203 25096 23759 16694 14239 22221 15199 19415 19536 34688 14659 32593 17787 19726 33406 38525 181039 132692 41089 19228 24647 24715 93138 8 7538 2I40I 26472 17590 121 VLTCSH 178 137 584 363 316 763 245 863 609 58 108 395 411 '32 80 1249 128 109 339 102 223 112 147 151 278 104 413 360 796 90 222 157 148 559 899 131 1917 REQBAL 538 862 953 978 1172 1890 908 2342 745 472 506 1659 111 285 397 5768 758 628 1214 515 754 774 465 404 529 482 345 356 602 498 1228 608 141 NEW EPA 0 128 0 17 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 329 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3959 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 106 481 0 912 58 236 0 93 157 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 tll 16 0 0 0 0 173b 777 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FIP.ST NAT BK OF GLENCOE GLENCOE FIRST NWN NB Of GRAt.O RAPIOSGRANO RAPIDS GRANO RAPIDS G~A~D RAPIDS STATE BANK FIRST NAT BK OF HASTINGS HASTINGS NW NAT BK OF HASTINGS HASTINGS FIRST l'IAT BK OF HIBBING HIBBING HOPKINS FIRST MAT BK CF HOPKINS NWN NAT BK OF HOPKINS HOPKINS Fl RST NB OF HUTCH I SON HUTCHINSON FIRST NB OF !NTERNATL FALLS It, TE RNA TL FALLS JACK SON FIRST NATL BANK IN JACKSON LAKE CRYSTAL L4KE CRYSTAL NATIONAL BANK FIRST NAT 8K IN LAKEF !ELD LAKEF IELO LE SUEUR VALLEY NAT BK Of LE SUEUR L !TCHF I ELD No NAT BANK OF LITCHFIELD A.'1ERICAN NB IN LITTLE FALLS LITTLE FALLS FIRST NAT BK OF LITTLE FALLSLITTLE FALLS LGNG PRAIRIE FIRST NB OF LQNG PRAIRIE FIRST UAT BK OF LUVERNE LUVERNE FIRST NAT BK Of HAO EL MABEL MADELIA FARMERS ST BK OF MADELIA KLEIN NAT BANK OF MADISON MADI SON FIRST NAT BK OF ~ANKATO MANKATO 9273770 NAT BK OF CMRC IN MANKATO 9273780 N~ NAT BK OF MANKATO 9273840 FIRST NW NB OF MARSHALL 927]g)Q FIRST NAT eK OF MILACA 927)955 9273980 92740J5 92740.?0 9?74025 9274036 92740)7 <J?74:J40 9274060 '9274062 qz141J10 9274073 9274095 LOCATION MANKATO MANKATO MARSHALL MILACA aK OF MINNEAPCLIS & TR CO Ml NNEAPOLI S CTR L NW NB OF MINNEAPOLIS MINNEAPOLIS F IOEL ITV BK & TR CO MINNEAPOLIS FIFTH NW Ng OF MINNEAPOLIS MINNEAPOLIS 1ST BL•NGTl'I LK NB M!NNEAPOLSMINNEAPGLIS 1ST MINEHAH NB MI-NNEAPOLIS MINNEAPOLIS MINNEAPOLIS 1ST NB OF ~INNEAPOL!S FOU?,TH NORTHWESTERN NATL BK MltlNEAPOllS MARQUETTE NB OF MINNEAPOLIS MINNEAPOLIS SARQUETTE NAT BK AT UNIV Ml tWEAPOL IS MINNEAPOLIS MDL4NO NB OF MINNEAPOLIS M!NNEAPOLI S NAT !ONAL CITY BANK NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BAN.K MINNEAPOLIS MN ~N HN MN HN HN HN HN HN HN MN MN HN HN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN HN MN MN HN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN HN 1/17/79 II I 121 TDEP VllCSH 24941 35653 26113 55896 32295 54348 19829 47333 36652 24365 39612 48706 81835 74203 20894 22629 24152 18633 15141 15341 27936 28710 16648 30644 23796 14993 13553 18599 60603 35031 72277 64148 19418 25538 96323 79707 64628 63130 84529 1336640 43213 205527 17958 150468 160929 1374333 161 271 116 417 317 522 208 793 304 204 779 833 563 668 241 345 153 144 46 145 128 622 208 247 108 77 84 60 608 193 766 166 136 232 771 521 624 545 591 10703 412 4471 218 1945 936 13261 131 1971 REQBAL 141 NE\o EPA 842 1131 972 1844 1012 53 106 56 452 153 373 0 1502 512 1173 0 1341 753 846 215 107 1144 129 2012 1421 3153 2819 543 529 965 605 533 465 913 555 542 94 l 833 483 391 621 1909 1173 2721 2525 722 912 3476 3370 2750 2098 3043 62728 1911 5776 698 6784 8012 68354 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 191 0 0 67 143 0 0 47 564 161 941 C51 1-!EW REOBAL 0 0 0 0 842 1131 0 1012 1502 512 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1101 0 0 2109 0 0 0 1945 0 0 0 0 1221 63b 1598 5334 582 3808 0 4863 ~960 5021 161 Olf 131-151 4 45138 0 0 0 0 15H 45315 972 1844 1173 1341 753 846 1144 3153 2819 543 529 965 605 533 465 913 555 542 941 833 483 391 621 1909 1173 2721 2525 722 912 34 72 3370 2750 2098 3043 17590 1911 5776 698 6784 6468 23039 • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • .•• • • •• • • •• • . • • • • • ~ ~ 00 MEMBER SANKS ~ OSB l / 17179 BENEFIT TD BANKS COVERED BY HOOIFIED H.R. 7 NAME LOCATION Ill TDEP 121 VL lCSH 36462 46099 231 419 414 120 320 140 64 89 156 167 184 93 ~ 0 ~ ~ s Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 9274105 9274110 9274155 9274ld5 9274210 927¼235 9214420 9274510 9274520 92745]0 qz74535 9274665 '1274670 9274710 q2747l3 9274740 927t,I) JO 92748~0 q?74'370 9274890 92748(}0 9275000 9215010 9275020 9 21506 8 9275090 9275095 9275310 9275320 927534') 9275350 92753 7 C 9275394 92 75}9b 9275410 9275480 92755,?0 9275530 (}2.,5545 9275575 9275590 9275655 9275700 n151s3 i;z 7594 o 9276090 SECOND NW NS OF MINNEAPOLS MINNEAPOLIS lHIRO NW NB OF MINNEAPOLS MINNEAPOLIS 1ST NB IN HONTEVIOEO MONTEVIDEO MONTGOMERY FIRST NATIONAL BANK F IRSl NS IN MQOqHHO MOORHEAD PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK HORA f I DEL ITV ST BK OF NEW PRAGUENEW PRAGUE FIA.ST NATL BK Of NORTHFIELD NORTHFIELD NORTHFIELD NATIONAL BA~K NORTHFIELD NORTHWESTERN STATE BANK NORTHF I ELO VALLEY NATIONAL BANK NORTH MANKATO TR I CTY ST 8K OF GRTONVILlE ORTONVILLE OSAKIS FIRST NAT BK OF OSAKlS FIRST NAT BK OF CWATONNA CWA TGNNA NOR T1-t,1E STERN NB OF OJAT ONNA OWATONNA PARK RAPIDS CITIZHlS NB OF PARK RAPIOS FIRST NAT BK OF PINE CITY PINE CITY FIR ST NB OF PIPESTONE PIPESTONE PIPESTONE NATIO~UL BANK PIPESTONE PLAINYIEW FIRST NB OF PLAINVIEW PEOPLES STATE BANK PLAINVIEW FI RS T NW NB OF RED WING REO WING GOODHUE CTV NB OF RED WING REO WING FIRST NORTHWESTERN NAT BK REDWOOD FALLS RICHFIELD SU,"1"'11 T ST BK OF R ICHF IELO FIRST NB OF ROCHESTER ROCHESTER NW NB OF ROCHESTER ROCHESTER FIRST NB IN ST CHARLES ST CHARLES fl RST AM~R NS Of S l CLOUD ST CLOUD ST CLOUD NAT BK 6 TR CO ST CLOUD ZAPP NATIONAL BAN!<. ST CLOUD Fl R ST NS AT ST JAMES ST JAMES SHELARD NATIONAL BANK ST LOUIS PARK PARK NATIO~AL PARK ST LOUIS PARK A.'-iE~ICAN NAT SAK r. TR. co Sl PAUL FI RS T NB OF ST PAUL ST PAUL ST PAUL LIBERTY STATE BANK .'1ID~AY NB OF ST PAUL ST PAUL ST PAUL NW NAT BK OF ST PAUL SUM"II T NATIONAL BANK ST PAUL ST PETER FIRST NB OF ST PETER FI RS T NATIONAL BANK SAUK CENTRE FIRST NB OF SHAKOPEE StiAKDPEE NW NB OF S ST PAUL SOUTH ST PAUL FIRST NATIONAL BM4K ST ILL WATER 1ST NWSTRN NB OF TWO HARBORSt.O HARBORS MN HN MN MN MN MN MN MN HN MN HN MN. HN HN MN "MN MN HN MN HN HN MN MN MN HN MN MN MN HN HN HN MN HN HN HN MN MN MN MN HN MN MN HN MN MN HN 40%1 14911 78032 23688 13736 18719 16798 21127 21438 12768 12750 30556 55240 18674 20909 29079 14627 20785 14359 30904 42926 36672 24345 102134 117534 18787 88405 42461 55887 16055 16140 24053 219510 1259522 32534 l079B4 219883 IB715 29729 19258 27666 64239 46126 18468 14 201 433 357 127 202 76 89 131 1917 REQBAL 141 NEW EPA 1598 16 79 1127 380 3136 714 466 682 478 338 0 493 0 0 0 0 0 0 646 667 355 400 1083 2168 412 752 1032 513 698 129 0 1386 56 0 24 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 251 737 0 8 0 0 32 100 261 398 214 453 428 1002 1301 769 0 1456 1813 3268 1601 1485 3 1285 118 174 113 1079 517 813 218 284 304 4012 7389 271 1443 1562 372 IB7 110 374 389 306 152 1115 3067 519 2554 1223 1440 315 442 829 6828 57356 1180 4111 8624 413 918 569 1006 2142 1541 531 151 NEW REQ6AL 0 80 263 165 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4384 0 43361 5231 13 2415 4936 0 197 22 0 1090 616 0 0 0 1332 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 1598 1679 1127 380 3136 714 466 682 418 646 667 355 400 1083 2168 472 752 1032 513 698 428 1002 1301 1115 789 3268 3067 519 2554 1223 1440 315 442 629 6B28 13995 1180 4111 7292 413 918 569 1006 21'2 1541 531 .•• • • • •• • • • • • •• • • •• •• • • • • •• • • • .• • .... ~ (C Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BANKS Ill OSB 9216200 9216210 9176240 9276250 9216260 9270262 9216270 9276350 9276565 9276570 9276590 9216610 9216640 9216650 9216685 OF NAME FIRST NB OF VIRGINIA NW STATE BK OF VIRGINIA FIRST NB BK OF WACONIA FIRST NB OF WADENA WAOE~A STATE BANK PLAZA PARK STATE BANK FIRST NS Of WALKER FIRST NAT BK OF SASECA CITIZENS NB OF WILLMAR FIRST NB OF WILLMAR FIRST NB OF WINDO~ FIRST NORTHWESTERN NAT BANK MERCHANTS NB OF WINONA WINQNA NAT & SAVINGS BK FIRST NB IN WORTHINGTON LOCATION MN MN MN MN HN MN MN HN MN MN l'IN l'IN MN MN MN VIRGINIA VIRGINIA WACONIA WADE~A WADENA WAITE PARK WALKER WASECA WILL HAR WILLl'IAR WINDOM WINONA WINONA WINONA WORTHINGTON IH BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 68 79 TOEP 121 VL TCSH 57415 62601 23128 16521 18022 19204 20189 3002 20379 38171 22698 68217 85267 50887 47265 652 1097 187 161 163 539 110 288 317 422 104 935 585 514 591 131 1911 REQBAL 1579 12h 793 512 630 256 801 950 397 1081 803 1736 2914 U60 1286 141 N[W EPA 151 NEW RC~BAL 415 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 186 0 62 1/34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l71't 0 596 0 0 0 161 Dlf 131-151 1519 1284 793 512 630 256 801 950 397 1081 803 1736 291', 1460 1286 • •• • • •• •• • •• HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUI REO RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE METROPOLITAN NATIONAL UNK BILOXI FIRST NAT BK OF CLARKSDALE CLARKSDALE FIRST COLU~BUS NATIONAL BANKCCLUHBUS M~RCHANTS ANO FARMERS BANK COLUMBUS NAT BK OF CMRC OF CORINTH CORINTH BANK CF FOREST FOkEST FIRST NAT BK OF GREENVILLE GREENVILLE GULF NATIONAL BANK GULFPORT CIT'llENS BK OF HATTIESBURG HATTIESBURG FIRST MISSISSIPPI NAf BK HATTIESBURG DEPOSIT GUAPANTV NAT BA~K JACKSGN FIRST NAT BANK Of JACKSON JACKSON COM~FRC I AL NB ANO TRUST CO LAUREL FIRST NATIONAL BK OF LAUREL LAUREL FIRST NAT BK OF HOLMES CTV LEXINGTON Cl TIZENS NAT BK OF ~ERIOIAN MERIDIAN PASCAGOULA MOSS POINT BANK HOSS POINT BRITTON ANO KOONTZ FIRST NB NATCHEZ FIRST NATIONAL BANK NEW ALBANY FIRST NATIONAL BK OF NEWTON NEWTON FIRST NB OF JACKSON CTV OCEAN SPRINGS FIRST NAT BA'IK Of OXFORD OXFORD CI Tl ZENS NATIONAL BANK PASCAGOULA .... -------------- ----------------------------------6280165 8280325 82Bono 8280400 8280425 62BOSqo 8280650 62807l0 6290740 6290750 6280900 6260910 628096-0 6280970 8291010 6281190 6281250 62H210 d2913•)5 6281325 6231355 8281400 6281405 l/ 17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY ~OOIFIEO H.R. 7 MS HS HS HS MS HS MS HS MS HS MS MS HS MS HS HS MS HS HS HS HS HS HS 16614 34062 72200 41947 35343 22227 53142 48979 46983 259227 . 825483 7 24352 80659 66841 24844 78061 55599 34617 44868 16109 40382 21255 16028 332 763 1137 1333 545 300 1148 1777 1675 6708 10641 14101 1992 1323 386 2048 2504 914 961 216 1472 392 257 340 640 2806 899 1299 752 1363 683 784 9967 .39382 30537 2138 1714 745 1708 1233 929 1458 352 661 IOl't 410 ~ 0 0 340 0 0 640 2806 899 1299 752 1363 683 784 7154 10462 7907 2138 1714 745 1108 1233 929 1458 352 661 1011 410 872 0 217 0 HI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5988 2813 5670 6029 1196 271 0 28920 22630 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27'1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 563 0 •• •• • •• • • •• • •• • ••• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HEHBER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 Ill osB 9274105 9274110 9274155 92741d5 9274210 9214235 9274420 9274510 9274520 9274530 9214535 9274665 q274b70 9274710 9274713 9274740 921 1,'BO 927486.0 9?74870 9274890 9274890 9275000 9275010 9275020 9275068 9275090 9275095 92753:'.>0 9275320 9275340 9275350 927537C '1275394 92 75396 9275410 9275480 921552 0 9275530 92"15545 9275575 92755<,)0 9215655 9275700 9275783 ~.?75940 9276090 NAME TDEP LOCATION MINNEAPOLIS SECOND NW NB OF MINNEAPOLS THIRD NW NB OF MINNEAPOLS MINNEAPOLIS 1ST NB IN HONTEVIOEO MONTEVIDEO FIRST NATIONAL BANK MONTGOMERY FIRST NB IN MCO~HEAD MOORHEAD HORA PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK f IDEL ITY ST BK Of NEW PRAGUENEW PRAGUE FIRST NATL BK Of NORTHFIELD NORTHFIELD NO RT Hf !ELD NATIONAL BANK NORTHFIELD NORTHWESTERN STATE BANK HORT HF I ELD VALLEY NATIONAL BANK NORTH MANKATO TRI CTV ST BK Of GRTONVILI.E ORTONVILLE OSAKIS FIRST NAT BK OF OSAKIS CWATONNA FIRST NAT BK Of CWATONNA NORTH>ESTERN NB Of OSATONNA OWATONNA PARK RAPIDS CITIZHJS NB Of PARK RAPIDS FIRST NAT BK Of PINE CITY PINE Cl TY FIRST NB Of PIPESTONE PIPESTONE PIPESTONE NATIO,lAL BANK PIPESTONE FIRST NB Of PLAINVIEW PLAINVIEW PEOPLES STATE BANK PLAINVIEW FIRST NW NB Of RED WING RED WING GOODHUE CTY NB Of RED WING RED WING REDWOOD FALLS FIRST NORTHWESTERN NAT BK SU1-t"'!(T ST 6K OF R(CHFIELO RICHFIELD ROCHESTER f IRST NB OF ROCHESTER NW NB Of ROCHESTER ROCHESTER ST CHARLES FIRST NB IN ST CHARLES FIRST AM~R NB Of ST CLOUD ST CLOUD ST CLOUD ST CLOUD NAT BK & TR CO ZAPP NATIONAL BANK ST CLOUD FIRST NS AT ST JAMES ST JAMES SHELARO NATIONAL BANK ST LOUIS PARK PARK ~ATIO~AL PARK ST LOU! S PARK ST PAUL A:<ER ICAN NAT BAK & TR f IRST NB Of ST PAUL ST PAUL UBER TY STATE BANK ST PAUL Ml D~AY NB Of ST PAUL ST PAUL ST PAUL NW NAT BK Of ST PAUL ST PAUL SU/11'1I T NATIONAL BANK FIRST NB Of ST PETER SI PETER SAUK CENTRE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FIRST NB Of SHAKOPEE SltAKCPEE NW NB Of SST PAUL SOUTH ST PAUL STILLWATER f(RST NATIONAL BANK 1ST NWSTRN NB Of TWO HARBORST1,0 HARBORS co MN MN MN MN MN HN MN MN MN MN HN MN. MN MN HN ·HN HN MN HN HN HN HN MN MN MN MN MN MN HN MN MN HN HN MN HN HN HN HN HN HN MN HN MN MN MN MN 36482 48099 40961 l49ll 78032 23688 13736 18719 16198 21127 2H38 12788 12750 30556 55240 18674 20909 29079 14627 20785 14359 30904 42926 3667 2 24345 102134 117534 18787 88405 42461 55887 16055 16140 24053 219510 1259522 32534 107984 219883 18715 29129 19258 2766B 64239 46126 18468 1/17/79 121 VLTCSH 231 419 414 120 320 HO 64 89 156 167 184 93 74 201 433 357 127 202 76 89 100 261 398 214 453 1456 1813 113 1079 517 813 218 284 304 4012 7389 277 1443 1562 372 187 110 3H 389 306 152 131 1971 REQBAL 141 NEW EPA 1598 lL79 1127 380 3136 714 466 682 478 338 493 646 667 355 400 1083 2168 472 752 1032 513 698 428 1002 1301 1115 789 3268 3067 519 2554 1223 1440 315 442 829 - 6828 57356 1180 4111 8624 413 918 569 1006 2142 1541 531 129 0 1386 56 D 24 0 4 0 0 0 251 737 0 8 D 0 151 NEW REQBAL D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l2 0 0 80 263 0 185 0 1601 1485 3 l2B5 118 174 0 0 0 43H 5231 13 2415 4936 0 197 22 0 1090 616 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 43361 0 0 1332 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 OIF 131-151 1598 1679 1127 380 3136 7H 466 682 478 646 667 355 400 1083 2168 472 752 1032 513 698 428 1002 1301 1115 789 3268 3067 519 2554 1223 1440 315 442 829 6828 13995 1180 4111 7292 413 918 569 1006 2142 1541 531 • • •• • •• • • ••• • • • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • • .•• • • .... ....... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY ~001 F IED H.R. 1 MEMBER BANKS Ill DSB NAHE 9276200 FIRST NB OF VIRGINIA 9276210 NW STATE 9K OF VIRGINIA 9276240 FUST NB BK OF WACONIA 927t::250 FIRST NB Of WADENA 9276260 WADENA STATE BANK 9276262 PLAZA PARK STATE SANK 9216270 HR ST NS OF WALKER 9276350 FIRST NAT BK OF nASECA 9276565 CITIZENS NB Of WILLMAR 9276570 FIRST NB OF WILLMAR 9276590 FIRST NB OF WINOO~ 9216610 FIRST NORTHWESTERN NAT BANK 9276640 MERCHANTS NB OF WINONA 9276650 WINQNA NAT, SAVINGS BK 9276685 FIRST NB IN WORTHINGTON OF TDEP LOCATION VIRGINIA HN MN MN MN HN MN HN HN HN VIRGINIA WACONIA WADENA WADENA WAITE PARK WALKER WASECA WILL HAR WILL HAR WINDOM WINONA WINONA WINONA WORTHINGTON 154 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 68 79 "" MN HN HN HN HN 5HT5 62601 23128 16521 18022 19204 20189 30432 20379 38177 22698 68217 85267 50887 H265 l/11119 IZI VL TCSH 652 1097 187 161 163 539 llO 288 317 422 104 935 585 514 591 131 1911 REQBAL 1579 1284 793 512 630 256 801 950 397 1081 803 1736 29U 1460 1286 141 ISi N[W N[W EPA RHBAL H5 343 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 186 0 62 4H 1714 596 0 0 0 0 0 0 16) Dlf 131-151 1579 1284 793 512 630 256 801 950 397 1081 803 1736 2914 1460 1286 • • •• • • •• •• •• HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURfO RESERVE BALANCE 6280165 8280325 828DJq0 8280400 8280425 6280590 6280650 6280720 6280740 6280750 6280900 62d09l0 6280q6o 6280970 8291010 6281190 6281250 62~1270 d28l3a5 6281325 62~ll55 8281400 6281405 . .... ----------- .------------- ~ METROPOLITAN NATIONAL BANK BILOXI FIRST NAT BK OF CL ARKSOALE CLARKSDALE FIRST COLU~BUS NATIONAL BANKCCLUHBUS MERCHANTS ANO FARMERS BANK COLUMBUS NAT BK OF CMRC OF CORINTH CORINTH BANK CF FOREST FOREST FIRST NAT BK OF GREENVILLE GREENVILLE GULF NATIONAL BANK GULFPORT cn'llENS BK Of HATTIESBURG HATTIESBURG FIRST HI SSISSIPPI NAT BK HATT I ES BURG DEPOSIT GUAPANTY NAT BA~K JACKSCN FIRST NAT BANK OF JACKSON JACKSON COMMERCIAL N6 ANO.TRUST CO LAUREL FIRST NATIONAL BK OF LAUREL LAUREL FIRST NAT BK OF HOLMES CTY LEXINGTON CITIZENS NAT BK OF ~ERIOIAN MERIDIAN PASCAGOULA HOSS POINT BANK HOSS POINT BRITTON ANO KOONTZ FIRST NB NATCHEZ FIRST NATIONAL BANK NEW ALBANY FIRST tlATIONAL BK OF NEWTON NEWTON FIRST NB OF JACKSON CTY OCEAN SPRINGS FIRST NAT BA'lK OF OXFORD OXFORD CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK PASCAGOULA 0 HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS MS HS HS HS HS HS HS MS HS HS MS HS 16614 34062 72200 41941 35343 22227 53142 48979 46983 259227 825483 724352 80659 66847 24844 78061 55599 34617 44868 16109 40382 27255 16028 332 763 1131 1333 545 300 ll48 1777 1675 6708 1064I 14701 1992 1323 386 2048 2504 914 967 276 1472 392 257 340 640 2806 899 1299 752 1363 683 784 9967 39382 30537 2138 1714 H5 1708 1233 929 1458 352 661 l0ll 410 0 0 872 0 217 0 241 0 0 5988 5670 6029 ll96 211 0 563 0 0 279 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2813 28920 22630 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 340 640 2806 899 1299 752 1363 683 784 7154 10462 7907 2138 1714 745 1708 1233 929 1458 352 661 l0ll 410 ••• •• •• • • • • •• •• •• • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HODIFIED H.R. 7 ~E~aER BANKS Ill NAHE OSB 628145 5 8281480 8281718 8281800 6281840 6281870 6281880 828!S70 6232020 OF TDEP LOCATION HS HS HS HS HS HS MS MS HS FIRST NAT BANK OF PICAYUNE PICAYUNE PONTOTOC FIRST NAT BANK OF PONTOTOC NAT BK OF COMMERCE OF MS STMKVILLE TUPELO FIRST CITIZENS NAT BANK PEOPLES BK OF -~ISSISSIPPI NAUNION VICKSBURG FIRST NAT BK OF VICKSBURG VICKSBURG HEQCHANT S IIAT I ONAL BANK WEST POINT F !RST NAT BK OF ltEST POINT YAZOO CI TY DELTA NAT BK OF YAZOO CITY 32 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 16 13 102<l0950 a2q1oao 8291090 gzq 1095 8291116 829!3G5 8291395 B29l510 8291550 8291680 8291695 10291710 10291760 8291960 8291970 10292010 8292115 10292270 8292320 (21 VL TCSH 19836 644 24926 122814 B5029 95749 72883 66301 21320 H357 312 2570 1417 3057 2031 1114 351 809 I 31 1977 REQBAL 195 952 5180 3585 2191 1762 2369 549 1621 l'tl NEW EPA I 51 NEW REQBAL 0 0 3680 2502 1215 712 1496 0 305 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (61 DIF I 31-( 51 195 952 5180 3585 2191 1762 2369 549 1621 •• •• • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE GQAVO!S BANK AFFTON AFFTDN NA Tl ONAL BANK OF AFFTON ALBANY GENTRY COUNTY BANK FIRST NAT SK OF BETHANY BETHANY BUTLER FIRST NAT BK OF BUTLER FIRST NAT BK OF LINN CREEK CAMDENTON FIRST NB OF CAP'E GlRAROcAU CAPE GIRARDEAU CARTHAGE BAN~ OF CARTHAGE uri l TEO MO BK OF CARTHAGE NA CAR l HAGE CASSVILLE FIR~T NAT BK OF GASSVILLE CHI LL I COTHE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK CLAYTON FIRST NAT BK OF CLAYTON eao,e CTY NB OF COLUMBIA CCLU"BIA CO*IERCE BANK OF COLUMBIA NACOLUMBI A COLU.SBIA FIRST NAT BANK£ TRUST CO OGNI PHAN FIRST NAT BK OF [JONIPHAN ELDON MERCANTILE BANK OF ELOC~ MER(ANTLE BK OF FAR"IINGTON FARMINGTON COM~ERCE BANK OF FENTON NA FENTON CALLAWAY BANK fUL TON FIRST NB OF CALLAWAY COUNTY fUL TO~ GALLATIN FIRST NAT BK Of GALLATIN GLADSTONE FIRST NAT BK Of GLADSTONE ttArrnlBAL FAR'1EPS ANO MER.CHANTS BANK HANNIBAL HAN~lBAL NATIONAL BANK CCM<ERCE BK OF HARRISONVL NAHARRISONVILLE HIGH RIDGE HIGH RIDGE MERCANTILE BK INDEPENDENCE FIRST NB OF INOEPENOENCE JACKSON EXCHANGE BK t TR CO JACKSON ------------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------82qQ025 B290028 l029C030 10290280 10290620 8290710 8290770 10290820 10290930 8290870 1/17/19 HO HO HO HO MO HO MO MO HO HO HO HO HO HO MO HO MO MO MO HO HO HO HO MO HO HO MO MO HO 100275 18847 31690 18369 17050 36045 52998 44667 34162 21839 59077 103291 96455 26043 48789 22615 22303 26768 2799B 34886 15713 21964 30511 1721B 29480 18503 18355 69329 21B47 935 245 125 146 177 21B 928 361 453 198 335 783 1168 664 680 194 268 743 411 402 213 94 552 261 463 193 477 576 23B 3547 511 1230 646 628 1405 1865 1745 1372 716 2137 55B5 3884 655 1817 B72 751 645 0 0 0 Bl 0 0 0 142 606 0 0 0 462 142 0 0 0 785 3634 2405 0 0 0 0 0 1943 0 0 473 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 913 1496 178 0 443 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 885 914 578 1016 633 368 2602 BH 0 0 0 0 0 1030 0 0 0 0 0 3547 511 1230 646 62B 1405 1865 1745 • •• .• • 1372 716 2137 55B5 3884 655 1817 872 751 645 913 1496 443 885 914 57B 1016 633 368 2602 SH • .•• • • • • • • • .• .- t Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~EMBER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HODIFIEO H.R. 7 Ill DSB NAHE TOEP LOCATION 121 VL TCSH 1/17179 131 HI 1911 NEIi EPA REQBAL 8292370 10292410 10292430 10292454 102q24s e 102924 70 10292480 l0292S·)O 10202525 10n2535 10292550 !0292500 10292508 10292650 102926b8 1029?690 8292725 6292760 8292770 5292773 8292838 8292639 !0292850 829293t; 8292940 a2<nqq5 102930}8 10293040 en3210 102933)0 8293420 82S3448 8293510 8293520 8293530 6293~bO 102S3670 10293080 1029 3090 1o~q301O 8293910 102S4160 f.12942J5 10294355 szq4457 8294460 EXCHNGE NB OF JEFFERSN CllY Fl~ST NB & TR CO OF JOPLIN UfllTEO MO BK OF JOPLIN NA BOATMHJS BK & TR CO OF KC BROADWAY NAT BANK COLU"B IA UNION NAT BK & TR COS"ERCE BK OF KS CITY NA FIRST NS OF KANSA~ CITY JEFFERSON CITY JOPLIN JOPLIN KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY UNSAS CITY KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY LEAwoon NATIONAL BANK KANSAS C ITV LIVESTOCK NB OF KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY MERCANTILE BANK AND TR CO KANSAS C ITV MERCHANTS BANK KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY "IO-CONTINENT NAT BANK TRADERS NB OF KANSAS CITY KANSAS C ITV UTD MO BK OF KANSAS CITY NA KANSAS C ITV WESTPUPT BANK KANSAS C ITV KE WIE TT NAT IGNAL BANK KENNETT COSSERCE BK OF KIRKSVILLE NAKIRKSVILLE FIRST NATIONAL BANK KIRKSVILLE KIRKWOOD CQ,"SERCE BANK OF KIRKWOOD LADUE-INNERBEL T BK t TR CO LADUE HARK THAIN NATICNAL BANK LADUE BARTON COUNTY STATE BA~K LAHAR LEBANON co•"ERCE SANK OF LEBANON FIRST NAT BK OF LEBANO~ LEBANON lf MAY BANK AND TRUST CO LE HAY CO"t ... [RCIAL BK OF LIBERTY NA LI BERTY FIRST NB OF LIBERTY LIBERTY CITIZENS NB OF GR ST LOUIS MAPLEWOOD FAR SERS SAVINGS BANK HAR SHALL M(RClfHILE BANK OF MEMPHIS MfMPHI S C0"1ERCE BANK OF MEXICO MEXICO C !TY BK ANO TR CO OF HOBERLYHOSERLY cosc,ERCE BANK OF MOBERLY HOBE RL Y FIRST NAT BK OF MONETT MONETT IS T N HRCNTL BK OF .•TGSRY CYHCNTGOHERV CITY BANK CF NEOSHO NEOSHO FIRST NAT BK OF NEOSHO NEOSHO FIRST NAT BK OF NEVAOA NEVADA NAT BANK IN NO KANSAS CITY NORTH KANSAS CITY CITIZENS BK OF PACIFIC PAC IF IC F !KST NB OF PLATTSBURG PLATTSBURG FIRST NAT BK OF POPLAR BLUFFPOPLAR BLUFF FIRST NB OF RICHMOND RICHMOND COM~ERCE BANK OF ST CHARLES ST CHARLES FIRST NS OF ST CHARLES ST CHARLES 110 110 HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO MO HO .~o HO .HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO MO HO MO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO MO HO HO 86838 106573 23563 121022 23010 161221 656032 570814 41468 32878 119466 69135 27388 105012 5105 75 50851 17651 21175 25861 50513 14 759 24488 19209 35023 22549 115531 35842 25789 48087 29260 28451 42383 46519 30796 18202 17334 32446 32303 18828 43768 18747 14306 19052 14776 28491 57259 H5 1657 H9 2636 300 1908 5340 3448 500 171 1281 709 349 811 H20 360 235 223 335 600 258 93 185 463 168 1543 902 328 842 272 139 626 520 319 157 134 546 558 173 676 315 102 541 87 475 697 3233 3852 646 3785 752 7498 32009 30381 1527 1701 5911 3032 965 5164 25535 2229 556 755 905 1961 281 953 719 1293 889 3789 762 821 1340 1296 1127 1499 lbbl.t 1118 580 670 957 889 605 1818 407 505 266 537 1000 2604 1392 2360 0 2352 0 5304 5625 5719 226 412 4070 1698 0 3237 5578 951 0 0 0 644 0 205 0 4 0 2450 0 0 193 19 117 157 251 0 0 0 0 0 0 483 0 0 0 0 0 1112 151 NEIi REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 132 20794 19707 0 0 0 0 0 0 15145 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 Dlf 131-151 3233 3852 646 3785 752 7366 11215 10674 1527 1701 5911 3032 965 5164 10390 2229 556 755 905 1961 28 l 953 719 1293 889 3789 762 821 1340 1298 1127 1499 1664 1118 580 670 957 869 665 1818 467 505 266 537 1000 2004 • • .. •• • • •• • • •• .• •• • • • • • • • . .• •• • .... t Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OSB 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 MEMBER BANKS NAME 111 TOEP LOCATION 121 VL TCSH 131 1977 REQBAL 8294470 8294510 10294551 10294555 10~94558 1C2945<JO l02qt.b00 82q4650 8294670 a2q4101 8294720 8l~4770 a2q47qo 8294790 ezq4e15 ezi;4qzo B294930 ezq4940 8294951 82949d0 82~5020 10295".:)70 1ozqso30 azq5135 B295l81 1:1295295 92'.:J5287 8 29 52 89 e2qs3I0 102-;5390 10295425 102qs500 8295620 ln95630 10?95670 82957:?0 B295B30 Of FIRST ST BK Of ST CHARLES ST CHARLES BANK OF ST GENEY I EVE ST GENEVIEVE ASERICAN NB OF ST JOSEPH ST JOSEPH BELT NB OF ST JOSEPH ST JOSEPH CO.SMERCE BANK OF ST JOSEPH ST JOSEPH FIRST NAT BK OF ST JOSEPH ST JOSEPH FIRST TRUST BANK ST JOSEPH A,SERICA~ NB IN ST LOUIS ST LOUIS ST LOUIS BG.\JMENS NB OF ST LOUIS co~~EHE BANK OF' ST LOUIS NAST LOU! S FIRST NB IN ST LOUIS ST LOUIS LINDELL TRUST COMPANY ST LOUIS ST LOUIS MAi\CHESTER BK Of ST LOUIS HNF BK t TR CO OF ST LOUIS ST LOUIS ,eRCANTILE TRUST COHPA~Y NA ST LOUIS SOUTH SIDE NB IN ST LOUIS ST LOUIS SOUlttWE ST BANK O"F ST LOUJ S ST LGUIS Tr:::'WER GROVE BK t TR CO ST LOUIS •ERCANTLE NB OF ST LOUIS CTYST LOUIS CTY FIRST rm OF ST PETERS ST PETERS FIRST NB OF SAL EH SALE.a SEDALIA MERCANTILE BtT co SEOAL IA TH IRO NB OF SEOALI A SEDALIA FIRST NB OF SIKESTON SIKESTON SIKESTON SECU~ITY NB OF SIKESTON ASERICAN NB IN SPR INGF IELO SPR I NGF IELO SPRINGFIELD BOATSENS SPRINGFIELD NB BOA TS ENS UNI ON-NA Tl O~AL BANKS PR I NGF I ELD •rnCA~TILE eK UF SPRINGFIELDSPRINGFIELO SAC A; IVER VALLEY BANK STOCK TON su:,AR CREEK NATIO'IAL BANK SUGAR CREEK TRENTON TRENTON NAT MERCANTILE BK VA>IOALIA STATE BANK VANDALIA BANK OF VERSA! LLES VERSAILLES UTO MO SK OF WRRNSBG NA WARRENSBURG FRANKLIN CTY MERCA~TILE BK WASHINGTCN WEST PLAINS FIRST NB OF WEST PLAINS 112 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 56 47 HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO MO HO MO HO HO MO HO HO MO MO HO MO HO MO HO HO MO MO HO HO MO MO HO HO HO HO 29473 20175 145412 26904 45434 109087 18719 69962 505852 26053 1303569 15527 121961 121453 1212180 926B5 11708 l 155912 39718 1648 l 28623 25967 56840 45781 19900 38371 21067 159545 87130 21861 1B9BO 34157 l 1ZB6 18114 23240 38026 69116 368 267 2294 838 456 1830 329 615 1594 355 15093 I 153 1195 1261 13949 1406 1551 1456 420 381 298 300 102 5 515 143 919 516 3305 1948 1Z 352 455 139 119 608 415 1043 1228 595 5265 261 1132 3313 483 2206 20080 186 65292 2294 6314 4681 47848 2B10 4007 6313 1337 403 1008 956 1738 1852 6BB BBB 628 5309 3093 944 464 1069 668 612 642 1131 2416 UI NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2873 0 346 1109 0 910 5492 0 5402 938 46'el 3330 5040 1212 280B 4228 384 0 0 0 203 551 0 0 0 3211 1655 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 586 9e51 0 44910 0 0 20 30991 0 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 161 Dlf 131-151 1228 595 5265 267 1732 3313 483 2206 10223 186 20322 2294 6314 4661 l6B57 2810 4007 6338 1331 403 1008 956 1738 1852 688 8BB 628 5309 3093 944 464 1069 668 612 642 1131 2416 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIREO RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9300010 Fl RST NATIONAL BANK ANACONDA HT 59255 548 210 835 0 2163 . ....... C11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BANKS DSB BENEFIT TO BA~KS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NAME 11 I TDEP LOCATION 1111119 121 VL TCSH 131 1911 REQBAL 9300080 93000S5 9300090 930011 0 9300120 930012 5 ?~00130 9300160 930QlqQ 9300200 q3002os 9300.330 9300450 9300455 9300470 9300472 <}300490 9300495 9300510 9300512 9300530 9300570 CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CO BIG TIMBER FIRST NWSTRN NB OF BILLINGS BILLINGS ~IDLANO NB OF BILLINGS BILLINGS SECVA.JTV BANK NA BILLINGS FIRST NB IN BOZEMAN BOZEMAN FIRST SECURITY BK OF BOZEHANBOZEHAN MO",il ANA BANK OF BOZEMAN NA BOZEMAN PO,~ER RIVER COUNTY BANK BROADUS FIRST METALS BK t TR CO BUTTE MINERS BANK CF MONTANAN A BUTTE ~ONT A.NA BANK OF BUTTE NA BUTTE FIR ST NW NO OF DILLON DILLON FIRST NB OF GLASGOW GLASGOW FIRST SEC BK OF MONTANA NA GLASGOW FIRST NB OF GLENDIVE GLENulVE FIRST SEC URI TY BANK GLENDIVE FIRST N6 OF GREAT FALLS GkEAT FALLS FIRST WESTSIDE NAT BK GREAT FALLS MONTANA BANK GREAT FALLS NW NAT BK OF GREAT FALLS GREAT FALLS RAVALLI CCUNTY BANK HAMILTON HAVRE CITIZENS BANK Of MONTANA flqST NAT BK OF HAVRE HAVRE 1ST NB & TR CO OF IIELENA HELE NA FIRST SECU~ITY BK OF HELENA H'ELENA 930Q5qo 9300600 q]00602 9300610 NURHIWESTERN !JANK Of HELENA 9300650 CONRAD NB OF KALI SPELL 9 30066 0 FIRST NW NB Of KALI SPELL 9300670 YELLOWSTONE BANK 9300680 FIRST NS OF LEWISTOWN 9300700 9300705 9300710 9300720 9300750 9300770 9300775 9300780 93009)5 93006l0 9300675 9300963 9300%5 9301000 9301040 9301050 HELENA K>LI SPELL KALI SPELL LAUREL LE~ISTOWN FIRST NAT SANK IN LIBBY LIBBY FIRST SC BANK OF LIVINGSTON LIVINGSTON IS T NAT PK BK IN uv1,GSTON LIVINGSTON FIRST STATE BK OF MAL TA MAL TA FIR ST NB IN HILES CITY HILES CITY I ST NAT MT BK Of MISSOULA Ml SSOULA SOUTHSIDE NATIONAL BANK MISSOULA WESTERN MONTANA NAT BK MISSOULA ~ONT ANA NATIONAL BANr<. PLENTYWOOD SECURITY STATE BANK POLSON ROtU.-'11 STATE BAt~K RCNA~ RICHLAN:) NB OF S !ONEY SIDNEY SI ONEY NATIONAL BANK SIDNEY STATE BANK OF TERkY TERRY FAR~ERS STATE BANK VICTOR FIRST NB OF WHITEFISH WHITE.FISH HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT MT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT MT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT MT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT 15567 114638 167398 16 76 24 64547 55987 21505 16342 71514 25618 17654 19703 35493 33577 35775 30568 134194 45012 66128 1022 86 23271 37257 34500 M756 18722 82195 68364 53314 22706 45345 21312 27167 31214 23814 53260 87275 30080 96357 19101 24648 20837 33237 32601 15439 1496 I 17526 141 151 161 NEW EPA NEW REQBAL 131-151 HI 521 0 1056 1587 1907 757 479 313 61 1191 277 208 91 199 122 280 211 1971 702 321 962 221 306 221 681 305 389 561 548 242 309 244 263 241 96 244 731 387 914 BO 254 166 361 231 66 60 232 4933 6645 6572 2383 2198 670 616 2167 900 610 796 1244 1372 1173 1092 4039 1077 2628 3929 828 1685 14 58 2564 552 3064 4588 0 0 0 4790 7 864 849 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4004 2447 1914 759 1620 617 965 1127 1027 2099 3701 921 3658 796 796 815 1154 1202 626 593 503 0 13 810 0 0 1 109 213 83 88 2536 0 1286 2250 0 320 183 1127 0 2428 887 461 0 284 0 0 123 32 838 2087 0 2104 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OIF 521 4933 6645 6565 2383 2198 670 616 2167 900 610 796 1244 1372 1173 1092 4639 1077 2628 3929 828 1685 1458 2564 552 4004 2447 1914 759 1626 817 965 1127 1027 2099 3701 921 3656 796 796 815 1154 IZ02 626 593 503 • • • .• • • • • . • • • ..• .• .••• • • • • . • .• .• ......Q) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BANKS Ill DSS 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO SANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NAME TDEP LOCATION 121 VLTCSH 131 1977 REQBAL 930IOS5 CITIZENS FIRST NAT BK 9301090 WESTERN NATIONAL BANK Of WOLF POINT WOLF POINT 49 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 21 27 HT MT 16343 23948 75 214 520 780 HI NEW EPA 151 NEIi REQBAL 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 520 780 •• HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE -------------------10310020 10310040 10310050 10310080 10310240 10310340 l03103b0 10310399 10 310 760 10310885 10311010 10311320 10311350 10311395 I031140J 10111410 1031 l4qO 10311540 10311550 103115~0 10311590 I03116SO 10111690 10311810 10311960 10312120 1031ll50 10312240 10312250 10312430 10312'50 10'12540 10312550 10312bJO 10312620 10312640 COMMERCIAL NB Of AINSIIORTH AINSWORTH ALBION NATIONAL BANK ALBION FIRST NAT BK Of ALBION ALBION ALLIANCE NATIONAL BANK ALLIANCE FIRST NB t TR CO IN AURORA AURORA BEATRICE NAT BK t TR CO BEATRICE FIRST NB t TR CO OF BEATRICEBEATRICE FIR ST NAT BK OF BELLEVUE BELLEVUE FIRST NAT BK OF CHADRON CHADRON FIRS! NB t TR CO OF COLUMBUSCOLUMBUS FIR ST NB OF DAVID CITY DAVID CITY FIRST NAT BK OF FAIRBURY FAIRBURY FIRST NlT· BANK & TR CO FALLS C ITV FIRST NATIONAL BANK t TRUST FREMONT FR E~flNT NAT BANK t TR CO FREMONT GERING NAT BANK & TRUST CO GER ING FIRST NAT BK Of GORDON GORDON CO,S>IERCI AL NAT BK t TR GRANO ISLAND FIRST NS OF GRANO ISLAND GRANO ISLAND OV ERL ANO NB Of GRANO I SL AND GRANO I SL ANO FARSERS NAT BK Of GRANT GRANT CITY NB t TP CO HASTINGS NE HASTINGS FIRST NATIONAL BANK HASTINGS FIRST NAT BK Cf HOLDREGE HOLDREGE FIRST NO & TR CO Of KEARNEY KEARNEY FIRST NB t TR CO OF LINCOLN UNCCLN NB Of C.SRC TR & SVGS ASSOC LINCOLN FIRST NAT BK Of MC COOK MC COOK MC COOK NATIONAL BMIK MC COOK FIRST NAT BANK OF MINDEN Ml NDEN f INST NAT BK IN MITCHELL MITCHELL OTOE (TY NB OF NEBRASKA CITYNEBRASKA CITY NELIGH NATIONAL BANK Of NELIGH DELAY FIRST NAT BK & TR CO NGRFOLK NORTHWESTERN NB Of NORFOLK NORFOLK f IRST NBtTR CO OF NO PLATTE NORTH PLATTE NE NE NE. NE NE NE ·NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 22342 16965 14191 20329 25100 35051 29226 11645 19139 90535 21830 31029 217<>3 59354 49930 34251 23153 68688 81119 49478 19323 65782 97067 49630 55646 363362 256126 47427 35586 16302 17736 19155 21085 67500 28846 50552 58 46 66 95 98 492 343 410 315 696 110 205 315 644 387 296 179 785 1365 419 63 700 1064 289 954 4019 1939 461 139 75 70 262 115 700 455 877 896 606 493 822 80 0 0 0 898 156 1055 0 948 26 0 460 555 0 3105 1412 1113 209 120 0 1361 911 2064 1884 1514 747 2094 2095 1739 832 2218 3172 1773 1579 12684 9694 1536 1400 569 737 786 815 556 171 0 614 507 352 26 783 1507 321 178 5115 5173 206 237 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4753 2382 0 0 0 0 896 606 493 822 898 1055 90 460 555 3105 1113 1361 911 2064 1884 1514 HT 2094 2095 1139 832 2218 3172 1773 1579 7931 7312 1536 1400 569 737 786 0 0 0 764 0 7<>4 2113 910 983 0 0 0 1892 430 0 2713 910 1892 ••• •• •• •• • •• ••• • •• • •• • •• • •• • • • .... !S Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ill DS8 NAME 10312650 10312710 103!2716 10312730 10312752 10312760 10312770 10312775 10Jl2900 10312830 10313220 10313250 1JH3285 M3l3320 I031 BbO 10313370 10313410 !OH 36)0 10313650 10313710 \Ojl378fJ 10313850 l03l3q-to 10313950 10.31 )QqQ IOll•OlO 1J3I,i.o OF HC DONALD ST ATE BANK FIRST NAT BANK IN OGALLALA A•!ERICAN NATICINAL BANK Fl~ST NB OF OMAHA ,mRTH1tESTERN NATIOIIAL BANK OS AHA NATIONAL BANK PACKERS NAT BK IN OMAHA SECURITY NS CF OMAtlA UNITED STATES NB Of OHAHA FIRST NAT BK IN ORD STK~~S NB OF RUSHVILLE CTl NAT BK IN ST PAUL FIRST NATIONAL BANK SCOTTSBLUFF NAT BK & TR co CATTLE NB Of SEWARD JONES NB Of SEWARD AM NAT eK Of SIDNEY SECU~ITY NAT BK OF SUPERIOR f IRST NAT BK OF SYRACUSE FIRST NAT BK OF TEKA.UH FIRST NAT BK Of VALENTINE FIRST NAT BK Of 1,AHOO FIRST NAT BK Of WAYNE STATE NATIONAL BANK & TR CO fAR~RS & MRCH NB Of W POINT FIRST NAT BK Of WEST POINT FIRST NAT BK OF YORK NORTH PLATTE CGALLALA (!MAHA OMAHA OMAHA OMAHA o•AHA OMAHA OMAHA CRD RUSHVILLE ST PAUL SCHUYLER SCOTTS8LUFF SEWARD SEWARD SIDNEY SUPERIOR SYRACUSE TEUMAH VALENTINE WAHOO oAYNE r,iAYNE WEST POINT WEST POINT YORK 63 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE Of VALLEY BANK OF NEVADA FIRST NAT BANK Of NEVADA NEVAOA NATIONAL BANK SECURITY NB OF NEVADA 26 32 NE NE 19269 NE 41265 NE NE NE 307612 22763 NE 97902 497558 4B203 263B4 286326 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE ME 14865 21186 52664 21691 31568 H078 15118 18335 19000 20849 19470 15092 25794 21612 23465 t,8826 NE NE 16949 11140 121 VLTCSH 469 llO 653 2798 1145 4354 569 312 2208 94 202 56 110 454 218 113 181 57 84 NEW EPA LAS VEGAS RENO RENO RENO 1 1 151 NEW RE08U HO 0 864 1648 13144 3781 24138 16"3 996 12661 16 0 0 312 5284 2609 5269 145 0 5017 0 5080 0 1391l 0 0 4814 0 0 0 0 549 581 507 778 2284 111 1198 1008 589 738 88 171 113 88 173 91 130 542 HI 131 1911 REQBAL 738 639 849 530 958 718 0 0 23 703 0 236 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 911 39 3 1505 268 161 DIF 131-151 510 86t, 161,8 8064 3781 10227 1643 996 7847 549 581 507 178 2284 111 1198 1008 589 738 738 639 849 530 958 718 917 1505 •• • •• • •• •• • • • • •• •• •• •• HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTlCIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ------------------------- ------------ 4 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE ------------ TDEP LOCATION ------------------------12320048 12320070 12320075 12320080 1/17/19 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODI f IED H.R. 7 •E•BER 8A~KS NV NV NV NV 411031 967508 288599 221958 27530 34217 8896 1455 32601 7948 3555 8649 0 5221 0 14897 17704 4619 4956 0 1002 7948 76'7 HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE ND REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ----------------------- 1455 .... ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ill DSB NAME 133oan l 330070 1330010 IBOIIB 1330140 1330155 1330210 13)0220 133n5o 13303:JO BR I STOL BANK CLAREMONT NAT BK INDIAN HEAD NB Of CLAPEHONT FSM&TRO N&S BK OF COLEBROOK C~NCORO NAT I ONAL BANK 1"0 I •N HEAD NB Cf CONCORD CA';!:P.QLL C TY TR l~Dl•N HEAD NS STRAFFORD ~All lNDlo\tl HEAD NB BRISTOL CLAREMONT CLAREMONT COLEBROOK CONCORD CONCORD CO CONWAY OF DERRY DERRY BK OOVER OF EXETER EXETER & SAVINGS BK FARMINGTON 13303130 DARTMOUTH NB OF HANOVER 13 3'J420 ASHUELOT NATL BK OF KEENE 1330440 CHESHIR!: NJ\TtONAL BA~K 13"3045(} INOlAN HEAD ~B OF KEENE 1330475 13304B I 13]0550 1310570 lj3O59O INDIAN HEAD NB Of LACONIA LACONIA PEOPLES NB & TR CO NATL BK OF LEBANON LAFAYETTE NATIONAL BANK A."'IQSl(.EAG N4T BANK t TR CO 81\NK GF NEW HA~PHIRE NA .'-!ERCHA~HS NB OF .'-tANCHCSTER SOUHEGAN N~ OF MILFORD INOIA".1 HEAD NB OF NA'iHUA WHT SOUNTAIN NB OF N CONWAY F lRST tlB OF PORTS~OUTH 1.BO!J70 1330700 13)071 l 13 30N :! 1330800 1330810 INDIAN HEAD NB OF PRTS~TH 1330910 FIRST fJI} OF ROCHESHR 1331050 WOLFEBORO NATIONAL BANK OF TDEP LOCATION 133,'.}3[0 FAR"INGTON NAT 13JB75 HA"1PTQ~~ NATIOt:AL BAN,(, 13)0622 NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH Nil NH NH NH HAMPTON HANOVER KEENE Kt:ENE KEENE LACONIA LACONIA LEBANON LITTLETON MANCHESTER Ntt NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH MANCHESTER MANCHESTER HILFORO NASHUA NORTH CONWAY PORTSMOUTH PORTSMOUTH ROCHESTER WOLFEBORO 30 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 22 8 FIRST NAT BANK Of ABSECCN HUNTERDON COUNTY TRUST CO ATCO NATIONAL BANK ATLA,,TJC NATIONAL BANK BROADWAY NB Of BAYONNE PEOPLES BANK NA FIRST N~ OF BELVIDERE FIRST NATL BK OF BLAIRSTOWN 15325 25718 15537 13481 57528 18387 30833 31399 20292 48881 16513 28215 35319 25759 31041 27243 17403 33611 31783 2971B 59884 171853 74072 25961 125958 21250 52771 31274 16046 21866 121 VL TCSH 168 5H HI 155 1733 504 431 404 653 600 206 606 374 654 899 552 535 1328 783 B43 4918 6306 169B 598 186 I 471 1536 1064 1264 257 131 1971 REQBAL 390 5H 140 300 1998 278 674 796 889 1506 463 721 1199 604 735 847 IBO 448 676 501 0 3566 2304 480 4101 324 956 292 0 484 l~I NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 853 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 668 0 0 868 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2953 1218 0 3600 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 Dlf 131-151 390 514 140 300 1998 278 674 796 889 1506 463 721 1199 604 735 847 180 448 676 501 0 3566 2304 480 4101 324 956 292 0 484 • • •• • • •• •• •• ••• ••• • •• .• •• • . HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE ------------------------------------------------------------3340010 2340045 3340080 3340092 2340150 2 JltlJl 30 2340200 21.;.0250 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 MEMSEP BANKS ABSECON ANNANDALE ATC □ ATLANTIC CITY BAYONNE BELLEVILLE BEL VI OE RE BLAIRSTOWN NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ -----------------------------------------------29274 299B8 23029 69217 262 86 60132 26466 17504 568 625 546 1058 458 990 308 274 718 636 609 2467 948 lB53 741 426 0 0 0 908 0 09 62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 718 636 609 2467 948 1853 741 426 • • •• • • . . ..... •cc Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOIFIEO H.R. 1· MEMBER BANKS OSB NA~E 111 TOEP LOClTION BLOOMSBURY 2340300 CITIZENS BANK NA 3)40365 BANK OF MIO-JERSEY BORDENTOWN TWP 2340400 NATIONAL BANK OF SUSSEX CTY BRANCHVILLE BRIO GE TON 3340430 F (. M NAT BK Of BRIDGETON 3340431 UNITED JRSY BK/CUMBRLANO NATBRIOGETON 2340434 FIRST NAT BK OF CTRL JERSEY BR IOGEWA TER TWP 3340460 FIRST NAT ST BK OF W JERSEY BURLINGTON HP CAMDEN 334051 a ~A~~ OF NEW JERSEY 3340530 U~TD JERSEY BK/SOUTHWEST NA CAMDEN 33,,0593 HERITAGE BANK NA CHERRY HILL TWP 3340595 FRIE~DLY NAT BANK OF NJ CIN~AHINSON TWP 234063(} NEW JERSEY BANK NA CLIFTON COLON IA 2340105 FIR ST BANK OF COLONIA CRANBURY 2340710 MIOLANTIC NB/CRANBURY 31',0723 BANK OF WEST JERSEY DELRAN TCWNSHIP DENV ltLE T..,P 2l40127 PEOPLES NB OF NORTH JERSEY 2340730 UNITED JERSEY BANK/NORTHWESTOOVER 3340825 FIRST NB t TR CO OF BEVERLY EDGEWATER PK ThP ED I SON TWP 2340837 MIOLANTIC "18 RARITAN VLY EGG HARBOR TWP 33408't2 FIRST NAT BANK OF S JERSEY 234091)0 NAT STATE BK !:LIZABETH NJ ELIZABETH ELIZABETH 2340921 UNITED COUNTIES TRUST CO ELI ZA~ETH 2340CJ2 2 U~ITEO JERSEY BK/CENTRAL HMER 3340940 FIRST NAT BK OF ELMER 2~40954 ED~EWTR NB ECLWO CLFS NJ ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS EWING TOWNSHIP 3340975 HIDEPEN:JENT BANK t TS co 23410JO FLE"IINGTON NAT BK t TR CO f-LEMINGTCN FORT LEE 2341040 FIRST NB IN FORT LEE FRANKLIN LAKES 23410~1 URSA~ NATIONAL BANK GLADSTONE 2341130 PEAPACK GLADSTONE BANK HACKE"lSACK 2341220 UNITED JERSEY BANK 3)41250 MIOLANTIC NATIO~AL BK/SOUTH HAO;)ONF I ELD HA~ILTON TWP 3341285 HA~ILTCN BANK NAT ASSN 234132 5 UNTO JERSEY BK/MIOSTATE NA HAZLET TWP 2341355 HILLSBOROUGlt NATIONAL BANK HILLSBOROUGH TWP 2141368 llBERT't' NATlmlAL BANK. HILLSDALE 2341-4?.0 F lkST NATIONAL BANK OF HOPE HOPE 23415)0 CCS"ERICAL TR CO OF NJ JERSEY CITY JERSEY C ITV 2 341530 FIRST JERSEY NATL BANK 23415~0 TRUST CO OF NEw JERSEY JERSEY CITY 2341600 FI RS T NO G 1q CO Of KEARNEY KEAR"IEY 3341650 PfOPLE S MAT BK IN LAKEWOOD LAKEWCOO 3341665 UTO JERSEY BK/OCEAN CTY NA LAKEWOOD TWP LIVINGSTCN 2341720 LIV I NG STO.S NA Tl ONAL BANK 2"1;41810 MANVILLE NATL BANK MANY ILLE 2341820 ,SAPLEWOOD BANK AND TRUST CO MAPLEWOCO NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ -NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ 39685 86787 44725 60741 97054 264360 189340 510688 88206 519528 26167 749433 50035 52386 41989 38479 109913 29050 57677 50246 7 637500 399026 84931 20038 39270 33878 71114 54116 45381 30490 1076016 224920 24048 83641 22732 13603 22720 267486 578844 391970 86358 33836 19439 41798 39579 8530 I 121 VL TCSH 942 1477 791 1843 1065 2879 5641 15488 1430 15295 684 15377 748 510 589 717 2628 1149 986 19769 51177 5646 1749 279 614 465 130 705 739 257 20729 2778 615 2154 427 IH l63 6454 11382 10403 3182 507 330 871 580 1587 1/17/79 131 1977 REQBAL 141 NEW EPA 875 2897 1110 14 79 5113 10228 3897 14647 23 1933 19B 293 2966 5023 2099 5188 2077 5290 ~320 15484 401 27727 1139 2134 1314 917 2578 144 2231 9032 o 17061 3405 694 1174 855 2214 1534 1508 1124 41461 8520 319 1703 385 396 705 8594 24797 11023 1280 1102 557 1385 963 2737 o 5397 59 801 130 0 1281 0 879 4969 0 5215 1902 0 32 0 1258 155 204 194 5375 5193 0 509 0 0 80 5102 5060 5307 0 0 0 43 220 1261 151 NEW HOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 2852 0 5018 0 5979 0 17547 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8599 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28956 1581 0 0 0 0 0 803 12689 3141 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 OIF 131-151 875 2897 1110 1479 5113 1376 3897 9629 3320 9505 401 10180 1139 2134 1314 917 2578 144 2231 9032 • • • • •• • • • o 8462 3405 694 1174 855 2214 1534 1508 1124 12505 6939 319 1703 385 396 705 7791 12108 7882 1280 1102 557 1385 963 2737 • . • • • • • • • •• • .... ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OSB 2341865 3341970 23'.d956 z341qe,a 3341998 2342076 2342005 2342140 2342145 2342200 2342?25 3342310 2342318 2142350 234242 5 234241::13 2342528 2342529 3342670 3342695 2342700 2342720 2342144 2342747 2342~12 3342830 3342A60 2]42930 1/17179 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 ME~B ER BANKS NAME LOCATION CMMNTY BK OF BERGEN CTY NJ MAYWOOD MEDFORD BURL! NG TON CTY NAT BANK HER IT AGE BANK-NORTH NAT ASSNMONROE TWP ASERICAN NAT BK i. TR OF NJ MCNTCLAIR BA.,IK OF NE;.i JERSEY NA MOORESTGWN FIRST MERCHANTS NAT BANK NEPTUNE TWP 8PDAD NATIONAL BANK NEWARK NfWARK FtDELliY UNICN TRUST COMPANYNEWARK FIRST NAT STATE BANI< OF N J NEWARK NEWARK "IIOLANTIC NATIDrUL BANK SECURITY NATIONAL BANK OF NJNEWARK FIRST NAT BK IN NEWFIELD NEWF IELO MIOLANTIC NB/SUSSEX & MRCH NEWTON HEADOilLANOS NATimlAL BANK NORTH BERGEN A"'IBOY-/•UDISCN Ni\T BANK OLD BR I OGE TWP PARA .'lUS GARD(N STATE NATIONAL BANK JEFFERSON NATIONAL BANK PASS A IC VALLEY NATIONAL BANK PASSAIC PENNS GROVE NAT BK & TR CO PENNS GROVE PErlNSVILLE NATIONAL BANK PENNSVILLE TWP PERTH AMBOY NATIONAL BANK PERTH AMBOY PHILLIPSBURG NAT BK & TR CO PHILLIPSBURG PEOPLES NB OF CENTRAL JER SEYPI SC ATA WAY PISCATAWAY NATL BANK Of NEW JERSEY UNITED NATIONAL BANK PLAINFIELD OCEAN CTY NB OF PT PLHSANT POINT PLEASANT FIRST NB Of PRINCETON PR I tlCETON STATE BANK OF RARJTA!\I VALLEYRAR ITAN 2~42<U5 HNJqDN CTV Ng Of FLEMINGTON RARITAN T~P 2342945 CCL!;NIAL FIRST NB RED BANK 2342930 CITIZE~S FIRST NB OF NJ RI OGE WOOD RUTH( RF ORO 2343070 NAT CO~~UNlTY BANK Of NJ 3343090 CITY NATL BANI( ANO TRUST ca SALE• SB,ELL 3343131 NAT I O~AL BAtJK OF MA~lTUA 2-i43l8G FIRST NAl STATE BK-EDISON S PLAINFIELD 23:t3265 FIOST NAT STATE BK OF NW JERSUCCASUNNA 33 1+33'.)'J Sl>fEiJESBORO TRUST C0·'1PANY SWEDESBORO 234330<} FIRST NAT STATE BK-COlJ:'HY TENAFLY 2343315 MIDLANTIC NAT BK/CITIZENS TENAFLY 33433)0 FIRST N8 OF TOMS RIVER TOMS RI VER 2343334 f lRST NAf BANK Of NEW JERSEYtOTOWA 3343340 e~ □ AO STREET NB OF TREiHON TRENTON 33433,5 IS T NAT ST BK OF CTRL JRSY TRENlON 33•.-::\350 NEW JERSEY NATIONAL BANK TRENTON 2343420 u·no.•~ CENTER NATL eM~K UNION 3343497 Cl T IZENS UNITED BANK NA VINELAND NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ tlJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ 111 TDEP 121 VLTCSH 41417 42533 374104 433044 84556 265795 59076 718970 1113061 958327 27516 26235 69510 30565 83601 643932 22698 3331BO 31610 14160 44161 63708 86115 211 l 70 169383 125 805 153 713 35017 137834 428972 405674 76902 a 37 27 2 42468 197125 115072 19106 218861 317246 340497 b09lb9 B3119 81173 B64334 65328 105943 1076 870 10251 7662 1804 6286 1022 14717 28257 16104 692 331 918 946 2078 10653 386 4759 606 291 833 1038 2052 4147 3333 2442 920 628 1504 9083 7 259 14231 1162 1140 4 792 1909 236 4410 4536 9B85 13792 1571 1088 12691 2907 I5Bl 131 1977 REQBAL 743 1364 11807 19604 2313 7325 2433 40290 39746 48304 765 891 2294 495 1B38 24457 446 12969 874 266 1754 1615 2912 8980 6078 3919 6935 885 <828 14251 12798 26659 829 678 6401 3556 605 6961 12781 70B8 17241 2914 2581 31745 HI NEW EPA 0 97 5135 5169 997 5204 1202 5379 5438 5320 0 0 1242 0 1033 5049 0 5366 0 0 455 577 1414 5041 3927 2083 4395 0 2875 5241 5113 5226 0 0 3801 2262 0 151 NEW REQBAL 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 2995 9841 0 88 0 24007 24976 31890 0 0 0 0 743 1364 8812 9963 2313 7237 2433 16283 14770 a 14008 0 446 7207 874 266 1754 1615 2912 7820 6078 3919 5950 885 3748 8142 74q1 9582 829 6 78 6401 3556 605 6743 7082 7088 9135 2914 25BI 985 0 1080 6109 5307 17077 0 0 0 0 0 218 5699 5107 8106 14 76 978 5111 0 0 20599 0 0 616 0 2341 765 891 2294 495 1838 10449 5762 0 0 0 0 0 1160 0 0 5374 5457 4338 4196 16'14 0 11146 bib 4196 • • • • • • • •• •• • • • • . ....1:11 .... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TD BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 1 ~EMBER BANKS lll DSB NAME LOCATION TDEP 3H3502 HI NOT OLA NATIONAL BANK VI NE LAND 33 1t35l2 GL END ALE N4T BANK OF NJ VOORHEES TCWNSHIP 2H~534 PROSPECT PARK NATIONAL BANK WAYNE 3343569 FIRST PEOPLES NAT BK Of NJ wEsrno,n 334 3620 MARINE NB OF WILDWOOD WILDWOOD 3343610 umo,, TRUST co OF lilLDWOOD WILD~OOD 2343668 ~ID-JERSEY NATIONAL BANK WOODBRIDGE TWP 3343SQO NB t TR CO OF GLOUCESTER CTYWOOCBURY 2343110 WOOD RIDGE NATL BANK WOOD RIDGE WOODSTOWN 3343130 WOODSTCWN NAT BK t TR CO 3H3750 YARDVILLE NATL BK YAROVILLE OF 111 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 35 46 NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ 27880 216B3 22680B 68075 80637 41921 29990 1~2986 40613 21123 72363 121 VL TCSH 627 22't 1850 13525 1487 900 513 3327 572 226 2007 l/17179 131 141 1917 NEW REOBAL EPA Bl't 562 9053 16869 2361 1190 838 H50 1270 119 788 151 NEW REOBAL 0 16 0 D 48H 1"16 5074 1211 0 8954 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2269 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 81" 562 7637 7915 2367 1190 838 41t50 1270 119 788 •• •• •• HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REOUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ----------------------------------11350005 1035002 0 10350023 10350029 10 350J3 0 1035J036 11350050 1C35C010 113sooao 11350090 10350105 11350120 ll ·1 11HH2 3 11350128 11350130 l035Jl40 10350143 10350147 10350150 11350195 11350220 10350235 I03502H 11350205 11350290 113503JO 10350310 FIRST NAT BK IN ALAHOGDRDO AL BUOUERQUE NATl0NAL BANK AMERICAN BANK OF COMMERCE f I Del ITV NATIONAL BANK FIRST NAT BK OF ALBUQUERQUE SOUH!WE ST NATIONAL BANK FIRST NAT BANK OF ARTESIA FIRST NAT BK OF BEUN ASERICAN BANK OF CARLSBAD CARLSBAD NATIONAL BA~K FIRST NH BK III CLAYTON CLOY IS NATIONAL BANK FIRST NAT BANK OF CLOVIS JEHING NATIONAL BANK HIMBqES VALLEY SANK FIRST NAT BA~K RIO ARRIBA VALLEY NATIONAL BANK FARMINGTON NATIONAL BANK flqST NAT BK OF FARMINGTON FIRST NB Of LEA CTY FIRST Na Cf DONA ANA CTV FIRST NAT BK IN LAS VEGAS LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL BANK LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK FIRST NAT BANK OF PORTALES PORTALES NATIONAL BANK FIRST NAT BK IN RATON ALAMOGORDO ALBUQUERQUE ALBU QUE RCUE ALBUQUERQUE AL BUCUERCUE ALBUQUERQUE ARTESIA BELEN CARLSBAD CARLSBAD CLAYTON CLOVIS CLOY IS DEMING DE HING ESPANOLA ESPANOLA FARMINGTON fARMINGTON HOBBS LAS CRUCES LAS VEGAS LOS ALAMOS LCVINGTON PCRTALES PORTALES RATON NM NM NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NM NH NH 31t895 573378 102244 36587 345516 25853 48593 45473 38176 49944 15228 60434 19921 20877 28645 27516 18033 30585 68860 122305 108464 17040 19976 40035 22675 22169 32003 402 10568 IOU 670 4984 671 309 81t2 331 591 96 1008 268 348 322 840 390 1199 1114 806 2458 346 405 812 185 294 439 1373 22202 3237 953 14471 200 4990 1732 0 648 0 712 0 126 424 0 ·257 0 0 0 0 0 0 1724 2230 1431 0 0 0 0 0 0 2041t 1226 llt65 1683 446 1920 692 lt69 915 526 382 295 3229 4544 3199 416 692 ltl8 901 870 941 481t0 0 11097 0 0 5177 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1373 11105 3237 953 9294 61t8 20lt4 1226 1"65 1683 ltlt6 1920 692 469 915 526 382 295 3229 4544 3199 416 692 ltl8 901 870 941 • • ••• •• • • •• • • ••• •• •• •• .... ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 1 ME"BER BANKS DSB NAHE LOCATION INTERNATIONAL STATE BANK FIRST NAT BANK OF ROSWELL SECUP.ITY NB OF ROSEWELL FIRST NU BK OF SANTA FE SA'II A FE NATIONAL BANK A.seq ICAN NB OF SILVER CITY GRANT COUNTY BANK 103~0360 FIRST STATE BK OF TAOS 11150383 HOT SPRINGS NATIONAL BANK I 1350390 FIRST NAT BANK IN TUCU>ICARI 10350320 11350330 113~C336 10350340 10350~45 11350360 II 350362 OF 2360020 2360065 2360130 236l\50 2360155 2360170 2360310 23SOHO 236,450 216.0540 23'05 30 2~60~40 Z3l074 I 23'>0840 2361266 23'12'7 2361290 23bl3JO 23'1310 2361360 2301395 2361410 21~1460 2161480 2361500 2361600 2301676 2361 no RATON NH ROSl<ELL ROSWELL SANTA FE SANTA FE SILVER CITY SILVER CITY TAOS TRUTH OR CONSEQUE TUcu•CARI NM NM NM NM NM NM NH NH N>I 37 BANKS AFFECTED lfl STATE 21 14 111 TDEP 121 YLTCSH 28397 76442 69536 101215 64011 21138 25602 20982 20058 29553 335 662 614 2113 967 466 173 602 247 224 131 1917 REQBAL 808 3023 2576 3412 2233 940 451 466 631 1273 UI NEW EPA I 5J NEW REQBAL 0 1392 1121 1881 982 0 0 0 0 6 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 808 3023 2576 3412 2233 940 HI 406 631 1273 0 637 6055 13264 13491 1806 519 340 2S33 1958 • • • • • •• •• HAYE NO EARNINGS PARHCIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE COMMUNITY NATIONAL BANK ADDI SON SA~KERS TR CO Of ALBANY NA AUANY >IAT CCMSERICAL BK & TR CO ALBANY STATE BANK OF ALBANY ALBANY U~ION NATIONAL BANK ALBANY AL om s TATE BANK ALDEN EVANS NB OF ANGOLA ANGOLA CITIZENS CENTRAL B~NK ARCADE NATIONAL BK OF AUBURN AUBURN DALLST0'-4 SPA NATIONAL BANK BALlSTON SPA BATH NATIONAL BANK OATH FISHKILL NATIONAL BANK 8[ACON !ST-CITY NS Of BIP-.IG,HAMTON NY81NGHAHTON BqlOr,EH>MPTON tlATIUNAL BANK B•IOGEHAHPTON CHE ,11 CAL BANK-BUFF ALO BUFFALO CITIBA\<INY STATEINAT ASSN BUFFALO LIBERTY NB t TR CO BUFF lLO MANFCIURERS t TRORS TR BUFFALO HA rt I '-.IE •tOLANO BANK BUFFALO U~ITEO NATIONAL BANK ClLL ICOON CENTRAL NB CANAJOHARIE CANAJUHAR IE CA,~>~OA I GU> NB ANO TR CO CANA~OA IGUA FIRST STATE BANK CANISTEO ST LAWRENCE NATIONAL BANK CANTON PUTN>M COUNTY NS OF CARMEL CAR~EL PENINSULA NATIONAL BANK CEDARHURST CHESTER NATIONAL 8MIK CHESTER HAYES NATIONAL BANK CLINTON co 1/11/19 NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NV NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NV NY NY NY NY NY 24929 236937 780765 737479 96004 22747 20618 82824 69629 3I6SO 34740 52323 256623 27510 21141 478100 501934 1268892 6617142 29681 91528 72454 14272 113078 27847 102775 51810 25806 369 7500 18097 9418 3106 310 513 889 1435 645 481 1141 8053 513 410 3716 15379 37552 137670 372 2038 910 204 2356 484 2014 1437 706 637 6055 30730 38682 1806 519 340 2S33 1958 738 1076 1853 6036 874 903 22895 12904 34120 310890 868 1912 2339 385 3618 950 3278 1034 338 0 3824 5149 5420 734 0 0 1655 614 0 0 542 ~790 0 0 4615 5372 5309 5551 0 540 1299 0 2345 0 0 17466 25191 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10659 4367 20598 208436 0 0 0 0 0 1879 0 0 0 0 0 0 738 1076 1853 6036 874 903 12236 8537 13522 102454 868 1912 2339 385 3618 ~so 3278 !OH 338 • • • • • • • • • . .• • ~ PJ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEM~ER BA'4KS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HDDIFIEO H.R. 7 11 I Dsa NAME TDEP LOCATION 2361910 FIRST NB OF CORTLAND CORTLAND 236 l<;l?Q NATIONAL BK OF COXSACKIE COXSACKIE 2362')90 OELAH'ARE NB OF DELHI DELHI O~YOEN 23b2130 Fl~ST NB OF ORY OEN EAST HAMPTON 230222 5 FI RS T NS OF EAST. HAePTON 2362250 FIRST ~AT BK OF EAST ISLIP EAST ISLIP 23l,~-H5 ELLE~YILLE NATJO~AL BANK Ell ENVILLE 2'1624rJJ Ct•E~UNG CA~AL TRUST CO~PANY ELMIRA 2162460 E•~DICOTT TRUST CO"!PANV E•JICOTT 2362570 OF .\K ~IATIO'JAL BAf-41( FLEISCHMANNS GAF-DEN CITY l3b2305 LONG ISLANO TRUST C.OMPA~Y GENESEO 236?8t0 GE~~SEE VLV NS OF GENESEO 2l~2~30 NATIONAL BK OF GENEVA GENEVA 23621370 F(?ST rJAT SK Of GL(N HEAD GLEN HEAD GLENS FALLS 2362130 FIRST NB OF GLENS FALLS GLENS FALLS 2362890 GLENS FALLS NB t TR CO 2 l~ZSIJO CITY NBtTR CO Of GLVRSVLE GLOVERSVILLE 23629l0 FULT □ r1 COU"ITY NAT BK t TR COGLOVERSVILLE 2~...,3')40 f Ir'. ST rm HJ GREENE GRE::f::NE HANCOCK 2 °'o3 l !30 FIR ST ND Of HANCOCK HEMPSTEAD 2363230 HflJ!PSJf.:AO BANK 2363235 VA~Gt.JARD NATIONAL BANK HEMPSTEAD 230290 LO"lG I SL ANO BAf..lK HICKSVILLE HlGHLANO 7.363300 FIRST N3 OF HIGHLAND 2363360 H0"1!:R NATIONAL BANK HO"'ER 23'>3540 FtPST NB & TR CO Of ITHACA ITHACA l THACA 2363560 TC"PK!NS COUNTY TRUST CO 216Jsqo BA~lKERS TRUST CO OF WSTRN NYJA•ESTOWN JAMESTOWN 236360 I FIRST NAT !3K OF JAMESTOWN 2 363630 Fl~ST NB OF JEFFERSONVILLE JEFFERSONVILLE 23636130 KEESEVILLE NATIONAL BANK KEESEVILLE 2)63740 KINGSTON TRUST COMPA"IY KINGSTON 2363760 RONDOUT NATIONAL 6tNK KINGSTON 2v,;a20 JfFFERSON N.ATIONAL BANK LAFARGEV ILLE l lBERTY 2363910 SULLIVAN CTY NB GF LIBERTY LITTLE FALLS 2303960 LITTLE FALLS NATIONAL BANK 2364130 LYON.5 PMTIONAL 8ANK LYONS MAHOPAC 2364160 MAHOPAC NATIONAL 9A~K 2364170 CITIZENS N3 OF MALONE MALONE 2.lb4ld0 FAq"1ERS NS OF MALONE MALONE 2.164375 E"1PIRE NATIONAL BANK ~IOOLETOWN 2364400 OPA~lGE CCUNTV TRUST COMPANY MIODLETCWN 23f.45l0 NAT UNION 6K CF MDrHICELLO MOST !CELLO 2364550 FIRST NB OF ~ORAVIA MORAVIA !~l,46°1"0 NA~UET NATIONAL BANK NANUET 2364690 COLU~BUS TRUST COMPANY NEW9URGH NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY 59653 l6870 20357 24149 31257 53369 39110 110479 116995 18384 631993 23311 41698 63690 169432 145400 46628 42279 22165 14234 191240 20046 132060 9bb03 19867 72227 112931 167523 137545 26771 31837 82818 40794 18136 74560 14978 17703 23434 21723 72223 ~36798 38710 21093 26630 94699 34295 121 VLTCSH 1111 588 138 280 876 860 731 3864 2427 315 14386 340 1197 1107 4810 2519 691 1003 537 191 4578 224 2103 820 256 845 1910 4216 3072 243 637 2039 960 426 1276 376 217 447 366 l991 7970 1395 657 219 2224 1027 l/17/19 131 JH7 "' NEW REQBAL EPA 1611 128 766 643 704 1579 974 2103 3461 474 26837 708 668 2524 2522 H55 1328 755 339 399 10198 715 5961 3467 536 2749 3875 4076 3290 760 939 2713 1137 211 2700 187 577 578 667 1257 15219 796 481 780 2701 532 342 D 73 133 0 313 0 542 2421 0 57H 0 0 1010 1431 3208 218 0 0 0 5473 0 4590 2229 0 1463 2508 2884 2336 62 0 1352 0 0 1636 0 0 0 0 288 5127 0 0 87 1058 0 151 t1EM RE~BAL 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 16903 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l666 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6792 0 0 0 0 0 161 OIF 131-151 1611 128 7b6 643 704 1579 974 2103 3461 474 9934 708 668 2524 2522 4355 1328 755 339 399 8532 715 5961 3467 536 2749 3875 4076 3290 760 939 2713 1137 211 2700 187 577 578 66 7 1257 8427 796 481 760 2701 532 .• .• .• . .• .... ~ . • • • • • • • • .• • . lll 0 ' ~ ose 1/17/79 BENEFIT lO BANKS COVERED BY HOOIFIEO H.R. 1 MEMBER BANKS NAME TOEP LOCATION 121 VL lCSH 131 1971 REQBAL ~ 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 161 Olf 131-151 0 ...,' ~ := Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2364700 HI GHLANO NB OF NEWBURGH 2364840 BANKERS TRUST COMPANY 2364880 SANK OF NEW YORK 2364898 BARCLAYS BANK OF NEW YORK 2364915 BRADFORD TRUST COMPANY 23~4q1')2 CE~TURY NAT BANK & TRUST co 23649~5 CHASE MANHATTAN BANK N A 2364q95 21~49'10 2365035 236SlJ4 2'65158 23ti5lb5 2365240 2~65290 2365310 2365)28 2'365:h 1 2365415 23654]5 2365460 23t-5'5')5 l3&55}0 2365670 2165780 2365820 2365840 2365"150 2366020 2366370 2366315 2366470 23bb5qo 2~66610 2366625 2366640 2366680 2366980 2366910 2 366960 2366970 2366Q9Q 2367020 2361070 2367120 2367150 NEWBURGH NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW VORK NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK CHE'-UCAL BANK NEW YORK CITIBANK NA NEW YORK co~~UNITY ~8 & TR co OF NY NEW YORK TRUNEW YORK EUROPEAN-A~ERICAN BANK FLUSHING NATIONAL BANK NEW YORK fQEEDOM NB OF NEW YORK NEW YORK l'tVING TRUST CO'1PAN'f' NEW YORK '1ANUFACTUPERS HANOVER TR CO NEW YORK NEW YORK ~ERCHANTS SANK OF NEW YORK MORGAN GUARANTY TR CO OF NV NEW YORK NAT 3K OF NORTH AMERICA NES YORK REPUBLIC NATIONAL BK OF NY NE• YORK SCHRODER TRUST CO NEW YORK STERLII\(; Ng t TR CO OF NY NEW YORK NEW YORK UNlO~ CHELSEA NAT BANK UNITED STATES TR CO Of NY NEW YORK r,A T BK & TR CO OF NORWICH NORW !CH OLEAN MNF HANOVER TR CO/WSTN NA ONEIDA VALLEY N3 Of ONEIDA ONE! DA ONEOtH A WILBER NATIONAL BANK ~~IF HANOVE~ TC/CENTRAL NY ONTARIO PATCHOGUE ISLA~D STATE BANK POUGHKEEPSIE BANKERS T C OF HDSN VLY NA POUGHKEEPSIE DUTCHESS BANK ANO TRUST CO FIRST NB OF RED HOOK RED HOOK SUFFOLK CTY NB OF RIVERHEAD RIVERHEAO CENTRAL TR CO ROCHESTER NY RCCHESTER FIRST NB OF ROCHESTER ROCHESTER Ll~CLN FIRST BK Of ROCHESTERROCHESTER ROCHESTER SEC TR CO OF ROCHESTER 5ALA.MANCA TRUST COMPANY S~LAMMKA ADIRONDACK TRUST COMPANY SARATOGA SPRINGS OVSTERMENS BANK ANO TRUST COS~YVILLE SCARSDALE SCARSDALE NB t TR CO MOHA.'.4K NB OF SCHENECTADY SCHE NEC TAOY SCHENECTADY SCHENECTADY TRUST COMPANY FIRST NB OF SCOT IA SCOTU STATE BK Of SENECA FALLS NY SENECA FALLS SIDNEY FIRST NB IN SIDNEY NY 143901 NY 8542865 NY 3380825 401704 206082 31265 18713956 12368426 17703968 93172 2135418 35784 62900 4649829 l69LB111 123077 10770016 2223183 1723240 144019 342119 34966 777616 165401 91616 46233 18045 143802 71919 176135 93281 25637 78792 351597 16493 948074 514798 l9091 69392 52563 135625 108199 164588 57750 26616 20057 NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NV NY NY NY NV NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY 2211 85362 45761 3991 1 312 162880 145084 112607 6671 26014 337 453 49356 132742 2410 19429 42096 53677 60 2163 559 581 1467 2688 722 753 2734 1109 5648 2815 267 1446 66qQ 266 32217 10534 366 120, 1516 1260 3098 4330 1965 220 499 5435 264794 159526 21225 6422 17 25 1010635 725281 1086967 3676 5276 133218 1684 4807 222035 785957 7686 6464H 130702 16141 9423 22509 1099 40960 6919 1853 1768 3089 5448 2518 4961 2518 749 3279 12587 429 30020 16428 358 2063 5431 a 1117 5791 l953 ltbb8 940 5299 54 79 4168 392 5294 5394 5579 a 559 2919 5307 5131 4970 4884 5409 4748 5794 5963 0 0 167415 l 04 760 12501 195 0 668122 4662 76 784927 0 86330 a a 129231 490713 206 404608 83841 a 221 l 13163 a 5546 31216 4310 396 430 2014 4548 1524 2623 1213 37 1749 1145 5547 0 5381 5094 5336 a 1106 0 3990 220 a a 0 40 0 a 0 a a 0 15678 7309 0 0 0 358 0 118 2638 0 259 0 421 0 0 0 0 5435 97379 54766 8724 6227 1725 342513 259005 302040 0 46888 1684 4807 92804 295184 7480 2H846 40861 1<141 7212 q4Q6 1099 9744 5774 1853 1768 3089 5408 2518 • •• .... g: • • 4qbl 2518 749 3219 7251 429 14342 9119 358 20b3 1111 5433 1953 4bb8 940 118 421 • • • • • • • • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BANKS Ill DSB NAME 2367210 2367220 23672•0 236 7350 2367370 2367410 236 7421 2367430 2367",00 2367725 2367750 23b7840 2367870 2367875 2S67'll0 2367960 2368?•5 236all5 2368235 OF LOCATION TOEP BANK OF SMITHTOWN SMITHTOWN SOLVAY BANK SOLVAY TIOGA STATE BANK SPENCER NATIONAL BANK OF STA>IFORO STA~FORD BANK OF SUFFOLK COU~TY STONY BROOK FIRST TRUST ANO DEPOSIT CO SYRACUSE LINCOLN FIRST BK-CENTRAL NA SYRACUSE MfRCHANTS ~B t TR CO SYRACUSE ONEIDA NB t TC OF CENTRL NY UTICA VALLEY NB WALLKILL NY WALDEN NB OF DELAWARE CTY WALTON WALTON FIRST NB Cf WATERLOO WATERLOO NAT BANK CF NORTHERII N y WATERTOWN SE AWAY IIATIONAL BANK WATERTOWN GLEN NB t TR CO WATKINS GLEN CITIZENS NB t TR CO WELLSVILLE NATIONAL BANK OF WESTCHESTERWHITE PLAINS ESX CTY-CH~PLN NB WILLSBORO WILLSBORO HUDSON VALLEY NATION4L BANK YOMERS 139 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE -------------------5370020 5370060 5370310 5370351 5370355 5370410 5370420 5370730 537oq10 5371025 5371170 537I2J5 5371500 5371630 5371730 5371830 5372030 5372100 5372228 1111119 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 49 54 NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY -NY NY NY NY 76691 221>B't 23463 17479 67582 417492 330170 271353 550532 34224 23013 31151 180851 14198 19705 92472 587445 22415 33839 121 VL TCSH 131 141 1977 REQBAL NEW EPA 1568 388 526 2609 1422 618 413 0 137 588 2855 13236 12076 8384 16797 0 1341 5360 5238 5470 886 0 0 0 854 10965 5158 1300 9672 636 474 705 3305 290 269 1509 10177 436 563 611 548 566't 250 508 2015 27537 579 1526 0 5149 4128 0 0 417 5706 0 202 151 NEW REQBAl 161 OIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 4610 2609 618 413 4569 979 9000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18354 0 0 588 2855 e626 7507 7405 7797 886 611 548 5664 250 508 2015 9183 579 1526 • • • • •• • •• • • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTlCIPATlON ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE ---------------------- --------------- FIRST NB Of ALBEMARLE ALBEMARLE FIRST NB OF RANDOLPH CTY ASHE BORD CITY NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE FIRST UNIO,i ND OF NC CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANKCHARLOTTE CITIZENS NAT ~K OF COIICDRO CONCORD CG~CORO NATIONAL BANK CONCORD l~OEPENQENCE NATluNAL 8ANK GASTONIA FIRST NB OF CATAMBA CTY HICKORY 9A~K OF NORTH CAROLINA NA JACKSONVILLE CAROLINA FIRST NAT BK LINCOLN SOUTHEPN IIAT BK OF NC LUMBERTON UNION NAT BK OF OXFORD OXFORD FIRST NB Of REIDSVILLE REIDSVILLE PLA~TEPS NAT BK & TR CO ROCKY MOUNT FIRST NB OF SHELBY SHELBY FIRST NB OF ANSON CTY WADESBORO FIRST NB OF W JEFFERSON WES! JEFFERSON UNITED CITIZENS BANK WINSTON-SALEM NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 48123 48855 38385 1522140 2441735 23026 28171 196808 195699 260202 72121 365104 31518 40720 265967 59563 22331 25392 22040 1866 1053 297 31103 34803 612 608 5532 4941 9005 1651 10564 550 1026 5922 1219 687 203 300 583 1870 1695 80601 116932 519 799 6069 5659 6098 2316 12674 970 850 10829 2750 41't 915 618 0 456 468 5 ♦ 48 5339 0 0 3464 3288 0 0 0 53091 80103 0 0 272't 0 0 0 799 4803 2298 0 0 5335 1276 0 150 0 583 1870 1695 27510 36829 519 799 6069 5659 0 6098 2316 10376 970 850 7878 2750 0 0 0 4H 915 618 0 0 0 2951 ••• •• • •• •• •• ... • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HEHBER BAff~S Ill oss NAME 5372230 WACHOVIA M OF J/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 TDEP LOCATION & TR CO NA Ill NS TON SALEH 20 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 7 8 2HBl5't NC 121 VLTCSH 58065 131 1977 REQBAL 121332 141 NEIi EPA 5008 151 NEIi REQBAL 161 DIF 131-151 677't6 53586 HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE -------------9380100 '1180110 91qo120 9390140 9380250 9180260 9380290 9380290 ?380160 9~604JO 9180410 9'!90415 9360420 9390440 9390530 '1180545 9390548 9380550 91S0572 93d0b80 9380115 9380720 9380735 9380850 912J910 9380HS 9380990 9391110 9391390 9391332 93dl395 9331400 9381480 DAKOTA NORTHWESTERN BK NA BISMARCK F IPST NB&TC OF BISMARCK BISMARCK IS T NB & TR CO OF BOTTINEAU BOTTINEAU FIRST NAT BK OF BOWMAN BCWMAN FIRST NB OF DEVILS LAKE DEVI LS LAKE RA•SEV NAT BK & TR CO DEVILS LAKE 1ST ~S&TP CO OF DICKINSON DICKINSON LSRTY NB&TR CO OF DICKINSON DICKINSON IS T NB t TR CO OF ELLENDALE ELLENDALE OAK'lTA NAT BK OF FARGO FARGO FARGO NAT BANK & TR CO FARGO •ERCHNTS BK & TR CO OF FARGOFARGO FAkt;Q FIRST NAT BK t TP. CO Fl~ST NAT BK OF FESSENDEN FESSEN.JEN FIRST ~8 IN GRAFTON CRAFTON co•-"<JNITV NB Of GRAND FORKS GRAND FORKS 1ST BK OF NO NA-GRANO FORKS GRAND FORKS FIRST NB OF GRAND FORKS GRAND FORKS VALLEV BANK & TRUST CO GRANO FORKS FIRST NB OF HETTINGER HETT INGER 1ST BANK OF ND NA JAMESTOWN JAMESTOWN Fl~ST NATIONAL BA~IK JAMESTOWN STurs•AN COUNTV STATE BANK JAMESTOWN FIRST ND OF umc~ LINTCN FIRST NW ES TERN NB Of HANOAN MAIIOAN FIRST BANK CF NO NA MINOT MINOT FIRST NAT SK IN MINOT MINOT FISST NAT BK OF OAKES OAKES FIRST N3 OF VALLEY CITV VALLEY CITY NW NB OF VALLEY CITY VALLEV CITY FIRST BK OF NO NA-WAHPETON WAHPETON FIRST NB OF WAHPETON WAHPETON 1ST NB t TR CO OF WILLISTON ~llLISTIJN OF ----------- l3 BANKS AFFECTED IN SHTE . ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NO ND ND ND NO NO NO ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NO ND ND ND NO 93598 96169 28218 2759D 27125 32633 't2192 29228 11563 73071 85133 9825't 97918 13415 34126 19920 57584 84777 32283 18927 42994 4517" 16415 17054 51787 51889 90511 15097 26265 30960 25584 32176 32781 616 920 235 172 163 398 311 174 81 770 399 1036 649 51 267 631 814 2013 405 91 585 190 227 154 634 593 1193 75 120 198 453 268 222 39"7 3't86 1001 969 979 977 1613 1104 630 2825 3762 3698 3614 390 1249 336 2208 2087 1153 768 1018 1797 418 535 1627 1436 2790 584 1046 1163 618 1162 1226 2090 1819 0 0 6 0 147 98 0 1184 1987 1840 1797 0 0 0 701 423 0 0 0 440 0 0 249 0 1050 0 38 46 0 25 0 16 HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RE SERVE UUNCE 11 HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE ------------------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 39H 3"86 1001 969 979 977 1613 1104 630 2825 3762 3698 36l't 390 1249 336 2208 2087 1153 768 1018 1191 418 535 1627 1436 2790 584 1046 1163 618 1162 1226 ••• • • • •• •• • •• •• • •• .• • •• •• •• ----------------. --------------------------------------------- .... ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BA~KS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 I II DS3 NAME ADA 431l0025 LIBERTY NB OF ADA ,.3~0033 AKRON NATIONAL BANK AKRON 4390060 FIRST N,\TIONAL BANK OF AKRONAKRON 43,;0125 1 ST NAT CITY BK OF ALLIANCE ALLIANCE ANDOVER 4390180 ANDOVER BA~K 4390230 ARCAtlUM NATIONAL BANK ARCANUM 4390250 TIFFIN VALLEY NATIONAL BANK ARCHBOLD lt'3°027C ASHLAND eANK ANO SAVINGS CO ASHLAND ASHLAND 4390290 FIRST NB OF ASHLAND ASHTABULA 4390320 FAR~ERS NAT BK t TR CO ASHTABULA 4.390340 'IORTHEASTERN OHIO NAT BANK 43QQ) 70 ATHENS NATIONAL BANK ATHENS 4390440 FIRST NB Of BAR•IESVILLE BARNESVILLE 43gQ'i31 HUrtTINGTON NATIONAL BANK BELLEFONTAINE BELLF.VUE 439'1540 FIRST NB OF BELLEVUE BELLEVUE 4l<;OS50 UNI0",1 BANK ANO SAVINGS CO 4390610 FIRST NB OF CLERMONT CTY BETHEL BLUFFTON 4390070 CITIZENS NB OF BLUFFTON 43,;1100 Hu,TINGTON BK OF >ODD CTY BCWLING GREEN BkOOKVILLE 4:M0770 BR08KVILLE NATIONAL BANK BRYAN 43S0730 CITIZENS Nd OF BRYAN 4390790 FIRST NB IN BRYAN BRYAN lt,!QJ3)5 CkAWFORD COUNTY NB BUCYRUS BUCYRUS BUCYRUS 43'>0310 fAq~fRS CITIZENS BANK 4 3~n SfCONO NS OF BUCYRUS BUCYRUS SURlON 4 390d"t0 FIRST NS OF BURTON (ADI Z 't:390:360 flqsT NB OF CADIZ 4190Ql0 CENT•AL NB AT CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE CAM BR 10 GE 4390930 F!qST NB OF CAMBRIDGE CANFIELD 4no9~0 FAR~ERS NB OF CANFIELD .; JQ 0'1'15 CTQ.L TC Cf NRHIESTRN OH NA CANTON 4391020 HARTER OK t TR CO CMHON 4}91030 PEOPLES-MERCHANTS TRUST CO CMHON 43q 10.:.0 U~ITED NAT1CNAL BANK t TR COCAtlTON 4391030 Fl~ST NB AT CAR~OLLTON 4391090 CASTALIA BANKING CO 43SI l lJ 5 CITIZENS CMRCL BK t TR CO '"39 llZO FIRST NAT BK CF MERCER CTY 4391130 CHARDON SAVINGS BANK CO 43q 1132 CEAUGA cou,TY NAT BANK 439ll50 CTZS NB OF CHILLICOTHE 43Gll60 F !RSI NB Of CHILLICOTHE 43912J0 CENTUL TRUST COMPANY NA 4391230 FIFTH THIRD BANK 4391240 FIRST NB OF CINCINNATI 4391290 PR DV I DENT BANK TDEP LOCATION CA~ROLL TON CASTALIA CELI NA CELINA CH<ROON CHARDON CHILLICCTHE CHILLICOTHE Cll<C INNATI CINCINNATI CINCINNATI CINCINNATI OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH Oft OH Oft OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH 16809 361654 688105 73591 17445 19160 23690 25403 46373 99331 84543 44095 45824 36013 30359 46406 20269 22440 81401 16360 71392 28116 18979 27423 30549 53027 38744 4%61 51 I 24 61326 2e34q9 358491 14421 7 114169 24042 155B6 64874 74457 57 2,63 15662 29729 67192 789677 696926 897433 419977 1117/79 121 VLTCSH HS 12562 18240 1713 369 279 403 235 Bl 5 1719 1599 841 684 914 514 658 709 336 1077 382 887 558 405 405 547 992 313 1301 1254 1140 5046 5705 4364 4250 436 231 996 897 1031 434 755 1386 17270 16847 14471 10170 131 1977 REQBAL 601 6575 20753 2267 335 609 490 938 1225 3014 3620 1487 1215 1073 619 1145 389 568 2738 268 2292 679 47l 840 821 1643 1241 849 1424 2136 1130 I 14076 3132 1653 555 311 1597 2195 1791 186 557 1805 28622 29067 41788 13971 co NEW NEW EPA ~EC BAL 161 DI f 131-151 0 0 10120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3536 6676 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15871 14906 25819 3671 601 6575 l0633 2267 335 609 490 938 1225 3014 3620 1487 1215 1073 619 1145 389 568 2738 26B 2292 679 471 840 821 1643 1241 849 1424 2136 7165 7400 3132 1653 555 311 1597 2195 1791 186 557 1805 12751 14161 15969 10300 0 4070 5264 624 0 0 0 0 0 1669 2352 53 0 0 0 171 0 0 1269 0 721 0 0 0 0 188 326 0 90 684 5293 5439 1514 B 0 0 246 803 542 0 0 336 5196 5040 5085 4843 C51 . •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • .... C,11 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 111 oss 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 MEMBER BANK.S NAME TOEP LOCATION 121 VL TCSH I 31 1977 REQBAL 4391310 4391340 4391350 4391361 4391410 4,91420 4391430 4391445 SOUTHERN OHIO BANK FIP.ST NB OF CIRCLEVILLE SECOND NB OF CIRCLEVILLE THIRD NAT BK OF CIRCLEVILLE CAPIUL NATIONAL BANK CENTRAL NB OF CLEVELAND CLEVELAND TRUST CO FIR ST BANK NA 4':\91470 NATIONAL CITY BANK 43<:J 1495 SOCIETY NB OF CLEVELAND 4:391500 UN I ON COMMERCE BANK 4~ql560 N~TIONAL UNION BANK 4391590 CITY NB~TR Co OF COLUMBUS 4391610 HU\! TI NG TON NB OF COLUMBUS 4391640 OHIO NB OF COLUSBUS ''391130 CORTLAND SAVINGS t BKNG 43')1 740 COS HCC TON NA Tl m1AL BANK co 439(750 4J91760 43<:-1895 43'1l8qQ 4391910 4391q20 4391925 4391'1]0 4391950 4391960 4391970 CINCINNATI CIRCLEVILLE CIRCLEVILLE CIRCLEVILLE CLEVELAND CLEVELAND CLEVELAND CLEVELAND CLEVELAND CLEVELAND CLEVELAND COLUMBIANA COLUMBUS CGLUHBUS COLU'19US COP:TLANO COS HCC TON COSHOC TCN FISST NB OF COSHOCTON COVING TON WESTERN OHIO NB & TR CO CENTRAL TC OF HNTGMRY CTY NAOAYTON DAYTON FlrlST NATIONAL BMIK. THIRD "19£.TC OF OAYTON WINTERS NB t: TR CO ~.\ T 1 UNAL BANK OF DEFIANCE ST ATE BANK ANO TRUST CO FIRST NS OF DELAWARE ERC I Al BANK P[OPLES NS OF DELPHOS co ....... DA YT ON DAYTON DEFIANCE OEFIA~CE DELAWARE DELPHOS DELPHOS DEL TA co DOVER FtP.ST ~18 Of E l lVERPOOL EAST LIVERPOOL POTTERS BA~K ANO .TRUST CO f>S T LI VER POOL FIRST N~ AT EAST PALESTINE EAST PALESTINE EATON NATIJNAL BK MW TR CO EATON PREBLE CTV NB OF EATON EATON ELY•IA SVGS ~ TRUST NAT BK El YR IA El YR I A FIRST NB OF ELYRIA 4392000 PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK CO 4392040 P[OPLES NATIONA~ BK t T~ 43'}2090 43112090 43~2100 4 3<12120 4392130 4392190 43'72195 4392200 LORAIN CTY SAYINGS C. TR ,.3qzz7z EIJCLIO NATIONAL BANK 4Y:J2223 FARSERS ANO MERCHANTS BANK 4392225 Fl R.ST N3 OF f-AlR.eJRN 43927b0 FIRST NA.T BK OF FtrWLAY 43'12270 OHIO DANK ANO SAVINGS CO 4392275 CJTIZP4S ~g OF FLUSHING 4JQ2290 CCM,UNITY NATIO~Al BANK "t392290 FIRST NAT 6K GF FORESI co El VR I A EUCLID FAIR SORN fA IRBORN f WDLAY FHIDLAY FLUSHING FLUSHING FOR EST OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH. OH OH OH ·OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH Oil OH OH OH Oil OH OH OH OU OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH 190660 29538 22877 25684 151317 1262B18 2946704 29211 I6563B9 1032464 792414 37957 670767 838042 1142638 11912. 73456 65249 26517 25833 322340 319471 641345 31619 55621 52784 35265 35899 21015 66470 40697 22603 16671 24019 37973 186679 38543 139261 227452 26434 29516 105973 43941 14300 14159 14716 141 NEW EPA 3272 387 7119 812 4886 0 381 465 1761 347 0 610 0 535& 34701 38546 551 17435 18245 8012 537 11440 27641 24933 1334 1250 578 524 543 6934 8654 14289 355 1266 925 554 3e6 260 673 2161 995 480 246 H1 3112 731 3208 3190 766 1262 162] 6b9 260 156 151 7250 15591 131090 1096 67627 35436 38253 972 30378 19732 29902 1908 2008 2068 517 613 13045 12395 2l726 933 2101 941 919 9 58 626 2453 195 279 118 775 IDBI 6387 929 3512 9121 143 331 3892 l403 281 317 396 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 41 5288 6075 5191 93551 0 0 4 7608 25763 5145 5383 5609 33 28437 5110 4976 17927 4935 702 714 764 0 0 5126 5296 5144 341 699 0 0 16 0 1167 0 0 0 0 0 4750 0 2098 5303 0 0 2035 124 0 0 0 0 5843 14729 0 0 0 0 0 H51 3398 14222 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1961 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 OIF 131-151 7119 812 347 610 7209 9516 37539 1096 20019 9673 9816 972 12451 I 3AB9 15173 1908 2008 2068 517 613 8694 8997 12504 933 2101 941 919 958 626 2453 195 279 11 B 775 108 I 638 7 929 3512 7166 H3 331 3892 1403 281 371 396 • • • • • • • .•• .•• • • • • . • .... l;,11 C0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HE•BER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 111 DSS NAHE 4392310 LORAMIE BANK ING co 4392340 co,"ER ICAL BK t SVGS co 4392351 TRI-CCUNTY NAT BANK FORT LORAMIE FOSTORIA FOSTORIA 43qz310 HUNTINr,TQN NB OF FR~NKLIN FRANKLIN 439 242 5 1t)q24,.5 43q2470 lt392490 43n540 43cl2bJO 4392670 43•)2700 43"2720 4~.92770 43qz1Ao 43•ne20 4302860 4392870 4392830 439zq4Q 4392951 43?2960 43'..)060 4393.)68 4393070 't'393llJO 43<J3150 43S3160 4393180 4393190 4393220 4393265 4393285 'e.393340 4393:-60 4393365 4393370 43'11380 439 3385 4393400 4393416 4393460. 4393490 4393520 4393530 4393610 TDEP LOCATION CROGHAN COLON I AL BANK FREMONT LI eERTY NB OF FREMONT FREMONT Fl~ST NB OF GAL ION GALI ON FIRST NB OF GALLIPOLIS GALLIPOLIS GENOA BANKING CO GENOA HO.~E BANKING CO GIBSONBURG PEOPLES N3 OF GREENFIELD GREENFIELD GREENVILLE· NATIONAL BANK GREENVILLE SECOND NB OF GREENVILLE GREENVILLE FIRST NS t TR CO OF HA~ILTONHASILTON SECOND NB OF HAMILTON HAMILTON FIRST NS OF HARRISON HARR I SON FR SRS t TROR S NS OF HLSBRO HILLSBORO HILLSBORO BANK t SVGS CO HI LL SBORO MERCHANTS NB OF HILLSBORO HILLSBORO CI TI ZENS NB OF IRONTOII IRUNTON FIRST NAT BK Of IRONfOtl (RONTON FIRST N~ OF JACKSON JACKSON HU,HINGTN PORTAGE 118 OF KENTKENT HARDIN NATIONAL 86.NK KENTON HUNT I NGTN FIRST NS OF KENTONKENTON KILLBUCK S<VINGS BANK CO KILLBUCK fAR.'iERS BANK ING CO LAKEY IEW FAli:tFIELO ~B GF LM~CASTER LMlCASTER HOCKING VLY NB OF LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER NATIONAL BANK LANCASTER LEBANON CITIZENS NB LEBA~ON HUNTINGTON FIRST NB Of LIHA LIMA TOWER NS OF LIMA LIMA FMRS t HRCHTS 8K OF LOGAN LOGAN FIPST NB OF LONDON LONDON HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK LONOCN CENTRAL SEC NB OF LORAIN CTYLORAIN CITY BANK COMPA~Y LO•A IN F!QST LORAIN TRUST CO LORA IN LORAltl NATIONAL BANK LORAIN NAT I ONAL BANK OF LOVELAND LOVELAND E XC~ANGE BANK LUCKEY YI NTON CTY N8 OF. MCARTHUR MCARTHUR CTZS NB OF MC CONNELSVILLE HC CONNELSVILLE 1ST NB Of MC CONNELSYILLE MC CONNELSYILLE FARMERS SAVINGS AND TRUST COHANSFIELO OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH 16785 39824 83990 28211 71325 36132 24173 19996 20029 35926 22827 50077 43318 135739 73761 18846 25408 34967 28177 31960 71188 56115 94542 19227 34720 28475 22819 45434 48239 19735 35379 100366 39003 30817 28265 23927 98964 44104 40132 134506 20372 22027 21142 14424 17386 98597 1/17/79 121 YL TCSH 117 655 I HB 130B 1'15 677 583 692 421 174 721 759 863 4520 1721 453 220 432 285 1088 1987 1165 1745 375 483 571 367 550 1257 1114 625 2157 959 789 459 404 2991 1441 446 4154 986 264 317 191 224 1397 131 1977 REQBAL 549 933 2026 188 1742 884 520 83 362 1112 355 1554 114B 3034 2000 424 903 1155 898 73 1016 1487 3069 457 896 582 617 1719 1203 0 1382 2866 937 689 600 807 1509 465 1078 2976 84 598 751 360 481 3905 141 NEW EPA 0 0 588 0 83 0 0 0 0 196 0 340 0 1153 677 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1873 0 0 0 0 334 0 0 29 1112 0 0 0 0 271 0 401 1787 0 0 0 0 0 2072 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 549 933 2026 188 1742 884 520 83 362 1112 355 1554 1148 3034 2000 424 903 1155 898 73 1616 148 7 3069 457 896 582 617 1719 1203 0 1382 2866 937 689 600 807 1509 465 1078 2976 84 598 751 360 481 3905 • • • • • • • • • . • •• .