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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
8Y8te3g was held in Washington on Friday, October 29, 1937, at 11:30



Eccles, Chairman




Morrill, Secretary
Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman

given to each of the matters hereinafter re-

t0 and
the action stated with respect thereto was taken by the



The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the
Reserve System held on October 28, 1937, were approved unani-

to Mr. Kimball, Secretary of the Federal Reserve Bank

York, Mr.
Austin, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Phila-

cielPhia, Mr.
Taylor, Secretary pro tern of the Federal Reserve Bank of
01eveland, and
Mr. Thomas) Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of
City, stating that the Board approves the establishment withollt
change by the
New York and Kansas City banks on October 28, 1937,
and by
the P
hiladelphia and Cleveland banks today, of the rates of
48c°11nt and
purchase in their existing schedules.
Approved unanimously.
g th

dated October 26, 1937, from Mr. Morrill recannend188 Helen Lavelle, stenographer, who has been assisting in

-2Perscgunal and voucher work, be assigned full time to the personnel
with no change in her present salary at the rate of 0.,500
annum; that Mr. Frank H. Grimes, Jr., assistant index clerk, be

assistant voucher clerk, with salary at the rate of 4,000

Per annIlm; that Mr. Bertram C. Dedman, page, be appointed assistant
"clerk) with no
change in his present salary at the rate of
Per annum,all effective November 1, 1937; and that Mr. William
S Fleming,
III, be appointed as a page in the Office of the SecretarY) with
salary at the rate of 0.,080 per annum, effective as of the
4te 1111°n which he enters upon the performance of his duties after
Passed satisfactorily the usual physical examination.
Approved unanimously.
morandum dated October 27, 1937, from :Mr. Goldenweiser,
tirector of
the Division of Research and Statistics, recommending that
14r. Ge
rge P.
Hitchings, an intern at the National Institute of Public
ktfairs, be
appointed on a temporary basis for a period of seven months
4s a.,4
economic assistant in the Division, with salary at the rate of
he enters upon
effective as of the date upon which


Performance of his duties.
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Drinnen, First Vice President of the Federal Re33411
nk °f Philadelphia, reading as follows:

lerring to your October 18 letter, the Board of Govapproves the action of the board of directors of your



"bank on Friday,
October 15, 1937, in deciding to make a
contribution to the Retirement Fund in an
amount sufficient to provide Mr. David
Finlaw, head of the
mutilated currency division in the Currency Department of
Your bank,
with a retirement allowance of 4100 per month.
"We have been advised by the Retirement Office that the
Ilreeasery supplemental contribution for this purpose will
;e sPproximately
$5,100 for retirement of Mr. Finlaw on
J anuary
1, 1938."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Young, Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank
Of chic

ago, reading as follows:
"In accordance with the recommendation contained in
Your letter
of October 25, the Board approves the appoint:tis as examiners for the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
wh,Ernest H. Anderson, Wilbur D. Esser and Hugh X. Helmer,
- are now serving as assistant examiners.
"As you know, the original appointment in November
1933Bo ,Of Mr. Esser as assistant examiner was approved by the
- u with the
understanding that he would continue syste:7.e r
eductions in his indebtedness to a national bank,
ch indebtedness at that time
amounted to approximately
.1000 but
which, according to reports on Form B-208, has
"been materially reduced. If there is an unpaid balCe
B0ZOn the indebtedness at this time, the approval by the
°Mr. Esser's appointment to the position of examiner
with the understanding that such balance is
'ulg reduced systematically and that final liquidation
-1 the
able ttZ:
i ning balance will be effected within a reason-


Approved unanimously.
to Mr. Day, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of San


as follows:

airi "The Board approves the changes in the personnel clasl0 plan of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Etz 117 8 branches requested in your letter of October 7, 1937,
heated by the revisedForm A pages inclosed therewith.
coy .1h regard to Page 55a of the Los Angeles branch plan
:g the position of Federal Reserve Agent's Representativ
-I it is felt that this page should be allowed to remain

