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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Pederal Reserve System on Tuesday, September 11, 1931.

The Board met

/li the Board Room at 10:30 a.m.


Murtin, Chairman
Crpenter, Secretary
Sherman, Assistant Secretary
Riefler, Assistant to the Chairman
Thomas, Economic Adviser to the Board
Vest, General Counsel
Townsend, Solicitor
Young, Director, Division of Research
and Statistics
Mr. Allen, Director, Division of Personnel
Mr. Sloan, Director, Division of
Mr. Nelson, Assistant Director, Division of


Before this meeting there had been sent to each member of the
' copy of Mr. Evans' memorandum dated August 30, 19)1, suggesting


the basis upon which the Blue Room may be reserved by members of
tle t_
)4.x*cl for luncheon be revised as follows:

The Blue Room will always be reserved for the regular
leetings of the Federal Advisory Council.
c: The Blue Room can be reserved by a Board Member for
visiting foreign delegations of bankers or government
1,Ifficials. (This would ordinarily be the Board Member
hose assignments include contact with these people.)
10:here cannot be more than two such reservations in any
s. All Board Members are invited to attend these
a" .The Blue Room can be reserved by a Board Member (same
efinition as above) to entertain visiting United States



"bankers or groups with whom the Board has business,
Providing there are a total of not more than two such
reservations in a week.
"4. A Board Member can reserve the Blue Room for his
OWn personal guests once every two weeks but not more
!). If the Blue Room is not reserved, a Board Member
IllaY reserve the room not earlier than 24 hours before
he wishes to use it."
Following a discussion, upon
motion by Mr. Evans, the memorandum
was approved unanimously.
There was presented a draft of letter to the Presidents of all
Reserve Banks prepared in accordance with the understanding at
the meeting on August 16, 19)1 reading as follows:
"There is attached for your information a statement
Of policy which the Board has adopted with regard to
granting prior written consent for mergers or absorptions when required pursuant to Section 18(c) of the
Pederal Deposit Insurance Act.
"Vde have been advised that this policy is consistent with that followed by the Comptroller of the
and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
In considering transactions requiring their consent
Under the above provision of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Act.
"This statement of policy is furnished for your
.11idance in considering absorptions or mergers requiring consent of the Board of Governors and it is not
contemplated that any public announcement or distribution thereof will be made."
Chairman Martin stated that Mr. Vardaman, who was unable to
%1. 14 this
meeting, had informed him that he wished to be recorded as
'Inc)" with respect to the foregoing letter.



-3Thereupon, upon motion by
Mr. Powell, the letter was approved,
it being understood that Mr. Vardaman
would vote "no" if he were present.
Before this meeting there had been circulated among the members

°I' the Board a memorandum dated August 21, 1951, from Mr. Carpenter subillitting a statement which outlined a plan under which the operations of
the Board would be carried on in the event the Board's building was seri'1181Y damaged or destroyed by enemy action.

The plan contemplated that

illthe event of an emergency the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond would
Ile used as a relocation center, that members of the Board and a skeleton
1 would carry on necessary functions at that location, and that the
r apers of the staff remaining in Washington would carry on whatever
(c4‘k was possible either in assisting in the rehabilitation of the buildOr Performing their assigned duties as fully as possible at home or


It was also contemplated that TWX telegraph equipment would


Ilstalled at the Richmond Bank for necessary telegraph communications
the Federal Reserve B.Lnks and that certain designated persons at
- 444 would be authorized to (1) operate the interdistrict settlement

'(2) sign

checks on the gold certificate fund, and (3) sign requests

0ther communications relating to the printing and shipment of Federal
I ve notes and shipment of United States currency. The statement also
°1t J
4 L tled the steps that had been taken to safeguard and disperse vital
48 of the Board and to protect personnel. The memorandum recommended


