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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on Wednesday, September 26, 1951.

Mr. Martin, Chairman
Mr. Szymczak
Mr. Norton
Mr. Carpenter, Secretary
Mr. Sherman, Assistant Secretary

Memorandum dated September 24, 19)1, from Mr. Young, Director,
Division of Research and Statistics, recommending increases in the
basic annual salaries of the fallowing employe s in that Division,
effective September 30, 19)1:

Peter -M. CodY
A. Jane Moore
Alfred P. Johnson
Virginia E. Leaman
Jennie L 'Glass

Research Assistant

Salary Increase

Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated September 21,1951, from Mr


Carpenter, Secretary

the Board, recommending an
increase in the basic salary of Miss

Mabel Goepfert„ Secretary to Mr. CarPenter, from $44450 to $4,57) per
effective September 30, 1951.
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated September 20, 1951, from Mr. Vardaman,
-441end1ng that Miss Doris I. Abell, a Stenographer in the Division


cidmintstrative Services) be transferred to his office as a Stenographer,

- -"-11g.'e in, her present basic salary of $3,035 per annum, effective

4Ptelliber 30, 1951.



-2Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mrs. Anna Guyselman, Federal Reserve Building,

Washington, D. C., reading as follows:
"This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of
September 21, 1951 giving the Board thirty days' notice
of your desire to terminate your contract, consisting of
an exchange of letters from the Board dated June 17, 1944
and your reply thereto dated June 20, 1944. Your letter
satisfactorily fulfills the requirement that thirty days'
written notice be given to the Board and, accordingly,
the contract will terminate, as you request, on October
21, 1951.
"Every effort will be made to locate another independent contractor to take over the operation of the
Beauty Shop beginning Monday, October 221 1951. However,
it is noted that you are agreeable to operating the Shop
beyond the date of termination of contract if a successor
has not been chosen by that time and also that you would
be willing to have your successor work with you a week
or so before you relinquish control of the Shop. Your
Willingness to cooperate in these respects is very much
appreciated. In the event it should appear desirable
it may be that the Board may wish to suggest another
formal contractual arrangement on a month-to-month basis
or for a shorter period as circumstances may warrant.
"We are sorry that you have found it necessary to
terminate your arrangement with the Board since your
relationship with
our organization over the past seven
Years has been most satisfactory. You have our best
wishes for good health and success in your future
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Edward G. Guy, Assistant Secretary of the Federal
eserve Bank of New
York, reading as follows:
"Thank you for your letter of September 14, 1951,
advising that Mr. Arthur I. Bloomfield has been granted
a leave of
absence without pay for a period of three



"months beginning December 1, 1951, in order that he
may assist the Korean Ministry of Finance and the Bank
of Korea in the banking and monetary reconstruction of
South Korea.
"The Board of Governors will interpose no objection to the arrangements indicated In your letter."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. dodgkinson, Chairman of the Federal Reserve BJ..nk
of Boston, reading as follows:
"Thank you for your letter of September 17, 1951,
advising of the action taken by the Board of Directors
with respect to fixing the salary of President Erickson.
"As you were advised by our letter of April 13,
1951, the Board of Governors has approved the payment
of salary to Mr. Erickson at the rate of $25,000 per
annum through April 30, 1952."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Presidents of all Federal Reserve Banks, reading
as fellows:
"At the System conference on Regulation WI September 12-13, 1951, a question was raised as to the need
for a disciplinary conference in dealing with willful
violators of the Regulation. The discussion indicated
that there was some question as to the intent of Section II, 2 of the Outline Enforcement Program.
"The outline says that when a violator is first
Classified as apparently willful, the *Federal Reserve
Bank will 'ordinarily' hold a disciplinary conference,
and that after the conference a reinvestigation will be
scheduled for an early date.
"It was not intended in this portion of the outline
to prescribe any rigid rules to be followed by the Reserve banks. On the contrary, it was intended to leave
the Reserve banks free to have disciplinary conferences
in proper cases and to omit them entirely in other cases




"where they felt they would accomplish no useful purpose,
as, for example, in cases where the ReServe 'bank believes,
on the basis of the information at hand, that the violations were willful and flagrant and that no useful purpose
would, be served by a disciplinary conference."

Approved unanimously.