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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on Monday, October


3, 1949.

McCabe, Chairman
Mr. Carpenter, Secretary
Mr. Sherman, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Thurston, Assistant to the Board

Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on September 30, 1949, were approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated October

3, 1949, from Mr. Horbett, Assistant

Director of the Division of Bank Operations, recommending that the resignation of Mrs. Maria Jo Peterson, a clerk in that Division, be accepted to be effective, in accordance with her request, at the close
of business October 21, 1949.
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. S. C. Beise, Executive Vice President, Bank of
America National Trust and Savings Association, San Francisco, California, reading as follows:
"This refers to your letter of September 22, 1949, addressed to Mr. Brayton Wilbur, Chairman of the Board of the
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, in which it was requested that the Bank of America National Trust and Savings
Association be supplied with the necessary formal papers to
enable it to participate in the forthcoming election of Class
A and Class B directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of
"The question of the eligibility of your bank to participate in such elections has again been reviewed by the




"Board. On the basis of all pertinent information now before it, the Board sees no reason to reach a conclusion different from that indicated in the Board's letter of October
17, 1947, to Mr. Carl F. Wente, Senior Vice President of your
bank, namely, that yourbank is affiliated with Transamerica
Corporation within the meaning of that provision of section
4 of the Federal Reserve Act which provides that 'whenever
any two or more member banks within the same Federal Reserve
district are affiliated with the same holding company affiliate, participation by such member banks in any such nomination or election shall be confined to one of such banks, which
may be designated for the purpose of such holding company affiliate.' Accordingly, since Transamerica Corporation has
designated The First National Bank of Portland, Portland,
Oregon, as the affiliated bank to participate in nominations
and elections of Class A and Class B directors of the Federal
Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Group One, the Board has instructed the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco that the
Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association should
be considered to be ineligible to participate in the forthcoming nomination and election."
Approved unanimously, for transmission through the Federal Reserve Bank
of San Francisco.

