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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 'ryas held
in Washington on Monday, October 15, 1945, at 11:00 a.m.


Eccles, Chairman
Ransom, Vice Chairman

Mr. Carpenter, Secretary
Mr. Connell, General Assistant, Office
of the Secretary
Mr. Morrill, Special Adviser
Mr. Thurston, Assistant to the Chairman
The action stated with respect to each of the matters hereinafter referred
to was taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve
System held on October 12, 1945, were approved unaniMously.
Memorandum dated August 6, 1945, from Mr. Bethea, Director of

the Division of Administrative Services, recommending that when the
tilneti°ns of the Fiscal Agent are consolidated with those of the
Accounting Section of that Division, effective January 1, 1946, the
l'ee°nstituted section be known as the Fiscal Section of the Division
of Administrative Services, and that Sampson H. Bass, Supervisor, Ace011nting Section, and Wayne A. Pollard, Accountant, be designated
Chief, Fiscal
Section, and Assistant Chief, Fiscal Section, respectille4. The memorandum also recommended that Mr. Bass be authorized
to act as
Disbursing Officer and to sign, in that capacity, checks



against the Board's account with the Federal Reserve Bank of

Richmond, and that Josephine E. Lally, Deputy Fiscal Agent, be trans—
ferred to the Fiscal Section of the Division of Administrative Serv—
ices as Deputy Disbursing Officer, and that the basic annual salary of
each of the following employees be increased as shown below:
Salary Increase


8. H. Bass

W. A.
E. Lajiy

Chief, Fiscal Section
Deputy Fiscal Agent



memorandum further recommended that the Board obtain a commission

as Notary
Public for Mr. Pollard so that he may be in a position to act
in that
capacity in the absence of Miss Lally.
A memorandum dated October 11, 1945, was submitted from the
Personnel Committee recommending approval of Mr. Bethea's memorandum
With the two
following modifications:
"1. That the salary of Miss Lally be increased to $3,970,
the top of the grade to which the position has been
allocated, instead of to $3,640 as originally proposed.
That the salary increases for Mr. Pollard and Miss
Lally be made effective at the beginning of the next
pay roll period following approval of the memorandum
rather than January 1, 1946."
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated October 5, 1945, from Mr. Bethea, Director

of the
Division of Administrative Services, recommending that, effec—
tilre January 1, 1946, a Public Official Schedule Bond in the form at—
tached t0 the memorandum be obtained at the Board's expense covering




the following
employees in that Division in the amounts set opposite
their respective names:
Sampson H. Bass
osephine E. Lally
F. Allison

Chief, Fiscal Section and
Disbursing Officer
Deputy Disbursing Officer
Accounting Clerk


/n his
memorandum Mr. Bethea suggested that the Board consider whether
the Director and Assistant Director of the Division of Administrative
Services, both of whom are authorized to certify vouchers for payment

countersign checks, should be included in the proposed schedule
The reasons for this suggestion were (1) that the Fiscal Section
after j
-anuary 1, 1946, will be under the supervision of the Director

and A
ssistant Director of the Division of Administrative Services and
(2) the
practice of having certifying officers bonded is generAJly fol—

lowed in other
Government agencies.
In a memorandum dated October 10, the Personnel Committee

ended, for the reasons stated above, that Messrs. Bethea and
ilelsoh, as Director and Assistant Director of the Division of Admin—
istrative Services, be included in the proposed schedule bond, each
ill the amount of $25,000, the additional premium to be paid by the
Board as contemplated in the cases of the three employees in the Fiscal
Secti°11 who are to be covered by the bond.
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated October 10, 1945, from Mr. Symczak stating
that ir
4rs. Dorothy Klise, his secretary, expects to leave at the end of



