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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System was held in Washington on Thursday, October 4, 1945, at
10:30 a.m.


Eccles, Chairman
Mr. Carpenter, Secretary
Mr. Connell, General Assistant,
Office of the Secretary
Mr. Goldenweiser, Economic Adviser,
Division of Research and Statistics
Mr. Thomas, Director of the Division of
Research and Statistics
Mr. Vest, General Attorney
Mr. Gardner, Chief of the International
Section, Division of Research and
Miss Burr and Messrs. Alter and Triffin,
Economists, Division of Research and

Mr. Szymczak stated that Mr. Triffin was present at the
meeting this morning for
the purpose of reporting on his recent
trip to the
Dominican Republic, Haiti, Cuba, Guatemala and Mexico,
and that there were
three matters in connection with Mr. Triffinis
visits which should be
considered by the Board.

One was the re-

quest from the
Minister of Finance of Cuba that Mr. Triffin return
to Cuba for further
discussions of the central bank project now
eins Considered
uonsidered by that country; the second related to certain
Phases of the plan
of monetary and banking reform which Mr. Triffin
is planning to
propose to the authorities of Guatemala; and the
third had to do
with the solution of the currency problem in the


-2Prior .to the meeting there had been distributed to the

members of the Board copies of Mr. Triffin's memorandum of October
2, 1945, which contained
a preliminary report of his visits to the
five countries referred
to above, and at this meeting he reviewed
in considerable detail the important points contained in his report.
As Mr. Triffin's statement occupied the entire morning it
was not possible,
before members of the Board left to keep luncheon
appointments, to take up the matters referred to by Mr. Szymczak at
the beginning of the
meeting as requiring consideration by the Board.
At this point Messrs. Goldenweiser, Thomas, Gardner, Vest,
Alter and Triffin, and Miss
Burr withdrew from the meeting.
The action stated with respect to each of the matters hereinafter referred to was then taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System held on October
3, 1945, were approved unanimously.
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System with the executive committee of the Federal Advisory Council held on October 3, 1945, were approved unanimously.
Letter to the Presidents of all the Federal Reserve Banks,

as follows:

"The Board has had occasion recently to review
the procedure under which the study of important problems is undertaken within the System and believes that
it would be helpful to clarify the procedure that it is
desirable to follow in such cases.


-- 3-

"Establishment of the System Research Advisory Committee early in 1944 provided a more effective medium
through which the research work of the System could be
integrated into a System program in the interest of more
comprehensive and vigorous research work and unity of
action in the discharge of the System's responsibilities
as a national organization. In order that the Committee
may be in a position to render the most effective service, it is necessary that it be kept informed of the
principal research activities of the Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, and to that end it has been suggested
that, whenever any Reserve Bank contemplates undertaking
a project that is more than regional in its scope or a
project that will utilize services outside of those of
Its regular staff, the matter be brought to the attention of the Chairman of the System Research Advisory
Committee before the work is undertaken or any commitments are made with respect to the employment for this
purpose of additional research personnel.
"This information will place the Chairman of the
Committee in a position to bring the proposal to the
attention of the Committee, which then can make such
Suggestions as may be desirable with respect to the
most effective arrangement for the performance of the
work to fit the study into the System program, and, in
cases where such action appears to be necessary, to bring
the matter to the attention of the Committee on Research
of the Presidents' Conference and the Board of Governors
for their consideration.
"It will be appreciated if you will take the necessary
steps to assure this procedure being followed by your Bank
as a means of effectively integrating the System's research
work and avoiding unnecessary duplication."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the "Broadway Bank & Trust Company," Paterson, New
Jersey, and the NAerchan
ts & Farmers Bank," Columbus, Mississippi, respectivel
y, reading as follows:
"The Board is glad to learn that you have completed
all arrangements for the admissio of your bank to memn
bership in the Federal Reserve System and takes pleasure



in transmitting herewith a formal certificate of your
"It will be appreciated if you will acknowledge receipt of this certificate."
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. Day, President of the Federal Reserve Bank
of San Francisco,
reading as follows:
"Your wire September 29 regarding nonmember clearing
account for Phoenix Branch of Bank of Douglas, Douglas,
Arizona. After considering the provisions of the Federal Reserve Act and in view of the fact that if the
bank were to become a member of the Federal Reserve System
it would have a Federal Reserve Bank account only in the
district in which its head office is situated, Board does
not look with favor upon the opening of an account by your
bank for the branch of a nonmember bank whose head office
is located in another district."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. A. K. Dawson, Dawson Produce Co., Tulsa, Oklahoma, reading as follo
"Reference is made to your note of September 26,
enclosing a portion of a market wire from a brokerage
"The view that lowering the present margin requirements prescribed by the Board's regulations would
cause stock prices to decline, or to quit rising if
this happens to be their tendency, is one for which we
are unable to see any real basis. We are familiar with
the contention that if the requirements were lower
with the consequence of reducing the number of undermargined accounts, margin traders would trade in-and-out
more freely, but it would seem that they would be doing
at least as much buying
as selling. In fact, they would
be likely to do more and this would tend to raise the
level of stock prices.
"You will be interested to know that since the new
margin rules went into effect in July margin traders
have sold more shares of stock, on net balance, than they
have bought."

