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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
SYsten was held in Washington on Tuesday, November 8, 1938, at 11:30



Eccles, Chairman
Ransom, Vice Chairman


Morrill, Secretary
Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman

The action stated with respect to each of the matters hereinafter
referred to was taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the
lecierel Reserve System held on November 7, 1938, were approved unaniZollay.

Letter to Mr. Coleman, Vice President of the Federal Reserve
I*4k or Dallas, reading as follows:

"In view of the circumstances set forth in your let"
Or November 2, 1938, the Board approves for a further
Period Of six months from November 1, 1938, the payment
°t a salary to Mr. E. A. Thaxton at the rate of 0,000
Per annum, which is in excess of the 2,700 maximum an,
,1 81 salary provided in the personnel classification plan
`Li Your bank for the position he is temporarily occupying,
"It is noted that two employees, whose temporary as81gament8 were approved by the Board on May 12, 1938, have
nOW returned
to their original positions."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the board of directors of the "Bradley Bank",

-2Wisconsin, stating that subject to conditions of membership
numbered 1
to 3 contained in the Board's Regulation H, and the followSpecial conditions, the Board approves the bank's application for
in the Federal Reserve System and for the appropriate amount
of stock in
the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis:

Such bank shall make adequate provision for depreciation in its banking house and furniture and

"5. Prior to admission to membership, such bank, if it
has not already done so, shall charge off or otherwise eliminate estimated losses of ;6,466.25 as shown
in the report of examination as of September 6,
1938, made by an examiner for the Federal Reserve
Bank of Minneapolis."
The letter also contained the following special casements:
"It has been noted that at the time of the examination
for membership the bank had a substantial investment in
securities, and that the investment policy of
the institution had been repeatedly criticized by the superrsing authorities. According to the examiner, however,
there has been a change in policy and assurances were given
uuring the examination that the quality of the account
!°111d be improved and that purchases would be confined to
high grade
securities. The application of the bank for
Tambership has been approved on the understanding that in
the future
administration of the bank's investment account
the Inanagement
will adhere strictly to sound investment
Approved unanimously, together with
a letter to Mr. Peyton, President of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, reading as follows:
"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System




"approves the application of the 'Bradley Bank', Tomahawk,
Wisconsin, for membership in the Federal Reserve System,
subject to the conditions prescribed in the inclosed letter which you are requested to forward to the board of
directors of the institution. Two copies of such letter
are also inclosed, one of which is for your files and the
Other of which you are requested to forward to the Commissioner of Banking for the State of Wisconsin for his
"There are listed on page 16 of the report of examination for membership several savings accounts which do
not appear to conform to the definition of savings deposits
as contained in the Board's regulations, and it is assumed,
of course, that in the event the bank completes its membership, such accounts will be brought into conformity with
the regulations.
"In order to complete the Board's records, it will be
appreciated if you will forward a copy of the form of capital debentures which the bank has sold to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation."

Letter to Mfr. Leo T. Crowley, Chairman of the Federal Deposit

InsUrance Corporation, reading as follows:
"This refers to your letter of October 20, 1938, transmitting to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System a copy of a letter of that date addressed by you to
the Commissioner of Banking and Insurance for the State
I.f New Jersey relative to the present condition of The New
xerseY Title Guarantee and Trust Company, Jersey City, New
erseY, and advising that you would appreciate receiving
anY comments or suggestions which the Board of Governors
might care to make relative to this situation.
"As you have been informed, the condition of the bank
has been a matter of concern for some time, both to the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Board of Governors.
The unsatisfactory condition of the institution and other
we'kened bank
situations existing in Hudson County, in
whlch the subject bank is located, calls for collaboration
0f Federal and State supervisory agencies in the developMent of plans to strengthen the banking situation in this
c°11ntY, since national banks, State member banks, and