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • . .... I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODI F !ED H.R. l HE~BER BANKS 111 DSB NAME 4393660 CITIZENS NB OF MARIETTA 43S3720 NATIONAL CITY BK OF MARION 4~93 750 FIRST NB OF MARYSVILLE 4393760 'FIRST MASON BANK 4393770 FIRST NB IN MASSILLON 4393830 OLD PHOENIX NB OF MEDINA 43Q3870 FIRST NATIONAL BANK it393q40 CLE't~ONT NATIONAL BANK 4393960 ADA._.S BANK 4393970 CG."'11.\ERCIAL AND SAVINGS BANK 43'B9S5 CONSU:-1ERS NATIONAL BANK 4393990 Ml"lERVA. BANKING COMPANY 4394020 MINSTER STATE BANK 43'"10'1"0 FIRST NB OF MIOOLETO'l'iN 4394070 ~,a OF MONTPELIER 4394090 elRST NB OF WARRE_N CTY 4VJ4 no PEOPLES BANK 4394140 BROWN CTY Nf\ Of MT ORAB 43q4160 STERLING STATE BANK 4394170 IS T-KNOX NB Ill HT VERNON 43q4190 KNOX COUNTY SAVINGS BANK 4394200 COM:-IUNITY BANK 4394250 FIRST NS OF NEWARK 4394270 PARK NATIONAL BANK. 4394290 FIRST NB IN NfW eREMEN 43<.J.:. 370 PPL NB Of NEW LEXlN~TON 4)94~'l0 PERRY COUNTY BA~K 439't440 OHi O BANK f. TRUST CO~PANY 43q,,510 NEW WATERFORD 8ANt( 43<~4520 DOLLA9. SAVINGS BANK co 4394530 NI LE$ 8ANK CO 4394599 MIO-AMERICA NB & TR co 43945CJO CTZNS ~B OF NORWALK 43946;)0 HUROtl CTY BANK.ING CO N4 4394640 ,•,s OF OAK HARBOR 4394650 OAK HARBOR STATE BANK CO 43~4690 OBERLIN SAVINGS BANK CO 43°4720 FIRST NAllONAL BANK 43~4730 ORRVILLE SAVINGS BANK 43948)0 LAKE CTY N3 OF PAINESVILLE 43948)1 LAl<.ESHORE TRUST CUMPANY 4]94940 FIR.SI NB OF PANOOkA 4394845 A"'IE!{ICAN NATIONAL BANK 4)94870 11B OF PAULDING 43<J4900 CJ Tl ZENS SAVINGS BA~K co 4394910 CITIZENS BANKING CO TDEP LOCATION MARIETTA HAR ION MARYSVILLE MASON MASSILLON •ED INA MIAMISBURG MILFORD MILLERSBURG MILLERSBURG MINERVA MINERVA MINSTER MONROE eONTPEL !ER MORROW HOUNT GILEAD MOUNT ORAB MOUNT STERLING MOUNT VERNON MOUNT VERNON NAP CL EON NEWARK NEWARK NEW BREMEN NEW LEXl~GTON NEW LEXINGTON NEW PHILADELPHIA NEW WATERFORD NILES NII. ES NOKTHWOOD NORWALK NCPWALK OAK HARBOR OAK HARBOR 08£PllN ORKVILlE ORRVILLE PAINESVILLE PAINESVILLE PANDORA PARMA PAULDING PEMBERVILLE PERRYSBURG OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH Ott OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH 1111179 121 VL TCSH 131 1911 REQBAL 141 NEIi EPA 46368 552 1513 l ll 101932 31302 19056 71540 2287 3065 908 291 2034 2949 576 645 1281 1060 0 0 144316 30510 79049 17918 3l878 l3783 22794 21022 I 04 703 24112 17955 37018 14420 16053 84644 2B371 28479 90318 l 61756 16960 15664 23216 36219 15965 20005 't6988 114179 26493 73672 25224 23078 41332 53053 23356 25921 I 105378 18 710 24B54 19578 13019 21340 1041 2036 21 7 236 329 246 177 4052 294 575 3l3 285 140 1233 788 831 1518 3B89 199 387 331 900 406 3ll 1528 2266 387 716 231 192 621 1073 197 4436 l240 98 972 242 113 469 4046 145 2726 521 1106 140 134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 82 0 0 0 0 118 2347 0 1066 0 582 692 2045 618 171 660 0 0 1345 0 169 342 0 563 2891 0 1281 417 458 0 0 2064 3750 429 331 59a 581 1871 699 213 624 403 2724 816 2480 655 659 12 59 lHO 818 8017 4304 679 66 657 3%1 518 151 NEW REQBAL o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 161 DIF 131-151 1513 3065 576 645 1281 4046 745 2726 52 l 1106 140 582 692 2045 618 171 1345 342 563 2891 417 458 2064 3750 429 331 598 699 213 624 403 2724 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5058 60 818 7369 3031 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 4304 679 66 657 341 518 13B3 0 903 16 2 189 • • • • • • . •• • • • .. • • • •• ..• • • 816 2480 655 659 1259 1440 • • • •• .• .• ! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,SEH3ER BMIKS SENEF IT TO SANKS COVERED SY ~001 F IEO H.R. 7 01 DSS NAME LOCATION 4394970 SUH( CIT HENS NB & TR CO PIQUA 43')4980 PIQUA NATIONAL BANK & TR CO PIQUA 4395005 4395010 43~5040 4395~50 43'}5060 4395070 4395090 4395130 4395165 4395190 439520? 4395210 4~95250 43-15320 4"\95365 439~'3')0 43954')0 43'15420 4395430 43<;5450 43<:J54!'>0 4395470 4Vl55b0 4395570 43<J':i6l 0 43q5-~20 4395630 4)<"J57)0 '-3957 1t0 4395742 -1395715 4395-810 43ci594() 4395910 4395940 4395950 43'160·)5 43qb020 43°&050 4396060 4 ..Vib07 l 439ti 1)0 43'16140 4396150 FIRST NB OF MANSFIELD PLYMOUTH Fass BK C SVGS co OF POMEROYPGSEROY PO,SEROY NA Tl ONAL BANK P CME ROY AMERJ CAN BANK PORT Cl!NTON PORT CLINTON NATIOtlAL BANK PORT CLINTON NS OF PORTSMOUTH PCRTSMOUTH SECURITY CENTRAL NAT BA.NK PORTSMOUTH QUAKER CITY QUAKER CITY NATIONAL SANK FIRST NB & TC OF RAVENNA RAVENNA RAVENNA SECO~O NB OF RAVENNA CENTRAL TRUST CCMPANY REYNOLDSBURG RICHWOOD BANKING CO RICHWOOD CHIPPEWA VALLEY BANK RITTMAN BA•K OF RUSSELLVILLE co RUSSELLVILLE BEUiONT CTY NEi ST CLAIRSVILLE ST HENRY BANK ST HENRY HOME BANKING CO ST MARYS FASMERS NB OF SALEH SALEM F IP ST NB OF SALE• SALEM CITIZENS BANKING COMPANY SArWUSKY THIQ.O Ne OF SANDUSKY SANOUSK Y ri(STERt, SECURITY BANK SANDUSKY CITll[NS BANK OF SHELBY SHEL BY FI RS T NB OF SHEL BY SHELBY S ION(Y CITIZ£:1s BAUGHMAN NAT BK flRST NAT EXCH BK CF SI ONEY SI ONEY SILVCRTON CITIZENS STATE B,\NK FIRST NB OF SPR P~GF I ELD SPRINGFIELD tlUNTl~GTN LGOA NB OF SPGFLO SPRINGFIELD SECU.\ I TY NAl IONAL BANK SPRINGFIELD FIRST N8&TC IN STEUBENVILLE STEUBENVILLE UN IQ'~ SV'IGS 9K & TR CO STEUBENVILLE FAR~E~S SAVINGS BANK STONY RIDGE SYLVANIA SAVINGS ~ANK CO SYLVANIA COM~ERCIAL NB Of TIFFIN TIFF IN FIRST N9 OF TIFFIN TIFF IN FIRST Ng OF TCL EDO TCLEDO OHIO CITIZENS TRUST CO T CLEOO TCLEDO TRUST CO TOLEDO TRUJ';,j0Gi) BANK I NC TROTWOOD FIRST NAT BK & TR CO TROY IST CTZNS NB OF UPR SANOUSKYUPPER SANDUSKY CHA'iPAIGN NAT BK OF URBANA URBANA CITIZENS NAT BANK OF URBANA URBANA TOEP OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH -OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH CH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH 1/17179 121 VL TCSH 131 1977 REQSAL 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQSAL 2'46 638 3837 269 450 1185 901 0 803 441 2497 1364 2300 417 230 418 1414 619 915 0 915 0 0 148 0 0 0 0 1317 327 840 32202 1347 1589 6182 478 603 270 552 2195 3578 381 1226 1216 1586 419 537 111 1532 163 528 900 0 67219 1434 54433 78660 70023 61656 19508 751 1872 1596 2499 1552 1418 381 549 382 519 873 205 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2050 1016 310 1817 479 0 0 0 0 0 395 1586 1811 262 0 0 0 0 0 65637 H214 203612 18786 23821 35277 34908 49702 93294 20398 71091 55967 79593 19097 18504 14689 58011 21494 839 28540 60116 1441 1116 474 196 1195 33518 23610 I 04066 55113 105601 109817 50667 40763 • 167596 5472l> 612 930 3360 1271 3082 3328 1417 671 2558 991 31199 395710 388762 571244 533 12646 10224 9593 36616 191 76587 1585 48171 22453 30759 ~13 2348 1235 0 0 0 155 0 543 1099 69 933 a 4837 1362 2434 41 637 6481 10562 23563 976 2470 5059 5149 5211 0 891 411 1462 608 646 859 0 HO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 2280 13582 0 0 0 161 OIF 131-151 2'46 638 3837 269 450 1185 901 0 803 441 2497 1364 2300 417 230 478 1474 619 900 1872 1598 2499 1552 1418 381 549 2050 1016 310 1817 1586 1811 2346 1235 933 4837 1362 637 8476 8282 9981 976 2470 1462 0 608 0 859 • .•• •• • • • •• • •• • • • •• .• • • •• •• .• •• • .... • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~E~BER BA.~KS Ill DSB NAME TDEP LOCATION 4396190 PrnPLES BANK & TRUST COHPANYVAN WERT 4396200 VAN WERT NATIONAL BANK VAN WERT 'i396220 PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK VERSAILLES 439b2b0 H'J~TINGTN 1ST NB OF MONA CTYWADSWORTH 4396270 WAKESA~ BANK CO WAKf."AN 439t..Z80 FIRST NAT BK OF WAPAKONETA WAPAKONETA 4'.?- 0 6290 PEOPLES tlB OF WAPAKONETA WAPAKONETA 43<16300 S£C3e<D NAT eANK OF WARREN WARREN 43llt.310 UNION SAVl11GS ANO TRUST CO WAPRE N 4'3'tb330 FII\ST NB Or WASH COURT HOUSEWASH COURT HOUSE 4J9bl70 PEOPLES STATF SANK WAUSEON 4'3CJ63SO FIRST NAT BANK OF WAVERLY WAVERLY 1tl'°lb410 WAY~ESVILLE NATIONAL BANK WAYNESVILLE 43qb430 FIRST NAT BK CF WELLSTON WELLSTON 4]Cl6450 Hil"I VALLEY BANK WEST ALEXANDRIA 4J':}6bl0 CL lN C1Y Nat re OF WILHINGTONWIL"-INGTGN 4,3Q66l0 FIRST r-1AT 6K OF WILMINJTCN WIL.SINGTON 43'!bb'.)0 HU'lrl ~GTON BK OF WOODVILLE WOODVILLE ~)96670 CITIZENS NAT BK OF WOOSTER WOOSTER 43%090 ~AY~E COUNTY NB OF WOOSTER WOOSTER 4,'l6710 ClZ~S f IRST NB OF GREENE CTYXENIA 43<;67~0 XE~HA NI\T IONAL BANK XENIA 4396750 DOLLAR SAVINGS t TRUST CO YOUNGSTOWN 43%7b0 ~AMON ING NB OF YOUNGSTOWN YOUNGSTOWN 43?6780 UNIO-~ NH BK GF vou,iGSTOWN YOUNGSTCWN 43q6790 CITIZENS NB IN ZANESVILLE ZANESVILLE 4396800 FIRST NAT BK Of ZANESVILLE ZANESVILLE OF 257 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE - -----------------10400010 10400060 10400070 10400090 10,ryo 160 10400170 10400210 10400215 104002~0 l0400HO l/17179 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 134 98 OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH 33548 60814 20460 39026 14866 55828 30268 182287 203999 29812 26384 31407 18668 15206 13597 54192 25169 25315 36278 79367 37932 29110 356772 243526 252056 63652 83010 121 VLTCSH 532 1251 227 438 203 882 237 4788 3067 455 H7 1075 190 318 355 773 579 162 780 1514 998 965 10907 7677 4487 2312 1761 131 1977 REQBAL '120 1761 658 1039 358 1755 955 3990 7071 1016 747 313 542 284 217 2133 589 802 1120 2956 880 664 7337 4366 8918 764 2851 141 NEW EPA 0 237 0 162 0 284 197 1593 4680 0 0 0 0 0 0 669 0 102 0 1567 0 0 3786 1859 5254 0 1469 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1722 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 920 1761 658 1039 358 1755 955 3990 7071 1016 747 313 542 284 217 2133 589 802 1120 2956 880 664 7337 4366 7196 764 2851 .• • • •• • •• •• • • • .• • •• • HAVE NO EARNINGS PAR Tl Cl PAT ION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE ---------- FIRST NAT BK & TR CO OF ADA ADA FIRST NAT BK OF ALTUS ALTUS NAT I CNAL BK OF CHRC OF Al TU SALTUS CENTRAL NAT BK OF Al VA ALVA ARDMORE EXCHANGE NAT BK & TR CO FIRST NAT BK & TR OF AROHOREARO~ORE FIRST NB IN BARTL~SVILLE BARILESVILLE PLAZA NB OF BARTLESVILLE BARTLESVILLE FIRiT NAT BK OF BETHANY BETHANY FIRST NAT BK & TR CO BLACKWELL 10400I,i)Q A•E~ICAN NB OF BRISTOW BRISTOW -------------------------------OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 59421 33585 21555 31253 62326 70378 143 773 31328 45832 21817 20844 353 396 348 326 1012 369 1207 486 506 263 217 2368 1445 766 1083 2325 3299 10347 757 1807 696 603 960 40 0 0 1031 1832 4660 0 361 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2747 0 0 0 0 2368 1445 766 1083 2325 3299 7600 757 1807 696 603 ••• •• • •• •• .... m Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BANKS OS B BENEFIT TO BANKS COVEREO BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NAME 111 TDEP LOCATION 10400440 FIRST NAT BK OF BROKEN ARROWBROKEN ARROW 10400570 F JR ST NAT BK OF CHANDLER CHANDLER 1041)0580 UNION NAT BK OF CHANDLER CHANDLER 1040".)bt.,Q FIRST NATIONAL BK t TR CO CHICKASHA l040067C OK NB t TR CO OF CHICKASHA CHICKASHA 10400690 F tR ST NAT BK IN CLAREMORE CLAREMORE 104()::)740 FIRST NAT BK IN CLINTON CLINTON CORDELL l04008l0 CIJROELL NlftDr1AL BANK 104()0820 F~R~ERS NAT BK OF CORDELL CORDELL CUSHING lJ400<tJO FAPMERS NAT BK OF CUSHING 10400910 FIRST NAT BK Of CUSHING CUSHING DEWEY 104009'30 FIRST NAT 9K OF OE~EY 10 1,01040 OKLAH □ ~A NB OF OU~CAN DUNCAN 10401050 SECURITY NB t TR OF DUNCAN DUNCAN DURANT 11401070 flq_Sf NAT BANK IN DURANT EoMo~m 104011 JO FIRST NAT BK OF EDMOND ELK CITY 10 ➔ 01130 fAR~[RS NAT BK OF ELK CITY El RENO 10401 lbO CITIZENS NAT BK t TR CO 10401170 FIRST NB t TR CO OF EL RENO EL RENO llJ'.,.1)1190 CUHRAL NAT eK t TR ENID E~ID 10401190 FIRST NB t TR CO OF ENID ENID 1041112GO SECUQ.ITY NAT BK Of ENID 10401210 FAIRVIEW STATE 8AtJK FAIRVIEW 10 1,012135 FAR~ERS t MERCtiANTS NAT BK FAIRVIEW 1()401340 FIRST NAT BK IN FRED !CK FREDERICK GUTHRIE 10401~70 FIP.ST NAT 3K CF GUTHRIE GUYl~CN 10401500 FIRST NB OF GUYMOn HE N~E SSE V 10 1.01~10 FIR~T tl4T BK OF HENNESSEY HOP ART l J4Ul t..-.40 f IP ST NAT BK IN HOBART l04Jl6'.i0 1ST NB t TR CO OF HOLDENVLLEeCLDENV ILLE HOHi NY l04Jlb30 FIRST NAT 8K IN HOMINV HUGO l14Cll710 CITIZE'IS STATE BANK. 11401120 SfC 1JRITY FIRST NATIONAL 6ANKHUGO !DAB El 11401730 IDABEL ~lATlC1"lAL BANK l'J4f'lB70 PEOPLES NAT eK Of KJNGFISHERK1fo1GflSHER 10 ➔ Qlt;10 A~E'UCAN NA.T AK Of L A1r1TON l.A,i'l □ N 10401G38 CJTllE'IS NAT BA"IK. OF LA:,n ON LAWTON LAWTON 104019-tO CITY NATIONAL BK t TR CO 10402020 FIRST NAT BK t TR CO OF MC ALESTER ,SC ALESTER l0402010 NA Tl ONAL BANK OF MADI LL ll 40 20 50 F JO ST NAT BANK IN MADILL MARLOW 10402140 STATE NAT BK OF MARLOW MI AS I 10402240 FIRST NAT !3)( OF MIAMI 104022 53 AMF.q_l(AN NB Of SIDWEST CITY MIDWEST CITY MIDWEST CITY 10402255 FIRST NB OF MIDWEST CITY 10402340 CITIZENS NAT BK OF MUSKOGEE MUSKOGEE OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK CK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK CK OK OK 35976 17540 16991 39716 44892 27177 23174 30184 22829 21359 29713 22693 33519 97319 37135 20035 24568 23709 31934 1117179 131 1917 141 NEW REQBAL EPA 594 1247 137 602 500 1532 1999 110 0 0 277 707 0 121 Vl TCSH 149 460 397 328 277 136 11a 314 237 489 238 694 690 2b1 375 192 342 95493 58669 55600 1042 16469 15963 19828 26691 27153 bl 15633 15847 710 433 99 164 439 141 61 188 175 239 873 818 1015 153 0 221 90 700 0 1150 577 1284 4337 1092 691 894 953 1149 3274 2392 54 0 50 2340 2320 554 591 839 698 1430 520 418 12'9 31394 16403 18136 26258 26777 31671 3 7636 14223 57120 74953 52791 16895 21853 402 379 320 2316 2107 269 678 42682 27495 42199 46617 947 617 1973 633 814 689 371 1972 0 0 0 0 0 1513 868 1018 0 0 0 0 149 0 0 79 450 462 191 505 398 557 782 1324 70 345 0 0 0 0 448 1818 410 203 377 743 893 249• 0 1277 712 584 0 0 0 151 NEW REC BAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 1241 602 500 1532 1999 873 818 1015 753 700 1150 571 1284 4337 1092 691 894 953 1149 3214 2392 2320 554 591 839 b98 1430 520 478 1249 •• • •• • •• •• • •• • • • • • •• • .••• 505 398 557 782 1324 1818 311 2494 2316 2107 269 678 81~ 6e9 371 1972 • • • • • .... ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 MEM3ER BANKS Ill DSB NAME TDEP LOCATION 10402360 FIRST NB t TR CO Of MUSKOGEEMUSKOGEE 10402420 CI TY NAT I ONAL BANK t TR NORMAN NORMAN 10402430 FIRST NATIONAL BK t TR 10.:.az440 SECUq ITV NATIONAL BK ANO TR NOR~A~ 10402450 FIRST NAT BK Of NOWATA NOWATA NOWATA 10402455 VICTORY NAT BK Of NOWATA 10402520 CENTRAL NATICNAL BANK CKL AHO.•A C ITV GKlAHO,•A C ITV 10'-02525 CITIZENS ~AT BK t TR CO 104(12530 CITY NAT BK C.TR ca OKLAHOMA C ITV 0KlAH0'1A CI TY. 10402 54 0 FIDELITY BANK NA 10402560 FIRST NATIONAL BK C. TR CKL•HOSA CITY OKL AHO,'IA CI TY 10402563 FIPST NAT BANK OF BRITTON CKLAHD,'IA CITY l'.J4J25b4 FR I ENDL Y NAT BANK IN SW 104""2570 LlflERTY NATIGNal BK t TR CO OKLAHOSA CITY OKLAH0,"1A CITY l,:J4025d0 OKLAHO~A NAT BA~)( t T~ CO CK LAHOMA CITY 10402585 PEWI SQUARE 8:\NK NA 10402620 CJTllf:NS ~,,u BK & TR CO OKMULGEE 10.:,02022 FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST GKHULGEE 10402640 F JR ST NB OF PAULS VALLEY PAULS VALLEY l0.'.t02b50 PAULS VALLEY NATIONAL BANK PAULS VALLEY PERRY 10'902720 FIRST NAT BK C. TR CO PONCA CITY l04'J2750 FIRST NATIONAL BK t TR PONCA CITY 10402755 PIONEER NATIONAL BANK h)402 710 Cf'HRAL NAT 8K OF POT EAU POTE AU PRAGUE 10402800 FIRST NAT BANK OF PRAGUE PRAGUE 1040281 0 PRAGUE NATIONAL BANK PRYOR 10402830 FIRST NAT BK OF PRYOR 10402850 MC CLAIN CTY NATIONAL BK PURCELL 104 1)2970 NATIONAL BANK OF SALLISAW SAll I SAW SAPULPA 10102990 AMERICAN NATIONAL BK C. TR lfl4029G5 SECU~ITY NAT BK Of SAPULPA SAPULPA l04Q30l0 FIRST NAT BK OF SAYRE SAYRE 104')3()70 AM!:RICAN N~tTC Of SHAWNEE SHAWNEE 100:.030(}0 FEDrnAL NAT BK & TR SHAWNEE 11J403130 FIRST NAT SK OF ST IGLER STIGLER STILLWATER lO ➔ 'J3 l-=tO FIRST NAT BK t TR l')l,•)3150 ST lll~ATER NAT BK t TR STILLWATER 1 AHL 'EQUAH 10433220 FIRST NAT SK OF lhHLECUAH TONKAWA 1040335:l FIRST tll\T BK IN TONKAWA TULSA 10403367 BANK OF 01<.LAHG~A NA TULSA 104033:30 FIRST N4.T OK £. TR OF TULSA TULSA l041J3qo FnuRTH NAT ~K Of TULSA. TULSA 104333 'H GUA~ANTY NH IONAL BANK l04J 342 5 UTICA NATIONAL BMJK t:. TR co TULSA TULSA 1()4) 3426 U"H0'-1 NATION~L BANK VIN I TA 10403510 FIRST NATIONAL BK t TR OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK. OK OK OK ·OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK GK OK OK OK OK OK l/17/79 121 VLTCSH 54691 752 44834 409 36139 75227 20196 15381 79048 1141B2 49992 324643 861695 39439 46941 740191 56470 63299 25324 39323 19791 18910 35087 59427 19552 21805 19012 21764 23952 30739 23121 40867 21409 17478 70837 473 96568 23258 52189 56368 31383 16374 665181 654666 224554 52746 18 I B 17 2IB29 42904 461 164 163 sos 691 649 1843 2304 348 515 3474 664 418 458 488 242 208 194 658 212 242 95 97 230 143 268 354 355 78 1360 1243 225 2329 458 426 166 1133 7411 B92 860 1989 410 451 131 1977 REQBAL UI NEW EPA 1922 1693 1234 3134 492 621 116 517 3443 4974 1930 I62H, 50613 1214 1680 36736 2341 3063 859 1565 747 810 1348 2346 542 855 636 844 936 1160 765 1774 682 669 2117 3556 652 0 2160 1167 519 30602 31642 12913 1350 8263 361 1504 10 1971 0 0 2261 3060 613 5444 5795 388 320 5892 866 1684 0 271 0 0 421 805 0 0 0 4 0 109 0 434 0 0 668 2244 0 0 681 51 0 5691 5908 5692 219 5548 0 121 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9606 40531 0 0 26914 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20980 2202' 5426 0 1330 0 0 161 OIF 131-151 1922 1693 1234 3134 TIS Sil 3443 4974 1930 8640 l02B2 12H 1660 1822 2341 3063 859 1565 747 810 1348 2346 542 855 636 844 936 1160 165 1714 682 669 2111 3556 852 0 2160 1167 519 9622 ~bl8 1487 1350 6933 361 1504 • • • • . • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • ..• .•• .... '7) en Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis '4EHBER BANKS CII DSO NAME 10403620 SECURITY STATE BANK 10403750 BANK CF WOODWARD 10403810 FIRST NAT BK OF YUKON 10403820 YUKO'! NATIONAL BANK OF 1117/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 LOCATION WEATHERFORD WOODWARD YUKON YUKON 107 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 50 49 TDEP OK OK OK OK 20170 39136 32689 H334 121 YLTtSH 159 H4 307 300 131 1911 REQeAL 141 Nflf 791 1312 1089 1171 0 0 55 175 FO~EST GROVE NATIONAL BA~K FIRST NB OF Mt '41NNVILLE CRATER NATIONAL BANK NATIONAL SECURITY BANK FIRST NAT BANK Of OREGON l2410c:;60 U•IITED STATES NATIOIIAL BANK l24105qz DOUGLAS NATIONAL BAIIK OF 7 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE FIRST NAT BANK AT ALBION FIRST NAT BK OF ALLENTOWN MERCHANTS NB OF ALLENTOWN PHILADELPHIA NATIO~AL BANK CITIZENS NB Of ASHLAND FAR.~ERS NAT BK OF ATHENS Fl~ST NAT BANK OF AVOCA CE,HRAL-PENN NATIONAL BANK FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BANK NA GIRARD BANK •ER CHANTS NAT BK OF BANGOR FIRST NAT BANK OF BATH BEAVER TRUST COMPAIIY FIRST NAT BANK IN BEDFORO HARTLEY NAT BK OF BEOFORO NATIONAL BK OF WESTERN PA PHILSON NAT BANK OF BERLIN FIRST NAT SANK OF BERWICK BLUE BALL NATIONAL BANK 161 Dlf 131-151 791 1372 1089 1171 0 0 0 0 .•• • ---------FOREST GROVE Ht HINNVILLE MEDFCRD NEWPORT PORTLAND PORTLAND ROSEBURG 3 2 OR OR OR OR OR OR OR 23427 25948 43718 26760 2816713 26532'19 55758 352 240 939 296 39670 35216 538 777 1075 1322 886 132075 132872 2481 0 0 46 0 5086 5117 1256 ALBION ALLENTOWN ALLENTOWN AR DH ORE ASHLAND ATHENS AVOCA BALA-CYNWYD BALA-CYNWYD BALA-tYNWYD BANGOR BATH BEAVER BEDFORD BEDFORD BERL IN BERLIN BERWICK BLUE BALL 0 0 0 0 86351 891'16 0 777 1075 1322 886 45724 43676 2481 • • •• • ------PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA 14910 640526 410076 2452375 23205 15466 21565 613613 3433931 2110485 40032 2'1744 72590 27312 217H 52910 13002 41473 62144 2'tl 10189 8979 44090 608 351 379 15H2 42176 66320 249 30'1 3167 673 438 5% 107 367 1178 375 18123 8830 137561 264 202 357 22017 147521 61924 1209 770 820 779 571 1722 358 1276 1548 0 5136 504', 5529 0 0 0 5153 5336 5036 376 47 0 D 0 298 0 181 0 0 10738 1616 8880', 0 0 0 10557 109'165 26133 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 .... i HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED AES ERVE BALANCE ------------------------------------4-.20036 3420075 342.)0<J9 3420204 3420234 3420270 3420297 3420321 3420328 3420329 34203'i'2 3420360 H20369 34204?3 3420432 442J532 4420540 3420576 3.;20120 151 NEW RHtAL HAYE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE eALANtE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ---------------------12410230 124103SO 12410383 12410465 12410520 EPA 375 7385 7214 48757 264 202 357 11460 3H56 35791 1209 770 820 779 57i 1722 358 1276 1548 • •• • ••• • • ••• • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ME~BER BANKS OSB 3420756 4420837 3420891 3420920 3421026 3••21035 44210<39 342 l 161 342l1'J5 3 1t-21377 3421404 34216~5 34217l0 3421755 l/ll/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HDDIFIED H.R. l NAME NAT BANK OF BOYERTOWN BRIDGEVILLE TRUST COMPANY BROWNSTOWN NATIONAL BANK PROVIDENT NATIONAL BANK FIRST NAT BK OF CANTON FIRST NB OF CARBONDALE FIRST NAT BK Of CARMICHAELS LOCATION BOYERTOWN BRIDGEVILLE BRGSNSTCWN BRYN MAWR CANTON CARBONDALE CARMICHAELS SOUTH SI DE NAT BANK CAI AW I SSA SOUTHl:AST NATIONAL BK OF PA CHF.STER CENTRAL PA NATIONAL BANK CLAYSDURG COUNTY NATIONAL BANK CLEARFIELD ADAMS COUNTY NAT BANK CUMBERLAND TWP DALE NATIONAL BANK DALE FIRS! NS OF DANVILLE OANV ILLE 3421'\09 OfNVER NATIO~Al BANK DENVER 3421 e12 oow~n NGTCWN NAT I ON At BANK DOWNINGrnWN 3421926 OE?OSIT NATIONAL BANK OU BOIS 3421911 FIRST NB OF OUNMO~E DUNMORE 34220't3 EASTON NAT BK t TR CO EAS!ON 3422142 LAUR.SL NATlmJAL 8At,;K EBENSBURG 31't?.2160 PEOPLES NB OF EOWARlSVILLE EDWARDSVILLE 3422268 EL VER SON NA. T IONAL ~ANK ELVERSON 4t.222B6 FAR~ERS NAT BK OF EMLENTON EHLE NTON 3422322 EPHQ;ATA ,JATIONAL BANK EPHRATA 4422394 CITIZENS NB OF EVM~S CITY F.VANS C ITV 3422412 Fl RS T NAT BANK OF EVERETT EVERETT 3422448 FIRST NAT BANK OF FAIRFIELD FAIRFIELD 342 2 43 4 FIRST NAT BANK IN Fl E !:TWOOO FLEETWOGO 3422520 COM'-tUNITV NATIONAL BANK. FOREST CITY 3422574 FHlST NB OF FREDERICKSBURG FRfD[R I CKSBURG 4422'67-8 VALLEY NATIONAL 8Af,,jK FREE PORT -'t422646 FIRST NAT BANK OF fRVBURG FRYBURG 44226'32 FIRST ~JAT aA"IK OF GARRETT GARRETT 3422709 G!:TTYSSURG NATIONAL 8M~K GUTYS8URG 3422790 CITIZENS NB OF GREE'ICASTLE GREENCASTL.E 3422799 FIRST NAT BK OF GREE~CASTLE GREENCASTLE 4422830 SCl.lJH',1!:ST ~ATICNAL BK OF PA GRErnSBURG 4'1228'14 Fl~ST ~AT BK CF MEP.CER CTY GREE NV l LLE 3422€99 PfOPLES Ng CF SUSOUEHA~~A HALLSTEAD HARLEYSVlllE 3422961 HARLEYSVILLE UB (. TR CO HARRISBURG 3423010 COM.'10f..l'WEAL TH f'.IAT IO~JAL BK 3423096 FIRST ~IAT SANK OF HAMLEY HAhLEY )423132 HAZLETON NATIONAL BANK HAZLETON HAZlElON 3423140 P[O?LES FIRST NB t TR CO 44231!36 Fl RSI NAT BA.NK OF HERMINIE HERMINIE 34232)4 HERSHEY NATIONAL BM~K HERSHEY PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA 111 TDEP 121 VL TCSH 109129 58505 23637 1510 906 353 25428 229 1636 462 368 9229 1681 1239 1452 1204 536 597 773 2146 432 2548 1970 448 307 109 987 4622 578 610 291 507 314 326 68 112 976 391 538 3448 3211 651 943 16108 111 1647 3902 575 696 1332658 18027 80895 21876 18791 48 598 I 55651 77695 105892 53834 38460 414 75 42380 121744 34026 148189 111837 36237 18350 13941 7132b 78059 28765 13972 17806 25806 13778 34362 17369 19108 74277 45039 27920 1847B6 145004 23038 45597 665006 18476 113919 122483 31913 60852 I 31 1977 REQBAL 3362 1921 608 M544 452 1370 558 346 19633 754 3063 2939 1057 950 1159 1161 3959 836 4087 3159 814 481 451 206b 0 749 0 383 418 227 1273 708 613 2356 1396 528 t057 2937 230 1015 20584 526 273B 980 701 2480 (~I NEW EPA (51 NEW REQBAL 1731 651 0 0 0 0 5491 44439 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10975 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5325 11513 32 870 0 0 1182 0 0 0 0 0 5412 0 1377 968 0 0 D 0 1806 58 2246 1613 130 0 0 627 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 1095 118 0 4199 IH2 (61 Dlf 131-( 51 3362 1921 608 20105 452 1370 558 346 8658 754 3063 2939 1057 950 1159 1161 3959 836 4087 3159 814 481 451 2066 0 749 0 363 H8 227 1273 708 613 2356 1396 52B 6057 2931 230 1015 9071 528 273B 960 TOI 24B0 •• ..• • •• .• • • • • . .•• .• • • • • • . • ....en ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BANKS asg BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 1 NA•E LOCATION 342328 5 H'JNESDALE NATIONAL BANK HONESDALE 3423303 FIRST NAT BK OF HONEY BROOK HO~EY BROOK 3423366 GRANGE NB OF L YCC~ I NG CTY HUGHESVILLE 3!t23393 PENN CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK HUNT INGOON 3423411 UNIO~ N8t:TR CO OF HUNT INGDONHUNT INGOON 4423456 NAT BANI<. OF lHE COMMON'rlEALTHlf\OIANA lt423t,65 SAVINGS & TRUST CO GF PA !~DIANA 4423510 PITTSBURGH NATIONAL BANK JEAt..:'IETTE 3'9235 116 FIRST N..\T BANK OF JER,"tYN JERMYN 3423573 FIRST NAT 8Ar4K OF JESSUP Jf SSUP J l.'1 THORPE 3423575 JI"" THORPE NATIONAL SANK 34236J9 ,'10X'-IA~ rJAT 8Ar4K. OF JOHNS TCWNJOHNS TOWN 3.42361!! USITED STATES NATIONAL BAN!<. JOHNSTOWN KENNETT SQUARE 34?3645 NAT tO~AL BK & TR CO 44?)6'11 FAR.'•4:'.RS NAT BK OF KI TT ANN I NGK I TT ANN I NG lt4?3690 MERCH•NTS NB OF KITTANNING KITTANNING 3423762 GRA,'Vif UAT 8K OF ~YC'-tlNG LACEYVILLE 3421771 FIRST NAT BK OF LAKE ARIEL LAKE ARI EL ).;?38·18 NAT ?O'lAL CENTRAL BA~K LANCASTER 3'423870 CITIZENS NAT BK OF LANSFORD LANSFORD t.423CJJ6 C"1RC NS OF kEST ... OR(LArm CTY LATROBE 3423?42 F AQ:'if: RS P~US T CO OF LEBANON LE6ANON 3423969 LEBArlON VALLEY NATIONAL BK LEBANON 3423987 PEOPLES NAT BANK GF ll:BAN □ N LEBANOtl 44240J5 FIRST NAT BANK OF LEECHBURG LEECHBURG 3424()14 FIRST NAT BANK OF LEESPORT LEESPORT 34240'.':)!3 LEWIS!3URG nATIONAL BANK LEW I SBURG J't240IJ6 UN I~)~ NAT BA"IK OF LEWISBURG LEWISdURG 3424104 LEWISTCW~ TRUST CO~PANY LEWI ST OWN 3't24l22 RUSSELL nAT BK OF LEW IS TGWN LEWI STOkN 3"t24l94 C 0~."1:JN I TY NAT BK OF S PA LITTLESTCWN 3424257 LUZER~~E NATIONAL BANK LUZ ERNE 34243)2 FIRST NB OF MC CONNELLSBURG MC CONNELL SBURG 342431 l FULTGN cou~TY NATIONAL BANK MC CONNELL SBURG 4424347 SC KEE SPORT NATIONAL SANK MC KEESPORT 3424473 "IArlHE IM NA.TI ONAL BANK MANHEIM 3424491 FIRST CITIZENS NAT BK MANSF IELO 34245JO FIRST N•T BANK OF MAPLETCN MAPLETON 44245b3 MA~IQN CENlER N4TIONAL BANK MAR ION CENTER 4424572 "'IAPS NATICNAL BANK MARS 4't24b1)~ SEC~~rn NAT B< Cf MASONTO\,,N MASONTOWN 44.!.4672 FIR ST ~/ATIONAL BA\!K OF PA MEADVILLE 3424752 FIRST NAT BK CF ~[RCERS9URG MESCERSBURG 4424770 CITllEllS NB Of MEYERSDALE •EYERSDALE 34?473q S< I 'lEFORD NB OF MI DOLE BURG MIDDLEBURG 3424790 TRI-COUNTY NATIONAL BANK MIDDLEBURG PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA -PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA I 11 TDEP 121 VL TCSH 29569 20351 18109 64803 55016 173146 121977 2403317 70392 14700 13644 60563 305266 51348 20226 28733 18089 12652 1067749 13539 52600 31597 116253 44549 39860 34 725 28194 15857 23124 80515 28912 22877 20285 15281 60503 30179 44899 24029 14580 35427 27923 39b052 15645 15442 33449 66164 455 173 245 1223 876 3684 1523 31718 1091 310 271 1670 7460 680 244 618 170 77 14808 118 1209 356 2505 957 802 476 480 23-3 414 1860 668 418 297 241 2468 369 672 563 181 484 641 6039 159 125 584 B84 1111119 I 31 1917 REQBAL 141 NEW EPA 673 632 4H 1711 1560 0 0 0 375 511 3999 3066 5078 213 0 0 213 5462 838 0 0 0 0 5070 0 0 0 son 5030 131784 1573 151 2H 1288 7932 I95 I 642 692 428 338 38903 324 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85654 0 0 0 0 1464 0 0 0 0 0 26H4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 173 0 0 692 383 579 1701 417 356 597 401 694 810 1218 3b3 372 1277 4T7 13344 443 522 750 1899 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5741 0 0 0 0 1133 970 2674 952 784 465 645 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 7 0 5078 0 0 0 SIT 161 Dlf 131-151 673 632 434 1711 1560 5097 5030 46130 1573 151 244 1288 6468 1951 642 692 428 33B 12159 324 1133 970 2b74 952 784 773 692 383 579 I TOI 417 356 597 401 694 BIO 1218 363 372 1217 4T7 7603 443 522 750 1899 .••• • • • • ..•• • • • • .• .• ..• • .••• • .•• • ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HDDIFIED H.R. 7 MEMSER BANKS Ill DSS NAME 4424815 FIRST NAT BANK OF MIDLAND 3424860 JUNIATA VALLEY NAT BK 342486q f IRST NAT BK Of PIKE CTY 3424890 UPPER OAUPHI N NAT BANK 3424914 FARSERS NS£ TR CO 3424932 FIRST NH BK CF MILLVILLE 3424950 Ft'lST NAT 3ANK OF HILT □~ "3424968 FIRST NAT BK OF Ml"<ERSVILLE 4425iJl3 NATl•JNAL BK OF BEAVER CTY 3425:)76 cournv NAT BANK OF :-'ONTROSE 3;25 l? l LJgERTY ST B!<. OF "IT CARMEL 3425130 UN I o~i NB OF '10UNT CA'UiEL 342 5 l 66 UN ( ON NA Tl ONAL MT JDY BK 34252'.13 NUH ICOKE NATIONAL HANK 342'5328 NAZARETH NAT BK & TR CO 3425]37 SfCONO NAT BANK OF N,AZARETH 3425346 NErFS NATIONAL BANK 442 542 7 CITIZENS NO OF NEW CASTLE 4425436 FIRST Ng Of LAWRENCE CTY 34~5472 CUH8ERLANO CTY NAT BK 3425508 ,Ew HClLA"D FARMERS NAT BK 3425~17 SCLEf\URY rm OF NEW HOPE 31t25598 FIRST N.\l'lONAL BK & TR CO 342 5616 t:EW TRJPClt NATIOUAL BANK 3425652 FIRST NB OF NICHOLSON l425b97 C[MrnT N 8 NORTHAMPTON PA 442',124 NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH EAST 3425733 3425832 34 2 5 93 5 3425':lt;O 342 5904 3425('Hb 34259d 5 3425994 4426620 4426696 4426723 4426822 342b957 3426966 3426975 3427056 3't2l'l65 44.27119 3427137 TDEP LOCATION MIDLAND HlffllNTCWN HILFORO HILLERS BURG MILLHEIM MILLVILLE MIL TON MINHSVILLE MONACA HCNT ROSE MCUNT CAR•EL MOUNT CARMEL HGUNT JOY NANTICOKE NAZARETH NAZARETH NEF f S NEW CASTLE NEW CASTLE NEW CUMBERLAND NEW HOLLAND NEW HOPE NEWTCWN ~EW TRIPOLI NICHOLSON NCkTHAMPTON NORTH EAST NORTHU:"18ERLANO NAT 6K NORTHUMBERLAND NAT BANK OF OLYPHANT OLYPHANT COLUSBIA CTY FARMERS NB ORANGEVILLE OR~STOSN BANK ORRSTOWN flRST N6 OF PALMERTON PALMERTON FIRST No OF PECK VILLE PECKVILLE FIR ST NB OF PEN ARGYL PEN ARGYL PEN ARGYL PEN ARGYL 'lA TIONAL BANK ECUIBANK NA PITT S8URGH IRON ANO GLASS BANK. Pl TT SBURGH ~ELLON BANK NA PITTSBURGH UNIO"l NAT BK Of PITTSBURGH Pl TT SB URCH PORT~GE NATIO~AL BANK PORT AGE FIRST riB OF PORT ALLEGANY PORT ALLEGANY PORTLAND NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND SINERS NAT BK OF POTTSVILLE POTTSVILLE PEN-~ISVLVANIA N 6 C TRUST CO POTTSVILLE KEYSTONE NATIONAL BANK PUNXSUTAWNEY QUAKERTOWN NATIONAL BANK QUAKERTCWN PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA 1/17/79 121 VL TCSH 13192 238 50595 30352 35506 763 406 690 402 220 347 295 1214 765 207 647 391 387 1075 590 ll4 1105 102080 1659 236221 62290 31412 40070 18814 22959 101579 27795 17049 28648 30346 13250 44266 3807 34931 18594 14256 15945 18070 24177 57983 15586 21766 31200 29149 66943 40377 15979 29602 19131 29253 1816828 31830 5531314 892600 30364 14715 l 791I 69'15 287145 106224 44864 131 1917 REQBAL 272 1351 795 724 375 343 389 354 0 1631 363 127 889 516 1400 1004 426 '"' NEW EPA 0 225 49 0 0 0 0 0 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 Dlf 131-151 272 1351 795 724 375 343 389 354 0 1631 363 127 889 516 1400 1004 426 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 116 0 0 0 0 0 0 2464 790 0 0 0 0 548 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 965 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 7346 1950 854 959 484 426 1952 591 374 553 801 434 1010 334 '20 0 31'l 0 0 372 444 406 59 695 662 247 408 3864 8311 1950 854 959 484 426 1952 591 374 553 601 434 1010 334 420 480 34909 593 55557 0 5111 0 39764 593 15793 788 44152 835 285010 0 4929 13473 622 143 215 1322 51•6 1291 615 H602 617 5055 0 0 0 0 835 98639 15593 617 481 430 867 435 991 202 390 1835 637 Sl3't 9558 5696 0 186431 28009 0 0 0 0 3513 3688 1155 2140 122 0 0 461 430 1682 408 38bit 1682 6045 368d 1155 •• • .•• .• • • • • • • • • . • • • • • .• • • • • • •• • • • • ... • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BANKS Ill DSB NAME 3427155 3427326 4427410 34274JO 44276J5 3427677 3"t27695 3427767 44271!21 lt427830 3lt21875 3•27920 3.:,2 792 9 3427974 4429001 H28032 3428100 3428163 3428190 3423253 3428316 3429496 3428577 4428622 ft.428712 4428125 3428757 3428766 3428794 342a793 3428874 )42 9-;,9 2 3 1+:!90Z7 3429000 342911 7 4429144 342n25 3429252 4429333 OF 1/17179 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY !411DIFIED H.R. 7 LOCATION TDEP fAqHERS NB OF QUARRYVILLE QUARRYVILLE RIDGWAY NATIONAL BANK RIDGWAY CEIITURY NAT BK & TR CO ROCHESTER FIOELITY BANK ROSEMONT FIRST NAT BANK OF SCOTTDALE SCOHDALE SCRA~TON NATIONAL BANK SCRANTON THIRD NAT BK & TR CO SCRANTON -~AqKET STREET NATIONAL BANK SHAMOKIN MC DOWELL NAT BK OF SHARON SHARON MEqCHANTS ANO HFGRS NAT BK SHARON MERCHANTS NB OF SHENANDOAH SH(NANDOAH FIRST NAT BK OF SHIPPENSBURGSHIPPENSBURG PEOPLES N3 OF SHIPPENS3URG SHIPPENSBURG CITIZENS NB OF SLATINGTON SLATl~GTCN FIRST NB OF SLIPPERY ROCK SLIPPERY ROCK SCMERSET TRUST CO SOMERSET U~ION NAT BK & TR CO SOUDERTON S•RING GROVE NATIONAL BANK SPRING GROVE PEO•LE S NAT BK OF CNTRL PA STATE COLLEGE FIRST NAT BANK OF STRASBURG STRASBURG FIRST NATIONAL TRUST BANK SUNBURY FIRST IIA T BK CF BRADFORD CTYTOhANOA FIRST eLAIR CTY IIAT OK TYRONE GALLATIN NATIONAL BANK UNIONTOWN WARREN NATIONAL BM~K WARREN FIRST NAT BANK & TRUST CO WASfllNGTON FARMERS NB OF WATSONTOWN WATSONTCWN WATSONTOWN NATIONAL BANK WATSDNTCWN CITIHNS NH BK & TR CO WAYNESBORO FIRST NAT BK & TR CO WAYNESBCRO FIRST NB OF WEST CHESTER WEST CHESTER FIRST EASTERN BAN~ N A WILKES-BARRE WYO~ING NS OF WILKES-BARRE WILKES-BARRE FIDEL ITV NATL BAIIK OF PA WILLIAMSPORT WI LL I A~SPORT NATIONAL BANK WILLIAHPORT CITIZENS NAT BK IN WINDBER WINDBER FIRST NATIONAL BK OF WYOHINGWYOMING DROVERS t MECHANICS NB YORK FIRST NAT BANK OF YOUNGWOOD YOUNGWOOD 196 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 118 59 ----------------------------------------- PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA 28229 17781 50930 16B1296 32439 90B21 151078 15742 162791 40915 21820 39515 32551 18179 31467 52773 141015 24642 59467 74828 92484 40828 19656 '306590 159837 184694 16482 13757 30978 60780 52816 447930 176586 121176 93783 40544 23256 79312 21394 121 VllCSH 32't 250 1830 54575 971 1190 3430 3B8 35H 591 454 645 515 253 43B 2420 2280 467 1710 1063 1556 1064 743 7714 3049 3249 143 188 795 1075 731 10942 3542 2076 2172 1314 467 H51 365 131 1977 REQBAL 862 532 655 53404 520 2226 3155 27B 3630 1064 289 842 815 375 912 293 4852 403 , .. 11 2205 2487 637 318 8159 4110 6482 453 330 432 1529 2111 10022 4011 3435 2362 349 418 864 514 141 NE• EPA 151 NEIi REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 5H2 28647 0 176 1623 0 2HO 83 0 127 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3068 0 0 939 1260 0 0 4856 2646 3890 0 0 0 0 954 4692 2451 1880 960 0 0 0 0 HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 862 532 655 2"757 520 2226 3155 218 3630 1064 289 842 B15 375 912 293 4852 't03 1411 2205 2487 637 318 8159 4110 6482 ,.53 330 432 1529 2111 10022 4011 3435 2362 349 418 86,. 514 • •• . • • •• •• •• •• •• •• • •• •• • .... ~ c:, MEMBER BANKS . ~ 0 ., ~ DSB NAME 1440050 1440130 1440165 1440210 l/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOi F IEO H.R. 7 NEWPORT NATIONAL BANK COLUMBUS NB OF RHODE ISLAND INDUSTRIAL NAT BK OF RI R I HOSPITAL TRUST NAT BANK LOCATION NEWPORT PROVIDENCE PROVIDENCE PROVIDENCE 111 TDEP 121 VLTCSH 40016 0 1316 12382 14352 RI RI 118843 RI RI 1497099 864516 131 1977 REQBAL 2B33 3785 63671 30674 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 161 DIF 131-151 1376 2596 5100 5297 0 51>7 51913 23924 2833 3218 11758 6750 • .; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OF 4 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 0 1 ------------------5450190 5450210 5450305 5450325 5450360 5450420 545~510 5450650 54506~ 0 5450110 5451060 5451160 5451260 OF HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE CITIZENS & SOUTHERN NB CF SCCHARLESTCN SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANKCHARLESTON FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF S C CDLU~BIA REPUBLIC NUIGNAL BANK CCLU~BIA CON...,AV NATIO'IAL BA'NK CONWAY CAROLINA NAT BK OF EASLEY EASI.EY GUARArlTY BANK ANO TRUST CO FLORENCE SANK OF HARTSVILLE HARTSVILLE FIRST C4ROLINA NATIONAL BANKHARTSVILLE FIRST NAT BANK Of HOLLY HILLHDLLY Hill FIRST NAT BK IN ORANGEBURG ORANGEBURG ROCK Hill NAT BA!IK ROCK HILL NATIONAL BANK OF SC SUMTER 13 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 4 6 SC. SC SC SC ·SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC ABERDEEN NATJCNAL SANK FARMERS t HRCH BK & TR CD FIRST NATL BK Of ABERDEEN STATE SK OF ALCESTER CITIZENS STATE BANK BA:-,K OF BELLE FOuqcHE FIRST NB OF BERESFORD FIRST NB IN BROOKINGS CITIZENS STATE BA~'DEUEL CO NB OF CLEAR LAKE FAR~ER S STATE B.ANK FIRST 118 OF FREEMAfl FAR,~ERS ANO MERCHANTS BANK 607562 911544 542310 20769 43951 37359 51427 21303 36564 24639 69442 43821 117105 18978 29378 14202 134 882 1213 1066 621 796 638 1443 846 2937 29098 40615 26781 780 1724 921 1809 635 1398 615 2333 1602 4621 5269 5120 5166 0 475 0 555 0 5 0 946 236 2826 13680 19552 12823 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15U8 21063 13958 780 1724 921 1809 635 1398 615 2333 1602 4621 •• •• •• •• • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUR,EO RESERVE BALANCE ----------------------------9460010 9460015 9460020 94b0030 94b00SO 9460110 94e0130 9460190 9460310 94603JO 9460540 9460STO '1460740 ------------ --------------- -------------- ---------------------ABERDEEN ASE~DEEN ABERDEEN ALCESTER ARLINGTON BELLE FCURCHE BERESFORD BROOKINGS CLA.RK CLE AR LAKE FLANDREAU FREEHAN HURON so SD SD SD so SD SD SD so so SD SD SD 84080 33433 20B997 20715 13437 37937 17402 53935 15873 19521 22703 14656 51263 461 256 1806 58 71 217 84 391 21'1 56 3053 979 7521 763 443 1315 64D 1986 40'1 714 10 811 HI 385 1762 406 1238 --------0 37 0 3915 52 0 642 58 0 402 0 59 71 0 188 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 3053 979 6819 763 443 1315 640 1986 40'1 714 871 385 1762 • • •• • ••• • •• .... .... ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 111 DSB NAME 9460840 '1460850 9'60930 9460'>'>0 9461000 9461010 9461020 946II:0 9461140 9461150 946\ 190 94bl240 cg~l2:30 9461290 9461300 9461321 946I3Z3 ~46132 5 9461330 9461540 q46l560 9461625 q46!650 q461655 OF TDEP LOCATION BANK OF LEMMON LEMMON LEMMON FIRST N8 IN LEH~ON FIRST NB OF MILLER HILLER HILLER ~>ND COUNTY STATE BANK cc~•ERC IAL TRUST ' SVGS BANKH ITC HELL FlilST MITCHELL NAT BANK MITCHELL HOBR IDGE CITIZENS B~ CF SOBRIDGE FIRST NB IN PHILIP PHILIP Fl~ST NB IN PIERRE PIERRE PIES RE PIERRE NATION•L BANK FI ~ST NB OF THE BLACK HILLS RAPID CITY .,ccaOK cou•HY NATIONAL BANK SALEH Fl~ST NB IN SIOUX FALLS SIOUX FALLS NATIONAL BANK CF S D SIOUX FALLS NW NAT BK OF SI aux FALLS S IO~X FALLS UN ITEO NATIONAL BANK SIOUX FALLS VALLEY NATIONAL BANK SIOUX FALLS SIOUX FALLS •ESTERN STATE BANK il09ERTS CTY NB OF SISSETON SISSETON FIRST NAT BK OF WATERTOWN WATERTOWN SECURITY BANK ANO TRUST CO WEBSTER ~ANCHERS NATIONAL BANK WINNER FIRST DAKOTA NATl BK YANKTON VALLEY STATE BAN~ YANKTON 37 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 10 23 so SD SD SD so SD SD SD SD SD SD SD so SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD 21283 27119 24072 13569 53417 56640 18882 21373 32507 39502 224811 14234 111715 405518 280927 122929 39000 59856 20052 51728 20047 17866 31214 16594 1/17/79 121 YL TCSH 75 56 Ill 32 481 465 97 103 257 408 2187 10 1836 3575 2256 1174 415 765 127 526 117 52 206 174 131 1977 REQBAL 801 1037 BOO 461 1593 1901 604 790 1081 1489 8977 498 4253 15871 11047 4437 1246 1557 724 1620 660 611 1168 450 141 NEW EPA 48 141 91 0 140 381 10 12 42 87 4780 0 2290 4810 4759 2343 0 Ill 0 275 0 20 142 0 C ITllENS NAT BANK OF ATHENS ATHENS FIRST NB & TC ATHENS TN ATHENS FIRST NAT BK OF CENTERVILLE CENTERVILLE ASER !CAN NAT BANK AND TR CO CHATTANOOGA CO. . ERCE UN BK CHATTANOOGA CHATTANOOGA FIRST TN BANK NA CHATTANOOGACHATTANOOGA FIRST NAT BK OF CLARKSVILLE CLARKSVILLE Cl EVELAND NAT I O~AL BANK CLEVELAND HAMILTON FIRST NAT BANK CLINTGN FIRST FAR•ERS & MERCHANTS NBCOLUMBIA FIRST TN BANK NA CCOKEVILLE COOKEVILLE FIRST ND OF POLK CTY COP?ERHILL FIRST NAT BK OF CROSSVILLE CRUSSVILLE FIRST NB OF FRANKLIN CTY DECHERD 161 DIF I 31-151 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 1129 0 0 6653 2721 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 801 1037 BOO 461 1593 1901 604 790 1081 H89 7848 498 4253 9218 8326 4H7 1246 1557 724 1620 660 611 1168 450 .•• •• • ••• • •• •• • ••• HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAYE ND REQURED RESERVE BALANCE -------------- ---------------------------------------6470070 6470090 6470340 6470360 64703i5 6470388 64704?0 6470470 M70495 6470535 6470560 6470570 6470640 6470700 151 NEW REQBAL TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN 20149 36037 24274 442077 45360 270396 76599 531H 30427 64018 67723 27098 48521 19915 265 909 319 8049 322 9201 1545 1276 673 1312 1037 350 480 722 643 809 744 15485 1775 7265 2442 1595 812 1961 1870 666 1767 239 0 0 0 0 643 809 0 0 H4 5241 635 3088 1244 439 0 850 955 0 636 0 6464 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9021 1775 7265 2H2 1595 B12 1961 1870 666 1767 239 •• • • •• • • .-.1 ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOi FIED H.R. 1 MEMBER BANKS DSB 6470710 8470810 6470910 6470950 6470987 641oq90 6471025 6471090 8471205 84 "fl 26 0 8~71270 8"-71280 6471310 6471350 6471400 64 71405 64714qQ 6471510 6471520 6471530 6471535 6471540 6471543 64715&0 6471570 '347\6J0 6471635 6471570 6 ➔ 71730 6471760 6471Sl0 8471049 8471852 84716&0 8471870 84718!37 B471aqo 6472320 6472::>37 6t.72J]q 6472030 64720S5 6472'.)37 6472100 6472102 6472125 NAME 111 TDEP LOCATION FIRST NAT BANK OF DICKSON DICKSON FIR ST CITIZENS NAT I ONAL BANKOYERSBURG FAYETTEVILLE UNION NB OF FAYETTEVILLE FRANKL! N HARPETH NB OF FRANKLIN C,"·"RC UNI ON BK OF SUMNER CTYGALLATIN FIRST & PPLS NO Of GALLATIN GALLATIN GATLINBURG Fl~ST NAT BK OF GATLINBURG GRErnEVILLE FIRST NB OF GREENEVILLE FIRST NAT BK OF GIBSON CTY HU~BOLOT JACKSON FIP.ST NAT BK OF JACKSO~ JACKSON N3 OF COMSERCE Of JACKSON JACKSON SECOND NB Of JACKSON f IR ST ~B Of JEFFERSON CITY JEFFERSON CITY JOINS ON CITY i10J.'HAIN E."tPIRE BANK FIRST NH BK OF ·SULLIVAN CTYKINGSPORT 1ST TN'BK NA KNGSPRT/BRISTOLKINGSPORT KNOXVILLE PARK NAT BANK OF KNOXVILLE FI•sT NAT BK Of LA FOLLETTE LA FOLLETTE LA FCLLETTE PEOPLES NB Of LA FOLLETTE CY & CTY 8~ OF ANDERSON CTY LAKE CI TY C~MRC UN BK OF LAHR ENCE CTY LAHR ENCE BURG LAWRENCEBURG F-lRST N6 OF LAWRENCEBURG LAWRENCE COUNTY BANK LAWRENCEBURG LENO IR C ITV FIRST NB Of LOUDON CTY LEWISBURG FIRST NAT BK OF LEWISBURG LEXI NG TON FIRST NB OF LEXINGTON FIRST NATIONAL BANK LIVINGSTON !ST HRTG BK Of LOUDON CTY NALCUDON FIRST NAT BK Of MCMINNVILLE MCHINNVILLE HANC HESTER FIRST NAT BK OF MANCHESTER MARYVILLE BLOU'H NATIONAL BANK MF.MPH IS CITY NATIO"Ul BANK. CC"1'tERCE UNIOtl BK OF HEHPHISM£;'1PHJS ~EMPHI S FJP.ST TN BK NA HE"1PH(S NATIONAL ~ANK OF COS,SERCE ME,"PHIS MrnPHIS U"UTEO A"t BK IN MEMPHIS UNl'J~ PLANTERS NATIONAL BANKMEMPHIS FIRST eK OF MT PLEASAtlT MGU•IT PLEASANT C'o!'-11:tC UN BK OF RUTHf.RFD CTY Ml.lRFREESBORO f IRS T TN BK NA MU:{FREES80RO MURFREESBORO •tl.\SHVILLE CC'1'iERCE U:'fl ON BANK FIRST A.'1ERICAN NA.l lONAL BANKNASJIVlLLE f IRS T Ttr·mESSEE BK NA ~St-tVLE~ASHVlLLE NASHVILLE T11IRD NA.T BK IN NASHVILLE UNITED AMER SK Of NASHVILLE NASHVILLE NEWPORT NATIONAL BANK OF NEWPORT TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN lN TN TN TN TN TN TN 34221 75920 51114 bl097 38459 27162 22926 46639 15837 94365 80150 81 Bl 7 22709 18769 178781 45816 35565B 192 86 22617 45646 31887 38535 16385 3bb96 33184 30136 23302 25181 52454 21218 81864 27804 61539 1047210 464680 8237 2 737562 19971 60155 23970 882383 970303 31354 869676 101831 26561 1/17/19 121 VLTCSH 494 13B2 737 719 460 984 1152 1099 409 2400 153b 1249 942 380 8111 2210 5810 313 378 681 287 4% 254 562 728 338 309 269 747 409 1661 448 216 39979 8343 975 19 I 58 493 1042 498 9779 18790 540 9165 898 b03 131 1971 REQBAL 141 NEW EPA 1008 25b2 1494 2224 1094 193 0 1379 257 2220 2143 2580 30 456 2040 736 13273 444 622 1046 958 0 1247 317 1175 1165 150 0 344 Obi 678 1079 634 632 1675 529 2241 679 2757 20279 16581 3108 26420 387 1324 524 34080 37927 839 39801 3714 630 155 0 0 102 0 1031 1044 1513 0 0 0 0 5394 0 0 180 199 42 0 0 0 75 675 0 1008 0 1755 5226 5490 1693 5334 0 I 71 0 5249 5386 29 5397 2231 0 151 NEW REQBAL lbl DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5727 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1008 2562 1494 2224 1094 193 0 1379 257 2220 2143 2580 30 456 2040 736 7546 444 622 1046 958 5806 8831 0 14390 0 0 0 24373 25605 0 28321 67 0 1165 344 861 678 1079 634 632 1675 529 2241 679 2757 144 73 7750 3108 12030 387 1324 524 10307 12322 639 11480 3. . 7 630 • • • • ..• • • • •• • • • ..• • • .• •• • '""' ~ ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BA~KS ose BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NA~E 64721,0 6472260 6472290 6472370 6472520 6472530 64 725?0 6472620 b.r..72780 6472790 8472810 64729)0 OF FIRST NATIONAL BK OF ONEIDA FIP.ST NAT DANK OF PIKEVILLE FIRST NAT BANK OF PULASKI FIRST NAT BK AND TR CO FlqST NB OF SHELBYVILLE PEOPLES NB OF SHELBYVILLE FIRST NATIONAL 8K OF SPARTA FIRST.NAT BK OF SPRINGFIELD FIRST NB OF TULLAHCHA TRAQERS NB OF TU~LAHOMA OLD AND THl~O NATIONAL BANK FAR~ERS NATIONAV SANK 111 TDEP LOCATION ONEIDA PIKEVILLE PULASKI RCCKWOOO SHELBYVILLE SHELBYVILLE SPAR TA SPRINGFIELD TULLAHOMA TULLAHOMA UNION CITY WINCHESTER 72 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 33 30 TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN ll~~J0?5 11460125 11480140 11490150 11480160 I 1',80168 l14?0210 114~0255 l I4,cJZ65 114d0300 114,0310 lhS0330 11490340 lI4"0350 11490300 11480370 ll4f04l0 I 1480490 11480510 ABILENE NATIONAL BANK CITIZENS NAT BK IN ABILENE FIRST NAT BANK OF ABILENE FIRST STATE BANK ALASO HEIGHTS NATIONAL BK DAN~ OF HARRIS COUNTY N A ALICE NATIONAL BANK FIRST NAT BA~K IN ALPINE FIRST NATlnNAl BANK A•ARILLO NATIONAL BANK A•ERICAN NAT BK OF AMARILLO FIRST HS OF AMARILLO TASCOSA NATIOPIAL BANK FIRST NAT BA"IK Of ANGLETON ARLl11',Tu~ tlATIONAL BANK FIRST NAT BANK IN ARLINGTON FIRST NAT BA"IX OF ATHENS ATLA"IU NATIONAL BANK AMERICAN "IAT BANK OF AUSTIN AUSTIN NATIONAL BAN,K CAPITAL NAT BANK IN AUSTIN CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK CITY "IAT SANK OF AUSTIN f IRST NAT BANK OF BALLINGER FIRST NAT BA•IK OF BASTROP FIRST tlAT 8K OF BAY CITY ABILENE ABILENE ABILENE ABILENE ALAMO HGHTS AlOINE ALICE Al Pl NE ALVIN AMAR I LLO ,._AR ILLO ,._AR ILLO A•AR !LLD ANGLETON ARLINGTON ARLINGTON ATHENS ATLANTA AUSTIN AUST IN AUSTIN AUST IN AUSTIN BALLINGER BASTROP BAY CITY 121 VL TCSH 323 343 603 628 591 598 875 671 436 532 527 473 1n1 10 IIEW REQBAL EPA 131 855 193 1602 560 1366 1193 648 501 848 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 445 0 345 159 0 0 0 1912 0 557 1068 0 735 151 HEW RCQOAL 161 DI F 131-15) 855 193 1602 560 1366 1193 648 501 848 735 l912 1068 • • • •• •• • • • • • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO USERVE BALANCE ---------------------- ---------------------------------11480013 11480020 11480010 11480035 lI4•0055 11480002 11480070 21040 13666 52077 26465 41630 38550 36390 24800 H09I 27300 58107 33146 1/11/79 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 43089 152825 157509 170215 36739 19654 61046 20796 25658 263379 138366 367109 39369 29951 34634 85246 39032 22046 227585 461850 381543 31619 339491 21318 17002 59220 0 1604 0 0 6565 6131 6503 1426 438 1604 1654 2179 6565 6131 6503 1426 230 4617 H49 4307 8B 671 0 0 0 3029 1411 0 1438 358 320 717 0 268 871 534 2240 1135 4087 545 446 523 1288 546 326 2028 4809 3004 773 l2H2 5605 3350 0 16255 5265 1392 1113 1411 3131 1683 791 12502 23756 19703 907 217 7563 0 0 857 2496 183 270 360 0 0 D 0 5348 4355 0 81 1819 377 0 0 0 0 0 5996 5044 5537 14602 5398 10812 0 12340 0 0 0 0 21451 854 446 5743 0 0 3297 1750 671 3029 873 773 7887 5605 8692 1392 1113 1411 3131 1683 791 7458 9154 889I 907 9111 854 446 3297 • •• •• • • •• • • • • •• ..... -;J ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ill OSB l / 11/19 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BV HOOIFIEO H.R. 1 HEMBER BANKS NAME TDEP LOCATION ll4e0515 CITIZENS NATIONAL BK AND TR BAYTOWN l 1 1+8053 0 A.• ER I CAN NAT BK OF BE AU MONT BEAU"ONT BEAUMONT 11480537 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 11480540 FIRST SECURITY NATIO~AL BANK8ElU"ONT BEAUMONT 11460542 GATEWAY NATIONAL a·ANI( 11480570 COMSERCIAL NB OF BEEVILLE BEEVILLE BEEV I l l E ll4805d0 FIS ST NAT BANK OF BEEVILLE BELLAIRE 11480593 FIK.ST N&.TIONAL BANK ll4fl05q5 FIRST ST ATE BK OF BELLAIRE BELLAIRE ll"td0620 FJPST NAT i3ANK OF BELLVILLE BELLVILLE l l 4'30640 PEUPLES NAT BANK Of BELTCN BEL 1 ON 114,90690 FIRST NAT BK IN 81G SPRING 81G SPRING ll4907iJ0 SHTE NAT BK OF BIG SPRING BIG SPRING BORGER 11430805 FIRST NAT BA•~K OF BORGER eow IE 11480820 FIRST NAT BANK OF BOWIE BRADY 114.308'>0 BRADY NA TlONAL BANK 11480860 C0,"1MERC I Al NAT BANK OF BRADY8RADY 114[;0'3?5 CITIZENS NA.TIOtJAL BANK BRECKENR !OGE BRECKENRIDGE 11480830 FIR.ST ND IN BRECKENRIDGE BRENHAM 11480900 THE BREf\lHA.'1 NATIONAL BANK BRENHAM II4~J9I0 FIRST NAT BANK OF BRENHAM BROW NF I ELO 11430910 FIRST NAT BK OF BROWNFIELD 114909~0 FIRST NAT BK AT BRO~NSVILLE BRDWNSV ILLE ll48('qg5 ti.\ TI 0:0,.,AL BANK OF COMMERCE BR01,msv ILLE BROWNSVILLE ll48l01J PAN AMF.RICAN BA~lK ll4Sl0l0 CITIZENS NAT BK AT BRCWNWOOOBROWNWOOO 8'tCWNWOOO 11491020 FIRST NAT BK 1 N BROWNWOOD 8;{YAN ll481030 CITY NAT BANK OF BRYAN ll4ql040 FIRST NAT BANK OF BRYAN BRYAN ll4B 1oqo FIRST NAT BK IN BURKBURNETT BURKBURNETT 114912)0 CITIZENS NAT BK Of CA'<ERON CA HERON CAM FRON 11481210 FI RS T NAT BANK IN CASERON 114912~0 FIR ST NAT BANK 1~ cA,ivo~ CMlYON 11491270 FIRST NAT 8ANK Of.CA~lriAGE CA!H HAGE CHHER II4el320 Fl RS T NAT BANK 1N CENTER c1 sea ll4et450 FIRST NAT PANK IN CISCO tl4Bl470 FAR.ERS STATE BANK t TR CO CL.\R ENDON ll49I5QO RED ~IVER NB IN CLARKSVILlE CLAP.KSV ILLE 11491510 CLEBURNE N4T IONAL OA~K CLEBURNE CLE9URNE ll48l535 FI q_5y ~ll\T BANK IN CLEBURNE 11491580 FIRST COLE"1AN NATlCNAL eANK COLE11AN 11491595 U~IVERSITY t/B OF COLLEGE STACOLLEGE STATION ll',81610 CIIY N8 Of CCLORAOO CIIY COLCRADO CITY CCHANCHE 114~1640 C0'-1.\NCttE NAT IOrJAL BANK ll4rilt.70 FJ!{ST NAT BANK OF CO~MERCE COM~ERCE CONRCE 11481690 FIRST NAT BANK IN CONROE TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 14204 119368 18247 208530 23012 21459 Zlbb5 29998 109251 25338 23472 58340 39449 33884 37745 19574 18410 24399 3246b Zb873 51047 25048 14 7 238 39401 117991 21518 4b715 bl 111 4b859 ZOb83 25848 19156 39S84 239bl lbb32 19967 15731 19120 34723 42943 23773 3b54 l 23268 22028 21811 7L330 121 VL TCSH 1598 3019 348 4850 391 4b2 309 255 1370 258 216 192 419 303 284 172 207 107 325 308 415 2bl 4lbZ 8Ib IBbZ 290 658 695 304 272 2~9 2Ib 332 234 182 298 101 131 1971 REQBAL 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 343b 1191 0 7911 502 8427 803 !Obl 841 1111 5992 710 99b 3050 2011 1303 lbb8 726 609 914 5314 452 0 5570 0 0 bbb 0 0 0 0 1144 925 2038 972 3229 1260 4301 728 1989 2642 2I8b bbD 901 b% !HS 895 527 b52 523 471 415 452 541 182 506 208 143 280 5b4 1277 1924 905 1400 1071 888 728 3808 0 0 47 3853 0 lbl OIF 131-151 343b 7459 502 77bl 803 10b7 BH 1111 5992 0 0 110 0 0 1593 0 0 996 3050 ZOii 1303 613 32 247 0 0 127 0 0 511 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IH3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 140 2b98 0 579 1043 764 0 0 0 229 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 4bb 0 77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2425 lbb8 72b b09 9H 1144 925 2038 972 3229 l2b0 4301 728 1989 2b4Z 218b bbO 901 b96 1475 895 527 b52 523 415 1271 1S24 905 1'00 1071 888 728 3808 • • • • • . .• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• . . .••• • 1--' --1 Q1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ME~SER BANKS Ill DSB 1111/19 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HODIFIEO H.R. 7 NA"'E LOCH ION TOEP I 21 VL TCSH 131 1911 REOBAL ll481723 11491731 11481740 ll.'.t~l744 11481746 11481747 11481749 ll4817"i8 11491760 11481770 11481':336 ll48lS75 11461977 ll4el985 114819'37 ll',81999 11 c.e2J20 114821')23 1143704 7 114~2052 11482065 11.:.e2010 114320':30 114~2100 ll482I08 114821\8 ll4E!2l20 ll',~2l23 11482170 ll4822l0 11492220 11482~30 ll492240 ll4R2170 ll 4823 7'5 ll4B2330 ll't82?S5 u.:,e2390 11432400 11 ft 82 4 3 0 11482460 11482500 11 !•8255-1 lt482552 1!482556 ll482560 A~ E't ICAN. NATIONAL BANK CORPUS CHRISTI CORPUS CHRISTI BANK AND TR CCRPUS CHRISTI CORPUS CHRISTI NATIONAL BANKCGRPUS CHRISTI F IP.ST NB OF FLOUR BLUFF CORPUS CHRISTI GU~RANTY BATlONAL BK t TR CCR PUS CHRISll GULFWAY NB OF CORPUS CHRISTICORPUS CHRISTI .'<!ERC.\.NT( LE NAT BM~K CGRPUS CHRISTI CORSICANA ~ATIO~AL BANK CORISICANA F[RST NAT BK OF CORSICANA CORSICANA STATE NAT BK OF COPSICA~A CORS !CANA ALLIE □ FIRST NB GF CROCKETT CROCKETT BR OOKHOL L0',f NAT I ON AL BANK CALLAS CITIZENS NAT SK OF DALLAS DALLAS COM~ERCIAL NATIONAL aANK DALLAS cc~~ON~EALTH NATJO~AL BANK DALL AS DALLAS NAT BANK Ill DALLAS OALLAS FIRST NAT BANK IN DALUS DALLAS FIRST SECURITY NB OF DALLAS DALLAS l~IWOOD NATIONAL BArlK DALLAS MA IN STREET NAT eK OF OALLASOALLAS NORTHPARK NAT BANK DAL LAS ~~RCANTILE t/1\T BK AT DALLAS DALLAS NAT OK GF COM,'1ERCE OF OALLASOALLAS REPUgLIC NAT BANK OF DALLAS DALLAS T )( CMRC BA~K-NORTHWEST NA DALLAS UNlTEO NATIONAL BANK DALLAS TEXAS BANK & TRUST COMPANY DALLAS TRINITY NATIONAL BAN!<. DALLAS F ISS T NAT BK IN DECATUR DECATUR DfL RIO NATIONAL DA~K DEL RIO CITIZENS NAT BK OF DENISON DENI SON STATE NAT BANK OF DENISON OEN I SON FIRST DENTON CTY NB OF ONTONO~NTON DUl3L IN NATIONAL BANK OUBL IN FIRST NAT BANK OF DUMAS OUMAS FIRST SIATE BANK DUMAS FIRST NATIONAL SANK DUNCANVILLE FIRST NAT 9K OF EAGLE LAKE EAGLE LAKE FIRST NAT BK OF EAGLE PASS EAGLE PASS EASTLAND NATIONAL BANK EASTLAND FlllST NAT BANK IN EOINBURG EDINBURG EL CAMPO FIRST NAT BANK OF EL CAMPO 9ASSETT NAT BANK EL PASO BA.r-~!<. OF EL PASO El PASO CONTINENTAL ~ATIO~AL BANK El PASO EL PASO NATIONAL BANK EL PASO TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 3318,. 157770 256936 30518 51612 19339 37054 lb564 74123 22941 31011 20336 88822 2D898 36492 41314 2425545 20395 30882 22936 76077 ll9I652 228002 2531408 22164 66059 355897 20535 22751 37060 53511 50708 54175 19490 18604 23458 3474 7 25282 44259 24787 39055 26874 31032 63220 27562 413410 560 2348 3120 171 445 262 bib 206 174 291 489 237 1736 541 517' 459 9297 442 311 208 1222 7508 2 346 10237 490 435 2083 444 299 1201 535 561 708 163 427 352 375 314 1208 432 533 235 557 621 256 5100 l39l 6HO 12019 l l 78 21'12 b63 1488 575 3333 820 965 907 3545 ,.93 1665 1728 152623 1b0 ll91 82b 3128 6ll20 10641 150042 652 3729 16143 497 959 691 2217 1976 2101 720 197 811 1490 964 1021 678 1293 1487 ll14 2581 1084 17201 ,,., NEW EPA 102 4319 5440 190 12bb 0 141 0 1713 0 151 NEW RE,BAL 0 0 ,.198 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1912 lbl Olf 131-151 1392 6410 7821 l l 78 2792 bb3 1488 575 3333 820 965 901 3545 493 1665 0 0 352 0 388 0 1728 5120 0 1041H 4850S 760 ll91 826 3128 13719 7619 47733 652 37 29 8506 497 959 691 2211 l 978 2101 0 0 1571 5633 5591 5130 0 2206 5188 0 0 0 183 551 415 0 0 0 0 0 47401 3022 I 02 309 0 0 8237 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 372 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 135 184 0 0 101,. 0 0 0 0 0 5362 8986 120 197 811 1490 9H 1021 b18 1293 1487 1114 2581 1084 8215 • •• •• •• • • • • •• • • .•• •• • •• .••• •• • • ••• • .• ....-:i ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 MEMBER BANKS DSB 11482564 11482565 114~2570 11482620 ll4A2635 11482760 114" 2770 11482812 11482815 Jl4E'2828 1148.UDO 11432840 11482845 11482850 11482863 l 14~ ?~'30 NAME EL PASO EL PASO EL PASO ENNIS EULESS FLORESVILLE FLOYDADA FORT HOOD FORT STOCKTON FORT WORTH CITY NATIO~AL BANK C'JNTINEflTAL NB Of FT WORTH FOR.T WORTH FIRST NAT BK OF FORT WORTH FORT WORTH FORT WORTH FORT WORTH BA:~K G TRUST FORT WORTH FORT WORTH NATIONAL BANK FORT WORTH GATEWAY NAT IONAl BANK FORT WORTH SU"1"1IT NAT:ONAL BANK FPEOERICKSBURG NATIONAL SANKFREDER I CK SSURG FIRST FREEPORT NATIONAL BANKFREEPORT GAINESVLE NB IN GAINESVLE GAitaESVILLE GALVESTON BANK CF GALVESTON NA FIRST HUTCHINGS SEALY NAT SKGILVESTGN GALVESTCN •oooy NAT SK OF GALVESTON 11492930 11462950 114a2qgo 11483008 11483020 11483035 1 l '1-83040 U~HTED STATES NATIONAL BANK GALVESTON GARLA NO ll43306l COLO"ll AL NAT I ONAL BANK GARLAND 1 l.t,.'.\VJ63 FIRST NAT BK 1N G,-\RLAND 11453100 °'l,\TJON/1.l BIi.Ni<. OF GATESVILLE GATESVILLE 114~3130 F JRST tlAT BK IN GEORGE WEST GEO,GE WEST GIOO INGS 11483150 FIRST NAT BANK OF GIDDINGS 11483160 FAqMERS ANO MERCHANTS NAT BKGILMER GILMER ll413.3tl0 FIRST NU f\ANK. OF GILMER GONZALES 11483220 FIRST NAT SK OF GONZALES GRAHA.'1 ll','332?C Fl 0 ,ST NAT BANK IN GRAHAM GR Ali AM ll4'DDO GRA.HAM NATlGNAL ~h.NK GIU.,NSURY \l4,33l0 FIRST NAT ~At:K OF GRANBURY GRAND PRAIRIE ll't93325 FtPST N8 IN GRANO PRAIRIE GRAND PRAIRIE l 1483335 :"11D"'•\Y NATJ0,','4,\L BA~IK GREENVILLE 11483400 CITIZE~4S ~t:3 OF GREHlVILLE GREENVILLE l 148 34 l 0 FIR ST GRFENVlLLE NAT BANK t-tAMfLTON llG.93497 ftqsr NAT BK CF HAHILT0N HA,'~J L TON ll',33500 HA~ILTCN NATICNAL BANK 11493520 F AR.~ERS MW "1ERCHA.~ll S NAT 8Kt-lA~L IN 11483550 FIRST NAT 1'ArtK OF HAPllNGEN H.\RLl~GEN HARLINGEN 1143 3560 HARLINGEN ~tATIO"IAL BANK 11 1,,3576 FIRST NAT gK OF STAFFORD HARR IS CCUNTY HASKELL 11493590 HASKELL NAT I CNAL C,\~K HENDERSON 11;93650 CITIZENS NB OF HENDERSON 131 1977 REQBAL 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 161 DIF 131-151 521 2984 4382 H4 283 496 2831 17844 1337 956 0 0 10346 0 0 214 214 710 1049 0 D 1408 5688 13 0 0 496 2831 7498 1337 956 710 111 TDEP 121 VL TCSH TX TX TX TX TX 22498 113599 394806 349ll 25851 TX 19769 24354 22402 22976 59056 331425 738793 47626 89622 7 29625 22369 36348 49845 31101 21330 ll5110 59992 103135 2B458 87570 20663 17546 2812 7 18631 20246 25426 29429 36450 21851 26343 22654 44001 34041 15252 22483 19477 87077 60598 45733 23728 61736 LOCATION NORTHGATE NATIONAL BANK FIRST CITY ND OF EL PASO STATE NAT BK OF EL PASO CITIZENS NAT BANK IN ENNIS FIRST NAT I CNAL BMIK 1ST CITY Na OF FLORESVILLE FISST NAT BK OF FLOYDADA FORT HODO NATIONAL BINK FIRST NJ\ Tl ONAL 81,l'H{ 1/17/19 TX TX TX TX TX TX. TX TX TX ·rx TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX lH8 252 675 2545 5952 940 9530 330 259 320 612 427 379 1088 917 654 627 1204 223 104 241 264 401 254 234 221 146 370 373 528 -55b 90 149 112 1429 830 469 247 48'3 110 2439 14996 38949 1643 50B42 1176 711 1284 1994 1030 667 5123 2328 4792 477 4093 750 695 999 681 589 1015 1230 1664 989 865 799 1469 1231 524 772 826 3746 2145 1771 1030 2895 0 0 12 899 0 0 0 0 0 5403 5553 260 7259 -27659 5461 35939 0 0 D 757 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3351 891 3164 0 21 73 0 0 0 0 D 0 24 395 0 0 0 H4 46 0 0 0 429 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 194b 739 424 0 0 1429 0 0 0 0 1049 0 no 2439 7737 11290 1643 14903 1176 717 12b4 1994 1030 667 5123 2328 4363 477 4093 750 695 999 681 589 1015 1230 l6b4 989 865 799 1469 1231 524 772 826 374b 21'5 1771 1030 2895 • • •• • •• • • • •• • • • • • • •• • •• •• .• • •• • • • • • • . .... -:i -:i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY ~ODIFIED H.R. 7 ME'18ER BANKS Ill DSB ll't31660 ll4836!30 l l.._P. 3 78 d ll4!B709 l l4931q4 11483796 l l493al 5 11483830 l 148 3q 36 11431837 ll433t170 ll'-23831 1 l4e 38::l 2 l 14~ 3~85 ll483sq3 11481895 1145139')9 1148 39 l 5 ll4':13'HB ;,_14g3q26 11493162 l 148 3964 ll483969 11484005 114340?0 11484030 l 14-1',03 2 lt't94130 l 1 1,84155 11484165 11494255 l l4B4260 ll494340 11484350 11484360 llt.e43ti7 1148 1t370 11494380 11494475 11484485 \14e45IO ll4d4520 11494530 11484540 114945:50 I l48455S NA~E TDEP LOCATION F1qsr NAT SANK OF HENDERSON HENDERSON F 1 R ST NAT SAt,K OF HEREFORD HE:F,EFORO 8!\NK CF HOUSTON HCUS TON 9A"lK CF THE SOUTHWEST NA HOUSTON Cr:rHq;AL NATIONAL BANK HOUSTON CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK t10US TON FIRS! CITY NB OF HOUS.TO~ HOUSTON GU.).q,i\NTY N..\TlONAL 8..\NK HOUSTON FIR ST CITY BANK-NORTHEAST NAtiOUS TON 1ST INTRNTL BK IN HUSTN NA HOUSTON HCUS Tll~l ~IATIONAL BANK HOUSTON LCCK~OO~ NATIONAL SANK Hf.US TON HCUS TON LG~G POINT NB OF l'iOUS TON \lt\CGREGOR PARK NATIONAL 6A'IIKI-WUSTON ~ATJONAL STANDARD BANK HOUS ION PLAZA COl•P4EPCE BANK ,r~A HUUS TON REPU9LlC NAT lot~AL BJ\NK HOUSTON SA,~ FELIPE NATIO:-UL BANK HOUSTON SOVTl-iERN NA.T BA~4K HO,USTON TEXAS CO\lMERCE BANK NA HOUSTON VILLAGE ru TI GNAL BANK HOUSTON HOUSTON rlES T LOOP NATIO,'Ul BANK WESTOURY NATIONAL BANK HOUSTON HUM!lLE A~E~ICA~ NATIONAL BAtJK FIRST NAT BK OF HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HU~TSVILLE NATIONAL BANK HUNTSVILLE FIR ST NATIONAL BA~lK HURST ft~ST ~rn OF JACKS □ nvJLLE JACKSONVILLE FIRST NAT l ONAL DANK JASPER FIR.$ T tlAT BK OF JEFFERSON JEFFERSON KATY NATlmML OANK KATY FlR~ERS AND MERCHANTS NAT BKKAUFMAN F l'~S T NAT BANK OF <ERRVILLE KE~RVILLE KILGORE FIRST NATIONAL SANK KI l GORE FIRST N,\TIONAl. BANK KILLEEN HIG•tLANO LAKES NAT BANK KINGSLAND KU:.aERG FIRST NA.TlONAL BANK KINGSVILLE MERCANTILE NB OF KINGSVILLE KINGSVILLE FIRST NATIONAL BANK LA GRANGE FIR ST NA! IONAL B~NK LAKE JACKSON FIR ST NAT BANK OF LAMESA l AMES A L A~ESA NATIONAL BANK LAMESA FIRST NAT BANK OF LAMPASAS LAMPASAS LAMPASAS PEOPLES NAT BK OF, LA~PASAS LANCASTER FIRST NAT BK OF LANCASTER BA YSHORE NAT BK CF LA PORTE LA PORTE TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 35414 45964 46251 1019827 25794 340793 2607908 38836 18745 36 5442 511678 83714 53318 58660 2637 2 26848 72246 31728 231430 2082478 20830 21631 25819 18981 54817 33851 81058 28b34 23032 19938 27357 22789 62059 44509 73439 1111/19 121 VL ICSH 366 SIB 369 7715 372 2010 14377 961 375 2842 2268 813 124 1272 244 313 596 422 1420 924l 311 321 462 203 773 1016 959 520 390 185 418 356 821 404 20219 2786 152 670 490 192 288 48684 53030 22720 16969 32904 23370 314 330 195 391 357 610 37887 4 7693 25995 22033 131 1911 10 NEW REQBAL EPA 1546 196 536 645 5408 1922 2052 51598 1018 16581 162181 1079 438 18013 31585 3375 2392 2146 1046 1302 3223 1290 11953 H4045 664 952 884 679 2183 600 1093 1014 951 121 945 762 2304 2226 1424 1317 2116 662 806 683 2284 2762 893 432 1056 121 0 5298 ss8o 0 0 5626 5563 1437 950 846 b3 111 1903 18 cs, 161 NC lirii Olf 131-I SI RE Cb AL 0 1546 1q22 0 2052 37186 0 8196 120744 1'4l2 0 0 0 9713 20925 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 5275 3940 5804 107603 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 692 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 672 o 805 0 274 810 0 0 0 862 0 0 0 0 1184 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 1018 8385 • • . 41431 1079 438 8360 10660 3375 2392 2146 1046 1302 3223 1290 8013 36442 b64 952 884 b19 2183 600 1093 1074 951 727 945 7b2 2304 2226 14H 1311 2116 662 806 683 2284 2762 893 432 1056 121 .••• • •• • • • • • ..• • • • •• •• • • • • • • • • .... -.J 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BANKS 111 DSB 11484573 11494580 114845'10 114~4640 114$4655 11494680 11484740 11484180 11484910 ll4!1492C 11484890 !14~49'JO 11484905 ll',84{}J7 114949)8 11484930 114e4913a 11484998 11495010 11485020 11485050 ll485150 ll495lb0 1\48517C t 1.:.95~ 10 l 1.'tB5260 l 1435))0 l l4A':>350 tl4!:'5390 114'35400 l l495t.50 11485460 11485470 l 1495 1,95 1148 5 5 7 0 ll4E5b30 ll435b40 11485656 11435690 114357,)3 11485760 11485795 ll485810 11485925 11495828 11485860 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NAME CITY NAT BANK OF LAREDO LAREDO NATIONAL BANK UNION NAT BANK OF LAREDO FIPST NAT BANK OF lEV'EllA~O LEWISVILLE NATIONAL BANK FIRST LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK LAREDO LAREOO LAREDO LEVELLANO LEWISVILLE LIBERTY FIRST NAT 8K OF l.IVJNGSTON LIVINGSTON FIRST LOCKHART NATIONAL BANKLOCKHART FI~ST NAT BANK Of LONGVIEW LONGVIEW LONGVIEW NATIONAL BANK LONGVIEW FIRST NAT BA~K AT LUBBOCK LUBBOCK LUBSQCI( NATIONAL BM,K LUBBOCK PLAH~S NAT BANK OF LUBBOCK lUBBCCK SECUS ITY NAT BANK OF lUBBOCKLUBSOCK TEXAS t □ ~MERCE BANK NA LUBBOCK LUFKIN UATIONAL BM,K LUFKIN FIRST NAT BANK OF MC ALLEN MC ALLEN VALLEY NAllONAL BANK MCALLE~ C~NTRAL UAf SK OF HC KINNEY MC KINNEY COLLIN COUNTY NATIONAL BANK MC KINNEY FIRST NAT BK CF MAOISONVILLEMAOISONVILLE MAQ.l IN NAT 1C:t4AL BANK HARLIN f IRST NAT BANK OF MARSHALL MARSHALL MARSHALL ~AR S~ALL NAT I OMAL BANK ~Asa~, NATIONlL BANK r IR ST NAT 8ANK. Of MEM?Hl S f-lRST NAT sa~,K OF MERCEDES HASGN MH\PHJS MESCEOES FIRST NAT BANK OF ~ESQlJlTE MESQUITE FIPSf N,\T BANK Of HlOLA~rn Ml OLANO lHE MlOlANO NAllOUAL BANK •IDLANO CllY NAT BK OF '11NERAl WELLSMIN(~Al WELLS flPST N~ IN MINERAL WELLS MH,ERAL WELLS FIRST NAT BANK OF MISSION MISSION F 1 RS T NAT BANK. Of KO!s!AHANS TOE~ LOCUION MO"IAHA:,65 FIRST N3 IN HOU.'H PlEl'lSANT MGWH PLEASANT C0.'1"1ERCI AL NB IN NACOGOOCHEs,uc □ GOOCHES Sf O'lE FORT t~9 OF tUCOGOOCHESNJ\CCGOOCHES NASSAU B,\Y NATIGN~L 9A'I< NASSAU BAY FIRST N!.-1 OF NEI..( C!Q.J. 1J"JFELS SEW SRAU~FELS :--,1::w 8.Cl,AU~JFELS tMTllJ"-UL 8ANK NEW BRAUNFELS FAR.'<f~RS ANO ~ERCHANTS NAT 8Kf\CCONA N'..)RTHEAST r1s OF FORT nORTH N RICHLAND HILLS flRST NAT 8K OF OJESSA COtSSA NA.TIO~Al BANK OF ODESSA. ODESSA STATE N.!.TIQNAL BANK ODESSA OLTON STATE SAW<. OLTON TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 18335 258567 87635 31426 24707 30838 28246 219H 72188 89519 316760 2 78669 73339 23%0 145868 79879 110338 17937 25668 42970 25442 23002 52487 56140 18077 21053 14317 25639 424 70b 188855 31736 36626 34187 22659 57135 39764 66903 44882 37551 13604 21680 64 726 109173 53609 61647 21174 121 YL TCSH 396 H75 1056 H4 378 402 325 177 1403 877 2893 2552 677 434 1109 944 2150 161 286 704 134 290 856 785 287 167 249 782 2289 1005 346 356 558 278 533 468 965 554 360 111 98 613 1605 1764 766 90 131 1977 REQBAL 141 NEW EPA 468 10069 3038 1080 649 1259 1011 840 2884 4264 11845 12092 3488 772 7507 4007 0 4887 1651 0 0 3833 2198 690 991 0 0 273 19 0 1378 1084 737 2199 21H 546 779 343 413 26454 10703 1189 1589 1107 782 2129 1498 2135 2417 1874 408 15 0 0 1229 2780 4727 5472 1918 0 5080 2587 736 641 0 0 0 0 161 Dlf 131-151 0 2154 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3112 4647 0 0 468 7915 3038 1080 649 1259 1011 840 2884 4264 8733 7445 3488 772 H91 6016 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4007 3833 690 o 0 5260 5306 15429 2965 0 203 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 565 298 909 999 2627 5895 1197 510 0 0 1036 4102 0 3548 1779 829 0 811 151 NEW RECBAL o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 991 1378 1084 737 2199 2134 546 779 343 473 11025 7738 1189 1589 1107 762 2129 1498 2135 2417 1874 408 877 2627 5895 1197 3548 829 • •• .• •• •• • • ••• •• . .• .•• • • ..• . .• • .... ~ co Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ME~BER B°'KS DSB 11485875 l1485Bd0 1148 59 30 l I'•85990 114360)0 1149601() 11486050 11486060 11486073 11486090 11486100 ll4R6Il0 11486190 l 14P62OO 11456205 11'986220 l l4-:, 6240 l l42l!20O 11496278 11486290 11486300 ll496'1GO l 14864-9O l 14~652 7 11436529 l 143655O ll'-Hf:63O ll'-~667O 1148~7 1.o ll4~t:980 ll4A6890 114869()0 ll49!::9J5 l 14'36'H0 1148,930 1148693:3 11480935 1148 <93 7 ll4Q6q6Q ll48b'J70 11486910 l 14P:f.CJ96 114%998 11497010 ll4H020 11487026 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVEREO BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NAME LOCATION COUNTY NA Tl ONAL BANK ORANGE FIRST CITY NAT BK OF ORANGE ORANGE OZONA NATIO~AL BANK OZONA EAST TEXAS NB OF •ALESTINE •ALESTINE ROYALL NAT Bl(. OF PALESTINE PALESTINE FIRST NAT BANK IN PAMPA PAMPA FIRST NAT SANK OF PARIS PARIS LIBERTY NAT BANK IN PARIS PARIS PASADENA NATIONAL BANK PASADENA FIRST NAT BANK OF PECOS PECOS SECUSITY STATE BK OF PECOS PECOS FIRST NAT BANK OF PERRYTON HRRYTON PITTSBURG NATIONAL BANK Pl TTSBURG CITY NAT 8!\NK Of PLAINVIEW PLAINVIEW FIRST NATIONAL BANK PLAINVIEW FIRST NAT BANK OF PLANO PLANO FI R'lT N8 P~ PLEAS.ANTON PLEA SANT ON FIRST NAT BK OF PORT ARTHUR PORT ARTHUR Fl~)T NAT 6K IN PORT LAVACA PORT LAVACA FIRST NAT 8)( Of PORT NECHES PORT NECHES FIR 5 T NATIONAL 8A~K OF POST POST FIRST NAT BANK OF QUITMAN CUIT:1AN FIRST NAT BA~K OF REFUGIO REFUGIO FIRST N3 QS:: RICHARDSON R ICHAROSON PRO~ENAOE NATIO~AL BANK RICHARDSON FIRST NS OF RICHMOND RI CH MONO STA TE ~AT BANi<. OF ROBSTO~N ROBS TOWN FIRST NAT BANK OF Rf1CKPGRT ROCKPORT FIRST NAT SANK OF ROSE~BERG ROSENBERG CE"HRAL NB OF SAN AllGELO SAN ANGELO FIRST NAT BANK OF SAN ANGELOSAN ANGELO SAN ANGELO NB OF SA~ A~GELO SAN ANGELO SES T SIDE NATIONAL BANK SAN "GELO Al A."\O NATIONAL &~NK. SAN ANTONIO :3E XAR CTY N9 OF SA~ ANTONIO SAIi ANTONIO BROADWAY NAT ICNAL SA.r~K SAN ANTONIO BROOKS FLO NB OF S" A~TONIOSAN ANTONIO CITIZENS NB CF SAIi ANTONIO S>N ANTONIO F IP.ST NA.T 8K OF SAN ANTONIO SAN ANTONIO FROST N4T BK OF SAN A~Tmno SAN ANION 10 Gq_oos NA r BK OF SAN ANTONIO Sl\tl ANTONIO KELLY FLO NB Of SAN AN TON IC SAN ANTONIO ~IIN BINK ANO TRUST SAN ANTONIO N~ OF CCMMRCE CF SAN ,\NTONIOSAN ANTONIO rm OF FORT SAM HOUSTON SAN ANTONIO SECURITY NATIONAL SANK SAN ANTONIO TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX -TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX H TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX II l TDEP 121 VLTCSH 25756 41301 31033 25991 24510 54898 36555 39527 55574 24351 29735 34853 17375 47401 25493 31877 20136 119652 27099 37215 24274 23946 24 750 20743 22345 19913 32119 23789 23045 125766 59883 128297 550 670 124 435 429 623 455 515 572 282 359 261 232 311 169 492 239 1029 308 722 136 I 78 261 339 424 505 265 284 282 2257 1022 1382 480 3081 1058 2156 699 1167 556 10085 444 359 470 4862 850 290 2136 7 269891 140496 132467 5 3005 33138 77886 734293 25981 43293 59841 515184 126412 21142 13) 1977 REQBAL 718 2016 1442 1080 1049 3009 1453 1602 2164 893 915 1697 557 2272 988 1278 770 5233 . 922 1309 957 1070 1259 594 775 846 1484 947 1198 4647 2244 5447 540 12426 6509 5236 2026 857 306I 32667 907 2b52 3510 25224 7576 808 14) NEW EPA 151 NEW REC BAL 161 DIF 131-151 0 570 0 118 0 318 0 0 0 0 1338 0 0 2016 1442 1080 1049 3009 58 0 255 965 0 0 0 0 1453 0 0 1602 2164 893 915 1697 557 2272 988 1278 770 3519 444 4789 HB o · 790 o 81 o 137 0 0 7 o 0 0 o o o 0 o o o o o 0 0 0 o o 231 0 o 731 o o o o 3289 0 5405 4381 4766 589 o o 3123 o 267 0 808 1794 5394 21577 0 1103 2105 5578 4900 o o o 464 7 224' 5447 540 7HO 5920 5236 2026 857 3061 11090 907 2052 3510 9046 7309 o o o o o 3116 468 922 1309 957 1070 1259 594 775 846 1484 947 11~8 0 0 16176 • •• • •• • •• •• .•.• .••• .• • • .• • ..• • ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NAME OSB 114~71)40 11487060 11487130 11487140 11487250 114~7350 I 14eB55 ll4e7375 114:17380 11487430 l 1487450 1148 7510 11487630 11487635 11497640 11487645 11487~90 11457710 11437120 114e7738 11 1t87740 11487750 ll4~777C 11487790 NATlf'NAL BA~K l14882Jll ll4P~2l0 11488260 TrnrnALL TULIA lYLER TYLER TYLER PEOPL~S NAT BANK CF TYLER TYLER BANK t TRUST CO TYLER RAN)OLPH FIELD NAT 8~ UNIVERSAL CITY H!:RQ.ING r.lAT BANK OF VERNON VERNON VERNON WAGGONEP. NA.T BK OF VERNOtl f IR ST VICTORIA NATIO'Ul BANKVICTORIA VlCTDRI A VICTORIA BK & TR CO WACO CIT! ZENS NAT BANK OF WACO F lR ST tH1.TIONA.l BANK OF WACO WACO l4.KE AIR NATIONAL BANK WACO WACO TEXAS NAT BANK OF WACO WACO '1ESTV1E" rUTIONAL BA~,IK WAXAHACHIE ClTllENS NB IN WAXAHACHIE WEATHERFORD CITIZENS NB Of WEATHERFORD FIRST Ng OF WE ATHERFORD WEATHERFORD •10.(H [. FR~ ST eK OF WTHRFRO WEATHERFORD WELLINGTON WELLINGTON STATE BA:JK. 11497950 CITIZENS FIRST NAT .BK 11497955 HE~lTAGE NATIONAL BANK l14~7973 ll'•!:~070 11488010 114880:38 ll4'38090 11498110 llt.88120 l l4'l8 l2 5 ll4SdtJO llt.E8l35 l l',!?-3170 ll458t90 SNYDER SONORA flRST UAT BANK OF SOtlORA fAR.MERS FIRST NATIONAL BANK STEPHENVILLE Cl TY NB OF SULPHUR SPRINGS SULPHUR SPRINGS SULPHUR SPRINGS PEOPLES NB Of SULPMUR SPGS SULPHUR SPRINGS STATE BANK SULPHUR SPRINGS FIRST NAT BK SWEETWATER TAHQKA f I rt ST NAT BANK OF TAHOKA CITY ~~AT!O.\/AL BANK Of T AYLORT ML OR FIRST TAYLOR NAT lONAL BANK TAYLOR TEMPLE CITIZENS NB OF TEMPLE TEl~PLE FIRST NAT BANK OF TE.'"1PLE TE,'1?LE NATlO'ML BA~K TEMPLE AM.E.~ICAN NAT BA'lK OF TERRELLTERRELL TEXARKANA TEX,\RKAN.\ NATIONAL BANK TEXAS CITY TEXAS CITY N~TlGNAL SANK 114877"10 ll<+e7B50 GUAqANTY BOND ST ATE BANK 1149 792 0 FIR ST rlAT SANK OF TULIA ll4~l<il60 11487970 11 I TOEP LOCATION SAN ANTONIO WINDSOR PARK BANK NA F !RST NB OF SAN AUGUSTINE SAN AUGUST! NE SAN MARCOS F 1 RST NB OF SAN MARCOS ST ATE BANK ._O TRUST CO~PANYSAN MARCOS F 1 R ST NAT BANK IN SEGUIN SEGUIN SHERMAN MERCHANTS .\NO PLANTERS NB SllER.''IAN TE XQ'1A ~A Tl GNAL BANK F lR ST NAT BK OF SILSBEE SILSBEE SILSBEE STATE BANK SILSBEE SNYDER 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 MEMBER BANKS TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 41541 17219 2849 l 34093 2b919 79862 19989 18320 26361 43415 23159 43170 26073 18874 40245 33316 29770 25380 4243 l 18452 59848 74075 58189 98800 37513 39622 44644 130287 31933 151522 103407 20612 33614 53586 152801 2 51340 l 9415 7 l4bl09 36154 42573 30692 28586 27265 361Tb 47079 21109 I ZI VL TCSH 1314 208 354 450 5b5 1001 442 541 421 319 l 77 603 242 236 460 379 180 161 419 581 67b 1208 058 14b2 1245 404 207 1225 703 1392 2195 361 419 340 1010 2157 2300 2141 476 492 Jq4 432 253 369 433 139 131 1977 REQBAL 848 444 1028 1137 6b1 3179 515 275 955 2572 1123 1628 1085 551 2010 1085 1347 1083 1624 207 2534 2875 2199 3413 79b 1538 1837 7337 1029 7701 3616 053 ll 74 2258 9570 15801 9219 5344 1018 l 793 1209 942 978 1351 l 735 889 141 NEW EPA 0 0 0 0 0 1669 0 0 0 1077 0 411 0 0 566 0 39 0 133 0 913 1335 522 1979 0 191 435 5400 0 5413 2099 0 0 684 5188 5209 5b 74 3647 307 586 0 0 0 0 336 0 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 479 0 0 0 0 2001 694b 1823 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lb) OIF 131-151 848 444 1028 1137 6b1 3179 515 275 955 2572 1123 1028 1085 551 2010 1085 1347 1083 1624 267 2534 2875 2199 3413 796 1538 1837 7337 1029 7282 3016 653 1174 2258 7575 8855 7396 5344 lo 18 1793 1209 942 978 1351 1735 889 •• • • • • • ... .• .• .• • • • • • • . • • • • • • .• . ....00 .... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TD BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 ~E~BER BANKS NAME DSB 11488280 1141)8370 11498400 l 1:11J!:1410 1 ll•91J419 FIRST NAT BANK OF WESLACO SEC UR ITV NB OF WHITESBORO CITY NB IN WICHITA FALLS FIRST-WICHITA NAT[Q,iAL BANK SOUTHWEST NB OF WICHITA FLS 114,~84'10 FIRST NAT BK OF WINrJSBORO 11486590 YOAKUM NATIONAL BANK OF 111 TDEP LCCATIDN WESLACO WHITESBORO WICHITA FALLS WICHITA FALLS WICHITA FALLS WINNSBORO YOAKUM 355 BArlKS AFFECTED IN STATE 168 142 37279 17663 173546 222201 21621 21448 27010 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 1/17179 121 YL TCSH 665 140 2424 4026 309 346 324 REQBAL 141 NEW EPA 151 ~EW REQBAL 161 Dlf 131-151 998 675 8024 8865 743 620 952 0 0 5461 5255 0 0 0 0 0 636 1052 0 0 0 675 7388 7813 743 620 952 131 IH7 998 •• • •• HAYE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESER YE BALANCE HAYE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE -------------------------------------------------------------------12490130 12490140 12490190 12490270 12490215 124q0290 1249')400 124QQ4)0 1z4qo410 12490475 12490495 Of BARNES BANKING CO KAYSVILLE FIRST NAT BK OF LAYTON LAYTON FIRST NAT BK Of LOGAN LOGAN BANK Of UTAH OGDEN CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OGOE~ FIRST SECUkl TY BK Of UTAH NAOGOEN CONTINENT Al BA~K A~O TR CO SALT LAKE CITY TRACY COLLINS BK A'<D TR CO SALT LAKE CITY WALKER BANK ANO TR CO SALT LUE CITY ZIO~S FIRST NATL BANK SALT LAKE C ITV VALLEY SANK AND TRUST CO SOUTH SALT LAKE II BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 2 4 OF BRADFORD NATICNAL BANK BRADFORD YE~ SONT NAT I ONAL BANK BRATTLEBORO CALEDONIA NB Of CANVILLE OANY ILLE cow•u,11rv NATIONAL BANK DERBY LINE FACTRY PT NB Of MANCHSTR CTRHANCHESTER CENTER NB OF MIDDLEBURY MIDDLEBURY CATAMOU~T NATICNAL BANK NORTH BENNINGTON RANDOLPH NATIONAL BANK RANDOLPH FIRST N9 CF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD WOO~STOCK NATIONAL BANK WOODSTOCK 10 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE ------------ 5 4 46828 92396 19707 1141027 169389 145348 567995 ·101458 212513 266 144 657 1533 308 12924 2098 1331 5999 4802 4593 929 677 8 1375 3391 617 44805 7866 7155 28065 36546 7134 113 1804 0 5106 5327 5269 5468 5045 4509 0 0 0 0 0 0 31708 603 74 18407 24526 0 929 677 1375 3391 617 13097 7263 7081 %58 12020 7134 •• • • ------------------------------------ YT YT YT YT YT VT VT YT VT YT 17256 182030 14302 27822 31471 20163 34129 24018 54297 21105 232 2583 58 341 429 353 654 564 815 120 474 5419 484 807 836 566 643 556 1359 716 0 4123 0 198 0 1 7 0 D 0 564 70 HAYE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAYE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE --------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 474 5221 484 807 836 566 643 556 1359 716 .... 