Approved unanimously.


-5Telegram to the Presidents of all the Federal Reserve Banks,

reading as follows:
"Board has been asked by several licensed lenders
under so-called small loan laws whether, in view of
Amendment No. 18 to Regulation IN, a non-purpose
loan made prior to October 15, 1945, may thereafter
be revised to provide for a maturity of 18 months
from the date it was made or whether revision continues to be limited to 12 months from such date except with Statement of Necessity. Board would like
to have your judgment on what opinion it should express on this inquiry. You are asked to assume that
opinion will be in the form of a ruling as distinguished from an amendment and could as a matter of
law be either 18 months or 12 months. Board has in
mind that this inquiry raises questions concerning
general regulatory policy, public relations, and
enforcement as well as concerning operation procedures of Registrants.
"Main arguments for 18-month answer seem to be:
(1) that in principle it would harmonize better
with general liberalizing intent of that part of
recent amendment which extended permissible maturity for new non-purpose loans; (2) that as recent
amendment was on liberalizing side 18-month rule
would have same sort of propriety at present as
some restrictive rulings have had in the past when
amendments were taking restrictive direction; and
(3) that in at least some cases and for at least
some Registrants 18-month ruling would simplify
operating problems arising when borrower wants
both revision of outstanding loan and new money.
'Main arguments for 12-month answer seem to be:
(1) that it would protect Registrants from being
forced by competition to determine difficult
question of whether old loan reaJly was or was not
a purpose loan; (2) that it would prevent less careful or conscientious lenders from chiseling against
which instalment vendors would complain and which
System investigators would find hard to detect;
and (3) that it would avoid taking a position that
would handicap the Board in framing and interpreting
future amendments as for example amendments contemplated perhaps within next 12 months which might remove numerous articles from the list, with consequence
that purpose of old loan may have been to finance or
refinance purchase of article that was listed when old


-6-loan was made but will be an unlisted article when
old loan comes up for revision or consolidation.
"Board feels question presented deserves thorough
consideration by all Reserve Banks and that Board
Should make prompt ruling."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Edwin B. Spangenthal, President of the National

Retail Furniture Association, Household Outfitting Company, Buffalo,
New York, reading
as follows:
"Reference is made to your telegram of September 27, in which you register, on behalf of
the furniture dealers, a protest against Amendment
No. 18 to Regulation W.
"With respect to the proposals made recently
by a Committee of the National Retail Furniture
Association, which you mention, you will be interested to know that although none of them was deemed
to be acceptable at the present time they will all
be given further consideration in due course.
"The possibility, also mentioned in your telegram, that lengthening the permissible maturity on
certain loans from 12 months to 18 may be abused has
not been overlooked by the Board. In fact, it was
carefully considered. You will understand, therefore, that in making this change the Board implicitly
disagrees with the contention that it will, as stated
In your telegram, 'provide a wide open door for
stretching term on consumer durable goods purchased
from the vendor for cash obtained from an improperly
granted loan.' The change relates, as you will have
noted, only to loans which are not for the purpose
of financing or refinancing the purchase of consumers' durable goods.
"We are alw.gys glad to hear from you, as well
as from other representatives of the National Retail
Furniture Association, and hope that you will continue to keep in touch with us and with the Federal
Reserve Banks. We should like to say in addition
that you can take for granted the disposition of
every Reserve Bank to take seriously any instances


-7of improperly granted loans which they may discover in the course of their regular investigations or which may be brought to their attention
by complaint."
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. Day, Chairman of the Presidents' Conference,

prepared in accordance with
the decision reached by the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserv
e System at its meeting on September

28, 1945, and
reading as follows:
"Since writing its letter of September 14, 1945,
8-871, Board of Governors has given further consideration to policies that should be followed
with respect to future building operations of
Reserve Banks and branches. It is realized that
this subject has been discussed at last three
meetings of the Presidents' Conference and has been
given attention recently by individual Federal Reserve Banks and the Board. Ho;.ever, it is believed
it will be advisable to place the matter on the
agenda for the next meeting of the Presidents and
the Board for the purpose of discussing what the
Policy should be in preparation of plans for space
to accommodate volume of operations that Federa
Reserve Banks may be called upon to perform and to
provide space that might be made available to other
Government agencies, particularly offices of Comptroller of Currency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Reconstruction Finance Corporation.
Will be appreciated, therefore, if the Presidents
will be prepared to discuss this matter at the time
of forthcoming meeting on basis
of possible volume
of fiscal agency and other operat
ions at Reserve
Banks and branches, and extent to which provision
Should be made for space beyond that required to
meet their own anticipated needs. As stated in
letter referred to above, Board is preparing draft
of amendment to Section 10 of Federa Reserv
e Act
to repeal paragraph 9
of that section, which limits
the amount that may be spent for Federal Reserve
branch buildinss,and will make draft available


to the Presidents before meeting. A copy of
wire being sent to Mr. Sienkiewicz."
Approved unanimously.

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.