-4Nt the plan as outlined in the statement be approved by the Board
th the understanding that a copy ,weuld be given to each employee with
the request that he keep it in a place at home where it would be avafl.In the event of damage to the Board's bujlding.
Following a discussion, the proposed
plan was approved unanimously and the following actions contemplated by the plan were also
taken by unanimous vote:
1. Mr. J. M. Nowlan, Assistant Cashier,
and Messrs. E. D. Coleman, E. J. Carr, and W. C.
Crump of the Accounting Department of the Richmond Bank were authorized, in the event the
plan was put into operation, to operate the
interdistrict settlement fund.
2. The following letters were approved
with the understanding that the respective
authorizations contained therein would have
no effect on the existing authorizations to
sign the documents referred to in the respective letters:
Letter to the Treasurer of the United States
"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System has adopted a plan for the relocation of certain
of its essential operations at the Federal Reserve Bank
13f Richmond in the event of an emergency arising from
enemy action. In the event of such an emergency, the
following persons at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, whose signatures appear below, are authorized to
signchecks drawn to the order of the Treasurer of the
tnited States on the cola Certificate Fund and have
been designated as officers of the Board for this pur"e: Mr. Ch%rles P. 'McCormick; Federal Reserve Agent;
1441". Robt. L. shepherd, Aosistant Federal 'E,=3serve Agent;
essrs. Morris Barret, Jr., and George E. Tholapson, Jr.,
41ternate Assistant Federal Reserve Zigenta.

Charles P. McCormick

Morris Barret, Jr.

Robt. L. Shepherd

George E. Thompson, Jr."

Letter to A. W. Hall, Director of the Bureau
of Engraving and Printing
"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System has adopted a plan for relocation of certain of
its essential operations at the Federal Reserve Bank
Of Richmond in the event of an emergency arising from
enemy action. In the event of such an emergency, the
following officers of the Federal Reserve Bnnk of Richmond, whose signatures appear below are authorized to
Sign requests for the delivery of Federal Reserve notes
and all other communications relating to Federal Reserve
notes: Mr. J. S. Walden, Jr., First Vice President; Mr.
R. W. Mercer, Vice President and Cashier; Mr. C. B. Strathy,
Vice President and Secretary; Messrs. J. M. Nowlan, W. B.
viakeham, and Edw. Waller, Jr., Assistant Cashiers.
J. S. Walden, Jr.

J. M. Nowlan

R. W. Mercer

W. B. Wakeham

C. B. Strathy

Edw. Wailer, Jr."

Letter to Comktroller of the Currency
"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
SYstem has adopted a plan for relocation of certain of
its essential operations at the Federal Reserve Bank
If Richmond in the event of an emergency arising from
11eraY action. In the event of such an emergency, the
4011owing officers of the Federal Reserve Bank of Rich%°fla, whose signatures appear below, are authorized to
”gli requisitions for shipment of Federal Reserve notes
‘11()rm FR 4)), requests for printing Federal Reserve notes,
6114 all other communications relating to Federal Reserve
Mr. J. S. Walden, Jr., First Vice President; Mr.
W. Mercer, Vice President and Cashier; Mr. C. B. Strathy,
flice President and Secretary; Messrs. J. M. Nowlan, W. B.
ham, and Edw. Wuller, Jr., Assistant Cashiers.


-6J. S. Walden, Jr.

J. M. Nowlan

R. W. Mercer

W. B. Wakeham

C. B. Strathy

Edw. Waller, Jr."

Letter to Treasurer of the United


"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System has adopted a plan for relocation of certain of
its essential operations at the Federal Reserve Bank of
Richmond in the event of an emergency arising from enemy
action. In the event of such an emergency, the following officers of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond,
whose signatures appear below, are authorized to sign
requests (Form F.R. 203) for the shipment of United
States currency to Federal Reserve Banks and Branches:
Mr. J. S. Walden, Jr., First Vice President; Mr. R. W.
Mercer, Vice President and Cashier; Mr. C. B. Strathy,
Vice President and Secretary; Messrs. J. M. Nowlan, W.
B. Wakeham, and Edw. Waller, Jr., Assistant Cashiers.
J. S. Walden, Jr.

J. M. Nowlan

R. W. Mercer

W. B. Wakeham

C. B. Strathy

Edw. Waller, Jr."

3. The following letter to the Presidents
of all Federal Reserve Banks was approved:
"In order that the Board of Governors may be prePared for any emergency that may arise from war damage
to its building which would require operations to be
carried on at another location, plans have been made
Under which the members of the Board and the senior
Staff will go to the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
here essential operations may be carried on until
' age to the building can be repaired. Should such a
1110ve become necessary your Bank will be informed as
Pl'omptly as possible and after receipt of such advice
8.11 communications to the Board should be directed in
care of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.





