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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
SY'eltem was held in Washington on Saturday, Septemb
er 20, 1941, at

Ransom, Vice Chairman

Mr. Morrill, Secretary
Mr. Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Thurston, Special Assistant to the
Mr. Goldenweiser, Director of the Division
of Research and Statistics
Mr. Smead, Chief of the Division of Bank
Mr. Dreibelbis, Assistant General Counsel
Mr. McKee referred to memoranda addressed to the Board by Mr.
4.bis under dates of September 18 and 19, 1941, regarding the
18 Na
tionalbank, calling attention to memoranda received from
the 4tied.'
1-al Reserve Bank of New York containing the following informaticq:
th About two
years ago the Danish Legation leased from
19e German Ambassador,
for a term expiring October 1,
ti41, the
building formerly occupied by the Austrian LegainOn, Which lease contain
ed an option to purchase the buildr0
80,000. The Danish Minister has informed the State
tel‘tment that the Danish Legation would like to exercise
th: °Pticm- Mr. Berle, Assistant Secretary of State, told
aria' 41-J./lister that
he saw no reason why he should not do so
filricisaw no reason why he should not utilize 200,000 of the
withs in the blocked account of the Danmark Nationalbank
the the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for this purpose,
rel al?.thority
of the Minister to give the instructions in
par:lon to the P,
200,000 to be certified by the State Detheuent under the recent amendme
nt to Section 25(b) of
1420"deral Reserve Act. It was understood that the
is f'°00 desired in
excess of the 80,000 purchase price
br, or other expense
s in connection with the building,
Y for alterations, furniture, etc.

Since the invasion of Denmark the New York Bank has
continued to permit the operation of the Danmarks Nationalank account on instructions from the officers of the bank
at Copenhagen who
are designated as the authorized siEna„°rles in the bank's signature circular. The account has
.:L eon quite active, and the New York Bank has executed
r ilrough it numerous transactions in which the State and
'reasury Departments have been interested and which those
L',?Partments have requested the New York Bank to arrange
lith the Danmarks Nationalbank. In order to induce the
anmarks Nationalbank to handle such payments, the New
-1- c)rk Dank has, under appropriate licenses from the TreasI
Department, established a special "free” account for
4.:Ie bank, to
which it has credited the dollar payments to
'fle hank against which the bank has made the requested
Payments in Denmark.


The New York Reserve Bank has recognized and acted
IT the
instructions of the officers of the bank at Copengen, notwithstanding that the State Department said
°110wing the Danish Government's repudiation of the
Minister after the Minister had made the agreement
our State Department in relation to air bases in
1,1eenland) that the
Government of the United States had
4,eognized since the invasion of Denmark in April 19/40
that the
Government of Denmark "is patently acting under
The New York Bank feels that there is less danger
fli,eting on such instructions than there would be in reme:'Ing to do so. It has had no indication that the GerDans are exercising any coercion with respect to the
henrilarks Nationalbank, and, in fact, such informal and
arsaY evidence that it has indicates the contrary.


The officers
of the New York Bank feel that to ac.,
re the certified instructions of the Danish Minister.wath
P et to a %).00,000 payment would seriously prejudice
011-,"ew York Bank's position with respect to having relied
ba,l'he instructions of the officers of the Danmarks Nationalthe past, and with respect to the future reliance
.11c/1. instructions, and that in acting upon such infr,'eLlons without similar instructions or confirmation
-T the
Danmarks Nationalbank, the Reserve Bank would
oif il\rlting an almost certain lawsuit. Consequently, the
a ers of the New York Bank indicated informally to the
-.11rY and State Departments that they consider that the


request to make such a payment would involve serious risk
to the Bank, that they would object to any such request
anc! that they hope such a request vail not be made.
If, however, the State Department is insistent about
the matter and wishes to certify the Minister's authority
to direct the payment, notwithstanding such objection, and
the refusal
to honor such request would appear to prejudice
the relationship of the New York Bank with the State DePartment and the whole procedure of certification under
statute, the officers would probably feel that the
.-esser of the evils would be to make the payment on the
instructions of the Minister provided that the Minister's
to make the payment is certified and provided
al80 that certification is made to the effect that Danrks Nationalbank operating in Copenhagen is recognized
_ 8 the central bank of Denmark and is recognized as having
:uthority to control and dispose of all property in the
le°unt on the books of the New York Bank in the name of
c at Institution, so that all future payments from the actrnt would be made on instructions given pursuant to au"ity certified under the statute.



