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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the

System on Friday, September 3, 1948.


Mr. Szymczak, Chairman pro tem.
Mr. Draper
Mr. Vardaman
Mr. Carpenter, Secretary
Mr. Sherman, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Morrill, Special Adviser


Telegrams to the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Phila-


414,01 e
t,tik 8

lanta, Chicago, and San Francisco stating that the Board
t• he establishment without change by the Federal Reserve

'll Francisco on August 31 and by the Federal Reserve Banks
1948, 0 °Ilt, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Chicago on September 2,
r t• he rates of discount and purchase in their existing

Approved unanimously.

41%41 Letter to mr. "Peyton, President of the Federal Reserve Bank
-, Prepared in accordance with the action taken at the

t the Board on August 31, 1948, reading as follows:
The telegrams which you addressed to Messrs.
lalc and Evans on August 26 and your letters
27, 1948 to Messrs. Draper and Vardaman
e a feeling on your part that the Board had
's°n, other than the reasons conveyed in our
telejee];°11e conversations last week, for not approving
'- rY at the rate of $8000 per annum as proposed
'directors for Mr. Clarence Groth, Assistant
resident at the Helena Branch. The Board wishes
to t21.5
lit;lire You that there are no other reasons for its
in this matter than those of which you have
them 1.--Ylpeen advised, and in order that you may present
Your directors they are restated below.


-2tlx,„ The Board is in full agreement with the selec1)J-; of som',one who can be trained in the remaining
d of
Mr. Towle's service to succeed him as the
charge of the Branch and the Board appreatt-2! verY much the considerable amount of time and
tor-"'ion that have been given by you and your direcIlles
to finding the proper solution of this problem.
Board is
entirely willing to accept your judgment
cSlapeof your directors that Mr. Groth is the most
person available for the appointment. How/ it can not see why a salary at the rate of $8000
villy 4111-1m is an essential part of the arrangement and
a Ll of the objectives sought by the arrangement
allri ll°t be achieved with an initial salary of $7000 per
ract which appears to the Board to be in line with the
the , °f the situation. Without desiring to emphasize
°1.11t at all, the Board feels that it has a definite
t ej
1411sibility under the law to consider salaries prob the directors of a Federal Reserve Bank on the
tella 8
a salary policy applicable to the entire Systhe members of the Board feel that your direccillect via readily agree that the Board could not ade:y discharge that responsibility if it approved
oPird'es Proposed by a Federal Reserve Bank when in the
of the Board of Governors they are out of line.
to a:kJ. salary at the rate of 58000 per annum would amount
$70-07 illerease of.38 per cent and a salary at the rate of
lArg-rIgill give Mr. Groth an increase of 20 per cent. The
thel,;,TLIlarY would be $1500 higher than was received by
leer whom Mr. Groth is succeeding and while it is
tazvt nized that he will be expected to take a more imporIlltja"rt in the affairs of the Branch and its contacts
1/4:CLe te
rritory with a view to succeeding Mr. Towle, it
14'e 1313
T,e some months before he will be able fully to measthe new position and be of greater immediate
the Branch than was Mr. Larson. In comparing
4Z 4:es for similar positions in other branches as well
Elppea- Pattern of salaries of officers at your Bank it
ecl to the Board that a starting salary of $7000If
*41e s b
le adequate in a small branch such as Helena.
8,4-e'rY was fixed at $8000 it would give Mr. Groth
4 i,E1.1.'
el' increase immediately than the total of all increas
8 he would have to look forward to in the future


8suilling that in due course he would succeed Mr. Towle
eventually receive the salary that Mr. Towle is now
arc,„eiving. Furthermore, the difference between the solaria.' (31' $8000 and Mr. Towle's salary of $10,000 would be
percentagewise than the difference between the
Brnel7 of the first and second officer at any other
of-Ilch of a Federal Reserve Bank. Finally, the approval
Lae:It !
.s. larY at the rate of $7000 at this time does not
at the matter can not be taken up again at the
tarta, °I. the annual review of official salaries at your
April of next year.
your The Board appreciates very greatly and joins in
desire to preserve the present completely cooperarelationship which it has with the directors of
feel Bslik and if for any reason you or your directors
sici,tilat Mr. Groth's salary has not had adequate conBo Tlation or has not been properly presented to the
the:c, it will
be glad to consider any further comments
lis„Y°11 or your directors might wish to make or to
at '
...'t (88 the
matter with you when you are in Washington
he time of the next Presidents' Conference."
Approved unanimously.

