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Minutes of the Financial Stability Oversight Council
Held December 13, 2012
Timothy F. Geithner, Secretary of the Treasury and Chairperson of the Financial Stability
Oversight Council
Ben Bernanke, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Federal Reserve)
Martin J. Gruenberg, Chairperson, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Mary Schapiro, Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Gary Gensler, Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
Richard Cordray, Director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
Edward DeMarco, Acting Director, Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)
Debbie Matz, Chairman, National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)
Thomas J. Curry, Comptroller of the Currency, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
Roy Woodall, Independent Member with Insurance Expertise
Michael McRaith, Director, Federal Insurance Office, Department of the Treasury (non-voting
John P. Ducrest, Commissioner, Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions (non-voting member)
John Huff, Director, Missouri Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions, and Professional
Registration (non-voting member)
David Massey, Deputy Securities Administrator, North Carolina Department of the Secretary of
State, Securities Division (non-voting member)
Department of the Treasury
Neal S. Wolin, Deputy Secretary
Mary J. Miller, Under Secretary for Domestic Finance
Lael Brainard, Under Secretary for International Affairs
Amias Gerety, Deputy Assistant Secretary for FSOC
Eric Thorson, Inspector General and Chairman of the Council of Inspectors General on Financial
Christopher J. Meade, Acting General Counsel
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Daniel K. Tarullo, Governor
Nellie Liang, Director, Office of Financial Stability Policy and Research
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Arthur Murton, Director, Division of Insurance and Research
Securities and Exchange Commission
Elisse Walter, Commissioner
Robert Cook, Director, Division of Trading and Markets


Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Dan Berkovitz, General Counsel
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Raj Date, Deputy Director
Federal Housing Finance Agency
Mario Ugoletti, Special Advisor to the Director
National Credit Union Administration
John Worth, Chief Economist
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
John Lyons, Senior Deputy Comptroller and Chief National Bank Examiner
Office of the Independent Member with Insurance Expertise
Chris Ledoux, Senior Advisor
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
William Dudley, President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Insurance Office
Beth Sammis, Senior Insurance Regulatory Policy Analyst
Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions
Mike Stevens, Senior Executive Vice President, Conference of State Bank Supervisors
Missouri Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions, and Professional Registration
Mark Sagat, Counsel and Manager, Financial Policy and Legislation, National Association of
Insurance Commissioners
North Carolina Department of the Secretary of the State, Securities Division
Joe Opron, Counsel, North American Securities Administrators Association
Macro-environment Overview: Fiscal Developments
• Timothy F. Geithner, Secretary of the Treasury and Chairperson of the Financial
Stability Oversight Council
International Derivatives Regulation
• Gary Gensler, Chairman, CFTC
• Mary Schapiro, Chairman, SEC
• Elisse Walter, Commissioner, SEC
• Robert Cook, Director, Division of Trading and Markets, SEC


Jacqueline Mesa, Director, Office of International Affairs, CFTC

Access to Mortgage Credit
• Michael Stegman, Counselor, Housing Finance Policy, Treasury
• Darrin Benhart, Deputy Comptroller for Credit Risk, OCC
• Michael Polumbo, Associate Director, Research and Statistics, Federal Reserve
• Raj Date, Deputy Director, CFTC
• Mario Ugoletti, Special Advisor to the Director, FHFA
• Timothy Bowler, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Capital Markets, Treasury
Dodd-Frank Act Section 113 Authority to Designate Money Market Mutual Funds
• Scott Alvarez, General Counsel, Federal Reserve
• Mark Van Der Weide, Senior Associate Director, Division of Banking Supervision
and Regulation, Federal Reserve
Council Governance
• Amias Gerety, Deputy Assistant Secretary for FSOC, Treasury
Executive Session
The Chairperson called the executive session of the meeting of the Financial Stability Oversight
Council (Council) to order at approximately 10:02 A.M. (EST). He began by thanking SEC
Chairman Schapiro for her service to the SEC and the Council, and welcoming SEC
Commissioner Walter, who will replace Chairman Schapiro on the Council. The Chairperson
also welcomed Eric Thorson, Inspector General of Treasury and Chairman of the Council of
Inspectors General on Financial Oversight, who was observing the meeting.
He then outlined the meeting agenda, which had been previously distributed to the members
together with copies of the resolutions and other materials. The agenda for the meeting included
the following subjects: (1) fiscal developments; (2) international derivatives regulation; (3)
access to mortgage credit; (4) authority under section 113 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform
and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) to designate money market mutual funds; (5)
Council governance, including consideration of, and a vote on, a resolution approving the
appointment of an Executive Director of the Council; and (6) consideration of, and a vote on, a
resolution approving the minutes of the Council’s meeting on December 3, 2012.
1. Macro-environment Overview: Fiscal Developments Update
The Chairperson turned to the first agenda item and provided the Council with an update on
current fiscal developments, including various possible paths for the ongoing fiscal negotiations.
After the presentation, members of the Council asked questions and had a discussion.
2. International Derivatives Regulation
The Chairperson then called on Gary Gensler, Chairman of the CFTC; Mary Schapiro, Chairman
of the SEC; and Elisse Walter, Commissioner of the SEC, to give a presentation on international
derivatives regulation. Robert Cook, Director of the Division of Trading and Markets at the

