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609 Minutes for October 10, 1966 To: Members of the Board From: Office of the Secretary Attached is a copy of the minutes of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on the above date. It is not proposed to include a statement with respect to any of the entries in this set of minutes in the record of policy actions required to be maintained pursuant to section 10 of the Federal Reserve Act. Should you have any question with regard to the minutes, it will be appreciated if you will advise the Secretary's Office. Otherwise, please initial below. If you were present at the meeting, your initials will indicate approval of the minutes. If you were not present, your initials will indicate only that you have seen the minutes. Chm. Martin Gov. Robertson Gov. Shepardson Gov. Mitchell Gov. Daane Gov. Maisel Gov. Brimmer Minutes of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on Monday, October 10, 1966. The Board met in the Board Room at 10:00 a.m. PRESENT: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Martin, Chairman Robertson, Vice Chairman Shepardson Mitchell Brimmer Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Kenyon, Assistant Secretary Bakke, Assistant Secretary Hackley, General Counsel O'Connell, Assistant General Counsel Dahl, Assistant Director, Division of Examinations Miss Wolcott, Technical Assistant, Office of the Secretary Mr. Via, Senior Attorney, Legal Division Mr. Egertson, Supervisory Review Examiner, Division of Examinations Discount rates. The establishment without change by the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta and Minneapolis on October 5, and by the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Richmond, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Dallas, and San Francisco On October 6, 1966, of the rates on discounts and advances in their existing schedules was approved unanimously, with the understanding that appropriate advice would be sent to those Banks. Approved items. The following items were approved unanimously after consideration of background information that had been made available to the Board. indicated. Copies are attached under the respective numbers 10/10/66 -2Item No. Letter to The Bank of Sussex County, Franklin, New Jersey, approving the establishment of a branch in Hampton Township and commenting on the bank's loan Portfolio and capital position. 1 Letter to The Cleveland Trust Company, Cleveland, Ohio, approving the establishment of a branch in North Olmsted. 2 Letter to United California Bank, Los Angeles, California, approving the establishment of a branch in La Habra. 3 Letter to Imlay City State Bank, Imlay City, Michigan, approving an investment in bank premises. 4 Letter to Marine Midland International Corporation, New York, New York, granting consent to the purchase of shares of Marine Midland Grace Nominees Limited, London, England. 5 Reports on competitive factors. A report to the Comptroller of the Currency on the competitive factors involved in the proposed merger of The First National Bank of Towanda, Towanda, Pennsylvania, and The First National Bank of New Albany, New Albany, Pennsylvania, was approved unanimously for transmittal to the Comptroller. The conclusion read as follows: While the proposed merger of The First National Bank of Towanda and The First National Bank of New Albany would eliminate a small amount of competition existing between the two banks, the overall effect of the proposal on competition is not considered adverse. A modification of the conclusion having been agreed upon, unanimous approval was given to the transmittal to the Comptroller of V . tt IL, 1 10/10/66 -3- the Currency of a report on the competitive factors involved in the Proposed merger of The Campbell National Bank of La Rue, La Rue, Ohio, into The National City Bank of Marion, Marion, Ohio. In the form in Which approved, the conclusion read as follows: Consummation of the proposed merger would eliminate a moderate amount of existing and potential competition between The Campbell National Bank of La Rue and The National City Bank of Marion in the area served by the La Rue bank. The overall competitive effect of the proposed transaction would be slightly adverse. Application of Upper Main Line Bank (Items 6 and 7). There had been distributed drafts of an order and statement reflecting the Board's approval on September 27, 1966, of the application of Upper Main Line Bank, Paoli, Pennsylvania, to merge with Farmers Bank of Parkesburg, Parkesburg, Pennsylvania. (The title of the resulting bank would be Community Bank and Trust Company.) The issuance of the order and statement was authorized. Copies of the documents, as issued, are attached as Items 6 and 7. Application of Brazil Trust Company (Items 8 and 9). There had been distributed drafts of an order and statement reflecting the Board's approval on September 27, 1966, of the application of The Brazil Trust Company, Brazil, Indiana, to merge with Farmers and Merchants Bank, Clay City, Indiana. (The title of the resulting bank Would be First Bank and Trust Company of Clay County, Indiana.) The issuance of the order and statement was authorized. °f the documents, as