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A meeting of the Federal Reserve Bowd was held in the office of the
Federal Reserve Board. on Tuesday, October 19, 1926, at 3:30 p.m.


Governor Crissinger
Mr. Platt
Mr. Hamlin
Mr. Miller
Mr. James
Mr. Cunningham
Mr. McIntosh
Mr. Eddy, Secretary
Mr. McClelland, Asst. Secretary
Er. Wyatt, General Counsel

Mr. James stated to the Board that the President had appointed him as
all additional member of his Committee to study the cotton situation and.
lest methods of relief.

He presented the following letter ath enclosure,

ackiressed to him by the President, formally advising of the appointment, and
l'equested an expression of the views of the members of the Board as to the

PD3priety of his serving on the Committee and at the same time serving as a
member of the Board.
"The White House
October 19, 1926.

My dear Mr. James : I enclose for your information the original statement
issued. from the White House regarding the appointment of a committee to study the cotton situation and suggest methods of relief.
It is, I think, desirable that the scope of the committee should be broadened. and I am therefore appointing you as
an additional member. This letter will serve as your authorization to act as a member of the committee.
Very truly yours,
Hon. George R. Jams,
Federal Reserve Board,
Washirrton, D. C.


Calvin Coolidge


"The President has appointed Eugene Meyer, Managing
Director of the War Finance Corporation; Andrew W. Mellon,
Secretary of the Treasury; c:Alliam M. Jardine, Secretary of
Agriculture; and Herbert Hoover, Secretary of Commerce, a
Connittee to cooperate with those engaged in the production,
marketing and use of cotton, to investigate the present market
condition of cotton and render such desirable assistance as
can be given by the Goverment to the efforts already being
made in the South throug4 the financial institutions, cooperative
organizations and Federal Intermediate Credit Banks and otherwise, Mr. Meyer through his CID nnection with the War Finance
Corporation has had. a large experience in dealing with situations of a kindred nature and has been requested by the President
to act as Chairman in charge of field activities. Secretary
Mellon through his connection with the Federal Reserve Bank
System, Farm Loan Banks and. Intermediate Credit Banks, will
be able to advise about the securing of credits which can undoubtedly be done through ordinary banking methods. Secretary
Jardine and Secretary Hoover will be in a pos ition to furnish
information as to the production, warehousing, marketing and
use at home and abroad of the present cotton supply.
The naite House,
October 9, 1926."
Miller moved that the
After discussion,
Board express its gratification at the President's
selection of Mr. James to be a member of his Cotton
. . Jazes
Committee, and. that every facility be given La'
for the performance of his duties and any leave of
absence that nay be necessary.
Er. Miller's motion being pat by the
Chair was carried, Mr. James not voting.
The Governor stated that the meeting had been called for the purpose of
considering the special order fixed for today, namely, the action to be taken
bY the Board in the case of hIr. J. A. McCrary, director of the Federal Reserve
-4 Of

Atlanta, in the light of the report, dated June 5th, submitted at the

.1Leet ing of the Board on June 30, 1926, by 7:_r. James as a special committee
4139ointed by the Board on :lay 20th to investigate the conduct of Mr. .McCrary
a view to determining whether or not he should be eliminated from the






Reserve System, and the report of Mr. Howard E. Rank, sicial accountOf

the Department of Justice, who was temporarily designated as an assist-

ant examiner of the Federal Reserve Board to assist in the examination of the
Pecleral 'Reserve Bank. of Atlanta made as at the close of business July 10, 1926,
which report was transmitted to the Board by the Assistant Attorney General

to of August 18th.
Mr. Jars suggested that if it was the consensus of opinion of the

E)dera]. Reserve Board that Hr. HcCrary is not a proper man to be a director
ot the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and lacks qualifications deemed neces'zill for the position, particularly in view of what transpired in connection
with the shipment of currency made by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta to
Its Havana Agency on April 10, 1926, the Board would be justified in asking
LIcurary for his resignation, and that if 1,1r. McCrary declined to resign
be in order for the Board to take definite action and remove him.
Thereuoon ensued a discussion of' this suggestion, during which members
or the Board expressed their individual opinions with respect to the advisatY of requ.esting Hr. LIcCrar,r's resignation.

