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At a regular meeting of the Federal Reserve
Board held in the Board room on Ilonday, November 9th
at 3:00 p. m.
Er. Hamlin

EX. Warburg

Mr. Delano

Mr. Harding.
IJr. Miller.

The Governor of the Board presided and Er. H. P.
Willis acted as secretary to the meeting.
The minutes of the preceding meetings,xmre read
and approved.
A list of questions from Governor Aiken with
reference to matters arising in connection with the Federal
Reserve Bank of Boston were referred to Counsel for consideration.
Foms of application for stock prepared for the
use of the member banks were referred to the committee on
reserve computations and circulars.
A memorandum on the definition of commercial paper
was taken up for discussion.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York was given

power to defer payment of its assessment for the expenses



of the Federal deserve Board until it had formally
opened for business.
The Governor of the Board submitted dispatches received from various member banks asking for
action on the question of permitting them to exercise
the functions of trustee and executor.
On motion, the Board approved a form prepared
by the Comptroller of the Currency for tile computation
of reserve by member banks and intended to be sent out
in connection with a letter of the 3ecretary of the
Treasury giving notice of the establishment of the new
reserve reouirements.
On motion, the Board approved the application
of the :Tebraska City rational Bank, the Fourth rational
Bank of Fayetteville, 1. C., and the Gloucester National
Bank of Gloucester, :_ass, to reduce their capitals as
recommended by the Comptroller of the Currency.
On motion, at 5:45 p. LI.

the Board adjourned.

