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Minutes of the Financial Stability Oversight Council
March 2, 2017
Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury and Chairperson of the Financial Stability
Oversight Council (Council)
Janet Yellen, Chair, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Federal Reserve)
Martin J. Gruenberg, Chairperson, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Michael S. Piwowar, Acting Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
J. Christopher Giancarlo, Acting Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
Richard Cordray, Director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
Melvin Watt, Director, Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)
Thomas J. Curry, Comptroller of the Currency, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
J. Mark McWatters, Acting Chairman, National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)
S. Roy Woodall, Independent Member with Insurance Expertise
Richard Berner, Director, Office of Financial Research (OFR), Department of the Treasury
(non-voting member)
Ray Grace, Commissioner, North Carolina Office of the Commissioner of Banks (non-voting
Peter Hartt, Director, Insurance Division, New Jersey Department of Banking & Insurance
(non-voting member)
Melanie Lubin, Securities Commissioner, Maryland Office of the Attorney General, Securities
Division (non-voting member)
Department of the Treasury (Treasury)
Andrew Baukol, Acting Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
Craig Phillips, Counselor to the Secretary
David Lebryk, Fiscal Assistant Secretary
Eric Froman, Principal Deputy Assistant General Counsel (Banking and Finance) and Executive
Director of the Council
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Daniel Tarullo, Governor
Andreas Lehnert, Director, Division of Financial Stability
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Arthur Murton, Director, Office of Complex Financial Institutions
Securities and Exchange Commission
Richard Grant, Co-Chief of Staff


Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Richard Danker, Special Advisor
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Ron Borzekowski, Assistant Director for Research
Federal Housing Finance Agency
Sandra Thompson, Deputy Director, Division of Housing Mission and Goals
Comptroller of the Currency
Grace Dailey, Senior Deputy Comptroller for Bank Supervision Policy and Chief National Bank
National Credit Union Administration
Ralph Monaco, Chief Economist
Office of the Independent Member with Insurance Expertise
Charles Klingman, Senior Policy Advisor
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
William Dudley, President and Chief Executive Officer (by telephone)
Office of Financial Research
Stacey Schreft, Deputy Director for Research and Analysis
Federal Insurance Office
Steven Seitz, Deputy Director (Financial Stability)
North Carolina Office of the Commissioner of Banks
Michael Stevens, Senior Vice President, Conference of State Bank Supervisors
New Jersey Department of Banking & Insurance
Mark Sagat, Assistant Director, Financial Policy and Legislation, National Association of
Insurance Commissioners
Maryland Office of the Attorney General, Securities Division
Christopher Staley, Counsel, North American Securities Administrators Association
Update on Market Developments
• Fabio Natalucci, Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Financial Stability and
Regulation, Treasury
• Clay Berry, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe and Eurasia, Treasury
• John Fagan, Director, Markets Room, Treasury


2017 Annual Report
• Stephen Ledbetter, Director of Policy, Office of the Financial Stability Oversight
Council, Treasury
• John Driscoll, Economist, Federal Reserve
• Dan Fichtler, Policy Advisor, Office of the Financial Stability Oversight Council,
Treasury (available for questions)
Update on Annual Reevaluation of Nonbank Financial Company Designation
• Stephen Ledbetter, Director of Policy, Office of the Financial Stability Oversight
Council, Treasury
• Satyam Khanna, Policy Advisor, Office of the Financial Stability Oversight Council,
• Bruce Saul, Senior Insurance Regulatory Policy Analyst, Federal Insurance Office,
• Eric Froman, Principal Deputy Assistant General Counsel (Banking and Finance) and
Executive Director of the Council, Treasury (available for questions)
Executive Session
The Chairperson called the executive session of the meeting of the Council to order at
approximately 1:00 P.M. (EST).
He began by outlining the meeting agenda, which had previously been distributed to the
members together with other materials. The agenda for the meeting included the following
subjects: (1) an update on market developments; (2) the Council’s 2017 annual report; and (3) an
update on the annual reevaluation of a nonbank financial company designation.
The Chairperson then stated that he strongly valued the Council as a forum for its members to
meet and share information. He also noted that the President had signed an executive order in
February on core principles for regulating the financial system, and that the executive order
instructed the Treasury Secretary to consult with the heads of Council member agencies and
report on a number of areas relating to financial regulation. He said that he would seek input
from Council members and stakeholders as part of Treasury’s work on the executive order.
1. Update on Market Developments
The Chairperson then introduced the first agenda item, an update on market developments. He
introduced Fabio Natalucci, Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Financial Stability and
Regulation at Treasury; Clay Berry, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe and Eurasia at
Treasury; and John Fagan, Director of the Markets Room at Treasury.
Ms. Berry provided an update regarding economic and political developments in Europe. She
described forecasts for euro-area growth and inflation, and highlighted weaknesses in the
financial sector, particularly the banking sector. With respect to economic vulnerabilities, she
noted that in some countries, debt loads and unemployment were high and fiscal policy remained
tight. Regarding political risks, she noted that elections were upcoming in several countries, and