Let „
e.,t-- to the Honorable Preston Delano, Comptroller of the
Prepared in *accordance with the action taken at the meetthe
Board on August 31, 1948, reading as follows:
knel.i"°11 June 30, 1948, you were informed that Bank of
1114Qica National Trust and Savings Association had filed
I ra ,
-- ti°ns with the Board for permission to establish
es at Bremen Frankfurt-am-Main, and Hamburg,
1 ZY. On July 22nd you advised the Board that your
enter no objections to the establishment
Tice these communications were exchanged, the
13raraderstands that the subject of these proposed
-.'es has been further discussed with you, on one
:,°11 tY Governor Szymczak on the telephone, and on
tioal,a7r IDY Governor Clayton and Mr. Townsend of the
The Board is informed that
- 8 Legal Division.


eer each of these occasions you raised questions conini2ing certain factual aspects of the matter which
well be considered by the Board in arriving at
ells decision on these applications, including refer:
al s to the capital structure of the bank, its loan
or dividend policies, as well as to the basic problem
potential over-expansion of the Bank of America
is erally, A further reference to this latter subject
It tained in your letter of August 30th.
Inasmuch as the discussions just referred to have
, Place since your letter of July 22nd was received
fill ue Board, the Board feels that, before it takes
ofT-,:rtion approving or disapproving the applications
°f America for additional foreign branches, it
°e helpful to the Board to obtain from you in
detail such comments as you think are pertinent
ica4ting. to the capital structure of the Bank of Amerloan and dividend policies, and such other
cts as may be relevant to this issue."
Approved unanimously, together
Igith a letter to the Honorable Maple
T. Hari, Chairman, Federal Deposit
InsUrance Corporation, reading as

a n°/1 June 24,..1948, the Bank of America N. T. & S. A.
s applications with the Board for permission to
certain branches in Bremen, Frankfurt-am-Main,
1)ror:EtiliblIrg, Germany. These applications are now being
-e sed by
the Board's staff.
he The Board understands that, on two recent occasions
and Mr.
OSY°11 and Mr. Cook met with Governor Clayton
theseell °f the Board's Legal Division, the fact that
IIPPlications had been filed with the Board was
ssed and you expressed the feeling that your Corpoall, because of its position as insurer of the domestic 41te;ePosits of Bank of America, had a very substantial
st in any questions touching upon the further exof that bank.
11 the light of these discussions, the Board is
th1'clls of obtaining from you such comments as you
84"e pertinent to these applications, especially


from the standpoint of the Corporation's posias
gEtilernsurer of the bank's domestic deposits, toWith such recommendations as you may care to
e in the

Letter to the Presidents of all Federal Reserve Banks readl'°110ws:
-q0„ :14 connection with the administration of Regula-

(8..7 w, about which the Board wrote you in its letter
01-°37) of September 2, 1948, it is planned that the
cement program will be discussed with the Presicletlj
°f all Reserve Banks when the Presidents' ConNT1ce meets in Washington the week of October 4•
?n that, on October 13 and 14, the Board hopes
or D-7e a conference in Washington of those in charge
'egUlation W at the Reserve Banks.
Stat °rk is going forward on the new Registration
be d-ment which will be simpler in form but which must
arid, signed carefully to get the appropriate information
bal4;6?, make it
suitable for punchcard operation. It
eZpe be
with the Bureau of the Budget. It is
wilPsed that photo-offset negatives or printer's proofs
Prepared to send to the Reserve Banks so that
tf','fiting can be done locally. Unless you notify
1q11-.L'be contrary, we will assume that this procedure
ue satisfactory. The negatives or proofs probably
°n be available before the middle of September.
Board is also giving thought to the develope. uniform Registration Certificate for use by
uLeral Reserve Banks and to uniform credentials
h use of all Regulation W investigators. If
cliAct.1Y adopted, samples will be furnished for repro1011 by each Bank.
IR/L4J°11.1" investigations so far indicate that the des2248 of automobile appraisal guides will be about
as under the old regulation, but there are
problems to be cleared up. It is hoped
h designations can be published sometime during
the :
-4 Of September 6.
h "With- respect to the monthly report, resumption of
was requested in the Board's letter (S-1037) of


erntember 2,
1948, it is planned to revise Form F.R. 639
til well as the System summary prepared by the Board from
The, information submitted by the Federal Reserve Banks.
illoard would be glad to receive any suggestions you
4 aye which would increase the value of the monthly
-°rt and summary.
t oilt The question has been raised as to whether a new
Vas }lue of Loan Provisions of Regulation W', such as
lar selled in 1946 for use by bank examiners and simi.versons for ready reference, should be prepared and
0117111buted. The Board would like to have your views
its ls question and any suggestions you may have as to
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr

Knoke, Vice President of the Federal Re-

44k of New York, reading as follows:
rl?,r1e., "Your
wire September 2. Board approves three months
NP1 by your Bank of $15,000,000 of the $20,000,000
°8-11 to the Bank Polski maturing September 9, on
s -111e terms and conditions as now apply, which were
set 2
1947“31"th in your letter to the Board of December 12,
%Is sh"The Board notes that you are of the opinion that
. °11a Proceed with the program of repayment esthat'slied at the time of the June 9 renewal, namely,
volliaellY further extension of this or any other loan
ceacl, if granted, be contingent upon a repayment
ated on the basis of at least 25 per cent of
'-ulounIt now outstanding.
be :
f It is understood that the usual participation will
ered to the other Federal Reserve Banks."

Approved unanimous
