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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
48ten was held in Washington on Tuesday, September 12, 1939, at
12:45 p.m.


Ransom, Vice Chairman

Mr. Morrill, Secretary
Mr. Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
The action stated with respect to each of the matters herein"ter referred to was taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the
l'ederal Reserve System held on September 8, 1939, were approved unani111011sly.
Letter to Mr. Keesee, Secretary of the Iederal Reserve Bank
"Richmond, reading as follows:
"Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of September 2, 1939, inquiring as to the effective date of
Mr. McCormick's appointment as a Class C Director of your
"Since Mr. McCormick tendered his resignation as a
Director of the Baltimore Branch on August 30, 1939, and
advised on that date that he had met the other requirements referred to in the Board's wire of August 21, the
Board will record August 31, 1939, as the effective date
Of his appointment as a Class C Director of your Bank."
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated September 7, 1939, from Messrs. Davis and
Slc2ek relating to information material for new directors of Federal



Reserve banks and recommending that in the case of each appointment of
4 director of a Federal Reserve bank or branch a copy of the book "The
POde]. Reserve System - Its Purposes and Functions" stamped with the
IIPPointee's name be sent promptly and that the importance of this book
48 el source of information regarding the Federal Reserve System be anPhasized in the usual letter sent from the Chairman's office.


nleillorandum also recamnended that at the same time a letter should be
8ent from the Secretary's office advising the appointee that we are
sending this book along with copies of the Federal Reserve Act, the
/4gest of Rulings, and the Board's latest Annual Report.
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. Fletcher, Vice President of the Federal Re8"e Bank of Cleveland, reading as follows:
"Board extends to November 16, 1939, the time within
Which 'The Iron and Glass Dollar Savings Bank of Birmingham',
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, may complete membership in Sys-.
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. Peyton, President of the Federal Reserve Bank
Minneapolis, reading as follows:
"In accordance with your recommendation, Board extends until October 16, 1939, time within which 'State
Bank of Rockville', Rockville, Minnesota, may accomplish
membership in the System."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Comptroller of the Currency reading as follows:


"It is respectfully requested that you place a special
order with the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, supplementJug the order requested June 14, 1939, for the printing
Of Federal reserve notes of the 1934 Series in the amounts
and denominations stated for the Federal Reserve Bank of
Number of
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Roy A. Foulke, Manager of the Specialized Report
C°11trol Department of Dun 8c, Bradstreet, Inc., New York, New York, reades follows:
INfr. Ransom has asked me to respond further to your
letter of August 25, the receipt of which he acknowledged
on August 26, regarding losses on loans made by Federal
Reserve banks to commercial and industrial business enterprises and a breakdown of information which you have
received to the effect that reporting member banks on
April 19 had 24,600 loans aggregating approximately
c1,410,000,000 outstanding on that date, with maturities
exceeding one year.
"While there have been losses on the loans of the
Federal Reserve banks and reserves have been set up for
estimated losses, we have not so far compiled for publication information relating to the classification of
such losses, particularly in view of the fact that such
information relating to losses actually realized would
be incomplete without reference to anticipated losses
and, of course, estimates for anticipated losses are
subject to change from time to time. It is not possible
to determine with any degree of accuracy at this time
what the actual losses on industrial advances may ultimately amount to. For these reasons, we are not in position to give you these figures at this time.
"With regard to your inquiry concerning the loans
Of reporting member banks, you will find a discussion of
these loans on pages 560 - 562 of the July Federal Reserve Bulletin including information relating to sizes




"of loans. It is assumed that this will give you the information which your question indicates you desire."
Approved unanimously.
Memorandwn dated September 7, 1939, from Mr. Davis stating

that, in accordance with the action taken by the Board on July 31,
1939, he had discussed with President Schaller the matter of the distribution made by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago of the articles
1/rePared by C. A. Phillips, economic adviser to the bank, that Mr.
Schaller Showed him the list of those to wham the reports are sent,
6t.hd that the list included the directors of the Chicago Bank, the
Detroit branch, a limited number of officers of member banks chiefly
in Chicago, executives of a limited number of industrial concerns,

mall number of economic analysts connected with banks, industrial

ezid canmercial houses and one insurance company, and about six
tinancial writers including the editor of a banking journal.


nletaorandum also stated that Mr. Schaller agreed to eliminate from
the list the names of the writers, newspapers, magazines, etc., and
that he would make any other changes in the list, or would entirely
8t0P circulating the Phillips articles, if the Board requested it.
The memorandum recommended that the Board take no further action in

tile matter at this time.

Approved unanimously.


Thereupon the meeting adjourned.