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A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors
of the Federal
Reserve System was held in Washington on Monday, Septem—
ber 16, 1935, at 11:30
a. m.

Mr. Thomas, Vice Chairman
Mr. Hnmlin
Mr. James
Mt. Bethea, Assistant Secretary

The Committee acted on the following matters:
Memorandum dated September 14, 1935, from Mr. Vest, Assistant
General Counsel, submitting the resignation of


Margaret Wisner as

secretary in the
legal division, effective at the close of business

011 September 16, 1935,
and recommending that the Board accept Miss
Wisnsr t s resignation effective as of the close of business on that
Letter to Mr. Case, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York, reading as follows:
"Receipt is acknowledged of Mr. Dillistin's letter of Sep—
!,ember 10, 1935, with regard to the establishment of two branches
fl East
Orange, New Jersey, by the 'Fidelity Union Trust Company',
Newark, New Jersey.
"As noted in Mr. Dillistin's letter, the approval of the
and operation of these two branches by the Comp—
troller of the Currency was given upon the recommendation of the
Board, but, in view of the subsequent amendment to the applicable
Pl‘civisions of law contained in the Banking Act of 1935 and in
to avoid any question, the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System hereby approves the establishment and operation of
:Ileh branches in the circumstances and subject to the conditions
described in the Board's letter to
you of July 31, 1935, relating
0 this matter. Please advise the
bank accordingly."


Approved unanimously.


Letter to Mr. Clark, Assistant Federal Reserge Agent at the
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, reading as follows:
"This refers to your letter dated September 7, 1935 regarding Regulations Bulletin No. 5, as amended by Supplements A and
Bp issued by
the State Comptroller of Mississippi, limiting the
rates of interest payable upon time and savings deposits by
State banks in Mississippi.
"In view of the provisions of section 24 of the Federal
Reserve Act and of the above mentioned regulation of the State
Comptroller, it is the opinion of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System that the rates of interest accruing on
and after July 1, 1955, and during the period in which such regulation is legally in effect, which a national bank or other member bank located in Mississippi may lawfully pay on time and
eavings deposits are as follows:
"(a) Not more than 2 per cent per annum on the portion of
tine aggregate amount of the time and savings deposits of any one
in the same bank which is not in excess of ',000; not
more than 1-3/4 per cent per annum on the portion of such aggreate amount which is in excess of 0,000 and not in excess of
010,000; and not more than 14 per cent per annum on the portion
of such aggregate amount which is in excess of 40,000.
"(b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the rate of interest
accruing prior to Janimry 1, 1936 which may be paid upon Postal
1S_avings funds on deposit in such banks on July 1, 1935, shall
ue not more than
2± per cent per annum.
"It will be appreciated if you will communicate with the
,tate Comptroller and ascertain whether, in his opinion, the
4doard has correctly stated the interest rates established by
Regulations Bulletin No. 5, as amended. If the State Comptroller
should be of the opinion that the Board has not correctly interpreted such regulation, please communicate with the Board before
141kirIL, any further action. If, however, the State Comptroller
le of the opinion that the Board has correctly interpreted such
I egulation, please give notice of the above mentioned rates of
3....nterest to all member banks in your district located in the
"ate of Mississippi, calling attention to the applicable provii?ne of section 24 of the Federal Reserve Act and to subsection
e)(3) of section III and subsection (c)(3) of section V of Reguj
ti°n Q, as well as to the applicable provisions of the regula.n
P of the State Comptroller. The Board of Governors will not
‘11?1,Ject to the payment of interest by a national bank located in
'Ilseissippi at a rate greater than the rates set Corth above in
4coordance with the terms of, and until the termination of, any
contract existing on the date on which such bank receives notice




"from you of the rates stated above, provided such rate is otherwise in conformity with the provisions of Regulation Q and the
contract is terminated as soon as possible under the terms thereof,
"It has been noted in section 5 of Regulations Bulletin No.
5, the statement is made that 'The within rulings ***** must be
Observed by all state and national banks operating in Mississippi'.
In communicati
ng with the State Comptroller with regard to the
question whether the Board has properly interpreted his regulation
flxing the rates of interest, it is suggested that you advise him
that, in the opinion of the Board, national banks operating in
Mississippi are not subject to all of the regulations prescribed
bY the State Comptroller but are merely limited as to the rates
of interest which they may pay. Section 24 of the Federal Reserve
Act provides that the rate of interest which a national bank
Pay on time deposits
or on savings or other deposits shall not
c:'eced the maximum rate authorized by law to be paid upon such
dedosits by
State banks or trust companies organized under the
lats of the State wherein such national bank is located, but does
not Provide that
a national bank shall be subject to all of the
reguJations of the State banking authorities regarding the making
ano withdrawal of deposits and other similar matters.
. "Please furnish to the Board two copies of any notification
ich You may send to the member banks in Eississippi in conneculon with the reduction in interest rates."