00 ~ HAYE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REOURED RESERVE 8ALANCE ------------------------ -------------------------------1500110 1500150 l5002b0 15~0210 15J0390 lS004tO 150C490 1500570 15J0710 1500800 26038 20879 UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT • • ••• • • • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DSB 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOi FIEO H.R. 7 MEMBER BANKS NAME 5510020 WASH! NGTON COUNTY NAT BK LOCATION ABINGDON 55 lu02 5 FIRST VIRGINIA BANK-CENTRAL ALBE HARLE CCUNTY Al TAVI STA AnosATTOX BAI LEYS XROAOS 5510\q0 FIRST rlAT BK OF BASSETT BASSETT BERRYVlllE 55IJ220 BAN,C. OF CLARKE COUNTY 5510265 1ST N EXC BK GF MONTGMRY CTYBLACKSBURG 551r.210 NJ.TIUNAL BANK CF BLACKSBURG BLACKSBURG 8LAC KS T CNE '5510290 CJTIZ~~S 8~NK ANO TRUST CO 5510312 SW VIRGINIA NAT 8ANt<:. 8LUEF IELO 5510330 U'JION ~ANK. um TRUST co BOWL I NG GREEN BRIDGEWATER 5510360 PLA'ITERS BK CF BRIDGEWATER ss103qo FIRST NH BK OF BROADWAY BROA DHA Y 5510490 NATIONAL BANK ANO TRUST CO CHAR LOTT ES VILLE CHAT HA"4 5510530 FIDELITY A."1ERtCAN BANK 5510514 FI~ ST r. MRCH NB OF TI DEWATERCHE SAPEAKE CHRISTIANSBURG 55 Ld's 70 BArl'<. OF CHRIST(ANSSUf(G 5510580 FIRST NB OF CHRISTIA~SBURG CHRISTIANSBURG 5510532 FIRST VA BANK OF THE SW CHSISTIANSBURG Cll FTCN FORGE 5510620 F lRST "B OF CllFTOfl FORGE 5510630 ,SOU'HAIN NB OF CLIFTCN FORGECLIFTON FORGE cornuRN 55106.:.0 FAR~ERS EXC BK OF COEBURN 551Q6lt5 PIE~MONT TRUST BANK COLLINSVlllE CDV I NG TON 55106'=!0 COVINGTOP-.,i NATIONAL BANK 5Sl0740 FIDELITY A'1 BK NA CULPEPPER CULPEPER CULPEPER 5510750 SECO~O NS OF CULPEPER 5510770 AM NAT BKtTR CO OF OANVlllE OANVILLE DA.NV 1LLE 55l08JO FIRST NAT BANK OF DANVILLE EOJ t.J8URG 5510fl70 FR.a BK OF EO INBURG I NC 55109')0 CITllENS NS OF EMPORIA EMPORIA EMPCR I A 5510910 FIRST NB OF EMPORJA FAIRFAX CTY ~510940 NATIONAL BANK OF FAIRFAX FAIRFAX CTY 55109'1'-4 FIRST VIRGINIA BANK HRMVlllE 5510%0 FIRST NB OF FAR~VILlE 551109Q F..\R,'-IERS ~ ~[RCHANTS STATE BKFREOERICKSBURG FREDERICKSBURG 5511120 ,iAT BK Of FREDERICKSBURG GALAX 5511160 FIRST NAT BK OF GALAX Gq_UNDV 5511265 GRU'IUY NATIO~Al BAN'<. GRUtl!)Y 5511268 ~H4ERS £. MERCHANTS Bf.TC H4LIFAX COUNTY 5511285 flOELllY A~ BK tlA HA.LIFAX HA:-IPTON 5511320 OLD PT ~IB Of PHOEBUS HANOVER CTY 5511325 HANOVEP NATtmu.L !3A~K HARR I SONBURG 5511350 ROCKl~GHA'1 ~4ATIONAL BANK HARR I SON BURG 5511355 VALLEY N,\TIGNAL 6,\.~K HEATHSVllLE 5511360 BANK CF NORTHU~B~RLANO INC 5510080 FIRST NB OF ALTAVISTA 5510130 FAP~~RS NB OF APPOMATTOX 5510183 HAMILTON BI\NK t TRUST CO VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA. VA VA VA ·vA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA 111 TOEP 121 VL lCSH 40895 19314 26229 20811 35461 44397 20984 666 33112 29209 28151 27842 36096 25431 17242 233392 17700 12764 7 37220 3 7566 289B8 26425 14238 27951 97797 35370 43853 43715 61347 78416 14709 28544 20274 130599 439523 44762 56506 61674 37851 4534 7 351-44 25765 47242 31446 111182 42B76 15429 500 439 310 382 1138 226 496 32B 513 669 503 236 206 4249 163 3954 233 543 769 537 264 456 2076 833 635 774 1610 2044 270 492 353 2541 7859 376 1232 1756 307 1316 618 405 1207 411 1191 485 121 131 1971 REQBAL 141 NEW EPA 1385 441 582 490 1483 805 646 1026 17 0 0 0 169 1020 604 460 1069 896 514 7582 590 3684 1233 1045 474 411 282 749 2433 600 1248 11 B3 1203 1734 362 716 515 4698 18785 1430 1675 1445 1287 807 1044 760 1047 1000 4124 1229 489 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 0 4962 0 1633 283 9 0 0 0 0 1397 0 o 0 0 375 0 0 0 2542 5444 267 225 0 267 0 137 151 NEW REQ8AL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 OIF 131-151 1385 441 582 490 1483 805 646 1026 1020 0 604 0 0 0 0 0 460 1069 896 514 7446 590 3684 1233 1045 0 474 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 471 282 749 2433 600 12-48 1183 1203 1734 362 716 515 4698 8571 1430 1675 1445 1287 807 1044 760 1047 1000 0 0 0 136 0 0 10214 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2087 126 0 0 0 0 0 41H 0 489 1229 • •• • • •• • • • • • . . .•• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • . I-' 00 c., Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HE•~ER BA~KS Ill DSS 551l362 5511363 5511305 5511370 5511425 5511430 !:1511450 '551147!) 5511475 5511~20 55115,5 55115-JO 5511010 5~11625 5511630 5511632 5511695 5511 no 5511710 5511160 5511770 55ll"'tl 5511890 5511050 55119'3 5511~85 5512030 55!2040 551.? lt,O 55I2IA5 5'H2203 5512240 5512260 5512300 5512330 55123'5 55!2350 55\23b5 5512370 5517375 5512410 5512410 5512440 5512400 5512431 5512482 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NA•E LOCATION F IOELITY AftER BK NA RICHIIONDHENRICO CO\JtlTY Ng BANK OF RICHMOND HENRICO CTY VIRGINIA NAT BANKIHENRY CTY HENRY CTY F IOEL ITV A• BK NA NRTHRN VA HERNDON FIRST VIP.'>INIA BAflK-SOUTH HURT GRAYSON NATIO~AL BANK INDEPENDENCE POWELL VALLEY NATIONAL BANK JONESVILLE 8A.N!<. CF LMJC.\STER KILMARNCCK CHESAPEAKE NATIONAL BArlK KILMARNGCK PEOPLES ~B OF LEESBURG LEES!!URG UNITED VA 8K I ROCK8RIOGE LEXl~GTCN FIP.ST NB Of LURA• LURAY PAGE VALLEY NB Of LURAY LURAY f IDCL IT'l' A~ER1CI\N PANY.. NA LYNCHBURG ll'lll ED VA BK I FIRST NAT LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA NAT BK/LYNCHBURG LYNCHBURG FIRST ~ANASSAS BANK & TR CO MANASSAS MARS~ALL NAT BK & IR MARSHALL f IRST N3 OF MARTINVILLE HART I NV ILL£ FA~HERS BA~K Of MATHEWS HATl<EWS ~I 0JL[6URG NATIONAL BANK HIDOLEBURG f IRST N•TIOtlAL ,SANK NARROWS CITIZENS NATIONAL BA'IK NEW ,iARKET 00,"11NIO~ NS CF TIDEWATER NORFOLK UNITED VA BKISEABOARO NAT NORFOLK VIRGINIA NATIONAL BANK NORFOLK flPST NB IN ONANCOCK ONANCOCK FARSERS&MRCH '18 IN ONLEY ONLEY f IR ST NB Of POQUOSON POQUOSON FIDELITY A" BK NA TIDEWATER PORTSMOUTH FIRST VA SANK-MANASSAS NAT PRNC WILLIAK CTY FIRST VIRGINIA BANK-FIRST NAPURCELLVILLE FIRST & •RCH NAT BK RADFORD STATE BANK Of REMINGTON INC RESINGTON RICHLANDS NATIONAL BANK RICHLANDS BAN~ Of VIRGINIA R ICHHOND CENTRAL NAT BK Cf RICHIIOND R ICH•ONO OOSHIIO'I NB OF RICH>IONO R IC>l,.OtlD flRST&,iERCHANTS NB RICHMOND FIRST VIRGINIA BK-COLONIAL R ICHMONO SOUTHERN BANK ANO TRUST CO RICHMOND U~IT~D VIRGINIA SANK RICHMOND VIRGINIA NAT B.ANK/RICH.~ONO R ICHMONO FIRST NAT EXCHANGE BK ROANOKE NEW BANK Of ROANCKE RCMlOKE COLONIAL-AMERICAN NAT BK RCANOKE COUNTY TDEP 121 VL TCSH 131 1971 REQ!AL. VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA YA VA VA VA YA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA YA VA VA VA VA YA YA YA YA VA YA YA 1587 l 154H 16744 23548 36145 20551 27871 29741 19632 35405 28109 22628 17975 384119 119491 16883 21614 19126 131765 22122 20955 35304 22326 114348 364212 1739573 19614 33034 16479 104892 33507 23821 44112 15718 25089 522515 307546 103610 1017912 51422 173280 725602 62252 773874 11043 188292 297 431 616 486 605 418 188 274 308 244 391 524 290 6648 2507 399 529 200 3291 374 103 727 254 2874 11519 40504 268 531 203 4212 1520 273 '116 256 468 8446 4474 1730 16889 1407 2633 8458 724 7361 309 3337 405 179 115 65D 780 379 1051 1026 497 1470 928 420 468 11007 3550 395 583 707 2292 565 860 769 581 3500 11888 59326 577 744 387 1314 507 811 998 340 487 16286 11122 4522 43925 1028 5930 28620 2899 33008 0 56H 141 NEW EPA 0 0 0 0 86 0 63 2 0 236 0 0 0 "842 1830 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 1734 5275 5077 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4991 5118 2610 4879 0 4415 5042 1364 5184 0 3861 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2304 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2746 35423 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7253 3493 0 26022 0 172 17078 0 23119 0 0 161 OIF 131-151 405 179 115 650 780 379 1051 1026 497 1470 928 420 488 8703 3550 395 583 707 2292 565 860 769 581 3500 9142 23903 577 744 387 1314 507 811 998 340 487 9033 7629 4522 17903 1028 5758 11542 2899 ~889 0 5644 •• • ••• ••• •• •• • • • •• •• • •• •• • • • • • • .... f Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER BANKS Ill NAME DSB 5512483 5512484 5512495 5512490 5512500 5512510 5512030 5512632 5;12640 S~l2653 5512655 5512725 '5'512740 5511748 5512760 5512~40 5512850 5>12860 5512880 5512904 5512911 55129-tO 5512950 5512960 5c:;L!975 55129go 5513050 5513070 5513030 5513101 5!11?145 5513150 OF TDEP LOCATION FOLTY AH BK NA ROANOKE YLLY ROANOKE COUNTY FIRST VA BK OF ROANOKE VLY ROANOKE COUNTY UNTO VA BK ~F ROANOKE NA ROANOKE CTY BANKERS TRUST CO ROCKY ~OUNT PEOPL~S NATIONAL SANK ROCKY MCUNT ROU~~ HILL NATIONAL BA~K ROUND HILL SOUTH BOS TON BtTC SOUTH BOSTON UNTO VA BK/C TZNS OF S BOSTONSOUTH BCSTON CITIZENS BANK INC SOUTH HILL ALEXANDRIA NAT BK Of N VA SPP. I NGF I ELD NORTHERN VIRGINIA BA~K SPRINGFIELD UNITED VA BK / NAT VALLEY STAUNTON FIRST NB OF STRASBURG STRASBURG FIRST VIRGINIA BANK N A STRASBURG FIRST NAT BK OF STUART STUART SOUTtiSlOE BANK TAPPAHANNOCK BANK OF TAZEWELL COU'ITY TAZEltELL TAZEWELL NATIONAL BANK TAZEWELL FlqST NB OF TROUTVILLE TROUTVILLE DO'IINION NB OF NORTHERN VA VIENNA UNITED VIRGINIA BANK-NAT VIENNA FAU~lllER NB OF ·wARRENTON WARRENTON WARRENTON PEOPLES NB OF WARRE~TGN U:'~THEF.1\1 NECK ST" BK WARSAW OOMINIGN NATIONAL BANK WASHINGTON CTV BANK OF SAVERLY WAVERLY U'II TED VA BK CF l<ILLIAMS8URGWILLIAMS8URG FAR.SERS & MERCHANTS NAT BK WlNCHESTER SHENANDOAH VALtEY NB WINCHESTER WI SE COUNTY NA Tl ONAL BANK WISE H'I NAT BK OF THE PENINSULA YORK COUNTY FIRST NAT 8ANK 0F YORKTGWN YGRKTGHN 0 124 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE ------------------------------12530050 125301~0 12530290 12530468 12530i65 1253085I 1/17/79 BENEFIT TD BANKS COVERED BY HOOi FIED H.R. T BELLINGIIAM NATIONAL BA~K NORTHWEST NATIOtlAL BAN( FIRST NAT BK OF ENUMCLAW SOUTH SOUND NATIONAL BA~K FAP. .• ERS & MERCHANTS SANK PACIFIC NB OF WASHINGT0,1 74 38 VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA YA VA VA VA VA VA YA VA VA VA VA YA YA VA VA VA VA YA YA YA VA YA VA 16736 51314 49091 32617 40277 15141 37561 30911 26750 135153 127026 41774 24427 47168 25676 31407 50222 30940 13487 138353 456059 39949 21260 25847 69619 15475 69652 144096 61269 63209 125119 16500 121 YLTCSH 337 1130 1282 387 626 118 879 398 551 3069 3448 734 279 617 736 452 1059 425 221 H74 10373 358 433 339 1329 234 1671 2964 943 955 4550 447 131 1977 REQBAL 324 1093 95I 866 965 455 757 957 628 4309 4084 1323 677 1386 254 925 1315 1188 298 4989 18216 1573 620 815 2451 427 1889 4264 1869 2829 3217 275 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a IT 26H 2228 24 0 293 0 0 0 0 0 2589 5262 227 0 0 1166 0 746 2830 767 1548 925 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 8678 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 324 1093 951 866 965 455 757 957 628 4309 40e4 1323 671 1386 254 925 1315 1188 298 4989 9538 1573 620 815 2451 427 1889 4264 1869 2829 3217 275 .•• • • • • • .. •• .••• • • ••• • • • • • • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAYE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE -------------------------------------------------------------------------BELLINGHAM CLARK CCUNTY ENUMCLAW LACEY CPPORTUNI TY SEATTLE WA WA WA WA WA WA 71375 27182 38582 23723 35687 l 005 B88 1301 322 431 490 627 1B389 2899 1003 1184 b98 1156 36440 1514 0 35 0 0 5097 0 0 0 0 0 22566 2899 1003 1184 698 1156 13874 • •• • • .... g: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HEMSER BA:iKS oss BENEFIT TO BANKS COYEREO BY MOOIF IEO H.R. 7 NA~E 12530860 12530867 12530870 12 530~SO 1253~9SO l253J990 12531020 125310~0 OF PEOPLES NAT BANK OF WASH SEATTLE RAINIER NATIONAL BANK SEATTLE SEATTLE-FIRST NATIONAL BANK SEATTLE SEATTLE TRUST ANO SAYINGS BKSEATTLE FIRST NB IN SPOKANE SPOKANE OLD NS OF WASHINGTON SPGKANE FIRST NB OF STANWOOD STANWOOD PUljET SOUNO NATIONAL BANK TACOMA 14 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA 4 3 554,)230 554~235 5540240 5540250 5540260 554J2ao 5540290 554)320 554J390 5540415 5540420 554Q'o25 5r,4J430 5540490 5540495 5540515 554•J550 55405 ~o 5-c;4os?o 5540620 5540630 121 YL TCSH 937993 2318452 4044962 344774 59B30 783B16 23677 456618 17021 35315 69347 6313 1334 15250 356 11764 131 1977 REQBAL 40233 108568 174553 12227 2033 29037 614 12717 141 NEW EPA 5U6 5222 5081 5010 681 5093 0 5024 151 IIEk REQSAL 25213 7H72 109985 3923 0 16789 0 3566 161 OIF 131-151 15020 33796 64568 B304 2033 12248 614 9151 • • HAYE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE ND REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ----------------------5540010 5540060 554,)()70 554JOS5 5540090 5549120 554')1)0 55•n5o 5540170 111 TOEP LOCATION 1/17/79 FIRST NAT BK OF ALDERSON ALDERSON BECKLEY NATIONAL BANK BECKLEY RALEIGH COUNTY NAT OK BECKLEY f IRST NAT BANK OF BELLE BELLE CTZ NB OF BERKELEY SPGS BERKELEY SPRINGS FIPST tlAT BANK OF BLUEFIELD BLUEFIELD FLAT TOP IIAT BK OF BLUEF IELOBLUEF I ELD BRUCETON BAtlK BRUCETON MILLS CENTRAL tlB OF BUCKHANNON BUCKHANNON CHl\q_LESTON NATIONAL BANI( CHARLESTON CITY NAT BK OF CHARLESTON CHARLES TON KANA~HA BK t TR CO NA CHARLESTON KANArJHA VALLEY BANK ~A CHARLESTCN NAT BK Of CHRC OF CHARLESTONCH~RLESTCN PEOPLES BK OF CHARLES TOWN CHARLES TGWN ~MPIRE N9 OF CLARKSBURG CLARK SBUP.G UNl'JN NB OF CLARKSBURG CLAkKSBURG CITIZENS NB Of eLKINS ELK I NS ~OUCEVERTE IIATIONAL BANK FAIRLEA CITY NB Of FAIRMONT FAIR<ONT COSSUNITY BANK ANO TRUST NA FAl•MONT FIRST NB IN FAIRMONT FAIRMONT BANK CF GASSAWAY GASSAWAY GAULEY NATIC~AL BANK GAULEY BRIDGE BLUEY ILLE BANK OF GRAFTON GRAFTON LINCOLN IIB Of HAMLIN HA"LIN FIRST NB OF HINTON HINTON NB OF SUMMERS OF HINTON HINTON FIRST HUNTINGTON NB HUNTINGTON GUAUNTY NB Of HUNTINGTON HUNT IN~TON ----------------kV WV WV WV w~ WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WY WV WV WY WV WV WV WV WV WV WY i,y WV WV WV WV 0 674 349 3432 3536 343 552 3327 386B 755 1296 1B392 117526 114319 21650 17044 B4688 103873 24775 46629 101 1559 2383 574 295 752 1708 293 733 674 3781 3536 343 552 3327 386B 755 1296- 0 2579 2252 0 0 1735 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ZOI072 53672 136932 259036 11B642 17354 5B146 143724 5050 751 1061 3601 3259 1B9 539 1690 878 392 404 59e 1B16 276 253 447 403 332 363 Z144 1497 6653 1698 5927 9543 2506 551 4276 492 4012 5285 564 0 5B2 3B65 0 0 767 367 446 0 439 157 0 0 0 2413 1568 0 0 563 2479 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46925 27545 56974 5290B 79695 24949 27397 35366 2705B 19235 25822 135007 B6938 2002 5564 1216 769 2145 1573 1801 811 1774 1016 786 442 760 4944 3196 Hll 6653 169B 5364 7064 2506 551 2002 5564 1216 769 21•5 1573 1B01 811 1774 1016 786 442 760 4944 3196 • • • •• • • • •• •• •• • .... • BENEFIT 10 BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 >IEM~ER BANKS . 1/17 /79 0 ' w ~ Cl I 058 NAME TDEP LOCATION 121 VL TCSH 0 ~ w w Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5540635 HUNTINGTON TR & SVGS BK HUNTINGTON 55.'.t0645 VALLEY NB OF HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON 55 1,0650 PUTNA.S COUNTY BANK HURRICANE 554Cbg0 NATIONAL BK OF KEYSER KEYSER 5540700 FISST NB OF KEYSTONE KEYSTONE 5540710 ALB~IGHT NB OF KINGWOOD KINGWOOD 5540720 G~EE'rnRtER VALLEY DANK LEWISBURG 55407)0 PlATIO~AL 8K CF LOGAN LOGAU 554,)760 so~.-.~ NB OF MADI SON MAOI SON 55:..1)800 Cl TIZENS NJ CF MAq,JINSBURG MAP.l lNSBURG 5540820 OLD NS OF MART1,issuRG MARTINSBURG H~RTINSBURG ~':!40 8 30 PPL ~B OF "'RTINSSU~G W VA MATEWAN 5'>40840 ~ATEWAN NATICNAL 3A"IK 55 .. 0990 ~l::RCH ~~8 OF ""'0NTGO~ERY HGNTGOHERY 55409)0 MO~TGOMER.Y NATIONAL OANK HONTGO~ERY 5540910 S t.\R VLY NB CF MOOREFIELD NOOR~F 1 ELD 5~ ... 0910 flkST N8 OF MORG,\NlO't4N MC'lGANTOWN 55.:.09)3 su~CREST NATIONAL BANK MORGA NT CWN 454J'?40 FIRST NAT BK AT HOU~OSVILLE MOUNDSVILLE 554!)qg() PEOPLES BK OF MULLENS MULLENS 45't lllJO f IR ST NB OF 1SEW .•ARTINSVILLENEW SARTINSVILLE 5~41020 FtP.ST CLARK NB OF NORTHFORK NORlHFORK 5541030 ~ERCHA~TS & MINERS NAT SK OAK HILL 5541C60 PAR~ERSBURG NATIONAL BANK PAP.KE RS BURG 55410-31) U~IION TRUST NATIONAL BANK PARKERSBURG 55!, 1140 POTO"'AC VALLEY BANK PETERSBURG 'l"i4 l l '58 BAR5WUR cournv BANK PHILIPPI 5'i4ll~0 FJ•ST NB OF PHILIPPI PHILIPPI 5541190 CITIZENS NB OF PT PLEASANT POINT PLEASANT 5'41230 PRPICETON BANK A'ID TRUST CO PRINCETON 55 1d223 WESTERN GREENBRIER NAT BANK RAINELLE 5541?.40 CHER~Y RIVER NB OF RICHHOOO RICHWOOD 5541250 BANK OF RIPLEY RIPLEY 5541260 FIRST NB OF RIPLEY RIPLEY R CMNEY 5541270 BANK CF ROl-lNEY 5'5412~0 FIRST t<B OF RO<NEY RC~UEY 55412?0 FIRST NB IN RONCEVERTE RONCEVERTE 5~41320 BANK OF ST ALBANS ST ALBANS 5541325 CITIZE:,s N4TION.t.L BANK ST ALBANS ST 1J1AI\YS 5541340 PLE4SA~HS cou~nv BANK 55'-14;)J FIR5.T N3 OF S CHARLESTON scum CHARLESTON SPENCER 5541410 Fl<ST '18 CF SPENCEK 5541430 THE TRt.CERS 94NK SPENCER 5541440 FAR~ERS t ~ERCHANTS 8K SUMSERSVILLE 554 lt.&O HCME N9 CF SUI TON SUJTON 5541470 FIRST N3 OF TERRA ALTA TERRA ALT A WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV HY WV WV WV 57609 16311 41480 26836 l92l4 32830 22218 69834 33945 32540 47198 25322 34985 27729 29923 16116 107125 24008 25402 33883 25219 20885 30891 109277 44B48 20841 16178 23945 38895 75327 18166 1584' 17097 27594 20769 15552 2bb54 56<}61 22366 16981 29431 29823 30982 30161 23129 19321 1057 515 206 434 211 568 308 1273 281 258 1435 532 753 696 571 253 1127 777 323 583 536 297 450 2282 899 164 202 307 506 821 360 257 265 675 248 235 298 705 669 238 331 270 318 446 281 220 131 1977 REQBAL 1801 270 1394 691 545 1092 734 2586 1167 1155 898 575 661 500 846 501 4567 209 BIO 902 642 551 962 2780 1155 769 359 698 1206 2520 491 351 448 501 712 442 829 1962 268 466 1027 960 1012 931 691 571 141 NEW EPA 719 0 335 0 0 0 0 979 175 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 2472 0 0 0 0 0 0 1260 9 0 0 0 18 827 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 698 0 0 2, 0 54 0 0 0 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (61 DIF (31-151 1801 270 1394 691 545 1092 734 2586 1167 1155 898 575 661 500 846 501 4567 209 810 902 642 551 962 2780 II 55 769 359 698 1206 2520 491 351 448 501 712 442 829 1962 268 466 1027 960 1012 931 691 511 .•. .•• ..• ..••• . .•• • • • • .. . ..• .•• • • •• • 1--' 00 -;:i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TD BANKS COVERED BY HOOIFIED H.R. 1 HE•BER BANKS 111 DSB NAME LOCATION 5541505 OHIO VALLEY NB OF VIENNA VIENNA Fl•ST NATIONAL BANK WE IRTD~ WElqTQN NATIONAL BANK hEIRTON .scoo·•Ell CTY NAT BK WELCH hELlSBURG NATIONAL BANK WELLSBURG WES TON NA Tl ONAL BANK hESTON FIP.ST NB t TR CO Of WHEEllNGWHEEL ING FlqST WV BK NA-WARWOOO WHEEL ING HALF DCLLAR TR & SVGS BK WH~EllNG s EClJq ITV NAT BK t TRUST CD WHEELING WHE~LI NG DOLLAR SVGS & TR CCWHEEL ING 55,.i 730 BANK OF WHITE SULPHUR SPG WHITE SULPHUR SPG 55417:>0 FIRST NB OF WlllA14SON WILLIAI\SON 5541 7~0 NAT BK OF CHRC OF WILllAHSONWILLIAMSON 4541504 45-1567 5541'570 4541500 5541610 4541650 4'>41654 4541670 4541630 4541720 OF qo BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 55 32 WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV 95'i'}~40 755J3b0 755·)390 7550430 75'50450 7550460 <;550540 7550640 7550656 755l6'10 95509)0 9550910 755oq72 7551070 755112 5 7551170 75~1210 9551340 FIOELITY SAVINGS BANK FIRST N8 OF APPLETON UNIO~ NAT BK OF ASHLANO FIRST NAT BK OF BALDWIN BARABOO NATIONAL BANK FIR ST NB t TRCO OF BARABOO FIRST NAT ~K OF BARRON A~ERICAN NB Of SEAVER DAM I NB & TRCO CF BEAVER OAM FIRST N8 & TR CO OF BELOIT FAR'◄ ERS ANO HERCHANTS BANK FIRST NB OF BERL IN PEOPLES ST BK CF BLOOMER BANK CF BRODHEAD FIRST WISCONSIN NUIONAL BK Bl~( OF BURLINGTON FIRST NB OF CHIOPEWA FALLS ~JRTHWESTERN BANK FIRST NB OF CLINTCNVILLE FIRST NB OF CUUHBUS FIRST NB OF CUDAHY CITIZENS NB OF OA~LINGTDN WISCONSIN STATE BANK SE CUR ITV NB OF DURAND 121 VLTCSH 24211 19948 12239 51157 21175 27586 5H09 15933 45840 64717 106353 21291 40376 44560 622 775 256 1266 286 734 1314 483 94I 1604 2373 487 914 671 131 1977 REQ84l 584 55 133 1413 605 451 1236 113 1259 1674 3177 429 805 1466 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 24 146 1163 0 0 435 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 D 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 584 55 133 1413 605 451 1236 113 1259 1674 3111 429 805 1466 •• •• • • • • • • • • • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTltlPATIDN ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE ------- ---------------------------7550120 7550150 95~0220 95c;o2~0 7550300 75S0310 TOEP 1/17/79 A~TIGO APPLETON ASHLAND BALDWIN BARABOO BARABOO BARRON BEAVER DAM BEAVER OAH BELOIT BE~LIN BERL IN BLOOMER BRODHEAD BROCKF I ELD· BURLING TON CHIPPEWA FALLS CHIPPEWA FALLS CLINTONVILLE COLUMBUS CUDAHY OARL INGTCN DELAVAN DURAND .... -------------------------WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI 29657 1390·72 267H 19857 41967 IB733 13470 395B7 40408 66049 15139 15416 18430 18803 27230 47267 39551 40B08 18017 20065 18259 21074 20882 26767 503 1995 268 97 333 202 79 353 583 929 172 213 178 132 772 389 448 591 216 156 230 117 159 186 817 4160 844 613 1484 511 434 1196 943 2085 382 350 582 507 525 1376 1131 1037 446 627 515 731 602 887 0 2388 38 34 86 0 0 202 0 810 0 0 0 11 0 403 9 0 0 0 0 21 20 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 817 4160 844 613 1484 511 434 1196 943 2085 382 350 582 507 525 1376 1131 1037 446 627 515 731 602 887 • •• •• .• • • • • • • •• .•• • •• • 00 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DSB 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 MEMgER B~~KS NAME 9~5 l 3SO F lRST NAT BK OF EAGLE R !VER EAGLE RIVER EAU CLAIRE EAU CLAIRE CJ55L3BO FIRST WISC NAT BANK ELKHCRN 7551450 FIRST NB OF ELKHORN EVANSVILLE 7551520 UNDN BANK ANO TRUST co 7551580 FIRST WIS NB OF FOND OU LAC FOND OU LAC 7551590 •1AT E XC BKCTR. Of FOND OU LACFcrrn OU LAC 75516Fl0 RAC I NE C GUSTY NAT I ONAL BANK FRANKSV I U E 7,51015 FIR ST Ng CF GLENOALE GLENDALE GREEN BAY 7551385 CITIZENS A,SERICAN BANK NA 1ss1qvo KELLOGG CI Tl ZENS. NAT BANK GREEN BAY 7551929 SCUTHSIOGE BANK OF GREENDALEGPEENDALE 75=il'-H3 FIRST hlSC UAT BK CF SO GA TEGREE NF IE LO HARTFORD 7552010 FI q ST NB CF HARTFORD 95~2Q40 PCOPLES ~AT BK OF HAYWARD HAYWARD 7552110 ST~ TE 8K OF HOWARDS GVE HCH ARDS GROVE QC:,e: 212 C FIRST NAT SK OF H~OSON HUDSON JANESVILLE 75~Z2JO FIA.ST N.\TJONAL BANK JANESVILLE 7552220 ROCK CTY NB OF JANESVIL(E KENOSHA 7552330 BP.(l•,rn NB CF KENOSHA KHtOSHA 75~2340 FIR ST NB OF KENOSHA 75523lt5 KfNOSHA NATIONAL- BANK KENOSHA LA CROSSE 9552441 Fiqsr B.\NK NA 05 '>2442 FIR ST NAT SK OF LA cq,osse LA CROSSE LADY SM I TH 9552490 PIOScER NB OF LADYSMITH lAKE GENEVA 7552505 CITIZENS NATIONAL OMIK LAKE GENEVA 7552510 FIRST NB CF LAKE GENEVA MADI SON 75':J2720 fF{Sl WI NB CF MAD I SON MANITOWOC 7552Bl0 FIPST NB IN MANITOWOC 75S2B30 Me.~U TOWOC SAVINGS BANI( N A MANI Towne MAR HIETTE 7552 ~30 FIRST N3 OF MARINETTE MAJ; !NETTE 75528~0 STEP><ENSON NB OF ~AR I NETTE MARKESAN 7552920 ~A~X.ESA\I STATE 8A.NK HARSHFIELD 75~,2940 CI Tl ZENS NAT BANK t TRUST ~ENA SHA 7553040 FIRST NB OF MENASHA HE~O~ONI E 955?,070 FISST NH BK OF MENOMONIE 7553130 FIRST SISCONSIN NAT BAtlK MILWAUKEE 75".::-3260 MAqPIE r~AT l C~AL E XCHANi;E 81( MILWAUKEE ~IL WAUKEE 7553Z7J Mr: [ MAA. SH,'\LL t ILSLEY BANK ,~~)271 Sl I ~IOR HiERN BANK HlU,.\i.JKEE HI l~A.UKEE 75S 3292 :--i:::RTHRJaGE 8HlK "iC";ROE 7$5)4JO FIRST ~:l CF ."1CNROE NE f. NAH 7">53490 FIR ST ~e OF NfErUH NEENAH 7:".535J0 ~.\FdNE UAT BANK NEILLSl/llLE 7'"5 ~'>lo F 1 A.ST ~.g AT NEILLSVILLE Q~,53630 FIRST N3 OF NEW RICH"ONO NEW RICHHONO 95,;1310 A~ERICAN NATIONAL BK & TR 111 TDEP LOCATION WI WI WI WI HI HI HI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI '" WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI 16222 101672 119693 381.74 14562 65286 71566 39014 32269 29682 201309 21515 28726 27629 31123 13509 I 8762 51006 30751 70886 122070 52 706 357284 94232 16646 21812 31 726 261827 48764 87576 16779 27454 12370 50547 25111 26249 1646020 4576q7 645450 112447 22657 59824 65432 54079 I 7lb2 1706 I 121 VL TC SH 240 1636 2166 300 107 1134 1077 473 488 624 4565 1269 602 389 260 86 213 0so 630 1031 2653 447 7372 1936 152 292 3I 7 3888 581 1086 270 457 102 591 287 218 211,5 IOS87 16137 1640 1138 580 1151 316 127 113 131 141 NEW 151 1977 REQBAL EPA 411 3060 3453 1304 0 0 1521 1533 41 NEW REQBAL 482 0 2885 2529 1216 869 579 5110 1441 1062 41 0 0 3092 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1101 0 578 728 971 389 596 1291 860 2159 3240 1789 12457 2529 544 586 1006 12064 1321 2764 319 684 330 1565 693 822 79530 16433 25586 4052 0 1854 1101 2159 517 U6 52 0 0 218 1659 793 0 0 5284 4149 734 0 0 123 5282 101 1166 0 0 0 0 23 20 5466 5353 5147 2309 0 280 584 0 0 0 0 3988 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57995 bbl1 12297 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1136 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 471 3080 3453 1304 482 2885 2529 1216 869 579 5110 0 578 728 971 389 5~6 1291 860 2159 3240 1789 8308 2529 544 586 1006 8076 1321 2764 319 684 330 1565 693 822 21535 S816 13289 4052 0 1854 1707 2159 517 426 • •• • • • . • • .•• • •• . .•• . .• .••• .•• .• ..... 00 (0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OS~ l/17/19 8ENEF IT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 HE~IJ ER BA"iKS N,\~E 111 TOEP LOCATION 7553698 TR I-CY NB OF OAK CREEK OAK CREEK OCONOMOWOC 7553720 FIRST NB OF GCONC•owoc OCONTO 7553730 FIRST NB OF OCONTO 75539')0 FIRST WI NB OF OSHKOSH OSHKOSH CSHKQSH 7'i5~S20 OSH!<. IJSH NA TI ONAL BANK 95';,~950 HHST NAT BK OF P~RK FALLS PARK FALLS PESHTIGO 7S:iJ870 P[:SHTIGO NAT ICNAL BANK 7553<:;;.(I FIR. ST Nll OF PLATTEVILLE PLATT EV ILLE PLATTEVILLE 75'.:.i396J STATE NB OF PLATTEVILLE 755:3'>')0 FIRST ~A OF PORT AGE PORT AGE 75~,.'.tOJO FIRST NB ·oF PGRT WASHINGTON PORT WASH! NG TON 7554120 FARMERS ~E~CHANTS NAT SK PRINCETON RAC !NE 7554 l60 FI ll. ST NAT I ONAL BK ANO TR RAC I NE 7554164 HERITAGE Na OF RACINE 755416'3 Mf.l AMERICAN BANK & "TRUS'T CORAC l~E RH I NELANOE R 9554250 FIRST NB OF RHINELANDER RICE LAKE 95~0:.270 FIRST WISCONSIN NAT BANK 7554310 FJl<ST N9 OF ~!PON RIPON 9554150 FISST NAT BK CF RIVER FALLS RIVER FALLS 9:,=;4410 rJ~ST NB Of ST CROIX FALLS ST CROIX FALLS SEY/40UR 7554'- 1,0 FI Q:ST NB C.F SEY~OUR SHAWANO 75?4-..9 0 SHA'.,,\NO NAT I ONAL 86.NK 75545JO CITIZENS 8Af.lK. OF SHEBOYGAN SHEBOYGAN 7554530 SEC:Ji:\ITY FIRST NATIONAL BANKSHEBOYGAN SPAHA 7554675 'JNIO',NAT BK ~ TRUST CO 7554750 CITIHSS NB OF STEVENS PNT SIEVENS POINT 75'J', 76 a FI Q. ST ~rn OF STEVE"S PNT STEvrns POINT 7554790 FIR.ST NO CF STOUGHTO:--, STOUGHTON STURGEON BAY 755482C o.e.•~<. Cf STUR(;EON dAY ST UP GEOi-..t BAY 7550:.H25 Fl~ST NB Of STURGEor.; BAY SUPERIOR 955486G FIRST NB OF SUPER JOR 9554870 ,"IAT BK Of CMRC IN SUPER !OR SUPER !OR VIROQUA 7555030 FIRST NS JN VIROQUA WATERTOWN 75C:.518Q MPCH NB OF \'iATERT0~,'4 WAUKESHA. 7555.?QO FIRST NB OF ~AUKESHA WAUKESHA 75552'.)5 YAQI~E NB OF WAUKESHA WAUPACA 7555250 fAR "l:.':R S ST BK OF WAUPACA WAUPACA 7555260 FIRST NB OF WAUPACA WAUPUN 7555270 ~.\ J 3K Of WA 1JPUN 75~,5290 STA.TE BK OF WAUPUN WAUPUN '!5553)0 FIR ST AMERICAN NAT BANK WAUSAU 75~53,)5 FIRST SI N~ OF WAUSAU WAUSAU WAUWATOSA 755 5340 FIRST NS IN WAUWATOSA WEST ALLIS 7S5S370 ~IUUUKEE COUNTY BASK 75553'-JO FIRST NB OF w erno WEST BEND WISCONSIN RAPIDS 7555510 FIRST NB OF WI RAP IDS WI WI WI WI 17197 25471 20216 113971 46462 23006 14486 24316 23533 38902 WI 16118 WI WI WI WI 20365 133142 18750 57500 39666 35008 18176 27111 15145 27718 57773 172944 111799 19426 52595 69964 22138 75763 21036 40383 51919 14430 24371 152252 28568 20271 19914 23766 26604 150270 26147 47972 98158 62551 55965 WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI 121 VL TCSH 544 567 355 2C39 62q 210 104 173 160 580 206 180 25S9 628 1369 786 621 323 360 129 387 354 2534 965 340 794 737 466 1269 272 919 578 151 216 1802 559 368 408 252 218 2367 302 354 931 396 655 131 1971 REQBAL 258 565 428 2790 1231 638 402 805 160 1007 448 528 3628 346 1369 817 800 378 765 442 650 1742 5417 4933 538 1551 2302 422 2072 141 NEW EPA 0 0 0 1253 34 38 0 I 51 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 OIF 13)-15) 258 565 428 2790 1231 638 402 805 154 o 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 1007 0 0 817 46 1866 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 495 o 3535 3405 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 225 865 0 614 554 o 735 1590 404 819 5627 645 460 359 746 836 5082 778 1652 3354 3269 1848 0 205 0 0 3917 0 0 0 0 800 378 765 442 650 1742 5417 4933 538 1551 2302 422 2072 554 0 0 0 0 0 0 735 1590 404 819 5627 o 0 0 60 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 563 346 1369 0 3072 0 428 1818 1687 448 528 3628 645 460 359 746 836 5082 778 l6S2 3354 3269 1848 .•• .••• .••• • • • ...• • • • •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • .... CC) 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ME~3ER BANKS OSB NAME 7555520 WOOD CTY NB OF HIS RAPIDS Of l/17119 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY IIODIFIED H.R. 7 111 TDEP LOCATION WISCONSIN RAP I OS 117 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 56 56 WI 67213 121 VLTCSH 1373 .~, 131 1977 REQBAL NEW 1720 269 EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 161 DIF 131-151 D 1720 0 275 0 1833 0 0 0 0 0 0 811 7223 943 6465 2428 0 507 1176 3757 • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPHION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE --------------------------10560040 10560070 105~0073 l05b00S0 I05bOOgu 10560095 10560008 10~6Jl00 1056') 130 105,.0170 !05t:0160 l05S0185 I056Dl90 10560240 105.50260 J05t0290 \05b:J3\0 10S60320 1056·1330 l05b0170 10560398 I05b03,0 105~0-H 0 10560420 10560425 10'.>h04l0 1J560HO 1J5'?4S•J 1056')51)0 \0560510 l0~6J52U 10560530 135,t..0540 I05o05b0 ()f FIR ST NAT BK OF BUFFALO BUFFALO F IP ST NAT BK OF CASPER CASPER HILL TOP NATIONAL BANK CASPER WYOSltlG NAT BK OF CASPER CASPER CHEYENNE A"ER ICA~ NB OF CHEYENNE FIRST WY BANK NA CHEYENNE CHEYENNE F IP.ST WY BK NA E CHEYENNE CHEYENNE f!RST NAT BK & TR CO CHEYENNE SHOSHONE FIRST NAT BK CODY FIRST NAT BK IN EVANSTON EVANSTON f IRST ~VOS ING SANK EVANSTON EVANSTON FIRST NATIONAL BANK GILLETTE STOCKMEUS BANK & !RUST CO GILLETTE JAC<SON STATE BANK JACKSON FI OST WYOMING BK NA KEMMERERK£•11ERER FIRST WYOMING BANK NA LANDERLA"DER ~t.Nr<. P.f LARA~IE LANAMIE FIRST NB Of LARAMIE LARA'11E FIRST NB Of LOVELL LCVELL FIRST STATE BK Of NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE AS~OICAN NAT BK Cf POWELL PCWELL f IRST NAT ijK Of POWELL POWELL FIRST WYOMING BK NA RAWLINS RAWLINS ElAWLINS NATIO,IAL BANK RAWLINS A"1ERICAN NATIONAL BAN!( RIVERTON FIRST NAT BMlK Of Rl'/ERTON RIVERTON ROC < SPR l.'l~S IIAT IO>aAL BANK ROCK SPRINGS FIRST NB Of SHERIDAN SHtRI DAN SUN~A,.CE SUNJ••.CE STATE BA"< TH[RMOPOLIS F 1RST NB IN THERSOPOLIS CITIZE'IS NU BK & TR CO TORRINGTON f\Q.ST NA110NAL BANK. TCRRINGTCPI f!RST NB IN WHEATLAND "'ttEAfLAND FIRST NB I~ WORLA~D WOP LANO 34 BANKS AFFECTED lPI STATE 12 20 WY HY WY HY WY WY HY WY WY WY WY WY WY WY WY WY WY WY WY WY WY WY WY WY WY WY WY WY WY WY HY WY WY HY 18638 158837 155 Bil Hl7 34038 607 74'18 943 8298 2428 186271 639 75601 52579 22092 70735 32828 24155 21647 31972 81461 43535 465'10 33369 27752 51651 15355 22300 16877 36353 H472 39273 28489 48223 58551 43401 1'1798 21798 33455 18611 20963 23835 1320 311 587 655 299 124 256 282 634 351 312 423 201 603 1'13 109 163 132 269 473 167 419 956 286 52 1'13 170 112 107 179 2503 480 2619 1180 9H 507 1176 3757 1636 2041 1217 1160 2032 515 883 545 1530 1506 1437 1028 2046 0 5088 0 4389 1042 1337 0 1185 0 u 0 73 2245 564 812 10 0 823 0 13 0 204 299 15 47 624 1606 181 2120 753 0 938 782 1'66 77'1 792 879 0 170 0 6 0 HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT DR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALAPICE -------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2503 480 2619 1180 '114 1636 2041 1217 1160 2032 515 883 545 1530 1506 1437 1028 2046 1606 2120 938 782 1466 779 792 879 • • • • •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • . •• • ••• •• • •• ~ ~ ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i/ll/l9 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. l 058 NAME 2720055 BA~CO DE SANTANDER-PR NA OF lOCATION SAN JUAN BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE PR 0 0 ,111 121 TDEP VL TCSH 66155 311 131 1917 141 REQBAL EPA 2664 NEW 151 161 REtBAl 131-151 r•Ew 1922 l5 DIF 2589 HAVE ND EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ill DSB 60\0010 6010015 60100)0 6010065 6010010 6010120 6010121 6010190 6JI0205 6010229 6010250 6010258 6010295 6010305 601031 l) 6010323 NAME BANK Of ABBEYtll~ FIRST BANK OF AlABAShR ALEX ANDER CITY BANK CIT IBANC Of Al ANDALUSIA co••rnc IAL BANK l/ ll/79 BENEFIT fO BANKS COVERED BY HOOIFIEO H.R. 7 NON~EHBER eAHKS TDEP LOCATION ABBEVILLE ALABASTER ALEXANDER Al ANDALUSIA ANDALUSIA ARAB eANK Cf ARAB SfCURIIY BANK AND TRUST co A'U8 BANK CF A Ti40RE ATMORE ATTALLA EXCHANGE BANK AUBURN AUBURN BANK & TRUST CO BAY MINETTE BALD~IN COUNTY BANK BAYOU LA BATRE FIRST ALA BK OF MOBILE CTY BIRHINGHAH BANK OF lHE SOUTHEAST CENTRAL BANK OF BIRMINGHAM BIRMINGHAM FIRST AL BANK OF BIRHINGHAH 81 RH INGHA~ METROBANK B IRHI NGHAH 6010]50 BANK Of BLOUNTSVILLE BLO~NTSVILLE BOAZ 6010370 SANO MOUNTAIN BANK BREWTON 60103SO BANK CF BRfWTON 6010451) CHO CT AW BANK OF BUTLER BUTLER CENTRE 6010520 CHEROKEE COUNTY BANK 60105)0 FARMERS ANO MERCHANTS BANK CENTRE DADEVILLE 60 l 069 0 SANK OF DADEVILLE DECATUR 6010693 FIRST STATE BK OF DECATUR OEHOPOL IS 6010720 ROBERTSON BANKING CO ELBA 6010780 ELBA EXCHANGE 8ANK 6010805 CITIZENS BANK ENTERPRISE 60\0RIO ENTERPRISE BANKING COMPANY ENTERPRISE EUFAULA 6010820 EUFAULA BANK ANO TRUST CO 6010310 CITIZENS BANK FAYETTE FLOMATON 60108'10 E SC AMB l A COUNTY BANK 60l0'i2:0 FAR"IERS ANO MERCHANTS BANK FOLEY 6010G22 SOUTH BALOWI N BANK FOLEY FORT PAYNE 60I0S25 FORT PAYNE BANK 6010930 FORT DEPOSIT BANK FCRT DE POSIT 601 oqbo ALABA!-IA CITY BANI<. GADSDEN GAOS~EN 601Qq90 EAST GADSDEN BANK GEIIEVA 60l0'NS AMERICAN BANK GENE VA 6011000 CITIZENS BANK GREENVILLE 6011055 GP:EE.•nfJLLE BANK 601 IOSO I ST Al BANK Of GUNTERSVILLE GUNTERSVILLE HALEYVILLE 6011110 TRADERS ANO FARMERS BANK 6011140 CIT I ZENS BANK OF HARTSELLE HARTS£LLE 6011143 FIRST Al BANK OF HARTSELLE HARTSELLE HEFLIN 6011160 BANK Of HEFLIN HUNTSVILLE 6011165 BAllK OF HUNTSVILLE titt AL Al Al Al Al AL AL Al AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL Al AL AL AL AL AL Al AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL Al AL AL Al AL AL AL AL AL 2H2l 15370 19940 29491 40644 I 75B5 16533 32781 16694 14606 24743 I 852 8 28729 510662 319352 34024 21242 28540 22737 24032 26687 32458 16584 36175 25302 20833 3lll0 58470 31237 18426 18092 27402 22471 23507 19405 35235 25700 15812 20872 23359 2301 B 43308 25051 20928 29855 48563 121 VLTCSH 240 374 340 362 502 282 454 298 267 212 436 383 802 3050 6672 667 304 582 457 333 402 326 282 587 541 212 308 487 278 312 229 387 328 492 306 715 248 2B2 123 597 345 675 385 502 574 838 l911 14) NEW REQBAL EPA 13) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 15) NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 818 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17509 3201 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o. 0 0 0 0 0 0 5459 5170 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 146 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -17509 -3201 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • •• • • •• • • • • • . • • • •• • • • • •• • . • .•• • • • .• .... '-0 C.:I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 1 NON~EMBER BANKS DSB NAME 6011220 6011225 6011237 6011210 601 \ 3JO 6011310 6011350 6011376 6011420 6011460 6011410 6011505 6011550 6011565 6011585 6011590 6011610 6011640 6011649 6011130 6011140 6011180 6011185 6011860 6011920 6011935 6011970 60120~0 6012125 OF 12020002 12020007 12020008 12020016 12020022 12020060 OF LOCATION JACKSON BANK AND TRUST CO JACKSON HER CHANT 5 BANK JACKSON CENTRAL BK CF WALKER CTY JASPER BANK OF LEXINGTON LEX I NGTON MC HILLAN AND COMPANY BANKERLIVINGSTON LUVERNE BANK .AND TRUST CO LUVERNE HAR I ON BANK AND TRUST CO MARION COM.•ERC I Al GUARANTY BANK MOBILE MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS BANK MONTEVALLO BANK Uf MOUL TON MOUL TON CIT 1Z ENS BANK MCUL TON BANK OF EAST ALABAMA OPELIKA BANK Of OZARK OZARK PEOPLES BAl'IK PELL CITY FtH BANK OF RUSSELL CTY PHENIX CITY PHENIX GIRARD BANK PHENIX CITY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK PIEDMONT BANK OF PRATTVILLE PRATTVILLE COO SA VALLEY BANK RAINBOW CITY EAST lAUOEROA°LE BANKING CO ROGERSVILLE CITIZENS BANK AND SAVll'IGS CORUSSElLVILlE J C JACOBS BANKING CO INC SCOTTSBORO C Ill ZENS BANK ANO TRUST CO SELMA BANK OF SULLIGENT SULLIGENT BANK OF TALLASSEE TALLASSEE BANK Of THOMASVlllE THOMA SY I lLE TROY BANK ANO TRUST COllPANY TROY BANK Of VERNON VERNON CITIZENS BK OF W£TUMPKA Al WETUMPKA 75 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE ALASKA BANK CF. COMMERCE ALASKA PACIFIC BANK ALASKA STATEBANK PED Pl ES BANK ANO TRUST co UNITED BANK ALASKA B H BEHRENDS BAtlK 67 6 ANCHORAGE ANCHORAGE ANCHORAGE ANCHORAGE ANCHORAGE JUNEAU 6 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 0 6 ----------------------------- AL Al AL AL Al Al AL Al Al AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL Al Al Al Al AL Al Al Al AL Al Al l/l 7119 Ill 121 131 141 TDEP VLTCSH 1911 REQBAL NEW EPA 23446 20138 17827 22204 11850 11821 20390 10466 15553 22615 19112 34313 39381 18146 17640 21856 13907 36125 11195 17941 17002 28569 24795 14813 19184 21026 35249 11216 17380 422 411 682 236 H8 241 323 1160 161 615 382 921 673 411 524 6H 212 686 243 263 345 345 330 308 344 551 519 223 368 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1125 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 151 NEW REQBAI. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-UI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• •• • •• •• • •• •• • • ••• •• •• • •• • •• HAVE NO EARIHNGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO HEQUREO RESERVE BALANCE AK AK AK AK AK AK 125202 43939 115184 38139 37190 36732 2387 270 1193 460 124 352 0 0 0 0 0 0 2763 671 2100 309 411 0 0 0 0 0 436 0 HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOIFIEO H.R. 1 NONMEMBER BANKS NAHE DSB 12040056 12040060 12040062 12040095 12J40J97 12040099 12040129 12H0145 OF STATE BANK ARIZONA BANK CONTINENTAL BANK GREAT WESTERN BANK t TRUST THUNDERBIRD BANK UNI TEO BANK Of ARIZONA CITY BANK UNION BANK 111 TOEP LOCATION LAKE HAVASU CITY PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX SUN CITY TUCSON 8 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 2 2 Al AZ AZ AZ Al AZ AZ AZ 25H5 1131864 195072 264 876 57105 391942 17146 101287 l/ 17/19 121 VLTCSH 376 11432 1477 3002 654 3322 133 637 131 1977 REQBAL 141 151 161 NEW EPA NEW REQBAL 131-151 OIF 0 0 0 0 0 5228 5200 5159 1100 5153 0 0 9820 -9820 0 0 0 0 3362 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36299 1928 4132 -36299 -1928 -H32 • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE --------------- --------------- ---·---8050020 8050030 8050040 8050050 8050140 8050145 8050150 80~0155 80502JO 8050220 8050230 805026C 8050270 805J325 8050335 BANK CF AMITY CITIZENS FIRST STATE BANK ELK HORN BANK AND TRUST CO MERCttANTS ANO PLANTERS BANK BENTON STATE BANK UNION BANK BANK OF BENTONVILLE CITIZENS BANK CITIZENS BANK BANK OF BRINKLEY BANK OF CABOT •ERCHANTS AND PLANTERS BANK CITIZENS BANK & TRUST ARKANSAS STATE BANK CLINTON STATE BANK 8050350 8050310 8050380 8<l50420 8050430 8050410 8050500 CORNING BANK DANVILLE STATE BANK BANK OF OAROANELL.E FARMERS ANO MERCHANTS BANK OE WITT BANK ANO TRUST CO MERCHANTS AND FARMERS BANK EXCHANGE BANK UID TRUST CO 00~0345 FIRST STATE BK ANO TR CO 8050620 FORDYCE BANK ANO TRUST CO 8050640 PLANTERS BANK AND TRUST CO 80~0110 BAUK OF GRAVEllE 80507)0 FAR~ERS BA~K 8050800 BA~H<. CF HARRISBURG 80~,'J820 SECU~ I TY BANK 8050850 CLEBURllE COUNTY BANK AMITY ARKADELPHIA A~KADELPHIA ARKADELPHIA BENTON BENTON BENTONVILLE BENTONVILLE BOONEVILLE BRINKLEY CABOT CAMDEN CARLISLE CLARKSVILLE CLINTON COHWAY CORNING DANVILLE DARDANELLE DES ARC DE WITT DUMAS El DORADO FORDYCE FORREST CITY GRAVETTE GREE NWOOO HARR I SBURG HARR I SON HEBER SPRINGS AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR 16322 18616 22967 16478 44228 35930 42577 17026 28779 22978 27262 30964 19693 15573 27167 58241 24213 24582 16542 16234 27318 228H 35552 11292 33601 17645 16579 18042 46759 24140 116 249 198 224 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 160 245 403 2•4 567 701 216 355 361 508 340 307 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 565 0 D 0 832 645 487 164 188 500 831 311 571 123 377 0 0 D. 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 833 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 566 D 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • •• .•• • • • • •• 0 0 0 0 0 380 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H2 219 0 0 0 • • .•• .• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. NON'iEMBER SANKS DSB NAME 111 TOEP LOCATION 1/17/79 1 121 VL TCSH 131 10 1911 NEW EPA REQBAL 8:>50975 FIRST JACKSONVILLE BANK aosoqas aANK Of NORTHEAST ARKANSAS JACKSONVILLE JONE SBORO 805tv;!90 CITIZENS BANK OF JONESBORO JONE SBORO 8050998 FIR ST BK AND TR Of JONESBOROJONE SBORO 8051 0J0 "1ERCANTILE BANK JOtlE SBORO 8051 080 BAI\IK Of LAKE VILLAGE LAKE: VILLAGE 8051140 BANK OF LI NCCLN LlNCCLN 805il75 PULASKI BANK AND TRUST co LI TT LE ROCK LCNOKE 8051210 FIR ST STATE BANK HC (RORY 8051220 BAf..K OF MC CRORY HC GE HEE 8051230 MC GE HEE BANK 8051250 FARMERS BANK AND TRUST co HAGNOL IA 8051270 8 ANi<. OF HALVE RN HAL VERN 8051400 UNION SANK Of MENA MENA 8051420 MONETTE STATE BANK HONETTE 8051430 CQ~"IERC IAL SANK ANO TRUST tOMONTICELLO 8051440 U"II ON SANK ANO TRUS J co MONT I CELLO 8051450 FIRST ST ATE BANK HORR( LTON 805 l4b0 PEOPLES BANK t TRUST CO HOUNTA IN HOHE 8051480 BANK Cf MONTGOMERY COUNTY MCUNT I OA 8051500 PIKE COUNTY ~ANK MURFREESBORO 8051555 MJiCH t PLANTERS BANK NEWPORT 8:)51560 nn N CI TY BANK NORTH LITTLE ROCK 8051580 Pl ANTE RS BANK OSCEOLA 80515'JO BANI". Of OZARK OZARK 80516?0 SfC UR I TY BANK PARAGOULD 8051710 BANK CF POCAHONTAS POCAHONJAS BOSl 750 FAR"IERS AND .'1ERCHANTS BANK PRAIRIE GROVE 8051 760 BANK Of PRESCOTT PRESCOTT 8051815 FRMS t. MRCH BANK ROGERS 8051858 f IRS T SECURITY BANK SEARCY B05leso GRANT COUNTY BANK SHERIDAN 805\90~ AJ/.K ANS AS ST ATE BANK SILOAM SPRINGS 8051920 St1A(.KOVER ST AlE BANK SMACKOVER 8051960 FIRST ST ATE BANK SPRI NGO ALE 3052000 fAR~ERS ANO MERCHANTS BANK STUTTGART 8052040 !3ANK Cf TRUMANN TRUMANN 8U52090 Cl TllENS BANK ANO TRUST co VAN BUREN 8052100 PEOPLES BK C. TR CO VAN BUREN 8052130 BANK OF WALDRON WALDRON 8052160 WARREN 8ANK & TRUST CO WARR EN 8052170 B~'IK CF WEINER WE INER 8052175 MERCHANTS ANO FARMERS BANK WEST HELENA 8052190 BANK OF WEST MEMPHIS WEST MEMPHIS 8052240 CROSS COUNTY BANK WYNNE 8052260 BANK OF YELLVILU: YELLVILLE OF 76 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 64 12 AR AR AR 34781 1098 26653 93310 312 503 580 1069 249 IS5 324 379 ,01 97' 517 283 317 150 408 ,09 ,51 AR 288l9 AR AR AR 80389 19816 AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR 15863 ltl 935 22016 26020 34229 22776 24915 2604ft 16326 2432 8 30280 31066 48414 15034 15629 26557 97470 19229 22515 '2555 22322 16850 19946 26519 't07b6 17941 18219 l 7769 63381 52904 19280 23831 18462 19254 AR AR 31807 19433 29173 lt0328 22149 AR 16110 AR AR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2661 0 1273 0 0 312 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 337 0 0 0 2392 0 0 0 0 211 432 931 3•6 2b1 553 333 323 '75 311 51' 2b0 262 263 828 840 322 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '14 0 0 296 2b5 101 112 63' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •3 0 0 ••6 229 ••• 286 236 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 lb1 0 0 0 813 530 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 Olf 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .• ..... (C 0) .. HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TD BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 1 HEHBER BANKS Ill DSB 9274105 9274110 9274155 92741 d5 9274210 927'235 9274420 9274510 9274520 9274">30 9274535 92 746b5 9274670 9274710 9274713 9274740 927 1,1330 92748!)0 9?74870 927'tS'30 9274890 9275000 92750\0 9275020 9275068 92 75090 9275095 9275~10 9275320 927534'.l 9275}50 927537C 9275394 92 75396 92754l0 9275480 9275520 9275530 9215545 92"15575 qz1ssqo 9275655 9275700 qz1s1a 3 li.?75940 9276090 NAHE TDEP LOCATION SECOND NW NB DF HINNEAPOLS HINNEAPOL IS HINNEAPOtlS THIRD NW NB OF HINNEAPOLS 1ST NB IN MONTEVIDEO MONTEVIDEO FIRST NATIONAL BANK MONTGOMERY FIRST NB IN MOORHEAD HOO RHEAD HORA PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK FI DELI TY ST BK OF NEW PRAGUENEW PRAGUE FIRST NATL BK OF NORTHFIELD NORTHFIELD NORTHFIELD NORTHFIELD NATIONAL BANK NORTHWESTERN STA TE BANK NORTHFIELD VALLEY NATIONAL BANK NOR TH MANKATO TRI CTY ST BK OF GRTONVILLE ORTONVILLE OSAKIS FIRST NAT BK OF OS~KIS FIRST NH BK OF CWATONNA CWATONNA NOR lHSESTERN NB OF O•ATONNA OWATONNA PARK RAPIDS CITIZrnS NB OF PARK RAPIDS FIRST NAT BK OF PINE CITY PINE CITY F !~ST NB OF PIPESTONE PIPESTONE PI PESTONE NA Tl 0'1AL BANK PIPESTONE PLAINVIEW FIRST NB OF PLAINVIEW PEOPLES STATE BANK PLAINVIEW FIRST NW NB OF RED WING RED WING GOOOHUE CTY NB OF RED WING RED WING FIRST NORTHWESTERN NAT BK REDWOOD FALLS SUM"IIT ST BK OF RICHFIELD RICHF IELO ROCHESTER FIRST NB OF ROCHESTER NW NB OF ROCHESTER ROCHESTER FIRST NB IN ST CHARLES ST CHARLES f I RST AM~R NB OF ST CLOUO ST CLOUD ST CLOUD ST CLOUD NAT BK & TR CO ZAPP NATIONAL BANK ST CLOUD FIRST NS AT ST JAMES ST JA~ES SHELARO NATIONAL BANK ST LOUIS PARK PARK NATI0.'1-IAL PARK ST LOUIS PARK ST PAUL A:~E•ICAN NAl BAK & TR FI RS T NB OF ST PAUL ST PAUL LI BER TY ST ATE BANK ST PAUL ~IO~AY NB OF ST PAUL ST PAUL NW NAT BK OF ST PAUL ST PAUL ST PAUL SUM"lll NATIONAL BANK ST PETER FIRST NB OF ST PETER SAUK CENTRE FIRST NATIONAL 6ANK StiAKCPEE FIRST NB OF SHAKOPEE NW N!3 OF S ST PAUL SOUTH ST PAUL FIRST NATIONAL BMlK STILLWATER 1ST "WSTRN NB OF TWO HARBORSTl,O HARBORS co MN MN MN HN MN HN HN HN MN MN MN MN. MN MN MN ·MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN HN MN MN MIi MN MN MN MN MN MN HN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN ~N MN 36482 48099 40961 14911 78032 23688 13736 18719 16798 21121 21438 12788 12750 30556 55240 18674 20909 29079 14627 20785 14359 30904 42926 3667 2 24345 102134 117534 18787 88405 42461 55887 16055 16140 24053 219510 1259522 32534 107984 219883 18715 29729 19258 27668 64239 46126 18468 1/11/79 121 VLTCSH 231 419 414 120 320 140 64 89 156 167 184 93 H 201 433 357 127 202 76 89 100 261 398 214 453 1456 1813 !13 1079 517 813 218 284 304 4012 7389 277 1443 1562 372 187 110 374 389 306 152 131 1971 REQBAL 141 NEW EPA 1598 1~79 338 1127 380 3136 714 466 682 478 646 667 355 400 1083 2168 472 752 1032 513 698 428 1002 1301 1115 789 3268 3067 519 2554 1223 1440 315 442 829 6828 57356 1180 4111 8624 413 918 569 1006 2142 15'1 531 129 0 1386 56 0 493 24 0 4 0 0 0 251 131 0 8 0 0 32 0 BO 263 185 0 1601 1485 3 1285 118 174 0 0 0 4384 5231 13 2'15 4936 0 191 22 0 1090 616 0 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43361 0 0 1332 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF I 31-151 1598 1679 1127 380 3136 714 466 682 478 646 667 355 400 1083 2168 472 752 1032 513 698 428 1002 1301 1115 789 3268 3067 519 2554 1223 1440 315 442 829 6828 13995 1180 4111 7292 413 918 569 1006 2H2 15H 531 .• •• •• • • • • .••• • • • •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • .... (0 -.:i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 111 0SB NAME 9276200 FIRST NB Of VIRGINIA 9276210 NW STATE BK OF VIRGINIA 9276240 FrnST NB BK OF WACONIA 9276250 FIRST NB OF WAOENA 92762&0 WADE~A STATE BANK 9Uo262 PL4Z4 PARK STATE BAN~ 92 762 70 FIR ST NS Of WALKER 9276350 FIRST NAT BK OF SASECA 0276565 CITllENS NB OF WILLMAR 9276570 FIRST NB OF ~ILLMAR 02 76590 FIRST NB OF WIN00~ 9276610 FIRST NORTHWESTERN NAT BANK 9276640 MERCHANTS NB OF WINONA qz76650 WINONA NAT & SAVINGS BK 9276685 FIRST NB IN WORTHINGTON OF T0EP LOCATION HN HN HN VIRGINIA VIRGINIA WACONIA WADENA WADENA WAITE PARK WALKER WASECA WILLMAR WILLMAR WINDOM WINONA WINONA WINONA WORTHINGTON 154 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 68 19 HN HN MN HN HN HN HN MN MN MN HN MN 1>2eosqo 8280650 62S07Z0 6290140 6290750 6290900 62d0'H 0 6280<:l&O 6280970 8291010 6281190 6281250 62H270 d28 l3·J5 6281325 6231355 8281400 6281405 BILOXI METROPOLITAN NATIOIIAL BANK FIRST NAT BK Of CLARKSDALE CLARKSDALE FIRST COLU~BUS NATIONAL BANKCCLUHBUS MERCHANTS ANO FARMERS BANK COLUMBUS C0R !NTH NAT BK OF CMRC Of CORINTH BANK Cf FORE ST FOREST GREENVILLE f JRST NAT BK Of GREENVILLE GULF NATIONAL BANK GULFPORT Cll I lE~S BK OF HATTIESBURG HATTIESBURG FIRST Ml SSISSIPPI NAT BK HATT I ES BURG DEPOSIT GUAPANTY NAT BA~K JACKSGN JACKSON FIRST NAT BANK OF JACKSON C0HSfRC I Al NB ANO TRUST CO LAUREL FIRST NATIONAL BK Of LAUREL LAUREL LEXINGTON FIRST NAT BK Of HOLMES CTY Cl Tl HNS NAT BK OF ~ERIOIAN MERIDIAN HOSS POINT PASCAGOULA HOSS POINT BANK BRITTON ANO KOONTZ FIRST NB NATCHEZ fJRSl NATIONAL BANK NEW ALBANY FIRST NATIONAL BK Of NEWTON NEWTON OCEAN SPRINGS FIRST NB Of JACKSON CTY OXFORD FIRST NAT BA~K Of OXFORD PASUGOULA CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 0 57475 62601 23128 16521 IB022 19204 20189 30432 20379 38117 22698 68217 B5267 50887 47265 121 VL1'SH 652 1097 1B7 161 163 539 110 288 317 422 104 935 5B5 514 591 131 1977 REQBAL 1579 1284 793 512 630 256 801 950 397 1081 803 1736 291" 1460 1286 141 N[W EPA 151 NEW A[ ~BAL HS 0 0 0 H3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 186 62 434 1714 596 0 161 DI f 01-1 SI 1579 128', 793 512 630 256 801 9S0 397 IDBI B03 1736 291" 1460 1286 • • • • • • • .. . • • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPAT 1011 ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RE SERVE BALANCE ------------------------------------6280165 8280325 8280300 82804()0 8280425 1111119 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY ~O0IFIE0 H.R. 7 MEMBER BANKS -----------HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS MS HS MS HS HS HS MS HS HS MS HS HS -----------------------------------------16614 34062 72200 41947 35343 22227 53142 48979 46983 259227 825483 721,352 80659 66847 24844 78061 55599 34617 44868 16109 40382 27255 16028 332 763 1137 1333 545 300 1148 1111 1675 6708 10641 14701 1992 1323 386 204B 2504 914 967 276 1472 392 257 340 640 280b 899 1299 752 1363 683 784 9967 39382 30537 2138 1714 H5 1708 1233 929 1"58 352 661 1011 410 0 0 872 0 217 0 241 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5988 2813 5670 6029 1196 271 0 563 0 0 279 0 0 0 0 28920 22630 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 340 MO 2806 899 1299 152 1363 083 784 7154 10462 7907 2138 1714 745 1708 1233 929 l458 352 66I I0ll 410 • • • • •• • . .• • .••• •• ...... cc 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MOOIFIEO H.R. T NON~EHSER SANKS DSB 12060013 120~0018 12060047 120,0075 12060145 12060167 120f.0240 I 20~0350 12060353 12060365 12060440 12060441 l20b0442 I 20b045 7 12060460 12060468 12060480 l20t0495 12060526 12%0535 12060538 l 20b0 559 120h0560 I20b0562 IZ0605S5 12060614 120b0b30 l2060b32 12060644 12060645 l20b0663 12060665 iC060690 12060686 I20~06SB 12060702 l2C60703 12060706 12060708 12060713 12060718 12060119 12060744 I 2060 74 5 12060756 12060763 NAME CONTINENTAL BANK HER IT AGE DANK MID&STATE BANK CAllFORNIA REPUBLIC BANK SHASTA COUflTY BANK CHINO VALLEY BANK CITIZENS M OF COSTA MESA ~A"K CF DOWNEY GOLOEN STATE BANK FIRST SECURITY BANK scon VALLEY BANK BANK CF LOLETA 111 TDEP lot ATl ON ALHAMBRA ANAHEIM ARROYO GRANDE BAKER SF I ELD BURNEY CHINO COST A MESA OOWNEY DOWNEY ELK GROVE FORl JONES FDR TUNA fRE:--tOtH BANK FREMONT GARDENA RE•UBllC BANK GAVILAN BM<K GILROY GRASS VALLEY Gf.lLO COUNTRY BANK HAWTHORNE cc••oNWEAL TH SANK SAW<: OF HEMET HEHET PACIFIC CITY BANK HUNllNGTON BEACH c:o .... ~lJN IT Y BANK HUNT ING TON PARK BANK CF IRVINE IRVINE LA JOLLA lA JOLLA BANK &TRUST co BANK OF LAKE COUNTY LAKEPORT GROSSMONT BANK LA MESA CC AST DANK LONG BEACH HARBfJR BANK LONG BEACH AMERICAN CITY BANK LOS ANGELES BANK OF FI NANCE LOS ANGELES CAll FORNIA KOREA SANK LOS ANGELES CAl IFORNlA OVERSEAS BANK LOS ANGELES CATHAY BANK LOS ANGELES CENTURY BANK LOS ANGELES FIRST LOS ANGELES BANK LOS ANGELES FIRS! PACIFIC BANK LOS ANGELES Gil SORE CO"H~RCUL & SVGS BKLOS ANGELES IMPERIAL BANK LOS ANGELES l!'IDEPENOENCE BANK lOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES JAPAN CALIFORNIA SANK LLOYDS BAIIK CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES lDS ANGELES MANUFACTURERS BANK LOS ANUELES HITSU81SHI SANK OF CALIF MITSUI BANK Of GA LOS ANGELES TOUI BK Of CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES lOS AN,EtES TRANS-WORLD BANK WE STERN BANK CF COMMERCE LOS ANGELES FIRS! SlATE BK OF SOUTH CA LYWOOO tA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA Cl CA CA CA CA tA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA Cl CA 57908 32410 75097 61808 24673 28580 31281 41781 138484 20674 20660 20788 47098 34236 46306 17962 21149 31940 31526 229652 21965 42282 27399 56866 40956 27369 132337 28147 "7078 50471 79837 52257 129148 41130 33071 329899 9380I 62610 1450256 415400 201145 101066 102528 47548 31373 32859 I/IT/T9 121 VLTCSH 375 392 1830 1546 426 714 317 678 2044 U7 467 260 170 390 1066 316 95 640 868 1363 241 309 SOT 286 438 330 683 530 276 362 773 453 260 230 270 1986 804 2H 12182 1122 2709 108 485 823 223 693 141 131 l9TT NEW REQBAL EPA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1202 35 1149 236 0 D 46 138 4252 0 0 0 343 218 0 0 0 0 0 5170 0 592 0 1593 0 0 SITO 0 402 805 1309 1248 5127 712 0 98 0 0 5151 2H9 1501 5156 5169 5139 2515 3643 2H ~97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 151 NEW REOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4347 0 0 0 0 0 0 569 0 0 0 0 0 417 0 0 10559 0 0 4964I 15426 1585 595 HZ 0 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4H7 0 0 0 0 0 0 -569 0 0 0 0 0 -417 0 0 -10559 0 0 -4964I -I ~426 -1585 -595 -142 0 0 0 0 0 •• .••• •• • • • • .. • .• • • • • • • • • • • • ..• ..... ~ ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON~EMBER BANKS DSB 12060800 12060880 17.060884 12060885 1206oq42 I2J61010 120H048 12061D60 12061118 12061161 12061166 12061180 12061190 12061220 12061230 12·J6I250 12061265 120~1326 12061330 12061)95 l206H'20 12061430 I2D61432 12061434 12061437 12061440 12061441 12061443 12061446 12061454 12061460 12061465 12061473 12061475 12061493 12061495 1206I4a7 12061489 12061525 120~1532 12061549 12061555 I20tl597 12061630 12061670 12061687 NAHE BENEFIT TO BA!lKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 Ill TDEP LOU Tl Oft CENTER STATE BANK MODESTO NA PA VAllEY BANK NAPA &HER ICAN STATE BANK NEWPORT BEAtH BANK OF NEWPORT NEWPORT BEAtH FIRST ENTERPRISE BANK OAKLAND BANK OF A LEVY OXNARD tAMINO-CALIFORNIA BAftK PALO ALTO Cl CM TR&SVG BK Of PASADENA PASADENA VALENCIA BANK PLACENTIA NORTH VALLEY BANK REDDING BAIIK OF REDLANDS REDLANDS MECHANICS BANK R ICH~OND BA'IK OF RIO VISTA RIO VISTA FIRST CITY BANK ROSEMEAD CITIZENS BK CF ROSEVILLE ROSEVILLE CAPITOL BANK CF COMMERCE SACRAMENTO RIVER CITY BANK SACRAMENTO PENINSULA BK OF SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO TRUST & SAYINGS BKSAN DIEGO AMERICAN ASIAN DANK SAN FRANCISCO BANK OF CANTON OF CALIFORftlASAN FRANCISCO BANK GF MONTREAL CALIFORNIA SAN FRANC I SCD BANK OF THE ORIENT SAN FRANCISCO BK OF TRADE OF SAN FRANCISCOSAN FRANCISCO BARCLAYS BANK OF CALIF SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA CANADIAN BANK SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA FIRST BANK SAN FRANCISCO CHARTERED BANK OF LONDON SAIi FRANCISCO COM~ERC!Al BANK OF SAN FRAN SAN FRANCISCO FRE"ICH BANK OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO HIBERNIA 8A'IK SAN FRANCISCO HONGKO•IG BK OF CALIFORftlA SAN FRANCISCO PHILIPPINE BANK OF CALIF SAN FRANCISCO Rrnwooo BANK SAN FRANCISCO SAtlWA BK OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO SU~ITOMO BANK OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO TORO•ITO DOMINION BK OF CALIFSAN FRANCISCO WESTERN BRADFORD TRUST CO SAN FRANC I SCD COM~UNITY BAll,K OF SAN JOSE SAN JOSE PACIFIC VALLEY 8ANK SAN JOSE FIRST CENTRAL COAST BANK SAN LUIS OB I SPD BANK OF MA~IN SAN RAFAEL SANTA ANA WESTLANOS BANK SANK OF SA>HA CLARA SANTA CLARA SANTA MONICA BANK SANTA MONICA SANTA ROSA BANK OF SONOMA COUNTY tA tA tA tA CA tA CA CA tA CA CA CA CA CA tA CA tA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA tA CA CA CA CA CA CA tA CA 1/11/19 IZI VLTtSH 35768 955 31869 35012 94670 22314 l8H90 22516 22541 50226 321'56 2231't 223740 20817 91140 26032 36028 62048 21090 422435 23024 °151258 729 55442 1't672 16305 515121 ~48210 1927653 282161 32458 78889 404~83 I311H 13869 109060 2723'71 1005886 56011 14499 61'78 2957'1 32963 187787 115207 20182 163190 64176 184 914 146 2513 233 216 131 1911 141 NEW REQBAL EPA 0 0 0 0 0 497 D 0 0 0 0 246 D 2830 122 1337 249 114 0 534 1558 172 12881 69 525 168 446 132 5704 2281 20937 3251 123 201 4013 849 45 594 935 7782 116 2 1002 130 1026 1400 154 314 1816 1108 0 D D 0 0 221 2287 0 5101 0 0 750 0 18 5119 24 2070 4 242 573 0 5053 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250 1949 0 0 0 0 0 1871 5099 3003 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 168 ♦ 0 5252 5179 5198 5141 35 ♦ ,, 3343 5238 5225 1369 112 900 532 0 5112 4257 0 5115 50 151 NEIi AEQBAL l&I DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lH 0 -154 D 0 0 0 1068 0 0 0 0 0 0 3548 0 2175 0 0 0 15120 7281 70327 3854 0 41 7HO 376 0 0 6281 3405,l 0 a 0 0 0 1710 720 0 258 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1068 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3548 0 -2115 0 0 0 -15120 -7281 -70327 -3854 0 -H -7140 -376 0 0 -6281 -34051 0 0 0 0 o. -1770 -120 0 -258 0 .. • . •• •• • • .•• • • • •• • • • • • •• • • g Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NONHEMBER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVEREO BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 Ill NAME DSB 12061690 12061730 12061169 12061710 12061180 12061852 12061856 12061860 12061SS5 12061922 12061924 12061926 12061930 12%1980 Of EXCHANGE BANK SANTA ROSA HO~E BANK SIGNAL Hill SANK OF AG~ICULTURE AND COMHSTOCK TON BANK Of STOCKTON STOCKTON UNIO~ SAFE DEPOSIT BANK STOCKTON ELDORADO BANK TUSTIN SA'IT IAGO BANK TUSTIN SAVltlGS BK OF MENDOCINO CTY UKIAH VACA VALLEY BANK VACAVILLE SOUTHWEST BANK YI STA A~FRICAN BANK £ TRUST co ~ALNUT CREEK BANK Of CONTRA COSTA WALNUT CREEK BANK Of ALEX BROWN WALNUT GROVE BANK Of WILLITS WILLI TS 106 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE ------------10080034 100 80038 10080050 lOOS0011 10080079 100 SO IZ8 10080133 10080140 10080210 100802'4 100~0245 10080296 1000,0JOO 10080HO 10080340 10080352 I 008036 I l00!:!0390 10090455 10080495 10080499 10080495 100804H 10080500 LOCATION 31 4T CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA 1/17/79 TDEP 121 Yl TCSH l6H12 91333 21791 169818 126585 36967 53323 72258 31233 133354 15165 27838 51916 16646 1825 1789 444 1864 1000 454 554 1225 801 2214 116 348 496 336 131 1971 REQBAL D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 5106 1943 0 4165 3114 451 .930 694 0 3557 0 0 691 0 151 NEW REQBAL 22 0 0 4H 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DI f 131-151 -22 0 0 -441 -140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .• • • • • •• HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQ\JRED RESERVE BALANCE _________ ,._________________ . ---------------------------------------------------------------- ARAPAHOE BANK ANO TRUST ARAPAHOE COUNTY ARVADA STATE BANK ARVADA BANK OF ASPEl'l ASPEN AURORA PEOPLES BANK £ TRUST CO UNITED BANK OF AURORA AURORA U~I TEO BANK Cf BOULDER BOULDER UNITED BK OF BROOHFIELD BROOHFI ELD FAR,.ERS STATE BANK BRUSH CASTtE RCCK 8ANK CF OOUGlAS COUNTY A•ERICAN HERITAGE BK £ TR COCOLCRADO SPRINGS CENJRAL COLORADO BANK COLORADO SPRINGS UNITED BK OF COlORAOO SPGS COLCRADO SPRINGS CITIZENS STATE BANK CORTEZ MOFFAT COUNTY STATE BANK CRAIG COLORADO 8K t TR CO DEL TA BANK Of DENYER DENVER CENTURY BA~K AtlD TRUST DENVER COLORADO STATE 8ANK DENVER GUARANTY BANK ANO TRUST COHPDENVER DENYER HOUNJAIN STATES 8ANK HI O STA JES BANK OENVER DENVER NOR JH DENVER BANK SOUTHWE 51 STATE 8ANK DENVER UNIO~ BANK£ TRUST DENVER NI 0 ~ co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co 23026 35926 34242 293 467 B16 54523 7Zl 268\ 7 51528 25430 18059 18061 23024 66557 31146 16751 35354 28242 35186 24368 73l21 B0686 66~~4 25833 36153 36188 50117 H5 1010 600 130 115 399 1027 787 270 216 272 6ll 316 1265 366 642 349 599 743 407 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 610 0 250 0 0 0 0 1040 0 0 138 0 0 0 1308 1963 1316 0 0 0 806 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • . . • • •• • • • • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON~EMBER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 1 ,·11 DSB 10080528 100807 H 10030820 10080926 100~10l5 10081050 10091074 10031005 10081115 10oe 1zqo 1~081300 !OOSIJ05 10081423 OF NAME BANK Cf DURANGO BANK Of GLENWOOD UN I TEO BANK OF GREELEY CHATFIELD BANK JEFFERSON BANK & TRUST CCMMERCIAL BK OF LEADVILLE U~ITEO BANK OF LITTLETON UNI TEO BANK CF LONGMONT HOME STATE BANK M!.~'IE QUA BANK PUEBLO BANK & TRUST CO UNI TEO BANK OF PUEBLO BANK OF VAil LOCATION TDEP DURANGO GLENWOOD SPRINGS GREELEY JEFFERSON COUNTY LAKEWOOD LEADVILLE LI TH ETON LONGMONT LOVE LANO PUEBLO PUEBLO PUEBLO VAil 37 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 24 13 co co co co co co co co co co co co co 231H 16681 55541 22174 113860 17437 498)3 19356 21772 43234 54668 32121 22899 1/17/79 121 VL TCSH 355 222 484 131 141 l•HT NEW REQBAL EPA 0 0 0 D 0 973 0 3838 377 0 792 0 288 463 334 188 663 739 399 1127 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 I NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 674 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 143 618 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • • .•• • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------N) 2090093 2090115 1090205 2090270 1090466 1090470 2090500 1090523 1090530 1090595 1090665 1090710 1090180 1090980 1091070 1091110 l091lll 1091198 1091225 2091240 lOOIJ30 1091420 2091440 1091450 1091460 CITYTRUST BRIDGEPORT lAHYETTE BANK ANO TRUST CO BRIDGEPORT CHE STER BA~K CHESTER DANBURY BANK & TRUST COHPANVOAN9URY CTZNS BK & TC OF GLASTONBURYGlASTONBURV GlA STONBURY BANK ANO TR CO GLAS TON BURY GREENWICH PUTNAM TRUST CO CHARTER OAK BK & TR CO HARTFORD HARTFORD CONSTITUTION BANK & TR CO HARTFORD GUARANTY RANK & TRUST CO HARTFORD UNITED BANK ANO TRUST CO SALISBURY BANK & TRUST CO LAKEY lllE HOME BANK ANO TRUST COMPANY MERIDEN NEW BRITAIN BANK ANO TR CO NEW BRITAIN FIRST BANK NEW HAVEN SECOND NEW HAVEN BANK NEW HAVEN UNIO~ TRUST COMPANY NEW HAVEN NEW MILFORD SK ANO TR co NEW MILFORD co.~HUNITY BANKING co NOR TH BRANFORD MERCHANTS BANK ANO TRUST co NORWALK PLAINVILLE TRUST COMPANY PLAINVlllE SEY~OUR TRUST COMPANY SEYMOUR VALLEY BANK+ TR CO SHH TON SIMSBURY BANK ANO TRUST CO SIMSBURY SOUTHINGTON BANK & TRUST CO SOUTHINGTON CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT 487264 68123 24436 26886 30148 41399 155375 33486 39582 33464 166893 18686 64907 68338 359894 261937 807163 16434 45668 64138 39012 351.61 1TH3 55411 25218 7429 1597 158 449 694 746 1584 595 989 576 28 52 264 1407 1131 86H 6656 177 21 288 1243 1379 893 126 397 662 955 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5132 993 106 o. 0 0 0 5127 177 0 0 0 0 0 0 4856 0 822 1487 0 0 0 0 0 5112 5105 5240 0 0 0 1134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 0 0 10987 0 0 0 862 0 0 0 0 0 5415 922 21582 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -10987 0 0 0 0 0 -111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5415 -922 -21582 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • . • • • • •• ..• • N) IION~EHBER BANKS . 0 ' <0 NANE DSB 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HODIF IEO H.R. T LOCATION Ill TDEP 121 VLTCSH 20517 lD9587 34H5 15459 453184 57358 8293" 55381 21622 630 1387 ~ . 131 1977 REQBAL 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REOBAL 161 DIF 131-151 0 <0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1091505 2091528 2091530 1091610 1onno 1091755 2091800 1091820 1091882 OF SOUTH WINDSOR BK , TR CO FIDELITY TRUST CO FIRST STAMFORD BANK C TR tO TERRYVILLE TRUST COMPANY COLONIAL BANK AND TRUST CO HA TTATUCK BANK C TRUST tO WESTPORT BANK C TRUST tD WILLIMANTIC TP.UST COMPANY NORTH AMERICAN BANK C TR to SOUTH WINDSOR STAHFORD STAMFORD TERRYVILLE WATERBURY WATERBURY WESTPORT WllllHANTIC WOLCOTT 34 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 16 12 CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT tT 480 571 7916 1031 1010 B49 281 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2800 0 0 5172 468 2105 706 0 0 0 0 0 8806 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -8806 0 0 0 0 • • • • ••• HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ------------------------------------------------3100050 3100145 3100180 3100280 3100325 3100360 3IOH85 3100410 OF FARHERS BK OF THE ST OF DEL SUSSEX TRUST CDHPANY MILFORD TRUST CONPANY BALTIMORE TRUST COMPANY B4NK OF DELAWARE DELAWARE TRUST COMPANY PEOPLES BANK C TRUST CO Wll~INGTON TRUST COMPANY OCVER LAUREL MILFORD SELBYVILLE WILMINGTON WILMINGTON WILHINGTON WILHINGTON 8 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 2 2 OE OE DE DE DE DE DE DE 314591 79261 18829 . 48208 524384 43B402 2587B 882559 6308 1033 2DO 847 8081 600 925 8115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5160 1090 0 60 5315 5157 0 SHI 6793 0 0 0 13511 10183 0 35569 -6793 0 0 0 -13511 -10183 0 -35569 •• • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION. Acc·ouNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ----------- . ----------------------5110070 INDUSTRIAL BK OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTCN OF I BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE I 0 DC 49730 1246 0 0 -------------- ----------------------------------------6120030 6120042 6120050 6120060 STATE BANK OF APOPKA FIRST STATE 8ANK OF ARCADIA SUN BANK OF AUBURNDALE AVO'I CITRUS BANK APOPKA ARCADIA AUBURNDALE AVO'I PARK 0 0 HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE Fl Fl Fl Fl 38845 15103 24140 25939 -------------698 34'1 531 438 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • ~ 0 c,., Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON"EHBER BANKS DSB 6120065 6120074 6120078 6120079 6120090 6120100 6120105 6120125 6120140 6120141 6120155 6120157 6120164 6120175 6120190 6120197 6120lq8 6120199 6120202 6120204 6120'236 6120254 6120257 6120260 61202~5 6120290 6120292 6120293 &120~94 61203JO 6120304 6120330 6120331 6120335 6120336 6120365 6120370 6120382 6I203S5 6120397 6120400 6120431 612044I 6120442 6120443 6120449 NAME BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOi F IEO H.R. 7 111 TOEP lDCATION CITRUS & CHEHICAl BANK BARTOW BARNETT BANK OF BAVSHORE BAY SHORE GARDENS BANK OF BEllEVIEW BELlEVIEW BANK OF BELLE GLADE BELLE GLADE ELLIS BANK OF BLOUNTSTOWN BLOUNTSTCWN BANK CF BONIFAY BONIFAY FIRST BK&TR OF PALM BCH CTY BCYNTON BEACH BRANDON STATE BANK BRANDCN HERNANDO STATE BANK BROOKSVILLE BARNETT BANK OF JACARANDA BROWARD COUNTY FLORIDA BANK AT BUSHNELL BUSHNELL CAPE CORAL BANK CAPE CORAL COHBANK/CASSELBERRY CASSELBERRY LEVY COUNTY STATE BANK CHI EFL ANO BANK OF CLEARWATER ClEARWATER COSSUNITY BK OF CLEARWATER CLEARWATER CLEARWATER BEACH BANK CLEARWATER EXCHANGE B&TC OF CLEARWATER CLEARWATER CLEARWATER FLORIDA BANK OF COHHERCE NORTHEAST BANK OF ClEARWATERClEARWATER BARNETT BK OF COLLI ER CTY COLLI ER COUNTY SUN BANK OF HIAHI CORAL GABlES BANK OF CORAl SPRINGS CORAL SPRINGS FLGSHP PPLS BK OF CRSCNT CY CRESCENT CITY CRYSTAL RIVER BANK CRYSTAL RIVER BANK CF PASCO COUNTY DADE CITY SOUTHEAST BANK OF OADElAND DADE COUNTY SKYL•KE STATE BANK DADE COUNTY Ml A~I LAKES FIRST STATE BANKDAOE COUNTY OANl4 BANK DANIA BARNETT BANK OF DAYTONA BCH DAYTONA BEACH FLORIDA BANK & TRUST CO DAYTONA BEACH DAYTONA BEACH SUN BANK OF VOlUSIA CTY SOUTHEAST BANK OF OEERF IElD DEERFIELD BEACH DEERFIELD BEACH STATE BANK DEERFIELD BEACH OE LANO STATE BANK OE LANO FLCRIDA BANK AT DElANO DE LAND SOUTHEAST BANK OF DElTONA OElTONA OUN'IELLON STATE BANK DUNNElLON ENGLEWOOD BANK AND TRUST ENGLEWOOD ATLANTIC BANK OF EUSTIS EUSTIS BARNETT BK OF FT LAUDERDAlE FORT LAUDEROAlE Fl OR I DA BANK AT FT LAUDERDAlfORT LAUDERDALE SOUTHEAST BANK OF BROWARD FORT LAUDERDALE FORT LAUOERDAlE SE BANK OF GAlT OCEAN MILE SE EVERGLOS BK OF FT lDROLE FT LAUDERDALE Fl Fl Fl FL Fl Fl Fl Fl FL FL fl Fl Fl fl Fl. FL Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl FL Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl FL Fl FL Fl Fl FL FL Fl Fl Fl Fl FL FL Fl fl Fl Fl Fl 36785 49789 23120 18660 18987 18081 137201 34536 43346 21947 18187 120348 37619 18911 120670 19260 25919 57092 17352 23360 26590· 242580 25082 18721 203·23 50807 41451 22420 23625 118804 46308 83351 86416 BBIM 24256 37016 29987 19712 16010 53022 35550 34116 381-24 28302 42400 50415 1/17/79 121 Vl TCSH 534 533 284 450 337 225 1422 487 690 364 520 640 238 404 1311 250 340 772 343 382 418 6175 819 445 565 519 430 253 644 866 003 1226 2330 IB83 426 493 1002 625 473 721 627 393 409 350 466 582 131 1917 RE OB Al 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 182 281 0 0 0 0 2852 52 32 0 0 2192 189 0 2980 0 0 493 0 0 0 5065 0 0 0 511 542 0 0 3320 117 573 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B0I 1457 0 0 0 0 0 357 0 0 186 0 31 0 9 518 1159 0 0 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 557 0 0 0 0 1003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1080 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 309 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DI F 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 -557 0 0 0 0 -1003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1080 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -309 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 .• .• • . .• ...• • ..••• . .• • • • • • . • • N) 0 ti>,. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DSB 6120462 6120 1• 70 6120490 6120493 6 l20 1,IJ5 6120514 6120530 6120556 6120560 6120563 NAME LOCATION FLAGSHIP BANK OF FORT HYERS FDRT HYERS FORT HYERS LEE COUNTY BANK SUN BANK OF ST LUCIE COUNTY FDRT Pl ERCE BARNETT BANK OF FORT WAL TON FORT WAL TON BEACH Fl~ST CITY BK OF FT WALTON FO~T WAL TON BEACH SUtl BANK OF GAINESVILLE GAINESVILLE BANK CF GREEN COVE SPRINGS GREEN COVE SPGS ROYAL TR B< OF ST PETERSBURGGUlF PORT FlAC.SHIP BANK OF HAINES CITYHAINES CITY BANK OF HALLANDALE C TR CO HALLANDALE 6120567 POPULAR BANK OF HIALEAH 6120575 6120578 6120587 6120592 HIALEAH HJALEAl-'-HIAMI SPRGS FIRST STHIAlEAH NORTH HlAlFAH FIRST STATE BKHIALEAH HOLLYWOOD BAR"ffTT BANK OF HOLLYWOOD THE ISLAND BANK HOLMES BEACH 6120'593 SOUTHEAST BANK OF HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD HOMESTEAD 6120598 BARNETT BANK OF HOMESTEAD INVERNESS 6120610 BANK OF INVERNESS 6120615 ASERICAN BEACH BLVD BANK JACKSONV lllE bl20626 ATLANTIC BANK OF SPRINGFIElDJACKSONVlllE 612062 7 6120628 6120629 6120638 612063q 6120641 6120645 fll0662 6120615 61201'>79 612\J706 612070 7 6120N9 6120115 6120118 6120730 6120760 6120764 6120785 6120700 6l2n95 61ZOSOO 6120812 6120813 6120314 6120815 l/ 11/19 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HODI FI ED H.R. 7 NON.~EMBER BANKS JACKSONV Ill E All BK LAKE FOREST JACKSONVILLE All BK SO JACKSONVILLE JACKSCNVILLE All BK W JACKSONVILLE BARNEil BANK OF MURRAY Hill JACKSONVILLE JACKSCNVlllE BARNETT BANK OF REGENCY JACKSONVILLE BA•~ETT BANK OF SAN JOSE JACKSONVILLE FIRST GUARANTY BK & TR CO SE FIRST BK OF JACKSONVILLE JACKSONVILLE FlGSHP ST BK OF JACKSDNVlllEJACKSONVlllE sur-4 BANI( OF JACKSOtlVI llE JACKSONVILLE JENSON BEACH JENSEN BEAClt BANK cn<ERC I Al SANK OF KENDALL KENDALL KEY BISCAYNE BANK & TRUST COKEY BISCAYNE KEY WE ST KEY WE ST STATE BANK EXCHANGE BANK OF OSCEOLA KISSIH"EE FLAGSHIP BANK OF LAKE AlFREDlAKE ALFRED LAKE Cl TY ST ATE EXCHANGE BANK l AKELAND BA•NETT BK OF LAKELAND LAKELAND 1'1PER1AL BANK OF LAKELAND LAKELAND PEOPLES BA~K OF LAKELAND LAKE Pl AC 10 F1"ST BANK OF lAKE PLACID ATlMHIC B&T OF LAKE I/ALES LAKE WALES LANTANA FIR ST STATE SANK LARGO BANK OF INOIAN ROCKS LARGO ATLANTIC BANK Of LARGO SOUTHEAST FIRST BK OF LARGO LARGO Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl fl Fl Fl Fl Fl fl Fl FL fl fl fl 111 TOEP 121 VlTCSH 34230 165732 81063 22885 23692 Hl38 21842 H632 28813 83804 24131 1026&0 31104 884H 29364 72170 52009 50046 16478 92648 39404 30073 42089 57295 27821 32691 30395 433-13 49293 40079 33740 49131 31539 27610 16522 15129 45983 40018 38367 211713 24157 27459 34473 55880 33994 80422 492 1639 2753 lH 331 690 574 542 482 1268 891 1662 624 2472 659 HZ 699 123 391 914 439 946 583 951 436 622 316 448 191 287 191 642 237 710 385 2H 669 558 411 2591 331 829 623 973 928 2133 131 1911 RE QB Al 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 41 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAl 0 0 4269 738 0 0 463 0 0 0 1912 0 2266 0 704 0 1990 512 202 0 119 1855 H 0 53 553 0 0 0 600 1047 324 0 683 198 0 0 0 0 371 41 5198 0 0 0 312 0 202 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 918 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 · OIF 131-151 0 -779 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 -918 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • . . .• .• •• • • • • • • .• .••• • • • .• ~ 0 C11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ill OSB 6120816 6120817 6120823 6120830 6120843 6120855 6120967 6120875 6120A'30 6120890 6120905 6120906 61209')7 t,120920 6120925 6120996 6121005 61210)5 0121036 6121040 6121045 6121065 6121069 6121073 6121076 6121077 6121090 6121086 6121002 6121120 6121125 6171138 6121141 6121152 bl 711 bO 6121115 6121177 6121181 6121185 61?1200 61212:)b 61212J7 6I212J9 6121219 6121242 6121243 NAHE Ill T/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVEREO BY HODIFIED H.R. 7 NON~EHBER BANKS TOEP LOCATION SUN BANK OF LAUDERDALE BEACHlORDlE BY THE SEA COMMUNITY BANK OF LARGO LARGO LEHIGH ACRES CENTURY BANK OF LEE COUNTY LIVE OAK FIRST CHRCl BK OF LIVE OAK LONGBOAT KEY ELLIS LONGBOAT KEY BANK MADEIRA BEACH SANK HAOE IRA BEACH ELLIS MANASOTA BANK H\NA TEE COUNTY MARATHON 8ANK MARATHON CITIZENS STA TE SANK HARi ANNA F IQ: ST BANK OF MARIANNA MAR I ANNA CENT~Al BA'lK & TRUST CO Hl/1.141 MIAMI BANK OF MI AMI CENTRAL BANK OF NORTH DADE MIAMI MIAMI COCQNUT G•OVE BANK COH~ERCIAL SANK & TRUST co MIAMI TOT .\L BArJK MIAMI MIAMI 8EACH HlT ERCOllT I NE NTAl BANK MIL TON SANTA ROSA STATE BANK HI RA MAR SOUTHEAST BANK OF Ml~AMAR HONT I CELLO FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK BANK CF MOUNT DORA MOUNT DORA BARNETT BANK OF NAPLES NAPLES NEPTUNE eEACH DC EAN ST ATE SANK NEW PORT RICHEY ELLIS SECURITY BANK PPLS ST BK OF NEW PT RCHEY NEW PORT RICHEY CAP IT AL BANK NORTH BAY VILLAGE SOUTHEAST BANK OF NEW SMYRNANEW SMYRNA BEACH F1RST AMERICAN BANK NORTH PALM BEACH NORTH PORT NORTH PORT BANK OKEECHOBEE O~EECHOBEE COUNTY BANK SOUTHEAST BK OF ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK ORlANOO FLAGSHIP BANK OF ORLANDO ORLANDO ATLANTIC BANK OF ORLANDO LA~O ...iiARK BANK OF ORLANDO ORLASDO BANK OF PA.HOKEE PAHOKEE BANK OF PALM BEACH ANO TR COPALM BEACH BA~NETT BK OF W DELRAY 8EACHPLAM BEACH COUNTY 1ST MP.~E BK OF PALM BCH GDNSPAlM SCH GARDENS PALMETTO PALMETTO BANK AND TRUST CO co•sERCIAL BK IN PANAMA CITYPANAMA CITY PASCO COUNTY COS"INTV BK OF W PASCO ROYAL TR BANK OF BROWARD CTYPEHBROKE PINES PENSACOLA BARNETT BANK OF PENSACOLA 1ST A.SER ICAN BK OF PENSACOLAPENSACOLA PENS AC OLA WE ST PENSACOLA BANK PERRINE BANK OF PERRINE Fl Fl Fl Fl FL Fl Fl Fl Fl FL FL Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl FL Fl FL Fl Fl FL Fl Fl FL FL FL Fl Fl FL Fl FL FL FL Fl fl Fl FL Fl Fl H8I4 27022 31817 23991 28662 H392 21455 36739 32892 31708 85356 159046 29232 68907 66539 63020 163217 22723 29538 17235 25211 99830 24302 48642 59103 83878 39011 69171 17764 28662 23507 54970 64687 38864 20348 92736 22233 19914 52968 73586 60112 19795 75234 78153 32611 29460 121 VLTCSH 131 19T7 REOBAl 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 161 OIF 131-151 854 0 307 0 0 431 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 212 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 87 0 0 187 372 254 610 238 572 381 682 961 1319 722 760 1203 427 2377 415 845 363 327 936 561 440 609 1640 786 916 388 463 557 469 1289 609 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 819 -819 0 0 0 1847 0 0 1156 4800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 2039 4175 0 1935 2941 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 1159 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 354 0 0 1092 1285 506 1060 1017 575 754 0 441 731 1220 663 532 312 828 67 0 0 0 0 0 839 673 0 80 2322 0 0 . 336 1547 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .• • • • • • . . .• .• • • • .•• .• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1110 0 0 0 0 0 0 1079 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • 0 0 0 • .•• • .•• ~ 0 0) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON.~EHBER BANKS 058 6Il1244 6121252 6121253 6121260 6121261 6121277 6121278 6121300 6121310 6121314 6121315 6121317 6121320 6121340 6121343 6121344 6121347 6121367 6121371 6121.312 6121373 6121375 6121379 bl?1380 6121391 6l2I3S3 6121398 6121401 6121410 6121414 bl214?0 6121423 6121430 6121445 6\21449 6121453 612145 7 6121460 61214~5 6121468 6121475 6121403 6l214q6 6121522 6121524 6121526 NAME BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOIFIED H.R. 7 LOCATION EXCHANGE BANK OF DUNEDIN Pl NELLA S COUNTY Ell IS FIRST PARK BANK PINELLAS PARK BARNETT BANK OF PLANT AT ION PLANT AT ION Ht llSBORO BANK PLANT CI TY PALM STATE BANK Pl NELLA S COUNTY FL COAST BANK OF POMPANO BCHPOMPANO BEACH PORT CHARLOTTE BK t TRUST COPORT CHARLOTTE CITIZENS BK t TR CO QUINCY au I NC y s TA TE BANK QUINCY BANK OF BREVARD ROCKLEDGE FIRST MARINE BtTC OF PALM BCRIVtERA BEACH FIRST RUSKIN BANK RUSK IN ATLANl IC B< OF ST AUGUSTINE ST AUGUSTINE SUN BANK OF ST CLOUO ST CLOUD CENTRAL PLAZA BK t TR CO ST PETERSBURG CQMSNTY BK OF ST PETERSBURG ST PETERSBURG CE.'HURY BANK OF PINELLAS CTYST PETERSBURG ST PETERSBURG BANK ANO TRUStST PETERSBURG COM~UN1TY BK OF NORTHSIOE ST PETERSBURG RUTHLAND CENTRAL BANK ST PETERSBURG SUN BK t TC OF ST PETERSBURGST PETERSBURG FIRST GULF BCH BK AND TR CO ST PETERSBURG BCH SANFORD FLAGSHIP US BK SEMINOLE SArlFORO Fll\GSHIP BANK OF SANFORD SARASOTA ELLIS COMSERCIAl BANK SARASOTA ELLIS AMERICAN BANK SARA SOTA SE BANK OF ST ARMANOS PAN AMERICAN BK IN SARASOTA SARASOTA ELLIS SARASOTA 8K + TRUST COSARASOlA SOUTHEAST BArlK OF SEBASTIAN SEBASTIAN SEBRING BAR'4ETT BANK OF SEBRING SEMINOLE CO<<UNITY BANK OF PINELLAS FLORIDA BA~K AT STARKE STARKE SUN CITY CENTER BANK SUN CITY CENTER BARNETT BANK OF HlUHASEE T ALUHASSEE FLORIDA ST OK OF TAllAHASSEETAllAHASSEE FlGSHP PPL BK OF TALlAHASSEETAt.LAHASSEE TALLAHASSEE LESIS STATE BANK TAMA RAC su••IT BANK TAMPA ATLANTIC BANK OF TAMPA TAMPA C[NlRAL 8ANK OF lAHPA FLGSHP BK OF TOWN N COUNTRY TAMPA TAMPA lhNQ~I\PK SAN~ OF TAMPA PEOPLES BK OF HLSBOROUGH CTYTAMPA T AHPA SESISOLE BANK OF TAMPA TAMPA SCUTHEAST BANK OF TASPA Fl Fl FL Fl Fl Fl FL Fl Fl FL FL Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl ~l Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl FL Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl FL Fl Fl FL FL Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl FL Fl Fl Fl l/17/79 111 TDEP 121 VLTCSH U66B 26349 40816 76919 21840 145406 81697 19340 35232 15792 88093 310 416 862 1058 399 1908 1571 572 454 270 1576 583 598 795 1114 278 26734 37910 31287 88843 18233 17569 124913 15793 20060 73013 55643 19363 28079 16791 39700 '5821 62887 190839 16839 72808 107109 16729 25445 77384 18517 23283 6021 e 34498 60343 33S28 18509 63823 41298 54046 29111 131 l977 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 0 0 0 1304 0 ,4432 531 0 0 0 151 NEW REQBAl 0 0 0 161 OIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 658 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1121 224 238 858 567 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2149 295 -295 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 531 1142 199 586 380 526 979 385 620 1744 309 300 1570 297 586 1839 634 1253 598 567 807 325 925 126 1772 0 0 0 1279 0 1141 689 0 0 0 0 0 409 1010 4781 0 0 1326 0 0 0 0 1277 2405 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1326 0 0 0 0 0 ·o 0 0 0 939 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 170 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 230 0 0 0 0 479 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1027 s . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ..• • • ..•• .• • .. t-.:1 0 -:i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 1 IION"EMBEA B•NKS 111 NAME DSB LDUTID!'l TDEP 1/11119 121 VL TCSH 131 1911 REOBAL 612I52B 6121529 6121535 6121540 6121543 612155 7 6121558 6121570 6121590 6121588 6121590 6121593 6I2I6JO 6121610 6121615 6121622 6121623 6121625 6121628 6121631 6121700 6121705 6121730 6121732 OF SUN BANK OF TAMPA BAY u•UVERSITY STATE BANK ELLIS SPRINGS BANK FLAGSHIP BANK OF TAVARES EXCHANGE BK OF TEMPLE TERR SCUTHEAST BK OF Tl lUSVILLE FIRST BANK OF TREASURE ISL USATILLA STATE BANK VALPARAISO BANK t TRUST CO S8UPlEAST BANK Of VEl'IICE VENICE JlOKOHIS OANK t TR CO BEACH BAN< OF VERO BEACH 1ST CITRUS BK IND RIV CTY WAUCHULA STATE BANK MERCHANTS BANK Of MIA~I BARl'IETT BK OF WEST PALM BCH CENTRAL eK OF PALM BCH CTY Cl IIZENS BANK OF PAUi BEACH FLAGStHP BK Of W PALM BEACH HALL BANK COMaANK/WINTER PARK SOUTHEAST BEACH STATE BANK CITIZE~S BANK OF PASCO FLAGSHIP BK OF ZEPHYRHILLS 212 BANKS AFFECTED Ill STATE -----------------------6130100 6130110 6130118 6130139 6130150 6130160 6130180 6I30MO 6130200 6130370 6130375 6130380 6130430 6130455 TAMPA TAMPA TARPON SPRINGS TA VARES TEMPLE TERRACE TITUSVILLE TREASURE ISLAJID UMATILLA VAL PARA I SO VENICE VENICE VERO BEACH VERO BEACH WAUCHULA WEST MIAMI WEST PALM BEACH WEST PALM BEACH WEST PALM BEACH WEST PALM BEACH WEST PALM BUCH WINTER PARK WOODLAWN Z£PHYRHILlS ZEPHYRHILLS 113 90 FL 28598 FL FL FL Fl Fl FL Fl FL FL 19650 HBl7 21184 41521 31136 2011' 20574 35113 22396 73711 35407 6H45 33935 75314 30264 5ID65 37507 55968 28267 73258 19113 16908 48257 FL FL Fl FL FL FL FL Fl FL FL FL FL FL FL 589 616 361 812 1150 386 0 0 0 0 0 316 552 0 0 0 965 0 563 757 0 0 466 0 1310 0 504 0 0 0 1335 441 830 1169 957 1294 415 386 311 1111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW RE QBAL 0 0 0 0 0 209 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D ID83 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 546 0 1144 0 606 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 701 0 1635 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. • • •• • .••• • • •• .•• I .• HAVE NO EARNINGS· PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAYE NO REQURED RESERVE BALAJICE ---------------- ---------------------- CTZ ANO SGUTHRN BK OF ALBANYALBANY FIRST STATE BANK AND TR CO ALBANY sec BK & TR co OF ALBANY ALBANY FULTON COUNTY BANK ALPHARETTA BANK OF COMMERCE AMERICUS CITIZENS BANK OF AM£RICUS AMERICUS ASHBURN BANK ASHBURII CITIZENS BANK ASH8URII FIRST AMERICAN BK t TR CD ATHENS C & 5 BK OF COBB CTY AUSTELL AVONDALE ESTATES CT Z t SOUTHERN DEKALB BK CTZ BK t TR CO OF BAINBRIOGEBAINBRIDGE BAXLEY STATE BANK BAXLEY BLAIRSVILLE UNION COUNTY BANK GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA 90734 78217 23988 19812 34844 28713 21012 21898 26719 59237 75066 24961 24002 16891 1880 1782 401 345 781 469 200 258 400 1467 336 536 551 313 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19H 885 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 642 2664 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 ••• • •• • • • •• •• • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NONMEMBER BANKS NAME OS8 1/11/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOIFIEO H.R. 7 111 TOEP LOCATION 121 VL TtSH 131 141 1977 NEW EPA REQBAL 6130480 6130630 6130670 6110680 6130690 6130710 6130745 6130750 6130790 6130820 6130823 6130890 6130'130 6131010 6131020 6131030 6131050 6131090 6131005 6131110 6131130 6131150 6131190 61312)0 6131207 6131275 6131277 6131280 6131290 6131300 6131305 6131320 6131330 6131340 6131355 6131410 6131430 613I4SO 6131484 613l4S6 6131550 6131600 6131620 61316!5 6131640 6131655 FANNIN tOU~TY BANK CAIRO BANK ING COMPANY PLANTERS ANO CITIZENS BANK BANK OF CANTON ETOWAH SANK PEOPLES BANK PEACHTREE BANK ANO TRUST co COHUTTA 8A~K I NG COHPANY HABE• SHAH BANK BA~K OF CLAYTON PEOPLES BANK COLUSBUS BANK ANO TR CO TRUST COMPANY OF COLUMBUS CORDELE BANKING COMPANY FIRST STATE SANK IN CORDELE COR'IEL IA SANK SANK Cf COVINGTON BAN~ Of CUMMING FORSYTH COUNTY SANK BANK OF DAHLONEGA BANK Of DAL TON HARDWICK SANK & TRUST co BA'JK OF DAWSON BANK Of TERRELL Cl TIZENS & STHRN EMORY BANK FAR~ERS BANK CITIZENS SANK COMAERCIAL BANK CTZ & SOUTHERN BK OF DUBLIN FARMERS ANO MERCHANTS BANK ,SORRlS STATE BANK SANK OF DULUTH BANK Cf EASTMAN CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO CTZNS & SO BK OF FULTON CTY GRANITE CITY BANK BLUE RIDGE CAIRO CAMILLA CANTON CANTON CARROLL TON CHAMBLEE CHATSWORTH CLARKESVILLE CLAYTON CLEVELAND COLUMBUS COLUMBUS CORDELE CORDELE CORNELIA COVINGTCN CUMMING CUMMING DAHLONEGA DALTON DAL TON DAWSON DAWSON OE KALB COUNTY DOUGLAS DOUGLASVILLE DOUGLASVILLE DUBLIN OU8ll N DUBLIN DULUTH EAST HAN EAST HAN EAST POINT ELBERTON BA~K OF ELLIJAY Elli JAY CITIZENS BANK FOLKSTON BANK CF FOREST PARK FOREST PARK C & FOREST PARK BK Of CLAYTON CTY CITIZENS BANK GAINESVILLE GLENNVILLE BANK ANO TRUST COGLENNVI lLE BANK Of GREENSBORO GREENSBORO CITIZENS UNION 8A~K GREENSBORO COMSERCIAL BANK ANO TRUST COGRlfF IN GWINETT COUNTY GWINETT BANK & TRUST CO s GA GA 20131 19667 GA 18989 GA 28812 31 755 32990 84066 2522 5 38999 21839 20796 185319 34390 31385 20382 30341 32403 35802 20059 21136 22681 42727 20824 34439 202834 39325 25199 38123 48713 30I l l 20990 18842 20134 18647 ll6313 25733 21208 19003 34335 35566 32527 15334 16490 14808 81822 24440 GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA 357 359 282 678 454 1207 1290 718 507 400 254 3592 1053 445 560 503 406 296 295 310 616 1392 228 H5 2537 12ll 541 799 963 295 450 3H 351 276 1257 4H 366 637 522 1244 999 656 135 185 I5ll 702 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2053 0 0 0 0 4642 0 0 0 0 0 83 0 0 0 0 0 0 5224 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 3522 0 0 0 0 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2275 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 954 0 0 0 0 0 161 OIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2275 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • . ... ..• .•• • • .• ..• • .• • • ~ (C Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NO'l<EMSER BA'IKS OSB NAME 1111119 BENEflT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 LDCATICN Ill 121 TOEP VL TC.SH 131 1911 REQBAL ~l31M5 6131710 6131800 61 31820 6131850 6131990 6131900 6131915 61319~5 61'320'10 6132105 6132115 6132160 6132175 6\32178 61)2220 6\32243 6132250 6\32260 6132300 6132343 6132350 6132410 6132440 6132597 6132630 6I32MO 6132693 6132685 6132705 6132710 6132135 6132737 6132740 6132750 6132 765 6132110 6132,25 6132932 6132937 6132990 6133010 6133020 6133030 6133060 6133070 CAPITAL CITY BANK HAPEVILLE CITIZENS & SO BK OF HART CTYHARTIIELL C + S BANK JACKSON JASPER JASPER BANKING COMPANY JONESBORO TA UST CO BK OF CLAYTON CTY BA'IK OF LA FAYETTE LA FAYETTE C & S AANK OF WEST GEORGIA LA GRANGE LA GRANGE PEOPLES BANK OF LA"GRANGE LAWRENCEVILLE GWIW<ETT COMMERCIAL BANK GEORGIA STATE BANK MABLE TON CE'ITRAL BANK OF GEORGIA MACON MACON GEORGIA BANK ANO TRUST CO BANK OF MANCHESTER MANCHESTER cc•<ERCIAL BANK OF COBB CTY MARIETTA FIRST BANK & TRUST CO MAR I ETTA METTER BANKING COMPANY METTER CTZ&S BK OF MILLEOGEVILLE MILLEDGEVILLE EXCHANGE BANK MILLEOGEVILlE SlllEOGEVILLE MERCHANTS ANO FARMERS BANK MONRCE FAR"E~S BANK FIRST BANK OF CLAYTON CGUNTYMORROW CITIZENS & S BK OF COLQUITT MOULTRIE NEWNAN ClZ & SOUlHERN NEWNA'I BK NORCROSS C & S BANK OF GWINNETT COBB COUNTY BANK POWDER SPRINGS TA TT NALL BANK REIDSVILLE RINGGOLD NORTHWEST GEORGIA BANK BANK OF THE SOUTH RIVERDALE CLAYTCN COUNTY BANK RIVERDALE CIT I Z & SOUTHERN BK ROCKDALEROCKDALE COUNTY RQC,<;~ART BIHIK ROCKMART RO"'lE BA~,tK ANO TRUST co ROME ROSSVILLE ROSSVILLE BANK ROSWELL BAW<. ROSWELL TR I COUNTY BANK ROH TON COASTAL BANK OF GEORGI A ST SIMONS ISLAND GEO D WARTHEN BANK SANDERSVILLE SAVANNAH FIRST BANK OF SAVANNAH SMYRNA COBB BANK+ TRUST CO SflELLVILLE GWINEIT COUNTY BANK C & S BANK OF EFFINGHAM CTY SPRINGF !ELD FIRST BULLOCH BK ANO TR co STATESBORO SEA ISLAND BANK STATESBORO FAR~ERS ANO MERCHANTS BANK SU<MERV ILLE CITIZENS BANK SWAINSBORO SYLVANIA BANK OF SCREVEN COUNTY GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA 141 I 51 161 NEW EPA NEW REQBAL 131-151 OIF 24350 344 0 0 0 0 25959 15201 11435 22325 25596 53795 455 330 3oq 612 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18965 22089 34938 19940 86071 15679 35312 86304 16825 27621 21859 I86q5 21487 2zq05 29696 34159 24651 22037 16058 23873 22819 20763 33106 17q75 40228 28928 45927 17594 20547 22024 34912 22816 18378 23149 31132 47644 25135 23507 1769B 61q 0 0 0 0 0 0 1015 431 198 698 0 430 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1802 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 311 1286 244 982 1886 257 414 6q3 325 367 405 409 492 0 646 554 215 602 499 923 0 865 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 815 608 183 qi4 319 653 264 726 275 625 400 842 495 600 476 285 0 0 0 0 0 1511 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 346 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. • • .••• .• . .• .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . .• .• • ..• .•• • t..:) I-' 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON.EMBER BANKS Ill NAME DSB 6133075 6133080 6133125 6133130 6133140 6133150 6133160 6133180 6133185 6133190 6133210 6131215 6133270 0133285 6133342 61333'5 6131355 6133360 6133395 6133428 OF 1/17/19 BENEFIT TO BANKS tOVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 LOtATION TOEP BANK OF WORTH tOUNTY SYLVESTER SYLVESTER BANKING tOMPANY SYLVESTER BANK OF UPSON THOMASTON CTZ & SUTHRN BK OF THOMASTONTHOMASTCN C & S BK OF THOMAS CTY THOMASVILLE CO~MERCIAL BANK THOMUVILLE BAN~ OF THOMSON THOMSON C & S BANK OF TIFTON TIFTON CITIZENS BANK OF TIFTON TIFTON FARMERS BANK OF TIFTON TIFTON SA,iK CF TGCCOA TOCCOA CIT I ZENS BANK OF TOCCOA TOCCOA FAR SERS BA~K UNION POINT FIRST STATE BANK VALDOSTA C & S BANK OF HOUSTON CTY WARNER ROBINS CITIZENS STATE BANK WARNER ROBINS FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK WASHl~GTON WASH LOAN & BANK ING CO WASHINGTON SOUTHERN BANK WAYCROSS BANK OF BARROW ~INOER 126 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 108 17 GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA 18839 20419 19995 30959 40566 H767 27204 30942 22971 26266 26932 25765 18007 30965 24291 32523 16361 19476 30346 26948 121 VLTtSH 352 236 598 543 6H 768 398 383 534 413 485 795 229 528 615 575 265 394 131 1911 NEW REOBAL EPA 0 0 0 0 TH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 376 0 141 151 NEIi REQBAL lf,I· DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 332H 1061 0 27242 0 0 -332H -1061 0 -27242 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 •• •• .• • ••• • .. .•• • • • • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTltlPATION ACtOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANtE HAVE NO REOURED RESERVE BALANCE ------------------12150020 12150030 1215005 5 12150058 12150065 12150090 OF AMERICAtl SECURITY BANK MNK OF HA~All CENTRAL PAt IF It BANK tlTY BANK FIRST HAWAIIAN BANK LIBERTY BANK HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU 6 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE HI HI HI HI HI HI 0 3 229078 1175653 272853 151048 1024771 125013 3847 17539 4255 2790 15850 2190 0 0 0 0 0 0 .,012 5145 5166 2745 5156 2302 HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTltlPATlON ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANtE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANtE --------------------------------------------12160130 12160243 12160300 12160350 HITER MOUNTAIN STATE 8ANK BA'IK OF tOMHERtE FIRST BANK & TRUST tO OF ID IDAHO BANK AtlO TRUST CO CASCADE IDAHO FAUS MALAD tlTY POCATEHO ID ID ID ID 22064 50081 31988 28602 283 518 393 2422 0 0 0 0 0 604 0 5194 0 0 0 H23 0 0 0 -4423 • • • ........ h:) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NONMEMBER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 1 Ill NAME DSB 12160365 VALLEY BANK 12160410 FIRST BANK OF TROY OF 7170680 71 70&90 7170705 8170720 9170725 717J72B 7170765 7170780 7170790 7170925 7170905 117092 5 7171)965 7170995 7171000 AOOISCN STATE BANK ALGONQUIN STATE BANK Al SIP BANK ALTO~ BANKING ANO TRUST co 9A NK CF Al TCN SThTE BANK OF ANNAWAN STATE BANK OF ANTIOCH GERBER STATE BlNK BK & TR CO OF ARLINGTON HTS NORTH POINT STATE BANK NORTHWEST TR & SAVINGS BANK ASHTON BANK & TRUST CO STAIE BANK OF AUBURN FIRST AMER !CAN BK OF AURORA BAR tLETT StAlE BANK BA IAVIA BANK FIRST STATE BANK BANK OF BELLEVILLE BANKERS TRUS t COMPANY BANK OF BELL WOOD BQO~E SIATE BAllK u,11 r ED BK OF BELVIDERE ST ATE BANK OF BEMENT BENSENVILLE STATE BANK BANK OF BENTON BENTON COH,UNltY BANK BANK OF CM•RC IN BERKELEY Bl oo• I NGOAL E STATE BANK CORN BELT BA~K M(LEAN COUNTY BANK HERITAGE/Cou,ny BK & TR co BRIDGEVIEW BAtlK £ TRUST CO BROAOVIE•-WESTCHESTER ST BK BANK OF BUFFALO GROVE BUSBANK STATE BANK FAR~ERS ANO MERCHANTS ST BK TDEP REXBURG TROY 6 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE -----------------------------1170020 7170080 7170125 8170140 Bl70145 7170210 7170230 7170260 7170285 1170290 7170291 7170350 7l70430 7170455 7170540 7170560 7170590 8170625 B 170627 7170665 71 70668 LOCATION ID ID 3 2 143050 2'599 1/17179 121 Vl TCSH 1803 185 131 1977 REQBAL 0 0 141 t~EW EPA ISi NEW REC BAL 26h 0 0 0 161 DI F 131-151 0 0 . HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ------------------------------------------------ --------------ADDISON ALGONQUIN ALSIP ALTON ALTON ANNAWAN ANT !OCH ARGENTA ARLINGTON HEIGHTS ARLINGTON HEIGHTS ARLINGTON HEIGHTS ASHTON AUBURN AURORA BARTLE IT BATAVIA BEARDSTOWN BELLEVILLE BELLEVILLE BELLWOOD BELVIDERE BELVIDERE BE~ENT BENSENVILLE BEtHON BENTON BERKELEY BLOOMINGDALE BLOO~INGTON BLOOMINGTON BLUE ISLAND BRIOGEV IEW BROADVIEW BUFF ALO GROVE BURBANK BUSHNELL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL 44110 2107 2 3H68 54477 19721 17204 67424 14736 82300 28558 25989 13149 18127 26652 20343 23490 17134 65677 32680 32535 13560 36366 18241 67296 57654 30002 28878 32126 78998 55573 100377 2340B 36513 30769 15752 29276 452 288 401 1094 435 110 501 76 578 537 426 124 230 314 258 468 324 775 379 437 330 414 115 532 476 326 430 119 406 812 732 542 758 324 486 187 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 194 0 0 906 1496 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B23 3B 0 0 20 0 996 767 0 0 0 2057 489 2650 0 0 32 0 109 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -15 0 0 0 0 0 .• .• • • ..•• .... t...:i t...:i .••• .• . .• ..• .• • • • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NO~~EM8ER BANKS DSB 8171020 7171035 7171037 7171095 7171098 8171109 8171125 8171160 Bl 7L!J0 8171210 7171250 7171260 717I26l 7171265 8171295 7111330 7171335 7171350 7171420 7171.42 5 7111470 7171475 7171480 11114qz 7171'H 71714'5 7171502 71715ll 7171515 7171525 7171530 7171542 7171548 7171552 7171557 7171623 7171629 7171631 7171632 7171635 7171643 7171 b48 7171649 7171651 7171652 7171653 NAME BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 UI TDEP LOCATION FIRST BANK AND TRUST CO CAIRO FIRST ST ATE BANK CALU~ET CITY RIVER OAKS BK t TR co CALUMET CITY CANTON STATE BANK CANTON co~~UN ITY BANK AND TRUST co CANTON BAN~ OF CARBONDALE CMBONOALE UNIVERSITY BK OF CARBONDALE CARBONDALE FARMERS ANO MERCHMITS BANK CARLYLE WHITE COUNTY BANK CARMI CAPAOLLTON BANK ORROLLTON MARINE TRUST COMPANY OF CARTHAGE CARY STATE BANK CARY IS T SCRTY BK OF CARY-GROVE CARY BANK OF CASEY CASEY FIRST STATE BANK CENTRALIA FARMERS STATE BK OF CHAOWICKCHADWICK BANK Of ILLINOIS CHAMPAIGN COM~ERC IAL BANK OF CHAMPAIGNCHAHPA IGN ST ATE BANK OF CHERRY CHERRY BANK OF CHERRY VALLEY CltERRY VALLEY AE T~A BANK CHICAGO ALL AMERICAN BANK OF CHICAGOCHICAGO AMALGAMATED TRUST & SVGS BK CHICAGO ASHLAND STATE BANK CHICAGO BANCO 01 ROMA ICHICAGOI CHICAGO CHICAGO BANK OF CHICAGO BANK OF RAVENSWOOD CHICAGO BEVERLY BANK CHICAGO CAPITOL BANK OF CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO BANK CF COMMERCE CHICAGO CHICAGO CITY BANK ANO TRUST CHICAGO CHICAGO-TOKYO BANK CHICAGO CLEA~ING BANK CHICAGO CHICAGO CCLONIAL BANK ANO TRUST CO co•• BK & TR co OF EOGEWATERCHICAGO CHICAGO EAST S IOE BANK & TRUST CO FIRST PACIFIC BK OF CHICAGO CHICAGO FIRST STATE BANK OF CHICAGO CHICAGO FOR O CITY BANK & TRUST CO CHICAGO CHICAGO GARFIELD RIOGE TR t SVG GLA~STONE-,rnwooo TR&SVGS BK CHICAGO CHICAGO HIGHLAND COM"4UNITY BANK CHICAGO HYOE PARK BANK t TRUST CO l'luEPP<DrnCE BANK Of CHICAGOCHICAGO CHICAGO HARTFOPO PLAZA BANK CHICAGO ILLINOIS STATE BANK IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL· IL IL IL H IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL 28847 30768 35961 28352 21730 16585 2169'1 20255 29801 22434 23965 23521 14795 21079 1/17/19 121 VL TCSH 314 832 314 512 334 595 609 280 235 141 205 299 213 225 13982 14739 61949 2H 85 596 41200 15376 14391 98398 18221 192941 20000 12 8488 46870 140062 145136 48266 80393 134345 1B8632 50150 1285H 19198 515 147 3H 979 355 985 422 45624 152848 42B32 148071 40863 15665 26293 101689 58928 29099 31443 179 567 1582 1352 723 800 1690 419 770 IOH 483 524 638 493 2123 498 269 373 952 1506 331 578 131 1977 REQBAL 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 109 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 853 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5166 1542 0 1773 0 0 338 -338 0 0 0 415 3422 . 3673 276 1709 ·3010 3095 346 2546 0 258 3395 146 3411 0 0 0 0 -3373 0 -508 0 0 1598 -1598 0 0 0 3373 0 508 0 0 0 0 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2798 322 0 0 2146 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1542 0 -1773 0 0 0 50 0 0 2503 0 0 161 DIF I 31-151 0 0 0 ·o 0 0 0 0 0 ..•• .••• ..• .••• • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • ts, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON°'E~BER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MDDIFIED H.R. 7 Ill OSB 7171654 7171655 7171657 7171695 7171720 7171755 7171765 7171768 7171810 7171a34 7171835 717l9J5 7171931 7171936 7171940 7171955 7171978 7171980 7172040 7172070 7172094 71721~5 7172160 7172215 8172220 7172260 8172320 7172375 7172377 7172378 71723~5 7172338 7172410 7172420 717H65 7172495 7172542 7172545 7172550 7172608 7172700 Bl72770 7172780 7172790 7172800 7172805 NAME LOCATION IRYING BANK CHICAGO JEFFERSON STATE BANK· CHICAGO HERITAGE/PULLMAN BK & TR CO CHICAGO LOK~SIDE BANK CHICAGO lASNOUE TRUST & SAVINGS BK CHICAGO MADI SON BANK ANO TRUST CO CHICAGO MA~UFACTU~ERS BANK CHICAGO MARINA BANK CHICAGO METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST COCHICAGO Ill D TOWN SANK OF CHICAGO CHICAGO Md~NT GREEtlWOOD BANK CHICAGO NOPTH BANK CHICAGO OAK TRUST ANO SAVINGS BANK CHICAGO PfTERSON BANK CHICAGO PIONEER BANK & TRUST CO CHICAGO REPUBLIC BANK OF CHICAGO CHICAGO S CENTRAL 8K & TC OF CHICAGOCHICAGO SOUTH CHICAGO SAVINGS BK PO CHICAGO UNITED OF AMERICA BANK CHICAGO UPPER AVENUE BANK CHICAGO kATER TOWER TR &SAVINGS BK CHICAGO HERITAGE/OLYMPIA BANK CHICAGO HEIGHTS CICERO STATE BANK CICERO BANK OF CLARENDON HILLS CLARENDON HILLS CLAY CITY BANKING COMPANY CLAY CITY JOH~ WARNER BANK CLINTON STATE BANK OF COLLINSVILLE COLLINSVILLE HERITAGE BK OF COUNTRY CLUB CNTRY tLB HILLS EDGEWOOD BANK CCUNTRYSIOE STATE BK OF COUNTRYSIDE COUNTRYSIDE HERITAGE BANK CREST Hill CRETE TRUST & SAVIIIGS BANK CRETE HCME STATE BANK CRYSTAL LAKE STATE BANK OF CUBA CUBA BANK OF OA!-IVILLE OANY ILLE OAR IEN BUIK OAR I EN NORTHTOWN BK OF DECATUR DECATUR SOY CAPITAL BK & TR CO DECATUR DEERFIELD STATE BANK DEERFIELD DES PLAINES BANK DES PLAINES FIRST BANK CF DUNDEE DUNDEE ILLINOIS STATE BANK EAST ALTON EAST DUBUQUE SAVINGS BANK EAST DUBUQUE TRI-STATE BK OF E DUBUQUE EAST DUBUQUE EAST MOL !NE STATE BK OF EAST MOLINE EAST PEORIA COIUIUIIITY BK OF E PEORIA TDEP IL IL 30608 13554 IL l8U73 IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL 38213 33693 90394 114264 617H 54780 16828 70067 30899 31173 29964 287418 37824 18917 133670 29950 IL 138135 IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL ll IL IL IL 19221 37227 39958 34500 17483 29187 34850 19679 40452 19094 24494 IL IL 18768 50722 12946 20649 30341 41528 38996 26707 39139 21353 41699 14210 17207 58271 20567 121 YLTCSH 507 1270 2665 1026 714 757 719 546 1019 222 1137 283 HI 279 1584 719 156 954 417 754 303 345 906 340 133 337 529 248 636 487 383 257 590 132 611 712 824 607 316 568 236 520 146 149 1C85 435 1/17/79 131 1971 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 0 452 4633 0 0 2362 3717 IOll 0 0 318 0 0 0 0 -100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4413 0 0 2196 0 0 4072 594 0 11,2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 81 0 0 0 0 82 BO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 569 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OIF 0 0 0 0 -4157 0 0 -892 0 -594 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 161 131-ISI 0 0 0 0 4157 0 0 892 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISi NEIi REQBAL 0 316 0 0 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • .•• • • •• • • • • •• .•• • • •• •• •• •• • NI ~ ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 1 NONMEMBER BANKS 111 DSB NAME TDEP LOCATION l / 17/19 121 VLTCSH 131 141 1977 NEW EPA REQBAL 8172815 Bl 72850 1172qoo B 172'110 8l7ZS2Q 717zq54 71 72'170 7172'135 11 72'198 7173010 7173023 7173028 7173040 7173090 717)133 7173137 8173175 8173195 7173210 7173220 7173240 7173280 7173235 7173290 7173313 7173315 7173365 7173 HO 717342 0 7173460 8173520 7173560 7173562 7173565 7173570 7173573 8173645 8173670 11 n1n 81 73ROO 8173305 7173840 7173850 Tl 73865 7173868 7173875 EDGE,ONT BANK & TRUST CO EAST ST LOUIS UNION BANK EAST ST LOUIS KANE CTY BANK & TRUST CO ELBURN C P BURNETT AND SONS BANKERS ELDORADO FIRST STATE BANK ELDCRADO LARKIN BANK ELGIN ELIZABETH ELIZABETH STATE BANK gANK OF ELK GROVE VILLAGE ELK GROVE VILLAGE ELMHURST BANK CF ELMHURST YORK STATE BANK & TRUST CO El~HURST ELMWOOD PARK F IP.ST SEC URI TY TR ANO SYG ,1owEST BANK Arm TRUST co ELMWOOD PARK WOODFORD COUNTY BANK EL PASO EVANSTON BANK EVANSTON EVERGREEN PLAZA BANK EVERGREEN PARK HER(TAGE/STANOARO BK & TR COEVERGREEN PARK FAIRFIELD WAYNE COUNTY BK & TR co l lNCOLN TRAIL BANK t TR co FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS FAR.~ER CITY STATE BANK FARMER C ITV BANK CF FARMINGTON FARMINGTON FLANAGAN STATE SANK FLANAGAN FORRESTON STATE BANK FORRESTON FOX LAKE FOX LAKE STATE BANK FRANKFORT FRANKFORT STATE BANK FIR ST STATE BANK & TRUST co FRHKLIN PARK FRA'IKL IN PAPK BANK FRANKLIN PARK GALENA STATE BAflK & TRUST COG ALENA 84NK OF GALESBURG CENTRAL TRUST ANO SAYINGS 8KG ENE SEO GENOA GENOA STATE BANK PEOPLES ST BK OF GILLESPIE GILLESPIE OU PAGE BANK t TRUST CO~PANYGLEN ELLYN GLEN Ell YN I SECR TY BK OF GLEN ELLYN FIRST TRUST ANO SAYINGS BANKGLENYIEW GLENVIEW GLE'IYIEW STATE BANK GLENWOOD ft ER IT AGE/GLENWOOD BANK AM HRTAGE BK OF GRANITE CITYGRANITE CITY GRANITE CITY GRANITE CITY TR & SVG BK FIRST ST BK&TC OF HANOVER PKHANOVER PARK HAROIN BANK OF CALHCUN COUNTY HARR I SBURG BANK OF HARRISBURG HARV ARO FIRST $UTE BANK HARVARD HARVARD STATE BANK HARVEY FIRST SHTE BANK HARWOOD HEIGHTS PARKWAY BANK & TRUST co HAVANA STATE BANK OF HAVANA IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL • IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL 67920 33352 18993 3002 B 15611 19397 20742 89642 40549 61032 97164 82096 20704 43728 44260 90838 34000 25749 24020 14873 15086 14688 29091 21045 41623 57328 17568 37768 34799 14691 18355 63647 28818 27426 183715 40061 20611 56325 2786I 18592 37205 22771 22327 17846 78151 24675 975 '146 132 392 375 412 102 587 372 525 901 535 157 543 559 1266 256 368 217 178 67 81 598 405 415 661 161 482 185 271 206 715 363 313 1303 426 682 980 654 140 152 170 225 265 554 287 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 622 0 0 0 0 0 75 2280 216 676 2945 1844 0 65 0 '1634 103 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 527 0 0 254 0 0 729 0 0 4522 10 0 0 0 475 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 402 18 0 0 1391 0 151 NEW REQBAL 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1530 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1530 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .•• ..• .• • • • . .• • ..• .•• • • .• • . N) I-' c.n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON•EHBER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOIFIEO H.R. 7 111 DSB 7113900 8113910 7173H5 8173940 7173965 7173H5 7174015 7174025 71 74065 71740H 7174100 8174175 7174190 8174220 8174230 8174240 7174255 7174263 7174315 711432 5 7174>.40 7174445 7174480 71744'?0 7174513 8174570 7174&00 7174610 7174630 7174640 7174660 7174715 7174H5 7174727 Bl 14140 7174773 7174774 7174775 7174118 7174805 7174815 7114960 817407'5 8174990 7174992 7175020 NAME LOCATION HENRY STATE BANK HENRY BANK OF HERR IN HERR IN BANK OF HICKORY HILLS HICKORY HILLS FMRS r. HRCHTS BK OF HIGHLANDHIGHLAND BANK CF HIGHLAND PARK HIGHLAND PARK HIGHWOOD BAN< CF HIGHWOOD BA~K OF HILLSIDE HILLSIDE BANK OF HINSDALE HI NS DALE HCMEWODO BANK CF HOMEWOOD co••uNITY BK OF H.•wo-FLOSSHRHOHEWOOD STATE BK OF HUNTLEY HUNTLEY CQ .• SUNITY TRUST BANK IRVINGTON ITASCA STATE BANK ITASCA FAR,.ERS STATE BANK & TR CO JACKSONVILLE JERSEYVILLE JERSEY STATE BANK JERSEYVILLE STATE BANK OF JERSEYVILLE EAST JOLIET BANK JOLIET JOLIET LOUIS JOLIET BK ANO TR CO KANKAKEE FIRS·T BANK OF MEADOWVIEW KANKAKEE PEOPLES BANK OF HARV CREST lA GRANGE LA GRANGE STATE BANK BANC CF LA GRANGE PARK LA GRANGE PARK LAKE ZURICH STATE BK OF LK ZURICH LANARK EXCHANGE STATE BANK BAN< OF LANSING LANSING LEBANON TRUST & SAVINGS BANKLEBANON CITIZENS STATE BANK LENA LENA LENA STATE BANK LE ROY STATE BANK lE ROY FARSERS STATE BANK LEWISTOWN PEOPLES BANK OF LEXINGTON LEX I NG TON LOGAN COUNTY BANK llNCCLN BANK OF LI NC CLNIIOOO llNCCLNWOOD BANK CF l l SlE LISLE LITCHFIELD BANK ANO TRUST COLI TCHFI ELD BANK OF YORK TOWN LCMBARD LOMBARD •AIN BANK OF LOMBARD STATE BANK CF LOMBARD LC•BARD lCHBARO WEST SURBURBAN BANK U~ITEO BK OF LOVES PARK LOVES PARK LV.ONS BANK OF LYONS MARENGO MARENGO STATE BANK BANK OF EGYPT HAR ION HAR ION BANK OF MARION MARKHAM TR I-STATE BANK MARTINSVILLE STATE BANK MARTINSVILLE TDEP IL -IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL ll IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL ll IL ll IL IL 17281 35548 62561 57207 61115 26306 17472 21375 50387 24488 16225 16972 58740 52982 21368 36082 18182 61138 H173 26789 102086 36997 33737 15611 39266 14025 20734 14821 I787B 18695 16204 14653 101236 37571 19103 31900 16637 38293 72069 41820 21391 26713 30076 40888 24042 15880 1/17/7? 121 VL TCSH 91 705 642 485 420 393 636 223 760 222 1?8 59 303 801 309 591 343 809 416 402 1283 316 549 72 557 156 72 86 205 271 61 264 1369 573 250 492 376 538 893 836 288 418 565 630 459 85 131 1911 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 0 0 1087 655 755 0 0 0 140 0 0 15 845 356 0 0 0 553 211 0 1981 141 0 0 0 0 66 0 0 0 0 0 1867 0 0 0 0 0 926 0 0 0 0 213 0 0 151 NEW REC BAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 OIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .• .• .•• .•• .••• • • .• .••• .• .• .••• • .• ..•• N) I-' 0) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO 8APIKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NON'1EMBER BANKS DSB 7175055 7175085 7175112 7175140 7175215 7175217 7175220 71 75200 7175275 7175340 71 7 SH5 7175410 7175412 7175433 8175455 8175400 71755n 7175510 8175550 8175555 81755~0 8175565 7175570 7175625 8175700 7175750 81757d0 71 75796 7l 753J8 7175825 Bl 75830 7175835 7175843 7175e46 1175848 7175851 7175855 7175867 7175870 7175MO 7175890 7175010 B\759)8 8l 7bOIO 7176030 7176080 NAHE 111 TDEP LOCATION HA TTE SON-RICHTON. BANK MATTESON BANK HAYWOOD PROVISO HAYWOOD MELROSE PARK MERCHANTS & HNFACTRERS SB FIRST STATE BANK HErlDOU MIDLOTHIAN STATE BANK MIDLOTHIAN BLACKHAWK STATE BANK MILAN HILFORO CITIZENS SB OF MILFORD I ST FARMERS ST BK OF MINIER MINIER HINOCKA TR I-COUNTY BK OF MINOOKA MONMOUTH HO~MOUTH TR NAO SVGS BK FIRST STATE BANK HCtH IC ELLO SHITH TRUST AND SAVINGS 8ANKHCRR I SON WHITESIDE COUNTY BM-,K HORR I SON ~ORTON HORIO~ co•<UNITY BANK MOUNT CARMEL BAN< CF HOUNT CARHEL HCUNT CARHEL SE CUR ITV BANK AND TRUST MOUNT PROSPECT COU~TRYS I DE BANK Hcu,n PRCSPECT MOU~H PROSPECT STATE BANK FARMERS ST BK OF HT STERLINGHOUNT STERLING BANI< OF llllllOIS HCUNT VERNON FIRST BANK AND TRUST CO HT VERNON HCUNT VERNON SC BK&TR CO OF HT VERNON HCUIIT ZION MT ZION STATE BANK BANK CF NAPERVILLE NAPERVILLE STATE BANK OF N~W ATHENS NEW ATHENS NEW LENOX NEW LENOX STATE BANK PEOPLES STATE BANK NEWTON DEMPSTER PLAZA STATE BANK NILES SANK OF I Lll NOi S IN NORMAL NORMAL Pl AZA CRIVE& IN BANK NORRIDGE NORRIS CITY NORR IS CITY STATE BANK NORTHBROOK TRUSl AND SAVINGSNORTHBROOK NORTHFIELD BANK CF NORTHFIELD FIRST SECRTY BK Of OAK BRODKOAK BROOK O&K BROOK BANK OAK BROOK CAKBROOK TERRACE BANK OF OAKBROOK TERRACE INTERSTATE BK OF OAK FOREST OAK FOREST OAK lAWN HERITAGE BANK OF OAK LAWN OAK LAWN OAK LAWN TR ANO SVG BK OAK PARK AVENUE BANK ANO TRUST CO OAK PARK FIRST BANK OF OAK PARK OAK PARK SUBUSBAN TR ANO SVG BK 0 FALLON BANK OF O FALLON OLNEY TRUST ANO BANKING co OLNEY ONE I DA A'lOERSON STATE BANK ORION STATE BANK OF ORION sure co IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL 42766 33313 20764 34258 38688 27454 15861 14185 13663 28305 23467 36610 13709 15614 26148 60730 29414 165898 17405 19934 39460 67074 17353 71701 14884 37997 41566 25118 16318 27549 14485 76454 24833 21038 71560 16242 29515 19602 58198 95727 65696 66040 28019 28138 15467 252b0 1/17/79 121 VLTCSH 697 349 351 291 631 480 244 65 198 229 138 349 135 278 359 433 385 726 130 244 494 405 118 479 191 440 407 249 238 558 122 602 260 299 367 439 586 244 712 1030 715 692 204 315 107 127 131 l'H7 REQ8AL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 0 B 0 170 0 0 0 0 0 35 39 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1154 0 3512 0 0 0 1662 0 1329 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 IH 0 113 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1305 0 0 0 1461 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 1!15 1010 852 88 0 0 IH 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1513 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 · DIF I 31-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1513 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .•• •• ...•• .••• .• .• • • • • . . . .. • • • • • • • • . .... ~ ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON~EMBER BANKS DSB 7176090 7176105 7176112 7176117 8176130 7176155 7176165 7176130 7176185 7176196 7176310 7176313 7176318 7176320 7176330 7176338 0176390 8176410 7176450 7176560 7176565 Bl 76590 8176600 8176630 8176632 7176647 7176670 8176740 7176750 1176760 7176765 8176800 7176B48 7176856 7176t:166 7176869 7176873 7176885 71768H 71 76890 7176910 7176945 7177050 7177102 7177103 7177104 NAME BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 111 TOEP LOCATION ORLAND STATE BANK ORLANO PARK OSWEGO COM~UNITY BANK OSWEGO ILLINOIS TR & SAV BANK OTT AWA FIRST BANK & TRUST CO PALATINE FAR~ERS STATE BANK PALESTINE PALOS BANK AND TRUST CO PALOS HEIGHTS PEOPLES BANK Of PANA PANA EDGAR COUNTY BANK ANO TR co PARIS PARK FOREST BANK CF PA•< FOREST FIRST STATE BANK & TRUST CO PARK RIDGE JEFFERSCN TRUST ANO SAVINGS PEORIA ~>DISON PARK BANK PEORIA SHE ct I DA~~ BANK PEORIA SO SIDE TRUST ANO SAVINGS BAPEO•IA PEOTONE BK ANO TRUST CO PEOTO~E COLONIAL. TRUST & SAVINGS BK PERU MURPHY WALL STATE BK & TR COPINCKNEYVlllE FASMERS STATE BANK PITTSFIELD COM'iUNITY BK OF PLANO PLANO FIRST STATE 9ANK PR I NC ETON PRINCEVILLE STATE BANK PRINCEVILLE ILLINOIS ST 8K OF QUINCY QUINCY MERCHANTILE TR & SVGS BK QUINCY STATE STREET BANK ANO TRUST QUINCY TOWN & OH BK OF QUINCY QUINCY BAN~ OF RANTOUL RANTOUL RARITAN STATE BANK RM I TAN GALLATIN COUNTY STATE BANK R IOGWAY RIVERDALE BANK RIVERDALE RI VER FOREST ST 8K&TR co RIVER FOREST RIVER GROVE ST BANK RIVER GROVE CR4WFORO COUNTY STATE BANK ROSI NSON ALPINE STATE BANK ROCKFORD RCCKFORD COLONIAL SK CF ROCKFORD NORTHWEST BANK CF ROCKFORD ROCKFORD RCCKFORO UNITED AANK CF SOUTHGATE AMERICA'4 BANK OF ROCK ISLANOROCK ISLAND ROCK TON MACKrnWN STATE BANK SUBRSN SK OF ROLL ING MEADOWSROLL ING MEADOWS ROMEOVILLE FIRST BANK OF ROMEOVILLE ROSELLE ROSELLE ST BK & TRUST CO ROUND LAKE FIRST STATE SANK SANDWICH SANDWICH STATE BANK SCHAUMBURG SC HAU~SURG STATE BANK SCHAUMBURG WODOFIELO BANK HERITAGE BANK OF SCHAUMBURG SCHAUMBURG IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL 51310 17727 13473 29321 I 7325 49567 26227 2252 I 45843 44112 125874 27458 40556 44693 22313 18989 20031 34621 15611 37789 16606 70684 78247 28665 16394 23147 19188 16929 69767 80223 14054 32594 17373 24159 17297 16136 23359 15505 20438 16271 86713 22503 28953 44995 41960 19675 1/17/79 I 21 Vl TCSH 884 223 232 408 \90 762 347 286 376 396 3307 433 994 795 263 198 281 354 223 298 146 577 610 537 338 392 94 127 542 256 209 392 273 492 339 692 387 207 220 20'705 757 367 131 1917 RE QB Al 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 2'-6 0 0 0 0 174 0 0 432 306 1409 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 239 0 0 0 1684 1639 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 0 1147 0 0 0 0 1893 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 738 o 500 297 0 0 0 0 0 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1546 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 398 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .• • • .• . . .• .• .. • • . • •• • • • Nl ~ 00 NON"IEMBER BANKS 0 ~ ~ s; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OSB NAME 7177130 8177200 7177215 7177223 7177225 7177240 7171260 7171162 7177293 7177295 7177302 7177315 717732 5 7177330 7177455 7t77471 7177472 7177510 7177580 1111_sa5 7177650 7177735 81 77820 8177870 7177890 8177q9o 7178030 7178038 7178090 7178130 8178150 8178153 7178155 7178184 717~190 71781'~5 7178210 7178250 7178310 7178345 7178370 7178375 8178445 1178450 OF BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOIFIEO H.R. 1 ll 1 TOEP LOCATION FIRST STATE BANK OF SHANNON SHANNON CITIZENS STATE BANK SHIPMAN BANK OF SILVIS SILVIS SKCK lE OLD ORCHARD BK ANO TR CO SKOKIE TRUST ANO SAVINGS BK SKOKIE FA~MERS STATe BANK SO,...CNAUK SOUTH HOLLAN~ TR & SVG BK SOUTH HOLLAND lHORNR I OGE STATE BANK SOUTH HOLLAND BANK OF SPR INGF I HO SPRINGFIELD CAP BK & H CO OF SPRNGFLO SPRI NGF I HO FIRST ST ATE BANK SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD LAND OF LINCCLN BANK SPRINGFIELD TO•,rn ANO COUNTRY BANK SPRING VALLEY SPRING VALLEY CITY BANK BAN'< OF STRONGHURST STRor~GHURST ST ATE BANK OF SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SUMMIT ARGO STATE BANK TAYLORVILLE FIRST TR ANO SVG BK BRE'1EN BANK & TRUST CO Tl NL EY PARK TINLEY PARK TINLEY PARK BANI( STATE BMIK OF TOULON TOULON CHA~-tPAIGN COUNTY BK & TR co UR8ANA DROVERS STATE BANK VIENNA FR"1R & MRCHT ST BK OF VIROENVIROEN PETEFISH SKILES ANO COMPANY VIRGINIA CC"1~ERC IAL STATE BANK WATERLOO F (RST TRUST ANO SVGS BK WATSEKA WAUKEGAN BANK OF WAUKEGAN WELLINGTON WELL I NG TON STATE BANK WEST CHICAGO WEST CHICAGO STATE BANK WEST FRANKFORT BANK OF WEST FRANKFORT FIRST COM~UNITY BANK WEST FRANKFORT WESTMONT BANK OF WESTMONT 8M4K OF WHEATON WHEATON WHEATON GAP:Y WHEATON BANK HAWTHORNE BANK WHEATON WHEEL ING TRUST & SAVINGS BK \,,iHEfll NG WILMETTE Wll"1FTTE BANK Wl NNETKA WIN~ETKA BANK WOODRIDGE H!:qlTAGE BANK OF WOOORI OGE WOODSTOCK STAIE BANK OF WOCDS fQCK WORTH WGRTH BA~K ANO TRUST ZEIGLER BA14K OF ZEIGLER ZION ZIO~ STATE BANK t TRUST CO 356 SANKS AFFEC TEO IN STATE 213 126 IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL lL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL ll IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL 22ll5 19570 34498 95231 80085 2304 7 ll952q 17270 13685 57507 13419 45626 31071 29508 15426 14972 35998 59788 59226 26538 22203 43470 14597 18739 18016 15315 29746 63940 15228 26431 34862 2443q 41763 66078 98093 3b499 103700 115725 45985 14178 "2925 59902 36846 66479 l/ 17 /79 (21 VL TCSH 18 •• 522 1051 669 207 663 376 207 568 228 688 346 559 85 158 716 1060 1080 601 B3 902 133 180 59 174 327 896 81 529 479 390 517 378 ... 1207 427 610 380 261 569 749 138 645 (31 1977 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,., NEW EPA 114 44 0 1786 1371 0 2743 0 0 472 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 747 185 0 94 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 151 1260 1'65 0 2275 3137 358 0 52 676 378 827 ( 51 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 553 374 0 0 0 0 0 0 (61 OIF 13)-( 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 -550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -553 -374 0 0 0 0 0 0 HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICJPATJON AC£0UNT OR REQUIRED RE SERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ... ~ cc Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON~EHBER BANKS DSB BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOIFIEO H.R. 1 NAME 111 TDEP lOCAT I ON 71R0020 A<SO'I EXCHANGE STATE BANK AKRON A~lOERSON BANKING COMPANY ANDERSON ANDERSON 7180090 CITIZENS BANKING COMPANY 7180110 ATJGJLA STATE BANK ANGOlA 7l80?l0 BARGE~SVlllE STATE BANK BARGERSVlllE 7180220 BHESVlllE STATE BANK BATESVlllE 7180230 FIRST BANK t TRUST CO BATESVlllE 8180280 STO~E CITY BANK Of BEDFORD BEDFORD BLOOHF I HO 8180360 BLOQSFIELO STATE BANK 7180400 MQNROE COU~TY STATE SANK BLOOMINGTON 7180410 FAR~ERS ANO ~ERCHANTS BANK BLUFFTON 818D44C PEOPLES TRUST ANO SAVl~GS BKBGONVILLE BUSWELL 7180450 FAR'-4ERS ANO MERCHANTS BANK 7180470 FIS ST BK & TR CO Of CLAY CTYBRAZ IL BREMEN 7190490 BQE~EN STATE BANK BRCWNSTOWN BIS0570 CITIZENS STATE BANK BROWNSTOWN 8180585 PEOPLES BANK CAMBRIDGE CITY 7180620 PEOPLES STATE BANK 7lfl0640 Cl\'1DEN STATE BA"lK CAMDEN CARMEL 718Ub05 FIDELITY BANK OF INOIANA 7(80670 u,IoN STATE BANK CARMEL CHURUBUSCO 7180 740 CHURUBUSCO STATE BANK 7180775 CLINT □~ STATE BANK CLINTON COLU,SBUS 7\8082 5 COLUSBUS BK & TRUST CO 7180840 IP.WIN UNION SK ANO TR CO COLU~BUS CCR YOON B\80890 CORYDON STATE BANK B180900 OLD CAPITAL BK AND TR CO CORYDON 7180910 FOUNTAIN TRUST COMPANY COVINGTON 11aoq40 ELSTON BK ANO TR CO CRAWFOROSV I lLE CRCWN POINT 7180970 CC."1~ERC I AL BANK 11snqqo ST ATE EXCHANGE BANK CULVER DALE 8181010 DALE STATE BANK OANVlllE 7181030 OANYILlE STATE BANK DECATUR 7181068 DECATUR BANK ANO TRUST DELPHI 7181030 U~ION BANK ANO TRUST CO EDINBURG 7181170 EDl,BURG STATE BANK ELKHART 7181210 ST JOSEPH VALLEY BANK ELWOOD 7181230 SECURITY BA.NK EMINENCE 7181250 ~ORGAN COUNTY BANK & TR FARMERSBURG 8181400 PEOPLES STATE BANK FORT BRANCH 8181420 F & M BANK OF FORT BRANCH 71131 ,. .. o ANTHONY WAYNE BANK FORT WAYNE FORT WAYNE 71H465 INOIANA BANK ANO TRUST CO FORT WAYNE 7181480 PEOPLES TRUST BANK FOWLER 7181490 FOWLER STA TE BANK fRANCESVlllE 718 l 5JO PEOPLES SB OF FRANCESVILLE 71R008Q co co IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN 16815 129848 64260 18604 21456 18942 29292 18555 42416 55824 39715 24471 17408 51713 35640 18778 24427 18611 16550 23570 67280 27486 25315 18859 167500 29234 62461 30608 76977 45 756 92457 27679 21402 17053 34548 18151 221498 21581 15365 21678 23409 I 08524 227031 245305 26174 17230 1111119 121 Vl TCSH I'll 3060 209I 312 242 194 463 208 511 846 269 201 139 681 307 140 518 343 129 359 907 161 384 240 2595 270 699 396 755 564 1001 495 377 355 281 IJI NEw EPA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 353 218 226 2890 3445 2922 212 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 116 0 413 3069 714 I• I 1971 RE OB Al 0 2313 0 0 0 0 0 0 87 546 236 0 0 254 133 0 0 0 0 0 151 NEW REOBAl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5185 984 0 0 0 0 996 163 0 0 4861 40 547 0 1520 196 1657 0 0 0 0 0 715 5191 0 603 4673 0 1650 0 0 0 161 Dlf 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -984 0 0 0 0 0 -603 -1650 0 0 .• .• .• . • • • • • • • • .. • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 1 NON"E,BER BANKS Dsg 7181520 7181530 7181540 7181560 11etti40 71el660 7181700 7161705 7181740 7181748 7181750 7181 JbO 7181780 7181820 71B IB40 7181870 718[q95 71B19JO 7181%5 71B21QO 8182140 8le2150 8182160 8182170 7182180 7182185 7182200 7182230 7182240 71!2280 7182320 7182350 7182380 718 242 0 7182430 7182440 7182470 8le2500 7182510 7182520 8182540 813~590 BIB26JO 7182675 7182710 7182730 NAME LOCATION CLINTCN COUNTY BK AND TR CO FRANKFORT FAP.Mrns BANK FRANKFORT. FRANKLIN FRANKllN BANK & TR CO UNION BANK ANO TRUST COMPANYFRANKL IN GAS C ITV FIRST VALLEY BANK BANK GF GENEVA GENEVA SALEM BANK ANO TRUST COMPANYGOSHEN GRABILL GRABILL BANK GREE~FIELO BANKING COMPANY GREENFIELD GREENFIELD HA~COCK BANK & TRUST GREENSBURG DECATUR COUNTY BANK USIO~ BANK ASO TRUST COMPANYGREENSBURG GREENTOWN STATE BANK OF GREENTOWN HAMLET HAMLET STATE BANK HOOS! ER STATE BK OF INOIANA HA,SMONO HARTFORD C ITV CITIZENS STATE BA~K HIGHLAND BANK OF HIGHLAND HILLSBORO STATE BANK HI LL SBORO HUNT I NG TON COSSIJNITY STATE BANK INOIANAPOLIS PECPLES BANK ANO TRUST JASPER DUBOIS COUNTY BANK JASPER GE.SAN ASERICAN BANK JEFFERSONVILLE CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO JEFFERSONVILLE CLARK COUNTY STATE BANK CAHPBELl A~O FETTER BANKERS KENOALLVILLE KENDALLVILLE BANK & TRUST COKE~DALLVILLE KEr-.TLANO KENTLAND BANK KNOX FARSERS BANK ANO TRUST CO KOY.OHO UNION BANK ANO TRUST CO LAFAYETTE BANK AND TRUST CD LAFAYETTE LAGRANGE FARSERS STATE BANK LA PAZ F•RHERS STATE BANK LA PORTE BANK ANO TRUST co LA PORTE LEBANON BOO~E COUNTY STATE BANK LEBANON CITIZENS BANK ANO TRUST LEE S8URG PEOPLES STATE BANK LIGONIER A<ERICAN STATE BANK LINTON PEOPLES TRUST COMPANY LIZTON ST ATE BANK OF LIZTON •A•"ERS & HEP.CHANTS STATE 8KLCGANSPORT LOCGOOTEE UNION BANK MADI so~ FIRST BANK OF MADISON MADISON MADISON BANK ANO TRUST CO MART INS VILLE INDIANA BANK ANO TRUST CO HEN TONE FAPSERS STATE BANK CITIZENS BK OF MICHIGAN CY MICHIGAN CITY co co IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN HI IN HI IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN 1/17179 (11 TOEP 121 VL TCSH 67650 81069 665B9 64811 18466 28240 138948 23060 76921 44842 36125 87588 17733 15792 111076 30761 46132 17270 39197 73835 102896 82955 84212 46008 36094 268.71 39908 26354 149676 95792 43173 29447 62755 54470 20242 2173 7 30549 56071 28861 40557 19132 23831 7296 I 27102 20554 104515 887 1015 906 693 551 269 1824 223 1116 1151 399 998 165 105 3207 320 969 263 507 1052 926 844 911 1012 336 243 508 533 3276 840 404 159 797 812 435 74 284 955 462 869 180 320 8H 392 121 1743 131 1971 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l~I NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 957 1469 808 889 0 0 0 0 81 0 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 289~ 0 1183 0 Bl 1686 0 0 1332 0 0 0 13 1354 2308 1265 1950 157 91 23 0 0 2940 2183 230 226 819 697 0 115 67 263 0 0 0 0 1225 0 32 l861 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 108 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 -38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -108 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • •• • • .•• •• .• .•• • • • •• .• .. • • •• • • • • .. ~ .... t-:1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON.~EMBER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 Ill DSB 7182742 7182760 7182770 7192920 6182830 7B2900 7182910 7182940 7192953 8192990 11en95 7183050 8183060 Bl"3O70 8183030 8193090 7183130 7183180 7183200 8183240 7183<60 7183270 7183300 7183330 718 3340 8183350 8183400 1183420 7183450 8183460 8183470 7183520 7193540 718 3550 7IB36I0 7183640 11 a36~0 8193690 7183720 7181740 7183810 718 3P-20 7183830 71~3840 718 38 70 71B890 NAME LOCATION LAKESHORE BANK £ TRUST co MICHIGAN CITY FIRST STATE BANK MIDDLEBURY FARMERS ST BK OF HENRY CTY MIDDLETOWN VALLEY BANK£ TRUST CO MISHAWAKA BANK CF MITCHELL MITCHELL MONTI CELLO SHTE A~D SAVINGS BANK MONTPELIER BANK OF MONTPELIER MOORESVILLE CITIZENS BANK CENTRAL BA~K £ TRUST MORNINGSIDE PEOPLES BA~K ANO TRUST co MOUNT VERNON INDUSTRIAL TRUST£ SVGS BANKMUNC IE NASHVILLE STATE 8A~K NASHVILLE AMERICAN BANK NEW ALBANY FLOYD COUNTY BANK NEW ALBANY SUTUAL TRUST CO~PANY NEW ALBANY tJN ION BK £ TR OF NEW ALBANY NEW ALBANY CITIZENS STATE BANK NEW CASTLE NEW PALESTINE BANK NEW PALESTINE CITIZENS STATE BANK NEWPORT NEW WASHINGTON STATE BANK NEW WASHINGTON WAINWRIGHT BANK AND TRUST CON08LESV ILLE NORTH JUDSON AMERICAN STATE B4NK INOIANA LAWRENCE BK £ TR CO NORTH MANCHESTER UNION SANK ANO TRUST CO~PANYNDRTH VERNON NOR TH WEBSTER cou•n I NG HOUSE BANK OAKLAND C ITV 1ST BKtTR CO OF OKLANO CY BANK OF OR.LEANS ORLEANS OSSIAN STATE BANK OSSIAN STATE BANK OF OXFORO OXFORD PALMYRA HARS I SON COtJ~TY BANK PAOLI OR ANGE COUNTY BANK PENDLETON PE~OLETON BA~KING COMPANY PERU PERU TRUST COMPANY PERU WABASH VALLEY BK£ TR CO ~ARSHALL COUNlY BK t TR CO PLYMOUTH PORTLAND CITIZENS BK OF PORTLAND PEOPLES BANK POR TL ANO PRINCETON GlaSON COUNTY BANK REMINGTON STATE BANK OF REMINGTON STAfE BK OF RENSSELAER RENSSELAER RISING SUN RISING SUN STATE BANK TRI-COUNTY BANK£ TRUST co ROACHDALE ROANN STAfE EXCHANGE BANK FARSERS ANO MERCHANTS BANK ROCHESTER ROCKVILLE PARKE STATE BANK ROYAL CENTER CO~HUNITY STATE BANK TOEP IN 14925 IN 27278 16360 86231 14514 52937 14322 34266 26315 41981 82980 20606 1798 3 39278 48346 64112 64183 23182 29703 17764 22058 28078 44551 32810 18657 18343 21387 22287 18253 13732 26817 23763 47052 56552 54741 31000 56929 37320 15103 38042 14842 24019 13830 2BB51 31379 21049 IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN l'I IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN 1117119 121 VL TCSH 131 1977 REQBAL 141 NEW EPl I SJ NEW REQBAL 161 DIF 131-151 205 242 334 1195 177 755 182 509 650 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1006 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 467 0 1376 211 441 523 811 1005 1289 215 563 323 292 497 525 307 228 296 230 195 231 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 639 0 0 0 311 1172 0 0 0 49 729 753 0 0 0 0 0 128 39 495 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1058 0 64B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 667 443 0 0 0 144 440 583 463 699 105 91 431 264 179 131 413 325 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 z 0 0 0 0 0 0 385 0 0 69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . .• • • • .••• .• .• .•• • • ••• • • N) N) N) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 1 NON•EHBE R BANKS OSB NAME FAR.ERS CITIZENS BANK SA~ PIERRE STATE BANK SPENCER COUNTY BANK JACKSCN COUNTY BANK AMERICAN STATE BANK SHIPSHEWANA STATE BANK ,'1ARTIN COUNTY BANK ST JOSEPH BA~K ANO TRUST co FIPST BANK t TRUST CO OWEN COUNTY STATE BANK SULLIVAN STATE BANK 7194'310 ST ATE BANK OF SYRACUSE 7184350 INDIANA STATE BANK 1104,~30 UNlm~ TRUST COMPANY 71R4450 LJ"',lflED BANK 7184475 NORTHERN IND BK t TR co 8184520 VEVAY OE POSIT BANK 9184540 SECURITY BK t TR CO 7184555 FRA~CES SLOCUM BK t TR co 8184560 FA•MER S BA~K ANO TRUST co 7lS4500 ST ATE 8K OF WALDRON 7l 84600 CASS COUNTY STATE BANK 7184650 LAKE CI TY BANK 8184660 CITIZENS BANK ANO TRUST co 8184610 SH TE BK Of wASHI NG TON 7U!4820 A:<ERICAN TR ANO SVGS BANK 7184830 f I RST BANK OF WHITING 7184850 CITIZENS STATE BANK 71849'30 PEOPLES lOAN t TRUST co 8183940 7183910 8183915 B l1t4')20 1184060 1184,70 81~4090 7184140 7184190 7194200 81134240 7184890 RANDOLPH COUNTY BANK 7184900 7184930 1184960 118499J OF UNION STATE BANK BAN< Cf WOLCOTT FARMERS STATE BANK FAR~ERS STATE BANK 111 TOEP LOCATION SALEH SAN PIERRE SANTA CLAUS SEYMOUR SHERIDAN SHIPSHEWANA SHOALS SOUTH BENO SPEEDWAY SPENCER SULLIVAN SYRACUSE TERRE HAUTE UNICN CITY UPLAND VAL PARA I SO VEVAY VINCENNES WABASH WAOESVILLE WAlORON WAL TON WARSAW WASHING TON WASHING TON WHI Tl NG WHITING WILLIAMSPORT WINCHESTER WINCHESTER WINDFALL WOLCOTT WYATT ZIONSVILLE 172 BANKS AFFEC TEO IN STATE 93 73 1111/19 121 YLTCSH 666 214 0 0 244 0 0 IN IN IN 48044 IN H4S4 946 IN IN IN IN IN 20869 42307 15870 268251 126799 40058 50416 25300 62242 20159 18474 125729 15284 81096 25832 42088 22882 19576 81143 32642 21316 23351 86468 24655 26448 22925 18468 14431 29735 20996 180 385 252 2098 I 783 489 226 281 932 416 474 IT34 186 1209 295 262 363 150 870 363 202 488 1260 275 557 379 357 93 317 356 Ill IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN 16357 16261 131 1911 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA I 51 ll>I· NEW DI F 131-151 REQBAL 148 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 215 0 5202 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4113 -4113 J334 0 24 0 0 0 0 646 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 355 0 0 2721 0 1259 0 298 0 0 1349 0 0 0 1246 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• • •• .• • • • . . .• • • ••• • • • • • • . HAYE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7190010 7190030 7190034 719JOBO ACKLEY STATE BA~K DALLAS COUNTY STATE BANK RACCOON VALLEY STATE BANK FIRST IOWA STATE BANK ACKLEY ADEL ADEL ALBIA IA IA IA IA 22395 35596 15922 17926 102 281 IOI• 229 0 0 0 0 59 188 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • .• ~ ~ cc Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. f NON~EMBER BANKS I II OSB 7190110 71<>0125 71<>0200 7190202 7190210 7190240 71 '10340 NAME TOEP lOCATION IA 7190500 7100520 7190524 7190535 7190538 719J560 7 1'~0'5d0 1190590 7190610 7190650 11°0100 7190720 71()0735 719J000 7190820 IOWA STATE BANK ALGONA THE SECURITY STATE BANK ALGONA UNION STORY TR & SVGS BANK AMES AMES U"IVERSITY BANK & TRUST CO ANAMOSA CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK ANKENY STATE BANK ANKENY ATLANTIC ATLANTIC STATE BANK FIRST WHITNEY BANK AND TRUST ATLANTIC AUDUBON STATE BANK AUDUBON AVOCA STATE BANK AVOCA CITIZE~S SAVINGS BANK AVOCA ST•TE SAVINGS BANK BEDFORD 8ELLEPLAINE CITIZENS STATE B•NK FIOST STATE BANK BELMOND NOnTH IOWA STATE BANK BELMOND BETTENDORF BANK ANO TRUST COBETTENOORF SECURITY STATE TR & SVGS BK BETTENOCRF DAVIS COUNTY SAVINGS BANK BLOOMFIElO BLUE GSASS SAVINGS BANK BLUE GRASS BOOSE STATE BK & TR CO BOONE FAR'-l!ERS SAVINGS BANK BCYOEN FIRST STATE BANK BRITT FARMERS TRUST & SAVINGS BK BUFFALO CENTER FARMERS t MERCHANTS BNK & TRBURl INGTON HAWKEYE BANK ANO TRUST BURll NG TON CARll SlE HARTFORD CARLISlE SVGS BK CARROLL CARROLL COUNTY STATE BANK 7lCW830 co~~ERCl~l SAVINGS BANK IA IA IA '119C!350 7190370 7l91HCO 7190410 7lqQ490 CARROLL CASCADE 7190550 CASCADE STATE BANK CEDAR FALlS 7190960 CEDAR FALlS lR t SVGS BK 11qoe11 Ml o••v BA~K & TRUST CEDAR FALLS 719oq130 FIRST TRUST ANO SAVINGS BANKCEOAR RAPIDS 7190890 GUARANTY BANK ANO TRUST CO CEDAR RAPIDS CEDAR RAPIDS 7190920 UNITEO STATE BANK 7190960 I □ <• TRUST A•lD SAVINGS BANK CENTERVILLE CHAR !TON 71~0970 FIRST STATE BANK 7191000 COS~ERCIAL lRUST ANO SAVINGSCHARLES CITY CHARlES CITY 7191010 flRST SECURITY BK AND TR CHEROKEE 7l'H060 CHEROKEE STATE BANK CHEROKEE 7191070 STEELE STATE BA~K CLARENCE 11•1000 CLARENCE SAVINGS BANK CLAR I NOA Tl9ll!O PAGE COUNTY STATE BANK CLAR ION 7191118 BRENTON BANK & TRUST CO CLARKSVILLE 7191130 IOaA STATE BANK CLEAR lAKE 7191145 CC"MUNITY STATE BANK CllNTON 7191200 IOWA STATE SAVINGS BANK IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA I A IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA 25701 25359 36890 29894 20772 22535 46319 36364 24117 13899 12803 16938 2222 7 22952 13546 46456 27432 26890 14363 35056 12695 22854 20755 47807 62660 I 5540 24376 26948 14714 37567 l606I 40915 35305 25151 38198 23362 ~1661 39866 32937 15231 13623 27762 18882 14785 17885 27213 1/11119 121 Vl TCSH 260 225 H9 289 151 508 255 183 131 85 61 138 131 19H REQBAL 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 408 H9 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 129 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 0 0 0 0 861 0 327 401 78 357 29 184 0 0 0 980 150 199 412 111 398 365 933 691 419 541 297 314 390 250 230 89 225 105 189 179 371 151 NEW REQBAL 0 207 79 142 123 848 141 NEW EPA 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 776 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 113 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lH 0 0 0 0 104 0 0 61 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .•• • • • • • • • • . . .•• • • • • .• .• • .•• .• .••• .•• • • ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NOtl.~EHBER BANKS DSS 7191280 7191285 71q13oe 7191310 7191330 7191350 7191380 7191400 7191440 7191460 7191480 71°14<}0 7191510 7191520 71Ql540 7191610 7191630 71Sl633 7191650 7191.653 7191 700 7191740 7191755 7101780 11q1soo 7191810 7191 e20 71918~0 719IB90 7191940 71Gl980 H 91990 7192010 7192030 7192145 71(nl65 71921~0 7192190 7192205 71922'10 7192450 11qz410 11925'.10 7192520 7192530 7192570 NAME 8ENEF IT TO BANKS COVERED BY HODIF IED H.R. 7 LOCATION COON RAPIDS IOWA SAVINGS BANK UNI 3ANK & TRUST WRALYILLE CCRYOON CITIZENS STATE BANK CORYDON CORYDON STATE BANK COUNC l l BLUFFS SAVINGS BANK COUNC fl BLUFFS ST ATE BANK & TRUST CO COUNCIL BLUFFS CRESCO CRESCO UNION SAYINGS BANK IOWA STATE SAVINGS SAN< CRESTON BRENTON STATE SANK DAL LAS CENTER DANVILLE STATE SAYINGS BANK OANYlllE F 1 RS T TRUST AND S4 YI NGS BANKOAVE NP ORT .'lORTHilEST BA:'IIK &. TRUST CO DAVENPORT DECORAH DECOR.AH STATE BA~K S[CUR !TY SANK ANO TRUST CO DECORAH CRAWFORD CTY TR ANO SVGS SK DENISON FIRST FEDERAL ST ATE BANK DES HOINES DES HOINES IOWA ST ATE BANK PLAZA STATE BANK DES MOINES DEWITT OE WI TT 8A•IK ANO TRUST CO DEWITT FIRST CENTRAL STATE BANK DONNELLSON CITIZENS STATE BANK DUBUQUE SANK AND TRUST CO DUBUQUE DUBUQUE KEY CITY BANK & TRUST CO l l BERTY TRUST ANO SAVINGS BKDURANT F IOEL ITV SANK ANO TRUST CO DYERSVILLE EAGLE GROVE SECURITY SAVINGS BANK EARLHAM EARL HA< SAVINGS BANK HARDIN COU~TY SAVINGS BANK ELDORA ELDRIDGE CENTRAL TR ANO SYGS 8K PALO ALTO COUNTY STATE BANK EMMETSBURG ESTHERVILLE EH'iET COUNTY STATE BANK IDWA TRUST ANO SAYINGS BANK ESTHERVILLE EX IRA EXCHANGE STA TE BANK FAIRFAX STATE SAVINGS BANK FAIRFAX MA~JFACTURERS BANK & TR CO FOREST cnv UNIO'I TRUST 4'1D SAVINGS SANKFCRT DODGE IOWA STATE BANK FORT MADISON FORT MADISON lEE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK FREMONT FARSERS SAVINGS BANK GEORGE GEORGE STATE SANK GREENFIELD ADAIR COUNTY STATE BANK GRINNELL GRINNELL STATE BANK GRUNDY CENTER FAR.'1ERS SAVINGS eAN'<. GUT HR IE CENTER GUTH~IE COUNTY STATE BANK GUTTENBERG SECURITY STATE SANK HAMPTON HAMPTON STATE BANK IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA I A IA IA IA ... IA IA IA IA IA IA I A IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA I A IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA 1117/79 111 TDEP 121 VLTCSH 22584 21251 19811 16501 92792 53230 24748 28610 29671 333 227 216 91 1248 962 288 388 191 13161 98 46931 83926 39240 26884 967 721 501 118 232 579 641 566 131 81 70 1519 259 163 151 209 126 121 376 179 589 305 59 100 252 772 270 273 52 82 149 172 94 111 90 256 23769 3971-'t 26627 48219 28528 15128 14266 116538 20787 25846 18387 2816' 1'52' 28067 34209 2828 7 36363 27991 13131 15190 22904 71543 15659 27037 14578 15762 15801 16657 18695 17414 14135 21787 131 1977 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 0 0 0 0 1611 185 0 0 157 0 0 1383 0 159 o o 105 310 J]q 0 0 2039 0 103 0 103 0 190 82 119 0 0 0 0 0 966 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .• .• ..• • • • .• • • • .. • .•• .•• ..• ..•• .• .. • ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NONSEHBER BANKS 056 NAME 111 TDEP LOCATION 7lq2610 SHELBY COUNTY ST ATE BANK HARLAN HAWARDEN 71926~0 HRSERS STATE BANK HAYESVILLE 7192670 HAYESVILLE SAVINGS BANK HILLS 7192690 HILLS BANK ANO TRUST CO HOLSTE IN 7192710 HOLSTEIN STATE BANK 7192790 HU,SSOLOT TRUST & SAVINGS BK HUMBOLDT IOA GROVE 7192310 JOA COUNTY ST ATE BANK I NOE PENO ENCE 7192820 FASSERS STATE SAVINGS BANK I NOE PENO ENCE 7192e30 SECURITY STATE BANK 7192840 PEOPLES TRUST ANO SAVINGS BKINOIANOLA INOIANOLA 7192S50 WA~qEN CTY BRENTON BK & TR 71qz5g5 HA<KEYE STATE BANK IOWA CITY low• C ITV 7192690 JOWi'\ STATE BK & TR COMPANY IOWA FALLS 71929JO CITIZENS STATE BANK IOWA FALLS 7192910 IO,;A FALLS STATE BANK JEFFERSON 11 qz940 H0'1E STATE BANK JEFFERSCN 7192950 JEFFERSON STATE BANK JESUP 71CJ29b0 FAR•ERS STATE BANK KALONA 7192990 FARSERS SAVINGS BANK KALONA 7I qJO·'JO KALONA SAVINGS BANK KELLOGG 7!'13020 KELLOGG SAVINGS BANK 7193040 KEOKUK SAVINGS BK ANO TR CO KEOKUK KEOKUK 7193050 SECURITY STATE BANK 719301>0 STATE CENTRAL SAVINGS BANK KEOKUK KECSAUQUA 7193070 FAq~ERS STATE BANK 7193120 KINGSLEY STATE BANK KINGSLEY KNOXVILLE 71931 l>O IOWA STATE SAVINGS BANK 7!93BO FARMERS AND SERCHMHS STATE LAKE Ml LLS 719~220 KER~OT BROTHERS SAVINGS BANKlANSING 11q3210 LAUSENS STATE BA~K LAURENS LAWLER 7193290 ST ATE BANK OF La.LER lE MARS 7193320 LE "ARS SAVINGS BANK LEON 7193341 DECATUR COUNTY STATE BA~K 7PH450 FAR"1ERS t SERCHANTS SVGS BK LONE TREE MAPLETON 7\93650 MAPU:lCN TR ANO SVGS 8K ~AQUOKETA 7193660 JACKSON STATE BK t TR CO MAQUCKETA 719~b65 M!\CVDKETA STATE BANK MARE~GO 7l<J36?0 IO,<A COUNTY SAVINGS BANK MAR I CN 7193695 FARSERS STATE BANK 71Q37l0 co.••ERC I AL STATE BANK MAR SHALL TOWN MARSHALL TOWN 7193710 F IOELITY BRENTON BK & TC MASON CI TY 7193745 ASER ICAN STATE B4'1K MEDIAPOLIS 1193810 MEDIAPOLIS SAVINGS BANK MCUNT AYR 7194030 SECURITY STATE BANK MOUNT PLEASANT 7194040 HENRY COUNTY SAVINGS BANK MOUNT PLEASANT 7194045 MOUNT PLEASANT BK ANO TR IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA I A IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA 27650 15168 25231 42813 16780 34607 34762 29381 23247 59579 I 7484 20239 77033 31809 18440 31398 31482 I 5343 16600 16342 19362 24299 22179 43379 16201 14862 25243 16704 19701 19990 12500 39763 21145 IB655 15504 49265 44482 20600 54035 39923 55297 15699 16032 2nn 3115B 291B 5 1/17/79 121 VL TCSH 232 103 150 121 IOI 320 212 692 234 547 110 240 93B 162 178 155 137 104 75 65 86 464 320 624 1B8 54 363 1B7 153 127 66 544 214 Bl 52 418 178 174 451 552 733 330 IOI 91 463 206 131 141 1977 RE QB Al NEW EPA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 l6q 534 0 136 182 0 0 666 0 0 1032 164 0 224 297 0 0 0 46 0 0 126 0 0 0 0 0 ID 0 35 0 42 0 391 486 0 690 0 273 0 0 35 0 40 151 NEW RHBAl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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SAVINGS BANK OSKALOOSA ~AH~SKA STATE BANK OSKALOOSA SOUTH OTTUl.ti,,.A SAVINGS BANK onu•wA PARKERSBURG STATE BANK PARKERSBURG PELLA MARION COUNTY STATE BANK PERRY STATE BANK COM~ERCIAL STATE BANK CITIZENS STATE BANK H8UGHTON STATE BANK LINCOLN SAVINGS BANK I II TOEP LOUTION PERRY POCAHONTAS POSTVILLE REO OAK REINBECK FARMERS SAVINGS SAUK REMSEN FIR ST TRUST AND SAVINGS BANKREMSEN LY □., COUNTY STATE BANK ROCK RAP IDS ROCK RAPIDS ROCK RAPIDS STATE BANK VALLEY STATE BANK ROCK VALLEY ROCKWELL C ITV US! □~ STATE BANK SAC UTY CITIZENS SAYINGS BANK SAC C (Ty SAC CITY STATE BANK FAR.MERS STATE BANK SCIILE SWIG SECURITY STATE BANK SHELDON SIBLEY STATE BANK SIBLEY FIRST TRUST ANO UNION SAVINGSIGOURNEY KcOKUK COUNTY STATE BANK S IGCURNEY ASERICAN STATE BANK SIOUX CENTER MORNINGSIDE STATE BANK SIOUX CITY FAR.SERS TRUST AND SAVINGS BKSPENCER FIRST BANK ANO TRUST SPIRIT LAKE STORY CITY RANO,ILL-STORY STATE BANK STGRY CITY STOSY cou,TY STATE BANK UtJION BANK ANO TRUST COMPANYSTRAWBERRY POINT S lUAR T FIR ST STATE BANK TAMA TA.•A STATE BANK FIRST SB OF THORNTON THGRNTON TIPTON Tl PTON STATE BANK TOLEDO ST ATE BK OF TCLEOO TR.AER FAR.•ERS SAVINGS BANK FIRST CON,.UN IT Y BANK & TRUSTT RAE R BRENTON BK & TR CO OF VINTONVINTON IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA 16048 22063 15343 15960 25780 2315 5 33470 26703 23152 49756 33795 17721 26989 32435 21318 13919 39114 23024 15735 15514 18287 19035 24665 12948 15459 2ll4l 18189 30015 14680 18576 16050 26332 1470 7 31818 18208 12933 l 7449 13927 13189 21640 14321 IA 24776 IA 23421 24010 15442 18233 IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA 1/11119 (2J Vl TCSH 115 82 135 148 250 173 161 337 209 458 582 135 189 498 T3 93 257 138 48 94 lll 151 170 IOI 137 109 103 185 168 74 165 128 214 200 345 54 146 90 85 249 123 122 132 67 74 HI I 3J 1917 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 0 82 0 0 0 0 239 0 0 416 0 0 78 0 71 0 229 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BERTY FIRST TRUST ANO SlVINGS BANKWHEATlAND FARMERS TRUST t SAVINGS BK WllllAHSBURG SECUqlTY SAYINGS BANK WllllAMSBURG WILTON SAYINGS BANK WILTON FARMERS ANO .•ERCHANTS STATE WINTERSET UNION STATE BANK WINTERSET CITIZENS STATE BANK WYOMING 207 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 131 76 IA IA IA IA IA IA IA u IA u IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA 25404 14881 22272 15432 78836 15739 27125 31524 23742 l6432 57237 21069 15663 21935 14796 21905 21090 28500 15451 1/11/79 121 VL TCSH 355 131 1911 REQBAL 0 141 NEM EPA 134 0 0 0 65 0 149 112 1105 0 0 0 354 444 232 62 485 178 126 l66 92 243 105 225 148 0 0 l066 0 0 0 0 ••• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 151 !'j[W REQ6AL 0 0 0 0 0 0 1179 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 0 0 0 76 0 0 0 0 0 II 83 0 161 Dlf 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .• .•• • • •• •• •• •• HAYE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAYE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE -----------10200020 10200310 10200390 l0200550 l0200570 10200940 10201000 10201160 l0201ZIO 10201230 10201240 10201260 10201330 10201390 102015~0 102015B0 10201610 IOZOl630 10201660 CITIZENS BANK OF ABILENE ST ATE BANK OF ATWOOD PRAIRIE STATE BANK GUARANTY STATE BANK BE~•UNGTON STATE BANK BANK OF CO~HERCE PEOPLES STATE SANK FARMERS A'10 MERCHANTS BANK COLUMBUS STATE BANK STATE BANK OF COLWICH CLOUD COUNTY BANK t TRUST FIRST BANK t TRUST FARMERS AND DROVERS BANK FAR~ERS t MERCHANTS ST SK CITIZENS ST BK OF ELDORADO WAl"IUT VALLEY STATE BANK PEOPLES STATE BANK CITIZENS BANK t TRUST CD OF EMPORIA STATE BK t TRUST CO ABILENE ATWOOD AUGUSTA BELOIT BENNINGTON CHANUTE CHERRYVALE COLBY COLUMBUS COLWICH CONCORDIA CONCOROIA COUNC I l GROVE OERBY El DCRADO ELDORADO ElllNW00D ELLSWORTH EMPORIA KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS 20936 14231 24819 19380 l5355 38506 14004 28859 18280 20212 20742 16452 16742 77578 25362 28180 23525 23464 32743 77 412 182 0 0 0 D 0 0 116 79 317 94 132 200 72 107 91 130 561 284 315 172 117 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 291 0 412 0 48 0 60 0 0 0 1192 0 0 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BANK HAYSVILLE CITIZENS STATE ~•NK & TR CO Hl•~ATHA SOR~lll & JANES BK & TR CO HIAWATHA DENI SON STATE BANK HOL TCN HOXIE STATE B•NK HOXIE CITIZENS STATE BANK HUGOTON C!=NTRAL STATE BANK HUTCHINSON I NOE PEND ENCE INDEPENDENCE STATE BANK ALLEN COUNTY BANK & TRUST IOLA IOLA STATE BANK IGLA ARRO>HEAO S B OF KANSAS CITYKANSAS CITY BROTHERHOOD STATE BANK KANSAS C ITV KANSAS CITY DOUGLASS STATE BANK FIDELITY STATE BANK KANSAS CITY FIRST ST BK OF KANSAS C ITV KANSAS C ITV GUI.RANTY STATE BANK & TRUST KANSAS C ITV HO.'-tE STATE BANK KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY INDUSTRIAL STATE BANK KAW V•LLEY STATE BK & TRUST KANSAS CITY KANSAS C ITV ROSEDALE ST SK t TR CO TOWER STATE BANK KANSAS C ITV KANSAS C ITV TWIN C ITV STATE BANK STATE BANK OF KING•AN KINGMAN FIRST STATE BANK KIOWA LAWRENCE OOUGL AS COUNTY STATE BANK LAWRENCE U'HVERSI TY STATE BANK LENEU LENEXA ST BK & TR CO FIRST STATE BMlK LEOTI LIBERAL CITIZENS STATE BANK MC PHERSON HO-•E STATE BANK & TRUST MCPHERSON •CPHcRSON ST SK & TR CD ~CPHERSON PEOPLES BANK & TR CO CITIZENS STATE BANK & TRUST MANHATTAN MARYSVILLE E•C BK Of SCHMIOT & KOSTER MINNEAPOLIS UNITED BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS MISSION CENTENNIAL BANK & TRUST co KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS 19272 17089 18127 23421 lt6674 18228 15024 21622 34038 40603 26114 26329 20221 20383 19556 26659 45617 33102 32916 20165 16031 59427 20305 20545 25437 22949 50732 32479 24014 27182 16844 31455 16051 14886 38803 23064 25979 20379 24899 16299 52770 22204 29208 27298 17232 28460 1111/19 1 121 VLTCSH 194 131 326 166 388 176 151 156 211 302 243 161 86 116 66 213 621 465 529 304 187 1277 120 284 265 505 303 332 352 314 260 500 67 86 690 598 380 118 301 171 324 215 342 260 105 317 131 1917 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (41 NEW EPA 0 0 0 18 486 0 0 12 144 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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10204920 HOSE STATE BANK RUSSELL 10204910 RUSSELL STATE BANK SABETHA 10204940 FAR<ERS STATE BANK ST FRANCIS 10204960 CITIZENS STATE BANK SALINA 10205025 FIRST STATE BK & TR co 10205040 PLANTERS STATE BK & TR SALINA SCOTT CITY 10205063 SECURITY STATE 8ANK SENECA 10205110 CITIZENS STATE BANK SHAWNEE 10205155 CITIZENS STATE 8ANK SHAWNEE 10205160 SHAw,iEE STATE BANK SMITH CENTER 10205200 SSITH CTY ST BK & TR SOUTH HUTCHINSON 10205225 SANK OF KANSAS TE SCOTT 10205420 BANK OF TESCOTT 10205505 CAPITAL CITY ST BK & TR CO TOPEKA TOPEKA 10205510 COMSERCE BANK & TRUST TOPEKA 10205520 FIDELITY STATE BANK & TR TOPEKA 10205535 HIGHLAND PARK SANK & TR TOPEKA 10205540 KAW VALLEY ST SK & TR CO TOPEKA 10205555 NORTH PLAZA STATE BANK TOPEKA 10205565 SOUTHWEST STATE SANK TOPEKA 10205580. TOPEKA BANK & TRUST ULYSSES 10205670 GPANT cou•HY STATE 8ANK 10205705 ARKANSAS VALLEY STATE SANK VALLEY CENTER WAKEENEY 10205175 TREGO WAKEEllEY STATE BANK WICHITA I020f015 BOULEVARO STATE BANK WICHITA 10206016 CENTRAL BANK & TRUST WICHITA 10206017 CITY BANK & TRUST CO WICHITA 10200018 EAST SIDE SANK ANO TRUST WICHITA 10206040 KANSAS STATE BANK & TR CO WICHITA 10206045 SENECA ST BK OF WICHITA WICHITA 10206058 TWIN LAKES STATE BANK 10206065 UNITED AMERICAN BK & TR CO WICHITA 10204170 FA'"ERS STATE BK OF OAKLEY co co co KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS 84151 35246 22067 56688 33612 55095 45093 50265 14933 25177 37563 107325 79617 16578 43168 37116 19898 14457 21687 64513 21251 21921 20218 663H 21622 15367 13171 16407 56534 46142 42139 36542 14412 24924 23754 38815 19720 18398 64883 32991 21466 32120 123399 28019 29761 32623 1/17 /79 121 VL lCSH 131 1917 REQBAL 141 NEW EPA 1758 0 0 401 480 106 713 469 1006 455 661 134 470 795 1034 764 82 128 192 99 65 421 767 124 IH 472 860 151 242 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 37 153 0 0 688 0 342 530 670 319 0 0 0 0 0 0 508 0 0 0 0 441 405 165 305 l08 1006 463 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HZ 0 145 124 173 0 0 0 1965 1382 0 482 277 0 0 0 1051 0 46 0 836 18 0 0 0 758 536 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 795 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 816 0 44H 571 272 673 0 0 39 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-15) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 376 500 151 NEW REOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• • • • • ..• • • •• .• • ..• ..• .•• ..•• • .••• . • • • ~ ~ 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NDN~EMBER BANKS BENEFIT TD BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 1 Ill DSB NAME 10206075 10206165 10206167 1020t17D DF WI CHI TA STATE BANK WESTGATE STATE BANK WYA~OOTTE BANK STATE EXCHANGE BUIK LOCATION TOEP WICHITA WYANDOTTE COUNTY WYANDOTTE COUNTY YATES CENTER 115 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 11 37 31382 22296 20098 11721 121 VLTCSH 335 331 209 87 131 1977 141 NEW REQBAL EPA 0 0 0 0 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 .•• . HAVE ND EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT DR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE ND REQURED RESERVE BALANCE -------------8210030 42100'8 4110105 8210120 8210130 8210170 4210190 8210210 8210220 B210310 8210340 4210430 8210450 8210500 4210580 9210660 4210740 4210180 8210840 8210895 B2ll0l5 8211040 4211 l l O 4211120 4211125 4211130 4211150 8211170 821 ll95 8211200 42ll2SO 8211100 4211360 8211380 KS KS KS KS 1/17/19 CITIZENS BANK ALBANY BANK OF ASHLAND INC ASHLAND AMERICAN FIDELITY BK & TR CDBARBDURV ILLE FAR~ERS 8A~K ANO TRUST CD BARDSTOWN BARDSTOWN WILSON & MUIR BK & TR CO BEAVER DAM DEPOSIT BANK BEAVER DAM BELLEVUE CH~RCL & SVGS BANK BELLEVUE BANK OF BENTON BENTON BANK OF MARSHALL COUNTY BENTON BDWll NG GREEN BK & TR CO BOWLING GREEN FAR~ERS DEPOSIT BANK BRlNDENBURG PEOPLES DEPOSIT SANK BURL ING TON TRIGG COUNTY FARMERS BANK CADIZ TAYLOR COUNTY BANK CAMPBELLSVILLE KY FRMS BK OF CATLETTSBURG CATLETTSBURG BANK OF CLARKSTON CLARKSON CORBIN DEPOSIT BANK & TR co CORBIN COVINGTON TR & BNKNG CD COVINGTON CRESTWOOD STATE BANK CRESTWOOD DANVILLE BANK Of DANVILLE CITIZENS BK OF EllZABETHTWN El I ZABETHTDWN FARMERS DEPOSIT BANK EMINENCE FLEM INGS8URG FAR•ERS DEPOSIT BANK PEOPLES BANK OF FLEMING CTY FLEMINGSBURG FLORENCE BOO~E STATE BANK FLORENCE FlO~EflCE DEPOSIT BANK FORT THOMAS BELLEVUE BANK FORT THOMAS FRANKFORT FR•S BK t CAPITAL TR CD FRANKLIN BANK AND TRUST CD FRANKLIN FRANKll N SIMPSON COUNTY BANK FAR~~RS BA~K ANO TRUST CO GEORGETOWN CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CO GLASGO• CC•-•ERCIAL BK Of GRAYSON GRAYSON GREENSBURG GREENSBURG DEPOSIT BANK -------------- ------------KY KY KY KY KY KY KY kY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY 20134 3 ♦ 748 22803 21344 22132 24279 26308 39H8 46559 39120 23872 14630 33387 249B2 35022 19601 28217 76519 19889 22172 36414 19303 22297 26686 27221 27556 42973 161691 22462 42781 23738 56304 23258 21651 220 541 5DI 350 344 344 550 672 454 697 209 301 331 713 513 338 494 1476 281 298 865 209 211 212 1194 514 833 1524 358 740 359 934 374 265 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 261 30 0 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ♦ 550 11"6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1146 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 958 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 382 0 0 a •• •• .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • . .•• .••• t..:> .... ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DSB BANKS NA"E BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HDDIFIEO H.R. 7 111 TOEP LOCATION 8211405 FIRST STATE BANK GREENVILLE HARLAN 42ll4!0 BANK OF HARL AN 8211470 HAR TFORO BANK AND TRUST co HARTFORD HAWESVILLE 8211490 HANCOCK BANK & TRUST CO 4211490 CITIZENS STATE BANK HAZA RO HAZARD 4211500 PEOPLES BANK HENDERSON 8211530 FM SERS BANK ANO TRUST CO HOPKINSVILLE 8211~10 FIRST CITY BK AND TR CO HCRSE CAVE 8211630 HOR SE CAVE STATE BANK 4211690 !NEZ DEPOS! T BANK INEZ IR'/1 NGTON 8211710 FIRST STATE BANK 4211725 CITIZENS BANK JACKSON LA GRANGE 8211810 BAN~ OF OLOHAH COMPANY 8211995 CTZ BK&TR CO OF GRAYSON CTY LEITCHFIELD 8211900 LEITCHFIELD DPST BK & TR CO LEITCHFIELD 4211925 BANK OF LEXINGTON INC LEX I NG TON LEX I NG TON 4211930 CENTRAL BANK ANO TRUST CO 8212045 BANK OF LOU! SV!LLE-ROYAL BK LOU! SVILLE 8212170 STOCK YARDS BK & TR CO LOU! SVILLE 4212210 JACKSON COUNTY BANK HC KEE 8212230 FRH.lS BK & TR CO OF HADSNVLEHAOI SONVILLE 8212240 KENTUCKY BANK ANO TRUST CO HAOISONVILLE HAO! SONVILLE 8212245 PECPLES SANK ANO TRUST CO MANCHE STER 4212270 FIRST STATE BANK MART IN 4212295 FlqsT GUARANTY BANK MAYFIELD 9212315 LIBERTY SAVINGS BANK 4212330 BANK OF HAYSVILLE HAYSVILLE MIOOLES80RO 4212380 CVMSERCIAL BANK 8212430 FAR"ERS BANK HILTON 8212450 MO,HICELLO 8ANKING COMPANY MONT I CELLO 8212510 U!J I ON BANK ANO TRUST COMPANYMORGANF IELD HORGANTO>N 8212520 MORGANTOWN DEPOSIT BANK MOUNT STERLING •212550 EXCHAr.GE BANK OF KENTUCKY 4212500 SANK OF MT VERNON MOUNT VERNON MURRAY 8212630 BANK OF HUqRAY 8212640 PEOPLES SANK OF HURRAY MURPAY 8212650 UNITED CITIZENS BK & TR co NEW CASTLE 4212770 PEOPLES BA•K CLIVE Hill OWENSBORO 8212780 CENTRAL BA•K AND TRUST CO OWENSBORO 8212790 CITIZENS STATE BANK 8212840 PEOPLES BANK ANO TRUST CO OWENTON PADUCAH 8212670 CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO PADUCAH 8212875 PAWCAH BANK AND TRUST CO 4212920 BOURBON AGRICLTRL BK & TR COPARIS PI KEVILLE 4212085 CITIZENS BANK OF PIKEVILLE PINEVILLE 4213025 FIRST STATE BANK KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KV KY KY KY KY KY KY KV KY KY KV KY KY KY KY KY 40452 38194 18088 23767 22479 51447 32165 73109 21663 24623 24502 230,03 30383 21757 18866 59967 148428 3414 76 44200 19590 54105 58339 50580 26663 35185 42979 33935 41613 14828 20588 24803 23065 28307 20137 83744 5507 2 25571 24635 70132 86852 21429 1244 79 49216 32500 69755 19148 1/17/79 121 VL TCSH 814 1267 342 325 616 1364 456 1629 263 993 556 459 526 340 260 715 2534 4118 547 435 665 831 1268 613 544 593 426 1151 300 416 273 417 333 386 804 955 334 605 1201 1197 147 2301 1161 420 1493 696 131 I 977 REOBAL 141 151 161 NElii EPA ~EW REOBAL OIF 131-151 0 0 116 104 0 0 0 0 166 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 804 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 918 39T5 5188 445 0 872 962 137 0 0 362 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1551 132 0 0 1301 2074 1 2699 0 0 683 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7340 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -7340 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • .. . • .•• .• .. . • • ..• • • • • . • •• • •• • • • • N) ~ N) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON,~EMBER BANKS NAME DSB 8213030 4213050 8213070 8213080 8213090 4213105 4213110 4213130 8213160 8213210 6211310 8213340 8213360 8213465 8213490 4213520 8213530 8213550 8213570 4213640 4213660 4213670 4213760 4213780 't213785 4213800 4213S20 4213850 4213~60 4213900 OF Of POSIT BANK BANK JOSEPHINE FARMERS BK & TR CO INC FIRST BK & TR CO PROVIDENCE STATE BANK RICHMOND BANK STATE BK & TR CO FIRST ANO PEOPLES BANK SO UTHE RN OE POSIT BANK KENTUCKY STATE BANK CITIZENS UNION BANK SHELBY COU'ITY TRUST BANK PEOPlES 8A~IK fl RST ANO PEOPLES BANK SPRINGFIELD STATE BANK POWELL CGUNTV BANK FARY,ERS STATE BANK PEOPLES BANK DEPOSIT BANK OF MONROE CTY CITIZENS DEPOSIT BANK UNITED BANK ANO TRUST CO WOODFORD B4NK ANO TRUST CO co~~ERCIAL BANK BANK OF WHITESBURG FIRST SECURITY BANK BANK OF MC CREARY COUNTY BANK OF WILLIAMSBURG BANK OF WILLIAMSTOWN PEOPLES COMMERCIAL BANK WINCHESTER BANK BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. J 111 TDEP lOCATION PLEASUREVILLE PRESTONSBURG PRINCETON PRINCETON PROVIDENCE RICHMOND R ICHMONO RUSSELL RUSSELLVILLE SCOTTSVILlE SHELBYVILLE SHELBYVILLE SHEPHEROSVILLE SPR lNGF I ELD SPRINGFIELD STANTON STURGIS TAYLORSVILLE TOMPKINSVILLE VANCEBURG VERSAILLES VERSAILLES WEST LIBERTY WHITESBURG WHITES BURG WHITLEY CITY WILLIAMSBURG WILLIAMSTOWN WINCHESTER WINCHESTER 110 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 82 26 KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY KY 15813 50083 31480 36653 16400 15477 57156 46088 25612 17367 22784 20668 I 8558 22732 27152 19579 21468 17155 19460 28077 28682 30894 24302 45892 19593 21170 24534 21119 34270 51377 1/17/19 121 VlTCSH 103 BBi 532 553 334 382 930 1464 309 271 392 154 375 244 274 458 302 242 317 507 528 477 336 941 626 676 620 213 406 407 131 1977 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BANK OF ABBEYVILlE & TR CO GULF COAST BANK GUARANTY BK AND TRUST CO CENTRAL PROGRESS I VE BANK BAKER BANK ANO TRUST CO BANK OF MOREHOUSE A~ER !CAN BANK ANO TRUST CO BATON ROUGE BANK & TRUST CD 151 NEW REQBAL 0 252 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 611 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 825 (61 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • •• .• .•• • .•• ...•• • ~ • .••• .•• • HAVE ND eARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------6220010 622002 5 6?20030 6220052 6220071 112no15 62200S5 6220086 141 NEW EPA ABBEVILLE ABBEVILLE ALEXANDRIA AMITE E BATCN ROUGE BASTROP BATON ROUGE BATGN ROUGE lA lA LA LA LA lA LA LA 315H 17876 150202 23460 H041 19304 459966 67262 ---------1049 261 2645 545 904 754 7117 751 0 0 0 4033 0 0 0 5248 0 694 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6160 0 -6160 0 .• .•• • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON~EMBER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED SY MODIFIED H.R. 7 Ill DSB ~22008 7 11220120 11220145 11220150 11220166 6220170 6220190 6220185 6220187 6220210 6220220 11220270 6220275 6220290 6220305 11220312 6220320 6220330 6220375 6220380 11220)00 6220,JO 62;0410 6220415 6220420 6 220427 6220430 6220455 6220405 622046 7 6220490 6220507 11220510 6220525 6220543 6220545 6220550 6220572 6220573 11220590 11220590 l1220b00 1122J615 622062 C 6220623 622062 5 NAME LOCATION BATON ROUGE CAP IT Al BANK ANO TRUST CO CADDO TRUST AND SAVINGS BK BELCHER BLANCHARD PE OPlE S BANK & TR CO BOSSIER CITY BOSSIER BANK ANO TRUST CO REO RIVER VALLEY BANK BGSS IER CITY FAR"ERS-MERCHANTS BK&TR CO BREA~X BRIDGE BUSK IE AVOYELLES TR ANO SVGS BK su,,<1 E BANK & TRUST COMPANY au,1• 1 E PEOPLES B&TC OF ST BERNARD CHALMETTE FAR,ERS STATE BK & TR CO CHURCH POINT CLINTON CLINTON BANK ANO TR CO BANK CF COUSHATTA COUSHATTA COV HIGTON CITIZENS BK ANO TRUST CO BANK CF cc,.sERCE & TRUST co CROWLEY LOUISIANA BANK AND TRUST co CROWLEY GUARANTY BANK & TRUST CD DELHI DENHAM SPRINGS LIVINGSTON ST BK & TR CO CITY SAVINGS SANK ANO TR co OE RIDDER EUNICE ACAOIANA BANK TRI PARISH BANK ANO TRUST COEUNICE FAR MERV lllE FAR,ERVILLE BANK CCM.,ERC I Al BANK ANO TRUST COFRANKLI N FRANKLIN ST MARY BANK AND TRUST CO FIRST STATE BANK ANO TR CO FRANKLINTON WASHINGTON SANK ANO TRUST COFRANKLINTON ST ATE SANK AND TRUST CO,SPANYGOLOEN MEADOW GONZALES 8 ANK CF GONZALES GRETNA BANK OF THE SOUTH GUA~ANTY BANK ANO TR CO GRETNA GULF s □ un, 8K & TR co GRETNA HAMMOND FIRST GUARANTY BANK HARVEY CONTINENAL BANK PlA~ITER.S BK. C. TR CO HAYNESVILLE A•ERICAN HNK ANO TRUST CO HOUMA PROGRESSIVE BANK & TRUST CO HOIJMA TEaREBOSNE BANK & TRUST CO HOUMA co.••uN !TY ST ATE BANK INDEPENDENCE JEFFERSON SANK & TR CO JEfFERSON PARISH FIRST METROPOLITAN SANK JEFFERSON PARISH BANK OF JENA JENA LA SALLE STATE BANK JENA JACKSON PARISH BANK JONE SBORO CATAHOULA BANK JONESVILLE 1<.APLAN KAPLAN STA TE BANK VERMILLIOtl BANK ANO TRUST COKAPLAN KENNER MERCHANTS TR ANO SVGS BK TOEP 1/17/79 121 Vl TCSH LA 214859 1728 LA 19935 18740 133716 14879 30787 23580 15335 42066 24539 19869 23263 20661 63074 22 531 20338 44094 321 393 1046 166 LA LA LA LA LA lA LA LA LA lA lA LA lA LA LA LA LA LA LA 39798 23654 30568 lA 18928 35866 I 7425 67650 LA LA 37138 37971 LA 74344 18012 80702 27574 114620 22548 32018 39839 30470 154113 28138 73486 43325 22461 20733 17941 21291 29336 25705 26493 LA LA LA LA LA lA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA 475 546 185 1666 307 245 454 525 1116 141 r,ew 151 1977 REQBAl EPA REQBAl 131 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NEW 4898 385 0 0 0 0 0 131 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3573 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DI F 131-151 -385 0 0 -131 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1184 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 153 391 0 0 0 0 0 599 1094 1193 0 0 0 0 0 499 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 649 0 0 0 0 0 292 338 1307 367 692 229 367 316 n2 379 2194 515 2416 605 360 803 892 2469 560 869 1175 827 399 345 284 312 370 576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 ·o 1024 0 872 0 1795 0 I 0 0 3736 0 1764 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .• •• ..• .• .•• . .•• • • .. .. .• . .•• .. • • . N) ~ ~ BENEF!l lO BANKS COVERED BY HODIFIEO H.R. 7 NONMEMBER BANKS "" ' Ill 0 OSB NAME TOEP LOCATION 121 VLTCSH ~ 1/17/79 131 1977 REQBAL 10 NEW EPA ISi NEW REQBAL 161 · DIF 131-151 0 ;; :,; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6220628 6220640 6220645 6220b48 11220678 6220710 6220720 LAFAYETTE LAFAYETTE LAFAYETTE LAKE CHARLES LAKE PROV IOENCE LA LA LA LEESVILLE LA VERNON BANK LEESVILLE LULING LUTCHER LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA co 6220740 BANK OF ST CHARLES £ TR 6220750 6270755 11220763 11 ~20790 6220805 6220810 6220833 6220834 6220835 6220336 11220850 11220955 6220892 6220895 62209)0 l\?.20910 11220920 11220930 6220945 6220975 62lJ97q 622098 7 6221040 6221045 6221048 6221055 11221060 11221090 6221005 6221100 6221110 6221120 6221150 62211•0 6221165 6221180 6221195 6221188 LA LA AMERICAN BK ANO TR COMPANY GUARANTY BANK ANO TRUST CO HUB CITY BANK ANO TRUST CO AMERIC&.N BANK OF COMMERCE BANK OF DIXIE Mi:.F 8A.NK & TR co co ST JAMES BANK ANO TRUST MAMOU CUARA'JTY BANK OF HA--10U MANSFIELD ~ANSF I ELD BK (. TR CO HANY SAB !NE STATE BK & TR CO MARKSVILLE CENTRAL LA BK G TR CO I NC MARKSVILLE UN ION BANK COSSERCIAL SANK ANO TRUST COMETAIRIE METAIRIE FIRST PROGRESSIVE BANK SEUIRIE BANK ANO TRUST CO METAIRIE META IRIE PO~TCHARTRAIN ST ATE BANK MINDEN PEOPLES BANK ANO TRUST CO MONROE ASERICAN BANK & TRUST CO MORGAN C ITV GUARANTY BANK & TRUST CO MORGAN C !TY BANK ANO TR CO MORGAN CllY ASSUMPTION BANK ANO TRUST CONAPOLEONVILlE Cl TY BANK ANO TRUSf COMPANY NATCHITOCHES EXCHANGE BANK ANO TRUST CO NATCHITOCHES NATCH I lOCHES PEO?LES BANK AND TRUST CO Cl lY BANK ANO TRUST COMPANY NEW IBERIA NEW ORLEANS BANK OF LA IN NEW ORLEANS NEW ORLEANS COLONIAL BANK NEW ORLEANS l l em TY BANK ANO TRUST co NEW ROADS BANK OF NEW ROADS GUARANTY BANK ANO TRUST CO NEW ROADS AMERICAN BAtiK NORCO BANK CF SOUTHWEST LOUISIANA OAKDALE OAK GROVE BANK OF OAK GROVE OLLA OLLA STATE BANK AMER !CAN BANK ANO TRUST CO OPELOUSAS OPELOUSAS PLA"TER TR ANO SAVINGS BK ST LANDRY BANK ANO TRUST CO OPELOUSAS PATTERSON PATfERSON STATE BANK CIT 11 ESS BANK ANO TRUST CO PLAQUEMINE PLAQUEMINE IBfRVILlE TR ANO SVGS BK DL A~U E~ I NE BMIK t TRUST CO PLAQUEMINE PORT ALLEN BAN< CF WEST BATON ROUGE DELTA BANK ANO TRUST COMPANYPORT SULPHUR COMSUNITY BANK OF LAFOURCHE RACELAND 911H LA 236104 35840 41494 32543 29223 21321 H5l0 31027 2ll24 17BB7 22548 15171 26135 49036 18810 65163 17200 47392 65780 42217 31399 38682 25840 30826 28786 26987 LA 31081 LA 31817 20392 45395 30504 47033 l6001 18759 14467 38823 39323 54719 26814 LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA lA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA 3443ft 2641 B 20917 20028 45361 26527 1064 3907 394 482 426 452 398 939 608 435 233 '40 536 509 1302 482 1506 309 532 656 820 542 1083 508 516 990 392 506 552 514 911 599 1004 244 426 140 760 652 1094 541 624 687 268 518 1801 312 0 2705 5198 0 313 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 551 0 2662 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 547 1013 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 247 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2662 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • . . .• • .• •• ..• .•• .• • • • .• .•• .•• • NI ~ CTI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON~EH8ER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOD IF IED H.P.. 7 NAME OSB LOUT ION co co RACELAND BANK ANO TRUST RAYNE ST ATE BANK ANO TR RICHLAND STATE BANK 8A'-.1K OF ST JGHN LINCOLN BA~K t TRUST RUSTON STATE BK t TR BANK CF COSMERCE ANO TR ST "ARTIN SANK t TR CO AMERICAN BANK t TRUST CO THE BANK OF COM~ERCE LOUIS I ANA BANK t TRUST CO PIONEER BANK t TRUST CO SHSEVEPORT BANK t TRUST RACELAND RAYNE RAYVILLE RESERVE RUSTON RUSTON ST FRANC I $VILLE ST MART !~VILLE SHREVEPCRT SHREVEPORT SHREVEPORT SHREVE PORT SHREVEPORT UNITED MERCANTILE BANK SHREVEPCRT FIRST BANK SllOEll SPRINGHILL BK t TR CO SPR I ~GHI LL BMIK OF SUNSET ANO TR CO SUNSET TALLULAH STATE BK t TR CO TALLULAH ACAOIAN BANK THIBODAUX CITIZENS BANK ANO TR CO THIBODAUX VACHER IE BANK OF VACHERIE CO~COROI A BANK ANO TRUST VIDALIA VILLA PLATTE b221425 AMERICAN SECURITY BUIK 6Vl430 EVANGELINE BANK ANO TRUST COVILLE PLATTE WASHINGTON 6221450 WA SH I NG TON STATE BANK 6221453 ASER I CAN BANK WELSH 6221460 BANK OF CC,SHERCE WHITE CASTLE lll2I480 FRANKLIN STATE BK t TR CO WHINSBORO WINNSBORO 11221400 WINNSBORO STATE BK t TR ZACHARY 62Zi51JO BANK OF ZACHARY 6221190 6221200 11221210 0221220 ll22P45 11221250 6221260 6221290 112212?5 11221297 11221325 11221330 11221335 11221337 6221354 11221360 6221370 11??1390 6221335 6221390 6221410 11221420 co co co co co co OF 130 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 100 25 LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA Ll LA 1117/19 111 TOEP 121 VLTCSH 80687 28606 23686 36194 31327 1639 372 368 I IOI 243 564 369 510 540 405 1695 2253 168 348 1551 588 225 412 300 1910 727 1071 707 405 49797 16562 25765 42483 36546 168393 115689 32204 32116 43551 24595 16538 19680 14660 126530 33811 59311 29516 26929 19625 . 20909 19488 25370 26600 25206 131 l9T7 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HI UEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 903 0 0 0 131 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 255 0 0 0 0 5218 2079 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3329 0 429 0 368 318 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 279 269 610 512 606 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 HAYE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE 161 OIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -36B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..• • . .••• • • ~ • C7) • • • • • • . . BALANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12300~0 1210097 123012 ~ 1230140 1230250 1230310 1230460 1230490 DEPOSITORS TRUST COMPANY DEPOSITORS TR CO OF BANGOR NORT>iEAST BANK t TRUST CO BAq HARBOR BKNG t TR CO PEPPERELL TRUST COMPANY AROOSTOOK TRUST COMPANY NORTHEAST BANK OF GUILFORD HOULTON TRUST CO AUGUSTA BANGOR BANGOR BAR HARBOR BIDDEFORD CARIBOU GUILFORD HCUL TON HE ME HE HE HE HE HE HE 222999 25197 62016 47892 14953 24690 17380 18036 4341 667 1024 912 228 709 362 166 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 5115 0 783 158 593 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -593 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• •• • • • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOIFIEO H.R. 7 NON~ EMBER BANKS Ill NAME OSB TOEP LOCATION 1230545 NE BK OF LEWISTON & AUBURN LEWISTON LINCCLN 1230590 NORTHEAST BANK OF LINCOLN LIVE~HORE FALLS 1230600 LIVE~MORE FALLS TRUST CO l2306ZO N0"1HEAST BK OF MILLINOCKET MILLINOCKET CXFORO 1230065 OXFORD BANK ANO TRUST PORTLAND 1nono C4SCO BK & TR CO 1230705 OcPOSITORS TR CO OF PORTLANOPORTLANO WAS~BURN I23ono WAS~9U~N TRUST COMPANY WATERY! LLE 1230930 FEDERAL TRUST COMPANY 1230750 NORTHEAST BANK OF WESTBROOK WESTBROOK OF 18 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 13 3 HE HE HE HE ME HE ME HE ME HE 52405 l 0 5240540 524056 5 5240600 5240650 5240630 5240730 5240740 5240750 S240=!40 5240 8 70 5240015 5240050 5240960 5240000 5241058 5241075 5241101 25530 19367 25951 294402 23956 19581 59457 33048 121 VLTCSH 131 1917 REOBAL 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 3074 570 435 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 561 161 OIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 129 0 0 0 180 5129 0 3971 449 4180 -UBO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1823 0 0 0 711 0 303 0 0 0 .•• •• • • • . HAVE NO EARNl!iGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR RE OU IRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REOUREO RESERVE BALANCE ----------------------------------->5240090 5240130 524(\240 5240310 5240130 5240350 5240354 5240356 52403?0 5240490 858H 24594 l / 11/79 CARROLL TON BANK OF BALT I HORE BAL TIHORE BALT IHORE EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY HERC ANTI LE SAFE OEP & TR CO BALTIMORE BEL AIR COMMERCIAL & SAVINGS BANK BERLIN CALVIN 8 TAYLOR BANKING CO BETHESDA BANK OF BETHESDA KENNEOY BANK & TRUST COHPANYBErHESOA BETHESDA POTOMAC VALLEY BANK BRANDYWINE BANK CF BRANOYWINE CHESTERTCWN CHESTERTOWN BANK OF HO PEOPLES BA~K OF KENT CTY HO CHESTERTCWN COCKEYSVILLE CLIFTON TRUST BANK COLUMBIA COLUMBIA BANK t TRUST CO CUMBERLAND CUMBERLAND SAYINGS BANK DAMASCUS BA~K CF DAMASCUS DENTON PEOPLES BANK OF MARYLAND EASTON TALBOT BANK COUNTY BANKING ANO TRUST co ELKTON ELKTON PEOPLES BUIK FRED ER !CK FR EDER I CK TOWN BK & TR CO FROSTBURG FIOELITY BANK GLEN BURNIE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE HAGERSTOWN FAR~ERS t MERCHANTS BANK HAGERSTCW"' PAGE• STOW" TRUST COMPANY HAMPSTEAD BK Of CARROLL CTY HAMPSTEAD HILLCREST HTS BANK OF KARYL ANO HYATTSVILLE SUBURBAN TRUST COMPANY LA PLATA BANK CF SOUTHERN HARYlA"'O ---------------MO MO HO HO MO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO MO MO HO HO HO HO MO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO MO 57515 12M622 391874 40969 35757 63572 25721 49857 19936 3S623 25614 19556 47023 25318 31815 20067 22675 53607 22450 68549 17657 26001 58245 75971 21866 63419 950130 34826 1920 0 26913 2840 0 845 1052 1828 144 847 594 332 491 341 786 1365 211 414 410 1266 557 1822 261 868 1975 2322 299 1786 24240 811 0 0 0 0 5185 5149 0 31222 0 -31222 -10768 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10768 0 0 0 0 0 1008 100 0 0 0 0 487 0 0 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 524 0 174 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 0 0 5226 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22046 0 0 -22046 0 0 • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON-~EHBER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MOOIFIEO H.R. 7 Ill DSB NAME 5241125 5241170 5241275 5241365 5241370 5z413go 5 2-tl 420 5241515 524I55C 5241570 5241575 5241615 ~l 1tl740 5241770 OF LOCATION HAR YlAND BANK & TRUST CD MIDDLETOWN VALLEY BANK UNITED BK & TR CO OF HD Cl,LVERT BANK AND TRUST CD PEN IN SULA BA~K QUEENSTC•N BANK OF HD CITIZENS BK & TR CO OF HD A~ERICAN BANK OF MARYLAND S•A~KS STATE BANK SUDLERSVILLE BANK OF HD P[OPLES SECURITY BANK OF HD TANEYTOWN BANK & TRUST CASROll CTY BA~K & TRUST CO WEST~INSTER TRUST COHPA~Y TDEP LEXINGTON PARK MIDDLETOWN OXON Hill PRINCE FREDERICK PRINCESS ANNE 0UEENSTChN RIVERDALE SILVER SPRING SPARKS SUDLERSVILLE SUIT LAND TANEYTOWN WEST~INSTER WESTMINSTER 42 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 28 10 MD HD HD MD HD MD ~D HD HD HD HD HD HD HD 30665 18498 28124 16628 48283 17651 458872 191481 2099 15117 l22918 25404 9B574 37239 1117/19 121 VLTCSH 723 259 786 357 l ll9 436 12665 4553 657 H9 3098 534 1883 733 131 1977 REQBAL 141 NEW EPA ATTLEBORO TRUST COMPANY BAYBAN~ AND TRUST CO~PANY BOSTON SAFE DEPST & TR CO BRAOFORO TR CO OF 80ST0)1 CAPITOL SANK & TRUST CO CITY BANK ANO TqusT CO~PANY CCM~ONWEALTH BANK AIID TR CO INVESTORS BAN< & TRUST CO UIIITEO STATES TRUST COMPANY BROO<LINE TRUST COMPANY OLD CLNY BET CO OF MDLSX CY BAYBANK HARVARD TRUST CO CAM3•IOGE TRUST COMPANY CHARLESSANK TRUST CO FIRST 8At1K ANO TRUST co BAYBAtlK NORFOLK CTY TR CO 8 H C DURFEE TRUST COMPANY FAL~OUTH BANK & TRUST CO FRAMINGHAM TRUST CO LINCOLN TRUST CO>IPA'lY ARLINGTON TRUST COMPANY LOWELL BANK & TRUST CO ESSEX COUNTY BANK£ TR co HALDEN TRUST COMPANY ATTLEBORO BEVERLY BOSTON BOSTON BOSTON BOSTON BOSTON BOSTON BOSTON BROOKLINE BURLINGTON CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE CHELMSFORD DEDHAM FALL RIVER FALMOUTH FRA~INGHAH HINGHAM LAWRENCE LOWELL LYNN MALDEN 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5324 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5324 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5028 4385 0 0 1546 0 0 0 -963 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • •• • •• • • • • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESEIWE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE --------------- -----------1250170 125022 5 l2502BO 1250283 1250295 125a310 1250315 1250425 1250591 1250710 1250728 1250732 1250750 1250755 125a835 1250995 1251110 1251135 1251260 1251525 125l7JO l251R7B 1251940 1252020 151 NEW REQBAL HA HA HA HA HA HA HA MA HA MA HA HA HA HA MA HA MA HA HA HA MA MA MA HA 44473 54653 161208 24111 82602 74326 70073 1092 119652 51818 30752 303253 55134 21680 43465 439552 84226 22367 88191 32827 364526 23325 166769 47600 745 1354 2825 700 843 1764 1409 411 1936 789 283 4440 1015 390 682 7500 1609 404 2141 396 4841 510 2424 1192 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 318 486 3908 0 1791 1000 1016 0 3789 1394 550 5094 1065 0 1057 5077 1256 0 1265 78 5163 0 5091 576 0 0 3741 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6709 0 0 0 10069 0 0 0 0 7988 0 335 0 0 0 -37H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6709 0 0 0 -10069 0 0 0 0 -7988 0 -335 0 . • •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • t.:> ~ 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON~EMBER BANKS DSB NAME 125222 C 1252280 1252350 1252405 1252465 1252725 1252755 1252!325 1252845 1252900 1252970 1252995 1252997 1253190 1253304 IB3315 1253322 1253395 1253445 125 3545 1253735 1253740 1253750 111 TDEP LOCATION MIDDLEBOROUGH TRUST COMPANY HIOOLEBORO METROBANK AND TR CO/NORFOLK Mil TON NATICK TRUST COMPANY NATICK SOUTHEASTERN BK & TR CO NEW BEDFORD UNIVERSITY BANK & TRUST CO NEWTON BE~KSHIRE BANK AND TRUST CO PITTSFIELD FIRST AGRICULTURAL BANK PITTSFIELD HANCOCK BK & TR CO QUINCY QUINCY SOUTH SHORE BANK ROCKLAND TRUST COMPANY ROCKLAND SAUGUS BA~K & TRUST CO SAUGUS SOMERSET SLAOES HRRY TRUST CO CENTURY BANK & TRUST CO SOMERVILLE VALLEY BANK A'IO TRUST CO SPRINGFIELD SHh~UT HLRSE-WKFLO BK&TR COWAKEF IELO BAY84NK NEWTON-WAL THAM TC WALTHAM GUARANTY FIRST TR CO WAL THAM COOL IOGE BANK ANO TRUST CO WATERTOWN OLD CLNY B&T CO OF NRFLK CTYWELLESLEY PARK WEST BA'IK & TR CO WEST SPRINGFIELD WORCESTER COH~ERCE BK & TR CO GUARANTY BANK ANO TRUST CO WORCESTER WORCESTER ~ECHANICS BANK OF H BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 12 26 MA MA MA MA MA MA HA MA HA HA HA MA HA HA MA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA 726•J4b0 77.60490 726)510 7260550 ADRIAN STATE BANK ALGmlAC SAVINGS BANK BAN~ OF AL~A Al PENA SAYINGS BANK PEO•LES BK & TR OF ALPENA AN~ ARBOR TRUST COMPANY CO•<UNITY BANK GLADWIN COUNTY BANK BELLAIRE STATE BANK J!llTER-CITY BANK CENTRAL STATE BANK CE~TRAL MICHIGAN BANK & TR FIDELITY SANK CF MICHIGAN JIPSON CARTER STATE BANK B~IGHTON STATE BANK 23919 21359 24042 45812 37213 93341 126437 100782 264515 111724 30078 21200 51167 285181 51693 380540 72739 133587 17403 0045 46730 261506 127825 Ill VLTCSH 911 349 957 998 1063 2658 2630 1342 6'36 3417 722 1186 748 4610 747 8098 1812 1345 290 963 499 3808 2745 131 1911 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 0 0 0 273 0 769 3090 3678 5096 1795 0 0 619 5103 1226 5112 1161 4348 0 156 707 5097 3338 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3111 0 0 0 0 3951 0 6299 0 0 0 0 0 4532 0 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3111 0 0 0 0 -3951 0 -6299 0 0 0 0 0 -4532 0 •• •• • • • • • • •• • HAYE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACC_OUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ---------7260020 7260030 7260105 7260130 7260140 7260170 72602'0 77603 70 726J3S0 7U0415 7260440 1111/19 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. l ----------------------------------------- \ AORI AN ALGONAC AL~A ALPENA ALPENA ANN ARBOR BAO AXE BEAVERTON BELLA I RE BENTCN HARBOR BEUL AH BIG RAPIDS BIRMINGHAM BLI SSfl ELO BRIGHTON HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI 32601 34837 63240 82207 71193 69681 64084 17912 14725 l 25528 15118 48949 46453 18618 73562 768 517 835 1074 903 159 907 356 217 2511 226 757 558 234 1879 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·593 989 786 1524 334 0 0 2343 0 l 418 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • . .•• • • ~ ~ CD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON~EHBER BANKS DSB 7260620 726062 5 7260680 7260690 7260710 7260780 72609JO 7260920 7260990 7261060 7261070 7261225 7261260 7261270 72SJ2ijO 9261315 92>1400 7261440 7261'53 7261560 7261;80 7261590 7261620 9261650 7261660 7261670 7261695 7201820 7261~55 7261860 7261830 7261940 7261950 7261%0 7262J30 7262110 7262140 7262150 7262160 1262190 7262185 7262305 7262360 7262450 7262522 1262583 NAHE BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOi F JED H.R. 7 111 TOEP LOCATION CADILLAC STATE BANK CADILLAC Fl~ST BANK OF CADILLAC CADILLAC PEOPLES STATE BANK CARO STATE SVGS BK OF CARD CARO EXCHlNGE ST ATE BANK CARSONVILLE CtURLEVOIX COUNTY STATE BANKCHARLEVOIX STATE SAVINGS BANK CLINTON BRANCH COUNTY BANK COLDWATER STATE BANK OF MICH COOPERSVILLE SANILAC COUNTY BANK DECKERVILLE DEERFIELD STATE BANK DEEAFIELD COSSUNITY ST BK OF DOWAGIAC DOaAGIAC FIPST STATE BANK EAST DETROIT IIORTHWESTERN STATE BANK EAST JORDAN EAST LANSING STATE BANK EAST LANSING NORTHERN MICHIGAN BANK ESCANABA STATE BANK OF ESCANABA ESCANABA FARWELL STATE SAVINGS BANK FARWELL STATE SVGS BK Of FENTON. FENTON FRANKENMUTH FRANKENMUTH BANK & TRUST STATE BANK OF FRASER FREELAND STATE BANK FREELAND ERIE STATE BANK FRENCHTOWN TWP GLADSTONE STATE BANK GLADSTONE SID-MICHIGAN BANK GLADWIN FIRST SCRTY BK OF GRND BLANCGRAND BLANC SECUQITY FIRST BK ANO TR CO GRANO HAVEN FIRST SB OF GREENVILLE GREENVILLE FAR<ERS ANO MERCHANTS STATE HALE MNK CF CCSMEPCE HAMTRAMCK HAMTRA,.CK PEOPLES STATE BANK OCHNA COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HART VAN ~UREN ST ATE BANK HARTFORD HASTINGS H~STJNGS CITY BANK HONO~ STATE BANK HONOR HCWARO CITY WESTERN STATE BANK MCPHERSON STATE BANK HOWELL HUDSON STATE SAYINGS BANK HUDSON THO,SPSON SAVltlGS BANK HUDSON IHLAY CITY IHLAY CITY STATE BANK FIRST SECURITY BANK IONIA MIDWEST BANK JACKSON KALAMAZOO INDUSTRIAL STATE BK TR LAKE ODE SSA UNION BANK NBD CCMSERCE BANK LANSING LEWISTON STATE BANK LEWISTON HJ HJ HI HI HI HI HI HJ HI HI HI HI HI Ml HI . HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI Ml HI HI •• HI HI Ml Ml Ml Ml HI Ml HI HI HI Ml HI Ml Ml HI 132789 27650 25068 23339 20574 21567 21849 48082 26894 14798 17328 17898 82283 47869 93462 37019 35527 13287 50045 177485 109066 15690 22309 12423 43547 23294 94837 30095 32365 200879 72935 26802 19470 36422 12420 15079 51796 24030 24247 19823 72935 41677 124143 15089 20855 20515 1/17/79 121 YL TCSH 1666 363 no 338 263 258 406 504 584 265 268 401 2982 741 1075 500 251 296 757 2556 1266 334 508 225 1163 210 1464 315 717 3389 732 368 360 691 146 296 954 296 347 242 1098 869 1971 217 459 282 131 1977 REOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 2349 0 0 0 0 0 0 196 0 0 0 0 0 0 2033 27 301 0 113 3049 2229 0 0 0 0 0 1046 64 0 3063 B36 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 151 NEW REOBAL 339 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -339 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -460 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 383 -383 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 560 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 460 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2533 0 0 161 OIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..•• • • .• • • • • * • .• .• • • • g Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NONMEMBER BANKS 058 7262600 7262620 7262650 7262740 7262715 7262800 7Z6?e75 7262940 12ft2960 7263010 7263080 7263120 9263140 7263280 7263316 7 26 B20 721,3)40 7263480 7 2B520 7263530 7263570 72636 70 720720 ?263748 7263760 7261770 7263810 72639)0 7263840 726'),IJSO 9263890 7263qoo 7263910 726Jq30 '17-b3 1H,O 7 263'H0 7264040 7264050 92b4070 7264120 7264140 7264170 7264200 726421)1 7264300 7264452 NAME Ill TDEP LOCATION LITCHFIELD STATE SAVINGS BK LITCHFIELD LUDINGTON BANK AND TRUST LUDINGTON HANC EL ONA ANTRIM COUNTY STATE BANK MARINE CITY MARINE BA~K & TRUST MASON STATE BANK MASON ~AYV1LLE STAH BANK MAYVILLE FIRST ~!OLANO BK & TR MIDLAND MONRCE MON~OE BANK & TRUST "-OIHROSE STATE BANK MGrlTROSE M(JU'H CLE,"1ENS BANK MOUNT CLEMENS MUSKEGON BANK ANO UUST CO MUSKEGON FIRST STATE BANK OF NEWAYGO NEWAYGO NEWBERRY N='rlfl.ER~Y STATE SANK OSCODA STATE SAVINGS BANK OSCODA OWOSSO KEV STATE BA~K OWOSSO SAVINGS BANK OWOSSO OXFORD OXFOQ.O SAVINGS BANK PONT I AC STATE BANK PONT I AC PORT HURON PEOPLES BK OF PORT HUROII MAYNARD ALLEN STATE BANK PORTLAND REED CITY REED CITY STATE BANK PRESQUE ISLE BANK ROGERS CITY ROYAL OAK 'tfA YNE OAKlANO BANK FIRST STATE BANK OF SAGINAW SAG I NAW ST CHARLES CMSNTY ST BK OF ST CHARLES COMSERCIAL ANO SAVINGS BANK ST CLAIR ST JOSEPH PEOPLES STATE BANK SALi NE CITIZENS BANK OF SALINE SAU NE SALINE BANK SANDUSKY SOLVER INE STATE BANK SAULT STE MARIE SAULT SAVINGS BANK KALAHAZCO COUNTY STATE BANK SCHOO LC RAFT SCOTTVILLE STATE SAVINGS BANK SHELBY STATE BANK SHELBY SHEPHERD SHEPHERD STATE BANK ST ATE SVGS BK OF SOUTH LYON SCUTH LYON STATE BK OF STANO I SH STANDISH STANTON "O"'CALM CENTRAL BANK STEPHENSON BANK OF STEPHENSON TECUMSEH UN I TEO SVGS BK OF TECUHSEH THREE OAKS BANK OF THREE OAKS TRAVERSE C ITV TR4VERSE CITY STATE BANK TRENTON TRENTON STATE BANK TROY FIRST CITIZENS BANK WAYLAND WAYLAND STATE 8ANK CCM,SUNITY BANK OF WASHTENAW YPSILAN71 ThP co co Ml Ml Ml Ml HI HI HI HI Ml HI HI HI HI HI Ml HI Ml Ml HI HI HI Ml HI Ml HI HI HI HI HI Ml Ml HI Ml Ml HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI Ml Ml HI 31031 31359 15545 28179 30283 13860 71907 145354 14422 117749 115409 12509 15271 195B2 45696 130218 31498 336620 129591 26760 19035 25316 369742 68281 22372 97568 42277 41244 2127" 61898 45077 19413 27492 21195 12755 23268 42494 38654 20968 76743 28440 142904 68373 29098 33422 22830 1/17 /19 121 VLTCSH 738 680 335 367 699 203 1343 1907 439 1709 1561 230 153 486 799 2028 770 5275 1880 523 377 31 7 6492 2093 488 1339 1027 677 306 631 275 403 527 119 199 691 752 481 215 860 433 2207 1295 531 649 438 131 141 1917 NEW REQBAL EPA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 585 3172 0 2446 0 0 1904 0 0 0 0 0 2414 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 151 NEW REQBAL 161DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 104 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -104 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2918 -2918 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5133 4159 -4159 0 0 1207 0 0 0 702 399 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5128 2367 15 0 0 0 39 0 888 0 2883 326 0 0 0 • • • • • . • ..• .• ..• . .• .• ..•• .•• . • • ....~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON.SEMBER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOIF IEO H.R. 7 NAME DSB LOCATION 7264460 FIRST MICHIGAN BK ANO TR CO ZEElAND OF 108 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE HI 67 34 1111119 I II TDEP 121 VLTCSH 165178 1593 131 19H REOBAL 0 141 NEW EPA 3662 I 51 NEW REC BAL 816 161 DI F I 31-151 -BIi, HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9270050 9270120 9270125 9270130 q210210 9270240 9270420 CJ270460 9270520 9270530 9270'5'30 9270610 9270~22 q270630 9210680 qz70690 9'l70720 q270755 927oeqo 9270920 9270930 9271120 9271290 9271370 9211335 9271470 q271545 9271510 9271799 qz12oao 9272030 9272150 9272160 92722•0 9272250 9272320 9272340 SECURITY STATE BANK ALEXANDRIA BK & TR CO COSSUNITY STATE BANK AN~A~OALE STATE BANK FAR"\ERS ANO SERCl«NTS STATE ARLINGTON ST ATE BANK FIRST STATE BANK OF BAYPORT SHTE BANK Of BELLE PLAINE FIRST STATE BANK OF BENSON SSIFT COUNTY BANK ST ATE BANK OF BIRO I SL ANO FAR"ERS & .SERCHANTS ST BK CCH~UNITY STATE BANK BLUE EMTH STATE BANK FIRST STATE BANK CITIZENS STATE BANK FAR"1ERS £ MERCHANTS ST BK FIRST BROOKDALE STATE BANK CALEDONIA STATE BANK Cl, S9• !OGE STATE BANK PEOPLES STATE BANK CITllENS STATE BANK MARQUETTE ST BK OF COLUMBIA POLK CTY STATE BANK CRYSTAL STATE BANK NW ST ATE BK OF DAWSON DETROIT STATE B&.NK NORTHWESTERN STATE BANK SOUTHWEST FIDELITY STATE BK MIN~ETONKA STATE BANK STATE BK OF FAR I BAULT STATE BAN~ OF FOLEY FOREST LAKE STATE BANK CITIZENS STATE BANK CITIZENS STATE BANK SECUR ITV STATE BANK GLENWOOD STATE BANK AITKIN ALEXANDRIA ALEXANDR IA ANNANOALE APPLETON ARLINGTON BAYPORT BELLE PLAINE BENS ON BENSON BIRO ISLAND BLOOMING PRAIRIE BLOOM! NG TON BLUE EARTH BPAHAM BRA I NERO BRECKENR !OGE BROOKLYN CENTER CAL!:OONIA CAM9RIOGE CA,SBRIOGE CLARA CITY COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CRCOKSTCN CRYSTAL DAWSON DETROIT LAKES DODGE CENTER ED INA EXCELSIOR FAR !BAULT FOLEY FORE ST LAKE FULDA GAYLORD GLENCOE GLENWOOD MN MN HN HN HN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN HN MN MN MN M:1 MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN HN HN 16424 129 0 36528 14500 17627 15638 14342 19164 16854 18306 25188 14057 12989 62075 27314 19320 42694 19308 19826 13010 18741 29017 1 7036 27519 28364 32899 19610 35535 14471 263B4 34523 38159 15856 22297 17645 16181 23005 13219 347 201 157 75 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 356 142 121 264 73 55 IIBB 132 133 423 171 494 64 108 116 60 284 174 396 B2 391 79 174 217 394 168 377 115 109 143 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 424 160 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 315 0 0 0 54 217 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 1 0 0 0 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 78 0 0 191 170 0 0 0 0 98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..• .••• .• .•• .• .• • • • • • ~ ~ ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis "ION.,EMBER SANKS OSB NA11E 9272350 POPE COUNTY STATE BANK 9272355 GCLDEN VALLEY STATE BAN~ 9272450 G~ANITE FALLS BANK 9Z7 24~0 YELLOW MEDICINE COUNTY BANK 927~480 CITIZE"IS STATE BANK N..i STATE BK OF HALLOCK CIZ72790 SERCHANTS C MINERS ST BK 9272900 SECUSI TY STATE BANK 9272150 CITIZENS B~ C TRUST CO 9272980 INTERt-lAT IONAL STATE BANK 027317C Sr.CUR I TY ST BK OF KHIYON 9273270 LAKE CITY STATE BANK 9273315 FIRST STATE BK OF LAKEFIELD 92734-,5 FIRST STATE BANK 927~630 ~WRTHWESTERN STATE BANK 9273750 ASER ST 8< OF MANKATO IINCI qz131sz SEC UR ITV ST ATE BANK 9U3815 HILLCaEST MID A~ ST BK 9273850 WS Tq_N BK t TR OF MRSHALL 927.3.890 MELROSE STATE BANK 92739b0 CA"DE~ NORTHWESTERN ST BANK 9274038 FIRST PRODUCE STATE BANK 9274058 SARQUETTE LAKE STATE BANK 9274065 HETROPCllTAN STATE BANK 9274075 NORTHEAST STATE BAW<. 9274130 1ST ST BK OF MINNEOTA 9274158 NORTHWESTERN STATE BANK 9274180 CITIZENS STATE BANK q274i<JO WRIGHT COUNTY STATE BAlfK 92 74200 A,~ 9ANK C TR CO OF MOORHEAD 9274215 MOORHEAD ST ATE BANK 9274230 KANABEC ST.UE BANI<. 927425C CITIZENS BANK 9274260 HORRIS STATE BANK 9274290 ST ATE BANK OF HOUND 9274360 FIRST STATE BANK 9274410 TOWN C CNT ST BK OF NEWPORT 9274430 STATE BAN< 9274450 CITIZENS STATE BANK 92'744b0 FAR•E•S C MERCHANTS ST BK 92744 TO STATE BK t TR CO Of NEW ULH Q274480 FARMERS t. "tERCH ST BANK 9]74500 HERITAGE ST BK N ST PAUL 92 7463 0 CITIZENS ST BK OF OLIVIA C)214660 NW ST BK OF ORTONVILLE ~274f;90 NO~HIWESTHN STATE BANK qz12szo 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 LOCATION GLENWOOD GOLDEN VALLEY GRANITE FALLS GRANITE FALLS GREEN ISLE HALLOCK HISSING HI BP. ING HUTCHINSON INTERNATL FALLS KENYON LAKE CITY LAKEFIELD LITCHFIELD LUVERNE MANKATO f-',ANK ATO MAPLEWOOD MARSHALL MELROSE ~ INNEAPOll S MINNEAPOLIS MINNEAPOLIS H INNEAPOll S MINNEAPOLIS MINNEOTA HONTEVIOEO MONTGOMERY MONT ICEllO MOORHEAD MOORHEAD MORA MCRRIS MORRIS MOUND NEW BRIGHTON NE WP CRT NEW PRAGUE NEW ULM NEW ULM NEW ULM NEW YORK MILLS NOR TH ST PAUL OLIVIA ORTONVILLE OSSEO MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN· HN MN HN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN HN MN MN MN MN MN 11N MN HN MN MN HN MN MN MN MN HN MN MN MN 111 TOEP 121 VLTCSH 14971 37186 15504 13908 14867 24565 26683 31594 41129 22472 16210 23538 15826 23424 22295 26722 17413 28129 37087 15844 59718 21702 17017 19360 27724 18198 28640 15749 19123 40653 1ira9'& 22174 18362 19018 1433 l 35721 23688 20070 309b8 27089 36915 14304 21141 14440 17333 31994 109 495 121 127 81 B2 613 301 275 306 99 258 74 140 93 401 198 406 311 149 676 287 220 249 298 63 165 113 248 399 103 Ill 142 112 253 536 168 112 '38 170 201 1'1 354 115 81 370 131 1917 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 41 NEW EPA 0 42 0 0 0 71 0 117 367 0 0 0 0 79 72 0 0 0 200 0 554 0 0 0 0 50 200 0 0 124 0 103 0 0 0 0 22 53 0 136 311 0 0 0 . 46 0 151 NEW REQBAL 161 OIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .• ..• .• .• ..•• • • .•• . ... • .••• .. ..• ..• .• .• .• ~ ,s,.. CA:) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis '10,.MEHBER BANKS 111 OSB NAME 9274715 O•ATON~A STATE BANK 9274755 HRMERS & MERCHANTS ST BK 9274760 9274770 CJ274790 9274e!O 9z74qJo 9274910 9275030 92750':,5 9275080 927508 5 9275014 9275105 n15160 •275190 9275174 9275195 9275205 9275)30 n1s160 9275395 92753?7 9275425 9275430 9275440 "275>45 9275460 9275470 92754ao 9275500 9275528 9275540 9275550 9275570 9275580 92756JO 92756~0 92 75630 9275750 9275HO 9275780 9275785 9275810 9?75820 9275860 1117119 BENEFIT TC BANKS COVERED BY HODIFIEO H.R. 7 LOCATION OWATONNA PAYNESVILLE FIRST STATE BANK PAYNESVILLE ?EL ICAN VALLEY STATE BANK PELICAN RAPIDS U•k'..ELANO STATE BANK PEQUOT LAKES FARMERS & MERCHANTS ST BK PIERZ FA~~ERS t MERCHANTS ST B~ PRES TON PRINCETON Pa!SCETON STATE BANK STATE BK OF REO'r/000 FLS REDWOOD FALLS RICHFIELD BANK AND TRUST CO RICHFIELD FIRST ROBBINSDALE ST BK ROBB I NSOALE GUARUHY STATE BANK ROBBINSDALE MARQUETTE enc OF ROCHESTER ROCHESTER ROCHESTER BK & TR CO ROCHlSTER ROSEAU CITIZENS STATE BANK F 1,sT STATE BANK ROSEMOUNT ROSEVILLE N STAR ST BK OF ROSEVILLE ROSEVILLE ROSEVILLE STATE BANK ST SK OF ST ANTHONY VLG ST ANTHONY VLGE NW BK & TR CO OF ST CLOUD ST CLOUD ST JAHE S CITIZENS ST BK Of ST JAMES CITIZENS STATE BANK ST LOUIS PARK ST LOUIS PARK I ST WE SB OF ST LOUIS PARK CAPITAL CITY STATE 3ANK ST PAUL CHEqQKEE STATE BANK ST PAUL CCSSERCIAL STATE .BANK ST PAUL ST PAUL EASTERN HTGS STATE BANK FIRST GRANO AVE STATE BK ST PAUL FIRST MERCHANTS STATE BANK ST PAUL FIRST SEC SB OF ST PAUL ST PAUL FIRST STATE BANK ST PAUL HI O AMERICA ST BK CF HGLD PKST PAUL ST PAUL MN STATE BANK OF ST PAUL ST PAUL NORTHWESTERN STATE BANK ST ANTHONY PARK STATE BANK ST PAUL ST PAUL WESTERN SB OF ST PAUL ST PETER NICOLLET COUNTY BANK FIRST STATE BA~K SAUK CENTRE NW S9 OF SAUK RAPIDS SAUK RAPIDS SLAYTCN NORTHWESTERN STATE BANK FIRST SECU~ITY STATE BANK SLEEPY EYE DROVERS STATE BANK SOUTH ST PAUL SUHMIT ST BK CF S ST PAUL SOUTH ST PAUL SPR l'IGFI ELD FAR,"ERS & ~ERCHANTS ST 8K SPRINGFIELD STATE BANK OF SPRINGFIELD STAPLES STATE BANK STAPLES TDEP MN HN HN HN HN HN MN HN HN MN HN MN MN MN MN HN HN HN HN HN MN HN HN MN HN HN MN HN HN HN HN HN MN HN MN HN HN HN HN HN HN HN HN HN HN HN 15499 13483 15612 20090 18327 I 5340 17203 2737 2 16621 80206 58480 23757 76832 22181 28082 16337 30519 28989 31843 42031 18204 35385 27527 17418 23910 65097 52320 50780 41112 47150 59133 30606 26406 52413 22071 21117 23142 19445 27690 18777 I 7061 57417 17028 21992 16996 20245 121 VLTCSH 148 81 112 144 243 151 76 241 121 730 704 249 920 328 209 119 580 539 396 343 120 366 267 322 297 766 518 391 451 239 488 570 378 588 315 396 141 148 499 98 92 557 246 172 134 281 131 1917 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 0 1685 423 0 917 0 94 0 0 0 0 119 0 8 0 0 0 1025 1002 595 82 722 679 0 0 315 0 0 10 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 502 0 47 0 0 ISi NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 Dlf 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. .• .•• • • • . • .••• .,,.. • .,,.. • • 1:-:) .. .••• .••• • • • • • • • • • • . . • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOi F !ED H.R. 7 NO~MEMBER BANKS NAME 058 9275880 qz75920 92759H 9275990 9276020 9276040 9276207 S276220 92 76290 9276300 qz76)20 qz1b3s s ?27b420 9276475 92 76495 q27b520 9276530 927'560 9276600 9276690 927b730 OF FARMERS STATE BANK COSMOPOLITAN SHTE BANK FIRST NORTHWESTERN ST BK NO ST BY. 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N cou~TY BA,K ~ROOKHAVEN BANK AND TRUST COBROOKHAVEN ST ATE BANK ANO TRUST COMPANYBROOKHAVEN CANTON CANTON EXCHANGE BANK CARTHAGE CARTHAGE BANK CLARKSDALE BANK OF CLARKSDALE MS MS MS MS HS MS HS HS MS HS HS HS MS HS HS MS HS 20281 27121 Z0777 27149 17221 26047 35634 34361 28031 19434 39684 53675 59729 22984 37690 33456 13 7046 529 594 332 553 410 586 744 568 520 396 910 1005 872 501 947 631 2725 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 403 589 0 0 0 2651 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • •• .• • • • • • ~ 01 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON~EMBER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MOOIFIED H.R. 7 111 DSB NAME LOCATION 82~0330 CLEVELAND STATE BANK 6280370 8280430 6290540 62806•)0 8280670 92~0700 6280730 6290760 6280770 8280790 8280790 a2soe10 82€0850 8280870 62SOSl5 8280935 8280940 62 eo 95 a 620oq00 8280':190 8281020 8281035 6281040 6281065 8281100 6231130 8281150 6281170 b2811SO 62812)0 6281210 6281240 6281260 82~13)0 6281330 62ql410 6291430 6281440 6281530 6281550 6281555 9281590 8281620 R281660 8281670 CLEVELAND CITIZENS BANK COLU~BIA SECIJR I TY BANK COR !NTH ~ERCKANTS & MANUFACTURERS BKELLI SVILLE FARMERS ANO MERCHANTS BANK FOREST BANK CF COM.~ERCE GREEtlWOOO GRENADA BANK GRENADA HANCOCK BANK GULFPORT BANK OF HAZLEHURST HAZLEHURST ME•CHANTS ANO PLANTERS BANK HAZLEHURST HERNANDO 9ANK HERNANDO BAN< OF HOLLANDALE HOLLANDALE FIRST STATE BANK HOLLY SPRINGS. PEOPLES BK OF INOIANOLA INDIANOLA IUKA GUlRANTY BANK IUKA MISSISSIPPI BANK JACKSON ATTALA BAN< CF KOSCIUSKO KOSCIUSKO MERCHANTS AND FARMERS BANK KOSCIUSKO BA ~lK. OF LAUREL LAUREL BANK OF LEAKESVILLE LEAKESVILLE BANK OF LELAND LELAND HOLMES CTY BK & TR CO LEXINGTON CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST co LOUISVILLE BASK OF LUCEDALE LUCEDALE B°'K CF MCCOMB ~CCOMB MERCHANTS AND FAR~ERS BANK MACON HAG NOLI A SOUTHWEST MISSISSIPPI BK CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CO MARKS BANK er FRANKLIN MEADVILLE PEOPLES BANK MENDENHALL FIRST UNITED BANK OF Ml SS HERIOIAN MERCHANTS ANO FARMERS BANK HER IOI AN BA.SK GF MORTON HORTON MOU~T OLIVE BANK ~OUNT OLIVE BANK OF NEW AL SANY NEW ALBANY NEWTON COUNTY BANK NEhTGN MER.CHANTS ANO MARINE BANK BANK CF PHILADELPHIA CITIZENS BANK BANK GF PRENTISS BAN~ CF QUITMAN SOUTHEAST MISSISSIPPI BANK PfOPLES BASK PLANTERS BANK AND TRUST CO PEOPLES BANK SENATOBIA BANK PASCAGOULA PH!LAOELPHIA PHILADELPHIA PRENTISS QUITMAN QUITMAN RIPLEY RULEVILLE SENATOBIA SENATOBIA TDEP MS MS HS HS MS MS MS HS HS MS HS HS MS HS HS HS MS HS HS MS MS HS HS MS HS HS MS MS HS MS MS HS HS HS MS MS' MS MS MS MS MS MS HS MS MS MS 39490 32876 46220 18849 25066 21285 298524 237500 27145 17261 28715 21123 15435 21912 21442 199674 16265 61430 16245 16059 19455 22428 24429 20211 33428 27617 29659 22605 18634 23187 62676 71469 19699 17307 21585 33512 55367 18036 34961 17794 30666 19294 31387 41020 20956 1 7566 1/17/79 121 VL TCSH 715 349 1017 423 368 490 5052 3628 433 329 500 327 253 404 535 2670 220 1585 480 389 287 567 397 453 658 320 403 319 421 396 2223 1574 343 229 335 557 3132 169 581 307 770 297 717 965 219 543 131 1977 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5250 5243 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5240 0 122 0 0 0 0 0 0 3505 2037 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 469 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF I 31-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3505 -2037 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -469 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 748 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .• • • • • • • . .•• . .• • .• • • 1:-:> ~ 0) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON~EMBER BANKS Ill DSB NAME 6291710 a2s1 no 6291760 8281780 8281790 8281910 6281850 6281965 6291930 82919?0 6282010 OF SOUTH CE NTRAl BANK SECURITY STATE BANK s• 1TH COUl'ITY BANK PLANTERS BANK BANK OF MISSISSIPPI PEOPLES SA~K AND TRUST co FIDELITY BANK BANK CF YI CK SBURG FIRST STATE SANK BAIIK OF WINONA BANK Of YAZOO CITY LOCATION SILVER CREEK STARKVILLE TAYlORSYllLE TUNICA TUPELO TUPELO UTICA VICKSBURG WAYNESBORO WINONA YAZOO CITY 74 8Al'IKS AFFECTED IN STATE 63 8 MS MS MS MS MS MS MS HS MS HS HS TDEP 121 YLTCSH 15392 56116 16991 22426 229472 U9976 31266 26789 28271 19962 29477 307 1177 341 249 6212 2582 685 467 394 514 667 131 1977 REQBAL 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 0 lM D 0 3972 3819 0 0 0 0 0 161 · DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • • ••• • HAYE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE ---------------------------8290020 8290140 8290160 8290190 8290185 10290240 l029CHO 8290360 102<J0370 8290395 82•0400 829'408 10290437 8290450 92qo455 8290460 82'10475 9zqo•so 8290507 92qo509 10290517 8290580 l02'10610 10290120 8290155 8290760 82'109•0 l/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MOOIF !ED H.R. 7 SANK OF ADVANCE ADVANCE UIHD Ml SSDURI 8 OF JEFFERSONARNOLO AURORA BANK AURORA CITIZENS SANK AVA BOArnEIIS BK OF WEST CTY BALLWIN CITIZENS BANK BELTON BETHANY BETHANY TRUST COMPANY BANK OF BLOOMSDALE BLUE SPRINGS BANK BLUE SPRINGS CC•'IERCE BANK OF BOLIVAR BOLIVAR POLK COUUTY SANK SOLi VAR co•sERCE BANK OF BONl'IE TERREBONNE TERRE U"IITEO MO BANK OF BOONVILLE BOONVILLE BAN< CF BOURBON SCURBCN CCM ST BK OF BOWLING GREEN BOWLING GREEN FAR•ERS MERCANTILE BANK BOWL ING GREEN PfOPLES BKUR CO OF BRANSON BRANSON SECURITY BANK & TRUST co BRANSON BR ENhOOO BANK BRENTWOOD MARK TWAIN STATE BAIIK BR I OGE TON UT ~ISSOURI BK OF BROOKFIELDBROOKFI ELD BUFFALO 0 BA"INON BANKING COMPANY BUTLER BUTLER STATE BA"IK CAMERON FAR•ERS STATE BANK CAPE MERCANTILE BK & TR CO CAPE GIRAROEAU FAR•ERS ANO MERCHANTS BANK CAPE GIRARDEAU CARUTHERSVILLE FIRST STATE BANK ------------MO HD MO 110 MO MO HO MO HO MO MO 110 HO 110 HO MO MO MO HO HO MO MO MO MO MO MO MO 17047 21869 21603 22595 47401 19867 22861 15190 37877 24585 26095 17006 23697 24645 23022 22829 35208 34762 41927 63607 22919 1'1336 21640 18693 24848 7244 7 30482 337 498 382 354 643 489 222 137 650 319 266 512 335 121 130 218 653 282 •57 670 348 186 2'10 287 316 1232 367 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 352 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ii 146 218 1344 0 0 0 0 0 6H 0 • • .• • • • •• • • • . .. .••• • • • • • .. • ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON•E~BER BANKS OSB NAHE 8200860 co••ERCE BANK OF .BARRY CTY 8290920 FIRST SECURITY STATE BANK 8290S30 CHESTERFIELD BANK l0?.'?J940 CHILLICOTHE STATE BANK 8213988 CENTRAL BANK OF CLAYTON 82QQ9CJO CLAYTON BANK 8291010 ST LOUIS COU~TY BANK 102., 1050 FAR~EPS BANK OF CLINTON I029IOS0 u,110~ STATE BK OF CLINTON 8201112 FIRST BANK OF CO~HERCE 8291160 SA'lK CF CRANE 8291175 BANK OF CRESTWOOD 8291180 FIR ST S!SSOURI BANK 8291200 CRYSTAL CITY STATE BANK 02q1210 PEOPLES BANK OF CUBA 8291250 ASES I CAN BANK 82Ql255 8291370 B291390 10291400 8291450 8291525 e2q1500 82qt 570 8211'59, 82Ql598 82Ql600 e2q1~4s e2qt660 8291690 en 1140 10291770 10291850 s291qso I02S2000 B292060 82Q2Q70 102n110 en2110 82<;J21 '30 10292250 102°2260 10292273 10292275 B292310 8292360 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOi F JED H,R, 7 111 TDEP LOCATION CASSVILLE CHAPLES TON CHESTERFIELD CH I LLICOTHE CLAYTON CLAYTON CLAYTON CLINTON CLINTON COLU ~BI A CRANE CRESTkOOD CREVE COEUR CRYSTAL Cl TY CUBA DE SOTO COLONIAL BANK DES PERES CITIZENS BANK EDINA CITIZENS BANK ELDON TR I COUNTY STATE BANK ELDORADO SPRINGS EUREKA BANK EUREKA FARMINGTON FIRST STA TE BANK u•HD MISSOURI BK OF FERGUSONF ER GU SON CC . . ERCE BANK OF FESTUS FESTUS FLAT RIVER A•ERICAN STATE BANK FLOR I SSA NT CM°C BANK Of FLORISSANT FLOR I SSANT FLORISSANT BANK BOAT.ENS BANK OF TANEY CTY FORSYTH FREOER I CK TOWN NEW ERA BANK GAINESVILLE BANK OF GAINESVILLE FIRST MO eK OF FRANKLIN CTY GERALD GLASGOW SAVINGS BANK GLASGOW GRA'IDVIEW BK ANO TR CO GRANDVIEW HANN 18Al co••ERCE BANK OF HANNIBAL HARRISONVILLE ALLEN BANK ANO TRUST CO HAZELWOOD LINDBERGH BANK FIRST HO BK OF GASCONADE CTYHERMANN BANK OF HIGGINSVILLE HIGGINS V I l l E HOUSE SPRINGS BANK CF HOUSE SPRINGS BANK OF HOUSTON HOUSTON INDEPENDENCE BA'lo<: OF INDEPENDENCE I NOE PENOENCE CHRIS.AN SAWYER BANK NOLAND RO ME~CANTILE BANK INDEPENDENCE INDEPENDENCE STANDARD STATE BANK JACKSON CAPE COUNTY BANK JEFFERSON CITY CENTRAL TRUST BANK HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO NO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO MO MO HO MO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO MO MO HO HO MO HO HO MO ~o 1/17179 121 VLTCSH 131 1'117 REQBAL 234'17 31131 32661 36849 26725 182349 261676 19107 17100 69864 16671 63194 70754 22526 16088 26200 41193 25073 18453 19718 17466 25235 42270 31112 17746 34601 5760 I 21021 20338 2H86 14797 I 71 364 620 251 655 612 1621 276 288 969 273 880 646 389 271 0 0 429 400 93 217 353 256 424 741 662 214 1054 1585 307 303 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 114 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lb',04 63 0 21488 18648 21694 23917 17942 25000 14129 17898 27327 250B8 51B78 27506 20853 180980 465 0 0 D 158 5B4 251 761 190 362 376 307 1042 283 743 467 489 1150 '4) Ni'• EPA 0 D 0 0 0 5148 1385 -1385 5104 0 0 5603 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5603 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 138 0 1565 0 887 1550 0 0 0 0 0 0 267 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 161 DI F 131-151 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 151 NEW R[QBAL 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 315 0 0 5144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2292 -2292 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. • .• • • • • • . .. • .• .• .• .• .• . ..• . • • NI .,... 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OSB 5zqz36q B29237I 8292372 8202375 10292390 10292420 82'.?2440 10292448 10292453 10292456 10292457 Jn202465 102gz475 10292493 l02Q2495 I02S2503 10292505 J,J2925I5 10292520 1029 ~56 5 10292585 10292 599 10292605 10292624 10292666 10292667 1029266 9 10202670 szq;n10 a2.;2120 8292750 8292775 82S28J5 10292%0 92onH 10292970 I02S2900 10292995 82?3010 10203020 8293110 szq3140 8.-!(}JZJ0 6293230 e2°32ao IOZS 3340 NAME JEFFERSON BANK OF MO JEFFERSON C ITV JEN~INGS JEN~INGS JOPLIN JOPLIN KAHOKA KANSAS CITY KANSAS C ITV KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY C~NTR4l BK OF KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY CCS.SERCE BK OF BLUE HILLS KANSAS C ITV COU~TRY CLUB BANK KANSAS C ITV E~PIRE BANK t TRUST CO KANSAS C ITV GOPPERT BANK & TRUST CO KANSAS C ITV GR AND AVENUE BK & TR CO KANSAS C ITV JACKSON COUNTY STATE BANK KANSAS C ITV KA~SAS CITY BK & TR CO KANSAS C ITV "fl ROPOll TAN BANK PEOPLES SANK CF KANSAS CITY KANIA S CITY KANSAS C ITV PLAZA BANK & TRUST COMPANY am BRIDGE MERCANTILE BANK KANSAS C ITV KANSAS C ITV STAOIUH BANK UN ITEO MO SK OF SLUE VALLEY KANSAS C ITV UNITD HO BK OF HICKMAN HILLSKANSAS CITY UNITED MISSOURI BANK SOUTH KANSAS C ITV KANSAS C ITV UNIVERSITY SANK KENNETT BANK OF KENNETT KENNETT COTTON EXCHA%E BANK KIRKSVILLE BANK OF KIRKSVILLE UNTO MISSOURI BK OF KIRK~OOOKIRKWOOD BANK CF LADUE LADUE LAHAR LAMAR TRUST CO CENTRAL 8A~K LEBANON LEES SUMMIT BANK CF LEES SUMMIT LEES SUHHI T FAR"ERS TRUST COMPANY LEES SU"HI T MI OLAND BA'<K LEWISTOWN LEWISTOWN SlATE BANK CO"'ERCIAL BK OF LEXINGTON LEXINGTON LOU! S !ANA BA~K CF LOUISIANA LOUISIANA HERCMITILE BANK MACON r-ucmJ ATLA'ITA STATE BANK HALDEN ••LOEN STATE BANK MAPLEWOOD PIO~EER BANK AND TRUST co MARSHALL woo □ AND HUS TON BANK BAM'HSTER BANK BOAT.SENS NORTH HILLS BANK BLUE RIOGE BK & TR CO 111 TDEP LOCATION LANDMARK N CTY BK ANO TR. CO JEN~INGS "A~K TWA IN NORTHLAND BANK CHARTER BANK OF JENNINGS COSSEPCE BANK OF JOPLIN FIRST ST ATE BANK COS,SERC E SK OF KAHOKA ASERI CAN BANK & TRUST CO 1111/19 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NON,"EMBER BANKS MO MO MO HO HO HO HO MO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO· HO MO HO 140 HO MO HO HO HO MO MO HO HO HO MO HO HO HO HO HO MO HO HO MO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO 23984 101088 79869 50058 33627 17498 21052 43286 18628 32431 58632 23333 18237 27331 3 7590 45025 61000 27148 61048 19153 32872 78572 30976 22458 32192 36763 40215 36777 46570 23331 36641 42548 21661 19052 19804 18798 24543 28020 17944 18530 16919 21468 29173 25617 52757 45052 121 VLTCSH 131 1977 REQBAL 808 917 497 1120 448 583 176 475 392 1155 966 738 0 0 0 624 0 0 457 182 390 0 512 0 0 0 0 0 0 358 498 880 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 255 405 789 469 439 794 0 270 259 195 250 435 552 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 299 346 213 401 434 EPA 0 1801 2587 0 0 0 0 389 0 0 657 611 386 811 557 141 NEW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1176 0 0 1700 0 0 0 0 0 138 H4 0 0 19 IOI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 98 0 306 0 216 0 0 202 406 281 566 0 0 534 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 830 349 161 OIF 131-151 0 0 98 0 -98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • . .. • ..••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • . se cc Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~O~SE~SER BANKS oss NAME BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 111 TDEP t_OCATICN 8 29JJ50 CITIZENS STATE BANK HARSHFIELD 10293310 CITIZENS STATE BANK MARYVILLE MARYVILLE 10293360 NODAWAY VALLEY BANK 82934'12 BK OF THE. LAKE OF THE OZARKSMILLER CCUNlV A2'?)540 UNITED MISSOURI BK Of MONETTHONE TT NEVADA 10293685 C!TIZENS STATE BANK 8293770 BA~K OF NEW ~ADRID NEw MAORI 0 NORTH WOODS e2·-ns1 s NO~MANOY BAUK l029J830 BA'JI( OF OO~SSA COE SSA 829)8.:.0 eriAT."1ENS B.H~K OF O FALLON 0 FALLON 8293855 CG"'l~ERC t AL BANK OF ST LCUIS OLIVETTE OVERLAND 82S3945 CHARTER BANK OF OVERLAND 92q30!,Q CZ A~K BA."JK OZARK PERRY 9294040 PERRY STATE BANK S2Q4050 BUIK OF PERRYVILLE PERRYVILLE 82Q4070 HO"E TRUST MERCANTILE BANK PERRYVILLE PLEASANT Hill 10294170 PLEASANT HILL BANK POPLAR BLUFF 8294200 BANK CF PCPLAR BLUFF 82042')3 CGMSERCE BK OF POPLAR BLUFF POPLAR BLUFF 8294230 WASHINGTON CTY MERCANTILE BKPCTOSI RAYTCWN 1029 4292 80ATMENS RAYTOWN BANK RAYTCWN 10294295 LAU~EL BANK OF RAYTOWN 8294340 BCAT.SENS 8ANK OF PULASKI CTYRICHLANO RICHMOND 102q4350 EXCHANGE BANK OF R ICHMONO S29 1t358 CONT I NENT AL BANK & TRUST CO RICHMOND HGTS ROCK PORT I02943.SO BANK OF ATCHISON COUNTY 10294390 CITIZENS BANK OF ATCHISON COROCK PORT ROLLA 82'14405 FIRST STATE BANK 82Qt.410 ROLlA ST ATE BANK ROLLA ST ANN 8294455 BArlK OF ST ANN 8294456 LANDMARK NORTHaEST PLAZA BK ST ANN 8294472 MRCNTL BK OF ST CHARLES CTY ST CHARLES 8294540 ST JOHNS BANK ANO TRUST co ST JOHNS 10294560 DROVERS MERCANTILE BANK ST JOSEPH ST JOSEPH 10294580 FARMERS STATE BANK 10294595 FIRST STOCK YARDS BANK ST JOSEPH 10294630 U'.11 TEO HO BANK OF ST JOSEPH ST JOSEPH ST LOUIS 8294660 BADEN BANK OF ST LOUIS 8294665 BANK OF ST LOUIS ST LOU! S ST LOUIS B294690 9RESEN BANK ANO TRUST CO ezq46qo CASS BANS, AND T~UST COMPANY ST LOU! S ST LOUIS 8294700 CHIPPEWA TRUST COMPANY ST LOU! S 8294705 CITY BANK 8294706 COMMERCE BK OF MOUND CITV ST LOUIS ST LOUIS 8294735 HA~PT0~4 BANI<. OF ST LOUIS ST LOU! S B294750 JEFFERSON BK t TR CO HO HO HO HO HO MO HO HO MO MO HO HO HO MO HO MO HO MO MO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO MO MO HO MO HO HO HO HO MO HO HO HO HO HO MO HO MO HO HO HO 2243B 44395 60073 32320 25714 27357 20319 22627 31776 21%6 26042 34905 20375 13350 27046 2-1301 20159 36246 38617 20244 53229 31104 16115 31078 54649 I7B08 15627 22806 26166 29148 46426 22B88 78458 16025 15539 25515 52136 55420 193846 30424 71260 45945 44915 44348 105546 95851 121 VlTCSH 185 304 406 257 349 237 245 410 154 622 537 707 304 91 331 224 170 474 429 443 642 874 141 366 462 13B IOI 4 79 254 642 692 678 1644 189 207 270 945 1296 2348 364 510 748 1129 841 17B9 504 1/17/79 13 I 1W7 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HI NEW EPA 0 435 964 103 0 0 0 0 1TB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 121 0 762 0 0 0 1156 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 89 0 1442 D 0 0 0 0 5185 0 2991 0 0 0 l'B35 2113 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 151 NEW REQBAL 161 OIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 197 D 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -197 0 0 0 0 0 0 -24 • .• • • • • • • • • • . .• .• • ..• • •• • • • .• NI C11 0 NON~EMBER BANKS . BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOIFIEO H.R. 7 1/17/79 ,,. 0 fl I w ~ NAME OS9 LOCATION TOEP 121 Vl TCSH .., w :; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 131 1977 REQBAl 0 8294760 JEFF GRAVOIS BK OF ST LOUIS ST LOUIS 8294810 MERCANTILE CMRC TRUST co ST LOUIS 82Cl482 5 MISSOURI STATE BANK & TR CO ST LOUIS 8294850 NORTH ST LOUIS TR CO ST LGUIS 82CJ4'370 NORTHWESTERN BANK ANO TRUST ST LOUIS 82 9491 0 SOUTHEP.N COH~ERCIAl BANK ST LOUIS ez94q 1n BOA rnENS BK GF CONCORD VlG ST LOUIS COUNTY 8294955 LEWIS & CLARK MERCANTILE BK ST LOUIS COUNTY 82':?4956 Pl Al A BANK OF W~S T PORT ST LOUIS CTY 02c;4q59 HARK TWAIN SOUTH COUNTY BANK ST LOUIS CCUNTY 8294959 MARK TWAIN PARKWAY BANK ST LOU! S COUNTY 102qstno SALISBURY SAVINGS BANK SALISBURY SAVANNAH 10295050 HO"'.E BANK 102~5068 MISSOURI STATE BANK SEDALIA 8295140 SHELBINA MERCANTILE BANK SHEL RINA 8295180 BANK CF SIKESTON SIKESTON e2c;s2ea SANK CF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD 8295290 COS~ERCE BANK OF SPR INGF I ELOSPR INGF I HD 82C}52,95 P1PIRE BANK SPR INGF IHO 8295360 CC'M'4UNltY BANK STEELVILLE 8295430 BAN~ OF SULLIVAN SULLIVAN THAYER 82~5480 BANK OF THAYER 10295510 TRENTON TRUST COMPANY TRENTON TROY 8795520 B □ Al'ENS BANK OF TROY 8 29 5540 UN I TEO BANK OF UNION UNION 8295%5 CITIZENS BANK UNIVERSITY CITY 82QS570 co•<ERCE BANK OF UNIV CITY UNIVERSITY CITY URBANA S?. 0 5580 BANK OF URBANA WARRENSBURG 10295660 CI Tl 1 ENS BANK WARSAW 10295690 CCSSUN !TY BK OF WARSAW 829511 0 BANK CF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON 8295755 BIG BENO BANK WEBSTER GROVES WEBSTER GROVES 82C?S7b0 WEB STER GROVERS TR CO 8295790 lMIO,~~RK CENTRAL BK G TR CO WELLSTON WENTZ VI llE 8295810 WENTZVILLE STATE BANK e2qse40 WEST PLAINS BANK WEST PLAINS OF 201 SANKS AFFECTED IN STATE ----------------------9300015 FIRST SECURITY BANK 9300040 BANK OF BAKER 143 52 HO MO MO HO HO HO HO MO HO MO HO MO MO HO MO HO MO HO MO MO MO HO MO MO HO HO MO MO HO HO MO HO HO MO MO HO 55035 74128 20357 21016 34937 50554 48312 31231 45375 85724 27803 23075 2305 I 20244 20267 50729 30458 162047 95891 16155 21794 22419 28176 21206 33568 35497 57486 15779 302B 1 19094 46473 42652 58470 96500 20782 24891 807 660 277 356 750 718 1155 795 546 755 325 148 152 251 167 884 811 2589 l076 111 404 281 284 273 380 657 1021 88 642 145 599 758 118 851 279 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAl 265 1762 0 0 0 141 0 0 185. 2329 0 0 0 0 0 181 0 4146 1977 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 450 0 0 0 144 0 1522 2576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DJF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • •• • .•• • .•• ..•• • • .• • • • • • •• • • .. HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ANACONDA BAKER MT MT 14507 17459 300 93 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .• N .... C11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis l\lON~EMBE R BANKS DSB BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY IIOOIF IEO H.R. 1 NAHE 93CO~S3 9300115 9300260 '1300280 930J300 9300340 9300190 9300400 9300520 9300540 9300543 9300665 9300690 9300760 9300810 9300915 9300925 OF 111 TDEP LOCATION FIRST CITIZENS BANK BILLINGS VALLEY STATE BAN~ BILLINGS BANK CF COLUMBIA FALLS COLUMBIA FALLS FAR~~RS STATE BANK CONRAD BANK OF GLACIER COUNTY CUT BANK ST ATE BANK t TRUST CO DILLON FIRST STATE BANK FORSYTH FIRST STATE BK OF FT BENTCN FORT BENTON CITIZE~S STATE BANK HA~IL TON HARDIN BIG HCRN BANK LITTLE HOR~ STATE BANK HARDIN VALLEY BANK OF KALI SPELL KALI SPELL NW BANK OF LEWISTOWN LEWISTOWN 1ST SC BK t TR OF MILES CITYHILES CITY SECURITY STATE BANK PLENTYWOOD FIRST STATE BANK SltELBY TOOLE COUNTY STATE BANK SHELBY 19 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 13 6 MT HT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT HT HT MT HT HT. MT MT 24579 26526 19368 30499 22028 21168 22970 24180 22514 29320 15336 25637 35852 45650 23061 25879 16724 1117/19 121 VL TCSH 131 1977 REOBAL 217 252 244 206 0 0 0 0 135 0 178 130 123 293 190 140 223 262 236 182 208 82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 151 NEIi REQBAl 0 0 0 85 0 0 61 1 0 85 0 0 166 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 430 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DI F 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 .•• • •• •• • ••• •• •• • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE ND REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE Is ------------------------------------10310090 10310210 10310230 10310395 10310440 10310550 10310640 10310750 10310875 10310980 10310910 1011ono 10310950 10310960 10111310 10311360 10311398 10311450 10311500 10311510 10311520 GUARDIA" STATE BK t TR CD AUBURN STATE BANK FARMERS STATE BK & TR CO BA~K OF BELLEVUE WA SH I NG TON COUNTY BANK NEBRASKA STATE BANK t TR CD STATE BANK CF CAIRO BUIK OF CHAORON Cl71ZENS BANK AND TRUST CO COLU•BUS BANK & TRUST CO ([llAO STATE BANK t TRUST CD FIRST BAtlK t TRUST COMPANY CITIBAN~ t TR CO OF CRETE CRETE STATE BANK FAl~euqy STATE BANK RICHARDSON CTY BK t TR CO FIRST STATE BANK GENEVA STATE BA~K GORDON STATE BANK FIRST STATE BANK GOTHENBURG STATE BK & TR CO ALLIANCE AUBURN AURORA BELLEVUE BLAIR BROKEN BOIi CAIRO CHADRON CDlU~BUS COLUMBUS COZAD COZAD CRETE CRETE FAIRBURY FAUS CITY FRE~ONT GENEVA GORDON GOTHENBURG GOTHENBURG NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 45801 15200 25"895 26935 33900 26677 14663 20384 23220 19137 15265 17985 16603 17511 15464 27923 15922 30532 13640 18898 21188 342 113 196 592 246 199 0 0 0 23 106 269 258 132 152 111 301 113 258 285 150 82 124 82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 509 0 20 0 104 0 5 ·20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • •• • • • • •• •• •• • • • • ••• • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ill DSB NAME 10311695 10311815 10311980 10312080 10312,90 10312135 10312140 10312145 10312160 10312440 IOJl2655 10312712 10,12713 10312714 10312718 10312720 10~12735 10312745 10312750 10312765 10312785 10312840 la31Z940 10313020 I03Dl45 10~13160 la JI 3290 l031Hl0 10313345 10313430 10314160 OF lOCATION HASTINGS STATE BANK FIRST SEC BK OF HOlOREGE PLATTE VAllEY ST BK t TR CO FAR•ERS STlTE BANK t TR CO l~XINGTON ST BK t TR CO GATEWAY BANK t TRUST CO >UVELOCK BANK LI NCCLN BANK SOUTH INC UN ION BANK ANO TRUST CO :HNOEN EXCH BK t TR CO NORTH PLATTE STATE BANK KEITH COUNTY BANK t TR CO A~ES eANK BANK CF HILLARD CENTER BANK DOUGLAS CTY BK t TR CO FIRST WEST SIDE BANK HID CITY BANK INC N~RTH SI OE BANK OMAHA STATE BANK SOUTHWEST BANK NEBRASKA STATE BANK BANK OF PAP l l l l ON CONES STATE BANK RALSTON BA,~K RAVENNA BANK S~HUYLER STATE BANK FIRST ST ATE BANK seq IBNER BANK NE BOS KA STATE BANK YORK STATE BANK t TRUST co DllAHA OMAHA OMAHA C•AHA o.,AHA OMAHA OMAHA OMAHA ORD PAPILLION PIERCE RALSTON RAVENNA SCHUYLER SCOTTSBLUFF SCRIBNER SOUTH SIOUX CITY YORK 33 19 3 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE ------- ------ 18709 16120 r,5739 18250 22443 42760 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE HOH 16056 36329 2"703 20982 20725 2"406 30309 61926 0776 55237 17198 'tl668 18009 57268 14733 18443 14892 26313 17103 207?2 19301 15333 20737 28256 0 2 121 VlTCSH l6't 213 312 192 297 563 369 172 313 12" 197 183 737 262 949 297 730 151 850 323 6't9 97 319 50 462 218 108 181 94 259 216 f 31 1977 u1· NEW REQBAl EPA 0 0 0 0 438 0 0 0 0 0 168 Q 0 0 0 0 't30 0 74 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 151 NEW REQBAl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75't 703 7't8 0 25 0 855 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 45 161· DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• • .••• •• •• .• • •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • HAVE NO EARNINGS _PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT DR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAY£ NO REQUREO RESERVE BAlANCE --------------- LAS VEGAS US VEGAS REND . NE O~AH4 52 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 12320040 BANK OF NEVADA 12320045 NEVADA STATE BANK 12320078 PIONEER CITIZENS BANK TDEP HASTINGS HOLDREGE KEARNEY LEXINGTON lEXINGTON LINCOLN LINCOLN LINCCLN LINCOLN MINDEN NORTH PLATTE OGALLALA --------------------OF 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 1 NONMEMeER BANKS -------237271 111911 69998 NV NV NV 5472 1484 1005 0 0 0 5172 29't9 1638 't04 HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REOUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REOURED RESERVE B4LANCE ------------------- 0 0 -40't 0 0 • t,:) g: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NONMEMBER BANKS oss BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 1 NAHE 111 TOEP LOCATION I/ 17/79 121 VLTCSH 131 1971 REQBAL BERLIN CITY BANK BERLIN NORTH CCUNTRY BANK BERL IN CONNECTICUT RIVER BANK CHARLESTCWN FIRST COLEBROOK BANK COLEBROOK 1330215 DERRY BANK ANO TRUST CO DERRY 1330290 EXETER BANK I NG COMPANY EXETER JAFFREY l3304I5 MCNA.ONOCK !3ANK 1330530 SI WQOGANOCK GUARANTY SYG BK LANCASTER 1330650 MA\ICHESTER BANK MANCHESTER 1330720 NASHUA TRUST COMPANY NASHUA 1330735 NEW LONDGN TRUST COMPANY NEW LONDON NORTH CONWAY l 3~0790 NORTH CONWAY BANK 1330796 PELHAM BANK & TRUST CO PELHAM PLYMOUTH l330HO PLY~OUTH GUARANTY SVGS BK PGRTSMOUTH 1330900 PORTSMOUTH TRUST CO~PANY 1330920 ROCHESTER SAVINGS BK & TR CORCCHESTER 1330924 ROCKINGHAM CGUNTY TRUST CO SHEM 1330990 SUNCOOK BANK SUNCOOK WOLFEBORO 1331045 KINGSWOOD BANK ANO TRUST 1331060 WOOOSVILLE GUARANTY SYNGS 8KWOOOSVILLE 1330010 1330020 13300~0 133012 0 OF 20 BANKS AFFECTEO IN STATE 11 7 NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH INDEPENDENCE BANK OF NJ GUA~ANTEE BANK BERGEN STATE 8A'IK so•E• SET TRUST CO U"ITEO JERSEY 8K/S BERGEN CARTERET BANK AflO TRUST CO PILGRIM STATE BANK CHATHAM TRUST COMPANY PEOPLES 8MIK OF S JERSEY COMSERCE BANK OF NEW JE~SEY FAI~ LAWN STATE BANK STATE BANK OF NEW JERSEY FRA~KLIN STATE BANK CENT~AL JERSEY BK ANO TR co GARFIELD TRUST CCMPANY GARDEN ST BK OF OCEAN CTY KENILWORTH STATE BANK CITIZENS STATE BANK OF NJ 468 19280 14096 21885 19930 49021 29172 17862 139034 97132 16533 21193 18027 42909 40028 85072 19573 37331 14137 19291 243 252 268 495 1131 239 72 1403 1419 203 274 273 57 87 200 253 710 192 75 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 151 NEW REQBAL 119 0 0 0 0 0 109 80 2835 1621 0 0 0 734 624 1249 0 0 0 117 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 564 0 0 0 0 0 0 559 0 0 0 0 (61 OIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -564 0 0 0 0 0 0 -559 0 0 0 0 •• • • • • .. .•• .• .. • • HAYE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUl RED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE --------------------------------------------------2340030 3340100 2340205 2340435 2300555 2340560 2340570 2340590 3340615 3340970 2340935 2341055 2341064 2341068 2341120 3341445 2341615 3341625 39685 141 l<EW EPA ALLENDALE ATLANTIC CITY BERGENF 1 ELO SRI OGEWATER TWP CARLSTADT CARTERET CEDAR GROVE CHAT~AH TOWNSHIP CLAYTON EVESHAM TWP FA IR LAWN FORT LEE FHNKLIN ThP FREEHOLD TWP GARF !ELD JACKSON TWP KENILWORTH LACEY TCWNSHIP NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ -----------------------------------------------13699 232093 89854 141553 28498 37074 18606 77505 28625 33864 26983 53407 35194 T 488650 41371 21983 30102 63257 l89 6257 1083 2119 557 1017 531 671 698 671 263 659 5397 10971 60T 373 360 758 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3489 1H8 '3384 0 0 0 1266 0 0 0 276 5184 5092 0 0 0 568 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5157 5194 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5157 -5194 0 0 0 0 • .•• .•• .• . NI ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NO~~E~BER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NAME Dse 2341695 COH.~UNITY STATE BK G TR 3341698 MAINLAND BANK LOCATION co LINDEN LINWOOD LIVINGSTON 2341135 JERSEY SHO~E BANK lGNG BRANCH 2341905 BRUNSWICK BANK AND TR CO MANALAPAN TWP 2341890 CO~MONSEALTH BK OF METUCHEN METUCHEN MONTVALE 23 1tl935 UN I TEO JERSEY BANK/NORTH MOORF.STOWN 3'.VtZOQO BURLINGTON CTY TRUST CO MC•R IS TGWNSHIP 2342045 FIRST MORRIS BANK 3342')&5 FEllOWS>HP BAN~ MOUNT LAUREL TWP NEWTON 2~42320 NEh'TON TRUST CO"!PANY NORTH BRUNSWICK 23'42365 MID3LESEX CCCNTY BANK 2342370 NORTH Pl AINF I ELO STATE BANK N PlAINflElO OCEAN CITY 3342412 COAST Al STATE BANK PAR.l.MUS .2342482 SEP.GEN BANI{ CF CCMMERCE PARll"1US 23424~5 Mt Ol ANO BANK & TRUST CO 2342497 UNITED JERSEY BA~K/PAR-TROY PAR TROY HlS TWP PATERSON 2342530 BROADWAY BK & TR CO PATERSON 2342570 FRAl'-lKL IN BANK PENNSAUKEN TWP 3342.668 FIDELITY BK & TR CO OF N J PR I NC ETON 3342e10 PR I ~C ETON BANK G TRUST RARITAN TWP 2 .?42(} 3 6 TOWN & COUNTRY BANK ROXBURY TWP 2343065 ROXBURY STATE BANK SADDLE BROOK 2343083 INTERCHANGE STATE BANK SHREWSBURY 2343130 SHREWSBURY STATE BANK SOUTH AMBOY 2343160 SOUTH AMBOY TRUST COMPANY SOUTH ORANGE 2343185 VILLAGE BANK CF NEW JERSEY SPR INGFIElD 2343230 1NTER-C0~:-1UN1TY SANK SUMMIT 2343280 SUS~I T & Ell ZABETH TR CO TEANECK nP 2343304 H0'4E STATE BANK TRENTON 3143342 CAPITOL STATE BANK UNION CITY 2343450 Huosc•, UNITED BANK WAll TOWNSHIP 2343516 ALLAIRE STATE BANK WAYNE TWP 2343533 RAMAPO BANK W OE PT FORD TWP 3)43545 LEN.\PE STATE BANK WEST MILFORD TWP 2343567 LAKELAND STATE BANK W WINDSOR TWP 3343595 WEST WINDSOR STATE BANK :?341122 LIV ING ST ON STATE BANK co OF 55 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 33 19 111 TDEP (21 Yl TCSH 126012 33474 19139 33374 34098 31473 61649 166943 29461 18450 54836 25528 33061 53486 35947 91780 27512 109742 78835 91665 120805 38611 24659 51896 25346 19516 36512 15125 298944 20445 27419 186308 23994 60129 37132 24689 15738 1842 831 254 822 637 725 1563 2610 476 194 724 639 596 909 482 975 839 1421 910 1239 1617 330 470 1527 422 401 472 193 4868 173 481 4499 373 989 882 650 120 l 31 1977 REQBAl 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (41 NEW EPA 3287 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 3H2 0 0 274 0 0 245 0 1780 0 2233 1330 2053 2909 121 0 0 0 0 29 0 5111 0 0 0 0 2662 0 723 0 0 0 0 .o l 51 NEW REQBAl (61 OIF (31-( 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3899 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3899 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..• • . .. . ~ .• .•• .• ..•• • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAYE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------llHOOIO SECURITY BANK & TRUST NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ. NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ 1/17/79 AlAMCGORDO NH 39305 510 0 10 0 0 • 01 01 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NCN•EHSER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 Nl~E 058 LOCATION 1035002 5 BAN~ OF NEW HEX ICD ALBUCUEAQUE ALBUQUERQUE ALSUCUERQUE ALBUQUERQUE W~STERN 8A"1K ALBUQUERQUE PE3•LES STATE BANK ARTESIA cc••ERCE BANK ANO TRUST CARLSBAD FAR•Eqs & STGCKHENS CLAYTON CITIZE~S SANK OF CLOVIS CLOVIS FARMINGTON CITIZENS BANK FIRST STATE BANK GALLUP ~ERCHANTS BANK GALLUP GqA,.TS STATE BANK GRANTS NEW MEXICO BK & TA CO HC8BS CITIZENS SANK OF LAS CRUCES LAS CRUCES FAR SEAS ANO MERCHANTS BANK LAS CRUCES BANK Qf LAS VEGAS LAS VEGAS FIRST STATE BAN~ RIO RANCHO RUIDOSO STATE BANK RUIDOSO ROSWELL STATE BANK ROSWELL BANK OF SANT A FE SANTA FE CAPITAL BANK SANTA FE CITIZENS STATE BANK SPR INGEA CITIZENS STATE BANK VAUGHN 1035002 8 CITIZENS BANK 10350032 10350033 10350035 11350055 1135)095 10350100 11350110 10350145 1035DI60 1035DI70 10350175 11350200 11350205 l I15JZI 5 ID350213 10350325 11150312 11350335 10 350337 10350339 10150370 11350400 OF RIO GRANDE VAllEY BANK REPUBLIC BANK 25 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 14 10 NH NH NH NH N'4 NH N'4 N~ N'4 NH N'4 NH N'4 N>I NH NH N'4 NH NH NH NH NH NM NH 1/11/79 111 TOEP 121 YL lCSH 197224 40572 41986 31217 24509 19278 26605 2'346 66853 56319 49647 36847 27683 97239 26638 52061 35246 23315 26028 58020 4400D 27677 17251 18347 I9H 554 369 558 359 216 282 184 563 1416 1333 756 549 1117 363 990 635 616 394 767 433 360 394 190 131 1911 REC BAL D 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UI NEW EPI 151 NEW AEQ81L 5180 7 160 0 0 0 0 12 1153 459 0 0 0 2528 0 508 0 0 0 702 142 0 0 0 1148 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 Olf I 31-151 -1148 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .• .•• ..• • • • • • • • • • HAVE NO EARNINGS. PARTIC !PAT ION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO AEQUREO RESERVE BALANCE --------------2360040 2360075 2360410 23605JO 2360718 2360975 2361520 236l'HO 23627q5 2362850 2363320 2363390 2363850 2363870 BANK Of AKRON COMMUNITY STATE BANK CITIZENS BANK BANK GF BABYLON BAflKEAS TRUST OF BINGHAMTON CErHRAL STATE BANK BMIK OF CASTILE FIRST BK & TR CO Of CORNING CONTINENTAL SANK NASSAU TRUST CO CHE'41CAL BANK OF ROCHESTER STEUBEN TRUST COMPANY BANK OF LAKE PLACID 'IFG HANOVER TR CO/CPTl REG AKRON ALBANY ATTICA BABYLON BINGHA'4TON BROOKLYN CASTILE CORNING GARDEN C ITV GLEN COVE HILTON HORNELL LAKE PLACID LATHAM NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY 19390 67721 18403 77917 32349 56235 27407 49505 23213 154976 26631 38489 27583 86934 312 1060 494 1572 1268 755 379 1538 148 3'74 324 682 895 1296 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 614 0 729 0 1029 0 0 0 3297 0 0 0 1577 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • • . • • • • ~ ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ill DSB NAME TOEP LOCATION 2363Bqo BANK OF LE ROY 2363950 HER<IHER COUNTY TRUST CO 21~4310 NORTH FORK BK t TR CO 2364643 UNION STATE BANK 2364755 STATE BANK OF L I 2364820 '"ALGAMATED BK OF NEW YORK 2364838 ATLANTIC BANK OF NEW YO~K 2?!:.4943 BANCO DE BOGOTA TRUST CO 2364858 BA~K LEU~! TRUST CO OF NY 23648ft] BANK CF CCSMERCE 2364893 B~NK OF TOKYO TRUST CO 2364945 CANADIAN BANK OF CMRC TR 23649:37 CHINESE AMEPICAN BANK 2365053 DAIWA B4NK TRUST CO~PANY 2365130 F IOUC IARY TRUST COMPANY 2365168 FUJI BAN< t TRUST COMPANY 2365235 INO BANK OF JAPAN TR CO 23f>5::!44 ISRAEL DISCOUNT TRUST CO 2365418 ROYAL BANK t TRUST CO n65515 UNITED AMERICAS BANK 2366050 PAVILICN STATE BANK 2367635 BANK OF UTICA 2367790 WYO~ING COUNTY SANK 2367970 FIRST TRUST UNION BANK OF LE ROY LITTLE FALLS HATTITUCK NANUET NEW HYDE PARK NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK PAVILION UTICA WARSAW WELLSVILLE 38 SANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 15 15 NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY 33042 40066 73340 21334 34343 3Hl62 3oa968 29763 655323 238860 1481432 18662 45320 84329 54450 198931 145169 15547 181565 507H 14587 49757 42294 140906 121 VL TCSH 742 984 1308 191 303 13B6 693 15 2267 3203 581 4 297 48 39 38 10 10 167 12H 331 337 731 2413 131 1977 REQBAL D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 1176 0 135 5199 5159 959 5303 5128 5349 92 452 1457 3167 2491 1482 0 0 0 0 0 l03B7 3217 0 189H 5606 51611 0 0 0 0 3019 2355 0 2573 0 0 0 0 0 IH 5205 0 0 459 0 2354 co co 0 0 0 D 0 -10387 -3217 0 -18944 -5606 -51611 0 0 0 0 -3019 -2355 0 -2573 0 0 0 0 0 •• .•• . ..•• • • • • • -------------- --------------------- BANK CF ASHEVILLE we STERN CAROLINA BK & TR tO BANK OF BELMONT PEOPLES BANK REPUBLIC BANK & TRUST co Pl EDMONT BANK & TRUST CENTRAL CAROLINA BK & TR CO MECHANICS ANO FARMERS 8ANK YADKIN VALLEY BK t TR EAST CAROLINA BANK CAPE FEAR BANK & TRUST CD F IOEL ITV BANK CAROLINA STATE BANK TARHEEL BANK t TRUST CO 161 OIF 131-151 HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION. ACCOUNJ OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE ------------------5370065 5370070 5370130 5370270 5370358 5370460 5370435 5370550 5370125 5370640 5370678 5170720 5370728 5370750 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NON~EHBER BANKS ASHEVILLE ASHE VI llE BELMONT CATAWBA CHARLOTTE DAVIDSON DURHAM DURHAM ELK IN ENGELHARD FAYETTEVILLE FUQUAY-VARINA GASTONIA GATESVILLE NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Nt NC 77H6 21078 33876 29008 28898 54481 365655 38177 13668 44034 33039 72217 18761 28859 1727 0 H7 0 0 0 603 HS 360 1454 11510 946 319 1165 1267 1712 138 558 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 712 0 0 0 0 0 5163 0 0 0 0 390 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 423 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -423 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • • • • •• • • . ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON~EHBER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 Ill ,sB NAME 5370810 5370820 5370855 5370857 5370Q90 5371155 5371180 LOCATION BA'IK OF GRANITE FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK CCH•UNITY BANK OF CAROLINA GATEWAY BA'IK HIGH POINT BK£ TR CO LEXINGT0:11 STATE BANK TDEP GRANITE FALLS GRAN JTE ~UARRY GREENSBORO GREENSBORO HIGH POINT LEX INGTDN HERITAGE BANK LUCA HA 5371225 PfOPLES BA'IK OF N C HAOI SON 5371330 AMERICAN BANK AND TRUST CO MONROE 5371410 SOUTHERN BANK & TRUST CO MOUNT OLIVE 5371420 BANK OF CURRITUCK MOYOCK 537)480 NORTHWESTERN BANK NORTH WILKESBORO 5371520 BA'IK CF PILOT MOUNTAIN PILCT MCUNTAIN PILCT MOUNTAIN 5371530 FAq~ERS BA'IK 5371584 FIRST-CITIZENS BK & TR co RALEIGH RALEIGH 5371585 ST ATE BANK OF RALEIGH 5371690 RI CH,•OND CO BANK ROCK INGHAM ROCKY MOUNT 5371720 PEOPLES BA'IK AND TRUST co 5371770 co••ERCIAl ANO FARMERS BANK RURAL HALL 537le~o SECURITY BK & TR CD SALi SBURY 5371'805 CAROLINA BANK SANFORD 5371940 FAR•ERS BA:IIK SUNBURY TARBORO 5371970 EOGECO•BE BANK £ TRUST co 5371<>90 BANK CF MONTGOMERY TROY 5372111 WACCAMAW BANK ANO TRUST CD WHITEVILLE 5372150 BPANCH BANKING AND TRUST CO WILSON 5372225 FORSYTH BANK & TRUST CO WINSTON-SALEM 5372240 FIRST STATE BANK WINTERVILLE OF 42 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 28 9 NC NC 'IC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 44980 2710D 23215 19594 92954 74475 19202 25096 200220 62707 15785 1171996 19100 15103 1072118 29150 28485 264409 19100 127681 123774 26349 51839 19872 263481 455599 45454 25906 1/17179 121 VLTCSH 1110 598 355 374 488 1277 463 645 3175 1874 359 32181 284 225 25107 372 932 '1165 5'11 4444 2505 57D 1387 581 HlO 12115 338 659 131 l'177 REQBAL 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 ~fW EPA 151 NfW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 2754 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 4997 0 0 0 5226 0 0 5161 0 0 0 0 17756 0 0 20310 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2364 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D -17756 0 0 -20310 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2364 5668 -5668 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 645 0 2585 0 5B3 H56 0 0 0 5195 5136 652 0 .• • • •• •• • • • •• • • • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE 8ALANCE -----------9380030 9H0040 9380070 93~0115 9380170 93801BO 91~0200 9330210 9380240 93~0470 MC INTO SH COUNTY BANK FAR •ERS ANO MERCHANTS BANI( BANK OF BEULAH ST 9K OF BURLEIGH CTY TR CD FIRST STATE BANK OF CANDO FOSTER COU~TY BANK£ TR CO CASSEL TON STATE BANK Fl~ST STATE BANK FARMERS ST BK OF CROSBY SARGENT COUNTY BANK ASHLEY BEACH BEULAH BISMARCK CANDO CARRINGTON CASSEL TON CASSEL TON CROSBY FORMAN NO ND ND NO NO ND NO NO N3 NO 17863 17350 16086 34398 20676 27024 15083 13979 19472 16559 86 74 118 305 165 160 45 72 86 58 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 94 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .•• •• ..•• •• ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NO•l•EMBER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOIFIEO H.R. 7 Ill osB NAME 9380490 q3eos,o 93B0610 93?0&50 9380-!,QQ 9330740 93qo1eo 9380900 9380360 93,0915 9380930 939097 0 93 eoq9 5 9331090 q31? l lJO 93S IZZO 9381230 9381240 9381300 9381310 9391457 93814 70 IJF GARR I SON STATE BANK WALSH COUNTY BANK £ TR CD FIRST STATE BANK UNIO'I STATE BANK NQRTHWESTERN STATE BANK ST ATE BANK OF KENMARE ST ATE BANI( OF LAKOTA FIRST SANK OF LANGDON FARMERS STATE BANK MAtlOAN SE CUR ITV BANK. GCOSE RIVER BANK A,ME• !CAN BANK ANO TRUST CO FIRST WESTERN SB OF MINOT SECURITY ST BK OF NEW SALEM ,mRTHwOOO STATE BANK FIRST BANK OF ROLLA CITIZENS STATE BANK l'"'ERCHA~TS BANK SCASOIA AMERICAN BANK BANK OF STEELE WEST FARGO STATE BANK AMERICAN STATE BANK LOUT ION TOEP GARRISON GRAFTON HARVEY HAlEN HILLSBORO KENMARE LAKOTA LAt:GOON LISBON MANDAN MAYVILLE MI,mT MINOT NEll SALEM NQRTHWOOO ROLLA RUGBY RUGBY STA>ILEY STEELE WEST FARGO WILLISTON 32 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 2] 9 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 17503 41375 11704 18117 20298 15838 14959 24399 24320 17640 16960 59941 30078 14958 16475 22601 19418 26030 15668 15118 17979 51336 1117/79 121 VL TCSH 82 344 93 142 125 57 54 149 171 168 170 334 295 163 99 429 108 210 64 69 121 185 141 131 1917 NEW REQBAL EPA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 151 NEW REQBAL 161 · OIF 131-151 0 0 0 246 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 1065 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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DELAWARE REEVES 8UIK ING AND TRUST CO DOVER U~ION COMMERCIAL & SVGS BK EAST PALESTINE EDGERTON STATE BANK CO WGERTON ED0~ STATE BANK CO EDON FREMONT SAVINGS BUIK CO FREMONT BUCKEYE STATE BANK GALION COMMERCIAL ANO SAVINGS BANK GALLIPOLIS OHIO VALLEY BANK CO GALLIPOLIS CITIZENS BANK HAMILTON A•ERICAN 8K OF CENTRAL OHIO HARRISBURG HICKSVILLE SANK HICKSVILLE FIRELANDS COMMUNITY BANK HURON CITY SANK KENT KENTON KE~TON SAVINGS BANK FAR~~RS AND CITIZENS BANK LANCASTER LEIPSIC BANK OF LEIPSIC CO LIMA METROPCL IT AN SANK FIRESTONE BANK LISBON LOGAN CITIZE~S 8K CF LOGAN FFMRS & SVNGS BK OF LDNVLL LOUDONVILLE LOWELLVILLE SVGS & BKNG CO LCWELLVILLE PEOPLES BANK ING CO Ht COMB RICHLAND TRUST CO HA'lSFIElD DIN!': BANK HAR I ETTA FIRST BANK OF MARIETTA HARi ETTA PEOPLES BA>IK ING ANO TRUST COMAR IOTA FAHEY BANKING CO HAR ION MARION HA~ IOll COUOITY BAOIK ~ARTINS FERRY CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK HAR TINS FERRY PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK CO MEDINA COUNTY SANK MEDINA SAVINGS DEPOSIT BANK CO HEDI NA MENTOR STATE B&T CO OF LAKE CTY HI0DLEF IEL0 HIODLEFIEL0 BANKING CO MI0OLETOWN &ARNITZ BANK OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH 0420 Z3450 68433 ZIHB 3525Z 3H65 1Z7843 4Zl33 1688I 28180 51135 148080 16523 Z3479 16667 46587 22436 31713 52868 74281 17986 17983 40036 45956 26715 58433 15107 113083 16355 1517B 20028 21172 H29I 96960 16229 21480 93019 36348 47736 30667 26074 30383 248H I6B83 18371 86122 1111/19 IZI VL TCSH 757 247 169 400 4IZ 3Z9 2016 1Zl7 Z97 211 783 2439 398 2Z5 76 820 731 594 1123 1629 353 259 547 1039 472 1302 305 3169 213 403 264 441 118 1871 191 372 1306 720 1281 365 508 605 308 277 116 1654 131 1911 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 'H• EPA 135 0 2089 0 35 43 2950 0 0 37 Z09 Z986 0 15 20 0 0 0 0 432 0 0 47 0 0 156 0 1372 0 0 0 0 0 1241 0 0 1625 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 1240 151 NEW RE'-6Al 1<,1 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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STEUSENVILLE TIFF IN TIFFIN SAVINGS BANK HUNT! NGTON BK OF TOLEDO TOLEDO TWINSBURG TSl'lSBURG BANKING CO UNITED BA~K UHRICHSVILLE FA 0 '1ERS STATE BANK UNION CITY COSSESCIAL SAVINGS BANK UPPER SANDUSKY VERMILION ERIE COUNTY BANK CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CO WADSWORTH HUrHtNGTON BK OF WASH CT HSEWASH COURl HOUSE WAVERLY WAVERLY STATE BANK FAR~ERS BANK >EST UNION WILLARD WILLARD UNITED BANK FIRST STATE BK OF AOAHS ClY WINCHESTER CENTRAL TR CO OF. WAYNE CTY WOOSTER YELLOW SPRINGS MIAS! OE POSIT BANK PfOPLF.S BANK OF YOUNGSTOWN YOUNGSTOWN CENTRAL TR CO OF ZANESVILLE ZANESVILLE 92 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 60 30 OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH· OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH CITIZENS BK & lR CO OF ADA OKLAHOMA STATE BANK ALVA STATE BANK & TR CO ANADARKO BK & TR CO LINCOLN BANK ANO TRUST co ATOKA STATE BANK UNIO"I BANK ANO TRUST SANK OF BEAVER C ITV 14582 13437 14162 106248 105015 20731 105490 56639 27285 25404 39258 48279 19400 36516 14069 26728 46370 18917 34118 28290 67268 47051 121 VL TCSH 131 1917 REQBAL 141 NEW EPA 476 254 0 340 534 132 1209 137 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65 814 483 168 125 1702 2293 276 1460 688 776 228 442 692 224 587 192 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1690 0 1051 0 2318 524 0 0 0 0 9 115 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 629 499 647 673 914 1487 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 479 I 51 NEW REQBAL 27 0 0 0 672 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 01 F 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • .. • • •• .