issued, are attached as Items 8 and 9. Copies $ 10/10/66 -4- Request of First Virginia Corporation (Item No. 10). There had been distributed a memorandum dated October 6, 1966, from the Legal Division in connection with the request of The First Virginia Corporation, Arlington, Virginia, for a determination that proposed additions to the insurance activities of its nonbanking subsidiaries, First Virginia Life Insurance Agency, Inc., and First General Insurance Agency, Inc., were of the kind described in section 4(c)(8) (formerly section 4(c)(6)) of the Bank Holding Company Act so as to make inapplicable the prohibitions of section 4 of the Act with respect to the retention of shares in nonbanking companies. Since the Act requires that such determinations be made on the basis of the record made at a hearing, g tentative arrangements had been made for a hearing to be held at 10:00 a.m. on October 28, 1966, at the Board's offices. date was subsequently changed to November 1, 1966.) (Note: The The Civil Service Commission had selected Mr. Philip J. La Macchia as hearing examiner, and Messrs. Cloth and Via of the Legal Division would serve as Board counsel. Attached to the memorandum was a draft of order for hearing. Issuance of the order was approved unanimously, and Mr. La Macchia l'as designated as hearing examiner. A copy of the order is attached as Item No. 10. The meeting then adjourned. Secretary's Notes: On October 7, 1966, Governor Shepardson approved on behalf of the Board the following items: ;rr 10/10/66 -5- Letter to the Superintendent of Banks of Guatemala (copy attached as Item No. 11) furnishing certain information regarding the acquisition of shares of Banco de Comercio e Industria de Guatemala, S.A., by Bank of California International Corporation (now Bank of California International, New York, New York), a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Bank of California, National Association, San Francisco, California. Letter to Dr. Antonio R. Martinez, Bethesda, Maryland, confirming arrangements for him to conduct a course in Conversational Spanish for members of the Board's staff as an activity of the Board's Employee Training and Development Program at a fee of $7 for each session conducted. Memorandum from the Office of the Controller dated October 7, 1966, submitting proposals of the Division of Administrative Services to add two full-time and five part-time positions to the cafeteria staff and to convert one position of Supervisor to Assistant Manager. Memoranda recommending the following actions relating to the Board's staff: App..21nLataL Minnie G. Searcy as Records Clerk, Office of the Secretary, with basic annual salary at the rate of $4,776, effective the date of entrance Upon duty. Salar increase Frank P. Herigstad, Assistant Federal Reserve Examiner, Division °f Examinations, from $7,090 to $7,696 per annum, effective October 9, 1966. -4°!Axatas.e of sick leave William D. Ward, General Mechanic-Operating Engineer, Division of Ad 4d ministrative Services, from September 20 through September 30, 1966. Wilbert G. Cooper, Messenger, Division of Administrative Services, for military service in the Armed Forces of the United States beginning October 18, 1966. 10 0/66 Governor Shepardson today approved on behalf of the Board a memorandum from the Division of Bank Operations recommending the appointment of Robert G. Adam as Technical Assistant in that Division, with basic annual salary at the rate of $9,851, effective the date of entrance upon duty. I Item No. 1 10/10/66 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM WASHINGTON, D. C. 20551 ADDRESS OrrICIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE HOARD October 10, 1966 Board of Directors, The Bank of Sussex County, Franklin, New Jersey. Gentlemen: System The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Franklin, County, Sussex of approves the establishment by The Bank of intersection the of New Jersey, of a branch in the vicinity County, Sussex Township, Hampton U.S. Route 206 and State Route 94, year one within New Jersey, provided the branch is established from the date of this letter. of 1966 The last examination of your bank in March a less than and loans indicated a fairly high volume of criticized are matters these trusts satisfactory capital position. The Board been have plans that understands receiving your close attention and $1,000,000. by funds capital formulated to increase your bank's Very truly yours, (Signed) Karl E. Bakke Karl E. Bakke, Assistant Secretary. ,The letter to the Reserve Bank stated that the 1°0ard also had approved a six-month extension (If the period allowed to establish the branch; attic' that if an extension should be requested, he procedure prescribed in the Board's letter °f November 9, 1962 (S-1846), should be followed.) :379S Item No. 2 10/10/66 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM WASHINGTON, D. C. 20551 ADORES/ orrtciAL CORRICSPONOICNCIE TO THE SOARO October 10, 1966 Board of Directors, The Cleveland Trust Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Gentlemen: The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System approves the establishment by The Cleveland Trust Company, Cleveland, Ohio, of a branch at the southeast corner of the intersection of Lorain and Stearns Roads, North Olmsted, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, provided the branch is established within one year from the date of this letter. Very, truly yours, (Signed) Karl E. Bakke Karl E. Bakke, Assistant Secretary. (The letter to the Reserve Bank stated that the Board also had approved a six-month extension of the period allowed to establish the branch; and that if an extension should be requested, the procedure prescribed in the Board's letter of November 9, 1962 (S-1846), should be followed.) 