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.4t a regular meeting of the Federal Reserve Board held in the office of the Governor on :Jonday, October 29, at three p.m., PR14L4: Governor Harding, presiding, :.Ir. ::r. .4arburg, - ecretary. . :dr. ain't, : Dolan°, HaMlin, ,Governor Harding read a letter from the e. etary of the Treasury as to the acceptance of over-subscriptions to the second Liberty-Loan; also a letter from the Secretary as to acceptance of Government bonds on deposit by banks. Governor Harding further stated to the Board thz;:..t the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond had sent out a circular stating that the first 2 installment on bond subscrip- tions could not be paid in bank. credit, and a letter from .iissistant Secretary jrosby stating. that such was not the .Treu - ary riling; al o-a letter from Governor Se y stating his reasons for the course actually followed by him. The tpapers were referred to the Executive Jommittee with power to act. (T. ccunu.tion of LIA2 5;(-)-,1)trnile: Of *,,hL of Hyde pit:.l fro'l v10J,OUJ to ,,J),033. .uthoried to rcdAce its _ rerort cf Jh.icf iicr:)roacrilK the ''ederal :e6crvc thth of ,,L,n c(.- 1xcio, f the ferred to — v. -iller tvinn to the of thr...t of tde -ectiY,J of the The ton 5t Kid on uctober 26, %:.,d tilLLi rlitioh of Joerr, recorTlended by that Jonnittec, were, on matin_, proved z....nd the action therein set forth ratified. letter tcc :0. U5 to szto-lobile Purer, proposed by 'omnit- w%,s, on I'lotion, .2proved 4nd the I;overno. ,olVior- iLeJ to tL-lisrlit the e. 'or filzry -;.;;,:etor, 'r7Istec 7 , d(,re i!AniLitrtor, of ..Aocks Tharth ?irst Ilor :awood, Ind. 7 usee, .;.*.xee7itor, -dministrator„ toc:s and Bonds. ,.1.(1-,1 Bank 7enics 1" ,;...reham rationz.:! :ank ' ::ational ionlBank of t rove Trustee, E:.I.L,ec ,:nrcester, -ass., Ind., i,'est Grove, Pa. „„ - Inistrator. , "nL;elo rational Bunk .'.a:apbell national Ex. Bank _ nAlns.elo, Texas, Texas. Upon recommendation of Jommittee • applications p were acted upon, ald institutions admitted to 'c)r thu eistrar of 't, • as folio ir..nklin 'Trust Gia .J Trust • JitLcns Bunk, .1„.LH t. iair Jaunty JtI Governor Harding stated that i ia, Pa., t Huron, I:de-a. A been proposed to hold a conference with Governors of federal lieserve banks . in the near future. Discussion of discount rate levels, %nd seneral problems of the Federal -.aeserve: L;ysteM ensued, and, on. motion, it was voted to invite the Governors of the banks .to attend a session of the Board to be held on 7Aur3day, November S. Informal discussion of the personnel of the ?ederal Reserve Bank of Boston ensued, but no form:11 action was taken. 'inform-J. discussion of the personnel of the 2ederal _ieserve Bank of Boston ensued, bat no formal action was taken./ On motion, the minates of the meeting of the Board meeting of October £6, dispensed with at the opening of the meeting, were read and approved. The minutes of the meetin3.s of the L:ecutive Jommittee . Ileld on October 26 and 27 were presented and approved, and the action therein set forth ratified. 'Avernor Harding announced that the visit to Jhicao intended to be made on this date, had become anne essary, ming to action taken at :Jhicago. 4.20 p.m. the Board adjourned to meet on.,;ednesday, October 31, at three p.m. ',Acretar:. Jhairlan.