•• ..• ..• .• HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNl OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ---------------------------------------10400005 10400020 10400080 I0400MO 10400175 11400190 I040D220 10400230 26713 26392 18394 15028 44081 14017 48389 23973 1/17/79 ADA ADA ALVA ANADARKO ARDMORE ATOKA BARTLESVILLE BEAVER --------------------------------------------OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 24003 38031 20362 26760 19881 233n 55358 16839 518 0 0 507 172 0 H6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 1028 0 154 136 431 627 • 158 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...•• ..• N) .... 0) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~ON,EMBER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOIFIEO H.R. 7 111 OSB 10400240 10400210 10400310 10400430 114J0445 10400650 NA:"il!E TOEP LOCATION FIRST SECURITY BANK BEAVER CITIZENS SECRTY BK & TR CO Bl XBY SECURITY BANK & TRUST CO BLACKWELL BROKEN ARROW AP.KONSAS VAlLEY STATE BANK IS T SANK & lRUST BROKEN BOW SECURITY STATE BANK CHEYENNE 11)4')0658 CHICKASHA BANK & TRUST CO CHICKASHA 10400690 ~OGERS COUNTY BA~K CLAREMORE CLINTON 10 1+00750 OKLAHOMA BANK & TRUST CO 104')0965 DEL STATE BANK & TR CO DEL CITY 10401030 FIR ST BANK & TRUST CO DUNCAN DURANT 11401060 DUHNT BANK AND TRUST CO 1'140 l4qQ FIRST ST BK & TR CO GUTHRIE HENRYETTA 1040 l 62 0 A,ERICAN EXCHANGE BANK lDABEL 11401770 FIRST ST BK OF IOABEL 10401eoo DELAWARE COUNTY BANK JAY 10401%5 KINGFISHER BANK & TRUST co KINGFISHER 10401950 SECURITY BA~K A~D TRUST COMPLAWTON LAWTON 1040 I 955 SHER I DAN BANK ANO TRUST CO 1040201 '5 AMERICAN BANK OF COM•ERCE MOLESTER MADI lL 11402060 MAJI LL BANK & TRUST CO MIAMI 10402250 SECU~ITY BK t TR CO MIDWEST CITY 10402258 SECURITY BANK t TRUST CO MUSKOGEE 1H02335 A.• ER I CAN BANK OF MUSKOGEE 104023<:tS Cl TY BANK MUSKOGEE 104()2350 co••ERCIAL BANK & TRUST co .USKOGEE NORMAN 1J4D2415 AMER !CAN EXCHANGE BK & TR 10402518 CAPITOL Hill ST BK & TR CO OKLAHOMA CITY 104Q2Cj',5 FIRST SECURITY BANK & TR CO OKLAHOMA CITY M4025,6 FOU~DER S BANK & TRUST CO OKLAHOMA CITY OKLAHOMA CITY 1040256 7 GR4in SQUARE BK & TR CO 10402568 GUARANTY BANK & TRUST CO OKLAHOMA CITY CKLAHQ,\IA C ITV 10402575 NORTHWEST BANK OKLAHOMA C ITV 10402586 SHEPHERD MALL STATE BANK OKLAHOMA Cl TY 10402587 SQUTHWE STERN BANK & TR CO OKLAHOMA CI TY 10402588 REPUBLIC 9ANK 10402590 UIIITEO OKLAHOMA BANK OKLAH □ .•A CITY 10402594 u,uoN BANK & TRUST COMPANY OKLAHOMA CITY OWASSO 10402625 FIRST BANK OF OWASSO PERRY l040271D EXCHANGE BANK & TRUST CO PONCA C ITV 10402760 SEC UR ITV BK & TR CO POTEAU 10402795 POTEAU STATE BANK PRYOR 10402820 A.SERICAN BANK OF OKLAHOMA PURCELL 10402 e-.o FIRST A•ERICAN BK t TR SANO SPRINGS 10402975 FIR ST BANK ANO TRUST CO SAND SPRINGS 10402980 SANO SPRINGS STATE BANK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 16578 26464 21937 27071 238H 24081 20065 31032 22823 414B6 34186 41917 16908 22197 33847 I 8143 21238 55012 19516 24942 31841 59743 24qq9 19778 17328 68490 39018 31498 19157 46142 47161 70596 28468 31259 38793 32189 72562 88019 18061 22374 56300 24650 25159 23931 19656 23059 1/17/79 121 VL TCSH 131 1977 NEW REQBAL EPA 81 339 318 391 505 143 226 359 131 606 483 479 251 367 0 0 141 151 NEW REQBAL 161 OIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 82 0 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 511 0 299 269 691 333 395 252 760 432 279 237 918 403 543 223 444 361 698 291 395 370 390 474 402 0 0 0 0 0 424 215 499 621 306 300 340 390 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 754 0 0 86 407 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 867 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1225 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 443 346 0 1748 1958 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 802 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 .• . . .• • •• • . .•• .•• .• .••• .•• • • • • • . ~ Q) ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NONMEMBER BANKS Ill NAME osB 1040308 3 10403160 10403210 10403230 104032?5 104'3300 l'.>4~.3362 10403363 10403364 10403'.'!>'5 10403366 10403368 10403372 l04J3373 104a3375 l04n395 10403415 10403420 10403421 10403422 10403424 !0403515 10'•03530 10403555 l0403560 I0',03710 10403760 l0403800 LOCATION FIRST STATE BANK & TRUST co BUIK CF co)4MERCE FIRST-OKLAHOMA BANK & TR to l l SER TY STATE BANK THE VlllAGE BANK AMERICAN STATE BANK BA'IK OF tC~HERCE & TRUST co AD.SI RAL STATE BA~K BOULDER BANK AND TRUST co e•OOKSIOE STATE BANK A~ERICAN BANK OF TULSA BANK OF TULSA CITY BANK & TRUST COMPANY tOMMiJNITY BAIIK & TRUST CO F & M BANK AND TRUST to MERCANTILE BK ANO TR CO NORTH SIDE STATE BANK PEOPLES STATE BANK SECURITY BANK REPUBLIC BANK & TRUST UNITED BANK OKLAHO<A ST BK & TR CO FIRST WAGONER BANK & TR CO cr~~UNITY BANK WATONGA STATE BANK WILBU~TON STATE BANK STOCK EXCHANGE BANK FIRST BANK & TRUST CO co SHAWNEE STILWELL SULPHUR TAHLEQUAH THE VILLAGE THOMAS TULSA TULSA TULSA TULSA TULSA TULSA TULSA TULSA TULSA TULSA TULSA TULSA TULSA TULSA TULSA VINITA WAGONER WARR ACRES WATONGA WILBURTON WOODWARD YALE 82 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE OF 56 25 TDEP OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK CITIZENS VALLEY BANK BANK OF EASTERN OREGON CANBY UNION BANK WESTERN BANK CITIZHIS BK OF CORVALLIS CITIZENS BANK OF OREGON SIUSLAW VALLEY BANK SOUTHERN OREGON STATE BANK !~LANO EMPIRE BANK co••UNITY BANK 16347 16717 19108 38036 31948 H436 110002 39058 65430 34996 25615 32417 54623 35778 218813 4699I 16767 26116 16455 67009 18438 22233 19023 38308 197,85 15304 23739 16369 121 VLTCSH 246 645 253 462 302 82 791 655 465 249 359 404 479 599 1312 507 362 4B5 602 740 193 248 288 484 358 258 296 159 131 1971 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 161 DIF 131-151 o o 0 o 0 0 0 o o 0 0 1895 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1057 126 0 o 0 0 921 0 5176 497 0 0 0 o 0 o 2427 o o 0 o 1348 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 66 0 o 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 -2427 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 ••• • • • •• •• •• • •• . • • •• • • • •• • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE ---------------------------- --------12410020 12410030 12410100 12410133 124l0H3 12410205 12410218 12410273 12410325 12410369 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY NOOIFIED H.R. 7 ALBANY ARllNGTON CANBY COOS BAY CORVALllS EUGENE FLORENCE GRANTS PASS HERMISTON LAKE OSWEGO OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR 86710 16559 30134 223145 51303 12541' 22198 59518 26541 18143 1364 134 231 24134 881 2346 556 749 616 69 o 0 o 0 o 0 0 o 0 o 1577 0 0 0 0 ll5 0 5126 439 '2584 0 766 0 0 1668 0 0 0 0 -1668 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• • ••• • NI en c:i:i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NCN•E~SER BANKS DSB 12410372 l24104l5 12410420 12410450 17410400 12410515 12410527 l24l05S4 I ~410587 12410~'>3 ll't\O6O0 12410610 12410613 12410620 12410660 12410139 OF BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NAME ll NCOLN BANK BA~K Cf cc~~ERCE FIRST STATE BANK OF OREGON SE CUR !TY BK OF COOS COWHY 94"~ CF NEWPORT CCLU<B IA PAC IF IC BK & TR CO OD:EGON BA\IK PACIFIC SECU~ITY BANK VALLEY OF THE ROGUE SOUTH USPQUA STATE BANK cc.,.SERC IAL BANK PIO~EER TRUST COMPANY WESTEAN SECURITY BA~K CLACKAMAS COUNTY BANK CENTENNIAL BANK BA"K CF OREGON LOCATION LINCOLN CITY Mil TON FREEWATER MILWAUKIE MYRTLE POINT NEWPORT PCRTLANO PORTLAND REEDSPORT ROGUE RIVER ROSEBURG SALEM SALEM SALEM SANDY SPRINGFIELD WOODBURN 26 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 15 8 OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR 1117/79 II I 121 I 31 TDEP VLTCSH 1977 REQBAL 141 NEW ·EPA 151 NEW RE~BAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 5139 0 0 26 5186 0 0 0 1722 0 0 0 0 941 0 0 5428 0 0 0 8704 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41722 17360 280149 2929B 35942 23198 H0058 14492 19266 34886 88472 17996 45075 17373 16136 70710 571 236 3347 415 435 62 7095 172 522 567 1263 86 1132 277 220 990 161 Dlf 131-151 0 0 -5428 0 0 0 -8704 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • .• • • •• • •• • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RE SERVE BALANCE HAYE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE N) a, "'" 3420118 4420189 3420298 3420331 4420405 342C630 3420684 3420738 34208.Jl 4't2:J86i4 4420873 3420918 442r,q2, 3421044 3471090 3421215 34212?4 3421233 342127a 3421305 342164 7 3421701 MID-STATE BANK & TRUST co Al TOONA APOLLO TRUST COMPANY APOLLO STATE BANK OF AVIS AVIS LINCOLN BANK BALA CYNWYD REEVES BANK eEAVER FAUS UNION BANK & TRUST CO BETHLEHEM BL'lOHSBURG BK COLUMBIA TR COBLOOHSBURG TRI &COU~TY STATE BANK BCWHANSTCWN PRODUCERS BK & TR CO BRADFORD BROCKWAY CITIZENS BANK BROCKWAY BROOKVILLE BK & TR CO BROOKVILLE BRYN HAoR TRUST COMPANY BRYN MAWR FIRST SENECA BANK & TR CO BUTLER CARBONDALE LIBERTY DISCOUNT &·svG BK FAqMEQS TRUST CO~PANY CARLISLE CHA~BERSBURG TRUST COMPANY CHA~BERSBURG F & H TR CO OF CHAMBERSBURG CHAMBERSBURG VALLEY BANK & TRUST CO CHAMBERSBURG CHEL TENHAH CHE l TE NHAM BANK CLEAUIELD BK t TR CO CLEARFIELD CCUDERSPORT CITIZENS TRUST COMPANY CURWENSVILLE STATE BANK CURSE~SVILLE PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA 287611 26748 33806 118061 19008 184379 59072 34346 30474 24757 414'>3 59881 323299 25688 80987 46545 87198 117544 86849 51798 20578 27047 5777 810 360 1358 483 341B 852 1239 817 447 525 1147 4824 650 794 927 BOB 1671 2727 646 29B 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5229 0 M 3607 0 2845 365 0 0 0 197 1398 5093 0 1785 0 1460 2150 699 474 0 0 1757 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3457 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1757 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3457 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• • •• • • • • • • •• • • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Cl I OSB NAME LOCATION 3421944 U'IIO~ BANKING & T"RUST CO OU BOIS 3421()62 HDELITY OEP & DISCOUNT BK DUNMORE EASTON 3422061 LAFAYETTE TRUST BANK 3422205 ELIZABETHTOWN TRUST CO-PANY ELIZABETHTOWN 3422304 EMPORIU• TRUST COSPANY EMPORIUM 4422316 SECURITY PEOPLES TRUST CO ERIE 44223l35 U'HON BANK ANO TRUST CO ER IE EVERETT 3422403 EVERETT BA",/K FORD CITY 44? 25 l 1 PEO?LES 8A",/K OF FORD CITY 3422763 GLEN ROCK ST ATE BANK GLEN ROCK Jt,22772 PEOPLES BANK OF GLEN ROCK GLEN ROCK HAMBURG 3472898 PA<~URG SVGS & TR CO HANOVER 3422912 BK OF HANOVER & TR CO HANOVER 3422916 FARME~S BANK ANO TRUSf co 3423015 DAUPHIN DEPOSIT BANK & TR COHARR I SBURG 3423070 JE!=FERSON BANK 34231J5 342324C 4423249 34232~1 3423276 342329' 3423315 4423492 44 2 ~ 52 0 3423528 4423537 3423555 34235'\C 3423591 3423627 4423672 3423744 3 1t23798 3423~90 34z3qso 3424077 3424176 442424 5 4424675 3 1t2468q 3424~ ',2 3424897 3:.z4q11 34?50H 3425035 1111179 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOi F IEO H.R. 1 ND~•E~8ER BANKS HAVERFORO HAWl EV H.\',,ILEY BANK HOLLI OAYS8URG TRUST COMPANY HOLLIDAYSBURG HO,"i'ER CITY STATE BANK HOMfR CITY HONESDALE FARMERS ANO MERCHANTS BANK ~O~IESOALE OIME BANK HONESDALE WAY~E COUNTY BANK ANO TR CO HONESDALE HUMMELSTOWN FAR ._.E'\ S BANK ANO TRUST CO IRWIN (R,ilN BANK C. TRUST CO~,tPANY THREE RIVERS BANK & TRUST COJEFFERSON BORO HID~STRIAt_ VALLEY 8K & TR COJENKINTOWN JfNNERSTCWN P[OPLES BA~~K t TRUST CO JERSEY SHORE STATE BANK JERSEY SHORE JIM THORPE MAUCH CHUNK TRUST COMPANY JOHNSTOWN JOH~STOWN BANK C. TRUST CO JONESTOWN JONESTOWN BK & TR CO KITTANNING ASSSTROr,G COUNTY TRUST CO KUTZ TOWN FAR'tERS BArlK OF KUTZTOWN LANCASTER FULTO~• 6Af.lK l ANSFOR.O FIRST VALlEY BANK LEBANON LEBA~ION COUNTY TRUST co LEWISBURG LEW I SBURG TRUST BANK LITITZ FAR.ERS FIRST BANK LOWER BURRELL KEYSTO~E BANK MAR I ~~E BANK MEADVILLE FIRST BANK ANO TRUST COMPANYMECHANI CSBURG MIFFLINBURG MIFFLINBURG BK & TR CO ~ILLERSBURG MIO PENN BANK MINERSVILLE MINERSVILLE SAFE OEP BK BK OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVA~IA MONJOURSVILLE HORR I SY I LL E ,SJRRISVILLE BAN~ PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA TOEP 121 VllCSH 58370 41078 50148 32007 24065 193199 148607 16229 17791 23815 39280 34739 75780 97608 871 533 631 592 427 5504 3974 380 420 479 801 535 1154 1225 468513 6951 21617 19347 46521 50386 341 337 945 28133 13651 40557 45519 57509 54115 1101092 31842 32173 12642 156437 22423 19737 28042 30H88 522785 52734 23687 176437 124152 283340 36269 29342 41275 19514 63930 ~6812 JOH 180 216 557 915 1087 1590 7128 596 635 328 4030 467 340 131 1911 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 624 5436 5975 576 269 2009 2663 5731 687 352 763 0 0 0 0 0 357 0 860 0 0 1234 0 0 0 0 0 0 '"' NEW EPA 252 341 386 0 0 2709 1368 0 0 0 0 0 482 1112 5110 0 0 0 0 211 0 121 0 25 43 5263 0 0 0 1454 0 0 0 151 NEW REQBAL 161 · OIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10930 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39690 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -10930 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -39690 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5182 2878 -2878 5237 10307 0 0 -10307 0 0 868 -868 0 1666 0 0 0 -1666 0 0 477 0 4049 2369 5193 0 0 0 0 0... 0 5H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• • •• • • • . • • • • I:...:> c,) C1I •* • • • • • •• • • • • • • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON.EMBER BANKS DSB NAME 3425230 co•• □ NSEAL TH BANK t TR CO 34252.38 MU~CY BANK t TRUST CO 44253n NEW BETHLEHEM BANK 44'5454 PEC•LES BK OF WESTERN PA 342566C co~HlN!:NTAL BANK 4425790 NrRTHSEST PA BK ANO TR co 34258I4.0LD FORGE BANK 3425945 CC~'1UNITY STATE BANK 34258% PE CPL ES BANK 3425895 CITIZrns BK t TR co 3425922 VAllEY TR CO OF PALMYRA 3•2•025 BUCKS CTY BK t TR CO 1117/19 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 lOtATICN MUNCY MUNCY NEW BETHLEHEM NEW CASTLE NGRR 1 ST GWN OIL CITY CLO FORGE GRB ISOOHA OXFORD PALMERTCN PALMYRA PERKASIE PHILADELPHIA 3426174 FRANKFORD TRUST COMPANY 4426561 ALGHNY VLY BK OF PITTSBURGH Pl TT SBURGH PI lT SBURGH 4426741 NOSTH SIDE DEPOSIT BANK 3426Sd5 1ST BK OF GREATER PITTSTON PITTSTON PITTSTON ~421.903 MINERS SAVINGS BANK PLUM BORO 44zogz5 PEOPLES BANK OF UNITY PORT MATILDA 3 1t26984 CO"t'1UNITY BANK POTTSVILLE 3427~93 U~ION BANK & TRUST CO RALSTON 342 7171 CITIZ~NS & NOPTHERN BANK 34271 'H Mi ER I.CAN BK ANO TR CO OF PA REAO ING 3427205 BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA READING 4427400 SHESAOEN BANK ROBINSON TOWNSHIP 3427536 SALi X ST ATE BANK SALi X SANDY LAKE 4427524 MERCER COUNTY STATE BANK SCHUYLKILL HAVEN 342759 7 SCHUYLKILL HAVEN TR CO 44276l4 S~OTTOALE SAVINGS ANO TR CO SCOTTDALE SCRANTON 3427650 NORTH SCRANTON BK & TR CO SCRA--iTON 3427660 NaqTHEASTEqN BANK OF PA SCRANTON 3427665 PENN SECURITY BANK & TR CO 342 7704 WEST SIDE B°"K SCRANTON 3427722 SNYDER cou,nY lRUST CO~PANY SELINSGROVE SMETHPORT 342SCIO Ht.~LtN BK & TR CO sc.•EqsET 4"t28055 COU'HY TRUST C0,"1PANY STATE CCLLEGE 3428179 CENTRAL COUNTIES SANK 3 1,29290 St CUR I TY BANK & lRUST co S TROUOSBURG TROY 3428532 FIRST BANK OF TROY UNIONTOWN 44286lS FAYETTE BANK ANO TRUST CO kALNUTPORT 3428676 WALNUTPORT STATE BANK 442 8700 PrnNSYLVANIA BANK t TRUST COWARREN WEST MILTON 34zaq31 WEST MILTON STATE BANK WEST Pl TTSTON 3428955 WEST SIDE BANK 3428991 HANOVER BANK OF PENNSYLVANIAWILKES-BARRE WILKES-BARRE 3429010 UNITED PENN BANK WILL I AM SPORT 3429095 NORTHERN CENTRAL BANK PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA 111 TOEP I 21 VlTCSH 144166 23961 24494 63447 1133198 255025 58576 13959 20743 28310 64246 148834 133277 42262 53229 46953 42559 43214 14865 2688B 93B48 1202860 349082 34 791 15532 16264 25155 14475 50320 577924 121545 62349 50183 31923 3934 I 263292 97476 34983 101436 16261 414277 19974 16680 62087 470616 225586 2479 226 218 1967 1065B 33Bl 872 235 252 238 1110 2707 1458 987 732 658 1076 1500 116 748 1743 16867 6191 760 386 154 611 558 1128 8728 1745 1650 630 777 590 6495 1805 639 1181 297 6232 247 494 1074 7756 4127 131 1977 REQBAl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 2614 25 10 0 5277 5111 278 0 0 160 173 2771 3872 0 0 0 0 0930 2873 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 676 112 0 0 0 0 949 5217 5163 0 0 0 0 0 0 5230 1851 0 281 0 0 5194 1032 0 2182 0 5150 0 0 296 5136 5049 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 -43930 -2B73 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -31753 -2782 0 0 0 0 0 0 -9634 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 0 0 0 -6530 0 0 0 0 5697 0 -5697 0 0 0 0 31753 2782 0 0 0 0 0 0 9634 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 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545J62C 5450630 5450680 5450700 5450720 54~•0790 5450830 5450~~0 5450875 5450930 54512?0 FAR~ERS AND MERCHANTS BANK AIKEN ANDREWS BANK AND TRUST CO ANDREWS SA~K OF BEAUFORT BEAUFORT CAP ITAL BANK ANO TRUST BELTON M S BAILEY ANO SON BANKERS CLINTON BANKERS TRUST Of St tOLUIIBIA 'IRST-CITIZENS BK ANO TR CO COLUMBIA FIRST PALMETTO ST BK & TR COtOLUMBU PEOPLES BANK OF S C INC FLORENCE C0~1UNITY BANK GREENVILLE SOUTHE~~ B4NK AND TRUST CD GREENVILLE COUNTY BANK GREENWOOD BANK CF GREER GREER ANOERSON STATE BANK lNC HEMINGWAY FRM & MRCH BK OF SC HOLLY HILL Ct'~1ERC I AL BANK HOllEA PATH LAKE t ITY STATE BAflK LAKE CITY BANK CF LA'ltlSTER LANCASTER PALMETTO BANK LAURENS LEXINGTON STATE BA'<K LEXINGTON AIIOERSON BROTHERS BANK ~ULLINS SPARTANBURG BK AND TR CD SPARTANBURG RI RI RI RI 2Z74B 137555 969490 23550 ,, 551t6 76Z5 1451 0 0 0 519 3303 5302 0 0 28317 0 0 -28317 0 0 0 0 • • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAYE NO !IEQURED RESERVE BALANCE ----------------SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC St NI CD -::a 61tBlB 24027 H755 23301 26445 56B295 247144 20775 33059 42841 334170 25108 51057 20724 22853 16759 18158 35329 35807 60004 20716 51277 2160 0 101 0 620 622 553 13024 5335 596 671 773 11528 523 1H2 620 544 449 482 103T 865 1223 661 1036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1"6 0 lt61 0 0 5318 5174 0 0 170 5155 0 76 D 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 109 0 0 0 0 0 13683 1398 0 0 0 ll3B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -13683 -1398 0 0 0 -1138 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• •• • • • • • • •• • • • • . .. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON~EMBER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 Ill DSB NA~E LOCATION 54513~0 ARTHUR STATE BANK 5'51360 FA~~ERS A~D MERCHANTS BANK 5451440 FIRST CAROLINA BANK OF 9460650 co~~~NITY BANK OF 16 6 FIRST ST BK OF HIGHMORE OAKOTA STATE BANK FAR~~RS STATE BANK S~CURITY STATE BANK COMMERCIAL STATE BANK FU~ERS & MRCH BK & TR co AMERICAN STATE BANK FAR.~Eqs STATE BANK A~ERICAN STATE BANK 121 VLTCSH 510 749 291 131 1977 R£08AL 0 0 0 141 r,£w EPA 151 N(III ,u~e•L 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,~1 Olf 131-151 0 0 0 . HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIP"ATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ----------- BURKE CHA~SERLAIN GETTYSBURG HARTFORD HIGHMORE MILBANK PARKSTON TYNOALL WAGNER WATERTOWN WESSINGTON SPGS WINNER YANKTON 13 BANKS AFF Et TED IN STATE 25630 35090 l490't SC SC SC ------------- '1460230 FIRST FIDELITY BANK 9460235 TRI-COU,,TY STATE BANK 94b0640 FIRST POTTER COUNTY BANK 9460690 9460Q70 94611~5 9461430 946l5JO 9461530 9461570 9461620 ~461640 UNION WALTERBORO YEMASSEE 25 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE ---------- TOEP 1/17/79 10 3 SD so SD so so so SD SD SD so SD SD so -----------------18008 20519 19091 16980 14501 19667 23330 14933 20835 46850 14474 39026 50427 132 109 158 93 65 182 197 70 88 304 100 603 HO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21o 373 0 0 266 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1082 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• •• • •• •• • •• • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAYE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE --------------------647~040 6470050 6470060 i47C095 8470120 6470180 8470190 84702JO 8470240 9470250 8470290 6 1• 70310 6470310 64704JO DEKALB CTY BANK t TRUST CO BANK CF ARDMORE ASHLAND C ITV BK ANO TR CO llBERTY 8Al'IK Of TEN'IESSEE 8AaRETVILLE BK ANO TRUST CO TR I &CI TY BANK AND TRUST CO BA'I~ CF BOLIVAR HAROEMAN CTY SAVINGS BA'IK BROWNSVILLE BANK Fl~ST STATE BAl'IK SAN~ CF CAMDEN CITIZENS BANK SMITH COUNTY BANK PIONEER BANK ALEXANDRIA ARDMORE ASHLAND CITY ATHENS 8ARRETVILLE BLOUNTVILLE BOLIVAR BOLi VAR BROWNSVILLE BRCWNSV ILLE CAMDEN CARTHAGE CARTHAGE CHATTANOOGA TII TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN 16710 15906 23676 30113 75320 70373 15414 H902 30810 25514 25846 40593 24584 147316 226 296 429 661 2825 796 387 502 313 547 319 351 315 2571 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 170 0 3614 0 0 0 0 •• • • •• • •• • •• t-:1 ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NO~~EMBER BANKS OSB 6470410 64 70430 6470440 6470460 6470475 64 7049 0 6470500 6470540 6470549 6470550 84 :"P')t;,1)0 8470610 8470620 6470630 647C6JS 641(~660 6470670 6410705 6470730 8470740 6470750 8470315 6'•70d25 6470840 6470~50 b470900 6470QIJS 61+ 70?&0 f:,4 709'3 0 6 1♦ 70995 8471031 6471050 6'+71090 NAME BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MOOIFIEO H,R, 7 (II lDEP LOCATION UNITED BANK OF CHA TT ANOOGA CHATTANOOGA FIRST TRUST ANO SAVINGS 8ANKCLAP.KSVILLE NORTHERN BANK OF TE'mESSEE CLARKSVILLE CLEVELAND BANK AND TRUST CO CLEVELAND FIRST CITIZENS BANK CLEVELAND ,.._ERCHANTS BANK CLEVELAND UNlON PEOPLES BANK CLINTON MIDJLE TENNESSEE BANK COLU'<BIA BA~~K OF PUTNAM CTY COCK EV ILLE CITIZENS B~NK COOKEVILLE FIRST ST BK CF COVINGTON CDV ING TON TIPTON CTY BANK COVINGTON COVINGTON UNION SAVINGS BANK FRMlKLIN COUNTY BANK COWAN C'U'i!1Eq_lAND CCUNTY BANK CROSSVILLE JU F[RSON COUNTY OANK DA.NOR IUGE DAYTO\I BANK AND TRUST CO DAYTON BA~K OF DICKSON DICKSON DOVER PEOPLES BK ANO TR. CO DOVER WEAKLEY COUNTY BANK DRESDEN DUCKTOWN BANKING COMPANY DUCKTOWN FIRST TN BK DYERSBURG TN DYERSBURG CllY BANK EAST RIDGE CARTER CTY 8 OF ELIZABETHTONELIZABETHTON Cl TIZENS BANK ELIZABETHTON FAYETTEVILLE LINCOLN COUNTY BANK PEO?LES BANK OF ELK VALLEY FAYETTEVILLE FRANKL l N WILLIASSON COUNTY BANK JACKSON COUNTY SANK GA I NESS ORO GALLATIN BANK QF GALLATIN GERMA~T(WN BANK OF GER~ANTC~N GOODLETTSVILLE BANK OF GOODLETTSVILLE GREENE COUNTY BUIK GREE NEV ILLE HA.RR ( M4N BA:',iK OF ROANE COUNTY HENDERSON FIRST STATE BA"IK HENDERSONVILLE BANK OF HENDERSONVILLE CTI BANK OF HENDERSONVILLE HENOERSCNVILLE HOHE"lWALD BANK ANO TRUST CO HOHENWALO 6471130 8471 \60 6471170 6ft 71172 6471190 HUMBOLDT 8471210 ,\IIEJ;.CHA'.IJfS STATE BANK HUNTINGDON Bt,71220 BANK CF HU~H JNGOON JACKSON 8471265 FIRST TN BK JACKSON TN JAMESTOkN 6471190 UNIO~ BANK 647\ lJO MARION TRUST ANO BANKING CO JASPER 64 71320 CY & C TY BK OF CAMPBELL CTY JELL !CO 6'971340 HAMIL TCN BANK OF JOHNSON CY JCHNSON CITY 6471353 UNITED A<ERICAN BK IN WA CTYJCHNSON CITY TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TH TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN 75084 63217 69074 46758 20989 51118 63196 52138 30524 59970 29295 5BB04 17626 15559 18810 10507 40652 19947 14119 17981 19687 35925 20017 37916 34211 268.6 7 14858 64014 17814 29064 19118 44816 65106 63026 27385 19914 20522 14241 33971 44\73 26480 20248 19639 26620 91230 97685 1/17/79 121 VLTCSH 1897 818 1038 1077 161 1026 1500 764 554 637 242 798 414 304 232 2n 720 250 170 305 zq9 540 256 1226 1141 556 208 890 230 854 136 380 1442 1291 361 395 323 178 562 801 825 362 624 513 1616 1558 1977 141 NEW REOBAL EPA 131 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 456 703 889 0 0 359 64 299 0 553 4 H6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 309 0 0 0 301 511 124 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1390 128Z 151 NEW REOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-1 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... .. ..• ..• .• ...• ..• .. . ...• • • • .• . ~ O') (0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NO·N~EMBER BANKS OSB 6•71360 6471410 6471430 647l4J5 6471461 6471465 b4714q6 6471498 6471500 6471545 1t7}552 6 6471se:;s 6471580 94 71590 64716.;Q 6471660 IS4 71690 647H>90 B471700 8471710 6471'720 6471750 6471170 84"11730 8471790 6471BOO 6471815 6471835 s411eso 84719':,5 8471995 8471910 8471920 NAME BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 FIRST TN BANK JONESBORO TN JONESBORO CITY & CTY BK OF ROANE CTY KINGSTON BANK OF KNOXVILLE KNOXVILLE C:TY t COUNTY 8K OF KNOX CTYKNOXVlLLE FIRST ASERICAN BANK KNCXVILLE FIRST TN BANK KNOXVILLE TN KNGXVILLE U~ITEO AMERICAN BK IN KNXVLEKNOXVILLE VALLEY FIDELITY BK & TR CO KNCXVILLE CI Tl ZENS BANK LAFAYETTE LEBl\~ON BA~K LEBANON LEBANON PEOPLES BANK B,\'lK CF LOUDON COUNTY LENOIR CITY PEOPLES ANO UNION BANK LE•I SBURG CENTRAL STATE BANK LEXINGTON UNION BANK AND TRUST COMPANYLIVIN,STON BANK OF LORETTO LORETTO FARMERS BANK LYNCHBURG UNION BA~K MC EWEN MC KENZIE SC KErlZIE BANKING COMPANY ~A'I"<. OF ~C LEMORESVlllE MC LEMDRESVILLE CITY BANK ANO TRUST COMPANY MC,SINNVILLE MADISONVILLE MANCHESTER PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST co MART IN CITY STATE BANK ~ART IN BANK MARTIN MAOYVILLE BANK CF MAOYV ILLE CITIZENS BANK OF BLOUNT CTY MARYVILLE Ct TY t CTY BANK OF UNION CTYMAYNAROSVILLE CCSSERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL BANKMEMPHI S "IEMPHt S BA'~K: ANO TRUST COMPAMEMPHIS TRI STATE BA~K OF MEMPHIS MEMPHIS BANK: OF SAD! SONVILLE FAR,'1ERS PEOPLES BANK MILAN BANKING COMPANY 8AtJK CF CC'-tMERCE MILAN ,.,.tlAN MORR I STGWN ~ORR ISTGWN FIRST rn BK MORRISTOWN TN HAMILTON BANK OF MORRISTOWN MCRRISTGWN UNTO STHERN 8K OF MOP.RI STC>NMORRI STGhN FARSERS STATE BANK MCUNTAIN CITY ~CUNT JULIET BANK CF MOUNT JULIET MURFREESBORO CITIZENS CENTRAL BANK MURFREESBORO MURFREESBORO BK ANO TR co NASHVILLE NASHVILLE CITY BK t TR co NEWBERN 8 1♦ 72110 SECURITY STATE BANK 6'•72120 MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS BANK NEWPORT NEW TAZEWELL 6472130 CITIZENS BANK OAK R !OGE 6472165 BA~K CF OAK RIDGE & ➔ 11qso 6411 'l52 6471960 64 7 l <l65 647\990 6472000 6472035 6'•72040 6472092 Ill TOEP LOCATION TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN 52654 21878 99713 74453 48139 86804 431497 132092 21984 45452 19263 24663 30527 24420 37957 14119 16714 IB967 21272 19630 53551 30405 17308 18513 31640 114487 20357 20531 156243 198218 22330 2BOl6 22312 56332 20344 385BO 16322 24828 14964 22510 Bl 517 130208 16783 35118 33438 57991 1/17/79 121 VL TCSH 1436 575 1144 1057 640 1570 14108 1629 558 1031 321 611 421 550 378 260 182 334 484 409 1513 510 386 I 31 1917 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 337 0 0 0 0 0 0 184 7 0 178 329 2B3 2844 1779 456 315 370 1275 535 1295 443 360 405 321 1664 902 275 791 497 929 141 NEW EPA 0 0 2076 1368 547 1207 4902 3591 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1486 -1486 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 2188 0 0 3237 4580 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1030 0 0 0 3465 353 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 510 161 Olf 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 133 0 0 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -353 0 0 0 0 • • ..• • .• .• .• .• • • • •• • • • ~ 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON•E~BER BANKS DSB NAME 111 TDEP LOCATION 6472190 FIRST TRUST AND SAVINGS BANKONEIOA B472220 CO•MERCIAL BANK AND TRUST tOPARIS 8472230 FIRST TRUST & SVGS BANK PARIS 8472240 FARMERS BANK PARSONS 6472HO FA'"ERS BA~K rORTLAND 64 72300 U~IO'l BANK PULASKI 647232'0 MACO~ BANK AND TRUST to RED SOILING SPR 64?2340 9A~K OF RIPLEY RIPLEY 8472350 FARSFRS UNION BANK RIPLEY 64723m CITIZENS UNION BANK ROGERSVILLE 64723d5 CITY & CTY BK OF HAWKINS tTYROGERSVILLE 6412410 CTZ BK & TR CO OF GRNGR tTY RUTLEDGE 8472:440 CITIZENS BANK SAVAN~AH 8472470 SFLMER BANK AND TRUST to SELVER 64724,0 BANK OF SEVIERVILLE SEVIER VILLE 6472490 SEVIER COU~TY BANK SEVIERVILLE 8472510 BANK OF SHARON SHAP.ON 647 2515 B~OFORO COUNTY BA~K SHELBYVILLE 6472540 FIRST CENTRAL BANK s•ITHVllLE 8472570 SO~ERVILLE BANK AND TRUST COSDMERVlllE 6472580 FIRST BANK OF MARION CTY SOUTH PITTSBURG 64726~0 SWEETWATER VALLEY BANK SWEEJ1,,i1ATER 6472670 CLAIBOR:lE COUNTY BANK TAZEWELL 84 72 73 0 BANK OF TRENTON & TRUST CO TRENTON 84728?0 FAR~ERS EXCHANGE BANK UNION C ITV 6472~50 Cl TIZENS BANK OF WAVERLY WAVERLY 6472860 BA'IK CF WAYNESBORO WAYNESBORO 6472900 CITY ANO CTY BK OF JEFF CTY WHITE PINE 6472940 BANK OF COMMERCE WOODBURY OF 1111/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOIF IED H.R. 7 135 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 98 35 TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN 23674 52607 28380 19905 25507 42698 30194 29590 24260 60410 24199 20764 H330 24605 36960 29830 13544 14725 15162 26888 22674 34995 23484 19628 35687 23351 16332 14686 30655 121 VUCSH 368 704 403 26' 799 640 381 261 316 1157 499 501 278 469 509 310 15B 424 178 310 508 n6 294 286 669 425 425 558 610 141 131 1977 NEW REQBAL EPA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 151 NEW REQBAL 0 I6I · DIF I 31-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1491 587 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 466 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 430 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BANK CF CC~MERCE ADDISON STATE BANK ALAMO BANK OF TEXAS BANK OF SOUTH TEXAS ALVIN STATE BANK BA~< OF THE SOUTHWEST NORTH STATE BANK SECUOI TY STATE BANK AllGLE TON BANK CF COMMERCE • • • • ••• • . •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RE5_ERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ---------11480015 l14800lT 11480040 114800~8 11480120 11480155 11480167 11460180 11480200 • •• ABILENE TX ADDISON ALAMO ALICE ALVIN AMAR ILLD AMARILLO ANAHUAC ANGLETON TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 34397 21765 24791 80139 53045 38660 31102 18696 24462 391 0 120 237 684 703 549 361 219 269 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 .• • • • • • • . ....~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NCN'1E,~3ER BA~l<S BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 Cl I DS3 11480241 11480253 l 14~1)254 l 1'1'80345 114:10373 11430375 l l4eo.H6 11490378 114~0)95 11410500 11490520 11480535 11490536 11460545 11480550 11480558 11480760 11,sneo 11480800 11490810 ll4e0830 11480920 l t 480qb0 11481025 11481035 1148\100 11481110 ll4et265 11481268 11481290 114H 310 11481335 11 1~81538 11481540 11481560 11491565 11481570 1l4dl~83 114H630 \l4916d0 ll4el69Z 11481722 11491725 11481745 11481749 11481860 NAME TDEP LOCATION Fl•ST STATE BANK ARANSAS PASS ARLl11GTON BANK OF COMMERCE ARLINGTON A•LINGTON SANK & TRUST ARLINGTON BAIi~ CF AUST IN AUST IN NORTH AUSTIN STATE BANK AUSTIN TEXAS STATE BANK AUS TIN TRAVIS 9A~~ ANO TRUST AUSTIN UNIVERSITY STATE BANK AUSTIN AZLE STATE BANK AZLE B• Y C !TY BANK ANO TRUST co 8AY CITY PECPLES STATE BANK BAY TOW~ BEAUMONT STATE BANK BEAU,~ONT BEAUMONT CENTRAL BANK l AMA.R STATE BANK BEAUMONT TEXAS BANK OF BEAUMONT BEAUMONT FIR ST STATE BANK BEDFORD BOERNE ST ATE BANK BOERNE BONH,\.14 ST ATE BANK BONHAM FIRST BANK & TRUST CO BOOKER PANHA.NOLE BANK & TRUST co BORGER CONTINENTAL STATE BANK BOYD WASH( NG TON COUNTY STATE BANKBRENHAM BROWNFIELD BRO'a~F !ELD ST BK & TR CO SOUTH WE ST STATE BANK BROWNWOOD FIRST BK t TR BYRAN TX BRYAN FAR'1ERS AND MERCHANTS STATE BURLESON F IP.ST STATE BANK BURNET DALL•S COUNTY STATE BANK CARROLL TON FIRST B•NK & TRUST CARROLL TON FIRST STATE BANK & TRUST co CARTHAGE FARMERS STATE BANK CENTER CHANNELVIEW BANK CHANNEL V lEW CLE,ELAND BANK & TRUST CLEVELAND FAR~ERS STATE BANK CLEVELAND CLIFTON BANK CLIFTON FIRST STATE BANK CLUTE COLE.AN BANK COLE•AN BANK CF A & M COLLEGE STAHON FIRST STATE BANK COLUMBUS SEC~RlTY STATE BANK CC~MERCE CONROE ALLIED CONROE BANK COPPERAS COVE COVE STATE BANK CTZ ST BK OF CORPUS CHRISTI CCRPUS CHRISTI 1ST ST BK OF CORPUS CHRISTI CORPUS CHRISTI CCR PUS CHRIST! PARKDALE STATE BANK CROSBY CROSBY STATE BANK lX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 25102 35371 130679 54993 62761 86483 19841 22851 18970 41688 34368 57538 19560 20814 20344 27696 18206 30782 28382 52235 19267 33422 35336 26180 69398 . 20626 21011 45243 19660 29169 45115 38394 23045 27508 25010 16525 21473 36839 24807 19630 63262 23577 99199 52035 51142 18329 1/17179 121 VLTCSH 521 571 1133 785 1810 445 480 347 335 376 498 458 279 589 211 '72 268 186 68 871 272 231 436 213 1352 198 184 1015 341 345 905 1067 391 378 258 426 171 556 253 236 559 278 1242 536 904 282 131 1 ~77 REQBAL !♦I NEW EPA (51 NEW RE QBAL 0 0 D 0 0 '289 0 448 38 2096 0 0 0 384 0 1299 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58 95 HZ 0 70 16 0 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1356 0 2342 519 705 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (61 DI F 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . .• ..•• ...• .•• • • • ~ -:J ~ • • ... .• • ..•• • .••• • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON.~EMBER BANKS DSB NAME 111 TOEP LOCATION 11491q20 FA~MERS ST BK & TR CO TX 16933 ll48lq50 ll4Sl%B 11481%9 ll4SIQ70 1141qq79 TX TX TX TX 31225 25606 46421 65782 23885 35861 90379 33247 50397 22094 59736 59857 28182 72033 133299 70178 23036 87919 137136 70035 205081 141892 35468 3B3B3 30512 241oq 36572 17034 41026 89095 17561 27549 19975 33466 33075 21557 62202 17054 24901 48655 46230 29216 41167 18123 1B255 ll 4.P, 1995 ll48IQ98 ll482Cu3 l14B20I7 ll482QI 8 114'2030 11482035 11482038 11482041 11482050 \l't~2075 114820 76 11482081 11482,093 11492084 11482090 \1482117 11482119 1148 212 4 11482127 11482150 114q2115 ll4EQ180 l l4eZZJO ll482250 ll4f225J 1149225 5 11482275 114823)0 11482330 11482420 11482470 11482475 11482480 ll4824q0 11492553 1148255 8 11482563 114~2630 11482670 1111119 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODI F IEO H.R. 7 CUERO CITIZENS STATE BK OF DALHARTDALl'ART BANK Of TEXAS DALLAS BANK OF DALLAS DALLAS A~E~ICAN B~ & TR CO CALLAS CAP IT Al BANK DALLAS DALLAS BANK & TRUST CO CALLAS DALUS l~TERNATICNAl BANK DALLAS EAST DALLAS BANK DALLAS FIRST CITIZENS BANK DALLAS DALLAS FIRST CONTINENTAL BAN~ GRASD AVENUE BANK DALLAS GREEWlllE AVE BANK & TRUST DALLAS DALLAS GRClVE STATE BANK GUActA~lY BANK DALLAS DAllAS LAKEWOOD BANK & TRUST co MERCHANTS STATE BANK DALLAS DALLAS METRO BANK Of DALLAS DAllAS NORTH OAlUS BK & TR CO OAK Cliff BANK ANO TRUST co DALLAS PARK CIT I ES BK ANO TR CO DALLAS PRESTON STATE BAN< DALLAS TEXAS AM BANK DALLAS NORTH DALLAS DALLAS VALLEY VIEW BANK DALLAS WHITE ROCK BANK OF DALLAS DALLAS WYNSEWOOD BANK & TRUST DAYTON DAYTON STATE BANK DEER PARK ALLIED DEER PARK BANK STATE BANK OE KALB DEL RIO DEL RIO SANK AND TRUST co FIRST STATE SANK DENTON DENTON U~IVERSITY STATE BANK YOAKUM COU'ITY STATE BANK DENVER C ITV DE SOTO OE SCTO STATE BANK DICKINSON CITIZENS STATE BANK DIM•ITT f IRST STATE BANK EAST BERNARD U~ IQ.~ STATE BANK FIRST STATE BANK & TRUST co EDINBURG EDNA FIRST BANK OF EDNA EDNA JACKSCN COUNTY ST ATE BANK El CAMPO COM~ERCIAl STATE BANK El PASO A~ERICAN BANK OF COM,~ERCE El PASO CO ROSADO STATE BANK El PASO FIRST STATE BAN'<. ENNIS E~m1s STATE BANK FAIRFIELD FAIRFIELD STATE BANK TX TX TX 7X TX TX TX TX TX TX, TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 121 Vl TCSH 229 485 478 550 811 345 793 559 271 496 252 974 792 390 911 990 1116 421 llBB 2707 603 2013 1231 390 519 765 589 626 187 684 574 522 180 409 475 247 152 681 225 196 342 334 304 447 251 139 131 1977 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 0 0 0 514 1107 0 0 2526 41 658 0 566 823 0 700 .3850 930 0 2485 3002 1863 5128 4516 133 194 0 0 0 0 0 2367 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 122 0 1363 0 0 0 q93 0 0 0 0 0 605 0 276 0 0 0 0 0 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DI F 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 338 0 0 0 0 0 1550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -338 0 0 0 0 0 -1550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .•• ..• • • .... • •• • ..• ..• .••• .•• .••• .• I:,:) -::J ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NO~~EMBER BANKS DSB 11482695 11482820 ll4n925 11482826 11432~27 11492970 11492373 11482874 11482875 1l482876 11482677 l 14e ZS'.JO 114£!2893 11482940 11482945 11482«?60 11482980 ll483060 11453065 ll4F'3068 II4qJ090 11483110 114a3no 11483330 l l4~D39t: 1148 J.C.05 11493.:..20 11483435 11483495 11493562 11483573 11483574 11t.e~sso 11493685 \148,755 114~3718 11493779 11483781 114!!3784 114~1796 11483787 11'•~3795 11483798 11483802 11483803 11483805 NAME CENTRAL BA~K ANO TRUST CO PECOS COUNTY STATE BANK BANK GF CO.SMERCE BAN< CF FORT WORTH CE~TRAL BANK AND TRUST NORTH FORT WORTH BANK RIOGLEA BANK SECIJ~ITY STATE SANK RIVcRSIDE STATE BANK BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 111 TDEP LOCATION FARMERS BRANCH FORT STOCKTON FORT WORTH FO~ T WORTH FORT WORTH FORT WORTH FORT WORTH FORT WORTH FORT WORTH SOUJf-li,jEST BANK FORT WORTH SE~ItUP.Y STATE BANK FCRT WORTH TX COMMER(~ BANK OF FT WORTHFOR T WORTH FORT WOR:TH UNIVERSITY BANK FREDERICKSBURG SECURITY STATE 8K AND TR FREEPORT SRAZOSPORT BANK Of TEXAS FR IONA FRIONA STATE BANK FIRST STATE SANK GAINESVILLE GANADO CITIZENS STATE BANK GARLAND GARLAND BA'lK & TRUST CO TEXAS COMMERCE BANK-GARLAND GARLAND GUARANTY BANK AND TRUST CO GATESVILLE GEORGETOWN CTZ~S ST BK OF GEORGETOWN GOLDTHWAITE MILLS COUNTY STATE SANK GRAND PRAIRIE BANK ATE ST PRAIRIE ANO GS GRAPEVINE A~ERJCAN BANK OF COMMERCE COLONIAL BANK GREENVILLE FARSESS ST BK OF GROESBECK GROESBECK FIRST BANK ANO TRUST GROVES HALTOM C ITV HAL TOM CI TY STATE BANK HAP.LI NGEN HASLI NGEN STATE BANK CHASPIONS BANK HARRIS CCUNTY "HARRIS CTY CYP~E SS BA~K HART FAR,ERS STATE BANK HEREFORD STATE BANK HEREFORD FIRST STATE BANK HITCHCOCK HOUSTON ALLIED BA'<K OF TEXAS HOUSTON ALLIED MEMORIAL 9A~K HOUSTON ALLIED FAIRBANKS BANK HOUSTON A I Rll NE C c••E RC E BANK BANK OF ALMEDA HCUSTON HGUS TON Alli ED ASER ICAN BANK CHESICAL SANK & TRUST co HOUSTON BELTWAY BANK HOUSTON CULLEN CENTER BANK & TRUST HOUSTON HOUSTON COH•ERC IAL STATE BANK HGUSTON EAST END STATE BANK TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX IX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 59466 28221 53318 91879 71490 65084 93540 30814 68945 36799 34540 56194 77936 22977 31241 26707 338B6 23494 32068 22038 18348 22769 25234 51985 17490 19520 16824 48526 49539 18931 48527 19413 18946 26050 19493 688401 78304 27367 109699 28540 74694 64903 26268 2 5 7561 34 726 87187 12 I VLTCSH 571 262 418 607 797 778 1030 446 427 546 623 1298 699 139 690 207 740 171 395 465 245 210 164 461 131 273 161 1112 847 254 669 428 196 257 281 6145 841 598 1017 530 551 409 253 960 664 940 1117179 131 10 1971 REQBAL NEW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EPA 943 0 1052 2583 1351 876 2000 0 1567 16 0 266 1713 0 0 0 0 0 86 0 0 0 26 906 0 0 0 0 354 0 370 0 0 0 0 5490 1701 0 2717 0 lBOO 1340 0 5253 0 1BB5 15) NEW REQBAL 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -20786 0 0 -4B 0 0 0 0 -3787 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 207B6 0 0 4B 0 0 0 0 3787 0 0 0 .• . .• .•• .• .••• .• • • .•• .•• .• • • • • • • • • ~ ,,,.. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I 11 DSB NAME 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BV HOOi FI ED H.R. 7 NON.~EMBER BANKS TOEP LOCATION 121 VLTCSH 131 1911 REQBAL 11483808 11483810 11483812 11493813 1148381 7 ll4e3818 11483SIS 11483821 11483823 114e3926 11483827 114e3e2s l 148~1329 1149 383 2 11483935 11483840 11493842 ll493R50 11483879 11483890 11493384 11493986 11483987 ll4838SI 11483S92 ll483~qq 1!4839J0 11-..aJi;o 1 ll483S03 11483904 114a3qos ll4339J6 11483907 ll4839J8 11493910 11483912 ll483Sl6 11483920 11483922 11493924 ll4Bln7 ll49 3932 114B3955 11483960 ll483<J6S 11484010 FANNIN BANK HOUSTON FI DEL ITV BANK ANO TRUST CO HOUSTON FIRST CITY BK-ALMEDA GENOA HOUSTON FIRST BANK HOUSTON FIRST t i TY BK-GULF GATE HC'JSTO"I 1 ST C ITV BK OF H IGHLANO VLGEHGUS TON FIRST CITY BK OF NORTHLINE HOUSTON HOUSTON FON~~EN SOUTHWEST BANK FIRST STATE B&TC OF HOUSTCN HQUSTON GREENWAY MNK ANO TRUST HOUSTON GALlcRIA BANK HGUSTON GREAT SOUTHERN BANK HOUSTON GU ARO I AN BANK OF HOUSTON HOUSTO~ HCUSTON Gq,E~NSPQJNT BANK FI RS T t ITY BK OF CLE AR LAKE HOUSTON HOUSTON HARR I S8URG BANK HOUSTON G~EATER HOUSTON BANK HEIGHTS STATE BANK HOUSTON l l 8ERTY SANK HOUSTO~ l'IOUSTRIAL ST BK CF HOUSTON HOUSTON :<ERCAtHILE SANK OF HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON '1AI :i SA~K OF HOUSTON MEDICAL CENTER BANK HOUSTON HOUSTON MERCHANTS PARK BANK HOUSTON HOUSTON MEYERlAND BANK HOUSTON PEOPLES BANK HOUSTON NORTHWEST !JANK ANO TRUST HOUSTON NORTHSHORE BANK HOUSTON NORTH SIDE BANK HOUSTON OAK FOREST BANK HCUSTON PORT CITY STATE BANK RE AGAN COMME~CE BANK HOUSTON PINEMONT BANK HOUSTON RIVER OAKS BANK AND TRUST COHCUSTON HOUSTON REPUBLIC STATE BANK HOUSTON POST OAK BANK HOUSTON SOUTHEAST COSMERCE BANK HOUSTON SOUTH MAIN BANK HOUSTON SPRING BRA'lCH BANK TEXAS BK t TR CO CF HOUSTON HOUSTON TEXAS CCMSERCE MEOICAl BANK HOUSTON HOUSTON TOWS t COUNTRY BANK HOUSTON UNION BlNK OF HOUSTON HGUS TON U~UVE~S11Y STATE BANK HCUSTON WEST!::RN BANK HUMBLE FIRST CITY BK OF HUMBLE TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TK TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 243840 22717 21574 29116 60207 46748 21827 18571 58187 65011 50120 4584 7 29447 24619 20459 67861 78516 92906 22264 71959 64070 65946 62725 3 1t262 32311 27501 54240 21391 84281 47280 43052 197338 32553 112638 20760 60428 28276 96815 117277 27243 26312 45066 56 754 69125 125e47 32485 971 243 524 358 1010 539 475 258 968 1039 703 685 618 866 4 75 892 546 1630 262 2149 639 856 305 656 275 264 455 528 1107 1294 440 771 290 562 461 705 759 544 1135 414 479 543 227 639 828 511 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 5189 0 0 5966 0 940 475 0 0 639 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IH2 884 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1103 2089 1386 0 250 1375 819 1595 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 134 0 1092 0 1744 0 264 4802 68 3628 0 1167 0 2997 2796 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2472 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 321 1395 1298 3080 S7 0 0 0 0 0 161 OIF 131-151 -5966 D 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2472 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -57 0 • • • • • • • • . . .• • • .• .•• .•• .• • • • . .•• • ~ C11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NO:l~EMBER BANl(S DS9 NAME ll49 1,072 AM~q,ICAN BAHK ll4S40SO ll4S40S5 114•4105 114~'' 140 11•e43zc 11484330 114(:14345 l 14!4366 114844~0 11494495 ll4S45~5 11484575 1148 4605 11484645 ll4S46~0 11484690 11484735 ll'tS 1•750 11484770 114841!04 11494~~5 11434815 11404875 11484977 11484920 114~4935 11485040 114°5075 114!5090 11485140 114~5348 11485355 II4q53g5 11485430 I[4q5500 11485580 ll4~5bl0 11485635 114~566~ ll4q57JO 11485705 11485808 1148582 7 11485890 11485920 BENEFIT TD BANKS COVERED BY ~ODIFIED H.R. 7 111 TDEP LOCATION IRYING IRVl~G BANK AND TRUST CO IRVING SOUTHWEST 8A~K AND TRUST co IRVING JACINTO CITY 6ANK JACINTO C ITV TEUS BANK ANO TRUST COMPANY JACKSONVILLE KER~IT STATE BANK KERMIT CHAS SCHREINER BANK KERRVILLE ALLIED t IT I ZEUS BANK KILGORE AMERICAN STATE BANK KILLEEN LA GRANGE STATE BANK LA GRANGE LAKE JACKSON BANK LAKE JACKSON FIR ST BANK OF LA MARQUE LA MARQUE I NTL BK OF CMRC OF LARE DO LAREDO LEAGUE CITY STATE BANK LEAGUE C ITV LEVELLAND STATE BANK LEVElUND LEWISVILLE STATE BANK LEWISVILLE FIRST STATE BANK LIBERTY SECURITY STATE BANK llTTLEFIELD FIRST STATE BANK llVltlGSTON MOORE STATE BANI( llANO AMERICAN BANK LONGVIEW EAST TEXAS BANK AND TRUST COLONGVIEW LO~GVIEW BANK AND TRUST CD LONGVIEW AMERICAN STATE BANK LUBSOCK BAN~ CF THE WEST LUBBOCK FIRST BANK ANO TRUST LUFKIN MC AlLEN STATE BANK MC ALLEN FRHRS ST BK OF HADISONVlllE MADISONVILLE HANSFIElD MANSFIELD STATE BANK HO>IE STATE ·BANK MARBLE FAllS FIRST STATE BANK OF MARLIN TMARllN BA~K Of MESQUITE MESQUITE FIRST STATE BANK MESQUITE CO-,IERICAl BK & TR CO Ml OLANO FIRST STATE BANK & TRUST co HISS ION FIRST STATE BANK MONAHANS GUA~ANTY 80ND STATE BANK MOUNT PLEASANT >IUlESHOE STATE BANK MULESHOE FREDONIA STATE BANK NACOGDOCHES NEDERLAND STATE BANK NEDERLAND GRNT ST ,BK OF NEW BRAUNFELS NEW BRAUNFELS COMMUNITY BANK NEW CANEY A•ERICAN BANK ODESSA PERMIAN BANK & TRUST ODESSA ORANGE BANK ORANGE FIRST STATE BANK OVERTON TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX. TK TX TX rx TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX n TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 2Io•n 114363 73512 25125 35952 21043 79213 32223 23069 20846 32587 26080 69112 33263 65484 30394 268'H 30904 35791 21939 20790 46556 57792 181251 26241 88414 158758 22531 20981 33731 19547 22002 22755 61857 47768 21212 35842 21786 28315 42514 22495 18107 124752 24771 36990 18091 1/17/79 121 YLTCSH 131 1977 REQBAL 266 566 737 909 305 335 506 557 533 170 567 617 808 572 720 345 3D2 404 0 H9 0 260 370 650 657 1287 474 641 1663 225 418 283 179 487 294 772 563 227 309 167 211 449 263 2B7 655 336 646 224 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 0 3562 1704 0 160 0 l9Bl 0 0 0 0 0 1271 0 1081 0 0 0 0 IH 0 0 190 772 4876 0 2784 4310 0 0 73 0 0 0 587 259 0 64 0 0 l 0 276 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4763 0 71 0 151 NEW RECBAL 0 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1399 0 0 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IOI Dlf 131-151 0 -200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1399 0 0 -140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 • .• .• .• • • • • •• •• • .•• • • •• • .••• • • •• • .•• • • • • • ~ c,) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 1 NOfl.~EMBER BANKS OS8 11485970 11486020 11486062 ll'-!Jl:070 11486075 NAME CI TY STA TE BANK CITIZENS BK & TR CO PARIS BANK OF TEXAS FIRST PASADENA STATE BANK SAN JACINTO STATE BANK 11486077 PEARLAND STATE BANK l148t;:1)iO ll4B6!b0 ll4eozl O 11486230 11486258 l 1496275 l 14~6276 11486290 11486440 11496450 lt•t':'6'520 ll4Bl525 11485528 11486590 11486660 11486690 11481770 11486903 1149692 0 11486925 11496°36 11486'190 11486993 SECU~ITV STATE BANK. SECURITY STATE BANK HALE COUSTY STATE BANK PLA'IO BANK&. TRUST CO ALLIEJ MERCHANTS BANK SA:HNF. BANK PALACIOS PA~!>A PAR IS PAS AO ENA PASADENA PEARLAf\10 PEARSALL PHA~R PLAINVIEW PLANO PORT ARTHUR PCRT ARTHUR PCRTLANO P'Jq_fLA.ND STATE BANK FIRST STATE BANK & TRUST CO PORT LAVACA RAY~ONOVILLE BANK OF TEXAS RAY~ONOVILLE RAYMONDVILLE RAYMONDVILLE STATE BANK Cl TIZENS B..\NK RI CHA RO SON Fl~ST 9ANK ANO TRUST RI CHARO SON R ICHAROSON RICHARDS □~ HEIGHTS 8K & TR FIRST STATE eANK RIO VISTA ROCKDALE RCCK0,11,LE STATE BANK ROCKWALL FI,ST STATE BANK Jl:OUNO ROCK FAR"ERS STATE BANK TEXAS STATE BANK SAN ANGELO SAN ANTONIO ASER !UN 8ANK SAN ANTONIO BM« OF SAN ANTONIO SAN ANTONIO CENTR,11,L PARK BANK HARLAND-HE BANK SAN ANTON IO SAN ANTONIO HIGHLAND PARK STATE BANK 1141:16995 JEFFERSON STATE 114%999 11407022 11497023 11487024 11487025 11487027 11487070 11487222 l1•87223 11437240 ll4S7270 11437280 11487340 11497390 ll4e7400 11487435 111 TOEP LOCATION BANK SAN ANTONIO SERGANTILE BANK AND TRUST SAN ANTONIO SAN ANTONIO ~mRTHSIOE STATE BANK SAN ANTONIO BANK & TRUST CO SAN ANTONIO USION STATE BANK SAN ANTONIO WESTSIDE SANK SAN ANTONIO SAN ANTONIO TEXAS STATE BANK SAN BENITO BANK ANO TRUST COSAN BENITO SEABROOK ALLIED SEABROOK BANK SEAGOVILLE SEAGOVILLE STATE BANK SEALY CITIZENS STATE BA"IK SEGUIN SEGUIN STATE BK & TR CO SESINOLE STATE BANK SE·" !NOLE SHER,"AN GSAYSCN COUNTY STATE BANK C0'1'1ERC.1Al STATE BANK SINTON CITIZENS BANK OF LUBBOCK CTYSLATON SNYDER WEST TEXAS STATE BANK TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 19885 31321 26923 159138 66555 28055 32016 25913 50547 39054. 113584 42114 20339 43722 20217 2 7961 100307 50427 49806 35728 2421'9 l6264 29543 22651 23688 29862 65908 36144 91116 34229 35152 26592 97803 37550 33796 36450 30383 18265 24560 29468 36070 38252 38433 30672 20241 33828 l / ll/19 IZI VL TCSH 2H 429 485 3853 614 492 350 677 689 425 902 473 zoo 414 255 268 557 111 377 285 431 277 394 267 231 183 720 775 609 389 881 342 357 492 415 284 663 328 358 284 464 240 469 247 238 266 131. 1917 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 0 110 0 3310 1417 0 0 0 400 107 3509 460 0 145 0 0 2912 527 584 72 0 0 0 0 0 24 1248 151 NEW REQBAL (61 · OIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -59 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2498 168 -168 60 0 136 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 2445 214 0 164 419 0 0 0 256 a 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 • • • • .•• .••• • • • • • • • . .. ..• • • • •• • • • • • • . . 1:-.:> -::i -::i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NO~MEMSER BANKS DSB NAME 11487475 114~74~0 114?7435 11487540 ll4A7570 11487625 11 1t17650 11497775 11487792 ll4B7785 114879&5 l l487975 11437°30 114~7q85 11488085 1!4~8105 114~9115 11488180 11438215 114882~5 11489300 l14ea3IO 11488317 114~3330 11488340 ll48S367 11488415 11488418 11488477 ll4P~510 114,8525 OF 12490010 12490023 12490025 1z4qoo35 1z4qoo40 1z4qo100 12490150 LOCATION SOUTHERN STATE !ANK SOUTH HOUSTON FIRST STATE BANK SPEARMAN ALLIED SPRING BANK SPRING STEPHENVILLE ST BK G TR CO STEPHENVILLE FIRST STATE BK OF STRATFORD STRATFORD SUGAR LANO STATE BANK SUGAR LAND TEXAS BA11K AND TRUST COMPANYShEETWATER TERRELL STATE BANK TERRELL TEXA~KANA OAKLAWN BANK TEXARKANA 'IA.INLAND SANK TEXAS CITY SOUTHSIDE STlTE BANK TYLER HILLCREST STATE BANK UNIVERSITY PARK FIRST STATE BANK OF UVALDE UVALDE UVALDE BANK UVALDE A~ERICAN BANK OF co,MERCE VICTORIA THE AMERICAN BK OF WACO WACO CCM~UNITY STATE BANK WACO WAXA~ACHIE BANK ANO TRUST COWAXAHACHIE BAY AREA BANK AND TRUST WEBSTER MID VALLEY STATE BANK WESLACO WEST BANK ANO TRUST WEST FIRST CAPITOL BANK WE ST COLUMBIA JETERO BANK WESTFIELD SECU~ITY SANK AND TRUST CO WHARTON WHARTON BANK ANO TRUST CO WHARTON WHITE OAK STATE BANK WHITE OAK PARKER SQUARE STATE BAN~ WICHITA FALLS TX BK & lR CO IN WICHITA FLSWICHITA FALLS ALLIED GULF COAST BANK WINNIE WINTERS STATE BANK WINTERS A>I BK OF CMRC AT WOLFFORTH WOLFFORTH 316 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE ---------------- 1/17179 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 175 128 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 111 TOEP 121 VL TCSH 33921 24663 37433 27049 27073 24150 38155 15746 36697 41960 63B24 52466 7244B 16776 97070 27871 25857 31487 23366 18790 18588 23853 26929 23473 21752 .16157 53983 26222 20678 18017 16617 620 225 600 268 198 271 563 289 853 684 H9 685 546 357 792 131 1977 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 151 NEW REQBAL 0 348 0 0 0 1162 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 452 1508 0 0 0 0 0 2539 0 0 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 714 0 369 223 736 292 202 426 395 364 360 l08 480 332 283 212 0 0 184 141 NEW EPA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 768 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• • • • •• • • • • .•• ••• •• •• • • • • ••• 0 • • 0 0 0 •• • HAVE ND EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE ------------- BANK OF AMERICAN FORK AMERICAN FORK UTAH BANK ANO TRUST BOUNTIFUL SOX ELDER COUNTY BANK BRIGHAM CITY ST ATE BANK OF SOUTHERN UTAH CEDAR C ITV CLEARFIELD STATE BANK CLEARFIELD HELPER STATE BANK HELPER STATE BANK OF LEHI LEHI ------------UT UT UT UT UT UT UT 33320 30016 30877 22341 23419 15268 15404 350 667 313 0 0 0 266 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 475 258 341 32 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• • • ~ 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NGN~EMBER BANKS Ill NAME DSB 12490210 12490280 12490310 l241l0360 12490390 12490413 124Q048 5 12490530 OF MILFORD STATE BANK co~~ERC IAL SECUR ITV BANK BANK OF PLEASANT GROVE RICHFIELD COMMRCL SVGS BK FIRST STATE BANK OF SALINA Fl~ST SECU~ITY STATE BANK co~ SECRTY BANK OF SALT LK CENTRAL BANK & TRUST CO LOCATION 15 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE OF GRA~ITE SAVINGS BK G TR CO BELLOWS FALLS TRUST COMPANY FIRST VERMONT BK & TR CO CHITTENDEN TRUST CCMPANY H0WAP.0 BANK MERCHA~T S BANK STERLING TRUST COMPANY LY~QONV ILLE SVGS BK & TR co UNION BANK PROCTOR TRUST COHPANY FP.AN<LIN-llH0ILLE BANK PEOPLES TR CO OF ST ALBANS CITIZENS SVGS BK & TR CO INTER STATE TRUST COMPANY TDEP MILFORD OGDEN PLEASANT GROVE RICHFIELD SALINA SALT LAKE C ITV SALT LAKE COUNTY SPRINGVILLE 10 4 UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT 15350 314918 25626 18646 39179 66461 18521 48078 121 VLTCSH 2'•5 2245 394 151 539 532 210 396 141 01 1977 NEW REQBAL EPA 14 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 5 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 5183 0 0 0 0 0 0 819 0 574 7218 0 0 0 -7218 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • •• • •• HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE BARRE BELLOWS FALLS BRA TTLE BORD BURLINGTON BURLINGTON BURLINGTON JOHNSON LYN0CNV ILLE H0RRI SVILLE PROCTOR ST ALBANS ST ALBANS ST JOHNSBURY WHITE RIVER JCT 6 VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT ----- 55307 373 0 23769 219056 478 2675 0 291109 H0255 I000B2 22396 20431 25216 71662 79796 29880 19934 19950 4107 4033 0 1345 197 222 455 663 1583 266 466 73 0 0 0 0 0 729 0 4600 5113 513B 2092 0 0 0 0 0 961 0 0 0 550 66 0 0 186 0 0 0 1130 2200 -1130 -2200 644 0 0 -644 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• ~ •• • •• • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURE0 RESERVE BALANCE --------------- -----------------------5510021 5510050 5510178 s5101g1 5510470 5510430 5510520 5510536 151 NEW REQBAL ------------------------------- -------------------------1500020 1500060 1500145 15~0200 1500)!30 15:)0210 1500360 1500380 15J0400 1500560 1500650 I 50Cb60 150~b70 1500770 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 BAl'IK CF VA/EASTFRN SHORE ACCOMACK CTY BUR~E & HERBERT BK ANO TR COALEXAN0RIA FIRST VIRGINIA BK OF AUGUSTAAUGUSTA CTY PLA"ITERS BANK t TR CO OF VA AUGUSTA COUNTY BANK OF SOUTHS I0E VIRGINIA CAR SON FIDELITY AM BK CHARLTTSVLL CHARLOTTESVILLE BA ~K OF CHATHAM CHATHAM PEOPLES BANK OF CHESAPEAKE CHESAPEAKE VA Vl VA VA VA VA VA VA 25987 519B0 25670 50736 40548 49bB9 17'06 24059 209 928 1107 924 1171 11B2 304 224 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 118 440 0 134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• ••• • •• cc Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis "□ N-EHSER OSB 5510537 5510650 5510660 5510760 5510915 5510860 55IOSJO 55lc)<J35 5510943 5510"55 5511030 5511141 5511210 55\ IZZO 5511250 5511260 5511368 5511408 5511465 5511635 5511710 5511 Bl O 5511900 5511910 5511q49 5511980 5512070 5512090 5512103 5512105 5512180 5512195 5512200 5512325 5512360 5512444 55I24S9 5512600 5512650 5512195 5512030 5512870 5512890 5512'125 5512930 5Sl30Jl BANKS 1/17/1? BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOIF IED H.R. 7 NAME Ill TDEP LOCATION BAllK OF CHESTERFIElO CHSTRFLO CRT HSE BA,iK OF WESTMORELAND COLONIAL BEACH SSUTHAMPTO~ COUNTY BANK COURTLAND SAN~ CF OASASCUS INC OAS.ASCUS VIRGl~IA BANK AND TRUST DANVILLE EASTVILLE '4~K EASTVILLE PfOPLES TRUST BANK EX SORE GtJ-IP~•,ry BANK & TRUST co FAIRFAX BA',< OF VIRGINIA-POTO/IAC FAIRFAX CTY PEO•lES BA~K OF STAFFOR~ FALMOUTH BANK OF FLOYD FLOYD BANK OF VIRGHUA-WARRE~ FRONT RCVAL U~I TED VA BANK OF GLOUCESTERGLOUCESTER BANK CF GOOCHLAND GOOC~LANO UTD VA BK I PPL CF GRET>IA GRETNA CUMSERLAND BANK AND TRUST GRUNDY ARLISGTCN TRUST CO INC HER NOON PEOPLES BANK INC HONAKER STATE BANK OF KEYSVILLE KEYSVILLE CLARENDON BA~K & TRUST MCLEAN BANK OF MARION MARION BANK CF MONTROSS MONTROSS FIDELITY AM BK HAMPTON ROS NEWPORT NEWS UIIITEO YA BK / CITZ & HARINENEWPORT >IEWS SANK OF VIRGINIA-EASTERN >IORFOLK FIR~T VA BANK OF TIDEWATER NORFOLK F IOELITY AH BK EASTERN SHOREPA~K·SLEY LEE BANK ANO TRUST CO PENNINGTON GAP BA~K OF VIRGINIA-PETERSBURG PETERSBURG CITY SVGS BANK & TRUST CO PET'ERS~URG CITIZENS TRUST DANK PORTSMOUTH PEOPLES BANK OF POUND POUND BANK OF PCWHATAN POWHATAN CLINC>I VALLEY BANK & TR CO RICHLANDS CONSOLIDATED BANK ANO TRUST R ICUMONO BANK OF Vl~GINIA-SOUTHWEST ROANOKE UNITED VA BK/ SPOTSWOOD ROCKINGHAH CTY SANK Of S'4ITHFIEt0 SMllHFIELO SPEEDWELL BA~lK OF SPEEDWELL BAN~ OF SUFFOLK SUFFOLK TAPPAHA>INOCK BANK CF ESSEX f ♦ M BANK OF ROCKl>IGHAH TI/IBERVILLE BANK OF HIOOLESEX URBANNA FIDELITY All BK VA BEACH VIRGINIA BEACH BANK OF SUSSEX ANO SURRY WAKEFIELD BANK OF WEST POINT WEST POINT rnc VA VA VA VA VA l539t, 47412 20505 VA 13938 14741 49041 198832 20'141 31862 28307 VA VA VA VA VA VA 22747 21259 VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA 35122 27260 21893 124095 262670 14558 13213 234720 23981 17475 42413 VA 44636 18965 23577 20632 16724 24317 33268 57365 18631 17085 VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA 134299 240911 147284 15847 38880 41031 32284 65882 15815 3M35 28207 26528 289838 121 VL TCSH 542 1466 469 254 414 249 244 761 4931 681 406 131 1917 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·O 0 373 3'15 t,[7 559 2142 3532 382 270 3026 366 217 1371 3737 4820 4351 523 791 1226 950 823 300 329 156 662 5822 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3T9 499 0 0 0 0 704 849 290 285 717 1520 383 241 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 151 hEW REQ!AL 161 DIF I 31-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lt,7 5148 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -205 0 0 52 0 0 2838 5192 0 0 5197 0 0 0 2025 5150 1726 0 0 0 0 1041 0 108 71 0 5160 218 0 0 0 0 0 0 160 0 0 0 205 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2268 0 0 2539 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2268 0 0 -2539 0 0 0 0 -93 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1444 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1444 0 0 93 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • .•• •• .•• • • • •• • • • ••• • • • • • • • •• • •• •• ~ 00 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON~EHBER BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HODIFIED H.R. 7 NAME OSB 111 TOEP LOUTION 1/17/79 121 YLTCSH 131 1977 REQBAL 5511010 5513060 5513090 5513098 OF CITIZENS ANO FARMERS BANK CCHHERCIAL ANO SAVINGS BANK FAR,~ERS BANK FIRST STATE BANK OF WISE WEST POINT WINCHESTER WINDSOR WISE 58 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 36 17 YA VA YA VA 32915 57671 19227 32596 23" 1204 129 2B3 0 0 0 0 llt) NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 1"7 239 0 lf,I DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 676 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 221 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -676 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -221 0 0 0 11 • •• • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNJ OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ---------------12530055 12530120 12530140 12530165 12530215 12530305 12~30308 125.!0310 12510180 l 2S 30 39 5 12530540 1253~544 125305qo 12530&50 12530662 12530710 12 53081 S 12530eZ3 12530918 12531000 12531070 12531'188 1Z5311Z5 OF NORTIIWESTERN COMMERCIAL BK CASHMERE YULEY BANK SECURITY STATE BANK VALLE~ COMMERCIAL BANK WHIOBEY ISLAND BANK SECURITY BANK OF WASH BA:lK OF EVERETT Ql Y:-tPIC 8A'IK SAN JUAN COUNTY BANK PENINSULA ST ATE BANK PEOPLES STATE BANK CITY BANK SKAGIT STATE BANK BA~K OF OLYMPIA HIC VALLEY BANK KITSAP COU~TY BANK BALLARD BANK OF WASHINGTO!f cc~~ERC IAL OK OF SEATTLE AMERICAN COMMERCIAL BANK WASHINGTON TRUST BANK NORTH PACIFIC BANK TACOMA COMMERCIAL BANK FIRST INDEPENDENT BANK 8ELLINGHAH CASHMERE CHEHALIS CLARKSTON COUPEVILLE EPH~AU EVERETT EVERETT FR IOAY HARBOR GIG HARBOR LYNDEN LYNNWOOD MOUNT VERNON OLYMPIA OHAK POR J' ORCHARD SEATTLE SEATTLE SPOKANE SPOKANE TACO~A TACOMA VANCOUVER 23 SANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 16 5 WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA llA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA 35492 23785 48189 16270 17542 4231t8 79713 189259 22566 l97B2 28501 18893 45450 29401 . 17567 49030 18070 23762 1-3532 171742 36810 18715 133243 636 307 425 247 616 961 1164 2235 278 144 297 222 575 959 281 8"7 271 208 730 2195 472 334 3484 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 497 0 0 0 1192 4S62 0 0 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 0 5l36 0 0 ll23 • • •• • ••• • • . •• HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO RE'1UREO RESERVE BALANCE ---------------- -----------5540040 FIRST STATE BANK 5540050 BANK OF RALEIGH 5540065 CARDINAL STATE BANK • ••• •• BARBOURSVILLE BECKLEY BECKLEY w WV WV l6401t 110425 17128 270 2088 HB 0 0 0 0 1813 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 • • ~ .... 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis !'IO!'IIIEMSER BANKS OSB 5540!10 5540135 554~140 5540160 5540,10 554022 5 55'1-0270 5540~JO 554J330 5540340 5540345 5540350 5540~70 55:.04-00 55!t043:J 55'•0497 5540510 5540530 5540570 5540~3 8 5540b40 5540660 5540680 5540725 5540765 5540810 5540870 5540920 4540<;160 5540970 4541010 5541015 5541040 5541050 5541051 5541055 55·H090 5,41130 5541185 5541192 554!195 5541230 5541245 5541370 5541315 5541450 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NAME 111 TDEP LOCATION COM~ERC IAL BANK PEOPLES BANK B• IOGEPORT BANK AOR IAN BUCKf'ANNON BANK FIRST BANK OF CEREDO BANK OF WEST VIRGINIA BANK OF CHARLES TOWN lC'WNDES BANK CUY COU!'ITY BANK F •RsERS & CITIZENS ST BK BANK CF CROSS LANES BANK OF DANV lllE Bl~~K OF OurWAR DAVIS TRUST CO PENDLETON COUNTY BANK GILBERT BANK AND TRUST co BlUEF IELO BLUE WELL BR IOGEPORT BUCKHANNON CEREDO CHARLESTON CHARLES TOWN ClAR<SBURG CLAY CLENDENIN c~oss LANES DANVILLE DUNBAR ELK I NS FRANKLIN GILBERT KA~AW~A UNIO~ BA~K GLENVILLE CAl~OUN COUNTY BANK GRANTSVILLE UNION BK OF HARRISVILLE HAR.ISVlllE SECURITY BK OF HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON TWENTIETH STREET BANK HUNTINGTON BANK OF IAEGER IA EGER FAR•ERS & HE.CHANTS BK KEYSER LOGAN LOGAN BANK AND TRUST CO BANK CF HAN MAN .SERCHANTS AND FARMERS BANK MARTINSBURG BANK OF MIL TON Mil TON FARaERS AND MERCHANTS BANK MORGANTOWN MERCANTILE BANKING & TR CO MOUNOSVlllE SANK CF MOUNT HOPE MOUNT HOPE ,Ew HAST INS VILLE BANK NEW MART INSVlllE e•NK OF NITRO ~ITRO NEW RIVER BANKING AND TRUST OAK Hill PARKERSBURG CMRC e•NKING & TRUST CO COSSNTY BK OF PARKERSBURG PARKERSBURG PARKERSBURG HOUSTAIN STATE BANK WOOD COUNTY BANK PARKERSBURG GRO'IT COUNTY BANK PETERSBURG CASTLE ROCK BK OF PINEVILLE P INEV lllE PEOPLES Se OF PT PLEASANT POINT PLEASANT PR I NC ETON MERCER COU~TY BANK RAVENSWOOD JACKSCN COUNTY BANK PEO?LES BK OF RICHWOOD R ICHWOOO B•NK OF SHINNSTON SHINNSTON CHE•ICAl BANK AND TRUST SOUTH CHARLESTON Ill CHOL AS COUNTY B~NK SUMHERSV I llE co WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV. WV WV WV ~v WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV W'I WV WV WV sv WV WV WV WV kV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV 19797 13125 19733 37241 47245 88439 29257 !14369 16129 18426 15985 25876 43447 38510 21799 24557 26642 26413 17695 53633 92583 19474 28813 27393 19744 20296 22051 81341 40147 23192 14950 26060 30732 46605 16039 21888 61594 22587 23660 14652 39136 17475 17344 28959 39238 33845 1111119 121 VLTCSH 168 312 410 532 551 756 357 1148 229 408 508 939 690 391 194 569 386 289 301 1465 1162 571 433 973 1131 472 255 1056 744 665 240 509 756 691 163 684 573 327 460 337 699 220 229 568 705 392 131 1977 REOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 0 0 0 0 159 1793 0 3256 0 0 0 0 0 102 0 0 0 0 0 0 1683 0 151 NEW REOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 287 0 0 718 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 161 OIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .•. .• • ..• ..• .. • N) 00 N) • • • . . .• .• .••• .. .• .. .. • NO~~E~BER BANKS f w DSB NAME 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 111 TDEP LOCATION (21 VL TCSH ~ ~ :0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (41 NEW EPA (" 1977 REQBAL 0 5541540 WAYNE COUNTY BA~K WAYNE 45"1'15~0 8A'lK OF WEIRTON WEIRTON 4541563 CITIZENS BK OF WEIRTON WEIRTON 4'54 l '>65 P[OPlES BA~~K WEIRTON 5541";)00 CITIZENS BANK WEST ON 5541615 WE STOVER BANK WESTOVER 454lt:75 MORSIS PLAN BANK & TRUST CO WHEELING WHITESVILLE 5541 735 WHITESVILLE STATE BANK OF 57 BANKS AFFECTED IN ST ATE 45 12 WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV 23372 54039 20521 45978 30039 17687 61413 15428 348 760 378 829 387 265 947 187 (51 NEW REQBAL 0 321 0 0 0 0 357 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 755024'0 95S~33C 7550385 755J4ZO 7550480 7550510 7550580 7550510 7550',SS 7550658 7550665 755J6S5 75'5') 700 qss:HJ.o 75507~0 75506JO 7550850 95508~0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7550015 755-J020 7550050 9550070 q;50~9O 7550130 7550160 7550163 7550167 9550210 7550222 755J2JO (61 OIF 131-(51 ABHTSFCRO ABBOTSFORD STATE BANK M&I BANK OF AOAMS-FRIENOSHIPAOAMS ALGCMA C0'1,~UNITY STATE BANK ALMA AMERICAN BANK A~ERY UNION ST ATE BANK ANT IGO PEOPLES B4NK OUTAGAMIE BANK APPLETON VALLEY BANK APPLETON APPLETON VALLEY NO~THERN BANK ASHLAND NORTHERN STATE BANK ASHWAUBENON " & I FOX HEIGHTS BANK ATHENS BANK OF ATHrnS AUBURNDALE AUSURNOALE STATE BANK BARRGN BA'.IK CF BA~RON MA~INE BANK OF BUVER OAM BEAVER OAH SELOIT STATE BANK BELOIT BIRNAMWOOD BA~K OF 8 IR"A~WOOO BLACK RI VER FALLS JAC<S0:'1 COUNTY BANK BON OU EL BONDUEL STATE SANK BOSCOBEL BOSCOSEL STA TE BANK BPOOKF I ELO El~ BROOK STATE BANK s,ooKFI ELO M!:I WEST SUBURBAN BANK BRCWN OEER BROWN DEER BANK 8USLI NG TON 8U,Ll%TO~ MARINE BAflK BURLING TON FIRST BANK & TRUST CO CADOTT CITIZENS STATE BA~K CAMPBELL SPORT Flt:tST STATE BANK CASCO VALLEY BA~K OF CASCO CEOARSURG CEJaqeuRG STATE BANK CENTURIA PCLK CCUNTV BANK WI WI 15438 19609 21476 17848 20678 23956 61222 161 280 235 204 248 487 837 WI 125418 1404 WI 24582 43625 18919 16125 15460 18185 40479 80998 13092 32BOO 14481 29669 21099 46418 29760 17843 43649 14674 17418 13356 34710 17687 242 WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI 'WI 898 248 160 140 169 411 1890 109 589 106 399 129 46I 387 195 540 148 159 125 291 243 ---------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 115 551 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 776 0 0 0 127 0 0 0 142 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 345 2963 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .•• • • .• • • • • • • . .. .• ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~ONSEMSER BANKS OS9 NA~E BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 111 TDEP LOCATION 1/17/79 I 21 VLTCSH 131 1971 REOBAL 9550370 7550330 7550590 755097C CHETEK STATE BANK CCS.SERC I AL BANK STATE BK OF CHILTON CHETEK CHILTON CHILTON OA.tRY~ANS STATE BANK CLINTONVILLE COLBY 7551020 SECURITY STATE BANK COLOMA 75">1050 M&I PEOPLES BANK 7551060 FAR~ERS AND ~ERCHANTS UNION COLU~BUS CROSS PLAINS 7551100 STATE BK CF CROSS PLAINS CUOAHY 7551120 CUDAHY ·"AR I NE BANK CUMBERLAND 9551130 NCRTHWESTERN STATE SANK OE FOREST 7551210 OE FOREST MORRI SONVlllE BK 7551215 AMERICAN KETTLE MORAINE BK OELAF I ELD OE LAVAN 7551220 CITIZENS BANK DENMARK 75131250 DEN"tARK STATE BANK OENM~RK 7551255 VALLEY. BADGER BANK OE PERE 755l2b0 CC'4"tUN ITV BANK OE PERE 755127C ST A TE BK OF OE PERE DODGEVILLE 7551235 DODGEVILLE STATE BANK OOOGEV ILLE T55tno SlRONGS BA"iK EAGLE RIVER 9551348 EAGLE RIVER STATE BANK EAST TROY 7551360 SUTE BK OF EAST TROY EAU CLAIRE 95">1375 CD"1"1UNITY STATE BANK ELKHORN 7~51450 STATE BK OF ELKHORN ELLSWORTH 9551470 BANK OF ELLSWORTH FALL CREEK 9551530 STATE BANK OF FALL CREEK T55l550 FIRST STATE BK IN FENNIMORE FENNIMORE FOSO OU LAC 7551575 M1E~ICAN 8A~~K FOPT ATKINSON 7~51620 CITIZENS STATE BANK FORT ATKINSON 755161:0 FIRST AME~ICAN BK & TR co FREDERICK 9551690 FA-=-!"1ERS STATE BANK GERP.ANTCWN 7551770 GERMANTOWN MARINE SANK GILLETT 75517-30 GILLETT STATE eANK GRAFTON 7551840 GRAFTCN STATE BA:'IIK GRANTSBURG qss1stto FIRST BK CF GRANTSBURG GREEN BAY 7551q95 FIRST WI BK OF GREEN BAY GREEN BAY 7551~10 PPL MRN BK OF GREEN BAY GREEN BAY 7551915 UNIVERSITY ?ANK GREEN BAY 7551920 WEST BANK ANO TRUST GREENFIELD 7551935 M&I BANK OF GREENFIELD GREEN VALLEY 7551960 STATE BK OF GREEN VALLEY 7551970 FAR•ERS AND MERCHANTS BANK GREENWOOD HALES CCRNERS 7551990 STATE BANK HALES CORNERS HAR TFORO 7552020 VALLEY BANK OF HARTFORD IXONIA 7$521!30 I XCNIA STATE BANK JASESVILLE 7552195 BANK OF JANESVILLE JANESVILLE 7552210 MERCHANTS ANO SAVINGS BANK WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI 13495 18787 22884 22981 22509 30387 20480 15455 52967 22502 15184 28052 22976 25369 15335 23769 41222 1862 7 20651 19675 19762 23176 26089 32479 22799 21577 20312 20533 26263 17310 17565 36888 35714 42668 51565 130391 34489 112589 23907 13840 14264 51837 27378 14133 24784 84058 164 145 111 298 224 335 216 151 660 245 221 359 143 578 180 144 451 183 113 295 500 241 285 424 154 280 265 504 197 215 208 691 326 363 581 1084 636 1551 458 148 95 1126 388 138 560 1091 0 141 NEW EPA 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 0 0 53 0 0 247 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 80 0 0 87 164 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 69 0 0 0 151 NEW RECBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ill 161 OIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 270 293 3057 0 596 -596 0 1894 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1594 • • • • .• .• • . .. • .• . .. • • • . • • . N) 00 ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis srnEF IT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOIF IEO H.R. 7 NO~SEMSER BANKS NAME lOCHION 7552230 ROCK COUNTY SAVINGS ANO TR JANES VI llE JEFFERSON JEFFERSON KAUKAUNA KAUKAUNA KENOSHA KEWASKUM KEWAUNEE KEwAUNEE lA CROSSE LA CROSSE LA CROSSE LADY SM I TH OSB 7552240 FAR"IERS ANO MERCHANTS BANK 755 2250 JEFFERSON COUNTY BANK 7552300 BA:-JK OF KAUKAUNA 755£?10 FAR SERS AND ,SER CHANTS BANK 75S2325 A•E~ICAN STATE BANK 75'52360 VAllEY BAN< 755237C STATE BK OF KEWAUNEE 75"i238C urn 0\/ 9552435 9552'#40 9552470 9552490 7552530 7552540 7552550 75~2600 7552620 755264 C' 9552650 7552660 7552638 7552700 755 2710 7552727 7552140 7552750 7552755 CQUlEE STATE BANK ST AT!: EXUIA'lGE BANK STATE BA.\/K STATE BK OF LA CROSSE SECU~ITY STATE SANK GREE~WOODS STATE BANK LAUCASTER STATE BANK UNION STATE BANK BA~K CF LITTLE CHUTE ST ATE 9K OF LOOI CITIZE'lS STATE BANK FIDELITY STATE BANK lAKEMILLS LANCASTER LANCASTER LITTLE CHUTE LOOI LOYAL LUCK LUXEMBURG BANK Of LUXEMBURG MADI SON AFFILIATED BK OF HILLDAlE MAOI SON AFFILIATED BK OF MADISON co~~ERC I AL s TATE BANI( MADI SON LAKE C ITV BANK MADI SON MADI SON RA.~DAll STATE BANK MAO! SON SEC~TV MRNE BK OF MADISON UNITED BANK & TR OF MADISON MADISON MAO! SON 75527&5 UNITED BANK OF WESTGATE MANAWA 755?HO FAR."ERS STATE BANK MANITOWOC 7552825 MAN I TOWOC COUNTY BANK MARATHON 7552850 MARATHON STATE BANK 7552870 FAR•ERS & MRCH BANK & TRUST MARINETTE MARSHFIELD 7552930 CENTRAL STATE BANK MAUSTON 755?S7 C BANK OF MAUSTON MAVVlllE 7552910 .S&I gANK OF MAYVlllE MEOFCRO 9553010 STATE BANK OF MEDFORD MELROSE 7553J20 BANK OF MEL ROSE MENASHA 7553030 BANI", OF HP~ASHA 75530.:.8 A,SERICAN .SENOSONEE FALLS BK fr1E~0,"10'1EE FALLS 7553050 FAR•ERS ANO MERCHANTS BANK MENOMONEE FALLS MENO.SON IE 95530~0 BANK OF MENOMO,HE MENOMONIE 955)090 UNITED BANK IN SENOMONIE MERR I l l 95<3100 LINCOLN COUNTY BANK 9553105 M & I CITIZENS AMERICAN BK HERR I l l MIDDLETON 7553110 8AllK OF MIDDLETON 111 TOEP WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI ~I WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI 21132 25371 19373 17588 23084 32035 36361 16522 16747 19012 24297 42435 18784 141'5 27042 29497 15732 14171 17153 17155 20687 84116 128914 30164 19488 28268 68662 78M2 23026 16211 49498 21632 35923 40914 25361 28462 39109 14139 27774 18471 91112 26832 22300 29273 31897 41847 1/17 /19 121 Vl TCSH 603 271 151 213 3H 834 403 118 240 245 346 708 287 126 201 304 121 149 144 131 118 1215 2107 470 492 404 1810 927 366 168 567 181 279 462 352 447 542 185 527 343 772 222 215 344 420 447 I 31 1977 REQBAl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·(4) NEW EPA 0 13 0 0 0 0 94 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 0 0 0 0 0 60 1487 2658 0 0 0 121 1878 0 0 296 0 265 92 0 0 0 0 0 0 1926 56 0 0 0 67 I 51 NEW REQBAl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lb) DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .• .• • ..•• .• .. .• .• • .• .• • • • •• • .• ~ 00 01 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NON~EMSER BANKS ose 7553DB 75531•5 7553150 75531~5 7553175 7553190 75~32·JI BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOi F IED H.R. 7 Ill NAME AMERICAN HAMPTON BANK BANK CF COMMERCE BAY VIEW STATE BANK C~PITOl MARINE BANK co,HINENTAL eANK & TRUST FIRST WISCONSIN TRUST CO G•EATER MILWAUKEE BANK TDEP LOCATION MILWAUKEE MILWAUKEE MILWAUKEE MILWAUKEE co MILWAUKEE MILWAUKEE MILWAUKEE 7S~32iJ2 ~UAQOIAN STATE SANK MILWAUKEE 7553209 HERITAGE SK CF MILWAUKEE MILWAUKEE Ml LWAUKE E 7553230 KILBOURN STATE BANK 7553240 LAYTON STATE BANK MILhAUKEE MILWAUKEE 7553250 LIIICOUI STATE BANK 75532b~ Mtl SILVER SPRING eANK MILWAUKEE 7553272 HID-AMERICA BA~K MILWAUKEE MILWAUKEE 7553275 MILHAU<EE WESTERN BANK 7553290 MITCHELL STREET STATE BANK MILWAUKEE 7S53300 PtRK SfATE BANK MILWAUKEE 7553340 WISCONSIN HARl~E BANK MILWAUKEE 7553350 FAR~ERS SAVING$ BANK MINERAL POINT 95533b0 SECURITY STATE BANK MH:CCQUA 7553385 MONJ~l GROVE STATE BANK MOIIONA 7~53390 CG~~ERCIAl AIID SAVINGS BANK MONROE 755341 C MmlTELLO STATE BANK MCNTELLO 7553440 MOSINEE CO~HERCIAL BANK MOSINEE MCUNT HOREB 75 5346 0 STA TE BK OF MT HOREB 75!]47C CITIZENS BANK MUKWONAGO NEILLSVILLE 7553520 NEILLSVILLE BANK 7553530 NEKCOSA PORT EDWARDS ST BK NEKOOSA 7553557 SOUTfl~EST BANK NEW eERLIN 75535'30 BA~.,ii:, OF NEW GLARUS NEW GLARUS 7553590 M&I NEW HOLSTEIN BA~K NEW HOLSTEIN 755JIQO NEW LISBON STATE BANK NEW LISBON 7553610 FIRST STATE BANK NEW LONDON 9553i?O BANK OF NEW RICHMOND NEW R ICHHOND 7553710 BANK CF OCONOMOWOC CCONCHOWOC 7553740 WINNEBAGO COUNTY BANK CHRO 9553745 SAIIK OF ONALASKA ONALASKA 755H60 OOSTBURG STATE BANK OOSTBURG 7553770 BANK CF OREGC!'I OREGCN 7553823 VALLEY BANK OF OSHKOSH OSHKOSH OSHKOSH 7553e25 WESTERN STAIE BANK 9553930 BANK CF CSSEO OSSEO PESHTIGO 7553sgo PESHTIGO STATE BANK 7553890 WAUKESHA COUNTY MARINE BANK PEWAUKEE PHILLIPS 9553910 STATE BK OF PHILLIPS PLATTEVILLE 1553950 MOUND CITY BANK WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI 25't78 56997 30130 46247 26514 29106 18589 I5ll 7 96667 32154 32243 40596 32083 23157 83770 35371 69820 86685 18892 26373 36762 58322 13202 15224 22157 31787 22551 15928 15778 21368 20945 16528 34894 19013 26210 24151 15937 14783 16179 41238 1117/79 121 VLTCSH 552 398 422 767 362 4 2H 313 767 334 1095 480 549 586 778 475 739 1464 102 285 485 458 137 259 170 279 365 370 252 156 317 3ll 268 225 345 280 330 109 164 602 46032 21476 18965 58ll8 22814 816 190 224 651 27075 276 321 131 1977 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 0 l303 0 0 0 1195 0 0 2505 81 0 56 0 0 1715 0 1274 1435 0 0 0 833 0 0 2 99 0 0 0 47 0 0 161 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 592 0 2 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • .••• • • •• • • • • .•• •• • •• •• • • • •• • • •• • • . •• • • • • ~ Cl) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N0,",'1EHBER BANKS oss 7'5~3~B0 7554010 7554050 75'54080 7'554()90 7554100 7554130 755:, l!,S 7554150 7554161 7554170 7~54190 7554210 755422 0 9'55'",26 a q5 5426 5 7554290 7C:-.5430G 7554340 9554355 755433 5 7554430 7554435 7554450 75)4470 7554~'.)5 7554550 9554~()0 7554575 7554620 7554630 7554~65 q554bqO 7554700 q5c:-..4r20 955 1t730 7554745 7554800 7554:Hc 7554e4C <;SS4e50 7554910 7554930 7554940 7554990 7554932 NAME CITY BANK & TRUST COMPANY PORT WASHINGTON STATE BANK FARMERS STATE BANK PEOPLES STATE BANK P~AIRIE CtTY BANK BA•~I(_ CF PRAIRIE OU SAC PULASKI STATE BANK BANK OF ELSWOOO FlR~ERS ANO MERCHANTS BANK FIRST Wl BK QF RAC I NE NORTH SI OE BANK OJI.I RYMANS STATE BANK FAR~ERS ANO MERCHANTS BANK PEE~SBU.qG BANK "IERCHANTS SANK & TRUSTOA(RY STATE BANK FAR ._,EllS ANO ~ERCHANTS BANK R? CHLA~Q COU\/TY BANK MGI RIPON STATE BANK RI VER FALLS STATE BANK RIVER VALLEY STATE BANK FAQ,..,ERS AN::J CITIZENS BANK HHE~CITY STATE BANK VALLEY BANK OF SEYMOUR Cl T IZE~JS STATE BANK CITIZENS NORTH SIDE BANK SOUTH WEST STATE BANK SHELL LAKE STATE BANK rrnRTH SHORE BANK HO~E STATE BANK SCUTH MILWAUKEE MARINE BANK FIR ST BANK OF SPARTA BA'" OF SPOONER BANK CF SPRING GREEN BANK OF SPRING VALLEY FARSERS & MERCHANTS ST BK PEVPLES STATE BANK STOUGHTON STATE BANK STRATFORD STATE BANK BAN'< OF SUN PRAIRIE co•"~" TY BK & TR co suq;tNC STATE BA.NK COLONIAL STATE BANK PEOPLES EXCHANGE BA'.'