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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the 1161 Reserve System on Tuesday, November 9, 1948. Illet ir the Board Room at 10:30 a.m. PRESENT: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. The Board McCabe, Chairman Szymczak Draper Evans Vardaman Clayton Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Carpenter, Secretary Sherman, Assistant Secretary Morrill, Special Adviser Thurston, Assistant to the Board Riefler, Assistant to the Chairman Thomas, Director of the Division of Research and Statistics Vest, General Counsel Young, Associate Director of the Division of Research end Statistics Solomon, Assistant General Counsel Wood, Economist, Division of Research and Statistics ftozm Chaillnark McCabe stated that yesterday a telegram was received vrith r' Cl'eight°n, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, resPeet to the aPpointment as President of that Bank of Mr. jc)Bek A-• eks on tht130arci This matter was discussed at the meeting of ollth FlIdaY, November 59 at which time it was agreed that, btt8i5 Ar (3ia the c)ve h information then available, the Board would ap— kato4 EIPP°tritment as President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Iftlade bY the board of directors of that Bank. 11/9/48 —2— Mr. Carpenter read the telegram from Mr. Creighton, which statelithat at the meeting of the Bo board on November 8, sub— Jett to a pproval of the Board of Governors, Mr. Erickson was unani— 141144 elected to the presidency of the Bank for the unexpired portick of the term ending February 28, 1951, with salary at the rate of $25000 Per annum for the period beginning when he assumed of— rice and continuing through April 30, 1949. Mr. Vardaman stated that, in view of the feeling of the other zembers of the board, , he would interpose no objection to Mr. Erickson's appointment but that he would like to know whether, as 14diCated ill 8. letter received by the Chairman from Mr. Creighton 141" date of N ovember 2, 1948, Mr. Erickson would continue as a rectOr wl the Boston Edison Company. There followed an extended discussion of the general policy (4 411e Board that Presidents of Federal Reserve Banks should not 4rve as d irectors of outside corporations, and of the exception tlide 14 the t.4 Boston case of Mr. Flanders when he was appointed President of 11()t the Ballk in 1944 for a period which, it was then known, would two years. During the discussion it was the consensus 1/1ftibera ofPresent that the existing policy should d be adhered to, CEleti on the telephone (Iliti ll' g"t, t Net hat he discuss with Mr- Erickson desirability of Ilillg as director of the Boston Edison Company. tci4 —3— While the call to Mr. Creighton was being placed, Mr. Clay t°11 referred to a memorandum dated November 8, 1948, prepared by Messr ' 8 I°11ng, Solomon, and Wood which stated that a draft of Home Loan Batk le gislation had been prepared along the lines of the Netoratd ura aPProved by the Board on October 11 1948, which would give th e Home Loan Bank System access to Treasury funds under cert414 e tdi+ Eta. loa --uions which would safeguard the liquidity of the savings 4 aSSOc Kthin th iations and require the Home Loan Banks to operate e frarnework of national monetary and financial policies, "Id that the Treasury had indicated it had no objection to the draft, Th ememomndum also contained the following recommendations: "We give a recommend that the Board authorize the staff to begta .,c)PY of the draft to the FDIC for study, and to eau L;41scu5sion of the draft with the staffs of the and Z1 the Budget, the Housing and Home Finance Agency, a, Horne Loan rinie we believe Bank Board. that the language of the draft is sufeAimtlalitlY general to provide great latitude for flexible tflleadiatration. If the Board authorizes the staff to go NLlounth discussions the staff will proceed on the -.g (I) assumptions:' ere 8 All four of the basic points in the draft, which troMt:t f°rth in our memorandum of September 271 are, esse 1t;e,13°Int of view of the central banking authorities, (1-1- Parts of the proposal. Posel h 4 The staff substantial of tllepromay consider modification ' elItnaY l not consider abandonment or (3)' Of any of the four major points. %Igich r If agreement cannot be reached on a proposal 8elatfo:'19irls the four points with essentially their prethe Board reserves full freedom of action to ! !I ,e4 th; ! v rselY on any future Home Loan Bank legislation, th --g. such legislation should contain one or more "r Points." 