Approved unanimously, together with a
letter to Mr. Wood, Federal Reserve Agent
at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis,
reading as follows:
"This refers to your letter dated September 14, 3935 regardip,
6 Regulations Bulletin No. 5, as amended by supplements A and
issued by the State Comptroller of Tvississippi, limiting the
rates of interest payable upon time and savings deposits
by State
banks in Mississippi.
"There is inclosed herewith a copy of a letter to the Assistant Federal Reserve
Agent at Atlanta instructing him to give
n°tice of the change in the rates of interest to all member banks
in the 6th
district located in the State of Vississippi, after obailling the opinion of the State Comptroller that the Board has
correctly interpreted Regulations Bulletin No. 5, as amended.
"It will be appreciated if you will communicate tith the
'ssistant Federal Reserve Agent at Atlanta asking him to advise
you when
he receives the opinion of the State Comptroller that the
Board has
correctly interpreted the regulation in question. Upon
"eiPt of such advice, please give notice of the rates of interest
stated in the Board's letter to the Assistant Federal Reserve

"Agent at Atlanta in accordance with the instructions contained
in the letter to such Assistant Federal Reserve Agent.
"Please arrange with the Assistant Federal Reserve Agent at
11tlanta for his notice to member banks in the 6th district
in Mississippi and your notice to member banks in the 8th district
located in Mississippi to be sent at approximately the same time.
Alsc please furnish to the Board two copies of any notification
Which you may send to such member banks in connection with the reduction in interest rates."
Letter to Yr. Harold H. Umholtz, Cashier, The Gratz National
Bank, Gratl,,
Pennsylvania, reading as follows:
"This refers to your letter of September 5, 1935, in which
You ask whether you are correct in interpreting section VI of the
Board's Regulation Q to permit your bank, upon properly recorded
tion of its board of directors, to allow withdrawal of a sped amount, such as 450, from each savings deposit, without requiring 30 days' written notice of intended withdrawal.
"The Board has ruled, as indicated at page 768 of the
December, 1933, Federal Reserve Bulletin, of which a copy
is in"sod,
that the word 'portion' as used in section VI of Regulatlon
is to be interpreted as including a specified amount and
that a member bank may pay any specified amount of
the savings
deposits of any depositor without requiring notice of intended
provided that, upon request and without requiring
such notice, it shall pay the same specified amount
of the savfl,gs deposits of every other depositor which are subject to the
Same requirement, and provided also that the provisions of paraPlaPhs (b) and (c) relating to changes in the practice of
a member bank
with respect to the withdrawal of savings deposits, as
tell as the
other provisicns of this section, are observed.
Therefore, it is the view of the Board that by complying with
these provisions
your bank may pay a specified sum, such as (.50,
savings deposits without requiring 30 days' written notice
intended withdrawal."


Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Clark, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent at the
"al Reserve Bank of Atlanta,
reading as follows:
"This refers to your letter dated September 5, 1935 regardthe deduction from gross demand deposits of cash items in
Pls"ess of collection in computing reserves. Inclosed with your