-IK FAR"E~S AND MERCHANTS BANK FIRST BK OF TOMAH BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MOOIFIEO H.R. 7 lOCATION PORT AGE PORT WASH! NGTON POUNO PRAIRIE OU CHIEN PRAIRIE OU CHIEN PRAIRIE OU SAC PULASKI RAC I NE RACINE RAC I NE RACINE RANDOL PH RlEDSBURG REEDSBURG RHINE LANDER RICE LAKE R ICHLANO CENTER RICHLAND CENTER RIPON RIVER FALLS ROTHSCHILD SAUK CITY SCHOFIELD SEYMOUR SHAWANO SHEBGYGAN SHEBOYGAN SHELL LAKE SHCRtWOOO SOUTH HI LWAUKEE SOUTH MILWAUKEE SPARTA SPOONER SPRING GREEN SPRING VALLEY ST AN LEY STETTIN TWP STOUGHTON STRA TFORO SUN PRAIRIE SUPE~ LOR SUR I NG THIENSVILLE THORP T0"1AH TO~AH WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI 1/17/79 (41 NEW EPA 111 TOEP (21 Vl TCSH 13I 1977 REQBAL 36192 32969 18339 27941 29540 22599 25892 41595 14077 41114 46183 22489 25710 29573 35504 23984 28653 25572 23440 13444 17793 33464 377 342 304 486 333 134 232 535 307 467 897 227 386 407 o· 73 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 12 30 66 25 0 40 0 0 312 0 261 343 516 386 183 375 382 213 200 488 456 343 131 525 441 599 243 325 259 148 200 308 195 134 409 223 307 454 192 298 165 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17077 16320 48469 24577 29858 16084 49972 202H 28323 21676 22560 23785 14079 18818 33730 15297 13353 39019 1szq4 33180 41568 21140 24608 19425 0 0 0 0 0 135 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 318 0 83 0 247 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 119 0 0 0 0 HZ 107 0 0 0 151 NEW REQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 OIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .• ..•• ..• • • • .. .. • • .. .• .••• .•• • . I:-.:> 00 ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •IQN'IEMB!:R BANKS JS9 NA."E 95'5'9990 7"i-=501D 7-=':-!i'JJO 7~5;1N0 155~•:J&O 75~~0~0 75'551ZC 955~,lJ'.) 755H50 7"iS~160 7555?10 7555290 7'555J20 7555330 7555341 7555342 7555350 7555365 7555390 7555400 7'55541C 7'>~54-.0 7555't5 0 751_;,5468 l5551t10 755543'5 7555500 7555540 955557C OF BENEFIT TO BANKS COYE''-ED l!IIY MODIFIED H.R. 1 B~AOLEY 84Ntc. TOMAHAWK !U,.'\IK 0~ TWC RIVERS TWO RIVERS t.m RIVERS SAVINGS BANK ThO R.IVERS St.HE 9K OF UNION GYE UN IO~-l GROVE Bt..~11(. Of V!:A.ONA VERONA STAlE BK OF VIROQUA YIRPQUA WAl\oilrJq, TH STATE BANK hAtWCRTH w.isi-teURN STATE BANK W6.SHBUR.N FAi:l.'IE~S AN.'.> MERCHANTS STATE WATERLOO M& I SANK CF WATERTOWN WATERTOWN WAUKESHl STATE BANK WAUKESHA CITIZENS STATE BK ANO TR WAUSAU PE,'1:lnlE WAUSAUKEE BAtiK WAUSAUKEE kAUlO~A UNIO'f STATE BAW< FIRS1 WIStONS'\I BK OF MAYFAIRWAUiNATOSA HERITAGE BANK-MAYFAIR ~AUWATOSA "°'AU,.,ATOSA STlTE BANK WAUiUTOSA CENTRAL BA~K WEST ALLIS WEST All IS STATE BANK WEST ALLIS WEST BENO ~URINE BANK WEST BENO WESTBY COON VAllEY STATE BK hESTBV FARMERS ANO M[RCH.t.NTS BANK WEYAUWEGA HER IT AGE BK OF WHTF I SH BAY WHITEFISH BAY co:-.·-tERC I Al BANK WHITEWATER FIRST CITlZENS SlATE BANK WH11EWATER WINO POINT HEI\ITAGE BANK WISCONSIN DELLS BANK CF WISCONSIN DELLS CITIZENS STATE 8ANK WITTENBERG IIIOODRUFF LA'<ELAHD STATE BANK 243 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 164 79 ----------------------------------10560071 10'560125 105~0140 10560Z70 10"60440 105~0450 1056049,0 10560~50 10560510 OF 111 TDEP LOCATION WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI 3 6 121 Vl 1CSH 16112 33519 32640 24511 200'91 22193 21770 19023 27560 30635 72149 43791 2245'9 32622 37787 28800 111691 21313 85062 32623 22029 14886 99514 18122 23980 59279 28690 18202 37795 396 5'0 408 189 239 209 256 258 317 3'2 1302 581 515 590 487 288 1866 •62 836 338 211 192 1036 280 242 391 375 340 391 131 1911 AEQBAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1•1 NEW EPA 151 !4rW REQBl.l 0 0 61 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 6'1 3 0 0 0 0 202, 0 1358 31 0 0 1792 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1260 0 0 159 0 0 0 l•I l)lf 131-151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. • .• • . i . . HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ------------- FIRST 1,iiVO"t[NG BANK-CASPER CASPER FIRST \ii.YOKING BANK COOY CODY CCNVERSE COUNTY BAr~K DOUGLAS LANDER CENTRAL BANK t TRUST ROCK SPRINGS FIRST SECURJTY BANK NORTH SIDE STATE BANK ROCK SPRINGS f'ANK GF CCM'4ERCE SHERIDAN F 1qsr WY0'11NG DANK WHEATLANDWHEATLAND STOCK GROWERS STATE BANK WORLAND 9 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI 1/11179 WY WY WV WY WY WY WV WV WV --------38799 29067 416't6 21155 25073 31622 57284 17234 30611 --------------576 26• 319 25• 276 307 400 211 123 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,169 15 2,2 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 0 1016 0 196 0 0 0 ·o HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT DA REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAYE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .• .••• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NO'II NSUREO BANKS BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NAHE DSB LOCATION 10080297 ROCKY HT l'IDUSTRIAL BK CDLCRADO SPRINGS 1008101-2 GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES IND BK LAKEWOOD OF 2 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 0 1 co co 1/17/19 111 TDEP C2I VL TCSH 13277 58690 I 1 C31 1977 REQBAL 0 0 '" NEW EPA 87 1250 CSI NEW RE06AL 0 271 C61 Dlf 131-151 0 -271 • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARtlCIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED R~SERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE ------------6121240 PENSACOLA LOAN A~O SAVINGS &PENSACOLA OF 1 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 0 1 FL 18632 --------7171496 7171499 7171504 7171507 7171556 7171572 7171 H4 7171863 7171957 7172032 0 CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO 10 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL 1 7 18500 17696 497570 46782 30449 90542 14581 28328 2B1BB 26727 50 63 1 15 16 13 1 127 25 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • BANCO 01 ROHA BANCO DO BRASIL BANCA COMMERCIALE ITALIANA 8ANU DEL LAVORO BANCO DE LA NACION BANCO DI NAPOLI NEW YORK BANCO REAL 2364856 BANK FUR GEMEINW IRTSCHAFT 2364857 BANK HAPOALIN 8 N 167 0 1730 765 364 1265 13 126 297 324 0 0 16125 0 0 1190 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1612~ 0 0 -1190 0 0 0 0 • • • .•• •• HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE --------------------- ---------2364834 2364836 2364837 2364839 23648H 2364842 236055 155 -------------------------- BANCO 01 ROMA BANI( LEUMI LE-ISRAEL BANK FDR SVGS & ~DAN ASSOC BANQUE NATIO'IALE DE PARIS COMMERZBANK AKT CREDIT LYONNAIS LLOYDS BK· INTl LTD NATIOPIAL BK OF GREECE S A SANWA BANK SU'IITOMO BANK LIMITED OF 84 HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE I NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK CITY YORK NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY 44471 3 58345 238017 152347 1893292 95261 82294 67980 116300 83 272 15 65 19 13 119 3 181 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 a 0 1251 5203 4127 5255 5361 1732 3896 1265 ~920 0 19703 9819 2030 71204 0 0 512 263 0 -19703 -9819 -2030 -71204 0 0 -512 -263 • •• ~ i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NDNINSURED BANKS DS8 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY HOOIF IED H.R. 7 LOCATION NAHE 2364892 2364896 2364940 2364963 2365032 23650H 2365?48 2365049 2365058 23652H 2365243 2365255 2365258 23~5315 2365318 2365343 2365344 2365345 2365404 2365425 2365430 2365445 2365454 2365463 2365464 2365465 236546 7 2365470 2365471 "2365473 2365535 2365536 2365539 OF 8NQ FRAN DE COM EXTERIEUR NEW SA,CLAYS BANK INTL NEW 8RD~N BROS HARRIMAN & CD NEW CHARTERED BANK OF LONDON NEW COMMERZBANK AKT NEW CREDIT l~DUSTRIEL ET CDMHL NEW CREDIT LYC•INAIS NEW CR ED ITD I TALI AND NEW OR ESONER SANK NEW HONGKONG t SHANGHAI BANK NEW ISRAEL DISCOUNT BANK NEW LLOYDS BANK INTL LTD NEW LONG-TERM CREDlT 8K OF JAPANNEW MITSUBISHI BANK LTD NEW MITSUI BANK LTD NEW NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN NEW NATL WESTMINSTER BANK NEW ALGEMENE BANK NEDERLAND NEW PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK NEW SANNA BANK L TO NEW SAVINGS BANKS. TRUST COMPANY NEW STANDARD CHARTERED SANK LTD NEW STATe BANK OF INDIA NEW SUMITOHA BANK LTD NEW SUMI TOHO TRUST & 8KG CO LTD NEW SlllSS BANK CORPORATION NEW SWISS CREDIT BANK NEW TA IYO KOBE BANK LTD NEW TDKAI BANK LIMITED NEW TOYO TRUST t 8A,,KING CD LTD NEW U'UDN BANK OF BAVARIA. NEW UNION 8AIIK OF SWITZERLAND NEW WESTDEUTSCHE LANDESBANK NEW 42 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 5370400 CABARRUS BANK & TRUST CO OF YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY 111 TDEP 121 VLTCSH 62981 735438 345040 25325 653548 80558 765065 108291 260'164 204259 390497 330535 169158 147866 465447 71480 496510 666126 43735 177495 304963 183498 66218 295061 325512 1976419 234357 72710 211604 33590 193300 751900 588999 2 401 159 22 21 5 20 8 23 140 530 142 I 16 5 0 38 69 129 39 1 56 18 9 5 236 86 l 2 l 37 71 2 131 1977 REQ8Al 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 O· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REQBAL 1265 5537 5282 131 5539 1264 1741 1489 2350 4094 5058 5241 2548 2481 5289 1586 5289 1736 2529 3303 3991 1729 2900 1488 5288 1550 5270 759 3799 540 1488 1741 1741 390 46505 21628 0 28441 72 28468 1648 5093 2249 7856 8006 2716 0 25376 0 19075 22831 0 270 15480 0 0 3191 10363 61245 5173 0 2012 0 4941 30049 20842 0 11 HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RE SERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE 0 l HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT DR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE CONCORD 1 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 1/17/79 NC 67634 1633 0 556 0 161 DIF 131-151 -390 -46505 -21628 0 -28441 -72 -28468 -1648 -5093 -2249 -7856 -8006 -2716 0 -25376 0 -19075 -22831 0 -t'1o -15480 0 0 -3191 -10363 -61245 -5173 0 -2012 0 -4941 -30049 -20842 0 • • • • • • • • • I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NONI NSURED BANKS OSB BENEFIT TO 8-'"KS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 NAHE Ill TDEP LOCATION 1/17/79 121 VL TCSH 131 1971 REQBAL 9380090 BANK CF NORTH DAKOTA OF BISNARCK 1 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE ND 0 0 376057 589 0 141 NE~ EPA l 51 NEW REQBAL 5275 8516 (61 DI f 131-151 -8516 HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE Nll REQUREO RESERVE BALANCE ------------------------10401036 INVESTORS TRUST COMPANY OF DUNCAN I BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE OK 0 I 11652 0 58 0 0 • HAVE NO E4RNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE ND REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1Zltl0507 BANK CF TOKYO L TO PCRTLAND lZ4l0510 CANADIAN IHPRL BK OF COHHRCEPDRTLAND OF 2 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE DR OR 0 1 83724 67222 33 0 160 0 1263 1330 717 -717 0 0 HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATiON ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALA~CE HAVE ND REQURED ·RES~RVE .8ALANCE ·-----------------------------------H23825 BANK CF U'IIDISBURG 3427218 TOBIAS KNOBLAUCH OF UNDISBURG READING 2 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 2 0 PA PA 17822 11025 204 143 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • HAVE ND EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE ·No REQURED RESERVE BALANCE -------------------------------·---------------------------1440310 WASHINGTON TRUST CDHPANY OF WESTERLY I BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE RI 0 1 98809 1070 0 2058 HAVE ND EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE ·No REQURED RESERVE BALANCE --------------------------------------------------------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NONI NSURED BANKS DS8 NAME 2 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 111 TOEP LOCATION 12530819 BANK OF TOKYO LTD SEATTLE 12530820 CANADIAN IHPRL BK OF COHHRCESEATTLE OF 1/17/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 WA WA 0 0 106367 llt,509 121 VL TCSH 26 151 131 1917. REQBAL 0 0 141 NEW EPA 151 NEW REOBAL 1481 1835 1702 1567 HAVE ND EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE 161 DIF 131-151 -1702 -1567 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 'IUT,Jll SAVlll';S BA'<KS BENEFIT TO BUIKS COVERED BY NODIF IEO H.R. 1 111 Pt&IIE DSB LOCATION 20'>01 JO PEO•LU SAVIIIGS BUIK 10'>0640 SOC lfTY FO~ SAYINGS 1091060 CON~ECTICUT SAYINGS BANK OF BRIDGEPCRT HARTFORD NEIi HAVEN 3 BANKS AFFECTED Ill SUTE 3 0 3100400 WILMINGTON SVGS FUND OF l soc TDEP CT CT CT l 0 10386 2640 1192 Ill ... i~n Jl.(W' REQUL EPA 0 0 0 lel Bl MW Al,f'AL 0 0 0 0 i.JU 131-1 ~I .• 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 •• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATIO'I ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE WILMINGTON BANKS ~FF!CTEO IN STATE 1512241 1329MB 6J4065 Ill VL TCSH 1/11119 DE 644874 2114 0 0 HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE -----------------5240220 PROVIDENT SAVINGS BANK 5240260 SAVIIIGS BANK OF BALTIMORE OF 1250255 1250300 1250410 1250520 1250510 1250585 1252390 1252470 1252730 1253150 1253761 1253770 OF HD BALTIMORE BALTIMORE 2 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 2 0 MD 12 0 4519 2639 0 0 0 0 HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICJPAT ION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED. RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE BOSTON FIVE CENTS SVGS BK BOSTON CHARLESTCWN SAVINGS BANK BOSTON HOME SAVl!r.S BANK eosroN PROVIDENT INSTITUTN FOR SVGSBOSTON SUFFOLK FRANKll N SVCS BK BOSTON UHl:IN WARREN SAVINGS BANK BOSTON HEW BEDFORJ FIVE CNT SVG !K NEW BEDFORD HUTUAL BANK FOR SAVINGS NEWT~N CENTER BERKSHIRE COUNTY SAVINGS BK PITTSFIELD SPRINGFIELD INST FOR SVNGS SPR lliGFlELO WORCESTER PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK WORCESTER CTY INST FDR SVGS WORCESTER l2 8ANI\S AFFECTED IN STATE 522488 687954 MA HA MA MA HA HA MA HA MA MA HA MA 906389 733060 372009 957060 594447 403781 21093B 459152 140712 504602 314062 31JIB27 2788 1483 486 1649 1256 802 1297 1430 552 4508 1418 1256 0 0 o· Q 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• ••• • ••• •• • HAVE NO EARH INGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQIIRED RESERVE BALANCE ------------- ~ Co¢ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS 111 NAME DSB 2341550 2341570 23"2030 2342170 OF LOCATION HUDSON ClTY SAVINGS BANK PROVIDENT SAVINGS BANK MORRIS COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HOWARD SAVINGS BANK 1117/79 BENEFIT TO BANKS COVERED BY MODIFIED H.R. 7 JERSEY CITY JERSEY C ITV MORRISTOWN NEWARK 4 BANKS AFFECTED IN STATE 4 0 NJ NJ NJ NJ TDEP I 21 VL TCSH 810861 55.8485 557322 2028089 5233 3290 3154 8128 131 1977 REQBAL 0 0 0 0 OF DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK OF NY BROOKLY~ SAVINGS BANK DIME SAVINGS BK OF flEW YORK EAST NEW YORK SAVINGS UNK LINCOLN SAVl"IGS BANK METROPOLITAN SAVINGS BANK BUFFALO SAYINGS BANK ERIE SAVINGS BANK WESTERN NEW YORK SAVIN:1S BK LONG ISLAND SAVINGS BANK BOWERY SAVINGS BANK ORY DOCK SAVINGS BANK EHIG~ANT SAVINGS BANK FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK OF NY GREENWICH SAVINGS BANK MANHATTAN SAVINGS 8A>IK NE~ YURK BANK FOR SAVl~GS RIDGEWOOD SAVINGS BANK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 DIF 131-151 0 0 0 0 • • • --------------------- BRONX BROOKLYN BROCKLYN BROOKLYN, BROOKLYN BROOKLYN BUFFALO BUFFALO BUFFALO LONG I SL AND CITY NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK RIDGEWOOD 18 BANKS· AFFECTED IN STATE 151 NEW REQBAL HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RESERVE BALANCE ----------------2360870 236oqso 23610,0 2361030 2361150 2361172 2361260 2361270 2361330 23~4070 2364910 2365060 23650~0 2365161 2365190 2365280 2365350 2366560 141 NEW EPA 18 0 NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY 2401612 1302369 4065991 891760 1809529 1167089 1938340 1598606 738823 965216 4532585 2250525 2303071 144H78 2046128 1972182 3323104 880747 4402 3502 5517 2858 5908 3735 6173 3931 4262 3513 H49 5103 3848 4009 2799 3633 4190 3017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. • • • .••• .. • • • • • • • HAVE NO EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT OR REQUIRED RESERVE BALANCE HAVE NO REQURED RES EAVE BALANCE ---------------- l8 is. 295 Attactn.nt B ~• These amendments provide an exclusion from reserve requirements of up to $10 million for transaction deposits of depository institutions and an exclusion up to $10 million for time and savings deposits of banks. An institution's transaction deposits in excess of $10 million but not more than $50 million, and a bank's total time and savings deposits in excess of $10 million but not more than $50 million are exempted from reserve requirements. Reserve requirements will be imposed on a depository institution's transaction deposits that exceed $50 million and a conmercial bank's total time and savings deposits that exceed $50 million. A depository institution will maintain in an Earnings Participation Account at the Federal Reserve Bank (or passed through to the Federal Reserve by another institution) an amount resulting from first, multiplying the appropriate reserve ratios in effect for each deposit category by the level of the institution's exempted deposits for each deposit category and, second, deducting from this figure the amount by which the institution's vault cash exceeds its reserve requirements. The institution's Earnings Participation Account will earn interest at a rate equal to the average return earned on the Federal Reserve's securities portfolio. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 296 Section l(al is amended by striking subparagraph (Bl and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "(Bl A reference to net deposits of any given category in any given institution refers to the amount of reservable deposits of that category maintained by the institution.• Section 3 (al is further amended by adding after subparagraph (Ll on page 5 the following: "(Ml The term "Category A excluded deposits• means, with respect to any depository institution, the amount of its Category A deposits that does not exceed $10 million. "(Nl The terms "Category B, C and D excluded deposits• mean with respect to any bank, the amounts of its Category B, c, and D deposits that do not exceed $10 million, so long as the total of its Category B, c, and D deposits do not exceed $10 million. If the total Category B, c, and D deposits of the bank exceeds $10 million, the amount of its Category B, c, and D deposits that shall be excluded deposits shall be determined by multiplying $10 million by the proportion that the bank's deposits in the respective categories bear to the total of its deposits in the three categories. "(01 The term "Category A exempted deposits• means, with respect to any depository institution, the amount of its Category A deposits that are in excess of $10 million but not more than $50 million. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 297 "IP) The terllS •category B, c, and D exempted deposits• mean with respect to any bank, the amount of its Category B, c, and D deposits that are in excessof $10 million but not more than $50 million, so long as the total category B, C, and D deposits of the bank do not exceed $50 million. Category B, c, If the total ~nd D deposits of a bank exceeds $50 million, the amount of its category B, c, and D deposits that shall be exempted deposits shall be determined by multiplying $50 million by the frcportion that the bank's deposits in the respective categories bear to the total of its deposits in the three categories. "IQ) The term •reservable deposits• means the Category A, B, c, or D deposits of a depository institution that exceed its total excluded and exempted deposits for each deposit category.• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 298 Section 3(a) is amended by striking paragraphs (2), (3), and (4) on pages 5, 6, and 7 respectively and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "(2) EARNINGS PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT--A depository institution shall maintain in an Earnings Participation Account at the Federal Reserve Bank of which it is a member or at which it maintains an account a balance determined first, by multiplying the amount of its Category A, B, c, and D exempted deposits by the reserve ratios in effect for its Category A, B, c, and D deposits, respectively, and, second, by deducting therefrom any amount by which the depository institution's holdings of vault cash exceeds its reserve requirements on its reservable deposits. "(3) PASS THROUGH OF BALAIICES--A nonmember institution may maintain balances at a member or nonmember institution that maintains reserve balances at a Federal Reserve Bank or at a Federal Home Loan Bank, but only if such institution or Federal Home Loan Bank maintains such funds in the form of balances in a Federal Reserve Bank of which it is a member or at which it maintains an account. Such balances shall not be regarded as deposits of the intermediary institution for purposes of determining reserve requirements imposed by this Section and Federal deposit insurance assessment. "(4) EARNINGS PARTICIPATION RATE--The Earnings Participation Account of a depository institution shall earn interest at a rate equal to the average rate earned on the securities portfolio of the Federal Reserve System during the calendar quarter i1D111ediately preceding the .interest payment date. The Board is authorized to adopt rules and regulations relating to the issuance and administration of Earnings Participation Accounts.• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 299 Attachment C Section J(a) is further -nded by adding the following subparagraph at the end thereof: "(R) In the case of affiliated depository institutions the total excluded and exempted deposits shall not exceed in the aggregate for such affiliated groups the product resulting from multiplying the number of institutions in such affiliated group on August 1, 1978 by $10 million for each category of excluded deposits and by $40 million for each category of exempted deposits, provided that no more than $10 million shall be excluded deposits under each deposit category and no more than $40 million shall be exempted deposits under each deposit category at any individual depository institution.• ~• This -ndment limits the total amount of deposit exclusions and exemptions for affiliated institutions to the amount of the deposit exclusion and exemption times the number of affiliated institutions in existence on August 1, 1978. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 300 Attaclaent D Section 2, paragraph (2), subparagraph (A) is amended to read as follows: •(A) directly to the Board in the case of member banks and, for all deposit liabilities, in the case of other depository institutions maintaining deposits specified in sections 19(b) (1) (A) through 19(b)(l)(D) of this Act, and• ~• This amendment clarifies that depository institutions with transactions deposits will file reports on all deposit liabilities directly with the Board. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 301 Attachment B Section 3 is amended by adding at the end thereof the following subsections: "(cl The first paragraph of section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act (12 u.s.c. 342) is amended as follows: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (11 by inserting after the words "member banks" the words •or other depository institutions•. (2) by inserting after the words •payable upon presentation• the first and third times they appear, the words •or other items, including negotiable orders of withdrawal or share drafts•. (31 by inserting after the words •payable upon presentation within its district,• the words •or other items, including negotiable orders of withdrawal or share drafts•. (41 by inserting after the words "no..-mber bank or trust company,• wherever they appear the words •or other depository institution•. 302 (51 by inserting after the words •n~mber bank" after the second colon the words •or other depository institution•. (di The thirteenth paragraph of section 16 of the Federal u.s.c. Reserve Act (12 (11 360) is amended as follows: by striking out·the words "aember banks" wherever they appear and inserting in lieu thereof "depository institutions•. (21 by striking out the words "member bank" wherever they appear and inserting in lieu thereof "depository institution•. (31 by inserting after "checks" wherever it appears the words •and other items, including negotiable orders of withdrawal and share drafts•. (el The fourteenth paragraph of section 16 of the Federal Reserve Act (12 u.s.c. 248(0) is amended by striking out "its member banks" and inserting in lieu thereof "depository institutions•. Comment: In order to assure equal treatment for all depository instituions.• thes~ amendements conform various sections of the Federal Reserve Act relating to clearing facilities by eliminating the distinctions drawn by the Act between member and nonmember depository institutions. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 303 Chairman REuss. Thank you, Chairman Miller, for a very able and helpful statement. We will now examine under the 5-minute rule, and let me first call upon the ranking member, Mr. Stanton, for not only his 5 minutes of questioning but for 5 minutes for opening statement, plus any additional time he feels is necessary. Mr. STANTON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Miller, I wish to express my own personal thanks for your appearance here today. Mr. Chairman, I wish to express my appreciation for you in holding these early hearings and fulfilling your word of last fall that this would be the first item of business before our committee. During the last session I supported your approach, Mr. Chairman, to this legislation. It was not my own. As you well know, I felt, and still do, the answer to this problem lies along the line of paying of interest on reserves. We are still faced with the problem, and I am openminded on the subject here this afternoon, and will continue to be, because I am convinced it is a problem. We have only to look at the immediate past, at the banks that have left our System in 1978, to recognize this fact. However, in the interim of the recess, all of us had an opportunity to go home and rethink this issue and to look at what we expect to accomplish and how we are going about it. I think perhaps in the weeks ahead I will offer some alternative approaches to this subject matter if only for the purpose of maybe to show we need an additional approach than the mandatory approach which is in H.R. 7, or in the version that the Fed is giving us today, which has some advantages over H.R. 7. In doing this, I do not want to foreclose the fact that having said the problem is so immense eventually I would not support some system of mandatory controls, but I do it most reluctantly. At the moment, I would not do it for the simple reason we are coming to a conclusion perhaps there is a better way to solve this basic membership question than a mandatory solution. Chairman Miller, you have stated the issue so well that the cost, on page 6, the inequities of cost burdens borne by member banksand it is strictly that the current regulatory structure is arbitrary and unfair because it forces member banks to bear the full burden of reserve requirements. You go on to say something that I have often thought about, and you have researched, through your staff and your people, that "among major countries in the free world, only the United States has legislative inequities being imposed on the commercial banking system." You did a good job in going over the historical facts, and, if we could go back to 1913, I think we would look at this subject of mandatory reserve requirements and there might have been a simple solution in hindsight. However, in the realities of today in which we live, the inequities exist because of the reserve requirements that are required on members of the Federal Reserve System. There is an inequity. The solution, on the one hand, is mandatory controls. I do not like them for several different reasons. First, maybe it is the philosophical approach to the idea of mandatory that gets me. Second, if we have a problem on the Federal level with our membership in the Federal Reserve System, then we can make it competitive in other ways, and therefore I think if we want to solve Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 304 the problem-and we all do-of the loss of membership in the Federal Reserve System, then the easiest solution, which all the plans I have seen so far hit upon, is to reduce the existing level of the reserve requirements and establish reserve requirements for each depository institution that is fair across the board. I do not like the proposed system with an exemption period, whether $50, $40, or $10 million-your plan, to a degree-because it is building into the System inequities. It is pointing out a difference between bigness and smallness. It is stating to a degree the Federal Reserve Board primarily is going to be interested in the big banks of this country. I think that is wrong. I think it is wrong to treat big and small banks differently. I think we should look for a solution within the institutions that are now under Federal control rather than expand it to others. I go totally against the popular opinion of my own particular Stateand I am sure the American Bankers Association, because the chairman's bill is very good for the State of Ohio. I recognize the difference it will make in the State of Delaware and others, and once we get into battle with savings banks and other financial institutions, I think we have real problems. So, what I am saying, we probably will come up with a simple solution based upon the original premise of which the Federal Reserve came to this committee. We are here now because over a year ago it seemed to many wise people in this country the answer lay in payment of interest on reserves. The question came about, do they have the legislative authority to do it, or is there any other way to go about it? Mr. Chairman, I would hope we would keep an open mind on the subject only for the exploratory purposes of getting at this particular problem, of solving the loss of membership in the Federal Reserve System. I think if we can lower those reserves we can, No. 2, come up with a system of mandatory reporting requirements which we have now that recognize not only the loss of membership but loss of monetary control, which this Chairman of the Federal Reserve has pointed out is necessary in order to solve some of his immediate problems. I think, we could come up with a payment of interest on reserves down the road maybe 4 or 5 years, and only after all of your services have been put into operation, to see where we stand, but I think we need that authority to do it, to pay interest on reserves. I think we could couple that with a one house veto if we are not happy with it. Our staff has come up with legislation. I want to keep to a recommendation that would bring it in the ball park of what we are all looking for in your bill and the Fed's cost to the Treasury. Mine places it down the road, but we are going to work on that and we are going to price it. I just utilized this time and that of the committee, to point this out to everyone that we will offer an alternative solution based on something besides mandatory requirements. Maybe we ought to deal with it within the Fed membership, maybe we ought to reduce those reserve requirements, make the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 305 small ones pay no more than they are paying now, lower the reserve requirements for others and look at all possibilities. Mr. Chairman, I have just one question. You have shown a great desire to cooperate with this committee in finding a solution to this. You have directed your attentions and thoughts in interviews along with the desire to work within the framework of H.R. 7. I do not want to put you on the spot with this. You feel, I think, like I do, it is a political thing to do, expedient thing, to get some solution. That is what we want, some solution. But would you rule out of your thoughts something like I have been discussing of a similar approach if this method which we are discussing today does not work? Mr. MILLER. Mr. Stanton, I certainly would not rule out alternate approaches, of which there are a number. You recall that last summer the Federal Reserve proposal was, initially, on a different track. We were on the track of a program that would lower reserve requirements, coupled with payment of limited interest on reserves, and charging for services. This was a solution designed to reduce the burden of membership, and thus the attrition of membership, while preserving Treasury revenues. It was a solution that we had come to, at that time, as the practical step that could be taken. I would point out, though, that even we recognize that it was not, even within the constraints of the existing constituencies, a very permanent solution. There is just no doubt that other new forms of financial services are going to be growing rapidly at banks and thrift institutions and this will continue to provide a more competitive environment. The public and the Nation will benefit from the better financial system and the better payments system that results. But our solution last summer did not take account of the fact that, in due course, institutions which are seeking new asset powers-because they have found themselves vulnerable to the cycles of housing and interest rates-are going to be looking like banks in 10 years. If we do not prepare for that situation, we are going to be creating just another problem down the road. So, our solution was one we thought would hold the fort, but I would remind you that every commission appointed since 1933 on the issue of our financial structure has recommended universal reserves as an essential ingredient in establishing a modern national financial system compatible with the strength and vitality of this Nation. We do not have optional currency. Mandatory sounds like a bad word, but the Constitution gives the power to coin and regulate money to the Congress, and we cannot overlook the fact that if States had separate currencies we would be in disaster. So while we do not want to preempt the continuation of an arena with all kinds of depository institutions, it seems to me we should equalize the playing field to the extent we can. The problem with doing this by reducing Federal Reserve requirements or paying interest on member bank reserves to the degree necessary is neither intellectual or philosophical; it is a problem of money. It would cost the Treasury too much, and that is where we always find our constraints. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 306 Mr. STANTON. Would you say it costs too much and not knowing what the returns are going to be? Mr. MILLER. It appears-Mr. STANTON. We may not do it for 5 years? Mr. MILLER. It appears that if the price we put on Federal Reserve services becomes too dear, then we will not collect any offsetting revenue, because we will drive the business elsewhere. It appears that the $410 million, estimated in 1977 dollars, is about what the traffic will bear at the moment. We could be wrong by $50 million, but I do not think we can be wrong by $400 million. I do not think we could double those figures and maintain our service levels; we would dismantle Federal Reserve services. I want to be sure I am making myself clear. We do not want to close our minds to alternatives, and we have made our staff available to look at alternatives because we are so conscious of the need to have a sound solution, one which brings a sense of unity and purpose. We believe we ought to find a consensus that we can live with and strengthen. There is no contentiousness here, only the hope that the time has come to find a solution. Mr. STANTON. Mr. Chairman, I thoroughly appreciate the extra time. Chairman REUSS. Thank you, Mr. Stanton. Chairman Miller, suppose-and I sincerely hope this is not the case-Congress does nothing about the subject matter of the Federal Reserve. Would, in your judgment, such failure to act on the part of Congress render appreciably more difficult your job of controlling the Nation's money and fighting inflation? Mr. MILLER. Mr. Chairman, we believe that it would. We believe that the slack in the System now-because of the degree to which deposits are held outside the System-has made it increasingly difficult to link up our monetary action to its effect on the growth of the money aggregates. In this time of inflation, which is the primary threat to our country, this inability puts us at a great disadvantage. The fact that there is this degree of unpredictability and variability means that we might apply too much monetary restraint to the economy, miscalculating its result, and we might cause a crunch that we do not need. On the other hand, we might be deceived by that slack into believing that everything is in very good control; we might be too easy and find ourselves with another inflationary spiral on our hands. It is so critical that in this decade and the years ahead we wipe inflation out of the System once and for all, that we feel very strongly that we do need this legislation to help us. Chairman REUSS. You have indicated in your testimony here substantial agreement with H.R. 7, but you have one important addendum to it, namely, the use of your proposed earnings participation account so as to cover deposits between $10 million and $50 million. I would like now to direct a question at the importance of the additional controls of our money supply which your addendum would give. I think it may be helpful in this connection to refer to the very helpful chart I-the members may wish to do this-in your assembly which is part of your record here. As I view that chart, under H.R. 7 about 30 percent of total bank deposits would Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 307 remain outside the mandated reserve limits. According to chart I, this would mean an absolute range of variation of 7 percent on either side of a 2-month forecast, with a growth rate of monetary aggregates. In other words, you forecast a 6 percent growth rate. The range would be from 5.8 percent to 6.2 percent, which seems to me a reasonably high degree of monetary control. Under your proposal you would get only a slight further increase in variability to a range of about 5.9 percent to 6.1 percent. I mention this to ask you to confirm my reading of the chart, which I believe is right, and then if it is right, or subject to whatever correction you might want to make in my reading of it. Is not, then, the effect of the Federal Reserve earnings participation account proposal one to somewhat strengthen your monetary control but not as night and day? Mr. MILLER. Mr. Chairman, I am just verifying this with my staff here, and I want to give you an addendum to what you were saying, if I may. Chairman REUSS. Please. Mr. MILLER. The 7-percent variability you mention can be found on the chart, but it does not mean that if the goal for 2-month growth of M1 is 6 percent, you take 7 percent of 6 percent; it means you take 3½ percentage points on each side, for a range of 2½ percent to 9 ½ percent. We could fall within that range and still have been exerc;ising what we thought was proper policy toward a 6-percent goal. So that variability is very wide indeed. In other words, we are dealing with absolute numbers, not percents of percents. Chairman REUSS. Would you then give us the comparison which I was trying to do between H.R. 7, as it stands, and the Fed's earnings participation? Mr. MILLER. Begin at the bottom left on the chart and find the dash that represents 6 percent of deposits not subject to reserve requirements. You will then see that our proposal has a variability of about 2 percent, so if we were shooting for 6 percent we might come out between 5 and 7 percent. If we leave the System with 30 percent of deposits outside it, as you say, that gives a variability of about 7 percent, so if we were shooting for 6 percent the result could be somewhere between 2½ and 9½ percent. That is a 7-percent range, while under our proposal it would be a 2-percent range. Chairman REUSS. That is over a 2-month average? Mr. MILLER. Yes. We correct policy each month. If things went the wrong way, we would try to get them going back again. Chairman REUSS. What would it be like over a year? Mr. MILLER. If you are wrong every 2 months, even if you try to correct, you could be compounding your mistakes for a considerable degree of error. If you expect your errors to average out you might narrow the error, but there still would be a very substantial gap. Over 2- or 4-month periods, economic perceptions, investment decisions might begin to be taken that trim the economy, contrary to what the Federal Reserve might be trying to accomplish, just because it suddenly looked like money really tightened, and then interest rates would start shooting up and housing starts would begin to go down. Your equation would not stand static for you. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 308 I want to hasten to point out that the chart shows only the variability caused by shifts of deposits between members and nonmembers. When held by a member, deposits require reserves with the Federal Reserve. If that deposit-or reasons of payment or choice, or whatever-moves to a nonmember institution, suddenly we have the same amount of deposits, but the lower required reserves, which can cause some flux in the System. We have some variability, in addition, from deposits that move from checking accounts to savings accounts because these have different reserve requirements. Deposits also might move from a small bank, with a 7-percent reserve requirement, to a billiondollar bank, with a 16¼-percent reserve requirement. So there are many variabilities. You can see why we feel the need, particularly, to take this big factor of variability that comes from member/ nonmember reserve requirements and narrow it as much as we can. We can do that regardless of whether the institution holding reserves with us receives earnings on those reserves or does not; the essential thing is to have the reserve deposit for assuring the predictability of monetary policy lever. You then have a known fulcrum. If the fulcrum is not known, then when you put pressure on it you don't know whether you're moving a ton or a pound at the other end. That is the problem. ChairmQ.n REUSS. In either case, H.R. 7, as it stands, or your earnings participation accounts addendum, if the Federal Reserve in this day and age does have to do fine steering and fine tuning in · order to get as close as it can-Mr. MILLER. We have to move more rapidly than in the past in order to avoid overshoots. The degree to which the system is less predictable, the more difficult it is to avoid overshoots and to tune to affect the monetary aggregates. Chairman REUSS. If I am not mistaken, your previous work experience was the Navy or the Coast Guard? Mr. MILLER. Yes, the Coast Guard. Chairman REUSS. The analogy between what the quartermaster has to do steering a vessel, and monetary policy, is not wholly fanciful. Mr. MILLER. No it is not. You have a sloppy helm, sometimes, and then it takes a lot of movement before you get a bite on the rudder, as Mr. St Germain will tell you from his Rhode Island sailing experience. [Pursuant to a telephone conv~rsation with Chairman Miller the following letter with attached table was received for inclusion in the record:] Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 309 BOAR □ □ F GOVERNORS CFTHE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM WASHINGTON, 0. C. 20551 G. WILLIAM MILLEA CHAIRMAN March 16, 1979 The Honorable Henry s. Reuss Chairman Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs House of Representatives Washington, D.c. 20515 Dear Henry: In response to your request, I am enclosing a table showing the number of national banks that converted to State nonmember banks from 1950 through 1978 (left column of table). I have also included in the table the number of State nonmember banks that converted to national charters during these years. In the far right column, I have provided the net conversions for each year. The number of conversions from national to State nonmember banks has increased sharply in the past two years. The number for 1978 (62 conversions and 59 net conversions) is by far the largest during the 29-year period. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency asks each bank for the reasons for converting from a national to a State charter. Although banks are not required to respond, almost all of them indicate ~hat the reason is the burden of maintaining reserves at the Federal Reserve. The principal steps that a national bank nrust accomplish in order to convert to a State-chartered bank are the following: (1) unless waived by all the shareholders, the bank must publish at least once a week for four consecutive weeks--in a newspaper of general circulation in the place where the head office of the bank is located--a notice of the time, place and purpose of the shareholders' meeting to act upon the conversion plan; (2) at least two-thirds of the holders of each class of its capital stock nrust vote for the. conversion; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 310 (3) the plan of conversion must be approved by a majority of the bank's entire board of directors; and (4) the bank must provide evidence (in the form of certified copies) to the Comptroller of the Currency regarding the shareholder vote, the resolution of the board of directors, and the certificate of conversion issued by the State banking authority. The only reason for a delay in the conversion process would be the lack of prompt action by the State authorities who must approve the State charter. No waiting period is required by the Comptroller of the Currency. No notification to the Federal Reserve is required, though in most cases national banks inform their regional Federal Reserve Bank of their intent to withdraw from the System. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Sincerely, Enclosure Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 311 National Sanks Changes in Federal Reserve System Membership Status National to Non• Number of Banks Converting From Nat iona 1 to Non-member Status Nunbcr of Banks Converting From Non-mcmbcr to National Status 1950 member !net conversion} 0 1951 2 -1 0 6 8 -4 1952 6 1953 4 1954 4 1955 4 :956 3 6 1957 4 2 3 -1 4 1958 -3 -3 1959 1960 6 3 -4 1961 -2 1962 6 8 1963 13 18 -5 !964 5 19 -14 1965 12 -5 1966 10 -3 1967 -2 5 1968 12 6 6 1969 27 8 19 1970 39 5 34 1971 21 1972 22 12 10 1973 21 8 13 1974 20 8 12 1975 10 8 2 1976 23 8 15 '977 43 ',79 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 62 14 38 3 59 312 Chairman REUSS. Mr. Ashley. Mr. ASHLEY. You mentioned constituencies that you are increasingly involved with, Mr. Miller, and I am wondering as one-as all of us are interested in our constituencies and persuading them of our good intentions and good deeds-how do your constituents line up with respect to H.R. 7 plus your earnings participation account modification? Are they all squarely behind you? Mr. MILLER. Mr. Ashley, the answer to that is that the positions of those constituencies are evolving. Last summer when this came up, I would say. that all the thrift institutions were opposed to this legislation and an earlier version in its coverage of them. Of course the original effort left them out of reserve requirements, but they were opposed to it. I would say that a number of them have shifted to either a neutral position or to a reexamination. In our discussions with them I would say I am much encouraged by their beginning to recognize the stake they have in a sound monetary system; they recognize that a stable and known system may be more to their self-interest than a preferential position which cannot last. You cannot expect Congress to allow mutual savings· banks, or savings and loans to develop into full-line banks while commercial banks lose position, without there being some reaction. I think it would make more sense to sit down the rules and then let thrifts develop accordingly. - Organizations like the American Bankers Association, which in their discussions last year preferred lower reserves and a more universal system of reserves covering all kinds of deposits, are now going through a complete evaluation process. We are going to be meeting with them. I would say there they have a very positive attitude about evolving a position that recognizes, from an objective view, the good this legislation would do for the banking system. As far as I know, many of the independent bankers have favored this kind of legislation. Many of them, of course, have to examine this new idea of the earnings participation account to see if that would complicate their position of general support. I would say the atmosphere today is one of more education, more awareness, more appreciation, and more willingness to examine the proposal objectively. I am encouraged by it. Mr. AsHLEY. Mr. Stanton commented on the experience of other countries with respect to the approach taken as far as membership affiliation, the connection between the central bank and the banking systems of various countries. That seems to be one critical sentence quoted from page 7. The first sentence that has to be taken into account is your sentence that, "Members are at a competitive disadvantage relative to other depository institutions." Then you go on to say, "Among the major countries in the free world, only in the United States has this legislative inequality been imposed upon the commercial banking system." I think it is important to simply point that out for the record because what you are talking about is the lack of equity in the competitive marketplace that exists at the present time between thrifts and commercial banks. Is that.-0ot right? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 313 Mr. MILLER. That is correct, and between member banks and nonmember banks. Mr. ASHLEY. Yes. Among the major countries of the free world, how have they addressed this problem? I ask this because Mr. Stanton, understandably, is interested in an approach which, in some way, will sweeten the pot and thereby bring on, hopefully, a voluntary correction; and I am just wondering to what extent that is realistic. Is the experience of other countries constructive at all? Mr. MILLER. Yes, it is. I will ask my associates to assist me. I have a long schedule here showing the practices in other countries; I think you would probably want, just a summary. In general, major industrialized countries have recognized, first, that the financial system is a national issue whose importance to the Nation overrides local interests. And-as in this country-their systems of money and credit are of national concern. Central banks have, therefore, by the laws and under the regimes of those countries, been given cognizance over all banks and depository institutions. Second, these countries have, as a general rule, reserve requirements. There are cases of countries which operate monetary policy without reserve requirements, but in these cases the country has moved quickly to establish reserves as the technique to stabilize the growth of money and the availability of credit. So the experience, unless I am overlooking something, is, in general, that the central bank should have cognizance over all depository institutions, and that these institutions should maintain reserves. Now, reserves can be maintained in the form of interest-bearing assets, which avoids the burden of membership and addresses the equity issue to a degree. The trouble is if you just did that and nothing else, the decline in Treasury revenues would be very large. While that might have been satisfactory to do in 1913, at this stage in our fiscal situation I don't think we can make that kind of a change without tremendous impact. Last year, the Federal Reserve contributed $7 billion to the Treasury, and that is significant revenue. Chairman REUSS. Chairman Miller, you have just mentioned a study that your staff has done on reserve requirements the whole world over. Would that be helpful to the committee? Mr. MILLER. I think we should file it with you, Mr. Chairman. It shows: A universal reserve requirement in Canada, yes; France, yes; Japan, yes; Switzerland, yes. It also gives a little detail on how requirements are imposed. I think it would be very helpful to your staff. Chairman REuss. Without objection then, we will appreciate your filing it and it being part of the record. [Chairman Miller subsequently furnished the following table in response to Chairman Reuss' request:] Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ch■clr.••1 (l) .. Maftd ■ tOl'J''l'le•r•hltf UnlY■ nal ■ rc-rcl.tla11ka Malld■ tory ■CCOUllt C■t111d■ for CMrt■ red lank ■ for6Sper cent Qf ■ndQu■bee (whlc d■po.tu), S.•lna; ■ a.nlr. ■( ■ c-.- Ual bank). 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Vlnd<# be■t1.11& as ■■ u. tl011■ ('' ...■ r 1'11Hd to bal,I ■- p1:opo'IUO. of llq11ld (l11t■ H ■ t- .. •·vr•na1rk,•· ,,pcr•:lo,,a la-Jur ln1t,._nt. --•·••r•I •""•lun" haa l•ra• rrh; -•ducnunt • I -.av u,.e.; •• • 111ul to _,kirt :, •·,'rt-.-y naair- f"•'lulr-nta . ., ■ ot ba w ■ rlfod; -·dlract controh oat c11ch■ rteredb.onh ■ ndQuebec by lntHHt• d1podt•1ccepU11111n.11uc .. - Allllankaco■troll•db7 ,., lnur■■ t•le■ rl,.. oth■ r b■ ■"), , ..... .., 1979 ='"'"-'___________ --· , - u and Puct!1:.!!,_0_!,__Fordp ':-..!IS°'"-"''-. . ••P. bank■'" r ■• L":~1.:,·1~:.111 tha a.nk of r.-anca. l.aHrve "'l"lr-■ ta unUoN f01" all baa.kl; appl7 dltfana. All ruair-a held la aan•l■tat·a ■ t ••Uo ■ far ra1ldant1 and ■on•ra,1.. baarlna flat leqlltr-•t ■ dlffar accor,11111 ta t711& af ••pOUt. Aho, on llllak aaaau dlffu •-U.-1 "-u. .. 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Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis llc-rctelll■ nba•Jactto -tnlN•• coatrol. There ■r• hl1har HHrH raquln· .ant ■ for lar1• etc, baab; 1-r, fora-llarNnb.■ pr■ cUca •• nl■ tloaaht• e■ t■ u. 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AU c - n l a l Ila.aka have accna to i:terlll-tl- ltoada, 11 tlla •Jar 1-■ r..-at; ••it.redtt c•troh, avch ea aea•tln tatera ■ t rate, o-i foraqa dapoalta • • !tau f••l1• purcha ■ a ■ o~ Ma ■ aacurttlH, are l•a ■ fr■ 1•at11 ••N; ••cha111•• 111 dhe-H rat- ■ aad na ■ r.o """lra• N:a.t ■ of .J.aor l~rta-•. dl ■couat --Ope■ -■rkat ope;rat10111. ria tra.dl■a of ltoada :na■utJ' 111111, ta -■Jar lanr-at; -•warleU- l■ t:11■ Nl■I- landlq: &ate at llfltch tll• lanlr. of len.d to DUc-t 11-■-1 fu~otly ualll; ••r&Hirv. ta.11lr-•U affactH .., •pectal depollu ond auppl-nter, apaclal depo1lt1 (•t11a C:ot ■al'") ,ff la■kl .... ..:oa11 to dbc-t •h•d- throu1II tba Dlac_t._.••· E... l•·• occall ■-IIJ u■-•; 1 •·"-■ ral 111 ■■ lc ■" •he baa a nh. 315 Mr. STANTON. Just one quick followup to your question and Mr. Ashley's: You spoke about how much the banks paid to the Treasury last year. Could you get some figures for the committee of, say, over the last 5 years, of how much revenue has been lost to the U.S. Treasury due to the attrition in the Federal Reserve membership? Mr. MILLER. Yes, we can give you that. [Chairman Miller subsequently furnished the following two tables in response to Congressman Stanton's request:] 40-9l5 0 - 79 - 2l Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Estimated Loss in Trcac;urv Revenues From Attrition in Federal Reserve Membership After June 1972 (l) (2) Fiscal!/ Year (4) Member Bank Deposits if June 1972 Commercial Bank Total (3) Deposits 2/ Member Bank Deposits 2/ Proportion Maintained ($ billion) (5) Amount by Which Fed (6) (7) Amount by Which Treasury arc Lower - Amount by Which Fed Earnings 41 are lower- ($ billion) ($ billion) ($ billion) ($ billion) 2.8 112 6.6 4 Security Difference (3) - (2) Holdings 31 Revenues are Lower ($ billion) ($ billion) June 1972 553, l 434,0 434,0 1973 599.8 467,8 470,6 1974 673.8 520,2 528,7 8.5 333 22.9 15 1975 737.5 565,3 578,7 13.4 481 34.1 20 1976 776.4 583,5 609,2 25,7 853 57.8 34 1977 857.0 629,3 672,5 4~.2 1,378 91.• 0 54 !/ Fiscal years 1973 through 1976 arc June to June; Fiscal year 1977 is October to October, V For Fiscal years 1973 through 1976, average of June, December and June Call report figures for gross deposits, For 1977, average of June and December of 1976 and June and December of 1977. Column (4) times average reserve requirement against all deposits for member banks with deposits less than $100 million in each fiscal year less average nonmember bank holdings of vault cash. Latter amount is subtracted from average reserve requirements because even if a member bank were to withdraw from the sYstem, it would have to maintain vault cash equal to that of an average nonmember. Since the Fed holds sccur~ties against Federal Reserve notes, System earnings would only be reduced by the amount of reserve ha.lances withdrawn plus excess cash held by members over and above that of nonmembers. Column (5) times the average rate of return on System portfolio in each fiscal year, (2/23/79) .... ~ 0) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (2/23/79) SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE Estimated. Average Required Reserve Ratio Estimated Estimated Ratio of Nonmember Average Rate of Return on Fiscal Year of Member Banks with Total Deposits of Less Than ~100 million Bank Vault Cash Holdings to Total 1973 .OSSO • 0150 .0588 1974 · .0540 .0148 .0687 Deeosits of Nonmember Banks System Portfolio .... ~ 1975 .0507 .0148 .0709 1976 .0478 ,0146 .0678 1977 .0462 .0143 ,0660 Fiscal years 1973 through 1976 are June to June; Fiscal year 1977 is October to October. ...::i 318 Mr. MILLER. Let me just mention a couple of figures that would be interesting to you and that I think are pertinent. Yes, we have been losing hundreds of millions of dollars from attrition, no question. If we don't solve this problem, we can predict that attrition will continue, and I will give you my personal view: If we don't have some solution to the problem this year, many, many banks are just waiting to leave, and there would be a large initial exodus and perhaps continuing attrition. We have calculated the cost to the Treasury, considering tax revenues and other issues and the Treasury agrees with this-of doing nothing. Assuming that the attrition rate would be halfway between the rate in New England with NOW accounts and the national rate-this assumption is based on the fact that new automatic transfer accounts and other developments are beginning to accelerate the problem in other parts of the country-then in fiscal year 1980 the Treasury would lose about $30 million; but, by 1982, the annual loss would be $313 million. So, $313 million is the figure we are looking at 4, 5 years down the road. That is why I am saying that some cost now is worth it. Mr. STANTON. One last thing, Mr. Chairman, just for the record: The Fed has now furnished me with the cost, since I spoke earlier in my opening remarks, about a uniform reserve requirement structure, and the lower reserve requirements, instead of 7 to 16 percent, to a 6 to 8 percent for demand deposits, item No. 103, the cost of these figures-I want for the record-is $270 million, in comparison to H.R. 7, which is $230 million. So we are in the ball park when it comes to a comparison figure. Chairman REUSS. Mr. Wylie? Mr. WYLIE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Miller, on Monday Mr. Carswell was before this committee and he said, I think it is fair to say, that the primary purpose of Fed membership is to get a handle on monetary policy. Would you agree with that? Mr. MILLER. Yes. There are some other reasons, but that certainly is the primary reason. Mr. WYLIE. Has the President helped you solve your problem with his new proposed fiscal policy? Mr. MILLER. When I came to Washington last year about this time, when I took office in March, the fiscal plan for fiscal year 1979 contemplated a $60.5-billion deficit. I must commend the Congress and the administration for recognizing the dangers of inflation and reducing that fiscal stimulus by $22 billion and coming up with a fiscal year 1979 proposed deficit of $38 billion. The trend the President has now followed-further reduction to $29 billion for fiscal year 1980-is encouraging and in the right direction. As I have said before, if we can continue to reduce the Federal deficit, on a progressive basis so that we don't shock the economy and send ourselves into a recession, and if we can reduce Federal expenditures as a percentage of GNP, we will contribute greatly to solving our problems and to a shift in the mix of policy for more austerity on the fiscal side and more flexibility on the monetary side. This, I think, would contribute to a healthier economy in the future. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 319 Mr. WYLIE. I agree with you. I say that because I believe that most of your problems have been exacerbated by an irresponsible fiscal policy over the last few years. You don't need to comment on that. Mr. MILLER. Since 1971, this Nation has added as much debt to its books as it added in the first 200 years of its history. One would not have to be very much grounded in economics to recognize that causes a problem. Mr. WYLIE. I will receive that caveat. Mr. Stanton and Mr. Ashley both made much of the fact that you first made a comparison with other countries and then attempted to expand on that. Is it really fair to compare, or can we compare our problem as far as our Federal Reserve System is concerned, and membership, in view of the fact that we are the only country in the world with a dual banking system? Mr. MILLER. The issues of money and credit and of-States' rights and Federal rights are old ones in this Nation. The whole issue of banking has been a .volatile and a very controversial one from the beginning of the Republic. The resolution to find a compromise and to move to a stronger national system that led to the Federal Reserve System was both timely and critical. I don't think we would have brought our economy to where we have today without it. The improvements made in the thirties to further strengthen the independence of the Federal Reserve System and to maintain a strong supervision and environment for development of depository institutions have been critical. The dual banking system has allowed, I think, an alternative that has probably contributed to sound development of these policies. I would like to see the dual banking system, that is unique to America, maintained. What is proposed in H.R. 7-anything we are proposing-is in the context that we intend, plan, and expect, that the dual banking system will continue strong. Membership would not be made mandatory, only that participation in the central bank, which is necessary for the strength of the whole financial system, would be required. In that sense, banks would still have the opportunity to elect State charters and State supervision as they do now. I mentioned before that we have 1,100 State-chartered members of the Federal Reserve, and that indicates that there are quite a number of banks which are willing to be part of the central bank but still maintain State charters; I think that will continue. Mr. WYLIE. In the memorandum cover letter from Governor Coldwell, which accompanied your statement, on page 2 he says: "Monetary policy presently emphasizes the interest rate on Federal funds as its day-to-day operating guide, rather than reserves." He might have added-"Rather than monetary aggregates." Given the fact that the Fed has been criticized by Mr. George Meany for attempting to control the money supply by increasing the interest rates, and by others for not controlling the money supply directly, would not a change in your longstanding practices improve the Fed's control over the money supply, might it improve the Fed's performance, or what do you make of Mr. Meany's appraisal? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 320 Mr. MILLER. Mr. Wylie, I believe we must be willing to reexamine our techniques constantly, to look for the best way to accomplish our objectives. By now this committee probably has a good view of my own philosophy about these things. I am not doctrinaire. I think we ought to be willing to examine on the merits any -system that would give us better control. It may be that we should reexamine, as the Fed has from time to time, whether we should put more emphasis on the method of controlling reserves as a way of dealing with the monetary aggregates, rather than the relation that aggregates have to the level of interest rates. The Board has been discussing this; we will continue to do so, and I think we are perfectly prepared to consider this on the merits. I am not yet convinced that on net there is any great advantage of one system over the other. But there may be, and it may be that the time will come when we will find, because of other changes, that this would be a desirable way to go. Mr. WYLIE. I think that is an excellent answer. I have been given a note that my time has expired. Chairman REUSS. Mr. St Germain? Mr. ST GERMAIN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Miller, we are talking about constituencies and, of course, as Bill Stanton stated earlier, we have all been home for a period of time since we last spoke-which I believe was in October-on this issue, and as a result our constituencies have had an opportunity to expound their views; and I think, as a practical matter, we must realize that many of the members are probably going to have a very difficult time with this. On the one hand, it will be the responsibility of ourselves as far as our economy is concerned; but, on the other hand, there have been some strong arguments made at home; and I think you will recall when you were still in the great State of Rhode Island, I believe, that your office probably overlooked that gold dome which is the dome over the Old Stone Bank, one of the oldest financial institutions in the country. Old Stone is unique, just as, unfortunately, Rhode Island's banking system is unique, because when they converted from a mutual to a commercial they ended up providing stock to 52,000 Rhode Islanders, 52,000 people in Rhode Island, announced stockbrokers in that particular bank, and more than 85 percent of their assets are in consumer savings and time deposits. The bulk of these are small accounts and, as you probably know, as a result of their historical emphasis on the mutual end of the institution, rather than commercial, because it had been both for many years, before the conversion, they are probably one of the State's largest mortgage lenders. Now the legislation we have before us would have a severe impact on Old Stone. It will require them to come up with close to $30 million in reserves. Now I am sure you realize that I have had conversations with you and I appreciate the Federal Reserve's problems. By the same token, I cannot help but be concerned about anything that would have the effect of freezing $30 million of lendable funds, most of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 321 which would have to be withdrawn from the mortgage market in that tiny State of Rhode Island. As I stated, and as I am sure you know, the structure of Old Stone is unique because of this dual system where institutions of Rhode Island can be both commercial and .a thrift. Is there any way in which we can recognize the contribution that this institution makes to the State of Rhode Island as far as mortgage lending is concerned, the fact that its ownership is not in wealthy people but rather lies with working people who have had these small accounts over the years? Mr. MILLER. Mr. St Germain, I am aware of the Old Stone problem. I not only looked over its dome from my former office, but when I first moved to Providence I actually had an office almost next door, at 50 South Main Street, a building itself built in 1790. These are rather old problems; they go back a long time. Old Stone converted to a commercial charter and, of course, it is the second largest bank in the State. One can well appreciate its unique situation in that it converted from a mutual savings bank to a commercial bank. On the other hand, one can look at its surrounding competitors and ask the question: Is there any equity in not having this particular second largest bank pay taxes toward maintaining our monetary system, while other banks do? So we have to look at the equity of the situation. I dQn't know if there is some way in which the deposits that existed at the time the bank converted are unique or could be adjusted. But I would like to talk to Ted Barnes and persuade him that the Old Stone Bank is going to do better by operating within the Federal Reserve family and will meet its obligation and potential better than by not becoming part of the System. I will be happy to talk with him to persuade him that there are some other factors that he ought to consider. , Mr. ST GERMAIN. That answers ml question, Mr. Miller. Mr. MILLER. Bill Heisler wouldn t have a problem. I notice he would have zero reserve requirements under H.R. 7. Mr. ST GERMAIN. Bill is doing very well; so is Jack Starke. Mr. MILLER. Absolutely, yes. Mr. ST GERMAIN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman REUSS. Thank you. Mr. Gonzalez? Mr. GONZALEZ. Thank you, Mr. Miller, for being with us. Interest rates are sky high. I think, histor.ically, in the whole country, as well as the foreign markets, one can note several things: First, how is the Fed policy affecting interest rates? And, second, what are your longrun interest rate objectives? And since you are presenting a proposal today to bring many more depository institutions under your control, can you tell us how you would better be able to bring down interest rates under this proposal? Mr. MILLER. Interest rates, Mr. Gonzalez, as I think you are aware, are influenced greatly by the rate of inflation. Interest rates are made up of two components: One is an inflation component, which maintains the purchasing power of the loaned capital; the difference between that inflation component and the nominal interest rate represents the only real return on loaned money. In a Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 322 period of high interest rates-whether in the United States, in England, in Brazil, in Italy, or anywhere-those who hold capital always insist that they get back their purchasing power plus some real return. Looked upon in that way, we have tried to moderate the rate of rise in interest rates to avoid dislocations in our economy. The real rate of interest today on home mortgages is probably less than it was 5 years ago. That is one of the reasons why Americans have increasingly rushed to buy homes. They perceive that, particularly in relation to their outlook for future income, that is a very reasonable proposition. The Federal Reserve, in its efforts to restrain the growth of the monetary aggregates and to contain the disease of inflation, undoubtedly contributes to the rise of short-term interest rates, money market interest rates. But it would appear that that very action to restrain the growth of the monetary aggregates and to avoid excessive inflation has also resulted in long-term rates that are probably lower than they would otherwise have been. So there is an inverse yield curve that has developed in the past year: The necessary monetary restraint has tightened up the short-term market rates, but has left considerably more latitude in longer term rates; longer term capital has not risen in cost to the same degree as short-term capital. That is a vote of confidence from the market, which says, "We believe your policy will work and that the inflation component in long-term capital will come down; and therefore we don't have to increase as much the charge for long-term capital." Today, long-term Government bonds have a lower interest rate than 30-day bills, which is a result of this new impression people have of what is in prospect from monetary policy, coupled with fiscal policy, coupled with actions to reduce the regulatory burden, raise productivity, improve our international accounts, and promote exports. All of these go hand in glove with the effort to bring down the rate of inflation and thereby bring down the rate of interest. To the degree that we can improve the tools for controlling the supply of money and credit-so that we have a sure mechanism for exercising that control with caution so as to avoid dislocations, disruptions, and despair within the economy, but nonetheless so as to bring the economy down to a rate of growth that will allow us to work off inflation-the greater the precision with which we can do that, the greater the probability of success and the less the risk that we will inadvertently trigger a recession or an economic downturn that would cause suffering for individual Americans. Mr. GONZALEZ. You don't think the present policies will bring that about? Mr. MILLER. Yes, over time, we will achieve our goals. But we are exercising our policies with unsharp tools; we are more clumsy than we would be if we had a more precise instrument. If we can get a more precise instrument, we can bring precision to our actions and, as I say, avoid the possibility of being wrong. If we have a great deal of slack in the system and, in an effort to restrain money and credit, we go too far, unwittingly, then we can trigger a recession. As you know, my view is that a serious reces Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 323 sion does not contribute to solving our inflation problem because it brings about massive unemployment and a higher Federal deficit, and it starts us off on another cycle of reflation, with high borrowing by the public sector, and a shortage of resources for the private sector to develop as it must in terms of productivity and capacity to work on the supply side and the efficiency side of the economy. Mr. GONZALEZ. You don't see that possibility happening in the near future, with practically-as I understand the figures for the last quarter or half quarter-no money growth and these terribly high interest rates? Mr. MILLER. As you know, I have had to keep up my courage during this year in which many of you were concerned about the rapid growth of the money aggregates. I pointed out that the restraining influence of the Federal Reserve would take effect with a lag. It has. We have shown lower growth rates for some time and getting out some of the growth that was higher than we wanted. We are getting back within the target ranges that we sought. Now I think if we had better precision in monetary policy, we could make sure that we don't have the money supply grow too slowly and we could get it growing at the rate we want. But that is very hard to do when your actions have as much swing as now can take place-as demonstrated in chart I-because of the fact that deposits and preferences for money run around among institutions and among classes of deposits. We have a hard time getting a handle on that. But I might point out, Mr. Gonzalez, that along with the effects we are looking for from Mod 7-we must urge you to look at Mod 7-we are also planning to do a complete study and analysis of the definition of the various monetary aggregates. The Federal Reserve staff will be publishing a paper this month that offers some alternatives. It is our hope that this committee, members of your staff, members of the financial and academic communities, and business economists will help us, and that during the year, as a parallel to Mod 7, we will also redefine the various money supplies so as to sharpen our understanding of the characteristics of money as a medium of exchange and how that works into the economy. So we are looking at a monetary improvement program not only in terms of reserves and membership, but also in terms of efficiencies, pricing for services, and payment alternatives, and at the same time, we are reexamining the definition of money so that we know what it is we want to control. Mr. GONZALEZ. Thank you very much. My time has expired. Chairman REuss. Mr. Leach. Mr. LEACH. Mr. Miller, on page 12 of your statement you indicate that the Board's proposal would place about 94 percent of all bank deposits under the Fed. Is it not correct that the highest percentage realized since 1913 is about 86 percent, and if that is the case, how do you respond to the argument that what the Fed is proposing is not a minor change but a somewhat greedy change? Mr. MILLER. It is not intended to be greedy; it is proposed because there is no earnings penalty on banks. With the earnings participation account, while the deposits would be with the Federal Reserve, the portfolio rate of return on the Fed's portfolio would be Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 324 paid; there would be no earnings penalty to the banks making those deposits. If we were looking for 94 percent coverage with sterile reserves, then I think we would be overreaching. But these aren't sterile reserves; these are earning assets. Now, of course, you and I know that the rate of return on the portfolio of the Fed will change from time to time. Some years, the rate of return is higher than banks can receive by investing their liquid assets; some years it is slightly lower. Over the years, it would average out, so it won't cost banks anything. It is for that reason that we feel comfortable that we are not imposing a burden. I might point out, quite apart from the monetary control aspect that I have mentioned, a practical reason why I think that having 55 percent of commercial banks operating within the Federal Reserve System is desirable: It is desirable because otherwise we would have very few banks, less than 1,000, putting up all the reserves and carrying all of the burden of the relationship with the central bank. In a nation with 14,000 banks, 5,000 savings and loans, 500 mutual banks, and 22,000 credit unions, to have less than 1,000 financial institutions carrying the burden with the central bank creates a division. It creates two classes of institutions, and I think that is dangerous. We should have a larger number of financial institutions dealing with the central bank, so that there is a common interest in a sound system, not outs and ins. I don't think that is important. Mr. LEACH. Let me pursue the assumption that to have more banks covered will, on the one hand, increase the monetary aggregates which the Fed controls, and, on the other hand, would be anti-inflationary. The first part of the assumption seems correct, but is the second? For example, if you look at the history of the Fed, there are many who argue that increased control has been for the wrong purpose at the wrong time. Increased control is not necessarily anti-inflationary; it could be the opposite. It might be that under your leadership we could see increased control leading in an anti-inflation direction; but under someone else's leadership it might not. Is there a serious argument that increased control may not be in the country's interest? Mr. MILLER. I think not. Less control with bad policies doubles your error factor and makes it worse. Better control, even with bad policy, allows you to see effects quicker and make corrections quicker. It also allows this committee, in its oversight function, to be far more likely to have a correct view of the effects of wrong policies. You would see them more quickly and react more quickly. In recent years, a great many new mechanisms have been put in place to strengthen congressional oversight of the monetary system. The monetary hearings that we have been having have greatly increased the knowledge, awareness, and involvement of this committee as representatives of Congress in the process and, I think, have held the Federal Reserve accountable to high standards of performance. With the new requirement under Humphrey-Hawkins, we are even going further. We will be showing you our outlook for monetary policy for the whole year, and, we will be relating it to the economic objectives of the Nation. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 325 We will be appearing here again on February 21 to start that process, and through these very strengthened processes I think you will be much closer to what we are doing and why we are doing it. If we make a mistake, the knowledge of it will be shared, although if we do make a mistake I am sure I will be at fault. Mr. LEACH. But on the Fed membership issue, we share very poignantly in the decisionmaking process. I have one final question. Have you made any study of regional imbalances that might occur? My State of Iowa has a very large number of quite small banks. Very few belong to the Fed. Should an increasing number of these banks come under the Fed, might it be argued that the cost of business would go up disproportionately in Iowa causing a correspondingly disproportionate rise in the interest rates charged to Iowa consumers? Mr. MILLER. There is quite a bit of regional variance in our country, and that makes it difficult to implement a perfect monetary system. We have had in recent years-this is different from prior years-more sluggishness in the northeast for reasons of maturation that would be typical of any society, and we have had greater economic growth in the newer areas and in those with energy resources. Therefore, the demand for money and credit has shifted around, and this has created problems for us. I think we have to try to level those. We have to study our regional economies, as we are doing, in more depth, and try to make sure that we recognize their problems and deal with them. But one of the geniuses of H.R. 7 is that it certainly endeavors to recognize the problems of small institutions which, if they are part of it, are particularly heavily burdened by the present Federal Reserve System. As chart III will show you-the bottom part which shows the burden as a percent of earnings, they carry a larger percent of the burden in being part of the Federal Reserve than do larger institutions. One, I think, of the innovative parts of H.R. 7, introduced by Chairman Reuss, is the exemption; we might argue the level, but this feature would really reduce the burden upon smaller institutions. My staff has advised me that our computer run shows that no bank in Iowa would have any increase in nonearning reserves as a result of this legislation. Mr. LEACH. Thank you. Chairman REUSS. Mr. AuCoin? Mr. AuCoIN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Miller, how often has the Fed used changes in reserve ratios among member institutions as a monetary control tool? Mr. MILLER. The Federal Reserve has rarely, in recent years, used a change in reserve ratios for monetary control. We did recently, on November 1, in connection with certain large certificates of deposit, but such change has been rare. It is too bad, because we really should be able to use the reserve ratio technique more flexibly. We have been inhibited-I say "we" although I have only been in the Federal Reserve for 10 months-historically, the Federal Reserve has been inhibited from using reserve ratio changes as a technique because the Fed has been in the position of trying to avoid any such actions that would further burden members. Quite often, the use of reserve ratio changes is to impose Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 326 larger reserves on a certain type of deposit in order to gain some monetary control over the growth of that deposit category. Mr. AuCoIN. On the other hand, Mr. Miller-Mr. MILLER. On the other hand, we could have lowered ratios and made membership more attractive. However, we cannot lower them in some deposit categories because of statutory limits. Mr. AuCoIN. So the tool you have been using then in conducting monetary policy principally has been your open market operations? Mr. MILLER. That is correct. Mr. AuCoIN. What inherently is missing in that last tool, the tool you have been using in conducting effective monetary policy for this country? Mr. MILLER. What has been missing? Mr. AuCoIN. Yes. Mr. MILLER. There are reasons why reserve changes may be more desirable in a number of cases. Because these tend to impact specific classes of deposits, there are cases where the difference in requirement-between domestic and international deposits, for example-may be used to influence specific flows of funds. But whether we operate through the use of reserve requirements that Congressman Wylie was speaking of, or whether we operate using the techniques of the open market, it is still true that open market operations would be more effective if we had more certainty in the fulcrum on our lever. That is what chart I is about; if we get more certainty, then what we do in the open market becomes more effective. That is one of the reasons, of course, we are seeking this universality of reserves. If we go beyond that-Mr. AuCoIN. Excuse me. Go ahead; finish your statement. Mr. MILLER. No; I think the point was made. Mr. AuCoIN. When you say certainty, are you talking about predictability, certainty in predicting money movements? Mr. MILLER. Yes. As you know, whether we are adding to the money supply or withdrawing from it, how open market operations actually work out depends upon how our action works through deposits from institution to institution. Mr. AUCOIN. Why wouldn't Mr. Stanton's suggestion for improved information gathering not solve the problem of certainty in predictability in money movements? Mr. MILLER. Information would help us, but it won't tell us until after the fact whether deposits flowed from banks subject to reserves or banks not subject to reserves. You can't tell that when you take an action at the desk. The report is about the past; it is not about the future. What we are trying to do when we are taking action through the open market is to affect the level of reserves and the level of credit availability over the next week; reports only tell what happened the past week. Mr. AuCoIN. Of course, any action you take, you have to then assess what actually occurred; and then, based on whether you miscalculated or not, you take subsequent action. Mr. MILLER. But if every institution and every kind of deposit is subject to the exact same kind of reserve, this becomes a mathematical computation. We would know that no matter which insti Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 327 tution ended up with a deposit, the consequence would be the same in terms of aggregates; so I think there is a lot that we would gain no matter which tool we use. Mr. AuCoIN. You say that even though among member institutions you have not used the tool that you request now? Mr. MILLER. There are two tools. Mr. AuCoIN. If it is such an effective tool, why is it you have-Mr. MILLER. Perhaps I should back off and clarify what we are talking about. In the first place, given the present situation, we cannot predict with certainty the effect of an increase or decrease in reserve requirements because we still have the problem of deposits flowing between members and nonmembers. What we are talking about in H.R. 7 is a universal requirement for all institutions above a certain size on deposits of the same category; all would be required to maintain reserves. So what is introduced in the way of certainty, using either tool, is that the fulcrum becomes much more certain. Now this bill, as you know, has very reasonable reserve requirement levels. It also has bands of flexibility much narrower than those under the present law. So if there were any change in reserve ratios once H.R. 7 is enacted into law, the percentage change would likely be smaller, but, since alt institutions are covered in the same way, and reserves are not graduated, the dollar change is required. Reserves could be quite large-billions of dollars. So I think we benefit in two ways. We get the possibility of more certainty because all deposits-no matter whether the deposit is in a member or nonmember-are subject to the same reserve requirement. Still, if we want to exercise restraint or ease by changing reserve ratios, we have the ability to do so. So we would have a more universal system, and we would have retained the ability to move the level of reserves up and down and to control them. We not only would have more precision but also the ability to use alternate tools. These are the two different aspects. Mr. AuCOIN. Mr. Chairman, my time has expired. Chairman REUSS. Mr. D' Amours. Mr. D'AMOURS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you, Chairman Miller, for your testimony. I have a small problem with your testimony. On page 7 you say we are the only major country in the free world that legislates some inequity upon our commercial banking system, but you apparently do not intend to go the route of requiring reserves to be held against nontransaction accounts being held in thrifts at this time. Am I to understand that you think that it would be desirable to go in that direction in the future? Mr. MILLER. If we were designing a perfect system, I would think that universal reserves on all depository institutions for the same classes of deposits would be ideal. I don't think it is politically practical to do this. Thrift institutions have been created outside of the central banking system and chartered, both State and nationally, for certain purposes. Mr. D'AMOURS. I understand that. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 328 Mr. MILLER. Then I would go beyond that and say that since I don't believe it is practical to achieve that ideal, I also don't think it is practical to use the qualification, at this time. If we are going to set down a system and expect people to accept it as a fair new set of ground rules, we have to give them some assurance that we are not just going to get our nose under the tent and then change the rules again. I really think we should stabilize the system and expect the rules to stay the same. I don't think we should try to mislead anybodysell them a bill of goods, and then stick them with some other burden later. I think, after we have all discussed this, we are going to leave the savings deposits of thrift institutions outside of the system. I just think that is the practical world. . Mr. D'AMOURS. All right. Mr. MILLER. I don't think it is ideal; I think it is practical. Mr. D'AMOURS. We apparently have this bank in Rhode Island, with which you are very intimately familiar, called the Old Stone Bank, I believe it was? Mr. MILLER. It is a great name, isn't it? Mr. D'AMOURS. It is difficult to not be very sympathetic toward a financial institution with that kind of a name. Mr. MILLER. The third largest bank in Rhode Island is the Hospital Trust, if that will make you feel better. Mr. D'AMOURS. I don't think that that Old Stone Bank is quite as unique as you and Mr. St Germain have been assuming it is. We have at least one in New Hampshire that is almost identically constituted, historically, and all, which is also being adversely affected by this legislation and which is a State-chartered bank at this time. Now, if we shouldn't be changing the ground rules for thrifts, should we then look for some kind of an amendment to this bill that would take into consideration the Old Stone banks in this country that are State-chartered at. this time and that are, in fact, competing with thrifts in the locality that do maintain a considerable portion of their assets in home mortages? Should it be that we should be looking then for some kind of a provision to especially care for these institutions? Mr. MILLER. I think we should examine that; I don't know how we could distinguish these cases, and I think we have to be objective and fair to everyone. As I said, I think I will talk to the president of the Old Stone Bank and persuade him that, all things considered, there are many factors that favor this revised and better system. But let me remind you that one other way to go would be not to impose any reserve requirements at all on true savings deposits. Mr. D' AMOURS. That is fine. I am delighted to hear you say that. Mr. MILLER. To my mind, that is a very viable alternative. The trouble is, it costs money, and it relates to the question of how much we can take out of the Treasury. There are two ways to solve the problem. Mr. D'AMOURS. Exactly. Mr. MILLER. You can add a burden to somebody else or you can take it off the one who is burdened. I don't object to taking it off Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 329 the one who is burdened, if we can afford it. I have always said that I am not dealing with ideals, but with restraints. If we could just level the field by saying that everybody with transactions accounts gets treated the same way, and nobody with true savings deposits has a reserve requirement, that would be fine. It just doesn't price out too well. Mr. D'AMOURS. Would you be willing to come to talk to the president of the bank I have in mind also? Mr. MILLER. Surely. Mr. D'AMOURS. That would be of great assistance to me. Mr. MILLER. I see in New Hampshire you have three nonmember institutions and there would-Mr. D' AMOURS. It didn't take you a long time to find them. Mr. MILLER. I have the name already; I have it figured out. I will be glad to talk to him. Mr. D' AMOURS. I haven't succeeded in persuading this person it would be beneficial for this person to come; so if you can, I would be appreciative. Thank you for your testimony. Chairman REUSS. The Chair notes the presence of a distinguished alumnus of this committee, and we miss him, but we got a lot of fine liberals to replace him. Mr. Evans. Mr. EVANS. Mr. Chairman, thank you very much. I apologize for the laryngitis that I have, and I appreciate being moved up here to the stratosphere on the front row, skipping altogether the second row. Mr. Miller, it is a pleasure to have you here. It is always a pleasure to listen to your able approach to some of the problems that we are facing. I certainly support the concept of strengthening the Federal Reserve System, of maintaining its stability, its viability; and I share your concern about the declining membership in the Fed because I do believe that impedes your ability to accomplish some noble objectives. And let me at this point congratulate you for the courage that you have exercised in the monetary restraint area. It does take some courage and I hope you will continue. But there are two sides to every coin, as my friend from Ohio, Mary Rose Oakar, is aware of. When someone benefits, generally speaking, someone pays for that benefit; and I was interested in your remarks about cost-benefit analysis and relationships. In Delaware, Mr. Miller, as you are probably aware, we do have a branch banking system. We don't have bank holding companies and we are rather severely impacted by this bill, or any variation of it, as long as the mandatory reserve requirements are part of it. I would hope that we could approach the problem on an incentive principle basis. I share the concern that you have about inflation and about cost. I recognize that there are costs, but I would hope that your staff could focus some attention on projecting the impact on States like Delaware and various areas like Iowa, where we have small- to medium-sized banks. In Delaware we have four major banks and four major banks have assets that range from about $200 million to Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 330 about $900 million. It would impact rather severely in Delaware and in the area, I believe, of about $100 million. Now that also affects inflation because it affects ultimately jobs and revenue; and I would just hope, Mr. Miller, that Delaware won't be the duck at the duck dinner in this instance. Rather than going on further and using up the full 5 minutes, I would certainly appreciate the opportunity to discuss this with you at length sometime, because certainly we are prepared to bear our share of the burden, a proportionate share of the responsibility; but I don't believe that Delaware or anyone else should be asked to bear an inordinate share of the burden. Mr. MILLER. Mr. Evans, I have been listening to you and trying to flip the pages to get Delaware before me here. I would be delighted to examine that issue with you about Delaware. Mr. EvANS. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, very much. Chairman REUSS. Thank you. Ms. Oakar? Ms. OAKAR. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am very happy to see you staying so long, Mr. Miller. I appreciate it very much. In Cleveland, Ohio, my city, wedged in among the banks in downtown Cleveland is a church called the Old Stone Church. Somehow it hasn't helped our situation, but maybe we can get the bankers to go there more often or something. Mr. Miller, I have a question about the reserve requirements for demand deposits and the increase in that requirement in terms of this bill, and also considering the need for more investment in terms of producing housing and creating jobs. And I am wondering if this increase in the rate for these demand deposits would take away from the availability of funding for mortgage and other investment sources needed to produce housing and, therefore, jobs? Mr. MILLER. Yes. Congresswoman Oakar, I am just turning my pages quickly to Ohio. My view is that this bill will not really affect the availability of credit and money for housing. As you know, housing has been unduly burdened in past economic cycles, when the necessity to take a tighter stance in monetary policy has often resulted in a disintermediation of funds available for housing. We have tried to respond to that, as a part of our monetary actions last year, by working with other regulatory agencies to establish new money market certificates which allowed the housing industry to compete for funds. That action was successful. As a result, housing starts stayed at a 2-million level and the dismantling and unemployment that has happened before-when housing took it in the neck-has been avoided. One of the things about Mod 7 is that while there will be some reserve requirements on nonmember banks, there will be no reserves imposed upon savings accounts at thrift institutions. Therefore, I would see no impact on the principal depository source of funds for housing, which is the thrifts. Now as to banks, as Steve Axilrod reminds me, the overall effect of this bill on the banking system would be to lower reserve requirements on savings funds as compared to the present system. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 331 That is correct, on the average. So I would think the available resources for housing would be improved and not impaired. Ms. 0AKAR. Mr. Miller, the bill-much to its credit-does lower the savings deposit rate between 1 to 3 percent. I believe before it was 6 to 8 percent. Mr. MILLER. It is 6 to 8 percent under the one last year. The present rate is actually 3 percent. Ms. 0AKAR. Which, I think, is a real improvement. What I would like to ask, in that respect, is: What effect would there be on your ability to control monetary policy if we just eliminated the requirement? Mr. MILLER. If we had zero reserve requirements on true savings deposits, I don't think it would affect our monetary policy; but I am distinguishing true savings from those kinds of savings that now are tied to transactions which we under this bill would have in the category with demand deposits and transaction accounts. I think the problem with having zero reserve requirements on savings is a question of cost. We can do it if we either accepted more loss to the Treasury or if we accepted a higher reserve requirement on transaction balances. It is a tradeoff. Ms. OAKAR. It would be an incentive for some thought? Mr. MILLER. Yes. I think the Chairman, with all due respect, and the staff, have done an outstanding job in trying to balance these issues. They have made some changes since last year; they did increase the reserve requirement for demand deposits and equivalents, and they did lower the requirement on other savings deposits from the bill that was considered last year-just because they recognized, I think, some of the problems you are talking about. I am sure they have done some good trading in trying to find the optimum. We could all look at this and study it more, and we might come to slightly different conclusions, but those tradeoffs are still there to be made. Ms. 0AKAR. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman REUSS. Mr. Barnard. Mr. BARNARD. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Miller, in developing Mod 7, as you call it, did the Federal Reserve do some really far-out thinking as to maybe changing the whole system in some way, other than just modifying the system that we presently have? Mr. MILLER. Yes. We have looked at a large number of alternatives, Mr. Barnard. As I say, many of them were more ideal than Mod 7; many of them are attractive. Perhaps the ideal system would be to have truly universal reserves, without any exemptions, and, therefore, much lower reserves, and also to have either the same reserve requirements on all savings deposits-regardless of type of institution-or, as we were just discussing, to have zero requirement in that category. That would be ideal, in the sense that there would be a closed circuit: every deposit, wherever it went, would be accounted for; a shift from funds that are spendable to investment form would be accounted for. Coupled with charging for services, in order to improve the payments mechanism, that would be a very, very efficient system. 40-915 0 • 79 - 22 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 332' But I believe-looking at the constraints we have-that H.R. 7 designs an excellent financial system. I would think that your committee ought to bear in mind that this is a very fine piece of work. You should be commended for developing it to this stage. We are going to look at alternatives. We don't want to close our minds, because there are systems that have some merit and solve constituency problems to different degrees. But in seeking excellence and seeking the best, this is a good proposal to start with. Mr. BARNARD. It has been said-and you indicated your thoughts on this also-that the taxing of financial institutions ought to be equalized-Mr. MILLER. That is correct. Mr. BARNARD [continuing]. That some should not be eliminated from the obligation of doing business as a bank. It occurs to me-and I was interested in knowing whether the Fed had studied a method whereby possibly we could have-as you have just indicated-lower reserves, say 1 percent, but on all the deposits regardless of where they were, if that wouldn't really be a more equitable approach, and certainly if we would be getting what Mr. Stanton was alluding to, why couldn't there be a simple solution to this problem? Of course, I realize there is no simple solution to the problems we have today, but it looks like, to me, that I would like to see the benefit of your studies on something of this kind. And let me approach it a little bit differently. There are other facilities the Fed has for controlling money supply. There is an argument as to whether or not reserves is as important in those facilities as some of the other, the open market, the activities in the open market, the control of credits from the standpoint of downpayments, and other things. It is important to know whether reserves really fit into these other activities that the Fed has to control money supply. And if those reserves and if the reserve mechanism is not as important as some of those others or it can be minimized, then I would think in order that every bank and financial institution would pay its dues, maybe in order to offset the revenue that the Government would not be getting, if there was one-half of I-percent tax on all deposits, that would somehow get this to the reserve, but it would compensate the financial loss we would be having today. I was just interested if you have explored those avenues. Mr. MILLER. I think there are those who would argue that a good monetary system can exist without reserve requirements at all. You can go another route, as you suggest, through a tax. If you decide you want to tax companies, you do it through the income tax and base it on the flow of benefits and the sharing of revenues with the central government. The trouble that I have with eliminating reserves completely is that I still am convinced this is an important monetary tool. Whether we have been able to use changes in reserve ratios as a tool in the past, whether it would make our work in the open market easier, can be set aside; I think reserves are something we cannot afford to forgo. I am reminded that every time a nation that does not have reserve requirements gets into financial problems, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 333 the first thing it does is to put in reserve requirements, which proves the point that it is theoretically possible not to have them, but it is sure great to have them when you have a problem. I look at a very practical consideration: I do not believe it is possible to eliminate reserve requirements without having an impact upon the Treasury that would be so great that we could not absorb it at this point. I do not believe we could lower reserves enough, and spread them over every one so as to make the burden smaller on smaller institutions, to make the system work or make it salable without a tremendous loss of revenue. So I come back to saying that there are many constraints, and one of the constraints we have felt is that just so much loss of revenue should be taken at this particular, critical time. It turns out that after 4 or 5 years the loss of revenue from this particular bill will be about the same as the loss of revenue from not doing anything, so it is a kind of "free" modernization of the system in that sense. I guess I come out believing that this is a livable, workable way to go, rather than trying to seek the ideal and ending up by doing nothing and thus losing monetary control, membership, and revenue. Mr. BARNARD. My time has expired but I would hope the Fed could address as to how they would go about regulating Mod 7, how much reporting would have to be done by the banks. Would it mean there would be further examinations of nonmember banks? How often would this reporting have to be done? If there is some way I can get some indication from you, because if there is one thing the banking industry does not need today, that is more regulation. Mr. STANTON. Would the gentleman yield? Mr. BARNARD. Yes. Mr. STANTON. May I ask unanimous consent for all members who desire to submit questions in writing to have an opportunity to do so, with the hope that Chairman Miller could get the answers back to all of us within a few weeks so we would have a complete transcript of not only this hearing but of all questions put forth. Chairman REuss. I think that is a reasonable request. Would the close of business on Friday be acceptable? Mr. STANTON. Yes. Chairman REUSS. Is there objection? Hearing none, it is so ordered. Chairman REUSS. Mr. Green. Mr. GREEN. Mr. Miller, I would like to get back to the discussion that you had earlier concerning the advantages of having reserve requirements in obtaining monetary statistics as compared with an improved reporting system. Could you, assuming that you had an accurate reporting system which really gave you weekly information from nonmember depository institutions with the same cutoff as being contemplated here for the near universal reserve requirement, get sufficiently accurate data? If there is an advantage to the reserve requirement approach, can you quantify it? Is it possible, if you can quantify it, in essence to eliminate the advantage for the near universal reserve requirement by having a lower threshold for weekly reporting than these bills would have for the near universal reserve requirement? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 334 Mr. MILLER. Let me make a general comment that perhaps we should supplement with a written reply. In general, one of the problems that we have in monetary policy with data is that since we are working on less than a complete universe of data we have to estimate many of the aggregate numbers based on samplings and based on trends. But institutions do change, and there is a vitality in our economy that causes unpredictable shifts. So we find, when we finally get the survey data months later for these benchmark corrections-I think we will soon have it for last June-that the money supply did not behave as we thought in the last quarter; it grew more, or less. This is a terrible way to run a monetary system in a modern world. We do have some predictability, but we also have the kind of unpredictability I was pointing out not only in terms of deposits moving among different sizes of institutions and different requirements as to category, but we also have some measurement problems. There is an interaction of problems. Mr. GREEN. I guess what I am asking is, which of those would you eliminate by reason of having almost every depository institution in a system where they had to put up reserves that you could not eliminate simply by weekly reporting? Mr. MILLER. I would like the staff to give a written reply to that. [Chairman Miller subsequently submitted the following information in response to Congressman Green's question:] RESPONSE FROM CHAIRMAN MILLER It is very difficult to construct estimates of changes in the ranges of error that might result from the availability of complete information on deposits at all depository institutions. The ranges of error presented in my testimony were based on estimates of essentially random flows of deposits between member and nonmember banks. The larger the relative share of deposits at nonmember banks, the larger would be random errors in the reserve-deposit relationship, given that nonmembers are not subject to Federal reserve requirements. Complete data on nonmembers would enable us to make a more accurate estimate of the size of the random error than we can at present in the absence of such data. The revised estimate would probably be different from the present estimate based on indirect information, but there is no a priori reason to believe that the revised estimate would necessarily be smaller, or necessarily larger for that matter. On the other hand, a continuous flow of nonmember bank data would facilitate offsetting adjustments in open market operations to shifts in the reserve-money relationship. This information would mainly help in adjusting to cyclical, structural, or other relatively long-lasting changes in relationship, to the degree that those changes could be detected earlier and with more certainty. However, even with more complete information on deposit flows in the past, the future relationship between reserves and money would still be subject to large disturbances arising from unpredictable shifts in deposits between member and nonmembers. While there would be a gain in monetary control from better data availability, it is not possible to provide a quantitative estimate since the improvement would depend basically on operating decisions made in the face of the new, more complete data. It is our judgment, however, that this gain in control, desirable as it is, cannot be considered as a substitute for the universal reserve requirements proposed in H.R. 7, and more comprehensively in modified H.R. 7. Universal reserves are needed to eliminate the sizable slippage in the reserve-deposit relationship that would in any event be caused by continuing membership attrition and by large-scale, unpredictable shifts in deposits between member and nonmember banks. Mr. GREEN. I have a more specific question. A couple weeks ago you obviously ran into some trouble in estimating the money supply when you had to make a significant restatement as to the previous week's figures. Have you determined what caused that? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 335 Mr. MILLER. Yes. That was very easy to determine; a bank made a mistake. That happens three or four times a year; somebody filing those weekly numbers makes a mistake. They are audited and the figure gets corrected, but, unfortunately, that is another kind of problem; that is, the error of human beings. That is not correctable by a system, but by education. There are, however, such problems as snowstorms: Chicago has been having a terrible time getting data because people cannot get in to work, and so forth. It was a Chicago bank that made the mistake, by the way, although it probably was not related to the snowstorm; it was just a mistake. Chairman REuss. Mr. Paul. Mr. PAUL. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Miller, on the top of page 10 I have a question. I will quote your sentence. The Federal Reserve System could then act as a lender of last resort to a broader class of depository institutions and thereby enhance overall safety and soundness of the depository system. What prompts this? Is there anything in your mind to suggest the possibility there will be a need to help these banks out? Is there any sign that ·some of the banks that are not under the Federal Reserve System are weak and that they will need some help from the Fed as a lender oflast resort? Along this line, is there any vehicle by which a nonmember bank could also borrow money from the Federal Reserve right now? Mr. MILLER. Mr. Paul, that statement is directed, of course, toward the purpose of a central bank as the source of liquidity for the financial system. Problems may come about not because of the unsoundness of institutions or because of their weakness, but because of outside events that have affected their liquidity. It could well be that a sudden or a progressive shift of monetary policy toward tautness has cut into available liquid resources and that the bank may need time to shift its portfolio. By being able to borrow from the central bank against certain of their assets, banks are able to make these adjustments, liquidate securities, and so on. There are also times when banks get into more permanent imbalances in liquidity and need time to work out difficulties. While an institution may not be unsound-it may be overloaned or perhaps one of its customers or a class of customers may have money flow problems and payments are not coming through-it may need this protection. There is nothing that should be read into my statement as suggesting that we have a weak financial structure. One of the purposes of all central banks is to cover those times. There are times when the Federal Reserve may be applying monetary restraint and the availability of the window allows banks to adjust to that restraint smoothly and avoid disruption; adjustments may take place over 3 or 4 weeks. We also have seasonal factors-in resort areas of the country, for example. There are certain times of the year when more funds are needed in these areas. A bank cannot usually maintain the capital as excess for parts of the year, so it lends part of them; we may give some seasonal help in this case. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 336 Yes, nonmembers can, under certain conditions, borrow. It is clumsy and difficult. This legislation responds by treating all banks like members for this purpose and gets around the clumsiness. The liquidity is also important to clearing banks. If a clearing bank not now a member of the Federal Reserve should have a liquidity problem, it may not be able to pass funds to its correspondents in clearing payments, and there could be a ripple effect with other institutions suddenly without funds. If that bank has access to the window, the situation can be cleared up, and I am sure other institutions would not be affected while that particular problem was being addressed. It is for those kinds of reasons that access to the window is very important. Mr. PAUL. Do you see any conditions before us where the inflation rate might get so high you would consider the recommendation of wage and price controls, mandatory type, or credit controls? Mr. MILLER. No, I do not see conditions that would make me favor mandatory wage and price controls. Experience shows that, except in wartime or the equivalent, when the whole Nation mobilizes and is willing to forgo its normal course of business, controls are inequitable; they do not work; they cannot control large sectors of the economy. There was no effort in 1971-73 to control agricultural products, and look at the oil bill that we cannot control. So to try to impose controls on parts of our economy does not work. I do not see conditions where we would want credit controls. The better system, we are learning, is to put some macro-controls on our economy-restrain the availability of credit and money-and then let the economy itself sort out the highest and best uses for resources. We get a better result that way. I do not say, however, that we should forgo credit controls or mandatory wage and price controls in times of war or national emergency. I do not see any such conditions in the foreseeable future. I do believe the inflation rate will begin to attenuate as we see the impact of the policies we have put in place, and that we will see-over 6 or 7 years-the economy adjust itself to a more normal operation. Chairman REUSS. Mr. Campbell. Mr. CAMPBELL. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Miller, I have been following the statements that have been made and understood the Fed needs to maintain control of 68 percent of the currency in order to control the monetary policies with some degree of effectiveness, and you now have about 72 percent and you would be going up to about 94 percent under your Mod 7. Is that a correct assumption at this point? Mr. MILLER. My view is that at 68 percent of deposits you have a very slack and a very loose tiller-using the comparison that the chairman used-in that it makes it very difficult to exercise monetary policy with the degree of precision that is desirable in these times of high inflation. So I would be very nervous as a central banker-other people have different views-but I would be feeling quite tense if we had only 68 percent of deposits, because I would have so much slack I would not be able to be sure my policy was going to get the result we needed. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 337 Mr. CAMPBELL. The reason I stated that, I am a little bit concerned. I can see that most of your proposal for Mod 7, as you call it, is predicated upon the accuracy or the assumption that your chart, which is listed as chart I, is going to be somewhat accurate. I see that in your statement on page 2. I would like to ask about the staff study which was underlying chart land ask if the model was tested against actual experience in predicting monetary aggregate, as the membership has declined over the last 10 years. And, if it was not, should not such a test be applied? And if it was, could we be supplied the data they drew from? Mr. MILLER. Mr. Campbell, why don't we supply to you background for the basis for this chart. I do not have with me the technical data behind it. Let me add that I hope we do not focus so much on chart I that we miss some of the other reasons for this legislation. Monetary control is part of the issue; equity and fairness in competition are part; efficiency of the System is part. Even in looking at the coverage of institutions' deposits, in my mind, there is a consideration other than just the greater precision introduced. I do not think it is in our national interest to have the central bank related only to 1,500 banks when we have 14,000 banks in this country, because I think what you get then is that political pressure will build to make those 1,500 the whipping boys. I do not think that is healthy. I think we should get everybody into a confluence of interest. So I say that a supplemental consideration, without· penalizing earnings, is to strengthen the relationship between these institutions and the central bank in a way that will make them appreciate the importance of a sound financial system to their own health. Mr. CAMPBELL. Let me say the reason I am asking for this is I have three banks in my State which will be adversely affected by Mod 7 from their standpoint. We have a number of alternatives that have been suggested, H.R. 7, the chairman's bill, Mr. Stanton's alternatives, and in an effort to make the best decision and in sympathy with your position, I think this information would be very helpful as to which road we follow. Mr. MiLLER. Absolutely. I certainly want you to have the technical backup for your decision, and we will submit this data when we submit answers to the other questions. [Chairman Miller subsequently furnished the following information in response to the request from Congressman Campbell:] Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 338 INFORMATION FURNISHED BY CHAIRMAN MILLER, AT THE RE(.llJEST OF CON'.3RESS~fAN CAMPBELL Chart I shows the absolute range within which the percentage predictio'n errors in the two-month growth rate of the monetary aggregates will fall 95 per cent of the time. The analysis underlying the chart was prepared by three Board staff members in a memorandum to Mr. Axilrod, Staff Director for Monetary and Financial Policy, and is attached. Briefly, the analysis is based on the conventional reserves-to-deposit multiplier model of the banking system. This model provides a theoretical analysis of the way in which shifts of deposits between member and nonmember banks are a source of error for monetary control purposes. Accurate direct information on the magnitude of such interbank deposit flows is not presently available due to a lack of complete data on nonmember banks. An estimate of the most likely distribution of random flows of deposits between members and nonmeml>ers has been obtained from an analysis, based on probability theory, of the public's check-writing and check-depositing behavior in the presence of a dual banking system. Given the estimated distribution of random interbank deposit flows, the reserves-to-deposit multiplier model then determines the range of present-day deviations in growth of the money stock from its intended path. The most likely range of random interbank deposit flows--and hence the range of unpredictability in monetary growth--depends on the ratio of deposits at member banks to total deposits. the Federal Reserve System. This ratio declines as member banks leave Hence, the analysis can be used to estimate the extent to which unexpected variation in money growth would be affected by the continuing attrition of member banks from the System. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 339 Office Correspondence To From Dnte. N,1vymbc·1· 7_, 1c,77 Subject· The t;Hect of Interbank Ueposil M.-. Axi 1 rod K. Kopecky, D. Parke, R. Porter Flows on Monetary Control* This memo discusses the probable effects of (unexpected) deposit flows between member and nonmember banks on the Federal Reserve I s ability to control the narrow money stock. 'fhe o1nalysis is based on the deposit-multiplier model of the banking system and assumes that the Federal Reserve has a total reserves operating target. This model, which ls the typical analytical structure used ln studying the dual banking system, provides a theoretical analysis of the way in which nonmember banks are a source of error for mone- tary control purposes. With respect to the es tlmated size of the nonmember-monetary control effect, accurate direct information on th~ magnitude of interbank deposit flows ls not presently available. A general impression of the most likely size of such interbank flows can, however, be obtained from an analysis, based on probabi li Ly theory, of the public's check-writing and check-depositing behavior in the presence of a, dual banking system. Given a 'best guess' for the size of the interbank deposit flow, the deposit-multiplier model then determines the implied present-day deviation ln the money stock from its targeted path, The analysis can also be used to predict the extent to which money stock misses would be affected by the attrition of member banks from the Federal Reserve System. Both the deposit-multiplier's solution for the money stock and the most likel)• i:;ize of the ~•~ \4e wi!'llh L,1 thank Daniel Laufenberg, David Lindsey. mtd D.:ivid Pierce for their comments, rmd Fri.u fot hc-r ;.1Ssi'sl.;11u·,~ in prrparing nonmember bank reserve data. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 340 int~cbank dcp,•sit flow depend on Lhc rntlo of deposits banks to total deposlts, iJt member This ratio declines as member banks leave the Federal Rc~crvc System .. llcncc, the tm:Jlyst s indic.otcs how continuing member hank attrition c'an ba predicted to influence the Federal Reserve's ability to control the money !Hock. It should be noted that Lite analysls is not directed towards problems associated with the measurement of nonmember deposits. Such problems arise in connection with the determination of what tbe money stock actually!!, Rather, this memo deals with problems relating to the predictlon of the money stock for a given level of the total reserves operating target, Even if the nonmember measurement problem were satisfactorily resolved, the money stock prediction problem arising from the dual_ banking system would remain. NoMtember· Banks and Monetary Control The nonmember bank source of monetnry control error arises because of the exlstence of signiflcant dlfferenccs in the reserve requirements of member and nonmember banks. These differences in reserve requirements are due not so much to different required reserve !.!!!.2! but rather to the types ~f reserve .:assets which nonmember bank::i can use to satisfy their rcRervc obli&iltions :u; compared to member banks. 11u! principal nonmember reserve !!!.!.!:.! are correspondent balances held at member banks and interest~bearlng government securities. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A model of the money supply process which 341 incorporates the salient. features of member and nonmember hanks and provides analytical solutions for the n.arrow money stock (M 1 ) is presented in Appendix I. Before showing precisely how the structure of nonmember reserve assets leads to pronounced di f ferenti a 1 reserve requirements, a bri_ef example is necessary to illustrate the role played by reserve requirements in the presence of (unexpected) interbank deposit flows. Consider ti.Jo member banks with hypothetical required reserve ratios against demand deposits of . l and . 2. If the public unexpectedly transfers $1 of deposits from the high reserve ratio bank to the low reserve ·ratio bank, the first bank loses $1 of reserves and experiences 80e! of reserve pressure, while the second bank gains $1 of reserves and has 90l of excess reserves. Thus, for the banking system as n whole. 10,! of excess reserves arc created. If both banks exhibit similar portfolio behavior and if the money ~tock had been following its targeted path, the lOt! of excess reserves will lead to an (unexpected) increase in the money stock above its targeted path as the banking system creates additional loans 0 and deposits on the basis of positive excess reserves. Obviously, the closer are the interbank reserve requirement ratios, the smaller is the imluccd increase in the money stock ;uising .Crom the unexpected interbank deposit flow. In the event that the two reserve ratios are identical, one bank I s reserve pressure (and induced deposit contraction) matches the second bank's excess reserves (and ind 11 ced Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 342 dc.-poslt C'<p,-,nsfc,n) .c:,, th,11 n11 net thl~ 11mnc-y slnrl< n'm.:1f11s 1111 Its targcLed path. Thus, identical reserve requirement ratios (theo- retically) afford c('lmplc-tc prntecti<,n .1g.1inst unrxpC'cted interbank deposit flows. As a result, the Federal Reserve experiences no impairment whatsoever in its ability to control Lhc moncy stock. Under a total reserves operating target, the relcv.ant reserve ratio for monetnry control purposes is that which ultim,1tely connects a bank's ckpoRit liilhilitics to Lh~ l<"vel of toliJl b,:mk reserves which the Fc-deral Reserve predetermines in the short·run. Member banks' re reserve ra tics, of course, define the connec- tion between their dt'posit liabilitic~ and Lotal rr.scrvcs. nonmember banks, however, ~ stepR arc involved fn linking their deposit liabilities to total reserves. member required reserve ratio. Fur The first step is the non• The second step dapcnds on the! relative amo,mt~ of nonmember reserves held in the fo'fm of corres- pondent balances and government securities. With respect to corres- pondent balances, the connection between nonmembers I deposit liabilities and total reserves is deter_mined essentially by multiplying the nonmember required reserve ratio (which gives total nonmember required .reserves that are redcposi ted as correspondent balances at member banks) times the member required rcserve ratio (which yields total member required reserves held against nonmember corres- pondent balances). reserve ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis For example, if member and nonmember required are identical and 12qual, say, .2, and if all nonmember 343 deposits in .1 nonmember b.1nk woulcJ be supported by only 4~ (.2 x ,2) of total rcst•rv11i;, ,111 ,,mnunt signifi.c:mtly s1n.1llcr than Lhc 20i of support given Lo $1 deposited in a member hank~ Nonmember holdings of government securities ,1s reserve assets create An even more disparate set o( interbank reserve requirements since such nonmember reserve assets arc not tied at al 1 to either mcmher b,,nks ·nr the Fcdr.r:,l ~Ci:.('rVC'. JlcncP, tt, the C':<lc•nL that nonmember banks hold government securities as reserve assets, nonmember deposit liuhilitics bear a zcr~ connection to total reserves. Thus, wh;Jt at first appears to be identical interbank reserve requirements (.2 required reserve ratios) turns out lo be a widely divergent set of reserve requirements for monetary control purposes ( .2 for menibers, .04 fnr nnnmcmher cl,rrcspondcnt balnncci:;, am.I O for nonmember government securities). Given these <lif(crcnt Lal intC'rhank reserve requirements. ~n uncr..pcctcd public real locathm of dcposi ts between member and nonmember banks can lead to a significant surge or contraction of the money stock in relation to its targeted path. Unexpected Interbank Deposit Flows nrpo~i t (lnws bt"twccn nu.•mbcr and nonmcmhl'"r h:mk!l c;,n he" considered over weekly. monthly, or quarterly time intervals. To provide a foe a 1 point for anc1 lyzi ng short-run mone tnry control. this memo exami ncs only month Ly deposit flows. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Some monlh ly dcpl>si L 344 !lo\..'£ occur n•~·11l:irly; r.r,mc d" not. Fen· c-xamplc, part of the inter- bank flow of dC'pn~it~ m:iy be due to seasonal factors, such as house- holds with nonmember ;1cc,1tmts paying N.Y. tlcpartmt!nl sto['CI with member :tccounts at Chrir.tni.1s. Thc~i:;c dcposJL flClWR ,,lLcr the t,,tal volume of nonmember reserves and, as a result, could affect the total. money stock. Hut as long as the Federal Rt?servc can predict the magnltude of the lnterhank deposit flow, it can always change total bank reserves to offset any undesired effect of interbank flows on the money stock. ln short, that component o( interb:mk deposit flows which is predictable does not (at least theoretically) lead to monct ary contro I rli f fl cu 1 t il"S f nr l hr. Federal RC'st'!rvc-. The- SPComl c:ompnncnt of lnlcrhank clrplHii t. flo"u; iR by definition nant.lom L'r unpredic labl C!. "!h Is cnmpuncnt .lriscs £1.,r a wide varicly of factnr~, all of which escilpc notice because they arc either quite irregular or too smnll in magnitude. If sufficient data on nonmember hanks were availnhlc. lhc data cnuld be processed by different methods (e.g., regression, time neries analysis, etc.) 0 in order to determine a s closely as possible the regular (predictable) patterns inherent in interbank deposit flows. The remaining part of the interbank deposit flows w1.,uld be treated as random or unpredict- able. This procedure would ultin1ately to an ef'timate nf the standard deviation of ~he unexpected cumpotlt'nt nf the interbank deposit flow. 111fs e~t imale fn turn coulJ bf' used Lo l!Stoblish n range for the unavoidabl~ erratic behavior in the money stock induced by random interbm1k d ..,posi.t. flnws. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 345 UnCortun:1tC'ly, comr,lete dntol on nonmember banks!/ :ls available for only four statement weeks every year. These dat.:1 are too dispersed over time to permit an accurate dctcrmtnnti.on of the standard deviation of the random component of interbank flows which would be relevant for monetary policy aimed at monthly control over _the money stock. Given the lack of nonmember bank data, indirect estimates of the size of such flows can nonetheless be acquired from an elementary probability model which describes the essential characteristics of random interbank deposit flows. Since the final estimate of the standard deviation of the deposit flows depends on the probability distributions used, this approach captures !!!!!I. purely ~ behavior_!/ In short, the various economic factors which could explain the predictable component of the interbatik deposit flows are by definition excluded from the probability analysis. Of course, the structure of the economy in which these deposit flows occur is unquestionably more complicated than that specified in a relatively elementary probability model. This caveat simply means that th~ probability model provides only a skeletal !/ Nonmember bank data, made available with only a short-time lag, also permits the Federal Reserve to acquire information more quickly about the size of its actual prediction error on interbank deposit flows. Given such information, the Federal Reserve would be able to respond faster to observed random interbank deposit flows, thereby keeping the money stock closer to its targeted pnth. !/ Available aggregate information is used to provide estimates of some parameters of the various probability diatrlbutions. Where aggregate information is not available, the most conservative parameter estimate is used. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 346 ciutline of the so\Jrce!i of uncertainty in ram!om interbank deposit flows. Henca, the reported estimates should be regarded as tE"ntative. Appc-nrltx ll presents a dl•t:ai lr.:J dcscripLion of thr variou:1 assumptions employed in constructing the estlm.,le or Lhe standnrd deviation of nmdum illtcrbank deposit flows. Briefly I these assump- tions_ deal with the probability of the follc>wlng r.vcnls Lakini: place: (1) the deposit of a given check in a member or nonmember bank; (2) the writing of a check by a particular individual; (3) the income level of the individual writing a given check. It is also assumed that the minimum check size is $10, and the maximum is $1 million. On the basis of most recent data, the estimaled average check size is $1,049. Finally, of the tot;il number c>f checks written per month, the proportion k (the ratio of deposits at member bankb to total deposits) is ass~med to be written on member bank accounts and (1-k) on nonmember accounts. On the basis of the above assumptions, the standard devia- tion of the random deposit flow over one month, say, oz can be directly related to k, the ratio of deposits at member banks to total deposits, Table 1 presents the value of one standard deviation of the deposit flow for alternative values of k. Notice that the standard deviation is largest ($640 million) when k • \ and is also symmetric around k = lj, At the December 31, 1976 call date, k ~ . 75. Corresponding to this value of k, the one standard deviation value for the random interbank deposit flow is $555 million, and the two standard deviations Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 347 value is $1,110 milliun. Under the present mcmber-nonmc>mbcr composi- tion of the banking system, therefore, it can be inferred from these estimates that in eight months out of the year the size of the random deposit flow bC'twecn member and _nonmember banks ,,muld he no lar~car than $555 million; and in about 11\ months such flows would be no larger than $1, 110 million. TAilLE l STANDARD DEVIATION OF RANDOM DEPOSIT FLCMS BE'IWEEN MEMBER AND NONMEMBER BANKS k (Proporlion of DepoSits at Member Banks) Oz (Standard Deviation of Deposit Flows millions .10 384. 822 .20 .30 .40 513.096 .so .60 • 70 .80 .90 587.826 628.412 641.371 628.412 587.826 513.096 384.822 The Estimated Monthly Error in Ml Due to Random Interbank Deposit Flows The (annualized) mcmthly percentage deviations of the ,. money stock (M 1 ) from a targeted level of $330 billion are estimated from the model o[ the banking system used in conjunction with the estimated standard deviation of the random interbank deposit flows. The Ml percentage dcviati~ns corresponding to one standard deviatinn of the random deposit flow are presented in Table 2 for alternativ,~ 40-915 0 - 79 - 23 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 348 'Jl\111.I·: ?. l'l::RCENTAGI:: ERRORS lN MUNTIILY M1 GROWTH RATES ASSOCIA'IF.D WITH ST1\NJ1ARIJ l::RRORS OF TIIE RANDOM TNTERBANK DEPOSIT FLCMS k (Proportion of Deposits at Member Banks) o 7. (Standard Deviation-;{ Deposit Flows) /in millions) .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 values c,( k. 6.30 5.56 4.75 4.05 3.44 2.88 2.34 1.83 1.23 384.822 513.096 587.826 628.412 641.371 628.412 587.826 513.096 384. 822 .1 .2 .3 .4 Al the prrsC'nl -tiny v<1lm' n[ Percentage Error k (. 7,). L111• cu1-r,•spo11dlnF, monthly M1 growth rate error is approximately 2.17.. Previous reseat;ch suggests that under a total reserves operating target, the monthly ~1i l(rowth rate error, attributed to all potential sources of random heh.wior. is ;ipprnl<imatelyl/ 7.17... For comparable present- day values of k, therefore, the estimatrd M1 grnwt:h r"t<' errnr (2.1%) due ;"Olely to random Interbank flows lies within the ahovc total M1 growth rate error range. This internal consistency of the two M1 growth rate errors raises the credibility of the simulation procedures used in this memo. The moMt;iry cc,ntrol implications r:,f cc,ntinuing memher bank attrition fol low immr.dl atcly from inapection of Tahle 2. 'J_/ I[ This estimate is derived from the Staff Report, "Analysis of the Impact of Lagged Reserve Accounting," October 6, 1977. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 349 k were to fall frwn its present-day value of .75 to, say .4, the range of the monthly percentage money gr.,wth rate error for two~ thirds of the months would almost double from 2. 1 percent to 4 .05 percent. In fact, for 95 percent of· the month•, the pcrce11tage error would lie between plus or minus 7.93 percent. Two factors expl~in this predicted increase in the mnncy grnwl.h rate error, First, ask falls from .75 to. ,4, the standard dcvl.,tinn n( th1• randon, deposit How rises by about $75 million. Secondly, and more impor- tantly, the average required reserve ratio for the aggregate banking system falls as k declines to .4. Essentially, this decrease in the average-reserve ratio occurs because deposit dollars at nonmember banks bear a smaller connection to the Fed's total reserves than do deposit dollars at member banks. Since a decline ink makes nonmembers rel:atively more important in the aggregate than mcmbC'rs, the average effective reserve ratio becomes increasingly duminated by the reserve ~ and reserve~ structure of nonmember banks. To illus- trate this point more clearly, notice that for k = • 9 and k = .1 the standard error of the deposit flow is the same; but the percen_tage error is 1. 2 3'7. at k = • 9 and 6. 307, at k" . 1. .. In conclusi-on, this memo has presented models o_f the aggregate banking system and the public's check-writing and check-depositing behavior .to determine the monetary control effects of random depoait flows bet,..een member and nonmember banks. The reported money grr,wth rate errors tentatively suggest that under a total reserves operating target Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 350 ln the Federal Rcservc's ability tc, achieve lts desired short-run monetary growth objectives. The resulls also strongly indicate t.hat the deterioration in monetary control would become progressively more serious ask continues to fall via member bank attrition from the federal Reserve Syslem.i/ if It should be noted that this result does not hold for all values of k less than .1. If Table 2 were extended to •how values of k less than .1, the percentage error would continue to increase and would reach a maximum value of 6.387, at k ~ .079. Thereafter, the percentage error would decline. In the limit ask approaches zero, the percentage error also approaches zero. This result occurs because at small values of k the variance the random interbank deposit flow falls at an increasing rate, while the denominator of the multiplier solution for M1 declines linearly, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0 of 351 APPENDIX A Model of Lhc Hanking Sys tc-m The model is an extension of the standard deposit multiplier_ model and describes the beh3vior of four tr3nsactors dc3llng in five financial instruments. The transactors are the public (P), the Federal Reserve (F), member banks (M), and nonmember banks (NM). The financial instruments include demand deposits (D), time deposits (T), currency (C), government securities (G), and reserves (R). To keep track of th~ asset-liability status of each financial instrument, a superscript denotes an asset and a subscript a liability. The model also assumes that the Federal Reserve has a total reserves operating target. Finally, the variable cmt is used to denote a random alloca- tion of the public's demand deposits between member and nonmember banks. The equations of the model are as follows: p DM p DNM ( 1) DP (2) Tp :' 1"Dp public's demand for time deposits (3) cP. µ.DP public's demand for currency (4) DP M k DP + (5) Tp = k TP M + public's total demand deposits F Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C DM public's allocation of demand deposits public's allocation of time deposits 352 p I' _(6) ·l TM (7) DM DP+ NM DM M (8) R (9) DNM ~ (10) RNM = 0 NM + GNM M composition of nonmembers' reserves (11) NM P = An DNM + AT TNM R nonmembers' demand for reserves ( 12) GNM + public's tot~l tim~ deposits TNH = PMD DM + PMT composition of members' demand deposits Tp M p om, O'RNl-1 supply and demand for members' reserves composition of nonmembers' demand deposits nonmembers' demand for government securities Equations (1)-(6) describe the behavior of the public. The time deposit and currency equations, (2) and (3), follow the standard prescription by making Fhe public's demand for each a$set proportir,nal to the public's holdings of demand de"posils. With respect to the allocation of the public's demand deposits between member and nonmember banks, we assume proportionality on average to total demand deposits so that on average k of demand deposits is allocated to members and 1-k to nonmembers. 1'he same proportionality factor, k·, is assumed to hold for the public's allocation of time deposits between member and nonmember banks. Equations (7)•(8) refer to member banks and the Federal Reserve, R represents the predetermined level of the Federal Reserve's total reserve operating target. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The correspondent-type balances 353 held by nonmembers at members are captured in (7). The required reserve ratios against demand and time deposits are pHD and pMT' respectively. The key feature in the model is the link which connects nonmember banks to the Federal Reserve. As (7) and (8) shc,w, the link is established essentially because member banks must hold reserves against a liability, D~H• that also serves as a nonmember reserve asset. The behavior of nonmember banks is described by equations (9)-(12). Nonmembers' required reserve ratios against demand and time deposits are A0 ·and AT' respectively. Equation (10) shows that nonmembers have the option of holding demand deposits at member banks and Sovernment securities as reserve aRsets. Tite relative amounts of each asset which can satisfy nonmember reserve requirements vary state by state according to the regulations issued by the diffl!rent state banking commissions. For simplicity, it is assumed that the aggregate proportions of nonmember reserves in the form of government securities is a. This assumption implies that the proportion of nonmember reserves held as correspondent balances at member banks is t-a . ., The model's solution for M1 is (l+µ.)CDM P~mll - (1-a):I.DJ DEN (13) where DEN purposes, the following values for the model's parameters, based on averages of th<' most recently avail,able data, were use<!: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . AD = .113 i) µ .35 v) ii) T 2 .14 vi) AT iii) PM!) vii) a• .35 . iv) PMT = .033 .127 .044 354 APPENDIX II The Standard Deviation of Random InterLank Deposit Flows Assumptions The analysis is based on the following assumptions: (Al) Binomial (Independence) Assumption Let k denote the underlying average ratio of member bank private demand deposits to total private demand deposits. It is assumed that the prdbability that a given check will be depodted in a member 'bank is equal to k and that if it is not deposited at a member bank, it is deposited in a nonmember bank with the complementary probability of l - k. It is also assumed that the check mo~ements arc independent from one check to the next. Thus• the number of checks deposited at member or nonmember banks follows a binomial distribution with parameter k. If, for example, 10 checks are written on some account per month, the expected number of checks deposited at member'banks that are drawn on this account equals lOk with standard deviation Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .,/ lOk( 1 - k) • 355 Table 3 displays values of this standard deviation for alternative values .,f k, the underlying proportion of member demand deposits to total demand deposits. TABLE 3 STANDARD Df.VIATillN or CHECKS DEl'OSITim AT MEMBER DANKS PER MONTH GI VEN 10 CHECKS PER MONTH k Standard Deviation of the Number of Checks De osited at Member Danks 1 0 .9 .B .7 . 95 1.26 l. 45 l. 55 1. SB 1.55 1.45 1. 26 . 95 0 •6 •5 .4 .3 •2 .1 .0 As would be expected, the uncertainty concerning check flows is largest when nonmembers rival members exactly, thnt is, when k= .S; the variance falls off symmetrically above and below Lhis value. (A2) Independence Across Depositors Suppose the sequence 0£ checks written in a given month on member bank accounts is arrayed in some order: the second check, and so forth until the last check, the number of deposiLors .:it member banks. the first check, Let Nm be The checks may be viewed as a sequence of independent trials for each of which the probability that the check was written by any particular one of the Nm depositors Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 356 ls 1/:lm. Similarly, lt I• assumed that for nomnemher banks it is equally likely that each depositor wrote any check in the sequence of checks written on nonmember accounts in a given month. (A3) The size of each check written by an indiviclual is a function of the individual's income.1/ (A4) The aggregate distribution of income in the economy is assumed to follow a truncated Pareto distribution~_/ with minimum income level, y0 , and maximum income level, y 1 . TI,e Pareto distribution hos often been used to represenot the distribution of incomes in an economy and has several convenient features for our purposes. A~ a consequence of this assumption, it follows that the size distribution of checks in the economy also follows. a Pareto distribution. This result follows from AJ and A4 using the property of Pareto distributions that ·transformations of variables of the form (1) (see footnote 5 below) also have a Pareto distribution, (AS) The total number of checks written per month equals 2.975 billion. Of this numher, the proportion k are assumed to be written on member bank accounts and (1 - k) on nonmember accounts . .. This total estimate was derived by toking demand deposits (excluding U.S. 'government and domestic interbank) at the last 2f More specifically, if y ls income, any function of the form (1) t = by 3 where T 2I = check A> 0, b > 0, size, will work. The truncated Pareto distribution is described on page 20. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 357 available call dale- {Dt!CC'mbcr 31, 1976) and.applying check volume estimates from FDIC surveys of 10 million checks per month per l. billion of deposits.11 For that call date member bank deposits nonmember bank ts total $223.307 billion 74.212 billion $297 .. 519 billion = or lO million l billion x 297.519 billion yields the figure of 2. 975 billion checks per month, (A6) The average check size equals total monthly debits against demand deposits divided by the number of checks per month, 11 y $3 1 119,780 million 2,975 million " $1,049 ~, i.e., the average check size is ·$1,049. (A7) It is assumed that the minimum check size in the economy is $10 and the maximum check is $1 mlllion. Based on this assumption, the standard deviation. of the Pareto distribution of check size, say, a y equals $16,613.2/ The FDIC estimates for 1973 were 10.8 million checks per month per 1 billion deposits, Inflation should tend to reduce the number of checks relative to deposits, so this slightly smaller rate Was chosen. ~/ Estimates for July. 1977 from the new national sample of debits. 2/ This calculation is discussed on page 21. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 358 The Standard Deviation of Deposit Flows Given Al-A7, the standard deviation of the random deposit flow between mcml,cr and nonmember banks equals lO/ az = ✓ nk(l -k)[µ. 2 + 20 2 ] , y y wheren = the number of checks per month k = proportion of total demand deposits at member banks .µ.y = averaie size of check written oy stnndard deviation of check size distribution. At the December 31, 1976 call date k =. 75, and substituting this and the other values into the above expression yields oz (givenk=.75) = J2.975xl09 x.75x.25[1,049 2 . 21 +2xl6,616 · = $555 million. Properties of the Truncated Pareto Distribution Let y be a random variable that is distributed as truncateg Pareto wi,th lower limit y O and upper limit y 1 . The density function of y is !QI The derivation of this result is presented on pages 22-24. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 359 f(y) The mean of .y is (15) E[y] h = P-1 y y (Y~-1 - i-1) o [ o l l ~ - ~ l . yl - Yo . The second moment of •y is (16) and, the variance, ll 2 y, equals (17) Given values for y0 a'nd yl and E(y), equation (15) can be solved to obtain values for~- The implied values of~ and oy are listed in Table 4 for alternative values of y 1 given y 0 = $10 and E(y) ~ $1,049. TABLf. 4 y 1 (Upper Limit) $1 million $100 million $1 billion Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~ (Pareto Parameter) o Y (Standard Devintion of Check Size) • MV $ 16,616 .792 . 8316 $136,870 $397,887 360 Derivation of a Let n be the total number of checks written per month. Let n and n denote the number of checks written on member and m n nonmember bank accounts. In view of assumption (AS), n = kn m nn (1-k)n Let z be the dollar amount of checks written on member accounts mn which are deposited at nonmember banks and znm be the dollar amount of checks written on nonmember accounts "'hich are dE'pos'ited _at member banks. The.random variable, z z = zmn - z1111 represents the "net" outflow of deposits from member to nonmember banks. The variable, z, takes on both positive and negative values depending on the relative magnitudes of zmn and z • nm ., xi Yi -t - Now i th check goes to member bank 1 th check goes to nonmember bank size of 1 th check Since x 1 and y 1 are assumed to be independent and identically distributed for all 1--see (Al) and (A2)--the variance of zmn Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 361 11 02 ?. = mn m E var(xi Yi) i=l "m E(xy. µ where X µ )2 y x denotes an arbitrary x1 y denotes an arbitrary y 1 Furthermore, ( 19) 1')•2 E[xy·I\ = E(xy - µxy) = E(/):12 X = E[xy-µxy+µ~.µx µYJ ·2 + E(µxy - µxµy) + µ2 X 0 2 2 + 2 E(xy - µ,?' )(µxY • µxl'y) 2 y cly + o y2 >a2X + / X o y2 = Thus, (20) 02 z mn Since x satisfies µx ;. (1 - k) o 2X = k(l - k) (20) is replaced by (21) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0'2 z • n [ / k{l•k) mn m y + (l•k>2 o y2 + k(l•k)oy2 } 362 By a symmetric argument (22) Hence, (23) 02 = 02 z 2 2 2 2 zmn + a znm = kn(ly k(l - k) + {l - k) o y + k{l - k)o y ] + {l - k)n(µ. y2 k(l - k) + k 2o y2 + k{l - k)a2] y • n µ.2y k{l - k) + 2n k(l - k)cr2y . r, 2+ 2oy2] = nk(l - k) l:Y which corresponds to the expression for oz on page 21. Chairman REUSS. Mr. Wylie. Mr. WYLIE. I thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Miller has been outstanding as usual and has been very generous with his time, but I would like to pose a series of questions for his opinion and for the record on the impact of the no-reserve requirements policy with reference to certificates of deposit of 29 days or less, and also the tax expenditure consequences of the exemption of the so-called repurchase agreements from reserve requirements. I have those questions which I will submit. Mr. MILLER. That will be very helpful. Those questions should be examined. [The following are written questions which were submitted by Mr. Wylie to Chairman Miller:] Question 1. Some of this material is fairly difficult to digest, as you can guess. We have heard, for example, that as an administrative matter, or for some other reason, the Federal Reserve does not require reserves on certificates of deposit of 29 days or less. Is that correct? If it is correct, have you, or can you develop, reliable estimates of the tax expenditure effects of that exemption? Answer. According to the Board's Regulations D and Q, certificates of deposit issued by member banks must have an original maturity of 30 days or longer. Deposit obligations of member banks with original maturities of less than 30 days are classified as demand deposits and thus are subject to a reserve requirement ranging from 7 to 16¼ percent-depending on the amount of the bank's net demand deposits-and cannot bear interest