"It is expected that during such an emergency
all but absolutely essential activities of the Board
would be suspended pending the establishment of more
normal working conditions for the Board and its staff.
Therefore, communications sent to the Board during
such period should be confined to matters requiring
Immediate attention and all communications, examination and other reports, and other material sent to
the Board on a regular basis should be withheld until
receipt of further advice from the Board.
"Additional standby TWX equipment is being installed
in the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond for emergency
telegraph communication service and it is suggested
that each of the other Federal Reserve Banks obtain
standby TWX equipment for emergency use if it does not
now have such equipment. In the event the present
switching facilities are disabled it will be necessary
that the Federal Reserve Banks be in a position to
communicate directly with each other and all Banks
Should have the necessary TWX equipment available
for that purpose. Studies are being made of the
System's telegraph facilities and if other changes
and plans are proposed your Bank will be kept informed.
"Designated members of the staff of the Federal
Reserve Benk of Richmond have been trained and authorized
to operate the Interdistrict Settlement Fund and to
handle currency matters in the event these functions
cannot be carried on in Washington."
Mr. Evans stated that the staff had obtained information concern14€ the most suitable location for a shelter in the Board's building for

in the event of threatened bombing and that it had been determined

--e north ground floor corridor would be very satisfactory for the

se/ having been given a rating of

68 out of possible 74 points,

" rating would be raised to 73 if the glass panels in the doors
replaced with solid panels.

He also stated that a memorandum

the proposed conversion of the tunnel under the Board building

I Si



to Use
as a storage area would be submitted in the near future.


1140 stated that steps were being taken to conserve paper in the mimeoPh room by printing on both sides as was done during the last war.
Copies of a memorandum from the Personnel Committee dated
ePtember 4, 1951 recommending the reappointments of Class C directors
41 branch directors at the Federal Reserve Banks and branches indicated,
4101 redesignation of Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen as listed in the memo-.
8'111 , had been sent to all members of the Board prior to this meeting.

Evans stated that the recommendations of the Personnel Committee
based upon informaticn and recommendations of the Federal Reserve

4blit Chairmen and that the Committee felt it would be desirable to make
aPPointments as recommended promptly.
Following a discussion, and by
unanimous vote, actions were taken by
the Board to make the following appointments and designations with the
understanding that advices would be
sent promptly to the individuals concerned, but that no announcement of
the appointments and designations
would be made until the customary
statement was given to the press toward the end of the year.
The following were appointed as
Class C directors of the respective
Federal Reserve Banks shown, each for
a term of three years, beginning
January 1, 19)2:


William I. Myers
William J. Meinel
Leo L. Rummell
W. G. Wysor
Paul E. Reinhold
P. J. Lunding
Joseph H. Moore
Paul E. Miller
Lyle L. Hague

Federal Reserve Bank
New York
St. Louis
Kansas City

The following were designated as
Chairmen and Federal Reserve Agents at
the respective Federal Reserve Banks
shown for the year 1952 and the compensation of each as Chairman and Federal
Reserve Agent was fixed on the uniform
basis for the same position at all
Federal Reserve Banks, i.e., the same
amount as the aggregate of the fees payable during the same period to any other
director for attendance corresponding
to his at meetings of the board of directors, executive committee, and other
committees of the board of directors:
Federal Reserve Bank
Harold D. Hodgkinson
Nov York
Robert T. Stevens
Warren F.
George C. Brainard
Charles P. McCormick
Frank H. Neely
F. J. Lunding
St. Louis
Russell L. Dearmont
Roger B. Shepard
Kansas City
Robert B. Caldwell
J. R. Parten
San Francisco
Brayton Wilbur
The following were appointed as
Deputy Chairmen of the respective Federal
Reserve Banks for the year 1952:


William I. Myers
C. Canby Balderston
John C. Virden
John B. Woodward, Jr.
Rufus C. Harris
John S. Coleman
lam. H. Bryce
W. D. Cochran
Robert L. Mehornay

Reserve Bank
New York
St. Louis
Kansas City

The following were appointed as
directors of the respective branches of
the Federal Reserve Banks shown, each
for a term of three years beginning
January 1, 1952:
Ernest H. Hahne
J. Hillis Miller
H. C. Meacham
Pierre B. McBride