11r. Dreibelbis said that the State Department was extremely
401.0Us that
some way be found to make it possible for the Danish
tillister to
make the payment necessary for the exercise of the option
SIAestion and
had taken the position very strongly that the New York
hould act
on a certificate as to the authority of the Minister
11lake the
payment out of the Danmarks Nationalbank's account. He
that Itr.
Logan of the New York Bank had advised him that Mr. Berle
called him
on the telephone yesterday evening and was very insistellt that
the DIew
York Bank agree to handle the transaction in question,
subsequent transactions with respect to the account of the
N'ationalbank, on the basis of certifications which would be
INled by
Secretary of State certifying to the authority of the




lanister and the Danmarks Nationalbank, respectively, under
section 25(b) of the
Federal Reserve Act, as amended.

In response to

4cNest1on by Mr. McKee, Mr. Dreibelbis indicated that he felt the
al Reserve Bank of New York would not be justified in refusing
6° along on that basis.

Ur. McKee stated that he did not see that any action by the
Was called for at this time, but that he wished to apprise the

Qtliel' members of the
Board regarding the matter so that, in the event
--was objection, they would have an opportunity to express them—

'8 before the
matter was closed.
At this point Messrs. Thurston, Goldenweiser, Smead, and Drei-

left the meeting, and the action stated with respect to each of
hereinafter referred to was then taken by the Board:

The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the


Reserve System held on September 19, 1941, were approved unani-

Telegram to Mr. Sproul, President of the Federal Reserve Bank
ky prepared by Mr. Morrill in accordance with the action

en uy the
Board on September


1941, and reading as follows:

othjr"The Board approves of your Bank offering to the
Federal Reserve Banks, and the acceptance by those
the acc0'5 , Proportionate further participation
ea in your letter of August 6 and in
n the other
142ts since then opened and maintained by your bank
he approval of the Board of Governors or under the
8hi-e °f the 'Procedure with Respect to Foreign RelationPe °f Federal Reserve Banks' (X-9770 in which the



"Federal Reserve Bank of Boston has declined to participate; also in the loan against gold of not in excess of
2ne million dollars to Banco Central de Reserva de El
°c 1vador, approved by the Board of Governors by telegram
of June 27.
"Copies of this wire being sent to other Federal Reserve Banks, and it is understood you contemplate presenting matter to Presidents at time of forthcoming Presidents'
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to the
Presidents of all of the Federal Reserve Banks
tl?ading as follo-s:
"Reg 17-76.

If a new automobile is sold at a discount,
cash purchase price' is therefore less
sum of items 1 through 4 of Part 3(a) of the Supre)lement, the maximum credit value is
limited to 66 2/3 per
ent of the 'bona fide cash purchase price'."

d the 'bona fide
"lan the

Approved unanimously.
Telegram to the Presidents of all of the Federal Reserve Banks
as follows:

has 1, "eg. r-77. An inquiry which may be stated as ,follows
ueen received under section 8(f) of Regulation 1.:
A purchaser buys an automobile costing
600 and tenders his old car, which is worth
4 200, as the required down payment. Purchaser
owed a finance company N_00 on the old car, which
was part of its unpaid purchase price, but the
Purchaser was able to make arrangements with the
inance company whereby the automobile was re-Leased as collateral to this loan and there was
,ituted therefor miscellaneous collateral
than listed articles and he was able to
obtain a clear title for the purpose of making
la). trade-in.
Assuming in each case that the
"istrant involved knows or has reason to know
the 100 transaction: (1) May a finance
c°mPanY, other than the one which extended credit


-6the old car, lend 66-2/3 per cent of the purchase price of the new car when the loan is secured by the new car? (2) May the finance company which extended credit on the old car make
a separate loan to the same individual equal to
2/3 of the purchase price of the new car when
the collateral for the loan is the new car?
(3) May a finance company make two loans to
the purchaser, one secured by the new car equal
to 2/3 of its purchase price, the other secured
by miscellaneous collateral other than listed
articles, to pay the 4'1.00 which the purchaser
owes the other finance company?
'Section 8(f) in effect prohibits extensions of instalment sale credit under section
or of secured in17talment loan credit under section 5(a), in any case in
rhich 'the Registrant making such extension of instalment
etZdIt knows or has reason to know that there is, or that
t.ere is to be, any other extension of credit in connecbl°11 with the purchase of the listed article
which would
tng the total amount of credit extended in connect
h such purchase beyond the maximum credit value of
down payment in the present case is represented
by the
old car, which is not sufficient for this purpose
IslItless taken
at its full value without regard to the amounts
me1}1 owed by the
customer for its purchase. The dovm paystt-, therefo
re includes the '13 of credit which is outthfcling for the purchase of the old car, and the result is
this 1.00 brings the total credit in connection with
beyond the maximum credit value of the new
i Accordingly, when, as stated in the question, the
extestrant knows or has reason to know of these facts, the
pre risi°T1 of credit is prohibited in each of the three cases
sented in the
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. Hodge, Assistant Counsel of the Federal Reserve
Of Chicaro,
reading as follows:
tiola ;
1leel September 18. Your conclusion correct. Seer) (Regulation
applies to Registrant extending




