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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
7ederal Reserve System on Monday, October 1, 19i)l.

Mr. Norton, Chairman pro tem.
Mr. Carpenter, Secretary
Mr. Sherman, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Kenyon, Assistant Secretary

Memorandum dated September 2), 19)1, from Mr. Young,
Director, Division of Research and Statistics, recommending that


J. Smith, Analyst, Division of Bank Operations, be transferred

to the Division of Research and Statistics as an Economist, with no
Change in his present basic salary of 4:•),40C rcr annum, effective as
of the date on which he enters upon the performance of his new duties.
The memorandum also stated that the Division of Bank Operations was
a6reeab1e to this transfer.
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Neely, Chairman or the Federal Reserve Bank of
Atlanta, reading as follows:
"A reply to your letter of August 27 regarding
the need for additional space for the Nashville branch
has been deferred until the return of Gov. Norton who
had the opr,ortunity to discuss the matter with you
during his recent visit to Atlanta.
"The Board is in syhipathy with your idea that a
new building is the ultimate solution for the situation
at Nashville. It may be some time, however, before
construction can be undertaken, as additicnal legislation will undoubtedly be necessary before authorization
for the build inc can be given. The economic and materials
situations also would have a bearing upon the timing of
the project even after the necessary legislation is passed.
In the meantime, it would seem to be in order to proceed



"1,4Ith the selection of a site and the preparation of
preliminary plann.
"Accordingly, the Board is prepared to consider the
request for authorization to purchase a lot when the Bank
submits a. recolawndation as to a specific site. In this
connection we suggest that you keep Gov. Norton advised
as to de1,,i1o1cents and that at an appropriate time he
review the situation on the spot in Nashville with represJntatives of your Bank in order that he my have firsthand information in presenting the matter to the Board."
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. Sch1aikjer, Vice President of the Federal
Reserve 13;-nk of Boston, reading
"Reurlet September
facility. We concur In
third paragraph of your
to finance the proposed
ject to Regulation Y."



P4 about off-street parking
the viewpoint expressed in the
letter that credit extended
garage construction is sub-

Approved unanimously.