Federal Reserve Bank Branch

The following were appointed as
directors of the respective branches of
the Federal Reserve Banks shown, each for
a term of two years beginning January 1,
William M. Day
G. R. Milburn
Cecil Puckett
Cecil W. Cotton
Joseph W. Seacrest
Aaron M. Frank

Federal Reserve Bank Branch
Oklahoma City

141". Evans said that the Personnel Committee also recommended
'to fill vacancies that would exist at the end of this year, ap13(1114R„
—A4s for three-year terms be tendered Mr. A. G. Decker, Jr., Vice
lit in charge of manufacturing and Director, Black and Decker



Milltacturir.7 Company, Towson, Maryland, as a director of the Baltimore
4614eh of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond; Mr. Edwin C. Bottcher,
c°t"toll and dairy farmer, Cullman) Alabama, as a director of the Birmingham
Branch of the Federal Reserve B-64nk of Atlanta; and Mr. Jordon G. Lee, Jr.,
-.4 College of Agriculture, Louisiana 'State University, Baton Rouge,
Lotlisiant2, as
It director of the .New Orleans Branch of' the Atlanta BrInk,
if it 14a3

ascertained that they would accept the appointments.
These recommendations of the Personnel
Committee were approved unanimously.

Mr. Allen withdrew from the meeting at this point.
Mr. Evans stated that the Personnel Committee had been studying
th414rd i s Budget performance for 1951 and the procedure for preparing

'131cliget for 1952, and that it had reviewed the budgets for some divi.115 Vith the division heads and would complete discussions with all

'411/1tion heads next

He also said it was =item:plated that these

1118.tters would be presented to the Board for consideration at the meeting
°11ZTursday, September 20, 1951, and that the Personnel Committee would
N4st that
the Board devote to the subject as much of the day as was

All of the members present were agreeable to this arrangement.

'Chairman Martin stated that Mr. Vardaman had suggested that
87ilda circulated to members of the Board for consideratton prior
111"ting be prepared with a sufficient number of copies so that
nielziber could be supplied with a copy which he could retain.




. rman stated that he felt such a procedure would be desirable, and
it vas understood that the Secretary's office would follow that proce(lure in the future.
Messrs. Sloan and Nelson withdrew at this point.
Mr. Evans stated that in accordance with the discussion at the
til"ngs on August 28 and September

4, representatives of Admiral Corpora-

westinghouse Electric Corporation, and Philco Corporation met with
'nernbcrc of the staff at 2:30 p.M. on Thursday, September

6, 1951

the Purpose of discussing trade-ins in connection with the down-payrequirements of Regulation W on appliances.

He went on to say that

'the d_se
i_ ussion,
which lasted most of the afternoon, appeared to have been
l'ecessrul as a step toward eliminating objectionable advertising and
ces in connection with the down-payment provisions of the regula.
and that there had been issued for public release on September 7 an
- vretetion covering the matter along the lines discussed at the meetCtt September
Ni', Leach, Economist, Division of Research and Statistics, joined
meettng at this point.
Mx, Thomas reported on recent developments in the open market.
Following Mr. Thome

report all members of the staff withdrew


the Board wont into executive session.

Subsequently Chairman Martin
advised the Secretary that durinG

-13the executive session, the Board
discussed and approved by unani
mous vote the recommendation contained in a memorendum dated
September 4, 1951, from Mr. Szymczak,
reading as follows:
"On August 14, 1951, the Board authorized Mr. Evans
t° make a trip later this year to Rome and Other iiropean
clties, with the understanding that he would be absent
l',rom Washington for a period ,of between two and three
"Under the Board's travel regulations he will be
allowed his actual necessari transportation exT)enst!s.
To covur other expenses which he will incur while absertt from Washington, it is recommended that he be
allolie,d a per diem of ,41:25 plus an amount not exceed$500 to cover such extraordincxy expenses as he
rtia.Y find it necessary to incur in order properly to
rq)resent the Board during the trip."
The action stated vita respect to each of the matters hereinreferred to was ta",cen by the Board:
Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
esrve System on September 10, 1951, :ere approved unanimously.
Memoranda dated September 7, 1951, fron Mr. Noyes, Director,
of Selective Credit Regulation, recommending that the resignati
Nies Adele Eug, Secretary to Mr. Benner, Assistant Director,
111 t14.
'Division, be accepted to be effective, in accordance with her
t the close of business September 9, 1951.

