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A meeting of the Federal Reserve 3oard was held in the office of the
iedeiiai heserve Board on Thursday, November 8th, at 11:10 a.m.
PRESENT: Governor urissinger
Er. Platt
Er. Hamlin
Er. Miller
Mr. James
Yr... Cunningham
Et. Dawes
Et. Eddy, Secretary
The minutes of the meeting held on November 7th were read.
BY unanimous consent, the addition of the following entry, immediately

the action of the Board in voting the publication of the Uommittee on

majority report on branch banking, was authorized:
"Er. James moved that publication of the minority
report also be authorized.
Carried, Er. Dawes voting "no"."
lir. Hamlin moved that the Committee on Examinations be requested, for
illecqlooration in the minutes, to extend its report on the application of
IralleY Bank of Phoenix, Arizona, for permission to take over the assets of the
r8t National Bank of Glendale, Arizona, and assume its liabilities, operating
48 a branch of the valley Bank; to give the reasons which actuated the
e°11znittee in recommending the Board's approval of the application, and that,

ylew of the resolutions adopted by the Board, this procedure be followed in
411 future
cases where applications for branches are approved:
With the foregoing amendments, the minutes of the meeting of November
7t11 "re approved.
Letter dated November 7th, from the Acting Comptroller of the currency,
4u8nding a salary of 0,500 per annum for National Bank Examiner E. 3.
to be assigned to the Eleventh Federal Reserve District.

0 r7",



Report .of Committee on Branches on matter referred to it on
November 6th, namely, a telegram dated November 5th, from Mr. Victor
Reittz, recommending the purchase for the Cincinnati Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, of the building to be vacated by the
Fourth National Bank of Cincinnati.
Upon motion of nr. Hamlin, the report of the
Committee, as follows, vas approved:
"The Committee on Branches herewith reports in
relation to the attached te1e3.ram from Mr. Victor Heintz,
that Mr. Heintz should be informed that his telegram has
been sent to the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. for its
consideration and farther that pending a complete inqu.iry
as to Federal Reserve branches, the Board has voted
to make no further authorizations for new buildings prior to
the receipt of a report based on such an inquiry. The Cora- '
mittee further recommends that a dopy of the telegram be sent
to Federal Reserve Agent ;Ulla for his consideration; he also
to be infoimed of the Board's resolution above referred to".
Memoranda datod November •7th, from General Counsel, containing an
°Pinion to the effect that both the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal
Reserve banks are without legal authority to abolish an existing Branch
Federal Reserve bank, and suggesting a form of letter to the Secretary of
tie Treasury, requesting a ruling on the question by the Attorney General
Of the United States.
Upon motion of Mr. Hamlin, action on the matter
was postponed and Counsel's memoranda were ordered
Report of Committee on Examinations on the matter referred to it
on november 6th, namely, a letter dated October 31st, from the Federal
Reserve Agent at San Francisco,' requesting to be advised Whether the Board
hail taken any action on the application for membership of the Federal Trust


- 3and savings bank, Hollywood,
ualifornia, subsequent to that of
6tla when the applicatio
n was disapproved, because of certa
in discrepancies
it s
tatements made to the board as to stock
ownership by the dank of Italy;
Uommittee recommendi
ng that the following telegram be
sent to the Federal heserve
Agent at an Francisco:
"Board disapproved application Feder
al Trust
and Savings, Hollywood, under
date oeptember 6th,
and sees no reason for reconsider
ation of its action.
Please advise applicant bank.
Upon motion of kr. Hamlin, the repor
t of the
uommittee was approved, kr. _elatt not
Mr. I'latt expressed doubt as to the
wisdom of excluding a bank from
ltethbership in the Federal heserve System becau
se of the ownership of its
The uommittee on uuba reported on the following
matters referred to


at the
meeting on ilovember 7th:
(1) Letter dated iovember 5th, from veputy uovernor
dullen of the Federal .Reser
ve dank of doston, quoting
from a letter received from the Havana Agency of that
bank, with respect to an inquiry received by the Atlanta
Agency from the uuban Treasury Departr.ent as to Whether
said Agency would redeem mutilated United States currency.
(2) Letter dated November 5th, from the Uovernor of
the Federal _Reserve Bank of Boston, conveying information
received by him to the effect that the ranager of the
Havana Agency of the Federal heserve Bank of Atlanta had
quoted the National City Bank of New York a rate of *4.00
per thousand for a cable transfer, for which the National
City dank intended to make payment in gold coin.
The Committee recmmended that both matters be taken up
With the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
Upon motion, the report of the Committee on Cuba was
adopted and the matters were ordered referred to the Federal
tteserve dank of Atlanta.



The Governor brought up the matter docketed as special order of
business, namely, the motion made by Mr. James at the meeting on November
Gtlit that authority be given the Governor to employ a man properly (mantied to
serve in the capacity of Assistant to the Governor.
After discussion, Mr. Hamlin moved the adoption
of a resolution as follows:
"An Assistant to the Governor shall be appointed
for the purpose of digesting roports received from the
State Department and other departments of the Government,
of coordinating the member bank relations departments of
the respective Federal Re:II:rye banks, and the preparation
of statements as to the workings of the Federal Reserve
Syst em,It
Mr. Hamlin's motion being put by the chair was
carried, the members voting as follows:
Mr. Hamlin, "aye"
Mr. James, "aye"
Mr. Cunningham, "aye"
Mr. Dawes, "aye"
Er. Platt, "no"
Mr. Miller, "no"
Governor Crissinger not voting.
Mr. Miller stqted he had voted against the resolution
on the ground that it will inevitably develop propaganda
for the Federal Reserve System, and involve the Board in
more difficulty than it will avoid.
11.r. Hamlin stated that it was not in his mind, nor
doe's he believe in any member's mind, that any propaganda
should be issued under the jurisdiction of the Assistant
to the Governor, but that he should be absolutely confined
as =pressed in the resolution.
Governor Crissinger stated that he wanted to assure the
Board that whatever stops he may take in accordance with the
foregoing resolution will be taken only with the approval of
the Federal Reserve Board or the proper Committee thereof,
and, that he thourjA if any appointment is made it should be
with the understanding that the individual members of the
Board will have use for the services of the appointee.



Dated November 7th Recomending changes in stock at Federal Reserve
Banks, as set forth in the Auxiliary rirrate Book
of this date.

The meeting adjourned at 12:0