799 Item No. 3 10/10/66 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM WASHINGTON, O. C. 20551 ADDRESS orreciAL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE BOARD October 10, 1966 Board of Directors, United California Bank, Los Angeles, California. Gentlemen: The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System approves the establishment by United California Bank, Los Angeles, California, of a branch in the vicinity of the intersection of Imperial Highway and Beach Boulevard, La Habra, California, provided the branch is established within, two years from the date of this letter. Very truly yours, (Signed) Karl E. Bakke Karl E. Bakke, Assistant Secretary. (The letter to the Reserve Bank stated that the Board also had approved a six-month extension of the period allowed to establish the branch; and that if an extension should be requested, the procedure prescribed in the Board's letter of November 9, 1962 (S-1846), should be followed.) Item No. 4 10/10/66 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM WASHINGTON, D. C. 20551 ADDRESS OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE somao October 10, 1966 Board of Directors, Imlay City State Bank, Imlay City, Michigan. Gentlemen: Pursuant to the provisions of Section 24A of the Federal Reserve Act, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System approves an investment in bank premises of $16,000 by , Imlay City State Bank, Imlay City, Michigan g adjoinin for the purpose of purchasing property the bank's main office. Very truly yours, (Signed) Karl E. Bakke Karl E. Bakke, Assistant Secretary. 38M BOARD OF GOVERNORS Item No. 5 10/10/66 OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM WASHINGTON, O. C. 20551 ADDRESS OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE BOARD 44"• 1 •1. 4-•,•••• 4.RES' October 10, 1966. Marine Midland International Corporation, 120 Broadway, New York, New York. 10015 Gentlemen: In accordance with the request contained in your letter of September 21, 1966, the Board of Governors grants its consent to the purchase by your Corporation of 100 shares, par value El each, of Marine Midland Grace Nominees Limited, London, England, at a cost of a pproximately US$300. It is understood that the nominee corporation is to be organized and maintained solely for the purpose of acting as nominee for the registration of securities of United Kingdom companies acquired Or held by United States customers of Marine Midland Grace Trust C°mpany of New York and other member banks of the Marine Midland Corporation; that the corporation's activities will be restricted to the execution of documents and the transferring of securities in and out °f the name of the nominee corporation on the instructions of member Danks' customers for whom they are held; and, that all shares of the nominee corporation are to be owned by your Corporation, except one !hare to be registered in the name of Mr. E. Tinsley Ray, Vice Presiuent and Senior Trust Officer of Marine Midland Grace Trust Company °f New York as British law requires at least two registered shareholders. Very truly yours, (Signed) Karl E. Bakke Karl E. Bakke, Assistant Secretary. 802 Item No. 6 10/10/66 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM WASHINGTON, D. C. la the Matter of the Application of ljP ER MAIN LINE RANK aPproval of merger with armers Bank of Parkesburg - ORDER APPROVING MERGER OF BANKS There has come before the Board of Governors, pursuant to the Dank Merger. Act, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1828(c), Public Law 89-356), an aPPlication by Upper Hain Line Bank, Paoli, Pennsylvania, a State member bow, of the Federal Reserve System, for the Board's prior approval of the ' Tileqer of that bank and Farmers Bank of Parkesburg, Parkesburg, Pennsylvania, 4114er the charter of the former and title of Community Bank and Trust e°mPanY. As an incident to the merger, the sole office of Farmers Bank Of arkesburg would become a branch of the resulting bank. Notice of the pr °posed merger, in form approved by the Board, has been published PlitSUant to said Act, Upon consideration of all relevant material in the light of the f actors set forth in said Act, including reports furnished by the -2- C°zIptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Attorney General on the competitive factors involved in the Proposed merger, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, for the reasons set forth in the s Statement of this date, that said application be and hereby 18 aPProved, provided that said merger shall not be consummated (4) before the thirtieth calendar day