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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on Friday, October 28, 1949.

Mr. Szymczak, Chairman pro tem.
Mr. Draper
Mr. Sherman, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Morrill, Special Adviser
Mr. Thurston, Assistant to the Board

Telegrams to the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Cleveland,

Chicago, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Kansas City

Dallas, and

Sall Francisco stating that the Board approves the establishment without
by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco on October 24, by the
Federal Reserve Banks of Chicago and St. Louis on October 26, and by
the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Cleveland, Richmond, Minneapolis,
4811sas City, and Dallas on October 27, 1949, of the rates of discount


Purchase in their existing schedules.
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated October 27, l94(,, from Mr. Millard, Director


the Division of Examinations, recommeLding increases in the basic

11411a1 salaries of the following employees in that Division, effective
C ctober 30, 1949:


C. Smith
A. Dons



Federal Reserve Examiner
Federal Reserve Examiner

Salary Increase

Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Leach, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of



R1c1 mond, reading as
"In your letter of October 20, 1949, you state
that the directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Richmond have approved the proposed purchase of 38
new steel lockers and 4 small lock boxes to match for
use in the Charlotte Branch and request the Board
of Governors to approve the acceptance of the low
bid of the Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Company in the
amount of $17,945.29 for furnishing this equipment.
"The Board of Governors has no objection to the
acceptance of this low bid by your Bank. It is noted
that the 24 second-hand odd-sized lockers to be replaced will be sold."
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. Martin, Assistant Vice President of the
ecieral Reserve Bank of Atlanta, reading as follows:
"Reurtel, although revised instructions
(S-1123) for waiver of penalties for deficiencies
in reserves of member banks were made effective on
the date of the Board's letter, October 10, 1949,
they may be applied to deficiencies in reserves
Prior to October 10 where penalties had not as yet
been assessed."

Approved unanimously,
with telegrams transmitting
this advice to the Presidents
of all other Federal Reserve

Aszi>tant Secretary.