-4"in the branch
plan even though the employee who has been
given the
assigmnent is carried on the payroll of the Head
ffice. It is requested, however, that a new page 55a be
'urnished the Board on which the words 'Work performed by
a Federal
Reserve Examiner stationed at the Branch but
carried on the head office payroll' be substituted for the
r11,1?'xrmum salary of .ce.,000 shown on the Form A page inclosed
ith Your October 7 letter. The employees' salary list of
I e Los Angeles branch to be submitted to the Board as of
RanuarY 1, 1938, need not include Mr. Swengel, as Federal
arerve Agent's Representative, since the employees' salary
e st of the Head Office will include Mr. Swengel classified
an examiner.
A note indicating that Mr. Swengel is also
Federal Reserve Agent's Representative at the Los Angeles
should be included in the Head Office salary list."



Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Stewart, Chairmen of the Federal Reserve Bank of


Francisco, reading as follows:
decid"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
ed same time ago that surveys should be made of the
Bank E
xamination and Auditing Departments at all of the
pc:0; r Reserve Banks. There is attached a copy of a resurvey of the Auditing Department of the Fed,1a1 Reserve
Bank of San Francisco recently conducted by
cliejoardts Examiners Jones and Cagle. An additional copy
h report is inclosed for President Day.
tio, While the survey indicates that the auditing funcis
the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco in general
11.d eing performed in substantial conformity with the standoral recommended by the Conference of Auditors of the Fedthe Reserve Banks held in Washington in November 1936,
be,conclusions set forth by the examiners indicate a num'of matters
which merit consideration.
to„ "It Will be appreciated if you and any of your directhis wil°111 You may designate and President Day will review
you rePort of survey and give the Board the benefit of
othe reactions to the matters referred to above and any
,r statements
concerning which you would like to express
"r views.
tiot "The footnote of the letter transmitting the recommendsson sr°r the Conference of Auditors to Mr. George L. Harri'
hairmen of the Conference of Presidents of the Federal


-5"Reserve Banks, called attention to the confidential nature
Of the
material contained in that report and other informa1,10n relative to
the auditing activities at the Federal Rerve Banks.
As the inclosed report refers frequently to
"e Auditors
recommendations and also contains other inforon of a confidential nature concerning the activities
9% the
Auditing Department of your bank, it will be appre)
icleted if
the report itself is not made available to the
"k's employees and the officers directly in charge of the
0jerating departments. Of course, the Board sees no the
report, or parts thereof, being submitted to,
c.11scussed with, your directors and such of the bank's
v'ficers as you
and President Day deem advisable."


Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Martin, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of
St, L
°Lae/ reading as
arld"Inclosed herewith are copies of letters of August 26,
yuleSeptember 15, 193,7, from Mr. William W. Crawford, Louiss Kentucky, relating to the application of subsections
f and (c) of section 5144 of the Revised Statutes of the
States to 'Trustees Under Trust Agreement With Refer•
to Stock of The First National Bank of Louisville, Ky.
ce-t:' Other
Corporations, Dated July 1, 1925' (hereinafter
the 'Trust' %) , a holding company affiliate which holds
Bo• enerel voting permit. Also inclosed are copies of the
mird's letter of August 31, 1937, to Crawford, Middleton,
forfliar 8c Seelbach and its letter of this date to MT. CrawIt will be appreciated if you will communicate with
dsemeliawford, furnishing him with such advice as you may
Boal.aPr°Per in the premises. For your information, the
views concerning the inquiry are set forth below.
to tb"Iou will note that Mr. Crawford states that, pursuant
Banking Act of 1935, the so-called double liability
hn• s-rreholders of The First National Bank of Louisville
rac,ueen terminated and suggests that, by reason of such
plifie, su bsections
(b) and (c) of section 5144 are not apwhi!
n ble to the Trust. No reference is made to the stocks
the Trust
owns or controls of other banks.
be el„,"As a condition upon which all voting permits shall
reiglated, subsection (b) prescribes certain requirements
to bC to readily marketable assets, other than bank stocks,
Possessed or
acquired by holding company affiliates.