Approved_ unanimously.


-14Memorandum dated September

7, 1951, from Mr. Vest, General

Coutsel, recommending an increase in the basic salary of Miss Jean
Crosby, secretary to Mr. Hackley, Assistant General Counsel, Legal
D11/1.81011, from $3,600 to $3,725 per annum, effective September 16,
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated September 7) 1951, from Mr. Vest, General
sel) recommending an increase in the basic salary of Mrs. Evelyn
W, Da
•c411.1ards, Secretary to Mr. Solomon, Assistant General Counsel,
Division, from

,l',3,475 to $3,725 per annum, effective September 16,

Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated September

4, 19)1, from Mr. Leonard, Director,

blision of Bank Operations, recommending an increase in the basic
4141'Y of Mrs. Anne D. Dougherty, Statistical Clerk in that Division,
$2)650 to $2,730 per annum, effective September 16, 1951.
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated September

4, 1951, from Mr. Marget, Director,

1°11 of International Finance, recommending increases in the
I eznual salaries of the following employees in that Division)
September 16, 1951:

-1.eanor M. Ballinger
illialll E. Hardy


Salary Increase

ppproved unanimously.
Memorandun dated September 10, l9)1, from Mr. Young, Director,
1)11fision of Research and Statistics) recommending that the Board
allthorize the granting of official leave and the payment of necessary
tl'(17e1 expenses to Me

r6. Homer Jones, Chief, Consumer Credit and

Section, Irving Schweiger, Economist, and Louis Weiner, Acting
Cllier, National Income, MoneyPlows and Labor Section, members of the
` of the Division of Research and Statistics, for the purpose of
1'terldirig the National Conference on Income and Wealth to be held at
the ij
ILLversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor) Michigan on September 14-15,
arla sponsored by the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Clark, First Vice President of the Federal Reserve

Atlanta, reading as follows:

"This refers to your letter of August 29, 1951,
slibmitting with your favorable recommendation the reest of Dothan Bank and Trust Company, Dothan, Alabama,
,°r Permission. to act as Fiscal Agent for the Housing
killthority of the City of Dothan in connection with a
°rthcoming issue of its bonds.
"It is noted that the duties of the member bank
ell connection with the contemplated appointment will inauthentication of the bonds, payment of interest
r Principal thereon, and the performance of other





"ministerial duties commonly involved in connection with
the administration of appointments of this kind, and
that accompanying responsibilities will therefore be
limited in nature. It is further observed that the
member bank is desirous of accepting this appointment
In keeping with its civic responsibilities and has no
intention of entering the trust field generally or to
establish a trust department. In the circumstances,
the Board has no objection to the Dothan Bank and
Trust Company accepting an appointment as Fiscal Agent
for the Housing Authority of the City of Dothan, Alabama,
vith the understanding that the bank will not acquire
anY other fiduciary business without first obtaining
the permission of the Board. Please advise the bank
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Olson, Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank
Or Ms:

'"Icago) reading as follows:
"The Board today received a letter from James M.
McInerney, Assistant Attorney General in charge of the
..riminal Division, Department of Justice, in regard to
6he above-entitled matter. A copy of Mr. McInerney's
letter is enclosed for your information.
"As you will observe, the Department desires to
lave certain additional information before reaching a
reision as to what action, if any, it should take
4gainst the Aluminum Home Improvement Company. It
Rd be appreciated, therefore, if you would have
W investigators make such customer contacts
13.8 1-s necessary to establish whether or not, in each
4 1' the cases covered by your report) the repairs or
fllProvements were actually begun and completed by the
IlUminum Home Improvement Company, obtaining the predates whenever possible. We would also appreciate
r ix you would obtain the information respecting the
tact and date of incorporation of the registrant. It
f8 suggested that this information be submitted in the
3. of a supplemental report which the Board, in turn,
ell submit to the Department of Justice."


Approved unanimously.