1 11/9/48 —4- 14r. Clayton stated that before submitting the draft to either the Bureau of the Budget or the Housing and Home Finance AgeheY) he felt it should be cleared with the Federal Deposit In— N:‘Elnee Corporation, which had taken an active interest in con— Ilectiot with earlier drafts of the proposal. There was a discussion of the proposed draft of legislation, eqlee of which had been sent to all members of the Board before this Meeting together with the memorandum prepared by Messrs. Young, solora,41, and thtlt the Wood under date of November 8. Mr. Clayton suggested Pro cedure recommended by the staff be amended to authorize the staff to give a copy of the draft the Federal Deposit Insur— 8'tIceecrPoration for study and, only after obtaining agreement from t: h t 4gencY) to beplia discussion of the draft with the staffs of the Bure€41 of the Budget, the Housing and Home Finance Agency, and 110le Lost atElrf with the understanding proposed in the recotzaeT:::::ard kr, wo clete or 44141, 11/.. After a discussion, upon motion by Mr. Clayton, the staff was authorized to discuss the matter with representa— ives of the Deposit Insurance Federal uor poration, after which it would be considered by the Board again. °d left the meeting at this point. Now, us referred to a memorandum prepared by Mr. Young under c 1948, with respect to a suggested central banking fear ut 4ersitY and college teachers of Money and Banking. He j2 11/9/48 —5— stated that the proposal for such a seminar was made by Mr. PresA i A-Lent of the Minneapolis Bank, and was discussed at the Of the Presidents' Conference with the Board on October that m re Y°1-Ing had discussed the matter with Mr. Peyton and Officer 8 of ezd that the Peyton, meet- 5, 1948, other Minneapolis Bank when he was in Minneapolis recently, while no definite recommendation or proposal was yet reedy fOr submi 8sion to the Board, before proceeding further it was de"red t0 hate an indication as to whether the Board was interested of program outlined in Mr. Young's memorandum and whether e sYmpathetic to approving the expenditure of as much as t)500 ro r an experimental three—week seminar session as proposed. Chairman McCabe stated that he was in favor of the proposed 1114ertakt hg but that, for reasons which he discussed, he felt it 14)14c1 be d 4Polleored esirable, at least at the outset, to have the seminar b3r a Federal ResPrve Bank rather than by the Board. Disc kIlla the Re ussi°11 of this point brought out that both the Board for t serve Banks would be concerned with preparing the program he semila tti ale and presenting it, and that Yr. Peyton, in propos— the ra. thkhad suggested it should be a System proposition rather sPonso red ta exclusively either by the Board or by a Federal mr • Young expressed the view that a joint undertaking be entira.1 teki_ practicable, and he stated that an experimental .41111,1 if tIndertaken, could limit representation to one Federal , _6Reserve thee. district, but that it might be preferable to cover two or Mr• Szymczak suggested that consideration be given to rethe u niversity or college teachers who might be invited 111141i such a program to share in the expenses as a means of increasillg thpi -4-r the Boa interest a:ad also as a means of keeping the expenses of thet the Idthin a reasonable figure and of avoiding any appearance program might be for propaganda purposes. Mr• Evans stated that, since the program was still in a formi:r 48:7eth:tte.gier)theoentsod erat wis oncould be given to these various suggestions Wished him to pursue the matter further he would :11bIllit clefthite re commendation at a later date as to whether the pro'teta should be undertaken and, if so, how it should be handled. In this cQet of connection \Ir. Thomas stated that the out-of-pocket the tItne Proposed seminars would be small, but that a great deal of 411(1 effort would be required in order to plan and carry the pro* tht°11gh, and 4444 that the Research Division was not now prepared to e the project. At the conclusion of the discussion, !*Lwas agreed unanimously that Mr. Evans such members of the staff as he select should explore the proposal rurther and submit a recommendation to the Board. , . ..tgan 4 „ IcCabe stated that, in accordance with the action ree4tinoro of the Board, he had arranged for a meeting eAre -serltativ„ ' of the National Association of Supervisors of illicht 11/9/48 -7Nte 444 in the Board's offices on November 29, 1948, for the PlIrPose of discussing holding company legislation, and that it 1148"Peoted that Messrs. Rapport, Amundson, Sperling, Bell, 11°8Pelh°171) and B baugh of the Supervisors' Association would be Pl'esent, At this time Chairman McCabe was called to the telephone t° tIllk with Mr. Creighton concerning the appointment of Mr. I'lleks°a as P resident of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and 1APot his return to the meeting stated that Mr. Creighton felt thet at this late date he could not reouest Mr. Erickson to re- 11441114sh his connection with the Boston Edison Company without e°1181derable emb arrassment, that the matter was not mentioned he 4nd Mr. Erickson were in Washington last week, and that I*1°4-14 be h is suggestion that the Board approve the appointment Ilith the unde rstanding that if at any time the directorship proved to be erabarrassing ter up aria have it to the