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A. meeting of the Executive Committee of the Federal Jeserve Board
was held in the office of the Federal"eserve. Board on Thursday, September
. 1, 1927 at 2:30 p.m.
Governor Crissins'er
12.r. James
r. Cunnim;ham
r. L:cIntosh
jr. :eon, Asst. Secretary,
The Governor stated that he had called the meeting for the purpose
Of reporting a telephone conversation with the Chairman of the board of
directors of the Federal 4eserve 3ank of Chicago duriny, which the chairadvised that it would be impossible to arrange for a meting of his
directors this week for the purpose of considering the action of the
Board's Executive Committee on Au -mst 30th in voting not to approve action
taken by the ,;hica,o directors at their last meeting in votin

to continue

the bank's present rediscount rate of 4 percent.

.fter discussion, the Governor was directed to advise
the Chairman of the Chicago bank that a meeting of the
;All be held on Tuesday, September
Federal lieserve
will be given to the
6th at which time
conversation reported
subject matter of the
by the Governor.
2he meeting adjourned at 3:00 o'clock p.m.