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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System was held in Washington on Saturday, October 11, 1941, at 11:30

Eccles, Chairman


Morrill, Secretary
Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman

The action stated with respect to each of the matters hereinafter referred
to was taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve
System held on October 10, 1941, were approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated October 3, 1941, from Mr. Nelson, Assistant
IT recommending that Paul H. Berntson be appointed as a clerk
in the
Secretary's Office for a period of six months, with salary at
the rate
of $2,000 per annum, effective as of the date upon which he
upon the performance of his duties after having
passed satisfa
ctorily the usual physic
al examination, with the understanding that
if hi8 services prove satisfactory
during this probationary period his
aPPointment will be made permanent.
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated October 9, 1941, from Mr. Smead, Chief of

the Division of Bank
Operations, recommending that Mrs. Helen C. Roome
be a .
PPointed on a temporary basis for a period of not to exceed



months as a clerk in that Division, with salary at the rate of l,800
Per annum, effective as of the date upon which she enters upon the performance of her duties.
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Woolley, Vice President of the Federal Reserve

of Kansas City, reading as follows:
"Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of October
6, 1941 regarding Regulation W.
"You are correct in saying that the regulation does
not prevent an automobile dealer from 'packing' the price
of a new car provided he collects the entire amount
of the
pack' in addition to the required down payment. The regulation does not limit the price which the dealer may charge
but merely prohibits extending credit in excess of 2/3 of
the bona fide cash purchase price or of the total of
1 through 4 in part 3(a) of the Supplement, whichever is
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Presidents of all Federal Reserve Banks reading


"The question has again been raised whether it is
worth while for the Board to continue compiling excerpts
from the monthly Bank Relations Reports and also whether
it is worth while for the Reserve Banks
to continue their
reports, as requested in the Board's letter of August 25,
1936 (X-9680), -- especially at a time like the present
When the Banks and the Board are busy with other duties
Imposed by a national emergency. The Board doubts whether
the Banks' reports and the Board's mimeographed excerpts
are worth the expense that their prepara
tion and distribution entails: however, before reaching a decision on the
question, the Board would like to have your views regarding
their value to you and your Directors.
"In the event that you favor discontinuing the Bank
Relations Reports, the Board would also like to know whether
You think it worth while for the Banks
to continue reporting



"the number of visits made each month to member and nonmember banks and the number of meetings attended by members of the Banks' staffs, and for the Board to compile
and circulate these reports in tabular form, together with
a summary table showing the progress made in increasing
membership in the System.
"In raising this question the Board implies no relaxation of interest in the cultivation of good public relations, and, even though it be decided that the regular
reports now being submitted should be discontinued, the
Board would be glad to receive advice from time to time
regarding new activities or interesting developments in
this field."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Presidents of all Federal Reserve Banks reading

"It is understood that each Federal Reserve Bank has
established a pay roll deduction plan to provide a convenient means by which officers and employees may set
aside regularly a part of their earnings for the purchase
Of Defense Savings securities.
"The Board wishes to be in a position, if called
Upon, to furnish figures indicating the extent to which
Officers and employees of the Reserve Banks and its own
organization are participating in pay roll deduction
Plans, and for that reason would appreciate your furnishing it as of the last pay day in June and September 1941
following information for your head office and branches
lif any) combined:
1. Total number of officers and employees.
2. Number participating in pay roll deduction
3. Aggregate (gross) dollar amount of pay roll
deductions made during the second and
third quarters of the current year.
"It is realized that data for the second quarter of
the current year, during which the deduction plans were inaugurated, will not be representative, but such data may
Prove useful for possible future comparisons.
"For the purpose of determining currently the progress
that is being made in the sale of Defense Savings securities
Federal Reserve Bank personnel through pay roll deduction
Plans, it will also be appreciated if you will furnish the

"Board with similar data for each succeeding three-month
period until further notice."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Sproul, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Reel York, prepared in accordance with the action taken at the meeting
of the
Board on October 3, 1941, and reading as follows:
"As stated in his reply to your letter of September
23, 1941, Mr. Ransom has drawn to the attention of the
Board of Governors your suggestion that the Board may wish
to turn back to the Presidents the draft of replies of the
Federal Reserve Banks to the Wagner Questionnaire. As you
indicate, there is no particular urgency about the matter
at this time and in fact it would seem preferable to
nothing until there is some change in the situation, es?ecially as Mr. Ransom is taking a much needed rest and
18 not available for consultation about it. It may be
added, as perhaps you know, that the Board's replies have
not been completed. It might be well, therefore, to bring
the matter up for discussion the next time the Presidents
meet with the Board."

Approved unanimously.

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.