following the date of this Order (b) later than three months after said date. Dated at Washington, D. C., this 10th day of October, 1966. By order of the Board of Governors. Voting for this action: Chairman Martin, and Governors Robertson, Shepardson, Mitchell, Maisel, and Brimmer. Absent and not voting: Governor Daane. (signed) Kenneth A. Kenyon Kenneth A. Kenyon, Assistant Secretary. (sPAL) Item No. 7 10/10/66 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM APPLICATION BY UPPER MAIN LINE BANK FOR APPROVAL OF MERGER WITH FARMERS BANK OF PARKESBURG STATEMENT Upper Main Line Bank, Paoli, Pennsylvania ("Main Line Bank"), ith total deposits of about $24 million, has applied, pursuant to the 1344k Merger Act, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1828(c), Public Law 89-356), for the Board's prior approval of the merger of that bank with Farmers 44k of Parkesburg, Parkesburg, Pennsylvania ("Farmers Bank"), which has 1/ total deposits of about $4 million. The banks would merge under the charter of Main Line Bank, which is a member of the Federal Reserve SYsteal, and the name of Main Line Bank would be changed to Community Bailk and Trust Company. As an incident to the merger, the sole office Of Farmers Bank would become a branch of Main Line Bank, increasing the humber of its offices to five. Competition. - The head office of Main Line Bank is in Paoli, 4 co zmunity with an estimated population of 5,000, which is located in eilester County about 18 miles west of Philadelphia. Igures are as of April 5, 1966. The bank operates 2c'aa branch each in Berwyn and Exton, both within seven miles of its head ffice, and has received authorization to establish an additional branch f4It miles northeast of Paoli. The sole office of Farmers Bank is in Patkesburg, a community with an estimated population of 3,000, which is imeated in the western portion of Chester County about 27 miles from Paoli. Main Line Bank and Farmers Bank are not competitors, and it does nclt appear that significant competition would develop between thep, If they did not merge. The nearest offices of the two banks are 21 mi, 'es apart, separated by several offices of other banks. The merger would have no material effect on banking competition in th e area presently served by Main Line Bank. The bank would continue tor aak as the second largest locally headquartered bank in the Paoli rea and to be faced with the competition of numerous other banking offie ess including some branches of large Philadelphia-based banks. "aversion of Farmers Bank into an office of Main Line Bank may qitata ate banking competition in the Parkesburg area since Farmers Bank 41111et es with the Coatesville (six miles to the east) offices of two banks that have deposits of $17 million and $171 million, respectively. Farmers the the to 41so Competes with the sole office of a bank in Atglen (three miles to 14est) that has deposits of about $3 million. It does not appear that rrieqer would adversely affect the small bank in Atglen, which tends dravi the preponderance of its business from its own community and -3- ( Pesently competes to some extent with the branches (two miles west 44d four miles northwest of Atglen) of two much larger Lancasterhead quartered banks. The effect of the proposed merger on competition would not be 4IVerse. Financial and managerial resources and future prospects. - The banking factors with respect to 'lain Line Bank are satisfactory and Inuld not be adversely affected by the acquisition of Farmers Bank. The chief executive officer of Farmers Bank is well past the normal etiroment age and, although there may be feasible alternative solutions, the merger would assure the continuance of capable management for the "ce now operated by Farmers Bank. Convenience and needs of the communities. - The banking el41 niance and needs of the communities presently served by 11ain Line 134r1k would not be appreciably affected by the merger. The principal effee t would be in Parkesburg, where a small unit bank would be replaced by, ' °ranch office of a larger and more progressive institution. Summary and conclusion. - In the judgement of the Board, the sed merger would benefit the banking convenience and needs of the tierk esburg area, and would not adversely affect banking competition. Accordingly, the Board concludes that the application should be approved. Oztober10, 1966. Item No. 8 10/10/66 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM WASHINGTON, D. C. la the Matter of the Application of TI1E BRAZIL TRUST COMPANY approval of merger with a rners and Merchants Bank ' ORDER APPROVING MERGER OF BANKS There has come before the Board of Governors, pursuant to the Bank Merger Act, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1828(c), Public Law 89-356), an application by The Brazil Trust Company, Brazil, Indiana, a State member baw of the Federal Reserve System, for the Board's prior approval of the rile ger of that bank and Farmers and Merchants Bank, Clay City, Indiana, "der the charter of the former and title of First Bank and Trust Company of Clay County, Indiana. As an incident to the merger, the sole office °f Parmers and Merchants Bank would become a branch of the resulting b°11k. Notice