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At the adjourned meeting of the Federal Reserve Board held in theoffice of the Board at 3 p. m.,
Tuesday, September 8, 1914
Mr. VidAdoo

Mr. Delano

Mt. Hamlin

Mr. Warburg

Mr. Williams

Lit. Miler

Mr. Harding.
The Secretary of the Treasury presided and



C. Elliott acted as Secretary to the meeting.
The amendments to the Federal Reserve Act

recently introduced in the Senate by. Senator Owen were
The Secretary of the Treasury announced that
Mr. Glass, Chairman of the House Committee, had arranged
for a conference with him on the subject of the probability
Of the amendments desired by the Federal Reserve Board
passing the House.

Further discussion was, therefore,

deferred until after the conference referred to.
Consideration of the report of the Special Committee of bankers, on the credit situation, which was submitted at the morning session was resumed and on motion it was



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RESOLVED, That the report be made public and
action thereon deferred until after the conference with
the New York Committee which has been arranged for Thursday:
September 10, 1914, at 9:30 a. m. at which conference
certain phases of the questionsinvolved are to be discussed.
The Secretary retired and the Governor succeeded
him in the Chair.
Consideration of the reports of the sub-committees
on Class "C" directors was taken up and the following candidates were favorably reported by the committees.

District No. 1.

Federal Reserve Bank of BOSTON.

Mr. Frederick H. Curtis for Federal Reserve Agent
Mr. Allen Hollis for Class "C" Director.
The selection of Deputy Federal Reserve Agent was
deferred pending conference with Mr. Curtis.

District No. 2.

Federal Reserve Bank of NEV


iii'. Edmund D. Fisher for Federal Reserve Agent
Er. Charles Starek, Deputy Federal Reserve Agent
Strong, Class "C" Director.

District No. 3*

Federal Reserve Bank of PHILADELPHIA.

Lir. Frank L. Nevius, Federal Reserve Agent
Mr. George 71. Norris, Class "C" Director*
The selection of Deputy Federal Reserve Agent was
deferred until further report from the Committee.


District No. 4. Federal Reserve Bank of CLEVELLND.
Er. Thomas H. Wilson, Federal Reserve Agent.
The selection of the Deputy Federal Reserve
Agent and Class "C" Director was deferred
pending further report from the Committee.

District No. 5. Federal Reserve Bank of RICE.IOND.
Er. William E. Ingle, Federal Reserve Agent.
Mr. I:— F. H. Gouverneur, Class "C" Director.
The selection of Deputy Federal Reserve Agent
was deferred pending further report from the

District No. 6. Federal Reserve Bank of ATLANTA.
Er. W. B. Wellborn was tentatively suggested as
Federal Reserve Agent and Er. W. H. Kettig
as Class "C" Director but upon request of
Committee action on both was deferred.

The Governor was authorized and requested to ask
Clearing House Associations in reserve and central reserve
cities to furnish the Board for its confidential information
with statements showing the amount of reserve, gold and
gold certificates carried by State as well as national banks,
members of such Clearing House Associations.
On motion the meeting adjourned to meet again
at 11 a. in. on Wednesday, September 9, 1914.

Secretary pro tem.




