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A meeting of the Federal Reserve Board was held in the office of the
Federal Reserve Board on Tuesday, October 11, 1927 at 10:30 a.m.

Governor Young
Mr. Platt
Er. Hamlin
Mr. Miller
Mr. James
Er. Cunningham
Mr. Eddy, Secretary
Mr. McClelland., Asst. Secretary

The minutes of the meeting of the Federal Reserve Board held on
October 7th were read and approved.
Telegrams dated October 7th from the Secretary of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland and from the Chairman of the Federal Resarve Bank of
Dallas, both advising that the boards of directors of the banks at their
meetings on that date made no change in the banks' existing schedules of
rates of discount and. purchase.
Noted, with approval.
Telegram dated October 10th from the Chairman of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Atlanta, advising of the election of Mr. Luke Lea of Nashville,
Tenn. as Class B Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, for
the unexpired term of Mr. W. H. Hartford, deceased, ending December 31,
Letter dated October 6th from the Federal Reserve Agent at
San Francisco, transmitting and recommending approval of an application
Of the American Trust Company of San Francisco, for permission to move
the branch now operated at 725 Market Street, Oakland to a new location

10/11/ 7


at the southeast eorner of Park Boulevard and Glenfield, Oakland.
Report of Executive Committee on letter dated October 6th from the
Comptroller of the Currency, recommending approval of a salary of ,i3,000
per annum for National Bank Examiner H. E. Stewart, assigned to the Second
?eiders' Reserve District; the Committee also recommending approval.
Report of Committee on salaries and Expenditures on letter dated
October 5th from the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta,
advising of the action of the Executive Committee of that bank in voting
to extend for a period of fifteen days with pay, leave of absence on
account of illness previously grant Mrs. Sarah Bayly, an employee of

the Transit Department; the Board's Committee recommending approval of
the salary payment involved.
Report of Executive Committee on memorandum dated August 5th
from the Comptroller of the Currency, recommending approval of an application of The First National Bank of Wausau, Nisconsin, for permission
to reduce its capital stock from $350,000 to 4300,000 on condition that
the released capital be used to eliminate an equal amount of doubtful
assets; the Committee submitting a divided report, Mr. Platt concurring
it the recommendation of the Comptroller and Mr. Cunningham in a suggestion
Of the Federal Reserve Agent at Chicago that the consent to reduce capital

be withheld for the present and that at the next examination the Examiner
be instructed to make a closer analysis of slow and undesirable paper and



collateral, and in addition thereto to give further comments relative
to the management, as it appears that a new cashier, without banking
experience, has just been added to the official force.
Discussion ensued during which it was the consensus of
opinion that the above matter should not be acted upon in
the absence from the meeting of the Comptroller of the
Currency,and consideration was therefore deferred.
Memorandum dated October 10th from the Chief Examiner, advising that
under authority previously granted by the Board, arrangements have been
made to secure the services of Mr. M. H. Wilkes, as an Assistant Examiner,
on October 16, 1927.
Memorandum from Counsel dated October 6th, submitting statement in
the amount of 4515 rendered by Honorable Newton D. Baker, for services
in connection with the effort of certain member banks in the Sixth Federal
Reserve District to prevent the par collection of checks drawn on such
banks by stampin.q. them "Not payable through a Federal Reserve bank";
Counsel also submitting draft of a letter to the Federal Reserve Bank
Of Atlanta transmitting Mr. Baker's bill for payment and stating that
if the Federal Reserve bank feels that the fee should be pro-rated among
411 the Federal Reserve banks the Board will take the matter up in the
usual way.
Discussion thereupon ensued during which attention
was called to the fact that the employment of Mr. Baker
in the case above referral to was authorized as a System
matter, and accordingly, it was, upon motion,voted that
while the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta should be requested to remit to Mr. Baker the amount of his statement,
the eiTense should at once be pro-rated among all Federal
Reserve banks.



deport of Committee on District #3 as follows:

"The undersigned Committee on the Philadelphia District
begs leave to report that it has been advised by Mr. Austin,
Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent, that Mr. Chas. C. Harrison,
Class C Director of the Bank for the term expiring December
31, 1927, has been and is seriously ill. The indication is
that he will not be able to go on as Director of the Federal
Reserve Bank.
It is the opinion of the Committee, following the precedent
set a year ago when Mr. Owen D. Young, then a Class B Director
of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, was tendered and accepted appointment as a Class C Director, that the Board might
well appoint in the place of Mr. Harrison -Mr. Alba B. Johnson,
a Class B Director since the organization of the Bank in 1914, and
one of the outstanding figures in the business life of Pennyslvania and an outstanding citizen of Philadelphia.
The Committee believes that this would be an excellent move
and recommends that it be authorized to communicate with Mr.
Austin with the view of ascertaining whether Mr. Johnson would
be favorable to the shift and in that case arrange to secure Mr.
Harrison's resignation as promptly as possible, in order that
the Class B vacancy created by Mr. Johnson's shift to a Class C
Directorship mip;ht be filled at the forthcoming election of
Upon motion, the authority requested by the
Committee was granted.
At this point, Mr. McIntosh

joined the meeting and the Governor stated

that Mr. Henry M. iiobinson, President of the Los Angeles First National
and Savings Bank and Mr. New ton, Federal Reserve Agent
at San Francisco, are
in Washington.