Following the discussion,

1416 James submitted the following resolutions:
the Federal Reserve Board has considered the
report made by its special investigating committee, and
also the report submitted through the Departrnt of Justice,
regarding the alleged conduct of Mr. J. A. McCrary, director
of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, and
"b/113.1EAS it appears to the Federal Reserve Board that the
facts are established
(1) that Mr. LIcCrary was a member of the pe.rty which
accompanied thern shipment of currency made by the Federal
Reserve Bank of Atlanta to its Havana Agency on April
and without
sociate along as his guest,




"(2) that during the course of the trip it was shown
that the officer in charge and other members of the party
indulged, in the use of intoxicating liquor and that Mr.
McCrary made no effort whatsoever to prevent the use of
liquor, but on the contrary, he himself partook of the libations, and
(3) that subsequent to the investigation made in
Atlanta by the Board's Special Committee, Mr. :McCrary returned.
to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta a certain sum of money
presumably for the purpose of eliminating any on
to the expense involved;
"THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that it is the sense of the
Federal Reserve Board. that Mr. J. A. MoUrary lacks certain
qualifications which are deemed requisite and necessary for
a director of a Federal reserve bank, and
"BE IT FURITHER RESOLVM that the Federal Reserve Board
througi its presiding officer request Mr. J. A. McCrary to
resign as a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta."
Following a discussion of the above resolutions, Mr. Hamlin moved. as a

bstitute that the reports of the Board's Special committee and. the special

a000autant of the Department of Justice be laid on the table, to be called
/113 at alay time on one week's notice.
Mr. Hamlin's substitute motion, being put by
the Chair, was lost, the nembers voting as follows:
Governor Orissinger, "no"
Mr. Miller, "no"
Mr. Janes, "no"
Mr. Cunningham, "no"
Mr. Platt '
Mr. Hamlin, "aye"
Mr. McIntosh, "aye"
Thereupon ensued a further discussion of Mr. James' resolutions, during
Which Mr. Miller suggested as a possible alternative that Mr. McCrary be
illvited to appear before the Board on a date to be fixed by the Governor,
41'ter consultation with him, to be heard. in connection with his alleged mis°°rIctzet as a director of the iederal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and. more particu4tlY in relation to certain incidents in connection with the shipment of



made by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta to its Havana Agency on
4Pri1 10th.
Mr. james stated that action along this line would be satisfactory
to hira.
However, 1:r. Cunningham moved, as a substitute for Mr. James'
resolutions, the
"WIERFAS the Federal Iieserve 3oard has considered
the report ride by its special investigating committee, and
also tne report submitted through the Department of Justice,
regarding the alleged condict of Mr. J. A. ::eurary, di rector
of the rederal _ieserve liank of Atlanta,
"BES0LV11,D that in ti o opinion of the Federal 1-Zeserve
ioard there is not sufficient evidence in these reports to
warrant the elimination by the ksederal :..eserve Board of Mr.
::curary as a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
After discussion, Mr. Cunningham's substitute
motion was put by the Chair and. carried, the members voting as follows:
Governor Crissinger, 'layo ff
Mr. Platt, "aye"
Mr. Hamlin, "aye"
Mr. Cunningham, "aye"
Mr. James, "no"
Mr. Miller, "not voting"
Mr. McInt osh, "not voting"
Thereupon ensued a further discussion, following \Lich Mr. Miller moved

Lir. J. A. McCrary, director of the Federal 'Reserve Bank of Atlanta, be

-.eci before the Federal

eserve Board, on a date to be fixed by the Governor,

collnection with certain inquiries which the Board desires to make regarding
onduct as a director of the Federal _Reserve Bank of Atlanta, and, more
iptIl loularly, his recent conduct in connection with the shijAnent of currency
acle by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta to its Havana Agency on April 10,



Mr. Miller's motion, being put by the Chair,
was lost, the members voting as follows:
Governor Crissinger, "no,,
Mr. Platt, "no"
Mr. Hamlin, "no"
Mr. 0um:11401am, "no"
Mr. Miller, "aye"
Mr. Jams, "aye"
Mr. McIntosh, "aye"


At this point, Mr. McIntosh left the meeting.
Mr. Jams then moved that the question of the consolidation and future
sPeration of the Cuban agencies of the Federal Reserve Banks of Boston and

as recommended in the report of the Special committee submitted at

tile meeting on May 20, 1926, be brought up as special order of business on
Tilee(laY, October 26th, and that notice be given to t'ne Federal Reserve Banks
ot Boston and Atlanta, and to the Atlanta Clearing House Association that a
hearing will be held on that day.
Thereupon followed a discussion during vlaich the Governor called atten1411 to the action of the Federal Advisory Council, at its meeting on September

in voting that in its opinion there should be only one agency in Cuba,

Pederal Reserve Bank which is to maintain this agency to be selected with
tttle regard to the operation and movement of commerce and trade.
Mr. Hamlin then moved as a substitute for Mr. James' motion that the
cliation of the consolidation and. future operation of the Cuban agencies of
Pederal Reserve Banks of Boston and. Atlanta, as recommended in the report
(3t the special committee sutmitted at the meeting on May 20, 1926, be broujat
1113 as special order of business on Thursday, November 11th, and that notice



be givto the Federal Reserve Banks of Boston, New York, Philadelphia and.
Ittlauta, the Atlanta Clearing House Association, and. sny other interested
'Parties that a hearing will be held. on that day.
Mr. Hamlin's substitute motion, being put
by the Chair was unanimously carried.
The meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.

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