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A meeting of the Federal Reserve Board was held in the office of the
l'ederel Reserve Board on Wednesday, October 10, 1928 at 10:30 a.m.

Governor Young
Mr. Platt
Mr. Hamlin
Mr. Miller
Mr. James
Mr. Cunningham
Mr. Eddy, Secretary
Mr. McClelland, Asst. Secretary

The minutes of the meeting of the Federal Reserve Board held on October
9th were

read and approved as amended.

The Governor aubMitted draft of a proposed reply to letter dated September
14th from the Director of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce of the
Partment of Commerce, with reference to the discount charged on Canadian currelleY by American banks and merchants, and suggesting that this charge might
be overcome by the Reserve banks agreeing to stand the expense of currency
PMellts from member banks and accepting the currency at par.

6481,ea as

A discussion

to the possibility of establishing a currency clearing arrangement

between the United States and Canada by which could be eliminated at least
to some degree the discount or charge made in each country on the currency
"in of the other.
Following the discussion, the Governor was requested to
reply to the above letter that while the Board does not see
much opportunity of relieving the situation because of its
lack of control over small banks, merchants, hotels and others,
it will be glad to take the matter up with the Federal Reserve banks in an effort to find some solution. He was also requested to suggest that the matter be taken up by the Department
of Commerce with the United States Chamber of Commerce.
The Governor also presented a proposed reply to letter dated October

from the Deputy Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, trans-



Initting a communication from the Philadelphia Sunday Transcript requesting information
as to how the Federal Reserve System prevents bank failures, etc.;

the Proposed letter to the Deputy Governor setting forth a suggestion as to
the ,
orm of reply which should be made by the Federal Reserve bank to the in411ir7, pointing out the purposes of the Federal Reserve System which are not

to include responsibility for the solvency of member banks.
Upon motion, the letter submitted by the .iovernor
was approved.

The Governor then presented to the Board a memorandum prepared by Counsel

his request, under date of April 25, 1928, submitting a form of bill to amend

the Federal Reserve Act authorizing the Federal Reserve Board, in its discretion,
to waive the six months' notice now required before permitting a state member
to Withdraw from the Federal Reserve System and to permit any such bank
withdraw prior to the expiration of six months from the date of written notice
Of its intention to withdraw.

The Governor stated that while the reasons for

the ProPosed amendment set forth in Counsel's memorandum do not agree with his
(11J1 views in support of it, he is of the opinion that the amendment should be

mmended by the Board.
After discussion, upon motion, it was voted to refer
the proposed amendment to the forthcoming Conferences
of Governors and Federal Reserve Agents and to the next
meeting of the Federal Advisory Council.
Letter dated October 9th from the Deputy Governor of the Federal Reserve

26th for
441c Of New York, replying to a request made by the Board on September
44 expression of the views of the officers and directors of that bank on an
4131plication received from the Equitable Eastern Banking Corporation that it be
lartnit ted to use as reserves against deposits and acceptances (1) demand loans



against acceptances and (2) demand loans against stock exchange collateral; the

% Governor stating that the officers and directors of the bank are in favor

t Permitting demand loans against acceptances to be used as reserves but believe
t ilaaavisable to permit the use of demand loans against stock exchange collateral
for that
The above views being in accordance with those of the members of the Board, it was voted to approve of the Equitable
Eastern Banking Corporation counting demand loans against acceptances as reserves against deposits and acceptances, but
not to permit the use of demand loans against stock exchange
2he Governor then referred to the special order of business for this meeting,
liamely9 the resolutions submitted by Mr. James at the meeting yesterday, Mr.
Moved adoption of the first resolution as follows:
'WHEREAS, the Board has today adopted a policy and established
certain principles relating to Examinations of State Member Banks,
WHadEAS, the Board has petitioned Congress to so amend the Federal Reserve Act as to make it discretionary as to assessment of
costs of examinations to banks examined;
BE IT RESOLVED, that the ruling just made on the matter of assessing costs of examination be held in abeyance pending action of the
Banking and Currency Committee and Congress."
11r, Hamlin suggested and Mr. James accepted an amendment to the resolution,
174king it read as follows:
"WHEREAS, the Board has today adopted a policy and established
certain principles relating to Examinations of State Member Banks,
WHEREAS, the Board has petitioned Congress to so amend the Federal Reserve Act as to make it discretionary as to the assessment
Of costs of examinations to banks examined;
BE IT RESOLVED, that the ruling just made on the matter of assessing costs of examination shall not take effect until action by the
Banking and Currency Committee and Congress."
411'. Miller moved, as a substitute for Mr. James' motion, as amended, adoption
of „
'14) following resolution:



"WHEREAS, the Board has today adoptea a policy and established
certain principles relating to Examinations of 3tate Member Banks, and
.:11_12.2,-.S, the Board has petitioned ConaTess to so amend the Federal Reserve Act as to make it discretionary as to assessment of costs
of examinations to banks examined;
BE IT _a30LITED, that the ruling just made on the matter of assessing
costs of examinations or investigations be held in abeyance as to investigations pending action of the Banking and Currency Committee and
After discussion, Mr. Miller's substitute motion was put
to a vote and lost, the members voting as follows:
Mr. Platt, "aye"
Mr. Miller, "aye"
Governor Young, "no"
Mr. Hamlin, "no"
Mr. James, "no"
Mr. Cunningham, "no"
Mr. James' motion, as amended, was then put to a vote and
lost on a tie, the members voting as follows:
Mr. Platt, "aye"
Mr. Hamlin, "aye"
Mr. James, "aye"
Governor Young, "no"
Mr. Miller, "no"
Mr. Cunningham, "no"
Mr. James then moved adoption of the second resolution submitted by him at

meeting yesterday, as follows:
"BE IT ,-;ESOLVED that the Board - through the Governor - address a
letter to the Chairman of the Banking and Currency Committee of the
House, calling especial attention to the recommendation made in the
Board's Annual Report for 1927 - Page 48 - (4) 'An amendment making it discretionary with the Federal
Reserve Board to assess the costs of examining member
banks against the banks examined.'
and urgently request prompt action on the part of the coming session of

Mr. James' motion being put to a vote was carried.

1 96

Miller then submitted and moved adoption of the following:

"That the Law Committee, with Counsel, be instructed to prepare
a revision of the Board's letter to all Federal Reserve Agents of April
?, 1923 (X-3688) on the subject 'Rules Governing Examinations of State
4ember Banks', so as to make said rules conform to the resolutions adopted
.3Y the Board on October 9th on the subject of state member bank examinak lOns, and that when said rules have been submitted to the Board and
adopted, an effective date on which they are to be applied be fixed."


Miller's motion being put by the Chair was carried.
Considerable discussion then ensued as to the legality of the present practiee


Federal Reserve banks of making credit investigations of member banks

absorbing the expense thereof, charging the banks only in cases of regular

Mr. Miller pointed out that under the resolutions adopted by

the Board yesterday, costs of both examinations and investigations would have
to he assessed against the member banks.

He expressed the opinion that the

l'eference to
investigations should be eliminated from the resolutions.
Thereupon, he moved that the Board reconsider the resolutions
adopted at the meeting yesterday on the subject of state bank examinations.
lir. Cunningham moved, as a substitute for Mr. Miller's motion,
that the resolutions adopted yesterday be amended by striking out
the word "investigstions", so as to read as follows:
"BE IT RESOLVED, That the Federal Reserve Board recognizes its
cllItY under the Federal Aeserve Act to keep itself informed as to
the condition of all member banks;
"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board is of the opinion that
it is justified in relying upon the Comptroller of the Currency
for such information as to National banks;
"BE IT FUATHER RESOLVED, That whenever the reports of examination
Of State member banks furnished by the State authorities are not
deemed satisfactory either to the Federal Reserve bank of the district
concerned or to the Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Reserve bank
OX the 3oard shall cause to be made at least one examination each year
Of such character as to furnish satisfactory information, the cost
Of such examinations to be assessed against the member banks examined."
Cunningham's substitute motion being put by the
Chair was carried.


The meeting adjourned at 1:15 p.m