nonmember insured banks are involved in varying degrees.
It would seem desirable in the circumstances that a comPrehensive plan taking the whole county into consideration
be developed and that action taken to correct an individual
situation conform to such a plan.
"With respect to the situation of The New Jersey Title
Guarantee and Trust Company, the Federal Reserve Bank has
heretofore urged the institution to provide additional
capital and otherwise strengthen its position and in their
efforts to effect the desired corrections representatives
Of the Reserve bank have at various times conferred with
representatives of the bank, the New Jersey State Banking
DaPartment, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and your
supervising examiner. At the suggestion of the Reserve
bank an application was made by the bank to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to sell ki4,500,000 additional preferred stock to that corporation but the application was
declined May 6, 1938. The bank has stated that it was
impossible to raise funds locally.
"As you know, the situation of the bank and the unsatisfactory banking situation in Hudson County was discussed
at a meeting in the Board's offices June 7, 1938, at which
You and Mr. Nichols of your Corporation were present together with representatives of the Board, the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation, and the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York. You
will recall, no doubt, Governor McKee urged
that the various supervisory agencies develop a program
with the view to obtaining some action to correct the generally unsatisfactory banking situation existing in Hudson
"4)untY. It was agreed that the agencies represented would
latadY the problems presented to see what might be done to
!-InProve the situation. Since that time the Reserve bank
aaa conferred with representatives of the bank, the ReFinance Corporation, the State Banking DePartment, and
your supervising examiner. In an effort to
the bank's position, its affiliated York Mortgage Company
has applied to the Reconstruction Finance
co rporation for an additional loan of 000,000 and it is
Understood that the Corporation is now considering the
aPPlication. The Federal Reserve bank has urged that the
inistration of the bsnk's real estate affairs be strengthhned and
during the year a new director experienced in the
.3andling of real estate matters was appointed vice presiuent and placed
in charge of the bank's real estate and
111°Itgage departments. While the Reserve bank feels that



"the change is beneficial and that the bank's real estate
is now being more intelligently handled, the Reserve bank
feels that the real estate problem is of such a character
that any substantial progress in working out the problem
through liquidation of real estate assets must necessarily
be extremely slow.
"The State Ranking Department started an examination
of the bank as of October 17, 1938, in which examiners for
the Federal Reserve bank are participating. On October 27,
1938, Judge Gardner, President of The New Jersey Title
Guarantee and Trust Company, and Judge Beach, a director,
visited the Reserve bank and stated that they do not feel
the examination now under way will reflect much improvement
Over the examination made as of January 16, 1938, that they
had cane in to say that the bank must have help and have
it at an early date
as they do not think the matter can
wait very long and feel that a solution of the problem is
urgently needed. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York expresses the view that unless substantial capital assistance can be obtained within a reasonable time from the
Finance Corporation, either alone or in
with your Corporation, it will probably became
necessary for the institution to be placed in liquidation,
failing that, for consideration to be given to the
Possibility of taking steps looking toward forfeiture of
its membership
in the Federal Reserve System.
"In case you have not already been advised, you may
interested in learning that it is reported that the
.11daon County National Bank of Jersey City is consider'rig conversion into a State institution and that the State
Banking Department is said to have suggested that if such
a change be made, the program should include the assampti°n of the liabilities of The New Jersey Title Guarantee
!nd Trust Company if that could be done on a sound basis.
,1_,eosntly in a general discussion with an officer of the
x ederal
Reserve bank regarding the banking situation in
arsaY City, the president of The New Jersey Title Guarantee
ankrid Trust
Company indicated that the natural tie-up of his
in a merger program would seen to be with the Hudson
°11-11tY National Bank.
"Since, as previously mentioned, a correction of the
Pirasent unsatisfactory banking situation in Hudson County
(„nvolves consideration of the problems of national and
°tate member banks, as well as insured nonmember banks,