SEC, and Jacqueline Mesa, Director of the Office of International Affairs at the CFTC, were
available to answer questions. Chairman Gensler and Chairman Shapiro noted the collaborative
relationship between the CFTC and the SEC regarding international derivatives regulation.
Chairman Gensler explained that the CFTC had completed 42 rules covering approximately 80
percent of the rules required of the CFTC by the Dodd-Frank Act. He said that among other
topics, the CFTC’s final rules cover mandatory clearing determinations, transparency and
reporting requirements, and swap dealer registration. Chairman Schapiro explained that the SEC
has been involved in several meetings with the leaders of the authorities in other countries
responsible for regulation of over-the-counter derivatives markets and stated that these meetings
have been very useful. Commissioner Walter also discussed international cooperation and next
steps. After the presentation, members of the Council asked questions and had a discussion.
3. Access to Mortgage Credit
The Chairperson then introduced the agenda item regarding access to mortgage credit and asked
Michael Stegman, Counselor for Housing Finance Policy at Treasury, to give the presentation.
Darrin Benhart, Deputy Comptroller for Credit Risk at the OCC; Michael Polumbo, Associate
Director of Research and Statistics at the Federal Reserve; Raj Date, Deputy Director of the
CFTC; Mario Ugoletti, Special Advisor to the Director at the FHFA; and Timothy Bowler,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Capital Markets at Treasury, were available for questions. After
Mr. Stegman gave a presentation, members of the Council asked questions and had a discussion.
4. Consideration of Dodd-Frank Act Section 113 Authority to Designate Money Market
Mutual Funds
The Chairperson turned to the next agenda item and called on Scott Alvarez, General Counsel of
the Federal Reserve, and Mark Van Der Weide, Senior Associate Director of the Division of
Banking Supervision and Regulation at the Federal Reserve, to give the presentation. Section
113 of the Dodd-Frank Act authorizes the Council to designate a nonbank financial company for
Federal Reserve supervision and enhanced prudential standards. Mr. Alvarez and Mr. Van Der
Weide gave a presentation related to the applicability of Section 113 of the Dodd-Frank Act to
designate money market mutual funds or their sponsors. After the presentation, members of the
Council asked questions and had a discussion.
5. Council Governance
The Chairperson turned to the next agenda item, regarding Council governance, and asked
Amias Gerety, Deputy Assistant Secretary for FSOC at Treasury, to provide an update. Mr.
Gerety provided an update on recent developments since Council governance was last discussed
at the Council’s meeting on November 13, 2012. The Chairperson then presented to the Council
the following resolution approving the appointment of Patrick Pinschmidt to serve as Executive
Director of the Council.
“WHEREAS, Section XXX.3 of the Rules of Organization of the Financial Stability Oversight
Council (Bylaws) establishes the position of Executive Director of the Financial Stability
Oversight Council (Council), whose duties are to advise and assist the Council in carrying out

its responsibilities under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act,
assist in providing general direction with respect to the administration of the Council’s actions,
assist in directing the activities of staff, and perform such other duties as the Chairperson may
WHEREAS, Section XXX.3(a)(2)(A) of the Bylaws authorizes the Chairperson to designate an
individual to serve as Executive Director of the Council, subject to the Council approving by a
majority vote of the voting members then serving the appointment of an individual to serve as
Executive Director; and
WHEREAS, in order to assist in the conduct of business by the Council, the Chairperson
recommends that the Council approve the appointment of Patrick Pinschmidt to serve as
Executive Director of the Council.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council hereby approves the appointment of
Patrick Pinschmidt to serve as Executive Director of the Council, to serve until such time as he
resigns or his appointment is terminated as Executive Director of the Council, he is no longer
serving as an employee of the Department of the Treasury, or the Council approves the
appointment of a new Executive Director of the Council, whichever occurs first.”
The Chairperson asked for a motion approving the resolution, which was made and seconded.
The Council then approved the resolution by unanimous vote.
6. Resolution Approving the Minutes of the Meeting held on December 3, 2012
“BE IT RESOLVED, by the Financial Stability Oversight Council (the “Council”), that the
minutes attached hereto of the meeting held on December 3, 2012 of the Council are hereby
The Chairperson asked for a motion to approve the resolution, which was made and seconded.
The Council approved the resolution by unanimous vote.
The Chairperson asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting, and the Council voted to adjourn.
The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at approximately 12:00 P.M. (EST).