-17Telegram to Mr. Gilbert, President of the Federal Reserve B(?,nk

Qf Dallas, stating that, subject to conditions of membership numbered
l ella 2 set forth in the Board's Regulation H and the special condition
4ecifiea1ly stated hereafter, the Board approves the application of
the Anthony Ctate Bank,athony, Texas, for membership in the Federal

System, effective if and when the bank is authorized to commence

13118ineee by appropriate State authorities:

3, At the time of admission to membership,
such bank shall have a paid-up and unimpaired capital stock of not less than
$75,000 and other capital funds of not
less than $37,)00.
The teleF;ram also contained the following statement:
"It appears that the bank possesses authority to
exercise c :rtain powers not usual to commercial banking
stIch as the power to issuo and sell investment certificates,
but it is understood that such powers are not to be exercised.
The application has been approved on this basis and attention
l•e called to the fact that under the provisions of condition
°f Nembership numbered one if the bank should desire in the
!uture to exercise such rowers, it will be necessary for the
°411k to obtain the permission of the Board of Governors to
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Paul M. Herzog, Chairman, National Labor Relations

441'a) I.,&811111ton, D. C., prepared pursuant to the action taken at the

6, 1-95
1; 9.uthorizing an administrative hearing to


411-le whether the license of Master Tiro and Supply Company, Lawrence,
4chlleetts, a re&j.strant under Regulation WI Consumer Credit, should

I (.14
7 1,



"It is understcod that informal arrangements have.
been made for the loan of the services of one of your
trial examiners to conduct a hearing on charges of vie,,
lations of Regulation W, consumer credit, issued by the
Board of Governors.
"We are therefore officially requesting that an
examiner be detailed to conduct this hearing. The Board
Of Governors will reiMburse the Natienal Labor Relations
Board for his salary and any travel expenses involved for
the period of time his services are utilized in this
"It will be appreciated if you will confirm this
reiMbursable detail so that the necessary arrangements
may be made for the hearing, probably in the latter
Part of October."
Approved unanimously.
Press release dated September 11, 19.)1, reading as follows:
"Since the beginning of the program in September 19)01
. tc) ally 31, 1951, privately-owned banks in the United States
have approved V-loans amounting to 028,600,000 to American
industries engaged in defense work. Under this program,
these loans are guaranteed in various percentages of fifty
Per cent and more by the respective Federal Government
gencies, authorized by the Congress under the Defense
l'roduction Act of 1950, to make such guarantees. Under
the terms of this legislation, the Federal Reserve Banks
,8;ct as fiscal agents of the United States, under the
Irection of the Beard of Governors.
70f the 568 applications for these, guaranteed loans,
aUthorized, approxinItely twenty per cent were for amounts
1111der $100,0004 forty per cant for amounts under $250,000,
sixty per cent for amounts under $500,000, as shown in
'he following table:


Per cent of ' Cumulative
Amount of Loan ' total number ' percentage
of loans
- V49/999'
- $99,999'



' Per cent of
"Amount of Lodz
of loans
TI-657157T:7 10,999
- $499,999
$500,000 - $959,999
y1,00,000 - *4,999,999
4,000,000 - 40,999/999
iI220021CCO and ovor
"Of the total number of guaranteed loans authorized,
about fifteen 2er cent ver,:! obtained by borrowers with total
assets of under $100,000, and approximately fifty per cent
by borrowers with assets of under VX0,000. The percentage
distrfbution of the number of lwIns by size of borrower is
shown La the followinv table:
' Per cent of
2,ssets of Borrower' total number
of loans
$25,00c - $49,999
T)°)C00 - 4.99,599
.;.1 )2)49,999
- 099;999
1,00C1000 - $5,999)999
9 .9
0ç0 000 and over
fTproved unanimously.
Letter to the Honorable, The Comptroller of the Currency,
4'Y Department, Washington, D. C., reading as follows:
"It is respectfully requested that you place with
and Printing an order for printBureau of .11graving
10,000,000 additional sheets of FedertJ1 Reserve notes
the fiscal year ending June 30, 1952. This is a
p.1-11)PleNental order to the order for )2,22),000 sheets,
"ontained lig our letter of June 21, 1951.
"Information as to the distribution of these
sheets by Federal Reserve Bark and denomination

-20be supplied at a later date."


Memorandum dated September 11, 1951, from Mr. Vest, General

--sell recommending, for the reasons stated therein, that the 1951

for the Legal Div s on for telephone and telegraph expenses be

ereased by an additional $700.

Approved unanimouSly.
