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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Pederal Re erve System on Thursdwi) October 25, 1951.

Mr. Martin, Chairman
Mr. Szymczak
Mr. horton
Mr. Sherman) Assistant Secretary
Mr. Kenyon) Assistant Secretary

Memorandum dated October 23, 1951, from Mr. Murff, AssistLnt
of Vie Board, recommending an increase in the Miscellaneous
or the 1951 budget of the Board Members Section in the

0,000 in order to provide for salaries and traveling expenses

°fIlez3ring examiners temporarily borrowed from other Government agencies
001xlectIon with administrative hearings as a part of the enforcement
1)r0cedure under Regulation

Consumer Credit.

Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated October 23, 1951, from the Personnel Committee
l'eeorfirriending for reasons stated therein that the Board authorize the

Dision heads, with the consent of the Budget Officer, to

lae.4 cemnitments against Division budgets for the following year for
lie Purchases where, in the opinion of the Budget Officer, the

mounts involved bear a reasonable relationship to the

el4'1'ellt Year's budget for the particular classification of expense;
because of recent changes in the Board's budgetary
the b
°ard reaffirm that portion of its action or December 20, 1939,

it approved unanimously a recommendation that it:




authorize the respective division heads, with the
consent of the Budget Officer to make expenditures during
1940 and in subsequent years beyond the amount authorized
in the approved non-personal services budget for the division for the particular year to an amount not exceedinf,; 10
Per cent of the original budget authorization for any individual classification, provided the aggregate authorization
for non-personal services for the division will not be exceeded as a result of such additional expenditures. The
latter recommendation contemplated that in the case of any
major expenditures not contemplated in the original budget
and all expenditures which would exceed the proposed 10 per
cent limitation, it would be necessary, as in the past, for
the head of the division concerned to submit a recommendation to the Board for an additional authorization."
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated October 23, 1951, from the Division of
11"sonnel Administration, recommending for the reasons stated therein
tIlat the Board's donation to the Reserve Board Club be •increased from
to *1,250 per year, effective with the calendar year 1952, and
tll'A the lieserve Board Club not be charged for the use of the tele111°r.le in the Club library.
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Weigel, Secretary of the Federal Reserve Bank
Of ,

't. Louis, reading as follows:
"Reference is made to your letter of October 19,
1931, requesting the Board's approval of the retention
,Active service through June 30, 1952, of Mr. Clay
".or the reasons outlined in your letter the Board
Of Governors approves the payment of salary to Mr. Childers
as Assistant Manager of the Little Rock Branch at the
rate of $5,000 per annum for the period December 1, 1951,
through June 30, 1952, or at such other rate as may



sulsequently be fixed by the directors and approved by
the Board of Governors."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. aodgkinson, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank
Of Boston, reading as follows:
"Reference is made to your letter of October 16,
1951, requesting the Board's approval of the retention
in active service through June 30, 1952, of Vice President hult.
"For the reasons outlined in your letter the Board
of Governors approves the payment of salary to Mr. Ellis
G. Hult as Vice President at the rate of 46,00C per
annum for the period December 1, 1951, through June 30,
1952, or at such other rate as may subsequently be fixed
by the directors and approved by the Board of Governors."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Slade, Vice President of the

Federal Reserve

of r,

can Francisco, reading as follows:

"In accordance with the request contained in your
letter of October 22, 1971, the Board approves the desiE:
/1ation of the following as special assistant examiners for
icederal Reserve Bank of San Francisco:
M. J. Coulam
R. C. hunn"
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Roger
Jones, Assistant Director Legislative
rence, Bureau of the Budget, Lashington D. C., eading as follows:
"This is in response to your communication of
October 22, 1951, requesting an expression or our views
the Enrolled Bill 11.R. '.)`()I, 'To penalt the Federal
iviortr,Ige Association to infalce commitments to
1311rcha,se certain mortp_tires.

