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A meting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
SYstem was held in Washington on Wednesday, October 17, 1945, at 2:00



Eccles, Chairman
Ransom, Vice Chairman

Mr. Carpenter, Secretary
Mr. Connell, General Assistant,
Office of the Secretary
Mr. Morrill, Special Adviser
Mr. Thurston, Assistant to the Chairman
The action stated with respect to each of the matters herein-


referred to was taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the

Pedaral Reserve System held on October 16,
1945, were approved unaniMo11817.
Memorandum dated October 4, 1945, from Mr. Thomas, Director

v Division of Research and Statistics, recommending that the

81417 of each of the following employees in that Division be inel'eased, as indicated, effective as of the beginning of the first

period following approval by the Board:


Frieda Baird
4tharYn P. Reil
tonnie Beth
Rogah N.


Salary Increase


Approved unanimously, effective October 21, 1945.




Memorandum dated October 16, 1945, from Mr. Leonard, Director of the Division of Personnel Administration, submitting the resignation of Mrs. Florence M. Poundstone, Personnel Clerk in that Divisi°11, and recommending that the resignation be accepted effective as
of the close
of business October 15, 1945.
The resignation was accepted as
Letter to the Presidents of all the Federal Reserve Banks reading as
"Because of the unusual conditions brought about by
the war, the Board has waived for the past two years the
81x-year rule limiting terms of directors of branches of
Federal Reserve Banks.
"The Board has considered the situation with respect
to aPpointments for terms beginning the first of next year
and has decided
not to renew the waiver in connection with
such appointments.
"The following provisions of the Board's Regulations
Relating to Branches of Federal Reserve Banks (Loose-Leaf
Service #2719) will, therefore, apply to the appointments
r all branch directors for the terms beginning January 1,


'(e) Directors with six or more years of
.2.0ntinuous service.--No director, other than
the Managing Director, shall be reappointed
as a director if such reappointment is to become effective within a period of two years
immediately following six or more years of
continuous service at any branch having five
directors or within a period of three years
immediately following such service at any
branch having seven directors."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Joseph W. Walker, McKelvy & Company, Pittsburgh,



PerulsYlvania, reading as follows:
"Reference is made to your letter of September 21
to Governor McKee, acknowledged by him on September 26,
in regard to the 75 per cent margin rules.
Me appreciate the spirit in which you write and
understand why you feel that in cases such as you describe an undue hardship is involved. At the same time,
We are impressed with the fact that the problem, viewed
from the standpoint of anti-inflationary action, is not
an altogether simple one. As you know, Congress placed
on this Board a responsibility for fixing margin requirements and preventing the undue use of credit for stock
market operations. Many people find it hard to justify
in their own minds the use of any credit for stock purchases during wartime. The war is over but inflationary
Pressures are not. This is a most acute period in holding the line against inflation. The Board has felt that
lts responsibility under the law requires the 75 per cent
margin rule.
"Incidental to that is the requirement which appears
to You to be particularly onerous; that is, the inability
of the
customer having an undermargined account to switch
from one stock to another without putting up additional
margln. He naturally desires the same freedom of action
as that available to a man who is not making use of any
?redlt, or not using more than the 25 per cent permitted
1_?Y the present rules. Again looking at this problem from
anti-inflationary standpoint, it is hard to justify
the use of
credit in these undermargined accounts over
"Ids over again for stock market operations. In addition,
to see wily,
matter of equity, an old cus11
y, as a ma
an undermargined account should be able to
buy stocks
on credit without putting up as much margin
as a new customer, even though he buys only at long intervals.
"It is true, as you say, that in a switch such as
3.,7011 describe the customer will not be using any more credit
before, but it does not seem to us to follow that the
is consequently of no inflationary significance.
In the case cited, for example, it is clear that if the
Customer had been free to do so he would have bought a
for which the demand was already
ready strong with the conse
ZTlence that his buying would have added to that demand
-"u would have tended to accelerate the rise.



"At the same time, we are not unmindful of the fact
that, in some particular cases the present rules may work
Individual hardship. The problem, to which we are giving
some careful study, is to find some way of making equitable
Pl:evision for such cases without impairing the anti-inflatlonary effectiveness of the requirement."
Approved unanimously.
Reference was made to the action taken at the meeting of the
Board on
October 5, 1945, in connection with the Motor City Credit
Co., Inc., and the order for hearing issued at that time, and
it was recommended that the order be amended so as to include a pro'vision that J. Leonard Townsend, the officer of the Board designated
to receive the
testimony to be taken at such hearing, be authorized
t° administer oaths in connection with receiving such testimony.
Upon motion by Mr. Ransom, it was
voted unanimously to amend the order accordingly, with the understanding that a
copy of the amending order would be sent
to the registrant by registered mail today:
Washington, D. C.
"Order Giving J. Leonard Townsend Authoritz
to Administer Oaths and Issue Subpoenas.
"On October 5, 1945, the Board issued an Order for
Hearing to
determine whether the license of Motor City
1Credit Jewelry Co., Inc., Van Dyke, Michigan, under Regun,ati°n17 should be revoked, and commissioned J. Leonard
-_ ownsend, of Washington, D. C., as an officer of the Board
6° receive the testimony taken at such Hearing and to rePort the same to the Board.



"The Board, deeming such action necessary and appropriate in the public interest, hereby amends its said Order
fOX' Hearing, as follows:
That said J. Leonard Townsend be and he is
hereby authorized to administer oaths in connection with receiving testimony in the aforesaid
"By Order of the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System made this 17th day of October, A. D. 1945."

(Signed) S. R. Carpenter
Board of Governors
of the
Federal Reserve System"

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.