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The Financial Stability Oversight Council approved the attached resolution by
notational vote on June 28, 2016, with nine members voting in favor of the
resolution and none opposed. The Chair of the Securities and Exchange
Commission recused herself from the vote.
The basis for the Council’s rescission of its determination is available


WHEREAS, section 113 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer
Protection Act (the “DFA”) authorizes the Financial Stability Oversight Council
(the “Council”) to determine that a nonbank financial company shall be supervised
by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (the “Federal Reserve”)
and shall be subject to enhanced prudential standards if the Council determines that
material financial distress at the nonbank financial company, or the nature, scope,
size, scale, concentration, interconnectedness, or mix of the activities of the
nonbank financial company, could pose a threat to the financial stability of the
United States; and

WHEREAS, section 113(d) of the DFA requires the Council not less frequently
than annually to reevaluate each determination regarding a nonbank financial
company under section 113 and rescind any such determination if the Council
determines that the nonbank financial company no longer meets the standards for a
determination under section 113; and

WHEREAS, the Council issued a final rule and accompanying interpretive
guidance (the “Rule and Guidance”), codified at 12 C.F.R. Part 1310, and adopted

supplemental procedures on February 4, 2015, that describe the processes and
procedures by which the Council will reevaluate each currently effective
determination; and

WHEREAS, on July 8, 2013, the Council made a final determination, in
accordance with the DFA and the Rule and Guidance, that General Electric Capital
Corporation (“GECC”) shall be supervised by the Federal Reserve and shall be
subject to enhanced prudential standards under the DFA; and

WHEREAS, as part of a corporate reorganization completed on December 3, 2015,
GECC merged with and into its parent, General Electric Company, and GE Capital
Global Holdings, LLC (“GE Capital”) succeeded to and became subject to the
Council’s determination regarding GECC; and

WHEREAS, in connection with the Council’s reevaluation of its determination
regarding GE Capital, the Council provided GE Capital an opportunity to submit
written materials to the Council to contest the Council’s determination and to meet
with the staffs of the Council Members and their Agencies; and


WHEREAS, GE Capital submitted materials to the Council and met with the staffs
of the Council Members and their Agencies in connection with the Council’s
reevaluation of its determination regarding GE Capital; and

WHEREAS, the Council has considered a broad range of information available
through existing public and regulatory sources, as well as information submitted to
the Council by GE Capital; and

WHEREAS, based on the reevaluation of the Council’s determination regarding
GE Capital, the staffs of the Council Members and their Agencies concluded that
fundamental changes in the business of GE Capital since the Council’s
determination have significantly reduced the potential for the negative effects of
material financial distress at GE Capital to be transmitted to the financial system
and recommend that the Council rescind its determination regarding GE Capital;

WHEREAS, the members of the Council have considered the issues and the record
in connection with the following actions.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that, based on the information,
considerations, and analysis set forth in the attached “Basis for the Financial
Stability Oversight Council’s Rescission of its Final Determination regarding GE
Capital Global Holdings, LLC” (the “Basis”), and on a review of the
administrative record, the Council hereby determines that GE Capital no longer
meets the standards for a determination under section 113 of the DFA and hereby
rescinds its determination, pursuant to section 113 of the DFA, that material
financial distress at GE Capital could pose a threat to the financial stability of the
United States and that GE Capital shall be supervised by the Federal Reserve and
shall be subject to prudential standards, in accordance with Title I of the DFA.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council has considered and hereby
approves the attached “Notice and Explanation of the Basis for the Financial
Stability Oversight Council’s Recession of its Determination Regarding GE
Capital” (the “Notice”) and authorizes the Notice to be sent to GE Capital.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council hereby approves the Basis and
authorizes the Basis to be released to the public.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council hereby delegates authority to the
Chairperson, or his designee, to make technical, nonsubstantive, or conforming
changes to the text of the Notice and the Basis.


[The basis for the Council’s rescission of its determination is available