"letter was a copy of a letter to you dated August O, 1935 from
The First National Bank of Lake Charles, Lake Charles, Louisiana,
and a copy of a reply dated September 4, 1935 to such letter from
Mr* t. S. McLarin, Jr., Assistant Deputy Governor of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
"The First National Bank of Lake Charles stated that until
such time as it should broaden its records to include a complete
day to day statement of uncollected cash items, as it stated it
would eventually have to do because of deposit insurance, the
tank would prefer not to avail itself of the deduction from gross
demand deposits of cash items in process of collection, inasmuch
as its legal reserves are considerably in excess of requirements.
The bank also stated that it understood that since the mimeographed
formula of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta stated that member
13 /11zs 'may' deduct cash items in process of collection, it is
optional with the member bank as to whether it will avail itself
of such
"Assistant Deputy Governor Y.cLarin advised the bank that it
vais his opinion that the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System expects that all member banks' reserves will be computed upon the same basis as otherwise there would be no accurate
method of computing member bank excess reserves as of any given
"Although the Board is of the opinion that it is desirable
for member
banks to deduct cash items in process of collection
in computing reserves in order that accurate statistics may be
nevertheless, the Board feels that the making of such
deduction is optional with
the member banks in view of the persive nature of the tenth paragraph of section 19 of the Federal
serve Act, as amended by the Banking Act of 1935, which provides
at member banks 'may' deduct cash items in process of collection.
, "It is conceivable, of course, that the Board, in order to
°DtEin accurate statistics, may find it desirable to give consid!
ration to the question whether it shoulc require member banks
,!.43 furnish information relating to cash items in process of colJ;?ction or to the aggregate of balances due from banks and cash
stems in process of collection, even though the banks may not
.ee fit to deduct either balances due from banks or cash items
1/1 process of collection, or both, from their gross demand dePosits in computing reserves.
It seems possible that the statement of The First Naticnal
of Lake Charles that it does not wish to deduct cash items
.11 Process of collecticn until it shall broaden its records to
elude a complete day to day statement of uncollected cash items
2r deposit insurance purposes is based upon a mistaken belief
,,nat such
items must be segregated from amounts due from other
planks or that a separate record must be kept of such items.




"Although section 12B(h) of the Federal Reserve Act, as
amended by the Banking Act of 1935, which permits the deduction
of uncollected items
in determining the assessment on insured
banks, provides that 'each insured bank shall, as a condition
to the right to deduct
any specific uncollected item in deterIdning its assessment base, maintain such records as will
readily permit verification of the correctness of the particular deduction claimed', the require
ment of such section is not
applicable to the deduction of cash items in process of collection in computing reserves under secticn 19 of the Federal
Reserve Act.
"As indicated in item No. 2 of the Federal Reserve Bank of
AtlantE mimeographed formula dated August 28, 1935, balances due
from other banks and cash items in process of collect
ion need
not be segrega
ted in computing reserves and, for that reason,
it is not clear why any member bank should experience difficulty
in arriving at the amount of such deducti
on. In this connection
the subject bank,
in common with other member banks, has been
reporting in Schedule I of the quarterly call report balances
due from banks (includ
ing items in process of collection with
such banks).
"It will be appreciated if you will advise The First National Bank of Lake Charles of the Board's views
in this matter,
and advise the Board what action is taken by such
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. Stevens, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal
Reserve Bank of
Chicago, reading as follows:
, . "Referring your September 12 telegram, in the event of a
aeficiency in reserves of any member
bank on one or more days
from August 24 to August 31, 1935, inclusive, net demand
defor purpose of assessment of penalties may in your discretion be taken on the basis
of law prior to enactment of
Banking Act of 1935."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. O'Connor, Comptroller of the Currency, reading

"Under date of September 12 you were advised of the Board's
.11)Provel of the application of The Hanover
National Bank of
"lakeE-Barre, Pennsyl
vania, for stock of the Federal Reserve



"Bank of Philadelphia, effective if and when your office authorizes the bank to open for business.
"The formal application for Federal Reserve bank stock
Which has just been received was made by the Hanover Bank and
Trust Company
, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, which is to be converted into The Hanover National Bank of Wilkes-Barre. The
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System therefore
revokes its approval granted on September 12, 1935, of the application of The Hanover Vational Bank of Wilkes-Barre, and approves the application of the Hanover Bank and Trust Company
for original Federal Reserve bank stock to be issued in the
name of The Hanover Nationa Bank
of Wilkes-Barre, effective
if and when your office authorizes the latter bank
to open for
"As you were advised on September 12, the Board is informed that the
required payment has been made on the subscription
to Federal
Reserve bank stock."
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. Worthington, Deputy Governor of the Federal
Reserve Bank of
Kansas City, reading as follows:
"Your wire September 12. From informal conversations with
of Farm Credit Administraticn it is understood
that redemption
of bonds of joint stock land banks in certain
Other Federal Reserve
districts has been handled under a pro?edure recently worked out in which a commerc
ial bank is utilized as paying
e advice as
to details
of this procedure, it is suggested that Iowa Joint
:ock Land Bank
of Sioux City communicate with Farm Credit Ad"Loalstration to ascertain definitely procedur followe
d in such
Other similar cases.
If participaticn in such procedure by
Federal Reserve bank appears to be lawful it is suggested
consideration be
given to possibility of its use in instant
case. If
it is found that such procedure cannot be utilized
n Instant case or is unsatisfactory to Federal Reserve bank
lurther consideration can then be given if desired
to request
Contained in
your telegram September 12 upon receipt of full
fi f°rmation as to functions proposed to be performed by Feder:
I- Reserve bank and reasons why such procedure is necessary
or desirabl
e in this case."
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to the Federal reserve agents at all Federal reserve



