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At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Federal Reserve Board held in the office of the Governor
at 10:30 A. M. on Thursday, September 21, 1916,
Mr. Narburg,

Governor Harding, presiding,
Mr. Miller,

Mr. Allen, Secretary.

The Governor was authorized to accept the
invitation of the New York Chapter of the American
Institute of Banking to make an address at its opening
meeting on November 1st, at the expense of the Board.
A telegram was received from Federal Reserve
Agent Wills, Secretary of the Agents' Conference, stating
that December 4th was an acceptable date for the fall
meeting and that he had so notified the Chairman of the
Conference, Federal Reserve Agent Perri
At 10:45 A. Y. the Committe



Under date of September 21, 1916, Governor Harding advised
11r. Pierre Jay, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, of the Board's approval
Of the action of the Board of Directors of that Bank in electing :-r.
J. D. Higgins Assistant Cashier at salary of P,5,000 per annum.
The carbon copy of Governor Harding's letter to Mr. Jay is in
the Board's general files, attached to the original letter from Mr. Jay,
advising Governor Harding of the action of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Nay York in the matter.

The above action is not recorded in the minutes of the Executive
Conimit tee meeting of September 21, 1916, or sitsequently.


afforded by the documents on file in connection with the case indicates
that the action was undoubtedly taken, and that Mr. Sherman Allen,
acted as Secretary, inadvertently omitted to make reference to
the acti°n in the minutes.


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