-4"The purpose of the bill is to enable the Federal
National Mortgage Association to enter into advance commitment contracts not exceeding 00 million outstanding
b.t any one time with respect to certain mortgages under
section 213 of the National Housing Act, as =ended, which
the Federal Housing Commissioner has issued either a commitment to insure or a statement or eligibility prior to
June 29, 1951. Not more than $3,c0,00o of such authorization would be available for such commitments in any
one State.
"The Board has been, and is, concerned about the
inflationary effects of mortgage credit expansion and
Particularly such expansion from the use of Federal funds,
Which this bill would authorize. Lacking knowledge of
the urgency of the specific situation the bill is designed
to meet, however, the Board does not feel qualified to
take any firm position with respect to its enactment."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. -Roger W. Jones, Assistant Director, Legislative
Iference, Bureau of the Budget, Washington, D. C., reading as follows:
"This is in response to your communication of
October PP, 19)1, requesting the Board's comments on the
enrolled enactment of a bill (H.R. 1672) for the relief
Of the Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association.
"It is the Board's understanding that the claim in
the amount of $20,403.6) arose in connection with a conentered into by the War Department with the San Jose
1lar1ufacturers, Incorporated, San Jose, California, during
Ivar II. The Bank of America made a loan to the San
u°2e Company which, under the V-loan program, was guaranteed
UP to 3o per cent by the War Department. The loan was not
Paid and 80 per cent of the loss was borne by the War Departlflent and 20 per cent of the loss was borne by the Bank. H.R.
-1°72 would reimburse the Bank of America for its loss in the
kmount mentioned above.
"The Board of Governors has not previously had occasion
4 consider or to report on this bin. It is not in a posion, therefore, within the limited time now available to
- le adequate consideration to the merits of the claim before
''uvising the President.

-5Mowever, since the Federal Reserve Banks act
as fiscal agents for the guaranteeing agencies in connection with the current V-loan program, the Board has
a real interest in any action which may have a bearing
on that program. Regardless of the merits of the claim
in any p-trticular case, it seems quite likely that enactMent of a special statute, providing for payment by the
Government to any financing institution of an amount
over and above the percentage of the Government's guarantee, vould in all probability be used as a precedent
with respect to other similar claims and, as a consequence, both the spirit and purpose of the program
might be jeopardized."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Olson, Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank
"CI-ileac°, reading as follows:
%e have received your letter of October 18, 1951,
inquiring whether the Johnson Nursing home of Joliet,
Illinois, could be considered as a hospital exempt from
Regulation X under section 2(r)(3). Your letter states
that this nursing home is licensed by the Division of
Eospitals and Chronic Illness of the Department of Public Health of the State of Illinois, and that patients
consist of aged persons who have suffered some form.of
disability, most of whom are bedridden, requiring nursing and medical care.
"As you know, footnote 10 to section 2(k) of Regulation X specifically defines 'rest homes' as nonresidential
structures if more than one-half of the floor space of
the structure consists of units which do not contain kitchen facilities or space designed for kitchen facilities.
Inasmuch as many 'rest homes' are merely boarding houses
for aged, infirm, or convalescent persons providing a
form of nursing service as a means of inducing their
Patronage, it has been our belief that we should ordinarily not classify such institutions as hospitals exempt
fl'om Regulation X. There are, however, some nursing homes
14hich do provide a complete medical and nursing service
f°r cases of chronic invalidism, which are similar to

"sanitariums and hospitals and quite properly could be
Classified as hospitals exempt from the regulation.
Since the granting of an exemption for this type of
institution may cause other proprietors of nursing
homes which do not provide the same complete medical
and nursing service indicated in your letter to apply
for exemptions, in general, it would seem that great
care should be exercised in determining the extent of
the in-patient hospital services afforded by the institution before classifying a rest home as a hospital.
"It would seem, therefore, that if you'believe
that the Johnson NursinG llone provides in-patient
services and accommodations similar to a hospital jt
would be exempt from the terms of Regulation X."

Approved unanimously.