,z 8 an exceptio

to subsection (b), subsection (c) prescribes
requirements for any holding company affiliate
the S
hareholders or members of which shall be individually
severally liable in proportion to the number of shares
auch holding company affiliate held by them respectively,
th addition
to amounts invested therein, for all statutory
liability imposed on such holding company affiliate by rea!TI of its control of shares of stock of banks. The amount
readily marketable assets required under either subsec1,1°n is dependent upon the amount of bank stocks controlled
the holding company affiliate.
ih 19R • subsections (b) and (c), as originally enacted
intrOljieltquite clearly was immaterial whether bank stocks
-Y a holding company affiliate carried double
this fact was recognized by the Banking Act
Of 1935
which amended subsection (c) by adding the follow* * * and the provisions of this subsection, instead of
subsection (b), shall apply to all holding
c)IglpallY affiliates with respect to any shares of
uank stock owned or controlled by them as to which
ino statutory liability imposed upon the
t holders
of such bank stock.'
r ll'a,amendment, substituting the requirements of subsechoi:: ke) for those of subsection (b) to the extent thata
(ing company affiliate otherwise subject to the requireea-us of
subsection (b) controls bank stocks which do not
rY double liability, Congress specifically confirmed its
witrtioh to require holding company affiliates to comply
certain requirements concerning readily marketable
caseta although the bank stocks controlled by them do not
mertY d°11ble liability. It is noteworthy that this amendas a Part of the same Act which provided for the terMAIrl
of double liability on national bank stock issued
-(31. to June 16, 1933.
that "In view of the foregoing, the Board is of the opinion
or T ) with respect to the stock of The First National Bank
the-°111sville which the Trust controls, the law requires
con .krUst to
comply with the requirements of subsection (c)
e.erning readily marketable assets. This is likewise
the -Twith respect to any other bank stocks controlled by
eppe;rust which
do not carry double liability. Since it
1 unlikely that any of the bank stocks controlled by
the :
ered-/4:1U,st carry
double liability, the Board has not considdoub,"
question whether, if any such bank stocks carry
-Le l
iability, the requirements of subsection (b), or


-7"those of
subsection (c), would be applicable with respect
t° such stocks. This question of course would turn upon
effect of the provisions of the trust agreement, one of
Iti.hich Mr.
Crawford ouotes, relating to the liability of the
olders of the trustee's certificates.
ir- Crawford urges that there is no reason to require
holding company affiliate to retain any part of its asin anY particular form where the bank stocks controlled
holding company affiliate do not carry double liability.
question for Congress, rather than the Board, to
83. 5e. However, it may be suggested that the ability or incifi Y of holding company affiliates to assist their subt"arY banks in time of need, regardless of legal requirezents
) may
structure.„materially affect the strength of the banking

Approved unanimously.


Telegram to Mr.
Sargent, Vice President of the Federal Reserve
'an Irancisco, reading as follows:
let. "Re Your wire October 21 and letter October 18 re Reguell 1°11 T. It is understood that question is whether, if a
th st°mer substitutes exempted securities for a portion of
e l'eEistered nonexempted securities in a restricted acCount
, the broker may treat the exempted securities as havit% nlaximum loan value not greater than they would have
leY were registered nonexempted securities, and at some
wijequent period when the account is still restricted may,
eeci*ut demanding additional margin, permit the exempted
tieUllities to be replaced by registered nonexempted securis ?f equal
market value.
or a
"Section 2h) of Regulation defines 'maximum loan value'
tend.!eeLlritY as maximum amount of credit which may be exsectr4 on the security in conformity with section 3. Under
°I1 3(e) this maximum for exempted securities in presAltt-ase would be not more than their current market value.
°11Eh broker may fix lower loan values for his own purpos:: this would not affect 'maximum loan value' for guremot-,
of the regulation. Accordingly, replacement of exeq41. 4 securities with registered nonexempted securities of
‘ market value
would increase the excess of the adjusted
loan balance of the restricted account over the maximum
- 74414e of the securities in the account and could not