banks, reading as
"Inquiry has been made concerning the procedure to be followed by banks desiring a determination by the Board, pursuant
to section 301 of the Banking
Act of 1935, as to whether their
respective holcing company affiliates
are engaged, directly or
indirectly, as a business in holding the stock of, or managing
or controlling, banks,
banking associations, savings banks, or
trust companies.
. "If the holding company affiliate has an application for a
voting permit pending before the Board, the determination will
be made in
connection with such application. Such eases are now
being considered by the Board and action will be expedited as
much as possible. If a determination by the Board
is desired
case in which an application has not been filed, the
hO1164 company affiliate should file a written
request for
such determination. Any such request must be accompanied by
detailed information concerning all matters having a bearing
on the
question. The request should be filed with the Federal
Reserve Agent for the district in which the principal office of
the holding company affilia
te is located. If a general voting
Permit has been granted, a similar request should be filed and
acc°mPanied by current information supplementing that furnished
in connection with the application for such permit.
forwarded to
the Board should be accompanied with an expression
f your views and the opinion of counsel for your bank
in each
Case I?
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Messrs. Hughes, Schuman & Dwight, Attorneys &
Qellors at Law, New York, New York, reading
as follows:
"Consideration has been given to the request for a ruling
contained in your letter of July
30, 1935, regarding the applicability of section
32 of the Banking Act of 1933 with respect
o Bond and Mortgage
Guarantee Corporation in the event that
that corporation should engage
in the sale of mortgages. You
state that the corporation
is now in a position to 'engage in
the sale of
whole mortgages to institutional and individual
3nvestorsl, that the business contemplated 'will
not include
the sale or
issuance of any parts or shares of mortgages or of
8°-ca11ed mortgage certificates', but that the busines contems
Ated by the corporation will include
type of
direct loan
on real estate'. Specifically, you request a ruling





"as to %hether 'the sale of a whole mortgage to a single investor is the sale of a "security" of the kind referred to in
section 32.1
"The Board has reached the conclusion that, although there
are obligations secured by real estate mortgages which are of
the kind referred to in section 320 mortgage notes arising out
Of the ordinary type of direct loans
on real estate are not
securities' within the meaning of that term as used in that
section. Under the circumstances, the Board does not believe
that the sale of mortgages of the kind referred to in the
statements quoted above from your letter would be the sale
of 'securities
' of the kind referred to in section 32.
"It is believed that this answer disposes of the questions
raised in your letter. However, if you desire any further informatien, it is suggested that it may be more convenient for
you to communicate with the Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Federal reserve agents at all Federal reserve
4Lnks, reading as
"As you know, section 8 of the Clayton Antitrust Act as
amended by section 329 of the Banking Act of 1935 contains the
following provision:
'until February 1, 1939, nothing in this section
shall prohibit any director, officer, or employee of
any member bank of the Federal Reserve System, or any
branch thereof, who is lawfully serving at the same time
as a private banker or as a director, officer, or emPloyee of any other bank, banking association, savings
bank, or trust company, or any branch thereof, on the
date of enactment of the Banking Act of 1935, from continuing such service.'
"The Board's attention has been called to a case where on
August 23, 19350 the date of the enactment of the Banking Act
1935, a person was serving, under a permit issued by the
two banks coming within the provisions of the Clayton
?t and also was serving a third bank which at that time came
Aithin the prohibitions of the Clayton Act. At the time of
the granting of the permit, the service of the third bank was
not prohibited by the Clayton
Act and the service of such bank
las not covered by the permit issued by the Board. After
careful consideration of these circumstances it was the view
°f the Board that the person was 'lawfully serving' the two
°anks covered by the Board's permit in the capacities named




"in that permit on the date of the enactment of the Banking Act
of 1935, and, therefore, under the provision of the Clayton Act,
as amended by the Banking Act of 1935 quoted above, could continue such service until February 1, 1939. The Board's decision
this matter is called to your attention for your information
ln the event that cases involving similar circumstances come to
your attention. It will be understood, of course, that in any
ease where the service of a bank which is not covered by the
permit issued by the Board is prohibited under the Clayton Act,
as amended by the Banking Act of 1935, the service of
such bank
must be terminated."
Approved unanimously.
Thereupon the meeting adjourned.

Assistant Secretary.

Vice Chairman.