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At an adjourned meeting of the Federal Rem.
serve Board held in the office of the Board at 4:40 p.
on Thursday, September 17, 1914
Er. EcAdoo

Mr. Williams

Er. Hamlin

Er. Warburg

Er. Delano

Ur. Miller
Er. Harding.

The Secretary of the Treasury presided and
Er. Sherman P. Allen acted as secretary.
Consideration of names for Class "C" directors
of Federal Reserve Banks was resumed.

No selections re-

On motion, it was voted that the Secretary of
the Board request Er. E. O. Tenison

of Dallas, Texas to

come to Washington for conference.
Er. Delano was requested by the Board to go to
Chicago for conferences relative to the directors to be
selected by the Board for the Federal Reserve bank of that




The Chairman read a letter from the First
National Bank of El Paso, Texas relative to financial
conditions in that locality.
The Chairman announced that Mr. George W.
Norris of Philadelphia, Pa., had indicated that while
he would not be able to accept the position of Federal
Reserve Agent, that he might serve as a Class "C"

On motion the Governor was requested to

invite 1:r. Norris to come to Washington for conference.
The National City Bank having presented,
pursuant to its agreement, by-laws governing the conduct
of its branches proposed to be established in Buenos
Aires and Rio de Janeiro, the following orders were presented by the Governor and on motion of Mr. Harding,
duly seconded, adopted, and ordered spread upon the
records of the Board.
"The National City Bank of New York having
filed an application with this Board for the purpose of securing authority to establish a Branch
in the City of Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic,
and having furnished evidence that is has set
aside the sum of one million dollars (01,000,000)
for the conduct of the business of the said Branch;
and the said apIdication having been considered and
it appearing to the Board that the said application
is properly made under the laws of the United States



SFP 17 1914


of America and should be granted,
::ow, therefore, it is hereby
That the said application be and it hereby is approved and the said Bank be and it hereby is authorized to establish the said Branch in
the City of Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic.
By the 'Federal Reserve Board,
C. S. Hamlin

B.Parker WI 11is

"The National City Bank of New York having
filed an application with this Board for the purpose of securing authority to establish a Branch
in the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and having
furnished evidence that it has set aside the sum
of one million dollars (1,000,000) for the conduct of the business of the said Branch; and the
said application having been considered and it
appearing to the Board that the said application
is properly made under the laws of the United
States of America and should be granted,
Now, therefore, it is hereby
That the said application be and it hereby
is approved and the said Bank be and it hereby is


Ne ting SEP 11 1914


authorized to establish the said Branch in
the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
By the Federal Reserve Board,

C. S. Hamlin.


H. Parker Willis.

The Counsel for the Board brought to its
attention the application of the Commercial National
Bank of Washington, D. C., for permission to establish
a branch at Balboa.

On motion, the Counsel was in-

structed to prepare a letter tentatively granting the
desired permission to the Commercial National Bank on
the same terms as those upon which similar permission
was given to the National City Bank for the establishment of its branches at Buenos Ayres and Rio de Janeiro.
It was directed that when prepared this letter of permission be submitted to the Committee on Establishment
of Branches in Foreign Countries, said committee to


have full power to act for te Board and its action to
' be conveyed to the Commercial 'Iational Bank over the
signature of the Governor.
On motion the meeting adjourned at 6:10 p. m.
to meet at 10:00 a. m. Friday, 3eptember 18, 1914.




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