-8"be Permitted unless broker demanded additional margin."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Gidney, Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank
(3f New y
reading as follows:
"Reference is
made to your letter of October 18, 1937,
regarding Regulation U.
age"It is understood that a bank made a loan to
brokerfirm Pursuant to Regulation U and that subsequently,
.172he collateral declined below that
requires to be maintained for
si;,°wn Protection, the bank issued a demand for margin,
.'"11(3uE/1 such margin was not required by the regulation.
1-111oe the
brokerage firm received the margin call on SatrrdeY and it was customary with the firm to eliminate the
°Aerations incident to entering vaults to obtain
securities on Saturdays when deliveries and clearances of
are not usually effected, the firm proposed that
it be
in be Permitted to deposit a certified check on Saturday
tha:!e4443°rerY satisfaction of the demand for margin, and
it be permitted to replace the certified

Certified check would be made for an amount equal
rather current market value of the securities to be deposited
a ,2f.then the maximum loan value of such securities, since
8e-'4"ulfied check limited to the maximum loan value of the
.1t not afford the bank as much protection as
The question presented is whether this proIlre A may be
"118 indicated in the Board's letters S-26 and 5-32 of
tiedst 5 and September 3, 1937, the withdrawal of a certisto kcheek against the deposit of an equal market value of
the rdinarily would not be permissible when the amount
1°En exceeds the maximum loan value of the collateral,
of .e
t e the
substitution would reduce the maximum loan value
4e. eollateral
and thus increase the deficiency. It ap;
0 s in the
case, however, that margin would be de1
thslated to setisfy the bank's maintenance requirements rather
ecti,l ellY requirement of Regulation U, that the entire transpsr 'n would be completed within what amounts to only a camfolr
olTY few business hours, that the procedure would be
eirvi.v.u. in entire good faith and not for the purpose of
-'ne the
regulation, end that the net effect of the pro-

which would facilitate the usual operations of the
brckerage firm,
would be the same as if the securities had
°riginally been deposited on Saturday or the margin call
aad not been
met until Monday.
"In the circumstances, the Board is of the opinion that
the substitution of
the securities for the certified check
eed not be separated from the other portions of the transecti°n and that the entire transaction may be considered
- to
its net results and be treated for the purPoses of the regulation as if the securities had been deP
. ted on
Saturday or the margin call had not been met
until Monday. The Board believes the transaction would be
13!rm1ss1ble on this basis although, of course, an entirely
`ifferent situation might be presented if any of the cirumstances were altered.
It i S"In View of the discussion above, it is believed that
not necessary at this time to express any opinion as
to the
other considerations referred to in your letter."


Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Sam H. Boefer, President, The Bankers Association
or Late
yette-Ray Counties, Missouri, Higginsville, Missouri, prepared
e°1.(1811ce with the action taken at the meeting of the Board on October
1937, and reading as follows:
couT,4.74Pon receipt of the petitions of banks in thirteen
,,es in Missouri requesting that such counties be transfrom the jurisdiction of the Eighth Federal Reserve
to that of the Tenth Federal Reserve District,
16'4°1 were
forwarded to the Board with your letter of July
the 1937) the Board forwarded copies of your letter and of
er:l a,
cc1PanYing petitions to the Presidents of the Fedileserve Banks of Kansas City and St. Louis, with the
petitions be brought to the attention of
and officers of their respective banks and
witb the Board be furnished with a statement of their views
respect to
the merits of the proposal.
etd r After giving
careful consideration to the petitions
tereAring all of the information submitted with rethe proposed transfer, including that obtained
1 'e Federal Reserve banks of Kansas City and St. Louis,
the ,
concluded that it would not be warranted in

-10"transferring the thirteen counties frou which petitions were
recei ved
from the jurisdiction of the Eighth Federal Reserve
pl.strict to that of the Tenth Federal Reserve District. It
will be appreciated if you will advise the petitioninw, banks
of the Board's decision in this matter."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Presidents of all Federal reserve banks, reading as