He referred to the action of the Board at its meeting on

October 5th in voting to afford to Yr. Robinson an opportunity to advise the
Board of steps which have been taken in connection with the reorganization
Of the Pacific Southwest Trust and Savings Bank and its consolidati
on with
the First National Bank of Los Angeles under the title "Los Angeles First
4ational Trust and Savings
Bankl and to request Yr. Newton to came to
'Uahington for the purpose of discussing with the Board., in the light of the




information he now has or may obtain during the course of Mr. Robinson's
interview with the Board,the question of exercising the discretion vested
In him by the Board in the matter of reporting apparent violations of law
on the part of certain officials of the Pacific Southwest Trust and Savings
Bank. Mr. Robinson and Mx. Newton were then called into the roam.
At the request of the Board Mr. Robinson reviewed the steps which
havebeen taken in the capital reorganization of the Pacific Southwest Trust
and Savings Bank, resulting in its consolidation with the First National
Batik of Los Angeles. He stated that the capital reorganization having
been successfully accomplished he is now directing his attention to the
reorganization of the official personnel of the new institution which,
however, he stated would require considerable time.

He stated that he

understood the question before the Board relates to reporting to the
Department of Justice and the local United States District Attorney the
apparent violations of law by officers of the former Pacific Southwest
Trust and Savings Bank, some of whom are still connected

in an official

capacity with the Los Angeles First National Trust and Savings Bank.


stated that he did not wish to offer any plea in extenuation of the acts
Of these officers, but that he did wish to request consideration from the
Board in the matter of reporting the alleged violations to the end that

no action may be taken at a timi when the result micht be detrimental
to the new bank.
Li*. Robinson then left the room and Mr. Newton engaged in a
d iscussion with the Board regarding the possible results of filing at

this time a report of the alleged violations. Mr. McIntosh explained



the procedure of the Comptroller's office with respect to reporting violations of law by officers and employees of national banks in cases where
immediate action by Federal authorities might jeopardize efforts being
made to reorganize the institutions concerned.

He stated that the same

procedure could undoubtedly be followed by the Board in the present case,
and that at the same time the Board's responsibility would be fulfilled
if a letter to the Attorney Gmeral reporting the alleged violations were
delivered to the Attorney General personally by the Governor and some other
Member or members of the Board, the situation with respect to the reorganization of the Los Angeles-First National Trust and Savings Bank
explained to the Attorney General and a request made for his cooperation.
Ur. Newton stated that he could see no possible objection to reporting the
Matter to the Attorney General in

accordance with Mr. McIntosh's suggest-

ion. He stated, however, if the Board preferred it would be entirely
satisfactory to him if the matter were left in his hands under the discretion conferred upon him by the Board on July 5th.
Following the discussion, Mr. Hamlin moved that the
Governor of the Board be directed to send to the Attorney
General of the United States a report of the apparent violations of Federal law disclosed by the report of the last
examination of the Pacific Southwest Trust and Savings Bank.
Mr. McIntosh moved that Mr. Hamlin's notion be amended
to read as follows - "That a letter be prepared to the Attorney
General of the United States, reporting the apparent violations
Of Federal statutes on the part of officials of the Pacific
Southwest Trust and Savings Bank, and that the Governor, with
a committee of members of the Board, and if he desires, Mr.
Newton, present this letter personally to the Attorney General,
or one of his assistants, and explain fully the circumstances
surrounding the reorganization of the Los Angeles-First National
Trust and Savings Bank."



Ur. James moved as a substitute for the motion of/tr.
Hamlin, as amenled by the motion of Kr. McIntosh, that the
Board having discussed the matter with Ur. Newton, and having
had an interview with Mr. Robinson on the subject, make no
change in the present status of the matter of reporting the
apparent violations of Federal statutes by officials of the
Pacific Southwest Trust and Savings Bank as fixed by the resolution adopted at the meeting on July 5, 1927, namely, that with
the distinct understanding that the apparent irregularities
and criminal violations shall be reported to the United States
District Attorney and the Department of Justice, the time at
which such reports are made be left to the discretion of the
Federal Reserve Agent and his associates at the Federal Reserve
Bank of San Francisco.
Following a further discussion, it was voted to
defer action on the above resolutions until the next
meeting of the Board.
Dated, October 10th,
Dated, October 10th,

Recommending changes in stock at Federal Reserve Banks
as set forth in the Auxiliary Minute Book of this date.
Recommendations approved.
Recommending approval of the application of Mr. M. W.
Borders for permission to serve at the same time as
director of the National Stock Yards National Bank,
National City, Ill, and as director of the Fidelity
National Bank and Trust Company, Kansas City, Kans.
Recommendation approved.

The meting adjourned at 12:40

