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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on Friday, September 28, 1951.

Mr. Martin, Chairman
Mr. Norton
Mr. Powell
Mr. Carpenter, Secretary
Mr. Sherman, Assistant Secretary

Telegrams to the Federal Reserve Banks of Cleveland, Richmond,
Chicago, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Dallas, and San Francisco stating
that the Board approves the establishment without change by the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis on September 24, by the Federal
Reserve Bank of San Francisco on September 25, and by the Federal
Reserve Banks of Cleveland, Richmond, Chicago, Minneapolis, and Dallas
on September 27, 1951, of the rates of discount and purchase in their
existing schedules.
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated September 26, 1951, from Mr. Townsend, Solicitor, recommending an increase in the basic salary of Miss Joan A.
Temple, Typist in the Office

of the Solicitor, from $2,450 to $2,530

per annum, effective
September 30, 1951.
Approved unanimously.
Memoranda from Mr. Leonard, Director, Division of Bank Operati"s, recommending increases in the basic annual salaries of the
f°11awing employees in that Division, effective September 30, 1951:

I 7-



Date of Memo
and Name
Miss Mary M. Durkan
Mrs. Eleanor I. Klein


Statistical Clerk

Salary Increase




Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated September 26, 1951, from Mr. Young, Director,
Division of Research and Statistics, recommending the appointment
of Mrs. Charlotte T. Breckenridge as a Clerk in that Division, on
a temporary basis for a period of one year, with basic salary at the
rate of $2,890 per annum, effective as of the date upon which she
enters upon the performance of her duties after having passed the
usual physical examination and subject to the completion of a satisfactory employment investigation.
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Gilbert, President of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas, reading as follows:
"Reference is made to your letter of September 17,
1951, advising of the various changes made in official
designations and assignments in connection with the
resignation of Vice President H. R. DeMoss.
"In accordance with the action taken by the Board
of Directors, the Board of Governors approves the appointment of Vice President L. G. Pondrom as an Examiner for
the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, his designation as
the officer in charge of the bank examination function,
and payment of salary to him for the period September 13,
1951 through May 31, 19523 at his present rate of $13,000
per annum.
"The Board of Governors also approves the payment of
salary to Mr. J. L. Cook as Vice President and Cashier for



"the period September 13, 1951, through May 31s 1952, at
the rate of $10,000 per annum, which is the rate fixed
by the Board of Directors as indicated in your letter.
"The Board of Governors also approves the payment
of salary to Mr. E. H. Berg as Assistant Cashier for
the period September 13, 1951, through May 31, 1952,
at his present rate of $7,000 per annum."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Pondrom, Vice President and Cashier of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, reading as follows:
"In accordance with the recommendation contained
in your letter of September 24, 1951, the Board of
Governors extends to November 15, 1951, the time within
which the Anthony State Bank, Anthony, Texas, may accomplish membership. Please advise the applicant to
this effect."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. McCreedy, Vice President of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Philadelphia, reading as follows:
'This refers to your letter of September 25, regarding the penalty of $15.78 incurred by The First
National Bank of Frankford, Frankford, Delaware, on a
deficiency in its reserves for the period ended August 31,
"It is noted that the deficiency resulted from the
subject bank's overlooking the fact that the Reserve
Bank was closed on Saturday, and a draft mailed to the
Reserve Bank on Friday was not credited to its account
until Monday, two days later than the bank had anticipated, and that this is the first deficiency in its
reserves since 1938.
"In the circumstances, the Board authorizes your
bank to waive assessment of the penalty
in this case."

Approved unanimously.

Atwq 7



Letter to Mr. Roger W. Jones, Assistant Director, Legislative
Reference, Bureau of the Budget, Washington, D. C., reading as follows:
"This refers to your letter of September 26, 1951,
addressed to Mr. George B. Vest, General Counsel, including a facsimile of the enrolled enactment of Congress
of S. 2006 'To increase the lending authority of ExportImport Bank of Washington and to extend the period within
which the bank may make loans' and requesting comments.
"The present law authorizes the Export-Import Bank
to borrow from the Treasury up to an aggregate amount
not exceeding two and one-half times the amount of its
authorized capital stock. S. 2006 would increase this
to three and one-half times the amount of such capital
stock. The present law limits the total amount of loans
by the Bank which may be outstanding at any one time to
$31500,000,000. The bill would increase this to $4,500,000,000.
Finally, the bill would permit the Bank to exercise its functions until June 30, 1958 instead of June 30, 1953 as provided in the present law.
"As you possibly are aware, the National Advisory
Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems,
of which Chairman Martin is a member, has taken formal
action recommending an increase in the lending authority
of the Export-Import Bank along lines which are entirely
consistent with S. 2006. The Board of Governors is in
accord with this action and recommends the approval of
the bill."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the United States Civil Service Commission, Washington,
D. c., reading
as follows:
"The Board of Governors desires to hold a hearing
Under Section 8 (b) of its Regulation 1K, consumer credit,
issued pursuant to Section 601 of the Defense Production
Act of 1950 with respect to a case involving the question
whether or not a registrant's license to do business of
the kind which is subject to Regulation W should be suspended.
"The Board of Governors does not have any hearing
examiners to hold such a hearing, and, therefore, asks



"the approval of your Commission for the loan of the
services of Mr. James J. Fitzpatrick, a hearing examiner
of the National Labor Relations Board. We have already
communicated with the National Labor Relations Board
and have been advised that the loan of the services of
Mr. Fitzpatrick has been consented to by it. Copies of
the letters which were exchanged are attached hereto."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Presidents of all Federal Reserve Banks, reading
as follows:
"At the recent'System Conference on Regulation W
several of the Federal Reserve Banks suggested that the
Board reconsider the views expressed in W-137 (S-1286)
regarding statistical data required on Regulation W
registration statements. While the Board feels that it
would be inappropriate for it to issue a general instruction excusing Registrants from submitting answers
to section IV on newly-filed registration statements,
the Board is of the view that the extent of the statistical data, if any, to be required on such statements
18 a matter for the administrative discretion of the
Federal Reserve Bank in each case. This supersedes
W-137 (S-1286)."
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. Edwin C. Bottcher, Cullman, Alabama, reading
as follows:
"Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
has appointed you
director of the Birmingham Branch of
the Federal Reserve
Bank of Atlanta for three-year beginning January 1, 1952, and will be pleased
to have
Your acceptance by
collect telegram.
"It is understood that you are not
a director of
a bank and do
not hold public or political office.
Should your situation in
these respects change during
the tenure of
your appointment, it will be appreciated



"if you will advise the Chairman of the Board of Directors
of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta."

Approved unanimously.