"It appears that since the Reconstruction Finance Corrati°n, in accordance with its program, may not grant
lay further commitments to make industrial advances and may
make any more industrial advances, except under commitrents heretofore granted, the Federal Reserve banks may re"a much larger number of requests for industrial advel:
!Ilaces or commitments to make such advances than has been
re case
in the recent past. The Board hopes that sympathetic
)Tasideration will be given to such applications as are
ceceived and that advances will be made where the banks can
usistently do so under the provisions of the 18w and the
Szymczak has already talked with an official of
bank over the telephone and acquainted him with the
s position in this matter; he has also been in touch
Washington officials of the Reconstruction Finance
barPoration and he requested the representative of your
With whom he talked to get in touch with the local
,7construction Finance Corporation agency with a view of workout a procedure by which all worthy applicants will be
llierred to the Federal Reserve bank.
able "For obvious reasons the Board does not think it desirat this time to conduct a campaign on this subject,
hopes that particular pains will be taken to guard
4etitst the public getting the impression that the Federal
17,,,erve 6ystem has also discontinued making industrial adtZ,
ees- In this connection you may think it desirable to
to 4. with representative bankers in your district from time
time with
respect to the facilities in this field which
Federal Reserve banks have to offer."


Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Evans, Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank



DEIlles, reading as follows:

letter of October 18, 1937 request-

refers to your
an opinion upon the question whether State member banks
In Texas
purchase for their own account shares

may lawfully
?1* stock of Federal Savings and Loan Associations insured by
Ihe Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. You
state that such inquiries have been made by a number of State
meluber banks because of the recent enactment of a Texas
bstatute euthorizing State banks to buy and sell shares insured
Y the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation.
In view of the provisions of section 5136 of the Revised Statutes and section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act
wrifi,ich make it unlawful for a State member bank to purchase
ti'lr its own account shares of stock of any corporation,
()fere aPPears to be no reason to differ from the opinion
,Your officers that no State member bank may purchase
IALares of stock of Federal Savings and Loon Associations.
believed that the exemptions stated in section 5136
r not cover shares of stock of Federal Savings and Loan
sociations and that the provisions of the Texas statute
not operate to exempt State member banks from the prosi°ns of the Federal statute."


Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated October 12, 193'7, from Mr. Snead, Chief of the
411S1011 of Bank

Operations, stating that an informal request had been

lred from Mr. Fred L. Garlock, Senior Agricultural Economist in
the tureau
of Agricultural Economics, for certain data showing the exteat to
which member banks in Wisconsin restricted or deferred pay'
lett or
"ePosits, obtained waivers from depositors, or employed meale

Yr rehabilitating their capital structures during the period
-1933. The memorandum recommended, for the reasons stated therein,

Board authorize Mr. Garlock to compile the desired data cover-

tte member banks from examination reports on file at the Board's

es' Provided that arrangements were made to compile similar in—



f°1111atio n at the
office of the Comptroller of the.Currency with reel 'et to national banks, and that, if the Comptroller's office does
11" filid it Practicable to have the desired compilation covering national
banks made in Washington but is willing that the Federal Reserve
of Chicago and Minneapolis compile the data from copies of examreports on file there, the Board authorize Mr. Smead to rethe two Federal reserve banks to make the compilations covering
both n
ational and State member banks in Wisconsin.
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Harrison, Chairman of the Presidents' Conference,
re6414 as follows:

"Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of October
stating that at a recent meeting of the Conference of
esidents you were requested to appoint representatives
p n the Chicago, Kansas City, San Francisco and New York
E(a;karal Reserve Banks, and such member of the staff of the
teard as the Board might select, to constitute a subcommittIde of the Leased Wire Committee, and requesting the Board's
„1/ca as to the person whom it wishes to represent it on
"It is understood that the function of such subcommitte
e is to make such recommendations to the Leased Wire Comttee relative to the revision of the Leased Wire Code
Ilec* and to any other matters of policy or practice in cond2tion with the operations of the Leased Wire System as it
is advisable.
"In response to your inquiry, the Board would be glad
to have Mr. S. R. Carpenter, Assistant Secretary of the
4, serve as its representative on such subcommittee."


Approved unanimously.
here was submitted a recommendation, which had been approved
bY the p
ersonnel Committee, that the Board authorize the purchase of



8) aluminum trays, and cups for feet of desks and tables, and the
-`'Ing of President Roosevelt's address at the ceremonies in connectin,
'44 With

the official opening of the Board's building on October 20,

1937, as listed in purchase orders Numbered 2375, 2383, 2384, and 2402,

cost or

Approved unanimously.

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.