.instalment loan credit or instalment sale credit if Registrant knows of side loan which would bring total amount
of credit
extended in connection with purchase above maxiMIA fixed either by section 4(a) or section 5(a)(1)."
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. Hodgson, Assistant Counsel of the Federal Re%17e

Dank of Minneapolis, reading as follows:

"In re question 14 your wire September 2 if replacement for heating
plant consists of new furnace or boiler
or flea
heating unit such as oil-burner, replacement comes
Within Group D-1 of Supplement (to Regulation W). If repair parts only
are involved, the materials and services
within Group E. See also Ruling W-62."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Rolf Nugent, Director of the Department of ConSlitter c

redit Studies of the Russell Sage Foundation, reading as follows:
RA reply to your letter of September 4, 1941, to Mr.
.1.n which you suggest the selection by the Board
a small
technical advisory committee to supplement gen_fal meetings with
the 'trade' for the consideration of
soblems arising
under the consumer credit regulation
lIled by the Board, has been delayed until the matter
discussed with the members of the Board.
"It is the feeling of the Board that in a period
r_11 the demands on its staff were not as great as at
wfsent and there
was more time to consider some of the
a e technical
problems connected with consumer credit,
a40Mmittee such as you suggest might be of real assistati, licwever, the existence of such a body would con,4-1Le another
point through which matters ordinarily
cleared and as long as the urgency for prompt
rtientsl°ns in connection with the interpretation and amendEldhe,°f Regulation Vi continues, it is believed we should
i staff
-e to the plan of having available on the Board's
or services
of three or four experts in the various fields
c02?nsumer credit and of conferring with the consultative
created by the President's executive order and,



"whenever necessary, with the representatives of the 'trade'
either directly or through the Federal Reserve Banks.
"In following this plan it is expected that the Federal Reserve Banks will become
increasingly effective in
developing information in their respective districts with
respect to many of the technical phases of consumer credit,
and that this information will be available
to us in the
?olution of many of the problems that will arise, and it
ls the hope of
the Board that as the System gathers ex1,?r1ence in administering the Regulation the need for ad.1ce on matters of technical detail will be greatly diminished,,
Approved unanimously.

Letter to Mr. Henry D. Brite, Commercial Manager of the Electric
cal, Farm
Authority, reading as follows:
of ,"This will acknowledge receipt of your six letters
uePtember 16 and your letter of September 10 contain1g questi41ons
regarding Regulation W. For convenience,
e answer given below is preceded in each case by your
disc "2,LitaIL22: Regulation W-58 states: '--bank which
ounts an obligation which is subject to the Regulail
e°r1 13 not obliged to ascertain whether the original
c,11"er is a duly licensed
Registrant'. Does 'bank' in1:01-1de instalment
financing institutions of all types?
wh s,the Word 'discounts' exclude financing institutions
ai:la Purchase
customer obligations from dealers or others
he full value of the instrument, less finance charges?
"Aappx.: The word 'bank' in the above ruling ine,udes
arld , all types of instalment financing institutions;
'discounts' includes purchases as well as
nt5 (see
section 3(a)(2)(B) of the Regulation)
1.,ead ' uestion:
The last sentence of Regulation W-4,
tion as follows: 'As indicated in W-19, the consolidasa,me
Pre-September credit with a new credit has the
newal ej-feet, for the purposes of this question, as a reatat; or revision
of the pre-September credit'. This
ofl, Irllent seems to be in conflict with the general intent
as it could be interpreted to mean that
c'c;i21171:Zilirof a pre-September credit with a new

