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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

SYatera Was held in Washington on Wednesday, September 15, 1943, at
11:00 a.m.


Eccles, Chairman
Ransom, Vice Chairman

Mr. Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman
The action stated with respect to each of the matters hereinatter
referred to was taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the
"al Reserve System held on September 14, 1943, were approved unanikous13r.

Memorandum dated September 13, 1943, from Mr. Nelson, Assist-

kt, 8

ecretary, recommending that Robert B. Adams be appointed as a

l'er in the Secretary's Office on a temporary basis for an indefiIlite period, with basic salary at the rate of 81,200 per annum, effective
48 of the date upon which he enters upon the performance of his


after having passed satisfactorily the usual physical examina.
wIth the understanding that if anything derogatory should de-

in the investigation of his references his services may be ter%ted immediately.

Approved unanimously.


Memorandum dated September 14, 1943, from Mr. Goldenweiser,
of the Division of Research and Statistics, submitting the
l'esignation of Miss Elinor Palmieri as a clerk in that Division, to
4 effective as of the close of business on September 15, 1943,
-ecommending that the resignation be accepted as of that date.
The resignation was accepted.
Memorandum of this date from Mr. Nelson, Assistant Secretary,
1112tit •
tIng the resignation of Edward L. Colvin as a cafeteria helper
Secretary's Office, to become effective as of the close of
e88 on September 18, 1943, and recommending that the resignation
accepted as
of that date.
The resignation was accepted.
Letter to Mr. Robert M. Barnett, Chairman of the Review Comkittee
on Deferment of Government Employees, War Manpower Commission,
g a follows:
"In a letter dated Y.arch 16, we advised you of the
r, •
olntment of three members of the Board's staff as an
AgencY Committee on Deferment of Government Employees.
th "This is to advise you that E. L. Smead, Chief of
z4 e Division of Bank Operations, and George B. Vest, Asn'stant General Attorney, have been appointed as alterbates to serve during the absence or incapacity of mem"8 of the Committee."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Meyer, Assistant Cashier of the Federal Reserve
Of Chicago, reading as follows:

1 351

_ 2_

"The Board of Governors approves the change in the
Personnel classification plan of the Federal Reserve Bank
?f Chicago involving an increase to fa,206.40 in the maxIraum annual salary for the position of Charwoman, as submitted with your letter of September 10, 1943."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Presidents of all the Federal Reserve Banks, readtrig

as follows:

"The National War Labor Board has advised that the
411ndamental change in wage stabilization policy embodied
;Lftl Executive Order 9328, the supplementary directive of
''e.Y 12 and the policy adopted by the National War Labor
T3ard thereunder has required revision in the wage addalletment procedures of Governmental agencies to which
uch board has designated wage stabilization responsibilities.
the "9f particular importance to the Reserve Banks are
•elimination of 'inequalities' as a basis for wage adand the substitution of the 'wage bracket' for
e 'prevailing wage concept' in making wage determina41°ns. The details of the wage bracket procedure are
07,cessarily somewhat complicated but for the ready use
the Reserve Banks, an attempt has been made in the
lttached memorandum to summarize the procedure to be fol4°Iled and the information desired in connection with ad8tments of wages and salaries under the certification
I'ocedure at the Federal Reserve Banks.
haThe regional offices of the National War Labor Board
ve established wage and salary brackets for a number of
cleitions. In making salary determinations, the Reserve
1 anks should, wherever possible, use salary brackets which
been established by the regional offices of the War
Labor Board
for comparable positions. In this connection,
!Presentatives of the War Labor Board have emphasized that
__r!e comparison should be with comparable jobs regardless
lull title, as frequently the same title may cover jobs with
„.11Y varying characteristics and on the other hand, jobs
different titles may actually be the same. We have
Leen advised that the local offices of the National War
8abor Board will be glad to cooperate uith the Reserve
anks in furnishing pertinent information.