Board, Mr. Creighton would take the matclarified. the ensuing discussion Mr. Clayton talked further 11/%41:rienigght en and reported that the latter had stated that 11 '4()111d not want to take the matter up with Mr. Erickson with: It cli8eus8ing it first with the board of directors of the Boston ' -41t) thrat ula not want to do that, and that he would like to : 44 e tkl 141e°11ditionai approval from the Board with the under— rig that he would work the problem out if it should prove " -8eLtEll.rassing to the Board. Mr. Clayton stated that he told Mr. Greight°11 that members of the Board felt Mr. Erickson should resign the ditectorship by the end of the year or not later than the end of the telt 0 or which he would be appointed and that there should be an ilhders . talldlng to that effect in advance. At the end of the conversa404 : actt 4 Clanon said, Mr. Creighton stated that he would take no he had given further consideration to the matter, and that he ri4Z7 t elephone the Board early this afternoon to discuss There followed a further discussion during Which various alternatives were suggested as a means of disposing of the matter at the conclusion of which, upon motion by Mr. Vardaman and by unanimous vote, the following telegram was approved eald the Question of Mr. Erickson serving "a director of the Boston Edison Company we.s referred to Chairman McCabe to settle ,1 j, 1 such manner as he thought best after 'tlsoussing with Messrs. Creighton and El'iokson the policy followed by the Board /4:!1 the past and the views expressed at '"is meeting that Mr. Erickson should re(11g4 as a director of the Boston Edison ;,:41panY by the end of the year and in any - etlt by the end of the term for which he : being appointed so that the question -41d. not arise when his appointment for a further term was taken up in 1951: rtter,4 ,ftRetei 4;;140.yeztoiti:NovemberBoaraof8. Board of Governors approves appointDirectors of Joseph A. Erickson as %? Ph 4 t.,!(1. portl_ f_the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston for unexv4 he rf F rIving ebruary 28, 1951, effective repociurt°s 11/9/48 -9to pr,,"Board of Governors also approves paymentofsalary: 's Erickson for period from date he assumes his duties resident through April 30, 1949) at the rate of $25,000 tors " num) which is the rate fixed by the Board of Direca. as reported in your telegram. Please advise when he .sumes office." q;: Chairman McCabe presented a letter from Mr. Wysor, Chairman Federal ::tI Reserve0 of Richmond, dated November 2, 1948, in l'hichhe asked reasons set forth in the letter, he be not ree.13Poitt ed as a Class C director of the Richmond Bank after the 'cloiratiot of his present term on December 31, 1948. Of the It was agreed to accede to Mr. Wysorts request and the staff was requested to Prepare an appropriate reply to his letter for consideration by the Board. Chairman thlited States to McCabe presented a letter from the President of the dated November 6, 1948, requesting that the Board sub- 1141 bY November 29, 1948, the subjects it would propose for trIellIsion in the State of the Union message and the Economic Report ot the President to be ;resented to Congress in January 1949. The also reouested that the Board submit a report on the proposed leateiative proarain of the Federal Reserve System, to reach the Dir"'cltr of the Bureau of the Budget by November 29, 1948. Chairman l'I°41) stated that he had asked Messrs. Riefler, Morrill, Vest, and CallIter to Prepare an outline of questions to be considered in ellitiectiori 'with the request and that when the outline was ready it '4°1111' be submitted to th ' the Board for discussion and decision as to letter Position to be taken in the reply to the letter on the various Illtiorts raised. -10At this Withdrew point Messrs. Riefler, Thomas, Vest, Young, and Solomon froz the meeting and the action stated with respect to each tuatters hereinafter referred to was taken by the Board: Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the Fed- erea D__e "8 kellc14 4.4g rve SYstam on November 8, 1948, were approved unanimously. Memorandum dated November 2, 1948, from Mr. Carpenter recomthat the basic salary of Merritt Sherman, Assistant Sect Board, be increased from $9,407.25 to $10,000 per 1/41, effective November 14, 1948Approved unanimously. tor ot Mera°ranclum dated November 4, 1948/ from Mr. Bethea, Direct Division of the Administrative Services, recommending the apkittzell - of Mrs. Marie Smith Alleman as a stenographer in that Di'41()11 it $ basic salary at the rate of$2,724 per annum, effective %ea; ate upon which she enters upon the performance of her ter he'ving passed the usual physical examination.. Approved unanimously. Lett er to Mr. Young, President of the 'Federal Reserve Bank of re4ding as follows: "The 41")ard Your B;:!e whichwishes to record its appreciation ofothe Mr. E. A. Heath, Assistant Cashier ' / ithtc; 1 % lrendered during the mcgvbh he spent in working i