"and sufficient funds are not available from local sources
to rehabilitate The New Jersey Title Guarantee and Trust
Company, and possibly other banks in Hudson County needing
financial aid, it appears that the principal part of any
new funds introduced must, of necessity, came from the
Reconstruction Finance Corporation and your Corporation.
In such circumstances it is believed that the details of
any rehabilitation program for banks in Hudson County and
The New Jersey Title Guarantee and Trust Company in particular, Should be largely determined by those who may be
called upon to provide the needed funds and who are in a
Position to indicate the extent to which they feel they
can Co in rendering financial assistance in the Hudson
C°11ntY situation as a whole and to The New Jersey Title
Guarantee and Trust Company in particular.
"The Board and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
will be glad to cooperate in the formulation of plans for
corrective action and will be glad to have their representatives meet with representatives of your Corporation
and other Federal and supervisory agencies for this purPose."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Honorable Preston Delano, Comptroller of the Currency,
l'eEt(11116 as follows:
"This refers to Mr. Gough's letter of May 9, 19 28
requesting an expression of the Board's views
with respect to certain questions relating to the deposit
or trust funds by a national bank in its savings departraent- The questions are quoted and commented upon below:
'(1) May a national bank with trust powers,
acting in a fiduciary capacity, deposit trust
funds in its own savings department "as an investment", and would the answer be different in
a State where state banks are permitted to invest trust funds in their own savings departments?'
"Section 11(a) of the Board's Regulation F provides
.'funds received or held by a national bank as fidu?iarY shell not be invested in * * * obligations of * * *
the bank', and
a footnote appended thereto provides that
such requirement 'shall not be deemed to prohibit investments which are expressly required by the instrument



creating the trust or by court order'. Accordingly,
the Board is of the opinion that a national bank is not
pennitted to invest trust funds by depositing them in its
own savings department unless such investment is expressly
required by the instrument creating the trust or by court
order. In this light, it is believed that it is immaterial
Whether State banks are permitted to invest trust funds by
80 depositing than.
'(2) If trust funds are deposited in its
savings department "as an investment" are such
funds required to be secured by assets of the
bank segregated in the trust department?'
"Section 11(k) of the Federal Reserve Act and section
?(b) of Regulation F require that trust funds awaiting
investment or distribution which are used by a national
bSilk in the conduct of its business be secured by the
deposit of securities in the trust department of the bank.
However, the Board is of the opinion that trust funds
invested by a national bank by deposit in its own savings
department are not required to be secured because they
are not funds awaiting investment or distribution. In
connection, it may be suggested that trust funds
deposited by a national bank in its own savings department ordinarily should be assumed to be funds awaiting
investment or distribution if they cannot properly be
invested in obligations of the bank under the provisions
Of section
11(a) of Regulation F referred to above.
'(3) Where the provisions of the trust
instrument require legal investments, may a
national bark deposit funds "awaiting investment
or distribution" in its own savings department
under the provisions of 11(k) of the Federal
Reserve Act and of Regulation F, if savings accounts "as an investment" cannot be considered
as conforming to local statutes?'
"Section 11(k) of the Federal Reserve Act and the
,c)ard's Regulation F do not prohibit a national bank from
ufpositing in its own savings department trust funds administered by it and awaiting investment or distribution,
uut it
should be borne in mind that section 9(a) of RegUlation F provides that trust funds shall not be held
111invested or undistributed by a national bank 'any
-Longer than is reasonably necessary.
' Of course, as



"indicated in Mr. Cough's letter, any such deposit must
conform to the requirements of the Board's Regulation Q
relating to 'savings deposits'. The question whether,
under the laws of a particular State in which a national
bank may be located or under the provisions of a particular
trust instrument, a national bank may properly carry trust
funds awaiting distribution or investment in a savings
deposit is one depending upon all the facts in the particular case and the proper construction of the State law,
Upon which it is understood you do not desire a ruling by
the Board."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Honorable Daniel C. Roper, Secretary of Commerce,
Pl'ePared for the signature of Chairman Eccles, and reading as follows:
. "In response to your.letter of November 1, we are
writing to the Federal Reserve banks asking that they conthe collection of department store statistics on
the present basis until July 1, 1939.
"While we regret that the Department of Commerce is
not in a position to take over the collection of department store statistics at the beginning of the calendar
Year) es was originally hoped, we are glad that funds for
this work
have been included in your budget estimates for
the fiscal year 1940. Accordingly, we shall plan to make
the transfer in the middle of 1939 and shall notify the
Federal Reserve banks of our plan."

Approved unanimously.

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.
