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A. meetin

of the Federal Reserve Board was held in Washington on

WechlesclaY, October 5, 1932, at 12:45 p. m.

Mr. Magee, Presiding
Mr. Hamlin
Mr. James

Morrill, Secretary
McClelland, Assistant Secretary
Harrison, Assistant to the Governor
Wyatt, General Counsel
Wingfield, Assistant Counsel
Siems, Federal Reserve Examiner.

The Secretary stated that the meeting had been called as a meeting
Of the B
oard with the acquiescence of Governor Meyer (who is in New York),
81"r* Miller (who is ill at home), as well as of the members present, for
Pose of giving consideration to a pending application for the issuance
Permit to the City National. Bank and Trust Company of Chicago to exer"-se tidlleiarY powers, because of the fact that the organizers of the bank
clealte to open it for business with such powers on the morning of Thursday,
'1932, and that both the Federal Reserve Agent at Chicago and the
C°mPtroller of the Currency had submitted favorable recommendations.
t 448 tePczted to the members present that Mr. Miller wished to be advised

the telephone as to the attitude of the members present before making

4441 d
ecision. It appeared that the bank would have in cash an initial
cpt 44,000,000 and surplus of'41,000,000 paid in; that it was contetnPlat d
e- that the barjk
would assune the deposit liabilities of the existing
Ciktrea. „0.
'40Public Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, a State member bank,
ea4°44tf ct
11- 4° aPproximately $72 000 000, and would receive from that bank an
tIcItki. eta
"of cash; that thereupon the new bank would purchase from the
tlle--on Finance Corporation 415,000,000 of paper selected from among
e°11ater l Pledged with the corporation to secure advances made by it to



the Central
Republic Bank and Trust Company, and that it would probably
ihveet aPPreximately .40,000,000 in United States Government obligations.
It aim
l'yeared also that in connection with the acquisition from the Reconatruetion Finance Corporation of the paper mentioned there would be an
egteeMent which would give to the City National Bank and Trust Company the
ight to
require substitution during a period of sixty days with respect
to .,NR
y-9000,000 of the paper purchased, and for an additional period of
ttlittY d• alre, or ninety days in all, with respect to $2,500,000 of such
In this connection it was stated that the Chief National Bank
4ItUner had
reviewed the paper which it was contemplated would be purchased
-- new bank, of which he had classified ,'$4,000,000 as being slow, and it
pointed out that the City National Bank and Trust Company under its proDOEjed

agreement would have the right to require substitution for such slow
In addition, it appeared that the new bank contemplated entering
n• anagement contract with the Central Republic Bank and Trust Company

/3Y the trusts held by the latter would be serviced by the new bank for

Qc3tIlelleetion to be paid by the old bank, and that all new trust business
17°414 130 taken into the trust department of the new bank, together with such
tIllate e• s might be transferred from time to tine from the old bank under
:11111 (3tdere or by the consent of the interested parties.

It was stated

itle't While the latest complete examination of the affairs of the old bank,
-111.11cling the
trust department, was made by the Auditor of Public Accounts

tlie state

of Illinois in May, 1931, a partial investigation of the trust
ciel)litriaelit was made in connection with an examination of the bank in
ellIber, 19
31, and that the Chief National Bank Examiner had inspected the
l*ek1114 of examinations of the trust department made by the Auditor of



Public Accounts of the State of Illinois and had reported that they were
84tisfactorY, except as to certain trusts of the form

National Bank of

the Republic which had been absorbed by the Central Republic Bank and Trust
CiprapanY and on which liabilities aggregating possibly as much as c)500,000
ill One case and , 100,000 in another case might develop.

However, it

aPpeared that attorneys who had considered the matter were not clear that

existed, and in any event that there would be no such

114bilitY assumed by the new bank in connection with these trusts.

It was

raPorted that the
present trust officers of the Central Republic Bank and
TZ4Elt c

who are to be connected with the trust department pf the new

institution, were not responsible for the existence of these contingent
114bilitias, and that both the Chief National Bank Examiner and the Federal
ve Agent at Chicago were of the opinion that the officers who had been
ated to handle the affairs of the trust department of the new bank
competent men Find that they stood well among bankers in Chicago.


n -4,-Lch had been obtained by the Federal Reserve Agent at Chicago

the personnel of the board of directors and management of the new

we's also submitted to the Board, in connection with which it was stated
thet th
a Acting Comptroller of the Currency had been advised that the

Of a President of the bank was not necessarily permanent and that

tlieb tzd of directors expected to give consideration to the possibility of
°bibelilling someone else for the position.
During the discussions which ensued Mr. F. G. Awalt, Acting
C°40ller of the
Currency was invited to attend the meeting and partici14ttecl in
the further discussion. It was p ointed out that according to the
which had been obtained by the Board it appeared that the
et1(1 surplus would have a relation of about one to fourteen of



dePosit liabilities and that this would be considerably beyond the maximum
ratio that normally would be regarded as advisable in a going banking
institution. Ex. Await stated that he was in full accord with this view


that it had been his intention at the time of issuing a charter to

address a letter to the institution regarding this aspect of the matter and
stating that it was understood and expected by the Comptroller's Office
theA the capital
of the bank would be increased as soon as practicable so
tilat it
would bear a ratio of not more than one to ten of deposit liabilities.
It 1148 8.180 pointed out that although it appeared that there would be no
l'e8Pcnsibility assumed by the new bank for any liability that might have
cielrel°Ped with respect to the administration of the existing trusts in the

departme nt of the old bank, the fact that such trusts were to be serviced

11Y°trieials of the new bank might lead to some misunderstanding on the
13'&11 or the public which might become embarrassing at SOEB future time.