-9Credit could
could, run for the unexpired term of the pre-September credit even though such term may be considerably
more than 18 months.
"Answer: The sentence quoted from V;-28 is merely
in the nature of a
cross reference to V-19 and was into convey the thought that consolidation of a preSeptember
credit with a new credit amounts to an exercise
c f the privilege
of making one renewal or revision, with
result that a subsequent renewal or revision is governed by the same rules as a
second renewal or revision
of a pre
-September credit. As stated in paragraph 2 of
the mere act of consolidating two separate obligalone can confer no greater privileges than would
,lhat the
new credit could not be for more than 18 months,
hether or not
it was consolidated with a pre-September
1.".aqt§,ILon: A purchaser buys a refrigerator or another
article from a department store on open account and,
„erefOre, does not sign a contract calling for scheduled
arents. The purchaser
agrees to repay the obligation at
th°4t 25.00 in two months, /1440.00 at the end of another
ree months, :'
4 15.00 at the end of another two months, etc.
11 !!
.. such an open
account transaction comply with the Regte °n even though no down payment has been made and the
i of the obligation could
conceivably run for more than
yltet,en months?
Answer: If the question means that the purchaser
ees, When the credit is
extended, that he will repay
- 11g to the schedule stated, the seller has made an
2(elens n of instalment credit' as defined in section
; the Regulation because the purchaser has underother
repay in two or more scheduled pvments. On the
the - "and, if the agreement at the time of sale was that
agreZticle would be paid for in one payment, and the
ered i_ ent is
subsequently revised, the question is covuY
bank "aLlion: May a
person obtain a cash loan from a
-11eh (311 Personal finance company and use the proceeds of
articl:an to cover the full purchase price of a listed
e.l ring the listed article purchased as security

If the article is not taken as security
Can, or if the
article was purchased more than



45 days prior to the making of the loan, no down payment
is required (section 5(a), and see W-37). However, if
the article secures
the loan and was purchased within 45
daYs prior to the making of the loan, or is to be purchased
at any time thereafter, a down payment is required.
".9,112Lq2a: Electric Home and Farm Authority has
contractual arrangements with a number of privately owned
o=cly owned utilities which act as agents for the
in billing and collecting monthly instalments
,raa consumers who have purchased listed articles on the
FIFA instalment plan. In some instances the utilities as
al.gents for the Authority advance the proceeds of the cusLomer contracts to
the dealer making the sale. Such funds
are Promptly repaid to the utility by the Authority. In
instances utilities do not advance funds to dealers.
In both
instances, however, utilities bill and collect
i °nthlY instalments from the customer and remit such colto the Authority. Are either or both classes of
uLilities required to register under Regulation V?
'Answer. Apparently the utilities are doing nothing
than acting as agents for the Authority in billing
flu collecting monthly instalments. Apparently the sales
1 d the
extensions of credit are made by the dealers and
r _the Authority. In the circumstances, the utilities
not required to register (see first part of section
a .


What constitutes a 'bona fide collection
y the Registrant'?
11. 11,tat. "
ctffiTteNo general rule can be laid down regarding
s a bona fide collection effort, except that
visis not essential that there be court action. This proof
in section 8(a) contemplates all the great variety
tualities which may occur, and the corresponding
e 4-c'Y
made of collection efforts and arrangements which may
estion: A purchaser buys one listed article and
tionunlisted article and desires to finance the transa?nineh
he d °11 °/le contract. The purchaser has a trade-in
artiess t° apply as the down payment on the unlisted
Will the dealer making the sale and the financ.rig
Iliatrstitution handling the transaction comply with Regif this type of sale is accepted')
The answer is in the affirmative. The

-11"matter is covered by section 4(g) of the Regulation."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Beneman, Union Trust Building, liashington, D. C.,
as follows:
'Reference is made to your letter of September 11,
which was
delivered in person by your Mr. Morrison to
?ur Mr. Bradley and which asks certain
questions regard-

the provisions of the Board's
Regulation W.

It is assumed, in replying to
your questions, that
1,. auo.-ons' to which you
refer result from the sale of
articles'. It is also assumed that they occur
Pjlor to November
1, 1941, since the provisions of sec2
.?n 8(b) of the regulation relating to 'add-ons' do
L , become
effective until that date, and since there
the Possibility of amending those
provisions prior
lat date.
te "The answer to
the first four questions in your letocr is in the
affirmative, providing the payments described
in accordance with
section 4(d), 'at approximately
si'a'-nintervals not exceeding one month'.
As to your fifth
question, it is suggested that it
clearly answered by the provisions of section
clia;at. If this is not the
case, it is suggested that the
.on be
restated, or that it be clarified by an ex-



understanding of the answer to your sixth ques-

correct, providing the 'account started before Sepals er '
1 1
° the' 941' is not renewed or revised, and providing

provisions of section 4(g) are complied with.
tralitThe administration of ReguTation
VI has been decen
t-zect among the twelve Federal
the pfour
branches, and inasmuch as you are located in
is ho
of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, it
any pReserve
that it will be
convenient for you to address
c11113=ns you may have regarding the regulaItliOtrat

Approved unanimously.