that there was a high degree of uncertainty regarding the negotiations and timeline for the United
Kingdom’s departure from the European Union (Brexit), which could cause market volatility.
With respect to Greece, she described the current status of negotiations with the European Union
and the International Monetary Fund. She noted that certain payments would be due by Greece
in July 2017 to the European Central Bank and other creditors and that the situation merited
monitoring, but that Greece did not present an immediate risk to financial markets.
Mr. Natalucci then presented on developments with respect to the Italian banking sector,
including recent capital-raising efforts. He described efforts of European and Italian authorities
to address weaknesses in the sector. He stated that the sector appeared unlikely to pose a direct
financial stability risk to the United States unless risks arose simultaneously through a number of
contagion and spillover channels, for example related to Brexit or other European banks.
Mr. Fagan then described recent developments in European financial markets. He explained that
market participants were engaging in proactive and tactical risk management with respect to
French political developments but that there was no evidence of broader risk aversion. He noted
that authorities were monitoring the potential effects that political developments, including
elections, could have on markets. He then described recent trends in financial markets including
bank stocks, corporate and sovereign yields, and foreign exchange rates.
The Chairperson noted that Treasury would continue to monitor these developments.
2. 2017 Annual Report
The Chairperson then introduced the next agenda item, the Council’s 2017 annual report, and
introduced Stephen Ledbetter, Director of Policy in the Office of the Financial Stability
Oversight Council at Treasury, and John Driscoll, Economist at the Federal Reserve.
Mr. Ledbetter first provided an overview of the process for developing the Council’s annual
report. He noted that the report includes a signed statement by Council members,
recommendations, descriptions of financial and regulatory developments, and a discussion of
potential emerging threats and vulnerabilities.
Mr. Driscoll then provided an update regarding staff’s progress in developing the report. He
noted that the drafting of the report was a collaborative process among all of the Council
members. He stated that the next steps in the process would be to seek further input from
Council members and member agencies regarding the draft report. He also described certain
topics that could be addressed in the report.
Members of the Council then asked questions and had a discussion, including regarding the
expected timeline for drafting the report.
3. Update on Annual Reevaluation of Nonbank Financial Company Designation
The Chairperson then introduced the next agenda item, an update on the annual reevaluation of a
nonbank financial company that the Council had previously designated under section 113 of the

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The Chairperson introduced
Stephen Ledbetter, Director of Policy in the Office of the Financial Stability Oversight Council
at Treasury; Satyam Khanna, Policy Advisor in the Office of the Financial Stability Oversight
Council at Treasury; and Bruce Saul, Senior Insurance Regulatory Policy Analyst in the Federal
Insurance Office at Treasury. Mr. Ledbetter summarized the Council’s basis for its original
designation of the company and explained the Council’s process for annually reevaluating each
of its previous designations. He noted that as a part of the annual reevaluation process, the
Council invites the company to submit information to the Council. He stated that the staff
analysis of the company was ongoing and that staff would consult with the company’s
Mr. Saul then provided an overview of the company. He described the company’s business,
assets, and liabilities. He also described recent developments at the company and the company’s
written submission to the Council in connection with the Council’s annual reevaluation of the
Mr. Khanna then described developments over time at the company with respect to the three
transmission channels through which the Council assesses the potential for material financial
distress at a nonbank financial company to pose a threat to financial stability. He described
factors relating to the exposures of market participants to the company; the potential for forced
asset liquidations by the company; and critical functions or services provided by the company.
He also described developments related to the company’s resolvability and complexity. Mr. Saul
then described the existing regulatory scrutiny of the company.
Members of the Council then asked questions and had a discussion, including regarding the
company’s written submission to the Council, the availability of the information necessary to
evaluate the risks the company could pose, the scope of the Council’s review, and the company’s
size and complexity. The Chairperson asked staff to continue their analysis of the company.
The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at approximately 2:15 P.M. (EST).