the year and that he would like to have Miss Elnyr Newcome, secretary
to Ur.
Cagle, succeed Mrs. Klise and recommending that, in anticipation of that move, Miss Newcome be transferred from the Division of
Examinations to his office as a stenographer and that her salary be
increased from
!It2,760 to $2,980 per annum effective October 21, 1945.
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated October 12, 1945, from Mr. Carpenter submitting the
resignation of Miss Mary M. Gallimore, a file clerk in the
ecretary's Office, and recommending that the resignation be accepted
as of the
close of business October 5,1945, and that a lump sum paynient be made for any annual leave remaining to her credit at that time.
The resignation was accepted as
Letter to Mr. Gidney, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland, reading as follows:
"The Board of Governors approves the payment of salarY to Mr. Carl F. Ehninger as Auditor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, for the period November 1, 1945,
to April 30, 1946, inclusive, at the rate of $6,000 per
annum, which is the rate fixed by your Board of Directors
as reported in your letter of October 6, 1945."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Gidney, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland, reading as follows:
"In accordance with the request contained in your
letter of October 6, 1945, the Board approves a supplemental contribution to the Retirement System for the




"benefit of Mr. Frank V. Grayson sufficient to provide
the same retirement allowance beginning November 1, 1945,
as he would receive were he to retire February 1, 1946,
Upon reaching age 65. It is understood that the amount
of the supplemental contribution will be approximately
Approved unanimously.
Letters to the "Bank of Yazoo City," Yazoo City, Mississippi,
and the
"Johnson County Bank," Tecumseh, Nebraska, reading as follows:
"The Board is glad to learn that you have completed
all arrangements for the admission of your bank to member—
ship in the Federal Reserve System and takes pleasure in
transmitting herewith a formal certificate of your member—
"It will be appreciated if you will acknowledge re—
ceipt of this certificate."
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. Pitman, Vice President of the Federal Reserve
Bank of
Boston, reading as follows:
"Referring to your October 13 letter re Narragansett
Machine Company, War Department authorized 100% guarantee
of . 1,000,000 T—Loan. Air Mailing you properly executed
copies of guarantee agreement and accompanying exhibits as
submitted with your letter.
"Colonel Bachman advises that changes in the standard
forms as contained in the guarantee agreement, loan agree—
Inent and exhibits have been approved for use in this case
by proper officers of Navy Department, Maritime Commission
and Office of Contract Settlement. Changes have also been
approved by Board."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Fred M. Vinson, Secretary of the Treasury, read—
itlg as




"Reference is made to the existing stock of unissued
Federal Reserve notes of the 1928 series, which bear on
their face the words 'Redeemable in gold.' These notes
have been held as a reserve stock for emergency use since
December 1935, when the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System and the Federal Reserve Banks acquiesced
in a proposal of the Secretary of the Treasury to discon—
tinue their issuance as soon as a sufficient stock of the
Federal Reserve notes of the 1934 series was available for
current requirements. At the present time the stock of
these notes consists of approximately $4,100,000,000 of
completed notes, of which $2,812,000,000 are held in the
Treasury vaults and $1,292,000,000 are in the hands of
the Federal Reserve agents, and about 683,000 sheets of
Incomplete face printed notes held by the Bureau of En—
graving and Printing.
"The Board has recently reviewed this matter and has
concluded that the existing stock of unissued Federal Re—
serve notes of the 1928 series should be destroyed in view
of the unlikelihood that they will ever be used for circu—
lation purposes. Destruction of these notes will release
needed vault space at the Federal Reserve Banks and at the
reasury and remove whatever risk there is in maintaining
large stocks of 'dead currency.' In reaching the above
mentioned conclusion, the Board has assumed that the Treas—
ury would not be favorable to the use of such notes for
circulation purposes and that it does not intend to again
ask Congress for an appropriation with which to replace
the notes.
"In the circumstances, the Board will shortly ask the
Federal Reserve Banks and agents to have the stock of these
notes held by the Federal Reserve agents cancelled and for—
warded to Washington for destruction, and if agreeable to
the Treasury, it is suggested that arrangements be made to
have all completed and incomplete Federal Reserve notes of
t e 1928 series held in the vaults of the Treasury or at
tile Bureau of Engraving and Printing destroyed. The method
and time of shipment to Washington by the Federal Reserve
:,,aaks of the 1928 series notes will be taken up with the
Areasury in due course.
"The cost of replacing the completed notes would be
about $1,400,000, excluding $200,000 for transportation
costs from Washington for notes held by the Federal Re—
serve agents. The cost of the stock of incomplete notes
was about $53,000."


Approved unanimously:



Thereupon the meeting adjourned.
