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977 At a meetinL,' of the Federal Reserve , Board held in the office of tha Governor at 11:35 A. M., Monday September 10, 1916, PRESEUT: Jcv3rnor Harding, presiding, Mr. Uarburg, Mr. Williams, Miller, Mr. Allen, Secretary, Upon the recommendation of the Executive Canmittee, Governor Harding was requested to write to Director L. A. Wilson, Federal Reserve Bank of KJnsas City, stating the Board felt that he should resign because of his remov:..,1 from the District. The Secretary asi,:ed direction as to t--.) assignment of six rooms allotted to the .oar. on the second floor, enter corridor, Treasury Buildin., and after discussion the following assignment was approved by the Board.$ Room #202 - Clerks and Stenographers of Office of Secretary. Roam #204 - Counsel stenographers. Roam #206 - Division of Reports and Statistics. 'Room 4208 Room 4210 - Division of Audit and_ Examination. Room 4212 At 12:00 noon, the Board adjourned.