N./. ard's staff on Regulation 14 matters. h'gh : 1„ ' 1 -'eath was most cooperative, his work was of ere 2,--4er, and his participation was a great help. We —re that You would like to know that during his 11/94a -11- "pert°d . with us Mr. Heath reflected great credit on the '"er,11 Reserve Bank of Chicago as well as upon himself. The Board also wishes to express its appreciation of abl"lirCo° to theperation in making Mr. Heath's services availBoard." Approved unanimously. Telegram to Mr. VanZante, Chief Examiner of the Federal Reserve of Chicago, reading as follows: thep"Illetel November 5. Board approves designation of taw2c414/wing employees of your bank as special assisexatmtners: Merton Jones, John Egeland, Clifford mich'ik) Peter Zaleski George Bentz, James J. Chmelik, l T Collins, Ete. ;Ind Frank Schreiber." Approved unanimously. Letter , 0 138,4k 01, Mr. Phelan, Vice President of the Federal Reserve Nelg York, reading as follows: 27 1.1 48 refers to Mr. Lyon Boston's letter of October ttr teat 748 and its enclosures, concerning whether a organization, not otherwise engaged in the instalits :VIA b usiness, which makes instalment loans to !egt.11 -11); c7ees must file a registration statement under -k Na ll tit; i °2 W if all such loans are of the kind exempted ni.i'4egulation except in certain isolated cases be ohl;'°ugh the mere fact thPt nonexempt loans mayOC not silleasional or a small part of total loans would therezZ, ce in itself to relieve an organization froma klorge;Tration long employees requirements, nevertheless, so l ! tion makes instalment loans to its f'.1-0:rt' es not hold itself out to its employees a ; : 1 c321 tlie-! lake instalment loans which are not exempt '-k01114.0 '"egulation zere4 the Board's view is that registrab,er the ,,egulation would not become necessary e teheioece-lise in isolated instances there might be th 1114:e°I nonexempt instalment credit to employees. 1-1111 r .such ELn organization does nothing to creatd Ze 3rZ:zT2' among its employees that nonexempt cr ?'obtn credits %"Ilule or that only 'edits areindicates to its employeesnonexempt available, extensions of 11/9/48 -12:illatalment credit in rare or isolated instances in cirtances such as those here involved would not constisec : I t engaged in the business' within the meaning of ' to..°11 2(a) of the Regulation. In general, this would ppear to conform with your views." ir Approved unanimously. tarlit or Letter to Mr. Olson, Vice President of the Federal Reserve Chicago) reading as follows: . "This refers Ilaquir• to your letter of October 19, 1948, for a. lug whether an instalment credit which qualifies ct,lYpo_f over 15 months under Part 2 to the 4%_11)pleZtruit. '41Elt%Ment of -lc&ttliaTs140!ay have a final monthly Part, I11 S-1036, dated September 2, 1948, concerning or' . of the Supplement, and particularly the inclusion_ eatl inter neat or finance charge in determining the app 1.rere°1/ ,-! the $70 monthly payment requirement, there Nrra,..;!r6ain illustrative examples using equal monthly ta1.4Z''S and explaining charts the of payment con use Boarcrg Pre equal monthly payments. The es) however, that the $70 monthly payment recluire Ze., ‘'erit 2416 in Part 2 of the ezita011.. regulated ) n.?does nct the Supplement last instalment payment of a obli (It th fr°ril being less charge toal t than $70. Thus, if the amount 4rige;) shozbligation, including interest or finance be $1 220.80, repayment could be arof $710 0 each, that thereul l would be 17 monthly payments 13°.80c-1 11c1 an eighteenth or final instalment of *; rath ner than 17 monthly payments of $71.81 plus. °t Beett irnila 40t pre °118 rlY, the $5 monthly payment requirements 3(b), 4(c) and regulated o 5(a) of the Regulation ci2„ bliga47 • 11t the last 479 .lon instalment payment of a from being less than $51 as indicated by rIterr°.' 1*Y 13, 19j (F.R.L.S. #8571.1), to which you edol Approved unanimously. Teiaar folio.vraz t° the Presidents of all Federal Reserve Banks read- 1884 -13se "In view of anticipated difficulties of adjusting rere requirements ,wee4.Z because of holidays on Thursday of this ,Tht.) de ficiencies reserves of any member bank in a ro ral reserve or in reserve city, if it so desires, may be "' 11etrPuted covering six-day period ending Wednesday, Novemloaati°P and eight-day period ending Thursday, November 18, 3.slab2_eead. of the usual seven-day periods ending on Thursday. practice may be followed Thanksgiving week and any elidsequent week in which weekly reserve computation period take °11 a holiday. Please advise extent to which banks e-clvantage of the authorization this week and Thanksznar,,,ng Ileek this year. For statistical purposes, your sumform F. R. 422, should be on usual sevenap'prPoXIer.iod basis. These reports may be submitted on ;rEtrita Thiate basis if any banks in your district take adfitia, e of the authorization and on revised basis when J- data are available Approved unanimously. Secretary. Chairman.