of the proposed merger, in form approved by the Board, has been Published pursuant to said Act. Upon consideration of all relevant material in the light of the fetors set forth in said Act, including reports furnished by the 3808 Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Attorney General on the competitive factors involved in the Proposed merger, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, for the reasons set forth in the Boardis Statement of this date, that said application be and hereby 18 aPproved, provided that said merger shall not be consummated (a) before the thirtieth calendar day following the date of this Order (b) later than three months after said date. Dated at Washington, D. C., this 10th day of October, 1966. By order of the Board of Governors. Voting for this action: Chairman Martin, and Governors Robertson, Shepardson, Mitchell, Maisel, and Brimmer. Absent and not voting: Governor Daane. (signed) Kenneth A. Kenyon Kenneth A. Kenyon, Assistant Secretary. (3BAL) 3809 Item No. 9 10/10/66 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM APPLICATION OF THE BRAZIL TRUST COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OF MERGER WITH FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK STATEMENT The Brazil Trust Company, Brazil, Indiana ("Brazil Bank"), U. total deposits of about $12 million, has applied, pursuant to the Bank Merger Act, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1828(c), Public Law 89-356), for the Board's prior approval of the merger of that bank with Farmers and Merchants Bank, Clay City, Indiana ("Clay City Bank"), which has 1/ The banks would merge under the total deposits of about $5 million.— charter of Brazil Bank, which is a member of the Federal Reserve SYatem, and the name of Brazil Bank would be changed to First Bank 44d Trust Company of Clay County, Indiana. ge As an incident to the the sole office of Clay City Bank would become a branch of trazil Bank, increasing the number of its offices to three. Competition. - The offices of both banks are in Clay County. The head office and drive-in branch of Brazil Bank are in Brazil, a itY with a 1960 population of about 8,900, which is the county " '4111T 4at. Brazil is about 70 miles southwest of Indianapolis and P ig res are as of June 30, 1966. 3810 -2- aPProximately 16 miles northeast of Terre Haute. The sole office of n of Clay City Bank is in Clay City, a community with a 1960 populatio about 950. apart, and The offices of the two banks are about 13 miles there are offices of other banks in the intervening area. Brazil 8ank and Clay City Bank do not compete with one another to any Irleaningful extent. Shareholders who own about 34 per cent of the Clay Stock of Brazil Bank also own about 37 per cent of the stock of 'would There is no evidence to indicate that the banks CitY Bank, ownership were be"me significant competitors even if the common terminated. County The relevant market for the resulting bank is Clay and portions of Vigo, Parke, and Owen Counties. In this area, 12 banks °Perate 24 offices which hold total deposits of over $200 million. cent of l'0110uing the merger, Brazil Bank would hold less than 10 per t°tai area deposits. Brazil Bank is faced with competition from the Brazil larger Terre Haute banks, in part because numerous residents of c°rtmute to work in Terre Haute. In addition, the largest bank in Terre Haute recently received approval to establish a branch eight railes from Brazil. other The principal competitor of Brazil Bank, and the only of bank in Brazil, is Riddell National Bank, which has total deposits ab(lut $14 million. The nearest banking office to Clay City Bank is lOcated approximately seven miles southeast of Clay City, and is a 3 11 -3- branch of a bank which has total deposits of about $8 million. It (Ices not appear that any banking offices would be adversely affected bY the merger. The effect of the proposed merger on competition would not be adverse. Financial and managerial resources and future prospects. The banking factors with respect to each of the banks proposing to rnerge are satisfactory, as they would be with respect to the resulting bank. Convenience and needs of the communities. - The residents f Brazil would benefit to some extent from the increased lending limit of the resulting bank, and the bank's increased resources would ecntribute to its ability to offer other improved services. However, the rnajor effect of the merger on banking convenience and needs would be i n Clay City where the office of Brazil Bank would provide a more e'3111Plere range of banking services than is now conveniently available to the residents of that community. Summary and conclusion. - In the judgment of the Board, the 110Pbsed merger would not adversely affect banking competition, and the resulting bank would be able to offer improved services which, in Particular, would benefit the banking needs and convenience of the Clay CirY community. Accordingly, the Board concludes that the application should be a PProved. October 10, 1966. r)C, t,c7 FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Item No. 10 10/10/66 THE FIRST VIRGINIA CORPORATION Notice of Request and Order for Hearing Pursuant to Section 