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AA a regular meeting.of the - ederal Aeserve Board
Acid in the office of the 3overnor on ...h-idLy, October 26,
three .p.m.,

Mr. „illiams,

r.T.arding, nrcsidins,



r. 4arb4rL,
The minutes of the meetin

of the Board held on Oc -

ober;-,A were read and, on motion, approved.
The minutes of the meetings of the :'Lxeeative 2mAnittee held on October :2-4, 25 and Z6 were presented and, on motion, approved, and the action therein set forth ratified.

On motion of L'.r. 7111er it was voted that h.enceforward the earnins of Aderal deserve banks shall be 1%tblis1ed
only ser7A-annally, appearing in the Aderal'eser7ze.Bqlletin
on 2ebruary land

Jast 1 of each year.

Jovernor HardinL7 read a letter tor.'Lewis


epressin3. the Board's approval of the work of the imerican
Trade .,.cceptance Joui:cil.

The letter W42 alTroved and ordered

- sent.
The :eoretary of the :oard having state a that he had
been invited to become a me'Aber of the Trade Leceptance ;o2n-


rerd to • the mat-

ci1, %nd in„lqirin:2 the 2.m.rd's
t(:.r, it

on motiom, voted tht it .;.'LLs 'the sense of the

th:_t the

cc :try cooI)erL,,te in: everyret.2.onable wtLy
beerle nn.

bgt th%t 'he

with the


tember of the f.3.e.
meomn,117:.., with reff7nce


to the dcsired tyre of vaUt to be constrActed
J...i.cerve bank ofth-4..nt,,
tht he 1.forlA the .,:„.tLnt%

rid, on


otia, it wa2. -voted,
it .. ;.%%c the .'ienoc, of

oarci th.t the institAtion ocht to .adopt the best !-..odern

st%-n.drdll of constrAction.
On reconnendLiAion of the Arvlittee on ;,Adit and.


rr, tioL, voted th;,.- .t the Governor

n:Ac, two r..tion%1 bank c-.;:wine

(6,uthorized by the Jomp-

tr..11er of the :jarreney) to z-:..ssist in the eaaa1nation of
the fit1ent and ',:oqthern F,..Y.11c. of Sz_..litnnah.
7,71;)on recorinend.,..tion of ,Jownittee 7,:o. 6 rh;.,:nec in

at '?edeml Jleserve 3n.k

were - &prroved at fol1ow6!

.,',..pplications for surrender of stock.
...District 77o. 10.




iipplit.lations for ()r3.2*iinal Stock.
2irst :atioral

cstPalm Bea


. Shares
a. 66 66

District 7n, 7,
2eop1es 1,7ationa1



District 7 0. 9.
!armors T.atioal -3an7..;

llen'qood AtY. 43.


Ball, Idaho.

.. 155

District T.o.
2L..rmers Eational Bank


The minutes of the meeting,of,the A!Imittee on Uayton
held October 24, were read and, on motion, approved, and
the action therein set forth ratified,
skz,restel lter for transmission to the:?ederal.

Bank of



relative to .)ertain in,inries in reL

to the acceptance of_drafts to i- :rovide dollar echLn,3e, Was
:resented, and its transmi s,ton aathOrized.
Discmant rate sheets (no cnges bc,Jig used far) were
i',Tesented by the Secretary of, the BOard4 and,poted*
of Jommitteez,. ,, 1 reported in
favor of

the name

eeia1 aeserve,-,4sentliborn to. appoint

of the 2eden:i1 heserve,additiona.1 eaminer

to make examinations of applying


Oommittee,r0‘ 2 reported the holdirig:„of a. mee....-Lagas


of this date, reL.din,s the minutes of such meeting, which
were approved and the action therein set forth ratified,
as follo::s:
The applications of the following banks for permission to accept ap to 1J(3c! of their paid in capital
and sarplas, were approved:
• Lialtable ?rust Company of rew York.
Hartfor1-4Letna rational Bank, qartford, Conn.
The applications of the following banks for stock
in the ?ederal Reserve Banks aere considered separately
and approved, subject to the conditions enumerated in each
particular case:
Trast Company, Nemphis,Tenn.
Union and Planters Bank
rew York, r.Y.
The Bank of Lorica,
Paoli, Ind.
Paoli State Bank,
New York,
New York Trust company,
rew York.
Pacific Bank of rew York
?ranklin Bank
New York,N.Y.
nercantile Bank P Trust .Co.
Ger-Aan 1.,merican Bank
Buffalo Trust company,
'Committees Nos. 3 and 4 presented no reports.
Upon recommendation of 7.!r. :Tiller, 7r. O. L. Lov(.land Was designated as a special e:4aminer in the San. Francisco District.
Governor 7ardin3 'stated the situation as to the


2roposed establishment .of a branch at Detroit, and, on motion,
' it aas areed tht iie,v;ith 7;11.. :.:111er, visit ;;Ai-,do,- probably on ::onday next, there to confer with the Ade ,L1 aeserve
Bank of jhical7;o, and a committee representin3 the Detroit
Jlearing House 4-ssoc1ation relative to the proposed branch.

'On motion, at 4.15 p.m. the Board adjourned.

