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Minutes of the Financial Stability Oversight Council
Held October 31, 2013
Jacob J. Lew, Secretary of the Treasury and Chairperson of the Financial Stability
Oversight Council (Council)
Ben Bernanke, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Federal Reserve)
Martin J. Gruenberg, Chairperson, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Mary Jo White, Chair, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Gary Gensler, Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
Richard Cordray, Director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
Edward DeMarco, Acting Director, Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)
Debbie Matz, Chairman, National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)
Thomas J. Curry, Comptroller of the Currency, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
Roy Woodall, Independent Member with Insurance Expertise
Richard Berner, Director, Office of Financial Research, Department of the Treasury (non-voting
Michael McRaith, Director, Federal Insurance Office, Department of the Treasury (non-voting
John P. Ducrest, Commissioner, Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions (non-voting member)
John Huff, Director, Missouri Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions, and Professional
Registration (non-voting member) (participating by phone)
David Massey, Deputy Securities Administrator, North Carolina Department of the Secretary of
State, Securities Division (non-voting member)
Department of the Treasury
Mary J. Miller, Acting Deputy Secretary and Under Secretary for Domestic Finance
Christopher J. Meade, General Counsel
Amias Gerety, Deputy Assistant Secretary for FSOC
Patrick Pinschmidt, Executive Director of the Council
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Daniel K. Tarullo, Governor
Nellie Liang, Director, Office of Financial Stability Policy and Research
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Jason Cave, Special Advisor to the Chairman for Supervisory Matters
Securities and Exchange Commission
Jennifer B. McHugh, Senior Advisor to the Chair
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Eric Juzenas, Chief Operating Officer and Senior Counsel

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Steve Antonakes, Deputy Director
Federal Housing Finance Agency
Mario Ugoletti, Special Advisor to the Director
National Credit Union Administration
John Worth, Chief Economist
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
John Lyons, Senior Deputy Comptroller and Chief National Bank Examiner
Office of the Independent Member with Insurance Expertise
Chris Ledoux, Senior Advisor
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
William Dudley, President and Chief Executive Officer
Office of Financial Research
Matthew Reed, Chief Counsel
Federal Insurance Office
John Nolan, Deputy Director (Financial Stability)
Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions
Margaret Liu, Senior Vice President, Conference of State Bank Supervisors
Missouri Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions, and Professional Registration
Mark Sagat, Counsel and Manager, Financial Policy and Legislation, National Association of
Insurance Commissioners
North Carolina Department of the Secretary of the State, Securities Division
Joseph Brady, General Counsel, North American Securities Administrators Association
Fiscal Update
• Jacob J. Lew, Secretary of the Treasury and Chairperson of the Council
Annual Report Recommendations Update
• Trent Reasons, Senior Policy Advisor, Treasury
Asset Management
• Patrick Pinschmidt, Executive Director of the Council, Treasury


Global Macro-Economic Environment Update
• Lael Brainard, Under Secretary for International Affairs, Treasury
Executive Session
The Chairperson called the executive session of the meeting of the Council to order at
approximately 10:07 A.M. (EDT). He then outlined the meeting agenda, which had been
previously distributed to the members together with copies of the resolution and other materials.
The agenda for the meeting included the following subjects: (1) a fiscal update; (2) an update on
the Council’s 2013 annual report recommendations on interest rate risk; (3) a presentation on
asset management; (4) an update on the global macro-economic environment; and
(5) consideration of, and a vote on, a resolution approving the minutes of the Council’s meetings
on September 10, 2013, and October 8, 2013.
1. Fiscal Update
The Chairperson introduced the first agenda item and provided the Council with an update on the
U.S. fiscal situation, following the government shutdown and debt ceiling impasse earlier in
October. He noted the agreement to raise the debt limit until February 7, 2014, and to continue
to fund the government through January 15, 2014. The Chairperson stated that he hoped the debt
limit will be addressed well before the February 2014 deadline. The Council members then
discussed the effects of the government shutdown and debt ceiling impasse on the economy and
financial markets, including short-term funding markets.
2. Annual Report Recommendation: Update on Interest Rate Risk
The Chairperson turned to the next agenda item, which was an update on interest rate risk, and
asked Trent Reasons, Senior Policy Advisor at Treasury, to give a presentation. The Council’s
2013 annual report made several recommendations with respect to interest rate risk. Following
up on these recommendations, Mr. Reasons gave a presentation on analyses related to interest
rate risk at various types of financial institutions, including banks and credit unions, brokerdealers, insurance companies, agency real estate investment trusts, and pension funds. After the
presentation, members of the Council asked questions and had a discussion.
3. Asset Management
The Chairperson then introduced the next agenda item, regarding asset management, and called
on Patrick Pinschmidt, Executive Director of the Council at Treasury, to give a presentation. Mr.
Pinschmidt presented on potential approaches for the Council’s initial analysis of the asset
management industry and its various activities. Following the presentation, members of the
Council asked questions and had a discussion.
4. Global Macro-Economic Environment Update
The Chairperson turned to the next agenda item, regarding an update on the global macroeconomic environment, and asked Lael Brainard, Under Secretary for International Affairs at
Treasury, to give a presentation. Ms. Brainard gave a presentation on the global macro3

economic environment that focused on Europe and emerging economies. After the presentation,
members of the Council asked questions and had a discussion.
5. Other Business
The Chairperson emphasized the importance of completing certain rulemakings implementing
the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act by the end of 2013.
He also called on Chairman Gensler to present on a new weekly swaps report that was being
initiated by the CFTC. The weekly report will provide the public with a detailed view of the
swaps marketplace and will cover interest rate and credit asset classes that comprise about 90
percent of the approximately $400 trillion swaps market.
6. Resolution Approving the Minutes of the Meetings held on September 10, 2013 and
October 8, 2013
“BE IT RESOLVED, by the Financial Stability Oversight Council (the “Council”), that the
minutes attached hereto of the meetings held on September 10, 2013 and October 8, 2013 of the
Council are hereby approved.”
The Chairperson asked for a motion to approve the resolution, which was made and seconded.
The Council approved the resolution by unanimous vote.
The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at approximately 11:41 A.M. (EDT).