the circumstances, the
view was expressed that it would be desirable for the
4111)431k at the tine of opening to issue a statement informing the public
42 t° the relation of the new bank to the trusts held in the trust departet
the old bank. In addition, the view was expressed that it would be
481talae to obtain from the directors of the new bank written or telea
ssurance that the understanding of the Acting Comptroller of the
erency with
respect to increasing the capital of the bank would be carried
°Ilt• The
Acting Comptroller and the Board's General Counsel were requested
Qoafer for
the PurPose of formulating an appropriate form of communicaetweea the bank and the Board or the Acting Comptroller with respect
t° t48
"matters for
the benefit of the records of the Board.

Thereupon a brief recess was taken.
Upon reconvening the members of the Board were advised that during
the recess the Acting Comptroller of the Currency had communicated by
telePhons with officials of the new bank with the result that telegrams as
t°1101ws had
been received:
Comptroller of Currency Wadhn
"Be assured that as soon as practicable the new banks
capital and surplus will be increased to not less than
one tenth of the deposit liability.
Charles G Dawes"

"Federal Reserve Board
We can assure you that at the earliest practical moment
a joint letter will be sent by the old and new banks to
beneficiaries under all trusts of the old bank explaining relations between the two banks and calling attention
to the fact that the new bank assumes no responsibility
for trusts in the old bank.
J. E. Otis, President, Central Bank
and Trust Company
Philip R. Clarke, President, City
National Bank and Trust
Charles G. Dawes."
u bsembers were advised that the procedure outlined in the second

em had been suggested by the Chicago banks because it was believed


accomplish the purpose desired by the Board in a more effectivetum
Iler than a public statement and at the same time would avoid an


the relation between the old and the new

misunderstanding as to
The assurances given in these telegrams being acceptable to the memIs
`J ezia _

-e Board present, they requested the Assistant Secretary to


-6Over the telephone with Mr. :Miller.

The Assistant Secretary

Withdrew fran the meeting for this purpose and upon his return reported

Miller stated that he joined with the other members of the Board

IllaPPr"Ing the application before them.

Mr. Harrison advised the Board

that Governor
1,Ieyer would also join in such action. Thereupon the Secretary
was a
uthorized to send the following telegram to the Federal Reserve Agent
at chicago:
"'Effective if and when City National Bank and
Trust Company of Chicago, Illinois, is authorized by
Comptroller of the Currency to commence business with
Paid-in capital and surplus of $4,000,000 and $1,000,000,
respectively, Federal Reserve Board approves application
Made on behalf of such proposed national bank for permission to exercise, when not in contravention of State
or local law, all fiduciary powers authorized by provisions of section 11(k) of Federal Reserve Act, the
exercise of all such rights being subject to provisions
Of that Act and Regulations of Federal Reserve Board.
Et°ard's approval of such application is also subject to
condition that board of directors of such proposed national
bank shall, after its organization is completed, pass a
resolution ratifying action taken by organizers in making
aPPlication for trust powers on behalf of such national bank.
A certified copy of resolution adopted in this connection
should be forwarded to Board as soon as possible. When all
requirements described above have been complied with and a
!oPy of such resolution is received by Board a formal cerificate covering right of City National Bank and Trust
:411PsnY of Chicago to exercise trust powers will be forward'
e to bank. Please advise organizers of that bank of Board's
action in this matter."
Consideration Was then given to an application of Mr. George F.
t()1. Permission to serve at the same time as a director of the
Ile"al Illinois Bank and Trust Company, Chicago, Illinois, the Upper
cf Chicago, Illinois, and the City National Bank and Trust
ChiceCo, Illinois.

The Secretary reported that he had been ad-

bY. the Federal Reserve Agent at Chicago that


Getz, at present a

'°I% the first named institutions and the Central Republic Bank and



Company, was a substantial subscriber to the capital stock of the new
134nk and, having been approached to serve as a director of the latter
bastitnfl -.ion, had agreed to resign as a director of the Central Republic
and Trust Company and serve the new bank in that capacity, provided

necessary permit is granted by the Board.
After discussion, it was decided to grant the permit
aPPlied for by Mr. Getz, advising him, however, that
under the provisions of the Clayton Anti-Trust Act all
Permits are subject to revocation by the Board after
reasonable notice and hearing; that the Board is now considering certain general questions affecting a number of
aPPlications and permits; that some of these questions may
have a bearing upon the permit issued to him and that,
ccordingly, the Board may again consider his case when it
has reached a decision upon the general questions referred

This action was communicated to Mr. Miller over the telephone by
the Az
sietant Secretary, who reported that Ur. Miller concurred in the

taken, but desired to have the following statement made in the
"Mr. Miller stated that he voted for the application
because of his understanding that la*. Getz was regarded as
aa important factor in perfecting the organization of the
°JAY National Bank and Trust Company and in consideration
the emergency circumstances surrounding the organization
the bank. He stated, however, that he felt the case was
an extremely
doubtful one and that only in the most urgent
.T1siderations of emergency would he vote for a renewal of
4-G at the time it comes up for review by the Board."

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.


11, Executive Committee_