—4-"If no bracket has been established by the National
liar Labor Board for comparable jobs, the Reserve Bank
?houid establish brackets based on sound and tested rates
the community (the attached memorandum contains further
comments regarding the establishment and use of wage
a.nd salary brackets). If a job is peculiar to the Federal Reserve Bank and true comparison can not be made
18 -th jobs in other organizations, an adjustment can be
7de on the basis of careful job evaluation and accepted
'Job relationships within the organization.
"The instructions and suggestions regarding certification procedure contained in the attached memorandum
supersede the previous instructions and suggestions.
"This note and the accompanying memorandum are based
1 11efly upon advices and information received from the
tational War Labor Board regarding procedures with respect
wage and salary adjustments under its jurisdiction. We
flaerstand that revised regulations of the Commissioner of
-1-Zternal Revenue regarding stabilization of salaries under
h a jurisdiction may be issued shortly. In the meantime,
lever, we have been advised informally by representatives
hie office that the general procedure suggested herein
ould be appropriate with respect to adjustments of salaries
which the Commissioner's regulations are applicable.
of "For ready reference, the attachments include a copy
the General Order No. 19, the accompanying press release,
'fld the press release and directive of May 12 regarding
general policy."


Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Young, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of
go, reading as follows:
to Mr. Diercks' letter of September "Reference is made
and enclosures, submitting the request of
3Y 19432
t Ecorse Savings Bank, Ecorse, Michigan, for permission
o° act as trustee under agreement. The bank has only reltly been granted trust powers by the State authorities
inu permission of the Board to act in a fiduciary capacity
be requested pursuant to an applicable condition of memn
tielrehiP which provides that except with such permissio
e ere shall be no change in the scope
Xercised by the bank.



"It is understood that the bank desires permission
tc) act as trustee under agreement only in the case of
aodern Collet & Machine Company, which company recently
installed an employees' pension trust plan under the terms
of Which a corporate trustee is required; that the duties
of the bank under this trust agreement will be largely
-nisterial and will not involve the exercise of discre10n in making investments; that this step is being taken
as an accommodation to a valued customer and in order to
retain all of its business; and that should the bank de;1-re to act as a fiduciary in any other instance it will
ilrst consult with the State Banking Department and with
the Federal Reserve Bank.
"In view of the circumstances, and since the bank
reported in satisfactory asset condition and under
,c_apable management, the Board will not object to the
°ank's acceptance of the one corporate trusteeship in
question, with the understanding that it will not acquire
aV other trust business without first obtaining the perof the Board."


Approved unanimously.
Letters to Honorable Leo T. Crowley, Chairman of the Federal


-Lnsurance Corporation, and Honorable Preston Delano, Comptroller

Otths Currency, reading as follows:
"The question which has been referred to the Board
bY the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as to whether,
Ibincler the new inscription, reports of examination should
t? made available to the New
Clearing House Associa01°n, has been discussed informally with representatives
Your office on one or two occasions. Enclosed hereis a proposed reply to Vice President Gidney of the
lekleral Reserve Bank of New York. Before sending the
(letter out we would like to have confirmation of our unerstanding that your office concurs in the position taken
'fld the benefit of your suggestions, if any."
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated September 11, 1943, from Mr. Goldenweiser, Dictor

of the Division of Research and Statistics, recommending that



ar'rallgements be made with Mr. S. T. Yang, of the Economic Potential
II:111810n in the Enemy Branch of the Office of Economic Warfare, to
translate certain articles on Japanese money and banking in connection
the Project on the Military Government Handbook, and that the
8°41'd authorize an expenditure of not to exceed t,200 for this purpose,
Ilitth the understanding that the translation work would be done at the

of q per


memorandum stated that the work would be

c°11cilleted under the close supervision of Frank Tamagna, who is assembling the
material for the handbook on Japan, and that Mr. Knapp of
the illt

ational Section would keep in touch with the work to see
value was received for the expenditure.
standing that
budget of the
tistics would

unanimously, with the underthe appropriate item in the
Division of Research and Stabe increased accordingly.

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.

Assistant Secretary.