4(c)(8) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 to the Notice is hereby given that request has been made Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, pursuant to section 4(c)(8) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended by 222.5(b) of Public Law 89-485 (12 U.S.C. 1843(c)(8)), and section the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 222.5(b)), by The First Virginia a Corporation, Arlington, Virginia, a bank holding company, for determination that the proposed additions to the ineiurance activities °I 1t8 ce Agency, nonbanking subsidiaries, First Virginia Life Insuran Inc. and First General Insurance Agency, Inc., are of the kind described in the aforementioned sections of the Act and the Regulation of the 8° as to make it unnecessary for the prohibitions of section 4 ations ket with respect to the ownership of shares in nonbanking organiz to apply in order to carry out the purposes of the Act. s that any Inasmuch as section 4(c)(8) of the Act require determination pursuant thereto be made by the Board after due notice , and hearing and on the basis of the record made at such hearing 4(c)(8) of It Is Hereby Ordered, That pursuant to section the Banking Holding Company Act and in accordance with sections 222.5(b) and 222 222.5(b), 222.7(a)), .7(a) of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR with respect Ptc)raulgated under the Bank Holding Company Act, a hearing ;8 1_,1 to this matter be held commencing on November 1, 1966, at 10 a.m., at the offices of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, by the Civil Washington, D. C., before a hearing examiner selected of the United Service Commission, pursuant to section 3344 of Title 5 Rules of States Code, such hearing to be conducted according to the the Federal Practice for Formal Hearings of the Board of Governors of Reserve System (12 CFR Part 263). The right is reserved to the Board or such hearing examiner to designate any other date or place for such necessary hearing or any part thereof which may be determined to be or appropriate for the convenience of the parties. The Board's Rules Of Practice for Formal Hearings provide, in part, that "All such by parties and hearings shall be private and shall be attended only Board, their representatives or counsel, representatives of the interest in the prowitnesses, and other persons having an official by a party or ceedings: Provided, however, That, on written request representatives of the Board, or on the Board's own motion, the Board, or may unless prohibited by law, may permit other persons to attend ” order the hearing to be public. proceeding Any person desiring to give testimony in this through the should file with the Secretary of the Board, directly or a, on or before Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Richmond, Virgini nt of the October 28v 1966, a written request containing a stateme and a summary nature of the petitioner's interest in the proceeding, of the matters concerning which said petitioner wishes to give -3_ testimony. 3814 Such request will be presented to the designated hearing examiner for his determination. Persons submitting timely request will be notified of the hearing examiner's decision. , 1966. Dated at Washington, D. C., this 10th day of October By order of the Board of Governors. (Signed) Kenneth A. Kenyon Kenneth A. Kenyon, Assistant Secretary. (SEAL) Item No. 11 10/10/66 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM WASHINGTON, D. C. 20551 ADDRESS OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE BOARD October 7, 1966. AIR MAIL Lie. Eduardo Mosquera E., Superintendente de Bancos, Superintendencia de Bancos, Guatemala, Guatemala, C. A. Dear Mr. MOsquera: This will acknowledge your letter of August 25, 1966, asking to be supplied on a confidential basis with certain information regarding the acquisition of shares of Banco de Comercio e Industria de Guatemala, S.A., for the amount of 250,000 quetzales by The Bank of California °riganization in October 1965. According to information available to the Board of Governors the shares that you mention were acquired by Bank of California International Corporation, San Francisco, California, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Bank of California National Association, San Francisco. The Bank of California International Corporation (Whose name has subsequently been changed to Bank of California International and it8 Head Office removed to New York, New York) is a corporation organized and, operating pursuant to the provisions of Section 25(a) of the Federal Reserve Act and, as such, acquisition of shares of the Guatemalan bank Would not be subject to approval by any authority of the State of c balifornia. In view of the provisions of Regulation K, issued by the ard of Governors under the authority of Section 25(a), the shares of nco de Comercio e Industria de Guatemala, S.A. were acquired under the general consent provisions of Section 211.8(a) of the Regulation and no specific approval by the Board of Governors was required. r! for It is hoped that the foregoing information will be sufficient Your purposes. Very truly yours, (Signed) Merritt Sherman Merritt Sherman, Secretary.